#bus pulled to the side of the road and i thought of this
haunted-orange · 8 months
A Sideways Step
a step to the side, a side ways step. that’s how i walk these days. i trudge blankly around this road, wondering why i can’t seem to move forward or back. a forward step is so scary, so big and intimidating. a back step is giving up, exiling all the progress i’ve made. but i’m too proud to stay still. so i take a side step. one at a time, slow and decided. i watch wanderers pass. travelers, pedestrians, couples and children. i watch them charge like a bullet past my road, watch them drag their feet sludging back. and i am here. taking my side steps. i cry a lot, because i see how much they feel. how every step means something to them. so joyful to break down and fall backwards for a while. so afraid as they are pushed forward to victory. i reach out to them, begging for a grasp of those emotions. my hand goes straight through. i take another step to the side. i’m not strong enough to go forward. i’m not weak enough to go back. i thought that way for near eternity.
i look back now, and im grateful i kept moving. turns out, i was never stepping to the side. my road was sideways, and i was going the right way. no matter how different it looks, how upside down or sideways it is, don’t let the path you walk keep you from walking at all.
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zwampy · 11 months
im not trying to halt discussions related to public transit i am number one public transit freak i hate cars i love buses i love trains i love functional transport and in time this following fact may change but, broadly, people with mobility issues still cannot take buses or trains.
like when i try to logistically imagine someone I know who can't walk far, taking one of the buses i'm familiar with, to the hospital for an appointment, and i visualize the bus stop and the walk inside and then the department they're going to.... it's not happening.
yes ideally this would change but like as of right now disabled people need parking and they shouldnt be charged. the car is a required part of their being present at all! it's not the same as abled bodied people at ALL.
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oo-delallymrcrow · 5 months
The Babysitter
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A/N: I haven't jumped on a bandwagon so fast but this man has made me start writing again so here you go. Thank you so much for the love on my last story. It made my day 😊
This story is a little more spicy. Nothing to explicit and more suggestive.
Cooper had just moved into the neighborhood. Of course, with this divorce, Barbara got the house, and he had to move out.
He sighed as he went to check his mail when the sound of a door opening caught his attention. His new neighbor was a dad and a daughter who he got to know when they helped him move in. Y/N walked out with a smile and waved to him. Cooper smiled and waved back.
“Heading out to work, Y/N?” He called out as she walked toward him.
Cooper was older but not blind. Y/N was a young, beautiful woman that caught his attention. With her radiant smile and kind demeanor, she seemed like a breath of fresh air in his life.
“No Mr. Howard,” she laughed out, “not work. I'm still in college. Hopefully this degree will help get me one though.”
He hummed in agreement as she walked past him. He looked up to see her still walking before he called out to her.
“You walkin’?”
She stopped and turned to him. “Yeah? Gotta catch the bus.”
He stepped toward her and gestured back to the house.
“You're daddy doesn't take you?”
She shook her head, “no sir. He’s a businessman so he's on the road a lot.”
Cooper looked at his car before making up his mind.
“How about I take you then sweetheart?”
She smiled shyly down at her shoes, “oh I don't want to put you out Mr. Howard.”
“Please,” he scoffed as he led her toward his car. “You're not sweetheart. I'll be happy to know you're getting there safely.”
He opened the door as she smiled again, “thank you Mr. Howard.”
He smiled as her hand brushed along his as he muttered a welcome.
As Cooper pulled into his driveway, Janey was excited to be staying the weekend with her dad and was talking admittedly.
“-and then we can watch cartoons with some pancakes. Can we have pancakes for dinner? I think we should have pancakes for dinner.”
Cooper chuckled as he helped Janey out of the car.
“Whatever you want kiddo. It's our weekend for fun.”
She grinned up at him when a voice called out.
“Hi Mr. Howard. How's your day been?”
Cooper looked up at Y/N as she was walking past his house into her yard. She was smiling at him and glanced down at Janey at his side.
“And hello to you too.”
Janey smiled up at her and waved.
“Hi my name's Janey. I'm staying with my dad this weekend and we're having pancakes for dinner.”
Y/N’s smile widened and she glanced at Cooper, making his heart skip a beat at the glee he saw on her face. He remembered when he was taking her to school she mentioned that she wanted to be a teacher and how much she loved kids.
“Oh wow! You're a lucky kid. I wished I had pancakes for dinner. Are you going to have bacon and eggs too?”
Janey giggled as she nodded, “yes and we're going to watch cartoons!”
Y/N gasped, “Wow you have an amazing night planned huh?”
“Yep. It's gonna be a great weekend.”
Cooper watched the interaction with happiness blooming in his heart. He didn't think his daughter would like Y/N but she took a shine to her so easily. He was thinking about whether she would like to babysit some nights when he had her, when Janey interrupted his thoughts.
“Do you want to join us? You can have pancakes with us.”
Cooper snapped his head to Janey as she grinned up at him. His eyes narrowed at his daughter when a twinkle hit her eye. She turned to Y/N smiling sweetly at her.
“My daddy and I would love for you to come over. We can watch his new movie together.”
‘Oh this little-’ Cooper ran his hand down his face as he felt himself turn a little red at Janey's words.
He looked up at Y/N and saw her face look like it matched hers. He felt a little bad but thought why the hell not.
“Well,” he drawled out as her gaze shot to him. Her eyes made him pause as the setting sun caught the shine in them. They were really pretty. “If you're not busy. We would like you to join us.”
Y/N smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear before shaking her head.
“No, I'm not busy tonight.” She looked at Janey. “I would love to join you.”
She glanced up at Cooper, “and you're dad.”
He smiled and Janey squealed out a yes as she ran up the door to his house. She came over with a laugh. She offered to help bring Janey's things in as Cooper shook his head.
“Come on sweetheart. You are a guest and you need to relax. Now go on.”
Y/N blushed and he liked the look on her. She held the door open for him as he followed behind. Janey was playing with Roosevelt, giggling as he licked her face with his tail wagging in excitement. Y/N walked into the living room and let Roosevelt sniff her hand before giving it a lick. She smiled and leaned down to pet and scratch behind his ear, cooing about how he's a good boy.
Cooper smiled as he walked back to the extra bedroom he claimed was Janey's. As he set her suitcase down Janey's voice came from the doorway.
He knelt down as she walked up to him.
“Yes pumpkin?”
“I hope I didn't make you upset with inviting Y/N over. She just seemed really nice and she sounded like she was lonely.”
Cooper kissed the top of her head as he smiled, “you didn't upset me pumpkin. I think she was happy you invited her over. Now let's go make those pancakes before you get hungry.”
Janey smiled at her dad as he followed her out. Smiling at Y/N as she looked up from petting Roosevelt on the floor. She smiled and let Janey sit right next to her as she started asking about Y/N.
“What's your favorite cartoon? Oh do you like purple? My favorite color is purple.”
Cooper chuckled as he walked into the kitchen. The sound of his house filling with talk and laughter, something he was missing for awhile.
After that night Cooper asked Y/N if she would babysit for him if he ever got busy at work. She smiled and enthusiastically said yes and to give her a call whenever he needed her. When a day came that he needed her, she didn't hesitate to come over and wave him away with a laugh.
So, it became a little routine. He got a busy day with shooting, running a little late into the night. When coming home she would have Janey in bed and a home-cooked meal ready for him. It made Cooper want to spend more time with her than immediately sending her home. So he made sure to strike up conversations whenever she came over, always finding excuses to linger a little longer in her presence.
It was nice. It made Cooper feel normal after all of the chaos. Whenever they did just sit together or the random times he would come home to Y/N and Janey having dinner. She would smile and fix him a plate as he sat down. They all laughed and enjoyed dinner together. It was a happy little family.
So his mind started putting her into different fantasies. They started innocent at first. A family day around town. Going grocery shopping together. Just sitting by the fireplace, cuddling up together, as Janey sat and played with her dolls or coloring while watching tv.
Then one night as Cooper had trouble falling asleep, his mind went down a different path. Coming home to you and bending you over the counter. Making you stay in bed all day as he worshipped your body. That's what you deserved after taking care of him so well.
He felt a little guilty when he had to clean himself after coming to the thought of you, but it was his little secret that he didn't share. He knew it was just one sided and didn't have a chance with her.
Until a day came where she flirted with him. It caught him by surprise. He didn't think anyone would find him attractive with how much older he was. But there you were and it made his heart beat just a little faster.
It was a Saturday morning. Janey wasn't with him this weekend so he slept in a little longer. When he got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to get some coffee the doorbell rang out. He huffed and went to open it, not expecting anyone this morning.
Opening the door, Y/N was standing there with a bright smile like always. Her mouth dropped open a little at surprise and it made Cooper confused. Until he realized he goes to bed with just sleep pants and he was standing in front of you shirtless. He felt heat in his cheeks and spread down his neck as he cleared his throat.
“Sorry Y/N. Um, can I help you?”
He watched as her gaze ran down his body before catching his eye again. She blushed and glanced away.
“Sorry Mr. Howard. I was coming over to see Janey.”
“Oh,” he cleared his throat, bringing her attention back to him.
“She's not here. She's at her mother's this weekend.”
She blinked up at him before making an ‘oh’ face. She scratched the side of her head before slightly turning away.
“Sorry for interrupting your morning then. I'll be on my way.”
Before she could fully turn around, Cooper called out.
“Wait, um did you want to come inside? I was going to make coffee. Maybe if you joined me I'll make a little breakfast for us.”
She turned back and bite her bottom lip. “I would like that.”
He stepped back and let Y/N walk past him. She was trying not to let her gaze linger and wander. But he saw her eyes drop down again and it made Cooper feel heated.
He followed her into the living where he stopped and motioned towards his room.
“I'll just go throw on a shirt and then I'll make us breakfast.”
He walked down the hall but stopped suddenly when he heard her say, “I'd prefer if you didn’t.”
His eyes widened before he shouted, “what was that?”
He heard her let out a little squeak and a nothing. It made Cooper feel better about himself. It made him feel attractive again. So he walked out standing a little taller and was more confident about himself.
Apparently she wanted the same. And over the next few weeks he noticed that they both flirted back and forth. She started staying an extra hour or two just to sit and talk about their day. Shooting was a bitch sometimes and classes made her want to rip her hair out.
“I'm surprised that- what's his name?” Cooper looked up at her as she chewed at her lip.
“Matthew,” she sighed out, throwing her head back to face the ceiling.
He took the opportunity to let his gaze run down her body. She was just sitting there and there he was, wondering if she threw her head back when she pleasured herself. Gasping up to the ceiling and-
Cooper shook his head with a groan. Making her look at him in concern.
“Are you alright Mr. Howard?”
“Fine darlin’.” He growled out as he faced away from her.
He heard a hitch in her breath at his new nickname for her and it made him smirk a little.
“What did Matthew do?”
She groaned and buried her face into her hands. She mumbled a reply and leaned toward her to pull her hands away from her face.
“Couldn't quite hear you,” he smirked, “darlin’.”
Her breath got caught again and she looked away with a blush as she spoke.
“He asked me out on a date.”
Cooper looked at her and couldn't help the bolt of jealousy that went through him. He cleared his throat and stood up to head to the bar to get a drink.
“Is there anything wrong with that?”
‘Quit talking Cooper.’ He poured himself some whiskey. ‘Don't say anything stupid. Don't need to scare her off.’
“A beautiful woman such as yourself should have a boys falling at your feet. I know I would”
It was silent for a minute before he faced her with a grimace.
‘Said the stupid thing.’
She looked down at the couch, picking at a stray string on her sweater. He wished he kept his mouth shut as he took a step forward.
“Sorry if I made it awkward.”
She shook her head quickly, “no you didn't make it awkward Mr. Howard. I just don't like…”
Her face flushed red looking up at him before shooting her gaze back down. He chewed at his bottom lip and gazed down at the glass in his hand.
“I don't like boys,” she finished her statement making Cooper raise his gaze to hers. Surprised that she held it as he felt heat raise up his neck toward his cheeks. He cleared his throat before asking.
“What do you mean-”
“Men.” She stated bluntly. “I like older men. A man who is willing to take care of me and show me new things to try.”
She stood and slowly walked to him. His gaze running up and down her body as she sauntered up to him.
“I like when a man takes care of his child.” She smiles up at him and glances off to the side.
“It shows me that he's a good father and,” she bite at her lip as she ran a hand down his chest. Cooper held his breathe as she looked up at him. “I wouldn't mind him putting a few kids into me.”
Cooper threw his glass to the side to cup her face and smashed his lips against hers. The past few weeks making Cooper take his chance. She let out a small squeak but followed his lead. He ran his hand down to her hip and turned them around as he backed her up into the wall. He placed his other hand beside her head on the wall as he pulled away to catch his breath.
He waited as Y/N slowly opened her eyes in a daze before he licked his lips.
‘Sweet,” he thought as he tasted her chapstick. ‘Of course she tastes sweet.’
“Darlin'” he practically growled put as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You need to tell me now if you want this. If you want to walk out and forget it happened.”
Cooper paused at that statement and hoped to god she didn't reject him.
“Cooper,” she all but purred as she stood up and tip toes. “If I didnt want this. I wouldnt have flirted with you until you got the hint.”
She brushed her lips to his as he ran his hand down to squeeze her ass. She let out a harsh breath and whined as he chuckled.
“Duly noted sweetheart.”
He pressed his lips to hers again as she moaned out. He pressed his body and slotted his leg between hers. She threw her head back with a cry of his name as she rolled her hips. It clicked in his head that she was calling him Cooper instead of Mr. Howard. He pressed a few soft kisses down her neck.
“Never thought I'd like my name falling out of your mouth this much.”
She let out a small breathless laugh as he nibbled at her ear.
“You should hear when I moan it, done that a few times. Maybe screamed it too.”
Cooper let out a low moan and pulled away to hoist Y/N up and over his shoulder. She giggled as he walked down the hallway to his bedroom muttering about how she's being a tease.
“Gonna have to teach ya a few manners, darlin’.”
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
A Night In The Country
word count: 3626 || avg. reading time: 15 mins.
pairing: University AU!Sakusa x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff with a pinch of spice
warnings: mdni
request: medium custom peach lemonade for Sakusa!♡ Custom: You thought your crush was one-sided little did you know... || fluffy-spicy, getting stranded with seemingly one-sided crush Sakusa
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Sakusa leaned back in his seat. His long legs elegantly crossed, he took a sip of his iced hazelnut americano, tapping and scrolling aimlessly on his phone, his mask tucked neatly under his chin.
The lecture hall was filling slowly and the chatter of the dozen or so students that already waited just like him was quietly buzzing in the air.
Sakusa didn’t pay much attention to any of it. He already scanned the room and saw that you hadn’t arrived yet.
But only a moment later, his shoulders tensed slightly when your voice wafted over to him, like the sweet smell of a craving he’d had. He didn’t turn around but he angled his phone a little to catch your reflection. You were laughing with a friend as you walked down the steps, trying to decide where to sit. He was lucky today. You shuffled through the benches behind him and settled a few seats away.
“So it’s not gonna be fixed in time?”, he heard your friend ask somberly.
“I mean, it could be probably, but I don’t have the money right now. New brakes are so expensive, I’ll have to at least pull two extra shifts at the store to afford them. I was looking into some buses but because we live so far out there is no direct route and I’d arrive at the station some time after midnight and then would have to wait until morning for another bus and yeah… I’ll make it work somehow, but it sucks.”
“And asking your parents to chip in for a taxi?”
“Nah, that defeats the whole purpose of a surprise.”, you replied with a sigh, “Plus I don’t think they have any signal at their cabin so they couldn’t even send it until they get back on the road home.”
“Maybe I could ask my brother to take you?”, the friend offered.
He listened to you ponder. The thought of you spending possibly a couple of hours with some other guy alone in a car was unacceptable.
“I can drive you.”, he heard himself saying.
“Hm?” Both girls looked at him when he turned in his seat, casually waving with his coffee, the ice cubes rattling softly as he did.
“I can drive you.”, he repeated, “I was planning to drive home tonight anyway (lie), so it wouldn’t be a problem to take you. You live close to Nakagawa, right? I have to head in that direction, too (lie), so it wouldn’t be too far out of my way (lie).”
“Uhm. Are you sure?“ You only ever talked to Sakusa for questions on notes or when you were too short to get a book down from a shelf at the library. You definitely weren‘t close enough that you would have felt comfortable asking him for a ride.
“Yeah, no problem. I have training tonight but it ends around 8 if that‘s not too late for you.“
“No! 8 is perfect! Thank you so much!“
You checked the clock on your phone for the third time in as many minutes. You looked around, grabbing the handle of your old travel bag with both hands and rolling back and forth on your feet.
It wasn‘t quite dark yet but the parking lot next to the gym was already illuminated by street lamps. The sky was a pretty blueish gray and the cicadas were busy telling the world that summer was not over yet.
You smoothed out your linen shorts and adjusted the tuck of your shirt. Deciding on an outfit appropriate for a road trip had taken way longer than it should have. Especially since Sakusa was only doing you a favor. It didn’t mean anything so there was no reason to overthink it.
Of course, it was unsurprising that you found him attractive. Half the class was crushing on the anti-social volleyball star and the other half was just slightly better at hiding it.
But when you spotted him in the group spilling from the opening gym doors a few minutes later, your heart stumbled despite your better judgment. Sakusa split from his teammates walking towards the bus stop and lengthened his stride when he saw you.
“Hey, did you wait long?”, he asked and led you towards a sleek black car that most likely cost more than your tuition. You shook your head No as he clicked a button on his car keys to open the trunk, neatly placing his gym bag inside and reaching out his hand to get yours as well.
Somehow, even though freshly laundered, your clothes looked dirty next to his. Aside from the questionable neon yellow and green of his old training jacket, flung onto the backseat, he looked like he was ready to go to a dinner party. His hair was still damp from the post-training shower (his teammates had shrieked in surprise when he joined them for the first time ever in “those germ-infested stalls“) and the car quickly filled with the refreshingly cool smell of his shower gel. It made you feel cozy and light-headed at the same time. It had you imagine for a split second, how Sakusa would take you for a ride after training to grab some late night ice cream and watch the city lights dance on the river while holding hands and talking in his car. The sudden rumbling of the engine pulled you out of your little daydream and you also may have forgotten to breathe when his hand came up to hold the back of your seat as he turned to reverse out of the parking lot. This was going to be a long drive.
Sakusa kept one hand on the steering wheel, the other was propped against his temple, his elbow resting on the door. The road was smooth and barely traveled once you got out of Tokyo traffic. Nakagawa was about two and a half hours south and according to his GPS your house was another 20 minutes further out. All throughout training he had tried to listen in on casual conversations his team members had with each other to get some kind of indication what smalltalk he could bring up but it was mostly concerning volleyball or workout routines or an extensive ranking of protein shake flavors - not much he could use with you.
“Cow.“, he said, pointing out the window to a ruminant-shaped blob that practically blended into the meadow with how dark it had gotten by now.
You followed his eyes and confirmed it was indeed a cow, then smiled politely and went back to selecting music on your phone.
Sakusa felt like an idiot. You lived in a rural town. Cows were nothing novel to you. So back to square one.
He tried a few different approaches.
“Are you reading anything currently?”
And thinking he wouldn’t exactly be interested in the fantasy romance series that was splashed all over your social media, you just shook your head.
Meanwhile, Sakusa didn’t want to readily admit that he had picked up the books after the fourth time you posted about them and even less that he genuinely enjoyed the story. He pursed his lips and just kept his eyes on the road.
“What does your family do?”, he’d ask a few minutes later.
“They’re apple farmers. They also make everything from cider to wine to applesauce.”
He nodded, trying to find an angle to keep you talking.
You on the other hand didn't want to “bore” him with anecdotes about what it was like growing up on a farm. So you fell silent once more.
Sakusa wondered if he was doing something wrong. Usually, when he snatched a seat near you in the lecture halls, you were very talkative and could easily hold a conversation - in most cases ending your stories on a completely different topic than where you started. It was one of your most ridiculously entertaining and endearing qualities that made him notice you in the first place. Who, after all, could ignore a girl that talked knowledgeably about autapomorphies of any given taxon and then wondered in her next breath if crocodiles had a concept of friendship.
“Do you… like food?”, he asked and resisted the urge to bonk his head on the steering wheel. He had meant to be a lot more specific but it worked!
You had frowned at him for a moment, then chuckled, then laughed and said, “Yes, I do enjoy food. How about you?”
“Half an hour to go.”, he informed you when he turned off onto a bumpy dirt road between two rice paddies. The past hour he had talked and laughed more than he had all semester and even though his voice was getting hoarse, he was disappointed that the drive was nearing its end. Sakusa winced when he hit a pothole in his attempt to miss another. The car shook. It really wasn’t meant for off-roading, but it soldiered on. Until it didn’t.
After a couple more hits from rocks and uneven terrain, the engine sputtered and then stopped.
“Huh.” Sakusa turned the key in the ignition once, twice but never got more than a - described generously - weak little stutter.
“I’m so sorry.”, you said earnestly, but at the same time tried to suppress a snort at his incredulous expression.
“It’ll be fine.” He plucked his phone from the holder on the console and began searching for car workshops nearby.
You waited patiently for the realization to hit.
And there it was.
“Should have figured that there are no 24h auto shops in the countryside.”
“Sorry to disappoint.”
You two looked at each other, then broke into laughter, still giddy from your pre-pothole conversations.
“Looks like we’re walking.”
With a flourish, you opened the door and got out.
“Walking?” He followed your example and met you at the trunk.
“Yup!” Your village-born “get to work” attitude sprung to life when you waited for him to push the button so you could retrieve your bag, “We’re only a few minutes out of Nakagawa. We can walk there and ask for help. And if all else fails, we can at least find a place to spend the night.”
Spend the night? Sakusa felt his heart stop and then pump hard to make up for lost time.
You shouldered your bag and grinned.
“Let’s go!”
Holding your phones aloft to illuminate the pitch dark a little, you hiked along the dirt road, always switching between checking your next steps and zeroing in on the few town lights that dappled the not too distant horizon. You picked up the conversation where you left off and learned about his high school years and the team he used to play with. You yourself were part of the archery club at university and had played a bit of softball in high school. Sakusa was asking question after question, feeling relaxed whenever you talked for a long time. He listened intently as you recounted key moments from your childhood and the one softball tournament you played in your first year, how you got hit in the face by a curveball once and then decided that maybe a different sport would be more suited for you.
“Oh, don’t you wanna call your folks?”, you asked suddenly, when the dirt road finally turned to asphalt and a large sign announced the entrance of Nakagawa.
In the dim cone of light from your phone you saw him frown.
“Cause you said you were headed my way today to go home. They must be worried sick by now.”
“Oh.”, he averted his eyes and felt his ears burn in embarrassment. “No, they’re not.”
“Hmm, I bet they are.”, you smiled, then obviously got an idea, “Oh! Maybe they can come pick you up! Where do they live?”
“Aoyama.”, he said it innocently and quickly as if ripping off a bandaid.
“Ao- wait, isn’t that in Shibuya?”
“Uh huh.” He walked past you, reaching the still surprisingly lively main road of town, feigning interest in a pub to his left.
“That’s the north of Tokyo.”, you noted.
“Yes.”, he agreed simply.
Your stomach flipped. Of course you didn’t want to assume anything but if his behavior tonight was any indication then…
He turned around, ripping you from your thoughts. “We should find a place to sleep first.”, he said, typing on his phone, “And then we can grab something to eat.”
“Right.”, you said, still wondering if the puzzle pieces in your head fit together or if you were just delusional.
“Seems like it’ll be difficult to find two single rooms on such short notice.”, he muttered, scrolling, then standing next to you so you could check the screen as well.
“These are all double beds.”, you so keenly observed.
“Right.”, he said slowly. Your proximity made his head swim. “Then we should probably look somewhere else.”
“Right.”, you agreed, clearing your throat.
“Or we could book two double bedrooms.”, he suggested, his calm tone not matching the excited panic rising his chest at all. Sakusa really hoped you would say No.
Being quite a bit taller allowed him the privilege to have you look up at him with your big (e/c) eyes.
“That seems reasonable…”
Were you disappointed? He searched your face for any hint. You were fairly open about your feelings, carrying your thoughts on the tip of your tongue and heart on your sleeve. It was another entrancing quality he felt himself drawn to.
He didn’t want to be the pervert who pushed for sleeping in one bed. You might end up thinking he tricked you somehow.
“But-“, you began, biting your lip for a moment before continuing, “maybe it’ll be okay to share for one night?”
“Just if it’s alright with you.”, you hastily added.
An image formed in his mind. He was sitting on a freshly made bed, when the door to the bathroom opened and you stepped out enveloped in a cloud of steam. A towel would be tightly wrapped around you, not quite big enough to cover your curves - a slid on the side teasing more of your plush thigh. You’d sit down next to him, applying lotion to your legs and he’d be mesmerized by the little water drops still clinging to your skin. In his head you’d ask if he could help you with the lotion because you were worried your towel would slip and he was nothing if not helpful.
Back in reality he tore himself away from staring at your reddening cheeks and his finger hovered over the booking button.
“Y/n-chan?!” A booming voice from up ahead made you two look up.
A woman with a graying perm stuffed under a bright green bandana came up to you with determined steps, a wide smile on her face and she embraced you without hesitation.
“In town for your mom’s birthday, I guess? You’ve certainly grown a lot. Must be all that good food in Tokyo. You look more like your parents every day. I remember when you were still that round-faced little thing stealing strawberries from my garden!”, she tsk’ed her tongue playfully, “Is your brother coming, too? Haven’t seen him in a while as well, but that’s to be expected when he is always so busy. But you should make time for family at least. - And who do we have here? My, my. I don’t know the last time you brought a boyfriend home but he is certainly a handsome one, isn’t he? What’s your name?”
You didn’t even know where to start, feeling like most of her questions were rhetorical. And although you definitely wanted to tell her that Sakusa was certainly not your boyfriend, you also knew that that would bring on a whole new wave of interrogations.
“Sakusa Kyoomi.”, he just said with a deep bow and an even deeper blush on his ears which the night and warm lights from the surrounding restaurants gratefully hid.
Maybe he also figured it would be easier to just play along, you thought.
Meanwhile, Sakusa was just happy someone put the idea in your head.
The woman was only about half his height and took her time taking in every inch of his appearance, no doubt making mental notes to tell all her friends about it first thing tomorrow.
Your situation was quickly explained and the friendly neighbor just waved it off.
“Don’t worry, dearies. I can take you home, no problem. The truck’s this way.” You exchanged a look with Sakusa who just kind of stood there, unsure of what to do. “Well, come on, you two. No one is getting any younger here.”
The beige banged up pickup was only a few hundred meters away. The back was stacked full of large baskets holding different vegetables.
“Don’t mind ol’ Momo, but I think you two have to squeeze in the back.”
“Ol’ Momo” was a giant white Akita snoozing on the passenger seat. He lifted his head when they opened the doors and only gave a deep tired woof as a greeting, his tail wagging lazily when the women scooted in next to him behind the wheel.
Sakusa tried his hardest not to touch anything. The backseat was covered in dust and sand and housed more big plastic colanders with precariously stacked daikons, still dirty from the field’s soil. If the car wasn’t his worst nightmare he would have greatly enjoyed having you so close to him. Your thigh was pressed against his and he had flashbacks to his little daydream excursion from earlier. He was still pretty disappointed that he was robbed of the opportunity, however miniscule his chance with you might have been in the first place.
Off the truck went. Of course more dirt roads meant more potholes but unlike his fancy city car the sturdy little pickup truck had no problems trundling along. Apparently in no need of an actual conversation partner, the neighbor just kept on talking, bringing you up to speed on how her fields were doing, what her sons were up to and gave an exact play by play of how her husband managed to strike a bargain on new seeds for the following year. You nodded politely or asked an occasional question to keep her attention away from Sakusa, while he watched you being thrown around like a ragdoll during more turbulent road maneuvers. He at least had the luxury to hang on for dear life on the grab handle above the car window. You, sitting in the middle of the backseat with a non-functioning seatbelt, either dealt with your bumpy fate or tried to steady yourself elsewhere. The truck’s cabin jumbled again and you jerked forward, barely holding onto the back of the driver’s seat. His arm shot out almost automatically to wrap around your waist, pulling you back to him.
“Thank you.”, you murmured so the woman wouldn’t hear, “I’m sorry, I know you hate touching people.”
“I don’t mind.”, he replied.
Your eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when he unhurriedly let you go and looked out the window into the pitch blackness of the country night. Sakusa had forgotten how dark it could get without the constant neon lights of the city. In the reflection of the window he still saw you staring for a moment, then turning your head back to the front, answering some question of the neighbor. He stretched his fingers, your softness now seemingly imprinted in his memory.
Another minute or so passed before you were thrown forward once again. This time, his arm remained around you. “If you don’t mind.”, he said under his breath, “Just until the road gets better.”
You nodded slowly and robotically looked to the front again.
It was difficult not to milk this opportunity. Having Sakusa holding you close like this sparked all kinds of ideas of snuggling up against his broad frame, drawing patterns on his thighs and asking dreamily if he also thought spring was the perfect season for a wedding.
Sakusa hid a smirk behind his hand when your head lulled against his shoulder as soon as the truck reached a smooth road. He adjusted his seat so you would be comfortable and didn’t stop grinning until the truck pulled up to a farmhouse.
“There we are.”, the neighbor announced and then hushed her voice when she saw you in the rear view mirror, “Oh, look at that. Well aren’t you just the cutest love birds. You wake her up, I’ll get her bag.”
He really didn’t want to lose your warmth despite the remaining summer heat. You felt so perfect in his arms like this.
“Y/n.”, he said softly, “Y/n, you’re home.”
Carefully brushing a strand of hair out of your face he poked your cheek with his finger. No reaction. He poked again. You mumbled something and cuddled closer. His body was about to explode from cuteness overload.
His door opened. “No luck?”, the woman asked.
He shook his head and began to think. Making sure to pull you along with him, he stepped out of the truck and slid his other arm underneath your knees.
“Oh you’re not picking her up, sweet boy. You’ll break your neck trying to lift this one.”, she warned but Sakusa already brought you close to his chest. He would ask his trainer to add extra sets for muscle gain in his workouts from now on, but at this moment he was just way too satisfied with himself to carry you across the courtyard up the few steps to the front door. The cool night air made you stir in his arms. “Sakusa?”
“Great timing. Do you have the keys?”
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art: @KUM07474_V on Twitter
a/n: so uhm, yeah this one just kept on going xD thank you so much for your request and continued kindness @melimelisworld, I hope you enjoyed it 🌟
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nicxl333 · 1 year
could you do a part 2 of bllk boys accidentally hurting their partner bu with a good ending please.
