#bucky barnes fanfi
lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Loki, Steve Rogers, OC Vera
Warnings: angst 
Part 7
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I don’t think we slept at all last night. We were constantly talking about everything and nothing. About the life we would have after I came back from Norway. He wanted to look for a place here in Brooklyn which would be big enough for more than two people he shamefully admitted. To which I just smiled. A human life didn’t sound so bad at all with him. I had decided in that moment when I would be coming back to tell him who I am, there was so much going on now and no time to explain anything. 
“Bucky?” I asked. Something had been nagging at me when I told him I needed to go to Norway. He said that he would join the army if he had to. That was the last thin I wanted him to do. I wanted him safe. Not putting his life on the line in Europe. “Yes?” He answered back. “I know this might be a big promise, but.. can you promise me to not join the war?” I asked quietly a little unsure of myself. I needed him safe. He looked a little confused at my seriousness. “I-.. I- don’t ask me how I know, but this war.. I know many people will die.. I just can’t have you be one of those people. So please promise me you’ll stay out of it.” Bucky was about to say something but closed his mouth again, thinking of his next words carefully. “I promise.” He told me and that made me smile. He’d be safe I thought to myself.
A little while after that Loki was banging at the door indicating that it was time to go or we would miss the boat. I got all my things ready to go with my suitcase in hand before Bucky took it out of my hands for him to carry it. I gave him a sad smile and a quick kiss on his cheek and then we headed for the door. Down to where a taxi was waiting for us. Bucky put in the suitcases for me and closed the trunk. “We will see each other again.” He promised me as he embraced me tightly. I held on to him as tightly as I could not wanting to let him go. I swallowed back my tears before looking at him. “Write me. As soon as you have the chance.” I told him looking him deep in his eyes. He nodded, his eyes glossy. “I love you.” “I love you too.” We told each other. Giving each other one final kiss before I turned around and walked towards the door of the car Loki was holding open. I looked at him and he could only roll his eyes.
As I sat down in the car Loki closed the door and went to the other side of the car. I opened the window as quickly as I could. Bucky walked over to the window quickly. “You come right back here after that damn war is over alright!” I nodded. “Promise me?” He asked. “I promise!” I responded quickly. Bucky grabbed my left hand quickly and gave it a kiss. “When you get back there will be a ring on that finger.” He told me. The car started moving. I quickly nodded again. “I love you Bucky.” I said as he was running with the car, too fast for him to keep up. He let go of my hand and I instantly felt an emptiness. 
I quickly turned around to see Bucky still running on the street for a little bit before stopping. Loki handed me a handkerchief from his suit. I thanked him before taking it and turning around not being able to see Bucky anymore. “I am sorry y/n. I hate to see you like this.” Loki said truthfully. All I could do is nod in thank you, wiping away my tears.
Loki and I had checked in for our boat and were already walking towards it. I felt my stomach drop. In such a short time of me being here I felt so alive, living a life I wanted to live. Or starting to live the life I wanted to live. I looked up, looking at New York one last time and trying to see If I could see Brooklyn from where we were. Like I would be able to see Bucky. Of course I couldn’t. I looked down. “You know.. It might be good to leave here. And I don’t mean New York, but leave Earth. And I know what you’re going to say, but the knowing of what is going to happen and not change it has been eating at you for as long as I have known you.” Loki tried.
“What about Vera?” I asked him and he sighed. “After her. After her we go to Asgard.” I shook my head. I wasn’t ready for that. I wasn’t ready to leave Earth behind. “I can’t do that Loki.” Loki sighed. “After we visited Vera.. I’m going back to Asgard.” That made me turn around and look at him. He rarely left my side. Let alone him going back alone to Asgard. But I understood why he did it. He has been there for me through everything, it might be getting a lot to keep giving him the same answer of me not wanting to leave. I couldn’t blame him really. So I nodded in response.
As we got to the boat I gave New York one last look. I was going to miss it. I was going to miss Bucky. As I took a deep breath I walked towards the bridge that was connected to the boat. I held my suitcase a little tighter and walked up.
“Y/N!” I heard in the distance. I spun around and on the dock I saw someone running. Bucky. I dropped my suitcase and ran down. Bucky was being chased by security. In different circumstances I would have laughed at this, but now I could only have tears of joy. As I got to Bucky we both embraced each other. “What are you doing here?” I asked him in shock of seeing him again. “I didn’t get to say that I love you back. So I got a cab and now here I am.” I laughed at him for the silliness. “You’re such a dork.” I said giggling before kissing him. The security had finally caught up. “Sit you need to leave.” One of the security guys said. “One moment.” He told them. I looked at the security guards pleading for them to not take him yet. They nodded and stepped back, giving us our moment.
“You be safe there alright?” He asked. I nodded. “You too over here. And keep Steve out of trouble.” He nodded laughing. “I’ll try, but trouble follows Steve, so on that one I can’t make any promises.” I laughed in understanding. “You keep your promise of not joining the war?” I asked him all serious. “I promise and I promise to get you that ring. You just promise me to come back when this is all over.” “I promise.” I said as I felt tears falling down my cheeks. Bucky went to wipe them away from my cheeks. “Hey, this isn’t goodbye. We’re gonna see each other again soon. This war will be over before you know it.” He reassured me. I took a deep breath now really for the last time giving him a kiss. For a moment all the noise around us from the harbor went away, like it was just me and Bucky.
The horn of the boat went, indicating that the boat was leaving. I pulled back from Bucky. He had tears running down his face now too I went to wipe them away. “I love you James Buchanan Barnes, now, tomorrow and forever.” I said looking him in his eyes. “I love you, Y/n Ironside, now tomorrow and forever.” He told me. It was time for me to go on the boat. Bucky held my right hand tightly, until I had to step away and let him go. I walked towards the suitcase I dropped and picked it up walking over to get on the boat. As I went on I still saw Bucky standing on the harbor. 
“I love you Y/n! This is not an goodbye!” He yelled. “I love you Bucky! I’ll write you!” I yelled back. The boat started moving away slowly. Bucky followed the boat towards the edge of the harbor and I walked towards the edge of the boat. Giving each other one last look before I couldn’t see him anymore.
March 1942
It had been eight months since I last saw Bucky, It had been five months since he last wrote me a letter, It had been one month since I had stopped writing. It broke my heart. I really thought that Bucky was the one. For me he still is, but I am just not that for him anymore. We had written each other almost everyday since I had left. I don’t know if I did something that he didn’t want to write me anymore. “Are you ok?” Vera asked me? I had told Vera right away everything about Bucky. She was very happy for me and wanted to know everything about him right away. I told her he is such a dork, is a good dancer, has an amazing smirk, an even more amazing laugh, gets embarrassed by the books he reads, loves or.. loved me. 
