#bullying them both has now become a hobby
kayatoastkkat · 11 months
oh hey, Hyde is out here, destroying Jekyll's social life
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for some reason I was reading his lines with this horribly obnoxious and pretentious posh accent it's probably what he's doing here anyway. Get uno-reversed Jekyll.
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you? touching a woman?? scandalous!! away, you foul creature!
jokes aside the shade Hyde is throwing here is unbelievably good like holy hell bro's using his other half's silver tongue to his advantage here
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thank you for this panel, Sage, it truly is the funniest Jekyll pose we've ever seen.
(also how fuckin deep is this lake-)
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aaaand it's another round of "Hyde facing consequences for his actions"!! except this time Jekyll is roped in as well
the bland reaction from Lord Aberdare 😭😭 "I say, sir!"
love the way the last frame outlines looked scribbled, really illustrates the panic Hyde felt when he saw the polis, and his ABSOLUTE WET CAT ENERGY HERE SENT ME DEAR GOD IS HE PATHETIC
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 months
A couple of days ago, I posted some headcanons about Castin. I sprinkled in some Modern AU and I thought: "Why stop there? Why not go crazy? Go stupid?" So after rambling on and on with @moonandstarlightsposts last night (love you, baby~), here's my take on Desmond Asmr's characters in a..
High School AU!
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Characters (background + types of club/school activities they would join)
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A wealthy heiress who was homeschooled her entire life until her legal guardian enrolled her in school so she could gain some life experiences. The aloof, popular girl type was quickly befriended by the Queen Ascendant while she and Reyes were childhood friends because their families were in the same social circle. She's the secret alcohol supplier for Tigress' parties, and her form of payment is favours. So be careful when you request any help from her~
She met Castin after their teacher arranged for her to be his history tutor. She found him annoying at first, but after his heartfelt confession, they slowly became friends and later, a couple after both had to hide in a nearby bathroom before the hall monitor noticed.
She joins the Book Club with Reyes. If you want to find her, she's either reading in the library or chilling at the bleachers during football practice. Occasionally, she raises a thumbs up when Castin hollers at her, her eyes never leaving the pages.
Castin Hammer:
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The popular jock who all the girls write his surname in their notebooks and all the guys want to be. He's riding on a scholarship. Thinks that secured his future, so he's more concern with maintaining his popular image alongside Rhett.
Fell in love at first sight with the Baroness when she got out of the principle office but thinks she's playing hard to get when all his flirting attempts get shot down. After receiving a reality check from Rhett, he becomes more honest with her and confesses to her after they scramble into a bathroom to escape the hall monitor. At first, he was highkey afraid that being his girlfriend would mean she would get bullied by his admirers, but after a particularly nasty cheerleader was expelled due to several allegations, Castin thinks his girlfriend is scary and hot, lol.
He joins the football team after his puberty glows up and is considered one of the school's star players. He likes showing off to the Baroness during practice and insists that she wears his varsity jacket.
Queen Ascendant:
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The girl that can fit in any friend group, but she's no alpha bitch, no, no. The Queen Ascendant is friendly and constantly invited to parties, yet at the end of the day, she only has a few close friends who would stay by her side even after graduation. She's grateful for them. She befriended the Baroness because she looked so awkward during the first week in high school, so she helped her out by showing the ropes and they became close ever since!
The Queen Ascendant actually went to the same middle school with Rhett! Though they were never really friends, they were aware of each other's existence. She thought they were cool, but for some reason, he absolutely hated her guts after prom. This carried over to high school, and everyone knows it. The Baroness once asked if she wanted her to get rid of Rhett, but the Queen Ascendant promised that he was not going to hurt her.
...Aaaannnddd then came abduction. But don't worry! They managed to communicate well and all is good. Now, she has to restrain the Baroness from trying to kill her boyfriend.
She joins the swim team. She's not too big on competition, though. She likes it as a hobby, especially when he bends down to leap into the pool, and Rhett has full view of her ass.
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The face of the high school. The number Mr. popular. Anything and everything he does will circulate around campus THRICE! Everyone wants to be in his friends' group. At least 2 girls would confess to him in a week to the point that there's a running bet. Strangely, he never accepts any of them nor has a girlfriend.
Rhett is Castin's childhood friend and is a constant support figure when his mother dies. He's also unafraid to dish out tough love when Castin needs it.
How she and Rhett became a couple, well, took the entire school by surprise! Everyone knows that Rhett had a personal beef with her, but no one knows - including the Queen Ascendant! - why and he refuses to explain why. The truth? He asked her out to prom during middle school via love letter and slipped it in her locker. Unfortunately, it flew away when Rhett's back was turned. So he was heartbroken when she went with someone else and, thus, has been nursing a grudge ever since.
The two were forced to work together on a school project, which resurfaced his feelings for her, who is still trying to figure out why he hates her so much because he's super hot and cold with her. The boiling point is when he abducted her from her home during the weekend and took her to his family's cabin. They finally talked it out and returned to school as a couple after being missing for 2 whole weeks. Needless to say, their friends were very concerned.
He is the captain of the football club and a damn good leader. He cares for his boys and is close with the coach. Under his captainship, their school won several inter-state competition trophies. Don't admit to his face that he preens like a peacock when the Queen Ascendant watches him in the field. He will punch you.
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The quiet, studious girl who only sticks close to her group. The wallflower that everyone missed. Cupcake tends to get bullied by those who are looking to take advantage of her, forcing her to do their homework and such. Her only goal is to graduate high school with flying colours, keep her head under the radar and help out her family.
She became entangled with Warren when she accidentally caught him sneaking out of school when the teachers were looking for him. To buy her silence, Warren offers to befriend her and keep the bullies away. Everyone in school was surprised and jealous at how closely he stuck to her after that. They gradually fell in love with each other after lots of hardships. He even asked her out to prom!
She joins the Science Club and sometimes tutor the juniors for extra bucks. She doesn't feel comfortable sitting with the Baroness and the Queen Ascendant at the bleachers during Warren's practice at first, but she eventually warms up to them.
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One of the stars of the football team, where he, Rhett and Castin form a trio and so share the same amount of popularity. He always has a new girl hanging off his arm every month. He is the life of the party and sometimes even the host. He and Castin play fight a lot, and rarely butt heads with Rhett. Academically, well, you rarely see him in class because he would rather be somewhere else.
When he met Cupcake, he didn't even know she existed, but the more he hung around her, the more he realised that she was actually pretty funny and chill. Expect him to bring her to parties, introduce her to his friends and be all protective whenever his exes dare mess with her. He's secretly a softie around her and lowkey enjoys looking out for her.
Warren is all about being street-smart and quick on his feet to get out of trouble. His goal is to ensure that Cupcake enjoys high school to the fullest.
He joined the football team as soon as tryouts were open. His varsity jacket is more often found in Cupcake's closet than his.
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Girlboss. Gatekeep. Gaslight. That's VP. She kicks ass and takes names on the regular while running to be valedictorian. Everyone looks up to her, and she owns it. Her style is always on point, and she appears untouchable. In reality? Her home life sucks, so she's desperate to have her public image appear clean.
VP has a fierce rivalry with Wajid because their visions of their club keep clashing. Somehow, Wajid found out about her background and used it against her: either work with him to produce the best show ever so that their after-school curriculum looks great, or he'll deliver the info to the newspaper club. Not wanting to be bested, she seduced him into sleeping with her, took a selfie afterward, and threatened to share the pic with his girlfriend at the time if he tried anything shady.
After that incident, you can hear them fighting non-stop, and sometimes, you might even catch them stumbling out of the janitor closets or other inconspicuous places. Rumours never stop circling around them.
She is the co-leader of the theatre & costume club. Her job is gathering funds for props and textiles and her biggest investor is the Baroness. Sometimes, she would also act on stage with Wajid.
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The cool, serious and somewhat mysterious guy that you can't help but turn your head twice when he walks by. He's a bit intimidating to approach at first but once you get to know him, you'll realise that he's actually... pretty alright. He just ain't got time for drama (which is hilarious because he's all up on VP's business).
The teachers love him because he always submits assignments on time and respects the rules. The girl who one day declares herself his girlfriend likes how obedient he is. To sum it up, Wajid has no complain about his life.
...Until VP rudely tries to usurp his position in the club that he's painstakingly built with sweat, blood and tears. The girl that haunts him like a beautiful spectre. She's a shooting star that tilts his world on its axis. But unknown to her, he enjoys arguing with VP. Enjoys this forbidden feeling growing between them, and for once in his life, he wants to do something for himself.
He is the director of the teacher and costume club. He coordinates every play, interviews actors and actresses, and ensures everything runs smoothly. When he's on stage with VP, he struggles to ignore his growing feelings for her.
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The delinquent, rebellious student who transfers from so many schools because she keeps getting expelled. Her father was wrongly framed and is jailed for life, leaving her in the care of a dirty cop for an uncle. She having a rough time growing up is an understatement.
Tigress is a pretty scrappy fighter. She has connections to all sorts of things and knows lots of people, which has earned her a bit of a reputation. For what it's worth, she's proud of the person she has become.
She and Renae were good friends before his mum accused her dad of embezzling money from their joint company, and that's when bitterness and hatred toward Renae's family set in. She's looking forward to her pound of flesh now that she and Renae are studying at the same school. Despite that, she still has some fondness for her dorky friend, and it really confuses her.
She tries to join several clubs but none of them interest her in the long run.
