#but ain't no way i'm labelling myself as straight.
thawthebeez · 6 months
university application site asking me my sexuality. what the fuck do i say
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ravennaramos · 8 months
(Rare / long post) Yesterday was my final day of work, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't spend last night in tears.
I feel a little numb, and it feels surreal overall, that I am leaving New Orleans, and so rapidly (this Friday!)
Anybody that knows me, knows that this city comprises not only a core part of my personality, but also my identity as a whole. Since I was an eleven-year-old girl, this is the only city I've ever wanted to live. I cherish carnival season, the brass bands, the above-ground cemeteries, and the streetcar that I can hear from my living room. I have five New Orleans tattoos. I adore the crescent city, and I am grieving its loss as thoroughly and deeply as any loss in my life.
But when I look back to the summer of 2016, as I was preparing to load up our 15-foot U-Haul and commence the 1,000 mile journey southward, arriving on NOLA's doorstep homeless and jobless, I can't say that I thought I would live here forever. I can't say that I saw myself living here until I was 90, weaving the decades together in a single continuous unbroken thread of Mardi Gras and hurricane seasons and Mr. Bingles. If anything, perhaps I didn't expect to live in one flat for seven years straight, the longest I've lived at one address since I was a child in my mother's care. And I certainly didn't expect to level up the way that I have professionally, starting out as a cashier in the French Quarter for $13/hour, and ending up with a shiny new graduate degree and a wage offer nearly three times that. New Orleans has simultaneously been a loving benefactor and a cruel mistress.
I think that, more than most, COVID really broke me. I didn't realize it back in 2020, or even 2021, but it is clear now. I never stopped quarantining. Sure I leave my house for work, and making groceries, and the few beauty appointments that I schedule. But I walked out of the Quarter when I lost my job on March 19, 2020, and did not tiptoe back inside its boundaries until four weeks ago on August 12th. The few friendships that germinated here died unceremoniously over that time, due to my lack of attention, and I was unable to nurture them back to life. I don't really go anywhere, I don't really do anything. The last three years haven't been a waste; I've worked meticulously on myself, my physical and spiritual health, my emotional and professional growth. But I feel that I've come to the end of being able to move forward in this city, at this time. I have to force myself out of this cycle of working and coming home to an apartment I'm renting alone. Home ownership, international travel, a marriage, a family, a doctoral degree, career growth, ain't gonna manifest itself.
In many ways, I never got used to being back in the Southeast of my childhood. I never got used to hurricane season, or the streets flooding with every single goddamn rainstorm, or the potholes that blew out my left front tire. I never got used to the sewage & water board neglecting to read my water meter for over two years now (they send estimated bills). I never got used to AT&T's 18mbps internet, the fastest I can get here. I never got over Hurricane Ida, or the Hard Rock Hotel collapse. As a child I would scream and cry at the sight of a flying cockroach; I still do. And I sure as fuck have never gotten used to this unrelenting godforsaken heat, the hottest summer in New Orleans ever on record, 52+ days of excessive heat warnings thus far. Inadvertently, I'm donning the label of climate change refugee. Everyone here will, a hundred years from now. 
My relationship with New Orleans is complex and complicated. I'm sure that I will cry while packing up my things and perhaps all the way to the eastern seaboard. İn şa Allah, I will try again here in the future, perhaps retire here when I can acquire such luxuries as central air, a dishwasher, a parking spot, a washer and dryer. For now, my blossoming must continue within the funny-shaped border of the beautiful blue state of Maryland. I am ready for a beginning.  
I love you, New Orleans
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presidentbungus · 2 years
gonna start trying to write at least one unedited 500 word ficlet a day, to hopefully shake the dust off the ol figurative combustion engine. hopefully this will mean at least 1 writing post a day. if i do not post anything on a day please hold me accountable. thank you.
anyway, here's the first one.
day 1, engy's first impression of demo, demo's first impression of engy, and demo's first impression of everyone else. vague flirting. 520 words
“See this, here?”
Demo taps the label of the bottle—it says RED SHED, or something stupid like that, and is already peeling off at the corners.
“This is the worst thing ‘a beer you’ll find in all of North America.”
Engineer takes the bottle, setting it on the ground before tugging his glove off. He smiles a little, intentionally lopsided ‘cause he knows it’s cute. “Why do ya drink it, then?”
“Well they send a big bloody flat of it every few weeks—and Spy’s wine cabinet’s booty-trapped. What else are we gonna drink?”
Engineer uncaps the bottle with one of the Gunslinger’s fingers, and something in his chest hums a little when he notices Demo’s failing to hide that he’s staring at it. “I’ve got a bit of a feeling there’s a lot of what-elses around here.”
“Couldn’t’ve said it better myself.” He looks up. “Robot hand. Tell me about that?”
“Little number designed and built by me.” The fact that he doesn’t mention the fact that he basically just stole the blueprints straight from his grandpa’s grave is on purpose. Wiggles his metal fingers a little, bends them all the way back to the artificial carpals and then all the way back forward. “Grip strength, flexibility, sex appeal, all that good stuff.“
He laughs at the last bit. “So didja, like, lose the hand, or…”
“Cut it off myself.”
The fact that Demo’s missing an eye doesn’t seem to make his deadpan stare any less effective. "You're kidding."
"I guess I had a few too many beers and a workshop saw…"
Demo leans back in his seat, grinning. "Well, I’m glad you ain’t normal.”
"Did you expect different? I'm hurt."
"Well, most people--they come in here and ya look at them and it's, like, whoa, you're fucking batshit. Like Medic--you've seen him, right?"
"Tall, handsome, grin ripped straight outta your nightmares?"
"Ah, bingo. Even the ones that aren't as Frankenstein-y still give you a bit of that feel. Like Heavy—the real big one—he seemed pretty strong and silent-type ‘til Scout came up and then he started waxing about crushin' skulls."
"I see. So I guess I'm different?"
"Different, sure." Dell wonders if he's blushing a little. "I'll just say I ain't heard a nice ‘n proper please-and-thank-you since I got here."
"Well, my mama raised me right.” Demo calls cheers for some reason, and they clink their bottles together (and the little bit that sloshes out of Dell’s might sizzle when it hits the pavement), and Dell takes a sip and—whoo-ee, he’s right. Takes a good chunk of effort not to spit it right back out onto the pavement. Demo laughs at him, for his troubles. “And, um, glad you think I’m weird.”
“Aye. My pleasure.”
They both laugh. Demo’s little titter—entirely too high-pitched for his usual vocal timbre—well, Dell figures he’ll probably get addicted to it if he’s not careful. He can already feel it setting in.
Demo just did a cheer, but he raises his bottle again anyway. “To new horizons?”
“To getting bloody-fucking shitfaced,” Demo says, and they click bottles again.
Yeah, he’ll drink to that.
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sentientgopro · 5 months
Hey y'all, not exactly active on here, especially when talking about myself, but I really need to get some shit off my chest right now. I had a couple realisations yesterday that culminated in some shit I never thought I would be saying or thinking.
I never thought I could be anything but straight. I liked women, so I mustve been straight. Im definately an advocate for everyone giving their gender true consideration, even when most will come out the other side cis, and confidently so, as did I.
Then I realised I didn't like women in the way most straight guys do. Afer clearing up some prior misconceptions about Aromanticism and asexuality, I realised those two labels fit me perfectly. But sometimes I wonder why I still feel a certain way about girls. There's just something about the way they look that's appealing to me, even if I dont find girls attractive...
Oh shit. That wasn't attraction. That was envy.
So that train of thought kind of went from 0 to 10 real fucking fast. This realisation brought to my attention feelings that Ive had for a good while, but have passed off as r/196 induced brainrot. Besides, and this is the biggest thing that stopped me realising this earlier, I dont feel that who I am now is wrong. I look in the mirror, and I see myself. But I've only recently kinda grasped the concept that being trans isn't all about dysphoria, having dysphoria is not always the way to tell. Although I dont think being a man is wrong, fucking hell, being a girl would be much better. And it feels so fucking weird actually typing that.
But what I'm saying is, atleast for the time being, I could manage to just not do anything. Which is for the better seeing as my parents would start screaming at me for saying anything remotely in the direction of being an ally. And I live on TERF Island. Transitioning would be an absolute pain in the ass, especially right now, so it kinda feels like why bother when the way I am doesnt really feel wrong. Transitioning could be quite dangerous and have big risks, it kinda just feels like I dont need that shit in my life, Im already running on fumes and a list of people I need to outlive. I usually hold a mindset of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but this usually applies to binary things, like if my team wins using the same strat a few times in a row in CS, "Do it again, ain't broke, don't fix", but this is not nearly as binary as that, this isn't a win/loss.
Something that is both comforting and a little concerning is that no matter what, there is atleast a 2 year hold on this. I should be able to go to uni after that and start living my own life, but as of right now, doing something like transitioning is NOT an option. Ive got a 2 year long planning phase and Ive kinda just been taking stock tbh. I don't think "that" period of my life hit too hard, Im still skinny (Yeah, ik skinny =/= feminine but its better than being buff imo) kinda fuckin tall, if my growth follows the same as my brother did which it is so far Im gonna be like 6'3 by the end of that 2 years (6'1 now) so thats probably gonna be more of a mild annoyance than a genuine problem. My voice varies ALOT, I can have a pretty damn low voice, and a bit of a higher pitch, it naturally varies, I normally find I talk in a higher pitch when I'm happier and lower when Im trying to appear more... normal? idk, theres probably somrthing to think about in that.
