#but I do still ADORE Loki laufeyson
I’m not watching Loki until this weekend (I’m going home and my brother wants to watch it with me) but I apologize in advance for who I become
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multiversediaries · 4 months
god of mischief indeed
loki laufeyson x reader
summary: you would’ve never thought this was what loki said about you when you weren’t around.
warnings: very small angst, wholesome, fluff
part count: 2/2
an: omg so sorry for the super late upload!!! hope you all enjoy!!
part one
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it had been only a few days ever since you overheard loki speak with thor about you. you had moved into your new room and you were comfortable. but even then, you wouldn’t and couldn’t lie to yourself and say you didn’t miss him to death.
you sat up on your bed, unable to sleep yet again tonight. you found yourself reminiscing of all those things he did that you mistook for habits. your hand ran towards the empty pillow besides yours. you missed him like crazy, but those words of his wouldn’t leave your mind. you still couldn’t believe how he proudly admitted to playing with your feelings, and how cold he seemed. you have been distant ever since. completely ignoring his existence. you wanted nothing to do with him, and everyone could tell.
you decided something to drink could help. you stood up from your bed and left your room to find yourself something to help you relax. you walked into the kitchen and began looking for any sort of tea that could help you sleep at least a few hours tonight. you sighed in pure exhaustion as you continued to look in the dark. after a few minutes of endless searching, the lights of the kitchen suddenly switched on. you almost jumped, startled.
you turned around, ready to joke with whoever turned the light on. yet all you did was frown at the sight of loki. of the man who had just broken your heart into pieces only a few days back. you took in his appearance, his messy long hair, dressed in casual clothing, it was such a nice sight. a sight you used to adore but now only caused you pain. you sighed and turned around yet again, continuing to find yourself something soothing to drink.
loki let out a sigh behind you, walking closer. he stood by the end of the counter, as he watched your every move, confused as to why you were suddenly ignoring him.
“love?” loki called out, and goosebumps covered your skin. you hated the effect he easily had on you. you ignored his call entirely. “darling, what’s going on?” he asked, shamelessly. you almost chuckled, whilst you started to heat up water in a pot. loki sighed deeper, not understanding why you seemed so distant.
“y/n.” he said sternly, but ignored yet again. he walked closer to you, now grabbing your arm, to gain your attention. “y/n—“
“don’t touch me.” you spat at him, removing his hands off you, in both anger and sadness. he stared at you in disbelief.
“have i done something? why do you act this way towards me, love?” he asked, and you almost wanted to hit him. did he really not know? you shook your head, amazed by him.
“why do you care so much for someone you’re only having fun with, huh?” you asked, crossing your arms infront of your chest. you were tired of his lies. loki tilted his head, confused, furrowing his eyebrows.
“love, what are you—”
“anyone must be insane to believe you’d settle with me of all people.” you continued, until he seemed to have realized what you were talking about.
“you heard.”
“i heard.” you replied, drily. loki sighed deeply, before looking back into your pained eyes. you turned around yet again, to continue what you were doing.
“stop calling me that. stop talking to me as if i’m stupid.” you interrupted him. loki took a deep breath, trying to find the words to possibly calm you down.
“y/n.” he said, dropping all the nicknames all together. “you have it all wrong. believe me, i—”
“you what, loki? you love me? oh, please, you can’t think i’d actually believe that.” you laughed, turning to look at him, his expression further saddening but you couldn’t care less.
“y/n. listen to me, won’t you?” loki attempted to say, his hands trying to find their place in your waist, yet you pulled away from him again. “come back to our room. let’s talk this out.” he tried convincing you.
“i mean absolutely nothing to you, laufeyson. nothing.” you painfully admitted. “i am simply someone you can screw around with whenever you’re bored. i’m nothing more or nothing less to you.” you continued, loki shook his head, disagreeing with you.
“so i won’t burden you any longer— hell, you probably only came to look for me because you wanted someone to sleep with, didn’t you?” you finished, turning around again to continue what you came for. loki stood behind you, as if frozen in place, not knowing what to do or what to say. his hand started to reach out again, needing to feel you, to hug you and beg you to come back to him. but his pride got the best of him. he pulled his hands back and began walking away from you.
“very well.” was the last thing he said, before he walked back into his room, leaving you all alone in the kitchen.
“oh, my god.” you whispered, leaning against the counter, now trying to catch your breath. it took everything in you to not forgive him and hug him. you didn’t even realize your hands were shaking until you tried pouring the hot water into a pot, and failed. maybe it was best you didn’t drink anything that night.
“you clean up nicely.” tony remarked, as you walked into the party. you let out a small giggle, shaking your head. the avengers had planned a party, to celebrate all their recent victories. you were excited for it. it had been so long since you last spoke to loki. it was painful to say the least.
it now seemed as if he didn’t care about you anymore. you’d catch him staring at you here and there, but his eyes were not full of love like before. you could only see anger and even confusion at times.
but loki. he was suffering as he watched you from a far, being so happy without him. god, it was eating him alive. he felt insane. he couldn’t understand why you seemed to be doing so well without him. how could you? when he’s helpless without you? but he would never admit his feelings for you. he wouldn’t dare speak to you.
but even then, loki couldn’t prevent his eyes from widening at the sight of you. the sight of his woman, looking as gorgeous as ever. your beauty was intense. his jaw clenched, as he leaned against the bar, watching your every move. and you knew of this. you could feel his eyes as if they were his beloved daggers. yet your thoughts were interrupted by pietro, laying his hand on your lower waist.
loki let out a breathless, bitter chuckle. who does this boy think he is? loki grabbed his cup of whiskey and drank the entirely of it, soon ordering yet another glass, his eyes still glued to you.
“you look beautiful.” pietro whispered in your ear, and you couldn’t help but blush. it has been so long since you were last complimented on your appearance. it wasn’t even close to how loki seemed to worship you back then, but those were probably lies, right?
“are you alone tonight, darling?” pietro asked yet again. you nodded gently, looking into his eyes. he smiled widely and shook his head, leaning once again to whisper in your ear.
“not anymore.”
you giggled, softly hitting his arm. he chuckled at your loveliness and looked at the others, trying to catch up on their conversation. you grinned softly, completely oblivious to the jealous loki watching you from afar.
“lovely couple.” thor broke loki’s silence, followed by a mocking chuckle, sitting next to him at the bar. “don’t you think?” he asked, whilst ordering his own glass.
loki stayed completely quiet, not daring to look away.
“he seems to compliment her quite well...” thor continued, looking at his brother besides him. he watched as loki’s expression changed all together.
“it wouldn’t surprise me if pietro’s currently pursuing her. it’s slightly obvious.” thor interrupted loki, who seemed to be getting more uncomfortable by the minute.
“i mean, she is a gorgeous woman—”
“stop it, will you?” loki finally spoke, his hands massaging his temples in frustration. thor chuckled softly, taking a small sip of his glass, amused by his brother’s stubbornness.
“what is it?” thor said after some minutes of silence, a bit worried for his brother. loki had never acted this way. loki let out a big sigh, meeting thor’s eyes for the first time.
“i simply—“
“you’re in love with her.” thor said, shrugging his shoulders, as if it was obvious. loki widen his eyes, almost shocked. was it truly that obvious? were his feelings that apparent? can’t be… because if they were, why didn’t you notice? if they were, why were you here with pietro tonight? loki looked back at you, his eyes pained as he watched you enjoying yourself at the presence of another person that wasn’t him.
“i don’t know what it is you’re talking about.”
“won’t you stop being dishonest with yourself?” thor said, somewhat annoyed by loki’s obliviousness. loki looked at thor once again, his eyes full of confusion and sadness.
“i can tell, brother. how smitten you are with her. we all can.” thor declared, finishing his drink. he let out an exhausted sigh before continuing. “you’re the only one who still hasn’t realized it.”
“i—” loki started, his eyes going back to your figure, dancing with pietro in the dance floor. his heart sinking whenever you’d smile, his hands sweating in nervousness. “i don’t know what to do.” loki confessed, dropping his head in defeat. thor listened closely.
“I don’t know how to alleviate— i just— don’t know how to fix this.” loki shook his head, as he remembered the things he said, and how hurt you were because of him. “i haven’t got a clue on what to do to get her back.”
“mhm…” thor hummed, as if thinking before speaking up soon after. “have you ever heard of apologizing?” thor joked, earning a deadly look from the god. thor raised his arms in defense, chuckling. “i’m just saying, brother. an apology can do so much… and your confession.” thor said, loki looked at his brother, nodding his head in agreement. thor offered him a small smile, before tapping his shoulder.
“you must hurry, before you genuinely lose her.” thor finished, before walking away, leaving loki all alone. loki let out a breath, he didn’t know he was holding and nodded his head. he needed to speak to you. he needed to get you back.
he kept watching you. waiting for the perfect moment to snatch you away. yet pietro was by your side all night. it was so angering and bothersome to loki. his moment soon came though, when you excused yourself. you needed some fresh air, your social battery was already running out.
you offered smiles as you walked through the party, there were more people than you expected. you let out a thankful sigh as soon as you officially walked out of the party, towards the foyer. the air was cold. causing you to softly hug yourself, seeking warmth. you closed your eyes, finally feeling peace and enjoying the quiet. you didn’t even feel the presence of loki, before he softly spoke up.
“hiding from your date?” loki gently said, breaking the silence. you almost jumped by the sudden sound of his voice. you offered him a small smile, before going back to looking upfront, shaking your head.
“just needed some fresh air.” you simply replied, licking your dry lips. loki nodded, still keeping his place close behind you. he could smell your sweet perfume, you were wearing his favorite.
“why are you with him tonight?” loki finally asked, somewhat terrified of your answer. you looked back him, confused.
“why do you care?” you asked.
“answer me, y/n.” loki pleaded. you furrowed your eyebrows, fully turning around and facing him. you tilted your head in confusion.
“because he seems to care for me, and—”
“and i don’t?”
“w—what?” you asked, baffled by his words. “no, loki. you don’t.” you confirmed, looking deeply into his eyes. loki scoffed a grin, bewildered by your stupid response. how could you ever think like that? when he loved you so?
“you must have lost your mind.” loki mumbled, shaking his head. that stupid grin of his still plastered on his face. you bit your lip, angrily. “you know i do, y/n.”
“do i?” you asked, tears beginning to well up in your eyes. “do i really? you never tell me anything, how am i supposed to be so sure of that?”
“y/n—” loki started, now walking closer to you, his hands reaching out to lay on their place on your soft cheeks, yet you pulled back from him. his eyes looked at you, shocked and hurt. “please. let me show you.” he almost begged. you sniffled, trying to decide on whether letting him touch you. after a while, you nodded.
loki placed his hands on your cheeks, his thumb softly caressing your shiny skin as he admired you. it had been so long since he had actually looked at you. so long since he had the privilege to touch you and even breathe the same air as you. he locked eyes with you once again and spoke up.
“of course i care for you. there’s absolutely no one else in this or in any universe that i care for and that matters to me more than you.” loki confessed, and you froze in place. you couldn’t believe this was happening. you couldn’t believe the words that were leaving his mouth.
“but then, why— why would you—”
“i don’t know why i’d say something like that. i truthfully— please believe me when i say that i didn’t mean any of that.” loki interrupted you, his hand softly removing a piece of hair from your face. you sighed shakily as you listened to him.
“i just don’t understand…” you whispered. “if you really care, then why would you say something like that? why wouldn’t you want to be with me?” you asked, your voice breaking mid sentence. loki felt his heart breaking into a million pieces as he watched the tears leave your eyes.
“oh, love.” loki said softly, almost in a whisper as he tried drying your endless tears. “i— i’m terrified.” loki confessed, his hands dropping gently to his sides, and stepping back from you, giving you your space. you looked at him through your watery eyes.
“of what?”
“i’m in love with you.” loki bluntly confessed. and you froze in place. he was… what? loki bit his bottom lip, his hands starting to sweat. he even looked shocked himself by his sudden confession. you could even see his chest sinking, trying to find his breath.
“i want you— i’ve wanted you for so long. i can rarely breath whenever you’re not besides me. i feel at ease by simply hearing you breathe.” loki rumbled, his hands running through his hair anxiously.
“i just— i wasn’t sure of how you felt, hell, i wasn’t sure of how i felt.” loki continued.
“loki…” you started, taking a cautious step closer to him.
“no one has ever loved me or has ever treated me the way you have and.. i am simply horrified of losing… this, by my greed. i— want more. i—”
“i love you. i— i do. there’s not a day i haven’t not loved you. i— i love you so much that it can’t even begin to be described. so much that i could and would die from it.” loki continued and yet, you couldn’t move. you just listened to his words, letting him let it all out.
“however… i don’t deserve it. i don’t deserve you. i’m aware of that.” loki said softly, so sadly it brought tears to yours eyes yet again. “how could you ever feel anything asides from hate for someone like me?” loki chuckled, and you were at the verge of tears. it hurt so bad, seeing the man you love be so insecure and overall love starved, to the point where he actually believes he’s unlovable.
“loki— listen to me, will you?” you almost whispered, closing the space between the two of you. your hands ran to his cheeks, cupping his handsome face. his pained expression pulling at your heart strings.
“i’m being selfish, y/n, i acknowledge that. but i realized i can’t live without you. my world has no meaning if you’re not in it, but i can’t— you don’t deserve this.” loki almost sobbed in your hands, closing his eyes, trying his hardest to remain strong. you couldn’t breathe by watching the man you loved so much be so vulnerable, and all for you.
“i love you.” you gently started, your thumbs stroking his soft skin. you heard as loki took a shaky breath, his hands hovering over your body, as if scared to touch you. his eyes starting to water as he looked back into your gorgeous eyes.
“i’ve loved you ever since i first laid my eyes on you.” you continued, and watched as loki closed his eyes again, a small tear leaving his eyes.
“i’m sorry.” loki apologized, already in tears and you couldn’t help but hug your gentle giant.
“i know. it’s alright.” you consoled him, your hand stroking his back lovingly as he cried in your shoulder.
“but never say or do anything that stupid ever again.” you joked, earning a small grin from loki, who only nodded desperately.
“y/n.” loki spoke, after pulling away from your hug and now looking directly into your eyes. “are—are you sure? of this? of us?” he asked insecurely, and it made you frown deeper.
“do you understand all the danger there is to being by my side? i’m not a hero, y/n, i will never be and i just— i don’t want to ruin any perception you could have of me.” loki said, his voice full of anxiety. you placed your hand in his cheek yet again, and leaned in to finally kiss your man.
you heard his breathe hitch as you placed your soft lips on top of his. you kissed loki sweetly, intending to communicate all of your feelings for him in one simple kiss. soon enough, loki finally placed his hands on your waist, comfortable and confident enough to touch you. his tongue soon entered your mouth, now fully tasting you. the kiss lasted a few minutes, and you didn’t want it to end. you didn’t know how much you loved kissing loki, until you were deprived of it for so long. you soon pulled away, resting your head on his.
