#buggy and the wives
rorywritesjunk · 8 months
When I'm broken and bent, would you take me on the mend
The Strawhats didn't know the clown was married. For as much as he could talk, he never mentioned them.
Rating: PGish. Warning: One man and three wives. Buggy's wives love him but won't hesitate to tease him. A/N: A request from a Lovely Anon wanting Buggy's wives to rescue him from Arlong Park and to meet the Strawhats! I reworked this one a few times before writing it. I enjoy writing these three together in a story. Poor Buggy is so outnumbered. The ending is a little weak, apologies, but it's hard not to just keep writing these four now. Title comes from "Freshly Laundered Linen" by Boom Forest.
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“Where’s his head?” Birdie asked as she looked at the headless, twitching body over from her spot below it. A year into the relationship and she was still uncertain about his Devil Fruit powers. It still surprised her when her husband’s disembodied hands appeared or when she’d wake up to his head on the pillow, his lower half at the foot of the bed and his torso on the floor. 
Cupcake crossed her arms as she looked up at the body, tilting her head to the side with an amused expression on her face. “Honestly, it’d be a lot quieter without it. We can make do with just a body, yea? I can carve a pumpkin to give him a new head.”
Sunny shook her head and chuckled, looking amused by Cupcake’s response. “I for one like his head. His nose is very cute so I’d like to get that back if we can.” 
“I’m sure I can find a pumpkin with a bump like his nose.” Cupcake grinned as she took a step closer to the body. “Maybe we can cut’im down and his head will come back?”
“Worth a shot.” Birdie said, looking hesitant in touching the body. Cupcake and Sunny had no issue with it, having been with Buggy the longest. His Devil Fruit powers were more of a nuisance to the two of them this long into the relationship. “Can… can he hear us? Because his body just keeps… moving.”
“No ears.” Sunny told her before reaching out to stop Cupcake from proceeding. “We need to be careful because he may react if we touch him and he doesn’t know it’s us.”
Cupcake frowned and stopped, looking back at Sunny. That was something she didn’t think about. Often she just jumped ahead on things without thinking, like Buggy often did, but Sunny was the one who stopped to think things through. Cupcake was often impressed with how long Sunny and Buggy had been married - nearing 15 years now - and the fact Sunny still had the energy for Buggy spoke to how much she loved the clown.
On the other hand, Cupcake married him only five years ago, found him to be exhausting half of the time but wouldn’t give him up for the world. More often than not, she was always working beside Buggy with the freaks, getting the show ready, making sure everything went smoothly. At first she thought Sunny would hate her for that but the latter loved it, she wanted Buggy to have someone close to work with since she often did more of the domestic chores around the place. If Cupcake was around to help Buggy with the freaks then it meant less for Sunny to worry about with their husband.
Birdie was the newest to their family. She was still getting used to their dynamics but she found her love growing for the three daily. She and Sunny loved spending time in the kitchen together, cooking up recipes and sampling what the other made. Buggy loved having two wives who cooked, it meant double the delicious food, though it also meant he and Cupcake had more dishes to do. And Birdie spent time with Cupcake in her room, helping her learn to read the books Sunny purchased for her from time to time. Cupcake loved Birdie because she never made her feel bad about struggling to read and that after a long day she’d take the time to help her out. 
And Buggy, well, it made him happy that the three people he loved so much got along and loved each other as well. Sure, disagreements happened from time to time, mostly with him and the three of them, but they all got along. He gave them each their own bedroom to have space if they needed it, though they often did share the big bed in the main bedroom. And if he was too obnoxious some days, they’d kick him out to sleep in one of their rooms while they shared the bed. Sometimes it wasn’t all fun and games.
“Maybe if we-” Cupcake started before someone cleared their throat. 
“Who are you?” 
Sunny was the first to turn around, holding her hands up to show she was unarmed. A group of four young men stood there; Cupcake recognized two of them and tugged on Sunny’s sleeve before whispering into her ear. Birdie moved to stand beside Sunny as well.
“Just wives looking for our husband.” Sunny told them with a smile. “That’s all.”
“Have you seen a clown head around?” Birdie asked curiously, looking between the four of them. “Blue hair, grubby makeup, beautiful eyes?” 
“Clown head?” The blonde glanced at his companions as he tightened his hold on a bag he held. The swordsman crossed his arms, the one with a bandana looked a little unsure, and the strawhat seemed to be processing the words ‘wives’ and ‘husband’ for a brief moment until he noticed Cupcake.
“That’s a very specific thing to be looking for.” The swordsman said while the strawhat pointed at Cupcake with an excited look.
“I know you!” The strawhat - Luffy, as Cupcake remembered - said, looking at his companions. “I know her! She was at the circus. Um, her name was… Pancake?” 
“Cupcake.” The three wives corrected him in unison. Birdie looked at the blonde and pointed at him. “What’s in the bag?”
“Why are three lovely creatures such as yourself looking for a clown head?” The blonde chuckled while a noise like an angry cat came from inside the bag, thrashing around. Birdie looked at Sunny and mouthed the word ‘creatures?’ to her. “Usopp, how about you carry the bag for a while?”
“Nah, I’m good.” The man with the bandana said, shaking his head and crossing his arms. “New guy gets to babysit it, Sanji.” 
Cupcake pointed at the bag and looked right at Sanji. “His head’s in there, isn’t it?”
“Very observant, aren’t we.” Sanji sighed as he started to open the bag and reach inside. The three could hear Buggy’s grumbling and complaining as he was pulled out of the depths of the bag. 
“I’ll burn your ship to the ground, fuckers!” He snapped at them as Sanji resisted the urge to drop him. “You kept me in there for far too long!”
His head wriggled around in Sanji’s grasp, eyes widening when he saw them. Oh, his three lovely wives were there to rescue him! And his body was right there, he could be free from this bullshit with the Strawhats as soon as the blonde let go of him. 
“My body is right there, asshole, so stop feelin’ me up and let me go!” Buggy snapped at him, gnashing his teeth until Sanji finally loosened his hold on him. While Sunny and Cupcake were unfazed, it was weird to Birdie and the Strawhats to see the head zoom over to the body and reattach itself, almost as though there was a magnetic pull between the two. It didn’t take Buggy long to free himself, stretching his arms out, patting his body over, looking relieved that he was all in one piece again.
“Oh, I’m all together- oof!” He couldn’t finish the sentence because all three of his wives tackled him at once, arms around him and hugging him tightly. He had to pop his arms off in order to give them more room to touch him. “Ladies, my loves, give me a moment to bid farewell to my captors and then we can be on our way!”
“Not without a kiss first.” Sunny insisted, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek. Buggy allowed it, locking eyes with Sanji for a brief moment and mouthing to him, Yea, I get to tap that while gesturing to her ass. 
“He manages three wives. I have no one.” Sanji mumbled as Cupcake punched Buggy in the shoulder affectionately in lieu of a kiss while Birdie also kissed his cheek. “How does this happen?”
Buggy managed to wriggle out of his wives’ grasp for a moment to look at the Strawhats. “So, hey… y’know, been great and all, but we gotta go.”
He showed them the middle finger with both hands, as did Cupcake, before Sunny and Birdie pushed the two along to get out of there. No one wanted to deal with Arlong and his crew. They had their ship ready, the four of them just had to get to it.
“They kept me in a bag!” Buggy whined pitifully as he rested his head in Sunny’s lap as Cupcake steered their little boat. They managed to avoid Arlong’s men, hearing the skirmish start as they ran. Once they pushed the boat off into the water and got a fair distance away, Buggy felt compelled to demand attention from them. So he kicked his boots off, stretched out, and laid his head in Sunny’s lap while Birdie rubbed his feet for him. Cupcake just rolled her eyes and focused on finding the nearest town away from the islands. “The bag was so dark and gross. I have sand in my ears, eyes, mouth, everywhere!”
“Poor baby.” Sunny chuckled as she leaned down to kiss him on his nose. “You’re stronger for having survived, Buggy.”
“You poor, poor soul.” Birdie added with a dramatic sigh. “Oh all things, sand? That’s the worse kind of torture!”
He glared up at the two of them before sulkily looking away. “I’m so mistreated here. Why did you bother rescuing me if you’re just going to be so cruel to me?” He lifted his head off his shoulders and held it up; Birdie winced slightly while Sunny rolled her eyes. “Cupcake, babe, you’d never talk to me this way!”
“Shut up, Buggy, I’m trying to concentrate.” Cupcake told him as she looked at her compass. “Should have just taken your body and left your head behind. It would have been a lot quieter.”
“You three are horrible!” Buggy cried as he dropped his head and arms, limbs popping off as he literally fell apart against Sunny and Birdie. “Why did I marry such heartless women?”
Sunny picked his head up and stroked his cheek softly. “Buggy, look at me.”
“No.” He mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut. “It hurts to look at you.”
“Please?” She asked sweetly. He cracked one eye open to look at her. “I’m happy you’re safe with us.”
