#but I NEEDED to get this out
onlycheols · 1 year
imagine cheol fingering you for hours to prep you to take his cock only for you to squirt for the first time and he’s so insanely proud of you (and himself) and he’ll eat you out till you’re shaking from the overstimulation and from being sensitive then he’ll fuck you till you’re basically falling asleep
nsfw link
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sinkingquail · 1 month
a ramble about taliesin's spoon-feeding line
cw: caregiver burnout, dementia hi @dynamite124 please let me know if you want me to take the audio file down!
i was thinking about how taliesin really would take care of the ldb for the rest of their life if they happen to be unable to take care of themselves after reading the elder scroll
aka rambles from someone working as a caregiver for people with dementia and how fucking meaningful this is
(this is half me being amazed at tally, half me explaining the horrors of dementia)
tl;dr: i believe that by the time taliesin says this line, he genuinely loves the player. like so, so much i can't even begin to describe it.
to preface this, i've been working in memory care for about half a year now. it is so fucking heartbreaking, guys.
for those unfamiliar with dementia, it's a very slow, insidious disease that results in memory loss first and foremost, but can also lead to paranoia, aggression, loss of motor function, inability to process sensory info, aspiration pneumonia (this is usually what kills people with dementia - it's important for people that have trouble swallowing to be on a puréed food diet and let me tell you, it looks fucking terrible)
here's a few examples of the people in my care. note that these are people that families have decided they can no longer take care of and pay a LOT of money for their care, so they tend to be in the later stages of dementia:
guy that is just constantly walking around the building. his eyes don't track you, he doesn't react to most stimulus, when he talks it's nonsense. he's in his 70s.
lady that says her dog is running around, she can see her in the hallways. her dog is over the rainbow bridge as of last year. she is also one of our most independent residents
guy that i'd transfer from his wheelchair to his chair. after he sits, he would touch the wheelchair and ask me what it is
the one i want to talk about the most, a husband and wife that have been married for 60+ years. the husband is cognitively intact and very independent (he can drive) and the wife, well... she's absolutely dependent on us
anyways, here's the exact quote taliesin says when the dragonborn messes with him and pretends they've actually gone insane from reading the elder scroll:
"You had me half worried I'd have to spoon feed you for the rest of your life. And that is NOT a kink I am into."
(leave it to tally to use humor to deflect again) i cannot stress how insane this is.
anyways, the husband that i mentioned previously has essentially halted the rest of his time on earth to take care of his wife, who he's been married to for over 60 years. it is simultaneously heartbreaking and beautiful just how much love the husband has for this person.
i'd like to compare that to taliesin, who will say this after... how long of knowing the ldb? like a couple years, max?
(this is not to downplay the husband's sacrifice, but rather to give a comparison of the sheer amount of love that goes into making this kind of decision)
i argue that by the time this happens in-game, taliesin truly, truly loves the player (whether platonically or romantically is up to interpretation). he'd have to love them, to genuinely want to spend however long the ldb has left to take care of them.
it's even more meaningful when you remember that taliesin wants to see the world. by taking care of you, he's most definitely giving that up. and he'd do it in a heartbeat. there's also a matter of how long tally would act as caregiver for. i don't know how old they are but altmer live a fucking long time (i think like... 300 years?), and depending on the race of your ldb, this quote can be that much more meaningful. (it's still super meaningful even if the ldb would die in a year, tbh. tally had basically just gotten the chance to escape the thalmor)
and of course, what does the ldb's insanity look like? no idea. but i can tell you that when people's dementia progress, their personality changes. they can become more irritable, lash out, get violent. now imagine what that's like if you're taking care of the freaking dragonborn instead of someone that's 80+ years old.
not to mention how fucking exhausting caregiving is. i've been only working this job for half a year, part-time and i'm so tired. i also work a little less than 20% of the hours in a week, these people need 24/7 care. the work is insane, and tally is insane for offering to take this on. especially without help.
does taliesin realize how much work it is? would he tap out after a bit? im not sure, but to even offer such a thing in the first place just goes to show how much love he has for the player. and i think that's beautiful
(this was a very long-winded way of saying that taliesin's gesture is genuinely born out of love for the player. i'm also very passionate about the work i do, please feel free to message me if you have any questions about dementia, or just need someone to vent to.)
