#but I'm becoming an expert on Bob
ratguy-nico · 4 months
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this is a little bit censored XD
I want to keep the surprise
This is of course for @boblinweek and I'm actually using this amazing event as a kinda excuse to make this drawing (sorry babs)
This drawing if you recognize is a remake (re do? do it in your style?) of one of my favorite and one of the first drawings I saw when I entered the fandom
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sadly cause of the quality I don't know whose drawing this is, but I love it
I've always wanted to re draw it so Idecided to go for it, though I just been doing like the first half, cause you know, I'm lazy and pretty slow at drawing 😅
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seat-safety-switch · 5 months
All around you, businesses are suffering because they neglected the cybers. That's right. Cybersecurity is more important than ever, because Russians will send you an email attachment that you open, and then your whole network gets all fucked up. And the experts are run off their feet trying to clean all this mess up. In fact, they're so busy, that I decided to step into the breach and help them out a little.
First, some background: yes, before I went "freelance" by way of living a cash-heavy, odd-jobs, hand-to-mouth, criminal-record squatter lifestyle, I too had a regular office job. Perhaps you have one like it. Let me give you some keywords and you let me know if they trigger any deep-seated trauma: Microsoft Excel. Microsoft PowerPoint. Microsoft Project. Now that we've established our mutual bona fides, it's time for your employer to become my employer: by hiring me to clean up the next time that Bob Dipshit, CFO, decides he's going to double-click the wrong icon and hoses the entire Eastern Seaboard.
Do I have expertise in this kind of thing? No. Will I get your files back intact? Probably not. Will anyone else get your files back? About the same chance, if I'm honest. At least this way, we both – that's right, we're partners now – get to rack up some billable hours while we "study the problem" and "look for vulnerabilities" in the meantime. And you never know. Maybe once we send a photo of the car I used to get here, the Russians will realize you don't actually have any money and turn the whole thing off. Rust scares them, you see. Their cars are all made out of exotic compressed resins that goats occasionally eat if you park in the wrong place.
So the next time your office gets all screwed up, don't waste time calling the pros. Waste time calling a complete amateur, and together we can loot the company of a bunch of money before they resign themselves to having to restore from a backup. My rates are entirely reasonable, unless you're the one paying them.
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jmdbjk · 11 months
Praise and worship
I finally figured out the meaning of the Standing Next to You MV!!
But first, did Kookie wax his pits or does he always have that landing strip of hair there?
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Anyway, sorry for the immediate digression but you know it is imperative to dissect everything, even pit hair.
Back to the MV...
The opening scenes include this very non-inclusive sign:
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Only limos, no sportscars, SUVs, pick up trucks, family sedans or mopeds welcome here. They are keeping the riff-raff out. ONLY LIMOS THEY SAID CAN'T YOU READ THE SIGN?
Obviously makes sense when we see this dystopian scene where less than a dozen people are walking around inside some sort of derelict compound. A FORTRESS FOR ONLY THE STRETCH LIMO PREFERRING POPULATION!
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Incidentally, stretch limos represent 1 percent of the options available from limo companies in the U.S. (I googled it).
Amazing that they found this many in Budapest.
What was once a sign of affluence has now fallen on hard times... hence the decrepit dystopia pictured above.
Enter our female antagonist. Who does she represent? I'll get to that later...
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Our antagonist is antagonizing beautifully throughout but starts off antagonistically in her leather coatdress and 1980's heavy black eyeliner and bobbed hair. After all, the song is a throwback to that era of the late 70's/early 80's. All she is missing is the peach blush in the hollows of her cheeks. Hand me a Maybelline Blooming Colors Blush Palette and I'll fix it.
Then the dark angel makes his appearance. Ah, yes, sweet angel, come closer.
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I think he has come down or up from where ever dark angels habitate in order to correct an injustice... the injustice being the duck-billed cups of this atrociously antagonistic dress our antagonist is made to wear:
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For real... they couldn't find a better fitting dress? At least grab a roll of toilet paper and stuff those titty cups to fill them out? They are so sad and droopy looking... props to her Maybelline Expert Eyes Turquoise eye shadow though.
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I suppose the stacked pancakes... I mean bra cups... could have meant to be an homage to another 80's icon: Madonna and her cone shaped bra... but ... nah... try again. They look like hamburgers. Now I can't unsee it. So, so sad.
We do a lil spin and our protagonist spins himself up into a jewel encrusted, crotch grabbing, finger pointing master of his game.
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I think he's here to conduct a worship service.
It's time to be churched:
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Stretch limos (because no riff-raff remember?) enter the opening in a temple-of-Petra-like giant wall emblazoned with JK's sacred heart logo. Very symbolic.
In they go to gather for worship. Others sit in theatre seats while Ms. Antagonist sits on the car like a hood ornament.
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So... who is she and what's going on here?
No clue. She sits haughtily and antagonistically on her outdated stretch limo, while her little minions sit in the rows watching the object of their desire preaching the holy choreography.
However, Mr. Protagonist is about to really lay down the religion.
But first, gratuitous shot of Kookie prancing in heeled chelsea boots.
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Back to religion... the religion of Bangtan dance... one of these is not like the other.
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(*covers Hobi-hyung's eyes* Don't look its too painful.)
Did they not monitor this mess?
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I don't meant to be disrespectful and I know these guys are some of the best dancers in the industry but next to Jungkook, they look like a herd of elephants. Just sayin'.
Anyway, Protagonist proceeds to become angry at the sloppy choreo and all the limo drivers gather for a gang-brawl in the middle of the church. Probably arguing over the spelling of chauffeur. I couldn't find an urban slang reference for limo, limousine or limo driver. I'm sure some exist but being the innocent thing I am, I don't know what they are.
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Mr. Protagonist brings down the wrath and puts the fear of Hobi into his crew:
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Then the climax of the whole darn thing: a dance break. Holy communion commences with serious thrusting into crotch grabs (some are enjoying it more than others):
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Service concludes and I wonder how many takes before they got one where Kookie didn't bust out laughing with his bunny giggle?
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But seriously, the MV does seem to be an homage to an era where Michael Jackson thrilled us with his brilliant music and dancing. Jungkook is continuing to pull us and BTS as a group along, forging new paths for them in the music industry. Like Kookie, I am anxious for them to reunite and get back on that stage together. And like Yoongi, I too believe they will devour the world.
(It's humor, y'all.)
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silky-silks · 7 months
The Trees
(Im going to respond to my ask soon guys after March 11)
The run for Mario is coming to a close everybody! And as much as I want to continue sadly Mario day is where the finale is revealed. But Im having tons of fun with this, and i have learned a lot of things in theese short span of few days. A part of me wish I knew of Mario day earlier, but enough of my lamenting. Back to story time.
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Uncertain if Nina is truly dead or not, Silky tries to comfort and give everyone hope as Nina might actually be alive. Silky however had no idea just how enrages Eric could get. She turns and see's the blinding rage on Eric's face. She freezes as his glare looks...so similar to someone else she known. (And it's not Bob). She does not know what to do, doesn't even know what to say as for countless times even therapist can soothe his pain. So she sits very still, and hushes everyone in the room (Silky is no expert at this, so take her response to how in Puss in Boots: The last Wish when Perro helped Puss during a panic attack. ) She stays at the calmest expression she can until eventually Eric is able to get pass the anger faze.
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Eventually the air does become a bit calm, and Silky hesitates to hold Eric close to her soft fur, she is grateful he doesnt yank it off. But not that it matters, her fur is not important: Eric is. Her extreme fluff drowns out the sound of the room, as it was all so incredibly "loud" earlier.
At this Time, Patches is trying to process the news and find something to help Bob with, but everything falls apart when Mono hurries out of the observatory. King Boo yells for her to come back but Patches is already at her trail.
The Black Hole
(idea from @22a-girl-from-galaxy22, and it's amazing)
Somehow and in someway, Mono finds a black hole and jumps into it. This is dangerous, incredibly dangerous but by sheer luck she makes it to the other side. Hell Valley, and Patches it as her side.
There they find Nina in a cell, and are overjoyed to know she is alive. But just like Eric, Mono probably should have thought of the escape plan. Nina however is depserate know if her family is okay and is relieved to know Bob and are safe. But hearing of Eric's breakdown broke her heart. However this little reunion is about to end as.....{REDACTED} shows up with a bit of a cosmic drip.
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_it's Ducifer....Mono readies her weapon but they are surronded.
(To be continued tomorrow as soon as possible or probably at midnight)
Whew okay we almost there guys! Man I'm going to miss this little series a bit, but I'm resting after all of this haha..
