#but I’m seriously bummed about this
blueyedgrass · 2 years
Wow posting art here is kinda miserable!
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
Okay, I was just looking at the article about the live action PPG series getting cancelled, and I guess I missed this specific quote from a while ago:
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I wouldn’t call any of what I saw “campy.” I think that’s completely the wrong word. I think, from what we saw from all of those live action leaked photos is that it looked cheap. The script wasn’t “campy,” it was… trashy. Camp at least has charm, and it had very little of that. And how out of touch do you have to be to say that a superhero television show isn’t rooted in reality. Of course it isn’t rooted in reality! They have superpowers and fly around and fight supervillains! None of that is based on reality!
Part of me is kind of bummed out that they weren’t able to fix things because I was genuinely interested in where they could’ve gone after attempting to fix that general abomination of a script. Then again, maybe the idea of a grown-up Powerpuff Girls series is something better left for the world of fanfiction than made into any official production.
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ballsbalb · 3 months
had someone write a whole ass book review on one of my fics and it was pretty much just calling the parting, characterization, plot and literally every other aspect of the story terrible
why are people like this
rip my motivation lmao
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cloudybarnes · 9 months
new beginnings
Pairing: theodore nott x reader
Summary: after theo very unexpectantly breaks up with you, you try your best to pick yourself back up and move on. theo, on the other hand, seems to be having a harder time of that.
Word Count: 2.2k+
part two :)
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✰  ✰  ✰
“(Y/N), you’ve got to get out of bed at some point.” Hermione said. She was sitting on the side of your bed while you laid fully wrapped under the covers. Hermione gently tugged the blanket down from your chin, but you whined a little in protest. 
“‘Mione, I seriously can’t do this yet.”
Theo, your boyfriend of over a year had broken up with you only a few short days ago. You’d been in bed ever since, heartbroken over what could have been. 
“(Y/N), I know you’re upset, but you have to get up. I can’t let you live the rest of your life in bed! Don’t you know how badly your bum would hurt from laying all of your life?” Hermione joked. 
A small smile grew on your lips. “Yeah, that would be pretty tragic. I have too nice of a butt to let that happen.”
Hermione laughed. “There she is! I’ve missed your little jokes. Ron and Harry have become quite boring without you around. I think they’re worried about you.” 
You groaned. “Nooo. I hate when people worry about me. It’s just so awkward when I have to be like ‘I’m fine’, ‘no really, I’m fine’.”
Hermione shrugged. “Well, are you?”
You sighed, pulling the covers down from your chin. You looked up at her, a forlorn look on your face. “Definitely not, but I suppose you’re right. I don’t want to be stuck in here for the rest of my life. I just, I just don’t think I can handle seeing him right now.”
Hermione looked at you sadly. “I know. I hate seeing you so upset like this. God, what I would do to put a hex on that boy. He’s quite deserving of it, I would say. Maybe a rat’s tail, or a snake tongue.”
You giggled and sat up in bed. “Or how about we make him bald, or worse, blonde.” 
Hermione laughed at that. “Oh, Godric, then we’d have another Draco running around. I don’t think I could handle that.”
“Me either,” you laughed. Slowly, your smile dropped. “I just hate him. Well, no, I don’t hate him. And I hate that! I hate that even after breaking my heart I still love him and long for him.”
Hermione sighed, “I’m sorry, (Y/N/N), I wish I could say something or do something to make this better, I just really don’t know what.”
You shrugged, “yeah, it is what it is. It’s not your fault he’s an ass.”
She chuckled. “So, what do you say? You wanna try to get down to the great hall before dinner starts? I’m sure the guys would like to see you again.” 
You thought it over for a minute. You really had missed your friends. Other than Hermione, you’d ostracized yourself from everyone just to avoid Theo. 
But were you really ready to see him again? You didn’t think you would ever be ready to see him again. 
“You know what,” you stated, “I am gonna go to dinner tonight. And I’m gonna ignore him and see my friends who I’ve missed and ignore the hell out of him because he’s an ass and why should I be the one who has to stay in bed all day?”
“Woohoo!” Hermione cheered. “You’re amazing, let’s get you showered and dressed. I hate to say it, but if you’re gonna get back into the world, you need to wash your hair.” 
You chuckled as you picked up a piece of hair to inspect it. “Yeah, okay. Shower first, look really pretty, eat dinner, come back. Piece of cake.” 
You pushed the covers off of you as Hermione stood from the bed. 
She said, “I’m gonna grab your clothes, so just get in the shower. We shouldn’t be too late to dinner that way.”
You nodded and headed to the bathroom. You were gonna go in there, socialize with your friends, reassure them you were fine, and everything would go back to normal. You hoped. 
✰  ✰  ✰
“(Y/N)!” Ginny shouted as you and Hermione made it to the Gryffindor table. She stood up from her seat and pulled you right into a hug. 
Releasing the breath you didn’t know you were holding, you smiled and held her even tighter in the hug. Ginny was an amazing friend to you. She had tried her best to see you, but you didn’t let anyone in. Only Hermione since she shared the room with you. 
Pulling away, Ginny dragged you to sit down next to her. Hermione followed suit and sat on the other side of you. “Oh, we’ve missed you so much, (Y/N/N). We’ve all been so worried about you, haven’t we?”
Harry and Ron sat across from you. They both nodded their heads, agreeing with Ginny. 
“Yeah, what an ass,” Ron scoffed. “Honestly, someone needs to knock that bloke down from his high horse. He doesn’t know what he’s missing, (Y/N/N).”
“Yeah,” Harry replied as he pushed some mashed potatoes in his mouth. “Theodore is a walking red flag. I for one am not sorry for him. He lost a good girl and he’s gonna regret what he’s done.”
You smiled at them. “Yeah, I am pretty awesome. Thanks guys.”
They chuckled and continued eating. Merlin knows those two could eat an entire quidditch field full of food. 
“Ahem,” a throat cleared from behind you. 
Turning around, you saw Enzo standing there sheepishly. 
“Uh,” he stuttered, “hey, (Y/N).” 
“Oh,” you said. “Uh, hi Enzo. Do you need something?” You couldn’t hide the crack in your voice. Damn it.
Enzo was probably your favorite of Theo's friends. He was always the one you had most in common with, and therefore connected with pretty easily. You’d never hung out one on one, so you couldn’t really say he was your friend. 
“I-no I don’t need something, per say. I just wanted to talk to you. Alone, if, uh, that’s alright.” 
You looked back at your friends, unsure if you should talk with him or not. They all seemed to be the same amount of weary as you were, but you were intrigued. 
“I don’t really want to talk to Theo, if that’s what this is.”
Enzo shook his head. “No! Ahem, no. I wanted to talk to you. To, uh, apologize kind of? I don’t know. It’s fine if you don’t wanna talk to me, this was silly, I’m sorry-“
“It’s fine, Enzo,” you cut off his rambling. “I’ll speak with you.” You looked back at your friends as you stood up from the table. “I’ll be right back.”
They nodded their heads as you let Enzo lead you away from the table and out the door. 
Once you two stood out in the hallway, Enzo kind of just shuffled his feet around, almost as if he was shying away from talking to you. 
“Am I supposed to say something first?” You questioned, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“No, sorry,” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I just feel a little awkward. I know what happened between you and Theo, but I guess I just hoped that didn’t mean we couldn’t be friends anymore.”
Your eyes softened a little at his confession. Enzo’s cheeks blushed a little as you stared at him. 
You sighed. You and Enzo really had been good friends, and you weren’t exactly keen on losing his friendship. 
“I mean,” he continued, “you’re the only one who doesn’t make fun of my poetry, you’re the one I go to when I want to talk about books or get recommendations from, and I just would hate to lose our friendship just because I’m friends with Theo as well.”
Your heart melted. “Enzo, of course I still want to be friends with you. I will admit, I was a little nervous you wouldn’t want to talk to me anymore after Theo broke up with me. I really enjoy being your friend.”
Enzo smiled in relief. “Oh good. I thought this would be more awkward and a little bit more sad than how it’s actually going.”
You giggled. “Thank god. I don’t know what I would have done if I just had a real breakup as well as a friendship breakup.”
Enzo smiled awkwardly. “Yeah, I am really sorry about that. I don’t know why he would ever break up with you in the first place. You’re so kind, and I thought you brought the best out in him.”
You forced an awkward smile. You really did not want to be talking about Theo right now, especially not about how you made him a better person. 
Before you could reply, a voice yelled out from behind you. 
Turning around, you could see Theo storming up towards you and Enzo. 
“What the fuck, mate?” Theo huffed as he got in between you and Enzo. 
“Woah!” You shouted, backing up as Theo got up into Enzo’s face.  “Theo, what are you doing?”
He ignored you and kept talking to Enzo. “Are you hitting on my girlfriend? Right after all the shit we just went through?”
“What?” Enzo squeaked. “I’m not hitting on her, I was just talking to her.”
You were pissed. Your fists balled up at your sides as you stomped up to Theo. You grabbed onto his shoulder and yanked him away from Enzo. Theo didn’t see it coming, so he stumbled and fell back a couple of steps. 
“Get the hell away from him,” you growled. “And what the fuck is wrong with you, Theodore?” 
You got between Theo and Enzo, pushing your finger into your ex-boyfriend’s chest accusingly. 
“First,” you said, “you break up with me, break my heart, and then you have the fucking nerve to come up here all righteous and accuse Enzo of whatever the fuck you said, all while calling me your girlfriend when you’re the asshole who broke up with me!”
You glared at Theo, watching as his anger turned soft. “I am not your girlfriend anymore, Theodore Nott. You’re the one who made that happen, so you have no fucking right to come up in my conversations acting like I owe you anything.” 
“(Y/N),” he softly said. “I… I’m sorry. You’re right, I shouldn’t have come out here all crazy. I just, I hate seeing you with anyone else, even if it’s one of my friends.” 
He turned to talk to Enzo, “I’m sorry, mate. Will you give us a few minutes?” 
Enzo nodded his head and gave you an awkward smile before heading back into the dining hall. 
You huffed, settling down a little as you stared at Theo. 
He looked tired. His eyes had circles underneath them, and his cheeks didn’t have their usual flush to them. He was as gorgeous as ever, but he looked drained. 
“You don’t look so good,” you pointed out, trying to sound nonchalant. 
Theo frowned and softly said, “neither do you.”
Your lips pulled tight in a frown. Theo didn’t need to know how much he had affected you with the breakup. 
You sighed, “what are you doing, Theo?”
He shrugged and put his hands in his pockets awkwardly. “I, uh, I’m not really sure. I just didn’t like seeing you with Enzo.”
“Why? You broke up with me.”
Theo huffed, “I don’t know. I just don’t like seeing you with anyone else. It still feels like I’m supposed to be there. Like I’m supposed to be the one with you. I miss you.”
You shook your head as hurt started to creep back into your heart. “Don’t say things like that to me, Theo. Not after what you did. I loved you, and you broke up with me out of nowhere for no good reason, either.”
“I’m sorry,” he tried to reach for you, but you shrugged off his hand. “I don’t know why I did what I did. I just know that I regret it like crazy. I want to be with you, (Y/N). I’ve always wanted to be with you, I was stupid to let you go. Can you forgive me?”
Your lips pulled tight. “Theo, I can’t just get back with you like this.” You said. “I don’t trust you anymore. You broke my heart, and broke my trust. You gave me no reason for the breakup, so who’s to say it won’t happen right after we get back together?”
He shook his head. “Dolcezza, no. I won’t do that to you, not again. What can I do to prove this to you?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I can’t get back with you. Not like this, and not so soon. You really hurt me, Theo.”
“Well, what if we try being friends at least?” He suggested. 
“You wanna be my friend?”
“No,” he said immediately. “But I’ll settle for being your friend for as long as it takes to win you back.” 
Your heart warmed at what he had said. Maybe you could try being friends with him. He did really hurt you, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss him. 
“Okay,” you decided, “I’ll give you a chance to be my friend. Don’t hurt me again, Theodore, or I’ll get Ginny on you.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry, darling, I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get my baby back. I can promise you that.” 
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“c’mere princess peepee pants! let mommy check your diapey!”
you waddle over, face on fire as you present your pamper to mommy.
a few months ago, you agreed to just give diapers a try. now, you call your girlfriend mommy and get 24/7 baby treatment at home.
it was so much fun at first! the sensation of making humpies in a warm, wet, squishy diaper on mommy’s leg? better than any sex a man’s ever given you.
messing was a little hard at first. lots of blushing, a few tears, and tons of cuddles and reassurance from mommy made it all better though. she was just so gentle and caring, never making you feel bad for your “stinkies”.
but then came the edging. mommy sat you down one day and explained how you’re far too little to have big girl sex anymore. you seriously can’t expect her to give head to an adult who’s not even potty trained? you went from sex twice a day, to being brought to the brink every diaper change.
after a few weeks, you got desperate. resorting to humping anything you could while out of mommy’s eyesight. the couch, stuffies, blankets, even just the countertop once. of course she caught you, if the stifled moans didn’t give you away, it was definitely the loud crinkling of your diapers.
mommy’s not cruel, so seeing how badly you needed release, she gave you a new rule. you can cum whenever you want to, as long as it’s in a wet diaper.
sure, it’s humiliating sticking your hand down or humping a pissy diaper, but you could care less, you get to cum whenever you want! who cares if it’s embarrassing and infantile?
“hm, you seem pretty soaked honey, but no messies for mommy yet…”
she gropes the seat of your diaper. it’s true, you’ve been trying to hold off messing until you can get some more free time to make cummies.
“mommy’s going to give you a new rule, okay little girl?”
you nod, always wanting to obey mommy, even if oblivious to her intentions.
“from now on, you can only make cummies in wet and messy diapeys! i’m worried about your poor little tummy sweetheart, you haven’t given mommy a present in your pampies in days! you know it’s bad to hold it in princess, you could hurt yourself!”
you shake your head, beginning to whine and protest.
“nuh-uh baby, i won’t hear it! it’s for your own good darling! let’s get you changed okay?”
you whimper as mommy leads you over to your changing mat.
it’s already embarrassing enough to hump a wet diaper, but a messy one? it’s so gross and smelly, and it gets everywhere! even your princess parts!
mommy quickly disposes of your soggy padding. you watch, a little forlorn, as she dumps it into your diaper pail. that was supposed to be your next orgasm!
she pats your bum, and you lift it for her, sliding a nice clean diaper underneath you. you automatically lift your legs so she can start powdering your pussy.
instead of the nice soft power puff though, you feel something tiny and slick go into your bumhole. before you can even react.
looking over to mommy, in shock, you see her closing up the suppository jar.
“just a little something to help you along princess! don’t you wanna make cummies soon?”
she rubs the powder puff against your clit teasingly, as you stifle a moan.
as mommy finishes taping your diaper and sitting you up, you feel your bowels start to churn. you definitely don’t have long before your pristine padding sags and turns brown. at least you get to cum soon…
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theoldsports · 7 months
Coriolanus Snow x Reader. 6.1k words.
18+ some smut, but it’s dicey. dubcon, biting, fingering, nudity, nonconsensual touch, drugs/alcohol? rehab discussion briefly, threats of violence, the shower, struggle against media, one reference to a line from scripture, possessiveness, manipulation. it’s dark. prolonged exposure to it is bad for you.
longest one yet! chronologically follows Married 1+2 in the TRUCULENT series fairly rapidly. i really learned to love this one. upon editing, this story became way more about gaslighting and headfucking someone good and hard into relying on you. special thank you to @heavqn for beta-ing and ridiculous amounts of support and ideas. a lot of our pre-editing convos made this make much more sense to me. + votes are in: next installment/current WIP will be the wedding.
The hand against her shoulder shook her for a moment, then much faster. The shaking lasted seconds or even minutes before [Y/N] pried her eyes open. Everything in the bedroom looked too real, too clear. Coriolanus stood above her. His hand had been doing the shaking. He looked like he had just returned from a run due to his clothes and sweat-stained hair. His hair had grown back more beautifully than before. [Y/N] remembered seeing him when she saw him in the stacks of Philosophy books at the library right after he had returned from Twelve. It was jarring. She had always fancied him a pretty boy even if she loathed him throughout their childhood. He was much different upon his return.
Coriolanus pulled himself up out of the comfort of their bed almost every morning, far too early, to go for a run. [Y/N] didn’t know how she would endure a lifetime of his too chipper morning behavior once they were married. Coming down after a night on morphling was hard and still, she did it over and over again. Coriolanus knew he couldn’t stand in the way of a little fun, but he wouldn’t allow it in their home, so [Y/N] had become involved in using it socially when it was available to her.
“Great. You look like a bum.” Coriolanus said, noting the dark and sunken crescents under her eyes.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning. You look like a bum.”
“I’m not a bum.” [Y/N] replied tiredly. She rubbed her eyes.
Last night, [Y/N] had gone out dancing with some of her friends. It was not a bachelorette party in so many words, but it filled the same purpose. It was also a stretch to call the people she went out with friends in so many words, but they filled the same purpose. [Y/N] hadn’t felt that she had people other than Coriolanus for sometime now. She had gotten very drunk and very high the night before, resulting in frustration from Coriolanus when she returned home. He always waited up by the front door when she was gone so long. Coriolanus did not like it when she wasn’t home with him. She would make it up to him somehow— she always did.
“Come on, up with you.” Coriolanus commanded. He sat on the edge of the bed and pushed her up to a sitting position. His voice was harsh, but his touch was soft. [Y/N] adored Coriolanus’ careful, yet guiding touches. Unless his dick was in her, he only touched her with care like she was a porcelain figurine.
“Why all the rush?” [Y/N] yawned.
“You don’t remember?” Coriolanus sighed. He was upset in that pompous way of his. He rubbed his creased forehead. “Seriously, [Y/N]. I ask so little of you and you can’t even behave well enough to remember that we have an interview in…” he checked his watch. “Three hours.” Coriolanus said. It was false that he asked so little of [Y/N]. Sometimes, he asked too much.
An hour exclusive on Lucky Flickerman’s daytime chatter joint. Shit. That woke [Y/N] up. “That’s today!” She exclaimed. That was the only caffeine she needed to wake her up. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Coryo. I didn’t think—“
“No. No Coryo. No, you didn’t think,” Coriolanus said. He needn’t elaborate. “Shower. We’ve got to beat downtown traffic.”
[Y/N] swore Coriolanus scheduled things like this at the worst possible times just to make her look worse than him.
She pushed her shaky legs off the bed. As soon as she stood, [Y/N] felt like she was going to fall. Perceptively, Coriolanus stood and placed his ever-vigilant hand on her lower back to steady her. “You’re a mess.” He said flatly. [Y/N] could tell that Coriolanus felt damp from his run. It crossed her mind that Coriolanus drank bitter coffee, did his work on time, smoked very little and went on a run daily. [Y/N] regularly got too high to see straight and cried when she didn’t get her way. Some pair they were.
“‘M not.” she protested messily. She didn’t want to admit that Coriolanus was right.
Coriolanus huffed indignantly, but did not reply otherwise. He walked her to the bathroom like marching a child to the naughty step. [Y/N] was set down on the low counter-top. “I’m concerned you’re going to slip and give yourself a black-eye,” Coriolanus said. “I don’t want people to think I hurt you.” He pulled his track jacket off and dropped it on the floor and reached over to take her short magenta teddy off. She felt desperately bare in front of Coriolanus as she was striped mechanically like a child’s doll. The teddy she wore was one of her favorites, with the delicate lace on the bust. She appreciated that Coriolanus was equally as delicate as the lace when handling it. He must have remembered how much [Y/N] liked it. Coriolanus remembered everything.
[Y/N] was simply impressed she had gotten herself into pajamas after last night at all.
“You’re going to ruin yourself if you keep doing this, you know.” Coriolanus said, starting the shower water.
“So you keep telling me,” [Y/N] shivered due to her bareness against the bathroom tile. “I’m sorry.”
Coriolanus deflected with a shake of his head. He turned to her. Coriolanus was obviously thinking about speaking as the water heated up. Hot water whenever desired was Coriolanus’ number one favorite thing about rebuilding the Snow fortune. That’s why he took his showers too hot; to prove that he could. The thought gave him the confidence to speak. “Do I make you feel so ill that you have to run around and treat yourself like this? Did I do something?” The insecurity of that question made [Y/N] raise an eyebrow. Sometimes when she looked at Coriolanus and realized he was still a boy in many regards. Twenty-three wasn’t very old at all. His frontal lobe wasn’t even finished developing. His primary desire was to be enough for himself, for her, and for everyone else too. [Y/N] feared that he worried he hadn’t figured that out yet. The girl was far from figuring that out herself as well. She rarely saw vulnerability slip through the cracks in the finished marble exterior that built Coriolanus Snow. But who knew if what he said was a true feeling of his or not.
“No,” [Y/N] said. She looked down at her manicured toes. “I did this before we were, y’know… You’ve seen me at house parties since the Academy. You know it’s not you.”
“It has to stop,” Coriolanus started, dashing that fear from his mind. [Y/N] permitting a discussion without blocking him out unpowered him to share his concerns. “It worries me when you’re out late with who knows who. With so many people seeing you. It’s not just part of an act, it’s bad for you.” He said, but what he meant to say was it’s bad for me.
“I knew you had jealousy problems, Coriolanus, but being worried you can’t personally compete with your girl’s partying habits is… hilarious.” [Y/N] attempted a joke. She saw the vein in Coriolanus’ neck throb. His eyes got cold when his vulnerability, no matter how shallow, was met with rejection.
“Get in the shower.”
[Y/N] cast her eyes down, took off her panties and did what she was told.
“It’s so hot!” She all but screamed.
[Y/N] let the water scald her skin. She didn’t want to complain at his trying to help her. “You’ll deal with it,” Coriolanus said, sliding the shower door shut behind the both of them. [Y/N] hadn’t even noticed him undressing, but here they were. They had never been in the shower together before. It wasn’t unpleasant, but the circumstances were. “For the record, I don’t have a ‘jealousy problem.’” He said after a moment of allowing [Y/N] hair to get damp enough to shampoo.
“Really?” [Y/N] bit back, reaching clumsily for her shampoo bottle with slippery fingers.
“Really. Jealousy isn’t a problem when you understand what’s rightfully yours,” Coriolanus said. Normally, she blocked Coriolanus out when he spoke like that. Maybe it was physical proximity or toxic prolonged exposure to Coriolanus, but that made her blush red in the face. Ignoring it, [Y/N]’s fingers closed around her pink and brown shampoo bottle, but Coriolanus snatched it out of her fingers effortlessly. “Let me. I want to be sure it gets done,” He muttered with a passive aggressive edge. That attitude seemed like a put-on to [Y/N]. She wondered if he wanted an excuse to be close to her. She made those up sometimes to be close to him. Maybe she was just flattering herself. Coriolanus squeezed some shampoo into his palm and set the bottle down on the shower ledge. “Who were you out with anyway?”
“Um… Some of the girls. Lysistrata. Oh, Clem. Some others.” [Y/N] braced a hand against the damp wall to steady her feet on the slippery ground.
“Clemensia?” Coriolanus asked, sliding his fingers into her hair, careful as ever. It felt newly intimate in a way that Coriolanus typically avoided with her.
“Who else?”
“I see. You know she’s—“
“I know you don’t like her.” [Y/N] said. Coriolanus was silent.
“I don’t like when you go out without me. I just worry.” He finally said.
“I’m sure you do.”
It was silent between them. Coriolanus worked the shampoo into her hair easily. A man known for his rough intensity being gentle with anything was a surprise to her.
“Did you see anyone else?” He asked nonchalantly.
[Y/N] sighed. Even casual conversation turned to interrogation. She wasn’t sure if he meant it, or if it was all he knew how to do. “Do you mean… Was I photographed behaving in some unsightly way? I dunno. I probably was. I wasn’t unfaithful, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Stop.” Coriolanus said, leaving no room for further argument.
It was quiet again. “Thank you for washing my hair. That’s, uh, it’s very kind.”
“Don’t mention it.” He replied, coaxing [Y/N] back under the water to rinse out the suds. His long fingers combed back through her hair over and over again. [Y/N], soapy, turned around and stared at Coriolanus’ wet face and hair. Even when appearing like a drowned animal, his imposing figure was statuesque.
[Y/N] leaned up and kissed him quickly. “I’m sorry I forgot about the interview,” she whispered, barely louder than the shower water. She apologized more than he did, but he responded well to knowing someone other than him was in the wrong. “Do I really look like shit?”
