#bucky barnes x genderless!reader
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
No warnings, just Sebastian Stan, the way he's looking lately is definitely a warning!
Word count: 417
Just wrote this and posted it, don't come at me with any mistakes. I just have a lot of feelings okay! Let me know if you have feelings too💕
It's Bucky's day off.
He's slept in, he ate his breakfast, took a long warm shower, and is currently sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. The old fashioned way, paper, he says the screen makes his eyes tired. You don't tease him with it. After all, it looks cozy. And you can do the cross word puzzle together. Not that he needs any help. But it's nice.
He's walking around in his boxers. It's a warm day, the temperature in the apartment is pleasant. It's nice for him to not wear his suit. 
To display his arm like an everyday thing, not as a prop for his superhero persona. 
He's relaxed. 
His hair is soft as it frames his face, his arm muscles bulging everytime he flips a page. 
You haven't eaten a bite of your breakfast in 9 minutes. 
You watch his face as it expresses what he thinks with whatever he's reading. 
Eventually he stands up and stretches. Pops the kinks in his back.
You might be drooling. 
It's right in front of you. 
For a moment you don't think. You act. 
He yelps and jumps away. Stares at you. 
You stare back with big eyes like you didn't just do it. Like it was a phantom in the room. Like you're just as surprised as he is.
You are. But…
“Did you just…” he starts.
You look away, trying to think of anything that sounds like a reasonable, sane, justification. You find none, so you stay silent.
“You bit me??” He sounds so nonplussed.
“I- …yes,” you sigh. “But you can't blame me. You're looking really hot and it's all a little overwhelming.”
He stares.
You stare back. 
His face is slightly frowning. Did you go too far? 
Then his shoulders relax. “Steve told me you stared at my butt with a feral look at times, I didn't believe him when he said you were going to pounce some day. Looks like he won that bet, that punk.”
You blink. “ Did you set me up?!”
He chuckles. “No, turns out you don't need extra stimuli.”
You grab a piece of unfinished toast and throw it to his head. It bounces off unspectacularly in a spray of crumbs, while he's looking unfazed.
Then he pushes one side of the waistband of his boxers down to expose one cheek of perfect ass. Right in front of your eyes. 
“Did it leave a mark?” He asks teasingly.
You don't answer. Your teeth are already there.
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freddiefcknmercury · 4 years
Try Me
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader(Black coded/Genderless)
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings/Disclaimer: Smut adjacent. Allusions to ptsd/trauma. Mentions of sexual acts-not explicit.
A/N: Not too much to say about this one tbh. I just be thinking thoughts and this was another one of them: Bucky would actually be pretty tame in bed though right??? This is supposed to be a pretty un-horny Drabble piece but we’ll see how it turns out lol. 
PS if anybody wants the smut for this feel free to let me know for a part two..............
Summary: You finally get a night alone together but theres something on your mind...
~*As always, be Nice to me I’m Delicate*~
      Tonight isn't special. Not by any means. It's another soft grey evening. No calls. No where to be. No work to be done, mostly because you demanded one day a month that Sam cannot call with "the world is in danger"... it seldom was anyhow. 
There's a gruff solider of a man gently pulling your shoulders back from behind, pushing loose coils of hair out of the way to expose that muscle in your neck that any other blood thirsty monster would swiftly take advantage of. Not him though. He nestles his face against it softly, breathing controlled and intentional so you can tell just how hungry for you he is. He needs to see that shiver in your spine before he tears into it.
He's always been sweet but passionate, enthralled by you. It's never not been amazing and you've never not been sure that this time the earth would surely fall in on itself... but it's a lot of the same. You've tried casually suggesting a little more drama, except you're honestly not that un-vanilla yourself but... tonight, on this soft grey evening where everything is going so well. You need to know.
He removed his teeth to speckle small delicate kisses just behind your earlobe, right against your hairline., The cool night air dancing a tingly sensation as it whips at the small wet spot left behind. 
     "Bucky...?"      "Mmm."
He growls low into the back of your head as he slowly massages your shoulders and chest. You are actual putty in his hands. You Inhale a sharp breath at the sensation.
     "I wanna know something."
He always says that. Anybody else it would almost seem dismissive, but that is a genuine 'ask me anything you want' reply. It just hits different.      "What if I said... You could do whatever you wanted to me tonight?"
He stopped for only a half second quickly shuffling threw some part of his brain you're unfamiliar with. He ghosted a firm metal hand straight down the center of your chest landing it squarely in the middle of your stomach. Pulling you back into him, hips perfectly centered into his; Face gently set atop your head.      "I just... want to do what you- I don't want anything special."
It was a soft voice and a gentle head shake, but you can hear a sort of confusion in it all. He didn't have any ulterior motives which is good but not what you meant. You're gonna have to push and be clear...
You pull away just enough to turn and face him. He's calm but his eyes are searching for something that makes sense to him. You can feel your face getting hot, but if you let embarrassment win right now you'll never try again.
     "If I wanted something different from what we normally do... would you want to try it?" He relaxes, relief washing him.
     "There's something specific you'd like?" You shrug, pulling on a stray coil behind your ear out of habit.
     "I'm not sure... maybe." He's intrigued. He smirks, still softly caressing a hip.
     "I'm willing to try anything you want."
He leans forward planting a deep kiss your shoulder. You let out a shaky breath, but maybe he really is on board.      "So..."
You place a firm hand on his chest, just over where his heart would be, deciding to test the waters.
     "If I asked you to hold me down and bend me over this table, you would?"
A shy smirk creeps across your lips, you scoff but refuse to back down from this, not until you find a line.
     "Or pin me up against the wall... and choke me?"
You both lock your gaze. There's an almost too long pause as you both search for something in each other's eyes.
     "Or tie me up."
You laugh a little at that last one, you're not so sure about it just yet. He straightens himself squarely in front of you. He still hasn't answered. You can see him breathing from his stomach. Stress. He wets his lips, eyes flashing down darting a bit before finding yours again; Gently glazing over in a weird mix of emotions you've never seen before.
     "Is that how you see me?" You don't get it. Of course it is?  You think to yourself. There isn't anyone else you would want to do anything like that to you. You blink back the dumb look trying to find a home on your face. The emotion on his is reading just a hair more offended than it was before. Then it sinks in.
You whisper it to yourself first like a secret.
     "Oh god no, Bucky. No, no, no, no."
You take his face in your hands and rest your lips on his forehead. You hadn't thought about it like that. Bucky who only recently stopped asking if he could kiss you beforehand. Who always quadruple checks that you want him inside you. The man that still has a hard time trusting himself.... That maybe, just maybe the Winter Soldier didn't really want to be known for choking his partners in bed. A lot of people still think of him as a Murder machine and not much else. You know better... and you should've known better.      "I'm so sorry Buck. I didn't even consider that."
Now you're definitely embarrassed. You shake your head insistently. 
     "Forget it. I wasn't thinking." Brow furrowed, he places your chin in his hand. You don't recognize this expression either; it reads concerned but you highly doubt he's that worried about you. 
     "Is all that what you want?" You stop. You don't want him to compromise himself for your own cheap thrills.
     "I don't want you to feel-" He squeezes your chin gently. Tilting your head up just an ounce to look him directly in the eyes this time.
     "That's not what I asked you." You exhale, unaware that you were holding a breath. "Do you want to do something like that?" He flashes a quick semi-reluctant smirk, kissing the top of your cheek and lingering there.
     "...I want to make you happy."
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bluebusstop · 2 years
Platonic! Bucky Barnes x Any gender! Reader
❗❗❗❗TW self-harm❗❗❗❗
Also parental issues, self-esteem problems
You have to admit this unpleasant fact: anxiety chases you wherever you go and whatever you do. It had crawled under your skin so long ago that you don't quite remember the day when it started. Maybe when that little boy with bright smile and modern toys grunted " it seems like you took your clothes out from dumpster"; or maybe when teacher's lips quirked in a mirror reflection of a smile and they said that "you speak too much". Or maybe this twisted feeling in your lungs that appears every time you spend a few hours with Natasha or Tony at the highest floors of Avengers Tower is just conscience? You don't belong here and your miserable little heart understands it more than ever when Clint unblocks the phone to answer his wife's call. They have their families, their friends who they know for a years and at the end, who are you for them? Just a shy friend of Peter: always in baggy clothes, with long striped gloves like it's 2007 again and old black converses, that have seen the crisis of 2008. A friend of Peter, Peter who can fly higher than some birds, Peter who can lift a car with bare hands, Peter with perfect grades in all subjects, Peter with genuine smile and good temper.
Maybe you're a little bit jealous, but to admit it is the same thing as finally confess you're a bad person.
Peter's got superpower. Peter's got cool supportive aunt and life full of risk. He actually does a lot for people around him and strangers - he's a person society needs. Someday he will be standing in a line under the spotlights with the greatest of the greatest (he's already almost avenger, and he's 16!) and you always be a person around the corner in the shades, not even the "guy in the chair". Peter is great, he's sweet and attentive friend but everything was so much easier when he was just Peter Parker, your best friend from school and the nerd next seat (not Spider-Man who saves people and works with real superheroes).
And now you have to deal with strange butterflies when it comes to every member of Avengers, from Bruce to Bucky. Especially Bucky. You felt those butterflies flying high, up to your throat that you couldn't talk when Steve ruffled your hair. You felt birds chirping inside your stomach when Bruce agreed to help you with your chemistry experiment. You felt like falling down when Bucky laughed: "You beat me here, kid". And you think you knew what was all these winces and red cheeks about but again - to admit it you had to confess that you're weak.
Bucky was a man from the past, quite guy who was sitting in the background and listening to others speaking. Until he got used that this life is actually his. No mission, no target. It seems like another month passed on when James Barns started adding comments and even making good old puns. It's not like they invited you on every meeting - something you overheard (yes, it's bad...but cmon, it's avengers themselves!), something you found out from Peter's rambling.
He was treating you extremely carefully from the first day. You knew that he tried to learn how to socialize and be actually nice, but...maybe it's dumb, but still it felt in a special way. He showed you a few useful stances when he saw your struggle in repeating after character from the movie and never ever raised his voice on you. His hugs were the heedfulest - no-one ever hugged you like this.
You would love to be his relative, somehow. Maybe then you would spend hours and days together and you wouldn't feel guilty; maybe he could teach you how to waltz or pick you up from school on his bike (and all of your classmates would gasp and gossip: "who's this attractive man? Do you know him? Is it your brother? Does he has a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?")
But all of these nice scenarios were only a dreams in your little silly head, as you thought, carefully wiping the blade with antiseptic. Today Peter was upset and desperately trying to hide his feelings as deep as possible. But after long assuring talk with Ned, MJ and you he was ready to sing.
"I heard Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers debate about me," he murmured, "well, about us all, actually"
In that particular moment your heart split into two halves .
"Speak, dumbass" - MJ insisted, her eyebrows creased together. She also spend at least one day in a few weeks in Tower and obviously wasn't happy to hear news that may guarantee her never ever appearing there again.
"Their missions are getting more dangerous. Mr. Rogers said that it would be better for me to...keep doing what I used to do. Just be a nice neighbor Spider-Man. And that it would be better for all of us...to come less often" - there were no life in boy's voice.
Little space of their own in the middle of canteen had become deadly silent. You could hear your poor heart trying to escape it's ribs prison. Ned was looking at Peter with big Bambi eyes, filled with hope.
"You said they were confronting, and that means..."
"Yes, Mr. Stark was harsh at the beginning. But...they think I'm a child. They think..." miserably squished out of himself Peter.
"Legally we all are children," sighed MJ, "but I'm not sure if children are able to save 50 people a day and still manage to keep good grades"
And you all fastly nodded. God, you were so disappointed. Maybe they haven't told you officially yet, but you heard what they really think. Well, Peter heard. But he's trustful, right?
And yes, you wanted some of the things to go back, but...but Bucky and Natasha could have stayed for a longer in your life. And Steve. And Clint. Bruce also.
Thin blade left the red track on your forearm. Nobody needs to know. This is just your relief. Your punishment. Because if you already dropped on yourself and you learned your lesson it's no need for-
You hissed. This one was too deep. Shit. But okay, Chlorhexidine solves all the problems... Disinfector stings.
And when Peter excitingly screams about invitation to Tower the day after all you get is anxiety. Clothes rubbed unhealed wounds and scratches. Earlier you wanted to return home to lock yourself in a room for the rest of the evening, reading and preparing for the test but you couldn't refuse. Maybe it will be the last time when you see Bucky at all.
Peter, Ned, MJ and you arrived at the Tower on peens and needles, expecting dead silence and heavy atmosphere but instead of pokerfaces and "we need to talk", you saw Tony with a pan in a fire.
"Okkay kiddos no homemade anything today. FRIDAY, order pizza for all of us" Tony had washed his hands for a thousand times.
