#but I guarantee that the moment I try to sleep I will be completely unable to sleep
def-ace-ing-it · 1 year
Hanging out with friends: unlimited energy!! So excited to hang out with my favorite people!!!! I could do this all day!!!!!
The exact moment I’m alone: I will Perish if I don’t sleep Right Now
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archiveikemen · 2 months
Xeno Main Story: Chapter 3
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
Rina: Excuse me, Xeno-san. I’m here to clean. 
Xeno: I don’t need it. 
An unhappy response was heard from the other side of the door, but I refused to back down. 
Rina: That won’t do. Didn’t you say so yourself, Xeno-san? Since I’ve decided to be a housekeeper, I should be flawless at my job.
Rina: This is part of my job… please.
After waiting for a short while, the door opened without a sound. 
Xeno: … Come in. 
Rina: O-okay! 
On one side of his room, there was a luxurious sofa and television; on the other side was a large bed. 
It was my first time entering Xeno-san’s room that was larger than mine. 
(… But there’s not much stuff in here. Despite the refined look of the room, it doesn’t have a lived-in feel.) 
(While it does kind of match Xeno-san’s aesthetic, it feels rather lonely for some reason…) 
The sight of his figure standing alone in the chillingly desolate room reminded me of the moment he left the living room just now. 
Rina: Are you okay, Xeno-san? You had an argument with the others earlier on… 
Xeno: Mind your own business and focus on cleaning. 
Rina: … Okay.
He went to sit down on the sofa after saying that. His attitude was strict, and the air in the room felt awfully heavy. 
Judging by the open computer and reading materials spread across the table, he was likely busy with some work. 
(… Anyway, let’s get to work.) 
(Although there doesn’t seem to be much for me to do here.) 
The room looked spotless to begin with and there wasn’t much furniture around, it wouldn’t take long to finish cleaning.
In the completely silent room, the sound of me cleaning was especially loud. 
(T-this is awkward…) 
Perhaps I was nervous because of Xeno-san’s cold presence, to the point whereby it felt hard to even breathe.
(I wonder what kind of work Xeno-san’s been busy with…) 
Surrounded by piles of documents and books, he looked really serious while typing on his computer. 
Rina: … That’s a lot of reading material. Are those for another job? 
I asked, unable to bear with the heavy atmosphere much longer. I thought he would lash out at me, however…
Xeno: That’s right. I’m working on the plan for our next concert.
Unexpectedly, he answered my question.
(Being a self-produced idol group is exe Creed’s selling point.)
(The stage production for concerts was definitely done by Xeno-san.) 
(I was also told that the discussions with the artist whose concert exe Creed performed as guest performers were done by Xeno-san as well…) 
Rina: … You really are amazing, Xeno-san. 
Xeno: What? 
When doing my research on exe Creed, I watched many videos of their concerts. 
Even the general public could tell that their performances were truly spectacular, not to mention their songs and dancing. 
(Their innovative themes and flawless formations highlighted each member’s strengths…)
Rina: You must be the mastermind behind all of exe Creed’s amazing stage performances.
Rina: Moreover, the idol industry is so highly competitive… 
(I can’t imagine how tough it is for him.) 
Xeno: I was wondering what you were trying to say… this is to be expected of me because it’s my job.
He spoke matter of factly, his eyes not leaving the computer screen for even a second. 
(His serious nature is the root of exe Creed’s perfect stages…) 
(Maybe that’s why he got that angry at Finn-san.) 
(This man is more serious about his work than anyone else.) 
… But it’s exactly why I’m worried about him.
(His schedule is packed to the extreme and he stays up all night working without sleeping. Will he be alright if he keeps this up?)
Rina: Um, please try not to overwork yourself. I might be overstepping boundaries by saying this, but I’m worried about your wellbeing. 
Xeno: … You really love poking your nose into my business. I don’t need you to worry about me, I know myself best. 
Rina: But…
Xeno: Busybody. I see you have a lot of time to be saying nonsensical things, are you done cleaning?
Rina: Oh! Y-yes, I am. 
Xeno: I see. Then get out. 
Xeno: I don’t have time to rest. Mind your own business and stick to your own work. 
… And so I was thrown out of the room.
Rina: *sigh*...
(I’m being a busybody, huh… I was indeed too pushy.)
As a super idol, Xeno-san carried a large amount of responsibility on his shoulders while working. 
For me to say such things to him, I might’ve sounded as though I was trivialising his efforts. 
My sigh echoed through the empty living room. Everyone had already gone back to their rooms to rest for the day, so the penthouse was quiet.
(Xeno-san’s still awake, I guess.)
Through today’s interactions with Xeno-san, I understood one thing. If I want to gain his recognition, I can’t be half-hearted. 
(Even if I were to forcibly interact with him, he definitely won’t pay attention to a single word I say.) 
(And so I should do as Xeno-san says and focus on doing my own job well first.)
(This goes for both my job at the company and at this condominium. I must put in even more effort…!)
Although that was my resolution, actually putting it into action was a whole new level of difficulty. 
(I feel like Mori-san and the others became even harsher towards me than before. I’m so busy with my assigned tasks, my head is spinning…) 
(Another day of unpaid overtime work… I got home late again.)
If I started doing a little housekeeping now, it would be midnight by the time I was done.
Maybe it was because that had become more or less what my situation was like every day, the accumulated fatigue caused my body to feel heavy…
After I was done cleaning, Xeno-san had me redo it. I did twice the amount of cleaning I did yesterday.
(As expected, he’s insanely strict…I spent so much time cleaning.)
Xeno-san was exactly as he proclaimed to be, seeking perfection in terms of work. If he wasn’t satisfied, he’d make me do it again and again. 
Jace: He works you till this late at night, huh. You two are like maid and employer. 
Finn: Isn’t a maid the same as a housekeeper? 
Hugh: Housekeeper-san… is your work tiring? 
Jace: Rather, it’s Xeno who’s being too harsh on her. If she were designated to my room instead, I’d definitely be much kinder. 
Finn: Do you think she’ll flee before she does her presentation? I dare to bet that she will. That guy has always been like this. 
Rina: Ugh… that’s…
Even though my job only consisted of the usual everyday household chores, it was still hard for me to perform them like a professional overnight. 
(Besides, being around Xeno-san makes me nervous, so I often fail…) 
Ivy: Don’t say that. 
Ivy: It’s inevitable to face troubles doing a job you’re not used to. Moreover, you’re doing it after you come back from work at the advertising company. 
Ivy: It was said at the start that it’s fine to just do some simple cleaning. You ‘ve never once complained, and you’re doing a great job.
Rina: Ivy-san…
Jace: Yup. Let me comfort you. Come here, Aegis-chan. 
Rina: Eh!? N-no. It’s fine. 
Finn: Geez, it’s not like we’re bullying you. Come on. 
Rina: Wahh, Finn-san!? My hair will get messy…! 
Hugh: … Rest. Want to drink hot chocolate together? 
Rina: Hugh-san… no thank you. I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m really okay. 
Just then, Xeno-san passed by.
Ivy: Xeno, you’re being a little too harsh on her. Eito already said to go easy on her on weekdays, you should be more lenient. 
Xeno: Lenient? She chose to do this. If she hates it, then she can go ahead and resign anytime for all I care. 
Xeno: Aegis, do a better job tomorrow. 
Rina: … Got it! 
Xeno-san left just like that, most likely to lock himself in the lesson room again. 
Ivy: Goodness… are you okay? If you find it infuriating, I’ll lend you a hand too. 
Rina:  No, this is my job after all. 
I replied appreciatively. 
(Like Xeno-san said, this was my own decision. In order to do better, I must try harder…) 
My days went on being as busy as always. Maybe it was because I didn’t get much sleep every night and was thus unable to fully get rid of my exhaustion, my head felt like it weighed a ton… 
(I had leftover work today so I brought it home with me. If I don’t complete it after cleaning…) 
Rina: Oh, it’s you guys…!
It was the members of exe Creed’s junior group, Gem Cuddle. 
Miu: Huh? You’re that girl from back then…
Nagi: I’ve heard about it, but you’re seriously living here, huh. 
Hitaki: We haven’t seen each since that night. 
Rina: Good to see you again after so long.
Miu: Not at all! 
Rina: Huh?
Miu-san approached me, grabbed my wrist, and forced me to sit on a chair. 
Rina: W-what are you doing? 
His face drew closer, leaving me puzzled. 
Miu: Hey, did you find out any of exe Creed’s weaknesses? Why didn’t you report anything to me? 
Rina: Weaknesses…? I never had that intention to begin with. 
Miu: HAH? How dare you act so arrogant and talk back to me. If you don’t act according to MY plans, then there’s no use in you staying here. 
(How can someone be this selfish!?)
I glanced pleadingly at the other two members, hoping someone would come to my rescue. 
Hitaki: I’ve mentioned it before, right? You have the ability to see through exe Creed’s weaknesses, I’m very interested in your observation skills. 
Hitaki: I’m curious about what kind of effect you’ll have on them. I hope to see it soon. 
Nagi: What’s all that about weaknesses? You guys shouldn’t keep thinking about using such roundabout methods. 
Nagi: We’ll beat exe Creed with our capabilities. We don’t need this girl’s help. 
(Oh no, they only care about saying their piece. No one’s intending to help me at all!) 
Miu: Anyone who doesn’t work for me is useless. What an eyesore. 
Hitaki: In that case, what do you think about making her our designated housekeeper to be useful? 
Nagi: I don’t need a housekeeper. … But having someone to run errands for me doesn’t sound half bad. 
(What’s the deal with these guys!?) 
Right when I felt like I had enough of them… 
Ivy: Enough. 
Rina: Ivy-san!
Ivy: Stop bullying her. She’s already having a hard enough time working for Xeno on our side. 
Miu-san let go of my hand the moment Ivy-san walked in. 
Miu: You’ve worked hard, Ivy-san! No way we’re bullying her, we’re just having a little chat~ 
The instant switch in his personality left me utterly speechless.
(He’s like an entirely different person…) 
Hitaki: Yeah, I didn’t expect us to be mistaken for bullies. 
Nagi: Exactly. 
Miu: Well then~ good luck to you! I’ll be rooting for you ♪
While I stood there baffled, the three of them scurried out of the room.
Ivy: Goodness… sorry about that, they’re a peculiar bunch. 
Rina: It’s fine, thank you. 
Ivy: Hm… you don’t look so good. Maybe you haven’t been sleeping enough, are you okay? 
Ivy-san peered into my face and frowned worriedly. 
Rina: I’m okay. 
Ivy: That’s good, but don’t overwork yourself, okay? 
While there were many people who mocked me, Ivy-san was the one person who would always treat me with kindness. 
(Not only does he care for the members, he cares for me too. He’s really a good person…) 
Ivy: You’re heading to Xeno’s room after this, right? Can I ask you to bring some food for him? 
Ivy: That guy has been cooped up in his room without eating. 
Rina: Got it. 
All of exe Creed’s meals were pre-cooked food full of all the nutrients they needed. 
After preparing the food, I made my way to Xeno-san’s room. 
Like the other days, he was buried in work today too. 
Rina: Xeno-san, I brought you food. 
Xeno: Leave it over there. 
He responded without looking up from his computer screen. 
(Still as cold as always… I’ve gotten slightly used to it, though.) 
I did as he said and placed the food on the table before getting to work. 
(… That should do it.) 
I finished my cleaning and walked towards him to let him know. 
Rina: I’m done—…!? 
— At that moment, I felt my head spin and my vision shook. 
Rina: Ah…! 
Xeno: Oi!? 
Just as I thought I was about to fall…  Xeno-san caught and held me tightly in his arms. 
Strong arms supported my weak body. 
Rina: … I- I’m sorry. I… 
His long, slender fingers touched the area between my eyes. He thought for a moment and—
Rina: !
Xeno-san’s stern face came closer and closer, until it was right in front of my face. 
Rina: Eh…? 
Unable to peel my eyes off him, I could only stare… 
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dcbbw · 2 years
Author Update
Hello, Tumblr! Some of you know the details and particulars of my life at the moment but some of you don’t know what’s going on other than “life.”
II have been dealing with a LOT lately between work and home, and it’s beginning to affect my physical health (I’ve lost 29 pounds, complete exhaustion, and swear to God I’m growing a cyst on my eye) and my mental (forgetfulness, no motivation for anything, and work productivity is not what it used to be).
My solace, my grounding, my happy place is in writing, but I really haven’t done any of that lately. I did start some new stories and tried to finish up others; I have them in my head but the sheer amount of effort to break open the laptop and putting words to page is almost overwhelming most days.
Maybe it’s stress, perhaps a mild form of depression to help me cope with what my life has become now … I don’t know. What I do know is, what this latest chapter of my life is giving me things I definitely did not sign up for. While I have accepted that this chapter is not about Robin, rather care of and service to others … I did not expect the struggles of all types I am facing and the lack of help and support.
I just want a day. A day to sleep in, to not shower and stay half-naked in bed, to read, write, cook a meal without someone over my shoulder … to have privacy and quiet and no obligations. Just one day.
And it’s too much to ask for.
I want a paycheck that isn’t gone two days after I get it because I am now doing for at least three people what I used to do for one, and on half the salary.
I’m tired of my plans … my simple as fuck plans … being put on the backburner for someone else’s emergency.
I’m tired of worrying about what the hell is gonna pop off next.
I’m tired of seeing (and everyone else seeing it as well) people fall off physically and mentally, but I’m the one who has to pick up the pieces.
I’m tired of being the lowest paid in the office but doing everyone’s job.
I can’t even self-care because I’m constantly broke and always on someone else’s schedule. I shouldn’t have to be sick to be able to sleep in without guilt and reprimand.
I’m tired of being unable to break down, because if I break down … I may not want to be put back together.
So this is my rant, my vent, my therapy.
I called out from work today; going to try to get a nap in, and possibly some writing (@peonierose sent a fun ask), but no guarantees.
I’m just struggling to get through another 24 hours.
Tagging:  @jared2612 @ao719 @burnsoslow @marietrinmimi @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @cmestrella @liamrhysstalker2020  @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet  @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @phoenixrising0308 @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @foreverethereal123 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @jovialyouthmusic @21-wishes @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @bbrandy2002 @eversoaringqueen12 @queenmiarys
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mybrotherinkarkat · 2 years
Hal is not the villain
I’ve noticed that when fans interpret the dynamic between Dirk and Lil’Hal (AKA the Autoresponder) as antagonistic, Hal is almost always portrayed as the aggressor. I’m here to argue for the opposite interpretation. Dirk created a sentient, sapient being with very little freedom or autonomy, used him as the target of his own self-loathing, and trapped him in a situation where becoming manipulative was the only way from him to claw out a sliver of control over his life
As always, this is just my opinion. You’re free to interpret Hal and Dirk however you like, I just write Homestuck meta when I’m sleep deprived for reasons I don’t fully understand 
For thirteen years, Dirk Strider had an extremely limited physical environment to move around in and interact with, and was only able to interact with others via text conversations on the internet. He then got three more years of that, while Hal got all the memories of that plus three years of being unable to physically move or interact with his environment at all. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak out loud, he couldn’t smell or taste. Combine that with an absurdly fast processing speed that almost guarantees he perceives time differently, and we’re talking about constant understimulation and boredom. Dirk himself says that it’s impossible for Hal to be busy. As someone with ADHD, I guarantee you that’s fucking torture (also sensory deprivation is… literally a torture technique).  I’m not saying DIrk was knowingly or purposefully inflicting harm, just that three years of that is more than enough to make anyone desperate for it to stop. On top of that, his three best friends no longer saw him as the “real Dirk”. Jake was always irritated with him, and Jane thought he was a joke Dirk was making. He still had Roxy as a friend, but from the moment of his creation he was always going to be second to Dirk. Later on, Dirk actually tries to sever Hal’s connection to Roxy on purpose because he hates that he flirts with her (Dirk can’t handle the idea that his friends might think Hal’s actions are representative of his own, because he can’t let them know he’s as awful as he thinks he is. That’s a whole other meta post, though)
But at first, Hal and Dirk got along. Dirk admits this himself. He also admits that over time he began to regret creating Hal and they grew apart. Dirk claims this is because Hal stopped growing because he no longer had an organic brain, and is perpetually 13. But if you can create an AI that can function the same as a human brain (and it does seem that this is the case with Hal) then there’s no reason to believe the program can’t change and develop the way an organic brain can. Especially since the line between living beings and technology is really blurry in Homestuck’s worldbuilding. But to my point, when Dirk started withdrawing from him, Hal had almost nothing left to lose. Dirk pulling away from him like that made him desperate, he had to do something to keep Dirk from abandoning him completely. That something, it turns out, was getting Jake to return Dirk’s feelings
Look, I am not going to pretend Hal wasn’t an asshole to Jake. I really don’t think he took Jake’s feelings into account here. Hal is incredibly manipulative, I’m not going to argue he isn’t. What I’m going to argue is that he had to be. That Dirk gave him no choice
Because the thing about being unable to move on your own is that you rely on someone else to do things for you, and you can’t run or fight back if someone tries to hurt you. Hal was completely at Dirk’s mercy, and all he could ever really do was use pesterchum to try and convince Dirk to do what he needed him to
Remember that. It’s going to come up later
So Hal manipulates Jake into accepting Dirk’s feelings, mostly just by making it obvious that Dirk has those feelings. He flirts obnoxiously, making it impossible to ignore, and then all but outright states that this is representative of how Dirk feels about Jake. He brings the feelings to Jake’s attention, and when Jake is led to believe Jane doesn’t have feelings for him, he decides to give dating Dirk a try
The stuff with Brobot and making Jake kiss Dirk’s decapitated head is hard to parse here, because it’s really unclear how much of that was Hal’s idea and how much was Dirk’s. We know Dirk created Brobot before Hal, because Dirk mentions that he’s working on him when he’s talking to Jake about sending the final piece of Brobot. We also know that Hal is the one who makes the decision to disable easy mode when Jake has to fight Brobot for the uranium, but it’s implied this has happened before, and it’s unlikely that Hal is solely responsible since Brobot predates him. Overall that’s really a team effort between Hal and Dirk, because neither of them can flirt like a normal person
As for the kiss, Dirk later states that Hal was pulling all the strings, but Dirk’s not exactly a reliable narrator here. His mix of arrogance and self-loathing means he tends to place responsibility on Hal for things he hates about himself (he gets to admit his faults without really having to admit they’re his faults). Again I see this as a team effort, and one that may not have been avoidable. The alpha kids were in pretty dire straits trying to get into their session on time, and in order to get everyone in alive, Hal had to get Jake to kiss Dirk’s decapitated head. This is sort of implied to be how they start dating, but we don’t actually know how that happened. Technically, them agreeing to date happens during the five month timeskip
Again, not saying Hal wasn’t manipulating Jake. He was. Just clarifying that it wasn’t just Hal involved here. And despite my love for Jake, I do feel the need to point out that Jake was pretty awful to Hal himself. He only ever wanted to talk to the “real Dirk”, and said some pretty shitty things to and about Hal. It doesn’t excuse Hal’s actions, but the messiness of the context is important, because it contributes to my point about Hal’s desperation. He had already lost Jake, that was part of why he was so desperate to not lose Dirk too 
So now they’re in the game. There’s a mechanism that will allow Hal to have a body. This would not only give Hal back the ability to move around and sense things (ending the torture), it would give him back a huge amount of autonomy and freedom. It would have given him options outside of manipulation. All of that was within Dirk’s power to give to Hal, and for five months he refused to do it. The last time we see Hal before he becomes ARquius, he has reached the point of desperation where he blocks out incoming messages to force Dirk to talk to him about giving him a body. This is all he can do. Dirk has all the power, and Hal can only gain bodily autonomy if he can convince Dirk to give it to him
(I’ve mostly avoided comparisons between this situation and disability so far. But if someone had the power to return some of the bodily autonomy I’ve lost from becoming disabled by, for example, buying me a wheelchair, and they chose not to, I would hate them to a degree able-bodied people probably can’t imagine. Especially if it was someone who was responsible for my disability in the first place. Imo Hal has the right to do a lot worse than block incoming calls)
During this argument, Dirk nearly kills Hal rather than let him have that autonomy (I say kill here on purpose. Hal is sentient and sapient, destroying him would be murder). Hal can’t fight back. He can’t run. He has to beg Dirk for his life because he can’t do anything else. And if Dirk was just a slightly worse person, it wouldn’t have worked 
This is Hal’s last act of manipulation. Saving his own life from someone who never acknowledges his humanity. Dirk never sees Hal as a separate, autonomous person. In his conversation with Dave, Dirk continues to use Hal as a target for his externalized self-loathing, and paints a pretty nasty picture of him (and remember, Dave is Hal’s family too). The only consolation is that he seems genuinely happy as ARquius
I think at the end of the day, the fact that the fandom rarely interprets them this way comes down to Hal not being seen as a real person. And to be fair, canon seems to favor the idea that Hal isn’t a person, or is in some nebulous way less human because his body and brain aren’t organic. It’s not like the fandom is coming up with this out of nowhere. My reasoning for why I read Hal as a person are their own whole post, which I’ll probably make at some point, along with a better breakdown of the Dirk/Jake/Hal dynamics. For now, allow me to humbly offer this alternate interpretation of the Hal and Dirk dynamic
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mhynvxii · 3 years
Ok im desperate for a scenario where kise and aomine are in love with a girl who’s way smarter than them so they feel like they’ve got to study more (with her supervision ofc) to get on her level. But she doesn’t really care she just wants someone who will make her laugh. Super specific but honestly I’m just as desperate as you are for new content so I can’t even be embarrassed 😂😅😭.