“I’m ok. Just need to keep myself busy with something.” I told her walking around in her living room. Maybe a book. “With books?” She asked straight away, not impressed. “Y/n, you are not one to just sit around and.. read. Especially now, you could help in the war.” She tried. “You know I can’t.” I told her. “Well, maybe not with the big stuff, there is more than that going on you know. You can try and keep other German soldiers out of other towns. You did it here and you succeeded so far. Tonsberg has a lot of trouble. It might be good to actually go there you know.” Vera was right. Especially there. A long time ago I hid the Tesserect there or otherwise known as the Space stone. It had been safe all this time there. It was now hidden in a church, no one dares to attack a church, not even Nazi’s. But just incase it could be a good idea. Checking if it is still protected well enough.
“You’re right. I’ll go there today. It will keep me busy.” I agreed with Vera. I put on army clothes I had gotten from Vera’s late husband. She had fitted them in so it didn’t look baggy anymore. It made me slightly bled in, besides the fact that I am a woman that is.
“Where are you going?” Loki asked as he came in the house seeing I was all dressed up. “To Tonsberg.” I told him as I walked towards the door. “What’s in Tonsberg?” He asked still not getting what was going on. “War...” I said as I looked at him. “And the Tesserect.” I said as I walked out the door. Loki quickly followed me out the door. “Wait.. You mean to tell me that the Tesserect or the Space stone is here.. On Midgard?” He asked in disbelief. “Well, yeah, that’s where I hid it a couple of years ago.” “I beg you pardon.” Loki said shocked. “How long is a couple of years?” He asked. “A thousand.” I walked on towards the car to drive myself over there. “Why hide it here? And not tell me?” I opened the car door. “Well first off, I thought that you knew I hid it here.. might have just forgotten about that.” I said the last part under my breath. “And second I knew that at least until 2010 nobody was gonna use it or let alone know how to use it. Hence why I hid it here. Also people will only start going to space around the 60s, so I knew I had a while if I needed to hide it somewhere else.” I explained Loki as I started the car. “I’m coming with you.” He said as he tried to get in, but I tsked him away. “And what? Show them your suit? You’re not exactly dressed for-...” I didn’t finish my sentence as Loki turned his clothes in his usual.. Asgardian.. get up. “You can’t go like that.” I stated. “Why not?” He said a little offended. “Because you’ll be target practice. And I’m trying to NOT get noticed. You’re also not always very good at keeping a low profile.” I continued on. “Sorry.” I said lastly as I started driving away waving my hand behind me.
As I arrived in Tonsberg it was absolutely destroyed. There was smoke coming from houses that were burned down. Some houses were still burning. This must have just happened. There was no one around, hopefully everybody evacuated before anything happened to them. There was one older man who was struggling to walk coming out of the rubble. I walked over as quick as I could to help him. “Are you alright sir?” I asked him in Norwegian. He gave me a look up and down, probably wondering what a woman was doin wearing army clothes. “They came yesterday. They killed everyone, men, women and children.” He explained. “Did you see a badge or do you remember what they looked like?” I asked, maybe I could do something to prevent from other places turning up like this. I am not sure how, but I will try. “They wore a badge. A skull with tentacles.” A skull with tentacles? I have never heard of a group that wore a badge like that. Then again, it has been a long time since I had lessons about this. “Do they have a name?” I asked trying to gather as much information to try and piece my memory together. “Hydra.” It must be a small group, because I have never heard of them before. This was good, they might not have been important enough for the history books at all. Maybe I can do something about them.
“Thank you sit. do you need help getting somewhere?” I asked him before he already started walking. “No, I have survived so far.” He said as he walked away in the distance.
I have to retrace their steps, maybe I can track down this Hydra group and end it there for them. They did a lot of damage here. All the houses were completely destroyed. Sadly I saw some people that did not survive. I did my best to cover them with blankets or anything that I could find to cover them up. After a little while I was standing right in front of the tower I had hid the Tesserect a long time ago. The door was blown up and was not in good condition at all anymore. I walked towards the hole that once was a door and inside there was the tower keeper laying on the ground. I quickly ran over to see if I could find a pulse or if I could heal him, but I was too late. The bullethead that was in his chest was fatal. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” I whispered. I felt awful, if I had just been here sooner and stopped moping around, these people could have still been alive. This is all my fault.
I looked up and saw that the grave was destroyed. As I walked over I noticed the decoy Tesserect was gone, for a split second I hoped that I had fooled this person and he took the decoy. But as I went to turn around I stepped on glass. It was the decoy. I quickly ran over to the wall with Yggdrasil on it to check the hiding spot of the Tesserect. “Oh no..” It was gone.
“We have a BIG problem.” I said as I walked in the house. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even think anybody knew about the Tesserect and now most likely someone in Hydra had stolen it. So many things were going through my mind, I was in full panic mode. “What happened love?” Loki said in his annoying voice. “The Tesserect. It’s gone. Someone stole it yesterday.” I explained to Loki. “Who?” That made me narrow my eyes at him. “Well.. don’t you think if I knew who stole it I would be going to get it from him right now?” I asked irritated. 
He put one hand up in response, but keeping one behind his back. “What you got there?” I asked him curious. “A message from Heimdall.” He answered. “He writes you? Since when? Let me see.” I tried as I was getting behind his back to try and get the envelope from him. He swiftly moved away dodging me hands easily. “Love I have trained you.” He said as if I would never be able to keep up with him. “Then you should know I am a lot stronger than you are.” I retorted. “It’s private.” Loki said back as he tried to move away from me again. Fine then I’ll play dirty. I grabbed his long hair and pulled him back. And I swiftly took the envelope out of his hands. “You didn’t teach me that.” I smiled at him. “No you got that one from Thor. But I would really like you to give that back to me.” He said as he tried to grab it out of my hands, but I moved away quickly so he couldn’t reach it. I shoved him back and saw familiar handwriting on the envelope. “Bucky.”
“Don’t Y/n.” Loki tried as I ripped the envelope open and pulled the letter out. 
Hi Doll,
It’s been about five months now since I have last heard from you. I really hope nothing bad has happened to you. I can’t even put my mind in that place. After this war is over you are coming back to America. It is still the only thing I can think about and I hope you still want that.
I have been doing my best at keeping Steve out of trouble, he also misses you a lot. He has also been asking me how you have been doing and I have been telling him you are doing well, because that is my hope, that you are ok.
If you are still getting and reading my letters I have been sending, you might remember me saying that I might join the army. I know I made you that promise, but people are hurting and dying. You might be hurting or worse.. It is now official and I joined the army. I will have to start my training soon and then I’ll be send off  in about a year. I am truly sorry y/n and I hope you can forgive me for breaking that promise. 
