#but I’ve been thinking about her family
estapa-edwards · 2 days
hughes sister who plays for the rnagers and falls in love with matt especially as she sees hwo sweet he is off the ice and hate how the media makes him look like an ass. matt who quickly falls for her, he stays with her when he gets called up to the rangers
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paring: Matt Rempe x reader
word count: 2k
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
Y/N Hughes had always been the odd one out in her family. Her brothers, Jack, Quinn, and Luke, were all renowned hockey players, carving their names in the NHL history books. Y/N, on the other hand, was also a hockey player, but she was making waves in her own right as one of the few women in the sport to play in the NHL, proudly representing the New York Rangers.
Her journey hadn’t been easy, facing skepticism and doubt at every turn. But Y/N had her brothers' unwavering support and her own determination to prove the doubters wrong. And so, she had become a formidable presence on the ice, known for her agility and sharp instincts.
Yet, even in the bustling world of professional hockey, fate had a way of introducing unexpected twists.
Her latest task was scouting new talent, and that’s how she found herself at a Hartford Wolf Pack game, keeping an eye on Matt Rempe.
Matt was known for his size and physicality, a giant on the ice with a reputation to match. The media often painted him as the enforcer, someone who used his fists more than his skills. But as Y/N watched him play, she saw something different. His movements were calculated, his plays strategic. He had a grace that belied his imposing figure.
After the game, Y/N decided to introduce herself. She found Matt in the locker room, his tall frame hunched over as he unlaced his skates. She took a deep breath and approached him.
“Hey, Matt. Great game out there,” she said with a warm smile.
Matt looked up, slightly surprised. “Y/N Hughes, what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to come down and check out your game. You were impressive.”
He shook her hand, his grip firm but not overwhelming. “Nice to meet you. I didn’t know you were with the Rangers now. How are Quinn, Jack, and Luke?”
“They're doing great. Busy with their own seasons,” Y/N said. “But let's talk about you. I’ve been watching your progress and I think you’ve got a lot more to offer than what the media shows.”
Matt’s smile widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and gratitude. “Thanks. It’s frustrating sometimes, being seen only as the enforcer.”
“I can imagine,” Y/N said. “But from what I saw tonight, you’re a lot more than that. You’ve got some serious skills out there.”
“Appreciate that, really,” Matt replied. “It’s nice to hear.”
--- --- --- 
Y/N and Matt kept in touch after that initial meeting. They talked about everything: hockey, life, their families. Y/N found herself looking forward to their conversations, intrigued by the man behind the tough exterior. Matt, too, found himself drawn to Y/N’s intelligence and kindness.
One evening, after a particularly grueling game, Matt invited Y/N out for coffee. They sat in a cozy corner of a small café, the warmth and aroma of freshly brewed coffee surrounding them. The bustling noise of the city outside was a stark contrast to the intimate bubble they had created.
“I hate how the media portrays you,” Y/N admitted, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. “They make you out to be this brute, but you’re so much more than that.”
Matt sighed, leaning back in his chair, his eyes focused on the steam rising from his cup. “It’s frustrating, but I try not to let it get to me. I know who I am, and the people who matter know too.”
Y/N looked at him, her eyes reflecting empathy and understanding. “It’s just unfair. They don’t see the person I see. The one who’s thoughtful and strategic on the ice, and kind off it.”
Matt's gaze softened as he looked at her. “You really see all that?”
“I do,” Y/N said, her voice firm but gentle. “You’re an amazing player and an even more amazing person.”
Matt reached across the table, taking her hand in his. The touch was warm, grounding. “And I think you’re pretty amazing too, Y/N. You’ve accomplished so much, breaking barriers and proving everyone wrong.”
A soft blush crept up Y/N’s cheeks. “It hasn’t been easy, but it’s worth it. And having people like you who believe in me makes it all the better.”
Matt smiled, his thumb gently brushing over her knuckles. “You make it sound so simple, but I know it’s not. You’re strong, Y/N. Stronger than most people I know.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the connection between them growing stronger with each passing second. The café around them buzzed with life, but it felt like they were the only two people in the world.
“What’s your favorite part of playing in the NHL?” Matt asked, breaking the silence.
Y/N thought for a moment, her eyes distant. “Honestly, it’s the feeling of belonging. Growing up, I always felt like I had to prove myself, even to my own family. But now, when I step on the ice, I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. It’s empowering.”
Matt nodded, understanding completely. “I get that. For me, it’s the camaraderie. The team becomes your family. And even though the media focuses on the rough side of the game, there’s so much more to it. The friendships, the trust, the mutual respect.”
Y/N smiled, squeezing his hand. “That’s what I love about you, Matt. You see the bigger picture. You’re not just a player; you’re a teammate, a friend.”
Matt felt his heart swell with emotion. “And you’re not just a player either, Y/N. You’re a trailblazer, an inspiration. I’m really glad we met.”
“Me too,” Y/N replied softly, her eyes locking with his. “I feel like I can be myself around you. No pretense, no expectations. Just me.”
“And I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Matt said, his voice barely above a whisper.
--- --- --- 
As their friendship blossomed, so did Matt’s career. He was called up to the Rangers, a momentous occasion that he wanted to share with Y/N. They celebrated together at a small bistro near Madison Square Garden, the excitement of the news still buzzing in the air.
“I knew you had it in you,” Y/N said, hugging him tightly. Her eyes sparkled with pride and genuine happiness for him.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Matt replied, his voice filled with emotion. He held her a moment longer, feeling the warmth and sincerity of her support.
They settled into a booth, ordering their favorite dishes and a bottle of celebratory champagne. As they waited for their food, they talked about the journey that had brought them to this point.
“It feels surreal,” Matt admitted, toying with his fork. “Just a few months ago, I was grinding it out with the Wolf Pack, and now I’m here, in New York, with the Rangers.”
“You deserve it, Matt. You’ve worked so hard,” Y/N said, her eyes fixed on his. “And you’re going to do great things here. I just know it.”
Matt looked at her, his heart swelling with gratitude. “You’ve always believed in me, Y/N. Even when I doubted myself, you were there, cheering me on.”
“That’s what friends are for,” Y/N said, her smile soft and warm. “And besides, you’ve always been there for me too.”
The night continued with laughter and stories, both of them reveling in the moment. As the evening drew to a close, Matt walked Y/N back to her apartment. The city lights cast a soft glow over them, the hum of traffic a comforting backdrop.
“Thanks for tonight, Y/N. It meant a lot to me,” Matt said as they reached her door.
“It was my pleasure,” Y/N replied, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Get some rest, Matt. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
--- --- --- 
In the following weeks, Matt adjusted to life with the Rangers. The pace was faster, the competition fiercer, but he thrived under the pressure. And through it all, Y/N was there, her unwavering support a constant source of strength for him.
Their friendship deepened, the line between friends and something more blurring with each passing day. They spent more time together, exploring the city, sharing meals, and confiding in each other about their hopes and fears.
One evening, after a particularly tough game, Matt found himself at Y/N’s apartment. She had insisted he come over, offering her company and a home-cooked meal as a remedy for his rough day.
“You really didn’t have to do all this,” Matt said, looking at the spread of food on the table.
“I wanted to,” Y/N replied, handing him a plate. “You’ve had a long day. You deserve a break.”
As they ate, they talked about the game, the highs and lows, and their dreams for the future. The conversation flowed easily, their connection deepening with each shared word.
After dinner, they moved to the couch, a comfortable silence settling between them. Y/N turned on the TV, flipping through channels until she found a movie they both liked.
“Thanks for being here, Y/N. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Matt said, his voice soft in the dim light of the living room.
Y/N looked at him, her heart swelling with affection. “You’d do just fine, Matt. But I’m glad I can be here for you.”
They sat together, side by side, the movie playing in the background. Slowly, almost tentatively, Matt reached out and took Y/N’s hand in his. She glanced at him, a soft smile playing on her lips, and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
--- --- --- 
As the months passed, the bond between Y/N and Matt grew stronger. They supported each other through the highs and lows, finding strength in their friendship. But it was clear to both of them that their feelings had evolved into something deeper.
One evening, after a particularly exciting game, Matt invited Y/N out to celebrate. They went to the same café where they had shared their first coffee date, reminiscing about their journey.
“I’ve been thinking,” Matt began, his heart pounding. “We’ve been through so much together, and I feel like...”
“Like what?” Y/N prompted gently, her eyes locked onto his.
“Like I’ve fallen for you, Y/N,” Matt said, his voice barely above a whisper. “You’re not just my best friend. You’re the person I want to be with.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening with surprise and joy. “I’ve fallen for you too, Matt. I’ve been afraid to admit it, but I can’t imagine my life without you.”
