#but Gil's not in like jail-jail yet I think
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
@theshipper47 had this lovely idea and I had to ask you!
tyrant king/Ice Queen AU or secretary AU:
Gil is in prison and Thena needs to get him out 👀
Gil sits down heavily into the seat, hunching himself to lean against the counter as the guards watch them all. He picks up the phone receiver, "hey."
"Hey, Baby."
Gil smiles. Thena has never been one to go crazy with petnames or cutesy couple behaviour. But since he was apprehended by the Korean authorities on their way back to London, she hasn't missed an opportunity to make it clear that she's his partner. "They set a bail number, yet?"
Thena keeps the smile on her face. They're both sure that the guards know at least some of what they're saying in English, so they haven't taken any chances. "Not yet, Yeobo. I keep asking them, though."
What she means is they still don't have any evidence to convict him on anything serious, they just don't want him to slip out of their fingers again.
Gil sighs. He's tried telling her to go home without him--maybe try to make some progress from the English side of things. Even having him expedited from imprisonment in Korea to the UK would be an improvement. They're a little easier to bribe, he thinks.
"Hey," Thena gives him a softer smile this time, tilting her head in the way he thinks is really cute. She presses her hand to the reinforced glass between them, "I miss you."
He presses his hand as close to hers on the glass as possible. "Fuck I miss you, Naekkeo. Sleeping here fucking sucks."
She purses her lips, "I'm sure it's miserable. And just to be clear, sleeping at the airport hotel without you isn't what I'd call enjoyable."
He chuckles. That's more like his Thena--who would normally have a little bit of a tough time expressing how much she misses him, especially around other people. "I'll be with you soon, Gongjunim. If-"
"When," she corrects him freely, and has been doing so everyday when she's allowed to come and see him like this. She raises her brows, "they find out who is framing you for all this."
Gil grins at her. Thena worked for him long enough--she knows who to call, who to trust and who not to. She knows how to fake documents and which ones need to be legit. Hell, she worked for him so long he's still surprised she wasn't brought up in the 'embezzling' charges they had gotten him on.
But that just means that whoever blew the whistle on him was on a personal vendetta, not really out to destroy his 'shipping' business.
Apparently whoever it was didn't know - and still doesn't - what a force of nature his Thena is.
"My poor husband," Thena sighs both loudly and sweetly, putting an extra sweet note into her voice. She flutters her lashes and lets her hair slide off her shoulders, revealing just a little bit of cleavage under her cardigan. "Stuck in this awful place."
Gil raises an eyebrow, leaning closer in a somewhat vane attempt to block the guards' view of her. "Uh, baby?"
But she gives him another smile and taps the glass. It's morse code.
I'm going to pay one of them to give you something for me.
The little minx--his clever snowfox, more like. He snorts, forgoing the coded message and simply drawing a big heart on his side of the glass with his finger. "I know, it's awful. Wait for me?"
She tilts her head at him, "I won't be waiting long, since you'll be with me in no time."
He smiles. She hasn't wavered in that belief even once while visiting him. Even when he's attempted to bring up the flat back home, or his office he still owns here, or any of the other domestic stuff. She won't let him even imply that he won't be back by her side as soon as his trial happens. "Okay, fine, you won't be waiting long. But still...?"
Thena gives him a look he recognises from their earlier days of knowing each other. There's a lot happening behind those eyes of hers. But she would look at him like this sometimes when she was contemplating asking about his business meetings, or that time she had his favourite sundubu delivered to the office when he was sick.
Eventually, her debate with herself ends. It's not denial driving her, rather the drive and belief in whatever she's planning that will get him out of here. She'll do whatever she has to--he believes it too, looking at her.
Thena draws a much smaller, but just as earnest heart on her side of the glass. "I would wait for you until the world burned down around me."
Gil grins, bringing up his hand again to let their fingers press against the glass, as if he could touch the tip of his pointer to hers. It'll have to do. "I promise it won't be that long."
Thena slips her hand away and draws her facade over herself again, clearing her throat and shrugging away any real emotion she had let bleed through. "Indeed--I'm going to go have a meeting with some old associates of yours. I believe they'll hear me out. We had a lovely chat over some tea last we spoke."
Ah, yes, the juniors he had met with whose faces Thena had smashed with a tea tray. They probably would hear Thena out, even if it was just because enemies of Gil's were also enemies of theirs.
"Tell 'em to be on their best behaviour," Gil chuckles. He snarls at the guard waving at him to wrap it up. He sighs, "I gotta go, Princess."
"It's okay," Thena whispers back, her eyes already glassy at having to watch him get led away in handcuffs again. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I love you, Naekkeo."
"I love you too," she promises, watching as he sets the receiver down, as does she. They hold each other's eyes until he's physically pulled from his seat to be marched back to his cell.
Thena undoes an extra button on her cardigan and stands, making a weepy show of picking up her designer purse.
"Ma'am, if you'll follow me."
Ah, so sweet and innocent seeming. She smiles at the guard--young, probably looking to rise in the ranks. And if he can't do that, then maybe he'll take a payoff from a rich inmate's wife. "Oh, how sweet of you."
She bats her eyelashes at the guard, making light conversation until she's almost out of the building. She looks at the young man without the crocodile tears in her eyes, "here."
He blinks as she slips an old nokia phone and pair of wired earbuds into his hand.
"You give that to him for me and this," she enunciates, slipping a thick stack of won into his pocket, "will be doubled by tomorrow. Can you do that for me?"
The young man gulps, but he doesn't hesitate to accept it, "yes, ma'am."
"Good boy," Thena purrs, watching the poor boy blush as she leaves the same way she came, surrendering her bag to be checked again. Not that anything will be amiss (the money was in the lining of the fake purse and the phone was nestled into her bra). "I'm sure my husband will remember your kindness when all this nasty business is over."
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fanlovedlt · 2 months
Parts I have noticed in the recent Ava’s demon updates part 1:
(Spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the latest update since I’m mentioning the previous updates and the latest updates)
I kinda like this entire panel that shows where each host is sitting at and the way that they’re sitting because you can usually tell how a person is by the way they act at another person’s house:
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In this panel, for example, Ava and Gil are the only two that are sitting up straight with their legs together that is usually indicated to be very polite and proper. While Maggie and Odin are more relaxed and not exactly being improper, but they seem to be lounging more than just sitting specially Odin because I do not know what is going on with his legs, is he like that tall compared to the other hosts?
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I love how we’re also learning a bit more about Erios’ backstory from these new humanoids! I also love how equally accepting that they are that just because that they are hunted by Titan, they seem to be the type that would be of importance to the story because of how accepting they were to help them hide. 
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Odin Arrow it’s OK. You’re not a weirdo to me!!! 💕💕💕💕💕 but I just love seeing his expressions in the comic and how he’s the type to usually stay quiet and listen instead of giving attention to himself. He’s so smart💕💕
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This definitely proves that Erios’ “demon” causes them a lot of trouble, not just by themselves, but with others around. They are practically similar alongside with Ava because both of their demons have caused major impact in their life by ruing their image and their relationships with others. This could be because of how someone either said the author or a theory that Erios’ and Ava’s demon are close friends so I probably explains their similar but yet different behaviors.
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1) it’s 2 AM where I am so gonna try to make this quick: I love that no matter what, Emris feels no guilt or pity for Erios because of all the suffering that they are going through while they are being raised in a more safer and financially stable housing compared to the rest down below.
2) they are probably my most favorite character in this comic due to their personal feelings and opinions towards Titan and Nimis. 
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Weird theory, but since they are mentioning about how one can only become a Prismate unless they pass a test to see if they are compatible to probably birth the next heir, since it has been theorized that Maggie could possibly become a love interest to Erios, would that mean that Maggie might go through a similar situation where she either was caught or detained and is forced to do the test either because 1) Erios might end up liking Maggie when they see her or 2) Only doing so, so she doesn't get put into jail?
Honestly, I think that sounds a bit more accurate but we will see I guess.
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btw I was wondering why Maggie’s expression looked familiar until I forgot:
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I am sorely convinced that because that Maggie and Ava were raised in the exact same area and we’re considered childhood friends, that they have similar personalities or similar behaviors that we just don’t recognize yet unless I’m the slow one and somebody already figured it out.
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kateknowsdramas · 1 year
Another thing I love about My Dearest...(spoilers obviously)
I just giffed the scene of Jang Hyun absolutely decimating Yeon Jun. I love this moment for multiple reasons. First, obviously Jang Hyun does it because YJ has ripped Gil Chae's heart out by basically admitting he likes her but that he's not going to choose her. Jang Hyun watches Gil Chae cry and he's pissed. I love that JH is so righteously angry at how YJ is treating both women.
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But this scene shows how smart and calculating JH truly is. He's clocked YJ from the moment he saw him in the village - professing his love for the king and his noble ideas. YJ is all talk - he loves having people praise him and two women chase after him. Yet he has no idea about the true world and how it works. He comes from a village where the nobles are all talk and the older women 'teach' the younger women that if they even show skin to an invader, they should die. Not a super great way to help the younger generation grow up.
So JH sees all his nonsense yet steps in to save YJ's life during battle when the idiot CLOSES HIS EYES while fighting the enemy. He has no business being in a battle but he did it because he wanted to satisfy his own ego. While JH is on the verge of death after saving goodness knows how many people, YJ gets praised by the king and is bestowed his ministerial title. Lovely. The noble boy gets what he wants.
In episode 8, YJ and Eun Ae get their wedding and we think they're going to be happy. But nope...YJ screws it up because of his arrogance.
He confesses (while he thinks Eun Ae is asleep because coward) that he didn't go to save her during the war but he chose to go to the king because he thought it would bring him honor and make the elders of the village proud of the boy they raised.
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And then what does this idiot do? He thinks he's being brave and noble and calls out the king in front of all the other ministers. And just like JH says, YJ can't determine friend from foe and, boy howdy, the king is so not his friend and basically punishes him for opening his dumb mouth and is going to send him to the enemy as an 'envoy'. Oh, that wasn't what YJ expected...and he tells the king no which is basically one of the top sins ever....oops!
His arrogance lands him in jail and his household stripped of their wealth and kicked out of their house. He truly can't take care of his family because he's so focused on himself and, in his naïveté, he believes that nobles are truly noble and the king is good guy #1.
This was a very long winded way to say that what I love that our writer has done is subvert the idea from episode 1 that JH is a selfish cad and YJ is a brave young noble. JH has demonstrated over and over that he's willing to do the dirty work to save people - and the king. He not only kills invaders, but he goes in as a spy to get info to his people. He also hauls ass to Gil Chae when he hears that she is in serious trouble.
YJ doesn't have the fortitude to stand up and take the consequences. He doesn't understand the rotten underbelly of society. JH's life was stripped away from him as a child - he's seen the true nature of the hierarchy in the country and knows what he needs to do to survive.
I'm sure this is a foreshadowing for either EA or Gil Chae to step in and get this bonehead rescued because there's no way he can do it himself.
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myechoecho · 1 year
My Dearest, ep 8.
Honestly, good on Gil Chae for calling Jang Hyun out on him making everything a joke. I know he's deflecting and protecting himself but he's hurting Gil Chae. She is trying to sort out her feelings. She tries to explain about the dream and yes, she gets sidetracked by the shoes. But he interrupts her and wants to know if this is her way of asking him to buy her shoes. And yet she still wants to explain but he dismisses her so of course she demands buy her shoes to save face.
Then he basically calls her trash and "not pure" for liking someone else's fiance and that she should be with him because he's worldly and seen it all. She rightly smacks him. And yes, I do not approve of some of the tricks Gil Chae tried with Yeon Jun but she had already started to move beyond that. It's no wonder that she lashes out and says that she cannot let go of Yeon Jun.
We see that later in the episode Gil Chae had already let Yeon Jun go. It's Gil Chae who reminds Eun Ae that nothing happened with the invaders - they fell and tore their clothes. And that the one who makes Yeon Jun happy is Eun Ae.
The Crown Prince is in world of hurt. I suspect that this will not end well for him.
Jang Hyun has a trade business going making money which leads him to neatly trapping the Khan's head henchman.
What Yeon Jun advised the King was right. So of course the King "rewards' him by sending him to Qing. And when he refuses he's braded a traitor and jailed and his home taken away.
Gil Chae looking for Jang Hyun to return except he's locked up. And and now Gil Chae thinks he's dead. ANGST. Then she finally sees his face in her dreams. I am not ok.
I cannot believe next week is the last two episodes before the show take a break until October.
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crimsonfluidessence · 14 days
Prompt 10: Stable
Esredes didn't like Red Chocobos. It was hard to take a liking to them when one of them almost crushed him with a meteor. He could move the earth, sure, but he could not stop a meteor coming towards him that came down out of nowhere. Were it not for Elouan's timely intervention with his paladin magicks, Esredes most definitely would have died that day while chasing down a traitor to himself and Ishgard both.