Coriolanus sighed, more familiarly this time. He loved when she needed him. He would insult her all day long if it meant he got to give her more validation later on. “No,” he slipped a hand under her breast and gave it a squeeze, his thumb danced across her nipple. “No, you don’t,” His other hand wormed its way across her cheek to brush away that disgusting makeup residue from the night prior. “You just needed a little polish. Let’s finish up. Go get dressed. Coffee’s on in the kitchen.”
“You poison it?”
Coriolanus frowned exasperatedly. He reached the hand cupping her breast around to her ass and gave it a hard, wet smack. “You bitch.” He smirked.
Sins almost all forgiven.
Every time [Y/N] was in a car with Coriolanus, it felt like a coaching session. Hand on her thigh with, don’t say this, say that instead, let me speak first, don’t embarrass me.
No point in elaborating on the most familiar part of their normal day-to-day since it really was habit at this point. [Y/N] always ached to snap back at him after these times. One day, don’t embarrass me was going to hit so hard that she did.
When they got out of the car a few blocks from their destination, [Y/N] had dawned her bright purple sunglasses. Coriolanus hated them and had tried on multiple occasions to buy her new ones to no avail. The daylight was still too bright for her tired eyes, so they were going to be worn on the walk to Capitol News.
After half a block (and so close to a news building), they were swamped by people clicking away at them. It made the bright sun burn hotter. Coriolanus’ white blonde hair and intimidating stature was much too easy to pick out in a crowd for their sunglasses and long jackets to disguise much.
Right now, besides Games news, they were the hottest topic of discussion in the Capitol. Their engagement party had been wild, [Y/N] was typically wild, and Coriolanus was characteristically unwild. It made for good TV.
Coriolanus leaned in to whisper something. [Y/N] couldn’t hear it. All she could do was smile and tell any reporters with microphones ‘no thank you,’ or ‘you’ll have to watch Lucky’s to answer for that.’ Coriolanus merely smiled a smile that was not his smile and said ‘not now folks, we’ll be late,’ or ‘don’t worry about them, Darling.’
[Y/N] was leashed by Coriolanus’ hand on the back of her neck as he guided her through crowds. He had two dressbags of clothes for the show tossed effortlessly over his shoulder as they walked. They were a newsroom’s wetdream. She was exuberant and he was magnetic. And they were both trouble. Power, wealth, youth, stability and status. Everyone liked to watch them at their best and loved to watch them at their worst.
“How do you put up with it, Mr. Snow!” A bland-looking man with a microphone called.
“How was the party last night, [Y/N]!” Called another. They always called [Y/N] by her first name because, frankly, she was fairly certain they didn’t know her maiden name and technically she wasn’t Mrs. Snow yet either. Coriolanus’ grip on her tightened at the question.
She smirked at how the power of her own name took away power from her family and their name; the thing they desperately wanted a morsel of.
Considering a future where she inevitably became Mrs. Snow, she thought about how her lifetime of indiscretions would be tied to Coriolanus forever. She smirked wider at their folie a deux.
[Y/N] felt like a doll again, being pushed by Coriolanus like that. She didn’t hate it entirely, though. She liked it when he manhandled her a little. It helped with all the noise that surrounded them these days to be able to turn her brain off and let Coriolanus handle it for her. She would never admit it, but being a good doll for Coriolanus for the foreseeable future didn’t seem too bad. Her stomach churned wicked for thinking that. It made her antsy to not have an exciting retort in front of reporters. [Y/N] usually did, but her head ached too much this morning. Instead, she looked helplessly up at Coriolanus. He glanced down at her, an eyebrow raised. “Overwhelmed?” He asked quietly, but not too quietly. [Y/N] nodded. “Don’t worry, my dear. We’re almost there.” Coriolanus said like a good husband should. [Y/N] thought about how he was rarely such a good husband when other people weren’t looking. Then why had he seemed to care so much that morning? She must’ve been mistaken about one part or the other.
[Y/N] leaned up and kissed him for in part for his kindness. The crowd aww’d. Kisses were a good way to distract a man. Any man, receiving or watching. Coriolanus’ hand slipped down from her neck to the back of her waist. Her fingers went into the soft hair at the bottom of his neck. She felt him inhale sharply. She knew he hated that. “What was that for?” Coriolanus asked when he pulled away, referring to the kiss.
“Wanted to make sure you were real. None of this feels real.” [Y/N] laughed dizzily. It was true, but she felt stupid saying it. She had spent a lot of time feeling stupid recently and this morning was no exception. The hangover and the whirlwind of voices and flashes had emptied her brain completely. Coriolanus leaned in to whisper in her ear again. This time she caught what he said:
“Stop this. We’ve ten steps until we’re in the building. I’ve told you not to touch my hair.”
He pulled away from her and put on his brilliant, effortless smirk that rich boys his age always had. Coriolanus yanked [Y/N] the remaining distance into the news building.
As soon as they entered, they were whisked away to dress for that afternoon’s broadcast. [Y/N] was dropped into a beautician’s chair to make her face look like someone else’s. She groaned at the duty she held.
Makeup brushes and blowdryers and curling irons and spray bottles of who knows what clouded [Y/N] of vision.
She wished Coriolanus was in her immediate vicinity so she could glance over him and laugh cruelly about how stupid all this is. He was always good for a laugh at the expense of things like this.
“Honey, who does your hair on the regular? I suggest you switch to someone else.” The obscene-looking woman pulling her hair back asked.
[Y/N] laughed, but said nothing. [Y/N] wanted to strangle her.
Not long after that, [Y/N] was pulled up to her feet and forced into a dress that she at least knew she liked. Tight around the waist and thighs, capping off at the knees. It was higher necked, but was so tight that it left little to the imagination. She knew Coriolanus would get frustrated with a fluffy dress, so she picked one that would make his eyes bug out instead. It was off-white with a delicate floral pattern outlined in a brighter white.
[Y/N] looked great. She knew this as she admired the contrasting bulk of the shoulders and flowing sleeves with the clinging exposure of her curves everywhere else. She didn’t exactly look like herself, though. Especially with her hair and makeup done so precisely. She wasn’t precise, she was messy. Precise didn’t suit her.
[Y/N] wondered if the her that stared back in the full-body mirror was the real her now. Messy her was gone. A Capitol wife remained. A doll.
She slid her black ankle-breaking heels on and shook the thought away as she entered the sound stage.
[Y/N] always forgot how noble Coriolanus was capable of looking, considering he was distinctly the opposite. She stared at him. Mauve coat, black trousers, crisp white undershirt, white tie, white rose. Clearly, he had let someone touch his hair. Even if it was a stylist.
Coriolanus gestured for her to walk over to where he stood and Lucky sat. It was difficult to walk with the dress clinging around her knees and the height of her heels. Her short, intentional steps felt demeaning. Most things in her life felt vaguely demeaning, but she kept turning a purposeful blind eye. The stage lights were too bright. Coriolanus’ teeth were too white for the amount of throats he’d ripped out.
Capitol magic.
“Hello Darling. You look lovely.” Coriolanus said as she approached. He took his hand in her and kissed it. Coriolanus’ eyes never looked up at hers because they were too busy looking at how her body fit the dress.
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself,” she replied neutrally. “Hi Lucky. Green’s really your color.” [Y/N] lied. Lucky’s green, wintery tux was vile and everyone with eyes and a modicum of taste would see that.
Coriolanus coughed into his shoulder to cover a scoff. He wrapped a strong arm around [Y/N]’s waist.
“Thank you, [Y/N]! Good to see you, pleasantries, pleasantries, yada yada. Shall I call you [Y/N]…? Mrs. Snow… The network doesn’t really know what the hell to do with you.” Lucky beamed from his chair.
“Oh, uh… I’m not really Mrs. Snow yet. It’s not necessary. My first name will do. I’m not picky, though.”
She felt Coriolanus deflate a little beside her as he dropped her waist and folded himself into the gaudy patterned armchair the network provided. [Y/N] felt a sting of guilt. Maybe she should have let him carry on with the Mrs. Snow thing. Coriolanus would have to get over it. “Sure thing, hon. Anyway, go ahead. Take your seat. Some of these questions are tacky, tacky, tacky, but do your best and humor us. Panem wants to know the real you.” Lucky beamed.
“I’m sure they do.” They don’t. And they won’t.
“You kids really are… Wow, lovely to share the stage with. You make me look old and sad comparatively, damn,” Lucky joked. “It’s been a good while since I’ve had the pleasure of sitting alongside Coriolanus like this. You were a child then. Crazy, the passage of time.” He continued.
“Lucky, it’s always an honor.” Coriolanus said. Coriolanus hated Lucky. [Y/N] marveled at his ability to lie so gracefully.
A group of production folks stepped out of the shadows to give them bottled water and let them know the show was about to begin. The studio audience poured in through side doors.
[Y/N] quickly leaned over to Coriolanus. “I thought this was a pre-tape.” She whispered frantically.
“You didn’t remember this interview existed three hours ago. You’ll deal with it.” He replied, with a note of his own panic he was unable to squash.
Fifteen minutes of seating and then a live camera inches away from [Y/N]’s face. “Well, we really thank you for having us on your show, Lucky.” She smiled. The audience analyzed them like vultures. This was the most wicked game designed for them, but Coriolanus didn’t lose. [Y/N] would have to be perfect.
“Of course! Always a pleasure, [Y/N]. Let’s get to some of these questions on my handy little list of questions, huh?” A few shallow questions about what designers they were wearing, what their morning routine was like to look so gorgeous, Coriolanus leaning over to hold [Y/N]’s hand across their chairs (the audience sighed lovingly). Coriolanus curls, stubborn as he was, fell out of the hold of the hairspray like they always did. She smirked and reached up with her left hand to push them out of his eyes. Oh, he hated that. [Y/N] could tell. Lovely.
“Oh, look at that ring,” Lucky said. “The ring we’ve all been talking about. Let’s get a closeup on that rock,” the camera pushed in to [Y/N]’s hand obediently. A large ruby mounted on a white gold band. She had been assured it was real. [Y/N]’s other jewelry, silver, sat patina-ing in a wooden box because of it.“Beautiful. Must’ve cost you a pretty penny, Coriolanus.”
“Yes, Coryo, how much did it cost?” [Y/N] asked. Coriolanus shifted in his seat. Money was not a thing Coriolanus discussed.
“A bit.” He replied stiffly. [Y/N] grinned.
“Uh, you both are mighty famous for that ring. I suppose it’s time to discuss that crazy engagement party. I was there to witness the whole thing firsthand, of course.”
The Snows-to-be nodded.
“These questions can get uncomfortable, but I’m sure you’ll answer all the same. So, your relationship seems… Alarmingly happy today for two people debating splitting over infidelity at the celebration of their engagement.”
“Please, we only debate it when I’m drunk, Lucky.” [Y/N] said much to the audiences joy. They laughed heartily.
“Which is too often, if you want my opinion.” Another laugh from the audience for Coriolanus, never one for being outdone. She knew, in his mind, she deserved that.
“Rehabilitation is always an opinion.” Lucky joked darkly, not knowing what to say.
“Being wild is fun, though, isn’t it? I’m not from privilege and grace as much as my fiancé. He’s always been elegant. I’m learning; I have a good teacher. But you only get your youth once. You would know, I’m sure, Lucky. When someone loves you as much as Coriolanus loves me… He always forgives my mistakes. He’s too good me. He’s patient.” [Y/N] said. He was patient, but it came out in the way that he played the long game. His impulses along the way were markedly less patient. Coriolanus squeezed her hand tightly as a warning.
Lucky smiled bitterly. “Well, I’m sure he’ll learn to keep you on a shorter leash eventually. Actually, I hear you were out last night as well.”
“Yes, bachelorette party, you see.”
“The studio’s telling me,” Lucky clutched his earpiece. “They have some photos from your last wild night as an unwed woman.”
“Oh. Is that so…? Haha,” [Y/N] said. Coriolanus squeeze her hand until her own knuckles were white. Neither one of them had a clue what they were about to throw up on that screen. Coriolanus inhaled shakily, but maintained neutrality. “Can’t be worse than the sides you saw of us a few months back at the—“
It was worse.
The dress was short, but Coriolanus had known that when she stopped into his office to tell him she was going out. He had responded with a “That? Really? Okay…” with quiet anger that the dress wasn’t being worn for him.
Then there was the dreaded miniature morphling vile empty between her fingers. It was obvious she was trying to talk with her friends under the flashing lights. They were all wearing similar fare. Six or seven drunk, high young women pictured together wasn’t that bad, even for some of the old school Capitol prudes.
None was more damning than the strange man’s hand planted firmly on [Y/N]’s ass. His smile was too wide. The [Y/N]’s in the picture’s grimace at the stranger over her shoulder was uncomfortable. It screamed DON’T-TOUCH-ME. She looked like she was telling him to stop, but her eyes were wide and her lips were pulled into a frown. The subtext implied by the woman in the photo was Coriolanus is going to kill me. She sighed. The crowd gasped. Coriolanus inhaled sharply.
[Y/N] had said her behavior the night before was inherently not unfaithful. Coriolanus didn’t feel the need to not believe her since she was the one who brought it up. The apples of Coriolanus cheeks grew red with rage. The stranger’s smile was too big. He knew he was touching Coriolanus Snow’s fiancée. He knew was taking advantage of a helpless girl and her friends. He knew he was defacing someone else’s property.
Coriolanus Snow was going to find this man and ruin his life.
[Y/N], humiliated, looked over at Coriolanus. She had a hazy memory of telling some guy to “knock it off” the night before. Truly, she did remember this, but of course, she hadn’t thought this would be a big deal. This was a part of her life she had had to deal with since she was a young woman. This man’s action was undesired, but not unexpected. Taking in the photo and the look on his fiancée’s face as she shook her head slowly at him was enough for Coriolanus to determine that this touch was unwanted. [Y/N] looked guilty, but she had little reason to be. He hated seeing that look on her face in a situation he didn’t create.
[Y/N]’s only crime was going out without Coriolanus. She knew he hated when she did that. If he had been there, he would’ve handled the situation there and then. She was never going out alone again. She needed him. Right now, he was going to be the man she needed.
“Take that off the screen.” Coriolanus said firmly to Lucky.
“Well, first, let’s have—“ Lucky tried.
“I don’t think you heard me. I said take it down,” Coriolanus continued. He turned to the cameras and those behind them. “Now.”
Coriolanus watched a young woman at a screen immediately buckle at his demand and begin scrambling to pull the image. The show’s graphic was returned to the monitor. “Thank you,” Coriolanus said in the woman’s direction. [Y/N] stared at the floor, beet-red. She was trying not to cry, but what would it matter if she did? Coriolanus knew too well the meaning of her tell-tale sniffle and avoidant eye contact. He turned back to Lucky. “I think that was extremely rude of you and your production group to put up an image, without consent, of my fiancée getting touched without consent. It’s apparent to me from looking at that photo that my fiancée did not welcome that touch. Would you agree?”
“Possibly, but since the engagement party—“
“I think you forget I trust [Y/N]. Are you the one marrying her?”
“… No. But hey, this is my show, kid. Let’s get back on track with—“
Coriolanus knew better than most people that what was said and done on live television was as good as forever. He would use that to his advantage. Nobody came for Coriolanus’ belongings and left with the hand that tried to snatch them.
“I’m not finished,” Coriolanus snapped. [Y/N] reached for Coriolanus’ hand again to signal that that’s enough, dear. He took it and looked over at her. He was angry; normal person righteous angry. Not manic, not cold. That was a new face. Coriolanus had so many pretend faces that clipped on and off. [Y/N] had previously thought she had seen them all. “Were you wanting that touch, Princess? Did you know him?” He asked [Y/N]. She shook her head with her eyes damp and downcast. “As I implied, you don’t know us. Don’t ever embarrass my fiancée like that,” or me, [Y/N] assumed his subtext as he spoke. “Whoever this moron in the picture is has another thing coming. What kind of self-respecting news network aims to humiliate guests for something they couldn’t help?” Coriolanus said. [Y/N]’s heart raced. He cared. Maybe it was for selfish reasons, but his support mattered. No one else was going to do it.
Sometimes he was absent, yes, but Coriolanus always came through when [Y/N] needed him. She was grateful that he wasn’t angry with her, even if that part came later in private. She was grateful for now that his way of easing his own pain eased hers too. She could get used to that. [Y/N] let out tears of temporary relief and reached for the box of tissues on the round table between guests and host.
Coriolanus stared Lucky down and settled himself further back in his seat with a sigh. “Next question?” The blonde man said.
The ride home was nearly silent. [Y/N] had started crying the second she sat down in the car. Coriolanus hadn’t say anything, but he kept his hand in hers the whole time. He didn’t even fight to let go when his palm got sweaty. [Y/N] pulled his hand close to her chest. She had done nothing wrong, yet she felt that everything was her fault. She had failed Coriolanus. This media wreck wasn’t just a game for photographers and journalists, this one embarrassed her genuinely. This one embarrassed Coriolanus and she was constantly told she was not supposed to do that. Don’t embarrass me rang against every corner in her brain.
The car stopped in front of their building. Coriolanus, as he always seemed to, opened her car door before the driver could get out. Coriolanus thanked the driver and put an arm around [Y/N] and led her up the stairs to their townhouse. The door closed behind them. Coriolanus locked the deadbolt with a heavy clunk. Safe from eyes that watched every failure with glee. They could be people again.
“I’m sorry, Coriolanus,” [Y/N] said, mascara down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know him. Really, I didn’t. I told you this morning. I—I didn’t know him.” She backed herself protectively towards the couch and away from Coriolanus in learned preemptive panic.
“I know,” Coriolanus said. “Nobody but me gets to touch you like that. I know you’re smart enough to understand that. I cannot fathom how another man thinks he can do that to you and get away with it.”
“That’s… That’s been happening my whole adult life, you can’t magically make that—“
“I don’t think you understand, Darling. I can. I don’t want to know that anyone has ever touched you like that. I swear on my mother’s grave. I will fucking murder them.” His winter blue eyes could vaporize a perpetrator on the spot.
“Coriolanus, that’s extreme.”
“Not to me. Not when you’re involved.”
“You can’t hurt people that looked at me funny. It’s hardly a crime.”
“Isn’t their some old line about not coveting another man’s wife?”
“…Yes. You have a future. You can’t interrupt your opportunities because some shithead—“
“It won’t interrupt anything. Wouldn’t it make you feel better to know that a creep like that was off the streets?”
“Well, then we agree. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Don’t you worry about a thing.”
[Y/N] blushed and looked down. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say.
“Don’t be. I’m not angry with you about this. I know I can trust you. I do. You know I do. I don’t worry about that. I cannot trust other people around you, especially when you use that filthy drug,” Coriolanus said. He extend a hand to [Y/N] as he approached like he would approaching a scared animal. That hand went slowly to [Y/N]’s waist. Coriolanus pulled her in closer so they were chest to chest. “You are not going out without me to some party like that ever again. Disrespecting you like that means disrespecting me, too. I won’t stand for either.”
Coriolanus was going to get what he wanted all along: [Y/N] alone with him always. How could she need anyone else? Everyone out there wanted to hurt her, touch her, make her feel bad about herself. Not Coriolanus. Perhaps, he should be thanking that man instead of cutting his fingers off one at a time. “No. Let me keep you safe. That’s all this is. I want you safe. I’m to be your husband. That’s my job. Won’t you let me do my job, [Y/N]?” He said too calmly. His blue eyes stared deep into hers. Coriolanus had a fantastic talent for telling someone something and letting them think it was a question; letting them think it was their idea— letting them they had a choice.
He was right. He did make her feel safe. Holding on to her like this made her melt. In Coriolanus’ arms, [Y/N] felt secure. He was moody, but Coriolanus was frustratingly reliable. He wanted to make himself the bedrock of [Y/N]’s life. She had no choice but to allow him that. [Y/N] breathed out and he felt her breath fan out across his face. “Let me take care of you. I won’t let that happen to you anymore. I promise.” Coriolanus muttered.
He tipped his mouth slowly into her neck and hungrily sucked at the place below her ear. A gasp caught in [Y/N]’s throat at the surprise sensation. Her knees wobbled and her dress and shoes didn’t make it any better. She put her arms around his neck for support. “Coriolanus…” she whispered. Coriolanus loved the vibration in her throat beneath his lips.
Helplessly, [Y/N] tipped her head back to give her fiancé what he wanted. Coriolanus had sucked a few hickeys on her neck and chest before, sure. Never before had he bitten her. This time, he bit her hard enough to bruise and scab. It was harder to cover an indent with makeup than a simple bruise. If she were to go out even to the grocery store, other men had to understand that [Y/N] was off the market. If an engagement ring wouldn’t do it, this would. Coriolanus bit her with such force that the tears started to well again.
The position they were in felt like a dance. His hands on her waist, hers on his neck, their bodies flush together. [Y/N] fell deeper into the black hole of Coriolanus Snow. This must have been on purpose. He knew she loved to dance with him and made it a weapon. Damn him. She would always say yes to a dance, wouldn’t she? Wasn’t this whole relationship just a fucked up dance?
The man reached one hand down and pulled up [Y/N]’s dress as much as he could get it up and tore it the rest of the way. [Y/N] could swear she had been torn out of a third of her clothing recently. Coriolanus pushed her panties to the side and pushed his fingers into her. It would have hurt if she hadn’t been so wet to begin with. She bobbled on her heels. Once Coriolanus has pumped himself fingertip to hand in and out of her a handful of times, [Y/N] was holding herself up entirely by his neck and shoulders and the fingers that impaled her tenderly. Coriolanus had complete control over the situation. The only thing left for her to do was moan and she didn’t hold back.
Coriolanus was unrelenting. He marked a disturbing black and blue column on her throat the way he liked. Slowly, the pair rocked back and forth from foot to foot, as Coriolanus nipped, fucked and sucked. A fucked-up slow dance to the song of the traffic on the other side of the window.
@badwicht @stelleduarte @cinnamongirl127 @prettyppetty @soulessien @bejeweledreverie @jjstyles @arminsarlerts @chmpgneprblem @co1dmountains @miscellaneousmoonchild @lille999 @pumkinnxsmut @taykorsyogurt @ndycrls @watermelonharry @nananarwhal @ohantonia @catlover420sstuff @justaproudslytherpuff @notarabellasstuff @scarytiger111 @zucchinimalfoy @secretsicanthideanymore @h-l-vlovesvintage @dannydevsbbg @clintsupremacy @lookclosernow @10ava01 @or-was-it-just-a-dream @lucielsstuff @fairyydvst @spencereidbasis @a-mellifluous-life @daenerysqueenofhearts @heavqn @dangelnleif @lapisthelovely @wotcherpeak @24kmar
apologies as always for the little tags that couldn’t.
778 notes · View notes
day in the life with Emily?
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summary — a normal day in the life of you and emily
pairings: emily engstler x gf!reader
wordcount: 516
warnings: just fluff
authors note: hii thanks for this request!! i hope you like it :)
“Morning.” Emily, who is now sitting up says as you slowly wake up.
“Good morning.” You turn around to place your head on her chest.
She smiles softly and starts to stroke your hair. “You okay?”
You nod, keeping your eyes closed. “What time is it?”
She checks her phone. “Eight forty-two.”
You groan and slowly start to get up.
“Where are you going?” Emily pouts and pulls you back in bed.
“I have to make us breakfast and go to the grocery. And you,” You point at her chest. “have training.”
“But I just wanna lie in bed with you.” She whines.
You peck her cheek. “We can once the day is over. Come on lazy bum.” You try to pull her arms in an attempt to get her out of the bed.
She lets out a dramatic sigh. “Fine.” She gives in and lets you pull her up.
You two stand there for a few seconds before Emily leans down, kissing you on the lips softly.
“Morning baby.”
At about ten in the morning, you guys went your seperate ways. Emily was off to training and you went to get groceries.
It was about one in the afternoon and you were currently on your way to watch her train.
You entered the gym, hearing the sound shoes squeaking on the floor and balls dribbling.
You took your seat on the sidelines and brought out your laptop to try and get some work done.
After about thirty minutes, their coach blows the whistle.
“Lunch break! Be back in 30!”
Emily goes straight to you, kissing the side of your head and sitting in the vacant spot next to you.
You pull out the sandwich that you had made for her this morning.
“Thanks baby. How was your morning.”
Your eyes brightened as you closed your laptop. “Oh my god Em! So I went to the grocery right, and there was this girl-“
She maintained eye contact with you as you talked about your eventful morning.
“-you should’ve been there Em. Seriously.”
She chuckled. “From what you said, I think im glad I wasn’t.”
You smile and check the time. “Go, you have five minutes left.”
She used her thumb to stroke your cheek before making her way back to the court.
You decide to put your laptop aside and watch her last two hours of training. You loved to see Emily do what she loves and does best.
