#but I am aware there are new people in the fandom
outrunningthedark · 16 hours
I literally sent you an ask about bt saying slurs. A few minutes later you posted about getting an ask and tomfoolery bnf etc. But you didn't address my first ask about bt saying slurs. And you only replied to my second ask about it but not my first.
So again, you just assumed a post was about you without realizing I probably have more than one ask in my inbox and I did not mention what, specifically, I was referring to? (I had a total of over 150 asks when I logged in today before I started deleting. Be serious.) As for the "BTs saying slurs". Yes, I am aware of one term that was used. I am also aware that that person is no longer involved in the day-to-day activity because of how she was treated leading up and in the aftermath of what was said. (Don't demand an apology if you won't let it go. You're not helping.) I also haven't seen anyone else using it since then, so...? Bringing up one person using that word is...only proving that the rest of us learned something new that day, no? I can't say the same for the Buddies who keep going into the inboxes of black BuckTommy shippers (or even people they just assume are black, which is...weird, to say to the least) and dropping those slurs we should ALL know not to use by now, though. Bringing up what one BuckTommy shipper did does not erase what goes on within your own fandom circle even though you're choosing to pretend not to see it. Don't forget that part.
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"We do want Buddie to be canon, nonny, and in my opinion we are going to get it. All this recent PR supports that, (again: in my opinion)"
Can you go into this if you don't mind, honestly I think Ryan at the premiere all but confirmed it and even now he says so much without saying anything at all. His expressions give away so much lol. He has a terrible poker face. But i would love to hear your thoughts on this if possible.
I'm gonna be honest nonny you really answered your own question there: Ryan's behavior and the fact that they're continuing to let him do press.
As I discussed previously, it's very difficult to promote a couple of characters that fandom ships without falling into queerbaiting. Because of this it would be the smart thing for ABC to keep Ryan and Oliver separate, disallow Buddie or Buddie-related questions, and so on.
Instead they are allowing Ryan to do press, Ryan to do press with Oliver, and are allowing these questions while trusting Oliver and Ryan (on a leash) to handle them. Now, part of it is probably the Barbra Streisand effect i.e. the more attempts you make to hide something the more people notice the very thing you don't want them to notice, but given the sheer AMOUNT that Buck and Eddie's relationship has been put front and center and the fact that Oliver and Ryan have been doing all these interviews together, I am hopeful and see that as a positive sign for Buddie because I trust ABC not to want to shit the bed by being accused of queerbaiting.
I think also as I've mentioned in another ask I answered a week or so ago, Ryan being in PR jail was a joke for a reason. Now, please note, EVERYONE except Oliver was pushed to the side in PR by FOX. FOX seriously pushed Oliver to do all the promo and be the "face" of the show, something nobody in the cast appreciated (including Oliver). So Ryan not doing interviews nearly as much was, in part, this issue by FOX.
However, Ryan also historically is... bad at keeping his mouth shut. He never quite spills the beans but he tends to throw his personal opinion out and hint/tease at stuff he shouldn't be hinting/teasing at. He likes to be goofy, to tease fans, to have fun. Which not only gives public relations managers migraines and anxiety, but in the case of a queer ship can land the show in trouble if Ryan's saying stuff that fans think is hinting at Buddie and then Buddie doesn't happen.
As we have all seen, the second they let Ryan open his mouth on live camera, his cute tipsy little puppy face word vomited all over the carpet. I suspect the fear of god was put into Oliver that it was his job to Make Ryan Behave.
Now, there are actors who have ignored this and enjoyed teasing about a ship anyway and the network has let them because they only cared about getting people to watch the show, they didn't care about being respectful or not. But nowadays that's not something you can get away with and most networks understand they'll get a lot of backlash that's just not worth it. AND most actors understand that even if they personally want a ship to happen, it's only going to hurt the feelings of fans if they (the actor) try to hint at it and then it doesn't happen.
It's more often that an actor will later say after the fact "yeah I would've liked it if X happened, but the writers chose to go in a different direction." Past-tense. They have a lot more freedom to speak on past things than on present storylines or possible future ones.
ABC is taking a risk in letting Ryan do all these video interviews, and to do video interviews with Oliver because the second those two are doing anything together everyone assumes it hints at Buddie. The latter, that's not really on ABC so much as on the fans, but either way, the solution is to keep 'em separate and keep Ryan locked up. Instead, they're allowing the actors to do things they know will get fans excited over Buddie, without crossing any lines into disrespect.