Needless to say. he never wanted to be around one again. There was a small problem with this plan, though: He lived in Ishgard. He knew more than a few people who owned stables, including Rousseau, the half Miqo'te noble sent to his counseling practice by the court whose family owned a Chocobo business. Stables, porting services, the usual nine yards- and now, it seemed, he came to him as he announced winning a local racing tourney. Naturally, Esredes suggested he go further. Take it to the Gold Saucer where he used to work and make more of a name for himself. "I'd certainly feel better without all those prying eyes," Rousseau had to say to that. "The rumor mill here is killer. Even if it was a casual thing within the city, word travels too Fury damned fast." "Hence you see my point." Esredes smirked at him. "That'll be 500 gil." Rousseau snorted and clasped a hand over his mouth as he laughed. "Well-I don't know about that-but I can offer to show you some chocobo chicks for your time?" "Heh, ah, I still haven't seen them, have I. I wouldn't turn it down." Rousseau smiled wide up at him. "You haven't, and that's a crime around here yunno-evading chocobo hatchling pets is a serious offense!" Esredes chuckled. "Oh no, I can't go back to jail..." Rousseau waved a hand. "Come on, stables are this way."
When he followed him into the stables, they were both beset immediately by an army of little bundles of feathers running amok in a chorus of 'Kweh!'. They tumbled over one another in the most inelegant fashion possible. "Oh gods..." Esredes was careful to watch his footing. "Look at them. You have so many..." Rousseau chuckled. "Aren't they the cutest? Feel free to pick one up, they're usually pretty friendly. They nip a bit out of curiosity but not enough to hurt." He snickered, scooping one up into his arms. "Hey there lil guy." He crooned while tickling the chick that squirmed and sang in response. Esredes carefully watched the chicks run around, bending down with his arms poised until one crossed right into his path, and he scooped it up! It tried to bite his forearms, but he chuckled as he steadied it in his hold. "Do they have names?" Rousseau shook his head. "Not yet! I've given a few of them nicknames so I can differentiate, but we usually try not to give anything that'll stick until they either have owners, or get a bit older." He smiled at the chicks, but a small peep from behind the nearby pillar dropped his expression to a nervous one. "So does this one have a nickname, at least?" Esredes smiled at Rousseau, but it quickly dropped as he read his face. "...What's wrong?" "Huh? Oh! Yeah, that one is..." He looked her over. "Ah, that's eggshell! She had her shell stuck to her for a few days after hatching, wouldn't let anybody take it off, wore it like lil pants." Rousseau chuckled again, making a shooing motion at whatever was behind the pillar and setting the hatchling he was carrying down. And that was when, with a peep, a tuft of red feathers poked out from behind the pillar. "Tootie... I can't-not right now hun-please-"
Esredes' eyes went wide and he felt his blood run cold at the mere glimpse of red feathers. He took a step back towards the exit, even though he still held a chick. Rousseau's expression was laden with guilt at the crying of the chick, and he looked over to Esredes with a sigh. "I-I'm sorry, I know you don't like them but..." He scooped the red hatchling into his arms, trying to shield Esredes from the sight of her. "She always does this, cries until somebody holds her. Think she has separation anxiety a lot like her mom." "Poor thing," Esredes said with hesitation, holding Eggshell close in his arms, who crooned and nuzzled closer to him, soon falling asleep against him. But he didn't take his eyes off the red one. "Aw, c'mon. Tootie doesn't even know how to hold her head up without stumblin, she isn't gonna hurt you or Egg." Rousseau spoke gently, the red hatchling trilling and poking its big eyes out from over his arm. "Not now, I certainly hope. But what about when she grows up?" Rousseau pouted a little. "Well by that point she'll have been raised with enough love and care not to go setting fire to anything that scares her-like I told you before, they need to be really stressed out for that... or severely under stimulated. Either way, if she or any of these birds hurt anyone, it'd mean I failed to train 'em properly." "...I would certainly hope so." Esredes acquiesced. "You would know what you're doing more than myself." Rousseau fixed him with a reassuring look. "...You know, she's real affectionate. Love other people... if you wanted to actually see a red... she's probably the best chance you'll get." The bird was staring directly at him now, her big, dark eyes shining in the light. But Esredes looked down at the sleeping bundle of feathers in his arms and then back to her. "...I appear to have a present conundrum." Rousseau looked between the two chicks and slowly smiled at Esredes. "I... have an idea?" He stepped forward, slowly, until he reached Esredes, offering up the wiggling bird to the Elezen. "Trade?" "Uh... is she going to like that?" Rousseau hummed. "Egg sleeps like a rock, so I doubt she'll wake-but if you meant Tootie-" He looked to her. "I think... she might think you're family, not gonna lie." He nodded toward the sheer amount of red on the man. Indeed, the bird seemed to be clambering to try and get to the man.
"...I guess there are worse things I can be than a mother Chocobo." He carefully moved his hands out to make the exchange, handing off Eggshell as Tootie slid into his arms and immediately snuggled up into them with a happy coo. Esredes was tense as he held her, but he was holding her securely. "Is she going to fall asleep too." He asked. Rousseau managed to suppress his laugh this time. "I wouldn't be surprised. She seems to feel pretty safe with you." He beamed at Esredes. "She really does think you're her mom... I wonder if it's just the coat or if your hair helps?" He murmured. "...I imagine neither help me to not look like a Chocobo, do they?" "You are pretty red. And she seems to like it... how you holdin up though?" Esredes looked down at the chick. "...Fine." "Good, if it's too much just let me know, yeah?" "I just worry if she's, uh. You said she had separation anxiety." "Yeah, she cries pretty hard if she doesn't see somebody she likes around. It can make it hard when we need to check up on her and I'm busy elsewhere. She really doesn't like Reimus." He snorted again. "Good." Esredes remarked. He didn't like Rousseau's high maintenance and in his own head younger brother either. "She has common sense." Rousseau nodded. "Oh yeah, she's a pretty good judge of character." The bird crooned and practically wagged her tail as she blinked up at Esredes. Esredes couldn't help but smile down at her. "Really?" He asks Rousseau. "Do you have any other stories?" Rousseau tapped his chin in thought. "Hmm, there was that one time she wouldn't stop hissing at a bush outside... I couldn't figure out what was bothering her, every time I went out to check, it was empty... Until one day I found one my my letters that'd gone missing, out by the green, opened and everything." He waggled his fingers. "Not the first time my mails been stolen, but I think she found the one responsible n scared 'em off." "...Wow." Esredes said. "That's... actually pretty incredible." He looked back down at Tootie. And she thought Esredes was her mother now. "They probably saw the red and thought what-well-everyone thinks." He sighed. "Scary red chocobo, it's gonna attack me, I better run." Rousseau shrugged, petting the sleeping Egg. "In this case it just happened to help. No more missing letters-so far at least." Tootie trilled, as if she too, was proud of this feat and knew they were discussing it. "A real guard... Chocobo. Guard chocobo. It's a shame you're not keeping her." Rousseau snorted again. "By the Fury-you're right. She would make a good guard chocobo." He grinned. "Oh, the red aren't for sale. I-well I couldn't part with Knife's like that, at least. Maybe if they were a friend, but they aren't a part of our listed stock." His expression grew awkward. "Not to mention... they aren't exactly purebred. I-I /think/ the dad was a Blackfeather? I can't be sure though. The second I got to Coerthas she just-" He waved vaguely to Tootie. "Hm? She just what?" "Had a bunch of chicks. Didn't even realize she'd taken to nesting because of how she hunkers down in places most of the time. I panicked trying to get them all registered, the last thing I wanted was the knights busting in and taking them." "Oh. Oh dear..."
As they chatted, Rosseau rocked Eggshell in his arms and watched Tootie play with a shiny bit of metal on Esredes' coat, to which he was most certainly not stopping her. "...If you don't mind me asking... why the reaction to them? I mean, I know they can be scary because of the rumors but, you seemed to be more on edge than most." Esredes stared at him blankly. "...I've seen what they can do." Rousseau pursed his lips. "Ah, of course. Sorry I... shouldn't go digging for bad memories. It probably wasn't a very good experience, yeah?" "No. I almost died." His brows shot up. "Almost-Fury, man. M'glad to see you didn't..." He shook his head. "Was it just some bad luck you ran into or-no-nope, sorry, I said I wouldn't dig. You don't have to answer that." "If only. No, someone was trying to kill me. Using the bird." "Trying to... wh-" His jaw dropped. "How someone could use an animal like that... and try to kill you of all-I swear some monsters..." Rousseau could barely bite back his usual temper, hugging the bird in his arms just a bit closer. "I hope they got the bastard at least." "They did. But, yes. That is why." Rousseau sighed in relief. "That poor animal... poor you! Ugh, what in the hells is wrong with some people? M'sorry you had to go through it." "I ponder the same. But for all I do in that room I can only come to the same conclusions." Rousseau nodded. "Well, given all that happened, you're doing amazing with Tootie, here." "Oh... thank you?" Esredes looked down at her. "I'm glad to hear that."
Another smile crept onto his face. No, he didn't like red Chocobos. But Tootie, he decided, could stay. At the very least, there was Tootie now, and he'd be a proud surrogate Chocobo mother.
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tijuanabiblestudies · 2 years
I don't even if that was meant to be just a random comment or if you really wanted people to ask you about it, but if you REALLY have thoughts the epic of gilgamesh as a teen musical romcom PLEASE TELL ME BECAUSE EVER SINCE I READ YOUR TAGS IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT
anon i am kissing you on the forehead. i was dearly hoping someone would ask
so our story begins at Uruk High, with an opening number sung by an ensemble of girls
(note: this is one of them things where teenagers are played by twentysomethings. deal with it)
and they're singing about this guy Gil. and at first it sounds like they're singing his praises--he's a star quarterback, named Handsomest by the yearbook three years running, yadda yadda yadda
but then it gets to the chorus and it turns out they hate him. because he's a serial sexual harrasser and just all-around douchebag
and it ends with them praying for help to this framed photo in the girls' locker room--ok you know that teen girl squad ep where cheerleader says something about "mindy cred" and it cuts to the cheerleaders worshiping a picture of someone called mindy? it's like that. some legendary former student. they're praying to her for help in dealing with the menace that is Gil
their prayers are answered in the form of a new student named Enkidu (unlike the other names i am leaving his alone. because of reasons) who rides in on a motorcycle, all black leather and long hair and sexy dangerousness
the girls immediately ask him to kick Gil's ass but he can't be bothered
and then Shayna, the school slut (not derogatory; a title bestowed in reverence) is like "i got this" *puts on lipstick*
so she seduces him (while singing a fun vampy song) and completely rocks his world and he's like "yeah ok i'll do whatever you want"
the next day at school, Enkidu sees Gil being creepy at yet another girl and charges at him
cue Fight. which is probably another musical number
it ends with Enkidu on top of Gil on the floor. they breathlessly stare into each other's eyes for a moment
And Then They Kiss
from that point forward, Gil and Enkidu are the new power couple. Gil stops being a douche and the two of them get up to all sorts of shenanigans
there's gotta be a ballad about how devoted they are to each other. naturally. that's our act 1 closer i think
act 2 begins with the lads embarking upon their most epic caper yet: a plot to kidnap the mascot of rival school Cedar Forest High
said mascot is a fucking bobcat
so they arrive at Cedar Forest and you know that part where they take turns getting scared and giving each other pep talks? that happens. and it's a song and it's cute
so they get the bobcat (easier said than done, blah blah use your imagination)
and then there's a roadtrip to take it to an animal sanctuary some distance away, and that's where we do some Trippy Dream Sequences
they return home and are hailed as conquering heroes
in the ensuing swell of admiration, Gil gets propositioned by a certain School Board Milf (she's been established as a character somehow before this. idk)
he turns her down, like "uhhhhh even if you WEREN'T twice my age and if i DIDN'T have a boyfriend, every dude you've ever banged has ended up royally screwed over, so...no thanks"
this does not go over well. School Board Milf, in her wrath, enlists the help of one of her boyfriends, a certain Police Sergeant Bull
some kind of dramatic confrontation happens between Sgt. Bull and the boys, and the ultimate fallout is that Enkidu is sent to jail
so in the source material, this is Enkidu's death. but this is a COMEDY, so we gotta have a happy ending
that said, Gil is making a big emotional deal out of this as if Enkidu were actually dead
there's a scene of him weeping alone in his room and singing a sad reprise of their romantic ballad from earlier
BUT THEN! a car horn sounds from outside. Gil looks out the window and what does he see but a car full of The Ensemble of Girls!
and then Jailbreak, and Shenanigans, and we end with the happy couple riding off into the sunrise on Enkidu's motorcycle (maybe they literally fly away like in Grease. why the hell not)
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dcomfanwrites · 1 year
I have the most irresistible idea for a descendants fanfiction;
Harry would do anything for Uma, right?