After they had cooled down, you grab your things and start to stand, making your way towards the locker room.
“Hey girl!” Some of her teammates greet you as they exit.
You walk to Emily’s locker as she grabs her duffel bag. “Ready to go?”
You nod and let her wrap an arm around your waist. “You’re all sweaty and gross.”
She laughs and opens the car door for you. “I don’t care. You’re stuck with me.”
Once she gets in the car, she doesn’t start it yet. Instead, she turns to you with a big grin on her face.
You grin back. “What?”
“I’m just glad I get to spend these kinds of days with you.”
364 notes · View notes
yearning-for-autumn · 5 months
Azriel NSFW Alphabet
A/N: Literally no one asked for this, also I may have gone a bit overboard so like if anyone who knows me sees this no you didn't.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Azriel is king of the princess treatment. Whilst he is rough in bed, he is gentle and sweet with you once it’s all over, he’ll run his hands softly down your body whispering how well you did, how good you were for him. Then he’ll scoop you up and run you both a bath, getting in with you to wash your hair and hold you.
Butterfly kisses….enough said.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Azriel is an ass guy, he likes boobs but he will always admire a shapely bum. He loves to grab it, slap it, rub soothing circles on it as he fucks you. He loves to have you bounce up and down on his cock facing away from him as well so he can watch it jiggle. To a lesser extent, he loves your neck as well, he loves to leave hickies to stake his claim…possessive Illyrians…
His favourite body part of his own is probably his wings. He’s a bit smug about the fact he has the biggest wingspan of his brothers, and on a sadder note he is just thankful he can use them, that he learnt to fly and the freedom they represent for him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This man cums heavy. Like…it’s going to be dripping from you. He loves coming over your arse, watching those stripes of white paint your red backside.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Azriel doesn’t really like to admit, but he is pretty touch starved. He doesn’t allow many people to touch his wings but the first time you did he came almost immediately. It took a little while for him to build up some stamina with you in that area. 
On a dirtier note…Azriel has a bit of a fantasy of fucking you in the same room as Cassian and Nesta. He loves how feisty Nesta is, knowing she’s a bit of a brat for Cassian. He wants to show off how much of a good girl you are for him, make Cassian Jealous that he can do absolutely anything to you and you’ll thank him for it. He also wants to see you fuck Nesta…whilst he fucks Cass. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Azriel is very experienced. He has had a lot of lovers over the years but he is not very experienced in having a long term relationship. That being said, he has taken subs before and is very confident in his abilities to practise BDSM safely and sanely. He takes your comfort very seriously and has experience with many different wants and needs.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Honestly any, but he loves sitting up with you in his lap, either bouncing you up and down on his cock, or having your back pressed against his chest as he cradles you and rubs your clit until you cum. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can be if he thinks you’re really nervous but mostly he’s in the zone. When he fucks you, he does it right, and he’s concentrating on your pleasure…(or punishment).
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps things neat down there but he’s not completely hairless. He doesn’t have a preference on whether you choose to shave or not.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Azriel can turn on the romance if need be, but his expertise lies in being a dom, he’s not not romantic…but he’s definitely not sweet and gentle with you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Azriel masturbates quite frequently. He’s got a high sex drive and so when you’re away or he’s on a mission he won’t think twice before taking himself in his hand. He’s also a fan of masturbating together, and loves pumping his thick cock to the sight of you rubbing your clit, head thrown back in self made ecstasy. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
DDLG - I’m a firm believer in daddy!az, he loves to spoil you, he’s not a brat tamer but you’re such a good girl for him that he doesn’t have to be. 
Breeding - I think this is an Illyrian trait that he’s a little ashamed of. He loves pumping you full of cum, and pushing it back in. It gets him all hot and bothered to whisper in your ear how hot he thinks you would look full with his child.
Spanking - This male just can’t leave your ass alone…if your butt is out it’s getting slapped. He loves taking you over his knee, panties on at first then spanking you hard until you soak through the fabric.
Dom/Sub - I think he can switch, and does enjoy subbing occasionally, but mostly likes to see your submission to him. He likes the quiet submission, doing up your shoes, cooking you dinner because you’re just his little girl and need him to help you. He also likes to have you kneel at his side whilst he works, head resting on his knee.
This might be a bit out of pocket but I also think he has a teeny bit of a piss kink, but he keeps this to himself unless you are very adventurous. Look SJM said he was a freak alright but everyones afraid to make him really freaky…..
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s quite a private male so nowhere you’re likely to get caught. He can be swayed…but it’s at your own risk.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly anything turns him on. You could walk past him and he would grab you by the hips, pull you to his chest and ask if you want to play. What really turns him on though is when you initiate. When you crawl into his lap, all shy like, bat your eyelashes and ask him…daddy, can we play? Cauldron, he’ll be hard before you’ve finished asking.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Azriel isn’t into hurting you too much. He finds scratching, blood play, and anything unnecessarily rough too far and he won’t do it unless you eased him into it. His hard no is fire, anything to do with it, candles and wax play…he won’t go there at all. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Look, the man is a giver and is good at it, but god does he love a blowjob. Give Azriel a blow job. He wants it. He’d reward you so good for it. He’s gonna cradle your head and stroke your hair while you do it. Please.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
If it’s a special occasion he might take his time with you, fuck you all romantic, turn on the romance so to speak. But he really prefers to set the pace quite quick, it gets him off better and it probably gets you off better too.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Oh yeah. He’s ready to go at any moment. And he’s got a busy job. Rhys asks him to do things on pretty short notice sometimes and he’s not leaving without a quick fuck. But he won’t do anything particularly kinky unless he’s got time for aftercare, he’s discussed what he wants from it, and has your input on everything involved. Your quickies are more like quick vanilla sex, you love it though, any Azriel is good for you. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Azriel would not be the kinky male he is if he wasn’t down to experiment. If you have something new for him to try he’s absolutely game, just don’t spring it on him before he’s going away or he’ll be a grumpy boy.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Mm Azriel will last long, but if you touch his wings…man’s going to come prematurely and be sulky about it for the rest of the night. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes. Azriel has floggers, paddles, ropes, vibrators, (bunny ears and a bunny tail buttplug….). He loves to dress you up. And he’s not shy about using toys to enhance your pleasure. He draws the line at making a mould of his own penis though..and you have asked.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a massive tease. He’s a condescending, teasing, smug asshole. But if you are desperate enough he will grant you relief. He will also listen seriously if you tell him you’re not in the mood for teasing. He only wants to tease if he knows you’re into it. This is why safewords exist guys. Also, and I can’t stress this enough, I firmly believe he would only tease in the bedroom, he’s not one of these guys that wants to see you mad and gets a kick out of it, I find that kind of man repulsive lowkey.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Let. Azriel. Be. Loud. In. Bed. Quiet in the streets, loud in the sheets baby. But anyway yeah he moans a lot, talks a lot, wants you to know how much you turn him on. And he wants you to be the same. He’s not happy until you’re screaming.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Azriel pretends to be cocky about his body but he’s actually a bit embarrassed about getting fully naked around people. This goes away quite quickly when you start worshipping it with your mouth though–
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Big boy…massive boy…he’s girthy and he’s long and Rhys and Cassian can only look and weep.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. He wants you all the time, everyday. The mating frenzy was exhausting, I hope your pussy survived.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Look he’s a male, orgasms make him sleepy, but he won’t sleep until you’re tucked up beside him and comfortable. Mans not happy until his baby’s happy.
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enkas-illusion · 5 months
The Worst Kept Secret
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Toji Fushiguro x f!reader
Genre/Theme: Co-workers to lovers; non-sorcery au
Content warning: fluff but not too much, smut, oral (f & m receiving), piv sex, dom!Toji, sub!reader, overstimulation, unprotected sex, explicit sexual content, language, Toji has a filthy mouth.
Summary: Your colleague Toji only has eyes for you, despite having a reputation of sorts. Porn with a plot… or more like a build up.
Author's Note: Co-worker Toji is instantly attractive cause a) he’s not a bum and b) he’s Toji-fucking-Fushiguro – that’s all in my defence, your honour! This shit is nasty… no, I won’t explain myself (I'm pretty sure i was possessed while writing this). 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one shot, please write to me and let me know your thoughts. I love reading whenever people have elaborate things to say T.T Thank you for reading! 
-Eren’s Birdie
Song Dedication: Talk by Hozier
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“Rat!” you exclaim as you hold your phone up to display the word written boldly on the screen.
“Ummm…. It’s not a rat, it's not a patootie, it’s a ratatouille!” your coworker, Lisa, blurts out excitedly.
You both look at each other, trying your best to control before you burst out laughing. This goes on for about a minute till your bellies hurt and you’re wheezing. You quiet down as you wipe the tears forming in the corner of your eyes. 
“Why don’t I know that one?” your other coworker, Ema, mutters with furrowed eyebrows, confused at what could possibly be so funny about the sentence.
You’re too drunk to realise that sober you would not find it as funny as you do right now. But that’s what happens when you party a little too hard with your coworkers on a work trip and then hang around the hotel bar because nobody wants to go to bed even at 3am.
You look around at the handful of your coworkers, randomly occupying different spots at the bar, all too dazed and into their own conversations to pay attention to the stupid game that the three of you were currently playing – A word game your genius minds had developed, using a random word generator app and use it in a meme-able sentence.
“Oh god… next word. Feminism!” Lisa squeals, snatching your phone from you to generate the word for your turn.
“Fuck… I suddenly can’t think of anything,” you admit and giggle, trying hard to work your brain.
“Wait, Wait… I need a few seconds,” you laugh, trying to save yourself. You look around and your eyes land on your office crush, Toji Fushiguro, sitting at the bar with your boss, Kento Nanami. 
You look back to your group with a determined look in your eyes, ready with your sentence. “I want him to do things to me that feminism wouldn’t agree with,” you giggle like a teenager, “hah! I’m a genius.”
However, your friends have fixated on something else entirely, ignoring your perfect answer, since their eyes follow your line of vision to the bar. “So, what’s the scene?” Ema looks back at you.
“It's your turn, next word–”
“Nah, we’re bored… this is far more interesting,” her eyebrows wiggle, as she scoots closer to you on the sofa. By the looks of it, Lisa has also forgotten about the game in a second. You realise you’ve dug this hole for yourself, yet you don’t mind sharing a drunk confession with your friends.
“Let’s head out for a smoke,” you get up from the sofa. Lisa is quick to grab her purse as both your friends spring up, hurrying to happily follow you out onto the secluded porch outside, ready for gossip.
As you light up your cigarette, Ema looks at you expectantly. Looking at her face makes you snort and you cough out the smoke before speaking, “Have some patience! Besides, there's nothing too juicy about this gossip.”
“Pleaseeee, literally everyone saw the way Toji was glaring at the man who asked you for a dance tonight… not gonna lie, he looked kinda hot when he got mad,” Lisa catches your lie as she fawns over Toji, something that has become a regular thing among the female coworkers at the company. 
“I know right? And I said no to the guy! What was he so pissed about anyway?” you protest.
“It's all because you agreed when the dude was like ‘at least let me buy you a drink sweetie’!” Ema imitates the stranger from the bar from hours ago.
“Hey! Who says no to free drinks?” you defend yourself.
“Okay, fair,” Lisa nods her head before realising, “aye, focus on the matter at hand! Why did you say no to the guy? He was cute.”
“Was he really though?” you retort.
“Yeah, like you’d notice anyone else when Toji's around… Please fuck him, I need some office drama!” Lisa snaps back before taking a long drag from her cigarette. 
“Yea right… I’m serious though,” you ponder between slow drags, “I doubt anything is going to happen between Toji and I.”
“Why not?!” Ema whines and you laugh at how it seems like they’re more desperate about this whole thing than you are.
“Need I remind you I literally just got out of a relationship? This is no time to be having stupid crushes. I need some alone time… besides you know how his reputation is. Sure, he flirts with me and I enjoy it a lot but I don't know,” you explain as if it’s an automated response stored in you.
“So what? Then just fuck him and get it over with. They say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone!” Lisa giggles, “Besidesss, I've heard he’s really good in bed… heard it from a mutual– uhhh, I don't really remember her name.”
“Oh wait, shit I remember that!” Ema squeals, almost dropping the cigarette from her hand in excitement, “But didn’t she also say that he basically ghosted her after? He just fucks around, I guess.”
“Hence the reputation… Men like Toji are the most charming kind. They know exactly what to say to get you to sleep with them but disappear when it comes to commitment,” Lisa ponders, staring into the distance.
“Exactly, everyone says that Toji doesn’t do relationships. And as horny and curious as I might be, I don’t just want us to fuck and leave it at that. It’d be way too awkward to have such a dynamic at the workplace,” you reason and they simply nod. There’s a beat of silence as all three of you smoke quietly.
“Still though… would it be so bad to just give it a shot? Simply see it as a one night stand and get it over with? If he’s that indifferent about it, I doubt it’d be awkward at work,” Lisa presses.
“I know right! I dont get why you’re thinking so much about it. At least the sex would be killer even if nothing else is assured,” Ema advises.
You take another big drag before dropping the bud to the ground and crushing it with your heel, “Hmmm… that’s true, I’ll think about it.”
“Think soon and try to seduce him in the three days we have here!” Lisa squeezes your shoulder encouragingly. 
“Yes! If you don’t want to, please allow me to! He looked so delicious yesterday,” Ema sighs and by the look on her face, you can tell she’s probably recalling memories of a shirtless Toji playing volleyball at the beach from yesterday. 
“Be my guest… but do it tomorrow, you’ve had a lot to drink tonight,” you snort.
“Please, drunk or sober, if there is one hook up I wouldn’t regret, it’d be him… after our boss of course,” Ema confesses.
“Yeah right. Either of us could still have a shot with Kento. Toji only flirts back with you,” Lisa looks at you with narrowed eyes.
You laugh before a sudden chill runs down your spine, and you cuss at the feeling, “Motherfucker– Should’ve gotten a coat. It's getting cold.”
Your coworkers eye each other mischievously before Lisa snickers, “Why don’t you ask loverboy to help you with it instead? That way you’d be warm inside out.”
“Oh yeah, great idea! Let me go back inside to find him–” you cut off when you see a figure walking outside towards your group.
You signal Ema, who has her back turned to the encroaching new presence, to shut up but it's too late as she fake moans, “Exactly… I’m sure he’d love to indulge you, he’d basically been eye-banging you all night, harder Toji, fuck yea–” 
“HEY TOJI! What’s up!” you’re basically shouting at the guy when he’s a few feet away, hoping to cover up and save yourself.
Maybe he senses your embarrassment, or maybe he didn’t hear her (hopefully) but he doesn’t say anything about it. Instead he greets the group and there’s an awfully awkward feeling in the air.
“Ladies,” he speaks coolly as he stands next to you, “Glad I found you here since boss man was looking for you two.” 
“Kento?!” Ema’s ears shoot up at his sentence as she exchanges a grin with Lisa. They rush ahead inside and as you are about to follow them, you feel a hand on your wrist holding you back. You turn to look at him with a confused frown.
“Where do you think you’re going? I was just getting rid of the two of them,” he smirks, making you look at his pillowy lips. 
When he catches you staring, you look down quickly, tugging a strand of your hair behind your ear nervously, “Oh… So, Kento wasn’t really looking for them?”
“Oh… that’s– they’re gonna be disappointed,” you chuckle lightly as you fidget with your phone’s cover.
“Well, sucks for them, I guess,” he holds two fingers under your chin to make you look up at him, “You look pretty… you usually do, but even more so in that tiny dress.”
Your eyes grow wide at his confession as you feel the heat rush to your cheeks and you mutter a quiet ‘thank you’. You move to the front of the porch as you stare out at the vast night sky, partly to avoid feeling so mushy and partly because you feel the alcohol toying with your nerves. 
Another chill rushes down your spine and you’re pretty sure it makes you shiver visibly. As you mutter a quiet ‘fuck’, you feel him wrap his denim jacket around your shoulders. Your eyes widen at him in surprise.
“What? I’m a gentleman,” he teases, standing closer next to you. You laugh at this, turning to face him as you shake your head.
“Sure… a gentleman with a reputation,” you roll your eyes as you wrap your arms around your torso in an attempt to keep yourself warm. What you don’t realise is that this action further pushes your boobs together, causing Toji’s eyes to wander down briefly before he looks back into your eyes again.
“Aren’t you ever curious to know if I live up to that reputation?” he raises an eyebrow as he leans down closer to your face.
“Hmm, sure… if you were a stranger at a club and not someone who I had to see at work 9 hours a day, 5 days a week,” you roll your eyes at him as you bring up one hand to slowly run a finger down his shoulder to the outline of his bicep.
“Well, we see each other everyday anyway, so why not turn it into something we actively look forward to,” his fingers graze your jawline softly while his eyes shamelessly fixate on the dip of your cleavage, giving him a better view from the way he’s towering over you.
“As tempting as that is… I don’t do one night stands Toji–”
“Who said anything about just one night?” he interrupts and you tilt your head to the side in confusion, “I’m not stupid to approach someone I work with if I was simply looking for a quick fuck.”
“Oh… then please tell me what exactly you’re looking for?” you speak softly but it comes out more arrogantly than you’d like.
“You. I intend to fuck you more than once.” he’s direct yet his calm demeanour never wavers. 
You let out a nervous chuckle, “Look Toji… you’re hot, charming and oddly easy to get along with but I just got out of a relationship, it’s barely been two months–”
“I know… his loss for letting such a sweet thing go. Didn’t he initiate the break up? What a loser,” Toji laughs as his hand cups your face. 
You simply stare at him in bewilderment, you had no idea the news of your breakup had travelled even to the non-gossipers.
“Why me?” you ask, your curiosity getting the best of you.
“For starters, you’re hot. Two, I like it when we hang out outside of work, you put me at ease with your conversations. Three, I haven’t been able to hook up with anyone else for about a month since I found out about your ex… such a pretty girl should be cherished the way she deserves to be,” his fingers slide down to your collarbone, threatening to dip down even lower.
“Hmm… that’s a good enough pitch, so you want us to be fuck buddies? Exclusively?” you play with the collar of his shirt, entertaining the idea.
“Yeah, I’m not one to share,” his other hand comes up to brush his thumb against your bottom lip.
“Nothing serious?” you pout at him with fake disappointment.
“Not until the both of us feel like it,” he dips his thumb inside your mouth while his other hand snaked around your waist. You suck on his thumb as you stare into his eyes and he feels his blood rush straight to his cock.
“I can work with that,” you give him an innocent smile, “But let’s not be too obvious about it, I’d hate for our little arrangement to mess with our work life.”
“Perfect,” he smiles as he cups your jaw, staring at your lips while sliding his tongue over his lips to wet them instinctively.
Just as he’s about to lean down to kiss you, you pull back when you hear distant footsteps approaching. You see your two friends walking back towards you, talking among themselves.
“Hey, we couldn’t find Kento at the bar,” Ema mumbles.
“Really? He must’ve gone back to his room. Maybe ask him about it tomorrow,” Toji speaks innocently and you press your lips together to keep yourself from laughing.
You see Ema eyeing the jacket you’re wearing suspiciously and you suddenly take it off to hand it to Toji.
“Keep it. You’ll get cold again… return it tomorrow morning.” Toji speaks before you have a chance to give it back to him. You nod as you hold it closer to your chest.
“Alright then. Good night ladies,” he smiles politely before walking back inside. When your eyes shift from his diminishing silhouette to your two friends, they’re both staring at you with hopeful eyes.
“Nothing happened!” you exclaim and their faces drop.
“Fine, that’s it! I’m calling dibs, I’m gonna flirt with him,” Ema retorts. You simply chuckle and shrug, diverting your attention to your phone when it vibrates in your hand. You look at the notification and it’s a text from Toji.
Toji (Work):
Room no. 9010
Don’t leave me hanging, pretty
You lock your phone quickly as you look up again to force yourself to focus on the conversation.
“Could you not get the bottle from the cute bartender? We could’ve taken it to the room,” Ema sighs.
“No but I gave him my room number soooo…” Lisa giggles.
“Guys, I’m feeling a bit too drunk and tired to continue so I’m just gonna go to my room and sleep, okay?” you make up an excuse, hoping it seems believable. However, the girls are too drunk to analyse your lies and they simply pout and bid you ‘goodnight’ in a singsong voice, giving you a group hug.
You quickly make your way to the elevator and press the button to the ninth floor. And although you’re wearing his jacket again, you still feel your body shiver. You take a deep breath when you hear a ding, signalling your arrival. You walk out into the long passage quietly, skimming over the numbers till you spot his room, your heart feeling like it's about to fall out of your chest due to the thrill.
You knock on the door twice and fix your hair nervously. When no one answers, you unlock your phone to call him. You almost let out a scream when you hear the door unlock and he pulls you inside, catching you by surprise and making you stumble.
Before you have a chance to speak, Toji slams the door shut behind you, pushing your body against it before kissing you hungrily. You place your hands on his chest, creasing the fabric as you pull at it, humming into the kiss when his tongue shoves into your mouth. You close your eyes, the fluttering in your stomach making its way down to your core as his tongue plays with yours, making wet smooching sounds in the otherwise quiet room.
“I think you’ve misunderstood this. I’m simply here to return your jacket,” you tease, huffing as you catch your breath when your lips part. He smirks as he slides the jacket off your body till it pools near your feet before caging you against his body with his arms locking around your waist.
“Of course, this is me simply thanking you for returning it,” he moves one hand lower till it’s massaging the flesh of your thigh just below where the fabric of your dress ends.
“Oh, you’re welcome,” you give him another innocent smile as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull his head down for another kiss. 
His hands lift up your dress to your stomach before going back down to squeeze your ass. He deepens the kiss as he towers over you, making you arch your back, causing you to hook your arms around him to keep your balance.
When you break the kiss for another shallow breath, he moves to your jaw, biting and pulling your skin with his teeth as he makes his way down to your neck. You tilt your head to give him more access, letting out soft sighs as he leaves sloppy kisses all over the expanse of your neck.
While his left hand hooks around your waist to keep you steady, he brings his right hand over to your mound, pressing the sticky lace of your thong into your folds. When he feels how wet you are, he groans against your skin, biting it again.
He rubs over the fabric again and you moan out of frustration, he's so close yet there's a tiny barrier between. You try to grind against his hand, whining when he pulls away.
He gets down on his knees before you can complain and lifts your right leg over his shoulder, securing it in place. You lean your whole weight against the door, feeling like you'd fall if you didn’t have something solid to hold onto, so your hands make their way down to tug at his hair.
Toji hooks two fingers into the lace, pulling the fabric to the side to expose your puffy folds to him. He slowly slides two fingers over to separate them, your wetness coating the tips of his fingers immediately. 
“Knew you had a pretty cunt,” he murmurs as his eyes remain fixed on the way his fingers are working you. You let out a breathy moan, tightening your grip on his hair.
He brings his face closer to your core, peppering the entire area with soft kisses. You thrust forward into his face but it only makes him slap the inside of your right thigh harshly.
“Toji… please, stop teasin– ngh,” you plead but your words get caught in your throat when he licks a stripe up your cunt like it's a melting ice cream. He darts his tongue out to wiggle it over your clit and your legs feel as if they're about to snap and go limp.
“Toji– wait… I n-need to take off my heels,” you huff.
“No. They stay on,” is all he says before sliding two fingers into your hole with ease, and at the same time getting back to making out with your clit.
“Fuck– Toji please– ah,” your straight knee buckles forward as you yank at his hair some more to steady yourself. You let out an involuntary yelp when he lifts your other leg over his shoulder as well, burying his face into your pussy, hooking both his arms around your thighs. While this angle hits better, you feel a different kind of thrill about completely having given up control and trusting him not to drop you to the floor.
As you lean your head against the door, your hips rut further into his face and Toji doesn’t relent even for a second. As you hook your feet behind his neck, he brings his right hand down to your hole again, pushing three fingers in this time, meeting with a bit of resistance. The squelching sound of his fingers fucking your hole mixes with the sound of his lips sucking your clit.
“Feel s-so good,” you pant as your thighs twitch around his face. You shaky hands run through his hair weakly as you try to steady your ragged breathing. Each time Toji hits the right spot inside your walls, you moan out praises and encouragement for him to keep going.
He curls his fingers as he picks up the pace and it's brutal. You hold his hair so tight that you hear him hiss momentary before getting back to fucking you with his tongue.
You close your eyes shut as your hip involuntary thrusts forward, twitching uncontrollably as you come all over his fingers. You bite your tongue to control your moans, turning them into muffled whimpers instead. He pulls his hand out to hook it back around your thigh as his tongue starts lapping at your juices to lick you clean.
