#but Nancy really said 'with your $15 WE can all make a difference'
myosotisa · 1 year
scoops steve is a mood so can I request scoops steve??
you absolutely can, my friend!! here is some jealous!Reader with some Scoops Ahoy Steve
New and Different
ǁ summary: You visit your boyfriend at work for the first time and catch him talking with an old classmate. Your envy takes over.
ǁ tags: implied fem!reader, jealousy, happy ending, fluffy, content warning for scoops ahoy shorts because they are simply too much
ǁ word count: 1.8k
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One of the problems with Steve working at Scoops Ahoy is that stupid little outfit he has to wear every day.
The two of you had only been dating a few weeks when you decided to visit him at work for the first time. You’d seen the outfit before, of course, but only in the privacy of your own home where it felt like all the thigh on display was completely for your own enjoyment. Seeing him wearing it in public leaves a sour taste in your mouth that you are reluctant to acknowledge is a burning pit of jealousy.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite customer,” his smile is absolutely radiant in the bright overheads of the shop the moment he sees you. “To what do I owe the pleasure of getting to see such a babe during my work day?”
“That depends,” no one is waiting to order so you walk right up to the counter, hands pressed to the vinyl as you lean in toward him, “how many free samples are you allowed to give out?”
He laughs, shaking his head at you as the corners of his eyes crinkle in joy. “For you? I’d sample every flavor.”
The sentiment makes your heart warm as it thumps in your chest. A bit shy, you ask, “Even though you hate people asking for a ton of samples?”
“What can I say?” His head tilts to the side, a lazy smile tilting his mouth. “I’m a sucker for a pretty face.”
It’s your turn to laugh, blood rushing to your face in embarrassment. “Okay, smooth operator, why don’t you–”
“God, will you two STOP.” Robin pushes her way out of the swinging doors to your left with a dramatic flourish, hands in the air as she gives you her most exasperated look yet. “We get it, you’re in puppy love, you’re making us all sick with your shit.”
Steve rolls his eyes, crossing his thick arms over his broad chest as he leans a hip against the counter to tilt toward her. “You’re just jealous you’re sad and alone.”
“Wow, dingus, that really hurts,” she retorts in a total monotone, “how will I ever recover from being attacked like this?”
“Sorry Robin,” you offer to try and limit their bickering, an apologetic smile flashed her way. She seems to appreciate the gesture at the very least as she goes to grab what she came to the front for before disappearing back into the kitchen.
Steve is quick to offer you an apology on her behalf that you insist you don’t need and the two of you go back to awkwardly flirting while he puts together a two scoop bowl of ice cream for you. He has a break in 15 minutes or so, encouraging you to take a seat so he can join you when he is able to relinquish his post.
Having no plans this afternoon, you’re quick to agree, settling into a booth on the left hand wall with a view of your pretty boyfriend behind the Scoops Ahoy counter.
Unfortunately, you are not the only one vying for a view of your pretty boyfriend behind the Scoops Ahoy counter.
Honestly, you don’t even remember her name. Someone from high school that had never said two words to you but probably was an attendee at all of Steve’s parties in his big, empty house on the edge of town. He’d told you recently that people from high school hadn’t treated him very kindly since he started working at the mall – after his falling out with Tommy, his breakup with Nancy, and his failure to get into college, he had changed a lot. So you can see the apprehension he is trying to hide as she approaches the counter and he greets her.
He looks utterly delighted when she not only remembers him, but also seems happy to see him. Acting like old friends catching up and not just 2 people who were acquaintances catching up barely 2 months after graduating in the same class. He’s all bright smiles as he takes her order and they keep talking and you really, really want to be happy for him. You should be happy that he is finally interacting with someone who knew him at King Steve and isn’t being rude or dismissive of him now. That is what a girlfriend should want for her boyfriend.
But she is laughing too brightly and airly. Her hair is twisted around her finger and she looks way more popular – and therefore more attractive – than you. She’s watching him too closely, her gaze shifting down to his ass and thighs in his stupid little shorts when he turns around. And when he hands her the waffle cone she ordered, her fingers linger a little too long on his. Plus, you bet she doodled her phone number with a little heart next to it on her receipt when she slid it back to him. Bitch.
Okay, wait. Hold on there. The little green monster of envy that you try to hide deep in your gut very quickly took the reins of your thoughts for a few moments there. You trust Steve and you know he would never do anything to encourage someone flirting with him or do anything to betray you like that. He probably has no idea she was flirting/checking him out and he doesn’t even look twice when she struts out of the store and calls back to Robin that he’s taking his break.
Which doesn’t leave you nearly enough time to try to recover from your jealousy and the shame that accompanies it before he’s sliding into the booth across from you.
“Hey honey, is this seat taken?” He asks, like a loser, even though he is already sitting in it.
Clearing your throat in an attempt to fully reset yourself, you offer your best attempt at a flirty retort. “Actually, I was saving it for my boyfriend.”
And there’s that lovesick smile again, the apples of his cheeks dusting pink as he runs a hand through his hat-hair. “Well isn’t he a lucky guy?” You hum an agreement before returning your attention to your almost entirely uneaten ice cream that has been steadily melting in front of you since he handed it to you 15 minutes ago. “You’ve barely eaten a bite, did you end up not liking what you picked? Because I can go and grab something else–”
He’s halfway out of his seat again when you hold out a hand to stop him. “No, no, it’s good. Totally fine. I just got distracted, that’s all.”
“Oh, okay.” Falling back to sit, he takes your outstretched hand in his own and rubs his thumb back and forth over your knuckles. “What was so distracting that you let award winning Scoops Ahoy brand ice cream melt?” He can barely say it with a serious face, and he makes sure to draw out the word distracting like he knows the answer. And he’s probably assuming you were distracted looking at him, which, in a way, you technically were. Just not in the way that he thinks.
“That girl who was just in here,” his eyebrows raise, pink lips forming a small ‘o’ in surprise, obviously having not anticipated this topic of conversation, “I don’t remember her name, but she went to school with us, right?”
“Yeah, Anna Jakobi. She said she was doing some shopping for some party on Saturday at Carla’s, asked if I wanted to go.”
It feels like your heart drops into your stomach. “Are you going to go?”
His eyebrows draw together on his forehead, obviously confused. “No? I work in the afternoon and then we are going to see a movie with Dustin before he leaves for camp. That’s still the plan, right?”
Although slightly relieved, you still don’t feel entirely settled. “That was the plan but if you’d rather go to this party at Carla’s then you can, I won’t stop you–”
“Hey.” You return to making eye contact with him, not realizing you’d been avoiding doing so for the last few minutes. He looks confused and concerned, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. “Did I do something wrong? It kinda feels like you’re mad at me.”
“No!” You try to assure him, way too quickly to sound normal, as you bring your other hand up to rub at your forehead. “You didn’t do anything wrong at all, you’re perfect, I promise.”
“Then what’s bothering you?”
How are you going to get out of this one?
After taking a few moments to try to find an excuse, you settle on: “I just know you’ve been kinda bummed about losing some of the people you talked to in high school as friends so it sounds like a good opportunity to, I dunno… Reconnect with some of them.”
He chuckles again, a small smile returning. “I don’t really know if I would call a lot of those people my ‘friends’. But you’re right, I was pretty bummed.” A long exhale leaves his nose, his eyes falling to watch his thumb as it continues its gentle glide across your knuckles. “Still, I would much rather spend time with you and Dustin than go to some party.”
You want to believe it. You really do. But the jealousy had linked hands with your insecurity and muddled everything up. “You’d probably have a lot more fun with them,” and you follow it up with an awkward laugh. If only you could bring those words back into your mouth and swallow them so they were never heard from again.
“No way,” he shakes his head, honey shaded eyes returning to yours with a certainty that makes you feel all warm inside, “nothing’s more fun than spending time with my girl.”
The ice melts further, your posture visibly relaxing at the term of endearment as you layer your other hand on top of his. He looks relieved at the smile that returns to you before you see an idea visibly click behind his gaze. “Wait, were you jealous? About me talking to Anna?”
The way you quickly squeak out a “No” makes your case in no way convincing.
And where you’re expecting disgust or anger or maybe pity, you find none. If anything, he looks delighted at this discovery. “You were jealous. That’s why you sat here that whole time without eating any of your ice cream.”
Embarrassment piles on top of your shame, your mood plummeting. “Don’t be mean, Steve.”
He just shrugs, his delighted expression never falling. “I don’t know, honey. It’s kind of a turn on.”
It’s your turn to be shocked, sitting up straighter as you blink your widened eyes rapidly. “What?”
“You seeing me talking to a girl and getting all possessive over me? That’s hot, actually.”
Your heart is absolutely hammering in your chest as you mirror the smile on his face. “Oh yeah?”
“Hell yeah,” he confirms a little too enthusiastically, grabbing the attention of someone walking in before you both duck your heads and giggle when they look away. “You can get possessive over me all you want, babe. I’m yours and you’re mine. My girl.”
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thaliaisalesbian · 1 year
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapter 4: and there you are
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ao3
Jonathan can’t help but keep glancing back at Steve, enough that the kids are all whispering about it. Despite being the one most well-versed with the Upside Down, he insisted on being behind all of them.
He can’t help but wonder if it’s because Steve is worried about slowing them down if he’s in the lead.
Jonathan knows the woods well enough, but not the way Will does. Steve’s just been living in them, lately.
When he looks back again, Steve and El are talking, and Dustin looks a little put out. He’d been next to Steve, a few minutes ago, but they hadn’t really been talking.
It’d be funny in any other situation; Dustin seems to think he has a claim on Steve that means none of the other kids can be close with him. 
“Where are we going, Steve?” Nancy calls from where she’s at the side of the group, between Mike and Max.
“El thinks if we get close enough to the Upside Down version of the lab she might be able to get us out.”
Why hadn’t any of them thought of that?
“Should she be doing that?” Mike snaps. “I thought you didn’t want her using her powers!”
Jonathan doesn’t know what it is Mike has against Steve, but it’s been like this all morning—at least, it’s morning if they’re still matched with Hawkins time.
It'd been different when he’d been a brat about Steve and Nancy dating—he'd had a little more reason, then. These days he’s mostly mean to Steve just because he can be, it seems like.
“I don’t.” Steve says. “Unless she has to. Getting us out of here seems like a ‘has to’ situation.” Mike grumbles a little, but he doesn’t have anything to say to that.
Eventually, they have to stop to take a break, and Jonathan tries not to think about what his mom must be thinking right now. She and Hopper might even be combing through the woods, looking for them. And the other kids—what have they told their parents? 
They’re all in so much trouble when they get home.
“How much farther do we have to walk?” Dustin asks, too loudly. Even the t-shirt mask doesn’t muffle his voice much.
“Keep it down, okay?” Steve sighs. “We’re about halfway there. We’ll probably be back in Hawkins by sunrise tomorrow.”
“How do you know that?”
“I mean, I don’t. I’m guessing on the time frame there.” He shrugs, and when the leaves rustle, tightens his grip on the bat, stepping in front of the kids.
“It’s me, I’m sorry.” Max steps out. “I told Nancy where I was going.”
“That’s okay, Max.” Steve tugs her braid. “Jonathan, do you want to switch for the next half, or are you good up front?”
“We can switch.” When the kids are distracted, he watches Steve slip some of his crackers to El. She doesn’t seem to notice that she's gotten extra.
Steve’s much thinner than he was last time Jonathan saw him. He doesn’t need to be giving the kids extra food. They’ve got enough crackers to last them for the rest of the day, at least. And at this point, he doesn’t think any of them would actually complain about the hunger—they’ve kids, but Jonathan knows that at least Max has clocked how skinny Steve is now. Will, probably, too. They’re the least likely to make a scene of it, which is good for Steve.
“Worried about your mom?” Steve leans against the tree next to him, and if Jonathan didn’t know that he’d been sleeping in them, he’d be wondering how he does it. The trees mostly look like normal trees, but some of them are so infected with rot, and covered with all of those vines, that just looking at them makes him feel queasy.
continue below or finish on ao3
“Yeah. She’s not going to take this well.”
“Can’t blame her. Hopper’s going to be pissed, too.”
“Well, I think the first priority is going to be making sure you’re okay.”
Wrong thing to say. So, so wrong. Dammit, Jonathan, this was going well. Maybe he could have said something about needing to talk, later, when they’re out of here.
“I’ll be fine, I told you.” Steve won’t look at him. 
Jonathan doesn’t believe him. Not for a second. He's got to be hurting right now; he probably hasn't slept in days.
“I know, but you’ve got demodog bite wounds on both legs. I wouldn’t be standing.”
“It’s fine. I hardly feel it anymore.”
He doesn’t believe that, either, but he lets it go. Fighting with Steve about this isn’t going to get them out any sooner, and he feels like every time he tries, he’s just going to mess it up even more.
“Alright, kiddos, let’s move.” He thinks Steve winces a little when he pushes off the tree, but it’s hard to say if it’s part of the motion or actually from pain.
Steve makes contact with each of the kids at least once before they start moving again—messing with their hair, adjusting masks, squeezing their shoulders.
It’s like he has to remind himself that they’re here, that they’re real.
Oh, god. 
Has he been hallucinating them? Or hearing them? Had he heard their voices when they were searching for him?
Maybe Jonathan should have said something to Hopper about that conversation, when they were checking things out. Maybe Steve would have heard him. Maybe he’d be more willing to let them help him.
Will drops back to walk with him as they start moving again.
“Mom’s not going to let us out of the house for weeks.”
“We’ll deserve it.” He agrees. “Are you—”
“I’m okay. Really. You’re here, and so is everyone else. Steve’s never let anything happen to one of us before, he won’t now.” 
Will's unwavering trust in Steve is heartening, but it's the kind of thing Jonathan is worried about. 
That Steve is going to end up getting himself killed for them.
“That’s good, Will.” is what he settles on saying, because he’s not going to tell his kid brother that he thinks Steve has a different plan than the rest of them.
One that doesn’t involve all of them leaving the Upside Down.
Steve sets a faster pace than Jonathan did. He’s not sure why they haven’t come across any demogorgons or demodogs yet, but he doesn’t want to risk it.
Maybe the group of them isn’t as appealing as just him. Are they smart enough to know when they're outnumbered?
He doesn’t really care, so long as none of the kids get hurt.
No one else is getting hurt on his watch.
He knows he’s not a good enough liar to fool Jonathan and Nancy about how much pain he’s actually in, so he’s staying away from them for now. El probably knows, but she won’t say anything.
At least not yet.
He’s had more than a few migraines while he’s supposed to be watching her, and she seems to understand now that not every one means he needs someone to come and take care of him.
The first few, she’d called Hopper or Joyce to come over; they’d usually make him stay the night.
As if Hopper wasn’t going to make him do that anyway.
Despite the faster pace, they don’t take any more breaks. The kids are all hungry and complaining, but the truth is they don’t have a lot of food left. He doesn’t want to waste time getting them to the lab—getting them out of here—if he can help it.
It’s already been a lot easier than it should be, like something knows what their plan is and is going to have something waiting there for them.
Or maybe he’s just being pessimistic.
“We are near.” El doesn’t grab his hand this time, and he glances down at her. “You will go first.”
“No, El, I can’t do that. You and the other shitheads will, okay?”
“No. You. You pushed them out.”
“El—” He doesn’t want to tell her that it’s better if he’s the one left behind. That he should be the one left behind. It will just be easier for all of them if he is. He knows they’ll miss him, but they’ll have each other. They’ll probably forget about him by the time they graduate high school. “El, you’re still all kids, you’re going first.”
“Then you.”
“And then Jonathan, Nancy and I will follow, yeah.”
“No. Then you. Promise.”
“I can’t do that, El.”
“Promise. Now.”
“I can’t. We don’t know if there will be any demogorgons there, and if there are, then I’ll be fighting them, and I won’t be able to keep my promise.”
She watches him for a long moment, thinking about what he’s said. She doesn’t look happy about it, but she nods.
“There.” El points ahead of them.
Well, at least from here it still looks abandoned.
Nancy adjusts her grip on her pistol a little as they get closer to the Upside Down version of the lab. The whole walk over was just… way too easy. She knows it’s got Steve set on edge too, from the tension in his back, and when she glances behind her Jonathan has his bat raised already.
“Okay, El, do your thing.” They stop right outside the gates. Hopefully it’s close enough.
It takes a few minutes, the kids circling around El as if to protect her while she’s got her eyes closed.
