#but AGHHHHHH go read it
shaykai · 1 year
You ever read a fic that’s just ✨✨✨✨✨✨perfect✨✨✨✨✨✨
Tags are a rambly mess but go read For The Forgotten Ones n o w
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woah-i-am-here · 3 months
Me, coming back from college and seeing the notes, missed messages and all the new Alenoah content that spawned while I was gone:
What the heck did I miss?!?!
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rowanisawriter · 3 months
gale nose boop… save me….
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tortademaracuya · 1 year
I keep running out of time and changing my sentences in the middle of saying them ajsusjdkdkdk aaggggggg i dont want to do the presentation on monday :(
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arolesbianism · 4 months
Y'know now that I'm seeing a small handful of ppl actually giving a shit abt oni lore it's making it so much harder to not become a nerd emoji every five seconds anytime I see someone talk abt oni because I forget that every source of oni information is comically outdated
#rat rambles#oni posting#I have had my fair bit of mistenteripitations as well I have to fight myself every day to not go and delete a bunch of old posts#I wont delete them because they are a catalog of me getting into oni and thats rly important to me but also aghhhhhh#I was wrong abt so much shit that wasnt even because of misenterpretation just me being bad at reading lol#Im still learning new things every time I revisit the logs because I am that prone to misreading and glazing over things#which is why I Really need to finish up and post all the logs so that other ppl can double check with me lol#well in theory theres still not That many ppl interested in lore and Im not even sure if said ppl would see my catalog#but I still want ppl to have an actually complete source for this stuff so Ill probably start cleaning it up more tomorrow#I also will have to go double check that I didnt miss anything because it's very likely I did#it wont be too hard to clean up just annoying since its copy and pasted from the code#again its just abt cleaning it up so that its a bit more readable#I will keep in the name of each log in the files because I think thats information that ppl should be able to access#yknow in case you wanna read it in game without having to hunt it down#for context you can manually unlock a log in one of the oni folders where log unlocks are stored#you can just open it on a note app or smth and add the logs you wanna unlock and it should add them#I haven't done it myself but Ive done similar stuff and its not hard as long as you know the file names#not saying ppl Should cheat in the logs just that I want those who want to to have the option#now my biggest problem is that I dont actually know which logs are spaced out logs#idk maybe theres a way to tell in the files but chances are Ill just have to leave it unspecified for now#I also might end up digging up any set piece item descriptions since while the vast majotity of them are very much not lore relevant#I know at least 2 (3 To Me) are and if I include those and not others thatd just feel weird#its a similar thing I had with the artifacts where the line between lore relevant and not gets blurred the more I include#so yeah Ill start with just logs and artifacts and Maybe do setpiece building descriptions if I feel up to it#but if any of you find the jackie's office setpiece in your saves then know that you have access to both my favorite setpiece and one of my#favorite lines of text in the game Period#its maybe not that big of a deal but it is 2 Me Ok#and to be clear its not jackies desk although I do love that one too girlie is not over her divorce#anyways time to shower and think abt sploon toon some more since well yknow
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this week is. hm. not great. yes i am aware it’s only tuesday
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wannab-urs · 8 months
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The Spreadsheet Digest - Vol 25
Hi Friends!!
It has been... a week. I didn't get a whole lot of reading done. But I did absolutely adore every single thing I read this week. I think, if I can count, I read 12 new fics this week. Also tried out yet another new format: Author summaries (or my quick one if there wasn't one) included with the rec.
As always you can find all of my previous fic recs here. Feel free to tag me in your fics and I'll add them to my TBR (please understand that my TBR is long as hell and it might take a while for me to get to it)
Fic recs below the (baby) Pedro!
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Me and My Husband a Din series by @beskarandblasters
Summary: Din Djarin is doing what any typical Mandalorian would be doing after reclaiming Mandalore, finding a riduur and settling down. He’s still a member of the Guild on Nevarro, taking bounties here and there to support his new family. But when he meets you while you’re working the front desk at an inn on Naboo, he finds himself hooked, feeling like he’s found something new and exciting in his now mundane life. How long can he keep up appearances with his riduur? And how long can he keep his little secret with you?