“Ngh– Toji, too much!” You squeal as you try to move your hips away from his touch but it causes him to poke his tongue out further over your sensitive skin.
“God– please, baby I can’t take it anymore,” you cry as your body jerks violently again. You hear him chuckle before kissing your clit one last time and pulling your legs off his shoulders and standing up again.
When you land on your feet, you're glad he’s holding your waist to keep you from crashing to the ground. He kisses you on your lips and you taste yourself on his tongue. It's enough to take your already intoxicated mind to a new level of high.
He slowly lets you go before stepping back to create distance as he hurriedly takes off his clothes and your eyes widen when you see the way his erect dick hangs low and heavy.
He grabs a condom from his wallet, tearing off the cover before sliding the rubber over his hung cock smoothly. The smug smile on his face grows wider when your eyes peel away from his dick to meet his gaze. You stare at him with a look of astonishment mixed with nervousness. 
“Toji… you're–” you whisper silently. Toji is blessed to say the least.
“It's okay, don't be scared, pretty. I'll make it fit perfectly,” he cooes as he closes the distance between your bodies.
You gulp when he pressed his hands on either side of you, caging you against the door. As he's kissing your shoulder, his hands move to your back to undo your zip. He struggles a bit, fiddling with the zip of your dress and you’re pretty sure you hear a rip when he grows impatient, tugging at the fabric harshly.
“Did you jus–”
“Shh… later,” he blurts out, not giving you a chance to complain as he pulls the dress down your body, unhooking your bra to yank it down. He quickly takes off your thong as well, leaving you exposed as you stand in front of him in only your heels.
“So much better than what I had imagined,” he stares at your naked figure hungrily and you pull him closer to kiss him once again, already missing the way his lips feel.
You wrap your hands around his torso to feel his muscular back with your fingers, growing wetter at how huge his body feels compared to yours. He pulls away to lean down, latching his mouth onto one of your nipples. 
You let out a satisfied hum and he repeats the action on your other nipple. Your eyebrows furrow as your back arches at the sensation and you weakly claw at his pecs.
“Fuck– I can't wait any longer… Just let me know if it hurts too much,” he groans as he scoots you up off the floor completely, hooking your knees over his elbows, opening you up wider as he readjusts his pelvis under you.
You bring a hand down to guide his tip to your entrance, sucking in a deep breath as you look down, anticipating his movement as he begins pushing his dick inside you. 
With your legs spread apart firmly, he presses his hips up, almost losing his shit at how tight you feel. You bring both of your hands up to hug them around his neck. You steady yourself, resting your cheek onto his shoulder briefly when you feel his movement come to a halt. You feel so full, there's a delicious ache in your lower belly.
“Shit– I'm gonna move now, okay?” he grunts. You simply nod your head as he grabs you by your sides to push your lower body away till only his tip is inside before pulling you in closer to fill you up again.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head while your mouth hangs open when Toji begins to slam you onto his hard length, repeating the motion over and over again as you let out broken cries of his name. When he picks up speed, your pussy flutters at the abnormal feeling, causing him to pounce into you harder.
“Oh god– nghh– Toji!” You cry into the crook of his neck.
“Mmh– look at me, let me see that pretty face,” he orders breathily. You pull away from his neck reluctantly, eyebrows still knitted as your lips stay fixed in a silent O shape.
“Look at how well you take my cock… ‘ts a perfect fit,” he hisses when your pussy squeezes him again at his words. You'd always thought that Toji would be the silent type, just like he was at the office, but seeing him spew such vile praises just adds more to the intensity of it all.
“Fuck– Toj–” you whimper as you rest your forehead against his.
‘Hmm? Yes, pretty? Cock got your tongue?” He laughs but it's strained. You tilt your head to kiss him on the lips and he shoves his tongue into your mouth to kiss you back hungrily. You moan into the kiss when he thrusts harder. In a swift motion he pulls away from the kiss, dropping your legs to the ground as he pulls out of you to turn you around.
He pulls your hips back to meet his, while pushing your face flush against the door to arch your back for him. He slides back into your hole in an instant, rutting into you from behind. Your hands press against the surface of the door while he grips onto your hips tighter to keep them from jerking forward due to the force.
You bring your left hand down to rub your clit, the pressure building up further as you get closer to your release. Toji leans forward to press his chest against your back, hooking his hand down to swat yours away. Instead, he replaces it with his fingers to toy with your clit and it feels so much better than your own dainty ones.
When your legs start to shiver as the pressure in your stomach builds up, Toji brings his other hand to intertwine his fingers with yours, pushing your chest further into the door.
With the way you're screaming his name, you're pretty sure anyone passing by outside can hear you. You wonder if that's the reason he's doing it, to show people just how good he's fucking you.
“Toji fuck– I'm coming– fuck!” You cry as your legs shake as you cum hard, threatening to give out, not being able to hold your weight. Despite wanting to finish himself, obsessed over how your pussy is sucking him in, he knows it'll be a bit too much for you to handle at the moment. So, he slows down as he secures one hand around your waist before pulling out completely. 
He turns you around till you're facing him, taking deep breaths to calm your breathing. He bends down to swing your body over his shoulder with ease as if you weigh nothing at all. He walks over to the bed before slamming you back down onto the soft mattress. 
He gives you another cocky smile, proud of how deliciously fucked you look. You recognize this look and just as he's about to lean forward to make his way to you on the mattress, you place one foot onto his chest as the heel digs into his skin.
“Time out… you’re too much,” you sigh and he lets out a snort.
“Better get used to it,” he smiles as he brings his hands up to take off your stiletto, tossing it on the floor before bringing your other leg up to take off the other pair. 
He holds both your feet firmly, pushing them into your torso till you're practically folded in half as he brings one hand down to rub your swollen clit.
“No,” you turn to the side to get out of the position before sitting up straight, looking at his still erect cock in front of you. You lean closer to him as your hand wraps around the length, “Let me make you feel good.”
You roll the condom down before discarding it to the side, leaning forward to kiss his tip, swirling your tongue around the angry swollen head before licking a strip up his shaft. When you open your mouth wide, he grabs his length to tap it on your tongue a few times before you wrap your lips around the thick head. You make eye contact with him as you take in more of him, letting your mouth adjust to his size slowly. He mutters a quiet ‘fuck’ while grabbing the back of your head to push it closer. You gag before you can even take his entire length in your mouth, tears slipping out the corners of your eyes.
“Yes, right there… such a pretty mouth. Come on, I know you can take some– ugh— more,” he grunts and you relax your mouth to deep-throat him.
As Toji lets out breathy cusses, you move a hand down to massage his balls. Your other hand moves between your legs to part your folds and rub soft circles. This doesn’t go unnoticed by the man and you see a mischievous smile creep up on his face.
“Let go, babe,” he smiles while firmly pulling at your hair. You move your head back and you can already feel your throat aching as it readjusts to the emptiness. You’re still stimulating his tip with kitten licks, lapping at the precum, all the while touching yourself desperately.
Toji grabs both of your wrists as he pushes you back up on the bed, climbing up before lying on his back. As you await his instructions, you’re confused when he signals you to sit on his face. You hesitantly straddle his chest but it all makes sense when he tells you to turn around. You giggle as the heat rushes to your cheeks as you lie face-down on top of him to sixty-nine him.
“Now, stop being so greedy and focus on sucking my dick,” he speaks as he pulls at your asscheeks to part them, parting your folds with his tongue. Your toes curl in as you lean down to take him in your mouth once again.
As you bob your head up and down, sucking his entire length, his groans vibrate against your pussy as he eats you out just as fervently.
You steady your hands on his thighs as the muscles flex and relax every time his tip kisses the back of your throat. You close your eyes to focus on your movement as it gets harder and harder with Toji slurping at your pussy ruthlessly.
When you bring your hands over to play with his balls, it has him unravelling quickly. After edging himself unintentionally the whole night, he can’t help but feel like this is the tipping point.
“Do you– mmh– mind swallowing?” His voice is strained. You shake your head no, not parting from his cock even for a second. His nails dig into the flesh of your ass as thoughts of you flood his mind.
He can’t help but feel his pride swell that he's the one who gets to ravage his seemingly innocent co-worker like this. As if it weren’t already hard enough, imagining the things he’d do to you when he saw you at the office – now he had actual memories in flesh to make it harder.
Two months ago, he wouldn’t have imagined you'd be going dumb over his dick this way. Your interactions had always been respectful, despite him flirting with you occasionally. It was only about a month ago that you took him by surprise when you give a witty reply,  flirting back with him.
Toji knew a thing or two about breakups, so when he subtly inquired and eavesdropped in conversations around the office, he heard your loudmouth friend talk about how sad it was that your ex had the audacity to dump you when you clearly were out of his league.
Sad indeed, Toji thought, wanting nothing more than to finally get to fuck his pretty colleague. But when you both were assigned on a project together about three weeks ago, the flirting had gotten out of hand and your talks were no longer just a few words exchanged out of courtesy. Toji knew he wasn't made for relationships but a part of him wanted to make you his and greedily keep you to him.
As he enjoys the way you’re sucking his dick with your pretty pussy fluttering under his touch, his desire to have you has only grown stronger.
He leans his head back when he feels himself shoot his load into your mouth, his dick twitching as he feels you lick and struggle to swallow him.
“Fucking hell–” he sighs, kneading the flesh of your ass lazily. When he feels the weight of your body lift up, he grabs your waist to pull your ass back to hover it over his face.
“Where do you think you're going?” He huffs and before you can answer, he's eating you out at a faster pace than before. You already feel overstimulated as is but when Toji pushes two fingers inside, it turns you into a blabbering mess.
You arch your back as you lean forward with your fingers denting the skin over his abdomen. You grind your hips to feel his tongue on your cunt. Your head hangs limply when you cum once again on his tongue and Toji continues to slurp at your juices.
You body twitches violently and you beg him to slow down. He chuckles as he licks you clean before placing a quick kiss over your folds, relaxing his grip to let you get off.
You roll over to the side till you're lying on your back, your chest heaving as you take deep breaths. You look down when you feel a hand on your shin. He smiles lazily at you as he caresses your skin. You smile back before closing your eyes to relax, but open them back again when you feel the mattress dip as the figure beside you shifts.
You find Toji caging you with his arms on either side of your head as he leans down to kiss your lips. You close your eyes, humming into the kiss. He dips his head down to give you another mark on your neck, bringing one hand down to play with your nipples.
“Let me rest!” you push his chest but it doesn't faze him at all.
“Okay fine,” he laughs, “I'm only going easy on you cause it's our first time.”
“Easy? You really live up to your reputation,” you stare at him in disbelief. This makes him laugh and it’s the first time you hear his real laughter and not the smug, cocky chuckles of usual. You grin when you feel a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart, maybe Toji Fushiguro has more to him than he lets on.
He creates some space between you when he gets off and before you can ask him what he's doing, he lifts you up in his arms to carry you to the bathroom. 
When he sits you down on the sink counter to run the hot water tap to fill up the tub, you giggle.
“What?” He walks back to you.
“Nothing… just… Now, I get why women apparently call you unforgettable,” you mumble, trying hard not to blush.
“I don't do this for them,” he shrugs. You roll your eyes at him, not believing his words.
He chuckles, “I'm serious! I don’t fuck around… much. It's not a communal dick.”
“Oh really? What have I done to deserve such special treatment?” You tease.
“If I want to keep seeing you, I have to make you want to see me again too,” he smiles, leaning closer till he’s standing between your parted legs, brushing a finger over your lips.
“I think you guaranteed that right after you made me come the first time,” you laugh.
“That easy? Why's that?”
You shake your head no and he raises an eyebrow, urging you to speak.
“Well… if you must know, I rarely came with my ex. He said he got tired quickly so often I'd finish myself off in the shower later,” you confess, feeling a bit embarrassed at admitting this to him.
“Damn. What a fucking loser,” Toji chuckles dryly as he lazily rubs soft circles on your inner thighs, “Well, I'm glad he sucked. It really was time for an upgrade.”
You laugh as you play with the hair on his nape. You wonder out loud, “Have you ever thought about anyone else from the office?”
“Like who? You’re the only one there who I’d get blue balls for,” he laughs.
“Seriously? Not even Ema or Lisa? They’re pretty hot,” you push.
“Not my type.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Nothing… just…”
“They’re painfully obvious about their crush if that’s what you’re asking,” he lets out another dry chuckle as he brushes your loose strands to the side, “Well they won't bother from tomorrow.”
“Why's that?” your eyebrows furrow.
“Unless you have a top that covers your entire neck, they’re going to figure shit out instantly,” he smirks as he traces the light red/purple bruises on your neck. You twist to the side to look at your reflection in the mirror.
Your eyes widen as you gasp, “Toji! How am I going to cover these?”
“Maybe don't... it doesn’t matter if they find out– maybe that way the gossip will reach your loser ex and he’ll know just how well I take care of you,” he teases, nuzzling his nose into your neck.
“God, you’re obsessed,” you giggle as you slap his chest lightly.
“Hmm, maybe. Told you I'm not one to share… especially not when your pussy tastes so good,” he kisses down your body till his face is in front of your core again. 
“I never said yes to our little arrangement… I can always back out,” you tease but your breath hitches when he presses his tongue to your core once again.
“Hmm, maybe I need to try my best to convince you then,” he nibbles and you instinctively tangle your fingers into his hair, closing your eyes as you enjoy the way Toji fucks you with his tongue once again.
“Toji… the bathtub,” you sigh when you hear the water overflow. Toji pulls away, holding his hand out and pulling you to the bathtub. Once in, he closes the tap and turns you around till your back is flush against his chest. He kisses your shoulder from behind when you're nestled against his broad torso.
As you straddle his lap, you feel his boner poke your skin.
“Leave some for tomorrow,” you let out an exhausted chuckle.
“Ignore it…,” he speaks softly and you lean back, dropping your weight onto his chest. You close your eyes as you feel him rub and massage your skin with a soothing pressure all over.
You don’t realise you begin drifting into light sleep but blink a few times when your head jerks up, feeling his body shift underneath you. You lean forward to allow him some space and he gets out of the tub. You eye the way the water drips down his body, trickling over his toned back muscles before he grabs the towel to pat himself dry. His damp hair falls over his temple and you smile to yourself – you could definitely get used to this.
He holds his hand out to you and you take it as you get out of the tub. You undo the towel around his waist to dry your own body, feeling your skin prick due to the cold air after having spent a good few minutes in the hot tub.
Just as you’re about to wrap the towel around your torso, Toji tugs it out of your hand to drop it to the floor and instead lifts you up again to carry you out into the bedroom.
“Toji, I’m cold,” you hug your arms around his neck.
“I know… don’t worry, I’ll keep you warm,” he says as he lays you down on the bed, readjusting his position till he’s on top.
“I really think we should get some sleep,” you giggle when he kisses you cheek.
“This is how we build up your endurance… with more practice,” he leaves open mouthed kisses down your throat.
You laugh as you yank his hair to pull his face away from your skin. “Let me sleep! Good night.”
“You can sleep… I don’t mind,” he mumbles as his tongue teases one of your nipples, biting the hardened bud lightly.
“Toji! Behave!” you scold him in a not-so-convincing tone.
“If I had behaved, we wouldn’t be here,” he rolls his eyes as he gets back up to give you a long, lazy smooch till you’re both out of breath. When your lips part, he rolls to the side, collapsing on the bed next to you. 
He covers the thick blanket over your bodies before pulling you to his chest and kissing your shoulder with a soft ‘good night’. The act is surprising as you hadn’t really taken him for the cuddling type. You feel his boner stick out against your back once again and you laugh.
“Shh, this is all very new. Give me some time,” he teases, snaking his arm around your waist. You wrap your hand over his, letting yourself melt into his arms when he rubs soft circles over your belly. You involuntarily rub your ass against his hard on and he presses your stomach to still your movement.
“Don’t do that if you want to sleep,” he warns and you giggle as you close your eyes, the tiredness of the whole day taking over your senses as you fall asleep in his arms.
You wake up when you hear your phone ring from a distant corner. You try to move Toji’s heavy arm to free yourself but he pulls you in even closer.
“My phone’s ringing,” you whisper as you turn your head to look at him. His eyes are still closed as he grumbles in a low voice, “Let it.”
You still manage to wiggle yourself out of his grasp and quietly walk towards where your phone was lying on the floor near the door. Toji stirs and sits up, his eyes following your naked form as you pick up the call.
“Did you die in there or something?”, you wince when you hear Ema’s voice on the other end.
“Open the door, we’ve been out here for, like, 5 minutes now,” Lisa’s voice is more distant.
When your brain registers what they’re talking about, you slap a hand over your mouth as you stare at Toji.
“Give me 5 minutes,” you mutter before hanging up, not giving them a chance to protest. Toji gets off the bed and walks towards you.
“Ema and Lisa… they’re outside my room… and I'm here,” you sigh as you pick up your garments off the floor.
“Told you there’s no point in hiding,” he says, tucking a loose strand behind your ear, “I’ll walk you to your room.”
You simply narrow your eyes at him with a ‘yeah, right’. He takes the dress from your hand.
“I’m not joking…” he holds the dress up in front of you and shrugs, “Besides, you’re gonna have to wear my clothes anyway.”
You see that the zip is broken with the fabric looking frayed where the zip ends – you had heard it right, he did rip your dress last night.
“I really liked that dress,” you pout but it’s far from a complaint. You know you cannot complain after a night like that.
“I liked it too… it gave me a really hard time the entire night,” he gives you a quick peck, far from apologetic, “I’ll get you one just like it.”
You simply blush at his words before pressing your hands on his chest, “Fineee, get me something to wear.”
He squeezes your ass once before walking away to his suitcase. You put on your thong and bra back on just as he returns with a t-shirt and sweatpants. You snatch them out of his hands and put them on quickly. 
He laughs at how baggy his sweats are, the compression t-shirt is still okay in comparison, “Guess it’s too big for you?”
You crinkle your nose, cringing at his joke as you secure the drawstring tightly to keep the pants from sliding down, “No, it’s not that big.”
“Is that so?”, he wraps his arms around your waist, caging you in, “Do I need to refresh your memory?”
“Toji! My friends are waiting!” you slap his chest and he laughs, leaning down to kiss you.
“Let them,” he moves his lips down to your jaw.
“No, let’s leave,” you wiggle your way out of his arms, shoving your phone in the pocket of his sweats before picking up your heels to carry them in one hand. He quickly puts on a different pair of sweatpants with an oversized t-shirt and sliders before grabbing his keycard. 
“Oh wait… I think my keycard is in your jacket from yesterday,” you turn around when you’re at the door to find him already rummaging through the pockets to retrieve it. You grin at him and he simply shrugs, “Told you, I’m a gentleman.”
You roll your eyes again as he opens the door and you quickly make your way to the elevator. Toji’s hand is resting on your lower back when the elevator dings and the doors open. 
You know there’s no point in hiding, yet you walk ahead of him as you notice your two friends standing outside your room. Before you have a chance to greet them, you hear Toji’s booming voice from behind, “Morning, ladies!”
You brace yourself for their reaction and it’s just as animated as you’d expected. They don't try to be subtle about it as they smirk at you while greeting the man in unison and you realise it's a lost cause trying to keep it a secret.
And it surely doesn’t help that Toji makes it a point to grab your jaw and kiss you goodbye in front of the two for no damn reason, as if it weren’t already obvious about what had transpired between you two. 
As he leaves, you smile at him, watching him walk away. The heat rushes to your cheek when you hear Ema fake a cough and you turn around to look at your friends. 
“Open the door ASAP! I wanna know everything,” Lisa squeals and you know your friends would not leave you alone until you went into heavy detail about the whole night.
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A kiss amidst the bookshelves
pairing: Remus x reader
word count: 2k
tags / description: friends to lovers, first kiss, steamy kiss, bookish Remus and reader, best friend Sirius, friendship fluff, romance fluff, gn
“You look like you’re about to murder him,” Sirius snarks, falling into the sofa next to you amidst the noise of the party surrounding you, following your gaze across the room.
“I…” you begin your routine protesting but give it up. He raises an eyebrow expectantly, surprised. 
An exasperated sigh, then, “I… it… ugh,” you drop your face into your palms and speak into them, “Murder would simplify things.” Sirius barks a laugh in response. 
“Do you want an accomplice in offing our best mate?” His smile is conspiratorial, but there’s something in his eyes behind his typical teasing tone. 
“Would you mind? I don’t know if I can go through with it,” you joke seriously. “If you do the killing part, I promise I’ll help hide the body.” Sirius, smiling but knowing, pulls you into him, his arm around your shoulders, your head coming to rest on him. 
“To be fair, that would probably be the more difficult part,” he continues, and he feels your chuckle against his chest. “I know I can take him, but our Moony is pretty tall; it might pose a problem when we have to move him after.”
An affirmative “hm” is all you offer in response, basking in his warm comfort silently for a moment. 
“Or…” he cuts the quiet. “And hear me out here, love. I know homicide will seem the more appealing option initially… but you could, you know, tell him how you feel.” 
“Murder. I choose murder,” you deadpan.
“Y/NNN,” he whines with the tinge of a scold. 
“Siriusss,” you mimic childishly. 
He sighs and says, “Darling, I know it’s scary,” he squeezes you, “but your miserable pining is seriously starting to bum me out. I don’t know how much more I can take honestly.” You pull away from him and shove his shoulder as he chuckles. “Alright, alright, sorry. I suppose I’m slightly concerned for your happiness as well.” The energy between you shifts palpably. You don’t get this side of Sirius much, and the gravity of it shakes you. 
“I can’t,” you whisper, looking down. 
“You can,” he responds immediately, gently pushing your chin up, his thumb stroking your jaw. 
“Everything alright?” a third voice, achingly familiar, startles you. You rush to wipe the ghosts of tears before turning to where he’s taking a seat on the arm of the sofa, looking down at you and Sirius. 
“All good, mate,” Sirius answers before you have to, and you grin gratefully at him. 
“Sure?” Remus checks, looking straight at you, feigning levity.
“Yeah, ‘course,” you say lightly. “How’s Mary doing?” you ask, nodding to where he had just been chatting enthusiastically to her across the room. You’d always suspected they’d had feelings for each other back in your school days. “Good, good,” he nods. “We were just catching up, hadn’t seen her in a while. I might show her the shop next week actually. Think she’ll enjoy it.” You stomach sinks at this. “Oh yeah?” you hear the strain in your voice, your efforts at hiding your dismay clearly failing. So you quickly add, “That’s great, Rem. I’m sure she’ll love it.” Remus — the Remus that can read you like a children’s book — squints his eyes a bit at you, confused by your tension, probably still pondering the moment he interrupted between you and Sirius. 
The shop. Your shop. Your favourite place on Earth. A place you thought of as yours and his. I mean, it was, technically, but you know. You’d opened the bookshop together about a year ago now, and business was tough but picking up. Though you weren’t making much money (yet, hopefully), you and Remus were the happiest you’d been in years, finally doing something both of you found joy in, and together no less.
“Speaking of,” you start, stretching. “I have some work I wanted to finish, so I think I’m going to get going.” “Now?” he asks in disbelief. “It’s late, love. I don’t remember there being anything urgent?”
“No, I know; it’s not.” You get up a bit awkwardly. Standing in front of where he’s perched on the sofa, you’ve gone from looking up at him to down. He really is beautiful from any angle, you think to yourself. You realize you’re staring; you don’t know how strangely, but you see he’s looking expectantly at you, curiousity gleaming in his deep brown eyes. “Urgent, I mean,” you stutter out. “It’s just that inventory I’ve been trying to finish up.” 
“You can do that tomorrow,” he tries. “I’ll help.” “No, it’s alright, Rem, really. I just feel like it now.” You smile a strained smile with fake ease but real warmth. Then, shaking off the heaviness of the moment, you give him a quick hug, turn to give Sirius a quick peck on the cheek goodbye, and head out. 
You like the shop at night, when it’s empty and quiet. Well, sometimes it’s empty during the day as well, to be honest, but there’s something about the night and the blanket the darkness provides. You especially like it when Remus is there with you, but it’s nice when you’re alone too. Just you and the books and the sense that the shelves that envelop you hold endless possibilities and infinite feelings you can just melt into. 
You walk down the cramped aisles for a few minutes, your eyes and your fingertips tracing the titles. When you stumble on a comforting favourite, you pull it down, and nestle into one of the two inviting armchairs you and Remus had set up in a cosy corner of the small space. 
If it were any other activity, you would have been shocked at how quickly you were immersed, leaving the heaviness of your love and your worries in the real world to be picked up again on your way out. You are shocked, however, when, as you flip a page, a low voice says, “Hard at work I see.” 
