#but I feel like that’s too obvious and also I can’t think of a characteristic
philsmeatylegss · 1 year
Whenever I write something that involves strangers to lovers trope, no matter the plot, I always end up making one character who feels like their only worth in a relationship is sex and the other character stops them and is the first partner who wants to get to know them before having sex. I’m an entire virgin. I have never had sex or have been in a relationship. Writing is putting your feelings and experiences into a story. And my stories always end in this trope and I don’t know what it could possibly mean? It’s never in the original plot I just end up at that trope somehow. It’s unconscious. What does that mean????
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sabertoothwalrus · 5 months
do you think Falin's chimerism would affect her lifespan and behaviors? or just her body? maybe she can make more animalistic noises or has vague dragon-like instincts?
that’s a really good question! I think we could probably figure this out by taking a look at what we know about Falin, what we know about red dragons, whether these things would apply to Falin, and go from there.
The obvious external changes Falin has are: her eyes, her teeth, and her feathers.
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It’s hard to pin down what Falin is like! Throughout the duration of the manga, she wasn’t really a character so much as a plot device. We have almost nothing told from her point of view, and the majority of her unbiased (as in, we’re seeing her through a neutral lens and not another character’s perception of her) characterization is from the post-canon omake.
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Even Falin believes that her wanderlust might come from her dragon side, but she's not sure. Personally, I think it’d make a lot of sense if it kind of does, in the sense that she has 20/20 vision now, haha! For most of her life, she could probably only see clearly within a relatively small sphere surrounding her, and now she can see everything. She can look up and around freely in a way she couldn’t before. Fuck man, if I had magic lasik I’d probably go out more too.
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Some other quirks that are really unclear whether it’s typical for Falin or chimera-influenced:
she enters rooms through windows, sometimes. And given the leaves in her hair, I think it’s reasonable to assume this is not the first floor 💀 But who knows! Maybe that’s not new for Falin.
She points out that Laios’s scent could deter monsters. Maybe she has enhanced smell. But again, it isn’t unreasonable to think this is something she would have said before. (I think even Chilchuck and Izutsumi, whose senses of smell are enhanced, can’t identify scents well. Kuro, however, can.)
VIOLENCE! But again, we’ve seen her beat shit with her staff before, and she also used to wield a flail. It IS a trait for red dragons to fight any large threat, so if anything, she’s got even better monster fighting instincts than before. I don't think this would carry over to people. Falin has always been better with people, and I'm personally not a fan of seeing her depicted as territorial or possessive. Marcille is already the possessive one, and didn't need dragon blood to be like that.
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Ultimately, I don't think her dragon traits extend much farther beyond this. Especially when you consider How Little the dragon is represented as in her conscience.
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it's not like it's a 50/50 split. She's like a person with a dragon ratatouille. I don't think she'd be able to make dragon noises. I don't think her body is built for that. I know there's like, a set list of tropey characteristics that are given to almost every non-human character in fiction. and sure that's FINE but they tend not to be especially personalized to the character, and tend to just be an excuse to write them OOC. Like, sure, dragons may have instincts regarding sleep habits, hunting, courting, raising young, etc etc, but so do humans! And we don't compulsively act on every instinctual whim we have. I don't see why it'd be any harder for her new dragon instincts.
If anything, I think she'd feel more affected by the fact that she has part of the demon in her.
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I don't think Falin's in any sort of trouble. All the demon was was a way to communicate with people. Here, it's representing Falin's tether to the infinite realm, to mana itself. The winged lion no longer has the desire to consume anymore because, yknow, Laios has that now. This is very likely why she no longer needs to chant to cast magic.
But what else does this mean for her? She already had unusually high reserves of mana + an innate connection with spirits, but is her mana essentially limitless now? How would that affect her lifespan? I'm leaning towards, it wouldn't really?? But is she immune to mana sickness now? Is it more like her magic is just sort of amplified like it would be in a dungeon?
We can infer that having more mana doesn't increase your lifespan, because-- while elves and gnomes have both naturally high levels of mana and longer lifespans-- dwarves live longer but have lowest levels of mana of all.
So to answer your question! Maybe a little bit?? But I don't think she'd change a whole lot.
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flashyfools · 5 months
months ago, while mindlessly scrolling through twitter, i came across an analysis of this particular panel from chapter 434 (i can’t remember who wrote the thread, i’m so sorry </3), and i really want to talk about it too.
(EDIT: original author of the thread is @goingbuggy!!! go check out their metas, they're amazing)
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the thread was focusing on the way the speech bubble covers shanks's scar completely, and how it can be seen as a sign of vulnerability. oda is using shanks’s own words to hide his suffering, letting his physical scars be representative of his emotional ones, even though the event he’s talking about is completely unrelated to the way he got his scar.
in fact, we know shanks is not ashamed of the scar, since just a couple of pages after this one he mentions it directly as a way to start the conversation about blackbeard:
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he doesn’t have a problem with the marking itself, it’s just used as a narrative device, a tool to highlight (in an extradiegetic way) his emotional wounds and the pain he always tries so hard to hide, in an effort to keep his usual composure.
the original author of the thread compared the panel from chapter 434 to another, way older one, from the very first chapter:
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this takes place right after shanks loses his left arm to save luffy’s life. it’s obviously a very emotionally charged moment, which means the best thing to do would be showing a close-up of shanks’s reaction to everything that’s unfolding in front of him at that moment (luffy’s cries, or even his own reaction to his sacrifice). oda, however, chooses not to do that; instead, he hides half of shanks’s face, just like he did in chapter 434. the way the moment is portrayed tells the reader shanks is willing to hide his pain in an even deeper way than what he’s showing by smiling at luffy right after getting his arm chopped off.
it’s a great way to explain an important characteristic without stating it right away. it's a focal point of shanks's character: it's his way of showing luffy he cares about him and would much rather hide his suffering than pass it onto him, but it's also oda's way of conveying that shanks is much more vulnerable than what he allows himself to show.
having said that, the reason oda chose to bring back this framing in chapter 434 appears obvious: shanks misses buggy.
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it’s plain to see, especially if we look at the whole page.
shanks tries so hard to act collected when talking about buggy, but it’s obvious that he’s hurting. his wording makes it clear he’s trying to detach from him (“that’s the end of it” + “rumors have it”); he acts like buggy doesn’t exist in his thoughts anymore, when it’s obvious he still does. he feels remorse, he regrets letting buggy go. he’s scared he might have been in the wrong. he knows he hurt buggy, but he desperately wishes he didn’t.
all of this weighs on him in a way he isn’t used to, so he locks these feelings up, thinking of them only in relation to something that happened in the past, and as so, stays in the past. he smiles while talking about him and buggy, but it’s a remorseful smile. he cuts the conversation short even though he vividly remembers what happened between them, and as he does so, his words hide the scar. he desperately tries to patch things up in his mind by exclusively clinging onto the good memories they share, but the remorse always creeps up on him. he always smiles when talking about buggy, even when he’s talking directly to him. but his smile always ends up looking sour.
this is exactly why i hate it when people say shanks doesn’t care about buggy. oda wouldn’t have given these panels so much depth if he didn’t want to show just how much shanks actually cares. even just the fact the panel we are focusing on directly mirrors a panel from the first chapter, one so important and impactful, should tell you everything you need to know.
buggy will always be shanks’s weakness. caring so much about someone when you’re a pirate of that caliber is difficult in itself, even more so when that someone is so far away from you now.
