#but I also like. I need to make the rhymes work u know??
paging-possum · 7 months
Debating how much pussy to put into these drawings
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haunted-headset-alt · 4 months
hi!! i love your hh stuff.if you dont mind,would you mind doing alastor,charlie and adam (all seperate,lol) comforting child (9-12ish) reader? like they see reader as a younger sibling,or a their child! thank you sm,if u do this! hopefully,its not too much-
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Don't Cry!
summary: Charlie, Alastor, & Adam comforting you (child reader)!
warnings: mentions of crying, mentions of depression, swearing, mentions of cannibalism (Alastor)
tags: (as always, just tagging a few people i think would be interested in this, please let me know if you would like to be on the taglist!) @o-kye@lil-stormcloud @zuuriell @strangleetomz @xxtalulahlovesyouxx@zoexia@ax-y10 @stars-around-scars-collective@blu3-lemonad3@myheartticks@joviepog@mochamuff1n@unbeleevable@danvstheworld @radio-to-trenchcoat-demons
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Alastor (child reader [father figure Alastor]):
Alastor had heard sniffling coming from your room in the hotel, but he had just assumed that you had a stuffy nose.
That was until he heard little sobs from your room 20 minutes later.
"What did I say about a smile, de-"
^^ You were curled up in your bed, hugging your tear-stained pillow, buried under at least 5 blankets.
Alastor was never the best at comforting others, but he tried his hardest to make out what you were saying through your cries. You said something about how others in Hell mocked you for being an imp.
What a foolish reason to bully a child! You can't control being an imp, so why would they act like you made that choice?
They were all dead by the next morning.
Alastor, having no idea what else he should do, took you on a trip to Cannibal Town for tea with Rosie (which you giddily accepted!) & flesh-eating (which you politely declined)!
Charlie (sibling reader):
She knew something was up before you were even upset. You were sluggish, you rarely came out of your room, & you weren't smiling as much!
Expect loads of unexplained boxes of candies & cookies outside of your door, random stuffed animals in your room, etc. She just wants to make sure you feel okay!
It took you a few days to figure it out, & then you just had to explain it to her: you & your best friend had a big argument & hadn't been talking.
Charlie immediately tries to fix it! She's trying to set up a meeting with you & your friend to work things out, she's writing apology scripts, etc.
Eventually, you snap & tell her that you don't want any of this & you just need time to grieve.
Expect 10 apology emails next morning!
Adam (sibling reader):
He's pretty dense (no offense [hey that rhymed]), so Adam had no idea you were upset until another angel had told him that you hadn't done any of your extermination work in 2 weeks & that you also hadn't eaten much.
"What's got your panties in a bunch?" is his first question upon entering your messy room & seeing your miserable self.
You tried to explain to him that you were going through a depressive episode, but he didn't understand.
^^ "Being depressed is just being sad, isn't it?"
^^ This led to a 2-hour-long conversation about depression & a 1-hour-long research period.
^^ "EVERYONE LEAVE Y/N ALONE, THEY'RE DECOMPRESSED-" "It's 'depressed', Adam." "That's what I said!"
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hotluncheddie · 2 years
stop being a goblin and let me kiss you
part 3
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‘ok. ok! you just, you just gotta be cool munson. be casual. chill. just like, vibe, yeah? yeah. no more funny business.’ eddie holds his fists up to himself in the dinky bathroom mirror. a couple of jabs, a quick one two, that’ll clear his head.
clear his head enough to go out and deal with steve fucking harrington again and his stupid stupid face and neck and tongue and like pretty fucking ankle bones. fucker.
see eddies not blind, and he’s not that dumb, he knows he flirts with steve and he knows steve flirts back. he just. cant deal with it just yet. it’s like every time he’s around the guy he blacks out and resurfaces red faced and half hard. but the point at which his vision fades and all hell breaking loose seems to vary so completely that he can’t stop it happening.
their conversations will start normal, a jolly lark, a guffaw here, a story there but then bam! someone said or did something that shifted his functioning brain capacity from 60% on a good day to like -5% and that’s being generous.
he just can’t get his ratty little self to either 1) stop liking steve harrington in a gay, gay, homosexual way. or 2) accept that someone like steve harrington could possibly like aforementioned rat himself eddie munson and actually process his feeling into a reaction that’s more than; red, red, half a boner, sweaty palms, red.
so he took a second to hide in the bathroom. that’s fine, that’s kind even. self care, as robin likes to say when she paints her nails on top of steve’s head when he sits on the computer at work. he likes to make the chair super low because apparently it helps his posture and he need to keep an eye on his posture or else he’ll end up like his great uncle melvin, or something.
self care time is over however because robins knocking on the little bathroom door, hollering about needing to get home to practice for her english presentation tomorrow. so it’s time for eddie to put his big boy pants back on and get in steve’s car.
eddie full body shudders.
‘finish writing you sad boy poems on the stall walls in there? roses are red, violets are blue, i like big dumb jock boys but can’t seem to accept they like me too, even if my very cool very in the know friend robin tells me too. hm?’ robin slings an arm over his shoulder and steers him back to the table.
eddie sniffs, crossing his arms ‘that last bit doesn’t rhyme so, i will be ignoring all of it. F for u buckbey.’
‘not everything has to rhyme perfectly u know. it can still fit together just fine as it is.’ she tugs on one of his curls before slipping back into steve side, finishing off the last of his milkshake and hauling him out of the booth because she ‘has shit to do dingus.’
too smart for her own good that chick. eddie loves her. he’s also going to move away and never talk to her ever again, maybe steal her collection of berets too, become a hat guy, once he reinvents himself. yeah.
steve is putting a few bills on the table, slinging his jacket over his shoulder. ‘just fries tonight ed’s? that makes you kind of a cheap date don’t you think?’ tapping eddie under the chin before following robin to the door, smacking his palm on the frame above on the way out. because of course he does, the neanderthal. all broad shoulders and biceps and ass.
there a second where eddie thinks steve could smack him like that but then he feels his vision spotting. can a guy not catch a break around here? jesus!
the car ride is a blissful reprieve due to cyndi lauper coming on, which had steve and robin performing a duet. which then needed to be tweaked and discussed in detail ready for the next time that specific song came on the radio.
it was honestly nice to watch. eddie had walked to family video that day because his van keeps playing up after it’s stint hidden in the woods. poor girl just needs a day off once in a while so eddie walks and then listens to car duets from two very much none singers. but it nice. makes his heart all yucky and warm.
until robin is leaving. leaving him alone to be a big nerd with a future. leaving him alone to make a fool of himself again. his ego is big and he likes to keep it that way.
‘you coming up here then’ steve shifts slightly, looking as far as he can over his shoulder at eddie huddled behind the drivers seat. ‘no’ he squeaks because last time steve got all up in his face getting his tape box out of the glove compartment. rifling through it while it was on eddies lap. so close eddie could smell the apple from his shampoo and the cigarette they’d shared earlier.
self care.
‘ooh you want the full harington taxi service do you? i see, well then govna, where too is it?’ steve tips his invisible cap and has the most awful cockney accent eddies ever heard, and he did middle school theatre.
‘geeze, just take me home dude.’ eddie shoves through the gap between the seats, landing heavy in the passenger. crossing his arms and trying to hide his smile behind his hair.
‘there he is. out of the shadows.’ steve tucks some of his curls behind his ear. eddie sees the soft smile out of his peripheral. tries to swallow the cotton in his mouth. steve turn back to the road ‘let’s rock ‘n roll’ he revvs the engine, wiggling his eyebrows, before checking his blind spot and pulling away into a cushy 30mph.
eddie looks out the window and hides his grin in his palm.
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part 1 (eddie) part 2 (steve) part 4 (steve) part 5 (eddie) part 6 (steve) part 7 (eddie)
tags! ( ty for asking to be tagged wow so lovely can’t believe it hehe :3c ) (sry if i missed anyone or u didn’t want to be tagged just let me know!)
