#bug kings and burglars
missmako-chan · 5 months
Various Mementos coversarions are about the thieves talking about their favorite drinks so please imagine the King Ohgers joining in
Ah, I see!
Gira feels like a hot cocoa type of person
Yanma and Hymeno's are cola and tea, as seen in the show
Jeramie probably also likes tea
Kaguragi's probably something like sake
Coffee probably helps Rita a lot when they stay up to do work
Rcules is the type of bitch to dramatically take a swig of his wine glass
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majestick-posts-op · 27 days
I had this flash of a dream where Imj got defetead the same way as emperor Belos from toh and it looked like this.
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viiiiiiiiiin · 4 months
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Pet Names They Have For You (Pt. 1)
Includes: Luffy , Zoro , Nami , Usopp , Sanji , Franky , Brook , Jinbe.
A / N: Writing this while writing a part 2 to How they confess their love for you this was just a little idea I had so enjoy lol.
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Strawhat: Monkey D. Luffy
Him to You: Sweets , Your Name , Hun.
You to Him: King , His Name , Sweetheart.
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Pirate Hunter: Roronoa Zoro
Him to You: Your Name , Babe , Sweetcheeks.
You to Him: His Name , Babe , Mosshead.
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Cat Burglar: Nami
Her to You: Sweetie , Love , Honey.
You to Her: Sunshine , Sweetheart , Doll.
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God: Usopp
Him to You: Poppyseed , Baby , Boo.
You to Him: Sweetheart , My Beloved , Bae.
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Blackleg: Vinsmoke Sanji
Him to You: My Dear , Darling , Angel.
You to Him: Lover boy , Muffin , Prince Charming.
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Cyborg: Franky
Him to You: Mama / Pops / Lil One , Hottie , Babe.
You to Him: Hunk , Bugs , Love Bug.
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Soul King: Brook
Him to You: Pretty / Handsome , Babe , Princess / Prince / Royal.
You to Him: King , Old Man , Casanova.
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First Son of the Sea: Jinbe
Him to You: Honey , Babe , Sweetie.
You to Him: Love , Sugar , Precious.
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This is for @smoking-old-toby's Bagginshield Firefly Day mini event! 🤩For anybody who has read my fic The Twelve Transformations of Bilbo Baggins, you'll notice I poached a bit from the story (just because I loved that scene so much). Otherwise, please enjoy my small contribution of pre-slash Bagginshield. 🥰
A Light in the Dark
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Words: 2560
Continuation of the Snow Hobbits Universe
Bilbo stepped away from the chatter and shenanigans of his traveling companions and out onto the beautiful balconies of Imladris once again. He sighed to himself as he leaned against the railing. The view was absolutely gorgeous. Even at night, Rivendell was a true oasis. 
“And just where have you been all day, may I ask?”
Bilbo swore he jumped a foot in the air as he whirled around, his hand over his heart.
Said dwarf stepped out onto the alcove, that infuriating smirk ever present on his face. 
“You should pay better attention to your surroundings, Burglar.”
“Well excuse me, I didn’t realize I needed to be on the alert for danger in a literal sanctuary.”
Bilbo cursed his quick tongue the moment after he had said it. He had been doing his best not to aggravate Thorin who seemed to get annoyed by something as easy as Bilbo setting his bedroll in the wrong spot. Luckily for Bilbo, Thorin didn’t do anything more than glower and cross his arms as he came to stand next to him. 
Bilbo shifted on his feet as he drummed his fingers against the railing and shot Thorin a few questioning glances as often as he could without getting caught. His shoulders felt tight, and he could not even begin to come up with a reason for why the dwarf king was still here. His hobbit sensibilities encouraged him to come up with a topic, any topic, to engage Thorin in conversation. However, his mind was painfully blank. Just when he thought it would be better to bid Thorin good evening and wander aimlessly, a small spot of green light danced out in front of him before disappearing. Bilbo laughed in delight as another joined it and soon an entire swarm of blinking green lights existed on the patio.
“Lightning bugs!” He exclaimed in delight.
“Hmm?” Thorin asked without actually saying anything.
Bilbo shot him a curious look braving the subject hesitantly.
“Have you…ever seen lightning bugs before?”
Thorin merely snorted as his eyes followed the dots of light as well. 
“We call them fireflies and yes. I have seen them before.”
That figures. It was a rather stupid question on Bilbo’s part. After all, they were a fairly common insect. A memory from long ago came bidden, and with a fond smile, Bilbo couldn’t help but feel compelled to retell it. 
“You know, I never liked the dark.” He admitted. “I could make up so many monsters that had somehow appeared in dark corners. So when I was little, my mum and I used to spend the evening catching lightning bugs and putting them in a jar. We would then place the jar next to my bed before I went to sleep, and the glow would comfort me. However, I’d always wake up the next morning…and they’d be gone! I figured out later in life, my mum would come in and let them out through the window. Much too kind to let them die overnight, but… I always just thought they turned into dreams.”
Thorin hummed again, and Bilbo was content to believe that would be the end of their odd, one-sided conversation. At least it couldn’t be said he didn’t try. He watched as one of the bugs landed on Thorin’s outstretched hand before the dwarf blew it away. 
“We didn’t have fireflies inside the mountain when I was a pebble. But we had glow worms that would cling to the stalactites in the deep caverns. Their light was more blue than green. Still after Smaug came, and we were spending so many nights camped out under the stars, I would see the fireflies and think…the glow worms sprouted wings and followed after us. Because even they couldn’t stand us not being back in our mountain home.”
“You must miss it terribly.” Bilbo determined, softening just a little at the admission.
Thorin gave a jerky nod, his eyes still carrying out over the lawn. 
“There are parts that I do. And then there are other parts I don’t.”
Bilbo perked up in surprise at this.
“Like what?”
The corners of Thorin’s lips quirked up in a false smile as his eyes seemed to scream in protest. 
“You’ll think me odd.” 
It was such a simple statement, but it carried a weight to it. There was no hesitation. No doubt. Clearly, it was something Thorin had heard many times in his life. It was almost overwhelming in how perplexed it made Bilbo. Thorin Oakenshield? Hero, king, natural born leader, odd? It didn’t add up to Bilbo. And yet…
Bilbo moved closer to Thorin, just enough so that way he could bump Thorin’s arm with his shoulder, giving a quick flash of a grin as he did so. When he felt he had the courage to meet Thorin’s eyes, he held them making sure Thorin knew how seriously he took his admission.
“I certainly know a thing or two about being odd. Would you expect another hobbit to go running out his smial after you lot? You are in good company here, Master Oakenshield.”
Thorin immediately ducked his head, and if Bilbo wasn’t so sure it was an emotion he deemed beyond Thorin Oakenshield, he would almost say that he reacted shyly. 
“I also don’t like the dark.” He claimed in a soft, near whisper. “I wasn’t afraid of it, but…mountain caves are darker than dark. I mean, look at this.” 
Thorin’s arms swept out over the view before them.
“The stars, the moon, even your insects. Even when it’s dark you can still see. The mountain isn’t like that. You’re just…trapped and blind. And the pressure! There is nothing like the pressure of having an entire mountain looming above you, and you’re the one who has to shoulder the responsibility, you’re the one who has to rise to meet their expectations…”
“Their?” Bilbo interrupted carefully.
Thorin’s mouth clicked closed and his eyes widened. Bilbo realized he hadn’t intended to share that much. It was nice though. It was nice to know that Thorin had trusted him with such thoughts that Bilbo wanted to let him know it was okay in the only way he knew how. He reached out and gave Thorin’s hand a small squeeze. The dwarf sucked in a sharp breath at the gesture before pulling away. He climbed up the three steps to go back inside, and Bilbo absolutely could not leave things this way. 
“Thorin!” He called spinning around to face the retreating figure. 
Thorin stopped, but would not face him.
“I’m…I’m glad you told me. It sounds like it’s something you’ve needed to say for a long time.”
He watched as the dwarf’s jaw locked, and when he turned to meet Bilbo’s eyes, it was not the open, inviting look he had expected.
“Make no mistake, Halfling. My father and grandfather were great dwarves. They made me who I am today! I’m not…There’s nothing…”
Before Thorin could say whatever it was he was trying to say, voices drifted towards them from below. Bilbo slowly turned away from Thorin to see Gandalf and Elrond walking with purpose. 
“Of course I was going to tell you. I was waiting for this very chance. And I think you can trust me that I know what I’m doing.”
“Do you?” Elrond returned briskly, not sounding at all how he did when he and Bilbo met earlier. “That dragon has slept for sixty years. What will happen if your plan should fail? If you should wake the beast?”
Bilbo rather hoped Thorin had left at that point as the taller beings’ conversation drifted to using Erebor as a stronghold against darker foes. Bilbo was certain it was sound logic, he just wished it didn’t sound so…cold. Erebor should be reclaimed because an entire population was displaced due to a fowl creature wanting their resources. Why couldn’t that be enough?
Bilbo risked a glance backwards only to find Thorin had not left. He stood still listening to the callous words of ancient beings, and could only hold his head high against the onslaught. Bilbo felt more irked by the conversation now.
“Have you forgotten? A strain of madness runs deep within that family.”
Oh. Bilbo could only replay the conversation from earlier in his head. Thorin’s immediate defense of his grandfather while simultaneously feeling trapped. It all made sense now. Bilbo watched out of the corner of his eye as Thorin looked away almost in shame as the two beings continued their argument before finally disappearing around the corner. As soon as they were out of earshot, Bilbo turned around to confront Thorin on what he heard.
“I am not my grandfather.” Thorin growled, cutting Bilbo off before he could begin. “They know not of what they speak.”
Bilbo didn’t want to prickle Thorin further, but he couldn’t help realizing it suddenly all made sense! Bilbo had thought he was particularly obtuse and standoffish because of a superiority complex. But it was a defense mechanism! A way to push aside people who have compared Thorin to a mad king. To someone he trusted only to be disappointed in later. 
“I was actually going to say that it’s okay. It’s okay to love them…and acknowledge their flaws.”
Thorin’s eyes seemed to pierce him sharply as Bilbo continued to pick out the right words.
“I know I certainly haven’t lived up to my family’s expectations, but I imagine that’s not a fair comparison considering for me it was being adventurous and for you it’s…staying sane.”
A grunt escaped Thorin at that, and it was only by his upturned lips that Bilbo recognized it to be some form of chuckle. Well, he couldn’t be doing too poorly then.
“I just think, there’s nothing wrong in seeking…a light in the darkness.”
Thorin quickly sucked in a lungful of air while Bilbo stood there, wondering if it would be too much to touch Thorin again. Just for a quick moment. Before he could work up the courage, Thorin was taking another step up the staircase. Bilbo immediately took one backwards to increase the distance Thorin was clearly after. He tried not to be too disappointed by the development. In any case, he did feel like he had bonded with their leader which should hopefully make things better on the road.
“Right, well…Good night, Thorin.” Bilbo stammered, turning the other way.
“Master Baggins!” Thorin’s voice suddenly halted him.
Bilbo turned back feeling just a bit breathless.
“Thank you.” Came the soft admission.
Bilbo’s heart felt like it was exploding as a bright grin lit his face.
“You are most welcome.”
“Get some sleep. We’ll be leaving soon.”
With those being the final words before his departure, Bilbo watched as Thorin disappeared into the corridor. Bilbo hoped his words would keep Thorin from dwelling on his family’s madness for too long. He actually made Thorin smile…and laugh! Emotions Bilbo thought the dwarf was devoid of whenever in his presence. It was a heady feeling indeed that he almost gave a shout in his excitement. 
It was as he was heading back, nearly skipping, that a little tiny bug landed on his nose. It blinked once and blinked again when Bilbo reached up to transfer it to his finger.
“Of course, many thanks to you my friend. We might not have ever made this kind of progress otherwise.”
Interested in Bilbo’s whispered words or not, the lightning bug twitched its wings at Bilbo before joining its kin in the night sky once more.
"Thorin! Where are we going?" Bilbo laughed, continuing to let the dwarf pull him forward by the hand. 
"Just a little further, lukhudel (light of all lights)."
After the past couple of years, Bilbo had grown more used to how dark it could get in the mountain, but the deep places where he couldn't see the hand in front of his face were places he avoided. However, Thorin was confident in his steps and gentle in his urging, and Bilbo knew he couldn't be safer. The terrain finally began to level out, and Bilbo could just make out some sort of blue light ahead. Bilbo could barely make out the flash of teeth in Thorin's grin by the glow as he announced they had arrived. They turned a corner and...
"It's beautiful!" Bilbo marveled.