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genericpuff · 8 months
vent post
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#and before anyone who hates my shit says “yeah because you ARE a loser way to have self awareness for once”#i promise you this would be me with or without the LO fandom LMAO#anxiety is a hell of a thing#and as much as i internally guilt myself into thinking it would be better if i just shut up and hid away forever#i also know that's the trauma speaking because the adults around me always told me to shut up#and even as an adult i still encounter people who talk over me and make me feel like i'm not allowed to be outspoken#but the pen is mightier than the sword and all those years i've spent being spoken over i've been honing my penmanship#i have fun talking about the things i talk about and i don't have any less right than anyone else to do it#i am cringe and i am free#self post#vent post#altho on another note i do wanna make time this week to go find new series to read#too many of my favorites have turned to shit and it's taken its toll#i KNOW there are better comics out there that are genuinely well made#i already have a few that i'm reading that i love but i need to balance out the good with the bad more lol#i just need to take the time to go find good stuff instead of pouring so much of my attention into the bullshit that doesn't deserve my tim#i think both things can be true#i can have a lot of fun dissecting and writing about series i don't like#while also nourishing myself with good works that restore my faith in this medium#“perfectly balanced as all things should be”
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tleeaves · 10 months
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The art is lovely and now I'm gonna ramble because that's what I do when I care about something.
For the love of women, please PLEASE can fan artists remember to add muscle to their Shadowhunter ladies? I'll commend Bowater for cleverly giving James that sculpted and lean look without making him a beefcake (nothing against beefcakes, I'd love to hug them), but Cordelia is once again suffering from Arms And Shoulders Too Slender It's Hard To Even Imagine Her Picking Up A Sword. There is some there, yes, but artists shouldn't be afraid of giving particularly Female Main Characters weight and toned muscle. Cordelia is supposed to be nearly the same height as James as far as I can remember, and she's curvy, and full, and she wields a sword like it's second nature to her. Please explain why she looks so tiny in James' lap.
Also I'm pretty sure marriage runes are supposed to go over the heart whenever possible (thinking about Will's parabatai rune being over his heart instead -- he didn't get Tessa to draw over the scar, did he??) and... either I'm looking at the picture wrong or James' rune is not over where his heart should be.
For the matter, where are their other runes and scars?? James' Voyance rune isn't even on his hand. And I'm pretty sure he's right handed. I could have that wrong though.
Another thing: no one can ever decide what Cordelia's hair looks like and it's the funniest thing to me. This is what happens when all you do is vaguely say the colour is like fire but also like rose petals but also a flowing river of those things but also is Red (probably for redhead, but then from there I never understand where the rose petal analogy comes from considering the typical rose is a deep bloody colour -- I do acknowledge the existence of those light orange varieties though which might more closely resemble red hair). In the end, I'm glad readers can infer what they want and imagine the characters how they like.
Anyone else think James looks like he's built like a tennis player? Oddly specific, maybe, but it was a thought I had. Mostly the arms and somewhat narrow body.
James' hair is nice, his eyes are an interesting take on gold in the shadows. Bowater managed to also make him look closely related to his father, so bravo for that.
In the end, the focus is obviously on the marriage runes and not other physical aspects outside of it being clear that this is James and Cordelia. Bowater's style is very beautiful and elegant. Love the way fabric and lighting is done too. I'll add also that it is possible to be a smaller person who is slender but still strong so I mean Cordelia's not necessarily done wrong, I just interpret her appearance differently. Obviously, they're both hot and they're both attractive and I have my qualms with the series, chronicles, and author -- the fandom I am so-so on, though I'm still here, aren't I? And I'm taking the time to ramble about my thoughts on a piece of fanart -- but this is good. Gorgeous, even. Both James and Cordelia are beautiful.