Honestly idk, theres no real end point to this, I just wanted to talk about this somewhere. As much as I never saw myself being in this position, I use r/196, play ULTRAKILL, and Study Computer Science and want to continue it as a career path, cmon, it was only ever a matter of time, this was inevitable.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Then why don't Dimitri marry Dedue 😕? This ain't about avatar-centricity it's about whether or not characters are written in a way that suggests the traits people claim they have are intentionally part of them. And I think "I'll get with a person but not their literal genderswap" is the single most definitive way to characterize sexual orientation. But then I've never found the concept of "sexual orientation" a helpful way to understand ppl or even myself.
I don't think characters have to be written "in a way" to suggest if they are bi or not.
I have watched enough stuff from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s to know that when people wrote someone coded as "queer" it was an excuse to fit as many offensive tropes as possible onto them.
I guess we both agree on this, so, on the main topic.
Dimitri and Dedue follow a tradition of "very devoted knights and their lieges" from the saga, you can trace them back to Finn and Quan from Jugdral, to Elphin and Percival from FE6 and the weird... fixation Frederic has with Chrom, if you want to reach a bit.
They blush when they call each other's name, they rub ointment on the other's body, Dimitri calls him "cherished and irreplacable" and Dedue lit says he cannot fathom a life where he is not by his side.
It is way closer to Siggy "a fate without deedee is not a fate I will accept" than, say, "hey Cousin Seliph, I know I suck because I'm not a Crusader, but I'll do my best to help you so we will put an end to this war together".
Dedue is burried next to Dimitri in their ending, and if we don't even want to take Dedue into account, Dimitri has a deep and meaningful bond with Felix, that is so important to Felix that he cries more than Dimitri's wife when Dimitri dies!
So while I do not think it is purely a discussion and concept about Dimitri's sexual orientation, if the label straight could have been misleading (maybe Fodlan doesn't really have the same notions about sexual orientations, a bit like what happened in Rome it's just two people holding hands, one has his hand being held, while the other holds the hand), Dimitri definitely has "strong romantic feelings" for at least 2 male characters, and I suspect they're holding hands in his royal chambers.
Dimitri can have strong feelings for women and men - as for why he doesn't marry men, part of me wants to say they did not want to put "important male characters" in a bi relationship because, even in 2019, "peepee on peepee" action is still seen as uncomfortable by some people around the world, unlike "pure girls with pure girls giggling" which is, idk, more acceptable because sexism. So IS, a company from Japan, makes a lot of circumvolutions to avoid saying Dimitri'n'Dedue married, even if they take care of orphans, have their "eternal rest" next to each other and are on a first name basis while blushing like school girls.
For real life examples, it's just like Emperor Hadrian and his "friend" Antonin. They were not married, not at all, and historians from a certain era really really tried to paint them as friends.
But then morals evolved, so History was revised.
Other part is because Dimtri takes the Mandate from House Hresvelg - thus he must create a dynasty and that is just the way it is in FE.
Tl; Dr : while sexual orientation is, imo a trait and not a character, Dimitri is heavily coded to have "strong feelings" for both men and women, even if he doesn't marry his two male "love interests".
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hell0mega · 2 years
oh i think it's that tweet that just posted from my queue about having a system with socks. literally no mention of autism, instead the tweet uses "ND" and i have adhd... so it still applies...
listen, i never get actually upset at mean anons because 99% of the time they're idiots, like that one, but often what they say perplexes me. because those 99% are so up their ass in secretly wanting to be a bad person and make others feel bad because they feel bad about their own lives, that they misread everything and make conclusions on other people (or, as I've seen a lot of, literally just straight up lie and make shit up)
but still, USUALLY everything they say comes from SOMETHING, so i went back and saw that my queue posted a tweet about being ND. that person, who I'm gonna keep saying is not autistic and just uses shit they learn in order to "call people out" about stuff, saw me relate to a tweet and incorrectly concluded that i am an ignorant child (I'm almost 30) that gets all my info from tiktok (which i don't and never have had) instead of someone who has an autistic sister, a most likely autistic father, and most of my close friends being autistic. i know I'm not autistic because I'm exposed to it daily. we're still on the fence about my bf lmao
ALSO I'm going to guess you're not autistic because i am very aware that within the autistic community, it is widely accepted to self diagnose as long as you do your research, take the tests, interact with the community, and any advice makes your life easier. it's expensive to get diagnosed and can leave you being labeled as officially disabled, making it harder for you to live your life as a normal person, make the money, have the jobs, and marry the people you want.
so no, i will never be upset about people telling me to kill myself over *checks notes* people assuming i have a tiktok... or anything. I've been on the internet since i was 11, just short of 20 years. I've never personally sent anon hate, not only just because I'm a good person who shows others compassion, not only because i don't think subjecting others to pain alleviates mine in any way, but also because... I've never understood how it effects anyone. obviously one message isn't a harassment campaign and that's a whole different story, but over the years, and still all the time, i see people get upset over one message. like dude... that's just done 14 year old that's failing algebra 2. you're an adult, it's fine
anyway. maybe that person is checking back on my blog to see if i responded. maybe they're just going through and copy+pasting the same kys message to everyone that reblogs that tweet, which is actually making me laugh to think about because they incorrectly assumed the tweet was talking about autism when it clearly says ND several times. just being an absolute clown on dozens of people's pages until they see a response like mine and go "wait what" and scroll and see that it doesn't mention autism
anyway, I'm rambling at this point. this is way too long and i hope this doesn't come off as victim blaming for people who get mean messages all the time. I've never gone through a harassment campaign that lasted more than a day and i know that can be tough and can trigger emotional responses in the future even just to one message. but i ain't that guy. people are gonna think what they think of me and they're letters on the screen so what are they really gonna do
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burnadicarwoz · 6 months
hi!! that same anon again checking in again, I'm so glad I could help!
a few points I wanted to make in response (and one that I feel like I should have said in my original ask)-
you don't have to label yourself as anything if you don't want to. the bisexual vs pansexual vs queer labels are understandably a bit confusing (especially when you're new to this), but those all generally mean "into more than one gender" or whatever they mean to You as you learn more about yourself! labels are not mandatory by any means, but if it helps you and you like whichever one, you can use any that you think fit!
as for having attractions to guys like Markiplier and the waiter deltarune character, I think that's a pretty good indicator of not being straight. there were so many male characters (and people) I had crushes on that I didn't even register as being genuine attractions to guys because... I thought everyone felt that way towards them, since it wasn't strictly sexual attractions. and I also had the same problem with not realizing that about myself because a LOT of the guys around me were mainly asshole dude-bros- but lo and behold, took me like 10 years to figure out I just like guys who Aren't That and who make me feel safer! so I get what you mean.
additionally, relating to bi characters would also make sense for that. of course not something that means you're bi (or etc other labels) but with the ^^^ other stuff, can definitely correlate!
and finally, if you have any LGBT+ clubs or groups in your area, it may be worth joining in one! I think generally colleges or libraries have at least one, depending on where you live. If not for meeting less "lad" type guys, I'm sure they would love to answer any questions you have. that also goes for online groups! I don't know exactly how to find them on tumblr, but I'm sure other websites like reddit have spaces like that where you can meet other bi/pan/queer/etc people (and maybe make new friends!) which I'm sure probably sounds incredibly intimidating, but I promise it feels so much less alone when you have people who understand around you and would be a good first step to broadening your horizons.
take care!
And hello again my good anon. Just a few small things to say here now (unlike the mountain of text of men talk I had before)
For labels, I feel most comfortable with bi, that's why I say that one for myself. And even so, I ain't someone who will be putting it in their bios or whatever. Don't really wear anything about myself on my sleeve if that makes sense, so while I will give myself the bi label so I know what to call it in future, it won't be needed much outside of that. Just good to know for when I'm older.
MY GOD, reading that I didn't have to be sexually attracted to my male crushes to still find them attractive was so validating to see. It just makes me happy I guess, knowing that liking them meant something, and that I could enjoy being around people like that (and being able to enjoy it so much just makes me more happy somehow). And yeah, good guys are so hard to find these days due to the lot of them being pigs. Even the ones I am mates with and I do enjoy being around, it still would be nice to have 1 guy that doesn't look or act like a shaved rat mixed with an ape.
Hell yeah, get to thank video games for my sexuality now, fuck yeah (yeah tho with everything else the evidence is damning lol)
If I do have any more questions or worry about bi sexuality I'll definitely go find a group next. I'm taking all this well since I ain't planning on going on the market for a while (stuck in the same place for a while, good ones already passed by, yknow) so I haven't had to worry about applying any of this yet. But when I do I will find people to talk to about it.
Enjoy yourself mate, bye!
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rikascream · 1 year
Here I go on a stupid rant:
People who have an attraction that is not by definition straight are gay. This can be a guy, girl, or any presenting gender. They are gay. They can also be queer.
If a guy is bi, he is totally allowed to STILL call himself gay. Because he still has queer attraction. I knew a guy in college who preferred to be called gay even though he still had attraction to some women. Nobody batted an eye. They didn't shriek at him "But you're bi!! Stop lying to people!!" because gay is a word equivalent to queer attraction. If he liked men AT ALL then he was called gay.
