#but also because all the knowledge i need is already inside my head or written down somewhere i can reference it
the-blue-phantom · 2 years
got over the shock and horror of the realization that the fic i want to exist will only exist if i make it because you have to create the content you want to see in the world, but am now, unfortunately, faced with the shock and horror that the only way i'll ever get this done is if i make an outline for it, something i hate doing but also is highly beneficial for me
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bones4thecats · 3 months
hi, if it's not a problem I would like to make a request with Jamil, during his overblot he plays Kalim, Grim and the octanaville trio in the desert but he stayed with y/n because he had feelings for her, and she also had feelings for Jamil , then Jamil in his overblot state adoring and spoiling y/n, and her treating Jamil like a king
OB! Jamil Keeping Crush! S/O Around
Type of Writing: Request Character: Jamil Viper Name: OB! Jamil Keeping Crush! S/O Around Requester: @marinahavik
A/N: This is my first request written in quite a while. I do hope you like this!
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🐍 As a fellow member of Scarabia, you were close to both the housewarden of your dorm and your vice-housewarden
🐍 Jamil and you had a very unusual bond, he just seemed so off too you. But that didn't stop you from admiring him
🐍 Because of how much you admired him and began to help around Scarabia with his work to watch over Kalim, everyone swears that was the one thing keeping him from overblotting sooner
🐍 When you walked inside Scarabia with Yuu, Grim, and the renowned Octavinelle trio, you were fearful, were they right? Was Jamil really hypnotizing your dorm members, even Kalim?
🐍 You were there when the tweels helped reveal his true side, and when he yelled about how much he hated Kalim, you were scared when he looked at you and scoffed
" And you... what a joke. You believe to be featured with that magicless human will make you special? When you're already special enough?! You're about as oblivious to my feelings as him! "
🐍 Staring at him in shock, you were scared, why was there ink coming out from him?! And why was the rest of the dorm acting so weird?!
🐍 Glaring as your fellow dorm members began to obey as if they were being mind controlled, you looked back at your group, only to realize that they were gone
" Kalim? Azul? Jade, Floyd? Yuu, Grim?! "
🐍 The sounds of cackles erupted from the now dark-lounge, your mind went blank at the sight of your old friend
" You really trust those imbeciles, don't you? Come now, my dear. When will you gain the knowledge that I am all that you need... not those blundering fools. "
🐍 You looked into the red mist, making out a familiar shape, it was Jamil. But, at the same time, it wasn't him...
🐍 He looked so much different, black markings all around his face with a large turban hat, a long dress-like robe that was scattered at the bottom with the hat connecting down into a familiarly-made cape. And his long hair grew out into long black snakes
🐍 Jamil looked horrifying, yet somehow still attractive
🐍 Oh no! Why in the name of the Great Seven were you thinking about that?! The guy literally overblotted in front of you, he's beyond dangerous at the moment
" Well, well, well, you seem to be flustered, dearest. Do you perhaps like this form of me? All ragged and not being held back by a measly rich heir? " " Uhm- "
🐍 You tried to yell out a loud help, but you were only met by the sound of chains wrapping around your wrists and pulling you towards the man you would daydream about being with
🐍 He smirked and grabbed your chin, holding your head to look towards him, amusement was growing in his eyes as you blushed and pulled your face away, you knew you should be feeling disgust, and you wanted too. But... you just couldn't...
" Oh... did you really want a mere servant like what I used to be? You don't want power to be by your side? Here; "
🐍 With those words, Jamil summoned a small crown with red feathers around the bottom and a large red jewel standing in the middle;
" How about you serve alongside me? Like a Sultan and his Sultana? "
🐍 You gritted your teeth, you wanted Jamil, not this freakazoid. He would never try forcing you into this kind of situation!
" Fuck off! I like the Jamil I once knew, not this crazed lunatic! " " A lunatic you say? Why you little- " " Jamil! That is enough! "
🐍 Turning around in shock, that was when you noticed your friends had finally made it back to the dorm. And, in a moment of bravery, you leaped into a backflip that you learned from the former-vice and gritted your teeth as your group ran up to you to help you out of the chains
" If you lay a hand on them, I'll make sure you will never escape that burning desert, you damned pricks! " " Jade, get back into the fight... they need you... " " Y/N, you also need help. " " I will be fine, just go! "
🐍 And with that, the tweel jumped into action alongside his allies while you leaned against a wall and passed out
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩
🐍 The next thing you knew, you had awoken in the medical ward, hearing the low sobs of a male's, you turned around and saw the familiar hairdo of your favorite Scarabia member
" Jamil? "
🐍 He turned around in shock and away in a matter of seconds, he obviously didn't want you to see him in such a week state
" Jamil, just know, I do forgive you. You were under a lot of stress and you just wanted to be yourself for a change. But. "
🐍 Jamil stiffened as he whipped his tears from his eyes, his grey eyes pooling into your (E/C) ones as he cocked an eyebrow, interested in what you had to say
" That doesn't make up for what you did to our dorm. I may forgive you, but you must gain the trust of everyone else once again. I swear I will help you there, though. " " Why? I mean- I tried to force you into a relationship! You shouldn't even try forgiving me! " " Because... I love you. "
🐍 His eyes widened as a small smile emerged on his face while a small blush also appeared
" I love you as well, Rohi... "
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lilirari · 6 months
           𐙚 ⋆୨୧˚ KISS IT OFF ME ⋆ ˚ ꩜ 。
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𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. the one where gavi drops his girlfriend off to uni because she (unfortunately) missed her alarm.
