#but I want to fast forward to the short term results
taylorrepdetective · 1 year
It’s been very interesting to see how this is slowly being picked up in the mainstream media. No one outside the fandom really cared when it was him just being reported as a creepy, misguided edgelord. Then once the porn stuff went around, more people got upset within the fandom, Buzzfeed picked it up and it made it into a few other semi-mainstream publications, like Insider. Black Twitter picked up on it and it spread. But still, no significant impact in the general public. And just when it felt like she might have been winning the PR war with her concerts last weekend and him not being seen, as well as her gaining sympathy because of the crazy crowds, she brought him out again and it picked up again just in time for her to include Ice Spice in the mess, and now it’s in the Washington Post. Regardless, everyone will be watching and listening tonight to see what the fuss is about and I have yet to see any sign of a dent in sales/streams/ticket prices (they keep going up), but I do wonder about that cash grab purple swirl vinyl they put out the other day and how that sold. As well as speak now preorder cancellations. Because those are bought by the die hard fans and that would give them a really good datapoint to see any actual effects from all this, beyond people yelling into the void.
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comicaurora · 8 months
Loving Aurora in general, but want to call out one specific thing I esspecially love. As a disabled reader, I'm very glad to see disabled rep in Aurora. It's rare to see disabled characters in general, rarer to see them in a low tech fantasy setting, and even rarer still to see them in a low tech fantasy setting with healing magic. There's kinda an unspoken implication in a lot of stories with healing magic that disabled folk all get "fixed" (or in the cases that have disabled characters actually get "fixed", a very clearly spoken implication), and I'm happy that this isn't the case here and that people can just exist with a disability in the world. Looking forward to reading more as the story continues.
I'm really glad!
One of the things I wanted to do in this story was make sure healing followed something like hard magic rules, because if healing magic is too omnipotent and readily accessible, along with the dubious implications you mentioned, almost all the stakes of combat go away.
Because of the way a soul resists elemental magic, that means only fresh injuries can be readily healed, and anything that isn't a simple wound (like an illness or poisoning) might not be accessible to healing magic - and since it's basically refinement and accelleration of the body's natural healing, anything a body can't naturally heal on its own becomes much dicier.
A consequence of this is that it created a large space of circumstances in which an injury, illness or condition couldn't just be handwaved away. Dainix is down an eye, and rebuilding an eye isn't in the purview of standard healing magic, so he can't just get it reversed (and the fact that it exploded in soulfire the moment he lost it probably isn't helping). Tess is heavily scarred, and the injury is years old so it can't be magic'd away. Falst's own healing factor has the potential to screw him over by closing a wound too fast for it to be sterilized first.
The nature of Tarren's disability will be discussed in future pages, but the short of it is that they suffered from chronic water corruption for several years, resulting in widespread joint problems. Elemental corruption can be prevented and managed, but regardless of the cause - magical or mundane - slow-building, long-term weakening of their body can't just be magically reversed with the established rules of healing magic.
I like it when things make sense, and I'm glad people are liking Tarren!
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indig0trolls · 2 months
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HOLY WOW! Not one but TWO new tinies bases to go along with the first!! Expect me to use both versions moving forward. If I decide to reopen tinies customs after I complete this last batch, I'll likely add base options to the form(s)!
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Caged Fighting
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Pairing. Mammon x GN!MC, but implied poly!MC
C/W. Contract fighting. Swearing. Cursing. Suggestive.
Prompt. An idea by @sparkbeast20
No proofread btw
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“Hey MC, ya have to look at this.” Mammon barged in your room, as usual, and shouted. His hand holding a piece of paper.
There goes my peaceful day. You told yourself as you dropped your favorite thing to do to focus on Mammon and what he had to show you.
“What makes you so happy, Mammon?” You asked.
“Look at this, MC.” Mammon said excitedly. “We’re gonna to be rich.”
Mammon gave you the piece of paper. And you began to read.
The employee will become a fighter in a caged fighting.
[…] The employee must obey the terms described in the contract. And the employer must pay the employee adequately. Any violation will result in magical and legal punishment for the violating party.
This contract can’t be ended before both parties fulfill their stated obligations. If a party tries to end the contract prematurely, they will receive the same punishment as committing violation.
“Mammon, it’s a contract for caged fighting.” You said as you pointed the place in the contract where “caged fighting” was stated explicitly.
“What!?” The second eldest snatched the contract from your hands.
“Fuck!” Mammon cursed as he read the contract thoroughly.
“Let’s go meet Lucifer. I’m sure he can get you out of this.” You said, fuming. They dared to trick Mammon, so you weren’t gonna let them go away with this. “We gonna make them pay.”
“Wait, MC.” Mammon grabbed you hand, stopping you from running to Lucifer’s office.
“Why are you stopping me?”
“Listen here. Lucifer already has so many things on his plate right now. I don’t want to stress him more. Beside, I signed this contract and it was my fault for not reading it carefully. If Lucifer were to be pulled into this, he would be put into a difficult position since it was a legally signed contract.”
“Then what should we do? Devildom’s Caged fighting is dangerous. I don’t want you to be injured.”
Mammon looked at your face, guilt was written all over his face. He didn’t want to put Lucifer in a difficult position, but he didn’t want you to be sad either.
“I…it’s just a fight. The Great Mammon is the second strongest demon of the seven demon brothers. The Great Mammon is gonna achieve a quick victory and then quit.” Mammon said before leaving your room.
Fast forward to the night of Mammon’s fight, you used a magical equipment that Solomon had taught you to make to disguise yourself as a demon and entered the caged fighting arena. After taking a spectator’s seat, you looked around and finally, you found the contract owner sitting at the VIP area. Jörmungandr, son of Loki, he was a cunning snake demon and the owner of the arena.
Son of a bitch. You cursed the demon silently. You just wanted to jump at him, punch his face, and pull his forked tongue out.
“Ladies and gents, devils and abominations, here comes our first fight this evening. Let’s welcome our two fighters onto the arena, or rather the cage. On the red side, we have the famous Avatar of Greed, Mammon.”
You turned to look at the red side of the arena and saw Mammon entering the arena, amidst the cheers of many demons. You knew they were the cheers from the excitement to watch bloodshed, rather than cheering for Mammon.
But soon, your attention was on something else. Mammon was half-naked and was only wearing a yellow boxing shorts. Your gaze was glued to the tanned muscles on his body. Though you had had many occasions to “enjoy” that body, you still found yourself hot and gulping your own saliva.
Damn it, Mammon. At least wear a top. Heat rushed to your face as you were admiring the body of a demon model. You hoped that the demons of lust in this arena didn’t catch on to your horniness.
“And on the blue side, we have Bagmon.”
You looked to the blue side of the arena and what you saw surprised you. A scrawny goblin entered the arena from the blue side door. He was so thin to the point you felt pitiful for him. But soon, you realized something was up.
Shit. It was a trap.
The fight started. And within one minute, Mammon was able to achieve victory by landing his fist on his opponent’s face, sending the goblin flying. Just as you had expected.
“MAMMON WINS!” The referee declared, while Mammon’s face was like he couldn’t believe what had happened. But soon it turned into joy and laugh.
The first fight in the evening ended early, much to the disappointment of many spectators. Knowing that Mammon had no other fight, you left your seat and returned to the House of Lamentation, ahead of Mammon.
“How was it? Did you quit?” You asked when Mammon returned, dreading that Mammon had fallen into Jörmungandr’s trap.
“Well… about that…the owner guy came to talk to me after the fight, saying I had potential…this and that.” Mammon avoided your intense gaze.
“Before I knew it, I signed another contract to fight for a week. I’m sorry.”
You sighed.
“Don’t worry. If the next fights are like today, I’m gonna win and bring back a lot of money.” Mammon tried to comfort you. And it seemed that the first win boosted his confidence a lot, he sounded less uncertain now.
“Alright, only a week. After the contractual period ends, quit immediately. Or I’ll be mad and won’t talk to you ever again.”
“Alright. Ya have my words.” Mammon nodded.
The following week, you cancelled all your appointments with the others if they fell into the evening when Mammon had a fight to secretly go to the arena and watch Mammon fight. Your goal was to protect the second eldest.
Just as you had been worried, all Mammon’s opponents were weak and low-ranking demons, whom the second eldest knocked out within 1-2 minutes. The strongest of them only lasted five minutes. As you saw Mammon’s guard dropped with each fight from the spectator’s seat, you became more worried that the very next fight could be the greedy demon’s doom.
Nothing happened to Mammon, the demon fighters could barely leave a scratch on him. Soon, it was his final caged fighting battle, as your worry reached its peak, you had a bad feeling about this final fight.
“Little kitten, I didn’t know you liked caged fighting.”
You froze. Busted. You said in your head as you turned around to face Asmo. With Asmo were Satan, Beel, and Belphie.
“What are you guys doing here?” You asked.
“We followed you, of course.”
“We noticed that you were weird this past week, canceling all of our appointments in the evening and you always had anxiety written all over your face.”
“It’s about Mammon, right?”
Then you told the four brothers what was going on with Mammon.
“Mammon, that idiot.”
“I really wanted to go to the staff’s area to help Mammon not fall into their tempting words and traps but they didn’t allow non-staff to enter.” You told the brothers. “I know I should have told you guys to interfere, but Mammon didn’t want to burden anyone with his problem.”
“That’s where you two are wrong, dear. Your problem is not a burden to us at all.”
“Yes, we are family, we stick together.”
“Guys, I-
Before you could say anything more to the brothers, the emcee appeared and announced the start of the fighting night.
“Ladies and gents, devils and abominations, let’s welcome our fighters tonight. On the red side, we have Mammon, the Avatar of Greed.”
Mammon entered the arena with a smug look on his face before posing his muscles for the audiences.
“On the blue side, we have Erraroth.” The emcee announced.
Suddenly, the whole arena became wild, as many spectators began to chant “ERRAROTH! ERRAROTH! ERRAROTH!”
The said demon soon made his appearance. He was exactly how you would imagine demon for your whole life had you not come to the Devildom. Erraroth was a big demon, you swore he was at least 10 feet. The demon had 4 arms with muscles bulging and a large tail. His skin was as red as Hell’s fire and he did breathe fire from his nostrils. You had seen the redness on Diavolo’s skin and scale once, and you felt protected, but the color on this demon’s skin, you felt that it just wanted to blind your eyes and burn you to ashes.
When you saw the Erraroth, you knew your worry had come true. For whatever reason, the demon Jörmungandr wanted to see Mammon beaten and humiliated, but not before letting the Avatar of Greed taste some sweetness from victory to let him drop his guard.
“Son of a bitch.” You cursed the serpent demon again.
In the cage, the referee announced the start of the fight. Mammon looked at how tall Erraroth was. The second eldest gulped but he attacked first anyway, he didn’t want to let such a formidable opponent to gain the advantage of attacking first.
Mammon landed his fist on Erraroth’s stomach.
Did it work? Mammon asked himself but he soon knew the answer.
“Did our Avatar of Greed forget to eat his meals?” Erraroth chuckled.
Mammon ignored him and landed another punch.
“Ah of course he could forget to eat. Because he’s the Avatar of Greed, not Gluttony.” Erraroth said before laughing out loud this time. Many spectators, and even the emcee, laughed with him. While you and the brothers frowned at the cringed joke.
What happened next changed the mood of the arena completely. Erraroth sent his knee at Mammon’s stomach. The force was so strong that Mammon spat blood. The giant demon then grabbed Mammon by his throat and threw him towards the cage, wounding the second eldest’s back, which collided with the hard iron cage.
Mammon stood up. “The Great Mammon can still fight.”
“Ha, not for long.” Erraroth mocked.
The battle continued but it was one-sided, with Erraroth beating Mammon like a sandbag.
Through your pact, you could feel it. Mammon would soon lose consciousness. Sitting next to you, Satan and Beel were ready to jump in at any given moment.
“Satan, Beel, let me.” The two calmed down a little bit at your words.
“Hear me, denizens of darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command. I call upon you to give vitality and lend your power to Mammon, the Avatar of Greed.” The pact mark on your body began to shine yellow. No one notices, except the four demons sitting with you.
In the cage, Mammon, who was losing consciousness, suddenly regained energy to fight. Not only that, he could feel power was running through his body.
The demon Erraroth frowned at the changes. He didn’t like it. He dashed towards Mammon and raised a fist at him.
Everyone thought Erraroth was gonna beat Mammon again, just like what he had done during the fight. But surprisingly, Mammon caught the first with ease.
“It’s the Great Mammon’s turn to fight back.” Mammon twisted Erraroth’s arm and broke it.
As Erraroth screamed in pain, the Avatar of Greed landed a first on his face, before sending his knee at the former’s stomach. As the big demon stumbled back, Mammon struck his legs, making him fall down. The Avatar of Greed soon dominated Erraroth and won the battle.
“MAMMON WINS!” The referee declared. The audiences were shocked with Mammon’s victory. But after a moment so silence from shock, they began to cheer for him and chant his names.
After the cheers had died down, one of the staff took Mammon back to staff-only area. There, Jörmungandr made his appearance before the Avatar of Greed.
“Mammon, you were so amazing in the fight. When I first saw you, I knew that you had it in you to become a great fighter.” Jörmungandr tempted Mammon. “Do you want to become a regular fighter?”
“Sorry, but I can’t.” Mammon answered without hesitation.
“I’ll pay double.”
“No, I don’t want to. Also, I have promised someone I would quit after this fight.” Mammon’s cheek turned a little pink when he remembered how you cared for him.
Seeing Mammon’s reaction, Jörmungandr knew right away he had a special someone. The serpent demon changed his tactic.
“Well, I mean, by continuing to work as a regular fighter, you can get a lot of money to give to someone and they will be happy. Even if they don’t, who knows, maybe you both will need the money you make today as a fighter in the future.”
“Well, I…”
“Without money, you two may one day be destitute. Imagine your significant other has to work day and night just to make ends meet for the both of you. Excessive work makes their beautiful hands ugly.”
“This…” now Mammon had become very torn. As the Avatar of Greed, the last thing he wants is that you lack anything you want and need, be it physical or mental or spiritual.
