#bucky barnes christmas imagine
im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 10 months
Baby, Please Come Home | Bucky Barnes (1st Day of 🎄)
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(Credits to the owner of this gif!)
Hello hello hello! Alondra here! I haven’t written anything in a long time, so I apologize if this is shit lol I’m doin a 12 days of Christmas sort of thing and I’m praying that this doesn’t flop 😅
Christmas Masterlist <- check out my other holiday fics! ✨
“Merry Christmas, doll.” I heard Bucky’s voice through the phone, his tone in a slightly higher pitch than usual. I smiled to myself as I sat down on the couch, startling Alpine for a moment as she was just starting to fall asleep. She yawned and stretched out her little white paws in front of me, her claws peaking out as she started to climb onto my lap. The princess has spoken. Looks like I’m gonna be stuck here for a little while.
“Merry Christmas, Bucky.” I spoke. The realization that we’re not spending Christmas together this year comes fluttering to the front of my mind no matter how much I've tried to ignore it these past few weeks. The only sense of warmth I have of him in our house is some old shirts he left behind and our baby Alpine. She’s quiet and craves cuddles, just like her dad. “It uh… it doesn’t sound as good on the phone as I was hoping than in person, does it?” He chuckled out, trying to find a way to lighten the mood. I shook my head, forgetting for a moment that he couldn't see me. “No, it does not.” I replied, clutching my phone close to my ear trying to imagine that he’s here right in front of me and his voice isn’t so staticy.
“You want to say hi to Alpine? She’s right here.” I looked down at the small animal on my lap as my hand began softly scratching her head. “Of course I do! Put her on.” I placed my phone on the arm rest and pressed the speaker button on my screen. “You’re on speaker, baby.” I heard him shuffling on the other end of the line before speaking up. “Alpine? You there?” The cat’s ears turned up and looked towards my phone. “You takin’ good care of your momma?”
She stood up and leaned closer to my phone, inspecting it. It’s like I could see the cogwheels in her head turn as she wondered how she could hear her dad’s voice if he wasn’t here. “She’s been keeping me company.” I smiled and heard him laugh on the other end. “Really?” He said. I could almost picture him smiling. “Yeah! We’re best buddies now. We have so many intellectual conversations.”
“I can’t wait to see it in person. I gotta get Sam to help me figure out how to take a video so I can just do it without messing up when I get home.” I chuckled at the thought of poor Sam having to deal with Bucky’s lack of phone knowledge and the constant bickering they’re bound to have. I swear, sometimes he really does act like a 100-somethin’ year old man. “Sergeant Barnes, you are something else.”
“Hey, you know I still have trouble understanding! I didn’t grow up with this kind of thing.”
“Then how is it that my grandmother is able to figure out Facebook better than you?” I laughed as he grumbled. “Your grandma had more time to figure it out! It’s not my fault she’s hip.”
I could just imagine what his face looks like right now. His eyebrows are probably scrunched up, his gaze is on the floor and his lips are pouty and just waiting to be kissed. I let out a chuckle and looked around our house. The decorations were put up soon after Thanksgiving. We played Christmas music in the background as we both decorated our tree, Alpine seeming to think this is another place for her to climb and make hers. Once Bucky put the star on top, everything just felt perfect, even though I knew I wouldn’t see him on the day of. “I’m really sorry that I wasn’t able to be there this year.” He said. “I tried my best to – ”
“Bucky, don’t worry about it. It’s okay, I completely understand. Our line of work doesn’t exactly allow us to have vacations, sort to speak. I’m not holding it against you.”
“I know, doll, but still. I thought I would at least be home for Christmas.”
“I know, baby, I know but there’s nothing else we can do about it. We’re in two different places and flights are backed up, so I guess we’ll just have to make due with what we’ve got.” I could feel tiny vibrations on my leg as Alpine purred against me, my hand not stopping to show her love. She seems content. He sighed and spoke up once again. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”
I smiled. “I know you will.”
He cleared his throat as if he was trying to mask the sound of something. “Bucky… was that.. were you in a – ”
“Baby, did you get the thing that I sent you yet?” He cut me off as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “Um.. no, no I haven’t. I haven’t gotten anything.” He let out a groan. “No? Are you sure? FedEx promised me it would arrive in time for Christmas.” Alpine leaned in closer to my hand as I scratched the top of her head. “Doll, can you please do me a favor and keep an eye out for it? It could be arriving any minute.” I smiled to myself as I nodded. “Okay, I will.”
“I wanna hear as you see what I got you for Christmas.” I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “Bucky, you know I will love whatever you got me, but what I really want is you and I don’t think FedEx can send people over like that.” He let out a laugh. “Maybe they’d let me if Steve was to put in a good word.”
“You’re such an idiot.” I laughed and Alpine stirred in my lap, a quiet reminder for me to not move or else she’s gone and she’s the only thing in this house keeping me company. I could hear him huffing on the other line as I tried to figure out what he’s doing. “Bucky?”
“Where are you?”
“What do you mean where am I? You know where I’m at.”
“No, I mean are you outside? I could hear you huffin’ and puffin’. Are you trying to keep warm?”
“Maybe there’s another reason why you can hear me breathin’ so hard. I’m talkin’ to a pretty girl on the phone and she misses me just as much as I miss her.”
I stayed silent for a moment as I processed his words and gasped. You cheeky little fucker. “James!” My outburst along with Bucky’s laugh startled Alpine once more as she got up and left. “No! Kitty come back!” I could hear him practically wheezing in the background as she left to God knows where in our house. “What happened?”
“You made me scare Alpine out of my lap!” I whined as he continued to laugh at my expense. “Hey, you were the one who got the joke late and yelled, scaring our poor baby Alpine! That’s not my fault!”
“It is too! If you hadn’t made that joke, I wouldn’t have reacted that way!” I’m sure my face must be red from embarrassment as he continued on. “And to answer your question, with no hidden dirty jokes, I went out for a walk. I couldn’t stay in that hotel with Sam trying to find ways to decorate my arm with holiday decorations. Note to self, don’t let Sam buy tinsel and say it’s for the “tree at the Stark Tower”.”
I smiled at the thought of Steve being in the middle of these two teasing each other like children and not knowing which side he should take. Hearing his voice, even if it’s not crystal clear, makes me forget for a moment that he’s not here. There’s almost this sort of echo in the house that really makes you feel like you’re alone. It still breaks my heart, but I wouldn’t tell him to make him feel even worse about it. He’s trying his best and that’s all I could really hope for.
But I do wish he was here. Wherever Bucky goes, that’s home.
“Hey, I’m gonna take a wild guess here and say that you didn’t take the trash cans in like I asked you to.”
I was silent for a moment as I thought about what he said. “You didn’t, did you?” I shook my head and spoke. “Um no, I’m pretty sure I did.” I tried to lie and pretend like I didn’t forget, which in fact I know I did.
“Oh, really? Hmm… are you sure? ‘Cause something is telling me that you forgot.” I smiled and leaned back more into the couch and got comfortable. “I know I tend to be forgetful, but I’m pretty sure I already took them in.” I heard him chuckle. “Alright, alright I’ll believe you. I know you wouldn’t lie to me, baby..”
“Trying to put the guilt trip on me even when you’re not here, baby?” I laughed and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. “I’m just stating the facts.. oh, hey, one second! I’m getting another call. I’ll be right back.” I waited for him as he placed me on hold and began to browse through Netflix to look for some good Christmas films to watch.
Before I could go to my suggestion list, I heard the doorbell ring.
“Weird, wrong number…” I heard his voice once again as he took me off hold. “Hey, I just heard the doorbell ring.” I spoke as I went to stand up. “It’s probably FedEx. Go check it out and take me with you!” I stood up, grabbed my phone and went to go and find a sweater to quickly put on. “Just uh do me a favor.” He requested. “Sure, baby. What is it?”
“I know you’re lonely at home, but try not to check out the delivery man too much, okay? Even if he is very handsome.” I laughed and shook my head. “Ohh, I don’t know Barnes. I gotta see what kind of a package I’m lookin’ at here.” I joked as he laughed. I walked over to the front door and opened it. My body stood still as my phone fell out of my hands.
“Delivery, for Mrs. – ” Before he could even finish the sentence, I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me. I could feel and hear him laughing against me as his arms embraced me tighter into him. I could feel the cold air from outside come into the house, but I didn’t care. He was warm and he was standing at our doorstep.
He pulled me back so he could look at me and I could see a sheen of tears in his baby blues as he leaned down for a kiss. Both hands cupped my cheeks as he held me in place, his cold lips meeting my own. He’s grown out his stubble and it lightly tickled my top lip. I reached my hands up to tug at his hair and felt him smile against me as soft moans of content left his mouth. He pulled away too soon for my liking and looked down at me and laughed.
“Did ya miss me, doll?” I pulled him in for another kiss as he mumbled against my lips. “I can hardly tell.” His metal hand moved a strand of hair away from my face as he continued to smile at me. “But… how are you here? You’re supposed to be in – ”
“I know I know but we managed to finish the mission early and catch a flight. Turns out, Steve doesn’t mind using the Captain America card to get on a plane while running late.” He chuckled. He rubbed small circles on my cheek as I leaned into him. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too.” He leaned in to grant me one more kiss before pulling away to make a comment. “I know it seems hard to believe, but I made you a promise that I will try to be home for Christmas and I keep my promises… unlike someone I know who didn’t bring in the trash cans.”
“Oops? You’re not upset, right?” I asked as he shook his head. “No, baby I’m not upset. I could care less about them. I’ve just gone and gave myself the best present a guy could ask for… the love of his life, crying and cheeks reddened in his arms, clinging to him with all the might they can muster..” He laughed as he held me against him.
“I’m here and I’m not going anywhere… now let’s get inside, get a warm drink and see if we can warm ourselves up with each other.” He winked as I playfully slapped his arm. “Let’s go surprise Alpine.”
“Ahh! That’s right!” He walked in and yelled out. “Alpine? Daddy’s home! Where are you sweetheart?” I closed the door behind us and smiled at the thought of him finally being home. He took off his jacket just as she came out from wherever she was hiding. He crouched down as she walked up to welcome him home. “Hey, you. Ya missed me?” He chuckled as he looked up at me.
“Yeah?” He smiled up at me, his cheeks rosy as he uttered, “Merry Christmas.”
I hope y’all liked it! Please let me know your thoughts! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
The Study
Not only is this the start of my 'Moving In' series, I'm also calling it my birthday piece! I turn 24 on Tuesday and I'm trying hard not to think about the fact I'm overdue a quarter-life crisis.
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2.7K (oops)
Warnings: Pleasure Dom!Bucky, sub! reader, spanking, use of a vibrator, forced orgasms, kinda Dom vibes but totally consensual, degradation, safe word system but safe word not used, pet names
Summary: Bucky spends the weekend at your new house and you take him on a tour.
Minors, do not interact
Turning the key in the front door still feels odd. One of the very first changes you made to the house was installing a new locking mechanism on both doors and it hasn't had a chance to stiffen up yet.
The smell of paint is starting to dissipate but it hits you hardest when you open the front door. The hallway was one of the last areas of the house to be redecorated so the smell seems to be most noticeable right at the door.
"Damn, this place is deceptive." Bucky's remark makes you smile to yourself while you hang your jacket up. "It's a whole lot bigger on the inside than I thought."
"It surprised me too. All of the rooms are a nice size."