@bidisastersworld @sadcanadianwinter @mightbeasleep @butterflysandpeppermint @gregre369 @fandomz-brainrot @satan-is-obsessed @resident-gay-bitch @grtwdsmwhr @forsexyscience
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shibusawaz · 4 months
So, your Madoka Kaname drawing looks amazing, and as a traditional artist, I was trying to observe to see if I could learn from your drawing.
One thing that stuck out to me was the shading and outlines.
How do you shade so well? How do you know which colors to use, and where to use them? Same question goes for outlines, too.
hihihihiii!! first of all thank u so much, im rlly flattered that u were so impressed 🫶🫶 im honestly really surprised how much attention my drawing got gyuh
anyways!! the picture i referenced was from the crash fever x pmmm crossover, so it’s by no means completely original. here’s the side by side comparison of the (cropped) og image vs in my sketchbook!!
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so, most of the actual shading decisions and placements are from the original work. however, i had to change up the colors a bit because of the selection i had. (please note that my version is also darker because of lighting and iphone picture quality 😭😭)
also, for most of my drawings i follow the call of the wind (make guesses) and fufill the prophecies (keep adding more colors until it looks okay)
that being said, below the cut is a full coloring walkthrough if you’re still interested!!
please note that this is much smaller scale and done in less time (took an hour instead of two days 😨) so the quality will be a bit less!!
alright. so let’s say we wanna draw this image, but we tweaked it a bit because drawing BOTH eyes was too much of a hassle.
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after you clean your sketch, the best thing to do is open with an outline that’s not QUITE black but close to it.
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now, i have a rule. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember this rule: you can use ANY color. for your outline, shading, whatever. it doesn’t have to match the reference.
if you are using this as a genuine tutorial, please know that i change colors every fucking time i draw. i change mediums too. this is only the process i used for my madoka drawing (as best as i can remember)
cuz, like my art teacher said, you have this thing called artistic license, which means you have the right to change whatever the FUCK you want if you think it makes your drawing better. make her purple, give her one ponytail, whatever. as long as you can make it work, have fun!!
anyways. next, go over that outline with other dark colors of different hues. there’s no rhyme or reason, it’s just fun.
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after, place your highlights on the hair. i used cream instead of the pastel pink in the original because i like cream better and it adds more hues.
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usually, i start with the darkest value instead for shading as it’s more vibrant, but madoka doesn’t have any really standout dark tones. it’s okay though i love her
then, you gotta go in with base colors. simple pink and peach yada yada
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just pick a light base close to the original. don’t agonize over it. apply lightly and gently in circular motions, and you’ll be okay!!
next, we adjust the tone of the hair. i wanted a cooler toned pink, so i added amethyst. i also added a bit to the stray eye.
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after, adjust your tone more as needed. again, any color goes. the means justify the ends, and if you end up adding some blue or yellow or whatever then good!! go bonkers with it. i used vermillion.
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next, add shading blocks (referenced from the original image!) in a color that’s light enough to blend in more but dark enough to see (amethyst is my favorite for this, and i use it a lot!!) you can also add extra shading in some areas to give it some personality.
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after THAT, blend in your shading a bit more with your base colors. by this point you should be pressing down a lot to get the pigment you want. i think for her skin i added beige instead of peach in this step, but that’s also what i did for the above drawing.
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the purpose of this is to mute your colors a bit so they fit together more. however, if you want it to pop, you don’t have to add another base color!!
i also went over the outlines with the base color to lighten them and even out the drawing. i do that with almost every step, as needed. follow your heart on that one
also, i gave her a little bit of blush in that step. just because.
ok, so now is the fun part. for the hair and any accessories/clothes/things of the same texture, add random streaks of random colors.
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yeah, go ahead, add orange, blue, yellow, whatever. it’s best if it’s of the same value (aka darkness) so it fits in with the base color, but it can be anything!!
you don’t have to do this, but it’s fun.
also, i shaded the eye too offscreen. same process, because pmmm’s style has a very flat texture on characters. thus, it’s okay to use the same shading technique.
now, we can do the same with accessories!! these are simpler and i honestly got too lazy to even reference for the scarf because the hair was the main focus.
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finally, add little details, clean up anything you don’t like, and do whatever you want with it!!
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that’s all i do for shading, and i hope it helped a bit. i mainly work with pen and paint markers, but the process is the same aside from tweaking parts.
just remember:
its your art do whatever the fuck you want
LAYER LAYER LAYER fix anything by adding new things
it doesnt have to be perfect yada yada
fun color = fun drawing
it doesnt have to look like the picture because thats boring and you wont learn if you try and carbon copy everything you see
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welcometoteyvat · 11 months
waterborne poetry reactions (belated) (long post)
bro got roasted for his handwriting, is Baffled by the mondstadters, then spends an entire day missing out on [whatever that was] and STILL DOESNT HAVE A CLUE WHAT HAPPENED HAHAHA im sorry i love bullying him
please never tell xingqiu whats going on it's payback <3
CHONGYUN DIONA AND MIKA. i need to hold them omg,,,, i was using freminet to wander around so in my heart they r just 4 cryo kids in a terrarium what will they do!! that combo was quite cute
he was adorable ;;;;;___;;;;; his little eye sparkles and the jumping T_T also the near-rap speed that his lines were delivered in was hilarious (thank you kinsen for ur service)
my son.... please never feed him chilis again
now full of unfounded hope that chongyun will someday get an event about his pure yang spirit since they mentioned it a fair few times here
give him the deep lore he deserves
also XIAOYUN?!?!?!?! (only seeing what i want to see) THEY TALKED!!!! IN PERSON ON SCREEN THEY TALKED AND XIAO WASNT DISPARAGING!!!! im sorry this is what a rarepair with no food does to a mf
xiaolumi so strong (or xiaother if u prefer)
oughguhguhg the rhyming couplets part was SOOOO CUTE!! idk they did good with the pacing of the banter i think 🥺
adding onto that the camera angles and cuts this event were actually really nice and creative i think. they made it more engaging (the quick pan from chongyun to xingqiu at the end of the 3rd act, hu tao popping out from behind venti's shoulders during the couplet exchange, etc) it was REALLY good really funny. added to the experience a lot <3
Also venti zhongli are truly the most archon old friends ever
that cutscene was actually so pretty. It's drawn in the same style as Lyney's: very textured lines, slightly reminscent of linocuts, quite a few handdrawn parts, especially where there's water/liquid movement present, etc. Maybe this is a Fontaine style animated cutscene, since the oceanids and lyney are both from there? anyways. i'm intrigued—I wanna see if there are regional cutscene styles or something (that'd be very impressive)
the "close ur eyes paimon/diona" line was so fucking funny. traveler's been the third wheel a bunch of times but never this explicitly
also ! for people icked out by the morality of kid finch's crush on the oceanid: it is Fiction with a capital F
on the one hand I agree with the above sentiment, but it's also just funny to think about. first canon monsterfucker ? /JJJJJJJJJJJJJ don't kill me for that joke
Real thoughts: I think it was actually really sweet how he fell in love with a fairytale. Someone said the oceanid could've been aromantic coded to make their love story more morally palatable; I agree, it would've been cool if she was aro, but I don't think their romantic relationship is like somehow terrible and gross either
overall ending was really mid tbh, I appreciate the character growth of everyone who was on screen but literally all the other characters just disappeared. It was really unsatisfying lol especially for an event that was supposed to be hte gathering/unison of mond and liyue
would've been better if the second day's rhyming couplets ended the event I think; you'd have to tweak it to fit the mood of the oceanid/finch reveal but literally anything works, the ending was so anticlimactic
overall event: 10/10 for giving me the character interactions I wanted, and those that I never knew I needed, 5/10 because the minigames are. not the best, I get the intentions but the execution could've been better. And then 5/10 for story arc (heavily influenced by how mid the ending was LMAO)
I want to go through all the poems and their english translations because I Know somethings gonna get screwed up and I'm also just curious as to how they translated it
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bonefall · 1 year
Hi! I just found your Clanmew work last night and I am enamored with it! But I think I was pronouncing everything wrong - I assumed "ss" and "oo" were just long versions of the normal sounds, for example. When I kept reading this morning, I found out "ss" is [ɬ] (I think) and now everything is in question! Could you please help me with pronunciation?