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Another rich kid but unlike the Baroness, Renae has an overprotective mum who controls every aspect of him, even his school life. Also, unlike the rest of the bois, he's more of a pretty boy. Adorable, smartly dressed and is the hall monitor. Yup. This makes him unpopular with a lot of people, but no one dares to mess with him because rumours have it he comes from a royal lineage. Renae is also haughty and a bit of a Tsundere, so his friends are those who share his background.
He and Tigress were childhood friends, and despite being too young to recognise it, he was heartbroken when she mysteriously disappeared one day. So excuse him when it took him several weeks to realise that the new transfer student was his friend!
Tigress being a delinquent does not stop him from trying to befriend her. In fact, he's determined to be her 'prince charming/knight in shining armor' and rescue her from other delinquents in the school, much to the annoyance and amusement of Tigress.
A delinquent and a hall monitor—will love bloom between them? The newspaper club is keeping a close eye on them!
He doesn't join any clubs or after-school activities because his mother prefers to have him at home.
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The QUEEN BEE of the school. The female alpha. The one girl that the Baroness, Queen Ascendant, Cupcake, VP and Tigress dare not to cross. The one who ensures the school doesn't become a flaming dumpster. Gorgeous is genuinely friendly, always there to lend you an ear and is a multi-tasking master. Her grades are always top-notch, she's athletic and someone that the faculty and student body could rely on.
However, getting to where she is currently requires a lot of sacrifice. See, she and Desmond came from the same middle school that ended up burnt down due to an accident. She belonged to a gang that wanted to change the school for the better, and so did Desmond, but unfortunately, both had very different ideas on how to achieve it. There was a fight that resulted the school getting destroyed. Investigations were launched, but no ties could be found.
When she and Desmond enrolled at the same high school purely out of luck, the two swore to work together instead of against one another, and they fell in love!
She is the vice president of the student council. She manages all the clubs, checks through student attendants and humbles Desmond occasionally.
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This is the guy that your mama warns you about. A bad boy who has fooled the entire school faculty into thinking he's an angel. Those who knew him back in the past like Gorgeous? Well, they'd immediately transfer the moment they saw him.
Controlling a school is just a trial run for him to see if he has what it takes to create his own empire once he graduates. He had plans even in middle school, but Gorgeous became a force he never expected, including falling in love with.
The moment he laid eyes on Gorgeous, he knew that she would be his downfall. His suspicion became true when she held up a lighter with a vicious smirk on her beautiful face. After their middle school was destroyed, he vowed that if their paths were to cross again, he's gonna do everything in his power to make her his partner-in-crime and future wife. Girlfriend would have to do for now.
And wouldn't you know it, both of them had a fresh start when they noticed each other during orientation.
Present of the student council. Nothing goes within the school without his say-so. He can easily withdraw the football team from participating in competitions, shut down any clubs he wants and even fire teachers who he has a problem with. It helps that he still has contact with his old gang.
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corsairesix · 5 months
Fallout TV show thoughts
Spoilers ahead because I'm like, talking about the show and what happens in it.
The first two episodes are the strongest definitely. The vault dwellers being culty trad weirdos and the brotherhood being technofascists is a great return to form. But after that, the aspects of both of those tend to get subsumed into "Lucy and Max are naive"
Lucy and Max kinda stop having ideologies pretty quick. It's easier to accept with Max because he's shown from the beginning to be less interested into the technocult aspects of the Brotherhood but Lucy has fully drunk the vault kool-aid and that kinda becomes secondary to "she's from a vault so she's used to good people"
The central tension of "if it's life or death, you'll abandon your morals" vs "but we have to keep being better anyway" is a really popular one for post-apocalypse stories to tell, but it's kind of a boring Fallout story for me.
The early Brotherhood stuff really hits the sweet spot between the creepy ritualistic aspects and the fact that a lot of them are just shitty bullies. Titus going from the helmet voice to his normal voice was a really good scene.
Tangentially, I don't particularly care for Ghoulgins. I thought the pre-war plot with Walton Goggins was great, but with Ghoulgins it felt like every scene he was in he walks up to someone, snarls a bit, kills everyone present, and walks away with no variation.
The best part of episode 3 onwards was all of the stuff with young Steve Buscemi solving mysteries
I laughed at the fact that they did Kid in a Fridge 2, but after the fifth time or so that they played that clip it was increasingly obvious that it was the only backstory that Maximus had. We know exactly five-ish seconds of his life outside the story. And sure, part of that was that he's like, raised in a high-control cult, but so is Lucy and we learn a half-dozen hobbies that she has in the first minute.
Also is it just me or did they put one black guy in every scene where Max was getting his ass beat? So like, invoking a certain imagery for sure but not textually saying anything about racism, which seems like the worst of both worlds
There's a running textual and subtextual dichotomy between "innocence/naivete/ignorance" and "willingness to do violence" but it's undercut a little by how often characters screw up by doing violence because they were ignorant or naive
Lee Moldaver call me
(side note, I'm not a "wouldve been way better if at the end the Black Panther turned to the camera & said "i am communist now" & then specified hes the exact kind of communist i am" person, but honestly Fallout is allergic to ever depicting American communists. McCarthyism can only be bad if it's aimed at the wrong target.)
I just realized Sarita Choudhury was in Gawain and the Green Knight and she was really hot there too
I *really* liked the plot device of "Vault-Tec has a fiduciary responsibility to the end of the world" but I thought every company we know the name of sitting around a table and going "we're going to do the end of the world" was corny. I'm surprised Slocum Joe wasn't there to pitch an iced regulah and strawberry frahsted vault.
Slight tweak that could be more compelling--vault tec wants things to be bad/drive up paranoia to sell reservations, but they don't actually want the world to end. It's like an insurance company that wants you to be scared of disasters, but doesn't actually want to pay out. That's the exact type of corporate hubris I could see them trying to thread. And it still works with stuff like suppressing Moldaver's cold fusion.
Wait why was the cold fusion in that guy's head? They injected a similar thing into the dog, so I assumed at first he could like, psychically communicate with the dog and that's why the dog could track his head. But the dog was injected before the guy so like, did the dog just have general cold-fusion tracking software injected? Like I know it was an excuse to have Dogmeat IV, but I genuinely want to know if anyone knows the deal with that.
A good amount of stuff that turns me off of the show is that I genuinely find the post-post-apocalypse of some Fallout games more interesting than just post-apoc.
This show seemed less built up than even Fallout 4. All the locations seemed kinda disconnected from any sense of space. I cackled when the snake oil guy showed up to treat the guy's foot. He's not anywhere near the other two places we've seen him. Is this even his building?
"The Governmint" being two guys and their boss who looks like every wasteland mayor ever was really good. Good enough to wipe out Shady Sands? Jury's still out.
I'm not particularly mad about "they destroyed the NCR!" but I wish they did something interesting. I do like how Moldaver flies NCR flags. That was probably the most interesting element of it
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c00kietin · 8 months
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@imytheone WHOO
I shall also tag @allmightyscroll-swag as well cuz I like tagging em in oc related stuff :3
While I have drawn the siblings profiles, and Brittany making some appearances, Imma tell you MORE information about them!! >:D
One quick thing: These four are my oldest ocs (along with two others but you don't know em eheheh) from 2020 and at the time of making them I had just found out what Helluva Boss is. These characters were very much inspired off of them, especially Cici and Brittany.
Let's start off with the youngest:
Like I said, she is the youngest being around 6-7 years old
Pronouns are she/her, I'll just say aroace since I don't picture her being in a relationship at her age-
Cici is part demon thanks to her mother, but hasn't developed horns or a tail yet.
However, she has some powers, that being super strength and flight!
She can't fly very high, although she is the strongest in the family; being able to lift around the same weight as a van full of people. The older you get, the weaker your powers would become; so their mother would have the weakest powers.
Cici swears more than Onika and Zeke, mainly because of her mother. She gets in trouble at school regularly for this. That and for throwing chairs around. And for biting teachers' ankles. She gets in trouble for a lot of things.
Like all children, she has tantrums at times. But, of course, hers tend to get more...violent. Usually ending up with someone breaking a bone or two.
For hobbies, Cici enjoys drawing, roleplaying with toys and making things (whether that's with Lego or metal scraps-)
She doesn't listen to music as much as her siblings do, but her favourite artists are Pharrel Williams and Five Finger Death Punch.
She has insomnia and has a lot of difficulty sleeping.
Her and Onika love watching TMNT together, and are currently on Rise.
Cici's original design was heavily based off the girl with the large bow and brown curly hair that appeared in the first episode of HB. I was quite unoriginal at the time lol.
Onika is the middle child, being 15 years old.
Her pronouns are she/they, and they are also aroace.
Onika's powers aren't as strong as Cici's, but she can fly better and can piggy-back the weight of two adults.
Onika technically has a tail, but it's now a stub because a group of bullies cut it off.
Yeah. She was bullied when she was younger. She was jeered for being both demon and human, and neither species wanted to be friends with her.
This was also mainly because she had anger issues which caused her to have violent episodes if provoked enough, one time being she almost killed a teenager younger than her.
Luckily, she's gotten better now and is practically never violent. Except in Mariokart.
Onika is usually either hyperactive and energetic, or utterly lazy and unmotivated.
She desperately wants to get Maori tattoos like Zeke but her parents don't allow her.
She hates wearing skirts and having her hair down.
Onika doesn't have a lot of hobbies, but she enjoys trying new foods, skateboarding and playing the guitar.
