#but I’m love Butters 🥺
Interview With Reece Shearsmith
23 March 2021
Can you bake?
A little bit. I would never say I was expert, and I do it all the time, or that it’s a hobby. When I turn my hand to it, I’m quite exacting, so I get the recipe and I just follow it to the letter, I don’t deviate, and I do exactly what I’m instructed to do. It normally turns out alright, it’s not like it always goes wrong.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My strength would be the ability to not deviate from the recipe! I know some people think “Oh, it says that, but I’ll just put another blob in.” I’m big on not doing that. I think the recipes and amounts are there for a reason, so I stick to it. But I think maybe my downfall is that I’m too exacting, and I will get too hung up on trying to make it all perfect, and therefore time will run away from me. That’s the danger for me, I think I could end up getting completely swamped in the minutiae and not see the bigger picture.
Have you ever had any culinary disasters?
Oh yes. I remember when I was at school – this didn’t happen to me, but I got blamed for it. We had to make apple crumble, and the crumble part was fine, but the apples got forgotten. So, it was crumble crumble. And the teacher was like “This is great, this is very nice,” and he was digging down for the next part, and it was just all crumble. So that was an early home economics disaster that I hope not to repeat, where you actually miss an entire main ingredient.
What’s the worst thing you could be asked to make in the competition?
Oh, I think something quite delicate, like eclairs, or some very fine pastry that requires a lot of specificity to it. I think I can do something like a Victoria Sponge, probably, but something that is either right or wrong, and there’s no leeway, I think that would be hard. It’s like meringue, you can either do it or you can’t. And no amount of working on it could get it right in the time we’ve got. The whole experience is very stressful. The clock ticking is quite a scary thing.
Have you done anything in the way of practise or preparation for the competition?
Yeah, I did a bit more baking over the last week. I thought, generally, I should just try and be in the world of mixing and adding butter. I made a few sponge cakes, and I did some icing, because I thought that might come up. They get very particular about what it is that you’re doing. So, I thought a general practice would be good. I haven’t gone to town anywhere else. I didn’t make pastry, I didn’t make bread, so if I wander off the sponge road, I’m in uncharted territory.
Did you do any baking during lockdown?
Yes, I did. We did a lot of cooking, that was something that kept us going really, so it was nice to do stuff that you wouldn’t normally do and be a bit more adventurous with the cakes and the biscuits. I did try making a couple of batches of scones, so that was nice to do. We often go to Cornwall, so we like a cream tea.
Cream or jam first?
Ooh, that’s a good question. Is there a right answer? I think I’m cream first; I don’t know if that’s wrong.
My mother is jam first, so you must be wrong!
Jam first, and then the cream on top? Yeah, I can see that, but I always think the jam sits better on the cream than the other way around.
And the cream is more like butter, and you’d never put butter on top of jam.
No, that’s my train of thought, that’s why I’ve arrived at that. But I appreciate that there are two very different camps.
Are you competitive? How badly do you want to win?
I didn’t think I was competitive. But now I’m not so sure. I think rather than winning, it’s not looking foolish. This is very exposing, isn’t it, as a thing to do, because you can just see if someone is inept or not. So, I just want to be able to do it the best that I can. But now I’m into it, I think I would quite like to win. So that tells you something about me. I don’t want to fail!
Why is Stand Up To Cancer important to you?
You can’t get around the fact that cancer, at some point, will and has probably affected the lives of everybody that we know. It’s the dreads that hangs over humankind, I think. It’s great to bring awareness to it, with a lovely show like this, that’s fun while you’re doing it, but carries with it a message about awareness, it’s there for a reason. Hopefully it will encourage people to put some money towards beating it. How could you not do it? It’s a lovely thing to be part of. And very important – probably the most important thing you’ll ever do, because you’d be very lucky to get through life without knowing someone on the receiving end of a diagnosis. It’s such a devastating illness, it touches so many people, how could you not want to be a part of trying to raise awareness and keep the drive going towards stopping it.
We’ve spent so long watching you in rather dark shows, the Bake Off tent doesn’t seem your natural habitat, does it?
No! I think that’s right. And I don’t really do many things where I’m just me. I think I’m quite a private, quite boring person, really. I try to only let the work speak for itself. But yeah, it is mostly quite a dark furrow that I’ve mined over the years. And I’m still, amazingly, being allowed to do so. But there is comedy in the stuff that I do as well and doing Bake Off is also a very funny thing to do. And I know Matt [Lucas] quite well, and I knew he’d be fun to be in the tent with. So, there were a lot of plus points going for it, and I just had to get over myself as far as presenting a version of me to camera.
Do you think people will expect you to come up with rather macabre or twisted ideas for your bakes?
Maybe. I’ve sort of veered, quite accidentally, into a bit of a Halloween theme for one of my bakes, so I’ve already done that accidentally. But I’ve not done anything too macabre. I was thinking about having some icing sugar shards of glass, with red fondant blood, but I thought it was a bit too grisly for Bake Off, so I didn’t do that.
Do you think you might be able to use your experience on the show to create an Inside Number Nine based in the Bake Off tent?
Oh yes, I think there could definitely be room for something. A Number Nine could be anything, really, because you can stick a nine on anything. If we happen to see a number nine on that tent flap as we go in, who knows what could happen once you’re inside.
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ohlovxr · 2 years
there really is no weirder feeling than coming down from an energy drink and two coffees whilst on your period, which means your anemia’s only hitting its worst point, and eating literally three massive apples and toast and nut butter to revive yourself and get rid of the delirious lightheaded feeling you’ve got
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dalkyeom · 2 years
The most talented and darling person on this hellsite. Your art never fails to make me smile and gasp in awe plus the energy you exude is just so kind and bright like an absolute radiant sunbeam that tickles me with its laughter in the summer. I hope your day/night eases up and you can relax as you deserve ilysm Chia bby <33333
amggggg this is so cute! THIS IS SO CUTE! 😭 to whoever sent this I am sending you so much love from my corner on this hellsite 🥺💗 wait my heart bc 🥺 — the description of a summer sunbeam is so adorable pls 🥺💗
thank you, friend ㅠㅠ the last month has been a never ending roller coaster. I’ll try my best to rest up lots (and get back to making art again too) 💖
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send a long or short anon message saying what you think of me
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daistea · 4 months
Can I request a thing where reader gives mithrun chap stick, I know it’s as medieval fantasy setting and all but there has to be something to put on those messy lips 🥀🥀🥀 like slime saliva or something ANYTHING 🥺
anything, you say?
as you wish..
mithrun x gn reader
1000 words
no tw!
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Beeswax. Butter. Oil from something fatty– preferably a coconut. 
How the hell were you supposed to get a coconut in Melini?
No big deal. You’d figure it out, you were good at figuring things out. This concoction was for the sake of your relationship, of your sanity. 
Nearby, Mithrun wandered into the room. His footsteps were usually silent, but you saw his shadow stretch across the floor. You snapped the potions book shut and turned to face your partner, who only raised a brow at your tense behavior. The stare-off began. Your mind raced. Coconuts… Mithrun was smart, he would know.
“How would one hypothetically get their hands on a coconut?” You blurted out.
Mithrun remained unphased, but answered immediately, “By chance. A migrating swallow could carry a coconut overseas.”
You scoffed, “A swallow?”
“It could grip it by the husk.”
 “It’s not a matter of where it grips it. A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.”
“Depends on if the swallow is from Kahka Brud or the Eastern Archipelago.”
“I don’t think it matters.”
“Three swallows could carry the coconut together.”
“Okay,” you waved a dismissive hand, “you’re just being silly now. I’ll figure it out myself.”
You turned around to continue your perusal of chapstick recipes, yet the feeling of familiar arms snaking around your waist gave you pause. Mithrun pressed his chest against your back and propped his chin up on your shoulder. He must’ve teleported across the room to get to you so quickly. You knew his gaze was on the potions book in your hands. You knew he was staring, the gears in his mind whirring and spinning. 
“Crafting something?” Mithrun asked quietly, nuzzling his nose into your neck. Automatically, you tilted your head to give him better access. 
“I’m…” ideas ran through your mind like a flood, and you unfortunately landed on the first one that stood out, “I’m making a laxative potion. For Kabru. He’s constipated, ate too much cheese. Those bowels are stuffed.”
Mithrun let out a sharp exhale of air through his nose, his version of an amused snort. He probably knew you were lying, he always did. He seemed to have a sense for those kinds of things. Fortunately, he questioned you no further and instead started his usual attempts to distract you. He kissed your neck, his hands went to your hips, he pinned you to the table…
Those attempts usually worked. 
Except his lips were so damn chapped. Your boyfriend was extremely dehydrated. Had he even drank any water today? Mithrun had a tendency to forget that water was an essential part of existence. You yanked yourself out of his grip and bolted toward the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water. He narrowed his eyes in confusion but drank it without question. 
Now, he was allowed to distract you. 
Days later, you acquired a coconut. It was on the beach of Melini, just laying there, perfect and usable. Perhaps three swallows carried it over the sea. What was the air-speed-velocity of three swallows carrying a coconut? Whatever. You had your ingredients now. 
You mixed them into a lovely paste. It didn’t smell great, but you tested the chapstick out on yourself. It worked! You knew that Mithrun wouldn’t be offended— offending him was difficult— but your nerves still stood to attention.
This was for your sanity. This was for the good of your relationship. This was for the good of the lips you kissed every day and planned to kiss for the rest of your life. 
That night, you kept the jar of chapstick beside your side of the bed. You laid your head on your pillow and stared at the ceiling, waiting for it. The right moment would arrive in three, two, one—
Mithrun rolled over so he was half on top of you. His hair fell around his face as he looked down at you, palms pressed flatly into the pillow on either side of your head. He shifted his legs so one of his knees was between your legs, pressing lightly against your core.
Stay calm, you reminded yourself. You had a mission. Do not writhe beneath him or show how affected you are, that was precisely what he wanted.
Mithrun didn’t really have any techniques of seduction. He just blinked down at you, thinking. You sent him a smile in return. He would lean in to kiss you in three, two one–
You put up a hand between your faces to stop him. His good eye widened in surprise as his lips made contact with only your palm. You sent him the most innocent smile you could muster. 
“There’s something I want to try tonight,” you said, “sit up.”
Mithrun obeyed. He pushed himself up and away, folding his legs beneath each other criss-cross-applesauce style on his side of the bed. After sending him another smile, one you hoped was reassuring, you leaned down to grab the jar of chapstick. 
He raised a brow, “What is that?”
“A concoction,” you answered simply, “for the hydrating of one's lips.”
Mithrun took the jar, opened the lid, and sniffed the paste. “Smells like butter.”
“Yes, well, it has butter in it.”
“And coconut.”
“Yes, there’s coconut as well, mainly the oil but there’s some coconut meat in there too.”
He glanced up at you, “Why?”
“Because it’ll make things feel better,” you explained, gently taking the jar away from him and dipping your finger into it. Without hesitation, you smeared it across his lips. He closed his eyes and furrowed his brows and jerked away ever so slightly, but allowed it. 
Once you finished, Mithrun opened his eyes. His expression was flat as he stared at you, “Tastes bad.”
“You’re not supposed to eat it!”
“How could I not?”
“You’re hopeless,” but cute. He was hopeless and cute. You set aside the jar and leaned toward him, shifting your body so that you straddled his lap. His hands immediately went to your hips and he tilted his head back to look up at you. There was no reason to wait, no reason to stall. You pressed your mouth against his in a familiar kiss, you’d probably shared thousands of these with him. But this time…
It tasted bad. 
You pulled away and wiped at your mouth, “Okay, yeah, we’re not using that. I’ll find something else.”
Mithrun wiped the chapstick away with the back of his hand, then leaned up to resume the kiss. 
At least his lips were a bit softer than usual. You’d take what you could get. 
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Being EXO’s fem!idol crush who gets shipped with them - Hyung Line Ver.
Maknae Line Ver.
a/n: this is based on the SM girl group idol au that i wrote a while back, please read that first so that the writing will make sense :) ALSO chen’s will be written platonically bc as i’ve stated before, i don’t feel comfortable writing romantic scenarios for someone who has a wife and two kids 💀 AND these scenarios are LONG so i’m splitting this into two parts! enjoy :)
TW: kissing, being held, crying, mentions of food
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You and Xiumin had been growing close as colleagues and friends for a few months now. You began hanging out on a semi-regular basis, and today he was guest starring on a live video for Etoile Clubhouse.
“You ready?” you asked him, finger hovering over mouse to click the “live” button. You were actually asking yourself if you would be able to get through a whole video with him without making a fool of yourself. Lately you had been developing the biggest crush on him, and it was highly embarrassing. Not even your members knew about it. You knew that Nabi and Marie would just tease you mercilessly, and that Iseul and Kaori would never stop bothering you with questions, so you decided to keep it to yourself.
“You know it.” he winked, leaning forward in his chair with a grin.
You nodded, letting out a small gulp as you clicked the button. In just a few seconds, fans and comments were pouring in.
“Hi Starlight! It’s your main vocalist Y/N!” you greeted your fans lovingly. Xiumin glanced over at you with an admiring sparkle in his eyes, which you didn’t seem to notice.
“Today I’m joined by my good friend, Xiumin of EXO!” you announced, gesturing over to him.
Xiumin waved at the camera. “Hi Starlight! It’s good to see you!”
You began scrolling through some of the comments.
ugh, my two biases together, my heart can’t take it 😭
look at the way he’s looking at her 🥺💞
You tried to control the blush smile that threatened to make its way onto your face, leaning back in your chair. “Well, they’re certainly happy to see you too!”
He smiled appreciatively, giving the camera a small bow. “Thank you, Starlight. It’s an honor to be here with the lovely Y/N.”
You hit his arm playfully. “Stop trying to butter me up! You’re not stealing any of my fans!”
He laughed at you, ruffling your hair slightly. “Awh, you know I wouldn’t do that to you. Besides, I could never betray EXO-L like that.” He flashed a finger heart at the camera with a cute wink.
You rolled your eyes, then went back to reading some of the comments.
just ask her out already xiumin 😑
the banter??? they’re so cute omg
oh they’re definitely dating 👀
“Wow, you guys really have a lot to say today.” you chuckled nervously.
Xiumin glanced over at you again with a reassuring smile, his eyes so full of compassion that you could melt. “We do make a pretty good team, Y/N. You can’t blame them for being honest.”
You laughed at his comment, easing up a bit. As the live went on, you both just answered some questions and talked about the projects you’d been working on lately. There were a lot of laughs, and overall you were very satisfied with the fan turnout. A lot of EXO-L’s had heard that Xiumin was on your live, and popped over to say hi as well.
“Well, we’re approaching our hour mark, so unfortunately it’s time to say goodbye.” you huffed disappointedly. You always hated saying goodbye to your fans.
“I suppose so…” Xiumin sighed. He pouted at the camera, making you chuckle.
“Alright, until next time, stay twinkly!” you smiled at the camera, pressing you hand to your lips to do your signature ending. You always blew a kiss to the camera at the end of a live.
However, as you did, Xiumin pressed a kiss to your cheek. You froze, hand falling away from your lips slowly.
“Did you just…?” you asked in bewilderment, looking over at him with doe eyes.
He just sat there with a content shit-eating grin on his face, looking at you innocently.
You looked over at the monitor to see what the fans were saying.
“ALRIGHT, it’s time to say goodbye Starlight!” you chuckled anxiously, quickly blowing a kiss before exiting out of the live. You swiveled around in your chair to face Xiumin. “What was that?”
“It was just a kiss on the cheek.” he chirped, resting his chin on his hand.
“Yes, but on live? That could’ve been a disaster! What if the fans-“
“What if the fans what?” he interrupted, grabbing your hand and rubbing his thumb long the back of it. “They obviously liked us together. And so do I.”
Your heart stopped, and you looked up at him in disbelief. “You… you do?”
He nodded, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I do. I really do. I want something more with you Y/N.”