“One day, your significant other begins to cough. At first, you think it’s a normal cold. But the coughing never stops. Alas, your significant other collapses and never-
Before Jörmungandr had the chance to finish his heart-breaking story, something collided with him from the back. The thing was heavier than him and he fell on his face, with the thing on top of him.
“Son of a bitch, stop depicting me as a poor mother who has to raise seven kids.” A strange demon ran in and started to kick Jörmungandr non-stop. Beel followed the strange demon, carrying around 5-6 bodyguards with him. It turned out that “the thing” that hit Jörmungandr before was also a bodyguard.
“This one is for tricking Mammon, this one is for jinxing me, this one is for using poor people for your evil money making scheme.” Satan, Asmo, and Belphie followed in after Beel. Once they saw you kicking Jörmungandr, they felt amused and joined in with you.
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“Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, why are you here?” Mammon asked.
Asmo stopped kicking the bad guys to answer Mammon. “We were worried about you and MC, so we followed you two here.”
“MC!? They are here! Where are they?” Mammon asked with a worried tone.
Asmo did not answer but used his eye language to point to the strange demon who was kicking the bad demons non-stop.
Feeling the intense gaze from Mammon, you stopped to look at him. It took you a whole minute to realize he might not recognize you. So you cancelled the disguise spell before running towards the second eldest and hugged him. You two nearly kissed if not for the intense gaze from others.
“You made me worry so much, you moron, idiot, baka!” You shouted at Mammon.
“I’m sorry, MC.” Mammon hugged you back.
“If I hadn’t barged in here, would you have signed another contract that made you a regular fighter?” You asked.
“I’m sorry, MC.”
“Even if someone evil uses me as a bait, don’t take it.”
“I’m sorry.” Mammon apologized for a third time. “But I can’t help it. MC, you’re the most important person in my life. I can’t act without thinking about your well-being. If I refuse him, I would shut a door that you might need in the future.”
“Oh, Mammon.” You disagreed with Mammon but his words made your chest felt warm. Mammon may be an idiot but he genuinely cares about you, he’s your idiot and those who dares to take advantage of his idiocy and caring heart shall pay.
Since Jörmungandr dared to harm a member of the Morningstar family, you handed him to Lucifer, along with many of his workers, and also the emcee of the arena, who dared laugh at Mammon.
However, Jörmungandr’s father, the trickster demon Loki, came to Diavolo and sued you and Mammon. The three judges, namely Diavolo and the two brothers who did not participate in the chaos - Lucifer and Leviathan, presided over the trial. But, alas, the trial was completely one-sided as the judges unanimously favored you and yours. Loki lost the trial and had to pay you a large amount of Grimm, while Jörmungandr was found guilty of intentionally trying to harm and humiliate an officer of Devildom to gain more wealth for himself. The serpent demon found himself sentenced to thousands of years in the Hell’s Circle of Greed.
Everything had been resolved…or so you thought. After returning to the House of Lamentation, Mammon kept challenging Beel to a brawl fight, shouting something “I will definitely awake the hidden power within me from last time”, much to the amusement of you and the four brothers who were with you that day. You five knew that it was you who gave a boost of power to Mammon, but you all decided to keep it a secret, let Mammon think he has some hidden power and be happy.
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I think it costed me more than a week to complete this. I have completely forgot the plot of the first half by the time I wrote the final part.
Special thanks to demon name generator for the two demon names appear in this fic
Anyway, hope you guys like it.
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userminusone · 5 months
I have some thoughts about TADC EP 2 (Spoilers, obviously)
Ok, I don't want to spoil anything for people who haven't seen TADC EP 2 yet, so I'm going to put a bunch of filler text here just to make extra sure that no spoilers are easily seen at the very beginning of this post for people who don't want them. This is the point of no return, if you really really REALLY don't want this episode spoiled, turn back now. This is your final warning, I will commence with the spoiling soon...
Still with me? Alright, I guess I can make my point now. From what I've seen, it’s pretty clear that most people in this fandom are really mad about Caine just outright getting rid of Gumigoo, and I agree my initial reaction was EXTREME disappointment at the realization that this super likable character wasn’t going to join the main cast, which I honestly should have seen coming :p
Aaaaaanywho, it occurred to me that this narrative choice further solidifies what I think is one of the foundational elements of this show: Meaninglessness.
Let me explain: in the first episode, we see Pomni join the circus and freak out at the idea of spending eternity in this weird sort of virtual metaverse where there isn’t any grand overarching goal to work towards. Instead, there are an endless set of arbitrary missions and short term goals that really don’t mean anything, and are purely meant to keep the humans trapped in the Circus stimulated, as Ragatha points out. Combine this with the fact that the humans don’t need to eat or sleep, and it becomes crystal clear to Pomni that there is nothing remotely meaningful about this place at first glance.
Naturally, Pomni finds this horrifying, and desperately tries to leave and get back to a normal life which actually has substance to it, and this seems promising as Pomni manages to find an exit door and eventually make it all the way to the void, where it appears she might be able to escape, or at least discover something new she may be able to garner meaning from. Of course, whatever this might lead to is ultimately kept from Pomni (and all of us as well) as a result of Caine bringing her back to the circus, and here Pomni’s hope that she can find her own meaning is crushed.
Fast forward to episode 2, and we can see that Pomni is at least tolerating circus life, even though she hasn’t adjusted to it, which is evident because of the nightmare she has. Furthermore, she clearly does not care about the adventures Caine makes for them because she already knows they have no meaning. However, things take a turn later in the episode when Pomni finds herself stuck out of bounds with one of the NPCs from the current adventure, Gumigoo, who has an existential crisis when he realizes that his entire reality has been fabricated. Gumigoo naturally comes to the same conclusion that Pomni does: the idea that his current world has absolutely no meaning. In experiencing this raw emotional moment from Gumigoo, Pomni appears to have a stark change in emotions.
Instead of being in a state of panic and/or depression because of the meaninglessness of everything around her, she first feels genuine concern for Gumigoo for feeling similarly to how she did upon joining the Circus, and she then clearly feels a sense of comfort at being able to relate to someone else in the moment. More than that, I believe she even finds joy in being able to be there for someone else in a dark moment rather than being the victim or needing the other people to reassure her, and she obviously feels a sense of hope in finding a friend she feels she can relate to and bond with. This is a critical moment in which Pomni has found her own kind of meaning in this otherwise meaningless world by means of showing kindness to someone else and pulling them out of a dark place, and THIS is why it’s so devastating when Caine just outright banishes Gumigoo from the Circus, out of fear of what might happen if he lost track of what characters were NPCs and what characters were humans. This is exactly what happens in the first episode: Pomni starts out with this assumption that the world she is currently in inherently has no meaning, she discovers something that has some amount of meaning to her, and that meaning is quickly stripped away from her, leaving her even more convinced that her world has no meaning.
So yeah, it was frustrating in episode one when Pomni found the exit but was forced to go back to the Circus. It was frustrating in episode two when Pomni befriended Gumigoo and Gumigoo was forced to leave the Circus. That being said, I almost feel like that’s kinda the point. In deliberately making us fans feel like something really meaningful to us was just taken away from us for no obvious reasons, I think the show is just trying to make us feel the sentiments that Pomni feels, connecting us with the existential cruelty of the narrative.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
For the fanfic ask game! (14) If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick? (and also which medium) (17) What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? (30) Ask anything! Who is your current favorite character to write?
Fic Writing Meme
(14) If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick? (and also which medium)
I have strongly considered making a graphics package for REVERSE THE BONE that’s just like, all the material culture ephemera Hinamori collected over the course of the Train Job—Kira’s map, packaging and flyers from Iwatobi, a tourism map of East Rukongai complete with stamp rally, the Takenoyu business card… I love that kind of in-universe graphic design, and I’d already made the train tickets. Buuuut if I made more graphics, it would take that time away from writing.
Other than that, I always think of D O N K I in visual terms, because Hitsugaya spends so much of that fic being overstimulated by Worm TVs and weird cups and fast trains and, of course, Don Quijote itself. It’s a fairly melancholy fic, but the visuals that attend it all are so absurd I feel like it would be cool to see in a visual medium that could really play with that contrast. Maybe one of those books where you can pull new elements into the scene via pull tab, or open little doors, or initiate fancy pop-ups! THERE’S A DONKI AT THE END OF THIS BOOK:
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(Kyoto May 2023) "That's just the aesthetic of any dollar store" YEAH but you can buy perishable prepared foods inside this one somewhere! (By the socks.)
(17) What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I wrote a post-TYBW fic that involved spending a lot of time burying bodies in mass graves, because the only divisions that got mentioned as cremating their dead were the 11th and the 4th. The body burying happened for the ~vibes and because it didn’t occur to me to think about it, and it wasn’t until after writing it that I had the thought that like, oh hm, why wouldn’t everyone be cremated? Because in my mind Japan is a country of cremation. So I assumed for years that the whole fic was based on a flawed premise, and oh well, it’s Soul Society so it does whatever I want it to, I’ll live with that.
But then when writing the Train Fic, I looked up how bodies might be transported, and what kinds of receptacles were used. And I was like, well, it’s really not going to be the same visual if it’s just a bunch of boxes of ashes, lol. But in my reading, I learned that the dominance of cremation in Japan is super recent! Like mid-20th century recent! And my perception otherwise is a very Buddhist bias! After that, I ended up starting research in the Yayoi period and working my way forward, because I figured I’d get the full historical picture and then decide how I wanted to imagine Soul Society’s version of that swathe of history, since I figured 1) lifespan difference might result in some pre-Edo holdovers when it comes to the basics, and 2) Soul Society wasn’t going to have the same socio-historical pressures driving change, so in those instances where they were choosing to model things they did after the Living World, they probably also just cherry-picked whatever they vibed with lol.
Anyhow, this was a cool, short, pretty cute video about ancient burial practices and burial jars!
(30) Ask anything! Who is your current favorite character to write?
HAHA realistically, whoever’s feeling collaborative and is willing to be nice to me. 🥺 But in the extremely *likely* scenario where someone puts a gun to my head and says "you have to write a Bleach fic right now, while we watch, or we shoot you!" I’d probably choose to do it with Matsumoto.
Because she’s patronized one Junrinan confectionary at least one time, and was excited about Orihime’s cooking, and loves shopping and celebrations of all kinds, and learned traditional dance despite obviously not growing up in The Scene, my mind has kind of spun Matsumoto into someone who sees a lot of value in experiencing and learning about different cultures (which in her context primarily means Rukongai districts), and it’s fun to write her interfacing with all these things. She doesn’t seem to have strong ties to the district she came from, necessarily, but I feel like she has strong values around recognizing Rukongai at large as a real place with infinite cultural particularities—particularities she wants to honor and know about—not just a blank slate waypoint.
Closer to canon, she has so many interesting relationships with people all across the board, you can kind of bring her into any situation and she’ll probably have some kind of generative connection to it. I also love that even though she’s open to conversations that might be really difficult OR down to clown, she also has a private core that she doesn’t share, and it can be really fun to play with that dialogism when narrating from her POV. She’s just a really good time all around!
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lestappenforever · 8 months
So, something to highlight when talking about the whole Ferrari fiasco of “we’re only focusing on winning 5 races” and how it is different that Red Bull’s we focus on individual races. And bear with me, because I’m a football fan, and what RBR focus on is exactly like my team.
Let’s look at (my team hehe) Atletico Madrid, this is a team that has some history, but have gone years since 1995/96 season being in shambles. Why is that, because they only put overall future goals (that and other politics within the club). They were saying in that time that: we want to finish in a certain position in the league, or we want to qualify for xyz competition. They didn’t focus at what they had, a damn decent team, and that got them relegated to the second division for 2 seasons, and we couldn’t qualify for the Champions League till 2012.
Fast forward to December 2012, we still were not a good team, but had a change, we got Simeone, who had/still has one quote wherever he is aksed about long-term goals, and it’s “Partido a Partido” aka game by game. Since then, we’ve constantly and consistently qualified fir the Champions League, and done some damn good results (I’m just saying this as overall when comparing between pre-December 2011 to post December 2011)
Now back to F1, what Ferrari are doing are what we did in the pre-Simeone era, have a good team, put long term goals, not focus on the short term goals and what could be achieved, and have the politics of it all be a detrimental part and have a great influence on the team. However, what RBR are doing is the post-Simeone era, we focus on each individual race, partido a partido, and if something negative were to happen, debreif and bounce back stronger (singapore and japan 2023 come to mind).
A bit of a football analogy and I apologise to any non-football fans for this rant that you might not find interesting, but its been on my mind and I just wanted to get it out.
Fellow football-loving anon, let me keep you forever. ❤️
Thank you so much for this, because this is exactly what I was referring to with my own football analogy in an earlier ask, and you have no idea how happy it made me to read this. You've got this spot on, anon.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Before a sperm can fertilize an egg, it faces a long journey: Propelled by the back and forth movement of its tail, it needs to swim all the way through the female reproductive tract to the fallopian tube, where it meets an egg. But in a new study, researchers who want to develop on-demand male contraceptives say they’ve figured out a way to prevent pregnancy: temporarily stop the sperm from swimming.
In a paper published today in Nature Communications, the researchers announced that when they injected 52 male mice with an experimental compound called TDI-11861, it temporarily inhibited an enzyme that helps sperm move. When they paired the males off with females to mate, no pregnancies occurred. (The same number of male mice treated with a control substance impregnated almost one-third of their mates.) The effects lasted for up to two and half hours. At around three hours, some sperm started moving again, and by 24 hours, nearly all sperm recovered normal movement. The authors say the results point the way to a short-term birth control option for men.
“It’s pretty clear that this is an on-off switch for sperm,” says Lonny Levin, a professor of pharmacology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, and an author on the paper. “We thought inhibiting this would be a great way to stop sperm in their tracks, prevent them from ever leaving the vagina and getting to the promised land to fertilize an egg.” 
But injecting a drug before sex isn’t exactly an appealing idea, so the researchers also tested an oral version in male mice and confirmed that the drug immobilized sperm when delivered this way. This method of birth control doesn’t contain hormones, as pills for women do. The idea is that it could be taken shortly before sex, rather than daily. “I think this is really one of the biggest advancements for non-hormonal contraceptives in recent times,” says Christopher Lindsey, a program official in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, which partly funded the work. 