“Very happy.” Birdie chimed in as she picked one of his feet up to try and reattach it to his ankle. “It was horrible without you.”
“Really?” Buggy asked with a touch of uncertainty in his voice. “Or are you just saying that?”
“Really.” Cupcake said with a sigh. “Even if you drive us mad.”
“But we love you.” Sunny assured him, shaking her head before kissing his cheek. “Pull yourself back together, honey. Cupcake’s going to get us somewhere safe so we can come up with a plan to get back to the Big Top.”
“Are you really happy to have me back?” Buggy asked, needing that confirmation from them. Sometimes he wondered when his luck would run out with them, that they would realize they could do much better than him. He was still surprised every morning when he’d wake up and at least one would be in bed with him, usually Cupcake, but that when he’d get to the kitchen for breakfast, it was always ready when he strolled in and that there’d be a cup of coffee waiting for him. They’d all tell him they loved him, give him a kiss before sitting around the table to talk about what they needed to get done for the day, specific tasks, things like that. It was a nice calm way to start a chaotic day and Buggy wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“We are really happy to have you back.” Birdie told him. “So please, please don’t get kidnapped again.”
“Yea, please don’t make this a habit.” Sunny said. “I can only handle so much excitement in this marriage.”
“I don’t think I have the energy to save him again.” Cupcake said. “You get one chance, Buggy, and this was it.”
He let himself snap back together, once again laying his head back in Sunny’s lap. One hand popped off to Cupcake’s wrist while the other went to Birdie’s face. He looked up at Sunny, a grin on his face. No one else was as lucky as he was right now and that was all that mattered to him.  ”I love you all.”
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taco-tuseday · 9 months
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Same me clown wife
Do you see your fem bug design maybe u see a fav
2K notes · View notes
beanghostprincess · 10 months
sometimes i just want to be a lesbian clown with three rich wives (buggy)
31 notes · View notes
buggyboba · 4 days
I haven't stated it in a while, but my requests are open. I primarily write for Missy / The Master, but I am wandering into other characters! I have two flavors short drabbles and long ones, don't be shy! I write sfw and Nsfw.
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echantedtoon · 5 months
Ocean Deep Ch4 Kindness And Help Go Hand In Hand
(Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, selling of mers, the bad conditions they endured, mistreatment of the wives, and mermen sinking ships and harming people. Yn gets a cut on her palm. Mentioning of blood. 
To which Y/n learns that her kind act has come with work but others also learn that they can appreciate the work put into the kindness. If you need a refresher on what fish I based their tails on take a look at the links.
Strawberry Peacock 
Golden Dragon Koi 
 (all blue) Halfmoon Betta Fish )
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You know..It all seemed like just a bad dream when you woke up sprawled out on the cold floor instead of your bed.
F/c eyes slowly blinked open and you found yourself staring at the ceiling. You stared at it for a long time allowing your brain to process the sleepiness away, at least enough for you to groan and sit up with a hand rubbing your face. Autopilot kicked in as you did the usual morning routine of making your bed, mentally cursing yourself for rolling out of it, and going about your business making breakfast, combing your hair, and getting dressed. It wasn't until you were tying the belt around your waist did the events of last night suddenly flew right back into memory harder than someone hitting you with a boulder.
Mermaids. ...You stole three mermaids from the Henyas' property and stashed them in your bathhouse!! The last events of the night before hit you straight away-
You had just returned back home, sneaking between the shadows on high alert not normal for a human. You'd done your best to dry the back of the wagon with a couple towels before sneaking the horse back to the flower shop and tying the pony back to it's post. Leaving it in the original spot you found it in since it might look suspicious if you left a horse and buggy that didn't belong to you outside your home. Someone might think you were trying to see it. You didn't need that on your head too. Thankfully no one seemed to notice anything either sound asleep or too afraid to come outside because of the rumor of monsters. You sighed once safely inside your home and the first thing you did was head straight for the guest room. It was a Smaller room barely bigger than the pantry used mainly to just house the occasional guest, but it had a small bath too and you were tired of running around soaked by dirty smelling water. So you didn't return to your unsuspecting guests until you took the time to thoroughly bath and put on a clean dress.
"You three look and smell a whole lot better."
You had barely given the three half fish women a second glance. Too busy rinsing the tub out after draining the soapy water before again filling it with clean water. This time filling it up all the way instead of halfway this time. The three mermaids in question were lying in various poses on the tiles bathroom floor, and honestly they DID look better. Their hair was now shiny instead of greasy, their skin looked slightly red from scrubbing hard but it looked less dirty, and their tails looked shinier but you barely noticed being too tired and just wanting to get this over with so you can sleep.
"Yes. Thank you very much for lending us your clothing," Pink smiled at you.
Orange looked a mixture of tired and bored while Blue gushed about how pretty your flower print dress looked on her. Pink seemed to be the only one who talked to you calmly and happily. The clothes they had previously been wearing was in a pile by the door along with the towels they used. You'd deep clean them all before you went to sleep. That way they'd be dry by morning.
"It's not a problem. Those old clothes were disgusting to say the least. ..There. That should be enough water for you all to sleep comfortably in. Better than the nasty tank you were in at least."
"Again thank you. I doubt we would've been able to even leave at all if you hadn't taken us into consideration."
"Yeah..Well I would've felt bad about leaving you behind like that."
"You look tired. You should get some rest and sleep."
It was kinda a blur after that. You briefly remember the scent of freshly clean clothes and the darkness as you hung up wet laundry and the feeling of laying down but that was it. No. None of that could've been real could it?  It was just a fever dream after being paranoid all night and staying up late! Yeah! That was it! You had a wild dream due to your fear and your tired mind. Why if you walked into your bathroom right now then you wouldn't see anything! That's why now in the present you were standing in front of the door that lead into the main family bathroom. Hesitantly you inhaled before quietly reaching a hand out. Grabbed the doorknob. And then opened it to see..
Absolutely nothing.
You blinked. There was... nothing. It looked the same as it did yesterday morning when you left for work. Towels and soaps neatly placed on the shelf. Room fully clean without a single drop on the floor. Spotless. The only thing out of place was the tub full of water, but you probably just forgot to drain it out. With a sigh you leaned against the door frame.
"It was just a dream."
You ended up falling backwards onto your behind as a spray of droplets rained everywhere. Staring shocked at the edge of the tub as a pair of eyes stared back to you.
"Uh... Oops. Sorry."
"Great going. Are you going to make her fall into the water and an encore?" Orange popped her head up as Blue whipped to her.
"I didn't mean to!! I was just saying hi!!"
"Well you sure did a good job!"
"....Oh good gods. It wasn't a dream." You mumbled shakily reaching out and pulling yourself off the floor. 
Soon three heads were now poking out of the water and staring at you in a mix of emotions. Ggggrreeaaattt. Looks like you really weren't dreaming. The reality made you sigh and reach out a hand to rub your forehead. 
"Good morning!," Blue called out again as cheery as a little kid with candy waving a full arm. "Did you sleep well?"
"Hardly. I'm still tired and sore." Your body wasn't as tired and sore as you were last night but you were still feeling like taking a nap. "Are you alright?"
"We're fine," Pink confirmed with a smile at you. "Were you cooking food? There's a smell in the air."
"You means eggs and bacon?" You glanced at the three of them in curiosity. "Can mermaids eat eggs and bacon?" It was a genuine question.
"Depends. What animal are the eggs from and what's bacon?"
"Um. They're chicken eggs and bacon comes from pigs. Y'know. Pork."
All three seemed to light up at the mentions of meats and protein. 
"Oh! Oh! Do you have claims? I love claims!"
"We're not in the ocean! There wouldn't be claims in here!!"
You ignored the other two in favor of giving Pink a deadpanned look. "Are they always like this?"
Pink sighed. "Unfortunately."
"...Are you three hungry?" Well that got Blue and Orange to stop arguing and whip around to you so fast and wide eyed it had you jumping. "I'll take that as a yes. I'm gonna go cook some for you guys, just STOP arguing. You'll make the neighbors angry and I don't think I can explain why three mermaids are in my bathhouse."
Never thought you'd be cooking bacon and eggs for three mermaids but here you were. Cooking enough food for you to open up a buffet for breakfast. How much did mermaids eat? They were bigger than you- Or should you say longer? You suspected if they were actually human, they'd be about as tall as you. But their tales made it to where they had longer bodies than you, so you guessed that they must've needed more food. Bigger bodies means more food needed right? Like how bigger plants needed more water than smaller plants. It was only a guess and if there was anything left over you'd just store it away for later. 
You ended up having to carry everything in on a tray, and from the moment you entered there was a clear shift in both the air and their bodies. You paused when meeting their gaze. Dilated pupils and enlarged irises stared you down. Stiff movements akin to a cat rolling back their shoulders.
A predator staring down it's prey.