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misty--nights · 2 months
Here's a short silly thing inspired by this convo with @anshares (you really have to stop giving me such fun ideas). I wrote this in like 30 minutes with no regards for historical accuracy. Enjoy some silly ghost kings banter and He Xuan being down bad for Shi Qingxuan because I have a brand and am incapable of writing his pov without making him pine pathetically ^^
“Is this what you spend my money on?” Hua Cheng asks from his side. He Xuan rolls his eyes.
“What do you care?” He Xuan finally asks. The glass bottle in his hands feels far too frail, like it could shatter with one wrong movement. He Xuan very carefully doesn’t think about what else—who else—feels too fragile under his hands. “I’ll pay you back either way.”
“I’m sure you will,” Hua Cheng mutters. His attention is fixed elsewhere, though, eye caught by a little box decorated with delicate white flowers. One track mind, He Xuan thinks, but doesn’t say.
One can find just about anything in Ghost City. There are many sketchy, and even downright dangerous establishments, but there are also genuine shops, with rare products that are nearly impossible to find elsewhere. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look. He Xuan has had centuries to familiarize himself with the place. He knows exactly where everything he needs can be found. And right now, what he needs is a new hair product Shi Qingxuan has been raving about.
He Xuan opens the bottle in his hands and takes a deep breath. The product inside smells sweet. Like a meadow, he thinks, and the summer breeze. It’s a familiar smell, the same one his mind has come to associate with Shi Qingxuan, the one he always catches when the Wind Master throws his head back to laugh. He Xuan closes his eyes, and he can almost hear that precious laughter. His treacherous chest clenches at that and he knows if he were still alive his whole face would be blushing.
Hua Cheng is looking at him when he opens his eyes again. He raises an eyebrow at him, and He Xuan has to resist the urge to growl. He still has products to buy. It won’t serve him well to anger Hua Cheng before he pays. A silver butterfly flutters down to land on Hua Cheng’s shoulder and his mouth twists into a sharp, dangerous smile.
“What?” He Xuan asks, closing the bottle again and setting it down on the shelf he took it from.
“Nothing,” Hua Cheng says, but that smile is still there, sharper by the second. “Just wait until the next time you complain about my face when talking about His Highness.”
He Xuan feels a shiver run up his spine. He won’t ask, won’t give Hua Cheng the satisfaction, but he knows whatever face he was making when smelling the product will be a blow to his pride for years to come.
“Whatever,” he mutters. He tries to sound indifferent, but he knows it’s not very convincing. Hua Cheng, thanks to some miracle, doesn’t call him out on it. “There’s supposed to be a new scent from this manufacturer. Help me find it.”
“You think I’m here to do your work for you?” Hua Cheng asks with a scoff. He still sets the little box down on the counter and turns towards the hair product bottles. He Xuan doesn’t call him out on it. “Why do you need a different one, anyways? I thought you always used the same.”
“Shi Qingxuan mentioned the new scent reminded him of me,” He Xuan replies without much thought.
He realizes his mistake a second later. Hua Cheng has turned to look at him with an intensity he doesn’t like, both eyebrows raised in surprise. He Xuan holds his gaze for a long moment before he has to look away. Once more, he feels like he would be blushing if he could.
“Well,” Hua Cheng says. He Xuan waits for him to say more, but he doesn’t.
There’s an odd look on his face when He Xuan turns to look at him, one that feels too knowing. In the silence that settles around them, he debates the merits of just puffing out of existence. He doesn’t know how he’ll be able to look Hua Cheng in the eye again after this.
“Just help me find the damn bottle,” he finally manages to bite out after what feels like an eternity.
Hua Cheng just hums and turns back towards the shelf. He lets the topic go for now, but He Xuan is not so naïve. He knows Hua Cheng, and he knows he won’t let it go forever. This conversation will come up again, at the worst possible moment. He will brace himself for that. Until then, though, he will do his very best to pretend he never said anything incriminating, pretend nothing has changed since he first took Ming Yi’s place as the Earth Master. After all, he has become truly amazing at lying to himself on that matter.