“i love and want you, loki. not a perception. i want you because you’re you.” you said gently, as to comfort him. he sighed softly, only listening to what you had to say.
“i don’t know what you’ve been through, that has caused you to think like this, but you deserve all the love in this world, and i’m honored to finally give it to you.” you continued, placing a sweet kiss to his cheek, earning a shy smile from the god. “please let me continue loving you, loki laufeyson.”
loki didn’t even have to answer. he just wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you into a loving hug. you giggled softly, returning the hug. you caressed his back lovingly, as loki finally realized you were his. his woman, the love of his life. he found himself smiling knowing that his insecurities didn’t win, and here he was, hugging the love of his life. loki soon pulled away, looking into your sweet eyes.
“pietro…?” you repeated, confused.
“if he ever dares to lay his dirty hands on you again, i swear—” loki was interrupted by your laughter. he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face as he heard you laugh, but this time because of him.
“i’m serious, darling. watching him shamelessly flirt with you has been torture these part few weeks. i will not stand it any longer.” loki said, shaking his head. you giggled, nodding your head.
“you deserved it.” you joked, loki smirking at your comment.
“i did.” loki said, softly pecking your lips lovingly.
“yes, i did.”
taglist <3
@dragonmurray @lokidokieokie @luringfantasy @evolvingchaoswitch @kerst666 @crimson25 @hanndotcom @kittiowolf210 @yelkmelk @princessdragon23 @valkyre9125 @saltedcoffeescotch @assembelingavenger @oreojenni @bigbaddie45 @theliability @darknights04 @ruth-is-a-koala-bear @moony-2001 @chronicallybubbly @catradora333 @wiltedflowersundertowers @mayemperess @spiderlily-w1tch-blog @andurgonnabehappy @cultish-corner @richardsamboramylove55 @robynjasp @softestqueeen @creat0r-cat @maverickroyalromanoff
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
what makes a princess
See my full list of works here!
Summary: Morgan asks a question about Jane's royalty status that leads to her revealing one of Loki's secrets
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning/s: potentially inaccurate depictions of how to become royalty in Asgard; other than that, none, this is just fluff [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: Morgan being an adorable lil beb; Nat doling out some tickle torture; teammates/coworkers to lovers
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"Is Auntie Jane a princess?" 
You looked up from your laptop, taking a break from typing out your latest set of reports to wrap up your most recent mission with Nat to look at little Morgan Stark, who was sitting across you at the dining table. She looked the spitting image of her father as she anticipated your answer. 
"I don't…think so…?" you trailed off, trying to remember if Thor had even mentioned anything recently about plans to marry the mystical hammer wielding scientist. "Maybe one day soon, baby. When they get married."
"Who's getting married?" The velvety low timbre of Loki's voice nearly made you jump out of your seat, his fingers briefly ghosting over the skin of your shoulder not helping in the slightest. A small squeak of protest slipped from your mouth when he picked up your coffee mug. "Ease your worry, darling. I'm simply refilling your cup. Black with a teaspoon of sugar, or would you prefer something sweeter?" 
Morgan's little laugh began to echo throughout the common area. "You have confuzzled brows again, Auntie Y/N." 
The image of the raven-haired god looking up at you through his lashes from where he stood behind the kitchen island may very well haunt your dreams tonight in the best possible way. "You know what…surprise me, Mischief." The smirk he sent your way should have had you worried with what he had in mind, and yet the only thing you felt was the violent fluttering in your stomach that had nothing to do with your prolonged fasting. "As for your first question…we were talking about Thor and Jane." 
"Ah, well my oaf of a brother may think he's been keeping relatively quiet about the matter, but that day will most definitely be coming sooner rather than later," he spoke over the clinking of a metal spoon stirring around in your cup. 
"So it's like in the cartoons?" Morgan directed her question at him. "The prince has to marry the woman he loves so that she becomes a princess?" 
"Not quite, little Stark." Your brows knit together again at the sound of whipped cream coming out of a can coming from his direction. "There are no strict marital customs in Asgard, and as such if a member of the royal court were to publicly commit themself to another, then in turn that individual would become royalty as well. Thor has publicly committed himself to Doctor Foster, and despite having abdicated the throne to the Valkyrie, he is still a Prince of Asgard." 
"So Auntie Jane is a princess?" 
"Don't arm us with this info, Laufeyson. I might just call her Princess Foster for the rest of time," Nat's voice sounded through the common area, her usually lethal hands wielding a more delicate touch when she ruffled the hair on your and Morgan's heads before occupying the seat beside you. 
"By Asgardian customs, yes. You can consider Doctor Foster a princess." 
The assassin eyed Loki's approaching form with a knowing smirk on her face, tilting her head to look at the mug he placed on the table a few inches from your hand. "Hold on, are you telling us that all that's needed for someone to be considered royalty in Asgard is if a member of the royal family is in love with them? That's it?" 
"If it's as widely known as how my brother loves his mortal," he confirmed. "And while I surmise that she will not appreciate being addressed as such, you would not be incorrect in calling her Princess or Your Highness." You were acutely aware of the god's proximity to you from the slight movement in the corner of your eye of his fingers at the back of your chair. And the slight heat coming from his body literally inches from your side.
"Her Royal Highness, Princess Jane Foster," you mused, blowing lightly on the hot beverage in your mug and holding back the slightest thrill as the taste of your favorite little indulgence, a white chocolate mocha with a cold vanilla flavored whipped cream on top, flooded your tastebuds and blanketed you in an instant comfort. "She's definitely gonna hate that. Thank you, Mischief." 
Your heart caught in your throat when he tucked a hand under your chin, keeping you looking up at him as his free hand straightened out the ruffled locks of your hair, putting them neatly back into place. "My pleasure, little mortal," he murmured, swiping his thumb briefly at the corner of your mouth before walking back to the kitchen, starting on his own drink.
"You wanna fill me in on this domestic bliss vibe I'm picking up from Horns over there?" Nat whispered, leaning in so close she was practically draped on your lap trying to sneak the cup of coffee away from you to take a quick sniff. "He knows your 'treat yourself coffee'? Alright how long have you two been doing the horizontal tango, spill the hardware details, I'm texting Wanda and Jane. Toot suite. You've been holding out on us, you absolute slut--Ow." 
You rolled your eyes at her reaction to you elbowing her in the side. "Please, we both know that barely tickled. Now stand down, Romanoff, I haven't been holding back on anything and you know it--"
"That means you're a princess, too, Auntie Y/N!"
The Russian spy chuckled at Morgan's excitement, resting her chin on your shoulder like a child awaiting a bedtime story. "Uhm…no, sweetie. It doesn't work like that," you tried explaining to the little girl. "See there's more than one kind of love. There's the romantic love like you see in your princess movies, and that's the type that your Dad has for your Mom, the type Thor has for Jane. And that's what makes your Auntie Jane a princess."
"Then there's the love for family and friends," Nat continued for you, motioning between the three of you. "The way I love you, Uncle Clint, Auntie Y/N, and the rest of the team--well, most of them." She elbowed you before you could let out the teasing words dancing at the tip of your tongue. The name of the one that Nat loved in the romantic sense. "Not a single word, Williams."
"I wasn't gonna say anything," you deflected coyly, batting your eyes to feign innocence. "It's not like when you said 'most' my mind immediately went to a certain Serge--NAT!!" You busted out into giggles as nimble fingers found every single ticklish spot by your ribs and showed you no mercy. "I'll get--hahahahaha--I'll get you back for thihihihis, Romanoff, I promise you."
You made a quick note to slip some hot pink hair dye into her shampoo bottle on your next sleepover. The tickling onslaught had taken up all your attention that you didn't even notice that the dark-haired Asgardian leaning back against the kitchen counter was watching the scene before him, a fond smile slowly stretching across his face the longer he watched you.
Nat eventually let up once you started clutching your stomach from laughing too hard, continuing her explanation to little baby Morgan, who was currently the picture of angelic patience. And now looking not a thing like her father.
"Anyway, that kind of love is the kind that Thor has for us. That means that while there is love there, it doesn't make the entire team princes and princesses. You get me, baby?" 
"I get you, Auntie Nat. But you don't get me. Auntie Y/N is a princess, too." 
You took a breath before closing your laptop, promising yourself that you'd finish the reports later tonight. "Last I checked, sweetheart, Asgardian Barbie doesn't like me like that." 
She rolled her eyes at you. "I know that! But Prince Loki does, and that's why you're a princess, too!" 
The amused smile on your face immediately dropped at her words, your neck twitching from the sound of a spoon clattering against the sink and the sound of hurried footsteps walking out of the kitchen causing your skin to prickle. "Morgan…sweetie, you know it's not nice to say things that aren't true," you said softly, not bothering to mask the wavering tone of your voice. 
"But it is!" she insisted, pointing her little hand towards the door. "Princess Auntie Jane, tell her!" 
"Princess--? Oh…I'm guessing you all know about those customs in Asgard that technically make me a princess now?" You nodded your answer at her, not trusting yourself to say anything while you were still struggling to wrap your head around that bombshell that Morgan dropped on you. Wondering if it even was a bombshell to begin with or just the child's overactive imagination. "So I'm also guessing that now you all know that Y/N's a princess, too?" 
"She most definitely is not," you protested, briefly poking at her ribs to drive your point home. "Jane. Babes, this isn't funny." You motioned a pointed finger between her and Nat. "You both know how I feel about him, so baiting me with this kind of hope is just cruel and unusual punishment, especially when I know I haven't done anything wrong to either of--"
"You kind of really are, though," the scientist kept on, giving you a look as if she was amused by how this was completely new information to you. "You really didn't know that Mr 'You are all beneath me' wants you literally beneath him?" 
"Foster, I am two seconds away from kicking your ass over that line. Mostly because I didn't think of it myself." You elbowed Nat in the side again. "Harder. I could almost feel that." 
"Can you two just be serious for two seconds and tell the baby that she's wrong about Loki?" 
You were about to face Morgan again to advise her to find the god and apologize for saying something so outlandish, when Nat and Jane moved in unison, a hand placed on each of your shoulder, leaning in a way that you were now face to face with both of them.
"Okay, little baby," Jane started with a mock serious look. "You're wrong about Loki." 
"Unbelievably wrong," Nat capped off. "Fine. If you don't believe us, then let's start with how he saved you from that building in Belarus." 
"He has saved each of our asses at least once in the last few years," you argued.
"Yeah, but he doesn't heal us with his magic and then stays with us in the medical wing waiting for us to wake up. And I should know because that entire night Thor gave me a laundry list of the times that he got injured from battle and Loki would tell him, and I quote, that 'he shouldn't expend his energy on healing magic when it could have been better utilized for fortifying defenses'." 
"That's--That can't--That doesn't sound right," you muttered, trying to remember anything from Belarus other than being trapped under a collapsed column, convinced that your legs were done for and you'd never walk again, assuming that anyone would even find you in the wreckage. And then next thing you knew you were in the medical wing, with the god only briefly touching your head and telling you that he was glad you were alright before running off to call for Bruce to check on you.
"You make him smile," Morgan spoke up, her face lit up the same way it did when you sat with her on Princess Movie Nights. 
"He smiles around everyone as long as they're not your father or your Uncle Steve." 
"No, Auntie Y/N." She flopped herself onto the table, arms outstretched towards you, like she was trying to quite literally grab your attention and hold on to it. "With us, Prince Loki smiles with his face. When you're around, he smiles with his heart." 
Her words had you stunned silent, frozen in your seat as your friends let you go to walk over to the other side of the table and lift Stark's daughter up in the air to wrap her in a warm embrace and nuzzle her cheeks, earning them several little echoing giggles from her. 
"I uhm…I should go," you mumbled, standing from the table and giving your laptop a small tap. "I'll finish my reports tonight." 
"Tomorrow," Nat corrected you. "I have a feeling you're gonna be a bit busy tonight, Princess." 
Your pulse was drumming loudly in your ears with every step you took towards Loki's apartment, every single nerve on your body on high alert as if readying you to run at a moment's notice. Whether that was away from his place and back to the compound to tell everyone they were wrong, or into his arms, was yet to be seen.
When you reached his door, you could hear voices coming from the other side. One more hushed and panicked, the other jovial and boisterous. Thor.
"You should have stayed, Brother! You finally need not hide your affections for her, and might I say. 'Tis about time because your skirting around her was getting more than tiresome, Jane and I have been considering locking you two in a tiny room together so you could just tell her." 
You couldn't hear what Loki said in response other than something about 'being exposed by Stark's offspring', but that was more than enough to convince you that maybe this wouldn't end in you feeling like a total clown. That maybe there was more credit to the words of Morgan and your friends than you first believed. 
Just three seconds of bravery, that's all you need, you told yourself, raising your hand to rap on the door before you could talk yourself out of it. 
"It seems that in matters of the heart, your little mortal is braver than you, Brother," you heard the blond Asgardian comment before the door opened to reveal the towering bulging god, giving you a knowing look before shuffling out of your way. "I will gladly answer any question he leaves unanswered by the end of the week, my friend." 
"I'm holding you to that, Blondie," you waved him off with a playful smile before turning to face Loki. "Can we talk?" 
He looked at you with a hint of caution, almost as if he was on the same level of anxiety that you were, before giving you a small nod and motioning toward the door. "Come in, darling." 
The words tumbled out of you as soon as you closed the door. "They told me about Belarus." The caution in his eyes turned into panic. "But I need to hear it from you. Because I have…gaps? In my memory. Things I can't reconcile." 
He closed the distance separating you two, taking your hands in his. "Ask me." 
"The last thing I remember from that building was that I couldn't feel my legs. And I know that even with all the tech Stark has at his disposal, I shouldn't be up on my feet right now. Not like this. Rhodey is still in crutches despite all the efforts of Stark and Banner combined, and yet somehow…I'm not. So please. Tell me. Did you--" 
"I healed you," he cut you off, finishing your inquiry. "I could not bear the thought of you waking up distraught. Adjusting to a new reality where you had to rely on any form of machinery to help you function. Not when I knew that I could cure those ails." 
The air left your lungs at his admission, leaving you struggling to even form your next words. "What happened to energy better expended fortifying defenses?" 
His mouth turned up slightly in a knowing smirk. "I see my brother told Doctor Foster of our days in the battlefield." 
"And he's a touch wounded about it." You gave him a playful squint of your eyes, trying your damnedest to keep the mood light despite how closely he was standing, so close you could feel the slight heat radiating off of him, thinning the air to the point that you found it hard to take in your next breaths. "Why did you do it? You were in the clear, everyone else was in the clear, we finished the mission--"
"I didn't give a damn about the mission," he hissed, stepping even closer to you and effectively trapping you between him and the solid door behind you. His breath came out in shuddering exhales, bottom lip quivering ever so slightly as he rested his forehead against yours. "The only objective that held any weight with me was keeping you safe." His hand rested lightly on your waist, thumb softly stroking your ribcage. "I have braved far worse things than a burning building and I will face even more dire perils if it means your safety. If it means I do not have to witness your light fading away. And as for why…"
He brought his hand up to cup the side of your face, pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose before his lips ghosted a path to your forehead. If it hadn't been for the god wrapping his arm around you and securing you against him, you would have sunk to the ground from his attentions. 