#side note: am I the only one who thought cc made a mistake trying to describe james as handsome in cordelia's eyes#as opposed to matthew being the beautiful one#when there has always been a deep and aching strange beauty to james??#james herondale#cordelia carstairs#vaguely crediting charlie bowater though it isn't like you can't find a dozen more copies of this with the credit#also yes I mercilessly picked this apart because I am still trying to find avenues to express my dissatisfaction with tlh#I search for flaws what else can I say#I am aware of it but it's hard to turn those thoughts processes off#maybe I'll write a post at some point all about the authors I once Loved that I am now deeply critical of#a lot of people would hate me for it but eh#also we all know about the marvelisation of cinema#but is it time to talk about the marvelisation of book series/worlds?#or perhaps it has a better and more book-focused name? the jkr approach? rick riordan's marvel-esque flaw? the sjm plague? the clare affair?#we'll workshop it#maybe it's the curse of middleschool-YA series and the issue of aginh readers in fandoms#and I don't mean this as discriminatory against anyone older in fandom because there is not really a limit nor should there be#for most media#but the issue of when the readers grow up amd authors try to accomodate for that -- not necessarily by making their work more adult --#but by making MORE because there is also an influx of new fans and they want to stay relevant while retaining the old#it's a whole thing though I'd need to sit down to properly organise my thoughts to talk about it
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chipjrwibignaturals · 18 days
i have a list of hermits in my Brain that are like. "i really enjoy what ive seen of you in social interactions and im interested but i can Not get my brain to latch to your solo stuff" and it fills me with vague Guilt every day <3
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spikyiwaizumi · 1 month
realised that I never wrote canon verse iwaoi because there are so many wonderful fics out there that I don’t want to write any. literally so lucky to be able to read what I want to see?? so I’ve got no desire to write another one….
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torgawl · 7 months
unpopular opinion but a ship being queer coded doesn't make it compelling
#the dynamic between the characters‚ on another hand‚ does!#sometimes ships from certain media are carried by 'queer coding' instead of being relevant because of the actual relationship#that‚ to me‚ means very little#what does it matter if their colours compliment each other or that their names are intended to hint at something if the relationship in#the story fails to portray anything romance-like or their dynamic is just poorly written?#i could go on a tangent here because this is coming from me wanting to rant about a specific genshin ship but i will shut up#i just want to be a hater#i don't even hate the ship itself it's the fans who take scenes out of context and depth from the characters to make the narrative fit#also the constant idea in fandoms that friendships/platonic relationships can't have depth or be the reason someone cares deeply for#somebody else. or even the idea platonic feelings can't be complicated.#i think it's also hard for me to swallow every genshin ship because it's obvious they use queer coding without compromise as a way to#profit with both the staights and the lgbts but whatever#yes i am aware of the censorship but i'm also aware they're a multi-millionaire company that keeps repeating the same 'formula'#for marketing everytime new characters are released... and it works.#genshin will never be as gay as actual gay media from gay creators and i think people have a hard time grasping that#a bit unrelated to my original point but also not really because i do think it influences the way people interact with the story#i'm not trying to say people can't have fun by the way 😂#this all started because i dislike a popular ship and that makes you feel like you're somehow missing a few screws#how come i'm the only right person here 🤣 (joking)
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I think. I liked sokeefe more when it wasn’t canon. it’s fine, but it has gone from nice to meh to me now. just a thought
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fromaliminalspace · 1 year
been quite a while since i last posted anything so here's a humble offering in the form of a hint towards the next gifset to come (which i actually started months ago, i'm just not happy with how the blending turns out so far and haven't really gotten around to fixing it). kinda wondering whether any mutuals/followers/passersby would recognize the song
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I am wondering if I am not alone.  Warning: serious topic ahead.  I am really hating the media coverage of Ye.  It’s not just his horrible words and beliefs, it’s the focus on his mental illness.  On one hand, I am glad that people are taking that into account instead of treating it, in and of itself as a moral failing, that he’s “just a crazy,” and, instead, are focusing on the actual moral failings and differentiating that mental illness does not make one praise Nazis, one has to have those beliefs to begin with for a mental health episode to take off the filter.   At the same time, I am finding it all triggering. I have bipolar disorder.  I had a bad manic episode last year.  I think it was inevitable in coming, even with my faithfully-medicated ass and the support that I have.  I had five really bad personal years in terms of physical health problems with me and my family and lots of financial hits - I’m talking things like me and loved ones literally almost dying, loved one going through emergency surgery while uninsured in America, all before 2020 hit, and being underpaid essential workers in 2020-2021 and all those years entailed and I’ve come to the conclusion that it was INEVITABLE that I’d have my “once in a decade” periods of completely losing my mind.   Stress, stress, stress, stress, stress building up to a breaking point.   And, unfortunately, the break happened with me unleashing it all over a subset of a fandom.  