Her favourite artists are AC/DC, Metallica, Twisted Sister and Iron Maiden.
I'm pretty sure I based the hair off of another character I saw online once, but I can't remember her name- all I know is that the hair isn't original:'D
Zeke is the oldest at 19 years old.
His pronouns are he/him and he's gay.
Zeke uses his powers the least and only really uses them for miniscule tasks around the house like moving a bed or fighting his sister.
Yeah. Zeke and Onika fight a lot, more physically than verbally, and it's usually for stupid reasons, like who rightfully had the bag of pretzels first.
Zeke has both a tail and horns (which are still growing).
He also has difficulty with keeping his body temperature warm, so he wears a lot of layers and a lot of black to keep in as much heat as possible.
He has Maori tattoos along the back of his left shoulder as well as part of the left arm, but rarely shows these to people.
Zeke has been teased by many to have a "baby face", which annoys him greatly.
He can be mostly found in his bedroom gaming, listening to music or curled up in a ball in bed.
He likes sleeping. A lot.
His favourite games to play are mainly action/shooter games (I'm not an expert in this department so feel free to decide which ones he likes playing) and occasionally likes to play RPGs.
His favourite artists are Green Day, Linkin Park and The Offspring.
Brittany is also 19 years old and is best friends with Zeke.
Her pronouns are she/her and is an asexual lesbian.
She practically has no powers. She can float a little, but not much else.
Brittany is a very affectionate person and adores hugging, cuddling, complimenting and kissing people (non-romantically).
She also adores fizzy drinks and cats. She ADORES cats. And animals in general.
If she was to encounter a cat, whether that be an anthropomorphic one or not, she will give them double the amount of affection.
When Brittany's happy, she wags her tail about, shakes her hands and squeals. She does this quite often.
She can be extremely chatty and talkative and could go on for hours on end talking about almost anything.
However, Brittany is extremely clumsy and is prone to falling down the stairs, tripping, running into windows and/or getting her horns stuck in things.
Her hobbies are shopping, going to cafés and watching romcoms.
Her favourite movie is Love, Actually and her favourite artists are Ariana Grande and Twice.
Her original design was heavily based off of Verosika from Helluva, and I still can't let go of the long white hair + pink skin combo :') Fortunately, I think I've managed to differentiate Brittany from her, or I hope-
OKAY I AM NOW DONE I should be sleeping-
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melocores · 1 year
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my OLNF oc!!!! :D
name: Cheyenne "Chey" Wu
gender/pronouns: demigirl - she/they
(details about her below 😎)
step 1 personality: "child of the flowers"
cheerful and bubbly, many people that know her describe her as a bundle of joy. she likes to tease the people around her and is shown to be a lot more perceptive than people expect her to be, many assume she is gullible due to her natural innocent expression. can be shy around adults that aren't her mommy and she can be very clumsy, bandaids appearing on her from time to time. she loves to draw and paint, as well as bake (with parental supervision ofc) she loves strawberries, flowers and many other things described as cute. she likes to explore and look for shiny or attractive things she finds outside and stores it in a box full of 'treasures'. She owns a teddy bear named Mimi who is her best friend.
fun fact: she is not afraid of any bugs, she brought a centipede home and tried to keep it as a pet but it died which made her really sad 😭
step 2 personality: "maiden of the clouds"
has become a lot more toned down but still friendly to the people around her despite being described as closed off from time to time and not having any proper friends besides her neighbours, qiu and tamarack. to qiu and tamarack, she's the same except the playful teasing has been turned up a notch, though she's very supportive of them (listens to qiu about their problems, attending tamarack's cello recitals) she started to become interested in activities related to her appearance (e.g. painting her nails, wearing a necklace, flower clip) and is seen from time to time to have stylish outfits and hairstyles of many different kinds. she becomes quite admired by her peers for this despite her being oblivious to it; she normally hangs around by herself which adds to her mystique. her hobbies remain the same with the addition of skateboarding which is her main mode of transportation and taking long naps. the problem she faces is the inability to share her feelings with other people and bottling up her emotions, even to the point that qiu and tamarack worry for her due to a past experience in elementary where her 'friends' actively bullied and made fun of her to the point that it damaged her mental state and her fear of confrontation didn't help whatsoever. those friends only wanted to be her friend to get to qiu. when they found out years later, they felt extremely horrible but she never put it against them. her trust issues and inability to express herself makes her seem disingenuine which causes her to lose a lot of friends. her main way to resolve conflict is to just run (in this case, skate) away and avoid everything. the necklace she wears was a gift from her mother. she's very comfortable in her gender identity, normally dressing up in both masc and fem fashion and has supported qiu in their gender crisis. meanwhile, she actively helps tamarack gain confidence in herself.
fun fact: her first crush was baxter (probably because of the similar ways they resolve conflict LMAOOO) she blasted chasing pavements in her room while sobbing after he graduated highschool
step 3 personality: "lady of the vogue"
fun fact: many of her family members say that she's starting to resemble her mother in her teens, which she can agree with.
planning to pursue her dream of starting her own fashion brand, cheyenne has come a long way with her battle with the fashion industry and insignificance as a whole. she still takes good care of her appearance, becoming an influencer and running a blog that showcases her daily looks and fits. she now rarely has issues with expressing herself due to the support of the people around her. she always looks out for the people around her, gaining the title of the mom friend which is a funny pair with tamarack being the 'grandma friend'. her younger self (specifically step 2) avoided striking colours like red due to not wanting to stand out (which is contradictory bc ms girl walks into class with a brand new fit every time), but her step 3 self has fully embraced the bright red that she used to proudly wear as a young child. she's become quite popular amongst her peers after realizing that she could trust other people and lives her life not caring about what other people thought. also she's madly in love with qiu but you didn't hear that from me
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akkivee · 10 months
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there was an interview with the bat seiyuu in this magazine and i finally sat down to read it (almost two months after its release *wheezes*) and here were the highlights!!!!
it’s basically the whole thing so buckle in lol
upon being asked how they felt about bat’s anime debut, all three of them revealed they were certain they would have had a last episode cameo LOL
sakakihara-san even gave us what he thought the dialogue would be lmao so there was a lot of disappointment when they were told only rei was making a s1 appearance
needless to say, they are very happy bat’s now in rhyme anima lol
they were asked how their impressions of the characters has shifted over the years!!!
hayama-san responded when he first played kuukou, he got the sense he was a massive brat lol but that bad attitude of his stemmed from his understanding of the world. kuukou’s mellowed as the story progressed and had him experience more, eg establishing his teacher-pupil relationship with jyushi, and now understands how to navigate others weaknesses with tolerance and warmth
he’s still childish and still has a high perception of the world and that clash is where kuukou’s energy stems from. he’s at a crossroads between youth and maturity so to say
hayama recalls recording for kuukou’s first radio where he was a lot more mature, and then moving to chaser from the past, the track where he invades fragrance, and how hard it was adjusting mentalities LOL
harmonious cooperation really drove home for hayama-san that kuukou was the sun tho!!!!
that strength and energy that opens and paves the way is how sakakihara-san and takeuchi-san can tell he’s the leader
on that note, hayama-san mentions he’s never seen kuukou’s weaknesses. compared to jyushi and hitoya, we know next to nothing about kuukou’s past besides that he reached a point higher in his asceticism than his father and hopes to see everything leading up to it someday
for sakakihara-san, he was told jyushi was a crybaby and assumed he was a weak person. but once he learned about jyushi’s past, he realised that even tho he does cry, he’s still able to assert his feelings and doesn’t back down from anything, so jyushi actually has a very strong heart
jyushi sings in moonlight shadow, ‘i bask in the spotlight’s growing brilliance, in seizing a mic, anyone can become a hero’ and with that lyric, sakakihara-san understood jyushi may have a very tragic past but there’s a very strong flame burning inside him and he’s able to illuminate others with that light
bat’s come a long way and sakakihara-san finds comfort that jyushi’s around people who can laugh and joke around with him and will continue to strengthen his heart with them
takeuchi-san says jyushi is blessed to have so many good people around him, including his band members, which triggers sakakihara-san to start thanking the both of them, esp after takeuchi-san mentions it was hitoya who introduced kuukou and jyushi to each other lmao
and speaking of hitoya!!!! takeuchi-san felt he’s been mature since the beginning and thinks it’s cool that he talks to kuukou and jyushi like they’re equals. but he likes to compete against them sometimes so he’s got a very childish side to him lol
lately, hitoya’s dark and sordid past, his childhood hobbies, have been targeted as a joke and takeuchi-san is absolutely amused by it lmao
hayama-san brings up ‘amaguni the magic king’ and ‘amaguni moon’ from arb and takeuchi feels hitoya’s being bullied a bit lol but it adds to his charm!!!!
