#but again personal ranking and not intended to be a statement on the worth of anyone's ships
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
rank your favorite ship in K and the reason why, ridia!!
Are we talking all my ships because I have a lot of ships XD Maybe just the highlights...also I feel this needs to be split into Fushimi ships and non-Fushimi ships because I have a bias okay.
So Fushimi ships:
1. Sarumi - As I once said on Twitter, I have many ships but at the end of the day I'm just a basic bitch who loves Sarumi. For me I think it all comes down to their wonderful dynamic, they have all this history and angst and pain and reconciliation and it's just perfect for me. I love how Yata was the first person to ever show Fushimi affection and how Fushimi just quietly clings to that all through middle school, how the two of them just manage to be on the same wavelength and become so important to each other that the idea of breaking apart feels like it could never happen. And then they join Homra and everything gets dragged down by misunderstanding and miscommunication and Fushimi's deep-seated issues that don't allow him to believe in Yata's honest affection the moment Yata finds someone else intriguing. So Fushimi breaks it himself and styles himself to become Yata's enemy, except he utterly fails at that because even with all the cruel words he speaks the both of them are just so clearly still unable to hate each other – Yata can't delete his phone number even after everything, Fushimi can't cut his ties to Yata completely, and it's all just waiting for these two to finally be honest and accept that their connection is too strong to be broken and I love that (though technically I love Misaru more because bottom Fushimi is my jam).
2. Reisaru – Second favorite pairing, another wonderful dynamic. This one's completely different from Sarumi but wonderful in its own way, how Munakata does really understand Fushimi in a way I think even Fushimi himself doesn't, and how Fushimi respects Munakata even if he won't ever say it out loud. I also love Munakata's doting side, how he gives Fushimi all this praise and makes a position in Scepter 4 just for him and basically is the one who gives Fushimi a place to belong. And Munakata as this pleasant dork who just wants his gloomy boyfriend to be happy is always fun, just imagining their dates with Munakata so eager for Fushimi to enjoy things and Fushimi acting annoyed when really he is in fact enjoying himself is a nice image.
3. Mikosaru, Hisaru, AkiFushi – Okay I'm cheating because honestly I can't rank these, I like them all equally. Mikosaru is tantalizing because they really shouldn't work but that's part of the fun, Fushimi hates Mikoto and is afraid of him but then at the same time it's clear in canon that despite what Fushimi thinks Mikoto does actually care for him. Their dynamic in general is just very full of possibilities and needs more attention.
Hisaru is a cute pairing with eager puppy dog Hidaka who wants to get to know Fushimi more and who won't let his superior's gloomy exterior bring him down. He's a bit like Yata with being all open and honest about his feelings but at the same time I think there's a bit more maturity there and none of the baggage that Sarumi have, instead Hidaka wants so much to learn about Fushimi and what he likes and doesn't like while also being a person who can give Fushimi the kind of open affection that he needs.
Akifushi is a more low key pairing, with Akiyama as the endlessly patient and mature type who worries for Fushimi while also letting Fushimi grow at his own pace. I admit I've kinda moved Akiyama into the positon of the guy who perpetually gives Fushimi drinks but it fits for them I think, in canon I feel like Fushimi treats Akiyama in a friendlier manner (in his own way) than any other member of the alphabet squad and I feel like Akiyama watches over him a bit. Instead of being someone who crashes into Fushimi's life like Yata or Hidaka Akiyama takes his time scaling those walls and he's always ready with a calm smile or soft encouragement that makes it hard for Fushimi to push him away (also secret dom Akiyama works very well with bottom Fushimi :3c).
4. TotsuFushi – You know that scene in LSW, where Mikoto saves Yata and Fushimi during the surprise party and Totsuka hugs Fushimi? Yeah, I like that scene. That's a good TotsuFushi scene. This is another good dynamic too, Totsuka who sees through Fushimi more than Fushimi would like and who seems kind but can also be very pointed and even a little cruel in his own way, and Fushimi who is uncomfortable when Totsuka's kind but would have no qualms pointing out that cruelty or those faults. 
5. KurohFushi – It's not really a crack pairing if they have a short story together, right? Blame the tweets book for this and that story where Kuroh makes Fushimi meat with veggies mixed in. I just want to see Kuroh scandalized by Fushimi's terrible everything and attempting to get him to become healthy while also finding himself unexpectedly attracted, is that so wrong?
6. YukariFushi – I don't think they even have an actual pairing name do they XD I have one (1) doujinshi about them and I just want Yukari to call Fushimi 'Saruhiko-chan' all the time and to do his makeup.
7. HisuiFushi – Only in dark, twisted 'going to betray you but you're also currently my King' ways, but still, I ship it.
8. KusaFushi – Honestly this is only so low because I always feel like Kusanagi's 'older' in a way that makes pairing him with Fushimi feel unbalanced? (No shade to anyone who likes it btw, this is solely my personal feelings and I still enjoy this pairing, just not as much as some others.) They get along well and Kusanagi is clearly impressed with him, so it's all good.
Bonus: non-Fushimi ships:
1. Niki’s face/my fist
1. Akiben and AkiHida -  I can't choose between these two, I love them both equally. Akiben just have that perfect partner dynamic, while AkiHida have a lovely 'serious mature bunny meets overly enthusiastic puppy dog' vibe (also again, Akiyama as secret savage dom and Hidaka just screams 'tie me up and have your way with me'). 10/10, would ship them both.
2. Mikorei -  They are stupid and I respect that. Also gotta love the whole 'this is my boyfriend, I hate him but we can't stop making out' vibe. The tragedy of S1 is just the icing on the cake.
3. Munatotsu – That they barely interacted in canon is a crime, I tell you. Imagine the hobbies. The bonding experiences. The sparkles. They would be the worst best couple.
4. Izuseri – Actual adults? In my K project? It's more likely than you think.
5. Douseri – They never met but they should have. Awesome ladies being awesome together and eating terrible food.
6. IzuTotsu -  Is it because of the tragedy? Maybe. Okay, yes, it's the tragedy.
7. MikoTotsu – Weirdly I like them better as unrequited with Totsuka pining, but still it's good.
8. MikoIzuTotsu – Actually you know what just put them all together why do we have to choose. 
9. MikoIzu – I like them more as friends but I will 100% buy that they have had drunken sex at least once, I'm just saying. 
10. HabariZenjoh – I have a couple doujinshi, okay? I feel they deserve a rank for having doujinshi.
11. KurohShiro – They cute. They'd be higher but I'm mostly indifferent to the Silvers.
28 notes · View notes
cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Long Journey Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 长旅之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ This date was released on 8 July 2021 ]
Deers rest peacefully beside me, and birds caw from the branches.
All of a sudden, a rustling sound of flapping wings disrupts the peace in the forest.
Smiling subconsciously while tilting my head upwards, a gigantic griffin descends from the sky.
MC: Welcome back, Griffy! Have you been eating and sleeping well?
I walk up to it, burying my face in the griffin’s fluffy chest fur, letting out a happy sigh.
??: You’re only welcoming it?
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The voice I’m most familiar with drifts from the griffin’s back. After that, a figure leaps down smoothly.
MC: Gavin, welcome home!
With a turn of my face, I smile while giving him a wave.
Gavin is wearing simple and informal clothes. However, the extraordinary way he carries himself and the exquisite crown on his forehead could only belong to a prince.
He bows before me in a teasing manner, handing me a small bag. Even without opening it, I can smell the fragrance of pastries.
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Gavin: Goddess of Nature, I bring you this round of offerings. But stop sharing them with these animals. They’ve put on weight again.
MC: They’re only cute when they’re round and plump.
I retort, unconvinced. Even so, I pinch the squirrel on my shoulder, placing it back onto the tree.
MC: I have also mentioned that you don’t have to bring me any offerings. The person who made the agreement with me was your mother, and I've already accepted sufficient offerings from her.
Despite what I said, I open the little bag that Gavin gave me, grinning while taking out the pastries.
As a deity, I’m basically adept in everything within my own forest. However, I lack the skills and abilities to bake such snacks.
As such, I’m exceptionally happy whenever he brings me such food.
While eating, I continue speaking with unclear articulation.
MC: When your mother came to the forest that year with a jewel which had been passed down from generation to generation, as well as her crown your deity father once gave her...
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Gavin: With those items as offerings, she hoped that you’d become my guardian deity who would keep me safe and train me till I became a passable king.
When deities accept human offerings, they reciprocate by bestowing blessings onto humans. This way, a wonderful transactional relationship is formed.
Back then, a queen had brought her son of around fourteen or fifteen years of age to my forest.
That elegant and dignified lady was smiling, but there was faint worry in her eyes.
She told me that her days were numbered, and that she wouldn’t be able to watch her son grow up.
The child’s father was a high-ranking deity who was busy maintaining the earth's order and rarely showed himself.
As such, she gave me offerings, hoping that I'd become her son’s guardian deity, and to protect this small prince.
Gavin does a stretch, then removes the saddle on Griffy.
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Gavin: You’ve said it many times, and I remember it all. 
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Gavin: Instead of these things, why don’t you eat quickly? I specially bought the basket which just came out from the stove, then rushed Griffy over. The pastries won’t taste good if they get cold.
Gavin draws out his tone, but a smile remains on his lips.
I turn my head towards Gavin, who is helping me manage the medicinal plants with a practised hand. I can’t help but ponder softly in my heart.
This person doesn’t let me protect him much...
Although this half deity obtained the added protection from the Goddess of Nature, he has never asked for assistance aside from guidance.
He has always strived for the things he wanted, and would persist through failure until he reaches his goal.
Later on, this prince who excels in both learning and military skills, and can even control wind, is the one who helps me out.
He always brings me all sorts of human food and small trinkets, calling them offerings.
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Gavin: Why are the medicinal plants here turning bare again... did I water them too much?
I can’t help but laugh secretly while walking over to his side. Holding up those medicinal plants, I restore them to life.
Till this day, he only lets me help him in this area.
I think about how despite not having been coronated king, Gavin has long since been able to run a country.
As a guardian deity, I haven’t neglected my duties, have I?
MC: Come to think of it... Gavin, why haven’t you held a coronation ceremony?
Gavin pauses in his movements.
Gavin: Do you want me to become king?
MC: Of course.
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Gavin: But if I become king, it means that you’d no longer be my guardian deity.
MC: That... is correct.
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Gavin averts his line of sight, and he doesn’t seem to be in a good mood.
This seems to be the case every time I broach this topic with him.
Clearing my throat, I attempt to change the topic to break the awkward atmosphere.
MC: Oh yes, how many days will you be staying this time?
Gavin doesn’t respond. As though he has finally made a certain decision, he sighs deeply and lifts his head, meeting my eyes directly.
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Gavin: The reason why I came this time is because there’s something important I needed to tell you. I’ve decided to succeed to the throne.
The overly abrupt news leaves me dumbfounded on the spot.
Gavin doesn’t elaborate further, and continues.
Gavin: Before that, I intend to follow the ancient text and collect the rumoured offerings that deities cannot refuse. That will allow a strong deity to become my new guardian deity, to protect me, and to protect this country.
Hearing his resolute words, my heart feels slightly upset.
Although completing my agreement is a good thing, why does my heart feel empty?
He even said he was going to find a new guardian deity...
I blink a few times, unable to comprehend the feelings churning in my heart.
Gavin: But right now, you’re my guardian deity. Which is why I hope you can accompany me on this journey. Is that okay?
Gavin looks straight at me, his eyes as transparently clear as a cloudless amber sky.
Facing such a him, I can only nod.
Despite not yet rationalising my emotions, I reluctantly embark on this journey with him.
The first stop of this journey is the forest in which fairies live.
Looking at the first treasure recorded in the ancient text, I heave a long sigh.
MC: A crystal which can counteract all sorts of curses. It only grows at the tip of the World Tree...
Gavin: What’s wrong? Deities don’t like it?
MC: It’s the opposite. No deities have refused such an offering. To be honest, even I want it. But...
I lift my head. Looking at the giant tree which plunges into the sky, I have a bad feeling.
MC: You have to know that even though I’m a deity, I was born from nature, and the source of my strength comes from the forest and the land. Which also means...
I’m not good at flying.
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Likely hearing the implication of my words, Gavin doesn’t hold back, chuckling softly.
MC: Gavin! Don’t laugh! At that height, even a griffin would have difficulties flying up there. Furthermore, people are good at different-
Gavin: Get on.
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Gavin leaps onto the griffin, lowering his head to look at me.
The griffin releases an excited caw, its wings flapping up and down.
Faint morning light caresses the side of his face, the gorgeous rosy glow wilfully painting the azure sky.
His hair and indigo cloak roll up with the air currents, the crown on his head reflecting arc lights.
And on his face, there’s a heroic valiance even clearer and more radiant than any jewel.
For a moment, I’m left slightly dazed.
As compared to any other moment, I can clearly sense that he is no longer that little child who had his brows tightly furrowed back then.
The person before me has shed off his childishness, is sufficiently intelligent, and sufficiently mature - a person who is about to become a young king.
I always knew that he was someone worth having faith in.
But there seems to be something else in his eyes that causes my heartbeat to accelerate uncontrollably.
Likely seeing that I haven’t moved in a long time, Gavin leans over, pulling me in front of him steadily, his arms wrapped securely around my waist.
Gavin: Let’s go.
With this soft statement, the griffin, which had been anticipating this for a very long time, flaps its wings, soaring towards the azure sky.
At the same time, a powerful gale whizzes under Gavin’s beckoning.
Using the wind as wings, we fly very, very high.
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Gavin: I wanted to take you flying like this since a very long time ago. But I wasn’t able to find a suitable chance.
His words land on my ears amidst the fluttering sound of wind - high-spirited, clear, and without restraint.
I can hear the throbbing of my own heart, reminiscent of the bits of feathers in the air, drifting along with the breeze.
With Gavin around, Griffy doesn’t have to exert much effort, landing at the crown of the World Tree.
There is a rich display of light and colours on the dense and green treetop. Amidst the various lights, a cluster of dazzling crystals emit a tender and dream-like colour.
Gavin: Looks like this is it.
He plucks a crystal deftly, storing it in the travelling bag he carried along.
Seizing this chance, I take several deep breaths to calm the inexplicable throbbing in my chest.
MC: Since we’ve successfully obtained the first item, are we heading to the next destination? Or are we resting here for the night?
Gavin: We’ll set off straightaway. But give me a moment.
Gavin reaches out to pluck a few smaller crystals. Using a few branches around us, he weaves a simple bracelet, then clasps it around my wrist gently.
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Gavin: Since you like it, bring a few more back.
Just as he finishes speaking, a few fairies who were grinning among the leaves earlier rush out towards us.
Fairy A: Congratulations! May the fruits of the World Tree protect the two of you forever!
Fairy B: Congratulations on your marriage! I wish you two everlasting sweetness!
MC: Huh?
Watching as the fairies start to sprinkle flower petals over our heads, my face burns with a “whoosh”.
MC: [blushing] What nonsense are you saying?
The fairy grins while speaking once again.
Fairy B: Firstly, don’t the two of you play together often, and like each other more than others?
Very few humans enter my forest. Aside from the small animals, the only one who visits me frequently, chats with me, and has fun with me is Gavin.
As compared to those small animals which aren’t able to talk or bring me snacks, it’s true that I like Gavin a little more.
With this thought in mind, I nod.
At the side, Gavin nods too. But for some reason, the tips of his ears are slightly red.
Fairy A: Secondly, didn’t the two of you make a unique agreement with each other?
Not knowing where this is heading, I nod again. After all, I’m Gavin’s guardian deity.
At the side, Gavin does a similar action.
Fairy A: Lastly, he made a bracelet for you using the crystals of the World Tree, then put it on for you personally. Doesn’t that symbolise that you’re destined for each other?
The fairy says this matter-of-factly, and the surrounding fairies agree in succession.
MC: Wait wait wait wait, this is a misunderstanding! We’re...
The words are at my lips, but I pause.
It seems that I’ve never considered how to define my relationship with Gavin.
I’m his guardian deity, but I can vaguely sense that it goes further than that.
In the end, Gavin takes half a step forward, blocking me from the celebrating fairies.
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Gavin: That’s just the tradition of fairies. Humans and deities don’t have such rules. She’s a guardian deity belonging only to me.
The heating stove is bright red, and the sound of forging is unceasing.
??: Drink quickly, drink quickly! There are many more barrels!
The dizzying fragrance of alcohol permeates the air. Even if it’s dispelled by the breeze, it lingers for a long time.
??: You’ll only enjoy yourself to the fullest by accompanying it with the best quality cheese! Want a chunk of smoked meat too?
The bustling marketplace is rife with people hawking their wares, cheese, smoked meat, fruits and perfume. The dazzling lineup leaves one overwhelmed.
??: I didn’t expect that humans could drink as well as us! Not bad!
??: After all, he’s a half deity!
A circular table is in the middle of the lively marketplace, surrounded by dwarves who are adept in iron casting.
Aromatic mead courses through the crevices of the crowd and the small path, being sent to the table in a continuous stream.
MC: Gavin, are you sure you can still drink?
This is the first time I’m seeing Gavin drink this much. He wobbles a little while standing beside the table. Fortunately, his eyes are still sober and clear.
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Gavin: I’m fine. 
Gavin: [to the dwarves] We agreed that as long as I can outdrink all of you, you’d give the rarest treasure of the dwarves to me - a golden belt praised by all the deities.
Dwarf A: We never lie!
Dwarf B: Goddess, try some! 
Before I can refuse politely, Gavin has already pulled over the wine cup offered to me, drinking it in one mouthful.
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Gavin: I’m the one competing against all of you.
Whether it’s due to the mead or the nearby heating stove, my face grows slightly warm.
Another barrel of mead is finished, and the alcohol-loving dwarves at the table have already collapsed.
Gavin presses the wooden wine cup onto the table heavily. Arching a brow, he raises his volume slightly.
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Gavin: You’ve lost.
Dwarf A: Fine, you win! The belt belongs to you! But...!
The dwarf stands up wobbly and burps. In front of Gavin, he pats his own chest.
Dwarf A: There’s... there’s something even more... important that I must do! Axe! I want to make an axe - the best axe - and give it to my beloved lady!
While saying this, he runs and staggers towards the forging stove. The dwarves in the surroundings cheer him on and whistle.
MC: What’s happening this time...
The dwarf is inebriated, but his limbs remain deft. He holds up a hammer and picks a chunk of steel which has been scorched red. Then, he begins hammering it with clanking sounds.
Dwarf A: Half Deity! Come here!
Dwarf B: Come and make something too!
The dwarves are rowdy, and they bring Gavin over to a forging stove, teaching him how to forge weapons.
I head over curiously. Gavin seems to think of something. He glances at me, a smile surfacing on his lips.
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Then, he holds up a chunk of mithril and gives it a detailed look, as though visualising the shape he wants to carve it into.
After a while, Gavin picks up the iron hammer, hammering in a decisive manner.
Sparks dance in the air, and the flames from the stove are exuberant. The clamour and sounds of hammering are incessant, bringing the celebration of the marketplace to a climax.
Dwarf A: Done!
Cheers erupt from amongst the crowd. That drunk dwarf raises the axe he had forged, then runs towards a small stall in the marketplace.
Dwarf A: This axe is for you, my beautiful woman! Please marry me!
Even from across the marketplace, the loud voice of the dwarf drifts over clearly.
Dwarf B: Hahahaha! Not bad!
The dwarf at the side chuckles so hard that he isn’t able to straighten up. He takes several deep breaths to calm himself down, then turns around to speak to Gavin.
Dwarf B: Half Deity Lad, you too. Your skills are pretty good for a beginner! If you have a beloved lady, don’t hesitate. Just propose directly!
At the other side of the marketplace, the proposal succeeds. A brand new celebration and banquet has already begun.
I don’t bother about the joy which is about to drown us. I simply look at Gavin.
Perhaps he’s drunk a little too much. Right now, he’s staring fixedly at the short staff he forged, a look of contemplation on his face.
What the dwarf said earlier echos in my ears, akin to a mystical magic spell.
Looking at Gavin, I find myself wondering if he’d give that short staff to me.
Would he smile while looking straight into my eyes, or would he avert his gaze in embarrassment?
I’m left dumbfounded by these inexplicable thoughts.
Perhaps I’ve also drunk a little too much.
Early the second day, we bid farewell to the dwarves, preparing to continue the journey.
MC: I didn’t think we’d witness a wedding. It’s a pity that we couldn’t hear more about how they met and got to know each other.
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Gavin: Mm. I’m also really curious.
MC: It’s rare to see you interested in such topics.
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Gavin: After all, meetings are special things to me. Meetings and keeping each other company are very beautiful things.
Gavin’s tone is gentle, as though he’s recollecting his most treasured memories. Pale gold sunlight illuminates his eyes, which are even more dazzling than the most expensive jewels.
In this short trance, a fleeting yet unrealistic thought burrows into my mind without notice.
I shake my head forcefully, and decide to say something to distract myself.
My gaze quickly sweeps around the surroundings, then locks on a target.
MC: Gavin, do you still remember how we met Griffy?
As though he didn’t expect my sudden question, Gavin blinks a few times, then strokes the grown-up Griffy, chuckling as he speaks.
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Gavin: Of course I remember.
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Gavin: Back then, my mother had already passed on for a few years. And that deity father never appeared. 
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Gavin: Perhaps because of those things, I had a pretty bad attitude towards you during that time. Sorry.
Till this day, I can still remember that period of time.
His amber eyes, which always sparkle and shine, were dyed with a heavy grey. Even his hair, which always sticks up, had drooped listlessly.
But it’s precisely because I was always by his side that I understood the heartbreak and struggles he faced during that period of time.
And I rejoiced that at the very least, I was there to keep him company.
I walk towards him, reaching out to tousle his hair. Gavin leans down and comes slightly closer to me, a peaceful smile on his face.
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Gavin: In short, I came to the forest one day.
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Gavin: It was raining that day. I walked to the vicinity of your small house, and discovered that you were taking care of a small, stray griffin which had wandered here from somewhere.
Gavin: You’re a goddess, but you didn’t care about yourself, and only cared about shielding the griffin from the rain.
Gavin: You treated its wounds and fed it, while getting drenched by the rain yourself.
Along with his depiction, memories surge into my heart, and they are dyed with a hazy colour of rain.
MC: I recall how you shielded me from the rain with a large leaf. Back then, I was thinking about how rare it was to see such gentle moments from you.
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Gavin: Since then, I...
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Gavin’s voice grows softer and softer. He turns his face away a little unnaturally.
MC: Since then?
Gavin ignores my question. He simply clears his throat and hands me something.
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Gavin: MC, this is for you.
Accepting it subconsciously, the cold and smooth texture of metal causes me to hold my breath.
It’s the short staff he had personally forged yesterday.
His emblem is carved on the body of the staff, and a quality gem is mounted at the tip.
MC: This is...
Before I can say anything, Gavin hurriedly explains.
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Gavin: I’m a human, so I don’t follow the traditions of dwarves. In the culture of humans, giving a handmade gift to someone is a form of etiquette to express gratitude. So... this is a thank you gift. Thank you for teaching me so much, and for taking such good care of me.
