#I personally believe there are several goals from all of this and we’ll see the impact for years to come.
taylorrepdetective · 1 year
It’s been very interesting to see how this is slowly being picked up in the mainstream media. No one outside the fandom really cared when it was him just being reported as a creepy, misguided edgelord. Then once the porn stuff went around, more people got upset within the fandom, Buzzfeed picked it up and it made it into a few other semi-mainstream publications, like Insider. Black Twitter picked up on it and it spread. But still, no significant impact in the general public. And just when it felt like she might have been winning the PR war with her concerts last weekend and him not being seen, as well as her gaining sympathy because of the crazy crowds, she brought him out again and it picked up again just in time for her to include Ice Spice in the mess, and now it’s in the Washington Post. Regardless, everyone will be watching and listening tonight to see what the fuss is about and I have yet to see any sign of a dent in sales/streams/ticket prices (they keep going up), but I do wonder about that cash grab purple swirl vinyl they put out the other day and how that sold. As well as speak now preorder cancellations. Because those are bought by the die hard fans and that would give them a really good datapoint to see any actual effects from all this, beyond people yelling into the void.
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the-paris-of-people · 2 months
but yk that marginalised communities are Also gonna be harmed by a harris government? ofc trump will be worse but acting as if it’s only privileged oppressive ppl who are willing to risk it for change & a 3rd party bc at least with kamala we’ll all be safe(r) is silly and privileged in itself. for many ppl four more years of either party is going to be hell. and we need to start pushing for change Now.
Okay, so what is this "change" that I've been hearing about for the last several years? How do we organize a revolution against the largest military superpower in the world? How do we dismantle our infrastructure and build everything from scratch? WHAT do we build from scratch across this giant country? How do we get other people on board? How do we reconcile this vision of a utopia with people from other cultures and backgrounds with a completely different framework to achieve a common goal? How do we protect the disabled, elderly, chronically ill LGBTQ+ populations who rely on federal government assistance? How do we protect children and their lives, education and development during this time period? How do we protect marginalized people in red states where they will be the first to be killed?
I'm frustrated because "pushing for change" is so fucking vague and fails to account for the actual repercussions and havoc that unleashing a revolution will lead to. "Pushing for change" when the left is so incredibly disorganized and unprepared and fighting simply about the most basic tool at our arsenal to push the system slightly to our advantage (voting) when the alt-right is incredibly well-organized, prepared, and violent. Everyone wants to be the flag planter and the face of the revolution, but the reality is because the left is ill-prepared and disorganized, we're going to fucking die before we realize the revolution is even taking place. I said it before and I'll say it again, you do not have the right to unleash death and violence among people who do not consent to it. You do not have the right to unleash death and violence among people who do not consent to it. It's not wrong for people to value their current lives and want to protect their home.
Also, I'm genuinely confused as to how voting 3rd party is going to help. How have some of the 3rd party candidates ever helped the people in the U.S.? What political experience do they have? What resources do they have at their disposal? How will they use those resources effectively to protect vulnerable populations in the United States and alter pro-expansionist US foreign policy and diplomatic ties? How is diverting money and resources to frankly more imperfect politicians working within the political system within the United States going to help? How is voting for a party that is not going to win a useful practice of one of the only tools we have left for democracy? I'm genuinely not as educated about third parties but I have not seen a single concrete reason to why I should support them, other than that Democrats and Republicans are both evil and people want to remain morally pure. Mostly I have been seeing/talking to marginalized populations from blue states who are protected by state laws, but you're the first person who is implied to perhaps live in a red/swing state and be a marginalized person.
I don't know your situation, and I can't pretend to, and I'm sorry life in American has been terrible for you. Capitalism is terrible for many people and preys on vulnerable populations to support the ultra-wealthy. I absolutely hate it and I think everyone deserves human dignity, right, and basic needs. However, I'm genuinely confused as to when I said "everyone will be safe under Kamala Harris" I looked at my posts and I never said, nor do I believe it. I simply was advocating for harm reduction and expressing a sliver of hope and optimism, because the reality is, considering the ENTIRE AMERICAN POPULATION, we will be safer with Kamala Harris since she needs to young vote and is mutable than with Donald Trump and it's incredibly dangerous and harmful and frankly misinformation to say otherwise. Usurping millions of civil servants, fully stripping women of their reproductive rights and from receiving life changing healthcare (INCLUDING WHEN THEY HAVE A MISCARRIAGE OR HAVE A COMPLICATION WITH THEIR PREGNANCY), mass deportation of undocumented citizens, slashing funding for climate change, and promoting capital punishment is designed to disproportionately affect and eradicate marginalized populations across the entire nation on a scale that has never been seen before. There's hell but a hell in which we have one last semblance of democracy and leverage our power as young voters to push the Democratic party to the left while we try to work together, and organize something better, and then there's hell where we're all dead and cannot even vote anymore. And then there's the third party option, which frankly IS NOT VIABLE BECAUSE THERE ARE TWO MONTHS TO THE ELECTION AND WE HAVE TWO QUALIFIED, EXPERIENCED CANDIDATES WITH A COLOSSAL AMOUNT OF MONEY, POWER, AND NAME RECOGNITION.
What bothers me most is that fracturing people into leftists who want to vote third party/don't vote vs. liberals who vote Democrat is used by the alt-right to divide people with the same ideology. Please understand that this way of thinking is a strategic move on the Republicans who, contrary to leftist belief, are far worse than the Democrats. I implore you to reconsider, read Project 2025 and consider the scope of it, but I understand your vote is yours alone.
I genuinely would love to work with people and research local initiatives we can advocate for/reach out to our representatives and actually take steps towards changing the infrastructure we need for the so-called revolution so in the near-distant future we actually have a fucking shot of winning. We all appear to agree on the same issues, so I would like to take action to actually move something forward rather than relying on a third party or revolution to save us.
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thissying · 1 year
Max interview with Frank Woestenburg, Formule1 magazine, Dutch GP Special 2023
(translation by me. please don't repost elsewhere.)
Max, do you ever think about the life you lead? You’re 25 years old, a two-time F1 world champion, title number 3 is on its way and one record after another is shattering. You’re living your dream, so to speak. Aren’t you ever afraid that anything that comes your way after F1 won’t give you the same satisfaction, kick or adrenaline?
“It will be different, I’m aware of that but maybe that’s a good thing. There’s always a lot of pressure on you during a race weekend, and that’s year after year. Maybe it’s actually nice to, at some point, just do the things you enjoy doing and be relaxed about it.
A lot of people say I will miss this life and the pressure it brings. My dad says it, too. But personally, I don’t think so. When you’ve done this often and for a long time, you’re done at some point. Not now, of course, but there will come a time when it’s enough. Don’t forget: I started in go-karts when I was four. One day you will start wondering when constantly having to extract the best out of yourself to achieve the highest will end.”
I understand that but it’s become your second nature. You don’t just switch that off.
“True, I don’t know any different. And in other areas I will probably be wanting to get the best out of myself. But when something doesn’t work out later, it’s not a disaster. It’s all a bit more relaxed.”
You’ve been critical of the busy F1 calendar several times, the constant travelling, the downsides of being well-known. At some point…
“…it’s been enough, yeah. I’ve always said 24 race weekends is a lot. It’s not just the races but everything around makes it hard. All the marketing activities, simulator days, personal sponsor obligations. You don’t actually have any free days left.”
So often it really feels like a challenge.
“Yeah, and I talk about it very often with the people around me. Those are all things that play part in the decision on how long you will continue. Of course I’m happy to be in the position to be able to make those decisions for the future myself. The goal was always to become world champion and win races. That’s been achieved. I’ve said it before: anything that comes after that, is a bonus.”
As if you’re not busy enough, recently you’ve also got the Verstappen.com Racing project that you’re investing a lot of time in.
“That too, but that is actually something that gives me energy.”
Can you tell me what the project Verstappen.com Racing entails?
“It’s still in its infancy. Through Verstappen.com Racing we sponsor and support several race activities of people close to me with council and advice. It all started with sim racing with Team Redline. A lot of people still think that sim racing isn’t professional, but it’s very serious and I really spend a lot of hours to get everything right and trying to beat everyone. Besides that, we’re also active in DTM and GTWC Sprint with Thierry Vermeulen and my dad in rallying, but the ultimate goal is to set up a race team. We’ll start in GT3 and then we’ll see where it ends. If it ends…”
“When I do something, I want to do it right. I want to win, with this as well. And it’s about creating a stepping stone from sim racing to GT3. So that you can’t only reach autosport through karting, because that costs a ridiculous amount of money at the moment. Compared to that, sim racing is a lot cheaper. And of course, such a switch is possible. It has happened before, but it’s never really been really successful, for several reasons. I believe that, when you go about everything very professionally, you can build up a beautiful racing career through sim racing.”
How do you envisage the structure? Will Team Redline be called Team Verstappen.com Racing, for example?
“No, not that, but in the end the two will be connected. And not everyone in the sim-team can handle a real race car, but the few guys who I think do have that potential, I want to help along, like with the GT3 team for example. I think GT3 is a nice category, in which you can drive all the appealing endurance races. A junior class for Formula cars doesn’t appeal to me. Formula 3, Formula 2… you don’t get enough driving time while it costs a lot of money. In the GT3 class you drive a lot more races, but there’s a different atmosphere. A bit more relaxed.”
And what are the future ambitions, assuming your own GT3-team is the first step?
“Well, you never know how things will go, but there’s always ambition. It depends on how many good people we will have in the team and how much know-how there is, but it would be nice if we grow to the highest level in endurance racing.”
You once said you wanted to take part in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Of course you will be doing that in a car of your own team?
“Yeah, that would be awesome wouldn’t it? Who knows.”
When it comes to Verstappen.com Racing, you’re involved in every decision, so the design of the logo as well. The link with Red Bull is very visible in it.
“I think it’s two beautiful brands together. If I can imagine ever driving for a different team in Formula 1? Well, not at the moment, no.”
Do you have a time-frame in mind for the further development of Verstappen.com Racing?
"Absolutely, we’re very busy with that at the moment. The next step is our own GT3-team. Next year is going to be tight, but I want it as soon as possible. A GT3-team in 2025, that should be do-able. With a minimum of two cars then.”
You’re talking about 2025, that’s very soon.
“We’re well under way. We’re passed the planning stage. We’re already in action mode.”
That must be an exciting prospect for you, your own team. But what role do you see for yourself? Team boss? Team manager?
“I don’t see myself as a Christian Horner per sé. But I do want to know and be involved in everything, advise and sometimes be at races physically, if it fits with the schedule. Mostly, it’s important to have the right people in the right places. For myself, I see mostly an advisory role, where I will also be critical.
If I would be more a Christian Horner type of team principal or more a Guenther Steiner type? Haha, I think neither. I think I’m more like my dad. In the past, when I was little, I always said: ‘I’m not like my dad’. But as I’m getting older, I notice more and more how much I am like him. How much energy I put into things to get them just right, how serious I can be about that and how much time I spend on it. That eternal need for perfection I got from him. In the end, those are only good traits, I think. There are a lot of talented people in the world, but there are also a lot of lazy people. The people who settle for second or third best, usually drop out. And it’s the people who hate becoming second or third, who always keep going, who never give up, who will make it.”
Let me guess, it’s the last category of people you will want in your team?
“Of course! That’s already the case with Team Redline. You always want people who work harder than anyone else. You see that at Red Bull too, actually.”
Are you already scouting for the right people?
“We’re looking. Not just me, but my dad as well. It’s nice that I can involve him in this. And he thinks it’s a beautiful project. He now drives rally under the Verstappen.com Racing flag, but it makes sense his role extends beyond that. We’re still working out the details, but a mentor-like part would suit him well and he likes the idea.”
What do you think of your dad having started driving rally racing?
“I think it’s nice. He needs the adrenalin and that’s okay, but rally racing is dangerous, too. He’s had some serious shunts already. But I do like seeing it and he’s very serious about it. It wouldn’t be my thing. Driving across a terrain with a rally car is fun, but those stages driving between trees and houses, no, that’s not my thing. I haven’t sat beside him yet either. I trust my dad with a lot of things, but that prospect is not as appealing.
Speaking of risks and safety: the fatal accident of Dilano van ‘t Hoff at Spa had a big impact on everyone, on you too. These are moments of reflection. When you look at yourself, do you handle risks differently from when you were young?
“I don’t know, but you’re thinking process is different. I know what I was like when I drove Formula 3. There was no fear. I don’t have that now either, but I do think more about the consequences of my actions. What would happen if… Back then, you never thought about that, you drove purely on instinct. I’m not talking about Dilano now, because he got hit by someone else, but generally speaking, as a junior driver you take more wild risks than at a later age.”
The accident got a lot of people thinking. Like, should you as a parent put your kids in a go-kart?
“Those thoughts are logical, but on a bike in Amsterdam your kid can also get run over. Risks are part of life or you put yourself in a body cast and sit at home. But of course you think about it. Me too, yes.
When the news about Dilano came out, I posted a message on social media. A while later, I saw Dilano’s sister had replied: ‘Max, you were his great role model. Thank you for this message.’ That reaction did something to me. Then I immediately think about my own family too for a minute. You think: Shit, if this had happened to me, then they… You really think: Fuck.”