Matt reached across the table, taking her hand in his. “Then let’s be together. Not just as friends, but as something more.”
As Matt's words hung in the air, charged with emotion and vulnerability, Y/N felt her heart swell with joy and anticipation. She had hoped for this moment, dreamed of it even, but to hear Matt express his feelings so openly stirred something deep within her.
With tears of happiness glistening in her eyes, Y/N leaned forward, closing the distance between them. Matt's hand tightened around hers as their lips met in a tender, heartfelt kiss. It was a moment of pure connection, a silent promise of the love that had blossomed between them.
The world around them seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in the sweetness of the kiss. There was no need for words, no need for explanations. In that moment, everything they needed to say was conveyed through the gentle press of lips, the warmth of their embrace.
As they pulled away, their breaths mingling in the quiet space between them, Y/N felt a sense of peace settle over her. She looked into Matt's eyes, seeing the reflection of her own feelings mirrored back at her.
"I love you, Matt," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity and affection.
"I love you too, Y/N," Matt replied, his voice soft but unwavering. "Always."
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 3 days
The Fuck Up Chapter 3
Summary:  Bucky fucked up.  A few times.  Will his best friend ever be able to forgive him?
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of war, injury, pregnancy
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The next morning Bucky woke to a loud buzzing. He shifted around until he could find his pants and rummaged through his pockets, pulling out his phone and trying to see who was calling him.
“Hello?” he said hoarsely.
“Where are you?” Becca said, her voice sounding worried and annoyed.
“What? I…” Bucky turned and looked around, remembering the night before. He looked at Y/N, still asleep next to him. “I fell asleep at Y/N’s,” he said quickly.
“God, of course you did,” Becca sighed exasperatedly. “You’re supposed to leave for the airport in an hour. Are you even packed?”
“Yes, yes I’m ready,” Bucky said quietly as he got up slowly and gathered up his clothes. “I’ll be home soon.”
“Okay. Is Y/N coming to the airport with us?”
Bucky froze at that. He didn’t know how he was even going to have this conversation with her as he left, let alone if she were to come with him to the airport to say goodbye. “Uh…I’m not sure.”
“Alright, well, get home soon, Mom is freaking out as usual.”
“I will. Bye.”
Bucky hung up and slipped his clothes on quickly. As he fixed his hair and put his shoes on he looked back at Y/N. He didn’t know if he’d be able to handle waking her and saying goodbye. Last night had been so perfect, he didn’t want to ruin it. He sighed as he walked to her side of the bed, kneeling down to look at her. She snored lightly, her eyes moving behind her eyelids as she dreamed. He smiled at her, carefully moving some of her hair back in place and out of her eyes. He leaned in and kissed her cheek.
“I’m leaving,” he whispered. “I don’t think I can handle saying goodbye to you again. So I won’t wake you. Either way, you’ll hate me for it. But I’ll be back,” he kissed her shoulder, adjusting the blankets around her. “I’ll come home to you.” A tear slid down his face as he stared at her one more time. “I love you.”
Bucky sent her a text after he left basically saying the same thing that he had whispered to her. He knew this was a massive fuck up, but it was too late now. He’d come home to her and fix it, and everything would be okay. It had to be.
10 months later
Bucky came home hurt, both physically and emotionally. He was grateful it was his final tour. He and Steve had survived, barely. The landmine had thrown them both and killed two of the other troops on his team. He had made it out alive, but the shrapnel that had embedded into his back had taken two surgeries to remove. He was still healing when he got off the plane and was greeted by his family.
“Oh you made it,” Winifred cried heavily, George and Becca hugging him and crying. “You are never going back, you hear me? No more, I will not allow it.”
“I’m done, Ma, I’m done,” Bucky chuckled. “I’m officially discharged. Retired.”
“Good,” Winifred said, patting down his uniform and looking him over.
“Where’s Y/N?” Bucky asked, looking around expectantly.  Becca then punched his arm. “Ow! What the hell?” he yelped.
“We will talk about it when we get home,” she hissed at him.
When they reached the house Becca rounded on him. “What did you do?”
“Excuse me?” Bucky asked.
“What did you do to Y/N?” Becca snarled. Bucky’s eyes widened. He hadn’t heard from Y/N since he left, which was out of the ordinary because she always wrote to him, but he thought for sure she would have been there to greet him when he got home. He hadn’t been able to worry about it too much, what with special operations and the whole trying-not-to-die-part, then healing from nearly getting killed.  “She disappeared after you left. I’ve tried calling, her number is disconnected.” Winifred sniffled next to him. “I tried going to her apartment, the landlord says she no longer lives there.” Bucky’s brow furrowed. She loved that apartment. “I even reached out to her adoptive family, who of course know nothing.  All her social media is deactivated. We haven’t been able to find her. So I will ask again, what did you do?”
Bucky was afraid. He knew it wasn’t the right thing to leave her without waking her up and saying goodbye, he just couldn’t bear it.  And now she is gone? “I…we…”
Becca’s face twisted with recognition. “Oh my god…you fucked her.”
“You what?!” George and Winifred exclaimed.
Bucky hung his head into his hands. “Yes, okay, the night before I left. But you make it sound so gross, it wasn’t like that,” he said, running his hands through his now short hair.
“Explain,” Becca demanded.
“I…look, it just happened. I was leaving and we were both sad and when I woke up the next morning I just couldn’t…I couldn’t stand to wake her up and say goodbye again so I…I texted her and then I left.”
“You…you TEXTED HER?!” Becca screamed, jumping forward and hitting him again.
“Ow! I know, hey, I KNOW!” Bucky yelled back at her, pushing her hands away. “I know I fucked up! Okay? I’ve regretted it ever since. Not her, but leaving like that. I just thought…I don’t know what I was thinking. It was stupid and I was hoping when I got home I could fix it.” He took a shaky breath. “She never wrote to me. And I was worried when you guys had said you hadn’t seen her in a while but, now she’s gone?” He sat on the chair at the table next to him. “Gone…”
They all sat in silence for a moment. Becca was the first to move, sighing heavily as she walked over and took the seat across from him. “You’re right, you fucked up real bad.” Bucky scoffed as he wiped his face with his hands. “We’re still looking for her. If there’s anything you can think of that might help us, then great. Otherwise,” she reached over and grabbed his hand. “I’m happy you’re safe and you’re home, but I’m really angry with you.”
Bucky nodded, squeezing her hand.
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chaifootsteps · 20 hours
The funny thing about stolas is that he really is the most real depiction of NPD I’ve seen in a while. Unintentionally very well written. This show like few others ever do, explores the fact that people with NPD can be so socially inept and incapable of change they can ruin their own life and never fully understand why it happened. A stereotype is that NPD patients are always evil abusers but sometimes like with covert narcissism, it’s complicated. Stolas ticks every last box in the covert category.
He’s not outright a villain but is infuriatingly self centred, and destructive. One example is all of his “I” “me” “my” statements in every situation. Fizz is in danger ‘this will be fun (for me!) I love words!” While it was a good gesture to help Asmodeus, he makes things about himself again. And this made Ozzie mad. And in the latest argument he clearly forced himself to try and empathise with someone but gave up right away when it wasn’t going well and went back to the same I/me/my statements. “I have my answer so you needn’t say any more” “I didn’t know you thought so low of me” and to Stella “I want you out..out of my life” “via you have been the one good thing in my life” Even in a desperate situation where someone he undoubtedly loves, but who he hurt with his lies, is leaving him, he physically can’t stop making it about himself because of this disordered way of thinking. And in a way, that is sad.
It really is a disorder and not just villainy because the person with NPD has grandiosity and callousness, that combination prevents them from seeing a problem in their own behaviour until really pushed. (Who does that sound like) So without help, they end up alone and confused/bewildered by why that is. That reaction of blatant frustration from every single character who speaks with him - via, blitz, Asmodeus, (I don’t feel right including stella but that dinner table scene implies she’s angry he ignores her) is so accurate too.
I mean, I’m by no means a Stella fan but after that confrontation in LooLoo land and him screaming his divorce declaration in the circus, he seemed to think they could just ignore everything despite the ongoing affair, and eat dinner together as a family like nothing is wrong in harvest moon. So at that point I understood her being pissed.
They try force everyone into their version of reality, but it’s exhausting and someone incapable of empathy or change without help (seriously why are all these deeply mentally suffering characters not have a therapy arc - Bojack had several. Many failed. But he had several, because he was messy and had to keep trying.) Viv thinks Stolas is Herb, an innocent victim of homophobia, but he’s actually Joseph Sugarman, dangerously callous and terrifying but soft spoken, mixed with Bojack. Sugarman is a brilliant villain imo.
