#but I dont have a name for the au yet so I'm just calling it what it is
ros-is-writing · 11 months
Polyeclipse arranged marriage/mafia au drabble pt1!
Characters: Zam, Mapicc, Ro
Word count: 933
“It’s just gone? Like that??” Zam asked, open mouthed in the politest way he could manage. Outright yelling in a meeting like this was definitely not acceptable, but seriously??
“Our sources are reporting that the Pierce Mafia has collapsed,” the captain repeated, visibly shaking in fear. Across the table, Mapicc whistled and sat back in his chair, impressed. 
Every executive sitting at the table was showing various degrees of the same emotion. Shock. The Pierce Mafia was massive, it took up a whole city while Zam’s family fought over the neighboring city with other groups. Its collapse would create an equally large power vacuum. Which, for obvious reasons, was an opportunity. 
Zam’s mind was already racing, their neighboring city had resources upon resources, they would be powerful beyond imagining if they managed to fill the space at the Pierce family left. But how? Could they just walk in and take power? They didn’t even know how Pierce had collapsed, for all they knew the boss and his executives could still be out there. 
Zam turned to his left, looking for the expression on the Boss's face. To his surprise, she was startlingly calm. Every other executive was deep in thought, eyes flicking back and forth as they imagined different situations, but she just sat there, waiting for their attention to return to her. One by one, the executives look to the Boss, realizing she already had a plan. She slowly lifted her hand, scrubbed her nails with her thumb, then said: 
“Get me in contact with Eclipse.” 
“I still don’t get why we’re working with motherfucking Eclipse,” Mapicc complained as he slid into the back seat of the car. “Aren’t they our number one enemy here?” 
Zam shrugged and pulled his door closed, motioning for Mapicc to do the same. “An enemy of my enemy is my friend,” he quoted, waving his hands around like that made it make sense. 
“Our enemy is fucking dead, no ones seen Pierce in weeks,” Mapicc pointed out. “I don’t think we have a common enemy anymore. I think it’s just us.”
“We don’t have a common enemy but we do have a common goal,” Zam said. “Pierce's city is massive, we can’t control it and our home city ourselves. We’re letting Eclipse take half on the terms that they help us put down any rebellions, and we do the same for them.” 
“That’s what the Boss told me at least,” Zam finished. 
“How though?” Mapicc asked. “How is this agreement with Eclipse working? They’re a bunch of backstabbers, everyone in Eclipse is a backstabber, how do we know they won’t backstab us?” 
“Mapicc, you’re a backstabber, stop talking.” Came Roshambo’s voice from the front seat of the car. 
“Shut the fuck up Ro,” Mapicc complained. “You’re in soldier mode right now, drive the car.” He leaned forward and tugged on a piece of Ro’s hair, making him shout and whip his hair away. 
“Stop doing that! You’re literally pulling my pigtails right now, didn’t know you liked me like that, wow.” 
“You’re deranged.” Mapicc deadpanned with no acknowledgement of Ro violently switching tones. “Also this is a ponytail.” He reached through the hole between the seat and the headrest and pulled Ro’s ponytail though. As he turned back to Zam and started speaking again, he began to braid Ro’s hair. 
“All I’m saying is, what’s in it for Eclipse besides power? They have enough of that, they have so much of that. Too much.”
“Maybe they’re going to take over our city once we spread our resources thin in the Pierce’s territory,” Ro suggested.
“Ro! Shut up!” Mapicc exclaimed, yanking his hair again. “Sorry!” Ro laughed, “I have a point though!” 
“He does have a point actually,” Zam interrupted before Mapicc could jump over the seat and throttle Ro. He wasn’t sure why Mapicc kept up their soldier-executive relationship when they were in public. Mapicc and Ro had been friends since before Zam met them, so it didn't make sense why Mapicc would want the illusion that they weren’t. But anyway- 
“Ro does have a point but, the Pierce’s city is a lot more valuable than ours. Eclipse won’t be satisfied with just our territory in our city, they want their share of the Pierce’s city too.” 
Mapicc and Ro nodded at Zam’s words, they knew he was right. Or rather, they knew that the Boss was right, she told Zam that. 
“The Boss has a plan, remember?” Zam added. “She already has an agreement with Eclipse.” 
“It’s like she knew the Pierce Mafia was going to fall,” Ro mused to the silent car. 
“I don’t think she did…” Zam admitted. “Or if she did, she never told me anything.” 
“She’s creepy,” Mapicc said bluntly. “No offense,” he added, looking at Zam. 
“Not offended,” Zam shrugged. “That’s my sister, I’ve said worse!” All three of them laughed because it was true! Behind the privacy of closed doors and un-bugged rooms, Zam complained a lot about the Boss. He loved her though, nothing could break the bond he had with her sister. She was just so annoyingly cryptic sometimes. 
“But seriously,” Ro brought them back to the conversation. “What does Eclipse value?” Mapicc and Zam went quiet, thinking. Mapicc was right earlier, Eclipse was notoriously full of backstabbers. If you weren’t officially part of the Mafia, you weren’t guaranteed safety. And you most definitely weren’t safe if you were part of an opposing group. 
Maybe that was it though. It was the same as Zam and his sister. 
“Family,” Zam said. “Eclipse values family over everything else.”
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ghoulysaphomet · 2 months
Tim's Ao3 AU
just got the image of tim writing red hood x oc fanfic but the oc is basically tim/red robin and each time the A/N is like
"sorry no beta im mid-shoot out with some gang leaders atm"
and the content ranges from super fluffy to the most degenerative porn wanting to lick his skull and the authors notes are like
"heey sorry for the slow update i got shot again and im forced on bed rest but now i have an excuse to work on the next chapters!!"
now i want a fic where its like
it gets more and more outrageous, and the comments are just people debating whether its real or not and then there's 1 comment.
that comment is like.
"Pick Up Your Phone, Now. -D"
and tims like
"::) im in trouble::)"
theres one person dissing out the red hood and how he's so terrible and will never actually deserve someone loving him and tim replies with
"Loompa Roompa might malfunction for a while"
and the person is like *how the fuck do you know the name of my roombah what the hell is this why it's been turning on and off at night what the fuck*"
tims username is pretty bird or somth bcs thats what jason called him at least once before and hes like yes i can be pretty and a bird i can be whatever you want me to be
(totes not because thats what jason always calls tim in my head no no)
dick just really, really wants answers but also is deeply, deeply concerned
"tim you had a 20k fic of red hood lovingly taking care of you and hugging you like you'd never been hugged before. are you like, okay?"
"you.. you read all of that?"
"that's besides the point. now answer the question"
"i dont know how to feel about this"
"how do you think i feel? i didnt need to know about any of it"
"and yet you do. curiosity killed the cat, dick."
"alright i wont bother you if you promise to talk with dinah or some jl approved therapist about... the hugging touch starved things. if you dont tho ill just send jason your ao3 account babs said he has one so he can see all your shit'
"i think i would feel better if you just stabbed me"
dick makes a lemon bitten face.
"you saw that too, huh."
"i dont have a kink for being stabbed. i have a jason fetish. just him and whatever he decides to do to me so dont worry i wont be out getting stabbed by randos"
"I'm glad but also i wanna circle back to the jason fetish part i feel like thats something i should worry about"
20k fanfic where tim just rants about jasons soft hoodie
jason, meanwhile, he sees someone w the username idk PrettyBirdRedHoos in his comments and hes concerned someone figured out he was robin but goes to look and this persons bookmarks are all just fics written by a 'PrettyBird" user and all of them are red hood/oc, and some of them is like; piercing kink, some of them are 20k fics where the oc falls asleep wearing their hoodie, one of them is a very specific scenario where the red hood 'playfully attacks' the OC on top of a tall building and they fuck nasty and jay is like
this. is too detailed. to be a coincidence innit.
and the comments are just people debating how real these scenarios are and every single person that disses RH has something hacked or exposed and jays like 'ah. well, timmy certainly has a hobby."
he could tell him that he knows.
he could also choose to be an absolute tease. forget a hoodie there, wear some bootyshorts here, not wear a binder while wearing a tank-top here, spit out a specific phrase tims used in a fic before just to keep him on his toes. it's fun watching him squirm.
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 3 months
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Oh, How I Hate Him
Pairing: bad boy!Minho x student council prez!fem!reader (college au) Genre: angst, fluff Word count: 8k >.> Warnings: college idiots, mention of drinking, drugs, smoking O_O DONT DO ANY OF THAT, cringe romance, enemies to lovers, dick exboyfriend. protective Minho >.> <.< thats it i think????
a/n: did I intend for this to be smut? Yes. is it? no. do i mind tho? absolutely not someone help me come up with a better title...
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You inhaled deeply and smiled contentedly as you entered the student council office.
"Good morning Ms. President." Your friend and vice president, Jia, said.
You gave her a side eye. "I said don't call me that."
"I'm sorry." She giggled, "Yuna, schedule today?"
"We have to collect signatures for lowering student parking costs and start the campaign for the cafeteria to be expanded and renovated this summer, you also have to meet with the principal to discuss how the high schoolers are going to tour the campus, " Yuna, the student council secretary and planner named off things from the list.
You nodded, "Not too much." You checked your watch, "I have a class at 8:30 and I haven't gotten my coffee yet, any of you want to come with me?"
Jia and Yuna looked at you, with are you for real right now man? faces before getting up and grabbing their bags to go with you.
You went to the cafeteria and as you were getting your iced americano, a student came up to you.
"Y/n, can you sign here to help keep our debate program alive? The district is trying to cut off our funding to have our formal debate team dissolved." The boy handed you a clip board and a pen.
You signed your name before picking up your coffee, "I'm running a little late, Yuna, can you take the papers on my desk to the principal's office?"
"Sure." Yuna picked up her own coffee and ran off.
You briskly made your way across campus and checked your watch, 8:25 AM, right on time. You entered the history classroom and smiled, "Good morning." You greeted your professor before going to sit, not too close to the front, not too far back, and not perfectly situated in the middle.
As the classroom filled, your friend, Seungmin, leader of the science olympiad team sat beside you.
"You're a bit late don't you think?" You teased, taking out your notes.
"Not everyone i always going to be as punctual as you, Madam President."
You rolled your eyes.
The chatter in the classroom died as the teacher stepped to the front of the class, "Good morning class, as you know this is the only history class you have to take to meet the graduation requirements. So, if you intend to slack in my class just know your future depends on your performance in this cl-" She was cut off.
The door opened and you looked away from the teacher seeing a man with redish brown hair and a leather jacket at the door, he had pretty eyes and small but plump lips. His eyes raked over the class for a moment before he looked at the teacher, "Sorry, I'm late."
"You are?" She raised a brow.
"Minho. Lee Minho." He said, walking into the class and going up the steps to the back of the classroom, he passed you and your eyes met. He smirked slightly and you made a face, not bothering to watch where he sat.
"I hope you won't be late again, Mr. Lee." The teacher said.
"No promises." He said.
She pursed her lips before continuing her speech about the importance of the class, where to find the resources, the books you'd need, the minimum grade you'd need to pass the final and so on. A snicker made Seungmin look over his shoulder.
Minho was sitting beside a guy with chubby cheeks and big eyes. Han Jisung, who, raised a brow at you and Seungmin as if to ask what.
The teacher kept talking and Minho and Jisung's distractions persisted before finally the teacher, who you now knew as Mrs. Jung snapped. "Gentlemen, is there something that's important enough to interrupt my lesson?"
Minho looked a bit surprised and Jisung blinked a few times.
"No.. ma'am." Minho said tentatively.
"Mr. KIm," Mrs Jung said.
Seungmin looked up a bit confused. "Ma'am?"
"Swap seats with Mr. Lee."
Your mouth fell open, SAY SOMETHING! SAY NO! ASK HER POLITELY TO RETHINK HER DECISION. "Ma'am I really think-" You started.
"As the student body president and one of the three candidates for valedictorian of your graduating class, Y/n, I think you'd be a good influence on Mr. Lee." She reasoned.
Seungmin put his notes in his bag and sighed deeply. "It's fine Y/n, we'll talk later anyway." He went up the steps and waited on Minho to collect his things before sitting next to Jisung.
You looked at Minho as he sat beside you. This was going to be a rough semester.
You went to the student council office after class to handle what Yuna had told you about in the morning and as you set your bag down you bristled, staring at the stack of papers on your desk. The same stack of papers you told Yuna to take to the principal that morning. You sighed and grabbed the papers and left the office, walking briskly down the hall and to the administration office, greeting the schools secretary before setting down the papers in the principal's office.
You went to return to the student council office, pulling out your phone to check over things when you passed the entrance to the arts department. You froze as you saw something in the corner of your eye, looking up to see Hyunjin and a guy in a hoodie.
You raised your hand and opened your mouth to wave but stopped yourself. Who was that guy anyway... You shrugged and went back to the office to handle your things.
You started counting the signatures the other members of the council left on the table, you let out a soft sigh of frustration, for people who complained about it being too much to park on campus, they really, REALLY, did not seem to mind that much.
You went back to your apartment and greeted your roommate, Doyeon, who, was sitting on the couch eating your snacks.
"HEY! Those are mine!" You huffed.
"Are they??!" She looked genuinely shocked.
You rolled your eyes and went to go change before sitting beside her and munching on the snack too.
"Oh, Yeongs-" she started.
"Save it." You said, looking at your phone.
"But he-"
"DODO!" You looked at her. "No. You told me not to be persuaded by him, you shouldn't be either."
"But he seemed genuinely sorry." She muttered.
"He always seems someway." You rolled your eyes and looked back at your phone. You got a notification from instagram suddenly.
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You looked at Doyeon. "Does EVERYONE on campus have my instagram?"
She looked away from the TV, "Why are you asking so suddenly?"
"No reason." You muttered, looking back at your phone before following Minho back. He and his stupid self.
The following day Minho was late, much to your delight, you took notes and listened to the teacher for about the Egyptians and the Romans. Twenty minutes late, Minho strolled into class and sat beside you, not bothering to take out his books or anything.
"Good morning Madam President." He whispered.
"You could at least try to get here on time." You said, quickly scrawling down something Mrs. Jung had said.
"You could at least try to relax sometimes." He shot back rolling his eyes.
"If you're going to be late," You slid the first part of the notes to his side of the desk, "Play catch up."
Minho pursed his lips before sighing and taking the notes, he wrote them down faster than you expected, sliding them back to you after about five minutes and peeking at the sheet you were working on. You didn't say anything until as you were writing, he kicked you under the desk. You looked at him.
He was following along with the teacher as if he hadn't done anything. You rolled your eyes and went back to working. Minho's antics persisted until the and of class and as you were packing up your stuff you turned in a bit of frustration back to your desk to see more papers.
Minho was talking to the girl across the isle, she giggled at something he said and you grabbed the papers and pulled out a folder, arranged it neatly then put it carefully into your bag.
You were about to go when you realized your water bottle wasn't in your bag. You looked around your area for a moment before you clenched your fists at the sight of your bottle in MInho's lap.
You grabbed it and were about to leave when he held up your phone.
"LEE MINHO!" You fumed, grabbing your phone and storming out.
"You seem mad-" Jia said, steering clear of your volcanic rage as you threw your things onto the table.
