#but I digress 😅
dealmxkerofgold · 2 years
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The Golds were surrounded by adults as soon as they made their presence in the courtyard known — Henry, Ella, Regina, Tiana, her mother, even Wish!Hook, all gathered around the happy parents, each trying to get a peak at the newborn girl cradled in a beaming new father's arms and congratulating the couple, the soon-to-be-cast curse all but forgotten for a handful of precious minutes, paling in comparison with the new life just brought into the world.
However, as Lucy appeared in the doorway, apparently having heard the commotion, all the delighted exclamations died down and the small crowd parted, making a clear path between Rumplestiltskin and his great-granddaughter.
Rumple looked at Lucy, then at his new daughter and took a deep, shuddering breath, suddenly a little nervous ( up until then, Lucy was the only child he interacted with since Gideon, so naturally, he spent a lot of time with her, which was bound to change because of the new baby their family just welcomed, and he wasn't sure how Lucy was gonna take it ). But one quick touch and an encouraging nod from his wife was enough to soothe his nerves and make him move. Adjusting Rose in his arms slightly, Rumple made his way over to his granddaughter, everyone watching his every step with soft smiles on their faces, and knelt carefully in front of her so they would be at an eyelevel and she could get a better look at the newest member of the Charming-Mills-Swan-Gold-Jones clan.
"Would you like to meet the newest member of our family, sweetheart?" Rumple questioned, softly, as if a louder volume would somehow disrupt the moment.
Rose stirred, opening her blue eyes – the exact shade of her mother's – and moving her tiny hands as she looked up curiously at the older girl.
@bluebellestorybrooke ( Lucy ) gets a starter of her first meeting with Rose because you said "Imagine Lucy playing with Rose" and that's all I've been able to think about ever since 😁🥺💗
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peaches2217 · 1 year
During the pregnancy I imagine that Peach of course sings to her baby to calm herself and the baby down. Just imagine her sitting in the garden while rubbing her own belly and singing nursery rhymes. And I am asking you, do you have any headcanons about this as well?
Oh-ho, don’t even get me started on the role singing plays in the whole ordeal. Too late! Ya got me started~
Mario’s a really good singer, but for one reason or another he just doesn’t feel comfortable singing around anybody except Luigi or Peach; even then, he doesn’t sing around them much at all. But Peach adores his voice and will occasionally attempt to cajole him into singing for her. He plays along and makes a big show of resisting before ultimately giving her that song she wants, dancing around with her and being generally overdramatic, and it’s a great deal of fun!
But on very rare occasions, he’ll sing for her without provocation. It’s always during moments of quiet intimacy, as though his heart’s just too full and it’ll burst unless he pours it out in song, or whenever she’s under strain and there’s no immediate way he can help her other than to comfort her. And those songs are soft, low, mellow, and nine times out of ten in Italian. When he sings for her like that, all feels right with the world.
Her first real bout of morning sickness sees her violently ill at four in the morning, and Mario leaves her just long enough to send a summon for the head nurse. Peach is curled up on the tiles of the darkened bathroom, and Mario returns with a blanket, sets her head in his lap, and sings softly to her as he strokes her hair. While Mario internally panics over her condition, Peach is wrapped in the warmth of his voice; she feels light and drowsy, like he’s cocooning her in pure comfort, and for a while all of her nausea falls to the wayside.
He does it again that night, laying in bed together after finding out that he’s going to be a father. She can’t understand the words, but the melody is simple and repetitive, and she quickly realizes he’s singing a lullaby. It’s enough to make her cry.
In the coming weeks, she asks him to teach her the same lullabies his mother sang to him and Luigi as children. So he does! He’ll introduce a new one every night until he runs out of lullabies he actually remembers (it HAS been a while since he was a kid). The English lullabies she of course picks up quickly; she’s particularly fond of the one with the diamond ring and looking glass, because, as Mario affectionately points out, showering a baby with expensive gifts it can’t even use is 100% something she would do. The Italian lullabies take more time, so he’ll start by translating them line-by-line (during which he realizes for the first time just how morbid some of them are…) and then singing it slowly so Peach can join in and mimic his intonation.
And since lullabies can get pretty repetitive, he’ll take regular breaks to sing different songs to her so she doesn’t go crazy. The truth is, she could never grow tired of his voice, no matter how many times he repeats the same handful of stanzas… but she certainly won’t object, because he’s sang for her more in the past month than he has in all the time she’s known him.
It feels a bit silly when she thinks about it, two grown adults singing children’s songs back and forth to each other all night. But those songs become part of their daily repertoire, and every time Mario starts sleepily murmuring one with his head on her chest and a hand on her stomach, or every time she approaches him in the middle of the day just to ask if she’s pronouncing a line correctly; every time she hears him humming about Fra’ Simon in the shower and then groaning about it being stuck in his head, and every time he tries to surprise her in the garden after their duties are complete for the day, only to find her singing the same song while rubbing soothing patterns over her belly; they both fall a little bit harder for one another.