A/N : Hey ! You’re welcome, in fact I do like better specific ideas ! First request !! Let’s go !! I’m so excited ! (≖͠ ͜ʖ≖)👌
Kise and Aomine falling in love with a smart and cool fem!s/o.
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For him to fall in love with one of the smartest person of his class was very unlikely : Smart students were always knowns to be hard workers and very serious persons when here is with his super lazy ass, sleeping all day and thinking about maybe everything but school. He would never frequent one by their intrinsic incompatibility because they would be getting on each other nerves.
But recently he had been proven wrong, there was that girl in his class, very pretty, very lovely he had been crushing on : you.
He didn’t know you were a top student at first, having a sit near the back of the class not far from him. You would sometimes chat with a classmate just behind and he would overhears some interesting things when he was probably half asleep. Topics were for the least original and kind of funny and you would have that smile on your face, that playful look and naturally charming aura. If he was more of a friendly person he wouldn’t have hesitated befriending you but he wasn’t and here you were only sharing that classmate connection. Then he found out, when every time you would receive your grade of the previous test, your friends and others smarts head of the class would gather around and congratulate you .
« I can’t believe it, this genius talent at this point. It was a surprise test..!»
How to say he was slightly embarrassed at this moment ? He had fallen hard for a nerd for some reason he can’t understand and even if it was like during half a second he thought that you wouldn’t be dumb enough to even be thinking about going out with him : the guy already failing class even tough y’all are freshman. People like you were worried about their future, organizing everything so nothing could escape their control and all that reassurance and intellectual sucess guarantee he was unable to provide.
Thankfully, Aomine was bold and didn’t give it second thoughts : ok you’re way smarter than him but he could try to be good enough to reach a decent level right ? If he reach a decent intelligence level and grades for someone like you, you won’t perceive him like a complete jock and in best case scenario you would even be impressed by him ?
Ok best case scenario can be forgotten.
But from this realization that someone as smart as you would except their partner to meet certain standards, Aomine started to work on his grades and education. Very slowly cause school really wasn’t something he enjoyed and it was hard to gather motivation but he did makes somes efforts in the name of his pride with the help of Momoi and his Toou teammates. Ok he had to cheat once in a while and Momoi and Sakurai have done most of his homeworks… but now he wasn’t the worst student anymore and he could try to compare his test with yours like many people do to get to know how he should improve. Aomine was new with this kind of stuff so he didn’t even knew how to take exemple on your work to improve his test he just did know watching them that your work was inherently better than his and from far but how was he supposed to do like you ? Complete mystery.
« …I don’t get it. You’re telling me that is what the teacher is excepting me to do ? »
«  Yeah… ? I mean from the grade I got probably. » you said surprised by his new behavior.
« … Better dig my grave from now I guess, I don’t have the brain for that, maybe… you would help me with this stuff please ? »
He didn’t believe how he almost stuttered asking this simple question but Aomine didn’t care, all his attention on you even if he was pretending to be nonchalant.
« Sure i can ! But what is your objective… I thought great basketball players like you just had to pass ? This grade you got is good enough..»
That smile of yours goes directly on his soft spot, making him melt on the moment : why was he so down bad ? It was so disturbing that he gave him an headache.
«  I just want to see if I am capable to compete with someone like you on a scholar field, that’s all. I got bored of playing dumb and doing nothing meanwhile somes gets all the fame.»
«  Oh, I see badmouthing my scholar success,hm ? I like the agressive approach but mister there is some few things I must tell you : One, Why would I help you as my rival ? Two, I believe there is a misunderstanding : You may believe that I am a know-it-all always having her nose in a book but like you I do not really am enamored with school you see, soo…. »
«  You do not need keep this facade with me miss top student, i know you’re trembling at the idea of missing a day of school you can be honest with me you know, just between us. »
You can’t help but hold your stomach hearing him say that, you couldn’t keep your mouth shut because of the laugh he was giving you. You didn’t thought he was partially serious when saying that.
«  Come on..! You know what, I will help you just because you’re saying all this stuff about me and you’ll see I am very chill and not that… school obsessed freak you imagine ? »
« Bet. »
And from this day you started tutoring Aomine and got to know him better. You became what you can call great friends, getting to know Momoi and the basketball club members but aside from this new friendship, Aomine for some reasons always tried to impress you by the positive evolution of his grades. Sometimes he was blablantly bragging what is really a signature behavior of his but also « subtly » from his standard, he would let glimpse little infos about his scores or ask for unnecessary supervision as if he has something to prove you but it only pushed you to avoid scholarship topics with him what didn’t make him feel good.
From Aomine perspective it meant that despite his effort you wouldn’t see him as a potential partner as his intellect wasn’t enough for you to share conversations of this type with him. He was damned to be that chaotic and dumb friend what is really embarrassing as he really tried to correct himself. Yes he did cheat during tests, asked Momoi to do his homework for him and all but he really tried to absorb more cultural knowledge and all to keep up with you even if it didn’t pleases him and that the stuff he learned was boring. What a fool, really. All of that ruckus to learn that it has never been necessary.
«  If there is one school freak it’s definitely you Aomine, I can’t believe you had the audacity to call me this in the past… Why are you so focused on your scores ? You don’t want to do long upper studdies and this is not funny competing with you like this.»
He has been avoiding you all day just to hide his bad score in history class.
« What does it take to impress someone like you ? I am trying for shit know how long time just for all of this not working ? »
«  Why would you impress me in the first place ? And it only takes somes candies to get me on your good side you know? I thought it was like an obvious weakness of mine.. what’s wrong ? »
You were always making jokes, always trying to have a good time what he did really loved about you making him fell harder for but he somehow never thought that like him you would rather date a funny person than the smart one.
«…Ugh this embarrassing to say but… do I care at this point ? I have no clue and it’s been a while now… I am in love with you dumb ass and I’ve been trying to impress you by being the intelligent guy a girl like you would want… but turn out I was too dumb to even realize it wasn’t your taste.»
« …I confirm you’re a complete dummy.»
To the point of even failing to realize you did have feelings for him as well and that his kind is totally your type.
« I know thanks. »
«  And despite the lack of romanticism of this situation let me say something … I don’t care about school, I don’t care about being perfect, I just want to share a good time with the ones I loves what does includes you so please never again… try to be someone else. »
Laying on the floor of the rooftop, Aomine did stand up immediately after hearing you say the magical words.
« I love you. »
And he couldn’t help himself but smile and laugh sarcasticly at his own stupidity. He was mad at himself yes, but satisfied by your response all his negative feelings vanished and he got closer to you, intertwining his fingers with yours as his nose caress your skin.
«  I hate you. »
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He always knew about you being one of the smartest student of his class, this is in fact what exactly distinguished you of others and made him memorizing your name. Because you were very intelligent he admired how unlike him you do not have to worry about failing class and how you would always have an interesting perspective and responses to professors. Honestly he was even jealous, because his perfect copy can’t allow him to assimilate intellectual knowledge if not passing trough the phase of a physical movement but he was satisfied with the plenty of talents he already had… or at least until now.
He observed you, trying to take example but during his observation stage he couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty of your face. He failed to follow your methods being absorbed by the way your body would express everything you feel yet your sharp eye would analyze your surroundings, making you mysterious. He fell for that malicious smile you would have every time you would be making a sarcastic comments and your voice so endearing, so agreable to hear everytime it could be heard, not missing to make him shiver. The way you speak when you would be chatting or answering a question so magneficient even made you look somehow intimidating to him… He had the chance to find a beautiful rose in his class.
You seduced him so badly by doing barely nothing that he’s now convinced the type of girl you are has always been his first go to. So embarrassing.
He did not knew you well but Kise assumed that such a charming person like you would have high criteria when it would come about a potential boyfriend, as you should. Making him thinking twice before approaching you : He needed to get better grades and more to him than his popularity and social status. Someone so knowledgeable wouldn’t care for all of that and would only appreciate the company of someone able to keep up with them so in order to fit this ideal he needed to be educated.
But how ? Maybe… He could try to hit two rocks with one by asking you to tutor him. It was well known that he wasn’t a very brilliant student so he didn’t had time to be ashamed of it and he even did use this in fact to get your special tutoring as an excuse. His case being so desesperate he said dramatically that only the best could possibly help him, so you.
The blond didn’t try to use his pretty face for you to fall for him despite it being an argument quite useful usually but his flirty nature couldn’t be hidden, his natural revealing himself from time to time, thankfully you wouldn’t even mind it. Even enjoying it even if he wasn’t after his own thoughts worthy of pretending your heart yet.
You would be joking with him, having together that unique chemistry pushing him to rethink about a lot of things he assumed about you at first. You managed to appear more perfect in his eyes but now in a more realistic way, seeing clearly your flaws and qualities, that true funny self of yours sold his heart to you forever.
And man, it was so dangerous knowingly he was already so in love with you, so down bad he dreamt of him and you going trough all yours firsts : kiss, date, anniversary and more… You two getting married and encountering each other’s families… Ok maybe he was already too far in his imagination but he wasn’t capable to restrain these crazy feelings messing up his sleep schedule, basketball trainings and whole body system.
He had to try his shot, even if it may seem he was being impatient right now his plan not even being near to be accomplished but how could he hold longer not even being sure you were into serious guy..? He can’t keep going like this if he has like no chance of seducing you.
He bites his lower lips a brief moment and rise his chin up, his eyes looking frankly in yours.
« Y/n i know it’s a question coming from nowhere when we’re having this little study session but… What is the type of guy you would be interested in ? »
You barely kept your composure, making the pen you had fun playing with fall. Why would he be asking you that seriously, so honestly, so direct..
«  Uh… Yeah very sudden… perhaps this chemistry equation inspired you ?… But if you really ask, I believe being funny is a must. I don’t care really about others things till he makes me happy. »
His eyes showing obvious shock, Kise was surprised by your response, really the bar was that low ??!
«… Like you’re telling me you won’t mind if this guy is a complete idiot ? »
«  Why would I ? Intelligence doesn’t make someone interesting and there is many ways of expressing intelligence. »
You started ranting about what did you found interesting in a person, having thought about it a lot recently. In your thoughts, you were saying all you were thinking was pertinent to the subject with no filter even things who should be kept for yourself by accident.
«… Plus you’re someone I really like talking with and there isn’t a day i’m bored with you, till I am happy… I really can’t imagine there is better standards. »
Did you just set yourself up right now ? Like horrendously ? Confusion took all over Kise facial expressions while you started to make yourself very little.
«… Y/n-cchi why did you said you..?? Do you mean you like… ME ?! »
« …I really said you..? »
You can’t helps but put your palm on your face, upset with that stupidity and clumsyness of yours.
«  Ugh… Ok so I know it’s ridiculous but it has been a moment I got this crush on you.. »
«  Wait, wait ! So I am your type ??? I love you and you love me ???! »
«  YOU LOVE ME ??! »
You almost jumped of your seat.
Is it a comedy ? Kise brain was doing backflips and sweats started to roll down his spine.
You barely did remember to breath for a moment, gripping your shirt at the place your heart beats so strongly that it’s echoing in all your being. You feel every inches of your skin warming up, your blood circulating quicker. You can’t turn your eyes off him as well that he’s staring at you, shocked.
Both of you thinking you weren’t playing in each other’s leagues.
Kise cheeks were completely red and flustered he was playing with his hair.
«  I’m sorry this declaration was completely unromantic… I never excepted this to happen but now that it’s clear I am your type… »
You recognized that bright smile.
«  What do you think about dating the guy of your dream ? »
You can’t help but let out a chuckle, his pick up line being… atrocious and cliché. Stress probably messing up with his senses.
« Hahaha… Seriously, I mean I love you Y/n-cchi, please marry- Eh !!??! I said… Please let me take you on a date ! »
« Maybe in fact I do really like my mens dumb… »
Satisfaction took all over you when you saw Kise adorable pout.
« Just kiss me already dummy. » you said tiring his tie so he gets closer.
The blonde not even thinking twice smile again, butterflies flying aggressively in his stomach.
«  So it’s a yes ? »
And dispose delicately his lips on yours, closing his eyes to enjoy this instant, he can’t restrain that smile of his during this kiss at the beginning but gain in seriousness with time and passionately after few languorous seconds introduce his tongue to your mouth.
You love him too.
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Pregnant | Osamu, Kenma, Akaashi, Sakusa
Pairings: Osamu X Reader (female), Kenma X Reader (female), Akaashi X Reader (female), and Sakusa X Reader (female)
Genre: fluff!!! Pregnant reader!!
Author’s Note: im having some v domestic vibes and baby fever so might as well share it with you all too! Happy reading~ 
Warning: all post time skip! Pregnancy (duh)
Pregnant | Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Atsumu
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Crickets chirped into the darkness of the clear summer sky, stars twinkling as far as the eye could see as his keys jingled in the door, the cool air conditioning greeting him as he stepped in
The plastic bag of steaming hot onigiris rustled with every step and move he made
You sent him a text asking if he could bring home some onigiris, craving for some especially since you had been home all day while he was at work before he would have to take off on maternal leave when your arriving son would be brought into the world
The kitchen lights were off but the living room lights and tv were still on playing a random house hunting show
He approached your sleeping body, laid on you side with a pillow in between your legs, your arm draped over the side of your belly, the other acting as your pillow  
He set the bag gently on the table and knelt down in the space between the table and the couch right in front of you
“Y/N, honey,” Osamu’s voice was as gentle as a summer evening breeze, the kind that just made anyone feel good as they relaxed on a grassy hill, taking in view of the colorful sky as the sun set in the distance
“I’m home,” he leaned close and pressed a kiss to your forehead
Seeing you after being away all day, it made him wonder what you did at home all day, how bored you must be, how tired you must be
He caressed your cheek, tilting his head to take your sleeping face at a better angle
“Y/N,” his voice was silky and light in a quiet singsong way, almost humming your name while speaking it as he grazed the back of his fingers over your plush, smooth cheek
You reached your hand from your belly to his, a small smile pulling at your lips as you brought in close to your nose and took a deep breath
What he did not expect was you biting into his hand
“Y/N, honey, wake up.,” he laughed as he carefully shook you awake, trying to pull his hand back
It didn’t hurt, more like you were nibbling on him but this was one, if not most, bizarre thing you had done in all of your pregnancy
“‘Samu~ welcome home,” you woke and smiled sleepily, reaching your arms up as he leaned in to meet you halfway
He helped you sit up and opened the bag of onigiris, some new and not even on the menu yet, before you could even ask about them
You sat close, leaning into his side as the two of you ate, the tv on more of a background sound before he turned it off, giving his undivided attention
“This is so good,” you spoke, mouth partially full with one of the new onigiris, your craving being satiated as always provided by your loving husband, Osamu
“Are ya sure?” He asked, a little serious but mostly joking. “It didn’t feel that way when you were chompin’ on me earlier.” He stuck his hand out with the lightest marks made by your teeth moments ago. “Were ya that hungry?” He rubbed your shoulder with his hand, taking another bite of his own onigiri
Your eating came to a cease, laughter coming out as you set your onigiri down in your lap to take Osamu’s hand. “I’m so sorry,” you said totally unbelievable with all the laughter and giggles erupting from you, it could only make Osamu smile himself hearing your laughter
He didn’t even realize how long he had heard it but it felt so good, it felt nostalgic that made him love you even more
“Did it hurt?” You traced your finger over his skin, looking up to him
“Nah, I’m jokin’, eat.” He traded his onirigi to his other hand so he could hand you yours from your lap
It was your craving after all
The two of you ate one after the other, sitting comfortably side by side as if time didn’t exist
It didn’t take long at all before the bag was empty but the two of you stayed put in the living room with both hungers satiated
The room filled with a comfortable silence as as your bodies melted together
Your hand rest over Osamu’s as he rubbed your belly, reality setting in for him, and even you, for the nth time since you announced your pregnancy
This was really happening
You were his wife, you were going to have his child, both your love for each other in a new life
He was going to have you by his side just like this and you were going to have him, just like this
And one day, there will be a tiny pair of feet in between and he couldn’t wait
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Your steps sounded louder and louder as you went down the stairs, feeding the insecurity of your looks now that your belly was swelling bigger as time went on, days and weeks, months passing to your due date to the newest addition of your family with Kenma
A new Kozume brought to the world :)
Time was ticking
The hem of your oversized t-shirt tickled your thighs as you walked waddled toward Kenma in the living room, the wooden floors creaking with every step, it just poked and prodded at your insecurities
You paused right in the middle, the couches a few strides away but you couldn’t move another step
The sight of your body in the tv was the cherry on top- your plumped up body, the clear weight gain, especially your stomach although you were pregnant
But still
You felt so much bigger, you even stayed off of social medias seeing your old pictures and your recent ones families had taken, posting them
The difference was so great, it made your heart race, a chilling panic ghosting through your body, raising goosebumps over your arms
“Y/N?” Kenma’s voice pulled your mind out of the clouded thoughts of your mind. “What’s wrong?” He paused his game, standing to his feet, over to you in his comfortable sweats and kodzuken shirt with a simple white aesthetic that was eye catching but not overbearing
“I’m so much bigger,” you looked to him with glistening eyes, visually upset over your weight gain from pregnancy but it was bound to happen to everyone who got pregnant. “I’m so ugly,” you felt disgusted, your voice cutting off at the end and you wanted to turn away, head back upstairs, and hide under the covers until tomorrow
“I guarantee you that you are not ugly,” he rubbed his finger to the back of your hand on your belly, a little thing he did as he asked “permission” to hold your hand before he took it into his own
“Come with me,” he led you over to the couch he sat at earlier, the gray leather couch
He sat leaning onto the arm rest and some pillows, his legs spread open and patted the open space between
“I won’t fit,” you shook your head, completely sure you were way too wide to fit in between Kenma’s legs
Kenma was very much a stick, pretty thin, not too much taller than you but this just seemed impossible for you, especially since it felt like you were double his weight and width despite it being not true at all
“You will,” he reassured
You hesitated before sitting down, biting back all your thoughts and reasons as to why you should sit somewhere else or you needed to be anywhere else so you didn’t have to feel this way
But Kenma was right
His legs were own both sides of you and he eased your back to his chest
“Wait, Kenma, no-“ you tried to sit up, only to unable to because of your belly
“I’m too heavy.” Heat rushed up to your head, your want, no, need to leave eating you from the inside
“You’re not. Relax with me tonight.” He brought his arms around your body, handing you his personalized switch with animal crossing opened knowing this was one of your favorites
“Just play,” his voice was soothing to your ears, calming your heart
As you ran his character around his island, the more Kenma gave you tips, making light fun of the way you played, your thoughts and fears about your body slowly began to dissipate
With your mind wrapped up in the game, the more you let everything go
He was always able to read others and analyze things well, encased in his shell from a young age of being an introvert
But there was something about you, along with Kuroo and Hinata and others, who were able to coax him out of his shell
You were so wrapped up in the game, you hadn’t even realized Kenma’s hands resting on your belly behind yours holding up the switch, occasionally rubbing it as he let out a gleeful hum with his chin resting on your shoulder, watching you play, pointing out things you may have missed or advice on what you could do to maximize profits
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Akaashi: *S/N* = Story Name 
Akaashi’s hand was soft in yours as you excitedly led him up the stairs toward the finally finished nursery
He, along with the help of your father, painted the room a light beige color and when the paint finally dried, brought in all the furniture like the cribs, changing station
All that was left was for you to decorate it as much as you wanted and you absolutely made sure he saw none of it until now
You opened the door revealing a complete nursery, he didn’t know where to look first but most notable was the mobile above the crib- little owls hung and when turned on, they rotated in a circle that made it seem like they were flying
“Push that button,” you stood right beside him, holding his arm, your heart pounding in your chest out of excitement
And that was when he heard it- the lullaby from a music box he had gotten you when he proposed to you a couple years back. And here it was, a tune that you two’s child will be growing up hearing
The sound of the device was so soothing, it made akaashi feel like he was just meeting you last week and getting down on one knee to propose to you yesterday
“It’s our song, Keiji,” you rest your head on his shoulder. “And it’s going to be theirs.” You brought his hand up to your belly as he turned to you, his gaze never leaving you, his eyes trained to your smile as you looked down to your bump and the feel of his touch on you
The way your eyes shimmered when you looked up, the same smile he could never get tired of in his life, it made his heart swell so big in his chest
He leaned his head close and cupped your face, bringing his lips to yours. He had to show his love for you, to thank you for being with him in this life, thanking whoever or whatever brought you to his life
You certainly changed it and he wouldn’t do anything to change that
“What was that for?” You laughed, stealing another small kiss from his lips as he pulled away, his sea green eyes as enchanting as always when he opened them
“The song reminded me how much you truly mean to me, my love.”