Do you then, for example, talk about the autosport risks at home with your girlfriend Kelly?
“No, not that. She comes from a racing family herself and knows what autosport entails. As far as that is concerned, she’s seen enough of it in her family. After his Formula 1 career in 1992, her dad (Nelson Piquet) was in a serious crash ahead of the Indy 500 and had severe injuries on his feet and legs. The danger is just always there. She knows it, I know it. But you can also slip in the shower and break your neck. Unreal things happen sometimes. So at the track too, unfortunately.”
Back to racing then. One record after another is shattering. In England, Helmut Marko said he’s no longer keeping track of all your records, but also that you say you don’t care about them but that in the meantime you do know most of them by heart. What’s up with that?
“Of course I know where most drivers are and which records there are, but truly, I’m not that preoccupied with it. Records also have to do with having the luck of having a good car for a longer period of time. If I’ve got a good car for seven or eight years, I know many more records will be broken. But in the end, I don’t care about them. I didn’t come to Formula 1 to break records, I started driving Formula 1 to win. The first is just a consequence of the second, usually.”
A record does mean a milestone every time though. That you’ve passed a legend like Ayrton Senna when it comes to Grand Prix victories, surely that does mean something to you?
“Yes, but even that record… These days there are a lot more races than in the past. And like I said, you’re dependant on the material. I deliberately put it into perspective. For me, other things are more important. Like always beating your team mate, for example. That is and will remain the most important thing. And that’s going pretty well, yeah.”
Your successes make you very popular in big parts of the world, with The Netherlands at the top of the list of course, but one country isn’t the same as the other. How well-known are you in Monaco, where you live?
“I do get approached there regularly when I’m outside, usually by tourists. But it’s a lot more relaxed than in The Netherlands. Being out on the streets for two minutes is still possible.”
Do you see yourself, later, after your F1 career, ever moving back to Belgium or The Netherlands, to Maaseik for example?
“No, I’m really enjoying myself in Southern France. Of course, there are certain things I miss. ‘Frites speciaal’ [fries special: Dutch fries with mayonnaise, combined with either ketchup or curry sauce and sprinkled with chopped white onion], the local cuisine, haha. And of course my family and friends. But on the other hand: when I’m done racing, I will have more time anyway for weekends and holidays with friends and other fun things. I’m really looking forward to that free time.”
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jtl07 · 6 months
jtl07 fics, spring 2024
We interrupt the posting about various water animals with my first fic recap of 2024!
An admission: I’m still in a rollercoaster of a headspace (also still open to song recs so I can make noises on the guitar btw) - I was, gently, reminded that it’s not even been a year since life upended itself and there’s been a lot that's happened in the past couple months, even more in the past couple weeks, so. We’ll take it one step - one water animal, one guitar riff, one fic recap - at a time.
General stats
Total on this pseud: 5
Fics posted (in chronological order):
Cat’s Cradle security checkpoint logs - Just a snapshot in the form of the contents of folks' bags
tell me all the things you believe - or: one year later
even though you're not mine - or: Ava comes back, but not hers; or or: Princington's artwork strikes again
i see you clearly now (i hold you dearly now) - or: on touch and waiting and wanting; or or: Ava comes back invisible
nineteen, again - or: Ava at thirty-eight
(Per usual, more numbers and thoughts under the cut)
More numbers
(As of last night; some of the numbers seem to have changed but only slightly)
Total words: 26,369
Shortest fic: 813 - Cat’s Cradle security checkpoint logs
Longest fic: 19,010 - i see you clearly now (i hold you dearly now)
Average/Median word count: 5,274 / 1,676
Most hits: 2,128 - i see you clearly now (i hold you dearly now)
Least hits: 555 - Cat’s Cradle security checkpoint logs
Average/Median percent of *interactions to hits: 21.3% / 22.0%
Highest percent of interactions to hits: 23.1% - nineteen, again
Least percent of interactions to hits: 18.7% - i see you clearly now (i hold you dearly now)
*where “interaction” = kudos, comment threads, bookmarks
General thoughts
None of the regular stats (all the word count stuff) were a surprise to me, so I added some new stats looking at interactions and hits. Interaction totals seem to correspond with hit counts (hence why I didn't note those above) but what was interesting was the percentages. Yeah, it's a difference of only a couple percentage points but the nerd in me is intrigued. As in: I wonder if the length and premise of "i see you clearly" was both draw (hits) and deterrent (interaction)? Also several comments mentioned liking the setting age-wise of "nineteen, again" so that plus the fact that there were a lot of familiar faces was perhaps folks knowing what they were getting into? idk, really can't draw any conclusions - it can also just be simple reader behavior.
Actually, speaking of which, another interesting thing I observed: I did an initial pull using the bookmarklet on the 25th, then updated the numbers last night. The numbers that changed the most were hits and, surprisingly, bookmarks (kudos were next, and comments hardly changed). I hadn't realized that bookmarks were utilized so much.
Fic that surprised you:
Technically "i see you clearly now" fits this prompt - but then again, it fits every prompt in this recap lol - but the fic I want to talk about here is "even though you're not mine. I had fully expected not to post anything for February (context: I have a soft personal goal to complete something every month) but then @princington had to go and be amazing lol. I distinctly remember seeing their art (linked above) and immediately being beset by two different ideas. I then went for a walk and during said walk, lines starting coming for the shorter idea. Near the end of the walk, the ending for the fic came to me as well, and by that time I was speedwalking to get back home and write it all down! It had been a while since I'd felt an idea take hold of me that quickly and completely - it's such a rush and was fun to write. That one definitely would not have happened without Prince's fantastic work <3
Fic that you're proud of:
Okay now I'll talk about "i see you clearly now" lol - everything about it was terrifying, from the length, the content, the style. It really was unexpected because the opening came fully fleshed out early on, which usually points to a quick little fic. But I remember hitting 3k and looking over what I had so far, and thinking very clearly: ohshit, this is going to be long. But I think what won out over the fear was this curiosity - I wanted to see where this fic was going to lead me. There was something in it that kept drawing me back, even though I didn't know at all where the story was going, something in me felt surprisingly, idk safe exploring what was, for me, uncharted territory.
Fun fact #1: I think it was around the 5k~6k mark - before I'd gotten anywhere near the ending, mind - I'd had this thought (which I'd fully written down in my notes lol) of having a fun spicy one-shot as a follow up. And then shortly thereafter, I realized how crucial physical intimacy was to the story and how it there wouldn't be a follow up - it had to be integrated into the fic. A lot of internal screaming ensued lol
Fun fact #2: I surprisingly didn't do a lot in terms of editing. The biggest was a rewrite of the phone conversation between Beatrice and Mother Superion. I remember feeling a bit iffy about it and @gohandinhand (best beta ever seriously!) gently highlighted it as well. I guess it was one of those scenes where I needed to know what the story was before I could really write that scene in a way that fit everything else. It was interesting because I felt that's how it was writing the fic as a whole - it wasn't very linear, it was more like I'd write one scene near the beginning, which gave some inspiration for a scene near the ending, which then brought me to a scene near the middle. It felt quite intricate, seeing how adjusting one area affected another, affected the whole.
Fun fact #3: Before I wrote the reunion, I sat down and studied a bunch of fics because I'm a nerd lol - there's that one post, which I of course can't find now, about how there's nothing more embarrassing than writing smut that doesn't turn anyone on, which I felt very keenly lol - I was like, jt, if you're going to do this, you better damn do this well. So I went through some other fics and studied structure, word choice, pacing - it was quite enlightening actually, and something I think I'll do more of this year. (Studying, I mean. Not the - well, I shouldn't promise anything about what I will or will not write lol)
Fic that was the hardest to write:
Much as "i see you clearly now" terrified me, it actually wasn't hard to write. Similar to Beatrice's arc in the story itself, I as the writer had to just be patient and allow it take form in the time it took. I mean, even that rewrite that I mentioned came on fairly easily.
Now that I think about it, I do remember "tell me all the things you believe" being difficult to write. Yeah, quite a number of afternoons sitting at a nearby Starbucks pulling at my hair lol The main prompt for that was simply to mark the occasion (that being my own 1 year of writing Warrior Nun/Avatrice). I think what I'm learning is that things are much easier when an idea is couched firmly in a character or an emotion. (For example, I mentioned a while ago having a hard time with i walked with you once, which could have also been due to not having formed a good grasp of JC's character)
Oh I also had not a difficulty writing, but a difficulty posting Cat’s Cradle security checkpoint logs - I'd thought it was too simple yknow? But ultimately I thought hey, this is all just for fun, not everything needs to be complex and worldchanging so why the heck not.
What's next?
Gosh that's a question I've been carefully avoiding what with being in the midst of so much transition. I've been doing a lot of resting and found myself being drawn to studying structure again - kishoutenketsu in particular (I recently found some studies I'd done a couple years ago, I might clean those up and post them here), and how to layer complexity onto that. Which is timely because there's a couple ideas that came to me late last year that I immediately knew were going to be complex and kinda put them on the shelf because I didn't think I was ready to write them. Writing "i see you clearly now" has made me question that thought so hopefully the studying will help bring up my confidence to at least try.
In any case, there are still plenty of ideas (Beatrice voice: "there's always more") it's just a matter of figuring out which ones feel right to write. I'll likely continue to be a little quiet here - save for the posts of the water animals lol - but I'll be around.
Anyway, huh, apparently I had much more to say than I thought I would for this recap. If you made it this far, wow, a virtual cookie for you! Hope the end of March brings some rest and comfort <3
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clarebear-0925 · 6 months
Flowers, Fight Scenes and Isolation: My Prediction for the Future (And Possible Ending) of Jujutsu Kaisen
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Hi. So seeing this extra for volume 26 finally spurred me to articulate all of my thoughts on this subject in one place. Sorry for the length, but let me cook.
Here's the big idea: I believe that Gojo is in fact going to come back— but with a major catch.
Lets review the (mostly theme-based) evidence, shall we?
Firstly, throughout the entire series, we know that Gojo has been incredibly lonely, isolated at the top by Jujutsu society,
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As summed up by this iconic panel, with just him, vast empty white space, and his title, the only thing that most people know him for/define him by, aka “the strongest.”
We also know that isolation played a big role in his mental state and thinking until his death, and is something that Gege made sure to reemphasize during his last moments in chapter 236.
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In this conversation, Gojo expresses the gap he felt and also sets up the connected imagery of him and flowers.
(In addition, I feel as though it is also significant that the person he finally opens up to about his feelings on this isolation is Geto- more on that later).
Next, JJK is commonly nicknamed “jumpkaisen” as a joke by fans due to how often the characters team up against the villains. However, I think this pattern actually has more significance in the overall narrative than being a funny quirk.
Over the course of the series, we have seen all sorts of teamups between a wide variety of characters- like the widespread jumpkaisen nickname suggests, they are an iconic part of JJK's combat.
However, one character in particular is exempt from this trend- Gojo. (and also Sukuna but we’ll get into that later too.)
He is always fighting alone- as an adult, we never see him fight alongside anyone else the way that other characters do. Even the villains note this when planning their battle strategy:
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This is is made especially clear in the final battle (especially with the contrast between the mostly solo Gojo v Sukuna fight and the absolute dogpile that is going on in the manga right now).
The only times we ever saw Gojo fighting alongside another person is with Geto in his youth. Geto is also the only person who didn’t him as “the strongest.” Instead, they were the strongest together, and that is reflected in how they fought together.
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But then after everything in Hidden Inventory, Geto too starts to see that gap between him and Gojo.
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This results in him leaving Gojo, thus permanently isolating him as “the strongest.” (See also the change from "we're the strongest" in the Hidden Inventory Arc to "I'm the Strongest" in JJK episode 2).
We never see him fight with another person after that.
Ok, so now let’s put these two points (Gojo's isolation and its connection to the fight scenes) to serve up a prediction.
I believe that Gojo is going to come back severely weakened to the point that he will finally have to (or be able to) fight WITH others- in particular, the students who he has made it his express mission to protect and nurture so they can go on to improve Jujutsu society.
This would be in sharp contrast to Sukuna, who has continually refused any chance or notion of love and connection, likely due to his belief that it is unattainable due to his strength.
(Serena on TikTok has an amazing and concise video on this topic- go watch it if you're interested in a better understanding)
I also think that this development would be a great way to show that Gojo HAS been successful in his goal to nurture a better future of Jujutsu- rather than the society isolating and systematically breaking students like it did Geto, the students are now all working together to defeat this insurmountable evil.
So, in conclusion, yes, Sukuna will in fact be defeated by the power of love and friendship (and a couple dozen or so black flashes), and it is NOT Gojover.
Also, here is some vital supplemental information (again from the amazing Serena) regarding the flower depicted on Gojo’s cover and the volume 26 extra.
I think the fact that Gojo compared himself to a flower in Chapter 236 as he died, and the fact that the flower in the supplemental (who he is clearly connected to via the cover art) hasn’t hit the ground yet is a very good (and more concrete) sign for his chances of returning.
Thank you for reading and sorry for the length! I would love to know your guys' thoughts on this theory and what you think will happen in the future of JJK! :)
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
Thoughts on the Ahsoka trailer:
It looks good! I’m excited. The new Fallen Jedi look really cool, and I’m very curious to see what they’re up to and how they’ll tie in to the story. It’s great to see the Rebels crew back in action, and it looks like they’ll be doing the full Rebels epilogue in live action, which is exciting!