So by that logic, Women-identifying-people who have a queer attraction are lesbians. Right? Right. Same thing. If a girl likes girls, she's at the same time gay, queer, and a lesbian. She can choose any of these labels to suit her.
So if a woman realizes in some way that she is gay, she's a lesbian. Following me? Girl with queer attraction = lesbian. And, just like my friend in college, that means even if she has SOME attraction to boys, she can still identify as a lesbian. Especially if she believes that her attraction falls on the spectrum leaning towards women. She's allowed to call herself a lesbian.
But as soon as people find out that she has a small attraction towards men, suddenly it's "You're not a lesbian. You're bi. You're less lesbian than the rest of us. You are less queer and thus have more privilege and you are not welcome here."...
Tell me that ain't the most gatekeeping, stupid, hipocritical thing you ever heard?? First off, it's not their label, it is HER label! Next, why does her choice of label matter? She is still attracted to women, would still be able to find and date a woman, there's just a little wiggle room in her attraction. And it doesn't matter how much wiggle room because queer attraction is still queer.
You know what I think it is? I think it's terfy. There are people trying to regulate a word that they have no business regulating because they are trying to call many identifies unvalid. Especially if it involves someone trans. For example: a ftm trans person who has an attraction to women could call themselves a lesbian if they would like, and that makes terfs mad because they want to gatekeeper what a woman is when 1) it's a spectrum and 2) they are using the word lesbian as it defines a queer attraction. Even though they are presenting as a male, they could still consider their attraction queer. This is up for that person to decide, not gatekeepers on the internet. And if someone is mtf, terfs would argue they are not lesbian but straight, which completely misses the point that they can see their attraction as queer.
I also think it's misandry. I think there are lesbians who are lesbian because they hate men or believe that women are superior to men (This is something you can also see in terfs). So, when a misandrist lesbian meets someone who labels themselves as lesbian but has even the tiniest attraction to men, they get furious, pissed, angry. They feel betrayed and disgusted by it. I'm not saying they're in the right, but this is definitely how they feel and a reason someone would be so "Label Police" about things.
So when some poor soul decided "I want to express that I call myself a lesbian, but I am open to more, so I don't offend or make anyone upset when they find out I don't hate men," all hell broke loose. Because they decided to call themselves a bi lesbian.
And the terfs and misandrists hated that more.
I just think it's rediculous. You don't see gay men getting bashed for having a 5% attraction to women. You don't see gay men get angry when women call themselves gay like "THAT'S OUR WORD!!" (and if they do, they must be exhausting to be around).
So, let me explain it again. A lesbian is someone with a queer attraction, usually reserved for women and women presenting people but let's remember you can be genderqueer as well. It is a label to help you understand yourself. It can be just as flexible as the word "gay"
Like, fuck. I'm a married woman, I'm married to a man. I'm bisexual, a label I chose. When I'm experiencing a queer attraction, do I specify "I'm so bi?" no. I call myself gay. Sometimes I say "I'm such a lesbian right now." almost like language is flexible, ever changing, and meant to fit our needs.
So leave bi lesbians alone. If you really are a terf or hate men, at least they are letting you know exactly what they are all about.
Oh wait, I forgot, the reason why this is such a big deal in the first place is because those type of people live for pushing people down, gatekeeping, suicide baiting, harassing, and making a ton of noise so that someone will pay attention to them because they never got love as a child.
Why can't they be passionate about something that matters?? Like the environment? Helping poor people? Fixing inequality around the world? Maybe mental health???
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
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PAIRINGS: Haikyuu boys x fem! reader
GENRE: angst, pining, teasing, spicy level at 1?
A/N: i am hooked, captivated, jealous, and many more emotions🤨 this was honestly a little random but no complaints
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⟡𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔's offhanded comments on an essay he didn't participate in was a bloodbath waiting to happen. Though you understood that he was in a tight schedule regarding practice and matches was a tough schedule to keep up with, the expression on his face when he sees the score ignites the rage that was kept tight when you stayed up just to pinch in to replace their mistakes and their unwillingness to cooperate that had you pulled out of calmness.
"Wipe that shit expression off of you, Miya. Maybe if you were there we could've done better but no." You huffed, while there's a chuckle from the blonde as he takes the paper from your hands, a punch to your efforts, while he waves it around before towering over you with eyes glancing to your lips before it goes straight to your eyes before he spoke,
"If you wanted the best, then I'm all yours to take."
⟡𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀 would go overboard majority of their practice so at those moments—you never know what to do seeing that you weren't on good terms anyway. He'd be too focused and frustrated to be communicated with while Hinata's drive to progress himself always mixes with the setters competitiveness then it leads to late practices making you stay until they finally leave.
"You two— c'mon I have to lock up. Get going already." Hinata smiles at you softly sharing his intents to stay a little longer while you shook your head. He gave out a defeated sigh while you walked to the storage room to make sure everything was placed to where it was but when you expected silence, it never came. The sound of heavy impacting echoes through the gym while you rolled your eyes to walk out and see the setter all alone.
"Kageyama, go home." You were down to the remaining ounce of energy you had left. You could only roll your eyes as you held the ball he was meant to hold as he blinks at you.
"I'm not gonna say it again. Let's go home already." He turns the other way around whispering, "Just one more." making you hold onto his wrist as he turns to you surprised but held a glare in secret. "Stop being so stubborn." Kageyama scoffs before holding onto your hand on his wrist, a slight tug while you leaned forward because of his actions.
"And stop trying to make me go home with you." You pushed him slightly with raised eyebrows, a fluster in your cheeks as you tried to pull away.
"Idiot- that's not what I mean!" You argued while his hand remained on yours as you both stared each other down. "It's not like I meant it that way either." Tobio said before letting go of your arm, walking away with his own heated cheeks while grabbing his bag and ending the day with one more glance to you.
"I'm going now, if you're going to come with me—then I'll see which of the choices you did mean."
⟡ 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 doesn't like the way your personality mirrored his twin. A duplicate of another duplicate. He saw how well you and the blonde had bonded and brought a migraine to his head, realizing that the annoyance he gets from his twin has doubled when it came to you but he does deny that there's an ounce of envy seeing that you were never that close to him and always favored Atsumu.
And now that you were in their residence, the laughter from you and the setter ticks him off as if he was a thirdwheeler in every situation—god, even in their house.
"Oi, do you mind? I think my controller is in Samu's room can you get it for me?" Atsumu asks while you shrugged before knocking over to Osamu's door. You figured that he didn't like you as much and you kept your distance but at times, you can definitely feel that the distance that had grown to a state that even you were confused in how it got that far.
You casually enter in, glancing at Osamu who was only busy on his phone but shares a stare to you when you wander around.
"What're ye looking for?" He asks, while you responded saying it was the controller. He stands up with a groan, noticing how messy the other side of the room was as you began to pick up a few shirts while Osamu cocks an eyebrow.
"Ain't no touching that, I'll clean it myself." He suggests but you continued nonetheless thinking that this may reduce whatever tension was there. Right at the moment where you reached for the jersey at the stairs of their bunk bed, Osamu had grabbed your wrist making you wide eyed before looking at him.
"I said I can do it." He says in which you followed with, "I just wanted to help you and Tsumu." He rolls his eyes but the proximity of you two is alarming especially when his hand was still wrapped around yours.
"Atsumu this, Atsumu that—can't you worry about me?" He jokes at first but there's warmth to your cheeks alike to his own, but he leans forward, a smirk to his lips. "Only you?" You asked before he spoke again,
"Only me and no one else, doll."
⟡𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐒𝐀's bad start during mornings never get along with your rants along with Iwaizumi to help maintain the health of MSBY. Whenever Iwaizumi would be off to observe a different team, you'd be the subsitute. All of the things he's said to them—you'll be there to remind them all over again. In which repetitiveness irks him knowing they've been told before.
"We've been through the same routine. Today's not any special." Kiyoomi suggests, though you get how irritating it can be to act like a broken record—you knew Iwaizumi would do the same thing you were doing.
"And if we go through it like every other day, then we'll finish fast." You argued as Atsumu sends you a chuckle before leaning on his teammate.
"Not with all that yapping." Sakusa whispers making you scoff while Hinata and Bokuto share a worried glance.
"You've got something to say to me, Kiyoomi?" You asked, edging him on because you weren't entirely at fault. You were strictly just following Iwaizumi's orders.
The MSBY player then takes a few steps forward before lowering his mask and with a threat of a stare to look down on you.
"Why don't we stop talking and I'll show you a better routine?"
Atsumu rolls his eyes but rather entertained at the vanter unfolding in front of the entire team.
"Like you'll ever find a way to shut me up." You bragged but there's a chuckle from him before he leans forward—a close vicinity where his lips linger on your ears as a cold voice welcomes you.
"I'd like to see you try and stop me then."
⟡𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐀 is the person that throws distanced glares when it came to you. Ever since the aggravating Atsumu teased you two as a perfect couple that he quickly declined followed by an unnecessary sentence saying you were impossible to date. You understood that you were never friends to even label it but since you were with the twins, you and Rintaro never hit it off the way you did with the Miyas'.
So even as you sat a few seats away from at the local bus, it irks you that this banter goes on even outside school. Looking away, there's a hand to your waist making you glare instantly at the man beside you while he only gives an appalling glance to your attire that made your blood boil as you struggled to move away from him.
"Get the fuck off me." You ordered him but he acts nonchalant. The moment you were about to raise a hand to show some defense, another hand travels to your waist while the previous hand around you was removed.