"It is because Stark's daughter speaks the truth," he whispered into your skin, pressing a kiss between your brows. "Because I love you, precious mortal. I never intended for you to know this, to be burdened with the knowledge of my affections, but seeing as I cannot unring this bell, I only wish for you to know that I hold you under no obligation to say anything. All I ask is for to not detest me for my--"
"Are you sure you don't want me to say anything?" you choked out, your heart at your throat from attempting to come to terms with this reality. That these words were actually coming from the god you'd silently pledged your heart to so long ago. That not only did he feel the same, but he was on the exact same page that you were on, believing that the love was unrequited.
"I have long ago resigned to the certainty that my affections for you are--"
"Requited," you breathed, raising shaking hands to rest on his chest, tears welling in your eyes as you felt his erratic heartbeat against your palm. "Don't you dare even try to unring this bell because I don't detest you, Mischief." You braced yourself on his shoulders, rising to the tips of your toes to press a soft, fleeting kiss to his lips. "I love you, too." 
You felt your feet leave the ground as his arm tightened around you and lifted you up, bringing your faces level to one another, his fingers weaving through your hair in a firm yet gentle hold. "Are you sure, darling? You wish to be mine?" 
"Yes!" you blurted out, your face breaking out into a grin that instantly made your cheeks ache. You could feel the tension that flooded you just moments ago slowly melting away at the sight of him mirroring your joy over the turn of events. Any words you wished to say fell silent with a small squeak at the back of your throat when he leaned in again and captured your lips in a more heated kiss, sighing into each others mouths as he lifted you away from the wall, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist. 
When Loki held you up by one arm, opening his apartment door with the other and proceeding to walk back out into the hallway, you let out a little squeak against his lips. "Where--"
"You'll see, my love," he said with a chuckle, pressing one more kiss to your lips before shifting his hold on you, swinging your whole body until he carried you bridal style. "I believe I owe someone a small debt of gratitude for telling you what I had insisted I keep to myself for fear of your abhorrence." 
He leaned down and touched his forehead to yours, lightly rubbing the tips of your noses together and making you giggle at the tender gesture. "I could never--"
"I told you he smiles with his heart!" Morgan's little voice pierced the silence of the hall. "And now you do, too, Princess Auntie Y/N!" 
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A/N: For some reason this has been microwaving in my head for weeks before I even began writing it, so now y'all have it, too 👀🫡
‘everything’ taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @unlucky-number-13 @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @sarahscribbles @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @dangertoozmanykids101 @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee
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slash-me-please · 11 months
Slahsers with a shy sweet s/o like hides behind them and stuff? If u do it pls add otis! I love him:)
Slashers with a Shy S/O
sdlfkjoweijfweoijf you have an amazing brain
Jason Voorhees:
He thinks you're just adorable. You leave him bouquets of flowers (weeds) in the morning, just to start his day off right.
He lets you hide behind him anytime you desire. There is plenty of campers around and they scare you, as you're introverted. And even when there is no campers around, you'll still scurry behind the man if there's a buck or a bear around. Or if you want to look at his ass.
Jason is entirely in love with you, and all the sweet things you do for him.
Otis Driftwood
He's very tall, so you're behind him a lot as he drags you to all of his illegal activities. There's a lot of people you want to get away from, and if they so much as acknowledge you they'll get a fist to the mouth.
You're always near him, practically attached to his side and peppering kisses along his back as he cusses out another minimum-wage employee. Maybe he's not overreacting.
You like to gift him little trinkets you create while you're out with him, made of foil or whatever, but he keeps them all even if he says he does not.
Loki Laufeyson
He ADORES your shyness, while he's doing royal business, he'll make sure to screw with you. His hands explore the expanse of your hips and chest while you stand red-face between his long legs. Meanwhile he talks with a level head and voice towards his peers.
He'll let you hide behind him though, and he towers over you, keeping you "hidden" from everyone. He understands gods can be overwhelming. He keeps you tucked beneath his cape.
You're just the sweetest to him as well, he lets you braid his hair when you're in private, but he'll deny it if anyone asks.
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Paradigm Shift 5
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you get transferred to a new position but it’s hardly a breath of fresh air. (plus!reader)
Characters: Loki, Bucky Barnes, this reader is known as Billie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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“Mr. Laufeyson, your matcha and the notes for the morning’s meeting,” you set down the cup and hold out the sleek black folder with his initials on it. 
He ignores the tea and takes the briefing without thanks. You assumed as much but it does make you wonder who raised him. His brother wasn’t like this so it’s a bit of a surprise. 
“Anything else, sir?” You ask. 
He glances at the cup and tilts his head, “you went to Garcons.” 
“Yes, sir, I made not of the preference.” 
He offers no prize for that. He simply shrugs and opens the folder. You nod and turn on your heel. As you cross the office, a figure darkens the door. You slow as Barnes tilts his head at you. 
“There you are, Billie,” he greets, “coffee?” 
“On my desk, I was just going to bring it to you--” 
“I need it after the weekend I had,” he stays in the door frame, blocking your escape, “what a coincidence that we would run into each other, huh?” 
“I guess,” you stiffen in discomfort. 
“Did you enjoy your drinks?” Barnes asks with a dimple in his cheek. You scrunch up your lips as his eyes twinkle. He knows what he’s doing. 
“You two... had drinks?” Laufeyson asks. 
“No,” you insist and angle back so you can see each from the edge of your vision. “We ran into each other. I was with friends.” 
“Ran into each other. Mm, well, let’s not play favourites, yes.” 
You almost scoff. You went a full extra block to get his stupid green latte and he thinks it has anything to do with preference. You prefer to deal with neither of them. You nod, “of course, sir. I’ll get your coffee, Mr. Barnes,” you twist on your heeled boot, “and your daily brief.” 
“Thanks, doll,” he sidesteps to let you past him. You can feel his gaze follow you. 
“Are you in here for anything in particular?” Laufeyson snips tersely in your stead. 
“Yeah, business, bud,” Barnes retorts, “let me close this.” 
The door shuts and you march off. You grab the coffee and other folder from your desk and retrace your steps down the hall. You enter Barnes’ office and lay it out on his desk. 
Quickly, you retreat. You’ll be happy enough to hide at your desk as they go upstairs for the monthly managerial review. You’re hoping Odinson can keep them past the scheduled block. You don’t like Mondays. 
You sip your coffee as you sort through emails and direct them in the right direction. Barnes is more of the face-to-face one but Laufeyson is the numbers man. They have an interesting dynamic on paper. As you reply to a few errant requests, you hear the door open but ignore it. 
Barnes’ shadow looms down the hall before drifting into his office. A message pops up on your screen. It’s him. 
‘Thanks, doll. Coffee’s still hot.’ 
A thumbs up will suffice. You did your job. Amazing. 
Another message. Laufeyson. You switch chats. 
‘You will attend the meeting with myself and Barnes. Keep the minutes.’ 
Sigh. Alright. You type back. ‘Yes, sir.’ 
No response. Barnes’ turn, ‘holding out for Friday night?’ 
You huff and roll your eyes. 
‘Sir, I am focusing on my work. Did you require some assistance?’ 
You hear him snicker and the response pops up, ‘got it. All business. Shoulda known with those boots.’ 
You don’t reply. You shut out Teams and go back to sorting through communications and arranging the calendar accordingly. You don’t get much done before a strutting gait approaches. You look up as Laufeyson appears. 
“You’re acquainted with my brother,” he says. It isn’t a question. 
“Yes, sir.” You pull your hands back from the keyboard. 
“You will be certain to keep him from talking my ear off then.” 
“Uh, if that’s what you need--” 
“It is what I’m telling you to do. We’re due in five.” He shows his watch. 
“Coming,” Barnes emerges, smoothing his jacket as if he could hear his partner’s chiding. 
“Yes, sir,” you stand up and grab your notebook and pen. 
Laufeyson is halfway to the elevator before you get around the desk and Barnes is right on your heels. As you pass through the bullpen, you notice the hunches in response to their presence and the nervous glances. The energy is grey like rain. 
You stand at the elevator between the men. Laufeyson tuts and Barnes thumbs through his phone. He tucks it away as the doors open. They don’t move. 
“Ladies first,” Laufeyson insists. 
You don’t argue. You step on and they follow. 
The turn and stand shoulder to shoulder with you behind them. Laufeyson checks his watch once more and Barnes wiggles his fingers at his side. They let out a long exhale in unison. 
“Tell me again how you’re related to this guy,” Barnes snorts. 
“Adopted,” Laufeyson sneers. “Please, you will suffer him for an hour, I have suffered a lifetime.” 
“Ah, is that why you have that stick up your ass?” Barnes nudges him with his elbow. 
To your surprise, the other man snickers. 
“Only to match yours, Barnes.” 
You glance between them curiously. They both are so stringent on their own and yet with each other, there’s a measure of respect? Recognition? Commiseration? Like everyone else in Logistics, they’ve been sentenced to purgatory. It is a fleeting human moment. 
“Should I point out the oaf’s mistake or would like that pleasure?” Laufeyson intones. 
Barnes shrugs, “will it make a difference? We’ll just be cleaning up another mess next month.” 
They speak as if you’re not there. You suppose you’re not significant enough to worry about. Hell, you don’t mind one bit if the heat’s off of you. 
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 1 year
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A Goddess by Association | Mr & Mrs Laufeyson AU | Loki x Reader
Sometimes Loki just wants to feel…royal. And he wants you to feel it too. So when it's time for him to choose his anniversary 'treat' he knows exactly what he wants...
Warnings: 18+ sexual content, roleplay, royalty/power kink, oral sex, unprotected p in v sex, sex in clothing.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Mr & Mrs Laufeyson Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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Loki, despite his protests, was acclimatising very well to Midgardian life. He liked the clothes, much more comfortable and practical, he found the food interesting, sweets were great and he could no longer pretend to hate the Midgardian's themselves. Your hedonism as a race was something to behold. Besides he had met and married you within 18 months so any following complaints were met with stoic silence and you pointing at your ring finger.
Despite all these things. The funny TV adverts, all night off licences and take away food there was one thing that Loki was having real trouble with.
Not being royal.
Although most of the village still paid due reverence to his presence, especially as his magic remained, he wasn't a Prince and it irked him. Thor hadn't cared when he gave up the throne and it's not that Loki had wanted it, it seemed like an awful lot of work, he just wanted to be Royal. Special.
Now he was no longer Loki Laufeyson, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischeif, rightful heir of Jotunheim... he was just Loki. And the final tragedy was, he never got to make you a Princess as you truly deserved. A Goddess, even if just by association.
"Lo? You in here?" Your voice called through the cottage. He generally despised the nickname, but from you? It sounded like perfect.
"In here!" He called back. Midgardians, so uncouth. You opened the door, not really looking at him stood at the foot of your bed, and grabbed your handbag, and turning to go again before a flash of gold caught your eye.
"Loki?" You span round and faced him properly, his height excentuated by the cloak at his back, the tall gold horns adoring his neatly styled black hair and the leather clinging to every muscle and sinew of his lithe body.
"My darling?"
"I see you've decided how you'd like to play for your anniversary present. Not this again," you rolled your eyes dramatically while you tried to keep your composure, always taken aback by the sheer force of Loki's presence in his formal attire. If you were going to spend the evening paying court to him, then he deserved a little teasing beforehand.
"Indeed," he took a long stride towards you, holding out a hand to take yours. You bobbed a little curtsey ready to end all your evening plans for this exciting development. You'd certainly complain and tease first, but you always enjoyed your husbands filthy plans.
"My Prince," you smiled, dipping your head to avert your eyes as any good...chamber maid? Hand maiden? Would, it didn't really matter who you were, little wench or servant. It all amounted to the same, you'd be on your knees before he could ever ask, every time.
But not tonight.
"Princesses do not kneel," he commanded, his voice booming and hand tight around yours keeping you upright.
Oh. A Princess? A shimmer of light surrounded you, your boots, jeans, top and handbag vanished with a flourish to be replaced with a flowing ballgown of deep, forest green. Loki smiled, holding back his grin, trying to remember his courtly smile instead. You looked...devastating. A lucky thing he didn't meet you at court or he would have run away with you and lost his title regardless.
He dropped a toe back to bow deeply, savouring your little gasp of pleasure at the luxurious fabric now wrapped around your body.
"Princess, may I have this dance?" He enquired politely, and through you were in your low ceilinged cottage bedroom you, the glint in his eyes made you feel as if you were in the towering ballrooms of Asgard.
You nodded though there was precious little room to dance in. He placed your hands delicately on his body, scooping you close and nudging your silk slippered feet with his own leather boots to make them move the right way.
In return, you giggled, leaning into his chest despite the cold leather and metal, seeing comfort in the beat of his heart and the familiar feeling of his warm chest. He let his cheek rest against the top of your head, breathing you in and peppering soft kisses in your hair. Layered as you both were it was still hard to ignore Loki's growing arousal with each half spin of your failed waltz.
Eagerly you snuggled closer, attempting to lead the dance towards your bed.
"Princess, you know we must not engage in such lewd behaviour while we're still only betrothed," he whispered in your ear.
Ah so this was the game, lust pooled between your legs, heating you from the inside out. A forbidden love, and yet he was here in your bedroom. A delicate, coy, smile curved your lips upwards just a little.
"Only betrothed? But, my Prince," you bit your lip, batting your eyelashes flirtatiously, "I need you now!"
"Well. If you need me, perhaps there's another way I could please my betrothed?" He backed you slowly towards the bed, guiding you to sit at the edge and then falling to his own knees before you.
If only the rest of the village could see him now. Kneeling before you despite his regal appearance.
The golden helmet vanished in a green flash and so did Loki's mop of black hair in a flurry of green and black tulle. His lips finding the soft, ticklish edge of your knee before moving upwards.
"Oh! Lo!" In all of the layers of ballgown you hadn't really noticed your lack of underwear, until now, until your once royal husband was buried beneath those layers, two fingers deep inside of you, his tongue on your clit.
He pressed his fingers into your thighs, holding you steady as he twisted his other hand, fingers bending and rubbing against the soft, deep little spot inside of you that made you make Loki's favourite noise.
"Loki, LOKI, L-" you fell back against the bed in a cloud of silk, your orgasm rippling through your body, making your body strain against the tight confines of the bodice of your dress.
Loki appeared again, standing to his full height before flicking a neat handkerchief out of his pocket and dabbing his mouth ostentatiously.
"Are you ready, we'll miss our reservations?" He asked, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as his royal attire replaced itself with a neat black suit.
"You fucking kidding me?" You huffed, riding out your high with deep panting breaths.
