#but I kept runnin' for a soft place to fall ⋈ about
fcllederage · 5 months
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Needless to say, Hyacinthe has never had the opportunity to learn dancing from a young age, no matter how much they wanted to. They do remember dancing in the living room at five years old and then being taken this joy away. It was only around seventeen that Hyacinthe was able to let go enough to dance again, once stage, in full drag, carried away by the song they were performing to Ces gens-là by Jacques Brel. They never had any technique knowledge or professional training but everyone agreed to say they could as well have been.
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As the years went by, they kept dancing in a lot of their performances, on top of lipsyncing on the songs. When they moved to New York City, they started visiting a dance studio, taking proper contemporary classes as well as learning technique depending on what choreographies request - arabesque, grand battement, déboulé, attitude. Being friends with the teacher allows them to go as much as they want and improve their level at light's speed. Surprisingly, they are also not scared of improv, which is usually a dancer's nightmare, because that was what they started with.
Dancing is not only one of their means of living but also a passion they feel lucky to be able to practice.
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fcllederage-moved · 1 year
what is your role in the found family?
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the protective one
it does not require much for you to take someone under your wing. you have a knack for seeing the best in others and rooting for them, and they look up to you in turn. they feel that you are safe to go to in times of chaos or strife, and are calmed by your presence. you take extra measures to make sure everyone feels supported. things that others might not even consider, you have already likely accounted for. in most scenarios, you are "the leader." your struggles tend to come from your desire to provide things to others. you want to give, to see those you love happy, to make wherever you are a place of comfort. your failures hit you hard because you see this as your responsibility, and you hate to let people down. ...okay, yes, there's no avoiding it: this is the parent friend.
Tagged by: @freak1ish (thank you ♥) Tagging: @n-galmurrr, @therelentless, @wvtchy, @wynterlanding, @soulsuckrrs, @andynked, @malevxxlence + anyone else who wants to steal this ♥
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mustainegf · 2 months
james fluff where he's just holding reader after a stressful day and rubbing her back and wiping her tears away and telling her that he loves her ??<3 thanks :)
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I was lying on our bed. I could feel the stress building up inside me all day, bubbling in my throat. James held me in his powerful arms, now gentle and caring in their hold, against the warmth of his chest. Being warmed by him soothed me to no end, but I knew he could sense my exhaustion.
"It's okay," he whispered smooth and soothing, his hand rubbing my back. "I'm right here. You're safe with me."
My eyes, which had been welling with tears all day, finally overflowed, and he very carefully wiped the tears away with his thumb. His calloused fingers were in a way, soft. "Shh, don't cry, baby," he purred into my forehead. "I love you so much..."
I sniffed, trying to smile through my tears. "I just... it's been such a tough day."
His grip tightened, and his nearness medicated me. "I know, sweetheart. I'm right here."
He pressed another kiss to my temple, and with fingers combing through my hair, the pattern of his ministrations soothed me shaking body. "Remember that time we went to the beach and you got all excited about finding that perfect seashell?" he asked, a playful tone in his voice, and I wondered where he was going with this. "You looked so adorable, like a little kid. That's one of my favorite memories."
I chuckled softly through my tears, something about the memory brought a small smile onto my face. "I still have that seashell," I said, my voice a tad steadier now. "It's in my dresser."
His voice had warmed up and sounded sincere. "I love how you enjoy so much in the simplest of things."
The words that tumbled forth from his lips wrapped about me like a blanket as he spoke on. "You know," he started off, "I've been thinking a lot about our future . I want us to have all of it, a nice house, maybe with a big garden to plant flowers and vegetables in. And kids... I want kids with you. I want to see little versions of us runnin' around, laughing and playing."
The thought made my chest light, and I looked up at him, peering into his those gorgeous eyes for a hint of doubt. All that showed there was love. "You really want that?"
He only nodded, his eyes soft. "I want to marry you, build a life. I want to wake up every morning with you by my side and fall asleep every night holding you just like this."
He pulled me in closer, if that was even possible, and I felt his lips lightly touch my forehead again. "You mean everything to me. You're never alone, baby. You have me, forever."
I was crying once more, but they were tears of happiness, tears of love. "I love you so much, James," I could barely speak.
His smile, all crinkly at the corners, which I adored. "I love you too. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
He kissed me again, and with that soft, tender pressure, the last of my worries vanished away into the night.
He told me about all the little things he loved about me, how I scrunched my nose when I laughed, how I always knew just what to do when he was sick, how I made the best pancakes in the world. Each word was a soft touch.
"And you know what else?" he added. "I love how you always steal the covers in the middle of the night. It's a pain in the ass, but I wouldn't have it any other way."
I giggled, feeling lighter than I had all entire day. "I don't do it on purpose," I protested.
"I know," he laughed, and pecked a kiss onto the end of my nose. "That's what makes it cute."
Soon enough, as we kept talking, stress left through the window. James kept telling me sweet stories of things to remind me of all the good times that we had spent together and all the great moments still to be spent in each other's company. He spoke of our dreams to visit places we had not been to, to travel around the world and explore new places together, and to create memories for the rest of our lives.
"And someday," he said again "We'll have our house, our kids. And every day I will remind you of exactly what you mean to me."
"You mean so much to me," he whispered, his lips against my ear. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
I snuggled myself deeper in his chest, feeling his heartbeat against my cheek
Feeling myself start to drift off, I felt James press one last kiss onto my forehead. "Goodnight, my love," he whispered. "Sweet dreams"
"Goodnight," I murmured, the smile creeping onto my face. "I love you, Jamie."
"I love you too," he replied in a whisper. "Always."
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loquaciousferret · 2 years
Bad People
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Summary: A stroke of fate leads one of your trading partners in the QZ to your front door one night, could it lead to something unexpected?
Pairing: Joel Miller X Female Reader
Content Warnings:  alcohol, established age-gap, SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, facial, cumplay? Maybe more READ AT OWN RISK 
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: More Joel thots and a serious praise kink going on...? Anyways...
As always, not canon timeline or events. Joel aged maybe 40, 45?, but dialogue references it being 20 years into the outbreak. 
NSFW under the cut do not press keep reading if you are a minor pls thx!
“We got to stop runnin’ into each other like this, darlin’.” The cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth wobbled as his lips turned up into a smirk.
He was right. This was the 4th or 5th time this month, and the 2nd time just this week that the pair of you had traded. You didn't answer, just tutting and shaking your head, looking down shyly at your feet. The way he talked to you pleased you a little bit, but you're sure he's like this with everyone.
“You should be more careful.” He frowns. “You’re lucky it was me on the other end of that setup. Could’ve been bad people. There's lots of em around here”
You looked up to meet his eye before screwing your nose up at him playfully. “You are one of the bad people around here.”
His smirk only widened at your remark, his eyes sparkling just a fraction more.
“I can be, if that’s what gets ya goin’…” He took a draw of his cigarette, gaze intense as he released the puff of smoke into the space between you.
You feigned disgust at his remark, clicking your tongue but couldn't help yourself from smiling again as you met his eye, “Goodbye, Joel.”
You shot a look over your shoulder as you left the alleyway and stepped into the street, pleased to find his eyes still fixated on you. A coy smile is sent his way and then a passing truck and a horde of guards pass between you. Once they’ve moved on, he’s gone, retreated into the shadows at the other end of the alley no doubt.
You had been trading with Joel Miller for nearly 6 months, he was a prolific smuggler with access to goods you didn’t even know still existed. In return, you had your own ways of sourcing his vices, cigarettes, alcohol, pills, small items easy enough to steal for someone as small and unassuming as yourself.
Illicit trading within the QZ operated in a variety of ways, one of the most common being through encoded notes or messages left in public places. And Joel was right, it could be bad people at the end of them, or perhaps worse, it could be undercover guards weeding out rule breakers. But often, the goods were worth the risk. And more and more frequently of late, you were finding Joel at the end of these messages.
You found there was something trustworthy about his eyes, despite a hardened and threatening exterior, and the bulges of multiple weapons in his jeans, his jacket pockets. You got the sense he had a soft spot for you and that always came in handy in regards to a good price for trading.
You traveled the short distance to your makeshift home within the QZ, a relatively quiet street and certainly one of the less dilapidated buildings. You knew you were lucky to have this place compared to the living conditions of some friends you’d made over the years here.
You had front door access up a short flight of stairs and fairly large windows, facing towards the centre of the town. You had managed to fabricate wooden shutters that you used for privacy and safety. Unlocking the door and crossing the threshold, you breathed out and released tension you hadn’t noticed you were carrying. Even within the QZ it was a dangerous world, for no one moreso than a single woman. You weren’t naive and knew that whilst living in the QZ kept you save from infected, there were fates worse than that.
You struck a match and lit the candles that surrounded the living area, the end of October meaning shorter days, night was quick to fall and curfew rapidly approached.
You began to empty your heavy pack, you had done a number of supply runs today, some through the legitimate channels. Food, soaps, a perfume for which you had swapped nearly an unjustifiable quantity of ration papers, a very specific red wine courtesy of Joel, which you had wanted for your birthday coming up, and a novel. You stowed the rest of this away in the right places and settled in to the sofa with the book, curling into a blanket that you have had since before the outbreak.
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Curfew came and went with all of the city sounds ceasing, replaced only by the occasional stomp of guards patrolling the street.
You hadn’t realised you had drifted off whilst reading until you were sharply awoken by banging on the door. You leaped into action mode, reaching under the sofa for a baseball bat that you stored there. As you creeped towards the door there was another round of banging, and your mind whirred with possibilities. If it was FEDRA they would have shouted and said so. Could it be a friend? You weren’t sure. A possibility you hadn’t considered, was looking through the peep hole and seeing… Joel?
You kept the baseball bat gripped in one hand, breaking all rules and common sense about personal safety to unlock the door with the other. His eyes widen in surprise momentarily and you realise that he hadn’t been seeking you out, he had just knocked on any door. As you registered this realisation he pushed past you into the house.
He slammed the door behind himself, locking every bolt rapidly as if he was familiar with the apartment. He wasn’t, of course, but this is the kind of confidence and self-assuredness with which Joel completes every action. He proceeds to a small chink in the wooden shutters over the windows, sweeping up and down the street. Satisfied, he turns to you.
Eyes flickering between your face and the bat still clutched in your right hand, he smirks, “You gonna hit me with that?”
“I-oh.” You let out a breath of laughter and tossed the bat onto the soft sofa. “I guess not.”
“I was just looking for someone stupid enough to let a stranger into their house, I got lucky.” He explained, confirming your suspicions that he hadn’t known this was your place.
You rolled your eyes. “What are you doing anyway. Is someone after you?”
“No one dangerous,” He responds “Just FEDRA. I won’t have brought any trouble to your door. They won’t find me, idiots can barely track down their own heads.”
You smile at him.
“But seriously, what I said earlier about you needing to be more careful. ‘s true. Would you just let any old crazy person in off the street who needs your help.”
“You aren’t just any old crazy person.” You smiled. “Devil you know, and all that?”
He reached a hand up to scratch the back of his neck, your eyes fixed on the strong arm flexing under his thin jacket.
“Listen, uh…” He shifted on his feet and his ever confident appearance faltered slightly. “I know it’s a lot to ask, and I promise I’ll pay you back fairly-“
You were nodding before he finished the question. Of course you would let him stay. You did trust him, despite not really knowing him. And you didn’t want to see him caught or hurt by the guards. His business benefitted you, too. There was a net gain to helping him. But more than that, you found yourself intrigued and almost excited at the prospect of having someone in your home like a normal old day.
“It’s no trouble, really.” You said sincerely, and his eyes expressed relief. “You’ll just have to me owe me one.”
“Anythin’, honestly.” He responded.
“Take a seat.” You urged him, picking up the baseball bat and sliding it back underneath the sofa. “Are you hungry?”
“No, no. I wouldn’t ask you to waste your food.” He shook his head.
“Suit yourself.” You shrugged.
You sat opposite him in an armchair. You had better furniture than many people, mismatched but relatively clean and comfortable. You watched him as he collected a lighter and cigarettes from his pocket, raising an eyebrow when he looks back at you in confusion.
The penny drops and he asks, “Can’t I smoke in here?”
You consider him for a moment over the top of your book. “I guess so.” You offer, but he’s replacing them back into his pocket already. You realise you had made a mistake, then. You recognised a knowing look in his eyes, he knew you weren’t happy with the smoking and yet you had said yes to him anyway. A glint in his eye was questioning what else you might say yes to. You blush as your train of thought continues.
He cleared his throat, breaking the tension between the two of you which you had felt rising. “So, why the wine? You hosting dinner parties these days or somethin’?”
You laugh a little at the suggestion, both knowing the answer. “Nope, I’ve got a big birthday coming up.”
“That right?” He raised an eyebrow. “How old?”
“Guess.” You shot back, folding the corner of your page and setting it on the coffee table.
“Ah…” He tilted his head. “No, I’m not falling into that trap.”
You leaned towards him and put on a theatrical whisper, “Twenty-five”
He grumbled, rolling his eyes. “Oh yeah, ancient.”
“On Wednesday.” You added.
“I don’t celebrate my birthday. What’s the big deal about another year in this place.”
You rolled your eyes. “25? Remember? It’s pretty much all I’ve known.”
A sharp intake of breath from Joel has you pondering. You’ve never been good at knowing other people’s age, but you imagine he has 15 years on you at the very least. He most likely lived a life he remembered well before this, unlike you, who only has faint fragments from your early childhood.