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screwpinecaprice · 1 year
So, you ever think Connie would make Steven take frequent doctors appointments after what happened the first time he went?
Side note, given how Steven is implied to have arrhythmia (thanks to Dr. Maheshwaran's notes.), I can just imagine Connie worrying about Steven's heart after a stressful event. After trying to listen to it, things quickly get romantic and wholesome!
Hmm 🤔 I can definitely see her really wanting Steven to make regular visits from then on. I think Connie will trust the med peeps about knowing what they're dealing with? I'm assuming it's a psychiatric thing. (Would they need a gem tech to partner with the doc?)
Oh, I didn't caught on the arrhythmia implication. (Then again I didn't know what that is until this ask. Lmao You learn new things everyday!)
Yeah, I think that scenario'd be cute. 🥰
(I don't think I'm the right person to ask about these medical-related stuff tho. 😅)
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deanncastiel · 5 months
2024 Book #117
Title: Ithaca Author: Claire North Genre: Historical Fantasy Series: The Songs of Penelope, Book 1
‘The greatest power we women can own is that which we take in secret.’ Seventeen years ago, King Odysseus sailed to war with Troy, taking with him every man of fighting age from the isle of Ithaca. None of them has returned, and the women of Ithaca have been left behind to run the kingdom. Penelope was barely into womanhood when she wed Odysseus. While he lived, her position was secure. But now, years on, speculation is mounting that her husband is dead, and suitors are beginning to knock at her door. No one man is strong enough to claim Odysseus’s empty throne – not yet. But as everyone waits for the balance of power to tip, Penelope knows that any choice she makes could plunge Ithaca into bloody civil war . . .
Rating: 4.5 ⭐
Quick thoughts: fuck men and them poets 🖕🖕🖕. feminist retellings of mythology my absolute beloved. scathing, laugh out loud funny, athena is a pick-me and that's fucking hilarious. the feminine rage 🤌🤌🤌
CW: SA (nothing explicit but very prevalent)
Similar Recs: 1) Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel 2) Circe by Madeline Miller* 3) Ariadne by Jennifer Saint*
*have not actually read these but from the sounds of them they are very similar
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honnelander · 1 year
Just wanna say I read through your masterlist works today and found myself loving them. Never would I have thought that I’d be in awe of a soft Homelander, and yet there I was aweing
aw wow- this is so sweet, thank you! 🥹
i find homelander such an interesting character bc he’s so awful but then there will be the tiniest and smallest of moments where he shows his humanity and I just 😩 feel so bad so him lol
ngl I didn’t think i could pull off soft!homelander without him being OOC but i certainly tried my best
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kickbutts-singsongs · 6 months
what is your favourite song omgomg
Obvi the title song slaps, All I Ask of You is so sweet, Think of Me makes me jealous of sopranos cuz I can’t sing all the high notes, Prima Donna is fun, Music of the Night uhh did things to me lol, Angel of Music is so soothing, and Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again made me tear up a bit.
I can’t narrow it down to just one, so imma say my top three are:
Music of the Night (especiallyyyyy the Ramin Karimloo version from the 25th anniversary)
Phantom of the Opera (nuff said)
and Point of No Return (the movie version)
It’s so good to see a fellow Phan!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
#I was absolutely infatuated with The Phantom after I watched the movie (three times in a row)#I mean he checked all my boxes#aesthetic? check!#musical talent? check!#lives in a place with secret passageways? double check!#but then I had a dream where The Phantom was revealed to be my father and I think my brain was tryna tell me smth 💀💀💀#phantom of the opera#poto#man I was totally obsessed with this musical I even got to see it on Broadway before it closed!#I made an entire spreadsheet analysis on the different melodies and where they were used and what they meant#you know there’s one melody that always plays after the Phantom does or is mentioned to have done smth crazy or amazing#but then someone says or does smth that really just reminds the audience that the Phantom is not a demon or an Angel#he’s a human#I called the melody ‘true colors’ cuz idk what else to call it lol#it doesn’t have its own song it’s just used in spurts#its used after Erik gets after Christine for taking off his mask and Christine hands it back to him#(and we see him go from anger to vulnerability and then it plays)#and again in the preamble to All I Ask Of You when Christine goes#‘yet in his eyes / all the sadness of the world / those pleading eyes / that both threaten and adore’#(and we see Christine go from ‘he’s scary’ to ‘he’s wonderful’ to ‘oh u know what he’s sad and lonely’)#and more but I digress#anyways sorry that was a rant but I don’t really want to delete all that so there u go 😅#asks#Thanks for reaching out!! ❤️❤️❤️
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gatheryepens · 1 year
Okay so an artist I like will be eventually touring in my country but I didn’t sign up for access for tickets (I think?) so I’m unsure whether I can still buy tickets or not