You gave him a small smile, placing your hand over his. “I do too Xiumin. I’ve wanted it for a while now. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“It’s understandable. What I did was kind of risky.” he chuckled.
“You think?” you replied sarcastically.
“Come here…” he grumbled, tugging you closer to him. He brought his hands up to the sides of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. It was sweet and delicate, and everything you had been hoping for. You placed your hands on his shoulders as you leaned into it, deepening it slightly. As you pulled away, your foreheads came to rest against each other.
“You make me so happy, Y/N.” he whispered, squinting his eyes.
“Ditto.” you replied, pecking his lips again.
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It was the long anticipated MAMA awards, and you and your group were all dressed up in matching indigo gowns. You were all sitting together in your row, watching the performances and applauding as the awards were presented. You were especially entertained by one of the hosts… Suho from EXO.
“Wow, you’re really engrossed in the ceremony Y/N.” Nabi commented, leaning over and nudging you in your side.
“Oh, shut up!” you grunted, slapping her arm away. “I’m just excited to see all our colleagues get rewarded for how hard they’ve worked this year.”
“Yeah, and it has nothing to do with how you’ve had a crush on Suho since the day he accidentally walked in on our dance practice back when we were trainees.” Marie teased you from your other side.
“I’m feeling very ganged up on right now.” you grumbled, crossing your arms. “At least the maknaes respect me enough not to make fun of me.”
“That’s only because they’re such big STAYS that they can’t take their eyes off the stage long enough to realize you’re making googly eyes at the host.” Nabi retorted.
You glanced over at Iseul and Kaori who were totally immersed in Stray Kids’ performance. They were totally in love with Felix and Changbin respectively, and were so jealous when you got to make a cameo in one of their music videos. You promised to get them autographs, but it only eased the pain a little bit.
Everyone broke out into applause as Stray Kids exited the stage and returned to their seats. Suho and Irene walked back to the center of the stage to announce the next award, and a hush fell upon the audience. You looked up at the stage with bright eyes, trying to act as if you were looking at both the hosts, and not just Suho.
“What a wonderful performance from Stray Kids!” he congratulated. “It’s no wonder they’ve already received three awards tonight.”
You laughed along with everyone else, making Nabi and Marie share a knowing glance. You hit them both lightly on the thigh, making them snap away from each other quickly. Sometimes your unni-card came in handy.
“That’s true, but now it’s time to announce the winner of best female group!” Irene beamed, waving the envelope in her hands.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and all five of you looked at each other with wide eyes. It was your first year in the running, and while you weren’t expecting to win, the anticipation was killing you all. Etoile had really taken off last year after Andromeda was released, and was already considered in the realms of Twice and Red Velvet. It was certainly going to be a tense moment, and the whole audience knew it.
You grabbed onto Nabi and Marie’s hands, immediately forgetting about how frustrated they had made you earlier. Marie reached over to hold Iseul and Kaori’s hands. It was a tradition you all started after you won your first award with Andromeda. Even if you weren’t expecting to win, you all held hands to signify your unity. Irene began to unfold the envelope, and everyone was on the edge of their seats.
You glanced up at the stage, and for a moment, you could swear that Suho was looking at you. His eyes were full of admiration and joy. Your heart stopped, and you gripped onto your members hands even harder. Suddenly, Suho glanced over at the envelope in Irene’s hands. His eyebrows raised and his mouth fell open slightly. Forgetting himself, he looked back over at you in the crowd and gave you a small wink. Did that mean that…?
“And the MAMA award for best female group goes to Etoile!” Irene cheered, clapping her hands together excitedly.
The five of you sprung up from your seats, eyes wide with shock and disbelief. There was no way! This had to be a joke. But when you looked behind you and saw nearly all your colleagues, senior and junior, looking at you with praise and pride, you knew it was real.
You looked over at Nabi, who already had tears streaming down your face. You giggled at her emotional reaction, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”
She shook her head, wiping her tears. “I’m… I’m…”
You chuckled at her, taking her hands in your own. “Come on, we have to go accept the award.”
As you led your leader out into the aisle way, you glanced back to see Marie clinging onto her, then Iseul clinging onto Marie, and Kaori clinging onto Iseul. They were all sobbing and barely making it out of their seats without passing out. You shook your head with an amused smile. This always happened. Your members would all be blubbering messes and you were always the only calm one, leading them up the stage like a mother hen.
As you reached the stairs, you looked up to see Suho rushing over to help you up. You couldn’t help the giddy smile that was plastered on your face as his eyes met yours. You took his hand and allowed him to lead you up the steps, with him taking extra care to move slowly enough so that you wouldn’t trip in your heels. As you ascended the last step, he gingerly placed a kiss over the back of your hand. Your eyes went wide, and you could hear your members giggling behind you.
“Congratulations. You deserve this.” he told you, gesturing over to Irene, who was waiting to give you your award.
You gave him an excited, blushy smile and rushed over to Irene, who already had her arms extended to give you a huge hug. As she pulled away, she handed you your award. “I knew you could do it, little sis.” she grinned admiringly.
“Thank you, big sis.” you replied with a small bow, leading your girls over to the microphone to give the speech.
Later that night, you were all at the after party, and everyone there was treating you like the guests of honor. Your friends from Stray Kids came over to congratulate you, making Iseul and Kaori’s millennium.
“Did you see the way Changbin looked at me?” your maknae squealed, clutching the award to her chest. She hadn’t let go of it all night long, treating it like it was her own child. You had to admit, it was adorable to see your “daughter” so excited about your groups’ achievement.
“Yeah, it was the same way Suho was looking at our Y/N during the ceremony.” Nabi teased you once again.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, well you couldn’t look at anything during the ceremony because your eyes were flooded with tears.”
The other girls laughed along with you, except Nabi, who scoffed annoyedly.
“I still can’t believe he kissed your hand though.” Iseul commented, shaking your shoulders excitedly. “I really think you should shoot your shot with him!”
“All I want to do right now is go get some air.” you shut her down, patting her shoulder lovingly. “All this interrogation is making me feel suffocated.”
The four girls chuckled at you, waving you off as you made your way to a secluded hallway. You knew they meant well, but god they were insufferable sometimes.
However as you turnt the corner, lost in thought, you came face first with a solid brick wall. At least, that’s what you thought it was until you looked up to see Suho’s eyes locked in on yours.
“Oh, forgive me, I’m so clumsy!” you apologized frantically, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“No, it’s alright!” he reassured you, placing his hands gingerly on your arms to stabilize you. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I just had to get some air.”
“I get it. Being so successful is exhausting.” he replied.
You smiled at him before glancing down at the ground nervously. “We really weren’t expecting to win.”
“What?” he asked you, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Why not? I thought you guys were an absolute shoo-in.”
“Is that why you were staring at me in the crowd?” you asked, feeling a bit more bold.
Now it was his turn to blush and glance down at his shoes. “Maybe. I just knew that my favorite junior group had worked really hard this year and deserved to win the award.”
Your heart slipped a beat. “We’re your favorite junior group?”
He nodded with a playful grin. “Absolutely. And you’re my bias.”
Your mouth impulsively dropped open, making you feel like an idiot. You quickly slapped it shut, adjusting your hair anxiously. “That’s really funny, because you happen to be my bias.”
“Really?” he gaped, copying the same actions you had just taken. You giggled with a nod, making him chuckle. “I guess EXO-L and Starlight are right, we do make a good pairing.”
You squinted your eyes in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you must have been so busy out there that you haven’t had the chance to check social media!” he realized, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. He pulled up a popular fanpage and handed it to you. “It’s all anyone can talk about. Along with how adorable you were leading your group down the aisle.”
You scrolled through the comments, eyes bulging out of your head at how many there were.
suho was so cute kissing Y/N’s hand 🥺 i’m so jealous but i think they’d make an adorable couple
suho rushing over to help Y/N up the stage was the cutest thing ever! he definitely has a lil crush on her <3
did anyone else notice how Suho winked at Y/N in the audience??? and how Y/N was looking at Suho the whole time he was hosting??? they’re literally so in love idc 😤
You fought back the tugging at the corner of your lips, handing Suho back his phone. “That’s amazing.”
“I know. I guess the only thing left for us to do is go out on a date.”
You nodded. “I’d like that very much.”
You both exchanged numbers, then said your goodbyes as he made his way back out into the party. As you got to the bathroom, you shut the door behind you and pressed your back against it, clutching your chest. You had just gotten the award of your dreams and the man of your dreams, all in the same night. How much more lucky could you get?
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You were having a great time in China with Marie, being chosen as guest mentors for an idol training program. A lot of the girls on the show were fans, and your appearances were bringing in a lot of new Chinese Starlights.
You were reaching the end of your filming, running through the last steps of your dance practice with the girls. You and Marie were standing at the front of the room with your backs’ to the door, and you were so entranced with watching your girls’ practice that you didn’t even hear the door open behind you.
Suddenly, a strong pair of arms was thrown around the two of you, making you both jump. Your head whipped around quickly, and your eyes widened as you realized who it was.
“Yixing!” you both cheered, turning around in his arms to hug him.
He flashed a smile at you before wrapping his arms around the two of you tightly.
The girls all finished their dance and cheered at the arrival of another mentor, one that they had been working with for quite a while now.
“Alright girls, I think it’s time for a break!” you announced. They all thanked you and bowed before filing out, leaving the three of you alone in the dance practice room.
“I didn’t know you guys’ were going to be on the show!” Yixing beamed, putting his hands on his hips. “I came in to do the dance practice with the girls today and they were all gone, then the producers told me you were guest mentoring today, and I just had to come say hi.”
“Yes you did!” you agreed. “We’ve missed you so much at SM! You were our favorite senior!”
He blushed slightly, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve missed you guys too. But I really like the work I’m doing over here.”
“Of course, we understand that.” Marie reassured him. “It just gets hard without your expertise sometimes.”
You all laughed, shifting slightly.
“Alright, I think that’s enough footage for now.” the camera man announced. “The main focus of the episode is going to be the vocal practice so you guys are good to go.”
You and Marie thanked him, then turned back to Yixing.
“So, if you guys aren’t doing anything tonight, do you wanna get dinner together? It’ll be my treat.” he offered with a cute smile.
You blushed slightly. “I’d love to.”
“Thank you, but I’ll pass. I think I pulled something in my shoulder today.” Marie grumbled, rolling her shoulder back a few times. “But you guys have fun.”
“Okay, no worries. Y/N and I will have a great time together without you.” Yixing teased her, ruffling her hair. She pushed him away with a scowl. He had always treated Marie like a little sister, which made you laugh because she was usually so tough and headstrong.
He turned back towards you. “Text me which hotel you’re at, and we can meet up around 7 if that’s okay?”
You nodded, smiling brightly at him. “It’s a date!” You cringed internally. Why would you say that?
He said his goodbyes and left the room, leaving you and Marie to yourselves.
“You’re welcome, by the way.” she huffed, punching you on the arm lightly.
“For what?” you asked, grabbing your purse.
“For making up that lie about my shoulder so you could have a dinner alone with Yixing.” she grinned, taking a few swigs from her water bottle before continuing. “I’m missing out on a great dinner just so you can make a move with your crush, so you better not waste it.”
“And so I’m standing there in the middle of the subway in a Sailor Moon costume, looking around for my members, and they’re just nowhere to be seen! I had to take the subway all the way back to the dorms in that ridiculous outfit!”
Yixing threw his head back in laughter at your story, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. “Oh my gosh, they did not leave you there by yourself!”
“Yes they did! And that’s why you don’t leave the group to get coffee after shooting a music video.” you concluded, rolling your eyes.
He was rolling, small tears forming in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. “Ah, that’s too funny. I mean, not for you, but… as a listener.”
You nodded, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. “No it’s okay. It’s unfortunate, but hilarious.”
“I’m so glad I asked you out to dinner tonight.” he commented, eyes looking into yours and sparkling with sincerity. “I meant it when I said I’ve missed you.”
“I did too. It’s not the same without you there.” you replied.
He seemed to be reaching across the table for your hand. Your heart stopped in anticipation.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
You squinted your eyes and exhaled an annoyed sigh. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, go ahead and answer it.” he chuckled awkwardly.
You practically ripped your phone out of your purse and hit the answer button, hardly even looking at who it was. “What?!” you spat.
“Y/N! For the love of god check your phone!” Nabi screeched on the other end of the line.
“Nabi? Why, what’s going on? Are the girls okay?” you asked worriedly.
“Yeah, we’re all fine! Just check your phone!” your leader demanded, then hung up the phone.
You looked over at Yixing in confusion.
“Everything okay?” he asked, concerned.
“I don’t know. Nabi just screamed at me to check my phone.” you shrugged, beginning to scroll through your text messages. First was the group chat you had with the members.
Marie 🐈‍⬛: “Relax, I just ditched dinner so she could be alone with Yixing. They’re not dating yet. No one call her, you’ll ruin their date.”
Iseul 🐶: “YES! FINALLY!”
Kaori 🐥: “Wait, Y/N and Yixing are dating???”
Iseul 🐶: “Y/N? Who asked who out?”
Kaori 🐥: “I’m so glad my parents are finally together :)”
Nabi 🦋: “CALL ME RN.”
Marie 🐈‍⬛: “You guys are literal idiots.”
You knit your brows in confusion before switching over to your other text messages. Why were they talking about you and Yixing dating? And how did they even know you were out with him?
Yeri 💜: “bestie, have you seen this?” *article attached*
Taeyong 🌹: “Y/N, have you been on twitter recently? There’s some stuff you might wanna see…”
Karina ❤️: “yessss get it girl!” *photo attached*
Manager 🫡: “Call me when you get a chance. It’s important.”
Yixing reached for your hand again, actually holding it this time. “Y/N… what’s going on?”
You looked at him helplessly, feeling your heart swell with anxiety. “There’s dating rumors about us. I’m guessing the fans saw us on that tv show and then saw us here together.”
He looked like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by his own cell phone ringing loudly in his pocket.
He sighed, grabbing his coat. “Let’s go to my place. I have a feeling we’ll be sorting this out all night.”
You had just gotten back to Yixing’s place, and were currently sitting on the sofa waiting for your manager to pick up his phone. He had gone into his bedroom to talk to his own manager, telling you to just make yourself comfortable.
You tapped your foot anxiously as your phone rang. You had no idea what your manager was going to say. Would he be angry? Understanding? Just as confused as you were?
“Hey Y/N.” he finally answered.
“Hey.” you sighed, feeling your stomach turn. You prepared yourself for the worst.
“How are you holding up kid?” he asked, seemingly genuinely concerned.
“About as good as I can. I still don’t really know what’s going on.” you replied.
“Well, I just got done talking to the company. They said the response is mostly positive. They’ve given you the okay to confirm the relationship.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. That was pretty much the opposite of what you were expecting to hear. “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s really interesting. Apparently they saw the two of you hugging and bantering on that idol show you’re on right now and thought it was really sweet. Then someone posted that picture of the two of you at that restaurant and the comments were just flooded with approval.” he laughed, seemingly just as perplexed as you were. “I’ve gotta say, I have to agree with them. You guys do look good together.”
You chuckled, pushing your hair back in amazement. “Oh my gosh. I have no idea what to do now.”
“Are you with Yixing right now?” your manager asked.
“Mmhm. He’s in the other room talking to his manager.” you replied.
“Okay. You two can talk it over for a bit. Let me know what decision you come to.” he instructed. “Take care, kid.”
“Okay, I will. Talk to you in a bit.” you told him, hanging up the phone. You sighed in relief, tossing your phone onto the coffee table. You sunk down onto the sofa and shut your eyes, rubbing them slightly.
Suddenly, Yixing emerged from the hallway. He chuckled at your disheveled appearance, walking over to sit down next to you. “You good?”
“Honestly, I’m better off than I thought I would be.” you answered with an amused smirk. “My manager just told me the response is mostly positive.
“Mine said the same thing.” he nodded. “Now it’s just up to us.”
You sat up, folding your hands in your lap. “So, what do we want to do?”
He shrugged casually. “I’d like to confirm it.”