Also, SHORT-HAIRED SABINE!! I was so excited to see her short hair in the Rebels epilogue, and I’m so glad they’re keeping it - there are so very, very few short-haired women on screen, it’s genuinely exciting to see a main character with short hair.
I don’t think she’s going to be Force Sensitive - honestly, the shot of her “using the Force” was brief enough it could be one of several other gestures, cut together with the Darksider to look like a Force attempt. I think she’d been training with Ahsoka to use Ezra’s lightsaber and pay homage to him and learn more about the Jedi to honor their culture. Remember, this is also a Mandalorian Sabine who’s now seen the fall of Mandalore - I can see her clinging to Jedi traditions as a way to keep them alive, now that she’s seen her own culture be destroyed like theirs was.
I’m honestly excited just to see what direction they go with the plot - I can see many ways this could develop, most of which would be really, really cool in one way or another. I’m very excited for Thrawn, and to see him in live action!
(this got... long)
I don’t think we’ll get much of Thrawn in season 1 - it looks to be focused on the Fallen Jedi, so I expect they’ll be the big bad of season 1 and we’ll get Thrawn in season 2 and onwards. We have been promised a twist, so I’m very curious to see if the Grysk will be brought in as a secret big bad. I think that would be neat, and could be a great twist after setting up Thrawn as the big bad in season 1 and maybe 2.
I do think Lars will do amazing as Thrawn - he’s a fantastic actor with experience with the character, and for anyone whining that he doesn’t look like the book covers, 1) No? Those are drawings? This is a real person? and 2) Yes? This is at least 10 years post-Treason, 30 years post-Ascendancy. Characters get older? And they’re still badass?
I’m also very curious what Ezra’s been up to. I wonder if he’s still a Jedi - 10 years stuck with Thrawn, he could very well have Fallen. Now that could be a twist! Heck, he could be dead. With Sabine left chasing a ghost... Not sure Filoni would try and pull that, but it would sure be a twist!
The less good: The costuming is a bit lazy. It’s pretty good considering Disney is getting quite lazy with their costuming, but it’s definitely not as good as it could be - more in range with, honestly, the rest of the Star Wars stuff coming out these days. I do wish Thrawn was a bit darker blue, and had the luster from the book covers, but I imagine that’s tricky in makeup. Still, it’s not bad!
The we’ll see how it goes: Thrawn is almost definitely going to be a villain, and will probably be killed during the course of the show. I don’t think that’s a bad thing - I know a lot of people cling to his book characterization, but I see the books -> Rebels -> HTTE series as the slide of a well-meaning person into fascism. As much as we’d all love to see him go back to the Ascendancy and defeat the Grysk, it’s equally in character for him to cling to his mission with the Empire as the “only way” to achieve victory (consider the sunk-cost fallacy, and tell me that doesn’t fit Thrawn to a T). He’s stubborn, he’s ruthless, and he believes in a strong military and the efficiency of a dictatorship - and the New Republic is a threat to all of that, and a threat to his goal of building the biggest military ever to defend the galaxy from the Grysk (and anyone else who might challenge him...).
There’s many ways it could be done well - acknowledging the complexity of his character and goals and making his darker actions a product of that - and ways it could be done less satisfyingly. I’m hopeful, and I’m excited to see what comes of it!
And, well, there’s always fanfiction.
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The what?
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The hell’s an Apothegem?
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It’s not surprising you wouldn’t know. Not only is it foreign, I doubt it’s even had its keel laid in your time.
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The HMCS Apothegem was a ship launched by the Royal Canadian Navy in 2017. It was a fairly ordinary warship for its time, I believe a Protecteur-class vessel,but nothing to write home about.
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At least until it was sold to a private buyer in Italy.
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Italy? Who would that be?
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I’m afraid we don’t know much about them before 2020. They were, most likely, a group of disconnected families and organizations who shared similar goals.
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If you ask Etsuya, they probably met during meetings with the Bilderberg Group.
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But what’s that have to do with us?
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It has everything to do with us.
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You all must understand that, while I’m adamant that the future is better, things are gonna be pretty rough for you all going forward.
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Indeed. A new rise in far-right nationalism, a new global pandemic, the Invasion of Ukraine, numerous fears about election tampering and countless allegations...
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Well, I’m getting off track, but it’ll be a difficult time going forward.
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The groups we mentioned before? They took advantage of that chaotic time to come together and rebrand themselves. They called themselves the Preservation Project, and they retrofitted the Apothegem to turn into their personal lifeboat.
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Of course. The wealthy are self-centered scum, so I’m not surprised.
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But how does this relate to our situation?
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For that, I need you all to have a look at this map.
*She presses a button and a pop-up appears*
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Sunako: You made need to zoom in on it, but this is the path of the Apothegem, which was traced out using satellite navigation. They left Naples, Italy, on New Years Day, 2025.
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That’s a very strange path to follow.
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Yeah...where were they going?
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We’ll get to that, but look closely.
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Sunako: Their path continued all the way until they crossed the Bering Strait and through the Northwest Passage, whereupon the Apothegem sank in the North Atlantic on 9 December, 2025, 343 days after they set off.
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Did anyone make it out?
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Only six survivors were recovered, all of whom reached the escape pod and made it all the way to Nuuk, Greenland.
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Only six? For a ship of that size?
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Indeed, but that’s not the big concern.
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You see, the Apothegem went down on 9 December. Those six survivors didn’t escape the ship until the 14th.
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Wait, what?!
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So then...th-they were trapped at the bottom of the ocean for five days?!
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Yep. They were lucky that the ship maintained its structural integrity, even under a kilometer of water.
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And that brings me to why it went down. You see, the survivors weren’t any of the Preservation Project’s personnel. Which brings me to the map once again.
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Sunako: You see, the path followed by the ship wasn’t a coincidence. They were staying within International Waters, which, if you’re unaware, are the parts of the ocean outside the jurisdiction of any nation. Past 200 nautical miles from the coastline, laws do not apply as they would normally.
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And at the same time, during this 343 day-period, numerous people in several countries began disappearing. And all of them were Ultimates of some kind.
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Do not tell me...
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I’m afraid so. Those six survivors I mentioned? They weren’t crew and they weren’t part of the Preservation Project. They were a group of teenagers.
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The survivors of a series of experiments run on the Apothegem, or as you’d know them, Killing Games.
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songbirds-of-halcyon · 9 months
We got our more detailed medical records and guess what we have. You won’t fucking believe this.
First of all, we have several instances of being described as “not having a personality”, “hearing voices”, “identity confusion”, etc.
We have one letter stating various things we’ll pick out. We’re replacing our legal name with Halcyon and fixing the misgendering btw.
“Halcyon’s main areas of concern were that people do not accept that he has experienced trauma in the past.” They said this because I told them they were ignoring and not helping at all with the trauma.
“Following an extended assessment, it became clear that Halcyon’s difficulties are complex, not least because they are inflicted by Autism, which leads to very concrete thinking.” This was said because I wouldn’t take “we’ll treat you before we even consider diagnosing you/learning about your symptoms/treating you like a person” for an answer.
(HERE’S THE BEST ONE) “Halcyon’s sense of himself is very unintegrated, which leads to splitting off feelings and emotional states and giving them names and personalities, which Halcyon experiences as independent of himself.” Uh-oh! Someone’s describing a system! -_- Unintegrated identity, huh? Wonder what that could be. Nothing comes to mind /sar
They also openly call others in the system “personalities” in the letter btw. MPD? Never heard of it lol. /sar
Psychosis and “serious mental illness” was ruled out. I guess I’m demon possessed then.
They tried to say I (🌸) created them to help me “gain an understanding of how/why we developed this view of myself”, which was funny because I’m not the original host.
The second letter: S is my other, non-NHS therapist, btw. I don’t want to share her name here
“S fed back that she had started some solution-focused work with Halcyon around accepting Halcyon’s view that he has multiple identities and using and developing his strengths within these to help him move forward and achieve his goals.” This is just sceptical-talk for S has been talking to us like people and actually addressing the issue instead of pretending it’s “autism hallucinations” or whatever the fuck CAHMS are doing. You’d think this would be a good thing, no? A therapist is helping a trauma victim heal from their trauma and achieve goals in their life without fear or pain! Well, CAHMS has other opinions. CAHMS says…
“Halcyon seems to be more engaged in this way of working with S, rather the work being more about trying to challenge the existence of different personalities.” That’s right; because S isn’t encouraging me to drive the system to panic and possibly death again, it’s “not working”. Because S is doing her job and actually helping in a way that didn’t cause us to split 60+ times (I’m not even fucking joking), she’s wrong. CAHMS “method” literally almost caused me to go dormant, several near-deaths, months worth of doubt to the point where I was fucking banned from fronting because multiple of us including myself were so dangerously close to fucking up our own life permanently, and accusing us of being created/imaginary/hallucinations/lies/etc. And guess what, NONE OF IT WORKED!! I don’t understand why they keep trying to disprove it when everything they’ve done has failed, and they’ve by definition alone almost diagnosed me with DID already!! We’ve been so much happier dealing with this shit alone tbh.
S has been our main therapist for over 5+ years. We’ve been seeing her since we were 12. Our old host told her about the system before I even existed. Of course we fucking trust her, she’s known us for longer than any of the doctors at CAHMS, and she’s also just better at her job honestly (in more ways that just related to this).
Also CAHMS had a few comments about our C-PTSD. Apparently we:
Don’t have PTSD, but we do have…
Traumagenic synesthesia (which isn’t a thing)
Traumagenic gender dysphoria (trauma started at age 6 and we came out as trans at 3 so either we’re a time traveller or someone’s crap at their job)
And Traumagenic homosexuality! No, I am not fucking joking, this is in my actual literal medical records!!
Oh, and also developmental trauma, which is the CAHMS way of saying “yeah you have C-PTSD but we don’t wanna call it that bc we don’t wanna treat you”.
They also claimed that autism causes auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) and identity confusion (alters). Gotta love 60+ year old doctors who haven’t done any catch-up courses, am I right?
So yeah, CAHMS is a joke.
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aeoki · 9 months
New Start GO! - Sunny Day: Chapter 5
Location: Company Office Characters: Hajime, Tomoya, Mitsuru & Nazuna
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ㅤㅤㅤ< The next day. A meeting to present new ideas from the public relations department. >
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Nazuna: Everyone, thank you all for coming today.
Today, we will present our new promotional proposal – “Sunny Day Live”.
Hajime: This performance will include the four members of “Ra*bits”, who are currently here for work experience as part of “New Start Go!”...
And it will be a promotion between us and the collaboration company.
Tomoya: The special feature will be the outfits for the performance…
These are the rough sketches prepared by the design department.
The season for new beginnings is nearing, so I believe we can strengthen the company’s image by incorporating that factor into the designs.
We decided to go with a Japanese-style because we think it’s important to let everyone know that this was a company that originally focused on Japanese textiles.
Mitsuru: We looked up the history of the company and spent a long time thinking about it…!
Next, the new employee has a presentation on the necessary budget and the anticipated effectiveness of the advertisement!
Hajime: (...Good. The new employee is presenting smoothly.)
(I was worried he might lose his confidence during the meeting, but he should be fine.)
(I’m glad he was able to take that one step forward.)
(We’ve also stumbled and fallen down numerous times. Over and over.)
(But we managed to stand back up each time because we had each other.)
(...Was I that sort of person for you?)
(When you’re happy, sad or facing a difficult time… Being by your side no matter what you’ve gone through…)
(I’d like to be an idol who can do that for other people.)
Nazuna: …That concludes our proposal.
I’d like to begin the Q&A section of the meeting. Please raise your hand if you have a question.
Why do we know about the history of the company even though we’re just here for work experience… you ask?
Well… I suppose I’ll let Hajime-chin answer this.
Hajime: Okay. We “Ra*bits” highly respect you all for offering us this job opportunity.
In order to be fully prepared, we read the documents provided for us several times.
We also did our own research on the internet or borrowed books at the library.
…That might sound quite admirable, but we’ve been so busy recently that there were times where we couldn’t fully be prepared.
“New Start Go!” is a variety TV show created by the people who appreciate the work we do.
So naturally, we would research everything we could about the company that we would be working at ♪
Tomoya: Hajime is especially studious so he taught us many things about the company. We hope the proposal will be a good reflection of the things we learnt.
Hm? “If the performance is given the green light, will we receive invitations to it”... you ask?
Mitsuru: Of course! Everyone gets an invitation, y’know!
We wanna shine bright on lots of people. That’s my goal as an idol!
…Oh, maybe I should’ve spoken more politely there! Sorry!
Nazuna: Ahaha, they’ve gotten so used to Mitsuru that they’re not even surprised.
I’m sure that just goes to show how friendly they are. Be careful right until the end, okay~?
…Alright, we went off on a tangent, but we should have enough time for one more question.
Does anyone else have something to ask?
…If not, then we’ll end our presentation here.
Alright. We hope you’ll consider our proposal.
Hajime: Thank you for listening, everyone.
Tomoya & Mitsuru: Thank you, everyone!