#s​tarting from the start I had no idea that they were going to be touring in the uk#until a friend sent it to me like some time this week#me being me and in exam mode#I was like I’ll look at this after Friday my last exam#however when I click the link#because my friend was telling me that she was talking to this other girl about this and the process of signing up#also my friend isn’t a big fan so without her I would’ve had no idea#since I literally have no social media except for like YouTube and Snapchat#but even finding out info on YouTube is hard since I turned off notifications for it like ages ago#so this situation is kind of my fault#anyway I digress#but yes so I click the link and it shows that the registration period is closed#I missed it by a day#also I’ve never been to concert so I have literally no idea how this works 😅#so I’m assuming the sign up thing is for pre-sales#which I’m still confused about but I think it’s when you get early access to the tickets before other people#so I’m thinking oh maybe I’ll still be able to get tickets#but now I’m not so sure#but I’m so confused 😭😭#because from the FAQ questions I was under the assumption you could still get tickets without showing interest#since there is a cut off point not a max amount of sign ups so in theory if let’s say everyone signed up it would be the same as not#having the sign up thing#but I think I might not be able to get tickets period#which is okay it is just a concert at the end of the day#I can do other fun stuff#I’m still going to try get tickets#but I’m 99% sure I’ve missed the chance#but it’s okay#gatherrambles#gatherbabblesaboutnonsensicalstuff
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Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga/manhwa will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
Some bromances have more chemistry in their little fingers than some romances have I swear. I am constantly ranting to my friends about how gay Kishimoto made Sasuke and Naruto. Like the entire series is about them being obsessed with each other. They just have so much more chemistry and history than the hetero relationships he pushes them into at the end (which also comes from him not writing very good female characters but that’s another rant). Manga authors focus so much on rivalries that the female characters barely exist and then they wanna convince me these characters are straight? Nah 💀
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Last year Ian Flynn said that Sega gave him an answer on Silver's time travel. So it might get explained in the next two issues but if it was said at that point then it seems they really are going with the involuntary time travel.
Any explanation is better than none, though with the comics it is clear previously-established things can change on a dime... Silver's involuntary time travel directly contradicts earlier issues from the Metal Madness (is that Beeg Metal Sonic's name? I can never remember) saga, after all. I do however feel that the proposed setting of the coming two issues does not entirely lend itself to deep dives into Silver's time travel, considering the whole Silver Is Going To Accuse Duo/Mimic Of Sussiness While Being Cringefail (And No-one Will Listen To Him) plot that the two solicitations tell us is going to happen. I'm not sure how any deep, actual exploration of Silver's time travel abilities fit in there, assuming they will give us something more substantial than the two or three throwaway lines we've had about that topic so far. Though on the other hand, since the solicit for #64 also says "Then, Blaze comforts Silver as they bond over being away from home and in Sonic's world.", maybe they could talk about it there?
Honestly, I just want answers, and then preferably something that also makes the tiniest bit of sense. I don't like the idea that Silver cannot control his time travel, but I can make more peace with it if we have any idea how it works and what does control it.
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i stayed up til like 9am the night before just to binge read clavis' route for the lucky time (had like 100 unused chapter tickets bc im always behind as hell-) anyway uuhh so i decided to say fuck the order for once and skipped sariel's to go straight into rio's route bc ive waited like 2yrs for this and i am lwjsidehiejdd ALL up in my rio feels all over again rn. i can safely say that much.. he's always been one of my faves and i love how sweet and badass he is and so far his route has just been phenomenal imo🤩
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lilacs-and-lavenders · 4 months
I have to give myself something to do in this game even if it is kinda silly otherwise I get very bored. Like most content requires a static to do things with which sucks and as someone that struggles with connection and interpersonal relationships, that's not an option for me. I dont know how to human honestly. Like I try to connect with people but it always ALWAYS ends in drama and I just can't. 🤦🏽‍♀️Hence why I opted for the solo FC route. 🙈 Don't even feel like grinding through this tomestone event at all. Don't have much items to get and by the time it ends, I'll have the stuff I need. I forgot to do Alphascape vr. 1 last week. Just felt kind of meh for the last couple of weeks. Hopefully the stuff I want to do will become more solo friendly in game. I want to get the lynxes but that requires PF and interacting with other players and I dont have the patience nor motivation for all that. Already had a bad experience in Zodiarks Fall. ugh. Other than that, I get online and do what I gotta do and then log out. Mostly intrigued with Sims 4 and other games now. Like I said, I will stay in this game until it ends permanently but once it does, I'm yeeting out of there. 😂🤣 No more MMOs for me. But atleast I can say that I did conquer my fear of playing online.