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sorenphelps · 7 days
I work in Corporate, and as i was promoted to Manager this year, i had to attend a lot of “Business skills” trainings… and of course, i’m about to apply the gathered knowledge to my Marauders headcanons😅
So here’s a very brief summary of my thoughts about their DISC profiles:
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All right, I’m just gonna assume that all of you know the basics about DISC, the colours might be different, but the name of each profile and characteristics are the same in all versions. Also as almost everyone has a mixture of these profiles, i decided to go with the two most prominent one for each of them.
Starting with James, who is a D and an I (red/yellow), because while he is also a big nerd, he is definitely too extroverted to have high results on the left side of this DISC wheel. He’s a true leader, has a very strong moral compass, but he is generally a funny dude. Judging from his actions in canon, he is definitely a do it immediately kind of guy. He can connect to Sirius the most as they both share the D/red profile, and he also works good with Peter via their shared I/yellow profile. His opposite is Remus, and while he obviously loves and supports him in canon, i think he would feel conflicted about some of Remus’ actions the same way as his son was multiple times.
Peter is an I and S (yellow/green) profile, the S/green is more obvius why, but considering how he liked to sourround himself with powerful people and how much attention he gave to James, i think the I/yellow is not that far-fetched, especially if you consider that he was really a spy and could frame Sirius, he must be at least a little influencing/manipulative. He can connect to James via their shared I/yellow profile, and to Remus even more via their shared S/green profile. This is highlighted if you consider him being friends to Remus first and only getting “adopted” to this friend group later by James as a canon fact. His opposite is Sirius, and it’s sort of obvious how they connect the least with each other.
Remus is a S and C (green/blue) profile, he is not good with conflicts, and he is the most introverted out of the four. He is also quite a nerd, he enjoys researching, that’s how he can connect the most with Sirius, through their shared C/blue profile. He connects to Péter via their shared S/green profile, as Péter can sort of trigger the “mother hen” tendencies of Remus by presenting himself as weak (especially when Sirius is mean to him). His opposite would be James, however as James is a true leader and Remus likes to follow on main, their relationship still works out.
Sirius is a C and D (blue/red) profile, because he is the most task focused of the group to the point of seeming rude and cold to others. He values knowledge and he is very analytical, he does the research because he is geniunely interested and wants to go deeper. He also has strong morals (and even a temper), no wonder he connects best to James via their shared D/red profile. He can also connect to Remus via their shared C/blue profile, while his opposite is Peter, who posesses all those characteristics that Sirius just can’t really connect to, and are probably the least tolerant to even in his other mates.
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bnha-headcanonss · 5 months
POV, you’re dating Jiro
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• You two work on songs together.
• She likes using your voice in mixtapes, like a little “I love you” or “I’ll see you soon” how artists do. Yk what I’m talking about.
• She teaches you how to play her instruments, it’s a bonding experience.
• She’ll kick your ass at Mortal Kombat.
• If you fall asleep on the floor with her, she’ll plug her ears into the floor to hear your heartbeat better, it calms her.
• Late night kitchen duets. Enough said.
• Hamster or chinchilla person 100%.
• Despite the fact that she looks like she drinks rockstars, she’s definitely a Monster person.
• Helps you dye your hair.
• She jams out to Chappell Roan and you can’t tell me otherwise.
• She practices her eye liner on you.
• Matching outfits to concerts, and she keeps the bands afterwards.
• Huge cuddle bug and I mean HUGE
• Claims she’s not really into pillow fights but as soon as she’s smacked with a pillow, it’s going down.
• Loves Pitch Perfect for obvious reasons. Also identifies with Becca, makes you watch the movies at least once a month.
• Grimes, Alex G, Steve Lacy, Novo Amor, Cults, Mitski, Mr. Kitty, Her’s, Salvia Palth, Duster, Specifically Poison Tree by Grouper, she’s not depressed, just has elite music taste and you got wrapped into it.
• 2 years pierced and still has a love-hate relationship with her double helix piercings so you hear “ughh” when she shifts a certain way in her sleep.
• Had her Monster High phase and rants to you about it occasionally even though it’s been like 10 years.
• You’ll say something totally normal and suddenly it’s a lyric.
• Points out random sounds on the street to you and says it’d make a killer beat.
• Holds your hand in her hoodie pocket.
• Small spoon.
• Has ‘debrief’ sessions with you whenever the boys are up to something and suddenly you’re both detectives.
• Sneaks random kisses when she thinks nobody’s watching. (Mina ALWAYS knows.)
• Makes you multiple playlists cause she keeps losing the other ones cause she has too many.
• Paints your nails.
• She will tickle you mercilessly, she loves your laughs.
• She finds a way to include you in her songs, her feelings for you, a characteristic of yours, physical attributes, she’ll figure it out.
• Hear me out, matching twinkle toes.
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astropookie · 10 months
short asteroid observations
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*whole sign + tropical
Cupido (763) 9H says you are attracted to someone you can learn a lot from, someone foreign, not necessarily in an obvious way but when’s about different perspective/mindset. also you could not fall easily? They have to look/think “different”. you could like dorks. you want to be understood, to debate.
Aphrodite (1388) 8H have this desire of being taken care of, to everyone be obsessed with them and they are but people it’s too scared and intimidated by their strong and mysterious aura, so they’re likely to be the goddess who seems unapproachable/too good to be true. they could feel lonely bc of these and they LOVE the power and influence they have on others.
Luda (1158) at 12° (pisces degree)/trine neptune are recognized by being artsy, in their own world, kind of hippie or full of creativity/imagination and with other world perspectives. I have these placement + aspect and EVERY TIME, people from every age recognize/identify me as the characteristics I mentioned. They have asked me if my family it’s full of artists bc I have that “vibe”. Asteroid “Luda” means “love of the people”, and being love by people could be interpreted as recognized -my interpretation-.
Narcissus (37117) conjunct Mercury could mean being too self absorbed about your mindset and opinions, “thinking your way of thinking is too good to be true”. I don’t really think narcissus have this effect permanently-duh😝-, it shows how at some point you are like this. you could have difficulties listening to others perspectives that can help you. you could have serious problems of trying to understand others, in this life you’ll have to learn no one thinks like you, even though your you from a moment ago, I don’t think they’ll think the same or etc., so don’t explode your mind trying so hard to have an answer on why others aren’t/think like you bc they won’t. also, your mindset it’s not correct or perfect so don’t frustrate about stuff you can’t control.