I will be putting up a full pronunciation guide at some point I promise! In it I'm also going to get into banned characters that I never use, and exactly why I banned them
D for example uses a specific tongue movement made for humans and our flexible tongues. Because a cat could never hope to make a "D" in simple speech, I use B and P as the strong consonants
(Also forgive me for not knowing the proper terms for things, I'm actually not an educated linguist LMAO I just like etymology and culture a lot)
Quick and simple guide though:
R = hard R, "Red"
Rr = Rolled, purred.
Note: Russetfur's name is a shibboleth for a human to say. "Rarrlurfaf," you have to stop your roll and start your L quickly. Easy for Clanmew speakers and hard for us.
Y = Open mouth, if you said "yay" in Clanmew it would sound like "YAYE"
Yy = Mumbled, keep mouth closed. If you write "Yayy" it sounds just like English.
Note: Hare = Yywaya, it needs the double Yy at the start until Wa opens your mouth, to open again at the Ya. yy-WHY-YA.
S = normal S. "Snake"
Sh= "Sugar, Shore"
Ss = Welsh double LL, pull tongue back, pass air through sides of mouth.
O = "Ohio, old." A deep, short oh.
Oo = kind of like "boot," but this is more glutteral in a Clanmew accent. Remember the cat who said "ooooaaaaoooh loong john?" Put it in the top of your throat.
U = straightfoward "under, uncle"
E = simple e, "Elephant, error, extra"
Ee = high-pitched e, "Beep, eel, eclipse, email"
B = glutteral grunt, hard to explain. "BRUH" is the closest thing in English, the air comes up from your chest.
P = Blown from the mouth. Unlike English, P is NEVER silent.
Buff/Puff is a good way to demonstrate the difference. Most people don't say it like a real rhyme, they say buff from the chest with a lot of emphasis on "BUff." "Puff" is literally puffed out of your lips.
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Abbott Elementary S03E10 thoughts
The bear you have 1 episode to respond
The bear cold open im DEAD ik Quinta and Ayo were creasing about this 😭 abbott the real best comedy iktr
Mr j icon as always “This is …trash” // “Now who’s gonna clear this up”
“Theyre not the same, mine rhymes” “oh thats why i liked it better”
Kick my feet twirl my hair whenever manny calls her the big teagues
“Oh hey thats my class” 🥺🥺🥺
“It just says ava fest over and over”
“BOOO unshow me that now” 😭😭😭 can’t wait to quote this over and over
“Have ya ever tried just being hinged”
“Can u also give her this important message: i love her, i miss her, and i cant wait to see her again” i love jacob and Janine’s friendship but why does this job means shes been flaking on him when SHE is the one to insist they weren’t just work friends in the first place ☹️
The admin person actor always makes me laugh like the delivery is always so good “This place would collapse without me” 😭 i NEED him in more shows please
A card from barbara 🥹 a framed photo of jacob 💀😭 melissa got u some mace 😭😭😭 and mr johnson wanted u to have a strand of his favourite mop 💀😭💀😭😭💀😭
WOW DIRT 😁😄 her genuine excitement so cutesie
Thats such a thoughtful gift ill cwy - forget i ever said anything about manny its greg >>>
She still has the lanyard on all the time ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ JANINE COME HOMEEEE
“This calls for a plan b u cannot get a cvs” 💀
Janine not understanding sarcasm then misusing a colloquialism lets go neurodivergence
Not tariq moderating another panel, when he’s a regular for s4 then what 😈
Barbs fake laugh at mels impressions 😭
“Ive heard u breathing and i think u need a specialist” Janine’s breathing my favourite long running joke
And janines overwhelm omg shes so me
“I dont know who thats supposed to be but he sounds responsible” wife is trying her hardest to be supportive
Jacobs voice breaking 😭
“CORNER!” Slam “are we just yelling out things we see now?? WALLS FLOOR HUGE MESS OF FOOD”
Why did barbs card to Janine make me tear up???
2 claps for melissas impressions and barb originally forgetting nooo 😭💀
“Thank god we had a backup plan” “youre welcome” melissa 😭😭
Barb hugging her and calling her sweetheart 🥺🥹 i love my favourite mother and daughter
“Theres noone id rather teach second grade with than u” see melissa u did miss her really (i need more melissa janine content honestly their teaming up eps are always so good)
THE KIDS WRITING IN THE CARD 😭😭😭😭😭😭 noooooo ill cry
Ava u gotta STOP scaring barb w this pregnancy accusation
GET HER BARB thats why she has an emmy!!
Okay top 2 eps of the season easily
So funny but so full of heart - exactly what abbott does best
Did expect janine to stay a little longer before going back to abbott but that fear of such a long commitment is so real and I’ SO GLAD SHES HOME
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abiiors · 2 years
Can i request more Damiano David angst please? 😅🥺
Hey, thanks for the ask! I hope you like it :)
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Consolation Prize // D.D.
Damiano David x Reader
Warnings: Minors dni, it’s an FWB situation so it’s 18+, he’s a bit of an asshole in this one. Also just angst with no happy ending.
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I didn’t mean to rhyme the last lines but I’m happy about the coincidence. Reblogs and feedback are highly appreciated :)
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There’s a voice in your head screaming at you to not do it. Yet as another knock sounds at the door, your feet carry you involuntarily. You know who it is, there’s no need to peep through the keyhole but you can’t resist it. You can’t resist taking this one glimpse at him before he’s inevitably going to break your heart again. 
‘Hi,’ you greet as you open to door. ‘Come in.’
This has become routine at this point—Damiano texts “U up?”. You tell yourself to ignore the message, to blow him off with some excuse, yet every single time you cave just as the second text comes in. 
‘Hey, baby,’ he greets in return, presses a rough kiss on your mouth. 
You used to dream of these kisses, dream of his mouth on every single inch of your body. You even imagined the gentleness of them once. But whatever this is—being fuck buddies, friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it—this has slowly sucked the life out of those dreams. 
Yet you can’t stop going back to him. 
‘You’re thinking about something,’ he frowns and for a moment his voice is laced with genuine concern. ‘Are you not in the mood? You know we can always reschedule this,’ he points between the two of you. 
A hysterical laugh bubbles up in your chest and you have to actually turn around to get a hold of yourself. Reschedule this as if it’s just another appointment; clinical and unavoidable. 
‘No no,’ you smile at him and hope he doesn’t notice your dead eyes. ‘Work has been a bit stressful lately, that’s all.’ 
It’s an easy lie and you know he’ll never question it. He hardly knows what you do for work, there’s a one-in-a-million chance he’ll actually want to know what’s stressing you out at your job. 
‘Well then,’ he grins, ‘you know what’s good for stress.’
And that’s how it starts this time. He trails kisses down your neck, makes his way down to your cleavage and tries to leave a few hickeys there. You close your eyes and imagine a different reality—one where he mumbles I love you after each kiss, one where he tells you how obsessed he is with you, how he can’t keep his hands off you. One where he’s so gentle with you that you might as well be made of glass. 
But that’s not what this is. Damiano has always been very clear about what this is. 
You’ve got the motions of this memorised. You take each other’s clothes off; leave a trail of them to the bedroom. Despite the maelstrom of thoughts in your head, your body betrays you again and again. It always reacts to his touch, always craves more of him. It wants him never to let go.
