#but I sent it in humor as well bc I knew he would not like it.
kimtranssexler · 10 months
It had been going so well and then I broke my eggshell and entered the world as a brontosaurus here’s my entire autobiography I was skinny at first then I got thick and then back to being skinny again like a brontosaurus life was devoid of purpose and so I joined the circus somehow they found it easy to ignore us people found it easy to ignore this brontosaurus you want to leave an impression you want to express an emotion you crave some attention and for this transgression you’ll be repayed when you fall and you fail and sink into depression
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shadebloopnik · 7 months
Finally for the first time tryin to draw this man
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Just a lil doodle while in class.
Also had the sudden inspo bc of a lil thingy(AU? Would it still be considered AU if i dont plan to expand?). Ik Angel!Alastor AUs are a thing, at least i think so, so i decided to try it out a lil bit.
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So tadaaa, Angelic Alastor. I cannot draw wings to save my life, so bear with me. I based the eye shapes and over all facial expressions on how i drew the first Alastor doodle, except its a teeny bit less sharp with less bolder lines. I shaped his hair somewhat the same for the top part, except a bit slicked back with a more windswept look. I imagine his hair would be white with red tips, with an overall white, and red color scheme, with a black collar standing out. He'd have the same red eyess, tho with whites surrounding it.
I gave him two wings, to maybe signify that he is above most angels, though below those such as the Seraphims and Archangels, at least in rank. I was a bit conflicted what to make his cane like(yea ofc im giving him a cane im not a monster). Originally i wanted to copy what his lil antlers looked like, as to be a simple staff, but ended up with that wider antler design. Idk.
Angelic Alastor wouldn't really be much different than Demon Alastor, except for the fact that he's better at hiding it all, at least he wants to. He's quite powerful amongst other angels, moreso than seraphims despite being of lower rank. Similarly to how he can melt in the shadows, as an angel, he can dissolve into the light. Haven't really cemented what exact type of angel he is, though i'd imagine he's still a bit of a recluse, preferring to go off alone to do as he wishes.
Angelic Alastor is every bit as mischievous as his demonic counterpart. He lives for the entertainment, and his humor's quite biting for a being of light. He's sharp and charming and witty, and quite rebellious as well. He's curious about different possibilities, and has never quite felt like he belonged among his "perfect" angelic peers. He knows he's imperfect, and that all those ideas would be considered blasphemous. So he remains quiet, under the radar even with his strength; all to escape the possibility of being persecuted.
Its what draws him to the Morningstar. Lucifer, the powerful archangel with a heart of gold and a mind filled with wonder. (Also to anyone who's seen my blog, yes ofc im inserting radioapple im weak) Despite their gap in rank, Lucifer never treated him any differently, and Alastor found himself treating the shorter angel as an equal. Their friendship was a bit odd perhaps for the others, considering how they'd often greet each other with playful jabs and teasing remarks, all quite informal and rather unruly. He was drawn to Lucifer's ideas, as was Luci to him, both relishing in the fact that they weren't alone, despite being different.
Lucifer had always been the louder dreamer. Though Alastor often agreed with his ideas, and sometimes egged him on, Al knew the risks and knew when to pull back. He was cautious where Lucifer took risks.
And y'all already know its Radioapple but what if we add Lilith to the mix-
Like imagine, Lucifer coming back to Alastor and gushing about the first woman, the taller man amused at his friend's lovesick expressions. Imagine him being acquainted with Lilith, and charmed as well by passion and hopes for change. He's weak for dreamers okay-
Like imagine him helping the two hide their relationship, being the most cautious of the 3. Imagine his heartbreak when the two gets sent to hell. Imagine Lilith and Lucifer holding him, stopping him from falling with them, because he cant do this without them please-
This may have gotten away from me a bit
Anyway, there's also a teeny doodle of biblically accurate Angelic Alastor(idk ehat to call them, but those forms Sera and Em have when they go 👁👁👁👁)
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Idk if i'll ever do anytjing with this. I have a whole fic playing in my head but its very long with a whole lot of plot and idk if im strong enough-
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side B
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Smoker x Law:
Their interactions on punk hazard are just hhhhnnnggghhhh. First they fight against each other and then they have to team up! The sexual tension is through the roof 👀 and they fight so well together too 👀 also law LITERALLY stole smoker's heart?? Sorry for being incoherent that's just what they do to me
I read it in a fic and it was compelling also it would be cool if they both knew rocinante
Law literally stole Smoker’s heart during the Punk Hazard Arc - they saved each other during the Punk Hazard Arc even if they were enemies - classic “Enemies to lovers” energy - perfect matching personalities (INTP x INTJ) - the thrill of a forbidden love between a marine and a pirate.
They have. SUCH a divorcee dynamic listen. - Law literally stole Smoker’s heart in the Punk Hazard arc. - Even though they were enemies, Smoker fought against Vergo and stole Law’s heart to give it back to him, hurting himself A LOT. - at the same time, Law saved Smoker from Vergo and gave Smoker’s heart back even if he didn’t have to. - the way Law smiles when fighting against him and getting on Smoker’s nerves (a lot of tension here hehe). - Smoker’s a marine and Law a pirate, what’s better than a forbidden relationship? - their personalities match perfectly (INTJ and INTP).
SUCH a divorcee dynamic. - we all love a forbidden romance between marine and pirate - the way they interact with each other on Punk Hazard is at the same time easy but full of tension, they clearly have some familiarity w each other - ...and then later they manage to work together seamlessly despite those tensions and differences, and Smoker trusts Law to pick up the slack where he can't. And Law DOES follow through - after the battle Law TELLS Smoker what he's planning next - yeah it's all purposeful for his plans but it's such a clear and obvious manipulation. And yet Smoker does exactly that. - the guy sent to Dressrosa is Issho (which ok Sakazuki says he sent BUT what a funny coincidence still that it's the one guy who's most likely to help Law rather than hinder hmmmm) - when Doffy shows up after Law&co have left and demands to know things Smoker just straight up stonewalls him and lies to his face, with the full knowledge that it may cost him his life. Which yeah, Smoker hates pirates, but he doesn't actually have any reason to do that - if he really didn't care he wouldn't mind siccing the two warlords on each other and watching them destroy themselves so he at the very least must agree with Law if not outright want to help him - delicious narrative parallels! Bc fundamentally they're two sides of the same coin: both are absolutely driven by their personal moral codes and care DEEPLY about people and things. Law may be driven largely by more self-centered goals and focus his good on the smaller circle he chooses to surround himself with, while Smoker is drawn to more lofty pursuits of greater good and helping even those he will never meet or even know of, but at the core they share very similar ideals and values - and ykno. Law LITERALLY punches Smoker's heart out of his chest - also Law is a scrawny-ass twink and you cannot tell me he doesn't have a thing for buff dilfs who could bench press double his weight.
Propaganda for Law x Robin:
Their intelligent goth energy combined would be off the charts
Their backstories parallel each other perfectly! Home destroyed, hunted from a young age saved by a kind marine. Spoilers ahead: They're working together to figure out what the history of the Will of D is, and what happened in the void century! She was the only person Law trusted enough to reveal his middle initial! Also, they could do horrible things together if they decided to use their devil fruits as a team. So many limbs in places they shouldn't be.
Smart, sexy, sleek, intelligent, empathetic, humorous, *might get flustered on occasion*, hobbies: riling up Usopp. Terrific and morbid sense of humour. Just *get* one another. Very close to one another in both age and height!
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mugenloopdalove · 5 months
The Devil you Know (and Desperately Wish You Didn't)
Word count: 1405
Summary: The Corner Curios shop was known just as much for its high quality goods and supreme customer service as it was for its rumors. And one rumor-the tales told of a seeing a devil lurking in the shop at night-is far too true, much to the owner's frustratiom.
Notes: This is set in my au where Reya, the woman that Theil used to work for before she turned them away after they confessed their love, is tadpoled, while Theil becomes a more powerful sorcerer and eventually opens a shop in Baldur's Gate. Raphael really wants this bitch's soul bc of their power, so he lurks in their shop and bothers them regularly lol
There was never truly a “quiet” moment in the Corner Curios shop. Brimming with raw unfiltered magic, the legends that the shop itself was alive were more believable every night. Even into the latest hours, when the city was silent and still, it seemed like the shop was still as lively as it was during the day, if not moreso. Rumors had spread all across Baldur’s Gate of seeing a book fly across to another shelf, or a broom moving on its own. Those more skilled in magic claimed you could see how the weave enveloped every inch of the shop. And with the strange, unspeakably powerful sorcerer behind the shop, any one of these rumors could be true.
Even dealings with devils.
There were days where the shop lights stayed on into the strangest hours, but the doors remained magically locked...
“...And it seems that the words creeping in the city’s deepest shadows, the daggers that shoot through the tongues of the snakes and urchins of the alleyways... is that our little legend has made some dealings with the devil on nights just like tonight, when their innocent establishment is shrouded in the secrets of midnight. I’m sure any devil worthy of their soul is rather dashing, wouldn’t you, Theil?”
Leaning against the doorframe of the storage closet, staring down the loiterer with an irritated grin, was the fabled shopkeep seemingly on everyone’s tongue. The tiefling’s face and general mannerisms were as well known as their outstanding customer service and endless selection, but few saw the true face behind Corner Curios.
“Well then, Raphael, my most loyal loiterer,” they replied with a sneer. “Surely you know one.” They stepped towards the table set in the corner of the shop and sat across from the devil, the tension between the two all but visible in their surroundings. The two held a firm gaze, the unspoken challenge handed out. The game had begun.
The silence is broken with the tiniest thunk as a rather large book was sent hurtling right at the back of Raphael’s head, making Theil break out into a fit of childish laughter that seemed to shake the entire store.
“I see your sense of humor is as refined as ever, dear old shopkeep,” Raphael said dryly, picking up the book to examine it. “Ah, The Beginner’s Guide to the Arts. Don’t you think this is a rather childish simplification of things for someone as studied as The Sorcerer Who Would Become A Bard?” There was a heaviness to the title, one that led the tiefling to flick a small flame in his face as he laughed mockingly.
“That was a working title after a month of no sleep.” Theil hissed, cringing over the dumb joke they made after too much wine and not enough rest. “And it’s still better than any of your little ‘contracts,’ dear devil on my shoulder.” They got up to reach for a bottle of wine left on the counter with two golden glasses, as if prepared for the occasion. Too prepared.
The devil’s in the details.
“The daring shopkeep tried all to make the devil they knew all too well into but a distant memory, a speck on their otherwise undoubtedly flawless reputation free of any crime or harm, but their methods, as sad and as simple as the person behind them, are-”
“So are you going to drink the wine? Because if you’re going to keep going like this I might need both glasses.” Theil’s face remained stone cold, in no way humoring the theatrics that had already far outstayed their welcome.
“Do you truly think you can trick me into-”
“Do you think I’d waste vintage wine gifted to me by the friend of my enemy on trying to kill a fly that found his way through the window?” Theil bit back, huffing and taking a purposefully dramatic sip from their glass.
“Ah yes, that wizard you’ve cozied up to. Quite the choice.” Raphael paused before taking a drink of the wine, then stopped to look at it. “Right, it would be beneath you to sully this with poison. Your tastes are finer than that.” He leaned over the table a bit, grinning at Theil with a spark in his eye. “Still... quite the sordid tragedy you’re setting up for a love lost, isn’t it? I knew you weren’t beneath petty underhandedness, but you’ve set up a whole show for me to enjoy, haven’t you dear?”
“It would have been nice to know sooner that you knew the players, Raphael,” Theil looked out at the shop absentmindedly, reflecting on the “heroes” that had found themself tied up with the greatest villain they had known. Everyone wrapped around Reya as if she weren’t the most miserable, selfish, cretin of a person anyone could know. Theil knew full well she was using them all just as she had used Theil in the past. But they were going to get their revenge, one way or another.