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
Writing here abt the edizzy kiss my brain dreamed up bc im terrified my brain will also fucken forgor it if i wait to try and work it into a fic later without getting it written in at least the current dream form (bc they way it was shown in the dream I can't fic, but I could maybe take the in character moments and put them into a fic 👀)
So, my dream presented it to me as:
A behind the scenes sort of shot, literally seeing it from behind the camera (all the various numerical data that you can see on the edges of the shot were present, date and whatever else)
Of Con and Taika being directed to fuck around with this harp that's been brought below deck (presumably an item stolen by Ed and Izzy, with the vaguest implication it's meant to be used at Lucius and Pete's wedding?), until the strings break on it (mildly terrifying in dream bc since it was a dream the dialogue of how they were being directed kept going fuzzy at this moment, so like. They're being told to 'keep pulling at them, don't be afraid but also hey guys don't let the strings snap and hit you in the face', and Con and Taika had these very nervous 'maybe this is a bad idea' smiles on until the strings finally snapped loudly, very nearly indeed hitting them both so that was. something lmao)
Then a direction to 'go ahead and do the kiss any time within the next couple of minutes, remember it's supposed to be a surprise to both of them that they're kissing again and that they actually really miss doing this with each other, so just take a moment and then maybe Taika, you go for it.'
It cut to like maybe a half second later of them standing side by side, Con as Izzy pretending to fuss and worry over the harp strings before Taika leans down to kiss him, doing that stupid good little move where if you're shorter than them they pull your chin up just by a fingertip or two as they kiss you?
And it was just stupid cute bc that switch had flipped and they're both completely in character in the moment and i can only describe it as !!!! With a half second of Con showing the moment of conflict on Izzy's face, a 'oh is this something we'll regret' fleeting look before kissing back and giggling into it, then both of them fucking. Moaning as they kiss, hands juuuuust starting to wander and pull each other closer when whoever's directing (maybe David idk??? the dream did not let me see back behind the camera as to who was there) laughs and fucking references a goddamn meme with 'okay, good. My bad, didn't mean to moan like that, right?'
And Con and Taika immediately break only to start joking and ask if they need to do it again (with a couple of mumbled comments abt them being happily willing to redo the kiss, but not the harp strings breaking which makes sense bc like. I still don't know why my brain threw that in like what would that achieve 😭. The harp can't be used then??? It felt like it was supposed to be a 'look at these two being silly together again and in the process fucking something up, maybe they'll have to work together to fix it' bc honestly sure. I'm here for the random idea that both of them know how to restring a harp and also have like. a consistent supplier for musical instrument strings somewhere nearby aksndkfng)
Idk exactly what to frame it in yet (maybe keep the harp thing?), but that kiss. I'm keeping and doing something with that kiss in a fic for Ed and Izzy, bc it was :chef's kiss: to me, tho I will admit i am biased 😅
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reineyday · 2 years
Are the ST Spotify playlists good? Like with a varied mix of songs?? That sounds cool do you have a link?
hey! they tried to capture the character's vibe and what we've seen in canon of the music they listened to, so i find them varied enough while still being character-specific. billy's is the only one i really stuck to listening to bc i like him & i like rock. (also i already liked a lot of his songs.)
billy's pedal to the metal playlist
will's castle byers classics playlist
mike's bassment beats playlist
^ those 3 are the only live ones from spotify left, but there were 13 playlists released after s2 of every main character + the demogorgon (LOL) and ppl have tried archiving them on spotify. ive attached a screenshot of the playlists' titles under the cut, so if you're curious, you can search the title in spotify and maybe find copies of them from diff users who archived them. :)
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out-of-her-miind · 3 months
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ASSUMING that you’re not going back to any old narratives. Keep persisting with the new one. Intrusive thoughts will happen. Negative thoughts will happen. That’s just your subconscious guarding your old belief system. We gotta get rid of that. Use repetition and saturation as a tool to get control of those thoughts. Control, not eliminate. Unfortunately negative thoughts are a thing so make peace with the fact they exist. (I promise it will help you react to them differently) you know I love a good digress (exhales)
Resuming the track that I was on (😭) Reprogram your subconscious with repetition. In the community you will hear about saturation, rampaging, robotic affirming. Whatever. Don’t get too deep with the politics. Find a repetitive exercise that will help replace your limited belief. Prepare to fly off track again.
Listen. LISTEN. LIS-TEN……Are you listening ?
Please don’t put more faith in those techniques than you do yourself. I repeat PLEASE DON’T PUT MORE FAITH IN THE TECHNIQUE THAN YOU DO YOURSELF. Those techniques are tools. You are the operant. You give those tools power. They have no power except what YOU give it. It is your belief that attracts your desires. Not the number of times you repeat the affirmation. It’s when the affirmation takes root in your mind and you can see it, it will begin to materialize without any more effort other than brain power and patience.
