#but Nintendo is stingy about everything
thirsty-4-ghouls · 8 months
I haven’t played any legend of Zelda games (friends have though. I feel like it would be more surprising if none of them had) but you guys talking about botw and totk make that link seem so feral and scrunkly that I’m actually considering playing the games. Tumblr fans do better marketing than the actual companies sometimes
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stardustlyssa · 1 year
Hey good luck with the hunter keychain (and advance congrats to the giveaway winner). Love the love you put into your adorable artwork!
I'm sorry if someone has asked this already but I've been curious- since I've been thinking about making TOH merch myself one day. But is there a prerequisite to selling TOH fan made merchandises? Do I need to get perms with Dana or something haha.
Nintendo too for Pokemon maybe? But its ok if you're not sure
so with fanmade merchandise, it is (as implied...) fan made!
quick and extremely informal copyright lesson (because i've had to learn abt this in my classes): technically, fan art IS a copyright violation because you don't own the original IP... HOWEVER, most of the time companies will allow it because it actually drives up interaction with their properties! sometimes they can be strict-- Nintendo is VERY stingy with fanart being sold, however many artists are able to sell them as long as listings are titled without directly saying "pokemon" in the name.
it is very complicated and artists are given a good amount of leeway-- you wouldn't see so many etsy listings and fanart in artist alleys if it wasn't like that. my best recommendation is to see how other people word their listings and research selling first to get an understanding of the market and everything!
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
the boys with youtuber y/n
y/n does gaming (very good at it, occasionally streams and shes popular like 15+ million, ik a lot but she’s friends with like, jacksepticeye etc .. )
and also very funny random videos with top notch editing *wink* u get what i mean ... i hope
anyway, it’s almost like that whole, i wait for them to post if they left youtube idk what i’d do type beat and they genuinely love y/n and the content she makes.
🍀 hello again lovely! Ah I do love when a character lives the reader before they know? Or a platonic relationship :)
Boys x gamer youtuber!reader
Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki x reader, fluff, crack
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Bakugou found your youtube page when you collabed with another streamer, he liked how you played, you got straight into it without a long ass intro, you don't out adds on your videos since well, your merch sells out each restock and your streams make enough that your happy
He likes how you go "undercover" in some online games, bash people around and then turn your mic on. He loves the reactions since they normally go back on their words if they insulted you
Be baught a stingy keychain of your logo of aliexpress since he didnt know if you shipped to japan, he keeps it on his house keys. He's not ashamed to support your brand, he just does not want to seem like those weird thirsty boys over you he sees on social media
Your social media comments are...in need of a bit of holy water to put it easy
He has your notifications on on everything, when you say your going on a short break for school or social life reasons..
He's pissed...
Seriously?! Couldn't even of thought to pre plan this and have spare videos made?
Whatever he will just watch old streams of yours
But if you are to announce you are leaving forever because of a few comments gone too far or people being disrespectful
He made a whole ass account on twitter to bash the people who made you leave, seriously he started to gain a little bit of following since drama channels recognized the account for defending you everytime
y/n_protect0r_4/20: seriously? what a load of idiots, how are yous gonna survive without their thirst traps now huh? Exactly you can't 🤡
y/n_protect0r_4/20 : wait until they come back after their break, your asses will be blocked! Hah!
When you eventually make your comeback you tell your fans that "y/n_protect0r_4/20" will receive a facetime as a thank you if they can prove they own the account
This boy was a mess! He was so sweaty! He gets to facetime you?? The fuck-
On the call you exchange numbers so you can watch his progress as a hero, you asked him and the bakusquad to join you for a live stream and omg
Funniest video you ever made! This thing went viral! From Kaminari pissing bakugou off to Sero being a master at COD, you invite them whenever their free to play a few rounds
He isn't all that into gaming but when he heard the nintendo switch was making a re-make of an old All Might game, he wanted to know all the spoilers!
News got around that you had early access to the game and you went live, he stayed up to watch it and yes, it was worth the eye bags
Millions of people tuned in to you starting the game off and played small bits since it was only a teaser, Midoriya took so many notes, and may of followed you to see the other game plays you do
He liked the just dance games you played with your friends since it was funny and other small games you test out to for your fans, may they be tiny shit games from a dodgy website to high end games that look amazing!
Midoriya liked how you could remember so much about each game and you didn't even take notes!
He did enjoy watching you get scared playing horror games since your reactions were really funny, he also enjoys watching "best bits" moments on youtube
He entered a competition to win some merch you had, when he found out he won..wow this boy fanboyed so hard!
He got a signed copy of the All Might game from you and All Might, a hoodie and a few stickers and keychains
You asked him to play multiplayer with you on a stream, this boy was so hyped, he told All Might immediately and told his friends
Bakugou was jealous...but everyone times in to watch!
You were impressed about his knowledge on the hero and what the game had to offer.
You messaged Midoriya asking to chat about heros one day after the stream and that's how you became buddies :)
Honestly you were so annoyed at how much this boy spoiled the game for you...
You and Midoriya would stream together on small games such as papas pizzeria or hero themed games, all PG!
Eri has made one or two appearances when you would do maybe a hairstyling game or a child friendly game such as cooking mama ♡
You and your fans love having this little broccoli boy in your streams and social medias, they even demanded merch to be made! You said you would hold off until Izuku became a hero so he could produce his first line of merch :)
Todoroki doesn't seem to be the type to like video games or watching random videos on YouTube, but when Kaminari was watching youtube in the common room on the tv with some others he was intrigued, why? Well your pretty face was on the screen :)
He understood the game you were playing quite quickly, it was animal crossing...
He asked if anyone wanted the game and a switch to go with it, many people thanked him since it was hard to grab a copy but with his dads shiney credit card he was able to snatch the game for his classmates ♡
He started to watch you play the game and developed your island, he went for more of a Japanese theme to is island, and it was amazing! Like seriously have you seen his dorm room?!
When you announced you would randomly be picking players islands to visit from Twitter, todoroki enters since he wanted to know what you thought of his island :)
You were amazed at his islands development in such sort amount of time! You asked him how he accomplished so much in such short amount if time
"Hard work"
Ok, so you asked him to help you on other multiplayer games in the future since many people found his "sense of humor" hilarious (little did they know he wasnt trying to be funny..like at all)
You both enjoyed simple games that weren't too hard to understand, mario kart was a big hit and the horror game granny..
Todoroki playing a horror game was very funny. One moment when there would be a jump scare he would respond "oh..didn't expect that" but it could also escalate to "*falls of chair* well, oh my that wasn't expected...um, can you take over?"
Poor thing refuses to play horror games now :(
He did enjoy Super Princess Peach for the nintendo DS "oh look she crys like Midoriya, wonder if he can grow plants like she can.."
Honestly he got his own "funny moments" on youtube and it was trending for a while until you make little merchandise of his face on stickers
Sold out within moments
He managed to convince Bakugou and Midoriya to join you in a stream of playing Smash bros, it got very aggressive so fast you had to end the stream! Your fans found it hilarious the comebacks Bakugou would through at Todorokis silly comments
"Oh look I beat you, hmm must take notes for next years sports festival" "the fuck you say icy hot?! You are playing as Kirby!"
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Would pay so much money to see a dull voice over of todoroki playing cooking mama
Thank you for reading Navigation has been updated :)
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crystalelemental · 4 years
I mean, the Golden Week stuff seems fine to me tbh. Gives me an excuse to try and pick up some common merges I need without dipping into the orb hoard. Valor Skills combined with double SP mean I can get full kits with one run through of training maps to level up. The quests are fine since I gotta do training stratum for the monthlies anyway. It’s all free bonus we don’t usually get so like, why complain really? It’s better than nothing (and honestly I prefer it to last year, less pressure).
Because not complaining means complacency, and complacency means they’re going to keep cutting back on things like they have been since I started playing.
Listen, I get it, I’m not exactly beaten up about this either.  It’s one less banner focus I need to worry about when it comes to saving up.  That doesn’t really bother me, personally.  But fewer orbs bothers me.  Knowing they’re cutting back from a 5% focus rate to a 3% focus rate bothers me.  It’s not necessarily a problem for me personally in this one instance, but it’s a bad precedent to set, and a worse one to just accept.  Because it is a direct showing that the developers just...didn’t want to do as much as last year.  And it’s kinda been going that way for a while now.  They’re really being stingy with rewards.  Monthly quests yield fewer orbs than they did when I started playing, for instance.  It’s been going on a while, and it just feels like every instance like this is proof it’s getting worse, and it’s a very worrying trend for a game this successful.  There’s no reason for them to be this stingy about everything, but they consistently are.
And the anti-new-player shit is the worst of it all.  Why is Altina not provided as a Xenologue like Ike was?  No reason.  Absolutely none.  Wouldn’t hurt them any, hell it would encourage people to spend more because now literally everyone has an Astra mythic too, and competition is tougher.  That would’ve been in their best interests, both for player good-will and profits, but they were so blinded by the idea that everyone has to pay for everything and you can’t just willingly give something useful and good out for free, that they hurt both their reputation and their opportunity.  That’s the core problem.  They can’t manage this game properly, because they’re too blinded by the panic that a gacha game went its natural course and didn’t make as much money as the last year every single year.  It never will.  They’ll never, ever return to the profits made in the first year.  But that should be fine, because it’s still the most profitable gacha Nintendo’s got by a wide margin.  But for some reason, they can’t be satisfied with being #1.  They have to demand that profits go up instead of down every year, even if the downward trend is minor, and upward trend in this kind of game may as well be impossible.  And all of this panic manifests directly as a refusal to do anything nice for players.  All free 5* units are severely time limited or completely random in a field of landmine bad pulls.  They keep cutting out orbs as gifts, and cutting back rewards in general.  But sure, let’s pretend quintuple SP is a worthwhile trade.  It’s nice for farming, sure, but let’s not pretend that this year’s offerings aren’t way worse than last year’s, and that this isn’t a problem trending to get worse and worse.