Your heart stopped. “You do?”
He smiled, dimples showing prominently. “Y/N, I’ve had a crush on you for years. Now thanks to the fans, I might actually have a chance with you.
Your face broke out into an enormous grin, and you began to feel butterflies in your stomach. This was really too good to be true.
“Alright, I’ll call my manager and tell him to confirm it.” you beamed, reaching for your phone.
He grabbed your wrist delicately, stopping you. “Wait, just a second…” He then leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on your cheek.
Your face heated up, and you touched your hand to your cheek lightly, looking at him perplexedly. “What was that for?”
“For giving me a night I’ll never forget.”
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It was the fans’ dream come true. A collab between SuperM and GOT the Beat. All the male and female legends of SM were going to be together in one music video.
You were all currently shooting the music video. The director’s vision was to mix up the different ages and genders in individual cuts to showcase the true unity of the super groups. Taemin, Hyoyeon, and Kai were put together since they were a fan favorite grouping. Taeyong and Taeyeon were another paring. Ten and Seulgi were partners, as well as Mark and Iseul. Then, Karina and Winter did their section together. BoA, Wendy, and Lucas were the last trio. That left you and Baekhyun, who had been your idol and celebrity crush since you were 16.
Karina and Iseul winked at you before walking off into their own groupings, making you scowl and roll your eyes. You turned back to Baekhyun with a weak smile, bowing politely.
“It’s so nice to meet you formally.” you stammered meekly. “I’m a huge fan. You’re actually one of my biggest inspirations as a main vocalist.”
Damnit, you thought, that probably made me sound like such a nerd.
Baekhyun’s face lit up in the most genuine smile, he was practically giggling in contentment at your confession. “That’s so wonderful to hear! I’m honored to have inspired the best female vocalist at this company.”
You gasped, eyes going wide. “Oh I’d hardly call myself the best, especially considering what powerhouses I get to work with in GTB!”
He chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning closer to you. “Your nickname is ‘angel voice’ for a reason.” He seemed to be getting more and more comfortable with you by the second. The two of you seemed to just click instantly.
“Would you like to hear a secret?” he practically whispered. You nodded and turnt your ear towards his lips with an intrigued grin. “You give quite a bit of inspiration to me as well Y/N. I might just be your biggest Starlight.”
You gasped again, this time out of excitement. “You’re kidding!” you exclaimed.
He shook his head, playful smile still wide on his face. “Why would I lie to my favorite junior?”
You rolled your eyes and blushed, looking away in embarrassment. He really knew how to fluster you. Luckily, the director had just walked over to you and was about to start shooting.
“Alright Y/N and Baekhyun! We’ve got a lot of good visuals and vocals between the two of you so I’m very excited to shoot these cuts!” she beamed, clapping her hands together. “We’re going to take a teaser photo first, then we’re just going to roll the cameras to get some b roll for the music video.” The both of you nodded understandingly before moving over to the shooting area.
“Let’s start by having Y/N stand in the foreground looking straight at the camera.” the director ordered. “Baekhyun, how about you put an arm around her chest and place the other hand delicately on her waist. Now, tilt your head towards her as if you’re whispering in her ear.”
Your heart stopped as you both assumed the position. You had filmed music videos with other male artists before, so the intimacy wasn’t the issue. It was the fact that Byun Baekhyun was going to be just inches away from your ear and holding you close to him.
You froze as he placed his hand on your waist.
“Is this okay?” he asked softly enough that only you could hear him.
You smiled appreciatively and nodded slightly. He then placed the other arm around your chest and gripped his fingers securely onto your shoulder as if to comfort you. He was really making it easy to lean into his touch, and soon you were comfortably standing there in his arms, giving the camera your best smize.
“You’re breathtaking, Y/N.” he murmured, a wholesome smirk evident on his face. You couldn’t help but flash a huge, toothy grin at his compliment. As soon as you did, the cameras flashed, signaling that your photo had been taken.
“Beautiful, you guys! That was a perfect photo!” the director praised. “We don’t even need to take a second one. Now just do your thing while we roll the cameras for some b roll.”
“The camera loves us together.” Baekhyun commented, resting his head on your shoulder with a sigh.
You glanced down at him with a teasing side eye, clamping your hands onto the arm he had around your chest. “Well, the camera’s apparantley not the only one.”
“Ah, so sassy for a junior.” he scoffed, leaning closer to your ear. “Someone should teach you a thing or two about respecting your elders.” he hissed out teasingly.
“And are you going to be that someone?” you chuckled, an amused grin making its way onto your expression despite how hard you tried to fight it.
“I might be.” he grinned, rocking you in his arms a bit. “But I’d have to take you out first.”
You turned around to face him, forgetting about the cameras in front of you for a second. “Are you genuinely asking me out on a date?” you inquired.
“That’s usually what someone means when they say they’d like to take you out. Unless they’re an assassin.” he chuckled, placing his hands on your hips.
You laughed nervously, gripping onto his arms with your hands. “Baekhyun, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean, we’re idols. I know we don’t have a dating ban anymore, but it’s still risky.”
“I’m willing to take that chance.” he reassured you, staring into your eyes with a carefree smile. “You’d be worth it, without question.”
You grinned uncontrollably wide, glancing down at the floor bashfully. “I… I just don’t know.”
“Think about it, okay?” he practically pleaded.
You looked up into his big brown puppy dog eyes, which were glimmering with hope and sincerity. It was impossible to say no. “Okay, I will. I promise.”
“That was incredible guys!” the director suddenly interrupted your intimate moment, making you spring away from each other. “Now let’s do some lip synching to the lyrics!”
The fans’ response the collab was amazing. Many were calling it a shoo-in for song of the year, and one of the best decisions SM had ever made.
“Hey Y/N! Have you read the comments on our music video?” Karina asked you as she approached you in the SM hallway on your way back from vocal practice.
“No, I haven’t gotten the chance to yet.” you explained. “Why?”
She raised her eyebrows at you suggestively. “Well, you definitely should. Apparantley there’s a lot about you and a certain main vocalist you were paired up with.”
Your heart sunk. “Oh no, are the fans upset?”
“No, not at all!” your junior chuckled. “In fact, they’re shipping you guys together.”
You couldn’t help the idiotic smile that flashed onto your face. “Really?”
“Yes, so why don’t you just go out with him already? Taeyong and Ten told me he’s absolutely smitten with you!” Karina whined, tugging on your arm slightly.
You rolled your eyes, pushing her away. “Shouldn’t you be getting to your dance practice, Miss Leader?”
She gasped and began to take off down the hall. “Shoot, you’re right! See you later, Y/N!”
You chuckled at her silliness, then leaned up against the wall and whipped out your phone. You pulled up the music video and began scrolling through the comments.
Wow, Y/N and Baekhyun look really good together <3
Y/N-hyun is my new favorite ship 👀
Anyone else think Baekhyun and Y/N would make the best power couple in kpop history???
You let out a baffled scoff at the positive response. Maybe it was silly to be so worried about dating him. Suddenly, you took off down the hallway with renewed purpose, knowing exactly where you had to go.
As you arrived at Baekhyun’s studio, you knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. And he did, peering out with a smile and fixing his hair at the sight of you.
“Y/N? What are you-“
He was cut off by you grabbing his face and delicately pressing your lips against his. It was just a small peck, but it was ever so sweet, and let him know just how you felt about him.
“I thought about it.” you said once you pulled away. “Let’s go out.”
He put his hands on your hips, grinning from ear to ear. “Thank god. I was starting to think you didn’t like me.” He leaned down to kiss you again, longer and more passionately than the last time.
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“That was awesome, Kaori!” you complimented your maknae from the other side of the recording booth. She had just finished her rap feature for one of the songs on your solo album. “You’re good to go, kid.”
“You sure?” she asked, removing her headphones. “I can stay and help you with the rest if you want.”
“Nah it’s cool, you’re a growing girl. You need your sleep.” you told her with a reassuring smile. “Besides, you know how particular I am about things.”
“Alright mom.” she chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. “Just don’t pass out in the studio again. Nabi ran all over like a mad woman trying to find you last time.”
“I promise I won’t. I’ll see you back at the dorms in the morning.” you replied, waving her off.
You sighed as the door shut behind her, slumping down in your chair. You moved on to organizing all your tracks and adjusting them to your liking. It was a tedious process, but you knew it would be worth it when your solo album was finally out. You wanted to do this, for yourself and for your fans.
After what felt like a few hours of working, someone came through the door. You huffed irritatedly.
“Kaori, I told you to go to sleep…” you stopped mid-sentence as you realized the person at the door was definitely not Kaori. “Oh, Chen! What are you doing here?”
He chuckled at your sudden change of attitude. “Oh, I was working in the studio at the end of the hall and heard someone tinkering around on my way out. I thought I’d check it out.” He sat down in the chair next to yours. “How long have you been at this?”
You glanced at the clock. How the hell was it 3 am? You sighed before answering him. “Five hours, I suppose”
He pressed his lips together and nodded understandingly. “Yeah, that’s about what I figured. Come on, we’re taking a break.” He patted your shoulder and stood up from his chair.
“What? No, I can’t…” you protested, gesturing to the monitor in front of you.
“You most certainly can.” he retorted, putting his hands on his hips assertively, but still keeping a smile on his face. “Let’s go get you some food and water, and we’ll come right back. It won’t take more than ten minutes.”
You sat there for a moment, just staring at him blankly, not quite knowing what else to say that might make him give up.
“Don’t make me use my dad voice.” he threatened.
“Alright, I’m going…” you sighed defeatedly, grabbing your coat as you stood up and followed him out into the hallway.
He was true to his word, the walk to the convenience store and back only took about ten minutes. You were now back in the recording room, snacks strewn about everywhere, going over your tracks with Chen.
“I think this is really solid!” he complimented you. “Obviously you’ll want to do a few tweaks here and there, but this is really good. You should be proud.”
“Awh, thanks Chen!” you replied gratefully. “One of the things I was thinking about doing was…”
The two of you went back and forth bouncing ideas between each other, adjusting parts of the songs and making them perfect.
“Okay, I’m gonna save your original, but I’ll tweak it how I would do it, and then I’ll show it to you.” he proposed, taking over the sound board. “Just hang tight for a sec, okay?”
“Roger that.” you told him, giving him a thumbs up. You rested your head against your arms, which were folded up on the desk in front of you. Suddenly it hit you how tired you were. Your eyelids felt like they weighed 100 pounds, and the soft clicks of Chen using the keyboard seemed to be lulling you off to sleep like a metronome. Before you could stop yourself, your eyes closed for the last time, and you were dozing off right there in the studio.
“Okay, I’m done…” he stated, swiveling around to face you. He chuckled as he realized you had fallen asleep right next to him. “This kid…” he laughed, shaking his head. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of you, posting it on instagram and tagging Etoile’s account.
Hey Starlight, just thought you’d like to know how hard your main vocal is working on her solo album! I know I can’t wait for it to come out!
He clicked the post button, then shoved his phone back in his pocket. He saved all your work, then shut off all the lights and machines. Once everything was taken care of, he grabbed one of your arms and threw you over his back, beginning to carry you back to the dorms.
Needless to say, you were highly confused when you woke up in your own bed the next day. Furrowing your brows, you threw on your slippers and walked out into the dining room to see Nabi and Kaori at the table eating breakfast.
“There’s our sleeping beauty.” Nabi teased with a loving smirk. “Got in pretty late last night, huh?”
“Dude, I don’t even know how I got home.” you yawned, trudging over to the coffee pot.
“Oh, you don’t remember? Chen brought you home!” Kaori told you. “He said you passed out in the studio again.
“Yeah, the fans are talking about the picture he posted. They think it’s super cute.” Nabi explained, pulling up the post on her phone.
You took a sip of your coffee before grabbing the phone from her hand. You smiled as you read the caption, then began scrolling through the comments.
awh, chen is such a good big brother to our y/n! 🥺
thank you for saving y/n from nabi’s wrath XD
look at chen being a proud dad, i’m sobbing 😭
i love the wholesome sibling vibes these two have!
You grinned as you gave Nabi her phone back. “He is kind of like an older brother. That was really sweet of him to bring me home. I should thank him.”
You sat down at the table with your coffee and pulled out your phone, only to see that he had already texted you.
Chen ✌🏻: “Just so you know, I’m making you feature in one of MY solo songs sometime soon. I can already tell your album is going to be huge, and I need your talents 👀”
You laughed at his demanding tone, typing up your own reply.
Y/N 🦢: “aye aye cap’n 🫡 also thanks for getting me home last night :)”
Chen ✌🏻: “No problem, just don’t pass out in the studio again or Nabi and I will BOTH come after you 👊🏻”
“So if you’re my mom, and Chen is your big brother, does that make him my uncle?” Kaori asked with a confused expression.
“I guess so.” you shrugged with a smile. Your found family at SM just seemed to keep growing and growing, but you couldn’t complain. It was nice to work with people who cared about you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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EJ, Toby and Cody (plus whoever else you wanna write for lol) straight SIMPING for a plus size female reader? 🙏🙏
Read my mind, babes 💙
Creeps x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
No matter what you look like EJ’s always simping for you (he’ll only make it exclusively known to you and you alone). Not because of embarrassment, but only because he likes focusing any amount of love and attention he can muster to you only! 🥹
But, honey, if you’re plus sized, HE IS ON YOU LIKE BUTTER ON A SLICE OF TOAST- 😉😏
You’re thicc in all the right places and he wants you in anyway way, shape and form! He adores every inch of you 🥺
Let’s say you’re insecure, he will shower you with compliments, affection and love. But, if that isn’t your style, he’ll do anything you ask of him to help you feel better. 😩
He’d die if he saw you in a crop top and shorts! The way the shorts hugged your thighs that this man wants to be squished between, combined with your cute tummy showing, he’d be all over you! 😊 (I’d simp for you too (y/n))
If anyone in the mansion bullies you? It’s over for them. I’m serious, Jack almost killed Jeff when he felt the need to make a rude comment about you.
He’s very vocal about your body! He loves to constantly remind you that you’re pretty and beautiful (it especially helps on days where you’re feeling insecure 😣). Like his words calm you down and help you feel better. He’s always making sure that you know that he loves you and doesn’t want you to doubt yourself :)
He will literally start fights if anyone makes a derogatory comment about your body 👊😤
This man will W O R S H I P you! When yall are in the bedroom, he’s kissing every part of your body and bringing the praise comments 🥺🥺🥺
“S-s-so pretty,” “All mi-mi-mine,” “M-my pretty gir-girl,” (need me a man or woman like this fr 🫣)
He’s a 100/10 simp for you!
Cuddling? You’re big spoon most of the time (not that you mind)
Circling back onto days where you feel insecure, Toby will help cheer you up by spending the day doing things you like.
He’s very committed 😌
Hugs from behind are a given, just accept it. He loves showing his love for your body through physical touch 🧡
Also- one night while walking through the woods, Toby heard some assholes making fun of you and he fucked them up- ANYWAYS 😗
Cody (X-Virus)
Like EJ and Toby, he’s all for worship, BUT he isn’t as vocal of the two-
(Also how you look literally doesn’t matter) sweetie, here’s there for your intelligence, but not in the way of using you, but in the way of him wanting to be near you 👀
He’ll have you sitting in his lap while he’s writing in his lab, you get lowkey paranoid that you’re too heavy and you’ll try to move, but bro is dragging you right back 🙂‍↕️
Now, I like to think that a bit like EJ, he likes to be creative in his free time, so one day while you two are in his lab, he’ll sketch you while you’re sitting around 🥹
ROMANTIC GESTURES!!! This man is all for buying you flowers, chocolates, and whatever else to show you that he loves you.
Also if he hears anyone talking shit, he kidnaps them as a lab rat for tortuous experiments ;)
As for cuddling? Say he’s sat on the edge of the bed waiting for you when you come into view from the doorway. He’s instantly wrapping his arms around you and gently pulling you into bed with him- 😭 (I’m gonna be sick-)
HEAR ME OUT! HE STEALS YOUR HOODIES! MF sneaks into your closet and just *YOINK* 🏃💨
It’s honestly so cute how your hoodies look so oversized on him- they go down almost to his knees and covers his whole arm to a little past the tips of his fingers.