Back to the track like a chorus (don’t shoot me, you needed an embarrassing dry punchline in your life) Do not let negative thinking suffocate your new narrative. Soon as “doubt” enters the chat - BLOCK IT. As soon as pessimism slides up - BLOCK IT. As soon as memories from the past slides in -BLOCK IT. You are the only authority in your reality so keep persisting with what you want to see and don’t be defeated by what you don’t see
Continue to follow me while I derail us onto the right path 😅
@ outofhermiind on IG & Twitter/X 🎀🧚🏾🫧
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2chopsticks2eyes · 1 year
Don't Play Dumb
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2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Han Jisung/Han x Fem Reader
Themes: Shameless smut
Word Count: ~3.3k | AO3
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Alcohol, Cussing, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, Vaginal Sex
Summary: Minho and Jisung were living their best lives to their gayest potential. Well, at least that's what they thought before you moved in next door...
Author’s Note: This story was inspired by a request from my girl @lyramundana. I had to physically restrain myself from making this, like, 20 pages more than it is just because I told myself this was only going to be a short one-shot to put out there while I write my main stories. 😅
Jisung always knew he was gay, he was vibing too much babygirl energy to be otherwise. Minho always knew he wasn't attracted to really anyone, however, he always had a thing for a nice set of pecs and a nice, perky ass. That is until he met Jisung and realized his 100% attraction towards the man. And the biggest plus was Jisung had a really nice ass AND pecs. Like. DAMN.
But I digress. Neither believed in love at first sight until they first locked eyes on each other. 
That was YEARS ago, and they were still as in love (if not more) as they were before.
But then one hot summer day, you moved into the flat straight across from theirs.
The two were just coming home from a romantic brunch and were already a couple of horny dogs before noon even hit. However, when they saw you struggling to move in by yourself, all it took was one look at each other and they immediately rushed over to help you despite your ramblings that you could do it yourself and weren't some damsel in distress.
They respected that, but still insisted on helping if not to speed up the process so you wouldn't turn into ashes in the summer heat and, if you were being honest with yourself, it sounded particularly preferable. So after brief introductions, the three of you set to work.
So, after these two Greek gods of men finished helping you move everything up, all of you were drenched in sweat from head to toe.
"I'd offer you something to drink, but I think I only have tap water..." You explained meekly, trying not to focus too hard on each drop of sweat that ran down their tanned skin.
They were in a similar situation.
They had watched you lift those heavy boxes like they weighed nothing and they soon found out that you were more than capable to do this yourself. But with the sun blazing and heavy lifting up two flights of stairs, they couldn't help but notice your... attributes.
You had worn just a thin tank top and some breezy shorts due to the weather, and the more sweaty you got, the more they clung to you, and the more the boys couldn't help but have their eyes wander.
They giggled and reject your offer. "Do you want to come and have a drink at our place instead?" Jisung offered sweetly.
"No no no! It's totally fine! I have to start unpacking anyway and, besides, you two have helped me out plenty today..." They couldn't help but notice the blush blooming on your cheeks as you looked down with a small smile, biting your lip to contain your shyness.
Minho wanted to coo at you for being so damned cute, but he was afraid that it would make you uncomfortable, so he refrained. 
Once Minho and Jisung returned to their own flat, Jisung turned to Minho. "Okay hyung, I know this is going to sound super weird, but was she not absolutely drop-dead gorgeous or what?!" 
"Holy shit, I know right?! Am glad I'm not the only one who noticed!" 
"Like, shit, I'd fuck her stupid if I wasn't the gayest bottom bitch there is out there!" They laughed heartily and Minho playfully swat his arm with a loud cackle.
This was why they loved each other so much, they could be completely open and honest with each other and they knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that they’d still live and die for each other.
"Speaking of bottom bitch, I believe we had some plans once we returned home if I'm not mistaken?" Minho gave Jisung a wry smile as he moved closer to place a sweet kiss on the edge of the younger man’s jaw, instantly reminding Jisung how stupidly horny he was.
Instead of answering, Jisung just decided to strip naked and get on all fours for the man right in the middle of their fucking living room carpet.
Weeks went by and, what started as simple greetings as you occasionally passed them coming and going, turned into the three of you spending time at each other's places every week for the designated 'movies and margaritas' nights.
"Okayokayokay, Ji! Truth or dare?" You questioned the round-faced man. After your third round of drinks, you all had foregone your attention to the movie on the screen in favor of playing the classic game for drunks.
"Don't be such a pussy, Sungie!" Minho complained loudly.
Jisung shoved his face in front of the elder’s line of sight in retaliation. "Get over it! My answer remains the same!"
You giggled wildly even though the situation was not nearly as funny as you thought it was, but they had endeared expressions on their faces as they looked at you cackling like an idiot.