The cavern's walls and ceilings were practically dripping with the odd blue glow. It fully lit the space, glittering off the surface of the shallow pool below them. Bilbo turned to Thorin, only to be a bit surprised at his appearance. The glow somehow only managed to bounce off his teeth, his nails, and the silver of his hair. The rest of his intended was left in shadow. Bilbo tilted his head. It was almost as if the glow somehow highlighted the lighter colors of a person...
Bilbo huffed as he pulled on his snowy hair. "I must look ridiculous right now."
Thorin laughed as he stepped forward to press a kiss to the crown of Bilbo's head. "You are perfect. I will confess it was this effect I was after when I planned to show you the glow worm cavern for the first time."
A conversation, from long ago, niggled at the back of Bilbo's mind as his scanned his surroundings with a renewed interest. A smile pulled at his face as he remembered a balcony in Rivendell and the friendly fireflies who gave him the courage to talk to Thorin for the first time. Thorin's hand moved to cup his face, and Bilbo leaned into his hand, given a kiss to his palm.
"We've come so far." Bilbo commented.
"We have indeed, all thanks to you." Thorin murmured before pressing a soft kiss against his lips. 
Bilbo returned the peck a second and third time before continuing their conversation.
"That may be exaggerating a bit."
Thorin chuckled while shaking his head. "No, mudùmel (comfort of all comforts). It's true. You see, I realized that night in Rivendell that perhaps Bilbo Baggins, the strange and infuriating hobbit in my Company, who had the ability to leave me breathless in just a few words, could perhaps be my light in the darkness. And here you are, the night before we are to say our vows, literally glowing in front of me."
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thiefbracket · 1 year
Thanks again for everyone's submissions! some of you were very passionate and it was great to learn about all these characters, I received 92 characters over 119 submissions and from that there was only 4 that I couldn't justify as thieves so apologies to those who didn't get in, with some from me and friends we have a final roster of 96. And so without further ado here are your competitors!
Raphael/ Phantom R: Rhythm thief and the Emperors Treasure
Daroach: Kirby Squeak Squad
Bilbo Baggins: The Hobbit
The Hamburglar: McDonalds Cinematic Universe
Ron DeLite/Mask☆DeMasque: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations
Kaitou Kid: Detective Conan
Swiper: Dora the Explorer
Chilli Pepper Cookie: Cookie Run
Carmen Sandiego: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
Vriska Serket: Homestuck
Sly Cooper: Sly Cooper
Garrett: Thief
The Phantom Thieves: Persona 5
Ms. Mows: Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door
Ms. Fortune: SKullgirls
Scipio Fortunato (Piscio): The Thief Lord
Therion: Octopath Traveller
Roguefort Cookie: Cookie Run
Kaz Brekker: Shadow and Bones/ Six of Crows
Catwoman: Batman
Gru: Despicable Me
Jeets Shimis: Dungeons & Dragons Online
Parker: Leverage
Artemis Fowl: Artemis Fowl
Nött the Brave/Veth Brenatto: Critical Role
The Beagle Boys: Ducktales
Rosé: Drawtectives
Dorapin: Doraemon
Wario: Super Mario Bros
Magalor: Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Loba Andrade: Apex Legends
Nami: One Piece
“Thief King” Bakura: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Sal Leon: Mask of Shadows
The Collector: Hollow Knight
Astotheles: Bug Fables
Gaius: Fire Emblem Awakening
Burglar: The Sims 
Kokichi Oma: Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony
Lifty and Shifty: Happy Tree Friends
Long John Silver: Black Sails
The Brickster: Lego Island
Some Sneaky Sim: The Sims
Danny Ocean: Ocean’s 11
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones
Magpie: Real Life
Dean Domino: Fall out New Vegas
Cassian Andor: rogue one
Luke Castellan: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Popple: Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Mulch Diggums: Artemis Fowl
RJ Racoon: Over The Hedge
Beni Gabor: The Mummy
Sonny Wortzik: Dog Day Afternoon
A.J. Raffles: A.J. Raffles Short Stories
Team Rocket: Pokémon
Locke Cole: Final Fantasy 6
Yuffie Kisaragi: Final Fantasy 7
Edmund "Ned" Kelly Fuckin' Danger Discretion Aloysius Superstar Butterfly Nimbly Ninja Pacifist Black Diamond Friendly Trustworthy Pissed Off [Redacted] Vamoose Su-Sussudio Middle Name Chicane Jr.: Taz Amnesty
The Beachcomber: Cultist Simulator
Erin: Thief
Delilah Bard: Shades of Magic Series
Herbert Percival Bear, Esquire: Club Penguin
Arsène Lupin: Arsène Lupin
Rouge The Bat: Sonic The Hedgehog
Grovyle: PMD Explorers of Time/Darknes/Sky
Camicazi: How to Train Your Dragon Books
Mick Rory/ Heatwave: The Flash/DC Legends of Tomorrow
Hermes: Greek Mythology
Zidane Tribal: Final Fantasy IX
Duster: Mother 3
Glendale: Centaurworld
Ada Wong: Resident Evil
Nickit: Pokemon Sword and Shield
Purrloin: Pokemon Black and White
Gokaigers: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Zox Goldtsuiker / Twokaiser: Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Kitty Softpaws: Puss in Boots
Deep Cut: Splatoon 3
Meenah Peixes: Homestuck
D.J. Octavio: Splatoon
Ratbeard: Pirate 101
Gen AKA Eugenides: The Queen's Thief
Lupinrangers (and Noel): Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger
Chester "Snake" Turley AKA Snake Jailbird AKA Albert Knickerbocker Aloysius Snake AKA Professor Jailbird AKA Detention Bird: The Simpsons
Cain: the Binding of Isaac
Robin hood: English Mythology
Erik: Dragon quest 11
The Artful Dodger: Oliver Twist
Kamen Rider Lupin: Kamen Rider Drive
Lupin III: Lupin The Third
Pumpkin and Honey Bunny: Pulp Fiction
Niles: Fire Emblem Fates
Daiki Kaito/ Kamen rider Diend: Kamen Rider Decade
Doug Judy (The Pontiac Bandit): Brooklyn 99
Prometheus: Greek Mythology
Seeding will begin tomorrow and the first part of round 1 will hopefully be posted in the next few days. Thanks again for all your patience!
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wuxiaphoenix · 9 months
Worldbuilding: By Any Other Name
Your world should have moments where the characters can stop and smell the roses. No, literally. Roses are awesome.
Not just for romance, though that’s the common image.
Roses are edible; flowers, fruits, the tender leaves if you push it. Looking at the wider family of rose relatives, they provide a lot of our fresh fruit and firewood. From the familiar brambles of blackberries, raspberries, and lingonberries, to cherries, pears, apples and a host of lesser-known fruits like hawthorns and cloudberries. If a mark of wealth and taste in today’s era is a well-stocked wine cellar, a similar mark in medieval Europe was a well-kept orchard, with potentially dozens of varieties so there could be cider, fresh, or stored fruit year-round.
Note, cider is particularly valuable where you’re not always certain of your water supply. Just boil enough water to clean your press and barrels, squeeze your apples, and store. A healthy, nonalcoholic drink (if you want it that way) that gives valuable calories and rehydrates you if your innards have gone a few rounds with nasty bugs. Healthy eats are a mark of status.
Roses make for good status markers straight up by themselves, of course. Pretty, sweet-scented, often an excellent burglar deterrent. You can use the blooms to perfume a room; in the case of damask roses they might be grown and plucked on an industrial scale for rosewater and the expensive perfumer’s friend, attar of roses.
(Rosewater used to be used much as we use vanilla today, so we’ve replaced the product of one flower with another. Oddly enough the vanilla orchid appears to be the only edible orchid known to man. Something to look into.)
And then there’s the myths. Sub rosa comes from “under the rose”, when conspirators would gather in a room with a rose-painted ceiling to conceal secrets. Roses are associated with many saints, and no few folktales; check out King Lindworm for a particularly interesting story. And if you branch out to rose relatives folktales are full of them. Including the hawthorn stakes used to kill or paralyze a vampire. Wild roses, laid on a coffin, were supposed to trap a vampire inside. A temporary measure, yes - but if you’re a villager and the nearest qualified vampire hunter is days away, sometimes buying time saves lives.
So why not have roses in your world? Elegant, tasty, and a potential bane to undead! Or at least unwary burglars.
...And let’s not forget the tango. Not that I’m saying your characters have to dance a slinky, sexy tango with a rose between their teeth. But hey, it’s nice to have the option!
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
So, let’s go through the Forest Alignment:
Forest Plant:
Mushroom Man
Man Eater
Ancient Tree of Enlightenment
Green Phantom King
Rainbow Flower
Barrel Lily
Laughing Flower
Bean Soldier
Abyss Flower
Living Vase
Tentacle Plant
Queen of Autumn Leaves
Mystic Tomato
Forest Beast-Warrior:
Battle Ox
Beaver Warrior
Tiger Axe
Rabid Horseman
Nekogal #2
Leopard Girl (video game-only card)
Forest Insect:
Big Insect
Basic Insect
Hercules Beetle
Killer Needle
Giant Flea
Larvae Moth
Great Moth
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth
Cocoon of Evolution
Winged Cleaver
Petit Moth
Jirai Gumo
Cockroach Knight
Kuwagata a
Man-Eater Bug
Gale Dogra
Kwagar Hercules
Needle Worm
Giant Scorpion of the Tundra
Hunter Spider
Acid Crawler
Insect Queen
Parasite Paracide
Pinch Hopper
Soldier Ari (video game-only card, originates from manga)
Forest Beast:
Silver Fang
Mystic Horseman
Dark Gray
Sleeping Lion
Dig Beak
Frenzied Panda
Master & Expert
Nekogal #1
Prevent Rat
Flower Wolf
Milus Radiant
Ancient One of the Deep Forest
Pale Beast
Great Bill
Armored Rat
Giant Rat
Dark Zebra
Nimble Momonga
Forest Fiend:
Bio Plant
Ushi Oni
Fungi of the Musk
Doll of Demise (video game-only card, originates from manga)
Forest Zombie:
Pumpking the King of the Ghosts
Wood Remains
Forest Warrior:
Supporter in the Shadows
Wodan the Resident of the Forest
Monster Tamer
Beautiful Beast Tamer
Mushroom Man #2
Forest Magician:
Doriado (Listed as Dryad)
Fairy’s Gift
Dancing Elf
Forest Machine:
Steel Scorpion
Mechanical Spider
Giga-Tech Wolf
Dice Armadillo
Forest Winged Beast:
Forest Aqua:
Turtle Raccoon
Forest Pyro:
Flame Cerebrus
Forest Dinosaur:
B. Dragon Jungle King
Even though Battle Ox is supposed to be the poster monster of this Alignment, it is mostly about Insects.
But yes, this Alignment is why we have cards that support both Plants, and Insects, and why Wildheart exists as a separate EARTH representative to Clayman.
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clusterduck28 · 3 years
Full written list of nicknames under the cut!
Random kid
Intern (X3)
The Vice-president of Being Chill
Chef Manager of Being Broken
The Duke (X6) (of making a mess, of destruction)
Hubert 'Tamer of Winds'
Red Hat
Kid with hat
Hat nephew
The one with the red hat
Sassy Stranger
Big Huey (sir)
New Big Time
The Nerd (X10) (normal, professional, king, bad expendable)
Some Kid
Dewey (X2)
The Brains
Senior junior woodchuck
Senior woodchuck (X2) (status pending)
The Woodchuck
Hue (X2)
Little Donald #1 (X4)
Little Fethry
Vile Harpy Child
Jet (X3)
A tall distinguished mature oldest sibling
Dewey's brother
Huebot (X2)
Junior Woodchuck robotics champion
Mervyn Birdwhistle
The trash man
Pure frustrating order
An animal
The god of intuition
Some big-headed freak
Red nephew
The red one (X2)
Conflicted little boy
Little duck boy
Tiny boy
The host of This Duckburg Life
Eddie Spaghetti (X5)
The Third One (X2)
Sonny Jim
Bluey (X3)
The Blue One (X3)
The duck clothed all in blue
Dear Dewford (X3)
Dew (X3)
Mole-man (X3) (monster)
Vice-president of fancy business (X3)
Della's Kid
DJ Daft Duck (X6)
Captain Dewey (X2)
The Dread Pirate Dewey
2-bit Bilge Rat
The Devil-may-care Guts
Little Donald #2 (X4)
Messenger of the Gods
The Youngest Dewity on the Block
Turbo (X9)
Kid Detective/Spy
Nefarious nephew
The Hero (X4) (of Earth, true people's, of the Funzo's raid)
Professional hair stylist (X3)
The inside man
Champ popular (X8)
Puny mortal with a toxic personality
Blue Della
A pirate on vocation (X2)
The big brother (X8)
Pilot (X2)
Showboating catchphrasing cloudkicking sidekick
Little britches
Don Karnage's greatest nemesis
Duckburg's hottest new talent
The Evil Triplet (X3)
Captain lost (X5) (Sir to Dewey)
Green Bean
The Green One (X2)
Green Nephew
Greener Pastures
Green Kid
Lou (X2)
Pharaoh Lou-Rai (X2)
L*******n (X15) (fighter of storms, employer, corporate overlord, humbled)
Caddie (X7) (worst ever)
Random Passerby
Sir Louie Duck Esquire the 3rd (X2)
Friend-Present (X3)
Impudent Brat
Friendy friend
CDO (Chief Delivery Officer)
Unpaid Intern
Rebel (X3)
The Scariest Bunny in the Pet Shop
Sharpie (X6)
A phony Huey
Red nephew?