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wolfgabe · 5 years
Nintendo E3 2019 Thoughts  Part 1The Direct
ce Okay so with yesterday behind us I felt I might as well offer my own opinions on the main event of the day the Nintendo Direct.
To start off I like how rapid fire a lot of Nintendo’s Directs have become. While it’s not as flashy as a full blown conference it pretty much cuts out most of the padding and helps make things arguably more focused. I wasn’t expecting them to cram so much in within 40 minutes and I admit I thought at times they would do a Smash Ultimate and spend a bunch of time on one title which of course never happened now then onto the games themselves
Dragon Quest Hero or should I say Dragon Quest Gang for Smash. Pretty much something most of us expected. Personally I have nothing against Erdrick and Pals and it was inevtiable really that we got Dragon Quest representation in Smash considering how in Japan DQ is pretty much on the same level as Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Minecraft here in the States. As easy as it is to complain about more anime sword boys when you look at it DQ was pretty much one of our only options for an additional SE rep considering how stingy SE is with Final Fantasy as well as the fact that Sora is pretty much a massive legal minefield for obvious reasons. I kinda find it clever really that rather than just represent 1 game they instead use the Hero as a means to represent the entire Dragon Quest series as whole.
Following that up fittingly is another trailer for Dragon Quest 11
Doug Bowser makes his E3/Direct debut and already the memes are out in full force
H̶o̶t̶e̶l̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶i̶o̶ ̶2̶/Luigis Mansion 3 is looking great. Seriously I just love how clean everything looks. It’s almost like the Luigis Mansion Dark Moon Artwork come to life/ Too bad we didn’t an actual release date but really for a game like this I would be surprised if they don’t go for  an October release.
A Dark Crystal Game That was unexpected
Link’s Awakening now with Dungeon Maker. Seriously I can’t help but keep imagining a Zelda spinoff that’s basically a Zelda themed Dungeon Keeper
Trials of Mana and Collection of Mana Not exactly my cup of tea but it’s cool seeing The Mana Collection available on Switch right away
Witcher III for Switch. Another rumor that  turned out true. Bring on all the oerformance jokes and PC master race trolls. Panic Button doesn’t appear to be handling this one but I can’t help but wonder what sorcery they used to get this game running on Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses Not really big on FE myself. I get why some people are complaining they basically spoiled the big twist but I figure that Nintendo may have did it on purpose to show fans that it’s not just Harry Potter with a Fire Emblem Skin
More Resident Evil love for Switch which is nice although I can’t help but wonder why they chose a port of RE6 over the remake of RE2
No More Heroes III another bit of a surprise. I admit for a second I thought I was looking at some new Power Rangers mech game. Great to see after Travis Strikes Again
That new Contra game looks eggghhhh but its cool we are getting the Contra collection too
Daemon x Machina. I actually did get some enjoyment out of the demo and what I saw with the mech customization looks interesting but I seriously hope they fixed the framerate in the final release.
Panzer Dragoon Another one that came out of nowhere. Switch has been seeing quite the amount of Sega love. Now if only we could get a Sega Ages port of Daytona USA
Pokemon Sword and Shield get a brief shoutout. Figured they wouldn’t spend too much time on it considering how it just got a direct last week. And like that the R34 crowd has already abandoned Sonia for Nessa go figure.
Astral Chain got a new trailer. Pretty interesting game and no doubt it will probably have an insanely over the top final boss as with fine Platinum tradition
Empire of Sin pretty interesting management/strategy game looks like it might be worth a shot when it comes out.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Not a big Marvel person but personally I think its a bit funny really that UA3 has better models than the SE Avengers game.
Cadence of Hyrule Finally have a release date and its right at the end of E3 which is cool
Mario and Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Figured they would give a shoutout to this game.  Eggman looks surprisingly hot in shorts.  Why is nobody talking about the majesty of Barefoot Wario?
Animal Crossing New Horizons Finally the game pretty much everybody was waiting for. So it would appear Animal Crossing has now transformed into Minecraft. Jokes aside I can’t help but love the idea that you are pretty much now building the town yourself and populating the island from scratch. Okay actual path creation tools and the ability to place furniture outside this is too much. It’s kind of a bummer the game won’t be out till next March but its understandable really considering how packed Switches release schedule looks for the rest of 2019.  Also Tom Nook being a greedy little shit as usual and where is Isabelle please don’t tell me Nintendo you forgot our precious doggo girl.
The obligatory switch game/port sizzle reel. Nice recap of things to come. Another MS game confirmed with Super Lucky’s Tale. Also the Spyro Reignited Trilogy has finally been confirmed for Switch and PC which is great.  Alien Isolation? didn’t expect to see that game get ported. Still no release date for A Hat in Time Switch though
Now for what is arguably the two biggest bombshells to come out of this presentation
First off, Banjo Kazooie in Smash. I cannot freaking believe it a character where the Grinch Leak actually ended up turning out to be right!!! I admit even I had my doubts that we would actually see this come to fruition since I never thought MS would be that chill about letting Banjo show up in a game hosted by one of their own competitors. Of course competitor may not be the right word here considering how surprisingly chummy MS and Nintendo have gotten with each other as of late. I can’t help but find a sense of inner happiness and satisfaction when my own theories and hunches end up being proven correct. I just knew there had to be a reason why Blast Corps and Jet Force Gemini spirits were found in the game files for Smash Ultimate never mind the fact that MS in their E3 schedule clearly suggested we should watch Nintendo’s own E3 presentation. I admit when I first saw that Jiggy bounce by I kinda started to lose my collective shit. The whole reveal was just so brilliant from the way they basically parodied their own trailer to how happy the DK crew was to see Banjo again. Its almost like Sakurai and Nintendo were reading everyone’s mind. I am really liking Banjo’s Smash design and how they basically went for more updated version of his classic look rather than just settle for the Nuts and Bolts design. A perfect way really to drive home the point that Banjo has pretty much come home. And I cannot believe it they actually got Grant Kirkhope himself on board to compose new music for Smash. I admit I am loving that Spiral Mountain remix and you can even make out bits and pieces from other Banjo levels too. I can’t wait to hear what else there is with Banjo. While I am mainly a Nintendo person I would just like to give thanks to Phil Spencer for helping make so many Nintendo and Smash fans wildest dreams finally come true. Now perhaps see if you get the original Banjo games as well as maybe a Nintendofied version of Rare Replay perhaps on Switch
And finally capping off the direct was the reveal that an actual follow up to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is now in development. When we will see this title in full I am not sure but the brief teaser looks like they are hinting that Ganondorf himself could be back from the grave. Now I am hearing how the devs say they were inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2 does that mean more detailed horse mechanics?
All in all I would rate Nintendo’s E3 Direct an 8/out of 10. A few points were docked from the Animal Crossing delay but there was still a lot of games that I am interested in due out in the near future as well as some wonderful surprises to boot. I would personally say Nintendo was probably the best part of E3 this year and they made me a very happy gamer
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eggoreviews · 6 years
Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC Rate Their Chances #1
Hi! This is a new thingy I’m trying based on the RTC series by Smash youtuber Billybo10k where I’m gonna take 5 characters, weigh up whether or not they’d potentially make into Smash as DLC and then give them a chance and a want score out of 100. Hoping to make this a regular thing so if you’re reading this and want me to rate a character, drop me a comment!
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The characters I’ll be rating in this post are:
Geno (Super Mario RPG)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Bandana Waddle Dee (Kirby series)
Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Rayman (Rayman series)
Hope u enjoy!
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Okay so, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months (or depending how long you’ve been into Smash, the past 12 years or so), you probably know all about Geno by now. Geno is a character who gained an unprecedented amount of fan support after only appearing and having a major role in one game that was made over 20 years ago, Super Mario RPG.
In terms of his moveset, Geno, as far as I’m aware, is a puppet who ended up harnessing the power of a star. His main sort of ‘thing’ in his home game is the gun on the end of his hand, so Geno would likely end up being similar to Mega Man in some regards, though obviously not with the powers Mega Man uses from the various bosses in his home series.
And I won’t beat around the bush. Geno has a very, very good shot of making it in. For lots of reasons. First off, we’re now aware that the Smash ballot from Smash 4′s DLC had a direct influence on the newcomers for this game, with the likes of Ridley and King K. Rool, both major fan requests, joining the roster. There is no doubt in my mind that Geno did extremely well on the ballot and, on top of this, Sakurai has actively tried to negotiate Geno into the game before back in Brawl, but Square Enix (the current owners of Geno, considering they were the developers of Super Mario RPG) were unwilling to play ball. But now? We have CLOUD from Final Fantasy in Smash, not to mention Geno’s mii costume from Smash 4, who was the only mii costume to get his own splash screen. Sakurai knows how much people want Geno.