Bellona (28) trine ascendant, again, can tell people thought you were a total bitch -when they didn’t know you-, if they get in your way you’ll fuck them up without a doubt. I’m proud to say it’s not only appearance or supposition, once they know you they’ll still say you’ll fuck them up equally. Bellona is about someone who isn’t afraid of standing up for what they believe.
I was wondering why lately I’ve been so obsessed with this guy, then I checked my composite chart with him and saw Lovelock (51663) 12H. So practically it could signify this is a past life situation and I can’t fucking let go. I’m so tired 😭 idgaf if he’s obsessed with me, I want action and he’s not giving it and I’m afraid to be the one starting it -it’s different with guys and bc of him? idk 😒-. I feel stuck. HELP. also is conjunct Chiron so I have to learn about it? DONT. Chiron give me a break, no, I’m joking, I’m saying nothing. 12H means it’s gonna hit in a subconscious level…and it’s gonna be a secret?😭 -I don’t want to believe this-, so neither of us is gonna do something? FUCK
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ૮₍˶ •. • ⑅₎ა ♡ (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡
♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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halfratsalready · 7 months
The Unhinged Jack x Wanderlust Conspiracy Board Explained
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A few days ago I posted this silly conspiracy board I made for a slideshow night with my friends where I talked about how Ubisoft loves to deny Jack x Wanderlust and everyone seemed to like it so here’s an in-depth (and I mean in-depth) explanation of everything on it.
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We start, of course, with Si’ha Nova and the Traveler, and Wanderlust wearing his dad’s cape at the beginning of Canned Heat because it’s super cute.
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And you can’t talk about this ship without the moment from Majesty that perfectly mirrors the moment from Save Your Tears because genuinely why would they do this if they didn’t want people to ship these two? (Rainbow flag added for ✨flavor✨)
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I also thought it was worth mentioning that the only time we ever actually hear any of these characters speak across all 14 lore playlist maps is literally Wanderlust calling out Jack’s name.
And now it’s time for the part that I like to call Ubisoft’s crusade against a monster of their own creation (because look at those last two points and tell me they didn’t do this to themselves. You can’t.)
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Now in making this I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Ubisoft isn’t being as harsh on the ship as we’ve been thinking, because “they’re such good friends” and “best friends” with a thumbs up automatically reads as very sarcastic and joking to me, like all the memes about “historians will say they were close friends.”
Then there’s the infamous in’s and out’s New Years post, but what I hadn’t picked up on until I saw this screenshot from Twitter is that the inclusion of “normalize being evil” on the in’s list is rather suspicious and that, according to Just Dance, “this was posted by Night Swan’s army.” So I feel like that’s worth mentioning, because it casts a different light on all the other things on the lists. As in including Jack Rose in the in’s list since he’s the only one she didn’t corrupt yet and she wants to do that this year? And putting stanning Jacklust on the out’s because she’s evil and doesn’t want us to have nice things? Not too sure but hey, if someone better at analyzing things wants to look into that, I’d be down to read it.
(I also think it’s worth mentioning that “worrying about getting a Megastar” is included in the out’s list when the tweet just before that one is encouraging players to get Megastar on Zero to Hero, so some more contradictions there, but that might not mean anything, given that Night Swan’s whole thing is perfection and I feel like she would definitely be in favor of worrying over getting Megastar.)
Plus there’s the pretty popular belief that they’re just pointing out how stupid of a ship name Jacklust is, but I’m personally not at all sold on this being the reason, even if Jacklust is a stupid ship name. (I told my friends the ship name during this presentation and one of them said “Really? Wanderrose was right there.”)
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Lastly, I threw Night Swan in there because of the theory that Ubisoft is denying Jack x Wanderlust because the Traveler is Jack’s father. Now, I have opinions about this theory and I hope it’s not true for obvious reasons, but I feel like if it is, it’s a serious oversight on Ubisoft’s part.
Firstly, if they’re half siblings why did they recreate the move from Save Your Tears in Majesty? Seems odd to have half siblings recreate a pretty iconic romantic duet moment.
There’s also the fact that we can clearly see that Wanderlust takes physical traits from each of his parents - his mother’s blue skin and his father’s dark hair. If the Traveler is Jack’s dad, why don’t they share any physical characteristics? At the very end of the beta for Sweet Dreams (spoiler?) we see Night Swan with green eyes, unlike the yellow eyes she has in the rest of the dances we see her in. (While this could just be an older design choice, I personally interpreted this as meaning that her eyes were green before she went evil and then they turned yellow.) In all of his character artwork, Jack’s eyes are green, which I take as meaning that this is a trait he got from his mother. So I personally feel like it only makes sense for his father to have red hair (and we’ve got plenty of options to pick from with that criteria).
But hey, that’s just a theory… I don’t need to finish that part, you’re already thinking it. Thanks for reading my insane ramblings!
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imeanwhynotbruv · 1 year
Ahhh!! I’ve just been thinking about a Mowglie!Spider AU for so long now!!! I’d love to hear more about it if you have any more ideas. What was it like being raised by animals and Eywa?
I’m so glad you liked it/ asked !!!❤️❤️
Okay so, as for what it was like being raised by Eywa / animals of Pandora:
Spider is definitely big on community since was raised almost collectively if that makes sense? So like every animal would show him things that are more specific to them
EG: the Prolemuris or the Syaksyuk (the blue monkey things from the fisr movie) would have been the animals that taught Spider how to be a better climber, like how to find those invisible grips and how to swing from branches.
or like Direhorses / Pa’il would show him how to control his breathing better so that he could run more
(Granted all these lessons would need a lot of patience as they can’t used words)
But I think his primary caregiver/ closest thing to a physical parent would be the Thanator mother and her cub. (I see them as only normally having one or two cubs who they stay with untill they are in their adult hood. So they’re very protective of their territory/nests and will react violently to any perceived threat)
She’s the one who raised him while he was still a baby. She’s the one he’ll go to at night to sleep with because he feels the safest around her. He definitely takes on more of her animalistic characteristics because of that.
His upbringing was definitely difficult, more so when he was still a baby and couldn’t really communicate at all. A lot of it was trial and error.
I also think his Thanator mum barely stands it when he’s with other animals but she knows he’ll come back/ there are things she can’t teach him.
They are very protective of their young and it’s really difficult for them when they can’t see their child at all times
Spider doesn’t tend to speak much (the only language he does speak is Na’vi) bc the only time he has to do it is when he’s communing with Eywa and the ancestors so I think he’d be more inclined to using animal noises
I think he would adapt the various noises he uses depending on the animal he’s with, but it always tends to lean closer to the thanator (like a child learning their parents accent)
I also decree that Spider can replicate these noise perfectly because come on, he was raised around them & he’s Eywa’s special little guy
He’s defo a messy eater (I already said this but, he’s really really messy), he spends the first few years just eating meat raw because he wouldn’t have been introduced to fire (this doesn’t make him overly sick, it just doesn’t taste as good)
He probably only learned how to make fire because Eywa refused to let him disconnect from the spirit tree without him taking on and learning how to cook his damn food
Eywa defiantly took a far more active role in his upbringing, especially when he was a baby.