"Seven or eight boxes?" busily inquired AI.
Tony took a look for all the Avengers and kids. His eyes stopped at blushing Ned.
The room filled with babbling again. You don't know about others, but i felt like a mountain sized stone fell from your shoulders.
Just a usual evening with the mightiest heroes of planet earth (Thor had to solve some questions in Asgard). Telling stories, playing Monopoly (god, how you hated this game, Tony always won!) and Xbox and teaching Steve how to use joystick (finally, he had avoided this for a few months).
You tried not to get included into pillow fights. To be honest, you didn't really want to move at all.
What concerned you that Bucky stared at you for the whole evening with a strange, wistful gaze. You were feeling uncomfortable also from knowledge that if he wanted to observe you, you wouldn't even had noticed you. But Barns wanted to let you know that he has something to say. Well, okay, let it be.
"Second batch of pizza arrived! Who knew that Parker eats more that all of us together," announced Tony with a clap, "I need someone to pick it up and...I need this someone not to be me".
"I will"
Yeah, of course, Bucky volunteered, you thought. Here starts the game.
"I'll help him" You added, rising from the chair.
You felt with your back - Natasha's watching you. It meant that she leaves it up to you were put down in "checkout list".
When you and Bucky got inside the elevator and doors slowly closed silence fell on little space and pressed hard. You threw the man a quick glance. Like carved out of stone...
"Is something wrong? I'm sure you're able of delivering pizza upstairs on your own" you tried to begin a conversation.
Barns was drilling the closed doors in front of him with eyes.
"I'm not sure what is going on with you" ex-soldier slowly turned his head. Behind deep ice eyes was hidden something you couldn't understand, "Once or twice a week you move slower. Also in that days you actually careful with hugs and you don't like when Thor squeezes you tight. I mean, who likes," a bit confused and you snorted, "but the rest of the days you seem okay with it".
You can feel cold sweat running down your spine along with a goosebumps. You take a quick glance at the changing numbers on the screen. Almost 15th floor.
"Something is going on," he continues, staring with his deep blue eyes, "You can't deny it. And today especially. I thought of a physical injury but it's happens to often to be a fight and you never had any noticeable wounds on your face and usually bullies-"
He slowly closed his mouth.
"You don't have to tell me all your logical chain, you know?" Weak laugh. Your hands started to shake.
Bucky pursed his lips.
"FRIDAY helped me with it," reluctantly answered unasked question, "I just never-"
Elevator slowly stopped and the doors opened.
You swiftly made your way to the backdoor exit. Barnes followed you as a inconspicuous shadow.
The pizza boy awkwardly muttered something about price with wide opened eyes and shoved at least 6 boxes right in your hands. You smiled as nicely as you could in that condition and thanked. The rest of the dialogue was covered with fog for you, even more, you felt like put in the depth of ocean. You woke up only after Barns's hand slightly touched your shoulder.
"You good?" He asked with care.
You stared at him with a wet tired eyes.
"I know how hard it can be - when you feel guilt pressing down," he slowly said, eyes looking forward, " And I'm not going to tell Tony or even Steve. But you have to do one thing for me."
You felt relieved for a second, but then anxiety had risen even harder.
"I will train you. If it's about anger, I can help you. If it's something else - we will figure it out," he said bluntly, "But if your self-harm gets worse I would have to tell Tony".
Your heart gladly went up and down like a child on a rollercoaster. You gulped. Tony doesn't have to know...he will look at you even worse...he has already a brilliant student - Peter, and how do you look, standing next to him? Right, pathetic.
You heavily raised you head, leaning to the side and releasing your hand.
"Deal" your voice was trembling.
Barns nodded and firmly shook your hand.
"Deal" he confirmed.
Pile of pizza neatly landed on the floor. Elevator quietly squeaked and the doors slowly opened.
"Shit" you sighed.
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club Lucky in love. March 26 – Success.
WORDS: 1815
WARNINGS: swearing, fluff, smut (graphic, 18+)
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless & are using they/their pronouns.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you touch.
This is multi-chapter story. 15/19
Gif from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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~„Good night doll.” he whispered into your hair, letting familiar smell and warmth of your body to lull him into dreams.~
Bucky woke up hours later with you wrapped around his body, his hand on your waist. He tried to move a little bit from you to see your face, but you only hugged him tighter. He was happy that you were so comfy with him next to you until he felt his morning wood getting even harder. That's not how he wanted you to find him first thing in the morning. But he couldn’t stop it. All he could do was to take care of it. He untangled your arms from him and quickly moved from bed. He forgot your legs were also intertwined and he fell on the floor with loud oof.
„Bucky?” you mumbled sleepily. „It´s ok doll. I just fell.” You laughed and went back to sleep. He ran to bathroom, put shower on and wanked off with images of you.
You were hurt when you found Bucky's side of bad empty and cold. Secretly you wanted to wake up in his embrace, to him kissing you and then making you both breakfast. You cursed, got up from bed and went to bathroom. Only when you sat on the toilet you realised you're not alone there. „Bucky!” „Y/N!” You both screamed at same time. „What are you doing here!” he asked. „Pissing.” you sassed and your eyes wondered lower down his body. You got glimpse of his ass and couldn’t take your eyes of it. „Like what you see doll? You look like that Pikachu meme you showed me.” he smirked. You blinked rapidly. „Shut up Borky. And turn away.” He laughed, but obeyed. „I'm gonna check on idiot.” you informed him and left. Bucky exhaled and promptly washed evidence of his release from himself and shower wall.
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Dressed in his casual clothes he went down to kitchen, but you weren't there. Not in the living room or cellar with that moron either. Just as he wanted to go back to kitchen, he saw door on his right opened. He thought it´s another cellar and you're looking for food but when he walked in he was shocked.
„Hey Buck, wanna join me?” you asked with beaming smile, swimming in indoor pool. „This house has a pool? How?” „I don’t know. But it´s amazing. Come in.” He was hesitant. „I don’t have swimsuit.” „Neither do I.” He felt himself getting warm and hard again. „Are you … .” He cleared his throat. „Are you naked?” Stupid question, you idiot. Of course she is when none of you have swimwear. You nodded. „Get in already.” you rolled your eyes. Bucky didn't know what came over him, but in mere seconds he was naked in the pool with you. „Now what?” he asked. „Now we can play with a pool noodles and balls. Bucky´s ones tighten up when you reached up to from water for noodles and he caught sight of you ass this time. „Arm yourself.” You threw him one woggle and swam to him. „Loser have to write whole mission report.” „Deal.” „Fight!” you screamed suddenly and hit his head. „C´mon Borky, fight!” He laughed at your childishness and tried to hit you as well but you swiftly dodged. „You missed.” you smirked, hit him again and swam away. He had advantage in speed tho and caught up with you. You felt bang on your head and turn to him. „Using superpowers, I see.” „No. I´m just faster.” „Shut up.” you lightly slapped his chest. „If I´ll dive you now, will I be a winner?” „No! That's cheating. Buck, no!” His hands were on your hips and he was ready to pull you under the water when all of a sudden whole pool lit up and you both gasped. „What the fuck?” you whispered, wide eyes on Bucky's face. His expression was same as yours „You're my soulmate.” he breathed after few seconds. „You have navy-blue stars on your left hip?” you asked. He nodded, inching his body closer to you, his nose in your hair. „It was you. All that time.” „Yes doll. I can´t believe we didn't see it.” You both giggled and you hugged him. It was quiet for a moment when you just indulge in each other presence. „Can I kiss you doll?” he mumbled into our ear. „Please.”
His plump lips pressed into yours tenderly. You closed your eyes and just enjoyed the moment. Your body was getting hot, heartbeat abnormal, ears rang, your tattoo lighted even more and you swore your soul was like in heaven. You almost physically felt a click when it connected with Bucky's. All of it was too much and you started to cry. He took your face into his palms and pecked your nose. „I love you Y/N.” he said sincerely with teary eyes. „Love you Bucky.” you spoke softly and kissed him again. „We should go out of the water.” „Good idea.” But neither of you let go of the other one. „Hold tight baby.” he told you and you wrapped around him like a bear. He came out from the pool with ease, took your clothes and marched to bedroom.
„Make love to me James.” you pleaded once he put you on bed. „Are you sure?” „Yes. I wanted you for so long.” He looked into your eyes before they closed in delight as he kissed your neck. „You have to let me go babe. I can´t move.” You blushed and let your limbs fell on the bed. Bucky's lips travelled from your shoulder, through your chest all the way to your breasts. „You skin is so soft. And it smells so heavenly.” His rough hands cupped your tits gently and his tongue touched your hardened nipple. You arched your back closer to his face and he smiled, his teeth grazing your skin. You moaned loudly when he sucked your nub and his fingers played with the other one. „More Buck, please.” He shushed you with moving to your other breast, giving it same care. Your hands ruffled his hair and occasionally pulled, making him moan around your teat. You grinned to yourself. „Gosh you are beautiful.” He kissed your lips and kept going down your body again, nipping at your skin, gripping your sides, moving his fingers from your back to your belly and you were shivering from temperature difference.
He was right between your legs, holding them tight. „You're dripping doll.” he smirked. You groaned and your body jerked forward as his tongue licked and sucked your inner thighs and everywhere else, but your clit where you wanted him the most. He spread your lips and took long stroke from your hole to your clit. You lifted your hips, but he pushed you back into mattress. „Fuck baby. Look at you.” He squeezed your thighs, dipping his tongue deep inside of you, brushing his metal fingers around your pussy before he pushed two of them into you. „So tight, fuck. So warm doll.” He started to move them in and out in steady pace, his tongue finally playing with your clit. „It feels so good Buck.” Your nails were leaving red marks on his biceps and your legs opened for him even more. He was licking and sucking, using his muscle the way you needed and shortly after he added third finger, you came hard, moaning his name. He took everything you gave to him, latching on you until you stopped shaking. You looked at him. His beard was covered in your juices, eyes shining. „That was amazing.” You caressed his cheek and pulled him to you. Your fingers briskly moved over his chest and packs to his hard member. His breath hitched. „Let me return the favour.” „You don’t have to.” „I want to.” You stroked him in slow movements and batted your lashes. „I´ll not last it you do it.” he admits. „You want to be inside of me, right?” you asked teasingly, tightening your grip. He sobbed a little and nodded. „You want me to moan and scream your name? Make me come all around you perfect cock?” „Yes.” „Then do it.”
You positioned him in front of your hole and he slowly sunk in, you both devouring every part of it. He was wide and long and for a second you thought he´ll not fit. But you were his soulmate. He was made for you and you for him. Not only in bed, but in life as well. The fact itself made you cry and Bucky panicked. „Did I hurt you doll?” he asked worriedly. „No babe. I´m just overhelmed.” „Me too love. Me too.” He bottomed up bit by bit, filling you to the brim. „You're amazing.” he murmured into your mouth as he kissed you. „I love Buck.” You moved your hips against his, and your belly twisted. „Move please.” And he did. Sweet and delicately first, his fingers stroking every millimetre of your skin, his face nuzzled in crook of your neck. Then you took handful of his ass and pushed him roughly against you. He huffed, quickened the pace and sucked hickey under your ear. You moaned and moved with him in perfect symphony. „You little minx.” he growled when your nails traced from his shoulders to his bum, leaving him shuddering above you. You were playing with his hair, pulling hard, while he kneaded your breasts and instinctively moved his thumb on your clit once he felt your belly tensing. His thrusting became more erratic, harsh and you came undone screaming his name. „Yes, just like that baby. Just like that. Oh fuck!” he panted as his hot, thick cum covered your trembling walls. He smiled at you widely and put damp hair away from your face. „That was perfect. You are perfect.” he kissed you fondly. „You´re perfect too, my soulmate.” You saw small tears in his eyes and he sniffled. „Yours. And you're mine.” He slowly pulled out and lied next to you. You both basked in peaceful bliss.
„We didn't use any protection.” he said after few minutes. „I'm on pills, clean.” „I'm clean too. Not many women wanted to … . Never mind. I don’t need them any more. I got myself the best one.” „I´ll kill if any of them will flirt with you.” „No need doll. What we need now tho, is shower.” You giggled and stood up. „You're dripping baby.” he said, eyes trailing down the leaking jizz. „Because you came in me!” „And I would do it again if you let me!” „Shower sex?” You squealed at how fast Bucky picked you up and carried you to bathroom.
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For the rest of the day you were just chilling and waiting for Nat and Clint to pick you up.
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andyl394 · 8 years
Happy you’re here (2/?)
Summary: You didn’t actually know who you were, rescued from H.Y.D.R.A, you suffered Dissociative Amnesia. The Avangers helped you, now was time for you to help Bucky.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 2,725
Warnings: Cursing(a lot, like... A LOT), Fluff(?), claustrophobia mention, dead body mention, violence mention. 