The only potential sticking points for Geno I can see are more on Square’s end than Nintendo’s. Geno’s inclusion all hinges on whether or not Square is going to want to hand over the rights to a dead character. That is, Square Enix could be so unwilling to hand over Geno because they want to include more marketable characters that still have relevance. For example, Sora, as Kingdom Hearts III is just around the corner. And if Ultimate is all about the most requested characters making the cut, why wasn’t Geno in the base roster? Not saying this drops his chances hugely, it’s just a thing to note, as it’s not as if Geno had the problem other characters such as Spring Man had where they came into existence too late to be considered.
With all of this in mind, I’m going to give Geno a 65% chance of making it into DLC. All of the factors in Geno’s favour, as well as credible leaker Vergeben repeatedly mentioning a new Square Enix rep, put Geno in a very good position. But hey, nothing’s certain. And Sakurai has confirmed on Twitter that Nintendo made the selections for this game’s DLC line-up, so it’s really down to both Nintendo and Square whether or not they’d want to include a character that isn’t marketable to people outside of the core Smash fanbase.  But as for a want score, I’m going to give Geno a 35%. Nothing against this wooden boi, I’d just rather see Sora or a Dragon Quest character make it over Geno in terms of Square reps. Plus, I have no real attachment to the character.
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Now onto the other Square Enix rep in this post, as well as my third most wanted character, Sora from Kingdom Hearts, the big strange crossover between Disney and Final Fantasy. Is he a good fit for Smash? Well, he’s got his huge freakin keyblade and a whole host of spells he could utilise in his moveset, so the answer is very easily a yes. And the thing is that Sora has one big leg up over Geno in terms of chances; relevancy. But I suppose it all depends on what is being taken into consideration when characters are chosen for DLC. For the base roster, it seemed to be all about fan demand, specifically drawing popular picks from the Smash ballot. But now that Nintendo as a whole is choosing who joins the fight, I’d say we’re much more likely to get marketable characters such as Sora (Basically what I’m saying here is, don’t expect another character like Piranha Plant. As much as I love Piranha Plant). And in terms of Nintendo history, Sora’s home series has made its way onto several of Nintendo’s handhelds over the years in the form of spin-off titles.
Sora, like every character, has a couple of hurdles though. The moveset potential, the Nintendo history and the fan demand are all there, but at the end of the day, it’s all down to whether or not Disney want to play ball. Because, contrary to what some people are saying, Sora is in fact owned by Disney and not Square Enix, as Disney hold the rights to all Kingdom Hearts characters that are original to the series. While Disney are notoriously stingy when it comes to their properties, I have little doubt that they would hand over Sora if it benefited them directly. Right now, we know that Kingdom Hearts III is not scheduled to appear on the Switch, but with a sort of ‘Switch Pro’ rumoured to be around the corner, KH3 could feasibly be ported over. And with Sora being exclusively a video game character, they really aren’t going to be saving him for anything else, are they?
For me, there’s a hell of a lot of factors going either way for Sora for me to be convinced either way, as Sora is a very difficult character to speculate on when Disney is involved. But he has a good chance. Right now, with things as they stand, I’m going to give Sora a 50% chance of appearing in DLC. It honestly could go either way. But as my third most wanted character, Sora gets a 95% want score. Kingdom Hearts made up a lot of my childhood and I’d love to see him included.
Bandana Waddle Dee
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The bias is alive and well in this post as we take a look at our third character, and my second most wanted character, Bandana Waddle Dee from the Kirby series. At first glance, Bandana Dee could be dismissed as a weird side character or generic ‘mook’ character that has no place in Smash among the other iconic characters in the series. But this is very, very wrong. Bandana Dee has cemented himself in the Kirby series as the fundamental player 4 in the series, making regular appearances as the fourth protagonist of most of the modern Kirby games, most recently appearing as one of the three main dream friends in Kirby Star Allies alongside King Dedede and Meta Knight. And boy, does he have a lot of fan support. In Japan especially, Bandana Dee has an INSANE amount of support and this undoubtedly would’ve shown up on the ballot. And I have no doubt that Sakurai would be able to create a moveset for this perfect boi, especially considering we’ve never had a spear user in Smash before.
However, Bandana Dee’s issues come with what Nintendo’s priorities are in this latest cycle of DLC. We aren’t sure on what goes into consideration when picking these characters but my best guess, as I have stated above, is how marketable the character is, not just to the hardcore Smash fans, but to the casual players as well. Nintendo are likely going to be looking at what characters are most likely to sell as DLC, as well as what characters are going to promote their other titles. And I’m not entirely sure Bandana Dee fits this. Sure, Kirby Star Allies recently was released and, if he came with a Star Allies stage (yes pls), this could be a good promotional push for that game and there’s no doubt that Bandana Dee would sell well as DLC considering how many people love him. But with a new Fire Emblem game coming next year, alongside other potential first party reps Nintendo could’ve prioritised, it could be that my poor lil Bandana boy fell by the wayside this time.
Overall, I’m giving Bandana Dee a 60% chance of appearing. I’m fairly confident in his chances, as he’s a well-loved first party rep with a unique moveset potential and unquestionable marketability (I mean come on, tell me you wouldn’t buy him). But it’s all down to what Nintendo wants to promote in this cycle of DLC and whether they’ll want to keep their focus on upcoming titles or try and sell more of preexisting ones. But my want score for Bandana Dee is honestly a 100%. I love Bandana Dee and his design so, so much and I really want to see the Kirby set completed. Pls let it happen Nintnondo.
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Rex is the main protagonist of the recent and extremely popular Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The character has a lot of fan support, is from a relevant franchise and is a Nintendo owned series that they’re going to want to promote. So why don’t I think he’s getting in?
Let’s break it down. I can see Rex being an obvious choice for DLC, especially if Nintendo themselves are choosing who gets in this time, as first party reps with a good amount of relevancy are more likely to take precedence. But after this last Smash direct, his chances are slim to say the least. Sakurai stated during this direct’s reveal of Rex’s mii costume: ‘We decided which fighters to include when we started planning, so we couldn’t add characters from titles like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which was announced after planning had started. I hope this outfit will help you feel like you’re playing as Rex.’ So basically, I think this is an instant death sentence for Rex. Sakurai recognised how popular Rex was, so wanted to make sure the Xenoblade fans knew he wasn’t getting in so they wouldn’t be disappointed further down the line. And yet, I’ve still seen people all over the internet saying that Rex is a ‘guaranteed lock’ and he’s the most likely character n everything. And I don’t wanna kill these people’s hype but the proof is right there in that sentence. I feel like the people who are still predicting and asking for Rex didn’t see that part of the direct, or at least didn’t fully understand what Sakurai was saying. Rex isn’t getting in.
So with this in mind, Rex gets a 1% chance of appearing in DLC. While I’m confident he won’t be one of the 5 announced, the 1% is on the slim offchance we get a second season of DLC, which I don’t see happening either, as this cycle would bring us up to early 2020, which is almost exactly how long Smash 4′s DLC cycle lasted, as the game released 2014 and the last two DLC characters, Corrin and Bayonetta, were added in early 2016. On top of this, I’d say 5 more characters is plausibly our final roster for this game, considering Smash 4 had 7 DLC fighters and three of those were returning veterans. So yeah, I’m really not holding out hope for a season 2 and, in turn, Rex. But for a want score, Rex gets a 70%. Shulk is one of my mains and I love the look of the Xenoblade series, even though I haven’t gotten around to playing it yet. Rex is someone I’d like to see, though there’s another Xenoblade character I would much prefer that I’ll cover in a future post.
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And here we are, at my most wanted character, Rayman. With Rayman at the top of my want list, I have put a lot more research into him than I would other characters, but I promise I will avoid bias in my final rating. Lessgo.
Rayman is an iconic third party gaming mascot owned by Ubisoft. And bias aside, he has a hell of a lot going for him. His moveset basically writes itself, as he could utilise items and attacks from his various mainline games and, as much as I wouldn’t be too hot on this, the Rabbid spin-off games too. I have no doubt in my mind that Rayman would be a perfect fit for Smash and would blend in well among the other third party mascots in the game, as he has a notable Nintendo history considering the majority of his games have appeared on Nintendo consoles. On top of this, he’s been a fan request for some time. After the infamous ArtsyOmni leak during Smash 4′s development cycle that falsely revealed Rayman would be in the game, he surely would’ve received a huge boost in support that definitely would show up on the ballot. While this is just speculation on my part, I think it’s pretty safe speculation. But would Nintendo and Ubisoft be able to negotiate Rayman for the game? I think the answer is very easily a yes. Nintendo and Ubisoft were already working on Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle back in 2015, showing a partnership between the two companies that has continued all the way through Ultimate’s development cycle. As well as this, Nintendo recently lended Ubisoft one of their characters, Fox from Star Fox, to appear in the Switch edition of Starlink: Battle For Atlas. Nintendo lending characters like this isn’t exactly common and I think it’s extremely likely that Ubisoft will return the favour by lending one of their characters to a Nintendo IP. And where better to put him than Smash? As a final lil thing, the Rabbids have been included in Smash Ultimate as spirits, while Rayman himself appeared in Smash 4 as a trophy when he had no other content in the game. So Ubisoft already have a presence in Smash.