Gasping you turned to Suna who radiated a heated energy while the man scoffs knowing it was a facade to act like you were together.
"Hey now—if you don't believe she's my girl, then why don't you watch?" Rintaro threats as his lips lingered around your neck while you stood frozen. The destructive and taunting stare he gave to the man caused the bastard to move away not long before Suna had the chance to push him to the other side, cocking a smirk while he pulls you to his body.
"Thank you." You said, while he only shrugs in response, still cautious of the jealousy that lingers the mans eye.
"Seems like you'll be mine for the rest of the night."
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airasora · 3 years
Hey! 3 4 5 13 14 15! Happy pride!
Thank you for the asks, and happy pride to you too! 😁
3 = Discuss your relationship with your sexuality
It's pretty positive overall. In general, when I come across biphobia, I can laugh at it cause it's usually either stupid or hypocritical. The majority of biphobia I've experienced are from gay people and that's all kinds of hilarious 😂 I'm bisexual, and that's the label I use if someone asks or it feels natural to bring it up in a conversation. But the last couple of years, I've become fond of the term queer. I like the word, I like the internalized slogan (I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it) and it's an umbrella term so it goes anyone who isn't cis and straight 🤗
4 = Discuss your relationship with gender
I am cis-gendered, and I know one or two people who isn't, so I actually don't have a lot of irl experience, but if you tell me your pronouns I use those pronouns. End of discussion. I don't care if you look or act femine, masculine, fluid etc, I respect your pronouns and yes, I will hunt down the people who don't.
5 = Discuss how your dating process has changed since you've realized you were in the LGBT+ community
I've mostly always know I was bi. At first I thought I was gay actually cause I enjoyed lesbian porn a lot more than straight porn. Asked my mom about it, and she said that she liked lesbian porn too, but she was hella straight. So when I was like maybe... 14, I wondered if I was bi and kinda just started saying that. Been saying that ever since. For a while, I said I was a bisexual heteromantic, which is convoluted way to say your heart loves the "opposite" gender, but your body ain't picky. I did that because I knew I was sexually attracted to girls, but had never had romantic feelings for someone.
Then "I jUsT mEt A gIrL nAmEd MaRiA" and I went back to just calling myself bisexual 😂
13 = Discuss any regrets you have regarding your experience as someone in the LGBT+ community
I guess I regret never actively trying to get to know any girls romantically. (Or any non-males I guess pfft) I tried the app HER recently in solidarity with a bi friend of mine, but she had a lot more success than I did. After a month, when my friend was comfortable doing this whole app dating thing on her own, I lost interest and just kinda deleted the app.
But I swear to Disney, when this corona bullshit is over I am gonna DATE 😂
14 = Discuss your relationship with internalized biphobia
Fortunately, the only biphobic incident that was targeted directly at me was in tenth grade when some busy buddy overheard me talking to a classmate about me being bi and then she spilled MY GODDAMN TEA. The next day people are looking at me a lot, and then some other girls from the class pulled me aside and told me there was a rumor going on that I was bisexual.
Having grown up in a progressive country, and also in a big city, I was naive and was shocked people even thought me being bi was worth gosipping about. So, I'm just really grateful to not really have any internalized biphobia.
15 = Discuss how/if your ethnicity intersects with you being in the LGBT+ community
I'm white. I was born with a million privileges just from that, and I'm not gonna pretend white privilege isn't a thing. It very much is. I know queer people who aren't white, and I can't relate to their experiences. And my heart just go out to them so much. It's hard enough being queer, but when you add on the horrible racism as well, I can't imagine how much bullshit you must experience on an everyday basis.
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bleucolor · 4 years
Last time I tried to post a giyushino fanfic and since i navigate myself through Tumblr like a boomer, I accidentally deleted my story. I felt like a whole ass clown but I'm feeling hopeful and I'm back with another prompt using the moon. This takes place in a modern AU where both Giyuu and Shinobu are teenagers. A random drabble for Giyushino which was inspired by being quarantined at home. Hope y'all enjoy and please do send some love 🥺👉👈
Moonlight and Sunrise
Giyuu and Shinobu were friends, however this fact was quite shocking to others due to their Light and Day personas. Tomioka Giyuu was a loner, he had like maybe 2 solid friends being Sabito and Makomo and the others were at max labeled as acquaintances. Shinobu wasn't the most popular one at their highschool but she was well known. She would always be seen alongside her two best friends, Sanemi the oversized delinquent who'd actually bite your head clear off and Uzui the player; who'd get girls left and right. With attention at both sides of the bay it'd be obvious that Shinobu would be well known around their school, being head of the pharmaceutical research club and still being an avid member of the fishing club and the flower arranging club gave Kochou quite the recognition around Kimestu Academy.
Giyuu happened to be in a different class than Sabito and Makomo to his demise thus forcing him to be the lonesome sheep he is. His classmates didn't bother much about him either and nor did he. To him, Kyojurou was too loud, Sanemi was too reckless and Iguro was too emo. He once even referred to Mitsuri as a horse girl to Sabito, but he later concluded that Kanroji was just a rare hybrid of a Taki girl or a hot cheeto girl and Himejima was that one person who believed in horoscopes too seriously, sometimes he'd do tarot readings for his other classmates which Giyuu honestly found quite cool. Whereas Shinobu was someone Giyuu would've honestly never associated in the first place and truthfully speaking their duo wouldn't even exist if Shinobu hadn't approached him first. Shinobu was more of a bully to Giyuu primarily but later Giyuu had opened up to her about how he thought of her as a close friend and that softened Shinobu's heart and strengthed their bond. Although Kyojurou was the smartest kid in the class; even securing his title as class president; Ubuyashiki sensei always made sure to pair up Shinobu and Giyuu together during class projects thus leading to frequent study sessions together. Towards the end of the year, Shinobu became the third person in the entirety of Kimetsu Academy to be close to Giyuu, the 1st and 2nd being Sabito and Makomo and 4th being a special freshman called Tanjiro.
Even though his classmates were rather annoying, Giyuu never did hate any of them. In fact it was hard for Giyuu to genuinely hate anybody in the first place but then there was this one person and that person was Shinobu's oh so charming boyfriend, Douma. Giyuu saw through his pretty boy personality when she first introduced him. He ranted about it to Sabito the very night, complaining about how he's all fake and it's all just a matter of time before that facade comes of. Sabito didn't miss a beat and told Giyuu to suggest a suitable partner for Shinobu instead, to which Giyuu had no answer to. And as per said prophecy it didn't take long for Shinobu to see Douma's true intentions and she decided a queen like her deserved better than this.
It was finally summer break and Giyuu and Shinobu had finally completed 12 painstaken years of schooling along with the others of course. Shinobu decided to host a little get together and hang out with the people she cared about one last time before they drifted apart into adulthood.
Giyuu reached the mall at about 8 pm and walked straight to the food court since Shinobu informed him that's where they would be. To his horror, Shinobu had invited a great deal of people, including those who didn't like him, example being his whole class. As always his presence was ignored by his classmates but thankfully amidst the groups of people, Giyuu noticed a particular red head named Sabito, aka his best friend. Sabito and Makomo were both invited too. Giyuu and Shinobu's friendship caused Shinobu to become good friends with Sabito as well, both of them developed a special bond while they both took turns into bullying poor Tomioka. Shinobu was sitting next to Kimetsu Academy's mascot boy, Inosuke, who looked way too soft for his harsh demeanor. Shinobu had a soft spot for this freshman. She had told Tomioka of how he filled the gap of her need of a younger brother. Unlike Tomioka, Shinobu had a lot of sisters; Kanae who was the eldest, Aoi was a year younger than Shinobu and then came Kanao who was 2 years younger than Shinobu, and lastly were the triplets, Naho, Sumi and Kiyo who were just middle schoolers. Inosuke was a bratty kid who'd frequently get into trouble for having a foul mouth but he was close to Tanjiro and weirdly Kochou's little sister, Kanao's best friend. The butterfly sisters loved having brutes as best friends for some reason, it didn't make sense but somehow worked out for them.
"Inosuke, promise you'll leave that nasty reputation behind."
"I ain't making any promises till you promise you'll send me 3 boxes of foreign chocolate every month." he crossed his arm and looked the other side.
Shinobu softly smiled at him, she was definitely going to miss this kid alot. "Alright Inosuke, I'll make sure to send you the latest ps4 games as well."
Inosuke's eyes lit up as he shook hands with Shinobu to confirm the deal. A subtle smile tugged at the corner of Giyuu's lips.
Giyuu went over to the table Sabito and Makomo were seated at and took a seat opposite to Sabito. It didn't take long for Shinobu to note his presence and she went over to their table and took a seat next to Giyuu. "Aww Tomioka-san, look this is a good farewell party for you, all your friends are here right Infront of you." she snorted.
Giyuu sent her a painful expression. Must she do this even on the day when he supposedly bids her farewell? "Tanjiro's not here though."
"So Kochou, did you get your acceptance letter?" Sabito tried desperately to break the awkward silence.
"oh yes I did, luckily I got into the university I wanted to. I'll be shifting to Canada a few months from now."
"That's so cool. Congrats!" Sabito sent her a beaming smile.