But some notes yes, Ducifer is the bad guy because everybody loves Ducifer! (Did I say that right?) Hopefully he is able to survive the wrath of Silky when she gets there.
Nina originally was going to look petrified but i made her angry. Already having met this dude some time ago, and now seeing him back with him trying to kill mono, herself, patches, and is the main cause for all of this pain fuels her with anger.
I dont know much about PTSD so i had to tread very lightly with it as i did not want to end up making something very offensive. Hence why i reframed from Silky doing a whole "Oh let me hug and talk to you" as I know in some cases, talking and hugging can be one terrible thing for some folks.
And finally Patches is horrified of Hell Valley trees. I mean look at those things, if her friends were there they would be fighting like hell cats. Anyway, im going to eat some food, and prepare for the finale!
Patches Bashful belongs to @eve-pie
Eric Velseb @night-light-artz
Mono and Ducifer @22a-girl-from-galaxy22
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camp-mithril-lake · 6 months
if you were going to make your own TF show and could only pick five main Autobots as your central cast, who would you pick?
So my main Autobot Cast would be:
Hot Rod: The young leader of the crew out in the Safe Zone. He is a war orphan raised by Kup with Arcee and Springer, who are older and more experienced soldiers stationed elsewhere. He has a twin sister that he lost contact with and is searching for.
Ambulon: A former Decepticon medic and nervous guy. He keeps his past secret.
Moonracer: A younger bot who is the shared mentee for Chromia and Ironhide. She is a crackshot and friendly and bubbly.
Perceptor: A genius who is being hidden out under Hot Rod's leadership while they work on projects and investigate the secrets of ancient Cybertronians and is becoming an expert in the tech.
Sunstreaker: An experienced Autobot sent to act as protection and recover from injuries from his time held as captive by the Decepticons. With him is Bob.
I would want there to be visiting cast of people like: Kup, Arcee and Springer (Hot Rod's adopted family), Drift (a mysterious Neutral roaming the area who gets involved), Thunderclash (another young Autobot leader that Hot Rod thinks of is a bit of a rival and is jealous of somewhat for being able to be on the frontlines), Ultra Magnus (Hot Rod's direct superior who is trying to keep them out of danger), Windblade and Wing (ancient Cybertronians who were in stasis for millions of years they find while investigating things).
I would add Skyfire/Jetfire and introduce him later as their ship. This would be like a season finale or second season revelation. Up until then, he'd be called the Lost Light. He'd have been a ship that Hot Rod stole and was able to keep. He'd repaired him over time, unknowing that he was a person modlocked by the aliens he'd stolen him from.
This was honestly really fun to think of, and now I'm kind of invested.
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helgafolk618 · 3 months
Hey Helga. I'm Vibinboi, that twitter user who drew that machine gun hilda image.
I tried to show my hatred to Bob Iger, which resulted into the big bad Elon swooping in and making me leave (My acc is still up, It's just that I dont want it)
I'm considering diving into digital art. What softwares can you reccomend?
Hey there, Vibinboi! Just checked your reply on Twitter and I have to say... thank you for keeping an ancient art tradition alive! xD
Sounds like you're planning on becoming an artist. Is this your first time drawing? You can find basic tutorials online on the fundamentals of art and drawing characters. Just a quick Google search!
As for softwares, I recommend Ibis Paint X for mobile users. I'm not an expert regarding PC and other platforms, so you might wanna ask someone else on this.
Hope this helps! 👋
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silversiren1101 · 11 months
How about 💅🏽 and 💁🏾‍♀️for both Mino and Moro? (I hope I'm not too late)
YAY! Yes of course my friend!
[Asks from this ask game]
💅🏽 How do they keep their nails, long or short? Do they paint or decorate them? Do they bite their nails or pick at their cuticles?
Answered here for both ladies :)
💁🏾‍♀️ What is their hare care regimen like? Do they color, straighten, curl, or otherwise change their hair regularly?
Ah, to be a ganzi... Mino's hair grows about twice as fast as other people's, meaning it's a bit of a hassle to deal with. She has naturally 2a wavy texture, and with how quickly it grows, it tends to become a mess if she's not constantly on the upkeep. Most 'trims' is just her taking her boot knife and hacking off an inch or so of splint-ends, as she doesn't have much opportunity to get to a barber often. When she does get her hair-cut, she goes all in: a short undercut on the sides and back that really shows off her neck feathers. It grows in so fast and it's a nice way of feeling fresh and doing something different until it all grows in in a few weeks.
As for hair-care, she does a deep shampoo wash once a week (grooming nights) but otherwise just a light maintenance hot water comb-through on other nights unless she's particularly filthy from travel or battle.
Her hair color is naturally two-toned: she has darker roots which naturally turn platinum blonde an inch or so out. She gets asked about her 'dye job' regularly, only for her to correct them and say no it's just a ganzi thing.
The queen of big hair!!! Morolai is extremely protective of her long, lusciously, wavy locks. It travels all the way down her back to her rear, and is immaculately shiny and soft and silky. A combination of magic and the most expensive care products her kingdom and procure for her keeps it looking this way. If it gets damaged or cut in battle, she will task her magical experts to make it regrow.
As for a barber or stylist, she has a special familiar that actually helps her it, as she doesn't trust others to really touch her hair with the level of care she demands (except maybe Octavia). The familiar is a homunculus crafted for her by Vordakai, with a core based on her acid mixed with potent fey blood to temper it :)
As for styles - she keeps it always long, but she will comb it back and tie it with ribbon and hair pieces to match her outfits, or will tie it up high and tight if going into battle so it doesn't get in the way.
I think, maybe when she gets older (in her 50s or so), she will decide one day to cut it all short and wear it in a bob.
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k7l4d4 · 4 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 5
Hello all, I'm back again with another review! Was honestly unsure if I would get this one posted, given I had a rather long run today in regards to work.
This episode... frustrated me. It essentially serves as a roadmap of the writer's intention to isolate Adrien. In how it presented Adrien as being gaslit by Gabe into thinking his dad FINALLY gives a genuine shit about him and pushing him into a yes/no situation where he's forced to pick between staying a Model or letting Gabe use his image for the Alliance Rings, as well as how it just had Nino act like an utter idiot, running his mouth, putting on a very dumb plan to try and spy on Monarch's actions... the setup feels designed to leave Adrien with no one he can trust with his true feelings and concerns but Marinette/Ladybug, and given how tightlipped she is about herself, that's a recipe for disaster in terms of unbalanced relationships.
Anyway, on to the review! As always, warnings for profanity.
Episode 5: Illusion 
Okay, we get some news interviews... and the thing that's standing out the most to me is XY being a completely ditzy moron, which makes the idea that he ever could've been able to set up holograms to do performances in his place during Season 1... SUSPECT, to put it lightly. Really Astruc, if you can't even do something like THAT consistent, you aren't gonna be able to hold together a message about "wealthy elites" or whatever nonsense is running through your head. 
And oh boy, having Chloe be the local Strawman again, what a surprise. Like... Dude, Tommy, turning someone you are engineering to be hated by the audience into acting as the mouthpiece for every criticism of the show and characters you dislike, and in the most stupidly reductive takes ON those criticisms around makes you look like a petty jackass! 
Okay, why the hell are the show host dude, Bob Roth, and the fucking BANANA presented as a panel of experts... I just do not have anything to say about that beyond "what the fuck?" Why are they using three randos as "experts" about the threat presented by a psychotic terrorist, and how to stop said terrorist, with one of said "experts" being a known corrupt executive!? 
Honestly, what makes this stupid scene even worse is that literally NOTHING of substance is actually discussed, despite apparently being an important talk show segment about the safety of Paris. It trivializes the overall plot of the season, and the series as a whole by giving the implication that people are so unconcerned about it that a goofy spoof segment featuring a wacky tv host, a sleazy music producer, and a guy in a banana suit about how "serious" it is makes for prime entertainment. 
And honestly? They could've made that set-up WORK by having Gabriel SEE the show and become furious that people aren't taking him seriously, and then plans out something audacious. But THAT would require Thomas to be willing to acknowledge that this scene just makes his "sympathetic villain" look like a complete joke. 
Okay, we get a moment of Adrien being completely pissed off over the Alliance Rings and how they involve his father objectifying his image and voice even WORSE Than before... and decides to use his newly gained confidence to confront him over it. Good for him! Now how does this get ruined? 