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for-thee · 5 months
ok but what if gabriel just doesn't have a title in the act 3 fight. like we have "judge of hell", "apostate of hate", but what about just "gabriel"
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wildemaven · 3 months
I have thoughts and hurt feelings this morning that I’ll put under the cut…
I was so so excited to share this next chapter of Strangers. Is it perfect, no and I accept, but nothing will ever be perfect and that’s okay— especially in a fictional world I made up.
When I started this series, I made a point to say that a lot of what the reader deals with throughout the series were feelings that I have felt in my own marriage— even as I was writing this series. Things that I have to work through regularly in therapy— I’m fully aware of how unhealthy my thoughts are. I made that disclaimer in hopes to let others know who might deal with same feelings that they aren’t alone. But I’ve had so many wonderful conversations around about how reader has felt at different points of the series.
So to wake up to a comment of “meh” regarding how chapter 5 played out was a little disheartening. I get that not everyone is going to like what I write, like I’m very aware of that. But if you didn’t like it, you could have just moved on from there instead of dissecting all the things you think were wrong with Dave, Reader and Jacey.
And the fact that you didn’t even give me the courtesy to share chapter 6 or finish the series in general is so fucking ridiculous.
I’m guessing based on the only other comment you left on the series insinuating that Jacey and Dave might be hooking up, you probably wanted cheating or something scandalous to happen. Why you chose this chapter as the only chapter to reblog too boggles my mind.
It’s like you skipped over all the parts where she said they would talk and dave takes accountability for the part he played in her feeling how she did.
I’ve spent the better part of this morning questioning the series and my writing in general— so if that was your intent, well played.
I’ve been having such a hard time getting back into a writing headspace lately and now I don’t know if I even want to write anything again after I finish this series.
I don’t know. I feel like my words are a mess right now and maybe I’m overreacting to the stupid comment that was made.
Anyway. Instead of being a dick, just scroll past the shit you don’t like. Or go talk about with your mutuals behind a dm or discord server. Or I don’t know, go touch grass because it’s a fucking made up story.
😘 🖕🏻
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nicky-jr · 6 months
im gonna be so real yall i HAAAATE how willy was handled as a villain in s2. like aside from the fact that i dont think he should've been a villain at all, let alone the main one, he's somehow become less threatening since becoming god? somehow? like in s1 he was terrifying because he felt real. yes he had powerful magic but the basis of what made him effective was how grounded in reality he was. he was dominating and self-absorbed and unpredictable and clever in ways that felt reminiscent of actual abusers. throw in his magic and unwavering fear of death and you have a terrifying, but interesting, antagonist. and i really think he should've been left behind in s1 because his ending was perfect. a man lusting after immortality and power is left in stasis in an empty room forever. his wish, twisted.
bur sure whatever he shows up in s2, alright. but i'll give him credit, he had a good start! his relationship with scary was interesting! he still had some bite! but once she breaks free of that and his motivation is suddenly... become god? remake the world? huh??? i can understand his goal to capture the doodler and thus become all powerful and immortal again but it just leads to him becoming a caricature. he's just another generic villain who wants to take over the world and i don't care. he has no charm. hes boring. hes more powerful than ever before and yet im not afraid of him. him killing off the kiddads and such just feels like a lazy, artificial way to make him feel like an actual threat again. and it just adds to the fact that i dont really care what happens in the finale because im so fucking bored
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areyoudoingthis · 1 year
it isn't about the crew finding out for me. the crew will eventually forgive ed because they'll see that he's changed and stede will want him back home, plus this is a comedy about found family after all
i need what izzy did to come out because ed isn't a crazy man who went insane and violent when his boyfriend left him. he's a man who keeps being revictimized over and over by the angry men in his life and who has never been able to fully escape that, because even as an adult the only way he found to escape was to build himself a facade of violent masculinity that effectively became a prison. and the one time in his life when he found softness and thought he could be allowed to be who he really wanted to be and not who everyone else has been forcing him to be since he was a kid, izzy stepped on him and showed him he wasn't safe at all. I need izzy's abuse to be addressed because i need to see ed heal and that bit's kinda crucial to it, to ed finally embracing the softness he's always wanted and learning that he is, after all, capable of giving and receiving love, that he isn't broken and the violence he suffered was never his fault, was never caused by anything being fundamentally broken in him
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ssaronance · 1 year
i honestly think the whole point of whatever was happening with st*ncy in S4 was to prove that they just aren’t compatible with each other (romantically at least)
like what steve wants in life is what nancy DOESNT want and it’s been said before
idk how many times it needs to be said
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finkisun · 2 years
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Image description in ALT text !!
