#busted ass game
nuclearrayne · 2 years
Dear EA/Maxis
We need to talk....
As a builder I don't actually play the game a lot but, recently, I had the opportunity to get more into the game play side of things and I am just gobsmacked at how frustrating of an experience it was.
You need to know these 3 things before we have our chat, 1. I have NO script mods in, as I have been prepping for your next update apocalypse. I do have a default skin, eyes, sliders and my choice of skin details because, well, let's be honest, you lot are terrible at creating acceptable looking body beautifuls. 2. ALL of my drivers are checked daily and updated, if needed. And 3. without getting into specifics, my system is very capable of handling the taxing of your 8 year old game.
I have been a sims player for over 20 years, I have dumped thousands into your franchise. I own every single expansion, game, and stuff pack you have ever released including your most recent money grab "kits" I do not feel that telling you this should garner me a higher standard of propriety because EVERY Sims player should have the ability to enjoy your game without the need to take a Xanax first! I just want you to be aware that my simlish is fluent (with and without alcohol).
Below is a glimpse of the issues I was having, and there were MANY, that I had in the few short hours I played, I have also included some colourful pictures because...well...some people learn differently...
Let me introduce you to Marley, she has been in my game for a long time, mostly to help me take screenshots for thumbnails (she is using the CC listed above, using the CC I normally have in my game and completely nude for reference)
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Please fix your clothes so my normally healthy looking sims don't look like they have successfully dropped 20 pounds instantly without the need of some photoshop magic, your clothes should NOT being slimming my sims no matter how slim or heavy they are!
While Marley and I were in CAS we noticed that there is an alarming amount of clothes with texture oddities, mostly pants that made Marley look like she had taken a mahoosive shite, don't get me wrong it's a look, but? There were also several shirts and shoes that need fixing, too, however, I think the pants are the worst. Here are some examples:
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When we were done discovering the horrors of CAS, I took Marley in game and moved her into a lovely little build in simlicy's save file (2.0) Here's a peak just in case you're feeling nosey:
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After we loaded in, Marley stood on the lawn, while I immediately opened buy mode (be thankful this is a game play observation because I could blow your mind with the issues I have found while building) I bought Marley an easel, a bed, a knitting bag (the first of MANY mistakes I made) and a rocking chair. Going back into live mode I set Marley to apply for a painter job, then "cook" a salad, when she was done the welcome wagon arrived. I told Marley to invite her neighbours in, instead of doing as I had asked Marley sat down in the rocking chair and stared smugly at me until the welcome wagon left. Defense Exhibit A:
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After shunning her new neighbours Marley settled in for some knitting relaxation with her new earbuds in. I selected "cottagecore" which was a genre neither of us had heard before and definitely will NOT again as it sounds like the entire "cottagecore" list played all at once with the added background noise that I can only describe as "living in a haunted house with a ghost that just had its nails did" I closed my game out of fear of being possessed by this entity and went immediately to your forums, where I discovered that this is a known bug that has been happening since 2017.
When I loaded back in, I was instantly hit with a phone call from a cat who wanted to know if he or she should go on a date with Eliza Pancakes and of course I said yes because pfffft what could possibly go wrong there, am I right?! Probably not but *shrugs*
After Marley told the cat that we would like to receive an invitation to the wedding and hung up my eyes were instantly drawn to the floor...what...what is THAT?! DUST?! At this point I was starting to get exasperated, and I am pretty sure Marley was, too. So back into buy mode I went to buy a vacuum for a house Marley hadn't even slept in yet. (reported fixed 23/03/2021 Patch PC:, still broken)
I asked Marley if she felt like knitting in the rocking chair, she said she was a bit tired so I reminded her that we needed to recoup the cost of the expensive vacuum I just had to buy. Begrudgingly, Marley sat down and started knitting a panda beanie. Before long she began waving and yelling insisting I let her go to bed, she was exhausted, and truly, so was I. So off Marley trudged. I worried that she would not make it the 15 or so steps to her bed but she did. I sighed. Then, out of the blue and with the drama level of a high school Shakespearean actress, Marley stood up and threw herself on the floor next to her bed where she slept, I presume, like a baby. Ok Marley, you do you, boo! (broken with toddler patch - 2017)
While Marley slept I slipped into build/buy mode to add a pop of colour to her bedroom with a piece of art that had 2 birds on it and attempted a paint change. The art disappeared when I applied the paint, where did it go? Marley did you take the art?! No, of course not, you're still asleep on the floor.....(reported fixed 17/01/2023 Patch PC:, still broken)
Marley got up bright and early the next morning, I asked her to make eggs and toast....she canceled the request repeatedly insisting she needed to search the web on her phone. (reported fixed 30/08/2022 Patch PC:, still broken)
Finally Marley made it to the kitchen and began to cook...and apparently light the stove on fire
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......thanks Marley.....I didn't know you were a closet arsonist.