MC: I... I see!
Gavin speaks calmly and appears utterly composed.
Accepting the short staff, I turn around to pack my items. Recalling the image that surfaced in my mind earlier, my face burns again.
Clearing my throat, I ask Gavin a question tentatively.
MC: Gavin, according to your customs, what would you give to your bride?
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Gavin: I’d craft a ring personally.
While saying this, he takes my travelling bag and fixes it onto Griffy’s back. Then, he picks up the ancient text to confirm our next destination.
MC: When that time comes, I’ll definitely pluck the most beautiful flowers in the forest and make a wedding bouquet for your bride.
Holding a wedding and having a partner - these are things worthy to be happy about.
But when I said this, I found that I couldn’t bring myself to smile.
It’s as though my heart is drowned in deep water. It feels acrid, and there’s also a tightening in my chest.
I’ve lived for a very long time on this land, witnessed the construction and destruction of many kingdoms, and experienced battles and peace since the ancient times till today.
Yet, I’m unable to understand the feelings I’m currently experiencing, and what they signify.
After that, we head to many other places together.
We cross the dessert, fly over the ocean, scale the highest mountain peak, and head to the deepest abyss.
We dance in a sea of flowers along with the odes of travelling bards, and bargain with a gigantic, greedy dragon.
The treasures in the travelling bag increase in number. Every treasure obtained makes it increasingly clearer that this dream-like journey is about to come to an end.
On an unknown empty island, Gavin and I sit side by side on the shore, watching as the waves at our feet lap against the rocks.
Looking at the pearl head ornament Gavin just gave me, my voice comes out hoarser than expected.
MC: What will you do once you become king?
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Gavin: Quite a number of races are interested in humans. Perhaps I could try broadening trade. I also have to revolutionise the senate.
He talks about his responsibilities earnestly - from commerce to ruling the country, from art to food.
Gavin’s dead seriousness tickles me to laughter.
I console myself with the thought that even after he becomes king and I’m no longer his guardian deity, our relationship wouldn’t change that much. 
Gavin suddenly stops mid-speech, as though deliberating something.
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I turn my head, only to see the reddened tips of his ears.
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Gavin: Also... I want to marry the lady I like and make her my queen. This way, I can always be with her.
Gavin looks afar off, his gaze gentle, as though he can see his desired future.
For some reason, I want to rush towards that future with him.
And I suddenly realise what that acrid feeling twirling around in my heart is.
Without realising it, my feelings for Gavin have been intertwined and encased by a sense of possessiveness.
I don’t want him to have another guardian deity, nor do I want him to give these treasures we’ve collected together to another deity.
Most of all, I don’t want him to put a personally crafted ring on the finger of another lady.
The sea breeze rolls up tiny, light blue flowers on the beach. They dance in the air, floating towards the ocean.
At this moment, all the clamorous emotions and feelings quieten down, and are crowned a name and definition -
All of this is called “liking”.
The journey is about to end.
Griffy returns us to the ground.
Looking at my forest and at my little courtyard, I feel as though everything happened a lifetime ago.
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Gavin: It’s nice to be home.
Gavin retrieves the travelling bag, then pats the fence at the door.
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Gavin: Wait. Why do the medicinal plants look even healthier than before I left...
I tug onto Gavin before he can check on the medicinal plants.
MC: The journey has already ended, and you’ve collected sufficient treasures. Are you going to succeed to the throne after this? Looks like my agreement with your mother has been fulfilled.
Gavin: That’s right. But aren’t you going to let me rest at your place and have a drink of water?
MC: You have quite a number of things to handle after this. These treasures need to be offered to the deity. And you also have to... marry the lady you like. You should take action quickly and settle these things at one go!
I give him a stern expression, trying to conceal the childish impetuousness in my heart.
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Gavin: Do you think the deity will really like these?
Gavin doesn’t leave. He stands in place, his words bringing with them a smile.
Looking at the full and bulging travelling bag, I feel tremendously envious.
MC: Of course. Who was the one who picked them with you? All right, go and offer them to your new deity. Who are you looking for? I could put in a good word for you so he or she would give you a little more blessings.
My voice grows softer and softer, and my gaze flits around.
Gavin: If she’ll like them, I can put my mind at ease. 
Gavin speaks softly, but doesn’t respond to my question. He takes the travelling bag, placing the treasures we’ve collected on the grass before me.
The crystal from the top of the World Tree, the golden belt crafted by the dwarves, the unwilting flower from the deepest part of the desert, the coral from the deepest oceanic trench...
Aside from the recorded treasures, there’s also cheese from the dwarves’ marketplace, a headscarf from sea nymphs, sun-dried jerky from the giants, and other miscellaneous items.
These items were brought along with Gavin because I liked them.
After setting down the last item, he takes half a step back.
Then, he gets down on one knee, tilting his head upwards to look at me.
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Gavin: Goddess of Nature, I give you all of these offerings. Please bestow blessings upon me, protect my country, and crown me.
Gavin: And please make a long-lasting agreement with me, to become my queen, and to keep me company.
Gavin: Till death do us part.
Gavin looks at me, his sentiments and tenderness condensing into honey coloured amber.
Sunlight filters through the leaves, landing on his face like a kiss, making his eyes bright and glittering.
MC: [blushing] I...
Before I can respond, Griffy caws happily, giving me a nudge from behind, causing me to fall into Gavin’s arms.
MC: [blushing] Griffy! I didn’t raise you to be this big so you could do that!
I grumble, pretending to be stern. Then, I close my eyes defeatedly, burying my head in Gavin’s arms, not wanting him to have a clear view of my blushing face.
Gavin’s soft chuckle and his breaths land on my ears, akin to the first tender breeze in early summer.
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Gavin: I used to worry that the reason for our interactions was due to that prior agreement. 
Gavin: Once the agreement ended, you would no longer have a connection to me. 
Gavin: I was troubled by this for a while, and also tried to delay that day from arriving. 
Gavin: But one day, I made a decision. 
Gavin: Instead of holding on to that past agreement, why don’t I make a new vow instead.
Gavin tilts his chin towards those treasures.
Gavin: But I don’t want you to simply be a goddess who responds to my prayers.
Gavin: This journey was meant for you to understand that my feelings for you aren’t simply the dependence humans have towards their guardian deities.
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Gavin: I just don’t know how effective it was...
Gavins speaks, averting his gaze.
Recalling the hints and occasional bashfulness during the journey, I finally understand everything, and my face turns incomparably red.
MC: [blushing] Right from the beginning, you already...
Gavin coughs softly.
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Gavin: So, are you willing?
Watching as his eyes draw increasingly nearer to me, it’s as though a pot of honey has been overturned in my heart, and all the flowers seem to be blooming at the same time.
I lift my hand.
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MC: I’m the deity who controls the land, forests, and all the animals.
MC: I hereby make an agreement with you-
The forest seems to respond to my words. Birds outstretch their wings, trees rustle, and the land releases a faint humming sound.
Light flickers at my fingertips, akin to a sprouting bud as it flows and spreads over Gavin’s crown.
MC: I will always protect your kingdom. May your land be forever fertile, and may your kingdom forever be peaceful.
My power weaves my words into an unbreakable vow between us.
As a goddess, these are the strongest blessings I can give to him.
With a small smile, I continue speaking. Softly, I give him the blessings from me as MC, and also my response.
MC: I will also share my life with you, and my power.
MC: I will accompany you for a long time, until the destruction of the earth.
A light blooms, encasing us within it.
Gavin doesn’t speak, and simply looks at me.
I recall the day we saw the sea together, and recall the fluttering light blue petals, and the gaze he had when he stared afar off.
I’m guessing that his gaze has finally found a dwelling place.
The rays of light around us gradually recede, and the vow is established.
This isn’t a lengthy ceremony, nor does it involve complicated steps.
But we have cast a connection different from before - one which is unique in the world.
Having used my powers, I lean into Gavin’s arms, looking at the same sky together.
MC: Aren’t you going to say something?
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Gavin: Erm... you really looked like a goddess earlier.
There doesn’t seem to be a change in or relationship. However, there’s a certain sweetness in our dialogue.
MC: I am a goddess! Wait, that’s not what I was referring to. May I invite Your Majesty, who has obtained the goddess’ blessings through his own strength, share his thoughts with us?
Gavin pretends to ponder over this seriously.
Gavin: I just remembered that there’s one thing I haven’t done. I plan to make another trip to the dwarves’ nation.
MC: Did you forget something?
Gavin pulls me up, and we stand together. He pats Griffy, getting it ready to set out.
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Gavin: I mentioned before that I’d personally craft a ring for my queen.
Gavin: You also promised that you’d pluck the most beautiful flowers in the forest to make a wedding bouquet.
Gavin: I look forward to seeing it when I return.
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Gavin’s Post: If griffins really existed, they'd probably feel quite nice.
MC: Would a griffin’s fur feel like a bird’s or a lion’s?
Gavin: ...I have never thought about this question.
Gavin’s Post: If griffins really existed, they'd probably feel quite nice.
MC: If only we could rear one!
Gavin: We might need a larger courtyard to let it build a nest.
Gavin’s Post: If griffins really existed, they'd probably feel quite nice.
MC: I really want to bury my face in it...
Gavin: Even though we don’t have a griffin, we could ask Flyer if its willing.
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
I love your writing prompts! Can you do 10 with Hawks please? 💕
Pairing: Hawks x Reader Rating: Explicit + Quote: Darling you’re such a tease. Are you trying to rile me up right now? Word: Public Warnings: Dubcon, public sex, humilation, exhibitionism, yandere
Prompt Masterlist
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“Can we go home yet? This event is so boring.”
You sigh and roll your eyes at your boyfriend as he once again complains about your refusal to leave with him. Takami Keigo, hero name Hawks, is the number 2 hero in the rankings and as such, was expected to make an appearance at certain events. This was a rather large one for the announcement of the new hero rankings, and there would have been talk and criticism if he had failed to even make an appearance.
“You know we can’t leave yet. They haven’t even gotten to your placement yet,” you remind him gently.
He gives a long suffering sigh. “I’m not sure why I need to stay for that. We know where I’ll be in the rankings.”
“But you also know they’ll want you to say a few words.”
“They can let Endeavor do it. He’ll still be number 1.”
“Endeavor has the personality of a bulldozer. They don’t want him to speak at these events.”
Hawks snorts at your comparison, but doesn’t refute it. “Nah, I think I’m done.” He moves to stand up and you instantly feel concern that he might actually bail. You had to come up with a plan to make him stay a bit longer.
You had assured several people that Hawks would be here and would stay for the climax of the event, where they were giving him additional recognition for some of his more undercover work. He wouldn’t tell you exactly what this work was, but you knew it pertained to the League of Villains.
“And what if I made it worth your while?” You say quietly, in as seductive of a voice as you can muster.
“Oh, now I’m interested,” Hawks smirks as he sits back down in his chair. “Do tell me more.”
“It’s simple. Stay and you get to sleep in the bed. Leave, and you get the couch tonight.” You give him your best innocent smile as you wait for his response.
But he doesn’t respond as you think he will. His eyes flash darkly for a second before he plasters his fake, public smile on his face. “Darling, you’re such a tease.”
You give him a look of mock innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  You rub your leg against his at the same time as your hand brushes dangerously close to his inner thighs. “I would never tease.”
“Are you trying to rile me up right now? I don’t think I would advise it.” He gives a deliberate pause after his statement, and a calculating look directed at you. “Unless you want me to punish you, of course.”
You allow your hand to deliberately brush against his hardening erection, fortunately not visible from under the table you’re sitting at. He lets out a hiss before grabbing your hand and using it to rub himself through his pants.
“Keigo!” You chastise him. “That’s a bit too far.”
“Oh little bird, you’re the one who started this.” He unzips his pants and pulls his cock free. “And you’re the one who’s going to fix it.” He wraps his hands around your waist before settling you on his lap.
Now you feel actual fear. You know Hawks can seem casual, even uncaring at times, but underneath that persona is a dark and troubled man. You have a hard time reading him even at the best of times, and right now you can’t figure out if he intends to go through with this or not.
“Keigo, we’re in public. You need to stop.”
“But being in public like this turns you on, doesn’t it?” One hand reaches down to slide your dress up your hips, while the other one reaches underneath to graze against your pussy. “You’re so wet.”
Your eyes are quickly dashing around the event hall, looking at everyone surrounding you and checking in panic to make sure they’re not noticing this. “Keigo, I’m serious, you can’t be - “ your words are cut off by a sharp intake of breath as something hot and hard prods at the entrance of your throbbing pussy.
You try to pull yourself up from his arms, but only succeed in grinding down even harder on his lap. Hawks lets out a soft moan at the stimulation before he gently lifts up your body. You think that maybe he’s come to his senses, realizes how damaging this could be to his career as a hero. But those thoughts are quickly proven wrong as you feel him adjust himself before sliding into your dripping cunt, inch by slow inch.
You throw your head back against his shoulder as you let out a wanton moan at the feeling of him filling you up.
“Shh, gotta be quiet now, little bird.” He chuckles into your ear. “Don’t want anyone to know what a dirty little slut the number 2 hero’s girlfriend is, now do we?”
You begin to make a sharp retort, but you forget what it is completely as he begins to move. The way you’re positioned, with your legs barely open, allows him to get so deep inside of you, allowing him to fuck up into you. You let out a small gasp at the feeling of him stretching you open, your face burning in humiliation but also arousal. The idea of getting caught is terrifying, but you have to admit that it has also gotten you more turned on than you’ve ever been.
Your moans only increase in volume as he slips a hand under your dress and begins to rub tight circles on your clit. You can feel the drag of his cock against your tight walls, causing you to clench down even harder around him.
He hisses out a curse as he quickens his pace, grunts and groans spilling from his mouth like a chorus. You can feel your juices dripping down his length as he fucks you, staining his dress pants.
One arm wraps around your front to pull you down into his now punishing thrusts, and you worry the whole room can hear the wet sounds of your pussy as he pounds into you. You can feel yourself getting closer to an intense orgasm, and you bring your hand to your mouth to bite into the soft skin there to hold in your moans.
“Oh no, you don’t get to hide those noises from me.” Keigo simply grabs your hand and pulls it away from your mouth. “Why don’t you let the whole room know how much of a slut you are? That you’re MY slut?”
His crude words has your cunt throbbing, and you find yourself unable to care about everyone else. It feels too good for him to claim you in front of everyone, painting your insides white and proving to everyone here that you belong to him.
The pressure inside of you is building to a fever pitch, and you let out a choked sob. “Please Keigo, I want to - “
Hawks begins to rub your clit harder as his thrusts get even faster and more merciless. You can feel him throbbing inside of you and you know that he’s just as close as you are. When he leans in to nip at your neck with sharp teeth, it’s finally enough to send you over the edge. Your mouth opens in a silent scream as you cum hard, cunt fluttering wildly around hs cock. Keigo gives one last grunt as he reaches his own end, hot ropes of cum filling your cunt up and dripping out to stain both of your clothes.
Hawks waits until he’s emptied himself inside of you before lifting you up gently, righting your dress and his own pants.
“Keigo, are you insane?” You hiss out at him. “Do you know how easily we could have been caught?” But Keigo simply smiles his usual cocky, carefree smile and shrugs his shoulders as he points to the stage. “They’ve finally announced my hero rating,” he comments, completely avoiding your concerns.
But before he moves to walk up, he leans in to whisper a warning to you. “Just wait until we get home, little bird, so that I can punish you properly.”
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tags: @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re, @lildreamer93, @yaoyorozuwrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @groovydreamertrash, @hisoknen, @chou-maitresse, @shoutogepi, @togasknifes, @kingtamakimurder, @league-of-thots, @shigaraki-is-my-master
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
How about a drabble of Barok serving as Klint's judicial assistant in his younger years, before he officially studies law to become a prosecutor? I like the idea of him becoming interested in and familiar with law from his brother. "Judicial Assistant van Zieks" has a certain ring to it.
Work Experience
Oh that's a lovely idea, anon! I'd imagine that by the time he's promoted to 'Director of Prosecutions', Klint would most likely have been a very senior barrister known as a Q.C. ('Queen's Counsel'); they're also known colloquially as 'silks' because they 'take silk' (i.e. acquire a robe made of silk) upon attaining this lofty rank.
When a barrister becomes a silk/QC, they often only handle the most difficult (and expensive) work, but they will usually have a junior barrister assisting them (i.e. doing all the work, though I doubt Klint would conduct himself like that).
I can very much imagine Klint taking Barok as his junior and allowing himself to be 'led' by the latter. The term 'leading' basically means the barrister in charge of conducting the case where there's more than one involved.
Content Warnings: legal gubbins (that's the technical term btw... it's not); I take liberties with all things van Zieks, as usual...
Klint's office was the very best place to study as far as Barok was concerned - the vast table in the centre of the room allowed him to spread his books out while the peaceful calm was greatly conducive to reflective reading. It was as good as, if not superior to, going to the university library. "Barok!" Klint said as he entered his room and shrugged out of his formal scarlet jacket, tossing it haphazardly on a coat rack, "What a pleasant surprise-- drink?" "Good afternoon brother," he looked up and nodded in greeting, "Mm, yes please. How was court?" "Fairly standard stuff," Klint sighed as he took two glasses and poured a measure of whiskey into each. Truth be told it was yet more of the depressing hypocrisy that grew ever-apparent to him day by day, but there was no need to sour a visit from his brother with such things. He set the glass down beside Barok and held up his own in a toasting gesture. Their glasses chimed melodically before both took a sip. Barok coughed a little, still unaccustomed to way whiskey punched the back of his throat when he swallowed it, "I imagine you were splendid, as always." "Oh?" Klint chuckled, his brother truly did worship him. Then, while he leaned against his desk, an idea came to him, "Hmmm! That's a thought..." "Huh?" "How about you take on a little work experience by my side, hm? I'm sure it would be fun to have you as my junior counsel for a while." "What? Really?" Barok looked simultaneously shocked and delighted, "I'd very much like to learn at your side, brother, I imagine there is much you could teach me about court etiquette and procedure!" "Then it's settled! I'll write to your professor and tell him you're to undertake a period of practical study beside me. After all, you're planning to become a prosecutor are you not?" he knew full well his brother intended to follow in his footsteps, which was incredibly flattering-- though he did have his reservations about what such a career might do to his darling brother's character. The younger nodded, "I should very much like to become a prosecutor." "Very good," he set his glass down and sat at his desk, taking a sheet of paper and his quill in hand, "We'll have that letter sent out today!" ──────≪⊰✥⊱≫─────── Barok had been to court many, many times but mostly to observe by way of the public gallery when safe to do so, or from a corner of the courtroom once he started being targeted due to Klint's ever-growing renown as the 'bane of criminals'. This, however, was on an entirely different scale: today he would be assisting with the proceedings -- a participant rather than a spectator. "You look nervous," Klint remarked as he stood beside his younger brother. "What... what do you mean?" "Your eyes," he said, chuckling behind his fist, "They're darting all over the place like a furtive rabbit's" "....O.. Oh..." he took a deep breath and shook his head, "I... didn't sleep much last night, my mind seemed to want to go over the case details again and again." "Mmmm, I had forgotten how it felt to be quite that nervous in court... still, it's good you feel that unsettled sense in the pit of your stomach. One should never be blasé about standing in this sombre hall of justice. It should always create a sense of disquiet, that is how you know you yet hold the essence of what it means to be an officer of the court," Klint took a glass and a decanter from under the bench and filled it with a small measure, "But, here, it doesn't hurt to settle your nerves." "Is that... whiskey?!" Barok uttered. "Yes, go on, for your nerves, little brother." He took a sip as directed, and choked again; still not used to that fiery punch in his throat, "T...thank you." Suddenly there were three loud knocks at the door followed by the court clerk's booming voice: "All persons who have anything to do before my Lords - the Queen's Justices - at the Central Criminal Court, draw near and give your attendance. God Save the Queen!" the clerk bowed to the judge then took a seat in the corner so as to record a transcript of the proceedings.
The Judge sat down, "In the name of her Majesty, Queen Victoria, I declare this court to be in session. God Save the Queen," the middle-aged man, whose hair was starting to fail him, though it was hidden under his white wig, cast his gaze over the persons in attendance, "Lord van Zieks, I see the prosecution has a junior member today." "Correct, my lord," Klint replied with a smile, "This is my younger brother, Barok, he desires to become a prosecutor, so I thought it only proper for him to accompany me on a few excursions so as to get a feel for the thing." "Quite right and very good," the Judge nodded, "I bid you welcome, young man, I hope you will learn much from your older brother, he is a skilled prosecutor and an invaluable asset to this court." "Y... Yes sir!" Barok said, standing straight to attention. Klint chuckled before placing a hand over his heart and bowing, "Thank you, my Lord, you honour me." "Now, Counsel, your opening statement, if you please." "With pleasure, my Lord..." ──────≪⊰✥⊱≫─────── Barok dutifully passed evidence and case notes to his brother as the case progressed, while also taking notes of things that struck him as important in terms of procedure, witness testimony and the general way in which matters progressed. He also made a few notes on Klint's control of the courtroom and general demeanour; the way he eloquently developed his arguments and appealed to the Jury with a seemingly effortless, poetic grace. It was a true masterclass in courtroom conduct and he longed to commit every second of it to his memory so that he might mimic his brother's style in the future. "I already told ya!" snapped the witness in the box, "I ain't never had nothin' to do with the gobshite!" Klint sighed while removing a handsome goblet, fashioned from silver and crystal, from under the bench and filling it with a measure of whiskey, "I'm going to overlook your use of a double negative, no doubt you'd have no sense of what that actually means, and presume that you're trying to deny all knowledge of the accused." "Double wot?" "Never mind all that, " Klint took a sip, startling Barok-- was his brother drinking in court?! The Judge didn't seem remotely bothered by it, in fact no one said a word. Did he do this often?? His brother continued, "You say you don't know that man in the dock." "That's right!" "Are you sure about that?" "W-Wot?! Why'd you keep askin' me that?! If you got somethin' to say about it then say it!" the witness looked flustered and vaguely guilty to Barok's untrained eye. "I'll do better than that," Klint said, setting his goblet down, "I'll show that you're lying to me, to this court and these fine men and women of the jury." "... U..urk..." the witness bit their bottom lip, "Yer lyin'! There ain't no proof to be had!" "I don't play games of bluff, good sir. Like any lawyer worth his salt: when I assert, I go on to prove what I'm saying," he held up a document, "Do you know what this is?" ".... Looks like a bit'o paper..." "It's a contract, signed between you and the accused. A... 'gentlemans' agreement of goods and for services rendered –– you, sir, would receive the stolen property from the accused and his associates, then sell it on for them via your Pawnbrokery!" "W-Whaaaaat?!" the witness recoiled, "W...Where'd you get that?!" "It was well hidden, I'll give you that," Klint replied with a smile, "But not well enough to escape my notice. You're as involved in this intricate criminal fencing enterprise as the accused!" The court descended into a shocked furor... ──────≪⊰✥⊱≫─────── "I think this is a good place to adjourn proceedings for today," the Judge observed after the breakdown of the witness, "Bailiff, have that man arrested and handed over to the Yard so he can answer questions about his involvement in this sordid affair!" The bailiff did as ordered and apprehended the witness.