Giyuu was quiet, he was silently studying Shinobu, maybe this was the last time he was going to see her. She was wearing a Yellow ruffle top that was paired up with skinny ripped jeans and her 5 pound white filas, her hair was tied into a half ponytail; she looked cute. Alot of people would've assumed Giyuu's sense of fashion was probably as bland as his personality but surprisingly the guy had drip. He wore a plain black shirt paired up with dark denim jeans and chains to accessorise. Giyuu was an eboy. His sense of fashion honestly made him look quite intimidating but it added a spice to his laid back bland persona, maybe that's why Shinobu had taken an interest to him in the first place.
And almost too soon the party had came to an end as the clock struck 11 PM. Shinobu was probably tired of getting squeezed everytime she got hugged goodbye. One by one, everyone started to leave and before they knew it, a very ominous pair was left behind, and that pair being Giyuu and Shinobu.
"Sabito-kun is a very nice lad. You have great friends Tomioka-san." Shinobu complimented.
"He's nice because he walked Makomo home at 11pm?"
"Well yes, that's rather a very gentlemanly behavior. Don't you think so?"
"You know I've been doing that to you in every single one of our study dates right?" Giyuu raised an eyebrow, right now he seemed like a puppy wagging his tail to receive pats from its master.
Shinobu's cheeks flushed a pale shade of pink when Giyuu had referred to their study session as study dates mistakenly. It was just a slip of a tongue that's all. "My Tomioka-san, are you waiting for me to compliment you?"
"It's nice to hear you say something good about me once in a while Kochou." he pouted like a child.
"If that's what you want...then alright. Walk me home one last time Tomioka san."
"No." he blurted almost too bluntly causing Shinobu to frown almost too evidently. "I'll take you home on my bike instead, this time."
Shinobu was quite taken aback to his sudden kind gesture. Her stomach swelled up with a weird feeling. A mix of happiness with sadness that this was the first and last time she'd get to ride behind his bike.
Giyuu had disappeared for a split second into the parking lot leaving a timid Shinobu pondering. He did mention he really liked bikes. Weirdly as a highschooler, Shinobu always wanted to cruise behind a boy's motorcycle at least once during her high school years and well this was her chance. In 3 minutes Giyuu showed up in a Ducati xdiavel Infront of Shinobu. He patted on the seat next to him gesturing her to come take a seat behind him and so she did after admiring Giyuu and his totally hot ride. Not gonna lie his attire went really well with his bike, she almost felt like she was starring in some music video as they cruised into the dark streets.
Shinobu shrieked almost losing her grip as Giyuu hit a speed bump.
"Kochou." he called out to her, getting her attention.
"Hold onto me, or you'll fall." his words left Shinobu all flustered and hot but she was quick to oblige, she didn't want any broken bones right before her flight. She also silently thanked the gods that it was too dark for Giyuu to make out her flushed red cheeks.
"Tomioka-san? When did you get this sweet thing?"
"It was a gift from my dad."
"But what if you have to move away for uni? What will happen to it then?"
"I'll take it with me, I haven't gotten a number plate for it yet so I'll just ship it using a ferry or something."
Shinobu wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. She wondered if she was the first girl to sit on his bike. She also wondered about the other girls who would eventually later sit on his bike.
"Kochou, are you in a hurry to go home?" Giyuu suddenly asked.
"Not really, mom and dad are staying at my grandparents' place in the country side and Nee-san just wants me to spend my last few days as free spirited teenager."
"Spend this night with me." he suddenly blurted.
"What?" she choked on her words. Giyuu had become way to daring these days, saying whatever he wanted and bruising poor Shinobu's heart with his choice of words.
"Come on, I wanna show you something." he reassured her in a soothing tone.
"Alright Tomioka-san, as long as you don't get us into trouble I'm good."
He soon parked into a quiet neighborhood. Jesus, this placed seemed abandoned for God's sake, what did he have to show her here? the grudge or babadook?
"Tomioka-san are you sure about this place." Shinobu sent him a nervous look as she tugged at the hem of his shirt.
Giyuu looked into her eyes as he held his hand out to her,"Trust me Kochou." and so she did. They now walked into this dark neighborhood, her tiny hand still enclasped with his large ones. Giyuu knew Shinobu wasn't a big fan of places like these. Places that screamed paranormal activity but the fact the she obliged quite quickly did make him realize how much she trusted him and deep down it made Tomioka Giyuu happy.
"isn't this place restricted or anything? Are we allowed to come here?" Shinobu asked almost too loudly.
Giyuu quickly covered her mouth with his large hands and pulled her into a dark alleyway. Shinobu was quite confused at his sudden antics. She sent him a raised eyebrow as he pinned her against a stone wall, his hand still covering her mouth and almost immediately a Patrol guard walked right past them on the streets. He quickly let go of her and pressed his index finger against his lips gesturing her to stay quiet. "it's alright as long as you don't get caught." he whispered to which she rolled her eyes. He held her hand once again and walked to the biggest house in the area, the house was 4 stories high and Giyuu seemed to have a weird tactic of slipping by the backdoor without getting noticed every time.
"So Tomioka-san, you wanted to show me an abandoned house. Very funny."
"They're not abandoned, they're on sale." He replied walking towards the kitchen.
Shinobu followed him precautiously, "And you're treating it like you own it."
"Only for a while." he replied as he took out 2 bottles of flavored milk. He handed Shinobu the strawberry flavored one knowing that was her favorite and kept the melon flavored one for himself.
"Tomioka-san what's the meaning of this?" she asked one last time, quite getting tired of his shit, really.
Giyuu didn't reply but held her hand as walked upstairs, practically forcing her to follow behind him. They soon reached the attic.
Shinobu was a little taken aback seeing all the clutter of furnite up there. Giyuu pulled up the glass window revealing a beautiful full moon night, how come Shinobu didn't notice that before? And then Tomioka started doing something stupid, which was climbing out of the attic window. Shinobu quickly grabbed his arm as a result of an involuntary reflex, "Are you stupid, do you want to die?"
Giyu was now standing on the roof of a 4 story house with a nerve wrecked Shinobu holding his arm. "Trust me Kochou." he spoke holding out his hand to her.
She shifted her gaze from his moonlit eyes to his hand. Did she trust him with her life? Yes, yes she did. She placed her hand on his and he carefully helped her outside. "Tomioka-san I don't see any point in all of thi-" Shinobu was cut off with the picturesque view of the moon and its bright stars right Infront of her.
Giyuu took a seat next to her, observing the view alongside her. He slowly sipped his melon drink while Shinobu quietly enjoyed her strawberry drink. His gaze shifted from the scenic beauty Infront of him to the other scenic beauty next to him (im a little gay for Shinobu sorry) and there she was Kochou Shinobu, the stars reflected in her eyes as she absent-mindedly stared into the sky being lost in her own void and Giyuu just watched her, she looked even cuter now.
It didn't take long for Shinobu to catch him staring which almost made him choke his drink.
"Are you okay?" she asked him.
"Yeah." he replied after his coughing fits died down. He decided to lay down and enjoy the beauty the night had to offer and Shinobu copied him, laying down next to him. Giyuu had quickly slid his arm towards Shinobu, allowing her to rest her huge head on his arm.
"Tomioka-san." she called out to him making his gaze lock with hers.
"Thank you. I needed this."
He sent her a soft smile as he tucked behind a strand of her hair behind her ear, "You're welcome."
"You know Tomioka-san, since you've been craving compliments I guess I'll finally give you one." Giyuu softly observed her, wondering what she'd say. "If i were to describe you to a person Tomioka-san. This scenery would suffice."
"Hm?" he raised an eyebrow, "How so?"
"It kinda matches with your personality you know, It's as quiet and mysterious as the night but nevertheless if you observe closely it has all this beauty to offer." she smiled at him, and this time it hurt him. It made him feel weird. It didn't take long for Giyuu's cheeks to be flushed red under the silver moonlight. Giyuu couldn't reply to this, heck he couldn't even force any words through his mouth. Shinobu smiled and gazed back at the stars once again. She was hit a wave of familiarity, this was her and Giyuu's relationship, it was a bit complicated but it was a bit too beautiful to lose. She started to feel her stomach coil in sadness realising this was the last possible memory she'd spend with Giyuu or maybe they could meet up during the holiday seasons and have remakes of adventurous nights like these.
"Tomioka-san, did you get your acceptance letter?"
"Yeah I did."
"Where are you going?" she wasn't facing him, she didn't want him to see her sad expression.
"Same place you are." Giyuu tried his best not to smile while he said that.
Shinobu quickly turned to him in surprise, "That's a horrible joke, Tomioka-san."
"I'm not." he said, pulling out his phone from his pocket and scrolling through his email to show her his proof. And to Shinobu's surprise there it was, and it was legit. Shinobu was quiet, this was what she wanted but in was a bit too much for her to take in all at once.
"Thank God, now I don't have to worry about you not having friends and getting left alone." she snapped back almost too quickly,
"Shut up."
The air was light and heavy at the same time, Shinobu was a bit too happy to be falling asleep but it didn't take her long to doze off in Giyuu's arms, or on Giyuu's arms. Ouch.
He mentally cursed himself for suddenly exhibiting simp behavior, but today was Shinobu's day and he just had to oblige even though he had to sacrifice his arm.
It didn't take long for Giyuu to doze off alongside Shinobu. Falling asleep under a star-filled sky did have a romantic touch to it.