"Okay *ahem* Ji. Have you ever topped Minho?" You knew the question was pretty bold, but you had quickly become extremely familiar with these men. Besides, neither reacted poorly to the personal question.
"Sweetheart, hyung and I have been together for AGES. Do you seriously think we haven't already tried everything in the slutty book?"
"They have one of those?" You asked while giggling into your drink.
"Yeah, we wrote it," Minho smirked and winked at you while you cackled.
"Well, at least now I know that Ji knows how to fuck." You taunted said man with a wicked smile. 
"Oh, I can do a lot more than fucking, sweetheart," Jisung said in a sultry tone with a wink thrown at you. This was a common occurrence between you three, they would flirt with you while your heart was being suffocated knowing they were gay.
You visibly shivered with a blush and Minho narrowed his eyes, taking a mental note of it. "Okay, little miss dirty mind, your turn. Truth or dare." You could already see Minho brewing up a storm in his head, but you were never one to back down from a challenge.
"Dare. Hit me with your best shot, pussy cat." You said with a challenging grin on your face.
"Oh no. You shouldn't have said that. Minho's the devil incarnate. He'll seriously fuck you up." 
Minho answered his boyfriend with an amused hum. "Hmm, let's see..." He made a show about thinking about what he wanted to say as if he didn't already know. "I dare you..." Both you and Jisung waited with bated breath for the hell that was about to be unleashed. "...to french kiss both me and Sungie."
"WHAT?!" Both you and Jisung exclaimed in tandem.
"You heard me, bitches. You have to kiss these gay boy lips like you mean it, now pay up!"
Jisung breathed out a disbelieving laugh as his slack jaw hinted at a shocked smile. He turned to you to gauge your reaction, only to see that you had completely frozen in place. Their smiles instantly dropped. "Aw shit, I'm sorry, love. I was just teasing. If that makes you uncomfortable I can--" 
"No!!" You shouted, covering your mouth immediately afterward. "N-no! A dare's a dare! I'm no pussy..." At least that's what you told yourself.
Internally, your heart was racing at a thousand miles a minute as you scooched closer to Jisung. You took a deep breath and cupped his cheeks, watching his beautiful eyes go wide and his moist, plush lips part. Before you could doubt yourself any further, you dove in and planted your lips on his.
You had instantly melted as Jisung tentatively placed his hands on your waist and you furthered the instructed 'french kiss' by tangling tongues with him.
After a moment, without waiting to check their reactions, you pulled away and lunged at Minho to do the same, drinking in the taste of the alcohol on his lips. When you felt his strong hands smooth over your shirt and around to your back you slightly whimpered.
You flew back while covering your mouth and saw their wide eyes and dumbfounded looks on their faces. "Oh-oh, my god!" You scrambled to stand up. "Shit guys, I'm so sorry. I..." You couldn't stay with the humiliation any longer and, without another word, you fled from the apartment.
Jisung and Minho looked at each other with equally shocked expressions. "Are you as turned on right now as I am?" Jisung said breathily. And Minho just dumbly nodded. "Do you think she would... or would you be down for...?" There was an unspoken question there, but his soulmate already knew.
"Fuck yes." Minho threw himself on his boyfriend like a hungry wolf and proceeded to fuck him over the back of the couch until he came with a cry on his lips.
Okay... they were definitely, infinitesimally homosexual but... they never met someone like you…
Maybe they had some talking to do.
When they knocked on your door unannounced the following evening, you were shocked to say the least. "Minho? Jisung? What are you--?"
“Can we come in?” Jisung cut to the chase rather quickly and you could see the determination in his eyes. You nodded shyly, still not able to get over the fact that you made an ass of yourself the night prior.
As soon as they came in, they bracketed you and you looked up at them like a frightened animal. “G-guys… I-I’m sorry about yesterday… I didn’t mean to and we had a lot to drink and–”
“Do you like us?” Minho cut in this time and you sealed your lips. You felt a shiver run down your spine and, even though you were sure he meant it in a different way, you answered respectfully.
“O-of course I like you guys! We’re friends!” You sounded shocked that they even had to ask.
“No…” Jisung brazenly stepped closer and swept your hair over your shoulder to speak low into your ear. “Do you like like us?”
Minho moved closer on your other side as well, however, he bent down to eye level with you “Don’t play dumb baby girl. Do you have dirty little thoughts about me and Jisungie? Hm?” He tilted his head and you looked like a deer caught in the headlights as they both stared you down. “Do you imagine what it would be like having two men fuck you stupid? Is that why you asked Sungie that question?”
You didn’t know whether to tell the truth or lie out your ass but, eventually, you could only reply with a shy nod directed at your own bare feet, not trusting your mouth to be able to form words.
With your shameful face still directed towards the ground, you peeked up at their expressions. Your eyes widened when you saw identical Cheshire grins on each of their faces. “Well then, I think we should assist her with that. Don’t you think, hyung?”