Louie McD.
The Boss
The team leader
Fearful leader
Sir Mr. Duck
A lazy costumer
The silver-tonged serpent (X7)
A drooling blabbering buttercup
The baby snake
They god of fortune
Huey's long time brother
Pink (X3)
Pinky McHappybell
The pink one
The pink predator
The marauder of McDuck manor
Englabeth (X3)
Webs (X4)
Webby Wanderduck
The slide ruler
The Fist
Chief Chart Officer
A Bizarre One
Alexa Pretzelkoff (X2)
Freakishly strong wildcard
Charmingly violent best friend
Girl Kid
Gut burglar
Small Della (X3)
Baylor the demon king (X3)
Old lady Wanderquack
Geezer (X2)
Bringer of death
The Goddess of sunny friendship get along time
June (X5)
April (X2)
Oleg Soklodove (X2)
Britania (X3)
Beautiful Idiot
Snoring angel
Scrooge's Housekeeper’s Granddaughter's new best friend
Wee Tenebrous Traitor
Nobel Teen Ne'er-do-well
A wordsmith
Ungrateful brat
Insufferable brat
A disgrace to family legacy
A complete magical failure
Little shadow creature
A girl who was once a little reckless
Another Odd little Girl
A Second-rate Knock-off of Lena
Vi (X3)
A sister from a couple misters
Senior Woodchuck (X2)
The notorious Violent Saber
Conqueror of the shadow realm
The Scourge of the dread sorceress Magica DeSpell
Villain (X2)
A dangerous thief
Little girl
Young lady (X2)
The Bug master
Beaks Optimistic Youth Droid (X2)
Boy bot
Sentimental toaster
A dangerous machine (X2)
A machine for good
2BO (X26)
The little guy
Just a kid
A killer robot
Not a killer robot
A weapon (X4) (ultimate, for destruction)
A defense drone
A definitely real boy (X7)
A head
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Hi, feel free to ignore this but I was wondering if you have any tips/recommended mods for someone hoping to start a sims 2 blog like yours?
It’s your lucky day, because I actually wrote up a mods list a while back!!
Bolded the most important ones to me.
Attraction Traits Fix
BodyShop Sliders Added to CAS
Confess To Cheating Social
Cops Can Fight Burglars
Enemies Stop Being BFFs
Faster University Education Mod
Female Impregnation From Alien Abduction
Just Be Friends Social
Multiple Subhoods - essential in order to use the clean subhoods made by meetme2theriver, highly recommended if you are a big fan of the premades.
New Lifetime Wants
No Kissing Hi/Goodbye Unless Sims are Crushes/in Love
Pregnant Sims Wear Any Outfit - 50/50 on this one, it’s good because you can make your sim sport more fun outfits during pregnancy, but it can also become tedious to change outfits repeatedly if the outfit in question doesn’t have a pregnant morph.
Realistic Sickness - 50/50 on this one as well, disease becomes much more dangerous, albeit perhaps a bit too dangerous, so make sure you have comfort soup available.
Sleep on Community Lots
Smart Beds - sometimes bugs out so you have to click on “clear all” in the pie menu.
There Can Be Only One (Professor)
Townie No Memory Loss
Trim Inaccessible Bushes
Triplets & Quads - I have odds set to low but the game still seems to spawn way more kids than planned which is annoying, but if it ge ts overwhelming you can easily prevent the situation by saving just when the pregnant sim is about to give birth and exit without saving if quads come out for the 100th time.
Witch No Change Outfit on Level Up
As for tips:
This is a computer game and should be treated as such. Always put real life and more fun games first (Crusader Kings 2 anyone?).
Play 1-2 day rounds. I used to play 7, but it got boring and often ended up with me going AFK to do pushups.
This may sound silly, but for some it really isn’t obvious: Sitting by the computer for hours isn’t good. Pick up exercise if you haven’t already, stretch at least once a day, eat food 6 times a day (breakfast, brunch, lunch, “fika”, dinner, night meal) put an alarm clock to ensure you take a break from the game and go eat when necessary. This is especially important now with COVID19 going around!
Block stalkers and harrassers.
Don’t be afraid of posting your take on things. You want Dina Caliente to be a gold digger? Do it. You want Mortimer Goth to be an old creep? Do it. You want Nervous Subject to be the one torturing Circe and Loki? Why the hell not? Do it.
Don’t bother trying to create a “perfect” neighborhood. You’ll end up restarting it over and over. Embrace the imperfections and try to make sense of it.
22 notes · View notes
missmako-chan · 5 months
Oracle: Sovereign seems scary… but there are people who are into that ki-
Sovereign: I-I will arrest you if you finish that sentence!
Panther: Oracle, why are you like this?!
President: …If you keep talking like that, Sovereign’s gonna scream again. i don’t want that!
Majesty: Well, she's not wrong…
Monarch: MAJESTY???
4 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 5 years
Only Human
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Drama in this one but it lightens up as the story goes on.
@deepestfirefun​ sorry for the wait but here you go, pt 1 of the 5 pt ramble :D
I am only human after all. Again and again these men had reminded you of your place among them. From the moment you had joined this company you had been doubted time and time again even with all you knew of this world. Though, everything seemed all too familiar and different at the same time.
Bree went nicely, though there were no ponies, so you had to make due with an awkward lot of goats, of which yours seemed to hate you, throwing you more than once a day leading to your following on foot. That silent protest for now on a month had the men stewing even more as they failed time and time again to wake early enough to ambush and strap you to your bounding goat elated that it was free of your weight. Silently you bore the weight of the mud and the endless weeks of rains when they came. Trudging with blisters and tearing muscles alike from the long distances that earned Bilbo at your side in hopes of not leaving you alone, always assuring himself that as the contracted Burglar the pair of you would not be left behind.
No sign of trolls was to be found though only an oddly familiar rocky path sending the goats fleeing at the first sound of the storms rolling in after you had stopped for dinner. Under sheets of rain you held your pace and gripped the back of Gloin’s armored shirt only to be shaken free at the impression of it being snagged. A glance back however from him brought you and your quivering lip into view cowering against the wall from another raining layer of rocks through the thunder battle you were trapped inside. With lips parted he moved to draw you to his side only to see you clutch onto the rock wall at its breaking free on a newly revealed third Stone Giant soon meeting its end in a heartbreaking fall.
A cave for the men was found after the supposed final blow your giant had taken into the distance you vanished in its dying fall. The image and thousands of moments they regretted regarding their treatment of you, the one they should have defended above all the others, one they let suffer so much. Their grief was short lived as each of them was bound and drug down a winding path into a sea of goblins. Shouts and songs ended with an insult from the Goblin King who in turn sent for the white orc himself and all the Dwarves had to do was simply wait for the worst to come, his untimely end in this damp cramped cave surrounded by surprisingly enough the Elf King and a band of his best guards.
Scowls filled the cage that soon died for the Dwarves after having untied one another once Thranduil had first freed Ori. Free from his binds Ori sniffled securing the scarf you had made him tighter around his neck stirring up a round of stories of you baffling the Elves at what sort of creature you could be to have your loss trouble them so. Explosions from above sounded with the body of a small creature rolling into their view. Shakily you stood parting the lips of the men who eyed the cart crashing down behind you full of their things. Soaking wet and bleeding from a set of scrapes across the right side of your face and right arm and left thigh you moved closer to the cages raising a splintered spear in your limping steps closer to the cage with a tiny wisp of smoke still clinging to you.
On his feet Thorin called out your name, “How-? We saw you fall.”
Panting lowly you eyed the baffled King replying, “The Giant fell.”
His eyes scanned over your face as you looked away straight for the Elf King who’s chin tilted at the glimmer of something he took as hope in your eyes as he rose to his feet hunched as best he could stand in the cramped cage. His head bowed to you as you said, “Your Majesty, I might need your help. There’s a lever I can’t quite reach.”
In his spine tingling velvety tone, you had hoped he would have, he stated, “It is not likely I could assist you inside this cage.”
At that you raised the spear higher only for his brow to inch up eyeing it curiously before he and the others stepped back at your pivot on your feet to draw it back and slam it straight into the lock parting their lips at the loud slam and following release of the lock as you tore it free again. Easing the door open for them you stepped back tossing the mangled wooden coating to the spear away now with a thin layer of blood slicked across it revealing your splinter filled palms coated in beads of blood. The worst was pulled out in the distance to shoulder your bag which you raised out of reach from Kili’s hand mumbling, “I can manage it.” Your words did nothing to calm him seeing the blood now soaked into the strap of your bag as you limped away, “There’s a path, just be quiet.”
Eyeing the Dwarves the Elves shouldered their quivers and blades you had brought as well after strapping their blades back on again wondering what they had done to hurt you so after having spoken of you so fondly. Behind you Thranduil followed leading his men, stealing glances over your shoulder until his eyes rose to the burning city above with lips parted in wonder at how you had managed it alone.
Those were your first words to the King in months, “The Giant fell,” all at once your silent strike had slammed into their chests all over again. All 13 Dwarves and not one of them could remember your first name. You had told them so long ago and truly had done all you could not to hinder them along his important quest. Through the burning city though a jaw dropping sight was spotted, a whack on the shoulder from Balin to Thorin had the Dwarves pause seeing the stake topping white head in the center of the burning goblin town. Azog, his head with tongue stuck out and eyes wide open from what must have been a surprise attack made them all look to you completely lost for words. You had killed the defiler and these thousands of goblins alone, their frozen stance made the Elves freeze and pause for a moment to inspect what the trouble was before continuing on.
Over your back their gazes lowered seeing the trails of blood from your palms and another from a slice across your lower back tearing open your already worn ‘best sweater’ they thought to be ridiculously styled and colored in forest green trimmed with now blood and dirt stained silver leaves. Down to your hands they looked again to see you still clutching the metal portion of what you had now clearly fashioned your wooden spear from, a metal arm jagged and bloody at the end pressed against your wrist clearly torn from one of the orcs you had killed.
The wall ahead of you had them pause and you turned to the Elf King and pointed upwards to a lever a good two feet above your head but well within his reach. “If you wouldn’t mind. Should lead to the, I would hope there’s a stream, if this were Moria it’d lead to Lothlorien, or at least the edges. I thought we’d have hit Rivendell by now, at least that’s how the map in the book went,” you began to count on your blood drizzled fingers, “troll hoards, then Rivendell, then the Goblin tunnels past the Stone Giants.”
Thorin, “You knew we were marching here?!”
Your head turned and you curtly fired back, “Says the man marching us towards a Dragon territory.”
His lips parted then clamped shut in a glaring huff while Thranduil reached up stating in your tilted head inspection of his armored shirt making him smirk. “Rivendell is not far, we were traveling there ourselves. Feel free to join us, Lady-?”
You shook your head, “Just Jaqi Pear. No title. Just a passing through till the earth falls out from under me again.”
His brow inched up as you raised your missed second bag from the dirt floor to your shoulder over your other bag, “The earth fell out from under you?”
You nodded and in his first step through the opening door you stated, “I got to the bus stop too early,” he glanced down at you, “a bus is sort of like a very big wagon holds dozens of people for very long trips comfortably.” Earning a nod from him, “So I sat under the tree across the street, there was this group of guys inside I didn’t feel comfortable around. Then out of nowhere this crazy badger came out of thin air so I tried to hide in this knot under the roots and I fell into this sink hole or something and next thing I know I’m falling in the middle of Bilbo’s,”
You turned and he did too seeing your point at Bilbo, who raised a finger at his name earning a nod from the King who glanced at you again. “His garden, and they were all talking with Gandalf, who proceeded to hit me with his stick and then drag me in through the window across the table. Of course it happens to me, and then there were no ponies so we had these massive goats, and mine hated me and it’s just been a four month long trek from the Shire. Because I ‘might have been a spy’ and they ‘couldn’t risk me talking to whoever I might have been sent by’, though what idiot would choose me as a spy I pity. I can go five minutes and forget all I’ve said on my worst days after my usual two hours of sleep. Bugs and rain and that one really creepy bird that kept following me until Oin killed it for stealing something of his.” Thranduil’s brow inched up and he glanced at you in your upwards glance, “It sort of looked like a mix between a buzzard and a chicken. Barely any meat on it all, and it smelled terrible not worth the effort of plucking it, so I just let Bofur have my sliver of it.”
