#but Buggy is the exception ?
camembri · 2 months
ace's first on screen presence has him wearing both a jacket and a black hat, making him both the most clothed we ever see him and also demonstrating that he clearly has different colours of the same hat for different occasions. realistically this choice was deliberate by the animation studio to make him look more mysterious, giving him a recognisable motif whilst simultaneously building intrigue and not spoiling the whole fire power thing but. what's the in-universe explanation. he doesn't know there's an audience. this leads me to believe that he donned this outfit in a deliberate attempt to screw with Luffy and be all mysterious and psych Luffy out by pretending there's some guy following him (except it didn't work because he'd already left Drum). first of all - peak older siblingism. second of all he's sooo extra I'm surprised he didn't wear that same black hat when confronting Blackbeard to set the mood better. third of all do you think it's actually a different hat or did he spend the time between alabasta and drum painstakingly peeling paint off of the orange one. much to think about...
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aimbutmiss · 7 months
Weird talents Cross Guild have:
Buggy can tie a bow with his tongue. Not a simple knot, no. A perfect, pretty bow. It makes for a good party trick. (He refrains from reminding people that he can detach his tongue.)
Crocodile can read upside down and backwards, in normal speed, without trouble.
Mihawk can crochet. I know that's not a weird hobby but he can also kill someone with a crochet hook, which has to count for something.
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couchtaro · 8 months
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It’s so hard being a single father with no kids who keeps going into cursed caves…..
Welcome back to Father Kilter Friday/Pigeon Paturday where we hfhgdhgdggdgshhshs..,,,, fhghdh…, hhhhhhh,,,,,,,
They’re fine they’re fine. Went for a swim in corrosive mystery goo and got briefly possessed. And it is about to get worse. But it’s fine.
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
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the moment I started giggling and kicking my feet like a schoolgirl
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campbenji · 8 months
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this is ben and darius btw
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jokeringcutio · 4 months
All you clown lovers send in your Buggy x Reader wishes. Imagine prompts are welcome
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malmagmafr · 1 year
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Flameforger is very cool, I like setting my dragons Ablaze 🔥
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spacedustmantis · 4 months
ok nbr/meddling kids queer hcs
rand is gay, demiromantic & gray ace. he's also deeply repressed about his attraction to men and justifies his attraction to kian with "well he's basically a girl". he completely ignores his feelings for rolan. he's also a virgin bc he never found anyone besides kian and rolan that he's interested in even in the slightest. also he's a loser. in theory he's polyam bc he could never settle for just one dedicated romantic partner for the rest of his life
rolan is somewhere between male leaning biromantic and gay. also sex repulsed ace though it's not quite clear whether he had been ace or if that's a consequence of the buggification. he's always been into rand but he's also a massive homophobe so he's never acted on it and feels quite panicky about his own feelings. he isn't necessarily supportive of kian, but he's his friend so he lets the whole gay thing slide. sometimes while in chicago he forced himself into flirts and hookups with women he met at bars or at work, but it always ended in disaster
kian self identifies as bi, but i think if he had today's understanding of orientation and gender he would id as pan. he's been sexually attracted to rand for ages and they kissed twice, once before kian had even figured out his sexuality and he'd been drinking and sad and kissed rand in broad daylight behind the school and immediately had a panic attack about it, and once a few months before he left galloway when the three of them were smoking weed together and rand brought up their first kiss. they never talked about it again. also had he the vocabulary for it he'd definitely describe his feelings for rand as queerplatonic. he's been in love with rolan and aware of it since he's been 16 or something, but nothing ever came of it, and since he was with becky and really really into her the pining didn't hurt as much as it could have. definitely polyam, big fan of relationship anarchy, big into the drag scene in california and had he had more freedom and time to figure himself out (and had the resources necessary) eventually he would've come to the realization that he's bigender/genderfluid
becky is confidently bisexual and technically monogamous, but if it had ever come to it she would not have minded sharing kian. she also helped kian figure himself out a lot, even before they started officially dating. she taught him how to do makeup and gave him the whole "however you wanna look, whatever you wanna wear, you can" talk
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camembri · 10 months
has anyone ever done a wwdits-inspired mihawk perona zoro au. like obviously not everything would carry over but the vibes are definitely there.
mihawk as nandor is very real to me. weird old man with great military prowess who for some reason now lives with a bunch of other weirdos. shanks is the lady from the one episode that nandor keeps trying to turn into a vampire but she always turns him down for funsies. perona is obviously nadja. just a group of weird goths living alone in an elaborate castle getting up to hijinks. zoro's there too but he's just a guy who wanted to learn swordsmanship and accidentally gets roped into the role of beleaguered familiar after tripping over the third body this week
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aimbutmiss · 9 months
I've said this a lot (a lot of people have actually) but I will say it again because we got two seconds of cross guild in the new opening and I can't stop thinking about them:
Cross guild is the funniest and most random dynamic to exist ever. How did Oda even come up with the idea like what was the thought process
"I bet you can't come up with the most ridiculous trio and make it work so hard that they become the most iconic trio to ever exist"
"alright bet"
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whenever i read a fic and shanks doesn't mention buggy even once it always feels soo ooc bc like what do you mean shanks isn't vibrating with the need to see buggy at all times??? at the very least, shanks should be thinking about buggy passively, if not actively. like buggy lives that man's mind rent fucking free. buggy should be charging appearance fees for how often shanks thinks of him. like all it would take is one (1) denden call, where buggy shaky voiced goes "shanks... please... i need you" and shanks would be hauling ass across the grand line to get to buggy
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
in the collective reality where oda actively bothers to do something with alvida and/or galdino in this new post cross guild going for the one piece reality, how plausible do u consider either of them actively caring for buggy or going behind his back to help him in some way? i find the fact oda kept alvida with the narrative extremely fascinating and it frustrates me how she is so underutilised (then again with such a huge cast it is hard to get every character to do a lot, but alvida could have been discarded quite easily post loguetown. yet here she is, a 1000 chapters later, sitting on the cross guild couch drinking wine)
i do wonder sometimes what oda is thinking when he keeps characters like cabaji, mohji, and alvida around a thousand chapters since they last really did anything. does he like drawing them? does he want to throw a bone to the handful of east blue stans out there who miss when op pirate crews had a simple gimmick they stuck to? is he trying to show that buggy lifts his crew up with him, or refuses to leave anyone behind? i just don't know.