The house had ticked so many boxes for you. More than two bedrooms in a quiet development, a low maintenance garden, off road parking, a downstairs bathroom and the whole house has plenty of potential. The plan isn't to live here forever, after all. It should be easy enough for you to sell when you decide to move on.
You flick a few lights on in the hallway and toss your keys into the bowl on the hall table before you turn your attention back to Bucky standing in your living room. Despite the fact you hadn't removed your own shoes, he's taken his off, leaving them neatly at the doorway of the living room beside his travel bag.
He's respectful of your space; he always has been but it's nice to just have him in your space. It's nice to have him be part of it.
He walks slowly around the little living room, looking at the few ornaments and picture frames you'd collected. "That's cute." He's looking at a picture of you and your best friend, sitting on the floor of your old kitchen, laughing yourselves to tears over the fact your Christmas tree was three inches tall and cut out from the back of a cereal box. The photo brings a smile to your face every time you see it.
"Are you hungry? You've had a long day." You move over behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his back through his clothes while he looks at your pictures on the fireplace. He's had to travel for a few hours just to get here so you imagine he's bound to want something.
"I'm okay for now." You nod at his response, taking in the fact he's actually standing in your home.
The time you have with him is limited. That's how this works but for just less than two days, he's yours. After that, he'll go back home so you've learned to make the most of the time you have with him.
"Help yourself to whatever you like. Kitchen is down the hall." You don't even really want to move but you can't stand like this forever.
He turns in your arms so he's facing you and captures your lips in his. It's a soft, slow, gentle kiss; the kind you've been dreaming of since you last saw him. You need him to feel exactly how much you've missed him without having to tell him.
The kiss lasts for minutes, far beyond its natural end but neither of you care.
After what feels like forever, your lips part but your foreheads stay pressed together, both of you determined not to pull away.
"I still haven't gotten the grand tour." He's got the most beautiful eyes and they're locked on yours to the point that you'd almost forgotten he's never been here before. "But I want to start in your favourite room."
"Well, the study is my favourite. I converted one of the bedrooms into an office space."
"Show me."
You don't protest. Instead you head out of the living room and up the stairs to the furthest end of the hallway, with Bucky following closely behind you.
"These all used to be built-in storage units around a headboard for a bed. I took all the doors off the cabinets and made it into shelving." You'd turned the room into a space that you love. The walls are painted a light shade of cream with houseplants lined up between books on the shelves. Instead of storage around a headboard, you now have book shelves, arching around your desk. The other side of the room has a sofa that converts into a bed for extra guests and there's a beanbag in the corner by the window to read on.
"I see why it's your favourite. Odd mix of books here though." Bucky's eyes flick over the titles, ranging from your collection of political figures' autobiographies, the 'Diary of an Oxygen Thief' trilogy, the selection of books providing commentary on the criminal justice system and a good few classics.
"It is. But I like this room. It'll be cosy in winter once I get some fairy lights and nice and bright in summer. Somewhere to unwind." You're thinking out loud as you reach up to close the window and that's when you feel Bucky step behind you.
"I think we should celebrate." Bucky’s voice is low, his lips trailing up the side of your neck, heading towards the spot just behind your ear that he's always loved to kiss.
"I think..." He stops briefly on his path, taking a second to inhale deeply, determined to slow down. "I think we should make love in every room of your new house this weekend."
"Are you sure you're up for that? Because I can really stretch it out. I'm not sure how we're going to make it work in the pantry or the downstairs bathroom but I'm happy to try."
"Your 'pantry' is a cupboard." Bucky's breath is hot on your neck, and you feel his lips have curled into a smile.
"I know. You promised every room though." You can't help but tease him, although you're half serious. It's not your fault that you're keen. Not when he's kissing down your neck like that and holding your waist so your back is flush against him.
"You're a handful." You feel his fingertips graze the bare skin of your waist and you remember how nice it is to just be touched the way he touches you.
"I might be a handful but I can promise if I have my way, after you leave here on Sunday, you won't even be able to think about cumming again until Thursday at the very earliest."
"Jesus, that's one hell of a promise." He turns you around to face him and you notice his eyes are damn near twinkling with excitement.
You've got all weekend together; there's no need to rush but you can't help the overwhelming need to feel him sliding into you. That's when you feel closest to him and it's the closeness you're craving more than anything.
Your hand cups the side of his face, your thumb tracing across his freshly shaved jawline and you allow yourselves a second to just be together.
He smells familiar. The heat of his body against yours makes you feel safe. He makes you feel safe.
"I want to start with you though. I brought you a little something." He kisses your lips gently and smooths a hand down over your hair before he retreats downstairs to the bag that he'd brought a few changes of clothes in.
He returns with a small cardboard box with the tape on one end already cut.
"I didn't have time to wrap it. It arrived last minute." You're so busy trying to get into the box that you hadn't even noticed.
Inside the box are a few instruction manuals, a thin white cord and a black satin pouch. Inside the pouch is a neon pink toy that's thicker at each end, narrow in the middle and nicely curved.
"I've already charged it and paired it to my phone. This end slips inside you." He points to the thicker end, studying your face to make sure you're okay with this.
And why wouldn't you be? This is pretty damn close to a dream come true.
"Remember what you said last time I saw you? You wanted me to spank you. Maybe we should take it a little further." He's always been hesitant to do anything that would hurt you and that fact is the very reason you want him to. You know how much he wants to protect you and knowing he cares about you has you convinced that he's the right person to explore this with.
"Please." You whisper, beyond excited at the thought of getting everything you've begged him for. "What did you have in mind?"
"I'm thinking about you bent over this desk with this inside you and we'll start off with a couple of light taps to that pretty ass." He presses the button on the narrow part of the toy and it give a short buzz, coming to life in his hands.
Fuck, you're into this man. You're into his hesitation just as much as you're into his willingness to try something new.
"Traffic light safe word system. 'Red' and I'll stop, 'amber' and I'll give you a break, 'green' to keep going." He wants to be fully sure you know you're in control here, not that you ever had any doubt.
You nod and stretch up on your tiptoes to kiss him, this time with as much passion as you can manage. Your hands run through his hair while his trail over your body, your tongue flicking gently against his.
Just being around this man makes you wet, not that you'd ever admit that to him. Even the thought of him has you throbbing with arousal so now that he's here in front of you, your whole body feels like it's buzzing.
He touches you like he can't get enough. He can't get you close enough and it's beyond thrilling to be the subject of his need.
It's almost embarrassing that you get yourself worked up so easily but from the hungry look in his eyes when you undo the button of your jeans, he doesn't seem to mind.
You step out of your jeans and panties and Bucky helps you out of your top and bra, leaving you naked in your study.
"Look at you." Bucky sounds like he's almost in awe, no matter how many times he's seen you naked.
He kisses you again, matching the same passion he'd had earlier, trailing his hands over your soft, warm skin until his fingers are nestled between your thighs.
"Fuck, you're soaked." His fingertips trail between the folds of your sex, gathering the wetness he's responsible for. "Good girls don't get this wet at the thought of being spanked. You know that, don't you?"
You're almost too turned on to even respond to him. "Bend over. I want to see how well you take your toy."
You do as you're told, bending over your desk while Bucky drops to his knees behind you to slip the toy inside you. You feel him trail the thicker end of the toy against your slick cunt, gathering enough wetness to let it slip inside you comfortably.
Within a minute, the toy comes to life inside you and there's no way to stifle the moan that catches in your throat.
Not only is the internal part vibrating at a low, delightful buzz, the other end is pressed right to your clit and is stimulating it at the same strength.
"Did I say you could make a sound?" Bucky quizzes, sounding harsher than ever and when he gets no response, his hand comes down on your ass with so much force that it makes you yelp.
It was a hell of a spank and you can feel heat blooming under the skin of your left cheek, quickly followed by another spank to the right.
"For the record, you can make as much noise as you need to. But only because I've told you that you can. You see the difference?"
You force yourself not to nod and it has the effect you were hoping for. Two more harsh, painful spanks are delivered, one to each cheek, the same as before.
You don't know if you imagined it but the toy inside you feels stronger. You can't be sure if you're just focusing on the pleasure over the pain or if Bucky really has turned it up.
"Does that feel nice, sweetheart?" He needs to know you're enjoying this because a little part of him is surprised at just how much he's into it. He gets to control both your pleasure and your pain because you want him to and the trust alone is enough to get him off.
"Feels amazing, fuck. Making such a mess." Stringing sentences together isn't easy but you swear you're about to cum already. Your nipples rub delightfully against the wooden desk and you swear every sensation is heightened.
"I wish you could see the mess you're making. Looks fucking delicious." He turns the toy up ever so slightly but that's enough to send you spiralling, gripping the edge of the desk as pleasure ripples through your entire body.
You can do nothing but sob, cumming relentlessly because he's refused to turn the toy down. Even after you're done, he keeps it at the same intensity, moving on like nothing happened.
"You say the sluttiest things. That promise of yours to totally drain me. Who says shit like that? So fucking filthy."
"I mean it. I want every drop of cum you can give me. And then more." You know saying something like that will earn you another spank and it does.
"You're not just acting like a slut. You are a slut. You spend your life hiding it from everyone else but you can't hide it from me." A shiver runs down your spine. You almost feel like you've been caught. Like he's figured you out and now you have nothing left to hide. "Say it."
It's a clear instruction but saying it makes it real.
Your hesitation earns you another sharp spank, heat prickling both your face and your ass at the same time.
"Don't make me tell you twice." For someone hesitant to slip into a dominant role, he's absolutely nailing it.
"I'm your slut." Your voice is less steady than you would've hoped but the words at clear at the very least.
"My slut?" He almost sounds like he can't believe what he heard.
"Yours. Your slut." You repeat, wishing you could see his face.
"Oh sweetheart, that's cute." He means it too. He turns the toy up as a reward and even though it's only at half its full strength, you can't help but cum again, pleading your way through another blinding orgasm.
"Such a good girl for me. That's it. Cum nice and hard. Give that slutty little pussy what it needs." He lands one more harsh spank on your ass and you swear it only makes you cum harder, to the point that your legs are shaking.
But all of a sudden, the sensation stops completely.
"B-Bucky?" You ask, turning around to look at him, wondering if something went wrong.
"Don't want to wear you out, sweetheart. I think that'll do for now." You agree that it's probably a good place to stop and you have no problem taking the toy out for a while.
He pulls you in close, resting your head on his chest, letting you catch your breath while he holds you and kisses your forehead.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" His voice is soft, hoping that you'll tell him the truth.
"No. It was perfect." You smile, capturing his lips in yours, hoping to relieve some of his fear. You're almost giddy with excitment. It truly was everything you needed and you fully intend to thank him for it before the weekend is over.
"Good. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would." He's back to the gentle, tender touches that you're so used to from him and it's a blessing that he can flick so effortlessly between both personas.
"How about we order in and stick a movie on?" He suggests, kissing the tip of your nose. "Go put on something comfortable. I'll find a takeout."
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 10 months
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Anonymous request: You're also an Avenger and you love the Christmas time but everyone else doesn't. So you kinda get sad every year as you're the only one enjoying the time. One day you decide to put on some Christmas tunes and start making cookies when Bucky starts watching you from the other room, smiling to himself as he sees you all being happy and cute. He decides to change his mind and joins you, helping you make cookies, even though he's clumsy but you enjoy his presence (as you both have feelings for each other). In the end you're covered in dough and stuff and he grabs you and kisses you, admitting both your feelings, while the rest of the team watches you both happy from afar.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 2,195 words
Warnings: tooth rotting sweetness, beware of diabetes!
