#but! my stamina & endurance are something i'm trying to work on
chubbychiquita · 5 months
How do you deal with your decreasing mobility as you continue to gain? As someone at a similar weight I’ve been struggling with it a lot recently. Like I love it for the reminder of how big I’ve gotten but it’s really annoying when I’m just trying to get groceries or find a seat I actually fit in
oof i definitely relate, i am on a quest for maximum lazy girl comfort so i just sort of take advantage of any opportunity i can to make things easier on myself so i don't have to worry about it!! i call places/venues ahead of time to ask about alternative seating, my local grocery store has a complimentary order online/drive by pickup thing, i use a shower chair, i use rolling stool to do dishes & cleaning, i carry a little rechargeable fan in my purse, get a lot of things delivered, and mainly hang out with people or go places that are enormous girl friendly
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squerlly · 2 months
do you possibly maybe JUST MAYBE write Lute x Demon!reader JUST ASKING FOR A FRIEND my friend would love a story of the goobers (I’m the friend)
I write pretty much anything so I would be happy to do this for you, no specifications on the gender or type of story you want but I will do GN demon reader x lute head cannons SFW and NSWF to add a bit of spice since updates on my blog have been slow, mostly because I have been out sick and just procrastinating but more content is being made as we speak so enjoy!!!
(GN! Demon reader) x Lute -SFW/NSFW-
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Lute despises demons naturally but after running into you during extermination day, she made one big exception that might cost her job, but love makes people do crazy things...
with Lute's rough personality, she can be really bad with communication and feelings but always makes an effort to show affection, even in the most strangest ways.
In Lute's mind calling you an idiot is like saying I love you and letting you help preen her wings lets you know she trusts you, after all her wings are sensitive and having you get those hard to reach places makes flying much more comfortable.
when she comes down for secret visits she always brings back little things from heaven that aren't available in hell, who new sweets in heaven taste so good, they even have rainbow sprinkles!
when Lute sneaks out of heaven to meet up with you, as an exterminator she knows every little hiding spot perfect for some quick fun~
Lute would let you bite and mark all over her, if she can't take you with her, she definitely has something to remember you by.
as someone who doesn't get a lot of credit and recondition for her work Lute doesn't get compliments or praise, so when you whisper sweet nothing in her ear and praise her she will melt into mush and do anything to here you say she's a good girl~
had been trained for battle and endurance, Lute has incredible stamina and can go for hours adding to pleasure of rough handling.
angel blood is not common to come by, and according to the local cannibals', its quite the delicacy. Lute happy to give you a taste, lets you drink as much of her sweet savory blood as you want, leaving you drunk and craving more. the feeling of your tongue lapping the literal liquid gold makes her core heat up, a sensation that leaves her soaked.
IM SO SORRY!!! for leaving you all for almost a whole weak, iv been so tired and sick. I'm also sorry if this request feels lazily written. request and chapters will be coming out a bit slower until I feel a bit better and have more time but I will try to get more content out faster. thank you all for your patients I love you all have a good day/night!!!
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
for more content and chapters please click this masterlist
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letters-of-libertas · 5 months
I'm bi and yeah your note on women not having solidarity seems sadly true. Apart from not dating men would there be anything you would suggest to improve ones life apart from stating away from those women if possible?
I love this question because this is how to start thinking: being practical.
What it takes to "improve ones life" is subjective so with that said firstly define what a better life(style) for yourself away from moids would look like. Temporarily mentally remove xy terrorist existence. What would your habits/routine be? What would you work towards & pour your energy into? What would you want to be? What would you center your life around? Take your time with these questions or anymore that come up. Have a general idea then be more specific and start breaking your life down into sectors/sections/areas, then look at where you want to be in those areas and work towards it.
For example; I divide my life into 6-7 aspects:
Physical Strength - Not just about muscle but knowing how to fight, where to hit and when to fight. Being stronger makes it easier to defend yourself in altercations (especially with other women). Some mfs will try you & you cant always rely on others coming to your rescue. Also work on building stamina to help endurance, and keeping as healthy as possible.
Emotional Strength - If you cant control your emotions they will control you. In a world of chaos being emotionally strong will let you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. Building emotional strength is not easy but it's worth it. Being able to rise above immediate reactions and pace yourself will allow you to assess situations more rationally & make more beneficial choices.
Finances - Get your bag up. Having money to gain resources is imperative to quality of life. I dont care what anyone says having a certain amount of money in life WILL make you happier as you're able to meet your needs better. Having more money/resources also makes it easier to support other women should you choose to do so, it also allows you to be more influential and have more control over your life. However, dont become a slave to getting money tho because that's how you get scammed.
Network - The type of people you hang around can make or break who you are as a person. Aim to connect with likeminded women who will encourage & inspire you as you go on this journey. Hang around people that value & will be honest with you while giving you grace. Not all women you engage with have to be single & childfree but beware the moid crazy ones because they will bring danger to you in their quest for maIe validation. Life isn't perfect but you cant go wrong having the right people around you, valuable relationships are hard to find but it goes a long way even if it's just online. However, no company > bad company.