I will keep writing you as much as I can!!
I love you Y/n, now, tomorrow and forever
I swallowed back my tears. Why was I not getting his letters? And why was I not getting his? I looked up from my letter at Loki, his face had no expression which said even more than he probably intended. “What did you do?”
Let me know what you think :)
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An Honest Man
Title: An Honest Man
Pairing: 40’s!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2164
Summary: After eavesdropping on a conversation between you and Peggy, Bucky runs from his real feelings, breaking your heart in the process.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, teensy implication of sexual exploits (like one sentence), and an Asshole.
A/N: I don’t know where this came from, it just kind of… popped into my head! Literally wrote this in less than an hour, which is a feat in my books! It starts off angsty, and in the middle it’s also angsty, but the ending is so full of fluff, that you won’t be disappointed… at least I hope… lol. Happy Reading!
Disclaimer: Gif Not Mine.
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Steve finally managed to find his best friend in the darkest corner of a bar they didn’t usually frequent. Bucky didn’t look so hot. His hair was a mess, shirt untucked, and obviously intoxicated. Steve sighed, making his way over to the table.
“Bucky… I’ve been looking all over for you,” Steve stated.
“Well, congratulations! You found me,” Bucky chuckled, sarcasm etched in every word he’d just spoke.
“I don’t get it,” Steve started, taking the empty seat besides him, “what happened? I thought you and Y/N were in a good place.”
“That’s the thing, Stevie. We were in a good place. I thought we were doing great, that we were on the same page, and then I overhear her and Peggy talking about marriage! Marriage, Stevie!” Bucky exclaimed exasperated. “Can you imagine? Me? Married? I’m not the marrying type. Y/N new that.”
“So what you’re telling me is that you broke up with her because you’re scared?” Steve deadpanned. “And yeah… I can see you settling down and getting married. God knows, you deserve it. We all do.”
Bucky groaned, shaking his head. “No! I’m not scared! I’m just not the type to be tied down. The world is just filled with so many good-looking dames, I can’t commit to just one. That’s just not my style.”
“Bullshit. Bucky, I’ve seen you two together. It’s been almost a year and you’ve never looked at another woman since. Face it Buck, you’ve finally met the one woman that can, and has, made an honest man out of you. Don’t mess this up. She’s a wreck without you. It’s been two weeks, and she hasn’t been eating, and by the looks of it, you’re not doing too hot either. Be honest with yourself Bucky. You’re in love with her and it scares you. And you know what? It’s okay.”
Bucky slammed his drink on the table, belligerent fire blazing in his eyes as he stood. “What would you know, Steve? You’ve been pining over Peggy for years and I don’t see you doing anything about it! Just back off, would ya? And mind your own business!”
With that said, Bucky stormed out of the bar. Steve sighed in defeat, not expecting his friend to blow up the way that he did, but then again, he should have expected it. An upset, intoxicated, Bucky has always been unpredictable.
You were sitting in your apartment in the dark, ignoring the incessant ringing of your phone hanging in the kitchen. You already knew who it was… Peggy or Steve, never the one person you hoped it would be.
Sniffling, you looked up to meet a photo Steve had taken of you and Bucky. You were wrapped up in his arms with wide smiles on both of your faces. You were sure that he was happy. There was no doubt in your mind that you were happy, but had you been blind, high off your own happiness to notice the misery Bucky was feeling? Was it your selfishness that lead him to end things with you? Or maybe he simply never loved you… Staring at his smiling face in the photo, newfound tears cascaded down your already tear-stained cheeks.
A month. It had been a month, and despite the urge to breakdown and cry yourself to sleep, you pushed on. You were better than this. You were determined to move on and forget him. You owed it to yourself to get back on your feet and get back in the game, despite Peggy and Steve constantly telling you to talk to Bucky. He was the one that left you. If he wanted a semblance of a relationship with you, friends, or just an acquaintance, then he’d have to approach you. Begging was not your style… other than in the bedroom.
You entered the busy bar, searching around to find your date, Gilmore Hodge. It didn’t take long for you to spot the man. He was sitting at the bar, laughing with the bartender, a drink in his hand. Taking a deep breath, you walked over to him, giving a soft and forced hello. Out of the blue, he had stopped you at the supermarket and asked you on a date. You figured this was your opportunity to move passed James B. Barnes.
“Hey there, Sweetheart. I almost thought you weren’t going to show. You sure do clean up nicely,” he complimented, eyes shamelessly roaming your figure up and down.
“Thank you. You’re look handsome as well,” you returned the formalities, however not with as much genuinity behind it.
“Can I get you a drink?” He asked, smirking down at you, although his eyes weren’t on yours, fixated on other parts of you.
“Maybe later. Can I just get a coke on the rocks?” you politely asked the bartender.
“Sure thing, Sugar.”
As the night went on, Gil became a little more hands on, his callused hands holding your smooth ones, brazen hands resting dangerously low on your hips. In attempt to cope with the progression, you had yourself a few alcoholic beverages, not a smart decision on your part. Your tolerance for liquor was never the best, and by the time Gil had asked you to dance, you were already stumbling on your feet, the alcohol taking over.
Steve walked in, Peggy on his arm, and Bucky a few paces behind. Peggy spotted you almost immediately, nudging Steve in the ribs and pointing towards your direction and that jerk, Hodge. “What the hell is she doing here with him?” Steve hissed. “Did she mention anything about a date to you?”
“No! I didn’t even know she was considering going on any dates,” Peggy confessed.
“Maybe we should leave?” He suggested, whispering in Peggy’s ear.
“I think so, before Bucky sees,” she agreed. Steve nodded, turning to his pal, but it was too late. Bucky had a hard look on his face, eyes intense and focused on your fumbling body in the arms of another man.
“Hey Buck, why don’t we go to another—”
Before Steve could finish, Bucky walked off to the bar, ordering a shot of the strongest whiskey they had. He downed the first shot, before signaling for another one. Steve and Peggy sat in the empty bar stools next to him, as he leaned back against the bar counter, his elbows supporting him, and a nearly empty glass in his hand, while he never once took his eyes off of you.
To your surprise, you found yourself actually having fun, the alcohol loosening you up immensely, until Gil became braver in his advances, his hands falling to your butt, lips attaching themselves to your neck. “Stop,” you breathed out, sobriety finding you quickly, your hands on his chest, trying to push him off of you.
“Oh c’mon, Sweetheart. We’re just starting to have some fun,” he mumbled against your skin, groping the soft globes of your behind.
“N-no—” you grunted, wrapping your hands on his wrists, attempting to get his hands off of you, and much to your delight, achieved it. “I’m going home,” you spat, but when you turned to walk away, his hand found yours again, yanking you back into his hold.