And she jumped through the barrier in D2
What if....
Harry jumped after her without her knowing!?
Then when Uma dances with Ben, Harry shows up
Everyone would be shocked that Harry is there, still in his red jacket and all, kinda soaked
And then he'd get all pissed at Uma that she's turning her back on the isle too
"You're just like those four!"
Then Adam gets tired of Harry's rage and tells the guards to take him away
Harry being still pissed calling out
"Uma, come on!"
As Uma turned her head away, forcing herself to stick to her plan
All the rage dissolved from Harry's face
Being replaced by disbelief and pain
"...what?" he mumbled softly
Then shortly after the core four actually leaves too, the party kind of dies and the barrier remained up
Yet when the core four reached their dorms again, Evie would be the one who's trying to figure out if Harry got send back to the isle or not
If not, she'd want to talk to him
She needed to know if he was okay
Since they'd have a history in this story
And she finds out that Harry was just put in jail/dungeons
So she goes there and Harry is a bit surprised to see her
"Came to laugh at me?"
"...are you alright?"
"Go to hell Blueberry..."
Then Evie would sit down on the other side of the bars
"Just leave me alone Evie!"
"Why? Why would I?"
"Because you did before. Everyone does... even Uma..."
A tear escapes his face and Evie looks him in the eye
"I'm right here... aren't I?"
Then Harry quickly got up
"I fucked up"
"Yea... no kidding"
"No- I mean yes- But not that-"
"What is it then?"
"Gil. I didn't tell him- oh I am just as bad as Uma... Fuck"
"Oh. My. God. Harry!"
"I know!"
Evie would see the panic and worries in Harry's face and she'd look at him
"Hey, calm down. I'll figure something out. You hang in there, 'kay?"
"What other choice do I have!?"
"Fair enough."
Then Evie would figure shit out etc etc
So, what do y'all think?
The title would be;
"Different shades of Blue"
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babyitcouldbeheaven · 2 years
My predictions for Ginny and Georgia season 3:
- Simone will be Georgia’s defense lawyer or at least assist. She’s a criminal defense lawyer? They’re definitely utilizing that next season and this whole situation with Tom Fuller.
- I think Zion is gonna find out about Georgia’s crimes in more detail. I feel like Zion already knows a lot more than he lets on about Georgia. That whole scene where we see the extended version of Georgia shooting her stepfathers hand? And now we see that Zion was there, letting the audience know that Zion is aware and knows by Georgia is truly capable of.
- Paul and Georgia will separate. It’s unfortunate but we all know they are not made to be endgame. I feel like he will discover more about Georgia’s past and won’t be able to handle murder. He will unfortunately leave her or something might happen where Paul gets out of the picture either he leaves or dies. I can see Gil coming back for revenge and maybe when Paul and Georgia reconcile after she gets out of jail I can see later on in that season that Gil attempts to harm Georgia and Paul gets caught in the crossfire or he may leave her because of discovering Georgia did in fact murder multiple people. One of those scenarios.
- Joe and Georgia may not get together yet… but there will be some more scenes where we see more development. Maybe a kiss or two or they sleep together. But nothing too forward yet. I think we will see Joe being her biggest advocate this season. But Joe will also learn that Georgia has a lot more darkness to her than he thought. But also let’s not forget that Joe has a past as well. They showed us his past for a reason. To show us that he’s not perfect and and he has some darkness to him as well.
- I feel like next season will be more focused on the adults. But as far as the kids. I see Padma and Hunter kind of going for it but I’m still iffy on that. Max and silver definitely more scenes but I can definitely see Marcus spiraling hard. Ginny will be battling a lot with herself and you see her discovering more secrets about her mother. She’ll probably be with Zion in the beginning of next season when Georgia is in jail. But….. I can Georgia not being in jail for long… probably will be out on bond or there will be a trial. But I feel she will get off. I can see Cynthia coming through and kind of being on Georgia’s side. Especially if the defenses uses a tactic that the PI who accused her of murdering Tom has a vendetta against her
- I had this weird theory that Cynthia was in on it but tbh… I don’t see it much now because in that scene with Georgia we see a different side of her so idk. But that would be interesting if they ever went that route of having Georgia set up but I don’t believe Cynthia would do it tbh. Especially since this is the father of her child who died. So, I definitely see Cynthia as an ally on season 3 she may be the one to set Georgia free.
- Ginny’s grandparents will have more screen time in season 3 and will play a bigger role in that season.
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literallyshiv · 3 years
ur tags on the tomshiv post are so true i think to some extent ppl are exaggerating toms power in this marriage post s3 finale and im not sure why.....like shiv hasnt thrown him under the bus on this scale but she did rat him out to gil (or she planned to????? i dont remember lol) knowing full well he might go to jail and treated him v badly during the relationship. idk tom definitely sucks and nothing in this show is 100% justified but i would say his decision to throw her under the bus was like. a solid 85%
exactly exactly and i think its common among some people (not that i see it very often because i looove curating my online experience but) to unironically a little bit believe in the "god forbid women do anything" mindset and when i see them saying toms behavior towards shiv was misogynistic it strikes me as so. hrrmmm. okay let me organize my thots
so like shiv undeniably experiences sexism from her father and her brothers. she is manipulated and spoken down to BECAUSE she is a woman. additionally, logan and kendall and roman have inherent power over shiv because while they belong to the same socioeconomic class, the men have a degree of influence and status within that class that shiv does not due to being a woman. that's not to say they will always have more success than her, just that she will always have to overcome the disadvantage her gender puts her at
the dynamic she has with tom however is a power struggle where she is trying to assert dominance over tom & tom is constantly trying to catch up, just to get them on equal footing. tom does not have the same power over shiv that the other men in her life do, because unlike the other three, tom is not an inherent member of her class. obviously he's in the upper crust, but there's not the same guarantee (yet) of him always being in the top 0.01%, because initially his connection to that class is through shiv. until he establishes himself as an independently powerful figure (which we may be well on our way towards in s4), his status will remain "shiv roy's husband" (you could argue that his place at ATN makes him independently powerful on paper but we still see him acting on shiv's instructions here)
despite all that, its true that tom still does have the advantage of being a man, and we've seen that advantage played out for him several times during scenes where the roy men are gathered & tom is among them while shiv is not, which does show that he is being welcomed into that world & will not have a difficult time assimilating into it, which is an ease that he has because he is a man. but i will maintain that that does not put him at a higher place power-wise than shiv yet because like i said, he is yet to solidify himself in that world independent of shiv
OKAY SO ALL THAT SAID-- ultimately my point is that tom's move wasnt some out of this world never-before-seen backstabbing, it was a natural escalation of the back and forth power struggle between shiv and tom, a struggle which i believe shiv initiated
(this could be its own post in and of itself but the short of it is that a lot of their "power struggle" moments could have been avoided if shiv had just given tom a heads up about her intentions & they had an honest conversation about what they both want out of the relationship, what they expect from each other, etc.; tom's focus on wanting to please logan doesnt strike me as a one sided 'him prioritizing logan over shiv' thing because its also in shiv's best interest to have her husband be in the good graces of her father?? like i believe that as far as tom knew they really truly were on the same page about him being ceo & shiv advancing her poltical career bc if they had followed through on that they would have had such a strong alliance and would have been in a very advantageous position to grant each other favors and such. and maybe that's not how shiv was interpretting his focus on logan but again that's a communication issue babey!!)
but instead she keeps tom one step behind her while she plots out her next moves & he's operating based on the last thing she told him, and then she makes a big reveal out of actually being One Step Further & tom is left to scramble to catch up. SO in the normal world no it wouldn't be justified cuz like holding grudges unhealthy blah blah, but in a show where toxic pettiness is the norm i think it was totally a reasonable move
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derekmorganscrocs · 3 years
Mild Spoilers!
So I know we love Ace and I’ve posted a lot of Ace content, but let’s not throw Nick aside here. I mean, look at him:
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my man is ADORABLE, but also HOT. And he’s got morals for days, he’s sweet and he CARES SO GENUINELY.
and he speaks French?! wowza <3
Mans couldn’t hurt a fly intentionally. He’s level headed most of the time, and he’s really frickin smart. He built a ghost scanner, like uh hello? Okay mr. engineer, that’s so cool. Protective bestie/boyfriend? I stan.
AND as @hoennislands just reminded me, he’s a bookworm too! And thanks to Tiffany Hudson, he’s a classic lover. As he should. Smart boy things!!
Also he wears wallet chains which I love. AND HES A MECHANIC, y’all sleeping on that. LIKE COME ON- ex-football star, mechanic, inventor apparently, smart, good-hearted, courageous dude. GUYS, LOOK AT HIM. ACKNOWLEDGE MY BABE-
Peep this post and the comment pls:
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Caught this man in 4K- jokes of course but I found the comment amusing and thought I’d share.
His background: to be honest, I hope we get more backstory. Back in the pilot we hear him talk a little about an injury ruining his football career, and we know about why he was in jail, but we don’t know that much. I just want more. Clearly he left Florida because of his reputation, but why come to Horseshoe Bay? What happened to make him choose here of all places? And what was his life like before the accident?
Now we get into Nick and George, Fanson? Fanerson? First names don’t work for a ship, trust me on that. They’re adorable. I’ll admit it took me a second, but I love them together now. You can see how much they care for each other and it’s amazing. They both deserve a win. George got burned by guys in her past, and Nick is helping her open that part of herself up again. And Nick clearly struggled with not being enough in his romantic past, but George genuinely wants him, not to hookup with, but she loves him.
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This one on the left here? Moment almost killed me. The way George jumped in to save her man, yes girl, get it. They’re the sweetest and I love. NO FANSON SLANDER ALLOWED!
I relate enough to George that I can put myself in her head. The Claw is her place. It’s the one place she feels safe and like she has purpose. It’s hers. And that’s getting taken away. So for Nick to jump in and save it? Hell, I would propose to that man right there. Marry me pls.
He’s a boyfriend and a half. Perfect. Mwah. RESPECTFUL KING. He didn’t get upset when George didn’t say ‘I love you’ back, and he was more than okay with stopping when she was uncomfortable. Bare minimum, but I appreciate it babe.
UGH AND IN 2x7 we find out he’s been having nightmares about George dying, like not to... uh I can’t think of a better way than saying “belittle” so: not to belittle his traumatization but that’s so sweet to me. It shows how much he truly cares. Despite the short time they’ve been together, he so very truly cares and I love him.
And in 2x8 the way he just knows something isn’t right with George, I ship them so much. They really both deserve a win, and I’m glad they seem to be getting one.
Anyway, I love Nick and I think a lot of people are hyper-focusing on other things. I’m not entirely an exception, I haven’t posted any Nick content, but I do love him!! I just wanna see more Nick appreciation pleaseeeee. And if you have any Nick fics anywhere tag me!
I haven’t watched 2x9 yet, but I will add more here once I do. I hope Nick and George pull through because as much as I love them, I’m worried with how quickly their relationship is progressing. And I definitely missed a few aspects of Nick, but he’s so awesome.
But please give Nick some love!!
I have now watched 2x9!! NICK IS SO SWEET, SO PROTECTIVE, AMAZING BOYFRIEND. Are you kidding? As much as I laughed, mr. detective finding the banana cream pie in Gil’s place and saying he’d do whatever it takes to save George? I love him. And when he talked Odette down off the cliff, “I love her.” I CRIED. He threatens to follow her off the cliff to eternally haunt her, and honestly, I love that. I think that him and George (Fanson for life I say) are an amazing ship, and I’ll be so upset if they break up.
Nick is awesome and under appreciated, please please please, let’s appreciate him more! We love Nick here.
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thatfeanorian · 4 years
Silmarillion as Birbs 2
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Caranthir 24/7
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Cirdan trying to raise Gil-Galad
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Fëanor “Get thee gone from my gate thou jail-crow of Mandos” Finwean
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Finarfin watching his brothers fight from the corner
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Maedhros, 100% done with every one of his brothers
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(I couldn’t help myself) glorfindel and glorfindel reborn
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The expression Maglor makes when the twins come home having found yet another way to get inchworms stuch up their noses
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Manwë thinking he knows what he’s doing ruling Arda
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Do I need to explain further? Melkor.
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Ma boi Sauron being done with Melkor’s ‘evil schemes’
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Thingol banning Quenya be like:
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The Feanorians: a birb squad for the ages. (Maedhros is the one in the background, hovering threateningly)
All credit goes to the photographers, obviously.