But you don’t mind though because he’s honestly the best thing to happen to you and he appreciates you 😭
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vermilionsun · 1 month
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I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED [thanks @sicarius-lunae <3]
@muspellssynir I love the way your brain works :))
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✩ Eyes wide, has to actively keep his jaw from hitting the floor.
✩ D O W N  B A D
✩ He just stares at you before he chuckles, his chuckle turning into laugher
✩ “You're a bold one, aren't you, sparrow?”
✩ He walks up close to you and grabs your chin, leaning down so his face is inches away from yours
✩ “What made you think I would do all of that with you?” said he, ever the asshole
✩ He just stands there, crossing his arms, still looking down at you
✩ Meanwhile his brain is short-circuiting.
✩ His internal thoughts are just screaming. He clears his throat as he looks down at you, his hands slightly clenched into fists. His mind was telling him the same thing again and again, how in the world could you have come up with all that stuff?!
✩ At the same time, he was trying his best not to think about the fact that you were right there, in front of him, your eyes are so beautiful and those lips... No, no shut up, don't think like that, get a grip on yourself.
✩ And maybe something like…
✩ “Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, so cute, so pretty, so close, oh god, don’t think dirty thoughts, DON’T THINK DIRTY THOUGHTS—”
✩ Į̷̖̮͉̹͖̅͂͗̋̓̑̊͗͐͐͝ ̷̜̌̈́͒s̷̨̺͇̲̘̥̒̍̈́́͌̿̓͜h̴̦̦̼̝̻̮͖̺̮̣̹̱̊̊̌̇͠o̷̡̩̩̞̳͎͉̳̞̰̙̍̾̓̓͠ù̷̧̙̲̹̜̘̰̠̦̩̝̓͊͑͆̓͊̽͆̀͝l̷̢͇͍̰̘̾̿̀̚d̷͍̫̠̼̜̝̯̯̑̇ ̶͇̓͒̅̓͋̈͊̅̋̚̕͝ḧ̸̥͉̪́̀̈́͆͑̽̐͝a̶͓̠̠̦̱͐̑̽̉͂̃̎̔̕̕v̶̲̮̣͇̰̎́̓̎͛̓̀̈̈́͒̐ę̴̩̺̹̦͇̺̈͋͗͂͑̂̇̕͠͝ ̴̦͕̍c̵̬͊̾h̷͉̗̗̘͊̓̓ơ̴̤͖̦̇͊̈́̈́͝s̸̨̹̯͈̈͆ͅè̶̞̱̪̹̳͔͓̓͊̓̉͑̽͂̀̀͠n̶̙̓̉̏̾̄̓́̿̈ ̵̧̟̫̪̖̙͚̈́̇̑̓̀ą̷̛̦͉͍̱͕̰̗͎̖͛̋̄̈́̾̎͌̾͝͝ ̵̢̳̖͆̒̅̆̋̏̇̎͆͗̚̚b̵͖̺̠̻͕͙̖̃̀́̕e̶̡͎̯̥̠͚̮̫̤̿́̚͝t̶̢͎̠͕͇͎̊͌͌͊͊͐̆̽͂͜͝͝ţ̶̛̦͍̩̭̯̰̻͙̪͗̉̅̐̈́̽̽͝ẹ̵̡̯͚̰̗͐̌̈́̀̅͆̀̈́̓̃̀r̵̡̬̝̹͋͛ ̷̢̡̹̬̖̱͍̝̈́͌̔̈͐́̾̈́ͅh̸̢̧̛͈̦̻̝̮͆͑͛̿̽͑̒̀̀̄ͅõ̵̫̟̇̚͝ͅs̵̠̯̬̬̙̓̑́͆̾̇̈́͑͘͜t̴̛̼̩̱̓̊́̾̕͠,̸̨̣̭̩̲͖̈́̽́̍̔̓̕͘ ̸͕͇͎͓̮̠͒̒̃́̅͌͋͑͑́̒͜͠ḑ̸͈̥͙̯̯̗̖̑͋̈́͛̈́͑̚a̵̺̹̥͖̱͉̩͒̉̀͛̎̔̈́́͂̓̀͝m̴̧̲͋̓̒͑́̈́̍͘͝͠ǹ̸̻͖͙̗̹̦̬̙͕̲̲͊̃̽̐̈͛̅́̓ ̸̦̘̞͍̀͆́͋́̈͂̀̈́͐̚͠i̷̭̺̗͐t̷͍̳̞̪͇̬̗͔̏͑̅̿̑̓͊̋̚̚͠
✞ The corner of his mouth twitches upwards for just a second
✞ a m u s e d, and doesn't even try to hide it, ffs
✞ “Is that a confession or a threat?”
✞ He studies you for a long moment, golden eyes cold and sharp before he rolls his eyes
✞ He chooses to plainly ignore both your smirk and the light flush under his collar.
✞ You're infuriating, impulsive, shameless, and entirely too attractive for your own good. But he'll die before he ever admits that out loud.
✞ Every moment of this interaction is being carefully cataloged, analyzed. His golden eyes remain fixed on every minute change of expression, every slight shift in body language.
✞ Just how far are you willing to go?
✞ His own words play back in his mind, ‘I see you are not to be dissuaded.’
✞ He mentally chides himself. Snap out of it.
✞ "I'll give you credit for trying," he says calmly, his tone somehow even softer than before.
🗡 He spits out his drink cartoon–style
🗡 He sets it down and turns his attention fully towards you
🗡 Then the widest, dumbest, prettiest grin spreads across his face like butter in a commercial
🗡 “Well, all those are lovely options!”
🗡 *proceeds to give constructive criticism*
🗡 His thoughts have run w i l d. I’m talking rounding the universe at Mach 7 speed.
🗡 The moment is a delightful mix of curiosity and excitement, a swirling combination of "yes, yes, yes" with a sprinkle of "hmm, interesting" and a dash of "oh my god, I want".
🗡 but not like in a needy way, more like in a please-please-please-I-want-this-so-bad-but-I'll-respect-your-boundaries-and-be-patient kinda way
🗡 Becomes the 🥺
🗡 “So, it’s a date! :D”
🕊 Bewildered in every sense of the word
🕊 They clear their throat, struggling to regain control of their own treacherous thoughts.
🕊 They look up to meet your gaze, the expression in their eyes guarded but their voice betraying just a hint of curiosity. 
🕊 “You sure move fast.”
🕊 internally dying. Bye bye mortal realm, Allmother here I come
🕊 Mhin can barely put their thoughts into anything resembling coherence. 
🕊 A small part of their mind responds to your words with a dangerous flutter, and an even more dangerous hope that they desperately try to suppress.
🕊 Attraction and suspicion vie for dominance, each one trying to drown out the voice of reason
🕊 Torn between wanting to lean closer and wanting to bolt for the nearest emergency exit.
🕊 "Yes yes PLEASE YES– NO! BAD BRAIN NO!" and "Why is this idiot doing this to me and WHY am I secretly hoping they'll keep talking??!! AAAAAA—“
✦ He lets out a low hum, resting his jaw on his palm, and his elbow upon the countertop.
✦ "Do tell," he inquires, his lips quirk up into the faintest of smirks and a soft snort escaping his nose in a laugh.
✦ A pause. Something akin to curiosity glimmers in his expression. Something about the set of his shoulders—the slight tilt of his head—strikes you as vaguely feline.
✦ He let his arms rest on either side of the other, pinning you against the wall in the process as he loomed slightly over you.
✦ Incoherent babbling and just overall thirst ✨ At least until he gets too flustered and just kind of starts to malfunction, like a computer that suddenly blue screens
✦ Definitely not holding back those thoughts. He's trying reeeeally hard to keep a facade of aloofness but his mind goes places that are far from holy
✦ yesyespleaseplease~
✦ He can't give in so easily!
✦ He's gonna go completely feral the moment you even hint at giving him the go-ahead—
✦ "Fox got your tongue?"
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ariseur · 3 months
hey again 👀 soooo you said i should send another ask if i had an idea and diva you said that to the wrong person. i have too many lmao
im stressing that u should write this at your own time! no rush :)
but yeah im actually writing a longform seph/reader fic where the reader is from a southern/appalachian coded town near gongaga. my idea id love to have your spin on is a scene where sephiroth (someone raised on protein powder and spinach probably) gets to try some real southern comfort food that the reader makes for him :). im talking biscuits, fried chicken, some kind of creamy noodle dish, just all the unhealthy savory goodness
he deserves it 🥺
ty for the last request again btw✨💕
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“ spread kisses like honey. ”
sephiroth (ffvii) x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
omg this has been sitting in my drafts sooo long!! this was really cute and i loved writing it, it reminded me of lucy gray and coriolanus snow from hg hence why i put the title as a lyric from her ballad 💕 always look forward to your requests!! thank you againnn!!
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
you and seph being sickly sweet towards each other, sephiroth being utterly in love with you in his inner monologue, kind of not canon because there are moments where i mention how sephiroth talks to genesis and angeal despite knowing zack and interacting with zack ( which like clashes with the entire point of cc .. but shhh i wanted domesticity ), intended lowercase, lmk if i missed anything!! 💕
┊ ˚➶ word count 。˚ 🎼
1088 words, 5905 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
“you’ve never had this?” you gasped dramatically, your shocked face only to be met with sephiroth’s stoic one. he hesitantly nodded— was that.. a bad thing? did he somehow offend you in some way? the steam that had emitted from the plates below you set on the
“don’t you like pasta?” you asked, still utterly baffled.
he nodded slowly, “is something wrong?” he didn’t understand the confusion. there were a lot of foods he hasn’t tried, isn’t that normal for everyone? you blinked owlishly, lifting up the fork with the pasta noodles stabbed against the metal, the creamy sauce departing from the food in small, slow drips.
“what have you been eating if you’ve never had something as delicious as this?” you muttered, your lips reverting back into a tight ‘o’ as you blew on the fork— before finally slipping it into your mouth. “i’m shocked.” words muffled as you still chewed on your food, at least covering your mouth while you spoke.
sephiroth chuckled amusedly, “we’ve grown up in deeply contrasting places.” he crossed his arms against his chest, watching as you slurped up the pasta with stars in your eyes— occasionally opening your mouth to let the heat escape, soft steam pouring out from the small gap you’ve left while chewing. “still,” said you, “‘s so good.” he could barely make out your voice from how full your mouth was but he still shook his head as he leaned further back in his chair.
closing his eyes, he tilted his head down while he let the strands of snowy hair fell and covered bits of his face, blocking the bright sun even to the darkness beneath his eyelids. sephiroth didn’t pay much mind to the fact that your loud chewing of garlic bread and slurping of buttered food had come to a halt until he felt a strong aroma slip in from under his nostrils, it was only then did he open his eyes to see you holding the fork to his lips.
you held an expectant gaze and he quirked a brow before ultimately leaning forward while he let his eyes rake over the food. it looked a little messy, the sauce dripping over the place as you had ripped a piece of garlic bread off along with it and placed a chunk on the metal twinges of the utensil. he looked up again at you, waiting as you nodded your head and tried to keep your excitement contained. he blew on the fork a little bit before opening his mouth and letting it settle upon the steel. what could one bite do, he asked himself.
but once he had finally tried it, he could’ve dropped dead right then and there. the combination of the salty and savory flavors was perfect, and the way the bread had soaked some of it up too was incredible. sephiroth closed his eyes, letting his jaw work as he let his taste buds be blessed with what was known as your cooking. he had always seen you working your way through the kitchen, using various pots and pans and oils while you zipped around — and when sephiroth had offered help, you simply put a hand up and looked up at him for a split second, trying to simultaneously get the perfect roast as you smiled at him sweetly. that was enough for him.
despite watching you cook a lot ( and the only times he did get to help, he ended up being ordered by you to stand in the corner or measure occasional ingredients ), he had never actually savored something as good as this. being a first class prevented him from doing any good when it came to dinner time, either the timing being too late and you had already gone to bed or you were too tired and he decided not to bother you and he ate something small.
but this, he thought, this was perfection. when it came to you, sephiroth never let his appreciation go silent as he would always thank you or give you sayings of endearment and encouragement. he didn’t have words for this dish, he had never tried anything like it. so in awe, he merely said, “you’ve truly outdone yourself,” as he handed you back the fork. you didn’t mind the simple compliment. it never sounded generic to you when sephiroth would express his gratitude, even when they were mumbled in passing with dragged feet when he had come home from an exasperatingly tiring job, he always made sure to tell you how much he was grateful for you and what you do when he’s away.
he couldn’t wait until he was back at hq to boast to genesis and angeal about how delectable your cooking was. maybe zack, too — although sepiroth had a feeling that the energetic SOLDIER might just end up begging you for food even more. not that you minded, though. you were always so kind, sephiroth didn’t know how you were always able to do it.
“thanks.” you chimed, your voice ever so warm that it made his heart flutter. sephiroth wasn’t exactly what you’d call — expressive. he always held a smooth, cool tone of voice and occasionally threw a sassy remark towards you or genesis, or even that kid zack fair he introduced you to. but you understood his inflection of which he spoke in, you could tell his emotion even when he had entered a room ( and vice versa ). you were one of the most cherished things in sephiroth’s life and it could not go unnoticed.
with his tongue peeking out from between his bottom lip to gather some of the residual flavor that was left behind, his eyes roamed across the table further to more so further treasure your sacrifices ( of both time and food ).
“what’s that over there?” he lifted a finger, almost perfectly manicured despite using his hands excessively in battle, to point over at a small white dish filled with elbow macaroni and a homemade cheese sauce. you turned your head and grinned, reaching over the wooden dining table to grab it and lower the bowl on its side to reveal the contents. “mac ‘n’ cheese,” you replied, “want some?” your eyes seemed to glimmer with more amusement. sephiroth had now developed a new interest in your food and he couldn’t wait to indulge in it.
with the smile and those eyes of yours, how could he say no to one more bite?
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𐙚 taglist ; @snoopicle
𐙚 requests are closed — june tenth, 2024
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Hey, how are you doing?! btw I like your work and If you don't mind can you please write were 141 + könig is defending they're kids while ur scolding at them 👉👈 🥺💞 can you write plz
Word Count: 1.6k+
A/N: Hello! I'm doing fine and dandy today, thank you! And thank you for your request! Honestly, I can see all of the 141 and König being such good papa's. 🥰 I hope you enjoy!
D/N = Daughter's Name, S/N = Son's Name
Simon “Ghost” Riley
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“What were you thinking?” you scowled. Simon stood next to you as he shifted his attention back and forth between you and your daughter. (D/N) pouted as she stared at her feet. The walls of your hallway were covered in crayon markings, from unicorns to dinosaurs. You had just put a fresh coat of paint on them a few days ago, too.
“I-I’m sorry,” she sniffled. Your brows furrowed as your face turned beet red.
“Still, you shouldn’t have drawn all over the walls. Mommy worked hard to make it look better and you just messed it up,” you spat. Your daughter suddenly burst into tears. You blinked, regretting instantly flooding your chest. Simon knelt down on one knee just as you opened your mouth.
“(D/N), why did you color on the walls, baby?” he asked while staying at eye level with your little one. She rubbed her eyes and sniffed.
“I-I wanted to make it look pretty l-like Mommy was doing,” she hiccupped as she pointed at the messy mural on the wall. Simon turned to you, raising a brow. You sighed as you dropped to your knees as well. Your husband patted your back, then squeezed your shoulder with one of his rough hands.
“See? She didn’t mean any harm, love,” he said. (D/N) nodded, tears and snot streaking down her face as she gasped in between her sobs.
“I’m sorry I got mad, (D/N). Will you please forgive Mommy?” you asked. She nodded before she came up to hug both of you.
The three of you spent the evening cleaning up the drawings, though you made sure to spend some time coloring with her on actual paper afterwards.