“Oh, c’mon baby. Don’t go, I’ll behave, I promise,” he snickered, arms wrapping around your waist and lips crashing onto yours.
You placed your hands on his chest, trying to push him off, but only managing to withdraw your lips from his. “No!” you cried, hitting his chest.
“Now, I know you don’t mean that,” Gil smirked, leaning in and finding the warm skin on your neck.
Struggling to get out of his grasps, you suddenly felt your body falling to the ground as Gil was violently pulled away from you. In the middle of the dance floor, rousing a crowd right before you, Bucky was on top of his fellow soldier, straddling his hips and throwing punches one after the other.
“B-Bucky!” You shouted, fear enveloping you.
Peggy was soon at your side, holding you in comfort, while Steve tried to pry Bucky off of your terrible date.
“Bucky, stop!” Steve shouted.
“You sleaze bag! When a lady tells you to stop, you stop!” Bucky snapped, fist connected to Gil’s jaw.
“Bucky!” Steve finally got Bucky off of Gil.
“What the hell, Barnes?!” Gil shouted, spitting blood out of his mouth.
“Hands off my girl!”
“Your girl?” Gil scoffed, standing up to meet Bucky’s glare. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but she’s not your girl any more. Word has it that you kicked her to the curb, and like people say, ‘another man’s trash is another man’s treasure.’ She’s mine now, Buck.”
Rage overcoming him, Bucky flew his head forward, connecting with Gil’s nose, a sickening cracking noise echoing through the bustling room. Gil stumbled back, holding his nose as blood sputtered over his hand and face.
“Ah!” Gil howled, “you broke my noise you piece of shit!” Quickly, Gil retreated to the restrooms, a few of his friends in the bar following close behind.
Once Gil was out of sight, Bucky was instantly crouched down in front of you, cupping your cheeks to see if you were hurt. “Are you okay?” Bucky questioned, worry etched in his baby blue eyes.
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you nodded your head, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burring your face in his neck, allowing his warmth and scent to sooth your racing heart.
“Shh,” he cooed, “I got you.”
Bucky turned to look at Peggy and Steve. “Take her home,” Peggy instructed Bucky, who nodded in confirmation.
He scooped you into his arms bridal style, the crowd clearing his path. When he stepped outside, he finally set you down on your feet, wanting to better inspect you under the street light, to make sure that you were really alright.
“I’m fine,” you swatted his hands off of you. “I can make it home from here.”
“Like hell am I going to let you walk home alone. Not after what happened.”
“Why the hell do you care?” You barked, startling Bucky a bit. “You broke up with me. You left me. You’re the one that didn’t want to be with me…” your voice trailed.
“I’m sorry. I… I just—”
“Save your excuses for someone else. I waited two months for you, but you didn’t come. So I’m trying to move on. I suggest you do the same.”
“I can’t,” he admitted.
“Well you’re gonna have to. I don’t love you anymore,” you stated firmly, the lie leaving a bitter taste on your tongue.
“Liar,” Bucky whispered, taking a step closer.
“S-stop!” You stuttered, eyes locked on his. He always had that effect on you. The man knew all of your weaknesses.
“Tell me you don’t love me again, and I’ll stop.” His breath fanned against your lips, his thumb and index finger holding your chin, making sure you didn’t loose eye contact.
Your lips opened, eyes dipping down to his lips as you gulped. “I…” you started, “I—” you took in a shaky breath. “I—” your words were lost. You couldn’t say it, and Bucky took that as his cue, warm chapped lips meeting your smooth soft ones.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky sighed as he broke the kiss, his lips tingling. “Steve was right…”
“About what?” You asked, finally slipping your eyes open.
“I was scared.”
“Because I’m crazy about you. Because I finally found a woman that could make an honest man out of me. Because I found the one woman that holds my heart. Because I’ve actually fallen in love with you.”
Your heartbeat pounded in your ears at his confession. The world around you seemingly disappearing until it was only Bucky standing in front of you, looking so vulnerable. As fresh tears pooled in your eyes, you leaped into his arms, lips crashing against his in a passionate kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist, hoisting you off the ground, and holding you flush against him. You on the other hand, raked your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly in order to get a better taste of his mouth, tongues dancing together in attempt to get reacquainted.
When you pulled away for air, you were both panting heavily. “Take me home, Buck,” you puffed.
“Only if you agree to marry me,” he blurted, his heart taking over.
You sagged in his arms, feet still of the ground, as your jaw dropped. “W-what did you say?” you asked, unsure if you had heard him correctly.
A smile graced his face, showcasing his perfect pearly whites. “I don’t have a ring or anything, but I can’t wait. Y/N Y/L/N, marry me?”
Laughing out loud, your head lulling backwards, your arms settled around Bucky’s neck. When you brought your head back up, your deep orbs meeting his shinning blue crystals, you grinned. “I thought you’d never ask,” you replied, smashing your lips against his once again.
tags: @pinknerdpanda
A/N: What do you think of that fluffy ending?! I’d love to know what you thought! Also, please reblog and share with your friends! My blog is still pretty new and I’d love meet more Bucky Lovers :)
Say Something Nice Here!
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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When she met him
Michelle Wells - 50s (Alternative Universe)
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the unseen one - 25
 Pairing: Hades!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: y/n and bucky fight
A/N: ik braid sewing was way more popular in roman culture than in greek one but i personally love it and it’s probably the one way i can get my hair to stay put whenever i go on a run. hope you enjoy xx
Next Chapter
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Y/N was homesick. 
Ever since the dinner all she could think about was the mortal realm, the sounds of rain hitting the glass of her window as she cuddled under her large duvet, her old kettle steaming from the hob, Anne’s laughter and countless tellings of various failed love attempts, the children in her kindergarten, all of it. This wasn��t to say she didn’t enjoy Bucky’s company, she loved it, she loved having him around but the thought of being confined here forever without ever getting to see at least her flat again terrified her. 
Another day had started in the Underworld and per usual Bucky was the first up on his feet and out to prepare the Spring Festival necessities while Y/N was left behind. There wasn’t much to do rather than ever so slightly meeting with Hecate who had started to just plain ignore her existence whenever she visited the Elysium, speaking with Psyche whenever she unceremoniously was thrown into the Underworld by her mother in law and walk the river Styx’s shores. Y/N had returned to the kitchen, placing James’ kettle on the stove and grabbing a mug as she sat on the balcony, losing herself on her own thoughts and only being removed from it by the kettle steaming out of control. She jumped from the balcony feeling her feet weirdly tingle, which was ignored fast as she grabbed the white mug and the kettle, pouring hot water onto it. The weight of it proved somehow to be too much for her and before she could act on it, she let go of the mug, loosing strength in her hand and the once silent atmosphere was filled by the shattering sound of porcelain. 