“How old are you?” You asked.
“Old enough to be your father.”
His tone was laced with something unfamiliar. You tore your eyes away from him and returned them to your book. Fine, if that’s how he wanted to play it, you thought. But something about how he held your gaze when he said it made you think he wasn’t expressing disgust or disinterest at all, it was more like a test.
“You live alone?” You ask.
“Why?” His eyes narrowed.
You sigh, “Just making conversation.” You muttered back.
“Yes.” He confirms. “You?”
You gestured around the apartment. “Just me. After..” You trailed off.
He nodded knowingly. “Yeah.”
Details were never needed. Everybody had lost most of those close to them. People with remaining family from before were few and far between and very very fortunate. You weren’t one of those fortunate few and Joel’s entire character made it clear that neither was he. He was out for himself, only. Maybe that could work to your advantage.
“Well, listen. Do you want to share that bottle?” You asked, tentatively. “Today’s Saturday and you need somewhere to stay. Better than me celebrating alone on a weeknight.”
“Don’t see why not.” He says.
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Before you could stop yourself, the bottle was empty and you had loosened up. Probably to a degree more than was wise. At some point you had moved from your armchair to occupy the sofa alongside Joel, there had been a reason but you had never proceeded to move away again.
Something about it felt so natural, so normal, like being in the company of a friend. You had even extracted a few laughs from him.
You were watching him, not expectantly, just lost in your thoughts and his deep brown eyes when he cleared his throat and you realised just how close to him you were, warmth radiating from him, a rich musky scent, all contributing to the somewhat magnetic force you felt acting upon yourself.
“It’s been a while.” He said.
You didn’t know what he was referring to. A while since what? Since he drank wine? Since he shared a night like this with another human being? Since…
His mouth latching onto yours interrupted your train of thought. His kiss was hungry, but not desperate, it remained powerful and dominant, just like the energy Joel permanently exuded.
You lifted your hands to tug lightly at the curls at the back of his neck, tilting your head up and deepening the kiss in the process. He turned to face you more fully, a strong arm reaching round to wrap around your middle. And with one movement, that same arm manoeuvring you onto his lap. The kiss breaks for the first time and you pull away ever so slightly to look at him. The sight staring back at you is the most attractive thing you think you have ever seen. Pupils dilated, broad chest rising and falling rapidly as he takes shallow breaths. You feel something growing in his jeans at the place your body connects to his. The affect you were having on him after just briefly making out gave you confidence.
“I’ve wanted you, for such a long time,” He whispers into you as he pulls you closer again, hot breath tickling your neck, your ear, as he flicks out his tongue and nibbles your earlobe. “Tonight I’m finally going to have you.”
You can’t stop an audible whimper escaping and you feel his smirk in return. Of course, you had messed around with other young men in the QZ, friends and such, but never had you felt attraction as deeply as you did to Joel in this moment. Joel knew what he wanted and how to get it. There was nothing awkward or fumbling about this like your previous encounters.
You pressed your lips to his again, rolling your lower half into him. His firm hands gripped your hips and his fingertips lightly grazed the skin as your top started to ride up. His touch was magic, the way in which he managed to be simultaneously so powerful yet remain gentle was expert.
He broke the kiss again, his voice husky as he questioned, “You gonna show me to your room or do you want me to take you right here, beautiful?”
You couldn’t speak, just hopping off of his lap in response and taking one of his large hands in yours to lead him to the bedroom at the back of the apartment. The corridor, only a few feet long, had never felt like such a long walk due to the anticipation that was reaching unmanageable levels inside you.
You entered the room and Joel closed the door behind you, plunging the room into darkness. Spinning you round by your wrist to face him, he began stripping the clothes from your body whilst kissing you, quickly taking your sweater off over your head. You fumbled with the buttons on his shirt in return, but he quickly took over, pushing your hands lower to deal with his belt buckle as he tore off his forest green button-down. You successfully undid his buckle and unzipped his jeans, slipping your hand inside to press against the hardened bulge inside his boxers.
A low groan escapes his lips as you apply further pressure, palming his cock as it continues to harden further.
“Don’t tease me baby, you won’t like where it gets you.” He says, as he pushes you gently onto the bed.
You can’t make out his features in the darkness but his tone paints a picture of that signature smirk that is making you grow wetter by the second. He pulls your bottoms from your legs and you hear them land somewhere across the room, before doing the same with his own. His hands widen your thighs and you feel the weight of the bed shift as he positions himself between your legs. You reach your arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss, and he uses this as an opportunity to snake an arm around your back and unclasp your bra.
It drops to the floor to reveal your breasts and hardened nipples, which he teases lightly with his thumbs, continuing to kiss you.
“Isn’t this a pretty sight.” he mumbles as he leans back, taking you in as much as he could in the low light before attaching his mouth to your nipple, sucking and nibbling lightly, eliciting gasps from you.
You feel yourself rolling your hips towards him, finding his thigh and whining at the lack of attention your lower half was receiving from him.
“Patience, sweetheart.” He smirks, gripping your hips and pinning them onto the bed.
He fulfils your request anyhow, gently rubbing you through your underwear as he focussed his attention once again on your breasts. kneading one in one hand whilst balancing his weight on his elbow, and continuing to use his tongue on the other, sloppy kissing and suction on your nipple and intermittent biting that had you whining through gritted teeth.
You were sure he could feel your arousal, heat and wetness permeating through the thin material of your underwear, letting him know the effect his teasing was having on you.
“J-Joel.” You gasped, your tone not far from begging. “Please.”
He obliged at last, “Only cause you asked me so nicely,” He whispered into your skin, kissing and sucking your breasts, your throat, your neck, your ear.
Joel was consuming every single one of your senses, intensifying the pleasure you felt when he finally inserted a finger into you. You felt as though you were practically dripping all over him, malleable and ready for whatever he might give you. He groaned softly as he curled his finger inside you, pulling it out painstakingly slowly to replace it with two this time.
You let out a quiet moan, biting your lip to try and hold back the sounds of your pleasure, not wanting to let him see how much this act alone was affecting you.
“Let me hear you, baby.” He said, as if reading your mind. “Show me how much you like to be touched.”
You let yourself go now as he picked up his pace, curling his fingers hard and fast against that spot inside you that had your toes curling. As he continued this, his thumb found its way to your clit and he rubbed slow circles into it.
“Oh, Joel…” You gasped, twisting the bedsheets in your fists either side of you. “I want you to fuck me Joel, please Joel I- ah” You cut yourself off with another moan as he inserted a third finger, stretching you out and increasing the pace and force with which he massaged your clit.
“Baby, the way you beg so nicely has me tempted. But I need you to come before I fuck you.”
You nodded and reached a hand out towards him, feeling for him with your eyes closed. Your hand connected with his shoulder and you tugged him towards you gently, keen to be enveloped in his warmth, his scent. He reached his lips down to yours and your moans escaped into the kiss. Your eyes shot open when he removed his fingers from inside you and then his whole hand from where it had been working at you.
He pulled away from the kiss and replaced his mouth with his fingers, which you sucked instinctively, interpreting his wordless request.
He moaned as you swirled your tongue around his fingers and tasted yourself and you did too, closing your eyes and releasing your sounds of pleasure.
“Jesus…” He sighed contentedly
He returned his hand to your core and focused entirely on your clit this time, pinching gently before rubbing circles rhythmically. You were close to orgasm already, your deep attraction to him and the power he exercised over you all encouraged your release quicker than usual.
It didn’t take long for his practiced attention on your clit, coupled with his low praise in your ears, when you felt it building inside you.
You arched your back slightly, pressing yourself against his hand to increase the friction however possible.
“That’s it, baby.” He muttered in your ear. “Show me how good it feels.”
“You gonna come for me, good girl?” He breathed.
Your face was screwed up in pleasure, your breathing shallow and erratic as your orgasm built, tension growing more and more.
“Let me hear those pretty sounds, sweetheart.” He urged.
You came hard with noises between moans and wails escaping your lips. Joel’s pace didn’t falter as you enjoyed your orgasm, writhing your lower body against him before you collapsed onto the bed, spent of the energy needed to hold yourself up.
He pressed a wet kiss onto your cheek before moving from where he lay alongside you to position himself over you. He took your hand and guided it to his erection, which you palmed gently, feeling its size again. He sighed at the sensation of your small hands grasping him through the fabric, but he had little patience for this moment and quickly moved on to removing them, pulling them down his thighs and allowing his cock to spring free. You resisted literally letting your jaw drop as you saw him bare and felt the full weight and size of him. Definitely bigger than anything you had experience with.
He took a hold of himself, guiding his tip down to rub it through your folds, causing you to shudder slightly with your clit still sensitive from your orgasm. He nudged the tip to your wet hole and you bit your lip as he entered you, slowly at first until he was about halfway in before thrusting himself into you as deep as he could. At this, you couldn’t keep your noise to yourself, releasing a desperate and tortured moan.
He took this noise as a sign to continue at this pace, dragging out of you slowly but thrusting in with force, hitting the deepest parts of you.
You moaned and whined and could barely catch a breath, his thrusts picking up in pace as he used your body for his pleasure.
“God, Joel, yes,” You say, but you are sure it comes out unintelligible. “Please fuck me like that Joel it feels so good oh my god.”
He grunted in response and continued, taking one hand and giving attention to your clit as he fucked you relentlessly, all you could do was babble words of praise and thanks and his name, rolling from your tongue as though you were addressing a deity.
“You’re so tight.” He groans through gritted teeth, bringing his body closer to yours to kiss at your skin as he fucks you.
You sense he won’t last much longer when he slows down his thrusts, and your suspicions are confirmed when he asks “Where do you want my cum, beautiful?”
Your eyes widen and you open your mouth, sticking your tongue out. The look on your face as you do this is almost enough to push him over the edge, “Oh god.” He exclaims, pulling out of you in a rush. A playful look in your eyes as you laugh a little, still keeping your tongue out.
He grabbed your arms and manoeuvred you roughly onto the floor in front at the edge of the bed. He kneeled on the bed above you and you kept eye contact with him, wiggling your tongue as he pumped his cock in his hand.
He groaned as he watched you, you closed your eyes briefly and he scolded you.
“Keep them open.”
You did so, and with another few tugs of his wrist he was exploding all over your face, salty cum landing mostly on your outstretched tongue and inside your mouth but some more leaking onto your nose, cheeks, and chin.
You swallowed what was in your mouth and tongue as he kept his eyes fixated on you, deflating slightly and relaxing lower onto the bed. He reached out and used his thumb to wipe your face, collecting his spent load from around your face and guiding it towards your lips. You sucked on his thumb obediently, and he sighed, totally transfixed and holding your gaze throughout your entire performance for him.
With most of him cleaned up from your face you straightened up higher and he reached over to press a chaste kiss to the top of your head.
“You did fantastic.” He praised, and you hummed, enjoying the feeling of his hand holding the back of your neck and his face pressed into your hair.
When he released you and lay backwards onto the bed, you got up and padded barefoot to your bathroom. You washed your face and rinsed your mouth out, eyeing yourself in the cracked mirror. Your hair was slightly pressed to your forehead with sweat and the rest of it was sticking out wildly. Your cheeks were dark with blush and you still hadn’t quite slowed your breathing down to normal. Yep, you looked like someone who had just been fucked hard.
You crept back to bed, floorboards creaking, collecting your underwear on the way and putting it on before sliding under the covers. He stood slowly and did the same, reaching out to pull you close towards him, attacking the top of your head, your forehead, your throat, your chest, with rapid kisses.
“Joel-“ You giggled, flattered with the kind of attention he continued to give you after the sex was over.
After a final kiss, he kept you close to him, inhaling from the top of your head, his breath tickling you.
You lay this way, content for a while, until something compelled you to speak. “Joel?” You said softly, your voice not quite a whisper, unsure if he was awake.
“Hm?” He responded, rubbing circles on your waist with his thumb where his arm was around you, holding you tightly to him.
“Are we going to do this again?” You asked shyly.
He exhaled with what might have been a small laugh. “Absolutely, sweetheart. You’re not gonna get rid of me now.”
You nuzzled into his neck and eventually, sleep took you. Nothing you could dream about would top the night you had just had with Joel.