when it comes to dubbing the anime versus the drama tracks, all three of them are cognisant of pacing
in the drama tracks, for example, when jyushi is in vkei mode, sakakihara-san is allowed to take his time to croon out his flowery words but in the anime he does have to fit everything he says in a set amount of time
now that he has pictures and movements to match, sakakihara-san was trying to make those words flow with what jyushi does, rather than what he imagines jyushi does by nature of the drama tracks, while maintaining the vibe of what jyushi’s saying. there was some trial and error involved trying to get it right
it’s the same for takeuchi-san and he appreciates getting to see hitoya’s hand movements as he does his two thing bit lol
they were then asked if there was any directorial direction that stood out to them and they didn’t really receive any!!! takeuchi-san commented there were more cases where staff consulted them about their characters
the interviewer said it’s probably because the characters are embedded into them by this point but hayama-san laughingly thinks they still have a long way to go before they can say that lol
he says this but follows up with, it does make him happy that when he’s reading something and questions if this is something kuukou would do; it means he has a good understanding of kuukou as a character
they start talking about episode three!!!! the episode exists as ‘the strawberry episode’ in hayama-san’s head LOL
hayama-san is happy to see kuukou interacting with the locals (and loves that the old ladies call him ‘kuu-chan’ lol) and takeuchi-san comments it’s neat that they all spoke with nagoya accents!!! bat doesn’t really speak with the nagoya accent and it’s also very rare for anime to have characters that do, so that makes him happy as someone who grew up in aichi prefecture
sakakihara-san liked how so many of bat’s charms and elements were condensed into one episode!!! with jyushi, tho he was being picked on by the antagonists, he liked how the episode highlighted the trials jyushi’s gone thru to make him strong enough to lend a helping hand to belial
hayama-san comments that ever since the battle between bat and mtr, he thinks bat’s appeal is that, just as we witnessed with jyushi and belial, they take your hand and pull you up when you’re at your lowest to give you the strength to stand up on your own
whether it’s the hand that’s offered or the hand that receives it, they are joined and will walk as equals and as friends. bad ass temple guides others by building relationships with them, hayama-san said
the interviewer was particularly charmed by hitoya telling jyushi ‘friends you make when you’re young stick with you whole your life’ and so was takeuchi-san. he feels hitoya mentioned this because of his relationship with jakurai, with all its turbulence they’ve still come back to together
the interviewer then brought up ichiro and kuukou’s past as naughty busters!! hayama-san said kuukou’s relationship with ichiro is something that’s been forged stronger than what he has with jyushi and hitoya so there’s a lot of trust kuukou places in ichiro. takeuchi-san said they have the kind of vibe where because they’re former teammates, they can understand each other without saying anything and hayama-san agrees
hayama-san feels mcd and nb have a similar connection and when the four of them got together, ichiro and kuukou kinda had their own little bubble. the interviewer thought ichiro and kuukou’s conversation, where kuukou asked why didn’t ichiro call him and ichiro’s asking if he really needed to (and ofc he didn’t) had that atmosphere and that conversation honestly made hayama-san swoon with how smooth and natural it was lol
when asked about their thoughts about sanity, the insert rap, hayama-san initially felt it was similar to rip but that opinion changed after listening to the demo. sanity, to him, felt similar to a division all stars song where he doesn’t sing in kuukou’s style in order to bring out the harmony of the song. sakakihara-san also takes in account to how much of jyushi’s vkei style he should put in songs like division all stars songs
takeuchi-san also found himself considering the harmony in sanity and didn’t go hard on the volume for his parts as he would with other songs
takeuchi-san feels like sanity has a very strong kuukou influence and after hayama-san listened to the whole thing, he felt excited thinking about how to maintain bat’s individualities when performing it live
next up was next stage!! all the artists who wrote for each individual team has done so in past songs and moroha’s afro, who gave us kaigen, returned for next stage. hayama-san was very happy to work with him again
the part in jyushi’s verse, where he goes ‘guided by the sky, protected by the heavens’ and onwards was a bit of a struggle for sakakihara-san to portray jyushi’s feelings like he wanted to. he kept asking for retries to get the vibe he wanted
hayama-san felt the same since kuukou’s thanks in the song isn’t something kuukou really does. kuukou’s not one to be shy or embarrassed so he did multiple takes in order to portray the warmth afro intended when writing those lyrics
takeuchi-san comments that with an artist like afro, it’s really hard to come in after listening to his demo and making his style of music work with their characters. hayama-san followed that with it’s because afro’s music is one that pierces the heart of the listener, himself included, so he’s immediately at the ready to do what he needs to in order to preserve that whilst playing kuukou, hence the multiple takes
and now rise from dead!!! it’s a song with a lot momentum, very fitting for rhyme anima!!!! that momentum is what made the song fun for takeuchi-san
sakakihara-san enjoyed getting to sing for his verses and hayama-san felt like nagoya’s part could be summed up as, kuukou bringing the breakneck speed, jyushi’s like a dance and hitoya wraps it up with a crash
the interviewer then commented it felt like the three of them got along with each other very well. but had their impressions of each other changed over the years??
hayama-san doesn’t think so but takeuchi-san Has Words About That (and hayama-san and sakakihara-san start laughing LOL)
they’ve gotten less shy around him and hayama-san teasingly tells him that’s because he’s spoiled them rotten by letting them get away with everything, with sakakihara-san chiming in, ‘papa!!💜’
naturally he wasn’t as comfortable with them when they first met, they were strangers, but as they hung out together more, he felt he could let go of walls and manners around them. this makes sakakihara-san giggle💜
hayama-san takes the time to apologise to takeuchi-san, he feels like he’s been taking it too far lately and takeuchi-san calls him a liar LOL
the interviewer asks them what they think their appeal is as performers and hayama-san and takeuchi-san both went, ‘destructive power probably????’
takeuchi-san thinks they’re like, A Lot, whenever they perform together lmao
hayama-san, from day one, has set out to destroy the atmosphere the og divisions set lmao in a breaking barriers way. takeuchi-san honestly feels like he will every time he takes stage and sakakihara-san feels the same way watching the both of them lol
takeuchi-san feels like there may be a sense of friendly rivalry between the three of them as they all try to find ways to shatter glass ceilings with every live and each of them trying to take that momentum higher
hayama-san agrees and says one way they can do that is to bring a gold sachihoko on stage like the way mtr brings palm trees out for papillon
takeuchi-san tells the interviewer hayama-san has been asking for this for a while lol
sakakihara-san also relays to the interviewer that he’s been trying to manifest this for them by speaking it into existence lmao
the interviewer laughs at them and asks about 8th live stories. sakakihara-san starts giggling and upon takeuchi-san asking why, he brings up the shinkansen pic story and hayama-san and takeuchi-san missing their cues. he is very determined to never let them live it down lmao
the interviewer finally asked for their final words!!!
takeuchi-san comments the rhyme anima story seems to be pushed along by those being controlled against their will. it’s been handled lightheartedly but will the story take a darker turn?? tune in!!!!
sakakihara-san commented tho the episodes as of now are solo division focused, there will be a time when viewers can watch and enjoy the chemical reactions that happen once the divisions start to mingle. please enjoy the story impacts all of the characters!!!
hayama-san says finally nagoya and osaka are in the anime. do look forward to seeing all 18 people come together, what conversations they’ll have, what kind of atmosphere it creates and how the characteristics of each person stands out. kuukou and ichiro have more conversations, so if you enjoy naughty busters, please look forward to it!!!
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whump-on-a-string · 9 months
Okay so Dallan. What’s his story so far? What’s his personality like? What are his interests?
I'll start with his story. It's just a bunch of vague events strung together though as I'm bad at writing or coming up with ideas. I just draw. :') Dallan is an OC from when I was a silly little minor in school randomly RPing stuff with my friend on pet website forums and PMs, so it's based on very old content and may be revised more in the future, but here are the main bits that are still relevant to the character's background.
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When I made him, he was around my own age. But he is in his 20s now. Dallan is a very polite and proper man but also kind of a pushover. If someone were to steal an old lady's purse he'd go right after the thief and want to make it right and call it out. But if he's at his home/work he might hold back and not say anything as to not cause a disturbance to others. Chances are if he'd get yelled at or reprimanded by his higher ups he'll try and not say anything unless it's a pretty bad situation. He doesn't want to get fired. But some things might be worth getting fired for. He has a hard time speaking up for himself since his general job was to "speak only when spoken to" and basically be a ghost helping the house function. The occasional bullying from other staff didn't help him with his confidence much either. Physical and verbal abuse from his earlier childhood and household staff sort of manifested as a fawn/freeze response for him when he was young. It's much better now that he's older, grew taller and he has more of a spine. But he still has his moments now and again.
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Who Dallan works for depends on the setting since he was intended for use in RP. But by default he usually works for Mr. Richard and/or Alexander Parish. Richard is a wealthy man, and Parish is the Doctor who tended to Mr. Richard's late wife. They're both close friends now. (I have more info on the two of them under the read more break.)
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The only notable co-worker so far in Dallan's case is Alice. She's been employed by Richard and his family the longest, for 2 decades at least. She was only intended to be a side character, set dressing, but ended up becoming a bit of an antagonist to Dallan, and a threat to a guest who was recovering in Richard's home after an unfortunate stabbing event happened on the front lawn. (I think it was a hate crime against elves but the rp was so long ago I can't remember.) She's more of a fight/flee type in contrast to Dallan's fawn/freeze. Her childhood was also probably quite rough, resulting in a narcissistic personality as a means of defense. The death of Mrs. Richard was also very hard on her.
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Dallan was completely illiterate when he was hired around the age of 11-12 much to Alice's dismay.
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Another important part of Dallan's story was a character called "Wolf" who I misremembered as a half-elf. He was my friend's character, who carried and progressed most of the plot. Wolf arrived at Mr. Richard's home upon receiving a letter from his schoolyard friend Parish, to be introduced to Richard, and have a pleasant time at one of Richard's dinner parties. (Or he just happened to be in the area. I can't remember.) But Wolf had enemies, or was the victim of an anti-elf or half-elf hate crime and was promptly stabbed on Mr. Richard's front lawn, extending his stay at the man's house for a while. He and Dallan became good friends, and was also a sort of mentor to Dallan. Dallan also received a leg injury, but the reason/time/place is not set in stone given the nebulous connection to someone else's OC. It just matters that has or will-have a bullet injury to one of his legs. It's just an event that is canon to his character now.