Spirituality/Guide - Having something bigger than yourself to guide you through the chaos in this world can offer guidance/purpose that keeps you grounded & focused. For many people generally this is religion/god. Not everyone needs or ascribes to religion/spirituality though, but at least consider sets of morals/beliefs to follow. However even that isn't for everyone. So if you feel better off without spirituality or a 'higher' guide at least be clear on it & your reasons why (for yourself).
Hobbies & Interests - As turbulent as the world is, find things to enjoy amidst the chaos. Constant work, doom, and gloom will not change anything you will only hurt yourself. Take time to indulge in things that make you happy to recharge & relax. Engage in hobbies that serve you, share your passion with other women & hear theirs out too. It goes a long way in terms of mental health.
Security - It takes privilege to decide to not get married or have children as a woman & live it out. Everyone's situation is different so what I'll generally suggest is to constantly look into how you can protect yourself, have backup methods, and stay in the loop of xy predation. Dont drown in it but moids are predators & being completely blind to them is being blind to danger. Elaborated on point 10 here.
Sounds like a lot? Great, it'll keep you busy because this isn't a vacation or destination but a lifestyle. And to be honest, some of y'all can do with the busyness as it'll let you focus on what actually matters. This not to say to overwhelm yourself in things for the sake of it but to prioritise your energy on effective things for your life. As you focus on building you'll find that you have less energy to care about insignificant stuff or stuff out of your control anyways. For example, Instead of getting wound up about user somerandomadjectivefem stirring discourse calling you an extremist or whining about how impossible it is for her & other women to live without romantic love n' whatnot (or even women irl pulling this crap), you either ignore or quickly shut down the conversation & swiftly move on.
Everything I've mentioned are just examples, you may feel differently do whatever you feel best applies. Also remember to enjoy the process along the way as you are living through it afterall :3
Long story short: Work on building resources & other aspects of your life up for yourself.
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blackmambaboobs · 2 years
can you do tf2 merc x reader general nsfw headcanons? :D
I got you, Awesome Anon!! And thank you for my very first ask!!
TF2 Mercs X Gender Neutral Reader General NSFW Headcanons:
Scout: -This Guy acts like he's a total dom' and is great in bed, but he gets so nervous even if it's not his first time with you and can be the most subby Bitch there is. -He's extremely sensitive but luckily he's got a high endurance so he can hold off until you tell him to cum. -He's a switch, but will be nervous if he has to be the dom' for you. -He loves to eat you out/suck you off and hear your moans as you grip his head. -PlEaSe sit on him and let him die happily. -Loves to grope you and always has a hand on you during sex (unless of course, you're playing the no-touching game). -His cum is so bitter, dear God-
Spy: -Is a dom' and will only be a sub' later on in your relationship (please be patient with him). -He's a gentle dom' but will happily be rougher if you request it. -Always gives you the best aftercare especially if he's been rough with the best products that suit you. -Is so soft with you after sex, just whispering soft words to you in French while giving you little kisses- -He loves to see you in lingerie and take it off of you, it's like unwrapping a present for him.
Soldier: -Is a switch and will gladly be whatever for you! -Has some serious loud moans, so uh, RIP to anyone around- -The helmet stays on during sex, I'm sorry. -Loves to be in a position where he can see your face! -Doesn't like to be rough with you as he's afraid of hurting you, but he'll try!! -Always eager to try something new in the bedroom!
Sniper: -This man is so touch starved, so even kissing him gets him excited. -He's had a few dates and hookups so he kinda knows what he's doing, and if not? He's more than happy to learn whatever makes you both feel good! -Is more on the giving end when it comes to oral, but appreciates it when he's receiving! -Has a huge praise kink, both giving and receiving! -Very awkward with aftercare at first since he's never kept anyone around, but learns quickly on what to do! -Body worship him and he'll cum just from that-
Pyro: -They are very energetic during sex and is always eager to try something new in the bedroom! -Really wants to include burns during a rough session, pLeAsE- -Doesn't like to take off their mask so oral isn't an option for them, but they'll happily use other ways of getting you off if needed! -Has quiet moans, mostly whimpers and squeaks. -Also has a praise kink! Please spend a day worshipping them, they'll melt, cum and cry- -Has sweet tasting cum, surprisingly??
Heavy: -You're gonna need a lot of lube due to this big Guy's size, but don't worry, he takes his time and always make sure you're probably stretched out- -Has a high endurance and stamina, so he'll want to go multiple rounds (RIP). -Has deep moans and grunts and luckily aren't that loud (unless, of course, you ask him to be). -Unsure of how aftercare works, but once he gets the hang of it, he's great at it! You need it especially after taking him (he's so proud though)- -Has a size kink, full on.
Medic: -Really good in bed, he knows all your sweet spots and never fails to make you scream. -Loves to overstim' you if you let him (RIP if you do). -Loves to do roleplay with you in the bedroom (especially if it's medical related). -He likes to experiment with different toys to see which one feels better and makes you scream the loudest (it's like a game for him). -Always makes sure his Doves aren't in the room when you fuck. -Has some loud ass moans like Soldier so he often has to have a piece of cloth in his mouth.