Levin and his collaborator Jochen Buck, also a professor of pharmacology at Weill Cornell, didn’t initially set out to find a male contraceptive. They were studying a regulatory enzyme called soluble adenylyl cyclase, or sAC, which is found in almost every cell. When they genetically engineered mice to lack this enzyme, they found that the males were infertile. The enzyme appears to play a major role in activating a sperm cell’s ability to swim.
That led the researchers on a new quest to develop a potential male contraceptive by designing compounds that could block sAC. But because this enzyme is present elsewhere in the body—and may be necessary for other cellular functions—they didn’t think it would be a good idea to shut it off permanently.
In 2018, Melanie Balbach, a postdoctoral associate in their lab, gave one of those experimental compounds to mice and found that it produced sperm that could not propel themselves forward. “They didn't move. They didn't twitch,” Levin says. But that compound lost its effect once it entered the female reproductive tract. So the researchers kept testing compounds that would keep sperm immobile. 
Over time, they refined TDI-11861. In mice, the drug didn’t appear to interfere with sexual functioning or cause any side effects. And most importantly, the sperm were normal again a day later. 
Of course, there is a big caveat: Mice are not people. But humans also have the sAC enzyme, and in males, it’s also involved in sperm movement. Buck and Levin are reassured that the strategy might be safe in people by another team’s report from 2019, which described two infertile men with mutations in the gene that makes sAC. The men were otherwise healthy, except for having a higher risk of kidney stones. (Mice bred without this gene have elevated eye pressure, which wasn’t a problem found in the men without the gene.) 
To test the safety of their compound, the Cornell team continuously infused it into male and female mice via a pump for six weeks. They noted no side effects, including no kidney issues. They’re now testing the compound in rabbits, which have reproductive organs that are more similar to those of humans. 
Many efforts to create male contraceptives have used hormones—primarily testosterone—to suppress sperm production. But like hormonal birth control for women, these drugs can have an array of negative side effects, including mood swings, weight gain, and decreased libido. Both female and male hormonal birth control also take weeks to become fully effective at preventing pregnancy. A trial sponsored by the National Institutes of Health that’s testing a hormonal gel for men is showing promising results, but the gel must be applied daily to the shoulders to keep sperm levels low enough for effective contraception. 
Some men might prefer a non-hormonal, temporary option. “I think it’s a really wonderful idea and would be very much appreciated by a lot of people who would not maybe want to take a pill every day,” says Gunda Georg, a professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Minnesota, who researches male and female contraceptives and wasn’t involved in the new work. “I think we need to have many different options for contraception for men and also for women.” 
Georg’s lab developed a non-hormonal pill, dubbed YCT529, that targets a protein called retinoic acid receptor alpha and is involved in sperm formation. In mice, it greatly reduced sperm counts and was 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy after being given daily for four weeks. 
While Buck and Levin are also working toward a pill, these are less efficient at delivering drugs than injections. The stomach tends to degrade them, and Levin says the current version of their compound would need to be a pretty large pill. The researchers have launched a company, Sacyl Pharmaceuticals, to further refine their sAC inhibitors and advance them to human clinical trials. “We're trying to get a compound that will be a nice, small pill,” Levin says. 
They also acknowledge that the current compound wears off too quickly, which could result in unwanted pregnancies if not taken at exactly the right time, so they’re hoping to extend the window of effectiveness to 18 hours or so. While there’s still a lot of testing ahead, if all goes well, maybe it will play a role in future Valentine’s Days. “Presumably, you could take this over dinner, and then within an hour, similar to Viagra, you would be ready to engage in sexual activity,” Lindsey says. 
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batbirdies · 2 years
Just have to take a moment for appreciation and shout to the world that I love my vet so much.
If you feel like reading a long boring personal story about my cats it’s under the cut lol
I had such a bad experience at the last place I went. Mochi was not eating and sleeping all the time and obviously was unwell so I took her in. They ran some blood tests and gave her an anti nausea injection. I took her home and she seemed to perk up quickly and was back to her normal self and feeling obviously better within 48 hours.
Great! Or so I thought. I went about life after that assuming the tests came back normal since Mochi was acting back to herself again and I didn’t think anything of not hearing from the vet.
I ended up discovering an email they sent me like two weeks late (like a full month after the appointment) saying they had tried to call me multiple times and that mochis blood tests came back with some concerning results they wanted to discuss with me. Cue me panicking and calling back, not having received any of their calls or messages because they hadn’t updated my contact information like I had asked previously and had been calling my old phone number.
I’m told the vet is busy but will call me again on her break that afternoon. I get no call. I call the next day and am told she’s not in the office but will call me the next day. I get no call. I call again and am told she’ll call me that afternoon. I get no call. I call again and finally someone tells me that her blood results showed low kidney function and the vet was worried she might have polycystic kidney disease which is fatal!! I’m then even more panicked and upset, I drive home from work crying. I finally FINALLY get to talk to the actual vet the next day and I tell her the reason I didn’t get their messages and why I didn’t get back to them. I tell them that Mochi was acting normal again so I didn’t think anything was wrong!!
On hearing this she changes her tune and says kidney disease is unlikely since she wouldn’t bounce back like that. But I take her back in to realest the tests and everything comes back normal. I’ve spent like $700 on this one incident at this point, not to mention my extreme distress. But phew, ok things are fine, she was probably just temporarily sick and it caused her kidneys to work really hard for a short period and now she’s better.
Move on with my life.
Even longer story I won’t get into but I had for a period fostered a cat I named Bento that had serious sinus problems. I assumed it was a bad sinus infection since it developed right after I got him and can be caused by stress and he’d just spent three days on a truck driving up here. So I took him there, they gave him antibiotics. They didn’t seem to help. I took him back, they gave him a different antibiotic. It cleared up mostly but not all the way. I called them, they told me the vet would call me back. She didn’t, some vet tech did and told me he probably had feline herpes and they could prescribe me a long term medication for him. That was all I got. No further investigation, no more tests. When I asked if they could test him for herpes they told me no, the test was unreliable.
Bento didn’t end up staying with me long term but the experience was aggravating, they were unhelpful and uncommunicative.
So fast forward. I got a kitten, Miso, who was having chronic diarrhea. I didn’t want to take her back to the old place but hardly any vets even accept new patients in this area so I did all this online research finally found this place and called them. They are not close, at least a 30 min drive, but Super helpful on the phone and had appointments available within a week!
They were so helpful and nice and gave me diff options. I tried to fill her medication at the local place (same place I didn’t like) and there was so much confusion over it and I ended up being told they would need to see Miso themselves in order to fill her prescription, so no way, I made the drive back and picked up her meds there. Made a follow up appointment for misos vaccinations and brought a poop sample with me after she’d gone through the meds. The vet was so helpful and asked about all of her previous issues.
Then today They just called me after I got Mochi home to check in and tell me they already looked at the skin sample they took and update me. And they talked to me about her medical history while I was there and already seemed to know some of it so I know the doctor actually looked at the records the other vet sent over. I just am so happy I found this place 😂😭 good vets are so hard to find and they are even relatively affordable in comparison to a lot of local places. (Cheaper than the other vet I didn’t like)
(For reference Mochi is fine but she had a bad reaction to a short stint of fleas and has been scratching up a storm and got a little bald spot on her neck, so they gave me a steroid cream)
I also just got miso spayed there and she is doing so well, her stitches look great and she didn’t have nearly the reaction that Mochi had after hers 🥲 I know that can be subjective to each kitty and their reaction to anesthesia but I just don’t trust that other vet anymore lmao.
I left the new place a google review yesterday because they deserve it lol
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...Another Weird AU
I call this the “deranged cousin” of the ideas in this post, and for a good reason...it’s basically that as a crack fic.
Inspired by a conversation on a certain Discord server about “what if HypMic magical girls, but not Ramuda?”. Thus, even though they’re guys, they will be referred to as “magical girls” as a gender-neutral term. After picking characters based on their height, it was quite the brain exercise to string them together, but I had a lot of fun doing it. That said, I think I’ve written “magical girl” so many times for this particular set of ideas, it’s started to lose all meaning... *sweatdrops*
So there is the HypMic world we know and a parallel universe to it, in which 1) there are no Hypnosis Mics, but 2) some people develop magic and some don’t (which essentially took the place of Hypnosis Mics). What was TDD + Sasara and Kuko were hyped up to be the greatest magical girls ever by Chuohku...only for half the group to develop powers and for Chuohku to banish the Powerless trio (this world’s Samatoki, Jakurai and Kuko) as a result. Fast-forward to the present day and Riou, who did develop powers, sets out on a trip to make things right again...by recruiting the Powerless’s counterparts from the universe we know...
...or so the story goes, but as you can see, that’s not fully true.
Basically, in this system, each magical girl is assigned a gemstone and their powers are related to both their backstory and possible meaning/s of the gem. They also have a ring with their assigned gemstone, typically worn on the third finger of the left hand, which they use to transform, although Jakurai doesn’t keep his on his person (see below for why). They have to transform to invoke their powers, with the exception of Kuko. (Why Kuko? Because he’s the only one whose powers already seem to exist in canon in some form, most notably in RIP and the related drama track.) They were originally meant to have sentient wands as well a la Prisma Illya, but that made everything too complex. You can see a remnant of what once was in Riou’s profile below.
(…On a personal note, as I was thinking about this idea, I was reminded my story White Parasite originally had the same premise before becoming more standard. However, this was a few years ago when I believed gender and sexuality to be more binary, so I was afraid of not being taken seriously or alternatively, being heckled out of town. You can either take this idea as extremely parodic (like Mahou Shoujo Ore) or as breaking down gender norms (men who wear dresses in spite of not having femininity).)
Magical Girl Riou. The magical girl of alternate worlds (or dare I say, isekai...?). Gemstone: obsidian, a gem with potential meanings of “clarity” and “looking to the future”. Power/s: parallel world travel and observation, born from wanting to do things over in order to save his commander. Ostensibly the leader, because he’s the one who has the powers to kick off the plot, but prefers to not take the spotlight. His transformation outfit is a black vest and a white short-sleeved shirt over a black ballerina skirt (it gives off the image of a “third-rate idol”). The magical girl has to be okay with the outfit to some degree, so his magic gave him combat boots as a compromise. (Also maroon stockings, because I can’t imagine him with bare legs *sweatdrops*.)
Magical Girl Rei. The magical girl of success. Gemstone: citrine, a gem with the potential meaning of “prosperity” - this extends to his transformation outfit, which for most intents and purposes is a businesswoman’s (complete with kitten heels!), aside from a big split in one side (...for mobility reasons, although even with that, it still hinders him so much, it doesn’t do much for fanservice purposes) and with the shirt open (as he usually does). Power/s: brainwashing, born from wanting to “exert more control over others”.
Magical Girl Jakurai. The magical girl of location. Gemstone: amethyst, a gem with the potential meaning of wisdom, protection from drunkenness and instilling a serious and sober mind (ha!), born from the fact he wanted to save Yotsutsuji. Due to the belief such powers are “unscientific”, he is unable to manifest a transformation, although his power (as seen by Riou) is known to be a “viewfinder” - finding lost items with more accuracy than Odd Jobs Yamada or creating magical weapon sights.
Magical Girl Samatoki. The magical girl of relationships. Gemstone: rose quartz, a gem with the potential meaning of “unconditional love”. Power/s: love spells or similar which can manipulate romantic and/or sexual feelings [A/N: over the years I have realised I’m no help when it comes to writing romantic/horny stuff, so don’t expect me to write about the repercussions of it all *sweatdrops*], born from wanting to amend his own failed relationships. His transformation outfit, much to his embarrassment, is a cross between his Halloween Witch outfit and Magical Girl Ramuda’s - a light pink dress with bell sleeves, bright pink gloves, a hooded cape and ballet flats (also bright pink).
Magical Girl Kuko. The magical girl of enlightenment. Gemstone: lapis lazuli, a gem with the potential meaning of “contacting spirit guardians”. Essentially, his power is a stronger version of his existing powers of bridging and contacting the supernatural and mundane worlds, born out of his spiritual beliefs. His transformation outfit (although basically no one ever sees it) is a royal blue halterneck top with silver sparkles, a navy blue pinafore skirt and strap sandals.
Magical Girl Ichiro. The magical girl of emotion and one of the magical girls restricted to the parallel world. Gemstone: opal, a gem with the potential meaning of “intensifying emotion”. Power/s: manipulation of platonic emotions (...basically anything that’s not Samatoki’s domain), born out of the fact he wanted to sympathise with his brothers better (it may not seem very versatile until you realise he can manipulate happiness, sadness, jealousy, platonic love/friendships and so much more). His love for his division bled into his transformation outfit and so it is a maid dress, complete with Mary Janes. Samatoki is still in denial his power is a more limited variation of Ichiro’s.
Magical Girl Ramuda. The magical girl of innocence and one of the magical girls restricted to the parallel world. Gemstone: moonstone, a gem with the potential meaning of “abundance”. Exactly as you know him from HypMic Quest, including the flashy powers, although in this case it is specifically born from him wanting to gain attention.
Magical Girl Sasara. The magical girl of renewal and one of the magical girls restricted to the parallel world. Gemstone: emerald, a gem with the potential meaning of “youth”. Power/s: Temporary age regression, born out of the desire to see the world as a child eternally. His transformation outfit is a corduroy dress that looks similar to overalls, with black shorts and a long-sleeved white shirt underneath. I just can’t get this version of Sasara out of my head, which is why I shelved the idea initially when I couldn’t get table formatting to work on Tumblr and then brought it back once I found time for it... *sweatdrops*.
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aayushiagrawal · 2 days
Book Learning-
Some letters are not just a piece of paper it's a small dream that start with your beleive. We will live many different lives within our lifetime. “Life design is ultimately a new way of life that will transform how you look at your life and how you live your life. The end result of a well-designed life is a life well-lived.” “A well-designed life is a life that is generative—it is constantly creative, productive, changing, evolving, and there is always the possibility of surprise… You never finish designing your life—life is a joyous and never-ending design project of building your way forward.”