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Wolf gave Dallan a silver pocketwatch that's worth more than all of his belongings combined. It was a bit of a teasing gift, as Dallan had been late on several occasions while Wolf was visiting Richard's home. Now he had a watch to help him keep track of the time to stop being late. ...Hopefully. It's a key item and important to him. That said, the one who gave it to him may change or be elaborated upon more in the future. All that matters is that he was given a generous gift of a very nice pocket watch which he carries everywhere, and he values it very much. Do not separate. You will upset him.
His Employers, Workday, & Hobbies
Mr. Richard is pretty strict and stern, but he has a good heart and cares about all of his staff. Richard lives in a small mansion. It doesn't have ALL of the staff a greathouse usually would because his property is small and doesn't need as much upkeep as a larger one. He has no children, and his wife passed away so it's just him and his staff. He's a social butterfly though so he hosts dinners and parties frequently, as being home alone isn't his favorite thing to do. Any friend of Richard will regularly get invites delivered by mail. One of his close friends is an elf named Alexander Parish, who is a doctor. They met while he was helping care for the health of Richard's late wife and they all became very good friends. Parish still visits Richard regularly for personal reasons instead of just for business. Most of Dallan's daily activities consist of cleaning, trash collecting, window washing, polishing cutlery, blacking boots, etc. So most of the duties from the "lowest rank" almost to the "highest rank" but he does not help with finances or , For Richard's parties he's responsible for holding doors, taking coats, and if needed: help the scullery maids serve food and drink,
Alexander Parish is your local friendly (albeit expensive) doctor. He also performs some surgeries, and uses his own magical skills to help clients heal better. His magic can't mend bones or reverse inflicted wounds but it can speed up the healing process or help fight off infection, but it all depends on the severity and his energy at the time. It's a small extra tool and not a replacement of proper medical care. Dallan works for Parish permanently only in the event of Richard's death, otherwise he only works for the doctor upon his master's instruction to do so. (Which is somewhat frequent.)
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Most of Dallan's daily activities consist of cleaning, trash collecting, window washing, polishing cutlery, blacking boots, etc. So most of the duties from the "lowest rank" almost to the "highest rank" for servants since it's very small staff but also a small property. He does not help with finances or anything involving numbers and letters as he's terrible at reading & writing because he's rather uneducated. He can read now, just not very well and his handwriting is chickenscratch. For Richard's parties he's responsible for holding doors, taking coats, and if needed he helps the scullery maids serve food and drink. The wages aren't too bad & he doesn't have to pay for food or his room so he's pretty content with the setup. Other than that he'll do chores for the day and then turn in for the night.
Any hobbies he has are pretty unknown since he usually is just working for most of the day, but he really likes to sit back with something warm to drink and relax in the garden, or go visit the beach on rare little vacations on the weekend. He'd probably be interested in picking up some kind of arts & crafts if he had the time for it though. He really likes dogs though so he also would enjoy walking around the neighborhood hoping to encounter someone walking their pet so he could pet them and give them little treats (with the owners permission of course). Horses also interest but terrify him. Dallans favorite work-related hobby would just be getting sent out of the house to run errands so he can enjoy the trip.
His only known fears are "monsters" and drowning/suffocating. He'll probably pass out once he learns that vampires and werewolves are REAL in his world. And he sticks to shallow water at the beach.
Yeah that's all I've got for now. Thanks for making me finally get all of this out of my head lol.
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Hi there! May I request a match up? I’ve never done one of these before. So I’m super excited!
Fandom(s) Genshin & Tokyo debunker
Name (optional):Rena Aizawa
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac/MBTI: Leo & INFJ
Appearance: 5’3, has light blue hair with soft pink streaks. Her hair is long, but she keeps it usually in a ponytail. She also wears hair clips, ribbons, and hair pins. She changes the accessories depending on mood. She also has blue eyes with pink hues. And lastly, she has dimples and a birthmark under her left eye, in the corner.
Personality: She’s has many layers to her personality. She can be sweet, chaotic (funny way), a little cold when dealing with people who test her patience, she looks after her love ones and often comes to their rescue if they are in need of help or advice. Truly whoever she connects with she becomes friends with them easily. She’s fully of surprises, often keep her private life to herself though.
Likes: Sweets, cute things like teddy bears, animals, tiny cute things. Musicals, rock music, fashion, writing, reality tv shows, and hanging out with friends.
Dislikes: Pineapples, spicy things, sweating, people who test her patience, bullies, judgmental people, loud sounds, annoying sounds, thunderstorms, being alone, and bugs. Unless it’s butterfly and lightning bugs
Hobbies: Writing, listening to music, work at the recreational center, fostering animals with her family, practicing playing her guitar or the piano, babysitting, and hanging out with friends.
Any extra information: She foster animals with her dad since her dad is a major cat lover. Rena now has an orange gecko named Geo, two cats that are named Jasper (orange cat:male) and Dolly (blue shorthair:Female). She’s also called, “mom” or “mother” but her closest friends.
(thank you so much for this, don’t worry about rushing. Take your time, I’m sure you have a lot of requests to do. Have a wonderful day!)
Hi Rena! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Mika likes that you’re such a layered person. He has to deal with a lot of people in his line of work but it’s nice being around someone like you.
I think he also has a fondness for cute things and animals so he can definitely understand your affection for them. When he’s away, he’ll collect cute things to give you when he gets back.
Will get rid of any bugs for you but he’s not going to be brave about it. There’s a lot of screaming from both of you when there’s a bug that needs to be dealt with.
Judgemental people are a pet peeve of Mika’s as well. His work is already challenging enough without those sorts of people around as well.
He really enjoys hanging out with friends and is more than happy to hang out with your friends or invite you along to hang out with his. It’s always a good time when you’re together and surrounded by friends.
In Tokyo Debunker, I match you with...
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Subaru is drawn to you initially because of how much you care for your loved ones. That sort of thing is hugely important to him and he finds it an admirable quality in others.
In the same way, he’s awed by your affection towards animals. He would definitely be up for fostering animals and will treat them like your children if you ever foster some animals together.
He’s definitely got a bit of a sweet tooth considering the copious amounts of snacks he keeps on standby for teatime. He’ll make a mental note of your favourites and stack up on them so you can have morning and afternoon teas together.
There’s always a lot of rain in Hotarubi and sometimes that can turn into thunderstorms. Whenever it does, Subaru will set aside his work and spend the time with you. He hopes his presence will help comfort you, even some small amount.
If you ever share your writing with him, he would be honoured and will read your work with respect and diligence. He loves everything you write and will tell you so.
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indygotcha · 2 months
Got tagged twice actually by @japanesedragonrider and @mewkwota ! Wanted to wind down today due feeling bit aimless BTW.
Favorite Color: Turquoise Blue and Orange
Last Song: Mindtrap by Blank Banshee - mostly because the lyrics and overall Death Grips-esque tone has ended uncannily befitting the psyche and mood of my latest OC I've been working on. I wanted him to be an inversion of "wet chihuahuas"/"girlfailures" seen in modern anime lately such as Bocchi/Hitori Gotou and Kobeni Higashiyama mainly through examining back to my own past regarding my experiences with ableism-based bullying and shutting off from the world. The OC that came out of that ended up becoming this lanky, "sheltered dog gone through abuse"-type dude - feeling now a lot like Asuka Langley Soryu in mannerisms but wanting everyone to stay the far fucking away from him. Funny how that works.
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Currently Reading: Haven't actually been reading much lately aside from assorted fanfics on Ao3. Some really heartwarming, some with varying degrees of spicy. I get easily drowsy reading them though, oufff. Currently Watching: G Gundam and Magical Knight Rayearth - if you've been following my rare occurrence of personal posts on my reblog-centric blog lately. Domon and Sai-Saici + Hikaru and Umi, my beloveds. (WHY OH WHY DID MISS P HAVE TO DIEeeee)
Currently Craving: Not much, I think - but I do miss my sibling, them being kept busy has left me bit lonely regarding genuine familial interactions.
Coffee or Tea: I flip-flop between both? I'm not exactly into ordinary black coffee - I seem to lean on flavoured lattes or cappuccinos more than anything. I've drank milk tea since very young and love all the flavoured types out there~ Something tells me the caffeine ain't working well with my current ADHD-medication however, might have to cut out my morning vanilla latte...
A Hobby I'd Like To Try: I've been trying to get back on drawing again lately, but it's been really hard to figure out the balance between trying to get good at it and just trying to concentrate on drawing things I find fun or like. In some respects I also feel like what I wanna draw for fun are things I can't exactly discuss in enthutiasm to someone and just have to work on in a vacuum - but IDK, maybe I'm really not making most of the support near me? (Though at times I'm afraid people are just too busy to possibly be my accountability buddies of sort regarding me sharing things and hearing their feedback...)