And there it is. "Call me dad." ...Thomas, if you were trying to portray Gabriel as sincerely trying to be a better father to Adrien... I honestly think this was the stupidest way you could've done it. Oh, he's only JUST NOW deciding to give a shit about his kid!? SERIOUSLY!? Right after setting things up so that he profits off of his son's image and voice. Combined between just how jarring it is that Gabriel is acting like this, as well as him claiming to take Adrien to school himself... I'm sorry, but this feels like he's gaslighting Adrien to me. 
Oh yes, "disappeared." Not DEAD. Because oh no, we can't ever mention DEATH on a kid's show, no no no, we have to wiggle around the topic, no matter how blatantly we otherwise telegraph it. Better to imply that at best Emilie became a deadbeat parent and ran off, or worse that she got kidnapped or something, because CLEARLY THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT WAY TO FRAME THIS SITUATION!!! Oh, and Gabriel's happy go-lucky "family man" mask immediately starts slipping with him nearly chucking the frying pan he's cooking in across the room. Wow, what a great dad, CLEARLY this is a man without anger and control issues! 
And also, when and how have Adrien and his dad EVER been closer?? Like, apparently Adrien's mom has only "disappeared" since LAST YEAR, yet Adrien is completely weirded out by the idea of Gabriel being a "dad" instead of the cold, demanding father who micromanages his life. Again, THIS LOOKS LIKE HE IS GASLIGHTING HIS SON THOMAS!!! 
And now we get to the crux of the matter... exploitation. Thomas, Gabriel basically profiteering off of his son's image (which could be used against him in some VERY creepy ways, I might add!!), whether it be through having him do photo shoots and model clothing/jewelry, or by having him be the controllable face of the AI rings scattered across the city, IS EXPLOITATION. Him having "more time to spend with his son" DOES NOT MAKE IT BETTER since he seems damn convinced to take advantage of his son and ignore his actual wants and feelings. Heck, again, him justifying the Alliance Rings using his son's image and voice on the basis of "spending more time together" just comes off as either emotional manipulation or gaslighting, since he's pushing Adrien into the framework of accepting one uncomfortable and exploitative situation or the other, while denying him the right to not be involved in EITHER ONE. Him trying to put on the "happy family man" role does not work, he just feels like a creep about it, and the fact that he's making Adrien doubt standing up to him because he's acting "nicer" gives the implication that he's only doing this so he can better manipulate Adrien into doing what HE wants Adrien to do, not what Adrien actually cares about. GAAAAHHHH!!!! 
Okay, we get a scene of Alya and Marinette theorizing about how Hawkmoth is empowering his Akumas with Miraculous powers... and yeah, I can see where their theories are coming from, given their lack of information. Oh hey, Nino showed up! ...This is gonna be the start of the trainwreck, isn't it? 
Alright, so Nino basically blows off his future to be, as he puts it, a "superhero," and seems to meaningfully think he'll be able to help against Monarch. Like... I don't MIND the passion and idealism behind this, but I have the sinking feeling this is gonna go to shit really fast. Okay, just got started up again... and seriously Nino, "Comrade Mayo, Comrade Ketchup?" Thomas, are you even TRYING to make Nino serious!? This... this is little kid shit!! And I don't mean the viewers, I mean this is demeaning!! It's just like that stupid meeting before, it's talking down to the audience by assuming they "won't get it" and using the most childish interpretation of what SHOULD BE a serious talking point for the series!! 
Yeah, yeah, Marinette should absolutely be the one to question Adrien about the Alliance Rings, not Nino or anyone else who knows him. Oh, and of COURSE they fucking dismiss the fact that Marinette is FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGING THE FACT THAT SHE HAS NO SELF CONTROL AROUND ADRIEN AS A BAD THING BECAUSE IT GETS IN THE WAY OF "TRUE LOVE" BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT!? Ughh... this is getting "better and better." 
Nino, dude, using secret "codenames" in a public setting, particularly dumb ones named after condiments, makes you look like a fucking moron. Does- Does Thomas genuinely believe that this makes Nino look clever or something...? 
But then again, given you are repeatedly portraying him as an incompetent and goofy idiot who is taking things too seriously in the worst possible way, I am wondering if this might be FUCKING DELIBERATE!!! I cannot even BEGIN to fathom why you think making Nino the local DITZ is important, and I don't care to, because this is fucking GARBAGE!!! 
FUCK THIS EPISODE WITH A RUSTY SPOON, for it has tarnished the very IDEA of this episode being able to pull off dramatic and serious storylines with this one episode alone. It's one thing to portray a dramatic or serious storyline and bungle it by making it push too far or with improper set-up, but this? This episode so far has TRIVIALIZED the entire series in the worst way imaginable. It's not the worst episode in terms of writing, but the anger I'm feeling puts it pretty high up there. 
"The only ones who need to keep their secret identities are Ladybug and Chat Noir, not us!" Nino... (Breathes deep) BOY!! Wow, it sure is great that there ISN'T a magical terrorist going around, actively looking for anyone and everyone he can use as leverage to fulfill his personal ambitions and who HAS made it a point of targeting civilians he so much as SUSPECTS of being connected to the Superheroes opposing him, even if it's just to use as FUCKING BAIT!! Because that would make this blase attitude and dismissal of personal safety and secrets that aren't his to share UTTERLY FUCKING MORONIC!!! Astruc... get fucked with a rusty spoon. You have shamed the concept of Superheroes. I am very neutral on Nino, and even I CAN FUCKING TELL THIS IS OUT OF CHARACTER FOR HIM ON EVERY FUCKING LEVEL!!! 
You know, something just occurred to me... Chloe had Adrien's Gabriel-decided diet delivered all the way to the Cafeteria and hand-delivered it to him. Granted, it wasn't her hands but still, that is a LOT of effort to go for... well, ANYONE. While the intended takeaway by Astruc is that she "doesn't GET Adrien and is forcing him to be someone he's not!!" she's really not forcing him at all, even when she obviously disapproves, and would've had fuck all ways of knowing that Adrien was unhappy with how deeply Gabriel dictated his life. To her, this was an act of kindness on a whim for her only friend besides Sabrina. Oh, and OF FUCKING COURSE THEY IGNORE THAT CHLOE CUT ADRIEN OUT OF HER LIFE BACK IN SEASON FOUR BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK NOT!? 
Okay, back on, and we get a moronic scene of Nino justifying CONTINUING to talk about his secret that isn't technically his right to share with Adrien... but it also highlights the MANY blatant double-standards going on in this fucking fiasco of a series!! For god-fucking SAKES, what honestly makes this all stupider is that Nino is blabbing about telling a secret that he blabbed to Adrien on the basis of them being "best friends," while Adrien hasn't shared that he is Chat Noir, yet Marinette told Alya HER secret, and both say that she hasn't shared secrets between them... WHERE DO I EVEN FUCKING BEGIN WITH THIS CLUSTERFUCK OF A FIASCO!? 
For starters, not only is this is a massively hypocritical double-standard presented in showing that it's okay for Marinette to share HER secret identity with Alya, while punishing Nino for having told Adrien HIS secret identity, it also makes Marinette look WORSE by showing that, for all his numerous faults and inconsistencies as a hero, Adrien has at least fucking held to THAT RULE TO AN IRONCLAD DEGREE!! Oh no, let's not get into the potential implications of what this would mean for his friendship with Nino if he ever found out later, oh no, let's move on and NOT focus on that, please and fucking thank you!! 
The second aspect to this nonsense is how Nino STILL DOES NOT FUCKING SEE THE PROBLEM WITH BLABBING A DANGEROUS SECRET IN A PUBLIC CAFETERIA!! Even IGNORING this monumentally stupid double-standard (I GET why Marinette told Alya, but it's still a humongous double-standard in that, despite having confided in a trusted confidant herself, Marinette never gave the fucking okay to Chat Noir, since HE DESERVES TO HAVE A CONFIDANT AS WELL!!), it feels like this stupid scene is trying to JUSTIFY this double-standard by making Nino an incompetent idiot who cannot for the life of him keep a fucking secret!! 
And now Lila is showing up, how will this ruin things further...? 
And Marinette is immediately on the offensive. As much as people still falling for Lila's lies is obnoxiously stupid, moments like THIS CRAP make it pretty damn easy to see where the "jealousy" claims come from. It is STILL STUPID, but when you have her go and say "all the seats are taken!!" particularly when the boy everyone claims you are jealous over is there, IT MAKES HER LOOK SUPER JEALOUS!!! Gggaaahhh... Astruc, why are you such a fucking idiot... 