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Your son’s shoulders were slumped as he held his hands behind his back. You thrummed your fingers against your forearms and you crossed your arms. Shattered glass lay on the hardwood floor, a gaping hole in your living room window. A baseball rested near the opposite wall.
“I-It was an accident,” he stammered. Your nostrils flared as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“You need to be more careful, (S/N). What if that ball hit someone?!” you scoffed. The boy’s eyes were misty as he swallowed a lump in his throat. Your husband suddenly stepped through the back door, a baseball mitt in his hand. He clapped a hand over your son’s shoulder.
“Please, don’t be upset with him, Maus. I was the one who missed catching the ball,” he claimed. Your eyes shifted back and forth between your two boys. You sighed and shook your head, your facial features relaxing.
“Alright-but you’re going to have to clean up your mess while I call about replacing the window,” you said. König nodded. Your son looked up at his father before running to grab the broom and dustpan from the linen closet. You tilted your head as (S/N) gazed up at you.
“It was our game-so we should both clean it up,” your boy said with a firm nod. You and König exchanged small smiles as he grabbed your husband’s free hand and bounded off to clean up.
John Price
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Your jaw felt sore from how long you had it dropped. Your son giggled as he did a little dance in place, his entire body covered head to toe in peanut butter.
The same peanut butter you just bought from the store.
Your jaw clicked as you looked at the empty tub at his feet. You took a deep breath.
“(S/N)…What. Did. You. Do?” you asked through gritted teeth. His smile faltered at your sour tone.
“I gave myself a peanut butter bath!” he beamed. “Now you don’t have to clean me up later, Momma!” he giggled as he raised his arms. Your entire body radiated with frustration.
“No, now I have to give you a longer bath because you got yourself all dirty!” your voice suddenly raised several decibels. (S/N) winced.
“What’s all this, then?” your husband, John, asked from behind you. You whipped your head around, tongue twisted too much to even explain what happened. Your son bounced up and down when he saw his father.
“Look, Papa! I gave myself a bath!” the boy giggled. John blinked before bursting into laughter, tears of amusement pricking at the corners of his eyes as he grabbed his stomach. Your anger quickly dissipated as you reflected your husband’s expression, letting out a small chuckle of your own. John wiped at his eye as he stepped forward, scanning your son up and down.
“Your a cheeky lad, you know that?” he mused. Your son laughed as John picked him up and spun him around, not minding the substance that clung to his clean clothes. His sea-green eyes lingered over to you.
“He didn’t mean anything wrong by it, hun,” he shrugged. Your son nodded before licking at the corners of his peanut-butter covered mouth. You laughed.
“You’re right-I’m sorry, (S/N),” you apologized as you came up and kissed his temple. He giggled and swatted at you playfully.
“Momma! That tickles!” he squealed. John chuckled as your son hid his face in his father's shoulder. “C’mon, (S/N)-let’s give you a proper bath,” John said.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
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“FUCK!” your daughter’s small voice screamed. Your eyes widened as you snapped your head up. She still wore a cheeky grin as she spilled a few more grapes on the floor before repeatedly shouting the explicative at the top of her lungs. Your brows furrowed.
“(D/N)! No ma’am!” you frowned as you shook a finger at her. The young girl’s smile fell as you proceeded to chew her out. “We don’t use those bad words!” you barked. Her bottom lip trembled as she hid herself under the table.
“It’s not her fault,” your husband said from the adjacent hallway. You turned to him as he walked towards the table. He knocked on the surface a few times. Your daughter replied after a few seconds of silence with her own rhythmic knocks. Johnny smiled as he crouched down and guided her back to her seat. He kissed the top of her head before looking at you. You raised a brow, expecting an explanation.
“(D/N) may or may not’ve heard a certain word from a certain someone…that someone being her daddy,” his cheeks turned slightly red as he rubbed the back of his neck. You frowned.
“You son of a-”
“Careful. Don’t want her learnin’ any more words,” Johnny said with a raised brow and a smirk. You instantly closed your mouth. Your daughter stared at you sweetly, her head slightly tilted.
“Right,” you muttered. You turned back to your daughter. “I’m sorry I yelled at you, (D/N). You’re not a bad girl-we just can’t say bad words like that because it can hurt other people’s feelings. Okay?” you said. She nodded, her face lighting up slightly.
“Okay, Mommy,” (D/N) smiled. She paused for a moment as she hummed to herself, deep in thought. “Can I say ‘ass’?” she asked innocently. Johnny hid a smirk behind his hand as he stifled a laugh.
You're going to kill him.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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(S/N) swung his feet as you strapped him into the booster seat. Your husband cocked his head as you slammed your door shut, your nostrils flaring.
“Everything alright, love?” he asked. You raked your hands over your face as you glared back at your son. He bobbed his head along to the sound of the song playing on the car radio.
All of you were on a family day out when you remembered you had to grab a few things from the store. Your son wanted to come into the store while Kyle had to take a sudden phone call from Price. Your son pointed at the cashier and asked “Momma-why is that lady so fat?”. You couldn’t erase the shocked look on the woman’s face even if you could try.
You apologized profusely as you took your receipt and quickly hurried out of the store, your son complaining that you were holding his hand too tightly. You frowned as you stared at the young boy.
“Nothing. Let’s just go,” you waved as you rubbed your temples. You didn’t have the capacity to have a talk with your son at the moment. You’ll wait until you get home. Kyle shrugged as he put the car in reverse. The ride back home was rather quiet, minus the songs playing and your son singing along. Your husband pulled up to a stoplight, slipping his hand into yours.
“Why was that lady so fat?” your son asked. You slapped your other hand on your leg as you spun your head around.
“(S/N), we don’t say things like that, ever!” you shouted. Your son shrunk in his booster seat, his lips curving into a frown. “That is very, very rude! How would you feel if someone said something like that to you?” you demanded. Your son sniffed as he wrung his hands together.
“Love, please,” Kyle said. Your face was completely red as you looked back at him. “He’s only four-he doesn’t know any better,” he said calmly.
“I-I was just trying to be honest like you told me, Mommy,” (S/N) pouted. You unclench your jaw as you look into your son’s misty, chocolate-brown eyes. You exhaled through your nose as your shoulders lowered.
“It’s good to be honest, son. But we can’t say certain things because it might upset people. We need to be careful with our words,” you explained. Your son tilted his head as he resonated with your words.
“Okay, Mommy!” he said before going back to dancing to the music on the car radio. Your husband smiled at you, squeezing your hand gently as he moved the car forward.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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tswaney17 · 5 months
I Do Bad Things with You - Part 49
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It's here!!! The final part of this massive fic. 😭 I can't believe we're finally at the end. I'm still in shock that I get to close the door on this fic that has taken up the last three years of my life. I have so many emotions running through me right now. 🥺
The epilogue will be posted during @elriel-month in addition to a little surprise I'm so excited to share with you. Stay tuned!! 💜💙💚
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Catch up here.
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault , language, NSFW
This part also features descriptions of birth and complications from it.
Word Count: 7,225
Elain had spent a good portion of the late morning getting ready for the baby shower scheduled for noon. At just over eight months pregnant, they were cutting close to the wire of the twins’ arrival.
She was beyond exhausted. Growing the babies was work enough, but she ached everywhere at this point. Her boobs, her hips, her ankles. Her back…that hurt the worst. She looked like she swallowed two extra large watermelons. Elain hadn’t seen her feet in two and half months and she was praying that her toenails looked well enough for sandals today.
On top of her aching body, she also slept like shit the night before, having woken up in the wee hours with Braxton Hicks contractions that seemed to never want to go away. They were getting obnoxious at this point.
Oh! And her boobs had already started leaking. Aside from the contractions, Elain also woke up to a soaked sleep shirt and an attitude that poor Azriel was desperately trying to keep calm. She felt bad that her irritation got directed at him, but he took her mood swings in stride, giving her the space when she needed it, and focusing on taking care of Kaden and getting him ready for the party.
Her husband knocked lightly before entering their bedroom, shutting the door behind him and locking it when he saw her standing there in an ugly pair of panties and a strapless bra—which she had no idea how it was going to hold up her tits, but here they were. “Hello, my love. How are you doing?” he asked, striding further into their room. He was already dressed in black slacks and a white button-down rolled up to his elbows. It was one of her favorite looks on him. Casual but classy and sexy as hell.
“I’m all right. Better than this morning,” which was true. In the time she took to get ready, she felt her irritation slowly dissipate. “I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
He gifted her a soft smile he reserved only for her and their children. “El, you’re carrying two babies. You’re allowed to let out your frustrations. I’m here to spar if you need it, you know that.”
She knew he meant spar as in letting her yell and shout and hiss words until she felt better while he just took it. Gods, he really was the perfect husband. Elain held out her coco butter lotion towards him. “Do you mind rubbing this on me and helping me dress?”
Azriel took the bottle from her outstretched hands, dropping a sweet kiss on her plump lips before squirting some into his scarred palms and gently rubbing it all over her swollen stomach. He knelt before her, dutifully getting every inch of her covered. “You are so beautiful, Elain,” he murmured, kissing her at the fullest part of her belly.
She snorted. “I am a beached whale who ate too much.”
“You are a gorgeous woman carrying life inside of her womb. That will always be beautiful, sweetheart.”
How he always knew what to say was beyond her, but she tugged him up off the ground to kiss him thoroughly. It should’ve annoyed her with how just a few sweeps of Azriel’s tongue had every concern and irritation simply melt away. He knew when to play that card and fuck did he play it well.
But even his tongue couldn’t stop the hiss of pain as another contraction wracked her body.
He immediately pulled back at the sound, eyes scanning her face. “Are you all right?” he asked, concern etched into the tone.
She breathed through the wave that tightened in her abdomen. “Braxton Hicks contractions,” she said as an explanation.
 His brows shot into his hairline. “Do we need to go to the hospital?”
Elain reached up to cup his cheek in her palm, her thumb swiping over the stubble there. “No, it’s a normal thing this late in the pregnancy. I’ve had a few this morning starting before dawn. It’s why I was grouchy.”
Understanding lit his face and he carefully ran his hand down her stomach again. “Why didn’t you wake me this morning?”
She huffed a laugh. “Because I knew you’d go into full-birthing-dad-mode and neither one of us would’ve slept any longer.”
Azriel shot her an unamused glare. “You will be thanking me for that birthing-dad mode when you’re in labor and I have everything packed up within minutes.”
This time Elain laughed loud and joyfully. “Yes, you’re probably right.” She nodded to the dress on the bed. “Help me slip that on?”
He grabbed the fabric, bunching it in his large fists, and pulled it over her head. It was an off-the-shoulder, loose, pale pink cotton dress, decorated with roses. It looked vintage, gathering just under her bust, with oversized puffy sleeves that sat off her shoulders, over her biceps. Ruffles accentuated the bottom hem, emphasizing the vintage style. It was the perfect spring dress. When Elain first saw it at the store, she knew she had to buy it for the shower.
Azriel tugged her loose curls from the back of the dress, letting them brush against her spine. He placed a kiss on her bare shoulder before grabbing the rose-pendant necklace he bought to go with the dress and draping it around her delicate neck. “Perfect,” he murmured onto her skin, his smile pressing against her neck.
Elain sighed softly, reaching up to thread her fingers through his dark hair. “How am I still horny for you?”
He nipped at her throat, a rumble shaking his chest. “Because you know I can deliver what you need without even blinking.”
This time she laughed, letting his hands run across her body in possessive little touches.
Azriel brazenly cupped her sex through the dress, growling as she let out a mewling sound and began to writhe against those skilled fingers, searching for the friction she desperately craved. “Would you like to fuck my hand, love?” he murmured, mouth grazing her jaw.
Elain fell slack against him, letting his strength hold her up. “Az,” she breathed, eyes fluttering shut as he began to rub her in earnest. “Please.”
He nipped the curve of her ear, tugging the lobe between his teeth. “You beg so prettily, El.” Bunching up the dress in a fist, Azriel slid her panties aside, swiping his fingers over her soaked pussy. “Fuck, baby. You’re so wet for me. Always desperate for my touch.”
She gripped him, nails digging into his exposed forearms. “I need—I need,” she panted out, wiggling in his hold. “Please, Az.”
Giving her exactly what she wanted—needed—Azriel sunk his middle finger into her aching cunt, pumping once before adding a second digit. “Such a good girl,” he whispered, thrusting in and out of her. The heel of his palm grazed her clit sending bolts of pleasure up her spine.
Elain bit her lip, stifling the moan that threatened to burst from her. His fingers scraped along that special spot inside of her, building her up and up and up until she teetered on the edge of bliss.
Barely conscious of her surroundings, Elain caught the sound of the door handle jiggling, followed by a “Momma!”
Azriel clapped a hand over her mouth as he continued his machinations. “Momma’s getting dressed, Kaden. We’ll be out in a minute,” he called out, pressing his palm firmly on her clit and sending her spiraling into her orgasm.
Too far gone to care, she tumbled into sweet oblivion, coming hard on his fingers. Elain moaned, only quieted by the muffling against her husband’s scarred hand.
He worked her through her release, slowing his movements when she started to come down from her high. Az peppered her skin with sweet kisses, removing his fingers from her pussy and readjusting her panties back into place before letting the dress fall back down. “Better, my love?”
“I’m gonna have to change my underwear, but yes.” She twisted in his arms, catching him sucking his fingers clean. Elain brought his mouth down to hers, tongue licking the drop of her release dotting his bottom lip. “Thank you, husband.”
He smiled into their kiss, deepening it once more. “I’ll go check on Kaden while you finish up. We’ll head out when you’re done.”
Twenty minutes later, they were in the car on their way to Rhys and Feyre’s place. It was a gorgeous day full of sunshine, the air warm with the oncoming of summer. It was as if even the Mother wanted to grace her presence on that day with her radiance. They really couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day for a baby shower.
“Momma?” Kaden called from the back seat. “Where are we going?”
His speech had improved so much since they first brought him home that the therapist they hired had told them after the end of the school year, that he likely wouldn’t need to continue seeing a specialist to catch him up. He was reading and writing the way a five-year-old should be and was on track to pass kindergarten with flying colors.
She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Remember how we talked about going to Aunt Feyre and Uncle Rhys’s for the baby shower today.”
He seemed to think about that. “What’s a baby shower?”
Her lips quirked up at his curious mind. Thankfully, he hadn’t asked about where babies came from again. “It’s a party to celebrate the upcoming arrival of your brother and sister.” Her hand came to rest on her belly instinctively.
His face scrunched up. “Will I have to take a bath again?”
Azriel let out a snort, glancing at her. “It’s a fair question.”
She laughed. “No, sweetheart. Not that kind of shower. To shower with love. The party is just to celebrate the babies before they arrive.”
“Will there be cake?” he asked, excitement lighting up his face at the prospect of sweets.
“For my sister’s sake, there better be.” Elain’s late-stage pregnancy craving was anything sweet. Cookies, cakes, pastries, whatever she could get her hands on, she was eating it. Azriel was barely able to keep the pantry stocked with desserts for her to snack on.
Her husband chuckled. “If she doesn’t, we’ll stop by a bakery on our way home and get each of you a cake. How’s that sound?” he asked, grasping her hand and bringing it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles.
She grinned. “You spoil me.”
He looked at her then. “You deserve to be spoiled.”
They were fashionably late to their baby shower, and Elain completely blamed her husband’s morning sexual charade for the delay in their arrival. Not that she minded at all. She had another Braxton Hick contraction in the car, Azriel eying her with worry and once again asking if they should make a pitstop at the hospital just in case.
But that would’ve made them even more late and Elain knew it was unnecessary.
All of their friends and family were waiting for their arrival. And she hated being late.
“What am I going to do with you gone for six months, Elain?” Thesan teased, taking a sip of his beer.
She shot a devilish grin at the head nurse sitting on the couch across from her. “I’m sure Viv would love to pick up all the slack.”