A shiver ran down through your body as you cautiously approached and set down the tray just within arm's distance of them. "Here. Wait a second and I'll get you some utensils-"
They lunged at you. You shrieked arms flying up to shield yourself from the upcoming assault. This was it! This is how you died! Torn apart by a mermaid feeding frenzy! A metal clattering sound filled the air followed by a splash. You'd be next to meet the watery grave. Your body would feel hands on you any moment ready to drag you down-
F/c eyes slowly opened up as your arms lowered just enough to peek out.
"Hm. This is pretty good..Not as tasty as lobster but it's good."
You stared dumbfounded as the three of them grabbed random amounts of eggs and bacon in their hands and was tearing the food apart with sharp teeth before swallowing them down like it was nothing. Rip. Tear. Swallow. Rip. Tear. Swallow. Over and over they frenzied grabbing the spilt food across the tiled floor and the food floating in the water. Diving in and splashing around sending water droplets spraying everywhere and water sloshing over the sides getting the floor wet. Every piece devoured like a trio of piranhas on their last meal before they died. Eventually it calmed down with the three of them licking their fangs clean and seeming content. 
"That was the best meal we've had in weeks!," Blue gushed before looking at you absolutely beaming. "Can we have some more?!"
...You blinked. "Uh. Sure. I can see what else I have but w-what the heck?" You gestured in shock at your now wet floor and slightly wet dress. "It looks like a wave crashed in my bathroom."
"Sorry." You looked up in even more slight surprise at Orange. That..was the first thing she said around you that wasn't a shout or insult or complaint as she looked slightly away. "It's just...W-We haven't eaten a good meal in a while, and we were hungry."
You stood back up lightly shaking your wet foot. "I can tell..How often were you fed?"
"A couple fish every few days? I think." Her expression squinted to one of deep thought. "We were lucky to get that. The dam food wasn't in any condition to eat-"
Orange snapped a raged scowl at Pink. "Well it was eat that or starve! Did you want to give them the satisfaction of dying?!"
"Can mermaids eat plants?" You waved a hand to gain their attention. "Y'know like apples and cucumbers and stuff."
"Huh? I mean yes but it's not as good tasting as meat. Why?"
"Because currently all I have in my pantry is potatoes and other fruits and vegetables. It might not be as tasty but you'll have to eat it until I can get back from work."
"Work?! But why are you leaving?!"
"Because I need money for the meat you guys like, and I need to work because I like my job. But I'll give you guys more food before I go. Is there anything else you want?"
The three of them looked at one another in shocked silence. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, maybe a comb?"
"A comb? I can do that but do me one thing first. Can you give me back my tray? It's not supposed to be in the bath."
The front door to the flower shop opened right up as you pushed it open and stepped inside. Your voice calling out into the space for boss, but the old woman didn't answer you back. Not very strange. Sometimes you'd show up long before your boss did and that's alright. It was also relieving because then no one would know that you showed up and hour and a half late to work making it look less suspicious. You really didn't want to explain why you were late today, even if you were sure you could easily say you just slept in and lost track of time as an excuse. With Mrs. Satoshi no where to be seen, you quickly went about your duties and just did what you normally do around here. Take care of the many flowers that called this tiny shop home. The normalcy of the routine helped to calm your spiked nerves being so familiar. It almost made you forget about the three women in your home.. Almost.
You'd left the three with a large bag of random fruits and vegetables you just threw in there to fill up your stomachs and a comb for you guessed their hair. Made sense they'd want to properly take care of themselves after everything they suffered. You didn't know what it was like being shoved into a cramped space with three people to share it with, stuck in filthy grime and water never being changed and barely fed for weeks. It made you feel both angry and sorry for them. You were still unsure of what you were going to do with them. Obviously you weren't going to toss them at anyone. You might've still been weary around them but you weren't a cruel person. .. Maybe you could release them into the river nearby? Yeah! That could work! You could just release them into the river and everything would be fixed. They'd be free, you'd be free from them, and no one would ever know! Perfect! Your life would go right back to how it was before this entire mess dropped into your lap. 
You were happily lost in thought smiling at nothing when the door suddenly opened up causing you to jump and turn around eyes wids as a man entered the shop. He was tall with dark eyes and grey hair. He gave a look around before landing on you and he smiled a familiar kind smile. You recognized him easily.
"Niko." You were surprised to see him but smiled and turned to him. "What are you doing here?"
You knew instantly who he was. After all he looked exactly like his mother would if she was younger and a man. He smiled wider. "Hi, Y/n! I'm surprised to see you working with Ma not around."
"Well someone has to take care of the shop. What are you doing here?," you asked again raising a brow. "I thought you were supposed to be here yesterday."
"Ah! A-About that!" He tiredly reached up a hand to rub his neck and it was only then that you noticed the bags under his eyes and how disheveled he looked. Was he ok? "My wife unexpectedly went into labor the other day. Guess the babies didn't wanna wait."
His wife had""  their children? ....Well THAT explained everything.
You couldn't help but smile. "Congratulations, Niko! That's amazing! Are they girls or boys?"
"Two boys and a little girl." He smiled fondly. "I can already picture her begging for another sister once she's bigger. Haha."
"That's wonderful! You're so lucky! Is your wife ok?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Ma's with her right now while I take care of a few things." Ah. That's why she wasn't here. "I was told there was some pots here for me to deliver-" he looked around again. "B-But I don't see any." You froze. "I guess Ma got someone else to do it."
"Uh..Well you shouldn't worry about that since you don't have to do it." You said quickly with a forced smile. "You should just head on home and make sure your wife has you by her side."
"I guess you're right." He sighed in relief. "That's just one less thing I gotta do. I'll be taking my horse back though. I hope you guys didn't need him for anything else."
"Oh no no. He's probably bored staying in the SAME SPOT all day and night not at ALL moving an inch since yesterday." You stressed but he didn't seem to notice in his tired state. "You go right ahead and take him home."
"Y-Yeah. I'll do that. Thanks, Y/n. Hey. Can I buy some carnations while I'm here? I'm sure she'd love them after everything she went through yesterday."
"Of course!"
You had gotten some money from Niko buying a rather large bouquet for his wife and to your relief he had ended up taking the horse and wagon away. It was like the last piece of evidence that connected the shop to the crime of last night, but now you'd have to figure out another way to transport them to the river. You'd worry about that later. You'd just be rest assured for now that you had found the solution to the problem. 
The rest of the day was uneventful as it had always usually been. You happily skipped home with a smile on your face and a basket of fish in your hands. It wasn't a lot but the butcher gave them to you for a decent prize with what money you had and you were sure the others would appreciate it. The door to your home opened and closed behind you as you stepped inside. Relief flooding into your veins as soon as you approached the familiar route leading out to the bathroom. Mouth opening to call out to the three-
"How are we going to get them back?" 
Your feet stopped blinking at the sudden question. That..sounded like Orange's voice.
"I-..*sigh* I don't know. Maybe it's better that we just leave them behind." Pink eyes glanced over at her oranged eyed counterpart lazily floating around the water bobbing like a leaf with a hard scowl on her features.
"There is absolutely NO fucking way I'm leaving anything behind for them!! They can't have it! It's-..." Her face slowly melted into one a mix of silent longing. And.. fear. "It's the only thing we have left of him. We could never see him again."
Her mouth opened reaching out for her but slowly her mouth closed and her arm lowered back into the water. "I know. But you know as well as us that there's no physical way we can get back there."
"Why can't we just ask her to get them for us?" Their third counterpart finally decided to pipe up between her rare quietness. ...Then again her silence was probably chalked up to feasting on whatever she could grab from the giant bag. Currently she was holding it in one hand while digging he arm around inside.
"No. Absolutely not." Her pink eyes narrowed as she held up a hand and shut that down quickly. "We can't ask her to do that. She's already done enough without even asking for anything more in return."
"And we don't know if she'll stab us in the back and make off with the jewels! And don't pretend like she wouldn't! All humans are selfish and greedy if you dangle riches in their faces!" Her arms crossed and her scowl pierced the water. "It's always been like that."
"That's a very rude assumption you'd make about me." 
The mermaid holding the bag squealed and ended up falling off the edge colliding with the scowling one who's curse was cut off as both were forced underwater with a massive splash. There was a sputter of water sloshing and more splashing before three wide pairs of eyes stared at you in the doorway. You stared at them deadpanned or more specifically at Orange.
"Ok. Look, You!" You pointed at Orange and frowned stepping into the bathroom. "I'm not going to pretend to know everything about what you three went through because I don't, and I won't pretend to know how you three must feel because again I obviously don't! But I didn't ask for this!" You gestured to the three of them. "I didn't ask to be taking care of three mermaids who I don't even know and could probably put me in danger but y'know what?"  You stopped just in front of the large bath, firmly putting the basket down and staring right at Orange. Pointing a finger directly at her to make her know exactly WHO you were speaking to. "You don't have to like me! I'm not asking you to like me but the least you can do is not be rude to me! I don't WANT to be in this situation anymore than you do! That's why I was going to leave when I first saw you! I just want a normal life like everyone else here!"