     - Shit. - she mumbled as she leaned down to grab the big shards, putting them on top of the balcony, before bracing her hands on the edge of it, forcefully shutting her eyes. One of the servants, alarmed by the sound, came rushing in, immediately grabbing a mop and brush. - It’s alright, I can clean it. 
    - We don’t want you to hurt yourself, m’am. - the man smiled at her before dismissing her from the kitchen. Y/N climbed up to her bedroom, getting dressed in a regular beige dress before going out of the house, basket in arms. She thought about collecting some plants for the house and so she made her way to the Elysium. 
The sound and smell of nature at its bloom immediately brought a smile back to her face. Some trees had begin to show its fruits and most of the flowers were in bloom. She collected some flowers and fruits before taking a seat on one patch of grass watching the souls carelessly live their life. However one particular soul caught her attention. 
    - Mum? - she furrowed her brows, lips slightly parted as she got onto her feet watching a figure that looked particular like her mother. - Mum! 
She dropped her basket, bunching the fabric of her dress in her hands as she rushed over to the figure. It was her mother, it looked like her mother, the same hair, the same eyes and the same warming smile she got whenever she rushed into her bedroom after a terrifying nightmare as a child. Her mother however looked at her like she didn’t know her, turning on her back to join some other souls.
    - Mum! - Y/N called out once again but her mother only ignored her and soon enough she could feel her tears rolling down her cheek. - Mum, please
    - Y/N. - a familiar voice called out her name. She turned around to see the redhead goddess of witchcraft with a worried look on her face, she could even say care. - She doesn’t remember you, Y/N. Elysium souls have no recollection of their mortal lives. 
    - But she’s my mum. How can she not know who I am? - Hecate’s heart clenched at the words that sounded way too similar to those once spoken by James once he became the King of the Underworld. She tightened her lips, patting the girl on her shoulder and handing her the basket she had previously dropped.
    - We should probably go meet Hades. - she put her other hand on her shoulder, successfully removing her from here she was standing and taking her to the path that led to where she had least seen James which was in the Fates domain within the Elysium. The Fates’ side of the Elysium was always something rather odd, even for Hecate. Y/N watched as they passed halls and halls of name boxes with several coloured orbs.
    - What are those? - she pointed to the orbs that were inside the box containing James’ name, her curiosity perking up. 
   - Memory orbs. The Fates control and keep every single memory experienced by a god or mortal, I’ve heard their colour determine what type of memory. 
   - I think I wanna look around. - Y/N stated and Hecate stopped to pounder. She probably would be able to find the god of the dead quicker if Y/N wasn’t stopping every inch of the way to question about something that sparked her interest. 
   - Okay but stay here, don’t go wandering off! - she sternly said before going off her way to find James. Y/N watched as her figure disappeared in the hall and immediately rushed to James box, carefully pushing it out onto her arms and then onto the floor. Her eyes shined as she looked at the pretty colours flow inside the orbs, a special red one calling for her attention. Y/N knew she shouldn’t pick it, she shouldn’t be curious, these were James’ memories and she shouldn’t be lurking on them but her curiosity got the best of her and she immediately grabbed the red orb. What she wasn’t expecting was the sudden feeling on her left arm, almost feeling it being teared off which made her drop the orb onto the ground. Hand flying to hold her left arm as the orb rolled a bit away from her, flashes of someone screaming Bucky’s name and the harsh feeling of cold snow and sorrow rushing through her as if they were her memory. She stared at it, unbelieving to what had just happened and to the pain that had lodged itself on her left arm yet nothing was harming her and no injury was seen in sight. 
   - Y/N? - she heard James’ voice and immediately tried to place the orb back on its box which only made the pain return which in turn made her drop the orb once again. In no time James’ had localised her, his eyes going from the box with his name and the red orb on the floor to Y/N’s laying against the shelf of boxes, her hand holding onto her left shoulder. His lips tightened as he crutched down to where she was laying. - What are you doing?
   - I saw my mum. - she decided to sway the topic but the one she had swayed to somehow hurt her. - She didn’t know me. 
   - Don’t take it personally, sunflower. - he kissed her temple, flesh hand coming to caress her cheek. - It happens to everyone. My parents, my sister, even my friend don’t remember who I am.
   - Why? Why do you make them forget if they’re in paradise?
   - I guess the memory of leaving their loved ones in the mortal realm pains them too much. Would work more like a punishment. 
   - What about you? Isn’t that punishment to you too?
   - No, sunflower. I remember them all.
   - That’s not what I mean ... they don’t remember you. - she leaned her head against the bookcase, staring into his blue eyes. - Isn’t that too harsh of a punishment for a god?
   - The only punishment is being alive, sunflower. Not forgetfulness, not remembering, it’s still being alive after so long.
   - James ... - she took her hand way from her shoulder to cup his cheek, caressing it ever so slightly. She brought her face closer to him, lightly pecking his lips. 
   - We should go, this is no place for you. - he cleared his throat, getting up from his sitting position and offering her his hand. She however did not take it, still feeling the ghost pain in her left arm. - It’s not real, Y/N. You are okay.
   - I can feel it. - she looked up through her lashes at him. - What happened?
   - It’s not important.
   - Why do you always do that? - she knew she shouldn’t be mad, heck he should be the one mad at her but with all that had happened today so far, something in her snapped. - Why do you always tell me it’s not important when it clearly is? Don’t you trust me?
   - Of course I do, sunflower. You just don’t need to know about my past, it’s irrelevant. 
   - Is that memory the one of how you lost your arm? - she pressed him, looking away from his arm to the orb. - Is that what happened? 
   - Y/N, don’t question me. Come up. 
   - You are not the boss of me. - she ignored the hand he had offered to her, instead holding onto one of the shelf’s wooden bars and getting up by herself, storming off. 
   - Y/N, stop. - Bucky took the tone he normally took with his employees which immediately made her stop and turn to look at him before storming off again in a huff. - Y/N, cut it off. Damn it, I’m ordering you to stop. 
   - You’re not ordering me to do anything. You’re not my King and you will not talk to me as if you were. 
   - There is a lot of stuff that you don’t understand, Y/N. 
   - Then explain it to me. - she almost begged him. 
   - I cant.
   - Why not?
   - BECAUSE YOU WOULDN’T LOVE ME IF I FUCKING DID, Y/N. - he held her forearms, looking at her with what looked like tears starting to accumulate near the corner of his eyes, ready to roll down his cheeks. - You don’t know half of it and if you did you wouldn’t have spoken to me.
   - I would. 
   - No, you ...