💌 pablo gavi x fem! reader (written work + social media au)
# author's note : this is dedicated to my favourite gavi lover, @zowanew :p <3 it's not really proof-read & i have limited spanish knowledge (i used google translate for most of the spanish parts) so if you see any grammatical mistakes or some sentences seem off, please look the other way 👩🏻‍🦯
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beep beep beep.
your alarm went off as you grumbled softly and begrudgingly turned to the other side of the bed. your hand slowly hovered over the digital clock on the bed stand, as you pressed the button on the top and lazily opened an eye to look at the time. however, when you saw that it was already 7:00 am, you immediately jolted up from your bed, your sleepy eyes widening as you stared at the clock. you rubbed your eyes and blinked a few times to check if you were actually staring at the real thing or just dreaming.
“ it's 7 already ? how did i sleep through the 6 o'clock mark ? " you muttered to yourself in shock as you quickly scurried out of your bed and folded your blanket. you arranged your bedsheet before giving a soft pat to your miffy plushie who sat besides your pillow and looked after you when you were asleep. " good morning miffy. " you said, smiling down at the white bunny plushie as you slipped into your comfy slides.
you swiftly made your way to the bathroom, doing all the necessities like brushing your teeth, washing your face and doing your daily skincare routine. after you were done, you came back into your room and opened your closet, as you stared the clothes hanging inside. your eyes darted left and right as you made up an outfit combination in your mind straight away. you pulled out those clothes and started getting ready to head to the university. you had your classes at 8 am so you rapidly changed your clothes, not wanting to be late. just then, your phone, which was placed on your dressing table, buzzed and the screen lighted up. you leaned down only to see that it was a message from your boyfriend. your lips curved upwards into a small smile as you opened the message to reply back to him.
imessage 💬
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pablito 💗
good morning baby ! did you sleep well ?
mi corazón
good morning lover boy <3 yes i did. although i might've slept a bit too well...
i kinda overslept...
pablito 💗
it's good that you got some well deserved sleep but don't you have uni today ?
mi corazón
yeah 😭 i think i'm going to be late.. i have to turn into the flash to be able to attend my first class on time 😞
pablito 💗
hm.. i don't think that's necessary, y/n. i'll come and pick you up at your house. i also have a practice session for our match tonight and your university's on the way to the stadium anyways.
mi corazón
oh baby, it's all good, don't worry. you don't have to go through such lengths for me ! i'll just try to catch the bus.
pablito 💗
no, i won't take a refusal as an answer. i'll be at your door in 15 minutes. take all the time you need to get ready, okay ?
mi corazón
but gavi 😭
pablito 💗
you can't stop me i'm already omw, amor
mi corazón
.. okay, alright 😞 thank you :( i love you <3
pablito 💗
love you too. see you soon :)
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you closed your phone as a soft sigh escaped your lips. you were really so lucky to have gavi in your life. he adored you so much and was always willing to go through extreme lengths just for you. you shifted your focus to the mirror as you dolled yourself up with some light make-up and fixed your hair. you wore the necklace which gavi gave you on your birthday the previous year, and smiled as you looked at it through the mirror. it was your favourite belonging as it had yours & his initials on it. you shoved all the necessities required for the day into your bag and donned your favourite converse all stars.
you made your way downstairs, where your mother and your breakfast awaited. you acknowledged each other's presence, and you had your breakfast and talked a bit about what you were both planning to do this very day. a few minutes later, you heard a car horn in your driveway as a small smile decorated your lips. you informed your mum that gavi was dropping you off, which made your mum chuckle and tease you a little. after you said your goodbyes, you walked out the door to see your boyfriend waiting for you in his sedan car. as soon as he saw you, the expression on his face lighted up.
" hi, amor. you look so pretty today. " gavi greeted, pressing a light kiss on your forehead as you sat down on the passenger seat.