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Nazuna: Well, this one week sure flew by, huh.
Today was the last day of our work experience… All that’s left is to hear the results of our presentation and “New Start Go!” will be finished.
Good job, guys.
Mitsuru: Yeah, good job!
I thought working in a suit would be uncomfortable at first, but I’m a bit sad to see that I won’t be wearing one tomorrow, y’know~
Nazuna: Yeah. It was a short period of time, but I don’t think I wanna take it off just yet.
Even the president thanked us for making the workplace a more cheerful place and for bringing out the new employee’s abilities.
I don’t think I was very good at anything, but maybe I’ve contributed to something at least.
Tomoya: No no, I’m glad you were the main presenter during the meeting, Nii-chan.
It made me realise once again that you’ve got good public speaking skills. Listening to you speak made us forget our worries – you were really reliable.
Nazuna: Ahaha. I guess all my hard work in the Broadcasting Committee paid off.
It’s all thanks to our experiences in the end. We never know when we can use them.
Hajime-chin, you also mentioned this when we were still deciding whether or not to accept “New Start Go!”, but working at a company office resulted in a good experience, right?
Hajime: Huh? Oh, you’re asking me? Sorry, I was just immersed in my feelings…
Nazuna: Ahaha, yeah, I shouldn’t even need to ask, huh. I think I know what you’re thinking when you’ve got that expression on your face.
I’m happy for you, Hajime-chin. Well done.
Hajime: Thank you! You too, Nii-chan ♪
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either Peregrine’s a manipulative prick putting on a nice guy act & will show his true colors eventually or he’s very delusional & disconnected from reality but thinks he’s being honest. it’s probably the first seeing option seeing how his agents fear him but we’ll have to see. he just seemed so clueless about everything like i really don’t understand how he can take MC & Jacob telling him that he has no right to waltz back in their lives after everything as “sibling rivalry” & them being jealous of each other for being the “favorite child”. maybe he just said that to change the subject which did work technically but it’s still weird. he seems very disconnected from the world around him if it’s not an act. he seems to genuinely believe that R are the “good guys” so he’s already very delusional anyway.
Oh, it's the first one. Without a doubt, it is the first one.
The thing is, even if it is a case of Peregrine being absolutely out of touch with reality and thinking that R is noble...that doesn't really excuse anything, and in a way, it creates a completely different set of problems. The fact is, R is a Dark Wizard Cabal who are guilty of countless crimes, up to and including the torture and murder of children. No matter what kind of person Peregrine winds up being, that is still true, and because he is R's leader, he is still responsible. Hearing him discount Rakepick, claim that he'll have a talk with Verucca, etc...I swear to god, he sounds like a police chief trying to make the "few bad apples" argument. Like, no buddy, this has been the extent of MC's interaction with your little cabal. The only agent who even attempted to reach out normally was Burke.
If Peregrine is genuinely trying to do the right thing, then the right thing to do is clean up his own house. He needs to face that R has a serious problem with corruption, that several of his agents are practicing the Dark Arts and hurting people, that they've gone completely out of control How many, Peregrine? How many of your agents "don't represent" R and their goals? How many children have to die before you admit that things have gone wrong? Because at a certain point, one has to challenge the idea that he's an effective leader. Hearing him criticize the Ministry is more than a bit rich because his own faction is beyond corrupt and wicked, and if he genuinely can't see that...then he's still a liability, still a problem, just a different kind of problem.
Of course, all of this is just food for thought, because there's no way that Peregrine is being genuine. There's no way that missions like The Forbidden Forest were carried out without his approval. His whole act of being a misunderstood hero isn't fooling anyone. The fact is, while we may not have seen him before until a few chapters ago, we've heard Peregrine's voice before. All of those Black Quills. "Failure to comply will result in severe punishment." and "This is your final warning. You will cease to exist." and "There are no friends that lead along the path to enlightenment and immortality. There is only us." The thing is, because R is apparently a code-word that can be used interchangeably to describe both the Cabal and it's Leader. (Because that's not confusing at all, Jam City) then it's very possible, likely, even, that those notes were written by Peregrine and it's his voice we're hearing. And judging from that, Rakepick's assessment of his character seems pretty spot on. No, sooner or later, the mask will slip, and he'll show his true colors around MC.
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eka160 · 1 month
Separation (Sasuke x Female OC)
Just some snippets of how I'd see Sasuke and Chiasa separating go:
Sasuke is on the bridge where Danzo’s corpse lays. Chiasa has caught up to him there. He’s surprised to see her. He asks her why she’s come here. Chiasa says that she’s seen visions of Sasuke doing horrific things.
She no longer wants to find redemption for herself, all she wants is for Sasuke to not go down this path. She sees now that it’s not leading to anywhere good.
{insert something here that Chiasa says}
“Abandoning his vengeance won’t make things right. Only seeking out retribution will.”
“But at what cost? Sasuke, you’ll never be the same person again if you keep being an avenger. Don’t do this.”
“I won’t let Itachi’s sacrifice go unpunished. I will dole out the retribution upon Konoha that it deserves when I kill every last person in that wretched village.”
Chiasa is horrified. But she keeps reaching out to Sasuke, who in her mind seems to be slipping away before her eyes with each second. “What can I say to you to get you to stop this?”
“Don’t you see Chiasa, this is the redemption I told you about. I’m about to write a terrible wrong and purify the Uchiha’s name. This is how I’ll finally restore their name. No, even more than restore it, I will revive its name when I…{insert something about striking dread into everyone’s hearts when he displays the power of the Uchiha as he destroys Konoha for good}. And with you by my side, this redemption can be shared between us. We’ll finally be free of our pasts and free to create together a future for ourselves.”
“I wanted to believe that my visions were wrong. But they weren’t. This is really who you’ve become. You’ve fallen into darkness Sasuke.
Sasuke looks frustrated by her words. They sound so reminiscent to what his old team members used to say about his goals. This is something he doesn’t want to hear coming from Chiasa. “I don’t want to hear you speak about falling into darkness anymore. I’ve heard this before from others before you already Chiasa and I severed them from my life. Don’t you do the same thing. You’re different from them.”
With tears in her eyes Chiasa pleads to Sasuke “But how can I not? This is scaring me Sasuke. I can’t stay by your side anymore. This is a path I can’t follow with you anymore.”
This infuriates Sasuke. “Why are you choosing the side of people you don't even know!?”
Because they've done nothing wrong! They’re ignorant about a shameful secret but that’s no fault of there’s. They wouldn’t see your destruction as retribution, they’d only see it as terror released upon them. Don’t become the monster you used to swear you’d devote your life to killing!”
Sasuke walks over to her. He stares at her with an intensity.
“No one will get in the way of my vengeance.”
Chiasa stares back at him with an intensity of her own.
“I won't be intimidated Sasuke. I’m going to stand beside your home village and protect them from your wrath. I hope you’ll come to your senses. But if this is where our paths diverge, so be it.” And with that Chiasa walks away from Sasuke.
[setting: unnamed forest]
Chiasa initially was walking but as if to escape her feelings of sadness she breaks out into a run. So lost in her torrent of emotions, she barely notices another girl passing her by, who is running in the opposite direction. This girl is Sakura, running to catch up to Sasuke. Though it won’t be a reunion she expected. Sakura’s reunion-unfortunately for her-goes the way of canon.
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ledenews · 1 year
Wheeling’s Homeless Liaison: ‘It’s My Town, Too’
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Melissa Adams was a young mother not too long ago, and she pushed her children in strollers along peaceful public paths in communities in both California and Ohio. And not a single person, homeless or otherwise, approached her during those walks. “If someone would have come out of the woods along one of our trails, I don’t know what I would have done,” she said. “But I know that’s happened here in Wheeling, and I know people refuse to use our trails because of it. It’s not going to happen anymore, though. It can’t.” Adams, who orchestrated the winter freeze shelter in partnership with Catholic Charities, was hired a little more than a year ago as the homeless liaison for the City of Wheeling, and since she’s worked with several local non-profit agencies who, in part, offer services for those living homeless. It’s a puzzle she believes she’s piecing together, and Adams is convinced a Wheeling Life Hub is the place where all needs can be collected so successful transitions from homelessness back to productivity can take place far more often than what is realized now. Pictured from left to right are: Melissa Adams, City of Wheeling Homeless Liaison; Deacon George Smoulder and John Moses, Tammy Miller, Wheeling Housing Authority Deputy Director; and Joyce Wolen, Wheeling Housing Authority Executive Director. The Life Hub, a 501c3 nonprofit, was formed as a partnership with the City of Wheeling and the Wheeling Housing Authority to serve the homeless and open a low-barrier shelter. Not only would the facility offer social services like sheltering, medical respite, and counseling, but Adams also would work with a plethora of local non-profits so necessary connections can be made as well. “The main goal is for the Wheeling Life Hub is to work with all agencies so the services can come together so we can help people who are homeless to get shelter and to get employment by figuring out the help they need,” Adams said. “Mental health plays a huge factor, and so does addiction. Those are problems that must be addressed the best ways possible before we can do much of anything else. “There would be case managers so those issues could be addressed first and foremost by getting these people connected,” she said. “If we are successful with getting a Life Hub shelter where these folks can find shelter, health care, and people who will hold them accountable when it comes to the appointments it takes to resolve issues, then we’ll be more successful with transitioning people back into productive lives.” Ever since Adams established rules about litter, Wheeling's homeless have cleaned up their areas. Communication Breakdown Homeless encampments have been cleared and labeled “crime camps” after stolen items were discovered hidden away in tents lining Big Wheeling Creek. Corpses have been carried out of the camps following overdoses, extreme outdoor conditions, and suicides, and medical volunteers with Project Hope have treated every imaginable ailment, including frost bite, organ failure, and deadly disease. And panhandlers continue to line crowded roadways and interstate exit ramps in hopes of a "blessing" or two. “And in the past, the litter that has been left behind has caused a lot of complaints, and the evidence of drug use has been very concerning,” Adams said. “We’re not seeing as much drug use as we have in the past, but drugs are everywhere, and we all know it. “Plus, I’ve developed a plan that addresses things like camp locations and the litter that we’ve all seen, and that includes a five-day notice to the residents of camps where I see a lot of garbage laying around,” she explained. “If that doesn’t happen, then they are told to go. We can’t have the litter anymore. Not only do we get complaints, but it’s bad for the environment, too. The City of Wheeling no longer allows for camps to form along Heritage Trails, the waterfront, or along Big Wheeling Creek. Public safety, too, has been addressed. “We’ve made a rule that no camps can be located along the Heritage Trails anymore, and not under the bridges or along waterways either, and those are rules that we’ve been enforcing, too,” Adams said. “And our homeless have responded in a positive way, too. Most of the camps actually look like real campgrounds you see inside state parks because we’ve partnered with the (state) Department of the Environment. “We don’t have the incredibly large camps right now because some of those situations got scary. I know there were encampments that were labeled ‘crime camps’ because some of the residents were not following normal laws,” she admitted. “Listen, this is my town, too, and I love my town, and the last thing I want to happen in my town is for someone to get hurt. “I want the city of Wheeling to thrive, and I want what is best for the people of my city. So, we can’t have these camps that are affecting our bridges, our waters, and the safety of our residents. I have established a great relationship with our police department, too,” she explained. “We have reached the point where everyone knows where these camps are so we can police them, and so our local agencies can do what they can to help as much as possible.” Read the full article
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voxxyboxxy · 1 year
Taxes and…. Witchcraft? | Success with Money, Goals, and Revenue at Work
Authors Note: I am not your tax professional, and while I can give some solid advice these things very by state on the state level, and only a few things are stagnant at the federal level. Do not ask me for advice filing your taxes, because depending on where you live it can look heavily different. The outcome of your tax return fully varies on the numbers on your return, which lead to different tax situations and scenarios and unless I were to fully do your return I cannot give you any solid advice. This would also break several guidelines of this Amino, so I wanted to clear this up first here!
Table of Contents
II.Things to Focus On
III.Examples of Items You Can Use
Taxes are a weird thing to think about in witchcraft, but as a tax officer manager there’s several things, I am responsible for making sure our office meets by the end of season, like our Return Goal, Virtual Goal, Banking Products, Small Business Returns, Revenue, and conversion rates for new vs prior clients!
Because of this, I like to give an extra hand out to my tax professionals who work under me, and outside raising moral, making sure they have the tools for their job, and giving them positive reinforcement and rewards for their hard work and dedication, I like to make small things to help them grow.
Usually I focus on the in-office as I don’t believe witchcraft can solve everything, but I do believe when they’re putting in hard work already and need a boost… we’ll there’s nothing from with that! And when I can’t personally deliver that boost via bonuses, recognition, or general encouragement I do pull out the jars and get started!
Like I said, witchcraft can’t fix everything. I only do this when I know my office is putting in the work to get the results and just need something with more
razzle dazzle!
So one of the biggest things I focus on is in office first. I cannot stress this enough:
If you are an office manager your attitude and work will GREATLY affect your colleagues and it’s up to you to make sure you do your job as a manager first. No amount of magic can or will fix your lack of effort, if you do not give it.