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septembersghost · 2 years
currently working on a playlist that has most of the modern songs u mentioned e covering, and i was thinking about what i would want him to cover so for ur consideration:
i found - amber run (and i'll use you as a warning sign that if you talk enough sense, then you'll lose your mind— oh, and i found love where it wasn't supposed to be right in front of me, talk some sense to me— and i'll use you as a makeshift gauge of how much to give and how much to take)
tattooed tears (lord, i should know; i have felt lost for so long) and lonely eyes - the front bottoms (they tell me that you're lonely it's no surprise, when you walk around all day wearing those lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely eyes— "it's okay if you're unhappy" i would say before i leave her just take a look around there's no one here that's happy either i can literally hear him speaking this lyric lol (i think he would sing these like softer and melodic))
golden hour - kacey musgraves (keep me in your glow cause i'm having such a good time— you make the world look beautiful, ooh i thought i'd seen it all before but looking through your eyes it looks like paradise him singing this would sound like kacey singing cant help falling in love to me)
cecily smith - will connolly (this sounds slightly insane ik but idk i just think it fits)
big bad wolf - naethan apollo (this song is very poppy and slightly rap so in general this sounds crazy but in my head i can hear him singing it like he sang long tall sally or mean woman blues)
therese - maya hawke (i can hear him singing this with more of a ballad vibe idk, this song is just also really soft and one of my favorites so)
bigger than the whole sky and soon you'll get better - ts (i think about e everytime i listen to bttws so (you were bigger than the whole sky, you were more than just a short time— i'm never gonna meet, what could've been, would've been what should've been you) but i can hear him singing like a gospely version of both of these)
ghost of you - caro emerald (this song is appropriately sad so i can hear him singing a soft ballad version)
runaway - aurora (i saw a piece of heaven waitin' in patience for me— but no, take me home, take me home where I belong)
- same anon that asked u the question originally btw
anon darling, this is extremely cool!!!! i know a few of these, but not all of them, so i'm excited to give the rest a listen! BTTWS *AND* SYGB YOU WANT MY HEART TO BREAK?! 😭 no actually those are such beautiful choices, i would never have even thought of bttws and now i won't be able to think of anything else. sygb takes on a whole new significance for him as well (the holy orange bottles lyric...). i can absolutely hear him making those more gospel inspired. the front bottoms songs and golden hour are so perfect. i'm happy you mentioned softer melodic songs, there were some artists i didn't include because i wasn't sure if their music would make sense on the list, but you get it. plus imagining him doing more fun and bluesy ones, he had such a great time with those types of song. ("this sounds slightly insane," not in my world, not in the world i'm living in. we're insane together <3) i love these lyrics you chose too.
the very last song: "I kept runnin' for a soft place to fall /and I was runnin' far away/Would I run off the world someday?/But no, take me home/Take me home where I belong" makes me think of that line in the movie, he was runnin' from the day he was born...i'll be comin' home, wait for me...💙💙💙
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kiiiiiim · 3 years
Supercorp Stuff I Wrote in 2021
The Bus Scene: Being forced to take public transportation with your best friend, who you’re currently fighting/angry/maybe a little in love with(?) is… awkward, to say the least. (Tumblr//AO3)
Red: RedK Kara and a very confused, very turned on Lena (Tumblr//AO3)
All Is Not Lost (Not Lost At All): AKA what could have been Kara's time in the Phantom Zone: They’re coming for her. She will die in this deathless place before she gives up on the thought of seeing the people she loves again. Hope is the only thing that has kept her going all this time, however long that’s been. (Tumblr//AO3)
oh, you got my heartbeat runnin’ away: It’s been almost 10 months, and Kara still can’t hear a damn thing except her own thunderous heartbeat in her ears every single time Lena walks through the door. (Tumblr//AO3)
hold me close (don't let me go): Soft Supercorp, post-Phantom Zone escape (Tumblr//AO3)
I Might Be A Little In Love With You Tonight: (AKA hot alley supercorp sex): Lena gets dragged to a club, just to get her best friend Sam to shut up about her reclusive habits and the fact that she hates the summertime. She's really not looking for a hookup tonight, but the blonde staring at her across the room is making her rethink that decision. (Tumblr//AO3)
"Is This Ok?": Kara, Lena, movie night, and couch cuddles - except this time is different. (Tumblr//AO3)
she wanted a storm (to match her rage): (AKA Ragestorm AU): Kara comes back from the Phantom Zone with a new set of powers and a whole lot of unresolved issues (Tumblr//AO3)
Come Home: The missing phone call scene. "You… you're leaving?" Kara doesn't finish the question the way she wants to, (I just got home... I just got you back...) Lena takes another shaky breath. "Just for a little while." (Tumblr//AO3)
Supercorptober Drabbles: Happy//Secret//Luthor//Couch//Red//Fall-Party//August// (AO3)
I Believe in Love, Magic, and You: Missing/fill-in scene from 6x17 - Lena waits for Kara to wake up after Lex's return. Hopeless yearning ensues. (Tumblr//AO3)
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Ooooh can I do positions with Sebastian Stan???
Omg hi!!!🖤 Thank you sm for the request, I hope you like it!🥰
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Thank you for the requests!! And thank you for the support love! I hope you enjoy this and my other requests (which I need to do soon)!🖤🥰 @its-izzys
a/n: Decided to switch it up for this one and made the song about Seb’s feelings towards the reader:)
warnings: Some smut for you filthy animals😉
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Heaven sent you to me
I'm just hopin’ I don't repeat history
It has been known that Sebastian has poor judgement in romantic partners. Now, that doesn’t apply to everyone he’s dated but there are a few who were just out of line. Everyone knew he wasn’t the best at relationships. His family, friends, heck even his fans could see through the facade of his so called “girlfriends”. He could never tell the difference between someone who’s using him and someone who genuinely liked him. Sebastian was one to be intoxicated with his feelings and loses himself in the moment. Which was probably why he never found anything wrong with the ‘candid’ paparazzi pictures or the constant posting of proof that someone was with him.
You were different from all the other girls he had dated. You were like Spring to his Winter. You symbolized a new beginning for him. Like how Spring would mark the beginning of a new season with its blossoming flowers and the awakening of animals, you brought liveliness to his cold and dark life. You actually terrified him to the core. He was afraid to fall for you because you were well off on your own. In his head you didn’t need him, but he needed you. You kept the grown man on his toes and without you he was not sure how he would survive.
Unlike the other girls, he was scared to loose you. Not only were you the most loyal, selfless, kindest, and caring person he knew. But he knew you genuinely loved him for him. He knew that you could care less about the fame, his social status, or the money. You wanted him for him. You wanted him at his worst, at his best, all parts of him. And it terrifies him that he could fuck it all up in an instant and loose you completely. If that happened he wouldn’t know what to do because he’s never experienced a love like yours. Compared to the others, he wasn’t going to repeat history and make stupid decisions, this time he was going to try and not fuck it up.
Boy, I'm tryna meet your mama on a Sunday
Then make a lotta love on a Monday (Ah, ah)
Never need no (No), no one else, babe
’Cause I'll be
Sebastian would do anything to make you happy. Seeing that contagious smile on your face always gave him butterflies in his stomach that made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Hey Sebba?” You asked as you knocked on the wall of his home office one day. Sebastian’s eyes leave the script he had been reading for the past hour and a half as he turned to your figure leaning against the doorframe. You were cladded in one of his sweatshirts and a pair of those biker shorts that made your bum look incredible.
“How was your nap, draga?” He was about to get up from his swivel chair when you motioned for him to stay. You settled yourself onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Resting your cheek against his head you began to play with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck.
“It was good. Except someone wasn’t there when I woke up.” You softly answered as Sebastian pressed light kisses along your neck.
“The bed was cold without you.” You frowned against his hair. The scent of his shampoo filling up your senses.
“I’m sorry, I got excited when the script came and I couldn’t help myself.” He apologized as his squeezed your hips.
“Yeah, I know.” You chuckled as you leaned back to look down at him. He stared up at you with those ocean eyes that you just wanted to constantly dive into.
“Oh! I forgot to ask you.” You jumped in his lap as you remembered the text your mother had sent you earlier that morning. Sebastian nods at you, “What’s up?”
He saw how you slightly shrunk into your body and how your arms unwrapped around him so you can fiddle with your fingers. A little tic you had when you were either nervous or embarrassed. Sebastian comfortingly pressed his large warm hand against your back as the other took one of your hands into his.
“So...um. My mom’s birthday is during the weekend and we’re planning on having a dinner party with the family.” You started as you looked at your and Sebastian’s connected hands.
“My mom said she’d like it if you came along. She wants to finally meet you and she thinks the rest of the family would too.” You finished as you glanced up at him.
You were quick to tell him that it was his choice. You didn’t want to pressure him into suddenly meeting your family. Though it would be nice for him to finally meet everyone, you had to respect whether he was ready or not.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’d love to come!” He immediately agreed, a wide smile on his face that made the sides of his eyes crinkle. Your head snaps up to him in shock. You were expecting to find a playful glint in his eyes but it was nothing but sincerity and joy.
“Wait, you want to meet my family?”
“Of course I do, draga. It’s your family we’re talking about! They’re the most important people in your life and it’d be an honor to meet all of them.” He explained as he gripped both of your hands. Sebastian felt himself smile when he saw the corners of your lips raise to your cheeks.
“You have no idea how much this means to me, Seb. Thank you!” You excitedly wrapped your arms around him again pulling him into a suffocating hug. You felt his chest vibrate against yours as he chuckled.
He hummed as he savored the feeling of your limbs wrapped around him and how elated he felt when you were around him. Wrapping his arms around your figure he mumbled into your ear, “Plus, I should finally thank your parents for creating the love of my life.”
Switchin' them positions for you
Cookin' in the kitchen and I'm in the bedroom
I'm in the Olympics, way I'm jumpin' through hoops
Know my love infinite, nothin’ I wouldn’t do
That I won't do, switchin’ for you
The aroma of spices lingered around the house after the delicious dinner Seb had cooked. You guys decided to have an at home date night since the two of you weren’t in the mood to get all dressed up for a restaurant. Plus Sebastian had just gotten back from the airport after months on end of filming in Atlanta.
The two of you were now out on the balcony of your shared apartment sipping on glasses of wine. The two of you looked out towards the city as you leaned against Sebastian’s chest. There wasn’t much talking, just the sounds of the city and each other’s breathing.
“Thank you for dinner. Although, it should’ve been me cooking for you, because you literally just came back from filming.” You turn around in his arms as you admire the man in front of you.
“No, I wanted to cook for you. You’ve been so understanding with my job and the hectic schedules. Plus we had to be apart for so long, I owe you.” Sebastian explained as he moved a strand of hair from your face.
You shook your head at him, “You don’t owe me anything, Seb. You’re just doing your job and I understand that.”
“No, I do. I get that we had our night time calls and FaceTime sessions but it just isn’t the same as being in person with you.” He started.
“You’ve been so supportive and patient with me. While I’ve left you waiting here for so long.” He shook his head at himself before looking down at you. His blue eyes now dark with longing and lust. He leaned down to brush his nose against yours. His plush lips leaving a lingering kiss on your own.
“Let me take care of you, (y/n).”
Perfect, perfect
You're too good to be true (You're too good to be true)
But I get tired of runnin', fuck it
Now, I’m runnin' with you (With you)
Sebastian laid you down gently on the cool comforter of the bedroom. The atmosphere around you two felt heavy as your lips clashed together with desperation and passion. Though the months of not seeing each other were miserable, it began to all feel worth it when you felt his touch for the first time again.
Your hands roamed his body, only stopping when they were hovering over his sweatpants, where a bulge was starting to form. Sebastian pulled away from your lips and took your hand, placing it to rest along his shoulder.
“No, don’t worry about me. This is about you, I just want to focus on you.” His voice was soft and quiet compared to the events that were about to go down between you two.
He gazed down at you for a moment before his palm came up to rest against your cheek. He latched his lips onto yours, nipping at your bottom lips to grant his tongue access into your mouth. Your tongues poked and licked against each other. The heat below you was getting hotter and hotter, making your heartbeat race and a thin layer of sweat to form on your body.
Sebastian moved on to kiss along your jaw and neck. He stopped at your neck, nipping and sucking on the skin until a mark began to form. He helped you take your shirt off, throwing it aside to land on the floor. He watched as your breasts bounced in your red lace bra as you landed on your back again. He sucked in his breath as he looked at you through hooded eyes.
“Take this off, Sebby.” You voice was low with sultry as your nails teasingly dragged on his abs. He yanked his shirt off and threw it to the side. He dived down to claim your lips again, his hands running down to grip your thighs and wrap them around his torso. He ground down on you causing you to softly moan as his clothed crotch pressed down on your mound.
His mouth teased your nipples through your bra. He grazed his teeth along the lace material before sucking on your clothed nipple. He repeated the same action on your other nipple. You pulled on his soft hair as you watched him concentrate on pleasuring you. Your nipples were now peaking against the lace, wanting to be freed from the material. One of his hands flatten on your back and fiddle with the bra until it comes undone. His warm tongue attaches to your breast as soon as they’re exposed, giving them both the attention they needed.
He helps you take your shorts off before removing his sweats. He shifts himself so he’s laying in between your legs with your soaking heat in front of him. You feel his breath against your core causing goosebumps to form on your arms and legs.
“Draga I could smell you all the way here. I’ve been making you wait for too long, huh?” His voice teased you with hints of dominance. He enjoyed the effects he had on you. The way you instantly opened your legs for him and how he was the only one who could make you dripping wet without even doing anything.
You nodded against the pillow and looked down at him. A smirk was on his lips as his nose swiped along your clothed slit. He pressed a searing kiss above your mound as his eyes remained connected to yours.
“Who made you this wet, baby?” He asked huskily against your heat. He felt you clench around nothing as he kissed the wet lace that covered your pussy.
“You did, Seb.” You breathed out.
“Damn right I did.” He pulled your panties off you, the cold air meeting your heat. His mouth was agape as he was met with your heat glistening with arousal. He moaned at the sight and stuffed his face between your thighs. You let out a moan as your eyes fluttered shut.
His tongue flattened against your folds until he found your bud. His mouth latched onto it, sucking and licking at your clit. You emitted a moan, your back arching, as his mouth helped release the tension that was building up in you. He hummed in approval as he brought his fingers to spread your wetness through your folds. His finger teased your entrance before it smoothly slipped in. Sebastian groaned as he felt you clench down on his finger. He moved his finger in and out until he felt you ease up around him. He added a second finger stretching you out a bit more. He made a come hither motion with his fingers as they rubbed against your walls. When his fingers began hitting a familiar spongy area, your toes curled as you hips rutted against him.
He wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you down. You were a mess above him. One of your hands gripping the sheets as the other pulled on his hair. Your head was thrown back, your hair sticking to your face as you moaned at the immense pleasure Sebastian was giving you.
“I can feel you. C’mon baby, cum on my fingers.” He rasped out before his tongue flicked rapidly at your bud. Your knees had came up to your chest as the tension in your body had reached a peak. With the harsh and fast movements from his tongue and fingers, you came with a loud choking moan as your body trembled above him. Your cum spilling all over his hand. Sebastian licked you clean as you came down from your high. He kissed your thighs before coming up to rest his forehead against yours.
“I missed the taste of you. Missed you so much.” He muttered as he licked his fingers. He left some of your cum on his fingers so you can have a taste of yourself. You sucked on his fingers until they were clean of your juice.
Sebastian pressed a sweet kiss to your lips as he lined himself up with you. One hand interlocked with yours while the other led his cock into your sensitive entrance.
“Te iubesc.” He said as he pushed himself into you. Your breath hitched as your walls hugged onto his length. You were filled with him to the brim. You felt the veins along his length and the weight of him in you.
“Si eu te iubesc.” You whimpered as he pushed even deeper into you. His eyes intensely locked onto yours as his hips rocked back and forth. His cock pushing in and out of you. He was dizzy with the feeling of you around him. You were like a drug and he was addicted to you. Everything about you was perfect. He fit into you like a puzzle piece, like you were meant for him, and he didn’t need anyone else. Just you.
This some shit that I usually don't do (Yeah)
But for you, I kinda, kinda want to (Mmm)
'Cause you're down for me and I'm down too
Sebastian would do anything for you. If he could, he would take you around the world to show you new places that you’ve been dreaming of visiting. He wasn’t afraid to show you off. Of course, he was private when it came to your relationship, but when he had the chance to show you off he always took it. He was proud to take you to premieres and introduce you to his friends and co-stars. Everyone could see how deeply in love he was with you. They’ve never seen him so entranced with someone. From the way he looked at you to how his hand was always protectively on you.
Sebastian thanked his lucky stars as he watched you lean against the balcony railing of the hotel you two were staying at in Paris. You were watching the city below you as the wind blew against your hair. The sun shined on you enhancing your natural glow. You looked so relaxed and carefree as if you’ve never had experience a day of stress in your life. He saw a small smile on your face as your fingers skimmed the rail.
You turned around to see Sebastian sitting on a chair inside the bedroom. He was staring at you, a dreamy look on his face. You smiled at him and giggled.
“Get over here and look at the city with me.” You motioned for him to come over as you held your hand out for him. He got up and took your hand, bringing it up to press a kiss on your knuckles. You turned around to lean against his chest as his buff arms wrapped around your figure. His head rested on your shoulder, pressing kisses against the bare skin every few minutes.
He could stay there for eternity. You in his arms as you both silently watched the hues of pink, purple, and orange take over the sky in Paris. You were all he needed, it didn’t matter where he was, he just needed to have you with him.
draga ~ darling
te iubesc ~ I love you
si eu te iubesc ~ I love you too 
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purple-compromise · 3 years
Decided to repost this since it's been a few years and there are several new additions. So, in no particular order, the songs present on my Spesh playlist and some lyrics from each that illustrate why:
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes, performed by Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
I'm gonna fight 'em all; A seven nation army couldn't hold me back. They're gonna rip it off, taking their time right behind my back. And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget.
Delilah by Florence + the Machine
Because I'm going to be free and I'm going to be fine-- but maybe not tonight. It's a different kind of danger and the bells are ringing out and I'm calling for my mother as I pull the pillars down.
Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless
I am a human being: capable of doing terrible things.
Iron by Woodkid
The devil's knocking at your door. Caught in the eye of a dead man's lie, start your life with your head held high. Now you're on your knees with your head hung low; Big man tells you where to go. Tell them it's good, tell them okay-- Don't do a goddamn thing they say.
a soldier on my own, I don't know the way; I'm riding up the heights of shame. I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest; I'm ready for the fight and fate.
Runaway by AURORA
Take me home where I belong; I got no other place to go. Now take me home, take me home where I belong; I can't take it anymore. But I kept runnin' for a soft place to fall.
It's Only by ODESZA feat. Zyra
What is lust if it's not being by yourself? I won't be gentle to the body on the shelf. It's only water, it's only fire, it's only love. It's only slaughter, we're only liars, it's only blood. They're only thoughts that I'm having so safe within my head.
Warrior by AURORA
I can't recall last time I opened my eyes to see the world as beautiful and I built a cage to hide in; I'm hiding, I'm trying to battle the night. Let love conquer your mind, warrior.
Here by Alessia Cara, performed by Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
I'm sorry if I seem uninterested, or I'm not listenin,' or I'm indifferent. Truly, I ain't got no business here, but since my friends are here, I just came to kick it-- but really I would rather be at home all by myself not in this room with people who don't even care about my wellbeing. I don't dance, don't ask, I don't need a boyfriend, so you can go back; please enjoy your party.
Danger Zone by Kenny Logins
Out along the edges, always where I burn to be. The further on the edge, the hotter the intensity. Highway to the danger zone; gonna take it right into the danger zone.
Shoot Him Down by Alice Francis
This man is a ticket for a heartache. I want to break him bone for bone, want to stab him all night long with a needle; nothing but my heart aches. I mean it when I say, "get that jerk out of my way!" I want to choke him, want to maltreat him. I want to squeeze him and break his neck, neck, neck, neck.
Cold Cold Cold by Cage the Elephant
Doctor, look into my eyes; I've been breathing air, but there's no sign of life. Doctor, the problem's in my chest: my heart feels cold as ice--but it's anybody's guess. Doctor, can you help me, cause I don't feel right. Better make it fast, before I change my mind.
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain My life, my love, my drive, it came from pain! You made me a, you made me a believer.
The Lost Mountain Lake by Flipron
When the time comes, just let me lie at home in my own bed; I don't want hospital machinery all beeping 'round my head. Fear shall not find me as my dying breath breaks; I'll just gaze into the waters of the lost mountain lake and be received into the waters of the lost mountain lake.
Gun in My Hand by Dorothy
Was it for redemption? Was it for revenge? Was it for the bottle? Was it for the ledge? Was it for the thrill of pushing my hope to the edge? Why did love, why did love put a gun in my hand?
Soldier by Fleurie, Tommee Profitt
Soldier keep on marchin' on; head down 'til the work is done. Waiting on that morning sun, soldier keep on marchin' on.
Street Fight by Adam Jensen
We're off, full-throttle to the floor, fists up and we need a little more, 'cause we are ready for a street fight! Stand down, there's a fire in my soul. All out and I'm losin' all control, 'cause we are ready for a street fight!
Wish You Were Here cover by Rasputina
Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change? Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a leading role in a cage?
Sunshine (Go Away Today) by Jonathan Edwards
Sunshine go away today, I don't feel much like dancing. Some man's come, he's trying to run my life, don't know what he's asking.
I Know What I Am by Band of Skulls
I've got the wit that my enemies lack. But I know what I am, they know what they are, so let me be.
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty by Panic! at the Disco
If you wanna start a fight, you better throw the first punch; make it a good one. And if ya wanna make it through the night, you'd better say my name like the good, the bad, and the dirty.
Hammer Horror by Kate Bush
Hammer Horror won't leave me alone. The first time in my life I keep the lights on to ease my soul. Hammer Horror, Hammer Horror, won't leave it alone. I don't know: is this the right thing to do?
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine
Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back, struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that. The dog days are over; the dog days are done. Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here they come. Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father. Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers. Leave all your love and your longing behind; you can't carry it with you if you want to survive.
Grapes of Wrath by Weezer
Take me off to Neverland hanging with Yossarian; He's kind of just like me, we fight 'til we get free. I'm gonna rock my audible, headphone, Grapes of Wrath, drift off to oblivion-- I just don't care, I just don't care. Rock my audible, headphone, Grapes of Wrath, drift off to oblivion-- You think I care, I just don't care, I just don't care. I'm barely there.
Rivers in the Desert by Sapphire, Master Andross
A river in a dry land, the last ace in a lost hand when the hope of new beginnings burned beneath our feet. Now we need it: a heartbeat for a tin man, an oasis in a singed land. Remind us what we're here for: creating new life, creating rivers in the desert.
If You Were a Woman (and I Was a Man) by Bonnie Tyler
If you were a woman, and I was a man, would it be so hard to understand that a heart's a heart and we do what we can? If you were a woman, and I was a man.
Goddess by Xana
He believed that I could take a beating, but the bruises down my back don't mean a damn thing, 'cause I brought the God of War to his knees-- with the back of my hand, wiped his blood from my cheek.
Killing Strangers by Marilyn Manson
We got guns; you better run. We're killing strangers so we don't kill the ones that we love.
Until It Doesn't Hurt by Mother Mother
I wanna fight. I wanna bite. I wanna swallow all the light. But I'ma stay right here, I'ma stay inside; I'ma just sit tight for another night. If I can't make it right, then I won't make it worse.
Love Love Love by The Mountain Goats
Raskolnikov felt sick, but he couldn't say why when he saw his face reflected in his victim's twinkling eye. Some things you'll do for money, and some you'll do for fun, but the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one.
For the Killers by Unwoman
No--nobody can own me: this is my only authority. My body is mine to poison. It is my gift for the killers to cut open.
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fcllederage · 8 months
𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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repost. don't reblog. bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies.
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scraped knees, silent tears in a locked room, slamming doors, pervasive loneliness, a dog barking, rain on a metal roof, flinching at movement, the creak of an old house, forced laughter, wandering in the dark woods, wondering how you made it through, sudden loss, trying to make sense of the noise, hiding what you love to protect it, trying to explain but your words falter, invaded privacy, confusion at the pain, running barefoot in the grass, wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing, realizing you aren’t a priority, grass stains on white clothing, trying to earn love you will never have, being threatened over the smallest mistake, secrets you are warned not to share, the feeling of never being good enough, the hope things might someday get better, grief that aches in your bones, childish dares and pranks, the sense that your body isn’t yours, shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry, sledding down a frozen hill, absentmindedly following snakes through the grass, punching a tree until your knuckles bleed, tears over every dead creature you find, searching out small places you can hide… just in case, climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you, the feeling of something tainted under your skin, a curious child told to stop asking, floral dresses, body tensing at approaching footsteps, anger with nowhere to go, brief escapes from the chaos, the purr of a contented cat, taking the blame to keep the peace, being told you’re too sensitive, the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
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Tagged by: @smallergcd, thank you ♥ Tagging: @leatherfangs, @clownfile, @saburaito, @helllords, @rayofsunshinc + YOU!
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fcllederage-moved · 1 year
what shape does your pain take ?
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Your pain takes the shape of ghosts, haunting you, always there. No one would believe you if you told them, or understand even if they did. You don't know how to make them go away, or what they want. They just follow you, casting shadows over all you do, being your fears and the embodiment of all you've lost or are afraid of losing.  They can't touch you though... Can they?
Tagged by: @godstrayed ♥ Tagging: @andynked, @azraelblack, @cxldblxxded, @freak1ish, @griim, @n-galmurrr, @soulsuckrrs, @therelentless, @wynterlanding
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sweetwritertanya · 4 years
My Little Show
Summary: You come up with a clever idea to catch your boyfriend’s attention, making Yoongi drop everything in the studio and rush back home just in time for the show.
Warnings: SMUT! This fic will include: swearing, stripping (female), lap dance (male receiving), erotic body touching, dry humping, protected sex (it’s been a while!), sex on a chair (armchair, actually).
Word Count: 2689
The hours have gone by him without him even knowing, laser focused on what he was doing and oblivious to the world outside of the room he was in. When in the studio, Yoongi could get so absorbed in his music that the concept of time completely escaped him. It was nothing new to you, and you have learned not to take it personally if he doesn’t answer your calls or messages for a while. That was something he truly treasured about you.
Of course, he still felt bad about it. Even if he never really showed it, when he reached for his phone and noticed five messages starting from an hour ago, all from you, his heart sunk and squeezed in his chest painfully. He had told you he would be home before dinner but that was long done now. Opening the text messages, he was expecting angry words and disappointment, but that was not quite what he got.
Th first three were just you asking when he would arrive and if you should wait for him before eating. Yoongi’s already thin lips pressed together tightly in guilt, making them even smaller at that. The last two, however, were much different.
‘That’s too bad, darling. Look what you are missing out on.’ You wrote. This text was only from a few minutes ago, compared to the others. And you had sent a video after.
Clicking on the dark video, Yoongi frowned his eyebrows as he tried to figure out what he was seeing. Just as he turned the volume up, hoping to hear your voice in the dark, your figure stepped back from the phone’s camera. You were in the living room and it was actually quite bright. Not by the head light, but due to the candles you had lit up around. Not that his sharp eyes were drawn to any of that.
No, his small droopy eyes opened wide and awake at the first sight of you through the recording. You were using his oversized robe, which was actually a bit tight on your large frame, black sash tying the garment in the middle with a bow.  Seductively, you walked back until your full body was shown in the middle of the room and slowly untied the fabric ribbon.