..She scowled again. "Then why did you help us if you were so worried about your perfect normal life?!"
"I DON'T KNOW!" You shouted at her making her lose the scowl on her face. "WHAT?! You think I know why?! No! For all I know I could be the next meal you put into your stomachs! I'm terrified of you.. But-" F/c eyes closed. Body deflated. Sigh escaping your lips. "But if I just abandoned you then I would be no better than the people who put you in there in the first place."
There was a good long silence as the three just looked at one another for a long moment. Unsure. Shocked. Stunned. Maybe guilty. When it was obviously they weren't going to say anything, you sighed again and nudged the basket towards them with your foot. 
"Here. I thought you might enjoy something a bit more to your taste."
Again hesitance but eventually Blue reached out to grab the basket and peek inside- "IT'S SALMON!!!"
You winced at the sudden shift in volume and the sudden one eighty switch from unsure and shocked to absolutely happiness. Her eyes sparkles and a hint of drool covered her mouth as she looked inside-
"Gimme that!" Orange ignored the loud 'HEY' Blue gave her snatching the basket out of her hands to look inside, becoming surprised at the sight of fresh salmon staring up at her. A hand reached inside and pulled one out examining it around in a cartwheel motion before sniffing it. "It's fresh." Her tone was surprised.
"Well actually they're two days old," you corrected a bit embarrassed, "That's why they were on sale, but they're still good to eat. If you give me a few minutes I'll cook-" You paused as without hesitation Orange opened her mouth wide and with sharp fangs completely bit off the head of the fish she holding with a crunch sound. "Uh...Or not I guess. Your welcome?"
Blue whined at Orange for 'being mean' and grabbed the basket back leading to the both of them hissing at one another and tugging the basket in a game of tug of war. Pink only sighed again and turned to you again.
"That was very considerate of you."
You shrugged. "I mean you guys live in water, and what else would there be for you to eat down there? It was kinda obvious..No offense."
She giggled and smiled brightly. Wow. She did look really pretty when she smiled. "None taken. But I do have to ask." Her slight frown came back. "How much did you overhear?"
F/c eyes stared into pink ones before you sighed. "A little bit of it. You guys were talking pretty loudly." It felt a bit bad to confessing to eavesdropping but it's true. They were loud enough for you to hear them from the front door..Hm. that's a problem. "But I'm serious! You guys really need to be more quiet. Anyone could've heard you, and I don't think that'll be good for any of us. So could you please try to stop these two from yelling?" You gestured to the two that were still fighting over the basket.
Pink sighed again. "I'll try. It's not exactly easy."
"What were you guys talking about anyways?" She hummed. "I heard you yelling about leaving something behind." Blue and Orange stopped fighting long enough to snap at you with Blue holding up the basket and pushing Orange's reaching form away from it. That got their attention. "Are there more of you back there?"
Pink shook her head slowly humming. "No. Not really. At least not in the barn we were kept in. Some..things of ours are still back there is all. You shouldn't worry yourself about it." She quickly held up a hand. "It's all replaceable in the end and the risk of going back there is just not worth it."
A brow rose confused. "You lost something?"
"More like something was stolen from us." Orange once again scowled and crossed her arms.
"What was stolen?" You weren't sure what a mermaid could have that could be stolen. You didn't think they had backpacks or anything like that in the water.
"Hey! Doesn't she have a right to know?," Orange countered cutting Pink off, "It's not like we're going anywhere anyways." You stared at the two of them confused. What were they talking about? Orange looked directly at you sizing you up for three seconds. "It's treasure."
Well you weren't expecting that. You blinked surprised. "Treasure?"
"It's not exactly treasure. It's just some jewelry like bracelets and a few strands of gold is all. They were forcibly taken off of us after we got caught."
Jewelry huh? Granted you know a lot about mermaids but with this being a mostly fishing community, you've heard your fair bit about mermaid stories. Mostly the bad ones only. How they'd sing to attract people to their watery deaths. Making ships sink. Some attacking humans only to drown them and eat their corpses- A shiver ran through you. But there was the occasional not so bad ones. Like how these creatures always hoarded treasure from ships they sunk. Guess that rumor was true, at least for these three. 
"I-.. Didn't see anything like that in the barn."
"Because it's hidden." Pink made a rectangle shape with her hands. "They're in an old chest about this big." She then held out her hands about a width of two feet apart. "I think they used to use it as an old bait box because it smelled like old fish." 
An old box? "I still didn't see anything like that there. Hm. Although it was dark. I could've missed it I guess."
"It's hidden under the stack of hay. I don't think they've done anything with them yet," Pink hummed in thought. "It would probably look rather suspicious to suddenly spend a large amount of treasure in a short amount of time."
"I'm sorry for that." Your head tilted and your brow rose. "I hope you don't mind me asking but is that stuff really important? I mean I guess it's really valuable but couldn't you just replace it?"
Pink jolted but was quick to nod in agreement. "Y-Yes! You're absolutely right! Everything can be replaced! We shouldn't worry about it! Neither should you-"
"They were gifts from someone really important to us." Pink snapped a glare at Orange who shrugged. "What? She asked."
"We're not going to ask her to get them and THAT'S final!" You were a bit taken aback by Pink's shout. You hadn't seen her calm self get angry before now. "We're lucky to have gotten out of there! And we are not taking anymore risks!" Orange huffed but seemed to drop the subject. Pink sighed and looked at you. "I'm sorry. Please forget anything about this. You've already gotten into enough trouble helping us."
"Will do!" You agreed quickly with a thumbs up! "If I'm honest, I don't plan on going back there even if I was offered all the treasures in the sea." Orange gave a look.. before turning away, giving a look at the water below. "Now you three better eat up and get some rest. It's getting late...I think your old clothes might be dry now. I'm betting you'd want them back."
Pink clapped her hands together. "Yes, please! You'd probably want your own dresses back."
"Sure."....Your gaze glanced over to Orange who still floated curled up and saddened. ".. Actually. There's some holes in the fabric I need to sew up for you. Why don't you three get some rest and we'll deal with that tomorrow?"
Pink nodded. "Sounds good! You also must be tired still! Go rest yourself!"
You nodded turning to leave the three behind as you slowly walked out. Blue starting up another crying fit as Pink took her share away from her hands. Orange remained silent in the same curled up position as before. F/c eyes gave her another look.. before turning away and leaving. You didn't think any of them heard the front door opening and closing shut again.
The lull of water is calm.
The movement of it's nature unpredictable.
The comfort of home made any dangers worth while.
The only thing needed was the ones surrounding the warm body. Keeping her safe and comforted against the unpredictable waters. A look up beheld a sight. Sunlight bedazzled from up above safely lighting up the cavern so deep below. A few jellyfish and fish lazily swimming by. A perfect meal for a quick breakfast. If she could move that was. The soft sand only held her weighed down body as a burlier one napped away by her left side with an arm thrown around her pulling her against his chest as two smaller figures were curled literally on top of them one snoring obnoxiously loud. Couldn't be helped she was the only one here that was awake ...But one of their pod was missing. 
Her eyes looked up. A smile who's warmth could challenge the sun overshadowed any beautiful sights above her. Fuchsia eyes crinkled up in adoration at her own. 
"Shh. Don't wake up anyone. I got a present for you."
"For me? Just me?"
"But of course! I spoil all my wives individually and this turn is yours. Look."
It was beautiful shining in the light. Golden strands holding up amber cut into small pieces and smoothed to perfection.
"I found this and was instantly reminded of you. Here. Try it on. It'll make your beautiful face all that much more flamboyant."
"Lord Tengen, it's beautiful. I-I don't know what to say."
A hand tilted the woman's face up to meet his eyes. "How about I love you? I love you, Makio.~"
A snort of bubbles escaped from her lungs floating up to the surface of the water. Where was she? It was cold and hard. Nothing like their seafloor home. A loud snore next to her brought her tired brain back to reality. Oh right. She was stuck in a random bath miles away from her home and sleeping on cold hard tiles instead of her soft home surrounded by her family..Well all of her family. She nudged her shoulder until the snoring ox that was her wife floated onto the bottom instead without waking. She swore she could sleep through a hurricane-
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
Her eyes looked up at the surface of the water. Footsteps? At this time of night? Who'd be up in the middle of the night like this? Suspicions provoked curiosity which sparked actions as she rose up. Up, up, up. Pushing up from the surface to poke her head out-
"Good morning!" You smiled down at Orange holding a stack of clean towels you were going to place on the shelf. She blinked at you in surprise before you turned to place said towels back on the shelf. "I hope I didn't wake you up."
Orange blinked some more before yawning and reaching a wet hand up to wipe her eyes. "What are you doing up in the middle of the night?! Don't you humans get any sleep?"