" thank you, baby waby. " you replied back, a small snicker escaping your lips as you noticed the change in his expression when he heard that nickname. you liked to use it whenever you were teasing him because it always made him pout and you found this action of his to be so endearing. " you don't look so bad yourself, guapo. " you commented, giving him a slight up & down look as you smiled. gavi always dressed up really well *cough* unlike his best friend pedri *cough*, and he looked good in any outfit, be it a suit or just a plain t-shirt.
the ride to your university was quite fun. you talked about how much you were dreading to take the afternoon classes and gavi talked about the silly antics his teammates liked to pull during practice sessions. you also had a good laugh when you reached the gates of your uni because of your boyfriend as he kept honking at the students blocking the road, angrily yelling " GET OUT OF THE WAY ! MY GIRLFRIEND'S GOING TO BE LATE !! " at them. this resulted in a few head turns and confused stares but you didn't even notice those looks because being with gavi made you so much more happy and not give a care about anything else in the world.
when you had finally reached your class building, you noticed your friends waiting for you at a distance as you waved at them, flashing them your pearly whites.
" thank you so much for dropping me off today, pablito. i would've gotten some sort of detention if it weren't for you. i owe you one. " you expressed your thanks as you took off your seatbelt.
" you don't have to owe me anything, y/n. all i ask for is a kiss. " he replied back, eyebrows raised and a small smirk plastered on his face as he awaited for your response.
" what ? a kiss ? but my friends are looking at us ! " you exclaimed, the colour of your cheeks turning into a light shade of pink.
your boyfriend, obviously, did not listen to your protests though as he rolled his eyes before immediately leaning in closer to you, planting his lips on top of yours. you could feel his lips forming a smirk as he held the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away.
" who cares about your friends ? anyways, don't be late for tonight's match, okay, mi amor ? since we're going against the merengues in a home match, i need my good luck charm to be present for such a crucial match. " gavi reminded as he cupped your cheeks. " i'll score a goal for you. "
you were still a bit startled by that sudden kiss but you shook it off and nodded at his words. " don't you always ? " you asked, grinning like a cheshire cat. " hm.. i wouldn't miss it for the world. i can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the madridistas when their team loses to us. " you remarked, giggling as you got out of the car. " te quiero, cariño. please be careful when training, okay ? " you requested, waving at him as you closed the door. " hm, don't worry. que tengas un gran día, mi amor. te quiero. see you later. " gavi responded, sending a wink your way before driving off.
you then caught up with your friends, with them squealing in excitement and nudging you teasingly after witnessing your little kissing scene with your boyfriend and you feeling embarrassed but content.
you couldn't take your classes properly though because all you were thinking about was the kiss.
instagram 🎥
yourinstagram 🔒
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liked by pablogavi, pedri, joaofelix79 and 306 others
tagged pablogavi
yourinstagram my baby <3 and there's gavi too ig 🧍🏻‍♀️
view all 67 comments
pablogavi " there's gavi too ig " ???? i dropped you off at uni + dedicated not one but two goals for you and this is how you repay me ? 😞
-> pablogavi do you love miffy more than me or what ? 🙄
-> yourinstagram yes ☺️
-> yourinstagram jk jk i love you more than miffy
-> pablogavi ha, take that miffy !
-> yourinstagram what did this bunny even do to you 😭
-> pablogavi took away all your attention from me 😕
-> yourinstagram eres tan lindo.. 🥹 don't worry, you'll always have my attention, pablito
-> pablogavi yeah i better 😠
pedri gavi estaba flipando al verte con su camiseta 🤭
liked by yourinstagram
joaofelix79 love u bro
-> pablogavi ❤️💙
-> yourinstagram um ?? 🤨🤨🤨🤨
yourbestfriend the matching miffy and badtz-maru rings.. the highway looks like a good place to sleep tonight
-> yourinstagram BESTIE NO DON'T GO THERE 😭
-> yourinstagram i promise i'll make gavi find a good footballer bf just for u 🫶
-> yourbestfriend please 😞🙏
classmate1 girl you're seriously so lucky to have the best pro footballer as ur bf 😭
classmate2 wikihow to be y/n 😞
classmate3 y/n please get us footballer bfs too
friend1 the flower 🥹🥹🥹
friend3 i'm in awe you look gorgeous queen
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liked by pedri, yourinstagram, frenkiedejong and 20,192,299 others
pablogavi con un fan muy especial ☺️ otra victoria en casa ! gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo. força barça ❤️💙
view all 630,122 comments
yourinstagram lo hiciste increíble hoy !
liked by pablogavi
yourinstagram te quiero, mi amor ❤️
-> pablogavi te quiero, mi vida 💙 gracias por apoyarme siempre
fcbarcelona dos goles sorprendentes 👏
pedri chico de oro 💪
joaofelix79 🪄🪄
_ferminlopez 😘
jpcancelo hermanito 😍
_rl9 🔥
user10 you played incredibly well today, pablo !
user21 congratulations on the win, best boy !