“I agree wholeheartedly Sungie.”
You whipped your head up and stepped back a hair. “Woah woah woah! No need to stoop to that level, guys!  I’m sure I’ll get over it eventually!”
“Well, you see sweetheart, we've been thinking an awful lot about this. Hyung and I are in it for life, but with you…” Jisung said as he stepped an inch closer to you. “You’ve got us questioning what it would be like with a woman.” He gently trailed a finger down your arm, inducing goosebumps that they could blatantly see.
“We want to know what it’s like to make you fall apart. We want to see how to make you scream. Make you beg.” Minho trailed his gaze languidly over your body with each word and you felt like you were being crushed with all the tension in the air.
You involuntarily gasped when you felt Jisung’s soft lips press against your cheek. Soon enough, he was whispering in your ear. “That blush on your cheeks is really pretty, should I deepen it?” You felt the wet heat of his tongue press up against the tender skin under your ear and you quietly whimpered.
“It sounds like you are more than willing to experiment with us, honey. Tell us, baby. Do you want to play with us?” Minho wrapped an arm around your waist and began kissing your neck to drive his intentions forward. Also to inform you that “playing” didn’t mean you’re going to play fucking Jenga or some shit.
Instead of using words, you let your hands do the talking. You tentatively grasped their wrists and slowly led them further into the apartment. You made your answer clear enough when you brought them to your bedroom and turned around to silently face them at the foot of your bed.
Your eyes were glued to the floor and Minho cooed at you. When you looked up, the two gorgeous men were looming over you with hungry eyes. Unable to look directly into their intimidating eyes, you stared at your feet while saying, “I usually use the traffic light system…” You peeked up at them to make sure they understood. “I-is that alright for you guys?”
“Fuck yes…” Jisung said with an airy tone and stepped closer to grab the hem of your shirt. “Can I take this off, sweetheart?” Instead of answering, you removed said item and chucked it across the room, face getting hotter by the second.
“You guys can do whatever you want… I trust you…” You bit your lip but made sure to look them in the eyes as you said this. You wanted to make sure they knew you wanted this.
“You might be regretting saying that later, baby girl.” Minho groaned in a wicked tone.
Before you could prepare yourself, Minho had moved around behind you to hold your arms in place while Jisung stepped in front of you, slowly gliding his fingers over your exposed skin. “Shit, she’s gorgeous. Isn’t she hyung?”
Minho hummed low in his throat and then you suddenly felt his warm tongue glide up the side of your neck. “Tasty too.”
You didn’t know why, but the fact that they were talking about you like you weren’t even there turned you on even more. “Hmmm, where should I start?” Jisung rhetorically asked as he examined your body. Your breathing picked up when you felt his soft hands move up to slide one of your bra straps down. “Here?” You whimpered as his fingers glided over your nipple through the thin fabric.
You heard a chuckle come from beside your head where Minho had begun lazily kissing your neck and shoulder. “I think you have your answer, jagi. Go on, show us what a bottom bitch can do.”
Jisung bit his lip and gasped at his boyfriend’s provocative words, but when he looked back at you, he looked absolutely sinful. “Of course, hyung…” 
Jisung was an enigma. He was both equal parts submissive and domineering while Minho was a born and bred master. Created to have both you and Jisung on your knees for him with little to no effort.
They ravaged you properly. They kiss, licked, and sucked on almost every inch of your body except where you were aching the most for them. However, kissing them was almost just as good because those boys had an amazing set of lips on them.
When you all eventually stripped with an insane amount of teasing from them, Minho sat up against the headboard while you faced him on all fours, Jisung just behind you looking at your dripping cunt in awe.
Minho leaned forward to kiss you once more before leaning back and holding his oozing cock in place. “Suck.” He commanded, and you complied eagerly. As you took him in, you heard a low groan in his chest. “Sungie. Show me what you can do to her, yeah? Make her scream on my cock.” Minho said with labored breaths.
You weren’t able to see him, but you felt chills wrack your body when you felt the man behind you blow his hot air on your folds. You whimpered but continued on your mission to suck the life out of the man in front of you. You felt gentle fingers glide through your hair and felt Minho slowly begin to guide your head to bob on his dick.
You had to stifle a moan when you felt Jisung drag his tongue over the entire length of your pussy and then heard the smacking of his lips. “Wow, that’s a lot better than I imagined.” You squeaked when you felt a finger plunge inside you, pumping a few times before pulling it out and holding it up to Minho’s lips. “Hyung, taste her.”
You looked up at him from an awkward angle, not allowing your mouth to release him for a single moment. You whined when you watched his tongue slide over the digit before sucking it into his mouth. “Hmmm such a pretty and tasty girl, aren’t you?” 