But there’s always a ghost in the room; the spectre that is “the other woman”. He thinks you’re unaware of her but lately, it seems you’ve spent more time thinking about her than you’ve thinking about him. He longs for her, you long for him and yet you can’t let go.
Is she the other woman? A voice chides in your head and you fake a moan to cover up the gasp. 
Even when he’s buried inside you, you know you’re not the one he’s thinking about. You’re never the one he’s thinking about; it’s always her, it’s always been her. But he can’t get her, so his consolation prize is you. 
Even when his face is tucked in the crook of your neck, it’s her body he’s dreaming of. Only a fool wouldn’t notice how her name is always on the tip of his tongue, just fighting to get out. 
‘Dami?’ you ask once you lay side-by-side, panting and catching your breath, ‘will you stay the night?’
His eyes widen a bit and then he laughs awkwardly. ‘You know I can’t, baby. I’ve got, uh…Thomas wants to show me something.’
‘Of course,’ you smile. 
It’s always Thomas or Ethan or Vic, it’s never you though. He makes a move to get out of bed and suddenly you’re hit with a barrel of conflicting feelings. 
You want him gone. You want to beg him to stay. You never want to see him ever again. You want to wake up next to him every day. 
As he starts to get dressed, you grab the robe that’s hanging on the bedpost. This is the part you dread the most—the aftermath. You try not to seem too eager for him to get out. If he lingers even just a little…
‘That was fun,’ he smiles and you can already feel the awkwardness radiating off of him. None of you knows how to say goodbye yet your reasons for it could not be more different from each other. You hold the door open for him, smile a tight-lipped smile, go along with the motions when he gives you a goodbye kiss. 
He takes two steps towards the lift, then stops and turns around abruptly. This is it, you think, he’s reconsidered. He wants to stay. 
‘Can I see you again tomorrow?’ he asks and your heart dies a gruesome death for the millionth time. 
Just set me free, you want to scream at him, why won’t you just set me free? Instead, you nod and force a smile. 
‘Tomorrow works for me.’
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mangoamango · 2 years
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hello my hand computer pals. If you follow me u probably know I volunteer in my neighborhood helping stray/feral cats and kittens.
Recently I've been helping a contact who had 19 cats in their one bedroom apt. These cats were in.....not great shape, health wise, and animal healthcare in this godforsaken country is expensive as fuck. The caretaker lives paycheck to paycheck, so me + a few other volunteers have been paying for well. Everything. Food, litter, vet bills, various medications etc.
if anyone has a couple bucks to spare to toss towards this truly just. agonizing and sad thing I would be so so SO deeply grateful. Reblogs also are great if you can't do anything else.
I want to offer something in exchange or as a thank u for anyone who donates--I have Immense Photoshop skills and can draw memes or what have you. I can post pictures of kittens??? I can. Make you a logo (day job is graphic design)????? examples below the cut + some more details abt the situation
most of the money is going towards the vet costs, but the rest is going to be for getting this person set up back up in their apt with some new stuff after a thorough deep cleaning, if anyone is curious.
here are some things i can create for u, if you wish:
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photoshopped pet portraits, if anyone would like that
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i've also made a bunch of these mountain goats lyrics poster (in the style of @mountainqoats)
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stupid memes i have made for my friends* (*tumblr user misterhaderach)
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cat tax. i have....so many pictures of kittens (most of them do NOT have my face in them)
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if u donate and would like any one of these creations, please just dm me with a screenshot and we'll work it out. thanks for reading. i love u all my hand computer friends
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mcondance · 1 year
Hobie: I am not gonna sit down and watch a movie with you that was made for the simple reason of advertising
*hour and 35 minutes later*
Hobie:ok so my favorite character was metal beard,the songs in this are catchy as hell they ain’t punk but they catchy
Me: ya know there’s a second Lego movie and a Lego Batman movie right?
Hobie:….hold on a sec I’m making more popcorn
I would force him to watch that movie with me,and the next day he’d probably ask Lego Spider-Man if he’s a master builder
what u need 2 understand is that i just thought abt it and it's safe to say i was very autistic regarding the lego movie,, i made my uncle take me to see it not once but twice... metal beard is fucking hilarious. my favorite part of lego movie was the batman scenes. "well it's not like a big, dumb spaceship is gonna appear in the sk- OH MY GOD." batman is my fav lego movie character he was so funny. "batman only works with black. and really really dark gray." ALSO THE PART WHERE SHAQ LEGO was like "they not ready for this" and him and some other legos build a fucking basketball launcher, launch the basketball at the enemy ships, only for the fucking basketball to bounce off the ship and lego shaq goes "oh no, they were ready for that" LIKE WHATDJFOIDJfi. also the ghost lego was soooo funny. "the prophecy is true.. because it rhymes." now let me shut the hell up.
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bigmack2go · 2 months
https://www.canva.com/design/DAGE02N5d0w/vBgIXLeQgdlC-HQ9CcpqDg/edit?utm_content=DAGE02N5d0w&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton @whydontyouputyourseatbelton @crystaltreebee @i-got-personality @aaaaaa-musical-trash
Also here are my notes. Not all of them make sense anymore but some do lol.
So we all know i love musicals and thats why i chose this topic. i knew from the beginning that i wanted to do smt with musicals for this but i wasnt sure whT to chose. I was debating doing the portrayal of death in musicals but nit all of you answered in time whether thya would trigger anybody so that was out. The second option was costumes in musical whoch wooild make sense for us as fashion forst graders but then u realised i could include that in this.
Now obviously there isnt one way to make a good musical and its always a matter of opinion. And while i do have an opinion, i tried to form a critical opinion on everything.
Theres a lot of stuff that goes into musicals. When you think of a good one you may think of one with good lyrics or a cool story. But theres also stuff that you don’t think of at first, that alone couldn’t’make’ a good play, but in combination are the most important parts! Like the light design >insert rest of agenda.< (kannst einfach ablesen, was auf der folie steht!)
story wise i think heathers did a great job. Heathers is about a girl who falls in love with a killer. Ups and downs, and just a generally creative and good story with a good and,,more or less sense-making plot. The layout is very good too: a great hook, some happy stuff, scary and then things go down with a bittersweet ending. Im not sure how to explain what makes a good or a bad plot but for reference imma give you cats in comparison as an example of a not so good plot
Talking lyrics, i dont need to think twice to tell you hamilton! Its about alexander the great and his life. There is no way to convince me of anything else. Its a peotic masterpiece which especially brings out alexander hamitons own lyrical genius. Lin Manuel Miranda is a great fan of motifs and mass rhymes, and methaphors. His stylisation is nit only unique but really really good!
but I honestly didn’t like the choreo: it was sloppy and ensemble based. They were just rearranging furniture and stuff. There was only one song, “Satisfied” that was choreographed well. i do however think that westside storry has an awesome choreo! Westside story is about racism and separation between gangs in the 1960’s new york city. It tells storry but it’s still dancing. Good dancing i mean. They mixed elements of ballet with hip hop, flamenco and countles other kinds of dancing and it came out with perfection
and while the tunes are awesome there, there are better ones. Like Rent. But even better: hadestown. A modern retelling of the story of greek mythology god orpheus and his love interest euridacy. The tunes are everything there! It captured the mood and it was,,, seductive to your ears! The orchestra and composer did a great job! Its not easy to make all instruments work with each other so well. Or in the hights! Awesome composition!
yk what else is great about in the hights? The mood! It has ups and downs. An awesome balance thats brought acroos awesomely! Some would argue that SIX is by far the play with the best mood and don’t get me wrong SIX also has a great mood but i dont think they found a good balance for that. The mood is almost exclusively positive for what its worth and it didnt have enough variety
while its not like in the heights had the chance to, they still didn’t have the greatest costumes… however six didn’t have the chance either, but they still did it. They’re original and iconic and make the characters! Six tells the story of the six wives of henry the eighth who were divorced, beheaded, died, divirced, beheaded and survived. Of course there goes a lot into costume making which makes this even better Theres a lot to concidder:
-color psychology
And then of course the require some necessary qualities like
-rechognise characters (especially when one actor plays several) and set the ensemble apart
-makes no noises OR make specific noises
-You need to concidder the period in which the play takes place, and clothes aren’t the only complicated part of costumes: wigs/ hair and makeup or facepaint can make a whole look!