El’s gate doesn’t look quite like the one they came through, but that might be normal; it’s not like she’d been attention to how the gate looked when Steve was still on the other side. Steve helps Will and Dustin through, picking them up when it’s a little too high for them to reach, Jonathan boosting Mike and Lucas.
Steve’s just grabbed Max when Jonathan yells, and Nancy doesn’t think she hears much of anything past the first word.
She’s shoved to the ground, and then Steve and Jonathan are both standing over her, bats raised.
Getting to her knees takes longer than it should. She can just see the kids’ faces through the gate, all of them screaming, but she can’t hear them either.
“El!” Steve hits the demogorgon closest to him—one of three; they’d barely beaten two yesterday— “Get out of here!”
“No! No, Steve! You first!”
“El, go!” When she doesn’t move, Nancy pulls herself up on the fence and staggers over. If it were Mike, she probably wouldn’t be able to pick him up easily, but El is still small enough that it’s not too difficult to get her through the gate.
“No!” El screams, kicking at her. “NO! STEVE!”
But it’s too late. None of the kids are tall enough to get back through alone.
Nancy turns around just in time to shoot the demogorgon that’s trying its best to eat Steve.
It’s still not enough.
She’s never shot with a pistol in each hand, but if she hits one of the boys they’ll all be dead anyway, so she might as well try.
Steve and Jonathan alternate hits on the demogorgons without getting too close, and she falls into their pattern, shooting at the ones Jonathan is going for. She takes a step back, so close to the gate she can feel the change in energy, and hopes they can hear her.
“Keep backing up! El can’t hold it forever!”
Nancy’s not sure El is holding the gate open anymore; she doesn’t know if picking her up broke her concentration enough to stop her.
When the smaller two demogorgons start backing off, she fires her last rounds and turns into the gate.
“It’s closing!” The kids are there, pulling her off the ground when she falls through, and yelling at Steve and Jonathan.
It’s probably a good thing they did this way out here.
What would the town think, if they’d seen this?
It would be a disaster. EL would be taken away. Steve would be taken away, probably for testing.
She can’t do anything but watch, wondering if this is going to have the same outcome as the last time they did this.
God, she really hopes not. She doesn’t think Steve would survive another month in there.
On the other side of the gate, Steve is still swinging, but he’s slower than he was yesterday.
Jonathan manages to pull him through, arms around his waist. El sticks her hand out and the gate folds in on itself.
“Nancy, how fast can you run?” Jonathan gasps out.
“Or one of the kids, it doesn’t matter, just go.” Jonathan is mostly supporting Steve, she can see that now, when she couldn’t through the gate. “Find Hopper, find Mom, someone. The faster the better.”
When she steps around to look at them probably, she sees that Jonathan isn’t just supporting Steve—he’s hiding how bad it is from the kids.
“Go in groups.” She turns to the kids, trying to stay calm. “Will, El, Max, you go to the cabin. Hopper might be there, and you can call from there, too. Dustin, Lucas, Mike, go to our house. You know where my stash is?” It’s not like she can tell her parents why she needs guns, or extra cash for times like… well, like this.
Mike nods. “Good. Take it all and go to the store and buy a first aid kit. A big one.”
She’s pretty sure the hospital won’t be able to take Steve—and she doesn’t want to risk him being taken away from them for good. The bigger one is definitely too far away, even with a car. He’d probably bleed out.
And they can't explain his injuries easily, either. They don’t have bears around here to blame it on, they don’t have any natural creature around here that could cause this damage.
“Where are you going?” Dustin asks. He’s not even trying to look around to see Steve.
“We’ll meet you at the Byers.” The cabin might be closer, but taking Steve back through the forest, having to navigate branches and roots while he’s like this, it’d be too hard. It would slow them down so much. Staying on paved surfaces will be easier and safer.
Nancy waits until the kids have all set off before pulling Steve’s other arm around her shoulders.
“The kids—” She doesn’t know how he’s awake, much less talking, despite how slurred it is. But it means he’s alive. If he’s talking, he’s breathing, and he’s alive. So he can talk all he wants. 
“They’re fine, Steve.”
It’s going to be a long walk. Hopefully Hopper or Joyce will be able to meet them at some point, but she doesn’t know where they are, or how long it will take the kids to get into contact with them.
Nancy’s not even going to let herself hope that they get here before she and Jonathan manage to get to the Byers’.
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tjmystic · 2 years
Rambling about Stranger Things, as always. If you're looking for coherence, this post is probably the wrong place for you lol:
I am not in any way against Will and Mike getting together, nor am I against Mike finding out that he's bi. I am, however, against El getting shafted. Just as much as I'm against Will getting his heart broken. Which sucks, cause the way they're setting this up seems like it's definitely gonna be one or the other here. (Seriously, when are writers going to figure out that polyamory is an option????)
Putting aside my feels about the inevitability of Will or El getting the boot, though, I'm mostly curious about all of this from a characterization standpoint. Because every time I think of these 3 and their potential romantic relationships, I think of one thing:
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You don't do that as a 13-year-old boy when you aren't soul-deep in love with someone. You don't do that as any gender at any age unless you're in love. Likewise, while he was dedicated to finding Will in Season 1, Mike was equally dedicated to keeping Eleven safe. Contrast this with Lucas who thought Mike was getting distracted by Eleven and only cared about getting Will home. So I have a hard time accepting that Mike isn't in love with her. And I also look to the fact that both he and Nancy are historically awful at talking about their feelings, which makes more sense to me than the idea that he's stopped loving her by Season 4.
That being said, I acknowledge that these moments happened in Seasons 1 and 2 and I'm not really looking at moments that happened after that. I am entirely willing to admit thay I'm missing something because I'm stuck in the past. I also know that people and characters change. Especially in their teen years. Steve is top tier proof of this. But I guess the difference is that we got to see Steve go through his evolution. It feels like the only evolution we've seen with Mike is watching him become increasingly more annoyed and bored by everything. (Which isn't a complaint, by the way - unlike a lot of fans, I don't hate Mike or think that the writers have done him dirty. I think it's incredibly realistic for him to act this way at 14 or 15, especially after everything he's been through.)
I'm not trying to start a shipping argument (though I'm sure this will inevitably turn into one), I'm just curious about other people's perspectives here. I've seen all sorts of meta posts, but I'm just not seeing what either the Byler or Mileven people are seeing. All I'm seeing is a relatively normal teenage boy who is oblivious to the fact that his best friend is in love with him and is so emotionally stunted that he has difficulty telling his girlfriend that he's in love with her.
Why do you think that El should be left in the dust? Why do you think Will should get his heart broken? Why do you think they're both too good for Mike and should seek love elsewhere? Why do you think there's a way that all 3 of them can be happy, even though the writers are unlikely to give us the polyam solution that would easily wrap all of this up in a bow for us?
Give me your opinions, peoples, I'm curious :)
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evelynrayy · 6 months
Script Writing Part 2
It is a Friday afternoon. REGAN sits at her kitchen counter with her parents NANCY and RICHARD.
NANCY: Well, your brother has finally given us an answer.
REGAN looks up
REGAN: (curiously) What did he say? What did he say!
NANCY: …He’s going with her, they’re moving to Boston together.
REGAN: (defeatedly) Really? He’s leaving? I can’t believe him.
RICHARD: Well sweetie, he’s in love. He’s gonna follow her anywhere. When you’re in love, it’s like nothing else seems to matter sometimes.
Scooting closer to RICHARD to rub his arm, NANCY nods in agreement.
REGAN: But it feels like it’s happening way too fast! He’s only 24 and she’s got him wrapped around her finger! How can he even feel ready for this? I’m 21 and I feel like I’m still 15!
NANCY: Like your father said, hon, he’s in a period of being deeply in love. It’s like being in a haze. We just have to wait for him to come out of the fog.
REGAN: (angrily) He’s been in the fog for two years!
RICHARD and NANCY exchange a worried glance.
RICHARD: I know it’s hard to get used to him growing apart from you, but try to be happy for him, he’s making his own life for himself.
REGAN: (sighs) I just have nothing to be optimistic about. I’ll practically hardly see him anymore.
NANCY: What?! Of course you will! He’ll definitely want you to come visit all the time, Boston’s a city for young people, you’d love it there! It’s not like he’s moving to the middle of Kansas or somewhere far.
REGAN: (getting teary eyed) I know…I’ll just miss him so much.
Getting up from his seat, RICHARD comes up behind REGAN to comfortingly rub her shoulders and places a chaste kiss on her head.
RICHARD: We know sweetie, so will we.
REGAN looks up concerningly at her parents
REGAN: What about you guys? Aren’t you upset at all? Won’t you worry about him living somewhere so different?
NANCY: Oh hon, we’re your parents, we’ll always worry. Doesn’t matter how old you get or how far away you live.
NANCY laughs quietly
RICHARD: Plus, we love Leah, and we know they’ll take care of each other.
REGAN: (shrugs) I guess so. She’s alright, pretty I guess. You know, someone saw one of my pictures of us together and said we look like sisters, which was weird.
NANCY: Well you never know, looks like you might end up being sisters- in-law not too long from now (NANCY jokes)
REGAN: (makes a face) ugh! Don’t even make me think of that!
NANCY and RICHARD both laugh
NANCY: You’ll come around to her, just give it time.
REGAN: (grumbling) We’ll see.
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There’s a 10 video per post limit found out now. Posting ths bcz I saw an ad with quest love ❤️ 142 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
{updating 15 November 2022 Tuesday 5:06 am pdt @ bottom }
I heard ths song many years ago & didn’t learn the lyrics until recently?
146 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
it’s hard 2 say no even when you want 2? Work on it, promise yourself for only yourself, 4 a stronger happiness, (-a more promising connection with some1, who you really like 2b with in the future, that today, we must reject bcz we don’t yet feel it -) to say NO! 147 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
158 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
203 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
If you dress up more it creates a stronger barrier probably 2 enable you 2 say “no”? Or keep things long distance, a long distance relationship, 2 make it stronger b4 saying yes? Have conditions/ standards. Unconditional love with a man can kill a woman. Unconditional love w/ a man means putting up w/ all sorts of abuse. Do your best. Make him check mark ✅ those boxes 📦. Or rather, find one who will do it willingly w/o being asked. 208 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday. I had 2 tried 2 find happiness w/ myself by myself for years when I started again 2 try 2 b celibate since July ≈4th, 2010. Still celibate 2 MY knowledge. Incubus says differently 😑only broke the news 📰 2 me this summer.😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤 after each failed attempt, try & try again. Read self help books 📚, & I guess if you can not hold yourself accountable find someone who can or will?? 216 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday. 😖😭incubus 217 am pdt left calve leg 🦵 pain! 😖😖😖 218 am pdt word play: calve—> calf love=puppy love —>> other word play on Calvin Klein; besides Calvinism. 220 am pdt
255 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
sorry to Nancy Pelosi & husband, kinda heard what happened, awful 😣. This next song has nothing to do with them. I’ve hit my head on hard surfaces, ie stainless steel - I have experienced some a lot of pain besides getting punched. (325 am pdt edited)
259 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
304 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
Slam your body down & wind it all around I thought of break dancing = b-boys.
319 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
ps 330 am pdt a relative of mine closely related 2 my father, is a red head. Makes me wonder if black hair genes are made with one of each allele hiding potential for many hair colors. Need 2 dive deeper n2 biology. 332 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
341 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
incubus spiritual husband who claimed he is Adam Noah Levine, has made it clear he’s going 2 kill me & thinks I am too old & unattractive. Incubus husband also had a friend who speaks 2 me too & has his back.
344 am pdt
gets sprung. He intentionally destroyed my ass since 2017 he has been stabbing it, cutting it, & pulled apart the bones several times then clashed them 2gether last year while I was trying 2 sleep 🛌 346 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
pps I naturally have curly eyelashes. Distal joints of fingers slightly bend back. Big long finger nail beds. Pale white skin w/o sun exposure, & when I was in high school a classmate wrote me a love letter 💌 telling me I had beautiful brown skin. I used 2 have dimples & those disappeared 👻. Random guys have said I was “hot” in front of me up until ≈2020 (even though I was in a lot of pain(359 am pdt)). I used to have very muscular calves from working out for years that I didn’t have to flex 💪 & people could see it bulge. A guy felt my legs 🦵 & said I had “legs like a stallion.” So you know, you’re not the only one. I’m talking to someone in particular who might see this. 14 November 2022 355 am pdt. & I am petite, about/around same height as Sierra LaMar. 356 am pdt. (Add: 503 am pdt: when I was 18/19? Years old I was told I looked 12 years old by a random guy. & then prob 21/22 ? I was told I looked 16 years old.)
407 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
b4 2020 election 🗳? I remember seeing/listening 2 a video online of a guy who is supposedly psychic? & I think it was him who said to a woman she was going to marry Jesus? & she died not long after that guy said that, so it seems that getting married to Jesus is a deceptive way to say you’re going to die? By the devil? In 2017/2018 incubus husband was giving me signs that he’s Jesus & has been throwing around in front of me signs 🪧 he’s going to marry me since then, “what lovers do” song: do you love me or not? Like Jesus asked Peter. Reminds me of the mentally dating Adam Levine tshirts.
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If you read the word marriage = marr i age. Then we can probably assume since he has demonic power that he wanted me to see that video, about the marrying Jesus & dying -demon lord does not want me typing this he literally deleted part of this - incubus is the devil 😈- & he decided this before I was born to treat me this way. I’ve had it rough for a looooooong time, even when I was a kid he hurt me. He’s showing me through auto correct that he “decided devil” probably trying to make me feel bad for typing this. So when he says marriage to me, he means he is killing me. 428 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
432 am pdt do incubus only get turned on by lust? Not love ❤️? Only want 2 make babies 👶 with who though & why? Looking for specific traits? Or is it only lust? 434 am pdt. 14 November 2022 Monday.
445 am pdt I wonder if Adam Noah Levine means anything he says. Like I thought I read he told Maryka/mvrykv_ (I’m guessing this is a self given alias, not her real name) that he had 2 children 👶 & he’s done, he’s tired of it? & he thinks he can get away? I guess he is looking for escape from being a dad/father. & wants to only mess around & “fuck”/have sex. When a man phrases it like that & says all those things together, & he has continually said publicly for years things that sounds the opposite of that, it probably means he doesn’t want ❤️ love? He wants raunchy horny wild sex probably? With the youngest women he can find; not 1,2, 3, or 4, but 5 or more??? 453 am pdt. & it looks like he wants women who will hide it! He says you know I should not be talking to you right? Bcz he’s aware & he is fishing around for a way to say keep this a secret 🤫 secret 🤐 . This is what I think 🤔 & it has taken me a while to realize that.457 am pdt. 14 November 2022 Monday.
6 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
thinking if incubus spiritual husbands are actually rapists & murderers, & they like their friends to talk down to me & torture me too, then that guy w/o condom is probably friends of incubus/incubi, too, birds of a feather flock 2gether- maybe even sometimes nicolatian, too? (but w/o offspring?only sample)(hypothesis) bcz his friend who gives me signs 🪧 & talks 2 me, too, reminds me of that guy. ♐️ another hypothesis: incubus look for specific traits, & they kill off the wives bcz they don’t want anyone else having offspring with the same traits? For years I had body shame (wore jackets & sweaters & pants & 3/4 to full sleeves & socks 🧦 to hide my arms, butt, legs, feet 🦶, & a lot of fears. Maybe it was a form of control to keep me from meeting other men? If he has power to transfer fertilized eggs 🥚, probably has power to make miscarriages happen or prevent pregnancy 🤰 , whenever I did meet some one. But each person I got involved with seemed to be a sign 🪧 / a clue, showing me my planned fate, or maybe a clue to what already transpired?? (definition inferred through previous readings). 617 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday. There are overlapping? themes. Before I watched serendipity & after. Cassiopeia. I see Casio, cassi- x2 to 4. ... 14 November 2022 625 am pdt. Hungry.
644 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
Bcz incubus/incubi? Are probably demons & can control people, they probably will do whatever they can to confuse you- including concussions 🤕/head trauma/ injuries & also headaches & other things in your head to make you retarded & forgetful. So if you are hardworking he would probably exploit it, & if you are smart it would probably take a long time for you to know it. My dad & his father are studious & like to work with their hands 🙌. My mom & her mother had a good work ethic. I wonder 💭 if these kinds of traits are genetically transferable ? 652 am pdt. 14 November 2022 Monday.
update 15 November 2022 Tuesday 5:06 am pdt : remembering now that a few people have complimented me on my smile & teeth 🦷 (probably bcz of its shapes- kinda bigger I guess) that & I endured @ least 3 years of painful orthodontia. 513 am pdt
0 notes
charmre · 2 years
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eddies-freak · 2 years
The Most Metal Prom Ever - Part One
Summary: A member of the Hellfire Club, you and Eddie have been good friends for a while. You suspect Eddie feels more, like you. Will he be able to work up the courage to ask you to prom? And will you be able to fight off your demons for long enough that he has a chance?