This is the first married!Din series I’ve ever seen (not saying it doesn’t exist, but I haven’t seen it), so this is for my infidelity loving Din Girlies. I love how awkward and just plain bad at flirting Din is in this. And you’ll hear this a lot from me in my reblogs but POOR MAY!! I’m so excited for the rest of this series. 
Oh, Honey a Joel series by @lincolndjarin 
Summary: you’ve been given a gift. a fresh start in a brand new place, the sleepy little town of Honey, WV. a distant aunt has passed away and left you a little plot of land and her camper, the stars must be aligning for you because the local mortician is looking for an assistant and you’re desperate for the work experience. your new employer even offers to set you up with her brother-in-law! things are looking up, you’ve got a brand new home, a new town, a hot date, (and thanks to a series of bear attacks that started immediately after your arrival) you have more than enough work to keep you busy!
Oh look Gin is reading another monsterfucking fic…. Shocker. But anywayyyy, I love the buildup in this. It’s got such a good suspenseful plot. And I love that reader goes a lil off the rails and everyone is fuckin gaslighting her aghhhhhh. Oh also baby Ellie is in this and that is adorable. The lore and the worldbuilding in this are to die for, I feel like I’m reading a mystery novel. 
A Heart For Eating a Joel series by @motherofagony
Summary: a vicious raider attack robs you of human connection and lights a fire of destruction in your life in jackson. joel's fixated on you, and your lives tangle. revenge becomes a needful thing.
I love Joel’s characterization in this so much. He’s a grumpy bastard, but he’s got that wonderful protective caregiver thing going on. If you’re a fan of some mild love as consumption, injured men (and taking care of them (joel)), christ side wounds, and gorgeous storytelling this is the one. 
Go Ahead, I dare ya a Javi P two shot by @chronically-ghosted
Summary: 1. No sex. 2. No touching yourself. 3. No orgasms. 4. No murdering your annoying DEA partner. A Javier Peña-shaped riff on that iconic Star Wars fic.
The TENSION!!!! The BUILDUP!!!! This fic drove me crazy dude. It’s so will they won’t they the whole fucking time right up until they do. Javi is perfectly written and reader is a perfect match for his bullshit. 
Wet Work a Frankie one shot by @loversandantiheroes
Summary: Frankie accidentally discovers how to make you squirt
I???? It’s a fic where Frankie makes you squirt three times like what else do I even have to say? It’s on your kitchen table! And you call him a good boy! This fic is devastatingly hot. 
Frankie Breathplay Drabble a Frankie drabble by @ozarkthedog 
Summary: Frankie chokes you while you ride him
Got tagged in this lovely little drabble and ummmm oh my god? Breathplay is a little bit of an understatement for what this is. It borders on dark!frankie (in my personal opinion), which I adore. He’s choking you out while you ride him. Like that’s what’s happening. Asphyxiation but make it sexy. 
Real Gods Require Blood a Joel one shot by @proxima-writes
Summary: You think you’re as good as dead when a band of raiders find you. In what you think are your final moments, an angel appears. His name is Joel Miller, and he is here to deliver you from evil.
CULT JOEL! CULT JOEL!!! I love how fucking scary Joel is in this. It’s like if the stuff that happened to canon joel got all mixed up with some religious trauma and made him go a little crazy. I loved this so much. It was quietly terrifying, beautifully written. I love the ending so much too… not gonna spoil it but AHHHH
The Locksmith a The Thief series by @oonajaeadira 
Summary: A Thief you’ve known for years and have conflicting feelings for brings you a gift. The gift is a not only a puzzle in itself, but part of a larger mystery, one only you can crack.
I’m like 3 or 4 chapters into this series and I love it so much. The Thief with a locksmith reader is just such a good idea and I love how he ropes her into situations. He’s such a smooth talker ugh. The opera chapter? Pls. I gotta go finish this series now actually AH. 
The Haunting of Dieter Bravo a Dieter one shot by @idolatrybarbie
Summary: "ghosts aren't real, except when they are."