Questions to ask yourself-
Who do I want to be? What do I want my life to look like?
How do I find a job that I like or maybe even love?
How do I build a career that will make me a good living?
How do I balance my career with my family?
How can I make a difference in the world?
Becoming immune to failure. As you design your life, you will benefit from developing an immunity to failure. You can begin this process by cultivating a bias for action, failing fast, and learning as much as you can from each failure. In that sense, you learn quickly, iterate, and don’t waste too much time. In short, worry is not worth the physical toll it can take on your body. “God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change,The courage to change the things I can;And the wisdom to know the difference.” “Our life is what our thoughts make it.” – Marcus Aurelius “Yes, I honestly believe that this is one of the greatest secrets to true peace of mind – a decent set of values. And I believe we could annihilate fifty per cent of all our worries at once if we would develop a a sort of private gold standard – a gold standard of what things are worth to us in terms of our lives.” “Man is not made to understand life, but to live it.” – Santayana. Learning not to get worked up when someone says something that isn’t positive is a core skill for dealing with a world in which you may get criticized for just and unjust reasons. No one can disturb your mind if you do not let them. Don’t waste time thinking about people you don’t like.
Do your best to avoid unnecessary strain as you go about your days, and you’ll feel better throughout them. So find activities that get you excited, and you’ll naturally have more energy. “Heroes are heroes because they are heroic in behavior, not because they won or lost.” "If you want to change the world … start singing when you’re up to your neck in mud." The difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship comes down to two things: 1) how well each person in the relationship accepts responsibility, and 2) the willingness of each person to both reject and be rejected by their partner.
The three decisions that control your destiny are:
Your decisions about what to focus on
Your decisions about what things mean to you3.33
Your decisions about what to do to create the results you desire.
Your Master System comprises five components:
Your core beliefs and unconscious rules
Your life values
Your references
The habitual questions that you ask yourself
The emotional states you experience in each moment.
At the end of each day I ask myself these questions:
What have I learned today?
What did I contribute or improve?
What did I enjoy?
True practice is not just about learning a skill; it’s about investing the time and energy necessary to discern if this is what you are meant to do.
The artistic way "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler."
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ihearticie · 8 months
Tuesday January 16 2024
Icie had an apt to have her yearly ekg/echo at 1:15pm.
Violet came along with us which was a lovely distraction. ❤️Wormy did well for her ekg. She was sitting up playing with the nurses hat. The hat had flaps that hung down that could be squeezed so ears on the hat would flapped. It was very cute and kept wormy happy during the short test.
After that we switched rooms and waited for the echo. A cardiologist we have never met from the practice we used walked in to talk before the echo. She was very nice and went over Icie’s history with me before the echo took place. She drew a heart diagram on a paper towel for me to help visualize what she was going to explain. On a side note, I need to go through Icie’s medical history box to put all the heart drawings I’ve received - if I even kept them.🤔
She talked about the regurgitation from Icie’s pulmonary artery not having a valve. She said if 10 red blood cells (rbc) try to leave the heart 5 rbcs drop back down into the heart. Then the next pump, 15rbcs try to leave and then 5 drop back down again. It stressed the right side of the heart and that is what causes the right side to bulge. I never knew that till she explained it. She also talked about how in her cases she usually sees children having surgery to place valves in their teens, and not college age. She did say every cardiologist sees diff things and wormy could always surprise us and it can be held off till she is older but to think more in terms of teens for surgery again. She talked about how they decide to move forward with surgery and how there is a sweet spot as when to start stress tests and mris. We want the heart squeeze to be strong and not let the heart bulge to much before deciding to start moving towards surgery. If we wait to long and the heart gets to big in the one side it causes the heart to relearn how to squeeze strong again which is something we want to avoid.
She also told me that there was a change to Icie’s ekg from the last test. It’s showing that her heart is taking longer to relax than it use to. She said it could be because Icie was moving around during the test so she wants to do a repeat in 6 months. If the echo showed things being stable that would not need to be repeated. After we talked it was time for the echo. The echo went very fast and the lady was nice as always. I can’t say enough how grateful I am for finding this group. I love all the cardiologists I have met and their team is equally as amazingly
After the echo we met with the cardiologist one more time to go over the results. She said the echo looked stable. The patch is holding and there are no leaks and her heart is pumping. strong. She said she was going to note that there is now mild stenosis in the pulmonary artery that is volume based. She said that there have been so many advances in procedures even since wormy had surgery that by the time wormy will need surgery again hopefully it can just be a cath procedure. We talked about how Icie has BAV also and she said it truly is rare to have heart disease in the left and right heart but not to worry about it since her valves look good. She said intervention may not need to happen for that valve till worm is in her 50-60s. That was pretty much it. I left the apt with more understanding of wormys special heart and one more drawling of a heart to add to the books. ❤️
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rennyji · 8 months
30-60 old randomness
"So entertainment has become dumbed down. There‚a sense 2 include every1. TEXT 4 super hero shows have become about humor or spidey learning patience in place of multiverse like themes. Actors who look manly like Hugh Jackman or womanly like Margot Robbie are hard 2 come by.-",
"- American culture has become about embracing flaws, do things with minimal effort, turn a blind eye to structure. If you have acne, use an acne needle to get the puss out, rather than letting it sit there forever. Wash your face if your sweaty. Actually wash your a*s-",
"- in terms of minimal effort, men stopped shaving. No 1 pushes their chairs in. Aside from Japanese style desserts, I‚m not noticing precision or artistry in cuisine. It‚boils down to fast food places making quick manufactured hamburgers in place of taking time like Five Guys.-",
"- for some reason, television showing people eating, tends to result in people making accentuated chewing sounds and eating with their mouth open. A little bit of class and structure became too much for America to the point where people roll out of bed and go to school or work.-",
"- conversely, I watched an Asian show where people are also eating, but they eat with grace instead of animals. If tv wants to indicate someone is eating, why do you need to show them having an orgasm from chewing food in their mouth?-",
"- & this thing about embracing every1 & being inclusive, yes all the power 2 these advocates. But if ur drop dead gorgeous from every checklist, yes U should be on television. Ur celebrating people who are eye catching. Sure it‚great that everyone gets a chance in movies. -",
"- but who are you trying to imitate or looking forward to seeing? And it doesn‚t even have to be all about looks. There‚also those who have talent in other areas. These people are society‚finest- who people aspire to be like. Rather than lowering the bar for inclusivity, -",
"- encourage people to be more.",
"- but culture & societal structures are about cycles. U get a period where every1 is proper. Then people get tired & wonder why. Then they go 2 the other extreme and become total animals. Then some1 makes it about it high quality class & ur back at the beginning of the cycle.-",
"- the lesson is a balance in values and culture. Not to be rigid and not go to extremes.-",
"When it comes to getting a job, it seems nowadays people at work locations expect you to know everything for the job without training. You spend x amount on a college education, find that you still don‚t know everything a job requires, & face this dilemma about acquiring skills-",
"- it‚almost as if trade schools & boot camp programs are the only things that teach necessary skills. It used to be if u had 2 degrees, u had the discipline 2 pick up on new skills required 4 a particular job. But now they have a huge list of skills ur expected 2 know b4  hand-",
"- it‚like every1 wants 2 cut corners w/ training or some extra effort while promoting time wasters like a team at work getting coffee together. 2 keep a business running, people want 2 buy the wheels in terms of cookie cutter employees rather than molding a wheel 4 urself.",
"Regarding the mental health system, when someone is given an antipsychotic or an antidepressant or something in the theme of tranquilizers, are authority figures trying to get them to be members of society or removing them from being potential headaches to the rest of society?-",
- A headache to society can be anything. Maybe you‚re someone that has a short temper maybe ur someone that gets in the way of someone else‚plan maybe ur someone that someone else is trying to remove from the equation. Take a look at this clip:   https://t.co/Ce9VudRF4c
"- you may need to watch the clip in the previous tweet a couple of times as it‚part of a show without a lot of context, in terms of the underlying story of the episode for the Netflix show, The Lincoln Lawyer.-",
"- The point is: the person on trial (whatever be his flaws), is not competent 2 make decisions 2 win his trial or save his life.-",
"- So then, not getting into how jail doesn‚t rehabilitate problems in society, how are psychiatric drugs a good thing, if u want some1 to be a productive member of society? If for a decade or more of a mind control phenomena, a person is subjected to harsh drugs and ECT,-",
"- is it about taking away a persons normal competency, so a crime, under every1‚noses, can take place, in broad daylight? Are you trying to make a person forget the underlying criminal nature of doing something illegal & against some1‚will? Are u forcing something on some1?-",
"- if ur still pestering them, after violating them, sedating them, 2 get a job, 2 parade around as a super star around those part of a conspiracy against them, aren‚t U further robbing them of their dignity or doing the equivalent of breaking their legs & asking them to walk?",
So this is what it sounds like and looks like when a dog eats:   https://t.co/rg3cQSMeRW
This is what it sounds like when actors for American tv/movies eat something during the program. Note the slurping of the coffee at the very beginning &after 30 seconds/55 secs/1 min 5 secs in particular with the croissant eater:   https://t.co/XAibuB1GVl
"- it sounds like the dog eating from the first clip of today (7/9/23). You tell kids not to slurp, chew with your mouth closed, enjoy food without chewing obnoxiously(it‚very much possible).-",
- here‚a normal guy eating. You don‚t hear anything. You know he‚eating because you see him do it:  https://t.co/HPkS1WAKFi
"- American television should showcase the best of the best, be it people, mannerisms, trends, or characteristics. You shouldn‚t encourage people to just ‚let go‚ and take it easy with everything, from appearance to chewing your food.-",
"- that being said, there‚a number of things that a person notes. Most of the people in movies have blue eyes, Americans like to show off their ability to chew and enjoy food, 50% of the people in a show or movie are gay,-",
"- & converse to all: at a time w/ affirmative action being revoked, most of the people U see walking around malls are in ridge hill or elsewhere are minorities. I guess white people no longer have money‚-",
"- But just as there‚a majority there, on television, most of the people are blue eyed. But things a person notes‚-",
- on a side note and completely unrelated @shakira is by far one of the most gorgeous women out there. She should get into acting. Even after the years following ‚whenever/wherever‚ just extraordinary‚-   https://t.co/IjHSrAycZO
"- but in terms of points,When I was in kindergarten, I was around lots of mixed race kids. Kids flaunt being 1/4 Italian, 1:4 Irish & maybe something like 50% Polish. While my Indian parents told me otherwise, I realized the many options in terms of a nationality 4 girlfriends-",
"- but nowadays kids are being exposed at an age like kindergarten or from the Disney channel, options such as being a boy, a girl, non binary, heterosexual, homosexual‚.how could youth get so complicated‚w/ basic structures being removed, it‚like reality itself is unfolding-",
"- if children are exposed to such ideas, doesn‚t it risk confusing them? I am a heterosexual man. But I enjoy a day at the spa, clearing facial blemishes with a facial, a massage, maybe even a pedicure to kill time. I believe one should look their best in appearance.-",
"- some1else, like a male child liking playing w/ dolls or growing their hair long, might falsely get the impression they‚re a girl inside. & now people & culture encourage it. Sometimes we need 2 believe something is what it is, or not possible. Why? It structures our thinking.-",
"- and children are impressionable. How early should they be exposed to certain ideas? You end up with a kid with wushu washy thinking. A typical boy could contemplate being a girl, and his thinking could spiral from there down a path of doubt and questioning of his gender-",
"- now as per those who identify as gay or transgender, how many people knew that baby boys and baby girls start out as females when developing in their mothers womb? Those with the XY chromosome for being a male, have their genitalia invert into the male body parts-",
"- now that could explain Y some gay men are attracted 2 other males. Maybe the transformation inThe womb was incomplete. Transgender or whatever be the label 4 individuals w/male & female body parts really gets me stumped. But it probably also has 2 so w/development in the womb.-",
"- now that explains transgenders and homosexuality from a biological perspective. But now with culture embracing these notions, with half the people in the TEXT being these labels, there‚another thought that comes to mind.-",
"- What if some1 who is a gay female is actually looking for someone with female qualities and not necessarily female body parts? If culture hardened on the notion of heterosexuality, maybe the alleged gay female might like a male who is in touch with their female inside.-",
"- gay males might actually like Tom boys, with women, and not necessarily be attracted to male body parts. I mean typical biology between males and females have a lock and key fit, in terms of body parts, and at the end of the day, pleasure comes from friction involved.-",
"- I feel some of this is like nature vs nurture, or culture vs. biology. Are gay people programmed genetically 2 walk & talk in a particular way? Isn‚t that culture? If U sow doubts or even give potential options 2 gender & sexuality in children in kindergarten-",
"- or thru Disney Channel, isn‚t that the nurture part of nature vs. nurture. U risk confusing kids. W/ women wanting 2 be men, thruout history 4 a myriad of reasons, haven‚t there always been women wishing 2 be men? Don‚t mothers hope for male children for better opportunities?-",
"- does that necessarily mean women should physically alter themselves to be men?-",
"- things today seem outrageous or even comical. I went for my COVID shot and the military man doing the paperwork asked me, a man, if I‚ve ever been pregnant. -",
"- On another note, it just seems things were supposed to be binary. You defeat the protections of a male/female bathroom with basic things like gender on peoples choices.-",