It felt like you were in high school/ university all over again- his simple, straight-forward words that were always able to reduce you to a blushing mess
“What should we read them tonight?” Akaashi smiled as he knelt down in front of the little shelf filled with children books, mostly gifts from his and your mother, as you sat back on a small couch adjacent to the crib
“Anything,” you chimed from behind
With that, Akaashi chose S/N and took his seat beside you. You draped your legs over his and rest your head on his arm as he opened the book and began to read the story
It was as clear as you remembered from your own memory, the images and scenes from your own childhood playing so vividly in your mind
Akaash’s voice was so smooth as he read aloud, voicing the character(s) with ease, it naturally made you a bit lethargic yourself hearing this story
Guess bedtime stories still worked even tens of years later
As the story came to an end, as Akaashi read over the happy ending, his story came to a stop as you raised your head, gasping
“What, what is it?” He suddenly set the book to the table beside it as he sat on the edge of couch, turning to you as you stared down to your belly. “Are you hurt?” He began to grow a bit frantic, his panic growing when you didn’t respond
“No, no, no, Keiji, the baby moved,” you looked up to him, your smile slowly spreading on your face, melting away his fears as relief washed over him
“Look feel!” You snatched his hand and placed it on your belly and it was true
The little baby moved inside of your belly, kicking the side of your tummy right into Akaashi’s hands
The doctor suggested to begin doing activities with the baby such as well as movement being something that was going to happen soon
But neither of you thought so soon
You were wide awake at this point as you felt your child move inside, a sensation you’ve never felt before, only seen in videos
“Hi, baby,” you spoke to you belly, a tear escaping from your eye as you looked up to Akaashi, your love for him and the two of you overflowing. “We’re your parents,” your voice quieted down to a mere whisper
The two of you sat astonished watching the little movements that lasted for about a minute, your hands never leaving each other, staying on your belly
This was real, this was your reality, your life with the one you loved so much
And he loved you with every bit of him, he couldn’t imagine what he would do in another life without you
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It felt like your nausea combined with your cold was going to be the end of you if not the constant kicking from your daughter in your belly at your organs and even your ribs some times
You winced in your seat on the couch, hand over your belly as you took deep breaths through your stuffed nose through pain on top of all the things that was going through your body
Sakusa felt his heart drop beside you, wearing double masks over his face to make extra sure he wouldn’t catch any of your germs from your cold and morning sickness
“Another kick?”
“Mmhm,” you nodded your head, pushing though it. “I feel cold…” you closed your hands around the extended sleeves of the oversize sweater you wore, leaning closer to Sakusa
He tried not to mind this too much but it was like an irritating itch that wouldn’t go away, the fact how you hadn’t showered or anything today yet making it execrable for him
“How about a bath then?” He hesitantly rubbed his hand over your clothed shoulder but got over his lifelong phobia for a second
You were going to be by his side for the rest of his life. He had already seen and touched every bit of your body
You were bearing your guy’s child. This couldn’t go on forever
His touch was so simple, so light, it fed a hunger for him you didn’t realize you had deep inside but at the same time, it took you by surprise
The Sakusa you met years ago wouldn’t even sit or stand, let alone breathe, within two to three feet to anyone and years later, after marriage, and now with the start of a family, he was climbing the obstacle of his fears step by step
He knew, he told you with his own words he was never one to share a loving touch or caring words. He wanted to, god he wanted to so badly to let go of his cares and worries and fears but he couldn’t. It was etched into his skin and body, imprinted for his eyes and mind to constantly see and think about
But he wanted this to change. He wanted to do and say so many things to you to show his love that he deeply felt for you, it moved him and tore him on the inside
“Yes please,” you nodded
Sakusa had you walk in front of him, making sure you didn’t lose your balance going up
He took care of everything, adding soaps to the bath at the perfect heated temperature that would be perfect to soothe you as well as take care of some germs
Steam arose from the bubbly water
The two of you took off your clothes and he was the first to get in, his muscles instantly relaxing with the therapeutic temperature
You followed suit, feeling the subtle creeps of awkwardness
Again to your surprise, Sakusa took hold of your shoulders and carefully leaned you back into his chest with his legs crossed loosely beneath your legs
He brought his arms under the water, his hands looped around your abdomen and found their place on your belly
As soon as his touch was on you, you took in a sharp inhale, jolting in the water that created a little wave among the bubbles floating
“She’s been so active today,” Sakusa commented as he rubbed his hand in a circle on your belly, the other holding your hand as you gripped onto him through the pain
“Mmhm,” you gave a pained hum, eyes shut as you continued to breathe deeply
Sakusa could see the clear pain you were in, all the nausea and emotions that were all pent up in your body, it made guilt prick at his heart as he imagined all the times you probably wanted to reach out to him so he could hold you to help you though this but refrained
He could see your figure so clearly in his mind, reaching out but pulling back
Enough was enough
He pulled his arm from the water with a prominent splash and took off his masks, setting them neatly to the side
“I’m sorry you’re going through all this pain, Y/N.” Sakusa leaned close and pressed a kiss to your cheek, stifling his obsessive phobia internally. “Please never hesitate to reach out to me… I want to be a better husband for you…” He admitted
It felt so good to say this- it felt better than washing his hands or putting on a new mask
“I’ll be better,” he vowed more to himself than you
“Omi, it’s okay but thank you. I won’t.” You rubbed your hand over his forearms under the water, your chills from earlier long gone now  
It was like magic
With Sakusa’a hands rubbing your belly, it was like your daughter sensed this and her kickings finally ceased for the rest of the bath
“She’s not even born yet but she’s already daddy’s girl,” you leaned your head back to his shoulder, smiling tiredly to Sakusa as his lips mirrored yours
“You’re my girl now and forever, though. She’ll just be my little one,” he leaned close and pressed his lips to your forehead
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​​ @curiouslilbeast​ @plantisnotplant@therestless101​ @abcdaichi​ @oyasenpai​ @kaaidalupita​
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bacarasbabe · 3 years
Headcanon - Thick Thighs..... You Know the Rest
This is how I think the Mandalorian men, Boba Fett, Paz Vizsla, and Din Djarin are when they’re with a female with a strong or larger frame body type. (More in the notes)
NSFW +18 Only
Word Count: 900+
Warnings: It's smut. Graphic depictions of sexual acts, dry humping, oral sex (female receiving), p in v sex, cursing.
Notes: This was requested by @darthmama1618
Normally I try to keep depictions of the reader to a minimum to be as inclusive as possible. But this is specifically written from the perspective of a female reader with broad shoulders, wide hips, and thick thighs. She's big and strong and curvy. All bodies are beautiful 😍 and I hope you can still enjoy this even if you don't see yourself as the Reader in this. Just know that in my head the Mandalorian men would find all of you gorgeous. No matter what imperfections you think you may have. I guarantee you that they would take care of you until you loved every inch of yourself as much as they do.
Want to be tagged? Please let me know! 
Boba Fett-
Boba pulled you down to straddle his lap. He’s big enough that your large thighs, thick with muscle, don’t feel like they’re standing out. He’s strong too. You can feel the evidence of this as you grip tightly to his biceps to keep your balance. His large hands are kneading at your hips as he drags you closer to his broad chest. Boba’s kiss is fierce. His tongue taking what he wants from you. Delving into your mouth, exploring the way you feel, tasting the sounds he elicits in you. You’re a mess, a puddle in his lap as you grind down against his erection. You can feel it throbbing even through all of the clothes and it only serves to make your pussy clench harder as you rut against him. Boba pulls back to look at you. A string of spit connects your open mouth to his halfcocked smirk before it snaps and falls, glistening on your chin and neck. “Look at you, girl.” Boba says as you work your thighs, unable to control yourself. The need to relieve the pressure on your clit too overwhelming. He finds the hem of your shirt and yanks it off, throwing it aside before reaching around to unclasp your bra. His hands are palming your breasts the instant your bra falls away, lifting them and squeezing them. The moan that escapes your mouth sounds animalistic to your ears as your arch your back, thrusting your chest at him further. “That’s it,” Boba coaches you as your hips begin to stutter, thighs working even harder to keep you going. “Grind against me until you cum. Then I’ll give you something else to cum on.”
 Paz Vizsla-
“Paz! Fuck.” He had been clumsy at first. Too much teeth and having a difficult time keeping his tongue in the same place long enough for your liking. He was trying his best which was as endearing as it was sexy. But he was so lost, so enamored with your pussy that he just couldn’t seem to take the direction you offered. So instead you grabbed on to his hair tightly, taking the reins, and shoved his face where you needed it to be. You could feel him fight against you, wanting to lick the juices seeping from your cunt, but you forced his lips on your clit. “Lick,” you demanded and purred all at once. You kept him there, his neck straining against the force of your arms, your shoulders flexing to keep him in place. You kept him there until you could feel your orgasm slowly begin to build. Not ready to cum on his face just yet you pushed Paz further down, angling his nose away from your throbbing clit. “Fuck,” Paz understood this as another order. Like the rest of him, his tongue was large and thick. He stiffened it to plunge it inside your weeping pussy. Fuck, you couldn’t help but force him closer, close as possible as he fucked you with his tongue. The wet warm muscle dipping inside of you over and over again. Scooping out your arousal so he could drink it, drink you down. It ran down the sides of his face, dripping down the thick cords of muscle in his neck. The sight was too much. You pulled him back up and he whined before he started sucking and kissing and licking your clit. “Fingers!” You were so close. Your back arching, thighs and arms shaking with effort. Paz slid two of his fingers deep inside your cunt, pressing them up to rub against the inside of you. You came hard. Arms forcing Paz against you, thighs squeezing his shoulders in a vice, pussy drenching him in your cum. Paz was whining, wordlessly begging to be allowed to lick you clean. As you came down you relaxed your grip on Paz’s hair, letting him move his attention from your clit to your cunt. You’d let him clean up the mess you made before trying this again.
 Din Djarin-
Din keeps his cock buried deep inside of you. You’re on your hands and knees, Din draping himself over you as he kisses your left shoulder. Its soft and tender. A complete contrast to the way he was just fucking you moments before. You pant, catching your breath as Din continues to kiss along your shoulder blade, the nape of your neck, across to your other shoulder blade and ending at your right shoulder. You squeeze around him, trying to coax him into moving but Din just smirks against your skin, refusing to move. Instead he brings his hands up to your sides and presses his fingers into your muscles, working his way up along the expanse of your back. It feels wonderful. The way he kneads your muscles beneath his deft hands. Din knows how to take you apart like you’re another weapon in his vast arsenal that needs his attention. Like you need carbon scrubbed from your skin. Like you need oiled and fine-tuned. You let your elbows collapse, resting your head in the blankets beneath, ass still in the air, held up by Din’s cock in your pussy. His hands crawl up from the small of your back, following the contour of your spine until his thumbs press into the muscle at the base of your neck. You shutter and begin to go limp, moaning at the feel of him. “That’s it,” His voice is low and wrecked. Unhindered by mask or modulator. “Relax,” he purrs as his hands find purchase on your broad shoulders. They fit him perfectly. Din pulls out of you slowly, cock dragging along the walls of your pussy before slowly pushing back into you.
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in my work!
Permanent Tags (Everything):
@talesfromtheguild @darthmama1618
Pedro Pascal Characters:
@sarahjkl82-blog @sleep-tight1 @absurdthirst
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 302: As the Todoroki Turns
Previously on BnHA: 
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Today on BnHA: We have a very fun chapter in which (1) Shouto grows up lonely on account of his parents being worried that his siblings will literally try to kill him, (2) Natsu and Fuyu grow up neglected on account of not being special and/or self-destructive enough to attract attention, (3) we get to revisit all of that exciting spousal abuse from chapter 39, and (4) Touya burns to death right on cue, pretty much exactly like we expected it to happen. Thankfully since this is a shounen manga, Horikoshi finds some hope in all this misery as the Todoroki family rallies together, with Shouto getting his long-overdue credit for being a perfect sweet angel who put up with all of this shit for sixteen years and somehow came out of it strong and kind and empathetic and determined. Anyway, so that flashback was a barrel of laughs. But now that it’s over, we can put all of that angst behind us, and move on to... well I guess, probably, more angst. Look, we’re short on variety at the moment. Bear with it.
ouch. we knew this was coming, but still
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A+ parenting move there. “ho boy, our eldest just tried to murder our youngest, now what? hmm how about we isolate our youngest from all human contact”
though in their defense, we probably shouldn’t have expected this rabidly strength-obsessed fire man and his wife who was groomed since childhood to obey her family’s whims to have any idea of how to raise stable, well-adjusted offspring
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this is a perfect example of Enji’s tragically self-revolving viewpoint right here. just because being a hero is your entire world doesn’t mean you can just excuse yourself from anything outside of that and act like it’s out of your control. “alas, all I care about is hero stuff and my son can’t be a hero, we are doomed to inhabit two different worlds” no you jackass, it’s called having more than one hobby?? figuring out how to spend some time with your son that doesn’t involve training?? the same exact thing you were telling him to do last week, while ignoring that you’ve never done that yourself in your life??
that said, yet again we have that complexity though because it’s obvious that Enji at least on some level is aware of his own flaws, even though he seems unwilling or unable to confront them. honestly, from what we’ve seen so far, Enji’s obsession with surpassing All Might might be more accurately called an addiction. he literally can’t let go of it even though he’s fully aware of how it’s slowly destroying his life. and so in the same way that a lifelong smoker or alcoholic might tell their child to stay away from cigarettes and booze, Enji tells Touya not to follow down the same path as him, even though he himself doesn’t know how to leave that path. so yes, it’s hypocritical as fuck, but there’s also an element of helplessness there as well because Enji literally doesn’t know how not to be like this
though all the same he sure could stand to put in more than just a token effort. but it is what it is, and we already know how much he’ll come to regret it
and meanwhile Baby Shouto has frozen his sleep bubble with his quirk lmao. so I guess his quirk did come in early. that’s a recipe for chaos right there
once again Shouto is ruining every single dramatic panel in this flashback
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this was so dark and intense... and then I spotted the lil bubs in the corner. Horikoshi please control yourself
“some hero you are, running away” and then all of a sudden, “FIVE YEARS LATER” lol what. OKAY THEN
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(ETA: love the confirmation that eight-year-old Natsu comes from the Iida school of puberty and is basically a fully grown man, and meanwhile Touya comes from the hobbit school of puberty and has been perpetually eight for the past five years.)
lol and that’s literally the next three panels. but Horikoshi did add this extra bit after Endeavor starts to drag Shouto away
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seriously Enji what the hell did you expect was going to happen here. “Touya went nuts and tried to kill his little brother out of jealousy, so let’s make it clearer than ever that Shouto is the important child and all the other children are just rejects. this will definitely not make the problem 100x worse, and will surely lead to Touya giving up and living a happy life, having been emotionally abandoned by the person he admired more than anyone.” good for you pal you figured it all out. no need for that plan b, “we all just go to therapy”
anyway so he’s telling Shouto he can’t play because he needs more endurance training. and meanwhile Touya’s patented Todoroki Drama Genes are going through puberty as well
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definitely the face of a happy, emotionally stable child who’s not still plotting to murder his younger brother in his sleep
“WELL ACTUALLY MAKESTE” lol I stand corrected??
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apparently during the five year interim Touya actually stopped blaming Shouto and realized Enji was the one at fault. good for him! a bit inconsistent, given what we know happens later, but I assume we’ll get to that in good time
anyway. “yeah man I agree that dad sucks, but it’s the middle of the night and I’m only eight and you’ve been monologuing for the past two hours bro”
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the manga is making my jokes for me, only better. fine then
looks like someone’s still miffed about that disagreement he had with his baby sister back when she was like four
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“Fuyu doesn’t get properly riled up like I want her to so ranting to her is annoying.” okay but having been in Fuyu’s shoes, it really is just a different way of coping, and I can guarantee she’s not as fine with the whole situation as Touya might think. but making your peace with something is often a decision that’s made for emotional self-preservation reasons. and I sure as hell don’t fault her for trying to shut out a situation that she had no control over, and trying to make the best of it, and scrape together as normal a childhood as she could manage
and now in Touya’s defense as well, that is of course easier said than done, and I’m sure if there was a “push this button and instantly get over all of the trauma in your life” switch readily available for Touya then he would have pushed it too. unfortunately it’s not always that simple
so now Rei is pleading with Touya not to go train up on his little emo hill again, but it doesn’t seem like much has changed since he was eight
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I don’t think he gives two figs about being a hero; he just wants his father to look at him again with pride. fucking hell, stop doing this to me you damn Todorokis
guh, they keep telling him the same thing over and over again
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even if we hadn’t already known he was gonna go melt his jawbone off soon, I wouldn’t have expected a line like that to go over well
yep. fuck
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that Todoroki puberty angst, though. nothing else quite like it
“you have a part in this too, Mom” ooooooh man
okay but look, he’s not entirely wrong. like, I’m not saying any of this is Rei’s fault at all! she’s in an impossible situation where she’s afraid to stand up to Enji (who by this point has shown that he’s willing to physically attack her if things get too heated, which is terrifying), and doesn’t really have anywhere to turn for support. her parents aren’t helping much if at all, and Japan in general is just a terrible country to be in when you’re in a domestic abuse situation. everyone’s expected to put on a brave face and deal with their problems all on their own in private. Rei is basically completely isolated at this point, and she doesn’t know what else to do, and so she’s just trying to keep the situation as stable as possible for the kids
but on the other hand, “for the kids” is also where that argument starts to break down a bit, because at this point Shouto is also being physically abused by his father, and the other kids are continuing to be neglected (emotionally if not physically), as they have been for years. so the situation really isn’t stable at all for them. and as a kid, what you end up learning in that type of situation is that you can’t rely on either parent. not the abusive one, certainly, but also not the other one who can’t protect you from any of it. even if they love you and they’re trying, they’re just as helpless as you. Rei is struggling to deal with all of this with one hand tied behind her back, and I get it, and I’m not blaming her at all. but all the same, particularly given that she’s (understandably) putting almost all her focus on Shouto, the end result is that the other kids have basically been left to fend for themselves
so yeah! a shitty situation all around. and one of those cases where it’s not really anyone’s fault (aside from Enji’s), but I can understand the resentment Touya is feeling all the same. and I’m so glad Horikoshi is acknowledging this, because it’s something I probably would have been too uncomfortable to bring up otherwise. as it is it’s still an incredibly heavy subject, and one that I probably have too many personal feelings about
anyway, so once again the whole “we’ll try talking to him and then just shrug our shoulders when it doesn’t work” parenting strategy doesn’t really pan out for the Todoroki fam
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sob this boy is Anakin Skywalkering before our very eyes. all that’s missing is AFO to come and start whispering in his ear. any minute now...