   - I know you were the Winter Soldier. - she blurted out casually, almost as if she was talking about the weather. Truth was she knew, after he had told her about Steve it didn’t take long for the memories of when she went to the museum to hit her. She knew an abbreviated form of the story, not exactly what he’d been through, but she knew. Bucky was taken aback by her statement, blue eyes wide staring at her. - I know you were the Winter Soldier and I love you.
Bucky was still staring at her, eyes fully wide as his brain still processed those words. She knew. Well, of course she knew, it wasn’t like she hadn’t grown up in the new age of superheroes. She just, she just didn’t appear to be the type of woman to care much for that. Yet there she was, arms crossed across her chest, calm complexion. 
   - Say something. - she bite onto her lip nervously. She let go of her crossed arm position, slowly padding towards him, her hand trailing from his metal one to his shoulder, fingers dancing on the place where metal met flesh. - Please. 
   - What do you want me to say? - he leaned his head on her touch, thoughts running through his mind of how his fellow deities would react to him being this submissive to a mortal of no god birth or immortal blood. - Because I sincerely don’t know what to tell you, Y/N. 
    - Do you wanna tell me how it happened? I know how it felt and I’d rather hear it from you.
   - Not today. - he kissed the top of her head. - I will, just not today. 
Y/N left Bucky to do his work despite his complaints of wanting to be with her after seeing her mother. She knew better about not messing with the Spring Festival which was fast approaching. The sooner it got, the least she saw of James with all the preparations and meeting with Zeus that Bucky wouldn’t let her hear or even be nearby. Soon enough, it was only one day until the Spring Festival and Hecate had invited her to be with her nymphs for the opening ceremony, something she had been rather excited over as that meant she wouldn’t have to mingle with the rest of the gods and goddesses who mostly did not enjoy her presence or the fact she was with the King of the Underworld. 
Y/N excitingly opened the box Hecate had delivered to James’ home in the early morning, happy to see what she was wearing. Following what the Charon and other nymphs had discussed with her, every nymph wore a colour and a flower in order to honour the goddess of spring and the harvest. As she removed the protective silk paper from the gown, she noticed her colour was white and in a smaller box near the dress was a hair crown of white roses. She guessed it made sense, considering the flower seemed to haunt her.
The day couldn’t come sooner and much to Bucky’s dismay Y/N was out the door in the morning, box in hand and headed to the Elysium, specially Persephone’s groves. All the nymphs were getting ready, laughter and song in the air along with various flowers thrown on the floor giving the dead nature of the grooves some sort of happiness. 
Y/N took to getting herself dressed before taking a place in one of the free vanities to do her hair. She looked around looking at the nymphs happily pining, curling and sewing their hair away in unbelievably hard hairstyles. Y/N tried her best to pull her hair up only to sigh and lean against her chair. 
       - I’ll give you hand. - Hecate walked from behind her, her stoic look still present on most her features as she grabbed the silver brush from the vanity. Y/N understood why Hecate wasn’t a fan of her, she, after all, was extremely passionate over her domains and protecting everything. 
      - Thank you. - she watched her reflection in the mirror as Hecate divided her hair in two and braided each section. Following, she grabbed a needle and white yarn, sewing the two braids together and upwards in what looked like a singular double braid that now wrapped itself around the lower part of her head from ear to ear. Hecate placed the brush on the vanity grabbing the crown of fresh white roses and placing it upon her head.
     - You’re all set. Come on. - Hecate rushed her to walk into where the celebrations were to set place. In the middle of the beautiful greenery there was a porcelain mast with various coloured ribbons which was started to being surrounded by various deities. - All the nymphs of the Underworld get a coloured ribbon the same as their gown and dance around the mast, wrapping the ribbon around it until it snaps. The ribbon that doesn’t snap is decided maiden of the harvest and gets to crown someone to be her consort with their own flower crown. The pair gets the first dance.
      - Oh, I’m a terrible dancer.
      - You probably won’t get it. You’d have to be greatly in favour of Gaia in order to get it. - she tightened her lips. - However, in the slightest chance you get the honour of being chosen maiden, remember to pick Apollo, Priapus even. Any of the gods related to the act of love and beauty will suffice, it’s good to be in their graces.
Y/N stood in line with the other nymphs, her eyes scouting the crowd for her Bucky, but it was him who found her first, watching from afar as some minor gods spoke of various new achievements and demigods they’re fathered. However, now that he had spotted her, he was much more interested in looking at her unless of listening to them. He watched as she scurried around like a nervous little nymph to the mast, grabbing the white ribbon and finally took in her whole appearance, judging her to be officially the prettiest of all living things. Hecate ordered Apollo and his muses to start the sweet music that filled Elysium’s air which made the nymphs and Y/N start to go around the pole. 
Her eyes left the pole for a few seconds, watching as every single god and goddess of the Greek pantheon watched in awe before immediately turning to look at the pole, watching the pink and purple ribbons snap away causing some disgruntled noises for a few moments. One by one most ribbons snapped away until hers and a blue one were the only ones standing. Y/N sighed, ready to go back to James, expecting her to be the next one to snap until the sound of ripping fabric removed her from her thoughts. However, instead of seeing her own arm freed from the ribbon, she watched as the last blue ribbon laid on the ground and her own still tightly wrapped around her wrist. 
She quickly unwrapped the ribbon of her wrist, quickly massaging it before bringing both hands to take her own rose crown off her head as she stared at the crowd in front of her like a deer in headlights. A few gods cleared their throats, smirks on their faces, clearly expecting the honour to be bestowed upon them. Hecate’s words rang like heavy bells in her head but she was never one to follow them and soon enough she found herself walking towards the exact and only person she knew would be worth such bestowment. Next to him, stood Ares and Zeus who quite conceitedly took a step forward only to wide their eyes as the mortal woman who had just been chosen by Gaia’s forces to be the maiden of the harvest placed her white rose crown confidently upon the head of the God of the Underworld.
     - Now, what about that. - she could hear the goddess of love and beauty mumble under her breathe, somehow being the only deity not surprised by the odd choice. How ironic the maiden of the harvest had picked someone who did not even harvest the souls he ruled over. James rather surprisingly took her hand in his, guiding her to the middle of the circle the gods had created, turning his body to face hers. 
     - I can’t dance. - she whispered under her breath, ashamed anyone but him could hear it. 