“You have had quite the ordeal it seems. I am certain Lord Elrond will do all he can to assure your time in his halls are comforting.” His hands raised to remove his gloves he pocketed then reached down to raise your injured hand his glowing fingers eased over healing the cuts on your palm. “Your other hand, please.” You shifted the bleeding prosthetic metal arm to your healed hand then offered him your right that he healed then released with a faint grin in asking, “Is your foot hurt or your ankle?”
“Um, not really sure, just sort of an all over searing pain, and I know if I look I’ll just pass out. So, I’m good as long as I don’t.”
His brow inched up and suddenly your weapon and bags were taken from you and passed to the guards beside him and in your glance up at him you let out a squeak in his lifting you into his arms.
“No use in worsening the injury. We are not far and patrols should be arriving soon for us to gain a steed to hasten our trip to the Healers.”
“I,” his brow raised at you and you sighed looking forward lost at where to put your arms so they slumped in your lap and you mumbled, “No use in arguing five feet off the ground. Not like I could stick the landing anyways.” Making the corner of his mouth tick up in your easy submission to his aid. “Thank you.”
He nodded his head, “Any time.” After stealing another glance at you he asked, “This bus, was it taking you home to your family?”
You shook your head, “No, my father said I had to go. He had his son finally, didn’t care to pretend he cared if I lived or died anymore, not that he ever would have prevented the latter to begin with.”
Thranduil inhaled sharply, “He does not deserve to breathe for treating his child so.”
You shrugged, “According to him I’m not his.” He looked down at you, story is, “Mom was drugged at a party test showed she was pregnant two months later so her dad found her a husband.” Lips parted in the group around you, “She left not long after, no note, just didn’t want either of us and he was stuck with me. His family wouldn’t let him turn me over to the state, said it would darken the family reputation.” You glanced up at him and shook your head, “Sorry, don’t usually talk about it. Spoils the mood.” You looked his face over then asked, “How’s little leggy?” His brow inched up, “Your son? Get stuck in any trees lately?”
Making him smirk, “My son traveled ahead of us and should be in Rivendell waiting for us.”
You nodded, “Cool.” You wet your lips, “So, are him and Elrond’s kids good friends or is it sort of an aloof, like hey our dads are friends so let’s just tolerate one another and not make them mad by fighting type situation?”
Your quick curious grin made him chuckle and answer, “They are friends. Get up to quite numerous adventures from time to time.”
“Good. You all need as many friends and good stories as you can get.”
“Why do you say that?”
You caught his eye again at his sterner tone anticipating your knowing something coming for their children, you shook your heads, “Nothing like that. Just you’ve all been through so much. I’m happy you’re happy.” The statement making his grin inch out awkwardly again at the kind words from the little stranger in his arms.
Horses sounded in the distance and he stated, “Ah, here we are, our guides.”
It had to be thirty horses you tried to count, but with their matching armor and similarly colored horses you could have been wrong in their circle of you all. Up to the blonde leading them Thranduil carried you and carefully traded his arms for the mystery blonde, who just as carefully cradled you on his lap checking subtly for any injuries to avoid touching. A graze of your back however brought the sight of blood from your still bleeding gash on your back parting his lips that closed in his look at you in asking, “You wouldn’t be Glorfindel? Would you?”
The curly haired blonde behind him leaned over to peer at you curiously as the Elf shook his head, “No my Lady.”
“Oh, sorry. Just curious.” Making him look you over in your head turning to look at the forest.
Thranduil climbed on behind the curious Elf still peering at you while the other Elves remained at Thorin’s statement, “We’ll continue on foot. Our injuries are not severe as Miss Pear’s.”
Thranduil nodded seeing his guards climb onto a set of horses behind their riders for the small group’s race back to Rivendell. Looking around you watched the forest fold in around you. And it seemed all at once you were in a cobbled courtyard and Thranduil hopped down hurrying over to you making you giggle at your slide back into his arms in the mystery blonde’s arms passing you over only to blink at you in your soft grin over the King’s shoulder saying, “Thank you. You have a very pretty horse.” Then you glanced at the others, “not that all your horses aren’t pretty..”
Lost for words you sighed again and looked forward in Thranduil’s turn to stride through the kingdom to the Healers with the guards holding your bags hurrying after him. “Is your pain worsening?”
You glanced at him, “Hmm? No, just, I don’t know, I don’t know many blonde Elves’ names, wouldn’t want to upset anyone, just slipped out.”
Thranduil smirked and he replied, “Tuor was not upset with you. He is young and new to the guard, to be compared to a prestigious Lord was a shock.”
You nodded and wet your lips, “I know that name…wasn’t that a giant dog? Tuor?” You shook your head in his smirking glance at you, “No, that was Huan! No, Tuor…I think he was a mortal? Unless he was the guy that that other guy stabbed in the fog…no, that was, Túrin?…”
In the hall in your right you caught a flash of another band of dark haired elves following the line of guards. “No, I got it he was related to that Bele-something guy! Right?”
Thranduil chuckled lightly, “Belegund, he was his grandson, and grandfather to Lord Elrond.”
“Ah, so are they related?”
“He is descended of one of the fallen Numenor line. Distantly but yes.”
“Cool.” Making the King chuckle again and carry you through the doorway to an empty cot as a trio of Elleths neared you looking your bloody dirt coated mess of a self over. Atop the cot you glanced away out the window when they raised your pant leg to inspect your ankle after Thranduil said, “Left leg, there is an injury.”
Sure enough when your bloodstained boot was untied and eased off the bottom of a large gash became visible, the ankle itself seemed badly bruised and possibly sprained. Tentatively your leg was inspected by two while the other washed and cleaned the cut and leg around it. Luckily it had already stopped bleeding and didn’t look too bad but it would need stitches. Carefully your pants were removed over the wound when your other boot was removed revealing more cuts and bruises to be washed carefully and bandages before your shirt was removed next. Clearly the harsh weather and lack of food to the usual liking had you far skinnier than they had hoped to find you detailing your toned frame.
The Elleths gently washed your back and arms then your chest and stomach around your bra and cleaned the scrapes across your stomach before having you turn over for them to stitch the gash across your back shut. Draped across the bed a soothingly asked request to help you wash your hair came next and you shifted to hang your head off the bed catching a glimpse of the Elf King trying to read the pink cursive Ancient Elvish runes for protection across your shoulder blades between four pointed stars scattered across your upper back. A tug from you had your knotted mess of a bun containing your blood and dirt stained curls appearing to be a muddy brownish orange with the mess.
Warm water, soaps and gentle set of hands from the healer stirred gasps from the room at your white blonde wall of curls contrasting your black brows making your violet eyes pop all the more when it was dried and pulled back into a long braid when you were upright again. The position easing their cleaning the scrapes and cuts across your face seeming far worse than they really were by the blood stains.
A fresh sweater in silver was pulled on next covering your acorn necklace with a pair of Capri sweats in their insistence not to cover your wound. A pair of tugs had your sleeves up to your elbows and you flashed the Lords a grin, “Thank you.”
Thranduil turned his head and motioned his hand to the side at the dark haired serious self entering the doorway he had been inspecting you from, “Lady Pear. This is Lord Elrond.”
With a soft giggle from you your smile split across your face and you replied, “I’d know you anywhere. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Thranduil, “Yes, Miss Pear seems to have quite a study on our world it seems.”
You giggled again, “Just don’t grade me on my ability to remember names or dates. I could get quite irritating to the person who had lived through it or was well known to the person I am trying to remember the name of.” After a pause you said, “Thank you again for letting me in. I do hope we could be good friends. I’ve read so much about you.”
Again relaxed on your cot you shared the story of how you had arrived in this world and Gandalf’s reaction especially puzzled them. His absence also worsened the mood as they wished to consult with him on why he had insisted you come with this band of Dwarves halfway across Middle Earth. The arrival of rider-less horses an hour past nightfall sent hearts racing and after a group had assembled to head out in search of them you hopped into the walkway to hang over the banister calling out to Lord Elrond, “Watch the trees! Probably got snatched by the trolls!”
That halted the Elf Lord completely bringing him up the steps to your side asking, “Trolls? You saw traces of Trolls?”
“Not me no, but see in the book the Trolls show up from behind the trees, then the ponies run off with the supplies, but we didn’t have any ponies so ignore that, then find the Troll hoard and then after that Rivendell.”
Glorfindel joined his side, “What is in this hoard that is so special?”
“Gold, rotting food, um,” your hand is waving, “orcrist, and um, the other one…” fingers tapping your forehead, “foe hammer, come on brain…ok, they scream seeing it, ‘the goblin cleaver, the beater, gnasher, the biter’…no, that’s the other one, then they come here.” Your hand lowers and you wet your lips and snap your fingers at your side, “this one is orcrist, and, in Mordor Gandalf says he wields the flame of Arnor..” making Elrond’s brow inch up and you point at him excitedly, “Glamdring!! That’s it, not, is it Turin’s blade? Someone with a T, I don’t know some Noldor King and I think the other,” you glance at Glorfindel, “it’s not yours but your buddies.”
He smirks at you, “Ecthellion.”
Elrond nodded and gave you a soft grin, “We will keep an eye out for these Trolls of yours.”
Beside you Thranduil lifted you in his arms again, “Now, we have a meal prepared for you, off your feet.”
Lowly in khuzdul Thorin grumbled, “She barely even gave us a second glance.”
Gloin, “Surely this could be righted. I didn’t mean to shake the Lass off in the rain.”
Dwalin grumbled jealously, “Seemed all too eager to meet the Elves.”
Bilbo looked them over and Thorin asked him in the common tongue, “What does Miss Pear say of us?”
Bilbo, “Well, between the complaints of weather, pain and being hungry she speaks shockingly high of you.”
Thorin all but growled back, “Shockingly?”
Bilbo, “Well seeing as she had no choice in joining the Company at all, or had any reason to stay through the lot of you glaring and commenting about her every move for months until you started to speak to her as a fellow member when she caught us those fish, I am surprised she did not hate you all. Always excused it, ‘very important Dwarf’ this and ‘weight of their kin on their back’ that.”
Thorin disbelievingly tested, “Never a harsh word against us?”
Bilbo chuckled, “Oh I did not say that. There were more than a few muttered curses and mocking comments on your barked order when she was exceptionally tired, but always when I noticed blisters on her feet or another bruise on her when she was changing.”
Fili, “How do you think she could have gotten through Goblin Town?”
Kili shrugged and the men all gave their own explanations, with all of them remembering the image you had left them, Azog’s head on a spike in the middle of the flames you passed by without a word or drawing attention to it all for credit to the clear act of unspoken loyalty to the stubborn lot.
A sack from nowhere suddenly engulfed Bofur and the Elves forced up sending the horses on ahead in the drawing of their swords. One by one the invisible robbers gathered up the Dwarves sending the Elves up into the trees. Through the darkening path from the setting sun casting the forest into shadows bows were drawn and eventually the trio were spotted and brought down when following Bilbo’s gaze up at the invisible creatures he was informing of the parasites living inside the Dwarves they had captured.
A found key halted the trip to Rivendell and hopes of scoring lovely trinkets for your forgiveness were sought out in the hoard. Weapons, jewels and gold were gathered and carried off to the Elven lands. Nearly halfway again Elrond couldn’t help but smirk spotting the gold and blades hanging around Thorin’s back and an offer of aid and a lift to the empty seats at your table hastened the approval from the Company all being helped onto the backs of horses with laps full of their hauls.
Freshly scrubbed they found you and the loot they dumped in their shared courtyard was promised to be shown to you later earning a quick grin from you that spread in Bilbo’s delving into his ordeal with the Trolls. Halfway through your salad again you eased your fork between your lips and drew it out, most likely looking like a focused chipmunk caught stealing when Fili loudly asked, “Miss Pear, how did you best Goblin Town?”
Lowering your fork you raised a finger and held a hand to block your mouth as you chewed in Balin’s saying, “No need to startle the Lass into sharing as she’s eating.”
Kili shrugged answering, “You all wanted to know too!”
Balin, “That is not the point.”
Thorin at the table across from you said, “No need to answer now, enjoy your meal.”
Swallowing behind your hand you wet your lips looking him over in his deliberate steady gaze locked on you testing your reaction. Lowering your hand you answered with a clearing of your throat, “Pretty easy, streams of sulfur in the rock walls.”