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Commission work - Harry Hook x Darling! Reader - two parter - unpredictably adorable - part 2
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commissioner @thebookbakery​
Since you were a child, your mind was constantly overthinking, every single possibility, good or bad, bombarding your mind about everything and nothing at the same time.
-what if I never live up to my mom's expectations-
-if I don’t pass this test everyone will hate me-
-they aren’t really my friend; they just feel sorry for me-
-I need to shut up I’m talking to much-
-they are ignoring me; they must hate me-
-everyone is faking-
-if I’m not careful I'll cut my finger and then I'll have to get surgery to remove my hand because I was too careless-
Yeah…it got tiring after a while.
Everything made sense when you were 10 and were finally diagnosed with anxiety, everything got a little bit easier to deal with after that, one of your tactics was just pretending your best friend Piper was talking you down
-I forgot to turn off the oven, and I’m going to burn my mom's house down, and I’m going to go to jail and-
‘no, you didn’t, you always check every single time, twice, you turned it off, now shut up before I smack you, I’m trying to eat this churro.’
It always loomed in the back of your mind, though hanging out with your closest friends did deafen the noise a bit, but it was always there.
You had little toys to help you focus but you were always looked at oddly when you had a little cube with millions of buttons on it so once again, your anxiety won out and you picked at your fingers, bit your lip, rubbed the fabric of your clothes between your fingers, and sometimes dug your nail into your thumb to distract yourself from your own brain.
Crushes, were one of your ultimate weakness, even the thought of someone you had a crush on sent you into a spiral, your brain would tell you they didn’t even know you existed, that they hated you and faking being nice, that your crush would never go anywhere.
Now you only had two crushes your whole life.
One from when you were little, Piper, but that didn’t last long (After you saw her eat a caterpillar bleh) and EX-prince Ben himself, that one had lasted a whole two years, and while you had been his friend before your crush grew, that didn’t stop your brain from shoving those random piercing thoughts into you.
And now, there was another one.
Harry, freaking, Hook. Son of Captain Hook himself, the villain of your mother's story.
And he was the sweetest thing you had ever encountered, you gushed to jane about his little nose scrunched when he grinned, how his tongue poked out of his lips slightly when he concentrated, when he fluffed up his already floofy hair when he was frustrated.
It was just all too much for your anxious little self,  it took all your might to keep yourself from bolting away from the handsome pirate.
You sighed, splashing cold water against your face and blindly grabbing for your towel and patting your face dry. You felt your face heat up as you thought back to the day before, in study hall, when Harry ever so gently placed his thumb on your chin to stop you from chewing on your lip.
You let out a long sigh/squeak as you grabbed your bathroom counter and sunk down into a squat, puffing your cheeks as you tried to calm yourself down. “I’m so doomed” you muttered to yourself, this crush on Harry was worse than the one on Piper OR Ben.
With the two aforementioned crushes, you never imagined it going any farther than dating, so imagine your internal embarrassment when one day you realized you were daydreaming about being buried into Harry's side as you slept in on a weekend in your very own place, living together with three dogs and two cats, and four birds, with two guest rooms specifically for Uma and Gil.
It was nice to dream about but once the dark shadow that was your anxiety reared its ugly head and whispered horrid thoughts about Harry’s “true” feelings about you, it was harder to enjoy your daydreams.
-he’s just using me to get revenge~-
-he’s just like his father, a filthy, cheating pirate-
-he’s faking everything-
-he flirts with everyone; I am nothing special-
You knew it was all bullcrap, even your own mother had met harry (at her request) and happily told you that he was nothing like his dad, and one of the sweetest boys she had ever met, even piper and Peter themselves, liked harry.
But like always, your brain never liked to listen to others and always took a darker train of thought.
You shook your head out of thought and stood, walking back into your room and grabbing your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and grabbing your keys, slipping out of your dorm room and locking it behind you, checking twice to ease your mind.
“hey (y/n)” you flinched as you spun around, letting out a sharp sigh as you realized Uma was the one to call out to you, she rose her brow, a small smirk on her face “sorry, thought you heard me walk up to you”
“you-you’re fine” you smiled back, huffing as the girl tossed her arm over your shoulder and started walking with you to the cafeteria.
“hear the rumor that Mrs.Popin is pop quizzing us in algebra today?”
“she is?” you asked, calm as could be on the outside, but once again your mind started running
-what if it's something we haven’t covered yet? Or what if I wasn’t paying attention to the subject?! What if I accidentally check the wrong one! What if-
Uma tugged you into the seat next to her, picking up a clementine and peeling it open, offering you a slice, shrugging as you declined “suit yourself, yeah, I’m wondering how Harrys gonna do, with his problem with numbers after all”
“oh right, his dyscalculia” you muttered, mind now running wild worrying for harry. “I think he’ll be fine, Mrs.Popin is lenient with him, and she lets all of us take the tests over and over again until we get a passing grade”
“yeah” Uma hummed, chewing on another slice “waffles or pancakes today?”
“I heard It’ was French toast~” Harry purred, plopping down next to you and leaning into your space once again, setting your face on fire and cutting off your voice as usual. “you okay (y/n)?” you whipped around to look at Harry with wide eyes, that….that was the first time he had ever called you by your name, it was always your last name.
“I-yes?” you shrugged, looking down at the table and picking at it “I’m fine”
Harry just hummed and leaned away from you, starting a conversation with Uma about the upcoming math quiz.
Your mind whirled as you processed the fact that he called you by your first name. but thankfully it never went anywhere as the bell for breakfast being served rang throughout the room. Uma tapped your arm, hurrying you to the line to grab the hot and ready food before it was gone.
You grabbed your preferred bread and usual toppings, sighing happily as you noticed your favorite drink was in stock this morning. You grabbed the bottle and tossed in on your tray, following after Uma as she went down the sides line, grabbing a handful of bacon for herself.
After dodging the oncoming breakfast crowd, you, Harry, Gil, and Uma finally settled back at your table. Evie, Jane, and Dizzy joining you moments later “morning~” Jane sang, poking your cheek with a ‘boop’ and starting to eat her breakfast. “oh (y/n), the planning committee is needed in the gym later today, about prom n stuff”
“kay” you muttered, quickly going through your slices of French toast and gulping down your drink “still don’t know how I got roped into the planning committee in the first place” you laughed to yourself, you hardly spoke during the meetings, you were more the errand girl and the one who wrote down what needed to happen as everyone else actually planned.
Jane giggled and patted your shoulder, turning her attention back to the conversation of the table, to which you weren’t bothering to pay attention to.
You dug into your bag and pulled out your notebook, going over your previous notes for math to prepare for the quiz later that day.
Sometimes Jane and Harry would bump into you randomly, Harry's fingers brushing your arm when he would reach for something across the table, you did your best to keep the heat from your face.
At some point harry gently probed your shoulder, making you squeak from surprise, unexpecting of the touch as you looked to harry with wide eyes. He gave a soft smile and nodded towards the doors “bell rung for class darlin’, don’t want yeh ta be late” you quickly stood, yelping as your knee bashed against the table.
“ooow” you bent over slightly, palming your knee as you felt the pain bloom across it. “shit”
“wow” Harry chuckled, grabbing your bags and slinging them over his shoulder “never heard yeh swear before darlin’, come on, ill escort yeh” he placed his hand on the small of your back, and lead you toward your first class.
While you appreciated Harry's chivalry, your mind….was not helping.
-everyone is staring at me-
-they are going to think it's odd he has his hand on me-
-everyone is staring at us-
-everyone is going to think it’s weird that Harry is around me-
“here we are” Harry thankfully interrupted your train of thought as he handed you back your bag and gestured to your English class “I’ll see yeh later darlin’” he winked at you and strut away, leaving you with your usual burning face and fidgeting fingers.
You sighed, walking into class and hurrying to your seat, ignoring the imaginative eyes on you as you took out your notebook.
The sound of your pen quickly tapping on your clipboard was the only thing that kept you from screaming at everyone.
It was just…too…loud…so many voices at once, all speaking at different volumes and all needing different things, many of them speaking at you, all too much for you to handle.
You gave one look at jane and she nodded, taking your clipboard and walking into the crowd of planners, distracting them as you exited the gym, heading for your room to calm down.
You rubbed your chest and focused on controlled breathing. Everything felt so tight, like something was sitting on your chest as you walked through the halls, fingers gripping your skirt to ground yourself.
You stumbled a bit as a barrage of screaming hit you, you tuned a bit, seeing two of your classmates that you never bothered to learn the names of screaming at each other in the hallway.
Your ears began to ring as you stared at them, unable to continue onto your room. one of the boys looked away from his friend, glaring right at you. “OI WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT!” he screamed, hands balling into fists as he seemed to look into your soul.
You let out a breathless squeak, bolting down the hall, sliding as you took a quick corner and continued to run where ever.
Your original destination was lost, mind yelling at you to hide.
You gasped for breath, letting a scream as you slammed into a wall that wasn’t there a moment ago, you slid down to your side, curling up into a ball and letting out choked sobs as the world went dark around you.
You could feel yourself passing out but you couldn’t get a grip on yourself.
You were having a panic attack but you couldn’t do a thing to make it go away, whenever they happened one of your friends was always there to ground you, always helping you come back down to earth.
You couldn’t breathe, air only leaving you as you gasped. Through the ringing in your ears, you heard a voice, but you couldn’t recognize it as whoever it was grabbed onto your shoulders and tried to lift you up.
You felt yourself screech and lash out, your fist hitting something almost solid, whoever it was didn’t flinch and trailed their hands down your arms, grabbing gently onto your hands.
“hey-hey” they whispered, breaking through the chaos of your mind “hey, it's okay, you’re okay. nothings here. you’re safe. no one’s going ta hurt yeh”
You forced your eyes open, and through your blurry visions you saw Harry staring back at you with a soft smile “hey darlin’ can yeh breathe with meh?” you tried to speak but a sob ripped through your throat, you moved forward, crashing into Harry's chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. “hey hey, breathe, in-“ you felt his chest rise, and you swallowed down another sob and took a wobbly breath.
Harry continued to calm you down, soon your breath synchronizing with his “yer doin’ amazing darlin’ now, give me five things yeh can see”
You pulled back slightly from his chest, sniffing as you glanced around “um- locker, window,” a light sob choked you, but Harry just rubbed your back and continued to take deep breathes for you to follow. You glanced down slightly, seeing Harry’s red leather jacket against your shoulder “your jacket, my-my bag, and-and-the school symbol”
“good” Harry cooed, hand running up your back and fingers slipping through your hair, fingers scratching at your scalp comfortably “now name four things yeh can touch”
You looked around again, slowly feeling your body relax, and letting your headrest completely against Harry's chest “wa-water fountain, door handle, vending machine, um-jacket” Harry chuckled at the last one, but nodded.
“amazing love, name three things yeh can hear” you closed your eyes, your lip twitching as you felt your head bump up for a moment.
“your heart” you whispered, not hearing Harrys breath hitch “birds, static”
“a-awesome” Harry sighed, shifting to sit against the wall and pulling you up further into his arms “now, two things yeh can smell”
“metal and leather” you whispered, feeling the grips of the panic attack leaving your body, mentally thanking the gods that Harry had found you.
“good, now, one thing yeh can taste”
You pushed away from Harry’s chest, opening your eyes again and looking around “um-oh! Cookies!” you chirped, leaning up a little as you spotted a bag of Oreos inside the vending machine across the hall.
“amazing job lass, are yeh okay now?” you took a deep breath and looked back at Harry, giving him a tired smile.
“better but” you could still feel the tightness in your chest and your limbs felt like lead “thank you….could you help me to my room? I’m really tired and I need to take a break from everything for a bit”
“of course,” Harry nodded, helping to your feet and grabbing your bag and slinging it over his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side, letting you take your pace as he helped you to your room.
He glared at anyone you passed by, tightening his grip on your waist and even snapping his teeth at Chad as he sneered at you and Harry together. You were too tired to pay attention to anything though, sighing in relief as your room appeared around the corner. Harry dug your key from your bag and quickly unlocked your room, holding onto your hand tightly as you walked into your room and towards your bed.
He released your hand as your knees hit the edge of your bed and you flopped onto the sheets, blowing out a harsh breath as he ruffled his hair.
“so yeh all good?” he asked again, tilting his head at you, you lifted your head and gave a small nod.
“I will be, thank you, Harry”
He gave a grin and walked over to you, kneeling beside your bed “I've got yer back darlin’ get some rest, and I’ll get yer homework from our classes kay?”
“okay” you whispered, flopping your head back on your bed, feeling your face heat up again as Harry leaned over and pressed a kiss to your head “um-Harry?”
“well talk about it when yer right of head love, see yeh later” he stood and walked out of the room, locking your door and tossing the key on your dresser. He smiled at you and closed the door, his heavy footsteps quickly walking away from your room.