Warnings: Mention of medication, Nose Bleed (Blood), Abusive Father in a couple scenes.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Younger kids are aged up a bit so the older kids are still in High School when they're freshmen. Switches between you and Eddie's POV's erratically!
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You had been thinking about Eddie more than usual lately, so you decided to call up your best friend and resident boy-expert-in-chief Nancy Wheeler to talk about it. The phone rang for a minute, and you took a bite of your pizza while you waited for her to pick up. Then-
“Crch–k- God, Mike! Get out! Jesus, I get no privacy here. What’s up?”
“Well, actu-”
“Mom wants to know who you’re talking to.” Mike interrupted on the other line.
“Mike, I said GET OUT.” Nancy said, angry and frustrated. 
“But it’s mom!”
“I’m talking to y/n! Now for real this time, GET. OUT.” There was a pause as Nancy made sure there was silence. “One second, Mike didn’t close the door. Goddamnit.” A small click in the background indicated that Nancy had pushed it shut. 
“Okay, sorry about all the craziness, Mike really doesn’t understand personal space. Continue.”
“So I needed to talk to you about something,” you said, unsure of how to phrase this. 
“That seems to be the typical reasoning to call someone,” Nancy responded, giggling. “Is this a girly thing or a school thing or a… boy thing?” 
“A… boy thing?” you responded, embarrassed. 
“No way! Start talking, now!” 
“I’ve been thinking about this guy a lot more than usual lately. We’re really good friends, and we hang out all the time, and sometimes he does these things that make me think… or hope, I guess… that he likes me, which I guess would mean that I like him too, but he’s just the sweetest person alive and he brings me flowers sometimes or compliments me randomly and acts differently around me than his other friends and I really like him Nancy and oh God I’m rambling now,” you finish, breathless. 
“Who is it?” she asks. You were hoping she wouldn’t want to know, but that was an awfully foolish hope. Of course she’d want to know. 
“I don’t want to tell you, I don’t want it to ruin your perception of the situation.”
“Of course it’s going to ruin, or not ruin, but change my perception of the situation! You might be interested in some guy that’s a total asshole and you know nothing about it, or someone that you already know is a huge asshole. I have to be here to point out the red flags that sometimes are so obviously there, but you don’t see them because your pink glasses are telling you otherwise.” 
“You promise you won’t laugh when I tell you?” 
“Come on, y/n, I’m your best friend. Of course I won’t laugh.” You took a deep breath, steadying yourself before the big reveal. 
“Um… Eddie Munson,” you blurted out, cringing as you waited for Nancy’s reaction. 
“Ha-ha, very funny. Who is it actually?”
“I’m not kidding, Nance. I have a crush on Eddie Munson.” It felt good to finally let it out, you thought. 
“Oh my god, y/n. You can’t be serious.”
“As serious as serious can be.”
“This is a bigger problem than I thought. We’re going to need more than a phone call. Pack a bag, you’re staying over tonight.” 
It wasn’t that big of a deal, as Nancy only lived a couple blocks away from you, but you really didn’t want to make this into a big thing. “Nancy, it’s already six o’clock. On a school night. Your mom won’t have enough food for me to have a serving too, you know.”
“Come on, you know she always has leftovers. Your mom’ll be fine with it too, you know she will. I’m not hearing any excuses.” 
“Fine. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.” 
“Good,” she said, and you just knew she was smiling triumphantly. “Bye!” 
“Bye,” you said with a huff, and hung up the phone. 
You packed your bag in a rush, being sure to include your Tylenol and Melatonin. You’d been having strange headaches and nightmares lately. Once you’d grabbed your pajamas, a change of clothes, and your toiletries, you rushed downstairs.
“I’m staying over at Nancy’s tonight!” you yelled to the wide expanse that was your house. Pausing a second, you waited for an answer that never came. Shrugging, you walked out the door and to your bike, which was parked in the driveway. Hopping onto the seat, you made sure your bag was secure across your shoulders. 
You biked up the road, and hopped off once you drove into Nancy’s driveway, leaving the bike abandoned lying on its side. Walking up to the door, you knocked using the large brass door knocker, and Nancy almost immediately showed up on the other side. “Hey!” she said, hugging me. “Mom, Dad, y/n’s here!” she yelled to her parents. 
“So what’s for dinner?” you asked, following her inside and shutting the door behind you. 
“Pretty mediocre.”
“Oh, hey y/n,” Mike said as you walked upstairs with Nancy. 
“Go away, Mike,” Nancy said, rolling her eyes as you two walked inside her room and closed the door. You set your bag by the usual spot, on Nancy’s dresser. 
“Sit,” she said, patting the spot next to where she was already sitting on the bed. 
“Yes ma’am,” you replied, nervous but eager to see what lecture she was going to give. 
“Eddie Munson.”
“Really, y/n? You can’t be serious.” 
“You already said that,” you replied, flopping onto your back. 
“I-I’m just, confused, is all. Tell me the things you listed earlier? The stuff he does for you?”
“Gives me flowers- my favorites, by the way-”
“-When?” she interrupted. “And in what context?”
“Sometimes he’ll say something like ‘Oh, I was walking around town and saw these in the flower shop, they made me think of you.’ Sometimes he won’t give an excuse at all, he’ll just give them to me.” You paused, thinking fondly of the bouquet that was in your bedroom at that very moment.
“Hmm… Alright, continue.”
“He gives me all these random compliments all the time.”
“Like what?”
“Like… ‘nice shirt,’ ‘your hair looks nice,’ ‘you look pretty,’ et cetera. You get the idea.”
“Okay, go on.”
“He acts totally different around me than his other friends. He isn’t as loud, he’s quieter, more reserved. Like when he’s talking to me it’s like I’m the only person on this Earth. I have his full and undivided attention, but he still acts pretty nervous around me. Always fidgeting with his rings. Sometimes I want to play with his rings. Or his hair.” You sighed. “He’s just so pretty.” Nancy was silent, likely trying to deduce whether you were insane or not. 
“And one last thing I didn’t mention earlier…”
“What’s that?” 
“He always calls me ‘sweetheart.’”
With that, Nancy sat down at her desk and started punching fake numbers into a calculator and writing things down on a piece of paper. You were giggling, this was your favorite bit of hers. “Well, y/n…” she finally said, checking the calculator and the piece of paper. “If my calculations are correct…” she spun around in her chair. “I can conclude that Eddie Munson is madly in love with you.” She grinned hugely and held up the piece of paper she had been writing on, which had ‘EM=♡’ written on it in neat pencil. “But I can also conclude that you, y/n y/l/n, are also madly in love with him.”
“So, what steps must we take from here, Dr. Wheeler?” you asked, giggling.
“Well,” she started, sitting back on the bed next to me. “I’d prescribe minor flirting, perhaps playing with his hair and his rings as you mentioned you wanted to, and also call him by his nickname more often than his full name. If you keep up this regimen, I wouldn’t be surprised if he asked you to prom by the end of this week.”
“Noted, but… prom isn’t really Eddie’s scene, Nance,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Oh, trust me. He���ll be even more head over heels than he already is.” 
As you were brushing your teeth that night, you got a sharp pain in your skull, and you looked in the mirror to find that your nose was bleeding. You quickly grabbed a tissue in an attempt to quell the flow of blood coming from your left nostril. Then you heard it. A clock's chime. 
Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock.
You opened the bathroom door and peered around the corner of the hallway. At the end stood a clock embedded into the wall. 
Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock.
“You little-!” The yell of a voice you knew all too well as your father’s came from downstairs, and a slapping sound let you know he had just hit your mother. 
“Please, Joe-” She pleaded before screaming again. 
“Go to hell!”
A tear slipped down your cheek as you curled into a ball, hoping the fight would pass. When you heard another slap, you screamed, tears now streaming down your cheeks, covering your ears with your hands. 
Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock.
Another scream.
You woke, breathless, in the bathroom, toothbrush abandoned, curled on the floor as you had just been. Someone was banging on the door. 
“Y/n!” Nancy called. “Are you alright? Open up!”
You moved over to the door and unlocked it (a safety precaution with Mike in the house), opening it to see a worried Nancy on the other side. 
“Sorry, Nance, I must’ve zoned out,” you lied, not wanting to worry her with these strange visions. 
“It’s fine, you were just taking so long I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Yep, I’m fine!” you lied again. Nancy was too sweet for her own good. “I’ll be out in a little bit.”
You finished up getting ready for bed, and climbed in bed next to Nancy. You were both on your backs in your pajamas, faces freshly washed, teeth and hair freshly brushed, just laying in the darkness. 
"Y'know, y/n, I really think he likes you," Nancy said. "I can't believe you haven't told me about him before, or that I haven't noticed."
"Probably because you're too busy sitting with Steve and Tommy H. and Carol at lunch. That's when all the action happens. And at Hellfire, too, I guess. And Eddie's trailer."  
"Okay, when have you been to his trailer?" Nancy asked, incredulous, turning her head to look at me. 
"Whenever I tell you I have study group?" Nancy gasped. "Mhm." 
"You've gone to such great lengths to hide this from me, haven't you?"
"Not just me, everyone!"
"Teach me your ways, oh wise one," she pleaded. 
"Why, so you can hide Steve away from everyone? I don't think you're capable of that, sorry Nance. You're in too deep," you teased, giggling. 
"Oh shut up," she retorted, now giggling too.
You finally drifted off to sleep, but not a good sleep. One which was plagued with nightmares, of your father, what he did... you woke up several times in a cold sweat, praying to god you didn't wake Nancy. 
Tomorrow would be a new day, you thought. A day full of Eddie.
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i hope you guys enjoyed reading this!! part two coming soon!! next part will be from eddie's pov.
story was inspired by this photo, found here! i'll actually post the photo in later parts when you guys need the visual. let me know if you know whoever made it so I can give them proper credit! :)
as always, asks are open! currently writing for eddie but if you have another specific request i might consider, so shoot your shot. :)
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sissyjamieray · 4 years
My journey into feminization how did it begin? It is difficult to pin point a specific age, but I would guess I was about 11 years old. Yes, confused by sexual urges and excitement when looking at pictures of pretty girls in magazine ads wearing only panties and bras. Mmm, then 'borrowing' intimate female garments and wearing them. Feelng the overwhelming rush of pleasure and my first orgasm while wearing female clothing. Through the years I've tried to suppress this urges to dress as a woman. Being married was so frustrating as my wife left her intimate garments all over the house. It was like being in a candy store: bras, panties, lingerie all within reach. Unable to resist I would carefully try on bra or nightie when she was out shopping. At one point she mentioned something about one nightie being worn out in the "wrong" places. But she never questioned me. After all why would her man be turned on by wearing panties? Looking back she was very smart, she knew better than to confront me head on, lol. She knew I would not admit it or make up some bullshit story. She was very subtle, one night after making love she asked me if I had any sexual fantasies, my response was no love, none that I can think of. Another time she make the following comment, " I wish I had something to poke you with". Wow, she was so close. I was a bit stunted, didn't have a good response, lol. Several months later during our forplay love making she starts licking my nipples, omg, wtf!! Do you like it she says, with her hand on my growing manhood there was no escape, no denial. You like it don't you? I said yes, grasping for air and moaning as she began to rub the tip of my cock with her finger while continuing to lick and suck on my nipples. Then she slid her hand below my balls and started stroking and messaging the area just above my ass hole. After five minutes or this action she get up, pulls off her soaked panties then leans towards me with panties in hand and whispers in my ear, ' guess what I found in your bag Jim?' I found at least 10 pairs of my panties Jim, wtf all stained with your cum! "So you like to jerk off and cum in my panties, really?" What could I say but yes. I tried to explain why but she was upset? She then took her wet panties wrapped them around my almost limp manhood and said show me how you like you jerk off im my panties! I was so embarrassed, but I was wrong to have taken her things, this was my punishment, Yes? I reached down and started stroking my cock but it was very limp by now, I could not get hard. She saw my problem and whispers in my ear, "what's the problem, sissy panty boy, can't jerk off in front of your hot sexy wife? never touch my things again!, if you do, you will never fuck or cum inside me again. Do you understand me? Yes, hon I understand, good. Now where are my panties, Uh where you put them dear, yes they are yours now. Uh, keep them clean and if you wear these out (giggle) we will go out together and buy you more. Yes, I'll let the pretty sales lady know my size and yours (giggle). One more thing, when we make love, make sure you are wearing a clean pair of lacy pink panties. You are my panty boy husband now (giggle). I guess you better learn to get excited and hard while wearing female panties or you will never fuck me again (giggle): panty boy. Next day I after work I set out the task of hand washing 'my' panties in hope of getting lucky later that evening. Ok, hot water and some laundry soap and a 15 minutes soak, rinse and then toss into the dryer should to the trick right? Right before we went to bed I quickly grabbed my panties and climbed into bed. My wife had been observing my laundry duties activities that evening and I assumed we were cool. My hopes of an evening of
having sex where dashed when she turned the lights on stating: it's panty check time, stand up and let examine your feeble attempts to clean these! Ok, I can still see your nasty stains, what temperature did you wash these in? Hot I relied, she laughed, you idiot you should have used cold, as now you've 'set' the stain and ruined a pretty pair of panties. Oh well I guess we will have to go panty shopping tomorrow. Maybe Victoria's Secret? I understand Nancy, your friend Mike's wife just started working there (giggle), maybe she can let us use her discount? She then put her hand on my softening member and said, 'well give it some thought, panty boy, good night. WTF, now she is straight up trying to sexually blackmail me and expose me really? I got out of bed headed for the bathroom sobbing, how could my sweet wife be so cruel. Fifteen minutes or so she knocks on the door, " Jimmy are you ok"? No I'm, how could I be ok when you want to humiliate me and expose my fetish to my friends? Oh you admit it now that you are little perverted panty stealing panty boy? Her words cut me through me like a knife, but she was right. Stand Jim, look at yourself in the mirror wearing my soiled panties, tell me baby who and what did I fall in love with? Then she placed her had on my limp cock and said, I love you but tell me about all your fetishes now or we are done: confess! I'm not going to play a guessing game with you understand! Sobbing, I began to spill my guys about how was molested by an older boy at 11, my Aunt confessed to dressing me as a girl when I was very young,
dressing my mothers lingerie. Yes, I've have fantasies about being fucked my a man while being dressed as a woman. With years in my eyes I looked at my wife, what she was crying too? Why are you crying I asked? I'm so sorry that so many people have hurt you babe and that you are so fucked up now. Maybe we can both get into therapy, you know get some professional help? But for this moment, let's promise to be more open and honest with our sexual feelings and desires ok? Babe I'm sorry I got do angry with you but you did sneak my panties? I had no idea that my panties turned you on so much to the point that you would willing wear them? She started rubbing my pantied cock as she spoke, you know Jim, have a little fantasy of my own. What she whispered in my ear next blew me away. Jim, sometimes I think about being with a woman, coddling and fondling each others breasts? Jim, I, I think I might be Bi? I sorry I've never shared this with you but you understand right ? At that moment, my cock began to swell, she got her answer. Now pulling my panties down she began licking the very backside tip of my cock, you know Jim, maybe I will be willing to support you, like helping you dress like a lady, apply make up and maybe if you wish be with a man as a woman. With these words I erupted a stream of thick sperm all over her beautiful face. Wow, that was fast hon, you agree with my suggestions? Awesome, now for your first lesson Jamie, lick up all the cum you sprayed over my face. Yes, play the part bitch you need to learn to love the taste of your cum. Yes, your female name is Jamie now, do you like it? That's right clean me up, good gurl. Now it's my turn to be pleasured, now be a good lesbian bitch and eat my sweet pussy, XOXO.