The robe opened up and you allowed it to fall off your shoulders and pool at your feet. You were wearing a black short babydoll that was barely covering your matching panties and the deep pungent cleavage revealed so much of your soft breasts that he was sure you were not wearing a bra. And then you actually smiled and bent down in front of the camera, hands on your knees and tits about to fall off the satin attire. Yoongi’s hands twitched and he licked his dry lips, having to change his position in his chair due to an uncomfortableness between his legs.
“Too bad you’re missing out on all of this, honey” your sensual voice whispers, before ending the video.
It takes him three minutes to save all of his work and gather all of his things before leaving the studio. In his hurried pace, not quite running because he wasn’t one to run, but surely in a much faster step than what was usual for him, it took Yoongi about five minutes to get home. He never thanked the fact that he got a place close to his studio so much before.
Coming in, the house seems dark and quiet. For a moment he wonders if you gave up on him arriving and went to bed but as he approaches the living room, the flickering light of the candles tell him you must still be up. Undressing his jacket, he calls for your name as he enters the room.
“About time, darling. Thought you’d miss the show” your voice almost purrs as you get up from the armchair that you had dragged in the middle of the room.
Yoongi smirks at the sight of you, although you had put his robe back on. The knowledge of what was beneath it somehow drove him madder than before. He steps towards you, but you seem to have other intentions and move around him, keeping a distance.
“That was quite a video you sent me. What are you playing, kitten?” He asks, eyes intensely set on you. You had that look in your eyes that never failed to stir him up. A look filled with naughty schemes.
“Like I said, I just wanted you home before you missed the show” you enlighten with a chuckle in your voice. You gesture your head towards the armchair you had just been on. “Why don’t you take your seat?”
Curious, Yoongi raises one eyebrow but follows your lead, sitting on the armchair with his back leaning back, arms resting and legs crossed. You like seeing him like that, like a powerful king. The flickering candles dance on his skin and his eyes look even darker now, intently staring at you, waiting for your next move. And you weren’t one to disappoint.
“Enjoy the show” you whisper hotly before you press play.
Yoongi swallows heavily as the slow bass-driven song starts playing, at the same time your wide hips start moving. It was a show alright, one excruciatingly sensual one that he wasn’t sure he could wait for the end patiently. With your back turned to him, your hands slide up your meaty thighs all the way up to your hair that you pull up, at the same time your hips rock from side to side. Even beneath the robe, Yoongi could envision your ass jiggling with the movement. His hands clench the armrest tighter.
You dare looking up from your shoulder to him, a small smile feigning innocence while your hands drop the robe from one shoulder, and then the other. With the fabric hanging by the middle of your arms, you suddenly turn around at a particular strong beat of the song and let it fall down to the floor, revealing the beautiful babydoll Yoongi had never seen before, showcasing the swell of your breasts and the thickness of your legs. Air becomes thicker around him and he has to lick his lips, uncrossing and crossing again his legs.
The smile on your beautiful round face becomes devious. Knowing what you were doing to this fine-ass piece of a man empowers you. Biting your bottom lip flirtatiously, you skim your hands with fingers sprawled apart up your inner thighs, brushing your center as you pull them up and your digits get caught in the fabric and pull the babydoll up, revealing your almost sheer little panties. You hear Yoongi suck a breath even as his position seems froze in the chair. Your smirk grows and when your hands reach your chest, you squeeze the flesh and let it bounce as you slowly squat down, legs spreading apart. A rumble escapes Yoongi’s constricted throat and by now he his clawing the armrests in restrain. You never told him he was forbidden from getting up or reaching out and touch you, but he felt like that was an unspoken rule in order for him to enjoy this show all the way to the end. If he made it there.
Keeping with the beat of the song, you snap back up and turn around, slapping your own buttocks hardly covered by the thin string in between them. The bountiful flesh wobbles and Yoongi is clenching his teeth together. His fingers itched to trace the stretch marks on it, feel the dimples and squeeze the fluffiness of your ass that his hands would barely hold.
The song slows down and much to his punishment, you swiftly get down to your knees and hands. Yoongi drops his leg and closes his eyes but only for a moment, overwhelmed by the image in front of him. You start crawling in an almost feral manner, a huntress with sights set on prey. Your back arched, tits hanging and pulled together every time you placed one hand in front of the other, approaching him slowly. By the time you reached between his legs and place your hands on his knees, anchoring you to get back up while swaying your body in front of him, Yoongi’s hips jerk without his control, the simple touch setting his constricted muscles ablaze.
“Y/N…” he roughly speaks in a low voice, your name sounding like a menace.
You bring your index finger to your lips, silencing him while you kept dancing just inches from him. And then you play with the straps of the babydoll, pulling one arm and then another off of them. Yoongi curses under his breath and throws his head back when you pull the garment over you head, bare torso in display for him. A frustrated growl leaves his tightly shut lips, small eyes half-closed and glassed over. Every cell in him was jolting with the need to just pull you in and touch you, feel your skin against his, grab those perky nipples with his mouth and lap on them until you screamed, grind himself on your hot center before burying himself deep. But you weren’t done yet.
Wicked smirk in place, you wiggle your almost naked body in time with the tempo, before turning around and twerking your butt on his lap, low enough to actually brush the evidently erect member between his legs. He almost chokes at the final hint of relief, taking every ounce of willpower in him not to move. He had to close his eyes now, it’s the only way to keep him steady. You vary between small brushes of your bottom and full on grind of his girth between your ass cheeks. Every time, you feel his resolution to control himself waver, driving him absolutely mad.
Song coming to an end, a long song purposefully chosen for this, you turn to face him and ran your hands over his shoulders, sitting on his lap. Your hands run down his arms until your reach his hands and you take them to place them on your hips.
“You can touch me now, darling” you allow, amused.
Yoongi’s eyes burst open then, almost unbelieving, before he sighs in relief.
“Fuck!” he curses just as his hands attach themselves to the malleable flesh of your ass and pull your core closer to him, grinding himself on you at the same time he violently slants your mouths together.
More than kissing, he is biting your lips avidly, ferociously, tongue plundering in and twinning with yours, running it along all the sensitive crevices of your mouth before pulling back and snagging your bottom lip in between his teeth. Your body ever so sensitive to his touch, so much aroused by all the seduction of before, it takes so little to leave you a moaning mess. His head dips down and his lips close around your erect nipple and you wail at the sharp pleasure it brings straight to your womb. You can’t help the way your hips start moving in synch with his, humping down on his covered length in search of much needed friction.
“Ahh…! Yoongi, need you! Now” you whimper as he drowns in your cleavage, playing roughly with your tits much like he wanted to since the first time he saw that video.
He doesn’t need any more convincing, immediately dropping his hands to his belt and undoing it impatiently. Your raise your hips and lick your lips, aching for him. You catch Yoongi’s wallet from the back pocket of his jeans before he pulls them all the way down his legs, searching for where you knew he kept a couple of condoms. Finding one, you rip it open with your teeth just as he pulls down his boxers and releases his cock from any confines. He reaches for the condom but you pull it away.
“Allow me” you say.
He nods and his Adam’s apple bobs in anticipation. With deliberately slow movements, you place the condom at the engorged red tip of his dick, very gradually pushing the latex down his length, a bit with one hand, another bit with another. You feel the member pulsating and twitching angrily at that. In retaliation, Yoongi pinches at your abused nipples, making you huff.
“For fucks sake, Y/N, I can’t” he speaks through his tense jaw, eyes burning into yours as his hand covers yours and helps placing the condom all the way down.
You smirk and slide yours hand up his torso, feeling his enclosed abdominals tense under your digits. Sliding even closer to him, you rub yourself on his protected member, soaked panties revealing how ready you were too.
“Was the show that much of your liking?” you tease, mouth going down to bite and kiss at his neck. His hips thrust upwards into your covered entrance, one hand setting on your plush hip while the other venters into the middle of your legs and pulls the fabric of your panties to the side.
“Fuck yeah” he answers, at the same time he plunges in.
It makes the both of you gasp, you at the sudden fullness accompanied by the brain numbing pleasure, him at the sharp relief your warm and tight body provided. Relishing in that first feeling, both stay still for a moment. But the urge to chase the much awaited high rapidly took over.
Yoongi is the first to move, backing his hips the further they would go in the cushioned seat before slamming back forward, hands settled at the curve of your hip to pull you closer. You respond to his movements avidly, holding yourself up on your knees and bouncing in time with his lunges. The air is static, the house quiet if not for your bodies colliding erotically, moans and grunts alongside heavy breathing.
That familiar pull at your womb, that deep and low pressure in your belly, keep on building up at every movement, unbearable need rippling through you like a bonfire. Gushes of arousal cling to both your bodies, spreading from between your legs to your inner thighs, creating shameful squelching sounds that become that much more noticeable once Yoongi picks up the pace.
His hips snap forward harder and faster as fissions of pleasure skitter through his gut, the pulse on his groin scorching his veins with molten need. Knowing he was about to be driven to the edge, Yoongi grabs your heavy leg and pulls it to rest on the armchair instead of on the cushion, making you yelp and consequently wail as the angle opens your legs further and his renewed speed makes him continuously press on that delicate pad of nerves inside.
His more vocal grunts and desperate thrusts tell you he is close too and, before you know it, your insides erupted throughout your body, scourging every inch and you cry out in absolute delight. Your walls clench him impossibly tight as you climax and it’s all it takes for him to follow. A molten wave of gratification left him shaking and spilling into the latex barrier, body shuddering beneath yours before giving out.
Heads still buzzing and vision still slightly blurred, you share content and loving stares, you chuckling before his lips attach to yours in absolute adoration. Carefully, you two disentangle and the spoiled condom is thrown out. Yoongi had pulled his boxer back on, but not his trousers, while you had put on his robe again, with nothing but your panties that managed to stay on during this endeavor.
You were resting on the armchair when Yoongi came back and pulled you up just enough for him to sit down and pull you to his lap. Sitting comfortably, he wraps his arms around your bulky frame and drops pecks at the skin of your exposed shoulder.
“Not hurting you?” you ask, referring to your weight on his lean legs.
“Nah” he replies in between pecks.
“Was my little show worth ditching work?” you snicker, eyes closing with weariness.
“Infinitely.” Small cat eyes shutting close too. “Always.”
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halfbakedideas · 11 months
HBI Fanfics Masterlist
To make finding my fics on here easier. Organised by fandom. The rest can be found on my Ao3.
And I Kept Runnin’, For A Soft Place To Fall (Rise of the Guardians)
Road Trip 'verse (Transformers Knightverse AU)
How Many Snakes Do You Know Who Can Turn Into People (Good Omens series and Loki show crossover)
This is a Bookshop, Not a Parking Space! (Good Omens series and Doctor Who crossover)
Loki series
Feels Like I’ve Been Waiting For You To Come Home, For So Long
Tim's Pet Fish(/es)
If It’s Too Much Trouble…
Tell Me Why The World Never Fights Fair
Of Shish kebab-ing and Brothers (written for Whumptober 2022)
Hot Potato, Hot Potato (also written for Whumptober 2022)
The Concept of Christmas
They/Them Jason Todd series
Don't Talk To Me Like I Don't Know What You Are Feeling
To Be On the Receiving End of a Hug
Hot Choco
When Life Goes Another Way
You Can Rest Now, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon (written for Whumptober 2022)
We Were in Screaming Colour (written for Ace Week 2022)
And All Around The World, The Lights Will Fill The Streets
Back-To-School Supplies and Where To Find Them (written for September of the 2023 Ninjago Calendar)
Ninbingo 2022
Water and Fire
We've Come A Long Way From Where We Began
There's No Way That Your Puzzle Piece, Fits Into Our Puzzle Wrong
How Could We Not Talk About Family, When Family’s All That We Got?
Braced Myself For the Good-bye
Ghost Story
Stuck in the Middle Between Now and Then
Unfinished snippets -- multifandom
Damn Ocean (Ninjago)
This Frozen Land (Ninjago)
Movie Night (Ninjago)
Cancelled Hatred (Ninjago)
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Twenty One | It's Showtime! (Part 2 of 3 | His POV)
[First] | [Previous] | [Next]
Alternate Chapter Title(s):
Saint Behind the Glass** (Song Referenced)
The Extra Corny One With A Second Song Title Reference, Part 2½**
• • •
**This basically reveals Part 2 and 3 were meant to be Chapter Twenty-Two at one point (similar to how various chapters from the old version of FaiCom have been merged together here), buuut each chapter has essentially took place on different days in this version, so...
Let's keep that format, shall we?
• • •
Something's wrong.
That single sentence continues to repeat itself over and over as he makes it from Ruins to Hotland with the human, who remains quiet and distant during the entirety of the walk.
They're obligated to take off their jacket and reveal a sweaty tank top midway through, leaving their arms bare, these they try to hide from his line of sight by crossing them and glancing aside. He wonders why they do that at first, until he witnesses how hefty and soft-looking their arms are, a noticeable difference compared to the toned muscles he often saw from those who worked at the Royal Guard. Whether the human felt unconfident of their appearance or vulnerable as a cause of the nightmare he assumed to be related to, Sans wasn't completely sure of. Either way, he's aware it's best not to bring that up currently. The ups and downs to their health and body had shown greatly through these past few months, and though they were recovering little by little, they seemed to be facing some more frequent downs, as of late. Their call from a few days ago and the weak state they were in as they climbed into the back seat of Papyrus's car were just enough to make him fear there's something bigger going on.