And we get Nino trying to claim that they are in a secret meeting. In the middle of the lunchroom. Where ANYONE CAN OVERHEAR HIM SINCE HE WASN'T BOTHERING TO KEEP HIS VOICE DOWN BEFORE HAND. Yeah, this is bullshit SQUARED. 
Okay just... just... the metaphor just BARELY works, but it really kills the tension. Adding dramatic music does not make a metaphor about adding and removing honey from yogurt NOT sound goofy and stupid. And when I say "barely," I mean "not at all" because honey would be incorporated into yogurt, meaning you can't remove it, so the simile/metaphor falls apart right away. And then... we get Nino's "plan." I feel that I will be pissed off from this! Oh, and Lila apparently took a photo and posted it on all of her social media accounts, THAT will be fun! 
Nino claims to make an Akumatization happen... and record it... dude. ALL THE FUCK NO!!! If the point of this nonsense is to make Nino look stupid and untrustworthy, YOU HAVE FUCKING SUCCEEDED ASTRUC!! The "magic ladybugs fix things anyway, so no consequences matter" is the logic that is literally used by Scarlet Lady, one of the nastiest Salt-fic takes on Chloe around!! You are actively making Nino use the logic of a sociopath, especially since Nino seemingly isn't taking into account the possibility of "WHAT IF LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR LOSE!?" There is faith, and then there is blockheaded NONSENSE!! 
Oh, and NO, the Akumatized victims remember FULL AND WELL what caused them to get Akumatized, it's what they were DOING while Akumatized that they don't remember, dumbass. Astruc, how the FUCK did you think this nonsense was a good idea!? 
And then we get Nino dismissing all the criticism on the basis of "eh, I've got you guys, it'll be fine!!" Like... again, this is the difference between having faith in someone and being SUICIDALLY OVERCONFIDENT!! And now a hoard of Adrien fans are storming the place because of Lila's posted photo, of course. Also, it looks like they put in Wayhem but with recolored hair in the front of the crowd. For a guy who is meant to be a fan of Adrien's, he's not so good at respecting Adrien's desire for privacy and space. 
And apparently Nino's reasoning for targeting a parent for tormenting is on the basis of "almost all of them have been Akumatized at some point" while ignoring WHAT IT WAS THAT CAUSED THEM TO BE AKUMATIZED!! Oh, and don't get me started on him glossing over how that label ALSO APPLIES TO ALL OF HIS TEACHERS!! Just... fucking FUCK this shithole of an episode!! 
Oh, started back up again. Nino actually makes a good point about whether or not Gabriel has really changed and if this is just a publicity stunt for the Alliance Ring... but the fact that he is saying this TO GABRIEL'S EMOTIONALLY ABUSED SON makes him look like a fucking idiot and utterly insensitive. And while it's not a publicity stunt, I'd say he's right that Gabriel hasn't changed and this is just performative on Gabriel's part to make himself feel better about being a supervillain. 
Okay, it looks like Nino is apparently acknowledging that he went too far and shouldn't have said something like that to Adrien. But considering how stupid the rest of this episode has made him, it's barely anything. 
Marinette... No. NO!! You should damn well fucking KNOW that trying to deliberately CAUSE an Akumatization is a fucking disaster waiting to happen!! There is no ethically rationalizing this choice, and what is the fucking point of having revealed your secret to Alya if you aren't going to back her up when she's speaking in your alter ego's name on something you SHOULD KNOW IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!? 
Alya, you are right on the money, WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THEY FUCKING GOING ALONG WITH THIS!? Even if it's GABRIEL, you are all literally talking about torturing another human being "for the greater good." Do you have ANY CLUE what kind of BS that is!? There, there is no way to condone this level of insanity!! You cannot make someone look sympathetic when they do shit like this!! 
Oh, and Lila apparently overheard everything and is gonna go rat them out to Gabriel, HOW THE HELL DID THEY NOT HEAR HER FOOTSTEPS!? Them missing her in the chaos of sneaking out of the mob SHE CAUSED I can get, but this!? Nope, not at all, particularly when the only effort she's putting into hiding is standing off to the distance. 
Okay, we get a scene of the Parent-Teacher Conferences and WOW, they did not even TRY to fill the seats in the slightest. Oh, we get Max's mom, Sabine, Anarka, Mrs. Rossi, Roger, Otis, Andre, Mylene's Dad, and Gabriel... but I notice a distinct lack of representation for Ivan, Nathaniel, Kim, Rose, or Nino. Heck, even if they were just nameless background characters, they could've given us SOMETHING TO GO OFF OF!! 
Moving on... 
Okay, they are talking about a file regarding helping the kids figure out what they would like their futures to be, and apparently the school already has them... so what the fuck is with a certain future plot point regarding THIS EXACT SITUATION!? 
...Wow. They are seriously not even TRYING to make it look like they aren't deliberately trying to get Gabriel dirty. Seriously, at least with Marinette, you at least have something resembling an EXCUSE for this garbage, since she has a reputation for being a klutz and forgetting things (both in terms of leaving them behind and having them with her) so her bringing along food from the cafeteria and then getting it all over someone due to being clumsy, at least THAT MAKES SOMETHING RESEMBLING SENSE!! But Adrien literally just turned to his dad, holding a plate of food, and the deliberately PITCHED HIMSELF FORWARD!!! For the love of SHIT, after putting us through this nonsensical hodgepodge of a "plot," THIS IS THE BEST THING YOU COULD COME UP WITH TO EXPLAIN HOW THEY GET GABRIEL AKUMATIZED!? THIS!?!? FUCK THIS NOISE WITH A RUSTY SPOON!!! 
And Alya isn't even PRETENDING to have an excuse or reason for this. Not even leaving something behind. She's also not playing along.... BUT SHE IS STILL GOING ALONG WITH THIS!? And Nino, there's such a thing as "cutting your losses and picking someone else." Insistently attempting to get the result you want on a specific target is a losing battle, and makes you look LIKE A FUCKING MORON!! 
And that was a waste of a perfectly good chocolate cake too! 
Who saw "Adrien gets pulled out of school due to making Gabriel mad" coming? Honestly? ME!! AS SHOULD ANYONE WITH A BRAIN BECAUSE NEWS FLASH NINO, PEOPLE GET MAD OVER THINGS EVERY SINGLE DAY!! JUST TRYING TO FORCE SOMEONE YOU KNOW AND DISLIKE TO GET UPSET TO BE AKUMATIZED IS NOT GOING TO WORK, AND GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY TO UPSET SOMEONE WITH POWER AND AUTHORITY HAS FUCKING CONSEQUENCES FOR DOING SO!!! Dear GOD, if this isn't a plot by Thomas to make Nino look like an idiot, a bad friend, and someone Adrien cannot trust with his secret, then he is an even BIGGER FUCKING HACK THAN I ALREADY THOUGHT!!! 
Marinette, for once, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT ADRIEN!! You literally have NOTHING TO DO WITH GABRIEL TAKING HIM OUT OF SCHOOL BESIDES YOUR WILLINGNESS TO GO ALONG WITH THIS NONSENSICAL PLAN!!! I have never in my life scene a writer turn their own main character INTO A FUCKING STRAWMAN!!! Because honestly? When it comes to the Love Square at this stage, THAT IS WHAT SHE IS!! She offers up hollow arguments as to why she "can't" be with Adrien that she doesn't actually follow up on, and it honestly just comes off as her whining about how unfair her life is rather than just, I don't know, GET THERAPY!? Because that's what she needs, a therapist who can get it through her skull that the problem isn't that she's "a curse," or "needs to stop loving him," she needs to learn how to ACT LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING AROUND HIM , but because she never puts up a real argument as to why her crush is a bad thing, she just keeps getting pushed back in his direction by Alya with NONE of her actual underlying problems being addressed!!! 
Yup. Gabe is pissed off. He couldn't make it a single fucking day with keeping up the "happy dad mask" and it is as obnoxious as possible. 
And WOW, the "Illusion Gabriel" is honestly pretty fucking stupid, honestly. Like, the dude is supposed to be pissed off at having had a bad day where his efforts to try and bond with his son were squandered, but he has the illusion version... moping about how nobody is accepting his efforts to change!? Astruc, is this meant to be a snide reference to people who expected Chloe to change, or do you HONESTLY think anyone views the situation like this!? Like, if it were just Gabriel's own delusions of being a moral person, that would be one thing, but people are apparently buying it, and it is STUPID. 
"Don't worry, we got the video!" A video that shows literally nothing and "coincidentally" glitched out the exact moment he "got the Miraculous power." Ugh... What's really stupid is that the Illusion Collector is AN ILLUSION, so... like, how did he even FIND Marinette and the others so quickly? He should have no clue they are even THERE yet!! And I just KNOW this is gonna get worse... 