His brow inched up and Bofur translated for Bifur, “Must have a keen eye to notice that, Lass. Even our kin miss that in the dark until it’s too late.”
“It was more the smell, than the look.”
Thorin looked you over asking, “You are familiar with sulfur?”
Your eyes landed on him again and you answered, “I worked in pyrotechnics in my old world.” He blinked at you and you clarified, “That’s like, fireworks, but a lot bigger. Worked in a lot of special effects in shows, exploding buildings and all that. Had to get an architecture degree and learn about all things demolition, flammable and combustible to master it.”
Oin, “An explosive’s expert! Well needed on this quest!”
Again you raised your fork lowering your gaze to your plate when Gandalf’s sigh was heard and he entered the courtyard, “Lord Elrond, I am so thrilled you have found my traveling companions.” Your muddled smirk and chortle drew Thorin’s eyes back to you stirring a curious smirk onto his face at your subtle turn away from Gandalf to hide your bubbling giggles between chews hidden behind your raised hand drawing Thranduil’s eyes to you as well before glancing at Elrond in his standing to welcome Gandalf.
Inhaling steadily when you had swallowed you quietly cleared your throat and turned around only to catch Thranduil’s gaze still on you making you tuck your lower lip in and giggle to yourself again in shaking your head as you reached for your drink to sip on as Lord Elrond asked, “You hit Lady Pear with your staff?”
Gandalf glanced at you then back to him answering, “I did not see whom I was hitting. And I have apologizes since.”
Elrond, “And you did not give her a chance to decide if she wished to join this journey of yours?”
Gandalf, “She was truly knowledgeable of this journey! It could have been detrimental to leave her behind!”
Lowering your cup you glanced at Thranduil who flashed you a weak smirk as you whispered, “I don’t know Elvish but I think Gandalf is getting a scolding. That’s a total angry Dad vibe coming from Elrond.”
Thranduil raised his own fork answering, “Oh, this is just the beginning.”
Making you giggle again then glance to Thorin, who was still staring at you, or more so to your clearly bruised cheek and neck visible to him under your moonlit hair and eyes contrasting the blackened patches of skin in his move for another bite. “You look like you had some fun digging for gold.”
He couldn’t help but smirk, “We managed to be found by those trolls you mentioned.”
Smirking back at him you couldn’t help but ask when he’d taken a bite, “So, which one of you has the biggest parasites?” His eyes narrowed challengingly and you giggled sparking a playful hint to his glare, “I have a hunch of my own.” Stabbing another bunch of lettuce then you glanced at Elrond and Gandalf again.
When dinner was through you were led to a healing bath. Not the full sunken tubs the Dwarves were allowed in but a singular clawed metal tub filled with warm water and healing herbs to help your wounds and bruises along. With your injured ankle held up in a hammock and your stitches in your back coated in thick bandages to keep the herbs off it or you would pass out from the painful sting of it that can take out even the strongest Elves. A uncomfortable itch on your bruised rib had you pulling up to sit on the edge of the tub, swinging your good leg over you grabbed the towel off the rack to dry yourself off then hop over to your fresh underwear to add your same comfy clothes from earlier.
Reaching up you removed your hair chopsticks you added to your bag again before you sat down on the bench against the wall and looked at your bag pulling out your pocket copy of The Hobbit still painfully sitting empty except for the maps and picture of you holding your baby brother inside. The only time you had held him literally minutes after you helped his mother through the birth your father was late to and hours before he disowned you. Stroking your thumb across the cover you shook your head at the sudden wave of dizziness over you. Inhaling deeply was your hope to shake it off only to have your eyes roll back in the slump of your body across the bench with your book falling to the floor.
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Returning again the Elleths brought another helping of bath salts that scattered across the floor from the copper bowls clattering onto the floor. That clatter made the guards and Elf Lords rush in to see your face being cupped in a check of your pulse and breathing before you were carried gingerly to your assigned bed when it became clear the herbs and steam from the bath was just too much for you to handle after such a strenuous day. Gathering your things Legolas paused in lifting your book with parted lips seeing the pictures he mistook for portraits falling out of it. Lifting the book he gathered the portraits next he looked at the first of, you holding your brother. “Ada, is this her brother?”
Thranduil strode over and peered over his shoulder, “It would appear so.”
Elrond joined him with eyes narrowed at the mother, “Marya…”
Glorfindel took a glance next, “How, she passed, an age ago.”
The next picture was shown, clearly of you as a child in the arms of a man by the light of the lantern, however when the shutters were opened letting in the moonlight Glaurung sat in his place hunched behind you with claws fixed around your middle parting their lips. Thranduil, “Glaurung…”
Another picture was turned over and in his arms turned palm in the moonlight you sat uncovered as an infant with a sigil burned into your hip of a crouching wolf on top of a golden helmet with a disinterested woman at your side making Glorfindel murmur, “Nienor.”
Elrond, “She can’t be.”
Through the walkway Maglor strode with a telling new scar on his cheek that, had you been conscious would have reminded you of a certain badger you had seen recently, “She is.” The men all turned to look at him with lips parting as he said, “In throwing my Silmaril into the ocean I was taken with it, finding a small town, in it, Nienor and Turin, both being kept apart by Glaurung. Centuries each time he kept them apart, once I intervened and Jaqi was born and he started to lose his powers when Turin and Nienor both faded to light. She grew and eventually the Father of Dragons found a suitable mate of his own he hoped to bring about a new age of Dragons, though he had to get rid of the only child of a Dragon Slayer first to protect his child. I found a doorway and drug her through it.”
Elrond shifted on his feet rather disapprovingly making him all but flinch, “So you are the reason she got forced into a death trap with another Dragon?!” Maglor’s mouth fell open and Elrond led him out into the hall continuing his questioning of his motives and informing him of the repercussions until Maglor grabbed his shoulder and whispered into his adopted son’s ear just what you were hiding in that necklace of yours silencing the formerly agitated Lord.
“Turin is tasked to return and slay Morgoth, his child has a much more complicated path.”
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cassowariess · 5 years
The Things We Want
Pairing(s): Bofur x Bilbo
Rating: T
Warnings: None (that I know of?)
Words: 2,049
His mother had taught him that what someone wanted did not always align with what a loved one needed.
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When he had been a dwarfling he had caught a shiny, green beetle in a jar and excitedly brought it into the kitchen where his mother was preparing the evening meal.
“Look, amad! I found him in the grass!”
She had knelt down to look, smiled and patted him on the head.
“Just make sure you let it go when you're done looking at it.”
“Because it'll die if you don't.”
“I don't want it to die, but I want to keep it. I can feed it!”
“Sometimes the best way to care for something is to let it go.”
“I don't want to let it go!”
“Bofur, it's not about wanting. It's about caring and doing the right thing. That insect needs to be outside in the grass. That is where it belongs.”
Bofur sniffled, the tears threatening to spill. His mother softened and knelt next to him.
“Sometimes if we love something we have to give it what it needs, not what we want. And who knows? You might see it again in the grass. It might be the very same bug.”
Bofur clung to the jar. After a moment of sullenly looking down at his shoes, he said: “Can I keep it for tonight and let it go in the morning?”
“Yes, I think that would be okay.”
The beetle did not survive the night.
Bofur had wailed loudly and his mother never scolded him, never said “I told you so” or anything of the sort, but he learnt a lesson anyway.
Bofur enjoys being around the hobbit. A small, fussy thing that seems to become riled up easily, and oh how glorious it is when the halfling sputters and fusses and becomes flustered and his face turns red. Though he's wonderful to tease, Bofur tones it back a bit when he sees Bilbo become visibly distressed.
“I'm only joshing, ye know,” he says. “I don't mean it. I do it to Bombur all the time too and he's me brother.”
Bilbo is beginning to calm down from his latest bout of irritated, flustered stammering.
“I only tease people because I think they'll get a laugh out of it too. It's no fun if the teasing starts to hurt people I care about.”
“That's more than the rest of this lot do.”
“They care! It'll just take a while for them to warm t'ya.”
Bilbo looks as though he might cry.
“Bilbo, I really didn't mean it. Truth be told, you've been a bâheluh ta me on this quest.”
“What does that mean?”
Bofur looks up at him.“It means friend of all friends.”
“Like a best friend?”
Bofur had very much enjoyed the evenings when he and Bilbo would sit and swap stories and songs. They'd even come up with a tune they'd entitled: “The Man in the Moon stayed up Too Late.” But it was clear Bofur's abrasive humour wasn't always what a tired, grumpy hobbit would find amusing.
Bombur elbows Bofur in the side. “Bofur,” he scolds. “We aren't supposed to speak the secret language to people who aren't dwarves.”
“We can trust Bilbo,” says Bofur confidently, and turns to Bilbo with a wink. “Ye won't tell anyone, will ye Bilbo?”
A soft smile appears on the halfling's face. “I won't,” he says brightly, pleased to have been privy to something that was meant to be kept secret.
Bofur clings to the hobbit, dragging him as far from the cliff face and against the wall as he possibly can. His heart is beating wildly in his chest. If Thorin hadn't gotten there in time the hobbit would have fallen. He's glad the rain hides his tears of relief. He and Ori continue to fuss over the burglar while Dwalin pulls up their king, who admonishes Bilbo.
Bofur knows the look on Bilbo's face. All the work he'd done to try to get the hobbit to feel accepted was coming undone. He hopes Bilbo doesn't decide to leave them. Yes, he has Bifur and Bombur to keep him company, among a crowd of high born dwarves but neither of them are very talkative, or at least, don't talk as much about things that interest Bofur, like songs and stories. The hobbit likes to talk about comforting things, and Bofur also feels less alone when Bilbo confides his fears in him. For Bofur is sometimes afraid of what they might encounter on this mad adventure too, and it makes him feel safer to know that he isn't the only one that is afraid, and safer still when he can protect Bilbo from things that might hurt him.
But he's not been very good at it so far. He'd not been able to reach the hobbit on the cliff face, and he'd not been able to protect him from the king's words.
So when he asks where Bilbo thinks he's going when the halfling tries to sneak past him on his watch, deep down he already knows.
“Back to Rivendell.”
Bofur pleads with him not to leave and Bilbo ends up hitting a tender spot within Bofur when he says they don't belong anywhere.
“I am sorry!” Bilbo looks all flustered and embarrassed and this time it isn't amusing.
“No, you're right. We don't belong anywhere” whispers Bofur.
But Bilbo does. He has his green Shire to go back to, where he'll be safe and happy and healthy. It's what the hobbit needs. Bofur pats his friend on the shoulder.
“I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do.”
Thorin is pacing within the walls of Erebor and Bofur feels like he is trapped in a cage with a panther that could lash out at any moment. Or maybe it's more like being around a dragon.
The king is hoarding Bilbo. Bofur is as sure that the king is trying to hoard him as he is the huge mountain of gold they are all sitting on. Thorin rarely leaves Bilbo's side, whispers to Bilbo in dark corners. Shoots glares at everyone.
The halfling weathers it but he often looks uncomfortable.
They are all uncomfortable. Thorin's flaws have been completely magnified until they are distorted, twisted versions of what they once were—simply flaws, as any dwarf would have. Now they are dangerous things and Bofur isn't sure that one of them wouldn't die if they opposed him.
He can never get near enough to Bilbo to speak to him. He fears for all of them, but he fears for the little burglar the most.
He catches Bilbo trying to escape.
“You should be inside, out of the wind,” he says, thinking he doesn't want the burglar to catch a cold. The thought seems incredibly silly given they are on the brink of war, but he can't help but voice it.
“No, I'm just...getting some air,” says Bilbo, looking rather nervous. “The place stinks of dragon.”
Bofur gives him a knowing look and the corners of his moustache twitch in an involuntary smile.
“No one could blame a soul for wishing themselves elsewhere,” says the dwarf.
Bilbo does a double take at him and Bofur looks up at the stars. “Must be near midnight! Bombur's got the next watch. It'll take a bit to wake him.”
He starts walking down the stairs to the hall.
He turns and looks at Bilbo.
“I will see you in the morning,” says the hobbit, who looks as if he's beating back tears.
“Goodbye, Bilbo,” Bofur manages to say with the steadiest voice he can muster.
He turns away again, giving the burglar his chance to escape, and he realizes in that sharp, clear moment that he has freed something he wanted to keep so very badly.
He reaches the room he shares with his brother and nudges him awake. When Bombur leaves to take up his post, Bofur curls up in bed, still covered in armour. There's no point in taking it off. They all might die tomorrow. At least Bilbo would be safe though. At least he will have gotten away. Bofur falls into a restless sleep. He dreams of shiny beetles that melt away into gold coins.
On any other morning, Bofur would have been delighted to see the hobbit. Instead he feels terrified as Thorin threatens to throw the halfling onto the rocks below. He's about to rush towards the king when Gandalf's thundering voice saves the day.