As a paranormal horror slut, it really felt like this fic was written for me… (f’me, if you will, Bea). Dieter being Dieter and reader being done with his shit and then they get HAUNTED. I love it. The suspense is so good. I was actually a lil freaked out. 
Everyone at this party's a vampire a Dieter one shot by @idolatrybarbie
Summary: "you look so pretty like this."
This is funny because Dieter is an idiot, but reader is so hot??? Anyway sexy vampire lady lures Dieter’s dumbass into getting murked and it’s wonderful.
Intimidation Tactics a Dave/Marcus P series by @whataperfectwasteoftime
Summary: You and your partner, Marcus Pike, are investigating a case that brings you far too close to something much more dangerous than your average art thief. 
I haven’t quite finished this yet (actually just got to the big action scene), but I am so in love with this fic. I already adore the way Penny writes Marcus, but then we get her Dave too. And Dave has all these elements of movie Dave – badass, sexy, a little scary – but we also get to see him be sweet and protective and playful and I love it so much. And then also I think everyone knows I’m a big ol slut for a MMF fic and the dynamic between Marcus and Dave is so fucking good. Little baby enemies to lovers plotline and GOD their chemistry is off the charts. 
Just Friends a Javi P two shot by @joelsgreys
Summary: You’re planning to have sex for the first time and you’re nervous—Javi offers to show you a thing or two, but just as friends of course.
I really love the way Vee writes Javi, man. He’s arrogant, annoying, rude, snarky… but also protective, sweet, and very ummmm giving. The banter is fuckin unmatched. And the mutual pining? PLEASE. I’m obsessed. 
Apologies to anyone whose series I normally keep up with... I've been a lil scatterbrained.
Happy Reading!
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Not prepared for this
So I started my reread for the first time in a few years and holy shit you guys, this book destroyed me when I was thirteen but I genuinely don't know if i'll get through it now that I'm nineteen. Like, I literally just read the first chapter and i just- man. Maybe it's because I can understand Darry a lot more now at nineteen than I could when I was younger, or maybe it's because my own little brothers are currently Ponyboy and Soda's ages respectively but just WOW it's already tearing into me. Like, part of me is reading this and just aching because geez this poor fourteen year old kid, but another part of me is FEELING Darry's anger/worry because the kid he's responsible for just got JUMPED and he always has his head in the clouds and doesn't truly understand the precarious position and danger he's in all the time and that's his BABY BROTHER and aghhhhhh I just know I'm going to be a whole different person again when I finish it
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adviceformefromme · 3 months
I would love to have your insight on my issue or crisis.
I'm now living alone. I moved out (I used to live with a family friend, but she has an awful character, and I always get sick there due to being stressed out/overworked, I worked for her because she owns a business, and she isn't paying me enough, she pays me a quarter and even less from everyone else), and I was supposed to have a job, I applied, get hired and all that but it didn't turned out well. So, now I'm unemployed, and I'm looking for a job again. But it's been over a month, and my anxiety is skyrocketing. I'm so worried over the next few weeks because I might run out of money, and I have pills to pay, food, and everything else. I am budgeting what's left to fit all my expenses. I am so worried. I don't have anyone I can confide to, ask for help, or anything. I feel so alone and miserable. I really don't know what to do anymore.
I'm still currently applying for a job, hopefully I'd get hired as soon as possible. But as of the moment, this situation is really taking a toll on my well-being. I can't sleep, and I'm constantly worrying about what might happen to me tomorrow, the next few days and weeks. I'm so stressed out. I really don't know what to do anymore.
Thank you for reading this. Would love to have your advice on this one. Love lots, and take care always xx.