As for what’s standing in Rayman’s way, a lot of his hurdles can be very easily worked around. Some people have been citing Rayman’s recent inclusion into Brawlhalla as a reason why he won’t make it into Smash. But Ubisoft bought out the company that makes Brawlhalla, Blue Mammoth Games, making Brawlhalla their property. So of course they’re going to put their own character into their own game. And if Ryu can be in Marvel vs Capcom whilst also joining Smash 4 in DLC, Rayman can likely do the same. And it isn’t as if his inclusion would ‘sabotage’ Brawlhalla, as he likely wouldn’t even be announced until 2019, giving Ubisoft an ample amount of time to build hype for Brawlhalla. But now we know Nintendo are choosing who joins the fight in DLC this time around, is it likely that they’d have chosen Rayman? Honestly, it could go either way. We have no way of knowing if there will even be third party characters in DLC, though my best guess is that there will be, as I think Nintendo is well aware that characters like Rayman would sell extremely well. And like I’ve already stated, Nintendo and Ubisoft are on really good terms and Ubisoft have yet to lend a character to Nintendo in the same way that Nintendo lended Fox. So with this in mind, Rayman could very easily be one of the five characters negotiated.
I promised I’d keep my bias aside for my final rating, but without considering what I want, the amount of evidence for Rayman’s inclusion is compelling. However, nothing is certain and it’s just as likely that Rayman could’ve been skipped over altogether. We have no idea how these negotiations take place or what Nintendo is looking for in bringing new characters to the roster. But taking all of this into consideration, Rayman gets a 70% chance of joining the roster. I know that’s high, but I’m confident in this rating. He’s got everything lined up in his favour, so it all depends on how the chips fall. But as for a want score, Rayman of course gets a 100%. Nothing really matches Rayman in terms of wanted characters for me so here’s hoping he makes the cut.
Thanks so much for reading! As I said, if you’d like me to rate a character, go ahead and drop a suggestion in the comments and I’ll rate them in the next post that should go out within a week or so. I’ll also be logging each character that I rate in a lil spreadsheet that you can check out here to keep track of all the ratings or whatever. Stay hydrated my dudes.
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Guedin Fan Game
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Visualize how awesome it would have now been in the event that you ultimately got to release your huge military against that issue, getting it down speedily but using a true sensation of development from your before struggle. There the Android irritated get help and there guaranteed appear to be alot in need of assistance. But the emotional reaction you will include, just the easy work of anyone examining everything, along with the intense panic generated by something as basic. Some of the most widely used activities on iPhone and iPad aren't just some of the very complicated but, thanks to in-software expenditures (IAP), several of the priciest. With time six approaching, lovers are once more attempting to imagine if Gendry will actually appear. Comes with a SD-Card slot. Anyone make the right items but as somebody who has possessed numerous iOS and devices, I Would much somewhat game on iOS. Your person proficiency improved, although confident within an video game you spent a lot of money. Mobile gaming is just possibly a lot easier for these to find period for, particularly since public travel will be a lot less unusual in China. Simply do not link it theres, to fb or recreation center ways to realize all you need without paying for something no cheats necessary. But before purchasing an used portable -02 cost in Delhi you have to become prepared for demeanour any type of reduction for that cause that all things considered, the you that are cellular all acquiring has recently utilized. And also subsequently, because Android doesn't have any rules on outdoors software installment, there are plenty of websites willing to disperse the emulators anyhow. 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Transformers: Battle Tactics is really a free-to- play with mobile-game returning soon from Hasbro and DeNA. Thus Micromax GC360 mobilephone is without several features like camera excellent, QWERTY pad that is key, internet connectivity functions, color accessibility, battery copy etc but concludes the research of several Indian buyers who want dual-sim telephone at cost that is affordable. I was raised with World and Sim City and you can find lots of imitations on cellular having IAP crappola that we WOn't acquire today,. Finished. everyone must recognize is in addition, although although the browser games will continue to work on most surfers, not just Opera OS stainless regarding windows IE etc., PERmac, chrome It's this that yahoo will. Entrepreneurs are getting out of bed towards the chance of outstanding accessible with staff and their consumers 24X7 through their phones so that critical judgements will not have to wait till another morning. It warrants that by being much more and bigger such as for instance a total growth, featuring a variety of new part content as well as one main new pursuit brand, plus fresh locations, foes and so on. As the recreation doesn't stray not even close to the map and world proven in The Witcher SEVERAL correct, Minds of Rock finds a way to heart anyone apart to an all-new area practically quickly within the form of a dank, faded sewage beneath a city players could have visited before.
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aniss055 · 2 years
Harvestella: everything we know about THE big surprise of the Nintendo Direct
Harvestella: everything we know about THE big surprise of the Nintendo Direct
Game News Harvestella: everything we know about THE big surprise of the Nintendo Direct Published on 06/29/2022 at 18:49 If we found games expected during the Nintendo Direct yesterday (Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, Mario + The Rabbids 2, Persona 5 Royal), it was also not stingy with surprises. And there is one that stood out more than the others: Harvestella, a Nintendo Switch console…
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wonderlilane · 6 years
its so weird how nintendo tries to bill themselves as the “budget-friendly gaming company :)” with things like the 2DS and (until now) free internet service, but then there are things like the nes/snes classics which nintendo intentionally throttled production of, all switch controller options costing more than a full-priced switch game, the online service deleting cloud data w/o continuous subscription, the awfully stingy mynintendo rewards program.......... everything about the switch era has been an absolute price gouge
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aion-rsa · 3 years
30 Best Nintendo Switch Games
After four years of the Wii U, we were eagerly anticipating its successor. While there were plenty of great games on the doomed platform, the Wii U just never caught fire with the public at large. But four years into the Switch’s lifespan, and Nintendo has turned things around dramatically.
Instead of winding things down, the Switch shows no signs of slowing down, with plenty of excellent third party games in its library, as well as more than a few innovative titles from the Big N as well. The platform has also been a great way to bring underrated Wii U gems to a broader audience of Switch adopters. With a rumored 4K upgrade on the horizon, there’s a good chance that the Switch may even have another four years ahead of it,
But for now, these are the very best games available for the portable-console hybrid:
30. Untitled Goose Game
2019 | House House
Anyone who’s even been to a pond can attest to one simple fact: Geese are dicks. Untitled Goose Game lets you finally live out the fantasy of being one of nature’s most annoying creatures, flapping, honking, and generally being a nuisance to the residents of a fair English town. The only thing missing is the goose poop covering everything in sight.
Untitled Goose Game is a short but sweet experience inspired by classic stealth games that adds just enough charm and innovation to make it one of the best indie games on the platform.
29. Dark Souls Remastered
2018 | FromSoftware
There’s not much more that can be said about Dark Souls that hasn’t been said about this revolutionary action RPG title already. Its tough-as-nails difficulty, foreboding atmosphere, and esoteric storytelling have made it a fan-favorite and critical darling.
The Switch port doesn’t change much. It’s actually a visual downgrade from the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions without the benefit of 4K resolution, but being able to play Dark Souls on-the-go more than makes up for that. This may not be the best version of Dark Souls, but the gameplay still stands up, and like a lot of Switch ports, being able to finally play the game on a handheld makes it a worthy pick up.
28. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
2017 | Ubisoft
“What if Mario starred in an XCOM game?” might sound like the basis for some very ambitious fan fiction, but somehow Ubisoft pulled it off with Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. The Rabbids actually fit into the Mushroom Kingdom pretty well and the Rabbid impersonations of Mario and company are hilarious.
Even if Mario games aren’t typically your cup of tea, the tactics featured in this turn-based strategy title add a layer of difficulty rarely seen in the plumber’s resume. If you aren’t careful, the corrupted Rabbids will repeatedly hand you your ass on a platter.
27. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
2018 | Nintendo
The Captain Toad levels were the best parts of Super Mario 3D World, one of the few well-reviewed Wii U exclusives that haven’t yet made it to the Switch. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker delivered more of what people loved, this time for the 3DS.
Ignoring traditional Mario-style platforming for isometric puzzles that bar jumping, getting all the stars in every level of Captain Toad is genuinely challenging but rarely frustrating. Captain Toad also stands out as one of the better Wii U ports for the Switch, thanks to a number of new levels, although many of them are only available as paid DLC.
26. Starlink: Battle for Atlas
2018 | Ubisoft
Starlink: Battle for Atlas is a fun space shooter bogged down by a confusing and frankly unnecessary toys-to-life gimmick. The basic premise equates to a sort of smaller scale No Man’s Sky, but with highly customizable ships and weapons.
The big draw for the Switch version is exclusive Star Fox content, missions that feel like the animal-themed space combat game people have wanted from Nintendo for years. They’re certainly better than Star Fox Zero. The retail version even comes with awesome Arwing and Fox McCloud toys. 
With gamers largely burned out on the toys-to-life phenomenon, Starlink didn’t exactly light up the sales charts, but it did sell best on the Switch and is scratching that Star Fox itch.
25. Hollow Knight
2018 | Team Cherry 
Nintendo basically created the Metroidvania genre, but the company has been remarkably stingy about releasing new 2D Metroid games. Thankfully, Hollow Knight is here to fill the void with its insect-filled underground world. While there have been many takes on the Metroidvania formula over the years, a Tim Burton-esque aesthetic gives Hollow Knight a unique edge over the rest of the field.
Of course, Metroidvanias are only as strong as their maps, and Hollow Knight’s giant, secret-filled levels are easy to get lost in for hours. And then there’s the Dark Souls-inspired combat, which requires both patience and skill to master. We can’t wait for the sequel.
24. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
2017 | Monolith Soft
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is not for casual gamers. The main story alone takes more than 60 hours to complete and you’re looking at well over 100 hours of gameplay if you dig into the side content. Its systems, particularly the Pokemon-style Blade system, aren’t very user-friendly and require time to truly understand. But for those who are willing to keep with it, or who enjoy complex stories and mastering all the intricacies of a JRPG, there are few games of this caliber available on the current crop of consoles. And none of them are on the Switch.
23. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
2019 | Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is arguably the very best game for the original Game Boy, held back only by the portable’s lack of buttons and color. The Switch-exclusive remake easily rectifies those issues, and improves on this classic with so much more, including customizable dungeons and a delightful new art style inspired by children’s toys.
The core Link’s Awakening experience remains as enjoyable as it first was back in 1993, with the deceptively small Koholint Island giving way to nine labyrinthine dungeons and some of the best puzzles in the entire series. This is a great example of a remake done right.
22. Stardew Valley
2017 | ConcernedApe
There’s something oddly relaxing about farming games that Stardew Valley taps into better than any other game in the niche genre. Maybe it’s the especially calming music, the charmingly well-written characters, or just being able to live out your agricultural dreams at your own pace. Whatever the exact reason, Stardew Valley has garnered millions of fans since its original release.
Part of the appeal is the regular updates. Just when you think you’ve seen everything, ConcernedApe will add new content to keep the game fresh. And while Stardew Valley is a fantastic experience on any of the numerous platforms it’s currently available on, being able to play it anywhere on the Switch arguably makes it the definitive version. 
21. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
2019 | Nintendo
The Switch’s success has allowed many Wii U games to enjoy a second life. With their brief levels, Mario games have always been perfect for handhelds, and with its pitch-perfect controls and heavy nods to Super Mario Bros. 3, New Super Mario Bros. U is arguably the best side-scrolling Mario game of the last decade. The Switch port even includes all of the New Super Luigi U content previously only available as DLC and a new playable character, Toadette.
20. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2017 | Bethesda Game Studios
We probably didn’t need another version of Skyrim, and the Switch port doesn’t look that much better than the original 2011 release, but as with other ports of older games, the ability to play one of the greatest RPGs anywhere is a good reason to double (or triple) dip. And there are a few cool unlockables though amiibos, like the Master Sword.
It’s impossible to ignore such a classic RPG on the Switch, especially now that you can play it on your lunch break or on the bus. But seriously, Bethesda, you can stop porting Skyrim now. Get to work on The Elder Scrolls VI and maybe bring that to the Switch.
19. Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu/Eevee
2018 | Game Freak
The Pokemon franchise has been around so long at this point that the Let’s Go games are actually the second remakes of the original 1996 Red and Blue games. That’s okay though, as even the last remakes were released on the Game Boy Advance in 2004. By 2018, it was time for a new coat of paint.
Let’s Go freshens things up with modern 3D graphics, wild Pokemon that are now visible in the overworld, and Mega Evolutions from more recent games. The biggest change is the most divisive: motion controls for catching Pokemon. It can be a little silly at first, but it actually adds to the game’s charm.
18. Luigi’s Mansion 3
2019 | Nintendo
Luigi has long played second fiddle to his more famous brother, but after three spooky solo games, he’s built up a successful franchise in its own right that ranks up there among Nintendo’s best. If the previous Luigi’s Mansion games had a flaw, it’s that they got a little repetitive. Luigi’s Mansion 3 thankfully fixes that problem with a massive 17-story hotel with plenty of puzzles to solve and ghosts to trap. And while Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a fantastic single player experience, what really gives it legs is its co-operative modes for 2-8 players, making it the best ghostbusting game since, well…Ghostbusters.
17. Octopath Traveler
2018 | Square Enix
Square Enix’s love letter to 16-bit RPGs might just be better than the classics. Octopath Traveler boasts an innovative battle system that tweaks the typical turn-based formula and unique “HD-2D” graphics that are unlike anything else in the genre. It’s easy to lose several hours playing in portable mode or at home on a big screen. And while the story drags a little bit at times, it’s still worth playing to the end to see how the tales of all eight protagonists play out.
16. Astral Chain
2019 | PlatinumGames
PlatinumGames’ streak of creating the best and most unique action games in the industry continues with Astral Chain. Everything that has made the developer’s past titles like Bayonetta and Nier: Automata instant classics is on full display here, from the massive set pieces to the bonkers anime-inspired story of humanity making its last stand against an interdimensional threat.
And while you’d think those previous efforts pushed combat in an action game to its limits, Astral Chain’s innovative gameplay finds way to introduce new twists to the Platinum secret sauce. Here, you control both your main character and a fully customizable tethered Legion to maximize combos. This is the perfect game to tie you over until Platinum finishes up Bayonetta 3.
15. Bayonetta 2
2018 | PlatinumGames
The first Bayonetta was a sexy, stylish take on action-adventure hack and slash games, with some of the smoothest combat around and a badass protagonist. Bayonetta 2 doesn’t mess with the winning formula but adds more combat options and some of the most ridiculous setpieces ever put in a game, like a battle on top of a moving fighter jet. If you’re looking for something a little less family-friendly on the Switch, look no further than this hectic action game.
14. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
2018 | Retro Studios
The original Donkey Kong Country trilogy is a highlight of the 16-bit era, but in hindsight, it was more beloved for its graphics than its gameplay. It was only once Retro Studios took over the series that the franchise began to live up to its potential, with super smooth platforming and levels more creative than even some of Nintendo’s Super Mario games.
While Retro’s first Donkey Kong Country game on the Wii was a little too punishing, Tropical Freeze got the balance between challenging and frustrating just right. The game was originally released on the Wii U, and the Switch port adds Funky Kong as a playable character. This is an excellent platformer to play with a friend, too!
13. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury
2021 | Nintendo
Super Mario 3D World is a top-notch Mario game, so it was always a shame that it released on a platform as underwhelming as the Wii U. The genius of the game is how it so perfectly combines the best elements of 2D and 3D Mario games. Levels have clear beginnings and endings, and ultimately you just need to climb the flag pole at the goal, but there’s also plenty of room for exploration to track down every last green star. Plus, the cat suit is one of the weirdest and best power-ups in any Mario game.
Everything that made the original Wii U release a must-have remains the highlight of the Switch port, but the addition of Bowser’s Fury, a new adventure where Mario and Bowser Jr. must quickly complete missions before the arrival of a giant, enraged Bowser, makes this one well worth a double dip.
12. Pokemon Sword and Shield
2019 | Game Freak
Sword and Shield may not be the best games in the long-running Pokemon series. Arguably, the lack of some older Pokemon (even after two big expansions) is a pretty big mark against it, but the eighth generation still has a lot going for it thanks to more streamlined gameplay, a massive open-world, and the fact this is the first time a mainline Pokemon game can be played on a home console. That’s something that fans have been clamoring for since the series’ inception back in 1996.
So no, you can’t quite “catch ‘em all,” but you can still have a great time battling the gym leaders of Galar in the seemingly never-ending quest to become the very best. 
11. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
2018 | Firaxis Games
Despite the Switch’s early success, it’s still home to relatively few third-party console exclusives, but Civilization VI alone almost makes up for that deficit. This is an uncompromising PC port with 24 different civilizations available from the get-go, and all of the features from the original version. It also works great with either a controller or touchscreen controls. If you’re looking for a 4X strategy game on the Switch, Civilization VI is the one. 
10. Diablo III: Eternal Collection
2018 | Blizzard Entertainment
Diablo III is one of the best games of the last decade. The Switch port is late to the party, but if you really want to slay demons on the go and don’t have a laptop handy, this is the perfect way to play the classic action RPG. 
The Switch version adds a handful of Legend of Zelda items, including a Ganondorf costume. It’s not an earth-shattering exclusive, but it’s an easy excuse to sink a few more hours into this game.
9. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
2019 | Nintendo
Nintendo is still mostly known for accessible games that appeal to a wider audience. But then there’s Fire Emblem, a series of hardcore tactical RPGs where every battle can mean permanent death for you and your allies. While still true to its roots, Three Houses takes some liberties with the typical Fire Emblem gameplay. There are still plenty of battles to be fought, but the first half of the game largely takes place at a monastery where you’re a teacher preparing your students for war. And the long-used “weapon triangle” has mostly been replaced with the need to equip the best weapons for each character, adding a new layer of strategy.
As if all that didn’t make for dozens of hours of gameplay, the ability to choose which of the titular three houses you belong to has radically different consequences for the game’s story. It takes a very long time to experience everything that Three Houses has to offer.
8. Super Mario Maker 2
2019 | Nintendo
Super Mario Maker 2 is the definitive Mario game, building on its already near-perfect predecessor with new power ups, a world maker, and assets from Super Mario 3D World. The star of the show is the almost endless supply of user created levels that constantly surprise with twists on other genres and some of the most fiendishly difficult levels ever devised. And if you’re the creative type, the course maker remains one of the most intuitive modes in any game, allowing you to design perfectly playable new levels in just a few minutes.
Even if making Mario levels isn’t you’re thing, Super Mario Maker 2 includes a surprisingly fun story mode of 100 original levels that stand toe-to-toe with anything else in the legendary franchise.