user38 forever a culer 🤞🤞
user45 so happy to have gotten 2 beautiful goals from you ! so proud of you ❤️‍🩹
user57 barça's golden boy 🗣️🗣️🗣️
user99 did you guys see how happy y/n was when he scored.. she was literally jumping and screaming 🥹 she's so cute they're so cute :(
user82 my parents <33
user73 the way he dedicated both goals to y/n.. i'm going to take a bath with the toaster tonight
user64 the best barça couple 🫶
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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(I don't know if someone has already written this idea yet. If someone has tho please give me the info/link so I can read it. 👀
This might be the only prompt I do, because my brain likes to keep my creativity behind bars a majority of the time. That and anxiety. I've never done a post like this before. Also, most of my knowledge is from DP not DC. Please forgive me if I get something wrong.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas.
short prompt #1 →
short prompt #2 →
Lair of Mystery
The House of Mystery is Danny's lair or vacation lair(1) and ever since he outlived his friends and family(2), he's been coming to the House of Mystery whenever he needs a break from his kingly duties. Since it's the Infinite Realms, the HoM exists in every universe, but due to it not always being in the form of a literal house and difficult for outsiders to enter, it's never found. At least until now.
One day when he goes to the lair after (insert amount of time) he finds that the Justice League Dark have set up in his home. Initially, the JLD attack him but Danny puts a stop to that fast. It's his house, he can control anything inside it which includes anyone he deems an intruder. An interrogation more or less takes place, both parties are confused by the others presence, both sides get answers and are shocked by them. Danny because the JLD are a subdivision of a superhero agency that specializes in magic/the occult and the JLD because they've literally been using the house of a very powerful monarch without even knowing it.
Danny isn't angry the JLD are inside his house once he gets over the surprise. In fact, he's rather happy to have company of the non-ghost variety and is curious about their world full of superheroes and aliens. He comes to a decision. He will let the JLD continue to use his house as a base of operations if they are willing to agree to a few terms.
1. No one is to touch or use any artifacts they may find inside the HoM without his explicit permission. Some things are too dangerous for human hands to hold.
2. They seek him out of there is anything of the dead/occult variety threatening their world that they are unable to handle by themselves. (The JLD are shocked to learn of the King's past as a young hero as his explanation for this term. He misses those times and helping the JLD will also be another way to fulfill his obsession besides him being King.)
3. They spend time with him. Being the ruler of an infinitely expanding dimension gets pretty overwhelming and lonely at times. Even he needs a break. On top of missing his hero days, he misses the simpler times of being just a regular guy.
The JLD easily agree to his terms. From then on, they peacefully coexist in the HoM for many years to come. Danny is happier than he's been in a long time and so are the JLD because he's a wonderful host and has actually helped them with a few of their personal issues. Danny, having seen straight through his Captain Marvel form, gave Billy a fully furnished bedroom fit for a growing teenager and hidden from the others in the house. Danny and Billy hang out and play video games whenever they need to unwind with someone their age(3) with no secrets between them.
Danny helps Constantine with his soul contracts, seeing how they are fraying his soul and aging him prematurely. They have an easy camaraderie and sometimes share a bottle of whiskey together(4). Etc.
All is good.
Until some world ending threat of the dead/occult variety really does happen and the JLD call for Danny's help. He goes to them in full regalia with chainmail, breastplate with his hero symbol emblazoned on it, billowing, fur-collared purple cape with the cosmos displayed on the interior, a black crown incased in ice above his head with a sword of ghost ice in the hand that wears the newly dubbed Ring of (Peace?)(5). He doesn't even have to do anything. His presence alone is enough to intimidate the world ending threat into complete submission and is easily sent back into the Infinite Realms to face judgement for attacking the Living Realm.
This is how he's introduced to the rest of the Justice League. It's your choice on how they react and what happens beyond this point if you decide to take it further.
This is entirely up for grabs and I wanna read whatever's written.
(1) Your choice if it's his original lair or a vacation one depending on if you count Pariah's old castle as Danny's lair or not.
(2) Your choice if any of his friends or family members turn into ghosts.
(3) Danny is able to change the age of his form to an extent, an ability he inherited from his mentor, Clockwork. He uses it when he feels it would make it easier for other people to relate to him. He also has an eldritch form that he doesn't like to use in front of others unless he absolutely has to. You can leave any part of this detail out if you want to. I just thought it would be kinda cool and also a more subtle way of showing how powerful he is now.
(4) He is technically an adult (read several hundred years old) so he can partake if he wants to. Refer to note above this one.
(5) Should the function and name of the Ring of Rage change due to Danny being King or not? Your choice!
(*) Also, I read the House of Mystery is in a place called the Dreaming, a realm ruled by Morpheus the god of sleep and dreams. If this is truly the case, would it be plausible to say that Nocturne is just another one of Morpheus' forms? Would that mean the House of Mystery is in Nocturne's territory? If so, are Danny and Nocturne friends now? 👀
(*) the Dreaming is part of the Infinite Realms.