Some of the members of the council squeaked and took off running.
"I hate Lee Minho." You practically growled as you sat in your chair.
A few days later you had worn a pair of heels for a meeting and they had been hurting your feet. You grimaced slightly while getting your coffee and Hyunjin sighed.
"You don't have to wear those shoes y'know." He sighed.
"I have to build habit." You huffed.
Yet when you got to class you really wished you didn't have to "build habit". But you wouldn't admit Hyunjin was right either. So you suffered through the entirety of class and somehow made it to the student council office. The moment you sat down and sulked over your feet you got a text.
You looked at your phone and rolled your eyes at the sight of Minho's contact. You ignored the "You look like you stepped on a lego" text and tried to turn to your work when another text came to your phone.
"Don't ignore my texts." followed by a "Call down your guard dog."
You stared in confusion for a moment before opening your phone and responding finally.
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You opened the door to see Seungmin glaring at Minho.
"Y/n tell this hooliga-" He started.
"What do you wa-" You interrupted Seungmin only to be cut off by a pair of slippers being thrusted into your face.
"Wear comfier shoes. You look like you've been in pain all day. Idiot." Minho turned on his heel and walked away.
You blinked in shock for a moment. "Did he just.."
"You give her the slippers?" Hyunjin asked as Minho blitzed into the dance studio.
"Yeah..." He relaxed as he realized he was safe. He must've looked like an idiot. But when you were leaving the campus that evening Minho saw you and Seungmin walking to thee latter's car. A small smile came to his face as he saw you were wearing the slippers.
The next few months were packed for you, your teachers piled work on you like there was no tomorrow, and you wrote essay after essay. Business with the student council wasn't much better as Jia got sick with something and the campus tour date was coming closer and closer.
And Minho? Oh how you hated him. You hated the way he walked and talked and how he seemed to understand things without reading too much. You hated how he smirked at you in the hall way and how he got under your skin.
"I'm going to assign you your first project of the semester," Mrs Jung said from the front of the class.
You sucked in a breath and looked at your already stuffed bag, full of books and papers for your other classes.
"You will work in pairs." She said, "The rubric and criteria needed are online, if you have any issues feel free to ask me. I will assign partners now."
You exhaled shakily, Please don't be Minho. Please don't be Minho Please don't be Minho-
"Kim Seungmin and Baek Soojin," She said, "Han Jisung and Park Junho,"
Please don't be Minho!
"Soo Dokyung and Jin Sungwoon."
"L/n Y/n and Lee Minho."
You wanted to die on the spot.
"Woulda look at that prez, we're a team." Minho whispered, smirking at you.
You bit your lip. This wasn't so bad, he seemed pretty good at turning in his stuff on time and was mostly accurate. You had everything under control. You took a deep breath and looked at him. "If this is going to work we need to distribute the work fairly. So, I'll research the fall of the roman empire and you research the rise, we'll have a document to collect references and-" You head throbbed for a moment and you grabbed your forehead.
"Are you okay?" Minho tilted his head, brows furrowing.
You nodded, "I'm fine."
Only you weren't because after class you went to the student council office and sat at your desk.
"Y/N are you okay?" Yuna asked as you held your head, sucking a deep breath before continuing with your work.
"Yeah I'm good." You said taking out your computer and getting ready to work.
"You look a little pale.." She muttered.
You still got to work on your research though, Yuna left after a while, telling you to take care of yourself and relax. Earlier than usual you finally decided to head out, calling a cab and-
"What's the president doing here so late?"
You looked at Minho, who was carrying a duffel bag and his keys. "Work," You said, looking at the road waiting for your cab.
He stared at you for a moment. "Are you okay?"
You turned to him, "Why are you so concerned if I'm alright today? I'm fine, thanks." You said a bit harshly.
He made a face, "You just look really burnt out. It's late, let me give you a ride."
"I already have a ride on the way, Minho," You shut him down fast and he pursed his lips.
"Whatever you say, Madam President." He walked away to the parking lot and you couldn't help but feel a pang in your chest, like you'd gone too far.
Your cab came and you made it back to your apartment, Doyeon was the third person to point out your sickly appearance but the only one who actually made it to feeling your head and gasping at how hot you were.
"What the hell Y/N?! Are you trying to kill yourself?!! Come on!" She dragged you to your bed and made you put your stuff down and change before getting you into bed. "You aren't going anywhere ma'am." She said, "You sit here and get better, Nurse Doyeon will take care of you."
"I'd rather die." You teased.
She pouted, "Meanie."
You rolled your eyes and smiled at your friend, "Thank you Dodo."
"Of course y/nnie."
If you felt like shit at school, that was only the beginning, you whined in pain at your sore throat and Doyeon had to convince you to eat even though it hurt to swallow. After you finally finished the noodles and all the soup Doyeon made you, she made you take medicine for your throat and to reduce your fever before letting you sleep finally.
Only as you were drifting of you thought about history and mentally berated yourself for not studying ahead for the lessons. You were about to grab your laptop when your phone buzzed. A message from Minho.
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Minho stared at his phone for a moment, he thought about how you seemed a but more irritable and pale and how your usual upright, perfect posture was slackened. So he did do his research that night, and looked at his cat Dori, "She's so uptight. It's not fair.."
The cat mewed softly.
"You're right, I'll give her something tomorrow." Minho muttered, "Maybe she's overworking herself. You think she likes pasta? Or maybe I should make her strawberry cake..."
In the morning, Minho was getting ready for class when his phone rang, he pulled his shirt over his head and grabbed it, answering the call.
"Hyunjin?" He said, putting the phone on speaker.
"You coming today? Changbin might come too." Hyunjin said on the other end.
"Y'know I have a project to work on." Minho said fixing his hair in the mirror.
"Man, just a few hours."
"Yeah, nah." Minho said.
"Alright, your loss." He went quiet for a moment, "Did you see Y/n yesterday?"
Minho thought about how you looked so tired the day before. "Yeah."
"I'm a little worried y'know." Hyunjin sighed. "She never says anything when she doesn't feel well. But oh well, we'll see later."
Minho thought about what Hyunjin had said the entire way to class and for once, he was on time, sitting in his seat waiting for you. The classroom filled, the teacher entered, and you... never came.
He fidgeted slightly. Where were you? For the first time since he walked into that history class—much to Mrs. Jung and Seungmin's shock—Minho took notes. He jotted down things that were important and little details on the side, he underlined and highlighted did his best to seperate definitions and dates from key material as he'd seen you do.
After class he went to the student council office. This was abnormal. Where were you? You would never miss class even if you didnt have a ride and had to walk the entire way... in flip flops (as if you ever would) YOU WOULD BE AT SCHO-
"If you're looking for the president she's not here today." The secretary said.
"Why? Is she ok-" Minho started only to stop himself, "No problem."
He went to the arts department to see Hyunjin.
"Thought you weren't coming today?" The long haired man said, taking a hair band between his teeth so he could gather his hair.
"Came to say hi, I've got work to do." Minho shrugged.
"OH, 'cause Y/n isn't here?" Hyunjin giggled as he tied his hair.
Minho made a face. "Really wanna go that way?"
"No sir.." Hyunjin laughed nervously as Jisung and Changbin walked in.
"Minho! You came! Man we c-" Jisung said only to be cut off by Minho patting his head and moving him, hands at his waist.
"I came to say hi," Minho smiled, "I'm going now, I have work to do."
Jisung pouted. "It's cus Y/n is sick isn't it?"
Minho took a deep breath. "I'll see you guys tomorrow?"
When he left he made another copy of his notes in color, hole punched them, and put them in a nice folder before he went to his apartment. He stared at his phone.
"You should text her." Chan said over his shoulder.
"Why would I?" Minho looked at his friend. "Nah." He tossed his phone onto the couch and went to the kitchen and got to work making soup.
Jeongin appeared at his side. "Whatcha making?"
"It's not for you guys." Minho said, rolling his eyes.
"Then who is it for?" Chan said, looking over his shoulder.
"Yeah." Jeongin huffed.
Minho's mouth opened and he closed it again, deciding it was better to not say anything. Somehow he managed to get the food out of the apartment without either man getting it. He drove to your apartment and went up to your floor before raising his hand to knock on the door, he stopped himself.
Stop being an idiot... he thought before knocking on the door and waiting for a moment.
A girl with long hair and big eyes stared at him for a moment. "You are?" She said, leaning against the door frame.
Minho looked at her, "Lee Minho, Y/n's friend."
"Oh?" the woman got in his face. "What exactly makes you think you're Y/n's friend?"
"I- Well-" Minho stuttered.
Minho looked past the woman at you and sucked in a breath, you stood there wearing a pair of pajama pants and a baggy shirt.
"You know this guy?" the woman, Doyeon, questioned, pointing at Minho.
"He's the guy I'm doing the project with." You said, before clearing your throat and coughing in your elbow.
"Eesh, back to bed." Your roommate started ushering you back to your room and motioning for Minho to enter.
He closed the door behind him and put the food down in your kitchen but you pulled away from Doyeon and sat on the couch, arms out towards the man.
Doyeon looked between you for a moment. "I'll uh- Leave y'all to it-"
"Minho give me the damn food." Your eyes narrowed.
He smiled slightly and looked around your kitchen before finding a bowl and spoon with Doyeon's help. He got you some soup and carefully brought it to you.
You took it from him and took a cautious sip, eyes lighting up at the taste of it. "AH! Minho! You saved me! Doyeon's food was going to kill me!"
"HEY!" Your roommate huffed.
Minho laughed. "I'm glad you like it. You could've told me you were sick. We're par- friends no?"
You looked at him for a moment. "Yeah. My fault.."
He shook his head and handed you the folder. "Catch up Madam President."
You looked at the folder for a moment before looking at him, "I- thank you."
Minho somehow managed to suppress the smile that wanted to come to his face. "Yeah, whatever, just make sure you get better, taking notes is hard." He muttered.
You rolled your eyes.
After Doyeon went to bed, Minho persuaded you to also go to sleep, he made you take more medicine for your cough.
"You'll be back tomorrow or the day after?" he asked.
"The day after probably, in case I'm still contagious." You said softly.
He hummed. "I'll take good notes then."
You laughed lightly. "Thank you really.."
"The president can't fall behind because of an illness."
You smiled. "Idiot.."
He smiled gently. "Go to sleep, I'm going to leave before your friend jumps to conclusions."
You huffed a laugh. "Okay."
"Alright... Sleep well Y/nnie." He said as he left your room.
"Good night Min..."
Minho closed your bedroom door and made his way out of your apartment, making sure to lock the door before leaving. He leaned against your door as he closed it. "Dummy..." He muttered. "Relax it's good for you.." He said softly before walking down the hall to the elevator.
You did manage to come in to class the day after and you were immediately greeted by the student council in a bit of disarray because of the upcoming campus tour.
"Excuse me!" You clapped your hands to get the people's attention.
They all looked at you before Yuna jumped on you.
"OH Y/N I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!" She squealed.
"Schedule." You smiled at her.
"Yes ma'am!" She jumped into her her chair and spun for a moment before slamming her hands on her desk. "The high schoolers will be touring our campus the day after tomorrow, on Monday you have your speech in front of the administration and you have a scheduled meeting with a student later.
You nodded.
The people in the room stared at you for a brief moment.
The students started scrambling to get things done and you stood and went to history, greeting your teacher and apologizing for your absence before going to sit beside Minho.
"You're late." He smirked.
You checked your watch, you were three minutes later than usual. "You're suspiciously early."
"It's becoming a habit. You're rubbing off on me." He shuddered slightly.
You pushed him gently and he turned to look at you, as if asking you seriously just shoved him like that.
"I hope you don't rub off on me." You smiled.
Minho rolled his eyes.
Mrs. Jung started class and you kicked off quickly, you had to admit, Minho was a decent note taker.
After class you went to your office and fixed yourself a bit, waiting for the student who wanted to meet you. You opened your lip gloss and were in the middle of applying it to your lips when you heard a voice you dreaded to hear..
"Dolling up for me?"
You froze, looking at your mirror.
"Y/n?" Yeongsu said in a sing-song voice, you felt icky with how he drew your name out slowly, taunting you... "You haven't answered my calls, thought I'd pay you a visit." he grabbed the tiny cat figure you had on your desk.
You closed the mirror and looked at him. "Why are you here?"
"I got worried when I heard you were sick." He sighed, walking around your desk and kneeling, he tried to take your hand in his, "After all, you're my girl.."
You pulled your hand back roughly and glared down at him. "I am not yours. If you have nothing to talk about please leave."
Yeongsu cocked a brow. "I'm not one of your little student council members you can order around, Y/n." He stood.
"Leave." You said more firmly.
He reached his hand out to caress your cheek and you grabbed his wrist.
"Don't touch me," You said through grit teeth, "Leave now."
He stared at you for a long moment and you held your breath. Yeongsu pulled away and rolled his eyes, "You're still so uptight." he muttered, reaching into his pocket and taking out a cigarette. "That's fine," He looked at you. "I like it when you fight back."
You bristled.
He lit the cigarette and took a long drag, exhaling slowly. "If only they knew their perfect president ended up in my be-"
"Get out!" You shouted, springing from your seat so fast it hit the wall with a loud bang.
Jia opened the door to the office at that sound and stared in shock at Yeongsu.
He smirked taking another drag in the silence, exhaling and then whispering, "You're not all that amazing, Madam President."
You stared at your desk, trembling with rage as he walked out of the room.
"Y/n.." Seungmin ran in and stared at Yeongsu as he left before running to you. "Y/n-"
"Open the windows.." You muttered, the smoke choking you, no, the thought of that bastard choking you.
"Wh-" Jia started.
"Open a damn window!" You shouted before falling into your seat, burying you face in your hands. "Please..."
Seungmin ran to the side of the room and began opening the windows.
You took a few deep breaths, "Let's get ready for the tour..."
While finalizing the plans for the tour, Jia and Yuna left before you as most of the council did, you sent emails to the schools that would be coming and arranged for food for the students. You were so engrossed in your work you didn't notice the sky darkening and were only pulled out of your grind by the rumble of thunder.
You looked out the window as rain droplets started pelting against the window. "Crap." You looked around your desk for an umbrella and cursed as you found nothing in its usual spot.
You grabbed your stuff and shoved it into your bag before heading to the front of the school, you opened your phone about to call a cab.
"Y/nnie never has a ride does she?"
You turned and stared at Minho.
He smiled, holding up his keys.
In the car the only sounds there were was the sound of the window wipers and the quiet music on the radio.
"Let's go to my place, it's closer." He reasoned.
You looked at him. "Yeah, okay."
When you got to Minho's apartment he got out with the umbrella before going to your side and shielding you from the rain as you walked in. The elevator ride was quiet. Too quiet so you said, "We're going to keep researching."
"Yeah." He said, "Uh- My friends hang around here often. Don't mind them too much, they're a little um.. rowdy."
You nodded, "I don't mind."
Only when you got to the apartment you were surprised to see not one or two friends but three men and three cats.
One of the men looked up from something he was eating, "Minho, who's the girl?"
"Minho brought a girl home!?" A man with very chubby cheeks who you recognized immediately as Jisung poked his head out of a room, he froze when he saw you before laughing lightly and going back into the room.