"Shoulda worn shorts or somethin'," he comments, noticing they already seem to be affected by the heat. Frisk ventured through a variety of climates with no trouble at all, yet their parent was showing signs of fatigue in their body within a few minutes into their walk through Hotland. The place had grown about twice as hot since he last visited, though he doubts the human will believe him if he were to say that out of nowhere. They could likely take it as him trying to console them for their inability to be stronger than him; or their own child, for that matter -- someone meant to see them as a role model rather than a frail and dependent person. "Wanna borrow some of mine?"
The human stares at him like he's made the most absurd suggestion there is, similar to that of mixing water with cereal or cooking steak in a toaster. "I swear, you test your luck with me a little too hard sometimes."
"I mean it, though."
"...We're not even dating yet."
"Yet," he says, mirth in his tone. "As in, there's still a possibility for us to become official?"
"Oh, stop it." They frown and fumble with the keys hanging from their satchel; he notices their nails are stubby, and bits of dried blood can be seen at the corners of plenty. "I… I don't know when you're being serious with me or not anymore."
"I meant that, too," he states, chuckling. "Would it be late if I told you I got that punch at the bar, 'cuz I had my head way in the clouds -- thinkin' about you?"
Sans receives no comment or reaction other than (Y/N) looking elsewhere and moving aside to walk a bit further from where he's at.
As a consequence, he takes a step closer, catches them with a 'hey', and reaches for their cheek when they look down at him. "...What's the matter? Your face's burnin'."
"We're in Hotland," they retort, rolling their eyes and brushing his hand away. "Ice's frozen. Water's wet. The sun's scorching-"
"-Just like you."
They walk off again, albeit with some struggle now that the heat of Hotland has combined with their embarrassment.
"And I'm not gonna wear your shorts. It would be a waste of time for me to take a break just because of some heat -- I'm not weak."
"Not sayin' you are. Just sayin' I don't want you to die from a heatstroke."
"Either way, I overlooked my situation, and I failed to prepare for it." A solemn look falls on their face, coupled with a firm posture. "I should've kept in mind my health, so it wouldn't be right for you to try redeeming my lack of preparedness. I should've asked Frisk or you more about this." They take in a breath and sigh it out. "...even if you can adapt to it just fine, and even if Frisk didn't have as much trouble to adjust as me."
Hot-headed and fiery might just be the finest ways to describe the human's current attitude, yet he very well knows making another joke about their temper -- combined with their hotness and the place they're currently at -- would be far too much. It wouldn't surprise him if they decided to call off the tour halfway through. Patience wasn't quite their main trait, though they practiced a sufficient amount of tolerance when it came to confronting his constant coquetry for the duration of those two months one of their coworkers mentioned in the chat; he can hardly believe it's been that long, and even less how close he was to kiss them that one time on the couch. More than sixty days of dealing with his presence had to be considered an achievement of some sort, even if their feelings were mutual. The monster's completely aware of how tiring and exasperating he can be on the often occasion, so he finds it best to start rationing how much he can be at once; too much of something's rarely ever good or effective, after all.
"But... Alright. Risking it would only make it worse, either way." Their gaze turns soft and they concede with a quiet huff. "Wouldn't we have to go allll the way back, though?"
"Not exactly," he replies, winking.
Sans proceeds to unzip his jacket and reveal a folded bundle of clothing underneath it.
"I know you can be stubborn sometimes, so I came prepared." He turns it over and adds, "There's a full set of clothes there, in case ya wanna freshen up at Met's old hotel before we keep goin'." His hands brush with theirs as they take the clothing from him. "It's been abandoned for a short while now, but I'm pretty sure the water's still runnin' well, for the most part." His gaze falls on their belongings again, and he gives into a cheekier grin as he continues with, "I've noticed somethin' about you, by the way."
"And what would that be?" they ask, mouth straight and tone wary.
He observes the satchel again -- the more-heavy-than-it-looks bag they almost always seemed to carry along with them, be it for something as typical as their job to something as simple as going out for a walk. What made it odd was knowing what contents could be found inside, these he has a vague recollection from when he had no other choice but to organize their bag after having gone through it when they fainted at the bus. Sans can still remember having rummaged through layers of Frisk's clothing, school supplies, and even a few monster-aimed medicines before setting the first aid kit back to its rightful place. The only things he could recall to be truly theirs were their cellphone, wallet, keys, and eyeglasses case. Going back to that memory makes him wonder -- were their priorities in the format of a list -- what number they would label themself with.
"You usually carry stuff in that bag meant for other people -- not you." He eyes the pocket with a few contents poking out from it. "...Or am I Ied to believe that bright pink Husky hairpin's yours?"
The human looks confused for a moment, until their eyes cast down at their bag and assess the pocket his gaze is most focused on. Then, they come across one of the smaller ones, where the mentioned accessory stays clipped to. "It- It's not! That's just in case Frisk needs it." They take it and hide it away in one of the bigger, emptier pockets. "It's their favourite hairpin, and they use it more often now that their hair's getting longer."
"But they ain't here right now."
"Yes, but what if they need it later -- when I go pick them up?"
He can barely contain the joy their overly defensive expression brings upon his face.
Perhaps it's pure projection or coincidence, but they appear to resemble the same dog he mentioned with the stance they hold, not threatening in the slightest and charming at best, but still ready to attack -- figuratively, of course. Hearty laughter escapes him, though he covers it up with a harrumph. "I'm surprised you don't carry the whole house with you, at this point."
"It doesn't hurt to be prepared."
"If only you applied that thought for you, too."
They swat his skull with their hand and let out a chuckle. "Don't nag me, teddy bear." Nonetheless, a more serious look overcomes them as they sigh. "You're right, though." With how quiet it gets and how long that pause lasts, it appears as if they've become lost in their thoughts. "Not only did the social worker suggest it, but it's not fair for me to keep bothering you or anyone else because of my..." They scratch their throat and grin. "...consistently questionable life choices."
"Is that a promise I'm hearin'?"
"A big and definite one."
• • •
Half-open windows help bring some clear air into the stuffy room, as does the air conditioner set to the coldest temperature possible by lessening the dryness and heat of the wind. It's all paired up with the scents of the fresh cinnabunnies and iced coffee he carries in some paper bags, food he bought at Snowdin while the human showered. Sans sets the meal by the nightstand, covers it up with some aluminum foil, and -- finally -- wipes a layer of dirt away from the mirrored dresser before assembling some toiletries on it. Then, he sits down in bed, closes his eye sockets, and waits. The sounds of his soul beating, the breeze blowing the curtains, and the shower running are the only melodies to take over the quiet of the hotel. Turning on the radio by the nightstand further assists those noises and aids in transforming the room into a more welcoming and cozy spot, overall. The last thing on his mental to-do list is to wait some more by checking his phone and updating himself on any new messages, some few from (Y/N)'s coworkers wishing him luck. A grin's inevitable as he reads through these a second time.
The shower turning off and a door unlocking are the next changes he notices, along with the radio switching from music to news.
Sans feels his breath tremble when the human steps out. They're dressed to the nines despite their attire being composed of the simplest clothing possible: a new pair of his below-the-knee shorts, these fitting slightly above theirs as a result of their taller height; plus one of his baggiest shirts, now almost at belly button length for the same reason as the first piece. What makes such a common attire seem so complex and thought-out is how well they've adjusted it to their figure; it's either that, or he has his head in the clouds again. Regardless, they knew how to fix an outfit, and it wasn't that of much surprise if he compared it to the time they pulled the same trick when borrowing some sleepwear from Toriel's wardrobe.
Or, then again…
He was slowly becoming infatuated with them and couldn't avoid finding them attractive -- no matter the clothing worn.
At the sight of (Y/N) having their back turned to him while they perform their finishing touches by the dresser, he approaches them as quietly as he can, yet he lets himself be seen halfway with the reminder of the nightmare they had and how startled they could likely be if he tried anything extreme. He goes to hug them from behind when they catch him getting closer, though they say and do nothing in response. Still, his expectations of no retaliation are promptly shattered as they turn around, grab his hands, and twirl him once, preventing the hug.
"Nice try, teddy bear," they comment, smiling. "Do try again next time." They wink.
It's a knockout when the radio decides to switch back to music, inspiring in them what he assumes is an urge to take their current hold on him to lead him into an impromptu dance.
"So… You want to get flirty with me again?" they ask, grabbing his hands tight as they sway him left and right at a rhythmic but easy motion. "Then you've got to handle me flirting back." One hand holds his left one up while the other places his right one on their waist. Theirs then falls on his shoulder when he keeps his where they placed it at, this one he has trouble keeping still with how close he is to touch their skin, part of their waist now more exposed with their movements, showing the “love handles” he'd teased them about since he first flirted with them. A subtle but no less playful smile stretches their lips; their eyes soften, though mischief flares in their gaze. "I've made the decision to trust you," they comment, twirling him around once more. "So if you'd like us to be official, we can, but…" Their steps slow down as they trail off in their thoughts.
He treads in with, "You need to wait until the CPS thing's over with, right?"
They nod. "Unfortunately."
Their sorrow stays brief and their playfulness returns, replacing their momentary frown for yet another smile. "My memory might be a bit bad though, as I've never heard you say you like me before." To further increment the effects of their teasing, their lips fall close to his teeth but end up lower, kissing his jaw instead. "...In other words," they add, hands locking firm around his neck and bringing him closer to them. "Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
Sans feels his face turn about as warm as theirs felt, and he can tell they've noticed, based on the way their face lingers close to his -- waiting.
"...I like you," he says, far too quiet to be labeled anything but a murmur; even a thought could be considered louder than his words.
They land another kiss, much closer to his teeth. "Couldn't hear you."
"I like you, puddin'," he repeats, stronger this time. "Can you, uh… do that again, though? It felt nice."
They nod, lean in further, and press yet another kiss to his face. "Gladly."
With that, the human carries on with the dance. They sway him left and right and perform small circles across the hotel room, adding a twirl every few seconds -- sometimes with them taking the lead, and vice versa. "I like you, too, Serif." Despite the meaning and weight of their words, a frown arrives on their face. "But…" They hesitate. "I still have some doubts, and I think that dream I had confirmed that."
"Would you like to talk about it?"
A few seconds of silence remain and the song ends, dropping tension in the room.
"Not now, but… But maybe later?" They let him go. "If possible, I'd like to talk at the Judgment Hall -- where you last worked before leaving the Underground."
Despite his best efforts, the skeleton can't avoid commenting, "Want me to judge how good you look right now?"
The human sighs, loud and long. "...Babe?"
He lets out a resounding, jovial laugh at that.
Their tone's genuinely sad, as so's their expression.
They look a hundred and ten percent done with him, though they still push forward with a, "Be serious for a moment, please. I… I really mean it, and that dream I had…" Demurral returns to their words. "It involved one of my fears about Frisk's safety, and well…" They take a deep, shaky breath. "A- And my own safety when I'm around you."
The severity of their statement dawns on him, and his view distorts itself from an attractive human to a vulnerable one standing in front of him, weak and poorly prepared -- completely alone with him in a large, abandoned, and dilapidated hotel. They were easy prey from the viewpoint of an Underground Sentry. He could easily take them captive with their current state of health and their lack of knowledge in combat. Were he still assigned to that job, had (Y/N) fallen in Frisk's stead, and were finding that seventh soul still a priority, he could just as easily inform every other member of the Royal Guard to bring the human down to the Monster King's bidding. Unlike Frisk, they had little to no determination left in their soul; a quick and direct intervention meant danger for them.
And had he still that same mindset to this day, his agreement with Asgore to serve and protect (Y/N) would be something he could break -- something simple to deal with if he framed the blame on someone else. He could just as likely tolerate some jail time for failing to fulfill his part of that job with no protest. The only real obstacle would be (Y/N)'s child themself, knowing they were likely going to guard and care for their parent unconditionally. But even then, they were still alone with him presently; in other words, he could cover up any potential evidence of him being a culprit with time to spare. Perhaps Frisk was the hero of the story, but (Y/N) was still an NPC -- someone easy to get rid of with the right amount of caution and preparedness.
"You mentioned something about Karma before, and well…" They break the silence and snap him out of those thoughts. "I've made a lot of bad choices and awful mistakes, so that makes me wonder if, m- maybe…" Tears form in their eyes as they breathe in -- once, then twice. "If maybe I don't deserve any of this kindness or forgiveness that I've been getting recently, and… And that maybe I don't belong in this story, y'know? Frisk has done all the work here so far, and they've overcome plenty of obstacles, too. Meanwhile, I- I'm a weak, ill person with a dead-end job -- trying to keep a holey row boat afloat with napkins." They let out a shaky sigh and fail at a smile. "I get that you like me, and I can't deny or ignore my own feelings for you, but I'm… I'm an unworthy, ungrateful person. We've known each other for barely half a year. Th- There's stuff you don't know about me yet -- just as I don't know about you."
Their face shines with tears, these they can't bring themself to stop with how many pour down, and how fast these are. "I've already troubled and hurt Frisk enough as it is, and I've... I've troubled well-meaning family like Brenda just as much with my mistakes." They cover their face as they sit down in bed, trying to contain their sorrow. "...And then I have these awful, intrusive thoughts that seep in whenever I think I'm doing better. I don't want to bring trouble to you or any other monsters, either, but reminding myself of my past worsens these feelings, kn- knowing I might screw up again and again and again."