Hey sweetie, omg I FEEL you! I have been there. I was thrown out and had no were to go when I was 19 and I was literally desperate. I had no money, no job and also when I was 21 same thing. As difficult as this situation is, you have to believe it's literally the moments before your break through, and this is where your task is to trust and lean into faith. I know you have a vision, of where you want to be, i know you are trying your very best to get there, or even just get on the path there so keep focusing on what you want, nothing less. Pour all your energy into where you want to be. Not who screwed you over, not how difficult life is. IGNORE THE 3D. Focus all your mental energy on where you want to be. This is going to require you to be pro-active in thinking positively. Things you can do right now to help yourself. 1] Grab a pen and paper or the notes in your phone. Write down exactly what you want. The vision. Let go of what you don't want otherwise you're dragging more of that into your future. Write about the dream job, where it is, what you wear to work, what time you wake up, what your new boss is like, get into DELULU. Make shit up. Be creative. As long as you write in present tense. I AM. Keep doing this. Time yourself for 5 mins writing (longer if you can). You also want to imagine the phone call receiving the good news. Just keep pretending 'OMG THEY OFFERED ME THE FUCKING JOB AGHHHHHH' literally go there, this is your oscar moment. Let the tears stroll down because you are so happy, the struggle is finally over. Pretend you're on the phone to your imaginary boyfriend telling him the best news about your new job. Imagine getting the keys to your dream apartment. As crazy as this all sounds the most important thing you do is FEEL into where you want to be, and do this as often as you can throughout the day. Become obsessed with your vision. Put hourly timers on your phone, the main goal is to move you out of the darkness you are in right now. 2] Listen to positive music. Let go of the depressing shit, listen to beautiful songs that make you feel hopeful, energised. Binural beats, pop music that uplifts you, harp playlists on youtube, whatever lifts your spirits, use sound to assist you. 3] Go for a run! Running is free. Is allows you to free your mind, shift your energy and realise some of the weight of the world. 4] Stop talking about what you don't want. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES speak from this moment on, about what you do not want. Don't speak on it. Words are spells, make sure you are only speaking on GOOD NEWS. If anyone asks you about your job search, tell them its going well and you're feeling like something good is about to happen. Pause mid sentence if you find yourself speaking negatively. 5] GET PREPARED. Mentally, physically. I'm not sure what country you are in but there are charities like 'Dress for Success' (globally) that help women with free work clothes, my friend used to volunteer there and they have incredible designer clothes they donate to women for work purposes. See what support is available to you and lean into it. 6] PRAY. Speak words to the unseen, ask for a sign, guidance, a job today, some money to come from somewhere, whatever feels natural for you. Lean on prayer for support. There is a GOD available to you, ready to help. Speak to him, ask him for help, don't be shy, if you're mad, if you're upset let him know. He is there for you, and will help and change your life. He has changed my life so much and I trust he can and will do the same for you. When you feel like you have no-one, I promise you, if you lean on God he will change your life like you could never imagine. I hope these points help sweetie. Sending all the love xoxoxox
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squash1 · 11 months
THANK YOU FOR ALSO LOVING GREYWAREN that book made me go from slightly obsessed with this whole little universe to being VERY obsessed, and I suspect I'll never stop being a menace about it <3 it did THINGS to my psyche
i know u just said some favorite scenes from greywaren, but as a fellow lover of that book, I just have to know: what are some other things u really love about it?
declan lynch autistic child core. as a child i was exactly like child declan and it warms my heart.
jordan and declan are the best couple and if anyone tries to say they’re not u should shut up. (i love all the couples equally but i love them more).
hennessy is so fucking funny like what an icon. her hatred of pennsylvania is so special to me. i don’t even hate pennsylvania i just admire her commitment to the cause.
the thing with declan’s moth. enough said
also declan and adam bonding and (this is mister impossible but whatever) meeting up to have a Ronan Lynch Support Squad Consultation….yes.
the juxtaposition of niall and ronan in the chapters at the barns. aghhhhhh. and the glimpses into niall’s past like…..i wouldn’t call it a redemption arc but the careful way he is humanized WITHOUT being redeemed. and seeing what ronan saw in him. but also what declan saw
on the seventh day the lynch brothers became friends again. BECAME FRIENDS AGAIN
but basically. if trc is a coming-of-age series where you see these kids delighting in and struggling with the magic on the edge of adulthood. the dreamer trilogy is like the loss of childhood innocence. cdth and mi are ROUGH at points. it’s much harsher feeling than trc, more heavy and sad and action-packed and suspenseful. and greywaren is like…the tentative peace you make at the end of the transition to adulthood. ronan’s finding his feet, seeing old friends, proposing. declan is settling down, letting go of his childhood wounds. it’s not an ending really but it’s where things start to be okay. and that’s how it feels. and that’s why (for all the plot holes and rushed pacing blah blah blah) it’s so. fucking. good.
