#btw this whole thing took about 3 weeks to write and edit
astheswarmitcalls · 5 months
This is the first part of my 4-part analysis of MCR5, the Masterpost for which can be found here. Link to next part found at the bottom of the post. If there's something I missed, or you'd like to add your own spin/elaborate on something I brushed over, by all means I'd love to hear it!!
Although The Foundations of Decay was released as a single, I still believe it has heavy ties to MCR5 or has the potential to be re-released as part of the album. I’m going to go line-by-line through the song and dissect the language that links to the narrative and themes of MCR5:
“See the man who stands upon the hill
He dreams of all the battles won”
‘The man’ is referring to a leader, perhaps a general or the President. The hill he is standing on isn’t likely to be an actual hill, but maybe a stage, or a ‘hill’ of bodies, innocents killed in the fallout of war or bodies left behind in the wake of his power. He dreams of winning battles as either a political move to crush his enemies, or he hopes that the battles he wins will grant peace for his nation. OR ‘the man’ is a survivor, standing on the hill of bodies of those not as fortunate as him. He dreams of battles won so he may have peace. I’m thinking now it may be the latter because of the subsequent lyrics.
“But fate had left its scars upon his face
With all the damage they had done”
This may be referring to physical injury that he has suffered, or the fact having suffered war, his trauma reflects on his facial expression. He has been weighed down by the acts he has witnessed or has committed himself. As either a political figure or a survivor, these lines can also be linked to 9/11, which is referenced later in this song.
“And so tired with age, he turns the page
Let the flesh submit itself to gravity”
This man is old and grows tired of the conflict, and in turning the page he tries to move on. I can see these lyrics also mirroring the band’s journey; MCR formed over 20 years ago, and they’re ready to turn the page to a new era. ‘Let the flesh submit itself to gravity’ can refer to letting people fall/die as he cannot find it in himself to save them/take action OR again, linking with 9/11, he is stuck in the towers as they collapse and he, like many others, seeks escape by jumping out.
The opening verse ties into the events in which the album will reference heavily/explore the fallout of. This makes sense for a concept explored post-MCR reunion; they’re revisiting their origins, recontextualising the events but exploring the themes of anti-war in a contemporary manner. They’re walking the line between iconography and narrative that feels familiar, close enough to form, but still modern in its ethos. The attacks on the World Trade Centre, happened over 20 years ago but war and terrorism does not let up. If anything, we have been seeing much more war in the past few years, overseas and political war in our streets.
“Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame
Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain”
‘Let our bodies lay’ may refer to letting rest one you are refusing to let go. This is a plead, a request, from MCR to let its old self lay to rest to make room for this new era of creation. People will hold onto that nostalgia, that desire for a return to what’s familiar, but what’s comfortable for the psyche might not always be what is healthy for the individual. ‘Mark our hearts with shame’ likely rings true to all the people demanding for the ‘Old MCR.’ The shame may also refer to survivors’ guilt, survivors of war or terrorism etc. ‘Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain’ War generates corpses, martyrs, and in times of hardship, when so many are dying needlessly, people often turn to religion. ‘Let our blood’ also brings forth imagery of bloodletting, the medical technique of age old where patients were drained of a large body of their blood, and it was believed it would purge them of illness. Obviously, this practice is done in vain, because bloodletting does nothing to aid in healing.
Allusions to religion/Catholicism are not new to MCR. ‘Thank You for the Venom’ and ‘House of Wolves’ both refence religious settings in their lyrics. With reference to God and use of ‘shame’, ‘canonized’, ‘saint’ and ‘altar’, we’re getting subtle nods to Catholicism. I am not Catholic and don’t have experience with a Catholic upbringing, but for what I can infer there’s a lot to be said about Catholic guilt, the belief we’re all born sinners, that if we suffer it’s God’s will. Gerard Way has said that being raised Catholic is ‘some scary shit,’ and I don’t believe they’re Catholic anymore. Here’s what they had to say in 2013 via Twitter:
“I was raised Catholic, which turned me off from religion because I had a very bad experience. Then, as a young adult, a death in the family resulted in a lot of anger and an even greater distance between me and faith, though I had always acknowledged I received my artistic gifts from God.”
I don’t believe for this song to be a critique on Catholicism, but more so alluding to those beliefs in a way that ties into the ethos of the album. First, with rebirth, like redemption. Redemption in the eye of God, repentance? Second, the whole ideology around suffering. We are not born sinners, and we don’t have to suffer to be granted a spot in heaven; likewise, you don’t have to be all fucked in the head to create good art. Gerard Way spoke of this, of having to feel depressed to make good music, which isn’t true in the slightest. You don’t have to torture yourself to create meaningful art. You deserve healing, and to pick yourself up from that debris and continue to create with a newfound perspective. Suffering and worthiness are not inextricable, people deserve to heal.
“Now, if your convictions were a passing phase
May your ashes feed the river in the morning rays
And as the vermin crawls, we lay in the foundations of decay”
Hope for those who betrayed their values/promises (political leaders) to burn and have their destruction create a foundation for progress and healing. WE ARE THE VERMIN!!! We swarm and infest and refuse to die. We eat rockstars alive. We feed off the decay in which our very same are trying to rise from. The Foundations of Decay is about rising from the rot, reanimation, using your own discarded remains to rebuild and grow from. This ties so beautifully with the ethos of MCR’s return, as well as the narrative surrounding the businesswoman, which I’ll get into later. Gerard Way you insane motherfucker I love you.
“He was there the day the towers fell
And so he wandered down the road”
Pretty simple here; Gerard Way witnessed 9/11, and that prompted them to start MCR and make positive change in a world that had been uprooted by terrorism.
“And we would all build towers of our own
Only to watch the roots corrode”
I believe this to be a direct reference to My Chem’s journey and eventual breakup. Initially, they were this scrappy, punk rock band from New Jersey with one goal in mind: to spread their message that it’s okay to be a little fucked-up. The commercial success that would follow each album was unheard of from a band of their background. These ‘towers’ refer to the name they had built for themselves at the height of their career, but those corroding roots wouldn’t be able to support them. A multitude of factors were at play in My Chem’s breakup, and ultimately the break would be vital for the health of the band.
“But it's much too late, you're in the race
So we'll press and press 'til you can't take it anymore”
Clear statement of resistance; ‘you’ve brought this upon yourself, we are unhappy, and we will make sure you know it.’ ‘We’ll press and press’ brings imagery of crowds, masses,,,, some may even say,,,, swarms. I’ll say it again, we are the vermin! We are the swarm! We are the infestation that runs rampant over the decay.
“Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame
Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain”
Same as before.
“And if, by his own hand, his spirit flies
Take his body as a relic to be canonized
Now, and so he gets to die a saint
But she will always be a whore”
A political/military leader has died as a fallout of the conflict. A corrupt man dies and the nation mourns. Maybe not even a prominent figure, just a man. ‘By his own hand’ may refer to his martyrdom, dying by his own hand as he had fuelled the conflict that would kill him. Canonization is the act of declaring a dead person a saint. This man is held in high regard in his death, but the woman? Here we have these little inklings of character that tease the potential for MCR5. I’m going to revisit this character, this woman, a little later (a good 10,000 or so words to be exact), but she isn’t held in the same regard as the man because she’s a woman. She may be a survivor, but ultimately, she is just another tragic woman to be objectified and mythologised. He is a saint, but she is a whore, she is impure and unfaithful.
(Would like to add here we hear the line ‘You look stressed out!’ I think this is directed towards the woman, probably from a coworker or her partner. More will be revealed in due time.)
“Against faith (cage all the animals)
Against all odds ('cause the message must be pure)
Against change (you can wander through the ruins)
We are free (but the poison is the cure)”
We’ve got two opposing viewpoints; the hopeful resistance and the oppressors, the symbol of war.
The resistance fight back against the odds, against faith and against change. They fight back against control and war. Are we the resistance? The rats and vermin and swarm? The swarm runs rampant, in a sense we may have the most freedom. Also what Gerard said on tour “That may be true (that they’re unhinged/crazy with the new outfits), but I am free”. The lyrics in parenthesis are the words of the oppressors. ‘Cage all the animals ‘cause the message must be pure.’ WE ARE THE ANIMALS!! THE VERMIN SWARM!!! We are polluting the message, the belief we need war, with our resistance. We carry disease, probably. ‘You can wander through the ruins but the poison is the cure.’ They’re telling us we can try to rebuild from our own decay, but we’ll find solace in what has hurt us. We don’t need war! Poison and cure also tie to the theme of healing. Anti-venom may be used to treat exposure to venom, that much is true, but it’s not the same. Poison will not cure you if you have been poisoned. An antidote might, but ingesting more poison on top of poison will just kill you faster. This ties into Gerard’s psychology in the early days of MCR, that you have to torture yourself to create art. I’ll explore this more in the next part.
“You must fix your heart
And you must build an altar where it swells”
This prechorus goes so insanely hard. Fixing your heart, healing yourself and giving yourself the space to care about other people alongside yourself, and building an altar referring to protecting/cherishing that connection. Honour your emotions, honour your empathy, honour your capacity for love. All this ties back into overarching themes of rebirth and healing.
I’ve got more to add to this; I just started reading the MCR biography Not The Life It Seems, and I’ve found an excerpt that really strikes me:
“In order for us to make something great, we have to give up normality,’ he said. ‘I certainly feel you have to suffer for your art. I feel that if we don’t suffer, then it’s not going to be sincere and honest. If we don’t suffer then the songs don’t come from a real place. The songs are always about extremely dark things; we can’t fake that. I guess the chaos that comes at us and surrounds us and occasionally tries to tear us apart is maybe self-created. So I guess there is a little masochistic side to us but it is the willingness to suffer for our art that’s more important. We don’t feel like we’ve made true art unless we’ve suffered a great deal. Only people who have suffered a great deal have something to say.”
There’re multiple instances of Gerard voicing these thoughts, the belief that you need to be suffering to create something worthwhile. ‘You must fix your heart’ I believe is a direct response to that. You don’t need to tear yourself open to create good music, you should cherish yourself first and foremost. The themes of healing are intrinsically tied to the fabric of the band’s return. Instead of ripping themselves apart to write music, they’re writing music that is cathartic and healing. I cannot stress enough that this era of MCR is my favourite. Their previous albums have had so much cultural impact and have saved lives, but in my mind the health of the band comes before the music. I’m so glad they’ve returned now and that they’re not slicing themselves open to create art.
“When the storm, it gains and the sky, it rains
Let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away”
May be reaching a little bit, but this seems too overt to not be a Noah’s Ark reference. With so much reference of decay, destruction, war, rebirth etc. this can’t not be a nod to Noah’s Ark. In the story, Noah is instructed by God to build a massive boat as he means to flood the entire earth, purging it of evil before starting again and it’s his mission to save all his followers and the animals. We are instructed to let the flood come, let all the evil in the world be washed away and revel in their destruction. We’re heading much more into rebirth territory, and is this song, the reunion, not a form of rebirth for the band? Gerard also said to ‘embrace the plague, embrace the unfair, embrace the absurd.’ Embrace the storm, embrace the change.
“And as you stumble through your last crusade
Will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays?
And as the swarm it calls, we lay in the foundations”
These lines are directed towards the oppressors. The crusade is another biblical/religious reference, men who, on a request to reclaim holy land (that wasn’t theirs for thousands of years either), left destruction in their wake in the name of their God. Welcoming extinction in the morning rays being metaphor for the new age, a new world that is anti-government, anti-war, anti-capitalism. ‘We’re entering a new era, are you ready to say goodbye now that you’re unneeded?’
“Yes, it comforts me much more
Yes, it comforts me much more
To lay in the foundations of decay
Get up, coward”
This outro lies on just the right side of unorthodox, but I love it. It’s comfortable to concede, to lay in your decay, it’s ultimately the easier and safer option. ‘Get up coward!’ Is a call to action, likely to the song’s narrator themselves (I’m guessing the Businesswoman but I’ll get into that later). ‘I’m sure it’s comforting to lie in your own rot but we have shit to do!’ Again, marrying into those themes of rebirth, a plea to come forth from the decay and build something from those foundations.
The Foundations of Decay tells the story of MCR’s own conception and rebirth, but also carries such explicit themes of anti-war sentiment. There are the explicit ties to 9/11 and the subsequent conflicts scattered throughout the verses, which tie into MCR’s origin but also gives us background on some of the characters that may be introduced in the concept album. The allusions to biblical stories further build upon these reoccurring themes of rebirth and purification. Us, the resistance, against the poisonous pro-war rhetoric, are the swarm that infests the decay and refuses to die.
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lynxfrost13 · 25 days
Yo dude, have you been playin any bg3 recently? I can't get the game myself but i feel that somehow it has begun creeping into my brain and I guess uhhh i will listen to anything you have to say about it!
Also how are you? And how's The Orb? <3
Hello kestrel my bestie kestrel who’s been browsing my bg3 tag on my blog HIIII 💕💕💕
I HAVENT POSTED FROM THE LAST TIME I PLAYED I HAVE TO DO THAT AT SOMEPOINT… I made it to the beginning of act 3 and baldur’s gate is the sort of game where when I sit down and play it it’s Baldurs Gate Day and that’s all I’m gonna do (much like regular dnd with my group lmao) but let me say the stakes have certainly UPPED. I TOOK SCREENS AGES AGO BTW and have not edited them
I’m still so amazed at how immersive this game is when it comes to the world you’re adventuring in, there’s so many neat little moments you can stumble upon and I adore all of the companions so much, I’ll just talk to them as we’re adventuring to see what they’re reactions to different things are and just weaugh… they feel like people and it’s so cool getting to see how this adventure and your influence changes the outcomes of their stories.
Also just as another fun note it’s helped me with learning normal dnd 5th edition mechanics and stats n stuff so when I play with my family I’ve been able to understand some thing better which is just nice for being able to manage my character (there’s bg3 Vander and dnd tabletop Vander and they’re both great)
Here’s the boys for u
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there is so much I could just talk about either in terms of these two OR generally bald gate so I didn’t know which to talk about and didn’t want to write a whole ass monologue but PLEASE u know u can dm me whenever dawg 💕
Also the orb is healing well ty for asking!!! I actually just ended the antibiotics I had to take! Not gonna lie tho I am generally kinda beat. I got sick and there’s been a lot of life stuff happening this week that wasn’t supposed to happen (I have got a STORY for u my dude) so it’s just a Lot!! BUT I am not one for sorrows and either way everything will work out 😌
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I also made chorizos :)
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mareenavee · 1 year
for the fanfic asks, 1, 3 and 15!
Hello! :D Thank you so much for asking these. I particularly love this set of questions.
The ask game is just here.
Fanfic asks for my fic, The World on Our Shoulders!
Without further ado, onward to the answers! :D
1. What inspired you to write/update this work?
I did talk about the origin of my fic a little bit here. What inspired me to update it? Well. I could talk about the ground-up edit.
I had been writing this as sort of a challenge mode back in February, getting the draft down on paper and posting every day just to prove to myself that I could. By the time the challenge ended, I had over 100k words, which was more than my goal (it was more or less a NaNoWriMo challenge I made for myself) and I was able to go back, read it with fresh eyes, and realize pieces that weren't hitting the way I wanted them to. So I decided to go back in and edit iirc somewhere before April. I had something like 52 chapters posted by then lol. So it was a big undertaking. I had plot threads I'd dropped, I had characters whose voices weren't coming through in the way that I hoped. There'd been some waffling about phrasing and word choices and scenes that just felt rushed.
This time, though, instead of simply just feeling awful about my work I decided it could do with some love. So I took the time to start revisions and didn't post anything until I had a big chunk of the story ready to be proofread and edited more ahead of a posting schedule. I've been adding in an extra chapter update or two here or there on certain weeks. But anyway, the inspiration behind updating this is because I want it to be the kind of story I wanted to read, but could not find, even in its first iteration. (: All I can do is hope I'm doing it justice.