Viviane squawked in outrage and pointed a menacing finger in her direction. “Don’t put your work on me while you’re enjoying your babymoon, Elain Archeron-Knight.”
The group laughed as she pushed herself up off the couch. Another contraction hit her and she winced, catching the attention of the sharp-eyed nurse. But before she could ask, Kaden came bounding up to her, tugging on the skirt of her dress.
“Momma, can I have a cake pop?” He looked up at her with those damn puppy eyes he knew she couldn’t resist.
Elain ran a hand through his hair. “Sure, sweetie. Only one. You don’t want to spoil your appetite for Uncle Cassian’s good barbeque.”
Said uncle was out in the backyard tending to the grill with her husband, Rhys, and the Moonbeam brothers because, apparently, that’s where men gathered. Aelin and Rowan had joined them, the former getting an eyebrow raise from Azriel at her company’s appearance.
She made her way to the kitchen, hoping to perhaps score one of those cake pops herself—she was the guest of honor, surely she could snag one too. Feyre, Nuala, and Cerridwen had been busy putting together the final touches for lunch and were just waiting for Cassian’s proteins to serve food.
But just as she reached the breakfast bar, a wave of excruciating pain washed over her. Catching herself on the counter, Elain gripped the side of her stomach, groaning loud enough that the other room went silent. And then she felt it. Liquid surged between her legs, puddling the floor beneath her.
No. No, it was too soon. They couldn’t be coming already.
Viviane rounded the corner from the living room as Feyre and the twins approached her.
Somebody breathed her name, but she couldn’t decipher who it was over the blood rushing in her ears.
More footsteps sounded as her friends and family came from the living room to see what was going on.
“Elain.” It was Feyre’s voice that broke through the fog of fear that had clouded her, but she was too numb to respond. Too nervous. “Somebody get Azriel!”
Her panic grew and her breathing turned shallow. It was too soon. She wasn’t ready, wasn’t prepared enough. The anxiety of giving birth hit her like a freight train.
She couldn’t do this.
She couldn’t.
Azriel took a swig of his beer, rolling his eyes at the cad comment Rhys made. His tanned skin warmed in the sunlight even with the sleeves of his button-down rolled up to his elbows. With a glance at the large window, he caught Elain rising from her spot on the couch, Kaden gripping her dress to speak with her.
Gods, that fucking dress. Elain looked like a maternal goddess in it, emphasizing her swollen belly, brimming with the life of his children. Az never realized he had a breeding kink until he and Elain got back together. His desire to fill her with his seed, to watch her grow with life had him hardening in his pants.
Now at eight months, she had reached the stage where little things irked the hell out of her. Honestly, her temper was cute as hell, but he tried to be considerate of her exhaustion and short-fuse, offering himself up to take the heat of her ire. It was only fair—he’s the one that got her pregnant.
It may have made him a primitive, alpha-douchebag, but fuck did he love to see her waddling around, pregnant and barefoot in their home. She was already such a wonderful mother to their boy, Kaden. Cassian had been right. He was so incredibly grateful for Elain’s maternal instinct.
“Something caught your eye, brother?” Cassian taunted, grinning. His brother knew exactly what he was looking at. Or whom.
He shot him a dry look that had Cash chuckling.
“If she wasn’t already pregnant, I’d say that look alone could’ve knocked her up,” he teased. “Who knew you had such a kink, Az.”
Azriel opened his mouth to retort, but the sliding glass door opening caught his attention.
Nuala peeked her head out, a worried look on her face that had his stomach tightening in knots. “Azriel! Get in here now!”
But he was already moving, dropping his drink on the table and running after her into the house, his brothers and friends hot on his heels. He froze in the entryway of the kitchen, taking in the scene for a split second before his eyes settled on Elain bent over the counter, a puddle of clear liquid beneath her.
His feet ate up the space between them in three long strides, her name falling from his lips as he cupped her face and forced her gaze on his. Azriel prided himself in knowing exactly what Elain was feeling, what she was thinking by just the look on her face. He read her better than he did himself. So, seeing the blatant apprehension and worry written as clearly as a tattoo on her forehead had his heart racing in his chest.
Her eyes were wet with the tears he could tell she was trying to hold back.
“Love,” he said quietly, unsure how to proceed at the moment.
She blinked like hearing him cleared a bit of the fog that had washed over her. “Azriel.” Her voice cracked.
He folded her into his arms, trying to soothe whatever worries were troubling her. “You’re okay, my love.”
Elain seemed to melt in his embrace, her tension slowly ebbing away the longer he held her. He gave her whatever time she needed, ignoring the audience they had around them, but it was long enough for another contraction to hit. She cried out, gripping his hand in hers and squeezing tight.
Viviane snapped into action at that. “Azriel, her contractions are about nine minutes apart now. She’s going to have at least two more by the time you reach the hospital.”
“No hospitals,” Elain growled.
That had him pulling back to look down at her. “El, the babies are coming—”
“No. Hospitals.” He could see the wavering in her face. “I—,” she paused, hesitating. “They’re not ready. It’s too early. Too soon. They can’t come out yet…” Her head fell until she was looking at the wetness still sitting on the floor. “I’m not ready,” Elain whispered so quietly, that he almost missed it.
Azriel knew that was nerves speaking. While Kaden made them parents, the idea of giving birth to the twins was the primary source of her fear. The books he read said that many expectant mothers experienced this type of anxiety right around the time they went into labor. If they were going to have any success in her having a smooth birth, Azriel needed to get her to calm down. He glanced at Cassian. “Can you get her a chair?”
His brother grabbed one from the dining room, setting it out for Az to carefully guide Elain into. He knelt in front of her, keeping her hands clasped firmly in his. “Elain, sweetheart,” her dark eyes latched onto his, needing to hear his reassurance. He kept his voice low, wishing they didn’t have to have this conversation in front of their friends and family.
Rhys seemed to sense that and began ushering people out of the room. “Let’s give the couple a few minutes.”
He shot his brother a grateful look before returning his attention to Elain. “Sweetheart, I know you’re scared. I know it’s earlier than we were expecting. But if there is one thing that I am certain of is that you can do this.” He squeezed her hands in comfort. “You are the strongest person I know. You’ve been through so much that once all is said and done, you’re going to look at me and tell me that this was the easy part. I promise you that if anyone can do this, it’s you. And I will be right by your side for every step, holding your hand, giving you ice chips, and bearing whatever you need me to bear to bring our children into the world.”
She sniffed, a small smile tugging at her lips. “You’re sure?”
“Without a doubt, Elain. You can do this.” He brought their joined hands up to his mouth, kissing her fingers and letting her absorb whatever confidence she needed. “So, what do you say? Are you ready to have our babies, love?”
Elain huffed a laugh, his words settling the nerves she had. “Yes, let’s go have our babies,” she breathed, her grin taking over her entire face, lasting all of thirty seconds before a look of panic took root once more. “Az, the birthing bag is still at the house.”
He let out an undignified snort. “Do you think after having that contraction in front of me this morning, I’d leave the house without having absolutely everything packed and ready to go? Come on, baby, you know me better than that. It’s all in the back of the car.”
She blinked in surprise. “The birthing bag and my pillow?”
“In the car,” he confirmed.
“Kaden’s overnight bag?”
“In the car.”
“The car seats for the twins?”
He scoffed. “You know I installed those weeks ago, try again.”
Her lips quired up at the corner. “What about the slippers I was wearing this morning?” she asked, thinking she had him.
Az rolled his eyes in playful exasperation. “I grabbed them when I snagged the birthing bag.” He kissed her hands again. “I’ve got you, love.”
And then she was leaning forward, kissing him with so much love and devotion, he felt it down to the soul she brought back to life. The sound of their family’s cheers forced them apart, a pretty blush dusting the tops of Elain’s cheeks, but she didn’t dare look away from him.
Without looking away from her, Azriel reached into his pocket, pulled out his keys, and tossed them to Rhys. “Can you grab Kaden’s bag from the trunk? The one with dinosaurs. And then Elain’s purple one as well.”
Elain’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Why is he grabbing mine?”
His lips pulled up into a knowing grin, brushing the shell of her ear as he leaned forward to whisper, “I thought you might like to change your underwear and put on a maternity pad for the ride to the hospital.”
Her cheeks heated in embarrassment, but she nodded in agreement.  
A little body shuffled closer. “Momma?” Kaden murmured, looking so very worried over the state of his mother.
She held her arms out, motioning him forward. “C’mere sweetheart.” Elain tucked him into her chest, kissing the top of his head. “You’re going to stay here with Aunt Feyre and Uncle Rhys while Daddy and I go to the hospital to have your brother and sister.”
He looked up at her with those puppy-dog eyes and damn, the kid knew how to work them. “But I want to go with you!” His lower lip quivered and Azriel could tell he was on the verge of tears.
But his wife took it in stride, cupping his little face in her palms and swiping her thumbs across his cheeks. “I know, sweetheart. I know you do. But you’ll have a much better time here with your aunt and uncle. Momma’s not going to be fun to be around until your siblings are here.” She kissed his plump cheek. “But I promise that you will be the first to see us once they arrive. Okay?”
Feyre stepped forward, reaching out a hand for their son. “Come on, Kaden. We’ll have lots of fun eating all the desserts left over.” She shot them a wink when he finally relented, taking her fingers.
After cleaning her up as best as he could and getting her a maternity pad from her bag, he and Elain were in the car on the way to the hospital. As Viviane predicted, she had two more contractions on the way, grabbing his offered hand and the “oh shit” bar as she groaned her way through it. And then promptly went into a third one right as they arrived.
Az timed them out, still sitting about nine minutes apart. “Breathe, baby. Good, love. Just like that.” His thumb grazed the back of her hand. Her grip was tight, on the verge of painful, but he didn’t dare let his face flinch or show an ounce of discomfort. She needed his strength and that’s exactly what he was going to give her.
They were immediately escorted to their private room and Elain’s vitals were checked over. She was sitting at only two centimeters dilated, which meant they were looking at being there for a bit.
Between her contractions, he swapped out his clothes for a fitted black t-shirt and grey sweatpants to get more comfortable and then sent a text to their siblings to notify them that they were in and settled, but it would be a while before they would have any progress.
“Can you check in with Kaden?” Elain asked, taking a scoop of ice chips from her cup.
The corner of his lips curled up at the question. “I already did. Feyre said he wouldn’t leave the front window for a while and had to persuade him with his baby cousin and a lot of sweet treats.”
She snorted, shaking her head. “He’s going to have a mouth full of cavities before we get home.” Elain twisted to look at him. “Do you think we made the right decision by not letting him come with us? It sounds like he’s waiting for us to return. I know that some families let their little ones be present for the birth of their siblings and we discussed it—”
He interrupted her train of thought. “I think we made the right call, love. We’re going to be here for a while and we both know that things can upset him. I don’t know how well he’d handle watching you go through that.”
She nodded but didn’t look very convinced.
Azriel reached for her hand, covering it with his own and squeezing her fingers. “He’s safe and well-cared for. Remember that while we focus on bringing his little brother and sister into the world.” He brushed his lips over her knuckles in a sweet kiss.
Elain smiled softly at him. “Okay.”
And so, they waited.
Per his wife’s birthing plan, she wanted to attempt to go natural. Azriel admired her strength and resilience in doing so. But after over sixteen hours of hard labor, he could see her resolve fading.
He stroked her cheek, fingers brushing hair behind her ear. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”
Dark circles already lined the underneath part of her eyes. She looked so weary. “I’m so tired, Az.” Her voice came out nearly broken and fuck if that didn’t just rip his beating heart from his chest.
Kissing her forehead, he murmured, “Do you want to get the epidural? It’ll help you get some much-needed rest before the delivery.” As of now, she was only at seven centimeters and the doctor had said it could still be a while longer until she reached a full ten.
Her chin dipped in confirmation. “Please.”
Azriel didn’t waste time calling for the nurse. Within ten minutes, he watched as a grossly large needle was inserted into her back, sending that relief washing over her. He peppered her face with kisses during the procedure, murmuring words of praise and comfort in her ear as she gritted her teeth through it.
Elain spent the next eight hours in a fitful sleep, dosing off and waking up not long after each time. Azriel didn’t bother to try and sleep, not when she wasn’t really getting much at all.
But finally, after just past nine, she was fully dilated and ready to push.
His wife pushed and pushed and pushed for a half hour with nothing to show for it. She was in tears, frustrated, and so exhausted he was practically supporting all her weight having slid an arm around her shoulders to keep her upright.
“I can’t, I can’t,” she sobbed, half burying her face into his chest.
“You can, love. You’re so strong. Just a little bit more,” he tried to reassure her. It fucking killed him to see her like this.
“Can’t you do it for me?” she pleaded, looking up at him with wild, desperate eyes.
He gripped her cheek in his palm, kissing her temple. “You know I would, El. I would give anything to switch places with you right now. But I know you can do this. Just a few more pushes and then they’ll be here.”
Whatever she read within his words seemed to do the trick, her brows furrowing with a determination he hadn’t seen since they left the house. Elain pushed herself up, trying to get into a kneeling position, and he was right there, sliding behind her and supporting her weight.
The nurses squawked, muttering something about hospital policy, but frankly, he did not give a fuck, snarling, “Her body is telling her to push like this. Listen to your fucking patient.”
Changing the position was exactly what she needed because their son was born within the next two contractions, entering the world with a healthy set of lungs.
They sagged back against the pillows, his face wet with tears as they placed their new baby directly on Elain’s bared chest. He couldn’t stop himself from tipping her head back to kiss her softly on the lips, pausing the savor the moment.
Az traced the pads of his fingers over the curve of their boy’s cheek, just needing to touch him to prove he was here with them. Even covered in fluids, he was so beautiful. The perfect blend of the two of them.
The nurses gave them just a few minutes with the first baby before Doctor Chen said that she needed to start pushing again. She took their boy from Elain’s arms, promising to bring him back for Azriel after he was cleaned up and their daughter was born.
Delivery of their little girl went easier than with their son. But whereas their boy came out crying, their daughter came out silent.
Azriel knew something was wrong just by the silence, but it only grew the anxiety in his stomach when the doctor turned her back on them, taking their little one with her to work on.
“She’s not crying,” Elain breathed, worry clouding her voice.
He could only squeeze her shoulders in comfort, watching as they shoved things into her nose and mouth.
“Suction,” Chen ordered.
“Azriel, why isn’t she crying?”
“She’s going to be okay, love. They’re helping her. She’s okay.” The words passed his lips even as his heart dropped into his stomach when they started doing compressions on her tiny body.
This couldn’t be happening. They couldn’t lose her. It would kill him to lose his little girl, but Elain, fuck, he couldn’t even begin to fathom the devastation she would face at this loss. There was nothing he could do. He couldn’t pay to fix this or threaten someone to save their baby girl.
So, he did what any father would do.
He prayed.
He prayed to every god, every deity, everything, and anything he could think of to keep his little girl safe and bring her back to them. To take her place if they demanded it. A life for a life. He’d pay it for his child, his family. “Come on,” he murmured. “Come on, baby. Come on.”
Elain curved her face into the side of his chest, howling in a way he’d never heard from her before.
His arms went around her, that dreaded feeling turning his blood cold. The terror he felt of their little one dead before she lived was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. But still, he did not stop praying, clutching Elain’s shaking body to his. “Come on, little one. Come on!” he chanted. “Please.”
And then, a rattled cough tore from her tiny body, followed by the sweet, beautiful sound of her cry.
Elain’s wail turned into relieved sobs, as the doctor walked over their bundled little girl and placed her into his wife’s awaiting arms.
“Somebody was just so excited to meet you, she took a breath a little too early, but we cleared out her passages and lungs and she looks good now.”
His wife tucked their daughter into her chest, kissing the top of her head. “Hi sweet girl, Momma’s here,” she whispered, tears still falling down her cheeks. Tears that matched the ones running down his face.
She was here. His baby girl. Fuck, she looked just like him, with dark hair and tanned skin. He hadn’t gotten a look at her eyes yet, but already she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“Here you go, Mr. Archeron-Knight,” one of the other nurses said, pulling his attention from his wife and daughter as she handed him his son, cleaned up and wrapped in a soft blanket.