You pressed your fingers gently to the place Harry's lips were moments ago, feeling the heat in your face reaching your ears and stretching down your neck.
‘was-he-a kiss?’ you thought, sitting up and staring at the door. ‘he-wow’
You stared at the door for a moment longer before you kicked off your shoes and just crawled under your covers, smiling as you thought back to his kind words and soft lips.
You closed your eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, forcing down the thoughts that said Harry was only being friendly, you could bear to let yourself dream for a bit.
Harry sighed, flipping through the multiple sheets of homework he held in his hands, pursing his lips as he thought back to (y/n), something had set her off to have such an intense panic attack. He was just glad he knew how to calm someone down from it after helping the smee twins through them after so many years.
He looked to his right as Jane passed by him, he reached out grabbing her shoulder, she jumped slightly, looking at him with wide eyes.
“uh, hey Harry? What's up?”
“I came across (y/n) havin’ a panic attack like-two hours ago? Any idea-woah!” Jane’s eyes widened and she grabbed onto his shirt.
“what?! Is she okay? Did-“ Harry quickly covered the girl's mouth.
“she’s fine Jane, she’s in ‘er room now restin’ I just wanted to know if this is a recurring thing or that was the first time it happened”
“recurring” Jane sighed, wrenching Harry's hand from her mouth “she has an anxiety disorder, that’s why she's always so quiet, doesn’t like to draw attention to herself and all that”
Harry furrowed his brows, fixing his bag on his shoulder “ah, is that why she’s all blushy ‘round me then? All those thoughts goin’ wild n stuff?”
“nah” Jane waved her hand nonchalantly “She's just crushing on you….oop didn’t mean to say that!” Jane looked back at him with wide eyes.
A small smile grew on Harry's face “she-she has a crush on meh?”
“I-uh-fudge, yes” Jane sighed, slapping her palm against her forehead “dangit she told me about it in confidence and I just blurt it out like tha-wait!” Harry patted Jane's shoulder with a chuckle and pushed her aside a bit.
“Thanks, Jane~ I gotta go!” Harry took off towards leaving a confused Jane in the hall.
“wait what are you going to do!” Jane yelled, huffing as no response came back “…OH!” Jane squealed, hopping in place. Harry liked (y/n) back! Ohhhh this was going to be so cute!
She had to tell the VK girls, Evie and Dizzy would die!
You sighed, smoothing down the front of your oversized hoodie and further curling into a ball on your bed, sporadically clicking the attack button on your gaming device as you fought one of the hardest mini-bosses of the game.
“come one-, die you-gah!” you seethed, cursing as your weapon broke “again?! goddammit!”
“I have’ta say, it’s weird to hear yeh curse darlin’” you screeched, halfway tossing your switch across the room, the device bouncing off your bed and landing on the pile of pillows on the floor.
You looked towards your door, pressing a hand to your chest as you let out a long sigh “Harry! Geez I’m still calming down from earlier, don’t barge in like that!”
Harry winced, closing the door behind him “sorry love, I brought yer homework and some food fer yeh” he held up his bag and a white plastic bag holding a box of food.
“oh” you felt your face heat up as he stepped closer to your bed “thank you”
“no problem darlin’” he purred, setting the bag of food next to you and tossing his bag on your desk. “so~” he started, leaning closer to you with a sly smirk on his face “I heard something really~ interesting on meh way here~”
You rose your brow and flipped open the box of food, humming at the still steaming (preferred lunch).
“little Janey said yer crushin on meh~” your entire body stopped, it felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on you “and before yeh freak out with all those thoughts yeh get” he leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek “it's not one-sided darlin’ “
You felt your brain short circuit, unable to think ANYTHING as you stared at harry. He chuckled softly and gave you a toothy smirk, his eyes crinkling as he looked at you like he never had before. “Cat got yer tongue love?.I’ll let yeh process it all, but just know, I do like yeh back, and I would jump off a cliff sooner than hurt yeh….” He kissed your cheek again and stood, stopping as you suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.
“um-I-, I just wanted to say it myself” you muttered, tugging him back down to your side “I-I-I” you stuttered, feeling your face heat up as harry smiled at you with that adorable crinkled nose “ilikeyou” you gasped, grabbing his collar and pulling him towards you, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and quickly falling back on your bed, pulling your pillow over your face and screeching into it.
Harry just chuckled and patted your knee “like yeh too darlin’ I’ll see yeh later love, okay?”
You just let out some sort of garbled response into your pillow. “okay, text me if yeh want me ta bring yeh dinner” he quickly took his back, emptied your homework from it, and left the room, locking the door behind him.
You let out a huff as you chucked your pillow at the wall, feeling a grin blooming on your face. You squealed, patting your cheeks to try to make the heat escape from it.
“he likes me back” you breathed, giggled erupting from your chest “he likes me back!!!!!” fits of laughter overtook you as you wiggled happily in your bed “he likes me!!!!”
Harry bit his lip to hide his grin as he listened to your mini-celebration “She's so adorable” he chuckled, fixing his bag and walking off, whistling a little tune as he did so.
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @imtryingthisout​
151 notes · View notes
Alma Mater (S2, E3)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading. 
0:20 - There’s no way Martin is actually going to escape Claremont until AT LEAST the season finale.
0:55 - Anyone else annoyed that Ainsley isn’t in Martin’s fantasy? I mean - it’s completely in character but it still pisses me off. 
1:49 - I’m sorry - what? How will pouring Malcolm a drink help this fictional situation?
2:00 - Malcolm ruining Martin’s fantasy dream is honestly such a mood. 
2:10 - “That little kill joy.” haha 
2:21 - Malcolm has a stationary bike. Of course he does. But why does he listen to the personal trainer lady (who I assume was a recording programmed on the bike)? Malcolm doesn’t seem like he needs praise or motivation to exercise. He probably does it the way I do - mindlessly as a habit. A habit built from the knowledge that if I skip a morning workout I will feel more unsettled and anxious than usual before lunch....and don’t even get me started on how quickly my depressive thoughts escalate. 
2:24 - ....I’m still convinced/hoping that this is a false memory Martin has planted in Malcolm. I’m all for Malcolm whump and Malcolm trauma...but the thought of Gil, the team, and Jessica finding out that Malcolm committed a crime terrifies me. I don’t want him to go to jail. I don’t want Gil and the team to turn their back on him. I don’t want Jessica to blame herself (more than usual).
2:39 - I love that the “Malcolm pretty much only feeds himself liquorice and lollipops” is still canon this season.
2:42 - OMG. That is not a helpful affirmation. Like maybe for anyone? If you’re traumatized/depressed/anxious “consider the past and you shall know the future” is not comforting or inspiring. It’s the opposite.
2:48 - I’m loving how confidently Malcolm has been shutting down Martin’s manipulation. #soproud
2:52 - Anyone else super upset that Martin is the person with whom Malcolm discusses his mental health the most honestly? 
3:12 - Check out the way Mr. David looks at Martin here. Does Mr. David already know about Endicott? Or is he just like, “Bitch, spit it out so I don’t have to keep guessing your current family drama.”?
3:17 - “Let’s have another session today.” .....Does Martin really think he’s Malcolm’s new therapist? DOES MALCOLM THINK THAT? IS THAT WHY HE ISN’T SEEING GABRIELLE? HAS MARTIN MANIPULATED HIM INTO THINKING THAT HE DOESN’T NEED GABRIELLE?!?
3:22 - hahahaha OMG. Mr.David is so done with Martin’s theatrics.
3:32 - Ok so two things:
Martin’s insight on Malcolm’s mental health/coping mechanisms is disturbingly on point. Almost like he’s an attentive, caring, father (which he isn’t). 
How long was Gil outside Malcolm’s door before he knocked? Do you think he overheard Malcolm’s side of the conversation? I kind of hope he did. But only if it means I get to see Gil asking Malcolm about it.
3:50 - “Put me on speaker.” I’m torn. Part of me is so proud of Malcolm for denying Martin’s need for attention....but part of me is living for a Martin/Gil showdown where they fight over Malcolm in front of Malcolm.
3:54 - Ok. So Gil was a jerk last episode but I forgive him. Gil just showed up at Malcolm’s apartment to tell him about a case instead of calling Malcolm. Gil knew Malcolm would be upset. Gil knew that Malcolm needed to hear this in person. <3 My heart is full. <3 
4:12 - Concerned!Gil is everything. Look at how much he cares about Malcolm and what this case will inevitably bring up for Malcolm. You can almost see how badly Gil doesn’t want Malcolm on this case. 
4:13 - “What if I said I need you?” Damn. Gil knows. He knows that Malcolm desperately doesn’t want to ever disappoint Gil. Gil is Malcolm’s hero and, when Malcolm is thinking straight, he’d do anything for Gil. 
4:17 - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Gil looks so sad when he notices Malcolm’s hand shaking. Can a heart simultaneously break and heal? 
4:23 - Oh yeah. Gil definitely wanted Brumback dead for what he did to Malcolm. He doesn’t even try giving Malcolm the “you’re being insensitive” look. 
4:42 - Wow. That school is nicer than my university. 
4:47 - Do you think Gil’s been to the school before? To visit and/or pick up Malcolm? ....I really want to believe he did. Gil looks like he’s leading Malcolm through campus. Gil looks like he’s familiar with the campus. Surely that means he visited Malcolm there. Right?
5:17 - So...was the “office under water” thing officially a prank? It’s brutal. Forget the murder, Brumback would’ve expelled kids for that prank. 
5:27 - I love how Dani looks at Gil for clarification here. She’s like, “Malcolm is upset, ranting, and making no sense. I’m not going to set him off further by asking more questions. But I need to know what the hell he’s going on about.”
5:40 - Soooo is JT texting Dani? Or is Tally? I really hope it’s Tally. I hope Dani’s texts are all reading something along the lines of “He won’t stop pacing and panicking. If he doesn’t calm down I’m going to slap him.”
5:43 - I love the look of disbelief that Gil shoots Dani when her phone goes off. haha
5:52 - hahaha Gil so heard Edrisa the first time. He was just giving her a chance to conform to professional social standards. 
6:03 - hahahaha OMG. Edrisa is a treasure.
6:56 - awww Malcolm, baby. :( This boy has so much trauma. I love it. 
7:07 - I’m assuming Malcolm’s ‘high school’ was grades 10-12 (not 8-12 which is common in the area of Canada where I grew up) so that means Tom Payne is currently being passed off as a 15-16 year old. It kinda works. But ngl - I spent most of this scene thinking “could they not hire a kid because of COVID?” 
7:12 - I’m not actually mad that Tom Payne was allowed to play high school Malcolm though. His performance in this scene is really moving. “Be someone new.” :( <3
7:45 - Sooooo Malcolm changed his name before he was legally an adult. If it’s his legal last name (we see “Bright” on pill bottles in S1 so it’s his legal name now at least) Jessica had to have signed the paperwork. Damn. I wish I was there to see that process regardless of when it became his legal last name.
7:49 - Baby Malcolm looks so comforted by Martin’s acceptance of his new name and new school. It breaks my heart. 
8:00 - Wait. There was a teacher who liked Malcolm at this school? The son a serial killer? AND the teacher recognizes Malcolm 15 years later?!? Nah. I don’t buy it. I love Malcolm but I feel like the teachers would’ve avoided developing any sort of relationship with Malcolm even if they didn’t have a problem with him. 
8:05 - Hold up. This school is so fancy. Are you telling me they don’t have outdoor security cameras? Surely those would’ve told you who the suspects for the desk thing were at least. 
8:15 - awwww poor Malcolm looks shattered here. :( 
8:31 - “Easy. Let’s keep an open mind.”  That is pure Dad!Gil energy and I’m here for it. 
8:39 - Of course. Of course Jessica is involved in the rich school. 
8:51 - I’m on Gil and Malcolm’s side here. Jessica is putting her reputation over Malcolm’s mental health. Shame on her. No no. I will not stand for this - and neither will Gil. Damn. Look at how pissed he is on Malcolm’s behalf. <3 So sweet. 
9:06 - “Pop-pop’s aquatic center”!?!? Soooo is Pop-pop Jessica’s grandfather or Malcolm’s? Either way give me more information about the extended family. Are they dead? Did they disown them after the Surgeon business? I WANT ANSWERS FEDAK. 
9:15 - I swear. Malcolm is the best son/brother ever. The sacrifices he makes for his Mom/sister are unreal. Also - how much do you want to bet that Malcolm was thinking about the Endicott murder coming out when Jessica said, “how soon until they connect that back to me?”. Malcolm looks so sad here. 