Bofur quickly bundles up the hobbit as Thorin shoves him to one side. He feels too much at once. Fear, elation that Bilbo is alive, anger that he didn't stay away, and the crushing knowledge that this is going to be the third time he has to say goodbye to the hobbit, for there is no other option.
Instead all he manages is “I'm sorry...go.” The words feel inadequate but there all he can manage. He wishes he could nurse his heartache, but war has been declared and there is no time.
The fourth time he says goodbye to Bilbo, he feels he has no right to say anything to the halfling. Bilbo has watched three of his friends die on the battlefield. The rest of them were lucky enough to come out physically unscathed. He feels guilty that the hobbit came on this quest in the first place. He feels guilty that Bilbo has been through so much for them. He now owns 1/14th of a share of the treasure in the mountain. He's now one of the richest dwarves in Middle Earth and it feels like none of it was worth it because of what it put Bilbo through. None of it was worth the deaths of a king and his sister sons either. He doesn't even want it.
Of course he wants to beg the hobbit not to leave. He wants to hug him, tell him everything that he feels. But he can't. It isn't right. It's not what Bilbo needs. He needs to go home to his cozy hobbit hole and garden and lush green fields. And what Bofur wants isn't as important as what Bilbo needs.
It is a year later when a letter arrives via raven.
Bofur, now a wealthy dwarf, has used a miniscule portion of his fortune to hire a tutor. While he's now not as literate as he'd like to be, he's making good progress. So are Bifur and Bombur. He'd been reluctant to learn to read, but once he realized he was going to be surrounded by upper class dwarves with better education, he made sure he'd taken steps to ensure he and his family weren't out of their depth.
So he's still unfamiliar with some of the words on paper, but there are some that leap out at him on the page.
Miss you
Bofur's eyes grow wet as he reads the last word.
He rushes off to find Bifur and Bombur. He'll need to tell them why he's leaving.
It's raining, and the daylight has faded, but Bofur can still make out the shape of Bilbo lying next to him in the dark. Having dwarvish eyesight certainly helps, and he is glad of it.
He runs a thick finger gently over the slope of the sleeping hobbit's back, revelling in the feel of soft skin. Then he gently touches the hobbit's face, carefully rubbing his thumb over Bilbo's cheek. The calming sound of the rain thudding on the roof of the smial and the soft breathing of the little creature next to him make Bofur feel a thousand times more contented than being in a mountain filled with gold and elite dwarrow.
Bilbo shifts in the dim light. “Mmm...Bofur?” he says. “What time is it?”
“Not sure,” says the dwarf truthfully. His eyes never leave Bilbo's face, his hand carefully showing Bilbo how much he adores him by roaming over soft curls and the curve of his ear.
Bilbo giggles, and even in the dark Bofur can tell his face is red and flustered.
“What are you staring at?” Bilbo laughs.
“You,” says Bofur.
And as the former burglar's lips meet his, he laughs happily into Bilbo's mouth in the knowledge that finally, he has found something he wants that he can keep.
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fallintosanity · 5 years
not so stealth edit: i got so excited to post this i forgot to include the previous part links, whoops
anyway here u go
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14
Prompto woke up to the scent of Noct’s fancy shampoo and the brush of Noct’s breath against his neck. If he kept his eyes closed, he could almost pretend they were sprawled on the floor of Noct’s apartment, that they’d fallen asleep there after a long night of gaming. But past the shampoo was the scent of old smoke and stale sweat, and other unknown, unpleasant things. It wasn’t plush carpet beneath him, but a worn sleeping bag over hard stone. The fabric draped over him wasn’t one of Noct’s soft blankets, but the heavy wool mantle of a royal suit. The air wasn’t the comfortable temperature of the climate-controlled apartment, but hot and dry and uncomfortably close. 
He wasn’t in Noct’s apartment. He wasn’t in Insomnia at all. 
He kept his eyes closed for a minute longer, breathing in the scent of Noctis’s hair as he tried not to have a full-on panic attack. Last night’s events played through his head: the initial fear of burglars when he’d heard his front door crash open, the abject terror when a gang of monsters - daemons - had smashed into his bedroom and snatched him up. The pain of bouncing in their grip like a sack of potatoes, their flailing fists slamming into him, his feet dragging on concrete. The icy cold of the daemon-man’s - Ardyn Izunia’s - hands on his throat, his wrist, the press of the man’s body against Prompto’s back. The contempt in his voice when he’d said such an empty little thing.
Prompto shuddered. He wanted it to have been a dream, a nightmare, something he could wake up from, but he’d woken up and he wasn’t in his own bed. He was in a tent somewhere in the Lucian countryside, with his best friend and his best friend’s bodyguards and their freaking future selves, because being kidnapped out of his own bed by daemons wasn’t horrifying enough. 
If it couldn’t be a nightmare, then he wanted to stay where he was forever, with Noct wrapped around him in his sleepy-clingy way, with at least the illusion of safety inside the tent. Hiding his face like a kid, like if he couldn’t see the scary thing it couldn’t see him. But he couldn’t stay there, not forever. Even if the oppressive heat hadn’t made breathing difficult, even if his whole body didn’t ache from the bruises from where he’d been grabbed and carried... he had too many questions roiling around in his mind. 
Ardyn Izunia, and such an empty little thing. There’s so many more where it came from. Their future selves. The future Noctis, terrifying and powerful and apparently fully aware of the barcode tattooed on Prompto’s wrist. 
He’d said it was nothing to worry about - did he know what it was? What it meant? Prompto himself didn’t know anything more than what his parents told him, which was that it meant he was a war orphan. They hadn’t said from where, what country would stamp orphaned children like products in a grocery store, though it wasn’t that hard to guess. But Prompto had never actually asked them, because if he was from Niflheim, the country everyone hated, the country hell-bent on destroying his home, he didn’t want to know. 
But apparently Future Noctis knew. Did the others, Future Ignis and Future Gladio, know? Prompto’s own future self was with them, so maybe not. Or maybe… 
Prompto bit his lip, sharp enough that he tasted blood, and pressed his face harder into Noctis’s hair. He had to go out there. He had to find out. He just… needed a second. 
But the air in the tent wasn’t getting any cooler, and his bones ached from the hard ground. He reluctantly disentangled himself from Noctis and sat up. 
Dim green sunlight filtered through the tent walls, illuminating a small mountain with an eagle tattoo and the silver-black vest of the Kingsglaive: Future Gladio, sprawled in the middle of the tent, sound asleep. Past him, Future Noctis mirrored Noct, sleeping with his head on his arm and his mouth hanging slightly open. He looked a lot less scary like that. Prompto swallowed a hysterical giggle - it was probably illegal or something to think that a king of Lucis looked doofy.
The tent flap was unzipped but hanging closed, soft voices drifting through as the edges of the flap swayed with a breeze that didn’t quite make it inside the tent. Prompto did a quick mental tally: both Ignises must be outside, along with Young Gladio and Prompto’s future self. He really wished one of the Noctises was awake - even the scary future version - and that maybe there was one fewer Ignis, but he could deal with it. It was his own future self he needed to talk to, anyway. 
Crawling on his bruised knees hurt, but standing on his scraped-up feet as he climbed out of the tent wasn’t any better. He tugged the black mantle tighter around his shoulders, its heavy heat preferable to both the sharp bite of the sun overhead on his bare skin, and walking around with nothing on but his pajama pants. The sun was blinding bright and he squinted, one hand rising to shield his eyes. Was the sun ever this bright in Insomnia? It was weird, looking up at the sky and not seeing the familiar shimmer of the Wall. 
“Good morning,” Future Ignis called. 
Prompto blinked, willing his eyes to adjust until he could make out Ignis and Future Ignis standing side by side at a small fold-out table to one side of the big haven rock. They had apparently been sorting through a small pile of something that might have been vegetables, but washed-out and sickly pale. Future Ignis had his head tilted slightly toward Prompto, his visored gaze focused somewhere on the middle distance, and, right. Noct had said he was blind in the future. Young Ignis, though, met Prompto’s eyes and smiled. “Good morning,” he repeated. “Noct is still asleep, I take it?”
Prompto nodded. 
“‘Course he is,” Gladio said. He was sitting in a canvas chair beside the low-burning coals that were all that was left of the fire, the hoodie he’d been wearing last night shucked to reveal a black muscle shirt with the Lucian crest embroidered over the heart. “I guess he ain’t any better about sleeping in the future, either.” 
“Some things never change,” Future Ignis agreed. 
“That’s Noct for ya,” a new voice added. Prompto made himself look over at his future self, sprawled in another chair on Gladio’s far side, booted feet kicked out and face tilted back into the sun. He stretched, lazy as a cat, then sat up, his eyes finding Prompto’s for a moment before looking over at Future Ignis. “Iggy, any plans for breakfast?” 
“We’ve nowhere near enough in the armory for eight,” Future Ignis said, tapping the table beside the little pile. “If we want to eat, we’ll have to hunt for it.” 
“Hunt what?” Young Ignis asked, frowning. 
“There’s a herd of dualhorn roughly three-quarters of a mile that way.” Future Ignis pointed off to one side of the haven, though he didn’t turn his head; the effect was more than a little unnerving. “Perhaps you and Gladio could retrieve one.” 
The poleaxed expression on Ignis’s face was almost enough to offset the creepy thought of going out and killing something for breakfast. Intellectually, Prompto knew meat came from animals, but he’d always gotten meat from the grocery store, already well dead and packaged into neat cuts that made it easy to forget it had once been a living, breathing creature. 
From the look on Ignis’s face, he felt the same way, but after a couple of seconds he recovered enough to squint in the direction his future self was pointing. “I don’t see anything. Are you sure?” 
“When one loses the use of one sense,” Future Ignis said, his voice neutral, “one learns to pay more attention to those which remain.” 
Future Prompto snorted. “He can probably hear Takka cooking breakfast back at Hammerhead. If he says they’re there, they’re there.” 
Ignis shot a sideways look at his future self, his expression unreadable. Prompto couldn’t blame him; seeing his own future self was weird enough without knowing that he’d be blind, too. 
Gladio, apparently unfazed by both Future Ignis’s ability to hear and the idea of killing breakfast, said, “What about Noct? I’m not just leaving him here alone.” 
“He’s hardly alone,” Future Ignis said mildly. “I daresay the other Gladio and I can protect him for the short time such a hunt will take.” 
“What about him?” Gladio asked, jerking a thumb at Future Prompto.
“I’m taking Mini-Me to the watershed,” Future Prompto said. “I wanna fill up our water, and he probably wants a shower.” 
Prompto blinked, caught off-guard as both Gladio and Ignis looked at him. “I’m fine,” he managed. 
“No, he has a point,” Ignis admitted. “We need the water, for one thing, and you need some real clothes, as well.” 
Prompto looked down at his pajama pants and winced. “Yeah, I, uh, I’d like that.” 
His future self stood up; blue magic shimmered around his hands and suddenly he held a pair of battered black boots. He tossed them to Prompto; caught off-guard again, Prompto fumbled them and they clattered to the ground. “They should fit,” Future Prompto said. “My feet haven’t changed size since I started high school.” 
Prompto eyed the boots uncertainly - they were scuffed and stained, the laces knotted and frayed - but he did want to talk to his future self in private, and Future Gladio’s comment last night about scorpions and bugs and sand rang through his mind. He stuffed his feet into the boots, trying not to think too hard about it. If they belonged to his future self, it was like they belonged to him, right? And they did fit like they belonged to him, so maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. 
“C’mon,” Future Prompto said over his shoulder as he sauntered toward the ramp down the side of the haven. “It’s a twenty-minute walk out to the water tower and if we take too long we’re gonna get sunburned.” 
“Right,” Prompto said, and scrambled after him. 
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Fixing the Broken Past (AGIT AU-Part 2)
A Gear in Time AU belongs to @shaykai / @hatsparadox​. Go check them out!
Here we are again with part two! Finished this one earlier than the last, but I don’t expect to be done with the third bit soon. (Yeah, this might be a four parter) 
Warning! Tons of angst up ahead, it gets really dark at the halfway mark! (Which is Moon's part, go figure) Just warning in case you don’t enjoy reading that kind of stuff!
But if you do, you’ll like what happens next ;)
For Snatcher, being locked away in a dusty old shed was not a fun experience. You couldn’t do much no matter how hard you tried. Not to mention it was a dreadfully boring situation, one that he had the displeasure of being in. But there was one good thing about it, you had all the time in the world to think to yourself. And being bored and forced to just think for what feels like an eternity, you start to come across interesting conclusions.
Like how all humans are disgusting, selfish, and very deserving of all the loathing in the world.