Giyuu was the first to wake up as the sun slowly started to rise amongst the clouds, creating a magnificent hue of purple and orange. Thankfully Shinobu had shifted from laying on his arm to laying on his chest instead which was definitely more comfortable, but surely Shinobu wouldn't be able to sleep long against his chest with his heart pounding like that.
Giyuu took a moment to appreciate a sleepy Shinobu alongside the beautiful sunrise. Her sun-kissed face was just art in its own form. If Giyuu was anywhere as skilled as Sabito in art, he'd use this masterpiece lying beside him as a prompt and then that's when it hit him. Shinobu basked in the golden rays of sunlight, Shinobu was the golden sunrise in early mornings and if Giyuu were to describe her to someone he'd say something along the lines of; "Shinobu you're the morning sunrise. You're annoying but your presence brings warmth." he whispered softly patting her head. And as most cliché scenes this was no different, much to Giyuu's ill fate, Shinobu was seemingly awake the whole time, and she heard every bit of that.
"That's quite harsh Tomioka-san, but I'll take it." she replied causing a frantic Giyuu's heart rate to sky rocket.
With the sun out, Giyuu and Shinobu realised they better be getting home now since they both had guardians to explain their whereabouts to. It didn't take long for them to pack up and reach Shinobu's house. They shared a small hug on Shinobu's front porch along with Shinobu thanking him for giving her an unforgettable journey. This was a nice end to her highschool life. With a wide grin plastered over her face Shinobu walked into her house to 5 very amused and interested sisters.
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This is psycho!erik, not the softboi or #goals erik we typically love. Be warned. I'll tag when I wake up.
2. Let's Begin
"Annd gotdamn she's awake.. Up and atom, Ms. Stevens."
Ivy felt groggy and mentally off. She was unsettled and her limbs felt heavy and impossible to lift. Where was she?
"Time to wake that ass up, Ms. Stevens..," a voice sung in a hard whisper.
"My bad, I ain't know I was that tired..," she yawned unable to raise her arm to cover it. Her eyes watered. "Shit... My arms feel dead as fuck. Were you able to work with me knocked out or.."
Her eyelids fluttered open unwillingly. They still felt heavy but she could fight it. Her sight focused on the straight white teeth of Dr. Stevens who was close again, sitting on his stool to her right. At least he wasn't pissy about her falling asleep mid-process, she'd maybe chosen the right dentist afterall.
"What's so funny," she smirked watching his wide shoulders shake with silent laughter. He was goofy as hell. She hadn't expected him to be this damn goofy. His entire upper body was engaged, but he wouldn't laugh outright. He was still trying to hold it in.
"Damn, did I embarrass myself while I was out," she asked softly seeing the clear humor in his expression. "I do talk in my sleep sometimes.. What I say while I was out?"
The dentist continued his fit of silent laughter to the point that Ivy was starting to get irritated. She was feeling too out of it to deal with his silliness. He was pissing her off.
"What? What is so damn funny?"
She was too tired to move. Never had she been in the position where she was so tired that it paralyzed her, until now. Suddenly, she was concerned.
His arms wrapped around his body as he rocked back and forth, grinning with his mouth wide enough to show the pointed silver caps on his canines. They hadn't been there before. His head rolled back as his chest and shoulders bounced and now he looked fuckin crazy.
"I'm finna.. yeah." Ivy tried using her weight to lean so left that she could force her body to move, roll, and stand, but she couldn't even lean and that was when she realized she was tied to the chair. Her legs were bound at the knees and ankles to the flat part of the seat by a bright red rope and still stretched forward as they'd been when she fell asleep.
"Oh shit, I think she got it," Erik whispered, voice full of slick humor.
Her shoulders were bound. Her arms were bound at the elbows. Doubled up red rope wrapped around her body trapping her to the seat.
"I see you're experiencing some mild confusion and disorientation... Side effect of the anesthesia," he pouted.
"Most times, the anaesthetic I use won't put a patient to sleep. Typically I'd use a local anaesthetic. Lidocaine."
She watched his eyes unsure of how to respond. The man was clearly on one. What was that supposed to mean for the situation and how did it explain all the rope? She didn't feel her phone in her hand and that made her heart skip a beat. Her eyes darted to her lap. It was gone along with her keys.
"What you lookin at?" His tone was rough as if she'd somehow offended him.
"You looking for your phone? Pft. You won't be needing that, it would only be a distraction."
He gripped her chin as if she weren't already looking at him at that point.
"Nigga, get your strong ass hands off me!"
Was she supposed to stare at him harder or something? He didn't need to grab her face like that. She tried unsuccessfully to snatch away.
"Listen to what the fuck I'm telling you. I won't repeat myself," he bit, lip spread over his teeth, his angry grip vibrating her jaw. He was raising a hail of the reddest flags, as red as the rope Ivy was bound in and at her first opportunity, she was getting the hell outta dodge. She didn't care about how gotdamn fine he was or his job title or his paycheck, he was crazy as a damn cockroach. Now she really couldn't look away. She was scared.
"I assume you don't know much about practicing medical care with anesthesia. You might wanna pay attention."
"First of all," the bass in her voice jumped out. "You not about to talk to me like I'm your child or your assistant. I want my phone back and I'm a get the hell up outta here.. I'm awake now so you can get this shit up off me."
He blinked, his lids fluttering before letting go of her chin and taking a silent deep breath, rubbing the dark beard on his jaw. As if he hadn't just kirked out, his flawless smile returned along with the friendly light in his eyes.
"As I was explaining, typically with a cavity I'd use a local anaesthetic. However, it's not often that a get a patient through here that's single.. alone.. no kids.. no husband.. and she crackin, I mean, body like damn."
Ivy's lip twitched in distaste as she watched his hooded eyes change yet again. The friendly and professional mask began to crack as his irises darkened and she could see a visible shift in his countenance, his eyes narrowing and full lips forming a slight pout. The wheels in his mind seemed to be turning. She could see the muscle in his temple tense with his jaw.
Ivy wondered if she should call out as loudly as she could muster for help, but determined that the two twins would have intervened by now if they were there and planned to do anything. No, they were likely his accomplices. Twin bitches.
There was no one else she knew of who would hear her and answer in time or maybe even at all. Dr. Stevens looked the type to fuck her up real quick as soon as she opened her mouth too wide.
"On you, I used a drug called etorphine. Well, it's actually more of a tranquilizer. I figured if it works on elephants..."
"Elephants? Nigga what? I'm 4'11 do I look like I need something that was intended for elephants?"
He looked amused and that only served to frustrate her further. Ivy couldn't hold her tongue. She was angry and when she got angry she tended to say exactly what was on her mind.
"You got a fuckin screw loose giving me a damn elephant tranquilizer. Are you stupid? This is malpractice. How you still got a license?"
"Shhhhh," his finger went to his lips and his eyes said that this was funny to him. They twinkled and she wanted to slap him but her arms were pinned to her sides.
"I still got my license because I'm smart about what I do. Don't get it twisted. I operate my business just like any other orthodontist... I just like to have a little fun here and there, is that so wrong?"
"I'm tied to the fuckin chair. Yeah. You wrong."
He chuckled and all Ivy could think of was how much she did not like him.
"I take it you're not used to being tied up."
"I take it you're not used to minding ya damn business. What I do has nothing to do with you. You don't know me."
His amused expression cracked into a lopsided smirk as if there was something he knew and was dying to share.
"I know more about you than you think.  Privacy ain't shit these days and neither is an internet service provider. Lot of things you can find out about a person. Shit they hide from the average person. Shit they hide from their friends and families. You have a lotta secrets, Ivy." His smirk expanded into a smug grin that sent a shiver down her spine. What did he have on her? She didn't think it could possibly be anything too bad. Either way, she needed to find a way out. Something told her that this man had no intention of releasing her without a struggle and aside from him, she'd probably have to barrel through Thing 1 and Thing 2.
"You're a sociopath," Ivy muttered watching the glee crinkle his eyes. He was sick.
"And you're a filthy little smut ass whore."
"Excuse you," she blinked.
"Don't like that much, do you? It's all labels. Labels don't necessarily define us, Ivy. We're free to define ourselves and I choose to define myself as an artist. Pretty girls like yourself just so happen to be my preferred medium."
"Uh huh... you know you could've just asked for my number like a normal person?"
He looked taken aback, blinking with a blank expression.
"See there you go getting it twisted again. I don't wanna date you, Ivy.. I wanna transform you. Like I said, I'm an artist. In my profession, it's rare that I get the chance to be creative."
She couldn't stop her mouth.
"Well then paint a sunset, sculpt a vase, chip ice! Don't tie women up in your chair."
He chuckled softly, but again she was serious, annoyed, and also scared.
"As much as I'm enjoying our little conversation.. I'm ready to get into the opening act. There's a lot that I have planned for you today. Hopefully you'll be able to appreciate it... Either way," he shrugged, eyes wide, "I'm finna enjoy myself. It's been too long since I've been able to cut loose... I deserve this," he smirked, his nose wrinkling with wicked intention. It was in the air. She could feel the chill.
"Stay put," he whispered sending another chill through Ivy's body. She had no clue what to expect.
Once Erik disappeared behind her she began to struggle within the ropes to see if she could loosen them. They wereway too tight to slip down or give out. She couldn't escape. All she could do was wait for the dentist to return.
After a minute, Ivy could feel his presence approaching. He was directly behind her and she could feel something about to happen. He was about to do something, she just didn't know what it was. He leaned forward and his lips almost touched her left ear. She shivered feeling the vibration in her side.