"Actually I was asleep most of the night, and it's not 'in the middle of the night.' It's six in the morning. I just woke up and figured I should put all the laundry away. I'm done repairing you three's clothes by the way." You gestured to a pile of neatly folded dresses and a rather large bowl of apples near the edge of the pool. "I also brought you all something to eat. It's not much but it'll help fill you."
Her response was to just look at it blankly. "...Thanks."
You nodded and there was a moment of silence before you spoke again. "I'm sorry."
Her eyes blinked at you. "What?"
"I said I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you earlier. I mean you've been through a lot and I probably wasn't helping with your stress. So.." You made a motion with your hand. "Sorry about that."
"...It's fine." She muttered looking away again frowning. "Just forget that ever happened if it makes you feel better."
"This isn't about me. It's about how you all feel. Can't imagine how you all must feel but I think I have something that might cheer you up!"
Her brow rose. "I doubt that."
You smiled. "Oh I think it will considering if it's the right box."
Box? Her eyes snapped back up watching intently as you walked on over to the open doorway and stepped partially out leaning to the right of the doorframe. A metal jingling filled the air as you grunted and turned back around smiling. Orange's jaw dropped and her eyes nearly popped out of her skull as she stared at the box. Then at you. Then at the box. Then at you. Then she repeated the actions mouth opening and closing for a solid minute before finally coughing up one word.
Well it wasn't easy. You still mentally cursed yourself for being stupid enough to actually go back there in the middle of the NIGHT no less. You were EXTREMELY lucky you weren't caught the first time you were there! But you supposed you were foolish enough to sneak back through town and back to that barn. You were half hoping for the window to be locked this time since the door still was, but you were filled with dread when the window once again slipped open.
"Wasn't easy. Have you ever tried digging through a massive pile of hay with no light? And then trying to be sneaky with a giant jingling box? I'm honestly surprised that no one heard me fall out the window." Good thing you remembered to close it behind you.
"But-..I-.." Orange shook her head harder. "You didn't have to!!"
"I know but I wanted to and no offense but don't expect me to go crawling through anymore windows for you guys. It's a pain in the neck." You plopped down the box onto the floor which made a loud jingling noise. 
Orange didn't say anything. Only stared wide eyed at the box before reaching out shaking hands and pulling it towards her. It was an old box, starting to rot away but still too hard for you to break in. A rusty metal latch was on the front and an old lock kept it from opening. You had tried to pick the lock and pull it off to no avail. You smiled watching Orange shake the box which jingled. You guessed you got the right bo-
Orange blinked. One minute you were standing there, and then the next minute you were gone. What the-?
"She's hurt!!" 
Her head turned. You spat out a stream of water completely soaked from being yanked into the water, and was being death hugged by a sniveling, crying mermaid.
"Good morning to you, Blue," you deadpanned looking at Orange who seemed just as surprised as you were.
"Hey! What's the big idea?!"
"AAAAHHH. She's gonna ddiiiieeee!!" Blue wailed planting her head on your shoulder.
"I'm not dying!" "She's not gonna die you loudmouthed bass!" You both yelled out.
All the commotion must've woke up Pink because a moment later she took popped up. "What is going on here?!" ..She blinked seeing you deadpanned patting the sobbing mermaid's shoulder. "What happened?"
"She's gonna die! WWAAAAHHH!!"
Orange groaned again. "Oh for the love of- SHE'S NOT DYING SNAIL FOR BRAINS!!"
"BUT SHE'S BLEEDING!!" You yelped and shouted out as Blue without a problem forced one of your hands into the air revealing the red stained bandage wrapped around it. She was a lot stronger than she looked!
The other two stared in stunned silence before Pink grabbed your arm and with more surprising strength pulled you towards her looking at your hand in horror. "What happened?"
"I tried to pick the lock using the top of one of my knives. My hands slipped and I ended up cutting myself. I'm fine." You tugged on your arm but it was like you were held by pure concrete. "I swear it's fine! It's not even that deep. I'm just mad I couldn't get the stupid box open."
Pink looked up. Uh oh- "Box?" Her head snapped to Orange and stared at the old box in her hands. Before her anger snapped to you. Double uh oh- "What is THAT doing here?!" She demanded to you. "I thought I told you to forget about it!"
"You did."
"And you went back putting yourself in danger!"
"Yeah. That one's on me I admit."
"Then why did you?"
"Because I wanted to," you answered honestly, "And it wasn't fair to leave behind something so important to you guys. Sorry I couldn't get it open. I tried everything I co-"
C R A C K!!
You three looked over and was stunned by Orange literally ripping the top right off of the box, nail and all.
"You know what? That works too."
Y'know you knew these three were really pretty. Obviously they were a lot prettier than most of the women you've met in your small town. You guessed that's normal for mermaids. But you weren't expecting to see just how beautiful they really were.
"Come on and get get out of there." You motioned for them to get out after you had wrestled yourself out of Blue's grip with Orange's help and crawled out of the tub to get changed. This was the second time you had gotten soaked because of these Three. "I have a rinse out the bath and clean the place today. You guys got water everywhere."
On second thought you'd  clean up the floors first and then rinse the tub after. The three sure were curious watching you mip the tiled floors before motioning for them to crawl themselves out of there. You watched as the three of them used their arms to pull themselves out of the water, and you finally saw their tails. Well you've seen them before but you either only saw them briefly, they were covered in dirt, or you weren't really paying attention because of other factors. But as you ran the water to rinse out the tub to fill it up again for them but you happened to look up during that time and paused. Your jaw dropped. Eyes going wide. Holy cow!
They were all absolutely beautiful!
They're tails looked so pretty! Colorful, vibrant, and absolutely GLOWING in the light as the three absolutely frenzied upon the box in a similar fashion to how they dove upon every meal you've given them. You never got a chance to see what was inside but watched in awe as a small pile of jewelry piled onto the floor. ..And you did mean small. For such a big box, there was only a few pieces that can tumbling out. A few necklaces, bracelets, and one long golden strand of studded blue sapphires. Each took to them like dogs to prime steak. Each of them slapping the dazzling accessories onto each other. But you weren't paying too much attention to the jewelry. 
You were too busy admiring the beautiful mermaids.
Each one has a tail that matched their eyes. Pink's was red where her waist met her scales but quickly faded to a pretty magenta pink with a semi spotted pattern along her fins. Orange didn't really have an orange tail, but her scales shines so golden that you were sure that it was made of actual gold for a second. Blue's was pretty plain at first compared to the fanciness of the others, but her fins were much much longer and ruffled up big and large. It reminded you of very fancy fabric. The three were finished changing back into their original clothes (your poor dresses left in a wet soggy pile on the floor) and they were all practically beaming to the nines decked out back in their belongings. Smiling and happy.
They were very beautiful. No wonder sailors always warned others about their dangerous allure. 
You shook you head. "Alright. The tub should be back full in a minute." The three looked up at you. "Then you all can get back in. I'll get you all some food too. You all seem a little thin."
That wasn't good. You'd noticed that the three of them seemed to be a little bit thin probably from the fact that they hadn't been treated well. You wanted to be sure that they were in good health before you freed them, if anything bad happened...You didn't want to think about that. They could stay for a little while longer and recover a bit more. You'd have to increase the size of their meals but you also didn't want to have them here for too long.. You'd let them stay for the rest of this month and next month and increase the amount of food you gave them. They seemed to like protein and meat based foods, so you'd have to put an increase in those above fruits and vegetables. Sigh..This wasn't going to be easy.
"Hm?" You blinked as a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you to sit down- More like trip to until you fell sideways onto your bottom and was then dragged over to sit in the middle of the three. "Hey!"
 Not surprising that Blue was sobbing and hugging one of your arms again as Orange forced your injured palm into her own hands tearing up the bandages to look at it. You decided to not fight this time and allow the two to satisfy their need for touch.
"It's fine. Really. I'm just happy you're happy, Blue."
"*sniffle*...Blue?" Blue finally pulled away to look at you in question. Her body had quite a few golden bracelets along her arms, and a necklace of tiny shells sat neatly over her shoulders. But what must've been the most prominent piece of jewelry was a rather large gold chain with sapphires embedded into it. It was so long she had to wrap it around her waist multiple times like a belt.
You shrugged as Orange scowled at the not so deep cut on your palm. "Well I don't know your name. I've just kinda been calling you all by your eye color. It'd be rude and confusing to just call you three 'Mermaid' all the time."
"That's right." You turned to Pink who smiled at you, she was now adorned in a silver choker studded with shiny red rubies. A matching pair of ruby earrings dangled from her ears as her head tilted.  She also wore a few silver bracelets although not as many as Blue. Her hand placed itself on her chest. "My name is Hinatsuru. Hinatsuru Uzui." She then pointed at Blue. "This is Suma Uzui, and that's Makio Uzui."
She gestured to Orange who was busy rubbing a sleeve of one of your wet dresses on your palm to 'clean' it (nevermind you had ALREADY cleaned it this morning before bandaging it). Orange-..Makio as she was called, wore the most gold jewelry. A necklace shaped In a triangle on her chest studded with...Amber? You thought those pretty stones were amber. A few things gold chains wrapped around her tail almost blending in with her gold scales, and you thought you spotted a pair of golden hoop earrings behind her bangs. 