For instance, the way humans sleep peaked his interest. It was something he often liked to think about. When a human sleeps they are unaware of the outside world. They mutter in their sleep, toss and turn, some even sleep walk. But they aren’t really conscious when they do this. They have no clue that they’re doing it and they won’t remember a thing about it when they wake up. And if someone were to tip-toe ever so quietly into their room, they wouldn’t notice unless the intruder made any loud noises. So humans had a rather care-free experience when it came to being asleep.
Robots, however, were not so lucky.
Sure, a robot can ‘power down’ when they need to recharge. And if desired, a human can manually ‘shut down’ a robot and it will stop moving. And when a robot is powered down or shut off they can’t move, can’t speak, and they defiantly can’t see an inch in front of their face.
However, that doesn’t mean that the robot is unconscious.
The robot, despite what a human may think, is not ‘asleep’ whenever they are shut off. They can still feel everything that happens to them. Every cut, every dent, and every tap on their metal body. That means that every single form of stimulation under the sun, a robot can still feel while they are shut down. Humans don’t know this of course, why would they? Robot engineers where still under the foolish assumption that when a robot is ‘shut down’ they can’t feel a thing. Shows you how much humans really know about robots.
Also, that robot can still hear and think while they are shut down.
Their audio sensors are still active in case of emergencies, and so are their central processing unit. What kind of emergencies? Oh you know, the normal things. Burglars, kidnappers, murderers, etc. But that also meant that whenever a human thinks the robot is ‘asleep’ and they want to talk bad about them, that robot can still hear them. Every. Single. Word. And the robot, if they so choose, can also take those conversations and record them to analyze later. Which was fun to listen to whenever you were bored. A good way to pass the time really.
That is, if you could simply switch it off and go to sleep.
But no, the robot doesn’t get that simple pleasure. He doesn’t get to just ‘sleep’ like a regular human, not caring at all about what happens and actually catching a break for once. He is still conscious against his own will. Always awake, never getting to rest or pass out. He has to listen, just listen, to the outside world around him. For days. For months. For what feels like an eternity to him. Which is traumatizing, no?
Oh, but there was one exception.
Let say, for example, a robot was to be damaged in such a way that it would technically knock him ‘unconscious’. How could that happen you ask? Well there’s many ways it could happen! The robot could just fall down the stairs and bump his head or something could fall on his head even! Or maybe, just by random chance, a heartless little brat could use a blunt object to smack the side of his head! You know, the side were his power button just so happened to be!
Oh and let’s just say for laughs and giggles that said object would be, oh I don’t know, a P**KING CROWBAR!
(P**king auto censors)
These were normally the things he thought about while he was shut down. And what else was there to do really? Well, he could always replay the recordings that his audio sensors managed to pick up.  Those were fun. Especially the ones from his other half. Those were really fun… click
Who’s the fool now? Ha ha ha!
Look at you, you’re nothing but a waste of space now!
Farewell my friend! Let us hope that you have a swell time rusting alone in this horrid place!
Boy, was he a charming hunk of scrap or what? He often thought about crushing him with his bare hands, making him plead and beg for mercy. Of course, he couldn’t. He couldn’t move at all, which just made him angrier than he was before.
But, there were always others that he could take his aggression out on. Like those blue-suited men! The ones that were lead by a red-coated boss. What did they call themselves? It something with ‘M’... Oh right! They were called the Mafia! Ah, those were good times. Short, but good.  After all, it was the first time he was powered on. He loved to listen to those recordings… click
Hurry up you good for nothings! Mafia Boss needs the robot out of there pronto!
What is Mafia waiting for?! Switch it on already!
Wh-huh? Why is it laughing?!
You! How dare you laugh at Mafia!
Oh...oh no
Turn it off! I said-
Heh, now those were delightful! Shame that the fun only lasted for a few seconds. One of those Mafia just had to be carrying a demobilizing gun. Way to ruin the party big head. Of course, that wasn’t the only time he was switched back on. There was another moment, a few more years apart, that he also had recorded… click
I don’t know if this is a good idea Tim
But his data is still intact! Don’t you want to know what happened to him?
Well...yeah but-
If I had to come all the way to scan him at least give me this
...Alright, alright
Then let’s not waste anymore time! Hurry up and switch him on Thor!
I’m getting it, hold on...there!
Hello there! My name is Tim and this is my companion, Thor
Uh...hi there
He’s not much for words I’m afraid. But I’m sure you’ve got plenty to say, no?
Oh I have something to say alright...
Tim, I don’t like that look on his face
Tell us then! We want to know about-
Well...that was all right. Not as good as the first time, but all right. Those old geezers weren’t nearly as energetic as the Mafia goons. But they did have one thing in common. They both carried around demobilization guns apparently, just his luck. He so badly wanted to show those puny engineers who’s boss.
The pathetic engineer, the one named Thor (who hit him with the gun), had been his only source of information these few years. Much to his dismay, he was very talkative. Shame that he could talk back this time, he had an awful lot to say
What the heck is wrong with you?!
We show you kindness, and this is the thanks we get?!
‘Kindness’ huh? Yeah right, as if any human has ever been kind to a robot. I know your motives, you were just going to sell me for money.  So don’t even act like your all pure and good of heart.
What happened to you old pal?
Don’t call me that. I am not your pal. I will never be your pal.
You know, somethings tells me that I don’t wanna know
Good, because you’re never going to know. Now why don’t you go find something to fix?
I should get back to work…
You do that then. And while you’re at it, why don’t you start fixing that brain of yours? I think it has a few bugs you need to work out.
A few months passed and the engineer kept quiet for a little while, which was a nice surprise. But it was quickly interrupted one day, only for a moment.
I’m sorry about this buddy
He could feel something being draped over him. It startled him at first, the lack of stimuli was disorienting to him. Whatever he had put over him, it made it slightly harder to hear things. A sheet of some sort?
I’m hiding you buddy, I can’t have you scaring my customers
Oh really? Why thank you for such a kind gesture! You have just made my chances of escaping and living a happy human-free life practically impossible now! So thanks for that.
Besides, Tim would kill me if I sold you off
Trust me, I’ll do him the favor.
Quiet again, this time for much longer. That is until a promise of good news came.
Mr. Thor? What about this one?
A small voice interrupted the quiet. It seemed that the engineer had some new ‘customers’. How lovely! He tried to see if his sensors could catch the whole conversation. He heard and felt the sheet being removed from off of him. He could hear two voice plus the engineer’s simply chatting away, unaware that he was listening in on them.
It looks pretty cool for a piece of junk!
What?! Who said that?! Why you little-
Yeah, hostile is putting it lightly
What? No! Don’t tell them that!
Maybe he was scared
Scared? Ha! Hey, whatever convinces you gullible fools works fine with me!
You’re not taking this guy with you
What are you doing?! You idiot, you’re ruining everything!
C’mon say “yes”! Say “yes”!
Okay, fine
You can take him with you
He could feel his body being lifted and moved around for the first time in what felt like forever. It was the engineer, he was moving him out of his workshop. Which meant he was free! Finally he was free! All he had to do was just leave the schmucks who bought him and he would be on his own!
This is a bad idea…
Are you kidding? This is the best decision you’ve made in months! A real improvement if I’m being honest.
Then again...you wouldn’t hurt a child, would you?
Excuse me, what?
Nah, the squirt’s a good kid
I’m sure you two will get along just fine
...at least I really hope so
Oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me.
He was sold as a toy. A simple child’s plaything. Perfect, just perfect. As if his dignity couldn’t sink any lower, it had now hit rock bottom. Well, at least it would make his escape easier. Children didn’t carry around demobilization gun, so that was a plus. Poor kids though, they were going to have nightmares for weeks!
Finally, after years of reminiscing over the past, he could would be switched on again. It was about time too. He was starting to grow tired of not being able to move. Not to mention his joints must be rusting away at this point. Of course, there was the slightest possibility that he could be shut off again. Not this time though, he was going to make sure of it.
After all, this could be his last chance.
Cold...it felt so very cold.
The chill of the air cause Vanessa to stir from her sleep. Different senses attacked her all at once. The smell of corrosive metal and rust filled the air. She could also hear strange sounds. The sound of scraping metal, which was painful to her ears, was faint when she awoke but becoming louder now. And the sound of someone...humming? Yes, someone was humming a tune in rhythm with the scraping.
She groaned as she slowly lifted her head. She had been in an odd sleeping position, with something flat and hard supporting her back. Every inch of her body was sore and ached slightly. Whatever she had been sleeping on was cold against her skin and shocked her. She made an attempt to get up.
She found that she couldn’t.
She opened her eyes, confused as to why she could get out of bed. She awoke to find that she was not in her bedroom but in a dark room made of rusted, metal walls. She tried to move, only to find she had been pinned down on something flat and made of metal. Her arms where strung up above her head and her legs were split apart by the metal cuffs around her wrists and ankles. Her eyes widened in fear as she let out a surprised yelp. Her cry was muffled by a gag tied around her mouth, which she hadn’t noticed while in her sleepy daze. But she was awake now. Awake, and very frightened.
She struggled as much as she could, hoping that the metal cuffs were old enough to break by force. She turned and twisted her body, grunting in effort. She stopped, and began to shiver. She had been kidnapped, taken away from her home by some creep. But who? She tried her hardest to think back but her head ached too much for her to think clearly.
She heard the humming again. There was someone in the room with her.
She looked forward to see Moonjumper, who was standing by a metal table. He was humming away as he picked up tools from off the table, polishing them and cleaning them off with an old rag. She noticed that his lower arms were also sharping the tools, which caused the scraping noises. She watched in terrified fascination as his arms seemed to have a mind of their own. The would grab the tools from his upper arms, sharpen them, and set them back on the table. It was like a factory conveyor belt, never losing track and in perfect sync. And she would had been perfectly content with simply watching the spectacle.
That is, if he wasn’t cleaning dried blood from those tools.
The show turned from spectacular to horrifying as she noticed the bloody rag he was using. He had a very concentrated face as he stopped what he was doing to pick up a large knife from of the table. He look at it for a moment and began to drag it across the table’s surface. It made a terrible sound, Vanessa cringed at the noise. He stopped, looking rather satisfied with the results, and set the knife back down.
She shuddered, she instantly recalled what had happen before. She had been put to sleep and he must have dragged her to wherever she was now. She had no clue what he was going to do to her. But judging from the tools on the table, it was not going to be pleasant. That knife was meant for her, he was going to  torture her. Horrifying images clouded her mind, making her breathing and heartbeat become more rapid. She tried to struggled from her bonds again, harder this time.
“Oh, you’re awake! What a pleasant surprise!”
She gasped in surprise, he had noticed her stirring. He used his wheel to move toward her, his red eyes illuminating the darkness of the room. The red light fell on her face and she began to panic. She continued to struggle, quietly screaming through her gag. He grabbed her face and forced her to look at him. He shushed her and squeezed the sides of her face tightly, making her whimper in fear.
“Hush, hush now. There’s no need to be so upset my love.” he purred. She tried to yank her hands from out of the cuffs so she could slap him across the face. He quickly noticed this and tsk-tsked in disappointment. “Honestly Vanessa, I’m surprised at you. I thought you would behave yourself better.” he sighed as he let go of her face. “I supposed I’ll have to make these tighter won’t I?” he sighed again and began to mess with the cuffs on her wrists.
She yelled in surprise and pain as the cuffs became much tighter on her wrists.  He then bent down to tighten the lower cuffs next, she begged through the gag but he wasn’t listening. When he was finished the cuffs where so tight that she couldn’t move her hands or fingers or even wiggle her feet. She started to sob, ugly tears dripping down her face. Moonjumper watched with a deadpan expression, like he was bored of her actions. Why was her prince doing this to her?! Didn’t he love her?
“I see. You’re confused aren’t you?” he said as if she was a complete idiot. She couldn’t tell through all the tears in her eyes, but it almost seemed as if he rolled his eyes at her. “Do you want an explanation or do you want to keep whining?” he fussed at her. She stopped for a moment, sniffling still, and slowly nodded her head. It was all she could think to do now. Moonjumper smiled cheerfully and put his hands together.
“How wonderful! See? I knew you were a clever girl.” he giggled in mad delight. “Well, first things first, welcome to your new home!” he said as he rolled back to present the room to her. She stared at him, utterly confused by what he meant. “I know, I know. It’s not a very exciting room is it?” he said. In her opinion, she thought, was a very exciting room. Just not the good type of excitement.
“Don’t worry, this isn’t your room. You’ll only be in this room temporarily!” he said as he came back closer to her. Vanessa’s heart sank at the news he told her. New room? Did he expect her to stay here with him in this wretched place?! She already lived in the manor! She didn’t need this!