7. Hades
2020 | Supergiant Games
Rarely do story, gameplay, and atmosphere mesh together as well as they do in the rogue-lite Hades. You play as Zagreus, the prince of the Underworld, with the simple goal of escaping from the monotonous life you’re forced to lead under your apathetic father. You’ll die a lot during this quest, but each time you’ll get a little stronger and gain new abilities from the gods of Olympus that keep the experience fresh. Hades knows exactly how to leverage its setting, perfectly capturing each deity’s unique personality and abilities.
The rogue-lite gameplay is also well suited for short bursts of gameplay or marathon sessions, making it a perfect fit for the Switch, which is currently the only home console its available on. It’s easily the best third-party game on the system, and one of the best reasons to pick up a Switch if you haven’t already. 
6. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
2017 | Nintendo
Mario Kart 8 is the best kart racing game ever made. That was true with the original Wii U release and it’s true of the Switch port, which includes all previously released DLC and adds a few new characters and a completely reworked battle mode. Each and every track has its own challenges and the addition of anti-gravity racing is a nice update to the formula.
With tracks and characters from F-Zero, The Legend of Zelda, and Animal Crossing, Mario Kart 8 also feels like the most complete Nintendo racing game of all time. There’s really no reason for a Switch owner not to have this one in their collection.
5. Splatoon 2
2017 | Nintendo
Nintendo has never developed a multiplayer shooter like Call of Duty or Halo. Odds are it never will. But the Splatoon series is just as good as those shooters, especially the second installment. Like with the original, the focus of Splatoon 2 is to use a variety of paint-spraying weapons to cover as much of each level as possible. It’s actually a lot more fun and creative than most of the high-profile shooters out there.
Splatoon 2 adds quite a few new levels, weapons, and unlockables. There’s also a sizable single-player mode, and a ridiculously fun cooperative mode called Salmon Run. If that’s not enough content, Nintendo released the lengthy Octo Expansion DLC in 2018. A copy of Splatoon 2 could occupy a Switch gamer for months.
4. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
2020 | Nintendo
For a lot of people, Animal Crossing isn’t just a game. It’s life. New Horizons was always highly anticipated, but its release at the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdowns made it a much-needed escape for millions of people. Birthdays, graduations, and weddings couldn’t be held in-person, so many were celebrated within New Horizons. Even President Biden and Hong Kong democracy activists set up their own islands.
Even without the specter of Covid-19, New Horizons would still be one of the best games on the Switch. Nintendo has been perfecting the franchise for two decades now, but this version of Animal Crossing is easily the best yet, allowing for near-limitless customization of your own little world. And yet you’re still free to play at your own pace, without any of the pressure of the outside world. The ultimate appeal of Animal Crossing continues to be that it allows us to live our ideal lives.
3. Super Mario Odyssey
2017 | Nintendo
Is Super Mario Odyssey the best 3D Mario game? It’s hard to argue otherwise. Odyssey borrows its level structure and progression system from the beloved Super Mario 64, which Nintendo had largely ignored for the last two decades. Several new twists on the traditional 3D platforming formula, like the ability to throw your new hat buddy Cappy at enemies to take control of them, make Super Mario Odyssey feel incredibly fresh. There probably won’t be another platformer this good on the Switch.
2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2018 | Nintendo
Super Smash Bros. has remained wildly popular since it debuted in 1999, and there’s always been a lively debate about which title is the best in the series. Melee arguably has the best mechanics, while Brawl’s Subspace Emissary boasts the most complete story mode. The Wii U game looks fantastic, but the Ice Climbers and Snake were sorely missed.
Ultimate tries to satisfy the fans of each game by including every character who’s ever appeared in the series (plus a few new ones), more than 100 stages from throughout the Nintendo universe, a deep adventure mode called World of Light, and interesting tweaks to even the oldest characters in the roster. If Ultimate isn’t the perfect installment of Smash Bros., we don’t know what is.
Further Reading: Super Smash Bros. Characters Ranked
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2017 | Nintendo
Breath of the Wild is the perfect marriage of traditional Legend of Zelda 3D gameplay and innovative new systems. The world and story are unmistakably Hylian, yet the game puts a major focus on exploration and experimentation to an extent never before seen in the series.
Yes, the number of weapons have been cut down drastically, but the handful of abilities — like freezing time and creating ice blocks — create even more ways to complete the game’s challenges and traverse its world. And you will want to explore every last inch of Hyrule’s beautifully realized world.
For almost two decades, Zelda games closely following the formula established by Ocarina of Time, one of the greatest games ever made. Breath of the Wild throws out almost all of the concepts that Ocarina pioneered and redefines Zelda as something more open-ended and exciting that will hopefully continue to evolve over the next few years.
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The post 30 Best Nintendo Switch Games appeared first on Den of Geek.
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bahamutgames · 3 years
Afterthoughts S: Definitive Edition
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Game: DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition (September 27, 2019)
Console: Xbox One (Via Xbox Game Pass)
Hey, it’s me again! It feels like it’s been forever since I last beat a big game with a lot of stuff to talk about. But the last time was actually only a month ago with New Super Lucky’s Tale. In the mean time I’ve been playing a couple of smaller games, tiny indie titles, a few fighting games. But nothing that I couldn’t summarize in a small twitter thread (which you can follow my twitter here if you want to see my art or just support me shilling my other accounts.)
Anyway! Just got done with another major RPG! After Nier Automata, I knew this was a game I really wanted to play before my Game Pass subscription expired. And after toiling away at it for the past month, I’m finally ready to give you all my thoughts on Dragon Quest 11!  As always, this isn’t meant to be review. But just a general throw up of my thoughts and feelings after beating the game, because I love talking so much. As such, this shouldn’t be taken as a serious critique of the game, and shouldn’t be expected to be well written or thought out. Please do check out the game if it interests you at all!
Prior to this, the only Dragon Quest game I had played was DQ 8: Journey of the Cursed King on Nintendo 3DS. I liked it, and thought it was pretty good. But wasn’t perfect and felt a little unnecessarily tedious to get through. But when 11 came out, I saw a ton of people saying it was an amazing RPG. People I followed who weren’t really into RPGs (as far as I knew) were raving about it. So I was really interested to give it a shot myself, but didn’t have the chance until I got game pass.
Stuff I liked
Where to begin? This is a 60 hour game so there’s a lot to talk about. I think first and foremost I just wanna gush about how pretty this game is! The graphics are amazing, I love how the environments are realistic but super brightly colored and saturated, making for ton of gorgeous areas that I couldn’t stop myself from taking pictures of. And Akira Toriyama’s just being placed in these beautiful worlds look so good and amazing. Without a doubt, especially considering its more on the realistic side, this is one of the nicest looking RPGs I’ve played.
Speaking of which, I really loved the character designs. Toriyama does fantastic work that I really like with pretty much everything, but his work on RPGs always tend to be my favorites. The designs for all the main teammates looked super good and all the monsters were really cool looking too. He really knows how to design cool looking dragons, this guy just gets it. On the same not of characters, the characters are fantastic. I really love everyone on the main team (my favorite was probably Serena.) They’re all super fun and I love the way they interact and really seem like a group of good friends. It was great to see how they all interact and work together. A scene that particularly sticks out is when they all forge a new sword of light together, which was fantastic.
I also thought the story and world was cool. Similar to my thoughts on DQ8, the story is pretty simple and easy to follow, but that doesn’t take away from it. It kind of feels like a fairy tale told on a grand scale. I love the idea of the Luminary, and Serenica being reborn into twins is awesome, Erdwin’s Lantern was a cool idea. And of course, Yggdrasil being a huge ass tree flying in the sky is absolutely the best thing ever, that’s so cool. ALSO, I have to give special shoutouts to Mordegon’s Sword of Darkness, coolest thing on the entire planet, I love swords with freaky giant eyes frantically looking around on them.
Lastly, I really liked the gameplay and combat of this game. I thought the way battles are set up as still being traditional turnbased combat but with the ability to freely walk around the field and look at the arenas was awesome. And getting to walk up to teammates to see their thoughts mid battle is super cool. Of course I loved all the different spells you can learn, and all the abilities you get through level ups. A new feature in this one (at least it’s new to me) is the Pep Up state, which is also cool. Particularly because it allows for Crossover Attacks between teammates, which is always the best thing an RPG can include, but most RPGs just choose not to. But DQ11 has it in spades and it ROCKS, there’s so much cool and genuinely useful crossover moves I didn’t even get to see all of them. And a final cool piece of the battle system was the ability to actually change equipment and teammates mid battle. I’m unsure if I’ve ever played a game that allowed for this (though I know they exist) but I thought it really made it feel like you could make use of your whole team and all your equipment. Being able to change teammates and what weapons they use for appropriate strategies was super fun.
Stuff I didn’t like
And, I did really like DQ11. I think I might even like it more than 8. There’s a ton of improvements. I feel like it’s less stingy with EXP, I feel like it was all around just easier to navigate and handle. But I still had a fair amount of issues with the game. Particularly in the- say it with me if you know what’s coming- post Yggdrasil content!! Prior to Yggdrasil, the game was buttery smooth. I flew through the whole thing and loved every second of it with minimal roadblocks (as opposed to DQ8 which roadblocked me at every boss.) And by the time I reached Yggdrasil, I realized I had been playing for 30 hours and didn’t even realize it! That’s awesome and pretty impressive considering I’ve played shorter games that felt like double that.