You jump, dropping the book, and screech, “Fucking hell, Remus! What the fuck? You scared the shit out of me.” He’s laughing like he can’t help himself as he kneels down in front of you to pick up the book, holding it in one hand and holding the other up in a gesture of guilty surrender. “Sorry. I’m sorry,” he chuckles. “It’s not like I was quiet coming in.”
“Well, I didn’t hear you,” you shoot angrily. “Clearly.” He’s grinning as he offers you the book. “Good choice,” he adds, giving it a little shake.
“Yeah, well, it’s comforting every time.” Your tone is easier now but still a little edgy as you grab the book and place it on the little table beside you. 
“Hm.” He sounds serious; it makes you turn to him instinctively; you look into his concerned eyes. “And why did you need comforting this time?” His voice is a syrupy whisper, and his question makes time stand still.  
Because I love you too much, you idiot, you think but don’t say. “I’m fine,” you do say. 
“You’re not,” he responds. You look away.
“I’m fine enough.” 
“Can you please tell me what’s wrong?” he pleads, putting his hand on your knee. “You’ve been weird all night.” “Don’t deny it,” he adds when you open your mouth to say something immediately. It’s not harsh. You close your mouth again, but don’t know what to say instead. 
“Did something happen?” he prods after several moments. You stay silent, but tears well in your eyes, transfixed on his. He whispers your name lovingly and brings his other hand to your cheek, stroking gently. You nod before you can think yourself out of it. “I messed up, Rem,” you whisper. “When?” he asks, all kindness. After a mirthless chuckle you say, “Around when we were twelve I think. Maybe even eleven.” His thumb stops its comforting motion in his confusion; his eyebrows are furrowed; one side of his mouth seems conflicted about whether to laugh or not. “I don’t understand,” he says finally.
“It’s your fault, really,” you half-laugh, wiping your eyes. “What?” He tenses and pulls away from you, concern elevated to fear in his eyes and voice.
“I didn’t mean,” you start, leaning forward and grabbing his hands in yours. “That’s not what I meant.” Your voice is still tinged in a cynical snicker, but he’s clearly not amused.
“What did you mean then?” It’s sharper, and it hurts. 
“I…” Another chuckle. “Y/N,” losing patience. 
“Fuck, this is hard.” You take your hands back and cover your face with them, kneading in frustration. A beat. He says your name again, just as firm but much more gentle, and reaches for your hands, holding them again. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. I thought you knew that. We can work through anything, together… but you have to talk to me. Did I do something?”
You look back and forth between his eyes, hear Sirius’s voice in your head: “you can,” and take a deep breath.
“You can tell me,” he repeats, and you believe him… but can’t bring yourself to it. 
“I can’t,” you whisper, and you hate the familiar sound of it in your ears. You see his posture sink in defeat, but he doesn’t let go of your hands. 
“Can I show you instead?” you ask, terrified of what came next, but more terrified of never finding out. He nods eagerly and goes to stand up, but you squeeze his hands tighter and hold him in place. He settles back down where he’s knelt in front of you, staring at you intently. You shift to the edge of the chair, quite close to him now. One of your hands releases his and comes up toward his face. You hear him gasp as you run your fingertips along his cheekbone then along a prominent scar there. You keep going and run your fingers through his hair then let your hand rest there, on the back of his head among his soft brown curls. You look down at his lips. Your gaze lingers there, making your intention obvious as you move even closer to him. He’s stock-still as you approach, but when your nose touches his, he lunges hungrily forward to meet you. 
He moans into your mouth as his arms wrap tightly around your waist, and yours comes up around his shoulders. Your chests are flush now, your legs open wider to accommodate his kneeling form in between them, leaning into you completely, devouring you. His lips work against yours, exploring; his hands, intent but indecisive, travel from pulling you close to holding your face firmly against his, his thumbs lovingly pushing into your jaw, his fingers wrapped in your hair. You immediately fall into a rhythm, opening your mouths to each other. He tastes like chocolate, and you giggle at the realization. Remus instinctively smiles at the sound of your laughter and the slight withdrawal from your mouth gives him the opportunity to trail away from your lips, slowly along your jaw, down to your neck, licking and lingering. You bare your neck to him, your breathing coming more heavily now, your grasp on him tighter. You grip his hair and croon his name, and he moans loudly. He gives your neck a final, wet kiss and pulls back to look at you.
His eyes are dark and lidded; his lips swollen and moist; his hair is messy, and the look on his face is one you’ve never seen before. He looks giddy and lustful simultaneously. Pulling your face to his with a hand at your nape, he rests his forehead against yours and gives you a hungry kiss, fast but firm. He chuckles. 
“I still don’t understand.” “What?” you smile. 
“How is this a problem?” His thumb is caressing you; his smile is beaming. 
“I didn’t know if you felt it too,” you confess. 
A teasing tsk then, “Quite daft for the cleverest person I know.” He brings your mouth to his again. 
smutty pt. 2!
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digitaldiarystuff · 6 months
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summary: You and Jude go on a late night drive when he gives you a present and you freak out
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
When Jude had to bail on your dinner date you were pretty bummed. You realized his schedule was hectic and you couldn’t meet everyday but tonight you put so much effort in your looks and felt sad. You didn’t even bother changing your dress and went straight to depression mode bringing out ice cream as dinner. You were halfway into the rom-com you were watching until your phone started buzzing.
“Hey baby.” you said a little sleepy.
“Hey love, are you at home?”
“Where else would I be Jude, of course I’m at home.” you sarcastically said.
“Okay then come out.”
“Are you here?” you exclaimed ecstatic about meeting your boyfriend. You missed him so much and desperately needed him to hold you.
“Yes Y/N just come out here.”
“But where are we going, all the restaurants are closed.” you said realizing it’s well past 2 a.m.
“Just come to me.” he said and hung up. Rude, you thought but the excitement to see him was too much that you grabbed your coat and skipped like a little girl to his car.
“I missed you so much.” you said as soon as you were seated and reached out to his side to hug him. He always brought comfort to you.
“Oh my god baby you look unreal.” he said as he’s eyeing you without shame. “And I’m here looking like a homeless man”
You chuckled “I don’t think homeless people wear Prada.”
“Some of them do, no seriously I saw one of them the other day full on rocking Givenchy.” he said and you felt all your stress lifting. Jude always made your mood go up immediately.
After that he reached for the back seat and grabbed some takeout.
“I know you skipped dinner so I brought you some.” he said and you smiled seeing how well he knew you.
“You’re the best.” you said as he started driving to a spot where you could overlook the city and eat in peace. Even though Jude’s career and his social life was a little much sometimes, these calm moments were your favorites. Just you two enjoying each other’s company with no distractions.
As soon as he pulled up, you grabbed the Chinese food from the packages and gave him his chopsticks. You ate and talked about your day and the things that bothered you since you were both drama queens. This was a fun conversation you had everyday, you told each other everyone who made you mad and gossiped about them.
“And then he said I should eat less because I gained 0.5% fat.”
“Oh no he didn’t.” you fake gasped and laughed. Jude was so extra sometimes.
You spoke for a few more minutes until you remembered something.
“Oh god, what am I even gonna get your mum for her birthday? What if I choose something hideous?” you panicked and Jude calmed you down saying how much his mum loves you and would love anything from you.
“But since we’re on the subject of presents.” he said and opened the console in front of you.
“I got you a little something.”
You noticed the blue bag immediately. It was Tiffany, and small. You felt your heart beating and started panicking. Your friends made some jokes about you being already married with Jude since your relationship was going on for 2 years and strong but you always avoided the subject. Coming from a broken household, with separated parents, you were always afraid of marriage from a young age. Jude knew that and respected your ideas though he always said he wanted to spend eternity with you.
But seeing a small box in a Tiffany bag has made you anxious, surely Jude wouldn’t propose to you right? You knew that but you couldn’t hide your horrified expression as his burrows furrowed.
“You don’t wanna open it?” he asked.
“Jude, what’s in the box?” you asked warily.
“Baby, open it and see.” he was confused about your reaction.
“Jude I need you to tell me what’s inside it. Please.” you begged getting more and more agitated.
“Y/N what’s going on? It’s just a gift, I saw it in the store and thought you’d love it.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N what are you so pressed about? This isn’t a complex situation, you grab the bag open it and thank me. Why are you acting weird love?”
When you said nothing, he snatched the bag from you and opened it himself.
“It’s just a fucking necklace, I’m not proposing to you.” he laughed a little trying to lighten the mood until he saw your face.
“Y/N I”
“I’m sorry Jude, I’m so sorry.” you started sobbing from guilt. You freaked out about nothing and have been rude to Jude. He immediately realized what’s going on and you could see his eyes fill with guilt as well.
“Baby, shh it’s okay. It’s not your fault I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
“No no it’s my fault, I freaked out on you. I’m sorry, I’m just a weirdo who doesn’t appreciate you enough.” he held you against his body and helped you calm down. After your sniffles stopped he leaned back and held your cheeks to make you look up at him.
“Y/N you don’t owe me any explanation, I love you with all your weirdness and flaws just like you love me. I want to spend my life with you, you’re it for me with or without a big commitment and ceremony. I want you next to me but would never push you, I’ll always be with you.”
You smiled at him and realized you’re the luckiest girlfriend ever.
“Thank you Jude, for everything and for the record I want to spend my life with you too.”
He kissed you with love and you happily reciprocated.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d propose like this. You really don’t even know me at all.” he said looking offended and you giggled.
“Now let’s see this necklace, do you want to put it on me?” you said and turned your back to him as he pulled it and clasped the back. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“But you do know me.”
“Of course I do.” he said and kissed your temple after seeing the pendant on your neck.
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wifey-badalee · 4 months
Clearly you’d rather be with her part 2
This picture inspired the angst for this fic.
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When you had told alexia you needed a break and space she had thought you meant just for that time, but you had gone all week and ignored her and she didn’t know where you were. She called all her friends and your friends to ask about you including Olga, which was not a good idea. Olga went on an hour rant about how Alexia deserved better than you even using herself as an example, alexia didn’t pay attention to that but she did think Olga was right.
The word cup final match had come around and it was strange for alexia, she was always used to you messaging her Good luck and ow much you love her ,and you would see her again the game, but this morning she didn’t receive anything.
She was actually missing you a lot and reflecting on what you said but Olga’s words got to her and she was back to being mad at you, she actually started to feel a certain way towards Olga which she had never felt. She was scared about this feeling.
When alexia had gotten to the game she had seen her family and friends which included Olga obviously, but a little higher on the stands she had noticed a familiar figure, YOU.
You still came to the game despite everything, you knew how important it as and how bummed Alexia felt at the fact that she wasn’t able to play when she felt discomfort in her knee again. She smiled a little at you not wanting to get the wrong intention, but u smiled back and mouthed the words “ good luck” t her. She felt a little giddy inside at the fact that you showed up and smiled at her she truly did love you despite everything. But she then realized that’s the feeling she was having with Olga, she immediately felt nauseous at that thought , her eyes went to Olga’s and Olga smiled at her and made a heart towards Alexia and she smiled back doing the same, not realizing you were watching that entire interaction. You got so mad at that, really after you ignoring and ghosting her she still hasn’t changed, wow you were truly foolish, you thought this plan to come was dumb.
They won, Spain won the cup, you were so proud of al of them and Alexia despite how you felt. Afterwards all of the team were going around to family and celebrating, alexia was so caught up in her excitement she immediately ran to her family and then in the process hugged Olga not forgetting to leave quite a long kiss on her cheek and the hug wad quite long to. You didn’t know how to feel was it out of friendliness or what but you also felt shitty as you are still her girlfriend she didn’t even think about you but went t Olga , after a while they she reached her hand to Olga and they held hands so a while, you were now fuming you felt so fed up and you had made your decision, you and alexia aren’t meant to be her match was Olga clearly, she clearly loved her more than you, her actions spoke a 1000 words even though Alexia never said anything. You stood up and walked out into the lobby, alexia saw you stand and leave and was confused , why were you leaving already she hadn’t spoken to you yet, she cut her greeting short and ran up to find you quickly. She found you just before you exited and stopped you.
“ wait, amor, where are you going? Why are you leaving already,?” she asked.
You truly were dumbfounded at her questions, was she really that oblivious?
“ Are you seriously asking me that question? You completely ignored me once again like you always do for HER, I’m tired of being your second opinion, I’m your girlfriend why do I have to be the second opinion over that girl. What is wrong me with, why do you make me feel so invisible whenever she is around, am I not enough , what do I lack that she has, she doesn’t all that much greater than I do!”, you yelled and questioned .
You felt bad at the comment you made about her looks, but you were so angry and it was the truth she wasn’t that much more beautiful than you so what attracted alexia to her so much.
“What is wrong with, why would you say that about her, who have you become?”, says alexia
“ Oh wow that’s all you think about is her and her feelings, what about me I’m here to you know, om tired of you invalidating my feelings, how many times do I have to say this!”, you scream
Well the universe was truly not on you side as you see Olga approaching you’ll. This made everything a whole lot worse you felt like a tea pot steaming.
“ Why do you have to come and ruin Alexia’s day, you knew how important this was to her and yet you came to ruin what is wrong with you, why don’t you value you relationship, Alexia is already out of your league , just appreciate what you get, you are so ungrateful!”, Olga yelled at you.
If speechless was a person it would be you, more at the fact that alexia just stood there doing nothing. You just looked between the two of them and laughed, you wanted to walk away but no you weren’t gonna be the good guy anymore.
“ Firstly this is a conversation between my girlfriend and I something you seem to forget a lot so you have not right butting in and giving your 2 cents that wasn’t asked and needed for. So kindly mind your business and not mine or alexia’s at that matter. I’m done with you inserting yourself in this relationship its obnoxious and annoying!”, you told her.
Alexia was shocked she’d never seen you like this or heard you talk like this she felt proud but after looking at Olga’s “hurt” expression she immediately got defensive and told you off.
“ she’s not meddling but doing something you should defending me and reasoning and being considerate, it’d my big day and all you did was think about yourself, you are obnoxious and man speaking to her like that, I don’t know who you have become but I don’t like this , take Olga as a role model and learn from her instead of judging this is how you should be.”, alexia said
You wanted to break down and cry right there but you weren’t gonna give Olga that satisfaction seeing that smirk on her face. You looked at alexia and said
“ well then why don’t you date her, because I’m done I can do this anymore living in her shadow, clearly you’d rather be with her.”, you replied
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borathae · 2 months
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↳ Index [Chapter 02 - Destiny]
Focus on Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader
Warnings: the chapter ends in smut but the the cut is very clear so peeps who don't want smut can stop easily, so many fluffy sweet moments, a small wound, Tae needs to be protected at all costs please, Yoongi is so perfect i love him sm, Kook is the sweetest man ever, they're just a polycule of soulmates at this point tbfh, next warnings are for the smut: soft yet passionate Dom!Jungkook, sub!Reader, sex in a bathtub, passionate love making, lots of kissing, body worship, oral (both receiving), pussy fingering, sex standing up & from behind, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), praise, strength & muscle kink, he helps her to stay quiet in such a sexy way, holy fuck i'm his bitc-, cum swallowing, giggly aftercare, he is the safest boyfriend ever :(
Wordcount: 14.2k
a/n: i hope you guys understand why i couldn't possibly not include this smut in the mainstory I MEAN it's hot as fuck AND it's Kook first time with her without having to be supervised, it was necessary for the plot. have fun holy fuck i'll daydream about him until i draw my last breath 💙
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“___, please come quick! It’s Taehyung!”
It is the second day of your stay here and you are currently plucking weeds in the vegetable beds when Jungkook comes screaming and running for you. He is almost stumbling over his own feet from how frightened he seems.
“Tae. He. He needs your help! Please.” 
“Holy shit, what happened?” you gasp, dropping what you were doing to follow Jungkook to the cow stable. You are running so quickly that tears well up in your eyes and you can barely breathe. Jungkook is panting beside you, gripping your hand so tightly it feels borderline painful. 
“He’s with Moo. Oh god, it all happened so fast.”
“Holy shit Kookie, what happened? Oh god, what happened? If, if something happens in here he, he could be lost forever. Kookie, oh god, I told you to be careful. I, I told you, oh god”, you fall over your words, panting from worry and fear. 
You and he stumble into the stable. There in the corner, hunching on a stool, sits Taehyung. 
“Darling!” you scream, breaking out of Jungkook’s grasp to run to your darling, “holy fuck, what’s wrong? Tae, talk to me! What’s wrong?!”
“Look”, Taehyung whines painfully, “I got a splinter and it, it hurts”, he says, showing you his finger. 
You stop and stare. Stare. Stare. Look at Jungkook. He is panting, looking so utterly distressed.
“It’s so deep”, he squeaks, “and, and it doesn’t heal. ___, you have to help him. He doesn’t heal in here.”
You sag your shoulders, putting your hand so your hips. 
“Seriously?” you ask in a deep voice.
“What do you mean? He can’t get the splinter out.”
“I am scared, darling. I have never gotten a splinter before.” 
“You two deserve your bums spanked. Do you have any idea how scared I was?” 
“But it’s scary”, Jungkook insists. 
“I can’t get it out”, Taehyung stresses.
“Heaven help me, you two are gonna cost me my last nerve. I was imagining the worst things ever and you’re making such a fuss over a silly splinter.”
Taehyung and Jungkook pout.
“But it hurts.”
“What if he won’t ever get it out?”
You roll your eyes at them. Look at those two vampires, being sacred of a small speck of wood. 
“The gentlemen lose their powers and are suddenly scared of splinters”, you mumble and then take Taehyung’s hand to inspect it, “is it there?” you run your finger over the tiny dark spot on his ring dinger.
“Yes. I was filling up the hay when I suddenly felt piercing pain and now my entire finger aches.”
“I’m sure it’s as terrible as you describe it”, you say and sigh in defeat, “come on, I’ll take it out for you.”
Jungkook follows you, clutching Taehyung’s “okay” hand as tightly as possible. 
“You can really get it out?” he asks.
“I’ll try at least. It’s a very difficult task”, you say sarcastically, sending them a look.
“Oh darling, thank you. I feel so relieved”, Taehyung says and laughs breathily.
“Wow ___, thank you. I knew getting you would be the right decision”, Jungkook gushes, looking at Taehyung, “you’re gonna be okay again, Tae.”
“I know. Oh, I feel so relieved.” 
You roll your eyes. What a bunch of big babies.
Yoongi is by the front door, looking worried as well. He must have been in the middle of putting on his shoes when Jungkook’s screams reached his ears. He still hasn’t put them on, watching you walk up the path with his eyes big. 
“What happened? I heard screaming”, he asks, scanning his eyes over you and your two dramatic boys.
“Taehyung almost died”, you say with sarcasm in your voice.
“Hey, not cool”, Taehyung complains.
“Yeah, not cool. Tae is seriously hurt”, Jungkook throws in.
“I don’t get it”, Yoongi confesses.
“Tae got a splinter in his finger and can’t get it out. Now they’re acting as if it’s a life or death situation”, you explain and tug them past Yoongi into the cottage.
“Ah”, Yoongi turns to follow.
“Hey, you are making fun of the situation. It really hurts.”
“I believe you, Tae. It’s just not a reason for you to almost give me a panic attack. Upstairs. We’ve got something in the bathroom.”
You lead the way while your boys follow you.
“You should have seen Jungkook. He came running and screaming as if Taehyung was dying. I almost threw up ‘cause I panicked so hard.”
“I know. I heard it.”
“I think our reactions are very reasonable. We cannot heal here.”
“Yeah, we can’t”, Jungkook throws in and looks at Yoongi for help, “it’s really scary, isn’t it?”
“Don’t pull me into this”, Yoongi says, “I’m very well aware that I can’t heal in here. Why am I following you upstairs either way? It’s a fucking splinter. I wanted to help Agatha and Harald with the gate. You guys can manage without me, yeah? I don’t gotta worry you die on me?”
“Very funny, hyung”, Taehyung says and rolls his eyes.
You snicker, earning yourself a nudge from Taehyung.
“Don’t laugh at his joke, it isn’t funny.”
“It kinda is, sorry darling.”
“Tch, I am being bullied.”
You snicker, exchanging a playful look with Yoongi. He caresses the small of your back and pecks your cheek.
“I’m outside if you need me, yeah?”
“Okay, take care. Don’t forget to drink water.”
“I won’t, my love”, he says and leaves the bathroom with a playful, “try not to die, boys.”
“You’re not funny today”, Jungkook calls after him, while Taehyung pouts.
The door opens and closes as Yoongi leaves to help your grandparents. Now it is just you and your two drama kings. You snicker to yourself, turning your back to them as you get what you need for the lifesaving operation.
“Don’t worry, Tae. I’ll get the splinter out in no time. Wah you two, seriously. You almost gave me a panic attack back then.”
“Yeah well, it’s scary”, Jungkook defends himself, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He huffs out air, pouting.
“I’m sure it is”, you say and turn back to them with a medical kit in your hands. You look around the room. Because the bathroom is located upstairs and it is an old, homely cottage, the ceiling is tilted in the way the roof goes down. Only a small skylight window lets in natural light, making the room darker than other rooms.
“We should go outside, it’s really dark in here.”
“Yes, okay. Do whatever helps with it. You know better. I’ll get us something to drink too”, Jungkook says, hurrying away to be helpful.
“Okay, do that”, you say fondly. You must admit that his dramatic worry is a little adorable. You would rather take a person who cares too much than one that doesn’t care at all.
“Come on, darling. Let’s go outside where the sun shines”, you tell Taehyung, taking his hand gently.
He follows you with just a little gleam of annoyance in his eyes because you teased him with Yoongi. 
You pass Jungkook, leaving the front door open because it was a warm enough day for it to be possible.
Your grandparents have many spots where you can sit in their spacious garden. In front of every stable and shed, a bench with a small table invites one to take a short break. Under some of the tall trees, benches or chairs wait to be rested on and even beside some of the flower beds, something can be used to rest. You sit Taehyung down on the bench next to their front door. Pots of flowers and other plants surround you, right behind you a window looks into the living area. 
“Hold that for me”, you tell him, placing the medical kit on his lap. You open it, looking for the needle you know for a fact is kept in there. Your grandfather used it very often to get out little splinters from your fingers or toes whenever you got them during play outside. He always wiped your little tears afterwards and gave your small ache a healing kiss. It made the pain go right away and you went right back outside to continue playing.
“Got you”, you say to the needle, pulling out some sanitising wipes right along with it. You use it to clean his finger and the needle.
“It’s cold”, he says, watching you with curious eyes.
“Yeah, it’s going to make sure that you’re clean. We can’t have you catching an infection.”
“I could get an infection like this?”
You lift your eyes from his finger, “obviously.”
He pouts, “you are mocking me.”
“Obviously”, you tease.
“You are cruel”, he pouts even harder, earning himself a fond chuckle.
“I’m sorry, it’s my revenge for you guys scaring me like this.”
His eyes soften, he chuckles.
“I might have deserved it then.”
“Heh, maybe yeah”, you snicker, looking back at his finger, “I’ll begin now. Are you ready? I’ll try to be gentle, but it could still hurt a little.”
“Can I tell you when it hurts?”
“What?” you meet his eyes in surprise, “what? Of course you can. Darling, why shouldn’t you be able to do that?”
He lowers his head, “just so”, he whispers.
“Gosh, Tae”, you tilt his head back up with two fingers under his chin, “you can always tell me to stop, okay? You’re safe with me.”
“Yes, okay okay”, he smiles shyly, “thank you for telling me this. I feel more confident already.”
“Of course”, you kiss his lips, then sit back, “now, I’ll get started.”
“Okay, oh heavens, I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be, I’ll be gentle. Here comes the first poke”, you say as you begin removing the first layer of his skin, “how is that?”
“It tickles a little.”
“But it’s not painful?”
“Not at all.”
“That’s good.”
Jungkook comes outside as you are lost in the extraction process. He studies you and Taehyung.
“How’s it going?” he asks.
“It’s really deep in there”, you mumble, furrowing your brows tighter.
“Oh no, that’s bad isn’t it?”
“No, I’ll get it. Don’t worry.”
Jungkook puts the tray of lemonade on the table and sits down next to Taehyung, rubbing his thigh.
“How are you doing?”
“It doesn’t hurt. Ah”, he flinches back, “nevermind. I jinxed it.”
“Sorry, so sorry”, you look at him, “sorry, are you okay?”
“Yes, it pinched. Forgive me, I startled.”
“No worries. Can I continue?”
Taehyung sucks in air through his teeth, moving his head away as if he wants to flee. You glance at him.
“Should I stop?”
“No, it’s just uncomfortable.”
“Here, I’ll hold your hand”, Jungkook offers.