"- What about the military? How do U create focus & avoid hanky panky if gender in training & squads are not binary?What aboutParents sendingKids 2 all boys or all girls highSchools during raging hormone teenage years? Whats the point if their male children go after other males?-",
- This is a Disney channel movie about the adventures of a gay young male child:-   https://t.co/8N4DHMuZXJ
- in a children‚movie kids are being presented with an advocated view. What little girl doesn‚t wish they were Elsa from Frozen? And Disney is doing this with kids see the clip:  https://t.co/wtniNIaZOX
"So was watching CNN. Apparently more than mass shooting reported almost everyday. Experts are trying to figure out whether it‚due to mental health or the heat from the sun‚-",
"- what gets me is, not counting the shooting themselves, if ur looking at factors like heat causing shootings, it‚like people are dogs are cats‚I mean so what if it‚hot? It makes you short tempered, ready to snap at someone with a gun?-",
"- I don‚t know if it‚just me, or if people of the various backgrounds in America are a different species‚if heat were the factor, can‚t you consciously ‚suck it up‚ so to speak and not go off the edge?-",
"- This isn‚t an attack at the idea or the person with the idea‚it just seems like rather than ‚owning up to an action‚, people are bothered by the most random things. A dog howls if it‚left alone or hungry. -",
"- likewise; it‚like saying a human being shoots people if it‚hot? I just don‚t get the mental health argument.-",
"- I think the problem is not the laws surrounding guns or the mental health of the gun holder. It‚the gun themselves. I hear certain cigars are hard to get. On a related note, cars have advanced tremendously in design over the last century. Old cars, cigars are hard to get.-",
"- so what am I trying to say? Like old cars being phased out, current guns should be phased out and obsolete. 3D printers making guns should have a program that prevents the construction of such. You shouldn‚t cut costs by not thinking about safety.-",
"- so I said the guns themselves are the problem. Police officers have tasers. And we may live in a day and age of wireless mind reading or mind control. So is it too star trekky, or too much to ask, the blends guns with tasers like the infamous stun guns of sci fi series?-",
"- you need to ask, what is the purpose of a gun? What are you trying to do if you‚re a police officer or even a hunter. You basically want to disable a threat.Stunning someone or zapping the energy or tranquillizing muscles could fulfill the purpose of disabling a threat.-",
"- bullet guns should be phased out. This way, even if a gun were used by the wrong person for the wrong reason, you reduce the chance of death.",
"- instead of cutting costs, register the gun and access to the gun with a fingerprint reading trigger. More people may buy guns for protection. With the increased sales, the cost of electronic fingerprint reading, stun gun features might be offset.",
"On another note, the abortion topic. Now nationally not legal, but a state decision. I don‚t think this is a yes or no simple answer. It‚just like creationist theories and science not necessarily being one or the other.-",
"- it‚said God created the world in 7 days. Creationists, & the religious believe that. Science says the earth is billions of yrs old. As said, science & religion don‚t have to be 1 or the other. 7 days for a god or The God, could be billions or millions of years for a human.-",
"- It‚about how you look at things. You cannot be rigid in your thinking. We know the gravity is more on Jupiter because it is a planet bigger than the Earth. So, why can‚t time be measured differently for God and human beings?-",
"- and I said God and human beings in my last tweet. I would‚ve preferred to say God and man. Or maybe even mankind. It‚understood man in that ‚context‚ (context implies you need to stretch your mind) is about both males and females.-",
"- People in America have the time to complain about terms like man vs. human. When I was learning Spanish, to refer to a group of females, you‚d say ‚EllAs‚. For a group of males, you‚d say ‚EllOs‚. If the group is a mix of males and females, U default to the masculine: ‚EllOs.‚-",
"-Their just grammatical rules that only people in American make a fuss about-",
"- but I went off topic. So it doesn‚t have 2 be religion or science, but a blend, a balance, a partnership b/w the 2. It‚said: Adam, from the Adam & Eve story, gained life, when God breathed in2 Adam. So what‚the clue or what can B extracted 2 help science or abortion talks?-",
"- maybe a woman should be allowed to abort a pregnancy up until the time the baby gets it‚first whiff of oxygen, which may coincide with when the fetus starts exhibiting brain waves.-",
"- If I‚m wrong about the oxygen, then the other thing that can be taken from the Adam/Eve story is: when Adam became conscious from God‚breath of life, he exhibited brain waves. So, what I think I remember hearing: as it taking six weeks for brain waves to exhibit in a fetus,-",
"- the first 6 weeks should be the deadline for terminating a pregnancy. Women also should take caution to not sleep with their partner during that ideal pregnancy period, even they‚re more compelled during that time.",
"On another note, countries like Dubai apparently don‚t charge taxes on a persons salary. If you make $100,000, you keep that. In America, if you make $100,000, you may only keep $60,000. Then there‚property tax, sales tax, and of course: the price and rising prices of things-",
"- I wanted to get a scar cream for a blemish on my skin. One tube costs $30. I wanted a replacement top for my electric shaver. Another $30. And that‚something like a cap or top for the shaver, not the part with the motor or that you charge.-",
"- I wanted to get an iPad stand with an extendable architect arm so that I can watch my streaming apps while I‚m relaxing in my bath tub. That‚another $40. Architect arms may sound like an expensive name, but it‚just what the extendable arm is called.-",
"- A plastic dining table cover? That‚another $25. For that iPad stand I mentioned? If you put an iPad Pro, weighing 1.5 lb on the stand, the stand tips over. That‚after spending $40 on the stand. So then you get an idea to put 2 lb weight plates on the base of the stand.-",
"- a pair of 2 lb weight plates? That costs another $30 on Amazon. A swifter mop? Costs another $30. I‚m probably approaching $2-300 already on an average $2000 biweekly salary. Go to Five Guys with a family of four? That‚another $100.-",
"- I have a MacBook Pro. It‚the last one in a long line of MacBooks to have the Bootcamp option to dual boot with Windows. I bought it like most people when they get their first new job. It looks like nice and I never had a blue screen error or Windows crashing on my MacBook.-",
"- it‚like you need MacBook hardware to run Windows software without problems. Maybe another area of balance/partnerships. But the accessories for Apple products are all overpriced. A 6 ft thunderbolt cable? $129. An Anker wireless charger for iPhone, iWatch, AirPods? $140.-",
"- AirPods? $249. IWatch? $799 thunderbolt usb hub? $249.  Want 2 run windows software? Then U need Parallels Desktop at $100 annually or VMware Fusion 4 another $100. Have a wireless keyboard/mouse already 4 a windows PC? Need 2 buy them again so that‚specifically for MacBook.-",
"- everything in the richest county in the world is an expense. Maybe it‚just the richest government in the world, in terms of America.",
"Want 2 no what‚retarded? All forms of American medicine, & the products from the pharmaceutical industry. Why do I say it‚‚retarded?‚ Billions of dollar are spent on pills that travel thru ur blood stream. It‚going everywhere blood goes, even past/thru areas it shouldn‚t.-",
"- this is why, for those so focused on superficial label of mental health, an antipsychotic to cure hallucinations cause problems to your liver and kidneys. It‚not just reaching the head, but all the places before in your body before the head.-",
"- pharmaceutical industry? U shouldn‚t be spending money onThese primitivePills. Even 1000s of yrs old Indian Ayurvedic Medicine & Yoga are more advanced. They treat ur spirit & mind so that ur body heals. Kind of like when Christ says ur sins areForgiven, go in peace, urHealed.-",
"- so what should the pharmaceutical industry spend money on in the 21st century? In nanotechnology. Imagine taking an electronically programmed pill that only acts on the part of the body it‚supposed to and nowhere else.-",
"- If getting the circuitry small enough is the problem with pushing nanotechnology forward, then blend it with cloud computing. Small pills getting instructions through wireless signals from the cloud is the solution.-",
"- Need more advanced and faster infrastructure? The billions pharmaceutical industries make and invest should suffice.",
Healthcare professionals can be so scary‚they either get mean & strict or coax you with fake kindness 2 carry out what they think is best devoid of what u say. Now combine that w/a phenomena or conspiracy trying 2 make u look crazy to carry out an agenda & u get this:   https://t.co/XIqjym8dso
If the mental health system is effective then why is this theme of getting someone off medications to talk to them coming up again and again? Why are they more competent off meds?  https://t.co/DPr5UOdMMt
"If you need people to be competent, and mental health meds don‚t accomplish that, are the advocates of the mental health system working with a small number of facts stretched in multiple ways?-",
"- If a person is not competent on mental health meds, what does that mean? Does it mean they don‚t make the right choices or decisions in comparison with off meds?-",
"- To get someone to search more, complain more, buy more, could something be dulling your brain to focus on cr*p like a pothead who‚high on excited about poop in a toilet?-",
"- Could they even try 2 sedate U more & more w/antipsychotics, antidepressants, medical marijuana to get U 2 comply w/a stupid program exploiting ur intellect & what U radiate? Could they be knowingly/unknowingly drugging U to be happy w/ stupid decisions & choices?-",
Apple TV series: ‚Silo‚ like other TEXT gets in2 innocent people part of a conspiracy getting drugged 2 keep their mouths shut & comply & being unable 2 say/do right things until off drugs. Alludes 2 mind control being unethical as people aren‚t machines 2 force an action.   https://t.co/6GgOC3T1Tx
‚U have a different role W/ different people‚‚ - a quote from towards the end of the clip. It‚about who ur audience is. I‚m loving with family I‚m transactional with non Indians in a pay take manner‚chances are we‚ll never see each more than a handful of times or be friends.   https://t.co/YBKxBDUYcV
"F* the professor George berg who understood my situation and took part in landing me further in this for more than a decade‚f* him and his Schenectady friends in Augustine who talked to that -1 tan or pale or so pale she‚like the color of a stench and the hair combed down kid.",
"- chances are if I don‚t look at you, it means ur of no interest to me. I don‚t know how you make that into ‚he‚so into you, he won‚t look at you.‚ Flick your hair to show support‚wow people will really believe anything short of talking to someone
"So whats fake mind reading? (& trust me, military is doing real thing when all of this could‚ve been avoided if they let me react normally. probably did it w/Afghan Pres. Karzai, rumored 2 hear voices, but still presdnt & pro American. It‚how they manipulate 4 U.S. interests.)-",
"- fake mind reading can be intuited‚w/ things in talks a decade ago, like NSA monitoring, or brain mapping, or fMRIs, you can piece together a story that after studying U for years, U can attribute words to detectable emotions from what lights up from brain mapping or fMRIs.-",
"- whether it‚the Albany retard professors who got a golden chance despite being dirt, or the military, something thought blocks my normal reactions, to be replaced with studied reactions that they think are me. The friction or disagreement is scary and sometimes painful.-",
"- but that doesn‚t stop the Americans, be it old students, professors, or of course: the military.  Let‚also say they can see my memories. Everyone knows memories vary in content and description over time.-",
"- Don‚t care either way because I‚ve lived a stellar life. And the thing that matters to me most, regarding the things that happened at the onset of mental torture and Albany attacks, I was forced to write it and say it multiple times, again and again, as they were happening.-",
"- one of the tiring problems, especially after a decade, is that it started with kids who wanted to romanticize me for some reason. The professors built on this weak foundation. The military or their equivalents built on the professors foundation and what they built.-",
"- apparently it makes sense to piece together everyone‚here say in place of talking to someone. I watch the news sometimes and it seems like they, look back like I‚m some delicate butterfly that is an exceptional anomaly‚-",
"- now what could the military gain from their prevent, contain, salvage mentality? Their facing humiliation and a depiction of America being the face of the worst crimes against humanity. So they want to put me to work while showing me on the outside watching tv and eating food.-",
"- now with the kids perception from Albany, the professors, the military‚s, my parents cultural clash perceptions, these retards, military included (I don‚t respect terrorists- American or not), interpret what they believe are my values and my memories.-",
"- Its all about their interpretations. I‚m from a different time, a different people, a different culture, a different biology, a different religion. These guys want to know Y I wasn‚t playing football w/ cheerleaders in high school. they pass judgement on my parents in my head.-",
"- the kids, maybe b/c I‚m a Libran, as I‚ve never spoken 2 them or barely seen them paint me as something from the Little rascals: a sensitive male. The professors, 4 the old timers paint me as polite & courteous. They paint me like this 4 every1, only to be taken advantage of.-",
"- it goes back 2 the clip I started todays tweets with. Who I am w/ my cousin sister or brother is most likely not how I‚ll be w/ U. It‚not about being two faced or a con artist, it‚how the world works. But these hippies with let‚love every1 notion like 2 distort that.-",
"- after what this nation did, & then hid behind my food orderings, I am NOT an American. I refuse 2 be an American. These people, conspiring against me, are not WITH me, & in the words of Christ, they are not my brothers/sisters/people- but instead those who share in my values-",
"- like not keeping secrets for yrs or waiting for that moment to profit.",
A conversation from Apple TV‚‚For All Mankind‚ from Vernor Avon Brohn character- the main point is towards the end of the clip- it‚about jobs in America- ‚where do you see yourself‚U don‚t play the game of social bonds‚U believe merit is the ticket to advancement.‚   https://t.co/mprq9p5ICX
"- everything about this phenomena, the way it affects the work life, the home life, a casual stroll, it ruined everything. Even if it magically undoes damage, there‚still the decade of damage endured, and for that, there has to be a price in this justice system.-",
"- I had what I needed 2 succeed professionally, I endured retarded American curriculum. I did my undergrad twice! & then a masters in the most unheard of circumstances.-",
"- Then b/c of this situation & the retards at places like PepsiCo, the focus isn‚t on how many things can be done-it becomes about who can I suck up to, whether I joined someone for coffee in the afternoon, all in place of quantity/quality of things done.",
"- when it comes to people I‚m portrayed To, it‚not even my community. By Indian culture, I‚m obliged to marry Indians, maintain bonds in my community. You can imagine the shocker to me when all these American kids from a decade ago won‚t leave me alone ‚ & from and for what?-",
- I mean everything in ur world vs. mine is topsy turvy. U guys don‚t seem 2 wash hands after using bathroom & ur women are shown taking a crap on HBO class style shows:Who wants 2 see this? Is it saying it‚ok 2 not wash ur hands? & I‚m apparently OCD cuZ I shower like Asians   https://t.co/akg0qdaXJa
- everyone in your shows is now gay which further encourages a behavior for those who wouldn‚t look to it. It‚ok to express openness. But now 50% of the people in your shows are gay? How much is too much?   https://t.co/gfmi2XoS34
- every show there‚a scene:It‚one thing for representation but everyone now is gay?   https://t.co/3PXL80AaEX