um. bubbletale? sure!! /joke
commissions | ko-fi | Professor Venomous (OK KO!)
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ishipgenfics · 2 years
You and Your Human: Part 6
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
You gently peel your human away from you, limb by limb. It makes a soft whining noise.
"I am sorry," you say, edging away from your human. "I need to go."
Your human seems to collect itself, nodding firmly. "Right. Sorry."
"Captain?" the pilot calls. "You really should come look at this."
You wish you could stay. Your human is breathing heavily, and it looks tense as it shifts along the ground, as if any wrong movement might make it fall over and shatter. But this, whatever it is, is important.
You follow your pilot up to the bridge, where your engineer and scientist are both standing. They nod as you approach. You note vaguely that it is funny, how easy it is to pick up on human quirks.
"We got a messsssssage a few minutesss ago," your engineer explains. Her Pyricese is getting very good. "It is the same word... wordsss?"
"Do you mean phrase?"
"Yes. The same phrase, over and over. Many languages, but same phrase, I think."
"What is it?" you say. There is no voice echoing through the bridge, so your engineer must have shut off the message for now. Unless perhaps the message written, and sent through the controls. You can't really say.
"Do you have a human?" the Sirviles quotes. "That is all."
You stiffen, thinking over all the sentients you have encountered so far. Could one of them have figured out your secret, your human?
Or maybe it is someone you haven't met before. After all, your former customers would know what language you speak.
So. Who is this, and what does it want with a human?
"Do you want me to answer their hail?" the engineer asks.
"Yes, thank you," you say. "Please do."
The big screen that usually shows nothing but blank space and the flicker of stars lights up. A human appears on the screen.
It looks young, probably around the same age as your human, if you had to guess. Its hair is the color of dirty sand, and it is wearing a gray shirt that is definitely too big for it.
Its eyes meet yours, and he says, in pitch-perfect Pyricese, "Do you have a human?"
It starts to repeat it in another pronoun variant, but you hold up a hand and it stops. "I am captain of this vessel, and use she/her pronouns," you say in your native tongue, all lilts and rolls. "What are your pronouns, and what do you want with us?"
The human says nothing.
You frown. "My name is Rhy'cd," you say. You had not gotten the impression that names were of much importance to humans, considering your human's behavior, but perhaps it was simply an anomaly. "Please state your intentions."
The human stayed quiet for a moment longer and then repeated, "Do you have a human?"
You stare. "... that's the only sentence in Pyricese you know, isn't it?"
"Do you have a--"
"Yeah, yeah," you wave your hand and the human stops talking. With a sigh, you switch languages. "Do you speak English?"
The human startles. "Yes, I do. Why do you speak English?"
"I have an personal interest in languages," you reply, which is not technically inaccurate.
"Do you have a human?" the human says again, falling back on its weird catchphrase. You try very hard to focus on the words and not just the way this humans speaks. It is different then your human, faster and smoother, with more heavily accented vowels. A dialect, perhaps? Or could English be this human's second language? The books had implied that Earth was a multi-lingual planet...
"Well?' the human demands, shocking you out of your thoughts. Your ears shoot up, and your fur bristles.
"Why do you want a human?" you ask.
The human does something with its lips, like a smile, but not all the way. "Let's just say... I have a personal interest."
Snarky little-- "I will not give up a member of my crew," you say. "Not without a reason."
The human points at you. "Aha! You do have a human!"
Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. You try to pull yourself together and deliver some kind of eloquent plea to continue diplomatic talks but what comes out of your mouth is instead, "It wants to be here!"