Things to Focus On
So what I do is focus on our softer points. These are the ones that are there but not quite enough. Anything lower than almost-there I focus on in the workplace first. THEN I move to magic. For example, my tax professionals have more than DOUBLED where we are on virtual compared to prior year! However, our goal also doubled, which left us at only half of this new goal-half through the season! I can clearly see there’s effort and work being put in, and we’re on pace to succeed. So I always intend to use witchcraft as a way to influence what’s already there!
We’re also just shy of of Work-In-Progress conversions, and Banking Product sign-ups. I can see the hard work put in, but we partnered with a bank to bring out a new type of account and most people are loyal to their banks. And if I’m being honest even I wouldn’t personally switch to it-but that’s because I am loyal to my bank.
When it comes to being an office manager of anything you also have to make sure you’re putting in your work. I have to make sure I am doing my part for my office-if I’m not there’s nothing witchcraft will actively be able to do for me. You can’t get something from nothing, there needs to be a base-a foundation. My work in the day may look different than those in another type of office, so I won’t go into that detail-plus I promise you it’s just a lot of number crunching and boredom.
However, I can go into the detail with the Witchcraft aspect of all of this. You’re gonna want to start with your base (kitchen, spell jar, offering) and focus on items that fit your office as well as need. For me we’re looking at success, luck, and money. This will more than likely be the one you focus on too. But then we go down a notch-what do I want to do with the luck, money, and success? Well I want high morale, positivity and creativity! Because we don’t just want success we want it to.
Success is more than just hitting numbers and I am a firm believer that a good manager provides support and appreciation. I want my tax office associates to know without a single doubt that no matter what comes they do not need to fear set backs or failure. They don’t need to fear anything. They can just ask for help and I will provide the support they need. They’re the ones that make the office run-I only make sure they have what they need to do so.
Once you have all of this in mind, now it’s time to limit it down slightly more. I’ve already got what I want to improve, where we need the that improvement especially, and how I want to improve it. So now, all I need to go through is the way that will work best for my office!
All offices are different, and many have different rules that you need to follow for the office. Most for example, don’t allow any form of smoke. It’s also important to know allergies and sensitivities of those who will be in the office with what you choose. Sure, it may be in a jar in a ceiling but others health does not need compromised because I want to improve our goals via witchcraft.
Our building has spaces in the back and side that are harder to access and would be prime places to leave jars that won’t be distributed or found. Same with charmed coins or offerings!
So now I just need to see how I plan to execute the spell, I have my full layout of What, Where, Why, When-I just need that “How” and then I’m in motion! For my, easiest solution is spell jar, so I can make one up and place it somewhere in the office I know no one will actively mess with it or even find it so it can actively do it’s work undisturbed!
Examples of Items You Can Use
Clear Quartz
0 notes
sixthwater · 2 years
What Type of Mahou Kid Would You Be! {PAC}
Yes! Today we are tackling the trope of mahou characters! So center yourself and pick from one of these lovely main characters and see who you’d be on your own team!
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 6)
Decks used: The Archetype Cards, Mystic Mondays Tarot, believe in your own magic, claves astrologicae
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Things that will be covered:
General Personality Storyline (Before story starts, getting your powers, meeting the group, during the story, at the end--ideally 6 cards each) Lessons Learned Powers/Weapons
Now go hydrate and save the world!
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Pile One
Personality: Child: Nature, Artist
Overall I can see you being a meek, tempered character. Definitely green-coded, because child nature is pretty straight-forward but artist kind of enforces a serene and like….out of touch with reality quality to you. As a member of the group, you’d be the one who’d rarely like to pick sides when an argument erupts, preferring to make sure everyone is heard and opting for alternative solutions instead. You don’t really like violence and you don’t like loud harsh things either. The only thing that can get you amped up is when people abuse nature or those less fortunate. Ironically I feel like you’d be brought up in all of these circumstances but we’ll find that out later. I keep getting a picture of someone painting by a reservoir or out in a park near the river but they have a…peaceful, solitude energy to them. They’re okay being alone. I don’t believe you’d be the member who would rather fight alone, but you also won’t really be looking for your counterparts either. You very much either enjoy the companionship of pets/animals, nature, or just very close loved ones….rarely. I also can imagine you’re very focused on individualistic goals and the series would probably throw in a random symbolic love plot randomly in the series but it would really impact your character and the rest of your actions would be ‘in honor of them’, something like that. All in all, you’re very much the most empathetic and spiritually connect member of the group, or at least one of the two. Probably a lot of hijinks that involve you disappearing out of the blue only to be found meditating out in the woods or something. There is a slight quirky energy beneath all of this calmness.
Storyline: Ace of Wands, Ace of Pentacles Rx, Four of Cups Rx, Nine of Wands (The Fool), Three of Pentacles (BoD: Seven of Wands Rx)
Literally said ‘shut the fuck up this is so cute’ out loud lmao whoops. So starting off, I see gifted kid syndrome here. This is someone who is very talented, powerful, creative, has the world at their fingertips, etc. Your mind would be filled to the brim with ideas to bring to life. However at the same time for some reason I’m feeling like there’s a bit of…like you know what you’re capable of. You know your worth and you’d kinda feel some way if anyone gives you any less than what you think you deserve, but I think it’s because of this Ace of Pentacles, which would be when you get your powers. It’s like it severely threw you off (understandably). Think of like…any scene from any show where the protag is losing their mind because they don’ t know what’s happening. I’m vividly seeing that scene where Ichigo is struggling to hide her ears and tails from her crush and has to run away. Your energy though is much more frustrated than light-hearted and funny. You could be thrown into a ‘why me’ mentality because these powers might have a neutral effect that overflows into normal life when you’re not using them like into TMM (like how Ichigo gained cat like reflexes). It can also just give you an irate mood which causes friction with your friends and family because this isn’t necessarily something you can just vent about. This is really screwing up your groove though because it’s not meshing well with Whatever creative endeavor you were banking your future on and it made you miss out on what you believed to be your destiny. However it’s okay! We have Four of Cups Rx for when you meet the others. I’m pretty sure this is going to be an accidental meeting, or you’re going to be in some ‘accident’ when you see some Colorfully Acrobatic People come in and save the day and something registers in your head that ‘oh…maybe this was my destiny instead. I don’t need to only have one direct line for what I’m meant to do’. I also don’t believe they’ll notice you either (you’re really good at hiding your presence lmao), you’ll be the one to approach them and sort of confide and ask them for help in a way and lowkey get dragged into this world saving stuff LOL. Fittingly, we have the Nine of Wands afterwards, but what came flying out with it was The Fool, which is So damn cute oh my god. While you’re obviously out there risking your life every day, and there’s this strong resolve and you have battle scars and you’re never going to give up until you win—there is this newfound fresh energy given to you by your new teammates. Due to you having to work with these people and interact so much, their warmth starts to fill you up after some time and you might find yourself picking up some small habits of theirs after some time, and honestly acting very out of character for you (seeking companionship, being more extroverted, opening up a lot faster, etc). Then to end we have the Three of Pentacles!!!!!!! AH!!! By the end of this journey, you’ll have started to come into your own and be much more comfortable with teamwork and the you from the beginning of this story is like a distorted image if someone were to show you them. With the Seven of Wands Rx too, it’s really enforcing that you’ve learned to let your guard down and no longer fight against letting people in (it can also be, literally, the fight is over), but this just screams to me that someone who was shut off from others and avoided them is now reaching out to them and is the one speaking the most in meetings lmao. Not a complete 180, but definitely more open.
Lessons Learned: Morning – The world awaits you
Pile One I’m Screaming. This card is asking you if you’re truly living your life or are you just going through the motions and to have this as the lesson you learn throughout the series, maybe I’m going to cry over a hypothetical character? This basically just repeats what I stated a minute ago. Your character would’ve been so focused on their destination and goal at the start of the series that they weren’t really too bothered about smelling the roses or hanging out with others, or even some of their family. So by the time the series ends, they’ll have learned to loosen up and relax and understand that what’s the most important thing is to be able to look back and be able to remember moments where they really fell in love with their life or the people that they let in. To laugh at memories they made or be able to look at buildings or neighborhoods and pull out an imprinted memory from months or years ago. That’s the lesson you would’ve learned in your story.
Powers/Weapon: Full Moon, Luna
So moon moon LMAO. For some reason I keep seeing like a monocle, or a magnifying glass. You definitely would have powers over water or maybe like a gravitational- OH wait like Michiru? From Sailor Moon. She had a mirror and used water so maybe your powers would work something like that. I think maybe if you used it as a reflection maybe in some weird way you can use the mirror and gravitation as a means to keep someone fixed to whatever it was viewing as it’s gravitational pull? Honestly I’m not thinking too much there’s just an emphasis on like The Moon but not really water?? And also like glass so definitely that monocle or magnifying glass, so go crazy if you can think of something! There are tidal waves in the full moon card though.
Songs: All We Are by OneRepublic, Let Me Go by Maverick Sabre, Perfect by Simple Plan, Long Long Long Journey by Bill Wurtz, Come Back Home by We Are The In Crowd
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Pile Two
Personality: Mentor, Destroyer (Shadow)
Soooo definitely getting the vibe that you’re one of the members who would’ve been in the game for a bit before the others found you. You’re independent and not necessarily cooperative? It’s not an aggressive underhanded way of interacting with people, but you really don’t like abiding by other people’s rules or ideologies. You’re more than willing to teach others ways to get by and important things to remember, but you keep everyone at arm’s length. I think you’d see everything objectively and are very emotionally detached. It’s giving madoka magica. You’ve seen people come and go, not in the best way, and if you can save others from falling to the same fate then you will. However, that doesn’t mean you’re going to let them keep their rose colored glasses. They’re playing in the big leagues now and they need to understand that, so some may call you cold-hearted but you’re looking out for them in your own way. This would probably be fueled by someone you would’ve lost because that would make sense as to this polarized warm yet icy feeling that I’m getting. Plus a lot of songs are coming in that speak of missing someone.
Storyline: The Chariot Rx, Ten of Cups Rx, Knight of Wands Rx, Temperance, Seven of Pentacles Rx (BoD: The Hanged Man)
Oof yeah this is giving me Kyoko vibes. Before the series starts, your character would feel very frustrated. A bit like they’re in the passenger seat of their life and everyone else is behind the steering wheel but they don’t have the nerve or energy to take it back? There are aspects of their life that they desperately want to have under control but somewhere in the back of their mind they’re scare of what would happen if they step up and do something about it. Like it might impact everyone else around them. Now for obtaining your powers, we receive the Ten of Cups Rx. When you received your powers, you believed heavily that this would be the answer to all of your problems but it backfired on you. I feel the need to say this but I’m getting the feeling that there’s a lot of self-fulfilling prophecy going on here. Like if you believed that if you didn’t bring your lucky bracelet with you then you’d have a bad day, but then of course you would because you’d be paying extra close attention to everything happening so you’re noticing a lot more stuff than usual and you’re already in a stressed/bad mood. However with this it’s a lot heavier like either an actual loss or just broken relationships and I just need to say it’s not your fault. It’s normal to overanalyze and have what-ifs but please don’t bear all the burden and trick yourself into believing you’re at fault. If it doesn’t resonate then leave it, this was supposed to be a light hearted fun pac but uuhh I guess messages will be messages??  For meeting the others, we have the Knight of Wands Rx. This to me speaks for someone who will be a bit…rough around the edges. You are definitely going to be someone they will be in awe of, but you can also be impatient and kind of vulgar? I keep hearing ‘keep up kid’ lmao. I get the feeling that you don’t really avoid them as a group, and you will play along with whatever requests they have, but you don’t make it easy. So you might give them riddles whenever they have questions, or make them do drills when they request your help physically—it reminds me of grimmjow too, like the vibe you give off. Now for Temperance, I believe that as the story goes on, you learn to gain some ease of mind and to level out your emotions as well. You don’t give much trouble whenever help is requested, and you’re less intense as time goes on (and it’s deeeeefinitely a teasing point of the rest of the cast). Throughout the series you would’ve been helping them secretly from behind or without them knowing, and after a while you would’ve stopped caring about your ‘secret role’ and just gotten on them for being so careless and ‘bad at their job’. I think you also would’ve had a slight vendetta against the enemy for ruining whatever you had before the series started, and as time goes on you would’ve learned to help let that go, definitely by watching the rest of them interact with the world around them and also with you. Seven of Pentacles Rx…I think this story would’ve ended with a sacrifice or a failed mission, seriously your story is just sounding straight out of madoka. I think this would’ve been a member that you would’ve gotten close to as the story progressed because I sense frustration, like the scene you always have of a character punching the ground. I’m also getting like a flash of fire. You know how candles flicker? It’s like that but a lot more intense. So I’m sort of getting the feeling that someone might have felt the need (whether they were right or not about it) to go for the mission and it causes all those lessons you learned to fall to the wayside for a hot second before someone else pulls you back and reminds you. I’m glad the hanged man is at the back of the deck because it means the lessons stay with you after all of this, and I think you’d keep in loose contact with everyone but I kind of still feel like you’d keep to yourself still? It’s kind of like that friend who moves to another country and they make surprise visits and everyone really loves to see them. Definitely a fighter/warrior and definitely getting red vibes from this pile.