A/N: Shoutout to @samodivaa for aiding and abetting this endeavor!
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To you, they were family. And Christmas was supposed to be a time for family. At least that is what you'd been raised to believe, even though you weren't a Christian or religious. To you Christmas was a time for togetherness, for helping others, showing kindness and love and having hope. Shortly before joining the team, you had lost your family and the Avengers had become a surrogate family of sorts. You loved them dearly and wanted them to experience the same joy you did at this time of year.
Tony had graciously let you order a magnificent tree, which you'd basically decorated on your own, with the assistance of your inhuman powers. The others had watched you or walked by showing various degrees of enthusiasm for your activities, ranging from praise to outright disregard for your endeavors. Despite your gratitude, your friends’ lack of interest did dampen your spirit a little.
The closer it got to Christmas Day, your resolve to spread some Christmas cheer grew stronger. It helped that you’d hung a blown up photograph of your own family’s last Christmas picture opposite your bed.
“Don’t worry guys, I’ll get them to come around. I won’t let the love die. I promise,” you whispered in front of the image before starting your day.
You had come up with a plan to try and win your friends over to the festivities. No one could ever say no to your sister’s secret cookie recipe. She had had people practically drooling in anticipation of stuffing their faces with her Christmas concoctions. So after a morning of grueling training with Steve, you took a shower and headed to the store to purchase the correct ingredients. Upon your return, you found Sam, Steve, Bucky and Nat congregated in the living room adjoining the kitchen. They were pouring over some plans over their next mission.
“Hey Nexus! What you got there?” Sam called as you entered the room.
You rolled your eyes at his use of your superhero name. You hated it, but the media had used it far too often and you were stuck with it.
“None of your business, Falcon!” you snarked back at him.
You made a pit stop at the table they were sitting at, Nat and Bucky trying to hide their sniggering faces behind their hands. Steve’s face remained relatively passive, giving you a kind smile for which you were grateful.
“Come on, Sugar. You bring me something sweet?” Sam certainly knew how to turn on the charm, especially in front of Bucky. He knew that the Winter Soldier was harboring a little crush on you and he played up in front of him to see if he could provoke Bucky into acting on his feelings. So far he hadn’t succeeded, but he could definitely hope for a Christmas miracle.
“Here.” You pulled out a bag of his favorite treats which you’d bought back for him from the store.
“So anyone interested in helping me bake some festive cookies?” you asked, shaking a bag of chocolate chips in front of their faces.
“Sorry, Sugar. I have to go talk to my sister. She wants me to buy some new fangled toys for the boys.” He pressed a chaste kiss against your cheek and took his leave.
Nat stood up with Steve. “We can’t stay. We have to show our faces in front of some high powered windbags,” she wrinkled her nose before giving you a hug. “Save some for me though!”
“Me too,” Steve dropped a quick kiss on your forehead before following Nat out of the door. He was in on Sam’s plan to light a fire under Bucky’s ass.
“Buck?” you asked dubiously. 
“Not sure that’s my thing, Doll.”
“Your loss,” you replied in a slightly sing-song tone of voice and shuffled over to the kitchen with your bag of goodies, letting Bucky go back to brooding over the book he had pulled out of his jacket pocket.
Sauntering around the kitchen, you laid out the ingredients. You grinned as a happy thought entered your brain and you pulled out your phone letting FRIDAY connect to your bluetooth. Bucky looked up as a tune started to play, it didn’t surprise him in the least that you had your very own Christmas playlist. He couldn’t help but be distracted from his novel as you swayed around the kitchen measuring out flour and butter. But it wasn’t your dance moves that eventually got Bucky’s attention, it was the sound of your voice.
The singing voice you’d been born with was silky smooth, no one would have guessed that you were in possession of such a sweet instrument. Ever since you’d come into your powers, you had the ability to project your voice much further, sing louder with a lot more ease. But you never quite got the confidence to use it publicly. Bucky, however, knew better. He followed your schedule closely enough to know when you’d be in the shower, and he would excuse himself to put his ear to the vent to listen to you belt out your favorite tunes. And it was pure luck that today he would be getting a private concert. He sat, chin resting on his vibranium palm, lost in a fantasy of dancing with you.
This reverie was broken by your sudden gasp and a clatter of a bowl falling to the floor. Bucky was out of his seat in a flash, by your side, helping you clear up your mess.
“Thanks, Bucky!”
“No problem,” he grinned shyly. He always felt a little nervous when he was in such close proximity to you. He wondered if you could hear his heart pounding. “Looks like you need a little help.”
Had you just heard correctly? Was Sergeant Bucky Barnes offering to help you bake Christmas goodies?
“Really?” you asked, hopefully.
There was no way Bucky could say no to those shining eyes, the sincerity behind them when you looked at him. He wanted to be close to you, but at the same time he wanted to run away in shame. Why would someone as pure as you be interested in someone like him? At least, that’s what he always told himself when you smiled in his direction. The two of you were friends, there was no doubt about that, but you were friends with everyone. Bucky wanted more. He wanted all of you.
“Well, I can’t have you accidentally hurting yourself making baked goods.” A faint blush stained his cheeks as he spoke.
Not that you noticed, attributing his color to the rising temperature from the oven.
“Can’t have that at all!” you giggled. “Here, want to measure out the flour?”
You move over, giving him space to do his own thing and pick up the eggs for your next recipe. Your concentration in avoiding dropping shell pieces into the mix was broken by the sound of Bucky’s voice singing quietly to Bing Crosby’s White Christmas. It took a lot of effort to bite back the smile the vision brought to your face. No one would believe the sight; the big bad Winter Soldier singing Holiday singles while baking festive treats. You never understood why people were frightened of him, why people would cross the street to avoid him. It made you angry when people shot fearful looks at him, you gritted your teeth when his reputation was slated in the media. Why couldn’t they see the soft hearted man you had come to love? You had given up trying to hide your grin as you imagined him in an apron with the words “kiss the chef” printed in bold red letters across it.
“Doll?” Bucky’s voice interrupted your fantasy, he was sporting a slightly concerned look. “You okay? You’ve gone really red.”
“Yeah, fine,” you squeaked. “I should probably stop drinking the wine.”
“Doll, you haven’t even opened the wine.” Bucky frowned at the empty glasses and corked bottle on the counter.
You tittered nervously, “yeah, right, umm, it’s just a bit hot.” You fanned your face, trying to disperse the deepening crimson color that was starting to look the same as the wine bottle before you.
Bucky shuffled closer to you. “Are you sure?”
“I’m fine, really, Bucky. Why don’t we start mixing this together?”
You handed Bucky the softened butter and were about to instruct him to beat it together with the sugar, but before you had the chance, Bucky had dropped the entire block into the bowl of flour he had just finished measuring out. A tiny yelp left your lips, which turned into a smothered giggle as Bucky’s flour coated face emerged through the mist created by the crater in the bowl. Without hesitation, you grabbed a clean towel and started dusting his maroon Henley.
Bucky was laughing along with you as you dusted away the flour. Eventually you'd cleared up most of the flour, but he had missed a spot. You mustered up your courage to reach up and brush your fingers over his nose.
“Did you get it all?” he asked. 
He was standing impossibly close to you. And you wondered if you had imagined the way his eyes flicked down to your lips for a fraction of a second.
“I think so,” you smiled bashfully. “But maybe you should let me finish up on this.”
“Do you want me to do anything else?” Bucky felt a sudden pang of discomfort. What if you didn't want him around at all.
“Yes! I suck at opening those bottles.” You pointed at the wine. “Do you mind pouring a couple of glasses for us?”
“No problem!” Bucky completed his task efficiently and with enthusiasm. 
He waited patiently for you, watching you mix the batter with expertise. You rolled out the dough and held out a couple of cookie cutting molds. 
“Which one? Snowflake or Christmas tree?” 
Bucky grabbed the snowflake from your open hand and went to work on the dough. You couldn't help but notice how cute he looked as he tried to fit as many cookies on one roll without having to re-roll. It was adorable how his tongue stuck out a little as he concentrated on the task before him. You let him arrange his concoctions on the baking tray.
“What now?”
As if on cue, the oven binged, indicating that the cupcakes you'd put in earlier were done. 
“Now, we swap this tray for that one!” you pointed at the oven.
“No problem!” Bucky opened the oven and shoved his left hand inside to grab the baking tray.
“Bucky!” you shrieked. “You don't have any oven gloves!”
Bucky chuckled.
“Doesn't it burn?” you demanded, a little distressed by his nonchalance. 
“Doll, calm down.” He put the tray of cupcakes on the counter and showed you his metal palm. “It's fine, metal, remember?”
When your heart finally stopped pounding from panic, you covered your face in embarrassment. Bucky took your fingers and gently pried them off your face, smiling down at you, his eyes filled with more mirth than you were used to.
“So want to frost the cakes?” You grabbed the closest cone of frosting, trying to hide behind it.
Bucky leaned into your side, making you squeeze the frosting filled cone with unease and painting your face with a green glaze. Bucky was having the time of his life, the thought that he was making you uncomfortable was giving him a much needed confidence boost to do what he wanted to.
“Errr, Doll, you have a little.” He motioned at his mouth.
“Oh,” you wiped a small spot off your cheek, not quite getting all of it. “Did I get it?”
Bucky sucked his lips in for a moment, contemplating his next move. “May I?”
You nodded. He placed his hand on your jaw, his thumb next to the edge of your mouth. “There's just a little…”
Bucky leaned in slowly, his eyes focused on yours for a moment looking for signs of discomfort from your part.
To you, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. Gently, Bucky covered your sugar coated lips with his and licked it off. His tenderness took your breath away.
As he finally drew back, he stopped, his nose brushing yours. His eyes searched yours for a reaction.
“Is it gone?”
“Want me to do it again, to make sure?”
“I'd like that.”
This time you kissed him back, letting his tongue tango with yours. Bucky's warm hands brushed your arms, coming to rest on your waist while yours found purchase on his sturdy chest. When the kiss ended, you felt flustered but the corners of your mouth wouldn't stop turning up. 
Bucky picked up another colored cone. “So this can't be too hard, right?”
You laughed, showing him how you liked to decorate your cakes. Even though you'd not spoken the words out loud, you and Bucky had a mutual understanding about how you felt for each other.
And unbeknownst to you and Bucky, your friends watched the blossoming romance unfold with knowing smiles and a mild frown from Steve who forked up $50 to Sam for his accurate predictions.
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ghostlyfleur · 10 months
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♡ hot cocoa and movie night with bucky
[made by request]
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finelinevogue · 2 years
winter solider, literally
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summary - it’s your first time seeing snow and Bucky is more than happy to enjoy it with you
warnings: a lot of fluff basically, that’s it.
pairing: boyfriend!bucky x reader
word count: +1.2k
Thinking back, maybe you shouldn’t have run and jumped on top of an ex-asasain whilst he was sleeping.
Now that you were pinned beneath him he had finally come around from his sleep. Since sleeping next to you he had been getting long, peaceful, nights of sleep. Sometimes, like today, he wouldn’t even notice you climb out of bed and rustle around because he was sleeping so deep.
“Wha.. Why are dressed up like the Michelin man?” He asked, blinking his eyes because he thought that they were deceiving him.
They weren’t. You were wrapped up in over eight layers of tops and trousers.
You pushed him off you with ease, trying to fight your way off the bed with the heaviness of all your layers. Bucky sat back on the bed, letting the duvet pool around his waist and let the cool air reach his bare chest. You paused to check him out for a moment, before remembering what you original intentions were.