EG: she’d use the Atokirina to guide him around after he’d learned to walk, to help him find his way back if he ever got lost, lead him away from danger before he ever knew he was in it.
When he would cry uncontrollably as a baby the Atokirina would enable him to feel her presence more closely and it would be very comforting (something his Thanator mum was very thankful for) (he also learned to feel her just as closely without their help once he got older)
I don’t think he’s really aware of how significant his connection with Eywa is (despite how blatantly obvious it is to literally anyone else)
Bc the animals are obviously very closely connected with her, but they can’t tell him that what he feels isn’t the norm
His sense of fear is definitely not where it really should be because he has absolutely no problem going to places / doing things that would give others heart attacks because of how much he can feel eywa
EG: if he’s diving off large waterfalls into the water below, he’ll keep going until he climbs too high and feels this sense of danger/displeasure and he knows Eywa doesn’t want him to do that because it isn’t safe
Or if he’s not sure if something is safe to eat (probably human food) he’ll wait to see if he either gets a warm sensation in his stomach or like a quick jolt of discomfort
But this also means that when he can’t feel her (like being in the human base) sends in into panic, it’s like suddenly losing one of you important senses with no warning
I think he’d play around with other animals a lot and some of them would treat him like their own young
Eg: Ikran would nip at him like they do to their little ones to get them to try and bite back/just to play with them.
He also try’s to be independent and since he’s a kid he sometimes won’t heed Eywa’s warning
I’m sorry by having an almost teen rebellion against the literal god / planet is just the funniest thing to me 😂
Fan lizards love him but definitely hold a grudge against him 😂
You can’t tell me he wouldn’t have had fun running around annoying them as a little kid (he still does it now)
Very much into roughhousing because that’s how he played with his Thanator sibling.
He also only learned about modesty from they other Na’vi through the spirit tree / seeing some humans from a distance but not understand a thing about them
Also Eywa makes it very clear to him he needs to wear pants
Spider has never interact with a human, he actively avoided them throughout his early childhood
Like he just thinks they are the weirdest creatures ever with how out of place they look 😂
He also doesn’t like getting close to hells gate because the closer he gets to the building, the quieter Eywa gets and he absolutely hates that!
He’s never interacted with a na’vi / seen them up close but he’s more open to the idea than he is about humans
I’m not entirely sure if he can actually hear Eywa speak (if he can it’s only when he’s connected), but he can definitely feel her embrace him / feel her in the world around him. He also definitely feels her / views her as a mother in a more literal sense (something she’s happy with bc that’s her fearless and feral little boy)
Okay so for more general ideas / plot-ish ideas :
Kiri is the first Na’vi he’s seen up close and it was entirely by accident 😂
She probably tried to talk to him in English but he didn’t understand a word she said, so he tries his broken Na’vi (think small child who doesn’t talk much, not great at putting sentences together, but good enough that you get what he means)
Kiri & Spider send a few days bonding
When Kiri tells her family about the human boy none of them really believe her (they don’t call her crazy…..but they basically call her crazy👀)
They just assume she’s imagining him / it’s all a dream she keeps having
Kirk has enough of that bullshit and literally drags him kicking and screaming right into the middle of high camp just to prove her point😂 like “SEE! I’m not crazy!”
Pandemonium ensues 😂😭
Spider loses his mind
Lo’ak and Neteyam lose their minds
Tuk is just excited
Jakes brain breaks
Norm has his brain explode with science
Neytiri gets a headache
Mo’at is very intrigued
I think the scientists would be really interested in him but because of his distrust only Norm can get close when he’s in his avatar body (bc Jake & Kiri vouched for him personally, and their interactions are always outside at first after the chaos that was trying to get him inside)
I think people would be shocked at seeing Spider just doing his thing, and Norm desperately wants to know absolutely everything
I’m also going by the movies so he’s the only human (as close to human) child to have been born on Pandora because the scientists weren’t all that interested in baby making.
Spider does eventually start liking Norm because he takes way to much joy in teasing him with his animal noises/ he likes how important he feels when Norm gets all excited about the things he can do…..even if it is just him breathing
I don’t think he’d be a fan of people speaking English around him for a while because he doesn’t know how to speak it & doesn’t like that he can understand them
He’s a fast learner & Kiri is a great teacher and Tuk is her amazing helpers so he learns to speak in better sentences (even if he thinks the word use is excessive and will get sulky after a while if they keep correcting him when he doesn’t think he’s wrong) (Lo’ak finds it hilarious)
He really likes Jake because he can feels Eywa around him and makes him interested in him (different to how he feels Eywa around Kiri)
I can definitely see him and Kiri teaching each other how they experience Eywa
I absolutely see him totally unnerving jake by just quietly staring at him without blinking (everyone else finds it hilarious to see Jake get so weirded out 😂😂)
Neytiri would probably be far more accepting of him after a while & he definitely becomes some she’s begrudgingly fond of in the beginning, but eventually turns into full protective loving mama (because I’m a sucker for mama Neytiri)
Having Neytiri as his mother would definitely feel very different to Eywa/Thanator but in a very pleasant way, like she can actually hold him in her arms and speak a language he can easily understand (he still loves his other mama’s tho)
This is getting long so I’m going to leave it there 😅
I really like this au! Im interested in knowing what you guys think and I look forward to seeing how it will develop ❤️❤️
Thank you for reading & I hope you enjoyed ❤️
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This week’s selection is a TikTok thirst trap of Daniel Cleaver formatted in a series of clips with Beyonce’s “Donk” playing in the background. It starts with a clip where Daniel Cleaver (played by Hugh Grant in the 2001 Bridget Jones’s Diary movie adaptation) has fallen into the lake and is standing half-submerged and soaking wet with a half-buttoned shirt. While I think we’ve learned that the internet loves a man in a half-buttoned wet shirt, I do find it interesting that where we trace that to (for this class at least) is the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice in which Darcy has the wet shirt. As a matter of fact, BBC Darcy is the same actor who plays Mark Darcy in Bridget Jones’ Diary. The first clip is meant to draw the audience in, so it’s typically the clip a creator thinks is most persuasive (the most attractive video of an actor/character). Thus, the creator must have thought Cleaver in a Darcy-esque wet shirt moment is the most attractive scene of his character. To me this begs the question, do we find Wickham (Cleaver) most attractive when he is most like Darcy (which we’ll get back to)? Or, more generally, why are we finding Cleaver attractive at all?