An AU You've Been Plotting: I'm always around mass crossover AUs - I guess because they serve as my personal sandboxes/toyboxes to explore the series I've been into that I can also categorize by medium, genre, or time period. One I've actually been trying to get out for a while now is this long-dwelling plot bunny on my head - with how I've been trying to give it a definite start and end in under 20 chapters or so. The premise with sounds really cracky and poisonously meta - except I've been staying keen on trying to tackle it as sincerely as possible. I guess I'm weird like that. To explain the premise in simple sentence, I'm taking the implied rivalry between Pokemon-anime and Animaniacs during their time on KidsWB and using it as a springboard to make main trios from those shows getting to know each other better after a major incident spurred by the latter party. This also involves a road trip to some kind of china-towny resort for localized anime stars taking a vacation in palmtree coastline-filled roads and beaches inspired by SEGA's Outrun and Hiroshi Nagai's illustrations on city pop albums in the 80s. I'm looking forward to various shows I wanna explore there for this pair of trios to interact with. Other AUs I've been messing around is Jellystone!-esque take on many characters from Golden Age of Arcades. It's been pretty fun to write more humorous, clever or plain irreverent takes on these somewhat simple arcade characters. I certainly like what I did with Ms.Pacman and the Ghost Gang + Mappy & Flicky...
Tags: @hatefilledpoptarts @tomatomagica @ogamagirl @starspatter @jupujuu @kermakatti @rex101111 @basedstoutland @zodiac-senpai @bimbelygimbly @harundraws @sonilium @kiora06 @patron-saints
You can take on this tag if you like~
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neighborlywelcome · 10 months
Hi! If it isn't too much trouble, may I get a romantic tadc + platonic wh matchup, please? Thank you so much in advance!
I'm agender, bi, use they/she pronouns & can be matched with any. I work at a cat cafe & I'm a big animal lover general. I'm a bubbly & easy-going person, yet also highly ambitious & competitive at times & tend to curse quite often.
I value justice a lot, so I'm not one to play unfairly. I enjoy writing poetry, video games, shopping & wearing makeup. Currently hyperfixated on anything horror or supernatural. I'm a very cuddly person & my main love language has to be gift giving. I collect several things, including jewelry, stickers & a crystal collection, I'm especially proud of. I'd love a partner who's loyal & a little protective, when needed & my fav date would be exploring an abandoned building together or going to the funfair.
Thank you! Your blog looks lovely, by the way!
Hello! Absolutely you can! Thank you for your request and your kind words!!! :)
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Zooble would be a perfect match for you! You’re different in a lot of ways, like Zooble is more grumpy/uncaring while you’re bubbly and ambitious. But you also have a lot in common, like cursing a lot and you both value justice. (Zooble was quick to shut Jax down when he was bullying Pomni, so when push comes to shove I believe they can stand up for what’s right and they don’t tolerate nonsense like that.)
Zooble is one of those people that just hates everyone, but once they open up to you, they soften up a lot! I can see them easily going from tolerating your company to becoming close with you, even if they show their appreciation in small, subtle ways.
They like animals a lot more than people since they’re less annoying so they adore the cats you surround yourself with! I can also see them relating to the cats a bit too much lol.
Horror and supernatural stuff is right up their alley since they’re not easily scared and they seem to type to enjoy that kind of stuff too. Exploring an abandoned building, especially if it seems haunted, sounds like the perfect date idea with them.
It’ll take them awhile to get used to your affections like cuddling and gift giving. They probably don’t know how to respond to being gifted things since they’re not used to it, but rest assured they love everything you give them. They’ll probably just thank you by giving you something in return, probably something to add to one of your many cool collections!
Lastly, they like indulging in your hobbies like playing video games together or doing makeup. They’re not competitive so they’ll enjoy watching you do your thing most of the time, nor are they great at makeup. But they’ll let you teach them or experiment with doing makeup on their face, which is bound to be fun with all the shapes. (They wouldn’t be caught dead let anyone else touch them like that, so it’s a high honor.)
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Eddie is sweet, caring, and reliable and will definitely be drawn to your positive, caring nature. You’d be great friends for sure!
One of Eddie’s favorite things about you is your love for collecting things! He’s very proud of his stamp collection himself and could spend hours going through it with you while also looking at your stickers and crystals and whatever else! He’ll even ask if you can trade every now and then, mostly stickers for stamps since they’re pretty similar.
Eddie is a notorious scaredy-cat and is not a big fan of horror movies or anything spooky scary like that but he’ll be eager to learn more for you! He needs to work on his bravery anyway so he’ll ask you questions about supernatural topics until he gets too frightened to hear any more.
He’s a good listener in general so if there’s anything you need to talk about, he’s your guy! He’d happily hear you out on any pressing issues like moral debates and offer some of his own advice. As the town’s mailman, he knows a thing or two and has many words of wisdom to share!
Did you know Eddie does drag? I’m sure that means he loves makeup and shopping too so it’s a great pastime for the two of you to do together. He may not seem the type, but he knows a thing or two about style!
And best believe he will read any poetry you write! He is an expert on letter-writing (which he claims is very nearly the same thing) so he will gladly read your poetry, complimenting the parts he likes and offering critique should you want it.
Overall, Eddie is a loyal and great friend who’s here to help you through thick and thin. No matter what, you’ll always have this mailman in your corner!
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Chase from House is so interesting to me, because like, reddit people did the math and even before he gets set up as House’s heir apparent starting in like season 6-7ish he was the underling with the most amount of independent and diagnoses in his original season 1-3 run. Like all this talk of Foreman being “just like House” and Chase was just…there? his character really hits on a rewatch because of how originally he’s kind of an after thought compared to Foreman and Cameron and you don’t really like him right away but by season 3 he’s starting to stand out as the best of the 3 until mama bird House shoved him out the nest. And so he’s so out of focus from the start he was clearly not supposed to be the next in line but he was (maybe accidentally?) always the most talented??
And like, how hilarious (and sad????) it is that he’s been unaware of how hot and desirable he is until after his divorce from a woman he had to (hah) chase for years. And even once she leaves him he’s all, actually it better that you never loved me therefore I didn’t do anything wrong like???? and he discovers his pretty privilege and tests it out by asking for people’s cars and they just give the keys to him??
And the mortician doctor being like, I hate you and Chase is like??? Because it turns out he’s jealous of Chase, who seems to have seen himself as a Ken but turns out to have been a Barbie the whole time: he’s the 2nd best diagnostician in like the world at this point, beautiful, and became the hospital’s best surgeon in only a few years (as stated by both House AND the mortician who hates him), he’s a triple specialist who always seems to have a skill they need because he keeps collecting them like hobbies (remember how he was trained as a neurosurgeon but just didn’t take the test? Remember how they were like, yeah Chase know how to do hypnosis whatever). And it all came so seeming easily to Chase and it made the mortician like, SO mad because Chase has no ambition and squanders like ALL of this for years
He’s all these random assortments of traits they kept throwing at him that make no sense but also all the sense? fuck he’s a mess. He’s the child of privilege! And his father abandoned him and his mom drank herself to death! He was parentified as a teen and tried to escape to seminary school! He got kicked out for sleeping with the grounds keeper’s wife! He only became a doctor because his mom locked him in his dad’s study and he’d read the medical texts once he got tired of crying! He surfed for 7 months until his boss got out of jail because 🤷 He killed a genocidal dictator! He’s weirdly fatphobic! He was in a BDSM relationship and was NOT a dom. He’s a genius but also very gullible and easily manipulated (the cancer patient that got a kiss) , but also very cany and can read people really well (he figured out House canceled Foreman’s interview) except when they have to do with him I guess? He’s a cringefail manwhore with no swag and so many bitches! He’s just some guy! Sometimes the way he reacts to something makes it clear he’s kind of a broken mess! But mostly he’s just some beautiful, beautiful guy!
And he’s just like, hangs around people long enough where they start to care about him wayyy more then they mean to. Cameron is an obvious example but by the end House is like, idk I guess your my son? after years of Chase being like, you are my new dad now and getting bullied for it (and he gets a sibling in 13 because she is also House’s kid). And Foreman was all, I don’t like or respect you as a person, and then becomes the Cuddy to Chase’s House by the end. He just orbits them until they are like fuck I guess you’re here to stay?
chase is SO funny because he's such a boring person when by all rights he should be one of the most interesting character of the show. like truly chase is a litmus test for how insane every character in house is because chase is boring but if you transplanted him to any other media he'd be one of the most complex characters just by virtue of existing.
anyways im. not really reading all this because its late and im tired and have spent Too Long staring at some brutal markdown formatting but. he truly is just some guy. he's just Here. fuckin vibing i guess.
he's the best when he actually grows a pair and starts standing up to authority figures. he's very good because you get both "clown on chase" moments, which are great, and also cheering when he like. punches out house. or murders the afformentioned dictator. fuckin incredible
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ervona · 4 months
long? rundown of my Forgotten Realms girls as I feel myself slipping out of the oc making part of the fixation and more into ok let's just play them
star elf monk, now berserker, relies on indomitable presence and force of will
crude with an attitude, still thinks herself above you because she's so wise and has seen all sorts of things. and true, she has
after having to leave her life and home in the far realm of Sildeyuir behind she did various mercenary work mostly around east Faerun
rather protective, soft spot for weak people regardless of the above... she postures a bit
my bg3 character, tried to be a big hero and truly both succeeded and failed... romanced Minthara and currently on the road traveling maybe even conquering the realms as wives
I tend to use she/her but really gender: elf
Balune (Lu)
udadrow storm sorcerer, studied as a wizard unsuccessfully but always bubbly, optimistic regardless (trying not to feel so bad about it)
daughter of Baeloth Barrityl and a Sshamath wizard, close to both of her parents but right now is caught in the ordeal of coming out as trans(fem) and feeling apprehensive about it
kind of sheltered when it comes to the world outside of the underground city but instantly fascinated by surface weather. wants to be a magician, with a weather show underground
thinks her city is great and could never leave it for the surface but likes being somewhere with less expectations for her for a moment
doesn't use alliteration but does use parasol
my current character in Descent to Avernus
Vlonavinia (Vinnie)
udadrow cleric of Lolth, not from Sshamath too but a merchant clan in Menzoberranzan
works at Arach-Tinilith and is proud of it but not actually a mistress. currently a secretary
gentle heart but hardened personality out of hard circumstances, bullying and rivalry that defined her education years at the academy
The cishet... in love (yes) and once an affair with Sorcere master Tsabrak Xorlarrin that got cut short by his matron. she promptly freaked out and left her job for an outpost position to not displease Lolth any further
plays the lute in her free time, not great at that but enjoys it... reminds her of her love and it really does her well to have a hobby
my character for Out of the Abyss. it gets worse. but eventually it could get better...