The small bundle was gently laid in the crook of his elbow. Azriel didn’t think he’d ever feel the amount of love he did on Kaden’s adoption day, but sitting here with his gorgeous wife, holding their newborn twins, he felt his heart soar in his chest.
Sweaty and fatigued, Elain glanced up at his face, the sweetest, exhausted smile pulling on her lips. “I love you,” she murmured.
He let out a sound that was a cross between a chuckle and a sob. “I love you more.” And then he kissed her, sealing that moment in time with his undying love for her.
Elain woke to the sound of a whimpering cry, swiftly followed by Azriel’s low voice.
“Hey, sweet girl. What’s wrong, huh?” She heard some shuffling as her husband lifted their daughter from the nursery bed. “Momma needs her sleep so we need to be quiet.” He kept his voice low enough to not disturb her—fuck she loved him so much—but she was already awake, rolling over in the hospital bed to face him.
Azriel holding his children was, hands down, the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. How she could even feel the need for him after pushing two babies out of her currently aching and severely injured body was beyond her, but just watching him bounce their fussing daughter made all those desires come roaring to the surface.
Almost as if he could sense her presence, hazel eyes slid to hers. “I’ve got her, love. Go back to sleep.” His voice remained soft as night as if anything louder would disturb her.
She curled up on her side, watching him. “I think we should get used to no sleep now.”
He huffed a laugh, patting Rosalie on her back as she further settled into the crook of his elbow.
Their daughter was almost two pounds smaller than her brother, coming in right at five whereas Ryder was a healthy six pounds, fourteen ounces. The doctor was a little concerned over Rosalie’s lower birth weight, but Elain had managed to get both babies to latch and feed earlier and she ate well, so they were mainly playing it by ear.
Because of her smaller size, Azriel already placed an order for some preemie clothes and sent a photo of her with the twins to their siblings. They asked to give them a day to recuperate before coming to the hospital in the morning. After the scare with Rosalie, both she and Azriel wanted to take some time to spend with the babies. Plus, the medical team was in and out of their room, taking Rosalie for some additional tests just to be sure everything looked good.
It was just after seven that night, and they were settling in for the evening. Tired of hospital food, Azriel ordered hamburgers from DoorDash for them to eat. Elain was starving and it sounded so good that she drooled when she suggested it to him. Both babies had been fed only an hour earlier and she anticipated not having another feeding till late evening or early morning.
Elain grabbed whatever sleep she could, knowing she’d need it when they were released in a couple of days, but she was sure Azriel hadn’t slept a wink since she’d gone into labor.
She pushed herself up, reclining on her pillows. The nurses cleaned her after the delivery and stitched her up from tearing, but Elain couldn’t wait to get home and take a proper shower. “Does she need to be changed?” she asked, nodding to the now-sleeping baby in her husband’s arms.
Azriel shook his head. “No, I think she was just fussing.” His dark hair was still mussed up from when he stripped out of his shirt earlier, taking time for skin-to-skin contact with each of the twins.
Elain had to rein in her laugh at how the nurse blushed as he revealed miles of gloriously tanned, tattooed skin and corded muscle. Her husband was a fine specimen, but he never flaunted it, so seeing another woman react to it was humorous especially since he didn’t even seem to notice her blushing, stammering state.
“You should sleep too, Az,” she said instead.
He looked at her, his lips curving up. It had been doing that a lot since the birth of the twins. The sweetest, smallest smile that crept up the corners of his mouth. Almost as if he didn’t even realize he was doing it. It was utterly adorable and made him look younger. “I’ll rest later. You need it more than me.”
Her shoulders shook in amusement. “You know, we can sleep when they do.”
“I just don’t want to miss a second of them.” His attention returned to his little girl who already had him wrapped around her finger. To be fair, all of their children did. “Fuck, I can’t believe they’re here already. It seems like it was only a month ago you found out you were pregnant.”
“I can’t believe our first anniversary is coming up in just a handful of weeks.”
At that, he laughed. “I guess a trip for our anniversary is out of the question?”
She grinned. “Not unless all our little ones are coming with us.” Because like hell was she going to be able to leave them so soon. Plus with her nursing, it just wouldn’t be ideal.
He seemed to consider her. “We could take the jet to the Summer District. Kaden will be out of school then and we’ll both still be out on leave. Just a thought.”
Gods, he was fucking perfect. “That might be nice.”
A knock on the door interrupted whatever he was going to say. He frowned in confusion, looking at her.
Elain shrugged, sitting up further on her bed. “Come in,” she called out.
She thought it might be a nurse or a doctor, coming to check on her or the twins. What she didn’t expect was for Rhys to peek his head into the room. Surprise lit her features and she glanced at Azriel, who looked equally as bewildered at the sudden visit from their brother.
“Hey,” Rhys said. “I apologize for dropping by unannounced, but somebody really couldn’t wait till tomorrow to see you.” He opened the door slightly, revealing Kaden clutching a teddy bear, eyes puffy and red from crying.
Her heart ached at the distress their son must’ve been in for Rhys to come all the way here. “Hello sweetheart,” she said, keeping her voice soft. “Come here, my love.”
He took a small step further into the room, Rhys’s hand guiding him at the backside of his head. Kaden took slow steps as he approached the side of her bed. “Momma, are you sick?”
She reached out to cup his cheek in her palm. “No, baby. I’m not sick. Your brother and sister decided it was time to come out of my tummy.” Her eyes found Azriel’s as he rose from his seat on the couch, moving toward them. “Would you like to meet them?” she asked, returning her gaze to Kaden’s.
His head dipped in confirmation.
Elain pushed herself back even more. “Rhys, can you help him up and then grab me that flat pillow over there.”
He set the boy on the bed between her spread legs, Kaden shuffling backward and bumping into her sensitive lower area.
She hissed out in pain before she could stop herself. A wave of agony washed over her with enough intensity that her stomach curdled with nausea.
Azriel reacted immediately. “Easy, buddy. Momma’s going to be sore for a while and we need to be extra careful with her.”
“I’m okay,” she spoke quickly, not wanting to upset Kaden any more than he already was, and kissed his plump cheek as she breathed through the pain. “Okay, Rhys. Place the pillow over our laps.”
Adjusting his arms in preparation, Azriel gently lowered their daughter until she comfortably rested on the nursing pillow.
“Kaden, this is your sister, Rosalie,” he announced, letting his finger stroke her rounded cheek.
Elain couldn’t see his face directly, but she did catch his eyes widening as he stared down at her, his fingers carefully tracing over her delicate features just as his father did.
“Rosawee,” he said, not quite catching the ending syllable. It would be something they would have to work on. When she kicked a leg within her swaddle, he pulled his hand back, startled.
She laughed, feeling the bed dip as Azriel sat down next to them, bringing over their son. “And this is your brother, Ryder.”
He reached out to trace the outline of his brows, the touch gentle and exploratory. “I’m a brother?” he asked, turning his head to look up at her.
“That’s right sweetheart. You’re their big brother, and they’re going to love you so much,” she told him, kissing the top of his head.
Elain took in her family, her incredible husband, and three beautiful children. It sounded so wild to even think about. She was a wife and a mother. Thinking back, she remembered the day that had changed the trajectory of her life forever. The bank robbery a few years back. It was crazy to think how such a terrifying moment altered her life in the best of ways. It brought her back to the love of her life.
It put her on this very path.
She’d face every one of the moments since then tenfold as long as it brought her to this point in time, sitting here with her gorgeous little family.
She looked up at Rhys, catching him with his phone out.
“Your first family photo.”
Her lips turned up and silver lined her eyes. “Thank you, Rhys.”
He waved her off. “Do you want me to take Kaden back with me?”
“No,” Azriel said, ruffling his eldest son’s hair. “He can stay here with us tonight. Can you put his booster seat in our car? The keys are in my bag.”
“You got it.” He grabbed the keys but paused on the threshold. “And congratulations you guys. Rosalie and Ryder are beautiful.”
Azriel leaned further into her side, kissing her temple. “Thank you, brother.” Once alone, he turned her head toward his, bringing her mouth to his for a slow, sweet kiss. “I love you so damn much, Elain.”
His smile was infectious, making her lips turn up at the corners. “Thank you, Azriel, for giving me this life—these babies. You have made me the happiest I could ever imagine. I love you.”
“Momma! She’s got my finger,” Kaden’s giggle interrupted their moment.
They laughed, looking at their three beautiful children.
Elain knew that this perfect moment was just the very beginning of the rest of their lives.
Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
While I have moved most of my fics to AO3 only, I am still going to utilize a tag list here on Tumblr. This as a permanent solution and may change in the future. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3. If you would like to be added to my tag list, please leave a comment on this post.
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
I'm surprised by all the love for Childhood Friends Reader x Doffy but also I feel like a winner. Take that, discord buddies.
I want to write at least the first few chapters before publishing anything just to see if I'm good at it or not.
Here is some 17-year-old Doffy with 15-year-old Reader. He is great at Spanish but sucks at French at this age (he's still learning 🥺)
Doflamingo was lounging on the chair, his legs extended, feet sitting on the round, small table of the restaurant, his hands folded behind his back, swaying back and forth on the chair.
One day, fate would have enough of his games and the chair would tip over and the goof would fall. You had a camera ready for that day.
You were doing prep for the evening dinner, wondering what dessert to put on the menu on the chalkboard outside.
"Hey, can we have a quickie tonight?" asked Doflamingo curiously.
You dropped your knife, and almost cut your finger off by doing it. Your heart raced wildly as your mind raced even faster, by the teen pirate’s suggestion.
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck - you thought, freaking out.
Your face was so red it would make the Red Line pale in comparison.
"You know, that delicious tart thing,” said Doflamingo, beaming at you, like you didn't experience a full system shutdown at the ripe old age of fifteen.
The confusion and panic faded very fast after that, replaced by embarrassment.
“It's a quiche, you moron!" you shrieked, and as per usual, grabbed the closest thing in vicinity and threw it at him.
Doflamingo squawked in surprise when the box of butter came flying at him. His fingers controlling the strings wrapped around the stool's hind legs twitched.
Uh-oh, was the final thought Doflamingo had before the chair tipped over, and his overly large, gangly body went down, crashing to the wooden floor.
At least the butter missed him. That thing hurts.
Your shocked gasp was music to his ears, and he faked a pained groan while grinning from ear to ear.
“Doffy!” you cried, running out from behind the bar to the large heap of limbs that was your best friend.
You gathered his head in your lap, “Doffy, are you okay? Wake up! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't die!"
"I might from suffocation," gasped Doflamingo, despite your hug not really hurting.
There was another gasp from you, this one of relief.
"I thought you shattered your skull!” you cried, hugging him tight.
A swell of warmth spread through Doflamingo, and he raised his arms, hugging you back — you were so tiny in his arms now, but he liked it, he liked being big for you — gently patting your back as you rambled incohrenetly.
How cute.
If you thinking he got hurt meant you hugging him this close, practically stuffing his face into your breasts, your hands cradling his head and your gentle fingers caressing his hair, maybe Doflamingo should whine about the rare little injuries he gets more often.
“I can't shatter my skull,” said Doflamingo, smirking, enjoying the embrace. “Because I’m a string man!”
He laughed at his own pun, and loved hearing your giggles join in.
I just think all the teenage chars with material-based Devil Fruits were doing that "Because I'm (insert material of Devil Fruit here)" during their teenage years because it was the cool thing to say in their minds.
Much love to all the anons, and to you, Snail.❤️❤️
- Yandere Doffy Anon
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(we can have anything you want, king).
I love this childhood friend au. Drop the Ao3 link, my darling. I want EVERYTHING you write for them 😭😭
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silverstonesainz · 19 days
Hi lovely!! Congrats on 2k, you deserve it - I’m so so happy for you! 🎉 🥳 🍰
Could I get Alex & “Noticing when you're running out of certain products and restocking it without saying anything.”
I just imagine needing a shower and noticing he’s got full bottles of your stuff ready to go 🥺
thanks so much dollface <3 hope this was alright
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“That’s a lot of groceries,” You mumble, looking up from your place on the couch and over at the front door. 
“Needed a lot of stuff,” Alex chuckles, lugging the bags over to the kitchen. He lifts the three bags in one hand and the two in the other onto the kitchen island, cans and boxes clattering against the stone counter. 
“Thought you only needed shaving cream?” Your voice carries through the apartment, over the soft buzz of the TV and over Alex’s footsteps moving behind you. 
“You don’t listen. I said shaving cream and a few other things.”
You snort, turning your head to see Alex smiling with a playful shake of his head. You scrunch your nose, poking your tongue out at him. You push off the couch to join him in the kitchen, watching as he pulls his things out of their bags– food and drinks and hygiene products and– 
Your milk. And a bag of chips you’d just finished the night before. And your cocoa butter body wash. And the more you stare at the things sprawled on the counter, the more you are able to find bits of you in pieces of him. 
“They didn’t have your favorite brand of cheese, so hope this is alright?” Alex tosses a bag of cheese sticks your way– a brand far too expensive and is the reason why the good value version just happens to be your favorite. “Well they did have your brand but it was cheddar. And you hate cheddar.”
You grin, “Yeah I do. Didn’t think you’d notice.”
Alex looks back from the other end of the kitchen, cupboard half open and box of noodles in his hand. He smiles back, “Of course I did. It's hard not to notice all the things I love about you.” 
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come to the kickback
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willowser · 10 months
haiii willow!! i was reading through your work (as i usually do when I’m on here) but i wanna know your thoughts on whether young, early 20s bkg - who currently has a thing for reader - would he feel this impending urge of sexual attraction?? i feel like at that point of time he wouldn’t be having much sex, if any at all but ofc reader is beautiful and sweet and gorgeous!! do u think he’d ever have moments where he’s ogling or he’s just back in his bedroom and all he can think are perverted thoughts and he’s like, “fuck.”
i will continue stalking ur page and reblogging so that’s all! love u🩷🩷🩷👼
oh i am smooching you smooching i say, bc i love this scenario it is my freaking bread and butter 😌✨️🩷
i think he definitely would !! not a total clueless virgin, but he's not really feeling it with anyone, and maybe hasn't for a while—if ever. and maybe he's just like, eh i've got more important things going on rn than who i'm having dinner with i hardly have time to have it with myself 🥺
bc i imagine early 20s bakugou very specifically, especially after what's going on in the manga, so i can completely see him being so sidetracked and not even interested in romance—and then you come along 🥺 and i think it would take him a while to get there, honestly, like. he's got you in the back of his mind for a whole year, even. doing his best not to think about it, but every now and then when things are quiet, his mind is wandering until he's thinking about how you wish him a stupid good morning ! every day and always make small talk with him about all kinds of random shit 😒🥺 he resists the idea that you give him butterflies and tries to tell himself you make him sick LOL
but then—something happens. something small, i think, that is such a non-event but it launches you to the forefront of everything, all at once. maybe you say something funny that makes him do his little evil smile or ask him a question and really listen to what he's saying with big beautiful eyes or you wave at him as you pass each other in the hall and kirishima is with him and then turns to him, grinning so fucking wide, and he's like "bro....why're they smiling at you like that ?? 😏😏😏" and that has bakugou thinking to himself.....oh shit........are they smiling at me like that ??? and then he's so totally gutted by the fact that—he wants you. oh man, he wants you so bad. and i've said this before but i think because he tries to fight that feeling for so long, once he finally accepts it, he's like full speed ahead. he opens that door and it's like the floodgates, the dam has broken, he's neck deep the minute he stepped over.