And Nino just blurted out his "secret codename" for the world to hear, AGAIN, this time in front of what he thinks is an Akuma... does he SERIOUSLY THINK that this wouldn't tip Monarch off to the fact that ordinary citizens are plotting against him, and take steps to counter it!? 
And now Monarch gives himself a bunch of powers directly to ambush the heroes while they are distracted by the illusion. To be honest? It's a good plan. Even if it blows open the fact that they are fighting an illusion (which is doubtful, unless he specifically uses Voyage in front of them AS Monarch), it's at least a decently executed strategy to maximize his odds of snagging their Miraculouses. 
If there is ANYTHING that fucking infuriates me more than inconsistent storytelling, it's STUPIDITY driving the storytelling. Seriously, one MASSIVE recurring point with the Akumas is that they aren't aware of their actions or fully in control of themselves, so Gabe making his Illusion-clone say "it's too late to save me! I've tried to change-" and that's as far as I got before pausing it to calm down MY SHEER RAGE at this nonsense... yeah, no. If anything, THIS MAKES GABE LOOK LESS SYMPATHETIC YOU FUCKING HACKS!!! Because so far, the ONLY Akumas that have been shown to be genuinely in control of their actions are those who were Akumatized WILLINGLY!! You cannot come back from that!! Whatever shit happened in his normal life DOES NOT JUSTIFY TEAMING UP WITH A LITERAL FUCKING TERRORIST!!! 
Seriously, this is FUCKING STUPID!! Trying to make Gabriel look sympathetic NOW, right when he is "mid-Akumatization," even if we DIDN'T know that it was all bullshit... I'm honestly baffled how Ladybug didn't pick up that something was wrong, since the ONLY Akuma that has ever expressed any ability to deviate from their Akuma-derived obsession was Evillustrator... and that was only TEMPORARY before it came back worse then before. Like, does Thomas REALLY think that making it that Akumas are always aware of what they are doing and do it knowingly makes for GOOD FUCKING WRITING!? 
HOW THE FUCK DID MARINETTE NOT NOTICE THAT GABRIEL WASN'T SOAKING WET DESPITE HAVING FALLEN INTO THE WATERS OF THE SEWER!? And it was AFTER he had "rejected the Akuma," so if the authors try and spin some BS I am going to call them out on it!! 
One more one last thing. Apparently Nino and Alya think that a glitch in the video is a "magic lightning bolt" that sends and retrieves the Miraculous... and it ends with ALYA apologizing and going along with Nino's nonsense. No having Nino learn a lesson about being going too far even for a good cause (which would at least have been SOMETHING to make this less cringe-inducing), oh no, we have it that ALYA, the only one in this "Resistance" who has been talking sense this episode, realize that "Nino was right all along!" Because CLEARLY getting a crappy video was more important than having potentially traumatized someone!! NOW I'm moving on. 
Not gonna mention this latest bit of stupidity coming forward involving Nino basically admit to this nonsense... nope, not gonna do it. Not gonna give into the anger.
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exactlyluckykitten · 2 months
Become an Expert on Pueblo Roofers by Watching These 5 Videos
Let's speak about something that might not seem all that attractive at first-- roofs. Particularly, let's chat about Alma Roofers Colorado and a little company called Denver Roofers that's got you covered, literally.
So, picture this: it's a sunny, crisp early morning in Denver. You're drinking on your coffee, maybe taking in the mountain views, when you observe something ... odd. A shingle hanging loose, or worse, a leakage dripping into your kitchen area. Oh boy. It's time to contact the pros. Enter Denver Roofers, your regional knights in shining armor ( fine, perhaps not knights, however certainly life-savers).
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Now, roofs in Colorado deal with some quite distinct obstacles. We're discussing everything from blistering sun to heavy snowfalls. You understand that sensation when you go out of a shop in winter and get smacked in the face with a gust of icy wind? Your roof feels that too. And it's not simply the weather. Oh no, my friend, we've got hailstorms that can make a grown man weep. Think of golf balls drizzling down from the sky. Yeah, roofs here require to be tough.
Denver Roofers get this. They know that your roof isn't simply a bunch of shingles slapped together. It's your home's first line of defense. Whether you need a minor repair work or a entire new roof, these folks have actually got your back. They deal with whatever-- dripping roofs, missing out on shingles, storm damage, you name it.
Let me tell you a story. My cousin Bob, who lives in Aurora, had this old roof that looked like it had actually made it through the Battle of Gettysburg. Every time there was a storm, he 'd be up there with a pail, cursing under his breath. Finally, he called Denver Roofers. They came out, examined the circumstance, and informed Bob that his roof was generally held together by hopes and dreams. Within a week, he had a brand-new roof. No more containers, say goodbye to cursing (well, not about the roof, anyhow).
However it's not practically emergencies. Preventative maintenance is crucial. I keep in mind reading someplace-- probably among those homeowner ideas sites-- that frequently examining your roof can extend its life by years. Think about it like going to the dental professional. You would not avoid your check-ups, right? (I mean, I do, however I'm informed it's a bad idea.) Denver Roofers can come out and give your roof a checkup, catching little issues before they become huge headaches.
Colorado's weather condition doesn't simply demand durability; it calls for the best materials, too. Asphalt shingles are popular, sure, however they've got choices like metal roofs that can endure hail better. Metal roofs can be noisy in the rain, however. Ever heard rain on a tin roof? It's like a symphony of marbles. However hey, some folks love that noise. It's everything about what works for you.
Here's a amusing thing. When I was a kid, I used to think roofing was all about simply slapping on some shingles and calling it a day. Turns out, there's this entire science behind it. Ventilation, insulation, slope. Did you know that the angle of your roof can affect how well snow slides off it? I didn't. Denver Roofers did, however. They'll geek out about roof slopes and R-values (that's insulation talk) so you do not need to.
Speaking of snow, let's not forget those attractive but potentially problematic ice dams. They appear like something out of a vacation card, however they can damage your roof. Picture this: snow melts, water diminishes to the edge of the roof, refreezes, and bam! Ice dam. Water backs up and can seep into your home. Denver Roofers can install things like ice and water shields to keep that from occurring. It's like providing your roof a winter coat.
Now, you might be believing, "This all noises expensive." And yeah, quality roofing isn't low-cost, but neither is changing your living room ceiling after it collapses from water damage. (Trust me, that's not a fun surprise.) Denver Roofers are upfront about costs. Nobody likes those nasty surprises when you get the bill. Plus, they deal with insurer if your roof's been struck by one of our legendary hailstorms. It's a bit of a dance, handling insurance coverage, but these guys know the actions.
Let's circle back to that sunshine we get so much of here. Ever considered going green with your roof? Photovoltaic panel are becoming a big thing. Denver Roofers can set you up with a roof that's prepared to support photovoltaic panels. Think of decreasing your energy bills and being eco-friendly at the same time. Win-win!
I've rambled on a fair bit, haven't I? Let's cover this up. Whether you're handling a roofing emergency, thinking of a replacement, or simply require some upkeep, Denver Roofers are the folks to call. They're experienced, friendly, and they get the job done right. So next time you're staring at a leak or stressing over that next huge storm, keep in mind there's a team in Denver ready to assist.
Alright, I'm off to inspect my own roof now ... or maybe I'll simply have another cup of coffee and call the specialists. Stay safe and keep that roof over your head in top shape!
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deathfavor · 7 months
@ephemyrals said: ❛ i just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ❜ (xie lian for ling wen)
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Ling Wen lifts her head as Xie Lian walks into the grand hall of her temple. The halls are vacant and silent sans for the sound of her brush on parchment, writing by the soft glow of lanterns. His presence is an unexpected and she's assuming he has come in search of information. ( Who, besides Ol' Pei now, came for any other reason? No one. She was alone. ) So the question catches her by surprise, despite how her expression never once wavers.
" You mean in the wake of Shi Wudu's death? " Ling Wen presses her lips together, her throat bobbing subtly. ( She has never lost anyone before. She has never tasted grief so potent on his tongue. No one ever got to her. No one had ever been close enough until Ol' Pei, and later Shi Wudu. ) " Of course, Your Highness. " She replies, brush set down carefully upon the wood of her desk.
" I'm sure you've heard the many remarks made about me. I'm as heartless as a raging blizzard. " It's a title she wears with pride most of the time. But maybe she does have SOME heart, or why else would her chest ache so deeply within her ribcage? She's an expert at concealing her expressions. No one else truly mourned the feared Water God besides her and Pei Ming. The three tumors had now be become two once again.