Engineer: -Is so sweet during sex?? Oh my God?? -Always asking if you're okay and that he's not hurting you. -Hesitant to be rough, but ends up liking it more than he thought- -Loves face-sitting, he could literally cum just from you being above him and your moans -His moans aren't normally that loud, but he does occasionally have loud moments. -Such a giver that it's almost frustrating (LeT uS sUcK yOu OfF, EnGi)- -Knows what to do with aftercare and he's so sweet as he whispers praise for you doing so good.
Demoman: -Because of the fact he's drunk most of the time, you end up having to do most of the work (it's consensual, don't worry). -Is a switch, but because of his drunken state, he's usually the sub'. -Has loud moans and sobs when he gets overstimmed (he loves it though). -This man has a praise kink, but doesn't know it until you make him realize it one night while fucking. Please tell him how wonderful he is, he needs it- -His cum is nastier than Scout's, be warned- -Is addicted to your taste like it's his alcohol, so he's a giver. -Loves to be restrained during sex especially if he's drunk, makes him hornier.
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gorbalsvampire · 2 months
On Mass Combat
There are mass combat mechanics in Dark Ages Vampire's Storytellers Guide, but...
Look at it this way. There are a few key principles to fitting mass combat into an RPG, and if you follow them all you don't really need a mass combat system as such.
0) Your players don't want to sit there and wait
This is rule 0 for a reason. I once sat through an interminable Star Wars D20 game in which the GM's particular flavour of brain worms meant he had to roll attacks and damage and reactions for every combatant in a scene before he described what happened. It's not that he had no imagination, it's just it wasn't fair if he didn't roll, and it wasn't fun if it wasn't fair. Or maybe he just hadn't thought about adapting the standard "declare, roll, describe" process of RPGs for an encounter with dozens of active participants. Either way, it was a terrible way to spend an afternoon - and I like rolling dice for attack after attack after attack, when it's a wargame. When I turned up to roleplay, it's just false advertising.
1) Only the PCs' dice really matter
You're running this scene for your players. They're rolling for their characters. Dice that have nothing to do with their characters don't need to be rolled. Really, this is an extension of Rule 0, but turned sideways so it becomes advice rather than an excuse for an anecdote. I'm a big fan of "only players roll" in general for RPGs and for the way the ST systems work, it really helps to set the players a roll against a target number and have margin of success or failure decide consequences.
2) Just because it's combat doesn't mean you have to roll combat pools
Mass combat is a chance for Leadership to shine. In V5 I would consider something like Resolve or Composure + Leadership to be the best possible roll for a player trying to command a mass battle. In older editions that don't have the good stat grid, sub in a Mental Attribute of your choice - I'd say Perception for the first round, Wits if something surprising happens, Intelligence to close the engagement favourably. If your player isn't in a leadership position I think it's better to roll a few Stamina + Melee/Brawl/Firearms/Atheletics rolls and inflict superficial/bashing damage equal to the margin of failure than to sit there modelling it all out exactly with the four rolls per attack that conventional combat needs. You could even break out a Composure + Survival for a character who just does not want to be there. Again, I have V5 brainrot and I know it, but "three and done" is such a good way to stop system creep and keep the sessions moving.
3) What are you using mass combat for in story terms?
Maybe this one should have come first, I 'unno, but this is the thing about mass combat - a lot of the time the systems seem written to simulate it happening without asking what it's doing in the story. Is it a command challenge, for PCs who are trying to command a small army for whatever reason? Is it a social challenge, for PCs who have to lead that army and keep up its morale? Is it an endurance challenge, for PCs who are built to throw hands to a degree no mortal could match? Or is it something that's happening around the PCs, a kind of environmental hazard that they need to negotiate on their way to achieve something else? (This is my favourite way to use mass combat - my Dark Ages game had, er, several city sacking sessions during which PCs were trying to traverse the fires and the furore to rescue so and so or stop such and such escaping or simply to escape.)
I hope all this has shown that you can include a mass battle in your games without needing a ton of new rules (that you won't use very often so they're a faff to learn, internalise and run at table anyway). Quite often, less is more, and you can boil down a situation into something you can represent with unusual uses of the conventional rules.
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healthy-man-choice · 1 month
Aizen Power Supplements: A Game Changer for My Confidence in the Bedroom
I've always considered myself a healthy guy. I hit the gym regularly, eat a balanced diet, and maintain an active lifestyle. But let's be honest, fellas, sometimes even the healthiest of us can experience dips in confidence, especially in the bedroom. That's where Aizen Power Supplements came in for me, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer.
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Increased Stamina and Endurance
Before Aizen Power Supplements, my workouts felt sluggish, and I wasn't pushing myself as hard as I knew I could. I also found myself tiring more easily during intimate moments. Since incorporating Aizen Power into my routine, I've noticed a significant boost in stamina and endurance. My workouts are more intense, and I can last much longer in the bedroom, which has been a welcome surprise for both me and my partner.