AND CAN I JUST SAY. all the ppl who say that post-TRK pynch became “bad” and “toxic” and “isn’t as good as in trc” and “they shouldn’t be together anymore”……..i hate those ppl w my whole heart bc. i’m sorry, but if you read the scene in greywaren where their, like, celestial soul energies found each other in dreamspace and reconciled and apologized and forgave (in. disembodied dream soul form…whatever) and WERE WANTED THEY WERE WANTED THEY WERE WANTED and decided to love and help and heal one another and you STILL think that???? i just don’t know how to help you!!! sorry u can’t enjoy mature healthy relationships where people have gone through bad periods and so the relationship suffered for a while and then they recalibrated and decided to continue to grow together, but i’m built different :))
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
Sorry I tried leaving this as comments on your reply to my ask but there was just too much waffle and it was all jumbled so I’m putting it here😂😂
Sorry it took me a MARATHON of time to reply to, I can’t explain how pleased it makes me that this comment made your day bc honestly every time you update it always seems to be during a v tough week and it’s just this ultimate stress relief and enjoyment that I so so love🥹
Just to quickly waffle about what you said, I’m so appreciative of how you fret over the characters sounding real bc it pays off SO MUCH and though I’m still of the mind that you’ve been given this unique ability to read their minds, I can recognise it must take so much studying of their characters and the words you choose and to have such a phenomenal skill <3333
And honestly I LOVE watching him have all these realisations through Suzy bc it’s so real and so satisfying and I’m so excited (but also terrified bc poor woman how do you compete with soul mates) to see how everything unfolds between them all.
And the LITTLE DETAILS that you should honestly trademark bc you do them so well 😭 but I literally have this growing list in my mind that I need to write down cause they make my heart flutter they’re so intimate and careful :’) I could literally waffle about them all day.
You’re so right, they have SUCH a special dynamic, and often I find it frustrating with real life ships bc it’s not like with films where though characters can be deep they have a specific kind of basis to them which fits a role. Real people are so complex and so it’s not 24/7 that someone gets them so right that you feel like you’re watching a segment of their lives (milex writers in general do tend to have an uncanny ability to write them brilliantly) but with you it feels like everything you write can just be added on to their actual interactions and it’s perfection.
I’m so so pleased that my ramblings had an impact on getting your confidence back to heights it should be at because I rlly can’t explain how brilliant you and your writing are so thank you thank you for all the work you put into it. I’m SO EXCITED for the next chapter 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and one day I’m gonna go into the absolute insane perfection that is the sex scene in chapter 8 bc the realism, build up, and EMOTIONS as well as pure sexyism (almost put sexism there which wasn’t quite right 😂) is just one of the best and sauciest things I’ve ever read.
Also trying to add a cute lil milex hug gif to this is impossible bc they’re all far too sexually charged or emotionally unstable 😂
hiii lovely!! 💝 oh my goddddddd i swear your asks just leave me a blushing, giddy mess every single time 😭😭
i'm so glad to hear that my updates always seem to manage to coincide with a time where they're able to provide you with a little bit of comfort and escapism 🥺
honestly i've always just found other people fascinating, and have found myself imagining what the world might be like through their eyes for as long as i can remember! it's been so much fun to get to really delve deep into that in this fic, so i really love that you notice and appreciate that side of it 🥰🥰 aghhhhhh. it truly just means so much to hear that you feel i capture something real about alex and miles and their dynamic in this fic, thank you 🥺
also STOP your flailing about the smut scene is too sweet 😭 i am SO glad you felt all the build up and emotions worked, and honestly any time you feel like going into it, please don't hold back - i am more than happy to hear your thoughts! it was hands down one of my favourite bits of the whole fic to write, actually 🥰
once again your utterly lovely words have lifted my spirits so much, thank you for your kindness and generosity in taking the time to share your experience of reading four walls with me 💖 you're an absolute gem and i cannot WAIT for your to read chapter nine! (which will be posted tomorrow... 😉)
(god you were not wrong about the milex hug gifs, were you?! aghhh they're both so ridiculous 😭😭 anyway here, have them being their silly, playful selves having the best time together! sending you all the best vibes for your weekend 💜🌟)
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geo-winchester · 1 year
Aghhhhhh!! I LOOVE your writing!!! Can I request an imagine with jealous Jimmy Keene or Taron? U can choose whoever u want xx
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Hi lovely anon!! I hope you don’t hate me because all the time it took me to wrote this, but it’s finally here and I hope this was what your expecting! Thanks so much for your request and If you have any other request don’t doubt to send me an ask I may take a lote of time but be sure that I’m going to write it!! If you want to read one of my others stories about taron here’s my masterlist, lots of love 💙💙💙
Taron’s masterlist
It’s been a while since you've been in your hometown. Not even Taron knows the place even if you’re been dating for almost a year, yes he met your family when they visited you, and they love him, he was just as excited as you were, he even looked more excited than you were. You notice his big smile when you are on the plane.