She-Ra fandom is contentious as it is, but the subset of a subset of a fandom I was in... I guess it didn’t really matter that I was one of the first entrapdaks in the fanworks game and was, in one person’s words, “a vital part of the fandom for two years,” some misunderstandings happened between me and some “friends” of mine - and I say “friends” in quotes because, in hindsight, I don’t think they were really good friends to me. Those who remain my friends know who they are and will go unnamed.  I got triggered up to some irrational behavior and did unleash some unwarranted anger on people who really didn’t deserve it and got into “I feel like these people have slighted me, so I just want to hurt them!” mode and other people who never should have been involved got involved and they all pretty much sided against me because I was lost in my own madness at that point.  However, people claiming that my suicidal talk was just me “crying wolf” and trying to get attention were wrong - dead wrong.  I try not to feel too much of it because when I came back from the hospital and saw former “friends” dismissing me and treating me like I never existed, I really did come to the conclusion that some of my former “friends” were disappointed that I didn’t die.  You might not want me dead per se, but it’s obviously that you do not care and it probably would have been easier for you to never have seen my name again online and have the benefit of the doubt that I’d “probably just fucked off from the fandom.”      For those of you who think I’m “causing drama,” please notice that I am not naming any names.  It’s been over a year.  No one remembers this shit who was not involved.  There’s not going to be any drama with new fans unless you out yourself.  I’m pretty sure everyone who was involved has me blocked anyway, or vice versa, so I’m pretty sure we aren’t even seeing each other and I can rant to my heart’s content on my own little blog.  Also, in fact, I am confessing (see above) that I know I was a complete ass when I was driving off the rails on my crazy train.   And that’s what a mania is like.  By my experiences with the condition, one is locked into a mode where, if one feels hurt, one wants to hurt others.  One’s perception is warped and you are likely to hit innocent bystanders and do other things that are unnecessary.  One also gets into a mode where one knows that one is in trouble, but there’s this drive, this utter DRIVE to dig oneself deeper.  “How worse can I make it to test limits, where is the breaking point - I hate myself and those suicidal voices in my head need an excuse to act.”  Something like that.   And it is TERRIFYING.   When you come down from it, after you’re getting help, get a med-adjustment, get therapy and whatever else you need to re-calibrate, it remains TERRIFYING.   It’s just knowing that you have an ingrained, incurable brain-disease that means that when you’re sufficiently stressed (and it may take a while to build up, like years of rotten luck that you manage to soldier through), something or a series of somethings will set you off, and it can be as unpredictable as some misunderstandings among your “fandom-buddies” in a stupid-ass fandom.  You know that, even with the most careful treatment, it is inevitable that you’ll go off the rails again sometime, even if your intervals are “about a decade,”  it’s still... yeah, you treat yourself, you try to stave it off...  And then you see some celebrity on the news all the time for the very thing of “going off the rails,” and “out of control, digging himself deeper,” and you recognize that DRIVE, you know it intimately because you’ve been through it before and you’ve just been through it!  And you start to think “Is this who I am?  Are we all like this?  Maybe all of us with this disorder should be rounded up and shot for the good and peace of Mankind.”  And you stave that off because that’s the kind of immoral thinking that the object of the news is trapped in for whatever reason.  You also realize that you are not going off the rails most of the time and other bipolar people manage their illness well, and maybe you are, too, for the moment, because you don’t feel like dying anymore - instead you feel just too stubborn because the “I’m going to beat this” switch has been flipped in your head, but your self-esteem suffers because you’re getting a VERY PUBLIC REMINDER of where you were not long ago and where you can easily be again if you aren’t careful.   Again, I’ve never been a Nazi.  I’ve never thought “slavery was a choice” because that goes against the very definition of the word.  I’ve never been rich enough to ever feel insulated from my own poor actions (I do think wealth makes it worse for celebrities).  I don’t have the bigotries / deeply-ingrained moral problems nor whatever religion I suspect might be an underlying source of them for Ye. (I have some ex-evangelical baggage, but it’s not...that.  I suspect there’s a fringe-religion thing going on that’s becoming sadly mainstream).  But it’s just... all of the other stuff surrounding his case...  It’s hurting me, messing with my self-esteem, making me wondering if I’m just evil in general because I share a disease with him and see a lot of manifestation of that disease that I’ve experienced out front. He is definitely reminding the world why it just does not like bipolar people and it makes me worry about others who haven’t been diagnosed being reluctant to get help (when I was first diagnosed, it felt like the end of the world for me because it’s what my brother had and my brother is/was an abusive asshole, so I literally thought “Great, I have the asshole-disease”).  I worry about further discrimination and barriers to us.  And it is all making me wonder if we even have the right to exist.   Again, too stubborn right now to feel suicidal.  I’m not in that phase.  If you hear me talking about suicide / actually wanting to die, that’s the time to worry, right now, I’m kind of holding on out of spite, but I’m worried about others who aren’t as spiteful as I am right now, seeing this kind of trigger all over the news all over the place.   And bringing it back to this fandom, it makes me wonder if the world - any world, Etheria or Earth, is a better place for people having the freedom to go off the rails and “be like Catra” for a while, or if all defects need to be found, rooted out and culled / exiled like with the Galactic Horde.  In either case, I relate to Hordak - I know I’m a defect, and sometimes I want to go into the Pool and just erase myself, but most of the time, I am stubborn.   Just a random rant, trying to sort my thoughts.  