A/N: Ok, I tried, I SWEAR. Well, I’m just bored so.... Yeah. BTW, there’s a Bucky P.O.V. Sorry about any mistakes, as I said on part 1, english is not my natural language (Also, let me know if you guys want me to try to make Y/N genderless, since the characters reffer you as “she/Her”) 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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“You did what?” Bruce almost screamed at Steve
“I introduced Y/N to Bucky. You’ve met him before, he wouldn’t hurt her!”
“Of course he wouldn’t. She would kick his ass.” Natasha said with a smirk while crossing her legs. Everyone was there, minus you and Bucky.
“See?” Steve knew she was right; it was hard to someone to beat you up. Impossible, actually. Your reflexes and speed were really good, even Pietro wouldn’t be able to harm you. Since you always knew where he was appearing, not even you understood how.
The abilities you acquired from your years in H.Y.D.R.A stayed, like the scars. To remind you that you’ve done things before, you just didn’t remember what.
“That’s not the point, Steve. The point is that anything can trigger her to remember what she had passed! Nat, do you remember how you found her? Wanda, do you remember what you saw?” Both woman nodded tensely
“She can’t see that… Never.”
“So what do you want us to do? To keep her or the Soldier locked in their rooms? The Captain here didn’t do something wrong. I saw Buck in the corridor with Y/N. Again, that weird person gained one of us. For the first time, he wasn’t looking like a grumpy angst teen.” Bruce sighed while massaging the bridge of his nose; he had a soft spot for you. Maybe because at the start you would always go to him and Steve when you didn’t know how to use things or what to do, when you had cute silly questions, when you discovered something new or etc.
“I know, Tony. However, she already has trigger words. We discovered three in these past years. She had nightmares that kept her awake for months; the memories were trying to come back. All of them had to do with H.Y.D.R.A, but there aren’t only words. Anything that remind her of that can trigger the memories.” He stopped for a moment, seeing that he got everyone’s attention “And I’m not only worried with her. Bucky also may suffer because of this. We all know him, he couldn’t even look to ours faces last year. And if he find out he might help her remember? And If the trigger words aren’t just to make her remember her past, but also turned her into the weapon?”
“Is a big IF, doctor.” Clint said, remembering how Bucky’s mood changed as soon as he saw you “She’s good to people, maybe is one of her powers or just how she is. But just like us, he also needs her.”
“What you’re still doing here, Princess Merida?” Your laugh broke the tense silence, FRIDAY had warn you about the reunion you had to go, after showing all the tower to Buck, that was still on the door. As if he didn’t know if he was supposed to enter the room.
“Actually, Steve called all of us, Y/N” Natasha voice made you turn your head quickly to the woman getting up to catch you as you hugged her
“Peter!” You screamed, hearing Sam and Pietro laugh
“Peter?” Wanda asked while glancing at the men she was sitting next to, Vision, her boyfriend.
“I think Y/N made a pun about “Black Widow” using Mr. Parker as a reference.”
“You thought right, my dear evil Smurf.” Steve pulled Buck to enter the room, but he didn’t know what to do. First, because he was too amazed by how you were opened to everyone, how each people smiled when seeing you. Second, because he didn’t know why he was there since it looked like a friend’s reunion.
“Guys, I called you to warn that Bucky is staying with us.”
“Bubbles, let him sit, first. You’re making him uncomfortable.” People laughed while Steve rolled him eyes, letting go of Buck’s shoulders. He almost let a sigh of relief come out of when he heard you coming to rescue him.
“Thank you.” He whispered, sitting in the chair you indicated, right at your side. Pietro glanced at him with a not so friendly gaze, but he got distracted when you winked at him, smiling sweetly
“Any time, love” He didn’t know why he was smiling all goofy. Steve was happy to see you there, making him truly smile in less than a minute.
Bucky was still paying attention to you when Steve continued to talk, making both of you stare at the Captain.
“Well, you all know Buck- Yes, Y/N?”
“Where was I when he first came?” Steve blushed, remembering what he send you to do, so you didn’t get caught in the small war it had between all of them.
“Remember that mission in Brazil?”
“You mean the one you send me to, that I stayed almost three months chasing a non-existing thing? That one?” Everyone laughed at your bitter answer, you almost punched Steve when you returned.
“Yes, that one.” He sighed “Well, I didn’t call everyone just for informing of Buck, unfortunately. Natasha and I found a base that might been used by H.Y.D.R.A and that is possible being activated again, and we are going to need help with this. Y/N, you know I wouldn’t call you for something involving… it. But, we fear that they might have files of you.”
Bucky glanced surprised at you, he didn’t thought that where you had suffered was H.Y.D.R.A, just like him.
You smiled comfortably at Steve, nodding calm with your head.
“I know, Stevie.”
“You don’t need to go if you don’t want you, nether you or Bucky. We are just informing, since involve both of you…”
“I’ll go.” Bucky said, a weird protective feeling growing inside his chest towards you.
“Well, I never run from a good fight, anyways… When?”
“Tomorrow, we need to make sure they don’t have your files.” After all, you were their most important, dangerous weapon, years had passed, and still, you hadn’t discovered all of your powers.
“Okay… Buttercup, I’ll introduce you to Buckbeak, c’mon.” You got up, when seeing that there wasn’t more anything to discuss. Buck looked into everyone’s small smiles when he also got up and you grabbed his wrist, knowing that they were going to talk something more. You always knew. “Sam, you still own me a rematch.”
“You lost?!” Pietro gasped, making you laugh and stop at the door, seeing Sam look at his own shoes embarrassed
“He ran.” You left the room full of people laughing, just like you wanted.
“You were captured Hydra?” He asked while you jogged to catch the elevator, you waited him entry the machine to answer.
“Well, as far as I know. Steve said that Nat rescued me from one of their oldest base. But as I said, I don’t remember.”
“Did they… Mess with your brain?” You stopped for a second, thinking about that question. Did they?
Your head started to ache when flashes of weird and old machines appeared, you saw metal, bright lights, loud screams and pain.
Mostly, pain.
Bucky studied you for a moment, feeling bad when seeing your eyes shut quickly as if you were in pain, frowning your brows and heavily breathing.
“I-… I don’t… Maybe… I can’t remember, sorry.” You whispered, slowly opening your eyes, remembering that you had nightmares about that kind of stuff before.
“I’m the one supposed to apologize, Doll.” A smile covered your lips when hearing his worried voice
“I’m O.K, Buttercup. It happens sometimes. Bruce says that are just some memories trying to force their ways to my mind. Anything can trigger them, so… Yeah”
“Like… Trigger words?” You snapped your head at him, surprised with the precision of his words.
“Exactly. Until now, we found three. Two of them are in Portuguese, the other is in Russian. Nat found it when she was angry at Tony, so she kind of snapped and said “walls” in Russian.” You started to walk towards the living room, next to the kitchen. “FRIDAY, can you please put Harry Potter for us?”
“The AudioBooks or the movies, Mrs. Y/N?”
“The movies, I’ll show him the books later.” Buck settled where you indicated to him, when you were about to sit on his side, he took the spot, making you sit on his flesh arm side.
“Sorry. Huh… What happened?” He said, trying to keep you talking, since he liked your voice. It wasn’t calm, but it also wasn’t energetic.
“Well, apparently, I fainted. But the nightmares were the worst, at the time I just had gazes at what was that. When I slept, I dreamed about a tiny room. It was so small that I couldn’t even sit. I had to be on my feet for what looked to be days… I felt so god damn claustrophobic!” You laughed, trying to make fun of what you had passed. But the memories of that dream reminded you of the worst part, the one you didn’t tell him.
You weren’t alone there.
There was a dead, stinking, cold body pressed against yours. It made you want to throw up, but at that time, you hadn’t eat anything, so there was nothing to come out of you.
“Harry Potter? Uh, the cat is turning into a woman.” He tried to take you out of those sick thoughts, and he did it.
“Minerva McGonagall, she is badass as fuck! You’ll like her!” Bucky smiled at you when you punched – lightly – his shoulder before bringing your feet to the couch, starting to pay attention to the movie.
“So… Everyone seems to like you.” Bucky said, glancing at you when seeing you chuckle a little
“Not everyone. Vision don’t like me.” He arched a brow in confusion “I mean, is not like he hates me. Is more of a… Caution feeling? I don’t know, actually. But I think he is afraid that I snap or something like that, because of my past.”  
He controlled his curiosity, since you told him about the trigger words, he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable
Bucky P.O.V
In the third movie I understood the nickname, but that didn’t stop you to keep me there watching all the movies. You said that no one liked to watch the movies with you, because you would repeat the lines with the movie.
But I thought it was lovely, especially when you turn your gaze at me just to smile and say random things about the movie or the books. It was night before we could even tell, and you just yawned, getting up after we finish all the movies.
They were great.
“Now I’ll leave you alone, you need to get some rest for tomorrow’s mission.” You said, smiling and offering me your right hand, as if you knew exactly that I didn’t like my metal arm “Are you sure you want to go tomorrow? I mean, you just got here.”
“I want to go.” You nodded with your head and, as I did the whole day, I followed you. Walking on your heels to the room’s floor, you stood on the doorway of my room, waiting for me to enter it
“If you want or need anything, my room is the last one of the corridor, ok?” You gazed at me, stocking a piece of your hair behind your ear “Goodnight, Buck.”
“Goodnight, Doll.” You smiled gently at me and turned on your heels before jogging to the final of the corridor, entering a room that – as you said – was yours.
“You’re already charmed, tin can?” Sam laughed, making my smile fall. I felt him coming close, but I hoped that he just passed to his room and left me alone with my small good mood “Don’t worry, it’s normal. We would have a problem if you didn’t liked her.”
I just groaned in answer, making him chuckle and pass through my door to go to his room.
I just sitted on the bed, thinking how grateful I was that those people accepted me there after all I’ve done. But what stayed in my head, was Y/N laughter. The soft, sweet chuckle of yours.
“No, Y/N.” Steve said in his Captain tone, making you frown your brows in pure frustration
“So, you make me wake up early to go to this mission, just so I could stay in the fucking Jet?”
“And you are not flying it. Just to be clear.” I heard Clint say from the pilot part, you huffed and crossed your arms in front of your breasts. God Damn that was cute, especially when you were looking down on a man twice your height.
“Captain, you betta give me a good excuse for me not to punch you in your fucking amazing nose right fucking now.” Natasha laughed while entering the Jet, I was already on my way to one sit far from the others, thinking that they might not be used to me on a mission and will want their space.
“It might trigger your memories?” He tried, but the only thing you did was huff in anger
“Everything can trigger my fucking memories, Rogers! The stupid walls can trigger them, the stupid sky can trigger them. Hell, your butt can even trigger them, but you don’t see me stopping squeezing it, do you?!” Everyone on the jet laughed, Steve and me included. “The point, Steve, is that I can’t just run of everything and hide under my bed, scared to even look in the mirror. I did things, I’ve been through things, yes. But that is the old me, someone I don’t even remember and that by the scars, I didn’t want to be.” I looked at my hands, feeling those words enter my skin like blazing metal.
“Bruce will stay on the jet, why can’t you?”
“Because dad number two is a doctor and he can’t fight without turning green, big and grumpy, neither can he hold a gun.”
“Dad number two?” Steve’s brows frowned as you sighed
“I made a fucking life-changing speech, you just catch that?!”
“Who is ‘dad number one’?”
“Who do you think, papa?” I chuckled at your ironic, sassy, kind of sexy, side
“Steve, Y/N won’t stop complaining until you let her go. And she’ll be entering that place while arguing with you about entering there.” Sam went to your rescue, as if he had seen that before and knew where it was going to end “And you also know she’s right. She’s a grown ass woman, what’s the worst thing that could happen? Us finishing the mission before than expected?” He chuckled as you high-fived him
“And you are completely out of your mind if you think that I’ll let Wanda and Pietro enter there without me.” You whispered, but I was able to hear it, since both of you were closer to me than to the others.
“Fine! But when you get nightmares, don’t come to me!” He huffed, making you smile widely at him and jump into a bear hug.
“Thanks, dad!” Steve tried to contain the grin that was forming in his face, but ended giggling anyways.
“Don’t call me that, I’m too hot to be a dad.”
“If isn’t the captain feeling himself today, look at that!” Sam said loudly from his sit, making everyone laugh.
“I hope you don’t mind, not that I actually care, but I’ll use you as a pillow.” You said, sitting on my flesh side, aware of my problem.
“So is just the super soldier appear and you replace me, love?” The silvered hair boy said, suddenly sitting on her other side
“Oh, please, Pietro. You know you’re irreplaceable! But his biceps are bigger, like, fuck! Look at this, is bigger than my head!” You played, lifting my arm as I felt a smirk play in my lips
“Are you telling me you don’t think I’m hot, anymore?” He placed his hand on his chest, as if he was hurt “You cold woman!”