9:23 - Nah. I don’t like Delaney. Even on the first watch I was put off by him. Something about him just creeps me out. He’s showing a weird amount of affection for Malcolm 15 years after Malcolm finished school. IDK maybe I was just upset that someone was trying to mimic Gil’s relationship with Malcolm? 
9:27 - oooooooohhhhh Mom and Dad are fighting. hahaha Malcolm looks so uncomfortable. Gil looks livid. Is Gil pissed because Jessica dumped him or because she totally just neglected Malcolm’s well-being for her own? Probably both. Either way, it’s endlessly entertaining. 
9:53 - I’m on Gil’s side here. She dumped him (like a f**ing moron) because she “doesn’t want to hurt him” and because she’s “broken” and “cursed”. Yet - she manipulates her way into cases. Making her business Gil’s. Gil should be pissed - she broke his heart. Again. Like he’s literally been choosing to hang out with Malcolm, Jessica’s (let’s face it) broken son, for more than 20 years. Jessica’s crazy if she thinks that she’s going to get Gil killed or hurt just because she’s a Whitly. Malcolm’s technically a Whitly - Gil hasn’t died yet. 
10:15 - “Not usually.” Dang. That was icy.
10:50 - Yo this is one messed up bible study. Take it from someone who has attended many young adult/teenage bible studies. This is crazy. Usually it’s: read the bible for 5-10 minutes as a group, discuss how you interpreted it for 15-20 mins, pray as a group for 5 mins, then like an hour of tea/coffee, cookies, board games, and general chatting about normal stuff like romance, school, and personal drama. 
11:44 - “Poor Tally.” hahaha I’m willing to bet that Tally is texting Dani - not JT. I just can’t imagine a panicking, first-time father, texting his little sister with accurate medical details about his wife’s pre-labour experience. He’s probably way too panicked to remember the medical jargon that is “foley ballon”.
12:00 - I’ve watched this scene about 30 times. I’m in love with it. Tom Payne’s performance is haunting and I’m a sucker for emotional whump. I love how Dani is concerned about Malcolm but respectful enough to pry until he shuts down. I love Malcolm’s little speech about the hand tremor (even though it doesn’t make sense because baby Malcolm’s hand was shaking when Shannon interrogated him - but that’s a whole different can of worms I’m not going to rant about).
 12:39 - Does anyone else think it’s weird that there’s a bolt on the closet door? Why isn’t there a lock in the door handle like every other interior school door? I mean, I guess it’s because they can be unlocked from the inside and Nicky would’ve needed a key....but still. The things I forgive for the sake of plot. 
13:25 - Damn. Brumback was a real jerk. “I know what you really are.” Do you know how painful that would be for Malcolm to hear? Regardless of what he almost did to Nicky? Everywhere Malcolm goes people accuse him of being just like his father. Is it surprising that in a moment of weakness, with teenage hormones, Malcolm snapped and said, “Eff it. They think I’m a murderer anyways.”
13:26 - OMG. How bad were the kids at this school?!?! Brumback expelled so many kids. Holy hell. Also - Brumback is wearing a wedding ring. Did he get divorced before he died? Did his wife pass away before him? Why was his family not part of this investigation at all?
13:31 - Brumback writing “Malcolm Whitly” instead of Malcolm Bright is....ouch. I just. My heart breaks for Malcolm.
13:37 - OMG. Traumatized people going through PTSD flashbacks should not be unattended next to a pool of water. Honestly - I thought our boy was going to drown. Which the whumper in me would’ve loved but also I don’t think it was right for the plot on this one. 
14:38 - Martin is such a liar. He definitely thinks he’s God’s gift to the Earth. 
15:02 - Martin knows a lot about the security zones. Something tells me this isn’t the first time he’s contemplated escaping. 
15:04 - Oh shit. Daryl has an imaginary cell mate. I know that’s a serious mental illness and I shouldn’t laugh but OMG. The moment Martin realizes that Daryl is delusional is priceless. hahahaha
15:25 - How much to do want to bet Mr. David has a red key card? Martin’s grin confirms it. 
15:40 - Wow. The classrooms in this high school are really big. I would’ve thought this fancy private school would have smaller class sizes.
15:49 - YES. OMG. Malcolm walking into that classroom soaking wet is golden. *chef’s kiss* Look at Gil’s face - it’s a mixture of concern and disbelief. He’s soooo worried about Malcolm right now. <3 
16:07 - It’s a good thing Malcolm’s rich because that phone is never going to be useful again. 
16:20 - ahhahahaha OMG. WTF. Gil’s little twinkle-finger wave is hilarious. 
16:38 - This whole scene Gil is just staring at Malcolm with so much concern. It warms my cold, dead heart. <3
16:46 - Do you think Malcolm looked for his name in the book? Is it the same book? Do you think Brumback expelled enough kids that this is a new black book?
17:08 - Ok. So I immediately don’t like Louisa. That level of confidence and self-absorption is very unattractive. 
17:25 - Louisa volunteers in the library. That’s how she got access to the poison. 
17:35 - “Dude. You’re dripping.” “Yeah. Water does that.” Can Malcolm be this sassy every episode?!? I’m living for it. 
17:57 - “Boys right? Oof” haha I love Malcolm talking to teenagers. I want it in every episode. ALSO - the jock’s story about the two girls - I’m sorry, but I just don’t see how that an expulsion level offence unless the kid is leaving something out of the story. 
18:31 - Of course they talked about this before they came there. DELANEY WARNED THEM. But mostly to keep his little cheating ring hush hush. 
18:55 - And just like that we’ve been blessed with Malcolm in casual clothes. Wish I could’ve seen Gil question Malcolm’s swim though. 
19:26 - OMG. Edrisa is such a cute little nerd. <3 Protect her at all costs. 
20:00 - Gil and Jessica arguing is amazing. I’m loving it and hating it. Because I want them to live happily ever after in a fairytale world but I do enjoy the drama. 
20:06 - hahaha look at how Jessica just pushes Gil to the side and plows on to Malcolm. This woman is fierce.
20:11 - Yes. Yes Malcolm. Tell Mom she has unrealistic and insensitive expectations of you.
 20:18 - What kind of school is this?!? The board of trustee members are buddy buddy with the students?!? 
20:22 - “They’re all from impeccable families.” “So was I” Mic drop. Watch Malcolm drop the truth bombs. This is maybe the best line in this episode. 
20:30 - “And just like you - none of them is capable of murder.” .....well this sentence is going to come back and bite Jessica in the butt later this season. 
20:44 - The fact that these kids think Edrisa is a freshman is actually hilarious to me. 
20:50 - OMG. “Welcome to boarding school. Bitch.” I was ready for Louisa to die right here. She just punched Edrisa and then called her a bitch. No no no. Edrisa is a quirky treasure and we must protect her. 
21:00 - Damn. I wish we got to see the team’s reaction when they found out one of their teenage suspects assaulted their favourite M.E.
21:10 - Why is it soooo attractive when Malcolm wears casual shirts under a suit jacket? 
21:53 - “My vote is for Louisa. The girl’s got a heavy fist.” hahaha I love Edrisa. SO SO much. 
22:05 - Soooo is Jessica some sort of consultant now? They used her to interview cult extractors and now rich, teenage murder suspect. Is she the “rich person investigator” now?
22:11 - Does Louisa know that Malcolm is Jessica’s son?
23:04 - Louisa is a bad liar. 
24:15 - Delaney should be ashamed. He told Nicky who Malcolm’s dad was. He is the reason that Malcolm got locked in a closet for 3 days. He is the reason Malcolm is claustrophobic. This man should have his teaching license seized and be charged with child abuse. What he did was absolutely despicable. 
24:35 - “My mom’s sending a car.” It’s nice that Malcolm doesn’t always refer to Jessica as “mother”
25:00 - This is heartbreaking. I hope Nicky got expelled. If he didn’t - Malcolm experience a bigger injustice than we were lead to believe. Look at Nicky walking away from Malcolm. That kid has no remorse. I don’t blame Malcolm for seeking revenge. Malcolm keeps getting burned by people. Something had to give eventually.
25:30 - The biggest crime this episode committed is that we only saw Malcolm getting comfort from DELANEY. Honestly. Where was my papa Gil moment?!? Or a Dani+Malcolm moment?!?
25:51 - I doubt Delaney tried to stand up for Malcolm. He probably encouraged the expulsion. 
26:05 - “Please.” Yikes. This has been torturing Malcolm for years. Who sold him out? Who ruined his last chance at a happy childhood? Who allowed him to be traumatized further? Who gave him the hand tremor (assuming we’re ignoring the S1 canon). 
26:38 - What. A. Getaway. This school is full of crazy rich kids.
26:55 - “This time”?!? Doesn’t Martin always root for the killer?
27:05 - I love everything about this interaction between Martin and Malcolm. I love how upset Malcolm is. I love how Malcolm calls out Martin for being a bad dad. I love that Martin just sits there and takes it. Martin even looks a little sad. It makes me wonder - did Martin know about Delaney’s cheating ring? Did Martin manipulate Delaney into thinking Malcolm was a threat and convince him to get Malcolm expelled? I can see Martin doing it. If for no other reason than to tarnish the “Milton legacy” at Remington. 
28:04 - UGH. I want to see how Malcolm got out of that closet SO BAD. Who found him? How close to death was he? PLEASE TELL ME IT WAS GIL. Why didn’t Jessica investigate when Malcolm didn’t show up at the Hamptons as planned? 
28:13 - “How you wish that were true.” Ouch. Martin is a real asshole. He knows just how to destabilize Malcolm’s confidence. 
28:56 - Even now, Martin is trying to manipulate Malcolm. Their relationship is so dysfunctional, beautiful, heartbreaking, and complex. I could watch them interact forever. 
29:31 - Look at that little head shake from Mr. David. Martin’s cell is not soundproof. Mr. David heard everything. Mr. David always hears everything. Mr. David knows about Endicott. Istg. 
30:12 - Delaney is a scumbag. He might not be a serial killer but he’s another male, adult asshole who gained Malcolm’s trust and then stabbed him in the back. 
30:37 - OK. So I know, I’ve been hypothesizing that Mr. David is an ally to Martin’s crazy schemes, or that he worked for Endicott, or that Martin is going to try to kill Mr. David. BUT YO. IF MR. DAVID DIES I WILL THROW HANDS. HE’S SUCH A GREAT CHARACTER. 
31:40 - This is a weirdly fancy room for video games. Also I miss JT. He should be here. I wish he was here. He would’ve been so good in this episode. Can you imagine his facial expressions and comments when he finds out little tidbits about Malcolm’s teenage past?! It would’ve been comedic GOLD. Couldn’t Tally give birth during a less interesting episode?!?! 
32:15 - I’m convinced that Malcolm isn’t actually upset that Delaney’s crime is running the cheating ring. I think Malcolm’s upset because he just realized the only positive male role model (aside from Gil) that he had as a teenager was a manipulative liar who betrayed him. Malcolm just realized that this dude never cared about him and he’s crushed.
32:27 - Wait. Does Delaney make the kids pay him for the answers? Because that actually makes sense. 
33:08 - This whole scene where Molly runs out of the back room and Dani says, “who are you running from?” is really cringey to me. 
33:19 - Oh great. Now the guy who betrayed Malcolm is touching the back of Malcolm’s neck. JUST LIKE GIL DOES. Well....something tells me that’s going to taint how comforting Malcolm find’s that gesture coming from Gil for a while. Malcolm just isn’t allowed to be happy. Even for a moment. It’s a shame. I also love it. 
33:40 - Awww...poor Malcolm is claustrophobic and he gets locked in the vault with a dying man. Look how desperate he is to get out of there - to save Delaney and to save himself more mental distress. 
33:53 - Look at Malcolm panicking here. He tries to hide his panic as concern for Delaney but he’s clearly freaking out about being trapped in a smallish space. 
34:25 - Yep. Malcolm didn’t think he could trust Daryl because Daryl is delusional. SO Martin threatens to murder Daryl and then metaphorically stabs the dude in the back. This is perfectly in character. 
35:25 - Damn. Louisa is seriously mentally ill. She has zero empathy. 
35:57 - Malcolm projecting his mental issues on the killer du jour is always simultaneously cringey and amazing to me. 
36:26 - I’m not going to lie. Daryl screaming “He’s a Judas” as he was dragged away was hilarious. 
37:04 - Holy shit. This took a turn. I’ll be honest - I don’t blame Malcolm for almost killing Nicky. But it does scare me. 
38:35 - That story must have been haunting Malcolm for 15 years. I bet you he’s never told anyone not even Gabrielle. He’s had nightmares about it. Because he knows he’s capable of murder. Just like Martin. That terrifies Malcolm more than anything in the world. 
39:12 - sooooo Delaney just heard that whole confession. Delaney lives. Something tells me this is going to be a problem for Malcolm when Endicott’s murder is investigated later in the season.