His smile became fond and, as he pulled you from the bed, the dress changed too, not the clothes you had chosen before but, a little black dress, tailored to fit perfectly, silk shoes still hugging your feet.
"You look regal my Princess," he kissed the top of your head again and led you out, still giddy and glowing.
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 11 months
Can I have Tony’s younger sister x Loki? Tony is not okay with this — obviously. Reader is not some soft sub like most loki fics, she is strong and has a smart tongue and stands up to Loki. He likes a strong woman. Maybe they sneak off somewhere during a gala or ceremony tony is organizing? smut plss
With the return of Loki season 2, I couldn't not write about my favorite MCU character. Please keep sending more Loki requests <3
Warnings: 18+, bathroom quickie, p + v, unprotected sex,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Loki Laufeyson had some big reputation, both on Asgard and here — on Earth. After causing trouble on both planets, he earned a spot on Tony Stark’s list of people he hated with a burning passion — and his name was in red underline. Why the red underline? It seemed that the heart of Iron Man’s younger sister had been stolen by the God of Mischief, which made Tony hate him even more.
And what could Tony do? Absolutely nothing. 
A few months passed since the news dropped and you had hoped that your brother would have accepted your relationship by now, but he still wished Loki would stay the Asgardian fuck away from you. 
To make the situation worse, Loki adored to kiss you right and whisper the dirtiest things to you right under Tony’s nose, just to rub it in his face. After all, he was the God of Mischief.
Tony's jaw clenched and his hand tightened around his glass of scotch as he saw you and Loki in the corner of the room kissing. It wasn't just a smooch. One on the low back of your dress, touching your bare skin while kissing you passionately. You’ll need a lipstick touch-up — and another drink — after that. The sight was making any pair of eyes jealous, wishing their man kissed them like that. 
Loki generally didn't like public displays of affection, but he loved to play with Tony’s nerves.
Gently, you broke from Loki’s kiss, keeping your hand on his jacket’s sleeve. ‘’As fun as provoking my brother is, let’s not make him too mad tonight.’’
‘’But you look absolutely delightful in this dress, darling. Pardon me for being unable to keep my hands off you,’’ Loki said, proving his point by lowering his hand down the curve of your back and stopping right at the top of your ass. 
You flashed a mischievous smile at the Asgardian God, wishing you could just leave this event without anyone noticing and finish the night in your bedroom, but it was almost impossible to escape your brother’s gaze. 
As if he had read your mind, Loki leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered. ‘’Do you think anyone is going to notice if we elope for a few minutes?’’
‘’Unfortunately, there's a hawk watching us.’’ 
Across the room, Tony's dark eyes were glaring at Loki and you — especially Loki — as he watched the scene unfold before him, his expression a mix of anger, disgust and frustration. He took a sip of his scotch, trying to calm his rising irritation, but it didn't do much to soothe his nerves.
Loki rolled his eyes back in annoyance. ‘’Does he know you are a grown adult and don’t need a chaperon?’’ 
Tony’s behavior was overbearing, but he had his reasons — besides strongly disliking Loki. 
‘’He's overprotective — always has been. But he got worse after Mom and Dad died. All we had was each other now, so he stopped seeing me as his annoying little sister and gave himself the position of protective figure in my life. He scared so many of my past boyfriends away,’’ you explained with a chuckle. 
Losing a parent was a pain Loki knew. It gets easier with time, but never goes away. 
‘’I’m sorry about your parents,’’ he said, bringing your hand to his lips to kiss it gently. You gave him a soft smile. ‘’His tactics are not gonna work on me, though.’’
You exchanged a sly grin with Loki, then reached for his hand and led him away. 
The second the bathroom door was closed — and locked —, your back found the wall and Loki's hands went to your hips, pulling you against him as his mouth found yours, kissing you with a passion and hunger that was reserved for private moments. You didn’t mind being kissed in a crowded room, but some kisses were just too intimate for an audience. 
Loki groaned against your mouth and shifted his hands lower, having been holding back from grabbing your ass through your dress all evening. As much as he loved it, he wanted to rip it off your body. But that would be problematic when it would be time to get back to the party. You couldn’t exactly go back in just your panties and high heels. That would be highly inappropriate — and embarrassing.
Without separating your mouths, you reached between your bodies for Loki’s belt, jostling with the buckle to undo it and unfastening his trousers. You pulled them down just enough to uncover his ass, making him smile into the kiss as his hands left your hips to grab your thigh. He hooked it around his waist as his other hand slipped underneath your dress to slide your panties to the side. 
Your time was counted. Soon, someone will come knock on the door to use the bathroom. 
‘’Ahh, Loki,’’ you sighed, your arms around his neck as he pushed inside of you. Your nails dug into the back of his neck, feeling the pleasure from the pressure and fullness of him. 
He wasted no time before pulling back out and trusting back in. ‘’This is much better than the buffet, isn’t it?’’ he asked, already knowing the answer. 
You threw your head back and closed your eyes, breathy moans leaving both of your mouths as he kept his movements quick but precise, hitting the perfect spot every time. It always surprised you how well he knew your body — your needs.
‘’Fuck,’’ Loki hissed in a drawn-out swear as you clenched around him so good. He kept an iron grip on your thigh, fingertips surely leaving bruises. ‘’If you keep squeezing me like that—’’ 
You cut him off, covering his mouth with your hand. ‘’Less talking, more fu— aah. More fucking. We have to get back soon.’’ 
You could feel your standing leg weakening at each of his deep trusts, forcing you to grip his shoulder with one hand to stop you from falling. The height and style of your heeled shoes was going to be planned accordingly next time. 
Soon, you felt the coil in your stomach tighten, climax building inside you. ‘’I…I'm about to cum,’’ you warned, your mouth close to his ear as he mouthed at your neck and shoulder.
Understanding the message, Loki’s free hand expertly found its way to your clit, skillfully rubbing it as you tightened around him, drawing nearer to your climax. He maintained his movements, his lips back on yours to catch your final moan.
A few more thrusts and he was there too, barely able to register his own orgasm approaching when he shot rope after rope of his cum inside you. Loki growled into your mouth, feeling his own orgasm ripple through his body, fucking into you as deep as he could go until he was finished. 
You shuddered when he pulled out, feeling the dribble of his cum down your inner thigh and on the floor, making you regret not using a condom. It was too late now, the mess was there. 
Forcing yourself to quickly recover, you and Loki took a few minutes to fix your appearance in the bathroom mirror, smoothing clothes and re-applying your lip gloss, doing your best to make sure no one would be able to tell of your and Loki's little escapade. 
You went for another kiss before slipping out of the bathroom together, his lips tasting like cherries and the expensive liquor he had been drinking. 
‘’How mad do you think Stark be when we walk by him?’’ Loki asked, approaching the room the buffet was held at. 
With the way Loki’s shirt was slightly wrinkled and the smudge of your lip liner, it was impossible he wouldn’t pick up what you and Loki had been up to.
Instead of answering, you grabbed a chute of champagne from the nearest tray and took a long sip. Tony could be pissed all he wanted. He’d be a liar to say he had never done this in his younger playboy days.
Marvel taglist: @xenasolos @chrizzierbsstuff @ayamenimthiriel @alina02 @turtleshavesoulmates @staygoldsquatchling02 @daemonslittlebitch  @wetwilliam02 @haileyismoo @manofworm @rhydianissuperior @supersanelyromantic @nicangel13 @mxxny-lupin  @sweeterheartxamerica @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @arunaposeidondottie @liidiaaag @katsukis1wife  @amithesimpoffandoms @acornacreacure @chaotic-fangirl-blog  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue @youdontneedtoknowthisinformation  @aabananaa @starrrslove  @angeliod @nmedina8611 @1stevelacyfan  @yourfavdummy @laylasbunbunny  @slytherhoes @pedrosprincess  @luvvtxinityy @Eddiefrickenmunson @wandaswigglywoos @mikaelsonsstuff  @tcddszn  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous  @popeheywardssecretgf @kattybug @loverofdrewstarkey  @sl4sh3rfuck3r  @luci1fer @dingus0401  @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw @papayaboyluvr @slytherinambitious @t-candy  @adaydreamaway08  @johannelis2302nely  @lynbubble @straberryshortcake143 @mymultiveres @hopeurokays @not-liah @beth-gallagher22  @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336 @arinexeisnotworking  @rubyliquor @Danniackerman
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @Idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt
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thomasisaslut · 1 year
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Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
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Double-Penetration — KTober
Word Count: 1k
Includes: Double Penetration, Overstimulation, Anal fingering, Anal Sex, Threesome—F/M/M, Nipple Play, Clit play, Shower/Tub sex.
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On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50601646
On Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1387392225-𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫-𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑-𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞-𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧-𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢-𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧-𝐱
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Groaning as you awake your nose hits something strong, opening your eyes fully you see your beautiful nude husband beside you–the marks you left last night still strong. Oh, how you adored the sex from the previous night, for once he let you be dominant and you didn't let a second go to waste. 
You smirk at the sight once more before sliding out of the bed and heading to the large, golden, Asgardian bathroom. You quickly strip off your clothes before sliding into the huge marble tub, once the water is warm you submerge yourself into it, adding lavender bubble substance and watching as they form when a knock on the door is heard. 
"Darling?" Loki calls out, his voice gruff from the early morning. 
"Yes, Loki?" You call back, your hands, cheeks, and chin covered with the sudsy bubbles. 
"May I come in?" 
You hum in reply, the god opens the door and Loki's cheeks instantly flush a light pink tint. He quickly strips off his own clothes and joins you in the tub, he grabs your hips and pulls you onto his lap–you now straddling him. 
"My wife..." Loki tightens his grip on your hips. "I need you." 
You giggle. "You had me last night, Lokes." 
"Yes ,but, I need you again." He moves his head between the crook of your neck before nibbling on it–biting on a previous hickey from before and making it a much darker love bite. "Please?" He flashes you an innocent smile. 
"Hm, fine." You nod. 
"Oh? Don't you want to know what I will do?" 
You ponder. "Surprise me, my love?" 
Oh how he would make you regret those words. 
A devilish smirk plasters across his face, he quickly flips you–pinning you to the wall of the large tub before his hand travels to your lower region... however, when he goes to insert a finger you tense. 
"Loki? That's not-" 
"Surprise." He slides his index into your hole, you wince from shock before he adds in a second. 
"It'll only hurt for a bit, darling." He promises as he kisses your temple. He then begins to make a stretching motion with his hands inside you. 
"L-Lokes!" You shout as his fingers go deeper inside of you. 
"Shh, is this alright?" 
You think for a second before nodding. "Yes..." You mutter as he thrusts his fingers inside again.
His smirk only grows, he continues to use his finger when you see a light green flash of his magic in the reflection of the tub's water. 
"Loki, what's that?" 
Instead of answering you he flips you around, you now sit on your husbands lap when you look in front of you and your jaw drops. Now kneeling in the water before you. 
"How-" The clone of your husband cups your once slack jaw and then kisses you harshly, his tongue slips into your mouth. 
You moan at the touch when suddenly Loki lifts your hips and slides his erect cock into your hole. A sudden gasp escapes your lips before the clone kisses you again. Loki's hand slides to your cunt, mindlessly rubbing circles against your clit. The clone of him toys with your nipples as he kisses you. 
"So perfect for me–for us–baby." Loki whispers before kissing the nape of your neck and then biting, sucking another mark into your flesh. 
The clone grips his leaking cock and alines it with your cunt, slowly sliding in–without prepping you at all–before bottoming out. He smirks as you sharply inhale. 
"You're doing so good, darling." The clone states. Loki hums in agreement as he moves to biting on your shoulder, gently thrusting his pusling dick inside your hole. 
"Need... please, more!" You plea, their thrusts much to slow for your liking. 
"Beg." They state in unison. 
"Please! Loki! I need you so bad." Loki's hand travel to your hips as he begins to pick up the pace of his thrusts, the clone grabs your waist as he does the same. The cocks cause you to scream moan. 
"Are you close, darling?" Your husband asks, his thumb rubbing over your clit faster. 
You nod, both eager and grunting. "Fuck! Please-" 
"We are." The clone pipes in, a smirk on his face. 
You attempt to say something in return when both find that special causing you to shout. 
"Loki!" You moan as you finish. 
"Oh baby, were not done." Your husband states as both pull out of you, they turn you around–you now facing Loki–before they slide back in in a pounding thrust. 
"Oh fuck..." He moans against your throat before kissing you, he bites your bottom lip before slipping in his tongue–it fights against yours. 
The clone groans, a slight hint of jealously showing as he pounds harder into your rear. Loki spots this motion and quickens his own pace. The clone's thrusts get sloppier as he begins to undo, his lips connect with your neck before shooting his load deep inside of your ass. 
Loki smirks before snapping his fingers, the clone disappears. 
"And now I have you all to myself." Your husband smirks and then grabs your hips again, he pounds into your cunt harder than you have ever experienced before. You can feel his cock pulsing deep inside of you. 
"Please! It's too much... cum! Cum for me, husband." You beg, overstimulated. 
He smirks and finally complies, he releases his load into your aching, wet cunt as he gently kisses your temple. 
"You were so good for me, my lovely wife." Loki chuckles then slowly slides out, he uses his magic to heat up the tub again. 
"That was... quite the surprise." You giggle as you rest your head against his shoulder, your body completely sore from the penetration. 
"Are you alright?" He whispers against your head, nuzzling his nose against your scalp. 
You nod. "Tired." 
He laughs and nods. "After we actually clean ourselves our make sure to cherish you, darling." He winks. 
You smirk and bring him down for one more kiss. 
"You better."
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darknessawaits28 · 6 days
What a defiant little one you are? {Part. 1}
Hello my lovies, I'm trying something new again! I am going be writing a stalker story about Loki Laufeyson and you (in first person), hope you enjoy! Thank you all for your love and support! Love you all my lovies! :3 Warnings: Smut, stalker fantasy, a few curse words, possible bondage, forced smut, etc.
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"Hey y/n, clocking off?" Amanda, your shift manager said to you as you pulled off your apron.
"Yeah, I am beat as it is, and besides, I got a hot date tonight with my couch, tv, and a bucket of ice cream" You laughed, going over to the time punch screen and punching out.
"Lucky bitch, well, I'll see you next week okay, we are getting new stock, and I need you bright and early please."
"Oh right, I forgot that pumpkin spice is coming back on the menu for fall, fuck me" you rolled your eyes as you headed to the back to grab your things. Slowly pulling on your sweater, you quickly looked up, seeing something moving out of your sight quickly. "Hmm, must've been nothing" you shrugged it off and walked towards the door to head out of the café. "Alright Amanda, I'll see you next week, good night!"
"Night y/n, enjoy your movie!"
"Thanks I will" you smiled, pushing open the door, and then heading down the busy New York City side walk. "Hmm maybe Mask of Zorro, haven't seen that movie in a while, or how about Matilda?" You mumbled to yourself, trying to figure out what movie you should watch.