Chapter 2 The List
The next morning Carol, my wife was up early and out of the house without waking me. No breakfast or coffee, man that woman be slipp'in, I thought. Well, what looks good in the frig? Oh man, lookie here, a heart shaped note from wifey. [Hi Jim I went shopping with Margie this morning, not sure when I'll be back but, please pickup the following items at the corner drug store:
tampons, pantyhose, nail polish (pink), eye shadow base & palate, concealer, face primer, eyeliner (water proof), mascara, blush, bronzer, highlighter, lip gloss, cosmetic brush set, foundation, setting spray and pamprin. Jim, if you need help just ask the salesgirl in
cosmetics, you know the one you always flirt with, you know Desiree, giggle. Oh and make sure you are wearing the pink lace panties that I let in your drawer. They are yours now, Jamie. Love Carol XOXO, P.S., I've invited some friends over for dinner so please be home by 4 pm.] Groan, I HATE shopping, especially for girl stuff! Ok, so off to drug store I went, stright to the cosmetics counter, list in hand. There she was, Desiree behind the counter, may I help you, she asked? Desiree was the gorgeous offspring of Spanish and Irish parents, about 5' 9" light green eyes and light brown to blonde hair. Her makeup was always impeccable, skirts and blouse always tight and ample cleavage on display. Carol was right that I did flirt with Desiree in the past, but Carol was always with me. It was different now, I was alone and what she possibly thinking? I mean, Carol had always shopped for her own cosmetics and fem items? Looking into her eyes my mind went blank, dry mouth, etc. I handed her the list and mumbled, my wife needs this stuff and I have no idea. Sure, no problem, I can get these for. Carol is your wife right? Yeah, she was in earlier, something about a need for a change and wanted you and I to help her with a make-over surprise. I can help you with every thing on the list except the tampons, their in aisle 12. Oh, and I'll need your help with selecting the foundation shade to ensure a good color match. Ok, what ever I said, I'll be back with the wifey's tampons in a couple minutes. As I walked away, Desiree's last words, "color matching" stuck in my head... Carol's skin tone was much lighter than mine? Mmm, aisle 12, ok here we go, no idea really what to buy my wife, so many confusing choices. I must have been searching for the correct tampons for at least 15 minutes when Desiree found me. Hi, need some help? Absolutely? I have no idea what she needs. Laughing at my ignorance of feminine hygiene products, explained that Carol would at minimum need pads and most likely will need a tampon for her 'heavy' period flows. My suggestion is get her both. Is so sweet and thoughtful of you to do pick these up for you wife, I'm sure she appreciates it. Now let's go go back to the cosmetic department and I ring up your items? Sounds like a plan, I said. Ok, let's try this new foundation shade shall we? Desiree reached for my hand, this was a new level: physical contact. I could feel my heart beating faster, well if well if you have to I said? Desiree, her hand still gently touchind my hand, looked me in the eyes and said, Jim, it is necessary to be sure we get an accurate match and you do want to please your Wife don't you? Yes, of course I want to make Carol happy. Well good, smiling as she applied the foundation to my hand Desiree said, you know Jim, it's not like anyone's going to make assumptions about your sexuality. I mean, why would a handsome stud like you want to wear make up? Ok, of course your are right, I told her. Oh, awesome Jim, this color is perfect. Carol will love it.
Great what is the final damage for all this, I asked? Sure, your total comes to $75.65. Ok, wow this stuff sure adds up fast! Ok here's $76, as Desiree handed back my change she dropped a dime. Oh, so sorry, no problem I said bending over to retrieve .10 cents and at that moment exposing my pink lace thong panties in full view of Desiree. So humiliating, I was speechless. Desiree with a big smile handed me my merchandise but me close and whispered, I love a man who likes to embrace his feminine side, Carol is so lucky.
Chapter 3 - No Refunds, No Returns
So I returned home with all the cosmetics Carol had on your list. She met me as I entered our apartment with big hug, then said that she had to leave again. No big deal, but asked me to read a letter she had written to me. Ok, problem, writing letters was something we did when we first started dating. Jim, l'll be back in about 2 hours, so please read my little ' love' note before I return. One more hug as she felt up my ass for the outline of the thong panties, still wearing them I see? Good, I so happy you did, it says you respect my wishes. I am going to make you so happy you did. Then she kissed me deeply and left without saying where she was going? Oh well, now where is this letter? I found Carol's letter on my pillow, she started, my Dearest husband, tonight I will make your fantasy of being a woman a reality. Don't deny it Jim. I found your hidden stash of female undergarments, shemale porn, etc. Really, why did you NOT trust me enough with your kinky desires? No matter, I know now and I still you move than you realize. Tonight I will give your fantasy, but know this our relationship will change. The changes will be (giggle) sort of a role reversal? To start: take a nice hot bubble bath, yes use mine girly stuff XOXO. Next, use my sugar rub all over your body to exfoliate your skin and then shave all your body hair, yes lov, your arms, legs, chest, balls and ass. Next raise in with cold water
and gently dry ourself. Next, hydrate your skin with some lotion be liberal with it. Now Jim, you don't have much time left so get started. Oh, once your done with this bathing routine, look in your drawer and closet. Yes I picked out some cute girly things for you to wear love XOXO. Make sure you are wearing each item when I return? If NOT, trust me You will sorely regret it!! But I know you will be a Good girl for your wife, your Mistress now won't you? And don't act like you don't know how to put on a bra, panty hose, corset, or breast forms. Please Sissy, remember I know what you've doing when your alone and I'm at work. You see I also found your pictures lol. Well, no more secrets BITCH! I demand you to be ready for me to apply your make up and wig when I return. No excuses! Yes dear, I will be fully shaved and dressed when return. Ok, good, I will be at 7 pm sharp! Out of fear and excitement I started drawing my bubble bath. While the tub was filling I looked into the closet and drawer to see what my wife had purchased. My sweet wife had filled my drawer will so many pretty panties and bras all different styles and colours. These were all mine, really? Wow, what was in my closet? Just a quick peek, so many cute skirts, dresses and tops, all mine? Ok, time was slipping away and the tub was nearly full now. As instructed, I soaked in the fraguent bubble bath for a half hour so relaxing then scrubbed every inch of my body possible with a sugar exfoliate scrub. I then covered my body with a girly shaved cream and shaved my legs, arms, chest, groin, balls and ass. I then showed in cold water to rinse off the remaining shave cream. As I dried my body off the scent purfume and softness of my now hairless body caused me to feel so girly/ feminine, excited and horny. I resisted my base urges to pleasure myself and pushed on to getting dressed as it was almost time for my wife to return. So many panties so many choices, will of I selected a cute pink lace thong panties with matching bra and garter belt. Slipping the panties on another temptation to pleasure myself. Not enough time, 6:30 pm, still had to put on the breast plate and corset. I secured the 38 D breasts to my chest using the medical grade adhesive. Looking the mirror was a bit of a let down, so much work and I still looked like a man, a man with big breasts and small waist. I was nearly in tears when I heard the front door open, Carol would be coming in bedroom any moment and I was pretty much half naked. I quickly grabbed a blouse, skirt and heels got them on and posing on the bed, just as door opened. Knock, knock... omg Jim, Carol told me to just let myself in, that my make over project would be sitting on the bed. It was Desire, Carol WTF!! I was humiliated once again, I began sobbing uncontrollably, why Carol, why? Desiree gave me several tissues to dry tears. I don't understand, why would do this? She came closer and hugged me. I never been this close to Desiree or so absolutely vulnerable before. She knew just like Carol that I was to be a sissy no denial. Jim, she said, Carol is giving you a gift, this is what you want really. Carol loves you didn't understand or how to help you experience being a girl. I can sweet heart. Yes, Carol may have, did violate your privacy by sharing your sissy feelings with me but I agreed to help you both. She then kissed me on the lips and said go wash away those trears hon and let's transform you into a beautiful woman. Before she applied my make up she asked me to remove my skirt and blouse, something about not getting any make on my clothes, ok made sence? Desiree was wonderful explaining the fairly complicated process of applying the various types make up, contouring, eye shadow, liner, etc. I almost forgot that I was half naked inches away from a gorgeous woman. The scent of her purfume and beautiful cleavage got the best of my unrestrained manhood. Desiree noticed my problem and said, I see you are getting turned on baby? You like it that I'm feminizing don't sweety? Oh of course you do
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brokenbutnotquiting · 3 years
Nancy Drew: Curse of the Exasperated Parent (I)
Chapter 1 of my first multi-chapter fic.
Summary: When a curse that threatens everyone in Horseshoe Bay comes to light, Nancy needs to work with two partners who just cannot seem to work together, babysit three kids who think she is their mom, juggle feelings for her impromptu baby-daddy and so much more, to find a way to save everyone.
A word of caution: this one will be as slowburn as I can possibly make it, with loads of upcoming jealousy, a hell lot of fluff, as many tropes as I can manage to fit into it, and an honest attempt at writing three very different and very perceptive kids who are #nace as much as I am.
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The pounding on her door only got louder the more she wanted to avoid it. Nancy squinted at the clock on her bedside table, and groaned out loud at the intruder. 6:15 a.m.
6. Fucking. 15. In. The. Damned. Morning. On a Sunday.
"For fuck's sake," Nancy cursed, getting up and trudging down the staircase to the front door. She didn't bother with any robes, because honestly, if she was going to be irritable with being woken up at the crack of dawn after a particularly long night at the Claw, then the intruder on her sleep can damn well be uncomfortable at her being barely clothed.
She grasps the door handle when the door almost breaks down from the pounding it is taking, and Nancy was completely prepared to give the intruder a piece of her mind— hell, she has her mouth open and the first syllables almost out— but the words dry up as soon as she realises who it was that had chosen such violence against humanity.
Detective Tamura stood on her front porch, fist raised no doubt to cause some more havoc, his face haggard, eyes wild and bloodshot, hair mused, and with an overall look of someone who has, quite subtly gone round the bend. Or at the very least, been hit by a truck. Or so it looked.
Nancy huffed at the man, but he barely acknowledged her and almost shoved her aside as he rushed inside before she could invite him in. Not that she had thought that far.
"Detective," she followed Tamura to her kitchen, how he knew the layout to her house she didn't bother asking.
"I need your help." He said. And that was how Nancy knew that the world was surely coming to an end. She wanted to gloat. Oh, she really did, but, something about the desperation leaking from the always calm and collected, and competent—she would deny ever saying that—detective, stopped her from making any comments. She merely gestured for the man to take a seat, and went forward to make a pot of coffee.
Tamura sat down with a soft groan, and took out three files which he had hidden somewhere inside his jacket. Opened one and pushed it towards where Nancy was perched.
A man, of perhaps thirty, with a toothy smile stared at her from the picture pinned on the top beside the picture of a baby with an equally toothless grin. She looked over the name, the address, and the general info silently. Nancy glanced over to Tamura who was openly staring at her with a peculiar expression she couldn't really place. She raised her brow at him.
What is this about? She asked him with a silent look.
"His wife came over, hysterical, claiming that her husband had sleep-walked into the Gorham Woods under some sort of trance, and she had barely blinked but he wasn't there anymore. This baby was." He said in a voice that relied just how frustrated he was to even entertain a claim like that.
"His wife claimed that her husband just somehow turned into a baby?" Nancy asked. Even with all her experience with the supernatural, she found this a little hard to believe, but then, this happened in the Gorham Woods, so perhaps it wasn't such a ridiculous claim.
"We did a DNA test between the baby and their daughter, for a potential half-sibling match. It was completely possible that the man had cheated and chose this weird way to let his wife know and perhaps leave his family. The results claim a father-daughter match between the one year old baby boy, and the barely six-year-old daughter."
"So it's a potential curse," Nancy murmured.
Tamura continued after a short breath, "two days after this case came around, another wife came bawling about her husband turning into a baby, barely two years of age. One day after that, a man came with another baby, this time of three years, claiming that it was his girlfriend. The DNA reports support their claims."
Nancy nodded. "I know you believe in supernatural occurrences, and I wholeheartedly didn't, but this case has..." He shrugged helplessly.
She could understand his predicament. One year ago, even she would have scoffed at the idea of curses and supernatural entities, and ghosts and vengeful sea spirits, but after everything with Lucy, Tiffany Hudson, the Aglaeca, the Wraith, fire spirits, and list keeps growing, Nancy felt like a de-aging curse that randomly turned grown people into babies was right up her alley and definitely not Tamura's.
"I might know someone who can help look into it," Nancy said with a steaming cup of coffee as she set another cup in front of the haggard detective. She knew a trip to the Historical Society was overdue anyways. She wondered what the rest of her friends would say to this case. What Ace...
Nope, Nancy decided. She wouldn't call him about this. Not yet. There was no need to ruin his vacation with more of the things he had left the town for.
She took a deep breath followed by a calming sip. "Take a nap, detective, I will give you a call once I get a headway."
He didn't complain. Nancy could see the exhaustion in every move, as Tamura took a few sips of the coffee, gave her a nod, and took off.
Nancy wondered if he would be quite this docile the next time she met him. She probably would regret this, but she sort of missed his quips. This dejected newly-but-reluctantly-accepting-of-the-supernatural man just didn't light the same fire to prove him wrong as did the previous version of him. And she sort of missed him.
With a sigh, but with the thrill of a new case spreading through her, Nancy took the case files to her room. Setting her coffee cup down, she spread the files on her bed, and took her phone to send in messages to Bess, George and Nick separately to meet at the Claw around 10. She carefully avoiding the group chat which had over a hundred unread messages— updates from Ace and Bess's excited replies, which Nancy was sure was excited enough for all of them combined.
She had a hunch she would probably regret not telling Ace, and her heart ached at not having had him with her, but Nancy knew him. Ace was clever. He would come back, whenever that was— he had barely said goodbye so she didn't have a return date to look forward to, and if she were still working this case, he would join in with the same ease he did everything with. But maybe she would solve this without him, and then she would have something to talk about without having to sit and listen to him tell her all about the romantic parts of his vacation.
Yes, Nancy reasoned. That would be for the best.
But the universe worked in mysterious ways.
What Nancy didn't know, and certainly couldn't comprehend at that fateful Sunday morning— her life was going get a lot messier before she got to the best part.
Two days later, as if the curse had a personal interest in causing havoc in the life of Nancy Drew, it claimed three more victims, all at once, stranding Nancy with three very tiny selves of Bess, George and Nick. By the pattern of the curse—Nancy really should have guessed earlier— they turned to the ever perceptive, every talkative, four-year olds.
And thus ensued never-before-seen Chaos.
And THAT was what Ace came home to merely one week later— to three four-year-old kids clinging to Nancy as she opened her door to stare dumbfounded into the pale blue eyes of her favourite hacker. Although the presence of the three kids wasn't what almost brought Ace to his knees. It was the dark-brown haired girl with pigtails who detached herself from the fiery redheaded woman, the girl with the braids and the boy still holding onto her leg, to jump into his arms with a squeel and a soft, "dad."
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Prompt: Y/N’s life has changed drastically, precisely 10 years ago and all because of an adorable lunatic and two little maniacs. But what will happen when a divergency of thoughts leads Y/N and her lunatic to say some pretty harsh words, that they know they will regret it later?
Word count: Definitely too long!
Pairing: Jon Moxley (or even Dean Ambrose if that’s your liking) x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy, a lovable mutt named Moxley
Tag: @jibbles26 and some lovely folks who wanted to see the part 2: @drew-is-boo , @amandalynngraves , @bellalutionn , @moxleybabe
Notes: FINALLY!!! I KNOW PEOPLE, I KNOW...LET’S ALL SING HALLELUJAH! Sorry this took me so long, but I hope is worth it ☺️ Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
I was saved from given them an answer by my phone ringing, I looked down and saw Nancy’s name. Without thinking twice I answered
“Y/N, is everything ok? You said you’d be here in 10 minutes and it’s passed 30 now”
“Yeah I’m good, I just got caught up in something with Jon and the kids”
“So you figured things out with him?”
“No, I just” I look at the kids and Jon who were all still kneeling on the floor “I don’t know” I whispered
“Y/N, dear” Nancy starts “You don’t sound like you wanna come over and no offense, pumpkin...but you’re not 15 anymore, you can’t run away from your husband whenever you guys have a disagreement and by the looks of it, it was a mixture between Jonathan and his temper and you and your mouth! Fire and gasoline if I remember correctly” She angrily said, making me laugh lightly
“See, I knew it!” I heard her clapping to herself “Do you want my advice?”
“Sure” I answered
“Stay there tonight, talk to Jon like a GROWN UP COUPLE WOULD and if you still feel like you need a break you can come by tomorrow and stay as long as you’d like, how does that sounds to you?”
“Sounds good, Nance” I smiled
“Nice, now go on, stay with your family and call me tomorrow to say how long did the make up sex session lasted”
“You’re so unbelievably disgusting! Love ya Nancy”
“Love ya pumpkin. Bye bye”
Once I ended the call I looked at the kids and said
“Well, I think it’s better for us to go downstairs and grab some popcorn so we can watch Moana” I smile fondly
“YAY, MOMMY IS STAYING” They scream and jump as they run towards me, hugging my legs
I laugh “Ok, let’s go stinky bumbs! Choose your sits on the couch”
With that they ran downstairs. I look at Jon, who was still knelt down on the floor.