This is an extremely good point. It's a damn shame it's unintentional, because if it weren't, Stolas would at the very least be in the running for one of the best depictions of NPD ever put to fiction.
NPD isn't Magical Evil Abuser disease -- like you said, it's a legitimate disorder, and it's horribly damaging to the person who has it. People with NPD can both feel and crave love the way Stolas loves Via, but healthy relationships require give and take, and giving doesn't come easily to them. Even when Via's leaving him, the highest praise he can give her is that she's been the only good thing in his life.
It's extremely sad, tragic even. If only Viv understood why.
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greatstormcat · 2 days
Hi there. I wanted to make a request for something a bit personal. All this week, my family has been criticizing my weight (which I have struggled with my whole life) and told me point-blank that no one would ever love me because of it. That being said, I would like to request a writing with Soap. Let's say the reader has been avoiding sex with him for a while. They'll kiss and stuff, but as soon as he starts pulling her shirt up, she pulls it back down and makes some sort of excuse. This goes on for a while until Soap confronts her about it. She basically then goes off, pointing out all her bodily flaws and how fat and hideous she thinks she is and asks him how he could ever think she was sexy. And all he says is, “How can I NOT?” And he makes love to her and every time she makes a complaint about her body or calls herself ugly, she shushes her, ultimately taking her in front of a mirror and making her look at herself and how sexy she looks taking him. And when they're done, Soap should talk about how she's not fat, she's cute and squishy.
Hi anon, thank you for waiting for this! I’ve been really busy and did not want to put up anything half-arsed because this is a very important ask! Anyone who makes you feel like that sucks, and I’ve been there myself with family commenting on my weight. I had a whole rant lined up but then I realised that Soap already had it in hand, so I will let him takeover from here…
TW: MDNI 18+, bodyshaming and fatphobia, emotion support, p in v
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It was getting harder and harder to make up excuses. Each time you came up with a reason you couldn’t stay over at his place, or a reason your clothes had to stay on when you did agree to sleep in the same bed, literally sleep, his eyes narrowed. You couldn’t keep this up, it was too hard, too unfair on this sweet, loving man. 
Johnny had come into your life like a wrecking ball, all loud mouth and charming personality. You had been swept off your feet by him the moment you’d seen him in the pub, a rare and welcome night out with friends, and he had zeroed in on you. He’d made you feel like you were the only other person in that hot, noisy and packed pub, his eyes locked onto you the moment you spoke to him to say hi.
The last few months had been amazing, he doted on you, texting or calling each day he was away from you back at base. He worshipped you, wanting nothing more than to hear you laugh and be near you. The problem was he was getting very amorous. Kissing and cuddling on the sofa was turning into heavy make out sessions, his hands grazing over your curves and teasing just beneath the hem of your top. 
It made you increasingly uncomfortable, your doubts about how he’d react to seeing under your baggy clothes ate at you. Unfortunately, you’d become so used to being put down about your weight, being told you were undeserving of love and affection, that you had never really let your walls down around him. The rot ran deep, right to your core, whispering to you that he wouldn’t stay and this was only a fling for him until he got bored and left for someone more like him.
Finally, things quickly got heated when he pushed you, trying to get you to tell him why you’d shut down and withdrawn from him completely after another failed make out session where you'd retreated to your room and shut the door in his face. He just burst in, demanding to know what the deal was.
“If I let you see me naked you’ll leave!” you blurt out finally, throat tight with the hot threat of tears. Everything seems to stop once you let the words out, and he stands there staring at you with an unreadable expression as you sit on the end of your bed.
“D’ya think I’m that shallow?” he demands into the thick silence, and the pain in his voice cuts like a knife into your heart. “D’ya really think I’d do such a thing? What have I said or done to give you that impression?” He edges closer as he speaks, until he reaches you and then kneels down in front of you.
“No, I don’t think you’re shallow,” you mumble weakly, trying to avoid his eyes but he cups your face in his large, warm hands and forces you to look into his crystal blue gaze. There’s nothing but affection in those eyes, love and concern for you blinding you like the sun.
“You are beautiful, and I want to be with you just as you are, right here and now,” he says softly, but with an edge of steel beneath the silk of his words. “Anyone who says otherwise and fuck off. If I hear them say it, it’ll be the last thing they ever do. You hear me?”
There’s no way to hide from him, and you nod, letting out a sigh of relief that’s quickly muffled by his lips.
“You’re beautiful just the way you are, have been since the moment I first saw you,” he says as his lips trail across your cheek and chin, down to your neck. “I dinnae care what size or shape you are, hen, I love you for who you are. As long as you are happy and safe, I’m the luckiest man alive to be by your side.”
Suddenly, you realise that having spoken your fear out loud it holds less power over you, and your shoulder relax.
“C’mon, get up,” he says gently, and you stand up, letting him position you in front of your floor length mirror. “Tell me what you don’t like,” he instructs you, standing by your shoulder and locking eyes with you in the reflection.
“Well, the rolls around my middle,” you admit weakly, hands fluttering to cover them automatically. With a smile, he takes your hands away and crouches in front of you, lifting the front of your top to reveal the skin beneath. Stretch marks catch the light but before you can react his lips are pressed to them, the soft warmth making your breath stutter.
“Tell me another one,” he groans, peppering more kisses to your stomach while you think.
“My thighs,” you say before you can think about what he has planned. Warm hands caress your thighs through your leggings, and his breath ghosts through the fabric before kisses land. “Fucking hell…” you groan, “do you really think I’m sexy?”
“How can I not, when your this fuckin’ perfect?” he answers between kisses against you hip. It continues like this, you name a part of your body you’ve been taught to hate, and he worships it. Slowly but surely, you allow him to remove your clothing so he can fully show his adoration for every inch of skin, and you feel yourself come alive beneath his affection. The feel of his body against yours spurs on the growing heat between your thighs, and the moment you beg him to go further, he does.
You lose yourself in his loving embrace, letting him make you feel utterly beautiful as he draws wave after wave of pleasure from you. Letting yourself go, throwing alway all of your doubts and fears, it feels totally natural to feel his skin pressed against yours, sweating making your both glisten as you pant and groan. He grinds into you, spearing his cock deep into you, all the time whispering praises and prayers to your dips and curves. Only when you come undone around him does he stop, the snap and pull of his hips filling the quiet until he follows you over the edge.
“Was that okay, love?” he asks hoarsely, panting heavily as he settles you against his side under the covers. “I don’t want you to regret anything.”
“That was amazing,” you breathe in response, heading still swimming slightly. 
“Good, you deserve nothing but praise. You’re mine, and you’re perfect in all your soft, squishy glory.”
You can't help but chuckle at that, especially as his rough palm rubs appreciatively over your soft hip as he says it.
"So you think I'm cute?"
"Aye, that's it," he chuckles back, placing a kiss on your forehead.
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swiftieblyth · 2 days
I’m having his Baby
Warning list-
hunger games warning, abusive family, mother died in childbirth with the twins, Arachne, Coriolanus Snow, Dr. Gaul, violence, and murder.
I think that’s all, let me know if there’s more!
Word count- 563
Please like and reblog thank you!
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“You are a disgrace!” Mr. Crane yelled, throwing Y/N into her room. “What were you thinking? Screwing with a Snow?”
“What are you going to do to me?” Y/N asked, barely lifting herself off the ground, as blood dripped down her face.
“I’m gonna kill that baby of yours, and if it kills you in the progress then I don’t care. I’ve been wanting to get rid of you for a long time!” He yelled, taking out his knife, and walking towards her.
“And what will you tell all of Panem if I die?” Y/N bravely asked. “That you killed me? That I got pregnant by Coriolanus Snow as a teenager and we weren’t even married? Yeah go ahead. Either way it will destroy your reputation!”
“Shut up!” He yelled, running to her and stabbing her broken arm!
She screamed and watched the blood drip down as she fell to the ground. There was a knock and they both looked up to see Eiran standing on the doorway a blank expression on his face.
“Father,” he let out. “Highbottom is here. He’s waiting for you in your study.”
“Thank you,” Mr. Crane let out, taking out his knife and rubbing the blood off. “Please, come join us, Eiran. You will do well in this meeting.”
“I will.” He smiled. “Thank you, Father.”
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“Mr. Snow has been escorted to the train and is now out in the districts as a peacekeeper. Now all we have left is that troublesome mutt of yours.”
“I’m going to kill that baby.”
“And if it kills her?” Eiran asked. “Then what will you say, Father?”
“That Snow killed her.” Mr. Crane let out.
“Do you really think people would believe that Mr. Snow killed her?” Highbottom asked. “No one would ever believe that he would kill her. And what about Dr. Gaul? What if she says something?”
“she wouldn’t if she knows what’s best for her.”