Unaware of your surroundings, there was someone following you. His breathe hitched in his throat at the delicious sight of you walking, your every move forcing his pants to tighten further than it already was.
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"No way!" You nearly shouted as you saw across the street the cutest kawaii store you have ever seen. "Damn what time does it close?" you quickly grabbed your phone and began to search the name to see what time it closes.
The man quickly hid behind the light post, trying to remain hidden from your line of sight as to not spook you.
"Oh, it closes at 8!" "Pit stop!" You giggled, waiting for the cross walk signal to give her the right away. Soon enough, the light changed and you was able to cross the street to the kawaii store, the shadow still following close behind you.
"Damn that girl, she had better not make any more stops or I will have to punish her for sending me through all these loops" the man grumbled in frustration as he followed her into the store cautiously, trying to calm the enormous bulge that was ready to burst from his pants.
"Hello, welcome to Cinibun, we are having a sale of 40% off with the purchase of our mascot Cinibun bun!" one of the workers said kindly as she continued to restock the shelf.
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"Oh thank you, I'll check him out later" you spoke kindly to the retail worker and continued your stroll. Knowing for a fact you was going to buy a lot, you grabbed a basket and began to walk around the store.
The man entered right after you, the retail worker ready to say her line, but stopped immediately at the sight of him. "W-Welcome to the store sir..." the girl gulped, quickly going back to restocking, wanting nothing to do with him. The man simply smirked deviously at how this mere mortal girl trembled before him, oh the power that he held to be feared upon!
"Aww, look how adorable!" you smiled as you grabbed a teddy bear that had blueberry designs all over it.
"It indeed is quite adorable" A voice behind you spoke with interest.
Startled by the sound of someone, you quickly turned around to see a tall man standing before you. "Uh, yes, it is."
"I love coming to this store, I always get my girlfriend those cute little guys, she loves them" the man spoke genuinely and with enthusiasm, trying to mask the fact that he was here for you.
"Oh, oh, heh, yeah, my apartment is filled with these little guys, they're just so cute and fluffy" you giggled, putting the bear in your basket.
"Hey, uh, since you know a lot about stuffed animals, can you possibly help me find another one for my girlfriend, uh miss?"
"Y/n, nice to meet you, my name is Loki."
"Loki, quite the interesting name" You smiled as you made a 'come with me' gesture with your free hand.
"Yes I know, my mother named me that because she loved Norse Mythology, don't laugh" Loki joked with you, trying to keep his hands to himself as he watched you walk.
"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to laugh, I think your name is pretty cool" you hummed as you grabbed a strawberry teddy bear and turned around to hand it to Loki. "I think your girlfriend would love this."
"Oh my, I don't think I have seen this before, yes, she will definitely love this, thank you."
"Much obliged, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to look around some more and then head home, had a long shift today."
"Oh of course, have a good night then" Loki smiled deviously as he watched you walk away to do more shopping. "A good night you will indeed have my dear~"
"Finally!" You nearly shouted as you put the 4 bags of stuff you bought from the kawaii store on the kitchen counter and scrolled through your phone. "Hmm, going to add that to my favorite place" you said to yourself as you headed into the dark living room. "Damn, she already put my schedule for next week, she's quick" you shrugged, grabbing the remote control for the light and pressed the button.
"Welcome home my dear~."
Stopping in your tracks, you turned around to see the same man you saw in the kawaii shop causally sitting on your couch.
"You do not know how long I've been waiting for you to come home" Loki smirked at you, putting aside the magazine he was looking at and stood from the couch. "So, are you going to be a defiant little one, or be a good little girl?"
When he finished speaking, you ran up the stairs to head to your room, trying to use your phone to call the police. "Come on, come on!" you trembled, slamming your door shut and quickly hiding in your closet. "Please, please, please pick up!"
A low chuckle escaped his lips as he pulled off his coat and carefully hung it on the coat rack you had. "I love it when she runs" he hummed, pushing his slick hair back and headed up the stairs slowly.
"Your call can't be completed as dialed, hang up or please call again" your phone spoke as you tried to call the police. "What!" you yelled quietly, marking it again but it gave you the same message. "Oh my gosh, don't do this to me!" you whimpered, tears already dripping down your cheeks.
Within seconds, Loki opened your bedroom door, closed it behind him, and chuckled hungrily. "You know my dear, hiding won't help, and calling those idiotic mortals to come save you won't help either." "I'll give you one chance to come out and lay on your bed, so that I can ravish you, or I will have to drag you out of the closet, and we both know you don't want that."
You couldn't move a muscle as his voice echoed along your ears. This was it, this was the moment you was going to die because you helped someone find a teddy bear for their 'supposed' girlfriend. Yet, your heart sunk more when he began to count down from 3.
This isn't real, this isn't real, he's not actually here, this is just a dream right?!
Come on y/n, you can fight him, you can kick his ass and then run out of your apartment!
With the last digit he spoke, he slammed your closet door open and grabbed you by your legs. "No, no, please let me go!" You screamed as he began to drag you to your stuffed animal covered bed.
"I warned you didn't I my dear?" "Now you left me with no choice" He hummed, slamming you onto your bed, pushing aside some of your little friends, and waved his hand; your hands being bound and raised above your head by two snakes.
"Look at you, tied up and ready to be devoured."
"No, no please!" you struggled against the snakes that were bound to your wrists.
Slowly crawling up your body, he looked down upon you, a devilish smirk peering across his lips. "I am going to make you feel so good y/n~"
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{Let me know if you want me to continue the smut, I'm going to run out of space lol!} {Thanks for reading my lovies!}
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hunny-beann · 10 months
Desiderium II
Loki Laufeyson x f!Reader
<- Part I
Note: Thank you so much to everyone who left such kind feedback on the first part of this series! <3
Warnings: A little bit of angst, mentions of death/disappearances, a crazy amount of pining
Word Count: 6,170
It had all started well over one thousand years ago, when you and the now so well known god of mischief were but babes at the mercy of the wild world around you.
You, the daughter of a powerful and well sought after witch named Karliah and an experienced healer named Tal, born and raised for eight years within the woods of Asgard until destiny laid herself bare before you and stole you away.
A witchling by blood, and a strong one at that, your parents had brought you up with grace and dignity in mind, each passing day a new lesson, and each moment spent a gift, though one that sadly ended up being in low reserve.
Eight blessed years of life spent with two loving parents, before it was traded for a still well-loved, but slightly more lonely life with your aunt, whose adoration did not make up for your sorrows, but did keep you from going down the wrong path upon your loss.
'Abandoned' they had called you when your dear aunt moved you out of the woods and into the palace to live alongside her, 'Left behind', they'd said.
But deep down, nearly everyone knew the truth of the matter.
Karliah was no weak woman, and Tal no coward. If neither had come for their daughter within the first few days of their sudden absence, then surely something had come for them, something strong enough to harm the most powerful witch in the known realms outside of those found within the royal family.
Most shuddered at the thought of this, and stuck to the tall tales of your improper abandonment instead.
'Poor witchling, left to die, so lucky to have been brought in by the merciful hands of her aunt, the palace teacher, educator of the princes and all other royal manners of children, be them visitors or otherwise.'
Oh, and of course, you.
From eight onward, you had lived within the palace walls, wandering from corridor to corridor and exploring every available nook and cranny until you had all but mapped it out within your mind, branding this once so foreign place as your home with a childlike fondness.
And you had not done such a thing by your lonesome, had you?
No, of course not, for everyone knew of your friendship with the feeblest prince, little Loki Odinson, the magic bearer, the one who used his mother's feminine magic, the seidr, over that which had been deemed stronger by the many men of Asgard.
The boy cared not for his image after all, he was just a child, the second born son of a god, and thus not the one who would have to worry about succeeding the throne himself someday.
No, that duty fell to Thor, more brawn than brains, but oh so sweet, though he notably lacked the vast intelligence of his brother.
It was as if someone had cut the perfect child in twain and created some hilariously different duo to see what the Allfather might do.
And though he loved them both, it was clear that in Odin's eye, the brawn came before the brains nearly every single time.
So, while Thor had his expectations laid out before him upon his birth, Loki had spent his days wandering the halls with you, the little witchling and her trickster prince, bound together by adventure and some childlike wonder found only in the eyes of those who had yet to learn but craved so desperately to do so.
The two of you were as close as close could get, tugging each other along by the hand, whispering secrets into one another's ears, every day a new opportunity to amuse yourselves in spite of the boredom that seemed to surround the palace.
Though, notably, you seemed to be the most interesting character of all, and perhaps that had been what had drawn your trickster prince to you in the first place.
Your mother's daughter to be sure, just as she'd had prophetic visions, ones containing the future in bursts that she often controlled, you had something rather similar, though far less easily grasped.
You, Asgard's little witchling, had prophetic dreams randomly while deep within your slumber, something that you had learned shortly after taking up residence within the palace.
It made you miss your mother tremendously to have her powers, and you resented the lack of control that you had over them, but even so, as each passing dream came true, you found suddenly that you were far more useful to those around you.
You were able to say which one of two dinner options might be best for upcoming guests based upon visions you would see weeks prior to their arrival, and on more than one occasion, you had avoided being caught by straying away from the wrong hallways while on your adventures with your dear friend after having had a particularly useful dream a night or two beforehand
Loki, of course, so heavily fixated on his intense study of magic, was entranced by this naturally inherited power of yours, and would gladly spend hours hearing you talk about your visions, no matter how mundane.
Except after one dark evening, he found that you no longer wished to.
You had woken up pale, a sure sign of a vision the night before, one that the god of mischief, thirteen years old at the time, knew all too well.
He had greeted you enthusiastically, something that was not so uncharacteristic of him at that time, only to find that you did not wish to talk about what you had seen.
Something bad, he'd realized with a start, having never considered before the downside to a power such as yours.
Sure, your mother had been able to control hers in some ways, but yours could appear almost as nightmares to you, uncontrollable and painful, because in the end, waking up offered little relief.
It could still come true after all, more than likely would too.
Not a very fair situation for such a young witch to endure on her own.
So, he decided, you would not have to.
And thus, a promise had been made.
Under the blooming flowers of one of many beautiful trees in the queen's garden, you and the god of mischief locked your pinkies together in fealty.
You would no longer hide your visions, no matter how frightening, from your prince, and in turn, he would never lie to you, at least not on purpose.
It was a childish way to appease one another, but in the end, that promise was what ended up driving you onward far into the future.
In fact, that promise was why you had ended up in the Avenger's Tower in the first place, lying on the floor with an audience of heroes watching as the man who had once been your closest friend rushed toward you, falling to his knees close enough that he could touch you if only he reached out.
You had missed his touch more than that of anyone else throughout your many years of solitude, a fact which gnawed at you slightly when you thought about your aunt and the wonderful hugs she had once given, until the final one, which had oh so sadly been in farewell.
Still, even she could not top the feeling of being held by Loki Laufeyson, though back when he had still done so, he had been Loki Odinson to you, and to everyone that knew him.
It had been Loki Odinson who had danced with you at nearly every social event, Loki Odinson who had mastered the art of sneaking into your room each night, Loki Odinson who had held your hand sweetly since childhood as you'd wandered through paths yet untraveled by your feet, and Loki Odinson who had kissed you beneath that same tree which the two of you had made that binding promise under.
You could only hope, as you looked up at the man before you, that Loki Laufeyson was not so terribly different.
You were unsure if you could take another loss, after all, not after having been alone for so very long, yearning to see the face of the one you once loved, silently praying that he might find you somehow, back in that old cabin where the two of you had carved your names in your youth.
Over your one hundred or so years there, you had all but traced that carving raw, remembering what it had been like to have the god of mischief at your side.
There was no longing like that which you felt for Loki, and of that you were certain.
Even as he stared at you with such a wild expression that you almost wondered if he had gone mad at the sight of you after so many years, perhaps having long since thought you gone from him.
It would not be so strange, after all, that you would have died in the time that passed. As far as your dear Loki knew, you were but a witchling, your immortality fragile and preserved almost entirely by the safe life that you once had led in the palace alongside him until your "disappearance".
You almost shuddered to think about explaining all of that to him now, and wondered briefly in the back of your mind if any part of him blamed you for your sudden absence.
Had his father told him of all that had transpired? Had Thor? Or had your dear prince of Asgard been left to wonder what had become of you, assuming himself abandoned at your hand?
As you gazed up at his still so perfect features, taking in their persistent familiarity, you found that you could not tell.
That is, until he spoke up, voice husky and thick with what almost sounded like grief, or the impending weight of tears.
He repeated as if in disbelief, the familiar name causing you to freeze up instantly.
You stared, unable to move nor speak.
The entire room fell silent as everyone watched on in shock at the scene unfolding before them.
There, on the floor, having just fallen out of some magical hole in the wall, was a woman. The very same woman, in fact, that this small group of avengers had just seen smiling within Loki's hellishly realistic dream as the duo lovingly lived out their life together.
A life that had never existed.
A life that, according to the adopted son of Odin himself, never would.
Except he'd never anticipated this, had he?
No, they could see his surprise in the way he stared down at you, his hands hovering just inches away as if he were afraid you would turn to dust before his very eyes if he even dared touch you.
And maybe you would, it was hard to tell when one did not know, after all.
Hard to tell, indeed.
The silence persisted for several long moments, before finally, you spoke up.
"I-I found you,"
You began, a soft smile gracing your lips, though it notably did not erase the obvious exhaustion from your eyes,
"It worked."
Loki frowned at that, his eyebrows knitting with confusion as he remained on his knees before you, the god of mischief, so besotted and enamored by your presence that he would live upon his knees once more, for however long you so required.
A surprising sight, to be sure, at least for all who bore witness to it from the outskirts.
Though notably, you did not seem to pay it any mind, as if his almost pleading body language was a normal part of speaking with him that you had come to know so well.
Loki reached forward hesitantly, his fingers outstretched as if he were about to place his hand upon glass, and with another tired smile, you did the same, placing your smaller fingertips against his with a sense of ease that had the entire room outside of yourselves wondering what could possibly be going on in front of them.
Who were you? What were you doing here? How had you gotten here? And why was the god of mischief himself looking at you as if he'd seen a ghost?
Whatever answers they were seeking though, they did not find quite yet, not in the still pervasive quiet of that room you all inhabited.
Still, all watched on with immense interest as Loki's eyes widened at your touch, and he withdrew as if stung, expression morphing into one of confusion, pain, and longing all at once, all of these being emotions that few in this room had ever seen him experience before.
"What are you doing here?"
Loki asked cautiously as he lowered his hand back down to his side, watching with sharp eyes as you did the very same with a casualness that nearly made him shiver.
If this was not truly you, then it was a damn good copy, one that rivaled any of his own creation in the history of time itself.
You let out a shaky sigh, your smile somehow growing more exhausted each time that you wore it upon your face.
"I needed to find you. I know that it's been a long time, and that you probably won't have any idea what I'm talking about when I say this, but I made a promise, and I am bound not only by my word, or the title I was given, but also by my care for you to ensure that I keep it, no matter what."