After breakfast I clicked on the knitting bag and asked Marley to finish the beanie she had started the night before, she said she could not, so I clicked on the rocking chair and asked again, she just waved
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I repeatedly tried the bag and the chair to get her to knit, she just kept on waving, she is such a friendly sim <3 Ok Marley, please go knit the beanie on the bed
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No? Ok Marley, please scoot over and try the other side of the bed, still waving I see....Marley you have to use the loo, so go do that while I cue up knitting one more time before I reload, ok? Marley, you have been in the bathroom for over an hour....
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Are you knitting on the loo?! Are you serious Marley?? Let's move you to a more comfortable place. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T KNIT IN THE DAMN ROCKING CHAIR?! Ok Marley, my face is red and I am annoyed let me just hit pause for a minute...Marley...why are you still moving...did you just "break the space-time continuum" like they cracked that joke about in the "patch" that was supposed to fix this issue?! (reported fixed 17/01/2023 Patch PC:, still broken)
Alright Marley I am going to pull the knitting bag from your inventory, sell it and then buy you a new one, this one is clearly borked...let me just...wait, why can't I put this bag down, what do you mean I can't put it in the middle of the floor where there is literally nothing else around it...*click click click click* Wait, where'd the bag go?!
Marley let's just forget about knitting for a while, please go turn on the vacuum and then we will work on a painting to calm us both down. Oml, Marley that painting is lovel...why is the vacuum cleaner smoking?! Sh*t Marley, I think the vacuum found the knitting bag....
When Marley got home from work the next day she was clearly upset, after a SINGLE DAY at work she was feeling like she was stuck in a dead end passionless job, I sighed.
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I asked her to change her clothes and then go paint, she changed her clothes and then stood on her front lawn for over an hour in game time, made a face at me then finally went to paint (known issue, reported as far back as 08/2020, still broken)
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When I attempted to save and close the game out of frustration my save got stuck for 40 minutes before I gave up and restarted my PC.
The point of all this, EA/Maxis is you have chosen money over your players. These "fixes" you say you're doing are clearly not actually fixing anything! Your players are crying out for theirs games to be fixed while you are announcing the release of "growing together" And quite honestly I have found myself disgusted with this whole thing. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO ADD MODS TO THE GAME TO FIX IT!! To quote a member of this community who I admire greatly "no other ea game is this fucking borked and no other gaming community would accept this but cc and mods more or less served as some sort of bandaid for this broken ass game." -xldkx 31/07/2022 (original post here)
When I am finished posting this I will be going into that horrible buggy af app (I am sensing a theme here) that you have forced us all to switch to, where I will be canceling my pre-order of "growing together" I am done blindly throwing money at you for a game I can not even play in its current state!
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snoopysnose · 5 months
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Mutuals' favorite moments in Game Changer 1/? requested by @greenieflor
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elfieafterdark · 1 month
"I love you": straightforward, but there's still a bit of room for interpretation. You love me, how?
"I am yours.": prettier but even more ambiguous. Mine how?
"I want you carnally": better, but I still have to open the dictionary to figure out what carnal means in this context.
"I have tried to dismantle you, Gideon Nav! The Ninth House poisoned you, we trod you underfoot—I took you to this killing field as my slave—you refuse to die, and you pity me! Strike me down. You’ve won. I’ve lived my whole wretched life at your mercy, yours alone, and God knows I deserve to die at your hand. You are my only friend. I am undone without you.": perfect, descriptive, illustrative and very clear. Flawless declaration. Yes I will devote myself to you.
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kelpermoosee · 1 year
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“Man of mystery, they call me Mr. L(uigi)!!” 🎶
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emocatkeith · 1 year
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why is he like that.
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makoredeyes · 19 days
Fooling around with some experimental designs that might turn into a tattoo someday.
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dtee-draws · 1 year
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getting lost
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coygs · 3 months
“saka owed england a good game” what the fuck kind of comment is that?? they don’t deserve him
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kokomini9 · 11 months
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ive been attempting to draw him for a month since the first page i did, and im about to chuck him thru a brick wall ❤️ HFJDBBFNDB 😭
anyways, heres some of the doodles i kept in my layers
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elhopper1sm · 7 months
"Snow lands on top"
Coriolanus Sebastian Snow. You are now guaranteed to never beat the bottom allegations be so fr right now. You will now forever be labeled a bottom that's just a fact.
(yes I made up a middle name for him whatchu gonna do about it?)
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anonomi · 8 months
I was on pl_frontier playing medic, healing my team, dodging bullets, escaping within an inch of my life the usual when I'm walking pass our soldier and I just heal him up a bit as I go, I don't even think about it because I am a stage 11 medic main and everything is instinct and autopilot at this point. I do not expect, at ALL, for him to open up vc and say in this softest, australian voice that has the distinct quality of him trying to not wake anybody up at an ungodly hour:
"Thank you, medic."