So, the game starts to crawl a little bit before Yggdrasil in my opinion. Once you have to start looking for the orbs, the game just kinda teeters for a bit there randomly. Like, the orbs are meant to be kind of a big deal, and yet the purple and whichever one you find in the bird dungeon thing (lol) basically get no fanfare. It felt like they were forgotten about and just had to be thrown in at the last second. Now, you could argue that the whole mural thing and the bird boss were those orbs’ fanfare. But it still felt so odd to me. Then, Yggdrasil falls.
I liked the post Yggdrasil stuff, I really did. I thought it was all pretty great from a story and character point of view. And getting to see the world that was so beautiful be corrupted and filled with powerful monsters was neat. I loved Sylvando’s whole parade thing, and every one else’s was cool too. But that’s kinda it. The whole section just drags along as you play with most of your team just gone and it goes so slow. And a lot of it really felt like it could have been condensed down a bit, I mean they don’t even show you what happened to Serena. Which I guess was because of what happened to Veronica but, still?
Again, it’s good story content and I don’t necessarily want any of it removed. But damn man, it really grinds to halt. And I also felt like it got really brutal during this part for no reason, kind of out of nowhere. The skeleton spectral sentinel, Gloomivore, and Booga were MASSIVE hurdles for me to get over randomly. And it got so bad I genuinely considered dropping the game because I just didn’t have the patience. It felt like an NES game again out of nowhere. Now, I do want to blame this on maybe not use the character builder right, or something. But still it was just so annoying out of nowhere. Thankfully I found the perfect strategy of Oomphle on Hendrick, Sap on the enemy, then have Hendrick spam Unbridled Blade, which was foolproof and beat every boss after that.
Thankfully once Serena joins your team again, and everyone is there (minus one aha) the game really picks up steam again. Everything after that was a breeze and went by without any issues. I think I hit one roadblock afterwards and it was pretty easy to just grind past. So I don’t know what happened there. The only other part I have a problem with is I do feel like the game ends rather abruptly. Like, not majorly. But I wouldn’t have minded seeing more about what happens between Eleven and Gemma or something. But that’s what the post game content is for I guess!
Some other nitpicks are that, I didn’t care about the music again. I think I liked more music in this one than DQ8, but still I’d be hard pressed to actually remember any songs from this game. I’m listening to the OST as we speak and other than the battle theme, I feel like I don’t remember what they sound like at all. And that’s probably cause I hate the composer but hey what can you do? I also wish it was easier to find Metal Slimes. I know they’re meant to be rare but I would’ve appreciated some appearing in the overworld just anywhere outside of the dragon chase scene? Weird to me you have randomly encounter them on the side of other enemeis.
Outside of that, uh. I think the Tockles were SUPER tick-tocked onto the game? It seemed like they were going to be massively important, but they just weren’t? I felt like you could’ve removed them and it would have made no change. I also thought there was gonna be WAY more time travel stuff. The scenes where you see the past are some of the best imo. Meeting Chalky from the past, playing as Rab in his kingdom, helping Eleven’s dad pass on. But these don’t feel enough to name the game “Echoes of an Illusive Age” if that makes sense? It just felt like there was supposed to be way more stuff with the Tockles and Time Travel stuff that just didn’t happen. 
Now that I’m remembering it, it felt like there was TONS of stuff built up that just didn’t really go anywhere. Another big one is the whole deal with Erdwin’s lanter? Who was the guy who cut it in half? What was the deal with the lantern? Why did it fall? What was up with the dark Tockle? Wanna give any information on that? No? Okay. But if I had to guess, these all are explored heavily in the post game content, which is cool but sadly I did not have the time to play it. Maybe one day I’ll pick up a copy of the game and play through it fully.
Final Thoughts
Yeah it was good.
I am a huge fan of RPGs, but Dragon Quest just hadn’t fully clicked with me. I played 8 and liked it, but wasn’t blown away. I wouldn’t say I was blown away by this one either, but I am certainly very impressed and am eagerly anticipating whatever Dragon Quest 12 ends up being. This series is super founded in tradition (even if that tradition is detrimental to the gameplay imo?) but this game felt like a true evolution of that tradition while still holding onto it in the right ways. Are there ways to improve the game? Oh yeah, tons! But this is already a good step in the right direction. I will certainly be visiting the series more eventually (particularly 3, 4, and 5 are ones I’m curious about.) But I will probably emulate them to cheat when I run into roadblocks again.
After playing this, I also went back to play as Hero in Smash. They are still one of the best, if not my favorite character in the game. I think they are so fun and I love the randomness element that comes with them. Their stage is great too!
Also, seeing this gorgeous RPG with Akira Toriyama art in it made me REALLY want a new Blue Dragon. Like, REALLY bad. Please Microsoft if you’re listening PLEASE give us a new Blue Dragon. I don’t care what genre of RPG it is just give us a new one please I’m begging. Make it look like DQ11 and it will be the best game of all time.
Okay but enough of that. Thanks for skimming through or just letting me talk for a bit. For some reason the longer I held this one off, the less and less I felt like talking about it? Which is strange cause it’s a big game and I felt like I had tons to say during it. The only reason I even finished this and decided to post it was cause I already started it. Basically what I’m saying is that don’t be surprised if I just start making REALLY teeny tiny posts here instead of big rambles like this one.
But until then, I have work to do. I played through the Ty 2 HD remake on Switch recently and loved it all over again. I will maybe talk about that later. At the moment I’m playing Tales of Vesperia. Thanks again for putting up with me ramble about games, see you next time! Play something you love that puts you in an adventurous mood!
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yuutxs · 6 years
Possessiveness & Obsessions
Shinkai Yuuto had been a mysterious figure for each and every one in the life of the Shinkai brothers; the way he openly dismissed Hayato’s presence in his life in a manner as if it was the most repulsive thing to be compared to that guy, everyone thought there was some bad blood going on, when truth be told, it was the opposite, entirely.
Ever since childhood, Yuuto had been the clingy type -- always looking for physical closeness, when being around Hayato, he would not hesitate to hold his hand in public, less because of the fear of getting lost in a crowd, but more so of the fear that someone was out there to take what was his, or when he’d share his brother’s girly items and found a fascination for everything cute and girly on his own, simply to impress the older male, wanting to have common grounds with him and wanting to constantly be with him. Of course, that had been more easy when they were younger: while Yuuto had been dependable on the redhead, Hayato would never leave his side and always double-check if he was fine. Therefore, Yuuto lovingly called him ‘oniichan’ all the time. It was oniichan here, oniichan there, not even his mother was asked for as many times as the redhead. Though, the older they had gotten, the more involved Hayato had gotten with friends -- people from school, people from after-school-activities. And each and every single time, it had been like a dagger to Yuuto’s fragile heart. As much as he was attempting to cling harder onto the girly aspects, collecting more cute items, going as far as to own a few skirts and dresses, he verbally also dissociated at the same time. ‘Oniichan’ soon became ‘aniki’, and while he was going wilder and wilder about cross-dressing and wishing so, so bad to be a girl, it eventually turned into ‘Hayato-kun’ as if they were mere school friends and no longer brothers.
His wish to be closer again had been stronger than ever. But his pride was not allowing so, all the while people said ‘Do that thing your brother does’, needing to explain that he was not his brother, and all the while everyone was flocking around Hayato, adoring him, admiring him -- of course they would!!! He was gorgeous and he was gentle, he always had the nicest things to say and never failed to be supportive and kind. Everything about that guy made the boy’s head spin and he wished so badly for him to have a little bit of that softness, a little bit of that girlishness, a little bit of that kindness just to meet eye-to-eye and not be shoved aside by friends... but it was like a toxic, stingy and snarky hornet attempting to become a fluffy and timid bunny. It was in no way, shape or form possible, and that’s what hurt the most.
It had been late in the evening, supper time long passed and Yuuto -- yet again -- sat on the same table with his mother and no Hayato in sight. It upset him. “Ah, sure seems like Hayato is out practising hard again for InHigh...” -- “Eh...” The boy replied to his mother, stuffing his face angrily with rice. “Don’t you want to practise with your oniichan too? It’ll be easier that way to enter the team.” No... no, he does not want it the easy way! He could’ve easily practised with his brother, training to become a sprinter like him -- but he chose to become a climber so he could excel at what he was doing without his brother’s name and/or reputation. “Ah.” He merely replied to his mother, not wanting to go into details. Oniichan... it’s been so long he actually said that... “You should be nicer to your big brother, and stop calling him Hayato-kun.” As if she could’ve read his mind. He stopped eating for a moment before slurping his soup, getting up to carry his bowls to the sink. “Thanks for the meal, okasan.” He said lamely, rinsing out the porcelain before he headed upstairs furiously. He was late again, he was late again, it pissed him off so much!!! It was so much easier spending time with him when they were younger... now everyone was more important than Yuuto! It pissed him off!!!
While he laid on his bed, playing on his Nintendo device to kill some time, he eventually heard the older come home, greeting their mother. His heart started racing both with jealousy and excitement; he was home now and it was all that mattered, but at the same time, it was so, so infuriating that he had to wait so long. Getting up from his bed, he stood by the door of his room, pressed his ear against the door, shushing his heart in order to be able and hear the man. Their rooms were really close, so that came in handy in times like these. Listening carefully to the creaking of the wooden floor, once he could make sure that the other was close enough and heading towards his room, Yuuto opened the door the slightest and peeked his head out merely to have the other see his ruby red eye burning almost like a fire in the darkness.