Lessons Learned: Villain – You can always rewrite the story
I’m gonna cry this is so sweet. Very much lines up with everything above. At some point you would’ve gotten yourself stuck in the position that you need to keep yourself alone in this glass box because if you interact with others then their lives will fall apart or you will ruin whatever they have going for them, but with the people that come into contact with you—well, how they crash into your life constantly, you’ll come to learn that you Are welcome and you’re not some virus. You are rough around the edges, you can be a little rude, but you’re still welcome and they still welcome you in and will defend you just like anyone else they know, and it will make you re-evaluate a lot within yourself and make you realize that at any point you can change how you view yourself because some of it is not correct in the first place.
Powers/Weapon: 7th House - Partners
Mimicry was the first thought I had- OOH! Oh my god I’ve been speaking about loss and stuff and of course I get the 7th house so yeah, take that. You are a very intimate and sensitive person, don’t let what other people assume of you affect you, you know yourself best. Anyway, mimicry. Yeah I believe that you just have the ability to copy people’s powers but it has to be activated in a certain way? I don’t believe you’d have to touch them but like, maybe if you see them use their powers effectively in full then you can use it or something? I’m also seeing strings so maybe hand to hand combat involves that in some way? Very sexy of you, we need more string involved hand to hand combat. Take care of yourselves pile two.
Songs: Fxxker by CHANMINA, Just Give Me A Reason (ft. Nate Ruess) by P!nk, Half Italian by AWOLNATION, Nightmare by Lollia, Anthem Part Two by Blink-182, Don’t You Worry Child by Sweedish House Mafia
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Pile Three
Personality: Shape-shifter, Child: Magical
Something was telling me this pile would be heavy before I even got the first card and well. Yeah. I. Both these cards talk about seeing the potential and possibilities in everything beyond what’s in front of you. There’s something about you where you have an Infinite amount of wisdom thanks to numerous past lives, if we were to go back to reality for a second, and your connection to your higher self or the spiritual realm in general, but you’re not bogged down by it. You have a very big ‘why not’ mindset, and you don’t let a lot of things stop you. Errors don’t really get to you because you tend to really just make things up as you go. There’s a whimsical feeling to you, but it’s bubbly as opposed to pile one. I can absolutely see you as those characters who would simply be banking on mere hope to get them through tough times or because ‘you just feel it’, which is by no means an easy thing to trust and just rely on. It’s very weird because you have simultaneously a heavy but very light-hearted energy and I’m pretty sure I know which energy you’re presenting by choice. Duality, as the kids call it. Also, 100% for the power of friendship motif.
Storyline: Chariot (Ace of Swords Rx), The Fool Rx, Queen of Swords Rx, Ten of Cups, Three of Cups (BoD: The Tower)
AH! Oh no okay. It’s giving white/purple aesthetic. So before the story starts, I think your character would Seem to be going places. They would seem to have everything in order and like they’re unstoppable, but they’re kinda faking it. It kind of reminds me of ‘Make It Up’ by Same Tsui. You can seem very graceful and you’re Very good at keeping your skeletons in your closet, and honestly you keep people pretty far away from your inner circle, because no one really knows that you have no idea what you’re doing with your life and that you actually don’t know what you’re going to be doing in a few years and no you don’t have a job after this please stop asking!! It’s kind of like you’re mind if always running and there’s a million thoughts going so even when you’re ‘engaging’ in conversation, you’re not really there but people only really like you for ‘pleasant’ company. There’s something about your aura that they just try to be around? Yeah definitely getting the white/purple energy here. With The Fool Rx, I think this actually helps you in some backwards way? It’s definitely another responsibility added to your plate that you Did not want, but it’s also like a distraction/get away from your worldly responsibilities that you will Gladly take. Like who else is going to take down that giant alien that’s destroying city hall, the president? I do get the feeling that you’re even more restrictive about the people you talk to and who you let in so you feel a lot more lonely than before, but it’s like you let your frustrations out in battle and you’re sort of disconnected and kind of treat this persona like it’s not even you in a way. Like a VTuber lmao. Now the Queen of Swords……lmao yeah yall not fucking with them LMAO. It’s not for the usual reason, but I don’t think you’ve been in this game for a bit, but you just don’t want to give up the near reckless way that you do things. You’ll be quite blunt about it too, feeling like the ‘girls like you are annoying’ line. I think they’ll eventually win you over after a minute, because the only reason I see you rejecting the invitation is for your freedom to do what you please and you believe that you’ll lose that if you join them. Now your next card!!! For the duration of the series!! Ten of Cups that’s so beautiful and adorable. You will eventually come to see this group as your family and they will fill up all the holes and cracks you thought you’d never be able to fix. Weirdly despite the general personality up there, I think you might be around the average age or a bit younger (maybe 1-2, not by much). When it comes to deep philosophical or moral issues, or you have that down, but when it comes to like…life? You can flounder, and the rest of the team helps you out with that so much, you can see them as guides in a way. Lowkey feeling a strong protective energy towards this from this card and as I was typing this, all this and heaven too came on. So to finish off with the Three of Cups, you definitely would’ve found a loving friend group that you never want to lose. Like after that mission is over you demand they keep in contact and you make sure you all have monthly hangouts and you keep up to date with all of them or they’ll never hear the end of it. Having The Tower on the back, I believe that throughout the series, there’s a lot of metamorphosis going on. You would’ve had to shed a lot of your beliefs and understandings of the world and how it works to get to this ten/three of cups at the end of the story, because you started off very stand-offish so it’s like this was a destined plan for you.
Lessons Learned: Feather – Think first before you judge
Yeah, it’s not necessarily like. Rich kid? But there is a feeling of ‘you won’t understand my world or where I come from so why should I bother’. You placed yourself on a different world from everyone else, and while they are Also detached from who you are at your core, you also did that too in a way? At the end of the day, you will come to learn that there are people that will be willing to learn how you operate and who you truly are, and they will love to meet that person. You, though, have to remember to give them a chance before assuming.
Powers/Weapon: Gemini
Dual wielding!!!!! There is a snake on the card…also angel wings on both figures here so maybe those can have something to do with your outfit, but I’ve been thinking of a staff the entire time. There’s also a sun and a moon on here—so maybe you can swap between two powers but there’s a cooldown? If there’s no swapping then you have two elements or powers and they offset the other from going crazy, but if there is swapping then you just…have a cooldown lol. Which I think would be neat. Also explains the messy energy up there in your fighting.
Songs: Chalk Outline by Three Days Grace, Fall In Love Phantogram, Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer by Jay –Z & Linkin Park, Voice Memo No. 5 by CHANMINA, All This and Heaven Too by Florence + the Machine
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Pile Four
Personality: Child: Divine (Shadow), Child: Magical (Shadow)
You are very sensitive. There’s a high level of escapism here. The issue is that you believe so much in the good of man, that when they continue to prove you wrong, you take it personally. It impacts you way too much and it plagues you longer than it should. Definitely do not benefit from taking in various news outlets. You have a strong sense of justice, and it’s your main motivator, so when you can’t keep your promises to others or you fail yourself in a way, even that can get you into a depressive spiral. There are a lot of things that can throw you out of balance here. I kind of feel like you have training wheels on within this realm, and you try very hard to do good but it’s like the evil is out balancing you and we’ll get into when we look at your story but I think as time goes on you’ll figure out how to make smaller impacts that matter instead of trying to hold the entire world in your hands because it’s just not possible. I see someone like curled up into a ball, they’re not crying or anything it’s very peaceful but that’s like your resting state in a way? It recharges you before you absolutely drain yourself doing your best to rewrite all the wrongs that are happening. It’s a very strong pure energy, it’s just exhausting at the same time.
Storyline: The Fool Rx, The Devil Rx, Queen of Pentacles Rx, The Chariot, Queen of Swords Rx (BoD: Five of Wands Rx)
Mhm, I’m getting a lot of restriction before we meet you. It’s a feeling of someone telling your character all the people to avoid, what times to get back home, make sure you always have this or that on you, etcetc. Reminding me Very much of my dad telling me to remember 21 pages worth of laws before I moved lmao. You’d feel restrictive because those rules would also come with the price of you minding your business and never getting involved, so if someone is in trouble you’d have to just Leave them to their troubles—which does not match your personal code of conduct. So then we get to The Devil Rx. You feel SO relieved getting your powers. It’s like before it was always sitting in the back of your head that you can’t do anything and you’d always wonder if you’d see them as headlines the next day or if they got their issue solved etcetc, but now you CAN do something and no one has to know about it. You can save those who are in need and finally get that itch that’s been bugging the hell out of you for so long! It’s a dream come true! Until we get to the Queen of Pentacles. You maaaaaaay have had an issue with going overboard. You also may think too little of the rest of your team. I sense a slight conflict with them and within yourself when you start to wonder what they’re doing, which will lead you to wonder what You’re really doing as well. I kind of feel like you’re really happy to know that there are others who ‘answered the call’, but then there’s a slight disappointment that they aren’t going as fast as you’d like them to? You’d start a slight argument with whoever is in charge before going back off on your own for a bit before getting your ass beat and needing help anyway and then starting to realize that maybe you’re being a bit too forceful and stubborn about the whole thing. You’re taking on way too much and you’re trying to be like some holy hand that solves the whole problem themselves when you can’t and even as a group, that’s impossible in a sense. So with The Chariot, you slowly learn how to take control of what you can and cannot do, and how to balance and figure out how to exert your energy whenever you can. It’s a bit of a struggle I feel in the beginning, but you learn pretty quickly that you don’t have to be a magical hero to make changes in daily life, and it’s just a lesson learned from your past you need to move on from. So with this lesson comes the Queen of Swords Rx. By the end of the series, you’ve learned what boundaries you need to place up as to not drain your energy so horrifically. I sense a little bit of snark too as opposed to someone so straight-laced, you’re kinda funny LOL. With this being backed up by the Five of Wands Rx, it’s definitely just a lot of battles you learn to live and let go, things that aren’t worth fighting for and compromises you need to make within yourself as to have time for bigger and more important things.
Lessons Learned: Princess – You can be your own knight
I think this speaks to the beginning energy. You being caught in the feeling that you were helpless and you need this magical power to help those in need (because like, at the end of the series you lose them you know). Over the course of the series you start to remind yourself that you don’t have to be so bombastic about the things you do to make the world a better place and just helping one person with a small task can have an enormous ripple effect that you may not see, but it’s taking place and you have no idea when it will end, but it’s helpful.
Powers/Weapon: 3rd House - Intellect
Honestly I wasn’t seeing anything so that explains it. Also explains why I got reminded of that story of mine, cause there’s someone reading a pretty thick book here. I think you’ll have a power that allows you to sense out enemies? Sort of like Ami’s computer/tablet thing from Sailor Moon, but without the technology. You also might just be the tactician of the team, but your argument felt uuuhhh virgo mars like. For fighting style though, I do see someone participating in hand to hand combat though, sometimes just beating someone up is acceptable and valid.
Songs: resist (ft. MRSHLL) by dj friz, Anna Sun by WALKTHEMOON, Quarter Past Midnight by Bastille, People Are People by A Perfect Circle
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Pile Five
Personality: Beggar (Shadow), Goddess (Judge – Shadow)
Okaaaay. I was a little bit confused for a second, but this is definitely someone plagued with impostor syndrome and tries to laugh it off with little goofy antics. I think as you were growing up, you were told that you strongest qualities Was your appearance or your fashion sense, things like that? But people never paid attention to everything else you had to offer unless they were reprimanding you. So after a bit you found yourself agreeing that you don’t have much to offer besides a pretty face, and you kind of shy away from putting in effort? I’m pulling a third card lmao. Okay we have Judge in the shadow position, but Prostitute did flip over abruptly while I was trying to get another card. I. Do not sense any negative energy coming out of this pile. I mean I sense a bit of hurt or like, abandonment in a way? I don’t really know how to explain it, it’s kind of like I’m shut out. Which makes sense. I think because of this, you can snap at people whenever you’re criticized  and when you spot a chance to do so, it can come out a bit harsher than you intend it to (though you Do intend to hurt them just a bit, just not that bad). However, what I Do see is someone who is very sweet, and willing to give a helping hand if someone else needs it. They are able to be objective and give clear options or opinions on a matter to help someone else make a reasonable decision—but that’s definitely being blocked by some hurt or childhood wounds currently. So I can’t Really get a clear reading, but there’s some sweetness underneath all of this. (Even before I could understand the first two I wanted to put down seven devils so)
Storyline: Wheel of Fortune Rx, Strength, Ace of Pentacles, Knight of Swords Rx, The Hermit (BoD: Three of Pentacles)
Starting off, I believe you’d be running through a string of bad luck, or you just feel like you’re in a bad place in general. You’re being held a bad hand of cards, you’re not favored  by the world—however you want to put it. That’s the viewpoint that your character is going to be sitting in. It’s pretty straight-forward? You’ll be feeling pretty down and negative about everything, and there’s not much to drag you out of it. It’s not that you’ll be alone, because I see people reaching out or getting you to talk to people but you really don’t see the point in it and you’re not very communicative about how you’re feeling either. Now for when you receive your powers, this will give you some faith back in a way. It’s sort of false hope, but it’s Something for you, and you’ll take it. With Strength, you kind of see it like ‘oh, I’m special? This is for me and me only’. It gives you an energy boost and I don’t think many other people will question what is giving you a pep in your step, they’re just kinda happy that you’re looking a bit better lmao. I don’t really see you being very proactive about helping others honestly, you just enjoy Having something for your own? Now for the Ace of Pentacles, I think you’d see the group as a good idea to join. Something about them being sort of like an after school club? In a way? It has nothing to do with morals or vibes or anything but it’s like you’re not doing anything else and they seem fun so why not. I think you meeting them would be kind of goofy. Like you didn’t plan it but it feels like the ‘same hat’ comic lmao. Your energy throughout the series though would be the Knight of Swords Rx, so I think your general composure would kind of….irritate your teammates a bit? They are much more headstrong and passionate about this mission than you are and the way you’re so blasé about the outcome of it can piss some of them off sometimes, which a few of them won’t be so shy about expressing. They can tell you treat this like a game and there would be many instances until a complete blow up between you and them but it’s very helpful for your growth and healing as a person. I believe some of them would see who you are beneath it all (definitely in times of important decision making) and would actively try and get that to come out during these arguments, while others are just straight up annoying lol. Like I said though, you would definitely take some time to yourself after those heated moments and mull over them and wonder just what to do with yourself which can lead you to The Hermit by the end. I think after everything, with everyone’s indirect help, you can start some inner healing and rework some of thoughts that you have. You’d still be chill, but in a much more attached and coherent way, people can actually reach you by the end of the series. With the Three of Pentacles to back it up too, you’ll be much more open to people’s input and concerns they have and be more responsive when it comes to your life and your inner world.