“Stop fighting over Y/N, Speedy. And you Barnes, you just got here and was able to finally make her flirt, congratulations.” Tony said, and as I looked into you face, I saw you sweetly blush, huffing and rolling your eyes.
“Oh, please, fuckboy. Nine out of eleven words that I speak I’m flirting”
“I thought it was cursing.” Sam said, earning giggles from you
“What do you think are the others three?”
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stillfangirlingbtw · 6 years
The French Enigma
Hey guys! I have a burst of inspiration so I created this thing, I thought I could share it with you! It's a little bit short but I hope you'll like it, and don't forget to tell me if you want a part.2 or just to tell me what you think about it!
Side note: sorry for the mistakes, english is not my first language so I try my very best!
Pairing: bucky x reader
Warning: nope
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The blood that streamed from his arcade ended its slow stroke in his left eye, making him squint with discomfort. A setback of his sleeve later, and his gaze now detailed the scene that was played before him.
Heavy, bullet-riddled blinds filtered the light and illuminated the warehouse hangar in which two camps, superheroes and super-soldiers, were now fighting. They do not come from Hydra, he thought, he does not recognize any of their fighting techniques and they speak an unknown language.
In any case, the assassins in front of James Barnes were gaining ground, they were far too numerous, so he put himself in position, lying on his belly, sheltered behind a wall of wooden crates, he installed his huge rifle on his shoulder and began to shoot , attracting grunts from the enemies. One after the other, they fell against the cold soil of the warehouse with groans of Sorrows which James had learned, over time, to no longer hear.
In a short time he was able to get out of his hiding place and head to his friends, to Steve, the famous Captain America. As he walked a confident step towards them he felt a movement behind him, and before he could turn his head, a violent pain in his back blew his breath, but he soon resumed and after a short fight with the unknown soldier, he put a blow with his metallic fist to his belly and made him fall to his knees before him.
"Nice moves, soldier. Tell me who taught you to fight like that."
In his blood-stained, light blue suit that covered his face and eyes, the stranger, kneeling, his arms along the body, was totally at his mercy, and yet kept his back straight, dignified.
"Plutôt mourir, soldat de l'hiver."
"French?" Vision threw a curious glance at the soldier.
"Can you translate what he just said?" Asked James to the Avenger behind him.
"He has to say it again."
"Plutôt mourir, soldat de l'hiver."
His voice echoed through the empty warehouse , a cold tone, suave and mocking, and James turned to Vision, his gaze questioning him, asking for the translation.
"He said...."I'd better die, Winter soldier.'' translated the super hero.
The look of James was lost, his spirit traveled in time and he relived, strapped on an operating table, both vulnerable and indestructible, a machine to kill manipulated at will. He relived the months it took him to relearn to live, to regain control, he thought he was finished with this image of cold and cruel killer, and now his past caught up with him again.
He distinguished a bad rictus through the mask of the man in front of him, and the idea of destroying that abominable smile crossed his mind but he restrained himself, eager to restore his image, he knows that returning to gratuitous violence is a road without a way out. Instead, he circled the unknown and tied his hands with a rope and tore the mask off his face.
An electric current traveled his body, and he froze on the spot, wide-eyed, parted lips. He didn't believe what that could mean. Was that possible? After all these years... It couldn't be...
"... y/n?"
The young woman at her knees had the cold gaze of those who have seen too many, of those who will never be as they were before. Her face had to be pretty before, now she just had a bad look in her eye, and an hideous smirk. Looking at James, and tilting her head to the side, she maintained the eye contact, and with a harsh, genderless voice, she asked him.
"Je t'ai manqué, mon amour ?"
Note: the last sentence mean: "Missed me, my love?"
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freddiefcknmercury · 4 years
A Promise(part 2)- Crimson & Clover
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader(Black coded/Genderless)
Word Count: 2.7+
Warnings/Disclaimer: SMUT. ANGST. cursing. mild depression/heart-ache. etc etc. if something needs to be tagged please lemme know.
A/N: LOL I'm back on my bullshit yall. heavy angst/depression from the previous Steve centered storyline so if you haven't read "You really think I didn't know?" I'll do some magic linky links here and at the bottom just in case. Also I'm trying something kinda different with the way I post the fics so feedback is welcome.
ALSO this one comes with a tiny playlist! there are Bolded lyrics throughout if you want to get a deeper sense of where I was emotionally writing this and where reader is as well you can Def give these songs a listen, they are in order of appearance:
Crimson & Clover- Tommy James & The Shondells
Every Time I Breathe- Arlissa
Navy Blue - Hasani
Summary: Bucky takes an extended leave for "work" related reasons and reader slips back into some dark places in his absence...
~*As always, be Nice to me I’m Delicate*~
He said he might be gone most of the week. Sam called the day before and all you know is it's something important. He didn't go into detail, just packed a bag and you'd never seen him do that before. But he was also only gone a day or two at a time and never felt the need to tell you about it before now either.
Up until recently you'd tip-toe around each other. Not like you used to with Steve though, worse. Bucky is a lot better at making sure you don't know he's there until it's too late. It felt like you'd never get used to each other, or more likely that you'd never want to. You might've still been secretly hoping that he'd stop caring and go away... after a while you got tired of your own bullshit and realized he's giving off that vibe on purpose. Wordlessly telling you how you should feel about him, not wanting to get too close. You never much liked being told what to do.
It was only about two months before you became a Barnes' expert. You'd sit up at night listening intently for when he'd shower, get in bed, or wake up. He never slept more than five maybe six hours at a time, you'll never understand how he can function like that. You know how he likes his coffee, which angle he holds his cup. How and where he takes off his shoes, how much ice he puts in a drink, the way he likes to cut his toast, and what time he has to do all of it. There's an almost unnerving pattern to him, one that's always been there and you were just unwilling to notice for so long, and you're not sure if he's even aware of it.
You woke up to him already gone. You knew he was leaving but actually being left alone like that unsettled you more than you anticipated, a serious case of Deja vu. You went into your routine like normal, because everything still was, but by the fifth day... you stepped into the front room and got that empty feeling. One you hadn't really had since...
It stopped you for a few seconds longer than you liked and a large knot formed in your stomach. You spent the whole day trying to ignore the feeling but it only got worse. Like a hunger pain but much more vague, crawling through each muscle. You'd catch yourself staring at his room, Bucky's room but also... Steve's. It's the first time you let yourself admit to him fully crossing your mind in over a year.
You laid up in bed, trying to count the metaphorical sheep to no avail. Getting up thinking that a snack or a warm drink will stop the restlessness, you pause in the tiny hallway shared by your bedrooms. The low blue light from the moon outside dustily illuminating the space through  a cloudy bathroom window. You stare at the door like any second he's going to ask what you're doing up so late and you can tell him to mind his own business while pouring two cups of tea.
You just wanted to touch the knob; turn it to make sure it still works- that you're still "allowed in there if you want". But stepping inside was too far, an invasion of Bucky's privacy, and you felt it. But you couldn't help yourself. You needed to know.
They were definitely cut from the same cloth. Sparse furnishings and no decorations, save a few very small trinkets he'd held onto from who knows where. There is exactly one row on his bookshelf filled with composition notebooks that were beat to hell and back. Sticky notes lined the edge of most of the pages, so much so that they easily could've been mistaken for feathers on a quick glance. You dare not touch them. Observing someone with a past that checkered is very different to reading into the things they deem worthy of physically writing down.
Where Steve used to leave small drawings and notes Bucky left half empty ink pens and a few well used pairs of gloves. You saunter to the far corner of the room and caress a worn leather jacket hanging precariously on the lowest peg of a coat rack. Doing a slow sweep of the space something in the otherwise barren closet catches your eye. The knot in your stomach that had almost disappeared was back and it brought friends. Your shirt. His shirt. The big one that said BROOKLYN across the front, what you didn't know was your "going away gift." The one you balled up and shoved in the top corner of his closet, at the time hoping you'd never look at it again. You're amazed that it's still here, that Bucky hadn't tossed it out or tried to give it back to you when he moved in.
So you put it on. You're still not sure why but you needed to wear it. To feel it drape over your skin, enveloping you in warmth and that beautiful clean familiar scent you... loved once. It sent a shiver down your spine. The knots in your stomach were gone but now there's one in your throat. You can feel the tears seated right behind your eyes. You sit on the bed holding your face pleading with the water to stay put but it's too late. You miss him. You hate to admit it, but it's true and it always has been. You're angry and you should be, you loved him- you thought he might've loved you. Pulling the hem of the shirt up you wipe the tears off your face and fall into a pillow, trying to calm yourself out of your rage unintentionally drifting into sleep.
You wake up to the sound of music in the kitchen.
...Ah, now I don't hardly know her, but I think I could love her...
You sit up quickly checking your phone: 11:34am. You'd fallen asleep in Bucky's room, in his bed. A blanket had been placed over you and a short scan of the room returned a brown leather duffel bag and set of black boots that weren't present last night. He'd come back early this morning and found you here. You can feel your heart fall straight out of your ass, the void that was left being filled with pure embarrassment. Is he angry? He did tuck you in...
As slowly and quietly as possible you make your way towards the door, poking your head out just enough to assess the situation. You can see his back in the kitchen, he's hovering over the sink. You notice the couch, the spare blanket and pillow from the bathroom closet folded neatly on one of the arm rests, he had to sleep there. The void gets deeper. You pull the door open just enough to slip out of and there's a quiet creak. Steve never did fix that, and you just figured out why.
Bucky didn't turn around but definitely noticed. He steps to the side, now in front of the stove and you here something crack and sizzle. You're not sure what to do here. You can try to apologies and explain but there's no un-embarrassing way out of this one. You fold your arms over your stomach trying to hold all your very delicate pieces together while you attempt to speak up. Finally reaching the bar and fully prepared to say good morning when he quickly sets a hot bowl down in front of you. White rice and a fried egg- runny yolk. You'd make it for breakfast when you'd get up early or couldn't sleep, a friend from school put you on to it. Looks like he's been studying you too. You make eye contact but, just briefly. From what little of the expression you get on his face nothing indicates that he's mad. But he hasn't said anything to the contrary either.
How was your trip?  Dangerous I bet-sorry you couldn't come home and sleep in your own goddamn bed! Oh?! AND you made me breakfast!
You feel like a crazy person.
"Comfy last night?"
He's pouring himself some coffee, not yet turning your way. There's no hostility in his voice.
You chuckle nervously.
"Yeah.. sorry about that."
"Don't worry about it."
He sets a small glass of juice down in front of you. Heavy eye contact this time, but his expression is soft. He didn't ask for an explanation and you really didn't want to give him one. But you still feel guilt looming over you. You take the glass in both hands and nurse it.
He nods at you with a squint, taking a big sip of coffee.
"If I knew that was yours I would've given it back."
The shirt. You forgot you actually put it on. You hold your breath stroking the fabric gently. Contemplating your next words.
"It's not- well, not really."
He raises an eyebrow.
"It was a gift, so I guess it does belong to me..."
Glancing back down at it you can see him realize it says "Brooklyn." His expression changes to a knowing one and it reads like regret but he quickly tries to box it back up for you. This is a new move for him.
There's a much longer pause in conversation than either of you would like before he shifts his weight awkwardly.
You push glass, now empty back across the bar towards him.
"Don't worry about it-"
You swivel in your seat quickly, taking your bowl and getting up to leave. He steps out from the kitchen after you.
"Thanks for breakfast."
The tears had been welling up and started to pour over as you left. You're still in no state to pretend to be a functioning person right now. Trying to save him from your ugly cry face by escaping but he grabs your shoulder gently suggesting you backwards.
You cover your mouth to hush a sob. You can see your chest start heave but there's nothing you can do to stop yourself. He grabs the bowl setting it down carefully, then you feel a warm metal sensation squeezing the back of your neck.
"You don't have to be over it."
He's been back a couple hours and already knows you're still a mess. You scoff, laughing at yourself really.
"What's wrong with me?"
He whispered back quickly, exasperated, but tender.
You sniffle; pathetic.
"That's not how it feels."
"He fucked up. He just doesn't know it."
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders pulling you into his embrace.
It's nice to feel another person. A real solid human being; you can't remember the last time you hugged someone like this. You turn in his arms to face him. He looks tired. Not just 'had-to-sleep-on-an-old-couch' tired. Emotionally repressed. Maybe he has actually wanted to talk to you. He pulls you into him, it's just a hug  but it almost hurt how sweet this was.
Then a thought came to you, not really sure how, you can't handle more rejection right now; but you kissed him anyway, hard. Like him being gone almost killed you- because it did. He pulls away from you, just a little, reading your face his own expressionless. You search his eyes for any kind of hint as to what's going on inside his mind. You're not ready to admit this was a mistake yet. There's no real way to know how long you stood there like that. You only dare to move after you hear the song change in the background.
Words... thought they just fade away
but hurt... gave them a place to stay
"Do something."