Arauglora (might rename)
gold dwarf wizard, a "thunder twin" with an affinity for magic as many of her generation but little way of competing for the attention and apprenticeships of scant senior wizards
born in the Great Rift rather than the Deep Realm, so setting out on the surface is less unusual, she's always looked at those skies
loves history, language and the arcane arts
still a bit apprehensive because she's not a warrior but a scholar so she joins up with a caravan in the Shaar as a guard somewhat paradoxically... but a mage guard is useful!
very stubborn, determined even when the decision isn't the best... not peer reviewed and it doesn't need to be, now trust in her
currently not a tabletop character, playing crpgs with her (nwn, maybe bg3 later too)
tiefling, from a somewhat wealthy and very ambitious Chondathan human family in Zhentil Keep, dad is one of many Zhentarim wizards
lives hidden away in her family's home, she's not a good marriage match but they profess to love her so they keep her around and train her in magic. rather limited form of magic as my own take on an artificer, a magic weaver. true wizard training would be a bit too much autonomy, she is meant to be useful enough
uses arcane eye to spy for her family and to catch up on what goes on in the city as well
still working on her later story lol but she's going to narrowly survive Cyric's attack on the city, run away into the wild scared, run into a goodly hag of some sort and maybe become her apprentice. alchemist artificer
in love with Scyllua Darkhope from afar and uses all her magic (and then some!) to bring her back to life and nurse her back to health
not playing her anywhere but if I figure out how I might just do it... preferably not in 5e
rock gnome + shield dwarf ranger, meant to study the crafts of her family but no good at it, finds peace from this frustration in nature
very outdoorsy and can take all the elements but hates being seen as dirty or sloppy, takes meticulous care of her hair, beard and stache
from somewhere in north Faerun but wants to travel the world... has probably met Glora and Isemay, to what impression I'm not sure
despite Vlatka being the most fairy tale kind of character here, Thistle takes the crown of the princess who speaks to animals and all...
alas not very developed story yet, I wanted a versatile character to play crpgs like iwd and nwn. she wants to be a sort of heroic ranger like Drizzt (not sure how she knows him but you do) just to prove her worth to everyone
she can also appear in 5e as an older, more grizzled ranger, so look how far she's come
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venomgaia · 6 months
A mutual acquaintance wants to try getting one of those fancy pens, got any suggestions for newcomers?
Despite me always pining for the super pricy fancy pens, some of the best pens you can own imo are less than $20 USD off the bat, and while the "nicer" ones out there are. over that price, you don't really need that to get a really good first experience. I'll offer some super easy pens, some more intermediate pens, and some inks! This is going to be a long ride, so buckle up!
If you don't know where to start and are intimidated by bottled ink and instead want a pen that can write right away, I recommend the Pilot Varsity! You can get them at Michaels here in the US, and theyre slowly becoming more popular in retail shops like Walmart.
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Classic steel nib, not much flex because it's steel, but it writes pretty sturdily. I really like that it comes in different colors. They're disposable, so if you don't like them then you dont gotta keep 'em, and if you bust the nib by accident (we all have at least once), you aren't going to have to sell a kidney to replace it like you might need to with pricier pens.
If you want a pen you can put ink cartridges into, or just want a good workhorse of a pen, i HIGHLY recommend the Platinum Preppy. The one I own was $14 USD and came with a cartridge of water soluble black ink. For $4 USD, I got 4 cartridges of Platinum's Carbon Black ink, which is waterproof and smooth! Very versatile!
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I REALLY like this one. Ive never had the ink dry out even when i had tucked away for like a month, and if you ever want to use it with bottled ink, you can get a Platinum converter and use whatever fountain pen safe ink you dream of :] This pen only comes in F as far as I know (which is a western EF), but the chinese market has a version called the Platinum Meteor that comes in EF and has a cute shooting star on the nib :] Back when I started writing this I had lost mine for like a month but just found it and it wrote just fine the second i opened it up. The only thing I DISLIKE is that the converter cartridges are sold separately and you HAVE to buy platinum brand for this pen. I already have two bc of my other platinum pens, but. Yanno. Its still annoying to HAVE to do that.
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Similarly, the Kaküno is fantastic! all the above statements, but it has the added benefit of having a cute face on the nib as well as some cute collabs sometimes :] They're also about $14-$16 USD. They take Pilot cartridges in various colors, which are $3-$4 USD and Pilot converters.
I highly recommend the platinum preppy for the full fountain pen experience! It's not mega-expensive as pens go, so if you dont like it you havent sunk hundreds of dollars into a tool.
Lamy is having quality control issues that no one seems to want to contest because of their popularity, and the recent "no bro its totally the same color as the old popular one trust me" ink fiasco. TWSBI is another brand thats normally recommended and while theyre good pens, theyre shitheads as a company and like to use their muscle to bully both retailers and also smaller pen companies. I dont recommend either brand right now.
Your nib, paper, and ink are pretty important. fountain pens dont like rough paper, but they handle it better the larger they are (M, B). Dry inks will not always play nice in fine pens (Ef, F), and an EF pen will eat the shit out of rough paper and can get clogged. If you can get your hands on Rhodia paper to practice, good! If not most sketchbooks will tolerate F pens in my experience. Stillman and Birn are my workhorse sketchbooks and the pens work fine in all of their paper styles, but Hobby Lobby's sketchbooks also handle it well, as do BLICK's colorful leather sketchbooks. Don't Buy Moleskine. If you want to get really good ink effects (ie, you bought an ink with glitter or it has some cool effect like sheening or shading), tomoe river paper is hailed as the gold standard, but you can get similar effects on Rhodia or Clairfontaine paper, which afaik is easier to get ahold of overseas (cant speak for other countries on the US continent, but I will say I saw more clairfontaine in france than here on the us).
NOW FOR INK. my favorite part :] :
For both Waterproof and Black ink, i recommend Platinum's Carbon Black. I think it's pigment-based, unlike most dye-based inks, so it can be tough to clean out of your pen if it dries, but its noting a lil soap and water cant fix :3 It's benefit is that it comes in cartridges usable with platinum pens, so you dont need a whole bottle if you dont want one.
For color inks, I really like Pilot's Iroshizuku line. It is a WET ink and is not waterproof, but they come in cool bottles and pretty colors. I own Ajisai, Shinkai, and samples of Momiji, Murasaki Shikibu, Chikurin, Kosumosu, and Asagao. I use them both to sketch AND to color things and write. My workhorse non-waterproof color, the one i draw most in, is the Sailor Studio 343, but the sailor manyo line is also great! If you like and/or miss scented inks, De Atramentis has a line of them!
Be careful with inks that have glitter. I own the J. Herbin Emerald of Chivor and its glorious but if you leave it in your pen...thousands soaks hell attack. That being said if it would entice you, treat yourself to a fun and shiny ink! I have Colorverse Scorpii Glistening and its really pretty! Diamine has an excellent range that are easier on your pen but I dont have experience with them ngl.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD YOU BUY ANYTHING FROM NOODLERS. aside from having a shithead of a company leader, their inks are actually pretty volatile and can blow up both vintage and modern pens and im speaking from experience even though I used to use their eel bulletproof black and a waterproof blue one. I ended up using the blue ink to dye a cu chulainn wig darker for a wip alter cu cosplay. the last ink i bought, Tchaikovsky, also had a strange and suspicious stank about it.
Buying inks in bottles can be super expensive, but Goulet Pens sells 2ml samples that you can buy a shitload of and try them all out! I try to get new samples on the rare occasion when i need a new bottle of my favorites :> I'll probably buy a full bottle of Sailor Nekoyanagi, Pilot Iroshizuku Chikurin, or Diamine Writer's Blood next.
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I hope this helps! I had to edit it a few times over the course of the past few weeks bc i went on an entire tangent about bootleg pens I like and uh. realized thats both overly complicated for the base question/bootleg pens tend to need tweaking to work nice. that being said, i'll say it quickly: buying lil nibs from aliexpress has actually worked pretty well for me n my tswbi knockoff (lanbitou 3059) has a fude nib i got that's bent to allow brushlike strokes! but I donmt recommend it for a first pen bc it required some grease and a nib tweak upon purchase and dries p easily bc of the cap.
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violetfoxsketches · 1 year
🧠 and 🌂 for Javier and 🎯 and 🎹 for Emmy? :D
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Lmao as terrible as this sounds... He's fun to pick on. Not in a "I like bullying him" kind of vibe, but more like "You are a shitty person who takes advantage of others and maybe you regret it now and you're trying to fix that now, but I'm not gonna feel bad when something bad happens to you. You are the true butt-monkey of this chronicle."