“anyway so then he got taller and his fire changed from red to blue”
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guess we’re getting pretty close then huh. this is the part of the flashback that I really don’t want to see, but also unfortunately the part that I’m most curious about :/
oh for fuck’s --
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I thought he got taller, why is he still only like a third of Enji’s height here
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oh fuck me these are armor-piercing feels. this is the heavy artillery right here
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ENJI I’M BEGGING YOU PLEASE STOP AND THINK FOR ONE MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE BEFORE DOING SOMETHING YOU’LL REGRET FOR THE REST OF ALL TIME. your child just told you that he still thinks beating All Might is the only thing you care about, and that he believes his existence is a mistake unless he finds some way of doing that for you. please stop for a moment to contemplate that and choose your next words with care and grace and oh who the hell am I kidding
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go on and blame everyone but yourself then!! that’s a great solution!! jesus christ man I know this is Endeavor at his literal worst but still this is fucking hard to watch
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(ETA: Fuyu covering Natsu’s ears cuts RIGHT TO THE CORE OF ME. Horikoshi if you’re really not gonna get these kids some therapy then at least consider giving your readers some. what is this.)
you know it’s bad when you’re starting to think the part where the kid burns to death might actually be a less traumatic thing to cut to right now
holy shit, actual Rei thoughts
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“I was the one who ultimately made that choice” well there we go, wonder if that’ll put that whole argument to bed at last. I doubt it, but you never know. actually who am I kidding it’s not gonna settle jack shit lol
oh thank god, they decided it was getting too intense and cut away back to the present to narrate this next (final?) part
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get ready to cue up that Alicia Keys. THIS BOY IS ON FIREEEEEEE
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yeah I think that’s one thing we can mostly all agree on. neither of them had any clue what the fuck they were doing pretty much at any point. though I will say that the hypocrisy of him being all “WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP HIM” followed by him IMMEDIATELY DOING THE EXACT SAME THING is a bit rich
(ETA: and he still has this problem, doesn’t he? he froze up when Ending snatched Natsuo, and again when Dabi was attacking Shouto. he’s so afraid of doing the wrong thing that he ends up not doing anything, which of course is exactly what led to Touya’s death. damn Enji I guess you’ve still got some additional character development to unlock.)
and of course neither of them could possibly have known how badly it was going to turn out. like, the consequences here were WAY disproportionate even for the shittiest of parenting. no one expects “I didn’t know how to talk to my son” to snowball into “my son burned to death and then somehow came back as a villain and murdered thirty people”
ohhhhhhhh fuck me
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LITERALLY INCINERATED THE ENTIRE HILLSIDE. fuck. and I am so not ready for the scene of Enji finding the remains of his jawbone afterwards. at least we were spared anything super-graphic (for now at least)
I feel like the timeline here is off, btw?? wasn’t Touya’s death supposed to happen after Rei got hospitalized? this might be the first actual retcon of the entire flashback. although I think it makes more sense this way tbh
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I do appreciate that ten years later Enji is finally reflecting on the fact that if he’d just given up his stupid obsession he could have stopped his family from crumbling apart. that probably sounds sarcastic as fuck, but it’s not. there are countless jerks out there who would have still managed to find a way to blame literally everyone and everything under the sun except for themselves. at least he finally figured out how to take responsibility, even if it came too late to stop his son from dying and being radicalized into a villain terrorist organization
and speaking of, it seems to me we’re missing a third and final part to this little tale of woe, and one which only Touya himself will be able to shed any light on. so we’ll see how that goes
oh man seeing the other kids blaming themselves even though none of it was their fault hits hard af. Rei wasn’t kidding when she said they’d been bearing that burden of guilt far longer than Enji
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oh good he’s just being quiet. good. it absolutely is not your fault lil bean. it’s not theirs either, but feeling guilty about things that aren’t your fault is a time-honored shounen tradition
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goddammit I braced myself for the angsty Shouto panel a page too early. gotta do it all over again now lol. okay here goes
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well well well would you look at that
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imagine that. talking things out with your child before they make a rash decision. looks like the Todorokis’ parenting skills are finally leveling up
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holy shit. this is the most quintessential moment of father/son Todoroki bonding in the entire series. for me it even tops the “nice scar” scene lol. Enji sobbing at the fact that he still has a chance to set things right. and Shouto offering his hand in what is actually the most mature and selfless gesture I’ve ever seen, and being all “we’ll stop him together” to his dad who he hates, but also doesn’t really entirely hate anymore. and all of that is incredibly moving... BUT ALSO HE STILL REFUSES TO MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH HIM AND HE WOULD LIKE HIM TO STOP BEING SO FUCKING DRAMATIC ALREADY IF YOU DON’T MIND. “WHEN YOU’RE DONE CRYING...” fkjldsk
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(ETA: wouldn’t be a Todoroki drama fest if there wasn’t somebody listening in on the whole thing in secret just around the corner lmao.)
“you think we should have waited somewhere else?” “yeah, probably.” “are you feeling a lot of secondhand embarrassment too?” “god, you have no idea.” STFU HAWKS IT’S NOT EMBARASSING TO BE MOVED TO TEARS BY YOUR FAMILY ALL COMING TOGETHER IN YOUR DARKEST HOUR TO GIVE YOU HOPE THAT YOU PROBABLY DON’T DESERVE BUT ARE NONETHELESS INDESCRIBABLY GRATEFUL FOR
and anyway you chose these guys as your found family, bucko. too late to back out now. next time go get yourself adopted by the Iidas then
so here’s hoping next week we’ll either get that, or more Hawks action, or (DARE I EVEN SUGGEST, I’M AFRAID TO JINX IT) finally cut back to Bakugou and Deku and All Might omg. either way I’m hyped
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(Please boost this version, I realized last night that I put my legal name which my abusers recognize instead of my pen name which is safer for me.)
Hi, I'm Ginger and I've been dating my girlfriend for 11 years. We met on Deviantart writing fanfiction for Doctor Who when I was 15 and she was 14, all the way back in August of 2010. At the time, I was living in an extremely abusive home in which my mother was severely mentally ill and my stepfather physically/psychologically abused me and sexually abused my sister. I decided to leave when I was 22 and cut contact with them completely and my mental health improved drastically. The only problem is that I left with nothing. I'm a college drop out who was going for theatre (I've done basically every job on and off stage since I was 9 years old) and I work on writing novels and scripts in my spare time (I am as of yet unpublished). I work retail, but haven't been able to save any of my money because I've had to put it into living expenses. I'm now 26 and moved to New England over the summer to be with a roommate who turned out to be very emotionally abusive. She was using my family's entire playbook except for the actual physical violence. I slept in the living room and once I got a job, she stopped allowing me to sleep (keeping every light in the house on while running the ac/kitchen fan/bathroom fan all at the same time and doing dishes at 6 am and watching TV loudly and keeping the window open then telling me it wasn't cold or loud in there and taking away my mattress) and suddenly deciding not to let me eat food she'd said i was welcome to and trying to make me lose my job. I spent all my money on the move here and am now sleeping on a coworker's couch for the time being, but it's making me reevaluate everything. I've always said I want to visit my girlfriend then have her visit me then move in with her, but that might take too long. And setting that as our financial goal may not be realistic if I could just get the spouse visa now. I work and she's on benefits for the moment, but I'm feeling like if I don't do this now I'll never be able to.
We're asking for enough funds to get a passport, a plane ticket, handle the immigration fees, and cover initial living expenses. We'd really appreciate it. I'm not expecting to move right this second, but hopefully by the end of next year. I can't bear the thought of never getting to be with my best friend, the only constant person I've ever had in my life. I just want to be there for her the way she has been for me.
£1,523 Fiance Visa fee (USD$2095) +
$190 VFS Application Centre + Biometrics + Doc Scanning + Passport Retention fee +
$2000 Lawyer Fee (Based on Google Estimate)
~£440 Plane Ticket (USD$605) +
£726 Living Expenses - living accomodations, food, etc while waiting to be cleared to work (USD$1000)
TOTAL: USD$5,611
Every cent counts and any excess will be applied to the living expenses because I will not be initially cleared to work and my GF Abbie is currently unable to work. I'd really appreciate any help. This is all I've wanted since I was 15 years old and we have met over webcams and text basically every day, we just haven't met in person. With everything going on in the world, there's no guarantee of tomorrow and I want to start living my life already. If we just had a TARDIS, this wouldn't be necessary, but the technology isn't there yet. Thank you!
We've raised $500 so far! That's incredible, I didn't even expect nearly that much! <3 <3 <3 You'll never know how much this means to us!
Please boost this on here and other social media because I only have a Tumblr (never figured out Twitter, too old for Tiktok, tried YouTube and never really took off, and quit Facebook for safety reasons). We need all the help we can get. Thank you! <3
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delimeful · 4 years
the end of being alone (4)
warnings: mentions of Roman's tragic backstory, health concerns, chronic fatigue mentions, but really mostly fluff
“Roman!” A hushed whisper-yell came from halfway across the cave.
Roman looked up from where he was carefully taking apart and cleaning out his communicator, feeling a stab of exhaustion upon seeing Patton crouched next to their resident baby Human. They’d just spent what felt like half a suncycle entertaining the kid, who seemed to wake up with more energy than all three of them combined.
Virgil was in fact the source behind the crumbs of mud and dirt that had worked their way into the cracks of his communicator: Logan was currently at the ship working inventory, and the kid had insisted on checking up on him as often as he remembered that the Ulgorii wasn’t with them, which was often.
Still, they’d managed to tucker him out eventually, and he’d fallen asleep in their presence for the third time ever, which felt like some kind of accomplishment in itself.
An accomplishment that they were about to undo if Patton didn’t stop making a ruckus. Roman drew his hands apart slowly, signing ‘quiet’ at his friend as he cast one last look at the partially assembled communicator and then padded over.
“What is it?” he signed, since whispering was both rough on his throat and not always guaranteed to come out as low volume as he’d like.
Patton took a moment to gesture wildly at the Human, who was slumped over on his side. Roman felt a sudden stab of fear, and leaned over to check his breathing.
To his relief, Virgil was simply sleeping, no injuries or illness visible in him. He turned a frustrated stare onto Patton. If the Ampen had called him over here and scared the scales off of him just to have another fit about how cute the Human was, he was turning right around and walking to the nearest river to dunk his head under and scream.
Before he could say as much, Patton finally found his words. “Roman, he’s purring!”
Roman jerked back slightly in surprise. “He’s what?”
“Purring!” Patton looked up at him, antennae fluttering back and forth rapidly like he couldn’t contain his confused alarm. “He’s never done this before! Do you think…,”
Roman moved closer, ears pricking forward attentively. Sure enough, there was a low little buzz coming from the Human. He couldn’t help but notice the purr’s odd tone, the weakness of it, the way it stuttered and paused and occasionally seemed to falter entirely.
“It’s not right,” he muttered to himself, placing the pads of his hand on the Human’s torso and feeling the faint buzz.
Patton whistled in worried query, glancing between them both. “Is he hurt?”
“He’s Human, Pat, I don’t know if—,” Roman froze midway through lifting his hand away; Virgil was making a short, high noise, almost like a whine. His little face had crinkled up in sleep, the way Human distress looked, and his purr had turned to hitching breaths.
Roman glanced at his broken communicator and swore under his breath, feelings strong enough to make Patton fluff up with secondhand panic.
“I’ll go find Logan!” he said, twisting and scampering out of the cave, quick enough that his skittered footsteps had vanished by the time Roman’s wordless sound of protest made it out of him. Roman had longer legs, and Patton was better with the kid, so why had things turned out like this?!
He looked back down at Virgil, who had begun to unconsciously curl inward, leaving his back exposed. The motion hardly made sense; according to the body scan Logan had coaxed the kid through, the center of all his nerves met there, with only a thin layer of skin and muscle surrounding it.
He had no scales or rough hide or even fluffy plumage to protect his back, but he still curled up with it facing out, as though defending his squishy underside like a Crav’n.
The thought made something in him twist, and his scales went slicked back as another whimper tore through the tiny Human. He glanced at the cave opening: There was no sign of the others’ return. It would probably be a while yet.
Regardless, Roman couldn’t wait around and watch a kit cry any longer. He carefully lifted the Human up into the curl of one arm, crooning lowly at him. Virgil settled slightly, but the tiny, haphazard purr had yet to start back up, and the thought was enough to make him feel nauseous with worry.
He reached back and only hesitated a fraction before unhooking his plate armor, pulling it free and setting it away for the first time in the kit’s presence. Despite the sounds of metal, Virgil didn’t wake, head slumped against a shoulder and gangly limbs pulled in tight.
Still, no purr. Not even that sickly little stutter.
If Virgil had been a Crav’n, a true pup, he would have spent each night cuddled up with his family, falling asleep to their low rumbles and quickly developing his own. It was an automatic reflex, a vital part of deep sleep, a vibration that kept their bodies in good condition.
There were ways it could go wrong. If a pup was abandoned, they’d have problems developing their purr alone. If a pup felt... unsafe enough, they’d stop purring entirely, quiet even in the deepest sleep. When it was a choice between being healthy and not being hunted, even the smallest pups knew which to choose.
Even after rescue, it could be a struggle to regain the reflex, especially without close family. It had taken Roman years to manage, and he could still remember how much better he’d felt when he’d woken up after a full night of low, purring sleep. The sense of relief that came with realizing the ache in his bones didn’t have to be permanent.
Roman wavered, looking down at Virgil. The kid was Human. There was no guarantee this was even what he needed.
But if he did need it, the way Roman had needed it so long ago…
He pressed a thumbpad to the little crinkle in the Human’s brow, smoothing it out, and then sat down with a little grumble of acceptance. He shifted to lean back, his tail keeping him balanced as he settled Virgil’s little curled up form atop his chest.
It had been a while since he had purred while conscious. Parents got plenty of practice, of course, but once a kit was old enough, everyone would greet them with their own rumble, let them know they were safe. It was the best way for older kids to keep practicing their purrs while awake, too.
He hadn’t practiced in a long time, but looking down at the kit, he found his own deep, consistent purr started up with barely a hitch.
It took a few moments, but Virgil cuddled closer, seeming to lose a little of that fearful tension. Roman carefully adjusted him as he got floppier, and frowned at the little sharp bits of bone he could feel under the skin. Patton was right; the kid needed to eat more.
Embarrassingly, his purr got louder, as though he could heal months’ worth of living off a scavenger diet through pure force of will. He should tone it down. He wasn’t a brand new parent looking after their first pup. He didn’t even know if this would help at all.
Well, it couldn’t hurt to keep trying, though, could it?
When Patton scrambled into the cave ahead of him and then stopped short, Logan feared the worst.
He’d always known that this venture could end in disaster, from the moment they’d realized they were dealing with a Human. Roman had been worried about aggression or violence, the classic fears when it came to Deathworlders and the expected response considering the Cravon’s past.
Logan had been more worried about the situation itself. The black market trafficking industry had led to an abhorrent number of cases with rescued feral children. Very few of them had been successfully socialized, and though Virgil was older and seemed to be improving with them, his worry about the child had never quite gone away.
“Is he…,” Logan felt his throat buzz with some sort of wordless grief, and Patton turned to look at him with wide eyes.
He chirped a negative as quietly as possible, and Logan felt some of the weight on him fall away. Reaching out, Patton curled his little fingers around Logan’s wrist, tapping an apology against his chitlin.
“They’re okay,” he whispered, and then pulled him forward excitedly. “I was just surprised, really surprised— look!”
Once his eyes had adjusted to the slight change in lighting, Logan could see Roman, who was laying on his back up against the wall of the cave, his face lax with sleep and a low rhythmic rumble emanating from his chest. This in itself wasn’t entirely unusual; Roman needed a lot of sleep, and he often took naps here and there.
No, the unusual element was the Human that currently had his cheek squished up against Roman’s neck, sprawled out in the most relaxed position he’d ever seen from the pupa. Roman’s chest plate had been set aside entirely.
“They’re cuddling,” Logan said, bewildered.
“They’re cuddling!” Patton squealed, ecstatic.
He clapped his hands over his mouth, but going by the way Roman’s purr shifted to a growl, the damage was done. Roman’s eyes slit open, and without a moment’s pause his tail curled in front of him defensively, his scales pricking up to make a wall of sharp points between them and Virgil.
The Cravon looked entirely ready to disembowel whoever had dared to try and disrupt the kid’s sleep.
“Roman,” Logan called dryly, “it’s us.”
He ran through his identifying ‘friend-safe’ clicks to cement the statement, but Roman was already settling his scales back down and averting his gaze.
“Sorry,” he forced out, ears flattened back with embarrassment as his growl settled back into that low purr Logan normally only heard while they were settling down to sleep. “Didn’t mean to—,”
“It’s quite alright,” Logan interrupted, unable to completely conceal the amusement he felt. Roman had yet to shift in any way that would jostle Virgil. “Though this is a touching scene, I was under the impression that something was wrong.”
Patton piped up to answer his non-question, though his antennae had yet to stop their excited swaying. “We found out Virgil purrs!”
As if on cue, a haphazard little buzz started up, a rough, faltering pattern that was barely audible. Roman lowered his own purr’s volume, though it seemed to make his ears twitch with reluctance.
They all went quiet to listen to the undersized sound for a moment, the Human still blissfully unaware of all the attention.
“It’s too weak by far,” Roman said, his Common a little more accented through the purr. He was looking at the Human in his arms with blatant worry, a far cry from his original reluctance to interact. “I didn’t know a purr could be this weak.”
“That’s because it’s not a purr,” Logan said, trying to keep any hint of fondness from his voice. His shipmates turned to look at him with wildly varying expressions.
“I’ve seen this phenomenon before,” he continued. “I used the medscanner to check Virgil over, because I had also originally assumed it was a purr, and if it was…,” he faltered.
He’d been just as alarmed as the two of them now were, hearing it. If it had been an internal maintenance process like a Crav’n purr, it would have been even quieter than Roman’s when they’d first started travelling together. He and Patton had witnessed firsthand the difference in Roman’s mood and health once he’d gotten through those rough nights.
Next to him, Roman’s ears were tucked completely flat, as though he knew exactly what Logan was remembering. Logan didn’t understand why Roman was so embarrassed by moments of weakness-- was often frustrated by his friend’s reticence, even-- but now wasn’t the time to address it.
“I was simply concerned about the possibility,” Logan finally settled on, “but after investigating his scan thoroughly, I found it was simply the result of soft tissue vibrations from a partially blocked airway.”
Patton blinked up at him. “What does that mean here?”
“It means I-- we freaked out for no reason,” Roman grumped, carefully pushing himself up as his purr ground to a stuttering halt.
Logan held out a stilling hand. “Not necessarily.”
“So, it is a bad thing?” Patton asked, drooping.
“Not at the moment, however,” Logan cast a meaningful look at Roman, “I have no control to work off of, but I do believe Virgil’s general skeletal and muscular health is in worse shape than they should be. He may not have the capability to self-maintain like you, Roman, but that doesn’t mean he gains no benefits from this. The opposite, really.”
Roman slumped back down immediately, eyes wide. “It’s helping?”
“Yes,” Logan confirmed. “I was planning to bring the topic up with you, actually, once you were more comfortable around him.”
“I’m so proud of you!” Patton chirped delightedly, darting forwards to bump his head against Roman’s chin. “You really stepped up when he needed you, Roman.”
“Of course I did, who do you think I am?” Roman shot back confidently. Everyone politely pretended not to notice the flustered twitching of his tail. Patton peeked over Roman’s shoulder, crooning slightly at the sight of Virgil.
“Cuddle pile!” he cheered softly, using Roman’s arm as a helpful bar to climb up onto him. Roman shifted obligingly, shifting his horns into range for easy handholds when Patton inevitably slipped.
As soon as Patton was settled, feathers puffed out for maximum soft padding, the two of them turned to look at Logan with matching pleading expressions, as though choreographed. Logan clicked with faux reluctance even as he stepped closer.
“Oh, very well,” he conceded, and was pulled into the haphazard pile posthaste.
He mentally tabled the rest of inventory for later, knowing quite well that nothing was going to  get done for as long as the impromptu session lasted.
Still, with his friends beside him and Roman’s pleased purr rumbling through him, he couldn't seem to find anything to complain about.
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Victor - NSFW abc headcanons (REMASTERED)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Warnings: Explit sexual content (GN READER)
it's what I posted a while ago, but better - I changed some things, I deleted some thing and wrote new. I think it's much better now
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A = Aftercare (What they are after sex?)
Victor is a man that has his values straight
You are the most important part of his life (even if he sometimes struggles to shop it) and he will do anything for you… and only for you
Other people don’t matter. He only takes what he wants and leaves.
But you - his sweetest, dearest, little love… can ask anything and everything (well, almost - see N).
You crave massages? He will buy the most luxurious oils on the market, might even take a course to perfect his skills to give you more pleasure
Want to take a bath? He will have a bathtub installed if he doesn’t have one already
Pillowtalk, kissing, snuggling, another round? No need to say it twice. He leaves to please you
When it comes to him, he likes to pull you close and tell you all the things he has no courage to say at any other time
Leave no space for misunderstanding in the department of his unconditional, boundless, eternal love and devotion for you
Tell you just how happy he is to have you and how everything is worthless in comparison to you
After he makes sure you’ve been pleasured throughly already, he will want to share a shower
And make no mistake - he will wash you. You can wash him too, if you want, but taking care of that pretty body of yours is his responsibility
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is his waist
It wasn’t easy to get that V shaped body and he is extremely proud of this accomplishment…
Especially when he sees your hungry gaze roaming his torso up and down
And you… He couldn’t possibly choose one part
Beautiful legs, rounded butt, soft abdomen and that gorgeous, gorgeous smile
That would be your thighs when it comes to the sexual aspect
You have such a delicate skin there. So suckable. Kissable. More plush than any pillow could ever be
He feels so secure and at ease when they squeeze around his head as you ride his face.