I wouldn’t be so curious about a one-off thirst trap because there’s always someone who’s going to find a character attractive (even the ones the general population loathes), but when I searched Bridget Jones’s Diary on TikTok, I’d say a solid 50-60% of the videos were Daniel Cleaver thirst traps. If we’re reading this as a Pride and Prejudice adaptation, he’s Mr. Wickham, so Mr. Wickham thirst traps should be 50-60% of the Pride and Prejudice media. However, when I went to find a Mr. Wickham edit, I was incapable of it despite searching under three different hashtags and being on the lookout for any Wickham from any close-to-book adaptation. So, Wickham is not attractive, but Cleaver is, even though they’re meant to be the same character?
The easiest answer for this difference is the obvious one, that Hugh Grant is attractive enough to make most media consumers forget about Cleaver’s unsavory characteristics. This seems probable, but I think there’s a bit more to this. The first layer for me is the likeability of the main girl character which Wickham/Cleaver is wronging. Personally, I don’t like Bridget. I feel bad for her, occasionally I even empathize with her, but I don’t like her and I can see how other people would feel the same way. Elizabeth Bennet, on the other hand, is one of my favorite book characters. We talked in class today about Bridget being a sort of anti-hero, which I definitely see, but there is a solid amount of TikToks which idolize Bridget, so I’m not sure if we can totally mark down the lessened Cleaver hate as more hate towards the person he’s wronging. Also, as someone who dislikes Bridget, I still dislike Cleaver, so that can’t be the only reason.
The next layer is perhaps that Cleaver’s wrongs are less severe than Wickham’s in the book. He didn’t elope with her younger sister, but Cleaver did make really awful comments about Bridget’s body, just be a generally bad boyfriend (dismissing her wishes, shirking family obligations, etc.), and cheat on her! I feel as if that’s about equivalent, especially for modern day, but there may be people who feel differently.
The final layer that I come to then is kind of calling back to my previous point of who the wrongs are directed at. If we look at Wickham eloping with young girls, then there is an argument to be made that a large part of Wickham’s problematic behavior is directed at Darcy because of his attempting to elope with Darcy’s sister and begging/scheming for money. Cleaver wrongs Darcy by being the man his wife cheats on him with, but arguably the responsibility is at least shared between Cleaver and Darcy’s wife. Meanwhile, Darcy’s sister would have been too young and naive to know better, so that’s definitely on Wickham. Therefore, does the internet like Cleaver more than his Wickham equivalent because he wrongs Darcy less? Is it easier to focus on his looks/charm and glaze over the rest when Darcy (whose edits make up the rest of the Bridget Jones TikTok presence) is not being as grievously wronged? And, to call back to my original question, do we find Wickham (Cleaver) most attractive when he is most like Darcy? I don’t want to reduce all media consumers to Darcy-mania, but I feel as if there’s an element of it here. He’s found more attractive when he’s wronging Darcy less and when he’s doing Darcy things (like being soaking wet from a dip in a lake/pond). This, to me, suggests that Darcymania can spread even into pieces of media more abstracted from the source text where even characters who are very loosely based on Darcy get preference and the characters around him feel the effects of that.
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eviebyme · 2 years
hey 🙃
I saw that you are taking requests, I was wondering if you could write a skz reaction to their partner being a rocker/metalhead? 💚
Hi there ☺️❣️Thanks for your request - I love it!
Stray Kids Reaction to their Partner Being a Rocker/Metalhead
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Pleasantly surprised
Chan is the type to love all your quirks and unique characteristics. He loves that you are passionate about music, even if it is not his preference. Since he is constantly on the lookout for new music recommendations he will ask you to make him a playlist of your favorite songs. Even if he cannot appreciate rock/metal music he will be very considerate and try to understand why your a fan. He’ll even be your concert buddy!
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Just when he thought he had you all figured out - he discovers your metalhead side. He would love to uncover everything about you, and your love of rock music is a new layer for him to discover. If this side is more obvious, then he will be intially very attracted to your edginess (he loves the thought of a badass partner). He likes the rocker style and might even have a hidden metalhead within him.
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He just doesn't get it. Changbin tries his best to listen to every song on the playlist you made for him, but he just doesn't understand how this type of music is enjoyable. If you take him to a concert he will be even more perplexed by the people around him thrashing around to the music. It's just not his scene, so whenever you talk about it he just smiles and nods.
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The whole rocker/metalhead culture really unnerves him. He has his own thoughts and opinions about people with piercings and/or tattoos, and he would be worried about you being a part of that scene. If you have tattoos or piercings he will think you’re a bad ass and tough as nails (even if you’re not, he just associates the music with an edgy look and being badass). Whenever you play music out loud he feels as if the mood is ruined, so he usually takes control of the music in the car.
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Jisung also doesn't get it. But he wants to! He figures that is it something you like, then it has to have some sort of meaning - especially since he likes you and wants to understand you. Han will listen to your favorite songs and will remember your favorite bands so he can buy you some merch as gifts. He’ll want to know all of your favorite things, as an effort to get close to you.
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If he sees you're really into rock/metal that he will stand back and let you do your thing. He knows that he is not a fan, but he would never say anything negative about it. In fact, he’ll listen to you when you’re excited about a new album and even accompany you to a fan sign. You’ll never feel any judgement from him, but he will never go to a concert (unless you couldn’t find anyone and did some master convincing).
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Seungmin is the type to overanalyze the lyrics and ask you if you're okay if you're listening to a hardcore song. Also, he worries about your ears if you're listening to music too loud and your neck when you’re head banging. Even if you explain that he doesn’t need to have a deep conversation with you every time you play a song, he will always be concerned about the subject matter of the music you listen to.
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He loves new experiences and will be excited when you open a new type of music to him. High energy concerts are fun for him, and even if he can’t get into the music, he’ll enjoy himself. He’ll tag along with you to concerts and will love headbanging in the car when it’s just the two of you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lowkey rocker himself.
🌟Requests Open🌟
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lost-eternity · 11 months
Percy Jackson Matchup -CLOSED-
This is a matchup trade for @sugutoad. Regular matchups are still closed. Without further ado...
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•──⋅☾Cabin 6 - ATHENA ☽⋅──•
Reading through this, there was a constant voice in the back of my mind whispering “Athena” over and over again. I still pursued other options in the interest of not being basic because it almost felt too obvious. I entertained Nemesis for a long while, actually. Your inclination to hear out everyone’s opinions suggested a strong sense of justice and moral prolificity towards fairplay. That, paired with a blunt disposition and dry sense of humor really meshed with the goddess. You vibe like someone who is unabashed in calling out other people’s bullshit which is something that I felt carried strong Nemesis undertones. 
You know who else is known for possessing a strong bullshit detector? Athena. Furthermore, if your inclination towards ensuring others opinions are heard and considered stems from a desire to foster understanding and deepen perspective rather than merely in the name of justice and equality then I think that would actually make it more of an Athena trait. 
Also your disregard for rules and structure is not very characteristic of Nemesis’ cabin simply because I feel as though those campers would respect rules (unless the rules directly went against their strong moral convictions) and crave a more structured, organized lifestyle. 