“Dr. Gaul?” Eiran asked. “What does Dr. Gaul have to do with this?”
“Son, why don’t you go home.”
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”Y/N!” Eiran let out in a hushed whisper, rushing into Y/N’s room.
“Eiran?” Y/N asked, looking up from her bleeding arm.
“Here, let me,” he breathed, crouching down and wrapping her arm.
“What are you doing?”
“You need to leave now. Father and Highbottom are planning to kill you.”
“I have no where to go.”
“You have to leave the capital.”
“Go to twelve, it’s furthest away. Somewhere father will never go to again. Find Lucy Gray and be safe.”
“How will I get there?”
“Go out that window and meet me in the alley behind my old room. I’ll pick you up and drive you to the station.”
“What about you? What are you going to do?”
“I have to go tell Val.”
“Val?” Y/N asked, realization coming to her. “You know? You’ve known all this time.”
“Yes. I was close to her before Mother passed. I knew everything.”
“Does Father know?”
“Not that so know Val.”
“We’re going to figure this out. For both you and Coryo.”
“Thank you.” Y/N cried.
“Y/N?” Eiran hesitated. “Are you really pregnant?”
“No. Coryo and I have never done that. And we won’t until marriage.”
“Then why did you say you were?”
“Because I was scared. I didn’t know what to do.”
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maryleclerc · 2 days
my love
pairing: matt rempe x mom!reader summary: in which matt show his love toward reader and their son, matthieu y/l/n-rempe. just fluff warning: english is not my native language, this was written base on my imagination so please don't take it seriously, also does not experience in dating any hockey player. i do not any of these, all credits to its owner currently listen to my love by sia
please forgive me for any typo, wrong comments, or anything. i’ll check it in the morning, it’s 2 am while writing this so thank you for reading!! if you need more dad!matt please send through my ask box!!
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yourusername hi to everyone - from Matthieu Y/l/n-Rempe
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user1 Hi you too, Matthieu!!
user2 I’m sobbing, Y/n just name her son Matthieu, also a name of Matthew but in French!! 🥹
user3 Look like a cute family
user4 I’ve waited for so long!!
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yourusername Matthieu first game with the New York Rangers. He’s a bit excited to see his dad on ice
tagged: mattrempe, nyrangers
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user1 How cute are this little fam
user2 The first time I met Y/n, and she’s so so nice and friendly. Best WAG EVER!!
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mattrempe This small letter is for my love, Y/n Y/l/n
I really don't know what else to say, I just feel extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to meet Y/n as well as have Y/n become a part of my life, it's even more wonderful that we have an extremely adorable and charming baby boy named Matthieu.
It can be said that the 4 years we spent together was not really perfect, but it can be said that it helped us understand each other more, love and appreciate each other more as well as accept the good and bad sides about each other. And what's even more clear is that I love Y/n more and more every day. I really want to say thank you to Y/n, it's not for any occasion, it's just that today I have a day off so I was thinking, recalling the memories we went through and I suddenly found that Y/n has always been the one who suffered more, basically dating a hockey player was a big disadvantage for her of course there will be people who say that dating a hockey player is their dream, but for Y/n is a different case because I have witnessed the negative comments, judgments, and false rumors about her that have made me think many times that maybe I will have to let her go so she can have a free life, a life that she always wanted, with a normal family, with kids and without being watched by others. But there also times I always want to keep her by my side because Y/n makes me more motivated in matches that don't go as expected. That's why I always feel grateful to her.
Love you very much my love, Y/n
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername You’re so sweet Matt 🥹
user1 Marry her already, make her become a Y/n Rempe already!! I’m begginf youuu
user2 He’s so romantic
user3 I need a man like him in my life and I think there is only this man left in this world, AND HE’S TAKEN
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yourusername People often ask me why I made the decision to have a child with Matt so early, in just 2 years of dating we made the decision to have a child, isn’t such a rush? Only now, after 4 years of dating and having a 2-year-old son together, I decided to give an answer for those who wonder. The decision I made about to have kids with Matt or not was not a difficult decision for me, from the first date until the day we fell in love, Matt was always be the one who treated me so gently, what impressed me the most was that not only was Matt a very careful, and humble person towards me and everyone around him. Sometimes we do have a small arguments, even though I know it's was my fault, but Matt is always the first to say sorry, or at dinner dates Matt always buys me my favorite bouquets of flowers which now always remind me of him, he is also someone that I always feel like I will always be protected when he’s by my side. When Matthieu was born, Matt proved to me and I also feel that Matt will be the father of my children, from now on forever. Sometimes as a first time dad Matt is a bit clumsy, but I always thank him for his efforts every day to be a good boyfriend for me, an exemplary dad for Matthieu, and to give all his love to me and my son.
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mattrempe I’m sobbing and missing you
yourusername Aww 🥹
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How do you write boys dialogue? it’s really hard when I write it it comes out like girls usually talk but when I write it to sound like a boy it comes out cringy and weird
Boy Dialogue vs Girl Dialogue
It's important to note that, generally-speaking, how a person speaks is not dictated by their sexual organs or gender identification.
There can be differences in when and how language develops, but these differences are general. Individuals vary.
Historically-speaking, and still today to a lesser degree, socialization into gender roles and cultural norms have also played a role in how people speak. But again, this is a general difference because individuals vary.
Can you tell whether the following sentences were said by boys, girls, or nonbinary people?
-- I'm in biology and recently we dissected a frog, which was really cool because everyone got to participate, and when my partner, Rachel, cut into it, it like splattered all over her, and I was just like whoa! -- Me and my brother collect corks, like, bottle cap corks, and um, we have a couple hundred in our rooms upstairs. -- My relationship with my parents I think, relatively, is pretty good. Obviously, being a teenager, there are moments when I don't really feel like talking to them. -- When something's on my mind, I usually go to my friends about it, I don't really talk to my brother. -- I don't know if they'd like to hear it, but [my friends] are definitely the burnout/stoner kids. But they're great people! -- I'm pretty nerdy. I do computer science.
Those are all real sentences spoken candidly by teens of different genders, but you can't really tell who said what, right?
So, when writing characters, it's infinitely more important that you make your character sound authentic to who they are. If you are writing about a 17-year-old girl in 1950, then of course there will probably be some differences in the way she speaks compared to her brother, because at that time gender roles were much stricter, and there was a lot of pressure on young women to be "prim and proper."
However, if you were writing a 17-year-old boy in 1950, he would speak quite differently from a 17-year-old boy in 2024. Not only because societal expectations and cultural norms were different then compared to now, but also because things like slang, pop culture, popular phrases and idioms, etc. are different now compared to then.
So, instead of worrying about your character's gender and how that influences how they speak, focus instead on who they are. What is their personality like? What is their education like? What types of people and things might influence how they speak? How does their society and family expect them to speak? What are their hobbies and skills? As long as what they say makes sense with what you've laid out for this character, you're writing authentic speech.
Here are some other posts that will help:
Writing Natural Dialogue Giving Your Characters a Unique Voice Recognizing a Flat Character
Also, I think it's very helpful to make sure you really know your character, so here's a post for that. Also, I find it helpful to cast my characters with real actors/models, because it helps me imagine them more clearly, which helps their dialogue come across more naturally in my head: 5 Tips for Getting Attached to Your Characters Guide: Casting Your Characters
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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lovebvni · 2 days
holaaa!! (dr rant + just an appreciation post)
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soo i’m shifting soon and i decided that im going to make my first album when i get there (LIKE START JT, DUDE. START IT. IM SO EXCITED) there’s going to b an ep i’m going to finalize when i get there and it will be released on the 26th of the month i get there (as it is kinda a diss on a MAN who was 26 when we dated… i was a minor still.)
i’m also gonna make a family tree because i’m really bored (and i also kinda js wanna see all my siblings yk? im gonna draw them all soon bc like AUGH AJAJDKDJ I MISS THEM!!!)
omgz i’m so excited dude!!