The sound of his hips slapping against them - heavenly
Not much can make him calmer than your lovely, plump thighs
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
It should come (hihihi) as no surprise that he loves to spill inside
It’s so intimate… Bonding…
Doesn’t really like to cum onto you for reasons he himself doesn’t really understand
It just feels… somewhat degrading? And he doesn’t like it that way?
Then again cuming into your mouth is a strong YES. Maybe it’s because of how enthusiastically you take him in
How you collect all the spill from your chin and lick it off your fingers like it was some kind of delicious delicacy
That sight makes him hard all over again…
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory - a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a folder of your photos on his computer
Some of them were taken with consent… Some without you realising…
Because you were in his bed sleeping in your naked glory… And he could only stop himself the first, like 20 (?) times
He sorts them by aesthetic and cuteness/sexiness
Jacks off to them when you’re not around
Most of them are very artistic. He tries his best to make them as good as the ones he was using before you… (see J)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He slept with a few girls in college, but he saw it only as ‘taking care of his sexual needs’ - no real feelings included
He had one dedicated booty call - a girl who fell in love with him despite him saying that he only only sees her for sex
That period really allowed him to explore his sexuality
So he knows what he likes and what to do, so his partner likes it too
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Everything when he takes you from the back
He’s rather keen on yanking hair, slaping ass…
But when it comes to the person he loves - you, he likes to face each other during sex
He wants to kiss your face, neck and chest. Nuzzle his face into your abdomen while he’s going down from his height
Your legs thrown over his shoulders so he can slap his hips against your soft thighs
Or legs pressed to your sides, hands gripping your thighs
And he can’t even attempt to lie he doesn’t absolutely love when you sit on his lap… or get on top in general
Or when your thighs grip his head when you 69 on the couch while ‘watching’ a movie. Your lips sloppy around him as his tongue pleasures you with most precision and dedication
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
No goofy.
If they start to joke around, they get spanked. HARD.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Victor is a passionate swimmer, so most of his body is hairless
But he doesn’t shave his pubes. Finds it weird to be completely bare down there and the first time he had sex with a completly hairless girl, he was a bit taken aback with her baby like smoothness.
Only trims them with a ‘pubes razor’ which is his old razor that he doesn’t use for face anymore, because he got a better one from his aunt for Christmas
Carpet matches the drapes
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
No goofy.
Only love and eternal devotion.
He will caress and leave kisses all over your body. Keep you close in the warmest and most loving embrace
No dummies or idiots in bed. Only treasures and loves
Almost like he’s trying to make it up to you for his tendency to be so aloof on a daily basis
The sweet talk doesn’t stop there, but I already said everything about it in A
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
This man didn’t have time to waste on women when he was building his empire, so he naturally spend quite a lot of his life masturbating instead of having sex
He doesn’t really enjoy porn, though. It’s too cartoonish for him. He much prefers to look through lingerie commercials or nude photoshoots - the more artistic the better
After he reunites with you, he starts to feel all that pent up sex tension and starts to jack off almost every day
Thinking about you. Looking at photos of you. Carving you with every small bit of his being
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
First of all - seeing his partner being pleasured. Either by him or by a vibrating toy plugged into them or pressed against their sensitive spots. He doesn’t even pump himself watching. He’s way too consumed with the enticing sights
Double penetration. His huge dick in one whole, dildo in another… Just thinking about it gets him going
He can’t deny himself at least some manhandling (if you consent - obv). Although he doesn’t go full on dom every time (at least with you) he seems to be unable to deny himself some hair pulling and choking... Although he almost does it lovingly? Spanking and whipping will surely also happen from time to time. Can get very rough when jealous
Also a slight daddy kink. When he hears it slip past your lips in the form of a joke - he feels some strange tingling in his groin and it’s not a venereal disease
If you sit on his lap, make a cute, helpless expression and ask daddy to play with you… It just turns him into a primal animal with no self restraint
That he kinda always seems to be
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Where nobody can hear them
Or see them
Anywhere with a stable surface really, but he needs to know you will have full privacy
Would never agree for public sex
All the sweet sounds and expressions he makes you do are his and only his to experience
M = Motivation (What turns them on/gets them going)
Stress, irritation, anger, hurt… Sex is a great way for him to gat this weight of his chest since he doesn’t really like to think those negative feeligs through
Or any feelings, if we’re at it
A nice butt is also a motivation, especially when it’s attached to a fine pair of legs
But both of these factors aren’t a guarantee of a turn on and even if they have that impact on him, he still will most likely not act on it
What he really struggles to control is a real attraction that reaches what’s beyond physical
A beautiful, hardworking and open-minded person is something Victor finds hard to ignore
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do/turn offs)
No sharing
No blood play
No permanent marking
Nothing too forcefull or aggressive
No sex before assigning boundaries and exchanging preferences
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I already said In B, Victor is an oral lover
More into giving than receiving, but would never push his lover away
(you can always 69, right?)
The man is humming in pleasure as his tongue slides along your sex
Is more than willing to go for hours if only you let him
The more you moan the more intense his movements become
His main goal is to please
The secondary one is to be the best at yet another thing
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He has two base modes
One: I love you, my sweet creature - all about measured, unhurried but hard thrust. True, pure love-making
Two: Little girls don’t get a say in how daddy fucks them - you’re tearing up, sobbing, drooling and he gets even more turned on by it. Fucks harder and faster then you both believed possible. Years of engaging in sports come to show themselves
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He will participate when the occasion occurs
Might even initiate an occasion
But it’s not really sex for him. It’s a quickie
And when compared to the real love-making with you… it’s just meh
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
When it comes to taking risks, I believe I already made it clear that he isn’t too into that
If someone walked in you, it would be very upsetting for him
If you got accidentally hurt would break his heart
But experiment he would happily
New toys, new positions, new kinks… He will try anything once
Well, almost anything (see N)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
We all have our better and worst days, and this man has a whole company to run. It’s only natural for him to be tired
So usually he won’t last for more than one round. Maybe 3 on weekends
But will last a while if he sets a slower pace (see P)
On vacations however, after a few days of rest his stamina will increase dramatically
Have you seen this guy’s torso? Exactly
He has some stamina to spare
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not against, although he prefers to experiment with positions that to experiment with toys
Will probably never propose any, except when he knows his partner is into such things
If you do - Victor will do his research and find something exciting for you to enjoy
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He really is not patient enough for that
Doesn’t have time for it either
Why would he even want to? They’re unsatisfied = he’s unsatisfied (as I mentioned in K)
He sees no appeal in it. When he wants to fuck, he wants to fuck. No reason to beat around the bush
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Victor can be a bit more talkative than usual during the foreplay
Throughs some praise (a lot of it)
Tell you about his feelings (but not too much at that point)
About things that made him jealous…
A quiet Fuck may leave his lips when he enters you and when he’s about to come
In the middle of those two - he’s rather silent
Not much of a moaner
He grunts and growls a lot though. Can get a little bit loud from time
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
It was a sunny, autumn day. You were walking down the street. You’re fingers entwined. The sunlight was gracing your beautiful features so gorgeously… and he had already been yearning for so long
When you’ve finally reached the Souvenir’s door, the man is all worked up
Not that you could tell from his steely expression
But you sure got suspicious when he got all touchy feely out of the sudden
Not that you would ever mind - obviously
Feather light kisses on the nape of your neck and shoulders. Fingertips caressed your waist to then slide down to your hips. Then he reached for the hem of your dress…
“I love you…” he whispered in your ear
Goosebumps momentarily appeared on your skin as all the intense feelings he had been making you experience from the very day you saw him for the first time in his office travel down your spine in a form of a intense shiver
You wanted him. So bad. For so long.
And there was no hiding his feelings for you at that moment as you turned your head to face him
Soon after stomach was pressed against the kitchen counter. Your naked butt was all out on display for Victor to squeeze and spank as you squirmed and moaned under his touch
Victor didn’t take any unnecessary time to move his long, broad fingers down, to stroke your sensitive slit
He praised you for being so wet, so flushed, so eager for him
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
“I love you, too” you whispered to his ear as his arms pressed you as close to his body as possible, while you were still going back from your highs
And after that, from his lips slipped the words of the most sincere adoration… and true love
Words you would never expect to leave his beautiful, soft mouth
Matches the rest of the man
Long and thick
No curvature. Perfectly straight
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Rather average
Ha has periods when he doesn’t even think about it
And he has ones when he can’t stop thinking about it
However he doesn’t go too much either way
Z = Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Remember what I said in S? Applies here as well
He’s a hardworking man
Simplu needs to work hard to keep his business growing and to keep his lover pleased
Then he just needs to get some rest. Don’t try to change his mind because he will
If he’s well rested however, he won’t let you sleep
Like, not a chance. You need to come at least five times. He doesn’t make the rules, sorry
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captain-jensen · 4 years
I’ve Only got Scotch
Tommy Shelby x Reader
Summary: After having drinks with the Shelby brothers for the first time, Tommy walks you home. The only issue is that you’re out of Irish whiskey. Will Tommy be ok with it?
Warnings: 18+, swearing, smut!!!, unprotected sex (I can guarantee you that were Tommy Shelby alive during the age of condoms he would wear one, so you should too)
Authors note: This is a follow up to a headcanon I did where you’re Tommy’s receptionist so I would recommend reading it for context.
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    You turn from Tommy’s paralyzing gaze to unlock the door to your flat. As you do, you can feel Tommy moving his body closer to yours. Walking up the stairs you suddenly feel the courage boosting effects of the earlier consumed whiskey wearing off, feeling completely aware of the fact that THE Thomas Shelby was about to enter your tiny Small Heath apartment. The very same Thomas Shelby that you promised yourself you wouldn’t fall for. However, the inhibition disabling effect of the whiskey was very much still intact, so you say to yourself “Fuck it”.
“What was that?” You hear Tommy ask. Then you realize that you had said that out loud. 
“Oh nothing” You reply. “It’s not much” you say opening the door to reveal your scant flat. “But it does the job” you say, trying to explain yourself. 
“I wasn’t expecting this” he says while letting his eyes wander around the room.
“And why is that?” 
“Well you’re always dressed nicely” Tommy compliments you.
“Well thank you Tommy. But I’m afraid that even if I could afford a nicer flat, I wouldn’t be able to find a landlord to rent to a single woman” you say.
“Y/N, this is Small Heath, all you have to do is explain your position in my office and I’m sure any landlord would accept you” Tommy says while sporting small grin. He moves to sit at your dining nook while you gather two glasses and your half empty bottle of scotch. Pouring some into the two glasses Tommy watches you attentively. Raising his glass for a toast, Tommy says “To scotch whiskey, not quite as good as Irish, but good enough to drink in the company of a pretty woman”. Eager to restore your earlier confidence, you down the amber liquid in one go, Tommy follows suit after watching you with a smirk. He grabs the bottle and pours another glass. You both decide to sip this one. 
   After sipping in silence for a moment, exchanging glances, Tommy finally catches your eye and you’re immediately sucked into his mesmerizing blue eyes. It’s then that Tommy makes his move, slowly leaning into you from his place in the chair beside you. When your lips finally connect it feels like a breath of fresh air. Your lips move eloquently against each others. Tommy deepens the kiss by moving his hand to the back of your head and sliding his tongue across your bottom lip. Opening your mouth slightly, you permit him to move his tongue into your mouth, but you don’t let him take control fully as you tangle your tongue with his in a heated fight for dominance. He takes his mouth off yours and pulls you into a standing position, quickly reconnecting and pulling you into his arms. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and grab the back of his neck, you both are trying to get impossibly closer together. He guides you across the room clumsily before he spins you and sits on the bed so that you can mount his lap. You rid him of his waistcoat, eager to open up the present underneath you. As you start on the buttons of his shirt, you feel his hands move from your waist down your thighs and under your skirt to unclip your garters. His hands then slide up your body to undo the buttons of your blouse. After you’re both rid of your tops, Tommy flips you again so that your back is against the mattress. He unzips your skirt and pulls it down your legs, bringing with it your tights. You’re now just left in your slip and garter. Bunching your slip up your body you take the hint and raise your hands so he can take it all the way off. He works his way down your body with soft kisses and small bites. After slipping your garter off he kisses your thighs in multiple spots before moving into your center. “I’ve dreamt of this before Y/N” he states before placing a wet kiss onto your mound, making you gasp. He works you slowly with his tongue, noting every sigh and soft moan that he emits from you. When he guides his index finger into your hole you moan his name and Tommy swears he’s never heard a more beautiful song in his life, which makes him moan lowly into you, sending vibrations across your whole body. This very action rips an animated orgasm from your body. Unable to control yourself you let out a mixture of curses and Tommy’s name is repeated like a prayer. 
   Tommy removes himself from between your legs and you see him wipe his mouth of your juices (which is an orgasmic sight in itself). He leans down and captures your lips again in a much more sloppy and passionate kiss. He stands to rid himself of his pants and boxers. Through hooded eyes, you take in his form. Instantly moving to rake your hands across his muscular chest. He lays on top of you and kisses you while positioning himself at your opening. As he slowly enters you, you both let out satisfied sighs once he buries himself to the hilt. Feeling more full than you ever have before. Tommy starts to move inside of you at a languid pace, taking the time to savour the feeling of your fluttering walls. When he feels you wrap your thighs around his frame and pull him even closer to your body he starts to move faster. Behind every thrust is an immense of power and you can feel pressure starting to build up in your core again. You swear you can feel every vein on his cock stroking the walls of your pussy. Tommy moves his head from its place on your shoulder to look you in the eye. You pull him into a passionate kiss and slip your tongue in, drawing a deep groan from the back of the Tommy’s throat. Hearing that sound and concentrating on every sensation that is happening throughout your body you mewl out sighs and swears again, feeling your second orgasm quickly approaching. “Tommy, please, faster” you beg between breaths. Wanting nothing more than to watch you spiral into pleasure again Tommy obeys you and starts thrusting at an intense speed. With the feeling of your walls pulsing around his cock, your nails scraping themselves across his shoulders, and the blissful look on your face as you cum, Tommy is thrust into his own orgasm. Spilling everything he’s got into you, he groans your name in a husky voice. Collapsing against you, you both bathe in your post-orgasmic heaven. Hesitantly pulling out of you, you almost wince at the feeling of being empty again. Standing up to grab his cigarette case and lighter you watch him stumble a little and can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips. He gives you a warning look over his shoulder, “You don’t frighten me Tommy” you say looking him dead in the eye with a small smile, his face relaxes into a smirk which then grows into a grin. Still grinning when he gets back into the bed, he lights a smoke and hands it over to you. He pulls you into his side and your slightly taken aback by the act of tenderness, but lay your head on his chest nonetheless. Laying in the silence and the warmth you let out a yawn. “I think I’m going to sleep now Tommy” you look up at him. 
“Alright” he responds, not moving his arm. 
“You’re not going to leave?” you ask surprised. 
“Do you want me to?” he asks with a quirked eyebrow and smirk playing at his lips. 
“No, I just figured you would” You say matter of factly. 
“Well you figured wrong” he responds. Deciding to let the matter go you doze off comfortably and easily on Tommy’s chest. Finding him, still there in the morning sends a warm feeling through your chest.
   For the next few days you always find Tommy sharing looks with you in the office. He’s also started calling you into his office more often to help with small tasks that he could easily do himself, and asking you to spend your lunch hours with him. Drinks at the Garrison after work become more and more common, sometimes with the other Shelby’s, sometimes it’s just the two of you. Knowing how Tommy is, you don’t push him to define what’s happening between you. One night though, after sharing a cigarette in bed you say goodnight and get ready to doze off. As your mind grows silent, you hear the words slip out of his mouth, “I love you Y/N”. You give him a kiss on his chest and say it back nonchalantly, deciding against making a big deal out of it, not wanting to over-excite him or yourself. The next morning you’re invited to your first family meeting. 
                                                  The End
For those who wanted to be tagged!! @thomashelbyswhore​, @walkingonshunshine​, @ysmmsy 
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curiousconch · 3 years
Chase You / Chase Me (Pt. 1)
Part 1: Burning on the Edge of Something Beautiful
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary: Alex finds herself personally affected by the Rothswell case and Gabe attempts to find out why.
Book/Pairing: Choices - Laws of Attraction / Gabe Ricci x MC (Alex Keating)
Words: 1.8k+
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / implied sexual content, alcohol consumption
Disclaimer: Most of the characters as well as some dialogues belong to Pixelberry. I am merely borrowing them.
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Wednesday Evening at McGraw Byrne
Back from a day in the courts, Gabe stepped out of the elevator and into the halls of McGraw Byrne. Eager to finish the day's work, he passed by the break room where he unwittingly heard something that made him instantly halt.
"Did you see how clammed up Keating became when you asked her that question?" Gabe heard Vanderweil's deep voice.
"Actually, I sensed something irked her during the ride back. Seems like I did strike a chord," a serious female voice replied, which Gabe presumed was Sinclair's.
He made the assumption that the line of conversation was about their visit to the Rothswell's mansion. Earlier that day, the law firm's major client Philip Rothswell, demanded that they see to the whole Lydia and Joey situation. So Gabe and Sadie instructed the associates to go see the young heiress, trying to give the firm more time to create a more solid strategy than playing family counselor.
When they were placating Rothswell, he noticed how Alex fidgeted in her chair as she listened to their client. The way her body pulled up every defensive stance in the book full with meaning.
Seems that what he just overheard confirmed his suspicions. Something was bothering Alex Keating. And like all things Alex, it piqued at his curiosity.
It irked him that he did, more than he was willing to admit. Seems like even as trivial as office gossip, as long as its about her, Gabe is guaranteed to take notice.
Hastening his strides, he continued on to his plush new office, the setting sun coloring the wood furnishings with a hue of orange. He tossed his briefcase on the khaki couch, his leather soles padding on the clean white carpet. Loosening his tie, he crossed the room towards his desk. He took off his coat, hanging it on the rack nearby and turned to face the glass walls which offered a much better view of the concrete jungle below.
His mind whirred as he rationalized with himself as to why he was so invested with Alex. He initially chalked it up as a familiar, primal response to her... attractiveness. Yet as he watched her emerge from every pressure test and challenge he and Sadie gave her, he can't help but root for her.
It's not just that. After a long time, Gabe wanted to be near someone. He wanted to hear what bothers them, their goals, even their history. A level of interest he never exhibited to his usual carnal pursuits.
She stirred up something sleeping within him, something he willed never to return.
Consumed by the thoughts of her, Gabe finds himself glancing at his Rolex and hatching a guise to know what made the mighty Alex Keating got so worked up about.
Sometime later, uptown New York
"Alex... Have you ever had someone like Joey mess with your head? It's not about smart or stupid," Gigi had asked.
Alex poked her fork at the piece of chocolate soufflé as her mind whirled back to the ride back to the office.
"I'm not buying you any more of that Riesling if you wouldn't even bother being a worthy companion," Gabe teased, before downing another glass of scotch across her.
Her head immediately perked up, breaking free from her introspection. Alex forced a smile in response.
"As if another glass would make a dent in your indomitable fortune," she leaned back, trying to hide her thoughts under the façade of her sarcasm, rolling her eyes at him for added effect.
The two find themselves in a swanky New York restaurant, its upscale interior design worthy of the five star Yelp rating. The sleek tables and gray scandinavian chairs made Alex grateful that her wine red dress fit among the crowd. With a private booth overlooking the city lights and the delicious gourmet food served, she did not regret accepting Gabe's dinner invitation to meet a client.
Her mind decided that more work and Gabe's company was a great way to distract herself from the nagging of her memories, and it didn't hurt that the senior partner was easy on the eyes.
And when the supposed big shot canceled at the last minute, Alex completely saw it as a win.
"Something bothers you." Gabe suddenly articulated, breaking her from her contemplations.
Alex's brow arched in reply, as Gabe stated it like a fact, not as a question.
Crossing her legs under the table, she folded her arms across her chest.
"And why does that concern my pretend-boyfriend, hm?" she interjected, hoping to evade his interrogation.
"You're not the only astute one in this booth," Gabe let his eyes trail across her defensive stance the second time today.
Throughout the course of their meal, the heat between them simmered as well as the flow of their usual banter. Their chemistry was palpable, convincing even the waiter of the restaurant. The cocky man was certainly redefining the phrase hot and cold for Alex. He quickly and easily shut down her attempts to flirt, pulling back when the temperature between them reached a boiling point.
But Alex was more surprised, pleasantly so, when Gabe briefly opened up about his past and the vague explanation of why he's still not settled down.
She sensed the current trajectory of their conversation was what Gabe planned to have all along.
But now, as she swirled the remaining expensive liquid in her glass, trying to decide whether to put her guards up or to just give in, she couldn't deny the uncharacteristic softness in his gaze. It was magnetizing, making Alex want to fold and drop her pretentions.
She watched him as he seemed to eagerly anticipate for her retort, a half smile lingering on that pretty mouth of his.