My stomach wouldn't be able to handle mor angst(⁠T⁠T⁠)
thanks for the req anon, i think you’re doing everyone a favour here by asking for this because whew! i was ready to dropkick a mf from writing pt.1 lmao
also if you’re here by chance it’s probably best if you read pt.1 for context before you read pt.2 | :3
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characters: isagi yoichi, reo mikage, nagi seishiro, barou shoei, itoshi rin
content: overwhelming fluff, slight angst, major angst (in rin and barou’s part), reader is female coded (the term ‘girlfriend ‘ is used)
tags: @kaiserkisser @silly-ez @scaramouchemyloveee @mariyumemi @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @hsxhype @aquamarine001 @nxgiswife @hanagoromo-roses
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two weeks. two long, monotonous weeks spent without isagi. yes bachira did his very best to make sure you were comfortable with him, but you missed isagi so damn much.
it wasn’t only difficult for you though, bachira was trapped in a bad position. due to him being a friend of both you and isagi, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. while it was evident that isagi had fucked you over badly, being in a team with isagi and having him as a bestfriend didn’t make things better. he couldn’t just pick a side and be done with it.
unbeknownst to you though, isagi asked bachira multiple times each day about how you were doing. after some self reflection, he realised just how wrong he was for treating you that way. especially since people like you nowadays are hard to come by. someone so nurturing, caring and full of love and devotion for their s/o was quite the rarity to find. and to think he nearly lost all of that with just a few words. really opened up his perspective of things. he wanted to do better. for you and himself.
and so, he cut down his training times, making more time for himself to wind down from daily intensive workouts. he thought of words to say to you, to make it known to you that he was aware where he went wrong and was taking responsibility for his actions.
he also went shopping, to buy you a multitude of gifts. clothes, jewellery, trainers and heels, perfumes, trinkets. you name it, he bought it. it all cost him a hand and a foot, but he didn’t mind, he would do it 100 times over for you. (we should remember this man is a professional footballer, he’s got dough.) once home, he placed all the gifts on the coffee table in the living room, having to put some on the floor due to the sheer amount he bought, ready to take them to bachira’s tomorrow.
little did he know he wouldn’t have to make the commute.
you had said your goodbyes to bachira that same day, thanking him for taking you in for so long with a big bear hug, to which he returned with just as much (platonic) love as you had shown him. you placed your bag in the backseat of your car, turning on the ignition and beginning the drive back home.
as the roads whizzed by you on the highway, so did the thoughts in your head. you were very nervous to have to talk to isagi again, to have to recall exactly what happened that night. glancing at the time on the dashboard, you drew the conclusion that isagi should be training right now, which would at least give you time to prepare before he got back.
as you pulled up to the apartment complex, the first thing you noticed was that isagi’s car was there, in his usual spot next to yours.
‘he’s home?’
surely not, maybe he just hitched a ride or something. although that didn’t make any sense whatsoever. there would be no reason why isagi would skip his evening trainings, not that you could think of anyways. even after joint practice with his team he would then further push himself to do his own training, polishing up on his skills. so to think he’s potentially broken that pattern confused you.
after parking your car and collecting your things you made your way to your front door, unlocking it and venturing in. once you placed your keys on the side table and took off your shoes, you walked into the empty living room, ultimately puzzled when you noticed the coffee table filled to the brim with bags from your favourite places.
“yoichi? you there?”
you therefore assumed he was out, deciding to take a closer look at the bags. inside, everything you had ever bought for yourself or displayed interest in while out with isagi lay in each bag. even things that you didn’t have, but wanted, were present.
he remembered.
your eyes immediately welled with tears of appreciation, head snapping to your bedroom door when you heard it open, isagi’s figure stepping out. you immediately jolted, not expecting him to actually be here, even though you didn’t actually take the time to look and see properly.
“shit! y/n, you’re back? wait, why’re you crying?”
in an instant he crossed the distance to you, wiping the tears away once he assessed and evaluated that you were not hurt.
“uh— sorry. i should’ve asked you first. is this okay?” he quizzed, holding the sides of your face tenderly. you nodded, leaning into his touch.
“are these for me yoichi?” you looked into his cobalt blue eyes. one hand left your cheek, rubbing at the skin behind his neck, suddenly feeling shy.
“erm…yes. yes they are. i wasn’t expecting you back though, i was gonna surprise you tomorrow. ” he pulled you towards the sofa, sitting you down and looking deep into your (e/c) eyes.
“look y/n, i know materialism doesn’t take away what i did to you, but i want you to know just how sorry i am. you didn’t deserve how i treated you. not two weeks ago or months before. i made you feel lonely, i put football before you. when you needed me, i shut you out. and i take full accountability for that. words couldn’t describe just how badly i’m in love with you and how crazy you make me feel. i couldn’t bear to lose that forever. hell, these two weeks without you have tormented me enough. a lifetime without you would finish me off for good.”
you listened to him speak every word, touched that he would say such soothing words to you. yes, you did expect him to apologise, but not to go above and beyond to show his willingness to change.
your nose started flaring, the sting of your eyes warning that you were about to cry again.
feeling uncomfortable with your silence, isagi pressed you slightly.
“y/n? are you— are you oka-”
you cut him off by pouncing on him, engulfing him in a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him like it was your last.
“i’m yours yoichi. always and forever.”
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you woke up in the same hotel room you cried yourself to sleep in. throat dry, head pulsating and heart wounded. you needed some form of rejuvenation, but, considering you didn’t have any clothes on you, seemed hard to achieve.
you reached for your phone, shocked when you saw 20 missed calls and 46 messages from the very same person who caused you anguish in the first place. opening the message app you see the most recent messages being sent at around 5am.
“y/n, where are you?”
“y/n please answer the phone!”
“are you safe at least, i’m worried about you.”
“i just wanna know if you’re okay, we need to talk.”
“y/n please, im starting to worry, just send me a text, or something. let me know you’re okay.”
although you were beyond pissed at the guy, he was concerned for your safety, and to make him worry for you like that shouldn’t have to be something anyone should experience.
you sent him a quick, straightforward response.
“i’m fine, you don’t need to worry.”
the read receipt came as quickly as you sent it, a bubble popping up, signaling that reo was typing. however, after a few moments, it disappeared altogether, leaving your message standing alone.
you sighed, deciding that the least you could do was shower, feeling clammy and, simply put, dirty.
luckily, your job was well paying so you were able to book a lavish en-suite hotel room, although you didn’t pay attention to that much last night, willing to go just about anywhere as long as it weren’t near reo. inside the bathroom lay exquisite amenities, top branded shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, along with oils and different expensive face care products. an unopened toothbrush pack also was present on the bathroom counter, with toothpaste alongside it. and by the full glass shower itself stood a towel and robe on the hanging rack.
it weren’t exactly clothes, but it was a start. better than staying in your dress the whole day. while you waited for the shower water to warm you looked at yourself in the mirror, cringing at how dishevelled your figure was. your cheeks were tear stained, causing your mascara to run, your lips had smeared lipstick still present, and your hair? let’s not even go there. you looked a hot mess, physical evidence of your current mood.
once heated to a substantial temperature you stepped into the shower, revelling at how that warm water melted into your skin. you made good work of scrubbing down your skin, leaving no traces of any events that may have transpired the day before.
soon enough you finished up your shower, stepping out and wrapping the towel round your figure, feeling refreshed, but still incomplete. you brushed your teeth next, trying to avoid letting your thoughts go off topic from the current task at hand.
just as you were walking into the room itself to look for moisturiser, you heard a knock at the door. it confused you to the core. no one actually knew your whereabouts so you couldn’t rack your brain to guess who it could be. you ventured close to the door, looking through the peephole and visibly relaxing once you saw a hotel worker standing, waiting.
“ah, good morning miss y/n, i have a bag here requested to be brought to you.”
if you weren’t confused before, you were bewildered now. this meant that someone hand to have known where’d you were, but how? only one way to find out.
“requested by who, might i ask?”
“mr…mikage reo?”
what the actual hell. you were well and truly silenced by the revelation. more importantly, it’s quite amazing how he managed to find your location with such haste. although it shouldn’t really surprise you so much, considering he probably had connections due to his status. it made you wonder just what exactly he brought to you.
“erm ma’am?”
you cracked the door open, seeing one of reo’s duffel bags stuffed to the brim. the hotel worker held it out for you to take, bowing then turning to leave immediately after. you carried the heavy bag through the room, placing it on the ottoman at the end of the bed.
you stood for a second, debating whether you should open it or not. curiosity got the better of you though, and you unzipped the bag, stalling when you realised it was a bag of clothes for you, as well as the moisturiser you use, some makeup products and your favourite trainers. it’s like he somehow knew you would need clothes, probably since you didn’t return home last night.
taking the clothes from the bag you realised he packed you one of your favourite hoodies, his own hoodie.
after moisturising yourself you started to put the clothes on, feeling slightly better about yourself. you looked into your makeup bag, seeing some of your basic everyday skin and hair products, as well as your everyday perfume, feeling grateful that reo at least paid attention enough to know what you liked and used.
just as you had finished your skincare routine you heard another lock at the door, wondering who it could be at this time. you got up and crossed your way to the door, looking through the peephole and freezing.
your boyfriend, reo stood at the door, looking around nervously.
you gauged your options for a moment, reaching an ultimatum with yourself that you couldn’t avoid him forever. you opened the door fully, stepping to the side for him to walk in, which he did, stepping meticulously and with precaution, while you closed the door behind him.
all was silent for a moment, neither party knowing what to say to the other, a million thoughts rushing through the room. the tension was taut, the air thick, and awkwardness seeping in.
you collected yourself, deciding to start it off.
“thanks for the clothes, i appreciate it.”
“it’s…the least i could do, considering how i treated you.” he said, simultaneously biting down on his lip.
he moved closer towards you, looking at your expression to see if he was crossing boundaries at any point.
“y/n.” you looked at him with apprehension, worried about what may fly out of his mouth next. “i want you to know that what happened last night, was entirely my fault. i need you to understand that.”
you frowned with sadness displayed on your face. yes he may be owning up to his actions, but that didn’t explain why he said what he said. especially if he could say something of that degree to you with such ease. it sounded like he meant every word.
becoming slightly anxious from your silence, he continued on.
“i made you it sound like you were inadequate or you were lower than me because i have money. i know it sounds bad, but y/n, it’s really the opposite. you don’t look at me for my background, you look at me for who i am as a person. you make me feel normal. make me feel like i can be myself around you. i don’t have to keep myself guarded around you and i appreciate you so much for it. i guess that’s why i spoke out of turn to you like that last night. because you’re probably the only person who can actually knock me down a peg. and having nagi hear that made me scared. scared because i was vulnerable in front of him. of course, i’m not excusing my actions, and i’m not asking for forgiveness, i just want you to know i’m sorry.”
you nodded slowly in understanding, looking at the way he subconsciously tugged on a piece of his violet tresses. he left his hair down today. you loved it when his hair was down. he knew that.
“i hear you reo, but that’s not the only issue. this whole problem stemmed from the fact that you spend too much time with nagi. i don’t wanna be the girlfriend that prohibits you from spending time with your friends, that’s not who i am, but when you’re with nagi so much that it makes you forget important dates, that’s when it becomes a problem. especially when you then make it out to be like i’m the problem. no one is saying you can’t be around him, but have a backbone please. he’s always there reo. sometimes i just want you to myself, is that too much to ask for?”
he realised where he went wrong, casting you aside for the sake of nagi, which wasn’t cool. and he didn’t want to lose you. you were too good to him and he felt so strongly about you. anything you asked for could never be too much, not to him.
and so, he stepped closer to you still, scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around, relishing in the way you wrapped your arms around his neck, both for stabilisation and comfort.
“no baby, it’s never too much. not when it comes to you.”
you squeezed him tighter, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck and smiling.
“i don’t like it when we fight reo, i love you too much for that.”
“i love you too y/n,” he placed you down gently on the bed, laying you back and caging you in with both arms, his hair hanging directly over your face. “so…we’re gonna go back home and i want you to pack your bags. we’re going to mykonos for the week to celebrate our anniversary together.”
you straightened up, wondering where this was all coming from.
“huh? reo, you’re forgetting something? you may be off season right now but i still have work.”
“not for the next two weeks, i pulled some strings so now you have paid time off, which, gives you more time with your favourite man.”
you chuckled at his revelation, knowing he definitely used his power to threaten your manager. reo could be so demanding at times.
“speaking of which, do you know where he is?” his face immediately darkened at that.
“wanna repeat that?”
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nagi was in a state. it had only been 4 days since you broke up with him, but that was 4 days too long for him. it wasn’t actually until you broke it off with him and it sunk in that you were gone, that it really registered for him.
he missed you.
it made him realise, as much as he hated being bothered…he didn’t mind if it were you. he really did enjoy spending time with you. especially when cuddling. your figure was so soft, a perfect cushion for him to lay on as he slept. you would play with his hair so gently, lulling him to sleep. and you were really pretty.
the apartment just seemed all the more empty without you. yes, he did live alone pre blue lock a few years back, but having you live with him made him get used to having someone around. he grew comfortable and accustomed to it. so much so that it felt lonely when you left.
you had temporarily went back to your parents house while you looked for a new place to live. you had a few items of miscellaneous clothing left behind in your room, but you had ran out, thus needing the majority of your stuff, which you had left back at nagi’s.
you left off, with the promise to your parents that you’d be back soon.
the engine hummed as you drove back, playing your playlist on a high volume, hoping to drown out the thoughts spiralling in your head, although it did little to silence them.
you didn’t plan a time to leave out, but realised that you had coincidentally headed out at the same time nagi would be home, a meeting inevitable. oh well. had to happen at some point. you planned on a quick and brisk pit stop, hoping to minimise interaction with him as much as possible.
you pulled up to the apartment complex, walking through the lobby, swiping your keycard and pressing the lift to go to the penthouse.
in no time you reached the top, the lift doors opening. you stepped out and pushed your key into the lock, opening the door as silently as you could, walking in and shutting it with a click.
yes, you may have been moving around like a teenager after a forbidden night out, but you would much rather that than have to be further insulted by nagi, should he catch you.
alas, things cannot always go smoothly in life, for nagi had heard you, stepping out of the bedroom, shirtless with loosely hanging shorts, evidently having just woken up from a nap.
he instantly stopped, rubbing his eyes to see if he was tweaking or not. yet, you stood there, trying to disappear in that moment.
“y/n…you’re here.”
“only to get my things nagi, i’ll be out of your hair in around half an hour.”
nagi. his own name turned his mood sour. he’d much rather you call him by his actual name, or sei, not his last. and you knew that fact very well, making sure he knew damn well you were serious.
you begun to hurriedly walk towards the bedroom, where he was standing by the door, attempting to walk past him as quickly as possible. he intervened however, stepping about halfway into the door so that you were now directly in front of him and couldn’t get past, unless you spoke to him.
“are you really leaving y/n?”
“it’s l/n to you nagi, and yes. you don’t get to say something like that to me and think we’ll be cool after. it’s fucked up.”
you turned so he couldn’t see you, tears beginning to form at the painful recollection of what occurred a few days ago. you didn’t trust yourself to say anything else, for the fear of bursting into tears held you back.
“please don’t leave me y/n, i can do better, i promise. i regret what i said. really badly. i’m— i’m sorry.”
you knew that nagi didn’t like talking as it is (he referred to it as a hassle), so to have him trying to at least communicate with you did mean something. not enough to satiate you though.
when you didn’t say anything back he lightly tugged your hand and turned you around, eyes widening once he saw tears streaming down your face.
he attempted to console you, wanting to pull you into a hug, but drawing back when you lightly pushed him off you.
“y/n- what’s wrong?”
“i can’t sei, i’m scared. scared you’ll grow bored of me. i don’t know if i’m bothering you or not and it kills me to think that you’d spend more time on games than with me. you basically told me i’m a hassle. how the hell else am i supposed to take that?”
your tears wouldn’t stop pouring down no matter how much you tried to calm yourself down, sniffles loud and clear as day.
something unusual happened to nagi as he watched you cry your eyes out. he felt his heart breaking into tiny shards at your state. more so because he knew it was because of him. he didn’t want to be the cause of your pain. he didn’t want to see you like this, experiencing such distress.
he wrapped his arms around you, one hand shielding your head and pulling your face into his bare chest, where you sobbed some more, letting up all the feelings built up from days prior.
“you’re not a hassle y/n. i said that out of turn. you could never be a hassle to me. while you were gone, i couldn’t even play my games properly. i just slept and trained because i missed you so much and didn’t know what to do without you. i know i’m lazy, and i know i don’t make you feel loved enough, but i do. i love you. i’ll do better for you and i don’t wanna be the reason why you’re upset. so please stop crying, wanna see your pretty face smile for me.”
you smiled into his chest, your sniffles beginning to subside and still.
“thank you sei, i really needed to hear that.”
“i would say it over 100 times for you. it might take a while but i won’t get bored of it. not when it comes to you.”
you wrapped your arms around his broad figure, squeezing tightly.
“will you be my girlfriend again y/n? no one else can reach your level. not now, not ever.”
you let go of his body, instead placing your palms on the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss.
“of course i will seishiro.”
“good, because i wanna cuddle with my girlfriend.”
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it had been 2 months since you broke up with barou and he was miserable. who would’ve thought you leaving would cause such a rift in his life? his performance in matches were shit, he became pissed off at people more easily, and he was benched more often.
due to him not having someone to talk to, he essentially had no form of a wind down from football, something you were able to give him while you were together. something he had come to miss, and wished he appreciated more.
the lack of your items in the house made your departure all the more apparent. your decorations and items around the apartment were what made the house a home.
and you as a person? what wasn’t to like about you? you were a very levelheaded but gentle person, a great contrast to his fiery, angry personality. you catered to his every need, be it mentally, physically or sexually. your voice was what carried him through his day, soothing him to the bone, calming him down when he needed it. the more he thought about it, the more he realised he made a grave mistake pushing you out. the more he realised just how much he was attached to you, he was just unwilling to acknowledge it.
barou was no pussy, and he had enough of living like this, living without you, so he decided to get you back (and not fuck up this time).
he knew you were most likely staying at your childhood friend, chigiri’s house. he knew him very well, having done the blue lock training program with him years back, and played against him in several matches. he knew where he lived, having gone to parties held at his house through mutual connections.
and so, after practice, he grabbed his car keys and set off. he weren’t good with words, so his mind stayed scrambled as he thought of all the things he could say to you. while he couldn’t think of specific sentences to say to you, his goal remained the same.
after some time passed, he pulled up to chigiri’s house, your car the only one on the drive, which meant that only you were home. he switched off the ignition, stepped out of the car and walked up to the door.
with slight hesitancy, he lifted his fist to the door and knocked three times. he listened for any shuffling inside, but heard none. after a moment he turned away to leave, thinking you might’ve not been there after all. it’s possible you might’ve been out with chigiri in his car. yeah, that was probably it.
“what do you want barou? i thought i was ‘making your life too hard’?”
shit, you were home. your voice was muffled, due to you speaking through the door, having seen his figure through the peephole.
“i- i didn’t mean that. not that way.”
you opened the door, allowing him to see a crack of your figure, donned in shorts and a tank top.
“then how did you mean it barou? don’t take me for an idiot, because i’m not one. no one says anything of that depth if you didn’t feel that exact way before. so before you let anymore bullshit spout from your mouth tell me exactly how you meant it, in what context. because i’m tired barou, tired of being in a relationship where i feel like i’m treading on glass around you because you don’t wanna do certain things. it’s not a nice feeling. you may not feel that way, but i do. i’ve felt that way during our whole relationship, but i feel like i can’t tell you shit so i’ve kept. it. in.”
wow. he really didn’t see things from your perspective. once he heard it from you, he realised just how much of a dickhead he sounded like. he couldn’t say anything, how could he explain himself after that?
he didn’t.
and after hearing no refutation or explanation from barou, you simply let go of any hopes of talking this out with him.
“shouei,” his ears perked at you using his first name. “i think…you should go. i don’t wanna have any hard feelings between us but i don’t think we’re right for each other. please understand and respect tha-”
you stopped short of ending your sentence upon seeing barou turn and leave before he could hear you out, getting back into his car and preparing to drive off.
you sighed, shaking your head and closing the door, effectually ending your relationship for good.
he got what he wanted, right?
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you woke up in the morning, immediately panning your vision to your left to see if rin had returned to bed. the bed imprints remained the exact same as you had left it when you fell asleep, which lead you to wonder if rin had even returned home.
you slid out of bed, your feet touching the cold wood floor, you trudged your way through the apartment, looking for signs of life, your shoulders falling in disappointment when you realised rin was nowhere to be seen. it was debatable if he even came home or not, the answer you would probably never find out.
you warred with yourself in your head about what to do. considering rin didn’t even try to talk to you to rectify the situation showed he didn’t really give a shit. if he didn’t come home, then he probably didn’t even know if you came home or not, which meant he isn’t worrying about you or where you were.
you weren’t a dickhead, and waiting for someone who evidently didn’t want you seemed like such a desperate action, which you weren’t trying to act like.
and so, calling a few willing friends, shedding some tears here and there, and half a day of hard work, you had effectively moved out of your shared apartment with rin, leaving a half completed home. he didn’t return home the whole day, not that you gave a shit anymore.
imagine rin’s surprise when he returned home from his team practice, expecting to see you moping around somewhere, but instead, nowhere to be found. as a matter of fact, where the fuck was your stuff? the apartment looked very much empty right now. he took at least 15 minutes to look around, analysing his surroundings, the same he would do during a game. any potted plants you bought for the house, specifically for the living room disappeared. your stupid candle ornaments that somehow made the house look better? not a ghost of a trace left behind. your clothes? gone. even from the laundry basket, only his clothes remained.
your products, your favourite sleeping pillow, even your toothbrush was gone. you left no stone unturned, questionable if you ever lived there in the first place.
still slightly puzzled but somewhat aware of the answer behind all of this, he pulled out his phone, clicking immediately on the message app. he sent you a message, heart dropping and suspicions confirmed when his message was not only green, but displayed a ‘not delivered’ message underneath. you had blocked him, and moved out without his knowledge.
he knew you were pissed off from what had transpired, but he didn’t know you would take action this soon. you didn’t even wait to talk to him for the love of god. this wasn’t supposed to happen this way, he was only angry at you because he felt threatened in the moment. but, recalling just exactly what he said to you, maybe it was warranted.
maybe it was for the best. you barely had enough time together as it is, due to unmatchable schedules and rin always being abroad. he was never able to give you enough love. funny, considering he didn’t even make sure to tell you. looking back on it, he realised he was kind of a dickhead to you.
so, he let go of the relationship for good.
four months had passed. he’d gotten bigger as a football player after his team winning a multitude of matches had lead to him becoming their star player, constantly getting man of the match achievements. this lead to his popularity increasing, getting more fans and fame as a result. he had been abroad this whole time, focusing on his career.
oh. but don’t think he had escaped you.
he couldn’t get his mind off you.
you tormented his thoughts daily and nightly, his yearning for you and hate for himself flourishing simultaneously as he repeatedly recalled how he fucked up. he wished he could go back to that night, heeding your warnings.
either way, that couldn’t be achieved now, for he didn’t know your whereabouts. he hadn’t known since that night on the pitch.
he tried to move on the best he could, returning back to japan to visit his parents whilst he had time off from football.
it just so happened one day while he popped out to a grocery store to get ingredients for his mother, the he saw the back of a familiar head, whisking away to the next aisle over. piquing his curiosity, he immediately paced to see if it way really who he thought it was.
and yes, the face he thought he’d never see again, the very same person who had been frequenting his mind,
“y/n!” you froze, not expecting to find him here of all places. last time you had seen on tv, he was abroad. he wasn’t supposed to be here. deciding you had to face the music at some point, you turned around, watching as his demeanour melted, at really seeing you again after so long.
all was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say to each other. what does one say in situations such as these? not to worry, rin answered for you.
“how…how’ve you been?”
“good thanks, how about you?”
“i’ve been— alright.”
silence settled again. rin wanted to voice so many things to you, starting with how he wanted you to know how he’s changed. how he’s calmed down in terms of training. how he’d make more time. he wanted you to know he’d do things differently, if you ever took him back. he wanted you to come home… but he didn’t know where to start.
he would have to at some point however, for you wanted to get away from him as soon as possible.
“well…um, it was good seeing yo-”
“wait!” he interjected, panic settling in that you would disappear and he would never get the chance again. “i— i just wanted to tell you tha—”
“y/n baby, i’ve got the washing powder.”
baby? what the fuck?
he looked just past you to see a guy walking up to you, taking the basket from your hands with a peck to your cheek. you smiled at the action, lacing your hand in his hair as he took place behind you. he then noticed rin, standing there with visible shock on his face, confused on what he missed while he was gone.
“who’s this?”
“oh, just an old friend.” a bold faced lie. anyone with two functioning brain cells could feel the history between you two. “i’ve got my stuff so let’s go to the queue. nice seeing you rin…have a good day.” you walked off with your supposed new boyfriend. a boyfriend that wasn’t him.
have a good day? after you just shattered his heart like that?
his throat turned dry, awareness sinking in.
he wanted you to come home…but he was too late.
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baby you sold me a dream pt.3
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Simmer #3
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CH.3 Sunny Side Up | The Menu [4.3K] Eddie Munson x shy fem!reader: a line cook au.
Talking to Eddie became a little easier after that night. Just a little. You greeted each other on morning shifts with tired nods, maybe a small ‘hi’ from you, a grunt from him that you’d learned not to take offence to. You’d watched time and time again as Jonathan brought his coffee to the kitchen, handing Eddie a mocha full of chocolate syrup and the boy received another grunt in thanks too. 
The diner became more familiar, as did your colleagues and it made your heart ache a little when you realised you melted into their routines, their little world as easily as they did with each other. Steve knew your favourite song, liked to turn it up when it came on the radio, pointing at you with enough fanfare to make you flush when he sang the lyrics into the end of a wooden spoon. 
Robin had invited you to hers, an unofficial girls night after a Sunday late shift that became a habit without meaning to. You shared her apartment space the way she shared yours, leftover pyjama shirts in each other's drawers, rented movies swapped between television sets. And at times, when she was home from college, Nancy would join you both, curled on the loveseat with Robin as they listened to your horror stories from Chicago. 
Argyle would offer you rides to work, always passing you on the days you missed the bus, pulling over his brightly painted van with a lazy grin and a yell of “jump in my ‘lil Chicago pizza.”
It was easy, comfortable, a slow kind of life that you craved in the city, the long days and quiet nights that you were more suited to. Hawkins was far from the white picket fence dream, but you loved your little apartment with its view of the cornfields, the long road out of town that you knew took you to work. And when the bus stopped on Sundays and you walked to the diner, you’d pass that old garage the same way you did on your first day in town and wave to Wayne. 
It was easy. It was simple. 
That Tuesday, you clocked in early after swapping a shift with Nancy, the heat rolling into the side door with you as the sun rose. It was the earliest you’d started and the diner was still quiet, a lack of customers between the midnight hours that the truckers frequented and the breakfast rush. The radio was up louder than usual, the smell of fresh bread coming from the ovens, a huge bowl of batter on the counter beside some chopped strawberries, glittering with sugar. 
“Hey! Hey what's the matter with you, feel right? Don't you feel right, baby?”
You could see Jonathan in the front of the diner, setting clean tables with new cutlery, Argyle trailing behind him - not necessarily helping, but definitely talking animatedly about something. Jim was in his office, groaning over receipts and copies of everyone’s vacation requests, two empty mugs of coffee in front of him. You weren’t sure where Ed—
“Jesus, watch it!”
You gasped on instinct as someone collided with your shoulder, a dull pain that wasn’t all that sore but scared you nonetheless. Eddie was glaring at you, holding a hot tray of morning rolls aloft with a dish towel. 
“I could’ve fucking burnt you,” he snapped, setting them down on his station with a clatter. 
You winced, an apology on your tongue, already tasting sour. “I’m sorry, I didn’t— I didn’t hear you say corner, or, or door or—”
You watched as Eddie’s frown disappeared momentarily, a soft drop of his expression that made you realise at the same time he did, that he didn’t give any of those warnings at all. You thought he’d apologise then, maybe back track with a rare smile but instead his scowl deepened and he set about pulling ingredients out of the fridge. 
“Stumbling ‘round like a baby deer, man,” Eddie huffed, his voice low, like you maybe weren’t meant to hear. But you did. “Gonna end up seriously hurtin’ yourself— or someone else. Not supposed to be in the damn kitchen, told you you weren’t made out f—”
Tears burned the corners of your eyes at the first sign of conflict but your heart pounded and you let yourself get wound up. You squared your shoulders, sucked in a breath and let the sting of your eyes and the lump in your throat fuel you. “Hey!” You snapped, only sounding a little watery, a little soft. “It wasn’t— it wasn’t my fault. You’re supposed to tell someone you’re coming if you’re holding something.” You blew out a breath, acutely aware of how Eddie was watching you with raised brows. “Especially something hot. And I don’t stumble.”
You glared right back at the boy, hoping you looked as intimidating as he did, throwing your hands on your hips for good measure until you felt too much like your mom and dropped them back by your side. You squirmed in the silence, pulling self-consciously at the hem of your uniform dress, still trying to keep your lips in an annoyed flat line, your brows as turned down as Eddie’s. Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes, throwing a pound of butter into a huge mixing bowl. It made the station shake with a thud and he turned his back to you before he spoke, shoulders stiff, a tattoo that curled up from his back to the nape of his neck just visible for the way he’d pulled his curl up in a bun. 
“Why are you always in such a bad mood? Huh? And I’m allowed in the kitchen,” you added, hating that you sounded haughty, but fuck this boy and his attitude problem. The hot and cold act was starting to wear thin. “I work here too.”
He turned then, the sleeves of his chef whites rolled up to his elbows, ropes of muscle and lines of ink curling around his forearms. His fingers were covered in butter and sugar, and when he took a few steps closer, brows raised at you in a challenge, he smelled like cinnamon. “That right, sweetheart?”
You didn’t back down, even though your stomach flipped. You lifted your chin higher, tried to give it back to him as good as he gave it out. “You think I come here for the good of my health?” You wanted to bite, you wanted to sink your teeth in and draw blood. You wanted to hurt. The taste of honey on fresh sourdough lingered on your tongue.  “I heard the food is shit.”
Eddie’s nostrils flared at your childish barb, but as immature as it was, the boy gritted his teeth and stormed back to the work station. The bowls clattered against each, steel on steel and the spatula he’d been using got launched into the empty sink. 
“Just stay out my way,” Eddie grunted. 
 The sharpness of his words made your throat tight, face scrunching unhappily because what had you ever done to him? You decided not to answer, pressing your lips together instead and hoping Eddie didn’t see your watery eyes when you stalked past his table. You ducked into the office, slamming your locker door as you shoved your bag inside, shouldering into Steve by accident on the way back out. 
“Oh, sorry— hey, hey,” Steve frowned, catching sight of your face. “What’s wrong?”
You didn’t answer, just smiling and shrugging him off, already pulling out your pad and pen from the front of your apron, as if the quiet diner was suddenly full of people who were desperate for their orders to be taken. You didn’t look at Eddie as you left, disappearing between the table and booths, hoping for something to clean until a table filled up. 
You didn’t see it, you didn’t hear it, but Steve walked to Eddie’s station with a scowl that matched the other boy’s and stole the spoon that was in his hand. 