modern day alvida has a lot in common with galdino. she's calculating, analytical, and sides with the person who will give her the greatest advantage. that's been buggy for a long time because he's had the appearance of power for a long time. even now, the appearance of power is still there. does she actually care for buggy? does galdino? i'm not sure.
but for the purposes of answering this question, let's assume that she does, that they both do. i think their pragmatism still outweighs any fond feeling, unless:
it's to their significant advantage to help buggy, and/or
they won't get caught
safety above all else, you know? and getting on either mihawk or crocodile's bad side is not particularly safe behavior.
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I am so sorry you have such severe BPD. I suffer from it too, but damn it sounds like you've been through some serious stuff... If you don't mind me asking... What other diagnosis do you have? Do you portray those in your writing as well? If not in fanfic, like in your original stuff? I feel like you could bring some serious awareness to the darker/scarier sides of BPD and other stuff. Not to scare people but to show just how difficult these things are to live with.
You don't have to be sorry. I've come to terms with it. Some days are harder than other, but the fact that I've got more control makes it all easier.
I've been diagnosed with
BPD — Borderline Personality Disorder
IED — Intermittent Explosive Disorder
PTSD — Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Plus the stuff that goes hand in hand with those. Depression, anxiety and paranoia. I struggle to trust people and bite hands that reach out to me (metaphorically)
I absolutely incorporate it into all of my writing. You can see all of those in the version of Buggy I write in my fics (a character I already deeply connect to emotion wise)
I have original characters that have them too.
Zeke and Blake are actually an (on again off again) couple that have IED (they're definitely my two most toxic ocs) Blake (green hair) also has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and BPD
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Talon my main OC, he has PTSD and BPD. He struggles with a lot of trauma just like I do and I depict that very seriously in my series.
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Ash (pink hair) and Matt (brunette) are two of my characters that suffer from depression and social anxiety. Matt and Ash are also ftm trans but still present themselves as feminine. Matt struggles with his body image and major fear of rejection because he's been attacked in the past, but he also has a strong personality and both sides of him often clash.
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Scourge (Dimitri) is an ex-assassin who suffers from BPD and Antisocial Disorder. He's extremely possessive of Ash (who he was supposed to kill when they met) and kills people behind the scenes if they get too close to the pink-haired boy.
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And then there's Samael who has Schizotypal Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He also has a pretty annoying God complex.
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I have a handful of other characters with disorders that I bring light to in my series, but I don't want this post to go on forever lol
I show all sides, treated and untreated. I show how messy the mentality of a person can get. My series definitely isn't for the light-hearted. I'm very up front about a lot of things that most people turn their heads from.
Though it's not pretty, I don't like to stay in the dark with what I have and what others struggle with. I like to be loud and show others that we're people too.
I've had people tell me writing about it glorifies it. No it fucking doesn't. It just makes them uncomfortable because we fucking exist. I'll deal with MY disorders however I decide to, and I'll speak for those too afraid.
I'm actually glad you asked this, anon. Thank you for being both curious and respectful🖤 and I hope you can cope with your BPD. Like I told my friend in the last post, I'm here for whoever needs me.
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
insane sidenote tangent, but i need us to explore buggy's daddy issues via judgemental check ins with the alive second dad of the roger pirates. rayleigh and buggy monthly denden calls where buggy's life choices get endlessly judged and dissected "from a good place" only for buggy to hit back with rayleigh's fuck ups. its tense and it's toxic but also they love each other so much, that's his dad and sometimes the convos are good too. croc and mihawk know they are about to be sucked dry after every bad call tho, cause buggy has something to prove ("it's not a phase rayleigh this is who i really am, i don't need shanks next to me to be a great pirate")
oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my GOsH yes oh my GOd khfdklsfgksfdghjsdgkdsfg SOMEBOdY WRITE THIS FIC IMMEDIATELY PLEASE I NEED IT HOOKED UP TO MY IV LINE
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brainrot-stitch · 21 days
it’s so fun to watch you post about things I have no context for /vpos yes I need to make this guy suffer. Killing bum with hammers. I need to put him in a blender at top speeds he is my little guy and he should be put in so many gut wrenching heart wrenching situations
also his name is shrimpo :3
YAAYYY🎉🎉 yeah :33 killing shrimpo with hammers. I need to study him. What a specimen. He's surprisingly not my fav tho.....
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^ shakes him around (he is not usually bald btw)
I have not had the courage to put him in Situations yet tho ☹️ I think I'll start with the jar. Idk if I'll be able to draw him any worse tho.....
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a-flappy-bat · 1 year
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‘Buggy the clown’…inspired Dr. Darling doodle. Y’all can blame the Oceanview discord for this. And One Piece. 😖
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