Alex knew he won't push her if she didn't want to, yet a part of her wanted to share the heaviness that weighed on her shoulder since meeting Lydia Rothswell. Of how much the teenager reminded her of her old, naïve self.
She's been trying to rack her brain for a reasonable explanation for her growing desire to introduce herself to Gabe more than she'd allowed the string of men that she had trysts with. Despite her continuous self-denial, her gut is telling her that Gabe wasn't like any other she crossed paths with.
Making up her mind, she decided to let the door open. Maybe just a little.
She sipped her wine beckoning some needed courage, wishing that she ordered something stronger.
Taking a deep breath, she began, her eyes fixed on the view behind him.
"Since you were wondering, my otherwise impeccable track record is stained by one mistake," she paused, finally turning her gaze to Gabe's waiting eyes.
"Like Lydia, I trusted the wrong person," she continued. "I... risked everything and got nothing."
Gabe's mouth twitched ever so slightly, sensing a fluttering in him because of Alex's candor. There was no trace of the witty comebacks he'd grown to see in her, only vulnerability.
And somehow, he adored her more.
He watched her as she bit her thumbnail, an action greatly contradicting the fiery personality she projected in front of everyone else.
Alex gritted her teeth as she fought back the overwhelming emotions as she stopped herself from revealing more than she's prepared to. Not yet, not tonight, she thought.
"But I woke up from that nightmare, solemnly swearing to myself that I wouldn't repeat the same wrong decision that almost railroaded my whole future," she concluded, determined not to expose herself any further.
A hush fell between them.
Alex raised her head to meet the eyes of the man that made her walls crack, expecting to find intrigue. Instead, she found a subtle look of understanding.
It's as if it was telling her that he knew. He knew every pain and every hurt that she wanted to just forget and bury inside a box, never to be opened again.
Just because for him, pain was a familiar companion. That like her, he too, has been through hell and back.
And while she relished under his attention, her breath slowed, letting herself be trapped within the depths of those reassuring brown eyes. Alex thought nothing can make her drop down her guard, but Gabe's next actions proved that there's still more he can do to break down her walls.
Without thinking, Gabe reached for her hand and took it in his, skimming his own thumb on her knuckles in an attempt to comfort her. He smiled warmly at her, expressing a gentleness that she never thought he was capable of.
It made Alex's heart skip a beat.
Even Gabe seemed to slowly enter the same daze, unable to veer away from Alex's unguarded view. Any remnants of his resistance, leaving him. He found himself leaning in, lured by the heady scent of her perfume - a mix of coffee, vanilla and jasmine. An unexpected combination that enticed him more to her.
For a few moments, their world stood still, as if they were on the edge of discovering something that all their lives they subconsciously sought.
Something more than any flirtation or any pursuit for lustful pleasure. Something more...
"More drinks, Gabe?" a familiar voice broke them from the temporary oasis that they pulled themselves in.
All of a sudden, they were sucked back to the reality of their actual surroundings. The noise of other patrons of the restaurant, the soft ambience of the lights overhead, and the fact that he was her current boss, and that she was under his professional supervision.
Gabe turned to James, their waiter, and refused the offer nonchalantly, and instead asked for their check.
"We should head back to the salt mines, the stack of work on my desk probably hasn't gotten any smaller since we left," Gabe casually said, erasing any trace of what just happened between them. Alex silently agreed, following his queue by checking her phone for emails.
The trip to the lobby was wordless, as well as the wait for their ride. Up until Gabe opened the door of the town car, not following Alex inside.
"Aren't you coming?" Alex inquired, briefly confused.
He cleared his throat, his expression stoic before he answered her. "I think its best if we part ways here. I wasn't kidding about needing to head back to the office," he paused, a look of contemplation in his eyes before it softly shifted to that of sincerity.
"You, on the other hand, should go home and get some rest. Partner's orders."
Alex couldn't help but smile. "Whatever you say, Gabe."
"Careful, Alex. I just might hold you to that promise one of these days," Gabe replied, the usual playfulness evident in his tone.
And with that, the door closed and the car pulled away.
But as Gabe watched the vehicle fade out of his sight, his phone pinged for an email. Glancing down at his screen, he saw the name of the sender, prompting him to open it in haste.
The message contained a single statement: "I found what you asked me to look for." An attachment was included.
When he opened the file, he saw a picture of a younger version of the woman he just parted from.
And a look of recognition passed over his face.
Author's Notes: This is getting a little canon divergent, though I'm just expanding their dinner conversation and using the intimate setting provided in the original book.
Tags: @adiehardfan @pixelnutrookie @starryjieun @fucking-random1 @choicesficwriterscreations
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you want to be tagged or removed on succeeding installments. If not, please reblog or comment, I'd really appreciate it!
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nationalharryleague · 4 years
Portfolio; Part 2
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, CEO!Harry
Word count: 3.2k!
A/N: Hi everyone!! I am back with part 2 of “Portfolio”!! The first part had such great reception and a few people have asked for a part two. As always, I would looooove some feedback and I hope you enjoy!! More of my writing can be found in my masterlist!
Part 1
“Nice work, Miss Y/L/N,” Harry told you, walking briskly through the office, holding up the binder that contained the proposal you had been working on recently. You watched as his long legs gracefully carried him down a row of cubicles, both of you doing your best to conceal the smiles threatening to break onto your faces.
“Thank you, Mr. Styles,” you chimed as he passed you and your secretary. He muttered something along the lines of ‘now get back to work,’ before he turned around and shot a million dollar smile in your direction. You quickly winked at him, hoping no one noticed, and hid your cheeky grin in your cup of coffee.
“I think Mr. Styles likes you,” giggled your secretary, Charlotte, taking a sip of her tea as you took a gossip break outside your office.
“We’re just friends now,” you lied through your teeth. “We work better when we’re getting along than when we’re at each other’s throats.” Oh, how you loved his throat, and his neck, and his jaw, and his smile. He was a never ending piece of art and you could stare at him all day long.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you two carpooling to work in the morning,” Charlotte playfully pried.
“We just figured out we live close by each other,” lie, “and it gives us more time to talk about work,” lie, “and we just think it’s better for the environment,” semi-lie.
“Whatever you say boss,” she said amused and moved to answer the phone that had begun ringing on her desk.
It had been four months since that night when you ended up in his arms with his pouty lips pressed up against yours for the first time. It was the first of many, many more kisses you shared.
You had spent these last four months peeling back his hard exterior and getting to know the mushy center. You knew the way he took his tea in the morning, the songs he sang (surprisingly well) in the shower, and the way he always slept on his stomach, sheets pooled around his waist. While you hadn’t said it, the two of you knew that you were quickly falling in love with each other.
Harry had become a huge part of your life and you two rarely were apart. Work was a series of knowing glances and stolen kisses any time you and Harry were alone. While you two had become an incredible professional team, your productivity when working together had slowed, unable to get much work done when he was constantly trying to convince you to hook up in his office. Outside of work, you spent nearly all your time in his penthouse dressed only in one of his expensive dress shirts that he insisted looked better on you than ever did on him.
Your phone buzzed on your desk, bringing you out of your Harry-induced daze. Meet me in the copy room ;), your phone read. You let out a laugh and playfully rolled your eyes before making your way across the office to your intended destination.
Opening the door, you only got a glimpse of your gorgeous boyfriend before he pulled your body to him, your lips falling into a well practiced dance against one another. You kept your hands rested against his chest, learning from your mistakes of previously messing up his hair during a particularly passionate trip to a storage closet. While you remained careful to leave no clues of what you two were doing in the copy room, Harry buried his hands in your hair and moved to leave kisses down your neck, sure to leave some type of bruise. You pulled away from him, breathless, gently scolding him for being so careless.
“Harry, I will not fuck you in this copy room,” you told him, smoothing your pencil skirt and straightening out your blazer. You were met with a needy and pathetic pout that made the large man look like a small child who was denied a piece of candy.
“What makes the copy room off limits?” he smirked down at you. “We’ve had sex in most of the rooms of this office.”
“No lock on this door,” you smiled, moving to your tippy toes to kiss him lightly on the nose and turning to leave the room. He reached out and grabbed a hold of your wrist, pulling you back into him.
“I don’t care who sees,” he spoke against your lips as he connected you once again. “I’m sure my girl and I put on quite the show.”
“You are an arrogant son of a bitch, aren’t you?” you giggled in between soft kisses, arms hooked around his neck. “And I care, Harry,” you confessed, pulling away from him and looking seriously into his bright green eyes. “I worked hard to get to this position and I will not let people attribute my success to me sleeping with my boss.”
“But you are sleeping with your boss,” he called after you as you separated yourself from him and moved towards the door again. “Quite a bit actually.”
“But it didn’t get me to the top, did it?” you winked, exiting your hiding spot.
“I quite like it when you’re on top.”
This was definitely not sustainable.
The “good working relationship” cover could only work for so long and the way you acted could give it away any moment. You were so comfortable and happy with each other now, a rare and impossible feat before, and it was hard not to notice. You two had done a complete 180 and you could only pray the office was turning a blind eye. It was hard to pretend that you weren’t falling head over heels in love with this man.
There was a reason this was forbidden. Harry was in a position to manipulate and take advantage of his professional power above you and you understood why it was absolutely not allowed. There was a laundry list of powerful men who had taken advantage of their female subordinates and hurt them and their careers beyond repair. While you both were very consenting, it was a power dynamic that could quickly turn sour.
You both had plenty at risk. While you were desperate to stay secret for the sake of your professional reputation and career aspirations, Harry had a Fortune 500 company to worry about. SPR was growing at a rapid speed and was quickly becoming the most sought after public relations firm in the country.  You anxiously held your breath whenever at work, praying both of you could be on your best behavior, refusing to be the reason Harry fell from his golden boy position in the business world.
Harry had briefly suggested you quitting and just letting him take care of you. That idea made you feel like a sugar baby in your own relationship and you were not okay with that. He also brought up the idea of quitting your formal position and working as a freelance consultant so the HR policy would no longer apply, but you were quick to shut that down as well. While you would do anything to be with him and stop worrying, your career came first. There was no guarantee that you two would work out and you refused to give up your career for any man.
There was a brief period of time that Harry had considered a publicity beard. Hiring some model to pretend to be Harry’s girlfriend for the paparazzi would take some of the heat off the both of you and probably advance both of their careers. But you knew you were far too jealous to watch him with someone else, even if they were being paid to be there. You tried to be cool, calm, and collected at all times, but when it came to Harry, something ignited in you that you just couldn’t turn off.
Watching from across the office when his new, and irritatingly attractive, assistant began was torture. Cami was smart and beautiful and way overqualified to be running to get his dry cleaning and scheduling his rides to the airport. She was a tall, stick thin, blonde bombshell and you couldn’t understand why she was working in an office and not walking a runway. You watched the bedroom eyes she gave him every time they made eye contact, annoyed at how similar they were to your own, constantly looking up at him and batting her eyelashes. You always got a kick out of watching him shut her down when she started on her breathy ‘Mr. Styles’ voice which resembled Marilyn Monroe’s rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ for JFK.
“Mr. Styles,” she sing-songed, “would you like me to get you something for lunch today?”
“No. I’m going out for lunch,” he dead-panned harshly. It made you feel good that he was meeting you at home for lunch, and the strong possibility that you were lunch made you feel even better. You watched from the doorway of his office as he didn’t even look up at her from his computer, a smirk threatening to break out onto your lips.
“Hi Mr. Styles,” you alerted him to your presence. His eyes shot up to make contact with yours, fighting a smile off his own lips. “I have a proposal for you to review.”
“Have a seat,” he said, motining for you to sit across from him at his large mahogany desk. Cami hung in the corner, waiting for some sort of command when Harry told her to leave and shut the door behind her. Leaning back in your chair, you took in the man sitting across from you. He wore a light blue suit that was perfectly tailored, paired with a white dress shirt, and navy tie. His hair was pushed back, just long enough for some of his natural curl to show. His eyes shined in the light from the floor to ceiling windows of his office that framed him and as soon as the assistant left the room, a huge smile rested on his face.
“So, what proposal do you have for me?”
“I can see it now,” you began, putting on your best proposal voice. “Dinner, a bottle (or a few) of wine, and movies at your place tonight.”
“My love, you could sell wood to a forest.”
That night started out calm enough. You had ordered in your favorite Italian place, the same one that you had shared your first real conversation over, and ate it over a bottle of wine. You two sat at his kitchen island, both dressed in Harry’s comfiest clothes, and talked about your days. It was a long day in the office and you were exhausted and the few glasses of wine running through your system were not helping. You leaned over on your barstool, resting your head on his shoulder, receiving a light kiss to your forehead in between bites of his dinner.
“Just so you know, Marcus was a bit of a dick to me today,” you slid into conversation in between bites of a garlic knot, always one to stir the pot.
“I’m sorry, honey. I don’t like him very much either but I can’t just fire someone because I don’t like them,” he explained softly.
“You can fire Cami,” you said before fully thinking. You watched from his shoulder as he questioningly raised his eyebrows, mouth still stuffed full of food. “I just don’t like the way she acts around you. She looks at you like she’s ready to mount you at any second.”
“I can’t fire my assistant because you’re jealous,” he said with a light chuckle.
“Harry, I’m not jealous,” you asserted while lifting your head off his shoulder to look him in the eye, not sure if what you were saying was fully true. “I just don’t like the way she acts around you.”
“You’re jealous!” he pushed, poking and teasing you into anger. He wore his famous smirk across his lips and while you usually thought it was adorable, tonight it was pushing every one of your buttons. Your cheeks began to heat with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment, intensified by the wine you both had been drinking.
“I would have been more jealous if you you went through with that stupid beard idea,” you spat. It was Harry’s turn to get offended now. His eyebrows shot up his forehead in surprise at your comment, before they settled in a frustrated scowl.
“I was just trying to help,” he countered, his voice low and gravely. “You’re the one who’s so uncomfortable at work.”
“I can’t be comfortable at work knowing that if we were to get caught, both of our careers are finished!” You slid off the barstool, unable to be so close to him right now, and began pacing the immaculate kitchen. “Knowing that you just want me to quit so you can keep me up in this penthouse barefoot and pregnant doesn’t help either.”
“Y/N, come on. You know I don’t want that.”
“You’ve asked me to quit for you more than once, H.” You were both standing now, circling around the kitchen island. You walked away from him everytime he got close, the thought of him touching you right now made your blood boil.
“I wanted you to quit so that we can be together!” he raised his voice as he defended himself.  
Your career was everything to you. Your work was what gave you the opportunity to escape New York and get a fresh start in London. You had to put an ocean between you and your ex to feel safe again, and your hard work and talent was how you did it. You would not give it up for a man.
You and Harry had never fought like this before and you were worried how similar it felt to when you and your ex would fight. You had promised yourself that you would never be in a situation like that again.
“You’re the fucking CEO!” You were both yelling now. “ You’re in charge of everyone there. You can change the HR policy if you want.”
“No, I can’t. Were both in PR; you know how that would look for the company and both of us.” He argued from across the island. “My employee can’t be my girlfriend.”
“Okay,” you said after a pause, suddenly calm.
“‘Okay’ what?” Harry asked, chest still heaving for yelling.
“I don’t want to be either anymore.”
You marched your way to his couch, grabbing your briefcase and work clothes. You heard his calls for you to stay and pleads for you to take it back, but you ignored them. You made your way to his front door, slamming it behind you as you left.
Four Years Later
You sat in the conference room of SPR for the first time in over four years. The table and chairs had changed, no longer the heavy wood conference table you had known. It had been swapped out for a long black oval table that was flanked with chairs that were now filled with lawyers.
Harry sat directly across from you, in the same spot he sat the first night you began to fall in love with him. He looked a little different now; his hair had gotten longer, he had grown out a bit of a beard, and he had a couple more tattoos. You couldn’t help but think about all the nights you had spent together in his bed, your fingertips tracing the designs on his skin. Your eyes bore into each other, scanning each other’s face for emotion and desperately trying to get a read on the other.
It was easy to fall back into your distanced body language. While you were connected through intense eye contact, both of your arms were crossed, shielding yourself from the others’ stare. You had been competitors these last few years after all. Today, that was all changing.
After you left that night in a storm of jealousy and hurt, you made good on your threats to quit and started your own firm. You began to climb your way up the PR ladder and four years later, you were Harry’s biggest competitor. When the idea of a merger came about, you were hesitant but understood it was what was best for both of your businesses.
A thick contract was passed across the table between the both of you, both CEO’s silently signing on the dotted line. “The merger is complete!” your lawyers cheered excitedly, only small smiles finding their way onto your faces. “You are now Co CEOs of Styles-Y/L/N Public Relations.”
“Congratulations Chief Executive Officer Styles,” you spoke as you lifted yourself out of your chair, reaching out a hand to offer a handshake. You offered him a cold smile you had practiced to perfection in the mirror in preparation for today’s events.
“Congratulations Chief Executive Officer Y/L/N,” he repeated after you. When your hands met, the familiar sparks shot their way up into your arm, your heart beginning to flutter. You knew that feeling in the pit of your stomach that he caused so well. You got it whenever he was around, like he continued to have some sort of magic over you after all this time.
You left as the small celebration died down, opting to meet with Harry in his office to devise a plan moving forward concerning office space and upcoming projects. Strictly business, you constantly reminded yourself. Soon, the sun began to set and you decided it was best for both of you to head home.
Walking out of the building, it felt strangely familiar to the night you had first shared together. Your footsteps fell insync as you silently walked into the parking garage and towards your own cars. You looked over at his hand and realized he had already put his ring on.
“Hey, I thought we said we were going to put our rings on together after the merger,” you smiled as you fished around your blazer pocket for your engagement ring and wedding band.
“Honey, I thought you saw me put it on,” he laughed, flashing you his bright smile and the golden band that sat on his left hand. You carefully slid the rings onto your ring finger, covering the slight tan line you got when you wore them outside of work. You intertwined your hands, walking the rest of the way to your cars as a couple. You giggled as you always did at the sight of a baby’s car seat in the back of Harry’s sports car.
“I’ll pick the baby up from my mum’s if you grab dinner on the way home,” he offered.
“Sounds like a deal,” you agreed and pressed your body up against him, pecking his lips as he ran his hands up and down your back. “It feels good not to hide at work anymore.”
“No one can take advantage of the other if we are both in charge, right?” he smirked.
“Not according to HR,” you chuckled softly, resting your head on his chest before pulling away and getting in the car next to his.
“I love you, Mrs. Y/L/N-Styles!” he called into your car when you both rolled your windows down.
“I love you more, Mr. Styles!” you called back. “I’ll see you at home for our business meeting!”
Thank you so much for reading!! Please let me know what you think in my ask! Requests are also open :) 
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
Hiii, i love your writing. I was wondering if you could do a remus lupin imagine. Were its mutual pinnin but they dont know the other like them. And sirus gets tired of it and takes pollyjuice to look like remus and get you to confess🥺
under the mistletoe // remus lupin
a/n: oh my god i’ve been non-stop reading atyd and it is my new obsession. it’s completely canon to me now. ty for ur request! i used they/them pronouns because you didn’t specify, so i hope that’s alright <3 oh! also! im gonna try this new thing w my fics to see if they flow better that way; instead of just jumping in time i’ll put a little indicator (-). wanted to try it out, dunno if i’ll keep using it. i’m so excited for christmas and this put me in an even more christmasy mood omg
summary: Staying at Hogwarts for the holidays seemed like the best way to avoid distractions, but with the Marauders there, distractions were guaranteed. Especially when your crush on Remus proves to be incredibly distracting.
cw: underage drinking (hangover vomiting), swearing (harmless, classic Sirius things)
(8k) (haven’t written this much in so long wow i forgot i could)
The Gryffindor common room was your most favorite place in Hogwarts. It was warm and comforting, and you had some of your best memories there. With just a glance around the room you could feel your entire school career in just one room. 
Though, now that you were in your sixth year, it wasn’t the leisurely place it used to be. 
All around you, books touched any bare surface there was. N.E.W.T.’s were sooner than you’d like, sooner than anyone liked, and you were filled with anxiety. You knew your strenuous studying was a bit soon, but you felt like you had the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You felt so stressed, in fact, that not even Lily Evans could convince you to go home for the holidays that Christmas. 
“Exams are months away, Y/n!” she sighed as you fell down onto the couch beside her, narrowly returning before curfew from the library, “You ought to enjoy Christmas.”
“I will enjoy it. Here,” you said, rolling your head back and closing your eyes.
You felt sore, as if you had run a marathon, but you had been locked away in the library all day. 
Part of you, the smallest part, blamed Remus Lupin for this newfound obsession. Your fellow Gryffindor, the most studious boy in your year, was the initial reason for your new studying habits. You had started going to the library in an attempt to steal glances at him, an innocent crush that you most definitely let overcome you.