“Hey!” Eddie’s head shot up, eyes narrowed, ready for a fight. “Give me th—”
“Stop being a dick,” Steve scolded, holding the spoon over his head when Eddie tried to grab it across the bench. “You’re being an ass, man. And for what?”
Eddie glared, reaching for the stolen utensil and swearing when Steve rapped the back of his knuckles with it. “What’re you even talkin’ about?”
Steve scoffed, “don’t act dumb, Munson, it isn’t cute. What have you got against the new girl?”
Eddie didn’t answer, giving up and crossing the kitchen to rake through a drawer for another spoon instead. He stalked to the refrigerator too, still scowling, piling more ingredients in his arms as he went. He walked back to Steve with eggs and fruit, jars of spices that were all different colours. Steve was still standing, shirt sleeves rolled up, his name badge on upside down. 
“Steve, just—” Eddie let out a huff and set a pan on the stovetop, flicking on the switches until a blue flame appeared. It bloomed into red, orange and Eddie spooned some butter into the pan. “I don’t have anything against her.” His cheeks were hot, he could feel it. A pink flush that went across his nose and attacked the tips of his ears. He cracked an egg too vigorously, shell in the yolk, making it burst. He swore. 
“No?” Steve didn’t look convinced. He handed Eddie back his spoon. “Doing your damn best to convince her otherwise. Poor kid looked like she was about to cry.”
Eddie’s eyes shuttered closed at that, guilt gnawing a hole in his chest. He cracked another egg, watched it turn white over the heat. He really wanted a cigarette. 
The bell for the diner door rang, signalling the arrival of customers, a bleary eyed bunch of business men that looked like they were from out of town. Their suits were too sharp, close shaven beards and briefcases making them look like sore thumbs against the garish decor and sticky booth seats. Both boy’s watched you approach their table, smiling sweetly and nodding shyly as you scribbled down their orders. When you turned to head to the hatch, a piece of paper ready to be slapped onto the stainless steel bar, Eddie watched as the men eyed your behind, appreciative faces and shared whispers about the way your legs looked in your dress. 
He cracked another egg, eyes narrowed, chest tighter than before. 
“Say sorry,” Steve finalised the conversation with a friendly slap to Eddie’s shoulder as he passed him. You were only a few tables away, head ducked down, eyes hidden as you approached. Steve looked serious as he said, “fix it.”
By the time the clock hit eleven am, Jonathan was coaxing you into going for your break, handing your orders to Steve as he cleared the table your customers just left. He waved away your protests, voice quiet and soft as he handed you the dollar notes that were left for you beside a ketchup stain. 
“I’ve got it,” he tsked. “Go on, go get some food or somethin’.”
So you smiled and pulled off your apron as you headed through the back, already sipping on a glass of lemon water you’d poured yourself at the bar. You could hear Steve greet a family at the front door, all charm and sweetness, and the radio in the kitchen was still playing. Breakfast was almost over but the place still smelled sweet, syrup and cinnamon, cooked pancakes and fresh bread, maple bacon that the diners always ordered an extra plate of. 
Argyle was at the sink, washing a pot and he smiled as you walked across the tiles. “Wassup Chicago town?” There were bubbles on his arms, a walkman clipped to the waistband of his chef whites and headphones around his neck. “You lookin’ for Eddie?”
You frowned without meaning to, wondering if you could get away with pinching some leftover breakfast without anyone realising. Jim didn’t mind, but Eddie was way too particular with his leftovers. 
“Uh, no,” you answered. “Should I be?”
“Think he was lookin’ for you.”
You didn’t get to ask anymore questions, or even laugh at the idea of the chef seeking you out, because Eddie was coming back out from the pantry with a new bag of sugar. His eyes flitted to you as he walked to his bench, cheeks a little pink and he sprinkled some of it over a bowl of chopped fruit before he said anything. He nodded to the stool he made you sit on the other day, the one at his station and it was only then you noticed there was a plate sitting. 
Two perfectly cooked eggs, sunny side up with a huge slice of orange that was arranged like a smile. There was a single blueberry in the middle of the plate, plucked from the bowl that Eddie placed beside it, finishing off the smiley faced breakfast. 
“You hungry?” Eddie murmured, his voice softer than it had been when you last ran into him. He kept his head bent, curls framing his brown eyes, lips twisted. “You didn’t have breakfast.” 
“Wh—?” Your lips parted, your apron still fisted in your hand and you rounded the station slowly, eyes on the boy like you were waiting for the joke to land. 
Eddie’s gaze shot from you to the stool and he tilted his chin once more. “Sit.” His demand wasn’t bossy, despite the bluntness. His voice was so much more gentle than you’d heard it before. The frown was still there, the stitch between his brows but his eyes looked softer, honeyed caramel, brown sugar, the stickiest kind of toffee. “Gonna get cold.”
So you sat, looking behind you to glance at Argyle, wondering if this was strange enough for him to take notice too. Sure enough, the boy had stopped scrubbing, his hands still in the hot water as steam rose up around his confused face. He was watching the both of you, eyes glancing between you and Eddie as he tried to work out what was happening. 
Eddie turned his back on you as you stared down at the meal he’d made you, eyes still wide and something inside of you sank at the idea of his walking away. But he spun back, a fork and knife in his hand, wrapped in a napkin. He didn’t hand them to you, but he slid them across the counter, his expression neutral - you couldn’t work him out. 
“Thank you,” you whispered and Eddie nodded. You wondered if Steve and Jonathan got their breakfast made for them when they went on break, if they came into the kitchen to a bowl of fresh fruit - mangoes and berries and brightly coloured slices of citrus. You thought it would be best not to ask. “Looks good.”
Eddie hummed and nodded, waiting until you picked up your cutlery and unfurled it from the wrapping. He made his leave then, cheeks pink, curls going a little frizzy in the heat and he ducked away, picking up a crate that he took into the freezer, the large door thumping behind him. 
The napkin fell to the table as you took out your fork, marvelling over the way the yolk burst perfectly as you dug in, golden liquid pooling across your plate. You picked up the blueberry nose before it got caught, popping it into your mouth and humming at the flavour. And when you looked down, there was a word scrawled across the napkin, faded black ink on white tissue. 
Eddie made sure he waited long enough for you to be gone by the time he appeared from the walk-in, nose red with the cold, skin goose pimpled under his uniform - because fucking hell, why did he decide to hide in the freezer? He came back out warily, keeping his back against the tiled wall as he peered around the corner. You were gone from his station, your twenty minute break already over and he could see your empty plate and bowl stacked at the sink beside Argyle.  
He squared his shoulders and tried to act normal as he stomped back into his kitchen, frown set back on his face but his heart was thundering. It made him feel ill, the way his chest got right, the way his stomach flipped. His station was clear of your plates, but you’d left the napkin there, the corner of it tucked under a plastic quart container so it didn’t float away. 
There, in your much neater handwriting and the pink pen you liked to take orders with, was a reply to the boy’s scrawled apology. 
“Thank you.”
Eddie stared at the words for too long, until the rosy coloured ink went blurry and his cheeks turned the same shade. He wasn’t sure where you’d gone, but he could smell perfume he assumed was yours, lingering between the stacks of chopped strawberries, the halved mango on the counter. 
“You got a crush, my friend?” 
Eddie’s head snapped up, a scowl set back on his face instinctually. He liked Argyle, he didn’t mind him at all, but the boy was standing by the sink and was looking at him knowingly. Argyle grinned and raised his brows, waiting for Eddie to answer. 
“What? No.” Eddie slammed the napkin back down on the desk. Argyle was still grinning. “Shut up.” Eddie waited until the other boy returned to the dishes before he took the napkin and folded it up, tucking it into his pocket. 
He’d bin it later, he told himself. It wasn’t a big deal. 
The day Eddie was scheduled off on the rota was a much busier day. It seemed like bad luck, the main cook’s day off coinciding with the monthly farmers market that was set up in Hawkin’s Main Street. The square was filled with stalls, fresh fruit and vegetables in crates, the smell of homemade soap, lavender and rose on the breeze. The tiny storefronts helped funnel the crowds in the direction of the diner, lines of cars driving to the restaurant for breakfast, their trunks full of fresh goods and Mrs Sinclair’s apple pie slices. 
It meant your day went too fast, the tips good and the chance of a break slim. Argyle was pushed to his limit, the freezer used more than ever as the full tables called for a quicker turnaround, the frozen burger patties being used instead of the way Eddie liked to make each one fresh. But Eddie wasn’t here and you certainly weren’t thinking about him, so he didn’t need to know. And when your shift ended at five, the dinner rush was just as crazy so you stayed on until six and helped Nancy clear a table of twelve guests, two families from out of town that had too many kids and there were lines of coloured crayon along the walls that just wouldn’t shift until you gave in and brought out a bottle of bleach. 
She was grateful enough that she split the table’s tip with you, something you tried to wave away but she insisted and stuffed the dollar bills into the front of your apron, not caring about the stains, the dryer grease, the spilled coffee there. Nancy looked just as undone as you. But it had been a good day - you missed the chance to eat, and maybe get something made for you by Eddie - but you had enough cash rolled up in your purse to start a new stack in your freezer at home and the bus back into town should be due any min—
The bus rolled past before you could get to the stop, the tires squeaking in protest as it passed you by, your feet not able to take you out of the parking lot quick enough. And it was still fine, there was still a little light in the sky, that navy-lilac kinda way that told you nightfall was coming soon, or maybe rain. Maybe both. 
So you pulled the strap of your bag across your chest and wished your uniform wasn’t as starchy and tight, ‘cause the heat still lingered even in the evening, warmth collecting in the shadows even as indigo coloured clouds rolled in above. The rain didn’t hit until ten minutes into your walk, a Misty drizzle that had you scrunching your face until it turned into a downpour. A heavy summer storm where thunder shouted at you from the distance, way out across the cornfields and making the sky flash white. You ran down the sidewalk where there weren’t many places to stop, to shelter and you suddenly wished more than ever that you still had your shitty old car that you barely needed to use when you lived in Chicago. 
But the garage was coming up, a familiar building with peeling red paint on its walls and a huge shutter that was already closed a third of the way. You hoped and prayed that Wayne was still around, wondering if it would be too cheeky to ask if you could finally take him up on the offer of that ride he once asked if you needed. Weeks of passing by and waving to him - and offering a snickerdoodle from the box you once took into work for Jonathan’s birthday - had built up a quiet sort of friendship. 
The garage was quiet and the bell sounded as you pushed open the door, the workshop floor stained with oil and paint, leftover footprints that would never clean off. Cars sat asleep, some with their hoods up, engines ripped out and dismantled on the floor, and thank god, there was still a light on in the office. A warm glow through a window, the outline of a man sorting through papers and his head lifted when he heard you bump into the side of a workbench, a tool you didn’t know the name of clattering to the floor. 
You winced and raised your hand in a greeting and an apology. “Sorry, hi— I just— it’s raining.”
Wayne laughed after he got over his surprise, beckoning you in with an oil stained hand. His tiny office smelled like gas and burnt tires but his smile was as friendly and tired as it always was. “Miss the bus?” He asked. 
You nodded, crossing your arms over your chest. Out of the summer air, the garage was cooler and you were drenched, goosebumps trailing across your forearms. “Drove right by me.”
Wayne tutted, sympathetic and he pushed what looked like a stack of invoices into a tray for tomorrow. “That’ll be that Hagan boy, never should’ve been allowed the job. Doesn’t pay any darned attention to nobody.” The man patted down his pockets, searching for his keys. “Jus’ gimme a minute and I’ll drop you off, think the boy took my damn keys. Hey, son—”
Another figure appeared in the doorway, cutting off Wayne’s call. This man was tall and broad shouldered, with dark curls that weren’t tied back. They hit his shoulders, wild strands springing around brown eyes that quickly widened at the sight of you. 
“What the fuck are you doin’ here?”
“Hey!” Wayne snapped with a frown. He whacked the boy’s shoulder with a rolled up newspaper he grabbed from his desk. “That’s no way to speak to a lady. I raised you better than that, you little delinquent.”
Eddie looked astonishingly different out of his chef whites and your surprise showed on your face. Out of his uniform, you could see more skin, more ink. Tattoos curling around his forearms and creeping up towards his biceps, black leaking across lithe muscles that you didn’t get to see at work. He was all dark, black jeans with rips in the knees, a black T-shirt that was well worn, the band logo on the front unrecognisable from wear and from the fact that your music taste was wildly different. 
Jewellery he didn’t get to wear glitter on him, silver rings on almost every finger, skulls and orjer horned things around his knuckles, a silver chain peeking out from underneath his collar. There was a hole in the hem of his shirt, heavy scuff marks on his big boots. He was still scowling at you though, a familiar sight that made him look more like the Eddie you knew. 
You glanced at Wayne, still confused as to why he was scolding the line cook from your work. You looked back to Eddie, lips trying to wrap around an explanation. He made you feel like you weren’t supposed to be here. “I— the bus. I missed the bus.” You swallowed, an awful shyness coming over you, or maybe it was nerves. “It’s raining.”
The weather was making itself known as the storm closed in, heavy, fat drops of rain pounding on the tin roof of the garage, a deafening roar that only got heavier. 
“Yeah, no shit.” Eddie called back, raising his voice to be heard over the din and his cheek got him another smack from Wayne. 
“You better hope I don’t find out you talk like that in the kitchen, boy,” Wayne pointed an accusatory finger at Eddie, to which the boy merely rolled his eyes at. “I’ll ask Jim, he’ll tell me.” When Eddie didn’t reply, Wayne pulled on his jacket and set about collecting more sheets of paper. He asked Eddie for his keys and pocketed them before saying, “Ed’s, be a good ‘un and take my friend here home, yeah? I gotta finish up this mess.”
When Eddie raised his brows and dropped his jaw, you were pretty sure your expression was the same. Except you were burning, both at the embarrassment of Wayne being so sweet and the idea of having to spend time with Eddie alone. 
“Friend?” Eddie scoffed. “Since when?”
You wanted the floor to open up below you. “I can, I can just walk.” You jammed a thumb at the door, at the torrential rain that was still falling angrily outside of it. “I think the rain has stopped…”
Thunder bellowed from above. A leak in the corner of the work floor dripped onto an old tire. Wayne stared at you both, unimpressed. 
And that’s how you ended up in the passenger seat of Eddie’s van. 
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jojomiwbvb6 · 8 months
Author's note: I thought this blurb up tonight and knew you guys will eat it up bc bitch, me too. (Yes the title is inspired by INK, but it fits)
The Shower Scene
Warnings: this is a work of fiction. NSFW, MDNI. Smut (18+) Swearing, voyeurism, descriptive, masturbation
Part 2 / Part 3
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You had a long day on tour. Load-in was exhausting. Every time you turned around, at least one mechanism had a glitch or a cable went haywire. At least 2 malfunctions during the concert that they spent 10 minutes fixing. By the time load-out commenced, you were flat on your face and crawling to the bus.
The Bad Omens bus was as homey and fun as they could make it on the road. Tomorrow they had a day off in Denver, Colorado, and decided to venture the city for the day. As the bus pulled up to their nightly hotel, the crew, including you, and the band gathered their bags and got ready to depart the bus.
"Dude, I'm so ready to lay in that goddamn bed, I'm so fuckin' tired," Ruffilo commented.
"Fuck yeah, Albuquerque fucked me up." Folio responded.
"I'm gonna take the hottest fucking shower. The devil himself wouldn't be able to take the heat." You said.
This earned a chuckle from a few of the guys around you.
Noah walked up behind his bandmates. His face was calm, devoid of having any idea of what he could be thinking. He briefly ran his eyes over you, quickly looking away into the shadows.
Noah was always so cool, calm, and collected. He was so talented and funny and so, so fine. Of course you would never tell him how much you would say yes to him bending you over if he asked for it.
Holding your key in hand, you walk down the stale smelling hallway until you reach your door. You slide the key card into the slot, the door clicks, and you let yourself in.
You're looking at the floor before observing the room, rolling your suitcase into the door. You notice the light is already on and-- "oh my fucking god dude, you scared the shit out of me!"
Noah smirks and gives you a laugh. "Good,"
You blush, and quickly look for something else to look at.
"I know that normally we wouldn't room together," he paused, maybe noticing I was holding my breath. But he continued, "But the hotel was short a room, and we got stuck together last minute." He stopped again.
You nodded, trying to act like you normally do.
"If you're uncomfortable..." He began to say, unsure.
"No, Noah. Not at all. We bunk in the same bus. It's not like we're sleeping together."
There was a small silence that carried on slightly too long.
"Mmm. So, Imma take a shower," you said, ending the conversation with the man you were desperately trying not to want for the sake of your job.
You enter the bathroom, stepping out of your clothes. The door locked behind you, you stare at it and begin to overthink. The tension in your stomach gets you hot when you get the idea. You slowly unlock the door, slowly and silently turning the door handle and leaving the door cracked just a little.
The hot water hits your skin, steam rising into the air. You look at the door, there's nothing there. You shrug. It wouldn't work anyway, there's no way he's even gonna notice.
Noah looks down at his phone.
Hey, come get a drink downstairs, we at the bar.
The text from Davis lights up his phone. He texted back,
Yup be down in a minute dude.
Noah gets up from his bed and makes his way to the door, approaching the bathroom. He slows his tracks. Noticing that you had accidentally left the door cracked, Noah reaches out and goes to close the door. He looks up and just by accident, he gets a glimpse of the whole side of you.
You're closing your eyes, caressing yourself with the soap running down your breasts and to your hips. Everything all on display.
He knows that he should look away from you, but my God, the way your hands rub at your skin, his breath hitches and he's glued to his position.
After a few minutes of showering, you'd given up the small ounce of hope you had that your nasty fantasy faded and you began to really take a shower.
You applied the soap to your chest and stomach, rubbing the loofah against your skin. You scrubbed at your legs, and then when you glanced up, you almost didn't catch the tall silhouette in the shadow of the hotel room behind him. You did a double take, to make sure he was what you were seeing, and he was.
Your breath picked up. Smirking, you bit your lip and turned away from him. He didn't need to speak, and neither did you. He didn't have to know that you saw him, if he couldn't tell you did. No one in the band or crew needed to know he was in that door frame looking at your wet, naked body. And it's what you wanted.
You began to make every movement you made sexually charged. Pulling your hands over your breasts, you tugged on your nipples. Your fingers caressed and played with your breasts, rubbing the soap into them.
Dragging your fingers down to your navel, you squirmed. How much of a show did you want to give Noah? You decided you wanted him to remember just how hot you got with him standing there.
Not yet looking at him, you turn your back to the door. Rubbing your hands into your ass cheeks, gripping and spreading them only slightly. You bent over as you did this, sure to give him a little sneak peak of what you want him to see very soon.
You see his silhouette shift in the door over your shoulder, just knowing you have him right where you want him.
You turn around, finally letting your hand slide further down, and leaning against the back shower wall, you raise your leg to the ledge of the bath. You finally allow him your gaze and look at him completely as you spread your legs and sink your fingers into yourself, letting a small moan fall from your mouth.
You hear a quiet "Fuck," from the doorway and see his long, tatted fingers grip the door frame, revealing his presence from the shadows.
"Mm. I knew you were there," you said very quietly. He gave no response. You didn't look at him, continuing your movements into your pussy and letting Noah drink in every stroke and buck into your hand.
You continued to fuck onto your hand, gaining confidence under his silent watch. You turned your back to him again, bending over and putting your entire pussy on display for his viewing pleasure. Reaching underneath you, you begin rubbing yourself at a fast pace, small moans falling out of your mouth. You buck back on your hand again when you sink two fingers into yourself. You see Noah's fingers gripping the trim and more of his hand appears from the dark.
You gave him another treat by moaning "fuckkkk," and crying out. You swear you hear a growl from the doorway. The hand falls, palming a desperate hard on, but there's no way he wants what he is seeing to stop.
This was way too hot.
You took your fingers from your heat and placed them in your mouth, looking directly at the doorway. Dragging your hand over your pussy again, you finally lock eyes with his dangerous glinting eyes in the dark.
You insert a finger. "Oh, fuck," you smirk and tease as you talk. You look away, and pretending Noah isn't even there, you put in another finger. "Mmm..." And one more finger, you're brave enough to sigh, "Noahhh..."
At that, he storms into the bathroom. It's no longer a "secret" that he was standing there. His eyes are wicked and wild with a starving desire and he doesn't even hide the hard rise in his sweats. You're so hot and wet already, but it makes you tremble that he's here and has his eyes on your spread heat.
"Fuck..." You trail, gasping through your self assault that you didn't even stop when he surprised you with his barging in. You gasp, a moan coming out through your sentence. "Don't speak. Don't do anything. Just watch me, Noah. Fucking watch me... Please."
He does as you ask. He latches and locks the bathroom door, leaning back on the sink. Noah doesn't say a word. He doesn't touch himself, but his eyes feast on every single inch of you that's available to him.
You continue to touch and tease your body. Your fingers move faster and your heat is wetter with his presence in the room. Your moans are quiet but just loud enough for his ears. You see him run his eyes down your body with a slow lick of his lips.
Under his gaze, your fingers begin to move faster and your gasps come quicker. You're curling your fingers against that spot inside you, arching your back and giving him the best show possible.
"Ah, ah, ah," you chant, "Noah, fuck," you give to him, earning a small and satisfactory "mm." From Noah.
Your eyes roll back. Your hands are making your head spin and your stomach clench under his eyes as you rub your clit and bite your lip. His eyes never give way and stay locked on you. Sparks shoot through your body and your gasps never end. You see stars, your juices flowing down your legs. You're crumpled against the wall and panting.
Noah doesn't speak. He gives you one last burning, hot look, soaking the whole sight and everything that just happened into his mind.
He smirks at you, unlocks the door, and without saying a single word to you, he leaves the bathroom.
Noah. Dude. Thought you were coming down?
Text from Davis again.
Sorry man, I accidentally passed out for a minute. Be right there.
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dongfuck · 1 year
devil in me - l.dh
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pairing: vampire!haechan x fem reader
genre: angst, smut
warnings: reader got bit, hyuck mainly focuses on himself, masturbation (m), mentions of r&pe(?), slight dubcon, lots of neck kissing, cock pulling, pussy play, nipple twisting (m), hot dogging, throat fucking, hyuck is a little mean, degradation, slight praising, fingering, anal, slight breeding kink, cum stuffing
wc: 7.4k
note: this was terribly delayed but it’s finally here! (i started working on this on 15th March 😭😭)
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In a bus stop you were. Sitting down on one of the benches as you waited for the last bus to arrive. You glanced at your watch which read 22.28. The bus should be here any minute now, you thought. But as minutes go by, there were still no signs of the bus. You were starting to feel shivers running down your spine as a sudden breeze of cold hit you from the back. Turning around, you had no clue what you were looking for but there was nothing but an empty road behind you. Odd. Your head whipped back to face the front and that's when you were met with an amazingly handsome figure standing right in front of you. The screech you let out was enough to make the man by you break into an amused laugh. It was raspy and breathy but you were too shocked out of your mind to comprehend it. Clearing your throat, you avoided embarrassing yourself by averting your gaze and staring at everywhere but him.
From your peripheral vision, you could see him tilting his head slightly to the left before returning to its original posture. "You're not gonna ask anything?" He stated. Still not looking at him, you shook your head in a 'no' manner and proceeded to wait for your ride. You felt him sit uncomfortably close to you on the bench before he opened his mouth again, "You aren't at all curious as to how I ended up here." Hardly. You didn't answer him but it felt almost as if he could hear you when you heard a chuckle coming from beside you. "I see. I'll just leave then." He then got up and you had zero intention on stopping him. The man took a few steps away from the bus stop before he was talking again. "You're not stopping me?" This time though, you decided to reply. "No. Go ahead." A fake smile was given to him with urging eyes.
"You're boring." He whined with a pout that you found to be slightly annoying considering this is a literal stranger you're talking to. "I get that a lot." You lowered your gaze to look at the ground and that's when you saw it. Where's his shadow? Lifting your gaze once again, you stared at the street light next to him before looking towards your own figure. Your brows furrowed when you could clearly see your shadow under the influence of the street light but his was not visible. Looking at him, you noticed the way his eyes widened slightly as you two shared eye contact. Your hands were trembling slightly on your side and you could feel yourself growing smaller and smaller by the second under his gaze that seemed to shift from playful to lust-filled.
Maybe you should've ran away. Maybe you should've just ditched the bus and called a taxi. But something was holding you back. Something that felt familiar. Something that had to do with curiosity. The moment he walked up to you, you couldn't see anything but him. Which may sound romantic right now, but it was the worst kind possible. Even if he wasn't doing anything but staring at you with his hands in his pockets, you could feel the tension surrounding you as he took his time taking in your appearance. Biting a small part of his lower lip, he expressionlessly muttered, "It's late. I'll walk you home." to which you shot your head up at him. "I'm waiting for the bus." His eyes rolled to the back of his head before he spoke again. "The bus is not coming. It's me or nothing." Angrily, you got up from your seat and stormed pass him.
"I'll take nothing."
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It has been three days since the encounter with the shadow-less man and you hadn't been able to sleep through it. It has been bugging you ever since that night and you were even able to convince yourself that you were simply hallucinating and none of it actually happened in real life. "Hey. You alright? You've been spacing out a lot lately." Snapping out of your thoughts, you turned to face the voice and smiled when you realised it was your colleague, Mark. "Yeah, it's nothing." You laughed it off. "Okay, well you better get to work. You have a presentation tomorrow. Don't forget." Mark raised both his hands to give you a thumbs up before walking off happily. Chuckling softly, you began typing away on your computer.
A few hours had passed and it was barely a minute before it was time for you to get off work. You felt a tap on your shoulder which you didn't care to turn around to before a voice followed. "I'm leaving now, Y/n. Want me you give you a ride home?" The voice insisted. "Sorry, Mark. I'll pass. I think I'm staying after hours today. Thank you for offering though." You raised your head and flashed him a genuine smile. "Any time. Well, see you tomorrow. Take care." He waved his hand which you returned and that's how you ended up alone in the dark and quiet of your office. Your fingers were threatening to break and completely give out on you but you weren’t letting that happen on your watch.
Slowly, you felt your lids growing heavier and heavier by the second and without you noticing, you’d dozed off in front of your laptop. You’d fallen asleep unconsciously and you finally realise that when you were woken up by the feeling of a familiar cold shiver behind you. You’d a bad feeling about this but you weren’t bothered to turn around so you just kept on trying to fall back asleep but that thought was immediately interrupted when you felt a tap on your shoulder. At that moment, you were horrified. Who’d be in the office at this time? Speaking of time, you darted your gaze at the clock on the wall without moving a muscle and it finally dawned upon you how long you’ve been sleeping for. “I know you’re not sleeping.” That voice… It sounded so familiar but you just couldn’t pinpoint where you’d heard it from.
Even if the man behind you has called you out on it, you still pretended to be asleep in hopes that he would go away. Which probably was a bad idea. Shutting your eyes, you pondered over how to get yourself out of this situation. Should I just book it? Or should I wait for him to leave? “Try then. It’d be fun to watch.” He spoke again. What the fuck. Is he reading my mind right now? No no… mind reading isn’t real… He’s just playing with me… Yeah… Almost immediately, you felt some kind of coldness rushing through you very closely. Somewhat as if an opened freezer was right next to you. As discreetly as possible, you pried open your eyes little by little and instantly jolted with a shriek when you saw how close the person was.
“Wait… You?” He said with furrowed brows. You took the time in between to take in his figure. The only light around you was the light from your computer but you could perfectly capture the sight in front of you. The way the leather jacket he threw on perfectly fitted his body, the black ripped skinny jeans curving around his thighs and calves, his perfectly polished boots. All of this turned out to be nothing when you finally looked at his face. The droopy eyes, sharp nose, red lips, and slightly tanned skin had you drooling internally. How can anyone be this hot? It didn’t occur to you that this was the same man from the night before until you spotted his hands that were tucked in the pocket of his jeans. “Not you again!” All the thoughts you had about him immediately vanished when you recognised him.
You saw him roll his eyes before dropping on the chair next to yours. “Ugh, I don’t like you. I was actually planning on having some fun tonight.” He huffed annoyedly and when you didn’t reply immediately, he turned his head to stare at you in anticipation before his eyes began trailing lower and lower until it was fixed at your neck. He did stop at your lips for less than half a second prior but it was too quick for you to be a hundred percent sure of. Feeling a little uncomfortable under his gaze, your hands scrambled to cover your neck with the collar of your white button up and he was heard clearing his throat right after.
“Why are you h— No— How did you even get in here? This is a private building and there’re probably hundreds of security guards out there who would definitely not let you in without an ID.” Crossing your arms to your chest, you waited to see how he would respond to this. “Who said I got through the guards?” He replied with a smirk and you’d decided that you’re just not doing this tonight. “You know what, just leave. I’m too tired for this. I have a big presentation tomorrow and you’re being a huge distraction.” With that, your focus was back on your laptop that had already shut down on its own. “I’m not going anywhere unless you give me something in return.” Oh God. He’s acting like a fucking child. Sighing, you turned to him and asked, “What do you want?”
He didn’t respond. Instead, he stood up and walked towards you before grabbing at your neck gently and leaning down to place half-hearted kisses to it. “A taste of this.” His voice was almost captivating… Insatiable even but you were instantly snapped out of your train of thoughts when you felt something sharp touching the skin of your neck. At first, you thought he was holding a knife against you and was about to push him off when another kiss was placed at the exact spot. “G-Get off me.” You tried to sound as stern as possible but he was making it hard for you with his lips constantly leaving trails of saliva on your neck. You would’ve found this disgusting if you saw it on a TV or something but at that moment, it felt like absolute bliss. The cooling sensation against your skin when the AC hits the dried saliva was everything you’d ever dreamed of. Maybe that was an exaggeration but you get it.
The ring of your phone was what made you push him away from you so harshly, he stumbled back onto the chair he was in earlier. Grabbing your phone from the desk, you realised it was Mark and immediately answered the call. “Y/n. Did you reach home safely? Have you gotten off work? You didn’t call so I was worried…” For context, you and Mark would always call each other once the other reached home when they stayed after hours. “I was actually just about to leave.” You were certain Mark could hear you packing your things. “You want me to come pick you up? I have nothing to do anyways.”
On one hand, you felt bad for Mark if you accepted his offer. However on the other, it’d probably be the best decision when you have a stranger with you who literally tried to what seemed like bite you barely five minutes ago, so you said yes. “Great! I’ll pick you up in ten.” And with that he ended the call. Silence began filling the room before the stranger decided to break it. “Oh so you’re leaving now?” Slamming your laptop close, you stuffed it into your bag and side-eyed his extremely attractive figure. “It was either you or me.” You sighed before you picked up your phone once again.
Scrolling through Instagram mindlessly, you felt someone staring at you really intently to which you looked up at the man at. “What?” You scrolled through your phone again. “Nothing. It’s just the more I look at you, the more annoying you get.” He shrugged. Switching off your phone, you heard the sound of the lock before placing it face down on the desk next to you. Then don’t look at me then, jeez. “You really get on my nerves you know that.” You bit the inner part of your bottom lip to stop yourself from saying anymore. “I do?” He leaned his body a little closer to yours with a tilt of his head. “Mhm. You suddenly appear in my life less than a week ago and now you’re all up in my business. I don’t even know who you are, what you are— I don’t even know your name!” You silently exclaimed.