And the kind of musical can also influence the kinds of costumes. Some examples are
Types/ways of costumes (I tried to make this as few categories as possibles possible)
- Normal clothing. Examples: come from away, Illinois, the prom
- Periodically./accurate (unter punkt: seemingly adequate) Examples: newsies, the greatest show, something rotten
- Periodically modernised: Hamilton who had periodical clothes and hair and make up modern,
- Modernised: SIX which was almost robitic, descendants
- Interpretation Starlight express, (where trains and cars wore roler skates), tarzan, and lionking? Possibly? I feel like lionking could be a category of its own though to be honest
- made into outfit:: spongebob, Arielle/the little mermaid, (starlight express)
- Actually just costumes: cats, Shrek, beauty and the beast or wicked
- Inadequate: six
- Portraying: into the woods and parts of starlight express
- Simplified: hamilton
- using the stage: illinois, ride the cyclone
then theres storry telling for which i say cats. cats… which is quite ironic. Cats is about…. Well… cats
They could have done better but i still think it’s the best there is! They TELL their storry. Like in six exept they actually have a present that like,, exists. The lyrics alright i guess but the composing could have had a little more variety, however i did love the stage there as well because it was always the same but still did awesome stuff like the train thingy
talking about stages! I think the stage is such an important part thats often overlooked. There are musicals like dear evan hansen, the prom, be more chill or tuck everlasting that have a variety of different sets with self driving probs but it’s just actually different things and not very creative. There are two versions of good stages. One that take you in the setting, but that only works if your setting is a special place. There are many musicals that made this one very well. My top two are frozen on ice and tarzan they are actually in an icepit with icedanging and stuff and in tarzan they swing around like actual monkeys and spray you with water and stuff. The second type is when there is one element thats used through the whole show and that makes the setting. This is also called a Uni-set. One of the best examples for this is probably the grey cube: Falsettos. It’s about aids and judaism (?)
But whats part of the stage design is the light design which is overlooked even more than the stage itself. I know i said said that i didnt like the stage of dear evan hansen but it does have an awesome light design! In general the technical aspects and also the sound design there is really good! Dear evan hansen is about a boy who pretends to have been friends with a kid that recently passed.
then theres what i call the manipulation aspect which is choices that were purposely made but not pointed out. I think that hamilton did a great job here too. A lot of people talking at once when to much is going on in his life and only him talking when he makes the dumbest decision in his life. Walking in straight lines when thinking simple and good but in circles when it’s complicated and a lot. That sort of stuff.
the last aspect is performance. Its hard to rate this since for stage musicals the actors and therefore the performance changes constantly but i think the original tuck everlasting cast did a great job! Tuck everlasting is about a girl, Winnie, who meets an immortal family
something that i honestly probably shouldnt count but gives bonus points is: every musical should have at least one singer tht seems to not even be able to miss a tune if they tried. Sure all singers should be good i love when theres just this one over the top adelle level person. The greatest showman has one and its epic, like,,, goosbumbs throughout the whole song “never enough” with the swedish nightingale. The greatest showman is about Pineas Barnum- an actual guy- who believed in true happiness and that as long as a smile is real, it doesn’t matter if the ‘cause’ of that smile is. He was the reason for the saying “freakshow”
however those are only the best in their aspects but if you’re asking what the BEST MUSICAL IS I definitely say Newsies! im not saying that because i like it -which i do- but actually critically thinking!
Newsies is a Musical based on the newsboys strike of 1899 where the Newsies working for the World and the Journal held the first ever successful strike in america that was organised by kids in history. The story centres Centers around a Newsboy Jack Kelly and his new friend Davey. They start a strike against the owners of the Newspapers and stop selling because they raised the prices for the papers even tho they have more than enough money, when the Newsboys barely make a living. Davey tries to talk him out of it at first but doesn’t succeed. Eveantually he gives in and actually gets really invested in the strike himself in the end.
Now your prolly thinking: why? Well. This presentation is far from over. (That was a lie. Its almost done dont worry)
Lyrics are honestly great! I have zero complaints about that. If anything, i have complements! Sure, its not as good as Mirandas works but, lets be honest: what is? I think the lyrics were still more than A+! The story is simply great. i personally think its harder to make something that already exists or happened into a storry. It requires much more creativity despite already having a ‘template’ you have to make the whole thing fit and make sense with your own thing and still be accurate and theres a lot about this actually. Newsies did great with that! It’s composed geniusly too. Menken/Ortega outdid himself by far with it. The choreo? Bombastic! Don’t even get me started. Prolly the best I’ve even seen! And I‘m not just saying that. I actually don’t think i’ve ever seen anything choreographed this well before. They have dance breaks in songs, DESPITE DANCING THE WHOLE TIME anyways
Tunes? Through the roof top. (Haha get it— cuz of santa fe— laugh>:()
The mood was great but it had a balance! It was introduced with a good mood, making u invested but still,,, deep and sad.
You just need one picture -and this is gonna sound really bad for my case but- this[bild zeigen] is all you need to know about the show
While the costumes aren’t too original they’re definitely iconic and not too bad.
Story telling is fantastic! There are some talking to yourself/the audience and telling the story! Some telling it WITHIN the plot (which they did a gooood job making it seem natural and not forced info) and some middle grounds. I really liked it. They also blurred the lines there perfectly.
Stages! I love using newsies as an example for a good stage because they have BOTH kinds of a good stage! (sorta) its one element that is rearanged to make a whole different setting. They only needed some little elements that weren’t always the same. Add a few tables and chairs? Diner. Ad fancier chairs? Pulitzers office. Typewriter? Boom! Editors office. I also think that the metall stuff did a really good job reminding u where and when exactly this is taking place and that that combination of time and place: lower manhattan in 1899 wasnt the best mix of time and place to live in so that sorta counts for the first type.
We dont even need to talk about the “manipulation” aspect bc i wouldnt even know where to start. Im not even sure it was all on purpose. What character has what choreo, the double meaning of some things, the reprises, the rhymes and so much more
They have medda and jeremy jordan as jack kelly so they have not one but TWO of those perfect singers!
And Ive honestly never seen a bad performance of newsies . So yes. Chritically, Newsies is the best musical
Anyway my favourite is and always will be
Starlight express
Despite not being on place one in even ine of these
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honeydew-sillies · 2 years
Hello there, hope your having a great day. Would it be okay if you were to write headcanons of Mari and Hero tickling their respective little brother’s, I think that’d be really adorable. (By that, I mean Hero tickling Sunny and Mari tickling Kel, I think the latter’s friendship is very underrated.)