You were sure it was just in your head but it creaked out past your lips in less than a whisper, pleading with him.
He covered your mouth with his, smoothing both hands down your neck to your shoulders gripping them gently, intently. You cling to his waist almost afraid to explore anywhere else, then slowly drag nails along his back. He pulls you back into him, you want to fuse with the warmth radiating off of his body, he bends and you collide onto the floor with a muffled thud. He cradles your head quickly so you don't get hurt but you wouldn't care at this point.
The way you fit into each other is unnerving, like your bodies weren't meant for anybody else. You both scramble to undress him in between breathy wet kisses and he's... magnificent. He pulls off his shirt and you swiftly run fingers from his neck down each arm. The metal one is warm, this surprises you for some reason. You watch as each "muscle" dances at your touch and you catch a small glimpse of something on his face that resembles insecurity... or fear. He shelves it quickly in response to you bucking your hips up to dismiss your underwear.
He buries his face in your neck, warm breaths ghosting your skin. Hooking his hands behind your knees he hoists your legs up around his waist. He bites down gently and you gasp. It's too much. He's everywhere, all at once. The last person to touch you event remotely close to this was-
It just came out, you almost didn't notice it. Bucky stops, pulling back and away. He scans you, a pitiful, panting mess on the floor. The most vulnerable you've probably ever been and definitely in front of him. He shakes his head slowly once, chest heaving.
Knots line your stomach once again. He grabs your wrist to hold your arms in place up above your head and presses his forehead against yours.
"Look at me."
You hold eye contact there for a solid minute, you're sure of it. He leans forward delicately dragging teeth against your ear.
"You're gonna keep saying it until you can't forget."
He drops his hips and lines up with your entrance. You feel a thick wash of euphoria from the pressure, throwing your head back as much as possible given the floor. You roll your hips along to his, cradling each other perfectly.
His eyes didn't leave your face until you both feel your legs begin to tremble.
"Oh Bucky."
The only words you can remember.
You feel every stroke hasten and all his muscles tighten each time his name falls from your lips. He pulls your shirt up to your neck looking to spatter kisses and bite marks across your torso. You futilely dig one set of nails into the floor and the other in his shoulder as he hungrily growls into your stomach, cursing, longing for mercy.
You pull him back up to your face demanding his tongue. You hear the floorboard creek from the pressure of a metal hand, the flesh one surely bruising your hip by now. There's a deep enduring moan from the back of his throat as he finds his release inside you. You gasp at the sensation and you both pant into each other, nothing but a mess on the floor now.
He presses a long, firm kiss into the bridge of your nose then falls gently on his back beside you. You roll your head up to look at his face, whatever it is he's feeling isn't immediately obvious as he stares up at the ceiling. You shift onto your side placing a light, cautious hand on his chest and he glances over at you, reaching to squeeze your thigh reassuringly.
The sky is Navy Blue soon to be baby blue and baby you got nothing but time...
He looks over your face in a deep sigh before retiring his gaze to the ceiling.
"I don't know him... The guy that left you like that."
You watch intently has his jaw clenched, he's never been able to hide that bit very well.
"I don't know what kind of..."
He trails off, clearly upset.
You sigh deeply.
"I was gonna die that night."
He rolls his head back to look at you.
"The day I met him? I had pretty much made up my mind."
You start to fiddle with the hem of your shirt. Almost reminiscent.
"But he found me in the staircase..."
You hate how subtly he did some things. If you weren't lying next to him. There's no way you'd ever be able to tell his breathing had changed.
You pick your head up, chin on his sternum.
"He saved my life."
You state matter of factually. You watch his body relax in a short, bitter way.
He rolls his head over just enough to look you in the eyes. You kiss his chest once tenderly before moving to stand up. You extend a hand down for him to grab.
"That isn't good for your back."
"You really think I didn't know?" Part1
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freddiefcknmercury · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader(genderless).
Word count: 500+
Warnings/disclaimer: None actually which is weird asf. Maybe if you have any issues with social anxiety this is like moderate tho.
A/N: This is for @syntheticavenger's challenge that I thought to myself when I found "one month left... That's plenty of time!" It in fact is not, I make very bad decisions. I chose the prompt/lyrics "Sociability- it's hard enough for me" From the song Coffee and TV by Blur.
Summary: Bucky lost a bet and has to attend the social gathering but true to form, still try's to skedaddle early.
~*As always, be Nice to me I'm delicate*~
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
You were trying your best to hold up the entirety of a conversation with three other people who definitely thought you hated them until tonight. Frankly, you're not entirely convinced they don't still think that now. Thats when you saw him duck into the back hallway, a direct route to a not quite secret exit. If you weren't looking for him you'd never have noticed he wasn't where he said he'd be all night- holding up a wall- because unlike you he definitely doesn't care if people think he hates them.
Sam noticed his attempt at escape too. The two of you make eye contact from across the room, Sam stuck in his own situation. You were delicately less compromised so he gives you the nod to go after him, excusing yourself from what barely resembled a conversation at that point.
He's quick. The fastest you've ever known. But you know all his tricks now and you cut him off at the pass.
"You definitely lost a bet, James."
He stops abruptly, just short of reaching out for the door. You can see annoyance in his shoulders as he hears your voice call to him.
"I definitely showed up, like you asked though."
"A half hour of dagger eyes..."
You saunter over, blocking his path to the door just in case.
"and leaning against the back wall like a jilted lover does not a casual party atmosphere make."
"What I'm hearing though is that we definitely are lovers?"
He lifted himself up on his toes once with a small bounce, head slightly tilted, eyes squint in that I-WILL-get-out-of-this-conversation-type-of-way. But you aren't having it.
You fold your arms behind your back in a lecturing pose really ready to let him have it.
"It's hard enough for me."
He stands feet apart, planted firmly, a half sour smirk entertained his face for just a moment has he contemplated the floor between you.
You sigh deep in your chest just to yourself.
"Have you tried... just being nice?"
"I am being nice-"
He nods desperate to convince you there was really an attempt made. You're not so sure but don't really have much reason to doubt him right now.
"Then be sweet."
You're pleading but it came out like a demand.
He straightens himself with a roll of the shoulders, eyes locked on yours. An exasperated expression now covering his face. You cross your arms over your stomach first, then step foreword into him, resting a hand on his heart.
"I know... I know.
You nod very gently, words less than a whisper.
He glances over your face, you're just as exhausted by all this as he is. But being lonely is something you have to work on when you can.
"10 minutes."
He sighs through his final and only offer. You consider it briefly. Very briefly.
"20. Tops."
He smiles, scoffing softly.
"Any longer and I promise I'll let you drag me out of there."
You pull him back towards the door to the main event hall; the soft glow of distant voices and faint music humming out from the other side.
You circle around him slowly.
"You really should start being nicer to the rest of your co-workers."
You bat your eyes dramatically.
There's a short pause before he replies.
"I'm not even nice to Sam."
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freddiefcknmercury · 5 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enby/Genderless Reader; *Mutant/Super reader with Ice Powers! Word count: 700+ Warnings/disclaimer: Family abandonment; depression; anxiety; cursing; slight violence(???) A/N: This is work 1/5 for my randomly selected 2019 Ink/Self-tober writing challenge. I’m gonna try to keep everything fall related but I wouldnt bet the farm on it lol. Summary: Reader checks in on their “family” against Bucky’s wishes.
As always, be nice to me I’m delicate. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
    The house was dressed for the holiday the exact same way you remember. There are fake cobwebs and plastic spiders strewn about the square bushes that framed the porch. They’d hung witch’s hats and plastic jack-o-lantern shaped candy pails from the two large trees in the front yard. On either side of the door, that was covered in “blood”, are elaborately large painted wood signs that read “TRICK OR TREAT”. The warm glow of an old yellow bulb poured out from the window framing the kitchen. At the short plastic table inside sat a family… your family, just sitting down to dinner. You watched them laugh and tease and happily pass each other food as if no one was missing.
The Winter Solider would never be this fucking loud but Bucky made sure you knew he was there. Right where you said you wouldn't be caught again... you sigh.
      "We never used to do this."
You tug absentmindedly on a loose curl near your ear. He shifts closer behind you.
     "Y'know they have dinner around this time every single night. All of them, together... like a family."
He came and pressed a firm palm against your back.
     "Fuck em."
Just then you realized you'd iced your lower half to the house. You shook yourself back into the now and glanced at him quickly a few times.      "Stop... they're my family."
He sits on the edge facing your direction, his back to the house. Fearless; not that the fall would kill him.
     "Are they?"
You snapped your head in his direction, eyes locked. He folded his arms across his chest; relaxed, nonchalant.       "YES. They are."
Eyebrow cocked, you tried to sound as stern as possible.
"They left you, Alone. You had to track them down like a dog because they packed up and moved without telling you."
You shook your head, in denial quite frankly.
     "All this was sudden, I couldn't hide it anymore. They just got scared-"
      "Afraid of their own child?"
Your blood started to boil. You could both see your chest heaving.
      "They wanted me to get help. So I could control it, so I could come back home..."
Your voice had slowed into a whisper.
     "They didn't know what else to do..."
      "So they abandon you? Y/N they just didn't want this-you, to be their problem anymore."
      "Please stop."
You kneel down, hands firm on the gutter.
      "You call and you write and you tell them over and over that you're 'better'-"
Even his air quotes were frustrated.
Your grip tightened and ice climbed over your knuckles.
      "-and they haven't come looking for you once. Y/N, they don't like what your are and they just don't want you."
      "I SAID STOP!"
A thick jagged spear of ice crawled from your body and sprang straight out from the roof, stopping just as it reached his neck. He didn't even flinch. You fell onto your side, sobbing.
     "...this is why! This is why they left me... I'm too dangerous."
      "No, you're not-"
Your eyes sting, voice dry; hoarse from crying.
      "You were never going to. You know I don't wanna hurt you, so you wouldn't hurt me. This-"
He used his flesh hand to snap off a foot long piece of the ice and toss it aside. It all shattered instantly into a number of tiny pieces, it almost resembled glitter:
     "-would be a really good threat if I didn't know any better."
He crouched down to your level, to look you right in the eye. Determined to make it sink in this time.       "You have to stop. There are people who actually care about you, people who love what you can do and want you around. But you can't keep doing this."
Bucky is the only person who hasn't hurt you. And you keep letting him down.
      "I just want my life back."
You revert your attention back at the house, just in time to catch your mother draw the curtains. A surge of pain runs down your spine.
      "I understand."
Of course he does. He offers you a hand back up onto your feet.
     "We need to go. Before somebody sees us."
He leaves you to trail a few feet behind him and fix your face. They're happy without you, they don't even remember you're gone. Maybe you're not. This could be exactly where you're supposed to be and you've only just realised it now. You wipe the last trace of sadness from your face and a ay goodbye to your family for the last time.
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freddiefcknmercury · 5 years
You really think I didn’t know? Pt4 (A Promise pt 1)
Pairing: Black/Enby Reader & Bucky Barnes Word count: 1.9K+ Warnings/disclaimer: Some Swearing/cursing; notes of depression; alluding to death. A/N: This is version one to the Final part of this story. I'll also be posting an AU to this with Steve so look out for that one. This is gonna count a solid part 1/? for a Bucky Series called “A Promise”- essentially the spin off. Summary: After the events of Endgame reader is still waiting to hear from Steve.
As always be nice to me I'm delicate • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
You're at the stove cooking... something. You zoned out again honestly and that's probably why the knocking startled you as much as it did. It turned to pounding by the time you noticed it. Who ever it was knew you were home and seemed urgent. 
"Alright alright I'm coming! Gimme a sec.."
You turn the heat down on whatever your meal was supposed to be and try to adjust yourself and look like a person as you walk towards the door. Hoping to find an expression that resembles pleasantry to greet whoever is on the other side with.
"Sorry! I was kinda stuck in my own head just now, I didn't-"
You'd been to the Captain America exhibit at the museum just like everybody else, not to mention seeing his face briefly plastered across international news years ago, so you know what James Bucky Barnes looks like. The man in front of you was definitely him. A worn down version of the bright boy in all those photos but nonetheless. You also know there's only one reason he would come out of where he's been hiding to be here right now. You stood there in silence staring at each other for at least a solid minute. He hasn't said anything because he knows you aren't fucking stupid. Under different circumstances you might even be flattered by this. He tries to straighten himself a little and lightly clears his throat, which knocks you back into the moment. You shake your head attempting to think of something a human would say at a time like this.
"Do you want to come in?"
He didn't. He wanted to deliver his message and leave but you're both secretly afraid of what might happen if he just skipped away after dropping a bomb.
He shuffles inside, jaw clenched, hands still in his jacket pockets, trying to look as unimposing as possible. You slowly take him in; absorb his presence. Make sure he's real and actually here with you right now and not part of some fever dream. But staring is rude so you avert your eyes, causing you to notice the door leading to what used to be Steve's bedroom for the first time in who knows how long. Still empty and unopened five years later. 