You looked down toward the floor, clearly expecting Loki to overwhelm you with questions, having long since anticipated his reaction to a moment such as this one, especially since it had been so very long since your promise had been made...
But to your surprise, he only had one question to ask, one that had the entire room buzzing with quiet conversation and confusion, and your eyes alight with utter shock.
"You've had a vision?"
He asked gently, tone low and concerned, eyes seeking yours and clearly finding the answer he was looking for there within in instant.
You nodded anyway.
Loki turned immediately to the small crowd standing behind him, though he was most notably looking for Tony, his expression pleading for the very first time since he had been imprisoned within this realm.
"I apologize for the suddenness of my request, Stark, but might you have some available space for her to stay?"
He asked quietly, as if trying to keep their discussion private in spite of the crowd watching on curiously.
"I believe this conversation may take us some time..."
He trailed off, thankfully having his question answered before he had to elaborate any further.
"Uh yeah sure, there's an empty room two doors down from yours, have at it..."
Tony trailed off himself after a few moments, before finally he continued,
"Just uh, keep me updated, okay? I try to make it a habit to actually know the people who are staying on my property."
Loki offered the man a rather firm nod in response to his request, moving into a kneeling position and offering his hand to you, his fingers outstretched and his palm upturned,
"Can you stand, starlight?"
He murmured, and immediately you nodded, grasping onto the god's hand and pulling yourself to your feet just as he did the same, allowing the audience to truly see you for the very first time, though it was your clothing far more than your physical form that garnered their attention.
The cloak around your shoulders was a deep and stunning green adorned with familiar gold accents, though on the inside, it was dark and lined with what somehow looked to be a billion little gold stars lighting up a night sky. It was almost as if they twinkled even as you stood still, wrapping the fabric tighter around your neck as everyone seemed to stare.
"Follow me." Loki said quietly, letting go of your hand after a brief moment of hesitance, and though you nodded, taking a few short steps forward just as the god began to make his way toward the door, you did not make it nearly as far as he, instead having your eyes roll back suddenly before you pitched forward without warning, the sensation of a single strong arm wrapping around your waist from behind as voices sounded from all around you being the last sensation you felt before darkness closed in.
The next thing that you knew, you were waking up in an entirely unfamiliar room, in an equally unfamiliar bed with a soft groan of confusion and pain, your head throbbing and your bones aching in spite of your still relatively young age (as far as Asgardians went, that is).
Immediately, your eyes landed upon the god sitting in a chair beside you, his gaze unwavering yet somehow almost casual as he took in the sight of you once more.
How long had it been since he had seen you last? Over one hundred years at least, that was to be sure.
You gazed back at him, a pained groan leaving you just before you spoke,
"What happened?"
You asked, hearing the god of mischief hum from where he sat before he pushed a glass of water in your direction.
You took it eagerly, beginning to drink it in small and controlled sips.
"You over exerted yourself."
Loki said simply,
"Whatever it is that you did to get here nearly took every ounce of energy that you had."
His tone was disapproving as he spoke, but you chose to ignore it in favor of focusing a little bit too hard on your water in an effort to avoid him.
This was harder to do than you'd thought it would be, seeing him after all this time.
It didn't make it hurt any less, not even in spite of all the years that had passed, and you struggled not to stare at the way his hair still fell the same, and his clothing still looked so similar.
It did not appear as though either of you had changed in the slightest, and yet you knew for a fact that such a thing was not true.
"We both know that you were taught better than to risk your health for something foolish."
Loki said, his tone stern but his voice soft, as if he hadn't yet decided how he was supposed to address you.
You sighed in response, looking away at the subtle reminder of who exactly it had been that had worked so tirelessly to teach you better.
You did not dare allow yourself the opportunity to wonder what had become of her.
"We do."
You replied casually, though your tone betrayed your nerves, as did your fidgety body language.
"But this is far from foolish, I'm afraid."
You all but murmured, watching as your old friend leaned closer, urging you silently to continue,
So, you did.
You trailed off, briefly giving up before finally starting over again.
It was so hard to explain, all of this, all that had happened, but Loki deserved to know the truth, and if no one else would tell him, and you had made a promise, then who were you to deny him the knowledge that was so rightfully his?
You trailed off a second time as you watched the god of mischief flinch at the once familiar nickname, immediately causing you to clear your throat and try again.
"Loki, there is something that I have to tell you, and I want you to know that it was never my decision to keep it from you for this long. When I found out, I searched and searched all over for you, but Odin found me first, and there was nothing that I could do but flee..."
Loki looked down at you, confusion etched into each of his features,
"I do not understand."
He spoke,
"What does Odin have to do with the promise you once made to me? In what manner has he worked his way into this?"
You frowned, unable to meet the gaze of the being who had once been your best friend, and then almost so much more, as you finally spoke.
"Loki, Odin has everything to do with this, because it was he who banished me and made it impossible for me to find you for so long. He saw me as I was searching the palace for you, and could tell from my complexion alone that I'd had a vision..."
You trailed off for a moment, but Loki motioned for you to continue, his body language reminding you of the way that he had once so eagerly listened to the tales of your visions, his eyes always wide and his body always leaned in toward yours, as if he feared that he might miss something if he could not make out every little syllable and each individual pause.
Oh, how you missed those times with him.
Yet even so, instead of lingering upon those thoughts as you so wished to, you carried on.
"He could tell that I'd had a vision, yet when I would not tell him of what, and I insisted that I speak to you instead, he seemed to know immediately what I had witnessed, in spite of how hard I had tried to hide it."
Loki raised a questioning brow at you, his gaze still unwavering,
"So he knew what you saw and did not approve of you telling me?"
You nodded, but it seemed that Loki was not yet finished,
"Alright, that's easy enough to understand, but what does any of that have to do with this promise we made to one another? How did his knowing of your vision stop you from telling me of it for so long? And what could have possibly consumed you to waste so much energy on finding me just to keep your childhood promise after all of these years?"
You flinched slightly at the barrage of questions, but did your best to respond,
"I know this is complicated, but you have to understand, Loki, Odin never wished for you to know, and he was willing to do whatever he needed to in order to ensure that you didn't."
Loki sighed, dropping his head into his hand,
"And what exactly was it that you saw then, starlight? Do you intend upon enlightening me anytime soon?"
He was growing cross with you now, in that very same way he once had with his teachers when they did not give him the answers to his questions as directly as he wished.
He was still so hungry for knowledge, and you could not help but wonder what trouble that had gotten him into throughout your many years apart.
You placed your hand upon his, palm grazing the back of his hand more out of habit than anything else, though you did not move it even when he tensed, desperately wanting to believe that he still found something soothing within your presence, and that you had not lost him entirely, not when he still owned so very much of your heart and soul.
"I am going to tell you, Loki, why would I come here just to break my promise?"
You reasoned gently, watching as your dear god of mischief simply scoffed lightly before looking toward the ground, never one to admit it when he had overreacted.
"What I saw in my vision was no small revelation, and I want you to know that keeping it from you for so very long was never my intention."
You began, eyes growing desperate as you took both of the god's hands into your own, causing him to look up toward you once more,
"I was banished, Loki, never would I have chosen to betray you so otherwise, and I pray that you know that."
The god sitting before you pulled his hands away from yours at that, eyes growing weary, as if he was no longer certain that he could trust you.
It nearly shattered your heart to feel his touch be ripped away from yours after so very long of being alone, of missing him each and every day, but even still you did not reach back out for him again in that moment.
"Betray me?"
He whispered, his tone gaining a slight edge to it as he spoke,
"What do you speak of, witchling?"
He hissed, and you were quick to respond,
"My prince, you do not understand, what I am saying is that I never would have chosen to betray you by waiting as long as I have to tell you what I am about to. You have always been dear to me, and I have felt guilt eat away at me for all of these years that I have allowed this lie to endure in spite of my knowledge, even if I could not risk helping it until now."
Loki sighed, motioning for you to continue,
"Just get on with it then, I desire not to be kept in such suspense regarding my own life, starlight."
You took a deep breath, nodding as you began, trying your best to maintain eye contact even when it got hard.
"Loki, over one hundred years ago, I had a vision of some event far in the future, wherein you sought out your father's treasures, and learned a most difficult truth."
You watched as the being sitting in front of you stiffened slightly, his gaze widening as he slowly shook his head back and forth.
He whispered, and you watched on in confusion as he continued,
"No, no, it cannot be. You cannot possibly know. My sole comfort throughout all of these years was that you had no way of knowing..."
He carried on, and hesitantly, you reached forward to take his hand once more, and this time, he simply stared down at where you were touching him, as if not entirely believing your touch to be real anymore.
You offered him a look of deep compassion and sympathy, before finally you continued,
"You are not Odin's true son, Loki, but a-"
He cut you off, voice still quiet and body all too still as he stared down at your enjoined hands.
You shook your head,
"No Lo, not a monster, that is not what I-"
"My knowledge of your vision has come far too late, my dear."
Loki said gravely, a deep and humorless chuckle leaving him as he finally looked you in the eyes again, allowing you to see the tears that had built up there in spite of how hard he had tried to hold them at bay.
To the untrained eye perhaps, they may not have been so obvious, but even after all of these years, you knew his eyes far too well to not notice that they were growing wet.
Your brow creased in confusion and concern as you took his other hand in yours once more, squeezing both the way you always had before when he had experienced some great emotional suffering.
"Whatever do you mean, my prince?"
You asked gently, watching as Loki's expression morphed into one of so many emotions that you could scarcely name them all in the brief moment that they flashed upon his face.
Grief, sorrow, anger, longing, disgust, guilt. So many things to feel, and none of them good.
He continued,
"I'm afraid that what you have revealed is a truth long known to me, sweet starlight."
He said quietly, and instantly you understood, your expression falling as sadness overcame you, not only over you being too late to help him avoid further suffering, but over the way that he so clearly felt about himself.
He thought what he was to be a monster, something to be feared and hated as if it meant a thing.
You squeezed his hands again, urging him to look into your eyes, and drawn in by a habit he had once believed to be long since forgotten, he did, seeking out something within you that you were unsure of, but desperately wished to give.
"Loki, I am so very sorry that I was too late to tell you the truth. I studied so long to find some way to get to you, but I could not risk trying anything until I felt more certain of what might work for fear of Odin finding me."
The god before you regarded your words with utter shock, but you simply smiled in response,
"I will explain all when the time comes, sweet prince, but for now, please just know that you are no less Loki to me now than you ever were, nor were you any less Loki when I learned the truth. You are Loki Laufeyson, or even Loki Odinson if you so choose, and you are a crowned prince of Asgard and the god of mischief. No lineage could ever change that or take it away from you. You are no different now than you were back when you did not know."
Loki regarded you with brief confusion, as if he had never anticipated for you to feel such a way, or maybe for anyone to for that matter, and then suddenly, his eyes were squinted, his mind obviously deep in thought.
You had no doubt that this was partially in effort to change the subject to one he was far more readily prepared to discuss, but you did not tell him that you knew this.
He would talk when he was ready, if he ever truly was.
"Hold on a moment,"
He began,
"I understand that you did not explain all, but there is one thing that I cannot ever see making any sense."
He continued, eyes searching yours for the answer to a question that was yet unasked.
You shrugged,
"Lay it on me, Lo, I'm an open book."
Loki bristled a bit at the nickname, but said nothing, likely all too aware of how much of a habit it was for you, even after all of these years.
To hear it fall from your lips so easily though...
He distracted himself with his question immediately to stop that thought where it began.
"I know that you wished to keep your promise to me, that much is clear, but you spoke earlier of you having done so not for your word, and not for your title, but for care."
You nodded, cheeks reddening slightly at the memory, though the god sitting before you was clearly far too deep in thought to consider the connotation of your words as heavily as he otherwise may have.
"Your care is easy to understand, and your word is another worthy mention when it comes to reasons you may have worked so tirelessly to find me, but I do not understand what you mean by your title. What title is a witchling so bound by that would keep her from breaking her fealty to me? Why would you say such a thing at all?"
You looked away, unable to meet your old friend's gaze even as his eyes bore into you,
You murmured, eyes meeting his once more before you quickly looked away again, hoping somehow, that even after all of these years apart that the silence might speak for you the way that it always had with him.
He had been all but capable of reading your mind once, and who was to say that such a thing ever truly went away?
You watched as Loki's eyes widened by a millimeter, a slight inhale alerting you to some subtle realization that had just entered through the back of his mind, one that he had not been at all prepared to consider, but that made far too much sense for his liking, particularly as he considered all that had happened to you further.
His hand found the underside of your jaw, and without warning, he tilted your head upward, forcing you to look him in the eyes, allowing you to see all of the emotions building within his green irises.
Confusion, anger, frustration, but most of all, disbelief, though you could tell that the latter of the four was quickly fading.
"Starlight, did you tell Odin what you saw within your vision that day?"
He asked sternly, and, swallowing thickly, you shook your head, watching as the god of mischief's eyes widened even further.
He said matter of factly, repeating your answer as if it might make it easier for him to process what he was slowly coming to realize,
"You- You never told him what you saw."
His tone was incredulous as he spoke, his expression incredibly hard to read as he stood, using the grip you still had on his hands to tug you up alongside him.
His eyes found yours once more now that you were standing together, his head shaking back and forth almost as if he were in utter disbelief of what you were saying.
"And you know what he did, don't you? What you've become?"
He asked gently, and slowly, hesitantly, you nodded, watching as the prince of Asgard chuckled from above you,
"What a surprise you've been at every step of the way, starlight."
He muttered, leaning his head down against yours like he used to for the briefest of moments before he pulled away, clearing his throat slightly as he did.
"Well, now that we have some of those things clarified, what do you say we give the others a real introduction, hmm?"
You nodded after a moment of contemplation, moving to wrap your cloak around your shoulders once more, just barely missing the way that Loki's eyes shone at the familiar sight of it, his hands briefly reaching out toward you before he stopped himself and walked across the room to open the door for you.
From there, he guided you out into a long hallway, maneuvering the two of you about until finally, you reached a rather large common area, where you suddenly realized with a start that everyone from before was waiting.
Thor smiled at you from where he sat on the couch, the apologetic edge to it very nearly causing your heart to weep.
There were few who deserved to feel guilty over what had happened to you less so than Thor, who had only been doing what he was told.
You would have to speak with him privately soon, to thank him for having caught you when you fell forward earlier on in the day, if nothing else.
Though, you suspected that the two of you would have plenty to talk about beyond that.
The room was silent as you and the god at your side entered quietly, all eyes on the two of you as Loki cleared his throat slightly before finally speaking.
"So, as many of you have likely surmised, this is the witchling that was present in the portion of my dream that I showed earlier."
At that, you shot a glance toward the asgardian beside you, briefly wondering what on earth he could have possibly been referencing, when he brought the topic back to the discussion at hand, successfully distracting you for the time being.