Lastly, I think the one line that really sold me on it was your desire “to be the best”. The only cabin capable of outcompeting Athena’s is Nike’s and I did not feel as though your desire to win was quite that strong (willing to sacrifice relationships if it means being right/winning). However, that one line put you solidly in Athena territory for me. Your status as a Slytherclaw and an INTJ (characterized by prioritizing logic, reason, and organization) further cemented the notion.
All of that being said, I still get pretty strong Nemesis undercurrents from you so I would not be surprised if you were a legacy from Nemesis, or would be extremely close to the large majority of people in Nemesis’ cabin. 
Like most of the other campers in your cabin, the RBF is quite strong. However, upon looking past outward appearances, there is a shared sense of camaraderie that is pervasive throughout the cabin. 
A healthy amount of competition too. 
Everyone is constantly pushing each other to their fullest extent, striving to be the best.
But in a way that doesn't involve tearing your competition down.
Because it is a sisterhood, you know?
This doesn’t apply to the other cabins. 
Where capture the flag or inter-cabin competition is concerned- y’all are ruthless. Not quite to the extent of Nike, as a willingness to admit defeat is a core part of wartime tactics, but it can get pretty nasty.
Also, unlike Nike’s cabin, y’all are far less rowdy. 
There is an understanding regarding the importance of quiet spaces to study and grow. Therefore strict quiet hours are in place at the cabin. This makes it the best possible retreat to study, read, or simply unwind after a stressful day of social interaction. 
I can’t see Athena’s cabin being a party cabin to any extent (you’d have to go to Ares’ or Aphrodite’s for that). 
Great friends with Hecate’s Cabin.
Whilst never mentioned in the books, there is a very similar dynamic between Athena and Hecate and I feel like the children of each goddess would get along. 
The emphasis on academic success and high parental expectations is strong in both cabins. 
As a result, I could see frequent trips between both cabins as study buddies or training partners. With Athena’s cabin focusing more so on the athletics and Hecate’s on the academics. This forms a symbiotic relationship in which both cabins assist and support each other where the other lacks. 
Because nothing screams “gifted kid burn out” more than hating to study but also hating getting anything below a 90 on a test. 
Being traditionally designated as the “smart kid” and coasting through school and tests due to your intelligence having never properly developed studying methods and then emotionally shutting down when academics start becoming actually challenging because you’ve internalized your intellect as a key personality trait resulting in a pervasive sense of imposter syndrome and inadequacy is so Athena-coded. 
But I digress. 
Also there are some major perks to having witchy friends. 
The occasional pig-transforming spell or levitation potion goes a long way for hijinks and other rule-breaking, mischievous activities. 
An adrenaline rush for sure, and a good way to absolutely traumatize the other campers. 
They know they shouldn’t mess with either one of you.  
Also, on the topic of breaking the rules.
Dress code who? 
Yeah, you and the Aphrodite kids are not following the dress code. Ever.
Truly that neon orange is atrocious. 
And dress codes stifles creativity and squanders individualism, regulating students to being part of a collective as opposed to embracing their unique self. 
Or something like that. 
If you and the rest of your cabin mates put your minds to it, you could write the single most convincing appeal to revoke dress code restrictions, get the signatures of every camper on campus,  and deliver it to Chiron all neat and packaged with a wax seal.
And if that does not work, simply not follow it. 
As a form of protest, of course. 
They can’t punish all of you if everyone is doing it. 
Vive la résistance.
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clunelover · 2 months
Because it’s fun and interesting to me, I am going to write all my characteristics that I previously thought of as just quirks and now I think could be signs of autism. I can also use this as a reference when I talk to my therapist:
As a child, could not look people in the eye. I was berated for this and forced to look people in the eye (ugh…) and as a result I am better at it but still find it pretty uncomfortable and often get the balance of how much eye contact to make wrong
As a child, hated the feeling of anything sticky on my hands, or touching things if my hands were sticky. Would walk to the sink with my fingers spread way apart so they couldn’t touch each other, and turn on sink with my elbow so I didn’t have to feel my sticky hands touching the faucet. I was made fun of for this. I really like how things have shifted on this matter - C is like this too, and everyone just sort of takes it as obvious that he has some sensory issues!
As a child, was always chewing my hair, and chewed a lot of holes in the neck area of my shirts. I was always berated for both of these things, threatened with short haircuts, etc. Again, a big change - C chews on everything, but at least now chewing jewelry and things exist. I am frustrated about the holes chewed in his shirts, but would never think to BERATE him for that!!
Have always felt weird and "not like other people" to varying degrees
Certain situations have always been hard for me, which I now recognize as sensory overwhelm - the big one that’s stood out is shopping. The lights and smells and visual input of stores (esp clothing stores/department stores) have always made me shut down and turn into kind of a zombie. This always made me feel "not like other girls" when I was a teen - all teen girls love shopping! Except me, I didn’t. Being fat and never being able to find clothes that fit me certainly didn’t help, but now I know it’s more the other stuff. I tried to go to Costco recently as an exposure (like, I thought I just didn’t like going there cause of anxiety around crowds) and instantly felt exhausted and like I was just shuffling around without full awareness of where I was or what my body was doing. Now I know - that’s not something I really need to push myself on!
Have always had a vivid fantasy life, including repeated daydreams that I liked to try to have over and over because it felt good to live in them, but a common one was of being a famous actress interviewed by Barbara Walters (cause as I have mentioned, I loved 20/20 as a kid), but then I’d often accidentally imagine myself saying "when I was a kid, I used to imagine you interviewing me" but you can’t reference a fantasy within the fantasy, so that would make it instantly dissolve and I’d have to start over.
As a child, would narrate my own actions in my head for an unseen audience…I think this also ties in to an apparently common autistic trait of discomfort with being perceived…like, if I narrated what I was doing, it made the fact that other people might see me and notice what I was doing, a little more tolerable? I didn’t know this was a trait til BFF mentioned it yesterday…I was like "omg that’s me, I don’t like being perceived!" And she said, "I know, you hate it!" So that seemed notable, that the degree to which I don’t like being perceived would itself be perceptible (lol).
Related to previous, i often feel like I don’t quite know how to hold my body. If I feel like someone is watching me walk, I suddenly am not sure how to walk, etc.
I have pretty good social awareness and empathy, but if I speak off the cuff I do often say things that are inadvertently rude. Like, I recently was leaving a get together after most of the people I knew well had left, and someone said "you takin off?" And I said "yeah, there’s not really a reason for me to stay now." I instantly knew that was rude and regretted saying it, but that does happen to me a lot. (I guess that’s another overlap with ADHD, like sometimes the impulsivity of ADHD can manifest as "blurting out things you wish you hadn’t")
In social situations, I have difficulty knowing how to end a conversation, or transition to a new topic. I experience this a lot in therapy, where I will often say "okay what’s next" or "what’s supposed to happen now?"