The human's face shuts down. Completely. You aren't all that good at reading human facial expressions at the best of times(void, you have trouble with it among your own species) but right now you are getting nothing. Except the eyes. Those are filled with cold hard anger. You shiver.
You know humans are predators. But this is the first time you've ever really felt it.
"Wait," you say. "We can talk about this--"
"Will you give me my human?"
... you've had a bad day. You've been a little stressed ever since you woke up, and you really haven't been sleeping enough ever since you started cramming for your human's surprise, and now you're in the middle of a direct confrontation and you're a prey animal, damnit! You aren't meant for this.
And all these things, piled one on top of the other, are slowly wearing down your restraint and making it so that--
Well. When you hear that possessive adjective, your instincts scream.
The human nods, stiffly. "Right then." The screen turns off.
You sink into your chair, wrapping yourself in your tail. No one says anything.
Your engineer is the one to finally break the silence. "Captain? They're charging weapons."
That little tidbit breaks you out of your haze of instincts and failure. Your claws retract and reveal again, scraping against metal. You take a deep breath.
"Pull up the star charts," you order your scientist.
"Pull them up!"
"Yes, Captain!"
The screen changed, a sea of empty black appearing. You must have stumbled your way into a dead zone. Damnit. Out of the corner of your eye, you see your engineer frantically fiddling with the controls. The shields around the ship glow brighter, blocking out the first volley of attack. The human's ship pauses, waiting to see what you do. They must not have much ammunition.
"Expand," you order.
There's a slight pause as your engineer taps frantically at the controls before the screen expands wider. You search the void, sharp eyes scanning every inch and-- there!
"My pilot," you say. "Set a course for the star."
There's a flash of bright light, and as your pilot springs to action, feathers rustling, you turn to see your scientist flickering anxiously.
"Can't--danger-- star-- fire,"
"I'm sorry," you say as gently as you can, as the ship hums and starts flying. "We don't really have a choice."
Your scientist growls.
"Captain?" your pilot says. Their voice is ever so slightly higher-pitched than normal, indicating a hint of hysteria, but they seem to be holding together well. "The other ship is following us."
"Are they charging weapons?"
Your engineer snorts. "At this speed? In that ship? No."
The star map comes down, and you see the star quickly approaching. Your ship slows down/
"Shall I stop the ship?" your pilot asks. "We're going to hit the star."
You nod. "That's the point. Keep going."
You fly into the star. Instantly, the ship starts shaking.
"Shields are down!" your engineer yells. "Shields are down!"
"The other ship has stopped following us!" your pilot says.
There is another flash of bright light and your scientist is gone. You look around, but can't see it anywhere.
"Captain?" your engineer says. "The shields are... coming back up. 10 percent... 20 percent... 30 percent... 40 percent... holding steady at 40 percent!"
You peer at the screen. "My scientist?" you say, feeling stupid. "Is that you?"
A shining face appears and nods at you before vanishing, presumably back into the wiring.
Your engineer coughs. "Captain. We are safe for now, but this ship was not made to enter stars. We will need to do repairs before we can continue safely."
You nod numbly. Your ears are low. You think you might be in shock. Or no.
Adrenaline crash, my old friend.
"Captain?" your engineer says. "What do you want me to do?"
Your head feels floaty. "The other ship isn't coming after us."
"That is correct."
You stand up, and wave a paw at everyone. "You all can... do whatever you want then. I'm going to go find my human."
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laikuh · 8 months
Malcolm and Martin are as compelling to me as Dean and John because Malcolm, like Dean, wants nothing more than to be able to love his father. That is all he wants. But things have happened, their fathers have done those things, that make it so loving each other is fraught and complicated and really fucking hard. and like. Malcolm is not Dean. He is not dedicated to Martin the way Dean is to John. Their dynamics are not exact mirrors. But the god/disciple angle is still there. The confusing mish mash of love and hate from son to father is still there. Having to grow up too fast and contend with the cold, mean realities of the world because the man who was supposed to protect you from them is the person who most often exposes you to them…that’s still there. The blurred lines and crossed boundaries and inimitable intimacies that should not exist and yet do…still there.