- and a list actors like Leonardo DiCaprio do cocaine off of someone‚a*s in movies like Wolf of Wall Street:Americans‚is there anything you won‚t do? Public perception used to be what can an American not do‚in terms of capability‚   https://t.co/jltCOPXCZF
David Hasslehoff the Knight Rider a Baywatch star is now volunteering to get Adam Sandler to fart on his face for the sake of American comedy:  https://t.co/bC04gIaaAN
It used to be okay to get pissed or drunk or hit a wall‚now American government and psychiatry want us to avoid anger. A NASA chief tells his subordinates to take the weekend to get pissed off over a loss and return to work on Monday after the release‚   https://t.co/L8A1NLKijH
"For the Christians in America, even Christ expressed anger when He overthrew the money changers. Imagine: lifting a table and turning it over in a public square. He also says: ‚I have come to bring the sword.‚ Anger is a release and source of fuel for greater points and acts.",
"- American idiots in my situation want 2 sedate me for doing nothing, after NEVER seeing me IN PERSON or talking to me once. Yeah it‚clearly a tricky situation: let‚force ourselves on some1, get every1 to take advantage of him, & sedate him for responding like a human being.-",
- why would I even care what anyone in this country thinks? Here‚a clip of an American mother getting married a 2nd time 2 a richer partner & the thing is as ull see in next tweet her son joins the armed forces for paying off college & works at a bar and takes out garbage   https://t.co/kciYN3ekEv
- and as said in previous tweet while his mother enjoys the life of the rich and famous her son is working at a shady bar taking out garbage:   https://t.co/cDLweJ1WDx
A fathers outrage that is later articulated‚one of the things the Americans miss is that it‚okay to be angry and aggressive‚   https://t.co/HT7U0pggJy
"- no matter what I‚m made to look like, reality is, this country and the lives of the people are a joke. My problem is there‚something overpowering me, what‚all of your excuses?!",
"- I would never needlessly forge a bond with an American‚you want to silently throw expressions my way, have a ball
"- From those around me, when I say something with respect to my environment, focus is always diverted ‚ what, let‚not mess up the fame? Let‚not mess up all the magical flowers and friends he can make? What the h*ll is this?-",
"- and then the things I hear from doctors or at a spa, don‚t cake the moisturizer or oil‚why would they think that? At a hospital, I have people breaking every social boundary and walking in on my naked in the shower. -",
"- sucubis & incubus were once believed 2 be responsible 4 wet dreams in people. When I apply a moisturizer, something makes me profusely sweat everything off & then causes acne that didn‚t occur in my teenage years, literally 20 yrs ago. I hope people say military causes acne.-",
"The last thing I want is to be seen or treated like another a President Karzai. I have no interest in being your big brother, your mentor or whatever else you intend on using me further for.-",
"- how would that even work? Let‚make Renny a public figure 2 use him 2 propel whatever constitutes American values. Let‚make him president & run the agenda thru the figure head he becomes- no thanks. Looking to cut off this muck from a decade & 2 move forward w/life in peace.",
"- the things that happen in this country, you hear it from prominent people, but fathers raping daughters, neighbors molesting children, school children without lunches because of summer vacation, peers in middle school shooting each other, kids in grade school killing selves-",
"- and where does the American prominence focus? Oh will renny get angry if we try pressing this and that button‚this is probably them talking after their spouses piss on each other as part of an erotic experience or when they jizz on their kids faces‚-",
"- clearly, everyone‚finding humor in my empty life‚so let‚add cr*p to it or get him to say something
"The charges against Trump‚they seem oddly and coincidentally fitting of my years long situation. The three charges are deprivation of rights; conspiracy to commit an offense against or defraud the United States; and tampering with a witness‚-",
"- like figuring out a possible way this could happen to me, it‚pretty straightforward regarding those charges against those doing this to me‚deprivation of rights - forget everything, what about the right to privacy?-",
"- then defraud the U.S. government‚ the orchestrators claim they can do this at the apathy of law enforcement because there‚no specific phrasing stating you cannot mind read someone and tell everyone. Well fraud seems pretty clear‚-",
"- tampering with a witness‚screwing with my head, doubling down on sedation, trying to make me forget all this happened and is happening, making me go through with it gears at a time, and preventing me and punishing me for talking about the illegality of my situation‚-",
"- the obvious nature is ridiculous‚meanwhile the Albanyites hope to skate by, by blackmailing the government for their own agenda to cripple people in battle or wars overseas with wireless signals‚trust me, ur only getting half or a quarter of the story
Burger Kings prices are insane.A meal with fries and a coke cost $18 ‚ why go to fast food when you pool your money towards something a bit fancier like Thai food?   https://t.co/Dt9fcxsGpy
- a chicken sandwich and a whopper cost $9 and $12   https://t.co/kR0dCQtnV7
"- I‚m proud 2 be an Indian male. B4 I could change my citizenship from a Native American by birth, orchestrators of my situation took me out of India to dig me further into this. India gave me a family, food/shelter, structure, values, religion - it gave me a chance to succeed-",
"- I want to pass the structure, the upbringing, the culture, the religion of my forefathers, my Indian background and appearance to my children one day. Americans, by the 2nd generation lose religion to psychiatry, forget structure, values, even a cultural cuisine.-",
"- it‚not what an American can do, it‚what they won‚t do. In the next clip about a family of astronauts, a woman takes care of the friends of her later deceased son. son who‚the friend joins the navy. His mother divorces for a richer man, despite the status of an astronaut.-",
"- years later, friend who grew up w/ deceased son, makes out w/ the mother at a bar she works at. She then gets so aroused, she sleeps w/ her husband by waking him up in the middle of the night. She then sees the navy man again, the friend of her deceased son & has sex w/ him.-",
"- American families, America - I mean you‚re not settling for stable happy family life. From a psychological perspective, it‚about the next serotonin and dopamine release. After that, you get bored, casually divorce, ruin the lives of your kids. Here‚the clip:",
The navy man as a boy with his friends mom   https://t.co/pfwmYWfPRz
The navy man coming back home grown up and hugging his mom the woman from the clip in the previous tweet who leaves her with his friends mom   https://t.co/QhoXWaOik9
Irresponsibly drinking alcohol and then laying the ground work for making out with his dead friends married mom   https://t.co/xOGX5drTrp
Then she is depicted as going to sleep with her husband the astronaut- even in the most prestigious of American families theres marital and financial difficulties   https://t.co/3COzCiBoaE
She then sleeps with her sons friend  sober‚her response is she needed it‚   https://t.co/IB6nWDkReQ
"- more they dig for info,  more they find that the chemical can cause developmental problems in growing children. They call all places & people until it‚confirmed the plastic animal didn‚t have select harmful chemicals. Then then force the child to poop it out.-",
"- I‚m saying, in general, why even a prop 65 warning? Why even make places with asbestos? Things should be made with quality materials and built to abide by certain standards. This is America, after all- the richest country in the world? Why can‚t we have quality?",
"On television, I heard:  ‚We‚re just existing, not living‚‚I don‚t know exactly how I‚m portrayed, but I know I‚m in a situation spanning several years, leaving me 2 exist eating donuts, but unable 2 live-in at least  most basic of ways, such as  honest environment 2 reside in.",
there's something perplexing me & scaring me...Y is no 1 making the connection b/w what's happening 2 me & the \Stargate Project\ searchable on Google & Wikipedia? Notion of \remote viewing\ & \information gathering\ comes up. U can search urself or click:  https://t.co/08g1Wdu2jG
"- I could be in a position 2 be made a big fool thru what \"people believe\" as fact as 2 what is happening to me and what \"I know.\" U'll think I'm an idiot b/c I'm somehow portrayed as a sciencey weirdo believing in aliens or as everyone's friendly neighborhood brother/friend.-",
"- Im hesitant 2 say this, but hows whats happening 2 me not creating a panic? How do they think this is happening 2 me? Do they think Im chipped or won some mind reading lotto? Did some1 tell them that& R people just accepting \"theGovernment?!\"(of all groups&people) @ faceValue?-",
"- you wanna know what's one of the odd dynamics in my situation? My family and other sources of trust cannot talk to me about my situation. I cannot talk to them about it. doesn't that sound like an opportunity for foul play? Especially with the government?-",
"- maybe this is masqueraded as a school or kids doing it. But who profits most from forms ofMind reading/mind control? Obviously the government. People become  obsessed w/ideas like \"he's such a good guy\" that they forget the very terrifying thing that will uproot mental health.-",
"- My surrounding community is probably waiting to profit off a relationship in friendship or money and is going with the flow of not talking to me about it while it's happening. Foul play likely. The government really won the lotto with my situation.-",
"- I'm not even sure how they keep little kids quiet or out of sight when they're around me. What's more \"probable\"? - kids taking on the burden faithfully 2 conceal a situation to me, or the government manipulating their minds to ignore me? Since when were kids that trustworthy?-",
"- what will be  consequences of this? Can a person be safe in their own home? I'm sure there's that expected a*s hole who finds humorous that Im in the comfort of my home being harassed...but how do U know it's not happening to you? how do you know the world isn't secretive w/u?-",
"- I have faith, or some hope that these tweets are seen by someone/anyone. I try different avenues across the last decade/or more, and keep putting out my experience. I typed this on my laptop...normally I type things on my phone. Will someone see this?-",
"- do U think that when I go 2 UPS or supermarket, there are cameras everywhere, 4 purpose of seeing what I see or hearing what I hear? Do U think like bull sh*t psychology notions, fancy terms like \"predictive analytics\" are how orchestrators of my situation know where I'll be?-",
"- ive accepted my situation. I'm fearful to what extent it will go. I live with that fear taking away the peace in killing time through watching a streaming service on my tv in my house. but it's not cozy to say the least. how are other people not worrying about themselves?-",
"- how are mental health professionals handling the consequences of my situation when their patients tell them they think someone's reading their mind?I never read the book 1984. but I'm familiar with a term used in relation to the book: \"the thought police\"-",
"- Desire is not a bad thing. It's about how you go about carrying out that desire that makes it good or bad. Intentions or best of intentions aren't bad. But evil things can be done w/the best of intentions.God gave man free will. Its the key theme in the Adam/Eve story.-",
"- what happens when the American or maybe even Russian governments, act like the thought police, and to better humanity (the intention), they curb mans aggressive or selfish nature through various mind manipulations? Sometimes anger helps us make a needed change in our lives. -",
"- what happens when the thought police takes away free will? What happens when death row inmates are killed to transfer a government official's consciousness to their body?-will their loved ones know it's them? To what extent will this go?-",
"- so I tweeted a number of tweets on my X/twitter username: ‚rennyji‚.they were all sent thru a device that wasn‚t my phone. Will people see it? R they seeing this from my phone now? R they seeing my original twitter page or some1 else‚platform proxying b/w me &others?-",
"- Google ‚stargate project‚ and checkout the Wikipedia page. Google ‚remote viewing and Miami herald‚ and see the webpage from the newspaper. The newspaper article is dated as 2017- that‚while I‚m in my mind reading situation.-",
Here is a man down on his luck & unable to pay the bill. He handles the telephone call politely & then punches his wall. People hit & throw things all the time. It‚about when if U hit some1 etc. but don‚t tell americas psychiatrists & the retard orchestrators of a situation.   https://t.co/voMj0qD6wl
Apparently because I find no enjoyment in wasting my time in dirty places spelling out retarded things and using drugs and alcohol for behaving stupidly (by which peeps mean letting loose) there‚something wrong with me. Yeah ummm let‚take drugs from strangers‚   https://t.co/1KOqvJ5ikF
A scene from Hulus Pam & Tommie where Tommie decides 2 talk 2 old dick & says ‚it never ends well‚ careful writing that though-amidst a series of crimes by those responsible 4 ur situation across a decade/verbally/psychiatrically/physically ur words are apparently the problem.   https://t.co/PV4k8KOOBN
Yeah clearly everyone wants cameras and people invading your personal space completely randomly on the whim of some young adult opportunists‚pay attention to Tommies words and hand movements towards the end - middle finger and f*you a*s holes   https://t.co/hxJWXwdCwG
"The pride parade from 2023‚Equal rights, rights in general: yes, not being looked down upon: yes-",
"- But,I understand that, something-maybe the culture-contributes to well dressed people, but then there is flamboyance. I‚m seeing guys in tight short shorts, topless, or in a skimpy green thong during a parade where kids around.-",
"- pride, representation, shouldn‚t be about guys in a kiwi green thing doing a pelvic thrust during a parade to advance their rights. Just from reading this, are you getting a positive vibe?-",
"- At the end of the day, a guy with a haircut and clean shaven or well shaped beard in a suit, looks like he has something valuable to say or contribute, then someone doing pelvic thrusts in a kiwi green thong.-",
"- I tried finding the exact moment where this was displayed in parade on YouTube. While there was a lot of doing whatever you wanted, I just couldn‚t sit through a 3.5 hr parade, again, to post a clip of that moment.-",
"Language, and I mean English, seems to be deteriorating. There‚so much incorporation of slang and curse words, that communication is no longer an art.-",
- Here‚a clip from Apple TVs ‚For All Mankind.‚ Someone‚surprised and says ‚Jesus‚F*.‚ Then a woman responds ‚ur all pussies.‚ The man responds ‚my a*s.‚‚   https://t.co/Q1AEgfpMKl
"- so what was everyone trying to say in that conversation? How much of it was of substance? How much of it made a point? How much of it was objective (point based/fact based) and not subjective (meaning rooted in emotion/opinionated)-",
"- I grew up hearing only people who cannot say something meaningful, use curses. I‚ve witnessed people at work use fillers and colloquial expressions when they have nothing valuable to say. -",
"- now you hear f*u‚from 5 yr olds to their mother. One of The Commandments is ‚you shouldn‚t take the Lord‚name in vain.‚ People used to tell kids that involves cursing and saying things like ‚Oh my God‚ instead of ‚Oh my gosh.‚-",
"- whatever that Commandment meant when I was 20-34 years younger, I know one thing for sure. What American culture promotes saying today: ‚[f*in] Jesus‚ or ‚Oh my [f*in] God‚, that is the extreme version of violating that Commandment.-",
"- once again, I do not get American values. However little, however much, God (or the universe, or some benevolent force) gave us whatever we needed to live this life. Other people screwing with a life or a person not rising to the occasion is not Gods fault, but people‚s.-",
"- people need to be smart. When we ask for something to God, He gives us opportunity or the awareness to see what we asked for.-",