Xie Lian is not likely to buy her words and she is not foolish enough to believe that he would. She sighs, lacing her fingers together as she regards the other god. " Let me propose this instead. Would it matter if the answer was any different? " Ling Wen lifts her eyebrow towards him. " You and I both know the Heavenly Realm does not care. To many, they see this as an opportunity, like the animals who find a whale carcass. Power, influence, they're all fighting for it. " It's cold and cruel, but all of it is true. " I don't have the luxury to pause in my work, or everything will descend into inane chaos thanks to the ineptitude of the gods here. I'll continue to do my work. That is all that anyone cares about. " Her words are sharpened knives, sparing no one from the cruel reality that she faces. There is no sugarcoating or gentleness. Just harsh, jagged truths.
" So I'm fine. At least Shi Wudu had a nice funeral. I can comfort in that. " Ling Wen exhales, ignoring the almost imperceivably shake in her breath. Soon they'll destroy his palace here in the Heavens and she'll do nothing but watch. " Now, is there something I can help you with, Your Highness? "
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probablynotnothing · 7 months
Reading a book called Play by Stuart Brown. In the book he lists the qualities that might help determine if an activity counts as play:
apparently purposeless (done not for any
voluntary (not obligatory)
inherent attraction (feels good to the person)
freedom from time (flow)
diminished consciouseness of the self (we stop thinking so much about we are doing and just "do")
improvisational potential (not locked into 1 way of doing it)
It's important to play in a way that we as individuals can receive and feel it as play...sometimes the way we feel "play" will change through out our life. And sometimes we will become depressed and unable to experience play for a while until we have different mindsets or life activities/lifestyles.
A part of play can be learning about the world and rehearsing in non-serious situations, however play isn't the same as practice. Practice can have rules, heightened sense of self and self analysis and critique, attention to time, not feel good, not be voluntary, and be done in order to further a specific outcome.
I want to accept my natural inclinations towards play, and accept my personal preferred ways of play.
Play is essential to de-stress, feel optimistic about the future, and feel positive emotions around living, and to bond with other people. This goes hand-in-hand with what I wrote about creativity- play and creative activities can over lap, and since creativity is valuable because it allows people to meaningfully connect with others, it appears that the same is true with play.
In this book Play, the author also tells the story of a wild polar bear which was observed playing with a sled dog multiple times. Upon reading the youtube comments, it seems like the phenomenon of huskies and polar bears playing may have been a bit misrepresented in the book in order to illustrative a point. But it's still amazing to witness examples of how innate and natural play is for living beings.
The author quotes animal play behavior expert Bob Fagen as saying (about grizzly bears playing with each other) "In a world continuously presenting unique challenges and ambiguity, play prepares these bears for an evolving planet".
I love applying that insight to interpreting myself as a human being apart of nature: play is essential and wise because it keeps my brain anticipating security, safety, and pleasure, which in turn allows me to believe being alive is good and not a maze of suffering haha!
Looking back, I can see the past few years I became very harsh towards myself, towards the ways I experienced pleasure and interest.
When I was younger, I had unashamedly followed my natural inclination towards play and recreational interests - which ended up including substances and risky sex (for reasons beyond my younger self's control). Because of the negative outcomes I experienced, coupled with my disadvantages in terms of the way my upbringing and being born into this time in history affected me, I took the uninformed conclusion that I was inherently wrong and bad, that I couldn't trust my natural inclinations for play. In fact I took the conclusion that things I naturally and easily enjoy are always risky and to be feared, not to be trusted, and to use fear and self harm to motivate my behaviors away from the "bad" things. (Which is so strange that this period of my life came AFTER a period of super-positive and empathetic thinking towards myself).
Because I believed only neutral, boring "not suffering" could be trusted, I couldn't allow myself play. Even when I did activities that might be considered play at different times in my life, my internal narrative was critical and pessimistic. It didn't allow me to soak in the essence of play and creativity.
In my relatively isolated life, negatively programmed mind and exhausted haywire body and brain, I was amidst the 'perfect storm' to interpret my entire reality through the lens of suffering. I'm grateful to have had access to self empowerment related things online, comedy, light hearted fun things, and helping me to have positive influences and hope and aspirations during those moments my soul was most fragmented.
Sometimes when we are depressed or suffering from anger, fear, anxiety, etc the only type of play we allow ourselves is obsessions - from addictions to harmless preoccupations - and prepackaged second-hand play with many rules or vicarious enjoyment of entertainment. These things are beautiful and anchors of hope for many people. I'm so grateful human culture values creative play and sharing our play with fellow people to help them feel more lighthearted or emotionally stimulated and inspired. I'm thankful that I found Drag Race during those times when I was in the thick of it, as an accessible reminder for me of how crucial play and silliness is, and that there are finer details that allow us to logically determine if a type of play is harmful or not.
I want to learn now what types of play I can accept that I truly want, and also have compassion for myself that my body and brain aren't yet in the position where I am capable of experiencing play in a non-depressed way, haha!
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Which the late Bob Proctor briefly reiterated in an interview.
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Readers should be cautious..
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Jealous!Fushiguro Megumi x Wolf!Male!Reader [Smut&Fluff]
Warning; blowjob, rimming, overstimulation, size kink, established relationship.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Requested by Phantom239 on Wattpad
  An exhausted sigh left their mouths as they finally managed to exorcise the last curse. (M/n) and Megumi dried the sweat off their faces, and fixed their uniforms, looking at each other for a few seconds.
"We should go now, it's getting late." (M/n) said as he stood next to Megumi, seeing him take his phone out, and send a text to Gojo about the curses.
"Yeah, let's go." He muttered walking ahead, both hands inside his pants' pockets. (M/n) was quick to stand by his side, walking in complete silence all the way to the Jujutsu Sorcerer Academy.
Unfortunately for Megumi, on the way there, a lot of people, boys, girls, men and women alike, were shamelessly staring at his boyfriend, who would just smile at them with his bright, friendly smile, making girls squeak and boys blush. What made him mad wasn't exactly the stares, but (M/n)'s reaction.
The male would rarely even smile at him when they were alone, he would just turn red and become a stuttering mess, shying away from him, and of course, Megumi is not a love expert or any of the sorts, so in his mind, all of that meant that (M/n) wasn't interested in him. Which was completely inaccurate.
The taller male was just so insanely in love with Fushiguro Megumi that he had no idea what to do or how to behave. He wanted to be cute and all with him, but his timid persona wouldn't allow him to.
And like that, Megumi had an even more prominent frown on his face until they arrived at the academy.
(M/n) walked towards his room, which was conveniently far away from the rest... what? Even with the lack of students, this was still a pretty big academy. Anyway, he opened the door and walked in, with Megumi following behind him, a few minutes ago he got the 'I'm staying here tonight' silent memo from the black-haired male, so he just let out a silent sigh, trying to calm himself as he started to take off his uniform so he could go and take a shower before bed.
But Megumi had other plans.
He made (M/n) turn around and pushed him onto his bed, his gakuran fully unbuttoned and halfway down his arms, he had a shocked expression, a burning heat covering his face. Megumi stared down at him, pinning his arms above his head.
(M/n) blinked and averted his gaze, trying to laugh the situation off as a prank.
"Wh-what are you d-doing, Me-Megumi-chan...?" He stuttered in a whisper, swallowing his saliva and licking his dry lips nervously. The male just leaned down until their breaths mixed and growled annoyed.
"Your handsome face is really annoying... always getting everyone's attention," he grunted letting go of his arms and reaching down, starting to pull down his pants.
"W-wait, Megumi! Don't d-do that...!" He tried to stop him, but he had already stopped listening, pulling his pants and underwear down, holding his soft cock in his hand. "St-stop... I haven't s-showered yet..."
Megumi glanced up and pushed (M/n) onto the bed, making him hold himself up with his elbows, nearing his lips closer to his tip without breaking eye contact. "I don't care about that, now stay still."
His plump lips parted as he took the tip in his mouth, sucking it and swirling his tongue around it, slowly lowering his head to take more of it inside. He struggled to take barely half of it, tears filling his eyes and soon falling down his face which was turning red, he stroked the rest with his hand, bobbing his head up and down slowly, making (M/n) throw his head back and bite his lip.
He was feeling like he was about to cum, and no wonder why, he was still a virgin and Megumi was teasing him too much with his slippery, warm tongue.
(M/n) let out a shaky sigh and sat up, holding himself up with one hand as the other reached to gently grip Megumi's black locks, slowly pushing him back, making him whine around his cock. The moment he pushed him off completely, Megumi kept jerking him off, at a quicker pace now, opening his mouth as he waited for his cum.