You pushed him off you with ease, trying to fight your way off the bed with the heaviness of all your layers. Bucky sat back on the bed, letting the duvet pool around his waist and let the cool air reach his bare chest. You paused to check him out for a moment, before remembering what you original intentions were.
“Babe...” Bucky rubbed a rand over his eyes as he tried to wake himself up more.
“Come on!” You said excitedly, throwing a coat at him and heading towards the door towards the hallway.
Bucky watched you as you trotted off out of the bedroom in all your layers and waited for his mind to catch up. He was too confused and awake to go back to sleep now, even though it was just past seven in the morning according to his bedside clock. 
“This girl...” Bucky whispered to himself, shaking his head as he smiled. 
He got himself up and ready, putting on a few layers but not quite as many as you obviously had. Being a super-soldier came with its perks during winter. He was the Winter Soldier after-all, literally. His body didn’t react to the cold temperatures like a normal persons would, which was beneficial in situations like this where his girlfriend was dragging him out of bed at the coldest point of the day. 
“Bucky!” You shouted from downstairs, making him follow your voice. 
He rounded the kitchen door from the stairs and saw you stood by the bi-fold doors, ready to go outside. They were already open and you smiled brightly as you awaited him to join you. 
In the time he had taken to get ready, you had put on your snow boots and added a scarf, hat and gloves. You looked absolutely adorable and Bucky smiled some more over seeing you standing here. He let his eyes take you in and reminded himself that this moment was yours to share and you were all his for as long as you’d have him. 
The outside was blinding white.
Last night must have brought snow, since there was a couple of inches snow settled on the ground and even more flakes falling from the sky. It was serene Christmas scene and you at the forefront of it all, melted Bucky’s old frozen heart. 
He never thought he would have moments like this in his past life as the Winter Soldier. He never thought he’d be able to survive the winters, constantly being reminded of who he is and what he’s done. But meeting you changed all that. You changed his winters to become something worth living for. You reminded him that the Winter Soldier was who he was, not who he is. In this moment and all the ones after it, he was Bucky. 
For someone who showed him how to love winters, you’d never actually seen snow until now. Bucky knew that of course, which is why his tired brain was catching up to the point you were at now whereby you were insanely excited over the falling snowflakes.
“Stop looking at me and let’s go!” You laughed, letting yourself outside and treading into the snow. 
“Yeah.” Bucky said to himself, smiling as he watched your face full of wonder as you took in the snow around you.
“This is so beautiful.”
“Mhm.” He nodded in agreement, watching you watch the snow fall. 
If ever he needed a moment to pull him out of a dark place, he was prepared to remember this one for a long time to come. He wanted to go back and get his phone to take a few photos of you in this happy moment, but he also didn’t want to miss a single second of it. Choosing to stay he would later thank himself for, because the happiness in yours eyes would never be truly seen from a camera lens as well as his own eyes. 
“Come on Buck.” You urged him to come closer towards you. 
He wandered over towards you, where you’d walked to the middle of your garden now.
Once he’d gotten close enough you decided to have your fun with him and push him backwards into the deep snow. He shouted your name as he fell back, but all you could do was laugh. He hit the ground softly and left an imprint with his body. 
He couldn’t even be mad when he saw that smile on your face. 
Before he could even pull you down next to him, you fell backwards yourself. He sat up a little to spot you to make sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself. When you landed with a poof and stuck out your tongue to catch some snowflakes, he knew that this would be a day you’d always remember. 
“I can’t believe that freezing cold snow could make me feel like this.” You said and Bucky turned to look at you as you kept on watching the falling snow.
“Yeah? And what’s that?” He asked.
“Alive.” You turned to face him and smile. 
He softly nodded and leaned over to try and kiss you, but before he could press his lips to yours you shoved a pile of snow in his face. Your jaw dropped at how much you’d actually thrown and instantly felt bad, standing up in case he retaliated. 
“Oh baby. Y’should know that snow fights aren’t something you’d win against me.” He chuckled to himself evilly, before standing up and lunging for you. 
You screamed as you dodged him and ran to the side. Bucky continued to chase you as you drew zig-zag tracks in the snow. You turned to look at how close he was, screaming again before taking a U-turn in your movements and running the way you’d just come. Bucky grunted as he missed you again, before taking a chance and lunging to one side you could dip to. 
Once you took the turn you thought Bucky would be behind you, but he appeared in front of you instead. You screamed again as he took you by the waist and through you to the ground. Bucky couldn’t find it in him to throw snow at your face or even bury you completely beneath it. Instead, he straddled his knees around your waist and leant down so his nose touched yours.
“I won.” 
His lips were on yours shortly afterwards, moulding the soft pink of his lips against yours. You let yourself lay on the ground as his hands guided you through the kiss, pressing himself into your slightly as he kissed you a little harder. Your face and heart warmed up instantly and you couldn’t be more grateful that you’d lost before now.
“You win.” You said through shortness of breathe after Bucky had pulled back.
“With you this happy, I always win.”
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bucks-metal-arm19 · 10 months
Warnings: language, suggestive themes
Created for @chocolateeclairsmoralbackbone
Okay, but Bucky hated holiday parties. He hated all parties, really, but especially holiday-themed ones. So, you took it upon yourself to plan something for just the two of you while the rest of the Avengers left for Tony’s Christmas gala.
Hot chocolate? Check.
Fuzzy slippers? Check.
Christmas movie? Check.
Gingerbread house decorating? Check.
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Decorating gingerbread houses was your favorite activity every Christmas, so it made sense that it was included this year. The thing you failed to realize though is that- while you enjoyed the creativity- Bucky was keen on precision and it was not going to plan.
“I hate this stupid fuckin’ icing! It doesn’t stick to anything ‘sides the plates in my fingers!” You looked up from where you were adding gumdrops to the peaks on your cookie roof to see Bucky chuck the bag of icing ‘glue’ across the table to the floor.
“Buck?” You asked, trying your best to stifle the giggles threatening to escape your lips.
His furrowed brows and dark, irritated eyes cast in your direction before dropping to see your perfectly-manicured edible lawn and dainty candy-cane decor.
“What?” He snarked, huffing as he looked back at his own slowly-crumbling cookie home.
“You need to add more powdered sugar.” You told him, nodding to the bowl to your left with the mound of the white powder currently sitting inside.
“Why?” He asked, voice softening just barely as his curiosity piqued but he didn’t turn to look at you again.
“Makes the icing stronger. You added too much milk.” You held out your hand for his mixing bowl and he sighed before offering it to you, a frown still on his face.
You thanked him with a bright smile before grabbing the ingredients to make him a new bag of icing that should hopefully stick to his gingerbread walls better.
“You know… you’re still doing really good, Buck. I know this is kinda silly but it’s a good way to enjoy the holidays.” You tried explaining your reasoning for adding gingerbread-house decorating to your plans for the evening.
“I can think of a better way to enjoy the holidays, doll. Christmas lights and candy canes and everything.” Your eyes shot to his face to see him grinning wickedly, bottom lip tugged between his teeth as he started to rise from his seat.
“Nuh unh, Barnes. None of that!” You shrieked, laughter bubbling out of you as you shot to your feet and booked it away from your shared kitchen table and away from his new holiday plans.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Perfect Present
Okay crack drabble time. Christmas fuckery. Took inspiration from something and flipped it on its head because why not. That’s a warning in itself. This is short and stupid. Like me :) 
“WE’RE DOING SECRET SANTA” Tony announced, already a little drunk, swaying slightly as he passed around a bowl while everyone sat in the living room “Also this time I added some extra people in there since we already did it so many times before” 
“Fantastic” Nat snorted, seeing Tony’s name scribbled on her piece of paper. “I want to switch” 
“No take backs" Tony rolled his eyes, while Bucky rummaged through the bowl, pulling one of the tiny crumples of paper. He hated secret Santa, mostly because he didn’t know what to get anyone and he hated shopping. Actually, he didn’t understand shopping. Especially during Christmas. 
Why did people like crock pots so much.
What was the deal with kitchen aid mixers.
Who is this elf, why was he always on a shelf, what was his problem, why did he always stare at him (the elf lasted two days before it magically disappeared)
But as soon as he unfolded the paper and saw the name his eyes lit up. He knew exactly what to get, there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind. This was the perfect gift. He wouldn't even have to go shopping.
“Who’d you get Buck” You watched him curiously while he shuffled through wrapping paper, for some reason he actually looked excited this year. 
“It’s a secret” He smiled to himself, pleased with his choice. He’d already packed the box, it just had to be wrapped and decorated. He wasn’t big on wrapping presents; you had offered to help which he immediately accepted. not at all because he had a crush on you, no sir
“This box weighs a ton, what the hell is in here?!” You grunted, trying to lift the box to get the paper around it. Bucky snorted, helping you while you looked at him with the utmost confusion. 
“The perfect present” 
“Rocket, there’s a package for you” Nebula eyed the colorful box curiously, a giant ribbon on top of it, dropping it at his feet. He tore the giant bright red ribbon open, ripping the paper off, tears immediately welling in his eyes, looking at the prettiest most prized possession he’d ever have. He picked it up with two furry little hands, it was magnificent.  
“He remembered” 
“You sent him your arm?!” 
“It was just one of the prototypes, doesn’t do much damage” Bucky shrugged, highly pleased with himself while you stared at him in disbelief. You were both cuddled up on the couch along with the rest of the team while everyone opened gifts and munched on cookies. 
“Bucky there's no such thing as less damage when there's a talking raccoon involved! Do you know where he smuggled Thor’s new eye? I’m pretty sure he hid it right up his a-” 
“Ahem” Tony stood from behind you both, a thick bundle of mistletoe tied to a stick hanging above you both. Your face flushed, butterflies erupting in your belly. 
“Shuri made like 10 of them, you can have one too doll” Bucky smirked, his eyes flicking up to the mistletoe that hung above you both. 
“I’ll take one” Sam yelled, only to be smothered by Steve, intently watching you and his best friend, mere centimeters from kissing, just a little closer....
“I want this first” You whispered, leaning into him while he cupped your face, pressing his lips to yours making your insides melt. He smiled against your lips, his tongue gently tracing your lips, deepening the kiss. He blinked when Tony bonked him on the head with the mistletoe stick, snorting when you both pulled away. 
“Okay, if you want to make baby super soldiers take it upstairs” 
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@glxwingrxse​  @hungryyeyess​  @sebsgirl71479​  @beabutterfly987​  @teambarnes72​  @witchywhore​ @jamesbuckybarneswify​ @slutforsexyseabass​  @chrisdrysdale​ @littlemarvelmenfan​  @buggy14​  @whimsyplaty92​  @sergntbarnes​ @inkedaztec​   @pono-pura-vida​   @moonlightreader649​ @brooklynscherry-z​  @elle14-blog1​ @justsebstan​ @littlelightnings​ @psychomanniac-blog​  @happyt0exist​   @emmabarnes​  @bethyruth​ @matchat3a​  @cjand10​   @getwellsoontana​a  @cherryschaos​   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog​  @buckybarnessimpp​   @potatothots​  @goldylions​  @high-functioning-lokipath​ @morganemorganite-blog​  @kingfleury​  @peaches1958​  @spiderman-stilinski​  @peaceinourtime82​  @gublur​   @wintersmelodie​ @geeky-politics-46​   @lolawassad​  @almosttoopizza​   @a-poor-gryffindork​ @alternativeprincess​   @buckycallsmeaslut​  @kamaria-sweet-writes​  @charmedbysarge​    @xnorthstar3x​  @kryoee7​ @alina02​  @gh0stgurl​  @polishprincess999​ @jessybarnes​ @alltheficsiwant​ @chemtrails-club​
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Boyfriend!Bucky vibes in December
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎄
moodboard masterlist
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lives-in-midgard · 2 years
A special gift
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 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Reader celebrates Christmas with the Avengers.