(appreciation below!!)
also i saw billie eilish in my dream last night. one of the funniest and sweetest people i know 😭 SHARK WAS ALSO IN THAT DREAM HES SO SWEET ‼️‼️ god i wish i could hug them today, just right now. yall don’t understand how much billie and finneas have been through together, and im so proud of how far they made it. i love you both, and although you won’t see this post in this reality, i know you will when we r together :DDD u guys make me so happy, so inspired, and just a better person overall. also huge thank you to billie in helping me with directing my music videos and being featured in one of my favorite songs — ripple effect. thank you finneas for just 😭 for keeping her alive, giving her a passion, and being so protective and supportive of her.
i’m so excited to b friends w both of them n js talk to them daily — it’s so fun.
i’m also super duper excited to meet one of my closest friends — nile — in person finally!!!! it’s been like 3 years of shifting together, and i know she’s excited too. i know she’s reading this, btw so i love u sm nile and thank u for being such a great and perfect friend throughout this whole journey. i truly don’t think i would still be kicking without you. i owe you the world, and i know you’re going to be blessed with many MANY things in the coming months, and the years following will be some of your best, but that’s only a taste of what is truly to come.
i’m so proud of you, and i’m also so round of everyone that has been clinging onto shifting even though it hurts. i’m always here for you. i love you all so so much. i want the best for you, and i know you’re going to get it. i’m always here to help in ANY way i can. ask me anything, i promise you i will answer with the wisdom God and the universe has given me!!
i cannot express my gratitude to my father, loki, enough. i don’t know how to even put it into words. he’s been there at my hardest, he’s been there at my best. i don’t think i would actually even be this far without him either. he’s one of the silliest and sweetest people ive ever met. i can’t believe he’s my FATHER you guys!! ITS SO COOL AUGHH
i also have so many people here i need to thank, there’s more that i can think of right now but just know i love and appreciate every one of you guys.
staring with @smellofemale!! you were such a sign when i met you. i don’t think i’ve met a christian shifter — you’re the only one i still talk to if i have! im just so so sooo blessed to have met you. i don’t know what to say, dude! i love you so much. you’re so sweet, so kind, and so inspiring. i love you!
@eneablack although you’re one of my newest friends, you’re another really really inspirational one. you’re so open about your struggles with shifting, even though you’ve had success time and time again. it shows me and many others how shifting sometimes is a hard thing to get used too, even with successes under your belt!
@daisys-reality! if you don’t know them, FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY PLEASE OMGGJAJSN she gives some of the best and most accurate readings i could ever ask for. also her drs (specifically her mermaid one) have inspired me so much!!
@kazylynn i love u sm!! u rlly show me i can be an inspiration to others, and that’s something i’ve hoped for all my life. i want to be a good, helpful person — and i love you for showing me i can be.
@babybearthepsychic a few months ago you gave me a free reading that was just so accurate and so real. i don’t know if i would still be on this spiritual journey without it, because i was at one of my hardest points then. i cannot believe how just truly accurate and kind you are. i love you so much, you’re doing amazing. i wish i could give you the biggest hug, and i could donate like a million dollars to u rn but i literally don’t have a job 😭
@zipperrants i don’t think i rlly need to explain this… dude i thought u we’re so cool even when u we’re js interacting with @maddies-chronicles and i rlly wanted to interact w u so bad but i was so so scared bro!! and thank u hale for giving me the opportunity to meet them!!
and there are so many more but i just.. im gonna cry i love you all tooo much.. please know u all mean so much to me and i can’t wait to tell u so many stories when i get back, and help u guys shift. i am working so hard to post more, and i pray this post can help me become more active.
so so so much love, to everyone in this community, you’re so wonderful. may the gods bless you.
so much love, peace and joy
the abyss
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lovelyo · 7 hours
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I’ve been seeing mad posts going
“aschually 🤓👆, LW saved the Bridgertons so much, they really should be grateful.”
You must be high off your own shit if you think that. She did not save them! Do you call fixing the problems you’ve caused saving? If anything, she made a fool out of them! Calling Daphne unmarriagable, for no reason mind you, made her lose suitors and had that creep on her back. Most of the carrying to fix that problem was from Mama Bridgerton, not really LW
Revealing Marina’s pregnancy to the public made Colin look like an idiot and caused drama for him, his family and Penelope’s own family. Daphne had to come and fix shit for the Featheringtons. Penelope had many options to inform them about the pregnancy without relying on LW. Like before, Mama Bridgerton is good at damage control. Penelope could’ve went to her about it. This is only one of the several options Penelope could’ve taken, but she didn’t. She didn’t care about how Colin would look, she just didn’t want him with another girl. Her actions was not selfless one bit!
It’s the same with Eloise. LW caused the problem cause she wouldn’t keep her fuck ass mouth shut about the Queen, Queen went for the hunt, accused Eloise and instead of outing herself to either the Queen or Eloise, she took the selfish route and sold Eloise out. She didn’t care how Eloise would look, she only cared that her secret wouldn’t be found out. Fixing the problem you caused(not even fixing cause she still left a trail of devastation) isn’t saving.
“The Queen wouldn’t believe me 🤡”
You have receipts, you have witnesses, you have evidence to prove that you are LW, what kinda baby shit excuse is that?
People who actually believe that LW saved the Bridgertons and LW doesn’t lie, I question your morals. Greatly.
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How many relationships did Robespierre have and who were they? if you can tell a little about it
I’m currently working on compiling as much information as possible about Robespierre’s different relationships. Those I’ve done so far are:
The relationship between Robespierre and Saint-Just
The relationship between Robespierre and Desmoulins (btw, comparing the notes on this post and the SJ one, I think it’s pretty clear who has already won the shipping contest currently on…)
The relationship between Robespierre and Brissot
The relationship between Robespierre and Marat
The relationship between Robespierre (and his siblings) and the Duplay family
The relationship between Robespierre (and his sister) and Fouché
The relationship between Robespierre and Pétion (planning to remake this one)
I’m not an expert on any relationship beyond these yet, but when it comes to people of which it is established Robespierre was the personal friend (bc were we to talk about people he is confirmed to have had any form of contact/relationship at all with we would of course be here all night) this is basically what I’ve got so far (feel free to send an individual ask about those you consider more interesting, then it will be easier to give a more satisfying answer):
Robespierre and his five years younger brother Augustin grew up together at their grandparents’ house, but from 1769-1781 and 1781-1787 respectively the two spent the majority of the year studying in Paris and consequently saw very little of one another. Once the revolution rolled around Augustin came to visit his brother two times before being elected a deputy and permanently moving to Paris in 1792. We have several letters from Augustin in Arras to Maximilien in Versailles/Paris (but none the other way around). The two were evidently close, and when Maximilien was ordered arrested on July 27 1794, Augustin asked to share his fate.
After the death of their mother and disappearance of their father in 1764, Robespierre and his two years younger sister Charlotte grew up seeing each other only once a week until the former headed to Paris in 1769. After he graduated in 1781, he and Charlotte lived with each other up until the opening of the Estates General, after which Charlotte didn’t see him again for three years (save a short trip he made to Arras in 1791). According to Paul Villiers, who served as Maximilien’s secretary for a time, he sent a quarter of his fees to ”a sister in Arras whom he held a lot of affection for” during this period. In 1792 Charlotte moved to Paris with her younger brother where the two moved in with Maximilien’s host family. The three siblings got into a conflict and were seperated as enemies, different sources giving us different answers regarding exactly what for.
During his time as a lawyer in Arras, Robespierre and his siblings were close to his fellow lawyer Antoine Buissart and his family. They kept this contact up during the revolution, and we have several letters exchanged between Maximilien, Augustin and Antoine conserved. They did however eventually fall out with one another due to ”the terror” carried out in Arras in the spring of 1794, and after Robespierre’s execution Buissart was quick to abandon and denounce him. 
During his time as a student at the college of Louis-le-Grand it would appear Robespierre gained a friend/school rival in the future dramatist and man of letters Beffroy de Reigny. In 1786 Robespierre sent him two of his most recent works to insert in his journal, Beffroy responding by celebrating his success and saying he ”perfectly remembers the role played at the College by his amiable study companion; a talent like his is not meant to be forgotten.” He did however quickly grow to dislike the revolution, and in works written in the years following Robespierre’s death he claimed to have never been his friend.
The Revolution
Robespierre and Danton were good friends, or at least good brothers in arms. In 1792 Danton offered his ”dear friend” a job at the Revolutionary Tribunal, and the next year Robespierre adressed what is probably the most sentimental of his conserved letters to Danton, consoling him over the loss of his wife and telling him ”I love you (tu) more than ever, until death.”
Robespierre had a good relation with the Roland couple, Mme Roland writing in her memoirs that she thought him ”an honest man” and that they sometimes dined together. They eventually fell out with each other over the war question, but not before Manon had written Robespierre a letter asking for a meeting so that they could sort out their differences.
Robespierre was also at first good friends with the ”girondin” and fellow National Assembly member François Buzot, who in his memoirs wrote that Robespierre had told him ”I esteem you, because I know you well” even in 1793. In his defense (1793), the girondin Gensonné wrote that ”In 1791 and 1792, Robespierre had the most intimate liasons with Pétion, Buzot and Roland, how can he accuse them today without accusing himself?”
Robespierre and Georges Couthon quickly got to know each other after the latter’s arrival in Paris in September 1791, although it’s possible they started out on less than friendly terms. We have a letter from Robespierre to Couthon dated August 9 1792 where he tells him he ”anxiously await news of your (votre) health.[…] May you soon return to your homeland and we await with equal impatience your return and your recovery.”