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writingsforwhatever · 6 months
magnolia (m.s.) part 2
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part 1 part 3
summary: reader has a friends with benefits arrangement with matt (what is there to explain?)
genre: ANGST
word count: 1k
a/n: hi! please read this before pressing 'Keep reading' ~ this story was written years ago, it was for my creative writing and same as all the stories I posted here. I used different inspirations for this, from stories I've read before whether book or online. Again, this is fiction.
The sunlight streamed through the blinds, causing her to squint. She heard Matt's gentle breaths as he slept beside her, his body facing downward on the bed while his head turned towards her, granting her a view of his flawless face, even in slumber. He breathed quietly, not even a snore.
Last night felt like a dream. He took her to a rooftop restaurant with a stunning view of the city lights, where he confessed his love and decided to end their arrangement. She kissed him and cried, agreeing it was a stupid set up intended to only break their hearts. That was all Matt needed to hear.
Eventually, they ended up having sex in every corner of his place. He was grateful for his and his brothers' decision in giving each other the chance to move out and have their own place at times like these because he could not be seen fucking her in the kitchen counter by Nick where he eats his cereal every morning. And that is something Matt preferred not to think or worry about ever while he's buried inside of her. It also gave Matt a chance to be his own self after living with them for half of his life.
Familiarity with his apartment comes naturally to her, almost surpassing her knowledge of her own place. A forgotten scarf of hers, delicately hanging behind his front door, stands as a tangible reminder—a subtle representation of her presence in his life. Just like the scarf, she lingers, an ever-present figure, intricately woven into the fabric of his existence.
After a long day at work, she made her way to the coffee shop located on 11 Bow St, Somerville. He had texted her earlier that day that they needed to talk, this however set off an unsettling feeling inside of her. Walking down the familiar street, on the way to the apartment complex where Matt resided with his brothers—Chris down the hall and Nick on the second floor—she couldn't shake off an eerie feeling creeping upon her. Was Matt regretting in making her his girlfriend already? Why not just tell her over text? Was something wrong? With each step, she prepared herself for their conversation. More thoughts flooded her mind, yet she had no inkling of the surprising news Matt was about to reveal-something she hadn't even considered ever in her life.
When she stepped foot in his apartment, she secretly hoped it was a dinner surprise, him cooking her favorite meal, maybe an intimate bath he prepared for them while she was out; easing her worries from his text message. However, she stumbled upon Matt seated on the couch, his sobs echoing through the room. He sat with his hands on his head. His eyes, red and swollen. Coat and hat tossed aside carelessly. Tousled hair evidence of repeated running of fingers through the strands. As she took in the scene, he glances at her, blue eyes filled with tears.
"Oh my god, Matt. What happened? What's wrong?" she gasped, sinking to her knees before him and holding his trembling hands. He hugged her, his tear-streaked face buried in her shoulder, wetting her black turtleneck.
He couldn't manage a response, only releasing more sobs.
"What's going on, Matt? You're scaring me," she asked again, her voice soft with concern, her eyes reflecting the sorrow etched on his face.
In all the years she'd known him, she'd never witnessed Matt this distressed, not even close to this level of despair.
Matt struggled to speak through his tears. "I'm sorry, baby. I really am sorry."
Concern turned to deep worry. "Okay, now you're really scaring me. What happened? Why are you saying sorry to me? Did you and Chris have a fight? Or Nick—" she attempted to guess, while still trying to comfort him.
He interrupted, locking his gaze with hers. "It's Grace."
Her mind raced, a million more thoughts are now going through her head. Grace who?
"Who's—" she started, her voice trembling.
"It's the..." He faltered again, tears streaming down his face. "It's the girl I met at the bar in Canada."
With a nod, she silently urged Matt to continue. His tone conveyed an overwhelming sense of despair, as if his entire world had collapsed in an instant and shattered right before his eyes.
"She called me this morning. I don't know how she got my number, maybe from my friend way back in college, I don't know," he explained, his voice trembling, unable to meet her eyes.
It finally clicked in her mind—the vague mention from her friend last month about the familiar girl she saw Matt with. This woman, she was their former schoolmate at UMass. Until this moment, Grace had been a complete stranger to her, but she knew Grace was connected with some of her own friends, a mutual acquaintance.
Someone she had never expected would come between them, someone who hadn't crossed her mind—an unexpected threat she hadn't even considered. It was unfathomable, someone seemingly unassuming becoming a disruptive force in their shared life and the love they held for each other.
She didn't even know the woman.
"Okay, Matt, just breathe," she pleaded, trying to calm him down.
He rose abruptly, taking a couple of steps before turning back to face her, she mirrored his movement, standing and locking eyes with him, bracing herself for his next words.