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“こんばんは, Hayato-kun.” The younger addressed formally, moving his head out a little more to face the other properly, though still not leaving his room; the hand that held the door knob was trembling with anger -- he was not sure how to deal with these kinds of emotions. Displeasure was more than visible on his face. “You’re late.” He added, clinging onto the knob so hard that his knuckles turned white, though none of that being visible to the taller male. “Where have you been? Who were you with? Was Izumida with you?” Disrespecting that man’s existence by not even giving him any form of honorifics, his other hand formed a fist and pressed it against the door frame, out of sight from the other. “You promised me to have girls night tonight. You told me that we could do fun stuff together.” Yuuto shot down everyone at his middle school class who wanted to hang out -- all for Hayato. Of course, he made up excuses that he was busy, not mentioning his brother once, but in his heart and soul, it was all for Hayato. As hard as it was to keep a level-head and a calm tone in his voice, his eyes were speaking all the emotions that he kept bottled up so neatly. It made him sick. Izumida, Fukutomi, Toudou, all these bastards. Hayato was his!!! His only brother, his big brother, his and his only!!! How dare they...?! Was he forgetting him?! Was he not important enough?! “Hayato-kun. Answer me.” 
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easy-win-games-blog · 7 years
Cities: Skylines - Xbox One Edition Review
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My gaming patterns are weird. Unless there’s something I’m super passionate about, I don’t often go in on big new games. At the moment I have RDR2 on preorder, and I bought Mario Odyssey right when it came out. But apart from these releases, I tend to either rotate my library of favourites or go in on cheaper things I’ve had my eye on for a while. And sometimes I get absolutely fucking hooked.
This is where Cities: Skylines comes in.
Cities: Skylines is a city building simulator, full of everything you might expect (minus a few features lost in the translation from PC to console). When you start up a new game you pick a region to build in (tropical, temperate, winter, etc.), name your city and specify a few gameplay details before being dropped into a completely blank slate. You build roads, lay out building zones, sort out the financial side of things and place specialised service buildings to make your city thrive.
Gameplay-wise this is definitely a full game, and if you go in on the season pass developer Paradox Plaza have already started doling out great content. The most recent release was the addition of snow and the ‘winter’ areas, bringing new elements to planning your cities including heating and road maintenance. It’s very apparent, however, that a lot is missing when compared to the PC version. I haven’t personally played it, but I can see from YouTube clips and trailers that a lot of content, both launch and post-release, is absent. Something that is in the PC version that I would love to have in the Xbox version is the ability to shape terrain and deeper levels of micromanagement. That said, with the promise of semi-regular updates and expansions I’m confident this game will be much bigger in a year or two.
A minor note, but I would love the option to designate swimming areas for beaches. It feels redundant to pick a tropical beach-lined coast to build along and have no one on the sand or in the water. I’m Australian so this is important to me.
The whole thing is extremely mediative and very rewarding. I am not fully aware of how a city should be properly laid out, road-wise, and constantly get stuck with areas of heavy traffic and carpark-level congestion. But when I’m able to quell these situations, in spite of my naivety in urban planning, the wash of pride and relief I experience is remarkable. There’s just something about seeing hundreds of big-rig trucks slip seamlessly from freeway to industrial district to cargo hub and back to freeway that tickles me all over.
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Before picking up this gem the only city building sim I’d played was SimCity Creator released way back for the Nintendo Wii, and I was surprised at how much the two games have in common. While Creator is very much a simplified version of SimCity it’s funny seeing how much it shares with what is by all accounts the best city sim out at the moment. All the core elements are there: building roads in various ways and sizes, placing building zones and service buildings and balancing your city’s books. This isn’t super relevant, but since it’s my only real experience with this type of game other than Cities: Skylines I thought it might be important, just so you know where I’m coming from.
This game is the perfect passive game (see two paragraphs ago). A lot of the games I play (Hitman, Zelda BotW, Red Dead) are games with a lot of down time, or free time if that’s more applicable. Games in which you can do a lot and have a full experience, but not have to pause your podcast every five minutes to take in some exposition. I had been checking out Cities for months before getting it, watching the price go down (because I’m stingy) because I knew it would be ideal for me for this exact reason.
I feel like I’m repeating myself at this point, but I guess the core of what I’m saying is:
If you like your games to be relaxing yet challenging and to not completely consume your life, and you get off on trucks, then Cities: Skylines for Xbox or PS4, or probably even PC, is THE game for you.
A debt of only $0.99 — lots of room for improvement.
Have I forgotten anything? Did I neglect the need to connect the residential districts to the power grid? Is there a storm drain pumping raw sewerage all over the elementary school? Leave me a note or give me a beep and let me know your thoughts.
You’ll like this if you liked:
The SimCity franchise
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Any kind of management/building sim
- Review & illustration brewed in-house -
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everygame · 7 years
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Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (Nintendo 3DS)
Developed/Published by: Intelligent Systems, Nintendo SPD / Nintendo Released: March 13th, 2015 Completed: 25th April, 2017 Completion: Finished all the levels, collecting all but eight of the gears. Trophies / Achievements: n/a
Here’s another Nintendo failure, then! You know, I do like to complain that Nintendo only seem to pump out games in just a few franchises (Mario, Zelda, recently Fire Emblem) but here’s what happens whenever they put anything else out: it tanks. So no wonder they’re getting the idea that people just want the same thing over and over until they run it into the ground. And honestly, sometimes it’s fair that the things they release fail, because they’re insanely misguided (Metroid: Federation Force) but then it’s also sad because Nintendo then learns the wrong lesson from them (“people hate Metroid”).
I mean, the lesson they might have learned here—Intelligent System’s attempt at a Valkyria Chronicles-esque third-person strategy title—is probably “don’t let Intelligent Systems do anything except Fire Emblem” because bloody hell I can’t keep up with the number of Fire Emblems that have come out. (Remember Advance Wars? It’s been almost ten years, guys.)
And, frankly: it’s a shame. Because I liked Code Name: STEAM. I know, that’s insane. I hate everything. And let me state as caveat that I immediately installed the patch that allows you to speed up the enemy turns. But Code Name: STEAM is a completely serviceable strategy title that—outside of a few frustrations—I found completely pleasant.
Now, I can agree: it’s a bit weird looking. It doesn’t manage to nail the comic book look it wants, and the enemies are somewhat… dull. However, it’s got a weirdly interesting and diverse cast drawn from literature. It gets some points, for example, for gender-swapping Zorro (was this secretly why it failed? Neckbeard boycott?) but loses some for having Dorothy bare her midriff (why?) but maybe it gains those back by including Queen Califa. I’m not a perfect arbiter of points, ok?
It does have some other flaws. Many (most?) people complain about the lack of a true tactical view, but that didn’t bother me because it’s obviously not what they’re trying to do. With free movement before you commit (hindered by enemy overwatch attacks), it’s a game about careful scouting and much more about the feel of being in a small attack squad. I do think the game is much too stingy with its steam-based action points, meaning you travel through levels very slowly, and the game doesn’t have any good sense of a progression of power—all of the unlocks are similar in power levels, just different, when it could have done with more steam being offered as you unlock new boilers (for some reason, most boilers don’t refill fully each turn, and the ones that refill slowly that you unlock I found unusable. Rather a big misstep, I feel.)
I’d say the main mistakes they’ve made are in working against the slow, methodical play style that the limited action points engender. To mix things up they add a lot of “pressure”—first with baddies that spawn in (behind you, usually) which is a mild irritant, and then just the worst: “spotter” baddies in levels featuring mortar attacks.  They spawn and you have to get out of their line of sight or take a severe hit. Of course, so you can’t stall, you can’t kill them (just move them, hopefully out of sight, but it’s generally awkward to do) and this is insanely frustrating with the limited amount of action points on offer. There are certain levels where you will be harried to the point scouting is impossible, and you get situations where you stumble forward, get shot by a baddie with knock-back, and then land directly in the path of the spotter you thought you were escaping, and die by mortar. Oh, and there’s a couple of difficulty-spike levels outside of that: one with mounted guns that don’t have a clear range (frustrating) and another with a bunch of exploding enemies dropping in that I found… ragey.
Honestly, at least one of these levels had me considering stopping playing, and that’s really awful, because the game is so close to being an all-round nice time like Valkyria Chronicles. The final boss is a pain in the arse too, admittedly—but at least it’s nothing like the final boss of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, my last dalliance with an Intelligent Systems game.
However, the levels in which it works—it really works. In general the map design is clever, with a good mix of complex indoor and outdoor spaces, and while generally it’s a bad idea to split up your team of four, the level where you’re forced to do was a particularly fun one, I thought. There are far more fun levels than frustrating ones, it’s just the annoying ones are going to stick in your craw (I mean, they’re ultimately why I didn’t collect all the gears you can find in levels, and I wanted to.)
I’m gonna say that it’s weird to me that Code Name: STEAM didn’t get a fairer shake when it was released. It was slated by almost all reviewers with them almost all concentrating on the (pre-patch) lengthy wait between turns, and I guess that one mistake wrecked any chance of it managing critical acclaim at least.
Well: It’s got the only critical acclaim it truly needs: that I liked it. I mean, I didn’t love it or anything but I had a nice time. That should be more than enough!
Will I ever play it again? I won’t, but the sequel they tease at the end I would have played, except it shall never exist.
Final Thought: I recommend this, actually. I’m gonna… recommend it. Really! Because when I picked it up it was $5, and pretty much any store is gonna have it for pennies. You can do so much worse.
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