Improved Performance
Let's face it, confidence in the bedroom is all about performance. Aizen Power Supplements have definitely helped me perform at my best. I experience increased firmness and a noticeable improvement in overall performance. This newfound confidence has translated into a more enjoyable and satisfying experience for both me and my partner.
Natural and Safe Ingredients
One of the things I truly appreciate about Aizen Power Supplements is the use of natural and safe ingredients. I'm wary of supplements that contain harsh chemicals or fillers, and Aizen Power stands out for its commitment to natural ingredients. This gives me peace of mind knowing I'm putting something safe and healthy into my body.
Easy to Use and Discreet Packaging
Aizen Power Supplements are incredibly easy to use. The recommended dosage is clearly outlined, and the capsules are small and easy to swallow. The packaging is also discreet, which is important to me. I don't want to have to explain any mysterious bottles or containers in my medicine cabinet.
Overall Impression: A Confidence Booster
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with Aizen Power Supplements. They've given me a much-needed boost in confidence in the bedroom, and I'm truly grateful for the positive impact they've had on my intimate life. If you're looking for a natural and safe way to enhance your performance, I highly recommend giving Aizen Power Supplements a try. You won't regret it.
Disclaimer: It's important to note that everyone's body is different, and what works for me may not produce the same results for everyone. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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Aizen Power Supplements: A Game Changer for My Fitness Journey
I've always been passionate about fitness, but let's be honest, there are plateaus that hit us all. That's where Aizen Power Supplements came in for me, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer.
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Boosting Energy and Performance
Before Aizen Power Supplements, I felt sluggish during workouts. I'd push myself, but wouldn't see the results I craved. Since incorporating the supplements into my routine, I've noticed a significant increase in energy levels. I can power through my workouts with more focus and intensity, which has translated to better results.
Building Strength and Endurance
Strength gains are something I've always strived for. Aizen Power Supplements has definitely helped me reach new heights in the gym. I'm lifting heavier weights for more reps, and my overall endurance has improved drastically. Recovery time between workouts has also decreased, allowing me to maintain a consistent training schedule.
Natural and Safe Ingredients
I was cautious about trying any supplements because of all the horror stories you hear about artificial ingredients and potential side effects. What really appealed to me about Aizen Power Supplements is their focus on natural, safe ingredients. After doing my research, I felt confident that this was a product I could trust.
Improved Overall Wellbeing
The benefits of Aizen Power Supplements extend far beyond the gym. I've noticed a positive impact on my overall well-being. I have more stamina throughout the day, and I just feel better overall. It's given me that extra edge I needed to take my fitness journey to the next level.
Finding the Right Supplement for You
It's important to remember that everyone's body is different. What works for me might not work exactly the same for you. However, if you're looking for a natural supplement to enhance your workouts, improve your strength and endurance, and support your overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Aizen Power Supplements a try. Just like me, you might just find it to be the game changer you've been searching for.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this review is based on my personal experience. It's always best to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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kaythegayest · 2 years
Superhero/Villian Au
I'm was gone for a while, I would like to assure you that I didn't die.
Anyway, finalized character designs! (Let's be real, no one can read my handwriting. So I'll be translating everything)
Starting with the hero's,
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Aviate- Sky
Hero: Danger level: medium-high
Crimes committed: justified murder, Minor vandalism, manslaughter
-strict but kind, determined, outspoken
-friends with both Shade (see second panel) and Rogue (see third panel)
-out of all the hero's, he is the most hostile towards vigelates, believing them to be volatile threats to the public
-very defensive of the hero system
-favorite food is corn dogs
-engaged to Sun
-Calm under pressure
-has a pet parrot
What's in the pouch? A feather from his parrot, a red potion, hero ID, some rope (for restraining foes)
Power: Flight
Aviate's power is rather simple at first glance, but is very effective when it's used. Aviate, like the name suggests, can fly using holographic-looking wings, controlled by a combination of focus and arm movements. The wings largely follow Aviate's arm movements, however with enough concentration, he can move them on their own. The reason Aviate is the #1 hero, and what Makes it so powerful, is that it takes no endurance or stamina whatsoever to use. For example, Say he is chasing a criminal. The criminal is running as fast as he can, soon enough he runs out of breath, that's when Aviate swoops in, arresting him with little to no effort.
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Shade- Time
Hero: danger level- high
Crimes Committed: 3rd degree murder, lawful vandalism
- Sarcastic, irritable, collected,
-Rogue's (see third panel) mentor
-unlike Aviate, doesn't find a problem with vigelates, unless they get in the way
-knows full well the corruption of the hero system, but they do pay really well.