"He did?!" A familiar voice said in shock.
You looked at Chan one of the fraternity presidents.
He looked at you, then Minho and back at you, "How did this happen?"
"RIGHT!?" Jisung called.
"We're here to work on a project!" Minho huffed, "Please.
"OHH!" The muscular man at the table looked a bit shocked for a moment. "We'll leave then, yea?"
"Yeah.." Minho rolled his eyes as Jisung and Chan came out of wherever they were and gathered their stuff.
As they were leaving the muscular man shouted, "USE PROTECTION!"
Your face got hot and you turned to the door.
"CHANGBIN!" Minho shouted.
"SORRY! Leaving now!" He called back before he finally left.
You looked at him. "Let's get to work shall we?"
He laughed slightly and motioned to the sitting area.
"Your cats are cute." You said as a dark colored striped cat came up to you.
"That's Dori." he said as you pet the cat. "Soonie." He motioned to a white and orange cat laying on the floor, "Doongie." He pointed at the last cat which was walking over to Minho.
"The names are cute." You hum as you let Dori run off.
"Someone called them old fashioned..." Minho rolled his eyes.
"No one important. Let's get to work."
For the most part you and Minho worked very diligently and then your phone buzzed, you gave it a glance before it buzzed again and you frowned turning it on its face to ignore it. It buzzed again and you huffed, grabbing the device.
You saw the instagram messages and rolled your eyes.
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You hum and put your phone down.
"What?" Minho asks.
"Nothing." You shrug.
Parties with Hae-joo were... a lot... especially since Hae-joo was such good friends with Yeongsu.. 'For old times sake' worried you. Did Yeongsu put her up to it?
You jumped as Minho flicked your cheek. "HEY!"
"Pay attention." He rolled his eyes.
You hummed and looked back at your work.
"Is there any particular place you like?" Minho looked up from his computer.
"Not really no." You shrugged. "Maybe my bed."
He rolled his eyes. "The beach?"
"Never been." You said looking at your computer.
"HUH!?" he blinked in shock. "It's like an hour away!"
"I never have time I'm always working or sleeping. or both." You laughed lightly. "I didn't live too close to a beach when I was a kid either."
"I'll take you one day."
You stopped typing. "You serious? I don't need to go-"
"Its really pretty there. At the beach I mean.. especially at night."
You noticed the way he smiled slightly.
"Friend of mine took me and" He sat up and started typing. "It's just really nice."
"I'll consider visiting." You laughed.
That night Minho was scrolling on instagram when he got a message from Jisung.
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The first thing Minho thought about was how the heck YOU of all people would actually go to a party like that.
The tour began early, the moment the high schoolers arrived you made sure everyone was on their best behavior. As you showed the students around the classrooms and lecture hall, you noticed him watching you from his seat in his accounting class.
Yeongsu was watching you as you told the high schoolers about the class before motioning for them to follow you out. You came to your history class and greeted Mrs. Jung, explaining the touring high schoolers and then you explained the class and it content and why it was a mandatory class.
"We'll continue now," You said about to leave, as you ushered the students out, Minho came down from his seat and grabbed your arm gently.
"Are you coming over later?" He asked.
You blinked a bit stunned, "No, I have to get ready for my meeti-"
He made a face, "We need to finish the project,"
"We have a few more days. It's fine." You smiled and pulled away.
"Is he your boyfriend?" One of the high schoolers asked.
Your mouth fell open, "I-"
Minho looked at you and smirked, "She's a very close friend, we're not dating."
"Oh," the student said.
You cringed as one of the girls gave Minho her number on a slip of paper. "Let's continue."
Minho looked at you and laughed lightly.
After classes you were in the student council office and you decided to visit Hyunjin in the dance studio. You opened the door and blinked a few times in confusion at someone fixing Hyunjin's stance.
"It's ugly." The person said. That voice was familiar...
"AGH! HOW!" Hyunjin fumed.
"Stand like this!" The person stood the supposed proper way.
"THATS HOW I W-" Hyunjin's mouth froze as he saw you.
"What?" Minho stared at you in shock for a moment.
"You like dancing?" You smiled slightly.
Hyunjin grinned devilishly behind Minho and tried to run away but the older man grabbed him and dragged him back.
"Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Is that a problem prez?"
You made a face. "No. Not at all. You should teach me sometime." You walked around a bit. "I just came to say hi... I'll go. Leave you guys to fix that."
Hyunjin tried to pull away from Minho who held him tightly by the forearm. "SAVE ME!" He mouthed.
You rolled your eyes and left.
At the party, it wasn't surprising that majority of the students were acting like it was a club, you squeezed through the crowd and looked around a bit.
"Ain't no way the president herself came to a party like this."
You turned and rolled your eyes at your friend Hongjoong, "Long time no see."
"How could you ever see any of us if you're always cooped up in that student council office?" A tall dark-haired man threw an arm around Hongjoong.
"You act like I'm there 24/7 Hwa." You laughed.
"We never see you anymore." He shrugged, "You don't want to associate with the riffraff of your past huh?"
"You aren't riffraff," You sighed, grabbing a soda from a table as you continued walking, "I just decided to grow up a bit."
The loud music shook the whole house and you felt it vibrating through you as you walked. You opened the soda can and took a quick sip.
You turned to the voice and smiled at Hae-joo, "Hey."
She hugged you, "Didn't think you'd actually come..."
"I didn't either, looking for a fr-" You stopped half way through your sentence and stared at Yeongsu, who was smoking in the corner with his guys, staring at you.
Hae-Joo's eyes followed yours. "He won't bother you, I made him promi-"
"Since when has he kept a promise." You took another sip of your soda.
"Come on, everyone's waiting for you." Hae-joo dragged you to the kitchen, all your old friends were there, laughing and smiing and drinking.
San was the first to notice you. "Y/N" He put down his drink and hugged you tightly.
"Hey! Hey-" You squeaked as everyone else piled on you.
"Give the girl a break. You'll crush her." Yunho rolled his eyes and smiled, "Good to see you."
You and your friends caught up when you noticed him as he walked in with Jisung and Chan. You left your friends for a moment and started walking over to him. His dark eyes met yours through the crowd and your heart skipped a beat.
He walked over to you and laughed slightly as he looked you over, "First time I've seen you dressed in something other than business casual or pajamas."
You made a face, "I'm not always dressed business casual."
"You always look uptight." He motioned to the crop top. "It's a good look on you."
Your face got hot and he looked at someone talking to him for a moment. You left Minho there and went back to your friends, you huffed as you noticed they were no longer in the kitchen.
You picked up your soda and took a sip after you finished the can you noticed that your head felt a little foggy like you were drunk. You stumbled slightly, it was a fucking soda. Unless.. you cursed under your breath, why had you left it unattended.
You stumbled and almost fell over, someone caught you and you were about to apologize when you saw the tattoo on his wrist and pulled away.
"Y/n, are you alright?" Yeongsu reached for you and you shook your head. You needed to leave, you needed to find Minho.
You pushed past the sweaty, dancing bodies and found tipsy Hyunjin and Chan.
"Y/n?" Chan stood, completely alert suddenly, "You drank?"
You shook your head, "Where's Minho?"
"I haven't seen him, do you need to lea-"
You pulled away and ran looking around you went up the steps and looked around at the drunk students, then as you entered a room you saw them. Minho, Jisung, and several other people you didn't recognize, you're heart stopped as you took in the position Minho was in.
A girl sat on his lap, taking turns with him at a cigarette. You watched as the smoke clouded up as Minho exhaled. The girl giggled and was practically rubbing herself all over him. Your breath picked up and you felt tears clouding your vision.
Minho looked at the door and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of you. Your eyes met and you shook your head before you took off running.
Minho came out of the room looking around the party. Where had you run off to.. You weren't the type to drink. At least he didn't think you were. You looked scared.
"Y/N!" He pushed past some people in the party then he heard someone.
"Y/N JUST RAN OFF!" a guy groaned.
Minho turned slowly.
"YEONGSU!" Hyunjin...?
Minho stared at his friend who had another guy by the collar.
"What did you do?" Hyunjin said lowly.
"My friend put something in her drink nothing bad-"
Minho saw red. "WHAT!?"
Hyunjin released Yeongsu and backed up as Minho stalked towards them.
Yeongsu stared at Minho, "What? You want to fight me? I didn't think she'd run out like th-"
Minho punched him hard.
You lay in bed staring at your ceiling as your phone rang for what felt like the hundredth time, maybe it was, you weren't counting.
"Girl.." Doyeon whispered as she walked into your room with (fav flavor) ice cream. "What happened?"
"Maybe I'm stupid, Doyeon..." You muttered.
Doyeon looked at your phone as it rang again, Minho's contact flashing across the screen. "Did he-"
"Him and Yeongsu aren't that different." You rolled away from her.
"Y/n.." Doyeon hugged you, "You don't need a guy, you've got me and Jia and Yuna... Hell even your guy friends."
You stared blankly at the wall.
"Y'know what, we're going to cheer you up, right now." She dragged you into a sitting position and opened the tub of ice cream, "The student council president is the strongest most independent woman I know, and she is the last person to beat herself up over a boy."
You stared at your friend. "Y-Yeah."
"Come on." She held up two spoons, "We can watch that show you wanted to try."
You walked into the student council office the following Monday and sat in your chair. "Yuna, schedule."
"We have a general meeting today and that's it." She said.
"Uh huh."
Jia's computer dinged. "You have a student meeting today."
"Schedule it for after lunch." You said, you walked into history class and turned in your paper on the Roman empire, you felt a twist in your gut, Minho wrote this with you.
You went to your seat and pulled out your computer, as class began you took notice of how Minho wasn't late... he never came.
You pushed down the worry in your gut and dragged yourself to lunch then the student council office. On your way you saw Jisung in the hall, he looked at you for a moment before turning back to the person he spoke to. You got into your office and stared at your phone, the notifications from Minho had piled up,you scrolled through the message notifications of "I'm sorry", "Answer", and "We need to talk".
You put your phone down as the door opened and you stared at Yeongsu. He smirked as he closed the door, "Heard your little boyfriend had a bit of trouble." You noticed the black eye he had.
Trouble... what trouble could Minho be in? "He's not my boyfriend," You said. "What can I do for you, Yeongsu?"
"Come on Y/n. Let's think logically here, you like when I do that." He walked around the desk and behind your chair. "Minho is in the same boat I am, maybe he's got a little heart. Maybe he's tryna crawl out of the pit we're in. But the same way you went to that party after you said you were done with us, he's fucking around with other girls because it's in his mind. You can take the person away from their habit. But you can't take the habit away from a person, Y/n..."
You stared at your desk. "What do you know..." You muttered as you looked at your phone on the desk. A notification from Jisung came on the screen.
"Huh?" he turned your chair to face him. "Think about it Y/n, you came back, you haven't changed deep down and neither has he."
"What do you know?" You looked up at him speaking a bit louder.
"I'm asking 'What do you know?' what do you know about change that I don't? For you to educate me?" You stood and glared at him. "I'm different, I'm uptight, I'm reserved, I don't trust anyone! But I trust him. I've seen him change, I know he's not perfect, he's tempted all the time, he makes mistakes! He's human. He's more human than you will ever be." You pointed a finger in Yeongsu's face and said lowly. "So don't tell me he'll never be better. Leave." You pointed to the door.
Yeongsu stared down at you. "You think he's that good for you huh.."
Your eyes narrowed.
He didn't say anything more and left the room. You stood there and shakily exhaled before grabbing your phone and looking at the messages from Jisung.
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You ran as fast as you could to the front of the school and called a cab, when it arrived the guy looked at you in the rearview mirror. "Where to?"
"Beach please.." You said frantically.
"Lady the beach is like an hour from here-"
You threw a wad of twenties to the front of the car. "Is that enough?"
The guy opened his mouth then closed it before turning on the engine again and looking at you, "Buckle up."
You gave him another twenty, "Make it fast."
When you got to the parking you waved the driver off and looked around, you ran to the sand and searched. You ran a bit and stumbled looking around you moved to get your phone and called Minho. It went straight to voicemail and you screamed running further into the beach looking for him, anything, his car, his jacket, anything..
You fell and gasped as you noticed that your heels were digging into the back of your ankle. You sat down and stared at your phone, the last message from Minho was from the morning. You took off your shoes and winced. Remembering how Minho had given you those slippers and told you to wear more comfortable shoes.
Your eyes filled with tears as you called him again, it went straight to voicemail. You were about to throw your phone into the sand when you heard the soft sound of sound shifting beneath someone's feet.
"Didn't I tell you to wear comfier shoes.." Minho said softly, he kneeled in front of you, taking your feet gently in his hands.
You stared at him, tears starting to fall from you eyes, "I was rushing.."
He looked up at your face and smiled softly. "You crying prez?"
You wiped your face and punched him. "I WAS WORRIED!"
"I thought you didn't want to see me anymore, I messed up, you wer-"
You kissed him hard.
He blinked in shock for a moment as you pulled away.
"Don't scare me like that!" You punched his chest again.
"I'm sorry.." He whispered. "For everything."
You stared at him for a moment before hugging him tightly. "I hate you."
He smiled and hugged you back. "I love you, too.."
Minho picked you up on his back and carried you back to where he parked his car. He got you in and drove to a small convenience store, buying you bandages for your feet and some slippers. He sat you on a bench outside and carefully put the bandages on the blisters on your feet.
You watched him for a while. "Who was that girl..."
"Which girl?" He looked up for a moment.
"The one who was on your lap." You muttered.
He looked up at you. "Y/n," he looked apologetic. "I don't even know her..."
You smiled slightly, "So she isn't important?"
He smiled. "Were you jealous?"
"NO!" You looked away, cheeks burning.
"I like someone a lot more than a random hoe.." He put the slippers on your feet.
You spun to look at him. "Who?"
He rolled his eyes and stood, bending to be eye level with you. "You, Madam President." He kissed your forehead gently.
You stared at him.
"It's late, let's go back, hm?" he helped you to your feet and led you back to the car.
You finally checked your phone after it buzzed for what felt like the millionth time.
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"Do you want to go back?" Minho looked at you, before looking back at the road, "We have class tomorrow."
"I already turned in the paper." You said, putting your phone down. "We can go back tomorrow.."
Minho looked at your hands on the console, "Yeah..." He reached over and took your hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze.
You walked into the student council office to see Jia and Yuna talking to Yeongsu.
He noticed your presence first and quickly got up. "Y/N!" He walked over to you, reaching for you.
You took a step back. "Explain." You looked at the girls.
"We thought he'd know where you were." Jia said.
"Where were y-" Yuna started.
"With me." Minho walked in and smiled at Yeongsu.
Yuna and Jia stared at you.
Yeongsu opened his mouth to say something but stopped as Minho put an arm around you.
"You are?" He stared at Yeongsu.
Yeongsu closed his mouth and walked out.
Seungmin looked at Yeongsu walking out as he walked in, took in the sight in front of him and rounded on his heel. "Good luck with that."
"I KNEW IT!" Yuna pointed at you two.
You rolled your eyes.
"Coffee?" Minho whispered in your ear, "You don't want to be late."
"Why so uptight?" You raised a brow at him.
He rolled his eyes and smiled as he dragged you out.