3. If this work is an update/new chapter, how do you stay motivated on multi-chapter works? 
I am motivated to keep updating this thing because the story is living rent free in my head, and what else am I going to do but write it if it's allowed to clatter around in there anyway? (: LOL But no, seriously, I'm invested in the characters at this point. It's a personal challenge besides that, which I was going over here and here. I just wanna write a fun story besides all that. I figured, what is the most dramatic thing that can happen to an NPC who discovers they're the dragonborn? WELL. After a series of bad decisions on her part, we have the prologue of World lol. It's more than that, of course, but still. (:
15. What is one question you wish someone would ask you about this work? Ask it and answer it.
OH another one of these, my poor brain LOL. Okay. Here goes nothing! (Thank you, btw. I love having to really think about my work like this!)
Are there alternate ways this story could have gone? Do you have plans to make what-if sort of stories for this series?
I've been wanting to write a series of shortfics or one shots that go over alternate events counter to what happens in World, really, because I think it's important for writing practice and for reaffirming that, while the alternate story is fun and good to think about, you're on the right path with how you've been going in your project (:
Some of the questions I ask myself are:
"What would have happened if Nyenna and Eris actually made it to Solstheim as intended?"
"What if she stayed with Hadvar and went straight to Solitude?"
"What if Nyenna rejected Athis?"
"What if she never learned magic?"
"What if she wasn't the Last Dragonborn? Who would be?"
Among so, so many others. All of them would have affected her character arc in some significant way. Most of them would still have her being pulled into her destiny, though, except that last one. Most of them would have her missing out on trusting herself to get stronger, especially the first one. Some of them would shift the whole setting of the story to a different part of Skyrim altogether, and a setting shift has the ability to change the tone of the whole story, if you think about it.
I want to take a minute to answer those what-ifs briefly.
1: She'd have never been guided to reconnect with her power. Teldryn probably would have seen her just as another traveler, not as a patron. He might have left for Skyrim without her the following morning. She'd have to be saved from a dragon, likely, instead of do the saving or escaping on her own, before the whole soul absorption thing happens.
2: She'd have joined the Legion, likely, convinced she could be anything she put her mind to. She'd be a good soldier, and of course would stand and fight a random dragon with Hadvar in the battalion at her side. She'd discover her powers and then Tullius would, sensing an opportunity, use her in his plans to end the war as quickly as possible. If either of them survived to the end of either quest, she'd probably hire Hadvar as her housecarl. Or maybe marry him instead.
3: Athis is quite smitten with Nyenna at the beginning of their story. If Nyenna wasn't so rash and grabby-hands about that kind of attention, she'd probably have been nice enough to him, but would have focused on recovery first and then moving on toward Solstheim as was her original intention. I like the idea that she'd discover she's Dragonborn on Solstheim rather than at the watchtower, though... it'd be interesting considering she'd not have trained at all in this situation, too.
4: If all went exactly as the fic was going, but she never learned Flames to begin with, she'd not have known she had a bit of an unusual aptitude for magic. It would affect how she'd fight. She'd probably still focus on archery, I'd assume, but also would need to have an even better handle on fighting with weapons that actually have weight to them. I feel like she'd fit the image the Nords have of the LDB a little better. Also, without healing magic, Athis probably would have died at a certain point. Twice she'd been there to staunch the bleeding and close wounds when others couldn't or didn't. So that would have complicated things.
5: If Nyenna wasn't the Dragonborn but everything went exactly as the fic is going, I'd have given that to Athis, I think. He wishes more than once over the course of the story that he could have been chosen, mostly regretting being unable to take the burden off of her. If that was the case, I wonder how Nyenna would have reacted to being the wife of the Dragonborn. I feel like Athis would have prioritized her anyway, even in the wake of the quest. I don't know if Nyenna would have stayed home per se. She'd probably have still been training and retrieving artifacts. She'd probably have gone with Athis on some pieces of the quest, too, because he wouldn't have thought HE was the one causing the chaos and danger as Nyenna believes in World.
So yes. Alternate what-if fics :D If I were to write a one shot of any of these, would you guys like to see a specific one? Feel free to comment or send me asks and I can also write fragments out, maybe, of certain changed scenes as writing practice. <3
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
gamer!kenma + taking care of his pregnant wife
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anon: so i’m obsessed with ur pregnant!reader hcs and i was wondering if i could get one for Oikawa or kenma?
a/n: god i love both of them but the thought of kenma as a dad really won it for me
oooooh boy i missed writing these hc's and ofc i'll start with how you guys met <3
you and kenma were neighbors in the same apartment, in fact he moved into the unit across yours (this was before he became really rich btw)
ofc you took notice that he rarely ever leaves his apartment and whenever you see him downstairs or checking his mail he's always tired
it did make you a bit worried so you decided to be the nice neighbor and bring over some cookies that you baked to his apartment
poor guy has been living on convenience store food for weeks and gone delirious from that #gamersleepschedule that the moment he saw the cookies he just stuffed two of them in his mouth before realizing you were standing there holding the plate
*cue coughing and almost choking and kenma being embarrassed about the whole situation that he tries to hide from you for about a week*
finally he musters up the courage to thank you for the cookies by buying strawberry apollo candies with a little note on them
the two of you have some conversations every now and then when you see each other in the lobby or at the door and kenma doesn't mind talking a bit longer than thirty minutes around you
eventually you start inviting him over to your place whenever kenma wants a home-cooked meal and the two of you become really good friends
of course it develops to something a bit more and kenma knows that he feels something stronger for you but he has no idea how to go forward with it
he probably needs some help from kuroo who ofc steps in to help his bestie out
i think kenma would probs ask you out by putting a box of (you guessed it) strawberry apollo candy in your mailbox with a 'would you consider going on a date with me?' sticky note attached to it
your dates when you are together are mostly of you hanging out at home and watching movies together. he's definitely someone you can pull into baking with you if it means he gets to eat something sweet after
since you guys already live across from each other, the 'moving in' never officially happened. the two of you tend to sleep over at your apartment more with kenma's apartment as both your workspace
i don't think he's the type to think of marriage as a really big thing but if you wanted to he'd be alright with it
okay but when he starts gaining more popularity (and money) the two of you officially move into together and you bring up the idea of maybe raising a kid
when you mention it to kenma at first he's like 'you mean... in Sims?'
please you have to spell it out for him
he needs some time to think about it and even though he doesn't know how confident he'll be as a father, kenma knows that he would love to have a child with you
outwardly, it doesn't quite *seem* that kenma is emotionally invested in your pregnancy and having a child with you but you notice him switching up his streaming and video editing schedule to be able to take care of you
he's awake during the early to late hours in the morning and fully expects and attends to your morning sickness
sometimes you're not sure if he's staying awake on purpose or he just happened to be
kenma also happens to be surprisingly VERY invested in decorating your nursery
after all, he's the one who designed and created his gaming/streaming room
okay but he gets so frustrated building the crib. like, he built his own PC himself how tf did he get the screws wrong making a CRIB??
you walk into the nursery and see LED lights along the walls and wrapped around the crib and you're like 'uhh, kenma what's this?' and he shrugs and says 'looks cool'
kenma also noticed you had a thing for wearing his hoodies (and tbh so does he), even more so in the earlier months of your pregnancy
world cold and hard, kenma's hoodie warm and soft
but they started not fitting on you with your belly growing larger but kenma didn't want you to feel bad so he started buying hoodies in larger sizes
against his will, kenma's former teammates throw a baby shower for the two of you in his house
omg imagine the baby shower gifts you'd receive from kuroo, yaku, and lev
actually they try to top each other's presents and you have to stop them at one point because 1. what would your baby do with a gucci pacifier and 2. does gucci even make pacifiers??
lev bought a giant teddy bear that you can't even get through the front door and kenma decided enoughs enough and sent them all home (he also just wants you for himself)
kenma's fans are often quite invested in your pregnancy and kodzuken as a father to be
sometimes they drop question in his chat when he's doing livestreams and kenma loves answering them
someone from chat: mr. kodzuken, would u defeat lady dimitrescu and all the other bosses in resident evil to save your child?
kenma: i don't think i'm capable but my girlfriend sure is
wouldn't it be funny though if you went into labor right during one of kenma's livestreams
you have to message or call his phone cause you're in your room and he can't hear you calling when he has his headphones on
but as soon as he sees your message he's just like 'guys i have to go baby's coming' and drops the stream even when he's still in the middle of fighting a boss
twitter is just going crazy with the #dad!kodzuken tags while kenma is calling his driver to take you guys to the hospital
you guys are in the backseat and you're squeezing his hand as you suffer through the first contraction and kenma is trying very hard not to freak out for both of your sakes
don't worry though kenma probably paid for the best doctors to take care of you also the VIP room in the hospital which is basically a hotel at this point
i feel like he would want to be there in the delivery room with you just to give support but when he sees the actual baby delivery he's fainting
a few of the nurses kinda know kodzuken and find it kinda funny to see kenma sprawled on the floor but they do take care of him
he wakes up hours later in your hospital room and then sees the baby in your arms and his brain just short-circuits for a good minute until you realize he's awake
the soft smile on your face when you say "would you like to hold them?" has kenma in love with you all over again
he's too scared to hold your baby yet but when they hold his finger with their tiny hand kenma just chuckles at them
he'll definitely treasure the both of you
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
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@laure-chan​​ ​​ @kirakirasaku​​ @atsumusdomain​​ @goodfoodxoxoxo​​ @kei-ya​​ @guardianangelswings​​ @definitely-yours​​ @loisuke​​ @whootwhoot​​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs​​ @procrastination-lady​​ @miyakiyo0mi​​ @duhsies​​ @alittlesimp​​ ​​ @shybooks2 @sage-brick
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hwrryscherry · 3 years
HARRY x MODEL Y/N  facts part.1
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HARRYxMODELY/N masterlist is here.
Credits: The middle manip on this edit picture (the one with Harry’s yellow suit) was made by the beautiful @/94sbells.
Author’s note: HEY GUYS! I know that I’ve been kinda gone lately, but I have reasons for that. My summer vacation ended, and I had to go back to school. We’re still studying online, but I had to take a diagnostic test this past week so they’d know how’s my scholarity level. So, because of all the studying and trying to keep up on a new school (yes, I moved from schools.), I didn’t have any time to write or finish my writings. I’ll try finishing a request today because I’m feeling super creative and nostalgic BUT to everyone who follows HARRYxMODELY/N series, like it and miss it, I just did this ‘’facts-timeline’’ in a hope to feed you guys lol. Anyway, this is like a time line of 2017 and how their relationship developed on that year. I plan on doing one for each year till 2020 and post it on the break between posting the requests. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and maybe discover things about them that you didn’t know yet. Love you all and thank you for the support and love! TPWK and remember that you’re so golden.
The first ever communication between them was on May 12th, 2017(Model Y’N’s 20th birthday) AND the realesing of HS1 album.
She sent a DM to him on instagram congratulating him by saying she loved the album and wished him all the success.
No, they didn’t know each other and she honestly thought that he’d never answer to her.
After a few hours, Harry answered to her message and she freaked out but never answered back because she didn’t want to bother him.
They officialy met on November 28th, 2017 when Harry performed on Victoria Secrets Fashion Show that occured in Shanghai, China.
It was the first time that Model Y/N ever walked for Victoria Secrets.
She walked the Goddesses segment while Harry sang ‘’Only Angel’’.
Harry literally got on his knees when she walked past him.
He likes to describe his emotion at that moment as “mesmerized”.
Even though she knew that VS models and the singers are supposed to flirt a little on stage to create a teasing sensation, she was so surprised by his actions.
After the show was done, Harry wasn’t going to attend the VS after party but decided to attend last minute because he wanted to know her.
He approached her very calmly and gentle and invited her to ‘’hang out’’ with him and his band through Shanghai as he was going to leave on the next day to complete his tour.
She asked Bella to go with her because she didn’t want to hang out with him and his bandmates alone as they didn’t know each other.
But she did felt a huge connection between them almost immidiately.
Through Shanghai, Harry was hitting on her the ENTIRE time! He was complimenting, being super nice, and flirting as well but she honestly thought he was just being nice.
Harry thought for a while that she was playing it hard to get until he realized that she wasn’t.
They spent the whole night going through Shanghai.
They went to Nanjing Road and walked around seeing the lights.
They bought those film cameras and took the funniest pictures ever. They still have those films but never digitalized it to the computer.
They went to all those mini bars and had a few drinks while eating chinese food.
Btw, Harry and Model Y/N LOVE chinese food.
They were on the same hotel.
They didn’t go back yet but plan to do so when quarantine is over.
When it was about 8am, they came back to their hotel.
They both agreed that they would come back to Shanghai one day to go to disneyland.
So Harry went back to his tour and Model Y/N went back to NYC.
On the night out in Shanghai they exchanged numbers because Bella Hadid(Model Y/N’s bff)noticed that Harry was interested on Model Y/N, so she casually told them that they should get each other’s number.
The media was crazy about them. First it was the VS move and then there was tons of paps photos of them out in Shanghai.
The media was trying to sell the story as if they were already dating before the VS, which wasn’t true.
They talked for months as friends because of the number exchange.
They talked via texts, calls and face time all the time but it wasn’t anything more than friendship to her.
Model Y/N and some friends of her was planning on traveling to Ibiza, Spain to celebrate New Year’s Eve and as she and Harry were getting really close to each other she invited him and told him that he could take whoever he wanted.
Of course she thought he was cute and had a small crush but nothing extreme.
Harry did invited her for some of his shows but she couldn’t attend any of it.
That made Harry think that she didn’t like him.
She thought he was going to take a girlfriend.
Harry took Gemma and her boyfriend to the trip with him.
Yes, their whole group of friends were there as well but midia acted like there was only them in it.
They were in Ibiza from December 28th, 2017 to January 3rd, 2018.
The group of friends that was in Ibiza with them included Bella Hadid, Fai Khadra, Imaan Hammam, Grace Elizabeth, Gemma Styles, Machine Gun Kelly, Model Y/N’s brother, etc.
And yes, there were TONS of paps in Ibiza following them because the media was selling the whole ‘’Harry Styles’s new girlfriend’s thing.“
Harry is super private about relationships and Model Y/N had ended a serious relationship early that year so they just didn’t address any rumors because they didn’t care about what the media said.
They “saw” each other as friends and that was what mattered.
It was probably the most random group of friends that she ever traveled with, but it was fun on the same way.
They had a really cool and funny vibe, and it was really easy to everyone to get along.
When fans noticed that Y/N’s friends were following Harry on social media they really thought all the rumors were real.
Their house was really close to the beach, so you could actually see it by Harry’s bedroom barricade.
They usually went to the beach or stayed by the pool during the day and went out at night.
Honestly, they used to come home from the nightlife of Ibiza at 3/4am.
They’d wake up after noon for sure.
Harry wouldn’t eat his breakfast until Model Y/N’s woken up.
He’d cook an avocado toast sandwich to her every morning and wait for her to wake up.
He’d do it because on one of their late night talks, she had told him that she loved it so much.
They’d eat at the barricade while watching the beach.
Model Y/N HAD always been obsessed with Harry’s hair and she’d tell him that he needed to moisturize his hair as they were under the sun all the time.
It was just an excuse to touch his hair.
So they’d exchange it. She’d put oil on his hair, and he’d put on hers.
If they had to go to the beach, Harry would convince her to do the craziest things like fly board flying, going on jetskis together and those things.
He was the only one to convince her to do it because she is TERRIFIED of swimming in the ocean.
They’d all go out for lunch on some restaurants and after going shopping before the sunset.
Harry would always come to her saying like “oh, this would look good in you” whenever he saw a piece of cloth that he liked.
Some fans would post pics of them on social media only making the rumors go hard.
Then one fan would post that met up with them and they said they’re just friends, which was true at that time.
Back at the house, they’d get ready to enjoy the Ibiza nightlife.
They’d dress a little better and go out to some bar or club.
Do you know those videos of Harry dancing in Anguilla? It would be the same vibe. Harry and Model Y/N would vibe so hard to the songs, and dance and shout and sing. It would be really funny.
Model Y/N used to go to his room at 4 am when they came back from the street because they usually sit by the barricade and talked for hours.
They’d talk about all the things that mattered to them, like: career, fashion, music, video, paintings, friends, family, how fame changed their lives.
They’d laugh about all the dating rumors as well, but it would be that type of laugh like “lol I wished it was true.”
They’d tell each other dad jokes and stories about their lives and experiences until the sunrise.