Today is Christmas and you are really looking forward for the Secret Santa game and the dinner at the compound. You are very excited to see who got you and what Thor will think about his present and of course what Bucky will say.
“Hey Babe” you say while opening the door to Bucky´s room. You see him sitting at the desk trying to wrap Wanda´s gift.
“Hey Doll” he says with a smile on his face. Then looks at the gift again and then back at you.
“Do you need help Buck?” You ask your boyfriend with a chuckle and he nods. You go to him and sit on his lap and wrap the gift. He holds you from behind and gives you a kiss on the neck.
“Thanks doll, I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” You turn around and face him. You smile at each other, and he cups your face with his hands and gives you a passionate kiss on the lips.
“Do you want to cuddle until dinner?” Bucky asks you with a smile.
“Of course, I want, what question is that.” You say and he laughs. You go to his bed and snuggle up to each other.
“I love you so much Bucky” you whisper while lying on his chest.
“I love you too Y/n” You hear him say.
An hour later you say: “Buck I think we have to make us ready for dinner.”                                           
“Doll, we have an hour left, there is enough time, let's wait for a while I don’t want to get up right now.
“Oh, Baby I also don’t want to get up, but I want to look good and wear something beautiful. It is my first Christmas here, it has to be something special.” You say to him. “Doll you are always beautiful, and it will be something special I promise.” Bucky says to you while looking at you. You start to smile.
“Thanks, babe but we still have to get up now, but I promise you that we have enough cuddle time afterwards.” He begins to smile and gives you a kiss, then starts to stand up and you go to your room to change your clothes.
“Are you ready doll” You hear Bucky say while knocking at your door.                                                 
“Yes, you can come in Buck.” You yell from the bathroom. He goes in your room, and you go to him. He immediately begins to smile when he sees you in that beautiful dress you wear.                                                                        
“You look so beautiful."
“Thanks Buck, you look great too.” You say and give him a kiss on the cheek. Then you go to the living room with your presents and put them under the tree.
“The meal was so good, Wands!” You say with a smile to your best friend who sits at the other side of the table holding Vision's hand. “Thanks Y/n. Thank you all for this beautiful time this means so much to me.” She says with a smile on her face, everyone smiles, and they start conversations.
After a while the group goes to the tree to give each other the gifts. Steve has Nat. Nat has Bucky. Bucky has Wanda who is very excited about the cooking book she gets from him. Then Peter gives his gift to you, and you open it and find a beautiful snow globe in it. You thank him and give him a hug. After that you give Thor your present. He is very excited to open it.                                                                             
“Guys look what I got from Y/n a cup which says strongest avenger on it!” He screams with full excitement. You and the others start to laugh.
“Thanks Lady Y/n, I really love it.”
“Of course, Thor, I am happy that you like it.“  
After everyone got there presents Bucky came to you and says, “Close your eyes doll.” You do as he says. “Now open” When you open your eyes you see him holding his dogtags in his hands.
“I don’t understand baby?”
“I want to give them to you, so you always have a piece of me with you whenever I am away, so you know you are not alone.” He says and presses a soft kiss on your lips and whips with his thumb from your cheek a tear away.                                                     
“Thanks Bucky, I love it so much and I won’t take them off, they are safe with me. I love you so much. And now my gift for you” You give him a small gift.                                  
“Wow doll, this is amazing. I love it we are going to have such a good time in Coney Island. It's been such a long time since I’ve been there.” You thought it would be a good idea to make a vacation just for the two of you.
Then you all watch a Christmas movie together and you fall asleep beside Bucky he puts a blanket over you and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead.  
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buckrecs · 2 years
hi! i am desperately searching for christmas bucky barnes fanfics because it does NOT feel like the holidays and i'm in need of some holiday spirit :) if you don't celebrate christmas though no worries at all, i don't want to be a bother!
masterlist | req masterlist
In my country we don’t celebrate Christmas like America, so I’ve always wanted to do christmas activities. (I live in Korea) It was so much fun reading these holiday fics🎄✨
btw i’m visiting New York for the first time soon!! I hope some of the christmassy stuff is still there till February…
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Secret Santa by @buckybarnesandmarvel
the team decides to do a secret santa... of course you get the one person you’re in love with
White Christmas by @writerlyhabits
The Holiday season catches Bucky by surprise, but after a less-than-ideal morning, a friendly invitation from his new neighbor is more tempting than he would have anticipated. 
Christmas Bucky by @softlybarnes
bucky realizes you aren't in your usual festive mood.
An Unusual Christmas by @petersshirts
You plan on flying home for Christmas but when the flight gets cancelled, you need to seek shelter at the one Avenger you can’t stand
Operation Mistletoe by @wkemeup
With dozens of mistletoe appearing in archways across the compound, you start to notice a pattern when you begin to encounter Bucky Barnes beneath each one
The Worst Time of the Year by @delaber (series)
According to Bucky, Christmas is the worst time of the year. He hates everything about it - well everything apart from one thing: you.
won’t ask for much this christmas by @bonky-n-steeb
You get stuck in Christmas lights and Bucky fucks you.
The Quest for Love by @sgtjbuccky (series)
Work has always been a priority for Bucky, leaving things like love long forgotten, and for him it’s no problem, but for Sam and Steve it is the biggest problem to grace this earth. Fed up with Bucky and his constants protest and avoidance of love, they set him up on a series of dates to find the girl of his dreams with the help of the magical spirit of December. Only for Bucky to realize that love isn’t always found where one goes looking for it, but may be close by.  
christmas eve by @buckybleu
It's the night before Christmas and an ex-assassin is up wrapping Christmas presents for his family.
Christmas Shenanigans by @buckybarnesstar
mega fluffy bucky x reader where they go Christmas shopping
12 Days of Christmas by @sweetbuckybarnes (series)
12 days running up to Christmas, Bucky and Y/N come closer together.
‘Tis the Season by @moonbeambucky
With Christmas around the corner not everyone is excited to celebrate. Will your surprise bring back Bucky’s spirit or turn him into a Grinch?
Little Christmas Gifts by @iwillbeinmynest
The Holliday Hack by @gogolucky13
You ask Bucky to be your stand-in boyfriend for your family’s Christmas party.
Not-So-Secret Santa by @navybrat817
Bucky wants to give you the perfect gift.
The Perfect Tree by @andreafmn
After all is said and done, Christmas is (Y/N)'s favorite time of the year. She is known for going all out, from decorations to food, from silly traditions to happy memories. But one thing can never go wrong. She needs the perfect Christmas tree.
Merry Fuckin’ Christmas by @rookthorne (series)
No one ever, ever, turned down the opportunity to celebrate and party through the festive season over the years, but with your help, the 107th Motorcycle Club was going to learn that tradition was just as important as a loaded gun.
All Wrapped Up by @jobean12-blog
Bucky likes you...he’s shy...but he finally has a way to show it with a special gift. 
Tis the damn season by @starrysebastians
On the first post-blip Thanksgiving, you find yourself having to reunite with your parents and your heart is not in it — Sam persuades you to take Bucky with you, and this might be an opportunity for you two to get to know each other.
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Merry Christmas! <3
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book-place · 2 years
Home for Christmas
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Avengers x reader platonic
Request: Can I pls order an avengers x reader? They missed Christmas due to a mission they had to go on last minute. When they came back the day after Christmas, the avengers planned a movie night for when you returned. So you all watched some movies and somehow got stuck in a cuddle pile on the 2nd movie. You mainly just sat still while watching the movie and listening to some of them argue (Bucky and Sam)
Request by: @ladyagagaslefttoe
*not my gif*
Summary: Your team surprised you after a long mission away
A/N: Welcome to day 7 of Book Places 12 Days of Christmas Celebration
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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The elevator just couldn’t go fast enough.
You were rocking back and forth on your heels and drumming your fingers against the side of your leg in anticipation as you bit down on your lip.
What was only less than a minute, had felt like an eternity for you in that elevator.
You had been away on a last mission for about a week by yourself, only your specific skill set needed for it, so you had to leave your team behind and ended up missing Christmas.
It devastated all of you for you not to be able to spend it with together, or even be able to call due to the seriousness of the mission.
Of course, you had reassured them though, that it was alright and to not pause any of the festivities like they wanted until you got back, not wanting to ruin the holiday for them.
When the doors finally did slide open, you practically jumped out, only to be tackled to the floor by a swarm of bodies.
“Y/n!” Your entire team cheered as they greeted you with a large hug and even larger grins.
Your mouth gaped a little bit as you looked around you at all of the decorations that they had put up in your absence, and all of the presents that had been left untouched under the tree.
“What is…” You were at a loss for words as Steve helped you stand up.
“We know you told us not to,” Nat said with a teasing smile.
“But we decided to wait to have Christmas until you got back!” Tony announced proudly, standing with his hands on his hips as if it were his brilliant idea.
Bucky rolled his eyes playfully, “Don’t let him fool you, n/n, it was the twins' ideas.”
Wanda and Peitro each gave you a wink and a wave from off to the side as a way to confirm the man’s words.
Your eyes began tearing up slightly at the sheer kindness of it all, “Guys, you didn’t have to…”
“Of course we did!” Thor called bouncing up and down excitedly like a child.
“We couldn’t have Christmas without you, n/n!” Sam added from the couch.
“Let’s get this party started!” Clint cheered with a grin, coming around to swing an arm over your shoulder.
You laughed and allowed the man to lead you over to the tree where everyone had begun to pass out their gifts to one another, and you got right to work as well.
“I love Christmas!” Thor shouted excitedly as he looked at the wrapped box you had handed him with eyes that held nothing but joy and pure excitement.
You all laughed again at his words and continued to pass out your carefully planned out presents that may or may not have taken all of you at least three months to pick out.
When that was finished and everyone was practically bursting at the seams with gratitude for what they had gotten, Bruce and Tony quickly ushered all of you into the dining room, where a feast fit to feed an entire army sat. But you all knew that it wouldn’t take much for it all to be devoured within seconds by the team.
So the celebration continued as everyone ate, shared stories, and laughed to their heart's content.
“And then…” You trailed off because you couldn’t fit any words in between laughs, “And then he just disappeared!”
All at once, fits of giggles exploded from the room, practically shaking the walls with how loud and booming it was from everyone.
You couldn’t help but look around at your team- your family- with a soft smile, because you never could have asked for better people to be sharing the holidays with.
Once all of your plates had been cleared, Pietro had excitedly jumped up and exclaimed, “Movie time!”
You all chatted happily as you made your way to the movie room/ theater that Tony had installed for moments like this.
You all took your seats, you between Nat and Wanda, as the control screen popped up and Tony began scrolling through movie ideas.
“Elf?” He questioned.
“Yes!” Sam called.
“No!” Bucky responded at the same time.
The two glared at each other as Steve ran a hand down his face with a sigh from in between them.
“Home Alone?”
It happened again and you all rolled your eyes, “How about someone else decides?” Bruce asked tirdley, slumping back into his seat.
“Let’s just watch Christmas Vacation!” You exclaimed from your seat, wanting to put an end to their bickering already.