Wahhh thank you!! I hope you're having an awesome day too!! And YES YES this prompt is so cute !! I agree I hardly see anyone talk about Mari and Kel as a pair. I took inspiration for some of these ideas from a similar one that @kanene-yaaay wrote abt Mari and Hero swapping brothers :D
Also erm. I kindddd of got carried away,,,, this is like 2k words HSJDBDJSH
-Ok so. The idea of Mari tickling Kel while Hero tickles Sunny next to her is SO SO cute because like. Both of their little brothers will be giggling in their laps, and as much as Kel wants to protest he really isn't fully trying to get away so he's definitely having fun (Sunny couldn't try to get away if he wants his body like shuts down when he's being tickled and all he can do is sorta squirm around and curl into himself but they know he’s def having fun too)
-And ofc the two of them have different tickling styles and know exactly how to get their younger siblings bc. Siblings things
-Some more context hcs, I imagine Sunny's worst spots are (in order): neck/collar bones and BEHIND HIS EARS DUDE, the place where his lower ribs meet his back, and knee/underneath his knee
-For Kel it goes armpits, hips (he shares this with Hero teehee), and then specifically the pads of his feet
-Mari is naturally a pretty gentle but merciless tickler
-Like. First of all her fingernails aren't super long but they're very well taken care of bc piano and she likes painting them
-Second, her fingers are NIMBLE like she literally plays the piano on ur body it's actually so weird bc it's unpredictable to the lee but she's following her own little pattern
-Also her fingers are actually somewhat calloused from over-practicing which makes gentle tickles a bit more effective (bc I said so)
-Also x2 she is an expert in gentle tickling and squeezing, which makes her the perfect ler for Sunny
-Don't get me started on her teasing. Shivering in my boots rn.
-As for Hero!! He is definitely not as elegant or nimble, a bit more sloppy
-Also bc he's Hero his fingers are actually not calloused at all… stupid pretty boy /aff
-He's def better at slightly rougher tickles, mainly bc he grew up tickling Kel and that kid has far too much stamina like u gotta work hard to tire him out
-Dw he can also be gentle and teasy Sunny is in good hands
-Mari has a different teasing style for Sunny vs Kel, and Hero kind of does too
-For Sunny she's still playful but like. A little gentler, like she doesn't make fun of him it's more so "What's wrong, does it tickle little brother? Hehe!" stuff and "I forgot how much you love this spot! So cute!"
-For Kel however, she's def a little more "teasy" in a poking fun sense, saying stuff like "If you're not ticklish, then why are you laughing so much! Did I say something funny, hm?" and "Keep squirming so much and the Tickle Monster's gonna get angry~"
-As for Hero, he's not much of a teaser tbh he likes laughing w his lee and it just makes him smile tickling some1 he is SO silly
-Kel is like the only exception he can be so mean and teasy w Kel he loves to build anticipation with him and use those silly nursery rhymes and stuff that embarrass Kel so much but successfully make him gigglier so
-W Sunny he's how he normally is tho, he's def the most gentle w Sunny since the boys have known Mari and Sunny the longest and Hero sorta sees him as another little brother
-While Hero doesn't tease, he does like praising
-He'll say stuff like "Wow Sunny, you're doing so good! You're hardly squirming." or "It's okay, you can hide your face if you need." w his warm smile and he is so !!!! I love this man.
-SO. Brother exchange time
-This game usually happens when Kel and Sunny end up getting into some shenanigans (Sunny is usually dragged along but it's okay bc he has fun)
-For example: Kel convinces Sunny to help him mess with Hero while Sunny and Mari are over
-So Kel starts taking things from Hero's side of the room when he's downstairs with Mari, like pens, a cookbook, his pillow, etc.
-And he hides em somewhere like under his bed
-When Hero comes upstairs to get them and notices half his shit is missing he's like. "KEL!! Where are you!!" And he searches around but can't find him or Sunny
-(They are hiding in Kel's parents room behind the bed and Kel is trying not to giggle which in turn causes Sunny to bite back small snickers)
-Mari hears the commotion and comes upstairs, Hero explaining what happened, and now Mari is feeling playful which is rubbing off on Hero
-She goes "Boyyyyys! We know you're around here!" bc they would've seen them go downstairs so
-The older two search the upstairs, calling out the younger two's names in teasy sing-song voices
-Until they make it to the parents room. And they know they've gotta be in there somewhere, plus there's not many places to hide
-So Hero slowwwwly opens the door, him and Mari walking in quietly
-He gets down to check under the bed, and sees the legs of the other two who are hiding behind the other side of the bed, and he silently motions there to Mari and she nods her head, grinning
-Mari goes "Awww man Hero, we can't find them anywhere! Where could they have gone?" all dramatic, causing the younger boys to muffle more tittering because she's being silly!!!
-Hero goes "Gosh, I don't know Mari! And they have a friend here to visit them too!"
-The two hiding perk up, and Mari catches on, going "Oh, and who might this friend be? I wonder if I know him!"
-"You definitely do! He's Kel and Sunny's favorite friend. His name is the Tickle Monster!"
-The trap has been set. Without thinking, Kel shouts "The tickle monster is NOT my favorite friend!!" Before slapping his hands over his mouth and making eye contact with a wide-eyed Sunny
-But it's too late, and Kel peeks over the bed to see the two older siblings shooting them menacing grins
-However the door behind them is still open, and Kel is pretty fast so...
-He grabs Sunny's hand and tugs him up with him, shouting "Run for it Sunny!!" And attempting to bolt out the door with him
-Except they were expecting this, and Mari catches Kel around the waist and scoops him up making him let go of Sunny's hand
-Sunny def can't run as fast, and he shrinks back when he drops Kels hand and looks up to see Hero playfully smiling down at him, wiggling his fingers like "claws"
-All Sunny can do it let out a quiet "Ah-! as Hero reaches forward and picks him up around the waist too
-Mari giggles as Kel tries to thrash around in her arms, going "Put me down put me down put me dowwwwn!! I don't WANNA see the tickle monster!!" (<- lying he literally provoked them bc he was bored)
-She goes "Aww, but he wants to see you, Kel!" and squeezes one of his ribs slightly to get a snicker out of him
-They are carried to Hero and Kel's room, the older two sitting on the floor with each other's brother in their lap
-Sunny is already sorta curling in on himself w Hero's hands around his waist, and Kel is once again squirming up a storm as Mari has a firm grasp on him (she is stronger than she looks)
-Now shenanigans begin MWAHAHAHA
-Mari looks at Hero and goes "Hmmm, your brother is looking a little different today. Are you sure you've got the right one?" In a silly acting voice
-Hero replies "Of course I do! I would know my ticklish brother anywhere!" (Kel is giggling from the antics and he goes "HERO!! Shut up!!" While Sunny is smiling softly but excitedly)
-Mari goes "If you say so!" And starts wiggling the tips of her fingers into Kel's ribs, using a tad more force than she would with Sunny
-Kel yelps and falls into his high pitched boyish laughter. It's all giggly and filled with empty protests as he squirms around, kicking his feet and throwing his head back onto Mari's chest as he laughs
-Meanwhile Hero sneaks his hands under Sunny's t shirt and starts dragging his fingers around his lower ribs, causing the younger boy to gasp and puff out his cheeks like he usually does, curling in and squirming side to side while his shoulders bounce lightly from the giddy laughter that won't quite come out
-Mari moves to Kel's stomach, squeezing the little bit of pudge that's there and above his hips, sending ticklish shocks that cause his laughter to transition into louder cackles and snorting
-She goes "Now wait a minute, I don't remember Sunny's stomach being this ticklish…"
-That actually draws a few giggles out of Sunny, and Kel goes "Mahari!! I'm Kehel!!"
-(They are being ignored)
-Hero plays along, going "Hmmm, I don't remember Kel's neck being so ticklish either..." as he skitters his nails lightly around Sunny's neck, making him scrunch up and let out a proper "haHA-!" Laugh b4 falling into silent giggling again
-"And look! Sunny's armpits weren't this ticklish either!" Mari says, and she has to raise her voice slightly bc Kel's laughter turns into louder cackles as she massages her thumbs into the spots right below his armpits which is so bad for him, like he literally just throws his head back and babbles out nonsense as his arms glue to his sides and he kicks his legs frantically
-Meanwhile again, Hero has moved to flipping Sunny around so his face is buried in his chest, Hero gently tickling the spot where Sunny's lower ribs and sides meet his back, making him snort quietly and fall into soft, hiccupy silent laughter
-"But if that's not Sunny, then who could it be!?" Hero says dramatically, watching as Mari gives Kel a break to catch his breath
-Kel is still in a fit of giggling, but he goes "Ihihi'm Kel!!"