"My name's Y/n. Y/n L/n." 
Uzui huh? They all had the same last name. Did that mean they were related? You looked at them all again. They.. didn't exactly look alike. All had different eye colors, very different tails, and their facial features all had slight differences. We're they sisters? Cousins maybe? They all had the same colored hair minus Makio's golden bangs and they all looked around the same age. So maybe???
"Are you three sisters?" You asked curiously.
Hinatsuru blinked a moment before smiling again. "Oh no! Not at all. We're wives!"
...You blinked. Taking a moment to process what you heard. "Wait. Wives? As in...you three are married?" You gestured the hand Makio wasn't still looking over at the three of them. "To each other?"
"Well its not just us! Our husbands are probably worried sick about us by now."
You stared at her wider. "Husbands?! As in..Two of them?!"
"Yes! You'd like them! They're both so doting!"
Your mouth only opened up in shocked disbelief-
Your gaze snapped back to Makio who ripped a long strand of fabric out of your wet dress with her fangs before proceeding to wrap said wet strand around your palm.
"....My dress."
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
Just a question have you ever written for Beckman
Yes, and I love him ✋😩✋ Very much a loud and proud member of the Benn Beckman Wives Army. He's a part of my main special interests. If anyone ever wants to Fic Gift Swap with me, he's the main blorbo I request for.
Here are a few I've written prior:
When you had the chance
Serving as first mate to the Buggy-Pirates, it was your job to keep your captain grounded and uplifted. When tempers flared, he decided to confront his childhood rival once and for all - pulling out all the stops to finally lay their feud to rest. One of them would be leaving with their life, the other fallen at their feet. Instead of stifling his fury, you decided to elevate your captain’s wrath: seeking vengeance of your own against the man who once cast you aside after you confessed your feelings for him. Crew against crew, Captain against Captain, First-Mate against First-Mate - will you win, or lie at the mercy of the man you once loved.
Mister Beckman
The first mate of the Red-Hair pirates is attempting to relax and enjoy his evening with you, but is rudely interrupted by Shanks' tinkering and clanging within the Captain's quarters.
Kind and Gentle
Your shoulders and back ached with a pain you had attempted to cast aside as you went about your duties. The ache turned excruciating, your focus now being taken hostage between the gripping pain. Fortunately, the grip of two firm hands found your body and eased you through the torment.
You Shot a Baby (Dialogue)
Benn Beckman shot Eustass Kid's arm off. You are not happy about it.
And here are some that I absolutely recommend if you haven't already checked them out!:
Two Days: @jintaka-hane
Reminiscing about the time Beckman first met you, the Red-Force docks for two days so you both can share some highly anticipated time together.
Unspoken Affections: @icy-spicy
Confessions and disciplinary scolding, you tend to the wounds of your crewmen before turning to clean up the First-Mate.
Together: @cinnbar-bun
As the "mom" and "dad" of the Red-Hair Pirates, you and Beckman have a lot of work on your plates. (Un)Luckily for you two, your crew decides to meddle with your relationship (again).
Distractions: @discordantwritings
As the doctor for the Red Haired Pirates you know there’s only so much you can do to curb their bad habits. But maybe you can help your favorite patient, Benn Beckman, kick his smoking habit with a bit of distraction.
Give (In) and Take (me): @sordidmusings
After a night of drinking, you finally work up the courage to make your move on the first mate. Although he has longed for you from afar, he believes you're too good for him and restrains himself from giving in. Until he doesn't.
The way Benn Beckman lives in my head rent free, at all times. I adore the man.
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jesi555 · 1 year
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smut for fem readers, when i post twt links idc what skin colour the person has in the vid and my fics usually dont indicate physical features. but if you'd like specific stuff just send me an ask and i'll find something close to what you like. breeding, exhibitionism, choking/breath play, somno, Quirofilia (hand kink), cnc, degradation/humiliation, impact play, praise, Katoptronophilia, Vicarphilia etc.
one piece : luffy, zoro, nami, buggy, aokiji, ussop, sanji, robin, mihawk, doflamingo, roger, hancock, shanks, kidd, law, katakuri, ace, vivi, yamato, crocodile , smoker, lucci.
jjk : gojo, toji, geto, shoko, todo, noritoshi, nanami, sukuna, shiu.
kny : rengoku, uzui+wives, mitsuri, sanemi, obanai, muzan, akaza.
others : sakura, shikamaru, itachi, hidan, madara, tobirama, hashirama, jiraiya, nana(s), loid, chrollo, illumi, kurapika.
꩜ NO GO'S ❌
CANONICALLY MINOR CHARACTERS, amab + male reader + etc, pseudo/step-cest/incest, dom! reader, necro, vore, sacrilege, character x character, pregnant reader (i enjoy the preggo reader fics to some extent but i dont like writing them), orgies, stalking, pegging, rim jobs, age regression, lolicon, ddlg, yandere, foot fetish, bukkake, non-con recording, lactation, breast feeding, mommy kink, watersports, piss kink, domestic abuse, brainwashing, scat, cbt, food play, snowballing, race play, pet play, m-preg, bestiality, eating disorders, master kink, wound fucking, heavy bleeding, dad’s best friend (maybe, ask b4) etc.
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smallestapplin · 1 year
Would you still love me, even if I was a worm?
Please note there are 3 Pokémon classified as work pokemon and they are all bug types
Wives edition (only Cynthia, Rika, and Cyllene cause my wrist cannot handle more.) pure fluff
You look up at her as you lay across her lap.
Cynthia looks down, her uncovered grey eyes locking with yours. She can’t help but smile, you look so cute in her lap, gazing at her with such love yet curiosity.
“Yes, dear?”
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Her brain stops.
She blinks once, twice, before rapidly doing so. You look at her so earnestly, like you want a genuine answer….but-
“What kind of worm would you be? It would I entirely depend as Snoms, Caterpies, and wurmples are all wildly different. And if you want to be technical burmies as well, since they are the bag worm Pokémon-“
“Oh, yes?”
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Dear, that entirely depends on which worm though!”
You watch as she rambles, listing off the logistics, and what each worm needs and how well it would do in certain environments.
She probably would, but you’ll never get an answer as her mind plays all sorts of scenarios.
She loves it when you spent time with her at work, she’s usually alone so no one is around to tell you or her off for this, and she uses every chance she can to love on you. But she notices you have something on your mind.
She hums, moving you from her lap to on top of her desk.
“Got something on your mind, doll?”
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Oh you’re too cute for her heart to handle! You look so meek, so nervous, so adorable, fuck she loves you.
“Oh sweetie.” Rika places a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“I’d buy you the best fruits for your little work self to feed on, let you ride around on my shoulder just so I can still love on my buggy baby.”
Her smile grows as you giggle, covering your mouth while you do so, but she continues.
“Get you a nice big enclosure covered in pretty flowers, and with a nice branch for you to get cozy on. And of course a lot of the most how quality dirt I can get ya.”
“All for me?”
“All for you, no matter what you’re my sunshine.”
And she will be damned if anything happens to you.
You knew what the answer would be, at least, you thought you did. After getting injured and being sidelined until you’re fully healed, you’ve been bothering your betrothed a lot more now that you can’t leave the village.
And she’s the only one constantly around for you to lovingly bother.
You sat in her office, Abra dozing in your lap from all your comforting pets. The silence being filled with Cyllene’s pen moving across paper.
Your silence has her concerned, usually you’re more chatty or at least much closer to her, you never sit to the side like this.
She glances over to you before looking back at her paperwork.
“Yes, dear?”
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
The office falls still and quiet.
Her pen to the side and she looks deep in conflicted thought.
You thought you’d get an out right ‘no’ but you never thought you’d make her spiral.
You can see her arguing with herself in her head, unsure of what to even say. On one hand she loves you dearly, you mean so much to her, on the other hand….she loathes bugs, she can’t even imagine being in the same room as a wurmple!
But the bug would be you…
“Cyllene, please breathe!”
She’s snapped from her thoughts as you gently shake her, your arm around her back and your free hand on her forearm.
She takes a few deep breathes to calm herself, but you can’t escape her questioning.
“Why ask such a thing? You know I love you, correct?”
“I do, I just…thought it would be a silly thing to ask, maybe joke about it?”
You nervously laugh, feeling her steen gaze staying locked onto you.
“You truly are something else.” She sighs.
But you perk right up “But that’s why you love me!”
You’re right, but damn.
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everyone thinks "the moon will sing" is a shuggy song. WRONG! "the moon will sing" is a roger pirates and buggy song. the crane wives shuggy song you're looking for is "never love an anchor"
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
(I love The Wives and honestly, keep it together, Buggy)
(PG, pregnancy talk)
Somehow it managed to happen all at once.