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© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK
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@asahisimpnation, @seolarsonlyloveisyou, @leeknowsnot @oddracha @bubblespop
@palindrome969 @armystay89 @bubblerizz @igetcarriedawaywithyou @hot-emotional-mess
@seungminindabuilding @ot8 @Rylea08
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661 notes · View notes
yndrgrl · 6 months
yandere! dabi x fem reader?
you're a fool to think that you could trick japan's no. 1 mafia boss, yandere! dabi , & get away with it
long ass fic. crime lord x spy. quirkless! au. heavily tatted! dabi lmaooo. extra dark romance. fem! reader. ooc! dabi. picture "diet mountain dew" playing, thanks. manz is OBSESSED obsessed.
warnings: nsfw, depictions of extreme/hardcore sex, sex slavery, obsessive behavior, making "movies," mentions of heavy stalking & panty stealing, sex in front of his men, sadism, reader passes out, light knifeplay,
a/n: uhhh is this too much (i hope not cuz i have a couple more hardcore ones cooking) 😭 also look, i'm finally doing the requests that are long overdue... my fault, g.
"boss, she's here," one of dabi's goons said after he knocked on the large, mahogany door. there was shuffling, laughter, then a muffled "send her in," that followed.
"you heard the man," the other shrugged, opening the door for you. after you, they followed into the room.
your heart was pounding out of your chest & there was a violent ringing in your ear. your breathes were shallow & shaken, yet you had to maintain a calm composure because, in the eyes of japan's most notorious criminal mastermind, you were merely a recruiter for his mob. you're playing the part as a low-life thug/seductress who's in desperate need of money.
of course, that's not the case. you had a good head on your shoulders. you were working for japan's government, a special operation unit ran by a sergeant dubbed "endeavor." your mission is to gather information, find out their next big drug trade, & bust it while keeping your head down. & honestly, it's been going well. you were prepared to fight off dabi's goons left & right because, well... you're a woman, & they are horny, egotistical assholes.
however, none of them approached you. all of them looked scared of you, actually. you felt like a badass, but it was also compromising your mission. how in god's name are you supposed to collect intel of no one will talk with you?
"(y/n), baby, please have a seat," said dabi, snapping you out of your thoughts. you didn't know if you should smile or stay stoic, but your nerves got the better of you & your lips curled upwards.
"yes, sir," you said back. you allowed yourself to notice him, his features. he wore a suit, presumably to look professional even though it just made him look intimidating. with his jet black hair, bags under his piercing blue eyes, & pale skin littered with ink, he had an aura around him, & there's no wonder why or how he's gotten so powerful. his tattoos that were visible to you were mainly on his face & on his hands; there was a bold line stretching ear to ear, dipping in the crevasse of his mouth. it made him look like he had a smile. under the bold line were more intricate tattoos-- flowers, thorns, knives, the works.
"please, call me whatever your heart desires, princess," he purred, & the doors of his lavish office slammed shut. there was no reception in this part of his headquarters, you've already checked. you tried reasoning with your worries, telling yourself that there was no way you've been caught, you haven't even talked to anyone!
you replied, "i am anything but a princess, sir."
"sticking with sir?" he questioned, & you nodded, then he continued, "you can be anything you want to be, no?"
"in the perfect world, i guess i could," you said with furrowed brows. why were you in here exactly?
"no, no, no. that's not what i mean."
"my apologies, what did you mean?" you asked, fighting yourself not to fidget. fidgeting means that your nervous, being nervous means you've done something you're not supposed to, & you haven't dont anything wrong.
"i mean, you," he pointed at you, dragging the word longer than he had to, "you. can be anything you want." he was met with a calculating silence. the hairs on the back of your neck stood tall.
finally, you questioned, "why am i here, sir? i'm just a... you know, a concubine." that was your role.
"oh, are you now? what exactly are you doing for my company?" he leaned forward, his face resting in the palm of his hand. he looked bored, yet there was a twinkle in his eyes that said otherwise. it finally sunk in what kind of position you are in. there are two men guarding the only exit, there are three armed men standing behind dabi, & the infamous crime lord himself was sitting across from you, only a desk length away.
"i'm sending men your way so you can grow you um.. company," you told him, & that was the story you're sticking with.
dabi, with a smirk, muttered under his breath with a laugh, "you're fuckin' priceless, doll." with a clear voice this time, he asked, "has anyone touched you?"
what kind of question is that? "yes, sir." no, no one has, you were lying.
he still had a smirk on his face, his bright blue eyes drilling into yours. he fished something in his pocket, his eyes still glued on you. in your head, you kept screaming it was a gun or a knife, he was going to shoot you point blank, you're about to die-
"why do you look so scared, hun?" taunted dabi, finally throwing his hand out of his pocket, & you flinched. this is it, he's about to kill you with a... lighter? wait. he snapped his fingers with the hand that his face was resting on. one of his henchmen quickly handed him something. lighting it, he sneered, "it's just a cigarette~"
he inhaled deep, & blew out a puff a of grey smoke your direction. "you're so jumpy, babe."
"i'm just confused why i'm here is all," you swallowed, your eyes watering slightly because of the smoke.
"i'm considering you for a promotion," he said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.
"a promotion?"
"yeah, you could call it that. instead of being some recruiter-prostitute, how does 'dabi's little housewife slut' sound instead? nice ring to it, huh?" he said, breathing in the tobacco & studying your expression.
"i-i'm sorry?" you coughed out, shocked.
"you can be anything, can't you? that's your whole job, am i wrong?" he questioned, eyes darkening. his playful demeanor was gone, & something more sinister glossed over his expression.
"i'm not sure what you mean-" you were cut off by his fist slamming down on his desk, the things on it vibrating & falling off.
"(y/n), do you think i'm stupid?"
"n-no, of course not, sir!" you tried to reason, maybe he was upset about something else.
"do you think i'm fuckin' stupid?" the man scowled, standing up to his feet. his henchmen gripped their weapons tighter, their backs just a bit more straighter. oh, he knew.
"i don't think you're stupid, sir. you're a smart man, i know that-"
"though your flattery gets me hard, it's unwanted right now, doll," dabi told you as he walked towards you while you were just sitting there, your hands on your lap. you picked the dirt from under your nails, the balls of your feet grinding the vintage rug underneath you. your eyes were trained on him in fear that, if you looked away, he'd pounce.
under your breath, you repeated unsure, "hard?" you didn't mean to say anything, it just slipped out. suddenly, as he was standing directly on your side, he gripped the arms of your chair & forced it to turn. he caged you between him & the chair, him bent down so his face was only inches away from you. you could smell the smoke on his breath, his expensive cologne, & faint iron smell-- whether it was blood or gunpowder, you didn't want to find out.
"you're so bold, spying on me~ i didn't think you'd actually accept the job, yet here you are, thinking you are just so clever, huh?" he laughed in your face, but his tone was still deep.
"y-you know?" you stuttered out, eyes wide. he was so close to you, he was a killer with no remorse, that's what they told you before you took this mission. you've heard it all before, & you've taken guys like him down, but they've never caught on to you. you had no plan, all you could do is hope that your crew knew your location.
"of course i know, (y/n)~ i know so much about you, & i must say, i'm such a fan," he started, looking at you up and down. you weren't cowering away from him, but you also weren't confident. you were going to try something, he knew it. "i'm honored to be your next big case. it's such a shame you won't be completing your mission though."
you swallowed thickly, & you gave him your best don't-fuck-with-me glare you could muster. "what now then? you caught me, you gonna kill me now?" you barked, hoping to intimidate him. instead, you were met with a bone chilling smile.
he chuckled, brushing his fingers through his wild hair, "oh no, sweetheart, i'm afraid you don't understand~" you started to search for something under your skirt-your gun- when he tightly gripped your wrist. "don't," he warned as he matched your glare.
the firm grasp you had on your gun loosened & it fell on the floor. he kicked it towards one of his men, who swiftly unloaded the mag & tossed it in the trash. "if it's information you want, you're not getting it outta me."
"wrong again, you get one more chance."
"would you stop fucking with me!?" you screamed at him, ready to oppose anything he wanted you to do. he gripped your chin, his fingers squishing your cheeks together, & your hands shot up & held his wrist as you tried to wriggle out.
"watch your mouth when you talk to me," he warned, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him. "such a dirty mouth. if you were anyone else, i would've shot you instantly. consider yourself lucky."
"shtawp! le'me go!" you muttered through your puckered up lips, & surprisingly, he listened. once he let you go, you through yourself back into the chair to create as much distance as possible (it wasn't much). "wh-what are you going on about, dabi?"
"i thought i was, 'sir,' doll? what happened? we friends now?" he teased. the man gave you a fake pout & an eye roll.
"you wish. now answer me. what are you t-" he locked eyes with you once again, & you stumbled over your words, "t-talking about?"
he let out a dark chuckle, kneeling in front of you so his face was nearly resting on your lap. "princess, haven't you notice something weird has been happening ever since you took down shigiraki almost a year ago? don't you always feel like you're never alone? things appear in your car out of nowhere? your panties go missing from your apartment? haven't you ever wondered why you always feel so uneasy no matter where you are?"
your expression shifted from confused to terrified.
"you think you're all alone when you're scrubbing those perfect tits in the shower, huh? you really put on a show f'me when you masterbate. so fuckin' nasty, you know. i would love to know who's on your mind when you fingerfuck yourself," he said, licking his lips. his suit pants were tight enough that it was hard to miss the growing bulge. your eyes were teary out of embarrassment. "but i think i know who's on your mind when you do such dirty things."
"y-you don't know anything. m-my crew will be here soon o-once they realize i-i've been caught!" you fought, yet he had no care in the world. he through open your legs & tsked. you were told to wear a short skirt to "make it more believable," & now you're regretting everything. you tried to press your hands in between your thighs to block your clothed pussy out of his curious gaze.
"do you think so? cuz i think that they've completely forgetten about you 'cuz someone gave endeavor an anonymous tip on where my next drug deal will be held. i think that's more important than some captured spy, to be honest," he told you, "besides -men, hold her down- i have a feeling you actually really want this."
his goons, as they were told, held your wrists to the arms of the chair while another stood behind you, his gun looming just barely in the line of your vision. your legs were spread, & your arms were restrained. you thrashed as dabi's hot touch trailed up your calf to your inner thigh. your face was red hot in anger & flushed in shame. to fit your role, you wore a dark purple thong. your body betrayed you, a wet spot staining your panties. "st-stop! you-you're under arrest!"
"i-i-i am! oh n-no! wh-whatever will i do?!" he mocked, & his men laughed like he was some comedian. "please, (y/n), love, drop the fuckin' act. it's cute & all, but i'd rather you'd just stop pretending, i want you to enjoy this as much as i'm going to~" he faux pleaded, but he knew, either way, you were going to love it eventually. he heard your sighs of content whenever you read 'good guy x bad guy' spicy romances, he recorded you moaning his name when you first got assigned to this case.
"i-i really won't tell anyone, p-please let me go," you begged, watching him stand up & take off his blazer. he threw off his tie, unbuttoned his white dress shirt, revealing his toned, tatted body. every part of his torso, chest, & arms were inked with dark grey tattoos. on his left pec was your initials in some fancy, grand font-- except it was a fleshy pink. a healed scar.
"you like it? or are you scared? i can't really tell," dabi questioned, leaning close to you. his guard's hands were replaced by his. "(y/n), if you tell me to stop nicely, maybe i will. granted, i'll lock you up until you're ready, but i'd wait. so tell me, with that dirty mouth of yours, what do you want?"
"uhm... w-what are you talking about?" you tried to avoid his inquiries, it shamed you to say the least. if you were to say what you wanted -what you truly wanted- you'd betray your country. you didn't want to answer.
"now, or later?" he repeated, tapping your wrist. "i'm gonna need to hear you say somethin' or i'll just do whatever i want, & trust me; you won't be able to handle it."
you were silent, your eyes darted from his icy ones, to his cold lips, to his tattooed body, & back to his eyes. avoidant, maybe that's all you have to do. he'll get bored of someone quiet, no?
"(y/n)~ sweetheart~ you're making a bad choice by keeping your mouth shut, unless that's what you want. you want me to use you, hm?" he teased, biting his lip afterward. dabi knew that look you were giving him because it's the one he gives you all the time. pure, primal lust. intrigue. but mostly lust.
you opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. your heart was beating out of your chest, your voice caught onto your throat. you pondered, just for a moment, & you let your impulse control the outcome; you stayed silent.
after shutting your mouth, dabi smirked devilishly. "you've made your choice, remember that. so don't get too mad at me, 'kay? i give you permission to enjoy this as much as you want, but you probably didn't need my permission," he snickered. the man didn't even let you answer before capturing your rosy lips with his.
his kisses were intense, rough, yet so, so needy for you. in between pants & kisses, he whispered things like, "i've held myself back f' you," &, "god, fuckin' finally." your wrists were once again restrained by his henchmen, while his hands wandered around your body. as one hand cup your precious face, the other groped your tits through your clothes. if one shifted around your neck, the other one would be gripping your hips, bruising you already.
his pierced tongue explored your mouth. saliva dripped from the corners of your mouth, dribbling down your chin. his tongue was down your throat as he choked you. your spine jolted when two, long fingers began to ghost up and down your pussy, pushing a little harder over your clothes clit. he hooked the front part of your thong & pulled up. you let out a muffled scream as your panties disappeared in between your pussy lips. they were drenched in your arousal, & now you started leaking onto your skirt & his chair.
he finally released you from his kiss, your lungs burning. you let in a few shallow breaths before dabi bit your neck. he still had your thong wrapped around his finger, & every so often, he would pull upwards, & a scream of pained pleasure would follow in suit. bite marks & hickeys covered your neck. "all mine~" he purred, licking your tender neck.
"let's get these fuckin' clothes off'a ya," snarled dabi through gritted teeth. it was like opening a present for him. he tore through your t-shirt with ease, not even bothering undressing you all the way so the fabric just hung off of your shoulders. he suddenly fished a knife out of his pocket & cut your bra off of your body. he glided the dull side between the valley of your breasts, down to your heaving stomach. he shoved your mini skirt up around your waist & he cut off your soaked thong.
"fuckin' hell, babe. i've been dreaming about this," he groaned, stabbing the blade into his wooden desk. dabi squeezed your plush thighs, his handprints bruised on your skin. what was strange was how his men acted while the two of you were intimate; they were stoic & unwavering, their hardened faces expressionless.
they were under dabi's complete control, & that's just how he is. he knows how to get people on his side, he knows when they're interested, that's why he's such an influential man. "you really thought you could trick me?" he barked, pulling his leather belt out of his pants' loops. he fastened the belt around your wrists. "poor, little (y/n)~ all hot & bothered in front of the enemy~" with your hands bound, your legs were put onto the arms of the chair. once again, you were restrained by his men. ashamed & -quite honestly- turned on, you were splayed out on the chair, legs spread & pussy throbbing.
he undid the button on his pants, & they fell to the floor. his boxers were soon to follow. you were gawking his member, you couldn't help it. it's the biggest, thickest, you've ever been with in your life.
a smug, toothy grin stretched on his face as he watched your reaction. "you look shocked, doll," he noticed. dabi stood right in front of you, the tip of his cock gently slapping your clit. the contact made you jolt every time. "you've never been with someone like me, huh? that's why you're so quiet?"
you nodded sheepishly while you stared up at him with your doe eyes. he coated himself in your arousal before lining himself up with your entrance. dabi, in such a hushed tone it almost sounded sweet, cooed, "it's a shame i'm gonna use that perfect body. i want you to remember you chose this."