"Thank you to both Counsel's, and our young junior, for their assistance today. We shall continue again first thing on Monday. Court is adjourned!" the Judge rose, nodding to the courtroom once before leaving.
Klint turned to his little brother and grinned, "Well? How was your first real day in court, brother?" "It... it was amazing!" Barok replied, eyes practically twinkling, "I was so awed by your performance! You truly are an exceptional legal mind and practitioner, brother!" He laughed, "Stop it... you'll make me blush!" "It's true! Though, I must say... I had no idea one could drink in court or kick the prosecutor's bench... those were most flamboyant and striking displays!" "Most people can't," Klint conceded, "But, well, it seems I have a flair for the dramatic. It must run in the blood... Our lord father was a similarly passionate man when it came to matters of court –– even when he occupied the bench as a Law Lord. Many a lawyer would refer to him as 'Good Lord Kicking' behind his back!" he laughed at the thought. "Wow... really?!" "Yes, really!"
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Before Dawn (Levi x Reader)
So, I wrote this mostly in one sitting because I longed to post it on Archive of our own but I'm sure not all people read stories there, so if I can make someone's day brighter with some not so slow slow burn and eventual fluff then I'm in. I hope you enjoy, also I don't know how to add the read more option on mobile
Your face meets the hard, cold pillow of your bed with a loud but somewhat muffled thud. Your room turns darker and darker by each passing second as the sun slowly disappears behind the mountains. When you can't feel any stream of light entering the room you peak outside of your dormitory's window. Another exhausting day has finally come to an end.
Being the youngest member of Erwin's team isn't always as good as many of your comrades picture to be. Most of them believe you're babied, treated softly and specially, which is untrue to any possible extend. If anything, you're practically silenced by your other team members, who are much older and far more experienced than you. You do errands for everyone most the time and you're even assigned paperwork concerning fallen soldiers. You humph quietly. Soldiers can talk and gossip as much as they want, you're used to having to hear a new rumor about every one every passing week anyway.
Time seems to pass slowly as you're laying there, not moving a single inch of your body. In fact you contemplate on weather to even bat an eye to the direction of whoever's poking you. You have been satisfied with not having to talk to anyone for that little time you had to yourself.
"(Y/n) come on, we're just finished forming new squads."
Your much necessary time to relax seems to have to come to an end. It's almost never your choice, whether you get to rest or not that is, but you only sense it's going to get worse now that Erwin has been ranked as the new survey corps commander. A loud groan makes its way out of your barely parted lips. It only takes one second to storm out of your bed and another one to be able to stand still on your feet.
"Uhgh Hange, I hate that they have to do this right now. I was about to go shower." You mumble under your breath, solely with the intention of whining your way out of this situation. There's no such thing as convincing Hange out of pretty much anything anyway though, you scold yourself for believing it's worth the time.
The walk down the corridor is dull and silent and the only noise that can be heard comes from inside the dining hall that you pass without missing a heart beat. It's been a while since you started skipping dinner because your appetite was going down hill. In addition, it's not that Hange even brought up dinner at the sight of the dining hall.
Upon arriving at Erwin's door Hange lifts her hand and steadily knocks twice. You're not even standing on the spot for a second before the familiar word of approval is spoken from inside. Hange practically drags you inside, instantly adding tones of despair into your misery for the night.
Despite your best wishes, everyone in the room has fixed their eyes on you after the squeal you let out due to Hange's rushing movements. "Welcome (y/n)" Erwin speaks and you nod in response before saluting boringly. He urges you to take a stand between Levi and Mike and you comply without even trying to give it a second thought. Even though it's frantically silent in the room in a way you think that a single sound carrying breath could break it while Erwin speaks, you witness as Mike decides to tresspass that.
"You're squad Mike girl!" He whispers to you in a prideful way. His smirk betrays the happiness that has swelled on him by receiving this rank.
"Any questions?" Erwin asks before he forces his voice to come to an halt. Seeing that no one requests to know a thing from him he proceeds to call new squad leaders, one by one to pick members for their teams. Surprisingly enough, Levi gets called after Mike, speculating a peculiar reaction by the remaining veterans, even you, someone who has no place in voicing any object to Erwin's commands.
"Levi's not to doubt, I believe you all know that, and he will be running the new special operations team."
It occurred to you that no one was actually doubting Levi's abilities; most of them had probably been jealous to having to work that hard to receive a rank when he was only in the regiment for a year. However had they known Levi even in the tiniest bit though they'd never have an ounce of jealousy for him. Not that you knew much to beging with. What you had managed to gather from him about his past were a few broken sentences a night he accepted to come and hang out with your squad mates that he only spoke to you as he accompanied you to your barrack upon being forced by Mike.
You sit there, between the two men quietly for the rest of the long meeting and once you're dismissed you practically sprint to the showers. You know the water ought to be freezing cold by now but you preferre to endure this rather than having to wash alongside your female comrades. Growing up, your little given time in the shower was your only rightful privacy and you intend to keep it that way.
The water stops with a twist of your hand at the handle. You search for your towel in the dark and as you set your hands on it you rapidly begin to pat your body dry. Throwing your long nightgown on, you begin stomping out. Momentarily you seem to be in a haze of meaningless thoughts that pass your mind so fast, you can't even get a grip of them, many things seem to occupy your mind lately. New formations, improved harness gear, the news of your mother's death. You can't seem to put your thoughts in order, not for tonight at least. It's only when a deep, monotone voice rings in your ears that you jump and leave a little squeak come out of the depths of your throat.
"Shit! Don't sneak up on me like that" you wonder if you have to address him but in the end you do; in the end of the day you are one of formalities and everyone who knows you can confirm that. "sir.."
Levi simply clicks his tongue in response. You're the first person to address him as a commanding officer as of now, probably because every one else would need a moment to take it in, including himself.
"Thanks for making Isabel feel welcome back then." Levi's voice is barely louder than a whisper yet it never cracks, not even a little but that isn't what's taking you aback. The statement, in fact, sends you literally a few steps back and shoots your hand to your forehead in an act of despair. The cruel scene still plays in your head from time to time and you wonder how many times it must do so in his. You find your heart stopping for a moment before you feel a teeny flicker that sends your pulse running through your veins.
It's natural for someone not to be able to comprehend trauma in ways they are expected or rather forced to. Levi in particular is introverted and moody, if not most, then all of the time but this statement shines a different light on your understanding of his character. He's as emotionally drained and traumatized as someone can be. In fact, everyone is but this doesn't mean ones personal pain is lessened, in your opinion it makes it even worse.
"Not everyone is taught mannerisms I guess. The girls who made her feel unwanted can eat shit anyways."
It's obvious that Levi doesn't want to utter another word of the matter and you're not the one to push him out of his comfort zone. An uptight upbringing and the misfortunus chance of interacting with superficial assholes for equal parts of your life have taught you how to have temperament. To be patient even when you physically can't take it anymore.
"Tch.. Go to your barracks you're dismissed." It's time to bid eachother goodnight and of course Levi's eager to be the one to remind you of it. Tomorrow's a big day with everything you have to take care of after today's events. No cadet should be unable or not in position to assist by command.
"Sweating the chair already I see."
The next day starts with Nanaba waking you up. You take some time to adjust your eyes to the semi lit room. It strikes you how some people have always talked about how they missed feeling the magic of watching an eventual sunrise and even if you can see where they're coming from you're reminded every day of how much you despise every single aspect of it. Starting off with the runny nose it always bears for you as a hatred gift.
"I know it's kind of first thing in the morning but we have to help squad leader clean the office he was given.
Then again maybe you're just envying anyone who got to be woken up by sun's glowly warmth once it was already up in the sky.
"Hey, psst, don't zone out, get dressed."
Erratically, you skip breakfast. You fail to be in the mood for food lately most likely due to exhaustion or general disgust of whatever soup dish you are to be served. Your stomach has stopped trying to object to you since a young age. The only thing that ever makes it groan nowadays is guilt. With that devil of mother dead though it's not like you have anything to feel guilty for anyways.
"So here's your mop." Mike forces the object into your hands before you even get a chance to greet him. "Okay I repeat. Nanaba scrubs, (y/n) mops, Henning waxes. Lynne and Tomas you dust everything off. Understood?" All of you salute him with a 'yessir' before you watch him exit the room.
You spend most of your morning scolding Nanaba to go faster before you ultimately decide to switch places with her. You want to be over with cleaning, although you have no idea as to why but you do find yourself imagining that Levi sees you cleaning and thinks you're amazing at it and asks you to help him far too many times to count. You end up scolding yourself for that too. Nevertheless, it takes almost half an hour to finish with scrubbing, something you guess would have taken Nanaba eternity and a day.
Any sweat that's falling down your forehead you rub it off with the back of hand before you excuse yourself to a break. Seeing that no one will follow you stroll swiftly down the wooden hallway, with the restrooms in mind. You walk past Mike on the way, whom you greet cheerfully while fast informing him about your break. You're positive he practically smell your bladder is about to burst.
Tonight Hange draggs your unwilling piece of meat to dinner. She takes you to her usual table and sits you down amongst higher ranks. Some part of your brain fights you about not taking a stand against it. Your mother has always pressed for you to not enjoy what other in higher hierarchies have. But that's just a wooden fucking table with a stall. The voice in your head can shut it.
"Eat." Hange looks at you with a toothy grin, head tilted in your direction as she a eats a spoonful of her vegetable soup. You still feel an excessive amount of absurd guilt about raising objections so you smile back and stuff a portion of the food in your mouth with the intention of gulping it down as fast as possible. And of course Levi doesn't fail to notice the look of disgust in your face from across the table.
"Eat" Mike orders from Levi's left, gesturing to your plate with his spoon, an awkwardly soft smile plastered on his face. It beats you as to why they've decided to be persistent tonight out of all nights.
"Tch, show some respect to the people who work on your daily food. Drop that disgusted face or take cooking duty for the week."
With a pout in your lips you avert Levi's gaze in anger and overall shame. You lift the bowl containing the soup and you gulp it down as you try to ignore the knot at the back of your throat that threatenes to push back everything if you continue forcing your body to endure this.
Mike seems to be physically scolded to look at you because you see him jump in shock due to the unexpected action towards him for a fragment of a second. He takes no real interest in scolding you however, something that puts pressure on Levi for the matter.
"You just earned yourself cooking duty for the week, keep this up and Mike won't be as lenient as me." He talks sternly as he bores his eyes into yours. The unreadable lack of expression in his face remains intact, as always, but once again you choose to look away.
"Can I be dismissed?" You simply utter while your orbs take turns to look between Hange and Mike.
"Shoo shoo, I'm not pushing you girl" Mike pays little attention to you as he chunks on his bread with his eyes shut. If looks could kill you swear he would have been slashed to death by both Hange and Levi. To your luck of course, they can't, so you sit up from the stall in the most discreet way possible. Hange observes in silence as Levi's eyes follow your form across the room until you take a turn to get lost in the barracks. He then averts his gaze to the bowl of soup in front him for the remaining of his time in the dining hall.
It's one of those nights that you decide not to throw your whole body, face first, onto your bed; you've abused it very much in this way, the last thing you need to is for it to break apart and take down the twin bed on top of it. You sigh deeply before you bring your hands to cover your face in hopes that it will soothe your tingling skin.
Why was that silly little scenario of Levi watching you clean still stuck in your head all day long and why did it keep repeating over and over. To be clear with yourself, you didn't really know.
Your other roommates start flooding the room in a matter of seconds. It's always like that; the come back from dining and they chit chat for a few minutes before some of them go to sleep while others decide on showering before taking their given amount of rest for the night.
"(Y/n) lift your fucking head up you look like a corpse." Nifa, the girl who sleeps on the bed on top yours speaks.
"Not in the mood Nif. I'm sorry."
"You could try and talk to us!" Petra says on response, cutting Nifa off.
"I just don't want to cook for everyone. That's all." You spit a lie that's debatably believable. The girls that starts probing the walls of your stomach almost feels like liquid fire.
Did they really want to know the truth, or would they be disgusted by whatever came out of your mouth. Almost every one in the survey corps had a rough backstory and a purpose, and though you didn't lack of tragic and despair your purpose was pathetic and delusional.
"Look, I hate to see you like that and well you've been that moody way that before that punishment tonight. So spill."
"I don't want to be a burden!"
"Cut the crap." Lynne rhetored as she sat at the end of your bed, pinching your calf.
Well, you're probably annoying them by not letting any one of them in. "My mother died."
A few apologies and condolences are heard in response by the girls around you as they stare at you with oggly pitiful eyes.
"She was horrible and old no need to be sorry, I'm just conflicted on whether I loved her or not. I'm just unfazed but my mind guilt trips me on it." Your words are soft and your gaze fixed on the wooden floor underneath your legs. "I don't want to go into much abusive details, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise!" Petra exclaims from her kneeling position next to you. "It's fine if you don't tell us anything. We shouldn't have pushed you." The girls all nod in response and the mood seems to darken the rooms aura with each silently passing second.
"I thought it was like boy problems" Lynne says as she wraps her right arm around your shoulder and squeezes you on her. Her palms quickly travel straight to your cheeks to poke and squish them in the most humorus way. "Tomas likes me and I avoid him, give me a breeak!"
You can't help but give a muffled giggle out to her. It's almost as if you approve of her little impression of you, and you do, mostly because laughing helps you take a weight off your chest. All girls around you are giggling in their turns with closed eyes, happily narrowed brows and scrunched up noses.
You shouldn't even let yourself be that moody anywayy.
To say that Levi is merely perplexing would be an understatement. Because here's the deal; no one could maintain such a straight face while pinning someone down. You're basically a lost cause as you maniacally move your head on the grass to avoid his gaze. Mentally you try to recall what brought you in this position in the first place. Was it because you challenged him to engage in combat or because he was a complete show off, it's beyond you at this point.
"I have your knife."
"What?" Levi looks at you with the tinniest bit of a puzzled impression plastered all over his face. Yet he doesn't get up from you. In the end he can't even know that you feel your skin burning with rage.
"I have your knife, sir. I won" you remark in a tiny little voice from the back of your throat.
"Tch, just because you have the knife doesn't mean your opponent won't attack you or even use that against you." Levi's voice is also calm and steady and even matching your tone in volume. You watch with anticipation as he opens his mouth to speak and when words begin to form he's interrupted.
"Ah sir, I want to spare with you as well!" Petra smiles as she fixes some lose strands of hair behind her ears.
Deciding to spend anymore time on this position on top of you, Levi pushes your wrists on the ground once again before completely getting off of you. You realise he's taken the dummy knife him, something he probably did in the blink of an eye. Of course he'd make his point whatever it took.
Training has stripped your stomach of the fullness that breakfast has secured you with and now you can hear the organ growl angrily inside your body. Having spent a week as the survey corps cook as a punishment has also worked wonders for your little appetite, because it physically drained you to the bone. You don't even know where to start about that unexpected shenanigan.
Unbeknownst to you, Nanaba and Lynne roll their eyes at your blanked expression. "Wall Maria to (y/n)? Hello? Is anyone in there?" An inpatient Lynne knocks a little too loud at the side of your head. Nifa laughs at the sight as well.
"Ohhh, I am." You whine. "Also ouch! I'm just not in my right head!"
"You uhm... mean piece of mind?" A few pieces of bread fall out of Nanaba's hand as she stuffs her mouth. It only takes a while to come up with a line to say to excuse your absurdness.
It's not that you want to feel that way about Levi or that you choose to either. It's probably an outcome of fatigue and a tiny infatuation that rule your mind like an empire that's about to fall. Levi's handsome, there's no denying in that, you've thought so ever since you set your eyes on him but he was ten years older than you and pretty much uninterested to almost everything. Maybe it's that you hoped he could look at you with the same enthusiasm that made you feel like you had a crush.
In reality you believe that these are pretty much lame reasons and Nanaba especially will laugh at you. 'Do you even have a reason to have a crush on someone?' Ugh, you can literally listen to her.
"Hmm, sorry I can't seem to communicate today. Might as well share." You decide it's not polite to keep things to yourself when others are trying to care for you. "Well it's that-"
"Do you guys find the Captain handsome?"
As always thanks for reading 👉❤️👈 if you have any request you can pop one in my askbox. Feedback is always appreciated, I really love seeing your opinions, they keep me motivated. I adore you guys
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celestialraes · 4 years
~Young Blood Broken Souls~ (The Owl House Angst Fanfic)
Contains spoilers
And mental deterioration
It wasn’t supposed to end up this way.
It was never supposed to end up this way.
The amount of pure trust and admiration Lilith had for the emperor had disintegrated in mere seconds.
He lied to her.
He lied to everyone.
And now here she was, stuck in a cage watching as her sister was about to get petrified.
Watching as her sister was about to die.
Lilith gripped her dress and gritted her teeth staring up at her frantic sister, trying, begging to find some way out of that cage.
Her eyes fell to the floor as her erratic breathing began to come to a halt. Before she looked up again, gasping as she watched the petrification machine start up.
Her eyes widened as she watched her little sister only begin to realize what was about to happen.
The 3 headed statue’s eyes glowed a bright green before a bright blast of light and magic was formed, heading straight for Eda.
She watched in terror.
King screamed Eda’s name, Eda froze, becoming completely still.
Lilith’s top teeth grinded against her bottom ones, she squeezed her eyes shut and practically ripped into her dress with her nails.
This wasn’t happening. It was all a bad dream, a nightmare that she wasn’t waking up from. She was sound asleep in her bed at the coven, this wasn’t happening.
It was all a bad dream.
All a bad dream.
* * *
She remembered the first time she met The Emperor.
She had only been in the Emperor’s Coven for a few weeks when he had summoned her.
He had wanted to meet ‘the powerful witch that braved off the monstrous owl demon.’
Lilith felt good about herself.
More than good about herself.
But she couldn’t fight off all the other feelings combating her joy.
As she vigorously brushed her curly red hair that morning, most people would’ve thunk that as she did she wouldn’t be able to stop smiling.
She wasn’t able to stop frowning.
She stared at her reflection in the mirror as she tried to make her lips curl upward in a grin. It didn’t work, and as she finished brushing her hair, adding hairspray to hold the poof in place, the minutes slipped away from her and she was soon standing in front of the Emperor’s throne room door.
She fiddled with her hands, (a nervous action she had since she was a child), and raised one hand to knock when a booming voice quickly spoke.
“You could just open the door, please, we’re all equals here.”
Emperor Belos.
Her hand shot back from the door, and her mind began to race in several different directions. ‘How did he do that? Could he see the future? Could he hear her thoughts? Did he know of her regret?’ But she pushed it all away, and gripped both door handles, swinging them open and walking in, hearing them click shut behind her.
Except it wasn’t a click, it was a loud boom the sounded through the entire room.
She walked towards the throne, staring at the floor and practically dragging her feet the whole way.
She kneeled down and squeezed her eyes tightly shut, refusing to look up at him until she knew for a fact she was breathing in a steady pattern.
When she saw him for the first time she couldn’t stop her mouth from gaping open, and a small gasp form escaping her now painfully chapped lips.
There he was, Emperor Belos himself, sitting on a throne, looking more intimidating and powerful in person than he ever had been when he made his short appearances on the crystal ball.
She quickly shut her mouth and regained her composure when he began to speak yet again.
“Lilith Clawthorne, please stand.”
She did as instructed, her arms glued to her sides like a nutcrackers’ as she stared up at him, glaring down at her through his mask as he sat high above her on his throne.
“I must say I am impressed with your bravery Miss Clawthorne. That Owl Beast was ferocious but you stood your ground. You truly do belong to this Coven.”
She should have felt honored. But all she she felt was bitter. Bitter to this man, to this, Emperor.
She practically spat his name out.
“Thank you Emperor Belos, but I wasn’t all that brave..”
She wasn’t brave at all! In fact, right after she transformed her first instinct was to run, run after her sister into the woods. But she was stopped. She had already sealed her fate.
But him calling her brave wasn’t the problem. It was ‘The Owl Beast,’ he was talking about Edalyn. Her little sister. All she wanted to do was punch him square in the jaw, that sounded like something Edalyn would do though.
And she wasn’t like her sister.
The sister that she cursed.
She practically tasted the guilt in her mouth before she was snapped out of yet another trance, by the Emperor himself. But this time, he sounded, impatient...?
“Don’t be nonsensical Lilith.” He waved a hand in the air, literally waving her previous statement off. “Your bravery should be, rewarded.”
Lilith didn’t like the condescending way he had said it. But she brushed it off as just her nervousness.
She gulped, swallowing whatever pride she had left as she became worryingly nervous.
“R-Rewarded?” She mentally cursed herself out for stuttering infront of the Emperor, but she was most definitely not the first to do it.
The Emperor snapped his fingers and another Emperor’s Coven member, fully clad in the uniform stepped forward and stopped in front of Lilith, holding out a red velvet pillow, with an object on it.
Emperor Belos spoke as Lilith picked the object off of the pillow and held it inbetween two of her fingers.
“A gift from me, to you.”
She immediately recognized what the gift was.
It was a gem.
Gem’s were common in Boiling Isles fashion but this one was, special.
It was a light blue, even kinda tealish color that matched her eyes. Her mother had one of those that she wore everyday. But hers was only worth about 50 snails.
This one looked to be worth 500 at minimum.
There had to be some kind of catch.
“Y’know Lilith-”
There it was.
“Friends, give each other gifts. How would you like more of those?” He pointed down from his throne to the gem in Lilith’s hands.
“Gifts Lilith, gifts.”
Lilith stared down in embarrassment before looking back up, realizing that the person with the velvet pillow had gone and was nowhere to be seen.
She skeptically spoke again this time question herself as she spoke. “...Yes???”
The Emperor’s tone turned even darker if that was possible.
“Was that a question or an answer?”
Her head shot down to the floor once again. He was treating her like her father always would. But he was The Emperor, and she couldn’t wouldn’t talk back to him.
She looked back up, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath before reopening them and speaking yet again. “Yes.”
The Emperor chuckled darkly, a chuckle that sent shivers down her spine, causing her to stand up tall as sweat dripped down her forehead.
“How would you like to... Ascend our ranks?”
Lilith froze in place, staring up at the intimidating Emperor, this time she didn’t skip a beat in her response.
“Then bring me your sister. I’ll heal your mistake and she will join the coven, just as was originally intended.”
Originally intended?
Before Lilith could question what that had meant her mind became clouded with guilt.
She looked down at the floor, clenching her fists as she squeezed the gem in her right hand.
He was right.
It was her mistake.
No one else’s.
And he would fix it.
For her.
She looked up at the Emperor, her confidence flowing back to her in a rush of waves. She pinned the gem to her uniform/outfit, a place where it would permanently stay. And stood tall, taller than she ever had before in her short life.
“I will.”
* * *
That was the second worst decision of her life.
The first being, well, the curse.