The three were sitting together in the kitchen, speaking in hushed voices when Buggy showed up for breakfast. He thought something was wrong by the way they stopped talking when he walked in. He wondered what he did now by the way they were looking at him.
Sunny looked serious.
Cupcake looked nervous.
Birdie was... neutral.
"What... Did I do?" Buggy asked, wondering if he could escape the punishment that no doubt waited for him. He tried to be good about not fucking up around his wives but he wasn't perfect, dammit.
They all shared a look before looking back at him.
"You need to sit down, honey." Sunny told him gently. He looked at the other two who nodded in agreement. Swallowing nervously, Buggy took a seat, glancing between all three as Sunny reached across the table for his hand. "I need you to stay calm with what we're about to tell you, Buggy."
"Why, what's wrong?" His mind started racing. Was something wrong? Was one of them sick, or were they all three leaving him? Or was just one of them, maybe Sunny was finally fed up with him or Cupcake wanted to move on or maybe Birdie was just giving up on him. Why, why were they going to tell him this way? "Please, don't leave, I'll do better, just don't leave me-"
"We aren't leaving, babe." Cupcake assured him as she put her hand on his shoulder. "It's just..."
The three looked at each other before Birdie spoke. They agreed she'd be the calmest about it. She could deliver any kind of news with a smile on her face, unlike Cupcake and Sunny who would both panic and get flustered.
"Buggy, love, all three of us are pregnant." Birdie told him as she put her hand on his arm.
He stared at her for a moment before he started laughing. "This is a joke, right?"
"Nope." Sunny shook her head.
"Not at all." Cupcake sighed.
"It really isn't." Birdie assured him, giving his arm a squeeze. "We are all about the same, two months along." She chuckled softly and smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't panic too much. "You know your birthday was two months ago, right?"
All three of them.
At once.
This... Was something he didn't quite plan for. It never crossed his mind. There was one conversation once about kids with them individually a while ago.
Sunny said maybe one day.
Cupcake said no, shaking her head.
Birdie said yes, when everyone was ready.
Now all three were and... Was Buggy ready?
He... He wasn't sure.
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foxnikki · 2 months
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 & 𝕯𝕹𝕴
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➤ What I write!
fluff, angst, comfort. Character x reader, character x character, poly. M!Reader, GN!Reader, F!Reader. Drabble, headcanons, alphabet, fanfic.
Currently writing for Jujutsu Kaisen, Kimetsu No Yaiba and One Piece!
➤ Who I write for!
Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Maki Zenin, Toge Inumaki, Yuta Okkotsu, Kinji Hakari, Kirara Hoshi, Noritoshi Kamo, Aoi Todo, Toji Fushiguro, Shiu Kong, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Ieiri Shoko, Kento Nanami, Takuma Ino, Choso, Naoya Zenin, Hiromi Higuruma, Fumihiko Takaba, Charles Bernards, Junpei Yushino, Ryomen Sukuna, Uraume, Mahito [platonically] -JJK Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Hotaru Haganezuka, Yoriichi Tsugikuni, Gyutaro, Daki, Kaigaku, Akaza, Douma, Kokushibo, Kyogai, Muzan Kibutsuji, Kyojuro Rengoku, Gyomei Himejima, Muichiro Tokito, Giyu Tomioka, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Shinobu Kocho, Mitsuri Kanroji, Obanai Iguro, Tengen Uzui [with his wives] - KNY Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Ibara Shiozaki, Neito Monoma, Tamaki Amajiki, Yo Shindo, Inasa Ioarashi, Keigo Takami, Shota Aizawa, Touya Todoroki, Himiko Toga, Atsuhiro Sako, Kai Chisaki. - BNHA Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kei Tsukishima, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Yu Nishinoya, Koushi Sugawara, Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, Toru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Kentaro Kyotani, Tetsuro Kuroo, Kozume Kenma, Morisuke Yaku, Lev Haiba, Taketora Yamamoto, Takanobu Aone, Kanji Koganegawa, Kotaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Akinori Konoha, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Eita Semi, Satori Tendo, Tsutomu Goshiki, Yuji Terushima, Suguru Daisho, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Motoya Komori, Shinsuke Kita, Osamu Miya, Atsumu Miya, Rintaro Suna, Korai Hoshiumi. - Hq Monkey D. Luffy [platonically], Koby, Shanks, Roronoa Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Buggy, Smoker, Portgas D. Ace, Sir Crocodile, Gild Tesoro - OP [Currently watching One Piece so probably I will add more characters to write for over time!]
Any other character not written in this list will not be accepted!
➤ What I DON'T write!
P*do, inc*st, zooph*lia, r*pe. Anything with v*mit, sc*t, p*ss. Smut.
➤ DNI!
racists, pedophiles, homophobes, sexists, proshippers. If you send hate in my inbox or dm's hate I will block you!
➤ Remember that I'm a student, so if you send a request it might be take time. Please, be patient! ^.^
© ꜰᴏxɴɪᴋᴋɪ on tumblr - do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform. Comments and reblogs are appreciated.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Adding on to generalized chronic pain issues, specifically Devil fruit users-
The human body is about 60% water.
There's water in bone too, sorry Brook, no saving yourself there.
DF users have to keep up on hydration, but what if their inability to tolerate water includes ANY kind of water.
Luffy v Crocodile last fight in Alabasta, fighting with his blood - it affected him.
Tears? Big impacts.
Humidity? Rain? Storms? The affects are relatively minor but they are Still There. Most DF users, after an overexposure to water/rain/heavy humidity, will at best have a slight headache. At worst? Those old wives tales of staying out in the rain leading to sickness are REAL.
With my Buggy obsession, I am leaning heavily into impacts to him and those around him. So Buggy's immune system is WACKED out, both bc hus nervous system never quite got with the program of his powers and genetic predisposition. It's one of the reasons he got sick just before Laugh Tale. Fevers weren't uncommon for him AT ALL which is why none of the other Rogers were very concerned.
Shanks, though? He knew. He and Buggy had a whole ass SYSTEM for dealing with it. ((A system he drunkenly regaled Mihawk with often enough for the swordsman to have it committed to memory.))
Buggy studies medicine a bit, and so any Devil fruit users on Karai Bari have a specialty medicine made specifically with their abilities, biology, etc, in mind - including Crocodile. He doesn't let them suffer alone, bc he knows how it is and he refuses to let any of HIS be subjected to that.
Buggy just also doesn't reach out himself when he isn't doing well - enter Mihawk being like "Hello, I - stop screaming - I brought you your tea. Shanks waxed poetic about your teas for hours. Yes, I am aware of the time. No, I do not care that you are under dressed. Lay back down. I brought medicine for your headache."
Cue goth swordsman awkwardly going through the motions of caring for a sick, needy but very hesitant clown. And eventually he even finds the other... rather cute, all sleepy and smiling and soft spoken.
Crocodile eventually catches on and swings by, intending to bully Buggy a bit, but then he ALSO get charmed and reminded of the balms for his scars, the specialty drinks Buggy had made for him, and he just... can't.
It becomes p normal when Karai Bari has a higher humidity level or rain incoming for even the regular, standard officers to remind the DF users among them to take it easy, not push it, and it's silly and over the top bc they can't he expected to do anything less.
((Bonus silly idea, Buggy is out helping with muscle work before a big storm hits, even the typical human mercs can feel the moisture in the air, and one dude just. Scoops Buggy up, all sunshine smiles like "let us handle this, Chairman Buggy! Someone as incredibly kind and courageous as yourself can rest easy with us here!"
Buggy is both flattered, offended and flustered in one go. Flattered bc "oh they DO care...", offended bc this guy did NOT just baby him did he???, and flustered bc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBeingHeldHELP?????
Croc would either choke on his cigar or just scoop buggy up from the other guy like "i got this, carry on"
Mihawk thought would probably shatter his wine glass, expressionless, and grab n go.
No they are NOT jealous, no they did NOT think the blush was cute on their clown- THE CLOWN, no, everyone shut up, the rain is getting to their heads, fuck off.))
This is awesome. The whole concept about DF users being affected by regular water too is great because it just adds more angst to the whole thing and it becomes more of a risk to eat the fruits. Gonna skip directly to the Cross Guild thing and say that I am SO soft and weak for Croc and Mihawk to end up smitten by Buggy somehow when they weren't planning on it. And they're so protective and take care of him and,,,, That's their boyfriend idc idc idc.
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brideofhantengu · 8 months
The thing about Hantengu...
He's so seemingly weak on the outside, so frail and thin and old but he's so strong. And what makes him a sick bastard is the fact that he /knows/ he is strong. This man cowers in fear even as this horrendous creature yet he went full Order 66 on his wives and kids. He stabbed a blind man to death after he confronted Hantengu about his stealing. He wants you to believe he is weak and vulnerable so he can continue to kill and not get caught. Not because he feels a deep shame for the murders but because he can't handle the consequences that come with being guilty. Could he have a personality disorder? Yes. Absolutely. And the clones are my backing. I have no idea if his malicious tendencies are because he was neglected as a boy or not, but he shivers and cries as though he genuinely doesn't remember committing such crimes. Unless of course he's a great fucking actor, but this is not likely. He may truly be delusional.