“Hi, I’m Haechan. Nice to meet you.” Haechan grinned sheepishly at you which you groaned annoyedly and grumpily walked towards the elevator at. “Hey, wait for me!” Unfortunately for you, the doors didn’t close as quick as you’d hoped so now you’re stuck with him until Mark arrives. “Shouldn’t you be telling me your name?” He quirked. “I’d rather not.” You glanced at the small screen above the doors as you awaited the elevator to finally reach the lobby. It feels oddly slow for a second but you decided to simply ignore it. “Fine. I’ll guess then.” You could hear the subtle chuckle he let out and it grew you curious. What’s so funny? “Nothing, it’s just you’re actually pretty dumb for someone so ignorant.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Did he just call you dumb? “Excu—” Hold on. How did he hear you? You were sure you didn’t say it out loud so how? “There’s no way…” You stared at him with slightly widened eyes. “What? Did you find out that I could literally figure out your name from your employee ID?” Haechan snickered but you remained unhinged. Too afraid to even comprehend anything he said. When the elevator finally dings, you immediately rushed out of the building and searched for Mark’s car. “Damn it, he’s not here yet.” You said in a hushed voice. “What’s the rush?” The screech you let out when Haechan appeared next to you was inhumane. Why can’t he just leave me alone?
“Trust me, you don’t want to be alone at this time of the night.” His eyes that gazed into yours were almost intoxicating. There was something about the way he talked, walked, everything that seemed all too perfect. Suspiciously perfect. The smooth of his voice that was laced with a slight rasp whenever he spoke with a lower tone was something you’d never thought you’d hear. Are you psychic? You wanted to test the waters slightly just to see if he would respond. But the way he responded was nothing of what you’d expected. Slowly leaning over until he was a kiss away, he smiled softly. “What do you think?” No matter what you did, how hard you tried, you couldn’t seem to look away from his eyes. They were a softer shade of black. Almost translucent. And the way he looked at you had you thinking he could read more than just minds. You watched as his lids grew heavier and soon his eyes were completely shut as he leaned towards your neck, stopping right above the skin to inhale your scent deeply.
Just then, you heard a car pulling up next to you and before you knew it you were pushing him away before throwing him a last glance and getting into Mark’s car. About three minutes into the drive, the car was dead silent. The only sounds were from the radio that was playing on an extremely low volume and the sound of the vehicle. Finally being able to muster up the courage to break the silence, Mark decided to ask you a question you’d hoped he wouldn’t. “What was that about?” He didn’t sound like what you’d expect. In fact, he sounded nervous and almost shy to ask you such things. “What was what about?” You attempted on playing innocent and pretending like you didn’t have a clue as to what he was referring to. “The guy from earlier… It looked like you guys were… Y-You didn’t tell me you’re seeing someone.” Mark cleared his throat to avoid the awkwardness of the situation.
“I’m not.” You gazed towards your right to glance at him shortly before turning back to the road ahead of you. “Then who was it?” You could hear the faint sound of the leather steering wheel being gripped tighter than before. “I… don’t know…” You could sense the confusion radiating off of Mark when you replied with a very irrelevant answer but you were glad he didn’t ask any more. Finally reaching your place, the both of you bid your goodbyes and good nights before you stepped out of the vehicle and into the comfort of your own home, not forgetting to wave him off one last time before you entered. You were grateful for someone like him. The way he’d worry about you and the way he waited for you to enter your house before leaving makes you curl inside sometimes. It’s the little things that matter.
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You were woken up by the sound of clattering coming from your kitchen. Turning on the lamp by your bedside, you checked the time and groaned when it showed three in the morning. You tried to go back to sleep thinking it was just a cat going through your rubbish which you thought lowly of, figuring you would clean it up in the morning. But when the clattering didn’t stop, you braced yourself to get out of bed and check out the mess going on in the kitchen. Yawning, you put on some slippers and made your way towards the sound.
When you reached the kitchen, you thought you were dreaming. Rubbing your eyes, you squinted to make sure what you saw was real before a scream left your throat at the sight. “You! Haechan! What the fuck?!” You marched toward him, grabbing a pan on your way for self defence. “Woah there, easy.” Haechan had his hands raised and were placed by his head. He knew damn well you wouldn’t be able to hurt him with that thing but he couldn’t seem too smug in front of you. “This is breaking in, y’know. I can call the police on you if you don’t leave right now.” You held the pan close to his figure with a glare thrown to him.
Even so, Haechan took a few steps closer to you until the pan was grazing his chest. Smirking slightly, he muttered, “Try.” with an odd look glistening in his eyes. At that moment, your hold on the pan faltered slightly as you drew your eyebrows together. “What… are you?” You dropped the pan on the counter next to you. “What am I?” Haechan repeated your question. “Well you can say that I’m not like you. I’m not your kind.” He said disinterestedly. “Then what are you?” You tried to ask again, gradually growing impatient with his lack of answer. “Why don’t I show you?” He stepped closer towards you as you took steps further from him. You saw the way he licked his teeth even with his mouth closed. You don’t know why but you suddenly felt afraid. Like he’s gonna eat you or something.
“What are you doing?” Placing a finger over your lips, he shushed you with his eyes closed. “I’ll go easy on you if you stop talking.” He offered. You were about to reply when his eyes looked like they were throwing daggers at you. Immediately, your mouth shut itself and you were slowly backing away from him again. Haechan seemed to notice this when he suddenly said, “Come ‘ere.” and pulled you towards him by the waist. You were now hip to hip and chest to chest as you stared into one another’s eyes. Your breath hitched in your throat when his hand on your waist began moving to the small of your back and pressing on it.
His gaze darted to your lips as he slowly leaned in just to hover over your them. The feeling of his breath fanning your skin made the hairs on your neck stand as you tried to figure out what he was going to do. Cautiously, he moved his lips lower until they were placed right above your neck. Once again, you felt the sharp of his teeth grazing your skin before you felt a stinging pain at the exact spot. Instinctively, you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him away from you and cupping the skin he bit. “What the actual fuck?! Did you just— Bite me?” You tried to make sense of it. What kind of sane person would bite a stranger? At the neck too?
Pulling your hand away from your neck, you could see the two dots of blood on your palm as curiosity dawned upon you. Looking up, you saw Haechan throwing his head back and brushing his hair with his hands in clear frustration. But there was something else. “Ughh I didn’t even get the chance to suck on it!” He rolled his eyes. The moment he groaned in annoyance, something caught your attention. His teeth. No, his fangs. How in the world would he have fangs? You swore they weren’t there earlier. Haechan noticed the way you were staring at him and he instantly stopped himself from saying anything. “Haechan?” You looked at his hands. “What?” His tone was rough but you couldn’t be bothered by it.
“Please be honest and specific with me and don’t avoid the question. What are you?” You asked for the nth time that day. Sighing, he sat on one of the stools by your counter and cupped his face with his palms. “I’m… I don’t know how to word this… I don’t know what you call it here but I’m basically just someone who sucks blood to live.” He released his hands to glanced at you slightly. Hearing his response you burst out into a fit of laughter, holding onto the edge of the counter for leverage to make sure you don’t go dropping on your knees. “Wait, wait. So you’re telling me, that you’re a vampire?” You laughed again. Oh how ridiculous. No, you didn’t believe him. Vampires aren’t real. He’s being crazy. “Look, I know you may not believe me, but you have to! You’re the one who asked in the first place.” Haechan testified.
You wheezed even harder after hearing his response and walked over to grab a cup of cold water. “Here, drink this. I think you need it. Were you drinking? Are you sick?” Raising a hand to his forehead, the temperature was in fact not hot, but icy cold. “Okay, maybe not.” You said and noticed the way he gripped the glass you slotted in his palm harder. “Haechan? Why aren’t you drinking the wat—” He slammed the glass on top of the counter making a loud clanking noise before walking towards your living room and sitting himself on the couch, acting as if it was his house. “I really cannot be close to you right now.” You rolled your eyes before sitting across him on the coffee table, shifting your bottom to make yourself comfortable.
“Okay, okay, let’s say you are a vampire—”
“I am one.”
“Okay. So you’re a vampire. Then what are you doing here? Vampires aren’t real and even if they are, they’re probably not living around here.” You said to which he agreed. “Exactly. I’m not from here, I told you.” Haechan leaned back into the couch as you looked at him with raised eyebrows. Sighing, he continued. “I got… I got kicked out because they said I didn’t fit in. They said I’m not vamp enough to survive.” He scoffed. “Tch. I’m more vamp than they ever will be. Bunch of immature dogs.” He crossed his arms over his chest defensively. “Who’s… they?” You asked curiously. “My blood-line. They’re all about being the best of the best bloodsuckers. A single mistake would turn them nuts.” Haechan looked into your eyes as you gripped the edge of the table harder.
Clearing your throat, you asked him again, “So why are you here?” At this, you bit your lower lip softly and avoided his gaze. You saw the way he leaned his body closer to you until he was inches away from your reddened face. “Because I have to prove to them that they were wrong about me.” He tilted his head. “No matter how messed up they are, I still have to go back. I don’t belong here. I can’t live here. I might end up dying.” He moved further away from you and you finally felt like you could breathe again. “But I thought vampires couldn’t die?” You knew your questions were getting to him and he might as well be annoyed with you right now. “I will if I don’t get back. Now— Enough with the questions. I don’t think I can— Fuck— I need to—” Instantly, he got up from his seat and paced around the room like a mad man. But he wasn’t quick enough for you to not notice the way his pupils turned completely black. Not black like the one you saw before you left with Mark, no, it was black black.
“Hey— Why are you so stressed out?” You got up from the table and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. When he continued pacing around without a break, you repeated yourself. “Haechan! Fucking answer me!” You walked towards him and pushed his shoulders harshly, forcing him to look at you. Once he did, he immediately dove his face into the crook of your neck and kissed it harshly, impatient almost. The grip he had on your shoulders and waist began to tighten with each passing second and you felt like you could pass out right there in his arms. “Haechan…” Your voice softened at the feeling of him unbuttoning your pyjama top. Pushing the fabric off your shoulders, you could feel the cold breeze hitting your skin as you moved yourself closer to Haechan. His lips grazed the skin of your collarbone before it moved higher.
Once again, you felt the sharp of his fangs prodding against your skin as it finally entered your bloodstream. You tried shoving him away but this time his hold on you was stronger and you couldn’t help but submit to him. You felt yourself growing weaker and the grip you had on his jacket faltered before it fell to his arms completely. Your eyes were becoming heavier and before you knew it, everything went dark.
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You thought you were dead.
But you found out you weren’t when you stirred awake on your bed. Instantly, your left hand found itself to the place where you got bit before you felt the sting from the bite again. Though, something else caught your attention. There were… sounds. You couldn’t pinpoint what specific sound it was but it sounded like someone was in pain. And it sound very close to you too. Slowly, you turned your head to the other side of your bed and your eyes landed on an extremely handsome topless figure… beating it. Shocked, you let out a screech to which the man opened his eyes to. Even so, he didn’t stop. “Mmhh… Well you’re up early.” Haechan smirked as he continued stroking his erected cock. “I-I… What are you…” Your eyes shifted from his face to his cock multiple times when he suddenly got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked towards you.
“What? I can’t jerk off? Is that not very vamp-like?” He squinted his eyes at you with a scowl. “No, I… just… I can’t—” You couldn’t form sentences when his tip was literally bumping your nose. You attempted to pull away and it didn’t seem like he allowed you to when he grasped your hair tightly until his dick was touching your cheek. “You know what, that’s it,” He grabbed you by the hair and threw you at the centre of the bed before he took off his pants completely. “I’ve had enough of you.” He said as he crawled onto the bed with you and gave you a wet kiss on the lips. You were flabbergasted when you felt his tongue enter your mouth before exploring every part of it with a swift slide. Your hands found their way to his shoulders and groped it tightly until you were sure they were leaving marks.
When he reached behind you to unclasp your bra, you only then realise you did not have your top on and you were practically half naked whilst he was jerking off. His hands found their way to the valley of your breasts as his lips began moving to the spot where he bit you. Suckling on it, you felt the pain slowly be washed away with his saliva coating the wound. “I’m glad you didn’t die,” Haechan spoke against your skin and you could feel the heat and vibration from his words. His lips kissed lower and lower until they left a trail leading your bellybutton. “or i wouldn’t have had—” He left a peck to your crotch. “the chance to fuck you.” Haechan looked up at you from his position as he slowly removed your silk pyjama shorts with his teeth.
Once it was off, he kissed your clit from over your panties before a quiet moan was heard from you. “But thinking about it,” He raised his head and played with your heat with two of his digits. “I would’ve fucked you whether you’re alive or not.” His gaze was fixed at the way his fingers made the fabric of your panties darken in colour, making it soaked in your wetness. “So wet… All this just because of me?” He chuckled with the tip of his fingers prodding at your entrance. “Haechan, that’s enough.” You reached lower to grip his wrist, stopping him from moving any further. “What? You don’t want this?” Haechan looked up at you with disinterest. You knew it wouldn’t matter whether you wanted it or not. He would always have it his way. “I have a huge presentation tomorrow and I can’t risk ruining it for this.” You sighed.
At that, he laughed. Loud. “Oh sweetheart, you ruined it already.” He chuckled. Confused, you looked at him with your brows knitted together. “What do you mean? How long have I been gone for?” You questioned. “Four days, more or less. Usually the victims would wake up within 2 weeks at most. Some even die. But you didn’t! So congratulations to you!” He grinned widely. “What?!” You scrambled out of bed but you were immediately pulled back and pushed to your previous position. “We aren’t done.” His eyes bore holes into your skull but the rage was starting to fill your brain. “You asshole! You knew I had a presentation the next day and you still bit me! Couldn’t you have looked for someone else?! Someone willing and did not have a presentation to show?! How inconsiderate of you!” You propped yourself up on your right elbow as you hit him continuously with your left hand on his chest. But his lack of reaction was killing you.
Watching his eyes, you followed his gaze until they stopped at your breasts, jiggling every time you hit him. “You fucking pervert!” You pulled at his still-hard cock harshly to catch his attention and a quiet scream was heard from him before he fell and hovered over you. “What the fuck was that for?” One of his hands that were by your head reached for his dick and he was seen beating it right after. “You were being a stupid pervert. You still are!” You raised your hands and twisted his nipples until he was super vocal and collapsed on top of your body. “Get— Off me!” You attempted to push him away but in one swift moment, he was manhandling you to lay flat on your front against the sheets with his dick between your ass cheeks. “Haechan, stop!” You gripped his wrists that were once again by your head.
“You’re right. I am a pervert,” Haechan began thrusting himself up and down as his groans filled the room. “But only when it comes to you.” He kissed your back softly as he ran his hands over it. His slow thrusts gradually grew faster and faster until you yourself subconsciously started to clap your cheeks around him. “You’re a dick for this y’know.” You said as you continued grinding yourself on him. “Shh…” He shushed you with a squeeze on the neck from behind. His low groans turn to high-pitched whimpers as his hands reached your hair and began tugging on it. “Fuck, Y/n…” Haechan whispered into your ear. “So… Hot…” His voice became unsteady you could feel him twitching down there, but before he came he flipped you around and ordered you to open your mouth for him with a slight tug at your jaw with his thumb.
“You trust me or no?” He raised an eyebrow. “No.” You bit back with a glare. “Well, you have to.” Haechan prodded his tip at your lips. “Open up. Hurry.” He pushed it against you again. With a grimace, you parted your lips before engulfing his cock into the warm of your mouth. Without wasting much time, he got on one knee and placed one hand between the strands of your hair and the other by your head before pushing his length deeper into you and already starting off with a reckless pace. He was so deep into you you were sure he could see himself bulging in your throat. You tried to hold in your gags but the minute he groans loudly you were seen choking and tapping rapidly on his thigh. It wasn’t like you wanted him to stop though, although you may act like it. You were actually enjoying this. A little.
“Fuck, oh, fuck,” Haechan rammed your throat rougher until the bed was all shaky and wobbly. You were afraid he would break it. “Hglagleglcglhgl,” You tried to call for him but the dick in your throat wasn’t complying. Haechan had to stifle a laugh at the sound of your voice. “What was… shit— What was that, sweetheart?” He fucked into you deeper, almost as if he didn’t want you to answer. More incoherent words were said but all of them went unbothered by Haechan. One last snap of his hips was what it took for him to finally release himself inside your throat with his cock still inside you longer than usual. Again, you tapped rapidly on his thigh for him to pull out of you and he finally did, hesitantly. Instantly, you choked on his cum and it leaked out of the corners of your mouth.
Haechan saw this and decided to take matters into his own hands. “Swallow it.” He pushed back the remains of his cum into your parted lips, making sure you swallowed everything ‘till the very last bit. You were sure you looked fucked out as hell right now but you couldn’t complain on it. Your throat feels to sore for you to even whisper. “Aww what happened to you? Cat got your tongue? You were a yapping duck earlier.” He commented to which he received a glare from you. Rolling your eyes, you looked to the side and attempted to sleep but that went to no avail when Haechan suddenly pulled you by the jaw to look at him. “What are you doing? The main part hasn’t even begun yet.” He eyed you up and down. You shook your head side to side with furrowed brows and mouthed the words, ‘I’m tired.’ to him.
“Well I, don’t care. Now get on all fours.” He said. When you didn’t listen to him, he inched closer to you until you were a kiss away and opened his mouth. “Or are you too fucked out to even move?” His voice was a low hush when he spoke which you found oddly attractive. Propping yourself up, you turned yourself around and went into the position he requested. Jutting up your hips a little for him. “That’s it. Good job.” Haechan ran a hand over your back and the dip. Slowly, he got on his knees and pushed your panties aside just for him to dig his nose slightly into your entrance before taking a big whiff of how you smell. “God, you smell amazing.” He licked a long stripe from your clit to your hole which earned a hiss from you at the feeling of his cold tongue.
Suddenly, you felt his fingers gathering your wetness before entering you gently. You and Haechan both moaned in unison. Him because of the heat and you because of the pleasure. Your throat was still sore but the pleasure was taking over. Starting off slow, he pushed and pulled his two fingers inside of you before pumping them at a hurried pace. You moaned loudly at the feeling as you gripped tighter at the sheets. Your right hand immediately covered your mouth at the embarrassment before Haechan pulled it away from you harshly. “Don’t you dare.” You rolled your eyes even if you knew he couldn’t see you. He’s acting like a fucking jerk. With his fingers still moving inside of you, you felt something prodding at your other hole as he spitted onto it. Without warning, he pushes himself into you and he groaned audibly. You let out a loud whine at how full you feel with his fingers (now four) and his cock filling you up. Oh how nice it would be if there was another cock to fuck your mouth again.
“You serious?” Fuck. I forgot he could read minds. To distract him, you moaned a little louder and looked back at him with droopy eyes and a slightly parted mouth. It seemed to work when he suddenly thrusts into you harder and faster until you felt like could feel him grazing your heart. “Shit, Y/n… Never been fucked in the ass? You’re s-so tight…” He slapped your left cheek with his unoccupied hand. Leaving a big red mark on it. “Don’t underestim-mate me, sicko.” You said as he pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean. “Whatever you say, pretty.” Haechan pressed his thumbs to your back dimples and that was when you could feel your orgasm coming close.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Haechan! Shit— I’m so close… so close…” You were basically blabbering at this point. “Mmh me too. Me too…” Tugging at your hair, his hips rutted into you brutally before he released his warm load into you. Pulling out reluctantly, he took his fingers and filled the overflowing cum from your asshole into your entrance, mixing it with your release. “Now you’re gonna get all these vampire babies into you.” Haechan smiled cutely at you when you turned to look at him in horror. Turning around, you clenched your thighs together to make sure none of it dripped onto your sheets.
With your voice rough and hoarse from the earlier session, you yelled,
“You are such an asshole!”
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After that night, you didn’t really see him again. Maybe a few chats here and there but never really a full-on conversation. You were quite disappointed but you were also relieved. Until today.
It was 10pm and it’s Mark’s birthday today so you decided to surprise him at his house. Mark recently told you that his bell stopped working and he’d thought of changing it to a new one but he never really did. So with wine in your left hand and casserole in the other, you knocked happily in Mark’s door. A few seconds passed and you figured you should call for him. “Mark? It’s me, Y/n!” Another minute passed and you knocked on his door again. But still, no response. Growing impatient, you called Mark’s phone but it gave you the same result. You tried this multiple times until you finally gave up and decided to try the door. So you did. Twisting the knob, you realised all this time his door wasn’t locked.
You were a little mad at yourself for not exploring earlier but you tried to cheer yourself up since you’re going to celebrate your best friend’s birthday today. Walking further into his house, you looked around the place. It was chilly and bright so he probably got back home a few hours prior. Besides, he called you at 7pm so you trust he’s home. Just then, you heard chattering in his living room so you decided to check it out, joy flowing out of you like a river. When you reached the living room, you almost dropped the wine bottle and casserole at the sight. There stood Mark at the centre of his living room about to get bitten by none other that Lee Haechan himself. “Mark!” You placed the food on a nearby table and rushed towards Mark.
“Y/n!” He immediately hugged you when he saw you. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Before Mark could reply, Haechan was quick to pull you away from him. “What are you doing here?” He squinted at you. “I should be asking you the same thing.” You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at him. After the night you spent together, you were more comfortable around him now. No longer afraid. You watched as he glanced at a terrified Mark before pulling you to the hallway close to the front door.
“Stop trying to ruin my chance!” Haechan said in a quiet yell. “If you are to feed, don’t do it to my friend.” You warned. “Why not? You think after we fucked I’m gonna care for you or something? Let me tell you this, I don’t fucking care, Y/n. So leave us the fuck alone.” He threw you a look before marching towards Mark again. Hesitantly, you grabbed onto his arm to prevent him from moving any further. “What if he doesn’t survive?” You looked to the ground in worry. Releasing himself from your hold roughly, he leaned closer to your face and whispered, “I don’t fucking care.” and with that he left.
At first, you let him walk away. Let him take Mark. But you knew you couldn’t. So before Haechan got the chance to penetrate his fangs into Mark’s bloodstream, you once again pulled him away. “I swear to God, Y/n. If you don’t—”
“I’ll look for something you can feed on! You once said you can drink animal blood right? I can go buy some meat from the grocery store right now if you promised not to touch Mark.” You plead as you looked at Haechan hopefully. You were pretty sure Mark knew everything about Haechan now but you could still sense the fear coming from him. “Y/n. Animal blood don’t feel or taste as good. And even if, I still wouldn’t drink animal blood. But, if you don’t want me to hurt your little Markie here so bad…” Haechan inched closer to you until you were barely a foot away. “Then maybe you should just let me have you.” You knew exactly what he meant when he raised a hand to play with the curls in your hair and the way they faltered at the slight graze against your skin.
You considered it for a second. Peering at Mark who had his eyes wide and his head shaking side to side. “Y/n, don’t.” Pretending you didn’t hear him, you turn back to look at a smug Haechan who had a stupid smirk on his face and walked closer to him. Placing a hand at the back of his neck, you pulled him toward you and looked at the ground with a heavy heart.
“If that’s what it takes…”
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thinking of doing a part 2 featuring a threesome w markhyuck 🤭🤭 also, if there are any mistakes, pls lmk!!
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sebastianswallows · 2 months
Nobody's Darling — 1. The Road
— PAIRING: Benny Cross x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: Benny comes across a girl walking alone in the middle of nowhere and offers her a ride to the nearest town. They stop at a motel.
— WARNINGS: none
— A/N: Hello, my dears! So yeah, I saw The Bikeriders because of Austin (and Tom Hardy) and of course I had to write something for it 😂 I've been labouring at it for the past two weeks lol This was meant to be a one-shot but it kept growing and I decided to split it into chapters. The plot is partly based on something that happened to me, namely I missed my stop and the bus drove me way out of the city before I realised what had happened 💀 Anyway, hope you enjoy it! 😘💕✨
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Grey clouds floated across the sky. Fields of yellow and burnt grass rolled along like waves. A string of birds cut through the far horizon. The fading light of the sun seeped softly through the glass and warmed her cheek but she was happy to keep sleeping, caught in that special spot between awake and dreaming when her thoughts were peaceful, settled, and she could weave from them a pretty fantasy. The chill of a November evening didn’t quite make it into the bus but the windows were already fogging and the seats grew cold.
She woke up with a start when the wheels struck a hole in the ground and everything jolted.
“Where am I?” she groaned, squinting at the window. Her reflection frowned back but beyond it, she could see… nothing. She was in the middle of nowhere with only naked fields and swaying power lines around her. She checked her watch and her heart stopped.
“I should’ve been home by now. Oh no, I did not sleep through my stop,” she whispered to herself — but she did. “Wait! Driver!”
She got up and ran to the front, scrambling past all those empty seats, her jacket in one hand and purse flailing in the other. The driver gave her a bored expression as she leaned panting against the divider.
“Wait, please, I need to get off! Where are we?”
The man looked at her with all the serenity of an overworked drone in a dead-end job. He didn’t seem particularly alarmed to see her there, nor did he seem to care about her predicament.
“Halfway to the next town,” he mumbled as he started to slow down. “There’s another stop ‘bout a mile back.”
“Next bus comes tomorrow ‘round seven thirty.”
She looked around again as if she could see something different from up here but it was all the same. The vastness of it frightened her and she half-wished she’d never woken up.
The driver pulled over at the side of the road and tilted the cap on his bald head, his teeth tight around a toothpick.
“You’ll be alright?”
“Yeah…” she said automatically. “Sure.”
He opened the door and her whole body began to tremble, the situation suddenly completely real. She gathered all her nerves and put one step in front of the other, and as soon as her feet were on the ground the bus started to move again, driving away.
The sun was dipping into a pool of pink and the birds that circled overhead were growing louder. She was alone in a darkening field with nothing in front of and behind her except for lamplight spilling yellow and pale over an empty road and dead grass all around. If she regretted getting off that bus, it was too late now.
“At least it was warm inside,” she muttered. “But I could never make it back in time for work tomorrow from the next town… Damn it.”
There was nothing left to do. She sighed to herself and started walking back. In her head, she tried to calculate how late it would be by the time she made it home but each result only scared her further.
“Best not to think about it,” she said. “Just keep walking…”
She hadn’t gone on such a hike since she was a little girl, and never far outside of town. She’d only walked through fields and meadows and the forest that stretched east. There was certainly no time for it since getting hired at the local newspaper, and she liked it that way. Her days were measured and predictable, her clothes were always clean, and nothing ever hurt her — except her back if she sat down writing for too long. She was scared now not just because she was alone and in the dark but because she’d never done a thing like this before. Her heels were unsteady on the crumbling tar and her purse felt heavy on her shoulder. Insects were singing in the grass and creatures rustled through it that she dared not think about. Were there snakes around here? Rats? She pulled her jacket tighter around herself.
After half an hour she came across the bus stop that the driver mentioned. The sign for it was half-chewed off and the wooden bench was worn and stained a sickly yellow beneath a flickering light. She considered for a moment sleeping there until the morning but then the ignominy hit her: to sleep on a dirty wooden bench under the flutter of moths and mosquitoes. To come home unwashed and stinky with her hair a mess and her stockings torn. And if any of the neighbours saw her… No. She walked past that bus stop and didn’t look back, and soon found herself surrounded by darkness again.
“You deserve it,” she muttered as she wrapped her arms around herself, her body ambling forward with none of the grace and poise she had half an hour before. “How could you fall asleep? You weren’t even that tired, and the bus ride is so noisy. You couldn’t wait another ten minutes to get home? Idiot, idiot…”
The walk back to the city was taking longer than she thought it would, and by eight o’clock she was still out there. The sky was sprinkled with stars and the wind was flitting gently through her hair and the creatures in the bushes were growing ever louder. If she weren’t so cold and terrified she might have felt exhausted. Her feet hurt and her back was bent under the weight of her purse and she hadn’t eaten since noon. But suddenly, in the distance, she saw a glint of something made of glass and metal — it was a phone booth. The joy that rushed through her wiped all her pain away and she hurried to reach it, nearly tripping. She felt halfway home as soon as she stepped inside its murky walls.
“Please work, please work, please please please.”
She picked up the receiver and held it on her shoulder as she opened the phone book and started leafing through for the nearest police station. They would be obliged to come and pick her up — that is if she could only explain where she was…
“Hello? Operator?” But no voice came from the other side. The tone was dead. “Operator?” she tried again, her voice growing shaky. “Hello? Anyone?”
As she kept tapping on the phone hook, desperate to reach someone, a bright light came peeking over the horizon from the direction she had just come from. It couldn’t have belonged to a car but whatever it was that approached her was fast and loud as all hell. She held her breath as she watched it getting bigger, brighter, closer. This was the only driver she’d seen the whole night and she was equal parts hopeful and horrified of just what it could be. After all, what kind of person would be out driving at this hour on a weekday?
She forgot about the telephone as she followed this strange light until it was close enough to blot out all the darkness. It blinded her for a moment but that thunderous rumble soon settled to a pur and it stopped on the other side of the road from her. When her eyes adjusted to the brightness she realised it was a motorcycle, thin and lean and silver.
Its rider propped himself against the ground on one long leg clad in blue jeans and reached into his pocket. He was tall and slender, his figure swathed in shadows, his motions simple but relaxed and almost elegant.
“It doesn’t work,” he said as he lit a cigarette. “Been broken for a while now.”
The flash of flame from his zippo lighter gave her a hint of his face. He was young, perhaps even younger than her, with full pink lips and a slight stubble, soft blue eyes, and a sprinkle of dirt like freckles on his face. There was a wildness to him and an air of gentleness as well, but his jacket was a dark denim and thick with patches, symbols that probably meant something to him — he must’ve belonged to some sort of “club”. She didn’t know much about bikers aside from what she read about them in the papers, but they’d always seemed to be a bunch of layabouts. Aside from drinking far too much and smoking she knew they got into trouble with the law, had fights, caused accidents, and were generally dangerous to be around.
“I’m… just trying to get to town,” she said in a wary voice.
“Well, I’m headed that way.”
She said nothing, her hand still frozen on the telephone.
“Want a ride?”
It was a tempting offer but one that made her shiver. She’d never been around a man like that, never even exchanged words with one, and everything that she expected from his kind — rudeness, lewdness, and a bad attitude — was suspiciously absent from him. He looked at her with those soft eyes, his long leg braced against the road, and waited. She should have accepted his offer, she should have just gotten on his bike and wrapped her arms around him, but… she couldn’t.
“No, thank you.”
He kept on smoking quietly and looked her up and down much as she’d done with him. She wondered what he saw… She was probably a pathetic sight and a strange kind of person to come across in such a place. When his eyes finally left her figure they strayed across the wilderness. There was nothing around them for miles, they both knew that, and other cars wouldn’t be around that road for hours.
“You know how far away you are?” he asked, rolling the cigarette between his fingers.
“I’ll be fine.”
“It’s a long walk.”