-Rather temperamental, but trys not to be
-has a annoyingly specific coffee order
-married to Malon
What's in the pockets? Anger Management medication, tape (for restraints), protein bar, Nokia phone (he needs a work phone that won't break), hero ID, pepper spray, Red potion
Power: Reactive Strength
Shade's ability builds off of his already powerful physical strength, and makes him stronger based on the intensity of his emotions. Rage is the best fuel for his power, multiplying his strength about ten times. However his power can be powered by any strong emotion. Doing as the fact that his power is emotion based, he needs to be extremely cautious with everyday situations, as anything could trigger his power. So as apposed to hurting someone, he elects to bottle up his emotions. Which makes his powers more powerful on the battlefield, however causes lasting problems with, and his mental state. He has prescribed anger management medication for when he needs to calm down, but he doesn't take is often as he's supposed to.
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Rouge- Twilight
Hero: danger level: medium-high
Crimes Committed: manslaughter, battery
-Loyal, protective, and decently petty
-is the only hero with permission to tamper interact with the evidence of a crime scene
-out of all the hero's, he is the most layed back about vigelates (and certain villains) leaving them with a warning as opposed to arresting them.
-Shade's protege
-(secretly) a mentor to Suspend (see fourth panel) and has a albeit shaky alliance with Thorn (see eighth panel)
-doesn't know the extent of the hero systems corruption, but knows enough to understand villains
-unlike the othe heroes, Rogue had 2 swords
-orders only basic white girl drinks at Starbucks.
What's in the harness? Latex gloves (no fingerprints allowed), a notebook, a pen, a Nokia phone (same reasoning as Shade), Empty bottles (storing evidence), handcuffs, Hero ID, health potion
Power: Tracking
Rogue has a more peculiar power, he has the ability to track someone down with dead accuracy using only something they have been in contact with. (ie: a piece of torn clothing, a left behind weapon, the persons blood, ect). He has gained the title "the bloodhound" with the media. Another thing about his power is whenever he uses it, he gets a almost feral impulse to hunt them. The strength of this urge is based on how close the person he's tracking is to his location. Rogue is scary because when he genuinely wants to, he can know your location, exactly what your doing, and how long it will take him to get there.
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Suspend- Wild
Vigilante: danger level: medium-high
Wanted for: aggravated assault, assault, battery, obstruction of the law, theft, vigilantism, Minor destruction of property, disturbance of peace, Minor vandalism
-Reckless, Easily distracted, Loyal, persistent
-Allies with Tetrad (see panel 5) and (friendly) acquaintances with Thorn
-Rogue's Protege, which gets a little complicated sometimes due to the whole your-entire-job-is-to-arrest-me thing.
-Became a vigelate when he realized that the heroes weren't protecting the poorer parts of town, so he decided to help the people the hero's weren't.
-he makes a very good vigelate despite his impulsive tendencies
-doesnt like coffee. Drinks monster energy instead. (Mipha does not approve)
What's on the harness? Stamina potion, climbing clips, (stolen) police radio, (stolen) taser, stun grenade. (He also has the rope across his chest)
Power: Time Manipulation
Suspend has a unique ability called time manipulation. He can slow down or speed up time around him while he remains at normal speed. This ability can be used for flurry rushes, sneak attacks, or even bullet time. Originally the media mistook his power for super speed which he had to correct the next time he saw a hero. There are two issues to his power. Not only does it sap his energy extremely fast, forcing him to carry around a stamina potion at all times, but also he hasn't completely mastered the power. He can't just slow down time whenever he wants. It's largely timing based, in the heat of the moment. The adrenaline rush allows him to temporarily unlock his power, but when the rush fades, he can't use it. he and Rogue are currently trying to figure out what triggers the power.
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Tetrad- Four
Vigelate: danger level- medium
Wanted for: vigilantism, obstruction of the law, wire fraud, theft
- subdued, rational, witty
-usually a loner but has a strong alliance with Suspend.
-prefers to stay out of the spotlight to avoid the hero's attention.
-he is very helpful to his community, fighting off criminals, walking drunk people home, ect. But comes off as more threatening then Suspend, who's more extroverted, when in reality he just doesn't want to talk. The community loves him nonetheless.
-when theres nothing to do on patrol, he reads. He's reading the Odyssey right now, or at least trying to. He has no idea what's happening.
What's in the backpack? Rope (restraints), flashlight, police tracker that notifies him about and where nearby crime is, his book, and thirty bang! snaps! (those little snappers you get for fireworks that you throw on the ground and they light up and are super loud. He uses those for stun grenades)
Power: Cloning
Tetrad has a rather unique power to clone himself a max of 4 times. these clones don't have separate personalities, and are more like to drones. He can use these clones as anything from distractions, to a extra pair of hands, getting multiple civilians out of danger. however, controlling multiple of these clones takes energy, so often times Tetrad will be exhausted after using them. He can't control the clones once they get too far away, so the moment he gets out of range, they'll just disintegrate. If a clone dies, he feels the effect, but very downgraded. If a clone gets burned alive, he'll get a blister. Stabbed? That might hurt a bit in the morning things like that.