“Jon, get up please”
“Are you really gonna stay?” His voice is low
“Are you gonna file for divorce?”
“Jon, please” I plead
The hope in his eyes died a little “Can we at least talk about it?”
“We will, later. Once we put the kids down for bed”
“Ok, thank you kitten” He caresses my belly and we hear two impatient kids screaming for us to come downstairs
“They’re asleep” Jon says once he comes to sit by me on the couch
“Good, so we can talk now”
He stares at me and I started
“We can’t do this anymore, Jon”
He looks at me with pure fear upon his eyes
“The arguing, the yelling, the saying bad things just to spite each other...never being able to understand each other’s perspective whenever the subject of having more kids appears” I sighed “I just wish you would understand that sometimes it’s difficult for me, difficult for the kids to not have you around. When they have a bad dream they want you to protect them. Last week, Rosie had a nightmare about a man taking her away and she screamed for you. Do you know how much it hurt me seeing her sob because she wanted daddy to scare the mean man away, but daddy couldn’t because he wasn’t here? Sometimes they cry on our way back home from school because they wished daddy was there to pick them up. Things like ‘why is everybody’s else daddy comes to pick them up and ours doesn’t?’, ‘he doesn’t like us?’, ‘did we do something wrong?’, ‘does daddy not love us?’, ‘why daddy has to travel so much?’, ‘can’t he have another job?’...Things like that end me every single time, Jon. Even more because I know the father that you are, I know you love Atticus and Rosie more than your own life! It’s not fair to them but is also not fair to you” I whispered as tears roll down my cheeks. I look up to find Jon’s eyes filled with tears as well.
“Why did you never told me, doll? You should’ve told me that they were thinking that, that you had to explain to them over and over that I don’t leave them because I want to. That is not that I don’t love them but because I love them so much I want to give them everything I’ve never had as a child” Jon’s voice cracks and he begins to sob.
The vision is too much for me to handle it, so I pull him towards me and he hides his face on the crook of my neck.
“I don’t want them to go through what I did Y/N” His muffled voice comes out in hiccups
“I know baby, I know” I caress his hair and all I can do is cry with him
“I’m sorry” He whispered now calmer
I cup his cheeks on my hands “I don’t want you to apologize Jon, I just want you to try to understand that is not that I don’t love you or don’t love our family is just that sometimes it saddens me to hear those things from two kids and I wouldn’t like to hear it from a third one as well” I caress his beard
“I know but, it’s just that, I’ve always wanted this! The wife, the home sweet home, the kids..” His voice fainting on that last word “And when we met I knew that I wanted all of that with you, so I got kinda upset when you said that you didn’t wanted more kids because in my head that was some sort of sign that you regretted” He whispered
“Regretted what Jon?” I ask soothingly
“Us...leaving your family for me, moved in to that shitty one bedroom apartment, running with me to the emergency room because I overdosed on speed, eating tuna sandwiches for a year because you couldn’t find a job and the money I made at CZW was pathetic...getting married, helping me go through abstinence when we found out you were pregnant with Atticus, having the kids, still being married to me after all the shit I’ve put you through” He looks into my eyes “I regret everything I’ve said to you earlier, I was always the selfish one not you! It’s time for me to man up and take responsibilities for my words and actions. It’s time for me to be an actual husband to you and for once let you lean on me and not the other way around” He pressed his forehead to mine “Please Y/N...please kitten, let me make it up to you for all these years. Let me show you how much you really mean to me. How important you are to me, the difference you make in my life! I love you, cherry, please let me fix it..just give me one last chance, I beg you! I promise you I’ll never talk about having another baby ever again, but please” He whispered against my lips
“Jon” I pleaded
“Please, don’t do this to me. I’m so sorry. Don’t leave me...I-I wouldn’t...I couldn’t live without you. I can’t take it, kitten. I just can’t” He’s sobbing again while begging me to forgive him
I pull him towards my chest as I lay us down on the couch. His head is resting on my breasts as he silently cries, murmuring apologies and pleads. I’m caressing his hair and upper back, whispering to him that ‘we will work it out’. Once he’s calmer I ask him to look at me and he obliged
“Promise me Jon, promise me that we will never go down that disrespectful and spiteful path again”
“I promise you! I-I promise you kitten, on my mother’s life” Hope slowly returning to those beautiful blue orbs
“Promise me that whenever one of us feels like is loosing control we will ask for a time out and there’ll be no pressure from the other person to work it out at that moment”
“I promise” He pecks my lips repeatedly “I promise, I promise, I promise”
I can’t help a light chuckle that escaped my lips “Ok Jon, I see you agreed”
“Whatever you say kitten, whatever you want, I’ll do it!” He continues to peck my lips “Tell me you love me, please Y/N, I just need to hear it”
“I love you Jonathan, always have and always will!” I smile fondly
He sighed in relief “I’ll never talk about babies ever again! I promise you that!” He’s eyes had the same sparkle of determination as Atticus’ and Rosie’s
“We can talk about it if you want, but in the future, once the kids are a little bit older, how does that sounds to you?” I offered
I’ve never seen Jon’s eyes acquire such a pure happiness glimpse so fast
“Really?” He asks
“Really. BUT it’s a future thing, not right now!”
“Ok, in the future” He eagerly kissed me
“But can we at least do some training for when the time comes?” He smirks
“I swear you‘re just like those punk ass teenagers! The pain in the ass ones” I laugh
“What? It’s just for practice you know, I don’t wanna mess it up when the time comes” He kisses my neck
“How could you mess it up? You’ve made two already” I softly moaned
“Still...I don’t wanna miss my shot” He says as he pushes my jeans down my legs
“Cherry? Where are you babe? And where are my little manics? This house is too quiet for my liking” Jon yells as he searched us through the house.
*Finding me in 3, 2, 1* I thought
“Hey kitten, where’s my welcome home crew?” He opened the door to our bedroom “Why are you on the bed? Are you feeling alright? Did something happened?” He runs towards the bed, sitting down by my side
“The kids are at Nancy’s because I need to talk to you”
“Uh Oh, those are the six words nobody wants to hear it. Did I do something wrong?” He asks, slightly scared
“Yes you did, Jonathan” I try to hide my amusement
“What did I do?” He faintly asked
“You impregnated me, you fucker!” I laugh as I throw the pregnancy test at his chest
“Impregnated? What do you-“ He looks down to his lap, to the pregnancy test “Holy shit!” He laughs “You’re pregnant?” Jon looks at me for confirmation and I just nod
“YES!!!! MY KITTEN IS PREGNANT!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT” Jon screams in excitement
“How far long are you?”
“15 weeks, according to the doctor”
“That’s the best news I’ve ever had since Rosie!” He smiles widely as his hand caresses my belly “Hello there baby, daddy loves you so much!” He whispered to my bellybutton “I can’t wait to meet you! Come out now, so you can meet mommy and your siblings Rosie and Atticus” He nuzzles his nose on my belly
“You know there’s still like, 7 more months until you meet her right?” I chuckled
“Her?” His head shot up
“Yep, apparently she wanted to make her debut already letting us know that she is a girl!”
“Another little princess. I’m cursed to be surrounded by beautiful and strong women” He jokes
“Yeah you are” I laugh as I let my fingers comb through his hair
“Do you think I should give her one of my Mox t-shirts so she can wear it?” He sincerely asks
“Now?” I laugh
“Yeah! I need more beautiful girls in team Moxley” He teases
“You’re the worst!” I giggled
As he engaged a very serious conversation with his future princess about the ‘no other prince but daddy’ rule.
If you feel comfortable with it, please let me know your thoughts? Feedbacks are always so appreciated 🥰😘
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
hello em i have a request. can u please rate mr harrington's looks/outfits i just feel like u have the best takes and i'd LOVE to know how you'd rank his choices 👀
this is the single greatest ask i’ve ever received. i will be ranking the outfits, not steve’s moral alignment or actions in each scene. in order of appearance:
The Introduction
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hair is tragic
steve copied this entire fit from a mannequin in the ralph lauren polo outlet store
would honestly be a 0/10 except for the obvious valiant effort being put forth by his lower half to resist the sexless curse of khaki pants. the devil (st costuming department) works hard but by god steve harrington (joe keery’s body) works harder
nice brown watch that certainly came from a department store
also gains points for being next to nancy’s anemic librarian fit, thus looking better by comparison
The Rich Bitch
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thank god he ditched the khakis
hair looks much less demonic
it’s a simple look but the sweatshirt rides up when he shotguns the beer
he also gets wet
solid 8 for sluttiness alone
The Whore
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please note that his chest is waxed. keep this in mind.
The Heterosexual
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hair looks like he dipped his head in glue
bold choice with the grey pants. unfortunately that choice was wrong
matching outfits with your comphet girlfriend isn’t as cute as you think it is stevie
you only get points because despite that ungodly pastel stripe pattern the polo’s decently fitted and makes your arm look kinda nice
The Dickhead
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glue head pt. 2
at least the stripes aren’t pastel this time
The Cuck
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hair slightly less glue-y
yet another striped polo is peeking out unfortunately
but! it’s green and green looks good on him
finally wearing jeans like a normal fucking human instead of weird slacks
pivotal moment in steve’s fashion evolution from preppy male model to sexy morally upright king
his morals are stored in the denim
The Final Girl
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an outfit with a character arc to rival steve’s own
pretty fucking good hair if i do say so myself!!
it’s fluffy!
that shit looks like if you touched it it’d be soft... no glue here!
finally not copying from the goddamn l.l. bean catalog
iconic green slut sweatshirt? check! jacket and nikes? check! fucked-up gorgeous face and baseball bat full of rusty nails? check, baby!
looks good on its own OR with some blood on top
overall a very solid look
The Darling Little Drummer Boy
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babe no... please don’t go back to the khakis... they won’t treat you like jeans do...
not quite glue head but not his best
apparently steve owns a single green sweatshirt, a thousand striped polos, and one very precious christmas sweater
almost makes up for prep-related khaki crimes by being really fucking cute
The Simp
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glue head is DEAD
further evidence that steve harrington’s entire closet is just striped polos
this is his fifth unique striped polo
most of these points are for the sunglasses and the hair
actually all of these points are for the sunglasses and the hair
he’s finally let go of the fucking pastels thank jesus
and you can’t see it but he did wear jeans with this fit i just forgot to make sure they were pictured and it’s 4:15 am so i don’t feel like going back to remake this collage
cannot tell if this is a lighter blue version of the jacket he wore three times in s1 or if it IS the jacket he wore three times in s1 and the color grading is just that different
either way he loves jackets and i think that’s very sexy of him
The Intellectual
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i’ve been waiting for this one... turn it up!
literally invented vests
excellent hair
loses a point for unfortunately introducing steve’s SIXTH unique striped fucking polo
i can’t see the collar but i know it’s there i know you’re wearing another fucking polo steve you can’t hide from me
can’t decide if he looks gay or just really preppy but either way he’s got some repression going on
still a very solid look
The Oh No Oh God It Hurts I’m Looking Away I Can’t Watch This
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yes that middle picture is absolutely to show off the texture of his blazer and not at all me making sure that if i have to see his heartbroken little face then you all do too
anyways i Know that blazer cost at least $100 like i Know that shit’s expensive
excellent gorgeous soft-looking hair that someone ought to run their hands through but only people who haven’t dated him for a year while pining after someone else
emotional devastation... but make it unbelievably fucking sexy
stevie baby i know you’re a colorful guy but please wear more black
The Meathead Jock
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aw christ whatever happened to standards?
introduction of the blue nikes <3
god his hair looked fucking good here
could have gained that final point by using tube socks with blue and GREEN stripes to tie together the shoes and the gym uniform :/
shorts could be shorter but are an altogether appropriate and enjoyable length
fun sweatstain to customize the look <3
The (is there a word for victim of bullying?) Serious Athlete
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the yellow stripe was more fun
still cute though
The Sudsy Boy
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suds indicate that he’s washing his hair, presumably with faberge organics. is this why he’s being bullied?
steve brings his faberge organics shampoo and conditioner and his farrah fawcett spray to school with him whenever he has basketball practice
steve either has shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray in his backpack at all times, or he has a separate gym bag that’s mostly haircare products
just need to make sure we all know that
excellent freckle showcase
his chest is still waxed. please, i beg, keep this in mind
one of his strongest looks
The Babysitter
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his most versatile look to date
a different jacket than the one(s) he’s worn before but it still has the same kind of collar. steve found a jacket he liked and bought it in at least three colors
the whole thing fits So fucking nicely! shirt, jacket, jeans... baby boy is TAILORED
return of the white nikes with the red check indicate that they are his fashion nikes, while the blue nikes with the white check are his sport nikes. interesting.
this fit lasts like 48 hours and steve simply looks sexier as time goes on which is a testament to its quality as well as his inherent power
every new accessory elevates his appearance. roses, nail bat, rubber gloves, blood, sweat, band-aids, bandana, goggles... each element complements the look in its own way!
an overall win
The Chauffeur
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we can’t really see the whole fit but he’s not wearing a striped polo so i’m calling it a win regardless of what’s on his bottom half
cannot give him a 10/10 though because he might be wearing khakis
red is such a nice color on him when it’s not just from his blood
i lied when i said he should wear more black he should wear more colors
that plain sweater absolutely cost $85 or more
hair looks very nice and soft
excellent look!
The Sailor Man
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very precious
absolutely the best hair i’ve ever seen
baby boy got highlights for his hot girl summer!
bright colors make his very red lips pop
shorts could be shorter
love the little accents! especially the white pockets and belt
excellent color coordination on steve’s part with the blue sneakers (notably different than his s2 blue basketball nikes) and the red bruising/blood
i hope you remembered that steve’s chest was waxed. as you can see his chest is now unwaxed. some change between s2 and s3 drove this decision, presumably either his breakup with nancy or the fact that he no longer showers in front of other guys at school. up to your interpretation
shock blanket at the very end is a nice touch so we don’t forget he’s traumatized
The Drowned Rat/The Man Overboard
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shorts could be shorter
the decision to purchase and wear a hoodless raincoat is absolutely ridiculous and stupid
however it is also very steve harrington and i value self-expression
The Chick Magnet/The Flaming Homosexual
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what can i even say about this fit?
the absolute best pants he’s worn thus far. amazing fit, excellent classic wash. i say this as a former american eagle outfitters associate and the winner of my freshman year dorm’s “best at folding jeans” award
manages to make blue jeans with a half-blue denim vest work effortlessly
bold primary colors make him stand out without being too gaudy
excellent pairing of t-shirt with simple stripes and vest with simple color blocking to create a complex yet cohesive and flattering look
simple brown belt gives the look a put-together yet down-to-earth vibe
hair has only gotten better
still wearing that same brown watch that he’s had since the introduction
this man looks like he waxes his chest
this is steve in his final form
thank you for your time
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 14 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (13)
Next part (15) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Hunt and Destroy
“Alright... A lot of new words and names...” You mutter, looking at the floor between your feet. It's late now, and Eleven has been talking for over an hour. The story is long and you had to stop her to ask a few questions. More than a few, actually. Everything sounds like a very strange story, the weirdest, something nobody could come up with. To prove it, Eleven turned the TV on with her mind, skipping through the channels before turning it off again. But you didn't need any proof. You know what you saw and it was very, very real. “Upside down, Demodog, Demodorden...”
“Demogorgon. With a G.” Dustin corrects you, smiling. How can he be smiling?
“Demogorgon, ok.” Nodding, you take a deep breath and stand up. “So... What's the plan?” You ask, pacing around the living room.
“Well, we need to gather the whole party for this,” Max says and the others nod.
“I'll talk to my mom and Hopper,” Jonathan speaks out. “We have to do this as soon as possible so... tomorrow.”
“Yeah. Can it be here?” You're not sure if you can make this demand, but right now, being anywhere else after dark is too much. The sunlight is your protection since it's deadly to the... Demo-something. It burns them. They like it cold, said Eleven.
“Sure.” Jonathan answers and you offer him a small smile in return. “Could it be by five? Before the sunset.”
“Yeah. We can sneak out of the pool again.” It shouldn't be a problem, and if Anthony is there, you could pretend to be sick.
“Tomorrow is our day off.” Billy reminds and you take a deep breath, running a hand through your hair. You completely forgot that.
“By the morning them. Maybe we'll get something figured out we can start working on through the rest of the day.” Mike suggests and the whole party agrees. “We should get going though. It's late.” Mike gets up from his spot on the floor.