Robespierre was also good friends with Philippe Le Bas. The best source for their relationship is the memoirs of the latter’s wife Élisabeth, where she numerous times has the two say flattering things about one another. On 9 thermidor, Le Bas, like Augustin, volonteered to share Robespierre’s fate.
Robespierre was good friends with Collot d’Herbois, who also knew his host family (this can be observed via letters from Collot to Robespierre dated November 23 and December 1, and a letter from him to Maurice Duplay dated December 5). They eventually fell out with each other in 1794, but it’s unclear exactly when and why. 
Robespierre had a friend in his doctor Joseph Souberbielle. In his Histoire de la Révolution française (1869) the historian Louis Blanc reported Souberbielle to have spoken warmly about him even decades after his death.
During his time on the Committee of Public Safety, Robespierre wrote a list containing the names of around 115 men he described as ”patriots with more or less talent,” many of which held (thanks to his list?) important functions. On first place on the list we find Martial Hermann, president of the revolutionary tribunal and later chairholder of the Commission of Civil Administration, Tribunals and Claude-François Payan, head of the Paris commune, who are both proven to sometimes have turned directly to Robespierre regarding things that concerned the entire Committee of Public Safety (1, 2, 3, 4), as well as François Dumas, president of the Revolutionary Tribunal April-July 1794 and Jean-Baptiste Coffinhall, judge at said tribunal, who both public procecutor Fouquier-Tinville and Barère, Billaud-Varennes and Collot-d’Herbois after thermidor would claim to everyday have gone home to Robespierre to discuss the tribunal’s upcoming affairs. If Robespierre was the personal friend of the four is harder to say, but all of them would nevertheless be executed as his ”accomplices.”
Another person on the list is the young Marc-Antoine Jullien who served as representative on mission 1793-1794 and often turned to Robespierre directly when reporting about things going on (according to From Jacobin to Liberal: Marc Antoine Jullien 1775-1848 (1993) by R.R Palmer: ”of Jullien’s known letters written during this period twenty-one were addressed to Robespierre, but eighteen were addressed to the CPS as a whole, and twenty-nine to four other members of the Committee.”) He was arrested right after thermidor and would deny having had any association with Robespierre, but it would still be more than a year before he was released. His mother Rosalie Jullien was her too a big admirer of Robespierre and dined with him a couple of times.
Another one of the people on the list is Jean Charles Guislain Mathon, an arragois childhood friend of Robespierre who, after the siblings fell out with each other, offered Charlotte asylum at his house ”in spite of [the brothers’] protests.” She moved in with him after their execution and stayed there for the rest of her life.
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mariacallous · 2 days
Griffin Dunne has just written a book. He had been meaning to do so for ages. It was one of the items on his bucket list: learn a musical instrument, master Spanish and write his damn memoir. “One down, two to go,” he says, beaming in via video link from his home in upstate New York. The actor and film-maker turns 69 this weekend. He reckons that still leaves him time for the music and Spanish.
Dunne imagined his memoir as a family portrait in the style of David Sedaris’s Me Talk Pretty One Day. He pictured something light on its toes, witty and poignant, a weave of essays and anecdotes. But then the book changed direction, as though it had a will of its own. It went where it wanted and needed to go. He says: “On some level, I knew there was this big subject ahead. And so, as I’m writing the book, I’m thinking: oh, OK, I know where this is going now.” The story leads to the scene of a 40-year-old crime. It revisits the death of Dunne’s younger sister, Dominique, and the grisly murder trial that followed.
I tell Dunne I really like the book, which sounds crass in the circumstances, but is true. While The Friday Afternoon Club is about the death of a loved one, it’s full of light, life and colour. It’s a startling tale of precarious American privilege, spotlighting a family that is blessed and cursed.
Dunne casts himself as the Hollywood prince at its centre, surrounded by famous faces, clamouring to be noticed. He tells how Sean Connery rescued him from the family swimming pool, how Billy Wilder critiqued his childhood pranks and how he roomed with Carrie Fisher before she went off to make Star Wars (“This movie is going to be a fucking disaster,” she said). Dunne was raised among storytellers (his dad and uncle were authors; Joan Didion was his aunt) and he writes with a loose, easy swagger. His memoir is tart, buoyant and playful right up to the moment it’s not.
In the early 1980s, when he was in his 20s, Dunne was hitting his stride as an actor. He had secured his breakout role in 1981’s An American Werewolf in London, playing the undead grad student Jack Goodman, doomed to haunt the adult cinemas of Soho. His 22-year-old sister was also faring well, having co-starred in 1982’s Poltergeist. But, on 30 October 1982, Dominique was strangled by her ex-boyfriend, John Sweeney, and died in hospital five days later. The trial, says Dunne, was outrageous, a farce. Implicitly, it seemed to put the Dunnes in the dock, framing the bereaved family members as frivolous dandies. Sweeney was convicted of manslaughter, but acquitted of murder. He served just three and a half years in prison.
Four decades on, Dunne’s account of events burns with rage. He is furious with the judge who intervened to block crucial evidence. He is furious with the killer’s employers (the Los Angeles restaurant Ma Maison), who stepped in to pay his legal fees. He is furious with Dominique’s then co-star, David Packer, who remained inside the house while Dominique was being attacked outside. “All the old anger got re-stoked,” he says. “I tapped right back into my vengeful side.”
During the trial, Dunne was approached by a mobster who offered to have Sweeney killed. He discussed the idea with his brother, Alex. “At that time, we would have been diagnosed as crazy people,” he says. “I told my brother that we had an opportunity to have the killer dealt with in the county jail. We decided not to kill him, but to mess him up, to have his hands smashed, like we were ordering pizza and choosing different toppings from the menu. And that was just the beginning of our madness; it carried right through. Even writing it down, I thought: I’ve got to let this go, because you can’t live in hate.”
In the end, they did nothing. Dominique’s killer changed his name after being released from prison and is likely still alive today. “I will neither forgive nor forget,” Dunne says. “But I’m not going to let that be the A-story of my sister’s life.”
Dominique was a victim, but that doesn’t make her life tragic. What is clear from the book is that people adored her. She comes across as whip-smart and droll, grounded and private. “She was a serious, substantial person,” he says. “Serious about her acting, her animals, her family. And, actually, rather intimidating, even though she was the youngest of the family.”
Dominique cared for their mother, Ellen, who had multiple sclerosis. She also cared for their father, Dominick, who was bisexual and closeted and yet confided in her. “So she was somebody we were all a bit in awe of. She was always wise beyond her years.”
She sounds like the family’s moral compass. “Yeah,” he says. “But also a bit bossy. She always knew what she wanted. My brother and I were a little fearful of her. It was like she’d been born already built.”
Dunne, by contrast, was a work in progress. In his memoir, he says that his first word was “taxi” and that he was always in a hurry – always running before he could walk. He was expelled from school for smoking pot. He was “coked to the gills” on the night Dominique was attacked. He was bumptious and entitled. His sister’s death changed him, he says, because how on earth could it not?
“For one thing, I never thought about domestic violence, the abuse of women. I grew up in Los Angeles and when I was in high school, pre-Roman Polanski, it was incredibly common for 13- or 14-year-old girls to be dating guys in their 30s. They’d go to these decadent parties in the hills and then come back and tell us all about it. And that was the culture; it felt exciting. I was unaware of what it meant. But then you have my sister, a 22-year-old girl, who finds herself in a domestic violence relationship with someone who’s twice her weight. So everything looked different to me afterwards.”
Perhaps it affected his career as well. In the mid-1980s, Dunne was on the threshold of stardom. He combined the charm and grace of a leading man with the prickly intelligence of a great character actor. The door kept swinging open, but he seemed to keep shutting it. He turned down The Fly and Sex, Lies, and Videotape in favour of making Who’s That Girl, with Madonna, and a reviled comedy, Me and Him, in which he played a yuppie architect who quarrels with his talking penis.
Dunne’s agent accused him of making “self-destructive choices”. He had always craved fame, only to find that it spooked him. “Too much attention at that time was a little fearsome for me,” he says. “I found it very stressful.” He hesitates. “And also my father,” he adds. “That had a lot to do with it, too.”
Dominick is the third main player in The Friday Afternoon Club, a high-flying producer who came to earth with a crash. He would eventually find his voice as a writer. He became Vanity Fair’s star reporter, first covering the Sweeney case, then the OJ Simpson and Claus von Bülow trials. But the in-between years were hard and humiliating. He suffered a reversal of fortune that took the whole family aback.