His physical manifestation as a demon has eyes sunken further into his head than when he was human, glowing red with yellow irises so small his kanji is hardly even visible. As a human his eyes were still sunken but buggy and all white. No irises to be seen until he widened his eyes in realization at the magistrate who condemned him to death. There's an aura of anxiety that surrounds him, yes, but speckled in pure evil. His appearance is so cold but inside he is burning with a fiery rage and intent to kill. He took the last breath of countless lives in his lifetime and as a demon, he devoured even more, ripping them to shreds like a rabid beast. He is creepy and calculated- his correction to Gyokko with his recollection of how many years since the last summons was quick and it shows in his time alone, he is hung up on power and battle. He WANTS to unleash his young and handsome clones. He WANTS to live vicariously through them completely unharmed. He felt as though his evil was unlimited as a demon, something a human man can not relate to.
I love him because he is complex, dark and psychological. He is a mentally sick man, but god I find him so sexy and I don't know why. It's not that I romanticize mental illness, I myself am diagnosed BPD and DID and there is nothing sexually appealing about what I go through, but Hantengu is remarkably sensual in the way that his mind won't let him survive without making sure you know you've upset him, the way his collar bones show through the V line opening in his silky kimono, his joints and masculine bones exposed through his tight and withered skin... His unruly black hair that rests upon his narrow shoulders, his rugged demonic nails and pointed chin with defined jawline and cheekbones... The way each tendon pulls with every turn... The Adams apple in his exposed neck... Never truly seeing his facial features in the light, never truly seeing all the little details in each line and protrusion... Just an expression of sheer terror. A traditional Oni.
To me he is beautiful. To me he is mine.
I love him.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 5 months
Tengen: Yes, me and my wives had decided that Miss Y/N would be our fourth wife.
Kaeya: haha That's so adorable! Not if I sway her first!
Tengen: Are you trying to pick a fight with me?! So Unflashy!
Kaeya: The only unflashy thing here is your boasting ego!
Y/n*holding their order*...i'm... I'm literally here?
Buggy: *taking their order* Their idiota, Say, are you free after work?
From this:
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gennemi · 5 months
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My requests are open! I do Smut, Angst, and Fluff! You can submit your requests in as anon! As long as you are 18+! I don't mind doing Female/gender neutral or non binary reader! I'm fine with LGBTQIA+ related stuff!
Things I will do is: Headcanons, SMAU (Social Media AU), one-shots, and small drabbles as far as like anime goes!
I will also do Modern AU with Demon Slayer, One Piece and Attack on Titan! And No Curses AU with JJK!
I'm also starting to write for Attack On Titan and Obey Me!
My nos for smut:
-Non Con/Rape/Dubious Consent
-Scat, Piss/Throw up Kink
Others I won't write for:
-Large Age Gaps
-Minor/Adult relationships
I'm an active rper! I do rp Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Obey Me! , and Pokemon! Discord is in bio! MUST BE 18+ I DON'T RP WITH MINORS!!!
I will also tell you if I'm uncomfortable with doing a certain thing! Don't get mad/upset. I have boundaries with writing certain things to do with Smut, Fluff and Angst! I just don't feel comfortable with writing somethings that can be triggering!
I'm also starting a taglist!!! Lemme know if you want to be apart of my taglist either via DM or Inbox!!!
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A/N:The characters listed are the ones I'm mostly familiar with writing for!/can try to write for! I will add more later! I'll even do Live Action One Piece for some of the characters listed (Mihawk, Zoro, Shanks, and Buggy)
-Trafalgar Law
-Portgas D. Ace
-Dracule Mihawk
-Roronao Zoro
-Sanji Vinsmoke
-Monkey D. Luffy
- Shanks
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A/N: Same applies for this one also, it's only characters I can try/familiar with writing for! I will add more later!
-Sanemi Shinazugawa
-Genya Shinazugawa- SFW ONLY
-Tanjiro Kamado- SFW ONLY
-Muzan Kibutsuji
-Hantengu Clones
-Tengen Uzui + wives
- Kyojuro Rengoku
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Satoru Gojo
-Kento Nanami
-Yuji Itadori- SFW ONLY
-Megumi Fushiguro- SFW ONLY
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Grusha- Pokemon Violet/Scarlett
-Arven- Pokemon Violet/Scarlett
-Steven Stone-Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/XYZ
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Levi Ackerman (Just him for now)
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A/N: same with here! I'll be writing for the brothers I'm more comfortable with rn, will add the rest of the brothers/characters later!
A/N: It will take me a while to get to writing the requests out!!!! And if my inbox is full I will close off the requests!!! And I will open them back up when I get caught up on requests!!! I'm sometimes busy so it will take a while!! I don't want to burn myself out on writing to much, so I will take breaks!!! My bio and this post will let you know if my requests are open or closed!!! I will also update my masterlist as I go!! I will do a separate masterlist for any series I do that will have longer parts!! Be patient with me as I'm only one person! It will take me a while to do requests!! I will probably be making a separate account for The Walking Dead/The Boondock Saints! But this is my Multi fandom Account!
That should be all for now!! Thank you!! Don't be shy to request anything!!! And ask to be apart of my Taglist!!!
My One Piece Tumblr: @traffydren
My discord: gennemi. (Period included)
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🖤✨𝑹𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕✨🖤
I rp!
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fanaticsnail · 10 months
Hello! I was just wanting to request a request your way for Mihawk (OPLA) with a fellow Warlord please?
Preferably female and chubby (if that's okay!) who uses Polearms/spears and has a kind + warm attitude.
Scenario: Both have to work together under the orders of Garp to track down some pirates who've ganged together to cause havoc and its them having to figure out how to actually work together as a team and not individuals with mutual pining >:)
Song: Tongues and Teeth - The crane wives
Have an awesome day!
Pining 😫. Yes, absolutely. Of all of fanfic writing, pining is my absolutely favourite flavour to divulge in.
The song! I'm ✨obsessed✨. It's really shown me the vibe you want for the piece written.
I can already see the battle sequences of push and pull. I'm imagining she be more scrappy in her style, her joy in battle gleefully falling from her lips as they dance amongst each other in the thralls of combat; Mihawk always remaining steady and calculated with his blade.
Mutual respect for their titles, Ginger Cat x Black Cat/Doberman energy.
Disclaimer: I don't regularly utilise body, skin, eye, hair descriptors other than using terms that are exclusively feminine or masculine to have the "reader" be imagined in a multitude of ways. I am more than happy to make an exception to my rule in this case, but I usually prefer not to for ambiguity.
I have a few other pieces to complete before this one, unless the dice roll otherwise.
In the interim, here is the Masterlist for you to consume should you desire some other Mihawk fics. I'm yet to truly write a one-shot for him (I tried, and now it's an ongoing series).
He makes appearances in:
Dance Series: swing, sway, shag & shimmy (Mihawk x reader x Buggy fic) {Synopsis: a night off was granted by captain Buggy and his pirates. Acrobatic reader impresses both of the men with her dance style. Both men decide they have the ability to potentially play nice as they share the acrobat. (Smut in chapter 4)}
Bar Shift: as a patron of Baratie (Sanji fic) {Synopsis: Sanji and Reader are work husband and work wife. They develop feelings of infatuation as they flirtatiously navigate their way through developing rapport as coworkers and now a relationship.}
The Apprentice: the one-shot that got out of hand because I love talking about wine (Mihawk fic). {Synopsis: bitchy boss and their bratty underling, enemies to lovers. Sword fighting, wine tasting and navigating complex feelings. (nudity mentioned in chapter 2 and 3, chapter 5 smut)}
You Should Be Sad: 3-part series of angst, fluff & smut. {Synopsis: Mihawk ruins his relationship with his former fiancé by not giving her the attention and care she truly longed for. She is a talented musician, performing at Baratie when she sees her ex-lover. Sings her wrath to have him feel something. (Angst in part 1, fluff in part 2, smut in part 3)}
I've also got two fics that are active works in progress upcoming:
El tango du Mihawk: Dance Series. {Synopsis: a talented thief manages to obtain an invite to the marine ball and decides to utilise it as a great opportunity to steal from the wealthiest members of the world government. Mihawk immediately recognises them and decides to toy with their scheming, tango dancing ensues.}
The Marine's Mistake. {Synopsis: something horrible occured to rid the warlord of his signature facial hair. Cadets had gathered and began whispering in hushed tones as Garp held a seated meeting with the warlord at a table in a run of the mill tavern. A new transfer does not recognise the sleek cheeks of the handsome gentlemen and immediately decides to approach to flirtatiously engage him over a drink or two. Mihawk is amused.}
I will add this to the ever growing Mihawk list and aim to complete it shortly! Thank you for your request! ❤️
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