By the afternoon of December 31st, 2017, they were all talking about their new year’s kiss and they decided that Harry and Y/N would be one of the pairs to kiss.
Model Y/N agreed but it was more of a joke to her than a real kiss; she didn’t take it seriously.
They all got ready to celebrate NYE on the beach.
On the next day there were tons of videos of them dancing on the beach and them with fans as well.
When the New Year came, they had their first kiss and of course that changed everything.
Both of them felt sparkles and by the effect of a few drinks that both of them had on that night, they did share some other kisses here and there on that night.
For a miracle, no one captured them kissing on camera.
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Kingdom Round 3: "Plagiarism", rigged voting and fanwars.
[Disclaimer: It is possible that for fans of certain groups I'll come off as offensive. I like each of the groups, I possess albums of TBZ, SF9 & SKZ, and I watched HOURS of content/debut programs of ALL the participating groups. Nevertheless, I will ALWAYS say my honest opinion. If you want to fight me, you're ofc allowed to do so but I hope you're all mature enough to not feel offended by opinions.]
Act 1: Tbz, where do your ideas come from?
So what I've noticed is that there's a massive difference between tbz behind the scenes and other groups'. Not only in this episode. So far, tbz simply DID NOT show how they create ideas, stages, how they practice. They picked a song, fooled around, and then met up with RTK members. It was cute sure, but it had NOTHING to do with the stage. The other groups showed practice scenes, showed their ideation process, showed who taught them and how. The boyz didn't. No practice, no ideation. Only song choice. We didn't see them practicing the choreo, we didn't see how they even got the idea for this stage. Their behind the scenes footage sadly has NOTHING to do with their performance. I really wish we could see them practicing and coming up with ideas.
Another big problem I see with this, is that they literally don't explain where their ideas come from. Now for people who know Game of Thrones (GoT hereafter), it probably appears rather obvious that the previous and also this stage was inspired by GoT, right? The white walkers? Ice and fire? The throne? The freaking red wedding??? I can't be the only one who sees a connection between their stages and GoT. ATEEZ said they were inspired by Pirates of the Carribbean. SF9 said they were inspired by film noir and showed how they worked with an actor on their storyline. iKON explained how they associate inception with dreams and put together their ideas. But TBZ didn't freaking talk about any of this. Either it was never recorded, or it never was aired. In any way, it's extremely suspicious in my eyes. Moreover it's just pretty shit to not say where your idea comes from. Especially not when you even name your stage after the iconic red wedding... Now IF they were NOT inspired by GoT, then it would be some... extremely huge coincidences... especially the stage title is just a bit too much tbh. But more to that stage later.
Edit: It came to my knowledge that according to deobis, Cre.Ker will post the content after Kingdom on tbz social media. Whoever took that decision needs to be fired tbh. If the content will be released, I'll link to it and add some few words to it.
Act 2: The good, the bad, and ... All hail king Juyeon?
Let's talk about the performances now.
SF9: What I dislike is the fact that as I stated in my previous Kingdom post, they are forced to do such dramatic musical/movie stages to even be recognized as part of the show. Moreover, I found it weird and unfitting that they held guns during the group dance parts, to me it seemed a bit off. Also, at times, their energy level seemed a bit low.
What I liked is that even tho it was a MASSIVE set, the performance still was extremely easy to understand and follow. They all looked insanely good tho, SF9 simply is mature and manly. I liked the concept, it was fresh because it for once had no fantasy vibe but actual criminal mafia energy. My favourite parts were Jaeyoon's fighting scenes because they were very well choreographed. Altogether, I really enjoyed it and also found it interesting how they referred to the Boyz crown scenes on RTK.
The Boyz: In my eyes, this is already the second GoT inspired concept they did. Not a fan of this. Moreover, I'm a bit pissed that it looks as if they are selling all that as their own ideas. As I said before, I believe this is GoT inspired, the name at least definitely was - but it's never said that the inspiration comes from there, because we literally have no information about where their ideas come from and if it's even their own ideas. To me it has the bitter aftertaste of wanting to hide sth the viewers aren't supposed to see. But this is not tbz fault but the fault of whoever writes/directs/edits their footage.
With the title of the stage given, I actually thought I'd see a wedding. But what I've seen was a woman in a bird cage. And then many more women. I failed to see what this all had to do with a wedding, and I moreover failed to see the connection to "THE" red wedding. And I failed to understand the plot once again, and because they didn't explain it beforehand, I'll never understand it.
What I liked is that the performance was way less dramatic than it was ever before. It didn't seem like a stunt show anymore, it didn't seem overdramatic anymore. It was easier to focus on the performance. Sadly, I noticed that this "downgraded" (aka slow-paced and less dramatic) stage was unfortunately underwhelming in comparison with what they did before - which was sth I predicted from beginning on. At some point you can't go bigger anymore, and if you tone it down it'll automatically seem underwhelming.
Edit: It's sad that they have this pressure to outperform themselves because they've won RTK. But honestly, it was clear that the winner would have this pressure on them. I don't see why I would pity them for this, after all, each of the groups feel pressured anyways and I rather feel sorry for ALL groups together because this whole ranking/competition thing is just unnecessarily stressful. But once again, I don't understand why you all blame MNET for this. Don't forget that the companies have contracts with MNET and knew that shit would go down. If you blame any bigger instances, then please also the companies who put their idols on the show. It's not like they got forced to make their groups participate.
My biggest criticism this time however is the fact that they give the most screentime to Juyeon (and Sunwoo because of the rap parts), and the rest of the members barely appear, or basically aren't shown at all. I already felt before that there was a strong focus on Juyeon, but now it's srly showing very clearly. I really like Juyeon, but I don't find it fair. I think that doesn't do justice to the other members, which deserve screentime as well. In conclusion, tbz on kingdom is an extreme mess in my eyes, with lots of communication- and management flaws.
iKON: I belong to the group of people who heavily prefers THANXX over inception, so I was a bit sceptical about the song choice. They really made a YG version out of this tho, I was pretty impressed. The stage concept was pretty nice, iKON surely knows how to use light. Now the stage seemed very inspired by Inception (the movie) which makes a lot of sense - but wasn't communicated either. Just mentioning this because I critisized tbz earlier, so I think the same applies here to some degree. I didn't recognize the song anymore tho but I found it pretty refreshing. In my eyes they did the best so far in making another group's song their own. This could have been an iKON song for sure. As always, a fun stage.
My personal ranking will follow after the other stages.
Act 3: About cheating and faking.
The Voting looks as follows:
Views: 1. SKZ 2. iKON 3. ATEEZ 4. BTOB 5. TBZ 6. SF9
Online Voting: 1. SKZ 2. SF9 3. iKON 4. BTOB 5. ATEEZ 6. TBZ
Btw if anyone knows the overall voting, please comment or send a message, because I somehow missed it?
I said it before, and I say it again, this entire voting is rigged and I totally don't care about it anymore at this point because it's absolutely not trustable. Experts didn't know about the budget differences, who even are the experts, why did SF9 get zero on-site votes, and then ofc the fans who created 50 accounts to vote...this voting is a joke. What I can totally not understand is how ATEEZ and TBZ can rank last for online voting. Sth seems off here to me, especially the fact that SF9 ranks last in views but ranks 2nd in votes? I'm sorry to say this but I think that's the result of the ZZZ fanwar. My assumption is that there must be a big mass of people who purposely voted NOT for TBZ & ATEEZ, and my guess is - no offence - that those were stays. In accordance with the fanwar, they didn't give their 2 other votes to the other ZZZ groups but to whatever other group. Or in general the ZZZ fandoms purposely not voting for each other. That would explain extremely well why SF9 could suddenly rank 2nd. I'm tired of this voting, of fanwars and all this drama and I decided to not care about the official voting anymore.
If you got to this point, I wanna let you know that I feel very blessed that you made it through this long post hahaha. Thanks! And for the next week, I expect BIG THINGS. I'm the most excited for BTOB. Them covering back door is the most absurd thing I've imagined for a long time hahahaha. But Eunkwang with tattoos really is a good sight, isn't it ;)?
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hoebii · 3 years
Like me better
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Pairing : Park Jimin x Reader
Genre : Fluff, Highschool!Au, e2l, rivals
Rating : PG13
Warning : ‘Curse’ words are mentioned (is ‘shit’ even a curse word fhgjv), OC wanting to choke Jimin and not in the kinky way, brief mention of Jimin being a playboy thot, hating on mint chocolate because it’s the worst flavour to exist you can fight me on this
Wc : 4k
A/N : Alright, this was originally supposed to be a birthday drabble but it got a little out of hand as you can see. We had a whole lot planned for this fic but it got too long oops- so we decided to cut it short and keep the ending open huhu. Happiest birthday to our precious maknae @heejinnien​ from @xiaokoo​ (who also made this AMAZING banner btw) and I. Hope you like your present baby! We love you so so so much~<3 Also this isn’t as edited as I’d like it to be but I got impatient okay don’t @ me :<
The bustling crowd of students bumped into you repeatedly as you weaved through them to get to class. You kept a strong grip on your books so as to not drop them. People squeezed passed as you tried not to trip and fall flat on your face. You had slept through your alarms and were currently rushing to your class, cursing at yourself for this blunder in your head. 
“Sorry, excuse me, oh shit!” You catch yourself as you tumbled to the ground. Your books splay across the floor as you winced at the sore feeling. Hopefully, no one would step on you or your books - you had paid good money for them!-. As for tripping over, you looked over your shoulder, glaring when you caught sight of a group of boys laughing. 
“Aw is little princess hurt?~” You heard one of them call out, the others snickering in the background. You ignored them and started gathering all your books, telling yourself they weren’t worth the trouble. You were almost done picking up all the books on the ground when one was suddenly snatched from your grasp. Looking up at the culprit you see Park Jimin, the bane of your existence, holding it up.
“Are you sure you even need books?” He snickers, flicking through it. “You’re not even smart, why bother studying if it doesn’t do you any good?” 
You feel your blood boil. How dare he?! You were smarter than him in every possible way. He had no right to mock you, sure he was smart but you always placed second. If there was one thing you hated, it was being second best to Park Jimin. 
“You’ll just come second like always.” 
That comment hit you hard. You tried to keep your cool, resisting the urge to punch him in the face. Sure, Jimin was annoying but there was no way you were going to create a scene because of it. Not again. Instead, you rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore him and walked away. There would be no reason to argue with a dumbass. Why waste your time?
Jimin watched as you walked away. He smirked to himself. Despite acting calm, he’d known you long enough to know that you were fuming inside. There were buttons he knew how to push to get the reaction he wanted and he thoroughly enjoyed provoking you. 
You stumbled into the classroom, panting from the light jog. “Damn I need to get back in shape, Jesus Christ.” you whispered to yourself. 
“Miss Y/L/N, care to explain why you’re five minutes late to the class?” Your professor’s voice boomed in the small classroom. You look at him, giving him a sheepish smile as you rub your neck. 
“I… got lost…?” 
What was that?! You wanted to smack yourself at your own words. So much for your perfect attendance. 
“You got lost?”
Your professor took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Just, just go to your seat.”
You scurried to your seat, setting down your books and sitting down. You heard snickering from beside you and you turned your head slightly towards the sound to see none other than Park Jimin laughing at you. Feeling your face flush in embarrassment, you turned towards your professor and started jotting down notes. You were not going to get riled up by Jimin during a class. 
It’s official. Life hates you. You must have been some sort of a witch in your last life who thrived by torturing others. That had to be it. Why else would you ever get partnered with Park freaking Jimin for your science project?! Apparently, the professor had said it was because you two were ‘top students that will compliment each other well’. But you’re certain it was actually because she hated you and you must have tortured her or something in your past life and this was her way of getting revenge. You’re pretty sure you came up with at least 7 ways to end Park Jimin in the time he took to move his seat closer to you for ‘discussing details about the project.’ 
“So you’re gonna draw the diagram and write everything,” Jimin started as soon as he sat down. He dumped his bags to one corner taking out the necessities. “I will be supervising you as I’m clearly the better one here.”
Oh how much you craved to just lean forward and wrap your fingers around his neck and choke him. How can a person be this insufferable? You could just shove a damn pen up his- 
“Alright class dismissed! Remember, the deadline is on Monday next week! Have a nice weekend.” Your professor announced, snapping you out of your thoughts.  
“I’ll see you tomorrow then, don’t screw up the project.” 
With that Jimin left you sitting there fuming at him. You let out a tired sigh and begin packing up to leave too, mind running wild. Why couldn’t Jimin just be a good person for once?
The weekend seemed to go by in a flash, just you working on the project with Jimin, who had surprisingly been quite helpful. Just when you thought he had a heart, he had said it was ‘so you don’t ruin my grades.’ Yeah nevermind he still sucks.
What you didn’t know was Jimin being nice - well as nice as a jerk can get anyway - was because he had a bet to win. One of the boys had proposed a bet after class when he caught Jimin bickering with you yet again. The bet was simple really, ask you out and date you for a while before leaving you. Jimin had refused at first but then everyone started taunting him. Who liked getting mocked? No one. It was plain simple anyways, no one would actually get hurt, wasn’t like you liked him. So he accepted.
It wasn’t easy to catch your attention, given the fact the both of you were mortal enemies, it was near impossible. He did everything in his power so you would look at him but all tactics had somehow managed to flop. There was only one other way of actually getting you to notice him and that was annoying you. However, that would ruin the whole point of the bet. 
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n.” Jimin chanted as he poked you on the cheek incessantly. “Y/n pay attention to meeee.” He continued to whine. 
You felt your right eye twitch. Why was this dumbass bothering you?! There was no reason for him to even be five feet close to you. 
“What is it Jimin?” You turn to him, a sickly sweet smile on your face. “What is so important that you’re trying to talk to me?”
Jimin grinned, his eyes turning into crescents as he poked his cheek and gave a wink. “Hi~ How are you doing?”  
Is he for real right now? Did he think he was cute? You felt like throwing up. “Park what are you up to? You never act,” you started, eyes squinting in suspicion, “like whatever you’re doing right now.” 
Jimin gasped and placed a hand on his chest as if in pain before exclaiming, “What?! Me? Up to something? Impossible, I’m as innocent as an angel.” 
An angel? More like a devil. There was no way he was telling the truth. You’d known him long enough and not once in your life had he treated you with such...whatever that emotion was.
“Right. An angel. Okay.” You nodded.
“Do you not believe me? You can ask anyone on this campus and they would tell you how amazing I am.” He gestured his hands wildly. 
You scoffed at that, of course they would, he had slept with the majority and had the remaining wrapped around his tiny fingers. Plus, no one wanted to cross Park Jimin. He ruled the campus and everyone knew it. 
“Listen, just get to the point. I don’t have time for this nonsense.” You said, rolling your eyes and huffing. You had to get to your next class in about five minutes. There was no way you were going to be late because some idiot was bothering you. 
“Go on a date with me.”
You choked on air at that, did you hear that right? “E-excuse me what?!”
Jimin shrugged and crossed his hands, flexing slightly, “You heard me, go on a date with me this weekend. Heard there's a new ice cream shop here, we could go there.” 
“You want to take me on a date?” You look at him skeptically. Was this a test? Were you being filmed? “You’re joking.”
“No.” He fixed you with a stare. “I’m serious. One date, if you don’t enjoy that one date, I promise I won't bother you ever again.”
You stood there staring at him, alarm bells ringing in your head. This can’t be real. He’s lying. “You? Never bothering me ever again? That’s like saying you don’t sleep with everyone you meet.”
“I didn’t sleep with you.”
“That’s different!” You exclaimed, face flushing. “You hate me!”
Jimin tilted his head, his nose scrunching up. “I never said I hate you.” You open your mouth ready to retaliate. “You simply assumed I did, my actions don’t mean anything unless I say something.”
You stood speechless. There had to be one occasion where he had stated he hated you. One. You searched your brain. Sure enough there was no such memory. 
Not wanting to lose to Jimin nonetheless you stomped your feet and said, “Yeah well that makes no sense! Haven’t you heard ‘actions speak louder than words’? I thought you were smart” You tsked, shaking your head as if you were disappointed.