"Let's begin," he whispered.
@honey-poooh @missshae @raysunshine78 @destinio1 @marvelmaree @honeytoffee @thickemadame @heykillmongerluhme @ghostfacekill-monger @killmongersmistress
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weareasong · 5 years
Look, I was gonna go easy on you not to hurt your feelings
But I'm only going to get this one chance (Six minutes, six minutes)
Something's wrong, I can feel it (Six minutes)
Just a feeling I've got (Six minutes, Slim Shady, you're on)
Like something's about to happen, but I don't know what
If that means what I think it means, we're in trouble, big trouble
And if he is as bananas as you say, I'm not taking any chances
You are just what the doc ordered
I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box?
They said I rap like a robot, so call me rap-bot
But for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes
I got a laptop in my back pocket
My pen'll go off when I half-cock it
Got a fat knot from that rap profit
Made a livin' and a killin' off it
Ever since Bill Clinton was still in office
With Monica Lewinsky feeling on his, nutsack
I'm an MC still as honest
But as rude and as indecent as all hell
Syllables, skill-a-holic (Kill 'em all with)
This flippity dippity-hippity hip-hop
You don't really wanna get into a pissin' match
With this rappity brat, packin' a MAC in the back of the Ac'
Backpack rap crap, yap-yap, yackety-yack
And at the exact same time
I attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts while I'm practicing that
I'll still be able to break a motha-fuckin' table
Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half
Only realized it was ironic
I was signed to Aftermath after the fact
How could I not blow?
All I do is drop F-bombs
Feel my wrath of attack
Rappers are having a rough time period, here's a maxi pad
It's actually disastrously bad for the wack
While I'm masterfully constructing this master piece as
Cause I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box?
Let me show you maintaining this shit ain't that hard, that hard
Everybody want the key and the secret to rap immortality like I have got
Well, to be truthful the blueprint's
Simply rage and youthful exuberance
Everybody loves to root for a nuisance
Hit the Earth like an asteroid
Did nothing but shoot for the moon since (Pew)
MC's get taken to school with this music
Cause I use it as a vehicle to "bus the rhyme"
Now I lead a new school full of students
Me? I'm a product of Rakim, Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac
N.W.A, Cube, hey, Doc, Ren, Yella, Eazy, thank you, they got Slim
Inspired enough to one day grow up
Blow up and be in a position
To meet Run-D.M.C
Induct them into the mothafuckin' Rock 'n
Roll Hall of Fame
Even though I'll walk in the church and burst in a ball of flames
Only Hall of Fame I'll be inducted in is the alcohol of fame
On the wall of (Shame)
You fags think it's all a game, 'til I walk a flock of flames
Off a plank and tell me what in the fuck are you thinking?
Little gay-lookin boy
So gay I can barely say it with a 'straight' face, lookin' boy
You're witnessing a mass-occur
Like you're watching a church gathering take place, looking boy
Oy vey, that boy's gay, that's all they say, looking boy
You get a thumbs up, pat on the back
And a "way to go" from your label every day, looking boy
Hey, looking boy, what you say, looking boy
I get a "hell yeah" from Dre, looking boy
I'ma work for everything I have, never ask nobody for shit
Get outta my face, looking boy
Basically, boy, you're never gonna be capable of keeping up
With the same pace, looking boy
Cause I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
The way I'm racing around the track, call me NASCAR, NASCAR
Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park, the White Trash God
Kneel before General Zod this planet's Krypton-no Asgard, Asgard
So you be Thor and I'll be Odin, you rodent, I'm omnipotent
Let off then I'm reloading immediately with these bombs I'm toting
And I should not be woken
I'm the walking dead
But I'm just a talking head, a zombie floating
But I got your mom deep throating
I'm out my Ramen Noodle
We have nothing in common, poodle
I'm a Doberman, pinch yourself in the arm and pay homage, pupil
It's me my honesty's brutal
But it's honestly futile if I don't utilize what I do though
For good at least once in a while
So I wanna make sure somewhere
In this chicken scratch I scribble and doodle
Enough rhymes to
Maybe try to help get some people through tough times
But I gotta keep a few punchlines
Just in case cause even you unsigned
Rappers are hungry looking at me like it's lunchtime
I know there was a time where once I, was king of the underground
But I still rap like I'm on my Pharoahe Monch grind
So I crunch rhymes, but sometimes when you combine
Appeal with the skin color of mine
You get too big and here they come trying to censor you like that one line
I said on "I'm Back" from the Mathers LP 1
When I tried to say: "I'll take seven kids from Columbine
Put 'em all in a line, add an AK-47, a revolver and a nine"
See if I get away with it now that I ain't as big as I was but I'm
Morphin' into an immortal
Coming through the portal
You're stuck in a time warp from 2004, though
And I don't know what the fuck that you rhyme for
You're pointless as Rapunzel with fuckin' cornrows
You write normal? Fuck being normal
And I just bought a new raygun from the future
Just to come and shoot ya, like when Fabolous made Ray J mad
'Cause Fab said he looked like a fag at Mayweather's pad
Singing to a man while they played piano
So Ray J went straight to the radio station
The very next day, "Hey Fab, I'ma kill you!"
Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed (J.J. Fad)
Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assuming I'm a human
What I gotta do to get it through to you? I'm superhuman
Innovative and I'm made of rubber
So that anything you say is ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to you and
I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating
How to give a mothafuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitating
Never fading, and I know the haters are forever waiting
For the day that they can say I fell off, they'll be celebrating
'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated
I make elevating music, you make elevator music
"Oh, he's too mainstream"
Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it
"It's not hip-hop, it's pop"
'Cause I found a hella way to fuse it
With rock, shock rap with Doc
Throw on "Lose Yourself" and make 'em lose it
"I don't know how to make songs like that
I don't know what words to use"
Let me know when it occurs to you
While I'm ripping any one of these verses that versus you
It's curtains, I'm inadvertently hurting you
How many verses I gotta murder to
Prove that if you were half as nice
Your songs you could sacrifice virgins too?
Ugh, school flunky, pill junkie
But look at the accolades, these skills brung me
Full of myself, but still hungry
I bully myself cause I make me do what I put my mind to
When I'm a million leagues above you
Ill when I speak in tongues
But it's still tongue-in-cheek, fuck you
I'm drunk so Satan take the fucking wheel
I'm asleep in the front seat
Bumping Heavy D and the Boyz
Still "Chunky but Funky"
But in my head there's something I can feel tugging and struggling
Angels fight with devils and here's what they want from me
They're asking me to eliminate some of the women hate
But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred I have
Then you may be a little patient and more sympathetic
To the situation and understand the discrimination
But fuck it
Life's handing you lemons, make lemonade then
But if I can't batter the women
How the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake then?
Don't mistake him for Satan
It's a fatal mistake
If you think I need to be overseas and take a vacation
To trip abroad
And make her fall on her face and don't be a retard
Be a king? Think not
Why be a king when you can be a God?