"She's pregnant. And it's mine. And she's decided to keep it," he confessed through tears, his voice quivering, his gaze fixed on hers, as he searched her face for a reaction.
Her legs felt weak, but strangely, no tears came. It was that sensation of the world collapsing around her. The instinct to run away, to escape the situation and never lay eyes on him again clawed at her, she felt the need to stab her heart with a knife, that's what it felt like anyway, but she knew that not a single cry from her, not a single tear shed by Matt, nor any surge of anger from anyone could change the clear reality they found themselves in. Their life, as they knew it, had come to an end. For her, it wasn't just about their shared life crumbling; it was her own life, her plans, everything she had envisioned, all shattered. He was going to be a father, and despite the torment and agony within, she understood that no amount of despair or heartache could alter that irreversible truth.
tags: @querenciasturniolo @athenalive
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demxters · 1 year
Okay, how about Regency au with Bradley x F!Reader. Reader thinks Bradley hates her. They get stuck in a hut at night and Reader starts freaking out because she thinks she’s either going to be ruined or forced to marry a man that hates her for the sake of her reputation. Bradley does… what?
—𝐓𝐇𝐄 1
bradley bradshaw x f!reader
wc: 810
warning(s): fem!reader, one mention of death, the patriarchy 💀
find on ao3 here!
a/n: help this has been in my drafts forever i’m so sorry 😭 i don't think i've written for bradley much and i'm trying to write a fic for him so i'm hoping this turned out okay!! also sorry for any inaccuracies, i have zero knowledge of regencies this is all knowledge from google alksjksd
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He can just barely make out your silhouette in the dim moonlit garden. The rain continues to pour down around him and he can only imagine that you must be freezing out here. You were only wearing a lightweight gown after all.
Bradley's steps go from slow to a light jog as he throws his pea coat over his head to shield himself from the heavy droplets. Though this was quite useless as he was already soaking wet.
He approaches you slowly, careful not to startle you in any way. His heart sinks at the realization that you were crying. Your hands clenched the wooden rails so tightly that the skin of your knuckles lightened slightly. Your shoulders shook with every heaving, uneven breath that fell from your lips. Bradley's fingers twitched at the sight of your tear stained cheeks.
"Go away, Bradshaw," you sigh. You don't even need to turn around to know that it's him behind you. His labored breaths and the pattern of his pattering footsteps have become all too familiar to you these days.
No matter where you went, Bradshaw followed. You hated it. You hated the Duke and his ability to make your heart skip a beat and stomach do somersaults. You hated that you would’ve never received an ounce of his attention had it not been for the arrangement your parents had made with his.
Bradley wants to roll his eyes at your stubbornness. “Not until you come inside. You’ll freeze to death out here, my lady.”
Your grip tightens on the wood as you snap, “I’m not a lady and I am most certainly not yours. I would rather die than go anywhere with you."
He tries not to take your words to heart, knowing nothing about your situation is ideal. Still, he can't stop the not so subtle fracture of his heart at your words. "Please," he whispers. He doesn't know what else to do to get you to listen to him. "Just come inside so we can sort this out."
"Don't you understand? There is no sorting this out. The fact of the matter is no matter what I say or do, my fate has already been decided for me," you start. You finally muster enough strength to look at him and it's then that he is able to see just how broken you really are.
You're not the same girl he met all those years ago with stars in her eyes and childlike wonder. Not to say he wasn't as enamored with you now as he was then. It was just more evident to him now that something in you changed; something so big that it left you with nothing but the shell of who you used to be.
"But maybe if we just talk to your father-"
You scoff. "What good will that do? Talking to my father won't change the fact that the rest of my life is ruined. That I'm ruined. My entire existence is worth nothing more than to be the bride of a man who hates me."
"A man who hates you?" Bradley's shoulders drop in realization. "You thought I hated you all this time?"
Your own shoulders slouch. "You haven't done anything to convince me otherwise."
He winces. Bradley thought it'd be better to keep you at arms length, just until the wedding. He thought he'd have a better chance at winning you over after the marriage. He was a fool for thinking so. But you were right. All he has done is push you to listen to your father in fear of stirring any more conflict between you and him. He never just sat down and listened to you. He couldn't bear the thought of you thinking he hated you. Because that's something Bradley could never imagine to be possible. He adored you more than anything and he will spend the rest of his life proving it to you.
Testing the waters, Bradley turns to you, taking a step forward. When you don't retreat, he moves again. Your gaze meets his and he feels his lips tug upward instinctually.
The next few moments go by in slow motion. He raises his arm, hovering his hand carefully by your cheek. His brows furrow in a silent ask of permission. You still don't move and he takes this as your own subtle act of acknowledgement.
His thumb softly brushes the apple of your cheek and you let out the softest breath at his touch.