“But I’m standing here asking you out, I’m sure that counters all the things I’ve done to you.” He gives you a sly smirk, one you’re all too familiar with. “There’s really two options Y/n. One’s yes and the other is...yes. Which one do you choose?”
If you could you would have burned him to a crisp with your glare. Unfortunately, you hadn’t been gifted with laser vision like superman. It would have been quite a gift if you had. Imagine how peaceful life would be without Park Jimin judging your every move. Then again, you would miss him. Wait what?! You shook your head to clear your mind before looking at Jimin.
Jimin’s eyes widened as he spluttered. “W-what do you mean no?!”
“N-O. No. Don’t tell me you forgot basic english.”
Jimin clicked his tongue in annoyance, glaring at you. No one had ever turned him down. Whatever Park Jimin wants he gets. Right now he wants you. 
“Why not?” 
You gave him a look. “Well, it isn’t exactly a secret that you sleep with anything that has two legs. I don't even know why you’re asking me out, you never go on dates.”
“That's because you’re different.”
You scoff. “Listen Park, this isn’t some shitty rom com that you can charm your way to my heart, this is reality and I’m smart enough to realise how much of a jerk you actually are.”
Words seemed to die in Jimin’s throat. A jerk?! Sure, he annoyed you but he didn't think he deserved the title of a jerk. If it wasn’t for that stupid bet he wouldn’t even be asking you out. There was no reason why you couldn’t go on just one date with him. It wasn’t as if he was asking you to juggle swords and then swallow them. Besides, Jimin was a very attractive person and he knew it too. What’s so bad about going out with him? You should feel blessed he was even asking you out in the first place!
“Just say yes already woman. One date won’t kill you,” Jimin groaned out, throwing his head back in frustration.
“One date with you will.”
You stared at each other, no one making a single move. The silence stretched on for a moment before Jimin sighed loudly and ran a hand through this hair. 
“Come on!”
“...Please?” Jimin couldn’t believe he had to beg. He never begs! The things he does for a stupid bet.
Rolling your eyes at Jimin, you sigh, “Fine. We can go there this Saturday.”
“I begged, why won’t you just accep--” Jimin started before cutting himself off, “Oh you said yes. Um, well, yeah ok.” He mumbled, trying to fix his composure. “Yeah see you there or something. Bye,” and with that he walked away, leaving you both amused and confused… and also late for class! Damn Park Jimin.
You stood in front of the ice cream shop waiting for Jimin to show up. He was late, but then again what were you expecting anyway? You rolled your eyes as you looked around, “If he doesn’t show up in the next minute, I’m leaving.” you mumbled to yourself, checking your watch for what felt like the umpteenth time. 
“Y/n!” A voice shouted from behind causing you to turn around. Jimin ran towards you, panting slightly. “Sorry, I had to run all the way here.”
“Did you forget about the date or were you just being a jerk and were late intentionally?”
His face flushed pink, avoiding your gaze. “I might have forgotten but that wasn’t completely my fault, I just lost track of time.”
“Yeah whatever.” 
Jimin went to hold open the door for you but you beat him to it, opening it for yourself and slamming it in his face. He held back the urge to leave right there. A bet needed to be completed. He followed you inside trying to strike a conversation with you, trying to get just a crack of a smile.
“So Y/n, how’s your day?” Jimin asked, giving you a sweet smile that would have anyone swooning but it had no effect on you. 
“It would be good if the one who asked me out on a date came on time.” You didn’t look at him, instead you were staring intently at the menu. 
Jimin bit his tongue to stop himself from saying something he would regret, giving you a tight lipped smile. “I’m sure your date regrets being late.” ‘And asking you out in the first place’ Jimin thought the last part but didn’t say out loud.
“Doubt it.” You shrugged. 
Jimin knew what you were doing. You were specifically trying to provoke him, there was no way that he would ask you out on a date voluntarily. You were trying to gouge out any secrets he was hiding. His job, obviously, was to try and not let you find out those secrets. There was no way you were going to cooperate if he told you about the bet. 
The two of you knew each other since you were both babies, your mothers knew each other and would always coo at ‘how cute these two will look together.’ Unfortunately for them though, since you were both young the two of you had some sort of competition going on. Didn't matter if it was who was smarter, who was faster or who could fit the most grapes in their mouth, the both of you were always competing. 
As you both grew older the bickering turned into bullying on his part. In truth, you actually didn't know what started this long feud, all you remembered was one day when you were five an annoying boy yanked your hair so hard that a few strands had come out. Annoying boy turned out to be Park Jimin and the two of you haven’t stopped arguing since. 
“What flavour are you getting?” Jimin peered over your shoulder. He looked at you expectedly. “I’ve already chosen mine, so it’s just up to you and I’ll pay.” He holds his wallet out. 
“Vanilla.” You said plainly.
You turn to face Jimin, frowning. “What’s wrong with vanilla?”
He makes a face. “Y/n, it’s so boring, like you no doubt.” The last part had slipped out accidentally and he regretted it as soon as it left his mouth. That was it. You were going to scream at him and he would lose the bet.
Instead, you ignored his comment fixing your gaze back onto the menu. “What do you think I should get then? I’ll give you the choice, assuming you don’t pick a disgusting flavour like mint chocolate chip, I’ll be fine.” 
Sure, it was a stupid decision giving Jimin the power to pick what you were going to eat, but what could go wrong? Worst case scenario, you didn't like the flavour and he would be forced to go get a new one, which would cost him more money. It’s a win win. 
“You’re giving me the freedom to pick what flavour you’re having?” Jimin asked, making sure he didn't misunderstand your statement. You simply nodded, shrugging nonchalantly. 
“Yep” you replied when he stared at you for a while longer, popping the p.
Jimin smirked. “I’ll get you the best flavour to ever exist then.”
You raised an eyebrow at his statement, “Oh?”
“Yeah, mint chocolate~” 
You stared at him in disgust, scowling as you said, “Dude I just said that flavour is disgusting. Made by the devil himself.”
Jimin tapped his chin, as if he had no clue about you were saying, “Did you really? Can’t recall anything like that. Hmm.”
“Park Jimin, I swear to god if you get me that flavour I will rip your eyeballs out and shove them up your ass.”
“So you wanna touch my ass now?” He grinned smugly. You felt your cheeks heat up as you spluttered, desperately searching for a comeback.
“Just- just get me whatever you’re having. Unless it’s chocolate mint, then get out of my sight right now.” 
“Don't worry, I hate the flavour as much as you do. So, two birthday cakes coming right up.” You try to find ‘birthday cake’ on the menu. 
“Dude, the thing looks like a unicorn just threw up on it.” 
Jimin shoots you a glare. “Don’t disrespect the superior flavour bestowed upon us by the ice cream Gods.” You gape at him open-mouthed. Ice cream Gods?! The guy was insane. You were on a date with a guy who was insane. Rest in pepperoni to you.
“You’re insane,” You shake your head. “I’ll be waiting over there. Be quick.” You point to a table in the corner. 
“Yes ma’am” Jimin saluted before going to order at the counter. You shake your head. You’d known Jimin of most of your life and he’d always been silly and annoying. 
Some reason you knew a lot about him. You blamed it on your parents making you spend too much time with each other when you were younger. Also you needed to know every little thing about your mortal enemy, wasn’t that what mortal enemies did? You had to be prepared for anything and keep track of them at all times!
“Got your ice cream.” Jimin placed the cup in front of you as you stared at it with distaste. You’d never really had ice cream often but when you did you always went for the plain vanilla. It was simple, no need for toppings or colourful flavours. You weren’t one to take risks. 
“What monstrosity did you get for me, Park?” 
“Oh stop being a baby, it’s just strawberry with some syrup on it.” Jimin answered while he rolled his eyes, lips tugged up into a small smile. Eyes twinkling with adoration as he looked at you. 
“I’m not eating it.”
“Oh yes you are. Here comes the airplane!” Jimin started, taking a spoonful of the ice cream and moving it towards your face as if talking to a child. 
“I’m not a kid. I’m not ha-” Jimin shoves the spoon inside your mouth when you open it to retaliate, his lips lifted into a sly smile. You snatch the spoon off him while glaring at him and start feeding yourself. “Don’t patronise me, you jerk.” You grumbled.
Jimin almost cooed out loud at your pout but he barely controlled himself. Since when were you this cute? He watched as you ate.
“Is it good?” 
“...yes” You reluctantly answered, still pouting.
Jimin smiled, leaning back on his chair as he pat himself on his shoulder. “Another job done well by yours truly.”
You rolled your eyes. Then you noticed that Jimin’s ice cream looked slightly different to yours. It wouldn’t hurt to ask for a bite. Would it?
“What’s on yours?” Jimin looked up, the tiny spoon still in his mouth. “What’s on your ice cream?”
“Just extra sprinkles and chocolate sauce, nothing too special.” He shrugged, continuing to devour his dessert. You stare at your cup and then at his. Something must have been possessing you because before you knew it you were leaning over and digging your spoon into his cup.
“Hey, you can’t just do that!”
“Pretty sure I just did.” You popped the spoon into your mouth, savouring the taste. “You know you really weren’t kidding when you said this was good. For once, you did something right, congrats dude.” 
Jimin would have made a snarky comment but the look of pure ecstasy on your face stopped him. Even though he knew you for most of his life, there were parts you kept hidden. He knew you didn’t get out much, constantly studying was the only thing you seemed to do. A nice feeling bubbled inside of him. It was nice to know you were enjoying yourself, made him feel happy for some reason. 
You giggled, shoving more of the sweet dessert into your mouth. Too busy to notice that Jimin was staring at you. When you did, you gave him a look of confusion.
“What’s wrong?”
“You got a little something here.” He pointed to the left side of his face, holding in the urge to laugh at your cute expression. “No here, no.” He leaned over brushing his thumb over the corner of your lips. He stared at you, had your eyes always been so pretty? You felt yourself grow red at the close proximity between you two, not knowing what to do. Jimin leaned away, - why did your heart sink at that? - and licked his thumb. “Love this flavour.”
You avert your eyes quickly, blush getting brighter. You should not have found that as hot as you did. Get yourself together Y/N! Park Jimin, enemy number one! Nothing he does is mildly attractive. Nothing. He is the devil reincarnated!
Suddenly your phone started ringing, shattering whatever moment you two had going on. You picked up the device and checked the caller ID. Why was Jungkook calling now? You gave Jimin a sheepish look.
“Hello? I’m out. No. What? How did you- Alright alright.” Jimin watched as you spoke on your phone. 
You sighed in annoyance, hanging up after a while and giving Jimin a sheepish smile, “I need to go. Jungkook somehow made the microwave catch on fire.” 
Jimin raised his eyebrows in shock, looking at you as if you had grown two more heads. “What? How is that even possible?”
“Not a clue but I gotta dip. Thank you for inviting me here today. I still think you’re up to something though but whatever.” You spoke, getting up from your seat and grabbing your small messenger bag that you brought along. 
Jimin stood up alongside you, the both of you walking out of the shop and stopping on the sidewalk. “Yeah… Thank you for coming here with me.”
You two stood there staring at each other, not wanting to leave just yet. 
“Well then! I’ll see you on Monday. Bye Jimin,” You announced after a while, quickly pressing a small kiss on his cheek before dashing away. 
Jimin stood there in shock, hands raising to touch where you kissed him. Why was his heart racing so fast and why did he feel so warm inside? 
“Huh.. maybe you’re not so bad Y/L/N” Jimin spoke up to himself before he too started his walk back home, mind filled with thoughts of you.
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jimlingss · 3 years
Hey Kina!! any advice about the LSAT exam you could provide? I’m about to graduate as well, and I haven’t taken the LSAT yet QQ, I’m starting to study now and planning to take it August. I’m in Canada I’m hoping to get a response by December after I finish my application in Oct.
LG and reading comp. literally traumatize me with the time limit and I feel so burnt out whenever I look at the books and plan my time for how many hours i need to study a week. I’m only really only a week in and my head pounds.
I would really appreciate the advice! I’m an absolute fan of all of your stories, i don’t know how you manage to juggle writing with school and upcoming graduation, what a god 🤯
you give me too much credit but hell yes I have advice regarding the LSAT. That exam is really something and it feels like I’ve went to hell and back so I’m happy to help others however I can with it.
I’ll break this answer down with my experience and then my recommendation.
Experience: I started studying for the LSAT six months before I took it. I went in completely blind and started with practice test LSAT 40 and scored about 143. ofc I timed it. When you take the practice exams, you have to simulate actual testing conditions as best as you can, so that means printing it out and doing it with the timing restrictions. The first 3 LSAT tests I did I scored in the 140s. 
I gradually improved and hit the 150s range. At first I did the entire test in one sitting (with breaks ofc) but it’s so time consuming that I started just doing one section a day. But on Saturdays, I did one entire practice test and on Sundays I would mark that + go through it. So on average, I did 2 practice tests a week. 
But then disaster struck when I was stuck in the 150s. 
From practice LSAT 43-70 no matter how much I went through it, how much I studied, I could not break into the 160s that I needed. At best I could maybe get 159, but typically I was scoring 155. Which clearly isn’t enough. I started to panic. I knew I needed to do something different. 
So I picked up The Loophole by Ellen Cassidy. During that time, I didn’t do any practice tests whatsoever. I stopped doing LSAT and went through the book a chapter a day. And while it’s focused in LR, a few chapters really helped me out with reading comp. I think there’s 14 chapters (if I remember correctly) so it took me around 2 weeks to go through it. Maybe I should’ve slowed down but I was running out of time. But the book helped me break into the 160s. I loved it.
I was pretty happy and relieved and from LSAT 70ish-89, I was scoring from 160-169 with an average of 164. 
COVID was a thing by then so the LSAT was online. I had saved the two practice tests they have online and practiced with those and when the day came, I did it in a quiet space without any interruption. I ended up with a 160.
A bit of a bummer considering I was scoring 164 consistently before that but it’s good enough, I can’t really complain. I decided not to re-take it.
Recommendation: Honestly if I had to recommend to someone how to approach the LSAT, I’d tell them to take the first 3 LSAT practice tests blind w/o any knowledge of what it is and without any prior textbook reading. Learn by doing it and get the gist of what it’s about. 
After the first 3 LSAT practice tests, pick up The LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim. I don’t have experience with it personally but I’ve heard great things about it from others. ((For me - I thought I didn’t need textbooks and I could study completely on my own but that was very dumb. I honestly wish I had more time, I would’ve picked this book up + the Loophole sooner)).
After completing The LSAT trainer (try to do it in a month? to not waste time? if possible). Then do a few more LSAT practice tests. I’d say 5 of them? 
After that, pick up The Loophole. Do that within a month. Then just keep rolling with the LSAT practice tests.
The most recent practice test released is your holy grail. That will be the test most similar to the actual test you will receive so make sure you save that one but make it one of your last tests. For me that was LSAT 89 (or 90?) but there might’ve been newer ones by now. There’s no point in studying LSAT 1-39 because they’re so old that it won’t be that similar to what you’ll take. 
ALTERNATIVELY - Sign up for 7sage. I know loooots of people do that. Don’t really know how it works since I haven’t used it but it’s advantageous if your LSAT will be online since 7sage is also online. 
I’d still pick up those two books I mentioned above tho. 
Other Recommendations - LSAT is sooo time consuming that your whole day is basically consumed by it. Not to mention you have to mark it and learn your mistakes afterwards. Look into doing a timed section a day? That’s only 35 mins so it becomes wayyy more manageable.
Also take marking very seriously. You learn just as much from what you did right and wrong as actually doing the timed section.
Another note, make a whole schedule to manage yourself. I made a google document on what I was going to do every single day. What section. What practice exam. What chapter of what textbook. Plan it all and then by the end when you have the plan, you’ll feel a lot more comforted. Like wow it’s not thatttt much + as long as I follow through with this and do a little a day, I’ll make it.
One more thing - take the exam when you start consistently scoring what you want to score. If you want to score in the 160s and you’ve been hitting that mark for the past 5-10 exams, you are probably ready. If you study too much, that’s a bad thing too. You want that sweet spot timing before you’re burnt out.
Also take breaks. Schedule them in. One day breaks. It’s easy to be burnt out.
((I got most of my practice tests for free btw on b-ok.cc)).
Now I’ll be a bit more specific in my advice....