"That said, she is no illusion or dream, nor is she some spirit come back to haunt me."
You watched as the man who had granted you permission to utilize a room earlier groaned at that, slapping a wad of green paper into the hand of a blonde woman who sat next to him, who simply grinned subtly.
Still, Loki paid this no mind, and continued after a brief pause,
"She is very real, and though both of us are rather confused, we are working together to figure out what exactly is going on here."
At that, a multitude of hands shot up, causing Loki to glare at those who had raised them until they begrudgingly lowered them once more.
"We will happily inform you of all that we know in just a few moments,"
He said pointedly, causing a few of the people who had been so eager to ask questions before to roll their eyes at his dramatics, though they appeared to be fairly used to them by now based upon their reactions.
"But before we get to that, I would like to introduce you properly."
Loki sighed deeply, casting you a sidelong glance of what almost appeared to be sympathy before he finally continued,
"Starlight, meet my... coworkers of sorts, the avengers."
He began, and you gave a small wave to the people in the room, smiling the tiniest bit when a few friendly looking faces waved back, some even eagerly.
Still, that almost peaceful atmosphere was clearly not meant to last forever, because after Loki's next sentence, well...
"Avengers, meet starlight, the Aesir goddess of compassion, mercy, and fidelity."
All hell broke loose.
Desiderium Tag List: @princess-ofthe-pages
Loki Tag List: @mischief2sarawr
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hail-brod · 1 year
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Loki Laufeyson x FReader
How can a single song bring so much memories? A tune it may only be, but a moment from it bore deeper than it should.
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Loki Laufeyson hadn't thought how magical it would be to have someone dear so close to him.
From the melting touch of your palm on his own to the enclosing warmth between your bodies, both swaying amidst the quiet night—an unheard song played in your head, a mellow and dreamy rhythm. The lightness of it's notes carried you both like the wind, even if Loki himself didn't know what were you dancing to, he followed your movements. His other hand laid on your hip. Yours almost hanging on his shoulder blades.
And to him, your resting head on his shoulder was more than enough of a reason to enjoy this moment.
"Mind sharing your thoughts, my Queen?" Loki hummed.
Feeling your breath close to his neck made him shiver, until you sigh out beneath him. "Just a song." You say.
"Oh?" Loki raised a brow. "Tell me, how does it go?" He asks, earning a soft chuckle from you. Loki lets out a satisfied grin.
"Should I just hum it? I don't particularly know the words that well anymore."
"I'd love that." The man says, pulling you gently to his chest. "And do hum it well."
Loki gives out a light ring of laughter when you playfully huffed. Not a moment after, he proceeds to soothe your hip with his thumb, his laughter long gone.
The brief silence enshrouded you both; you start to hum.
Just like the night's calm voidness and the moon's gleam seeping through the curtains and windows of your shared room, serenity circled around you. You hum a song that he had never heard before though he must admit, it sounded lulling.
Not a lull that he finds only for slumber, but a lull that felt right. So right. As if your voice echoed across the room, which actually was, and it sounded like dream. Like the voices in a vast hall, invading his mind with only adoration and the fleeting moments of a rush.
Skin to skin, he felt it. Your fingers intertwining between the gaps of his hand, squeezing it as if to reassure—to reassure that he was still there, and that you still collided on his chest.
Not long, Loki followed your humming. Now at least, quite familiar with the rhythm.
"Did I hum it well, then?" You ask in a hushed tone.
"No." Loki replied. You then slowly turned your gaze up to him, squinting. "That's why I'm humming it myself." He teasingly smirks down on you. But his eyes shows otherwise; genuine gleamed in them. Before you could spat back with an offended joke, Loki gently pushed your head back on his shoulder. "Now, is this song of yours a Midgardian one?"
You hummed a reply. "Yes. You seem to like it."
"I do." He says, a smile tugging up on his lips. Once he said that, he felt you lean closer on the nook of his neck—snuggling the coldness of the night away.
With a muffled voice, you remarked. "Old man."
A confused frown reformed Loki's expression. "I beg your pardon?"
You boom out a little giggle. The said man sensed the way you inhaled his scent before replying, to which he amusedly bathed in. "My grandparents love that song. Though, I can't disregard the fact that it is pretty much a lovely piece. Old record or not," You pressed your forehead on his own with closed eyes, hand grazing the nape of his neck. "it's captivating as it is."
Loki takes a second to relish the moment as he closed his own lids. But one thought occured to him as he opened it again and made the quick action to land his lips on your own.
"I hope you're aware that you've captivated me, little one." He leans back.
You fluttered your eyes open. The smallest hint of catching you off guard lingered in your eyes. "You've done more than that to me, my King." You stretch out a smile.
"Yeah?" Loki began. He leans in close to your ear and whispers, "I'm very aware of that, dear wife." A satisfied smile grew on his lips once he took notice of your flushed cheeks. But he didn't stop. "Even more aware that I've made you carry our child now."
"You're insufferable." You muttered, leaning back on his shoulder. Though, Loki didn't miss the redness of the tips of your ears.
Loki chuckles. "That I am." He says, resting his cheek right above your head.
And again, he hums back the song. This time, he alone rode the tune. The twist and melody from his voice seemed to bring you rapture as you sighed beneath him.
Such a serene and lovely night that almost seemed to last for years, decades, centuries or whatnot. To Loki, all of it was his prized moments. No treasure or power could measure his love for you. Even when he ruled a realm, you were his great solice. Even when he found himself lost in decisions, you were his inspiration. And then becoming a father to your children had proven him many things. Even he had realized more that raising children was no easy task. Still, you stood beside him.
You still stood tall, even you were growing older day by day. Years cut shorter than he would've liked, and Loki dreaded it. His children dreaded it.
But Loki knew very well that he had spent enough time with you. He had made you happy, and so did you. He carved every memory he had with you deep within his mind, never intending to brush it all for the sake of reducing his pain.
Because he would happily feel it than not.
Even when those dear memories spring up to him like an old record, he would never cease to keep loving it.
Then he heard it again. That familiar tune that he knew very well. That rhythm that kept his mind awake in the gleaming moonlight in his room.
You've always said you didn't remember the words to the song, but now he knows what those were.
"Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so-tight
Show me that you love me too..."
He got lost in it, reminiscing your humming voice. As does the old radio played in his room that one of his children had brought home, he stood right where you swayed that night.
He smiled fondly as he listened. So long he started to hum along to the song just like the olden days.
And so he let the tears fall.
sorry its already 2:30am, i hope this was angsty enough idk ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
I’d love to request a story where Loki and yn meet for the first time and somehow she sparks his interest what never really happened before ☺️
Library meet cute || Loki x Reader || Requests open ||
A/N: I may have taken creative liberties here but I hope you still like it, nonny! <3
Warnings: hate of species!
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Ever since Loki began to serve his sentence on Midgard alongside those he’d harmed during his attack, he’d come to appreciate one place in all of New York above all else. The library. Sure, it was open to the public and people always bustled in and out, discussing loudly about the books they’d read and the ones they needed to return but it was such a familiarity to Loki that he found himself smiling despite the fact and enjoying the cool breeze that wafted from the air conditioners on the ceilings.
Loki had begun his visits after the library was reopened to the public three months after his attack. Odin hadn’t hesitated to give him the punishment of a lifetime and force him to live alongside the people he’d made his enemies. His magic was restricted and he wasn’t allowed to use it in public lest he terrify all the people he had to live with.
The God of Mischief adored these small moments he had to himself where he was allowed to just browse literature and forget that everybody here feared him. His fingertips grazed the spines of countless books as he looked at the fiction section, trying to find a suitable novel to get stuck into when his fingers brushed against someone elses.
Alarmed, Loki withdrew his fingers and turned to his side where he saw a beautiful woman staring at him. Loki blinked for a few seconds before regaining his composure and dropping into a respectful bow. “I apologise, my lady,” he began with complete sincerity, looking up at the woman unsurely, “I must have zoned out and not noticed.”
“It’s alright,” she responded with a warm smile, looking back to the shelf and picking a book before turning to Loki again and holding it out to him, “this is The Great Gatsby, you sound like the type to enjoy such a novel.”
“Fitzgerald’s work?” Loki murmured mostly to himself as he took the book from the woman’s fingers and looked down at the classical hardcover, “have you read it?”
“Oh, once or twice,” she shrugged with an easy smile, tilting her head as she looked up at him, “wasn’t really my style but you seem like the one to like it more. I’m Y/N, by the way. Thought we’d possibly like to know each other’s names.”
“Don’t you know who I am?” Loki asked with a raised eyebrow, watching as the woman looked him up and down before shrugging and offering a polite smile. “I am Loki of Asgard,” he continued with a confused tone in his voice, “I attacked your planet a year ago and now I spend my exile here alone.”
Realisation seemingly spread across her face and she clicked her fingers, “right! Laufeyson! You’re living with the Avengers, right? I’m not from New York, just visiting but I’ve heard that a criminal is now living under the Avengers care!”
“I’m not in their care,” Loki sneered before seeing the surprise in her eyes and quickly backing down and whispering, “forgive me, I did not mean to startle you thus. It is unbecoming of the Prince of Asgard.”
Loki studied the woman in front of him and that’s when he sensed the slight whiff of magic coming from her form and he tilted his head slightly. “Do you have magic?” he asked very abruptly, watching as your eyes widened and you looked around to see if you were being listened to.
Once you were sure that there were no eavesdroppers, you glared up at Loki. “I concede,” you whispered with a frown, “I am Y/N Y/L/N, I am the daughter of one of the lords of Jötunheim. I’m not supposed to be on Midgard but I was so curious.”
Surprise washed over Loki’s face as he stared down at the woman before him. She was a Jötun?! He had thought he’d destroyed Jötunheim in his blind rage three years ago but seeing a living Jötun here was evidence that he had obviously failed to destroy the planet of monsters like himself. 
Even though he knew of this woman’s true nature, he could not stop himself from thinking about how beautiful she looked and how he felt no disgust towards her as he eternally felt towards himself. To him, she was no different than any other woman he’d met here on Midgard, her magic was incredibly strong to allow her to blend into American society so easily. 
“Loki?” her sweet voice echoed in his brain as she stared up at him and he saw the fear in her eyes, “you said you were of Asgard. Are you going to kill me like other Asgardians?”
“No!” Loki found himself saying in a hurry, surprising himself and Y/N by how quickly he’d replied, “I could never kill a beauty such as you.”
Loki didn’t know what was happening to himself! Normally when he thought of the blue monsters he’d been taught to hate, he felt disgust and judgement towards his race and occasionally thought about murdering every last one even if he had no magic. It would make Odin proud, at least, to have the enemies destroyed. But when he looked down at this woman, he didn’t feel that way at all. In fact, his heart was speeding up and every muscle in his body wanted him to reach out and embrace her, reassure her that everything is alright and that he would never harm her and it scared him. It scared him how quickly he was falling for this woman, more than he’d fallen into the thrall of any Aesir maiden. 
Perhaps it was the monster in himself, perhaps it was in his blood to react thus towards a female Jötun. Perhaps this had always been how he felt deep inside and now he was only just realising that. 
“Well… how about we leave this place?” Y/N suggested, grabbing Loki’s attention as quickly as any other time she’d spoken. Her voice sounded like honey, her smile comforted him more than he’d ever been comforted in his life by his brother and mother. This fragile heart he kept behind so many concrete walls were already starting to crack oh too quickly for his taste.  
Loki nodded as he followed you out of the library after checking out The Great Gatsby. Loki guided you to a coffee shop that he had come to love that was a good twenty minutes walk away from the library. All the way, Loki felt this pull towards you that he’d never felt before, a tug on his heart that was telling him that you were destined to be his and only his. 
It seemed, deep in the Jötun side of him, he knew he’d found his mate. His Aesir side just wouldn’t know for a while yet.
Main tags:
@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479 @kittiowolf210 @just-someone11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loki-laufeyson-1054 @fictive-sl0th @coldnique
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
yandere loki laufeyson with a very cheerful and kind reader who has golden retriever energy and works as a reader in the police
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Thanks for the request!
Warnings: Yandere themes, talk of manipulation.
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Loki hasn't exactly had the best run-ins with Earth's protectors in the past. Not just the Avengers, but the police as well was there to put a stop to his attempted invasion of New York. He doesn't have a good opinion of them, nor would they have a good opinion of him.
So for him to grow obsessed with someone who's an officer is quite ironic. Loki recognizes that, and at times he finds it funny.
Still, Loki wouldn't exactly like his darling's choice of occupation. With the stuff that goes on in their universe, he knows you'd be put into dangerous situations all the time, and not just against normal people, either.
No matter how optimistic or good at your job you are, Loki can't have you doing something that will put you in danger. It's just not happening.
I don't think his first instinct is to kidnap you, though. Moreso, he's just going to manipulate you into quitting.
And he's very good at manipulating in general, but especially when it comes to you. He is obsessed with you, so he knows practically everything there is to know about you. He'll find something to convince you to quit.
Otherwise, I can see Loki being pretty happy with a really happy-go-lucky darling. Once he loosens up a bit, he really starts to show how much of a simp he is for you.
He'll follow you anywhere and do anything for you. If you're a social butterfly, he'll go around to social gatherings with you (with some minor grumbling).
And he really does think you're absolutely adorable. Loki just adores you in general.
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
We’re Gonna Have A Mini Frost Baby- Loki Laufeyson pregnant!xreader fan fic
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Summary: Y/N is pregnant and Loki comes home from Asgard after a few weeks and Y/N surprises Loki with the happy news
Warnings: angsty, fluffy adorableness, soft Loki, mentions of being pregnant, mentions of being nervous and scared, mentions of a bit of anxiety, let me know if I miss anything
~Y/N’s POV~
*flashback* I remember that look in Loki’s eyes that night as he was sitting across from mw at the bar as we were having a drink to celebrate being together for three years before he had to leave for Asgard. I knew what Loki wanted that night and so did I, it was very passionate and we both never wanted the moment to end. That morning after I woke up with the biggest smile on my face though I was sad when loki left a short time later to help Thor for a few weeks. *end of flashback
-current day a week or 2 later-
I woke up one morning feeling really nauseous out of nowhere and had to rush to the bathroom but got sick a few times and the other weird thing is I was craving certain foods I never usually would want and I said to myself “ok.. there’s gotta be an easy explanation for this.” Though I had doubts about that. I knew Loki was coming home in a day or two and I wanted to make sure everything was ok so I ran out to the store to get some food and a pregnancy test just in case. Later on I had gotten home and put the groceries away and something told me to go take that pregnancy test so I went to the bathroom and did the test and set a timer on my phone when I could check it.