Feeling the situation's getting too rough not to establish some control over it, Sans sits down with them and grabs their wrists, tugging at these for them to look down at him.
Fear reaches their gaze as they stare at his irises, completely overcoming their bright and cheerful attitude from earlier.
"Breathe," he says, voice low as he loosens his grip on their wrists -- at the feeling of them shaking almost violently under his hold. "We'll go to the Hall in a few. But, first... I'm gonna need you to calm down a lil' more." He lets go.
They nod, close their eyes, and let a few more tears drift down before he dries the rest of these off with the sleeve of his jacket. "...Alright."
When they shudder, sniffle, and recover some sense of tranquility, they look at him again and smile. "And thank you for showing me patience."
He smiles back and brings them in for a hug -- long, tight, and strong. "That I've got plenty of, puddin'."
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Getaway car
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Summary: A story like Bonny & Clyde that’s what you wanted with him. Sadly, life gets in between you and your Clyde…
Pairing: Criminal!Dean x Criminal!Reader; Mobster!Dean x Reader
Warnings: angst, language, abandonment, crimes, robbery, unrequited love?, a hint of fluff
A/N: And again, Taylor Swift inspired one of my stories. This time it was ‘Getaway car’. Lyrics are taken from her song.
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The first time you laid eyes on him was at the diner you were working your shift. He stalked toward the counter, ordering pie and went home with you instead.
It was crazy, dirty, and rough but he left you wanting more. Weeks later he came back, wanting more and more until you followed him…
He was the best of times, the worst of crimes
I struck a match 
And blew your mind, but I didn't mean it
And you didn't see it
The ties were black, the lies were white
And shades of grey in candlelight
I wanted to leave him
I needed a reason
Three years later you lean against the wall at the bar, your smile long gone, just like the excitement and adrenaline after another successful raid. 
The last bank should have been the last. Retirement, a future, that is what Dean promised to you but lately, you got the feeling you will end up like all his other partners before.
Dropped at a motel, fifty bucks on the nightstand and brokenhearted as he found a new ‘Bonnie’.
You believed him when he said you are the one. You desperately wanted this life with him, but things change – so does Dean.
Right now, he leans closer to the bartender, that million-dollar smile which once melted your heart on his plump lips. The only difference, this time he gives it to that girl - his next partner as you assume.
It pains to admit you were just that, a young girl he could corrupt and use as a distraction during his raids until you lost your usefulness; until he found a younger and sexier girl to use.
You do not know where or when you lost it, but you know it’s over when he gives the girl a wink, snickering at something she said.
One last time you glance at Dean, ignoring the ache in your chest before you turn your back on him to leave the motel bar. 
X marks the spot
Where we fell apart
He poisoned the well, I was lyin' to myself
I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed
We never had a shotgun shot in the dark
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In a haste you count the money, leaving half of the bait, two-hundred thousand bucks, for Dean on the motel bed. The keys to his car, you take them with you to get to the next hideout.
One last deep breath and you place the note for Dean onto the pillow, placing the necklace he gave you on top of it.
“Goodbye, my Clyde…” You leave the room, not looking back, hurrying toward the getaway car Dean stole a state ago. He won’t miss the rusty car, already having another in eyesight to escape if need. 
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Dean’s hand trembles when he enters the motel room only to find you gone. He waited the whole evening for you to show up, the engagement ring he stole at the bank burning a hole into his pocket.
“Goodbye, my Clyde,” Dean sniffs reading the note. “How could you believe I want to replace you, sweetheart?”
Dear Dean, my beloved Clyde,
I believed you when you said this is the last time. Sadly, I had to watch you hit on the next girl to be your Bonnie. I know, I was just the next best girl you found for your heists, but I will always remember our time.
To me, you are the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I am sorry that I was not enough for you to not stray.
I left half of the bait, Dean, and took the car. You will not miss the rusty wreck, I know you will find a new one in a blink, just like a new partner.
I will try to fulfill my dream with my half of the money. Please, if you ever felt anything for me, do not go after me to get the money back. I earned it as much as you did.
I will always love you.
Your Bonnie…
Tears cloud Dean eyes re-reading the letter until he falls onto the bed, sighing deeply.
You were drivin' 
The getaway car
We were flyin'
 But we'd never get far
 Don't pretend it's such a mystery
 Think about the place where you first met me
 We're ridin' 
 In a getaway car
 There were sirens in the beat of your heart
 Should've known I'd be the first to leave
 Think about the place where you first met me
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“So…where is your special girl, Dean?” Looking at the money onto his table Sam swallows thickly. “Dean?”
“She left, believing she’s just a random partner. I didn’t use her as bait, Sammy. She was the one, the one that got away,” Dean opens the little black box to show his brother the diamond ring.
“The money, it’s enough to get back into the business and to pay for the house,” Dean nods, not meeting his brother’s eyes. “You did all this to get dad’s business back. We should try to use what you got. I brought my half too, twenty million.”
“Got thirty, Sam. Just give me a day or two. I need a bit of time,” watching his brother leave the room, a frown on his face Sam nods, understanding the heart-wrenching pain to lose the woman you love. 
“We talk tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Take your time, Dean.” Sam gives his brother as cracked smile watching Dean stuff the ring back into his pocket.
“She left, took the getaway car, and never looked back. What if I never find her, Sammy? What if she’s gone for good?”
In a getaway car, oh-oh
No, they never get far, oh-oh-ahh
No, nothing good starts 
In a getaway car
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5 years later … somewhere in the middle of nowhere, Rocheport, Missouri
“Y/N, I’ve seen my old dog walk faster than you serve our customers. I have to rethink your position in this diner,” your boss nags once again. 
It is not as if you didn’t work 12 hours in a row to make more money or that the diner is crowded, and you are the only waitress.
“I’ll try to work faster,” you reply, biting your tongue to not lose yet another job.
This small-town is a nightmare but your car broke not 10 miles out of town, so you had no other choice but to stay here, make some money until you find another town and another shitty job.
Five years ago, you had a plan, the money and motivation to have a better life. Two months in running your shop, a bakery, someone bought the building opposite your tiny shop, destroying your dream in the blink of an eye. It did not take more than a month to lose all your customers to the impressive café.
Without money left you grabbed your stuff and fleed out of town, no dreams in your pocket this time. You drove from town to town. Worked to make a few bucks to hit the road to nowhere again.
Looking back at that night, the night you left Dean you regret that you never talked to him. Maybe, just maybe he would’ve changed his mind and kept his promise.
It was the great escape
The prison break
The light of freedom on my face
But you weren't thinkin'
And I was just drinkin'
While he was runnin' after us
I was screamin', "Go, go, go!"
But with three of us, honey, it's a side show
And a circus ain't a love story
And now we're both sorry
(We're both sorry)
“What can I bring you, Sir?” A tall man wearing an expensive suit looks up at you, a soft smile on his lips. He doesn’t quite fit in. Men like him prefer an expensive restaurant, not a shady diner.
“Coffee, black. Please,” you nod, writing his order down whilst the man glances at your nametag. “Y/N, nice name.”
“Oh-well, my mom gave it to me,” the man smiles again, taking the menu you offered to him. “If you want anything else, tell me so when I bring the coffee, Sir.”
“Sam, just call me Sam.” You mirror his smile, believing he is new in town and tries to be polite. Usually, your customers bark their order at you only to not give a tip or to spill their coffee onto your apron.
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“Anything else, Sir?” Sam shakes his head, paying the coffee and take-away pie, handing you a huge tip. “Thank you.”
“Must be hard to work at this place,” you nod, giving him a cracked smile. “Why does a girl like you work at this place?”
“Had a dream years ago, but it didn’t work out. You know, I had a nice little bakery but someone else opened a better, bigger, and more colorful place. I lost,” he nods, offering an apologetic smile before he gets up.
“Sometimes things are meant to end and sometimes,” he dips his head to look at you with soft eyes, “things turn out for the better.”
X marks the spot
Where we fell apart
He poisoned the well
Every man for himself
I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed
It hit you like a shotgun shot to the heart
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Your shift is almost over when the bell above the door rings again. Your boss wants to bark at the person entering the diner after closing time but oddly, he turns pale.
“Something wrong, boss?” He shakes his head, choking out the word gun. You don’t want to but you force your body to turn around only for your to look into the barrel of a shotgun.
Two large men entered the diner, wearing black clothes and masks they crowd the diner. “You, come over here!” The smaller of the men barks at you, jerking the shotgun toward the place next to him. “Hurry or I’ll give your boss a brand-new hole.”
“Do it bitch,” your boss barks and you hurry toward the man’s side, sniffling. “At least you are not useless this time. We got around five hundred in the register plus her tips in the jar under the counter.”
“Classy to tell us about her tips,” the man next to you spats. “Come here, Y/N. I need to make sure you do not try anything stupid.”
You nod, walking toward the man who immediately wraps one arm around your waist, pressing his lips to your ear.
“Did you miss me, sweetheart?” His deep voice, the way he husks the pet name into your ear and his cologne let your knees buckle. “I’ve missed you, Y/N. I’ll bring my Bonnie home now.”
“Got it,” Sam smirks, showing Dean the money and your tip jar. “Let’s go and buy drugs,” Dean snickers at Sam’s words, holding you flush against his firm chest.
“Okay, you son of a bitch will stay where you are and not call the cops. We will take your sweet waitress to make sure you do not try anything,” Dean leads you out of the diner whilst Sam aims his shotgun at your boss. 
“Do not move or she dies…”
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“How? I…” Lips quivering you watch the man you met at the diner carry your few belongings out of the motel room you inherit. “How did you find me? Will you kill me now? I…I don’t have the money…”
“Sweetheart,” Dean pecks your forehead, running his hands up and down your back to calm you. “I needed 5 years to find you, Y/N. I never wanted to replace you, my Bonnie.”
“You flirted with that girl,” you sniffle, hiding your face in his shoulder. “I thought you want to get rid of me like with the other girls before me.”
“There were no other girls before you, Y/N. I lied, okay. In the beginning, I needed a partner as my brother left me. I wanted to keep our relationship strictly professional.” You giggle, looking up at Dean.
“After you had me bare that first night? Very professional, Mr. Clyde.” Dean hums, pressing his forehead against yours. “I’ve missed you, Dean. There was not a single day I didn’t think about our time together.”
“Missed you too, sweetheart. We should hit the road before the cops arrest us for stealing lousy five-hundred bucks.” Sam snickers, pointing toward your now empty tip jar.
“I left the money with the poor boy at the reception. I think he never got a larger tip before.”
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“Whoa…you invested the money better than I,” your eyes round, following Dean toward the family mansion he bought five years ago.
“I got our house from the bank and my father’s business back with the money. Sammy paid his half and we are back in business.” Dean leads you inside, holding your hand the whole time. “Now I got everything I ever wanted.”
You bite your lip, glancing at the tiny black box Dean holds in his hand. “I wanted to give you this five years ago.”
“Dean…” You gasp, looking at the little handcuffs. “Did you want to arrest me?” He smirks, getting the silver keychain out of the box.
“If you prove you will not run away again,” he whispers, glancing at your lips, “I’ll give you the ring I stole for you…”
You were drivin' 
The getaway car
We were flyin'
But we'd never get far
Don't pretend it's such a mystery
Think about the place where you first met me
We're ridin' 
In a getaway car
There were sirens 
In the beat of your heart
Should've known I'd be the first to leave
Think about the place where you first met me
In a getaway car, oh-oh
No, they never get far, oh-oh-ahh
No, nothing good starts 
In a getaway car
“I don’t think I’ll need a getaway car again, Clyde,” you press your lips to Dean’s, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I am your Bonnie if you still want me…”
“Next time you need a getaway car, take me with you.” Dean deepens the kiss, not letting up until you gasp for air. “But I think, we are safe for now…”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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ronoken · 3 years
WIP Snippet
Okay, so this story is fucking fighting me. I’m (checks) 72 pages in, and I feel like it’s mostly forced. I know that’s common with first drafts, but still, this one is rougher than most. Maybe it’s because I’m borrowing from myself here and there and that’s making me constantly compare it to another story?
Anyway, here’s a snippet from a WIP. This takes place after our hero has had her first rough day. Those familiar with my work might notice a familiar name or two, and maybe a familiar character voice or two. 
Shut up. I like them.
Gina finally got a moment to herself when she removed the charm bracelet. Like magic, Annie disappeared from her side, and the bathroom was blessedly quiet.
The silence and privacy gave Gina a chance to finally reflect on what had happened. She stood in the steady stream of hot water and stared off into space as the fight replayed itself in her mind. She thought about Andre and how frightened he looked. She thought about how close she came to dying, the ghost lady who was egging her on, the whole superhero thing, ghosts, life…
Gina only snapped out of it when the hot water heater ran out of hot water to give. She quickly rinsed off and headed to bed, grateful for the day to be over.
As she lay buried in her comforter and dressed in her freshly washed pajamas (which consisted of some boxer shorts from Target and an old, faded PJ Harvey concert shirt her mother had tucked away in the back of a dresser), she held up the charm bracelet and lazily twirled it between her fingers.
Finally, after some internal deliberation, she slid it back on.
She didn’t hear anything immediately, but she did notice the room was now glowing with a faint, blue light.
“Annie?” Gina asked into the dark of the room.
“Yeah?” Annie’s voice quietly replied.