LR - The Loophole helped me a lot with LR. Also I did a lot of LR practice questions and I naturally started to pick up on patterns. But this section fluctuated a lot for me. Sometimes I did well, sometimes I did poorly.
underline the ones you’re unsure about and move on. it’s better to just go back if you have time in the end then wasting time dwelling on it when you could be getting others right.
Reading Comp - At the beginning I fluctuated a lot with this section. But the first chapter of the Loophole really helped me improve and break down readings. The sentences in reading comps are very long winded and purposely written poorly, so keep that in mind. Just read slowly and soak in as much as you can the first time. I was never a fan of the advice of reading it over twice. It felt like a waste of time. Instead, the first time, as you read, try to guess what might be important or a question and underline it. That helped me. 
Games - My favourite section and the section that you can most easily improve on. Just do a lot of practice games and then watch the videos on how others do it. Once you master a game style, you’ll know how to replicate it in the future.
for some reason timing started to become an issue for me later on in the games section in spite of having improved on it, but I realized it was because I was dwelling and double checking when I didn’t need to.
In general: LSAT is a super interesting test as it’s unlike any other test. It’s not dependent on information that you’re supposed to know. It’s not studying info and being asked questions on it. It’s not regurgitation. It’s not memorization. And in that way, ANYONE can improve. It’s a test you can learn. So don’t lose hope!!
And good luck!
((edit - some things I forgot to mention. I tried to pick up Powerscore but their system was so complicated, I zoned out. some folks like the book tho. I’d still recommend the Loophole. also I hope this doesn’t make me seem like a know it all and that this is wayyyy too difficult - I literally started crying once while taking a timed exam. the test is stressful so its ok its understandable to have a breakdown. i sure did lol. so give yourself a break if you start getting stressed.)) 
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rosesvioletshardy · 4 years
can we do it? - billy/four - chapter 3
chapter 3 is here and i’m surprised i’m still writing this story despite y’all don’t really read it (not really begging you guys to do so but it’s your choice) but it keeps me sort of busy until i get called into work and start school.
also this isn’t edited btw
summary: one team, seven people, two lovers, things are about to get crazy and zero and four don’t know if they can do it with everything that is going on
# of words: 2,246
warnings: angst?, language, fluff?
taglist: (message or inbox me if you want to be tagged)
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The next few days were a blur for everyone. Seven has officially met everyone but questioned as to why there were only six of them instead of eight and why they skipped six. Zero did the part and explained it to him despite One wanting her not to tell him and everyone could still see that she was grieving. One gave Four a talk about him and Zero and he felt more guilt than he could imagine. He didn’t know that One had practically forced her to say that they were only friends but even then she still wouldn’t talk to him. Not after the way he treated her. It was his turn with Seven to talk about what they do and talk about One. They were sitting in another trailer that wasn’t really occupied that he used to watch his shows that were filled with dvds with Wally the dog and the Beaver show One loved so much playing in the background. Four was sitting in a chair throwing random cds after seeing what they were as Seven asked him a question.
“Hey, what do you know about One?”
“Well, for starters, he loves Wally the dog. He’s obsessed with this beaver show. I think he’s an orphan now that I come to it actually. We got a little bet on it if you want to put some money in. He really got rid of every evidence about his existence that even Zero can’t find, but I think she knows.” he told him
“This is an interesting crew you got here, bro. How many missions have you guys run?”  he asked
“Counting Florence? Uh, one.” 
“One what?” Seven asked eyeing him confused
“Actually, no, there was, um this, like, mini-mission, so maybe one and a quarter. It was in Sicily. But Florence? Absolute shitshow. I mean, if I wasn’t there, probably more than one of us dead. That’s all I’m saying” four said turning to face him 
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“I don’t fuck around”
“You realize I just buried myself in front of my family and friends?” “Yeah, One told me about that. Big military funeral. Guns popping, flags. It was pretty cool. At my funeral, there were only five people there and two of them left before the end. It is tough watching your mum cry at your grave. I feel like mine is still cursing at my grave for it. Love that woman, I do miss her, but you get over it. Anyways, this mission. I got a good feeling. I got a really good feeling about this mission.” Four said with a proud smile
“Yeah. how come you can’t find this guy?” Seven asked looking at a picture of Rovach’s brother
“I don’t know. Zero can usually find anyone but she’s been off since the last mission and isn’t in the right headspace for it. I tried telling her to take a break but she isn’t listening. To me or the advice. The only thing she said was that Americans caught him a few years back.”
“I don’t know. Maybe Zero has something to do with it? Maybe Two as well, she has some sort of training that seems like it would tie into it.  Not sure but that’s all she said and won’t tell me anything else without One’s permission.” Four told him as seven went and sat next to him
“What’s going on between the two of you? Are you guys dating? Did you date in the past? What is it?”
Four didn’t know how to answer the question because he still wasn’t over his feelings for her and neither was she but the two couldn’t be together and she wasn’t listening or talking to him. He sat there quietly as he tried to figure out something to say. 
“Well, there isn’t anything going on between us because One has this rule that none of us can hook up and if we do, it basically has to be if we are undercover, with someone else,  and it’s the last thing we need to do.” “But what about two and three? They seem like they’re hooking up.”
“Yeah I don’t know why he’s all up in our business when he should be paying attention to them but I think it has to do with the fact that we almost kissed and I guess he saw us. Which is really creepy if you think about it now. Also, maybe because he sees her as a little sister and he doesn’t want to get hurt again.” he said before finishing what he was talking about Rovach’s brother
“Back to what I was saying. The Americans caught him years back and gave him to his brother. The bald looking fella. You like him though, One?
“I mean, I guess I didn't really get to know him that much and we mainly talked about me. Feel like he was an asshole when he was younger.” Seven told him
 “Yeah he's definitely an asshole, but a likable asshole, no?”
“Well, out of all of us, probably likes you the most.” four said
“What about Zero? She seems to be on his good side and close to him”
“Yeah she was the first one recruited and knows most of her past. Thinks of her like a little sister. They’re like twins but not twins. They’re both good at hiding their trails and finding people and all that. From what I’ve heard they actually had a run with each other when she used his tech to find out all this stuff on American politicians that almost got her arrested before all of this. They both realized how helpful this stuff is since the government doesn't help anyone.”
 One knew all about her past and he wondered if that was why he didn’t want someone like her to be with someone like Four but he didn’t tell either one of them that to make sure there wasn’t going to be drama between them.
“So you guys aren’t together? Even going behind his back and trying to secretly date?”
“No it’s too risky mate, and plus she said she only sees me as a brother and a friend”
“Damn. I haven't even known you guys a whole week and I think the two of you would’ve actually been good together.”
As they continued to talk, Zero walked past them and overheard the last of their conversation and how Seven liked her and Four together. It made her a little red until she remembered what One said and she continued to walk to where she was going. 
They haven’t done much besides try and figure out where the four generals were and figure out a plan as to who was going to get the information out of them. Deciding it should be Three and Two since they have the most training and are more qualified for it they got everything ready. Four and Zero have started to talk again and are slowly reforming the friendship they had before. He tried to make it look like he wasn’t hurt by the fact that the first person he liked didn’t like him back and that he wasn’t threatened about dating her. 
The day of the mission had everyone feeling nervous. Even though they had gone over everything they still felt like something was bound to go wrong like what happened in Florence. They had packed up everything they were going to need while in  Las Vegas after finding out who is in charge of handing off Rovach’s brother. After gathering in their “Batcave”, Zero started to list off everything that was going to happen when they get there and how they all needed to be careful
“Listen, there are pretty much cameras covering every single inch of Las Vegas. You have to be careful about what or who you decide to go as or else they’ll have your face plastered on the news within the minute. Rovach set the four generals up in the penthouse and there’s going to a party, so be careful of who you injure.” zero told them
“Don’t worry, I used to be a hitman. I got this.” Three told her as he started packing everything
“Didn’t you almost shoot Four before Florence?” Five asked smirking remembering the memory
“Nearly took my ear out. Couldn’t hear anything out of the left ear for almost a week” Four grumbled
“I paid you back with the spaghetti carbonara and the many beers.” 
The rest of the group couldn’t help but smile and laugh while One let out a sigh at the group he had created and how they were acting like children. 
“This means that you can’t fuck up and you have to choose wisely. Even though she’s going to be staying, Zero is going to keep an eye on all three of us at all times and stay in communication with us. Who knows what they’re going to do while they're there.”
“Please I’m a grown man. I can handle my shit. I know what i’m going to be though”
“Don’t think that’s how the expression goes. Don’t handle you shit, flush it down the toilet like a grown ass man. You have to disappear. One more thing, just because all three of us are going to be doesn’t mean any of you can do shit.” One said mainly aiming at Zero and Four as their eyes darted each other for a split second
Now, we’re done. Leave and get ready.” He finished
The rest of the night was just them getting everything prepared as Zero made sure every form of communication was connected to each other was hooked up with one another and her computers. The group disbanded and went their separate ways back to their trailers before Four stopped in his tracks wanting to talk to Zero. He waited until everyone had left the room before he talked to her. Why he wanted to talk to her was so he can make amends but he didn’t know if she would talk to him or even want to be alone with him so he decided he wasn’t going to do anything and left her alone. Before he left, he took one last look at her and the way she was focused on getting everything set up. Yeah, he knew people as quick and smart as her, but he never has met anyone who was just as kind as her and would rather deal with other people’s problems rather than take on her own. She has been like that since she was a child, always had this maternal instinct to make sure everyone’s needs were put first. Maybe that was why she was so reserved and didn’t talk much of her own life that night and she made sure he didn’t feel uncomfortable when talking about his past life. Rather than hanging out with the crowds and going to parties throughout high school and college all the time, she would focus on her studies, only going every now and then. 
Gathering up her stuff and the papers she had, but stopped as soon as she saw Four turn around and she didn’t stop him in time as he skated off back to his trailer. She let out a sigh and walked back to hers. It took her awhile to get adjusted to her new life and she still wasn’t used to how they lived. They had everything they could’ve asked for, yet it still didn’t feel like home for her no matter how many things she had with her from her past life. Turning on her music and getting ready for a bath to relax, she heard a knock on the door interrupting her quiet time. Setting everything down on the sink, she went back to the front. Opening the door she saw Four standing there with his hood up and hands in his pockets waiting.
The two stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before she remembered to invite him in instead of standing outside.
“I’m sorry, please come in.” she gestured moving out of the way letting Four step in. He looked around her place and noticed everything she talked about with him about herself and from what he saw that one time looked like everything she’d described. Vinyls were neatly stacked, fairy lights were hung all across, monitors that covered one corner of the room, and pictures of family and friends everywhere. He thought it felt right for her and more her style. The two of them walked over to her bed and sat down in quiet for what felt like forever before Four spoke up.
“I’m sorry.” 
“For what? You didn’t do anything wro-” she tried to tell him before getting interrupted by him
“Yes I did. I treated you like shit even by not talking to you and just overall being me” he said
“But you didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, it’s my fault I'm the one who had to hide away their true feelings and then forced to say something I didn’t want to say.”
“Zero please, cut the b-” Four started to say before he felt lips on top of his. 
At first, he was shocked until he loosened up and kissed her back. Their lips began to move together in sync as his hands moved to cup her face as hers snaked around his neck.
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sandalaris · 4 years
SethKate for the 10 sentence meme?
one sentence per genre for a pairing
How can anyone do any of these with just one sentence?! At least I tried.... there’s a lot of run on sentences in this, btw, although after a few I just decided the one sentence rule could shove it and went with keeping each one short, and at least one I said screw it and made it pretty long for a one-sentence story.
1. Angst
A shadow self, that’s what Amaru called them, the ones she twisted and turned and brought forth from the other side, and logically Kate knows he had no choice, knows he did what he had to do to save Richie and her and the world, but logic has no hold in the face of screaming gaping wound in her chest that pulses and weeps grief and guilt when she looks at Seth’s face. It’s a cruel and ugly twist of fate, to still love the man who killed her brother.
A/N: A mild AU I will never write (but have thought about what would happen before) in which Amaru did her shadow-self thing on Scott and Seth is forced to kill him.
2. AU
There’s nothing wrong with the school itself, she decides, even if she does find some of its rules and traditions a bit odd. She wouldn’t even need to be here except Our Lady of Sorrow holds the only duel credit program with both an opening in Statistics and Intro to Psych that was willing to let Kate in given her... unusual circumstances (being homeschooled, a devout Baptist, and technically enrolled at a local public high school - a PE credit apparently requires a bit more than her daddy and the internet can provide - had her sure that even applying was a lost cause). She only has to spend half a day on campus and only one of her classes is even near the annex building so she hardly sees Seth (she refuses to call him “Mr. Gecko” on principle. She’s only somewhat a student here, and he is certainly not her teacher, even if he is a teacher.. she thinks).
She’s counting the weeks until the semester ends.
A/N: I would love to read this as a full fic... just not sure I want to write it, lol. 
3. Crack
No. Nuh-uh. No way. Seth is not some pansy assed prince charming setting out on a quest or one of those glory seeking wannabe knights who graduate from the Fairytale Training Academy, and he’s certainly never wanted to be anyone’s goddamn hero, so little miss damsel in distress, who’s probably some secret lost princess because Seth’s read this tale before and he hated it the first time around, can save her sob story for some other guy because he is absolutely not-
A/N: A reluctant Seth who is entirely too aware of fairy tale tropes and trying everything he can not to be in a one? Way more amusing than it should be to me.
4. Future fic
Seth eyes the group of sparkly wrapped boxes sitting on the counter with distrust, part of him already counting their numbers and trying to figure out how many have his name on them. After last year, when Seth managed to sneak a peek at every single last gift and “ruined the surprise,” Kate had managed to hide every Christmas present so well he’d begun to wonder if she’d decided he didn’t get any this year.
He reaches for a small, shiny box, the tag just peeking out from the curly bow and revealing a “th” in a familiar loopy penmanship, when Kate suddenly hisses behind him.
“Don’t even think about it.”
A/N: “Future” makes me think domestic fic (at least in FDtD), and that’s not an area I’m real familiar with, so *waves hand* this is what you get. :P
5. First Time
Her hands are shaking. Not visibly, but enough to make her fingers feel weak and the gun in her grip far too dangerous.
“You ready?”
She doesn’t know if she’s imagining the doubt in Seth’s voice, regret bleeding through at agreeing for her to play a bigger role, but she nods firmly anyways, tightening her grip and stepping forward.
A/N: Kate’s first heist... although I doubt Seth let her use a gun the first time. Too dangerous in the hands of an amateur. And I’m pretty sure Seth kept Kate’s role as danger-free and background as he could, because she was still fighting so hard to be considered an equal partner at the beginning of S2.
6. Fluff
She’s just managed to settle into the perfect spot when the bed shifts slightly behind her and a familiar hand fumbles sleepily at her arm and over her stomach before finding the hollow dip of her waist. Kate lets out a half-hearted protest, bits of warmth escaping at the blanket slips down and the sheet bunching beneath her as Seth wastes no time tugging her across the mattress, the sound dying into a soft laugh as he tucks her half under him and grumbles wordlessly against her temple without even opening his eyes. She shifts, tugging the corner of the pillow down a bit so its not digging into her neck before letting out a happy sigh. Perfect.
7. Humor (I had a hard time with this one, so I just wrote something random)
Kate makes a noise of frustration, pushing herself from her chair and snapping, “I’m gonna die a virgin. Again!”
“You know,” Richie says with far too much brotherly glee, “if you’re looking for someone to-”
“Shut up, Richard!”
8. Hurt/Comfort (another one where I didn’t exactly want to go full hurt/comfort, so instead I went Hurt? As in injury? Yeah, lets go with that.)
“Ohgodohgodohgod.” She can’t seem to stop the litany of words, repeated phrase cycling through her mind as she presses harder. There’s blood, so much blood, seeping red and too thick through her fingers that she can’t even feel the pain.
She should feel it, she thinks, she did before. Or maybe its better that she can’t, she doesn’t want a repeat of the well.
She takes another step, seeing the door just a few steps away. There are people beyond it, Seth and Richie’s people (Seth’s going to be so pissed, she thinks with a kind of worrying detachment.) It’s a simple goal: get to the door. Everything will be alright if she can just get to the door.