“I saw my father fail,” Dunne says. “I watched real failure in action in real time. He was a man who had a big house and a beautiful car and a great job and entertained the most famous actors and directors in the world. And everything was taken away from him, partly through his own actions, but nonetheless. People came out of the woodwork, kicked him when he was down.
“They were like: ‘I always hated you, I always knew you were closeted, you’ll never work again, pack your bags.’ And the effect it had on me, just entering the business as he was being destroyed in that business …” He draws a breath. “Well, it had a lot to do with the choices I made.”
In hindsight, the 1985 black comedy After Hours was his fork in the road. It’s also the picture with which he is most identified. Dunne developed the film as a co-producer and convinced Martin Scorsese to direct. He also took the lead role of repressed Paul Hackett, who embarks on a long, dark night of the soul through the streets of Lower Manhattan.
On set, Scorsese made one big stipulation. He ordered Dunne not to have sex for the duration of the shoot. I am gobsmacked by this, but the actor was unfazed. “It made perfect sense to me,” he says. “I knew what he meant. The character had to be boiling over with this unfulfilled anxiety. You had to see …” He pauses. “Not to be crude, but you had to see the semen build up to where it’s practically coming out of his eyes.”
One Saturday night, though, Dunne cracked and broke the rule. The next day of filming, Scorsese spotted the change and went berserk. “You’ve fucked up the whole picture,” he shouted. “I don’t think I can finish it now.”
Dunne says that he was probably being directed here, too. “Because now I’m afraid. I’m terrified. And it turns out that a certain level of fear is the same as not having sex. So [Scorsese’s] second piece of direction is telling me that I’ve ruined his movie. That’s excellent direction. It brought all the old anxiety back.”
It should have been a tough prospect, sitting down to write his book. Emotionally, because it meant revisiting the worst time of his life. Practically, because the Dunne family had already set the bar high. They are all dead now: his dad in 2009; his journalist-screenwriter uncle, John Gregory Dunne, in 2003; Joan Didion in 2021. But their reputations are daunting. It must have felt as though he were writing in the shadow of Mount Rushmore.
Dunne says it wasn’t that way at all. He had always assumed that writing a book would be a lonely endeavour. In fact, it felt warm, intimate and weirdly convivial. “I didn’t feel daunted, trying to write and being related to all these prominent figures. Quite the opposite. I felt their presence. When I described them, it was like I was seeing them again, living with them again. It was like I was back meeting Joan for the first time. It was as though I was spending time with her and John, my father and my sister,” he says. “They were alive to me. When I finished the book, that was the sad part. It felt like I missed them all over again.”
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lunee-bat · 2 days
Seeing his desperation to maintain his evil rep, i can hardly fathom Al being excited about the whole ‘having a kid with the devil and being vulnerable’ thing 💀
the new addition to the morningstar family is iconic tho
YES YOU pookie YOU see my artistic vision! Ahhh I’ve been sitting on your ask for WEEKS bc I was so flattered by your take! (And I’m HONORED you like Philomena!) And before I get too far—YOUR ART IS SO FUN and I absolutely LOVE the circus vibes of your blog with all your The Amazing Digital Circus and Helluva Boss/Fizzarolli-centric content!!
I chew on Alastor like a dog toy bc I just *adore* his fragile ego—I wanna knead it in my hands like putty and thrust it against the ground and watch the pieces shatter like glass and run across the floor. It’s the most tantalizing thing ong. He’s so dependent on what others think of him and I love it.
Lucifer’s a lot more goofy and easygoing to me (relatively—he’s a high strung hot mess nonetheless), so I think he takes Having A Baby 2: Electric Boogaloo in stride more easily than Alastor does (esp bc this is only Alastor’s first round by comparison).
(Lucifer calls her Fifi)
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Mpreg chatter below in case that’s not your fancy
Alastor is SO not excited about the whole “having a kid with the devil and being vulnerable thing”—I like to think Alastor’s uncomfortable as is around Lucifer bc *how very dare* somebody be more powerful than him, but also?? Pregnancy kinda throws off his groove. Just a lil bit. (Ok actually it drives him BONKERS bc how is he supposed to convince everybody he’s The Almighty Radio Demon Who Should Be Feared By All when he’s dealing with…THIS?? It makes him feel *very* vulnerable and soft and NOT intimidating! That’s not good!) He totally tells Lucifer “VERY WELL THEN I’ll have this child with you BUT we are telling everybody in Hell YOU birthed the spawn.” Lucifer’s pretty patient with him, all things considered. Lucifer’s already had his self-confidence tested by the rattling realities of Having A Kid (I am a firm believer in the Lucifer birthed Charlie bc human sinners generally can’t give birth agenda lmaooo). I like to think Lucifer tries to offer Alastor support and advice and Alastor frustratedly declines 11 times out of 10.
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I’m not interested in defending celebrities, to be so for real, but I am interested in a crumb of whatever drugs this blogger is on. This kind of standom delusion must feel amazing. 💊💊
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It’s so funny to me when stans go after each other and fail to realize that they are all engaging in the same kind of “Nuh-uh! That other side sucks the hardest because of all this very biased data I’ve compiled” type of arguing. I’m also not interested in warring with any stan blogs, but this was just so egregious and needed to be debunked. So let’s unpack:
Right off the bat, this blog has used the word tokenize incorrectly. This means to use someone as a symbol of inclusion or compliance with regulations, or to avoid the appearance of discrimination or prejudice.
I think they are intending to refer to the kids being a commodity to exploit in the overall branding of the family; that they are being objectified. And one only has to skim the Instagram feeds of Danneel and Gen to see which family is more heavy-handed. “Danneel’s entire Instagram use to be solely about that.”Based on what, exactly? Danneel’s very first post is of Jensen and JJ, yes, and her identity as wife and mother is (gasp) very much on display ever since. But…that’s to be expected, right?! After all, sharing those parts of their family life on socials is exactly the whole point and why anyone initially followed. It is that behind the scenes peek into the family lives of J2 that drew people in. It’s not as if either of these women has much of a fan base on their own and neither of them were acting at the time their IG accounts launched.
A quick side-by-side of the 2 accounts at about the same point in time (2017/2018) shows little differences in themes of content:
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This blog further claims that “Genevieve and Jared are intelligently including their children where needed” and doing so in “genuine, selfless ways.” *snorts* At the time of this writing, Danneel has 458 posts and Gen has 1,833. Now, I didn’t review each post but the few tags I saw included in family photos were Disneyland and Warner Bros when they visited in recent years. I did not see multiple paid partnership ads featuring the Ackles children. I’m open to anyone proving me wrong, because by sheer volume my argument will still stand. In a random sampling of 2021, we have a string of posts of the Pada-kids that double as ads to varying degrees. Here are just a few examples:
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Now you might say, “ok but these are products for children and families…that still seems pretty thoughtful.” Except that one need only scroll a little farther to see the kids included in brand deals for adult supplements, exercise gear, cleaning products, and even shampoo.
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All of these products still fit in the “items that help me be a great mom” theme of the Now & Gen era, but this is still blatantly using images of the kids for profit in ways that the Ackles just have not done. What is shown here is just the tip of the iceberg and does not include the other attempts at branding on the failed Now & Gen blog or the YouTube vlog. So I’m not sure how the Pads have only used the kids “when needed” when this family was never going to go hungry without these endorsement deals.
Comparing the volume of likes on Gen’s IG posts that contain the children vs those that do not makes it seem likely that someone has been paying attention to the trends and has concluded that utilizing the children in ads has more earning potential. This is the current climate of social media marketing. These outcomes are in fact considered.
The idea that kids should be allowed to “earn money or have a brand” if they want is actually incredibly irresponsible. Protecting the safety of children that are a part of family content creation was a popular topic over the last year. There have been several examples of families who lost the plot in their efforts to market their children in order to achieve financial gain. What an asinine claim to make for children in general when Google is right there. And I love a link, so here’s a few: X, X, and X. It’s too early to definitively summarize the harm that the Pads might be causing their kids with all the exposure. Even when parents are not intentionally exploiting, their children are too young to consent to this type of “work.” Their brains are literally not developed enough to consider the long term pros and cons. All of this sets them up for potential harm, the risk of which makes none of this a need.
“What’s wrong are self-centered, clueless parents who only show off their kids to benefit off of a certain image.” (Pretending I can’t see the self-centered bit because woooo boy…Gen…😬) But aren’t both families posting photos of their kids to “benefit” off of their image of “family?” It’s baked into the Spn and even Walker marketing. The fandoms have been referred to as a family almost since their inception, so it only makes sense that fans were interested in the leads and their own growing families. Again, both families have benefitted but the Pads have benefitted all the way to the bank. And some Padalecki stans are quick to point this out as a win. If the above blog wants to congratulate Gen on her shrewd sense of business and use of capitalism, then that is a whole other thing and they should just come out and say that without making anyone out to be a saint.