"I know my words don't mean much to you but I promise, you could never be ruined with me."
The sincerity in his eyes made you believe him, if not only for a moment. You played into the daydream of having a husband who loved you and that you chose to love. Maybe in another life, Bradley would've been the one.
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tgm! taglist: @joaquinwhorres @harrycherrylove @smoothdogsgirl @t-nd-rfoot @dempy @ollyoxenfrees @potato-girl99981 @averyhotchner @2guysonascooter @loveforaugust @blue-aconite @fandom-life-12 @stiles-banshees @iamdannyday @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @bradshawseresinbabe @breezemood @emorychase @eli2447 @angelbabyange @finelytaylored @pono-pura-vida @hecate-steps-on-me @blueoorchid
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aecu · 2 years
nct 7 dream kinks and fav sex positions
cracking my knuckles.. alright let me tackle this
just based off of his personality, he might be a bit vanilla to start, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t open to exploring a bit! i could see mark being into some light choking and i’m almost 100% he would not be able to resist slapping your ass a few times if he was hitting it from the back. he would never admit it, but he absolutely has a thing for cumming inside you. it’s filthy, but he loves the way his cum looks when it’s dripping out of you. i’ve definitely written him as a harder dom before, but overall he’s probably fairly tame sexually. my knowledge on sex positions is very limited so some of these answers might be a bit boring/predictable but i think he would really enjoy doggy and sometimes missionary when he’s not feeling like a nervous wreck
renjun is like my favorite kind of person.. i love writing about people with really artsy personalities (like him and ningning) because i feel like it translates so well into all the aspects of their lives!! he doesn’t seem like someone who would be very kinky (as a dom) but i think he loves embracing the romantic side of sex. i really like thinking of him as the type to have a playlist for whenever you guys have sex. i do think he’s a bit switch-y though! he’s not afraid to let you have your way with him when you’re in charge. although he’s not in my nct masochist line (yes i have one), he’s not opposed to you hurting him just a little. pulling his hair hard enough so that he knows you’re not playing around, edging him a couple times, just little things here and there. i’ve already said he loves really intimate sex so i think missionary is kind of a given favorite position, but also he can be a little lazy sometimes so he might just resort to fucking you on your side
hear me out. i know jeno is really muscular and he just has the vibe of someone who would be super dominant, but i really love the idea of him being a switch. he has a strength kink, there’s no doubt in my mind that he does, but i can’t be the only one who would find it hot if he let you dom him despite having more than enough strength to pin you down and take you if he really wanted to. anyway, he’s a sweet guy but he’s definitely not afraid to be mean. he loves that nice blend of praise and degradation that makes you feel like there’s butterflies inside you (pretty slut, etc), and pushing you so close to your breaking point before he finally lets you cum. sub wise, i think degrading him is my favorite concept i’ve ever come up with. riding him and telling him how useless he is while you look into his eyes.. it’s just my favorite thing ever. like teasing him about how he needs you to make him feel good and how he doesn’t know what to do with his big cock.. sorry guys as you can see i’m very passionate about this. anyway! his favorite positions.. loves taking you against the wall (meaning your chest to the wall while he fucks you from behind) and another standard doggy lover
(sorry in advance i’m largely biased here) THEE switch of nct dream. a bit of a sadomasochist, he can be so mean when he wants to and is also more than willing to let you rough him up a LOT. when i say he’s mean, i mean that he would probably love straight up degradation. obviously he’s okay with blending degradation and praise if that’s what you’re into, but he would love making you feel dirty with nothing but his words. telling you how filthy you are for letting him touch you.. he’s not afraid to make you cry either. he would play the doting dom role so well it makes my head spin. i don’t know how much he’d be into extreme physical sadism, like i don’t see him being someone who’s hitting you with paddles or anything like that, but he’s not against giving you a firm slap on the cheek either. when he’s subbing, he lives for your degradation. i’ve talked about this before, but haechan has openly said that he loves being scolded/yelled at, so i think it’s kind of a given that he likes it when you’re mean to him. he’s the type to like being on his knees for you, getting used in whatever way you see fit. and even if he refuses to admit it, he loves it when you edge him, ruin his orgasms or overstimulate him. it hurts in a way that he can’t get enough of.. if he’s domming, he’s willing to fuck you in whatever ways you’ll let him. i think he would enjoy missionary the most because it gives him clear access to your neck. if he’s subbing, i personally think he would love it when you ride him (cowgirl), but tie his hands up behind his back so that he can’t touch you.