A/N: Kate is totally OK in this. It’s bad, but not as bad as she thinks, and while she doesn’t make it to the door before collapsing, someone comes through really quickly and sees her.
9. Smut  Hand holding?
The leather is soft against his skin, well worn from years of near continuous use and Kate’s dedicated care. He remembers when she first got them, the fancy looking box with its folded tissue paper holding them inside like they were a gift. He had hated them, hated the way they covered Kate’s small, deadly hands, the way Dad expected for her to be grateful, how necessary they were.
He slides his hand up, pad of his thumb brushing over the expensive leather covering her palm before it presses against the soft, vulnerable skin of her inner wrist, and he swears for a moment her can feel the nervous flutter of her pulse before he curls his fingers to lock around her wrist.
She looks at him, an amused quirk of to the edge of her lips as he raises her hand between them and he meets her gaze, not bothering to measure the redness of her eyes as he reaches his free hand up to pinch the fabric just above her pinkie.
“What’re yo-” She cuts off with a choked gasp when he tugs, but doesn’t jerk back. He’s inexplicably proud of her for it.
Her eyes are wide and a little panicked, bottom lip trapped between her teeth as she watches him tug at the top of each finger, loosening the well-fitting glove until it sits loose on her small hand.
He takes in a shaky breath, feeling unaccountably nervous as he grips the empty tip of the glove’s middle finger, like he’s removing far more than just a simple bit of leather. But then again, maybe he is. After all, Kate’s almost never lets any of them see her without her gloves, not willingly.
He pauses at the thought, gaze flicking away from his task to look at Kate. He regrets it almost immediately. He wasn’t going to stop once he started, wasn’t going to give Kate cause to think he held any of the fear she’s convinced he must feel. But maybe she sees the question in his eyes, or feel it in the sure way he holds her wrist because she nods, small and hesitant but there. He pulls the glove the rest of the way off and lets it fall to the floor.
He lets out a breath just as Kate seems to suck one in, her gaze locked on her bare fingers and Seth loosens his grip, fingers already turning so he can run the flat of his palm up her wrist, forearm pressing against forearm as his hand aligns with hers.
He’s grinning, sudden and full of too much smug satisfaction if Kate’s affectionate eye roll is anything to go by, but Seth doesn’t care, already lacing their fingers together so he can hold her hand proper for once.
A/N: This is part of a tUA inspired AU that has no plot and therefore will never be written. But I know exactly what Kate and Seth’s abilities are, which is part of why this is such a thing for Kate here and why Seth feels her fears are unfounded.
10. UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension)
She doesn’t blink, barely seems to be breathing, holding herself so carefully behind her desk, straight backed and fingers laced together as she stares stubbornly up at him. He smiles, slow and measured and knowing, letting his gaze sweep over the cardigan she’s begun buttoning all the way up since he joined her little class, before leaning close, meeting her gaze and dropping his voice low, like a secret between them.
“And what do I get if I get it right?”
A/N: Seth goes back to school to get his GED, Ms. Fuller is not what he was expecting. I actually had a whole scene playing through my head for this, because I like build up, and it was really hard to pick just a small part to put here.
None of these are edited, despite how long it took to post, meaning I have mixed feelings on them, lol. I think I like more of them than I expected to, so yay!
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selfcareparker · 3 years
okay fghsgdj yes you can say girl ! my pronouns are she/her :) okay but fr pause, i read this like 3 minutes after you posted it (or at least my notif said 3mins lmao) bUT IM IN BED AND I USUALLY HAVE MY COMPUTER OPEN WITH YOUR RESPONSE SO I MAKE SURE I ADDRESS EVERYTHING AND THEN SEND IN THE ASK ON MY PHONE HDGSJSH anyway, time to get my ass up 😔 but wait i find you so funny like honestly, reading that cracked me all the way up. and i feel the “lol” thing so hard!!!! idk why i do it all the time (i’m tryna stop) but i’ll say something with lol at the beginning and lol at the end... it might be a defense mechanism at this point lol (😔) AND (i need to stop with the uppercase too it’s not funny anymore) I DONT KNOW WHY I LAUGHED SO HARD JDHSK WHEN YOU SAID ALSO AGAIN HAHAHAH LIKE UR HAHHAH also my sleep schedule is not pretty either lmao but i’m homeschooled so i never have to get up for anything? hhdhsis idk but i’m glad you slept!! you need sleep!!
also (pls no i cannot) why did i not know what ykwim meant until i reread this?? like it makes so much sense- anyway! i think it’s so cool that you’re excited for university! idk why but i do lol like you’re getting ready for the future (masters degree and all that) & you’re (maybe) going to england anyway so that’s cool haha (hopefully when you go you can see your relatives 🤞🏾)
the fact that you get happy seeing my asks i- 💓💓
you make me wanna go to London & England so bad urghhhh like i’ve only been out of the country once (to Canada for a family reunion) but it sounds so prettyyyyy & i’m so sorry that cov*d is messing everything up and i hope you can see your relatives soon :(
now to address the whole english speaking/writing: I FIND THAT SO WEIRD DUHSKSJ i don’t know how an english speaking person could say that if you don’t write it 100% grammatically correct.... that it’s wrong? when literally, over here at least, WE’RE SO GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT HAHHAAH in both the way we talk and write!! and lol you’re welcome,, AND THE PARAGRAPH DID MAKE SENSE HDHSJSH & your rant is fine because... that is actually a bit ??? bc no one writes with 100% grammar lol
OH MY GOSH (see this uppercase thing is addictive) YOU STUDIED LATIN FOR 6 YEARS??? that’s really cool 🥺 the way that you know/speak 3+ languages i- NOT EVEN 3+ LIKE 6+ (german, english, latin, french, serbian, italian, and everything that comes with latin lmao) even if it’s just a tiny bit like wowee. it is really fascinating!!! i had the opportunity to take latin and i... didnt. i took art instead BUT ONLY CUZ MY FRIENDS WERE IN THAT CLASS AND ART LOOKED FUN IM SORRY
PLEASE WHY DO YOU KNOW EVERYONE?? that sounds so fricking cool tell your mom (mum or mama it’s really fine lol) that she sounds awesome. i think Jamaica would be fun either way!! i mean it looks pretty from pictures? i was a baby so i honestly have no recollection hahaha
LMAOO NOT U SAYING THIS IS LONGER THAN SOME OF MY FICS- PLEASE GIRL IM TELLING YOU I VERBALLY LAUGHED HAHAHAHAHAH but yea you really don’t need to apologize i like reading everything you say 🥺 HDKSHS AND UR FINE WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT ME BEFORE uhhh hmm uhh lemme think i, well, i saw chaos walking yesterday (big tom holland fan over here) and it was alright.. my mom acted a fool at all the jump scares LMAO but it was funny... since i’m talking about movies (this is hella random i know) but i like shark movies HDKJSSJ my favorite is the meg (it’s so good ohmigosh) and the 47 meters down movies aren’t bad either... i have two younger brothers... iiiii AM IN LOVE WITH MUSIC PHEW anddd i’m homeschooled (i think i mentioned that lol) i think that’s a good amount ahahaha AND IM HUNGRY RN JDHSJ
now. please. let me address the edit. i just want you to know that.. when i talk about your fics and i finish them and everything i’m not looking for more? like obviously if you’re writing i’m gonna read it but you don’t need to feel pressured or anything (idk if you do) to put more fics out lol like they’re great and i’m just sending the praise bc i love the ones that are there :’) but i’m so happy you’re working through your writers block!!! yay so so happy for you!!! and PUHLEASE anything you write is fantastic, i feel the exact same way when i write but girl. you’re fine. it’s gonna be great. (idk if this made any sense but... okay)
(and my cousin calls her mom mama so it’s really okay hahah i even call my mom mama sometimes) (and where you got the number “16 sentences” beats me but i still cracked up) (is this me pretending i had tags? maybe) HAHAHAHA OK BYE ❤️❤️ why did this take me so long to send i have no clue, AND WHY AM I OVERTHINKING EVERYTHING I SAID SHAJSHSJ ANYWAY BYE btw i love us too... like iconic // lovely anon 💓
me reading this:
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also the dedication you put into sending me stuff— like with the laptop and phone and ahsksk 🥺🥺🥺
i’ll update you when i’ve started uni btw, i’m getting more and more excited every single day haha but i still have 3 weeks until it starts and even then I’ll obviously have to get used to it and everything, but you’re making me even more excited about it sksjshsg
yeah i wanna go to england too dkshsh let’s be sad together over the fact the we can’t travel eksjsh😔😭 but hopefully the wait will make it even better in the end <33 also i talk to loads of relatives over the phone at least once a week so it’s not too bad for me! but i miss their house 😭lmao
and i knowww snshsh so many native english speakers just make so many mistakes— and obviously i get that some things are slang but some things are simply wrong ajsh, the thing is no one has ever told me that my english is bad (i know it’s not bad anyway, but i’m still insecure) or no one has ever pointed out any mistakes, but yeah it’s mostly just insecurity dkshsg but yes thanks for saying what you said (previously as well as in this ask)😌🥰
Okay now for latin— girlll i don’t blame u for choosing art over latin esp. when all of your friends are doing art as well!! I’d choose art over latin as well lol skshsg but in year 6 we had to choose between latin and french, and at the time i didn’t like french? which was dumb of me and now i wanna learn french ekdhs but i don’t regret choosing latin at all bc if i properly learn french one day then i’ll already know understand loads of stuff (or at least some stuff lol) just thanks to latin 😌😌 but still, art>>>latin skskshshgs
I wanna watch chaos walking too!!! But i don’t get when/where/how it’s out lmao, cinemas are still closed here so i’ll either have to wait or find it somewhere online... il*egally 🥰 i don’t have high expectations at all btw but i like daisy and tom and the dog🥺 so i think i’ll enjoy it
GIRL SHARK FILMS SHARK FOLMS SKSJSHSHS okay so there are a few classics i haven’t watched yet, and also a few new ones that i haven’t seen yet BUT I LOVE SHARK FILMS SO MUCH SKSHSGSGSKK the first like proper shark film i ever watched was the shallows (which i like but my brain is still too small to comprehend what happened at the end (i mean i get it but i just can’t imagine it— idek if you’ve seen the film but skshhs)) and after watching it three times it does get a bit boring (but now whenever i see pictures or videos of big waves i’m just waiting for a shark to show up like come ON SKSJSG
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^^^that pic/scene really traumatised me sksjsh but i still like the film
I only watched jaws like a few months ago, and i get that it’s a classic and also that it’s old and they just didn’t have the best.. equipment or special effects or whatever but i mean... look at meg and then look at jaws.... no disrespect to jaws at ALL but the meg is so much cooler. (That one scene on the boat where the shark just JUMPS OUT OF THE WATER AND SKSJSHHSUSJHA i get such a shock every time it’s so good (and the dog aww aksjshssli 🥺🥺🥰 and the boy with the ice cream lmao he’s iconic)
47 metres down, wow, i liked that film too. (i’ve only watched the original/first one i think) i mean that is such a fucking nightmare scenario like ALSJDHSNEMSKDJSHSJSKWBALSODUEWBSLDKHDJSNSKSKSHSGEBWKAISGSHEKEKSKLDJDJDHDHSHAGGA (that’s the best way i can express my feelings about that scenario lmao)
oh and i’ve recently been watching more horror films but i don’t know if they’re for me... I like the thrill and whatever but i just end up being scared for my life when i have to go to the bathroom at night or when i’m trying to sleep bc suddenly my mind is flooded with all the scary shit from the films ����💀💀
and music i mean... you know those people who just don’t listen to music? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM???? i honestly like all genres especially in the last year, i am IN LOVE with Nicki Minaj + Megan andddd Stormzy and i like Harry Styles but i prefer his first solo album (and obviously one direction has bangers i have a throwback 1D session at least once a month), I also love MGK especially his new stuff and otherwise i mostly listen to german artists lmao. So who do you like?💖 (WHY DO I FEEL LIKE YOURE GONNA SAY SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SKAHAGUS IF YOU LISTEN TO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MUSIC DONT JUDGE ME AJSHDJS) (i know you’re not gonna judge me but)
++ @ the thing you said about writing, don’t worry, i don’t feel pressured at all!!! (not by you and not by anybody else.. except myself sometimes lol) and i’m just very happy that you liked my fics 🥰🥰🥰 and if i start telling people that i’m writing a fic then sometimes it puts a bit of (healthy) pressure on me. like yes sometimes it really is writer’s block, but sometimes i really am just lazy ddkshhd so now that i’ve told you i’m writing a fic i might get my ass up quicker than i would if i hadn’t told anyone 😌😌😌
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captryanclark · 4 years
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24-25 June 2020 // The days Hugh Laurie replied to me 2 times in 24 hours
Here’s the story:  -on the first picture 24th June 2020: someone tweeted about his book The Gun Seller being their current favorite book, then an anon account using Bart Simpson’s pic as pfp said something like “only 3 people read his book”, that’s why he’s saying “oh no, you’re not all three people Bart knows?”  then i wrote him that tweet, in defence of him of course and i wasnt really expecting anything but then his tweet notification came in, i saw him tweeted in Turkish but it wasnt in a “reply”. Twitter glitches sometimes like this or he accidentally hit the wrong reply button when he was trying to write in Turkish. It was so sweet of him and actually enough for me. I never ask for more, i know how to settle with what i’ve got in my life. Btw it’s not a translated version, he probably wrote it as he remembered Turkish, which is very sweet and kind of him. Because that “teşekkür” word is really hard for foreigners so we understand when they say “tessekur” instead. “Teşekkür ederim” means “Thank you!”. And this whole thing was enough to celebrate which i did for that night. But some people kept asking “uh, are you sure he replied to you?” like no he decided to talk in Turkish all of a sudden jfc. i had to explain this to people that day all day. Also i had a very long and shitty day so him doing that boosted my mood so it was all enough for me.
-the other day, on 25th June: i was still in shock of him replying in Turkish the previous night but you know, people gotta live on with their lives so i was living on, at around like 7:25 pm, i started playing the guitar, with my laptop opened, twitter tab was opened, my airpods were on but my phone was somewhere that my eyes cant see it, apparently, 5 mins later i started playing my guitar innocently, this man decided to reply to me properly like under something that i spent 3 days on, 45 hours to make for his birthday 2 WEEKS AGO!! 2 WEEKS AGO!! Man how did you even find that? Maybe he realized he replied under the wrong tweet the other day so he went there and found it. I assume he enjoyed the video cause thanked for the “send-off” haha, BUT HOW DID YOU FIND THAT!!! Some of my friends even saw it before i did and i literally checked my screen like “did he just... did he say this to me? Is this his real acc?? (there’s the fcking white tick) are we sure it’s him?....” once i came to believing that it’s actually him i started “what will i say him now....” it took me 15 mins to write a proper reply to him, and im still not okay with it cause i couldve made a better joke... Whatever happened in his mind and around there, i am so thankful, now i have a story to tell him if i meet him someday. The man i’ve been a fan of since was 16 years old, replied to me TWICE in 24 hours and i’ll forever be celebrating this. I literally wasnt expecting him to say anything or even see that birthday video i edited, he just went to look up my account or idk maybe searched my twitter handle and his own name and this came up, whatever happened, i cannot thank him enough for giving me the energy boost that i needed for a long time. Bless him for thinking of me and making me the happiest person on the planet for 2 days.... And if you now go to his acc on twitter, his last 2 activites were replying to me hahaskjdfhjksdf i feel privilaged hjsdhkasak
I couldnt go to his Istanbul gig in 2014 cause i broke my foot 1 week before that and my doctor strictly banned me from walking for 10 days so i was really upset and angry at myself... you know what... 6 years later, that footache officially healed after all of this... 
Hugh Laurie is a living legend and one of the kindest human beings in this world, i love him with all my heart❤️
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bittywitches · 5 years
Take Your Time (Grayson Dolan Fanfic)
A/N: This is basically me becoming super obsessed with the idea of husband!Grayson and I wanted to write a cute husband and wife thing rlly badlyyy  >.<
The idea is y/n is working at this newspaper but there’s an opening for a more executive position and she has to do this application for it which she’s super stressed out about. Grayson is there to help her feel a little better :)
(oh btw do y’all want me to do word counts? idk lmk)
Anyways thank you babies for reading ily <3
The click of the door shutting after a long day of work was really what Grayson needed to hear. 