"- If we don‚t have something we think we need, it‚because God believes we‚ll survive without it, or it isn‚t the right time, and we need to persist in the ask for maybe even a decade or more. -",
"- people need 2 stop blaming God 4 theirProblems. He helps, but U need 2 do the work within realms of morality&ethics. U need 2 know when itsTime 2 look up (to God in ask), when itsTime 2 look within (4 reflection/perspective), when itsTime 2 look @ whats available in front of U.",
"- it wasn‚t God who caused my situation. It wasn‚t me, as I mind my business and return to my home. It was other people. Other people can help or hurt other people. In my case, America as a nation conspired against me and led the rest of the world into America‚wrong doing.",
"So in my whole life, I‚ve never contemplated being with a non Indian (Desi - to categorize a region) woman. My parents brought me up a certain way and I never considered it. Put me through a polygraph for what I care.-",
"- I‚d always wonder, in college, when I sought out my tan woman to be, once my studies and finances were in order, how some of the prettiest American women get the most dull guys. And over time i figured it out.-",
"-American women go 2 spas & salons & explore their personality & the world & when they get tired & want 2 do the whole children thing, they pick some1 stable on multiple levels. Maybe even dull.American men are all bro centered & don‚t care about shaving or going the extra mile.-",
"- thing w/ American men is this duality‚on the one hand, while they just sit back in front of a football game & drink a beer w/ their male friends, they also work at top firms & bring in the money. American women strike gold if they can land a guy where they don‚t have 2 work.-",
"- in these families, while lucky of the women spend time jogging in morning in yoga pants or doing meditation & yoga or running a charity,  they also carry out belief that American men are real men when they cook. American men are often told, ‚hun can U pick up kids at school?‚-",
"- And I‚ve wondered if the women do not work, do not cook, do not pick up their kids, is all the burden on the men? For American women, it seems to come down to: ‚ what‚the best deal I can get in the moment.‚-",
- I loaded a clip on2 a tweet from yesterday where a woman has an affair w/her deceased sons friend while still married 2 her husband. In following clip she confesses 2 the husband after prodding & then says something random like ‚we‚ need 2 go 2 counseling ‚2 figure it out‚-   https://t.co/jQ8tB3PMaV
- in the next clip the aforementioned husband goes to a bar before he an astronaut providing for his family goes to the moon. He‚down in the dumps already lost a son and is tempted to sleep with another woman since his wife already cheated on him.-   https://t.co/cNTIfdV9bz
- as you can see he still cannot cheat on his cheating wife. Men are often blamed for things in relationships but these women come off as really cunning and opportunistic‚-   https://t.co/NWWxHped08
"- the last few tweets with clips were from Apple TV‚s, ‚For All Mankind.‚ The next one is from the series ‚Ted Lasso.‚ Jason Sudeikis‚ character of Ted is the all around nice guy. Coach of popular soccer team in the United Kingdom. He can provide for his family. Yet, ‚ -",
- teds wife wants to divorce him because she doesn‚t feel something magical or a spark that she experienced or may have experienced a while ago. She‚in tears despite these pictures of a nice apartment eating out playing together with their son and his fire truck‚-   https://t.co/hm8u2y7hUT
- you‚re provided for have a nice place to live you‚re a prominent family can go out and eat have a healthy son can buy the son toys‚ and this is why Ted‚wife says to Ted making something inarticulable making it seem like their randomly failing marriage is Teds fault-   https://t.co/SF35Jlj4j5
- the next clip is more of the same‚a wife who has everything suddenly not attracted to her all providing husband wanting to throw everything else aside and putting the blame for something that‚not even stated on her husband:   https://t.co/cc5KT2Kbt2
"next thing, do any of U realize how many have poor vision in America, & don‚t wear glasses/contacts, even when they can afford them? -& they can be expensive-some don‚t opt for it. People drive blind. I got this insight from a nurse as well as a patient at hospital who do this.",
"Ray guns or guns that have some form of a small sonic boom or sound wave emitters for knocking someone off their feet, should replace bullets. Bullet guns should be phased out. Sound based or wind based guns should take their place. Spraying with hoses is a good first step.",
"I heard recently they engineered meat without killing animals. They already engineer and sell strawberries. With 8 billion people in the world, and Ukraines grain supply being victimized, if mind reading can be accomplished, should have food synthesizers not just for proteins.",
"Regarding Hazing,I‚ve seen people, cleaning a frat house, carry heavy plaques, dance in sync‚but then it‚all about partying, alcohol, and mentors and connections with classes and future jobs‚teaching responsibility is one thing‚-",
"-Frats are like replacing strong family backgrounds, solid group of friends‚Regarding hazing, making it clear that everyone has a part for maintenance and helping/or teaching responsibility is one thing...-",
"- but then stripping them naked or having recruits do something dangerous is something else‚not sure why you'd join a frat when these non denominational Churches with their nice seating and projection screens and modern songs do the same i.e. teach responsibility and -",
"-give a smaller sense of community within a commmunity‚I used 2 go to an Indian Church‚some of them would let me live w/ them or recommend me for jobs. Churches don‚t haze, so I don‚t get why fraternity or military hazes, when other places offer brotherhood sisterhood 4 free.",
"Regarding Control of the border,Use of tactics like barb wire or water barriers ‚ is that the issue? Keep the barb wire and provide safe passage for illegals immigrants back to where they came from. You‚re already giving free hotel service to migrants. -",
"-2 debate barriers is 2 say we accept illegals immigrants. Ur saying U want 2 control illegal immigration. So why contest the barriers. I haven‚t watched the news in a while‚it tends to get repetitive‚whatever happened 2 Trumps Great Wall, a big beautiful wall as he described?-",
"-‚the Great Wall of America‚Those in charge should provide proper measures for legal immigration and trade/language programs.",
"People in U.S. apartments complain about rats/holes in walls/bed roaches-previouslySaid-fast developing India has aptmts 4 $50 a month=2000 Indian rupees. doors equipped w/fingerprint readers/Ring style doorbells. All aptmts. has own AC unit/washing machine. Y is this hard 4 USA?",
"Augmented reality visors/glasses/contactLens w/some \"tactile feedback\" like w/a pen or a virtual musical instrument or, for surgeons: some medical instrument 4 practicing surgery-",
"- with these tactile feedback tools, which simulates  touching something \"from visual contact w/what ur seeing\" thru an augmented reality tool like future Apple Vision->could give people ways 2 experience & release whatever their tendencies push them toward.-",
"- U can catch Pokemon in realWorld/cast HarryPotter style spells/or if ur Gilgo Beach killer: cast ur bidding on virtual objects. But on a lighter note, a solid augmented reality tool & free internet could replace all of a kids toys & encourage programming 2 make/sell own games.",
"Regarding Americans without jobs. Why should a diaspora or immigration of a group of people be limited to going to America and Great Britain. Why not cross border or cross country work programs. -",
"-Paying laborers U.S. salary 4 working in China‚imagine how much theyd stretch U.S. salary in Indian/Chinese country. Plumbers in China/ builder/construction worker, could use exchange rate 2give better quality lives/education @ premier places in China/elsewhere. -",
"-In the process, with those from the background of a capitalist 1st world country background, they can influence politics with the Chinese government and the overall perception of the Chinese youth and people to Western ideals. -",
"-In the process people evolve in appearance, language, ideals through intermarriage of people from a different diasporas.",
"-About UkraineI recently saw a Hulu series of Indian background, called ‚Into the Night.‚Idea of arms dealers came into mind.Instead of sending American soldiers in Ukraine or Afghanistan, why not train them w/a few American generals, locally/abroad, & supply guns/tanks/bombs.-",
"- So the Ukrainians get the pride of their own men rising to the occasion or they can settle with the cozy idea of Americans going abroad on their behalf. Going the training/arms dealer route, Americas can make money and maybe shave off something from income tax.",
"Regarding Migrants vs. illegal immigrants, Migrants seek asylum based on some turmoil in their country. They can receive green card one year after asylum granted. -",
"-More than hotels, why don't leaders finance trade school programs to help them fund their own housing? Maybe even community college, or an English language program to prevent further collective deterioration of the English language. -",
"-In the government housing them, in place of businesses and entrepenuaers providing affordable housing, -",
"-what happens to the homeless in NY and elsewhere? A migrant stays at hotel, and some1 who lost their job for six or more months live on the streets, collecting coins after singing a song or playing the guitar?",
"Drones - there is a serious major design flaw that the whole world is ignoring. Why not model the propeller on the drone, like the Avengers sky ship? When I say Avengers sky shop, people lose interest or assume I‚m talking about something extravagant. -",
"-What I mean is, why not put a circular shield or rim around the propeller. A helicopter takes off and lands on the designated landing mark. Otherwise, the propeller would chop off someone‚head. -",
"-Drones, license or not, take off from anywhere or everywhere, & if some1 steers it wrong, or it just crashes, there‚chance some1 will literally lose an eye from  naked & unshielded propeller. <-Another obvious thing that I don‚t understand no one picking up on or suggesting.",
"I heard a line in the news regarding the African American struggle for equal rights spanning decades...\"Dogs were unleashed on black people in the name of civil rights\". Regarding Emmett Till, he was lynched for whistling at a white woman.-",
"-Ive been roadblocked from living my life or having a sincere relationship for more than a decade. With minorities being through what's in the last tweet, you'd think: through that, you‚d think minorities would be the 1st group of people 2 defend me in my crippling circumstance.-",
"-I mean really:just a sentence as 2 the location of platform or a name & face as 2 who‚doing this 2 me. U sense some of this demographic tend 2 find my situation more on the humor side than resorting 2 altruism on my behalf. But then even my own parents get exploited in2 this.-",
"-But its the same thing with rabbis, priests, imams, monks, politicians, doctors, lawyers, police, the president‚just the fact that this has been happening for a decade or more-that it self should‚ve been enough for 1 member from one of these groups to say ‚Enough.‚ -",
"-But they think they‚re helping me or helping them become mentally stronger, or maybe even helping the group of white and black kids that compose, in part, the group of orchestrators doing this to me.",
"Marijuana - smoking cigarettes & drinking coffee is like its own club or pop culture cult. People get together, share a lighter, I dunno. Probably not recommended. But people rely on caffeine & nicotine 2 get thru their day, 2 get them thru work, a tedious task, or a long drive.-",
"- its been going on for years and is time tested. Frequent usage can result in a dependency, but that‚a separate point. -",
"-Marijuana is not what you use when you want to get something long and tedious done. It‚what you resort to take a load off, or, for the hippies that cannot do it independently: gain perspective. -",
"-How would you change lanes while on marijuana? Isn‚t it slightly sedating like alcohol? Doesn‚t it risk taking risks on the road? Wouldn‚t you end up feeling overly comfortable saying something you shouldn‚t to a pain in the neck manager at work or coworker?",
"Regarding illegals immigrants, America seems 2 be 3 Indian subcontinents put together. One Indian subcontinent is home to 1 billion people.America, when this was studied in school, is home to 350 million people. 1/3 the population of India, but America is 3x the size of India.-",
"-For those in bad situations, there‚definitely room. These people will come at whatever cost.-",
"-So why not get them in a crash course in English, and have them trained and working for, the much needed roles to be filled in America- maybe even what local Americans don‚t want to do‚I think it‚okay to say‚they‚ll do what Americans don‚t want to do.-",
"-And from the perspective of the illegal immigrants, not getting why they don‚t apply for asylum, instead of risking being out in cages with no bathroom or proper food and being separated from their children.",
0 notes
communicateonline · 2 years
Secrets to Grow and Expand Businesses Quickly
We often associate speed with risk – may it be driving a car or making an important decision. Whilst all entrepreneurs feel the ‘need for speed’ when growing their businesses, there is a cautionary tale worth heeding.
Perhaps we need to think of the speed of growth differently; what if time was not the issue, and growth was relative? Would we choose a more sustainable approach to growth that, in the long run, will be more resilient to economic forces, require less of our energy, and increase our wealth systematically?
What if we also looked at the impact our business has on the environment, our industry, and our communities? Would that be a measure of growth and expansion that is worth considering alongside financial determinants?
Start with the end in mind
What do you want from your business? Build and exit? Create passive income? Keep your family and your team in employment? Dominate your industry?
So far, we can probably agree that growth is a multi-dimensional descriptor of success. What defines success is our perception of value. So, whilst I may be quick to grow my turnover and revenues in the short term, would an investor looking at my company consider its sustainability, ESG factors, and human talent when determining its value?
Sustainability is key to longevity
I can already hear you asking, but what is the right balance between growth and sustainability? Dry a ceramic pot too quickly, and it cracks; too slowly and it loses shape. What is the right speed for growth then? As a VC I wouldn’t want to invest in a company that won’t survive a change in leadership, one with struggling cash flows, or one with too short a proof of concept, even if its turnover looked great on paper.
I have always approached life as a bit of a race. The need to get results, both as an athlete and a leader, was a thread that ran through most of my life. I’ve started or run over 15 businesses, and about half of them got killed off quite quickly.
Stay true to your purpose
Tech, telecoms, events, and social impact organizations that were a flash in the pan started out as great ideas, filling a niche and executable on a bootstrap or minimal investment, but they didn’t survive. The ones that did, some for over 15 years, grew more slowly and sustainably. They often grew in alternating cycles of innovation and consolidation, but never veered away from the purpose they were created for.
In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins explains how company longevity is directly connected to their ‘flywheel,’ or the thing they are truly good at. Think Amazon and e-commerce, Tesla and automotive technology, and Facebook and social engagement.
Value the thoughts of your like-minded peers
Having a peer group of advisors is a brilliant way to stay ahead of the curve. Whilst being confidential, the groups often become one's personal board of advisors that not only offer support and solutions when stuck but also help gain knowledge through peer-to-peer learning. At Vistage, we meet monthly to brainstorm ideas, challenge our thinking, and test scenarios that help individuals lead their industry and grow twice as fast (and sustainably) as their competition.