-What?- he asked you -am I have something on my face?- he asked as he used his phone as a mirror, you couldn’t help but giggled.
-There’s nothing wrong with your face…
-So you think I’m hot- he said, you rolled your eyes before you smiled.
-You wouldn’t be in this flight if you weren’t.
-So you just love me because I’m hot- you pretend to think.
-It’s one of the reasons- you said before you gave him a quick kiss.
-What other reason?- he asked you.
-There’s a ton of reasons, cariño- you said -but right now is to see how excited you are to visit my hometown.
-Are you kidding me? Why could I won't be excited? I am going to see the city where you grew up, I want the whole tour of Yn's life…
-The what?- You asked.
-You know, I want to see the house where you grew up, where you studied, where you went with your friends, meet your friends… all of it.
-They’re excited to meet you, we’re going to see them at a bar we used to go to.
-This is going to be amazing- you smiled at him -what?
-Nothing I really love you- you said, he got close to you and gave you a quick kiss.
-I love you too- he said -and I love it when you talk to me in Spanish.
When you get to your hometown it didn’t take you a lot of time to have the tour he wanted to, you took him to your old schools, parks where you spend your days, or museums you like to visit, and to one of your favorite places where you love to eat. You didn’t know why but you were kind of nervous about Taron meeting all your friends, yes he met a few of them but he hadn't met all of them, it was until you were at the bar and you saw Luis waving at you with a big smile. The story with Luis was complicated, your story began as friends, you support each other in many ways, you studied together and for many years you were just friends until one night after a couples of drinks you end up in your apartment kissing each other, so you decide to date and that story as lovers end before you moved out but your friendship didn’t end.
-Yn, te ves increíble (you look amazing)- he told saw you as he hugged you.
-Hey Luis- you said and turned to Taron -cariño this is Luis, one of my oldest friends, we used to stay up all night studying when we were in college.
-Hicimos otras cosas también (we did other things too)- he said with a wink.
-Compórtate y se amable (behave and be nice)- you told him.
You introduce the rest of your friends as they keep showing up. At one point the two of you got separated, Taron was laughing with the rest of your friends but when Luis got into the group he was tense, he relaxed in a few seconds but you saw the look he gave to Luis. A few minutes later Luis went to the bar and before you knew it he gave you your favorite drink, you thanked him before you started to search for Taron, you barely saw him getting outside the place. When you joined him he was outside lighting a cigarette, you took him and threw it away.
-Ni lo creas (don’t think about it), this shit is going to kill you- you said, he rolled his eyes.
-Like you care, maybe if I was that prick you let me do whatever I want- he noticed the surprise in your eyes.
-What the hell are you talking about?
-You know well, I notice the look you gave to him when he got into the bar, how he knows your favorite drink, and the looks he gave to you- he clenched his fist -but it’s ok, I’m not going to be in his way- that’s when you realized what’s happening.
-Eres un idiota (you’re an idiot)- you said as you push him -did you really were going to leave me here because of him?- you said -so that excitement and those “I love you” were bullshit, at the moment someone of my past appear you were ready to back off? Thanks a lot.