“What’s wrong my love? Are you not excited?” Moonjumper said with a worried expression. She shrank back as much as she could as he came closer to her. He touched her check, caressing it with his cold metal hand. He tried to calm her down as she was shaking even more than before. “Shhh...there, there. It’s okay, I’m here for you.” he cooed to her in a strange tone. “Vanessa, you know I’m only doing this for you right?” he said softly as he stared lovingly into her eyes. Although the way he spoke was intended to be friendly, his lowers arms where roughly holding her in place to stop her from shaking.
“I came back to reunite with you remember? To take you away and give you a new life.” he smiled as he brought his face towards hers. “Humans live such sad and short lives, I want to make yours better. Wouldn’t you like that? A life where you can live forever with me, your beloved prince?” he continued as he nuzzled his face against hers. She cried in shock, his face was somehow colder than his hands were. “Oh, how I wish this moment could last forever.” he sighed dreamily as he embraced her in a freezing cold hug. She could feel his weight pressing on her chest, it felt like he was crushing her insides.
“But, we mustn’t dawdle!” Moonjumper said as he quickly stopped cuddling her and drew back, Vanessa gasped for breath. “We’re going to have to start a little early if I want to make some progress. You don’t mind right?” he asked her as he made his way back to the metal table. She was too busy coughing to answer him. She managed to stop herself so she could see what he was doing. He was singing to himself as he was looking through the parts on the table. He noticed that she was staring at him and smiled creepily. He used his four arms to grab several tools from off the table and displayed them.
“Do you like my new toys my lady?” he laughed as her eyes widened in surprise. “Don’t worry, I won’t be using all of them on you. That would be overkill, and we wouldn’t want that would we?” he said as he set the tools back and picked a singular one from the bunch. This tool was a small, thin cutting tool that wasn’t nearly as thick as the other knifes. “This one though, I’ll be using this one a lot. It’s quite handy and it’ll be useful for getting rid of that pesky flesh you have.” his smiled grew wider as he dragged a claw against the tool’s surface.
Vanessa screamed as loud as she could, hoping that someone would hear her. Moonjumper’s smile faded  as she screamed. He took the tool, raised it up, and stabbed the table with great force. Vanessa stopped immediately after the heard the loud noise of the tool puncturing the table. The two stared at each other as the room went silent. She kept her eyes on him, scared of what he was going to do to her.
“I suppose it can’t be helped can it?” he grumbled, taking the tool out of the table’s surface. “Hold on a moment.” he said as he looked through the pile of tools for something. He picked out a metal box from the side of the table and opened it. He took out a syringe filled with a glowing green liquid. He tapped the side of it and pricked the needle to make sure it was sharp enough. “I normally don’t do this with my experiments. Then again, they aren’t as special as you are.” he half-smiled as he went back over to her.
“Now, hold still.” he instructed as he lifted her chin up to expose her neck. She went completely still, not wanting to make him angry again. She could feel the needle being plunged into her neck as a warm fluid seeped into her veins. Her neck began to tingle and soon she could feel the rest of her body do the same. She wanted to squirm uncomfortably, but she couldn’t. Her whole body felt stiff and her breathing slowed. Moonjumper looked very pleased as he removed the needle.
“There we go! That wasn’t so bad was it?” he laughed as he went back to the table to put the empty syringe back in its box. “Now that should numb most of the pain for you. At least, until it wears off that is.” he said while sifted through the tools again. “But it should suffice...ah! Here it is.” he exclaimed as he eventually found what he was looking for. He held up a medium sized circular saw with a strange metal piece affixed to the bottom. He passed it down to his lower arms and then proceed to tug on his own hand.
Vanessa couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight as his hand popped off of his wrist. She watched, terror-stricken, as the fingers on his hand still wriggled as he placed it down. He then stuck the tool into where his hand used to be. It made a clicking noise, and the saw spun around as he checked to make sure it worked. He proceed to do the same process to the rest of his hands except one. He detached two of his hands, picked up a chainsaw and a pair of cutting scissors, and put them in place. He tested these tools also, with the chainsaw making a loud whirring noise and the scissors snipping without a handle. Finally, he used his still attached hand to grab the slim cutting tool he had used earlier.
He danced back to where she was, spinning and singing merrily. He pulled a nearby lever on the wall and, without warning, Vanessa went flying backwards. She was now laying sideways and was forced to stare at the ceiling as she couldn’t turn her head. Moonjumper sang to his heart’s content as he spun around her, as if he was preforming for her amusement. His torso twisted around unnaturally as he danced an insane waltz in a circle. His singing turned into mad cackling that echoed against the metal walls. He stopped to lean over her, his shadow covering her entire face. He grinned like a maniac as he held up the various tools.
“Well now! Let us begin!”
Sorry if this part was a little lackluster. The third part is gonna be fun though! Whenever that’s done amiright?
Also Vanessa is not going to have a fun time
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thomasroach · 5 years
Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles
The post Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles appeared first on Fextralife.
Ever wondered how many titles are available in Monster Hunter World? Wonder no longer as this guide will list and detail how to obtain all the titles for your guild card.
Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles
Players of Monster Hunter World can enjoy some extra fun by customizing their Guild Card with countless titles. Guild Cards can be customized by editing their titles, backgrounds, greeting, sticker, equipment, and poses. They play a small role in the realm of Monster Hunter World allowing hunters to give them out to players they have met.
First & Third Slot titles
Available from the beginning:
First Year
Great Sword
Dual Blades
Twin Swords
Light Bowgun
Heavy Bowgun
Long Sword
Blast Pike
Switch Axe
Charge Blade
Now Recruiting
Knightly Order
Hunting Crew
Lone Wolf
On Sale Now!
First Fleet
Second Fleet
Third Fleet
Fourth Fleet
Fifth Fleet
New World
Reach hunter rank 6
Reach hunter rank 11
Vale Tudo
Diversion Team
Pied Piper
Eagle Eye
Killer Bee
Reach hunter rank 16
Shooting Star
New Land
If Only
Reach hunter rank 30
Shinobi Freedom
Reach hunter rank 50
Very Stubborn
End of an Era
Maiden Name
Mining Master
Reach hunter rank 100
Big Bang
Machine Crew
Not for Sale
At First Sight
Reach hunter rank 250
As Always!
Role Model
Class Leader
Retired Number
Of All Time
No. 1
Reach hunter rank 500
Research Team
Sapphire Star
Monster Hunter
Nailed it
Big Sis
Aerial Battle
Reach hunter rank 999
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Rathian
Rathian Hunted
Land Hunted
Duchess Hunted
Wyvern Princess Hunted
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Pink Rathian
Cherry Blossom
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Rathalos
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Azure Rathalos
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Diablos
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Black Diablos
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Kirin
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Kushala Daora
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Teostra
Flame Emperor
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Lavasioth
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Barroth
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Uragaan
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Anjanath
Bully Hunted
Wild Hunted
Brute Wyvern
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Great Jagras
Great Jagras
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Pukei-Pukei
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Nergigante
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Xeno’jiiva
Guide Zorah Magdaros
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Kulu-Ya-Ku
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Jyuratodus
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Tobi-Kadachi
Flying Squirrel
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Paolumu
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Legiana
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Great Girros
Great Girros
Fear Hunted
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Odogaron
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Radobaan
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Vaal Hazak
Vaal Hazak
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Dodogama
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Bazelgeuse
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
Hunt 50 Tempered Monsters
Slay 50 Elder Dragons
Hunt 100 Large Monsters
Hunt 500 Large Monsters
Complete a quest in the Ancient Forest
Ancient Tree
Complete a quest in the Wildspire Waste
Complete a quest in the Coral Highlands
Complete a quest in the Rotten Vale
Complete a quest in the Elder’s Recess
Complete 50 optional quests
Complete 50 Investigations
Fair Wind
Complete 10, 30, and 50 Arena Quests
Black Belt
Respond to 10 SOS and complete the quest
Complete 100 Multiplayer Quests
Collect 50 Guild Cards
Recruit a Tailraider
Obtain 100,000 research points
Earn 1 million zenny
Acquire 5 pieces of Rarity 8 gear
Join a Squad
White Wind
Participate in the Kulve Taroth Siege
Kulve Taroth
Highly Prized
Obtain from Deviljho Update
Obtain from Lunastra Update
Obtain from Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 Collaboration
Zero Dawn
Nora Tribe
Obtain from USJ Collaboration
Cool Japan
Obtain from Street Fighter V Collaboration
Living Legend
Obtain from Devil May Cry Collaboration
Must Die
Force Edge
Obtain from Mega Man Collaboration
Rock n’ Roll
Complete “A Visitor from Eorzea (Extreme)”
Warrior of Light Completed
Slay Behemoth to complete the Final Fantasy XIV Collaboration
Obtain Bayek Layered armor or Assassin’s Hood from the Assassin Creed Collaboration
Slay a Leshen from The Witcher 3 Collaboration
White Wolf
Solved all of the mysteries in Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest
Wild Hunt
Partake in the Spring Blossom Fest
Partake in the Summer Twilight Fest
Partake in the Autumn Harvest Fest
Partake in the Winter Star Fest
Partake in the Appreciation Fest
One Year
Second Slot titles
If you enjoyed this guide be sure to check out next Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Backgrounds to see the array of Guild Cards Backgrounds you can attain.
Don’t miss out on the upcoming Monster Hunter World: Spring Blossom Festival 2019 Contents.
For all your Monster Hunter needs stop by our Monster Hunter World Wiki. You can also check out the most recent guides in Monster Hunter World: Arch Tempered Nergigante and Monster Hunter World: Patch 6.00 Notes & Witcher Collaboration Event.
If you are looking for more Monster Hunter World info, you can go in-depth with our featured guides: All Armor Limits, Everything about Kulve Taroth, Long Sword Elemental Limits, Dual Blades’ Max Element & Status Limits,  Attack Values & You, Crown Sizes & You, Monster Hunter World: The Canteen Explained With Ingredient Guide or Monster Hunter World: End Game Guide.
The post Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles appeared first on Fextralife.
Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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op-jessie · 6 years
Hello, wonderful citizen! May i ask for headcanons with Law, Shanks, Mihawk and Nami? They so is loved by all animals, even wild and most dangerous ones. Like, can you imagine them being surrounded by wolfes and be like:"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THESE GOOD BOYS CAN KILL ME?". I'm sorry if it's sounds confusing. Thank you for all your works and sorry for my English. Have a good day!
Cat Burglar Nami:
She understands the cute and soft animals that can be seen as pets but the bugs? The sea kings? The monster animals? Please help her
Her partner has learned that the animal they’re playing with might be seen as dangerous from Nami’s scream of their name
Despite this though, her partner has actually helped her get over some of her fears over some animals but she still puts a firm line on some animals (bugs)
She will scold her partner after playing with dangerous animals until they’re pouting which makes her feel bad
She’s just a worried tangerine for her partner so please be nice with her
She knows her partner won’t really understand the actual danger but she’ll be there to warn them every time
Trafalgar Law:
He should have realized it when even Bepo came up to them when they had just joined
At first, it caught him off guard when even the most dangerous of animals would surround them and he’d be protective
After getting used to it, he’s actually really amused, especially if it was dangerous like a seaking
He’ll keep his eye on them just in case the animal turns on them but they seem to like the attention of such “good boys” as they keep saying to him
He does have to clean up the scratches they get because they like to play rough with even the most dangerous of creatures
He does get jealous when Bepo leaves him to be with them, he lost his pillow and his partner in the same second and that’s annoying
If he’s with them, he knows their strength so an animal won’t surprise him as much anymore
Red Hair Shanks
He has loads of fun with it and even gets jealous when his partner meets animals without him
When it first happens, his crew isn’t that surprised that Shanks was just as excited about the animal as they were
The one who really has to get the two of them away is Benn because he recognizes how dangerous the creatures that surround them are
Of course, this gets him two pouting faces
He meets so many new animals because of them and it has honestly put so much more excitement in his life
The amount of dangerous animals that the two of them bring onto the ship to keep as pets is ridiculous but also the crew has gotten used to it
They’ve also gotten used to saying no and their sad faces
Dracule Mihawk:
He is also STRESSED but much better at hiding it
Since the two of them travel a lot, he’s gotten used to them bringing animals over and asking if they could keep them
They don’t understand why he says “no” before they even get their question out
When they go back to the castle to visit Perona, his stress level is heightened because the Humandrills are obviously attracted to them
When he looks out the window and sees them being surrounded, he’s immediately out there, glaring them off
He’s often coldly scolding them for petting wild animals but they know it’s because he’s anxious over them getting hurt by the animals
He’ll get annoyed when they pet him like he was a wild animal but he’s wrapped around their finger so the annoyance doesn’t last too long
like my work? why not buy me a coffee (ko-fi)?
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