“I don’t want to…” She was about to say she didn’t want to ride all the way back with a stranger but instead said, “trouble you.”
He didn’t react at first, keeping that air of stillness about him that made her wonder what he thought. But after a few moments, he nodded and dropped the cigarette, crushed it underneath his boot, and with a leisurely motion mounted his bike once more and revved the engine up. Before she could say another word he’d already sped into the distance and left only a cloud of dust behind.
She almost felt sorry to see him go. Almost felt guilty too… She didn’t want her distrust of him to be so apparent or to cause offence, no matter what kind of a person he was. But she told herself he must’ve been a dangerous man and that she was better off alone than riding back to town with him. Well, she wouldn’t be riding back with anybody now… The telephone line was dead, just as he’d said. The wire must’ve been disconnected somewhere.
She wanted to cry. Instead, she began to walk once more, trudging through the dark.
The sky was as black as a curtain cast across a silent stage and against it lit from below the pale lights of interspersed lamps. The roaring of the bike got slowly lost in the road that lay before her and soon only her steps echoed to remind her of how alone she was. She watched the small light of the rider fade and hugged herself against the cold, holding the purse to her chest as if it could protect her. Her feet were hurting so much she worried they were bleeding and she considered taking them off until she looked down at the road and its uneven dirty tar. She closed her eyes even as she kept on walking, too tired to gaze out at the same old nothingness again.
But then she heard a roar floating on the wind and felt a tremble in her chest as if an earthquake was approaching, and when she opened her eyes again she saw that lone light making its way back to her. He seemed to ride back faster than he did as he was leaving and he reached her in no time at all. She slowed down to a stop and so did he, parking right beside her.
“Hey,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck in an awkward, boyish way. “Look, I’m sorry if I scared you earlier. But I can’t just leave you out here. You sure you don’t want to —”
“Alright,” she said, her voice already weak and weary. She was hungry and cold and scared that she’d never make it back to town that night. Too scared to refuse his help a second time. “Just… just get me to the edge of town. I can make my own way home from there.”
If he was surprised at how quickly she accepted now, he didn’t show it. He simply moved closer to the front of his seat and made space for her behind him.
She took a deep breath and approached him carefully as if he rode a beast, not something made of metal. It looked solid and precariously thin at once and yet he straddled it confidently. The saddle looked just big enough for two. She hopped on as best she could and tried to keep her legs together but when he looked at her over his shoulder he shook his head and laughed.
“Legs on either side,” he said. “You’ll fall off if you ride like that.”
“But, my skirt…”
He looked up and down her legs and she tried not to read too much into the way his eyes had darkened.
“Roll it up,” he said in a low and soothing voice. “Don’t worry. I won’t look.”
She held her breath as she rolled her skirt up high enough so that she could throw her other leg over the side. He waited while she settled into the position and planted her feet firmly.
“Ready? Hang on,” he said as he revved the engine up. “I’ll go real slow, alright?”
“A-alright…” she said as she placed her hands timidly around his waist.
But he didn’t go slow, at least not by her standards.
It was completely different to riding in a car, more visceral and real with no windows to protect her. She let out a little scream and clung to his body more tightly than she meant to, eyes falling shut, legs tightening around his bike. He smelled of gasoline and metal and several days’ worth of sweat cooled down by the chilly autumn night but he felt so solid in her arms, so firm and steady, even as the world flashed by. Eventually, she was brave enough to rest her cheek against his back and opened her eyes to look at the vacant countryside. It was a little frightening, as she expected, but peaceful too. As she fisted her hands in his jacket, right over his heart, she tried to peek over his shoulder but could just see the side of his face, focused and relaxed, and the white circle of the headlight. Somehow, that was enough for her. His hair tickled her forehead, feeling softer than it had any right to be, and she found herself smiling. There was something base and ancient in the way he smelled, the way he spoke, even in the way he moved. It was as if he had in him the blood-memory of an ancient Knight on armoured steed galloping alone and steadfast through the fields and woods of untamed lands.
The outskirts of town were much tamer than that, however, and before long they could see the faint lights of the outermost buildings, squalid flats, and blinking advertisements. When he started slowing down she felt herself breathe a sigh of relief. It must’ve tickled the back of his neck because he bent his head forward as if to get away — or to ask for more.
“Where are we?” she asked once the noise of the motorcycle died down.
“Marshal Avenue,” he said, easing the bike to the side of the road.
She didn’t know exactly where that was, but she guessed they were on the other side of town from where she lived. All along the street were boarded-up shops, derelict flats, and liquor stores. Across from where he parked was a building that looked to be about a hundred years old. She could hardly fathom walking home at that hour, especially through a neighbourhood like that, but it was better than being in the middle of nowhere.
“Well, thank you. For the ride.”
He lit another cigarette and dismounted the bike, rolling his broad shoulders to unwind. She got off quickly, scrambling to cover her legs in the crumpled skirt before he turned around and saw her. He gave her a look over his shoulder when he heard her fussing and slowly turned around.
“You sure you don’t want me to drive you home?”
“Yeah, I… I can walk from here.”
He looked at her and stayed quiet but there was something in his eyes behind that veil of smoke that made her curious about what he had to say. He simply nodded and turned toward that old building behind him. She hugged herself and looked up and down the street, waiting for him to say anything — to ask for money, to make fun of her for thinking she could make it home, to make a pass at her…
“Well, good night,” she said.
And as soon as she started walking away he spoke to her again.
“Hey, it’s kinda late. They got rooms upstairs.”
“What?” she asked, turning on her heels a bit unsteadily.
“Owner knows me,” he shrugged, crushing the cigarette beneath his boot and immediately lighting up another. “Could get you one for cheap.”
She shifted her weight from one foot to another and looked around pretending to think… but her eyes kept coming back to him. He puffed quietly away and gazed at her with no design behind those clear blue eyes, looking just as uncertain and awkward as she felt standing in the middle of the street. She didn’t want to trust him but a part of her responded in the same way that she did when she saw a homeless puppy.
“You mean, a room of my own?”
She looked from him to the large building again.
He could probably tell that she was torn because he helpfully supplied, “They got food too. Hungry?”
She was. It had been over twelve hours since she’d eaten or had anything to drink.
“I kind of am.”
“Me too,” he said. “Come on.”
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hellfirecvnt · 4 months
Light my Fire
Lee Russell x Fem!Reader pt. 5
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Summary: Your plan goes awry. Tensions are high. What's everybody gonna do about it? Ooh.
Warnings: sex, edging, creampie, quickie, crime makes him horny, low-key fluff at the end (idk how to end stories????)
Notes: EW this chapter is so short, but it's only bc this is the end of this series and I'm about to do another Lee Russell series I'm really excited about. Stay tuned!
Read part one here. // Part two here. // Part three here. // Part four here.
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The night air is brisk as you park your car in the far-off lot behind the school. You're swift and careful sneaking inside, unseen. You beeline straight for the principal's office where Neal and Lee wait for you.
"'Bout fuckin' time, Y/L/N," Gamby barks, holding the door for you and scanning the surroundings as if you've been followed. You haven't. That's just how he is.
"Shut up, I forgot we were even doing this until Lee texted me."
"Both of you shut up, this is serious," Lee takes a seat at the desk and Gamby enviously joins him on the other side as if an audience of just you is enough to require them to validate their seniority.
"Why're you so serious? We're just scaring her a little," you laugh, unable to imagine anything going wrong with a plan that's meant to knock a vase or two over.
"Might have something to do with it being a felony." Neal arches his brows.
"You know what else is a felony? Doing hallucinogens on the school campus during a football game. You're already in it, Gamby. I hope you look good in orange," you taunt, earning a pair of narrow eyes from him.
"Will you two fuck sticks shut up for five goddamn seconds?!" Lee bursts, his voice hitting that cracked note it does when he's stressed. You and Gamby look at each other, confused. It seems the two of you have underestimated how much pressure Lee is holding right now.
"Damn, dude. It's alright, calm down." You place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Let's just get in there and get out. Easy." Your pep talk seems to do the trick and all three of you file out to the bus lanes to hop in a rented white van.
The trip is silent and eerily long. You and Neal exchange tense glances, but Lee stays stone-focused on the road. He's not even driving, Gamby is. Lee's just unwavering his attention from the asphalt, deep in thought, you assume.
The van pulls up to a house in a small neighborhood, stopping out front. It's a little bold for your tastes, but you don't plan to be in there long anyways.
"Oh shit, is this where she lives?" You ask.
“What a shit-hole.” Neal adds, laughing.
"This is my house, motherfucker." Lee looks at him with wide, angry eyes. "It’s a mid-century sea ranch!"
"It's a... It's a great sea ranch, Lee." You attempt to talk down his stress, but he just shakes his head as he climbs out of the van, promising to be back after he grabs something from inside. When he comes back, his hands seem empty, but you don't question it.
The act continues and Neal pulls the large rental van into the nearby cul-de-sac and parks, turning off the headlights. You stare out the window, scanning for any movement inside the house.
"Looks still to me," you whisper.
"She's gonna be at that game all night," Neal mumbles, unbuckling his seatbelt.
The three of you pile out of the van quietly and make your way up to her back porch. Neal begins to wrap his tie around his fist.
"Are you seriously gonna punch out that window?" You ask, concerned about the risk factor. Gamby only raises his eyebrows.
"Oh, fuck you. No you're not," Lee's laughter is cut off by the shattering sound of a small window in Dr. Brown's back door.
"Oh, shit!" You and Lee exclaim at the same time.
"Bitches first." Neal holds out his arm, welcoming Lee inside. The three of you scramble to find things of value to knock around and stage a thorough break-in. Suddenly, you hear the sound of a loud crash.
"A little much, Lee, don't you think?" You hiss, annoyed by the monstrous volume of the crash.
"Gamby broke the fuckin' window," he protests.
"Yeah, so we could get in. It's a fake robbery, you think they're not gonna break a fucking window?" Neal's sass only amplifies Lee's.
"Darlin', smash this mug and we'll leave right now, I promise." The look on his face tells you loud and clear that he's lying to you.
"You're a lying piece of shit, Mr. Russell," you huff and he shrugs with a "shy" grin.
"And yet, you're gonna do whatever I say, aren't you?" His eyes twinkle and you know he's right. Your expression is one of defiance as you snatch the mug from his hands and slam it on the ground. The tiny shards of porcelain explode in every direction against the polished hardwood floor.
"Well, look at you, hardened criminal." Lee grins, breaking out into a damn near rampage. Gamby seems to have caught whatever enraged bug bit Lee and the two of them tear through the house like maniacs.
"Oh, no..." You stare in horror as the two buffoons tear Belinda's home to shreds. You're watching Neal in horror as he wrecks her china cabinet. The only thing that can tear your eyes away from the mess is the unmistakable stench of burning synthetic fabric. "Lee?!"
"Don't look at me like that, sweetheart. We need her gone," he says with an emotionless face. He tilts his head to the side, still looking at you as the flames get higher. It's like he's someone else for just a second, and while you know you should be off-put and even scared, you can't stand how much you want him right now. The two of you are frozen in a stare-off as the house fills with toxic black smoke. Gamby's yelling something, but everything's muffled as all your attention belongs to Lee.
"Y/N, come on!" He screams one more time before cursing aloud and grabbing your arm. Neal drags you out of the burning abode and shoves you out the back door onto the lawn where you land with a thud, only then being knocked out of your lusty trance. Gamby hacks and coughs from the amount of smoke that filled his lungs while he waited for you to get out of the house.
"Neal?! What the fuck? Where's Lee?" You scramble to your feet, blackened by the tarish nature of the soot. You look around frantically for your third other superior, but he's nowhere to be found. "Gamby!" You snap at him, demanding answers.
"Hey, motherfucker. Let's not scream each other's names out here while the place is burning down," Lee appears from the bushes like some sort of Halloween trick. You roll your eyes, relieved to see him.
"Let's get the fuck out of here!" You whisper harshly, leading the men to the van. The drive back to the school is silent. You're unsure what everyone else is feeling now that the heat of the moment has cooled. Have you all gone too far? Did anyone see you? Your mind races with anxiety. You've just been an accessory to arson just because the man behind the lighter looks a little too good in his silly patterned suits.
The van pulls into the school lot and Gamby drops the two of you off by your cars.
"I'm gonna... Get this thing off the road. Return it tomorrow." Neal drives off, leaving the two of you alone in the parking lot. Mr. Gamby is clearly distressed and dissociating from the reality of what he was just a part of, but Lee? Lee's calm. More calm than you've ever seen him. So calm, you wonder if it's an act or if he truly did find that much release and relaxation in destroying another person's home for his own gain. It's disgusting behavior, and the way he's carrying it makes your knees weak.
Lee Russell looks you up and down with a flat face. His lack of readability makes you nervous and excited. His eyes trail back up your body and to your eyes, inviting you to follow him inside the dark, locked school. You can barely stifle an excited squeal as you trail happily behind him. He's uncharacteristically silent, bubbling at the brim with adrenaline and desire. The feeling of conquering his enemy is almost as orgasmic as fucking you senseless in the principal's office.
He opens the door and you giddily trot inside, taken aback by how dark it is in here at night. You're attempting to let your eyes adjust when you hear the door close and feel Lee's nimble, needy hands groping roughly at your chest from behind.
"You looked a little scared back there, darlin'." He kisses and nips at your neck, whispering with warm breath in your ear.
"Lee, we could get in so much trouble," you speak through small gasps.
"But we won't," he chuckles against your skin, tightening his grip around your breasts. "I'm fucking invincible." He suddenly spins you around, almost like dancing, before he guides you backward toward the desk, laying you back on it so he can lift your legs around his waist. Neither of you pays attention to any of the small ornaments and stationary that fall off in the process.
He crashes his soft, balmed lips against yours, moving his head back and forth in sync with yours. It was unclear to you until now how touch-starved you were before he had his hands on you so roughly, never mind having him only a few days ago.
"Lee-" you huff his name, hoping to speed this heated affair along so you can feel him inside you.
"Shh, sweetheart," he whispers, placing a thumb on your pouting lips. "Let me savor this." He tilts his head back, hands gripping your waist, pulling your clothed cunt to his growing erection straining against his slacks. You lie back on the desk, accepting each of his sexual prods and squeezes. Primal groans of pleasure rumble lowly from his chest as he slides his palms up and down your body, studying every inch of you, mesmerized.
It feels like he's toying with you forever. Pressing your breasts together and slipping his hands under your bra. He catches you off guard when he finally slips a hand up your skirt and skillfully slips your lace and silk panties off your legs. You gasp, suddenly fully exposed to him yet again.
"I really don't give a shit if they bring in a new principal as long as I've got a claim on this tight fucking pussy of yours," he sighs, jaw hanging slack as he slips a well-manicured finger up and down your throbbing clit. "Fuckin' Christ."
You release a string of hearty moans, desperate for more and more. He smiles a big, white smile as he plays you like an instrument, filling the room with the sounds of your pleasure. Lee's lips part as he focuses intently on his fingers scissoring inside you, bringing you closer and closer to your climax. Just as it seems you're going to give, he pulls away without so much as a kiss.
"Lee!" You whine, quickly replacing his fingers with your own. That's not part of his plan, though. He grabs your wrists and holds them in front of you, staring into your face in the very dimly lit office room. He holds your wrists in place and watches your shifting, desperate face. "Please!" You arch your back, attempting to run against him like you're in heat, but he doesn't let you reach. Your climax quickly dwindles away and your knees feel like they're made of gelatin.
"Shhh," he whispers, but it turns into a taunting chuckle. He's laughing at you. Laughing at the puddle of a woman you turn into for him. He truly feels invincible. "Do you want it, sweetheart?" He asks with the same emotionless face and tilted head he had in Belinda's burning home.
"I need it, Lee. Please," you moan, hoping so badly this is finally it. Lee reaches for his belt and unfastens the metal and leather painstakingly slowly.
"God, look at you, begging for me to fuck you after what you helped me do." He frees his throbbing cock, positioning his pre-cum soaked tip at your awaiting cunt. He hovers there, hanging his mouth open and tilting his chin up as he looks down at you, taunting. "So close..."
You do all you can to meet him halfway, to feel him inside you, and to dismiss this erotic display of dominance. Lee slaps the head against your sensitive slit a few times, collecting your arousal with his before sinking his tip into you. You release a filthy, guttural moan that makes him shudder as he slips in all the way to his hilt.
"Fucking, god damn it," he groans. "All I've been fucking thinking about..." He slowly slides out, nearly withdrawing completely, but then he slams his hips against yours. This brutal thrust defines his rhythm and he begins to fuck you like he hates you. His bucking hips slam into you hard and fast as ravenous moans pour from his lips.
"You're... Fucking insane," you giggle between rough thrusts.
"This pussy's fucking insane." Lee quickens his pace, throwing his head back in ecstasy. He quickly removes himself from you, only to yank you off the desk and spin you around. Once you're facing the desk, he bends you over and roughly lifts your pencil skirt to expose your round ass. He repositions himself at your pussy and slams his way in. The room is an echo chamber of the two of you expressing your pleasure through loud, sensual moans.
"Lee!" You gasp, arching your back to better present yourself to him. He fucks rhythmically as you're quickly pushed closer and closer to your orgasm.
"Come on, darlin'," he whispers, chasing his own high. After a few more minutes, a vulnerable groan escapes Lee's lips, and the two of you climax at nearly the same time. He finishes inside you as you flood his desk and pants. The two of you hold still for a moment before he slowly slips out of your sensitive entrance and allows the rest of the mixture of cum to pour out of you.
"Lee... That was-"
"You're coming home with me tonight, Y/N." Lee smiles warmly, almost as if he's waiting for you to accept or decline. You're still fuzzy-brained and dripping with the evidence of his violations.
"Oh, yeah. I'd, um, love to," you accept shyly, confused and aroused by this new genre of dominance from him. Lee stands next to you where you lie face down on his desk, knees buckled beneath you. He gently strokes your hair as he speaks.
"I don't wanna go scaring you off or anything, but" he pulls your hair away from your face. "We don't have to call this anything-"
"I wanna call it something," you say, quickly. He grins.
"I don't care what you wanna call it. I'm calling you mine."
Taglist: @therest-stillunwritten // @its-in-the-woods // @justme12200 // @sixx-writes // @littlenosoul // @itsyellow // @blackwoodtree // @hiddlebatchedloki // @ivyinthesun // @alastorsw1f3 // @sexy-monster-fucker // @writtenbyhollywood //
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starrykaulitz · 1 year
Can you do 2015 Tom who realizes he has feelings for f!reader and ends up confessing and having sex with f!reader?
$. i'll be yours.
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crimson and bear as i stand, yours completely.
warnings; language, smut (18+), unhealthy?, p in v.
the wind whipped at your hair—icy cold air causing your nose to go a scarlet red before you felt the presence of another lurking behind you, eating your shadow whole.
the cold street lamp conveniently placed above the bus-stop washed over your already icy-cold skin. you fought back the tears in which had been threatening at your irises for almost the whole night.
tom—who had been something of a fuck buddy until this moment—had began yelling at you, screaming and cursing as pure and utter jealousy coursed through his veins. you may have kissed another man, alcohol present within your system as the unfamiliar lips of another, the lips of a man who wasn’t tom,  had made their way to your own.
you felt a tinge of shame as you continued and kissed back, though you hadn’t known why. tom—the well-renowned fuck-boy—had done almost the exact same to you on various occasions.
you weren’t a couple, far from it. you were anything but monogamous. you enjoyed the chase, the feeling of toms eyes lingering on you as he watched helplessly as you eye-fucked another man, a man that should be him. those were the moments in which you fought back, in which you made him feel how you first felt when he layed the hands which had been on you only nights ago on another woman.
you both were selfish—too selfish for one-another—enjoying as each of you became somewhat desperate to earn the other ones attention.   
though tonight, tonight had been different, horribly and irreversibly different. a hickey placed directly on the side of your neck had been almost see-through against your skin. his eyes fell dark, his glazed-over windows seemed too crack. he had enough, snapping as the thought of another man being all over you had consumed his brain.
as you stood still, frozen, awaiting whatever mid-night bus you’d make your escape on, you heard the rough and heavy revving of a car—a familiar car. one you’d known all to well. one which would toot when making a casual appearance Infront of your apartment.
usually, this car would bring you absolute delight to see, though now, you felt the only thing you could do was run. though your legs were glued to the cold concrete beneath you, staring helplessly as the car pulled over to the side of the road.
you couldn’t see through the black-tinted windows, knowing that that was the only thing shielding you from, what you presumed to be, the extremely irate man inside. 
though instead of meeting face to face with an expression of pure disgust, you were met with half-closed eye lids, watery and desperate brown eyes which seemed to instantly drown you in their abyss.
“tom, no!” those words, the words which seemed to fall from your tongue, were what pushed the fountain of tears over your sore eyes and onto your cheeks.
“please, just listen to me!” he pleaded, slamming the car door behind him as he inched closer to the somewhat petrified girl.
“no, tom. I cant do this anymore.”
“fine! fine, we wont do this anymore.” he waved his hands in the air in an attempt to flash his white card, show his surrender.
“just… get in the car, there arn’t any busses.” another plead, another tear dribbling down your cheek.
“if I get it that damn car,” you hiccuped, “I’ll never get out.”
you’d been hurt so many times by him, searing pain striking your heart each time he crashed his lips onto another girls. you hated to admit it, could never admit it aloud, but you only reciprocated what you had done to make him feel something, anything, to show he cared about you somehow.
he called your name out into the silent night, following in your footsteps as you could only back away slowly.
“I can’t keep doing this, tom.” you held back violent sobs before you felt the strength to back away vanish from your legs, your feet planting themselves on the concrete once again.
“I can’t either.”
you finally faced him, faced those all-consuming eyes which seemed to dance within the street-lights atmosphere.
“I can’t watch you be with anyone else but me… I need you, more than needing you for sex.”
your jaw almost dropped to the floor, your fists clenching at your sides.
“y-you can’t just blurt this out now, tom!” you shouted into the soundless street, now willing to lose any pride you had left.
“I can’t fucking stand seeing you with other people.” tom, now only inches away from you, continued his almost slurred confession.
“you go off and fuck other girls all the time, damnit!” you pushed against his solid chest, somewhat punching his stomach. tom didn’t flinch, not a singular muscle was moved from your pitiful attempt at swatting him away.
you were drowning in a title wave of emotion, dejection, confusion, remorse. all emotions in which congregated to your next move.
“I hate you, tom!” you screamed, punching him again, and again, and again, until you felt the heat of another, until you felt the way tom’s large arms wrapped tightly around your neck, restricting any movement you dolefully struggled to make.
“I hate you…” you sobbed into the crevice of his jumper, digits digging into the cotton of his winter jacket as you held back the urge to slap him silly, make him regret the way he fucked you over after all this time.
then, his mouth opened, his breath evaporated into the thin air of the night, his voice fell soft yet subtle beneath his croaky voice.
“I cant’ be without you…” he hummed against you, feeling as your body fell still against his own, your muscles tense in pure shock, your fingers fall fragile against his chest.
“I need you…” your name fell naturally off his tongue.
“be mine… please.” slowly, he let his arms release their possessive grip around you.
“let me…” he thought wisely about his words, his tongue flipping his lip-ring backward and forward as his brain ran in circles in attempts at understanding his own feelings. he hated how he made you feel, hated how seeing you cry made him feel remorse, feel bad for being all that he knew. he hated how you made him fragile, weak against his will.
“let me make it up to you… please.” tom pleaded, eyes full of sorrow and repentance as he wiped away a singular tear falling from your cheek, his thumb caressing your lower lip. 
you stared into his eyes, dark, mysterious, yet the most truthful they had ever been, the most telling they would ever be. he was an innocent man in that moment, any guilty crime he’d once committed being washed away with a singular sentence.
“i want to be yours.” his tone was fixed, steady, and almost satisfying to your ears.
and, in only moments, in one singular flash of the street-light, his lips were on yours. soft at first, awaiting the okay to continue from you. though instead of receiving a green light, he was pushed away harshly.
shock painted your face, your eyes wide in pure disbelief at his kiss. he should have known that you’d reject him, he understood why you did, he’d fucked you over on more than multiple occasions.
tom felt stupid, he felt embarrassment, as though being caught between two worlds. one of which protected his character, his pride, and one of which was soft, kind and gentle toward who he felt he could almost say he loved.
though as a singular breath left his open lips, steam escaping his lungs, the air was sucked from him. finally, you’d wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed back, given him the green light.
tom licked your bottom lip, you allowed his entry as he instantly began exploring your mouth, began memorising every nook and cranny that would soon be his own.
then, his hand had scooped you from the floor and lifted you into the air, your legs wrapping around his slim waist before he began walking to his car, your mouths not separating for even a moment.
he lowered you slowly onto the matt black bonnet of the audi, instantly running his hands up and down your thighs before they travelled under your sheer cotton jumper.
you shivered at his cold touch, his digits heated themselves against your ribs until they’d reached your bra. you almost sighed into his mouth at his touch, at how his hands lingered so delicately across your skin, caressing and cherishing what he hadn’t cherished before.
as he planted feverish kisses along your neck, slowly lowering to your collarbone, he felt how your skin began to tingle and turn into goose-flesh. you were cold, freezing even.
he kissed your lips once more, lightly, before retracting his hands from under the jumper, stepping away and out of the opening of your legs.
“back-seat.” he monotoned, head flicking toward the car as he watched you slide off of his bonnet and open the back-door. lucky the car had continued running throughout their yelling-fit, the heater had been producing a somewhat tropical heat which brought instant relief to the your icy-cold skin.
as you shuffled your way into the car, instantly removing your jumper and throwing it to the front seat, he joined you and crawled in-between the crevice of your open legs.
you watched on as tom almost ripped off his own jumper, revealing his tense abs beneath his large clothing. you bit your bottom lip. you needed him, had to have him inside you as if it’d confirm what he’d said outside, lock it in a safe and throw away the key.
without second thought, his lips travelled to your now still ones and his hand travelled to the clip of your bra, un-doing it with one hand. he let the thin layer of fabric fall off your body, then made it join the rest of the clothing which had travelled to the front seats. he instantly began kissing and sucking his purple marks into your skin, planting his territory on what was now his.
you whined against his touch, how his fingers rubbed at your nipple, running circles around it before placing it into his mouth, tongue now delicately lapping as they hardened.   
“please, tom…” you whined again, this time aching to feel him inside you, to feel how he treated you more gently than he ever had, with more admiration than he ever felt.
and instantly, your demand was met. tom’s hand travelled with haste as he unbuckled the belt of his jeans. you began taking your own pants off, leaving your laced panties on as an invitation to do what he pleased.
tom smirked at the view that played out in front of him, ready to consume your body—he’d never get sick of it.
his digits travelled from his pants to your panties—if you could even call them that—and moved them aside before lining himself up with you.
you nodded slowly, eyes begging and pleading for him to fuck you already. staring deeply into your soul, listening to the silent begs your lowered brows made, he instantly rammed into you. you cried out his name, gripping onto his beefy arms as you felt his dick meet with the entry of your uterus.
your head fell against the door handle, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he begun to pump in and out at a slow pace, readying you for his length with each stroke.
“tom… faster, please.” you were impatient tonight, knowing you’d earnt to have your voice heard within the relationship after all this time, and he’d gladly oblige.
he quickened his pace, his grip now on your hips as he shoved his entire length inside your aching entrance. you cried out again, nails creating crescents in his arms as his pace became almost animalistic.
the way your bodies began to rub against one-another had your sweat mixing, car turning misty, and the aircon becoming all the more unnecessary. you began stealing the breath from one-another, tongues desperate to dominate, tom’s once again winning over yours and taking ownership.
he groaned into your mouth, having to fall away and place his face within the crevice of your neck. you felt so good—so good to the point where he’d already began feeling his high seep into his pores.
he hated how he was turned on by your state--the state of your mascara running down your cheeks and your body almost aching at his force. he moaned out your name, pleading with his own body to not pathetically finish so quickly.
though he couldn’t help but continue staring at you almost sobbing from pleasure beneath him. you were now his, you were each others. this though sent a shiver down his length, another whine earnt from his lips.
as he towered over you, his muscles aching from holding himself back, his hand flew to the now fogged window of the car, fingers gripping onto the flat surface desperately.
you rapt onto the door-handle of the car, head flung backward as you felt his dick hit each crevice in which no other could meet. no one could ever make you feel as good as tom, and that thought, the thought which used to scare you, was now a comfort.
the way he groaned against your skin sent shivers down your neck, made your guts twist and turn until you felt your toes clench. you cried out his name as he repeatedly hit your favorite spot, the spot deep within you that not even you yourself could reach.
“I’m close, tom!” whining and rolling your eyes backward, he listened to your moans against his ear as you tightened around him, your legs shaking and trembling as you came undone beneath his sweat-silked body.
he growled as he felt himself release within you, his mouth hanging open as his eyes squeezed shut. he’d never finished this fast, not with anyone he’d ever been with—not even with you.
his breath was weak, and under his messy concluding strokes, you couldn’t help but notice the small whimpers which snuck through his throat. you smiled as his body collapsed on top of yours, hand slipping down from the window to meet with the back of your hair.
he began massaging at your scalp, fingers knotting and fiddling with your strands of hair as if he was trying to comfort himself, tell himself that he needed this relationship more than any other.
he felt as though he were going crazy.
“hey… tom.” your hand travelled to the nape of his neck, thumb massaging the back of his head before you undid his man bun. his locks unravelled onto your bare skin, it was soft and silken, smelling slightly of the cinnamon and sweat.
he pushed himself upward until his eyes met yours, red and practically puffy. the way his hair shaped his sharp jaw made you crack a smile—he looked like an angel in this light, though you knew you’d be dealing with what seemed to be the devil later—but that thought could wait.
he looked so innocent in this moment, so taken-aback by himself. it was as if he’d just seen a version of himself that’d never been seen before. he wasn’t looking in a mirror anymore, but rather looking at his lover.
he smirked at the thought, lips turning upright as he felt his insides begin to flutter with this newfound nervousness. tom felt like a kid again, felt as though he was watching everything from someone else’s perspective, and that someone had completely possessed him.
“we will figure it out, but for now…” you brushed a strand of his long hair behind his red ear.
“for now, I’ll be yours.”
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cheollipop · 1 year
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pairing: ex!yoon jeonghan x bartender!reader
w.c.: 3.1k
tags: fem!reader, smut, angst, past infidelity/cheating, this is really toxic.... hate sex though....
the heartache from a past game of cat and dog—leaving you with nothing but a stained bed and a broken heart—came back tenfold when freshly-chopped hair and a sly smirk greeted you through the cracked-open, tinted window.
warnings: car sex, so semi-public sex, hate sex, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (👎), creampie, some cockwarming, degradation (mentions of past cheating, both reader and jeonghan refer to the other as "slut"), reader is also called a cockslut at one point, hair pulling, pussy slapping, nicknames (hannie; darling), jeonghan is really toxic (and a big asshole), past infidelity, seungcheol is mentioned a few times *wink wonk*
A/N: this is for the anon who requested jeonghan ages ago. I might be 5 years late to writing it, but it's here hehe~ I'm so glad I finally got to write more for svt! this was really fun to write~ please consider leaving feedback/reblogging if you enjoyed! ^^ happy reading~~
nsfw under the cut—minors dni 🔞
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Frosty air cooled the sweat sticking to your exposed skin, heeled boots clacking over the pavement as you stumbled out of the creaky, metal door at the back of the club. You were way too sober, you thought, eyebrow twitching at the memory of your fight with the new manager. ‘No alcohol after you clock in,’ the high-pitched sound repeated in your ears. You worked just fine with a shot or two in your system; you’d argue you worked even better, able to drown out the slurred pick-up lines and simply pour drinks. Friday nights were the worst, and having to deal with clingy men who didn’t understand rejection—most of which not even your type—without alcohol had you considering a career change. So the second the clock hit eleven, you hurriedly wiped your station before another batch of college freshmen crowded the bar, grabbing your stuff and scrambling out the back exit.