Gina kept her eyes on the charm. “You’re, um, you’re dead, right?”
“Ah yep. Passed on in ’26.”
“What was it like?”
Gina waited. At first, she thought that Annie hadn’t heard her. The silence lasted so long that Gina startled a bit when she heard Annie’s voice. It was quieter, muted. It felt to Gina like Annie was a million miles away as she spoke.
“…Well, I suppose you could say it was a relief. I was sick for a while, an’ the doctors could never get what was wrong with me quite down. Said it was anemia, but I was never certain.”
“How old were you?”
“I was sixty-six. I’d just moved back to Ohio after doin’ a lil’ revival tour and, well… Life happens, I reckon.”
Gina lay in silence for a bit. Outside, the muffled sound of the EMT vehicles pulling away could be heard.
“Did it hurt?”
Gina’s voice was quiet, even in the stillness of the room. She felt something gently press on her shoulder. When she opened her eyes and looked, she saw a glowing blue hand.
“No, sweetie. It didn’t hurt. It felt like, well, like when you’ve been runnin’ and runnin’, and all you wanna do is rest, but you feel like you just can’t stop, but when you finally do… You just let go. The world gets all soft around the edges, sounds slip away… It was like falling asleep.” Annie let out a small laugh. “And then I woke up tethered ta that there charm. Guess I did a lil’ too well at runnin’, seein’ as how someone decided I should keep it up.”
“Should I take you off for bed?” Gina asked. She was trying to keep her eyes open, but they were so heavy, and she was so tired.
“Don’t you worry yourself about it. I’ll be here when ya wake up. Besides, it’ll be nice to stretch my legs, such as they are.”
Gina didn’t answer, as she was already slipping away due to exhaustion. She only mildly registered her comforter being tucked up around her as she finally drifted off to sleep.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Killan Josta: The Rabbit
Listen. Exactly one conversation with @wildfaewhump​ and this boy found himself nearly fully formed, and he wanted his backstory and who am I to deny an OC who technically doesn’t exist their moment? 
Exists in the same world as @wildfaewhump​‘s Iesin and Talvos, and this is in no way relevant and should definitely not fill you with hope for his future. He is a sad boy. No hope for him.
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CW: Suicidal ideation (of the ‘would be better than this’ variety, is brief, happens twice), debt slavery, beating and violent abuse, kicking, blood, death threats, emotional and financial manipulation, referenced purposeful malnourishment
“Where d’you think you’re gonna go, Matti?”
Killan’s thin shoulders hunched up somewhere near his chin and he drew his knees up to his chest. He could see a bit of red soaking into the rough woven cloth in his pants where he’d hit the ground and scraped hard along a bit of tree root sticking up out of the dirt.
Under the hollow created by the lifted root, he could just see the glitter of an eye, some kind of bitty rabbit or chipmunk or other tiny prey animal hiding. 
He wished he had somewhere to hide, too.
Show me how to escape, he thought to the creature. Teach me how to run or fly fast and far enough next time. Are there really woodgods like my mother used to say? Are there really monsters who sometimes save people like in the stories?
“Hey. Matti.” Ren snapped his fingers before Killan’s face.
“My name’s not Matti,” He said in a half-whisper, then flinched instinctively against the blow he knew was coming.
He threw his hands up just in time to take the brunt of Ren’s heavy-handed slap meant for his face.
“Your name’s what I say ‘tis,” Ren snarled down at him. He leaned over Killan like a great big tree giving off shade and Killan shrunk even more under the baleful look in his eyes. The other hunters and sometime bandits that worked with Ren had settled in a circle around the two of them, four more. Beron, Vanya, Tinch, and Pylko were all as broad and terrifying as Ren ever was, but they deferred to Ren - which made Ren, the holder of Killan’s debt and the one he was starting to think might never let it be paid, the scariest of them all.
“If I say you’re Matthias and call you Matti, that’s what you are. Isn’t that right?” The hand was threatening again, held high in the air and Killan kept his arms up to protect himself, curling them over his dirty brownish hair. They took baths once a week, the group did, and Killan always got last turn at the bathwater and he never felt clean unless he dipped into the river when sent to get water and took the time to scrub himself and took his punishment for dawdling when he returned.
Except this time, he’d tried not returning.
They hunted him down anyway, rubbed his head in the dirt to punish him for putting on airs of cleanliness, and worse was coming. He knew worse was coming. There was a sick pit of fear in his stomach marrying with the hunger that chased him through days and nights. He was worked too hard for little in return, but if he ate too much...
“Y-yes, Ren,” Killan tried from behind the dubious security of his own thin wrists and arms. “I-I’m Matti if you want, ‘til I pay off the money. When… when will I-”
“Not for you to know, debt-slave.” That wasn’t Ren but Beron, who aimed a kick to his side he wasn’t ready for, a crack into his ribs that sent Killan sprawling sidelong into the dirt with a cry. 
Once that dam was opened, all their violence burst forth, and it was all he could do to curl into a ball and take the kicks from their good leather shoes. All five of them had their go, laughing and having fun with him, just like always.
Each cry, every whimper or whine, was a mark added to his debt. Ren counted cries as more he owed them for the inconvenience of having to hear ‘Matti’ be a weak little mess who couldn’t even take a hit like a man. 
He counted all the food that Killan ate on a little list, marked the wine he drank from the wineskins on occasion, too. Killan owed him for the little tin cup and plate they let him keep, owed him the nights they made stew and let him have a spoon, owed him for the clothes on his back that had gone worn and threadbare, for the needle and thread Killan used to mend every bit torn open by their fists and their boots.
He owed them for the second set of clothes they’d gotten him so he might be clean, just for a day, now and then when he did the washing. 
He owed and owed and owed.
He’d been thankful when they saved him. He was still thankful, but part of him had started wishing they had just let the other ones throw him in the river in town after they stole all his coins, just let them toss him like a pebble with weights tied to his feet force him down.
It would probably hurt less to be dead, at least. It would hurt less than this.
But… but there were beautiful days, too.
There were days when Killan walked beside the horses just so he could fall back a little and look around at the sun dappling through the trees along the path, or other days when they kept camp instead of moving on when Killan could race himself to the river for water, or dive into a deep forest pool and get himself clean, blessed blissful clean, and sun himself naked on a rock until he was dry, feeling like one of the wild beasts who could have come and gone as he pleased.
There were days when they were nice to him, cuffed him lightly instead of harsh, pulled him to sit with them around the fire to tell their old stories of fae stealing babies away until Killan shivered and went pale and they laughed, but it was good-natured laughing. Not mean, not really. Not the way they usually were.
There were days during his watch with Beron where Beron would show him how to make tiny little animals out of wood, carving this way or that until he made a tiny fox, a wolf, one time a bird that whistled if you blew into its beak.
They didn’t mark his debt up some days, when they were happy with him, and he could sing their drinking songs by heart and get rewarded with a grin and a clap to the back.
So there were good days, too, and he leaped desperately from good day to good day like a squirrel jumping between trees. 
But after a few bad days, he’d had enough, and thought he could run even though they were hunters and bandits.
He’d been wrong.
“Y’know what this means, Matti,” Ren said heavily, as though Killan were a grand disappointment. “Don’t you?”
Killan’s whole body ached, and all he could do was groan on his side on the forest floor, feeling old leaves soft beneath him, smashed into his hair, dirt and mossy green smeared along his face. He throbbed with pain every place their boots had gotten him, and hated his own thin leather shoes cut badly and bought cheap that sometimes wore his skin raw and bloody along the sides of his feet. 
He’d get boots when he earned them, he was told.
What else could he do to be worth good boots? What more was there that Killan had not already done?
“I-I’m sorry, Ren, I d-d-don’t-”
“It means we’ve got to tie you behind my horse again,” Ren said. The others clicked their tongues against their teeth, disappointed sounds. Killan slowly pushed himself up, hissing through his teeth at the flare of pain just about everywhere.
“You… you d-don’t, I didn’t-”
“No, we do. If you’re going to try and steal your debt from me, Matti, then you’re going to have to be kept close. Where would you be if I hadn’t saved you, Matti, huh?”
Killan looked back down at the ground. “Dead, Ren.”
“That’s right. You’d be dead if it weren’t for us taking pity on you. And what do you think it tells me when you try to run off and steal my bread?”
Killan’s chin jerked up at that, jaw set in a faded hint of stubbornness. “I baked the bread!”
Ren backhanded him, sending him back down to the dirt, like he lived there. Like he belonged in the decaying leaves where mushrooms sometimes came up in the spring and Killan would pick them by the basketful to cook in oil for dinner, back home, back before. “It’s my bread whether you bake it or not. Stealing bread’s a crime, ain’t it?”
Killan wiped at his mouth with his arm, spat into the dirt and ignored the blood in it. “Yes, Ren.”
“Right. And runnin’ from a debt is a crime, too. You’re lucky we caught you first - show your face in a town and they’d lock you up ‘til I came for you, wouldn’t they?”
Not if they didn’t know I was a debt-slave.
Killan wisely kept that to himself.
“Should’ve let him run,” Beron said, ruffling Killan’s hair as he cringed away from the unwanted touch. “Let the fae eat him.”
“They don’t come down from their stupid mountains,” Vanya drawled. 
“Sure they do,” Beron said, but offered no detail or proof. “Where else would they get humans to eat?” He was the one who told the best stories about fae, stealing babies from mothers and taking the children in a village as thralls and leading them away with song, making men kill themselves in front of their horrified true love. They were spooky stories that left the hair on Killan’s arms standing up but kept him leaning forward towards the fire, waiting for more.
Killan liked Beron’s stories, even if he didn’t like Beron.
Even if Beron always kicked him hardest.
“Hey.” Ren hit him across the face again to get his attention, and Killan’s teeth came down too hard on his lower lip, a burst of salt-sweet coppery taste against his tongue as his lip busted and he coughed, gagging at the overwhelming taste. “You listening, Matti?”
My name's not-
“Yes, Ren,” Killan muttered, trying to speak around his lip, so it came out more like Yeh, -ehn. “I-... listenin’.”
“Good. Next time I catch you running from me, I’m going to tie half a raw deer to your back and have Beron use his fae whistle to call one down to tear you apart. And if a fae doesn’t make quick work of your scrawny arse, trust that everything else that smells it on you will.”
Killan shuddered. Beron’s stories made the fae monstrous, rows of sharp teeth and feathers that could cut like a blade, big claws on their hands instead of proper fingers. It wouldn’t be a good death, but at least it would be one. “Unner-... unnerstan’, Ren.”
“Good. And I don’t want any of your mopery no more, either. All you do is mope around actin’ like you don’t have a perfectly good lot in life compared to your bones restin’ in the river where we found you. I’ll take a happier face from here on out and anything less will make it worse for you. Now get on your feet.”
Killan swallowed blood, felt his stomach spin and lurch and threaten to make him bring up his meager breakfast all over the forest floor. He nodded and pushed himself to his feet, falling into line with the men who owned him as they headed back to camp, the occasional smack or kick or curse urging him on even as he limped and dragged one foot a little behind the other. 
Ren owned his life until his debt was repaid, but the debt was higher with every breath he took, and he was starting to understand that Ren would never let him go.
He spat blood on the ground as he limped, and wondered if maybe a fae would eat him, if ever he could find one and politely ask it to.
Killan tried to take a breath and winced at the sharp spike of pain from his side. “I th-think you cracked my rib,” he mumbled to Beron, who had come up on his right. The tall, older man glanced sideways at him and shifted, elbowing him sharply right in the side.
Beron, who was sometimes the nicest of them all, right now grinned at Killan’s answering hoarse whimper.
“That’s another mark,” Ren said from up at the front, and Killan made another hopeless sound that only brought Beron’s smile wider.
“Don’t worry, cracked ribs heal fast enough,” Beron said, suddenly jovial and friendly, clapping Killan on the back just to watch him stumble and hiss through his teeth to hold back the sounds as he got his balance back. “I’ll cook tonight, lad. You can lie down early.”
Unsettled by the sudden switch from cruelty to kindness, Killan looked up, only to stumble over a tree root he would’ve seen if his eyes had still been down, falling to his hands and knees on the forest floor, palms scraping dirt and the just-closed cuts across his knee opening up to bleed again.
Killan sniffed back the heat that was building behind his eyes and set his jaw as he forced himself back to his feet, trying to ignore Beron’s booming laughter at his back as he hurried to catch up to Ren.
By the time the leader looked back at him, he had set an empty but vaguely cheerful expression on his face, despite the bloodied lower lip, despite the bruising already starting up across his face on both sides, despite cracked rib and hurting back and aching legs. 
Ren didn’t want to see him being sad about his lot in life anymore, and Killan was so tired of getting hurt. Lying wasn’t all that hard. It would be easy enough to lie, with the right reasons, and if I look right they won’t hurt me so much seemed as good a reason to smile as any.
He set himself to look as happy as he could, and hoped that Beron had really meant it about letting him get into his bedroll early.
Ahead of them, the sun came down in dappled yellow through the canopies of the tallest trees, and Killan fixed his eyes on the sight, forced the slightest smile to stretch his split lip until he winced. 
The smile wasn’t really all that hard to force, if he was honest with himself. He might be hurt, and bloody, and dirty and downtrodden, but… but you could live for the forest, if you really wanted to, not just live off of it. 
Killan could’ve been happy in the woods forever, on his own. In the deeper woods like this he could almost swear the air felt like magic. 
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