-I’m not saying that!- he said, frustrated.
-So what's going to fight for my honor?- You joked making him giggle, the two of you sat on the sideway.
-So the two of you… it was serious?- you sighed before you shrugged.
-I don’t really know, we broke up before I moved to London, we were friends and I tell him everything, and I´m not going to lie to you there were this part of me that want to get back together- he nod -but I never saw a future with him and everything changed when this guy begged me to talk to his friend because he was too coward to talk to me.
-He was so idiotize by you that he couldn’t think of a way to talk to you- he said with a smile.
-I have to thank Richar again for that day again- you said.
-I’m sorry for got jealous, I just got angry because I feel he was a better boyfriend material because he knew you more…
-Hey- you interrupted him and make him look at you -Yes he knows a lot about me because we’re friends but the guy I love is you, and you’re the one who is going to take me home at the end of the night and complain about my cold feet in the night- he smile before he gave you a quick kiss.
-I love you- he said.
-Yo tambien te amo- you told him as you kiss him again -come on we can go home and watch a movie.
-Or we can go inside so you can have time with your friends.
-Are you sure?- you asked him, he nodded in response.
-Yes, beside I can still fight for your honor- he whispers, making you laugh.
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brandycranby · 1 year
one thing about us is we will combine our interests! so i present to you: soft thoughts about you and jake jensen — animal crossing new horizons edition! 🤍
when he completes his museum, jake asks you to go over to his island for a virtual (but in-person) date night. he says you two can walk around and read all the facts on the signs together. you arrive at his island and he’s waiting for you in front of the museum. when jake’s character gives yours a flower in your favorite color, it’s hard to do anything but giggle into his shoulder as his arm around you pulls you even closer.
on the custom design app, you make a few designs for jake that are a copy of the t-shirts he owns in real life and he loves it so so much.
you don’t think there’s anyone else in the world who uses the nookphone camera app as much as jake. when you finally get your favorite villager on your island, he wants a picture of you 3 together. when you gift him clothing that matches the outfit your character has on, jake quickly puts it on his character so he can get a cute photo. when you’re giving him a tour of your remodeled island, he insists on taking a picture of you in front of your pretty garden of cross-pollinated flowers.
jake is a bit of a history nerd and this extends to art history. when redd visits your island, jake is always happy to help you choose the real artwork. he never has to look it up and it impresses you every single time.
with jake’s military background and line of work, he’s used to living and doing tasks by a schedule. he has a sleep schedule and doesn’t oversleep. lounging in bed is different; he has no problem with that, especially if it’s next to you. jake feels comfort from your presence under the warm sheets, even if you’re still asleep. very rarely does he go past a certain number of hours a night. so on sunday mornings when he’s awake and you keep drifting in and out of sleep, he grabs your switch to help you buy turnips from daisy mae while he cuddles you.
aghhhhhh tt!! 🥺🥺 I love and cherish all of these headcanons so much!!! 🫶🏻💕💕
yes yes going through the entire museum, sitting on the benches together while you're cuddling together irl. or would it be cuter if you were in separate rooms? hehe going into the bug section together and spending time in the pretty fountain room (also screaming and running away from the spider tree, it jumpscared me today 🥲)
his sd card will get so full aaaa but i love that. maybe he's like that irl too. at his niece's soccer games? at your first day of work or promotion or whatever? on a roadtrip? photos, photos, photos. ooo secretly artsy jake? mr art history? photography whiz?? im loves him
hehe tomorrow will be my first time meeting daisy mae (i'm excited - she's so cute) and i'm nervous 😖 jakey needs to take over the stalk market for me, im no good at these things. i see ur veteran jakey details, i love u for it!! hehe just bc he wakes up early doesn't mean he needs to leave me all cold in bed 😌
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foreverisntenough · 2 months
Aghhhhhh finally a baby AA!!!! Cannot wait for Chapter 30 and Trent to find out xxx
The final part is out! Go read Chapter 30 now 🥺
Let me know what you think of the series overall! What you want to happen in ‘Ours’ I can’t wait for it. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and the whole fic! 🫶 ily
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your writing is fucking amazing (you've written like 3/5 of my favorite fics currently and i didn't even realize AHHHHHHHH)
"the poem ends, soft as it began (i loved my friend)" DUDE. every time i need to cry i go back and reread this because it's so cathartic???? the premise of john being trapped in his dead friend's corpse. and the way he TALKS TO HIMSELF WITH ARTHURS VOICE. AND THE VISCERAL SOBBING WHEN HE COMES BACK. fuck. it's so good. i can't think anything similar to "i loved my friend" without being reminded of this fic. /vpos
"in vino veritas" goddddd they get to be CONTENT and SOFT and LOVE EACH OTHER and john gets to talk about things!!!!!!