“Wait.” Mike can't possibly be for real now. “You're not gonna head home now. With those things out there.” They're getting closer to the town, and it means they'll hang around all night. “It's dangerous. You should stay.”
Most of them agree easily, chattering among them. Max seems excited, but Mike exchanges a look with Nancy. “I don't think our mother would let us crash at Billy's place.” She says with an apologetic look.
“Oh.” You know why. Billy told you where he was going to when the Mind Flayer almost got him... Or better saying, who he was going to meet. Mrs. Wheeler. You did felt weird back then, and it sure makes you feel weird now, but whatever he did before, you left it where it belongs. In the past. “Just call and tell her you'll be crashing at my place.”
“Yeah, man. C'mon. Slumber party.” Dustin cheers, smiling, and once again you can't understand why they aren't terrified. Guess they're just used to it. But how can someone get used to monsters lurking around?
“Alright, then.” Mike agrees, making his way to the phone.
“They didn't get it yet,” Billy whispers in your ear.
“They didn't get it.” Repeating, you wrap your arms around his neck. “I'm really trying not to freak out right now.” The words come out of your mouth, rolling out your tongue.
“Let's go to the bedroom so you can rest and we can talk.”
“Alright. It's done.” Mike comes back with his sister, gesturing at the front door. “Should we get going?”
You and Billy exchange a look. They really didn't get it. “Uhm... So that's it, guys.” You start, taking Billy's hand and pulling him with you. “You can crash either here or Max's room. First to wake up makes breakfast.”
“Wait. You made me lie to my mom?” Mike asks as you move further into the hall.
“(Y/N) is living here.” Max ends the mystery, and you can feel her massive eye roll.
“Holy shit.” You hear Dustin and Steve mumbling as you get inside the room.
Billy lets you shower first, and as you wait for him, you look through his college books. Everything seems very complicated. Your fingers run through one of the pages, taking in the many numbers, but not really reading anything. Your mind is too far away right now. The scene keeps playing back, over and over. The... Demodog, as the kids call it, its face opening up, the guttural noises it made. You wish it was just a nightmare, but everything seems very, very real.
Billy's sudden touch makes you suck in a sharp breath, shaking a little. “Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.” The feeling is quickly replaced by the usual warmth he makes you feel. Safety and comfort.
“It's ok, I'm just... How is it possible that the kids seem to be so fine with it?” Turning around, you lay your head on his chest as he pulls you close.
“They've been through a lot. They know how to deal with it and you don't have to participate if you don't want to.” Billy touches your face, fingers caressing the soft skin of your jaw. “I'll do anything to keep you safe, you know that right?”
You do. But staying out would not only make you a coward, but it would mean one less person to help them do whatever they're planning to. And, whatever this thing is, it had a part in messing with Billy's life. With Max's life, and all her friends. It's kind of personal. And, if Billy is in danger, you want to be there to make sure you'll do anything to save him. “I want to do it. I just need time to... Process everything.”
“You won't be alone. And I'm not talking only for myself, but for everyone else too.”
“Now come. You need to get some sleep.” Billy pulls you to the bed, and, instead of laying beside him as usual, you decide to crawl on top of him.
“Am I crushing you?” You ask as you lay your head on his chest, smiling to feel his strong arms around you.
“Haven't you noticed the weight I can lift? You're nothing compared to it.”
Closing your eyes, you feel as he places a kiss on the top of your head. You've never been like that with Billy, literally on top of him, and it's good. Today, more than ever, you need to feel safe. Protected. And he's the only one who makes you feel this way. “I'm so happy we don't have to go to work tomorrow.”
“Me too.”
Pulling yourself up, you move upwards until your face is close to his. “Do you think the kids are talking about us?” Despite your mind being apparently stuck reminiscing the same moment, the terror in your chest, you try to change the subject. Hopefully, it'll keep you from having nightmares tonight.
“I'm sure of it.” As he speaks, a noise of glass shattering reaches us. “Max!” Billy yells at the top of his lungs, startling you. “What the hell!”
“Stop yelling.” You giggle, playfully slapping his shoulder.
“Just a glass, Billy,” Maxine answers from somewhere in the house.
“Better clean this shit up!” He shouts again.
“Shut up!” You whine, lowering yourself on him a little. “Or else I'll have to make you and it won't be nice.”
Billy raises an eyebrow, that usual smirk making its way to his lips. “Oh, and how exactly wouldn't it be nice?”
Yeah, you didn't really give much thought before making the threat. “Okay then.” Smirking, you close the distance between you until your lips are brushing on his before you sit up abruptly, a hand covering his mouth. “See? I told you it wouldn't be nice.” He opens his mouth under your hand, and you feel his teeth biting your skin. “Billy!” You complain, taking your hand away from his mouth. “I can't believe you bit me, you jerk.”
“You got what you deserved.” He suddenly pulls you down, making you lay next to him. “Now, quit playing around and sleep, princess. Tomorrow will be a long day.”
“Kiss me goodnight then. To keep the bad dreams away.” You ask him softly, melting into the slow, warm kiss he gives you.
It doesn't help with the nightmares though. Twice that night you wake up, a breath caught in your throat. You struggle not to let Billy notice, snuggling closer to him.
You're more than happy when morning finally comes. The house is so damn loud, and breakfast in a mess. You like it though, the craziness distracting you from yesterday's events. The rest of the party is here by nine, thanks to the urgency of the matter. And then, after everyone is fed up and the dishes are clean, which took half an hour since nobody wanted to do it, everyone sits in the living room to talk.
And you just can't seem to keep up with it. The boys speak fast, Hopper yells, Joyce tries to calm him down, he argues with Eleven, which is like his daughter, you got that, and then he argues with Mike. Nancy and Jonathan always check with each other before saying something, Steve always finds the flaws on the kids' plans, pointing out the many ways it could go wrong, and Dustin often gets into some kind of argument with him. There are a hundred different ways things could go wrong. A thousand ways you could die. Running a hand through your hair, you hold onto Billy's biceps, laying your head on his shoulder. You're the only one who didn't say anything since the conversation started. There's just nothing you can help them with, you'll just stick up to whatever plan they have.
What they know for sure that these Demodogs are here because some of them must have been left behind in some kind of incubation period until it started growing again.
“So that's it. Hunt and destroy.” Lucas says, nodding to himself.
“Yes. We don't know exactly how much time we have until they start going full Demogorgon, so we should start acting now.” Mike states. “Immediately.”
As if something was lit up, everyone starts moving. “My place in one hour, everyone,” Hopper says and suddenly the crowd disperses, the house once again silent.
You're still in the same place you were, on the couch, legs crossed, eyes on the floor. “Hey. You ok?”
“Yeah.” Taking a deep breath, you stand up. “So. Hopper's place. One hour.” Saying this more to yourself than to him, you get up and pace around the living room. “Should we take the baseball bat?”
“Steve has one far more fun than that. You'll like it.” You can tell Billy is keeping his voice nice and soft, trying not to push you over the edge with everything that's going on. “(Y/N), you don't have to go. You know that, right?”
“I do. But I'm going anyway.” Walking over him, you tiptoe to place a kiss on his lips. “Those kids are so brave. I don't want them to think I'm the weak link.”
“Alright, but we stick together. No exceptions.”
“I agree.” It does make you feel a lot better.
In the next hour, you and Billy shower and get ready. You make sure to wear short jeans and a light shirt so you won't feel too hot. The plan is trying to find the Demodog's nest. This part has to be made during the daylight, to make sure no attacks will happen, so you have no choice but to walk around the woods under the sun. Billy makes sure to shove a lot of water on his backpack, using literally every bottle he found in the house. And Max gathers some snacks for the day.
You reach Hopper's place at the same time Nancy, Jonathan, and Mike does, realizing it's also Joyce's place. The party is gathered in front of the house, a big map of Hawking on the ground. Beside it, a pile of some random stuff that you guess will be the... Weapons you'll use. Just in case.
Hopper is the one to assign everyone a place to start, the area they'll have to cover, and where they'll have to stop. There are lines drawn over the map, and you hope Billy has everything memorized because you don't even know where is where. Then, the groups are separated. Billy of course says he'll take you and Max. And Lucas, much to his dismay, will come along too. When people start taking stuff from the pile, you immediately get what Billy mentioned earlier. There's a baseball bat with nails on the top. Smiling, you take it.
“That's so badass.” You mutter, looking at Billy. “This will be my weapon of choice.”
“Hey. That's mine.” Steve exclaims, reaching out his hand.
“Not anymore, buddy.” You sass at him, swinging the bar and hitting the air.
“She's good with the bat, trust me,” Maxine says and you nod. Some people have an interrogation on their faces, and Steve keeps staring at the three of you, as if waiting for further explanation.
“We have an inside joke.” Lowering the bat, you turn to look at Billy.
“Restricted to the Hargrove family,” Billy states, taking one the radios from the pile and starting the make his way to the car. “And Max.”
“But what about me?” You feel a little set aside by his affirmation, wondering what he meant. It's impossible that he's ignoring the fact that you were there that day. “I'm in the joke too.” Whining a little on purpose, you follow him.
“You still only notice half of things.” Billy winks at you as he gets inside the car, and after Max and Lucas get in the back seat, you get in as well. “I know you know what I meant.”
“Maybe I didn't.” Billy has this way with you. You were expecting the first sensations to fade, but they didn't. He still makes you nervous, the butterflies on your stomach doesn't seem to grow immune to him. And part of you is still scared of the things you think he means. You did got what he said, but it's safer to just pretend you didn't, right?
The short drive is filled with chattering. The kind of chattering you didn't want to hear since it's all about the Demothings. You stop by the woods, and Max and Lucas will be the ones responsible for the map since they have a compass.
And so the ‘hunting’ starts. You're glad it's not a real hunt though. You remember when you invited Billy for a trail with your friends, but walking through the woods feels different now. Before, you had only the normal wild animals to worry about, not some monsters that came out of the gates of hell. But you try to keep in mind that the sunlight means protection, so you'll safe. For now.
“Billy, can you make sure we'll have enough daylight to make the way back to the car?” You ask him, putting your hair up on a ponytail.
“I will, don't worry.” He moves closer, taking your hand in his. “We'll be ok. Just focus on trying to find anything unusual in the woods.”
Billy doesn't let go of your hand until you stop to eat something. Lucas and Max start arguing a lot when you resume your walking, complaining about the directions. Billy is clearly pissed, not very fond of the idea of his little sister dating. It's cute the way he keeps staring at the young couple, paying attention to whatever they're saying. You wonder if Billy ever thought about having kids.
Wait. What the hell? Step back, you tell yourself. Too soon for that.
At some point, a fresh breeze starts blowing, and you couldn't be more thankful for it. Letting your hair down, you run a hand through it out of nervousness.
“I'm telling you, we have to go West now,” Lucas says.
“Yes. First West then North.” Maxine takes the map from his hands, taking a look at it. “It's obvious if you think about it. Just look. Try using your head for a moment.”
“Are you calling me dumb?”
“Alright, both of you.” Billy intervenes, his voice with a tiny hint of anger. “Will you two make a goddman decision or will I have to?”
This will be interesting. Billy and you have been walking a couple of feet behind them, so as he moves ahead, you stand there, crossing your arms. The breeze brings a soft sound, that looks like the sound the pools make when it's windy. Following it, you spot water, only about ten feet away. Leaving the guys behind to their fights, you make your way there, making sure there are no big trees hiding you from their sight. When you get there, you bend down, putting one hand on the freshwater.
“(Y/N)!” It's Billy's usual yell, the one he always uses to scare the shit out of you. “Do you want to give me a heart attack?” When you turn around to look at him, he's already close by, Maxine and Lucas coming right after.
“Sorry, but I found this lake.”
“Lover's lake,” Max says, sitting down on a rock, eyes on the map.
“Lover's lake?” You repeat, crossing your arms and looking at Billy. “Why haven't you ever brought me here?” By the name, you think it would be a nice romantic date. And you remember by what you saw on the map, the lake is shaped like a heart, the reason for the name.
“Oh, you're new here. Sometimes it slips my mind.” He puts he bag down, safely away from where the small ripples reach. “People usually come here to... You know. So I thought that if I brought you and then you found out what really happens here you'd come to the wrong conclusion about my feelings for you.”
That's a very good explanation. And it makes you feel... Special. Different. “Thank you, then. For... Having this in mind.” As you speak, you take off your white shoes, all dusted by now.
“What are you doing?” He asks, an eyebrow raised when you look up at him, using his arm for balance to take off the other shoe.
“I'm using the Lover's Lake to something else than making out.” You start walking backwards, into the water.
“Whoa, look at what (Y/N)'s doing,” Lucas says, and you give them a glance. Max giggles, putting the map down.
“Try to drown Billy, would you?”
“I'll do my best.” When you stare back at Billy, he's already in the water.
You move back until your feet stop touching the bottom, so you start swimming further away. The freshwater is a blessing, washing the hot day from your skin. For a moment, you decide to leave the worries behind, just for a couple of minutes. Billy is quick to reach you, and you're suddenly aware of the kids staring. “We have an audience, keep that in mind.” You tell him when he pulls you close, strong arms encircling your waist.
“Were you ever kissed underwater?”
“No.” Your smirk matches his as you take a deep breath and push yourself down.
The kiss is a mess. You have to focus on holding your breath through the process, what makes you laugh, throwing bubbles on Billy's face. You manage to reach the bottom, your back hitting the rocks as Billy floats on top of you. But eventually, the oxygen you were saving is over, so you push him away and swim back up, laughing when you reach the surface.
“What a chaos.” You burst out when he comes back up as well. “We suck at underwater kisses.”
“I think I swallowed some water,” Billy says, coughing a little.
It only makes you laugh harder, removing the hair glued to your face. Swimming closer to him, you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Hey! Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove! Let's get moving!” Lucas shouts, making you roll your eyes.
You burst into laugh again when Billy flings you over his back, carrying you back to land.
And the walking restarts, with Max and Lucas constantly arguing and Billy trying to make them stop. The good thing is that it distracts you. And the bad part is that it distracts you from searching around for any signs of a Demothing nest. Your eyes scan through the woods, among the trees, looking for–.
“Holy shit!” Lucas exclaims and then he jolts away, running, followed by Max. You and Billy exchange a look before rushing after them.
Before you can ask what was that, you see it. A huge hole on the solid ground. It would fit a car in it. The thing goes down, in a slope, and then it keeps going until it makes a turn left. It's clear it doesn't belong to any kind of wild animal. It's not natural. A low, guttural low snarl reaches your ears, and you involuntary gives step back.
“Call them. Them then we found it.” Lucas says, taking a pencil and making a mark on the map.
The moment Max takes the small radio, you hear static. “Everyone listen up.” Steve says, more voices talking behind him. “We found it. A freaking hole in the ground. It has to be–”
“That's it.” Eleven's voice cuts him off. “We found it too.”
It was supposed to be just one.
“What?” Steve asks.
“Head back now. Everyone.” Hopper says and Max turns the radio off.
This is far worse than you thought.
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @halloweenbitch2764 @redlovett @multific @shinydixon @nikkixostan @clockworkballerina @nope-thanks
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thaliaisalesbian · 1 year
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapter 8: who used to be me
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Steve knows he went to bed with someone on either side of him, so waking up with no one there is a little concerning.
There’s a spike of panic before he recognizes Jonathan’s bedroom, with one of Nancy’s skirts hanging over a chair.
The kids—the kids are out.
They’re not in the Upside Down anymore.
He’s not in the Upside Down anymore.
“You awake, Steve?” Mrs. Byers sits next to him on the bed, feeling his forehead. “Oh, good, your fever’s much lower.”
“Good morning.” He tries to sit up, but it pulls something in his side and then he remembers the stitches.
“It’s almost two, sweetie. It’s not surprising, you were overwhelmed yesterday. You missed Irene’s visit, but she fixed up your stitches and changed your bandages. You won’t be off the IV for a few more days, though. And you'll have the catheter in until you can reliably stand on your own.” He winces despite himself when she mentions that. Steve really just wants to forget it's there. 
He hardly remembers waking up yesterday. Hopper was there for a lot of it. El, too. She’d read to him, one of those kids’ chapter books. He thinks if he remembered more of it, he’d know what book it was.
And then the kids. He’d seen them all, they’d had a fort? And then Nancy and Jonathan had made him come back to bed.
“I just need to check those again, and when Jonathan gets home from school, he can help you take a shower. I could help you now, if you’d prefer, or you could wait for Hopper. Whatever you want to do.” A shower sounds fantastic, but he’d rather take one alone.