     - I can dance well enough for both of us, sunflower.
tag list: @philogrobizedvee​​​​​​  @keithseabrook27​​​​​ @inlovewith3​​​​19 @nwbstan​ @romanoffs-heart​
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marvelous-avengers · 6 years
Steve Rogers Tours America
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a/n: ah yes! another idea that i had come up with thanks to @barnesrogersvstheworld​ Marvel Kiss Challenge. I loved my prompt so much that it inspired this lovely drabble series. since I expect that it will be shorter, and now i have slightly more free time on my hands, this should be easier for me to get published (hopefully). but i am excited for this one because i love traveling and have been to a lot of places! i’m also excited to write the dynamic between everyone! hopefully i will have the first part out this week! also partly inspired by that drawing of the three of them squished in the yellow bug in civil war, so props to whoever for drawing that (y’all know which one i’m talking about)
pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, with (platonic) Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson
summary: Infinity War never happened and everyone is happy. There are no more battles, no more fighting. Once the reader discovers that Steve hasn’t really seen the country he had been fighting for, they take it upon themselves to show it to him. With a couple of tagalongs, because Steve can’t really leave Bucky and Sam unsupervised, right?
warnings: fluff, sights and sounds of America, happy and sappy and dumb.
chapters: (undetermined)
New York City
simply tagging some lovely friends because i think they would enjoy this: @sweetboybucky​ @buckyofthemyscira​ @noshitstark​ @barnesrogersvstheworld​ @jaamesbbarnes​ @sgtjbuccky​ @bucky-at-bedtime​ @whyisbuckyso​
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menalliha · 6 years
Long Road Ahead Ch. 4
Chapter 4
Summary:  A former HYDRA slave and experiment, the reader must keep her true identity hidden from a certain dark haired super solider. While keeping the persona of a personal assistant to Fury. Can you keep it up? Or give into desire?
Warning: None.
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I decided to write another chapter. This time its one of her memories. This one came together rather fast. I was shocked.
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You spent most of your time anymore at work or locked in your room. After the night out, you didn’t want to be seen. You felt as if you didn’t deserve to be seen by the world.
Your job was getting harder due to the doctor you worked for was leaving and another was taking his place. You knew him. He worked around the hospital about a year before you got a job there. His name was Dr. Johnson. He was in his late 30s and very attractive. All the nurses would swoon over him no matter what. To you though a little over ten years difference wasn’t a big deal.
But he was always interested in talking to you.
Filing away new patiences and old ones, you caught Dr. Johnson out of the corner of your eye. “Can I help you doctor…?” You asked with a shy smile.
He smiled and walked over to you, taking the files from your hand and closing the cabinet. “You work far too much Y/N. You need some time for yourself. How about I take you out this weekend? I assume you don’t have a boyfriend. You never speak of one and are always home.”
Raising your eyebrows, you looked at him and laughed. “Well sadly yes I have no boyfriend. But… how do you know I’m always at home?”
“You’re the girl who lives with two men and neither one is your boyfriend. One of the other nurses is close to your friend James. Spoke… not really highly of your personal life. Said you were a prude who just went home and played housewife to a Sergeant and his ill friend.” He watched as your eyebrows shot up. “I for one think you are very beautiful and should be shown off. Properly. Not left to sit and watch others mingle. So do we have a date?”
“Dr. Johnson, I am one of your nurses… and… a night out without Steve or Bucky would be nice.” You sigh and look away. “Fine. We have a date.”
The next few days flew by fast and the others were talking about you and Dr. Johnson. Trying to degrade you and bring you down. You honestly didn’t care. You had a chance to be happy and feel like someone cares. You didn’t dare to tell the boys. Since they were like brothers, they’d question him to the third-degree.
You stood in the bathroom trying to finish your makeup and check on Steve at the same time. He was got into a fight trying to stand up to someone. Running between his and Bucky’s room and the bathroom. Your red and white-polka dotted dress hung on your door as you paced between the rooms, still needed to be out on. Thank god you were wearing a slip.
“Steve, what were you thinking? Buck and I have both told you! You have to watch yourself.” You moved the ice pack from his black eye. “Keep it iced and take some ibuprofen later. Now, Bucky should almost be home. I need to finish getting ready. I’m running late.” You dash from Steve’s room and into your own. Pulling the dress from the hanger, you slip it on and zip up the back. Grabbing the small capsule of medicine.
“Where are you going Y/N?” Steve asked from down the hall.
Walking back to his room, you place two small pills next to the glass of water. “I have a date tonight with my doctor. I think he actually likes me.” You said softly and looked Steve over one last time. “I can’t keep holding on to the hopes of Bucky finally realizing what he’s missing out on. He’s leaving for war soon and… I may never see him again. We may never see him again. I want to have a nice future. Marriage, kid… a nice house. Time I started to think of myself.”
Steve nodded. “Well… you look lovely. Just be careful and safe.”
You nod and kissed his forehead. “Buck will be home very soon. I have no idea when I’ll be back. Just keep icing and take the pills Steven!” You call as you grab your purse and your coat.
He treated you to a very fancy restaurant. You both learnt a little about each other. You told him you were adopted and your parents were dead. Your only family was Steve and Bucky. He told you he had a dad that was a scientist, a mother who stayed at home and a few older siblings. He has been working at hospitals for well over ten years and enjoyed his job. And his first name was Elijah
So nothing out of the ordinary. Or so you thought.
You went out more with him. You enjoyed his company and how he treated you like a proper lady. Flowers, notes, candy. It was all very overwhelming. You ended up in charge of a lot of his personal files as well. That’s when you noticed a lot of people he had that were once healthy, died of unknown reasons. Sent off to be examined and never seen again.
“Doctor… why do we have three patients that have passed? They were perfectly fine and well on their way to recovery?” You asked holding the files in your hands.
Elijah gently took the files and rubbed your cheek. “Now my little canary, this is doctor business. You should only be worried about calling the family to tell them.” He kissed your forehead and walked away, holding the files.
Looking through the filing cabinet, you double check Steve’s records. He wanted to join the army but with all his health issues he really couldn’t. As much as you loved the idea of Steve risking his life for your country, you also hated it. Bucky was leaving in less than a few days. You were too busy wondering if you should admit to him how you truly feel. You were pretty much in a relationship and it was going very well.
Sadly, those few days came quick. You baked a cake the night before for him. The three of you enjoyed possible the last time you’d see him. You all smiled and laughed and shared old memories.
But when it was time for him to leave, you tried to debate one last time. Him not knowing meant only you would suffer for life and if you did tell him, he probably didn’t care. You needed it off of your chest.
Bucky picked up his bag and put his hat on. He nodded to you both and went to leave, his hand reaching for the door handle, you grabbed his arm. Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to keep yourself from crying.
“Bucky wait!” You yelled opening your eyes to stare into his blue ones.
“What is it Y/N?” He asked in a hushed tone.
You sucked in a deep breath and looked away. “I’m not trying to say you’ll die but in case this is goodbye… All these years… I know you think of me as a sister since we became friends. But… I see you as more than a friend.” You watched his face drop, your voice cracking. “I know now isn’t the time. You leaving and me seeing someone…” You sigh and pull him in for a kiss. The tears finally broke free. You pulled away and watched his expression. It seemed to be more of a shock than upset. You pressed your forehead to his and just cried. Your body shaking and face turning red from crying.