He was absolutely exhausted, as he spent the entire day showing this one particularly annoying couple multiple downtown houses that seemed to fit their requests only for them to conclude with the idea that they’d rather get an apartment instead. 
He kicked off his shoes and sighed deeply, stretching out his back. His feet ached from having to walk the two to so many different residences, but either way, he was getting paid for it.
“Babe, I’m home!”
“Hi, honey!”
Grayson followed his wife’s voice and found her in the office room sitting cross-legged in the wheely chair. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she was wearing a loose T-shirt and checkered pajama pants. 
“How’s the most gorgeous girl in LA doing?” He threw his jacket and bag onto the armchair.
“Awful.” She swiveled around to face him and had her arms stretched out reaching for him. He hugged her, rubbing her back, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“How come, baby?”
“Ugh, it’s this stupid application stuff.” She turned back around to the computer. Grayson pulled up a chair and sat beside her.
“What’s the issue?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know!” She threw her hands up in the air. “It’s like anything I write, there’s just something wrong with it that I can’t put my finger on. I swear, I’ve written like seven versions of this exact same article.”
“It’s probably just the stress of having to get it done for tomorrow.” He rubbed her arm. “Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
She sighed. “But this article has to be perfect. This job could mean so much to me, I’d finally be able to have so much more control on the paper’s projects.” She looked over at him. “I really think I can do some good for this company. So I really don’t want to screw this up. It’s probably going to be my only chance.”
Grayson got up and kissed her on the forehead. “Whatever you write, they’re going to absolutely love it. I promise.”
She smiled. “Thank you, baby.”
He returned it. “I’m gonna go change. Have you eaten yet?”
“No, lost track of time.”
“Want me to make something?”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re probably tired from work.” She grabbed his arm. “Oh! Speaking of, how did it go with that couple?”
Grayson rolled his eyes. “I don’t want to distract you from your work, but to give you the short answer: not the greatest.”
“Aw, bub.”
“It’s okay. I’ll tell you about it after. Want me to heat up the leftover lasagna?”
“Yes, please.”
“You got it.”
A few minutes later, Grayson was in the kitchen, getting the leftovers from last night out of the fridge. He’d changed into an old T-shirt and sweatpants. 
He put the food in the microwave and started it. He yawned, stretching his arms above his head, groaning a little bit. He leaned against the kitchen island. 
Y/N had been working on this application for the past few days, and Grayson had to admit, he was glad it would be done by tomorrow. He obviously wanted her to get the job she wanted, but he hated how much it was stressing her out. He hadn’t had much time himself to help her out since his job had been taking up a lot of his time the past week. He wanted to do something special to relax her, but time sometimes just got the best of him.
He did love how passionate she was about writing, though. She worked so hard, it made him feel motivated to do more too. He just wished she would give herself a moment to breathe every once in a while. But then again, that is what he was there for.
He had started to fiddle with his wedding ring, which he tended to do quite often whenever he got lost in thought. It was a simple piece of jewelry, contrasting quite a bit to his father’s. It was a simple silver band, engraved with the initials of both his and her name. It was probably one of his favourite things in the whole world because it made it feel like she was always with him even when she wasn’t. 
He smiled to himself, thinking how, just three years before, he dreamed of spending the rest of his life with Y/N. And now he was.
“Babe, come eat!” He shouted.
“Yea, in a minute...”
“Gorgeous come on, you need to eat.” He took the plates out of the microwave and set them onto the dining table.
“I gotta finish this Gray...”
Grayson walked back to the office room. “Baby, what did you eat for lunch?”
“Uhh.. stuff..” she was completely concentrated on her article.
“Y/N.” he spun the chair around, jerking her away from her somewhat trance-like state.
“Honey, please! I need to get this done!”
“You don’t have to starve yourself to do that!”
She groaned. “Babe I don’t have time-“
“Y/N. come eat.” He grabbed her wrists, trying to pull her up.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I hate you.”
“I love you too, gorgeous.” He pulled her up and kissed her. She finally stopped straining against him and relaxed against his touch.
She pulled away. “I really missed you today.”
Grayson sighed. “I know. I’m sorry.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and she stretched hers around his neck. “I missed you too.”
She smiled a bit. “You know, we should go out this weekend. We haven’t done that in a while.” She played with the hair on the back of his head.
“Yea? What do you have in mind?”
“I don’t know. Just something.” She kissed him again, then let go. “Okay, come on. I’m starving.”
The pour of the water from the tap as Grayson cleaned the dishes was just overshadowed by the sound of the television in the living room. He rinsed off the dirty plates and set them on the rack. 
“Hey, hon, how’s Ethan doing? Did you call him today?”
“Yea, he’s good.” He wiped his hands off on the rag and made his way over to the sofa where Y/N was sitting. “I’m glad you decided to take a break.”
She rolled her eyes as Grayson sank into the seat beside her. “Only because I’m basically done and just have to edit.”
“Mmm, either way.” He kissed her cheek.
“What’d Ethan say?”
“He just said we should all hang out soon. Maybe this weekend.”
She jerked her head to face him. “But I thought we were going to-“
“And I told him that we were busy,” she rubbed her arm. “So maybe we could meet up for dinner another time.”
Y/N smiled. “I’m sorry. You probably wanna hang out with him. It’s been like four days since you guys have been able to actually do anything together. That’s like a century for you guys.”
Grayson laid back, and Y/N nuzzled herself up against his chest. “It’s been a rough week for both of us. I think we need some time just together too.” He rubbed her shoulder and kissed her temple.
She sighed. “What did I do to deserve someone like you?”
“You stole my heart, that’s what you did.”
“Yeah well...” she laid her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “You never asked for it back.”
He brushed his fingers through her strands of hair. “That’s because I wished you’d take the rest of me too.”
She blushed. “Well lucky for you then, huh?”
“Oh yeah.”
Y/N took his hand that was laying on his stomach. “I love you, baby.”
“I know.”
She slapped his stomach, sitting up abruptly. “Grayson Dolan!”
He laughed. “Oh, I’m kidding princess.” He cupped her cheeks in his hands. “I love you so much. I’ll never be able to show you just how much I do.”
He leaned in and kissed her. Soft, but meaningful.
Y/N suddenly pulled away. “Oh my god, my article!” She got up, but Grayson grabbed her wrist.
“Noooo, stayyy baby girl.”
“Oh my god, you literally kill me.” She pulled away from him. “But I have to work babe. Just keep watching the show, Okay?”
“I literally forgot the Tv was even on.” He gave her big puppy dog eyes.
“Give me a half-hour.”
“But snuggles!”
“Oh, fine. Okay.”
An hour later, Gray walked into the office room with two cups of tea. He knocked on the side of the door. “Am I intruding?”
Y/N finally looked away from her screen. “Hm? Oh, no not at all.”
Gray handed her one of the cups, and she took it gratefully. “Mmm, thank you.”
“Are you going to be done anytime soon?”
She stretched. “I actually think I’m about done.”
“Great, can we go to bed?”
She shook her head. “I was wondering if you could read it over?”
“Oh of course baby,” he placed his cup on the table and swiveled over to her. “What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know. Just review it, tell me if it sounds weird, if it’s not going for the vibe I’m looking for, even just grammatical stuff. I’ve been staring at this thing for so long I think it just needs a fresh pair of eyes.”
“You got it. Just bear with me, I’m a really slow reader.”
“Take your time honey.”
After a few minutes, Grayson looked back over to his wife, who was sitting in the armchair. 
“It looks really good honey. Just, okay c’mere a sec..”
“Mhm.” She walked Over to the computer.
“You see this part? You could talk less about it but focus more on what’s in the next paragraph.”
“Hmm, ok yea I see that.”
“Also this part-“ he scrolled down. “It’s like a lot of information all at once. It’s like, too dense. You get what I mean?” 
She pulled a chair over, skimming over the section. “Yeaa, your right.” She dragged the laptop over to her and started typing something up. “Is this better?” She pushed it back over to him.
“Yes, this is a lot easier to follow. Just do that with the next part too, and I think it’ll be better.”
“Ok. Thank you so much, baby.” 
Grayson got up and moved his chair over so Y/N could reposition herself. “No problem, hon.” He kissed her forehead.
“I'm gonna go wait for you in bed, okay?”
“Don’t stay up too late.”
“I won’t.”
Another hour later, Grayson shuffled back over to the office room once more. He’d almost fallen asleep but was determined to stay awake until his wife was done. 
He rubbed his eye and yawned. “Babe I think it’s time to just let it be done. You must be exhausted-“
Grayson stopped when he saw the small figure of Y/N laying her head down on the table, completely passed out.
“Aw, honey..”
He tiptoed over to her, listening to her soft breathing. The light from the screen illuminated her hair and bounced off of the now empty cup of tea she finished. She was sleeping on top of many papers and files. He looked up at the screen and saw the email she had drafted to send her application in. He sat down next to her for a bit, and opened up the documents she had attached, making sure all of them were there and skimming through them to make sure they were ready to go. He quickly finished it up for her, just adding some thanks and signing her name, and sent it.
“Y/N?” He rubbed her back slowly. “You wanna come to bed now?” He chuckled to himself.
“You never listen to me, so you?” He reached under her arms and legs and gently lifted her up bridal style. She groaned slightly, but she only seemed to stir slightly to muzzle herself closer into Grayson’s chest.
He shook his head. “You are so adorable.”
He walked back to their bedroom and gently placed her onto the bed, covering her up with the blanket. She grabbed the nearest pillow and squeezed it. He kissed her on the forehead. 
“Goodnight, baby.”
Two weeks later, Y/N was idly scrolling through her phone while Grayson was making dinner when suddenly she got a notification from her email. She opened it to find...
A clang was heard in the kitchen, like something falling onto the ground, and was followed by Grayson racing out of the kitchen. 
“WHAT? What’s wrong?”
Y/N jumped up from the couch and turned her phone screen to Grayson, jumping up and down. 
His terrified expression was quickly replaced with one of excitement. “Oh my god, Congrats baby!” He spread his arms wide and Y/N ran towards him, practically jumping onto him to give him a hug. 
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god I can’t believe I got the job!!”
“I’m so proud of you baby!!” He picked her up into the air and spun her around while she squealed.
“I can’t believe this is actually happening.” She pulled away from him to read the email in her phone again, her face absolutely glowing.
“You deserve it, hon. You worked so hard for this.” He smiled, then his eyes lit up. “OH my god, we need to celebrate!”
Y/N grabbed his face and kissed him, startling him so bad he almost fell backward. She pulled away from him, grinning like a fool.
“Or, you know. That works too.” He chuckled.
She laughed as well. “Grayson, I never would’ve been able to get this job without you.”
His arms made their way around her. “What are you talking about? You did this all on your own.”
“False. Without you, I probably would’ve killed myself before I got it done.” The edge of Grayson’s mouth quirked up, but he let her continue. “You were so supportive the past few weeks, and I really needed it. Thank you. So much.”
The warmth of his forehead pressed against hers spread through her. “I’m always going to be here for you, Y/N. that’s what you get for deciding to marry me.”
Her fingers grazed his jawline. “Well, I guess I made a good decision then, huh?”
“Mhmm.” He leaned and kissed her once more. The warmth and flavour of his lips spread through her. Her arms made their way up into his hair, then she bit his lip, making him moan.
She smirked. “You know, there is something we could do to celebra-“ a loud beeping noise suddenly disrupted her, and she watched as Grayson’s eyes suddenly widened.
“Oh my god the food!” He let go of Y/N and rushed back into the kitchen, followed by her Y/N’s laughs. A loud clang was heard, probably him dropping the steaming pot into the sink, then Grayson peaked his head around the corner.
“So.. how’re you feeling about take-out?”
She rolled her eyes. “Yea yea. I’ll order.”
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mxgvmiii · 4 years
100 follower special event✨✨
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Hello babies🌸🌸( tis the name I have dubbed thee)!
First and foremost I would like to thank you for liking my content enough to actually follow, let alone having me reach 100 followers. I hope you keep enjoying my content in the future and keep on supporting me. I make it my mission to make sure that everyone reading my work feels loved, included and happy. That is one of the main reasons I always try to write gender neutral stories and refrain from describing physical features unless requested. I hope that in the future I am able to write for female characters as well to broaden my demographic. I hope you know that I love each an every one of guys very much.
This is the post for my 100 follower special.It took some time to figure out exactly what I wanted to do since I really wanted to something special for you all. I hope you guys enjoy this special event and bear with me since this is my first time doing this. When the event is over I’ll upload a google form that I’d appreciate if you filled out so that I know what to change when I hopefully hit another milestone.
The event will be held from the day this is posted and will continue for the whole month. Which means 4th - 31st August 2020 according to the CEST time zone. I will no longer take request starting from 11:30 pm on the 31st, seeing as I most likely won’t be able to produce something I’m proud of while on a time crunch. I probably will close it early if there aren’t that many requests since I start school in a week and have many important exams. That’s why my requests are currently closed. Everything that has to do with the special will be tagged with #100 special. My guidelines still apply during the event.
If you would like to be added to a taglist for a specific group, person, anime, character, for questions only, prompts only or everything just send me an ask or a dm :)
BTW I started writing this post at like 5:30 pm and finished at 2:12 am. ngl I wasn’t writing between 8 and 10 pm since I was busy helping my parents. That’s still a long time tho...
When the event is done:
I will link this in my masterlist.
Every prompt that is written will have a list of names next to it. Every name will be a link to the post.
I will edit the layout of this post so that my legend, that I add to every masterlist to symbolize what kind of post it is, will be there.
n e wayz😗
For my 100 special I will be making a Prompt list, a Q&A and redraws + art 
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Choose a location/AU and only one prompt from the following. Please specify a genre (ex. fluff, angst, slow burn, crack, etc.) and format (headcanon, oneshot). Any combination that has already been done will be linked in the ask.
ngl most of the crack quotes are things my friends and I have said.
- “will you marry me?”
- “I think we need a break”
- “Where were you?”
- “I was worried, you know”
- “ You slob”
- “AGAIN??!” sigh “ At least you’re not hurt, right”
- “You are a hazard to society ... and to yourself”
- “Do I need to supervise you now?”
- “They won’t care about your left pinky toe”
- “That’s it. We’re getting you a bubble wrap suit. Oh don’t worry it’ll still be (favorite color)”
- “Honey, I’m having a baby and it’s not yours. It belongs to Jungkook” (if requested with Jungkook, the name will be changed to someone else”
- “Honey, I was lying, it’s (favorite food)’s baby”
- “How did you fall down the stairs and get bitten by a dog in the same week?”
- “When I see that old lady it’s on site”
- ice skating
- visiting a museum (you can specify what kind of museum)
- hanging out
- waking up
- going to sleep
- wearing his clothes
- buying matching items ( you can specify)
- cooking/baking
- cleaning together
- teaching you volleyball (haikyuu only)
- teaching you one of his choreography (kpop groups only)
- filming tiktoks
- pranking him (with his friends)
- Park
- Water park 
- Pool
- Beach
- Aquarium
- Concert
- Home
- Supermarket
- School (classroom, hallway, cafeteria, rooftop, gym)
- Holiday (here you can specify a destination)
- On the way home (bus, car, plane, train)
- Doctor’s office/clinic
- Hospital
- A volleyball match (pre and post timeskip)
- Café/restaurant/fast food restaurant
- Mall/clothing store
- social media (celebrity ver., non-celeb ver.)
- spy/mafia
- youtuber
- Warlord (haikyuu only since it saves me the energy when making alliances and rivals/enemies. This is also loosely based off of the otome game Ikemen Sengoku.)