You'd been too afraid of what you'll think or feel if you stood in there too long, so you pushed it to the back of your mind with everything else. The world had stayed the same shade of depressing it was before. Most people moved on, some... didn't. It kept on like that until one day people, almost everybody who vanished, just started popping back up all of a sudden. No one could explain it. But you knew it meant whatever they did, Steve and Tony; all of them, it worked... but it's been over a week since and you haven't heard from either of them yet. And you're scared. You slowly lower yourself onto the couch, arms folded across your middle, hoping that would be enough to hold your pieces together for whatever is coming your way. "So... lay it on me."
It was almost a whisper. You can tell that didn't make him feel any better about this. He dropped his gaze to the floor. You like to think he rehearsed before he got here but if he did, it's seems like he's lost it all again.
"It's hard to explain. I don't even understand it. I just know what happened to me and what I was told... what I saw." You lock eyes. The heartbeat pounding in your throat makes it swell up. "Steve went back-stayed. To be with Peggy."
There's a long silence. You can feel the confusion crawling over your skin. This isn't at all what you thought. 
You parrot, blinking at him. "Carter."
You shut your eyes, nodding quickly at his words. You know exactly who that is. "Agent... Carter."
You saw her at the museum too. She did seem rather fond of Steve in those videos but you didn't think much of it until right now. Why would you, she died a few years ago. "They were... an item? at one point."
He pulls his arms out of his pockets and they land lifeless by his sides. It's silent for another long moment while you wrap your mind around this.
“What do you mean he 'went back'?" "Back..."
He hesitates, realising how this might sound. Anybody else would think he's lost his mind, but you know things.
"In time."
You rub your face in your hands while this information runs in and out of your mind and settles thick in the air. Finally you take a deep breath and lean forward, arms folded in your lap, gaze trained on the ground.
“He went back." "Yes." You shake your head at yourself, at the accusation tumbling around in your mind.
“Not, got stuck or... died. He went, he left?"
You're not even really asking at this point. Bucky takes a noticeably large breath. This is the part he wasn't completely prepared for. There aren't really comforting words that soften the blow on 'yeah sorry he left you here.' You lean back against the couch shaking your head more vigorously now. Mostly in disbelief but with an ever so sharp twinge of anger.
"...did he tell you anything? At all, about us?" "Not until recently."
You scoff. "I know what this looks like, what it must feel like. But he said he wanted you to know the truth. And I promised-" "Yeah well-"
You cut him off but stop yourself short. Smoothing your hands over your thighs and standing back up.
"...he promised me he'd come back."
His expression didn't change. It's not indifference on his face, he's just as tired as you are. Shouldn't shoot the messenger.
"So who cares what he wants."
You turn away, waving off his sentiment, just about done with trying to be strong and understanding. Bucky, eyes closed, lifts his face towards the ceiling. Searching for the right thing to say.
"If you could've seen his face. Heard him. He cares about you, I know he does."
You can hear him take a cautious step in your direction.
"It's shitty. All this. It really is... But I can't say I wouldn't start over too if I were in his place."
You stop. Triggered just enough now. Snapping back in his direction and face him square on with an expression of pure disapproval.
"Just like that?"
You can see him put a shield up in response to your reaction. 
"Without a second thought to anybody you  might be hurting or leaving behind? Just skip back to a new beginning without giving a fuck about anybody you might've made love you...?" His expression was almost blank and it kind of scared you.
You can feel your face harden-
“...not after seeing you like this."
-and soften.
You can hear his breath become shaky.
“I'm not Steve. And I'm not who I used to be... I just started figuring out who I really am now. How to love people and know whats important."
You looked deep into each other and locked onto something you both understood. He can see through you. Not like Steve, different. Past all the stuff on the surface, deep down in your soul at all the hurt because he knows where it lives.
“You clearly don't need my help. I was asked to look after you... but tell me to leave and I wont bother you again." Your heart sinks and you finally lose it. Face hot, blood boiling just under the surface, the wells of cool tears begin to roll down. You can feel the ugly spreading but it's all too heavy for you to carry anymore. You practically fall onto the floor. Bucky closes the gap between you in three quick strides reaching out to catch. Pressing the palms of your hands against your eyes you make an attempt to manipulate them into turning off the water works but it just stings with salt. He places a firm hand on your back to steady you, and himself. You lift your face towards the ceiling in an attempt to coerce oxygen into your lungs. Chest heaving. "I'm supposed to just take this..."
You practically gasp each word out. He looks you in the eyes as if to say 'Obviously' but they're filled with dread and something that reads like regret. You snicker and nod lightly just to yourself.
"Not that I have much of a choice, I'm not chasing down an old man to slap him accross the face..."
You push a lose hair out of your way to look at him seriously. He stares back, you can tell he's half expecting you to scream at him. You shrug instead.
"I hate both of you. Decades of unique life experience and neither of you thought that just maybe I'd be better off thinking he died?"
He straightened himself, knowing that lying to you about Steve's decision might've been the better option but he made promises. "The last time we tried to spare someone's feelings it didn't go so well."
You're half interested in whatever story he's referencing but that's for another time, the look on his face says 'Please don't ask.' "I want to be mad but... that doesn't really seem fair either, huh?"
You smirk, amused at your own shitty situation, and wipe away a few stray tears.
“None of this is fair."
You prop yourself up against the wall and he follows, making sure to not get to close, but your knees are touching. It's weird to have someone next to you again while you're this vulnerable.
"Why are you still here?"
Your eyes are locked on the door to the bedroom. There's a sharper edge to your voice than before that neither of you expected but you don't apologise for it. He inhaled deeply, you can tell he wants to be offended. He hands you possibly the oldest flip phone in exinstance and it seems like the world goes quiet. You look it over, passing it back and forth in your hands. "That's why he didn't come."
You see him turn to look at your face for some kind of explanation. "You said if it were you, that you wouldn't be able to go through with it after you saw me... like this." 
He drops his head and rubs the back of his neck.
“I just kept telling myself that if he didn't come back it was because... and when everybody else showed up, and he still didn't... I got used to the idea. It never occurred to me that maybe he'd chose to go."
You let the last five or six years roll around in your head. The endless empty feeling of 'what if' never really leaving you. Now you know the truth and you're right back where you started. The weight of the phone anchored you back into the moment.And just like that something flipped a switch inside you. Like your ass kicked itself back into gear when it realized you might still have options and choices. A life. You took a deep breath and drop the phone in Bucky's lap. 
"I won't need it if you're going to stay around."
You get up to toss out the mess you made on the stove.
"I'll order pizza."
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freddiefcknmercury · 6 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Mutant Reader
Eye powers????? X-ray vision, laser vision, prolly a whole lotta other similar things~~
Word count: 500+; there's no cut bc this is short asf
Warnings/disclaimer: mentions of mental illness; mentions of cancer; mentions of/alluding to abuse; broken bones/physical harm.
A/N: I got an idea this morning so I wrote it down before I could forget, ended up writing the whole thing. This isn't too fleshed out.
Summary: There's an incident/accident with Bucky, he hurt you and he blames himself.
As always be nice to me I'm delicate
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
"Y/n please."
"Bucky no. It's gross and I don't like doing it. I don't want to."
You try to be as clear as possible then turn to leave the room. But he jumps in front of you pushing it closed.
"I know I'm being shitty but I can't, I... I'll never ask again, please."
He hasn't slept in who knows how long. He really thinks you'll be able to see something wrong with him.
You sigh.
"If I do this you have to drop it after today. There's nothing wrong with your brain."
He nods in agreement and you take a second to compose yourself. You're almost afraid that you will find something wrong. What if they did do physical damage... do you tell him?
You begin scanning through the layers, it feels like a huge violation. You normally try to avoid looking through people or at the very least ignore their details. It's kind of sickening and sometimes you do actually see something abnormal, but who are you to out a mutant or tell a small child they have a tumour. Just as you suspected, there's nothing visible. You shake your head, mostly to answer him and partially to knock those images loose.
"...I don't see anything weird."
He's silent for a long moment before flexing his jaw.
"You must've missed it."
You should've known better.
You pause to find your sanity again; he's annoyed with himself, not you.
"...there's nothing to miss. You're perfectly average."
"Then why did I do that?!"
You shrug. You honestly don't know, you're not a doctor. But he needs some fake bullshit to write this off under. Unfortunately you're too upset to think of anything.
"A reflex???"
You toss your hands up in defeat.
"That's not my reflex."
He scoffs and burries his hands in his hair.
"Maybe it is now..."
You try to soften a little bit, be a tad more understanding, and place a hand on his shoulder.
A few nights ago something happened. You shifted a bit too hard in your sleep or he had a nightmare or a random combination of things- who knows. But it caused him to jerk awake to defend himself, fracturing your forearm. He ran away for six days, you thought you'd never see him again or you'd have to go looking, only to come home to him waiting for you in the dark tonight.
"I don't want to hurt you again."
He's trying to find an excuse to leave.
"I know. You won't. And honestly I'm offended you think this little of my abilities."
You're not afraid of him and he knows it, but he's convinced himself he's going to kill you.
"I broke your arm in my sleep."
"I shoot lasers out of my eyes."
He finally looks at you, sad and unimpressed, which really was annoying. You can see the tears welling. You adjust the back of your shoe with your foot so he can see.
"I will chase you this time Buck."
He straightens up, you just now notice the backpack. He's prepared to leave leave, but you're not letting him go this easy again. The two of you stand there, both waiting for his next move.
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club  Lucky in love. March 20 – Opportunity.
WORDS: 669
WARNINGS: swear word
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless & are using they/their pronouns.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you touch.
This is multi-chapter story. 12/19
Gif from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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You had week to prepare for another mission and you wanted be sure you are ready. You were training in mornings and evenings. It wasn't easy. Your body hurt so much. Between exercise and practise you and your team was educated about Hydra´s technology and weapons from last mission.
It was two weeks since you got your tattoo and you still didn't uploaded it. Tatiana´s words  sounded in your head, but your doubts about yourself were stronger. Who would love someone who is in love with her co-worker and has dangerous job? „Get off of your black thoughts and look how amazing Bucky is!” said Wanda next to you. She knew you got a tattoo, but she didn't know where and what it was. „You know I can´t look at him properly.” He was making you feel like some    teenage girl. From your birthday your feelings for him got only worse and your moods darker. If he got a tattoo he would for sure told Steve and Sam about it. But he didn't and you had to live     knowing he's not the one for you. You determined you will upload you picture after this mission. There has to be someone somewhere. But why they didn't put it on the page themself?
Bucky was watching you as you moved to bars with Natasha. He loved looking at you lately more then ever before. At the gym and outside of it as well. How easy you turned into gymnast right in front of his eyes. When you reached for a bar he swore he saw something blue peaking from   underneath your t-shirt. He felt like a creep now as he was gazing at you and waited if it will appear again. But it didn't. He was going crazy for sure. You couldn’t be his soulmate. Girls would knew by now if you had a tattoo. And they would throw another party. But his optimistic part was still sure he saw your tattoo and it was same as his.
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You were sure Bucky was spying you by now. He was everywhere where you moved and it drove you mad. You went into gym one morning, he was already there. When Steve made pairs for sparing, Bucky was your partner. Your workout clothes were wet from sweat and he hardly had one drop on him as he was smirking at you laying on mat. „Help me.” You stretched your left arm to him and when his vibranium one wrapped around yours, you felt strong electric shock through your limb. It hurt like hell. „What the fuck?!” „I don’t know. Sorry.” He tried other hand. Same thing happened. You somehow manage to stand up by yourself. „It´s weird. You felt it too?” „Yes. Maybe it´s just static electricity.” „Maybe.” It didn't even stop after few days. Whenever you two got too close, sparks were flying. You asked your mated friends, but they swore they had no idea what it is. But they did.
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„I swear these two will be death of me!” Moi were fuming. „What now?” asked Rai. „Look at this!” Moi showed them big board with 'Y/N Y/L/N and James Buchanan Barnes' written on it. „They are half way to eternal happiness and yet they are not doing anything about it! Can´t they see they are made for each other? Why thye didn't uploaded their tattoos yet?” „Dear Moi, you really forgot how it was before internet? How our work was much harder? Give them a little bit of time, ok?” „Ok Rai.” „Good. Now let them rest because I already have plan for them.” Rai might be ruler of broken souls but they also knew how to help lonely soul find a matching pair. But they will need help of Parca for this case.
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club Lucky in love. March 3 – Blessing.
WORDS: 1277
WARNINGS: swearing
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless & are using they/their pronouns.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you touch.
Bucky and reader have blessed time apart. Until they don’t.