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Thypoon- Wind
Villain: danger level- high
Wanted for: first degree murder, third degree murder, manslaughter, destruction of property, disturbance of peace, criminal mischief, vandalism, aggrieved assault, terrorism, anarchy
-reckless, charismatic, loyal
-Captain's (see panel 7) younger brother
-started being a villain mostly for fun, but then realized how horrible the system is and now he refuses to quit
-Captain doesn't let him drink coffee so he drinks fanta instead
- has a rivalry with Suspend after the vigelate told him he looked like he was seven. (He is not seven for your information)
-Allies with Hare (panel 9) and Thorn (panel 8)
What's in the pouch? Water bottle, smoke bombs, granola bar, device that send his location to Captain if he holds the button (wasn't his idea)
Power: Water Creation and Control
Despite his young age, Typhoon's power is terrifyingly efficient, the only consequences being dehydration, Typhoon can summon water, at will and can control its form, making it from a liquid to a gas or a solid. This can be used to make ice shields, changes in humidity, attacking with waves, drowning foes, water boarding etc. However, the more water he summons, the more dehydrated he gets. he will reach dangerous levels of dehydration, If not monitored.
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Captain- Warriors
Villain: danger level- medium
Wanted for: arson, anarchy, kidnapping, manslaughter, first degree murder, second degree murder, third degree murder, destruction of property, vandalism, terrorism
-Protective, Chatty, Sarcastic
-Thypoon's older brother
-Allies with Thorn(panel 8) and Hare (panel 9)
-friendlier then most villians, but that doesn't make him a good person
-actually never wanted to be a villain, but he found out wind was one, and decided "maybe if I'm out there with him he won't get hurt"
-Only drinks black coffee because he wants to look cool. He hates it.
-he talks when hes nervous so you could be fighting him and out of the blue he'd just say "your dog could be planning your murder and you wouldn't know" It doesn't happen often, because he's pretty good under pressure, but that's how you can tell he's actually anxious
What in the hoodie pocket? Athletic tape (he gets muscle pain), small knife, device that sends his location to Typoon if he holds down the button (was his idea), survivalist fire starter, gasoline in a bottle, red potion
Power: Paralysis
If he touches any part of you clothing included, then he can paralyze you temporarily, the closer he is to you, the longer you are paralyzed, the farther away he is the less time it takes for you to be able to move during paralysis, you are still fully conscious, usually he will pair up this ability with Typhoon's power, allowing the 2 of them to get hostages easier and more effectively. Their is no downside to his power and it can be used on multiple people. But the more people he has to paralysis, the shorter the paralysis lasts on the victims.
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Thorn- Hyrule
Villain: danger level, medium
Wanted for: theft, first degree murder, third degree murder, kidnapping, manslaughter, destruction of property, Anarchy
-friends and close Allies with Hare, Captain, and Typoon
-knows Hare's identity
-trys to avoid killing people, but it's occasionally needed.
-knows the hero system is corrupt, but doesn't blame the hero's for the state of the system since they can't control it.
- he likes vigelates, believing their everything the hero's can't be.
- He always feels guilty whenever he sees someone injured, so he'll toss a roll of bandages to them every now and again. Which is how he has so many Allies (some heros included)
What's in the pouch? Several bandage rolls, bandaids, medic kit, various packages of plant seeds, red potion
Power: Accelerated Plant Growth
Thorn carries pockets of seeds around at all times, while it seems like a weak weapon with thorns, power becomes a terrifyingly effective asset, Thorn can speed up, slow down, and control plant movement and growth. Just with a few scattered seeds, he can make a wall out of plants the size of a 2 story building.
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Hare- Legend
Villain: danger level- high
Wanted for: theft, arson, destruction of property, first degree murder, second degree murder, anarchy, attempted murder, hostage taking, kidnapping, drug possession with intent, non-consentual drug use
-Friend and close allie with Thorn
-knows Thorn's identity
-doesn't shy from murder
-believes the hero's themselves are corrupt
- picks fights with vigelates, believing them to be mo better then the heroes.
-has Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) (had to look it up)
What's in the cargo pants pocket? Stamina potion, candy, switchblade, rope, chalk (for hands), vials of anesthesia, a rag (for anesthesia)
Power: accelerated jumping and grip
Much like his ally, Thorn, Hare has a seemingly questionable power for villainy, until you see how he uses it, not only can he launch himself at foes, but he can also escape a crime scene very easily simply by going into a alleyway and jumping off building to building. He can get to people fast, or get away from them fast. What Makes Hare so deadly isn't his power, its his willingness to kill any, and all people who get in his way. He doesn't feel much remorse for killing people anymore. He's been doing this for year's.
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mmjjbbaannkkss · 11 months
Copasetic Bodybuilding Open Letter?
We have to look at the three training types that I know-of.
We have size, strength, and stamina. The combinations exist, obviously. What I basically know is:
My bodybuilding is for working on size, or was anyway, my veins have come to the surface, and while that's not inherently strange to gym rats, it's time for my cardio... that for example is doing 12 reps at 20lbs, then 30, ...60, etc, when I reach that limit, I might do targeted/spot training, hitting 60lbs x12 till I'm toast. Where efficacy loses to diminishing returns or loses out to recovery time. Unless you're in your garage, at work. IDK. The powerlifter has worked his way up to incredible weight, ie 750 let's say, at 4x reps, but isn't going running for 2hrs. The runner isn't squatting 200lbs, but 20, but can do that all day. Google: Twitch fibers. And surely some combinations exist, again like training camp, work, etc.