As they gazed away, the bothersome devil laughed, as if amused by their frustration. “Now now, I’m not just another pawn you can set, my meddlesome friend. You know as well as I do that even information comes with a price.” A grin spread across Raphael’s face, his more devilish features starting to show as he leaned in even closer to the unamused sorcerer. “So what do you say? Be a good pawn and-”
Theil erupted into a fit of laughter, one so strong that the shop shook hard enough to knock a few books on the other end of the room. They laughed for only a second before their expression returned to the scowl that was ready to chase the devil himself out with a broom. “Your sales pitch is still as appealing as hag water, devil,” they cut back, rising from their seat and sauntering toward the man in front of them. As they moved, the books on the ground magically found their way back in perfect order on the shelf. “I don’t need your help to set the stage, and I’m still making pretty good use of my soul.” They leaned in close to him, smirking as their faces were just about touching, focusing a bit of energy just to remind him of just how much their soul was worth. Of just how much raw magic they held that made it worth so much. The game couldn’t end now, afterall. The winner wouldn’t be crowned today, or tomorrow, or ever. That was the fun of it.
Raphael, for once, was silent, until Theil pulled away with a victorious smirk. “Checkmate, old friend.” Theil said, secure in their victory for this round. “NIce try though, you almost won there. Maybe next time?” They hummed as they walked away, looking through some scrolls to seem busy. “Now, I’ll have to see you off. The show is about to start, and I doubt you can afford the front row seats.”
“I’m almost hurt. If you start having visitors, you won’t need me to warm your lonely nights anymore.” Raphael tried to wrap an arm around Theil, but found himself instantly shoved back by a gust of wind.
“That’s enough, don't you think? Or does the great devil Raphael not have other appointments?” Theil taunted, their temper finally reaching its limit. They tried to hide from it, but in a way they knew it was true- The Devil they knew all too well was the closest thing they had to genuine company, and likely the closest they would ever have.
“I do have far better things to do than humor your childish games any longer. Good luck with the show though, break a leg out there.” The friendly, familiar tone made Theil ready to attack again, but something stopped them. They almost felt empty, and a strange pain was building in their chest, making them almost feel sick.
“You’re wasting time now, devil,’ they said, voice ice cold. “Just get a move on before someone sees you,”
“Very well, I’ll leave you to your miserable farce.” Raphael took a step with a superior grin. “And, Theil darling? Checkmate.”
Before the tiefling could fight back, Raphael was gone, and Corner Curios was silent again.
The shop was still.
The stage was set.
Theil took a breath, letting the negative feelings melt away, and smirk at the knock on their door.
“Let the show begin.”
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realcube · 3 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @saikoucorps
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'I love laughing and making people laugh as well. I usually cope with humor but I'm able to be serious if needed.'
𓆩♡𓆪 kami can be funny and spontaneous so he can defo make you laugh
𓆩♡𓆪 BUT he is gonna be so charmed by the fact he finally has someone to match his energy and that can make HIM laugh too
𓆩♡𓆪 that's something he never knew he needed in a partner until you are up in this room at like midnight and y'all have tears in your eyes from a joke you told, but you're trying not to laugh too loud otherwise you'll get in trouble since everyone else is trying to sleep
𓆩♡𓆪 but trying to suppress the laughter only makes it even more funny
𓆩♡𓆪 literally a core memory for denki and also the moment he fell hard for you
𓆩♡𓆪 so yeah he likes that you can make him laugh too
𓆩♡𓆪 y'all probably have a friends to lovers sorta romance
𓆩♡𓆪 anyway, he is the king of coping with humour and de-escalating situations with jokes lol
𓆩♡𓆪 so he's glad that you're the same way
𓆩♡𓆪 bc most people (aka bakugo) get really frustrated with him if he tries to make a joke in a tense moment
𓆩♡𓆪 but you just GET him so he's so relieved by that
𓆩♡𓆪 he can be serious too but for the most part he doesn't enjoy it and would rather stay light-hearted, which is why fights between you two are virtually non-existent and when they do happen, they only last a couple minutes before one of you tries to make light of it and move on
𓆩♡𓆪 like he just can't stay mad at you , even if you were to mow down his entire family, steal all his belongings and shred his brith certificate, he'd still be like 'baby i forgive you pls let's not fightttt 😩'
𓆩♡𓆪 (that's a bit of a hyperbole but you know what i mean lol)
𓆩♡𓆪 he can be serious too though, like if you want to have a sombre convo about something meaningful or important, he can defo sit down and listen
𓆩♡𓆪 can't promise he'll give the most expert advice, but he definitely tries
𓆩♡𓆪 you mention having a strong sense of justice too which is good bc .. kami is literally hero / hero in training lmao
𓆩♡𓆪 fighting bad guys and saving lives on the daily, what's more justice than that???
𓆩♡𓆪 he can still make some questionable decisions sometimes but i'm sure having s/o will put him on the straight and narrow
𓆩♡𓆪 additionally, you mention being very loyal and ik he kinda shown to be a simp who will fawn for basically anybody that will give him a lick of attention
𓆩♡𓆪 BUT i so hc that as soon as he gets a s/o he will lock in and not even THINK about other ppl romantically anymore
𓆩♡𓆪 just you , 24/7 , 365
𓆩♡𓆪 bc he thinks what he has with you is just so perfect and it's everything he's been trying to get to he's not gonna let ANYONE ruin it
𓆩♡𓆪 so like even if someone tries to confess ot him by putting a note in his locker, that piece of paper will be incinerated expeditiously
𓆩♡𓆪 he no longer gaf about anybody but you 🤷‍♂️ (in a romantic way)
𓆩♡𓆪 even when he is sent on a mission where he needs to save someone super famous or very attractive , he'll return to you like 'they made me do it 😥'
'I also love playing games with other people, my favorite game is yandere simulator.'
𓆩♡𓆪 your love of video games is a big reason i chose kami for you bc he is defo an enthusiast too
𓆩♡𓆪 he'll be down to play all sorts of games with you
𓆩♡𓆪 i can imagine his favourite games are probably gta or rdr where there is kinda a story but for the most part you get to run around and cause chaos and terror
𓆩♡𓆪 (which is ironic since he is a pro-hero and all but shhhh haha)
𓆩♡𓆪 so if you would be down to play those games together with him and rob banks and burn down strip clubs togehter (#couple bonding activities) then he would so love that
𓆩♡𓆪 and seeing you run over your first pedestrian would be another core memory and falling moment for him LMAO
𓆩♡𓆪 the way he looks at you afterwards 🥺
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would also be down to play whatever you want as well
𓆩♡𓆪 OMG so he probably hasn't heard of yan sim before BUT (iirc) it's kinda just like GTA LMAO
𓆩♡𓆪 hear me outttt plsss
𓆩♡𓆪 like in a sense that they both have a main plot that you are supposed to follow but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to , and instead you can treat it like a sandbox world where you get to run around and cause trouble and kill a bunch of ppl
𓆩♡𓆪 so when you introduce it to him, he is forever in your debt LOL and it starts a short term obsession
𓆩♡𓆪 but as i just said , he will NOT be playing the game the way the dev intended , he has no interest in winning senpai or whatever, he just wants to instill fear into the npc and run a gang and drag ppl into pools by their ponytails lol
𓆩♡𓆪 which i realise as i'm writing this, is technically the point of the game
𓆩♡𓆪 but the difference is that denki won't focus on killing the 'main enemies' , and instead will do whatever he wants. if the game allowed him to, he'd probably torture senpai too
𓆩♡𓆪 so yeah he plays it like a maniac and would love to take turns playing with you (bc iirc it's a single player??)
𓆩♡𓆪 if you want to play the game the proper way and try to win, he would definitely try that too
𓆩♡𓆪 in fact , he is actually quite helpful and lowkey strategic with his plans and ways to off people (it makes you relieved that he chose heroism, bc if he chose to be a villain....... society would be screwed...)
𓆩♡𓆪 when you are good at it too, he is soo impressed by that and he loves watching you play bc of it
𓆩♡𓆪 although while you're playing, he would definitely make sarcastic jokes about being jealous of senpai bc you're doing all this for him and not for denki lol
𓆩♡𓆪 'what does he have that i don't, zero ??? 😢' (fake tears)
𓆩♡𓆪 oh but if you make the same jokes back at him when it's his turn to play, outwardly he would roll his eyes but inwardly he is kickin his feet and blushing at how you match his energy
𓆩♡𓆪 and besides yan sim, there are plenty of other games he'd love to play with you too , probably mc or fps if you are into those
𓆩♡𓆪 but also he'd just play whatever you wanna , even if they are single player and y'all have to take turns
𓆩♡𓆪 he's so the type to say 'one more round before we head off' or 'we'll end on a win!' but then you end up playing tonnssss more rounds until you've been up all night and the sun is coming out
𓆩♡𓆪 but then, that just means y'all can sleep through the day 😋
𓆩♡𓆪 OR if you fall asleep while playing kami would think that is SO cute
𓆩♡𓆪 he would not know what to do in that situation though
𓆩♡𓆪 like whether to wake you up so you can move yourself to the bed or if it's okay for him to pick you up and move you himself
𓆩♡𓆪 in the end he probably ends up trying to pick you up but falls backwards and you land on top of him
𓆩♡𓆪 and you end up waking up anyway lol
'My ideal first date is probably a theme park that we basically spend the whole day at!'
𓆩♡𓆪 denki would so love this !!
𓆩♡𓆪 he would probably even be the one to suggest something like this then get so hype when you are like 'that's my dream date!!'
𓆩♡𓆪 he'd think you are literally his soulmate in that moment tbh
𓆩♡𓆪 denki sparkle eyes 🤩
𓆩♡𓆪 he's also the type to go on all the rides with you
𓆩♡𓆪 i can think of quite a few UA characters that, despite being really brave, would NOT be down for rollercoasters. or at least, have a very short tolerance for them and be the type to go on one or two then claim their 'done'. (*cough* midoriya *cough* todoroki *cough*)
𓆩♡𓆪 anywaayyy denki is so not that kinda guy and could go on rollercoasters all day
𓆩♡𓆪 obviously he is a bit dizzy after each one but firstly he knows how to cope with that from his quirk, secondly, having to wait ~30 minutes in line between each ride gives him time to recover anyway
𓆩♡𓆪 omg he is so the type to let you hold onto his shirt or hold hands while waiting in line for the rollercoaster
𓆩♡𓆪 like maybe not full on cuddling but he does let you idly play with his hands
𓆩♡𓆪 OMG and it just occured to me that when he thinks you are looking extra cute he might accidentally zap you while holding your hand bc he's so flustered he starts to overcharge/ lose control of his power a bit
𓆩♡𓆪 nothing crazy like not a power electrical shock but just a tiny little zap
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would still apologise profusely for it
𓆩♡𓆪 only when he does it by accident , when he playfully zaps you on purpose, all you get is him snickering and teasing you
𓆩♡𓆪 he would also love to try all the carnival food with you
𓆩♡𓆪 you mentioned you like to try new foods and i think denki would so want to as well
𓆩♡𓆪 and the amusement park is great for that bc in my experience they always have the most cursed food haha
𓆩♡𓆪 deep fried EVERYTHING
𓆩♡𓆪 deep fried oreo??? deep fried pickles??? deep fried hawks ???