“Yes, that’s good, hold his hand. I’ve reached the second layer of your skin so it’s gonna be a lot more sensitive. I’m trying to get this piece free so I can tug it out with tweezers.”
Taehyung holds Jungkook’s hand tightly, scrunching his nose in discomfort. You grace the needle over his skin. He whimpers and turns away. You stop instantly, straightening your back and rubbing his thigh softly.
“Do you need a break?”
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. Let’s drink something, okay?” you say and get the glasses, “did you make something yummy?”
“Yes, raspberry lemonade with fresh lemon balm.”
“Uh, that sounds good. Thank you for making this.”
“Of course, yeah.”
The three of you share a nice moment where you enjoy the delicious lemonade Jungkook made and look at the view. It also gives Taehyung time to decide whether he wants to continue or not.
It may seem weird to some and as if Taehyung was just being dramatic, but to you and Jungkook it doesn’t seem this way. Taehyung’s confession from your first night here is still in your head. That he doesn’t know how to be happy now that he is free and that pain was his reality for many decades. He wasn’t allowed to say stop when he hurt, he wasn’t allowed to make it end. Needing a break from getting a small splinter removed may seem like a silly thing to some, but it’s not in Taehyung’s case. It’s the first step of many on his healing journey. He can say that it hurts and he can stop it, even if the pain is just small. He can stop it.
It is very important to you that he knows that he has this right. You might have teased him a little at first, but you never seriously meant it. He is allowed to whine and to go his own pace. 
“I think I feel ready again”, Taehyung says softly after a while.
“Yeah? Then I’ll continue. It shouldn’t take long anymore. It hurt before because I’m so close to getting this part free”, you explain as you put the glasses back on the table, looking at his finger afterwards.
Jungkook holds his hand again, using the other to rub his knee.
“I’ll start now, okay?”
“Yes, okay.”
“Squeeze my hand really, really hard if you need to”, Jungkook tells him to which Taehyung thanks him shyly.
Taehyung’s finger feels hot in comparison to his other fingers because the attention on it made the blood rush to it. You remove the skin as gently as possible, sticking out your tongue in pure concentration.
“How’s the pain?”
“It pinches.”
“But it’s bearable?”
“For now. Do you still have to do a lot?”
“No, I’m almost done. I just gotta get this part and then do this.”
“Ah”, he flees again.
“Sorry, that was the last part I had to do”, you say, pulling his finger back to you so you could blow air on it, “does this help?”
“Yes, a little.”
“You’re being very brave, my darling”, you praise, “we just have to use the tweezers now. Do you need a break before that?”
“No, I think I can manage.”
“Okay, tell me if you changed your mind”, you say and get the tweezers ready, “you’re getting a little break anyways. I need to sanitise them.”
Taehyung laughs, having the exhale deeply afterwards.
“I, I swear I am not normally like this”, he says.
“Don’t explain yourself. We don’t judge, everyone’s different with pain.”
“Exactly. I, for one, may be a little bit too into it”, Jungkook jokes in hopes of lifting the mood.
It works. Taehyung laughs honestly, looking at him with shy puppy eyes. Jungkook chuckles and nudges his chin, flustering Taehyung so much that he needs to look away and blush.
“You’re not wrong”, you tease fondly, taking Taehyung’s finger again, “are you ready, darling?”
“Yes, I am ready.”
“It’s gonna hurt a little because I need to push it out so I can get it.”
“Okay, okay.”
“Here it comes”, you warn and push at the back of the splinter to move it.
Taehyung huffs out air but stays still, feeling safe with you. He knows that the pain isn’t evil right now. It’s not meant to hurt him, it is an unlucky side product of an attempt to make him feel better. He braves through the sting with this knowledge and after one last uncomfortable pinch, his finger is finally free of the long splinter.
“And it’s done”, you say, wiping over the reddened spot. You kiss it, “good job.”
“It didn’t feel that painful in the end.”
“That’s good to hear. I really tried to be gentle”, you say, cleaning the wound with a new sanitising wipe.
“You were. Thank you so much. It meant a lot to me.”
“Don’t thank me. I’m just happy to help”, you say, leaning in to peck his cheek.
Taehyung chases your affection with closed eyes and his hand holding your elbow.
You stay seated on the bench afterwards. Jungkook and Taehyung finish their lemonade and you clean the tools to store them in the bag again.
Yoongi comes up the path as you do, studying you. He took off his flannel, keeping it around his hips for now and is now presenting his torso in a black, skin tight t-shirt. 
“Don’t mind me. I’m just going for a piss”, he says.
“Good to know”, you chuckle.
“Couldn’t you have gone in the woods somewhere?”
“I prefer not to take my dick out somewhere close to ___’s grandparents”, he says as he takes off his shoes and studies Taehyung, “how’s the finger going?”
“Good. We just managed to get it out”, Taehyung says, showing his reddened finger to Yoongi.
“Just now? It’s been like forty minutes.”
“Tae needed to take some breaks”, you explain.
“Mhm, okay”, Yoongi says and goes to ruffle his gloved hand through Taehyung’s hair, “silly one.”
He doesn’t even realise what he is doing until he is already gone inside. Taehyung touches his hair, gawking at the door before exchanging a look with you and Jungkook.
“What’s gotten into him?” Jungkook asks.
“I don’t know, but that was really cute”, you say.
“I liked it so much”, Taehyung confesses with a blush.
“Gosh Tae, you absolute cutie you”, you say, hugging him, “I hope that this holiday can help you and Yoongi get closer together as well.”
“You do?”
You nod your head, “you’re both very important to me and I wish that you could at least become friends.”
“Oh”, he blushes, smiling softly, “I feel the same.” 
“You do?” 
He nods his head, “I truly wish to be his friend.”
Speaking of Yoongi, the latter comes back outside after his toilet visit, carrying two bottles of water in his pants pockets. He opens a third one with one hand and takes a healthy sip of it, ending it with a content sigh. He looks at the sun, squinting his eyes and sticking his tummy out in a cute stance. He almost looks like a cute cat trying to stand on two legs like this. If you try to ignore his exposed arms and his torso in that shirt and the fact that he can open a bottle with one hand.
“I think it’s gonna be a clear night today”, he says.
“I hope so, I wanna watch the stars later”, Jungkook says.
“Sounds good. You’ll have a clear view of them, yeah”, Yoongi nods his head and straightens up, “I think the gate’s still gonna take a while. The hinges are being little bitches.”
You chuckle at his harsh choice of words.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Just so. I like the way you talk.”
He scoffs fondly.
“I’m serious. They’re fucking with us on purpose”, he looks into the distance, “it’s good work. Yeah, a good day. It’s a good day”, he mumbles and glances at you, “what are you gonna do?”
“I still need to finish plucking the weeds”, you say.
“We still need to finish the stables”, Jungkook says.
“Mhm, sounds like good work”, he takes a deep breath and releases it, clapping into his hands as he does, “back to work. I’ll see you guys later. Agatha and I wanna make burritos for dinner, it’s gonna be good”, he says, kissing you and Jungkook on the lips. He ruffles Taehyung’s hair last, then turns to jog down the path back to the gate. Happiness practically radiates off of him.
“He is so cute, oh my god”, you gush.
“He really is. I think being here really does him well”, Jungkook agrees.
“Yes, I think so too. I think it does all of us well. We really deserve it, looking back at what we had to go through to get here.”
“Yeah, that’s right. We didn’t have it easy”, Jungkook takes a deep breath of relaxation, “this is easy though.”
“Yeah it is.”
“I feel good too”, Taehyung says shyly.
“You do?”
He nods his head.
“Right now I feel good.”
“That’s good to hear, my darling.”
“Yeah, it is”, Jungkook says, draping his arm over his shoulders.
Taehyung, blushing and entirely shy, leans into him as inconspicuously as possible. You enjoy their company for a while longer, then stand up to stretch out your back.
“Imma go back to the weeds soon”, you say mid stretch, which contorts your voice in a funny way. You straighten up, studying them.
“Are you gonna relax a little longer?”
“No, we need to go back too. Moo and Milky need their hay”, Jungkook stands up, stretching out his arms. They are exposed as well, because he is working in only a white tank top and cargo pants.
Taehyung is wearing a linen shirt, of course he is. He stands up as well, inching closer to you almost shyly. He tugs on your dungarees, looking at you with big puppy eyes.
“May I help you instead please? I don’t want to get hurt again.”
“Of course, darling. Can you manage alone, baby?”
Jungkook nods his head, “easy. We had so many cows and pigs at home. Stable work is like riding a bike to me. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.”
He makes you laugh.
“You’re so random sometimes. Well, see you later baby.”
“See you”, Jungkook says and leaves with a melody on his lips. 
You and Taehyung go the opposite direction to the back of the garden. Your grandparents grow their shadow-loving plants there. 
“Did you do a lot of garden work before?”
“I did. With Jimin and Ava when we lived on our farm.”
“Well, then I’m sure that you’re gonna do very well”, you say, kneeling down on the spot you worked at before.
Taehyung kneels down next to you.
“Is it safe for me to use my hand already?”
“Yes, it’s safe. The wound isn’t deep enough to be vulnerable.”
“I see, well then I shall work very diligently”, he says and rolls up his sleeves.
“Be careful with what you pluck though. We don’t wanna rip out good plants.”
“I understand”, he says and begins working.
You and he share a few moments of comfortable silence until Taehyung breaks it.
“I always wondered what differentiates a weed from a flower. Is it nothing but want? They grow and bloom the same and yet one is wanted, while the other gets killed.”
You glance at him. His hands are dirty from work, his hair hangs into his face, framing his pretty features.
“I never really thought of that. Damn”, you sit back on your heels, “that’s actually true. Why do we curse some plants while we marvel at others?” 
You look at the heap of weeds you already plucked.
“No, now you’ve got me feeling really bad for weeds. No, I might cry”, you whine with a sad pout on your lips, “poor weeds, I feel so bad.”
“Don’t cry. Oh goodness, I was being my silly poetic self again”, he gasps, clasping your hands.
“You really were and you’ve got me rethinking my own gardening habits. From now on, I will only pluck weeds if it is really necessary. So other plants can grow for example. You know? When I grow tomatoes I want them to be able to grow big.”
“Yes, that is a very good reason. Sometimes certain plants aren’t meant to thrive in certain places, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot find a place in the world where they will blossom.”
“Exactly. Gosh Tae”, you have to kiss his cheek, “you seem like your old self today. I love to see you being poetic like this.”
He smiles shyly, “I was being truthful when I said that I felt good. I truly do. Although, I feel rather weak. Oh darling, it was rather frightening to get hurt so easily.”
“I can imagine. That must have been weird for you.”
“It truly was. If something like this happened to me in the real world, my powers would have pushed out the splinter before I could have even felt it and yet here, I felt every second of it.”
“It’s so crazy to me to think what your bodies can do. Getting a splinter is so normal to us humans. Sure it hurts, but it just happens sometimes. But it’s totally new for you.”
Taehyung nods his head, placing a heap of weeds aside. He fixes the messy dirt, looking very peaceful as he does it. 
“Something which also utterly surprises me is how weak I am to bodily functions. I have to eat and drink and moments later, I have to relieve myself. And there is so much of it. Oh, being human is so utterly exhausting. One has to think of everything.”
You laugh, “now you’re just whining. Goodness, you are so spoiled as a vampire.”
“Indeed I am”, Taehyung agrees, laughing honestly.
Spending time with each other like this is truly wonderful.
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The burritos Yoongi and your grandmother make for dinner are the best burritos you have ever eaten. With vegetables and spices from the garden and homemade cheese, it truly melts on your tongue. Jungkook was helpful as well, making nachos from home-grown corn flour and serving them with the best Pico de gallo ever. Truly, you eat very well, finding it difficult to stop because it is in fact the best dinner ever.
Taehyung excuses himself to the garden after dinner, saying that he wanted to paint the fireflies. Jungkook excuses himself upstairs, saying that he wanted to relax in the guestroom. You and Yoongi stay with your grandparents. You are cuddled up to Yoongi, resting your head on his lap as you read. Yoongi runs his hand over your forehead every now and then, lost in his own book. On the other couch, your grandparents are cuddled up together. Your grandfather has his head on your grandmother’s lap as he solves a difficult riddle and she is lost in crocheting. Sometimes you hear them exchange a little kiss, which always makes you tug at Yoongi’s shirt to ask for a kiss as well, which he gladly gives you. It feels so nice to spend time this way. Your parents were never affectionate in your presence, making you question if they even loved each other and in return, if that meant they didn’t love you as well. You don’t feel this way in your grandparents’ presence. The love they have for each other and for you fills the room with warmth. They don’t have to speak it, it is so obvious even in the silence.
The clock shows ten when you start to get sleepy. You try to fight it for a while by putting the book aside and lying with your face snuggled into Yoongi’s stomach.
He lowers his book for a moment, studying you fondly.
You snuggle and nuzzle, looking up at him afterwards. You grin, he retorts it. 
“My eyes are tired”, you speak softly in order not to disturb the peace.
“Mhm, close them it’ll help”, he answers you quietly, helping you close them by brushing his thumb down your lid gently.
You snuggle back into his stomach, while he returns to his book. It becomes harder and harder not to fall asleep when he runs his finger over your face and neck so soothingly. He even rubs your ear and plays with your hair as best as possible. It is quite frankly, impossible not to fall asleep. You sit up, smacking your lips. Yoongi glances at you.
“I’m too sleepy.”
“I can tell.”
“I think I’m gonna go upstairs already.”
“Yes, okay. Do you mind if I still stay up for a while?”
“No, it’s okay”, you say and get up, “good night everyone, I’m gonna go to sleep already”, you tell your goodbyes to your grandparents and Yoongi.
“Sleep tight, my honeybee”, your grandmother says without looking up from her crocheting project.
“Sweet dreams, my girl”, your grandfather says without looking up from his Sudoku.
“Good night, princess”, Yoongi says, looking up from his book to give you a kiss good night. He tilts his head back because you stand behind the couch, holding his cheeks between your hands.
You break the kiss with a smile, feeling your heart flutter when he retorts it.
“Good night, my love.”
“Mhm”, he hums, rolling his head to the front to continue reading.
Tranquillity surrounds them and so you let them enjoy the hours of the night, hurrying upstairs.
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The door to the guest room is next to the bathroom door. It is open, showing Jungkook sitting cross-legged on the window bench and looking outside.
You were planning to take a bath, but seeing him sit here in darkness is giving you an idea.
You knock on the doorframe, making him turn to you.
“Why are you sitting in darkness?”
“Don’t turn the lights on, they’re too bright.”
“Okay”, you chuckle, “do you wanna be alone?”
“No, I’m just looking at the stars. You can see so many here”, Jungkook says and looks outside again, swaying his shoulders from side to side mindlessly.
“Can I see?”
You hurry to him, sitting down next to him. Jungkook hooks his hand in your knee and pulls you closer to him so your legs were touching and he could rub your lower back. 
“Wow, you’re right. There’s so many”, you gasp.
“I know. Look, that’s my star sign and over there is yours”, he shows them to you, tracing their shapes with his finger, “can you see them?”
“I can. Wow, so cool.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. You know, when I was still hiding in the sewers, I sometimes came out of hiding when the streets were empty. I sat somewhere secluded and looked at the stars. All my problems felt so small in comparison to the night sky whenever I did.”
“This actually sounds really nice. I know your situation was shit, but you had moments of beauty.”
“Yeah, I was happy during those moments. Maybe they were what kept me going back then.”
“Maybe yeah.”
Jungkook leans in to kiss your cheek.
“I’m glad that they did. I could meet you and our family because I kept going.”
You meet his eyes, “you are so sweet, oh my god.”
“Heh”, he pecks your lips, “you’re cuter”, he says, looking at the sky again. He smiles to himself, “I love the stars and the moon. I really do”, he mumbles, reflecting the entire night sky in his dark, pretty eyes.
He makes loving him so easy. You rest your head on his shoulder, speaking your next words softly.
“They’re really beautiful.”
“Yeah, they are”, he agrees and sighs contently, “so nice.”
You and he share a moment of silence. The night sky is endless. No wonder he felt that his problems were small in comparison back then. The sky is endless, reminding you just how small you truly are in the grand scheme of existence. 
“Hey, Kookie?” you whisper.
“Do you wanna take a bath together?”
“Yeah. I wanted to take it alone, but then I saw you sit here and thought that maybe we could take it together. You can say no if you want to continue looking at the sky.”
“No, I would really like a bath with you, my honey”, he says, kissing your hair, “the stars are gonna be there afterwards too.”
“Yay, I’m happy. Wanna go right now?”
“Sure, let’s go.”
You and he undress as the bathtub fills up. 
“Can you untangle my hair?” 
“Of course. What do I gotta do?” 
And so you and Jungkook sit in your little robes as he rids your hair of today’s tangles, gently and with lots of care. He even massages you behind your ears and down your neck, ending the pampering session with a kiss to your shoulder.
“Did I do a good job?” he asks quietly.
“The best job. You only tugged on my hair three times.”
He chuckles, “sorry, I’m still learning. I promise to be gentler next time.”
You lean into him, practically melting in his arms when he slides his hand into your robe to rub your naked skin slowly. His touch never graces places he would need consent for, making you feel so safe and cherished.
“You’re already so gentle with me”, you assure him.
“Mhm, I can do better.”
You chuckle, “if you say so, my little perfectionist.”
He smiles against you, “I really am, yeah.”
The tub is soon filled and so you get inside together. Jungkook insists on holding your hand for support even if you could have managed on your own. You let him hold it because he looks so happy being helpful. He steps in after you, sitting down opposite of you. You can rest your feet on the edge and he instantly takes the opportunity to cradle your foot and kiss your ankle, even closing his eyes for it.
“That’s so nice”, he says, smiling at you. 
“Yeah, it’s nice”, you agree and turn your head to kiss his ankle, resting your cheek against it afterwards.
“Heh”, he lets out and scrunches his nose.
“You’re cute.”
He shakes his head, “you are.”
You and he exchange a giddy grin. It is so nice to be so close and to share this kind of intimacy. Your bodies are touching at parts and you get to warm up and pamper your noses with the relaxing scent of lavender. You can’t do stuff like this in the real world yet, so this feels extra special. Just you and him, sharing a warm moment.
“Do you like your baths hot or warm?” you ask him because you love listening to him talk. His voice is so nice and he is always so soft spoken.
“I think this temperature is good. You?”
“I like it hotter. I kinda wanna feel like I’m being boiled.”
He laughs, “that’s really bad for your skin though.”
“I know, but I’m here for a good time not a long time.”
He laughs again, “that’s not true. Not with the spell Meredith is going to show you one day. You’ll live forever with us.”
“Right. Maybe I should stop boiling myself then.”
He laughs a third time, making your heart race. Knowing that you can make him laugh that much feels really good.
“Yeah, maybe you should”, he jokes and grins, “okay, question time. Shower or bath?”
“Wah, that’s a hard question. I think both have their pros and cons. I would say showers though because they’re faster than baths. I really love a good bath though, don’t get me wrong.”
“Yeah, I agree. I prefer showers for daily life, but baths are special.”
“Okay, next question. Liquid soap or bar of soap?”
“Are the questions gonna be bath based?”
You laugh. He grins.
“Liquid soap. I don’t know, but I can’t befriend the idea of using a bar of soap.”
“Interesting. I’m so for bars. They’re so convenient. I also think that they last longer.”
“You’re probably right. Okay, I have a question too.”
“Go ahead.”
“Dry off in the shower or step out wet and dry off on the rug?”
“Oh, hard one”, he says and tilts his head to the side as he thinks, “I would say step out wet and dry off outside.”
“Interesting. I’d pick dry off in shower and only dry off my feet on the rug.” 
“That’s good too. I’m just always forgetting my towel so I gotta run through half the room to get it.”
You laugh. He laughs as well.
“That sounds like you.”
“It does?” 
“Yeah, it’s a good thing”, you assure him, kissing his ankle.
“Okay, if you say so”, he says, gazing at you, “next question.”
“When are you the happiest?”
“That’s your question?”
“So no more bath questions?”
“I thought I’d switch it up.”
You smile fondly.
“When am I happiest?” you repeat, “wow, that’s a big question”, you say and look to the side to think. 
All the moments of laughter with your found family come back to you, all the mornings with Yoongi and Taehyung, all the sweet moments with Jungkook and the endless chattering you can do with every single member of your forever family. You think of the moments you spend in the garden and the hours in the kitchen spend cooking with them. You think of the nights of dance with Taehyung and of naps with Yoongi. You think of cuddling Jungkook for the first time and of hugging Hoseok. You think of Seokjin’s laugh and Emma’s silly jokes. 
You look at Jungkook 
“I’m happiest ever since I’m with you guys”, you say. 
His eyes soften.
“All I could think of right now, were moments with you guys, so that’s my answer. I’m happiest ever since I found my family.”
Jungkook smiles, “that’s a good answer.”
“When are you happiest?”
“I’m boring, but I actually have the same answer as you.”
“That’s not boring, that’s so sweet”, you say, caressing his calve, “is it my turn?”
“What made you get tattoos?”
“I always liked the look of tattoos. Not really when I was a human because back then, only gangsters had tattoos and I had a bad view on them. I got them in the early 2000s.”
“Did they hurt a lot? Tae told me that you guys would heal during a normal tattoo, so vampires need special tools and magic for them to stick and that it hurts really bad.”
“I could get them normally because my arm isn’t cursed.”
“Because your arm is still human?”
He nods his head.
“But isn’t that really dangerous? It makes other vampires know you have a weak arm.”
“Until now, everyone always thought that I’m just totally mental and got an entire sleeve on my vampire arm.”
You laugh, “okay that makes sense. So it really didn’t hurt?”
“They still hurt at some parts, but I kinda liked it.”
You chuckle, “of course you did.”
“I was just joking.”
“I don’t think so”, you joke, making him chuckle.
“Maybe not”, he confesses and changes his position. He pulls his legs to him, sitting cross-legged because the tub is big enough for it. Then he shimmies closer to you.
The water ripples, hitting you over your collarbones. You change position as well, keeping your legs parted so Jungkook can be between them.
“I started off on my under arm and added more and more stuff as time went on”, he explains, tracing his tattoos, “this one’s special to me because it’s my birth flower. Do you know this flower?”
“I actually don’t, sorry.”
“That’s okay. It’s a tiger lily. It symbolises the desire to be loved. If someone gifts you tiger lilies, they want to tell you please love me. I think it’s really romantic”, he says, caressing the tattoo, “I’m happy that this is my birth flower.”
“It fits you so well”, you say and trace the tattoo, “it even fit you when you had to isolate yourself. You wanted love, but couldn’t have it. It fit you.”
“It did. It’s destiny”, he scrunches his nose, “sorry, I sound a little crazy, but I really like the concept of destiny and fate and something otherworldly making sure that the right people meet each other when they need it most.”
“You don’t sound crazy at all. I love this concept as well. Honestly, my life feels like something big made me find you guys. Just think about it, I magically got a scholarship at a university where you all coincidentally pretended to be students at. Somehow former Sanguis, crazy old vampires with nothing to do, decided to try out studying and somehow you decided to keep an eye on them right in time so I could meet you.”
“I know, right.”
“And because I stumbled onto this path, the order of before crumbled and you managed to meet Yoongi, who in return helped you find your freedom. And if we spin it even further, Taehyung and Jimin found freedom as well. Seokjin found Emma again. And we all met love and bonded and became one big group and to make it even better, it turns out that I was a witch all along and now I’m being taught by one of Nilrem’s students and you have your very own witch to protect you. It sounds as if it was always our destiny to meet.”
“It does. Wow, it really does”, Jungkook flutters his lashes in adoration, “wow ___, this is so romantic.”
“It is. And the most beautiful part? I wasn’t even looking when I found you. I just found you and knew this is where I am supposed to be”, you say, having to giggle.
Jungkook giggles as well, taking your hands under the water.
“I love you”, he says.
“I love you too.”
“My heart is racing like crazy. I can’t believe how connected we have been since the beginning.”
“Me neither.”
“Can I hug you? I, I wanna hug you.”
You close the distance, hugging him as best as possible. Jungkook wraps you in his strong arms and giggles into the crook of your neck, cradling you against his chest. 
“What you just said means a lot to me”, he confesses.
“You’re so sweet”, you whisper.
His heart is racing unbearably. He moves back because he needs to look at you. He does so, brushing his palms over your cheeks in a soft cradle, scrunching his nose as he does it. He is such a gentle person. There is truly no evil in his heart. Now that he is just human and no curse twists him, it is so entirely obvious how being gentle is his natural state. 
You lean into his touch, gazing at his pretty face. 