I don’t see Martin and Malcolm having sex the same way I see Dean and John having sex, but I see Malcolm as finally submitting to being Martin’s play thing in body as well as mind, and that resulting in basically the same thing as sex. Letting Martin cut him, letting Martin explore him, letting Martin play with his blood or burn his skin or choke him out. Getting hard together and coming together while Martin drags a scalpel down Malcolm’s chest. Never penetrating with his penis because he’s not an animal. Martin would never rape his son. Their shared arousal is just a natural physiological reaction to the pleasure that pain brings, whether giving or receiving. Malcolm is like Martin—of course he’d get hard. This is sexual, it’s sensual, and it’s a part of why they’re so alike and so attuned to one another.
so many excuses and explanations to keep Martin from confronting that he doesn’t love his son at all, he just loves possessing a thing he thought he’d lost, a thing that for years he couldn’t control. And Malcolm knowing that’s what’s happening but no longer caring because all he’s wanted since turning his father in to the police is to atone and return to him.
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starlightseraph · 9 months
“you like your own posts?”
yes, if i didn’t like something i wouldn’t post it.
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ifeltfree · 2 years
okay so its time for my thesis. i have so much to fucking say about last night.
first. the outfits. never has there been a funnier band on earth. they took an obvious cash grab and made a total mockery of it but in a way that took effort. it was so purposeful. who else out there is gonna dress as a geriatric decaying version of their past selves, especially if that version of yourself is what the industry sees as your prime even when you were truly at your lowest?
mikeyways outfit specifically. the blood. he wore that because revenge era almost killed him. he felt like, at that time, it should have killed him. like he shouldnt have been given the opportunity to mock his past at all. meanwhile the other three copied the looks down to the smallest details (see: bat belt buckle, armbands, rays fucking teased hair) because while they were struggling too, they didnt feel as if the situation were a death sentence in the same way mikey did.
i also want to note that i think perhaps these outfits had a lot to do with straying away from the current aesthetics due to the public reaction. we saw how they were treated at the other festivals they played. i know this look was planned and intentional but i think it could have been a big relief for all of them to not have to try and live up to the thing they were making a joke out of.
the crowd. i was actually shocked how dead they were. i thought a LOT of people were going to wwwy just to see mcr but i guess i was wrong. they put so much effort into their setlist, their outfits, their performance, their stage presence, and not a peep from the crowd the whole time. at the end they got one little half assed cheer, and it was only from the half of the crowd that didnt leave after wttbp. we all know people leave after that one at a lot of mcr shows but the crowd was literally half the size afterward. like why did you bother coming if youre gonna be miserable about it. people at barricade too, if youre having a bad time leave and let the people who want to be there watch the show.
the setlist. obviously it was intended to only be the hits, because its literally wwwy. i was happy that they threw in boy division and the two vampires because honestly i cant really consider them "hits". good songs of course, but it was obvious nobody cared for them much because the already dead crowd was even quieter while they were playing them. personally i would have loved to see them pull a deep cut out of their ass and see how the crowd reacted to that.
the money gun. god there are so many layers of irony to it. during vampire money makes it funny sure but just the fact that they had access to a confetti gun at this megafestival and chose to stuff it with fake thousand dollar bills. they fucking dragged the organizers so hard.
i love that they were aware of what they were participating in. as far as i know every other band that played was normal about it and treated it like any other gig, when really it deserved what mcr did. the festival was poorly organized, insanely overpriced, and could have potentially been dangerous if law enforcement didnt step on and force them to cancel yesterday. which they did not inform the bands of, btw. you know the organizers and venue care strictly about how much profit it brings in, not anyone's feelings or safety. mcr knew that. they knew what these people wanted from them and they essentially told them to eat shit. i have never loved a band so much in my life.
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yellow-lemon-lime · 2 years
“Dad, why is my sister called Rose?” “Because your mother loves roses” “Okay, thanks dad” “You’re welcome DelilahSpamington80991″
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iscariotapologist · 4 months
today in church one of the priests referred to trans people as "those who are growing into the gender they were called to be" and i'm kind of enjoying the idea of like....divinely ordained top surgery
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christadeguchi · 7 days
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(✿◕‿◕) die (ꈍ ꒳ ꈍ✿)
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