𓆩♡𓆪 and he'd love to try it all with you (bar that last one) and gush about how awesome or awful it tastes
𓆩♡𓆪 giving each other bites of your food?? getting platters to share?? that's a love language in and of itself
𓆩♡𓆪 omg and he'd find it so funny if you were to record / take pics of his dramatic reactions to bad-tasting food and he'd do the same for you
𓆩♡𓆪 and i can't imagine him being a fan of spicy food on his own but he LOVES a challenge
𓆩♡𓆪 so if there are one of spice challenges, where they give you something like fries or nachoes and they put this extra spicy sauce on it and they're like 'if you can eat the whole portion you get a prize'
𓆩♡𓆪 he would sign you both up at the speed of light bc he wants to win and he knows you like spice
𓆩♡𓆪 but your spice tolerance is probably wayyy better than his so he is like stuffing his face, convinced he can do it but then like five bites in he turns bright red and starts breathing fire and screaming for help
𓆩♡𓆪 but the only pro hero nearby is endeavor and he just makes it worse
𓆩♡𓆪 don't ask what endeavor is doing at the amusement park.. probs there for the deep fried hawks icl
𓆩♡𓆪 meanwhile you are just watching him while laughing your ass off and still eating the fries, completely unfazed yet
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you win he is so going to (jokingly) take partial credit like 'omg we did it babe 😤 !!!' when in reality he had five bites lol
𓆩♡𓆪 but really in your heart you know he's proud of you
𓆩♡𓆪 he will also try to win you those big stuffies but i can't imagine his quirk would be helpful for that .. like at all??
𓆩♡𓆪 like for the carnival games there are like.. knock the milk bottles over with a ball.. throw the bean bag into the hole
𓆩♡𓆪 the only one where i can imagine his quirk would be helpful for is hook-a-duck bc he could charge the water to flip over the ducks
𓆩♡𓆪 OR using his quirk to charge a dart in balloon darts but again, the attendant would see the sparks flying and know he used it
𓆩♡𓆪 so he is just going to have to get you a plushie the old-fashioned way 😤 with perseverance and commitment
𓆩♡𓆪 and he does not rest until you walk out of that theme park with a big massive plushie over your shoulders!!!!!
for @saikoucorps: i thought izuku maybe but your interests match denki a bit more , imo
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
HIII!! can i ask, how do you write Mordecai Heller?? THANK YOUU!!
hmm Ill try to answer this best I can and try not to ramble too long but we'll see how that goes... Im not gonna act like im an expert or whatever, this is just my thought process ig? ALSO Im ace and so is he, and I add my own experiences into my writing. Anyway the long version here:
so first thing's first!! READ THE COMIC ALSO THE SIDE COMICS ALSO ALL THE EXTRAS bc esp the extras, you get to see a lot of his personality pre-Marigold. It's two very distinct points in his life - I'd venture to say that pre-Lackadaisy and early Lackadaisy Mordecai are also very different (and that makes sense - he was a kid, and he was with the Lackadaisy crew for 7 years). He has a very distinct character progression that in my opinion is very interesting and well-written!
actually, p much all lackadaisy characters are well-written, but mordecai is a fun case because he just has so much going on: his social skills are abysmal, and he doesn't seem to find it a problem. he has committed brutal murders and executions and considers them 'just business'. he doggedly pursues discrepancies. he fixates on things being neat and symmetrical if possible. He can deal with things not being that way, for a time (note when he's covered in bloody and filthy from a job, he doesn't freak out - because that's Business (tm) and he can just wash up anyway. But a driver getting a snot mess all over the car he has to drive in all the time? Unforgivable.) he grew up in squalor and has a serious phobia of spiders and rats. He's emotionally repressed in more ways than one. He's queer and is deeply uncomfortable with people (especially women) touching him or showing interest. He still thinks about his sisters fondly. he also thinks they're better off without him. He actually found a friend (or more) in Viktor and he'd never, ever, ever say it, and his way of keeping his friend out of crime and 'protecting' him was by shooting his kneecaps. his sense of humor is crap, and he doesn't understand why his mannerisms would be considered amusing. he got into crime at a young age, doing gangster's finances for them. as a kid.
im missing some other tidbits, but you get it. the dude is real interesting to think about and write, to say the least.
I think a lot of writing mordecai, esp if you're writing a more romantic fic or even if it's just platonic - he's so closed off! part of why the Savoys are so interested in him is they've worked with him a year and he just doesn't loosen up or talk much about himself. he and viktor knew each other seven whole-ass years and you think they ever talked about their families? how they came to know atlas? what they thought about the job? granted, Viktor is just as closed-off himself, but you get what im saying. he has a serious problem with letting people in, and part of writing him is getting a crowbar and figuring out which spot to put it in and bend it juuuust enough to open something up.
ok that metaphor went somewhere weird, but you get me. and, if im being honest, a LOT of what i channel is my own asexual experience. I used to be very touch averse, especially to the opposite gender - to the point where i'd panic if I felt a man was "too close" (i.e. less than 2 feet) and "lingering" (aka minding his business). I didnt mind my friends hugging me, but I didnt really like the cuddle sessions my female friends wanted to do, and after a point, I disliked hugs from my male friends. if a guy was crushing on me? Hell no, he wasnt going near me, even if I thought he was cute too (when I was younger I DEF had a thing for my female friends too, but i registered that as 'gaaaaal paaaals' for the LONGEST time until I accepted I was bi) There was like - an undercurrent of fear and anxiety. It took me a long time to identify why. while other people seemed delighted when people they liked held their hands and hugged and kissed, it sent me into a panic.
eventually i figured out my thought process: physical affection will inevitably lead to sex, and bc i thought i was straight, there was the terrifying thought of ... oh god if i date a guy he'll expect me to have sex. oh no oh no oh no-
(and no, no one taught me much about consent or taking things slow or talking to your partner. i had to figure it out, which sucked.)
all this to say ... when I write Mordecai, especially in a romantic sense, I kind of channel that anxiety I felt in my teens and early 20s. and like, this is the 1920's!!!!* Not to mention his upbringing, and of course his line of work - where he definiately cant have feelings getting in the way of murdering someone. I think this adds up to someone whose repressing themselves - their sexual thoughts (or lack thereof), memories of family, romantic thoughts, platonic thoughts, and so on.
I like to think - again, this is fanfiction, I seriously doubt it'll come up in the comics - in a romantic relationship (or even an intense platonic one), he gets intense about it. Because Mordecai is an intense guy - you can't hatchet up someone "because i was told to", or kneecap a friend you wanted to "protect", or switch sides to your father figure's rival and pretend like you betrayed everyone just to investigate that father figure and not be, uh. some kind of Intense. I often think that, in a relationship, his jealousy and confusion/apprehension around affection and sexuality would be just as intense. And eventually, the feelings of loyalty and devotion ... once he finally lets himself have it. Because I also think, to some degree, he doesn't think he should have it - just like he thinks his sisters and mother should just leave him behind.
when im writing him in the romantic sense - as I began to accept and understand my sexuality, and talk through my feelings with my partner (also generally have better mental health, my touch averseness got a lot better.** Again, Im also kind of projecting my feelings and experiences onto Mordecai regarding this. I like to think that, once he really trusts someone and allows them to touch him, other barriers begin to tumble down. its like raw nerves being touched sometimes, but he steadily gets used to it and eventually takes solace in it (now getting him to ADMIT that srfjsdfs--)
anyway! As always, fanfic is fanfic. You are free to characterize this murdercat however you wish. These are just the jumbled thoughts that run around in my brain.
* Asexuality, like homosexuality and many shades of queerness, was considered an illness. IF anyone even acknowledged asexuality at all - its definition and terminology hadn't really caught on until the 1970's, though the Kinsey scale attempted to address it (and Jennie June attempted to write and define this in the 1920s, but I seriously doubt her writings were widespread).
**A stranger can brush past me or put a hand on me and I only have a few seconds of anxiety. My friends and family can hug me for a while, or I can cuddle up to them. I don't mind my husband cuddling or kissing me at all anymore; he's actually the one person I can tolerate sustained affection from. A huge part of this change came from accepting and understand my asexuality as part of me. I wasnt "messed up" and "broken".
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queen-scribbles · 6 months
Fine Print
Immediately post-Ruhnuk Kina/Rass ficlet bc I got a plot gizka. :D ---
The adrenaline didn't start to fade until their shuttle was lifting off from Ruhnuk in a flurry of dust plumes and downdrafts.
And even then her heart didn't slow much. This had been a close one no matter how much Kina thrived on adrenaline--and despite the fact they'd come out on top.
Kina set the autopilot to rendezvous with Shae's flagship and let out a deep breath as she sat back, glancing over at the copilot's chair. Jekiah and Akaavi were helping Shae in the back and she knew joining them would create a 'too many cooks in the cantina' situation. But Rass was sitting with one arm still curled protectively across his chest, over the burn marring his armor, jaw tight. That was something she could help.
"Hey," she began, bumping her knee against his to get his attention, "you alright? Anything broken?"
"Broken, don't think so." Rass shifted in his seat, jaw unclenching a little. He let go the shielding grip and ran his hand through his hair. "And I know what broken ribs feel like; that is distinctly absent. Aches like hell, but that's probably just bruises."
"Really?" Kina shot a skeptical look at the damage to his armor. "B'cause from where I was standin' it looked like Ri'kan had a hell of a backhand."
"Oh, he does," Rass said glibly. The half-smile he sent her looked forced around the edges. "Beskar's good stuff, Spike."
"Uh-huh." She gave him a flat look for the nickname. "Well, Tough Guy, maybe I should check anyway. Just to make sure you're not bleeding internally and gonna die a tragically young death soon as we land on the Spirit."
He laughed at that, though it was stilted and ended with a grimace. "That would be a shame."
"And since the med-techs are gonna bee busy with Shae" --and maybe Akaavi, she added to herself, remembering what he'd said about the relay station ambush-- "d'you really want them worryin' about you, too?"
Rass cocked his head, smirking faintly. "Better for you to worry about me?"
"I'm gonna do it anyway," Kina shrugged, "might as well benefit from it." Half-jokingly, she reached toward one of his armor clasps.
Something flickered in his eyes at her more-honest-than-intended comment, before amusement came back and he playfully batted her hand away. "Appreciated, but if you wanna get me out of my armor, you're gonna have to buy me dinner first."
"Not even if I say pretty please?" she teased with an exaggerated bat of her eyes. "Or remind you I did say I'd watch your back, and this counts. Y'know, in the fine print."
"Good to know, and more than a little tempting." Rass leaned his head back against the seat and watched the rapidly approaching flagship. "But I think I gotta stick to my guns on this one. Dinner. Or at least a drink."
"That's an awful fast compromise, Tough Guy," Kina grinned, still fiddling with the kolto injector she'd pulled out.
"Chalk it up to your persuasion skills." He glanced over, and there must've been something in her face that made him straighten. "Really, Kina, I'll be fine. Much like beskar, I'm sturdier than I look. And I'm pretty sure just bruises made it through."
"You'll hafta let me know if there're any pretty patterns to it," she joked. Something in her did an odd little flutter at him using her name, but she shook it off and waggled the kolto. "'Least want somethin' to help with the achiness?"
The good humor in his eyes faded to something serious. "Probably should. There's... a lot to talk to Jek about, once Mandalore's taken care of. Better to not be distracted by bruised ribs."
She almost protested, insisted on professional grounds rather than personal interest in 'getting him out of his armor', but just bit her tongue and handed over the kolto injector. "You know if you need anything you can hit me up." She smirked. "I am very good at acquiring things."
"This more of the fine print for havin' my back?" Rass teased. She didn't miss the wash of relief across his face when the kolto kicked in.
"Nah, I just like you," she grinned.
A flicker of a smile broke through the other emotions clearly taking over his thoughts. "Lucky me, then."
Kina winked at him, then turned her attention to the controls, witching back to manual for the final approach to the Spirit of Vengeance II. Her heart rate was climbing again, despite her attempts to settle it.
Just for a completely different reason now.
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igbylicious · 3 months
Hey might have accidently sent an ask prematurely ahem not at all embarrassing but you already know I'm writing this at an extremely late time welp this was always bound to happen (T.T) As I was saying... I bow at your brilliance, honestly. You did so well with yet another chapter of what I hope is a never-ending fic at this point because these chapters drops hype me up more than you could know.