This time, both the men agreed and everyone was finally able to settle back and enjoy the film.
There was, of course, the occasional, “Get your hand away from me” and “I swear to god, I will feed you to pigeons” from the two of them, but that was to be expected.
All in all, you had just the day you needed after the mission that had taken away your holiday, and you had a team that cared for you very much. So much, that they had planned this entire day for you and made sure it had gone perfect.
Which it did.
We Are Groot 🤎- @lovanitu @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @irethepotato @femalemarvelself @mukbee @its-hell @ip747 @i-writes-things @popfishjr @mitsuki-murakami
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im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 10 months
12 Days of Christmas 🎄
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🎄✨🎄✨ <- Christmas playlist to get you in the mood for the holidays
Baby, Please Come Home <- You’re missing Bucky during the holiday’s ✨
Falling For You <- Going ice skating w/ Bucky for the first time together ✨
Daddy’s Favorite Story <- Your daughter can’t go to sleep until she hears one more bedtime story from Bucky ✨
Santa, Baby <- Telling Bucky that the two of you are about to become three ✨
Secret Santa <- Bucky decides to finally tell you how he feels about you through his Secret Santa gift ✨
Under The Mistletoe <- Sharing a kiss underneath the mistletoe w/ Bucky ✨
Downtown Winter Nights <- Exploring downtown Chicago w/ Bucky during the holidays ✨
Baby, It’s Cold Outside <- There’s a snow storm outside and Bucky offers you a place to stay in his apartment ✨
Dashing Through the Snow <- You dropped a gift box while walking through the streets of New York and Bucky is on a wild goose chase to return it back to you ✨
Holiday Treats <- Bucky keeps trying to eat the cookie dough while you’re in the middle of baking ✨
I’ll Race Ya <- Going sledding w/ yours and Bucky’s small family (ft the Starks) ✨
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas <- Your daughter Grace is too excited about Santa to go to sleep ✨
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dailyreverie · 2 years
Picninc by the tree
A/N: We're kicking off the holiday spirit with some cute Bucky fluff. I really hope you all enjoy it ⛄ (also let's pretend he's not a psycho on that gif).
☃️ December Writing Challenge! 🎄
Day #1: Indoor picnic by the fireplace and/or christmas tree
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 669 words
Warnings: Alcohol mentions
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[gif by @ofherscarlettwitchways (x)]
There are days in which everything seems to be off. It’s normal, you know those days show up every now and then, yet still, they seem to break you to your very soul every single time. You can’t wait to hop in the shower and wash the whole day away; every step you climb to your apartment feels harder than the last, especially when all you want is to join Bucky in the couch and fall asleep in his arms.
But then you get home, and all you wanted to do is forgotten when you open your door and find your apartment transformed into a holiday dream, full with dimmed lights and soft, Christmas music playing in the background.
“You’re here,” Bucky stops mid-step, a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a bag of M&Ms in the other - and a sneaky popcorn in his mouth but he really thought you were not going to be there yet.
“I sneaked out of work,” Your reply is somewhat distant as your eyes keep looking around.
You’re in awe of how your apartment looks, of how the lights from the tree light everything up in a cozy haze, candles smelling like fresh pines and vanilla make your apartment warm, and if that wasn’t enough, there’s a bottle of wine ready for you next to a bunch of holiday-themed snacks, everything perfectly placed on a blanket on the floor, next to the tree and in front of the TV where a movie is already loaded.
“Doll? You alright?” Bucky appeared in your line of sight again, standing before you and holding your shoulders softly when he sees you standing still.
“Did I forget something? Are we- it’s not our anniversary, right? ‘Cause that one’s not even this month.”
“No. Nothing’s happening today.”
“It’s definitely not your birthday-”
“Hey, no. There’s nothing going on, no special dates.” Bucky interrupts your ramblings and you tilt your head to the side at his answer, making Bucky smile at you with a light chuckle. “You talked about a Christmas picnic a few days ago and when you said you were having a hard day earlier today I just… I thought maybe… What if I try and do a Christmas picnic?”
“Oh, Buck.” You sigh, his eyes shine and smile at you, a shiny blue that twinkles when he sees you liked coming home to that. Every ounce of stress, every fiber of the work-induced headache, it all went away when you looked into Bucky’s eyes and let out a deep breath. “You didn’t have to do all this.”
“Alpine did most of it so don’t even worry about it.” He replies nonchalantly, his voice playing around a giggle he’s trying to hide as he steps closer, closing the distance with a smile against your own. “You always take care of me, honey, it was my turn now.” Bucky kisses you slowly with a kiss that makes every single one of your muscles let go of every worry. The harsh metal of his hand holds your back, feeling soft against you as he steadies your body melting against his. He guides you like that, walking you both towards the picnic.
“Well, thank you. This was a beautiful surprise.” You let a laugh break through your lips then, when you sit against Bucky’s side and a white ball of fur jumps to your lap. “Thank you too, Alpine.”
Bucky chuckles too at the feline rubbing against your arm as he tries to get cozy. “Well, now you’re all settled let me go get-”
“Hey,” you stop him from standing, your hand reaching his on the floor tangling your fingers together. You smile loss for words when you see him waiting for you to keep talking. “I love you, you know?”
Bucky smiles proudly before pecking your lips, he can’t help it when that beautiful look in your eyes is all because of him - not the twinkling lights or the candles, just him. “I love you more, always.”
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed reading!
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smolvenger · 2 years
(Not) Alone On Christmas (Bucky x Trans! Masc! Reader Oneshot)
Summary: Buckys about to spend a holiday by himself. You run to him with a proposition: you need a fake boyfriend for Christmas Day. But don't worry, it's all gonna be fake hahaha...unless?...
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Word Count: 4K
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drinking and of children, Reader's family not using the right pronouns but Bucky corrects them. Fake Dating.
A/N: Hi there, @riley-writes!!! Tis I!!! Your secret Satna for @startrekkingaroundasgard's Holiday Fic Exchange! Just want to say, thanks to @riley-writes for helping me out bc I am not a trans person and for the HUGE help in getting the details right! Also thanks to @jamesbuckybarns for all the ideas about this fic, many of which made it to this final draft! I hope y'all like it! Here is a link to the song featured in the fic
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My Etsy Shop for Comfort Character Letters and Playlists
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“No, you earned the chance to have Christmas in Paris!” Bucky insisted.
Sam laughed at the other end of the line.
“It’s been Sarah’s dream to see Paris since she was a kid and why shouldn’t the boys go too? They were hopping up and down when they got the news. So…are you sure you won’t mind me traveling?”
Bucky shook his head, the phone hot against his ear.
“You should go, Sam…when was the last time you had a genuine break? You’ve been saving all our asses for months!” he replied.
“Guess you’re right. The shield’s heavy in more ways than one…” Sam admitted.
Bucky began to pace around his apartment. He then glanced out at the window. It was freezing cold and grey, but no snow. And Christmas was in about a week!
“Go spend Christmas in Paris with your family Sam, you earned it.”
“And you’ll be okay? No more of that Hydra or Winter Soldier crap, alright? Nothing, I repeat, nothing that will make me fly back there?!? This is my vacation we’re talking about!” Sam asked.
“It will all be fine!”
“Please, I don’t want to babysit any more Super Soldiers!”
“But I’m your best one!”
“You have a point. And for once the wizards and aliens have stopped and…I wouldn’t mind having an actual French croissant…”
“Go spend Christmas in France and don’t feel the need to babysit us…” Bucky insisted.
“Thanks Buck.”
“Thanks Sam.”
“I’ll get you a souvenir…”
“Get me French Wine and we’ll call it a deal.”
“Alright, man. Deal- I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Okay, bye.”
He hung up the phone. He was glad Sam could go but it meant…the holidays alone. Truly, truly alone. Not that Bucky minded solitude or didn’t find worthwhile moments when he was by himself.
It just hit different on a holiday like Christmas.
He gave out a sigh. He should mention this to his therapist.
He remembered the old Christmases in Brooklyn. Steve’s mom would bake him a small version of his favorite pie. You could hear people’s Christmas records sometimes as you walked by apartments. He and Steve would pelt each other with snowballs. They’d walk around New York admiring beautiful decorations and hot chocolate was worth an extra penny to spend on for the warmth around your hands.
He looked down on his own…Well…both of his hands at the time.
As he slid down to the couch to turn on the tv, he heard a desperate knock at the door. Fear hit his stomach and he slowly walked, metal arm ready, to see who it was. He opened the door and poked his head through, just to check. Then his muscles relaxed and he swung it wide open.
It wasn’t an enemy. Not at all. It was Y/N.
But he was not looking chipper as usual, but desperate.
Reader’s POV
“You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend!?” Bucky cried, hands on his hips
“Yes! Please!” you begged, sitting on the couch.
 The Hallmark Christmas movie that was turned out was drowned away to the more interesting, real drama between you both. You even folded your arms and looked up at him, like a puppy.
“All because your relatives are trying to set you up with some other guy?” Bucky tried to recall.
“Yes! Bobby! He’s the actual worst! So damn annoying. I hear his voice and lose brain cells, and not in a good way. He won’t even say my pronouns. Refer to the dead ones. Like he’s in love with the dead me and not the me me!  And he’s going to be there all day at Christmas at my family’s house! I just know he’s going to ask me out in front of everyone!  Please, Bucky- I’ll pay you if you need!” you said, reaching in your pocket to get your wallet.
“No, it’s just…it’ll feel a bit weird…”
“Not as weird as shoving this guy who’s going to be there and force me to date him?!? No sir- I’d rather it be you there! Besides, if you were there-Bobby would stay away. He’ll respect you. He and everyone else will think I am taken! It’s just for Christmas, I swear!” you insisted, shaking your head.
You saw him smile. You didn’t want to admit it, but Bucky had the most handsome smile you had ever seen. You clasped your hands together on your lap and bounced your leg as he paced, awaiting his response.
“Alright. I’ll do it. Sam’s gone- might as well spend the holiday with you.”
You let out a sigh of relief and a hundred thank you Bucky and you’re the best friend ever, Bucky.
In a flurry of baking and shopping and movie re-watching and carol blasting, Christmas Day and the big Family gathering arrived.
He initially didn’t know if he wanted to accept.
But which was better: another holiday watching the newer movies and ones he had seen tons of times before and hearing the same songs about togetherness while alone…or having company? And above all, in Y/N’s presence…
Bucky was a lonely man. That was, until he met you. But you had a whole family, and he did not. Maybe he could turn away but seeing as how you were about to wrap your knuckles on the door on a bitter cold Christmas afternoon, it was too late.
Here he was, awkwardly standing at the door holding macaroni and cheese- the warmth still radiating to where he felt it in one hand and under his chin. How would they react? As you were hugging your cousins and parents and aunts and uncles, he was still eyeing everything carefully as if it was a battlefield of it’s own.
As he gingerly stepped in, he found himself ducking and looking around, maybe to make himself smaller, less of a target. Eyes immediately turned to him.
“Guys, this is my boyfriend- James Barnes! But you can call him Bucky!” you introduced with a grand sweep of your arms and a cheesy, circus-performer sized smile.
“Oh, Y/N! You finally have a boyfriend! Wonderful!” your mom cheered.
Bucky nodded his head with a shy smile as “hellos” were exchanged. Once he put the macaroni on the kitchen counter- already the building was warm from all the cooking- and shook every hand he could, he went to the corner coat rack.
He took off his coat and then carefully put his gloves in his pocket. Once his gloves were off, the little children of the family looked at the undeniably metal arm. They gathered in wide eyed curiosity at it.