39:35 - “Are you insane?” “Maybe.” That’s it. That’s the show. 
40:00 - Two questions: 1) Where is Dani? 2) Why does Gil not know where Malcolm is right now?
40:22 - Look Fedak screwed us over. We didn’t get to see Gil find Malcolm half-dead on the floor of that library vault. BUT this scene almost makes up for it. 
40:24 - Malcolm wrapped in a blanket is so so cute. I just want to hug him. I want Gil to hug him. Ugh. <3 
40:28 - I love that you can tell that Malcolm and Gil have had this sort of discussion about Malcolm’s sense of self-preservation numerous times in the past. Gil looks sooooo pissed. And concerned. 
40:35 - Malcolm’s imitation of Gil makes me so so so so happy. I just. Ugh. It’s adorable. Look at how exasperated it makes Gil. Look at Dani’s reaction to it. This might be the greatest “found family”. scenes this show has given us to date. 
40:55 - “All in a day’s work.” Oh yeah. Gil is super concerned about Malcolm’s mental state. Gil is Worried. I want to see more of it. 
40:57 - I love that Dani just can’t wait anymore. She’s so precious. Look at how excited she is about JT’s baby. <3 I’m in love. She’s so soft here - it’s beautiful and rare for this show to let the audience see this side of Dani. 
41:22 - I can’t decide about this scene. On one hand - I think it’s really mature of Malcolm to apologize to Martin. It’s a courtesy that Martin doesn’t deserve. ON THE OTHER HAND - I wonder if Malcolm is only apologizing to throw Martin off balance. I wonder if this is Malcolm’s attempt to manipulate Martin for once. Either way - I love it. 
42:25 - Martin always gets the last word. He always worms his way into Malcolm’s brain and screws with Malcolm’s sense of self. I hate it. But I also find it so captivating. 
43:05 - Sooooo is Martin committing the murder next episode? Or is he just manipulating someone else to commit a murder? Either way - I’m excited. 
If you read this far - I’m flattered. I also think you’re a little crazy. But thanks for hanging out. 
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2019 // the bonny scot
posting this a day later than normal because this is one of the rare episodes that shows a passage of time from one day to the next yayy love that for them
-wonder what filming these beginning sexy scenes is like for them in real life
-sooooo can lucy see nancys sexy dream? is she judging? does this mean she likes nancy with owen or nick more? or is she trying to tell nancy that her sex dreams are irrelevant to the mystery at hand and she needs to focus?
-seeing people in the ✨prison chair✨: gomber, carson, karen (voting for josh s3 just saying)
-completely ignores carson's question about herself typical nance
-"or maybe i did stumble across a knife" its like hes trying to make the case against him look plausible while attempting to maintain innocence. this is a slippery slope for carson to try and encourage her to keep her pacified + hide the truth while also trying to keep her from getting involved bc hudsons
-"genetics gets you in the door" aaaaand then she walks in to everetts office to meet him and crashes their family dinner
-ok who tf is dawn and why is she in charge here
-this guidance counselor of nicks is my favorite person
-"i admire your allergy to pleasantries" bess and nancy both have reveals to big families but nancy does not have the graceful, accepting reveal to her rich family like bess does at this lunch. nancys reveal is messy, cold, bloodstained and sticky-fingered, not nice in any way whatsoever. and this little chat with everett (bit of a parallel to lucy's) just highlights how nancy is always bad at bargaining with her grandparents*- always trying to fight on their level but giving up her equal hand bc she doesnt know how to hide it when they bring up something she doesnt know. like confronting celia at the masque: she was so confident with her theory and what she knew, but then we got a "what does that mean?" like. the instant you say that, you lose. and she walked right into the "yes i do have someone, hes in jail" 🤦🏼‍♀️ even in the car with ryan at the end of s1, he literally just fucking leaves her there. like 🤷🏼‍♀️ what did u think was gonna happen sis?? for all she can predict how past things lead to present circumstances shes fucking awful at seeing the direct future *(grandparents except for patrice bc her dementia makes her inaccessable)
-lmaooooo this awko ass portrait...i get the empty space is for nance but who on earth thought this was a good pic??
-"will u help the claw for me?" george struggles financially to keep her livelihood while nancy is somehow shown as being taken care of even when her parent is incarcerated; both nancy and george live in single parent homes now with mention of both medical debt and george being breadwinner yet nancy has no struggles while george does. (i wonder if ryan had been able to help george here how the story would have changed)
-"when it comes to following people around without their knowledge or consent i am somewhat of a repeat offender" 😂😂😂
-"he wasnt endgame after all" BESS lmaoooo
-"...okay." lmaoooo i fuckin love owen
-i was hoping the girls' faces would be more shocked like with a glance to owen but they just....werent
-"we're the good guys" <---- this statement is soooo interesting in terms of how they structure the show and how the characters see themselves (its an interesting contrast with the more definitive good vs evil with things that are both clearly good and clearly evil but theres also a lot of moral grey area here, the show is kinda swamped in it. are nancy and crew the good guys? are they the bad guys in someone else's story? concerns.)
-"i'd call it more than just stuff" like why did u concede that??? and then the shit about oof that didnt sound like a compliment lmaoooooo why does she suck at arguing?? she and owen wouldnt work long term bc theyre so similar (as mentioned later on)
-i LOVE george slowly falling in love with nick here- hence how upset she gets when nick bails on her for nancy later (which is totally justified!!!)
-i am LIVING for the little nod this driver guy gives bess when she turns back around all nervous 😂
-"i do like buying things" i would so say that too tbh
-"you'd have plenty to talk about" LMFAOOOOOOO SHE KNOWS "marvins dont marry drivers" so diana is totally fine with the gay its just the poor she has a problem with 😂💙fuckin love that
-love how nancy just casually ruins everything for nick/george lmaooo
-"i have seen you at your best, nancy, and there is nothing like it." 🥴😳 i love this still-in-love look nancy gives him thats so strong he had to change the subject
-so is haunting time 11 pm? from that clock of bashiir's?
-how do NO neighbors notice this fucking water and shit
-these are TOTALLY AWFUL fake screams from the bonny scot crew 😭
-"i know well enough not to get involved when he's in play" both carson and ryan avoid engaging with everett even though nancy is willing to do so armed with less info and more balls/ but "could i trust him" and ryan says yes lmaooooo NO honey + that makes ryan 0/2 for helping the girls when they ask this ep
-"find a project of your own" and he does, with his youth center 🙏🏻💙 what s2 foreshadowing!
-"god i wish i still drank" 😂😂😂
-"she is darling." 💙👌🏻
-okay wtf is mirror bay??
-i really wonder about the extent of celia x sebastians relationship here. did she truly care about him or was it just secret and exciting sex? also would love more hints of diana vs celia moments like these. celia doesnt even look upset. i mean shes had time to deal but like wtf. and who exactly is sebastian to diana? not her husband? like damn what if he was. somehow i doubt she'd talk about him diddling celia if diana was disrespected also
-i wonder if celia being so invested in dna testing nancy was bc everrett dna tested ryan to make sure he was his bc of sebastian / other men (which would be totally valid on his part!! but wouldnt it be funny as fuck if ryan wasnt his 😂)
-what a neat hiding place in this frame lmaooo who put that in for them tho? like how do u go about ordering that
-"you certainly are your fathers daughter" this quote is doubly ironic and foreshadowy bc theyre referencing carson here as being a useful hudson attaché but nancy is playing everett just like ryan played celia about putting his house up (but TRIPLY ironic bc carson pulls off the long con of hiding nancy from the hudsons right under their noses this whole time!) the one time nancy is successful against them
-that bess/lisbeth look while lisbeth does something badass (+diana reassessing now that lisbeth has been revealed to be useful)
-"almost as fun as a real fight" why do i believe him? lmaoooo a bit weird that he would enjoy a fight w a partner, but i also think this is an acknowledgement of nancy being an "opponent" who exists at his level. but i also love the "let me take you out" as a direct mirror of her relationship with nick, where she avoids the public acknowledgment/"going out" but prefers the more subtle/hidden arrangements of staying in. but as shown with later eps, owen is way more capable of meeting nancy where shes at, which is so important to her + the only way of getting close to nancy. (the only foil is ace who somehow is able to do both)
-"not always about a guy" <---- this could have been such a powerful statement if the show had thought having nancy end up alone/choose herself instead of pitting her between love interests (nick, owen, gil, even potentially ace, in only 2 seasons) was a more worthy stance to take ; as an aro/ace person i cant tell you how much i would kill to see just one female protag choose herself over a man. and its more realistic to end up alone than have a happy ending anyway, for all that these shows try to be as "real" and gritty grimdark as possible
-"is that what you want?" this is an interesting question to his mother- like maybe he senses her unhappiness? combined with his issues with his father- still trying to look out for his mom? either way it's sweet. (it could also potentially work as foreshadowing of something happening to her, but i think that was played with but then diverted when it was revealed who really killed her) "i think its time i steer this ship" still kind of patriarchal tho. i get that its him coming into his own as a dad technically but still. i also like how he calls her "mother" and not mom
-love that old white people thumbs up at george asking about his clams 👍🏻
-okay fuck dawn tho lmfaoooo
-"stressful dinner huh?" 😂 i fucking love lisbeth so much why didnt they bring her back (wouldnt it be Fucking Hilarious if they brought lisbeth back to bounce bess on her expired visa since the marvins kicked her out and didnt fix it lmaoooooo)
-BESS IS A TOP lmaooooooo i fuckin knew it
-nick says "you can pay me back" wonder if thats gonna come back in s3 considering their "marital problems" (also, those bonds are sosus lmfaoooo if any single person cashing those was looked at sideways they'd confess in 2 seconds that some random guy is handing out bearer bonds they dont even make anymore with absolutely zero proof as to how he got them)
-"you wanna finish what you started?" 👀 (dont mind if i do)
-"i need my dad back" parallels s2 when she asks him to come home
-parent politics: "you are taking your life in your hands / no, i'm putting it in yours" vs "i know well enough not to get involved when hes in play" both carson and ryan try to dissuade nancy from pursuing her pulling this con on everett but go about it different ways: carson is wildly concerned with nancys physical wellbeing but ryan appears to be leaning more towards weighing the odds for her/ like a "you cant win so cut your losses/dont try" scenario which interestingly might have more weight with nancy; its easy for her to brush aside carson's worrying like second nature but nancy has been established to be a determined winner, and ryan speaks to her here like shes a beginners luck prodigy at a blackjack table by encouraging her to keep her record clean by not dealing in this next round. of course she herself admits shes incapable of not dealing in ie "you know me better than that" but i have lots more thoughts on how effective ryans approaches to nancy can be sometimes (saving for the reveal ep 🙏🏻)
-wonder what all carson knows about the hudsons? + that look on his face when he hangs up... wonder if he was just lying to her about knowing anything or just ashamed at having to admit bad things hes done for them
-love nick & bashiir waiting together 🙏🏻💙+ nicks very strong and pointed "good night" as a means of ending his convo w nancy on his terms (gotta reinforce those boundaries man!)
and lastly
-celia + that gossip girl moment when she just throws the whole phone away 😂(wonder if she was just talking to "gus" or whoever that guy was. keep forgetting the bobbseys' dad is in prison too, wonder if he'll feature in s3)
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dangermousie · 5 years
Prior to 2010 kdrama rec post
@walkwithheroes84 asked: “What are some dramas (Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese, and/or Korean) that are older (pre-2010) that you wish more people would watch.”
Ooooh boy, we are gonna be here all day so I am just going to do Korea and save the rest for later. I had to really cull!
A Love to Kill (2005) - I own Japanese DVDs of this, I was so obsessed. A dark, intense melo in which Rain gets a job as a bodyguard to a rising young star played by Shin Minah. His plan is to seduce and wreck her to avenge his dead brother (who he believes killed himself after she heartlessly left him for fame), but he recons without his own impossible feelings for her or the extent of SMA’s internal damage. They remain one of the most impossible, messed-up, intense, doomed OTPs I’ve ever shipped. Stock tissues.
All In (2003) - he is a gangster, she is a nun. Have I gotten your attention yet? This was a huge hit and Lee Byung Hun and Song Hye Kyo are out of this world together.
Beautiful Days (2001-2002) - a super classic, grown up melo about a plucky poor girl and a tortured workaholic and Choi Ji Woo and Lee Byung Hun set the screen on fire.
Capital Scandal (2007) - somehow both frothy and deeply emotional, this centers on freedom fighters and playboys and spies in 1930s Seoul. If you don’t love it, you have no heart.