This is multi-chapters story. 3/19
Gif from here, Don´t tell me it´s not Bucky done with reader 🤣
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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You had nice quiet morning with your hobbies - bit of painting, reading, writing and eating – until you were called to Tony´s office. When you got there, F.R.I.D.A.Y. opened door for you and you walked in. „Y/N! Good to see you.” „You have something to tell me Tony?” He offered you a drink, but you politely declined. „Look, I know you are hard-working and I appreciate it but you need break too. So I´m sending you to the best spa in city. For whole afternoon.” You were looking at him suspiciously. „Let me guess. It was Pepper´s idea.” You smirked at him and he smirked back. „She wants another baby Y/N! Another one! That’s why I need you all out of compound.” he said excitedly and gave you small card. „It´s key to every procedure in the spa. Now get lost.” „Rude. You owe me box of doughnuts!”  You took the card and left.
„Should I prepare car for you Miss Y/N?” F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked. „Yes please.” You went to your room to put your jogger pants on, paired with your Bucky´s hoodie and cute trainers with unicorns. You stole his hoodie as revenge for putting baby powder in your hairdryer. „Would you like some quick snack before you leave Miss Y/N?” „What do we have at home?” „There are dairy products, bread, cheeses, veggies and fruit.” „No cereals?” „On your shelf.” „Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y..” You packed your stuff and went to the kitchen.
Surprisingly your cereals were on the shelf. Usually Bucky hides them somewhere. You happily poured it in bowl and took milk out. As it came out of bottle, you realized your mistake. It wasn’t milk, but shampoo mixed with water. And it was yours by the smell! You thanked all gods you didn’t washed your hair last night or this morning. „F.R.I.D.A.Y., where is Bucky?” „Sergeant Barnes left this morning Miss. Should I call him?” „No. But you can kill him once he will return.” „I'm sorry Miss, but I can´t do that.” „He committed crime!” „What he did miss?” „He put shampoo into the milk bottle!” AI was quiet for a bit. „According to internet it is considered as prank. I think  Sergeant Barnes wants you to laugh more.” „I will give him my best Cruella de Vil laugh when he comes back.” „Great idea Miss.” „As he will be dead once I´m done with him!” You threw everything into the bin and took out Bucky's opened box of Oreos. Then you went for toothpaste and did classy, but effective joke. Next was his favourite pair of running shoes. Perfect for mayo filling. You were very satisfied with yourself. As you went to the elevator Parca fled to Moi and Rai to tell them what have you done. And without their help.
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Car ride took longer, because of traffic, but it worth it as you got off the car and stood in front of one of the most expensive spa resorts. You walked in and girl from reception smiled at you. „Good morning, how may I help you?” You gave her card from Tony. „Excellent. My name is Annie. Mr. Stark prepared a plan for you and your partner.” Of course he did. Wait. „Partner?” „Yes. Mr. Stark didn’t tell you?” „No.” Seconds later main door opened again and no other then Bucky Barnes walked in. Or better said thrusted in. „Hello doll.” he smiled at you. „Borky.” Annie laughed and handed you clipboard. Sauna, Dead sea detoxifying body polish, Dead sea healing body polish, hair treatment, manicure and pedicure was written on it. Tony really wants to make Pepper happy by keeping you here as long as possible. „Follow me please.” Annie said and took you through big, double door into small corridor. „You can put your things into locker, put robe on and after 10 minutes in sauna go to room 8.” „Thank you.” She nodded and left.
You turned to Bucky. „What are you doing here?” „Same as you. Came to relax.” „But I thought I will be alone.” „Am I really that bad company? That hurts.” „Shut up Buck. You are the one who ignored me since our movie night few days ago.” „Awww, did you miss me?” „Maybe. I wanted to kill you like hour ago tho. So don’t be so happy,” „You found milk bottle.” „Uhhhm.” He was laughing when you disappeared in changing room.
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Behind beige door was small room with sofa and two massage tables. „Hello, I'm Nicky. Your masseur.” „Hi.” you smiled and then frowned when she was eyeing Bucky from head to toe. „Can we begin or do you have any questions?” „Actually yes.” you admitted nervously. „I would like to know what you will be doing with me today.” „Let me see.” She tipped your card on monitor. „Ah. Dead sea detoxifying body polish. It´s a full body exfoliation with mango and sesame body scrub for flow and encourage cell renewal. Next, cranberry infused body oil and detoxifying Dead Sea mud mask. Then we will wrap you in foil and warm blankets to give mask a time. After that 50  minutes massage with lavender oil. You can choose hair treatment. And at the end is nail treatment.” „So we just lie down?” „Yes. My colleague will be right here.”
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„Hey doll. Psst!” „What do you want?” you said groggily and turned your face to him. „Are you sleeping?” „Nope. But I´m very warm and I feel like I will be sleeping soon.” „Nooo. You can´t!” „Why not?” „Because I will be alone. What if something happen to me?” „Nah, you will be ok.” „Uhmmm. I´m sorry for that shampoo.” „You better be. Ruin my snack like that.” „Will China make you happy?” „Are you paying?” „Obviously.” „Good. Tony owes me doughnuts.” „It´s a date then.”  You were even hotter after his words and he chuckled.
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After few hours you felt like jelly and was happy to have firm Bucky´s body to hold on. You walked home slowly, bags of Chinese food in hands.
„Welcome back Miss Y/N and Sergeant Barnes.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. said. „Is someone else here?” „No Miss Y/N. But I detected car of Miss Romanoff 5 minutes from here. Should I tell her you are looking for her?” „No, thank you. Your room or mine?” you asked Bucky. „Mine. Go ahead. I´m  gonna take some Oreos too.”
„Have your doughnuts.” he smiled and sat down next to you. „Wanna finish the Witcher?” „Yop.” You put it on and took your food from him.
Somewhere between sixth episode Bucky took out one Oreo and threw it whole in his mouth. Moment later he was spitting it out. „What the fuck?!” You looked at him drinking his water and couldn’t hold a burst of laughter that left your mouth. „It was you? Come here!” He jumped on the bed, pinning you on your side, and started tickling you. I said I was sorry for my prank but you renewed a war doll.” You didn’t answer and tried to run away, but he only held you firmer. „Enough, enough! Please. I can´t breath.” He turned you so you were facing him and atmosphere suddenly changed. His nose brushed yours and you closed your eyes, when all of the sudden loud moan was heard from next room. „Someone forgot to soundproof the bedroom.” You giggled, but cursed Sam for ruining yet another chance for kiss from Bucky. „I should go. It´s late.” „Yeah.” He looked sad. „Good night Borky.” You left him with heavy heart.
Moi and Rai were crying, sitting on your ottoman. They were sure it was Parca´s work.
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Next chaper will be 6.3.2021
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club Lucky in love. March 1 – Advantage
WORDS: 1601
WARNINGS: violence, swearing
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes. 
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless and are using they/their pronouns. I hope I'm using it correctly. Don't want to insult anybody.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you two touch. 
This is multi-chapter story. 1/19
Gif from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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Moi and Rai were best at their job. They were taking care of human being´s souls. Making sure everyone will meet their soulmates sooner or later. You see, it´s not easy work. Especially when you have younger sibling. Parca were exact opposite of his relatives. While Moi were warm, dressed in brown-red-orange-yellow clothing and Rai, cold in purple-blue-green-pink attire, Parca were like a shadow. Black-white-grey-silver outfit matching their neutral, mischievous personality. As the youngest, Parca were causing a lot of problems, making eternity harder for Moi and Rai.
„Hear, hear my dear fellow immortal!” Parca were dancing around big hall where Rai were checking on their broken souls, looking for suitable candidate for today. „What do you want Parca?” „Oh, don’t be grumpy. I have news for you and our precious Moi.” „They are next door. You know we have counting at this hour. Don’t you have as well?” „All done. But there is something our boss want you and Moi to do. As priority.” „I'm sure it can wait.” „Um-mm, nope.” Parca grin as Rai frown. Then bright light appears and with that Moi too. „What's so urgent?” Parca gave them gloving rolled up parchment. When Rai open it, Moi gasp. „Finally! He was bugging me since 1937!” „There is one problem tho dear Moi. Look.” They read written words loud. „James Buchanan Barnes and Y/N Y//L/N. Shite.” „Moi, language!” „Details. Now lets work. Those two will be a tough nut.”
And since that day their plan set in motion.
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You absolutely hated Bucky Barnes. Why? Because he was annoying little shit, always thinking he's better than you in everything. It was partly true, but he doesn’t need to know, right?
You just came to kitchen for breakfast when wall of muscles stopped you. „Look where you going dipshit!” Bucky smirked at you. „Someone woke up in bad mood?” he teased. „Shut up.” you hissed and opened upper cabinet only to find it empty of your favourite cereals. „Borky! Where is my food?” You turned around, but he was gone. With sight you took cereals from Wanda´s shelf. She will forgive you.
Morning shower was very relaxing. You almost forgot about Bucky. Until loud alarm went off and you dropped your shampoo as you jumped. „Damn it Rogers.” you cursed, quickly dried yourself and ran into your room for clothes when bucket full of glitters fell on you, leaving you startled. You couldn’t take another shower and had to change before Steve would come looking for you. Shaking glitters from yourself, best as you could, you put t-shirt and shorts on and hurried to meeting room. Everyone else was there.
„What happened to you?” Sam asked. Bucky was visibly holding back from laughing. „I had fight with my hobby cabinet. What do you think happened? This motherfucker prepared trap on me!” you sassed and gave Bucky middle finger. „That's enough! Y/N, sit down. We have emergency mission. Source said there is hidden Hydra facility in Atlanta. We don’t have building plans, but source said there are weapons and maybe a lab as well. Our tactic is go in, capture those peasants and destroy it.” Tony lifted his hand. „Yes Tony?” „Maybe we can take some guns for studies. And lab tech. You know, to better understand our enemies what are they doing.” Steve sighted. „Fine Tony. You can have one or two of their weapons. Banner and Dr. Cho will have lab stuff. Sam, Bucky, Y/N - suit up. Departure in 15 minutes.” You were leaving when Steve stopped you and Bucky. „Buck you have something to say to Y/N?” „Sorry.” he rolled his eyes. „Help her vacuum the floor. Quickly. And don’t try anything during mission. Both of you. Understood?” „Yes.” you said at the same time. „Great. Dismiss.”  
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„Ok, Mr. And Mrs. Grumpy. We´ll fly for an hour. Try not to kill each other.” Sam said from pilot seat. You took out your book and started reading. It was quiet for few minutes. Then you heard loud chewing and bubble bursting. Bucky smirked at you when you looked at him. You went back to your book and tried to ignore him. That worked for 10 minutes. „For fuck sake! Stop it!” you shouted. „What is it now?” Sam was tired of your fights. „He's chewing like an animal!” „Oh c'mon Buck. You can´t stop it for one flight?” „I´ll try.” Sam went back to cockpit and you put headphones on. To yours and Sam misfortune Bucky had yet another idea how to make you unhappy. His music was much louder than yours and his beaming smile was enough for you to throw your patience out of window. „Sam! I´m  gonna to pilot and you sit here with this idiot.” If it meant to stop your fighting and have nice flight, Sam did it with no problem. Parca were pleased with themselves, little smug smile on face. They had so much fun. Rai and Moi were shaking their heads in cockpit.
„Why you have to do all those things to her Buck?” his friend asked. „It´s fun! She's like small child when she's angry. All red and death stares in one minute and second later she bakes chocolate cake for whole team.” „We all know you love her cake. But you really should try to restrict your pranks. I don’t want her to leave because of it.” „Nah, she's tough.” „As your captain I have to insist.” „Damn Bird brain, when did you turn into such strict man?” „On this mission. Wanna play cards?” „Sure.”
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„We will land in five minutes. I sent Redwing already. He shot guards on the roof. There are 30 subjects in, garage full of cars and weapons.” „No lab?” „Maybe underground. Think Y/N, geez.” „Stop that. We have work to do.” With that Sam walked out. „After you.” Bucky mockingly bowed. „I hate you.” you said and followed your captain.
You prepared your gun and ran next to the wall, Bucky right behind. You looked from around the corner. „There is big concrete field. We have to run across it.” „That's stupid idea. They will see us right away.” „Then come up with better plan Mr. I-know-everything.” „I will. Let me think.” „Don’t hurt yourself.” „If you would shut up, you would know you have to find other way. There are mines under that concrete.” Sam said into our comms. „You almost got us killed! Are you brainless?” Bucky looked at you with disappointment. „I didn’t know there are mines!” He was silent, only moved his head for me to follow him. „Sam, is roof still clear?” „Yop.” „Can you get us there?” Metal wire appeared next to you and you took it. „Hold tight Y/N.” You knew what will come, but it was still weird how small thing like Redwing could lift you and fly. „Amateur.” Bucky scoffed and jumped on the roof with ease. „Show off.” you sneered when you landed next to him. „At least I have something to show.” Suddenly you felt small sting in shoulder. „Ouch, what the fuck? Were we drugged or what?” „No. Only little electric shock because you are not doing your work. Move your asses.” „Yes Cap.”
