elleniemae · 5 months
Still drowning in the artiest of blocks but hey, at least I can doodle.
MAN I hate Belos but THIS right here is FREAKING PEAK character design, I’ve always really really loved possessed!Hunter’s look. Drawing him is always SO FREAKING FUN
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melchiordommik · 7 months
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Omg thank you for 3 followers
I'm so happy I might throw up/pos
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cameoutstruggling93 · 2 months
Hey friends!
I know a few of you have noticed my absence and have been checking in on me (super appreciated) so I wanted to give a quick life update!
I've fallen silly head-over-heals in love with my fella since we started dating a couple months ago and are ~officially~ in a commited and HEALTHY relationship together. I know a couple of you know (Matan and Dan, looking at you two) but I wanted to make my happiness public knowledge on here.
WHICH MEANS!!! No more spicy snaps or asks or (shouldn't need to be said but WILL be said) unsolicited NSFW pictures/content/posts. You will be blocked.
Work has been INSANITY. My boss is leaving Aug 16th but has taken like....2 to 3 weeks vacation in between now and then 🙃. One of my other colleagues/friends also left so we are basically a 2.5 person office trying to manage a bunch of incoming students for the Fall, high need student cases, orientation, summer testing, and lord knows what else. Still not getting paid enough to actually deal with life and pay my bills but at least I have an office to hide in...?
I am still selling nsfw content for those who are interested in purchasing because of the above situation. I will post an update if things change, pinky promise.
I've been job searching because of the shit show and lack of pay raise so we shall see what happens. If anyone knows of any advising or accessibility advisor/coordinator positions in higher edu in the southern new england area, PLEASE tell me.
Lil Rhody (and most of NE tbh) has been getting SLAMMED with heat wave after heat wave and I absolutely hate it. The heat intolerance from my meds is insane still for me to deal with and it's not been a baja blast on these streets.
Anyway, those are the big life updates! I hope everyone is doing well (or as well as you can be doing despite the horrors) and just know I am still around! For my dearest moots/friends, I am on snap and feel comfy enough to give it to you (if you don't already have it) if you need me!
Big hugs and lots of love ❤️
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benoits-neckerchieves · 7 months
i am very happy 💕🥰
(but also mad that this guy didn’t know the answer 😡)
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My Total Drama OC!
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I came up with her when I was probably 12 and used Zoey’s unused beta design 💀. I decided to revamp her and here she is! I don’t love it completely, so I’d love some ideas of how to improve her!
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AHHHHHHH!!!!!! I was finally able to get a Chronic Pain diagnosis!!!!!! I’m so happy!!
(I mean, it sucks that I need it, but now I’ll have access to the treatments I might need!)
As of yesterday evening, i have an official diagnosis, for Chronic Pain Syndrome that my rheumatologist believes to be fibromyalgia, but I don’t have a diagnosis for that yet.
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dglvr1760 · 1 year
bsd manga spoilers-
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Chuuya internal dialog? Rip
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Dude looks bored or contemplating-
Like, he just killed the man who gave him everything and took it all too.... like-
No dazai? Maybe killed by sheep and left to die (or would go to detective agency-)
With dazai, a family... and ya-
Anyways, he's so gonna snap out of it... like- if Aktugawa can/ have some control, there's a chance Chuuyas still in there too. Dazai is just being dramatic. He needs to be dead to succeed, even then, this could be the turning of the tide in September-
Sigma is not dead, close, but man's gonna pull through-
Anyways! I have tons of time for theories and what I think might happen, but I must sleep now. Night to those who it applies too and if your just waking up or have been awake, have a good dayyyyy!
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formula-red · 2 years
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castrotophic · 6 months
not sure if anyone is interested in this but here is a list of the most joyfully vital poems I know :)
You're the Top by Ellen Bass
Grand Fugue by Peter E. Murphy
Our Beautiful Life When It's Filled with Shrieks by Christopher Citro
Everything Is Waiting For You by David Whyte
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Is Alive! by Emily Sernaker
Instructions for Assembling the Miracle by Peter Cooley
Catalogue of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Gay
Barton Springs by Tony Hoagland
Footnote to Howl by Allen Ginsberg
Song of the Open Road by Walt Whitman
Tomorrow, No, Tomorrower by Bradley Trumpfheller
At Last the New Arriving by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
To a Self-Proclaimed Manic Depressive Ex-Stripper Poet, After a Reading by Jeannine Hall Gailey
In the Presence of Absence by Richard Widerkehr
Chillary Clinton Said 'We Have to Bring Them to Heal' by Cortney Lamar Charleston
Midsummer by Charles Simic
Today by Frank O'Hara
Naturally by Stephen Dunn
Life is Slightly Different Than You Think It Is by Arthur Vogelsang
Ode to My Husband, Who Brings the Music by Zeina Hashem Beck
The Imaginal Stage by D.A. Powell
Lucky Life by Gerald Stern
Beginner's Lesson by Malcolm Alexander
Presidential Poetry Briefing by Albert Haley
A Poem for Uncertainties by Mark Terrill
On Coming Home by Lisa Summe
G-9 by Tim Dlugos
Five Haiku by Billy Collins
The Fates by David Kirby
Upon Receiving My Inheritance by William Fargason
Variation on a Theme by W. S. Merwin
Easy as Falling Down Stairs by Dean Young
Psalm 150 by Jericho Brown
Pantoum for Sabbouha by Zeina Hashem Beck
ASMR by Corey Van Landingham
A Welcome by Joanna Klink
From Blossoms by Li-Young Lee
At Church, I Tell My Mom She’s Singing Off-Key and She Says, by Michael Frazier
Hammond B3 Organ Cistern by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Sorrow Is Not My Name by Ross Gay
You Can't Have It All by Barbara Ras
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bacchuschucklefuck · 3 days
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couldnt draw my thang for mid-autumn so treated myself to a calne redesign instead
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Gregory making sure Michael is a true FNAF fan
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oftenoffler · 3 months
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Ooooh I knew as seen as this scene happened that they were setting me up for a fall,
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but it still hurt
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leandrocrossard · 7 months
something really cool happened today that i wanted to share:
my nephew is 9 years old, and a stereotypical little boy. he likes dinosaurs, minecraft, and ninjas.
today i walked in on him excitedly watching Nimona with my dad. (minor spoiler warning!)
i had never heard of it, but i sat down and watched some of it, just to see why he was so happy.
he started narrating it, anticipating parts of it, almost as if he’d seen it before. he had.
we didn’t get to finish it, but i watched it on my own, because it looked fun and i wanted to see how it ended.
and i loved it. it was a fun, exciting, fantastical adventure about the importance of acceptance people who are different to us.
and it had a very clear queer subplot.
one that my nephew hadn’t mentioned at all in his explanation of the film. his summary was “it’s about a monster who helps a knight that was framed for killing the queen”.
and honestly yeah, that is what the film was about.
before sharing it with us, he had watched it all, engrossed himself in the story, took it in entirely, and the part he cared about most was whether Nimona got her acceptance. he wasn’t indoctrinated, or confused, or questioning anything about himself.
he didn’t bat an eyelid over a gay love confession. he just enjoyed the film, raved about it, made my 60 year old dad watch the movie about the monster who didn’t fit in.
he’s still the same little boy who’s been asking us how to get a girlfriend.
the only thing a movie centred around queer and queer-coded characters taught my nephew was that those who are different to him are not monsters. that’s it.
and that dragons are really cool.
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clouvu · 7 months
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Father-Son bonding moment ✨
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pokidokieships · 7 months
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Sharing cultures + lots of teasing
Their banter is one of the many things about this ship that I absolutely love <3
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