Your legs carried you out of the small alleyway and onto the lit main sidewalk, thankful that the council finally replaced the flickering light bulb. Your eyes zeroed in on the bus stop down the road, and you quickly made your way towards it before the last bus could arrive.
A sudden horn blared to your right, cutting through the stillness and sounding over the distant music from the club behind you. Your fingers dug into your pocket on instinct to circle around the tube of pepper spray, your body tensing defensively as you faced the Jeep parked in front of you. The driver’s tinted window rolled down, a head of short, brown locks peeking through the gap. Your hand eased around the spray when you met with familiar, downturned eyes, hooded with what seemed like amusement. A shot of pain seared through your chest, your heart pounding against your ribcage as Jeonghan stared back at you blankly, a simple “hey” reverberating in the air between you.
“No bitches to cheat on tonight?” You spat, tightening your fingers around the jacket in your hand.
Why was he here? After you’d finally stopped looking for him in every corner, hoping he’d pull you out from behind the bar to give you a tearful apology? After the scent of his misdeeds had faded off your bedsheets, your slumber no longer interrupted by dreams about your heart being used as a plaything?
Jeonghan's eyebrow twitched, his amusement blending with irritation. “Seungcheol’s taken now, whose cock would they jump on if I did?”
Resentment seeped into your chest, and you considered pepper spraying him just to erase that smug smirk off his face. But you turned away from him, sucking in the cool air while scheming eyes bore into your profile. You willed your legs into motion, your footsteps sounding to the beat of the muffled club music as you continued your journey down to the bus stop. A car door slammed somewhere behind you, and you picked at the side of your index finger while you walked, hoping it was just a clubber who’d been running late. A firm hand wrapped around your upper arm and twisted you around, striking out the previous possibility when Jeonghan’s hot breath brushed against your face.
“Let me drive you home,” he mumbled, his hand relaxing around your arm but not quite releasing it.
You couldn’t help but pity him in this moment. A man who’d broken your heart and left you to mend it alone, curled up on your bedroom floor while he stuffed his belongings into a worn-down duffle, not even an apology or a goodbye, only the loud clang of his spare key landing on your console before the front door slammed shut. That same man, two years later, parked in front of your workplace—for God knows how many hours—only to drive you home? A part of you was curious why that was. The other, though, wanted to get the fuck away from him.
“Why? So I can hear more about how not sorry you are? No thanks,” you tugged against his grasp, now tight around your arm again.
“(Y/n), please. I won’t say anything, I just wanna drive you home,” the subtle hint of desperation in his voice alarmed you. It didn’t make sense, and yet the unanswered question overshadowed your confusion. The anger that had been simmering in your gut was beginning to boil.
“So you actually don’t feel guilty?” You didn’t mean for your voice to crack, and yet the ache in your chest nearly made you double over the further his silence stretched—the same one that had robbed you of sleep, kept you away from all potential love interests, had you curled up in the same sheets the reeked of adultery and betrayal while Jeonghan continued to jump from woman to woman, a trail of his sins dragging behind his indifferent figure. “Let me go, Jeonghan,” your tone was weak, defeated, once again faced with agonizing reality—he’d moved on long before that day.
You missed the way his eyelids fluttered at the delicate roll of his name off your tongue, the sound sparking a memory into the front of his mind, a collage of smiles and easy laughter echoing in his ears. His hand raised to grab onto your other arm, possessiveness laced with concern slowly overtaking him at the sight of you—shoulders slumped, eyes glassy and your fingers shaking where they curled into fists at your sides, the mere mention of his indifference reducing you to the same, hurt woman he's left behind.
“It’s late. Let me just-” He paused. Jeonghan never paused, not even when you stood at your doorway, looking him in the eye while he soiled your bedsheets with someone else. “I just want to make sure you get home safe.”
You blamed it on the quiver in your legs, the loss of willpower to move yourself away from him, but this time, you didn’t argue.
‘I thought you would be okay,
You thought I would be the same,’
Dpr Ian played through the speakers, the volume on low despite the silence stretching between you and the man in the driver’s seat. You realized you hadn’t needed to give him directions, a relationship of three years enough to engrave the way to your apartment into his mind forever. Your eyes flitted over to the side every now and then, taking in the shadows cast over Jeonghan’s cheekbones with every passing streetlight, his fringe fanning over his forehead in a way unfamiliar to you. Looking back to the front, you decided you preferred his longer hair, and missed the innocent glimmer in his dark eyes. Though despite all the changes—new car, new hair, new attitude and style—Jeonghan still used the same perfume, one that you’d bought him for the first birthday you’d celebrated together. Something in your gut stirred at the thought, but you were unsure whether it was pleasant or not.
‘it’s just another show,
Don’t want your world no more,’
Jeonghan cleared his throat, “I got promoted to manager,” he spoke, breaking the silence.
“Good for you,” your tone was cold, uninterested.
Dpr Ian continued to play, ‘You’re so addicted to my bad decisions.’
“How’s bartending been?”
“It’s okay.”
He hummed, fingers tightening around the steering wheel as he took a right turn. “Mm, I worry about you sometimes. People can act crazy when drunk.”
Your eyebrow twitched, irritation creeping into your tone, “you don’t get to be worried about me.” You felt the urge to slam your fist into his unnecessarily sharp jaw, to watch bruises paint his face until the rage embedded so deep within your soul dissipated.
A few seconds of silence passed as Jeonghan parked parallel to the empty sidewalk in front of your apartment building, sighing while turning off the engine and twisting in his seat to face you. “You know, I’m just trying to be nice here.”
Your fists clenched, mirroring Jeonghan and turning around to look at him with hooded eyes, your muscles clenching and relaxing in an attempt to calm yourself down. “Well, maybe you should’ve thought to do that before you fucked a random girl in my bed,” you spat, content to have watched his face fall before turning your back to him and reaching for the door handle.
A hand flew over your shoulder before your fingers could reach their target, his index and thumb grabbing your jaw and forcefully forcing you back into your prior position. “And you thought sleeping with my best friend was a good way to handle it?” He pulled you closer to him, your lower belly digging into the console as he bent you over it, his face mere inches away and his breath blowing warm over your cheeks.
“You don’t get to blame me-”
He was quick to interrupt your defense, “you think I didn’t notice you acting like a slut to get his attention? Way before anything even happened,” his grip on your face tightened, inching his own closer as he spoke, each word falling off his tongue making the knot in your stomach wind tighter. “The looks,” something in his eyes glimmered, and while that once made butterflies flutter in your stomach, it now grew the lump in your throat until it restricted your airway. “The touches,” his breath fanned over your face, small beads of sweat pilling over your skin at the humidity, and perhaps at the rasp in Jeonghan’s voice as he laid out your sins before you. “The pictures.”
Your fingers gripped the console, slipping off with streaks of sweat staining the black leather. Heart pounding in your ears, you hoped Jeonghan’s hearing somehow declined during the years you’d spent apart, the ringing in your ears fogging up all thoughts. You blamed the nerves on his accusations—a dark past you thought you’d buried without trace—and yet the proximity, the lack of space between your face and Jeonghan’s, the mint lacing his breath and the rasp in every word he spoke, you found hidden tinges of arousal mixed in with your anxiety, dousing your panties as you tried to escape the man’s grasp.
“Why are you here, Jeonghan?” Your voice wavered, but this time, you didn’t miss the wave of what seemed like relief painting his face when his name rolled off your tongue.
“Would you believe me if I said I missed you?”
The ache in your chest returned, your eyebrows furling until you appeared wounded by his words. “Not for a second,” your voice remained firm, though, sparing him no glimpse at your heart.
Jeonghan only scoffed, amused by the contrast between your tone and expression. He leaned closer—as though your indifference urged him to prove himself to you—pressing his lips the corner of your mouth, whispering his next words against the soft skin, “you’re not entirely wrong… but I did miss one thing.”
‘I thought you would be okay,
You thought I would be the same.’
Your lower back dug into the steering wheel, the leather beneath your knees creaking as you adjusted your position over Jeonghan, your pants shamefully thrown over the passenger seat. Teeth clacked against each other, heavy breaths mingling between your open mouths as your tongues pressed together in a battle of lust.
Two fingers spread you open, curling between your sopping walls until your eyes rolled back, his other hand holding up the window switch, waiting until the darkened glass closed fully before moving it to your hip.
Squeezing the supple flesh, Jeonghan groaned into your parted lips, “still so fucking tight, did Seungcheol not fuck you well enough?”
Heat flared up your chest, “shut up.”
You’d thought two years and countless hookups would’ve blurred Jeonghan's memory of you, but his fingers fucked into you with purpose, as though every inch of your body, every motion that drove pleasure up your spine had become second nature to him.
“I bet he didn’t know how to satisfy my pretty slut,” he pressed his lips to your cheek, using the hand on your hip to guide you over his fingers.
“Sh-shut up-”
He slipped out of you, gliding his digits down your cunt and over your clit before landing a harsh slap over the nub, your body jolting over him and a broken cry sounding in the humid car. The wet clap of his hand on your drenched pussy repeated, and you mumbled incoherently through a breathy moan.
“What was that? Speak up for me, darling,” you could hear the smirk in his voice.
The urge to punch the playfulness off his face dissipated when skilled fingers brushed over your clit, “fuck, again-”
And he conceded, bringing his hand down on your pussy once more to watch your back arch into the steering wheel behind you, lips parting as pain mingled with pleasure, your cunt throbbing under Jeonghan’s palm. That same hand swiftly moved to your face, fingers digging into your jaw and smearing your arousal over your skin while his other worked over his zipper, quickly undoing his pants and pushing them down far enough to take his cock out. It leaked precum over his black button-up, the vein lining the underside throbbing at the sight of you above him—eyes glazed over and fixed on his hard length, your tongue digging into the inside of your cheek.
His fingers tapped against your clit, once, twice, before landing another rough slap over it. He grabbed himself around the base, groaning at the sudden contact as he positioned you over the leaking cockhead, “be a good girl for once and- fuck-”
You cut him off before he could finish his sentence, sliding down his length unprompted until his cock was sheathed entirely between your fluttering walls. You rolled your hips to adjust, forcing your chests flush as you moved and pressing your lips to the shell of Jeonghan’s ear.
“You talk as if you’ve done nothing wrong, but you’re just as much of a slut as I am, aren’t you, Hannie?” Trailing feathery kisses over his jaw, you slipped his cock halfway out of your cunt before sliding him back inside, squeezing your walls around him to feel the stuttered rise and fall of his chest against you. “You fucked me that morning, then brought that bitch into my bed a couple hours after,” you pecked the sharp edge of his jawline, moving your lips back to his ear to whisper your next words, “didn’t even have the decency to take her to your apartment-”
Rough fingers tangled in the hair at your nape, tugging your face back until you met with unfocused eyes. Jeonghan readjusted under you, digging his feet into the clean mats and thrusting upwards experimentally, scoffing at the moan you tried to suppress. Your neck craned uncomfortably, gritting your teeth as Jeonghan eyed you silently, a hand on your hip keeping you still and leaving you helpless to do anything but warm his cock.
So you commenced your taunts, desperately trying to wiggle out of his grasp while you spoke, “how many hours have you been waiting outside, huh? Just to get your dick wet-”
“I have you on my cock now, don’t I?” His fingers tightened around your hair, and he leaned back in his seat, fucking up into your clenching cunt before you could think of anything to say—assuming you were still capable of processing anything but the smooth drag of his length between your pulsing walls, his nails digging thin crescents into the flesh of your hip. His breathing grew heavy, and yet his words remained clear, contemptuous. “You may hate me, darling, but whether you like it or not, you’ll keep coming back to me,” the hand in your hair eased, fingers scratching soothingly at your sore scalp and pushing your head closer to his, bringing his voice down to a whisper, “because you’re my pretty cockslut, aren’t you?”
Jeonghan nuzzled his nose into your cheek, planting a tender kiss to the heated skin while you frantically nodded your head. A staccato of moans and repetitions of his name rolled off your tongue as he brought you down to meet his relentless thrusts, his own grunts adding to the stuffiness in the closed-up car. He pounded into your dripping cunt, taking in the jolts of pleasure shaking your body every time he drove his cockhead into your g-spot, your moans growing needier the closer he pushed you towards the edge.
With one final slap to your throbbing pussy, your vision darkened and your body curled in on itself. Jeonghan’s fingers rubbed quick circles over your swollen nub, watching you writhe on top of him as waves of pleasure seared through you, your moans high-pitched and desperate as he guided you through your orgasm with unrelenting fingers, spark after spark of simmering heat blinding you to everything but Jeonghan.
He felt his own high approaching at the tight squeeze of your walls around him, his thrusts slowing down when you tumbled over the edge, but returning to their frenzied pace to chase his orgasm. Your fingers closed over his upper arms, tinges of overstimulation blending with the ecstasy of his cock slamming into your used cunt.
“Fuck- where do you want me, darling?” He rolled his head back over the headrest, eyes lidded with burning arousal and his thighs beginning to cramp up at the pace he was going at.
“Inside, Hannie, hnngh! Please, inside,” you said, words slurred and interrupted by a harmony of moans, disregarding the soreness between your legs while you begged Jeonghan to come inside you.
He laughed at the desperation, the sweet noise—airy, gravelly with the lust clouding his every sense—was cut short, interrupted by a throaty grunt as he emptied inside you, hot ropes of cum pulsing out of him to paint your walls. Cupping your ass with both hands, he sunk his fingers into the flesh and guided you over his cock in slow rolls of your hips, breathing in the air the other exhaled, eyes locked as the last spurt of cum warmed your insides.
You weren’t sure when it happened, but now, with your head resting on Jeonghan’s chest, his steady heartbeat echoing in your ears and cum slowly dribbling out of you while his cock remained sheathed deep inside, you realized you’d let your walls down for the man who’d caused them to go up, sinking into the pleasure he so generously poured into you. The walls you’d been holding up for two years, the pain he’d left you with sparking fear in your heart every time someone tried to get closer. And yet, the same man who’d planted that fear inside you somehow breached past the infrastructure you’d spent so long strengthening.
While you laid there in the faux sense of security Jeonghan so easily provided, you realized he was right: you will always find your way back to him.
reblogs/feedback are greatly appreciated!! ^^ apply for my tag list here (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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sukunastoy · 2 years
Thanks for the ride. (Toji x fem! reader, MDNI 18+)
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(This is a re-upload) You needed a ride home, and wanted to thank the man who gave it to you. MDNI, 18+
Pairings: Toji x fem! Reader
WC: <1k
CW: Oral (both f and m giving/receiving) strangers, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, pet names like darlin’/sweetheart, smoking cigarettes.
"Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much this means to me." You exclaimed breathlessly while finally relaxing into the passenger seat. It was dark and rainy, and you needed to get home from work. The bus never showed up for whatever reason. So you were left stranded miles from home, waking through the weather. That is until this guy pulled over and offered you a ride. It was a beat-up truck, but it would keep you out of the rain and definitely would get you home faster than walking.
"No problem, darlin'. Couldn't let a pretty lil' thing as you stay out there all alone in the dark." Okay, you wanted to be unnerved, but his voice was downright fucking gorgeous. The way his black hair slightly hung over his eyes made him that much more appealing, and now you were grateful that the bus failed to show up. He kept one arm extended out to the steering wheel, lazily draping his wrist over it while his other hand rested on the gear shift, a half-smoked cigarette between his fingers.
"How much would you like for giving me a ride? I don't have a lot of cash on me, but I could give you what I have."
"Don't worry 'bout it, you don't have to pay me anything." "No, please, I insist." He glanced to you for a moment before letting a devious smirk creep across his face. It's like he had a thought brewing but decided to keep it to himself. "Like I said, don't worry 'bout it."
Most men were fairly easy to read, and this handsome, dark haired guy was no different. "I really don't mind, if you don't want cash, I could give you something else. Look, I'm all about karma. I don't like owing anyone." You continued, now putting your hair up in a tight bun out of your face. There were still several miles to go, so there was plenty of time. "What are you suggesting then, sweetheart?" He chuckled, already adjusting his hips as if to know what might be coming next. "I think you have a good idea." You laughed, turning to face him in your seat. He took a long drag off his cigarette then flicked it out the small space of the open window. "If you insist darlin', I certainly won't stop you."
Oh, he was so thick, but just the perfect length to keep this from being a struggle. Going down the backroads meant a few bumps. Each time he hit one, almost deliberately, you'd take him down your throat a touch more, earning the most gorgeous moans to come from his mouth. His fingers tangled into your hair while keeping slight pressure, encouraging you to continue.
"Fuuuck, you have a mouth made to suck dick." He groaned while leaning his head back, trying not to take his eyes off the dark road. You gave him one of the most appreciative blowjobs you could manage, and it was quite rewarding to hear him groan and whisper profanities because of you. Feeling his hips jerk up slightly, you prepared for him to unload into your mouth but he had other plans. The truck came to an abrupt halt off the road, much like your actions in the confusion. "Out, now." He demanded while opening up his driver-side door. You watched him cross in front of the truck through the headlights, and you barely got your door open before he pulled it from your grasp. "I need more than that pretty mouth of yours." Despite your questioning shrieks, he pulled you from the vehicle and down to the ground below. "W-wait! You didn't want to wait til I got home??" "Nah." He chuckled in return, now pulling you in front of the truck. You were maneuvered to a broken-down fence just a few feet away, and your breath left your lungs in a hurry as he bent you over it. He jerked your pants down, dropping to his knees in the process. When his mouth came to your lower lips, you moaned like a bitch in heat. He lifted one of your legs to bury his face into your cunt better, and you held onto the fence for dear life. The way he made you quickly cum onto his face nearly brought tears to your eyes, but he wasn't wasting time with that. "Look at that pretty lil' cunt of yours..." he nearly growled while spreading you open with his fingers, letting the headlights illuminate your sloppy pussy. "F-fuck, just fuck me!" A large hand slapped your ass in response, and you squeaked as he now stood up, undoing his pants entirely. Feeling that thick cock slide into your cunt made your legs nearly give out. The old wood creaked as this dark-haired man fucked you harshly against it, and you moaned into the darkness, begging for more.
"Well, here you are darlin'." The man rolled up into your driveway before putting his truck into park. You were still trying to properly adjust your clothes and hair from the moments not too long prior.  "You know, I never even got your name." You grinned while smoothing out your top and looking to him.  He was leaned back against the door, lighting another cigarette.  "You plannin' on us meeting again?"
"I mean, sometimes that bus has a habit of not showing up. Maybe you'll be passing through again on those nights?" You shrugged with a small giggle. He chuckled and held out his hand. "Hand me your phone then, sweetheart." Without any hesitation, you fetched your phone from your pocket and gave it to him.  "If it decides to leave you again, I'll come collect you." He cooed while typing in his number before handing the phone back to you.  Licking your top lip, you glanced to the name of the contact and smiled. "I appreciated the ride, Toji."
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 2 months
tour bus sex with appetite era slash 🫣
Warnings: Smut, slight angst, thigh riding, fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving), if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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After a month on the road with Guns it was expected that you and Slash would be fighting.
It started when you got your period and suddenly you were another problem, Duff and Steven paid more attention to you than your own boyfriend while you were in pain.
They'd run out to get you pads/tampons and come back with snacks all while Slash was digging around for snakes in a bush. After that it just kept getting worse, Slash didn't even bother to hold you while you slept.
You came out of the bedroom one morning, groggy and rubbing sleep from your eyes. You smiled when you saw Slash and walked over to him, sitting in his lap like it was your throne.
Or you would've had he not pushed you off. You stared at him, not wide awake and starting your day pissed. "Why don't you use one of your other boyfriends?" He grunted, gesturing to the blonds on the other side of the slim lane between seats.
"We weren't keeping you from her," Steven spoke, "you just didn't give a rats ass." Slash just waved him off.
You scoffed and did just as he suggested, taking a seat in Steven's lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled into his chest.
Steven was shocked, honestly. He looked up to Duff who had the same look on his face. He looked to Slash who just glared behind through his shield of hair.
Steven hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him and keeping you upright as you clung to him.
You were doing this just to get a reaction out of Slash, Steven knew that and that's why he did his best not to react when you start playing with his hair or whispering in his ear. He couldn't say no to you altogether, couldn't bring himself to stop you from kissing up his neck.
Slash shifted in his seat, making a move to get up but before he could Duff pulled you off of Steven in an attempt to keep the peace within the band.
He held you in his lap, his arms around your waist and forcing you to face Slash.
You crossed your arms over you chest, feeling defeated. Then, you had an idea that you figured might've gotten you killed, but it was worth it.
You shifted in Duff's lap, not so much that he immediately suspected anything but enough that you'd gotten yourself on his thigh. You leaned back against him and started grinding against him. You glanced up at him over your shoulder and saw his face flushed as he looked back down at you.
"What do you think you're doing?" Slash bit.
"What?" You asked, continuing your movements. "Not like you were gonna let me do this." You smiled at feeling your clothed clit drag against Duff's thigh.
Slash stood, taking you by the wrist and pulling you to your feet, pushing you back to the bedroom, a small room in the back of the bus with four bunks and a suitcase on the floor where Axl made Steven sleep, though sometimes he'd sneak out and sleep on the couch or something.
He through you onto your shared bed and climbed over top of you. "I wasn't giving you enough attention?" You knew where this was going, you wanted to submit and let him do whatever he wanted but you were still mad.
Mad about how he treated you, about how you started your morning because of him. You were just mad at him.
"No." You stated. "I didn't think I was asking for too much but now you don't even want to touch me.
"So you turned to fucking Steven? Duff? My fucking band?" You huffed. "Think they could fuck you like I do?" You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. "That's what I fucking thought." His mouth went to your neck, biting, sucking, marking your sensitive skin all while he stripped you of your clothes.
He didn't start with his clothes, just grinding himself against you. You could feel how hard he was through his jeans, bulge pushing against your clit.
"Hah! Slash-Slash!" You gasped, reaching for his hips. "S'too much."
"Oh, is it? You didn't seem to mind when it was Duff." A harsh smack came down on your ass and you yelped. He moved down the mattress, laying down.
You moved back to sit against the headboard as Slash got comfortable between your legs, wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling you closer to him.
You didn't know what he was doing, well, you knew what he was doing but you didn't know why.
He slid his tongue through your wet folds, pushing into your hole. He looked up at you, watching your reactions as his nose bumped your clit, tongue fucking your needy hole.
You gripped his hair tightly, pulling him impossibly closer. "Hah, Slash, faster!"
He sat up, kissing you and taking your hands off his head. "I know how to fuck you." He growled. You went to say something but huffed instead, crossing your arms over your chest. Slash scoffed, rolling his eyes before going back to your cunt.
He pushed a finger into you, curling it and hitting that spongey spot that had you seeing stars. His tongue swirled around your clit, he hummed every now and then to watch you flinch at the vibrations.
"Fuck, Slash! I- m'gonna cum!" You moaned. You gripped the sheets so tight your knuckles turned white, your body heating up and melting into the bed as you came.
Slash sat up, moving to sit beside you and pulling you close to his side. "Don't ever go to anyone but me." He grumbled.
You nuzzled into him, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Don't give me a reason to." He stared down at you a moment.
"Really?" He asked. "Do I really need to give you more reason?" You chewed your cheek, thinking for a moment before nodding.
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yoonia · 11 months
overdrive (m) | B.I
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⤑ Summary | As his personal manager who always works closely with him in both his professional activities and private matters, it has become one of your duties to cater to his needs, to always be on his beck and call, even if you have to put aside your own needs to please him.
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⤑ Title | Overdrive ⤑ Pairings | Kim Hanbin (B.I) x female reader ⤑ Genre | PWP, Smut, Artist/Musician!B.I, Manager!reader ⤑ Word count | 13,345 words
⤑ Ratings & Warnings | +18 / M for Mature; involves mature and explicit sex scenes, including: sexual tension, groping, stripping/nudity, breast play, hand job, oral sex (male receiving/blowjob), deepthroating, unprotected sex, public sex, tour bus sex, accidental voyeurism, rough sex, praise kink, dirty talk, hair pulling (on both), edging, begging, swearing, breast play, nipple play, panty ripping, fingering, clit play, finger licking, cum tasting/eating, cum swallowing, biting, light restraint, implied creampie, panty biting(?), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, aftercare, body worshipping.
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⤑ Story Notes | Written in 2nd person POV (in case you’re new to my writing, I don’t use ‘y/n’ coding as all of my lead characters are considered as OCs). This story is purely a work of fiction, with the usage of artist’s/idol’s names as fictional characters. Any similarities in the usage of names for other characters and circumstances are purely coincidental. | PS. This is only roughly edited, but I hope you’ll still enjoy reading the story. 
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It feels like only moments ago this place was thriving with raw energy.
Loud music was blasting through the speakers, while the sounds of fans screaming his name and singing along to his song echoed through the entire venue. Everyone and every part of this place came alive as Hanbin took control of the stage with his mere presence. 
You can almost see him still being there as you look over at the stage, commanding it with his music. You still remember how he kept everyone completely entranced with his alluring voice and hypnotising moves. What he did on stage was pure magic. 
And that magic must have been strong enough that you can still picture him doing his thing on that empty stage. You can still feel his presence even after the lights have been turned off and the crowd has long since left this place to return home. 
Thinking about him like this makes your body burn hot. 
Your heartbeat starts racing the same way it did earlier while you were standing by the side of the stage, watching him move his body to the music. After spending the past year working with him and then joining him on this tour, the reactions he inflicts on you no longer surprise you. 
He captivates you in ways that you can never possibly explain. That you have never experienced before. 
Even once the music has stopped, once his performance has long ended and there are no more of his lively audience around you dancing and screaming his name, you can still feel everything. 
Even without the music, its vibration seems to linger. Still reverberates through the air around you and you can feel it deep within your body. As if the space around you is still humming with his presence even in the silence that remains.
“You’re still here?” a voice calls out, drawing your attention away from the empty stage and out of your thoughts right before they begin to dive into a different, slightly darker place. The road manager comes to your side. The man appears just as exhausted as you are—perhaps even more, knowing what he is required to do before and after these shows—yet he still has a big smile on his face as he greets you. 
“Yeah, I just met up with the promoter, so I figured I’d check in to see how you guys are doing while I’m still around,” you try to make up excuses. Not that he would start questioning further. “How’s everything going?” 
The road manager begins explaining everything—from all the tasks that the road crew had just completed and how they are handing the rest to the local staff. Skipping all the technical details that you have no business with except to report back to Hanbin later. 
Much later.
Once you are done with your actual responsibilities. 
As Hanbin’s personal manager who normally handles his private needs, keeping watch of the road crew dismantling the stage equipment and the stereo system isn’t really a part of your duty in the first place. Especially when there aren’t really that many things they would need to cover in these indoor venues. Getting to know what they are doing isn't even the reason why you still remain here after the show is over. 
You are simply buying time before returning back to him. Which is what you probably should be doing already now that everything else has been taken care of. 
“Everything is packed and ready to go. I think the boys are planning to join the dance crew and grab dinner somewhere nearby, then we’ll be out of here before midnight,” the road manager continues as he walks with you towards the backdoor of the venue. “How about you join us?” 
His offer catches you off guard, yet you quickly refuse. “No, thank you, you guys go ahead. I still have some things to do, so I’ll figure something out later.” 
Just as you are heading towards the exit, you are met with the guys from the dance crew, and Hanbin’s close friends, coming in from the parking lot. Most of them look freshly showered, having found the time to freshen up after getting heated from the show. They all give you a friendly greeting once they notice you there, while Shawn, one of the dancers, steps closer to you to say hi. 
You look over his shoulder to confirm that Hanbin isn’t with them. 
Noticing this, he immediately says to you in a low voice, “Hanbin’s back in the bus. Said he wanted to chill and take it easy for the night. He also said that he’s waiting for you to talk about something.” 
“Ah, I see,” you answer him, trying to stay calm about it when your heart is palpitating at the thought of Hanbin waiting for you to come and see him. 
Which only means one thing—
“We’re heading out to get some food and maybe find some snacks and drinks for the road. Should we get you guys something to eat too?” Shawn kindly offers. You can only smile and nod while trying your best not to take notice of the way he speaks, or the way he is looking at you knowingly. You also ignore the way he seems to be insinuating something else when he speaks about you and Hanbin. 
As if he knows your little secret and the real reason why Hanbin is expecting you. 
“Sure, that would be lovely. Thanks for offering. He’ll probably skip dinner if you don’t get him something to eat.” 
The dancer grins. “I wouldn’t be too worried about it if I were you.” 
Shawn’s cryptic answer stays with you for a while as you walk away from the group. Yet you try not to let it bother you too much as you start making your way to find Hanbin. 
The night breeze welcomes you as you step out of the establishment. Then the silence thickens around you as you walk across the quiet parking lot. You merely take a moment to breathe in the fresh air around you and pay no heed to everything else, having only one destination in mind. But you make sure to remain within the shadows formed under the line of trees on the edge of the parking lot, keeping away from the fans who might still be lingering around or taking their time leaving the place. 
It doesn’t take long before you start seeing them. 
There are some standing beyond the trees in pairs while others are gathering in small groups. Some appear to be lounging around and resting, no doubt trying to come down from the high that they had all gotten from the concert before tracking their way back home or to their hotels. Others seem to linger without any apparent reason. Perhaps nothing other than hoping to get one last glimpse of Hanbin or get noticed by him and his boys if they would just wait around a bit longer. 
You watch them for a brief moment before continuing your walk across the parking lot. Parked at a dark corner at the far end of the parking lot, it feels like it is taking you forever to finally reach the tour bus. As it they had all the intention to tuck it away and keep it from being seen. 
Once the tour bus appears in your line of sight, your heart stutters. 
Under the night sky and kept in the dark, the vehicle looks almost inconspicuous. It doesn’t draw too much attention even with its size and how out of place it seems to be here. 
Yet it draws something else out of your thoughts as you take a good look at it. 
It brings a smile to your face when you remember how it all started, how Hanbin and his team came up with the idea of travelling between places in such a bus throughout this tour. He sold the idea as a way for him to make the most out of it, to embrace every moment that he could get and be able to visit different places in between. He also talked about his wish to live life like a rockstar while he is on the road—something which was quite alarming and made you worry at first, hence why you have been joining him through the whole tour.