Slow and steady wins the race
The secret of growth is in moving steadily forward, with enough agility built into your methodologies to adapt to change. When we talk about success, it does not always need to be a rapid overnight growth but instead a slow accumulation of assets with a commitment to your business, your service quality, and your clients. Building slow and building steady is a smart way to guarantee a long-term growth underpinned by steady profits.
Adaptability: The new competitive advantage
If you want to lead in your industry by simply surviving, you are already outsmarting your competition. The secret to staying ahead of the curve is therefore adaptability.
As Darwin stated, it’s actually not the fittest that guarantees survival, but the ability to adapt to your ever-changing environment. Building agility and resilience in your team, your service, and your product is the key. This allows you to expand to new markets, operate in new cultures, lead in new industries, and innovate using new technologies.
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sy-on-boy · 2 years
Puzzling over the SxF timeline again
Recently, Tare theorised that current SxF has been going on for approx 3 months. Which makes sense to me, but what if we dig deeper?
Ch 27 was the release of midterm exam results, yet Ch 57 marks the end of midterm break (Anya returns to school after cruise arc). How long is this “midterm” thing, actually? And if we treat the dates as consistent, more than a month has passed between these two chapters.
Ch 28 is George’s debut and starts off with George learning his father’s company will be sold to the Desmonds, with the agreement “going into effect on the tenth of next month”. This is on a day “last month”, with the “present time” being right after the release of results. George hired a spy (Daylight) to sabotage Damian’s results (as seen in Ch 27), but failed.
In Ch 28, George admits the plot to everyone. In response to “your family’s company is bankrupt?”, George says “That’s right. As of today.” This means this chapter happens on the 10th of an indeterminable month.
Fast forward to Ch 41, the chapter with Yuri arresting a guy writing false articles about Ostania. Yuri, on his SSS mission, starts to follow Franklin Perkin on the 6th. On the 15th, Yuri and co come to arrest Perkin. Ch 41 presumably takes place from the 6th to the 15th of an indeterminable month.
Now, there’s a whole bunch of stuff between Ch 28 and Ch 41:
Ch 29: Anya visits Loid’s workplace
Ch 30-34: Fiona arc
Ch 35: Yor and Loid’s date, Yor gets drunk
Ch 36: An Imperial Scholars’ mixer is announced + Becky and Anya go shopping
Ch 37-38: The Imperial Scholars’ mixer
Ch 39: Damian trio goes on field trip (presumably on Saturday because there’s no school, making the mixer on a Friday)
Ch 40: Bond helps Loid with work
This sounds about right for the length of a month. At least two separate Fridays are mentioned / inferred, the first one being Henderson’s deadline for the interviewing parents’ workplace project, the second being the (assumed) Imperial Scholars’ mixer. Maybe we can also assume Ch 28 George arc takes place on Oct 10, while Ch 41 Yuri’s investigation takes place from Nov 6th to 15th? This would squish a lot of the earlier Eden chapters though.
After that:
Ch 42: Pastry of knowledge / Old Maid
Ch 43: Yor helps Franky catch a cat (on a work day)
Ch 44: Yor receives details of the cruise ship mission, Anya wins the raffle tickets, it’s mentioned the Princess Lorelei departs on Friday
Ch 45-56: Cruise arc
Ch 57: Midterm break ends
I would estimate maybe 2 weeks between Ch 42 and Ch 57? Or even less if Yor is given extremely short notice about the cruise mission. So is there like almost two months between midterm exams and midterm break?? Or am I misunderstanding these terms lol.
By the way, I checked out the JP raws in case they have their own definition:
Midterm exams: 中間考 (hiragana spells out ちゆうかんとう) (seen in Ch 26)
Midterm break: 中休 (katakana spells out ハーフターム “half term”) (seen in Ch 57)
Actually, we can also assume Ch 28 takes place on Nov 10, while Ch 41 takes place from Dec 6th to 15th? Since if we count two weeks-ish from mid Dec, it’ll be the end of Dec, making it a perfect time for a break aka cruise arc. But won’t that be the end of a term? I’m confused by myself lol. It also doesn’t seem that cold, judging from their clothes?
This also allows us to count back from George arc.
Ch 26-27: Midterms
Ch 25: Arts and crafts
Ch 24: Yor learns cooking from Camilla
Ch 23: Anya mentions Bond to Damian, names Bond
Ch 18-22: Bond arc
Ch 17: Anya flaunts her Stellar at school and wants to get a dog
Ch 16: Anya saves Ken and gets a Stellar
Ch 15: Dodgeball
Ch 14: Loid suspects Yor of knowing about Yuri being a member of the SSS
Ch 11-13: Yuri debut
Ch 9-10: Anya’s apology + aftermath
Ch 8: Orientation day
In Ch 26, Henderson mentions midterm exams are scheduled “for the week after next”, so Ch 26 takes place around two weeks before Ch 27. So Ch 26 is at the end of a month, since Ch 28 is on the 10th.
… Actually, is it possible for Ch 8-25 to happen in a month? Anya could get her Stellar in her first two(?) weeks at school, squish everything together, Henderson tells them about midterms at the end of Sep, making post-midterms and George on Oct 10th? Even though there’s a gap between actually taking midterms and George. Like, there’s 5 days between results release and Loid infiltrating the school.
By the way, there is apparently a holiday before midterm exams:
In Ch 25, Jeeves asks if Damian will be returning home “for the holiday”, Damian won’t (he’ll be studying for midterms), Demetrius will. What does holiday mean? Boarders stay on campus even on weekends (see Ch 39), so this must be a longer holiday, or a special day.
I feel like I’m confusing myself more, sorry that this post is a bit disorganised haha.
TLDR: Midterm exams either take place in early Oct or Nov, depending on how much you squish / stretch the timeline. Ch 28 takes place on the 10th, Ch 41 from 6th to 15th. Cruise arc and midterm break presumably take place at the end of the month Ch 41 is in.
Or Endo is just making up dates and has no continuity lol.
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stwritings · 2 years
Funny Seeing You Here
Long time in-patient y/n was looking forward to her upcoming discharge date from the Hawkins Memorial Hospital. That is, until she became acquainted with an unlikely familiar face, Eddie Munson.
Author’s Note
This is a fix it fic following Stranger Things season 4, volume 2. In this fic, we’re going to forget the fact that the Duffer Brothers decided to delete Eddie from the series. :-) These events take place after the battle in the upside down. I’m also choosing to change the ending of season 4 by having the issue with the upside down resolved, therefore, Hawkins is not plagued by the massive earthquake that resulted in new portals being opened.
What To Expect
Slow burn, angst with a happy ending, fluff, smut in later chapters. ♡
Series Warnings
Mentions of mental health struggles, SMUT (in the later chapters, 18+ to read this story), angst with a happy ending, canon-typical violence.
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Chapter 10
As she was barreling down the stairs not wanting to waste any more time, y/n’s mind was racing. She couldn’t believe how well that last interaction with Wayne had gone. All those worried thoughts and anxiety caused by lying when she could have been honest all along. It was a bit of a reality check for her. Maybe telling the truth wasn’t such a bad idea after all…
Upon arriving at their designated meet up spot, the smile she was already bearing grew twice as wide when Eddie met her gaze.
“You just love keeping me waiting, don’t you?” he teased.
“Oh man, how long have you been here?” she asked, concern now painted across her face.
“Not long, I’m just busting your balls. How was your day?” he asked leaning against the vending machine.
“Oh you know, same old.” Her responses were short, as she was still trying to catch her breathe from running down the stairwell.
“Not sure I do, is the 3rd floor any different than this one?” he asked.
“It’s pretty quiet, the maternity ward's up there.”
“You got a bundle of joy up there?” he asked whimsically.
Y/n froze. She knew he didn’t mean any offence by what he said, she was more so caught off guard by his question.
“Ah… I’m sorry that came out wrong. Let me try again; what brings you to this concrete box, slash prison?”
Y/n let out a soft chuckle, his dorkiness lightening the mood.
‘Now’s as good of a time as any.’ She thought. Remembering her previous interaction with Wayne eased her mind a little and gave her the confidence she was so desperately seeking to be honest with Eddie.
“I’m in a long-term patient care program, actually…” she trailed off, waiting for his reaction to assess whether she should continue speaking.
As he often did, Eddie was patiently listening, not wanting to interrupt. Despite being in one another’s brief presence these last few days, Eddie didn’t know much about her, and he was eager to learn.
Sensing y/n’s anxiety and reluctance to proceed, he chimed in. “Hence your extended knowledge of the menu here.”
She softly chuckled once more before a sigh escaped her lips. His lighthearted comment made her realize just how long she had been staying here. Too long.
“Yeah, gotta look out for newcomers, you’re welcome.”  She said, her head motioning towards the vending machine.
Eddie’s smile never faltered, it only varied in width. “Would you like to go for a walk?” he asked.
“Can you?” her face dropped the moment those words left her mouth.
“Can I walk? Yes, I can, thank you very much. If I get weak in the knees, I’ll be sure to let you know.” He teased.
“Oh god, I’m sorry that is NOT what I meant at all!” she began apologetically.
“I am equally hurt and offended. I will never recover from such disrespect.” He dramatically put his hand to his chest and stumbled back against the wall.
“Hey, don’t come crying to me when you pull a muscle, I’m a fast walker and have technically been walking longer than you have!” she said, leading them away from their initial spot.
“What? Aren’t we the same age?”
“Yes, but you’ve been in bed for almost a month now, so I have the upper hand.” she said, shooting him a mischievous grin.
“Not if I learned to walk before you did!”
“Do you have any evidence to back up these claims?” she challenged.
“No… I am tall though; Baby Eddie probably would have wanted to stretch out those legs and get to walking.”
“Eddie, that is not how that works!” she exclaimed, a laugh erupting from her chest.
“Do you have evidence to back up your claims???” he retorted with a fiery passion.
“Yeah, it’s this thing called Science; you might have heard of it.”
Eddie was smitten, he loved a good banter and it had been a while since he had met someone as witty as he was.
“There it is.” He began, nodding his head whilst looking up, appearing to have just solved a longstanding enigma.
“What?” she asked, slightly confused at his out of context response.
“The reason you graduated on time and I’m still working towards getting outta there.” He smiled shyly at her.
Y/n paused. Although she knew they were just teasing one another, the last thing she wanted to do was make him feel bad about still being in school.
“You know, you could have just been a very motivated baby.”
“A what now?” he asked with a puzzled look on his face.
“Maybe you were tired of crawling around. It’s hard on the knees, and an impractical way of getting around.”
“Spent a lot of time on your knees, y/n?” he said quizzically, raising an eyebrow.
“Excuse me?” She said, snapping up her head to look at him with narrow eyes.
“Oh, shit I’m so sorry, i-"
His sudden panic caused a laugh to erupt from her and she couldn’t hold her composure.
“I’m just messing with you, Eddie. You’re not the only one that can crack jokes.”
“You’re evil!!” he said, taking a step back, mouth agape, a smile slowly starting to form.
“Eh, I’ve been called worse.” She said shrugging her shoulders.
Silence fell as they both collected themselves from the burst of laughter that overcame them. They were doing laps around the 2nd floor as there weren’t many places to wander. It was once again a fairly quiet day with little visitors, which worked out in their favor. The noise reduction allowed for them to be more intimate with their conversations; not having to yell in order to hear one another.
“So, how long have you been in your program?” he asked, a warm smile and genuine curiosity displayed on his face.
“I’m not sure, really… It feels like forever, but if I had to guess, maybe 2 months. I’ve been in and out of the unit since I was 17 though.”
Silence. Y/n felt her palms begin to sweat as she waited anxiously for his response. Eddie wasn’t one to pry, especially if he sensed the person on the receiving end of his questions didn’t want to extrapolate, so he made sure to craft his response carefully.
“I get that, time gets lost when you’re stuck in a mindless routine.”
She had been staring at her shoes for most of their walk, but the minute he said that her eyes shot up at him; his words resonating with her everyday thoughts. This was the first time she had been so close to him, and the bright lights beaming from the ceilings made his features stand out. She noticed little details that had escaped her previously, like how perfectly symmetrical his facial features were and how slightly uneven his haircut was. Despite not fitting the beauty standard in Hawkins, he was objectively handsome. At least, she thought he was. An endearing smile crept up on her lips and she felt her cheeks become flushed.
Her sudden reaction and attentive stare made him blush as well, causing him to tug at the neckline of his shirt and clear his throat in an attempt to play it off. Y/n wasn’t sure of the reason, but the sight of his rosy cheeks made hers burn twice as bright. Turning away herself to gain composure, she glanced at a clock hanging on the wall, and boy was she glad she did. She was a few minutes shy of being late, time once again betraying her.
“Meeting you has made the routine a little less mindless though.” She began, involuntarily blushing once more as she gave him a timid smile.
“Only a little?” he said, once again playing up the dramatics. His hands fell to his knees, one hand shooting up to his chest a few seconds later.
“Those knees actin up? Can’t say I didn’t warn you” she said with a devilish smile on her face.
Eddie shot up from his crouched stance, amused but baffled at how quickly she thought on her feet.
“I do have to get back to my room though.” She stated, sorrow coating her tone.
“Want me to walk you up?” he offered.
“I’ll be okay, I have to run anyways so I’m not late, don’t want you to pull a muscle” she said smirking as she started towards the stairs.
“Hey, I am in my prime, stop treating me like I’m 90 years old!!”
She shot him one last smile before rushing back to meet Wayne, a feeling of warmth spreading from her face to her chest. Today was a good day.
Chapter 11
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Tag List: @motheraiya , @kik51199 , @munsontrash , @kaquaaqua , @munsonzzgfnzzgf , @haleighdriverriver , @thatlonelyalto , @ghoulsgraveyard , @braindelete , @sxpphicfxiry , @ladyapplejackdnd , @hellbaby237 , @grey-water-colors , @tubble-wubble , @moviefreak1205 , @piperd06 , @thegirlwhohides , @starryeyedkoko @thats-s0-ravenn , @piperd06 , @moviefreak1205 @tubble-wubble , @grey-water-colors , @xhorror-nerdx , @fandomsunited , @girlsvvish , @hellbaby237 , @eddieshands86
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