You ran across roof, then jumped on main building and hopped down on the ground. „Should we knock?” „Don’t be funny. I found you way in. There are back door on your right.” You moved there. „Stay behind me.” Bucky said and opened the door. You walked in and right away gunfire started. Bucky was effective as shield while you both tried to defence yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, there were Parca sitting on the car, laughing. Moi and Rai were there too. And thanks to their intervention you disarm almost all men inside the garage. Those who tried to run fell into Sam's trap. Moi moved destroyed cars and dead bodies for you to see secret door to laboratory.
You opened it and had to move from flying glowing ball. „Bucky, look out!” you screamed but it was too late. It hit him and his eyes rolled up as he fell down. Parca were very happy with their work. Moi and Rai not at all. You shot few guards and captured lab doctors. „Sam! Get Bucky out.” „Working on it.” You walked back into garage and found Bucky on the floor, panting. „You all right?” „Yeah.” „Take them. I´m going to check other buildings.” He nodded and even when he was shaking a bit doctors looked afraid of him.
„All clear. Gonna prepare some boxes for you Sam.” It took around 30 minutes and once you were done and safe in quinjet he blew up the facility. You turned to Bucky. „How are you feeling?” „Like I got hit by lighting ball.” „Ha, ha. Now for real.” „Fine. But my arm isn't working how it should.” „Let me see.” You started carefully repairing it and he was watching you all the time. Moi and Rai smiled at each other. Then Parca moved your hand wrong direction and Bucky yelped in pain. „Sorry! I´m so sorry!” „It´s ok. At least touch sensor is working.” You laughed in relief and continued your work.
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„Good job. Were there any problems?” Steve asked when you landed. „Just Bucky´s hand. He went to medical bay already. Y/N took amazing advantage of situation and secured laboratory and all buildings” „Good. We will sort things out from here. You go and rest. See you tomorrow.”
You said your farewell to Sam and closed door of your personal paradise called your room.
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club  Lucky in love. March 8 – Fate.
WORDS: 999
WARNINGS: swearing
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless & are using they/their pronouns.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you touch.
How Bucky and reader were made for each other.
Hidden hints 😁
This is multi-chapters story. 6/19
Gif from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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Moi and Rai were sitting in their endless library reading a book with blue and gold cover. It was about Y/N Y/L/N and James Buchanan Barnes and it held stories of them both.
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Bucky: Small Rebecca Barnes was born, making Bucky older brother even when he didn't understand that. What he knew was that his parents didn't give him as much attention as he wanted and Becca was priority now. That's why he threw tantrum whenever he could. It worked for few minutes.
Y/N: You were with your grandparents when your parents came back from hospital with bundle of joy. „You wanna hold it?” your mom asked. You shook your head but she put a baby in your hands anyway. Your father quickly took few pics before baby started to cry. You cried as well and ran to your granny. „Look Y/N, now you can take care of real baby and when you will be momma, you´ll know what to do.” she said. „No.” you protested and went to play with cars and Lego on the back porch.
Bucky: Airships, film crews, and smoked glass helped New Yorkers gawk at an eclipse that sliced through Manhattan and Queens at 9 a.m.. Bucky was always fascinated by the universe and, even when he didn't understand lots of difficult informations, he was excited to be on the roof with his parents and sister. He heard gasps when it started and prepared his glass. Becca squealed when sky darkened and he chuckled. It was only two minutes but Bucky was watching with opened mouth, imagining how it was from airship.
Y/N: You were sitting in your chair in bush. Your parents took you to Africa for summer and right now you were waiting for Total solar eclipse. You almost missed it because you were playing, but your mom grabbed you at right time. Temperature lowered, it was dark for full three minutes and then it warmed up again. You kept protecting glasses longer and with awe were watching as The moon was moving away from The Sun.
Bucky: He was sitting in his sitting room and was staring at wooden box with different knobs. He doesn’t pay much attention what they are saying in there. He's fascinated just by the fact that something like this box can make a sound. His father called it radio. And by words of his Ma, they were first who got it. So it was no surprise when same day when his father bought it, almost all neighbours came to their flat. They were for sure interested in this magic as he was. What he didn't know was that they all came for radio program. They were broadcasting inauguration of Calvin Coolidge as 30th president of United States.
Y/N: Once you learnt how to read you were fascinated by words and interesting adventures they made. You had big bookshelf at your home. Your parents were reading to you every night before bed, but now you were independent. Big girl, ready to discover new stories. Your favourite colour was blue and even when there were few blue books on the bookshelf, one was particularly standing out. You took it to your reading nook and slowly read title: The Great Gatsby. When your mum found out later what were you reading, she forbade it. But stubborn as you were, you waited every night until your parents fell asleep and secretly read it.
You both got another sibling.
AGE 10
Bucky: His father took him to his first baseball game. New York Yankees won their 2nd World series championship against Pittsburgh Pirates. He got a signed ball.
Y/N: Your mom took you to US open. You were there because of your father and his praises of Roger Federer. You watched him on tv and begged mom to took you to see him in real life.
AGE 11
Yet another sibling for Bucky and you.
AGE 13
Bucky: He was walking down the street when he saw some older boys bullying another one on the floor. He rushed there and stopped one of them before he could hit his victim. „What is your problem? Let him be!” Boss of bullies tried to hit him, but he dodged and pushed him away. „Get lost you idiots.” They ran away and he helped poor boy to stand up. „Are you ok?” he asked. Boy nodded. „I'm Bucky Barnes. And you are?” Boy looked at him with big, teary blue eyes and smiled a bit. „Steve Rogers.”
Y/N: You were running late for your class. And you know kids. They would do anything for fun. Like tripping people just because. You didn't see leg in front of you because of your books and suddenly you were lying on the floor. Everyone was laughing, except for one girl. She came to you and picked you up. „You fine?” „Yes. Thanks … .” „Stephanie Rodgers.” You both smiled at each other and you went to your class with hope of new friendship.
AGE 15
Bucky went to Smithsonian National Zoological Park in Washington D.C. with his family.
You went to National Air and Space Museum.
AGE 19
Bucky: Steve´s mom died. He walked his friend home and offered him his place to stay, but Steve refused, saying he could get by on his own.
Y/N: You have ben friends with Stephanie for years now and after death of her father she was alone. She had family far away so you suggested that she can live with your family. Few months later you moved into small apartment together and adopted white cat, what you couldn’t do before because of your parents allergy.
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„They are so cute and made for each other.” Moi said. „Yeah, but they don’t see it that way.” Rai spoke. „Don´t be sceptic. They will find a way. With our help.” They both laughed and all souls – broken and whole – felt lighter and happier.
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club Lucky in love. March 2 - Big Break
WORDS: 1154
WARNINGS: swearing, kinda mind control
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless & are using they/their pronouns.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you touch.
This is multi-chapter story. 2/19
Gif from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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„How was your mission with boys yesterday?” Wanda asked. „Good. Bucky was annoying as always. Gosh, how I would like to give him piece of his own medicine!” Wanda and Natasha laughed with you. You had girls night, with face masks, nails painting and gossiping. „You actually can do that.” Nat smirked. „How?” „Wanda can help you. With her magic thingy.” „And what exactly we should do?” you asked. „You nothing just repeat what she will tell you.” You were looking at her wide smile. „No. I can see your evil plan Nat.” „Oh c'mon! It will be fun! And Wanda has no problem with it, right?” She shook her head. „You promise it will not be anything too crazy?” „Yop.” „Ooooooookkkkkeeyy then.” „Yeas!” Nat squealed and they both threw themselves on me. „I hope I´ll not have to kill you.” „Don t worry. Now lets finish movie.”
„Parca, what did you do?!” Moi screamed at younger sibling. „Nothing!” Then disappeared in silver mist before Moi could throw something. Rai looked at them. „Come, it´s time to wash our masks off.”
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Next morning you let Wanda in your head and walked to the kitchen. Bucky was already there, preparing his breakfast. „I didn’t know you are fan of Jews.” you said. „What?” he looked at you, surprised. „Bagel. It is a bread product originating in the Jewish communities of Poland.” „Cool.” He opened fridge and took out a butter and ham. „Did you know it takes 21 pints of milk to make a pound of butter? Interesting right?” „Not really.” „It also has vitamins D, E, K and A.” you said, dancing like cheerleader. Bucky laughed, watching you. „Wanna some tea?” „Second most consumed beverage on the planet – after Water? Sure, why not.” You ate in peace, which was surprising.
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„Why is music so loud?” Bucky asked when he came to gym only in his shorts. „Listening to music while exercising can improve work out performance by 15%.” „Turn volume down. I can´t concentrate.” „But it´s helping me. You don’t wanna me to be healthy, strong and flexible?” „You have headphones. Use those!” You stuck your tongue at him, but obeyed and started your routine. What you didn’t see was Bucky staring at you. After 30 minutes on treadmill you moved to rowing machine. Letting your mind wondering in imaginary world you hardly felt tap on the shoulder. Only when Bucky repeated it, you turned to him. „Hey, what's up?” you gave him wide smile. „You're like Maria Sharapova.” he growled, his eyes wide. „I'm sorry?” you asked innocently. „Grunts too much.” „Makes you hard sergeant?” He was breathing shallowly and you felt your cheeks getting warmer. What was Wanda doing? „No. Just be bit quieter.” Then he turned and quickly went back to his punching bag. „I'm still not as loud as Michelle Larcher De Brito!” you screamed behind him and with smug smile you watched as he hit the bag and it fell on the floor.
„I'm not really happy about it, dear Moi, but Parca´s plan somehow works.” Moi looked at Rai sitting on trampoline and frowned. „I had nice dinner preparing on mind for them. To give them some domestic vibe. Not Y/N teasing Bucky like this!” Rai just shrugged and jumped on jumping mat. You screamed and startled Bucky as well. „What the hell Y/N?” „Trampoline moved by itself. We have ghosts here Borky. Save me, please?” You hugged him around waist and he stiffed. „If you will stop being so annoying with your random trivia. I still don’t understand how you can hold all of them in head.” „Ok, but only for today.” You stood up, took your water bottle and was ready for another machine when your next words left you in shame. „Do you know that the more muscle mass you have, the more fat your body burns while resting? I looove your muscles. Make me weak.” You realised what you have done when Bucky turned red and Wanda´s voice spoke in your head. „Run Y/N, RUN!” And that's what you did. Bucky was shouting your name and profanities in gym. „Run Y/N, run, run.” „Why are you speaking to yourself?” Wanda laughed in your head. „Shush you!” After few minutes you ran into her room, locking door behind you.
„What was that Wan? Now he's thinking I´m horny mess from him! For him!” „And you are not?” „Not at all! He's pesky, provocative, arrogant little bitch!” „Hmmm, I think he's not little. More like huge and has good package.” „Wanda!” She was laughing so much she started crying. „Don´t you have Vision for that?” „Yes. But I can have a look. You know it means nothing to me. I want only the best for you, even if Buck isn't your true soulmate. You still can have fun.” You sighed and sat next to her. „I envy you and others. I wished tattoo would appear on my skin for so long, but until now nothing happened so I decided I will do it myself.” „That's great! Whoever it is, I bet they will love you.” She wanted to hug you but then pulled away. „Sorry, but you really need shower.” You said your byes and went to your room.
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You didn’t realized you fell asleep, but knocking on your door woke you up. When you opened it you met Bucky in red Henley and jogger pants. „Want something to eat?” he asked. „What?” you said taken aback. „Food. Dinner. Others left, so it´s just us.” „Coming.” You quickly put fluffy socks on and followed him to kitchen.
„Wanna some bolognese spaghetti? Or something else?” „Spaghetti is fine. Red wine?” „Why not?” You both smiled at each other as Bucky was preparing sauce and you were putting pasta in pan. Then he was cutting meat while you sat on counter, watching him. „Wanna watch something?” you asked him. „I heard Witcher is good.” „Oh, it is! Henry Cavill is there and he's sexy as fuck with his long white hair, yellow eyes and that dreamy hairy chest. Don’t forget his ass and thighs!” Bucky looked at you with raised eybrows, smirking. „What?” „I really don’t wanna your ramblings about him.” „Why? Afraid you can't compete with him?” you grinned. „I'm much better.” He stepped between your open legs, his hands on sides of your thighs. His face was closer and closer until you heard sauce bubling on stove. „We don’t wanna burned food. Right, Borky?” You handed him two plates and he put pasta, sauce and cheese on them. „To the movie room!” „And beyond!” You couldn’t stop laughing as you took wine bottle and followed him.
You ended watching half of season one and then fell asleep on Bucky´s shoulder.
Moi and Rai were on chairs happily looking at their hardest case. You two were on good way to your destiny after all.
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