Javier is the character I tell my Storyteller to not regret putting in Situations™ because he could stand to build some character and have the opportunity to Do Better™.
At the same time, I recognize Javier is a product of his trauma, and I'm curious to see if he manages to break the cycle of abuse that was inflicted on him. Man needs therapy, but that's a little hard to come by when you're undead. All he really has to turn to are the vestiges of his Catholic faith from his living days and by extension, his Humanity.
Where's a vampire psychologist when you need one?
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Javier is an Anti-Villain and tends to make the lives of those around him worse. Becoming prey to a vampire who turned him against his consent means he is Damned from the Start and ultimately it makes his story a Tragedy. Especially since he still naively holds onto the private hope that perhaps, if he prays enough, confesses enough, does something worthwhile... maybe God will keep save him from his hellbound fate.
But Javier isn't even sure if the Beast that that dug its claws into his cold, dead heart is a consequence of the vampiric curse that plagues him... or his own true, twisted self.
🎯 -What do they do best?
If you asked Emmy what he is best at he would tell you that's easy; its singing. Emmy has been obsessed with music from a young age but never properly nurtured to pursue that skill. However, he had grown into an angelic tenor nonetheless. And while often written off as 'stupid' or 'airheaded' because of his abysmal relationship with academia, Emmy has a staggeringly large catalogue of memorized lyrics, melodies, and harmonies. He can also harmonize with just about any tune he hears and is eager to start learning guitar.
Ask the right friends what he is best at, and they would mention his voice, yes, but they would also mention his sheer resolve and willingness to stand by his convictions, even in the most dire situations.
They'd also mention he's a hell of a driver, too.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Obviously, singing is a major part of Emmy's identity, so its no surprise that he is one to frequent open mics and karaoke bars. Not only does singing bring him joy, but he has an addictive personality and drowning in the attention he gets from being on stage is one of his favorite highs. He wishes one day to make a career out of his musical skill, but has no idea how to go about doing so. Doubly so now that he's stuck as an undead creature with a deadly allergy to sunlight.
In the same vein of his attention-seeking habits, Emmy loves to dance, both alone and with a partner. The bigger the audience, the better. He often tends to pair this with alcohol as a way of escapism and stress relief, and is a regular partyboy. He loves being the life of the party, despite the fact he himself is no longer alive.
A lesser-know hobby of Emmy's is his love of collecting plants and flowers of all kinds. But he does tend to gravitate towards plants native to the deserts of Arizona where he grew up. He has a healthy collection of potted plants that traveled with him in his car when he was alive, and he still adores them in unlife. Most are hardy succulents and an assortment of desert flowers, but he is always keen to grow red marigolds every summer, as they are his favorite flower. He even has a few paper red marigolds in a pot for the months where he cannot enjoy their blooms.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Something I've been wondering about in MBMW; it seemed like Mike and Liz bullying Ev was something they did to cope with their home life. Since these problems at home haven't vanished (and in fact seem to be escalating), do they turn to other coping mechanisms (healthy or unhealthy, destructive or even self destructive) now that they're no longer (intentionally) hurting Evan?
That's a really great question, anon!
try as they might, their instinctual coping mechanism (hurting Evan) doesn't vanish completely even with all the effort they've been putting in. For example, in BCOH, Mike couldn't hold back his temper after he angered William to help Evan escape, and Liz still humiliated Evan as a response to him bringing up Charlie.
But in Liz's case, she recognized that what she did was wrong; she apologized to Evan and explained why she did it, and let him get his feelings out while also got her own feelings out, too, and they both felt better for it in the end.
In an ideal world, that's what Liz and Mike's new coping mechanisms will become: not tearing each other down so they feel strong enough to survive, but leaning on each other so they all feel strong enough to survive. This is shown by Liz and Mike's conversation about being "broken together" in ch1 of BCOH.
Things aren't always ideal, though. In the pre-Halloween chapter of Collection, Liz distances herself from her toxic friends (a positive step) but is so hurt that she lashes out at Evan when she learned that he wasn't going to be trick or treating with them as a family. Even after she lashes out, she asks Evan to let her do his face paint (before the one-shot takes place, i mean) as though nothing is wrong between them, like she can just shove it under the rug and forget about it. Despite her positive steps, Liz does still have the tendency to ignore obvious signs that her brothers are upset so she can pretend things are happy between them.
I imagine Liz will be pretty lonely at school now that she ditched her friends (well, she was lonely even when she was with them, but she was able to Pretend before). Liz maybe picks up a new hobby to distract herself with; she might start reading more, or doodling, or writing; maybe she even sneaks in crochet needles and yarn and crochets during the school day (I've had friends who do that before, lmao). And hopefully these hobbies encourage her to meet new people and make new friends. Hopefully her reputation as a mean girl gossip won't impede on that...
Unfortunately for Mike, though, he and Evan aren't at the point where Mike can explain why he hurt Evan and have Evan forgive him like Evan does with Liz. The ways Mike has hurt Evan are just too severe.
The non-canon chapter where Evan comforts his brother through ]being reminded that his friends are "missing" shows that Evan doesn't actually want Mike to suffer (like how the fnaf books are in a separate timeline but gives suggestions and inspiration for how things are in the fnaf games, the non-canon chapters in this au do the same for the au as a whole), but Evan really can't support Mike through things the way that Evan can with Liz. Evan just isn't at that place by the end of BCOH.
Liz is the only person Mike has available to fill that role, but even then, Liz is just a kid with her own problems, too. Mike hasn't actually opened up to her about anything that he's going through. He opens up to Evan a little in his attempts to say sorry, but Evan isn't at a place where he can forgive Mike and won't be at that place for a long time yet. Evan's completely valid for that ofc, but it's also not very healthy for Mike that the only times he's been opening up, he gets pushed away and rejected.
Besides the little bit of camaraderie he has with Liz now, Mike doesn't have any other coping mechanisms developed just yet (which is equal parts me still working through what coping mechanisms to give him AND Mike himself not knowing what to do to cope or who to reach out to). I do have some semblance of an idea, but talking about it would spoil a future chapter of Collection, unfortunately.
I will tell you though that there was a cut scene of BCOH where Liz and Mike are walking home from school and Mike asks Liz if she thinks she can walk the rest of the way alone. Mike refuses to answer when she asks why and where he's going to be going, and it quickly gets revealed that Mike was planning on impulsively running away from home right then and there, because surely things would be better for Evan if he wasn't around?
Liz's response, outside of the general fear of losing her brother, would also be fear of losing him as a coping mechanism. In her desperation to get him to stay, she tells Mike that he can't leave because they promised they would get through this together in ch1 of BCOH.
It's not the best response Liz could have given, of course. Trying to stop someone from doing something drastic (or begging them to "go back to normal) because you "need" them (/the "normal them") around to cope yourself is never a good response, imo. All it does is put pressure and stress on the person's shoulders and act as a message that you only want them around because they're "useful" to you; as soon as that usefulness is over, however...
But, Liz is just a scared kid who wouldn't understand that.
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Hey everyone! It's finally time to show you my second OC. Twisted Wonderland related for now, but he also has his place in the Obey Me Universe.
Sadly I still struggle to draw him, so have a bunch of the concept drawings I've accumulated so far:
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Name: Klee
Dorm: Ignihyde
Grade: Freshman
Birthday: March 20 (Pisces)
Age: 16 (Twst age) / 22 (HC age)
Height: 175cm
Dominant hand: Left
Homeland: (small river village near Shaftlands)
Club: Mountain Lovers Club
Best subject: Botany
Hobbies: Collecting plants, reading
Pet peeves: Vi (=people who make fun of him)
Favourite food: Chanterelles
Least favourite food: anything alcoholic
Talent: secretly a gamer god
General description:
Describing Klee really is a challenge in itself.
He is both, the walking definition of "so painfully average you forget it exists", but also one of the weirdest individuals you could ever encounter.
He loves every aspect of nature and might just be the most outdoorsy Ignihyde student the school has ever seen. His magic reservoir however is pretty limited, so he is acquainted with various technomantic devices to compensate for that.
Other than that, he does have the nerdy, introverted mindset of an Ignihyde... And also about the popularity of that.
Before NRC, Klee didn't really have any friends, the last one going back to right before elementary school. The other kids have always avoided him, if not laughed about him behind his back. He wasn't actively bullied, but no-one wanted to have anything to do with his weirdness. He seemed unapproachable, incomprehensible, simply too different.
Klee never really cared, he considered them mean and, well, who wants to be friends with meanies anyway?
To be fair though, they had a point, although he didn't know of it himself. Klee's way of communicating is... extraordinary, to say the least. His written speech is a work of art, with him being a writer. However anything that comes out of his mouth is just... off. Not rude, not weird in language, just ... always a bit different from what you'd expect a person to behave. Furthermore, he isn't the most expressive one, seemingly daydreaming most of the time. This also has to do with his unique magic, which I will elaborate in a future post. He mostly smiles when looking at cute animals, colourful fungi or when thinking of the love of his life, Jade Leech.
He has a big heart, however, and once he becomes friends with the Ramshackle residents, as well as some other classmates, he holds them dearer than anything else in his life. He's always there to lend a hand, or share a piece of his vast common and academic knowledge.
He'd be also more than happy to answer your questions about his character, design or relationships 🐸☘️
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