HE'S THEIR SANNIE IM GOING TO BURST HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY POOR HEART. Also, I can't blame the reader for simping it's the san effect, really. And woo, the precious boy was doing so well. I just got so emo over it FOR NO REASON. well, the reason was because san was getting emo about it, and AS AN EMPATH- *gun shot noises*
I digress, weird sense of humour humor aside, I truly truly can't express how this chapter changed smth in my brain chemistry. I also love whenever we get mentions of reader having a ~body~ a very well loved one too!!
I'm wondering how much the fic changed from the original plan since you keep adding chapters. Like, was this play session already what you envisioned when you started your plan to write this? It's been truly so much fun to watch it evolve. Do the characters in your head influence the chapters, or do you just get inspiration and feel like it would fit them?? Also, do you ever feel tempted to write from woosan's pov?? Idk I'd like a tour of their minds too. I swear I can just keep pelting you with questions like this till my own fingers wear down from typing. I hope your pillow is always cool on both sides and for you to have a lovely day/night/week/month/LIFE. you deserve it!! 💚💚💚💚
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lol dw abt the double ask! (≧◡≦) ♡ and sorry abt the tears and the extra laundry asdjkdaskjadsjk i am frantically handing you tissues (sorry i just hate doing laundry so much asdkjdaskj you’re on your own for that one 🙏)
Reader: hmm am i feeling a lil bratty today maybe? (¬‿¬ ) San:
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Reader: …nevermind 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
(tho tbf there are ALSO plenty of San pics that make me want to misbehave real bad lol. the man’s got the range ♨_♨)
Woo was absolute best boi!!! listen i gotchu i get emo abt him too he just takes it all like a fucking champ and he trusts San SO much („ಡωಡ„)
omg putting the answers to your questions under a cut bc it got kinda long oop <_< tysm for giving me a ramble excuse!!! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
the basic scenario of reader and Wooyoung being tied up together is pretty similar to what i originally planned; but the *mood* of the scene is very different
when i first outlined the story, there was no non-sexual bondage; instead i had a vague idea abt Wooyoung still feeling guilty abt overstepping, and that he wanted to work out that guilt through bdsm.
so i had thoughts abt focusing the scene on San paying a lot of attention to reader while Wooyoung gets completely ignored as punishment — and he wouldn’t have permission to cum until she decided he deserved to uwu
but smth abt it all didn’t sit right w/ me from early on, and while writing the Woo/reader lunchdate i realised that she would 100% be uncomfortable w/ being used to punish Woo in *this* specific scenario since she has her own guilt abt that! (also; i felt like this’d be at a stage of their relationship that you gotta talk through some stuff, not fuck through it lol) so i pivoted, added the non-sexual bondage, and it turned into this!
(but if you feel robbed of some spicy moments now; no worries! Woo needing reader’s permission to cum & San ignoring Woo while he fucks the reader have been incorporated in the plans for different chapters (。•̀ᴗ-)✧)
whether the characters influence the chapters; yes to some extent!
i really am a plantser at heart; i need to know where a fic is going & i need a few solid anchor points between beginning and end; but i also really need empty space to fill up details as i go along, which is usually influenced by what feels ‘right’ for the characters ♡
like; i knew from day 1 that Woo was going to break the no kissing rule, and i knew it would lead to a ‘conflict’ that’d end up strengthening their relationship, but i figured out the exact details along the way (again the their lunchdate did a lot of heavy lifting! writing that scene solidified SO MUCH for me abt Woo & reader’s deal)
now, abt Woosan pov…
the next chapter actually opens w/ San! (but um… you might not thank me for that >_>) i want to do a Woo pov somewhere too, which *might* also happen in the next chapter, but i’m still kindof feeling out what the best spot is ^^
(also i have like half a prequel drabble written down abt the first time Woo brought San flowers home from work (◕‿◕✿) i’m obv focused on the main story for now, but i’d love to finish that after the fic itself is done ^^)
ahhhhhhhhhhh sincerely thankyousomuch for all the amazingly sweet words and for letting me ramble!!! it’s fun to talk abt the ‘behind the scenes’ so to speak hehe („• ֊ •„)
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zaxal · 2 years
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
all of them no but genuinely, like, slice-of-life, coffee shop-like aus, curtains fic, etc -- i am not good at making everyday things interesting. it's probably why i end up writing a lot of angst; if i'm deep in a character's feelings, i don't have to reveal how shallow my perception of the Real World is. a lot of my longfic suffers between like, actual Events Occurring. the pace drags; the energy vanishes. i try to take a quiet moment and it just... rarely works. but the stories need those so i keep plugging away hoping i'll be a real boy eventually!
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
weh. ok um. i think i write complicated characters and complicated relationships really well. i don't mean like the Problematic Ones-complicated, but even when i was mainly writing shassie or shelnard. i took what canon gave me and expanded my personal understandings of those characters (admittedly with help from some dear friends c: ily) that made actually writing them give more depth to relationships that have the potential to be p shallow.
even when i'm deep in an au, i know where the strings are to pull to keep a character true to themselves, which makes the changes in their personalities/experiences hit harder because you can see the shape of the canon character shining through.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
ye, here's a preview of chapter 2 of My Lady of the Letters
In the late 18th century, buried in the depths of a Budapesti newspaper, there appeared a personal advertisement which, roughly translated, read:
“Foreign woman seeks diverting company with whom to discuss pleasures both grand and mundane. Good humor a must; knowledge of the arts preferred. Men seeking eventual matrimony should look elsewhere.”
For the first time since Crowley’s temporary relocation to a miserable, wintry Hungary, a sharp laugh broke through the frigid sneer that had taken up near-permanent residence on her face. She forgot for a moment about the snow that came up to her knees and the small, ultimately-pointless task Hell had given her, tracing her thumb under that last sentence. It spoke of jaded experience and bitter annoyance, each letter chosen carefully and paid for to drive off meddlesome men who looked to make a wife out of any woman who hadn’t yet turned them down.
It tickled at the back of her mind over the next few days. Crowley didn’t make a habit out of making casual human acquaintances, but why not this once? She was easygoing for a demon, and she knew more about art than any human alive. She certainly wasn’t going to bother the poor girl about marriage. Why not make the months she’d spend in Budapest a little more interesting?
Crowley wrote a letter, and when she sent it off, she knew that all other responses would be lost in the post.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
oh, aziraphale. i just think he's neat :3
tho if you go back through my fandom backlog, you can def pick out that there's one in each fandom bc they're the ones i'm meanest to skdfjksdd lassie, leonard hofstadter, michael bluth (i just typed michael butch someone end my entire life), chris argent, quentin coldwater, tomas ortega; if i whump them and/or bully them, it is bc i am spiritually holding them like a teddybear.
thank you!!!
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lelianaslefthand · 2 years
zevran and morrigan for the warden of your choice but if you have a mage one, maybe that one?
i do have a mage! rosalind amell, my beloved
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answers under the cut bc long
How did your Warden react to Zevran’s failed attempt on their life? Were they amused? Angry?
She was flattered in a way, she was important enough to have assassins sent after her and seen as a threat which pleased her. His failure was amusing, she knows she's powerful and this proved that her confidence isn't misplaced.
2. Did your Warden match Zevran’s lighthearted attitude or were they more serious? What sort of relationship did they have?
They got on immediately. Ros is very snarky and charismatic but can be ruthless when she needs to be, their personalities complemented each other very well. They also share a similar sense of humor which would turn their travels into a 2 person stand up routine, everyone else had varying opinions on that 🥴 They're best friends and share everything with each other, like literally everything, you'd think they've lived the same life. Ros happily let Zevran join her, Alistair, and Isabela's little escapade like they're so open with each other it's gross but also goals. In my happy little world where wardens can have children Zevran would be like the godfather to her and Alistair's kids, Uncle Zev :')
3. What did your Warden know of the Crows before meeting Zevran? What did they think of the Crows afterward?
She didn't really know much about them, she knew of them from books and gossip in the tower but it wasn't really something she cared to learn more about. After learning about them from Zev she would've helped him burn the whole thing to the ground if she could. The assassinating part didn't bother her (some people should just die!) but their methods were fucked up.
4. Did Zevran betray your Warden? How did they feel in the aftermath of Zevran’s decision?
He did not 😌 They were pretty close by that point but she still felt relieved that he stood beside her.
5. How well did your Warden keep in contact with Zevran after the Blight? Did they ever see him again?
They try to stay in touch as often as they can, which for two very busy people isn't as much as they'd like. He's visited her a few times both at the Denerim palace (romanced Alistair is the sole king and they married in secret) and at Vigil's Keep, but they haven't seen each other in a while. They write letters and more frequently send each other little gifts and trinkets with short notes, just to let the other know they're thinking of them.
What was your Warden’s first impression of Morrigan? Did they trust her or were they cautious around her?
"Damn she's hot" was Rosalind's very first impression. She was more intrigued than cautious both on account of Morrigan being hot and a mage who was possibly a "witch of the wilds" because that she had heard about and found very interesting.
Did your Warden agree to help Morrigan kill Flemeth? Why or why not?
She agreed immediately, no questions asked because Morrigan asked her to :) Once it came down to it though she took Flemeth's deal to pretend she was killed, it was one of the few fights Rosalind was not confident she could win. Morrigan got what she wanted so no harm done right?
3. How close was your Warden to Morrigan? Did your Warden respect her abilities as a witch of the wilds?
Morrigan was more skeptical of Rosalind than the other way around but they were very similar and the path to friendship was an easy trip. Morrigan taught Ros about magic she couldn't had even dreamed of in the Circle and Ros taught Morrigan that a Circle mage could be a true force to be reckoned with. They became very close friends, Rosalind would say best friends but Morrigan didn't really understand the distinction. They had wittle crushes on each other that never developed into anything serious, mostly because Alistair had stolen Rosalind's heart as soon as they met. Back in my happy little world with children Morrigan would be like their godmother.
4. Did your Warden attempt to find Morrigan after the Blight? Did they ever succeed in meeting her again?
Ros wanted to respect Morrigan's wishes to be left alone but she just couldn't let their final goodbye be the one on the battlefield. She eventually did find Morrigan (Witch Hunt) and they had a very emotional and brief reunion. Ros couldn't track her down again until Morrigan resurfaced in the Imperial Court. They had another even more emotional meeting but were able to actually spend a little more time together. Ros got to meet Kieran too albeit briefly but :')))
5. Was Morrigan’s ritual completed? What persuaded your Warden to go through with it or what caused them to refuse it?
It took no persuading whatsoever Rosalind was immediately on board. Neither she nor Alistair had to die and all they had to do was fuck Morrigan? Umm yeah sign her the fuck up!!! In my little world (and with the help of mods) Ros is the one who did the ritual with Morrigan bc they're already using dark magic so why can't they make an old god baby together?? gay rights!
thank you for the ask!!!