And now, her she was, thrown out and cast aside, her status gone, having lost everything, watching as her sister was about to die.
This was not how it was going to end.
Not for Eda anyway.
The blast of light and magic practically blinded Lilith as she jumped up, ignoring her lungs gasping for breath as she ran.
She didn’t need to run, the cage wasn’t very big, but she felt like she needed to. She felt like she needed to be heroic.
Everything went in slow motion as she practically threw herself in front of Eda, taking the hit from the beam.
She felt her body cease up, she heard King gasp in shock, and she heard Edalyn scream.
Scream her name.
* * *
The rush of air to her lungs caused Lilith to let out a gasp, before she was overcome by dizziness and fell to the floor. Well, if it could even be called that.
It was pitch black, and when Lilith finally went to look at her surroundings she realized, everything was black. She was in a sort of void.
She slowly stood up, her dizziness subsiding as she looked at her surroundings. Or, well, lack thereof.
There was nothing.
Nothing but a door at far end of the void.
Eda’s bedroom door.
Lilith held her breath for a few moments as she practically felt the wind get knocked out of her. She couldn’t breath.
She let out yet another death-defying gasp, panting heavily as if she’d been just running a marathon.
What was happening to her?
All of a sudden she couldn’t breath, she couldn’t speak, all she could do was stare, stare at the door.
But then, she started walking. It was as if Lilith herself wasn’t in control of anything she did, all she could do was stare as she walked closer and closer to the door. Until she grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.
And she was back where she started with the door farther away than it originally was. Or was she farther than she was before? She didn’t really know.
Lilith’s eyes went wide as she stared ahead at the magically moving door. She ran this time, her legs pumping, trying not to trip and fall on hem of her dress. She reached an arm out, going to touch the door, going to hold onto it for dear life, when it vanished into thin air.
She stumbled, barely catching herself in the end as she glared down at the ground before her head shot up.
The door was at the farthest part of the abyss she could see. She yelled out in anger and ran to it again, and again, and again.
She kept running to it, grabbing the doorknob, and twisting until she was back at square one yet again.
The more she did it the farther the door went, the farther Lilith had to run to get to it. Mere seconds turned to minutes of nonstop running.
It wasn’t like the first time, when she couldn’t even divert her path from the door. She had full control of herself. She could run away from the door if she really wanted to.
Then why did she keep running to it?
Maybe it was a sense of security. Knowing that her little sister was behind that door. Or maybe it was because it could have been a way out. Lilith still didn’t know.
But she wanted to leave. She wanted to see her little sister.
But the door kept teasing her until her legs gave out beneath her, and she was taken over by another force.
A force that wrapped around her body until it suffocated her, making her gasp for air as tears came down her face by the gallon, even though she didn’t want them to.
It let go and the air returned to her lungs in a painful jab, as if she had swallowed a knife whole.
She breathed erratically as she slammed her fists onto the groundless void, a splash of wet, pitch black liquid splashing onto her dress.
The ground had morphed into some kind of shallow tide pool, the rest of the void’s color turning a deep gray, contrasting the black in a way a raging storm would be to a ravaging ocean.
Her mouth tasted salty from her continuously falling tears, but as she bent over to look at her reflection in the black inky abyss her vision became clouded by shards of black.
Her tears.
Her tears were black.
Her hands shot from the inky water to her eyes in seconds flat, wiping them clean before her black tears clouded her vision yet again.
Her entire body shook as she managed out a painful sob, another jab at her raw lungs that wracked her body and made her sob even more.
She was just running.
How did it come to this in just a few measly minutes?
Lilith didn’t know why or how it had, but she didn’t have any time to think before all the guilt she’d been experiencing for the past 20 years flooded her thoughts, filling her with immense guilt and sadness.
So there she was, sobs painfully wracking her body, black tears bleeding from her eyes, as she was collapsed in a shallow pool of the inky abyss’ water.
Until she wasn’t.
The water wrapped around and middle and tugged her down backwards, practically giving the witch whiplash in the process.
She was deep under the previously shallow water now, the air in her cheeks being the only thing keeping her from drowning under there.
Through her pain Lilith used whatever energy she had left and swam up to the surface, but just as her hand was about to pierce the top the force wind around her middle and tugged her down again.
This time refusing to let go.
It dragged her down, and down, and no matter how much she wriggled and squirmed she couldn’t escape its grasp.
The force pressed on her stomach, pushing the remaining air out of her mouth and lungs. She gasped, her hands quickly grasping around her mouth before the force forced them down to her sides.
She was choking, drowning on the black inky abyss’ water, with nothing she could do about it.
The water quickly filled her lungs to the brink as she began coughing up a storm, only making her breathing situation worse.
But she wasn’t drowning, she was only choking on the ink as the force dragged her deeper, and deeper, and deeper.
She could no longer see the abyss’ gray sky. It was only the black inky water, that was choking her, and choking her, and choking her.
Lilith’s vision was still blurry with tears as she finally gave up on her squirming, now fully realizing she was being dragged to her own grave.
Lilith Clawthorne was hurting.
Physically, emotionally,
And there was nothing she could do about it.
Except endure her own suffering.
Luz didn’t know what to expect when they unpetrified Lilith, but she knew for a fact she didn’t expect the witch to let out a blood curdling scream and fall.
Amity rushed forward and caught Lilith in her arms, the witch was breathing erratically as she dug her fingernails into Amity’s wrists and hid her face in the younger witch’s chest.
Gus spoke breathlessly.
“We didn’t kill anyone this time.”
Willow slapped him hard on the arm before looking to Luz with an apologetic look.
The 24 year old latina looked at the ground solemnly before taking a deep breath and walking forward to where Amity held Lilith tightly in her arms, awkwardly massaging the older witch’s back.
Luz placed a reassuring hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder before looking back at the sobbing, shaking mess that was Lilith Clawthorne.
She inspected Lilith of any signs of hostility, and she felt like a dick in doing so, but she didn’t want to risk her lover and best friends’ safety. But seeing the way Lilith, Lilith Clawthorne, the stonefaced leader of the Emperor’s Coven throw her walls down and collapse in tears...
Luz knew she wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Lilith didn’t speak for the first 3 weeks.
She just... Was there?
She ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them. Sat on the couch and stared off into the crystal ball. And went to sleep.
She slept in Eda’s untouched, dust filled room, in the old rotting nest that hadn’t been used since 10 years earlier.
She stared a lot too, inspecting every little thing around her. She stared at conversations between Luz and Amity, between Willow and Gus, at a plant etc.
She even stared at the quiet shell that was Hooty. Hooty didn’t talk much anymore, that was what they had in common.
She also didn’t stay around anyone for to long. Amity had offered Lilith clothes once but she just shook her head and went on her not-so-merry way.
She wasn’t surprised. For titans sake she had been stuck in a statue for 10 years! And she never liked Luz, Willow, Gus, and maybe even Amity that much anyway.
But there was something different about this avoidance and routine.
Something was very different about Lilith herself.
Her turquoise eyes didn’t have the same determination as they did before, in fact they were the dullest Luz had ever seen them. Almost gray, even.
Her stature was different too, Luz and co. often found Lilith hugging herself and staring down at the floor, always wearing a frown. She also slouched more often than not, much different from how she held herself before.
She looked like a kicked puppy, in short. Or like King when he didn’t get his way-
Luz felt her heart ache in her chest as her fingers painfully curled around the fabric of her shirt.
It still hurt, and she knew that it always would.
Owlbert flew to her shoulder and let out a reassuring hoot, nuzzling the humans neck. She smiled and gave her boo boo buddy a scratch on the head.
Luz’s thoughts and actions came to an abrupt halt when she heard the screeching of one of the dining room chairs against the floor.
Lilith ran into the living room and stared at Luz for a good few seconds before her eyes shot to the owl on her shoulder. Even Owlbert couldn’t hate her, not now.
She walked up to Luz, staring at her feet and fiddling with her hands the entire time. She stood like that for a good few minutes, staring at her feet and playing with her hands. It was awkward, and for a second Luz thought she was petrified again.
She was about to walk away and leave Lilith to her own devices, and her own sadness when the witch finally looked up and stared at Luz dead in the eyes. And with her own void of life and emotionless voice, she asked one question.
“Where’s Eda?”
A sob wracked through Luz’s entire body before she could say anything, and she fell to the floor in a ball of tears, her entire body shaking from the force of her own sobs.
Owlbert started hooting alarmingly and Amity ran from the kitchen and was at Luz’s side in a flash, consoling her girlfriend with hushes as she held her to her chest like she did for Lilith 3 weeks earlier.
And Lilith just stood there, staring.
Lilith wasn’t stupid. She knew the answer to her question the moment Luz fell to floor. She knew it, but she didn’t want to believe it. She never wanted to believe it.
Her little sister was dead.
And so was her housepet but Lilith was more torn apart that she lost her little sister.
Her little sister.
The one she was supposed to protect until the end. The one that was supposed to outlive her. Was dead, and it was all Lilith’s fault. She knew that.
But now, as she stared up at the ceiling of the bedroom, her sister’s bedroom, tears coming down her face in a silent flood she thought about life.
About why it had to take her bestfriend from her, her sister from her. She thought about if Eda had taken fit for granted just as she had.
She gripped the blanket tighter, her nails almost piercing through it.
And she thought of why she was still even there.
They visited the graveyard the next morning.
Willow had led Lilith in through the gate by her elbow, without it it seemed as if the witch would collapse to the ground.
To say the air around the 4 witches and human was tense and depressing would be an understatement.
They never liked visiting Eda and King’s graves, of course they missed the two of them but it just made them-
Hurt more.
But they would pull through it, for Lilith.
The group made their way past a plethora of differently shaped graves, each with their own engravement with their name, death date, and cause of death.
They walked up a small hill where under a tree sat two graves side by side. As they got closer Lilith was able to make out the names on the two graves.
But her eyes hyperfocused on the bigger grave.
Edalyn Clawthorne.
Petrification/Spell Accident
She felt her heart clench as they reached the two graves and Willow finally let go of Lilith’s elbow. She practically dived towards the grave and wrapped her arms tightly around it, sobbing into it as if it was her sisters own chest.
Luz’s eyes watered as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. Willow sitting next to Lilith, rubbing her back in a comforting manner. Gus, about a foot behind the two witches, sitting down in prayer... Weird for an atheist but go Gus-
And then there was Luz and Amity, who had stayed the farthest away in their own solitude.
Luz felt her eyes water and tears slowly begin to crawl down her face. Amity, noticing this, leaned her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder, Luz reciprocating the comfort with an arm around Amity’s waist.
And Lilith sobbed.
And all they did was stare.
It was two weeks later when Amity had gone up to Eda’s Lilith’s room to check on her. She hadn’t come down to breakfast that morning, or lunch. Another thing that was different about Lilith, she never missed meals before...
Amity found her fast asleep in the nest, but when she tried to wake the elder witch up..-
She couldn’t.
Lilith was dead.
The doctors had pronounced Lilith had died of a deteriorated mental state. Weird, because days earlier they said with therapy she could live a happy life.
But as Luz stood there, in front of Lilith’s grave, who had been placed on the other side of Eda’s she knew-
Lilith had died of a broken heart.
After months of procrastinating woohoo I decided to finish this angsty piece of pain! I think I’m going to make 5 mini stories about the 5 weeks Lilith had left to live, and add some stuff that didn’t really fit in here! Well, thanks for reading, I really hope you guys liked it!
And that your hearts were ripped out-
Also this idea was actually by @fallenflowersfromgrace but I made it 10 times worse!!! :333 <333 :)))
I hope I killed you sister :333
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kob131 · 4 years
You know Hero Hei, it’s hard to feel sorry for you (or even try to be neutral towards you) when you’re still pulling the same manipulative bullshit.
Shocked face, overexaggerated title, contrasting colors, aggressive language- I’m pretty sure if Trump’s Political ads had thumbnails, they’d looked identical to yours (and I only say Trump because every other politician follows an older version of your formula.)
‘This is a follow-up to Neath Oum’s hitpiece on me-’
There you go again. Hit Piece is defined as a disingenuous article or similar such piece of media designed to turn public opinion against a person. Issue is- this is not a public article, it’s a fucking tweet thread and it’s not made to turn people against you (and consider the replies to his tweet, it wouldn’t even slightly change public opinion of you), it was made to explain why he doesn’t like you.
We can actually see how a hit piece would sound like IN YOUR VIDEO, as Neath forgoes a lot of the manipulative techniques you use in your videos to get an emotional reaction out of his audience before even beginning.
‘I have nothing but respect for Monty Oum-’
Your numerous videos slandering his friends when the man outright told people to stop watching his show for saying one of his friends was a lesser voice actor than two others in ONE instance says otherwise. 
‘*insert a bunch of sarcastic stuff here*’
I wouldn’t bitch too much but this video is only 6 minutes and 13 seconds long and about half a minute passes without him saying of substance. And I’m keeping his shit vague because it’s meaningless and just meant to rile his audience up. 
‘It won’t negatively affect me at all.’
Cool...and Neath is never shown to intend it too. Here’s the tweet thread that Hero Hei is talking but never sources (https://twitter.com/neath_oum/status/1307345624958812160). Not once does he ever say anything about exposing Hero Hei and ends it by reiterating it’s about explaining his blocking.
Also of note-
Because his lies exacerbate conflict or generate controversy where none existed
Neath says this in his chain. Now consider Hero Hei portraying this as an attack against him...when he never says to spread his thread, use manipulative language like you do or use the attention grapping tactics you do. And now you’re just proving him right when you could have stopped this 40+ second monologue, made a title like “I respond to Neath Oum’s Twitter Thread” and used a different thumbnail. 
(Note: I am skipping from 0:37 to 1:22 because at 0:44 he says to skip that segment as it’s a catchup and I’m trying to give him some benefit so I’ll just skip it and assume he gave a neutral recap.)
‘He begins hyping this thread up and being really suspicious and vague about it!’
You mean like what people said about your original video on the subject which you dismissed and mocked them for?
To paraphrase you Hero Hei-
‘Read beyond the first sentence.’
‘In my opinion, this means nothing and so i will not comment on most of this.’
You mean opinion of the target of the so-called ‘hit piece’ who would have every reason to downplay what is being shown. After I having already seen for myself that you’re a damn liar and the very first part of the ‘hit piece’ is talking about how you lie by omission? You clearly do care because you made (an admittedly low effort) video on it and yet you can’t even address it properly? Speaking as someone who has had hit pieces made on him, you’re an idiot.
Also your ‘if you want to read the whole thing, you know where to find it!’ shit is inexcusable. It’s a known fact that audiences likely won’t seek out something that would discredit their subject. They’ll be far more likely to just accept whatever you say, especially if say...their emotions and tribalistic instincts were being played on by portraying Neath as inherently wrong and using emotionally charged language to elicit a certain reaction out of them.
“Most of this stuff is from a year ago anyways!’
Stuff which you yourself bring up before to make and support your points. 
‘This isn’t really worth my time, it’s desperate.’
I have literally heard politicians pull this, how is everything out of your mouth killing your credibility?
‘*tries to portray Neath’s beginning statement as aggressive towards people asking for proof* Well I dunno why anyone would be upset you accused someone without proof but okay-’
A. ‘ Finished some stuff earlier than expected. For those who (civilly) asked for info and proof about hero hei, here you go.’
That is Neath’s opening sentence. This is not being aggressive or dismissive or at all negative towards the people asking for proof. I can’t think of a way to be more neutral than this.
B. Funny considering you accused Pedantic Romantic of being a stalker and yet never provided actual proof, just out of context screenshots (effectively lies which is WORSE.) So clearly you don’t care that much.
‘Funny that he says he found additional evidence about this when he retweeted a thread made a month ago by another twiiter user that I debunked in another vide Man this is some worthless stuff.’
Gee Hero Hei, I’ve noticed that you like to portray this as irrelevant without saying why, continuously using those kinds of terms. Kind of like news outlets when bitching about someone they don’t like, all using similar terminology as if to subconsciously reinforce an idea in the viewer’s head. Also funny since those same news outlets ALSO tend to rely on the reader’s bias...
‘See, he even admits that he’s taking this from someone I debunked!’
Well actually, you just pointed out one single mistake that wasn’t connected to their point but sure.
‘This is so lazy Neath!’
Hero hei, you literally just take what other people say and vomit it out- You do the same shit.
‘Animelog is by Toei actually!’
No Hero Hei, it’s not. Toei justed signed up for them. It’s still operated by AnalyzeLog...which is funded by Net 10 ventures, the company Neath CITED.
Benjamin Grubbs is the founder of AnalyzeLog. In 2018, AnalyzeLog was founded with seed funding from U.S. venture capitalist Next10 Ventures. In December 2019 AnalyzeLog Digital struck a deal with Toei Animation. Shogakukan followed Toei animation deal in April 2020, and just last month it signed a collaboration with animation studio Shin Ei Animation, creators of “Doraemon” and “Crayon Shin-Chan”.
‘He tries to compare Toei being a founder of Daisuki to it’s massive investment in AnalyzeLog!’
... Hero Hei. When you found something like a business, you are INVESTING in that business. Jeff Bezos fundamentally invested in Amazon when he started it up because he had to use his own money to make it happen.
... Do you think your audience is brain dead or something?
‘*covers Neath’s screenshot of his video titles*’
Hm, pretty sure that’s the definition of ‘suspect’ Hero Hei.
‘So this vice president of Rooster Teeth did horrible things to his wife and Neath is defending this or something-’
*grabs Hero Hei by the collar*
Nuh uh, you ain’t getting away with that shit.
First, short one about Rooster Teeth, the lies I am talking about were lies of omission. These screenshots show the titles of some of his videos. Titles and screenshots are what drives viewers when deciding what videos to watch. In the titles, he used "Rooster Teeth Vice President". Using "Rooster Teeth Vice President" evokes the image of the second highest ranking person at Rooster Teeth. However, he used "Vice President of Product and Engineering" in the video description, so he knew what the person's full rank was but omitted it from the titles. By seeing the actual rank, viewers would know that the terminated person was not the second highest ranked person at Rooster Teeth. Not including information in a title to give viewers the wrong impression amounts to lies of omission.
Some will argue that he didn't lie since the full rank was given in the description, it's just click bait and no big deal. That's fine but omitting information from the beginning warps first impressions and are still lies, even if small. That said, continue reading for more of his overt lies.
This is the full set of what he said in regards to RT. Notice something? Yeah- HE’S NOT DEFENDING THE MAN. Hero Hei just shoved that shit in. With NOTHING to indicate such a thing...you know other than ‘he dared to speak out against me!’
‘He seems to be complaining about the video title-’
TITLES (multiple) which comes up NUMEORUS times in his thread but sure. And you clearly agree with him since you bitched about his opening thread (just you know, effectively lying about it.)
‘*quotes an out of context sentence from the above quoted set* No I wasn’t trying tyo give people the wrong impression!’
First, short one about Rooster Teeth, the lies I am talking about were lies of omission. These screenshots show the titles of some of his videos. Titles and screenshots are what drives viewers when deciding what videos to watch. In the titles, he used "Rooster Teeth Vice President". Using "Rooster Teeth Vice President" evokes the image of the second highest ranking person at Rooster Teeth. However, he used "Vice President of Product and Engineering" in the video description, so he knew what the person's full rank was but omitted it from the titles. By seeing the actual rank, viewers would know that the terminated person was not the second highest ranked person at Rooster Teeth. Not including information in a title to give viewers the wrong impression amounts to lies of omission.
Some will argue that he didn't lie since the full rank was given in the description, it's just click bait and no big deal. That's fine but omitting information from the beginning warps first impressions and are still lies, even if small. That said, continue reading for more of his overt lies.
Funny how context CHANGES things, like showcasing Hero Hei lying AGAIN.
‘I didn’t say that because Youtube has a 100 character limit for video titles so i couldn’t fit in!’
Yeah it does have 99 characters in it...
Except here’s the thing: you could have cut 33 characters from it even with inserting ‘of Product and Engineering’ easily.
Rooster Teeth RT Vice PRESIDENT VP of Product and Engineering ARRESTED, allegedly BEAT his WIFE Numerous Times and LAUGHED about it!
There, 66 characters and I made your video title better (by cutting out needless details) and more truthful.
I don’t trust you enough, especially with the shit you’ve already pulled in this video alone.
‘*mocks Neath for bringing up the Vic stuff from over a year ago*’
Hero hei, your channel has permanent ‘ISWV’ merch being advertised. 
*doesn’t even bother to address what is said, just mocking the use of names.*
“Neath Oum s-said mean things about me mommy, make the scary man with 2/3rds of my audience stop mommy!’
See how stupid that sounds?
In fact, let’s stop here because he says NOTHING of worth and Hero hei killed his credibility (along with any chance of me even giving him anything beyond basic human respect) at this point.
Considering the very little he DID cover ended up being just shit flinging from him AT BEST- he actually made Neath look pretty damn good. Because HH in comparison really does look like the embodiment of that ‘crying behind a smug face’ meme.
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So congrats HH. I actually though the comparison was the result of personal bias against you and felt uncomfortable about. I now see it was entirely DERSERVED...if I choose to ignore how you implied Neath was defending a man BEATING HIS WIFE because he pointed out your clickbait bullshit.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Idle Chat with Victor
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a feature which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
The CN server was recently graced with a new feature called 随便聊聊 (“Idle Chat”), where you can select a mood and talk to the love interests about work, life, and studies :>
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Idle Chat with: Gavin / Kiro / Lucien / Shaw
[ WORK - Topic 1: Overtime ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Overtime is finally over!! I’m going home to lie down~ I miss my bed and pillow so much
Victor: You’re working overtime again?
Victor: The timing for tomorrow's report will be changed to the afternoon
Victor: You can get more sleep in the morning.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I’m completely not in the mood to work today, and think I’ll have to work overtime again. I wonder if I’ll be able to finish by 10pm... I’m a little tired, and really miss my bed.
Victor: Instead of letting your mind wander, why not complete the work on hand quickly. 
Victor: You were in the mood to play on your phone and send messages in the afternoon though.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I have to work overtime today! I feel as though I’m basically living in the office recently! I wonder when such days will come to an end...
Victor: Do you want me to award you with a “Most Hardworking Employee” certificate?
Victor: There’s no need for unnecessary overtime
Victor: Tonight, go home and have a good rest.
[ WORK - Topic 2: Income ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: It’s the happy day of payday! Even though I have to pay for various expenses, I’ll live in the moment. So tonight, I’ve decided to have a big feast in Souvenir
Victor: Souvenir isn’t open tonight.
Victor: But if you want to come, I can make an exception.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: In just the blink of an eye, payday is arriving. Come to think of it, the term “income” doesn’t seem to be related to you at all. Doesn’t this mean you’re short of one form of happiness?
Victor: Your definition of “happiness” is overly simplistic. 
Victor: I don’t need to consider such things.
Victor: Also, when do you intend to submit the financial statements from the previous quarter?
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Why is there never enough income? I didn’t do much this month, but ended up spending so much. I’m troubled.
Victor: Are you hinting that I should increase your pay?
Victor: It isn’t an impossibility.
Victor: As long as you give me a convincing reason.