"Meg...gumi, stop pl-please..." he tightly closed his eyes, gripping the bedsheets under his hand as his body twitched, his orgasm hitting him as his cum landed on Megumi's tongue, cheeks, and down his chin. "S-sorry...! I'll get you something to-!"
Before he could finish his sentence, he saw how Megumi used his finger to get the remaining cum off his face, licking his fingers and swallowing his cum.
Seeing his action, something in (M/n) seemed to have... ignited. He growled lowly and held Megumi's wrists, turning them around and pinning him on the bed. His breath was heavy and he felt his wolf traits appear. Fluffy ears and a tail of the same color as his hair came out as his fangs grew slightly longer.
Megumi stared at him and squirmed on the bed, feeling how he was getting hard as he saw his boyfriend hovering over him, the dominating aura around him making him tremble. This may be their first time making love, but Megumi is no stranger to anal masturbation, he's done it before on his own just out of curiosity and he found out he really like the stimulation, so he kept doing it everyone once in a while.
Now, he was going to get the real thing.
(M/n) took off Megumi's uniform in a matter of seconds, having him completely naked while he still had his uniform halfway on his body. He leaned down and kissed Megumi, biting his bottom lip and pushing his tongue when he moaned.
His hands touched every inch of Megumi's body, stroking his waist as his kisses trailed down, wrapping his lips on his nipples and playing with them a bit. He kept going further down while Megumi squirmed on the bed, gasping softly and slightly scratching (M/n)'s arms.
The (h/c) haired male held Megumi's thighs and spread his legs apart, gripping his flesh as he pushed them back, holding his cheeks apart as his tongue licked his entrance. Megumi felt a shiver down his spine, his back arching as he pulled (M/n)'s hair, not sure if he wanted to push him away or hold him closer.
His lust-filled (e/c) eyes looked darker than usual, with a glint in them that Megumi had never seen before. (M/n) had the eyes of a beast, ready to pound on his prey, and Megumi liked the feeling of submission it gave him... not like he'll ever admit it to himself.
(M/n) noticed the black-haired male's body trembling as he bit his lips to hold in his moans, and he pulled his tongue out, his tail wrapping around Megumi's leg. He aligned his dick with his wet entrance, and Megumi's pale, slim legs wrapped around his hips, his glossy blue eyes staring at him with impatience.
But he had to do something before he could make Megumi finally his. (M/n) reached a hand out towards his bedside table, and he opened the first drawer. He pulled out a condom and ripped the metallic package open, putting it on.
He leaned down, kissing Megumi softly and gently, slowly pushing his hard cock inside him, staying still when the tip was in. (M/n) distracted him with kisses and gentle touches, holding his face in his hands and caressing his cheeks with his thumbs. Mumbling sweet 'I love you's' against his lips that made Megumi embarrassed, his eyes closing as his hands held (M/n) by the neck, glancing away as the taller male was now with his face on his neck.
Trailing his hand down, (M/n) held Megumi's cock, stroking it up and down, rubbing his thumb on his tip, making him whimper as pre-cum started oozing from his slit. With him distracted, (M/n) began pushing all his length inside him, making him gasp from the pain and dig his nails into his back.
Instead of thrusting right away, he kept kissing Megumi's skin, covering it with purple hickeys and soft nibbles, continuing to jerk him off, stroking every sensitive spot on his cock.
Soon, Megumi started to forget about the pain, focusing more on the dangerously close orgasm he was approaching. His fingers tangled on (M/n)'s (h/c) locks, his body trembling as he came on his abdomen, his walls clenching and relaxing around the hard cock inside him.
(M/n) gritted his teeth and thrusted his hips slowly, holding Megumi's waist and pulling back, staring down at the mess he was making out of the black-haired male. Tears clouded his sight as he panted heavily, his body twitching as he was just recovering from his orgasm.
Moving slowly but with deep thrusts, it didn't take (M/n) long to notice how, with every thrust, his cock would press on Megumi's lower abdomen, showing a small bump that would appear every time he would be fully inside.
That really turned him on.
Without knowing, his hips sped up, his eyes fixated on Megumi's belly, seeing him take his cock so good and so far inside. He was so focused on that, that he almost missed Megumi's loud moans of pleasure, feeling his prostate being stimulated in a way he couldn't do by himself. He was squirming, pulling on the sheets as he arched his back slightly every few seconds as if he was feeling too much and too little stimulation at the same time.
Megumi was about to cum and yet, he wanted more.
"(M/n)... fa-faster..." he managed to mutter, reaching his arms up to the taller male, who growled and wrapped his arms around Megumi's waist, their bodies pressing together as the bed creaked every time he moved. "Aah~ I-I'm c-cu... cumming~"
"M-me too..." (M/n) stared at his teary expression, and pressed their lips together, Megumi's moans and whimpers muffled by his mouth as their bodies tensed, reaching their climax together.
(M/n) stayed like that for a few seconds before slowly pulling out, and taking the condom off. He tied it and threw it in the trash can by his desk, fixing his clothes right after.
He walked into the bathroom and prepared a quick bath for Megumi, just to wash his body and then get in together. So he picked up Megumi in his arms and let him in the warm water, gently washing his body and hair, making him feel relaxed and like he was about to fall asleep.
He smiled at him and kissed his forehead, hugging him closer to his chest not caring if he got his uniform wet, tomorrow was the weekend so it wasn't like he cared. When he was done, he helped Megumi up, letting him sit on his lap as he changed the water, feeling his heart race as the black-haired male snuggled on his chest.
A few moments after, with Megumi already in the bath, he took his uniform and washed his body with the shower head, making sure to get rid of all the sweat on his body and hair, soon joining his boyfriend in the bath, sitting behind him and hugging gently, placing his chin on his shoulder and turning his head to kiss his neck, making him chuckle.
They felt so relaxed and at peace, that they almost fell asleep in the bath, but they got out, dressed in their nightwear, and went to bed, holding each other in their arms.
Oh yeah... why was I jealous earlier...? Must've been something stupid.
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the-starryknight · 3 years
writing bits & bobs
oh, if I could calculate the amount of time I spend down ridiculous google rabbit holes, contorting myself across the living room to test positions, nosing around in random history textbooks, and on Google Maps asking myself once again where I ought to place this house, and how far it is between there and Wiltshire...
@sweet-s0rr0w tagged me to share some of the bits and bobs I've become an internet expert in courtesy of my writing. read hers here! i'm not sure I could finish a fic without at least one google rabbit-hole, so here are just a few of mine:
“—I don’t mean that you’re lying. Just, er, wrong. Or, maybe there were mirrors before, but these ones are nineteenth-century, no doubt. Maybe there was… a renovation?” Draco hesitated. “Sorry, the point. Um. Nineteenth century mirror makers used silver backing.” “Silver,” Draco echoed. And then it all clicked.
Of Mirrors, Myths, and Men (mirrors backed in silver are a 19th century invention, due to the creation of new tech to distribute silver evenly across a glass surface. they were coated in mercury before that! i started the fic not realizing this, had a panic, and wrote in this little exchange to cover my ass, since I needed the mirrors to be silver-backed!)
This close, the pin on his shoulder was detailed, two thin pieces of metal spun together in a neat and twining pattern that must have taken days to get so perfectly right. It must be Charlie’s handiwork. His skill at the forge was unmatched in the city — like taming the fire itself, the gossipers said — and Harry knew it too well from the quality of his own blade.
Split Figs in Summer (so much of this fic is based in research, but here's just one example, of a fibula (and Charlie's smithery) based on an actual one in a book I have kicking around somewhere. This was once part of a much larger scene describing Charlie in his forge, but that was cut when I reduced the project to a short fic.)
He’s already got the Time-Turner out and slung around both their necks, muttering about a seventeenth-century shipwreck — so much history lost to the seawater that day, Harry — and they’re moving, and Harry’s still got the book in hand.
By Merlin's Hand, Save Him (see this "sunken library" shipwreck, an unfortunately common problem, and also St Gallen is a legit medieval library and monastary with a large manuscript collection -- it features in this fic!)
He wore an alchemist’s robes, heavily draped and unadorned but for the deep maroon color that could only be achieved from a long dyebath in ground cinnabar and onion skins.
Red in Heart and Cloth and Mind (this one was a lot of fun, I'd wanted to do a little medieval story and it fit this drabble prompt. These colors are accurate, and I also researched the dance that Harry & Draco do in this ficlet at the very end!)