"y-yes sir, i-i remember," you replied back. when he whispered in your ear, it sent electricity up your spine, & you'd subconsciously arch your back.
he placed a firm kiss on your jaw, & he praised, "that's my girl~" dabi slid past you folds, diving himself into your entrance. he let out a throaty groan as he through his head back. his adam's apple bobbed, his hair becoming even more disheveled. dabi wasn't a man known for his slow, savory approach; his gentle demeanor was short-lived. he forced his cock into your dripping hole balls-deep. you let out a breathy scream, eyes widen for a second.
dabi towered over you, muscles flexed with every thrust. he pounded you into the chair that, with every thrust, you felt the chair legs wobble underneath you. he shooed his guards away from you because, in all honesty, you were not getting away from him. he's wanted you for too damn long, he's been patient enough.
honestly, it surprised him how slow you were taking the mission. you were behind enemy lines for months, you'd think that you would want to spend the least amount of time there as possible. it's no matter though, he has you right where he wants you. "aren't you worried, (y/n)? you're so quick to trust me," he pointed out in between his harsh thrusts.
every jerk made your tits bounce; he was fucking you so hard that your hearing became fuzzy. he kept hitting your g-spot over & over with the same roughness. "mnh~ t-too fast~ ngh-ahh," you whimpered. did he say something? if he didn't, you didn't even notice. it just was so overwhelming. even though you couldn't keep your mind straight, dabi still kept fucking you like you were some sex doll.
what snapped you back to reality was when a snap echoed off the walls, & your elevation changed. there was a pressure against your chest & a slight pain your back that was soon stretched out. the chair broke from beneath you. your head was cupped by dabi's tattooed hand. he laid flush against you while he folded you in half. your knees were to your chest & your legs rested on his broad shoulders.
at this angle, you could feel his cock in your stomach pumping in & out of your pussy. you let out a scream of pleasure as you begged, "sl-slow down! c-can't handle it!"
"aww~ i'm so sorry, doll face. i can't do that for you. maybe next time though," he joked as though he wasn't pounding you into oblivion. tears of overstimulation & slight frustration welled in your eyes. it was like you were cursed to overwhelming pleasure & moaning out his name forever.
god, did he have stamina. after an hour of raw fucking, he flipped in so many different positions. after the mating press, he put you into missionary with a tight grip on your plush hips. your arousal stained his expensive carpet, not that he cared because he'll just hire someone to clean it.
while he missionary, he let out a hearty groan, & his voice broke for a second. he held you tight as he drained his cum inside of your weeping hole. you thought that would be the end, but he took only a moment to breath before flipping you over to fuck you from behind.
ass in the air, back arched, & your face pressed against the ground, you saw stars that began to cloud your already-blurry vision. he rubbed your sensitive clit while he pumped his cock in & out of gorgeous, pitiful you. you whined for an ounce of sympathy. it was your first mistake thinking he was a normal man, & your second mistake was staying quiet when he so-graciously gave you a choice on how you wanted him.
"you're taking me so well, doll~" he praised with kisses on your arched back. you clenched around him when he said that, & his brow quirked up. "oh? you like that? you're squeezing so tight after i said that," he laughed. "you're such a pretty girl, all cock drunk just f'me~"
"st-stop it, you're b-being so-so mean," you sniffled but you didn't actually mean it... you were kind of a brat, but that's a secret you'd never tell. xoxo.
once you said that, he went more rough than before-- something you didn't realize was possible. you've creamed on his cock more times than you could count on your fingers with both your hands, yet he's only ejaculated once. the white stars started out as tiny dots, yet every time you came on dabi's thick, hard cock, they grew bigger. "g-gunna, i'm g-gunna... cu.. cum," you droned, letting the white stars overtake your vision, & all the sounds you hear became nothing more than a buzz. the only thing you could hear is dabi's laughter as you slowly slipped from consciousness. you squirted all over his cock -something you've never done before- then passed out. you went completely limp as subconscious sighs of pure hormonal ecstasy mixed with your heaving breath.
"uh oh, someone couldn't handle it," dabi tutted, yet he was still relentless as ever, make good of his promise to use you however he pleased. "what time is it?" he called out, & one of his men answered.
"hmm... i think it's about time for the show to begin then~" dabi said, petting your knotted hair as he scratched your scalp (all while he's still inside you, mind you). he came all over your ass a few moments later, then he carried you to his leather couch.
"where the fuck are we?" endeavor muttered as he stood in front of an abandoned movie theater.
"this is where the tip said dabi would be," his right hand man, hawks, told him. they were both in their tactical gear equipped with war-grade guns & knives at their disposal. soldiers rushed out the back of van in a single file line & they branched off to surround the building. some hid within the trees & branches, others crouched beside the doors to the building, but they were all waiting for one thing; endeavor's command. "should we try contacting (y/n) to see if she's heard anything?"
"we can't," endeavor said shortly, it would compromise the mission if they reached out to you before the designated time. you've agreed to have a twenty minute rendezvous with one of your "co-workers" every three days at three in the morning. your next scheduled rendezvous would be tomorrow.
his walkie-talkie buzzed off, & one of the squad captains said, "team one, in position."
"team two, in position."
"team three, in position."
"team four, in position."
endeavor, after hearing each captain, responded, "team zero, in position. take initiative in three... two... one...!" the burly man kicked open the main entrance door then pointed his gun around, using the flashlight to scan the area.
on his radio, he suddenly heard, "we've found something in theater nine!"
"hold your position, i am on my way. any surrounding teams make your way towards theater nine."
he stepped over debris, ignored any graffiti on the wall, & noted just how dark the atmosphere got the further he went down the corridor. down the hall was a glowing number nine above the very end left door. the fact that there was still electricity running through the building made him wonder how long dabi has been using this place for deliveries. it made him upset that he was right under his nose.
for years he's been hunting this man, this mafia who always seemed to be two steps ahead of him. now? now he had the upper hand. he has the newest, strongest equipment. his men were in the peak physical condition with reaction times as fast as f1 drivers. yet why was it this easy? he couldn't help but wonder.
endeavor reached theater nine, hawks close behind. the rest of his team stayed out of the room for look out. the other teams were already in the theater, fingers on their guns' trigger. it made a few of them jump when the projector started. "there's a man up there!" one yelled, & immediately endeavor turned over his shoulder to shoot at the projector window.
the bullet shattered the window, narrowly missing the shadowy figure. a team was already in pursuit, the captain speaking through their radio to let the others know. the projector was still running, & a voice caught endeavor's attention. his breath hitched, eyes narrowed.
"hello, endeavor~" greeted dabi, shirtless & coy as ever. "right on time, how did i know you were gonna be here?" he taunted, & endeavor noticed dabi's icy eyes darting down then back to the camera. all that was in frame was his upper half, a grand bookshelf in the background. his arm rested stretched out on the back his sofa. the other was in his lap.
"now before you leave & try to take this film for whatever, i wanna give you some peace in mind. my initial plan was just to blow all of you gullible fuckers up, but your cute little spy begged me not to, so you all better thank her. bad news though, you're not gonna see her any time soon," dabi sighed with fake sadness.
whispers erupted from endeavors soldiers. "(y/n)? is he talking about (y/n)?" "fuck... you don't think he..."
"don't get you panties in a twist, she's more than alright. i take good care of her. honestly, i should thank you for sending her right to me. when we get married, i might invite you to the wedding~" he cackled, & a cough was heard through the video. dabi suddenly looked down & yanked something, no, someone up. the back of your head was seen on the bottom of the camera.
"you fucker," endeavor cursed, even though it would fall on deaf ears. he couldn't tear his eyes away from the video. he wasn't even studying it anymore, he was just listening in disbelief.
"i made this movie to... send a message, i guess you could say," he shrugged nonchalantly. he looked back down to you, & his eyes softened. "c'mere, princess," he whispered, & as though you were hypnotized, you climbed atop his lap. "face the camera, show everyone how pretty you are~" & you did as you were told.
gasps filled the theater, nearly everyone looked away & took off their helmets. "oh, my god," hawks said in shock, it just slipped out. he looked at his -self-proclaimed- partner to gauge his reaction. endeavor couldn't tear his icy blue eyes away from the screen. he was as stiff as a statue, breath held.
the camera zoomed out, & there you were in dabi's bare lap, he held your legs wide open. your eyelids drooped, drool made your lips glossy, & you were practically limp in his hold. goops of cum seeped out of your puffy pussy, there was ropes of his semen covered your thighs & lower stomach. hickeys & hand-shape marks bruised your skin. instead of yearning eyes, begging for help, you had a nearly lovesick smile on your face. gently, dabi kissed your head, pecking down to your cheeks & he said hushed sweet-nothings into your ear.
"don't ever try to spy on me again, endeavor. & don't try to save (y/n), she doesn't need it. i promise i'll take such good care of her~"
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myalvmss · 1 year
CHARACTERS. aquamarine hoshino, ruby hoshino, ai hoshino, akane kurokawa mention
MISSION. headcanons ; adventure mission, silent yet shining
WARNINGS. mentions of pregnancy & sex? this is mostly just me digging into aqua's character more and more, ANGST will most definitely be in this, but dont worry!
BUTTERFLY'S NOTE. special thanks to my friend named Ryu I guess LMAOAOAOAO. THIS IS SHORT??
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⌗O1: when I tell you, this man makes me frustrated every two seconds of reading the manga, I have a love and hate relationship with this man that not even scaramouche can compete with, BECAUSE RIGHT OFF THE BAT, HE'S A RED FLAG. BAHAHAHAH 😭
⌗O2: when you two first meet, he barely does effort in the so called friendship, or what he thinks of acquaintance.
UNLESS you are of use to his plan, so he'll probably use you, sorry bitch </3
⌗O3: this mf's ideal type is just someone like ai hoshino (imo NO ONE can replace her, not even akane sorry not sorry) and what makes you think you can pull off an ai?
i suggest you CHANGE him, not change yourself for him honey
⌗O4: this depends on your personality, but the relationship might be a sunshine reader while aqua's the grumpy one LMFAOAOAOAO
⌗O5: aqua doesn't engage in social media much, unlike his twin sister ruby. in other words, he's a boomer yet I'm not surprised so it's mostly you who takes pictures and videos of u both
⌗O6: you and aqua often go on dates at the cafe, park, or mostly private places where you two can get alone time with no interruptions
⌗O7: he's SO OVERPROTECTIVE ABOUT YOU. imagine yandere aqua omfg, he even makes sure that you're safe and doing well everyday
A caring boyfriend but a red flag 🚩
⌗O8: In the song, "MEPHISTO" I think there's a lyric where "I'll bet my life, I'll give it to you" would imply that to the people he cares about, aqua WILL risk his life for you. THOUGH this song probably directs to ai, or ruby? but either way, he still cares about you if you were actually his girlfriend. not just for his revenge plan, but purely his own love for you.
yet sometimes I think, "would aqua even bother asking you to be his girlfriend at a time crisis like this?"
It's a possibility he wants to keep you safe and unharmed from danger, so he'll probably lock up his feelings from you and keep it a secret so no danger will come for you, but it's not guaranteed </3
⌗O9: in an au where ai is alive, I wouldn't say that ai would straight away approve of your relationship with aqua. she's a mother, yes but not those kinds who don't give a fuck abt relationships ykwim?
when she first met you, she's a bit suspicious of you, especially if you're someone who's young, but your mind is well beyond your age.
It took a while, but she got used to you around with aqua and genuinely loves you
“you two aren't getting a kid, right?” just a few reassurances that YOU BOTH AREN'T GOING THE SAME ROUTE AS WHAT SHE DID.. “mama! don't ask questions out of the blue like that!” ruby come rescue us both PLS
“mama.. cut it out please,” insert a little bit of a flushed red aqua PLSS
⌗10: honestly, taking back the topic where you change aqua actually would work, because this man is wanting revenge and is willing to kill his father.
you can't be the one who helps him, that will end up ugly if he does succeed, because let's not forget how aqua can get arrested despite being a minor, yet he's 17 (currently in manga) and he might turn 18 soon enough
so you have to BE THE SAVIOR who changes aqua to be a better person and set aside this revenge
honestly. it's not worth it, I KNOW this is about ai hoshino getting her justice, but would she wanna see her kids in danger like this??
DON'T go off like "aqua this isn't like you 🥺🥺" NO LMAO. you knew aqua when he was 16, that's a super high possibility on who you met him, and the person he is now is just the same aquamarine hoshino you him at sixteen
just imo, you need to convince aqua that his revenge path won't do anything better for anyone's lives, because correctly he's ruining everything — the man probably doesn't care but you gotta make him care and move on for the better like how ai would want for him and ruby
⌗11: if you're smaller than aqua, then he'll probably use you as a head rest
lay his head on your shoulder
rest his head on your lap
place his head ontop of yours
⌗13: whenever aqua is jealous, he always keeps it a secret from you so that you won't tease him about it
think of a scenario where you're talking to some guy on the street, a fan or an old friend;
aqua would slowly wrap his arm around your waist and pull you towards him WHILE giving the guy a very overprotective look
⌗14: he can't help it but aqua always compliments you in his mind, like how cute or gorgeous you are
⌗15: i like to think you both started getting together after his so-called revenge plan for his father
⌗16: aqua's careful around you, by that I mean when it comes to sex. he doesn't wanna end up being a replica of his father.
by that I mean, he'd ask for consent first for sex ( aqua's not entirely that kind of person who doesn't ask for consent )
and also would not have sex during his teenage years, as he prefers to have it at adult years ykyk
⌗17: you're a pain in the ass for him, gotta say that BAHAHAHHAHAH
⌗18: since in aqua's past life, he was a doctor ( bro's a DOCTOR. ) that took medical education, it's a high chance that he still remembers a few things
probably trauma from learning all that pain of a education lmao
⌗18: so whenever you get hurt, aqua's always the one who bandages you :))
⌗19: since aqua dislikes bell peppers, you probably shove those in aqua's mouth for shits and giggles AHAHAHA
⌗20: he acts like 'himself' (or the past him) when you're around, and you're the only person who could do that
“i noticed that he's like how he used to be when he's around y/n..” ruby spoke to herself, watching aqua and y/n from afar as a small smile appeared on her face. “I'm happy for them both.”
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princessbrunette · 7 months
i'm thinkin heavily on our rival jayj n rafe au where the kook has dragged you to some rager of a party at another sprawling mansion n just maybe you drank a little more than used to - or even pressured into a few pills you don't know the name of n rafe is coked out somewhere. obvi gonna call jayj to the rescue, havin him search the grounds of this place n dodging random chicks til he finds you hazy eyed n confused in some corner - 🍓
you don’t remember having texted jj, because it’s a pleasant surprise when you see him — somewhere in the back of your mind questioning why on earth he’d be at a party like this.
rafe had dragged you here, and briskly disappeared into the night as business called to him, surrounded at a coffee table by rich folks with the urge to vacuum powder up their noses. rafe needed the money, even having complained about this ‘barry’ character on the way to the party — hence why he was just so eager to ditch you to make some. you clutch your arms in the corner, feeling simultaneously cold and boiling hot. you don’t remember what you’ve ingested, if anything at all — maybe you just took a red solo cup of alcohol to the head too many — but you were certainly feeling it, whatever it was.
your vision of jj prying a drunk girl who had thrown herself towards him off his torso with a wince, distorts suddenly to the blonde squatting right infront of you, and you blink a few times before you realise you’re not just watching him through a lens, and that he was infact looking right back at you.