Lessons Learned: Library – Take control of your own narrative
Yeah, a consistent energy of you being more present by the time this series is over. It also speaks back to the very beginning, of people overlooking your other qualities for just being a pretty face. You are much more than what people take you to be at face value. Do not let others diminish your light or have them ruin the sweet energy that is hiding within you because despite the Attempt of trying to lock it away in a tiny safe, I can still feel it lmao. As the card says, you have a whole story to tell that no one else can do for you, don’t let them take that away from you. Something tells me you have a very individualistic quality to the way you present yourself.
Powers/Weapon: 12th House - Secrets
God pile five LMAO. There might be something to do with manipulation or…control? The image is showing me a key being reflected in the water, but for some reason I can only think of someone controlling someone else via speech.
Songs: Seven Devils by Florence + the Machine, About a Girl by The Academy Is…., SUGAR by BROCKHAMPTON, Slow Dancing by Tayla Parx, The Grey by Icon for Hire, Keeps Gettin’ Better by Christina Aguilera
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Pile Six
Personality: Avenger, Fool (Shadow)
Okay Diego. I’m getting very like...no yeah, I’m getting Diego from TUA. For the Fool aspect, I think something like your upbringing has shaped you in a way to sort of deflect from being vulnerable. It doesn’t have to directly be your parents, because you know childhood bullying exists lmao, but it’s sort of like…it’s really weird. You are very compassionate and empathetic because you have a strong moral stance and you believe in a right and a wrong, and you can’t stand seeing the weak get picked on—which is possibly a sensitive point for you—but at the same time if someone asked you to open up you’d do everything in your power to distract them from the original topic until you can escape. Definitely the type to go through some rough shit and dust it off as ‘nothing’ as well. You also tend to approach things distantly as if you’re on the outside looking in? It’s a kind of defense mechanism that people can mistake as being cold-hearted or insensitive, but you’re very much still vulnerable which is why you do it in the first place. Someone who is cold-hearted wouldn’t even bother to get traits close to an avenger lmao. This is all pretty straight-forward sooo
Storyline: Eight of Swords, The Moon, Ten of Cups, Six of Wands, The Fool (Queen of Pentacles Rx)
Lmao bruh. Okay so I believe that you share some qualities with pile four. However your energy is much more headstrong and flamboyant in a way. Before the series starts, you will be feeling trapped in a way, but it’s about your circumstances in how you can help those around you. It’s like a reflection of yourself and how you ‘rank’ yourself as a person. Like if you’re a good guy or a bad guy, even though it’s impossible to objectively do that. So when you receive your powers, quite literally, you take on a hidden person. You go full bat-family. You are kiiiinndda confused about this whole thing but all you need to know is that you have powers to help take down monsters and you’re fine. So hopefully this isn’t the realm that has clauses in it because you definitely didn’t wait around to read them. I’m definitely getting a loner vibe for a bit, and it kind of takes priority in your life, because it’s very important to you, even though it doesn’t seem like it to others. Honestly I feel like that just assume you’re slacking off in work/school. With the Ten of Cups, I feel a lot of excitement when you meet the others, because it’s like you’ve found more people who share the same viewpoint and line of ethics that you do. Whether or not that’s what’s truly happening, that’s how You feel inside. It’s like a bouncing ball of energy, it’s flying around the room LMAO. You are soooo happy to find them, it’s really cute. You join them without a doubt and honestly I don’t feel a lot of tension or conflict because you are being represented by the Six of Wands for the series energy. There is mighty success on your end and you feel like you’re fulfilling what you’re meant to be doing? Like when you wake up and see people safe or overhear them talking about ‘that crazy thing that happened last night’, it puts a small smile on your face because You did that, you were that masked colorful crazy kid that helped them last night. So yeah it’s a thankless job but more and more people are safer on the streets thanks to you guys! Which will leave you feeling like The Fool followed by the Queen of Pentacles Rx by the end of the series. You will feel so refreshed and excited like a little kid but can’t help but kind of feel empty? I keep hearing ‘what’s next?’, you really don’t want it to stop here. Like obviously you don’t want Another threat to fall upon your world, but also like…seriously though what’s next. It can be kind of annoying to your teammates because they’re exhausted after all of that and they’re happy that they just finished without any harm done and you agree but you’re seriously wide-eyed for any new adventures to go on, and I get the feeling that it kind of gives you an idea for a possible career to make of it (though the thrill just isn’t the same, you know).
Lessons Learned: Tree – Let them go
This speaks for people who tend to suck up the emotions of those around them, or generational wounds. I can definitely see this being a problem that you slowly start to learn as the series goes on, and afterwards. Like I said, it’s the same issue with pile four so you might’ve been attracted to that pile too? For you, it’s a case of not letting the world seep into your veins and trying to figure out where your emotions end and theirs begin. Once again, you are a highly empathetic and sensitive person, you just don’t display it. Even worse because you don’t really take the time to sort out your emotions as much as you should, so this is definitely a learning curve for you throughout the series.
Powers/Weapon: Cancer (1st House—Self)
A lot of water and moon imagery for most of these piles. I also didn’t really see much while writing, so I’m asking for another card hehe. Ah. Are you just a reflection of pile one because I mentioned Michiru’s mirror and here it is again LMAO. Uh. Well, this pile can Definitely have a power like her’s if they don’t prefer something else because That was pretty straight-forward as opposed to it being a Possibility for them.
Songs: My Moves Are White (White Hot, That Is) by Cobra Starship, How the World Works by Bo Burnham, Deeper Deeper by ONE OK ROCK
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Grumpy Softie (Spencer Reid x Reader) Smut
Summary: There are a few sure-fire ways to improve a frustrated doctor’s mood.
AN: This is my fic for @reidgraygubler​ for @imagining-in-the-margins​ and @sunlight-moonrise​ fic swap! I hope you enjoy it! Reader is AFAB and uses they/them pronouns. 18+, Minors DNI!
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Content Warnings: Grinding, mild choking, mutual masturbation, desk sex.
Your name: submit What is this?
Spencer had been cantankerous beyond belief these last few days. His passive aggression seeped through to every action: the harsh clinking of the teaspoon against his coffee mug, the pen scratching against a student’s homework, his brow determined to iron in wrinkles while he read one of many bills.
Mandatory days off from work would have driven him insane were it not for his position at college. Finally, it was Doctor Spencer Reid’s turn to take on the lecture theatre alone, only a hint of nostalgia in his chest for when Gideon was at his side or when he would poke his head around the door with a casefile pressed to his chest. Still wet behind the ears and barely filling out the FBI’s smaller sized vests – let alone the windbreaker.
Now he was leading the class, all eyes on him, and more students were laughing at his jokes.
With a loud sigh, Spencer took off his glasses, leaning back with his fingers rubbing darkness back under his eyes. As if his fractioned sleep schedule wasn’t doing enough of that for him. His desk was weighed heavy under the piles of essays he printed off. He hadn’t moved for three hours and he had no reason to: no classes, he wasn’t hungry nor did he need the toilet. Only one thing could save him from his dismal mood continuing for the rest of the day.
Y/N crawled over his lap with the knowledge that Spencer would not try to push them away. Working his soft spot for them, they settled down upon him and squeezed his shoulders tight.
Blinking against the light, Spencer’s half-closed lids focused on the shadowy face and the left corner of his mouth lifted for them.
“Hey,” He said, his voice low and gravelly.
Y/N leant their nose against his for a second, “Hi.”
“I’m busy, you know?”
“I do. I just missed you.”
“My door is open; you can see me from the couch.”
“Not close enough.”
Prison had done that to the couple. Made them “clingy” despite Spencer’s aversion for touch, but it was understandable. The proxemics between Spencer and Shadow meant nothing but agony if they weren’t touching. That divider, the guards keeping eyes and reaching for guns, batons, at an inch’s worth of movement, those signs screaming: “NO CONTACT BETWEEN VISITORS AND INMATES”. What a hierarchy.
Shadow kept up their smile despite the meaning behind their words. A decent mask to cover the pain on their end because why would they want to burden Spencer with theirs as well as his own? Except that was what their relationship supported and Spencer was able to lift off the mask to welcome all emotion it had been hiding, because that was exactly what Y/N had done for him once he was released.
“This close enough?” He said, wrapping his arms around their waist with his left wrist in his right hand. The link pressed against Y/N’s lower back and nudged them closer. Y/N’s smile was hidden in a bitten lip as they shook their head.
“Oh?” Spencer raised his eyebrows, clicking his tongue. With deliberation, he moved so that Y/N was trapped now by his forearm. His free hand closed tenderly around their neck and gave a light squeeze, “How about this?”
Y/N let out a cross between a whine and a hum. That was the push they wanted and all the confirmation Spencer needed.
Taking the lead, Y/N was up to strip off their trousers and underwear while Spencer undid his belt. There was only so much time; the waistband of his trousers caught underneath his thighs when Y/N returned to his lap. Fluid and practiced motions removed his cock from his underwear, the sound of spit hitting skin followed by the touch of a loving hand. He lavished in the attention for a few seconds. Then he matched their stroking with his own nimble fingers, simultaneously grounding them in each other’s grasp and lifting them away into heaven-like states.
He used Y/N’s own tactics against them and won as they moaned against his lips, pulling away only at the will of his hand. Their own feeble attempts at pulling his hair did nothing to dissuade his speed; the whining only made him more fervent.
That faux innocence, as if Y/N didn’t know what they were doing while practically humping his clothed cock in the middle of his work day, it was intoxicating and he breathed it in from the slope of their neck. Open mouthed, he gripped their cheeks tight and grinded against them.
“Please,” Y/N whispered.
Only because they asked so beautifully. Y/N wobbled before they settled onto his cock. Their clit was flush with his pubic bone before Spencer started moving, digging his heels into the carpet. Seeing, hearing, feeling their bliss, it didn’t take long for him to cum inside them, leading Y/N to climax. They were so needy, so loving as they came in his lap. Spencer kissed their cheek, whispered a few words of gratitude in their ear. He revelled in the moan he got as a reply that was accompanied by a squeeze around him.
“This is almost perfect,” Y/N sighed.
Spencer stopped, his confused pout still pressed up against their skin. “Almost?”
“Too many clothes in the way.”
“Hmm. I agree.” A little laughter was shared between them. “And you’re missing a ring.”
Flexing their fingers behind his neck, Shadow said, “So are you. You want one that vibrates?”
“I uh wasn’t talking about that.”
“I know, hun. I know.” The teasing in their tone was clear. One might not believe they had been begging for release just minutes prior.
“Good idea though.”
“Hmm, I like yours better.”
“Can I tell you something?”
Y/N lifted their head up to look Spencer in the eye, giving him a lazy nod. The twinkle in his eye spread to his smile while he tipped his head over Y/N’s shoulder, “I kinda wanna get the ring from the drawer. But I don’t wanna move.”
Now it was Y/N who was confused. “You’re torn between proposing and not pulling out?”
“Well, since you’ve been good for me…” Spencer began to shuffle on his seat. He stopped instantly as Y/N groaned and clung tighter around to him. Willing some self-restraint, he cupped their thighs and stood slowly with a hand on his chair’s back.
“Spencer please-”
“Almost there, I promise.”
Their laughing hitched with gasps as Spencer placed them down onto his desk, their hands falling amidst paperwork to support themselves with Spencer slanted against their chest. A slide of the desk’s top drawer accompanied the fiddling of documents and Spencer’s craning neck. Y/N couldn’t help themselves. Despite wanting him to achieve his goal, they distracted him with tickling kisses that disturbed his giggles more.
“Got it.” Spencer finally withdrew the box in one hand until it opened and handed over his ring – which he then held between himself and his partner, “So, Y/N, will you marry me?”