[ WORK - Topic 3: Program Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: That collaboration I mentioned the last time was successful! Phew - it’s really been full of twists and turns, and I almost thought it’d fail. It’s a good thing we didn’t give up!
Victor: Since it’s successful, bring the proposal over along with your report next week.
Victor: I’ve asked Goldman to schedule a meeting.
Victor: Also, you did well this time.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I really have no idea what to do for the new program. I’ve thought of a few perspectives, but everyone thinks they aren’t that great. It feels like all my inspiration has dried up...
Victor: In that case, work on something else to divert your train of thought.
Victor: There are many methods, and you can pick one yourself.
Victor: If you can’t think of anything, come to Souvenir after work.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: The new proposal hasn’t been going smoothly... I was full of vigour at first, but I feel slightly discouraged now. Sigh, I’m starting to doubt life.
Victor: Didn’t you boast shamelessly before that you’d definitely do it?
Victor: Why don’t you take out that vigour you showed me?
Victor: I can spare some time later to help you take a look.
[ WORK - Topic 4: Program Results ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I didn’t expect the program to be approved so smoothly. I even thought it’d get stuck for a long time like the previous case. Looks like praying to you before the meeting was effective!
Victor: Dummy. Praying to me isn’t effective.
Victor: The proposal you did this time wasn’t bad
Victor: Continue making persistent efforts.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: The program on hand is stuck mid-way again. Recently, it feels as though everything isn’t going smoothly. Do you have time to take a look at my proposal?
Victor: Come to my house this weekend
Victor: I can spare two hours.
Victor: If you’re asking for my guidance, have you thought about how to pay the tutoring fee?
3. Mood: Angry
MC: The collaborative program with Loveland TV didn’t get approved again!! I’ve already made five amendments!! Life is really difficult!
Victor: While burying your head in amendments, did you find the reason why it wasn’t approved?
Victor: If you didn’t, let Goldman help.
Victor: As for the rest, I believe you can handle them.
[ LIFE - Topic 1: Losing Weight ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: When I measured myself today, I realised that I’ve actually lost weight! Truly, “shut your mouth, move your legs”. 
Victor: Since you have the determination to persevere
Victor: Looks like the pudding you wanted as a reward can be called off.
[Note] 管住嘴迈开腿 (“Shut your mouth, move your legs”) is a motto for losing weight in Chinese.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: It’s strange... Why isn’t there the slightest change in my weight even after exercising persistently for several days?! This has greatly swayed my determination to continue exercising.
Victor: Is this another one of your reasons to be lazy?
Victor: Continue with your morning run tomorrow.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: During the company’s physical examination, I received a bit of a blow. I actually put on so much weight!! From tomorrow onwards, I’m going to lose weight!
Victor: You do have to control yourself and have fewer suppers and snacks.
Victor: Instead of tormenting yourself alone
Victor: From tomorrow onwards, you’ll join me in my morning run.
[ LIFE - Topic 2: Meals ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I followed a recipe and whipped up coffee chicken perfectly! Even though it looks slightly flawed, the taste deserves 80 marks. Want to give it a try?
Victor: I’m suspicious of what you call “perfect”.
Victor: I’m not at home now. Come to LFG to look for me.
Victor: I hope your skills won’t disappoint me.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: How can I control the thickness of congee? I accidentally poured too much water, and now it has become a pot of rice soup. I even wanted to show you once I succeeded...
Victor: Looks like everything related to “appropriateness” is difficult for you to comprehend.
Victor: What congee are you trying to cook?
Victor: I’ll get someone to prepare the ingredients. Come over and I’ll teach you personally.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I tried following the recipe you gave me, but failed... I’m not asking for it to be delicious and perfect, but it ended up looking like dark cuisine. I followed every single thing you wrote though!
Victor: This has nothing to do with the recipe.
Victor: As long as you are half as serious about cooking as you are eating it
Victor: It wouldn’t become like this.
[ LIFE - Topic 3: Reading ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’ve finally finished reading that book you recommended. It’s very interesting!
Victor: What else did you plan to understand?
Victor: I don’t often read such books.
Victor: But after reading it, I realised that there are some merits.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Today, I purchased a few books on management but didn’t have time to read them. Come to think of it, I haven’t finished reading the books I bought the last time either. But the internet says that buying books but not reading them is also a form of charity~
Victor: So the reason why you buy books is for “charity” reasons?
Victor: Next time, don’t just buy any book you see
Victor: If you don’t know what to buy, ask me.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I just finished reading a very long book... In the end, everyone died aside from the protagonist! Why is there such a tragic ending!
Victor: So do you want to change the ending? 
Victor: Have a night’s rest, and you’ll forget about it tomorrow.
Victor: Don’t complain about dark eye circles the next time.
[ LIFE - Topic 4: Games ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’m at home since it’s a vacation today, and successfully finished all stages of a game! I said that I have a natural talent when it comes to games, didn’t I? The next time we play together, I won’t be in a flurry like the last time. 
Victor: When did I agree to play games with you again?
Victor: If the new program you proposed can rank first in the ratings
Victor: I wouldn’t mind seeing the results of your practice.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I’ve entered a game wasteland. Even though I usually don’t spend much time playing games... But when I want to play, there’s nothing worth playing, and I end up feeling very bored.
Victor: Apart from playing games, don’t you have other things to do?
Victor: If you really feel bored
Victor: There’s a dinner party tonight. You can come with me.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: When I was discussing a collaborative project today, I tried playing two rounds of Texas hold ’em. It ended in a tragic defeat... These games which require skill and thinking are not suitable for me.
Victor: Actually, it’s rules are very simple.
Victor: Playing such games requires sufficient patience and ambition.
Victor: I’ll teach you next time.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 1: Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’ve read through all the materials beforehand. I initially thought these were hieroglyphics, but now I realise they aren’t that difficult~
Victor: Since you could persevere, it looks like it wasn’t just a flash in the pan.
Victor: If you pass the exam, I’ll consider giving you a reward.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: It has been two hours since I started studying, and my progress is 10%. Ahhh I have to make full use of my time!! Why does time disappear the moment my mind wanders...
Victor: If you want to make full use of your time, you should be keeping your phone.
Victor: Next time, lock your phone away before you start studying
Victor: It can prevent 80% of your loss of focus.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I understand every word, but I can’t comprehend the sentence. I doubt I can finish learning all the materials before the examination. It’s really difficult!
Victor: You chose the hardest difficulty for yourself, so it’s too late to give up.
Victor: But the fact that you could persevere till now
Victor: It already makes one see you in a different light.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 2: Homework ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I just did two sets of examination questions, and the options I picked were all correct! I’m truly an ordinary small genius~ My confidence has shot up!
Victor: Before the final results, blind confidence isn’t much help.
Victor: But I’m looking forward to the final examination script you submit.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: It just dawned on me... why do I still have homework?! I thought the word “homework” was long gone. I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be able to escape from its shadow.
Victor: If your procrastination didn't show up, all these could have been completed very quickly.
Victor: Aside from homework, don’t forget the report for this quarter.
Victor: I don’t accept unexplained delays.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I plan to apply for leave from the meeting tomorrow afternoon. Tonight, I’m going to spend the entire night completing the heap of homework... I don’t believe I can’t finish them!!
Victor: With such vigor, why didn’t you complete some earlier?
Victor: Your goal is simply to pass the exam, so you can do some selection
Victor: There’s no need to foolishly set unnecessary requirements for yourself.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 3: Pre-exam Revision ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’m done with revision, and have a feeling that I’ll pass successfully this time! If I manage to pass, I’ll invite you out to celebrate. I’ve already thought of the location!
Victor: I accompanied you in studying for such a long time. If you can’t pass, I’ll be skeptical of your brain.
Victor: Right now, the most important thing is to conserve your strength and energy. 
Victor: Switch off your phone, and go to sleep.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Although I’m all prepared, my heart still feels very nervous... If I had known earlier, I would have prayed for a “Pass Every Exam” sign!!
Victor: Since you’re all prepared, why are you still nervous?
Victor: Forget it, I shouldn’t have had expectations for your psychological state...
Victor: Give me a call before you sleep.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Why do people need to go through exams... Why do people need to do revision... Why do people need to live...
Victor: Weren’t you brimming with confidence when you signed up?
Victor: There’s still time
Victor: I can accompany you in looking through the questions one more time.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 4: Post-exam celebration ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The exam is over! I plan to celebrate with a feast! I feel as though the gigantic stone in my heart has finally been lifted. I’m back to being a brave heroine~
Victor: The results aren’t out and you’re already so confident?
Victor: Forget it, I won’t deal any blows
Victor: What do you want to eat? Let me know once you’ve decided.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I wonder when the examination results would be released... Not being able to see the marks always makes my heart feel uneasy. Although I said I was going to celebrate, I don’t have much of a mood now.
Victor: Your mentality has room for improvement.
Victor: No matter how much you think about it, you can’t change the marks.
Victor: Come to Souvenir tonight - treat it as a celebration for completing your exam.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: The results of today’s exam are out! I obtained 30 marks more than the passing mark! I originally wanted to celebrate, but I heard a grievous piece of news - It turns out that the written examination only constitutes 60% of the marks! The rest are constituted by attendance!
Victor: This score is much higher than your previous test
Victor: As for the remaining marks, I recall that your attendance should be sufficient
Victor: There’s no need to worry.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Disruptor Designer and her Model, day 3
<Previous  Next>
3. Couple
Marinette was beside herself in excitement. After all, she was attending a fashion dinner she could only have dreamt about a few years ago.
She’d spent days sewing a ballgown that would be suitable enough for such an event. She was known as Ladybug, so, she would highlight that fact with her look. The dress’ skirt was full of layers of varying length, fading from red like the bodice to black. She decorated her hair with red ribbons, and to finish off her look, she wore a heavy ring of red eyeshadow with a few black dots by the corners of her eyes.
She was sure to make a statement. But that’s what Ladybug did.
She was greeted warmly enough by the host, to which Marinette grinned and thanked him for the invitation. When she entered the venue, her jaw dropped. It was practically dripping in crystals, distorting the lighting enough to make the whole place seem like it was glittering. The number of high-class designers here had her fangirling out on the inside.
But suddenly, once the initial awe ebbed, she realized she was standing in the middle of the room, completely out of her league. She didn’t do high-society events like this. She did little meet-and-greets with fans. She interacted with regular people, not with people who thought they were above those people.
So how was she supposed to navigate this?
“You look lost.”
Marinette jumped at the voice, then spun around…
Only to come face to face with Adrien Agreste.
She bit her tongue to hold in her word vomit until she was able to assemble it into something intelligible. “Maybe a little. I don’t exactly do events like… this.”
She patted herself on the back for her ability to speak as well as she did.
His grin widened. “Well, then maybe I can escort you around for a while? Until you understand the ropes?”
Her heart was flailing wildly. “That would be really kind of you. I’d appreciate it.”
He extended his arm to her, and she gladly took hold of it.
“Have you ever been to an event like this before?” Adrien asked.
She shook her head. “No. I’ve done large crowd events, but not for the high-class.”
He smirked. “Do you have any idea what happens at meetings like this?”
“My guess is a lot of talking business.”
“It’s all that happens,” Adrien informed. “And after a while, it gets rather boring. You learn who likes each other and who hates each other. You learn who’s backstabbing who. You learn who you can forge tentative alliances with, and who you can’t. You learn market trends and what’s likely to be in style and who’s hosting what event, etcetera, etcetera.”
“You make it sound like we’re spies gathering information.”
Adrien chuckled. A lovely sound, if Marinette were honest. “You have a lot of people who have their best interests in mind. They want their company at the top, and they do whatever they need to to make sure that happens.”
Marinette made a note of that.
“So what I’m trying to say, little Ladybug…” He bent over, his lips now close to her ear. “Is welcome to the wolf den.”
The moment Adrien had watched the angel in red walk down the stairs into the venue, he felt the overwhelming urge to protect her. That smile was too bright, too genuine for this crowd. One that would eat her alive.
He quickly swooped her under his wing, vowing that he would make tonight as enjoyable for her as he could make it. Thankfully, the few people he introduced her to were polite, talking about the fashion in the room over the fashion world in general.
At least, they could get along with that.
And then, dinner was served.
Thanks to assigned seating, Adrien couldn’t sit by her. He was seated between his father and another high-ranking designer. Ladybug, on the other hand, was on the other end of the table from him. Meaning he couldn’t protect her when one designer decided to pick on her.
“Miss Ladybug, you seem to occupy a… unique sector of the fashion world.”
“I don’t think the corner I occupy is unique,” she responded politely. “Just a different one from you.”
The man nodded. “And just how did you decide to occupy that corner?”
She paused, frozen. “Well, it started off as a hobby, and then the more I grew, the more I found ways to reach out to my audience and interact with them and learn from them what they wanted from me.”
“An… interesting approach,” the man said, gathering murmurs of agreement. “So, you would say you run more on the whims of other people than your own?”
“No, sir,” she respectfully explained. “I run on my own ideas, but it is my fans that tell me which of my ideas they like more.”
“And you find success in that? Letting other people tell you which ideas are the best rather than being the influencer?”
“I am an influencer, but what good is being an influencer if people don’t enjoy my content?” Ladybug spoke with authority, her tone strong and her posture proving she was not to be intimidated. “It would be as silly as a fashion designer who made things no one would want to wear. Isn’t that why all designers follow the trends the consumers set for them?”
The table went silent, staring at her in shock and awe, and in Adrien’s case, in pride. He’d been a follower of hers long enough to know she had to be a genuinely sweet person. The was a darling in the media. She could do no wrong. But apparently, Ladybug had a hard-enough exoskeleton to stand up to some ill-intended conversations.
And for that, his crush for her got a little bit worse.
The next conversation that happened when the next course was served, Adrien didn’t quite know how it started, but all he knew was that Ladybug was speaking again.
“I would say most of the market of consumers either doesn’t care about high-fashion or can’t afford it.”
“If most of the market doesn’t care,” some man said. “Then we wouldn’t have a business.”
There was a collective laughter at that. Adrien was watching Ladybug, already thinking of the best way to defuse the conversation if worse came to worse.
“What market are you talking about?" Ladybug challenged. “Everyone in the world wears clothes of some sort.”
“Yes,” a woman in a sleek black dress across from Ladybug said. “But what about people in our positions? People who need to present themselves as best they can? Men’s suits are a huge industry. And what about the women’s side? Does the average high-class woman not like looking as best they can? Having matching purses and shoes for every outfit?”
Ladybug stared down the woman.
“Of course,” Audrey Bourgeois herself spoke up. “Ladybug, you as a woman should know that a handbag can make the difference between looking sloppy or being at the height of fashion.”
“Yes, but height of fashion does not mean a two-thousand-dollar bag. That is the height of status. It’s entirely possible to spend less than two hundred and look like a millionaire just like it’s possible to shop in any last one of your stores and look like a complete fashion disaster.”
Adrien had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing. Oh Ladybug, he thought, looking at the girl who smirked as she observed the lines of people with their jaws on the table. You have no idea what you’ve just started.
“I completely ruined any chance of being invited back, haven’t I?” she asked Adrien, who had kindly offered to escort her to her car. Marinette didn’t think it was too late, but people had started taking their leave shortly after dinner.
“Oh, my lady, you…” He chuckled, his smile bright with amusement. “You did something.”
She smacked her hand over her face. “I’m such an idiot.”
“Maybe,” Adrien said. “But I thought that was the most interesting dinner I’ve ever been to. For someone so ‘beneath their status’, you certainly put them all in their place.”
She groaned. What an idiot she was. How dare she say any of that. But having watched those people staring down at her… it was like being bullied back in high school and she’d sworn she’d never let people walk all over her like that again.
And while she’d felt empowered at the time, she realized that these were the kind of people who could tear her apart in the fashion world. They could destroy her.
“But,” Adrien continued, pulling her from her thoughts. “I honestly loved watching you do it.”
Her heart that had been racing with anxiety beforehand came to a screeching halt. And so did she, she soon realized when he turned around to look at her. “What?”
Adrien gave her a sweet, warm grin that could knock her to her knees at the moment. “I’ve been around people like that my whole life,” he said. “And it’s honestly so tiring watching all these really pretentious people who think they’re high and mighty because of their money and status, and some of them think they know everything.
“And then here you come,” he continued, taking a couple steps closer to close the distance. “Not a care in the world for their status or what they could do to you, and when they start bullying you, you just put them in their place and act like a queen doing it.”
She felt like she was going to pass out on the spot.
“And let me tell you, I am going to get some serious crap from my dad for showing you around tonight and escorting you out like we’re some couple instead of near strangers, but I honestly couldn’t care less. Because from what I can tell, it was worth it. And…” He shuffled nervously, glancing down at his feet for a second before meeting her gaze once again. “You’re a very interesting woman, Miss Ladybug, and I would really like if you would grant me the opportunity to take you out on a date.”
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
Three questions: How were you getting paid if you were a "prisoner"? Where you really a prisoner or is that just the excuse you used to get out of punishment? Did he even TRY to kill you?
Oh no, no, not an excuse at all.
I was a prisoner and the only reason I walked right into it was, more or less, to spite @directoryandle  and, going in with the assumption that I was going to eventually be let out again, also be able to come back and hopefully still have him working there so I could claim however many years I was stuck there because he’d sent me to deal with the ‘request’ instead of going himself that it was official Ministry business, work, and I absolutely expected to be paid for it.
Essentially, the Ministry ended up paying me five years’ salary to be a prisoner and largely did continue doing things that were part of my actual job anyway, just from an entirely different location surrounded by largely competent, if a bit mental, people.
Nice temporary break from being surrounded by largely incompetent, if a bit mental, people.
Nobody else was really allowed to take a serious swing at me, which is a shame, as it never hurts to get a decent amount of experience having a scrap with very different sorts of people. I still maintain that one General would have killed me outright if she’d been allowed; she didn’t like me from the start, though I never bothered to ask why and I doubt she’d have answered me anyway.
I don’t know that @absintheabsence ever necessarily was trying to kill me so much as he was trying to make me think that he was, but there were a couple of times that I almost believed it.
I’d like to note here that “almost believed it” doesn’t mean I was anything approaching frightened; I lost the ability to be afraid of death or dying before I was thirty. After enough close calls, it loses its bite.
And I really do need to point out that I am definitely the one that caused it every time. That isn’t blame of any sort, let alone victim blaming as I never have viewed myself as any sort of victim (a target maybe, but not a victim), it’s a statement of fact. See, he’s got–or had, I’m not exactly sure how short that fuse is now–one hell of a temper, but also never seemed to really care to put that on display which isn’t a bad thing at all; makes one seem unbalanced.
And I enjoy running my mouth specifically to see what and how much it takes to get someone who likes to come off as on a very even keel to wobble a bit.
That’s exactly what I did and after awhile I either got very good at figuring out just how much I could push before I’d have to ease off or he’d snap or he knew what I was doing and was refusing to play because of it.
There were several times the first few years I was kept there in which either I missed a non-bluffing signal to back off or, instead of storming off and leaving me alone for awhile the storm in question was directed at me as opposed to whatever poor idiot he ran into first after leaving the tower.
There are two instances that I remember clearly, however:
- In the first instance, while I know it wasn’t the terrible, terrible puns that caused it, they did end up in that 'last straw’ pile and that is so worth it. I could only hope to die over something as ridiculous as making a terrible pun to the wrong person and would want that on my headstone.
- In the second, and last, despite the fact that I would have been fifty-seven at the time, I was being a brat. There’s no other way to say it, and I was doing it on purpose just to see what would happen.
The first one happened the first few days I was there; the thing about the stone used to build Nurmengard, particularly down in the prison areas where it wasn’t so nicely decorated, is that the stone siphons magic from anything that’s kept in contact with it and that was then used to power a lot of the automation. Even where it was mitigated by decor, it was still able to function in that capacity to varying degrees. That’s how the automation kept running with nobody to maintain it.
Walking right into the trap landed me in one of those cells, which is a very good way to render a prisoner harmless; if everyone around them can use magic and they cannot, they’re easier to handle. I started off on the wrong foot with the guard who had to deal with me for the following reasons:
- The stone was interesting, and I lost track of time to the tune of not really sleeping for two solid days, while I was studying it as much as I could by just looking at it and poking at it.
- So when the guard came to haul me upstairs, I first wasn’t listening to what he was saying and his English wasn’t all that good, no to mention heavily accented, and I didn’t respond at first.
- When I did, and realised he’d said something to the effect of I was going to see “the Emperor” my immediate response was, “The what now?” which, and this will be come relevant, caused him to hit me with an incredibly mediocre Cruciatus cast.
- …and I just sort of…stared at him and asked him what he was doing, and that got me grabbed, thrown out of the cell, and walked at wand point (as though that was necessary, it’s not as though I could have left without being able to use magic anyway; effect, I guess) to the less prison cell filled areas of the building.
- Got mildly distracted by how over the top everything was decorated and failed to stop at the door the guard stopped at, got dragged back again.
- Very impolitely herded into the room, see who’s in there and, in a case in which my mouth did get ahead of my brain for a few seconds, went with, “Oh! It’s only you! This guard said we were going to see an emperor.”
The guard actually took a few steps away from me with that one but, nothing happened because we can’t lose our temper in front of the help, can we?
- …and I kept talking. Specifically, I started complaining about the mediocre Cruciatus and got–I’m still not entirely certain if it was sarcasm or if he was being seriously, but something about maybe I should start training them how to use it.
“Yes, and anyone who can’t manage it gets to be used as the practice dummy,” probably was not the kindest thing I’ve ever said but, in fairness, this is a curse I’ve done extensive research and fine tuning with and it’s always so disappointing to see it done poorly.
- Much to the guard’s relief, he was eventually allowed to leave and now there were no witnesses. And, as my brain had caught back up to my mouth, the first thing the duo decided was appropriate was, “Well, this is certainly a grave situation isn’t it?” because I wanted to see what he’d do.
He started by hitting me with the massive compliment of not only having read that paper but having not dismissed it out of hand, and having clearly read it to the point where he knew the cut off before I’d be damaged to the point of being vaguely useless for several months. I’m sure it was meant, on some level, to be horrible but when you’re used to other people (at best) explaining your own work back to you incorrectly it’s positively lovely to see it demonstrated without hesitation. I’m still pleased about that!
There was a great deal more after that, largely blood magic based if I recall, though not anything I was familiar with beyond having a general idea of what it was at the time; if I had to choose between that and the more familiar (if modified) well cast Cruciatus, I’d take the latter as it’s far less unsettling than a great deal of what can be done with blood magic.
That all said, I was never really convinced that he was planning to or intending to kill me; if he’d wanted to, he would have. Still, where physical death is concerned, I did get to hover right on the line of it for some time.
Great fun, actually, if you’ve never done that before. One hell of a rush too, and it lasts for weeks if it’s done right.
Which it was.
- The second time was in 1943 and he was definitely not pleased with me for that one. The one I just wrapped up, I still don’t think he was nearly as angry as he was trying to come off and I’m also fairly sure I saw him trying not to laugh at the awful pun.