“jayj, what are you doin’ here?” you smile, eyes soft and full of fondness — that’s how you feel anyway, to him you look totally out of it as you shiver in an abandoned corner.
“i’m uh— i’m here for you cupcake. texted me, remember?” his eyes dart up and down you, trying to suss out what sort of state you were in. your glossy pout presses together in a blissed out smile and you shake your head slowly, displaying zero recollection. “alright well, i’m gettin’ your lil ass out of here.”
you’re walking suddenly, no — not quite, being guided with a firm hand on your waist. jj is driving you through crowds of people, his voice is clear, the blonde in the cap confidently barking out commands to make way.
“kook princess comin’ through. valuable cargo. beep beep, thank you.”
his familiar goofiness sends you into a spell of giggles as you arrived on the lawn, jj allowing you to drop to sit on the step on the quiet porch. he’s wearing a zip up hoodie, but it quickly ends up around your shoulders as you sniffle happily at the night sky, turning your cheek to gaze your hazy eyes into his own.
“you look after me, jayj.” you observe obviously and he blinks, shrugging a shoulder and shuffling on his ass as he gets situated beside you.
“think i’m just gonna leave a lady in distress when she texts me to come get her? hell nah. kie told me that’s like, fuckin’… bad karma or whatever.” he chats, looking you over once more as he watches your body rise and fall with slow breaths. “what’d you take?”
“dont remember. jus’ remember rafe leavin’.” you hum, detached.
“babe, he’s — he is a total asshole. why the hell do you hang with him? enlighten me. i’m beggin’ for some clarity here.”
you turn and look at him again, really look at him this time like it’s the first time you’re seeing him. your voice is detached and yet totally present at the same time, the harrowing realisation of your evening weighing down on you.
“i… dont know, jj.” after a pause he breaks the silence, not wanting to throw you into a bad mindset— he was everyone’s favourite trip-sitter after all.
“s’alright, sunshine. you were lead astray tonight. it happens. lucky for you, your ol’ pal jj is here to save the day.” he chuckles uneasily, craning his neck round to look back at the house party in motion. where could he find a bottle of water to feed you?
“you’re more than a pal, jj.” you sigh and his head snaps towards you.
“y— say uh— say that again, sugar?” he frowns, needing to be sure he heard that correctly. in an instant, you’re distracted by a stain on your skirt and you tsk, tugging at the material.
“ohh, what happened?” you whine, rubbing at the muddy splatter on your clothes. he’ll pocket that comment for another time.
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riacte · 10 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator
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🥧 syrupstars Follow
Anyone else think that Red King racer is a little... y'know... fruity?
👑 falsewellsupremacy Follow
He literally says "ladies, gentlemen, everyone in between, get in line" so I think that answers your question.
🥧 syrupstars Follow
What about the "#Ally4Life 🏳️‍🌈" on his Twilight handle?
👑 falsewellsupremacy Follow
I genuinely have no idea. Maybe he thinks it's about him being an ally to cishet people
#idk ren's just like that sometimes #void knows what he's doing #also prev tags you do not want to get into the black hole of who ren has dated #he has rumours with 3/4 of the grid #edit: WHO MENTIONED BAD BOY TEENAGE REN IN MY NOTES #the shippers are here... oh no #edit 2: not ren at the club.
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🛑 bluebatshater Follow
oh my voiddd ofc That Duo got p1 again... i need them to dnf in the race. i hope they crash and burn and die and i need crastle to get podium for ONCE. i am so mad. i am calling for the goddess tsuki to curse them. dnf dnf crash burn DIE
🌻 lesbianlumian Follow
the goddess tsuki LITERALLY protects racers and that's why they pray to her? you think the goddess tsuki, creator of lumians, will curse an actual lumian? be so fucking fr
🛑 bluebatshater Follow
if you dont have anything productive to say get off my post. freak
#those blue bats stannies are SO ANNOYING THEY ARE EVERYWHERE #they're overshadowing all the other teams #cant even be a bitchy hater in peace #salt #negativity #hateposting
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🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
Looking at posts from five years ago is funny like how did I ever believe I was straight
🍦 jelliepopsicle Follow
OP, I think I recognise your url... did you write that viral Bad Boy Ren x QoH fic on Launchpad?
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
💀 Shut the fuck up right NOWWW!!
#STOP MENTIONING THAT FIC I WFOTE WHEN I WAS THIRTEEEN!!! #everything before my gay awakening is not canon. sorry #tbh... as much as a nightmare it was i kinda miss that stupid fic #it was from a simpler time #now im in university trying to contact my groupmates and i think one of them got lost in a blackhole last tuesday (again) #sigh. this keeps on happening to me #my cousin worked on one of the moons last summer for two weeks and came back like he'd aged six months #my friend's ex got sucked into a black hole and was briefly spaghettified but they managed to revive her and she gloats that she's finally taller than my friend's ex #whoops sorry for dumping in the notes #anyways. bad boy rk x good girl queen of hearts. awful idea. even more awful fic. yet i wrote it #i regret everything and nothing
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🗣️ peace-and-planets-deactivated63891092
PSA: Sunblr user @/summerheavens writes RPF of the Exterra 1 racers. She is a big name fan in the Miraculous Laserbug fandom so I thought you all would like to know. This is gross and disgusting behaviour and I implore you to stop.
🍬 summerheavens Follow
umm @/peace-and-planets i literally saw your kudos on my fic. the evidence is out there. girl what are YOU doing at the devil's sacrament. what are you doing on my roseduo rpf titled "hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine (we're not trying)".
but i'm glad you liked it enough to give it a kudos ^_^ will certainly be putting more on the starchive!
❄️ justwingit Follow
LMFAOOOO OP DEACTIVATEDDDDD 😭😭😭 sunblr user got killed by a rpf author. if you're gonna secretly read rpf maybe not leave a kudos?????
🚀 exterrablrheritage
Exterra 1 Heritage Post
⚡ littlewoodbabygirl69
It's been ten years since this post... @/summerheavens are you okay after recent developments
🍬 summerheavens Follow
am i okay? is ANYONE okay??? in these trying times??????? with the most chaotic gp to ever exist?????? i am PULLING OUT WIPS i dropped out of respect ten years ago. i've got to send my kid to daycare but once i'm done you bet you're seeing me on the starchive. miss swift even dropped her 20th album just in time for me to use lyrics as titles. i am LIVING and i am THRIVING
#ohhhhhhhhhh #let's go #also can't believe taylor finally addressed the vehicle manslaughter rumours from like twenty years ago #how fitting #also littlewood needs to get his shit together #why does he look like he's the one who hasn't seen his man in 32738102371 years and got his soul shattered #he's weak and won't survive the winter
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🧈 butteredbread Follow
WHAT is wrong with that lykos. i desire him carnally
🌳 treebark
🪓 handoftheking
I mean... yeah. Let's face it, we're all like that 🤷
⭐ nonbinarystar Follow
#WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM #I HATE HIM SO MUCH #PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS CAN ALSO BE ABOUT HATE #THIS GLOWSTICK MF IS MY WORST ENEMY #he just canonised treebark for the sixth time #also prev tags so real #need to slingshot him into a faraway galaxy
34,091 notes
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🫃 spaceshipmpreg Follow
Who put that Just a Dream FalseRen AMV on my dash again
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
Respect your roots!! That 125M views Just a Dream AMV raised a generation. Every kid in my school played it on loop on their ipods during recess
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
wait op can you explain your url
🫃 spaceshipmpreg Follow
No 👍
#i think we should get the dogwarts freighter pregnant
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cielles-random-vault · 10 months
daydreaming about dad bod mark...
content: gn reader, mentions of pregnancy/adoption if you dont like pregnancy (cuz i personally dont so lets say you both adopted a kid), husband!mark au, loverboy mark overall <3333 + slightly insecure mark
wc: 540
dt: @unabashedcroissanttreefan
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you and mark have been married for a few years now, and since you couldnt get pregnant, you both agreed to adopt a kid.
now, Chloe, your child, was sleeping peacefully in her room, while you were chilling in the living room.
"y/n?" mark asked on an unsure voice "can i ask you something?"
"sure" you reply, putting away the book you were reading. "is something wrong? you never call me by my name unless something is wrong."
he sighs and looks at the ground, as if he was ashamed.
"mark" you say on a soft and reassuring tone, reaching out to hold his hands. "you can tell me, whatever it is, there's no need to feel ashamed about it."
"do you... still think i'm attractive?" he asked after a few moments of hesitation.
"well of course!" you hurried, your face softening. " why would i not anymore?"
"well... this is such a dumb reason, but hear me out, okay?" (you nod) "you know, yesterday, when i was training with my dad, he told me something along the lines of "you've been slower since you're married and youre a parent" and my brain somehow took this as him indirectly telling me i took weight, which i have to admit is kind of true but-"
"mark" you interrupt him, your voice firm yet soft, which made him look at you with poeading eyes, as if he was starting to cry. "is this why you didnt attend Chloe's bi-yearly beach event last year? (he nodded, and you gently cupped his face.) "listen, i will love you regardless, okay?"
"but this is not the man you fell in love with!"
you felt your heart shatter as you felt the distress in your husband's voice.
"listen, i- i dont give a shit what you look like, okay?" you reassure him on a soft tone. "you are a dad now. so, since you calmed down on hero duties,its totally normal to lose a little shape. and i'll tell you what, ive always loved dad bods. and thats totally fine! i get that it freaks you out because physical change in oneself can be scary, but dont you never doubt my live for you just for a tiny bump" (idk if bump is the correct word but you get the point)
"you really think so?" he asked, tilting his head to the side, uncertain of what you might reply.
"of course i do, silly! and ill repeat it until you start believing it!!" you cheerfully exclaim.
"thank you, y/n, you're the best,you know that?" mark reolied as he reaches out to you to hug you tightly.
"i know. im glad the question is settled then! now, do you want to go to the beach with Chloe and her friends? you don't have to if you donr want to of course, okay?" you reassure him as you gently squeezed his hand.
"ill come. go first with her, ill join you later!" he said with a soft smile.
you then headed towards your daughter's room to wake her up.
"y/n?" mark interrupts you, you then turned to face him. "i love you, you know that?"
"i know" you reply softly, "i love you too"
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i was half asleep when the idea popped in my mind... you know i had to give my man some comfort... please reblog if you liked the fic, if you do ill give you a cookie and a lil (consented) kith
have a nice day/evening and dont forget to drink water!!
( ゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚ ) with love from katsu, going offline!
- @k4katsujin
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Hi!! My name is Mirabelle (She/her), and I'm travelling with my friends Siffrin, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie! We're here to save Vaugarde from The King! This is my first time running something like this sooo I'm a little nervous, and I have a few personal boundaries:
- No NSFW or flirtatious messages please!!! I personally don't like that kind of stuff
- Please don't be too mean! Especially to other askers! We all see the world differently
- Art submissions are welcomed AND appriciated!!
- While I believe everyone is allowed to interract with my blog, I have some acceptions! No Homohphobes, transphobes, racists, MAPs, Proshippers, basically anyone who is "Anti-Change" Change is apart of life, buster! Deal with it!
- You don't have to ask me for a hug or to be your friend! To Dormonts house, you are a friend of us all! <3
- Bonnie has a blog of their own now! Bonnie rules semi-no longer apply! :3
Now for some words of the Blog Manager!
Hi hey and hello! Its me, @imlivinginyourtrashcan (He/Him) and I have finally caved! (Hope you are proud Siffrin)
Now for my personal boundaries for this blog, along with simple requests:
-My rules are the same as Mirabelles, but with my own ooc twist
-While Mirabelle herself is a She/Her user, I am not! I use He/Him, I won't tolerate purposeful misgendering
- I finished the game! Not in full, still have stuff to do some of the achivements, so be careful with spoilers still 🙏🙏🙏 (ask before you initiate, please, I didnt get Who Was The Phone yet so getting that ask qualified as a spoiler)
- Any godmod or metagaming request will be denied! Or, cleaverly intercepted by 《 The omnious unnamed narraror!~ 》. If you have to ask if its godmodding, it probably is! Don't do it!
- I have the right to deny or veto an ask, and you all have done a great job listening (except with the excess geese attempt), but if I, in character or not, say not to do it, dont!
- This Blog will follow the shennanigans of @a-traveling-star (King), @studies-of-nothing (Ninja), @defender-of-jouvente (Mundie), @snacksleader (Susie), and @loopadoop (Unsure if they want to be called smthn else yet)
Occasionally in the askbox, we'll get a rp scenario with "Suzu" thats our mutual friend @cookieeevee you should go follow them theyre so cool.
- Please no ship related asks, love you guys but I dont want a war in my comments section /lh
- I'm fine with being adressed in ooc and will sign my name with ooc brackets, but just cuz im ok with it doesn't mean you should start pressuring other people to do the same. Some people wanna remain anon and thats perfectly ok :)
- Alsoooo~ Cuz this is an au, ill be tagging things [besides act 0] in their respective acts 🫡
Bye Bye!! ~
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a-mel0n · 25 days
This stupid "Your Name" Bucktommy AU won't leave my brain, and while I don't have enough faith in my writing skills to actually write the damn thing (and it would be my first fanfic... ever?? and that's a project that seems a bit too big for me lmao), I DID write down what I'm picturing some of the "rules" Buck and Tommy have for each other while in the other's body. Mostly just for fun. (Because Tommy would be switching in 2006, the iPhone does not exist yet, so all of his notes are written in an actual physical journal. All of Buck's notes would be on the Notes app of his phone)
TOMMY: 1) Evan, stop running into burning buildings when you don’t have to while in my body. If I wake up in a hospital bed for the fifth time this month, I might actually lose it.
its part of the job to save as many ppl as possible. also u don’t even feel the pain when i get injured in ur body.
You’re right, I don’t. Unfortunately, the pain from having a wooden beam fall on you doesn't just magically go away when we swap. Just... be more careful? Please?
fine. i’ll try and keep ur hospital visits to a minimum.
2) Can you stop flirting with people on calls? Or at the very least give them your number and not mine? In the last week alone my contact list has nearly doubled because you keep giving people my number. 
dude its not my fault you’re more popular while i’m you. just think of it as me being ur wingman! how u dont have a girlfriend is beyond me btw. hot chicks love firefighters and ur a good looking dude
Jesus Christ, Evan. For the last time, I’m single by choice.
3) Don’t shower while in my body
already dont
4) Don’t go to the bathroom while in my body 
5) In fact, unless you’re at work, don’t change any of my clothes while in my body. 