So far, it has been rare for you to join him and his tight crew riding on the bus during the overnight drives, except for the short journeys and when you had to work side by side with him between shows. 
Other times, you have been travelling solo whenever you were required to. Only so you could be ahead of the entourage to make sure that all the preparations needed for his show would be in place by the time they arrived. 
Tonight, that would be one of the things that is going to change. 
With one last destination left on the tour, the bus and its passengers will be heading down the road right away instead of remaining in this city for the night. And you are going to be joining them on the bus to get to the next destination instead of travelling solo to the next city. 
But as you walk towards the bus, you can feel, deep down, that the travel arrangement wouldn’t be the only thing that is going to be different tonight. 
The place around you is dark and quiet. So quiet that you can almost hear the sound of your rapid heartbeat echoing around you as you reach for the door. Your breath grows heavy as you open the door and climb your way in. More silence welcomes you, which only thickens further once the door is closed behind you. 
Making your way to the back of the bus, you walk past the seats where everyone would usually waste their time while on the road, loitering and chattering loudly with a ton of noises filling this area. The kitchen and the dining area look partly messy—with bags of potato chips and empty bottles left unattended on the counter, even when the tables are wiped clean—and you wonder just how much mess will be added here later once the boys are back. 
And then you reach the area where the bunk beds are. The sleeping quarters that everyone would use to rest and spend the night in while the bus is driving across cities and between borders. With only individual curtains giving each bunk its privacy, noises from outside can still filter through in the night. 
Thinking about this as you walk through the row of bunk beds only brings you back—way back—to the night which started it all. The same night which gave you the reason to be here, tracing your steps through the bus to look for Hanbin. 
It was after the second show when you tracked down this quiet aisle with the same purpose which led to one small mistake that started an entire ripple effect. You came here that night when Hanbin suddenly disappeared after the show while everyone was ready to grab dinner. You came back to the tour bus to find and fetch him so he could eat, knowing how often he would skip his meal when he was focused deeply in work. 
That night was exactly like tonight, with everyone away and on their way to find the nearest local restaurant, leaving the bunk beds empty. At least, that was what you had expected, believing that Hanbin must have lost track of time when he immediately dove straight back into work the way he often would just to burn out the rest of his energy for the night. 
You were heading further back of the vehicle to find him when a faint sound of a groan caught your attention. It sounded like someone or something was in one of the bunk beds, which drew your curiosity. So you stopped to listen.
A bunch of other noises started to become more noticeable then, and it didn’t take long for you to notice that the sounds came from the last bunk on the row. The one that Hanbin was meant to use during the long trips on the road. You carefully crept closer so you could listen better. To know just what was happening behind the curtain. 
There was a mix of cryptic sounds heard coming out of it—the sounds of sheets ruffling, soft knocking against the side of the bunk, and more soft groans.
You wondered for a moment if it was really Hanbin inside the bunk. But when you started suspecting him to be the source of those sounds, you immediately felt annoyed. Livid, even. When the thought of him doing something as risky as getting it on with some stranger crossed your mind. 
It didn’t help when you remembered about his wish to live like a rockstar. Remembered how he had spoken about it before the tour. The thought further led you into believing that he may have actually done it. That he had invited someone, perhaps a willing fan of his, onto the bus. 
It made you want to strangle him just thinking about him actually doing it. The last thing you needed was for him to get caught in trouble in the middle of the tour. Much less for him to get entangled in malicious rumours if something like this should get out in public. 
As the noises continued, you gently grabbed the hem of the curtain, ready to throw it back and bust him. A myriad of scolding went through your head at that point as you were ready to make him pay for it. 
Another groan was heard and you decided to move once you confirmed that it was really his voice that you heard. Ignoring the way the sound of his pleasured moan sent tingles through your body, you whipped the curtain back to catch him in the act, only to regret it as soon as you saw him. 
Hanbin looked like a deer caught in the headlights when he looked up. His eyes were wide open with fear, yet you could also see a dark need emerging from his gaze which became more visible the moment he realised that it was you. 
But you already had your attention somewhere else to notice it.
Reclining in the tight space within his bunk bed, Hanbin was bare-chested, wearing nothing more but his shorts that had been pushed down under his hips. You just couldn’t resist looking down to see his hand wrapped around his thick cock, fully exposed and standing hard against his stomach.
Once the shock wore off, his truth finally came out. He confided in you about his need to release all the energy that was still boiling within him after the show. That it would have made it hard for him to be able to feel calm in the night unless he had all of that energy drained out of him. To have it tamed, so that he could finally relax and have his proper rest. 
“I don’t really think it’s working, though,” he breathlessly said then with a bitter chuckle. “It’s been so long since I’ve been with anyone. And it’s kind of hard to make myself cum when my head is at the wrong places.”
“What if I give you a helping hand? Will it work?” The offer slipped right out of your lips before you could do anything to stop it. You didn’t even realise what you were offering him until the moment you saw the look on his face. He looked surprised, but intrigued at the same time. Then there was this new emotion which seemed raw and fierce coming out through his gaze when he considered taking your offer. 
“Why would I say no to that?” was what he said as he leaned back, allowing you to take matters into your own hands, literally, as you fixed his problems simply with the touch of your hands until he was able to find release. 
That was the first time that you crossed the line just to help him. And it was definitely not the last. 
The arrangement continued after the next show, and the next, and you kept coming to his aid at the end of every concert throughout the ongoing tour. Your help had become the best option available rather than allowing him to find other ways to get out of his predicament once the night got deeper and he was still too hyped up to sleep.
After a short while, your carnal favour has escalated from merely giving him your special aid through your helping hands to taking him deep in your mouth once he needed to be stimulated further. 
That was as far as you had gotten since this arrangement started. Never once had it led to something more. And Hanbin had always been the focus of your “service”, except for the few times he returned the favour by giving you release with the touch of his deft hands when you had to do this in the privacy of his hotel room. 
Your body trembles in heat. Both from reminiscing all the sinful act you had done to help him and from the pleasure that you gained in return through his touch. 
Reaching the end of the aisle, your eyes linger on the last bunk. The curtain is drawn, and there is no sound coming out of it. You can tell that he won’t be there if you pull that curtain open, so you move on.
The only sound that you can hear comes from the small room at the back of the bus instead. The area that was meant to be the master bedroom, altered into a private cabin with sofa beds and desks which would have more purpose for someone like Hanbin. 
You shouldn’t be surprised to know that Hanbin would choose to be there, waiting for you to come to him. Because you know that out of all the sections within the bus, it would be the only place that can provide you all the privacy that you may need to be able to help sort out the uncommon predicament that Hanbin might be facing tonight. 
Right this moment, that is where the faint sound of his moans and slow breaths is guiding you. And you follow its lead, with your heart palpitating the closer you are to get to it. 
As you gently open the door to the cabin, you find Hanbin sitting on the long sofa at the back of the room. The same sofa bed that you would use to sleep on whenever you are riding on the bus, when you are not helping Hanbin finish his work or write his music while everyone else is asleep in their bunks.
You enter the cabin, closing the door behind you. You take a moment to have a good look at him before coming to his side. 
Hanbin still has the same pants that he was wearing on stage. Sill bare-chested after discarding his shirt at the end of the show to toss it to God knows where. The only difference is that he is barefoot, with his shoes left hastily on the floor. The strands of his hair—which appear to be wet with sweat—are now a complete mess with curly strands falling over his face like curtains shielding him from the dim lights illuminating the room.
Hanbin has his head tilted back as he reclines on the sofa, looking awfully exhausted after the hours-long, full-energy show that he had just concluded. You can see his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. His bare skin is glistening with a thin layer of sweat that somehow makes him look even more alluring than he always has been. The glow on his skin further accentuates the lines on his chest, shoulders, and torso, making you feel the urge to touch him there. 
Before you can realise it, your legs begin to move, taking you to him. At first, it appears to you that he has yet to notice your presence. Until you notice the slight tremor in his deep inhale of breath once he senses that you are coming closer.
As you come to him, Hanbin lifts his head to look at you. The dim lighting around you didn’t allow you to see it before, yet as he subtly shifts on his seat, you finally notice that he had left his pants unbuttoned and unzipped before you had gotten here. 
Seeing the sight of his hard-on, partly covered by his pants while the tip is resting heavily on his stomach, it reminds you of the first night you saw him like this. Except that instead of having his hand wrapped around his hard girth, Hanbin keeps his hands to his side this time. Both are clenched tightly into the sofa, allowing you to see the tension rolling out of his body.
That tension seems to grow further when he opens his eyes, watching you coming closer to him with an intense gaze. 
“You’re here,” he says once you are standing right before him. His voice almost feels like an echo in the silence that surrounds you. Still sounds hoarse after the show. 
“I’m here,” you find yourself responding as if you are completely entranced by his gentle voice. You clear your throat, hoping that you can shake away the yearning in your voice before he ever notices it. “I heard you were expecting me. I came right away, assuming that you needed my assistance.” 
You trail your gaze back down on his lap, eyeing closely at the sight of his hard cock. It twitches against his stomach the more you give it attention. You lick your lips, wishing for a taste. Yet you manage to keep your voice steady when you tease him, “I didn’t expect that you would have started already without me.” 
A slow grin appears on his face. “There is no way I could start anything before you got here. I was waiting for you. But as you can see, I needed to do something about it when it was starting to hurt so bad.” 
He stops with a hiss. His body seems to react while he converses with you. “You’re the only one who can help me during times like this,” he says to you before dragging his tongue across his lips. 
There is a subtle disappointment flickering in his eyes when he adds, “Funny, I thought you would be as excited as I’ve been to finally have some time alone like this once the show ended.” 
The look that you see in his eyes and the disdain you hear in his voice catch you by surprise. You didn’t truly expect that he would be anticipating this as much as you have been. It makes you feel guilty for stalling time instead of coming to see him straight away just like you were supposed to. 
You had only lingered back to gather your wits before facing him. It was something that you felt needed to do, after the reactions he wrung out of you while he was performing. 
Even now, you still feel hot as you are picturing him dancing, rolling his body to the music as if he was making love to it. And your body is still reacting the same way. Heat rushes through you, centering at your core. Then you look down again at his throbbing shaft, and that heat shifts into something else. 
You take a deep breath and quickly move your eyes to his face to gain composure. “I was planning to come find you right away, but I had to make sure that everything was going as planned before we could go back on the road,” you try to explain yourself, even if you can tell that what you are giving him is nothing but a lame excuse. 
“Is that so? I guess I can’t blame you for making sure that you’re done with the job. I almost thought that you were avoiding me,” he jokes with a feeble chuckle, to which you quickly respond with,
“I would never do that.” You surprise both him and yourself with your immediate respond. You are mostly surprised at how much you meant it. “There’s no way I could avoid you. Not at times like this, at least.”
Hanbin falls silent, making you tense for a moment. Until he lets out a relieved sigh. “That’s a relief to hear. I’m glad,” he says. A subtle tremor rises from his chest just then, and you can tell that he is still brimming with adrenaline. 
The same adrenaline that he had gotten built up from the stage, and the one that you will have to tame down for him to be able to sleep during the night. 
The same way it has always been. Once the music ends, the overflowing adrenaline that still remains in his body becomes out of control. And it is your job to help him come down from it. 
Only that it would need a different kind of high to make it happen. 
After tonight’s show, you know for sure that this would be a challenging of a task for you to deal with. You can only hope that you won’t get devoured by this new raw energy of his.
“How can I help you this time?” you offer with a soft voice that is nearly drowned by the sound of your rapid heartbeat. 
“Can you—” he starts to say in a whisper, “can you strip out of your clothes this time? Please, I want to see you.” 
His words, despite sounding like an inconspicuous request, are still enough to make you feel the same rushing heat building back up in your body. The only thing that you aren’t completely sure of is whether this feeling comes merely from lust. 
Because the rapid flutters rising in your chest are telling you that there is something else that is present there. Something that is insisting on blooming within you despite all of your efforts to keep it away. 
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” you ask him, trying to make sure that he knows what he is asking of you. That he realises that complying with his request now would only mean that both of you are crossing a new line. 
“I wouldn’t be asking you this if I wasn’t,” he firmly says to you, and you can almost hear his voice growing deeper and heavy with his desire for a moment before he covers it all up to say, “but you don’t have to if you don’t want to go that far.” 
But you do want to. Even if it means you are crossing over boundaries, and things may escalate further than they usually would. 
Somehow, you had predicted that things may turn out differently this time. Unlike those previous nights, lending him your helping hands may not be enough for you to solve this problem of his. Not tonight.
You already felt it since the show earlier, when there was a new raw energy emerging from him throughout the show. As if he was letting loose every pent-up desire on stage, which brought up the rumbling energy now still emerging through his body as he is sitting there, waiting for you to make a decision. 
Fulfilling his request seems risky when you are already getting too deep. You were never supposed to get your emotions involved. Yet it still happened. It happened before you realised it, and now it appears to you that it is already too late for you to try and stop it. 
You have made up your mind to try and ignore your treacherous heart. To focus on doing your job until the final day of his tour. Except that the answer you give him next doesn’t seem to support your decision and your mind decides to take a new risk instead.
“It’s fine. I’ll do it,” you calmly say to him while doing your best not to show how much his words are affecting you. 
“It would be better that way, after all, since you nearly ruined my favourite blouse when you made a mess on me the last time we did this,” you simply add, as you try to convince yourself that there is really nothing else behind this. That you just want to make it more practical. 
Your comment draws a grin to his face, as if he is recalling that salacious night in his head right after you brought it up. The night when you slipped into his dressing room right after a show, using the limited time you had to fix his problem before you were supposed to drive him and the dancers to the hotel where everyone could rest for the night. 
Except that in the rush of him finding release, Hanbin made a complete mess out of himself, and you, when drops of his essence fell all over your blouse. It would have been impossible for people not to notice you coming out of his dressing room wearing nothing but his sweatshirt, had there been people still loitering around after the show was over. 
You had initially believed that your secret was safe with you when you managed to slip out unnoticed, until you remember Shawn’s sly grin earlier when he spoke to you about Hanbin. 
Once again, you try not to dwell on it too much and focus back on the present. Back to the man who is sitting right in front of you, with his chest and cock partly out, as he waits for you to make a move. 
Looking straight into his eyes, you reach down to grip the hem of your blouse and strip it off of your body. Your trousers come next, as you unbutton them at the waist and start pushing the fabric down your hips.
Hanbin’s eyes never waver from you while this is happening. The way his gaze is so focused on you seems to only urge you to continue putting on a show for him. So you begin to sway your hips from side to side as you slowly peel your pants off of you, before letting everything fall on the floor.
Stepping out of your shoes and the pile of your discarded clothes, you leave your undergarments on and stand right between his parted legs. His gaze follows you as you lower yourself to the floor, kneeling down right before him. 
“What do you need me to do next?” 
Hanbin drags his tongue across his lips as he considers his options. Having you kneeling in front of him, with your face hovering close to his crotch is already enough to taunt and challenge him. 
Tension rises between you as he makes you wait. 
The air feels cold on your mostly bare skin, yet your body feels hot as your anticipation increases with each passing second. Being in this position makes you feel completely exposed and helpless, as if you are submitting to his control. Slowly, your knees begin to feel sore from holding up your weight. The rising ache only brings forth the other sensations rising in your body, making you feel sensitive to the slightest movement he makes when he shifts in his seat. 
This wouldn’t be the first time that your body is showing these reactions. When you are made to feel your own carnal desire rising in your body at the thought of pleasing him and fulfilling his needs. 
And this was the reason why you took your sweet time coming to him. Because you couldn’t face him when you had a myriad of emotions rushing through your body. You are already made weak by your forbidden feelings, and it would only be made worse once he brings out your dark desire. 
Because you know that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself once that happens. 
A gentle touch on the top of your head brings your attention back to him before your mind gets too far and your insecurities take over. At the same time, his touch calms you down. 
The moment you look into his eyes, everything else seems to fade away. This is no longer a part of your job, and the world outside of this cabin no longer exists. It stops you from questioning your decision of ever getting yourself involved in this whole thing.
“Help me take these off. I can barely move a muscle since I got here,” he calmly claims with a soft chuckle, completely oblivious to the turmoil happening in your head. 
He probably doesn’t even know how his simple request is making your chest dip. 
You bite back the bashful smile that comes to your face. “Oh, poor you. Here, let me help,” you say to him with a tease, even if it falls short once your eyes return to his twitching erection.
You ignore the warm flutters rising in your chest as you reach up to grab a hold of his waistband. With a firm grip, you start pulling his pants and boxer pants together. Which doesn’t really take a lot of effort when they were barely holding on around his hips, already pushed down just enough for him to free his rigid cock from its restraint. Your fingers graze his skin as you keep pulling them down his hips, causing him to tremble under your touch. 
It gives you some self-satisfaction to be able to draw this kind of reaction from him. It feels good to see that you are not the only one getting affected by all the tension. So you tease him further, keeping light contact with his skin as you continue to bring his clothes down his legs. 
“There. Better?” you ask him with a low voice once the intrusive clothes of his are now gone. 
Seeing him sitting there completely naked leaves you breathless. Yet you find it hard to look away. His erection seems to grow harder under your perusing gaze. It causes the urge to touch him to grow stronger. 
“Touch it,” he suddenly says, as if he knows what you are thinking just by looking at your clenched hands. “Please,” he adds almost breathlessly, “I want to feel your hands on me.” 
Words fail you. While his words pull you like a spell. You reach out to touch him, starting from his thighs, where you trace his skin lightly with the tips of your fingers, drawing light shudders through his body. You continue until you finally reach the area between his legs when you finally stop.
His whole body tenses. Anticipation rolls through him as you move your hand closer. Light fingers start hovering lightly on his hard-on, with only a subtle brush or two grazing at his cock. Each light touch you give him only makes you want more. You want to feel his skin under your palm. To feel the familiar pulse coming from his cock the moment you touch him. Yet you resist the temptation just a bit longer. You want to tease him enough to the point that he feels like he is on the edge before you finally continue. 
And he doesn’t disappoint you when he soon reacts. With a soft whimper, Hanbin subtly pushes his hips up, as if trying to guide you into touching him further.
No longer able to deny your own desire, you finally give in and wrap a gentle hand around the base of his cock. 
At your touch, Hanbin reacts with a groan. His chest trembles as he tries to calm himself with a deep inhale of breath. His hips almost come up from the sofa when you start moving your hand, sliding your gentle grip up and down the length of his cock. 
You continue to move, keeping a steady pace and drawing more and more reactions from him. His rocking hips, his rumbling chest as he moans in pleasure, and his hands that are clenching tightly right by his side. 
You soon notice how quickly he loses control of himself once he starts thrusting back up into your hand. Seeing how badly he needs this release, you give a firm grip around his girth and slowly pick up your speed, moving your hand up and down his length until the sound of his laboured breathing fills the room. 
“Fuck, that’s it. That feels perfect,” he groans with his head tilted back. Shudders after shudders rush through him, and you keep up what you are doing now when he doesn’t make a move to stop you. 
Until you start to feel it coming. 
A pulse rises from his girth, pressing against your palm. and you take it as a cue that it is time for him to reach his climax. After giving him a few more strokes, you lean down and tease the head of his cock with your tongue. He lets out a deep groan once he feels your lips wrapped around the tip, covering him with your warm mouth. 
You continue the light strokes along the length of his shaft and reach down with your other hand, touching his balls with a light hand and start massaging him lightly as you begin licking your way up and down his member. As the sound of his moans increases rapidly, you finally take his whole cock into your mouth and slide all the way down, taking as much as you can until he is deep in your throat. 
You suck hard as you push him in and out of your mouth, swirling your tongue around his tip each time you come up and tightening your throat when you come back down to swallow him. With your hand, you continue stroking the rest of his length that you cannot cover, until you feel his muscles tightening, his moans stuttering with heavy breathing, a sign that he is ready to explode. 
With one last stroke, and giving him one last hard suck, you swallow him deeply until it finally happens. His hands come up to the back of your head to keep you in place as he rocks his hips, thrusting into your mouth. It takes only a few thrusts before he finally comes into your mouth. His warm release falls on your tongue and the cavern of your mouth, with some drops shooting their way to the back of your throat. 
The last one makes you gargle, yet with his hands keeping you in place and your mouth still pumping his length, you make no move to pull away. You continue sucking, swallowing every last drop until the only thing that remains is the constant pulse of his blood pumping from the base of his cock to the tip that is still buried in your throat. 
You don’t stop, until he finally has enough and releases you, and you pull away so his cock pops out of your lips and falls back onto his stomach. 
You take a moment to catch your breath. But once your mind is cleared, you realise too late how hot your body feels now, triggered solely by the act of pleasing him. There is heat rising between your quivering legs, and you somehow know that if you reach down, you will find yourself growing wet. 
Hanbin’s hands return to you, touching your face gently so you can look at him again. 
His face seems flushed after his release, with a mix of afterglow and raw, unfulfilled hunger that refuses to go away. The glow in his eyes makes you grow curious at first, until your eyes trail down his heaving chest, stopping at his toned stomach to see his cock, still hard and mostly rigid even after its release. 
“As you can see, seems like I’m going to need a little more than that,” he says with a lack of regret shown in his voice. 
This situation makes you laugh. “A little?” you tease him, making him grin.
“Okay, maybe a lot,” he returns with an easy shrug, while your chest feels heavy at the thought of this continuing into something else. Something more risky. 
You realise that you are not feeling this way because you are unwilling, but because deep down, you know that you want this. You have wanted this for some time, ever since the pleasure which you gain from helping him becomes so addicting and your feelings become deeply involved. 
You can barely hear your own voice under the sound of your heartbeat when you ask him, “So what do you have in mind?” 
Hanbin opens his mouth, only to close it again. “I don’t want to make you do something that you don’t want to,” he says while gauging your reaction. Ever since you started spending close, nearly intimate moments like this with him, you have learned that he can be a bit perceptive when it comes to you. 
And it does a lot of things to your heart when he can easily tell what you need. How he always keeps a close eye on you to make sure to notice any discomfort coming from you. 
“No, that’s not what this is,” you answer him with a soft voice as your hands return to touch him again. You trace your fingers on the inner side of his thighs, stopping before you reach his cock when you finally admit to him, “I want this. I want to do all I can to help you.” 
And help myself satiate my needs, the little voice in your head whispers just as your eyes find him. You hate to admit how hopeful you are feeling as you wait, expecting him to express to you exactly what he needs. 
The same way you always make it happen. It makes things easier for you when he guides you through it. Even though it has never been easy for you to deal with the lingering aftermath.
“Good. Now come up here,” he breathlessly says. The need in his voice feels so intense that makes you feel entranced. Pulled by his demand as you carefully plant one knee and the other on either side of him to get over his lap. 
Hanbin has his hands on your waist, helping you up with a gentle hold. Which only makes it hard for you to remain calm when his touch makes your heart stutter. Butterfly wings fluttering wildly from deep within your chest just from that simple touch alone.  
“What’s wrong?” he asks you, as he notices how you become still under the touch of his hands. There is a deep sigh in his voice. It makes you wonder if he is getting affected by the contact at the same time. 
“Just a bit nervous,” you find yourself admitting to him before you can stop it. You quickly bite your tongue, stopping yourself from suddenly dumping your true feelings and trying to divert his attention. “I never realised how tight this sofa is until we’re both sitting on it together like this.” 
He softly chuckles. “I’ll take care of you,” he says to you gently as he wraps an arm around your waist to hold you up against his chest. “But if you’re not sure about this—” 
“I’m sure. Positively sure about this,” you quickly cut him off. The words just come out of you before you realise it happening. 
A smile grows on his face. One that makes you swoon and you simply melt into his hold. “That’s all I need to hear,” is all he has to say to you, before he surprises you by pulling you to him and pressing his lips on yours. 
You grow tense for a moment and he slows down, giving you a chance to process this over. Maybe push him away if you are feeling uncomfortable. 
Because he never kissed you on the lips before. Not like this. Not with this much passion and tenderness that makes you feel like your heart has grown wings and they are fluttering wildly in your chest. 
Slowly, you begin to relax, returning his kiss with the same gentleness that he is giving you. The kiss continues on, and on, until he suddenly traces your lips with his tongue, and you are made to feel as if you are melting into hot lava. 
Hanbin’s hand slides up your back. His touch feels distant as you have your mind muddled by his hot kiss. Though your body still arches into his touch, as if having a mind of its own. You run your hands through his messy hair, pulling at his locks while you are returning his kiss. 
A soft tug is felt against the skin on your back. The next thing you know, he is pulling your bra off of you. He pulls back from the kiss as he throws the bra away, while you let out a gasp when a cold breeze touches your skin. 
Hanbin licks his lips as he takes a good, intense look at your bare breasts. “All this time, I’ve always wondered—” 
The sound of the door at the front of the bus being opened cuts him off before he can finish what he is trying to say. Then the sound of low chatters and laughter follows. You immediately wrap your arms around yourself when you realise that some of the boys are already returning from dinner. 
Blood is drained from your face at the thought of being caught in the middle of this. “Oh no, I forgot to lock the doors.” 
“It’s okay, baby,” Hanbin hushes you with a soft murmur while pressing a finger on your lips. “They know that we need our privacy, so no one will be looking for us back here. Just remember to keep it quiet while they’re still out there.” 
Before you have the chance to ask what he means to say, he pulls your head down and presses his lips on yours. Once again, he silences your thoughts until the only thing that you can focus on is the present. 
To focus on him. 
For someone who is filled with tension, Hanbin’s kiss feels gentle. As if he wants to take it slow, to take his time while making sure that you won’t break. The soft touch he keeps on your waist makes you realise that he is giving you a chance to set the pace, to allow you to slip away if you want none of this. 
But there is no escaping this when have already given in, allowing yourself to submit completely to your true desire. It isn’t hard to let yourself go when you can feel from the way he is kissing you that Hanbin wants this as much as you do. 
You wrap your arms around his shoulders as you allow yourself to take more. You meet his kiss by responding to it with the same fervour. You return every mesh of his lips on yours with your own, then you open your mouth to let him slip his tongue right in. 
Hanbin seizes his chance right away, deepening the kiss by pressing harder. His breathing grows heavier as he swirls his tongue around yours, to which you respond by sucking his tongue and pushing back, drawing a faint sound of a groan rumbling through his chest. 
You feel his hands moving right then, tracing your skin and rubbing at your curves, before finding your bottom cheeks. He covers your soft flesh with his palms and gives it a light squeeze, pushing you further into his chest and drawing a warm pulse deep inside your core when your covered pussy rubs against his cock. 
Feeling delirious from his touch and his hot kiss, you run your hands over the smooth muscles on his chest. The tips of your fingers slide down the thin layer of sweat that is covering his skin, while feeling him growing even hotter under your touch. 
All of a sudden, Hanbin pulls away from the kiss. He narrows his eyes when he looks at you, giving you a look filled with lust. 
His gaze moves away from your face as he moves his hands again. His eyes follow his touch as he traces his way up to your breasts. A tremor is visible in his inhale of breath as he gently presses his palms on your soft mounds, matching the subtle tremors that come awake through your body from his touch. 
As soon as his fingers touch your breasts, your nipples grow hard in an instant, and they seem to grow more sensitive the more he touches you that even a soft blow of the breeze makes you shiver. Once he takes notice of this, Hanbin bends his head lower and takes one of the pulsing buds between his lips. He gives a light suck, then brushes his tongue against it. You grit your teeth at the sensation that he is bringing out of you.
You almost forget where you are or the fact that you are no longer alone as Hanbin scrapes his teeth against your flesh, teasing you for a moment before biting to the point of pain. While you resist the urge to moan, your hand wanders down his chest, feeling his heartbeat stuttering under the tips of your fingers, then you continue your way down to his stomach. 
Within moments, your fingers brush the head of his cock. The need to touch him grows stronger then, and you trace your fingertips along his shaft. He moans against your breast, affected by your soft, yet indecent touch, and it pushes him to move further. 
His hand moves down your waist, pulling the waistband of your panties and tries to slip his fingers into the fabric to touch you. Yet your position above him isn’t allowing him to dive deeper to find the source of your pulsing heat. 
With a groan, Hanbin pulls away. He opens his mouth, and you begin to move back, expecting him to tell you to strip out of your panties. But he stops himself as he looks down, studying the offensive fabric for a brief moment before his hands slip under the waistband and he starts pulling.
“Wait, what are you—” You are just starting to question what he is up to when the ripping sound of the fabric fills the room. He doesn’t tear it into pieces like how you had often read it in those steamy romance novels, and he isn’t doing it so expertly either. His brows are furrowed deeply as he struggles with it and it takes him a while before he can get the job done. But as soon as he has the sides ripped up, he pulls the entire thing off of you and tosses it away while cursing out at it. 
“Are you crazy?” you ask him with your mouth gaping open, while he only exhales sharply. 
His brows are still furrowed when he answers you, “I didn’t want you to step down. Can you please wear something thinner next time so it’ll be easier for me to take it off of you?” 
“You can’t be serious?” you ask him with a baffled laugh. 
“You know I don’t joke about things like this,” he says with a sly grin. He may not seem so serious about it when he said it, but knowing him, you know that he truly meant it. “Now, where were we?” 
You are still baffled by his words that you fail to respond in time, and he takes the chance to move his hands down your hips. Hanbin has one hand holding you firmly at your hips as he dips the other between your legs, tracing the tips of his fingers up your inner thighs while gently guiding you to part your legs a bit wider. 
It feels like a struggle to get into position, but you somehow manage. Then he wastes no time to move his hand upward until his fingertips come brushing at your nether lips. 
Your hips lurch forward to meet his touch as he parts them and starts tracing your hot sex. With how sensitive and needy you have become, it doesn’t take much for him to make you start moaning and panting. 
“You’re so wet,” he murmurs while looking amused, but not surprised. He also seems mesmerised as he looks down at his fingers as he slips then between your folds and easily finds the slick mess that was formed while you were pleasuring him. 
He continues stroking your wet slit, drawing more and more of your arousal so that you can hear the slick sound he makes with his fingers. 
His touch draws a gasp out of your lips, and just when you are just beginning to feel high with pleasure, Hanbin bends down and starts sucking at your breast again, intensifying the sensation further that you simply lose all control of your body. 
Your hips begin to rock, moving back and forth against his touch and in tune with each stroke of his fingers on your slit. As he slides his fingers to find your clit, your moan grows a bit louder, and your movement becomes more erratic as you are drunk with carnal pleasure. 
Hanbin takes this chance to grow bold with his touch, as he gently slides a finger into your tight pussy. He feels you clenching around him tightly in response, and he begins pumping his digit in and out of you, drawing more shudders through your body with each stroke. 
While he works his fingers into your pussy, he uses his thumb to explore around it. He glides the wet digit over your clit and presses down while he pushes the rest of his fingers into your depth. 
You let out a breathy moan. Something that isn’t meant to happen, but the wanton sound comes out with your exhale of breath. And in your effort to try to hold back from erupting in pleasure, you simply fail to control yourself. 
Yet the sound you are making only draws an approving sound rumbling through his chest. He gives you a muffled moan as he keeps his mouth latched onto your breast possessively. 