“I think I need to get a tattoo dedicated to our family”, he says.
“Yeah? That sounds so wonderful.”
“Yeah. Yeah, but I don’t know what I want. I want something meaningful.”
“What if you tattooed how the moon looked on the day our destiny started?”
He widens his eyes. The galaxies in them grow. 
“I love this”, he presses out and touches your upper arms, “___, oh god, wow.”
He hugs you again, squeezing you gently.
“Do you like it?” 
“I, I love it so much. Wow, you’re so perfect”, he says and squeezes you just a little tighter, forcing a giggle out of you.
He is still so gentle with it. Despite his obvious strength, he makes sure that you aren’t hurting.
“I’m far from perfect”, you mumble into his shoulder.
“No, don’t put yourself down. You may not be perfect to yourself, but you’re perfect to me.” 
“You’re so sweet”, you whisper, melting in his arms. 
He breaks the hug, showing you his tattooed arm.
“Do you want to decide the placement?” 
“I can do that?” 
He nods his head, gazing at you. 
“Wow, this is so much trust you put in me.”
“Don’t worry, if you pick a weird spot I’ll change it”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Wow, okay I see how it is.”
He snickers, pecking your cheek.
“I’m joking. I bet you’ll pick out a good spot.”
“Gosh, I don’t know”, you say and cradle his arm. You run your fingers over his tattoos, taking all of them in. They all fit so well together, telling the stories closest to his heart. 
“What are you thinking?” he whispers into the silence.
“Just that your tattoos are beautiful. It’s like your arm is a storybook telling what matters most to you.”
Jungkook finds it hard to breathe, gazing at you with such fondness that he wants to scream from the intensity of it. You might not have been looking when you found them, but he did. He looked. He spent so many hours staring at the moon and thinking to himself that he will never meet someone who will understand his silly, hopelessly romantic views on the world and then you came into his life. And you look at the moon and see stories in it, you look at flowers and see meaning in them, you look at the invisible threat of fate until it becomes visible and you can embrace it. 
You lift your eyes, meeting his gaze shyly.
“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t assume what your tattoos mean.”
He shakes his head slowly, “you’re right. You are so goddamn right.”
“Oh”, you fluster, looking at his arm again. The emotion in his eyes is difficult to accept. In a good way of course. It is just very difficult to breathe properly when he looks at you as if you were his moon because sometimes it is still difficult for you to accept that you shine to other people.
“I have an idea”, you whisper.
“Tell me”, he encourages you in a soft spoken voice. 
You touch the tiger lily, tracing it with your fingertip.
“What if you put the moon here? To make it seem as if it is rising from behind the flower. It symbolises that you finally found love” you meet his eyes shyly, “that you finally have someone who is worthy enough to receive your birth flower.” 
You widen your eyes in shock.
“Are you crying?”
“Yeah”, he whimpers and hugs you tight against him before you can react.
“Kookie, what’s wrong?” you gasp.
“I’m happy”, he says and does a loud sniffle, “I’m crying because I love it so much.” 
“You do?”
“Yeah. Wah”, he grunts, “wah, I’m so grateful.”
“Gosh, you’re gonna make me cry too if you’re being so sweet”, you confess in a fond giggle, rubbing his back.
He giggles as well, wiping his tears on your shoulder and lifting his head afterwards. You stay close like this. You have your legs over his’ and he holds your waist.
You wipe the tears from his cheeks, allowing a bright smile to wash over his face. He leans into the touch.
“This kinda made your face wetter than it was before. Sorry.”
He laughs, “it’s okay”, he scrunches his nose, “thank you so much. I love it so much and, and I love the meaning even more.”
“I thought that it would have to mean something for you, so I thought of this.”
“It’s better than I ever could have imagined. It already means everything to me.”
“I’m so happy to hear this.”
Jungkook smiles, touching your stomach before moving up to your shoulders.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
He grabs your waist and pulls you closer, changing the position of his legs so they cage you in and your middles are almost touching. He keeps his left hand on your waist, cradling your cheek with his right hand. 
“My destiny”, he whispers, sending flutters through your heart. 
You lower your eyes, trying to do the same with your head but before you can, he has it tilted for a kiss. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, having to grasp his shoulders and whimper. The kiss isn’t that passionate for you to have such a reaction, but your souls intertwined so tightly in this bath that finally tasting his love overwhelms you. 
Jungkook answers your whimper in a whimper of his own, breaking the kiss just enough that he could talk.
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re perfe-”
He swallows your words, kissing you deeply and gently. You aren’t even mad that he did it, letting yourself fall into the kiss until it is all you exist for. 
You can’t tell how much time passes where you and he solely breathe to kiss, where your heart solely pump the blood through your bodies so you could taste each other’s love, where every single cell in your bodies functions so you and he could connect. Perhaps a lot of time passed, perhaps rather little time passed, but what is clear to you is that through it all, Jungkook never once allowed his tongue to join the kiss. 
You haven’t been kissed like this before and it makes your heart race like crazy because it is so gentle. He is so gentle. The way his hands caress your body in its most vulnerable, naked state. The way he lets your weakened legs rest over his’, the way he pulls you close when you get just a little wobbly from your emotions. He is so gentle that all you crave is the tenderness of his tongue. 
You break the kiss for air, going back into it with your fingers in his hair and your tongue tracing his lips.
Jungkook moans softly, parting his lips to finally allow his tongue a taste. He traces your lips, meeting your tongue when you look for it almost needily. 
Not long and you have to break the kiss to gasp for air. He caresses your cheek, feeling breathless himself.
“Okay?” he checks up on you.
“Yeah”, you get out, having to pull him back into a kiss. Your tongue looks for his’ instantly. He smiles, meeting you with it moments later. 
He loves it so much to know that you are comfortable. He feels so utterly smitten for you, so ardently obsessed that he wishes to replace his air with your scent. He could kiss you differently if he wanted to, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t because your comfort is the most important thing to him. And now that he can finally slow down, now that no curse forces him to be ravenous, he really wants to savour the gentleness of it. He can finally make you feel as comfortable as possible. He can finally steal your heart with just a kiss. 
Jungkook breaks the kiss for air.
“My beautiful girl”, he whispers.
You giggle, leaning into his hands when he cradles your face to kiss it all over. You keep your eyes closed, feeling your heart race like crazy. He doesn’t leave out any spot, placing the softest kisses all over your face. And as he does, he keeps whispering the sweetest words, finally making you realise just how much he actually feels for you.
You and Jungkook became a couple just like this. One day you didn’t know each other, then time passed and you suddenly were so tightly intertwined that being apart was too painful to even think about. You couldn’t tell when you fell for him, Jungkook has no recollection of it either, but it is clear to both of you that it was always meant to happen. 
“My beautiful girl”, Jungkook whispers and kisses your neck. 
“Koo, oh god”, you croak, writhing from side to side. The tingles he sent through you were unbearable in the best way possible.
He opens his eyes, “need a break?”
You shake your head, having to hide away in his neck afterwards. He rubs your back, letting you melt in his arms.
“What’s the matter, beautiful?”
“You”, you fluster, “oh god, I’m sorry.”
“For what?” 
“You make me feel safe and it’s”, you shake your head, “it excites me.”
You lift your head, “sorry. I, I don’t expect anything. I just love this so much.”
His eyes soften, he cradles your heated cheek.
“Look down.”
You glance down, “oh.” 
“Yeah, it’s affecting me too. You have no idea how much I’m enjoying this.”
“Oh god, Kook”, you let out a giggle.
“Yeah, I know”, he giggles too, caressing your waist.
“Should we do something about it?” 
“Do you want to do something about it?”
“Do you?” 
“I’m down for whatever you want.”
You nod your head shyly, “maybe we could do something about it?”
“Yeah?” he smiles, “god baby, come here.”
He pulls you into a tongue kiss, finally allowing his middle to melt with yours by pressing his hand to the small of your back. You moan into him, chasing the connection instantly. The angle allows you to rub against his base. His skin is so soft there, contradicting the raging hardness of his shaft. He is so hard. The proof of how deeply affected the long kisses and gentle touches left him makes you even needier. 
He feels the same. It is such a wonderful realisation. He feels the same. He does. You have to break the kiss after little time, touching the sides of his neck needily. 
“Kook I…” you trail off, wiggling your hips against him and whimpering softly.
“I’ll take care of it, yeah?”
“I’ll show you”, he says and shimmies back, changing position so he is sitting on his heels. 
Like this, he closes the distance again, kissing you and smiling into it in such a sexy way that your heart is fluttering like crazy. His hands are between your legs, supporting his weight. He isn’t touching you, but man the way he kisses you makes you wish he did.
To make matters even worse, he breaks the kiss again, giving you a sweet smile.
You retort it, feeling just a little out of breath.
“Stay like this”, he says.
He slides down until he is submerged under the water. 
“Huh? What are you- ah!” your hand is over your mouth instantly, your legs close at first but open wide again, trembling in the first shock of pleasure.
Jungkook is licking your clit. This madman submerged himself so he could eat your pussy.
His tongue is cool in comparison to the hot water. His licks are quick and placed without a plan in mind. You don’t blame him because he is underwater, having to hold his breath. 
Speaking of breath. Jungkook gives your clit three more flicks of his tongue and then he is diving up again. The water drips off his body and hair, covering his skin in a glistening layer of sin. It wasn’t always sinful, but the pulsations between your legs is making it hard not to see his wet body as a fucking sin meant to haunt you. 
You gawk at his lips and the sexy smile they are showing.
“How was that?” he asks in a rasp, breathing heavily to recover from his dive.
“So hot”, you get out.
Jungkook smiles even sexier and lowers his lips to your shoulder so he could kiss a path down to your breasts.
“Do you like it?”
“Yeah, so much.”
“Mhm, my pretty girl…”
He sucks on your nipple, tugging on it like this. Release. Your other one. Not a lot of time wasted and he is kissing a tingling path down your stomach. You arch into him, having to hold your breath with him when he disappears under the water again.
You release it in a shaky sigh when his lips lock around your clit and suck. You roll your head back, trying so fucking hard to be quiet. 
It is difficult when you have him playing with your clit with just his lips and tongue. Each time he lets go, the hot water reminds you of how sensitive you actually are and how his mouth is the kind of relief you didn’t even know you needed.
Up again. Jungkook gasps for air, lets the water drip off of him. He fixes his hair, his arms flex as he does it. 
“Kook”, you get out. 
He smiles and comes closer, pressing his thick thigh against your pussy. He places his tattooed hand around your throat, making you whimper.
No pressure, just wet, hot contact. He pushes. Your head falls against the edge of the bathtub, your body slides down and forces your pussy to rub against his thigh. Another whimper leaves you willingly.
“Relax, okay?” he speaks softly but with sexy playfulness in his voice. 
“Okay”, you get out.
“That’s what I like to hear”, he says and lets go of your throat to dance his hand down the middle of your torso. He scoots back so he can brush his fingers over your pussy, going slow but calculated.
You roll your hips into his touch, parting your lips in a moan.
“Relax, just relax. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Oh god, Kook…”
He gives you a little smirk and inhales deeply, diving down seconds later.
“Oh god”, you croak, closing your eyes in a sensual roll. 
Jungkook grips your hips and lifts them closer to his face, flicking his tongue over your clit as quickly as the water allows him to. He has his feet out of the water like this, resting on his stomach. He means business this time around, finding himself in a sexy fight between his own lungs and your willing body. Who will give up first? His instincts to breathe or your perfect body? Jungkook can’t decide what he wants. Breathing sounds fun, but so does dragging out your orgasm. Where’s the fun in getting you off after seconds? 
He dives up again. He didn’t need to, but keeping you on edge is more important.
Your needy whimpers meet his ears instantly. Jungkook can’t see your face like this, but doesn’t care because he can see your chest like this.
“You’ve got the most beautiful breasts”, he purrs, “my pretty girl, fuck”, he says and takes a deep breath.
“A-ah”, you cover your own mouth again. Having him return to your pussy never loses its spark. You have to writhe and squirm and arch your back, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to function. It’s hard to describe how good it feels to have him lick you under the water. There is a certain veil between the sensation and your nerves. As if the water is hiding away the true potential of his tongue. You can’t feel his spit, his slickened tongue and wet lips. The water hides it away, keeps it from you, steals it from you. 
Jungkook makes up for it with an eager suck until you clit sits between his lips and he can swirl his tongue around it. For just a second you feel his spit, his slickened tongue. 
You moan his name into your hand, rolling your eyes back further. Electricity is all you feel. 
Until you don't. Jungkook dives up again, fighting for air as his eager lips kiss up your torso. He is fixing his position again, whispering curses against your skin.
“Fuck, I tried to hold my breath for as long as I could, sorry”, he says and chuckles deeply, “I could have done better.” 
He drags his tongue from your collarbone up to your neck. You writhe uncontrollably. This is it. His slickened tongue. Your neck feels it before your pussy can. 
“Kook please”, you beg.
“Soon. Soon, gotta”, he takes a few deep breaths, “gotta breathe more.”
You can’t take it. You are so impatient. You stand up and sit down on the edge. 
Jungkook looks up at you between your legs. Water still drips from his dark hair.
“Please”, you beg and open your legs, propping one foot on the spacious edge and exposing yourself even better.
“Fuck, look at you. I’m actually crazy for you”, he growls and dives in face first. He quite literally and genuinely buries himself in your pussy, rubbing his face into her eagerly. His nose is so big and perfectly shaped that the impromptu facial makes you want to give him a different kind of facial.
Your hand is over your mouth again, you drop your head against the wall, curling your toes. If he keeps this up, he is going to make you cum with nothing but his nose. Oh god, this is getting you off so hard and good. 
“I can’t wait to do this in real life. I’m so fucking impatient”, Jungkook rasps, dimpling your hips, “Imma make my skincare your pussy once I can. Hear me? The others are gonna have to drag me away if they wanna get a taste as well”, he says and replaces his nose with his tongue.
He uses all of it. The precise tip, the wet edge and the warm flat of it. Jungkook uses every single inch of it, making you writhe and squirm on the edge of the bathtub. He might not be able to go down on you in real life, but in here? In here where no curse tells him to rip you apart, he is going to make up for it. He is going to drink every droplet of your pleasure, swallow every twitch, savour every throb. Jungkook moans into you, using his lips just as much as he does his tongue. His soft, pouty lips. He sucks and kisses, rubs them against you and messies them with your leaking pleasure. And as he loses himself, he keeps moaning and keening and sighing, sending the most back-arching electricity through your sensitive nerves.
“Holy fuck Kook, I can’t do that for long” you croak into your hand, having to pant for air afterwards. 
“Mhhm”, he hums, pressing himself closer just so he can grind his tongue against your pussy. He lowers himself, tilting his head back and holding your hips so he can drag his tongue all the way from your taint up to your clit. No inch of your perfect heaven should be missed out, no inch will be left unlicked and cherished. Jungkook needs to taste you, devour you. It’s all he exists for right now. 
“Kook, wait please”, you beg, grabbing his hair. 
He lets you pull him away, worrying that he might have hurt you, used too much teeth maybe.
“Did it hurt?” he asks, gazing up at you while his lips worship the inside of your right thigh.
You shake your head, “close.”
He smiles, rubbing your thigh with his gentle hand.
“Why did you stop me?” he asks and sucks a little hickey to your thigh.
You writhe, having to croak your words because of the sensation.
“It’s too soon.”
“Mhm, is it?” he whispers, guiding his kisses to your other thigh. He lingers on your pussy on his way, tongue kissing your clit slowly. The electricity builds quickly. Way too quickly. You tense and gasp and Jungkook is already gone, chuckling softly because you squirm from denial. He finally reaches your other thigh, cradling it in his big hand and kissing every inch of the sensitive inside. 
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, showing you his honesty with gentle touches. His hands are so warm, his palms so soft. It feels so good to be adored this way.
He lifts his lips, touching your inner thighs as he gazes up at you.
“Is this okay?” he asks.
“And this?” he asks, brushing his thumb over your pussy.
You twitch into it, parting your lips in a silent moan. 
He places his other hand on your lower stomach and uses his fingers to part your folds, exposing your clit this way and brushing his thumb over it as softly as possible.
“Is this okay, honey?” he whispers.
You nod your head vigorously, struggling with looking at him.
“You’re so beautiful. You know that, don’t you?” 
You feel your cheeks heat up and your heart flutter in your chest.
“Yeah, you do. That’s why you’re being so perfect right now”, he says and lowers his tongue to your clit, sliding his thumb to your entrance so he can massage it as his tongue worships your exposed clit in precise licks. He uses his tip for it, forcing your head to roll back and your back to arch against your will. 
“Don’t stop, please.”
“Mhhm, baby…” he lulls, smiling against you and kissing your clit, “so sweet, you’re so sweet”, he purrs, returning to licking you softly but precisely. 
He closes his eyes, falling into the moment with you. His heart is racing, his tummy is filled with butterflies. He is so happy. All he wants to do in the real world is to love the people he loves gently. There is no desire for violence in his tender heart, no wish to be rough in his gentle hands. And yet his curse turns him into a violent, rough monster. This is paradise to him. He can love you how his golden heart desires, he can touch you how his loving hands crave. 
You touch his thumb, searching for his pointer finger. He gives it to you, kissing your clit slowly as he concentrates on what you are going to do with it. You guide it to your entrance and push, burying his first knuckle in your warmth.
“Baby”, he moans and fulfills your sweet wish. He buries his middle and ring finger inside you, curling them in search for your sweet spot.
“Aah, Kook….”
“Is that the spot?” he asks against you.
He bottoms out, curling his fingers slowly.
“Not there.”
He fixes it a little, feeling it before you can voice it. Your walls clench and throb around his digits, your clit pulsates under his tongue.
“Kook”, you squeak out, holding his wrist for support, “there…”
“Mhm baby”, he purrs, squeezing his thighs together needily. He’s doing a good job. All his wishes are being fulfilled right now. 
You grip the edge of the bathtub with your other hand, biting down on your lower lip because otherwise you would be way too loud. He’s devoting his all to your most sensitive nerves on both sides. His tongue on the outside and his fingers on the inside. You don’t know where the pleasure begins and ends, it spreads all over your body by now, feeling strongest where you have his devotion. It warms you up so much that you can’t even feel the cool air on your wet skin anymore. It is also growing more and more the longer he stays between your legs. 
Soon you roll your hips into his mouth against your will, keeping his fingers inside with desperate clenches. Jungkook soaks up every shift, clench and shake. This is how your body moves when he is leading you to climax. It feels like a dance to him and he wants to learn every fucking step of it until he can recall it in his sleep. 
You taste so much richer too. Jungkook isn’t even a Ripper right now and he still finds it difficult to keep such a gentle rhythm. He wants to munch. Fuck, he wants to slurp you up until he can’t anymore. But he doesn’t. He stays gentle, furrowing his brows in desperation while you bury your hand in his wet hair and tug.
“Don’t stop, ah please.”
Jungkook moans into you from the burn of his scalp. You are losing yourself so hard that you can’t control your strength. Fuck, his cock is so hard. You are ruining him.
“I have to…you make me…Kook, I’m cum-ah”, you choke out, ripping your mouth open to scream silently as he throws you over the edge. 
Hard. He was so gentle, resulting in your orgasm to take control over you roughly. You shake and tremble, twisting his hair. 
Jungkook moans and growls, looking up at you with blown out pupils. His head is pounding from ecstasy. He’s feeling your orgasm. He is finally feeling it. One eager curl of his fingers and you feed it to him as well.
“Sorry, ah!” you squeak, squirting all over his face against your will.
“Ngn”, Jungkook gurgles, widening his eyes in surprise at getting his face wet. It gushes out of his mouth at first until he finally finds his composure again and he begins to basically suck it out of you, losing every single composure in the process. He moans and growls, sucks and slurps and rubs his face into your weeping cunt. He spoke of your pussy being the only skincare he needs and he is hellbent on showing you how honest he was. He shows you and shows you and shows you until you are drained and empty, now twitching on his fingers weakly.
“Please stop”, you get out, trying to pull him away, “no more, please.”
Jungkook breaks away with a sinful moan, stilling his hunger by kissing up your stomach. He grabs and kneads your softness as he does it, panting heavily because he is far, far gone in his obsession for you. 
“I need to live inside you”, he gets out between his wet kisses, “holy fuck, I need my air to be replaced with you scent. Baby, holy fuck, baby.”
“Koo, I’m falling, ah”, you squeak and slide into the bathtub.
Jungkook cushions your fall with a strong grip, lifting you on his lap even if the position is a little uncomfortable.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, ahm Kook, dizzy.”
“Lean into me, I got you”, he soothes you, rubbing your back.
“Oh god, Kook this was so intense oh god”, you babble, barely catching your breath.
“It was. Baby, I wanted to do this for you for so long. Oh god”, he hugs you closer, “don’t let this be over please”, he begs, looking up at you with obsessed eyes.
“I’m sensitive”, you whimper.
“I’ll be gentle, promise. I’ll be so gentle.”
“Can you kiss me first, please?” 
“Of course, baby. Of course, holy fuck of course. My baby, oh my baby.”
Jungkook lifts you off his lap so he can lie you down in the water, using his hand as your pillow so you wouldn’t dive under. He keeps his other arm around your waist, pressing you against his torso as he claims your lips in a kiss.
You are so utterly under his control right now. If he decides to drop you, the water would swallow you whole. He is giving you oxygen just as much as he is stealing it with every kiss. His lips taste like you, his tongue feeds it to you in sensual licks. His face smells just a little like you as well, messing up your sanity. He kisses you until you ache between your legs and the thought of having him inside is the only thing running through your scrambled mind. A lot of time passed before you felt ready and the realisation that Jungkook was willing to wait despite his aching desire makes you want him even more. He is willing to wait for you, he is seeing your comfort as a priority. You need him to fuck you violently, quite frankly, it is difficult not to when he is being such a safe space.
You break the kiss, “fuck me, please.”
“Really?” his voice is shaking as he speaks, “are you sure?”
“Yes, please.”
Jungkook pulls you up with him, swiping the water out your face. He can barely breathe, panting like crazy.
“Are you really sure, baby?”
“Yeah, so sure.”
He laughs breathily and shakily, gazing at you with blown out pupils and flushed cheeks. He can’t stop cradling your cheeks. He does it over and over again. Letting go, cradling, letting go, cradling.  He is so utterly smitten for you and it is so sweetly obvious to you.
“How do you want me?” he asks, exhaling shakily when you touch his chest. Your fingers rub his nipples mindlessly, forcing his cock to twitch repeatedly. 
“Take me how you want to”, you make submissive eyes at him, “please, I trust you.”
“You”, he cradles your face, widening his eyes, “I’m fucking obsessed with you. Holy fuck.” 
“Then fuck me like you mean it, please.”
He gulps and nods his head vigorously.
“Fuck, this is hot”, he laughs breathily, “okay so uhm. Stand up”, he orders.
You obey, feeling your knees wobble when he pulls you close by the small of your back and kisses you. His left hand is still on your back, his right is holding the back of your head. You are skin to skin, body to body. No distance. Just wet, heated contact. It gets you off just as good as the best fuck would. Your hands are restless. Where to touch? His neck, his shoulders, his arms, his big chest or small waist? You can’t touch him like this in the real world and you don’t know where to start now that you can.
You are so far apart in real life. So fucking far apart because his veins are filled with a curse. You want to be how you are right now but can’t. It’s impossible to decide on which spot to touch first now that the only thing filling your veins is obsessive pleasure.
You somehow end up fondling his chest however. It feels so strong and big between your fingers.
Jungkook breaks the kiss with a moan when your fingers find his nipples. His puffy lips stay parted, he lulls his words as he looks at you half lidded and droopy.
“This is doing something for me.”
“It is?” you croak, feeling your stomach tighten.
“Yeah, you’re touching me so fucking good.”
“Kook, oh god.”
“Mhm”, he purrs and grabs your waist, “do you want to turn around?”
You obey happily. Jungkook takes your hands and places them on the wall next to your head. He touches your torso until he can hold your right leg. He lifts it, guiding it so you stand on the edge of the bathtub. 
Then he finally steps closer, caressing your waist and kissing your neck.
“Stay like this, my beautiful honey”, he orders in a loving whisper.
“Mh-hm”, you whimper.
“Do you want to stay like this, mhm? Can I fill that pretty pussy of yours like this?”
“Please”, you beg, nodding your head vigorously.
“Mhm, I love when you’re begging me, babygirl”, he says and steps back.
He spits on his own cock, spreading it quickly so he can get to where he actually wants to be. He drags his cock down your ass until he finally has your wet entrance against his tip.
“I can call you babygirl, can’t I?” he asks.