Chuno/Slave Hunters (2009) - possibly my favorite sageuk (it’s a threeway tie atm), this story about an aristocrat turned slave hunter, a general turned slave, and a slave woman turned an aristocrat, all involved with rebellion, court secrets and sheer desperation of their lives is amazing. Beyond amazing. Jang Hyuk, Oh Ji Ho and Lee Da Hae are all on fire and if you ever watch only one sageuk, make it this one.
City Hall (2009) - Kim Sun Ah as a small town civil servant and Cha Seung Won as an amoral fixer for a powerful politician sparkle beyond words in the most grown up, smart kdrama romcom I have ever seen.
Coffee Prince (2007) - Yoon Eun Hye is a woman dressing as a man, Gong Yoo as a man horrified to discover he likes her while thinking she is a boy. This was a mad hit for a reason.
Damo (2003) - my first sageuk, this is as good as ever. Ha Ji Won is a police tea servant, a noble lady whose family was executed and she came down in the world; Lee Seo Jin as her noble superior who loves her silently. She infiltrates a conspiracy led by the charismatic, tortured Kim Mim Joon, and epic tragedy follows. 
Delightful Girl Chunhyang (2005) - back when Hong Sisters were consistently good, this is a modern take on the famous folk tale. Our heroine is a studious poor girl and our hero a ne’er-do-well son of a local prosecutor. There is arranged marriage, true love surviving some insane sacrifice, one of my all time favorite OTPs, and a heroine and hero that grow into people I was obsessed with. Confession time - I wrote fanfic for this drama!
East of Eden (2008-2009) - a sprawling multigenerational epic they don’t make much of any more, this has its flaws but the plots and brotherhood and romances and the characters and the revenge are so worth it.
Emperor of the Sea/Sea God (2004-2005) - a larger than life sageuk epic they don’t make any more. 
Family’s Honor (2008) - Kdrama does North and South. Our heroine is a widow from an aristocratic family, our hero is a noveau riche ruthless businessman who gets attracted to her. This is so so good!
Fashion 70s (2005) - period drama about a bunch of intense cool peeps, fashion and love. Just watch it. 
Friend Our Legend (2009) - the most criminally underrated drama on this list, about a group of childhood friends turned gangsters and the tragic fall out.I want a rewatch rn tbh.
Goong (2005) - a giddily fun take on an alternate universe where an icy modern crown prince and a bubbly commoner have to get married.
Green Rose (2005) - this tale of a man (Go Soo) trying to get revenge and get back to his love (Lee Da Hae) is a modern take on Monte Cristo and has one of my fave opening scenes ever.
Hello My Teacher (2005) - Gong Yoo is a student in love with Gong Hyo Jin’s teacher.
Hong Gil Dong (2008) - starts out wacky, ends up by making me cry. A wonderful take on Korean Robin Hood and the OTP omg the OTP!
IRIS (2009) - in the running for my favorite kdrama of all time, with definitely the most tortured hero, this starts out as a fun routine actioner until our hero’s life details in a horrifying fashion and even his attempts to right the world are doomed in this horrifyingly bleak, intense, romantic drama. 
Jumong (2006-2007) - the DADDY of all traditional sageuks, with insane ep count (81) and equally insane and deserved ratings. See our hero go from zero to hero and an awesome king.
The Kingdom of the Winds (2008-2009) - Song Il Gook’s last sageuk (so far, though I don’t think he’s gonna bother to come back), a story about a cursed prince and his quest for love and throne, this is wonderful.
Last Scandal (2008) - they dated in high school. Now she is an exhausted ahjumma with a deadbeat husband and he is a huge star. A second chance romance that starts out hilarious but turns profound follows. One of my all time faves.
The Legend (2007) - I’ve raved about it elsewhere; it is arguably my favorite sageuk of all time (or maybe even just plain fave kdrama), smart and passionate and hugely epic.
Lobbyist (2007) - one of the very few actioners I’ve ever liked, and with more whump than you can shake a stick at, Song Il Gook is a tough as nails international arms dealer with an even tougher OTP (JJY) and this is a heaven of plot and love and hurt/comfort.
Loveholic (2005) - a student/teacher romance AND a story about a man going to jail to protect the woman he loves all rolled into one. What more could you want?
Lovers (2006) - if it’s a smart adult love story you want, come right in!
Mawang/The Devil/Lucifer (2007) - meet possibly my n1 kdrama of all time. Haunted past, tragedy, revenge, complicated characters and plot. If there is a perfect kdrama, this is it.
My Girl (2005) - Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae set the screen on fire in a romcom with hidden identities and plot twists. PS it is funny but when the drama starts, I literally bawled.
One Fine Day (2006) - Sung Yuri and Gong Yoo in a lovely, angsty romance.
Piano (2001-2002) - this is like who is who before they got to be big stars - Go Soo and Kim Hae Neul are in love but can’t be together because they are stepsiblings, Jo In Sung is a young gangster, tragedy and melo all around.
Que Sera Sera (2007) - Eric and Jung Yumi play the ultimate dysfunctional couple. He uses his good looks to date rich generous women, she is a neighbor who is neither. Their levels of obsession with each other are insane.
Queen Seon Duk (2009) - want a female centric sageuk that is intense and epic and amazing? Look no further!
Resurrection (2005) - a tight, complex revenge thriller that more people should see.
The Return of Iljimae/Moon River (2009) - Jung Il Woo’s debut, this is arguably my favorite take on Korean Robin Hood ever and except for Someday and Friend Our Legend, the most underrated drama on this list.
Robber (2008) - Jang Hyuk and Lee Da Hae break my heart and then heal it in this intense story of a man preying on desperate women and a broken widow. Yes, it’s another two messed up people heal each other story. I love those!
Romance (2002) - a teacher/student romance, with gorgeous young Kim Jae Won and Kim Ha Neul.
Sang Do, Let’s Go to School - Gong Hyo Jin is a teacher, Rain is a gigolo taking gigs to support his son; they used to be each other’s first loves. It’s wistful and slice of life and utterly tragic. Written by Lee Kyung Hee of the A Love to Kill and Thank You fame. 
Save the Last Dance for Me (2004-2005) - I binged 17 episodes of this baby at a go, a record that has not yet been surpassed. Ji Sung is a rich man who is in an accident and gets amnesia, being cared for and falling for Eugene. However when he recovers his memory and forgets his amnesia time - he will end up meeting her again and falling for her all over again (hilariously, his RL wife Lee Bo Young plays the psycho secondary girl in this.)
Say You Love Me (2004) - a much better attempt at Dangerous Liasons than the wretched Tempted. Kim Rae Won and Yoon So Yi, naive and tragic young lovers, come across a pair of jaded sophisticates; the female half of whom is intrigued by the fresh faced KRW and envious of uncomplicated young love and asks her partner to take YSI away from KRW for kicks. 
Seoul 1945 (2006) - from WW2 to the Korean war, this is intense and smart and pulls no punches.
Shining Inheritance/Brilliant Legacy (2009) - Han Hyo Joo is a young woman tormented by her family; Lee Seung Gi is a spoiled rich boy who needs to grow up. I was obsessed with this.
Snow Queen (2006-2007) - Hyun Bin and Sung Yuri do a tragic romance melo right. He is a poor, smart kid, she is a brittle rich girl with a terminal illness. It hurts so good.
Someday (2006) - a sheltered cartoonist suffering from a writer’s block meets a sort-of small time private detective. They are both haunted by their pasts but find hope and healing with each other. 
Spring Day (2005) - a very solid melo where Jo In Sung ends up stealing the girl from the original leading man.
Spring Waltz (2006) - the last and, imo, best of the seasons dramas, possibly in my all time top 10 kdramas, it follows a haunted young pianist and his OTP and their shared tragic past and hope for the future.
Swallow the Sun (2009) - Ji Sung as the haunted mercenary wanting revenge on his father, Sung Yuri as his tough, common-sense girlfriend, one of my fave secondary OTPs (mercenary x stripper) etc etc.
Thank You (2007) - Gong Hyo Jin is an island woman living with the stigma and agony of having an HIV positive child. Jang Hyuk is a surgeon haunted by the death of his girlfriend. Two lost souls find and heal each other in one of my all time favorites.
Time Between Dog and Wolf (2007) - Lee Jun Ki is tortured a lot on his path to revenge and love. I loooove this one.
Tree of Heaven (2006) - only ten eps but bring your tissues for this tender and tragic and gorgeous love story between Park Shin Hye and Lee Wan, stepsiblings for a brief time; they reconnect when she’s a cleaner and he’s a gangster. I was sooooo obsessed with it!
What Happened in Bali (2005) - Ha Ji Won, Jo In Sung and So Ji Sub are a trio of desperately damaged people entangled with each other in what is probably still the darkest melo I have seen out of Korea. Money grubbing poor woman played by HJW, high-strung, abused rich son played by JIS, or a cold, ambitious man on the rise SJS - pick any of them, there is enough damage to level a city.
Will It Snow for Christmas (2009) - a melodrama with Go Soo and Han Ye Seul by Lee Kyung Hee.
Worlds Within/The World That They Live In (2008) - the last candidate for my n1 kdrama of all time. By Noh Hee Kyung, with seemingly mundane lives of TV station personnel. But every character is someone you feel you know and Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo are both real and unreal as the OTP.
Congrats if you made it to the end!
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arecomicsevengood · 4 years
Hey, you know what’s a really interesting comic book that I don’t think very many people know about? Deathwish, published by Milestone Comics. I got the first issue ordering a lot of comics off Ebay. I was looking forward to it, as it features early work by JH Williams III, and had a plot summary that made me think it might be “problematic,” possibly actively offensive, in that it’s a comic about a villain (spun off from the pages of Hardware) and was dealing with the murder of transgender people, and the name of the first issue was “This Ain’t No Cryin’ Game.” And then I read it, and was kinda blown away? Like, it turns out the plot is ACTIVELY retelling The Silence Of The Lambs, in that it’s about a detective who goes to a prison to talk to an insane lunatic who’s locked up, and then that character escapes from jail, but while Silence Of The Lambs is known for its transphobic depiction of the Buffalo Bill character, Deathwish instead has a trans woman be in the Clarice Starling role, and tells the story from her perspective. It’s not clear by the end of the first issue what will be the deal with the murderous character who initially set the plot in motion. Anyway, I looked up the writer and it turns out they were trans and actively involved in activism within that community.
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While I remain skeptical about the revival of Milestone as an IP farm or whatever the intent might be, when they were an active company they were committed to diversity and bringing in new creators. It seems Blaustein was brought into comics initially by working as an assistant to Jim Owsley, who’s now known as Christopher Priest. I don’t think Blaustein got any writing work in comics after Milestone folded, which is a shame and yet totally unsurprising. Lately I have seen an increase in praise for Rachel Pollack’s comics, and her work on the Vertigo Doom Patrol, and her creation of a trans superhero Coagula. I haven’t heard anyone say anything about these comics.
The official word I’ve heard of why those Doom Patrols aren’t in print is because the film of the original art is lost. I know that Milestone comics were not in print or available digitally due to rights issues that are beginning to be sorted out. I know a bunch of Milestone comics are being released digitally now, and Blaustein did more work there than just these Deathwish comics — some fill-in issues, and six issues of Static towards the end of its run, two of which I’ve read. One was drawn by Gil Kane, another by Humberto Ramos - Ramos’ art at the time was still pretty solid, and with the painted color by Noelle C Giddings I’d argue it never looked better, I liked that comic a good deal as a kid.
It does seem like Blaustein’s work was valued by Milestone editorial - Included in the same lot is a copy of issue 1 of Ho Che Anderson’s Wise Son miniseries, and in the little page keeping reader’s abreast of the company’s goings-on the series is hyped up with the sentence “Not since 1995’s DEATHWISH have we brought you a 4-issue miniseries that appeals to superhero fans on a literary level.” Rereading that sentence maybe they just hadn’t put out many 4-issue miniseries in the intervening years but I’m choosing to interpret it as genuine respect.
Going to IMDB reveals she later went by Madeline Blaustein and worked as a voice actress on a bunch of English language dubs of anime, which surely some people reading this would’ve grown up on. Apologies for using her deadname, but that’s the name all the comics are credited to, and I want to make it easy for interested parties to research and read the work. I also haven’t even read the subsequent issues of this Deathwish miniseries, though looking online all of the individual issues are titled as jokes/references to works that are notable for their depiction of either crossdressing or trans people. In addition to The Crying Game, and Silence Of The Lambs, other issues are named in reference to Some Like It Hot and Paris Is Burning.
Looking at IMDB, actually, you can see that she is sometimes credited as “Addie” and sometimes as “Maddie” — and looking again at Deathwish you can see that the name “Maddie” is the name of the trans detective narrating the story. I didn’t know anything about this person, who was born in 1960 and died in 2008, before today, but here there are all these clues, these fragments suggestive of their actual life, discovered in the pages of a largely-forgotten comic and some online databases.
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