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lunarlicorice · 2 years
5 - Jake
8 - Echo
11 + 12 - Jake (raises my eyebrow at him)
16 - Beetle
24 - Taiga
37 - Taiga
39 - A
43 - Jake
58 - Beetle
and lastly 79 for The Big Four
SORRY FOR SENDING SO MANY LOL i hope u have fun with this teehee
outfit and formal outfit? (for jake): his main outfit is that sweater and bowtie but literally none of it is his lmao. taiga gave him the sweater and beetle gave him the bowtie. he doesn't care how it looks bc its suuuper comfy tho. at one point he goes back to his house to get his own clothes and one of his main ones is the "neon city" jacket as i call it (its from an old rp with a friend called neon city. secret lore) he would probably wear the sweater and bowtie to formal stuff/special stuff too, he hates dressing up
voice? (for echo):
pretty much aika from skies of arcadia. they've probably said this exact quote before while in a life-or-death situation too lol (it also sounds just as compressed as it does there pretty much)
relationship with mom? (for jake): oh he loved his mom before she died. all he had was her and his brother and if you even looked in her direction wrong he would not hesitate to beat you up (she would get mad at him so he wouldn't actually tho)
relationship with dad? (for jake): never knew his dad. pretty much just that. he had a stepdad but he didn't like him very much and he didn't stick around too long either.
prominent childhood memory? (for beetle): ok so i'll give u a good one and a bad one. good one is probably when he snuck out of his palace and just. wandered around in the woods for maybe a few hour before they sent people looking for him. he has a distinct memory of going to the edge of the woods and seeing the human city through the trees for the first time, and marveling at all the strange structures (skyscrapers and such). bad one is being shut in his bedroom during family dinners because his parents were ashamed of him
people they love/hate? (for taiga): taiga is like. the ONE person anyone can get along with. she does hate ¿, as do most people. the one person she will never admit to hating though... is dani. she does not like dani at all. (dani farms chickens and sells the eggs, meat, and feather pillows (of which jake buys the pillows) but they're always SO expensive but jake isn't from around there so he doesn't realize how expensive it actually is and taiga is mad she's ripping off her friend)
biggest dream? (for taiga): to be able to protect her friends. she's been training herself to use the spear :) the other one is to open a nice flower shop/children's shelter so no one would have to sleep out in the cold like her and luna. a more tangible one is to build the treehouse of her dreams with luna. it was something they promised to do together as kids and it still holds true.
how do they handle anger? (for A): they have verrry frequent mood swings so it really depends on the time they get angry. it can range from internal loathing to hurling lightning at anything that annoys them (something the main four have been the victims of a few times) physically though, their tail/wisp will sharpen along with their hands becoming more like claws, similar to ¿.
sense of humor? (for jake):
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idk he thinks shit like this is hilarious tho (note: i found my old notes on it, it's sort of a chaotic type of meme with a little bit of unexpectedness to it but also very relatable/depressed)
how do they handle criticism? (for beetle): bc of being raised to be the perfect prince (tm) he does not take criticism well and usually takes it very personally. he tries so hard to make everything perfect and go to plan and when someone points out that something he did was not perfect, he freaks out.
favorite ice cream? luna: caramel chocolate chip coconut swirl taiga: raspberry sorbet (she's vegan idk if i ever mentioned that) jake: can't eat ice cream :( but it was mint chocolate chip beetle: pistachio or coffee ice cream with whippes
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angstyclowns · 2 years
What about yandere alpha Shigaraki where the reader meant to send him a text telling him she was going out but the text never sent so he thinks she ran away when she literally just went to like a park or something but he's all angry when she returns back to the hideout
God what tf do I even write on here- Are ya'll even still there?
Anywhore theres a wordcount limit now wtf
TW: Yandere behavior, unhealthy power dynamics and relationships, nothing OP recommends or condones,
Yandere! Alpha! Tomura Shigaraki X Omega! Reader
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Okie dokie-- first off, this man is so goddamn fine. Like what you doing out here with all that ass
*Lip bite*
Sorry, as you can see, my sense of humor has not gotten better. Now you all have to suffer with it. :) also, my old writing was cringe as hell, but here we are yet again.
See, Tomura to me, he demands obedience in every aspect of his life.
His underlings know better than to cross him, the original members of the LOV know better, everyone knows that his word is law, only a back seat to AFO himself .
When he goes about choosing an omega, I assume their someone whose already a meek and malleable little thing. Beaten down by the world over and over again.
Maybe your weeks away from eviction after your dog died and your mother is trying to get you to pay for your pregnant sister's prenatal care. I don't know. But your tired.
And your probably one harsh shove away from breaking down in the middle of the street.
Well, Shigaraki likes shoving so he's prolly the one who does it. It's a simple tap, you barely stagger, as right now he's just aiming to be a menace to society, not an actual threat.
But the way you freeze, and with how quickly your scent plummets, one would think he killed your pup.
He pauses, watching as your head bows and tears drip down your pretty round cheeks.
And- oh no.
He's got to have you.
the curve of your nose and the arch of your brows meld your facial features oh so nicely. The curve of your neck and shoulders make him ache to know how it would feel to drag his canines along the silk of your skin, to feel the assortment of scars, moles, goosebumps, anything that might appear.
He wants it all. And Tomura Shigaraki gets what he wants.
So, after a minor surprise date that only he knew about and a slight adjustment period where he might've had to teach you the ropes, all was good!
Nowhere to live? Look at Re-Destro's kind gesture of gifting Shigaraki a house for him and his omega!
Your dog died? Well, you don't need them for companionship, you have him now!
You mother is making you pay for your pregnant sister's prenatal? You don't have a sister anymore why keep in contact with them when it brings you nothing but stress? You have him. You don't need anything or anyone else. Don't you get that?
Eventually, you find solace in the insanity life you've cultivated with Tomura. He begins to trust you, which is such a heavy thing in his line of work. You don't want to break that trust, do you?
Wanna sit in on a meeting like the pretty little mindless arm candy you are? His lap is always a nice seat.
Although he prefers you on his face- but that's another story-
Want to go sit in the yard and do whichever craft has your attention lately? Don't mind the cameras Send him a text and he's sure it's fine.
Wanna go on a walk to the park? Text him and let him know-- which is exactly what you did. But, as you'll soon learn the hard way, you should always double check to make sure your message sent.
Bc it hadn't :)
And Shigaraki was none the wiser of where you were! Lucky you!
Now, when Tomura came home he was fully expecting to have his arms full of needy omega, whining and chirping for his attention while he acted like he didn't like it.
It was a game, a balancing act, to give you the smallest inch and take the mile for himself.
Its how he kept you leashed nice and tight.
But he didn't have that.
He had an empty house, echoing his chirps back to him. At first, he was reasonable. Maybe you fell asleep in your nest. You had done that before.
But your nest was bare.
Now he was beginning to grow angry. He checked his phone, maybe he missed a text?
Nope. Now he was pissed.
Where was his omega? Did you think you could actually get anywhere without him?
Where would you go? You had nothing without him. NOTHING.
He swore you knew where you belonged but evidently not.
Not that he cared. He fancied himself quite the teacher.
when you stepped through the door, you barely had the chance to plead your case.
Shigaraki demanded obedience in every aspect of his life, and you would understand that.
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achoonihaachu · 3 years
Hello! May I request the brother's reactions to a younger MC that carries a particular stuffie around with them? They like plushies, sure, but this specific one is sentimental, so it gets carried everywhere. There is not a single moment when I do not have Perry the Platypus with me, and I think it'd be fun to have a full conversation with him in front of the brother's
Waaah sorry if this is too specific. Thank you! (:
Brothers react to a young Mc who carries a Sentimental Plush
a/n: The MC in this prompt will be around the age of 9-13. This story will be PLATONIC and i think it's the cutest thing :(( I'm so sorry if thisn't what you thought of when you initally sent me the ask! </33 Also hello! Happy 2022 to all of us! I haven't posted in a few days because I've been so busy with the holidays </33 I hope this makes up for it?? *fingers crossed*
warnings: nothing honestly, demon brothers acting like good brothers, belphie steals from a child, mc was probably throwing tantrums a few times, not proof read :<< , a bit ooc at times maybe?, PLATONIC FIC!
Lucifer- Young MC has a pink unicorn plush bc idk,, Satan is his son-brother and bc luci is deffo a manly man who wants to be surrounded by manly things T_T
Lucifer was already a little shocked to see this tiny human being walk into the Devildom. He wasn't expecting a child to show up and that was a mistake on his part.
But that was the best mistake he's made in his entire lifetime.
Him and his brothers were almost strangers living in a house together but when you came along, all doe-eyed and curious— unafraid of anything, they grew closer than they'd ever been.
They chipped in and were raising you together.
You managed to do so much in the short amount of time you'd been alive.
Something Lucifer noticed, however, was how you were always glued to this tiny stuffed plushy of a pink unicorn.
First of all, he's seen unicorns, they aren't as pretty and nice and pink as the shit you see in popular media.
They aren't Satan's familiars for nothing.
But you seemed to adore the fluffy thing so he just leaves you be.
You do your chores with the thing, you go on trips with it in your arms; You never go anywhere without it.
He doesn’t mind as long as it doesn’t get in the way.
One day, though, he comes home after an extremely tiring day at RAD. He felt sluggish and he almost dread going up to his room because he knew that there were only stacks on stacks of paperwork he still had to tend to.
When he made it up the stairs to the hallway of their rooms, however, he sensed that something was a little different about the air.
He treaded lightly towards the door to his room, he felt a presence waiting behind the mahogany wood. He twists the handle slowly and peaks his head in and— he sees you face down on his bed, arms wrapped tightly around his velveteen pillows. Your shoulders shook lightly. He approached you hesitantly and sat down, "Hey there, little one. Would you mind explaining why you're in my room?" He asked, voice unusually soft; then again, he was a lot nicer to you than his brothers. You said something, but he couldn't quite understand since you didn't even try lifting your head to explain to him what was bothering you. He shakes his head and chuckles, "Alright then, come here."
He lifts you up to sit and turns you to look at him and his smile immediately falters. You were crying. "(MC), what's wrong?" He went into full on dad mode.
"M-Mams got Pinky dirty." Oh. Well, guess who's going to get hung by his toes to the ceiling.
"(MC), humor me this... Why do you like that unicorn so much? If Mammon ruined your plushy, we can just buy you another one—"
"NO!" He had not expected you to yell.
You kneeled on the bed and the mattress dipped slightly as you grabbed him by the collar, "Luci, you will never ever suggest something like that again, okay? Pinky is very important to me and you know this."
He blinks at you and inelegantly snorts in disbelief, "More important than me and my brothers?"
You hesitate, your grip on his collar loosening ever so slightly before tightening again,
"I love you all equally… but Pinky is very important."
He doesn't get human children at all.
Mammon- Young MC with a duck plush bc Mammon’s like a clingy duckling :DD
Mammon doesn't really get to use the "Big Brother Mammon" card on his 5 younger siblings.
They do not respect him in the way they should respect someone older and more powerful than them.
But then sweet little MC walks into his life and he will never admit it but he has adored you since the minute he sees you waddle into the Devildom with a sizable duck plush in your arms.
He babies you 25/8, honestly.
You get carried around, bossed around, heck he's tried feeding you—
But if he ever tries to do anything to your ducky—
Falling from the Heavens would only be the second worst thing he's experienced.
He loves walking on this tightrope of destruction when it comes to you and your ducky; he'd try to take it away from you because he gets jealous of how much attention you give it.
Yes, the Great Mammon gets jealous of a duck plush. He’s already competing for the favorite person/thing spot in your heart and now a duck joins the competition.
You were in Mammon's room for the afternoon; he won the daily roulette spin that the brothers do at breakfast before you wake up to see who's the lucky demon who gets to spend time with you.
Seeing you so act relaxed and just having fun like a kid should, made Mammon's heart all warm and fluttery. His brothers would say otherwise and try to deny but deep down in the pits of their hearts, they would all agree that Mammon's the best older brother. Lucifer was great and all that but he's got quite the cold persona to him and though Mammon's almost always broke and trying to steal their stuff to sell off, he's always always there for them. You were hanging out with "Big Brother Mammon" and he had told you to just sit and wait as he bet on an online blackjack tournament. You pouted at first but decided to spend your time playing with your ducky. Mammon started to regret his decision; He was getting increasingly restless as you cuddled the big yellow stuffie, I mean… Why would you do that when there's a perfectly good Mammon in the same room as you—? "Yo, (MC). Put the duck down and c'mere." He huffed. You blink at him once before you turn your back towards him.