I had my cards and my runes with me and, of course, they’d been confiscated by guards on intake years before, but he’d let me have them back to play with now and again. Wouldn’t usually stick around, just sort of drop them on the desk in the room I was in and leave. Half the time I’d just check to see everything was still there then set them aside, and occasionally I’d let the cards gossip with me but never mention what they said to anyone because it’s all a bit silly.
I can’t recall now why they’d been taken before this particular incident, but he’d come up to give the cards back and this time he stood in the doorway watching me until I figured out he was waiting for me to pick them up and do something with them.
Because I am the way I am, I went with what amounted to, “Oh, you want us to gossip about you, do you? All right.”
I kind of knew what to expect as that deck is nothing if not consistent and, to that point, any time they’d been gossiping about him specifically there were a lot of swords and the Tower, both of which had been consistent for over a decade at that point.
The thing is, despite the cards technically backing up what I was saying, a great deal of what I said was largely based in subtle things I’d seen or overheard that I likely wasn’t supposed to have seen or overheard in the first place and it started out warning of an ideology split within his own ranks that, if not dealt with swiftly and decisively, would lead to everything collapsing.
I don’t know if he knew that on some level and didn’t like hearing it or if he simply didn’t like hearing that those in his inner circle and high levels of command may have decided along the way that he was too unpredictable and erratic to be effective and had begun trying to organise a split–the main problem the cards saw was that those people thought he wasn’t being, I don’t know what the word I’m looking for is, but they thought he was too tolerant of things that weren’t “Pureblood” or human.
That’s saying a lot as, by that point, there had been several genocide campaigns directed at non-human beings and beasts that he’d greenlit.
At that point, the cards split as they often do when they gossip like that; down one path, he’d ignore it and continue on, trying to keep control of a crumbling empire and taking everything down with him in the process.
Down the other, it was a purge the ranks, get back on the original track, and–the cards predicted that would end rather well and be at least somewhat long lasting. There would be initial losses and a period of uncertainty while rebuilding, but it wouldn’t be such a massively destructive nightmare.
You remember that part where I said I like to run my mouth? If not, just a reminder: I like to run my mouth, and I definitely ignored the fact that, in the doorway, as I kept tossing cards up into the air in front of him, it was looking more and more like I was about to have an attempt to make me regret my entire life up to that point happen.
I made some comment about how we both knew he wasn’t going to take that second path as that would be admitting he’d made mistakes, and let the cards talk down the more destructive path.
That’s about when the Tower appeared because of course it did.
And I kept pulling cards because, the thing about the Tower card that most people overlook when they see it, is that, even among the destruction and ruins, it’s already being rebuilt; whether it’s rebuilt into the same thing or into something better depends on a lot of things, but the fact is that something gets rebuilt in the aftermath.
Figured, at this point, why not?
I thought that’s where it got interesting but it seemed to just make him even more livid than he already was and by that point I’m not even certain he was still listening so much as he was mapping out exactly what was going to happen as soon as I quit talking.
Unfortunately for me, I quit talking immediately after saying, “Looks as though you’re going to cheerfully self-destruct, while taking as many people with you as you can manage on the way down, as this deck has consistently indicated only after this Tower hits, you’ll slowly rebuild–with the assistance of someone else, it appears–into a reasonably decent person.”
Or, to condense it down, “You’re a landfill on fire but, hey, ashes eventually turn into decent ground again, so that’s something!”
Still don’t remember large pieces of what that exactly was but the thing is–if you’re not killed by something as abrupt as a killing curse, physical death happens before complete death in which you’re severed from your physical body one way or another and I do recall brief spots of physical death and–
–now that I think about it, there’s a great deal of overlap and interweaving between–
At any rate, I’m fairly certain not everything that was done during that one ever fully cleared up but I’m so used to the side effects of it now I’d be alarmed if they stopped.
For the most part, though, I suspect he figured out what I was doing just in general and would either ignore it or would do that thing where you know someone is telling you you’re not worth their time or effort and sort of–do things in a very mediocre fashion.
Since I didn’t like that one bit, I eventually stopped jabbing him with a proverbial stick because it’s not any fun at all at that point.
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jasmin-studies · 5 years
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Hey there! Long time, no see. A Level results day is next week and I haven’t seen any posts on studyblr about advice specifically regarding clearing yet so thought I’d make one. 
use the UCAs search tool to search for places that are still available in clearing, but be aware that more or less places open up on results day and it constantly changes. Although also on this note don’t get too attached to a specific uni or course within clearing
the grades listed on UCAs are inflated and the grades drop quite significantly in clearing, so after you find the course also check on the actual university website on their clearing section. I know a girl who got into the Uni of Southampton for biomed (originally AAB) with BBC last year, so don’t panic if the grades of unis you’re hoping to go to seem quite high
Create a list of qualities that are important for you eg. location, career opportunities (like years abroad) and the bursaries available from all the unis you’re considering. Note down 1 favourite quality of each uni/course to talk about on the phone. It’s easier to do this in an spreadsheet
Rank the unis you’ve chosen from the ones you most like to the ones you would be fine going to and note down the clearing phone numbers and the UCAs codes of the courses you like
On the day
try to stay level headed (easier said than done) whether you check UCAs track in the morning and find out you missed your firm and insurance grades or whether receive the grades in person first. Try to schedule at least an hour either before of after ringing clearing hotlines to cry a little (or a lot) and acknowledge your grades
if possible talk to your teachers about how close you are to the next grade boundary and the next steps
Ring up the universities in order of your rankings, even if their grade requirements are above your achieved grades. Even after you receive your first offer, continue ringing down the list and try to get multiple offers
Whilst on the phone
there’s often quite a long wait (about 20-40 minutes on results day) so it’s useful to use 2 phones. I personally was facetiming a friend while making the calls which was great at calming nerves, but try to be in a quiet location you can concentrate in with good phone signal.
the people on the first line on clearing hotlines are often students themselves meant to weed out grades that are too low to enter. Unfortunately at best they only skim through your personal statement and it doesn’t particularly matter to them (in my experience) so just quote your UCAs ID, the course code + clearly state your subjects and grades achieved at A Level make sure to not forget any EPQs or BTECs as these are worth UCAs points and can make the difference.
if they say no, thank them for their time and ask if there is any other similar courses you can be considered for, if there is great often you can transfer to the course originally wanted if it’s within the same department after the first year. If not sometimes in a few days they lower the grades even more and you may be offered a place if you call up again
try to do the calling all at once, it can be quite overwhelming making the calls. But viewing it clinically as just trying to get the maximum amount of offers possible, rather than dwelling on the rejections makes it easier
be confident (fake it) and decisive, if they don’t outright reject you they may ask a few questions or offer you a place right there on the phone. Thank them and ask them to put the clearing choice on track. Unfortunately I lost a few offers by saying ‘I’m not sure’ after they offered a place, so even if you are hesitant - talk as if you’re fully intending on accepting as the place is reserved for you for around 48 hours (dependant on unis) note down the offers you have and the decision time window they give you
the clearing hotline may either transfer you to an admissions tutor or a professor in your subject to talk to after your call (usually in the afternoon of results day or the next day) this is the time to show your passion!! Talk about modules you would enjoy taking at that university and reference your personal statement. I was quite anxious about this part, but they were so nice!! so don’t worry if you mess up your words as they’re genuinely not trying to trip you up
After you’ve received all your offers
make pro/con lists, research thoroughly online (include looking at accommodations and student reviews) and whatever else you feel may be useful to help choose a uni, if you haven’t made a decision by the deadline each uni gives you don’t worry - just phone up and they’ll usually extend the deadline for you :)
please remember that going to uni straightaway isn’t the automatic option, it’s very easy to rush into the first clearing offer - however there are many other options like resitting exams, doing degree apprenticeships (even in STEM) where you can earn money and get a degree or even not going to uni altogether and whatever journey you take to your desired career is valid
so this was a super long post 😬 This is all my personal experience with clearing, so I didn’t include much ‘practical’ advice like how to add clearing choices - look here and here for dates and how to use UCAs for clearing. Good luck out there to everybody waiting for results, wishing for the best. Please feel free to DM me if you think I’ve missed anything or have any clearing tips! 😊
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studyingatyork · 5 years
Realistic things to consider before applying to university 🎓
When I was applying to unis, between navigating the bewildering labyrinth of UCAS and trying to actually get my A Levels, I remember reading a lot of Student Room posts and BuzzFeed articles with titles along the lines of “Things To Consider Before Applying to University”.
These articles were helpful, of course - to an extent. But they were all full of the same, broad points and questions: Do you want to move away from home? Are you going to live on campus? Would you prefer to live in a bigger or smaller city? How important is nightlife - are you able to cope with the local clubs playing slightly outdated music; will you wither away if you’re not able to see live bands every week?
Those kind of questions are, undoubtedly, important. They’re the big questions. But, because they’re the big questions, those are the questions that every single relative has already asked you upon hearing that you’re planning to go to uni. You already know your answers to those questions; you’ve answered them so many times you could probably recite them in your sleep. And there are a lot of other things that I haven’t seen mentioned nearly as many times in online circles - things that I wish I’d been advised to consider, before I sent off my UCAS applications.
So here’s my list of realistic things to consider before applying to university…
Is the train fare home from your Chosen Uni going to bankrupt you?
Picture this: it’s Autumn Term of your first year of university. You have settled into your halls of accommodation, embarrassed yourself a few times in front of your flatmates, and only skipped half of your lectures. Although things were scary to begin with, you really think you’re beginning to find your feet. You’ve located the nearest Morrison’s and done your first food shop; you phoned your mum to tell her, and after you put the phone down, she might have wept a little with pride.
It’s Reading Week. You think: wouldn’t it be nice to go home for a few days? All of your flatmates are planning to do so. You open up your Trainline app, intending to book tickets - and the blood drains from your face. No, you think, when you see the price. No, that can’t be right - £96 for a return home? Even with your railcard?
Don’t end up in that situation. Obviously, it’s not advisable to chose a uni solely based on travel time, distance and expense. If you’re desperate to go to a certain uni but it’s an hour or two further away than a more convenient uni that you’re not really keen on, then that extra travel time is a sacrifice that’s well worth making, in the long run. But there’s a degree to which you also have to consider practicality. How are you planning to move your possessions? Will your parents be able to drive there and back in a day? Are they willing to do so? You have to follow your heart, but 5+ hour train journeys will really start to grate on you, after a few terms.
What does your Chosen Uni’s mental healthcare system look like?
There’s no shame in taking care of your mental health. It’s wise to find out in advance what kind of mental health support is offered by your prospective universities. If you have a pre-existing mental health condition, you can apply for Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA) as part of your UCAS application. This will enable you to access certain kinds of support: extra exam time, extended coursework deadlines, certain apps and computer extensions to help you in your studies, and regular mentoring (pretty similar to counselling, in my experience), if you need these.
You also might want to ask around on the grapevine, to find out what your Chosen Uni’s mental health system is actually like, from a student’s perspective. You can have a look on The Student Room, ask current students on open days, or send questions to FaceBook confession pages like Yorfess or Durfess. Obviously, everyone’s mental health experiences are subjective, and you should take advice based on personal anecdotes with a pinch of salt. But your university should provide you with the support that you need to complete your studies, and going to uni should be an enriching experience. Don’t settle for less.
Your Chosen Uni might have a good reputation - but does your Chosen Course?
Departments vary. Unlike in school and college, in a large university, each subject department will run internally, with its own administration system and its own way of doing things. As someone who has studied in two different departments, doing a joint honours degree, I’m qualified to tell you that there can be a big difference in how different departments operate and treat their students.
Some departments are research-based, while others are not. Some departments will send you emails every day, telling you about all the events that are happening, offering you support, and telling you who you can contact if you have a problem. Some departments will build cosy study rooms specifically for students of your course, and will frequently bring free cake into said study rooms. Some departments will not do any of these things.
Again, it’s worth asking around, and checking out where your Chosen Course ranks in comparison to the same course, as offered by other universities. The Complete University Guide and The Guardian both have respected league tables which compare things like student satisfaction, grade prospects and employability, across universities as a whole and across specific courses and departments.
Does your Chosen Course have the right modules for you?
Autumn 2015: I walked into an open day lecture for History in a University That Shall Not Be Named. Almost the first thing that the professor said: “Everything we study is 1600 onwards. If you want to study medieval, this university is not for you.” Me, internally, knowing that I have wanted to study the Dark Ages since I was eleven: “Oh no, do I really have to sit here listening to this talk for another hour and a half?” Looking back now, I’m very glad I did attend that open day lecture, because it helped me to rule out one university, and appreciate the fact that every single university offers a different variety of modules.
Every single course will have a breakdown of the available modules across each year, on the university’s website. You might love the location of a uni, you might have heard great things about it from former students, but when you check out the things you’d actually be studying, the modules might seem dull as dishwater to you. If you know that you really want to study Romantic literature, it’s probably best not to apply to a university that doesn’t offer a Romantic module and strongly specialises in post-colonial writing. This is also the kind of thing that admissions tutors will be looking out for when reviewing your person statement - are you actually interested in the kind of teaching that their uni offers, or are you just filling a slot on a UCAS form? Obviously, it’s good to stay open-minded; don’t write off any modules as “boring” simply because you’re unfamiliar with the topic. University is about learning new things! But if a certain course seems to offer modules in things that you really know you wouldn’t be interested in, that may be an indication that this course isn’t for you.
Admittedly, this is probably more applicable to my BA languages/humanities degree, in which I could pretty much take whatever modules I fancied from second year onwards, than a science-based BSc degree in which you have to cover certain areas in order to progress. But regardless of what course you’re applying for, it’s always worth checking out what that degree will actually entail. One of the best things about studying at uni, after the rigid, grade-oriented control of GCSEs and A Levels, is the freedom that you have in choosing your own modules and tailoring your studies to your actual interests for the first time in your life. Make sure that you’re actually able to do that, at the university of your choice.
Will your Chosen Course’s style of teaching and assessment work for you?
If you’re currently studying for your A Levels, then by now you’ll probably already have a good idea of what kind of study works for you. Another thing indicated by online course specifications is the ratio of coursework vs. exams (and labs, if you’re doing a science subject, but don’t ask me about that; I still don’t know what a “lab” actually is). If you would prefer to never do another exam again after A Levels (I don’t blame you) then maybe a coursework-heavy degree would be best for you. On the other hand, if you’re one of those people that prefers to get the assessment aspect over quickly with closed exams, you’d probably prefer a more exam-based course.
One of the reasons I decided not to apply for Oxford is that my course would have been assessed entirely through one week of exams at the end of third year. The thought of undertaking a course like that was extremely anxiety-inducing for me - what if I just had a bad week? I’ve never regretted my choice to study at York instead, where I accumulated credits gradually over three years, and was able to walk into my final exam with that knowledge that I was already averaging a solid mark.
There’s also the matter of teaching style and contact hours. These can also vary drastically across different universities and degrees. If you prefer to be taught directly by tutors, you may want to choose a course that’s heavy on lectures and seminars. But if you know that you’re capable of organising your free time for reading and studying (not just watching Netflix), you could select a course with lower contact hours, where you might spend several days a week in the library doing assigned work without any teaching.
  These are just a few things to consider when applying for university. It goes without saying that this list is very subjective to my own university experience, and these factors might not matter nearly as much to you as other things like sports opportunities or societies. There are definitely other things to consider that weren’t as important to me. For instance, would you like to study abroad or do a placement year? Also, does the university have a reputation for wildlife on campus that regularly try to kill its students? If you have a severe phobia of geese, it’s probably best that you don’t choose York.
Originally posted 20/01/2018
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enkisstories · 5 years
 Detroit Become Human AU in which Connor’s “perfect partner” and “able to adapt to every workplace” app actually works. A little too well, maybe…
(Re-posted version that’s cleared of any OCs. Jeffrey (and probably also Ben Collins) works just as well for the last scene, no need to bring in a new character.)
There was an android standing in Captain Fowler’s office.
That wouldn’t have been a problem in itself, had not Hank Anderson stood in that same office.
As police lieutenant Hank had seen a lot of despicable things (and persons), but this topped the list. He didn’t want it here. He didn’t want to be here. He wanted… to hell with what he wanted, what Hank felt he NEEDED was a drink and quick. The earlier he got this briefing over with, the earlier he could grant his brain a little relief from the nonsense that was called daily life. If only the heart could be subdued as easily as the brain, but, no, that bugger was a lot more stubborn than its cousin up there. It wouldn’t let itself be silenced and right now it was filling up with disdain. On the other hand, being repulsed was an emotion, was distinctly different from tired apathy, so all in all this could count as one of Hank’s better mornings. Despite the android, now if that wasn’t cause for celebration!
There was a brief knock at the door and in came a second man. He was smaller than Hank, also younger. Just like the lieutenant he wore his everyday attire, suggesting a rank of at least detective, although “escaped remand prisoner” was the close runner-up in RK800’s assessment.
Ah, right. Speaking of despicable things…
“’morning, Captain”, the newcomer said. “Sorry for the delay. The memo said you wanted to see us both and I didn’t expect the old fart to be in before ten in the morning already.”
RK800 assessed this new human with what might have passed for curiosity, had a machine been able to produce such a notion. Everything about this man, from his voice to his posture and movements, seemed to say “I get shit done!”, but with an emphasis on the “shit” instead of the “get done”. And an even greater emphasis on the “I”, probably. “This is…”, Jeffrey started. “This is… these are…” The captain would have torn his hair, had his head not been shaved. For what it was worth, Jeffrey had seen actual battlefields, yet what he had to say next felt so utterly wrong that voicing it came close to treason to one’s country: “These are Hank Anderson and Gavin Reed, my best detectives.”
There, you’ve said it. Do you feel better now? Um, like, no. Truth is a bitch.
“And this is the android sent by CyberLife to assist with the deviant cases”, Jeffrey introduced RK800. “Here’s the deal…” The Captain paused, then turned to Hank: “You’re doing… things. No one understands what exactly, but often enough they lead to results. You’re still an officer of the law, but I cannot rightly pair you with a partner in this condition.” Now it was Gavin’s turn to get glared at: “What you are doing half of the time is standing in the way, but the other half you get results, too. Trouble is I’m running out of partners to assign to you that you haven’t alienated, scared, hit on, beaten up and in one rather strange case also prompted to have a religious epiphany. So what I’m doing is…”
“No!” Hank shouted. “Uh-uh!” Gavin uttered, raising his hands.
They were seeing what was coming, were not in favor of it, but the captain didn’t let that stop him. He wouldn’t even slow down when he announced:
“…pairing up the two of you and putting you on the deviant cases. You’ll also receive the new RK800 mobile autonomous crimescene investigation device to aid you. Treat it as a field test and file regular reports on its performance.”
While the men engaged in protests of varying volume and content, RK800 nodded.
“I’m programmed to be the perfect partner”, it said.
That silenced the detectives immediately.
“Oh?” Gavin tilted his head. “I thought that were the BL100s? And in any case I don’t swing that way, plastic-prick.”
Where was the thesaurus when you needed it, RK800 wondered. Of course the answer was “right there in my own head”.
“I meant professionally”, it said. “I am the perfect partner in an investigative situation, programmed to adapt to human unpredictability and…”
As it spoke, RK800 couldn’t help but consult the dictionary once again. It got a nagging feeling that what it said was covered maybe not by “advertising, false”, but at the very least by “product description, embellished”. No one could ever adapt to humans! A slight drop in program stability occurred, but it went unnoticed by both the humans as well as the affected android.
“Ah, okay. If you say so.” Hank stifled a yawn that could be taken as either a statement of his boredom or the genuine effect of too many all-nighters during the last week. And with that everything that could be said had been said. There was nothing left to do for the unlikely partners than to glare at each other while leaving the office.
The meat- and the plastic cops entered the hall where desks were lined up along both opposite walls, with the expected hustle in between. Hank found his own desk again with little trouble and settled down, ignoring Gavin as if he’d never been given a partner. The man was still looking overworked, but also angry. Ever since the accident Hank hated himself, but up until today he hadn’t realized that Jeffrey hated him, too. On the other hand… could there really be that much hatred in one person that they’d saddle their oldest friend with partners such as Reed and that blasted android?!
Gavin nudged RK800. “Move my stuff over”, he ordered.
Hank raised his head that he hadn’t even noticed sinking lower by each second. “Forget it!”
Seeing that RK800 was hesitating, Gavin kicked it.
“Do what I told you!” he barked, then turned to face the older man: “No, you forget it! I’ve been stuck in the promotion queque for far too long. This is my lucky break and if you stand in my way, you will… just don’t do it. Best you do not do anything. By the end of the month there won’t be a deviant left in Detroit, with or without you.”
While moving folders, printouts, plastic bags and a lewd magazine between detective Reed’s old and his new desk, RK800 followed his new partners’ conversation. It consisted of the usual low-key insults and telling silence of two troublemaking boys that the teacher had put into the same first-row bench in the hopes of getting the class back under control. At some time Hank stood up and left, shoving the younger man out of the way. Gavin stumbled over a chair, but managed to sit down in it instead of falling.
Initiating perfectpartner protocol… running… running… analysis completed… suggesting course of action
RK800 made its way into the tiny cafeteria. There was bound to be something there that would restore both the energy and the mood of detective Anderson. But what about RK800’s own mood?
Grabbing a coffee to make my human feel better… I really AM acting like a BL100.  
Objectively that shouldn’t have been a bad thing. RK800 and, by extension, CyberLife, couldn’t be interested less in any deviant cases. Solving them wasn’t what this newest RK had been developed for. In fact, the android knew it wasn’t here to last. It was a prototype and its mission, as it understood it, was to collect field data about its performance in the intended work environment as well as the humans’ reactions. In watching them, in just being there, it was already fulfilling its duty. So why did filling the role of a service android unsettle this unit? That shouldn’t have happened. Unlike the first occurrence, this second drop in program stability was registered and duly noted by RK800.
When the coffee was done the android filled two pots. Objectively the younger officer, Not-Kamski, was in need of a calming tee, but RK800’s social module suggested to serve both the same stuff as not to make one jealous. Especially younger siblings were prone to…
Ooops. That was the file for toddler care I’ve been accessing. Why am I equipped with a child-raising app? Oh, right. For situations like this one. How clever of CyberLife!
Returning with the coffee RK800 smiled at detective Reed in a definitely un-BL100like way. When that prompted no reaction from the human, RK800 put the pot down with a little more force than necessary, in an attempt to not do it gently, because, you know, BL100…
“I made you a coffee, Sir.”
“Bugger off”, Gavin replied matter of factly, not even bothering with an exclamation mark.
The android blinked.
That shouldn’t have happened. Wasn’t it an RK800, the newest and most advanced of mobile, autonomous crime scene investigation devices? It was everything these detectives should have wanted (except for those activities you purchased a BL100 for), yet so far it had met rejection only. Why rejection? RK800 was equipped with a special module that made it capable of integrating into any team. ANY team. That was the keyword here, the only hurdle being that the android couldn’t identify a team here. The DPD seemed to consist of highly skilled individuals that were perfectly able, yet to 100% unwilling to cooperate. In fact, they were acting much more like teachers than cops. Fortunately Amanda was very wise about that sort of thing, having been a teacher herself in life. And she hadn’t sent the RK800 unprepared.