“Ye-aAh”, you moan loudly in sync with Jungkook sinking into you.
“Shit, so tight”, he rasps, placing his hands over yours and pinning you against the wall like this, “breathe babygirl, you’re not hurting are you?” 
“No”, you croak and drop your cheek against the cold tile, “I love cock so much, oh god”, you get out and sob softly, arching your back so he can slip deeper. 
Jungkook bottoms out, caging you in between his strong body and the wall. He is burning up, squeezing your hands. 
“You love cock?”
You nod your head vigorously. 
“Mhm, babygirl….” he purrs and begins to roll his hips into you, making you moan and whimper instantly, “lucky for you, I’ve got what you want. Does that do something for you, babygirl?”
“Course it does. Such a good girl, you’re made for me. Made for my cock”, he rasps, putting emphasis on the last word by pressing his cock right against your sweet spot.
You sway uncontrollably, trying to claw for support. He gives it to you by pinning you tighter against the wall, holding your hip with a strong grip.
“Too rough?”
“No”, you mewl, fucking back onto him, “please don’t stop, please.”
“I’m not gonna stop. You feel so good, babygirl. So fucking good.”
He is right. This feels so good. Your bodies are so close, you feel every thrust. The position gives you a natural tightness, resulting in you to feel every inch of his cock going in and out of you. You feel the shift of your tightness tugging his skin over his tip, feel his veins and the throbbing of them whenever he is especially deep. This is so good. He is so right for saying that. This feels so good. 
“You’re so perfect, holy fuck, you’re perfect”, Jungkook pants, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He lets go of your right hand, painting an adoring touch down your torso until he has your clit under his fingers.
Your knees buckle, he pulls you back up, keeping his grip on your hip and moaning into you when you reach behind you to bury your hands in his hair. 
“Jungkook”, his name from your lips feels like ecstasy to him.
He keeps his fingers still on clit, using the natural movements of your hips to pleasure you. You begin chasing him even needier, now running after the warmth of his touch and the electricity of his cock. 
“Do you like this?” 
“Koo, help me”, you beg, having to fight your own voice.
“What do you need?”
“Can’t stay quiet.”
“Mhm baby”, he purrs and presses you against his chest, placing his left hand over your mouth.
“I’ve got you. Let go, I’m keeping you quiet, let go”, he growls, drilling you so, so good that you actually moan into his hand.
You grip his strong lower arm, tattooing nail marks on his empty skin. Your eyes roll back when his cock hits your deepest spots, knees buckling as he is the only one keeping you standing. 
“That’s my girl, moan for me. I’m keeping you quiet, keeping it all for myself. Fuck, your pussy’s heaven on earth.”
You are falling into him and the pleasure he gives you. Now that he is keeping you quiet, you can finally let go. And how you let go. His touch feels like paradise, his cock truly seals the deal. There is nothing holding you back anymore and it feels as if you are floating away on pleasure.
“My destiny, my girl, my everything”, Jungkook chants, living on nothing but your scent. He doesn’t keep his fingers still on your clit anymore. He is too desperate for it, too obsessed with every second. He hopes that you like it. He hopes that you get off on it because it is the main reason he does it. He gets off on getting you off. It is the proof that he is destined for tenderness, that his hands can do good and not just hurt. He is making you shake and it isn’t from fear but ecstasy. 
You drool into his hand, mewling his name because he rubs your clit just right. It is so difficult to stand when he is quite literally forcing your legs to stop working. You want to crumble and fall down with your legs spread so he could do whatever he wants with them. 
“Lean into me, don’t worry I’ve got you”, he tells you with a shaky voice. The shakes are timed with his deep grinds into your warmth. He can’t thrust a lot in this position, but neither of you care because his cock sits just right to massage your favourite spots. Which it return, makes your needy pussy suck on his cock in desperate clenches. Truly neither of you care that he can’t thrust, grinding against each other as he makes it harder and harder for you to stand. 
You tug his hand away from your mouth.
“I have to cum”, you choke out.
“Let go, I’m here.”
“You, you, you have to hold me, I’m so…ah…weak”, you stutter and feel the knot break, losing all strength instantly. 
Jungkook pulls you against him, keeping you standing easily.
“Relax, I’ve got you. I, I’ve…holy fuck, you feel so good. Holy fuck”, he moans, scrunching his face as your pussy pulsates around him. 
He treats you so well, is so strong and gentle that your emotions make you orgasm even harder, resulting in your seemingly drained body to wet his cock as well. It runs down your legs and his thighs, trickling into the water loudly. 
You have to bite his hand because otherwise you would scream.
“Holy shit, you’re so hot. Oh god baby, I have to cum too”, he croaks, “please fuck, please, baby, please.” 
You tug his hand away again, “cum for me, please.”
“Urgh fuck”, he growls and pulls out quickly to jerk off his cock. You turn around even if it is difficult, gawking at him in surprise because you expected his seed. He meets your eyes, his face is tight in concentrated pleasure, “just in case. We’re human here.”
He is so fucking considerate. Holy fuck.
“Kook”, you moan and fall down onto your knees, dragging your hands down his big thighs.
You tilt your head back and open your mouth. 
“Seriously?” he squeaks.
You nod your head. 
“Holy fuck, baby”, he moans and takes your head to guide your mouth onto his cock. He fits into you easily because he is only human right now. 
He wants to be considerate and only feed you his tip, but you sink down deeper until you have him at the back of your tongue just about where your gag reflex would start. You slide your other to his balls and shaft, playing with what you can’t fit while your eyes gaze up at him. You begin bopping your head up and down, sucking as best as possible. 
Jungkook’s knees buckle, he finds support by slamming his hands against the wall. He opens his mouth, letting out a shaky “a-ah” before closing his mouth again and furrowing his brows. 
His fingers deepen in your hair, his lids flutter. 
You suck on his tip as harshly as you can, making him growl before he remembers that he has to be quiet and he whimpers instead.
“Soon, really soon.”
He is throbbing in your mouth. You slide your hand up his shaft to get a good grip so you can pull his foreskin back and expose his tip even better. With his tip exposed, all his most sensitive nerves are sitting on your tongue, getting licked and sucked as you fuck your face with him.
“Now”, of course it sets him off. Of course it does. It feels so good to him. Jungkook rolls his eyes back and throws his head back, climaxing down your throat with a squeak of your name. His fingers tremble in your hair, his shaky legs can barely keep him standing.
You mewl around him, swallowing every single droplet your mouth can fit. The rest, you let trickle out of you, soiling your chin and chest. You are so hungry for him and show him until he is sucked dry and he has to flee in overstimulation.
He drops to his knees loudly, “holy fuck”, he croaks and pulls you into a kiss. You are both kneeling, pushing and pulling each other to get closer. He doesn’t even care that your mouth was still filled with his cum, licking it out of you hungrily as he floats on the afterglow with you. 
You recover like this. Kissing and touching each other. You go from sloppy, needy tongue kisses to slower yet needy kisses until you reach gentle, little kisses and caresses. 
Enough time passed that you and he feel a little chilly already, hugging each other to get warm.
“This was amazing”, he says and lies down in the water, pulling you with him so you rest between his legs with your head on his chest.
“Yeah, it was.” 
“How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?”
“No, I feel so good, just really tired.”
“Yeah, me too. Wanna clean up and then get under the sheets?”
You and he wash each other with fresh water, you dry each other and help each other with your hair. And as you take care of each other like good lovers should do after such a moment of passion, you talk about said moment. Jungkook shares with you how he dreams of being like this with you in the real world and you assure him that one day he will. You share with him that when you first started having sex you found it scary at first to give yourself in submission but that he and the others make you feel really safe to which he holds you gently and thanks you for allowing him the privilege of seeing you this way. 
Then you leave for your bedroom, holding hands as you do.
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You are already under the blanket and Jungkook is in the midst of climbing inside when you stop him.
“Hey, Kookie?”
“Can you get me some water? I’m so thirsty.”
“Of course, I’ll get it”, he says and leaves the room after kissing your forehead and putting on pants.
You are fighting sleep when he comes back a few moments later. He fucked you so good that you’re really exhausted now, fluttering your eyes at him sleepily.
“You won’t believe what I just witnessed downstairs”, he says, handing you the glass of water. You sit up, accepting it.
“What?” you ask, drinking the water gladly.
He takes off his pants and climbs into bed.
“Taehyung and Yoongi had a bonfire outside and apparently they talked it out. They’re friends now.”
“Really?” you gasp, feeling your heart flutter.
“Yeah, they’re washing the dishes downstairs and they’re talking.”
“Oh my god”, you get out, “oh my god, I’m so happy right now. I really wished for them to be friends again.”
“Yeah, me too”, he says and places the empty glass on the bedside table after you handed it to him.
You and he lie down, cuddling together under the blanket. Jungkook turns off the light and wraps his arms around you afterwards, tracing your spine slowly.
“Did you actually see them?” you ask quietly.
“Yeah, I talked to them and they told me.”
“Wow, this is so amazing. I’m so happy”, you whisper and cuddle closer, “I love you so much. All of you.”
It is the last thing you want to share before sleep drags you down. 
Jungkook smiles, kissing the crown of your head.
“I love you too. The others love you too”, he whispers, rubbing your back, “sleep tight, my gentle destiny.”
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cameronspecial · 8 months
hi! im here to request something for zach McLaren. if u want could u do one with the reader getting hurt and zach comforts her with fluff and angst?
The Accident Prone Girl And The Worry Wart
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Sex
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
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Y/N has always been sensitive to pain and a little clumsy. Normally, it would be an okay combination as falling doesn’t hurt her too much, but when combined with her stubbornness to do things by herself, it can be a dangerous combination. The bowl she needs is way too high for her to reach without any sort of help and she knows she should call Zach for help, but she knows she can get it on her own. She takes off her socks to create more friction, hopping on the counter and standing at her full height. The bowl gives her a little bit of a struggle because it won’t come out. She quickly loses her balance and falls back off the counter. Her bum takes the brunt end of the fall, but the moment keeps the top half of her body moving. Her head hits the tilted floor and she cries out in pain. 
Zach runs into the room to see his girlfriend in tears on the floor. He spots the open cabinet and the bowl he knows was put on a shelf she can’t reach. He starts to piece the scene together in his mind; worry turning to slight anger. “Babe, how many times do I have to tell you not to climb on the counter? This is exactly why,” he scolds, throwing his hand out at the counter to emphasize his point. “It’s reckless things like this that are going to get you seriously hurt or worse, killed.” All Y/N can do is cry at the pain and her boyfriend’s anger. The room is silent, except for her crying, for a second until Zach realizes his words are a little harsh. He snaps out of his anger and rushes to her. Her body is pulled onto his lap, burying her head into his neck. “I’m sorry. That was mean. It’s just that you worry me when you do stuff like that, Baby. One of these days, you are going to get really hurt and I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. You know how bad I am in an emergency, I would be useless,” he admits, giving her temple a kiss. 
She giggles at the memory of the time she accidentally cut herself with a knife and needed stitches. Zach was freaking out and screaming about how much blood there was. She nods in understanding, “You’re right. I don’t mean to worry you, but I just don’t want to always bother you.” “You could never bother me, Baby. I am here to be at your service, always,” he promises. He moves her hair out of her face so he can her properly. “I know you are. I really should start using you more often. Maybe then I wouldn’t have that many bruises,” she jokes with a giggle. He snickers at her words, “I would not object to that. You can use me in whatever way you want me.” He can feel the sexual tension that grew in the room, so he picks her up and leads her to his bedroom. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight
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inuiiwonderland · 2 months
Twisted captivity
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Chapter 2
Twst third years x fem reader
I need to make a schedule or something so you guys can know when I’ll drop a new chapter😭😣 I be feeling bad when I have you guys waiting without a proper schedule😞
Words: 894
2 hours
You were in that damn office for two FUCKING hours. You felt like quitting right then and there before even getting the job because of how long it took Crowley to explain to you all the things you were going to be in charge of from now on.
And it took an extra hour in that office because he gave you LOADS of paperwork for you to sign. And if you were being completely honest, you barely read anything that was on there. Which was probably a dumb idea considering that you didn’t know what you just signed up for.
But after those dreadful two hours in Crowley's office, you finally got to go home and start your first day as a researcher and caretaker tomorrow.
Let’s just hope that everything goes well
You yawn as you make your way down the long white halls. Seriously you were dying of sleep since your mother and father suggested having a little celebration party last night after you got the job. You grabbed your key card from your pocket before scanning it and watching the doors to the enclosure open.
Today you will be visiting two different locations. The first one being the heartslabyul enclosure and the second one being savanaclaw.
You walk in and couldn’t help but admire the scenery in front of you.
You wonder how much Crowley paid for all of this
You dig through your bag before pulling out your notebook and pen. Crowley specifically said to always have your notebook and pen on you at all times and to always write down every single bit of interaction you have with the mermen.
You didn’t ask why since you didn’t want to stay a second longer in that office.
The sound of water splashing and light laughter was enough to pull you out of your thoughts. You looked to where the sound was coming from before slowly making your way towards the sound.
The sound of water splashes, clicks and chirps soon grew louder as you saw two mermen messing around with each other. You silently watched as the one sitting on top of the rock cackle and pointed at the blue hair merman who angrily clicks and chirps at the red head.
You opened your notebook before quickly jolting down the interaction.
He did say to write down every single interaction the mermen have with you or with each other.
As you continue writing down stuff in your notebook. The sound of Crowley's voice coming from the Walkie Talkie made you jump as you dropped your notebook and pen. And you weren’t the only one who got scared too.
The two mermen who were just splashing each other with water and bickering not too long ago soon stop before quickly turning to where the sound came from. The moment they saw you they both went underwater.
You said as you quickly scrambled to get your things.
“W-wait! I don’t mean no harm!” You say as you walk to where they were last seen. You continue to call out for them but nothing.
You were a bit bummed out but didn’t hold it against them. You would’ve been scared if someone was watching you and your every move too.
You waited for a bit before turning around and getting ready to leave but just when you were about to start walking you heard a tiny splash from behind you.
You turned around and saw red and blue eyes staring intensely at you. They weren’t fully out of the water. Only halfway up so the only thing you can see is the top of their head and eyes.
You grew a bit uncomfortable and nervous since it looked like they were about to rip your head off.
“Uh…hi” You waved.
The two mermen didn’t say or do anything. They just continued to stare at you.
“My name is y/n. I’m-"
“I..saw…you” He said. You can tell he didn’t know how to speak the human language as he stuttered a bit and would pause from time to time to get the right word.
“Me?” You ask as you point at yourself. The boy nods.
“I saw you…here ….last time” You were confused at what he meant by that. Until you remember the strange sound and the feeling of eyes on you when Crowley first brung you here.
“Oh! Wait, that was you?” He nods again.
“Last time?” The one with blue hair finally spoke up as he looked at the red head and then you.
“Mhm! Crowley was showing me around yesterday” His mouth forms an O shape before nodding.
“I’m y/n! You guys are?”
“Deuce” You smiled.
“Nice to meet you ace and deuce!” You extended your hand for them to shake but they just looked at it confused.
“Oh um it’s a handshake”
“Mhm like this” You grabbed your own hands and shook them. Demonstrating on how to shake hands.
“Like that!”
You then stick out both your hands as the two grab it and shake it.
“Nice to meet you guys”
“Nice to meet you!” They both said in unison.
The two boys smiled and you couldn’t help but find it adorable.
They both look really young.
I hope Crowley didn’t kidnap literal children!
If only you knew….
Taglist: @ruisann @roseapov @0ffth3rec0rd @anunholyabomination @owodi @mochi-lover26 @coffee-or-hot-cocoa
Ask if you wanna be in the Taglist!🤍
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katsu28 · 1 year
to be alone together
pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
summary: steve has to work on valentine’s day, but maybe it’s not as bad as he thought it would be
warnings: none, 1.8k
a/n: u know i had to do a lil something for my steve girlies too <3 went for a more steve centric pov bc he is the definition of pining simp 
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(gif credits to @harringtondaily)
“Kinda sucks that you gotta work tonight.” Robin’s voice through the phone pressed to Steve’s ear was staticky, but still provided a good distraction from the empty video store around him.
It was Valentine’s Day and Steve had been at Family Video since opening, watching couple after couple come in to pretty much clear the romcom shelves, and yeah, he was a little bummed about it, but there was no point moping around about it any longer than he already had been. 
“It’s whatever, honestly. Not like I had any plans to begin with.” He sighed, shifting the receiver so it was wedged between his cheek and shoulder as his fingers drifted down to fiddle with the pen on the counter absentmindedly. 
“Steve, that’s sad.” Robin replied. Steve wrinkled his nose, a slightly offended noise escaping the back of his throat. “No! I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant that you should be out and about, having a good time.” 
“You know what’s actually sad? You talking to me instead of paying attention to your date.” He shot back, only half serious. “Where’s Nance?” 
“Oh she’s right here. Say hi, Nance.” 
Steve heard a faint ‘hi Steve’ in the background and he returned the greeting. “What are you guys doing tonight?” 
“She made this really fancy pasta thing for dinner, we’re just waiting on the chicken to finish in the oven and I thought I’d see what was going on with you.” Robin sounded casual, but he knew this was her way of checking up on him since he was the only one on shift all day and she knew how he felt about today. 
“Rob, I don’t know how many times I gotta tell you, but I’m fine. It’s really not a big deal.” 
“Why don’t you just close up early, come join us for dinner? We have more than enough food.” 
“You’re seriously inviting me to crash your romantic dinner date with your girlfriend?” He snorted, rolling his eyes playfully. “What does Nancy think of that?” 
There was some shuffling on the other end, a bout of silence, then Robin was back on the line. “She’s giving me a weird look, nevermind. Now that I think about it, it wasn’t my best idea.” 
“I love you both, but you know I can’t.” 
The bell above the door jingled softly, drawing Steve’s attention away from his phone call and to whoever just walked in. 
Shit. It was you. 
You were dressed like you were supposed to be on your date, not here, hair and makeup done up all pretty, floaty dress in his favorite color swishing around your knees as you made your way into the store. It made him wonder if you chose that color on purpose, but he knew that you didn’t. You couldn’t have known you’d be seeing him tonight. Wishful thinking on his end though. 
“Rob, I gotta go,” He blurted, straightening up behind the counter. 
“Wait, what—” 
“I gotta go, she’s—someone’s here, I gotta help her.” 
“She? Oh my god, wait! Is it—” 
“Have a nice date, tell Nance I said bye!” With that, Steve hung up, slamming the receiver onto the base with enough force to send it skittering a few inches. “Hey, Y/N.” 
“Steve!” Your previously downturned lips lifted into a smile, one that had Steve’s heart thudding a little faster in his chest. It always did. “I didn’t know you were working tonight.” 
See, you were also part of the reason he decided to take the extra shift today, but through no fault of your own. You’d mentioned earlier in the week while you were hanging out with him and Robin that someone had asked you out for tonight, and Steve didn’t really know how to feel about it. 
You were friends, but had Steve been harboring a crush on you since pretty much the first day you met? Yes. 
Did he feel an itching sense of jealousy that you were going on a date with someone that wasn’t him? Also yes. 
Would he do anything about it? Probably not. 
Okay, so maybe he knew exactly how he felt about it. Hell, he’d picked up an extra shift to distract himself from it. 
“Yeah, I got called in last minute." A lie. "Aren’t you supposed to be on a date right now?” A casual, not at all hoping that it crashed and burned question. That would be mean. (But also a little gratifying for him.)
You chuckled, a tad bitter as you leaned forward, propping your elbows on the counter, the action sending a whiff of your perfume his way. Steve’s knees almost gave out. “Supposed to, yeah. But the guy never showed up.” 
Steve had to fight a noise of surprise. What kind of dumbass would skip out on a date with you? “Really? That’s—that sucks, I’m sorry.” 
“S’okay. Wasn’t really looking forward to it anyways.” 
“I didn’t really know him that well, honestly. He was a friend of a friend, asked me out in front of a bunch of people, and I didn’t really wanna turn him down and make it awkward.” 
“You’re way too nice, Y/N. And he’s an idiot for standing you up.” 
“Thanks, Steve.” You smiled warmly at him, patting his hand. Steve had to pretend his pulse wasn’t racing right now. “What about you? Why’re you here and not out with anyone?” 
“I, uh—I didn’t really feel like going out tonight. Don’t think I’d be a very good date anyways.”
“Oh, you’re just being modest. What girl wouldn’t wanna spend Valentine’s Day with Steve Harrington?” 
The one girl he wanted to spend this day with, he thought. You. 
“You’d be surprised.” He muttered. 
“Well then they’re idiots too.” 
A small smile quirked his lips. “Thanks.” 
“Hey, I just came to pick up some movies and spend the rest of my night shoveling down ice cream, but since we’re both here now and alone, d’you wanna…be alone together? Grab a bite to eat or do something?” 
Steve’s shoulders slumped defeatedly. “I’d love to, but I—I can’t. I gotta stay here til the end of my shift, Keith’s been on my ass about taking off early and as much as I hate the guy, I don’t wanna get fired.” 
“Oh, okay. Don’t worry about it, I’m, uh—it’s cool.” Was he hallucinating, or did you look disappointed? 
“Would you maybe wanna, I dunno, stay here? We can watch whatever you want and I know where Robin keeps her work snack stash. That way we can be alone together and I don’t get chewed out again?” Steve blurted hopefully. He was honestly expecting you to say no. Why would you wanna spend the rest of your already shitty night with him in a dingy video store? But then your face split into the biggest smile and you nodded, rocking forward on the balls of your feet earnestly. “Go pick something out, I’ll grab the snacks.” 
You scurried off to browse the near bare shelves, leaving Steve shaking his head amusedly in your wake as he watched you skim the tapes with a look of utmost concentration. He slipped into the back room to grab Robin’s last unopened bag of chips, making a mental note to buy more before tomorrow’s shift before returning to the video area.
He skimmed the store, spotting you in the romcom section, and when he made his way over, you were contemplating the last two tapes on the shelf. 
You beamed at him upon spotting him. “Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles?” 
“Am I allowed to say neither?” 
“You said whatever I want, Steve.” You said pointedly, propping your hands on your hips. 
“I did, didn’t I?” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. You let out a hum of pleasure, sliding your chosen movie off the shelf and wandering towards the TV in the corner. Steve hurried after you quickly, plucking the tape from between your fingertips and running away, not unlike a child would. 
“Steve!” You huffed, whirling on your heel. He grinned mischievously at you, waving it in the air like a taunt. You caught up with him within seconds, lunging for the tape that he held up above his head and away from your outstretched hand. Your body was pressed against his as you reached for it, as you leaned against him in a fruitless attempt to overpower him. “Steve, gimme the tape!” 
“No!” He laughed, but that laughter very soon trickled off as soon as he realized your proximity. You were so close, he could see the color of your eyes clear as day, looking right back at him. You’d fallen quiet too, as if you’d come to the same realization. 
You were nose to nose, faces a hair’s breadth away from each other, the stolen tape in Steve’s hands long forgotten. Every fiber in his body was telling him to pull away, because the longer he stayed here the weirder it would be when he finally did manage to retreat, but no matter how hard he willed himself to move, he couldn’t. Instead, his eyes flicked down to your lips. Your breath hitched almost imperceptibly. 
“Steve?” You whispered, gaze darting around his own face. 
“Kiss me.” 
You didn’t have to tell him twice.
Steve dropped the tape immediately, closing the gap between you and pressing his lips against yours. His hands came up to cup your face, holding you firm but kissing you soft, like he was preparing himself to pull away if you did. But from the way you were returning his kiss, how your hands clutched at the front of his vest to keep him this close, it didn’t feel like you’d be pulling away anytime soon, and that spurred him on even more. 
One hand slid down to settle at your waist, the other curling around the back of your neck as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss just a little bit. 
Steve’s lips felt tingly when he pulled away, tasted of your cherry lip gloss when his tongue darted out to lick them. He was sure to have a little bit on his mouth now, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Not by a long shot. Cherry might’ve just become his new favorite flavor. 
“I really like you.” He breathed, chest heaving against yours. Your lips curved into a soft smile—the same smile that nearly sent Steve’s brain short circuiting every time it was aimed his way. 
“After that kiss, I’d sure hope so,” You replied, smoothing out his wrinkled shirt as best you could. “I like you too, just so you know. Part of the reason I was so okay with my date ditching me. He wasn’t you.” 
Steve could only beam at you, going in for another kiss. In his excitement, he missed his mark, hitting the corner of your mouth instead, but he didn’t care. The girl he wanted all along actually liked him back, and it only took one failed date and an extra shift to find out. 
Maybe working on Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad after all. 
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