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i honestly don't care if you don't like star wars or aren't interested in watching it, but i swear to g-d nearly every single filmbro quote unquote 'so-bad-it's-good' quote unquote 'i'll watch anything for my hot dead actor fave' camp lover who acts like they're better than everyone else for not watching it just because it's a popular thing always end up being the most annoying and miserable motherfuckers on this here planet earth.
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bedlamsbard · 2 years
every day I accidentally stray closer to the MCU circles I know exist and which I greatly desire to avoid
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orpheuscas · 2 years
#also frustrated bc i want to Create but when i post amvs they get like no notes and like#doing it for my own enjoyment not external validation yadda yadda but the external validation is still nice yknow#and i’m kind of mourning my old tumblr and ao3 accounts where i had established followings and like a decades worth of fic published#but some irl people knew about the accounts and i wasn’t enjoying the feeling of performing for people i really know and i missed the#total anonymity so here i am#but like. all that stuff was a part of me and i don’t care about the following so much bc it was mostly other fandoms than spn which is my#main thing now but i guess i miss the continuity with my old self?#and now i feel like an imposter bc i talk about writing fic but have nothing posted on my new ao3 and i just want to scream about all#the stuff i’ve written under a different name but no one cares anyway#and i’m afraid to post anything for spn bc my old fandom (stranger things) was smaller (at least when i was actively writing for it like#2019-2021) and anything i post for spn is just gonna get lost in the noise and i Know i don’t need lots of kudos or whatever to enjoy it#but i’ve been feeling so defeated lately i’m worried posting a fic i’ve poured my soul into and getting no response will just. extra suck#and i’m feeling defeated re: making new amvs too bc there’s so many amvs and no one watches them anyway and it’s fun but half the fun is in#the sharing and the feedback and that just doesn’t really happen#anyway i’m aware i’m being a whiny entitled bitch lmao
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calsvoid · 21 days
charlie: i think i could go back to any of my past fandoms
charlie2: yeah same except [that one popular minecraft server that blew up in 2020 that i will not be naming not because im embarrassed but because tumblr likes to put what should be 0 note posts out to fans whenever i mention a fandom]
charlie: oh yeah right
#guess who’s who#paraphrasing because this happened at like three am for me and i have since slept#so no memory#me 🤝 charlie: that one bitchass fandom#listen was it my first time being more active in fandom and also my proper introduction to fanfiction#yes and i’m eternally grateful for that#will i ever be able to think about that fandom and the people involved without being uncomfortable#probably not#just everything that happened during and after my time in the fandom#it’s um a lot#any big fandom has its ups and downs but my god when you are the age that i was and finally branching out in fandom/social media#it feels just a tad bit overwhelming#and by that i mean i cried at least once from how stressful the fandom felt at times#the only friend i have from that fandom is charlie and we didn’t even meet because of it we just both ended up getting into it later on#stepping back though it’s a very interesting thing to think about in the way that i like to study any fandom#like having both the firsthand experience and hearing about it irghwhhs the analysis of it all would be beautiful#also disclaimer i do not support any of the people involved in that fandom#i either have a neutral or bad opinion of them#or nuance but whatever#i simply do not give a damn about them and celebrities in general#whatever they’ve done before and after the posting of this i am likely unaware of it or extremely aware of it#i find out news about these bitches from my friends#they are nowhere near my dash#so like with any public figure i don’t know shit#inspired by well you know
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hazelsmirrorball · 8 months
It's Not My Fault You're like In love with me or something | Charles Leclerc
SUMMARY: Y/n L/n new movie is opening new opportunities for her which means she has to do interviews were people can see her "lack of media training" and they start to doubt her relationship with Charles FACE CLAIM: Reneé Rapp pairings: Actress! Reader x Charles Leclerc a/n: I actually enjoyed the new mean girls movie and I am deeply in lov3 with reneé so here you guys go!