and i really think bakugou's attraction to someone—like his deep, genuine, heart-achy kind of attraction to someone—is based on who you are, and so the more time he spends with you and the more he thinks about you and the more he gets to know you, it just builds and builds and builds LOL and then that sexual attraction comes bull-dozing in, i think. and i love to talk about this but he thinks he's so not a meat-head that thinks with his dick but he definitely catches himself checking you out and is SO MAD LMAOOO
he's also such a—make a plan, make it happen kind of person, so once he decides he can't stand doing nothing, he's trying to figure out how to make you his. and in trying to plan that out, he's going through scenario after scenario, thinking about what differently he could do when he sees you and how you'll respond, imagining it late at night, dreaming about what you'd say and what you'd do.....what that would lead to, eventually AND HE FEELS LIKE SUCH A PERV LMAOOO he's such a dork
god i literally could go on and on about this forever you don't understand akdhfjskkq this is one of my favorite scenarios for him it's just my default thinking state this point LOL hiiiii friend !!! tysm for asking !!! 😌🩷✨️
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keep driving — charles leclerc
a hard launch over breakfast
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 99,392 others
yourusername maple syrup, coffee pancakes for two. hash brown, egg yolk, i will always love you 💛 365 days of you. happy anniversary to my favorite breakfast date 🍳🥞☕️🤎
View all 1,318 comments
user1 ONE YEAR?!
charles_leclerc i love you ❤️
user3 con😭gra😭tu😭la😭tions😭
pierregasly how were the eggs?
yourusername we had to throw out the pan 😔
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Liked by yourusername and 729,391 others
charles_leclerc one year of adventures and late night drives and early morning breakfast dates. i’ll never forget the moment i knew i loved you, watching you spread butter on a bagel thinking it was cream cheese. i love you baby, happy anniversary 🤍
View all 3,211 comments
user4 i’m not crying i’m so normal about this
user5 charles in his simp era i’m SOBBING
yourusername i love you so much 🥺🥺🤍
charles_leclerc 😚❤️
user6 best hard launch. there. I SAID IT.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Baby Doctor
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pairing: Husband!Dad!Henry Cavill x Doctor!Reader
summary: Fans retell the events of what’s going on in the Cavill fam, especially with two new arrivals, the twins Poppy and Lucy
Requested by @stormcloudss
- Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Cavill Masterlist🌟
Full Masterlist✨
Taglist Form💫
@/hensvavyvirl: Y/n is absolutely glowing after just having two baby cavills, just saw pap pics of Henry tying her hair up for her🫣🫣
>> @/marveldcgirl: Henrys new post about Y/n going back to work after giving birth is so emotional, he just loves her so so much
@/pieceofmind: Poppy and Lucy are such cute names, I just can’t contain myself after Y/n announced her and Henry are moving to the UK. I REPEAT THEY ARE MOVING BACK TO THE UK. They said in an interview that they want to raise their kids where they grew up
@/Atlasgiver: Y/n said she can’t wait to start in a new hospital, HENRY POSTED A VIDEO OF HER POSING IN HER NEW SCRUBS AND HE WAS WHISTLING AT HER 😭😭
@/poppyrose: Seeing Henry as a girl dad makes me wanna cry out of joy. When I saw pics of him tying up the twins hair into mini pigtails, while Y/n got their baby booties on😭
>> @/lizziebet: I’m pretty sure I saw them at a park in my local estate, they were on a family walk. Kid you not both Poppy and Lucy were the ones holding onto kal's leash, and he is so gentle not to pull on them. THEN HENRY AND Y/N ARE HOLDING HANDS AND SHARING KISSES WHILE BEHIND THEM OMG
@/DChabes: Y/n and Henry on date night is the sweetest thing, bro I jus want what they have
@/HenryCavill: Glad i’m doing life with @/Y/nCavill♥️
>> @/Y/nCavill: Baby stop tryna butter me up and go change the girls' diapers😭😭 Dinner isn’t making itself
@/DailyTelegraph: Henry Cavill seen getting affectionate with wife Y/n Cavill by Hyde Park, babies Poppy and Lucy also in tow in prams beside them!
@/Listjaet: I remember watching Y/n's pregnancy on her youtube channel, and now I can’t believe i’m watching her go through motherhood
>> @/bobbyjo: I still remember her video when she first found out, and she surprised Henry by giving him a rugby ball with the words “Future No.1 Daddy” sewed into it 🥺
@/Bettieboops: According to Y/n, Henry can’t keep his hands to himself when it comes to her☠️ He’s constantly on her or annoying her whenever the girls are put down to sleep
>> @/HenryCavill: Well she never seems to complain when it’s happening so…
@/buttercuppuckerup: I just know Poppy and Lucy have Henry wrapped round their fingers, I’ve witnessed this man build a bookshelf for his wife, I can’t imagine what he’d do for his kids
>> @/Y/nCavill: He literally bought a sewing machine and is learning how to make yarn dolls😭 Then he is adamant that their bassinets are in our room for at least two days of the week for “bonding time”
@/truthberolled: Ok but Miss Y/n post pregnancy 🫣 That woman is fine asf, Henry care to share?
>> @/HenryCavill: No can do
@/peppersaor: Seeing how far they’ve come as a couple genuinely makes me tear up🥺 We lit watched them from the very start too when they first announced they were dating
@/freedi: Y/n in scrubs can step on me any day of the week, smart and beautiful?? Damn Henry got lucky
@/luckofdirish: Just saw Henry and Y/n on the beach with their babies. Each of them had one between their legs while they played with the sand, and both of them were wearing pink suits with tiny baby bucket hats. I swear I saw Poppy try to eat sand at one point because Henry had to keep pulling his hand out of her mouth
>> @/luckofdirish: Then when Henry went into the water, EACH BABY HAD THEIR OWN SUN CHAIR, it was honestly the cutest thing. Mama Y/n and her babies chilling under the umbrella while Henry played about in the ocean. Poppy and Lucy were very much jus sipping on their juice boxes while Y/n read them a book
@/user2586478: Omg that insta photo Y/n posted of Henry holding Poppy and Lucy’s hand against the sunset😭 Wtaf they’re such a cute family, i’m so glad they’re pretty open about their family for the most part, with us fans
>> @/dettypig: I totally get what you mean! I love how we basically get to see their family grow, without seeing the most intimate parts of their lives, because of course everyone deserves privacy. I can’t wait to see Henry building PCs for Poppy and Lucy when they’re older, Henry will be heartbroken if they’re not gamers like him🙃
@/legend69647: Dr Y/n just took my appointment at the hospital and she’s so much more beautiful in person, pics of Henry and the girls are literally everywhere
>> @/HorridHenrietta: Don’t even. I had her as well and she was blood amazing, she was so gentle when she had to examine my broken arm and she even gave my son free stickers even though he wasn’t the patient
@/Y/nCavill: Please can people stop trying to bombard our family home to get pics of the girls!! We are the only ones allowed to share pictures of our family and we’d appreciate if the paps respected that.
>> @/HenryCavill: I’d like to follow this by saying our girls are scared, legal action will be taken if this harassment doesn’t stop. Thank you for our fans who understand our situation♥️
>>> @/boompower: right which one of yall are attacking this poor family☠️ Don’t yall know basic respect and privacy? The girls are barely 3 and yet all they are getting is cameras shoved in their faces. Do Better.
@/pearpotur: Seeing Henry go all protective on the red carpet over his girls is so cute. He always has one arm around his wife’s waist, Poppy on his hip and Lucy on Y/n's or the other way round♥️♥️
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @fdl305 @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
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linos-luna · 1 year
can i have my very first request? 🥺 this is like a Jeongin fluff one (?) but i want an imagine where the reader randomly gets a kitten and Jeongin was like so happy that i bought us a pet 😭💕 but later on i get more attention to the cat and Jeongin was like getting sooo jealous and he turns more obsessed with me something like that haha. thanks!!
Sounds cute!
Kitty Cat ☁️🔪
Jeongin x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: jealousy, some yandere behavior?, mention of somnophilia, a little suggestive
• 🦊 ————————————————— 🦊 •
You were so happy to get a new pet. It was unexpected but you couldn’t help yourself when seeing the kitten.
Your boyfriend was surprised but if it made you happy, he was happy. Well… for a little bit.
You named the kitten Mr. Mittens. He was a tuxedo cat and it looked like he had mittens over his paws.
Mr. Mittens went all over the house with you. You’d let him sleep in the bed and carry him around.
One night Jeongin came home from work. He was exhausted and just happy to see you.
However, you weren’t at the door waiting for him. Or on the couch watching movies until he came home. You always waited for him.
Your boyfriend walked to the bedroom only to see you tucked in and sleeping with the kitten. You looked so adorable.
Jeongin quickly changed and laid next to you. He wanted to kiss you but you rolled to your side facing away, the kitten snuggling into your stomach while purring.
“Noona…” he said in a loud whisper while poking your side.
“Mm…?” You were half asleep and only moved slightly, not even turning to look at him. “Oh you’re back…. That’s good.”
Jeongin pouted. He was hoping to come home to you showering him with love. He loves that. He loves your attention.
In the morning, Jeongin woke up seeing that you weren’t there. Instead just the little cat in your spot.
“Good morning, baby.” You say cheerfully while entering the room.
“Hi noona—…”
You walked past him then picked up the cat and kissed it’s head.
“Hi. I made breakfast!” You said with a smile while patting your boyfriend’s head. 
Jeongin frowned. Where’s his kiss?
He followed you out and sat down seeing the pancakes on the table.
“They look good, noona.” He said while waiting for you.
“Thank you baby.” You smiled while sitting and putting the kitten on your lap.
Jeongin waited a moment before realizing that you started eating.
He didn’t mean to sound spoiled but when you made pancakes you normally would put the butter and syrup on for him and even get him a drink. But right now… nothing!
“Noona…? Are you doing anything important today?” He asked while cutting his pancakes.
“Hm… not really…” you replied while thinking about it. “I’m going to pick up some more cat food and groceries from the store but that’s it.”
“Can I come with you?”
“Yeah of course.” You said while handing him a napkin.
“Mr. Mittens isnt coming right?”
“Of course not, silly.” You laughed.
As the both of you looked around the store, you found the cat food you were looking for and some toys.
“Which one do you think he’d like?” You asked while looking at the different brands. “There’s so many!”
“I don’t know…” he mumbled with a shrug while standing with the cart.
“I’ll try this I guess?” You said while putting it in the cart.
“What do you want for dinner, baby?” You asked while looking at the list on your phone.
“Why don’t you ask Mr. Mittens…” he grumbled.
“Hey.” You paused. “Are you okay?”
“You’re spending lots of time with the cat…” he frowned.
“Aw. Jeongin.” You teased. “Is my baby boy jealous of a kitten?”
Your boyfriend blushed, looking around to see if anyone was listening.
“You just love being taken care of, hm?” You said with a pout while petting his hair. “You’re just so cute.”
“Noona please…” Jeongin always loved your attention but was a little embarrassed since you were in public.
“While Mr. Mittens is still a baby, I have to take care of him.” You said with a sigh. “He’ll be self sufficient as an adult.”
——— 🦊
A few weeks pass and you’re still giving all the attention to the cat. Jeongin was getting to a breaking point.
Why aren’t you taking care of him?
Why aren’t you waiting for him after work?
You’re not even that sexually active anymore!
It was all too much for him and he started getting desperate for your attention.
One night, while in bed, Jeongin started kissing your cheek then to your lips. You were glad to kiss back and he soon moved on top of you.
As jeongin made out with you, lightly grinding against you, making you whimper a bit into the kiss.
Before he could do anything else, you hear a sudden crash in the kitchen then a small meow.
“Oh! What happened?!” You said, trying to sit up.
“He probably just knocked something over.” Jeongin said and he tried kissing you again.
“I hope he’s not hurt.” You said while getting up.
Jeongin sighed as you left the room and came back with the small cat.
“He’s okay.” You said happily while putting him on the bed. You got back under the sheets and the cat cuddled up next to you.
This pissed off Jeongin. He went to the restroom to calm down. He sighed while looking in the mirror.
Does noona not love me?? He thought to himself. It tore him up. No way he’s going to be replaced by a cat!
By the time he got back, you had fallen asleep. He moved the cat to the foot of the bed and snuggled up close, hugging you from behind.
The next day you had plans for a girls night. It’s been awhile since you and your friends have gotten together.
Jeongin didn’t want you to go but he knew you planned this a while back and it wouldn’t be fair.
You left after telling your boyfriend to watch Mr.Mittens, but of course he wasn’t going to do that.
Jeongin thought you didn’t want to take care of him anymore. Maybe you don’t love him! He doesn’t want to obsess over these thoughts but he can’t help it.
He wants to know exactly what you were up to. No way you’d cheat on him but he just wanted to be sure.
While at the bar and grill restaurant he spied on you, acting as a customer in a table not too far from yours.
He watched as you took a round of shots and giggled with your friends. No boys, that’s good.
After eating, your little friend group moved inside to play some games. There was pool, darts, and karaoke. Your friends picked pool for now.
You weren’t into that game so you just watched.
Jeongin followed you inside, sitting at the bar, trying not to look suspicious.
“You know… something don’t feel right…” you said to you friend as you looked around the area.
“What do you mean?”
“Not sure… but it feels like someone’s watching me.”
“Really?” She teased.
“No I’m serious Karina!” You frowned. “All day.”
“You’re telling me that someone has been watching you from when we had dinner to now?” She laughed. “That’s bold.”
“Probably some guy.” Your other friend said, budding into the conversation while taking a drink. “Some desperate loner.”
“Hm. You’re probably right.” You said as you continued looking around, seeing if any man is acting shy or awkward.
“By the way, how’s it going with your boyfriend?” Karina asked curiously.
“It’s going fine.”
Jeongin could just barely hear the conversation but had a feeling it was about him.
“Do you ever think you do too much for him?”
“What do you mean?” You asked while drinking some water.
“I mean, you practically take care of him.” Karina shrugged. “He seems dependent on you.”
“Oh he’s not dependent on me.” You laugh. “I just like taking care of things. But he can do fine on his own.”
“Well yeah. That’s how I show love I guess.” You said while thinking about it. “And I love him a lot.”
Jeongin couldn’t hear but it seemed like they weren’t saying anything negative.
After some more drinking, your friends dropped you off at your place and luckily Jeongin was able to beat you there.
You were tipsy, not drunk but close to it. Jeongin let you in and you went straight to looking for the cat.
“Where’s my kitty cat?” You pouted while looking around. “I miss him.”
Jeongin frowned and led you to the bathroom.
“Jeongin? Where’s Mr. Mittens?” You said with a giggle as he cleaned off your make up with a wipe. “I miss himmmm.”
“He’s in the bedroom.” Your boyfriend replied impatiently as he led you out.
You instantly laid on the bed. Your legs dangling off the side as your head wasn’t even on the pillow yet. You were exhausted and was already drifting off to sleep.
“Noona.” Jeongin nudged you. “Noona! I want to cuddle! You promised!”
“Not now baby..,” you mumbled with your eyes still closed.
“Noona!” He was annoyed now. You go out and the first thing you ask about is the cat? What about him?? And you said you’d love him tonight! You’d cuddle and more. He’s needy and wants you now!
Jeongin moved the cat from the bed to the living room, then closing the door so he wouldn’t came back in.
Your boyfriend moved you up so that your head was on the pillows. He took off your necklace and unzipped your pants. He put on your pajama pants but now he had an idea.
He lifted your shirt. You weren’t wearing a bra but actually one of those strapless sticky things to cover your nipples.
Jeongin gently took them off before putting another shirt on.
He had an idea. He was needy so…
His desperation was getting the better of him but it was justified right?
A few weeks ago there was a conversation the two of you had where he mentioned somnophilia and you didn’t seem completely against it. So what’s the harm?
Jeongin lowered his pants but paused.
He can’t do this.
Sure he’s needy but this wasn’t right.
It was difficult to control himself but he only laid next to you.
“J-Jeongin…?” You mumbled.
“Shhh… go back to sleep noona…” he responded while putting his hand over your eyes as if to cover and close them. “Shhh…”
“Jeon—…” your voice trailed off as you fell asleep again.
He leaned over to give you a kiss before you actually turned over and cuddled into him. You were deep in sleep and held onto him.
Jeongin heard a small meow at the door and smiled to himself.
“I won.”
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