-Mari gasps dramatically, and Hero continues "If you're Kel, then where is Sunny!?"
-Sunny snorts into Hero's chest again, gripping into his shirt as he mumbles "Hehero, Ihi'm right here!"
-Hero moves back to tickling around the back of Sunny's neck now and behind his ears after giving him a small break too, while Mari starts squeezing Kel's ribs again but softer this time
-Mari goes "Oh man! It looks like we accidentally exchanged brothers... how silly of us!"
-Hero nods and goes "Let's switch back!" and the two stop their tickling while the younger ones relax and let out the last of their giggling
-Mari and Hero gently swap the boys in their laps, and both rub soothing shapes into their brother's backs, watching their breathing slow as the adrenaline wears off and the sleepiness hits them
-The older two glance at each other and smile softly, standing up and carrying the two to Kel's bed, laying them down next to each other and pulling the sheets over them as Hero ruffles both of their hair gently
-The boys are quick to fall asleep from all that tickling and Mari quickly runs downstairs to get two little apple juice boxes to leave at the bedside table for them
-Hero and Mari then walk over and sit on Hero's bed, Hero pausing before smacking his forehead and going "I forgot to ask where he hid my stuff!"
-Mari starts laughing, before interlacing their fingers (which causes Hero's heart to skip a beat... or two) and going "Don't worry, we can ask when they wake up."
-Hero's cheeks are still pink as he reaches over and grabs one of the things from his desk Kel didn't hide, that being one of the Captain Spaceboy comics he had lying around.
-The two start reading through it together for fun, pointing things out and laughing quietly and talking about anything while their younger siblings sleep soundly in the bed across the room
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skopostheorie · 1 year
you have tempted me to get into astérix but also lately i’ve been trying to get into french, so question: do u think i could get my way thru french language astérix with minimal knowledge of french (at the current moment) & a dictionary/grammar reference at my side? am i being crazy
I absolutely hate to say it because nothing would make me happier than someone doing that, but no. Astérix has three main "prongs" of humour in its arsenal which rely on reading: satire (the one I talk about the most), cultural references, and puns.
Puns and the leadup thereto make up about 30% of the written dialogue, if I'm guessing conservatively and excluding names (all of which are puns or other jokes which rely on linguistic mastery). Even if you look up the words, of course it will be difficult to understand why it's funny. One needs to know the majority of French vocabulary to know to which words or sayings they're alluding.
For instance, an easy one:
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Here Astérix says, "tant qu'il y a des marmites, il y a de l'espoir". This would be read by a learner as "so long as there are pots, there's hope". This is a perfectly comprehensible phrase, but won't be very enjoyable for the learner who doesn't know that it rhymes with the saying "tant qu'il y a de la vie, il y a de l'espoir".
Reading Astérix like this will work, but you might be left wanting, thinking... "that's it? That's the so-called greatest comic of all time?". And you'd be right for it.
If you wanna learn while reading (as I did), you can do a side-by-side of EN-FR, so you can enjoy the word games while also learning vocab.
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sojutrait · 2 years
ok soju we need a track by track breakdown ‼️what are ur thoughts on midnights
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HEHEH OKEY (disclaimer: these are all subject to change, i do full 180s on songs. if i call a song ass today and great tomorrow mind ur business!
i’m actually gonna give my overall thoughts out the way first jekrkdk. WELL. ITS NOT HER BEST WORK THATS FOR SURE 😭😭 i wont say it’s BAD but. it’s definitely not a banger. so much of it sounds like a bad rehash of albums and songs she’s already done. so many songs have me thinking “oh yeah. i see what she’s trying to do, but she already has a song where she actually executed this concept successfully” lyrically… yeah after evermore and folklore this feels like a crime. taylor is known to have some goofy ass “a millennial definitely wrote this” lyrics but something about this album made her crank that up to a million like sister please 😭😭 as a whole the album feels like if a god tier album (1989) had a baby with her worst album (lover). which is so confusing bc how did she backslide like this??? WE KNOW U CAN DO SYNTHPOP WELL, WHAT HAPPENED. the timing is just Bad too. like we just had the two masterpieces that are folklore and evermore, she just released the re-recording of one of her best albums, and in comparison to all that this just feels mediocre. anyways here’s to the songs ejrkr
lavender haze - 8.5/10
it’s cute!! it’s catchy and one of the best from the album. all her songs about joe makes my eye twitch lowkey but i can put that aside for now. probably the best bridge on the album (which is not a good sign bc this bridge isn’t even all that- which is disappointing bc she’s known for her god tier bridges but i digress)
maroon - 5/10
this one has potential. i can see it growing on me, but for now it was kinda boring djdkk the verses are delicious but not really feeling the chorus. the bridge made me laugh, like sister please bffr
anti-hero - 8.5/10
not even talking about it sonically, but lyrical content. yeah. YEAH. by the first line i was screaming “ME TOO” it’s like if blank space didn’t have the cynical parody spin it had. introspective and delicious MWAHH (“it’s me, hi. i’m the problem” is a goofy ass lyric tho LIKE SJRKFKF) also love the bridge
snow on the beach - 9/10
YALL GONNA LEAVE THIS SONG ALONE, ITS GOOD MOVE. even tho lana doesn’t have an actual verse on it (she should’ve but-) it’s very Lana. like i can imagine this on chemtrails over the country club. which is why i think a lot of swifties don’t like it 😭😭 the chorus is literally scrumptious
you’re on your own, kid - 6.5/10
her voice sounds so cute on the verses which is probably why i’m being so generous UEKRKD yeah i can definitely see this one growing on me
midnight rain - 1/10
taylor don’t do that shit again. no but actually, idk one of my biggest pet peeves is when artists pitch shift their vocals (looking at you frank ocean), like i get it you’re being experimental but this sounds BAD. reminds me of a reputation reject, it’s like if dress was bad. only reason it’s not a 0 is bc the chorus sounds kinda good when it’s not pitch shifted at the end
question…? - 4/10
boring. next song
vigilante shit - 3.5/10
her femme fatale songs just don’t do it for me 🗿🗿 another reputation reject. but! it does start getting kinda good at the end but atp it’s too late and the song is nearly over-
bejeweled - 6/10
this has potential. the chorus is gonna be stuck in my head i can see it now. also the way she says “nice” at the end of chorus does something homoerotic to me
labyrinth - 9/10
finally, some good fucking food. i’ve seen a lot of ppl compare it to epiphany, but the difference is this song is actually good. i wish she went with this ethereal route for more of the album
karma - 5/10
boring. millennial ass chorus. but i can see myself streaming it and calling it camp by like next week so let me not do too much-
sweet nothing - 6/10
i can see this growing on me. very nursery rhyme tho shekrkfkfk i’m a sucker for slow songs so we will be streaming this one i fear
mastermind - 1/10
nope. not offensively bad like midnight rain but it’s boring as shit
i listened to the 3am songs but none of them provoke a strong reaction from me in either way so i’ll omit them 😭
so top 3 heheh
1. labyrinth
2. snow on the beach
3. anti-hero
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
k hear me out we NEED the directors cut for taking care of Jervis through his depression
It has already been a huuuge experiment with his character but maybe theres still smth left to say u know👀👉🏻👈🏻
HNNGGG *vibrating with elated joy* IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED ANON when I saw this ask game I was HOPING someone would ask about Love and Suds! Because I HAVE A LOT TO DISCUSS HNNGGG
Because of that there's a read more tab lmao
I'm so sorry I know its a lot but just please bear with me because I HAVE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS I need to express lol.