“You know, I think I might be starting to understand it,” Draco mused as he read over his notes on the clawfoot tub (mid eighteenth-century? claw & ball foot, likely og. in kitchen, when moved upstairs? → 1900s w/ other plumbing). He set down the parchment with his haphazard sketch of the metal foot on the tub, looking over at the empty seat.
A Room Up There (And You In It) (there's an embarrassingly large amount of self-indulgent google rabbit holes in this fic, from the furniture to the food, so here is one of my favorites!)
Tagging whomever wants to join in! Please tag me so I can indulge in your lovely writerly bits <3
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wolfpants · 3 years
hi! I cannot wait for the led by light epilogue and the subsequent re-read I will be doing, "hello, darling" is still on a loop in my brain <33
was just wondering if you'd talk about your research process for writing a bit? (if you want!!) you create such amazing settings and atmosphere in your fics and that can be so difficult with period pieces, but it's so authentic the way you do it!
what kinds of things do you look for when researching? do you have specific details from the time period you're seeking out or is it just whatever you stumble across? also - the language and clothing ahh it's all perfect!
(this is so long sorry oops!)
Hello love! Or should I say... darling.
Sorry, couldn't help myself there.
I can and absolutely will talk about my research when writing; I'm by no means an expert in, well, anything to be honest (writing OR research), but this is the way I go about things and hopefully it paints a bit of a clearer picture and maybe can help some others when it comes to researching for their own stories.
My specific research for Led by Light
So it's a bit of a special case with Led by Light because it's a time period that I'm personally very interested in (mid-century Britain, and more specifically mid-century cultural history and mid-century design history), so I already had a bit of a foundation there that I could dip into: literature from the era (Highsmith, of course), films from and about the era (Breakfast at Tiffany's, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, John Wayne and Doris Day movies, Mad Men, A Very English Scandal, A Single Man, these were all at some point referenced or had some sort of influence on the fic), my various visits to museums (I thought a lot about Danish design, for example, in Sirius's townhouse in Chelsea, and I've been lucky enough to visit Designmuseum Denmark in Copenhagen, where I got to see some original 1950s and 1960s furniture; the V&A in London also has a very nice collection).
If you remember earlier on in the fic, Sirius and Remus pay a visit to the British Museum. The British Museum in the 1950s/1960s was a lot different to how it is today, and that’s something I had to do some reading into online (on the official website, and a few architecture sites that I found). For example, the British Library, which Remus talks about briefly, hadn’t been built yet: it was still part of the British Museum, and it was closed off to the public. When Remus and Sirius met, there were talks of giving it its own site, and that’s what we know it as today: the British Library next to St Pancras, which is open for public use. I didn’t know this before I wrote the fic, but it was important for me to get it accurate (I am a bit of a pedant but I am by no means perfect either so there is always room for error and like I said, I don't want to paint myself as some sort of expert because I am not!), so this is why Remus talks about one day wanting to become part of that project. Alas, he ends up getting a teaching role at the V&A, but I personally think that suits him better anyway.
Similarly, even though I’ve been to the British Museum myself many many times, I did a lot of digging online on their website to find out more about Sutton Hoo and when it was found, and what that display might have looked like in the early 1960s, as it was still quite a new find back then (it was discovered just before WWII I believe).
For other bits and bobs of info, I found a few personal blogs from people who grew up in the UK in the 1950s and 1960s to get some first hand accounts on what life was like (this is where I discovered the term “party line” - did you know that most people were sharing phonelines back in the day? Because I didn’t!). For music, discarding my own passion for the era, I looked up what was popular in the charts (lots of Cliff Richard and Elvis, basically), but also what people were listening to on the fringes. I read about coffee bars and where the “hip” kids used to hang out, all from blogs and first hand accounts that I found online. It’s usually a case of me googling something like “where did young people hang out in London in X era”. And then I’ll fall down a rabbit hole.
If you have access to academic journals, they’re also worth a gander. I used these for some archaeological research (particularly thinking about Remus’s field trip in Orkney - what were they researching in the 1960s? What were the topics academics were interested in)?
There is so much more. And like I mentioned, I’m not an expert in this. Just a boffin who has a genuine love for history anyway, so that certainly helps.
But I hope this is insightful!
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sxrrandomfanfics · 3 years
Pickup Day (Psychonauts Family Swap AU)
I will be putting this under a "Keep Reading" in case people don't want spoilers for the story that I'm posting about the Family Swap on AO3. But @britishsass wanted to know what it was like for camp pickup day and my mind, which was already writing way more family swap stuff, made me keep thinking about the moment and I didn't want to lose it!
(This may be subject to change in the AO3 version of the story)
Kids were hanging out on the blacktop by the bus to go home. If they weren't doing that, they were making their way to the blacktop.
"Okay, let's be perfectly clear:" Raz began as he and Lili lagged behind, "That was the best summer of my whole entire life."
Lili smiled at him. "Summer's not over yet."
"Yeah but-" He frowned as he looked to the blacktop. Lili wouldn't be on that bus. Her father and Great Uncle had already spotted her, and were waving. "You'd better go. Your family's waiting for you."
"You're not pushing me to leave, are you?" Lili gave him a weak punch to his left shoulder.
"I-" Raz blushed and gulped.
Lili's face fell and Raz started to back away. "Hey." Lili grabbed his wrists and gave him a kiss.
He felt weak in the knees, and yet he somehow still stood. He looked back at her through half-lidded eyes, and it took the two kids a moment to snap back to reality with Agent Nein's voice. "Children, it's an emergency! There's been another kidnapping." The two looked to see Agent's Nein, Vodello, and Fulbear standing. Though as Agent Vodello and Nein were looking at the children, Fulbear was looking over them. Past them.
"I was here the whole time! You saw me!" Coach called back over to the other Psychonauts.
"No, this time we know who it is. And that's what scares us."
"Wait, but who was kidnapped?" Lili asked.
There was a pause. "Augustus Aquato, The Grand Head of the Psychonauts." Milla finally answered.
"My dad!?" Raz's voice was filled with worry.
His dad!? Lili thought in surprise. I could've sworn Sasha or Milla was his parent...
Agent Nein looked to Helmut, who was still staring down at the blacktop. "Sir, can you teleport this many of us back to headquarters?"
"H-huh? Headquarters?" Helmut asked as he backed away slowly. "What...what are you people doing here?"
"I suppose the Psitanium backpack he was using needed more..." Agent Vodello surmised.
Lili frowned as she watched his mind become undone. It was painful. This large man who had once held her as she trembled in fear, now seemed fearful himself.
"Guess we're taking the jet." Coach Oleander claimed.
"What's going on over here?" Lili heard her Great Uncle step closer.
Right, he had been asleep for the whole...night time adventure was the best thing that Lili could call it.
"Uncle, please." Truman caught up to him, resting a hand on his shoulder.
"Actually, it is good that you two came up here." Agent Nein looked at the adults. "After all, we need our resident Anti-Kidnapping Expert."
Lili's eyes widened. Another mission? Already?
"What!?" Truman's voice was soft, and he looked down to his daughter.
"But we understand that you two have been worrying about her, and would like to get your opinion on the matter."
Bob didn't seem to be paying attention to the adults, instead looking down to Lili. "Who was that man that left?
"That was Helmut Fulbear! He's one of my favorite Psychic Six members!" Lili stepped away a bit to let her dad and Sasha do the talking.
"Did he take good care of you?"
"Absolutely. He was very nice and taught me a bunch of cool things! Like, I can go invisible now! And I can use my pyrokinesis better! We won't ever need matches again!"
"Oh that sounds wonderful! Think you'd be able to boil some mushrooms?"
"Hah! Maybe. Helmut really helped me through this adventure here at camp. And maybe he can help you too! Maybe he can help you understand how far your powers can go, Uncle Bob!"
"You know, I wouldn't mind smooching him like you kissed that other kid."
"Uncle." Truman rubbed his eyes as Lili laughed.
"You know... he kind of reminded me of you with your big beards. You could be beard buddies!"
"Oh, I like that name!" Her Uncle Bob smiled.
"I'll be sure to introduce you two after this next mission!" Lili nodded. And then stopped. "U-unless..."
"Lili." Truman knealt down and hugged her. "Be safe."
"Got it." Lili hugged him tighter. All this time she had thought getting back to her dad, and the moment that she got him back, she was already leaving again. "I'll think of you and call you often, okay?"
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Lili finally let go of her dad, then looked back to the crew who was still waiting for her. Her feet felt pavement, then dirt as she joined up with the team. To find Augustus Aquato.
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