6) Do you really need to spend so much of my paychecks on cooking supplies? I have enough pots and pans already. 
whats the point of a pantry if its half empty. be thankful ur getting actual food now via my leftovers instead of the utter tragedy that was the state of ur fridge when we first started swapping places.
7) Don’t make a scene while at work. 
your boss sucks ass and his stupid orders are going to get people killed. im not gonna listen to him if hes making bad calls while lives are on the line
8) Don’t pick up the phone when my dad calls.
got it
BUCK: 1) quit going to eddie’s basketball pickup games. he keeps inviting me while i’m in my own body and its getting harder and harder to come up with excuses as to why i can’t go. it's kinda awkward.
I thought you’d be more grateful, Evan. You’re the coolest guy on the court when I’m you. 
2) are you making movie references when ur me? bc chim keeps asking when i got so “cultured” and the other day maddie asked when i watched the princess bride. 
You haven’t seen the Princess Bride? I’m leaving you a surprise for tomorrow. Check your couch when you wake up. 
did you spend my OWN money on a dvd??? i don’t even own a dvd player. i own every streaming service imaginable.
3) keep the finger guns to a minimum?? idk why you do them so much but both hen and chim have said smth abt it
4) if u get a call from someone called connor or kameron on my phone just let it go to voicemail its personal stuff and i'll deal with it
Evan, you could have told me you agreed to be a sperm donor yourself. Finding out because Connor and Kameron showed up at the fire house was more of a shock than finding out over these memos would have been. 
they did what?????
5) don’t talk to my parents
6) No rule about undressing? 
dude idc. i’m not gonna stop you from taking a piss in my body if u need to. as long as you like. don’t have sex with someone while you’re me? oh wait hang on i DO have a rule about undressing
Wasn’t planning on it, but good to know. 
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colectingstrz · 1 year
➤ (🏀) oneshot | Jake x fem reader | fluff | ex’s to lovers | word count: 1.8k | high school au | not proof read soz 🥲
Soo's smol notey:📝: I saw this pic on Pinterest and I was immediately inspired to write a Jake related fic with some correlation to basketball ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ + plussss Jake is soo so the type to yell this is for you and miss 😭 hence the title 💀
“Unknowingly, when you call my name Heartbreakingly, my heart is pounding”
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After a messy breakup things have been awkward especially as your the teams manger and have to interact with Jake on a daily basis or in which Jake is determined to win you over and get you back even embarrassing himself in the process
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TO SAY THINGS ARE AWKWARD IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. You and Jake’s breakup was as messy as it could be. Jake had cheated on you the whole thing drove you mad not only did you drag the girl by her hair you also dragged Jake and attempted to drown him in the pool in front of everyone. If it weren’t for your friends and his getting involved you would have gone to jail for murder that day.
Though time has gone past and you are no longer upset and have accepted reality, you are still slightly embarrassed about how you acted at the time as well as the status of your and Jake's relationship, especially as you are his basketball team’s manager. You pretend it's nothing, but you're bothered and find it difficult to be comfortable around him.
"So... do you have a prom date yet?" Jake inquires, gazing your way as he dribbles the ball. "Why should that worry you? It's none of your business who I'm with," he groans, "it's my business you're my ex," you smile " key word here is ex..my life should not concern you now, stop asking stupid questions and start shooting some hoops," you say one final time before leaving and heading to the back to collect additional basketballs, which Heeseung had requested earlier.
While looking for which set to pick you feel a presence behind you. So you turn around to be face to face with the last man you wanted to see. Go away Jake seriously “ dont make me report you for stalking ”Jake laughed holding his chest “ ahh im so hurt y/n” you roll your eyes turning back but Jake held your shoulder forcing you to turn to him “ who are you going with tho?” Why does he want to know so bad.. it’s weird “ since your begging for an answer I’ll let you know..honesty I have no idea yet I haven’t decided “ he hummed as a response but you could tell he was thinking
He had that I’m thinking of something stupid jake face on right now “ go on.. just say it I know you want to..” his face lit up before he took a deep breath “ well I have no one to go with and you seem to not have anyone to go with..soooo you and me prom! what do you think ?” Is he on drugs ? Or has he just genuinely lost the plot you blink your eyes aggressively perplexed as to what you were hearing.
“ what do I think? Why would I got to prom with my ex who cheated on me ? Do you seriously want to know what I think-because I have a bone to pick with you Jake don’t even get me started" you felt yourself getting worked up as you resurfaced locked memories you never wanted to remember “ i already told you I even showed you how sorry i was.. I even tried explained to you what actually happened but you would not listen! You know I would never hurt you” here he goes again with the lies
“ I don’t want to hear it.. I do not want to have this conversation with you.. I’m not going to be your prom date go ask some other girl” you shove past him and storm out of the hall forgetting the little side quest heeseung had set you on. A deep sigh was let out as you rested on a the wall of the hallway why can’t you just leave me alone Jake
JAKE’S 2ND ATTEMPT. The next day was simply no better jake was really pushing your buttons “ the answer is 45 btw” he whispered to you. At this point he had basically given you the answers to half of the paper he might as well have just sat the test for you instead. I don’t need your help leave me aloneeee “ jake piss off I don’t need you I can do this myself” you whispered back basically spitting out your words at him so he would get the point and leave you alone. He sighed, turning away from you , relieved to have some peace and quiet you attempt the to tackle the other half of the paper and realise you had no idea what any of the questions were or how to answer them.
You sighed, knowing you needed Jake's assistance. Kill me now pls You look to your side to already see Jake staring at you with his head resting on his Palm “ it seems you need me love ” you roll your eyes “ call me love again and I’ll drown you in the pool for real this time just give me the answers ” your response causes Jake to laugh slightly as he turns his paper in your direction so you can copy the rest.
" you owe me for basically giving you a free A " you sigh " you never asked anything back when we were together tho.." Jake flicked your forehead causing you to flinch in agony. What the hell jake " we’ll likeeee you said earlier, you're my ex, so this kind gesture comes at a cost, my love," he should stop calling me that. "So, what exactly do you want?" Jake grins “Be my prom date." You step back "Oh my Jake, you've turned into a comedian haven't you? “ You were laughing so hard you had to hold your stomach because it was starting to hurt. "I'm not going to be your prom date" get somebody else to do it You pat him on the back with a fake smile before walking away, or rather sprinting away, because you could see him following you again in the corner of your eye.
JAKE’S 3RD ATTEMPT. if it was not bad enough he tormented you at school he had the audacity to show up at your house and disturb you in the comfort of your own home. Your sitting down chilling while doing some sketches, when you hear a bang on your window, what the hell? You are on your knees, peering out, to get a peek only to find Jake waving down at you, holding a flower he had snatched from your mother's treasured garden. The more Jake kept going the more it gave you any tiny hint of hope..you were even willing to look past what he had done to you almost wanting to give in. Why can’t you just stay out of my life Jake stop making me feel things
Jake, as usual, got his way, and you ended up letting him in through your window and now sit on opposing sides of the bed. "you know... you could have just knocked and my sister would have opened the door for you... she's like the only one who likes you in this household," you said slyly, to which Jake sighed and looked down. " Can we not do this right now?" You raised your brow. "Do what argue? Are you afraid of being called out?" Standing up, Jake sighed once more.
“ stop this it’s so-so irritating ! I keep trying to explain myself to you and you never want to listen to me ! It’s like In your head you’ve already painted me as some Cheater when that’s not what happed ” I don’t have time for this “ well I don’t know how you expect me to believe you when I saw what I saw ! Even my friends told me that they saw you guys together before I even came down to see it for myself !” Jake sighed in irritation, approaching you and placed his hands on your shoulders “y/n.. can you just trust me for once and take my word.. you know how much you mean to me, I would never go out of my way to hurt or disrespect you." “She kissed me, and I didn't know what to do. I pulled her away, but you had already left."
You didn't want to believe it, yet you gave in so easily, especially when Jake sounded so serious and genuine that you couldn't detect a lie anywhere... Reality had hit you. You realise for some reason that you never really talked to Jake after that, and ghosted him because you had fixed your mind on your opinion of what had happened, never really wanting to hear his side of the story
You hated yourself for doing this and ignoring him all this time, you both had been hurting for no cause. If it went for yourself and your overthinking and actually had bothered to talk it out with Jake now you could have still been together. Gosh why am I so quick to always jump to conclusions this is my fault " Jake.. I'm so sorry..I-“ shhh it's ok it’s alright " Jake cut you off by pulling you into his chest, one hand resting on your head and the other on your waist as he pulled you into a hug. "All that matters is that you believe me now in this moment.. that's all I ever needed and wanted from you my love," similar to before before hearing him call you that made your heart flutter but in this circumstance you felt your heart just melt.
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“Here is my heart out for you ”
JAKE’S FINAL AND LAST ATTEMPT WAS THE GRAND FINAL. Now that you and him were on talking terms the awkwardness eventually faded away and it was like freshman year all over again with the two of you locking gazes across the room and quickly looking away. Blushing at any compliment he would make. Cute exchange of love letters in class it was nostalgic. Jake was the happiest he had been in a long time, and his teammates noticed. Jake's performance had improved shooting many goals more than he had in the previous semester, and it was clear from the lovey dovey glances you two exchanged across the sports hall at every practise session that you and jake had patched it up. Though Jake, on the other hand still wanted to ask you to prom.
But now that you two are back on track, he wanted to make a huge proposal that would show you and Convey how how he truly felt and as well as a cool way to ask you out. Jake wanted to impress you with want he knew best aka basketball.
During practice you had arrived a bit late due to your teacher but you still rushed to the hall not wanting to keep the team waiting. As soon as you arrived you sat down on the front bench as you went on your phone to quickly reply to your friends message ." hey y/n" You look up to see Jake joyously waving at you, and you reciprocate one. He holds the ball up pointing in your direction " This one's for you! " He yells before shooting into the hoop. Jake had a vision of how this would play out, which included him taking a beautiful shot, you being amazed, and him asking you out to prom. But, unfortunately for you Jake and everyone else in the room, he absolutely missed it; he wasn't even close to getting it in.
The entire situation was humiliating. Afterwards to top it off Jake clumsily stood on one knee almost tripping while he whipped out a Harry Bow ring form his pocket , reaching out to you, "w-will you be my prom date?" No..way he can’t be serious You were resisting the urge to laugh, but you managed to let out a small "yes" as you ran into his arms for a big bear hug. The whole thing was amusing. Jake was clumsy, but it was adorable because you could see he tried his hardest for you even if it didn't work out.
Despite all that and happed between you two… you was happy to see he was still the awkward and cute boyfriend you had learned to adore.
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𖤐 steal my work and I’ll come to your house and suck your blood 🧛‍♀️
𖤐authors notes and dat pt2.📝: broke off the sad ending streeak 😻 wrote tbis at 4am so if sometimg is spelt wrong erase it from your memory and act like u didn’t see it (ง'̀-'́)ง aniii ways i hope you liked it !! + if you already saw this it is a repost 😭 I privated it and made some changes
- peace and love ♡︎
𖤐 link to my other works !!
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symphonic-scream · 1 month
New Arcana Swap
(tag for now is Transboy Haru I need a new name for this I know)
Anyways. It's been like 2 hours here's everything I have so far
So it's a Fool Haru au, but as a trans guy. He's been transitioning since the year before he started high school, and he's had top surgery. Now he's in his final year, and he's being shipped out to Tokyo after a summer in Juvi, all for something he didn't do
Toranosuke Yoshida as the Hierophant with Goro as the Hermit too it's. This ex politician who has been adopting these kids who's rich and important parents abandon them
Emperor Makoto. And then with Makoto, she's been "staying" with Kobayakawa as a pupil and StuCo Prez, and once he's confessed, she reaches out to her sister and returns home to live with Hanged Man Sae. She's sorta non-binary genderfluid? She doesn't have a term coined yet. But pronouns vary each day
Makoto: thanks, so much. For saving me, for helping me find my sister again, for accepting who I am, and- and for loving me,
Haru: oh, Mako dearest,
Makoto, crying: d-dont look at me like that, Loverboy. Just- let's hurry, the others are waiting
(in case you couldn't tell yet, this is Okujima)
Haru: hey why are you so close with that pharmacist?
Yoshida: oh, cause. I take pills?
It's cause Goro's on anti-psychotics lmao
It's how he so easily got Haru in with the counsellor Death Maruki
Maruki: yep, I see your files are completely true. So, I'll get you set up with your old regime of hormones
Haru: just like that?
Maruki: yep, but I also have to give you anger management sessions. Your parole demands it
Haru: ...I understand. Just, thank you. For understanding who I am
Chariot Shiho and Lovers Futaba, and the Temperance is Kanji-
Cause his husband is the Judgement and their wife is Fortune-
Moon Joker, Magician Ryuji (he's a lil lizard), Star Ann, Empress, uh, Yusuke?
Shiho a recovering amputee. She got in an accident that ended her volleyball career, but she's trying to not get too depressed about it
She cost them the national title. She ends up starting her training again to aim for the Paralympics, and manages the school team
Shiho: hey, why was Shit Head calling you a girl?
Haru: I, I'm trans,
Shiho: THAT BASTARD! Urgh, I'm so sorry, I know a teacher who'll help report that bullshit. I'm Shiho Suzui, school cripple. Nice to meet you, transfer boy
Haru: thanks, I'm Haru Yoshida. Thanks for not, freaking out on ke
Ryuji's a little bearded dragon in the real world
And MORGANA! He's like, Shinya's age? Human
He's playing the hero, trying to take down the Yakuza that ruined his family and left him alone, but he's young and scared, and the group saves him and he moves in with Yoshida too and he's like Haru's little brother
Goro: you're getting soft, old man.
Yoshida: maybe I am. Or maybe, I'm finally doing what I was meant to all along
He runs a homey beef bowl shop and Haru helps out, and Morgana sits at the counter slurping his noodles and Goro studies away in the back booth. Little family of three brothers
Goro: thanks for changing my heart, I guess
Futaba: no problem, man
Goro: ...I, feel like I need to tell you all. My mom was schizophrenic, and I've been being treated for it since Yoshida took me in. I, I'm gonna get myeds adjusted too. So I can be reliable for you all as navigator
Shiho: whatever you need to be yourself, and to be healthy
Haru: and if you end up like that again, we'll race back in and save you
It's shown in how his palace would change every other day. Like if you wait too long the infiltration route changes
Once he's doing better again, he gets back into school, and ends up in the other third year class with Makoto
Goro: your partner is a pain in my ass. They're making it hard to get that #1 spot
Haru: isn't my love so smart?
Goro: fucking gross. Bleh. I'm going to go watch a documentary on serial killers.
Toranosuke and his three sons, such a proud dad
Haru doesn't leave Tokyo at the end of the year. He gets formally adopted, and moves from the attic to the proper Yoshida house
Naoto: so. You're the leader of the Phantom Thieves?
Haru: ...what's it matter how I answer? They got their signed confession.
Naoto: I knew it, there was no way they'd have gotten a genuine one so quickly... Those bastards... Well, hopefully our chat can clear things up. Tell me, why'd you do it? How? The more I know, the better I can help you out
Naoto recognizes the boy from his husband's class roster, from his chats about the transfer boy that seemed to affect everyone around him
Naoto: so. Your dad kicked you out?