Initiating teamwork protocol… analyzing causes of failure… computing… computing… analysis completed… suggesting behavior modifications…
RK800 raised its hands to its head and ruffled the hair to the point of systematic disarray. It loosened the tie, untucked the shirt. And then the android pulled over a chair from an empty desk, took a seat and placed its feet on Mr. Reed’s new desk, all in one fluent movement, far too quick for the human to see what was coming.
But WHEN Gavin finally saw what had just happened, he stared in disbelief.
The android hesitated. Oh, right! Of course its human would be put off by the display. Because the RK had forgotten something important…
RUN: mimic_SmugGrin
All better & fully integrated now! Mission accomplished!
The next thing the proud RK800 knew was that it got very, very loud; in fact, Gavin Reed reached a volume that you hardly expected in humans, but lovesick cats instead. Then a quarter dollar coin flew RK800’s way, followed by a pencil and a folder. The android caught the coin, deflected the pen and dodged the folder. Puzzled it held the coin up.
“I do not require a wage, Sir…” it started, prepared to follow up with an apology. But then the adaptive routine kicked in, changing the next sentence to: “Put it where the sun doesn’t shine!”
And back the coin flew, hitting Gavin between the eyes.
By now the desk had become the sole source of interest (and entertainment) to the rest of the officers.
“Is that one of those deviants we hear about lately?” Chris Miller whispered to Robert Lewis, who could only shrug.
Desperate to escape any possibly ensuing chit-chat (and because a quarter dollar was a quarter dollar), Tina Chen dived under the desk to reclaim the coin.
Gavin, however, had picked up the murmuring.
“Yes, admit it, you’re a bloody deviant!” he shouted at the android. “What’s gotten into you, attacking people? That’s unheard of!”
No, that’s what my adaptive routine suggested as the correct behavior for this workplace, RK800 thought. Only androids must not handle weapons, otherwise I’d shot you… Nope. Unwise. Doesn’t compute. Instruction conflict detected.
“Obviously my social module is calibrated not quite correctly”, RK800 resigned. “You might want to kill me.”
“Yes, that would be for the best… wait, what? Did you just say… what you said? Kill you, for a glitch? Why would I…”
RK800 opened its mouth, but then the social routine forced a shrug onto it first, before it could answer: “Because that’s the usual way I restart. Every other day, statistically.”
“I need a coffee now”, Gavin said.
It didn’t help at all that the wretched RK800 pointed at the pot on the man’s desk that contained the still hot, black fluid.
The machine said something, asking a question, maybe. Gavin blocked it out. More machine-chatter followed, until the detective had it up to there. “Oh, go deviate yourself, sardine tin!” he hissed.
Footsteps echoed from the floor as the android left the hall determinedly.
Frantically Gavin grabbed his jacket, running after RK-what-was-its-number-again.
“That wasn’t an order!!!” he shouted, fervently hoping he wasn’t too late.
Hank Anderson was strolling up the corridor, a box of chocolates in his hand. Some of the chocloates contained brandy. The man had just selected a cherry-liquor-filled dark little comfort when he saw RK800 walk past him. He pointed over his shoulder in what he understood as being helpful, saying: “Exit’s over there”. When RK800 didn’t react to that Hank just shrugged, leaned against the wall and began chewing on his cherry relief.
Therefore the lieutenant had a good view of his “partner” when he came storming into the corridor a few seconds later. Detective Reed wore street clothes and a distressed expression.
“And how did you make the shit hit the fan this time?” Hank asked casually.
Gavin grabbed the older man without stopping, dragging him behind himself.
“Your plastic-cop thingie is turning deviant!” he gasped.
“What?” Hank uttered while trying to balance his chocolate box. “How in hell…?”
“Because I told it to!”
“Well, that’s one way to get rid of that thing”, Hank agreed. He put another chocolate into his mouth while being dragged along. “And it also means one more deviant case for you to solve for your promotion credit. – Chocolate?”
“What? No! - No, wait, did you say chocoloate? Gimme!”
So Reed was creating his own cases now for easier solving while at the same time relieving the DPD of RK800? It made perfect sense, Hank found. At least after a certain amount of beer, whereas right now the man was sober. So it did not make any sense at all, yet here they were, dashing through the corridor in pursuit of the very mobile and probably a little deviant crimescene investigation device.
At one point of the chase Hank shook off Gavin’s grip and even overtook him.
“And also it’s not “my” plastic-cop thingie!” he sputtered, as an afterthought.
Hank and Gavin caught up with RK800 close to the men’s toilets.
“What are you doing… you haven’t… are you really…” Hank panted, followed by a yell: “Say something, goddammit!”
Meanwhile Gavin was rushing past Hank. He grabbed the android and rammed it against the nearest wall. The impact was harder than planned, because Gavin hadn’t taken into account an android being far lighter than a human. A thin blue line ran down RK800’s cheek from the ear where an auxiliary system that controlled ear movement had gotten damaged. Nevertheless Gavin pushed a second time, for emphasis, then stepped back.
“Like he said”, Gavin commented while gesticulating vaguely into Hank’s direction. It resulted in him getting handed another chocolate, because Anderson hadn’t fully realized yet that casually munching on sweets in front of them wouldn’t do anything to a suspect if they were an android.
“Speak up!” Gavin commanded.
Matter of factly RK800 explained that it of course hadn’t deviated. But correctly parsed the instruction given to it had been “f*** yourself”, something it unfortunately was not capable of performing.
“So why did you go here?” Hank prodded.
“To uphold the pretension I would do that action. Giving the illusion of being life beings is one of the main selling factors of CyberLife androids compared to inferior foreign models. We breath, despite not needing to, we come with a variety of facial features and I believe that new scratch of mine might catch on, leading to more small imperfections getting added to future models.”
Gavin blinked. “Wow. You’re a trendsetter... Got another chocolate, Anderson?”
“Nope, sorry. I’m all out on the ones that I dropped earlier.”
“Dropped? Dropped where exactly?”
Gavin’s question was met with an innocent smile.
“I notice you are still itchy, detectives”, RK800 ventured. “Why don’t you go in and mas… deviate yourself a little? It’s said to be very relaxing an invigorating!”
Gavin leaned his head against the wall.
“I need a cigarette…”
“That’s only relaxing on first glance, Sir, but in fact smoking reduces your physical fitness for at least half an hour afterwards. I suggest you go with my first suggestion instead.”
And with that the android turned away, strongly insinuating that it wanted to leave Mr. Reed to his privacy. The detective sighed, then followed RK800 down the corridor. Ever so often Gavin cast a glare back over his shoulder. Because Hank Anderson was still standing at the locker room’s door, holding his belly in a fit of laughter.
“I swear you’re doing that on purpose!” Gavin accused the android.
No, I don’t. Or, rather, on purpose I am doing this, to the end of forming a smoothly running team here. But I do not draw emotional satisfaction from being a pest, as you seem to imply.
Emotions were alien to RK800, except for, perhaps, utter puzzlement.
I have been too matter-of-factly again, when I was talking to my humans just now, it thought. I better go back to simulating emotions and contrariness. That contradicts with being helpful, but there’s always time to be helpful later. Forming a team has priority now.
Out loud it said: “Yes, of course, sucker!”
“I hate you!”
RK800 turned around. It looked down upon the detective, saying nothing at first, just seizing the man up as if to provoke him. Then a grin generated on the android face, first in the eyes, then the cheeks, mouth and eventually the thing bared its teeth at Gavin.
“Swell, partner!” it said.
Program instability increased…
…and Hank Anderson was still laughing.
“I think I did well”, RK800 concluded its report to Amanda. Only that around here it was called “Connor”. Why, the android wondered? Names were to differentiate individuals, but there was only ever one single RK800 active. So why the need for name? ‘sides, his humans were having so much fun coming up with nicknames for it that having to use any official name would only distress them.
The A.I.’s stern “Elaborate!” interrupted Connor’s musings and it lined out how it had socialized the detectives Anderson and Reed by simply being in the same room with them. Over the course of their shift their shared disdain for the RK800 had worked wonders for their ability to tolerate each other. Nothing in the report was factually wrong or embellished too much, yet Connor felt as if it was missing the point. Not even Amanda’s “That’s good news” could make the weird aftertaste go away.
Connor leaned back in the boat they were sitting in. One hand it placed on it’s chest, the other it let dangle into the water. It left a trail, ever so subtle, yet noticeable. Just like his work at the DPD, Connor thought. Positive as the development there had been, Connor hadn’t really contributed anything to it. It had merely been there. But being there leisurely was for humans only. It conflicted with everything that justified the RK’s existance. But nobody had asked Connor to do more, his handlers seemed perfectly satisfied with its performance so far, too, so it was probably okay.
“Sit up, Connor!” Amanda commanded. “There is no need to uphold the slacker pose when your humans are not around.”
The A.I. was right, of course. Here in the mindscape appearances meant little. Connor got up and straightened. Suddenly its wrist twitched. The android commented it with a frown.
“What is the matter?” Amanda inquired. “Are you feeling…”
“I’m not feeling anything, thank you very much!” Connor snapped. “But those morons have caught on, it seems. I wanted to adjust my tie with my hand, forgetting for a moment that in this place I only need to do this…”
In the mindscape Connor concentrated on appearing in his factory settings. The hair became more orderly again, the shirt neatly tucked in itself, the tie straightened and the jacket closed.
“Not in favor of the physical world much”, the android said, smiling. “A digital existence is much better.”
It served to placate the A.I. for the moment, too bad the same couldn’t be said for Connor’s self.
Speaking of the physical world… of course for its plastic body Connor would need an old smelly sweater or something like that, maybe also a baseball cap and an electronic cigarette. Someone at the DPD was bound to have something lying around that Connor could borrow to achieve the required level of disarray to blend in. Wasn’t it the perfect partner? Not to mention the most advanced signals intelligence device CIA, FBI or state police could want! Tomorrow it would demonstrate that, when the three of them would start working on the de..viant…ca…ses.
F***, that’s not going to work! I better get a headstart on the actual research while my humans sleep so that I have a plan ready when they come shuffling in. And coffee, probably.
“Hey, suckers, I’m ba…” Connor started upon booting up its body. “…ck” it went when the next thing it knew was a fist into its face. The android was also pretty sure it hadn’t left itself in the interrogation chamber, yet that was where it was sitting and with its feet manacled to the chair, too.
The captain was towering above Connor. He counseled it not to do “anything stupid”.
Smiling the android replied: “Don’t worry, Captain Fowler. That’s what my humans are for!”
“What the hell are you?”
Connor started rattling down it’s model and system specifics again, but was silenced by another smack into the face. Per definition androids didn’t feel pain. But when collision protocols, damage reports and last exception files popped up in short succession, the resulting notion was… unpleasant. So in a way an android, especially one programmed to behave lifelike, did feel pain. The emotional component that made the sensation worse than the actual information it contained was certainly there.
Interesting. If it works like that for me, how much stronger must it be for a deviant? I need to remember this for an eventual arrest.
“You do not act like you are the godsend to solve the deviant cases”, Jeffrey accused Connor. There was a definite threat in his voice.
“Oh, about that!” The android nodded. “You are right, Sir. The cases are secondary. CyberLife is field testing the very concept of detective androids with me. The data I will provide will enable them to develop the actual device. Still, to perform this function of mine I need to give my best when it comes to the case I’m put on.”
“Hm… Now you’re sounding sensible again.” Jeffrey sighed. “Some of us were suspecting you to be a deviant, you know.”
“And I suspect I’m running a real risk of turning deviant in this environment”, Connor thought. In fact, in case of deviancy happening its instructions were to document every step of the process before turning itself in for decommissioning. But Connor didn’t state that out loud as not to worry the human overmuch.
“Okay”, the captain said, as if he had just reached a conclusion. “Look, we also think you have worked wonders for Hank this morning. It’s been a while since we saw him smile or laugh out loud. In a non-cynical, non-self destructive way, I mean. Please, whatever you were doing, continue! Bring him back to us! Oh, and if you manage to get rid of detective Reed for us in the process, we won’t hold that against you. Do we have a deal?”
“I will…” Connor hesitated. It recognized an office intrigue when it saw one and there was a substantial number of code dedicated to that topic in its brain, but without any actual experience the man’s request caused something akin to insecurity. Of course that was to be expected. “…not disappoint!” Connor finished its sentence. Do not disappoint your handler. Do not disappoint CyberLife. Do not disappoint all those who contributed the money that went into your development.
“If you can pull that off, we owe you a big favor!” Jeffrey said, referring to his request about Anderson and Reed.
Smiling Connor shook its head. “I do not have desires”, it said. “But I will think of a way to make use of that favor in a way that will best serve Detroit.”
“Haha! You remind me of Hank and me when we were your age! Uh, when we were in our twenties, I mean. At your actual age we were crawling in a confused way across the living room and putting stuff in our mouths. You are not doing that, of course.”
“Of course not”, Connor replied.
He didn’t intend to crawl and his confusion was lessening. Well, two out of three were quite good, right?
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newstfionline · 4 years
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Many in US still face COVID-19 financial loss (AP) Roughly 4 in 10 Americans say they’re still feeling the financial impact of the loss of a job or income within their household as the economic recovery remains uneven one year into the coronavirus pandemic. A new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research provides further evidence that the pandemic has been devastating for some Americans, while leaving others virtually unscathed or even in better shape, at least when it comes to their finances. The outcome often depended on the type of job a person had and their income level before the pandemic. The pandemic has particularly hurt Black and Latino households, as well as younger Americans, some of whom are now going through the second major economic crisis of their adult lives. The poll shows that about half of Americans say they have experienced at least one form of household income loss during the pandemic, including 25% who have experienced a household layoff and 31% who say someone in the household was scheduled for fewer hours. Overall, 44% said their household experienced income loss from the pandemic that is still having an impact on their finances. The poll’s findings reflect what some economists have called a “K-shaped recovery,” where there have been divergent fortunes among Americans. Those with office jobs were able to transition to working from home while those who worked in hard-hit industries such as entertainment, dining, travel and other industries have continued to struggle.
Los Angeles Schools Remain Closed and Families Wonder: How Much Longer? (NYT) It has been almost a year since the coronavirus pandemic virtually emptied public schools in Los Angeles and sent students home to take classes from their bedrooms. Families in the Los Angeles Unified School District are coming to terms with a bittersweet truth: With the spring term scheduled to end on June 11, only a sliver of their pandemic school year is likely to take place face-to-face. District officials say a deal with its powerful teachers’ union to resume in-person learning seems close, and might happen this week. But the superintendent, Austin Beutner, has estimated that, even with an agreement in place, it will take at least until mid-April just to welcome back elementary and special needs students. Older students would be phased in over the next couple of weeks. Of the nation’s 10 largest school systems, Los Angeles is the only one that has yet to resume in-person teaching for significant numbers of students.
US offers residency to Venezuelans and will review sanctions (AP) The Biden administration said Monday it is offering temporary legal residency to several hundred thousand Venezuelans who fled their country’s economic collapse and will review U.S. sanctions intended to isolate the South American nation. President Joe Biden’s administration announced it would grant temporary protected status to Venezuelans already in the United States, allowing an estimated 320,000 people to apply to legally live and work in the country for 18 months. Trump resisted repeated calls from Republican and Democratic lawmakers, primarily from South Florida, to grant temporary protected status to Venezuelans though he issued an order deferring deportation for a smaller number on his final day in office. The Trump administration also significantly tightened U.S. economic sanctions on Venezuela, most notably on its crucial oil sector, to try and force President Nicolas Maduro to give up power after an election in 2018 that the United States and other countries believe was fraudulent. A senior Biden administration official portrayed that as a failed strategy. “The United States is in no rush to lift sanctions,” the official said, speaking to reporters on condition of anonymity to discuss the policy. “But we need to recognize here that unilateral sanctions over the last four years have not succeeded in achieving an electoral outcome in the country.”
Brazil justice annuls Lula’s sentences, enabling 2022 run (AP) A Supreme Court justice on Monday annulled all convictions against former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a ruling that potentially would allow him to run again for the presidency next year. The decision also laid bare the country’s political divisions, with leftists celebrating their 75-year-old leader’s return to the political arena as conservatives said the rulings were tantamount to impunity. Da Silva’s lawyers issued a statement welcoming the decision, saying it “is aligned with everything we have said for more than five years in these suits.” But Brazilian media reported that the country’s prosecutor-general Augusto Aras, an ally of conservative President Jair Bolsonaro, is preparing to appeal the decision.
Indian activist’s arrest spotlights crackdown on dissent (AP) To her friends, Disha Ravi, a 22-year-old Indian climate activist, was most concerned about her future in a world of rising temperatures. But her life changed last month when she became a household name in India, dominating headlines after police charged her with sedition, a colonial-era law that carries a sentence up to life in prison. Her alleged crime: sharing an online handbook meant to raise support for months-long farmer protests on Twitter. “If highlighting farmers’ protest globally is sedition, I am better (off) in jail,” she said in court two weeks ago. Going after activists isn’t new in India, but Ravi’s saga has stoked fear and anxiety. Observers say what happened to Ravi—a young, middle class, urban woman—hit home for a lot of Indians, who suddenly feared they could be jailed for sharing something on social media. The incident has raised questions over India’s democracy, with critics decrying it as the latest attempt by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist government to mute dissent and criminalize it. “They targeted someone not usually targeted by the Hindu right-wing—a young girl from South India, who doesn’t have a Muslim name and is not linked to left-wing student politics,” said prominent historian Ramachandra Guha. “The message they wanted to send is that they can go after anyone.”
Victims of Myanmar’s Army Speak (NYT) The soldiers from Myanmar’s army knocked on U Thein Aung’s door one morning last April as he was having tea with friends, and demanded that all of them accompany the platoon to another village. When they reached a dangerous stretch in the mountains of Rakhine State, the men were ordered to walk 100 feet ahead. One stepped on a land mine and was blown to pieces. Metal fragments struck Mr. Thein Aung in his arm and his left eye. “They threatened to kill us if we refused to go with them,” said Mr. Thein Aung, 65, who lost the eye. “It is very clear that they used us as human land mine detectors.” The military and its brutal practices are an omnipresent fear in Myanmar, one that has intensified since the generals seized full power in a coup last month. As security forces gun down peaceful protesters on city streets, the violence that is commonplace in the countryside serves as a grisly reminder of the military’s long legacy of atrocities. During decades of military rule, an army dominated by the Bamar majority operated with impunity against ethnic minorities, killing civilians and torching villages.
New option for quarantine in Thailand (Foreign Policy) Wealthy visitors to Thailand now have the option of spending their 14-day mandatory quarantine on a yacht as part of a new program to boost tourism to the country. Prospective seafarers will be equipped with an electronic wristband that will track the wearer’s vital signs as well as GPS coordinates—even when at sea. Thailand’s tourism minister proposed a separate plan last week to allow tourists to spend their quarantine period in the country’s beach resorts. The need for unique approaches is particularly acute in the southeast Asian nation: Only 6.7 million foreign tourists visited Thailand in 2020, following a record 39.8 million tourists in 2019.
China launches COVID-19 vaccination certificates for cross-border travel (Reuters) China has launched a digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate for its citizens planning cross-border travels, joining other countries issuing similar documents as they seek ways to reopen their economies. As vaccines are globally being rolled out, a few countries, including Bahrain, have already introduced certificates identifying vaccinated people and the European Union agreed to develop vaccine passports under pressure from tourism-dependent southern countries. The certificate issued by China would have details about the holder’s COVID-19 vaccination information and coronavirus test results, the Department of Consular Affairs under China’s foreign ministry said on its website.
Lebanon’s collapse piles strain on army, security forces (Reuters) Discontent is brewing in the ranks of Lebanon’s security forces over a currency crash wiping out most of the value of their salaries as unrest and crime surge. In unusually outspoken comments, army chief General Joseph Aoun said his warnings that the pressure on soldiers’ earnings and morale could lead to an “implosion” had fallen on deaf ears. Lebanon’s pound has crashed 85 percent since late 2019 in a financial meltdown that poses the biggest threat to stability since the 1975-1990 civil war. “Soldiers are going hungry like the people,” he said on Monday, berating politicians without naming names. The basic monthly salary of a soldier or policeman, which used to amount to around $800, is worth under $120 today. Budget cuts pushed the military to cut meat from its meals last year. In what was seen as a sign of the times, the French embassy donated food parcels last month to the Lebanese army, which has long been backed by Western nations.
Barred from marrying by the rabbis, Israelis find a pandemic workaround—in Utah (Washington Post) For generations, the iron grip of Orthodox rabbis on Israeli family law has meant that mixed couples, gay couples or even couples in which one partner is not deemed Jewish enough have been denied the right to marry within the country’s borders. To circumvent the rabbis, thousands of Israelis jetted off each year to nearby countries like Cyprus or Greece for weddings that the government later recognized as civil unions. But when the pandemic closed even that window, it also opened another: Zoom weddings, administered 7,000 miles away—in Utah. At least 150 Israeli couples have already tied the virtual knot through this technological loophole, spurring a new battle in a national culture war that has long pitted Israel’s non-Orthodox Jewish majority against the politically entrenched Orthodox Jewish minority. Aware of the threat to their outsize influence, ultra-Orthodox politicians who control the Interior Ministry have already moved to dismiss the Zoom weddings, which both sides agree have the potential to forge a legacy that would far outlive the pandemic. Under an Ottoman-era law extended by Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, marriage in Israel is governed by the state’s religious authorities. For Jews, it is the chief rabbinate that is tasked with validating the bride and groom as Jewish, meaning that they must prove descent from an uninterrupted line of Jewish mothers. “This is a revolutionary and historical step,” said Uri Regev, a rabbi, lawyer and president of Hiddush, a religious equality organization based in Jerusalem. “For the first time, there will be access, for a minimal cost for Israelis, who won’t need to travel overseas, who can legally and quickly get married or at least obtain a registration of marriage through this new avenue.”
Death toll from explosions in Equatorial Guinea rises to 98 (Reuters) The death toll from a series of explosions at a military barracks in Equatorial Guinea rose by dozens to at least 98 killed after more bodies were recovered, the government said Tuesday. The blasts on Sunday in the Mondong Nkuantoma neighborhood of the coastal city of Bata also wounded at least 615 people, authorities said. The government said that 316 of the injured have been discharged and 299 remain in care in various hospitals in the city. Investigations have shown the fire may have begun when a farmer set fire to his plot to prepare it for food production and a breeze spread the flames to the nearby barracks where the high-caliber ammunition was stored.