So there's this chasing the pump, the mind-muscle connection each rep that starts at volume, but isn't exclusive, inherent to the muscle maturation. Legs of steel, pythons for arms. The hypertrophy effectively pumps water, blood, and sweat into muscles, but takes a lot of energy, and fuel/nutrients. At first, work on strength in small doses, it's the foundation of powerlifters, bodybuilders, and athletes. (Bodybuilding is a sport btw.) Muscle maturity, muscle memory, instinctual contraction/protraction (pull, push) comes later.
There it becomes another instinct to tame, the ego inflates, the vanity crushes self-confidence, these are the mentioned gym rats. And there's something beneficial to cardio and prolonging the heart's lifespan.
You, oneself even, like healthy people. That's not a vanity of youth, it's that flippant and whimsical singleing mindset that objects to varying types of health. You can track your diet with a calorie counter app, without skipping meals, and peel off the fat, to show your muscles. You can do progressive (weight increases each set) overload for hypertrophy, you can prog. ov. one heavy weight at fewer reps and increase the weight each week, or you can run a little farther than you did yesterday. Like you were playing a game, then adolesence came, and it was more like adult-essence, sitting around, learning shit in general education instead of focusing on your major/vocational training. What you put into your actions will determine the results, yeah?
Mr Olympia was pumping iron backstage, AT the competition, so I based my hypertrophy training on flexing, even without the phone camera. Mind = blown. Yet, if someone asks me to hit my 1RM, I have to warm up to it, visualisation and practice are ideal. (and I have to start cardio, endurance, patience, because reasons.) Get a job, get healthy, then see what you need for work.
Bodybuilders can lose waterweight, in a week. If they have a high protein diet, when their muscles look for energy and water, they'll undergo catabolism, consuming the muscles for protein for the rest of the muscles, essentially shrinking. But the ego will suffer if you think size is more important than health, and the mind will panick if you don't know muscle maturity/experience can build back quickly, with rest, nutrition, proper form/movements.
Let me be really mean - you don't want to be on the 600lb people tv show, and running to the gym to save your life. Calorie counter app diets, google/yt video instructions. Mind muscle connection: experience the rep, or remember the rep, the advice crossword is hazy af for now.
You're doing this because it's expected, and tbh the roles have balanced a little, everyone looks the same now.
POSING: Dudes, that selfie is better if you activate your abs first, you're young, simple as an arm curl is still 1 rep, pump up, then take your shots. Chicks, try dancing to some metal, I personally like Deftones (maybe Rx Queen), but it's your reflection.
OH YEAH, google dot bard, has it's LLM in the current year and * dwarfs GPT's, it's a chatbot that remembers the conversation, but it's also Google. just type "act as a personal trainer." first, in your Q. Or tell it to act like whoever. Really amazing.
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vendettamuses · 10 months
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@maximuses said: The Second Sister was content that the rescue had gone well enough. There were some injuries to be shared among the Agency's forces, but they would all survive. Still, she couldn't help but notice a bitter taste in her mouth as she'd nursed Savage back to health. A tugging in her chest that'd ultimately made her more upset. Why did she feel so strongly? Why was she so drawn to someone like this? The last time she'd let herself get so attached to someone... Cere's name crossing her mind made Trilla flare with resentment. Even after the talks she'd shared with Rayn to come to an understanding of the situation. She knew Cere was only trying to save the Younglings. She knew Cere would never abandon her. She forgave her. But the Dark Side was powerful, and it kept a firm hold on Trilla's heart. Which is why when Savage had silently questioned the sudden influx of tension between them, she snapped. "You nearly got yourself killed. You weren't thinking of what could have happened rushing ahead of me like that." She watched him, eyes calculating as a cocktail of emotions built in her expression. She was regretting this already, but the words kept coming. "I'm more than capable of defending myself, you know. You were already injured! I could have-!" I could have lost you. "... We will work on your self preservation when you are ready to train. Rest." (muse almost got killed meme)
⚔️ Almost Killed Meme // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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Savage was not like his brother. He was not like Maul at all. He lacked the carefully concocted poise and subtlety that the former Sith possessed. He did not have wit and cunning in spades. Rather, Savage's strength was in his strength. Brute force, stamina, endurance. All that which made him a powerful, capable fighter. A Warrior. Yet at times, it still remained to be seen that there was some greater gentility that bled through the hardened visage of hatred that fed his power through the careful training of the Dark Side. Flickers of an old life in which his strength was used to protect rather than attack. Echoes of gentler, more considerate version of himself. Sometimes, it was more prominent than what he was now.
This had been one of those times.