"oh, i love you so much (it scares me half to death)" god fuck this is my favorite "john has a body" concept and i've never seen anyone else do it!!!!!! like yes he can curl up in arthur's brain like a cat!!!!!!! and those two singing to the baby aghhhhhh i have no words
anyway i was rereading the poem ends and needed to see what else u wrote which led me to discover this. gonna go read formaldehyde bc i keep hearing how good it is
this is so incredibly kind!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰thank you very much, that's so very sweet!!! there's so many fun mechanics to dig into with writing malevolent -thank you very much for letting me know you enjoyed them!
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I don’t know how I feeeeeeeeel I’m just jittery and unable to settleeeeeeeeeeee 26 hours of waiting to go bleh. liz & alex are househunting all morning and early afternoon. I need a project to distract myself but also I just kind of want to mindlessly scroll and let myself float in this weird bleh state of limbo. but let’s see how about this:
9-10:30 mindlessly scroll or maybe read fic
10:30-11:30 maybe walk the dogs and listen to a hockey podcast or idk maybe not or go for a short run or something idk
11:30-1 hang out with liz/alex on their break
1-2 shower/get ready
2-6ish hang out… maybe go to the lake… idk
6:30 dinner with everyone + my sister
watch the bear
blah blah that should kill the day and then tomorrow I’ll just have to kill time from like 6am to 10:30am 🫠🫠🫠
gonna talk out some stuff behind the cut
here are the possible outcomes tomorrow:
everything looks fine and my doctor confirms the pregnancy is still viable
doctor determines the pregnancy is ectopic and counsels taking meds to end things
doctor determines the pregnancy is located in the uterus but isn’t developing normally (blighted ovum or missed miscarriage or something else) and counsels a D&C or waiting to miscarry or further testing
doctor can’t make a determination and schedules me for further bloodwork and/or ultrasounds once I’m further along
I decided I wanted to go on my own because I don’t want to feel responsible for managing or responding to someone else’s reaction on top of my own… if it’s bad news I want time to process it by myself before I have to talk to anybody. I am going to walk to the appt tomorrow morning and if it’s bad news I’ll probably want to go on a long walk around the neighborhood to be by myself with my feelings for a while. liz and alex have a couple other viewings scheduled shortly after so I can just wander around till they leave and then go back to the house to be alone for an hour or two. there was a period of time earlier in the week where I thought I wouldn’t get too upset again because I did so much pre-grieving last week when I got the first results back and I felt kinda hollowed out by that, but unfortunately five days of renewed hope and hopeful planning has kinda erased all that pre-grieving and now I think I’ll just be really, really sad again. like I’m already crying about it now and we’re still 26 hours out from any new information. I just want this baby to make it! I just want this to be it! but I know there’s a decent chance things won’t work out. I’m seven weeks tomorrow and still so very firmly in “it’s way too early // the risk of things not working out is still way too high” territory. I just wish I could fast forward to tomorrow morning. it feels like the first IUI cycle where I hadn’t yet accustomed myself to waiting or learned how to stop calendar watching and so every single second just seemed to drag by impossibly slowly. aghhhhhh okay. I just feel like I would feel more if I was really pregnant instead of just intermittently queasy and irritable. but I felt exactly like this last weekend when I was convinced my symptoms were gone and it turned out my HCG levels were busy tripling in that time. so idk idk. just want this day to PASS
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