I texted my best friend Wanda about how anxious I was and she called me a few minutes later and said “hey Y/N how are you feeling honey?” I said “still have some morning sickness but just nervous that I may actually be pregnant.. what will I tell Loki oh god!..” Wanda said “hey it’ll be ok girl try and breathe ok? He will be so happy I know it, he loves you Y/N.” I nodded my head and said “yea, you’re right Wanda, hey thank you you’re the best Wanda. Love you!” She said “I love you too, let me know what the test says ok??” I said “I promise Wanda you’ll be the first to know.” My timer beeped a bit after she hung up and I picked up the stick and I was right. “I’m pregnant!.. wow, this is amazing.” All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice say “wait darling, you’re pregnant?!” I look up and Loki is standing in the doorway and I sit there frozen that he cane home early. Loki came to sit by me once he saw I was scared to answer him and said “Y/N, dove please don’t be scared I’m not mad, I’m just surprised, is it true?” I nodded and picked up the test to show him hoping he wouldn’t be upset. Loki smiled and cupped my face in his hands looking into my eyes and said “Y/N my love this is wonderful, I’m gonna be a father and you’ll be a wonderful mother.” I felt relieved that he was happy about this. I swallowed and said “I was so nervous to tell you and I didn’t know you were gonna be home yet, I was just about to call you to talk to you about it.” Loki hugged me and then wiped the remaining tears off my face carefully and said “my love this is wonderful news, we’re gonna have a child. I will love you both so much and take care of you both.” I smiled and said “I love you Loki, you’re the most wonderful man. I always picture you reading a child to sleep and you spoiling them.” Something hit me worrying wether it might be a frost child with Loki’s magic and I said “wait!.. do you think our child will be ok?!..” loki saw I was worried and he nodded and said “of course love why? What is it??” I took a deep breath and said “what if our child will be a frost baby or has your magic? Should we have that checked? I’m worried.” Loki rubbed my arms and said “sweetheart I promise we will have everything looked at and have you looked at but I promise you, the baby will be just fine Y/N please do not worry alright?” I leaned in for a hug and Loki wrapped his arms around me while he played with my hair which he knew I loved when he did that. After a few minutes of silence I said “hey Loki can I ask you something?” He kissed the top of my head and said “of course my love, anything.” I thought for a minute how to ask him this and said “would you want a boy or a girl? I ask because I wondered if you were gonna want an heir for Asgard.” Loki took my hands in his and looked at me and said “ok, Y/N please listen to me ok?” I nodded nervously wondering what he was gonna tell me. Loki said “that isn’t important to me, what matters to me is my family darling, I love you and our child. I’d leave Asgard and the throne for the both of you because I love you and I don’t care about that anymore I swear I’ve changed.”
I leaned in to kiss Loki and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer and in that moment I knew Loki meant it all. I looked at Loki and said “I love you so much Loki, you’re gonna be a great father.” He blushed and said “may I?” He wanted to touch my stomach and I nodded and put his hand gently on my stomach and he leaned in to kiss my stomach and said “hello baby, I’m so excited to meet you.” I started crying and he looked up and said “my love, what is it??” I shook my head and said “nothing’s wrong Loki, what you said just made me so happy, we’re gonna have a mini frost child I’m so happy.” Loki kissed me and said “so am I Y/N, you’ve made me the happiest. Thank you darling.” I smiled and said “you’re welcome Loki, welcome home by the way, I missed you.” Loki kissed me and pulled me into his chest said “I missed you more darling, I promise I will never leave you or our child Y/N.” I felt so happy being back in Loki’s arms I never wanted him to let go.
Hey lovelies 💚💚🙂 ok so I thought this fic would be really cute 🥹 and it’s probably not my best one 🥺 but I hope you will all enjoy xx
@lokiandbuckysdoll @jessybarnes
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Author's Note- This was better in my mind... 🥲
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Peculiar Things
Loki Laufeyson x Desi!Reader
Summary- Loki notices weird things about (Y/N)...
Tag List- @savagemickey03, @kenzi-woycehoski, @ultrav0lence, @bbgmonsay, @girlnred, @chevelledahuman, @minaxcarter, @hc-geralt-23, @newt-scamander-is-hot-af, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @lady-athanasia, @hyacinthus007, @lana, @saraelizabeth26, @killing-gremlin, @thatgirlthatreadswattpad, @strangesthirdeye, @omgsuperstarg, @all-things-fandomstuck, @nyx2021, @shine101, @bi2simps, @themaze13
Warnings- None
GIF Credits to @tomhiddleston-gifs
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The moon shone brightly in the starry night as the light breeze tickled the green mountains. The lake water stood still with a few swans swimming peacefully, completely unaware of the two laying on the luscious grass.
Loki's emerald like eyes watched (Y/N) with love and adoration, his fingers caressing her hand as her breathing slowed down. The God of Mischief found himself at awe as he watched her sleeping form before looking back at the moon.
He smiled to himself as he remembered (Y/N) watching the moon every night, always humming some song from her native language. Chand. She called it while smiling.
It was later that Loki realized that it was not only her who was awestruck by the moon. It was the entirety of population of India and those with Indian descent; or at least mostly.
Loki turned to face her, smiling widely, as his fingers interlaced with hers. Another peculiar thing about her was the distance she maintained with Loki even after they started courting.
"We don't show off the relationships until... never in public."
She had told Loki, making him frown. Even in Asgard, publicly displayed affections before marriage was frowned upon but after that? Loki would never understand that.
Then there was her unhealthy relation with fried food and sweets. It made him wonder how she remained so fit after having so much amount of oil and sweets. Probably her workout sessions helped.
And oh! The amount of confusing things she would do sometimes. Loki remembered how she had made Steve wait for 3 minutes before getting off the quinjet for a mission just because he had sneezed loudly.
"It's a bad omen."
She had explained later, making everyone raise their eyebrows. The Avengers loved (Y/N) a lot, Loki understood that fact early on when he had attacked New York.
He also loved how she would use her fingers to eat her food. Rice or whatever she has. All of them cooked by herself specially for herself. She never let anyone taste it.
Once Tony had stolen a bit of her rice and fish curry and had ate it without sharing. The spice was enough to make the Stark man run to the nearest tap and drink two gallons of water. It was a funny scene and had entertained everyone while (Y/N) sat in the corner, giving him a I-told-you look.
Another thing was her unholy obsession with those stupid Indian serials and series. Loki unfortunately found the web series originating from India stupid, no offense to them truly. But perhaps it was because of the amount of western series he had seen.
But yet, he loved (Y/N) with all he was. Even if he found her peculiar things comical, it didn't really matter, for his love for (Y/N) was way more than anything.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
You & Me Forever 》 The Baby Fever AU
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: Loki takes you out for a date night. Little do you know he's got a big surprise waiting for you...
Warnings: fluff, fluff and fluff
Word Count: 1,7k
a/n: This oneshot is based on this ask. 😊 I loved writing this! 🥰 Thanks to @lokisgoodgirl for giving me this beautiful idea! 💚
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @theaudacitytowrite @lady-rose-moon @fictive-sl0th @aagn360 @mostclevermiss
If you want to be added to my Loki Taglist, please let me know! 😁
The Baby Fever Masterlist
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"Lokiiii, where are you taking me?" Y/N asked, giggling, while her hand was wrapped up in Loki's; a blindfold covering the woman's eyes. "Don't be so utterly curious." The God reproached his girlfriend with an amused smile. "You'll see. Just let me surprise you once at our date night." Y/N giggled again, totally giddy and excited. "You always surprise me, babe." He shook his head - what the woman wasn't, of course, able to see. "Now that was a lie, darling. Most of the time we talk about what we do or where we go on our date." She huffed out a breath. "Okay, okay, fair enough..." Loki just smiled and guided her further down the hall and into the elevator.
About fifteen minutes later, the couple had reached their destination... The Central Park. "We are almost there, darling. Just a few more minutes." The Central Park was not very crowded, given the fact, that it was evening and already dark outside. Loki brought her to the Belvedere Lake - at which he was a few hours earlier, preparing some things. "Alright, love." The God started and unfolded her blindfold. The young woman had her eyes still closed, not daring to peek. "You may open your eyes now." Cautiously, Y/N opened first one eye, then the other - and gasped. She was standing at the shore of the small lake with the Belvedere castle on the other side of the shore. Countless torches illuminated her surroundings - including a big, comfortable picnic blanket with pillows and several stuff to eat, alongside a bottle of wine and two glasses. It looked absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. "Do you like it, darling?" Y/N blinked, still trying to comprehend what she saw. "Like it?? Babe, I love it!" A smile spread on the God's face, before he stretched out his hand towards her. "May I lead you over to the picnic blanket, my queen?" She giggled at his words and placed her hand in Loki's. "You may." Together, they made their way over, sitting down.
After enjoying the snacks and fruits Loki had prepared for them and taking a good sip of the expensive wine, they laid down together and directed their eyes to the night sky above them, stargazing. To Loki's luck, it was a clear night with not a single cloud covering the stars above them. Y/N loved to stargaze - and the God knew that. And besides, he could listen to her all night long talking about the different constellations she recognized in the sky. He absolutely loved it. That's why he used it for the thing he had planned...
Y/N blinked and swallowed hard. She felt her heart rate picking up. Loki was about to propose to her. He was about to ask her if she wanted to marry him. Was this real? Or was she dreaming? Y/N wasn't so sure... But before she could think further about this, Loki stopped the deafening thoughts in her head by taking her hand in his. The woman's eyes snapped down, meeting the God's oceanic blues, which reflected nothing but pure love and adoration. "Darling..." Loki started, feeling quite a bit nervous at a sudden, his mind going blank. "I actually don't know where I should start, honestly. I-I practised this over and over again a-and now my head is utterly empty, I..." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, in order to try to calm his raging nerves. "Do you remember the day we met? On this rainy day at the Avengers compound? Only a few days after my attack on New York?" Y/N nodded softly. "How could I ever forget that?" She mumbled, utterly overwhelmed by what was just happening. "My punishment had been to join the Avengers - what I absolutely hated in the beginning. Nobody looked my way. Nobody seemed to accept me. Nobody wanted to even speak to me or get too close to me. But then you stepped through that very door of that damned meeting room number 7 in the 60th floor - and literally swept me off my feet. Never had I ever seen such beauty before and your wonderful and kind personality caused me to fall even more head over heels in love with you. But that wasn't all... You were the first person - besides my oaf of a brother, who doesn't count - who looked at me and not straight through me. You didn't judge me, gave me a chance. I was so utterly grateful for that."
"Lokes, look over there!" Y/N pointed at a star constellation with seven stars. "It's the Little Bear!" She followed the constellation with her pointer finger, in order to show Loki. "Can you see it?" Loki followed her movements with a smile on her face. "Yes, I can." "Oh and the Dragon is right underneath the Little Bear!" The young woman was so excited about this. The God thought it was utterly sweet. She talked him through another few star constellations, before he decided that it was time to put his plan into action.
"Which constellation is that over there, my love?" Y/N's gaze followed the direction Loki pointed to. "Uhh..." She frowned in concentration. "I think that should be Cassiopeia - but..." She squinted her eyes. "Something isn't right..." "What do you mean, love?" "There's a star in the constellation that shouldn't be there... Cassiopeia looks like a 'W', but... there's a star too much. It doesn't belong there." Loki let out a short gasp of realisation. "Ahh you mean that one star on the top left corner?" "Yes! Can you see it? Why is it there? This actually can't be..." A knowing smile crept up Loki's face. "Well, about that, I think I have an answer for that." Y/N blinked at her boyfriend in confusion. "You have?" He nodded and sat up, before he summoned some magic. "Look up, my love." She was still confused, but did what Loki said, looked back at the wrong star constellation - and gasped. "W-What is that now?" The extra star had started to shine brightly at a sudden and with a snap of Loki's fingers, it... sunk down? Straight towards the couple. The woman's eyes widened, as she grabbed on the God's forearm. "L-Lokes, what's... What's that? What's happening?!" Loki just smiled, with the star getting closer and closer. "Lokiiii!" The closer it came, the smaller it got, which left Y/N even more confused. But she soon noticed, that it actually wasn't a star... It was something different... Something shiny... She watched with awe, as the 'star' flew straight into Loki's opened palm. It was a... ring with a shining green emerald on top? She had been so utterly fascinated by the spectacle above her, that she didn't recognise that her boyfriend had gotten on one knee beside her, neither that he was dressed in an all-black suit now. Her brain tried to process what was happening and when she had connected the dots, her eyes widened... A ring. Loki, wearing a suit, kneeling in front of her. This was a proposal.
Loki smiled softly and gave Y/N's hand a gentle squeeze. "That was the start of everything... We talked a lot, met up in the library to read together, went on dates and at some point... You just kissed me. The rest is history. I had never been happier in my life, than I am with you now. I spent my whole life searching for a meaning - a glorious purpose... And then I realised, that you are what I was always searching for. You are my glorious purpose, Y/N. You showed me a whole new world. A world filled with love and kindness. You have given this new world to me and now I want to ask you, if you'd like to become my world..." The God took another deep breath, before he popped the question. "Y/N Y/L/N, would you do me the honour to make you entirely and for always mine? Will you marry me?"
There it was. The moment every woman - and also man, dreamed about. To get such an utterly beautiful and romantic proposal. Y/N was literally speechless. Her brain was still working hard to catch up and realise this all. Will you marry me? Loki's words echoed through her mind on repeat, like a continuous loop. Will you marry me? Yes, screamed her heart. Yes! While Loki waited patiently for her to gather her thoughts, the young woman's lips started to quiver. Not long after rolled the first tear down her rosy cheeks. Happy tears. Wordlessly at first, Y/N started to nod. "Yes, Lokes... Gods, yes!" Loki's eyes widened slightly, a gasp leaving his lips. "Y-Yes?" Did she really say yes? "Yes, yes, yes! I want to marry you, babe!" His heart skipped a beat at her words. She said yes! With slightly shaky hands, but a smile on his face, Loki slipped the ring on her finger, before she literally jumped in his arms with a squeal, making him chuckle. "I love you, Lokes! Gods, I love you so much! I can't wait to marry you!" He smiled, happiness flooding his veins. "I love you more than anything, darling. And I can't wait to make you my wife." Y/N backed up, just enough to catch Loki's lips in a loving, passionate kiss - which the God eagerly returned, of course. "I can't believe you magicked the ring in the sky, like... What?" Y/N giggled, still giddy with happiness and excitement. "That was sooo wonderful, honestly. I loved it. Couldn't imagine a better proposal." Loki smiled, giving her hand another squeeze. "I am glad you liked my way of proposing to you. I thought it must be something special for my special woman." "It was! I absolutely loved it!" He couldn't help himself, but to smile at her again.
Quite a while later, the engaged couple laid in bed together. Y/N was fast asleep, cuddled against her God's side; head resting on his broad, bare chest. Loki, on the other hand wasn't asleep yet. He couldn't. Too much thoughts were running through his mind... Happy thoughts. He looked down at the woman in his arms, smiling. While he did so, Loki saw the engagement ring shine and twinkle on Y/N's hand, causing a wave of pure love and joy wash over him. This incredible woman was going to be his wife... The God couldn't believe his luck.
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