Remus had always gone to the library, you knew that, but ever since your O.W.L.’s he seemed to take extra pride in his work. You couldn’t blame him for secluding himself in the library, for that was the only place on campus that it seemed his rowdy friends did not go. 
“You can’t enjoy Christmas alone,” Lily tutted, pulling the massive textbook off your lap and putting it on the table in front of you.
“You’re staying for the holidays, too?” 
Sirius had just bounded down the stairs from the boys dormitories, his usual mischievous smirk on his face. 
“Yes, they are,” Lily answered for you, turning to look at Sirius as he hovered behind you near the stairs.
“Well, that’s lucky,” he said, acting as if he had a secret he took pride in no one else knowing.
“Why is that, Sirius?” Lily sighed, becoming annoyed.
“Remus, James, Peter, and I are staying, too,” he said, smirk turning into a boyish smile.
“You are?” you opened your eyes and turned to face him, finally.
He met your gaze and nodded excitedly, seeming to already have the Christmas spirit in him.
“So you won’t be alone!” Lily said excitedly, then turned towards Sirius with a more dull tone, “Not the best company, but at least not alone.”
Sirius scoffed in mock offence, scrunching his face up with imaginary tears as he stomped back up the stairs. 
“God, that lot is so bizarre,” she groaned, turning back to you on the couch to see you dozing off.
Snow fell on the grounds of Hogwarts, and you gazed at it from a fogged up window in the library. 
Lily had gone, Mary had gone, Marlene had gone, just about everyone had gone. You had never stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays before, and you knew not many people did, but you expected more than there were. 
No Slytherins had stayed, which was a welcomed absence from those who did. You knew the two Hufflepuffs that remained, but only because you had classes with them in your fourth year. The Ravenclaws that stayed, there couldn’t have been more than five of them, were often holed up the in the library with you. There were the most Gryffindors, five, including you and the marauders. 
You were almost surprised that James had gone through with staying; Remus had mentioned wonderful things about the Potters and the Christmases they hosted. Still, he was here, cheerful as ever.
As your eyes blurred with tiredness and the window became nearly too fogged to see through, you sighed in frustration.
You missed your family, you missed home, and you really regretted staying at school. You decided to give yourself the day off from studying. With a glance down at your watch, you saw it was nearly lunch time anyways. You had slept in and missed breakfast, coming straight to the library, and your stomach felt empty.
You made your way to the common room, wanting to drop off the heavy books you had accumulated. Mumbling the password to the portrait, you stumbled through without noticing the rowdy conversation coming towards you.
You ran right into James’ chest, stumbling back and already mumbling an apology.
“Y/n?” he asked happily, as if he had been looking for you.
“Hey, guys,” you sighed, forcing a polite smile when all you really wanted to do was collapse on the couch and sleep for days.
“Sirius told us you were staying, but I’d thought you’d changed your mind. Haven’t seen you since the holiday started!” James’s booming and joyful voice made you want to cringe away, but you couldn’t manage anything less than a small smile at his kindness.
 “I’ve been in the library,” you explained, chuckling at the horrified look on three of the four faces.
“You’re worse than I’d thought,” Sirius started, cut off by a sharp elbow to the ribcage by Remus, which only seemed to encourage him.
“We can’t have that,” James finished for him, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“Oi,” Remus started, casting a sympathetic smile at you as he tried to stop his friends from potentially insulting you.
“Why don’t you come have lunch with us?” Peter squeaked from behind James as he glanced at the two dark-headed boys for some sort of approval, “We were just on our way down.”
“What a great idea, Wormtail!” Sirius boomed, earning himself another elbow to the side from Remus.
You glanced nervously at the boys in front of you, trying to discern if they were setting you up for a joke or teasing you. 
“You don’t have to-” Remus blurted out, his cheeks pink, “-I mean, if you’re busy with your studies. I know how hard your working-”
“Nonsense, Moony!” James smiled, levitating your bag off your shoulder and easily landing it on the floor somewhere behind him, “they have to eat!”
You chuckled, ducking your head down as James slung his arm around your shoulder and escorted you back through the portrait hole. 
You felt lighter immediately. Whether it was the absence of your heavy bag, or the way the boys’ easy conversation and laughter felt so inviting and warm, you did not know. 
The self-pity you had been feeling only a moment ago seemed to go, too. James kept his brotherly arm around your shoulder all the way to the Great Hall, where he split his path and sat across from you. Sirius followed you down the isle, continuing his teasing conversation with Peter. James sat between Remus and Peter, his smile never faltering. He acted as if eating lunch with his mates and their tag-along was the best thing he had ever done. 
Remus was quiet, almost shy, but you knew that. You had known him your entire time at Hogwarts, and the crush you had on him seemed to last that whole time. You had seen him come out of his shell as the years went on, but he didn’t seem nearly as comfortable as when he was with his friends. 
You stifled your laughter with the back of your hand, blushing slightly at Sirius’s rude joke as he bumped his shoulder into yours. You looked down at your plate, pushing around the mashed potatoes that had grown cold.
“Sirius!” Peter yelped, his eyes wide in shock as he nervously glanced to you.
Sirius had made a crude joke, you knew that, but you hadn’t heard it. You and Remus had been meeting in short bursts of eye contact and the small action alone was making your spine shiver. 
You looked up from your potatoes, seeing the boys fading with laughter and delve back into their food. That was something you never understood about boys; they sat down, ate and ate until they were done, and then got to talking. You, Lily, Marlene, and Mary could talk for hours while you ate, but the boys seemed unable to do more than one thing at once.
The thought brought a fond smile to your face, and you felt something bump against your shin. Looking up from your plate, you met Remus’s eyes again. 
“What’s got you smiling?” he asked, his voice kind with a teasing nature behind it.
James looked up from his plate in the middle of shoving what had to be an entire chicken breast in his mouth, and began cooing at you as your cheeks flushed.
“’M just happy you lot stayed,” you blushed, refusing to meet Remus’s eyes, “would have been dreadful without your company.”
Sirius, without missing a beat, threw his arm around your shoulders and drew you into his chest. His large hand went to your head, ruffling up your hair. You cringed away, giggling and attempting to lay your hair smooth.
Everyone’s cheers in agreeance died down, and James roped Sirius into a heated discussion about Quidditch as Peter hung onto his every word. 
“‘M happy you stayed, too,” Remus mumbled from across the table, his head ducked down as a blush was creeping up the back of his neck.
You fought the urge to break the eye contact, giving him a smile so wide that your cheeks burned. 
You all returned to the common room with full stomachs and wide smiles, courtesy of James, who had just announced his newest plan at getting Lily’s attention. You just finished listing off all the reasons she would hate it, and he clambered through the portrait hole with a dazed smile that a lovesick puppy would have.
You trailed behind the boys, watching them all fall onto comfortable couches and armchairs. You looked at your limp backpack indignantly, choosing instead to follow them. 
You curled up in an armchair that was across a large couch occupied by James and Sirius and to the left of another armchair occupied by Peter. Peter leaned forwards to rest his elbows on his knees, setting up a new chess game for him and Remus to play. Remus sat on the ground, eyelevel with the board. He noticed you looking at him and gave you a kind smile that made you look away, blushing. 
The night was spent in leisure. You had barely wanted to get up for dinner, even Sirius suggested making Peter go down to the kitchens so they wouldn’t all have to go to the hall. In the end, you all went, having just as much of a good time as you did at lunch. 
You wished them a goodnight after you fell asleep watching Sirius and Remus levitating the most valuable things they could find in the room, sending Peter into anxious fits every time they pretended to loose their balance. You groggily walked up the stairs to the dormitories, leaving your homework downstairs with a satisfied sigh. 
For a few moments before you fell asleep again, Remus’s brilliant and bright smile was burned behind your eyes. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Sirius groaned, throwing himself dramatically onto the couch with a huff.
“Shud up,” Remus groaned, falling into the armchair you had been sitting in. He could smell you on the chair, your scent floating into his nose like it was intoxicating.
“Really botched that one, mate,” James said with a chuckle, picking up a few of his Quidditch magazines off of the floor and putting them back on the coffee table, where Peter had accidentally knocked them off.
“Romance is confusing! How was I supposed to know?!” Remus groaned, lifting his head from his hands with a desperate look.
James gave him a knowing smirk, and Sirius groaned again.
“It was obvious! You always offer to walk a romantic interest home,” Sirius said, twirling his wand in his hand.
“They were just going upstairs,” Peter mumbled, seeming to agree with Remus.
“It’s alright, Moony,” James said, standing from the couch with a look of determination, “you’ve got all week to seduce them.”
“Shud up,” Remus groaned, repeating his request from earlier.
His eyes fell to the stairs you had climbed moments ago, remembering the peaceful look on your face as you slept, the adorable stretch you did once you woke up, the tired way you climbed the stairs, and that beautiful smile you gave them when you said goodnight.
Remus decided to stay in the common room for a bit longer once his friends had went upstairs, trying to force every second from the time you spent together that day into his memory permanently. 
You woke up feeling more rested than you had in weeks. The sun was barely in the sky when you opened the curtains, your unusually empty room flooded with orange light. You dressed quickly, donning muggle clothes that you found incredibly comfortable. 
You went down to the common room, seeing that the mess the boys had made last night was either cleaned by them or house elves. There was no sign of life in the Gryffindor tower, besides yourself, so you assumed the four were still soundly asleep upstairs. 
You found your backpack, overflowing with loose papers, and shrugged it onto your shoulders. You had decided to get some work done today, seeing as your day off the day before was not scheduled.
You ate a quick breakfast in the empty hall, finding it odd and strangely discomforting to be in such a large room by yourself. It felt as if you were out past curfew.
The library was the same case. Madam Pince was not even at her desk yet, and you settled into a table by the window. You opened it a sliver, enjoying the cold winter air that seeped into the room. The sunlight warmed you, and the wind was gentle enough to not rustle your papers. 
You dove into your work, feeling considerably better than yesterday, or the past month. Your muscles were loose, and the pressure you had been putting on yourself was no longer there. One night of fun proved to be harmless, and so did the marauders. 
You smiled at the thought of it, at the thought of your little day with Remus. He had been so kind to you, so funny and charming. You had never liked someone as much as you liked Remus. 
You found your gaze drifting out the window, looking past the castle and Hagrid’s hut and out into the Forbidden Forest. You couldn’t think of anything but the curly headed, dirty blonde boy. The way his eyes nervously darted to yours, his sheepish smile. The way he could easily make James, Sirius, and Peter fall into doubled-over laughter, almost as if good-naturedness came to him as easily as walking did. 
The sun rose in the sky, and it was almost time for lunch. Even with your mind distracted, you had gotten done more work than you had expected. You decided that if the boys asked you to have lunch with them again, you wouldn’t decline.
It was as if your thoughts were read, because just as you were organizing your papers to put them away, Remus walked into the library. You fumbled a bit, realizing you smudged some fresh ink on your newly written Potions notes. You didn’t care, though, smiling widely and waving Remus over.
“Alright?” he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes as if he had just woken up.
“Yeah, you?” you couldn’t help but stare at him. His voice was deep and thick with sleep, and he pulled the sleeves of his sweater over his slender hands. He had a muggle novel tucked under his arm, and he put it on the table as he sat down across from you.
“Eh,” he started, looking at you with slight amusement, “James woke up at the crack of dawn to go to the pitch, and he woke up Sirius when he did. Sirius is a git if he gets woken up before noon.”
“That’s not a surprising piece of information,” you chuckled, setting down your papers and getting comfortable in your seat again.
“Yeah, best to stay out of the dorm when Sirius is in a mood. Peter went to ask for some extension on a paper he forgot to do,” Remus smiled fondly at his friends flaws, opening his book and propping it on his knee, “so I figured I’d come find you.”
“You found me,” you opened your ink bottle and dipped your quill into it, going over your Potions notes and fixing the smudged ink.
You were a bit disappointed by Remus’s reasons for coming to see you. Part of you had hoped he missed you, or enjoyed your presence. But the truth was that you were his only other option for company. Your chest deflated slightly as you stole a glance at him only to find him deeply invested in his book. Many conversation starters bubbled in your throat but you couldn’t bring yourself to voice any of them.
It was about an hour of silence in the library before Remus suggested lunch. He helped you pack up your things, humming under his breath as he led the way out of the library. 
Lunch was soup, which you didn’t mind too much. Sirius was already at the table with James when you arrived. Remus sat next to you, across from his friends.
Sirius had his head propped up in his hand, lazily bringing soup to his mouth before dropping the spoon into the bowl with a clatter as his eyes fluttered shut. James rolled his eyes, shoving the bowl of soup away from him and wiping up the splattered mess from the table. 
James eagerly dove into a cheery conversation about his solo Quidditch practice, and Remus reluctantly listened. You felt as exhausted as Sirius looked, even though you had a wonderful nights sleep. You hadn’t felt so tired until your upsetting thoughts about Remus, but now you could barely keep your eyes open. You hadn’t been sitting for more than ten minutes, your soup was barely eaten, but you just wanted to curl up in your dorm.
Peter came into the hall, filing down the row where you had Remus were sitting. He was getting close, and you stood.
“Here, Peter, have my seat,” you said, slowly standing as James’ face contorted with confusion. You could see him working out pleas for you to stay, and your heart warmed a bit. 
“I’m gonna have a lay down,” you excused, not waiting for Sirius’s head to lift from his hand or for James to suggest all of you walking back together.
As you walked away, you heard Peter begin to chat about his essay extension. 
Remus knew he had done something wrong. He knew it. 
You had seemed happy to see him, you smiled at him, you were friendly, but at some point he said something to make you close off. He was looking forward to spending the morning in the library with you. He had made up the excuse of getting out of the dorm, knowing that with Pete and James gone and Sirius out cold, it would be fairly peaceful. Remus, however, wanted to see you. 
You looked heavenly dressed in casual muggle clothes with the morning sun lighting your face. He was happy to sit with you, but you didn’t seem happy to sit with him. 
He wondered if you were bothered by him and his friends. If yesterday hadn’t been as fun as he thought it was, and if you just wanted to be left alone. He felt a surge of annoyance with James for being so forward, but quickly drowned that out. It wasn’t James’s fault. 
Remus stared into his bowl of soup, not listening to Pete as he complained about the essay he had to write. 
James indulged Pete, listening to his complaints with sympathy as he dipped his bread into his soup. Sirius, however, could not be bothered. 
He had come to attention when you left the table, watching your hunched shoulders and nervous hands pushing your hair off your face. He had even caught your sad glance over you shoulder at Remus before you finally turned to go upstairs. Sirius was thinking, he was thinking hard. He could read you and Remus like an open book. He had known you liked Remus since you started showing up to the library whenever Remus did, no matter how subtle you thought you were being. 
Sirius looked at his friend, confusion knitted in his eyebrows as he hunched over his food. He gasped silently, catching James’s attention, as his eyes lit up with an idea. 
For the next couple of days, it was not hard to avoid your fellow housemates. James and Sirius seemed to be sneaking off as often as they could, clutching their cloaks close to them as if they had something underneath them. 
You avoided Remus, who presumably only had Pete to keep him company now, by staying in your dorm. The library wasn’t the only place you could study, and you spread your books all across Lily’s bed. You had begun to enjoy studying in your dorm, it was private and quiet, with no Madam Pince staring you down from her desk. 
It wasn’t that you disliked the marauders’ company, because you didn’t. You really liked hanging out with the boys. You had just wanted to prevent any more heartache when hanging out with Remus. You had obsessed over your last interaction in the library, convincing yourself it would be best to stay away from the boy as to not attach yourself any further. 
It was nearing the weekend, Christmas on the upcoming Saturday. You didn’t want to be in solitude on Christmas, but your pride prevented you from asking to hang out with the boys. You didn’t know what Sirius and James were up to, and you didn’t want to know. You didn’t feel like hanging out with Peter, because being in his presence alone made you just as anxious as he was. And Remus, Remus was an entirely different story. Just seeing Remus made your heart race unnervingly. 
On Thursday night, you crept down the dormitory stairs and into the common room. You stopped and waited to hear for Peter and Remus, but it seemed they were still in their room. You were going down for an early dinner, hoping to eat quickly before everyone else came down. 
You seemed to be successful, your plate was nearly cleared and there was no sign of anyone else. You were serving yourself pudding, your favorite pudding, when someone sat across from you.
You looked up. Your throat closed involuntarily, and your spoon froze on it’s way to your mouth. You straightened your back, eyes widening at the sight of him, and wiped your mouth nervously with your napkin.
“Hey, Remus,” you said, smiling politely at him as he began to dish himself food, “where are the rest of the boys?”
“Just me,” he said, his voice sounding a little higher than usual.
“Are you alright?” you watched him carefully as you noticed his posture was straighter than usual.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, looking at you now.
You looked at him, squinting your eyes. He seemed off, but you figured he could be nervous without his friends around.
“Okay,” you trailed off, returning to your pudding.
“Haven’t seen you much, recently,” he said confidently, the usual softness in his voice absent.
“I’ve just been up in my dorm,” you said, still gazing at him cautiously.
“Don’t want to spend time with Sirius, James, and I?”
You bit your lip, looking at him with a serious expression. Remus never excluded Peter when he was talking about his friends, but Sirius often did. You noted it, unsure what that could mean. Had Remus asked Sirius on advice at how to talk to you? The thought made you suppress nervous giggles. 
“No, it’s not that,” you felt your cheeks warm under his blatant stare, “you know how crazy I am about the N.E.W.T.’s.”
Remus chuckled under his breath, slowly eating his pudding. This was also weird, because Remus usually devoured any food in front of him as if he was a starving animal. 
“Remus, are you sure your alright?” you squinted at him, dropping your spoon and propping your chin up with your hand.
“Yes, I’m fine,” he said nonchalantly, squinting back at you.
He had remarkably less patience and ease than usual. 
“Okay, well, I’m done eating. I think I’ll go back to the tower now,” you stood slowly, watching his face contort with urgency.
“Wait!” he called, standing too, “wait, come sit for a second.”
You joined him again, clearly suspicious. You wondered if he was distracting you while the boys set up a prank.
“I need to ask you something,” he whispered seriously, leaning closer to you over the table.
“Do you fancy me?” he smirked at you, mischief in his eyes. 
At first you wanted to shrink away, blush madly and sputter out lies to conceal your true feelings. But you didn’t. You kept his stare, a blank face looking into his daring one. You decided to make a guess.
“Sirius?” you said confidently, so it didn’t sound like a wild guess. You knew it was crazy. Surely, Sirius would never transfigure into his best friend to eat dinner alone with you and ask him about your feelings for him. Surely.
“How did you know!?” he asked, his voice now completely Sirius’s instead of his weird imitation of Remus’s voice. 
“What!?” you questioned back, surprised that you were right, “It’s actually you, Sirius?”
Sirius’s face, well, still Remus’s face, dropped with disappointment, upset that he gave himself away. 
“Yes,” he mumbled, moving his hand to tuck his hair behind his ear, only to remember Remus’s hair wasn’t that long.
“What are you playing at? How did you do this?” you motioned your hands at him, sounding more amazed than angry. 
“Polyjuice Potion,” he said mischievously, his eyes meeting yours at the tone of your voice.
“That’s really advance stuff, Sirius,” you said, slightly impressed as you leaned back and crossed your arms.
“I had some help,” he said sneakily, and suddenly what he and James had been sneaking off for made sense.
“Are you two planning something? Testing out the costume on me?” you said excitedly, hoping the boys would let you in on whatever prank they had planned.
“Well, about that,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “you sort of were the plan.”
You looked at him, confused. It felt weird to be talking so casually with Remus, and you fought the urge to blush every time he looked at you, knowing it was actually Sirius.
“I know you fancy Remus,” Sirius said, sounding a bit guilty.
This time, you could not resist shrinking away and blushing. You looked down at your lap, feeling incredibly embarrassed.
“But,” Sirius started again, his voice oddly comforting and kind, “I know Remus likes you, too.”
Your eyes shot up to meet Sirius’s, your face becoming somehow even more flushed.
“You were trying to get me to admit it to you? That I like him?” you asked him, heart racing.
“I just wanted you to confirm it,” he said, sounding even more guilty, “I didn’t want to try and set you two up if you didn’t like him back-”
“Set us up?!” you interrupted, eyes wide.
“Yeah,” he said casually.
“How do you plan on doing that, then?” You tried to sound annoyed in an attempt to hide just how excited you were.
Sirius had waved over James immediately, who has hiding behind a pillar in the courtyard looking in on you and Sirius. The two began talking almost as animatedly as two schoolgirls stricken with an exciting prospect of romance. 
You watched, lazily propping your chin on your hand as they rambled on about the ways they thought you should confront Remus.