So Jervis is incredibly interesting to me lmao.
I've been in and out of the Batman/Rogue fandom going on about six years. I've always wanted to like Jervis (I loved Alice in Wonderland as a child shush I still do plus mind control?? Hell yeah) but given his controversy and everyone just sweeping him under the rug, aside from BTAS and Arkhamverse, I felt like I was slowly getting a grasp on him but never quite got there.
Now fast forward after a year and a half out of the fandom and thwarting myself back in I am here and I've met a couple genuine Jervis fans for like years, fans, shout out to @march-harrigan and @jervis-tetch-my-beloved and when I read their work and thoughts I was like...Okay so it's not just me that thinks this...it was very affirming to see others got the same read on him.
Because I say this with 0 hesitation, Jervis can be a tricky mad lad to write for. I mean extremely (Jon moreso for me lately, stoicism isn't my strong suit but I'm working on it) difficult.
A lot of people have a bad habit of infantilizing him or making him out to be weaker than he is. Yes he's a wee mad lad with a penchant for rhymes, hats, and tea.
But he's also a murderer, kidnapper, manipulator, and a neuroscientist...he's one of the smartest bastards in the room but because he acts playful, and whimsical people misjudge and underestimate him
Also, Jervis has shown the capability of remorse (again varying iterations but he does seem the usual suspect to feel any sort of guilt whenever he's finally lucid) because of that, I felt a compulsion to do something DC writers are fucking terrified to do....actually give a rogue hope. They tried to reform Eddie but that didn't last (mostly cause of his own compulsions that were never properly addressed...poor baby..)
Now I know for many, a lot of these characters are BEYOND redeemable, Jervis included (y'know kidnapping, murder, mind control...yeah) and they're not inherently good people, but some rogues were once before...
And I truly do think if Jervis had a positive consistent in his life that was able to make reality a Wonderland, he wouldn't need the fantasy, he wouldn't need the delusion.
That's where the idea for Love and Suds came from.
I've written for Jervis a couple times before Love and Suds and when I tell you I had to stop myself from literally doing a character deep dive for a smut prompted request...I had to reel back A BUNCH. I would be almost 1k words in and remember oohhh they're supposed to be fucking goddamnit and have to edit the shit out of it.
So I knew I had to do something just to prevent it from happening again. Slowly but surely the plot came to me, but I was hesitant. Again, I didn't want to infantilize him, but I did want the reader to take care of him. Hence why a lot of the time in the story Jervis is scoffing at himself because he's in reality and he's ultra aware of what's going on but like he's also selfish and isn't going to pass up a chance to finally be clean.
Which is something else I hope I made clear was that Jervis was very much in reality during the entirety of the story whilst in his depression...hence why he wasn't rhyming, he wasn't absolutely appalled by the state of his home (scattered saucers, dirty tea cups everyone some broken after being thrown at the wall, hats with broken seams and holes in them, things I didn't really get a chance to describe). I'm sure you've figured that out but just wanted to confirm it.
It's one of those fics I hold near and dear to my heart.
Because one it was one of those fics I had going around in my head that I finally put onto paper and it was exactly how I envisioned it (its only happened with two other stories)
And two... I didn't realize how much it was wanted/needed? I knew since it wasn't a request from anyone it wasn't going to be everyone's fancy...but like the amount of feedback I got exclaiming that this is exactly what they want to see for Jervis? This is how they see him? Like I didn't realize that was something that people were looking for!
As far as if there's anything more to the story...when I tell you I have thought of sequel ideas for Love and Suds I have thought about it immensely...
I have a couple scenarios were Jervis returns the favor to Reader, one where Jervis comes to properly court the reader but overhears a heated argument with Reader defending Jervis to Batman, like the possibilities are ENDLESS but I also don't want to like...ruin it either you know? Too many may spoil it or make it bad?
But yeah...so sorry this is so long lmao if you guys do want more content regarding the set up of Love and Suds let me know! I may still write a couple connected drabbles here and there for a comfort project for myself but it's also good to know if you guys would be into it too! If tumblr could let us all have polls I'd put it in a poll but nooooo
Thanks for reading all of this lmao and thank you for asking anon I am so glad to get this all off my chest lmao
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trans-mink · 2 years
17, 18, 29!!!
17- Your favorite character to write this year?
Kana (my dmmd OC) I loved bringing her to life and giving her a personality even if it was only in a short chapter, I love her
18-The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Sei (also frm dmmd), basically i dont fully understand their lore bcs i havent played a certain route that u need to unlock it but im planning to soon, as far as i know they dont have much screen time anyway so its been good to work out how I want to portray them and their thoughts
29- Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
I dont like rereading my stuff cos its cringe but I enjoyed writing this bit kjfnjkfb. (from my ongoing wip The House That Mink Built)
“Mink? That old crank’s long gone.”
“Please Noiz just- look, you’re a pro at sticking your nose in other people’s business.” 
Noiz (hacker extraordinaire) sniggered at that and Aoba crossed his arms impatiently. 
“So can you help me or not?” 
He cast his eyes down and pulled at one of his plugs. “I read his prison file before the Platinum Jail stuff happened. It’s important to know who you’re dealing with and I thought I’d get ahead, however a lot of the data was redacted.”
Groaning in frustration, Aoba made a show of cursing out the universe and most importantly, Toue for making the whole operation as painful as possible. 
“Easy, I haven’t tried to recover it since then but I’m pretty sure I can still get access.” Noiz said.
“Huh? Really!” 
“Give me some time to work on it." 
He almost went flying backward, swept into a tight embrace and Aoba thanked him earnestly. A light bulb went off inside Noiz’s head. A filthy smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and he snaked a hand up Aoba’s back, taking enjoyment from making him squeak and wriggle in his arms.
“You gotta repay me somehow.” His tone dangerously sultry, lips ghosting over the shell of Aoba’s ear making his breath catch in his throat.
“Rhyme with me. I’ll beat you this time.” Noiz whispered.
Aoba scoffed and pushed himself free, bright pink dusting his cheeks. “Y- you little shit! I thought you’d got bored of that?”
Noiz shrugged. “I don’t do it so much but I want the satisfaction of taking you down fair and square this time."
The grimace on Aoba's face said it all. All previous offers for a rematch were turned down for good reason, his desire for destruction couldn’t be trusted but…
"Do you want to find the crazy old bastard or not?” Noiz pressed.
"I do." Aoba quietly pleaded.
“Hey." Noiz gave him a light smack on the arm. "Relax. You probably won’t need it after how you played last time, but I can make some armour for Ren, adjust the settings and such, we’ll be more evenly matched. Deal?”
What little memories Aoba had of Rhyme were not fond, but he’d come to understand why Noiz’s life had revolved around it. The sense of humanity and belonging must have been immeasurable.
It was when Noiz had dropped by one day that he noticed it; Starting with an almighty THWACK.
He’d stupidly left open one of the top cupboard doors and Noiz walked straight into it. He hurriedly pulled up a chair for him to sit, it sounded painful, but Noiz continued talking like it was nothing. 
Meanwhile, a bruise the size of a Jupiter formed on his forehead and it turned a nasty colour. Noiz reluctantly took the ice pack offered to him and sat there looking grumpy, as if Aoba was the crazy one for being concerned. How Noiz wasn’t face down in agony he couldn’t understand.
The nerve condition that had so often landed Noiz in trouble prevented him from feeling the swell on his skin, cuts, grazes, burns, the little finger that had broken and healed, bent out of shape at the knuckle. None of it bothered him. A problem like that caused a unique kind of pain; the inability to understand how others felt and perceived each other, “the normal people'' as Noiz put it. 
But Rhyme was a whole different world, it allowed players to take every attack at full force like they’d been physically hit and when it was over they got to leave the game unscathed (in most cases). It’s then that Noiz fell back to the numbness of his own reality.
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