“What’s that? Why is it metal?” one little boy asked.
You had just gotten a drink to await the lunch and were sipping at it while watching.
“I, uh, had an accident and I lost it. So, I got it replaced,” he answered.
It was technically the truth after all. They didn’t need to know the details about Hydra.
“Can I touch it?” one little girl asked, her brown eyes getting bigger.
She poked it, feeling how cold and solid it felt to her fingers.
“Can I touch it? Can I??” they all asked like meercats sticking their noses up in the air.
They followed him as he went to the kitchen to get his plate of appetizers and then plopped onto the couch. Out of the corner of his eyes were more of the younger kids. Their parents brought them their activity books, knowing that there would be a lot of “grown up” talking when it wasn’t present time. One bold little girl crawled up to him.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
“You can call me Bucky…” he said gently.
Her eye went to the inevitable- his arm.
“Bucky- your arm is so cool!? Can I put stickers on it!” she asked.
You nearly snorted out your drink, putting a hand to your mouth to keep from laughing. She ran over, picked up her activity books, and returned.
“Uh…yeah, sure.” He replied.
Other kids ran up with their activity books and sticker pages insisting the same. Before long, his whole arm was surrounded by strawberries, cats, big eyed Disney cartoons, dinosaurs, and glittery planets (one of the kids was going through a space phase). One boy laughed a little, but they all admired him.
The first little girl said, “it makes your arm even prettier!”
Pretty? Huh…he never thought of it that way…
“Thank you- what do you think, Y/N?” Bucky asked, turning to you.
You smiled at it.
“It does make your arm look pretty, Bucky!” you confirmed with a nod of your head.
Oh gah, there was something different about the way he was looking at you- what were you to do? Why did it make you feel those things? No- nonononono. You had to focus. You had to survive this day. Your stomach was grumbling and the cheese and crackers you stuffed in your mouth were digested already. How long until the meal and presents so you could make the quickest exit out?
The doorbell rang and you felt your cup shake in your hands.
“Come in, Bobby!” your mom greeted cheerfully.
Dang it, why can’t it just be family and not his stupid face? You cursed silently.
There was a sudden swing of the door and Bobby was there, the guy your parents wanted you to be with. Ugh, Bobby may be an engineer with money and an apparent obsession with a version of you, but he looked and acted the exact opposite of your type. And the fact your parents wouldn’t stop singing his praises even though Bobby quietly engaged your fight or flight response immediately.
“Hey there! What’s up! Merry…” Bobby’s stupid, obnoxious voice was cut off at the sight of a certain handsome, well-built man with short dark hair and a metal arm.
“And who exactly are you?” Bobby asked with fake politeness.
You stood up, downing the rest of your drink, and smiling wickedly.
“Oh, you haven’t met my boyfriend yet!” you exclaimed, putting an emphasis on the last word.
Bobby’s lips tightened. You walked forward to Bucky.
“Here is the best boyfriend in the world- Bucky Barnes!”
You threw your arms around him and gave him a peck on the cheek and Bucky smiled. Just enough for Bobby to nod in frustrated respect and defeated acknowledgement.
“I brought green bean casserole…” he said, lifting the red dish with tinfoil over the cover.
“Oh, good! Take it to the kitchen!” Bucky insisted, gesturing there.
Bobby stomped away. He only stayed twenty minutes to drink a soda, drop off two lumpy Christmas presents, and chat around. He then said he had a bad stomachache and left.  Bucky looked at you and you gave him a small wink. From behind, you gave him a small high five.
Since that asshole had left, you were practically glowing. You were smiling- huh, what a smile. Bucky thought. It made his stomach flutter when you smiled. And you were laughing too among your cousins. Not that fake laugh to flatter someone’s bland joke. No, this was real, happy, belly laughter. Your laughter, your voice. It had been in his head. Bucky spent Christmas Eve secretly counting down the hours until this. Yes, it was a test and charade. But it meant…he could spend more time with you.
What was this? Obsession? Lonleiness? Or maybe…maybe it was…
“Hey Bucky!” your dad called out.
Then your dad approached Bucky as he shook away the thoughts from his head, back to Planet Earth. The dad placed a hand on his shoulder and began to speak.
“You know…when the time comes for Y/N’s birthday or if you stick around for next Christmas…could you help me find a right Christmas gift for her?”
“Him” Bucky corrected.
He sighed and shook his head but then took in another inhale.
“I mean, a gift for him.”
Bucky shrugged. “Of course!”
Suddenly, there was aloud, shrill beep from the kitchen timer. He heard your mothers voice ring out just like the Church bells would in Brooklyn on that snowy, holiday morning.
“Dinner’s ready! Wash your hands and get plates, everyone!”
There was a lack of ham on your plate. Ham was your favorite thing to eat on Christmas and apparently it was everyone else’s. When you finally reached it, there wasn’t that many left. But your parents knew there would be a multitude and so a second ham was placed in the oven to bake. After eating your pitiful slice and enjoying some side dishes, you could get some more.
“Is there anything I could do for you?” your aunt Lydia asked.
She was standing up and eyeing everyone else’s plates.
“Oh yeah- I got my fill of Mac and Cheese, but I’d like some of the ham, please,” you asked.
There was the sound of the mixer like a power drill and then it paused.
“What?” You heard your mom from the kitchen. Her apron was splattered with the cookie batter she was mixing.
Aunt Lydia went over to the corner, the threshold of dining room and kitchen, cupping her mouth.
“Hey! Y/N just said she wants some ham!!”
Your lips went tight, and you placed both hands on your green plastic cup, face lowering down. Your shoulders bunched up to your ears. You wished you were a tortoise and had a shell to vanish inside.
Bucky stood up and walked to the aunt, hands in his pocket.
You perked your head out of your cup. Bucky gave a quiet, angry look. Maybe the Winter Soldier was never truly gone after all, you thought.
“He wants some ham,” he corrected her.
“HE wants some ham,” your aunt repeated with a little sigh.
“Thank you, there you go!” Bucky said, even giving a little bow.
He walked over to you.
“Thank you, you see, it’s so awkward and I hate it…” you whispered.
“She always makes me feel like less of a man…” you confessed into his ear.
He took your hand with his own flesh one and squeezed it.
“Listen, you are a man. No one can take that, okay? I don’t see some faker in front of me- I see a real, genuine man. So why can’t you see that in yourself too?” he whispered.
“Okay…” you whispered back.
When you realized eyes were on you both again, but blinking in ignorance of what was said, you gave Bucky another peck on the cheek and returned to your seats.
You finally got your ham helping. All was going smoothly even when it was time for dessert.
“Dear, would you like some cheesecake?” Bucky asked loud enough for any relative to hear.
“Sure thing, love!” you answered with a practiced smile.
Once he gathered a plate with cheesecake on it, as well as a plate for you, everyone’s head at the table was turned towards the two of you. The other twenty side conversations were dropped.
“Oh, so you’re the Prince Charming, eh?” an uncle asked.
In the back, one could hear your mom turning on the Christmas Playlist but adjusting the volume so it wouldn’t overpower any conversations.
“Yes, I am!” he said plainly.
“How did you two meet?” your father asked.
“Uh…it was…” Bucky began, he squinted his eyes and scratched the back of his head.
“We met at a bar. Bucky’s good friend is Captain America right now and there was a segment on him on the tv. So, I bought him a drink and asked him more and then next thing I knew, we were dating!” you piped in quickly.
That was all true. It was nerve wracking how Bucky would take your new gender and new identity. Especially concerning the truth of what time period he actually came from. But you had struck gold. He managed to let you talk and explain it, and always referred to you as who you were.
Maybe he would really be like that if we were really dat-
The thought made you pause before you could swallow your bite.
No, no, noononononono! You thought. Get that thought out of your head now Y/N! You got to focus! You got to make it through to the end!
“So you really know Captain America!?” an aunt asked excitedly.
“Both of them. Don’t want to talk about the middle one. Long story short, John Walker wasn’t a good guy.” Bucky explained.
“But that’s so cool! Both Steve Rogers and now Sam! What are they like?” a cousin asked.
You scooped up some of the caramel drizzle on your plate with the edge of your fork.
“They’re both the bravest men I know,” Bucky answered.
“And how did you meet Steve?”
He froze a little, his forkful of cheesecake still down on his plate, yet to be eaten. Bucky’s face became paler, and his jaw hung in mid-air.
“Brooklyn, wasn’t it?! You were in Brooklyn when you met him!” you said quickly.
Again, not a lie. Just certain details had to be censored.
“Yes, I was in Brooklyn when I met Steve!” Bucky agreed, playing along.
“You’re so lucky, always wanted to see New York City! Just must pick the right time when it isn’t being attacked by something…” another cousin sighed.
Then the Playlist switched to some instrumental. It began dreamily with some bells playing a twinkly tune. And then a jazzy melody was picked up by some horns and a female singer. Bucky perked up.
“Hey! That’s ‘Santa, Bring My Mommy Back To Me!’” he commented excitedly.
“Really, you know that one?” your mom asked.
“Yeah, I remember I heard it when it first came-“
Your eyes went big, and you whipped your head, dipping into a fake cough to interrupt it. Then you turned to him with a stiff, forced smile as a warning. Bucky stopped himself from blowing his cover.
“You heard the record, right?” you corrected.
“Uh yeah, my mom bought a record and would play it at Christmas,” he confirmed.
If there was a dime for every half-lie you told at desert, you were on your way to becoming rich.
“My Bucky here loves all the oldies. Just like his parents did. It’s so relaxing to listen to!” you boasted, patting his back.
“Well, I like some oldies too! They bring such a nice, classy feeling to every event!” your mom agreed.
You let out a steady exhale through your nose. Bucky bit into his cheesecake.
“Can we pleeeeease open our presents now!!!!” one kid begged, hopping up and down in his chair.
“Oh, alright! C’mon everyone- let’s open some presents!” your dad invited, throwing his arms up.
The kids cheered and ran over there. Adults cleared their plates and followed them right after. There was much violent delight in kids squealing and ripping open papers. Even that innocent greed flashed in the eyes of all the adults. Present by present under the tree was passed around and opened. Some to enthusiasm, some with just a polite smile. You and Bucky sat on the couch, holding hands when you weren’t opening a gift.
Your parents then reached and got a red and white box with a bow under the tree.
“Here Bucky…we don’t know you well yet, so it was hard to pick a gift but…we hope you like it!” your dad wished.
Bucky blinked and then opened the gift. How long had it been since he had an actual gift given to him? As he opened the little green bag and looked inside, he saw it was a bunch of new socks his size, a wad of cash, and a little bag full of homemade cookies.
“We know it’s not much, but-“
He waved his hand, shaking his head.
“No, it’s not! It’s perfect! Thank you!”
Your parents both smiled warmly at him.
It struck him. This was just as comfortable as he could be with Sam and his family. He felt safe. Very safe. Too safe in fact.
Once you let go to hand out your gifts to your family, you realized Bucky felt incredibly warm he felt, head to toe. You were a foot away, but he already missed you.
Goodbyes were said, empty dishes and presents collected and stuffed into the car, and as you turned the key, you drove back to your place. Once you both walked inside and set all the stuff down, you let out a big sigh and laugh.
“Holy shit, that was something! But I could use some hot chocolate after that- want some, Bucky?” you offered.
“Of course,” he replied.
 You poured milk into a stove and turned it on to medium.
“They’re nice, but your Aunt Lydia is…something else” he commented.