There was no thought behind his actions. Only blind instinct. The old, almost primal urge to act in the defense of the Second Sister. Devotion in every swing of his lightsaber, ferocious protectiveness in ever snarl and swipe of his claws at the threat that persisted. He fought and fought, until he was disarmed. And even then, he fought on, until his muscles were taught with the grip of iron and rope, and he was forced to his knees. He bucked like a wild horse, refusing to break or be tamed, swinging his head about with such fury in the drive to catch something on his horns and gore them. Even in defeat, he refused to yield. The fight only left him when he turned to see that she had been left behind unarmed.
Only then did he allow them to lead him off like a lamb to slaughter. Docile. Unprovoked. As though he'd never been violent to begin with. Because as long as she was safe, his purpose was fulfilled. Damned be the torture, the starvation, and the cramped cage they left him to die in. Only when she came for him and he saw she was in danger again did the fight seem to return to him. Like a switch flipped on and off, a robot serving one purpose: to defend and nothing more. The drive, that devotion carried him until she was safe again. Only then did he allow himself to collapse from the exhaustion and the pain.
Awakening to her scolding was hardly pleasant. But comapred to how he'd been spoken to in the past, it was tame. He did not flinch, did not grimace. His expression remained blank and emotionless as she spoke. He watched her, blinking slowly, sluggishly. Allowing her her piece before response. "My job is to serve and protect you, Mistress. We are kin in our betrayal by the Sith, and so I give my loyalty and devotion to you. I am ready to give you my breath, my life."
The words might have been romantic. Might have been perceived as a confession of love if they weren't spoken so... plainly. As though he was simply stating a fact. As though the underlying subtext that he was nothing more than a servant, a tool, a weapon was normal. And perhaps that was what Savage saw himself as. Just another tool in someone's arsenal. A personal servant. A weapon with no other purpose than to simply destroy all who he deemed a threat. And at her dismissal, he leaned back and closed his eyes, thinking nothing of it. The switch flipped off.
The tool was put away for now.
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How's your day been our wonderful cult leader. I must say your newest fic is amazing and I hope I'm not being a pain by asking for some steamy spacegravity headcanons if that's ok with you
Aw thank you so much! That’s probably a tad more than i deserve since I was just looking at it to show my sister and caught two very bad mistakes. Ben who i only know Be. Anyway!
I do actually have in mind a steamy fic I want to write as well as slot a scene into the 60s au and just do a separate one. I dunno yet. I’m always super confident thinking about writing smut but getting into actually writing it I’m like “oh my gosh why did I think I could do this” (spoiler alert- I take everything I do, including smut, too seriously) so stay tuned! A true fic will happen! For now? Headcanons!!!
18+ content ahead!
Their first time would be literally so clumsy and awkward. Which would be the Higher Love scene since it’s very obvious in episode 3 they hooked up after that adorable kiss.
Let me explain-
Luther has never had a real relationship and he’s canonically stated he’s never had friends and never left the house. And it is canon that the rave girl was his first time. He was drunk and all sorts of stuff when that happened so it’s like- how much does he remember? How much of that did the lady take the lead on? Ya know?
I mean, he’s definitely seen porn but probably not a lot of it. He gets how sex works in theory but actually doing it is a lot different but he’s got 30 years of being touch and loved starved to push him through.
Sloane is in the same boat I think. She’s never left the house either and is as bond to the Sparrows as Luther was to the Umbrellas.
He may not be a thirty year old virgin but she definitely is (well… 29)
But she’s not wholly innocent. Something tells me this girl is a reader. Film and literature are the way to go for escapism (speaking as a professional lol) so she’s definitely read some books with sex scenes and she’s definitely read books who’s whole thing is sex. Even if they’re trashy she’s probably read some and she’d die if any of her siblings ever found out.
So their first time would be figuring the specifics out but they get it pretty quick. Quick enough to do it on the ceiling.
Now obviously they have sex in her bed too since Fei mentions Sloane’s bed squeaks.
But that scene- the LOOK Fei gives Luther after she says “kept me up all night” drives me fucking insane like they are doing SOMETHING
He’s gotta be pretty impressive or something. Like these two hook up a lot.
His dirty talk could be pretty good.
Nah- headcanon it is good. Like, he may be clumsy pretty normally but Luther’s sexy talk is out of this world (pun intended). He somehow knows exactly what to say and how to say it- like a low and sensual voice. You’d never believe he was the same guy.
I’m also on team “Luther has a big dick” and I think once he gets the hang of things he knows how to use it. Also? Hot take/headcanon part of Luther’s super power is endurance/stamina 👀
Luther may not have gotten adventurous with his porn search history but Sloane has read some wild books so this girl has a check list of things she wants to try. It was definitely her idea to do it on the ceiling. Between her powers and her imagination-
They may not be super kinky but I think they definitely have some kinkier moments. They may not go full 50 Shades (a book Sloane def read) but what couple doesn’t want to try being tied up?
Though- it probably becomes a game. Starting with Sloane being the one tied up and having to use her sparrow skills to get out of it before she finishes and if she can do that she edges/teases him for a bit or something.
Luther can’t play that game. It would have to be some super thick rope or something because he can just super strength his way out.
This has been sitting in my drafts too long I’m gonna go ahead and post it rip
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