Can be very concrete or literal. Slightly off inflection or unusual ways of wording things can lead to me missing the meaning of what is said, even when in retrospect it’s still pretty obvious.
Hearing difficulties and needing people to repeat things often - my hearing is normal, I now think this is an issue with auditory processing
Another sensory thing - have often dressed weather-inappropriate, never want to wear socks and will wear shorts and sandals even when it’s cold, but also have been known to bundle up in a sweatshirt when it’s hot out. When I had dropped out of college and was living at home with my dad and stepmom, I had a great psychiatrist who ran me through every test he could think of to determine I had bipolar, and this included talking to my family to get additional context on my behaviors. And my dad, who has a phd in rehab psych, helpfully told the Dr about this habit, and then said that some of his own patients had this same quirk (he worked at the time in a prison, as a psychologist for prisoners who were also mentally ill), and that "I think of it as having a broken internal thermostat - and I associate it with very severe mental illness and psychosis." My psychiatrist was like "okay well thanks for the info but I don’t think Meredith wearing sandals in winter is a sign of severe mental illness" (man, I loved that guy!)…of course, my dad saying that really fucked with me, and so I have since made more of an effort to dress normally. Oh and this also reminds me of how one of C’s first notable sensory symptoms was that he’d try to strip off all his clothes as well as his shoes when it was time to leave for daycare.
Mild face blindness - will not recognize people when I see them in a new context. Most often noticed this when I worked at the telefund- I worked with a lot of student callers, and knew them well at work, but when I saw them outside of work I couldn’t recognize them
Oh and as for working in the telefund - everyone who knew me found it odd that someone with so much social anxiety would find so much enjoyment and success in cold-calling people to ask for money. But you see, there’s a script! A very strict script you must follow (including pre-planned personal anecdotes to build rapport!) and I definitely thrive when social interactions are scripted and planned! Also, getting a pledge = hard evidence that that social interaction went well - what could be more satisfying!
Repetition - watching the same few shows over and over. As a result, being unable to unpair certain experiences or phrases from things in a tv show they remind me of - and having a hard time keeping this to myself when it happens, even if the person I’m talking to doesn’t watch the show I’m thinking of! As a result, do better with people who have seen the same shows (oh and this is a sister thing too, we communicate a lot via 30 Rock and Peep Show quotes)
Will find a word or phrase I like and repeat it a lot in my head
Strong and undeniable (sometimes so much it feels painful) hyper fixations. I will find a new hobby and go all in. It’s all I can think about, i MUST pursue it, and I also need to tell everyone about it. Recent examples are growing mushrooms, and biking. This of course is an overlap with ADHD, and it’s also a confounder with my bipolar, like sometimes a new fixation can seem like mania (and/or, it IS mania!)
Recurring feeling like I’m on a boat, ever since having been on a cruise. Has recurred from being in the ocean, but lately seems to recur from lack of sleep, or stress. Google "autism and dizziness," and wouldn’t you know, there’s a link. It’s common for autistic people to also have issues with their vestibular system, which results in dizziness. They also can experience sensory overwhelm as a feeling of dizziness, which I do.
Ooh, this took me a while to write but it was fun and helpful. I’m sure some of these are like "everyone has that sometimes" things I might be overblowing, but also - it’s a spectrum, and, as my friend who also has an autistic son was saying to me recently, "everyone has a sensory profile!" So to some extent, yes, everyone might have these things.
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longing-for-rain · 2 months
Former anon. I have more to say. Lots of omegaverse say omegas are naturally craving children and giving birth and being pregnant and submissive. By applying that to heterosexual ships and giving those characteristics to women, they think they can't be accused of being sexist bc the female characters are acting like that "bc theyre omegas!!! not because they're women!!! silly!!!" And then you sound like the sexist one for pointing this out. (This is something I've actually seen)
Oh I 100% agree, I’ve seen it too. To be honest it’s kind of a fascinating social phenomenon, and despite what people pretend, it’s completely a manifestation of misogyny.
I remember when it used to nearly exclusively be portrayed in m/m, and while that’s still the majority, it seems like it’s more frequently popping up in f/m. Which is exactly for the reasons you said—because they can get away with implanting the most awful, depraved, misogynistic stereotypes onto female characters and brush it off because “she’s just an omega” or whatever.
Because if you think about what the roles of “alpha” and “omega” are in the omegaverse, the allegory is pretty obvious. “Alphas” are the protectors, the physically and sexually dominant ones, the horny beasts who can’t control their desire for sex and often pursue it violently. “Omegas” are submissive, demure, and are biologically wired to desire to be the object of sexual degradation and ownership by alphas. Many omegaverse stories also blatantly construct a universe in which alphas systematically oppress omegas for their reproductive and sexual capabilities. I’m sorry, but there is no denying that alphas are meant to represent the male sex and omegas the female sex. Especially when examples of sex-based oppression faced by women (forced marriage, sexual violence, etc.) are often integral with these stories.
I actually once found it interesting that these kinds of stories were being written in m/m fiction…I think it’s often for fetishistic reasons, but it does provide an interesting perspective on misogyny by creating a world in which men (male omegas) can experience it. Why write it this way? Was it intentional? Did these authors find these issues less triggering to explore by depicting them happening to male characters? Did they feel that the themes would be taken more seriously if depicted happening to male characters? Who knows, but those questions are interesting.
But then taking that and applying to a heterosexual relationship?
Makes no sense to me. Honestly it’s a bit redundant—why do you need this whole “alpha male” “omega female” thing when misogyny already exists. It defeats the purpose of the way omegaverse began. And what bothers me most about it is that, like you said anon, it’s often used to write extremely misogynistic depictions of women and sexual violence with the “omegaverse” paint slapped on in attempt to disguise it.
What disturbs me about it is the way it plays into rape myths. Men “alphas” are incapable of controlling themselves around women “omegas” and therefore feel a compulsion to rape them, and the women “omegas” secretly all want it due to their woman “omega” biology, so the men “alphas” can’t be blamed. This is the bread-and-butter if pretty much all heterosexual omegaverse and it’s just disgusting.
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 years
So guys, would appreciate some thoughts if you had them:
When I was little, “autism spectrum” wasn’t a thing, autism was Rain Man, autism was what little boys had where they line up their toys and don’t make eye contact. ADHD wasn’t even really a thing yet either, when I was in high school ADHD was the “bad kid disease” and again it was what little boys had when they couldn’t sit still in school.
I’ve seen a lot of people telling their stories about getting diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum as adults, and describing how it gave them a sense of relief, that they finally understood themselves and the struggles they had as kids, it made everything make sense, it helped them understand themselves better and know what to do.
Now I haven’t been officially diagnosed with anything, but over this last year I’ve been realizing that it’s pretty obvious (hilariously obvious) I am somewhere on the spectrum.