“You can say she’s a bitch, Buck.” You confessed.
“Alright- she’s a bitch!” he said with a shrug.
That did make you laugh. Despite his sad past, so much about him made you…just smile and laugh. Naturally.
You returned with two steaming mugs and turned on a Holiday movie you liked and could watch while it was still the season (only six more hours to go!).
“Well, thought I would need this earlier- let’s not waste it,” Bucky said,
He reached into the pocket of his pants and got out a mini size bottle of vodka, dumping it into his mug. Apparently, you could take the Super Soldier from Russia, but you couldn’t take Russia from the Super Soldier.
Both of you clinked your mugs and took the first drink.
“Wait a minute…Bucky! Your arm!” you pointed and let out a laugh.
As Bucky looked down, he realized that he had forgotten that the stickers were still on there. As the movie played on and your laughter cooled down, you peeled it off of him, one by one, and tossed them aside.
“By the way…Y/N, are you doing anything on New Year’s?” he asked.
“Eve or day?” you asked.
“Doesn’t matter,” he replied.
You put a hand around the handle and another on the mug to feel the warmth.
“New Year’s Eve, my family usually throws a party…” you answered.
“Then let’s go! We can fake this again- it’s not too bad! It’s kind of fun, this danger of being caught. We’ll survive it!” he suggested.
You shook your head.
“No, no not really!”
“Why?” Bucky asked.
“It’s not that you’re a good fake date- it’s that…I…I’m busy…” you told him.
He took a larger drink of it. His face was turning a bit pink from the warmth. The movie blared on as a familiar carol was being played in its score.
“Oh…what do you have?” he asked.
You set your mug down and rubbed your hands together slowly.
“It’s…it’s uh…I’ve been planning this for months and I finally got the money to…I’m getting top surgery New Year’s Day,” you confessed.
“WHAT? Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“I wasn’t sure it goes through! And a million things can go wrong in the surgery and I didn’t want to make anyone too unrealistically hopeful- least of all myself! And I have a right not to tell you every last bit about my life!” you protested.
It’s not like we’re dating or anything…yet why did that thought make you sad?
“So yeah- super occupied! And I gotta get ready for life after, it’s gonna be tough…
“Oh, I just thought…
‘Thought what?”
“Thought you’d need a fake date again,”
You shook your head.
“No, not really…not any other upcoming things I can think of. But I’ll let you know..”
“Alright by me” he said, taking a bug gulp of his spiked hot chocolate.
Something was boiling, bursting inside him. He set the hot chocolate down.
“I need to go outside…”
“You can, Buck,” you replied.
Buck, Buck- Buck. Buck! His name getting shorter, smaller...cuter. As if James was too much and now Bucky was too much. Making it smaller, smaller-smaller to where he could only be held and embraced not as a lion but as a kitten. It was too much for him to bear. He stormed outside.
You sat there. Your stomach churning. He wasn’t a smoker. And your apartment didn’t feel stuffy at all. No, something was up- you put on your coat and followed him out.
Right as you opened the door, you noticed that it was dark now. Outside, there was a steadfast snow. No gusts were blasting it into your face, it was gentle. A lot, but gentle. You saw that Bucky had walked outside enough to where you could see his footsteps and saw the top of his head was covered in snowflakes.
“Bucky…Bucky, please!” you called out.
He turned to you, his face was red but his eyes were soft.
“What…what is it…”
You wanted to hear him say it.
“I…I feel…”
“What do you feel?”
“Why mad, what have I done?”
“Nothing! No! I guess-just…I’m frustrated, that’s all.”
“Why…what’s making your frustrated?”
You felt as if the floor would give out from beneath you. He walked closer to you, blinking a little. He brushed the snowflakes from your hair.
No, it couldn’t be…were you being too hopeful…
“Do you know what about your surgery makes me frustrated? The fact that you hid it from me? IT’s not that you hid it at all…it’s just it means so much to you. That I’m not…not special enough that…you can’t even trust me with it…”
He paused, swallowing.
“I don’t want to sit on the sides as you go  through this- I want to be there with you!”
Your breath was knocked out of you. You felt the snow fall on your head, the arms of your coat, your eyelashes, like small, gentle kisses from the sky. Yet you didn’t dare let your eyes leave his.
“Why? Is it because…because…” your voice trailed off, getting quieter and quieter.
“It’s because…I want to be a part of your life, Y/N. I want to be there for you, for all the moments…that’s why…that’s why I asked about your family…that’s why I agreed to pretend to be with you, why I wanted to do it again…”
“Because you really do want to be my boyfriend?” you asked.
He was still, his eyes still blinking.
“I…uh…uhm…yes. Yes, I do.”
You opened your hand, offering it. With both- flesh and metal- he took yours.
“Then…let’s be boyfriends. For real.”
“But one thing you gotta do- my arms are gonna hurt like a bitch after this top surgery. You’ll have to take me to the hospital and help me out once I get out. It’s four weeks of recovery and it’s intense. Do you promise?”
“Absolutely, babe.”
“I like hearing you call me that.”
“I like saying it.”
You leaned in to kiss each other right as another draft of snow fell on your heads.
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Whistling Blizzard | Bucky Barnes x reader
Seasonal Prompt List + Send one in with any one on THIS list :)
Requested by: me:)
Prompts: (bolded)      
56. “I’m snowed in at this god forsaken cabin in the middle of no where with someone I hate. On Christmas Eve. How do you think I feel?”
a/n: Hope you enjoy! x 
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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What was supposed to be a quick in and out mission, turned out to be one of the worst and longest missions you’d experienced. Here it was, Christmas Eve and you’re stuck with the one person you couldn’t stand. 
You and Bucky had somehow got separated from Sam during the mission and ended up in an abandoned cabin, in the middle of no where. You’d sent word to Sam, but he said due to the incoming blizzard, there would be no rescue team until tomorrow morning, which unfortunetly was Christmas morning. 
You should have been back at your home by now in front of a cozy fire, listening to Christmas music and eating your weight in chocolate chip cookies and milk to wash it down. 
But no, you’re sitting on a dusty and dingy couch that hadn’t seen the light of day in a decade, an overwhelming moldy smell and freezing your tail off. 
With a huff Bucky plopped on the other end of the couch, sending dust particles in the air.
You coughed and Bucky mumbled a sheepish sorry. 
“This is unbelievable.” You cross your arms over your chest, gazing out the window. The sun had already started to set and you could barely see through the large snow flurries beginning to fall and blanket the earth. 
“I don’t know.” Bucky slides down the couch so he can lean his head on the back of the sofa comfortably, eyes closing, “I can finally get some peace and quiet.” 
You glare at him from your seat, “You know this is all your fault, right? If you hadn’t-” 
“Woah now,” His eyes fly open, his hand outstretched to stop you and ready to defend himself, “My fault?” 
“yes, your fault!” 
He sits up now, ready to begin this argument, “I wasn’t the one who suggested we go-” 
“No, you just suggested we go guns blazing into the place without even evaluating what we were up against!” 
“I knew we could handle it, but then you backed out and left Sam and I hanging. The two of us couldn’t take all of them. If you’d stayed and fought we’d have had a chance.” He stands, “I’m not going to sit here while you try to pin this on me.” 
“Cause you know I’m right and you don’t want to admit it.” You call out after him. 
He storms out of the cabin with a slam of the door. 
That was Bucky for you, always leaving when things got tough or if he was backed in a corner. He never could admit his wrong doings. It was always someone else’s fault. 
As the day began to fade and night set in, you found some candles, lining them around the room for at least some light. It was beyond freezing in the cabin and you had begun to worry that Bucky may have actually left you here. He wouldn’t have left you here, would he? 
You rummaged through the cabin, trying to find anything you could use for warmth and found only a wool jacket and a blanket. Did Bucky get cold even with the super serum? You shook your head, why worry about him? He wouldn’t even think about your well being. 
You wrapped yourself up on the couch in the blanket and jacket. As the blizzard intensified, the wind made a whistling noise against the wood of the cabin, sending a chill down your spine. 
You jumped as the door opened and a gust of wind and snow blew through the cabin. Bucky quickly slammed the door shut with his foot and dropped the wood by the fire place. 
He takes in your shivering form wrapped up on the couch, “We can’t have you freezing to death. Sam would never forgive me.” He mumbles as he works and gets a fire going, heat filling the cabin. 
Bucky rubs his hands together, blowing into them as he stands near the fire for warmth, “You okay?” 
“I’m snowed in at this god forsaken cabin in the middle of no where with someone I hate. On Christmas Eve. How do you think I feel?”
“What? You hate me?” He asks, sarcasm laced in his voice, “I had no idea!” 
You roll your eyes, standing from your place on the couch and coming closer to the fire, “You’re a pompous jerk who never listens or ever admits when he’s wrong.” 
“And you’re a stubborn and spoiled brat who thinks her way is the only way.” He fires back. 
You lift your chin in confidence, “because my way is the only way.” 
You and Bucky share a look and you try to hold back a laugh, but fail, which only makes him laugh  “god, I hate you.” 
You shrug, “I only match the feelings shown to me.” 
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you as the laughter dies down. The fire thawing your shivering form. 
“I am really sorry you have to spend Christmas Eve with me. I know you’d much rather be home watching Christmas movies and doing whatever else you like to do.” 
“I’m sure you’d much rather be doing something else too.” 
He shrugs, muttering softly, “Honestly, this is better than spending Christmas Eve alone.” 
There was a flicker of emotion as you stared at him in a different light. He was vulnerable, something you didn’t see very often and he was sharing that with you. A overwhelming fondness for him was brewing. 
“You don’t do anything for Christmas?”
“Nope.” he places a piece of wood on the fire and it crackles, “What’s there for me to do? My family’s gone. And I don’t have anybody.” 
He can see you looking at him with pity and he clears his throat, “anyways, I don’t mind it. I like the quiet.” He turns away from you to head back toward the couch but you stop him with a hand on his arm. He turns toward you, “What?” 
“Why don’t you spend Christmas with me tomorrow? We can do all I had planned for Christmas Eve.” You give his arm a comforting squeeze, “Since it’s kind of your fault I’m missing out on it in the first place.” You say in a teasing tone. 
He chuckles softly, “I don’t need your pity, y/n. I’ll be fine by myself.” 
“maybe I won’t be okay being alone.” You try to suggest, turning it around, “I don’t want to spend another Christmas alone.” You knew he wouldn’t show his vulnerable side again out of embarrassment for even letting that sliver of it show. 
He stares down at you and without thinking, he slips a piece of hair behind your ear, his finger grazing your soft cheek. 
Your mouth is slightly agape as you stare up at him, both of you lost in a trance. 
His hand makes its way to your neck, his fingers hot against your skin.  You watch his tongue dart out and wet his lips before he’s leaning toward you and pressing his lips against yours. 
comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated xx 
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finelinevogue · 2 years
finelinevogue ficmas
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21st December - love me tomorrow
pairing: teacher!harry x teacher!reader🎄 (+13.8k)
22nd December - winter soldier, literally
pairing: boyfriend!bucky x reader 🎄 (+1.2k)
23rd December - thank God for mistletoe
pairing: uni!harry x uni!reader🎄 (+1.3k)
24th December - distant promises
pairing: boyfriend!bucky x reader🎄(2k)
25th December - don’t break my heart this year
pairing: ex-boyfriend!harry x reader🎄(+7.2k)
26th December - love, actually
pairing: husband!harry x reader🎄(+1.4k)
[all fics will be released at 6:00PM BST ]
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