He gawks at you in disbelief; this tiny human did not just do that—
He flicks his wrist and using his magic, he plucks the duck from your hands and keeps it levitated in the air just above you, even as you jumped you weren't tall enough to reach it. "(MC), I'll give ya back the duck if ya promise that you'll cuddle me." He proposes. Honestly, you "forced" him into a pact but he's more clingy than you've ever been.
“Why do you like the stupid duck anyways? The Great Mammon is so much better than the fluffy thing.”
Your bottom lip wobbles a bit and you stare at him, “I changed his name to Mams… Because he’s the best and since you’re the best… I…” Your voice was watery. He felt like he was going to implode. He sighs and walks over to you; he doesn’t say a word as he picks you up and brings you to his couch.
He plops you down on top of him as he lies back down, “W-well if he’s just as awesome as me, why do you want to spend more time with him, huh?!” He doesn’t even try to hide the bright blush dusting his cheeks. You giggle and wrap your arms around him, squishing your face against his face,
“You’re the best brother but Mams is number one in my heart.”
Mammon.exe has stopped working.
Leviathan- Young MC has a Perry the Platypus plush bc platypus-es (platypi?) live in water and also original req :DD
He’s an avid collector of figurines and plushies himself. He believes that art can and should be appreciated in all forms and one form of appreciation is through adorable, huggable physical fluffy bodies.
(He really just loves his body pillow and stuffies of all the waifus he has).
He doesn’t really hang out with you in public much to know that you take your little platypus everywhere with you.
When he lets you hang around in his room, he notices that you hold onto it like it was your lifeline.
He really wanted to ask you why, out of all possible plushies you could be obsessed with, it had to be a teal platypus with a tiny little spy hat but… his nerves got to him before he could get the question out.
You would sleep in his bed-tub with your arms tightly wrapped around it.
Before you ask, yes, he has an entire album in his phone of about a hundred photos of you cuddling Perry.
Moe <3
Yes, he sends about a dozen to the super secret brothers chat every time you take a nap in his room.
Yes, the rest of the boys are jealous.
Basically, Levi would be the brother to get the sentimental value of the plush; the other Avatars don’t really get your affinity for a stuffed toy.
Well, he was gaming one particular night when lo and behold, you knock on his door to hang out.
He, of course, lets you in with no questions asked.
Levi scurries back over to his desk and picks up where he left off, “Hey, (MC). I’ll finish this round then I’ll be with ya, alright?” He yells over the loud boss music he was blasting on his speakers. You simply nod and walk over to the bed-tub and almost immediately fall asleep. Levi’s room was just really cold and you felt comfortable in his bed-tub. The room was never silent, the dubstep and the bass drops in Levi’s playlist kept you from falling into deep sleep and for a fraction of a second, you regret going to Levi’s room to nap.
Belphie would force you to sleep even if you weren’t tired… Maybe it isn’t too late to move spots.
Just as you were considering slipping out of the third-born’s room to hang out with the twins, Levi turned off the gamer playlist and left his desktop on the home screen of the game he was playing. “We won!” He cheers as he walks over to you. You smile giddily at him, “Congratulations, Levi! Teach me to play next time!” You say excitedly. Your hold on Perry loosened and he fell out of your arms and onto the bed just as Levi sat down.
Levi’s ass was smothering Perry.
You gasp and start trying to push him off, “Levi! Get up! Perry’s suffocating!” You cry. Levi immediately gets up and checks on your platypus. He totally gets your reaction; if anyone sat on his Ruri-chan body pillow, he would flip shit. He starts apologizing profusely, sorrys leaving his mouth a million miles a minute before you shake your head and shush him, “Levi! Calm down! He’s fine!” You giggle.
“It’s not fine! Remember when Mammon sat on Ruri-chan?!”
“Yeah… You almost threw him out of a window-”
Satan: Young MC with a black cat plush bc… well, do i have to explain myself- ._.
Satan is the brother to have a very strong (secret) soft spot for cute things. You, by yourself, were the cutest thing Satan has laid his eyes on in eons.
Then you pull out a soft plush of a black cat from behind you and Satan… He almost dies.
He’s not as clingy as Mammon by any means but… he’s close.
He loved spending time with you because, yes, you’re adorable but you also have exquisite taste in plushies.
He smiles like a dad when he watches you play with the plush and he feels honored when you let him hold it, even if it’s just for a few moments.
He might not understand the sentiment but he understands your love for it’s cuteness.
Satan is absolutely the type to buy you more plushies so that you and him could play pretend with all the soft plushies you have.
He’ll never admit to his brothers but sometimes, he forces you to play with him.
He’s such a softie for cute things, ergo, he’s a softy for you.
He never actually sits down to ask you why you like it so much. He’s known for his wit and quick-thinking so in a way, he’s formulated a logical explanation as to why you might like the plush so much. Honestly, he’s thought of 4 or 5 different explanations that make sense in his big brain.
One afternoon, you and Satan were having a picnic in the gardens behind the House of Lamentation. The weather was perfect so you two decided to seize the moment. Besides, all his brothers were busy doing their own things and this gave Satan an excuse to hog your time before Mammon whined about it or before Asmo could steal you to take pictures of you.
You sit your cat plushie beside you and prepare a small sandwich for it.
Satan had finished setting the drinks out and he watches you plate a small portion of your sandwich in front of Gato, your cat plushie. He didn’t have the heart to tell you that Gato literally meant Cat- you thought it was some sort of magical word. He smiles to himself and sits cross legged in front of you.
A question lingers on his mind, “Hey, (MC)? I have a question for you.” You stare at him quizzically as you bite into your sandwich, “hm?” You hum.
“Why do you like Gato so much?” He asked, picking up a cup to take a sip of the herbal tea you prepared earlier in the day. You chew slowly, thinking of a proper answer, “mm… M-well, Gato’s cute! And I remember that I got it as a gift back in the human world!” You say after you swallow. He hums, “Well, I got you a bunch of other cat plushies… Do you not like them as much as Gato?”
You shake your head vigorously, “I love them, tan-tan! I love all my kitties equally but… and don’t tell them I told you this…” You move to cover Gato’s ears. Satan watches you in amusement.
“I love you more!”
Satan loves cute things; he loves you. He practically melts when he hears you utter those words. He chuckles quietly to you before he reaches over to pinch your cheek lightly,
"I love you too, kid."
Asmodeus: Young Mc with a bunny plush bc Asmo is the prettiest bunnyboi demon :D
Asmo’s probably more obsessed with cute things than Satan.
And that boy is obsessed.
He loves seeing you walk around at RAD with Lucifer and your arms are clung tightly on a furry white bunny just as cute as you.
He takes so many photos of you and holds a weekly photoshoot to photograph just you, him, and your bunny to post on his Devilgram.
He’s kind of like a momager in a sense that he wants you to pose perfectly for the shot, he does your hair and make up and he’s willing to fight Diavolo himself to get the lighting down to a tee and honestly, bad photos are almost nonexistent! (especially when he’s in the photos).
He never really questioned it except once during family game night when Belphie asked you to choose between them and your bunny and without hesitation, you pick your bunny over the Seven whipped Demon Lords.
He cried.
Out of all the brothers, it’s well known that Asmo’s the drama king. He absolutely is the type to fall on the floor, a weeping mess, if left ignored. In a way, he loves your attention specifically because you look up to him and love him regardless of his looks.
Many people around his age or are adults in general, want him for his beauty and most of the time, they want something more devious and less innocent.
He loves that you just love so innocently. Whether you love him or that bunny, it’s all so innocent and so genuine.
He took you to Madam Screams one afternoon; he had to sneak you out of the house because if Beel found out that you two were heading to his favorite food place, the sixth-born would have probably ran ahead and finished everything.
Asmo tugs you along the busy road, you were practically buzzing with excitement as you thought of all the macarons you were going to eat— you felt a little bad about not bringing Beel along but you decided to get him something before you head home. The light-haired demon smiles at you as you look up at him, one hand interlocked with his while your other hand holds onto your bunny plush tightly, "Careful, (MC). It's really muddy in this area so you need to hold onto your bunny properly!"
Just as he says that, a car whizzes past with a honk and the watery mud on the placement sprays a little onto the sidewalk and—
Your bunny gets dirty.
Your eyes go wide with a gasp, your hands are shaky as you stare down at your furry friend. Asmodeus was speechless but his vacant hand was quick to snap a picture of the model of the car and the color; plate number was a little blurry but he was certain that he'd be able to hunt that demon down. How dare they ruin your precious bunny.
Your eyes grow watery and you choke back a sob, "N-no… A-Asmo, what do I do?!" You cried, your voice was small as you tried your best not to sob.
"We can go home to wash your bunny after our lunch date— it's alright, (MC)! Lucifer can put it with our other laundry—"
"I-I can do it! I can clean my bunny! Let's go home right now." You start tugging him back to the direction of the house.
"Wait! (MC)! Our day out! I can buy you a new plush-” You stop in your tracks and glare at him and Asmodeus has never felt more afraid in his entire life.
“Right! Back home! We’ll wash your bunny!”
Beelzebub: Young MC with a burger plush bc… well, it’s Beel-
Beel doesn’t show a lot of emotions; he’s this big stoic dude that stands over six feet tall with muscles upon muscles and so when you walk into the Devildom for the first time, you kind of cower in fear… (understandable).
Behind this adorable little burger plush.
It even has cheese, lettuce and tomatoes :(
He salivated when he first saw the burger and you peeked your head out from behind your plush and you saw him drooling as he towered above you and…
You were inconsolable for half an hour after that; something about a big strong demon was terrifying for a young person. Go figure..
After though, Beel and you grew inseparable, he was your strong big brother who loved and protected you and everyone you loved from the world.
That would include your burger buddy.
He had a few close calls; he would almost always eat your burger plush at least twice a week.
You would give him the cold shoulder every time he’d almost do it.
He would ask you about your obsession with the plush in the most frank way possible and you’d always shrug and say you just liked it because you’ve had it since you were a baby.
He’d nod ang go back to eating or working out.
You run up to the twins’ room with the goofiest smile on your face.
A gift bag held tightly in your hands.
“Beel? Belphie? Is Beel in there?!” You called out as your fist raps against the hardwood door. You could faintly hear shuffling beyond the door and it swung open, revealing your favorite brother. “(MC)?” Beel stared down at you, a towel in hand. The ginger was obviously sweaty, his black tank top clung to his torso and you could hear what you could only classify as work out music played in their room behind him. You grin widely up at him and push the gift bag you had in your hands towards his free hand, “I got this for you because you always look at my burger!” You explain before you run down the hall and back into your room.
Beel stares at the bag in his hand for a moment before he opens it and inside was… a burger plush exactly like yours.
He cooed as he pulled it out. Humans are so cute and genuine, he thinks. He inspects the plush in his hands and sees his name embroidered on the bottom bun in cursive. He smiles to himself.
You sit in your room, your burger plush in your arms when you hear a faint knock on your door. You skip over and open it and you see Beel stand in the doorway. Before you could say anything, Beel lifts you up in his arms and twirls you around; both your plushies were squished together between your chests. He stands in the middle of the hallway, cuddled up to you and you swore you could hear faint purring rumbling in his chest.
“Thank you, (MC).”
“No need to thank me silly! I wanna thank you for always protecting our family!”
His grin widens on his face, “I’ll always protect our family.”
“Don’t eat your burger plushie though.”
Beel pouts.
Belphegor: Young MC with a cow plush bc can belphie and cows as a combination ever be topped?!
Belphie was always carrying a cow print pillow and his brothers never really batted an eye at him. He just did what he wanted and hoped that everyone else did the same around him.
He sees you walk around with the plush of a cow and he… Well, he steals it for a solid three days.
He genuinely steals from you, the small human under the care of his family. He didn’t feel remorseful or any sort of shame. If anything, if Satan didn’t walk up into the attic during one of Belphie’s afternoon naps, when the youngest brother just so happened to be cuddling into your cow plush, he probably wouldn’t have returned it.