Haru: yes. Not for being a boy, he accepted that part of me. No, I caught on about some of his shadier business deals. So, he framed me for assault, disowned me. I got lucky, that Mr Yoshida agreed to house me, otherwise I would have probably ended up back in Juvi,
Okay. More
Shiho with her slight hobble cause of her prosthetic, and when she just *can't* wear it, she's on crutches, Like at the beach
She wears her leg to the beach, but takes it off when Makoto and Morgana egg her into running out to the water with them. Makoto loads her onto their back until they reach the water and then it's just. Splashing and fun
Goro's reading a book while Ryuji lies on a towel in the sun, soaking in the heat. Haru and Futaba are munching on popsicles and watching the others
Two Jokers
Moon is Akira, and Ren was in Shiho's role
They're Futaba's foster brothers. So that's why Futaba really wants to join up. To avenge Ren. And it's why Akira helps out
Futaba: hey, so Ren's awake. He's going to need physical therapy, but he's keeping all his parts. He's, also going to testify. He won't be returning to Shujin,
Akira: he's going to finish at Kosei. It'll be a better fit for him
Makoto, fluid, having more they or he days but still having she days. Masc she days, but still
Coloured bandanas around their upper arm for their different days. Now embracing their baby punk side
And smiling so much more, back home with their sister and able to be themselves with support, and having friends and a sweet boyfriend
Hifumi for the Faith and. Justice Kasumi and Sumire TRSUT ME
Haru: hey!
Makoto, wearing a dark red bandana: hey Loverboy, can I get a kiss?
Haru: course, love. How's my girl today?
Makoto: feeling great, Sis and I are going out tonight. She said you're welcome to join if you want? And then maybe come over after later to "study"?
Haru: how can I say no to you?
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cloudysunflowr · 24 days
Hello! Sorry if this has already been asked, but for the Deity AU: What's the storyline? Like when do certain things (that you are comfortable with sharing) transpire? I'm kinda new, so I'm just trying to find out what I can to catch up to everyone else who has been here. But besides that, I hope you have a wonderfully lovely day/night! :] (Also, I love your art and au's, there so fun!)
Hi hi!
Their story is mainly left untold— Like— I like to draw them for comfort and fun and dont really plan to write it out? Like— as in fully.
I do have a story with an ending tho and its mainly dealing with Wally and my oc Aiden.
Ill put it here since like I said I dont really plan to write it fully. Also their playlist which is where the story goes chronologically! :oD
The playlist
Ok oof-
Here goes—
So like… spoilers ig????
Aiden is the son of a chief/king? He wants to grow up and be as revered as his father. His friend of childhood is from a rival place and his name is Dante.
Aiden is trans and his dad doesnt really have faith but thanks to his mom and Frank (who he meets as a kid) he gets trained up and finally accepted in to the army.
Aiden and Dante find out their homes are at war and are like “nooo dont fight haha” and their parents are like “yea? Political marriage” and theyre like “shit”
So they become engaged, Dante has a small crush on Aiden so hes not that mad, Aiden doesnt want it. Their parents still plan to fight but in a backstab way.
Dad needs a right hand man, doesnt choose Aiden, chooses his rival but soon to be best friend (I dont have a name yet for them).
They go to war, Aidens dad tells him “lol go kill Dante while I kill the dad” Aiden gets told by deity same thing. To kill Dante or blood will be shed from his home. Aiden is about to, cant go through with it. Dante doesnt know.
They still win the battle, marriage is obviously called off. Aidens dad gets help from a witch to head home while Aiden meets Barnaby and gets help handling the witch (her name is Willow).
Dad and Frank get into an argument lmao. Frank is like “I pseudo raised your kid” and dad is like “nuh uh” dad does NOT know hes arguing with a deity. Aiden adult at this point.
Aiden meets Wally. Wally meets his parents and they bond a bit before he leaves after I think a week? Month? Dont remember. Aiden is big sad, bro misses him even tho he almost killed him.
Mom proud of the warrior Aiden became.
Another battle at war. Aiden is finally given the chance to lead a team. Blinds Dantes brother who is a tyrant. Frank and Aiden argue about leaving the guy alive.
Aiden meets Cloud god (lmao)
Dantes dad kills Aidens dad. Best friend saves the remaining crew by getting them tf out of there. They also found out Dantes brother was also killed but Aiden doesnt know if that was his fault.
Aiden meets Mathew after going through Eddies sacred lands or spirits and memory. Finds out mom died too. Aiden says fuck it Im going to be brutal with everyone.
Kills Dantes dad.
Taking care of Camila , his lil sis, and meets Wally again. Lovey lovey again.
Frank is like “bro nah thats a god youre a mortal” Aiden is like “you right” and tries to break up with Wally but Wally is like “Wait no, fuck the rules” and Aiden is like “…touché”
Aiden proposes, they marry
Maybe a kid? Debating.
Dante has a kid.
Dante sends assassins, Aiden kills them. Brutal with his opponents. Sacrifices his men. Goes through mutiny. Howdy like “lol death to your crew”. Best friend dies but also finds out that friend is who killed Dantes blinded brother which led to Aidens dads death.
Aiden tries to break off with Wally again because of everything hes been through he doesnt want that for Wally. Wally is like “Calm down—“
Lovey lovey
Dante has a dream of killing Aiden. Gets his crew for a strike.
Kills Aiden. Aiden says goodbye to his sister as shes taken away to safety as his home burns.
Wally grieving when he finds out
Kills Dante
Camila (adult now) comes back and calms Wally down. Befriends him.
Camila dies of old age.
Wally is learning to deal with grief.
Meets Aiden again as reincarnation.
Continues to love him through reincarnation and reincarnation.
Eventually gives up his divinity to live as mortal with Aiden.
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ravewing · 8 months
Could you talk about your infection au? I'm invested in it and I've been thinking about it all day
YES HULLO !! i dont want to spoil anything too much and im also working on a field guide sort of thing for the different stages of infection so im gonna try not to talk about those rite neow BUT im so glad that people r enjoying it! so id been seeing these scary mlp infection things ALLL over my tik tok feed for weeks and i was like .. yanno .. itd be really silly if i made this wof .. so i spent like 3 days mulling over what i could make the infection actually BE and i almost made it like the icewing plague but like it went scary but i didnt really know how to keep going with that so then i came up with a super smart idea which turned into this😋i dont wanna say where it started yet cuz ermm lore stuff but i will say that liek in the story the infection doesnt officially have a name yet so everyones just calling it like. the sickness at jade mountain. most of the infected originated IN jade mountain with the first symptoms being noticed in moon and turtle respectively, and then with the icewing students. i cant tell you guys how they got sick bc again . lore ..... but i think that its like kinda possible to find out. but i dunno. vulture and fierceteeth are also sick. there is ONE singular factor that unites these 4 + icewings, which miight b the reason WHY they got sick.kinkajou technically SHOULD be sick but she isnt for another reason that i cant say but if you really look into wof lore then i think u can figure it out idk. the infections transmitted via saliva/blood transmission, so mainly bites. tail barbs of infected sandwings are capable of spreading the sickness. there are 4 stages (5 if you count death) and it takes around 3 to 3.5 weeks for all stages to finish,, by ep3 the sickness has been around for ~2.5 weeks. the only KNOWN cure is amputation of wherever the infected area is,, so MUCH easier in early stages, unfortunate if its on an inconvenient spot, and impossible after hives start spreading. obvi flame had to be important bc i heart flame and i was like .. wait .. hes a healer in canon ...... so that worked out perfectly !! ik that in canon liana is like one of glorys MANY bodyguards but idc shes a healer here bc ermm i said so . also liana and mango r dating but i dont think that its relevant to the plot theyre just girlfriends in my head . as of right now kinkajou and peril are the only known immune dragons, with kinkajou for reasons currently unknown and peril bc . yknow . shes on fire . glory is in close contact with ruby and both kingdoms have taken measures to notify their kingdoms; the rainforest is under a sort of lockdown with rainwings on constant patrol/lookout for outsiders entering, they accept anyone who isnt infected to stay there for refuge while the skywing kingdom is in basically total lockdown other than ruby's messengers. ruby and glory also exchange their respective kingdoms medical knowledge, with the skywings having very good technology and rainwings having an expansive knowledge on medical herbs. nobody has heard from coral- the last thing she did was call for anemone's return back to the kingdom, and once she arrived, they all went underwater and have since then cut all outside contact. the mudwings are aware of the sickness but have so far done nothing about it; moorhen has warned her subjects but thats really it. i havent really decided what the sandwings or the icewings are up to but let me tell you guys its looking really rough for the icewings . so far it looks as though royal icewings are more resilient- tundras currently sick, but the sickness seems to be progressing much slower. this was initially believed to be because of the cold, but then other icewings started getting sick, and so its believed to just be a royal thing- likely something in their genetics. icicle is also sick but shes in stage 4 .. pray for my girl guys. lynx is helping snowfall out the best she can, but with the population getting increasingly sick seemingly spontaneously, its extremely difficult and stressful. the talons have quarantined sanctuary too. ok im outta characters but ya ty 4 the support!!
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mallgothyamaguchi · 1 month
ive seen that all of your bookmarks are tskym and you dont have many of them (not that thats a bad thing!!!) could you give a bookmark tour and like give a reveiw of each?
ofc! tsukkiyama bookmark tour begin!
autumn by windofjune - this fic is ongoing but i'm just totally in love with the author's writing style. essentially, tsukishima and yamaguchi have had mutual feelings for a long time, but nothing was ever acted upon, so in college, they begin to drift apart from one another even when living in the same apartment. tsukishima faces an injury to his knee and yamaguchi gets dumped by his boyfriend, leading to their slow-burning reconciliation as they both recover from their emotional and physical injuries. everything is so beautifully written and i'm not-so-patiently waiting for chapter 8 hehe
Sleeping Habits by BlueColoredDreams - piece written in a series of vignettes as tsukishima and yamaguchi grow older, ending in their high school years. very sweet and very fluffy. i'm a snuggler, so any fic that involves sleeping and cuddling, i'm there.
(Not) A bad day by WhereDoesTheTimeGo - yamaguchi has a bad day, and all of his insecurities bubble up, so tsukishima comforts him. they both have their own self-doubts and insecurities unveiled, but everything's okay with a snuggle and first kiss. you will notice there is a pattern in my fic tastes, lol.
Home Is Where The Heart Is by Pepper_Moon - very short and sweet domestic fic about the two moving in together in a cottage in the countryside after marrying. artist yamaguchi and writer tsukishima. SO COTTAGECORE. the author is also currently writing a chaptered piece for day 1 of tsukkiyama week i'm very much looking forward to reading!
just ourselves by beefybuttlord - another short and sweet fic where hinata asks yamaguchi what his relationship with tsukishima really is. essentially it's a "what are we" fic. puts how i think their canon relationship is in 800 words.
hottaru-kun by palebluestings - very much plays around with the significance of names and naming conventions in japanese culture, and the different ways kanji can be read. tsukishima has started calling yamaguchi 'tadashi', but yamaguchi still calls him 'tsukki'. also, cue tsukishima being a little jealous of yamaguchi hanging out with his brother. it's a cute and thoughtful fic.
The sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me. by yamaguchiforpresident - as they get older, yamaguchi gets more and more attention from girls (and guys), and by their third year, tsukishima realizes he's in love with his best friend. lots of pining from tsukishima, and does he do anything about it? hmmm... a little bit of yamayama (at least from tsukishima's perspective), so yet again, jealous tsukishima >:)
Won't You Stay For The Ride? (The Views Will Be Nice) by xxet - self-hating tsukishima begins to have his walls broken down by yamaguchi as they grow up. tsukishima is totally whipped, and everyone knows. flips back and forth between past and present throughout. good mix of fluff and angst.
i wish to be found by TheFledglingDM - ok this one isn't in my bookmarks but i'm actually obsessed with this fic i'm shocked i didn't bookmark it. essentially a 'You've Got Mail' au, where yamaguchi is a small bookstore owner who took it over after his mother passed and tsukishima is a financial executive for a chain bookstore with aspirations to become a published author. when tsukishima helps to make the decision to put a store location near yamaguchi's bookstore, yamaguchi fears he may be put out of business. unknowingly, for a whole year prior, they've been online best friends over discord. mistaken identity, enemies to lovers, influence of and allusions to pride & prejudice, what more could you want from a fic? so skillfully written. i will never shut up about it. i finished it a month ago and i think about it every other day.
hope you enjoyed my thoughts on these fics! honestly, i haven't been reading many fics recently since life got pretty busy and then that makes me pretty tired and i've been very focused on writing my own fics...but! with all the entries for tsukkiyama week i have so much new content to read. i'm still pretty new to ao3 (it's been a little over a year since i started reading fics on there), so that kind of explains why my bookmarks list is pretty short, and also i tend to bounce between different forms of reading like manga to physical books to fanfiction. kind of just depends on what my mood is at the moment. now that i've started writing, i've really been fueling my tsukkiyama brainrot into that, lol. when it's slow at work, i'm collecting ideas in my brain for them.
bottomline: tsukkiyama will always and forever be my #1, so if there's a fic i'm reading it and if they have zero fans, i'm dead.
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nullbutler · 1 year
CW: mild body horror
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so this is my AI AU...i dont have all of the pieces done yet, but I think this will be part one of 3 little collages I'm going to make hehe...the basic summary of the AU is, What if Black Butler BUT ROBOTS????
R!Ciel and O!Ciel are a pair of extremely intelligent bots made by the company Angel Wing (a company trying to put human sentience into robots to specifically help prolong the lives of sick children). The two of them are called RCL and OCL (R-C-L, O-C-L, pronounced just as you'd pronounce r!ciel and o!ciel, since it's cee el) and they're the newest little toy...
That is, until RCL goes missing from their little padded cell of monitored stimulation and information learning. And, then, a strange nebulous 'virus' infects OCL. Suddenly, he's on the run -- or rather, something is running and he's in their arms!!
Sebastian Michaelis (nicknamed, The Daemon, because he almost exclusively codes in hebrew and it looks Very Intimidating) had his eye on these little bots (called: dolls). He wants to know the true depth of their humanity, whether or not they actually 'have a soul' or if its a big hoax. Consider that a morbid curiosity of his. And so by hacking the mainframe of the company and infiltrating, he's finally able to extrapolate what's going on...
Anyway, while they're on the run, they have to crash at the fantastic transgender catgirl hacker (a very common trope, I know) Grelle's bachelorette pad.
details i can't fit in
OCL is 4'4, RCL is 4'5, they're quite a bit smaller and lighter since they're hypertech robots
They can't walk on their own for very long, their legs are functional but they were not designed for that
OCL...um....can bleed. something. something is going on. they're not really sure what he is.
He doesn't remember anything either
Sebastian's current hacker name is DOG because him and Grelle had a kitty motif for a while, but then he lost a bet. At the end of the month hes nerfing his account (like he'd even last that long before being caught)
characters that are important and WILL show up later: Alois, Jim, Claude, Undertaker, Ash, other important ones
something bad happened to RCL. OCL cannot remember it, though :(
no grelle's ears are not real. its a headband for the aesthetic. shes in her playful era. its between the 50 different shades of crimson eras
I've been calling this thing Cosmo Circuits. If you even care
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