You felt his hips slightly buck up but you refrained from gagging, instead, doubling your efforts. It was right as he let his head fall back against the headboard that you felt more fingers enter you, thrusting and moving in you at an unforgiving pace until you came violently and unexpectedly. 
When you pulled off of Minho’s cock to cry out your ecstasy, they watched you wide-eyed and hungry before you desperately fumbled for the bedside drawer to pull out a couple of condoms. “P-please fuck me… I need you inside me, Ji.”
Both of the men muttered expletives before you wrapped your mouth around Minho again and Jisung hastily opened the condom wrapper. You saw stars when you finally felt him enter you. “F-fuck, hyung…” Jisung whined as he bent over you to kiss him. “She’s so tight…”
“Fuck her real good, jagi. Open her wide for me.”
And without further ado, Jisung did just that. He grasped your hips and roughly slammed his cock inside you until he was whimpering with every breath. When he had fucked you long and proper, you came once again and Jisung was at his breaking point. “F-fuck… can I cum on you, sweet thing?” Jisung asked while smoothing his hand over your dewy back.
You released Minho’s dick, although he was also close, and you replied. “Fuck you guys can cum anywhere you like if you can fuck me this well.”
With an airy chuckle, Minho flipped you over onto your back and hovered over you. He and Jisung had traded spots so now Minho had on a condom, poised at your soaked entrance, while Jisung stood next to the bed with his now bare cock aimed at your face.
They didn’t pause for a single moment, Minho ramming you full force, devouring your neck as you quickly pumped Jisung’s cock in time with his boyfriend's thrusts next to you. It almost felt like fate when all three of you came in tandem and you held your mouth open to catch every drop of seed that Jisung had to offer you. 
Then, as if all the life was drained from the room, you all collapsed.
You all laid there in the mess for a moment to catch your breaths before they made a move. They were proper gentlemen, cleaning you and handling you with care as they tucked you in bed. “Guys?” They smiled at you with their full attention. 
“What is it, beautiful?” Jisung as he laced his fingers with yours.
“I know we need to talk and all, but can you guys just stay tonight and talk later?” You looked at them with pleading eyes and they smiled in adoration before plunging under the covers on each side of you. 
Yeah, Jisung and Minho knew they were gay, but after that day, they could confidently say they weren’t opposed to the opportunity when it was you they were considering…
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading! This is why it takes me so long to write my stories! I always want to make it into a fucking full-length book! Let me know how you liked it!
Please like, follow, and share! Thanks baby stays! 😘
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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traceyc-uk · 2 months
Hiii tracey!! You know I absolutely adore your arts!! Seeing your comics made me wanna try drawing one too, but the idea scares me. I feel like i have to know how to do compositions, backgrounds, effects, choose the right panels etc etc (tho ofc i really just have to try it). Do you have any tips or resources on how to make it less intimidating 👉👈
What?! no way because I can have a rant about how much I love yours! You better keep an eye on your ask box because I’ve got questions for you too missy, ok deal? DEAL 🤝
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I find backgrounds and panel layouts tough too and effects takes me longest but there’s no right or wrong way to approach it and all I can suggest is go easy on yourself and just go for it! Honestly there’re some pages in my past comics that are painful to see because I’ve forced panels around to fit in exposition or set up for something later but who’ll know apart from myself
Your figure drawing is so gorgeous too! So good at illustrating movement! just being able to tell a story through body language I like to do too and just doing that is a great way to start. Forget about backgrounds and everything else if it’s putting too much pressure and go at your own pace. Like Calvin and Hobbs if you’ve ever read any of that?
I don’t often draw backgrounds either, I’m not sure how much detail you want to go but my last comic I drew an establishing environment to set the scene and that’s it
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One saving grace in making HL comics is it’s already set in a well established world and most would instantly recognise places if given the right prompts (four long tables = great hall) I play on PS5 and I’ve got so many screenshots of place references 😅
Some panels are literal trace overs of screenshots and I do anything and everything to make life easier (the Beast class bullies had the most backgrounds as it jumped around scenes so much) i find filtered images too jarring against my drawing too
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My comfort approach is rule of thirds for composition and is I think a great way to start establishing frames and once you get more comfortable you can start playing around with it
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Effects I’ve copied from comics I liked as I had no idea where to start too, I have no consistency either it changes because I’ve forgotten what I did before 😅
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Panel layout I’m still finding my way too, I often don’t plan linearly, I’ll have keyframe panels (in green) and is finding the rhythm getting point A to B is loose and fun to navigate. and there’s so much of my earlier comics I’d like to change with what I learned now but I digress
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This is just my approach and I’m definitely no expert but am happy to help anyway I can. I’m always copying or taking reference from films and comics I like too, taking elements that I like so much about it and let it influence and inform my own style.
If anything I’m nervous for the next one I’m working on now, emotional angst is definitely out of my comfort zone 😭 and I’m no writer like you are
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