“Yes, I will.” Y/N still couldn’t believe this was happening. Only the cool ring sliding along their finger kept them anchored, dizzying them with happiness as Spencer kissed it. “We can never tell our kids about this.”
Spencer’s gaze broke from the ring, that and his tone being only things soft about him. “Our kids?”
“I mean,” Y/N looked down, “You’re still inside me. It’s almost like you’re making sure you get me knocked up.”
As per usual, Spencer’s mind worked fast. He licked his fingers and reached down, rubbing their clit. Arching into him, Y/N’s forehead glued to Spencer’s and their eyes studied each other’s reactions. Not even as Spencer guided Y/N to lay back on the desk did they break form and Spencer took advantage of this pull up one of their legs and push himself deeper inside once the angle was right for them. Every time he bottomed out, Y/N let out a squeal. This orgasm was silent as it crested over them. No sound left their agape mouth, no breath for several seconds. When that deep sigh finally left their lungs, Spencer released his too, his hips finally slowing down now that the spike of pleasure threatened to take his control.
“Orgasms help when trying for a baby,” panted Spencer, “Supposedly.”
“Whatever you say, doctor, professor, darling.” Y/N swallowed and sighed, “I hope I didn’t crease any of your students’ assignments.”
“They’re copies. Don’t worry, I’ll just print them off again.”
Shoulders rising and falling, Spencer looked like he had just been freed of the weights of the world, and his face was gentle in expressing his relief. The only tension was in his cheeks with his smile, the apples firm and rosy.
Rolling their eyes was the only response that Y/N could think of, that and: “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” Spencer turned his head just to keep eye contact wherever Y/N was avoiding it, following their lolling head and beaming still, “I just took you twice at and on my desk, and now you can’t smile at you?”
“Ugh, go back to being cranky, would you?”
“I can’t, not now I’m engaged to the most wonderful person I know.” Oh, a reminder – if he was able to forget, but his mind was rather occupied beforehand. “When anyone asks, we’ll tell them I got down on one knee at the park after a dinner date.”
“How romantic.”
Unable to discern if this was sarcasm or not, Spencer welcomed Y/N’s arms around his neck and their lips locked to his once more as he sat them up but kept them close – just a little longer.
506 notes · View notes
doctorofmagic · 3 years
My thoughts on What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
The very title of the episode sends a shiver down my spine. And this is where we’re going to start.
~ long post under the cut ~
A year ago, I wrote this post as an attemp to dive into one of the most important traits in Doctor Strange’s personality: love. Stephen is a being made of love, made to love, no matter which interpretation you have when you watch Infinity War. If you don’t read comic books, you’ll understand the moment you meet Donna. You’ll begin to understand how her death reshaped his entire subjectivity out of fear of failing, being powerless and unable to control everything around him (especially death), thus the arrogant and yet a disaster of a man we all know.
Where do I even start? Stephen loved her sister deeply and felt responsible for her death. And then, slowly, he also lost his parents and his brother. He fell in love with Clea but he also pushed her away. He loved Zelma platonically and lied to her, which was enough for them to break their bond. He felt attracted to Kanna but screwed things up, even though they remain friends. He was forced to kill the Ancient One, the only father figure he had ever since his father died. And lastly, the only person who would never leave his side... also left. Yes, even Wong. Stephen has SO much love to give but he’s also afraid because he’s cursed. He truly believes his love in poison. And would you look at that? What If really delivered a story where this is actually true.
What If Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
The level of understanding when it comes to the character is... inconceivable. What could possibly reshape Stephen into following a dark path but love? The very premise of the whole episode. This is so much more than a love letter. This is literally too much, in all senses.
Fine, let’s begin.
What if the best of intentions has very strange consequences?
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No. You used the word “strange” for the pun but this is not the word. Nah-ah. I’d go with ATROCIOUS, for starters. Things are gonna escalate so quickly, my friends.
Seriously, tho? Christine is SO SO SO SO beautiful, they’re so cute together. I have this feeling that MCU!Stephen was quite toxic because of his arrogance and this is why they didn’t work out. But WhatIf!Stephen???????? He’s always praising her, teasing her in a healthy way, respecting her and listening to her. HE TRULY LOVES HER, I’M GONNA CRY ALL OVER AGAIN, PLEASE, NOT THE CRÈME BRÛLÉE, PLEASE
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I’m going to leave this shot here because we need to go back to it later. Hold that thought.
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And bonus points to “Yeah, well, I would call that quite remarkable.” / “Well, I would say the same about you.”
So in this reality, Stephen didn’t caused the car accident because he was checking his phone while driving. Also it was not the reckless attempt to pass the truck. Well, maybe it was the consequence of this act? The fact is, the car behind them loses control, which makes them crash. Does it matter? We’ll learn later that no, it doesn’t.
And yep... Christine dies. Have you noticed the shattered heart? Ah, the pain only gets better and better.
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Again, Stephen blames himself. More than anything, this is so important because Stephen is all about guilt. We still need to meet Donna so we can add yet another layer of guilt. But the feeling exists. This is what corrupts Stephen’s heart and soul in all his iterations. This is what makes him the character I love so much. I love this SO. MUCH. In addition, his stubbornness to accept his condition. Man won’t take a no. This, this is Doctor Strange in character. Stop complaining about NWH Stephen, it’s pathetic.
Okay, “grief-stricken”, Stephen found the Mystic Arts and became a sorcerer. That’s when he learned about the Time Stone, the Eye of Agamotto and Dormammu. Nothing changes, he saves the universe. But time does not heal his deepest wound.
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I love Wong so much. Every time Wong does something, the world is healed. Really. We’re going back to him as well but for now I’ll just leave this shot.
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Aaaaaaaannnnnnd then he did.
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He goes back in time. It’s been two years since he lost Christine. I think he reacted pretty nicely, despite the circumstances. Now let’s go back to that shot I said I was saving for later.
Stephen is so light-hearted here. Also, during the first time he lost Christine, he had no idea what “The Price is Right” was. He knows now, which means he probably tried to learn more about the show because of her, because of grief. HAHAHA MORE PAIN
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I’M-- *ugly sobbing noises*
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Apparently, not.
And this scene when he simply... closes his eyes before she dies again...?
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This is where this episode had me in endless tears. It got me the four times I watched it. I’m dead serious.
Okay, so, next the Ancient One appears to Stephen, explaining that Christine’s death is an Absolute Point in time. It cannot be changed. Stephen needs the accident to become the Sorcerer Supreme and defeat Dormammu.
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And this is where Stephen starts his journey into darkness. “Nothing is impossible, you taught me that. I only require more power.” Disobeying the Ancient One, Stephen then travels in time, seeking the Library of Cagliostro. Now, if you’re not aware of that, Cagliostro was a sorcerer who studied time in comics, and later became Sise-Neg (there’s a recent post on this because of the new Defenders run). It’s funny to think that Sise-Neg also destroyed the world when he became a god, however he grew past his pettiness and remade reality. Stephen did not possess such power, as we’re about to see.
PS: “Stop torturing yourself, Stephen.” Naur but he should use this line like a mantra. Especially comics!Stephen.
Not gonna lie, tho. This place reminds me of the Temple of the Vishanti from T&T (of course I was going to insert T&T somewhere, it’s me).
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And of course they’d go for a pun with his name haha. I don’t know how to feel about this, tho. I feel like the episode is too heavy and dark for comedy. But it is what it is.
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Okay but why some books are in cages??????????? And wow, it seems Cagliostro also gathered knowledge about several fields of magic.
And then Stephen learns that, in order to break an Absolute Point, he needs to absorb more power. This is when I went “oh-oh, here we go”.
And for real, is this Shuma-Gorath? Why are they keeping his name a secret? Is this the same creature from the first episode with Captain Carter, right? RIGHT? It has to be Shuma-Gorath.
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Of course he tries to be polite and ends up all hurt haha. O’Bengh warns him about love but he will not listen. “Love can break more than your heart. It can shatter your mind.”/ “Is she worth the pain?”. Please, this is Stephen. He eats pain for breakfast.
Also, also, let’s take a break. We’re finally going to get monsterf0cker tentacle-lover Stephen Strange. It will cost us everything but here we goooooooooooo (yes, I went frame by frame for your more obscure fanservice needs)
Gods, I love this sequence so much it hurts. Okay, here we go.
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The grasp this man is holding on me right now...
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Some of you will understand. I’m with you.
And here are the grostesque ones. These are hard to take SS but I had to.
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Animation, sound effects, OST? CHEF’S KISS TO ALL
And lastly... the tentacles. Yeah, if you’re new... this is a thing.
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Fanservice. Fanservice everywhere. (low-key the reason I also waited to write this review, I wanted to enjoy this part so badly but I was too sad for that lmao)
Okay so. O’Bengh is suddenly OLD and DYING, until we realize that Stephen spent CENTURIES absorbing mystic beings. CENTURIES. WTF STEPHEN. He had nothing in mind but the goal to save Christine. And people wonder why he went insane???? I’m sorry, O’Bengh, but I can’t take you serious when you still call Stephen Sorcerer Armani. Oh, and also because you watched him absorb beings for centuries in silence lmao. But I guess I have to because you said that Stephen is split in two since the Ancient One cast a spell on him, splitting the timelines and making them exist in the same reality before he could travel back in time. I know, it’s complex. Anything for the plot.
And now good!Stephen has an evil!twin who wants to absorb him back in order to become whole and break the Absolute Point. Cool.
I said I wanted to talk more about Wong because I think people are not talking about him enough. Wong is so important in this episode. He’s the one who’s trying to heal Stephen after Christine. He’s Stephen’s anchor.
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So, for the sake of our understanding, I’m addressing the characters as evil and good!Stephen. Let’s go. Evil!Stephen summons good!Stephen and gods, he still holds such a strong grasp on me... unbelievable. THE DEEPER VOICE BENEDICT USES???? PLEASE, DIDN’T WE HAVE ENOUGH?
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Imagine his strength to hold so many beings inside him, fighting to control him. BRO, THIS IS TOO TOO MUCH
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Fine, I’ll not post SS about the fight because I’d be here all night long but I WILL say this: NOT CLOAKIE!!!!! NAAAAAAAAAAUR
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Also if you ask me if I recognize any of the spells? Maaaaybe the Flames of Faltine, the not-so-crimson Bands of Cyttorak and a little trick Magik does with her portals. That’s how far I go.
I’ll not comment on the “seducing yourself to stay in the trap”. I will not. I’ll just say that the first person Stephen thought of when “Christine” was talking about the crème brûlée was Wong. That’s it.
And finally evil!Stephen absorbs good!Stephen and releases... UNLIMITED POWER (I love when the stone goes red as if it was bleeding aaaaaaa)
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I can fix him...
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This scene here? Poetic cinema. (I love his wings so much)
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And when Stephen says her name and the other monsters’ voices echo “Christine”, AAAAAACKKKK
Oh, but it’s too late anyways because Stephen broke reality haha. This scene is interesting because Stephen is the only one who sensed and/or talked to the Watcher until now. I read an interview that the Watcher kinda showed up but it’s also about Stephen’s keen senses. Bit of both, let’s say. Still, man, 616-Watcher is not that cold. 616-Watcher would watch this and say “how about I intervene anyway?”. WhatIf!Watcher is brutal.
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The way Christine looks at Stephen one last time also KILLS ME, DESTROYS ME, BREAK ME INTO A MILLION PIECES.
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And this is where my soul left my body.
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This is how they end the episode. This is how you leave me speechless and with teary eyes. This is how you give me a whole existential crisis.
This... this was brutal to watch. Really.
What can I say after this? I’m used to reading painful things when it comes to Stephen. Aaron’s and Cates’ runs are heartbreaking on so many levels. Hickman’s New Avengers is not easier. Coincidentally, What If? Magik Became Sorcerer Supreme and The End. And now Death of Doctor Strange. And yet, after everything I’ve been through, I’d never expect to watch something so brilliant, so tragic, so heartbreaking and unexpected in the MCU. Never. This is top tier content and this is my favorite character with SO MANY LAYERS and SO MUCH UNDERSTANDING. I can’t put into words how meaningful this whole episode is to me, or how deep it touched my heart and soul.
I’ve been struggling to find the proper words since then, I still can’t. All I can add is, I cried for the 4th time now. This is too, too much, even for Stephen stans. Even for the ones who are used to pain, regardless of which media you’re into: comic books, live actions or animated movies. This is literally more than I can take and yet I’m so, so grateful. The voice acting, gods, how did Benedict manage to create a better Stephen than the one he’s literally playing in real life???????????? HOW
This episode really took the max potential Stephen had to offer as a character, added tons and tons of layers based on his grief, depression, arrogance and need to control everything and created a tragic masterpiece. In 7 years of being a Doctor Strange fan, I've never read or watch something that could go this deep into the character. The closest I can think of is Mr. Misery and the metaphor of Stephen's depression. This is a whole new level of respect and understanding. This is more than a love letter. This is peak maestry. It’s perfect, it’s heartbreaking, it’s... gods, I can’t.
Sorry for dragging you until this far. Before I wrap up this review, I just wanted to remind you all that Stephen will appear again, he will smile again, he will be surrounded by people again. So this is not the end. It was painful but be brave. We still have a few more steps to take.
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