Beyond the blissful fog filling your head, you can hear the faint sounds of footsteps walking away, bags being dropped, and then the distant voice saying something about leaving dinner behind and getting drinks, before you can hear the door of the bus closing. You can barely recognise those sounds, and it doesn’t register to you what it means at first, until you finally remember that you haven’t been alone on the bus for quite a while. 
Yet now that they are gone, there is nothing left behind but silence. The sounds of your ragged breath and his soft groan are the only ones left to fill the room. 
Hanbin finally releases your breast with the sound of a pop coming out of his lips. His hand quickly comes to where his mouth has been, though it doesn’t mean that he is done working his mouth on your skin. From your breasts, he traces your skin with his hot lips—up to your collarbones, then lingering on the side of your neck. 
Your head falls back. A content sigh slips out of your lips from the way he is tasting you, kissing and nibbling around the spot beneath your ear which has always been quite sensitive.
“I need to be inside you,” he finally asks you with his lips grazing against your neck. He makes it hard for you to respond with his hot kisses pressing on your skin and his fingers moving in slow circles against your slit. 
The pleasure that he wrings out of your body feels maddening. It builds in a slow rise, but is still enough to make you feel high in bliss.
“I—” you sigh out an answer, only to continue with a series of moans as you rock your hips on his lap. Too lost in your wanton need, you grind against his fingers, needing something more. Something to get you to find your release.
“I know that you want it too. I can feel it whenever you try to hold back,” he whispers as he leans back, searching for your truth with his deep gaze looking straight into your eyes. Then he surprises you, making you wonder if you have always been so transparent when he asks, “Don’t you ever feel frustrated at night when you need something but can’t have it? Why deny yourself of pleasure when I’m right here?” 
You hate how right he is and you hate that you can’t even deny every word he just said to you. 
Every time you are done with your carnal favours, you always come out of it feeling unsettled. You have always found yourself struggling on your own in the aftermath, left to spend the long hours in those nights tossing and turning in bed. 
Alone and horny. 
Frustrated because you are left with a need that has yet to be fulfilled. 
Disappointed because you have no other way to find release other than your own touch. Which would never be sufficient to give you exactly what you need.
He pushes his fingers back into your pussy, drawing a low moan out of your lips which he covers with a kiss. “Let me return the favour, baby. You’ve done so much for me. Let me do this,” he murmurs against your lips before pressing a gentle kiss, giving you time to answer, while using every sinful touch he is giving you to push you into opening up. 
Though there is really no need for him to do it, when you have already made up your mind the moment you heard his offer the first time.   
Because how are you supposed to refuse when he keeps saying all the right things? And when you can clearly see how genuine he is being? Or when your body is humming with a wanton need that keeps begging to be released, and he keeps touching you at the right places which gives you carnal pleasure? 
“If you want to talk about returning favours,” you start to answer him with a sigh while running your fingers down his heaving chest, “you should know that I only take what I am owed.” 
Hanbin grins at this. He pulls back slowly while drawing his fingers out of your tight pussy, leaving behind a shuddering bliss in its wake. You watch him bring his fingers up to his lips, each one coated with your slick arousal, which he lowly licks with his tongue until he tastes every last drop. 
The sight of him drinking your essence captivates you so that your head spins, almost making you miss what he says to you next, “You don’t have to worry about that at all. I plan on paying everything that I owe you—” he says before tasting the last drop and bringing his hands back to your hips, “even if it takes all night long to pay my debt.” 
“Really?” you ask him, “I’ll keep that in mind, just don’t take back your words once we begin.” 
You reach down, grabbing his hard erection and finding it already grown back to its full girth while he was pleasing you. You give him a few strokes, drawing a gasp from his lips, before aligning the hard tip of his cock right at your entrance. 
The urge to sit down on his hard-on feels so strong. Yet you fight it just a bit longer. You have known that you have grown awfully wet down below, and there is no doubt a mess has been created there from his sinful touches. You can hear the sound of your slick arousal echoing in the room as you guide the tip of his cock back and forth against your slit, coating him with your essence. 
You continue this until you are ready. Until you feel him pushing his hips upward slightly to press his cock against your pussy. With a shudder, you put his cock right back at your entrance and slowly start lowering yourself on him. The sound of his deep moan erupts as you slowly sink down the length of his cock, stopping briefly when there is some restraint from your pulsing walls, keeping you from taking him deeper. 
“Fuck, so tight—” he groans deeply, while you can only respond back with a soft mewl. “Are you feeling okay?” 
“Mm,” is the only thing that you can give him when words fail you. Spasm after spasm of pleasure rocks through you even when you are both silent, remaining in a standstill while your bodies are slowly adjusting to one another. 
“We need to move, baby. You’re sucking me and we’re barely starting.” 
It feels tight, and your legs are trembling so much that it almost makes it hard for you to move. Even pushing yourself up and down his length seems like an effort. 
But once the series of pulses begins to wane down, you finally gather enough will to start moving. After moving slightly back and forth, nearly rocking against him, you manage to take more of him. Taking him inch by delicate inch until he is completely embedded inside your slick heat. 
With a shuddering moan, you slump forward against his chest. Because the pleasure you are feeling with him buried deep inside you is too much. 
He makes you feel full. His girth seems to be the perfect fit inside you. He also makes you feel a myriad of sensations that you have never felt before even just by filling you up like this. 
Perhaps it has been too long since you have gotten laid that your body responds to him so easily. It has been hard for you to hook up with anyone while you are attached to this job, and while you dedicated your long hours to fulfil his needs. 
Hanbin notices the way your body is taking its time to adjust to the sensation rushing through you. Instead of rushing through things, he tightens his hold on your waist to keep you close, holding you up while you let the shudders pass. 
Hot kisses are pressed on your neck, chin, and then your face, as Hanbin tries to soothe your body to relax against him and help you embrace the pleasure. It takes a moment, but you finally feel the tension in your body lessening in his hold. 
That is when you start moving. 
Starting with tentative rocking at first, before you slowly start gaining more and more confidence just as the rush of pleasure continues to build up and take over. Scooting forward and back, you rub yourself against his length. Then you gather enough strength on your legs and begin moving up and down his length, causing his cock to retreat and reenter you with each move. 
Your carnal desire quickly takes over control, and your body continues to move naturally in a steady rocking. He raises his hands and begins caressing your breasts, using the rhythm of your rocking hips to gently knead your soft flesh. 
“That feels—good,” you moan softly, mewling while arching your chest into him so you can press your breasts into his palms. He takes this chance to pinch your nipples, playing with them by rubbing and rolling them between his thumbs and forefinger, until he draws an intense wave of pleasure rushing throughout your body. 
Your rocking quickens, and with the way you are arching into him, you are inadvertently grinding your clit against his pubic bone, drawing more and more of those delicate shivers of pleasure surging inside you. They rise through your chest and neck, and once your legs begin to quiver harder, you start losing balance and the rocking of your hips grows unsteady. 
His hands come down to your hips, giving you a firm hold to keep you from flailing and falling back from the sofa. Humming softly, Hanbin becomes aware of the way you are shaking on top of him. He gives you a moment to ride your pleasure before he takes over and starts pumping his cock into you. 
“I...fucking…knew it,” he groans, saying each word between each thrust he is giving you. He slams harder and harder, closing his eyes as he takes this moment to savour the pleasure that he is feeling from being inside you.
“I’ve pictured this so many times, and it feels way better than I imagined it would,” you hear him say with ragged breaths. Your hips buck in surprise, but he tightens his grip on your hips and increases the pace of his fucking, pushing all thoughts, any word you wanted to say to him, out the window. 
Your fingers sink deeper into his bare shoulders as you hold on tightly to him through the rough fucking he is giving you. The pleasure feels so intense. But the sudden tightness in your chest has nothing to do with the sparks rising right where you are joined, when your heart seems to swell at his admission.
To even think that he has been thinking of you this way, for wanting this same thing as you do for a long time, seems unfathomable. 
But you cannot say that you had never suspected it before. You still remember faintly hearing him say your name on that first night you caught him pleasing himself, even if you had suppressed this memory to the back of your mind in your denial. Though the rest of the time you saw the signs had been real, when he kept his eyes open each time you assisted him with his needs, refusing to look away from you as he embraced his release. 
You open your eyes just as he does the same. The look you see coming out of his gaze makes your heart lodged higher in your chest. Because beyond the lust, beyond the desire, you see deep longing looking back at you, returning every yearning that you feel for him as he continues to rock his hips in rapid successions. 
Hanbin pulls your head down until your mouths are joined. He drinks in the sounds of your moans with a deep kiss. Your breasts bounce with each hard thrust he keeps giving you. Each hard tip keeps rubbing against his chest, drawing more wicked sensations through your body which pushes you closer towards your climax. 
Right before you can reach it, Hanbin suddenly stops. He trembles as he holds back from his own release, starting from his legs that are locked under your weight to his chest which heaves with deep, ragged breaths. 
You open your mouth to protest and whine, but stop yourself when you look into his eyes. You can see his intention looking back at you and instantly know that this is not over yet. 
He may have denied both of you from your final release, but he is not done with you yet. 
Keeping his hands on your hips, he gives you a firm hold as he rolls your bodies together, flipping your positions until you are laid right beneath him. 
He lifts your legs in the air, sending you sinking into the sofa as he places your legs on his shoulders. In a blink of an eye, he slides his cock back into you, drawing a sharp gasp from your lips when he pushes in with one firm thrust, drawing a rapid set of spasms from your walls pressing around him. As you look up to him, his eyes are dark with lust, clear desire written all over his face when he begins rocking, thrusting in and out of you at a rapid pace. 
“Hanbin—!” you hiss out his name as he continues fucking you to oblivion. 
Yet hearing you calling out his name seems to work like a spell. It draws him to move quicker, pumping deeper inside you, until all that you can feel is his hardness pushing in and filling you up completely to the brim. 
Allowing himself to get lost in his carnal desire, he no longer cares about the noises that he draws out from both of you while he chases for his release. It feels so intense, so hot, so carnal, that you almost feel like you are melting into the sofa while your whole body trembles violently under each of his hard thrusts. 
Being in this position, you are made helpless. With your body being folded under his weight, it makes you feel off-balanced. There is no escape as he drives into you, pushing you into the height of bliss. 
But you refuse to stay still, wanting to give back and push you both further and faster to find climax. Reaching up, you hold on tightly to his biceps. Keeping a steady leverage there as you rock your hips back up, returning every thrust he is giving you with your own push. 
You scream out his name at how good it feels. The pleasure that feels like ecstasy rolling through your body, shooting straight back up to his rocking hips until you feel him shuddering above you. 
“That feels so good. I’m close, baby,” he groans, just as you feel the first wave of your climax building rapidly inside you. 
“Please, Hanbin. I’m also close,” you moan deeply, almost breathless with the intensity of your pleasure taking over your body. “I’m going to come.” 
He reaches down between your rocking bodies without missing a single thrust. His fingers come down right at where you are joined. With a trembling groan, he finds your clit and gives it a pinch. 
Pain and pleasure spark through your body. Your muscles grow tight, clenching around him, before your orgasm comes crashing through your body, one intense spasm to another. Hanbin cups the nape of your neck as he continues to pump into you hard and fast, fucking you through your orgasm until it feels like it will never end. 
“Fuck—you’re so tight, baby,” he grunts. “You’re gripping at me.” 
His voice fades in and out as your orgasm rolls through you. Once again, your pussy clenches tightly around him, and your final orgasm finally pushes him through his own. He comes with a shout, and you feel him twitching inside you before he starts shooting his warm release inside you. His slow rocking carries on with pulse after pulse of his climax until he fills you up with the very last drop of cum. 
Exhausted and spent, Hanbin collapsed on top of you, completely out of breath. While you no longer have the energy to push him away. He waits until all the spasms growing in your bodies start to calm down when he finally pulls out of you. 
While you fall helplessly on the sofa, breathless and high in your blissful fog, Hanbin moves away to grab a clean paper towel before returning to you. 
He takes his time taking care of you, gently cleaning you off from the mess that has been created from your intense lovemaking. Each delicate brush on your skin draws light sparks from your body that still feels sensitive to the touch. Slowly, he draws your senses back alive, yet his soothing touches help you relax with a content sigh. 
Once he is done, Hanbin rolls you over to face him as he falls right beside you on the plush sofa.
As you lie there by his side, in a post-orgasmic bliss and limbs that feel too heavy for you to move, your mind begins to race. There is no stopping it when you start wondering, questioning about what will happen next. You have crossed boundaries as his personal aid, and what you had taken as your personal responsibility to take care of him has now become something else. 
“That was—” you try to speak once you find your voice again. Yet no words come out of you when you have no idea what to say to him. 
“Amazing? Sensational?” he teases you while wiggling his eyebrows. 
You laugh, shaking your head even when deep down, you cannot really deny it. It was amazing. Shocking and fully insane, may also be the perfect way to describe it.
As you lie down beside him in the tight space of the plush sofa bed, you look at his face closely, still unable to believe that what just happened was real. 
“I mean, whatever works. As long as you enjoyed it,” you find yourself saying this to him as you try to process this moment. 
Because everything feels like a dream. 
Except what remains from your orgasm still lingers like a murmur through your entire body, showing you how real everything was. There is the slickness you still feel oozing out of you when you shift closer to him. Not to mention the soreness between your legs that is still present.
Even lying down side by side with him like this doesn’t feel real at all. You may have spent the past few weeks flirting, teasing, and even satisfying each other. Yet post-coital intimacy has never been a thing to share between you. 
Never before tonight. 
“Me? What about you? I thought I was paying my debts to you?” he asks you with a tease, though he seems genuinely curious to hear your answer. 
“I—” you try to speak, feeling a tug at your heartstrings knowing that he cares. “I thoroughly enjoyed it.” Your smile grows when you see him smiling at your answer. “Let’s just say that it was a good start to pay back what I’m owed.” 
Hearing this, Hanbin laughs. 
He surprises you once again when he pulls you to his chest and gives you a kiss, as if it is the most normal thing for him to do. And you return his kiss as easily as though you are two regular lovers. As if this isn’t the first time you are being this close. To be this intimate, aside from the special arrangement that you have made with each other. 
“Can we—” he says breathlessly as he breaks away from the kiss. “Can we continue like this for a while, just until this tour is over?” 
Just like that, any hope that had a chance to bloom in your chest is depleted. Disappointment washes through you for thinking that this actually has an expiration date. Just when you finally have the courage to admit your true feelings. 
But then your spirit is quickly lifted when Hanbin continues to add, “Once we’re done with this tour and later when we’re back home, let’s talk about this further. That is, only if you want to. I just don’t want you to think that I’m only taking advantage of you and forget everything once we’re back.” 
This time, when you feel that unsolicited hope brewing in your chest again, you do nothing to suppress it or hold it in. You don’t even try to deny it. There is no point in denying it now, after all. As it will always be there, no matter what you do to ignore it. 
And now that the final line has been crossed, you know that there is no turning back. 
“Sure, I’d like that,” you whisper to him with a smile, and with a genuine trust knowing that Hanbin always keeps his words to you.
Just like how he keeps his words about spending the entire night making up to you for all the favours that you are owed. 
Hours later, as the bus continues its journey towards its next destination, both you and Hanbin are still huddled up in the back cabin. The room has grown hot, and the passion that you share has yet to come down. 
A soft moan escapes you when he rocks his hips, pumping deeper into you in a series of rapid thrusts, and he quickly presses a finger on your lips to stop you from making too much noise. “Keep your voice down, baby. You’ll wake everyone,” he urgently whispers. 
Being in your current position, with your folded knees sinking deeper into the sofa and your hands barely able to hold your upper body up against his relentless pounding coming from behind, it really is becoming impossible for you to hold back. “I can’t,” you whisper to him between your strained moans. “It’s too much.” 
After a series of orgasms that he has been giving you all night, with only a brief reprieve taken when you took a break to have dinner—specially delivered to you by Shawn and the dancers while you were both busy in the back—it really is becoming a bit too much. 
Your body has taken a lot of his rough lovemaking that a single thrust is enough to ignite the sparks within you. Your skin has grown too warm, your pussy is tender, and your muscles are getting too sore to keep you up. 
“I know, I’m so sorry. Just a little bit more, okay?” he pleads with you as he continues thrusting in and out of you, slowly quickening his pace as he feels the spasms of your climax rising yet again, with your muscles pressing around his cock in a possessive grip. 
You bend forward and lift your hips higher to take everything that he is giving you. While his words echo through your mind as you embrace the building pleasure, reminding you of the promise that he gave to you earlier. 
Until this tour is over. 
Just one more show. 
You hold on to those words to gain strength. But after what you are experiencing tonight, and after witnessing the adrenaline rush that went through him after tonight’s show, the final arrangement waiting for you at the end of this tour no longer seems to be an easy fix. 
“I doubt that it’ll be anything ‘little’ when it comes to you,” you retort back to him with a moan, “you’re insatiable.” 
Hanbin lets out a soft chuckle as he presses a kiss on your bare shoulder. “It wasn’t my fault this time. You started it first.” 
You hide your smile at his words. Because he was right, after all.
After your tryst continued for a while and you were lying on his side, tracing the lines on his bare chest, the memory of his alluring dance came through your mind. It took you back to the moment you were made to feel hot from the sight of him rocking his hips, and how his sweat-covered chest kept glowing under the stage lights while he was dancing, keeping you under his spell.
That memory gave you the urge to start touching him. Starting with the touch of your fingers tracing down his skin, before you replaced your naughty hands with your lips when you traced the lines on his torso with your kisses. And you kept going lower, and lower, reaching the source of his arousal, until he finally snapped. 
“Guilty as charged,” you admit to him with a deep moan just as he pushes deep into you. “I’ll take all the responsibility for this one.” 
“Good. Because I’m not going easy with you this time,” he says, as he starts thrusting into you harder, faster, while you can only take everything until you are quickly pushed towards the precipice of your climax. 
He makes you bite your ripped panties as he keeps pounding into you, stopping any sounds that may come out through your lips as you embrace your climax. Making sure that your voice won’t wake the boys who are sleeping soundly in their personal bunk beds while the bus continues to drive through the night towards its final destination. 
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⤑ Author’s Note | This was supposed to be posted on his birthday, but as always, things don’t always go as planned when it comes to scheduling in my case. I’m glad that I still got to finish this because the idea had been stuck in my head since I’ve been following B.I’s journey through his European tour this year, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it if I didn’t write it down right away. I hope you enjoyed this thrilling experience. Please leave kudos/likes, comments, and share/reblog it if you liked what you read. Any other form of feedback is also welcomed. Thank you for reading!
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— © 2023 @yoonia (Tomoe Dia), all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, and unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed. | First publication & writing on Nov 10th, 2023
383 notes · View notes
blackcherryvelvet0909 · 3 months
Cherry Ink (Ace x GN!Reader)
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“This is your fault.” 
“Is not!” The redhead’s protests only feed the fuel of your boiling rage. “I told you you didn’t have to follow me. You got yourself into this!”
“I was trying to make sure you didn’t get your sorry ass in trouble again!” 
“What’re you, my mom?” You desperately wanted to punch that grin clean off his face. “Are you going to make sure I eat my vegetables, too?” 
You decide to ignore him. There was no sense in getting into a fistfight. Right now, your main focus is to figure out where you are. You look up at the green road sign hanging above you. It reads, “Scuttle Str.” Well, that gives you a starting point at least. You then turn to look at the bus schedule posted to the wall of the shaded canopy under the bench you stood in front of. 
“There won’t be another bus for two hours.” 
“That’s not so bad.” Ace leans against the pole holding up the street sign. “We just have to hang out here for a while. When the next bus comes, we’ll ask the driver to take us back to the…the, um…” 
You sigh, trying your best to keep yourself calm. “Sebastian Square. By that time though, everyone will have already gone back to the resort. We’ll just have to go back there,” you narrow your gaze in his direction, “and hope that we don’t have a professor or two waiting to tear our heads off for disappearing.” 
“Oh please,” Ace scoffs with a roll of his eye. “If they’re so worried, they’ll have the police find us. You worry too much.” 
“Yeah, I do.” You cross your arms over your chest, continuing to glare at him. “I worry about us getting in serious trouble for running off. Wait, no, actually, you ran off! I was the one to go after you and try to drag you back to where we were supposed to be!” 
“Hey, I didn’t know the bus would take us here! I thought it was the one that stopped by that huge mall we went to Wednesday.”
You throw your arms in the air in frustration. “Ace Trappola, everyone! Freshman at Night Raven College and he can’t even bother to read!” 
“Since when was the last time you read a bus’ time table?!” 
“When I want to make sure I’m getting on the right bus, dumbass!” 
This is getting you nowhere. Despite the shade, the heat is sweltering and you’re sweating bullets. That little fan in the bus you and Ace disembarked a few minutes ago hadn’t helped at all. On top of that, you’re starving. Professor Crewel said at the beginning of the day that you would all stop to eat at a restaurant centered in Sebastian Square a little past twelve. You pull out your shitty little phone Crowley gave you last winter and, sure enough, it’s past twelve. That small breakfast you had to scarf down because your alarm didn’t go off that morning wasn’t going to hold you forever. 
“Let’s just get out of this heat.” You tuck your phone back into the pocket of your shorts and look around the area. “There’s bound to be somewhere we can sit and hang out till the bus comes.” 
Ace points to a building up a small hill. “What about there? It looks like some lil mom-and-pop place. I’m starving!”
He took the words right out of your mouth. You nod and, without another word, begin the short trek up to the thatched roof shack. 
You thanked whatever higher being there might be that you had some madol on you. It wasn’t much - just enough to buy you a cold drink and a bag of chips. You stepped to the side to allow Ace to place his order; you sat at a small table in the corner of the eatery and waited for him to join you. Your stomach growled as you opened the bag of chips, raising the bag to your open mouth and tilting it up and pouring them in. You chewed the few salty crisps that fell in, sighing through your nose as you swallowed as your stomach began to calm its hungry tirade. Hopefully the chips would last you until you could get some real food. Though a part of you felt guilty for thinking it, you were glad Grim wasn’t here with you - all your money would’ve been spent on him. 
A few minutes later, Ace plops down in the seat across from you. His meal consists of a burger, potato wedges, and a milkshake. You try to avoid ogling the bounty of food, directing your gaze down at your small, near empty bag of chips. You pick your drink up off the table and take a sip, the liquid gloriously wetting your mouth and tongue, staving off your parchness. As you place your drink back on the wooden table, Ace speaks up after swallowing a mouthful of burger. “That’s all you’re gonna eat?”
That pang of embarrassment for your situation wells up in your heart, like it has so many times before. “I’m not that hungry,” you say, avoiding his gaze as you take a potato chip and eat it. From the corner of your eye, you see Ace raise an inquisitive brow. 
“Could have fooled me for the way your stomach was growling earlier.” So, he had heard that. You thought it’d been quiet enough for only you to hear - apparently not. You mentally cursed your gut’s cries for sustenance as you bit into another chip, this time a bit more forcefully. 
“Well, I’m eating, so it shouldn’t do that anymore.” 
Your voice was a bit more snappy than you intended. “Geez, alright!” Ace takes a sip from his milkshake, right after mumbling a quiet, “Don’t have to bite my head off.” 
Soon, your bag of chips is empty. While the cold drink eases your body temperature and quenches your thirst, it does little to satisfy your lingering hunger. You take out your phone to check the time: it’s just a few minutes past one. A little under an hour to go before the bus comes back - another hour without food. Your stomach begins to ache; it’s a subtle pain, but you know it’ll gradually grow as the minutes pass. You desperately try to ignore it, distracting yourself from the smell of scrumptious food by looking out the window and glancing around the eatery. It truly is a nice place, just out of the way of the hustle and bustle of the city, located about a ten minute walk from the coastline. 
Just as you’re fancying a quick swim to further distance yourself from your hunger, someone pokes your arm. “Hey.” You tilt your head to look over at Ace. He’s got a teasing smirk on his punchable face. “Your stomach growling again.” 
You hadn’t even noticed, too lost in your thoughts to hear it. You fold your arms over your stomach and glare out the window. “Probably just indigestion,” you suggest dismissively. 
You feel Ace stare at you for a moment, perhaps coming up with a way to tease you further. Instead, he asks, “You’re still hungry, aren’t you?” 
Despite how much of a shithead he can be, there’s no sense in lying to him. “Yeah,” you reply. “I’m just going to hold out until we get back to the resort.” 
“Um, hello?” Ace gestures about the space with his hand. “We’re at a restaurant? Or whatever you call this? They make food.”
“No shit.” 
“So, go get something else to eat.”
“I’m fine, Ace.” 
“Your stomach says otherwise.” 
“Well, it can shut the fuck up, can’t it?” 
Again, your tone came out sharper than you intended it to. This time, however, Ace didn’t make an offended comment about it. He is quiet, almost too quiet. Suddenly, he gets up from his seat and walks away. Maybe he has to go to the bathroom? That, or he doesn’t want to get kicked out by starting an argument with you. That’d be surprisingly smart of him, you think. 
You glance over at his unfinished burger and wedges. Would he notice if you snuck in a bite of the meat, stole a fry? No - no, that’s wrong and you know it. You’re not Grim - you’re better than that. Wrapping your arms tighter around your stomach you turn back towards the window, once again trying to ignore the way your stomach continues to growl, mocking you. You almost jump out of your seat when something slams down on your side of the table. You’re startled to find a plate of food waiting for you. 
“Eat.” That sounds more like a demand than a suggestion. Coming from Ace, it’s rather surprising. He sits across from you once more, no smile in sight as he stares at you, expression serious. You look down at the plate of food - a dish you often order from places like this. The growling of your gut intensifies as the glorious scent fills your nostrils. You look up at Ace and eye him suspiciously. 
“I’m not falling for it,” you say, accusingly. 
“Falling for what?” 
“This!” You point at the plate of food. “You’re going to make me do some favor or something in return - like do your homework!” 
Ace scoffs. “Who am I, Azul? I’m not gonna do something like that!” You narrow your eyes at him. “Okay, okay, I’ve done it before! But that’s not what this is about.” 
He nudges the plate closer to you with his finger. “I’m not going to stuff my face and let you go hungry. I’m not even that low.” You raise an eyebrow at him. Ace briefly raises his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, maybe I’ve been an ass like that before. This is different, though.” 
Ace leans back in his seat. “Eat, okay?” The beginning of a grin tugs at the corner of his mouth. “Or am I going to have to come over there and force you?” 
No way in hell were you going to let that happen. He actually is serious, then. Well…if he insists. You put aside your suspicions - for now - and begin to eat. Immediately, you feel relief. In no time you’re wolfing down your food; it’s only when Ace chuckles at how you stuff your face that you slow down. “It’s good,” you say, trying not to be embarrassed. 
“Mhm,” Ace hums in agreement as he chomps down on his burger. “Real good stuff,” he concurs through a mouthful of meat, bun, veggies, and condiments. 
“Ew!” You cringe in disgust as you catch a glimpse of the mushy food in his mouth. “Don’t talk with your mouthful. It’s gross!” 
Ace laughs as he swallows the bite. “You’re such a baby! You sound like Crewel.” He lightly kicks your ankle under the table. “Are you gonna call me a ‘bad dog,’ too?” 
“No,” you grin at him wickedly, “but I could tell him how you’ve been acting here.” 
You glimpsed fear in those cherry-colored eyes. “Don’t you dare! My ass is already grass when we get back!” He jabs a potato wedge in your direction. “And I bought you that food.” 
“See?” You smirked. “I told you you’d use this against me.” The boy frowns at the realization, almost appearing disappointed in himself. An odd look on him, but likely nothing too deep. You smile and say, “Tell you what: as thanks for the food, I won’t tell anyone about your bad table manners.” 
Ace’s smile is almost mischievous as he winks at you. “Deal.” He nods his head to the side, towards the napkin holder at the edge of the table near the window. “You want me to take one of those napkins and write up a makeshift contrast, too?” 
You laugh as you shake your head, right before taking another big bite of your food. Maybe sneaking away from the rest of your class - whether or not intentional - wasn’t so bad after all. 
Your asses were, indeed, grass when you finally made it back to Sebastian Square. You arrived just in time to catch the rest of your schoolmates and teachers about to leave the area for the resort. Professor Crewel was the one to greet you both, as Vargas and Trein had gone out to look for you. To say the man chewed you out would be an understatement - and in front of all your peers, too. Of course, when it was discovered that you were only trying to keep Ace from running off, your punishment was a lot lighter. All you would have to do is write a one page apology for not notifying a staff member instead, among other details. Ace, on the other hand, barely got out of detention while still on the trip; although, he would surely face that consequence the moment he stepped back on campus. 
You step out of your hotel room and into the hall. Once again, hunger pangs your gut, and you decide to satiate it with a midnight snack. As you walk, your hand feels the billfold within your pocket. You’re very grateful that, upon learning that you used the last of your funds to procure sustenance during your unplanned delinquency, Crewel replenished your empty pockets. He strictly stated that they were for necessities - however, he discreetly said that, should there be any wants you desire in the last several days of the trip, you may come see him. Many would call it special treatment, but at this rate you’re waiting for the man to serve you adoption papers. 
The glimpse of a smile ghosts over your lips as you take the elevator down to the lobby. After departing the lift, you walk across the room and enter a smaller one a short distance away from the front desk. What meets your gaze are three large vending machines - and one familiar redhead. “Ace?” 
The man startles at the sound of his name. Obviously, he didn’t expect anyone else to come down here, let alone find him. “Shh!” he hisses. “Shut up! You want Crewel or Trein or Vargas to hear?” 
“And cook your goose further?” You giggle. “Nah - I don’t think you can get anymore burnt.” You ignore the daggers he glares into the back of your head as you view the choices available behind the glass of the vending machines. Candy, chips, granola bars, bottled drinks - you insert your money into your chosen machine and make your selection. Ace does the same shortly after you’ve acquired your snack. As you suspected, it’s a candy bar, one made of dark chocolate and cherries. 
“Bad dog!” You almost scare Ace out of his skin. “You’ll rot your teeth with that!” 
“You-!” Ace looks like he’s going to punch your shoulder, but refrains. He tucks the bar of chocolate into his pocket before walking past you. He bumps into you as he does, forcing you to sway to the side. 
“Hey, watch it!” 
“Make me!” he calls back, mockingly sticking his tongue out at you before making a run for the elevators. You run after him, but by the time you get across the lobby, muttering a quick apology to the janitor you almost bumped into, Ace is already gone. You mumble under your breath how annoying he is as you hit a button between the elevators, indicating you want to go up. After a small bit of waiting, the one to your far left opens and you get on. You press the button for your floor and watch the large metal doors close, right before you feel yourself ascending upwards. 
As you wait to reach your floor, you lean against the wall and shove your hands into your pockets. Your forehead crinkles as you frown, confused as to why there’s some sort of paper in your right pocket. You take it out, wondering if it’s some form of receipt you forgot. Instead, in your hand is a folded piece of lined paper, like you would use at school. You unfold the paper once, twice, three times before its face is opened up towards you. Your eyes widen as you read the words on the page, written in red ink. 
Date #1 was nice. Date #2?
❑ Yes    ❑No
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