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- Sawamura Daichi - Sugawara Kōshi - Azmane Asahi - Nishinoya  Yū - Tanaka  Ryūnosuke - Kageyama Tobio - Hinata  Shōyō - Tsukishima Kei - Yamaguchi Tadashi
- Kuroo Tetsurō - Kai Nobuyuki - Yaku Morisuke - Yamamoto Taketora - Kozume Kenma - Haiba Lev
- Bokuto Kōtarō - Akaashi Keiji
- Ushijima Wakatoshi - Semi Eita - Tendō Satori
Aoba Johsai:
- Oikawa Tōru - Matsukawa Issei - Hanamaki Takahiro - Iwaizumi Haijime
- Ojirō Aran - Miya Atsumu - Suna Rintarō - Miya Osamu
Date Tech/Dateko:
- Futakuchi Kenji - Aone Takanobu - Koganegawa Kanji
Miscellaneous Characters:
- Terushima Yūji - Sakusa Kiyoomi
Boku no Hero Academia:
Class 1a:
- Kaminari Denki - Kirishima Eijiro - Todoroki Shouto - Bakugo Katsuki - Midoriya Izuku
Class 1b:
- Shinsou Hitoshi
- Nanase Haruka - Tachibana Makoto - Hazuki Nagisa  - Ryūgazaki Rei - Matsuoka Rin - Yamazaki Sousuke - Shinigo Kisume - Nitori Aiichiro  - Mikoshiba Momotaro - Tono Hyori - Shiina Asahi - Mikoshiba Seijuro - Kirishima Natsuya - Kirishima Ikuya
- Taeyong - Taeil - Johnny - Yuta - Kun - Doyoung - Ten - Jaehyung - WinWin - Junwoo - Lucas - Mark - Xiaojun - Hendery - Renjun - Haechan - Jeno - Jaemin - YangYang - Chenle - Jisung
- JB - Mark - Jackson - Jinyoung - Youngjae - Bam Bam - Yugyeom
- S.Coups - Jeonghan - Joshua - Jun - Hoshi - Wonwoo - Woozi - DK - Mingyu - The8 - Seungkwan - Vernon - Dino
- RM - Jin - Suga - J-hope - Jimin - V - Jungkook
Stray Kids:
- BangChan - Lee Know - Chanbin - Hyungjin - Han - Felix - Sengmin - I.N
- Hongjoon - Seonghwa - Yunho - Yeosang - San - Mingi - Wooyoung - Jongho
- Suho - Xiumin - Lay - Baekhyun - Chen - Chanyeol - D.O - Kai - Sehun
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Every question that has been answered will be crossed out and linked. In brackets are if you want to specify. Yes, you can also send in some of your own questions.
1. How do you get inspiration?
2. What are your favorite genres? (music, film, books/writing)
3. Who is your bias from all of the groups you write for? 
4. What is your favorite anime? (as a ranking, why?)
5. Who is your favorite character? (Haikyuu, Bnha) 
6. When did you get into Anime / Kpop? (show, group, in general)
7. What is your favorite food?
8. Who are your favorite writers on tumblr?
9. How did you start writing?
10. What happened to make you and your friends say this?
~ 10a. “You are a hazard to society ... and to yourself”
~ 10b. “Do I need to supervise you now?”
~ 10c. “They won’t care about your left pinky toe”
~ 10d. “That’s it. We’re getting you a bubble wrap suit. Oh don’t worry it’ll still be (favorite color)”
~ 10e. “Honey, I’m having a baby and it’s not yours. It belongs to Jungkook”
~ 10f. “Honey, I was lying, it’s (favorite food)’s baby”
~ 10g. “How did you fall down the stairs and get bitten by a dog in the same week?”
~ 10h. “When I see that old lady it’s on site”
Questions you asked:
... nothing yet lol ...
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This category is for Anime only.
For this portion you send me an official picture from a manga  or a scene from the anime that I redraw via dm so I can draw the right picture, if you don’t wan’t to be tagged I’ll send you the post via dm to let you know I finished it. Or if you want to see a specific character with a specific hairstyle but in the official art style.
All items will be linked below.
... nothing yet ... lol
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randomguywithwords · 4 years
As The Dust Settles: Chapter 8 (Dabi X Geten Slowburn)
Previous Chapters: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
“Hey.” Dabi slammed the door behind him. Apocrypha didn’t turn around. 
“You have 10 seconds to leave my room.” Was her soft greeting. It wasn’t a growl nor a hiss, more of a polite threat, and that signified something Dabi couldn’t pinpoint. 
Dabi bit back a retort. If he hadn’t just talked with Dabi, he would have shot back with, “Or?” He leaned against the door. “Look, since we’re commanding this squad as equals,” He said, resisting a snort on the last word, “can we put a pause on this?” 
“I don’t believe in ceasefires. They only lead to betrayal.”
“I’m telling you, I’m not going to. Even if I wanted to, Shigaraki wouldn’t let me.” 
“Really?” She replied with sardonicism. “You mean to say your leader would favour me, an enemy-turned-ally, over you, one of his allies from before the merger?”
Ugh, when you put it like that...Dabi pulled his face with a groan. “He’s our –” He forced out the next word sourly. “Leader now.”
“Hm.” She turned around. “I find that hard to believe.”
“He’s still in the council room, if you need proof. Go ask him yourself.” Dabi jerked a thumb at the door. 
“I don’t want anything to do with your leader.”
Dear god. Dabi closed his eyes and took a breath. “Fine, all I came here is to tell you that I’m going to be looking through our squad. I have their information here. Would you like to join me or keep staring at the window?” 
“Do it here then. And you only need to tell me their Meta Abilities. I will know them.” 
“If you say so. I’m gonna sit down.” 
Receiving no reply, he muttered, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Plopping himself down on the sofa, he took out the papers in his pockets and read out, feeling quite stupid, but at least she wasn’t trying to impale him. 
“There’s only three we need to care about. The rest are cannon fodder. First up, some guy with a quirk called Ethershark.” 
“Charioteer,” Geten responded immediately. He’s decent, but he’s useless if his husk is attacked while he’s activating his quirk. Otherwise, he’s ideal for causing chaos and providing a distraction.” 
“Uh huh…” Dabi scanned the information on him. “So he summons a ghost shark and his body can’t move.” He whistled. “Sounds cool.” 
He heard Geten scoff, drawing his attention. She still was staring out the window. “Do you judge the efficacy of meta abilities based on how flashy they are? That’s a poor criteria.” 
“Lighten up, will you?” Dabi said, a flicker of anger passing over his expression. “Anyway, the second guy’s quirk is Gasoline.”
Geten made a noise — a noise so foreign and unnatural Dabi’s head shot up in alarm. It took him a brief moment, a click in his head, to realise that she was laughing. 
“Him? He’s one of the strongest ones in our squad?” She said, guffawing, bringing a hand to her mouth to stifle it, to little effect. “The standards have really fallen, haven’t they?” 
“It synergizes with my quirk very well. Maybe that’s why Shigaraki put him under me.” Dabi said the last sentence more to himself. Damn, he actually planned this decently. 
“I hope so,” She snorted, and it amazed Dabi that for once, she wasn’t the target of her disdain and hatred. “Otherwise, all he can do is make people slip, or if he actually managed to use one of his lit matches. Either way, I could easily defeat him.” 
“I’m sure you could,” Dabi humoured. 
“Stop with your sarcasm. It’s infuriating,” Geten shot with that emotionless voice of hers. 
“Stop with your hypocrisy. It’s infuriating,” Dabi replied, met with silence. Shit, is she going to –
“Whatever.” Was her dismissal. Dabi blinked. Is she really like this now? 
Then it hit him. Their fight. She thought she had lost. She thought he had fire left in him. She had no idea he had been equally powerless then. That means...hmm...
“Anyway,” He continued, trying to keep his voice passive as a smile crept over his face. “The last guy, his is called Beatdown.” 
“What, what?”
“What’s his quirk?” She sounded bewildered.
“Beatdown. He has enhanced stamina and muscle strength. His nerves become more resistant to damage as he becomes more – Hey!” Dabi said indignantly as his paper was snatched from Geten, who scanned through it with wild eyes. 
“Is he one of yours? Another criminal?” She interrogated.
“No, he’s from your army. What’s the big deal?” Dabi leaned back on the sofa, annoyed. “Not like you guys aren’t always trying to hook new people in.” 
“This man. I don’t know him. I should. I know everyone.”
“What? All hundred thousand of you guys?” 
“Only the strong ones. It narrows the list by quite a bit. And this man, whoever he is, his ability is strong. I would have noticed it. Someone’s been hiding him, and...maybe more.” Geten ended the sentence mumbling to herself, her eyes gradually unfocusing. She dropped the paper onto his lap, heading towards the door. 
“Should I ask where you’re going?” Dabi said.
The door slams behind her, leaving Dabi alone in her room. He frowned, picking up the information sheet on the Beatdown guy. 
“Why’s she freaking out about that guy? Jeez…” Dabi studied his quirk for a while before deciding that it was an admittedly powerful quirk. 
He looked around the empty hotel room. Geten had been holed up here since the night after their victory over the Liberation Army, and while it was tidied up slightly, it was still messy. Her bed was a mattress on the floor, and Dabi thought about the room he had in Re-destro’s mansion. It was filthy with wealth, but if he got to exploit it, he wasn’t complaining. He wondered why Geten still stayed here. 
He stood up, surveying the room. He saw what looked like a notebook on the desk and snatched it. Flipping through the pages yellowed from age, he saw the first few pages filled with handwriting exercises. Messy scrawls that slowly straightened out into neat repetitive words meant for practices. Then, it was someone’s journal. Hers? Possibly. 
He sat down on the chair next to the desk and began to read. 
4/2/01 Thursday
Very tired. I spent the whole day training. I can separate an ice cube into two now. The Grand Commander said he wanted me to be able to split one into five by the end of the week. Hope I can do it. 
7/2/01 Sunday 
I disappointed the Grand Commander. He did that thing again. It hurts, but he told me he would stop once I could split an ice cube into 5 pieces. I can’t disappoint him again. I’ll make him proud. 
I tried to put some ice on the bruises and make them stay as cold as possible. Maybe this is also part of my training. 
Dabi slammed the journal on the table with shaking hands, and then slowly backed away. 
I’ll make you proud, father. I’ll make ice, and fire.
“Fuck,” He murmured. He repeated that word to himself over and over again as he left the room. Why’d you read it? Bad idea, very bad idea.
He scrambled to the bathroom. He plunged his hands into the sink and began to wash them. He wasn’t sure what he was scrubbing off. He gasped as the familiar pain latched onto his arms and bit. It was milder than usual, but it still hurt. 
Looking into the mirror once more, he saw more than himself now. He saw Touya Todoroki as a boy, a boy emboldened with a purpose to be the strongest Todoroki. At the same time, he saw a poor girl forced to do Re-destro’s bidding, till she...Dear god.
This sick, twisted army. 
Dabi hated them now more than ever.
Btw, I’ve been cross-posting these to other sites, and they’re technically edited versions although I haven’t been actually doing that. But the edited versions are there, sort of. Every chapter here is the first draft.
My Ao3, Wattpad and FF.net are all under the same username: CompletelyAnonymous.
Story-wise, I really hope I didn’t make this reveal too early. Might regret this decision later on, but it’s a scene I’ve been wanting to write for a while because it’s a turning point in how Dabi views Geten. Also, uh, I’m no good at writing child abuse and it’s a touchy subject. Very sorry to those who take offense if the portrayal is not proper, and I’ll be willing to do the necessary further research and revisions. 
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sweetestrequiems · 4 years
kit’s release radar + reflecting on things
alright so let me give y’all a normal post now aka the release radar for this account just without dates.
they’re all under the cut cause it’s a LOT.
aka, look under the picture of the broadway queens. thank you.
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-foreboding (targets part 2) will come your way soon. jo and i need to finish writing and editing. 
-chapter 2 of out of a book is in the works. it will be a parr-centric chapter. -out of a book will go between boleyn-centric/parr-centric until i start working on chapter 6. chapter 6 and onward should be an even split or just about. -the title of the chapter is Scones and Coffee, by the way.
-aragon angst is finally being written. i was going to have the nightmare aragon has be set in historical times, but i can’t see myself doing it because i am not confident enough with history. so, i will set it in modern day instead.
-the boleyn fluff i promised jo is being plotted out as we speak. im gonna turn it into beheaded cousins fluff because i felt bad for asking for kitty angst lmao
-i might do some queen x reader one shots. they’re gonna be super cute, too. i think my favorite idea i had for one was jane seymour’s. cause stargazing and picnics. yeah. -if you guys actually want some queen x reader stuff i’ll write it for y’all.
-my apex legends fic titled spark of hope will have a release date pending in the next two months. with apex legends’ lore of it being a bloodsport, i have to properly think of the trigger warnings, tags, and so on. i also have to replay through titanfall 2 for the twentieth time, and play more apex legends to actually memorize the layouts of the maps (world’s edge/kings canyon). -i will probably release spark of hope as an Ao3 exclusive. i have the good understanding that i might have followers who are very sensitive to certain triggers involved in this, so i don’t want to put anyone in harm’s way.
-with new day, same queen getting ready to finish up in the next two weeks, it gives me more time to openly take requests and stuff. so if you have a prompt you’d like for me to do, once part 6 is finally up, come into my ask box and drop it in there. -cleves is part 4, she comes out friday. -seymour will be entering the world of the living next friday, april 17th. -howard will be the last queen to wake up on friday, april 24th. -pretty much a complete series which wow good job kit you did it lmao
-jo and i (mostly jo) are planning for a total of FOUR parts for targets. the last part is just us indulging in the softness of parrlyn but that’s besides the point. but, because the events of parts 2 and 3 are so emotionally charged, we decided to make it parrlyn because boleyn seems to be the only one that has been able to calm down a very angry parr. and it gives us two an opportunity to write out the complexity of parr’s emotions.
-so do y’all remember the ask that boleyn got from kitty about a prank? -rest assured i am actually writing that because jo and i accidentally plotted that out. -honestly it is the most hilarious thing we have thought of. -can you just imagine aragon dumping a whole ass bucket of water on boleyn and screaming “THE POWER OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST COMPELS YOU!” -part of me wonders how i think of this shit and i’m sober 99.9% of the time.
-sending in asks for the queens is ALWAYS welcome btw. i love responding as the queens and it gives me motivation to write for the queens that answer so... go for it.
-i am most definitely doing Six x [insert show here] stuff. will it probably be parrlyn singing something cute? yeah. -do i care? not really because it gives me an excuse to be a nerd. -i mean... writing fanfiction makes me a nerd but besides the point!!!
-speaking of, Six x Soho Cinders is apparently the actual brightest idea i’ve had on this account because almost if not 70 notes on it???? -like thank you??? so much???? -i honestly thought y’all were gonna be like “oh no here she goes again” but y’alL REALLY ACTUALLY MADE MY HEART HAPPY
i honestly cannot stress enough that i am grateful for all of you that follow me. for the ones that like my stuff. the ones that reblog. the ones who reply. ALL OF YOU. we are in hard times. the world is fucking terrifying. i mean, i’m an adult for fuck’s sake but i’m scared too. i write for you guys. let me explain what i mean:
i have spent a solid fifteen of the twenty years i have been alive on a stage of sorts. under a spotlight, or in an ensemble. i’m a semi-professional musician. i am a novice/amateur actress. i have played in a symphony orchestra.
during hard times is when people turn to the arts. whether they love seeing dancers fly across the stage, actors tell stories, visual artists create landscapes and portraits of scenes unknown... they’re all turning to these people for something i like to call a gift.
my former saxophone instructor is a well known man. he plays in a world renowned saxophone quartet. this man took a chance on me, and taught me the greatest thing i could ever learn as an artist of sorts. 
the arts, performance or visual, are a gift. you are taking your raw emotions, your feelings... you’re making yourself vulnerable for the world to see. you are giving these people a light in their darkest times. you are helping them escape their cold realities for just minutes at a time. you are giving them a piece of you that you would only think to give to your significant other. you are taking something from your heart, filled with your emotions, and allowing someone else to be a part of that. and that is the greatest gift of all.
truth be told, that’s what i consider all of this writing. an art. it is as valid as dance and as music. as valid as painting. as valid as ceramics. as valid as any breathing and living art form out there.
so, for me to see that you all do enjoy this? it lets me know that this gift is well received. it’s... loved. it's in the right hands. 
so from the bottom of my heart, thank you. thank you so much for not only allowing me the chance to do this, but for letting me into your lives.
i will see all of you later with the tumblr release of out of a book, and a video. 
much love to all of you, kit
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