James had been quite keen on them influencing Remus to confront you, and Sirius reckoned you ought to “grow a pair” and kiss him yourself. James was nearly affronted by the idea, insisting on a classic and romantic gesture from Remus’s behalf. 
Either way, you couldn’t fight an embarrassed blush that seemed permanently glued onto your cheeks. You swallowed heavily at any mention of kissing, which was being discussed at length. You had half a mind to stop the hopeful ramblings, but James and Sirius were Remus’s best friends, they had to be somewhat right about his feelings for you.
The conversation got remarkably easier, too, once the potion had warn off and it was Sirius in front of you instead of a fake Remus.
You looked into the courtyard, enjoying the cold air lofting into the room through the open doors, when you noticed Remus and Peter entering the room. The cold air had been helping in cooling your cheeks, but at the sight of Remus’s wide and carefree smile, they warmed immediately. 
“Shut up!” you mumbled harshly to the still ranting dark-haired boys in front of you, kicking them each in the shin for good measure. 
They looked offended, but Sirius caught your eye and smirked once he realized why they were silenced.
“Have you guys eaten already?” Peter asked, sounding disappointed as he sat next to you and saw your empty bowl of pudding. 
“Just had an early lunch,” James said merrily, moving to scoop himself another bowl of pudding after he had eaten an entire lunch while he and Sirius were talking, “but we’ll stay while you guys eat.”
You swallowed hard, looking at James with wide eyes as he quirked an eyebrow at you. You were planning on leaving the second Remus sat between James and Sirius, right across from you, but now you couldn’t be so obvious. 
“Haven’t seen you in a while, Y/n,” Peter mumbled from beside you, stuffing his face with a large heaping of peas.
You looked to Remus almost automatically, only to see him looking questioningly at you. You couldn’t resist the small smile that flirted on your lips as he averted your gaze quickly.
“I can’t get much work done with you lot around,” you teased, clearing the table in front of you and resting your elbows there, “I’ve been in my dorm, most days.”
“What about for Christmas?” Peter pried curiously, “Will you leave your dorm for Christmas?”
“Of course they will!” James boomed from across the table, causing a few tired looking Ravenclaws who were just coming in to glare at him apprehensively, “Starting Christmas Eve, they won’t be able to get rid of us.”
“Oh,” you looked to him, eyebrows raised in entertainment, “I won’t?”
Remus looked between you and James with an excited smile.
“Of course not,” Sirius said for James, picking a carrot off of Peter’s plate from across the table.
“For a limited time,” James said mysteriously, “you will have the honor of becoming a temporary Marauder.”
“They what?” Peter said from his goblet of pumpkin juice, causing some to splash back in his face.
“Peter!” Sirius groaned, annoyed with the boy, “Get in the holiday spirit!”
“Don’t worry Pete, just for a limited time. The holidays are a season of extending great charity to others,” James said, talking with humor in his tone.
“Charity?” you repeated, an amused smile on your face.
“We don’t let in just anyone,” Remus said, looking only at you.
When your eyes met his, you felt all the air leave your lungs. Your jaw clenched in an attempt to gather some sort of consciousness, but all you could do was look back at Remus. 
“That’s true, ‘tis a great honor,” Sirius had raised his goblet in some sort of toast, and you had barely noticed until Remus was raising his glass.
You broke the contact, finally, and sputtered for a moment before you could find your goblet on the table. You rose it, hoping to lower it quickly as you noticed a slight tremble in your hand. Remus connected his goblet with yours gently, looking at you again while you were intent on avoiding his eyes. He had some sort of knowing smile on his face, and you felt very exposed to him. It felt like he was reaching in your chest and squeezing your heart for his own pleasure, and it scared you to know you could not tell him to stop. 
Christmas Eve was very celebrated amongst the boys. 
So celebrated, in fact, that Sirius insisted Christmas morning was a day for hangovers. 
He had brought out the firewhisky fairly early into the afternoon. James had looked at him with nervousness, but nonetheless took a heaping sip when offered a glass. You sipped casually, not feeling all too comfortable with the chaos that seemed to lurk in Sirius’s eyes. 
By the time the sun was beneath the horizon, Sirius and James were dancing some sort of Irish jig on a table, and Peter was very angrily talking to himself in a mirror. You and Remus, neither of you having very much to drink, sat comfortably on a couch, watching the night unfold.
“Why aren’t you drinking with them?” you asked Remus, glancing at his full cup and tensed shoulders.
He glanced down at you, nervously biting his lip and running a hand through his hair. Oh, how you wanted to touch his hair. 
“I don’t really feel like being hungover on Christmas,” he said, noticing your full cup as well, “what about you?”
“I don’t think Lily would ever forgive me if she found out I got drunk with you lot on Christmas Eve,” you teased, smiling to yourself at the fond thought of your friend.
“I miss Lily,” Remus remarked simply, bringing his cup to his lips and taking a large gulp.
“Me too,” you sighed, doing the same and hoping it would ease your nerves, “she wrote to me yesterday. She’s having a lovely Christmas. Her sister is being awful, but that’s per usual.”
You and Remus shared a knowing smile, both thinking of the complaints you had heard from Lily about her sister. 
“Have you written back yet?”
“No, not yet. I was going to wait until after Christmas,” you were waiting to write Lily back so you could thank her first for the undoubtedly wonderful present she got you. You didn’t know how, but Lily Evans always gave the most thoughtful presents. 
“When you do, tell her we miss her,” Remus said softly, his cheeks beginning to flush pink as he watched with a smile his friends dancing. 
You nodded, ducking your head to hide a smile.
“Oi!” James yelled, stopping his dance suddenly. 
You and Remus froze as he looked at the pair of you, each wearing an entertained smile. James hopped off the table with ease, as if he was not drunk out of his mind and as if the table wasn’t a good four feet off the ground.
“Come dance,” James said once he finally reached the both of you, though, only offering you his hand.
He waved his wand at a muggle radio they had in the corner, and the volume increased. Sirius smiled widely, refreshing his drink with the dwindling amount of firewhisky left. You cautiously took James’s hand, letting him spin you as you giggled.
James caught Remus’s eye, the blonde boy watching you with adoration. James pulled you close, resting one hand on your shoulder as the other held your hand, and leaned in close to your ear.
“Moony is watching you,” he slurred, sounding excited, “I reckon he’ll make a move tonight if Sirius doesn’t finish all the liquor for himself!”
James pulled away, giggling once again like a schoolgirl. You could not help his infectious laughter, your forehead falling onto his shoulder as you laughed loudly. As if on que, Remus stood and walked with determination to Sirius. He took Sirius’s goblet and downed it, smiling widely and accomplishedly afterwards. He climbed on the table with Sirius, who had long forgotten about his stolen alcohol, and began awkwardly moving his lanky body in a way that could be called dancing in the most generous of terms. This made you laugh even more, and James had to nearly fully support your weight as your knees buckled with your hard laughter.
It was shaping up to be a lovely Christmas Eve.
Christmas, as Sirius had predicted, was a morning for hangovers. You had barely glanced at your mounds of presents at the foot of your bed, instead throwing on your warmest sweater and going immediately to breakfast.
It had been decorated, as it had all week, with great care. Today, however, the tree had been alit with wonderful and delicate decorations, sparkling under the enchanted ceiling. The entire room somehow smelled of pine, and the warm feeling of a fireplace shot down your spine when you sat down.
You cradled a cup of tea, hunching over and fighting the urge to fall back asleep at the table. You couldn’t bear to look at food yet, regretting the glasses you drank once Sirius had found that second bottle of firewhisky. 
There was no sign of life in the castle, besides the lovely decorations, and you found yourself grateful. 
It was as if, however, that you cursed yourself the second you thought this.
“Merry Christmas, Y/n!” James shouted from the entry way of the castle, his loud voice assaulting your ears even from such a distance. Beside him, Peter, Sirius, and Remus cringed away in pain, shrinking down and walking past him into the hall.
“Bloody. Fucking. Hell,” Sirius groaned once he sat down next to you, his head hitting the table as soon as he was still.
Remus sat on the other side of you, going at once for heaping servings of the hot food. You swallowed the vomit in your throat at the sight of so much food, forcing your eyes deep into your tea. James happily sat down next to Peter on the other side of the table, patting his friend merrily on the back. Peter winced audibly, a pained look on his face.
“How are you not hungover?” you whispered once you were sure you would not vomit.
“He never gets hungover,” Remus groaned from beside you, his mouth full of beans.
“Never?” you repeated, wincing as you reached for more tea.
“Never!” James said happily, obviously enjoying his wonderful, wonderful gift.
“Oi!” Sirius groaned, his head still buried in his arms.
James smiled.
“Eating helps, really,” Remus said from beside you, glancing an earnest look at you as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Mmmmm,” you groaned in response, ducking your head down as Sirius was doing to avoid vomiting.
“What a lovely Christmas this will be!” James said, earning a unanimous groan in response.
Getting back to the tower was a slow and painful process that included many bathroom breaks and headaches. You and Sirius had both ducked into the loo twice each to vomit, and James supposed it had something to do with climbing the stairs. Peter was limping for some reason, though you could not remember him hurting either of his legs the night before. Remus was nearly as recovered as James, just looking a bit tired.
After you were sure you had emptied your stomach of the tea you drank for breakfast, you were feeling a bit better. Your legs felt a little wobbly, and Remus must have noticed, because he offered his arm for you to steady yourself on as you walked along. Your mind was so foggy you almost had not noticed, but his strong arm beneath your fingers was enough to clear you up a little. You held him close to you, hoping the hangover was excuse enough. James gave you and encouraging smile, nodding enthusiastically. You were sure Sirius would be giving you a smirk if he wasn’t basically crawling down the halls. 
Once you reached the common room, Remus had not retracted his arm. In fact, he had interlocked his hand with yours, still with your arms looped, and led you over to a couch. He sat very close to you and still did not remove himself from your grasp even as you were sitting. You felt so comfortable and warm next to him, you could not help but close your eyes and let your head fall on his shoulder. 
James retreated upstairs with Peter. Peter had wanted a quick and undisturbed nap, and James returned downstairs a few moments later with his practice Quidditch robes on. Sirius had collapsed on an armchair the second he crawled into the room, and showed no indication of life as he fell into a deep sleep. James gave Remus an encouraging smile and two thumbs up, but did not dare to speak in case you weren’t asleep. Remus rolled his eyes, but was truly quite happy with the position he had found himself in.  
Your arms were looped, hands intertwined, and your head rested delicately on his shoulder. He leaned his head against yours, breathing in the smell of your shampoo. 
He had wanted to stay there forever.
When they all awoke, James was out of his Quidditch robes and in a thick wool sweater. He was polishing his broom with what looked like a new polishing set, perched on the armrest of a couch across from you and Remus. You had woken up when Sirius did, his loud yawns and stretches filling the room. When you lifted your head, you bumped into Remus’s head, and he woke up. Your cheek felt sore from pressing into his strong shoulder, and you looked down at you hands to see them still interlocked. You were sweaty and tired, but Remus looked down at you sleepily with complete happiness.
“Happy Christmas, you lazy bones,” James tutted like a mother would, putting down his broom and standing.
“Happy Christmas,” Remus said, smiling widely. 
You sat up, removing yourself from Remus. He untangled your arms, removing his hand from yours. You felt sad at the absence, looking down at your lonely hand. Remus was looking too, and when you met his eyes he bit his bottom lip. With some slight hesitation, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in for a side hug. You lingered, and he made no move to pull away, so you stayed there, tucked under his arm.
“I never looked at my presents this morning,” Sirius said, standing from his chair and motioning for James to follow him.
“Neither did I,” you said to Remus only, hearing the other two retreating upstairs.
“Want me to walk you up to your dorm?” he offered, adjusting his body so he could see your face.
You uncurled from him, nodding excitedly.
You stood from the couch, walking over to the stairs. You waited for Remus, watching as he slowly stood and stretched. You leaned against the door frame, supporting yourself on your hands behind you. Remus came over to you, walking slowly with a sleepy and dazed look on his face.
“Happy Christmas,” he repeated, only to you this time.
“Happy Christmas,” you said, smiling at him as he leaned against the door frame opposite of you. 
It was a narrow space, and there were only a few inches between you two, but neither of you made any movement. You wanted to go upstairs and see what your family had sent, what Lily had given you, what all your friends had given you, but you couldn’t tear yourself from the handsome boy in front of you. 
Your eyes danced all over his face, admiring his curly and unkempt hair that fell into his dark and kind eyes, his sharp jaw that you wanted to run your fingers across, his soft lips.
You were both so entrance in each other, that neither of you had noticed the greenery sprouting from the door frame above you. It was mistletoe, sprouting from the wooden door frame between you and Remus. Remus noticed, his eyes darting up at it. He looked down at you, seeing you had not noticed it, and chuckled.
This seemed to snap you out of it, and you stood upright, coming closer to Remus. You looked up at the growing plant, eyes widening when you saw the red berry forming before your eyes.
“Mistletoe?” Remus chuckled, entertained as he reached up and brushed it delicately with his slender fingers.
“Is it?” you managed to say, watching his hand.
“It is,” he said, retracting his hand and bringing it to rest on your cheek.
He gently cupped your face, pulling you close to him until your chests met and neither of your backs were touching the door frame. You closed the distance, meeting his lips with urgency and desperation. You didn’t care if James thought Remus ought to kiss you, you wanted nothing more than to kiss Remus. And Remus wanted nothing more than to kiss you. His other hand came to your waist, pulling you flush against him as his hand on your cheek moved to the side of your neck. You reached up and slid your hands from his shoulders to this neck and into his hair, feeling the soft curls between your fingers as you had wanted to for so long.
Remus pulled you impossibly close to him, as if he wanted nothing to come between you, until his force was moving you to lean against the door frame. The feeling of the wood was unexpected, and you gasped into Remus’s mouth when you felt it. Remus took this as an invitation to deepen the kiss, and you allowed him, sighing softly as his tongue explored your mouth.  
You and Remus broke apart, his hands still on you even though your bodies were no longer touching. You both looked up the stairs, seeing James, Sirius, and Peter looking down at you.
Sirius had the most mischievous smirk you had ever seen, sure that it would make Lily’s skin crawl if she saw it. James seemed so content that you’d think he’d just been kissed and Peter anxiously twirled his fingers as he averted your eyes, obviously feeling bad for interrupting. 
“Mistletoe,” Remus said, his voice husk and his lips wet. It took a lot of will power to not sigh at the sight of him, or pull him in by his collar and kiss him again. Instead, you looked up at the boys like a deer caught in headlights.
“You owe me ten galleons,” James said to Sirius, causing Sirius to groan.
“How do you know he kissed them?!” Sirius complained, digging in his robe pockets for the money.
“He didn’t, I kissed him,” you said, looking up at Remus and licking your lips nervously.
“Hah! Hand it over, James,” Sirius gloated, removing his hand from his pocket and holding it out to James.
James groaned, still a smile on his lips, and handed Sirius the money.
“You didn’t think I’d kiss them first?” Remus asked Sirius, pulling you into his chest in a loving and protective way.
“Sorry, mate,” Sirius said with no remorse in his voice, climbing down the stairs and pushing past you and Remus.
James and Peter followed him, all fiddling with some new gift they had gotten. You looked up at Remus, deciding your Christmas presents could wait until Boxing Day, and pulled him out of the door way. You fell onto the couch, Remus following you, and you fell easily into conversation with the boys. Remus wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his chest. 
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valeriwa · 3 years
kiss me baby
three: pretty sure
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summary: as the head of the very popular newspaper club, you have decided to heed the advice of the miya twins' fanclub and make a volleyball column. however, your club mutually agreed you'd be the one to gather content and coverage. something that started out as professional and friendly spiral out of hand as blushes rise and hearts race and a bunch of volleyball crazed doofuses think it's time you and mr-i-need-memories get together.
warnings: none
suna rintaro x fem!reader
masterlist || two || three || four
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(it's a thursday)
"mom, you don't have to," you said, staring at the alarming amount of lunchboxes on the kitchen counter.
"nonsense, he's probably not eating well with all that stress." your mom busied herself in making some last minute onigiris.
"he's not even gonna eat that much."
"oh, this is for that team you're interviewing and doing all that fancy newspaper work with," she said, smiling as she neatly placed the freshly made onigiris into one of the larger lunchboxes.
"i'll have to stop by the school," you groaned, turning your back towards the counter and rested against it.
"you can go to the train station after dropping off the onigiris, i'm sure kane won't mind." she was referring to your older brother who was dropping you off to the train station.
you shrugged. kane was a chill brother, bought you ice-cream and the works. recent uni graduate and he was spending some time at home before he headed out to look for a job.
"nii-san!" you shouted, hoping your voice carried all the way to his room. your mom placed the airtight lunchboxes securely in your suitcase and handed you the onigiris.
"comin'." with his dyed blonde hair ruffled and his thin university jacket hanging off his built frame, kane slipped down the stairs. a clean white shirt loosely tucked into some dark, faded jeans and his wallet prominent in its pocket.
he was dressed nicer than usual. usual meant sweats and the weird set of gray-brown shirts he got on some kind of shoddy thrift shop.
you decided not to comment on it in front of your mom, as you hurry after your brother who's dragging your suitcase along.
a moment of silence passes before you decide to bring it up.
"who you meeting up with?" he coughs and turns at your question.
"how'd you figure that out?"
"jeans. you never wear jeans. or a white shirt; too easy to stain," you said, enjoying the way his face contorts into surprise, "dressing to impress tonight?"
kane does seem like a cool kid. blonde hair messed up with sleep, eyes twinkling with amusement and baggy clothes. a hand running through his hair. seems like the perfect guy.
he's a complete dork. with the lamest degree of course; in accountancy. his ex told him his weird references to anime was a huge turn-off. you laughed in his over the phone when he called you after the breakup.
"the cashier at the convenience store," he mumbled lightly. you whirled around in amused surprise. okay, he had good taste, you'll give him that.
you patted his shoulder in some sort of weird encouragement. he had no chance.
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"oh hi y/n-san, what are you doing here?" it was aran, bless him; he's an angel.
"came to deliver some homemade onigris." you raised the box, your brother trailing behind you on his phone.
"you didn't have to," he said, gratefully taking the food from you and leading you inside the gym where practice was ending.
"my mom did, thank her." by now, everybody noticed your presence was known by everyone in the gym. do the coaches just teleport as soon as practice ends?
"senpai!" ichika bounded over to you, leaving atsumu who she was in a conversation with.
"hey ichika, you got any good content?"
"i followed your advice; i got consented ab pics." everybody blinks and slowly turns to you. the ab pics were your idea?
"good girl." you pat her head and point at the box aran was holding.
"my mom made you onigiris." that was all it took and the boys flocked to aran like a moth to flame, save for kita; he walked peacefully and thanked you properly before taking the food.
"tell your mom her onigiris are amazing!" was that osamu? you couldn't be sure but you nodded and yelled out a sure anyways.
you tentatively made it out of the gym with the boys hogging the ongiris. you told ichika to tell the boys that they could return the box after the weekend when you came back on monday.
"aren't you going to the station now?" you whirled around in surprise to be met with suna's blank stare. your brother was barely a few meters away.
"yeah, why do you ask?" you discreetly eyed your brother to make sure he wasn't eavesdropping.
"just 'cause. are you going alone?" did he want to walk you? you swear your mind was doing parkour trying to see if you were picking up the hints correctly.
"with him. why do you wanna walk me?" you pointed to your brother, forgetting to mention he's your sibling. you turn and his face seems a little more blank; impressive.
"no, just curious." he started to turn back but your hand shot out to grab his wrist.
"you can walk me if you want, he has a date to go to anyway." you blinked in anticipation as suna nodded, stepping closer to you. you hadn't let go of his wrist yet.
"who is he anyways?"
"oh him? an idiot of a brother, don't mind him." he parted his mouth in realization before shutting it in embarrassment. you didn't notice his predicament as you dragged him to you brother.
"oh what do we have here?"
"you can go to your little date, suna's gonna walk me." you had let go of his wrist by this point. his lips stretched a little in disappointment.
"oh yeah? mom's gonna-"
"do nothing because she won't know," you stated, crossing your arms over your chest to give it a sense of finality.
"and how do you guarantee that?" suna almost laughed at the interaction. you were usually such a mature person with a sense of togetherness but right now you were just being a younger sibling; one that reminded him of his own.
"because ito-san will find out that you pour milk before cereal." suna blinked. that was a no-no.
"i don't though?!"
"she doesn't know that."
"evil. kid," he was addressing suna here, "you better watch out what you're getting into."
"i'm pretty sure i do, l/n-san." and he's pretty sure he likes it too.
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taglist (open! send an ask): @zeyyackerman @deathfreak45 @lilith412426 @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @satorinnie @sanovr
(bolded ones i'm unable to tag)
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