During those three days, you refused to eat, spend time with them, take care of yourself- you were just moping around the halls and in all the different rooms with the saddest put you could muster up and all the brothers were sad and worried about you… except for Belphie.
Well… He felt a little bad. Just a tad bit.
When Satan gave you the cow plush, your smile was literally so big and your joy was through the roof. The could’ve sworn that they were back in the Celestial Realm from the incredibly bright aura you had-
Belpie muttered a half-assed apology and you, with your nice human heart (“or whatever…”, he’d say), you simply hugged him and accepted his apology.
Belphie left it at that and let you be with your plush.
He would always take it from you when you napped with him. Of course he’d only pull it out of your grasp when he was sure you were sleeping soundly.
During one of your many naps, Belphie was lying down, with you on top of him, when he asked a simple question…
“What’s up with you and your cow plush?”
You gave the seventh-born the stink eye and shrugged, “I don’t know, what’s up with you and your pillow?” You retort, your hands stroking the fur patch that was your cow’s makeshift mane. His chest rumbled lightly as he chuckled, “I don’t know… I guess I just like it.” He breathes out. You giggle to yourself, “Well then, I guess I just like my plushie… I mean, I’ve had it for years anyways.”
A small part of Belphie was worried; He thinks he’d rubbed off on you a little too much. Your sass was getting to his levels and well… He worried that he’d only get worse as the years went by.
“What if we exchange for a week?” He suddenly asked. You crane your neck to look at him and from all the wiggling, you fell off of him and land on the soft cushions that surround the pair of you, “You mean you want us to exchange? You’ll get my plush and I’ll get your pillow?” You asked incredulously. He simply nods and you gawk at him.
“No? What do you mean—”
“Nope! This is my plush.”
You get a faceful of a soft white pillow being chucked straight at you.
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theringers · 3 years
often - charles leclerc
summary: you’re unbelievably desperate for your boyfriend all night.
request: Hope u dont mind me requesting #79 and #82 w charles or lando😃 have a good day!!
prompt: 79) "Look at you, grinding against everything, you're really desperate for it. Aren't you?" 82) "Yeah, that's it, baby, just like that."
a/n: this is short & unedited so i apologize for the lack of “story” but this just came to my brain and i needed to write it down so enjoy also sorry if the gif is malfunctioning i’m ready to throw my phone at the window so just ignore lol
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warnings: nsfw, dirty talk, 18+, teasing, obvi i had to include some public stuff bc it’s my brand
The live music was loud and blaring through your ears. You had requested a few songs and enjoyed drinks while you waited for the band to get to your request.
Charles stood up from the table to head towards the crowded bar. “Need anything, mon amour?” He looked at you.
You lifted your cup and smiled. “Another?” He nodded at you and walked towards the corner of the room. He knew you had a tolerance like no other and could outdrink him on any occasion. It was just humorous to him at this point.
“Are you excited for your trip?” Your friend asked from across the table.
“Oh, so excited. Charles and I haven’t been able to get away for a long time. It’s much needed.” You sat in your bar stool day dreaming about the blue waters of the Caribbean Sea and how you were about to spend weeks out there on the relaxing water.
Your friend took another sip of her drink. “I’m insanely jealous. Too bad Pierre and I can’t tag along.” She frowned.
“Next time, I promise. We’ll plan a trip just the four of us.” You both started laughing. “Or better yet, just the two of us. Girls trip.”
After a few more laughs, Charles walked up to your table with a drink in each hand. Pierre followed with the same. “Thank you,” you smiled at your boyfriend as he handed you another. You couldn’t remember how many this had been but you were feeling good and really enjoying yourself.
You sat all the way back in your barstool, but kept your drink at the table. This was the best possible solution to avoid drinking too quickly. Every time you needed a sip, you had to scoot yourself closer to the table, take a sip, and sit back. It was working pretty well.
Charles leaned over and spoke in your ear over the sound of the loud music. “I’m going to need you to stop doing that.”
You looked at him, confused. “What am I doing?”
He waved his hand around. “This.” He leaned in closer again. “You keep rocking your hips back and forth and it’s driving me crazy.”
You sat up and moved yourself closer to the table, rocking your hips at a painfully slow, yet discreet, pace. Your eyes found his and his focus was solely on you, sipping the remains of your drink.
“Anyone want another drink?” You asked the table as you hopped out of your seat.
“I’m good, I think I’m ready to head home soon actually. Pretty long day,” Charles said.
Your friend scoffed. “Nonsense, it’s only 11 o’clock.”
Charles looked at her with his head hung, then back at you. “Fine. One more drink.” He looked at Pierre. “See, this is what we have to deal with.”
You waited in the line for drinks and returned to your table. As soon as you scooted back in your barstool, Charles leaned over. “This is our last round of drinks. I’m going to need to take you home after this one.” You didn’t look over at him. You just kept your eyes straight ahead and smiled.
After more casual conversation with Pierre and his girlfriend, Charles called the car home. He took your hand and lead you out of the bar after leaving a hefty tip for the bartender.
Sliding into the back seat of the car, he acknowledged the driver and then went silent. You followed in after him, sliding across the seats. Your short sundress rode up creating friction between your clit and the car seats. You let out a soft moan, but ignored it, hoping no one else heard you. That was not the case.
The car started to move and Charles leaned over to you. He rested his hand on your thigh and whispered in your ear. “I heard that.” It sent chills up your spine.
The rest of the ride was silent, trying to focus on getting home without jumping each other’s bones in the backseat of the car. As soon as you arrived home, you both drunkenly stumbled in the door.
You shouted at Alexa to play some of your favorite music. Often by The Weeknd came out of your speakers.
Charles sat down on the couch with his hands on his knees. A deep breath escaped his lips as he took in the dark apartment around him.
“What’s up?” You asked, walking over to him.
“Long day,” he said. You nodded in response.
Leaning down towards him, you spread your legs to straddle him on the couch. You sat back with your weight on his knees, looking at him. “I love you,” you said to him.
“I love you too, mon amour,” he said. You felt his hands grip your waist. You began to slowly shift your hips around - starting with back and forth, and a little bit of side to side.
“I had a really fun time tonight,” you said.
“Me too, I’m glad we decided to go out.”
“It’s always a good time with them.” You were lucky enough to play matchmaker for Pierre, setting him up with your best friend. It was a win-win. He got a beautiful girlfriend and in return, you got to have your best friend accompany you on vacations, to races, PR events, galas, the whole nine. It was a smart move on your part.
You looked down at Charles, focusing on his messy hair. He was always such a perfectionist about how he appeared, but that all went down the drain when he drank alcohol. You kind of loved it, seeing him let loose a bit and not care so much. You ran your fingers through his messy locks and smiled.
“That dress looks so sexy on you,” he said. His eyes absorbed your body all over and his hands began to move up and down your sides.
“I knew you would like it.” You started to move your hips with more intensity.
“You want to tell me about what happened in the car?” He asked.
“I think you know what happened in the car.”
He had a smug look on his face. “I don’t, actually. Enlighten me.”
“Well, since you want to play dumb,” you grabbed one of his hands off of your side and guided it under your dress. “I’m not wearing any underwear. And I forgot I wasn’t until I slid in the car.” His fingers massaged the skin of your inner thigh.
“That’s hot.” He dipped a finger between your folds and felt the wetness pooling. He swirled his finger around a few times before sliding it inside of you. You moved your hips slowly, meeting his finger. “Look at you, grinding against everything. You’re so desperate for me, huh?” He smirked. You rolled your eyes at him but continued to move your hips. “You couldn’t even help yourself at the bar tonight. Or in the car.”
“I just couldn’t stop thinking about fucking you,” you said. You leaned down to unbutton his pants, grinding your body against his thigh in the process. You let out a moan and he just watched you in awe.
You pulled his pants down, his hard cock springing free. You got back on top of him and hiked your dress up above your hips. You positioned yourself on top of his cock and started to slide back and forth, creating euphoric friction for both of you. Your folds were wet and warm, making him grunt. “Shit, baby,” he said. His head fell back against the couch as he guided your hips. “I need to be inside of you, now.”
You pulled away and quickly sat down on his cock. He kept his hands positioned on your hips as you ground them onto him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and let your head fall onto his shoulder.
You put the weight on your knees and began to bounce up and down on him. He placed his hands on your ass for support. “Oh yeah, that’s it baby,” he said. “Just like that.” A throaty moan escaped your lips right into his ear.
“You feel so good,” you said. The rhythm continued and he spread your cheeks. He was itching to pound into you but he loved the way you looked bouncing on his cock.
He reached for the strap of your dress, pulling it down to expose your breasts. He took one in his hand and massaged it roughly. “Shit, babe. Look at you riding my cock like such a good girl.” He wasn’t one to talk dirty too much, but with alcohol involved he was an open book.
“I’m all yours, baby,” you said, leaning back. You ran your hands through your hair while riding him and made eye contact with him - driving him crazy.
You could feel him start to thrust up into you, an indication that he was getting close. You leaned back down to his ear. “Cum for me, baby,” you said.
He finished with a grunt and a tight grip on your hips. You rolled off of him and laid your head down on a pillow. After all that alcohol, the couch was seeming like a perfect place to crash.
Charles returned with a towel and a glass of water for you. “You did so well, baby. That was hot.” He said, smiling at you and handing you the glass of water.
You giggled and stuck your tongue out. “You’re welcome.”
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mugenloopdalove · 5 months
I. Don't have the energy to make a full post so I'm just gonna copy the fic here bc I NEED an answer for why it didn't even get a like.
It's set in the shopkeep Theil au. I'll rb the post explaining the au too
There was never truly a “quiet” moment in the Corner Curios shop. Brimming with raw unfiltered magic, the legends that the shop itself was alive had real merit. Even into the latest hours, when the city was silent and still, it seemed like the shop was still as lively as anything. Rumors had spread all across Baldur’s Gate of seeing a book fly across to another shelf, or a broom moving on its own. Those more skilled in magic claimed you could see how the weave enveloped every inch of the shop. And with the strange, unspeakably powerful sorcerer behind the shop, any one of these rumors could be true.
Even dealings with devils.
There were days where the shop lights stayed on into the strangest hours, but the doors remained magically locked...
“...And it seems that the words creeping in the city’s deepest shadows, the daggers that shoot through the tongues of the snakes and urchins of the alleyways... is that our little legend has made some dealings with the devil on nights just like tonight, when their innocent establishment is shrouded in the secrets of midnight. I’m sure any devil worthy of their soul is rather dashing, wouldn’t you, Theil?”
Leaning against the doorframe of the storage closet, staring down the loiterer with an irritated grin, was the fabled shopkeep seemingly on everyone’s tongue. The tiefling’s face and general mannerisms were as well known as their outstanding customer service and endless selection, but few saw the true face behind Corner Curios.
“Well then, Raphael, my most loyal loiterer,” they replied with a sneer. “Surely you know one.” They stepped towards the table set in the corner of the shop and sat across from the devil, the tension between the two all but visible in their surroundings. The two held a firm gaze, the unspoken challenge handed out. The game had begun.
The silence is broken with the tiniest thunk as a rather large book was sent hurtling right at the back of Raphael’s head, making Theil break out into a fit of childish laughter.
“I see your sense of humor is as refined as ever, dear old shopkeep,” Raphael said dryly, picking up the book to examine it. “Ah, The Beginner’s Guide to the Arts. Don’t you think this is a rather childish simplification of things for someone as studied as The Sorcerer Who Would Become A Bard?” There was a heaviness to the title, one that led the tiefling to flick a small flame in his face as he laughed mockingly.
“That was a working title after a month of no sleep.” Theil hissed, cringing over the dumb joke they made after too much wine and not enough rest. “And it’s still better than any of your little ‘contracts,’ dear devil on my shoulder.” They got up to reach for a bottle of wine left on the counter with two golden glasses, as if prepared for the occasion. Too prepared.