There was a genuine smile in his voice. And then he was off, blasting away to get the enemy snipers. Of course after that my concentration was shattered and I kept giggling about it over the dying screams and the gunfire and the blood. It is not everyday that somebody acknowledges your presence beyond pressing E, much less press V and say something that isn't cursing you out. I was very distracted by it, but I still did my job. I think I sawed an enemy spy in half while twirling my hair but idk it could've been ours.. but being a medic main ive met some of the worst people ever on tf2 (i once got into a server w a verry edgy twitch streamer, can't even repeat what he said, and he wanted me to pocket him! no chance big boy!!) but the little things like that keep me going. It's admittedly insignificant, especially in the constant firefight that is tf2, but the fact somebody would take a sec to express their gratitude like that is more impactful to me than any random player being toxic in chat. Reminds me of why I love tf2...
He also got autobalanced and destroyed me with a crocket when I was about to pop the fattest kritz on my heavy but nobody is perfect
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nuclearrayne · 1 year
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I have not been able to download DLC, install store content for sims 3 or open my sims 4 game since the 18/04 update, I have tried ALL of the [resolved] fixes on Answers HQ (I hope that doesn't stand for high quality cuz nah) for all 3 of my issues. I have contacted them through email, where I was repeatedly asked for my email address (the same email they had just emailed me on) by 8 different representatives in 8 separate emails, not a single one asked me about the issues I am having or gave me any sort of suggestions on how I may fix my issues. I have also contacted them through "chat" (per their request) where I have heard "it's a bug" "we are aware of it" and "it will be fixed within 3 days" (21 days ago, 6 days ago and again about an hour ago) I am at my wits end with this sh*t. After a month of this I am feeling more anxiety now then I ever did as a nurse watching a video of a woman gorilla gluing a wig to her head. Who is the idiot at EA that thought it was a great idea to force their player base over to an app that I had already removed from my PC a year ago because it had and still has some VERY MAJOR bugs?! I would like his phone number!
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ongreenergrasses · 1 month
Finnick doesn’t want this. He doesn’t want to go through a trial, he doesn’t want to do any of this.
Then he meets Annie at the courthouse, and maybe. Maybe it’s not so bad.
a companion piece to Pharmakon
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eff-plays · 9 months
Apparently there are people out there whomst love Astarion but haven't played Dragon Age?
This is my call to you to play Dragon Age. They let you kiss elves!
In Dragon Age: Origins, you can kiss
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This guy, Zevran, who is
a rogue/assassin
tries to kill you on your first meeting
good at murder
tries to seduce you for his own gain but then falls in love RIP in pepperoni
cute accent
short king
long hair
sad backstory
morally questionable at times and somewhat self-serving
but good deep down i prommy i prommy
loves money and fancy things (you can get his approval up by just straight up giving him bars of silver and gold lmao)
In Dragon Age 2, you can romance
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This guy, Fenris, who is
a warrior with weird powers
hates your ass if you're a mage but warms up to you if you're nice
can rip people's hearts out of their chests as a fun treat
breaks up with you for 3 years but wears your favor on his wrist forever?? lmao cringe i love him
escaped slave
sad backstory
white hair and big sword, extremely anime
can't read (but you can teach him ;)
if deep voice why twink
deadpan snarker
mean-ass bitch who's hard to get approval with if you're a noob
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, you can romance!
Anyway, have fun! Go forth and smooch some elf boys!
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 5 months
the only abuse cycle in bsd is the one between me and my evil wife bungou stray dogs: mayoi inu kaikitan
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thatuselesshuman · 1 month
Friday Kiss Tag (except I get creative)
Uuh I think I was tagged by @wyked-ao3 and another person but i forgot who and my activity tab isn't work correctly 😭
So, as I have previously stated, I don't have any kisses to share
Instead of a written kiss, I shall share art made by this Picrew of older Jem and Alessandra for the Kiss Tag and a bit of what-happens-next (Spoiler Warning!)
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Now, this is of older Jem and Alessandra (19 & 21 respectfully) after the events of DSBtB. After the story ends, Jem is in a shitty place. After failing suicide and waking up from a 3 month long coma (and now freshly 18), he may be cured but he's entirely unready to live the life he had planned back when everyone he loved was alive. Life-long depression and trauma doesn't just disappear after you're miraculously cured. During the time it takes for Jem to figure out how he's going to live, Jem and Alessandra are NOT in a relationship so that Jem can figure stuff out without becoming codependent on Alessandra.
Alessandra still helps him through this time obviously, but they don't advance their relationship any past the previously set guidelines (They hadn't even kissed before). It took Jem around 8 months for him to be in a decent enough place for Alessandra and him to finally make their relationship official. During those 8 months, Jem discovered things like: what his personal style would be without Capitol influence, the fact that he actually liked hugging and kissing people when it was his choice, that he still didn't like sex (even though he was committed to not letting his past trauma mess any of his shit up). The Jem in the picrew is much more comfortable in who he is without putting on a show, which is why he's wearing clothing he actually enjoys and is actually happy.
@moltenwrites @willtheweaver @katenewmanwrites @agirlandherquill +open tag
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