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via twitter
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y/nupdates via instagram
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liked by username101, username23, yourusername and 1,390 others.
y/nupdates y/n leaving the after party after taking a tumble
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username19 now I know why Charles been mia she's literally making a fool out of herself
username123 mother
username12 ngl she ate with that fit
yourusername still can't believe that a fan account is the one that is exposing me
landonorris thanking the gods that the internet and Digital footprints is real
y/n via instagram
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liked by danielricciardo, pierregasly, carlossainz55 and 1,903,290 others
yourusername cast party baby! No one got hurt in the making of these pics
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username120 okay? but Charles wasn't there?
username19 The paps pictures literally put you on blast
pierregasly I think the moment you took that picture with the champagne was the perfect moment to stop drinking
→ yourusername just looking for the person who asked
username15 the girls are fighting. Please @charles_leclerc come get your girl
→ yourusername Come get your girl @pierregasly
francisca.cgomes you look so so beautiful
username192 Charles not commenting freaks me out
via YouTube
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yourusername via instagram
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liked by landonorris, oliviarodrigo, arthur_leclerc and 2,302,290 others.
yourusername mean girls out in theaters now!
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username21 what? girl after that interview I would've turned the comments off
username12 don't you have media training or something
username19 her pr manager has to work harder than the mclaren one
username160 Mother
username12 it's so hard that the f1 fandom doesn't understand her humor
landonorris since my job isn't that hard Im taking a part time. What do we think about acting
→ yourusername I can send you an email. there an open cast call for dicks
via YouTube
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yourusername via insta stories charles_leclerc via insta stories
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yourusername via instagram
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liked by landonorris, oliviarodrigo, charles_leclerc and 2,292,220 others.
yourusername her lack of media training is outrageous
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username190 girlie I'm so glad you are self aware about how iconic you are
username12 the girls who get it get it
username14 pls the caption
username280 her lack of media training is what makes y/n y/n
username189 her lack of media training is why we love her
username18 I'm tired of people saying that when it's literally you being yourself. Has no one ever seen her broadway videos?
username19 People saying that Charles can't stand her? hello read the room
username159 exactly! they forget that Charles knows she's like this and that why he loves her so much.
→ username1821 your parasocial relationship is insane
charles_leclerc via insta
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, arthur_leclerc and 1,893,356 others.
charles_leclerc on wednesday I wear pink with the girl clumsy girl I feel in love with
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yourusername love you charlie
landonorris the movie wasn't half bad
arthur_leclerc stream sexy
comment have been restricted
Y/n turned to face Charles with a small smile adorning her lips. He mimicked her actions as he placed his phone in  between the two of them. His hand slowly reached towards her face pushing the hair away to get a better look of her eyes. 
“You don’t mind then?” Y/n asked softly her eyes never leaving his to notice if there was any sort of discomfort. He shook his head no, not breaking eye contact. 
“What leaves me surprised is the fact that you think it would bother me. I know you already, I’m aware that sometimes people don’t get your humor but I’ve been long enough with you to understand it” He said slowly pecking your lips to calm you down. You let out a chuckle as you played with his hair. 
“Actually, I was worried that you would have to worry about me beating your ass in F1” Y/n said, throwing her head back laughing. Charles playfully rolled his eyes pushing her shoulder softly, accidentally  knocking her off the bed. 
“Shit sorry!” he quickly got off the bed helping her off “but, you don’t even have your license, so I think you should stick to broadway”
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cherrygarden · 2 years
having the bread van pic as my icon brings me so much joy like seeing that moment everytime i post??? amazing. i'll get it printed maybe even tattooed. i'll have every reminder of the boys spending time together and having fun please and thank you
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