He rubbed your cheek and sighed. He didn’t say anything. He just looked over at Steve and nodded then looked at you. “Bye Doll.” Was the last words he ever said to you. He walked out the door and left. You felt your heart break.
You were finally putting yourself first and trying to get the biggest thing off of your chest. You did and it didn’t make you feel better. It made you feel worse. He never said anything back. You hated seeing him with women and you being forced to be happy for him and swallow your pride. Maybe he really didn’t feel the same. You will never know.
Your legs started to shake violently and you tried so hard to keep yourself up. You looked down and saw Steve from the corner of your eye. Letting out a shaky breath, you looked back at the door. “I love you Buck…” Were the last words you ever wanted to say to him.
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bi-e-ne · 7 years
Weekly Reading List #40
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Hello there!
Here we are again, another week’s over. Maybe some of you have noticed that Germany’s already practicing for autumn and especially Halloween, ‘cause the weather here is scary. Windy, rainy and even planes have trouble to get down safely. But that’s perfect for me to take my time and test some recipes for a Halloween cake. I thougt about doing a tasty Jack O’Lantern, filled with apples, Cidre, chestnuts and a lot of more stuff... I’m gonna post some pics, if I get it right on Halloween, so be prepared ;) ‘Till then, enjoy the following writings, the best you can do with a weather like ours. Have fun and good night!
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Magic Hands @tilltheendwilliwrite
Seven Signs @sanjariti
The Unholy @marvelous-fvcks
Touching You Part 5 @4theluvofall
Steve Rogers
Boundaries Part 10 @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Imagine trying to study with Steve around @imamotherfuckingstar-lord.tumblr
Later? Later. @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Laundry Day @captain-rogers-beard
Steve Rogers x OFC / Bucky Barnes x OFC
Stuck On You Part 1 @flightofthefantasies
Hawaii Five-0
Steve McGarrett
The Deal Part 6 @amarabliss
Once Upon A Time
A rainy day with Jefferson @lovelynemesis
Star Trek
Jim Kirk
Big Personalities @mybullshitsensesaretingling
Boys with Girlfriends @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Five Minute Ficlet @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
Imagine being at the Academy with Jim @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Imagine Jim wanting to love you @imamotherfuckingstar-lord.tumblr
Bath Time @auduna-druitt
Sick or Treat @pinkamour1588
War Games @auduna-druitt
Dean Winchester
Helpful Stranger Part 1 @soaringeag1e
Part 2
Part 3
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lenavonschweetz · 5 years
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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* - Notates Smut
Show Me Love*
Complete College!AU: Sex-on-legs Dr. Barnes is your History professor that makes it impossible to pay attention in class.  Perhaps it’s the danger of it all, but god help you - you can’t stay away.
The Bridges of Time*
Complete Soulmate!AU: The tale of a man out of time, and the woman who never believed in Soulmates.  When her husband and children are away, a mysterious man stumbles into her life and with a simple brush of skin against skin, their lives are never the same. The two share “a brief affair that is never sordid but instead one of two soulmates who have met too late.” - The Bridges of Madison County
In Progress Modern!AU:  After a mortifying incident your senior year of high school, you swore never to go back home.  Five years later, you’re reeled right back into your tiny town and into the arms of the first man you ever loved.
Headed for a Heartbreak*
In Progress 80′s rock fantasy!AU: Booze, Women, and Rock and Roll are the three things Avengers frontman Bucky Barnes knows best.  In a time when music rules, he is king.  ‘No’ isn’t a word this Rock God hears often.  Or, really, ever.  Not until you.
Updates every Monday. ON HOLD
Daddy For a Day*
The reader has to take care of a realistic baby doll for class, and when she gets overloaded with homework and the baby, our favorite super soldier steps in to help.  What does seeing him with a baby do to her?  
Personal Stylist
Bucky’s settling into the tower well enough, but his hair has become a little unruly.  The reader offers to help him cut it and realizes a little too late how close this will put her to the man she loves.  
Peek-a-Boo || I See You!* (Complete)
You accidentally walk in to see Bucky stark naked.  This makes things quite awkward, and with the ‘help’ of your meddling best friend, Nat, well…things don’t get any better.  Or do they? 
Die A Happy Man
Hi, I was wondering if you could do a song request? Bucky x reader, Thomas Rhett’s song, Die A Happy Man? ❤ Requested by @so-get-this-i-need-pie (I HIGHLY recommend listening to this song while reading!!)  
Never Have I Ever || Part 2* || Part 3* (Complete)
During a game of Never Have I Ever, the reader reveals something about herself that everyone finds incredibly shocking - she has never orgasmed. Bucky takes it upon himself to remedy this. 
Before the Worst
Based off of Before the Worst - The Script.  Just something that came to me while listening to the song.  Fair warning, it’s angsty as hell. 
Ghost of a Man*
The ghost only visits you at night, when your superiors aren’t watching.  You know he’s there by the chill down your spine. 
Out of Mind
Based on Out of Mind by Tove Lo.  Bucky just meant to protect you.  He didn’t realize he would do exactly the opposite. 
I Saw Mommy Kissin’ Santa Claus
When your son finds out the truth about Santa, you’re worried the magic of Christmas has been ruined. Bucky takes it in his hands to amend this. 
Put Your Lovin’ On Me*
Bucky needs to forget.  Needs someone who can help him forget all the wrongs he’s committed and the monster he thinks he is.  You’re just what the doctor ordered.  
Misery Business* || Fake Happy (Alternate Ending 1)* || Here We Go Again (Alternate Ending 2) (Complete)
An Alternate Ending Adventure - You are in love with Bucky Barnes. Bucky Barnes is in love with Natasha Romanov.  Natasha Romanov does not love him back.
Something There*
Bucky finds you reading something more than a little risqué and offers you two options.
Let’s Play Pretend || Part 2 || Part 3 (Complete)
Bucky agrees to be your fake boyfriend for your brother’s wedding to appease your family.  There’s only one problem - you want him to be more than just a fake boyfriend.
Agent Insert* || Stucky*
You really didn’t mean to, but somehow you’d stumbled upon something called Tumblr - and in turn fanfiction.  You may or may not get addicted to reader inserts featuring your favorite teammate.  You may or may not get caught.
Hungry Eyes*
With suspicions of vampires running at an all-time high in your sleepy little town, Steve Rogers decides it’s best if he and Bucky refrain from feeding on locals.  But a vampire’s gotta eat.
Brand New Moves
He’s the ghost from your past that you would’ve rather stayed forgotten.  But you aren’t the same little girl that danced with him last.  (part of my 6k celebration)
Imagine Riding Bucky - Drabble
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