The main problem is that he won’t be able to stand for that long. Not on his own.  It’ll hurt, and if they asked his nurse or whoever, they’d probably say no.
“I think I’ll wait for Jonathan.”
“That’s not a problem.” She props him up on different pillows—one smells a little like the shampoo Nancy uses, so he knows her lying down next to him wasn’t part of a dream or something—and hands him a glass of water.
“So, I’m thinking soup for lunch.” Mrs. Byers doesn’t need him to help keep up the conversation, which is good, because he doesn’t have much of anything to say right now. She talks about the kids’ fort and how they’d gotten to have a sleepover last night, how Hopper’s been talking to that Owens guy and he might have to go to the lab and have some tests run to make sure he’s okay.
She keeps talking the whole time it takes for him to drink the whole glass of water.
It’s half an hour, at least. It settles weirdly in his stomach, and he’s not sure if it’s from the remnants of the fever or if it’s everything else going in his head right now.
“Do you think you can move out to the living room? I can’t carry you, but you can lean on me.”
“Yeah, that’ll work.” It’s awkward, because he’s so much taller than she is, but it hurts less than walking alone does, and once he’s in the living room with evidence that the kids were there last night, safe and not dead, he’s able to relax a little more.
The fort is still set up, Will’s art supplies are out, and when he sits on the couch he can see El sleeping on a mattress on the floor.
“Is she…?”
“She’s just fine. You might not remember, but she tried drawing you out of your head yesterday. It tired her out a little, is all. She fell asleep not long before you woke up.”
“Okay.” Still, once Mrs. Byers has come back with the soup, El doesn’t sleep for long.
“You lied.” She looks at him.
“I didn’t lie, El.” On a technicality. “I never promised I would get out first, because I didn’t know what would happen.”
“You are not allowed to be alone now.”
“Joyce and Hop said so.”
“El, we were talking about the next few weeks, until he heals up a little more.” Mrs. Byers interjects kindly. “Not ever again. I’m sure even Steve likes time to himself.”
Weeks? He’s not that bad off, he can even walk with help.
“I do, Mrs. Byers. It’d be kind of impossible for someone to be with me all the time anyway, kiddo. We all have school or work.” From the look on Mrs. Byers’ face, he’s going to be getting shit later for calling her ‘Mrs. Byers’, but she won’t say anything in front of El.
El finally sits down, squishing against his non-bitten side. “You are not allowed to be alone. My rule.”
“El, you can’t go everywhere with me.”
“I will watch instead.”
“No. I love you, kid, but there are things I do that you don’t need to see and I know you can’t watch people for long.”
“It will be… practice.”
“Spying on me doesn’t count as practice.”
“Once a day?”
“Every other day?”
“Still no.”
“Three times a week.”
“Twice a week?” He shakes his head, tugging on her short hair a little. “Once a week?”
“Once a week will work, I guess. But only when I’m at school, and not after 2:30, okay?”
He usually has practice around then, and she doesn’t need to see the boys’ locker room.
If he’s allowed to practice again, that is. He wasn’t allowed to before all of this. His doctor had been very insistent upon it. And with all the new damage to his body… all the new scars… he’s not sure he’ll be able to handle being in a locker room again.
His mother would throw a fit if she could see him now. He's going to scar, that's for sure. And he's too skinny now for even her to think it looks pretty.
He wonders if she even knows that he was gone. He hasn’t asked Mrs. Byers yet; he’s a little scared of what the answer will be.
“I have practice that I have to change for, and after I have to change again. So nothing after 2:30, agreed?”
“Once a week, before two-three-oh.” She repeats, and he knows she’s just messing with him by the little grin on her face.
“You got it, Ellie.”
“No.” Her nose scrunches up and she shakes her head, like she can rid herself of the nickname that way. 
“Mom? Can I see Steve now?” Will’s backpack is half unzipped. and if he couldn’t see Jonathan right behind him he might be more worried about him losing all of his schoolwork. For a kid who typically keeps his things organized (or more organized than Steve had at his age, anyway), it’s a strange sight. “Steve!”
“Hey, buddy.” Will’s the one kid he hasn’t really spoken with much—certainly not as much as El, Dustin, and Max. He has a lot more common ground with Lucas, and even Mike, as annoying as he is. Will, though, is quieter, and while they talk when he’s over, it's not the same. Mike is the only other kid who doesn’t call him on the walkies whenever they need something, even if it’s just to talk after a nightmare.
It's because Mike and Will have Nancy and Jonathan, he knows. But he hopes they know they can call him. If they need to.
“You’re awake!”
“Yep, and almost fever-free.”
“You’re not allowed to do that again.” Will looks almost as serious as El had when she’d told him he wasn’t allowed to be alone. He doesn’t quite manage it; his worried face is almost identical to Jonathan’s.
Steve feels like maybe he shouldn’t know that. Or at least, he shouldn’t admit to knowing it. He can’t really remember the first time he realized he was noticing Jonathan, but the fact that it’s been long enough that he’s got his facial expression memorized?
Steve doesn’t know what to do with that.
Will pokes his shoulder lightly when he doesn’t answer. “I can’t make that promise, Will.”
“So you won’t make it to me, either?” Jonathan asks, and if it weren’t for El, his nearly-empty soup bowl would have spilled all over the carpet. Since when does Jonathan care about him putting himself in danger?
He's probably just saying it for the kids' sake.
Jonathan can’t mean it any other way, right?
(He doesn’t let himself think about the way Nancy and Jonathan had clearly shared a bed with him last night.)
“You know why I can’t.” Steve’s not going to say he’ll stop putting himself in danger when it really means he’s giving the kids time to run, get help, whatever.
“Jonathan,” Mrs. Byers says, maybe sensing that this is probably going to derail into an argument of everyone against him trying to get him to make a promise he knows he won’t be able to keep, “would you mind picking out a new set of clothes for Steve? He’s not quite steady enough on his feet for him to shower alone, so it was best to wait.”
“Of course, Mom.” He stops by the couch to give her a kiss on the cheek and ruffle El’s hair.
Steve tries to ignore the way his stomach sours when Jonathan doesn’t touch him at all. He knows what Jonathan thinks of him, he can’t let himself forget that.
“Will, El, please start taking the fort down.”
El looks like she’s going to remain stubbornly pressed against Steve’s side for a minute, but she does pull away without prompting to help Will.
“And you,” Mrs. Byers turns to him, trying to pull off stern but not quite hitting it with the way her lips turn up at the corners. “Call me Joyce. I don’t know how many times I need to tell you that.”
“Maybe just once more, Mrs. Byers,” He says, just to be cheeky.
“Oh, you!” She laughs. “Jonathan, come get Steve! He thinks he’s funny.”
finish on ao3 or under the cut
Walking with Jonathan is easier than walking with Joyce, at least. They’re closer in height, and he’s not as worried he’s going to crush Jonathan.
Actually, he probably wouldn’t even crush El right now.
“I didn’t know if you’d want a t-shirt or a sweatshirt so I grabbed both.” Jonathan explains once they’re in the bathroom. “Do you just need me to stay in the room?”
He'd love to say no, but he doesn’t think he can.
Once he’s sat on the edge of the tub, Steve can feel his energy flagging. He’d been fine in the living room, and the walk wasn’t even as far as Jonathan’s bedroom, so he doesn’t know why he’s crashing.
“You can just go back to bed, man, you’ve gone grey.”
“No, we’re already in here.”
“You’re not taking a shower, then. Come on, arms up.” Jonathan somehow manages to strip him down to his boxers. 
“Hang on.” Jonathan steps outside the bathroom for a minute, or maybe it’s five. He can’t really tell right now.
“Mom says your stitches can’t get wet, but your ankles will be okay. We’ll just have to rewrap them.” Jonathan covers the bandages on his torso in plastic wrap and takes the ones on his ankles off altogether.
“And Nancy called, she stopped by your house to get you a few things.”
“Okay.” Steve lets Jonathan worry about the water temperature and soap and everything else. Even sitting up without a backrest is taking so much thought, because he has to worry about not popping a stitch.
He hadn’t had time to be this worried about his ankles in the Upside Down, and it’s weird to be thinking about his wounds constantly now.
“Nancy will be here soon, do you just want to sit under the water until she gets here? She mentioned washing your hair for you.” He nods, and Jonathan half-lifts, half-dumps him into the bathtub. He barely fits, but that’s okay, because if he wasn’t forced into sitting up he’s not sure he’d be able to right now.
When Joyce said Steve was awake, Nancy wasn’t expecting to find him nearly passed out in the bathtub. Jonathan’s sitting on the edge, holding a wet washcloth like he’s never seen one before.
“Boys.” She mutters under her breath, not really thinking about it. “You know he wouldn’t have cared, right?” What Steve might care about, though, is the catheter bag on his leg. Joyce and Hopper take care of it, mostly, but Irene had wanted them to learn, too.
“No, he did some of it. I think he just likes sitting under the running water, honestly. It’s probably the first time he’s been clean in weeks.”
She sets down the bag she packed up at Steve’s house; some of his clothes (but not too many, because she thinks she likes seeing him in Jonathan’s and that’s a thought for later), a blanket she knows he finds it hard to sleep without, and his hair products. Not all of them, she doesn’t think he uses them all every day anyway, but enough.
“Nance?” It’s quiet, almost slurred.
“Hey, Steve.” He hardly reacts as she cups water in her hands and carefully pours it over his head.
She should have grabbed a cup from the kitchen. She washes his hair for him carefully.
Nancy’s glad he's not up to conversation, really. She'd probably tell him something she's not ready to… or something he’s not ready to hear.
Tommy had asked about him today. He’d pulled her aside between second and third period, the only ones she doesn’t have time to meet with Jonathan between, and asked her why he’s gone.
She’d had to tell him she didn’t know, and she hadn’t been all that upset about the lie.
He hadn’t pushed.
She’s not sure she wants to tell Steve about that. Tommy might be a safe enough topic, right now.
But she doesn’t want to, not when he’s like this, half-asleep and pliable.
Looking at them like they could leave him to drown in here and that’d be okay.
Instead, she talks about the kids’ latest campaign—he pays more attention to them than he lets on, she knows, because she’s seen him at the school library looking up different terms and rules. He relaxes into her hands when she works the shampoo into his hair.
He’d let her do anything she wanted to, right now.
She wants him to look at her like that in much better situations than this one. 
Jonathan must have dug around in the cupboards, because he has a cup ready to rinse the shampoo out, and she could kiss him for it.
“Hi.” Steve looks up at them both, and with his hair wet like this, she can see the little scars from the plate on his head.
To avoid tracing over them with her fingers, she picks up the conditioner and squeezes it maybe a little too hard.
Jonathan doesn’t seem to have the same issue; when she looks at them again, he’s got one hand tilting Steve’s chin up, the fingertips of his other hand delicately finding the paths the scars take into his hairline and across his scalp.
If Steve were more with them, she might tell Jonathan to kiss him.
Nancy knows he wants to; they’ve talked about it. Before Steve heard exactly the wrong thing.
But not now.
Not when Steve’s eyes are so hazy she’s not sure he’ll remember this tomorrow.
Not when they haven’t talked to Steve yet, about any of this.
None of them speak as she rinses out the conditioner, when Jonathan pulls the stopper, when they get Steve changed into a pair of Jonathan’s pants and one of his own slightly-too-big sweatshirts, no t-shirt underneath.
(It’s one she knows fit him perfectly last year.)
They wait until they’ve got him back in bed to rewrap his ankles.
And if Steve grabs each of their wrists loosely—fingers trembling like even this is too much for him to handle—when they try to leave, they don’t have to tell anyone that’s the reason they stay.
They don’t have to tell anyone they weren’t really going to leave anyway.
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soulstrainer · 3 years
30 Rousing Quotes on Women Education
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Women’s Education has become one of the hottest controversial affairs swimming with the current. The education of women and girls is one of the important connections in the alleviation of poverty. Thus, it has been correctly pointed out, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
Comprehensive linked topics include single-sex education and religious education for women, in which education has divided gender lines.
Furthermore, because of the far-reaching effect of female education on society, alleviating inequalities in education for women is a spotlight in Sustainable Development Goal 4 “Quality Education for All’ and greatly associated with Sustainable Development Goal 5 “Gender Equality”.
Women Empowerment
As Women have earned rights, formal education has become an ‘emblem of progress' and a step towards gender equity. For instance, when past Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, specified the misfortune of Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan and the girls kidnapping in Chibok, Nigeria as similar, using girl’s education as the key focus, history, and circumstances were ignored. Here are some of the quotes on women education quoted by famous personalities.
22 Women Education Quotes to Motivate You
1- “We should be respectful but we must also have the courage to stop harmful practices that impoverish girls, women, and their communities.” - Graca Machel2- “The seeds of success in every nation on Earth are best planted in women and children.” - Joyce Band
3- “Women share the planet 50/50 and they are underrepresented – their potential astonishingly untapped.” - Emma Watson 
4- “We educate women because it is smart. We educate women because it changes the world.” - Drew Faust
5- “To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.” -  Hillary Clinton
6- “Education is the key for self-liberation.” - Lailah Gifty Akita
7- “We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and  heeded, not overlooked and ignored.” - Sheryl Sandberg
8- “Women are leaders everywhere you look – from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women, and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.” - Nancy Pelosi 
9- “To educate girls is to reduce poverty.” - Kofi Annan
10- “Young women who want an education will not be stopped.” - Freida Pinto
11- “There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free, and educated woman.” - Angelina Jolie
12- “Education is everything- education is your power, education is your way in life for whatever you want to do.” - Ciara
13- “If we are going to see real development in the world then our best investment is WOMEN!” - Desmond Tutu
14- “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.” - Margaret Thatcher
15- “I am a woman / Phenomenally / Phenomenal woman / That’s me.” - Maya Angelou
16- “I always want to be a femme fatale. Even when I was a young girl, I never really wanted to be a girl. I wanted to be a woman.” – Diane von Furstenberg
17- “I’m tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay.” – Madonna
18- “It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” -  Madeleine Albright
19- “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” - Audre Lorde
20- “Feminism is for everybody.” – Bell Hooks
21- “Words have power. TV has power. My pen has power.” - Shonda Rhimes
22- “A strong woman builds her own world. She is one who is wise enough to know that it will attract the man she will gladly share it with.” – Ellen J.Barrier
Women Education Quotes by Inspirational People
1- “You know, we’re in a sports center. Imagine if you have a team and you don’t let half of the team play. That’s stupid. That makes no sense. And the evidence shows that communities that give their daughters the same opportunities as their sons, they are more peaceful, they are more prosperous, they develop faster, they are more likely to succeed.” - Barack Obama 
2- “As a tribute to the legions of women who navigated the path of fighting for justice before us, we ought to imprint in the supreme law of the land, firm principles upholding the rights of women.”- Nelson Mandela
3- “The content of a book holds the power of education and it is with this power that we can shape our future and change lives.” – Malala Yousafzai
4- “A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” - Melinda Gates
5- “When women are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.” - Michelle Obama
6- “If you educate a man, you educate an individual; education contributes to his individual growth; it becomes his ‘private property’, as it were. But when you educate a woman, you educate the entire family!” - Dada J.P Vaswani
7- “You don’t have to be pretty. You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don’t owe it to your mother, you don’t owe it to your children, you don’t owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female’.” - Erin McKean
8- “I am an educated black woman in a time when educated black people will be called upon to risk everything for the rights of black people everywhere.” - Allan Dare Pearce
Final words
On the whole, everyone must wrap their head around the saying that Girls are the base of life, educate them and empower them! Education is power and makes a girl powerful.
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mrvdocks · 4 years
Plus One
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Steve Harrington has had an eventful life. He's slain monsters, saved the princess, and earned his dignity back. But that was in the past.
It's seven years later, 1994, and he's still finding himself. His friends have been up to other things though, getting married and inviting him to those weddings.
It's the last thing he wants to do, but his roommate decides to make him go through all four weddings in hopes of finding someone.
And so it begins.
(chapter one)
It’s been seven years since the gang has had any incident or warnings or dreams about monsters. Things have died down in Hawkins. So much so that it’s starting to feel normal again, or whatever normal is for everyone else. 
Steve feels like an outsider, though. Everyone he knows is getting married. Nancy and Jonathan, Robin and Kali, Hopper and Joyce, hell even Tommy and Carol tied the knot in Vegas. All of these, weddings he’s been invited to. Except for the latter, they sent him a postcard with a phallic drawing in the back. 