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Hey Nancy: I know you're trying to get away from it all but I can't ask your brother about this and I saw your snaps which literally prove you're the right person to ask Rio: Oof, desperately trying to think if I drunk snapped anything really incriminating now Rio: but no, go on, what's up? Nancy: oh my god no! I'm being the desperate one, okay 🙈🙈🙈 Nancy: idk maybe boys are like REALLY DIFFERENT 🙄🙄🙄 ugh Nancy: Kill me now, right? Rio: Ooh Rio: you've got my attention Rio: spill Nancy: It's not your attention I wanna get though, no offense Rio: 💔😭 Rio: but who Rio: who?! Nancy: oh babe, you know I love you Nancy: but I can't tell you Nancy: That'd be even more embarrassing when I mess it up 🙊🙊 Rio: UGH fine, I'll just have to guess 😘 Rio: So, you want tips Nancy: Yeah Nancy: If only Buster wasn't such a prick, I could ask him but like Rio: Honey no Rio: don't be a freaky twin Nancy: Gross Nancy: He's probably slept with half of New England by now though, is my point Nancy: Girls like him Rio: He's good looking, don't think it's much more than that, babe Rio: well, and he knows it Nancy: Well some of us are clearly ugly and not that bitch Nancy: It's the 🥕 curse Rio: PLEASE Rio: don't let your mum hear that, first of all Rio: and it's a blatant lie so shut up Nancy: PLEASE, you've seen her, past present and future Rio: You look just like her, don't play Nancy: No, I don't!😳 and we're getting off topic Rio: I need more info to be ON topic Rio: where did you meet, where do you meet, what's she like Nancy: School and unavailable is what she's like Nancy: That's why I need your help Rio: Unavailable like she's straight? Nancy: Like she's with someone right now Rio: 😱 Nancy: I know, okay Nancy: don't Rio: Well okay, realistically it's a high school relationship Rio: you won't have to wait that long Nancy: I wish, they're really serious but it's so wrong Rio: most are but if you're gonna try and preach that you're gonna get smacked down, babe Rio: gotta let people make their own mistakes, even if repeatedly Nancy: So just wait? That's your advice Nancy: Alright Rio: You don't wanna get in the middle of a relationship Rio: especially a shit one, trust Rio: so, how do you know she's into you too then Nancy: idk she just goes out of her way to talk to me and be around Nancy: but it's HOW we talk, you know? and look at each other and just Rio: Oh, you've got it BAD Rio: just keep talking and looking, can't hurt Rio: but I wouldn't do anything yet Rio: by the sounds of Nancy: I've never liked someone this much before, it's so annoying Rio: I know, baby Nancy: I guess I can always leave school, it's worked out for you Nancy: I'll just never tell my parents the actual reason, obviously Rio: Yeah, good 🍀 with that Rio: actually find you floating down the Liffey Nancy: Sorry I didn't meet the love of my life when I was a child, like 🙄 Rio: Just that efficient 💅 Rio: no pressure, Nance 😂 Nancy: Ugh Rio: Least your brother doesn't have that on you Rio: every ☁ Nancy: Thank god he's incapable of love Rio: Ooh, harsh Nancy: But true, so also I'm grateful we live in a technological age so there's not crying girls calling the house every few minutes Rio: Your lesbian sensibilities will not allow Nancy: Exactly Rio: 💕 such a sweetie Rio: how could she resist Nancy: Shh Nancy: I'm trying to resist and wait like you told me too Rio: Oi, don't blame me Rio: you're your own woman Nancy: But you know about stuff like this Rio: Oh yeah Rio: my love life is beyond aspirational 😏 Nancy: Like I said, I saw your holiday romance, babe Nancy: I don't feel that bad for you Rio: oh babe, that ain't romance Nancy: I don't need those kind of details thank you Nancy: We'll just call it that Rio: You ain't getting 'em Rio: lady who doth protest too much Rio: if you were, they'd be on the snap Nancy: Gross Nancy: You can 100% keep your hetero exploits away from my line of sight, that's fine Rio: I know you're obsessed with me, you'll overlook the D Nancy: You wish, babe Nancy: I have a new obsession, as discussed Rio: oh no Rio: I'll have to be consoled 😉 Nancy: I'm sure your mystery man will be thrilled Rio: Maybe I'll let ya know Nancy: I appreciate you trying to make me gayer to win this girl's heart but no need Rio: Need to make her gayer Rio: that's the 🍵 Nancy: You don't know that she's not even gayer than I am, excuse you! Rio: I do Rio: I asked if she was straight and instead of yay or nay it was in a relationship Rio: I'm not an idiot, honey Nancy: I'm not gonna label her when idk! Rio: Okay okay Nancy: If she likes me, she likes me Nancy: It doesn't matter if I'm the first girl she's been into or not Rio: Of course Nancy: Who am I trying to convince, me or you? Nancy: Or her Nancy: 💔 Rio: Oh babe Nancy: Outgaying myself with this level of pining though so 🥇🙄 Rio: Can't be beaten, doll 💖 Nancy: Anyway, go get a drink or a tan or something Rio: Coming from the palest bitch? Rio: I know I need to now 😱 Rio: catch me running Rio: 😘 proper talk when I'm back Nancy: 😂 You know that's not how I meant it Nancy: Just that you probably don't wanna look like you spent EVERY second in a hotel room Nancy: Unless you do Rio: 'scuse you Rio: I'm seeing the sights, getting cultured 😂 Nancy: UM OKAY sure Nancy: American's don't have culture, first of all Nancy: But yeah you're clearly enjoying the sights, thanks for rubbing that in 😏 Rio: So true Rio: Imma go get this sun tan lotion rubbed in Rio: peace mama Nancy: Thanks for leaving me with that mental image Nancy: I love you so much Rio: 🧡🧡🧡 Rio: love ya
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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Some thoughts about going into mocks:
Well gals it's that time again: mocks. It's honestly so weird for me because the last time I did this was GCSEs and that feels like sooo long ago 😔. I just can't believe in a few months my A-Levels will be done and then I'm off to university??? It's wild yo.
Anyway I thought I'd share what I'm doing to prepare for mocks (other than crying lmaooo):
1. Staying hydrated
Yeah, yeah, every single studyblr under the earth natters on about this, but for me personally, who has issues with fainting a lot and struggles to maintain sodium levels, this is an absolute must. I don't want to to get up out my desk chair and just pass the frick out you know? It doesn't even have to be like 10 gallons either, I usually drink about 4 glasses a day and that seems to work for me so??? Try it sis 😔👍
2. Setting goals
I'm one of those people that procrastinates a lot, and procrastinates more if I set myself vague to do lists and what not. So for me, I purposely set aside topics I'll go over, and they have to be reasonable for the amount of time I have too, so for instance I'll set idk like Labelling theory content & evaluation for 45 min - 1 hour, and I find I'll stay on track and get more work done than if I set a goal like "revise psychology for an hour"
3. Feeling panicky?
Okay so, we've all done it, we've gotten to That point where we feel like we're drowning in work, nothing is getting done, everything's going wrong and oh no I've just wasted 10 minutes worrying about it when I could have been revising - sound familiar? I used to get this a lot. A LOT. And it really sucks, especially when you let it manifest. So now, when I get those thoughts, I know that's when I've reached my limit, because I'm not focusing and trying to revise would get me more worried and I'd miss information, so now I just take a deep breath, step back, and leave it. Just walk away from my desk either for the rest of the evening or for an hour or so. This way, I can recollect my thoughts but also have some downtime to help me relax.
4. Mix up your revision style ✨✨
Now okay, this might sound like common sense to the majority of people but for people afflicted with dumb bitch disease i.e. Me™ this was such a revelation for me. When I was doing GCSEs I never did any other style of revision other than notes. I'd make notes, then copy them out again, and again, and again. This, although it seemed to pay off for GCSEs, did not fly at college. I found my grades dropping and I wondered for ages why they were, it turned out I wasn't practicing exam technique enough, and that caused the drop. So, although notes helped a lot, you'll probably find you'll be better off if you mix up notes to learn content, practice papers to practice exam technique and flashcards to practice recall - it's really working for me at the minute!
5. Condense your notes!!!!
After studying psychology for a year and a half, we focus on memory for an entire module and we learn about something called cue dependant recall. This is essentially where you remember one thing which suddenly triggers a load of other things related to the first thing. I thought I would apply this to my notes for a more effective revision technique - basically I rewrite detailed notes as concisely as possible, and this way when I learn them I can suddenly remember all the details without memorising the detail word for word (if that makes sense??). I struggled at first to do this in my big notebooks, but if you invest in some little A5 ones, you're kinda forced to write concisely? (Paperchase do hella nice 3 packs that are relatively cheap 😤👌👌✨)
6. Look 👏 after 👏 yourself 👏
You may think that revising for 11 hours straight is Really Productive™ and is a Healthy Study Day™ - well sweetie, it ain't. Take it from me, someone who regularly gets stressed, works 7-9 hours straight and just doesn't eat - it really messes you up, I have deficiencies in important nutrients because of this, and I'm paying for it now with all the supplements I need to take. Also??? It makes you feel tired much faster, which means that information is probably not going in by the last few hours - not a great use of time. So, take breaks (ofc), eat properly, but also don't be afraid to have some time for yourself? Whether that be watching your favourite TV show or reading a really good book, baking, doing a skincare routine, whatever floats your boat - make time for YOU, don't let revision dictate how you should treat yourself and when, because at the end of the day you're going to be taking those exams, and if you're not in top condition, then your exam won't be either.
Woweee so I went on a bit but these are all the things that I try and stick to (we're not all perfect, but that's okay!) And I hope that I can pass on some of this advice to you guys, especially those just getting into proper exams and whatnot. Good luck this year everyone, hope you all get the grades you deserve 💗💗
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[Verse 1]
So what I like Justin?
So what I get drunk quick?
So what I get anxious when a girl talks and she buzzing?
So what I don't make time?
So what we do straight lines?
So what I never revised like a pro kid in a school vibe?
It started with a long, long time to get myself together
But instead I go out
And lay down by the sea 'til the morning
I saw things that no man ever seen
Trust, to look would make you scream
Make you scream
A guilty dream
[Verse 2]
So what I like roleplay?
So what I don't call bae?
So what I'm in Brighton and I'm fucked up and it's Monday?
So what I rep stussy?
So what we still like that?
The labels changed, we're in the game
Come rent your life back
It started with a long, long time to get myself together
But instead I go out
And lay down by the sea 'til the morning
I saw things that no man ever seen
Trust, to look would make you scream
Make you scream
A guilty dream
I got good times
I got music
I got this brain but I dunno how to use it
I got news, yeah
We ain't guilty
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
[Verse 3]
So what she don't reply?
So what I might love her?
So what I can't say where I'm at? Yo, I can't confirm
So what I get so lost?
So what if she screenshots?
So what if I text late if she's up late? How much calls cost?
So what I don't keep change?
So what I got work late?
So what I use debit cards as ways out of dead dates?
So what I didn't get paid?
So what I like Coldplay?
So what I can't buy diamond rings yet, but one day? Uh
I got good times
I got music
I got this brain but I dunno how to use it
I got news, yeah
We ain't guilty
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what I like Justin?
So what I get drunk quick?
So what I get anxious when a girl talks and she buzzing?
So what I don't make time?
So what we do straight lines?
So what I never revised like a pro kid in a school vibe?
So what I like Justin?
So what I get drunk quick?
So what I get anxious when a girl talks and she buzzing?
So what I don't make time?
So what we do straight lines?
So what I never revised like a pro kid in a school vibe?
I got good times
I got music
I got this brain but I dunno how to use it
I got news, yeah
We ain't guilty
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
So what? So what? Yeah
0 notes