The devil’s in the details.
“The daring shopkeep tried all to make the devil they knew all too well into but a distant memory, a speck on their otherwise undoubtedly flawless reputation free of any crime or harm, but their methods, as sad and as simple as the person behind them, are-”
“So are you going to drink the wine? Because if you’re going to keep going like this I might need both glasses.” Theil’s face remained stone cold, in no way humoring the theatrics that had already far outstayed their welcome.
“Do you truly think you can trick me into-”
“Do you think I’d waste vintage wine gifted to me by the friend of my enemy on trying to kill a fly that found his way through the window?” Theil bit back, huffing and taking a purposefully dramatic sip from their glass.
“Ah yes, that wizard you’ve cozied up to. Quite the choice.” Raphael paused before taking a drink of the wine, then stopped to look at it. “Right, it would be beneath you to sully this with poison. Your tastes are finer than that.” He leaned over the table a bit, grinning at Theil with a spark in his eye. “Still... quite the sordid tragedy you’re setting up for a love lost, isn’t it? I knew you weren’t beneath petty underhandedness, but you’ve set up a whole show for me to enjoy, haven’t you dear?”
“It would have been nice to know sooner that you knew the players, Raphael,” Theil looked out at the shop absentmindedly, reflecting on the “heroes” that had found themself tied up with the greatest villain they had known. Everyone wrapped around Reya as if she weren’t the most miserable, selfish, miserable person anyone could know. They knew she was using them all just as she had used Theil in the past. But they were going to get their revenge, one way or another.
“Now now, I’m not just another pawn you can set, my meddlesome friend. You know as well as I do that even information comes with a price.” A grin spread across Raphael’s face, his more devilish features starting to show as he leaned in even closer to the unamused sorcerer. “So what do you say? Be a good pawn and-”
Theil erupted in laughter, so strong a bookshelf shook on the other end of the room. They laughed for only a second before their expression returned to the scowl that was ready to chase the devil himself out with a broom. “Your sales pitch is still as appealing as hag water, devil,” they cut back, rising from their seat and sauntering toward the man in front of them. “I don’t need your help to set the stage, and I’m still making pretty good use of my soul.” They leaned in close to him, smirking as their faces were just about touching, focusing a bit of energy just to remind him of just how much their soul was worth. Of just how much raw magic they held that made the it worth so much. The game couldn’t end now, afterall. The winner wouldn’t be crowned today, or tomorrow, or ever. That was the fun of it.
Raphael, for once, was silent, until Theil pulled away with a victorious smirk. “Checkmate, old friend.” Theil said, secure in their victory for this round. “NIce try though, you almost won there. Maybe next time?” They hummed as they walked away, sorting shelves to seem busy. “Now, I’ll have to see you off. The show is about to start, and I doubt you can afford the front row seats.”
“I’m almost hurt. If you start having visitors, you won’t need me to warm your lonely nights anymore.” Raphael tried to wrap an arm around Theil, but found himself instantly shoved back by a gust of wind.
“That’s enough, don't you think? Or does the great devil Raphael not have other appointments?” Theil taunted, their temper finally reaching its limit.
“Right, right, I have far better things to do than humor your childish games any longer. Good luck with the show though, break a leg out there.” The friendly, familiar tone made Theil ready to attack again, but something stopped them.
“You’re wasting time now, devil. Just get a move on before someone sees you,” they said, voice ice cold.
“Very well, I’ll leave you to your miserable farce.” Raphael took a step with a superior grin. “And, Theil darling? Checkmate.”
Before the tiefling could fight back, Raphael was gone, and Corner Curios was silent again.
The shop was still.
The stage was set.
“Let the show begin.”
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ idk you yet ❞ - p.js
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park jisung x reader | angsty, fluff | 1.6k words 
WARNINGS | TW: mentions blood, abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, lowercase au, non-idol au, high school au, badboy!jisung, mature language/cursing, reader is like an angel sent from heaven for him, jisungie just in need of love :(
SUMMARY | being an outcast has him wondering if he’ll ever be happy. cue you, the new girl, stumbling into his life (literally).
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “idk you yet” by alexander23! also AHHH this is my 100 followers special fic :) THANK U LOVES FOR 100 IM SO SHOCKED CJSBFKEJD <33 the writing is a little crappy because i’m currently on my period and my patience for sitting down and writing this went down halfway through lol but I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, ENJOY THIS JISUNG FIC BC JISUNG MY BABIE AND SO ARE YOU GUYS!
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whenever anybody thinks of park jisung, they think of the chains and dark clothing he wears. they think about the faint smell of smoke and men’s cologne that follows him wherever he goes. 
they think of the boy who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. 
but what they don’t think about are bruises on his face he fails to hide whenever he walks into school, the dejected look on his face whenever random people give him disapproving looks, the way his smile slowly faded into a permanent frown wherever he went. 
jisung quickly accepted his reputation at school and in their little town, not having enough energy to feel insecure about it like before.
the only group of people that even remotely cared about the boy were his best friends in the whole entire world, nct dream.
they were outcasts just like him, the most “fucked up group of boys” in their town (the people’s words, not theirs).
see, they were your typical bad boy group straight out of your typical fanfic. bad grades, smoking in their free time, getting into fights, always being late to class; not a single person had hope in them.
but behind their scary and intimidating facade, all seven boys were big softies with misunderstood hearts and difficult backgrounds.
people were just too dense to look into it, only judging them based on their looks and personality on the outside. 
❝ how can you miss someone you’ve never met ❞
love was a foreign thing to jisung, the only form of love he’s ever felt being from his friends. his parents were… interesting to say the least. 
jisung’s father was a hard-core alcoholic, his mother being a major druggie. with no siblings in the house, jisung was usually their main target to push around and beat up.
and so because of this at a young age jisung learned to distance himself from other people and found different ways to release stress.
he started smoking when he was 14, the warm and hazy feeling of the smoke entering his lungs comforting him.
if jisung humored himself enough, maybe smoking could count as his first love. it was always there for him, never leaving him alone even if he wanted to quit. 
he relied on it knowing it was the only constant in his life. 
now of course the boy has heard of proper love, love like in the movies or shitty romance songs he hears on the radio.
and he won’t lie, there were moments he thought about what it felt like to be in love. but he knew that would never happen, at least not in their small town anyways. 
he just wanted to be loved. 
jisung would never admit it but sometimes he’d be jealous of the old couples walking down the street in their own world like it was just them two against the universe. he was jealous of the happy kids running around, their mother’s and father’s fondly smiling at their child. he was jealous of all the “normal” kids in his neighborhood. 
jisung wanted that, craved that. 
but most importantly, the boy wanted love.
❝ cause i need you now but i don’t know you yet ❞
everything hurt. 
his head, his body, his mind, his heart; everything was in pain.
jisung walked down the empty streets of their city, a trail of blood following behind him as he accepted his fate. the boy was 99% sure he had a concussion and at the very least had a few broken ribs. 
he felt like this was the end, and he was ready.
wandering aimlessly around town, you decided to take a late night walk to familiarize yourself around the area. you had just moved into the city a week ago, spending all seven days trying to help your family unpack and rearrange your cozy new home. 
now that you were finally free of the smell of tape and the dust of the boxes, you decided it was best to get to know the place you were living in. 
the autumn air seemed to settle at night as you shivered, cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket of some sort. the sight of a convenience store up ahead of you brought you relief as you rummaged through your pockets wondering if you had enough money for ramen.
your steps became excited as you found a couple dollars, fondly thinking about what type of ramen you should buy. you became so lost in your thoughts you didn’t even notice the poor boy who was staggering in front of you, or the trail of blood he left behind. 
jisung pushed himself to reach the convenience store a couple feet away from him, in desperate need of supplies to at least try and fix himself. 
if it didn’t help in any way then oh well, maybe death was indeed an option. 
grinding his teeth though the pain, he did not expect to feel a small body bump into him. had he been at his regular health, jisung would’ve easily been able to keep still but because of how much blood he was losing the boy was knocked down like a bowling pin.
“holy fuck.” jisung cursed the feeling of the concrete floor colliding with his ribs. he didn’t even notice the girl who had bumped into him sitting on the floor dumbfounded, freaking out over his state.
“oh my fucking god.” the girl said, capturing his attention. jisung glared at the stranger, mentally acknowledging the fact she was pretty. 
but her being pretty won’t get you anywhere, he scolded himself. she’ll leave you just like everyone else.
“a-are you okay?” she said, eyes glancing at his black eye. jisung rolled his eyes, already annoyed. “does it look like i’m okay?” he replied, his deep voice catching the girl off guard. 
“just, fuck off.” jisung said closing his eyes as he laid back down on the floor, knowing he couldn’t force himself to get up anymore. he didn’t even have to open his eyes to know she left, hearing the sound of her footsteps walk away.
the boy sighed as he laid idly on the floor, wondering what sin he committed to lead him to where he is now. not even she wanted to stay, the tears threatening to fall as his thoughts buried him alive.
“why can’t i just die?” jisung said out loud, asking no one but himself.
“because i won’t let you.” a voice replied as jisung forced himself to sit up in confusion. it was the same girl he had bumped into, but this time she had a first aid kit with her. he gave her a lost look despite knowing what she was here to do. 
jisung’s mind just couldn’t wrap around the fact that a total stranger would even bother to help him. 
“now sit up.” she said softly as she bent down to open the box, the boy slowly followed her instructions. “i’m sorry this might sting.” she said though jisung didn’t mind because she was much prettier up close.
the next ten minutes were you trying to fix his wounds against the shitty chairs outside the convenience store.
jisung didn’t even bother mentioning his broken ribs, not wanting you to freak out. you cleaned up what you could and the boy was beyond grateful for that.
you subconsciously rubbed his back in a comforting way whenever you’d apply alcohol to his open wounds, trying to ease the sting. you held his hand for him to hold and though he was a big boy and had a high pain tolerance, he still gave it a squeeze just to keep your hand there.  what the actual fuck is this feeling, jisung asked himself as he watched your determined figure work on him.
it was cold and in order to better work on his wounds, the boy offered to give you his hoodie which strangely had no traces of blood on it. you gladly accepted, the faint smell of blood and his cologne engulfing you up. 
the sight of you in something so big and so him made his chest swell in pride.
jisung couldn’t even formulate a sentence as you cursed at the time once you finished patching him up, fleeing the scene before he could say anything with a small smile, his hoodie still on. 
❝ and can you find me soon because i’m in my head ❞
the thought of your soft hands on his, your voice, your whole presence; everything about you couldn’t seem to leave the poor boy’s mind. it was now monday, and waiting for his class to start already made him want to go home.
if only i got her name, jisung daydreamed with his head resting on the palm of his hand. the classroom was loud and bright, people occasionally giving him looks but the boy didn’t mind. 
“jisungie~ did you hear we have a new kid?” jaemin asked, poking the boy’s cheeks. the boy only gave him a pointed look before sighing. 
“hyung i don’t really care.” jisung replied, looking back out the window. 
jaemin only gave him an offended look before grumbling a bit. “i don’t know maybe you will.” he muttered under his breath as their teacher walked into the room. 
❝ yeah i need you now but i don’t know you yet ❞
their homeroom teacher stood in front of the class, jisung tuning out his voice. the boy once again sighed as his teacher called for their attention, explaining they had a new girl in their class. “now make her feel welcomed,” he said before turning towards the door.
“y/n, please come in.” the teacher said and jisung almost fell out of his seat when he saw you walking through the door with the same smile you gave him a couple days ago.
“hi i’m y/n and i hope we can get along.” you bowed to the class, a familiar hoodie you were wearing catching his attention. 
isn’t that mine, jisung thought to himself as he bit back a smile knowing you kept it all along. 
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