One should take note that nowhere in here have I said that Danneel or Jensen are better people than anyone. I didn’t praise them for anything or proclaim their intentions are always pure of heart. How could anyone know that, except by virtue of the faith that comes along with extreme fandom? And that faith isn’t the same as screenshots, numbers, and patterns.
As always: Pedestals aren’t for people. Hold everyone accountable, even your faves. They will survive.✌🏼
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elynnss · 2 days
binary stars
“I want at least three.” 
Cassiopeia twinkles above. Sirius follows the zig-zag of it down to Perseus, then Taurus, then Gemini. Castor and Pollux take turns flashing. 
“Oh yeah? And how many does she want?” 
The serpentine line of Draco flows down to Ursa Major. Part of him wants to sit up and turn to see Andromeda, but he’s comfortable on his back, with James a warm line of warmth along his side. 
“I’ll convince her. Being an only child is lonely. They need someone to play with.” 
“You wouldn’t play with them?” 
“Course I would! All the time. They’ll be quidditch players before they can speak. But I won’t be around to play all the time.” 
“Oh please. You’ll be the stay at home wife while poor Lily goes to work. I can already see it.” 
James just laughed, elbow knocking into Sirius’. It should have been freezing with the cracked stone of the Astronomy Tower at their backs and the cool October wind in their hair. But James was like an inferno- a sun amongst stars. Sirius wasn’t cold at all. 
“Nah. I’ll be a pro quidditch player. She’ll never work a day in her life if I can help it.” 
“Oh, you know she’d hate that.” 
James sighed, dreamy. “Yeah. Yeah, she would.” 
Lyra, Cygnus, Cepheus. Silence sat comfortable between them. 
“Do you want kids, Sirius?” 
“I’ve… never really thought about it.” 
He tried very hard not to. Kids only ever made him think of closets and family dinner and the flick of unfriendly wands and his own eyes staring back at him, big and wet with tears as he pleaded, pick me up, S’rius-
“Nah. Nah, I don’t think I will.” 
“Really? You don’t think Moony would ever want one or two?” Somedays, Sirius thought Remus didn’t even want to be with him. With them. Not for lack of love, but for that persistent, unyielding fear that someday his claws and teeth would finally sink into one of them. He sincerely Moony would tolerate something as helpless as a child in his life. 
“Maybe. I think he’d be scared, though.” 
James hummed. He didn’t need to ask what he’d be scared of. 
“And you? C’mon, they could be cousins, Sirius.” 
“I don’t think I’d be a good dad.” 
Hercules. Bootes. Ursa Minor. 
“I don’t think that's true.” 
“Don’t have the best example, do I?” 
If he squinted, he could see Mars. 
“I think that’d help you know what not to do then, no?” 
He did shudder a bit, then. Sometimes, there had been smiles, a hand on his head, a fountain of sparks to make two little boys laugh. It all got too mixed up, too jumbled to know which hands and which sparkes had been good and which had hurt. 
James only hummed at his silence, unfazed. This wasn’t the first time they’d spoken about this, or something like it. 
“Godfather, then. You two can babysit. How many can you handle?” 
He thought of James, happy but alone in a giant house. He thought of a set of three sisters, of the one who’d been left behind. 
He thought of nights just like this, with a different boy on top of a different set of ancient stones, pointing at the same constellations as they named their cousins and aunts and uncles one by one. 
“Two. Or four. Keep it even. One always gets left behind when it's uneven.” 
Sirius had a brother. He did not have a brother. His brother was asleep, countless stories below. His brother was next to him, staring at the sky. 
“Alright, Pads. Even numbers it is. I think I can convince her into that.” 
Sirius knew he would. Knew Lily would sigh and give in, as if she wasn’t just as excited. Knew that one day, James would host dinner for all of them at Potter Manor with a horde of rambunctious children at their feet. 
And Sirius would take them outside and point out stars, help their little hands trace out constellations. And his heart would ache- impossibly full and impossibly hollow as he stared up at the night sky- just as it did now. 
His side was warm. His brother was miles below him. His brother was right beside him. 
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nixthelapin · 2 days
Something I’m realizing is that, if I were in the miraculous world in Marinette’s class, I would probably believe at least some of Lila’s lies because I wouldn’t really have proof most of the time, and if I did I probably would’ve been too shy to bring it up and be called petty (unless I had a personal stake in it), and I also don’t want to be that person who disbelieves people, so why not just go along with it right?
However- what I do know is… I would have hated her.
Could I accept her outlandish tales? Sure. Would it be obvious to me that she’s just being an attention seeker who likes to make everything about herself? Who constantly makes excuses to have others do everything for her? Absolutely.
Because I’ve met plenty of people who only like to talk about things that they do or cool stuff they’ve done, and even if the events were true, I couldn’t stand being around them! I also bace an aunt who would always have some excuse so she wouldn’t have to do any work, she somehow convinced her mom to let her live at home at 50 and unemployed bc she refused to look for a job, and would also literally pretend to be disabled to get benefits from places (this was usually at theme parks). Oh and she also stole a few thousand $ after my grandma died (she was supposed to split it with my dad). Then if my dad ever got mad at her, she’d cry to their extended family and make him out to be the bad guy (and a lot of them would believe her because she was a darling of the family).
I think it would’ve been interesting to have a character like that interact with Lila. Someone who doesn’t necessarily think she’s lying (maybe just exaggerating a little, but who doesn’t, right?), but is really just annoyed by her attitude and how she treats the class. And you could have a manipulation moment where Lila confronts them like “Did I do something to upset you? I’m really sorry, oh I’m no good at making friends,” etc. and tries to put them in an awkward situation bc they don’t technically have anything concrete, but how can you just say “I just don’t like you” to their face when.. they haven’t technically done anything wrong?? (I know some sassy people will be fine with saying that to her face, but this creates more tension I think bc it shows Lila’s manipulations working in a different way beyond “leading sheeple”). It adds a new dynamic that isn’t like the rest of the class, but also not like Marinette.
And I know Adrien doesn’t follow her lies but isn’t antagonistic about it (at least until way later), but he is still aware that she’s lying, and even maliciously (in Oni-Chan, she tries to keep Chat away so Ladybug can be hurt by the Akuma). And Adrien was basically a doormat until she almost got Marinette expelled, which says more about him than Lila, because Lila’s lies haven’t worked on him since he found out she lied about Volpina. Though he was uncomfortable from the start (with her basically feeling him up, ew), but I think it’d be cool to have someone be uncomfortable but not as the object of her attention. Just for a bit more variety I guess.
Anything to make it so that not everyone is just a brainless follower around her.
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Another anon, curious about the "quest/chosen one" ask. Would a princess, preparing her whole life for when she eventually becomes the Queen, and then this being thrown off by a jealous family member trying to overtake the throne, be an example of that kind of set up? Or something like a soldier ranking up to a Captain but he lost his candidacy or a new soldier proved to be better qualified? Or anything with a surprise last test that makes the character lose the quest? Idk proper terms btw!
"Quest" vs "Normal World" plus Inciting Incident and Conflict
I think the problem is in how "the quest" is being defined, but let's back up a bit from there.
First, remember that stories revolve around a problem that must be resolved. This problem can exist in the character's heart and mind (internal conflict), or in the character's situation, life, or world (external conflict.) Many stories nowadays feature both an internal and external conflict.
Plot is the sequence of events through which the protagonist (and potentially other characters) attempt to pursue the goal, overcoming obstacles and setbacks along the way.
Conflict--or in other words, the problem that must be resolved--is introduced into the protagonist's life via the "inciting incident." Typically, we have a character living their normal life, then the inciting incident introduces the conflict and turns their world upside down, causing them to formulate a goal that will resolve the problem, which they then pursue.
So... if a princess is preparing her whole life to be queen, that is not a "quest." Not only is it not a literal journey, but it is not the goal she is pursuing in order to resolve the conflict introduced by the inciting conflict. Preparing her whole life to be queen is just her "normal world." The moment the jealous family member tries to overtake the throne is the inciting incident... the conflict/problem she must resolve is that she is supposed to become queen, but now a jealous family member has stolen her throne. Now she must pursue a goal that will help her resolve that problem, or in other words, win back her throne. If winning back her throne means she must take a literal journey in order to do something or find something that will make that happen, that would be a quest.
Once again, a soldier ranking up to a captain is not a "quest." A soldier climbing through the ranks is just living their normal life. If he lost his candidacy, that would be the problem he needs to resolve. The event that caused him to lose his candidacy is the inciting incident. If he needs to go on a literal journey in order to win back his candidacy, that would be a quest.
I hope that explains it. :)
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