And… I don’t feel any relief at all. In fact it’s been a bit of an upsetting thing to consider, for some reason. I’m trying to unpack why exactly that is. I had, up till now, been perfectly at peace with knowing that I didn’t fit in with peers and knowing there was always something different. Somehow I feel… defeated thinking that these things I had always thought were just my personality, are actually really just a fairly predictable textbook list of symptoms. I mean it really doesn’t change anything about me at all, does it? It’s still my personality. It’s also characteristics of neurodivergent behaviour. I don’t really understand why I find that so deflating, instead of enlightening. You would think I would feel better now, here is WHY you felt like that, here is WHY that happened. Somehow knowing the why makes it worse and I don’t know why that is.
To face it perfectly honestly, I think there’s some ableism in there that I need to unpack, and I think there’s some blaming other people for things that actually wasn’t their fault at all that I need to unpack too. I think maybe it forces me to reconsider a lot of assumptions I made about myself and other people, and maybe that’s hard.
But. Yeah. It has been a crazy year, thinking about this stuff. I am so surprised and honestly a bit envious to read these accounts of people who feel relieved and freed and empowered by their diagnosis… for me it’s been very different.
Has anyone else had this same experience? What did you end up doing that helped? I would really appreciate some comments or advice from the other side. Everything I read is coming from such a positive perspective, and while I think that’s wonderful for these people, it doesn’t help myself at all because I can’t relate.
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hrokkall · 2 years
I've considered it before tbh but also its fun to come up with different ways to ask for my faves
Speaking of faves~ how about ????
They’re my favorite Hex character too (not counting Rebecha) so I’m more than happy to do this for them
Favorite thing about them: I genuinely love their character design—the use of the missing texture “?” that appears with some engines for their face is really clever (and also I just like “silhouette” type characters in general—a character who is mostly just a black featureless figure but with maybe one or two defining characteristics is my favorite sort of character design. So maybe I’m biased in that regard).
Least favorite thing about them: You can’t see their shoes in Walk? That was one of two parts of their character model that are actually textured—we should be able to look down and see their shoes when they walk too (then again I haven’t played a lot of actual walking simulators so I don’t know if that’s par-for-the-course or not. Still though, it was shown on their 2D model, it should be shown on their 3D model too, damn it!)
Favorite line: I’d love to be funny here but ???, by merit of not having a mouth, doesn’t speak. I will say though I think it’s incredible how they still manage to have so much personality despite not actually having any dialogue. The subtle variation in the length of ellipsis/the text speed was a really cool way of showing that without expressions.
(Though why they didn’t just… write things down though is beyond me—guess the Six-Pint Inn doesn’t have any pens and cocktail napkins).
brOTP: I already talked about this in the Rebecha post, but I genuinely think the two of them would be good friends. Rebecha’s pretty neutral on everyone, it’d be nice if she actually had someone she could talk casually with instead of everyone else talking at her like usual. Plus she’s the only one who actually refers to FPP with a name (even if it’s pretty clearly a placeholder, “Faceless Joe” definitely isn’t something FPP picked personally) and acknowledges their existence outside of extreme suspicion. They interact Literally Once so there’s no real basis for it but I just think they should be friends, y’know?
OTP: I don’t ship them with anyone. (To the surprise of everyone reading this, I’m sure (I say that sarcastically))
nOTP: Haven’t seen any ships for this guy at all. As per usual I probably wouldn’t hate any if I saw them either (provided people aren’t being freaks but I hope that’s a given).
Random headcanon: I’m sure this is a pretty standard headcanon among all 3.5 people who have played the Hex but I generally use they/them for this guy just because I feel they’d want to establish themself as a separate person from just “stand-in for Lionel” and for them pronouns are a part of that—just to say “I’m not Lionel and I’m not really a man either.” I don’t know, it just feels right.
Unpopular opinion: Considering there’s maybe five people total who played the Hex I don’t think there’s any unpopular opinions for this guy.
Song I associate with them: The obvious joke answer is I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers but I’d rather give an actual answer too. I’ll tentatively say Protagonist by They Might Be Giants (which is equally a Lionel song, but it feels like something they’d have to hear about on the daily). And I’ll add Vow of Silence by Lemon Demon too, why not.
Favorite picture of them: There’s unfortunately not many pictures of FPP; I’d love to snag a picture of their model from Walk because that’s my favorite part of the Hex stylistically, but… that’s not exactly feasible on account of the fact that they’re Just Hands. So instead here’s their equally minimalist steam emote.
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maxlarens · 3 months
I’m totally not stalking your blog at all and I totally wasn’t refreshing like crazy to see when my ask would be answered (also totally not up past my bedtime)🤨 buttttt I do have a question 🙋🏾‍♀️
When you say lando is easy to write what does that mean 🤨 I’ve always been curious about how writers decide to approach certain characters like do you have a basic personality profile you apply to each fic or does it change by prompt? Also I wonder how different writers have differing opinions on the characteristics. What makes someone hard to write for?
Pls and thanks 🙇🏾‍♀️
(Alsoooo somehow forgot to voice my absolute love for your pfp and header it’s so cute😭😭 I must know what is this characters name I’ve never seen it before)
pls sorry i would have answered straight away but i was caught up at work. which is done now yayyyy
i love LOVEE answering writing related questions like this tbh so thank u!!!! and okay well it’s very instinctive for me, sometimes i just pick up on someone’s mannerisms very quickly— usually because i’ve seen gifs/videos/etc— and can kind of easily pick out a trope for them? if that makes sense. sometimes i don’t. but yeah for example lando fits very easily into this charming kind of cheeky character and all i have to do is put in his mannerisms/speech patterns to make it more believable. its hard to pin down the tropes themselves with a name but i have a bunch floating around in my head that feel very obvious when i start writing.
someone like george or alex for example don’t come super easily to me. i have to watch videos of george to pick up on the things i like to pay attention to. that will probably persevere whenever i write him, probably because i have more experience writing a certain kind of “character” and he doesn’t quite fit that.
logan, oscar and max also feel really natural for me to write. i think actually a lot of that comes down to certain similarities i have with each of them— i just go oh okay what would this aspect of my personality do in this situation. but also its similar to the lando thing, i just have a grasp on their mannerisms.
there’s a certain amount of making shit up in there. i try to stay accurate to their real life personalities but also i’m not trying to pretend this is real and don’t care if i use a little creative license which helps a lot. its very much separate from real life to me. i write my readers like i write OCs basically, just veer away from getting too descriptive.
okay and finally because i’ve rambled too much. i pick and choose prompts or just try to apply it to a situation in a way that doesn’t feel obvious because there are some things that just feel Not Right to me?? in the sense that i can’t imagine someone in that situation. or it’s not believable to me. it’s why i don’t/won’t write a lot of fan service-y very specific things. there’s nothing wrong at all with wanting to read something about someone comforting u about a specific issue/etc it’s just difficult for me to write. does any of that make sense!!?!?
and her name is maisy mouse!! she’s from children’s books i used to read and i think there was a tv show?? it’s fairly obscure i think. it was going to be snoopy originally actually but i couldn’t find the right image for that.
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