He was used to moping, even if Robin had threatened to make him listen to disco to cheer him up. You thought it was funny though, it showed he had some emotion after all. 
It’s not that he couldn’t continue his womanizing streak. It’s just that after feeling that connection with Nancy, he didn’t want to see different people in the morning. He wanted the one. 
It didn’t help that his parents would call all the time now. Asking him things like if he’d found a girlfriend yet, or a steady job, or be constantly reminded that the clock was ticking. He was painfully aware. 
He’d just come back from his stint as a bartender in some dingy club in lower Manhattan to the somewhat comfortable apartment he shared with you and Robin. Well, that is, until Robin decided to move in with Kali. Robin had taking a liking to you, you weren’t as girly and deluded as the other applicants they were going through and you certainly weren’t as bothersome.
Envelopes and bills spilled on the black mat you’d picked out, warding off visitors or unwanted guests with a foul word written on it. He gathered them, going through them as he opened the door. Nothing but bills and subscriptions.
What a joy to be an adult.
He let the things fall onto the taped up coffee table on its last legs and collapsed onto the faded green couch.
He heard the pitter-patter of your feet running into the living room. “Oh honey, you’re home.”
He snorted. “Haha, funny.” 
“What? No ‘Hey how’s your day?’ or ‘Good Morning’?”
“Good Morning.” He mumbled face down.
You smirk, settling onto the arm of the couch. “How bad was it?”
“Oh god, so bad.” He lifts his head up, eyes rolling for dramatic effect. 
“I’ve never had to clean vomit before in my life and now I feel so bad for what you have to go through.”
“Ugh, ok there’s a difference between cleaning up after drunk assholes and poorly malnutrition-ed dogs.”
He groans, stuffing his face back down. “My back is killing me.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry Grandpa, do you want me to rub your back or maybe your feet?”
His head lifts up again to narrow his eyes at you. “You’re only four years younger than me, this is your future! But also, yes please.”
You roll your eyes in amusement. “I’m never going to be like this at your age.”
He chortles. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm. Unlike you, I have a life. I’m active!”
“I’m not sure sitting with a pack of popcorn and watching sci-fi tv counts as being active.” 
You gasp and rip the pillow from underneath him to hit him with it. “You’re the one who cried when Scully and Mulder -”
“Ahhhhh! No! Shut up!” He plugs his ears with his fingers. 
You erupt with laughter, falling off of the arm and onto the floor. 
You share a fun moment together before he groans again about his back. You think to resolve this with the expensive purchase you’ve been hiding. You rush into your room, if it could even be called that, grab the basin, fill it with water and back into the living room. 
“Here, kick off your shoes.” You kneel down, turning on the machine and placing his feet into the water. 
His tone changes the moment he feels the warmer kick in. He throws his head back in content and comfort. You take his shoes and place them near the doorway. 
“Did you see this?” You ask, the gold of a letter catching your eye. He hums in response.
You use the keys to rip it open, the hard cardstock nearly giving you a paper cut. You’re greeted with a beautiful invitation, all black with gold lettering and cursive writing. 
“You are cordially invited to share in a celebration of the union of Dustin Henderson and Suzie Smith.”
Steve’s eyes fly open as he turns his head to face you. “Let me see that.”
You pass it to him, getting comfortable in the little space and trying to remember where you’ve heard their names before.
Steve chuckles to himself, scanning the whole invite. “He did it. He really did it.”
“Dustin...is he the one you’re always talking about?”
“Yeah,” he smiles to himself, thinking of how much time has passed. “Kind of like the little brother I never had. Wow, I haven’t seen him since he was 15.”
You’ve never seen Steve so happy before. He doesn’t talk much about his life back in Hawkins and neither did Robin. You could only assume it was as boring like your own hometown and thus the reason for their leave. 
“Isn’t this the fourth wedding you’ve been invited to?” 
He sighs. “Yeah but, I don’t even know if I’m going to any of them.”
Your brows furrow. “Why not? You said it yourself this is like your brother.”
He lets the invitation fall onto his lap. “Because - I, I’m not as interesting as they probably think I am.”
“Pfft. So what? You want to entertain some people to spruce your ego or something?” 
“No,” he crosses his arms. “It’s just everyone’s getting married, my cousin just had like his third kid, oh and this guy at the bar was showing me his grandkid and crying like crazy.”
“So? Everyone’s different, things don’t always have to match up. You don’t have anything to prove.”
He squeezes his eyes closed and runs his hand through his hair.
“How about this? We go and we just try and set you up with someone. Doesn’t matter who. It’s four weddings, there’s bound to be some marriage material in there.”
He side smiles, contemplating. “Alright.”
“Good,” you clap. “You need this. Plus there’s something wrong with the plumbing and we have to leave while they fix it.”
He groans. 
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January 13, 1994
Nancy & Jonathan’s Wedding
Portland, Maine
One Day Before
The airplane ride wasn’t too bad. Actually no, that was a lie. There was mostly turbulence and you spent most of the four hours freaking out and thinking that there was something going horribly wrong. Steve wouldn’t stop laughing at you though, faking that your seatbelt had come undone too many times. You shut him out by grabbing a blanket and trying to lull yourself to sleep without thinking about how you were suspended in mid-air on a death trap. 
It didn’t work as well as you’d hoped, being able to hear Steve’s poor flirting with the flight attendant. You rolled your eyes, but you had to give him some credit. He was starting early.
Steve shook you awake shortly after touchdown, poking at you. “Alright good, you’re in one piece. Can’t afford to claim you as extra baggage.” 
You faked a laugh and pinched him, earning a yelp from him and eyes from other passengers.
One confusing cab ride later, you both had arrived at a pleasant looking hotel. It looked over the ocean, which smelled and felt so incredible. It was cloudy now, the sun hiding away and making the hotel the sole focus of your attention. 
You struggled to get your suitcase up the stairs, eventually giving up and letting Steve carry it while you carried the other bags. 
“Geez, what’s in here, rocks?”
“Hey! I didn’t know what to bring exactly so I brought a little of everything.”
“You look like you packed for two weeks, we’re only going to be here for two days!”
“I work hard to look good, Steve. Which is less than I can say about this number.” You gestured to his wardrobe consisting of a worn henley, frayed at the end of the sleeves, a denim jacket and brown boots you stole from him from time to time. 
He looks up and down. “I think I look good.” 
You ignore him, continuing up the infernal stairs, mentally making a note to join Robin on her retreats. 
You two are trying to catch your breath at the desk when you meet the attendant. 
“Byers wedding.” You huff out. 
When you’re handed the keys, you steer Steve into an elevator, not even bothering to look at the massive set of stairs even if they were decorated beautifully.
“Hurry.” He whispers, dragging the suitcases. 
“I’m trying! You’re the one who packed all these jackets.” 
“It’s cold, do you want us to freeze?”
“No, but we could’ve done with two!”
You both finally arrive to your room confused. 
“Wait, why did she give you only one key?” Steve asks, hand on his hip like a mother.
“I don’t know, you’re the one that booked it.” You shrugged, sticking the keys in and opening the door.
“I clearly said two people in one roo - I see my mistake.” 
A single king bed stares back at you both, tidied up with a towel teddy bear in the middle of it. 
You glance at Steve, meeting his eyes before glancing back to the room. You both stay silent.
“I’ll take the floor.” You both say in unison.
“No, no, you can take the bed. Since you say you always need your beauty sleep.” He gestures to your face.
You snort. “Me? No, Grandpa, I think you need it more than I do. Wouldn’t want you breaking your back at the wedding and outshining the bride.”
He mimics you in a high pitched voice, prompting you to laugh. 
“Listen we can figure it all out once we get everything unpacked, okay?” You wave him off. 
He shrugs. “Fine by me.”
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The tv plays in the background while you brush your teeth. Steve settles in the huge bed, patting down his pillow. 
Once you’re done, you wet your fingers and rush into the room and flick your hand at Steve. You get him right in the face.
“Hey! I’m trying to sleep here.”
“You’re no fun.” 
“Yeah well, we can have as much fun as we want tomor- what’re you doing?”
His train of thought is interrupted by you slipping into the bed. 
“What? You really thought I was going to sleep on the floor?” 
He chuckles nervously. “No.”
It amuses you. “Relax.” 
He slinks back into bed, one arm under his pillow and the other atop his forehead. You grab one of the extra pillows and wrap your arms around it, your right leg climbing on top of it. 
A few minutes pass and the pillow is too uncomfortable and sweaty so you discard it onto the floor somewhere. You huff. 
You glance at Steve who’s snoring lightly.
“Steve.” You whisper. 
“Steve!” You whisper a little louder.
He hums in response. 
“Are you asleep?”
“I was.” He whispers back.
“Can I..hug you?”
That gets his attention. His arm leaves his face, now looking at you through sleepy eyes. 
“Can I hug you? I can’t sleep without the pillow making me sweaty.” 
“Uhh, what about Danny?”
“We broke up. A while ago.”
His mouth drops into an O shape. 
You shake your head, dismissing the thought. “Nevermind.”
Steve hops onto his elbows, “No! No, it’s okay. Really.”
You turn back, trying to see if he’s serious. When that sorry look is apparent, you nod. 
“How do you - oh okay.”
You get close to his right side, swinging your leg over his waist and wrapping your right arm over his chest. He can smell your shampoo. 
“Cuddling doesn’t have to be sexual by the way.” You murmur into his chest.
He almost asks you to explain that but when he hears your soft snoring, he forgets. 
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jeffrrandell · 3 years
I'm intrigued by your Balance theory. That little man plagues me. I wonder what everyone's circus sideshow counterparts would of been.
I tried finding it but couldn't if you'd be willing I'd love to know your theory
I’m very flattered that you’re interested in it! I wrote this a little while ago, but hopefully it still makes sense.  (this is like my 5th time trying to post this too ugh) WARNING: very long post!!
Episodes important to the Balance theory-
- In Dreams - episode 49 S1 (mainly speculation)
- Balance - episode 50 S1
- Tales of Madrynia - episode 15 S2 (mainly speculation)
- Clarences Stormy Sleepover - episodes 5-10 S3
- A Nightmare on Aberdale Street: Balances Revenge - episode 26 S3
In Dreams
In this episode, we have Clarence experiencing a Lucid dream, he meets his buddy named Jeremy. Jeremy lives in Clarences head. He is playful and fun, but never wants the fun to end. He did everything in his power to make Clarence not want to wake up and leave him. The dream surrounding Clarence gets out of control and almost seems nightmarish, like a crazy place you cant escape. However Clarence does manage to wake himself up, and promises Jeremy he wouldn't forget him. He left Jeremy.
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Balance is a character who looks to be Clarence but quite opposite from him, and acts that way too. He's a circus act whos main talent is balancing on objects. Supposedly he goes to the school to escape the circus and live a different life, but he appears to be much more than that. He isn't one for making friends with any of the kids, but Clarence being Clarence, of course he tries to. This angers Balance and he grows a distaste for him. He threatens Clarence not being a nosey Nancy or there could be consequences. Balance does this thing where he gets into peoples minds and tells them exactly what they dont want to hear. And by get into their minds, I mean quite literally. He plays this trick on Belson and Clarence comes to defend him.
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Next scene, Balance is seen in class carving an apple in the shape of Belsons head. He then proceeds to slice the apple in half, cut to Belsons look of terror. Balance is already aware of their fears, he knows Belson is special to Clarence much like all his friends he talked down to.
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Clarence comes up with a plan to try and get Balances intimidating words on tape to show the teachers, and he sets up Belson with a tape recorder. Another mishap occurs and Mr Reese interrupts. The boys give the tape to Mr Reese, believing they caught what Balance had said on tape. To their surprise, somehow all the tape played was Balance singing a tune. They are both confused and baffled, Belson steps away from the situation too freaked out. During class next scene Balance goes to the washroom to shave some stubble. Clarence catches him and runs to the staff room to alert them, but Balance fools him once again, appearing in the room entertaining the teachers. Balance says to Clarence: "how did I what, doc? How did I switch the tapes? How did I know you were gonna come here? Well you see, I've always been here Clarence. And now, I got the teachers eating out of the palm of my hand. I can make you think you're hearing anything I want, even smell anything I want. Listen to me boy, theres the mans world, and theres the spirit world, but you cant handle my world. Little bird, fly away home. Your house is on fire, your children all alone-"
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hes cut off by the ringmaster. During his speech however, it shows everyone around him in a hypnotic state. He gets taken away but escapes in the very end. This could all be seen as silly, but I think he really means it. Balance is an entity, an entity out for horror and fear upon others, for that's what he lives off of. He's like a mind demon, abusing his power and controlling what people think and see. I also dont think the invisible circus is even real, hinted at the fact its called "invisible circus"
Tales of Madrynia
This is mainly just extra, but let me explain anyways. This episode is centric on Percy and Clarence. Percy has these imaginary characters he wishes to be real. Clarence has him over that day and has said animals in the garage. Despite them being literal wild animals, Percys imagination takes over. This is where Jeremy and/or Balance comes in. The animals in Percy's head talk about 'the pink one', Clarence. There's a story going along, but at the end of the episode theres a song sequence about them talking about killing 'the pink one'. Percy is so in this little world that he believes hes moving along with them, needle in hand, and marching to kill Clarence with his animal friends. He snaps out of it of course, nothing would've actually happened. But possibly, this was Balance being able to manipulate Percy's imagination into trying to potentially harm Clarence. The reason I mention Jeremy is because if Balance is in Clarences head, he has met Jeremy. (definitely confirmed in later eps) Jeremy has the ability to world build, make believe like a child and could be able to create a daydream. Balance takes this to his advantage.
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This whole series of episodes is all a story told by Balance himself. Though the outcome is positive, it still has a lot of fearful aspects. Clarence 'goes missing' causing Mary and Chad to freak out, they get stuck with Jeff who feels as if hes the cause of a power outage AND Clarences disappearance. They go out into the storm to find them. Throughout this, Jeffs starts hallucinating and seeing Clarence talking to him. He kinda drives himself insane. Belson and Mr Reeses story are more about lesson learning, probably because Balance had a real fun time picking out the things Belson was guilty of in his debut episode. Not much of anyone else's story is very easy to tie to the explanation, but in the end Clarence finally gets his sleepover, bonds were made and everyone was fine. People learned and grew.
Clarences Stormy Sleepover
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At the very end of Balances story, he goes over to a crib, which was in front of him while he read. Inside the crib reveals Jeremy, who he refers to as 'my child'. It is possible that Jeremy was a set up from Balance from the start, a creation of his.
Balances Revenge
This was the first episode seen where all of these theories took place, really. Clarence has people over on Halloween. He all enters their dreams, which all turn into nightmares. This is all Balances doing. He uses Clarence to enter other peoples dreams and turn them into terrors, a pink goop appearing more than once in disturbing ways in all the dreams.
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Each time he gets out of the others dreams, they disappear in what appears to be real life. When theres no one left, he decides he needs to enter his own dreams.  Hes met up with Jeremy. All of Clarences friends are caged up by Balance. Jeremy tries to help Clarence rememeber how to control his dreams. Honestly, probably just a pawn at this point pretending to be friendly towards Clarence in an act to make him stay. When he feels he's ready he attempts to fight Balance, ending up in his capture as well. Clarence, being himself once again, plays by the dream rules and gets them all out of the kerfuffle. In the end Balance gets turned into nothing but pink goop. Does this mean hes gone? Naw dont think so. I think he just got away this time. You cant kill something thats merely an entity
What does this all mean?
Basically, all of this means that Balance is a figment of Clarences imagination, but not quite at the same time for he seems to be very real. He wants to use his power to manipulate and control his friends around him to see and experience horror and fear, causing them distress. All of this causes Clarence distress, for the one thing he cannot stand is his friends being hurt. I think that his dreams will haunt him for a long time, and will haunt others when around him. Like in Tales of Madrynia, I feel that in others dreams they will see Clarence as a monster. Like he did something wrong, or he is the villain. All of their dreams play with their biggest fears. Jeffs possibly being things like failure, guilt, imperfections and uncleanness. Sumos possibly being failing in protecting his friends and them ending up hurt, being met with disappointment and disapproval, and failure. Belsons possibly being criticized and met with the way he treats people, being shown his actions and how they hurt people, hard truths about his personal life and what he'll never gain from the way he acts.
Clarences would be about letting people down, his friends being hurt, being alone, and so on.
Some dreams could contain disturbing imagery or night terror material, scarring them for life. All horrible, but Clarence just has to cope. He feels guilty that hes the cause of his friends nightmares during sleepovers and such. A potential end to this has not crossed my mind yet.
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