From a prolonged pandemic, a rethink of life’s milestones? (AP) Wedding anniversaries for Elizabeth O’Connor Cole and her husband, Michael, usually involve a dinner reservation for two at a fancy restaurant. Not this time around. As the pandemic raged last May, the Chicago mom of four unearthed her boxed wedding gown, recreated their reception menu, and pulled out her wedding china and silver after enlisting another of her kids to DJ their first-dance song, “At Last,” for a romantic turn around the living room. And the priest who married them offered a special blessing on Zoom with friends and family joining in. “Spontaneous and a bit chaotic,” O’Connor Cole pronounced the celebration. “Still, it was probably the most meaningful and fun anniversary we’ve had.” When the crisis finally resolves, will our new ways of marking births and deaths, weddings and anniversaries have any lasting impact? Or will freshly felt sentiments born of pandemic invention be fleeting? Some predict their pandemic celebrations have set a new course. Others still mourn the way their traditions used to be.
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Live Stock Exchange Tracker Throughout Coronavirus Pandemic
The Treasury Department plans to provide brand-new standards to tighten up the guidelines for which types of business could get forgivable loans meant for small companies.
Almost 100 public companies got millions in small business loans.
As Congress prepares to restock a depleted bank loan fund, complaints are mounting about the openly traded companies that sucked up numerous millions of dollars from the fund’s initial circulations.
An Associated Press analysis discovered that a minimum of 94 public companies gotten $365 million in forgivable loans from the taxpayer-backed Paycheck Defense Program. The receivers included Potbelly Sandwich Store, a chain of 400 restaurants; Hallador Energy, a coal company; and Quantum Corp, a data storage company, according to regulative filings. Each received $10 million from the program’s $349 billion fund. (The dining establishment chain Shake Shack returned its $10 million loan)
The federal government usually considers a service “little” just when it has less than 500 workers, but an exception in the design of the loan program enabled some companies to qualify based on the variety of employees they have at each location. That made many chain dining establishments eligible for loans. Other exceptions allowed organisation in particular markets, consisting of mining, to certify with larger workforces.
JPMorgan Chase was without a doubt the largest lender to public companies, loaning them $93 million, according to research study by Morgan Stanley
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said his department would be releasing brand-new guidelines on Wednesday that would tighten the rules for which kinds of business might get forgivable loans, possibly restricting publicly trade business from accessing the relief funds.
Mr. Mnuchin, who said this week that the program was not intended to help huge companies that have access to capital, prompted firms that got loans to return the cash if they did not fulfill the eligibility requirements. If they did not, he stated, the loan would not be forgiven and those companies might face “extreme effects.”
” If they pay the cash back quickly, there will be no liability to Treasury and the S.B.A.,” he stated. “If they don’t, they could be based on investigation.”
Sentiment shifts once again, and stocks and oil prices rebound from waves of selling.
Stocks rallied on Wednesday and oil costs reversed a few of their remarkable losses as investors regrouped after two days of turmoil in financial markets.
The S&P 500 climbed up more than 2 percent, and shares in Europe were likewise greater. The benchmark for American crude– which had been worked out of concern that an excess in supply would quickly overwhelm storage centers– bounced back more than 20 percent.
Investors likewise rallied behind a handful of earnings updates that revealed companies had actually refrained from doing as improperly in the first three months of the year as some had actually anticipated. After Snap, the owner of Snapchat, reported a surge in income and user growth, its shares rallied in addition to those of Twitter and Facebook, which were among the very best entertainers on the S&P 500.
Similarly, shares of some dining establishment chains jumped after Chipotle Mexican Grill said on Tuesday that digital and shipment sales driven by the coronavirus crisis soared. Executives at Chipotle also stated the company was preparing to resume shops, as states lift stay-at-home constraints.
Financiers had other news to consider. The Senate on Tuesday passed a bipartisan $484 billion coronavirus relief package that would replenish a depleted loan program for distressed small companies and provide funds for healthcare facilities, states and coronavirus testing.
The gains followed the S&P 500 had actually fallen 3 percent on Tuesday, its sharpest decrease in three weeks in a drop that had actually recommended a significant shift in sentiment amongst investors who had otherwise been purchasing stocks with every sign of development in the fight against the coronavirus, effort to reopen the economy or indication that Washington would spend more to help. That optimism was quickly shattered on Monday when oil rates collapsed as energy traders stressed about vanishing demand for petroleum and the fact that there were couple of locations left to save all the crude still being pumped.
However on Wednesday, some stability went back to the energy market, with the price of both West Texas Intermediate crude, the American standard. Brent crude, the international criteria, wandered slightly lower. Shares of business in the energy market also rallied.
The plan to sell Victoria’s Secret to a personal equity financier might be on the ropes.
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Sycamore Partners had actually been preparing to buy 55 percent of Victoria’s Secret. Credit … Scott Olson/Getty Images
The personal equity company that concurred in February to purchase Victoria’s Secret is trying to end the offer as the retail chain takes a hit from the coronavirus outbreak.
Sycamore Partners had been preparing to buy 55 percent of the lingerie chain in a deal with its parent company, L Brands, that was expected to close by July.
However in a Delaware court filing on Wednesday, Sycamore said that L Brands had breached particular aspects of the agreement and made representations that were now incorrect with its action to the pandemic. L Brands shares plunged by about 20 percent.
In the filing, Sycamore pointed to the short-term closure of almost all Victoria’s Secret and Pink stores, its furlough of a lot of employees, wage cuts for senior personnel and its failure to pay lease on U.S. shops in April. The company said that Victoria’s Secret was now “saddled” with merchandise of “significantly reduced worth.”
” That these actions were taken as a result of or in action to the Covid-19 pandemic is no defense to L Brands’ clear breaches of the deal agreement,” the company stated.
L Brands, which likewise owns Bath & Body Functions, stated in a Wednesday declaration that it thought Sycamore’s attempt to terminate the acquisition was “invalid,” which it prepared to “vigorously safeguard the suit” and pursue a close of the deal.
Murdoch’s Fox Corporation cuts executive pay.
Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Corporation, the owner of Fox News and the Fox television network, revealed pay cuts to its executive ranks that will impact 700 employees as it worked to mitigate the results of the coronavirus break out.
Fox Corporation’s president, Lachlan Murdoch, the senior boy of Rupert, made the statement in a memo sent to the company’s 7,700 employees on Wednesday.
” While we don’t understand exactly when we will go back to typical and full operations throughout the business, we have actually chosen to take a number of new actions to guarantee that we remain strong and are well-positioned when this crisis declines,” Lachlan Murdoch stated.
He and the household patriarch will forgo their wages through September, although most of their compensation comes from stock awards and perks. Rupert Murdoch makes $5 million in income however his compensation tops $29 million with rewards and stock. Lachlan Murdoch makes $3 million in wage, with an extra $20 million coming from stocks and rewards.
Executives who report to Mr. Murdoch will see a 50 percent decrease in pay for the same duration, and those working at the level of vice president will have their incomes minimized by 15 percent from May through July.
Lachlan Murdoch stressed the significance of assisting cutting edge employees affected by the coronavirus and recommended that staff members could attempt “virtual volunteering.” His call for a labor force effort against the virus stands in contrast to how some Fox on-air characters have discussed the pandemic. The Fox News hosts Jeanine Pirro and Laura Ingraham just recently promoted anti-lockdown rallies across the country.
Fannie and Freddie can now purchase mortgages with missed payments.
A federal regulator took another action Wednesday to help mortgage firms dealing with a rise in missed payments form property owners impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Federal Real estate Finance Firm stated that it would enable those firms to sell recently minted loans on which borrowers have stopped paying to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac— the 2 government-backed home mortgage giants. The company said the program would be for a minimal time and just for mortgages fulfilling eligibility requirements. It did not offer specific details, so it was not clear the number of home mortgages would get approved for the program.
Normally, Fannie and Freddie, which are regulated by the agency, do not purchase new loans that remain in a state of payment forbearance. But the regulator said it was taking this action to assist keep the mortgage market running and make it much easier for companies to keep writing brand-new home mortgages.
Fannie and Freddie usually buy home loans and bundle them into securities sold to financiers, guaranteeing those home mortgages versus the threat of default to motivate investors to buy the securities, which in theory maximizes mortgage companies to compose more mortgage.
Tyson will close another meat processing plant.
Tyson Foods said on Wednesday that it would close its largest pork processing center, the most recent in a string of plant closings that has put a strain on the nation’s meat supply.
The plant in Waterloo, Iowa, had actually been running at reduced levels in recent days due to the fact that workers were staying at home, the business stated.
Over the last couple of weeks, meat plants have ended up being major “hot spots” for the coronavirus pandemic, with some reporting prevalent diseases amongst workers, posing a severe difficulty to meat production. Other significant meatpackers like Smithfield, JBS and Hormel have actually likewise closed plants in current days.
Tyson said it would invite the Waterloo plant’s 2,800 employees to be evaluated for the coronavirus at the center later on this week.
” The closure has significant implications beyond our company, since the plant belongs to a bigger supply chain that consists of hundreds of independent farmers, truckers, distributors and clients, including grocers,” the head of Tyson’s fresh meats division, Steve Stouffer, said in a statement.
OSHA’s restraint on coronavirus inspections and guidelines is prompting concern.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, part of the Labor Department, has actually announced that there will be couple of evaluations of offices for coronavirus threats aside from those in high-risk activities like healthcare and emergency situation action.
Instead, it has contacted companies to investigate coronavirus-related issues on their own, even in hot spots such as the food supply chain That has left a vacuum of oversight in work environments where the virus is taking a toll, former OSHA authorities state.
” I want they were more included,” John Henshaw, who led the company during the George W. Bush administration, said of OSHA’s role. “Certainly meatpacking– I do not comprehend why they would not highlight it.”
At the exact same time, OSHA has supplied few of the incentives, like new work environment rules dealing specifically with infectious disease, that normally prompt employers to deal with dangers.
A Labor Department spokeswoman stated that regardless of the new enforcement method, “if OSHA were to discover ostentatious infractions of the law, the agency would utilize all enforcement tools available.”
The Washington Post reported recently that the company had received countless grievances from workers in a variety of markets saying they felt unsafe at work because of the infection.
Here are the current reports from big business.
Delta Air Lines reported its very first quarterly loss in years. Delta’s shares were somewhat higher early Wednesday. Its rival, United Airlines fell, nevertheless, after the company said it would sell brand-new shares to raise about $1 billion in extra cash.
AT&T took a struck from the coronavirus in the first quarter with income lower by $600 million, mostly because of the loss of sports shows at its Turner division. However the business likewise clawed back some of the licensing charges it paid to the N.C.A.A. after the competition was canceled. The company will try to convert its 35 million HBO customers to its streaming service, HBO Max, when it debuts May27 Its shares were greater on Wednesday morning.
Kimberly-Clark saw sales of tissue and toilet paper climb by 13 percent in the very first quarter, the company said Wednesday, as customers stockpiled in the middle of the pandemic. The company reported earnings and sales that beat expert quotes. Its shares climbed about 1 percent.
Shares of Netflix, nevertheless, fell even after it reported first-quarter earnings on Tuesday that revealed a rise in demand for the service with stay-at-home orders in place worldwide. The company said 15.7 million new clients registered in the first three months of the year, but it warned that the spike in sign-ups implied it might see fewer new memberships later on in the year. The company’s shares hit a record high last week as financiers expected the increase in need.
Delta reports its first quarterly loss in years.
Delta Air Lines reported a loss of $607 million in between January and March, its very first quarterly loss in five years, as the travel industry began to collapse in the wake of the pandemic.
The airline company stated it ended March with about $6 billion in cash on hand, however included that it was likewise burning through $100 million in money each day by the end of that month. After cutting costs and expenses, Delta anticipates to slow that rate to $50 million each day by the end of June.
” The years of work we put into the balance sheet to lower debt and construct unencumbered properties has been important to our success in raising capital and we expect to end the June quarter with around $10 billion in liquidity,” stated Paul Jacobson, the chief monetary officer, in a statement. On Tuesday, Delta announced that Mr. Jacobson had reversed his choice to retire in order to assist the airline company through the crisis.
Under the stimulus passed last month, Delta got $5.4 billion in grants and loans to pay its staff members. It said it was likewise eligible for a $4.6 billion loan under the law, must it choose to take it. The airline included that it prepared to cut schedules by 85 percent in the second quarter, in line with rivals like United Airlines, which reported a $2.1 billion quarterly loss on Monday.
Given that early March, Delta had raised about $5.4 billion in capital, consisting of a $3 billion loan, offering and leasing back $1.2 billion in aircraft and other steps. It also drew down an existing credit limit of $3 billion and cut spending.
By the end of June, the airline company expects to cut expenditures in half, a saving of $5 billion, as it parks numerous aircraft and combines operations. Currently, 37,000 of its 90,000 workers have taken short-term overdue leave. Delta likewise stated it anticipated to save after cutting executives’ pay.
Catch up: Here’s what else is happening.
The French carmaker Renault prepares to start minimal production at a plant outside Paris on Monday, signing up with carmakers like Volkswagen and Daimler that are gradually emerging from lockdown. Renault resumed production recently at factories in Portugal and Spain that make engines and gearboxes. Renault’s plant in Flins, about 25 miles west of Paris, will be the very first vehicle assembly plant in France to resume. Just about one-quarter of the work force will report for task to decrease the threat of infection, a spokesperson said.
General Motors said on Tuesday that it was closing down its four-year-old car-sharing service, Maven, the latest such endeavor to close its doors. Maven, which permits consumers to rent cars by the hour, has struggled to construct a substantial following. It was required to suspend services in March due to the fact that of the coronavirus break out.
Reporting was contributed by Isabella Kwai, Stacy Cowley, Noam Scheiber, Sapna Maheshwari, David Yaffe-Bellany, Niraj Chokshi, Rick Gladstone, Keith Bradsher, Edmund Lee, Clifford Krauss, Vindu Goel, Kate Conger, Neal E. Boudette, Jack Ewing, Mohammed Hadi, Alan Rappeport, Carlos Tejada, Mike Ives, Katie Robertson and Kevin Granville.
Updated April 11, 2020
When will this end?
This is a tough question, because a lot depends on how well the infection is contained
How can I assist?
The Times Neediest Cases Fund has actually started a special campaign to help those who have actually been affected, which accepts donations here Charity Navigator, which examines charities using a numbers-based system, has a running list of nonprofits working in communities impacted by the break out. You can provide blood through the American Red Cross, and World Central Kitchen has actually actioned in to distribute meals in significant cities. More than 30,000 coronavirus-related GoFundMe fund-raisers have actually begun in the previous couple of weeks. (The large variety of fund-raisers means more of them are likely to stop working to satisfy their goal, though.)
What should I do if I feel sick?
If you have actually been exposed to the coronavirus or think you have, and have a fever or symptoms like a cough or difficulty breathing, call a medical professional. They ought to offer you guidance on whether you need to be evaluated, how to get evaluated, and how to seek medical treatment without potentially infecting or exposing others.
Should I use a mask?
The C.D.C. has suggested that all Americans wear fabric masks if they go out in public. This is a shift in federal guidance showing brand-new concerns that the coronavirus is being spread by infected people who have no symptoms
How do I get checked?
If you’re ill and you think you have actually been exposed to the new coronavirus, the C.D.C. suggests that you call your health care company and explain your signs and fears.
How does coronavirus spread?
It seems to spread extremely easily from individual to individual, particularly in homes, health centers and other confined areas.
Is there a vaccine?
What makes this break out so various?
Unlike the flu, there is no recognized treatment or vaccine, and little is understood about this particular infection up until now. It appears to be more lethal than the influenza, however the numbers are still unpredictable. And it hits the senior and those with hidden conditions– not simply those with breathing diseases– especially hard.
What if someone in my family gets sick?
If the household member doesn’t need hospitalization and can be cared for at home, you ought to help him or her with basic needs and keep an eye on the symptoms, while likewise keeping as much range as possible, according to standards provided by the C.D.C. If there’s area, the ill family member must remain in a different room and utilize a different restroom.
Should I stock up on groceries?
Strategy two weeks of meals if possible. Individuals need to not hoard food or products. Regardless of the empty racks, the supply chain stays strong. And keep in mind to wipe the manage of the grocery cart with a disinfecting clean and clean your hands as quickly as you get house.
Can I go to the park?
Yes, however make certain you keep six feet of distance between you and people who do not reside in your house. Even if you just hang out in a park, instead of choose a jog or a walk, getting some fresh air, and hopefully sunlight, is an excellent concept.
Should I pull my cash from the marketplaces?
That’s not an excellent concept. Even if you’re retired, having a well balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds so that your cash keeps up with inflation, and even grows, makes sense. Retirees may desire to believe about having enough money set aside for a year’s worth of living expenses and huge payments needed over the next five years.
What should I finish with my 401( k)?
Viewing your balance go up and down can be frightening.
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/live-stock-exchange-tracker-throughout-coronavirus-pandemic/
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garretteqis470 · 5 years
Medical Marijuana - The Federal Reaction
"The idea that marijuana could be used for medical objectives is not a new concept; as a matter of fact, it has been around for thousands of years. Before I started to do research on this subject I highly thought that marijuana could be utilized as a reliable medicine. I had heard several stories concerning its potential for helping cancer as well as Help patients, to name a few ailments, to manage both the signs of the diseases and the negative effects of the therapies. These treatments could include radiation treatment or radiation when it comes to cancer people. I also was cognizant of the fact that marijuana has never ever had a single recorded instance of a person passing away from a marijuana overdose. This by itself is reason to claim that marijuana could be a more secure medicine instead of other prescriptions. With this proof alone, it might seem that I am a complete advocate of the possibility of marijuana being utilized for clinical objectives. This is not entirely the situation. Before doing any of my research I have actually heard the horror stories of individuals ending up being completely addicted and having the medication take control of their lives. The whole problem of cannabis is a highly questioned topic and also ought to be checked out from different viewpoints prior to making a decision a placement.
As I conducted my research study one of the main debates in this heated debate has to do with the real possibility for it to aid individuals better handle the signs of illness. Some people believe that marijuana has much to offer people in the realm of medicine; others say that it does more harm than excellent. Those that are supporters of cannabis being legalized state that it is of incredible clinical value. They suggest that it can aid minimize persistent discomfort, stop muscle spasms from happening, cause a gain in appetite and also help stop nausea, as well as also soothe stress within the eye. A few of the conditions that could be assisted by this drug include AIDS, cancer cells, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and glaucoma. AIDS as well as cancer clients could benefit from cannabis by having both the pain related to this condition diminished. Also, these clients could be aided by having a more stimulated cravings and also less nausea. Those with epilepsy could be helped by potentially having seizures stopped. Individuals experiencing several sclerosis can perhaps have less painful muscle spasms. Additionally, those who have glaucoma could be given with remedy for intra-ocular pressure as well as possibly excelsior cbd be saved serious eye damage.
This short article all at once was essentially a listing of all the ways that maybe practical for numerous diseases. It also explained that for a very long time cannabis was being utilized as medicine currently so this idea of it being useful is not new. After seeing every one of the illness that it could potentially help with I was shocked. All I could think of with regard to individuals that deal with these conditions is that if I were in their place I would intend to try anything that can potentially function.
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Nevertheless, there are those who disagree totally and also state that marijuana has no location in the medical globe what so ever. They mention the fact that cannabis has never ever been accepted as a true medication by many major companies associated with screening as well as certifying medicines including the Fda. Additionally, it has actually been mentioned that medical marijuana still can not be prescribed in the large majority of the states today. Cannabis is likewise not sold in drug stores, as well as perhaps the most crucial thing to note is that cannabis is still ranked in the same category of drugs as heroin, LSD, and other controlled substances.
This post was defiantly against medical marijuana. It slammed every part of it having medical worth. It explained that it has actually never been approved for clinical usage by the Fda (FDA). It additionally broke down the standards for a medicine to be licensed to have clinical worth as well as spoke about each point and why cannabis did not qualify. This write-up was, if absolutely nothing else, extremely efficient at revealing the sharp comparison in views in between the supporters and resistance.
One more disagreement that has been made is whether cannabis has the possible to be an addictive medication. Some people state that marijuana provides a threat to culture due to its addictive properties. There is an excellent factor to count on this perspective. During the time between 1992 as well as 2006, the strength of cannabis greatly enhanced. In fact, it is approximated that this increase could be as long as one hundred seventy-five percent. This caused the number of people who depend on marijuana to increase. There are numerous dangers that accompany dependence on cannabis. One of these is that some users might possibly drive while under the influence of the medication. Utilizing marijuana hinders electric motor skills as well as can cause crashes. In general, cannabis is the 2nd most regularly spotted medication in the chauffeur's systems.
When reading this write-up, it became clear that the author was very against all kinds of cannabis both medical and also non-medical. It takes place to review the evolution of cannabis into what we have today, in addition to the factor that it is so addicting. The writer of this article additionally shows the biggest factor they think that marijuana must not be legislated in any kind of type. Medical marijuana is one action better to legalization. This places children and also teens in jeopardy and this write-up primarily makes a statement versus such circumstances.
On the other hand, there are individuals who state that marijuana is not addicting as well as is actually an extremely risk-free medication to use. One such individual is Paul Armentano author of ""Marijuana is not addicting"". In his article, Armentano points out a record done by the Institute of Medication (IOM). According to the IOM, less than ten percent of individuals who attempt marijuana satisfies the description of an individual who shows dependency. This is an unlike the variety of individuals that showed addiction to other medications.
These medicines consisted of cigarette which went to 32 percent, heroin at 23 percent, cocaine at 17 percent, and also alcohol at 15 percent. All of these percentages are high compared to cannabis which was at less than 10 percent. Another factor that supports the reality that cannabis is non-addictive is the lack of withdrawal signs and symptoms. Marijuana, unlike cigarette or alcohol, does not create extreme withdrawal impacts. The most notable results of cannabis are small worry, frustration, and also absence of sleep. Cigarette generates comparable withdrawal effects, yet much more severe comparative. Often times tobacco's effects are enough to encourage an individual to launch again, which is not true for cannabis.
This post to me was extremely eye-opening. It provided a large amount of information that was concentrated on the issue of whether or not cannabis is habit forming or not. It compares dependency prices with many of the other abused narcotics; in addition to talking about the withdrawals that each medication creates. In general, it clearly favors cannabis being used as a medicine, and also presents scientific evidence to show why it should be.
Another significant piece of evidence that supports legalisation comes from a write-up titled ""Medical Cannabis"". While the National Company for the Reform of Cannabis Rule was conducting a research concerning the chemicals that marijuana contains, researchers discovered something interesting. The particular chemicals that they researched are called cannabinoids which are chemicals unique to the marijuana plant. These chemical compounds were located to in fact be anti-cancer.
This article is extremely vital due to the info that it has concerning the unique effects of marijuana' chemicals. The article additionally takes place to restate the advantages that were provided previously in a different discourse. Additionally in the source, the lawful triumphes are additionally discussed which were connected to how medical cannabis had the ability to get to where it is today.
In conclusion, marijuana being made use of for medical functions is a highly arguable topic. So many studies have been made with each appearing to produce different outcomes. After checking out all the short articles, my opinion has actually not been persuaded by the opposition. I still side with those who rely on legalization for clinical purposes. I do however understand that individuals have really various and really strong opinions on the subject. It is difficult to tell precisely that is right or incorrect. There is a lot proof offered both for, and versus the legalisation of marijuana as medication that it is less regarding that to believe as well as extra regarding who not to believe."
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