jaemin has always been kind of interesting to me. i see him the same way i see jaehyun (lazier dom), but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. he likes making you do a lot of the work because it gets him off whenever he sees you beg for him to do something. he can more active when he wants to though, another member who’s not above roughing you up and making you cry a bit. he’s not someone i can see subbing often, if at all, because i think he enjoys having control over you more than anything. the closest he gets to subbing is letting you take the lead, but still making it very clear that you aren’t who’s in charge. besides making you cry, he loves using condescending tones with you. confusing your poor, fogged up brain while he fucks you with phrases like “i thought you said you couldn’t cum anymore? but you’re cumming around me right now anyway. too dumb to know what you want.” it’s his favorite thing to do. regardless, he loves it when you ride him. it’s always his #1 choice over everything else
chenle is a little hard for me to read. he kind of gives me that same lazy dom energy as jaemin except he’s really just cruel to you sometimes. will flat out refuse to fuck you if you stop fucking yourself onto him when he tells you to, he’s willing to edge you for days and might even fuck you without letting you cum just to see how desperate he can get you.. i don’t know what you’d call this or if it’s even a kink but your desperation is what gets him off. he’d do anything to see how whiny you get before you can’t take it anymore and end up groveling at his feet, begging him to touch you. favorite position is doggy but you have to do 90% of the work
he would start off super vanilla, almost too afraid to touch you out of fear that he’ll do something wrong and humiliate himself. it would take him a decent amount of time before he gets comfortable enough to start experimenting with you and asking if you’re willing to try something new with him. maybe he sees a video of a girl getting choked or getting her face fucked, and it makes him curious to see what you would look like in that position. i don’t think he would end up being into something like slapping very much, he’s still far too afraid to hit you, but he thinks you look so beautiful with his hand around your neck. he could eat you out and finger you for hours too, he gets so much pleasure from seeing you cum around him. another one who loves cumming inside anytime you’ll allow it. probably likes missionary the most, i couldn’t see him being into anything aside from really standard/common positions
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ellesliterarycorner · 2 years
Tips for Underwriters
Last week we talked about overwriters, but now let’s talk about tips for all the underwriters out there. I didn’t mention this in my overwriting post, but whether you’re an overwriter or an underwriter, I definitely would not worry about it until later drafts! As I say all the time, the first draft is a messy, word-vomit baby, so don’t worry about a lot of the problems associated with overwriting or underwriting until your second or even third draft! It’s completely normal to underwrite a first draft, and a lot of times, underwriting your first draft will make it way easier for you in the long run! Laying down the skeleton of the story without a ton of description or other things is a completely legitimate way to go about it! But, once you get onto those later drafts, here are a few tips if you feel like you’re underwriting or your story is lacking! 
First off, I really recommend going through and asking yourself these ten questions for all of your scenes! If you answer all of these questions thoroughly, chances are you won’t be underwriting!
Where is this scene taking place? 
What does this place look and feel like? 
How much time has passed since the last scene? 
What is your character feeling right now?
What is your character’s reaction?
What is the natural, believable way your character should be reacting? 
What is the point of this scene?
What is your protagonist’s goal for the scene?
Where’s the conflict? 
Where’s your opening hook and strong ending sentence? 
These questions are a great place to get started making sure you provide depth for your readers!
But Does The Reader Know??? 
This is one of my biggest problems with a lot of books I have been reading lately. The writer will namedrop something that is clearly important in world, but does not explain it at all. They feel extremely underwritten because the writer assumes the reader has all of this background knowledge that they simply don’t have. I think a lot of it has to do with so many books being written like fanfiction. I’m not saying that in the sense that fanfic is poorly written, but in fanfiction there’s an understanding that the reader already has a decent understanding of the backstory they’re getting into. Anyways I digress into a completely different topic, but not explaining things properly is a problem that a lot of underwriters have. As writers, we sometimes forget that even though we have all of this information inside of our heads, the reader only knows what we tell them, so we have to make sure to give them a solid understanding the world and the characters. I also think that so many writers are scared of info-dumping that they just don’t explain things at all, but if you feel like you’re underwriting, go back and look through your story to make sure anything that needs explaining is explained!
Don’t Forget Internal Conflict!
Despite being my favorite conflict, I feel like internal conflict often gets left behind in a lot of stories. Most characters have one big external problem that they spend the whole story trying to solve, and while that big problem is absolutely necessary to the story, but if there’s only one problem in your story, you might find yourself more prone to having an underwritten story. How does this big problem affect your character internally? Are they super stressed out about it? Does solving the problem compromise their moral code? Do they have to forsake a core value in order to ensure their survival and the survival of their family? There are so many ways for your character to struggle with the main problem that ups the stakes of your story, adds conflict and character development, and can help up the word count as well! If you’re struggling and want a book with well-written internal conflict, see my favorite example the Hunger Games. It doesn’t get better than that!
All Go and No Show
Despite being a chronic overwriter, this is actually a problem that I struggle with as well. I think it’s because I write scenes out of order, and I tend to write all of the exciting scenes first because as a reader and a writer, I really like to jump right in and keep it moving to the last page. I used to get kind of annoyed when I stubble across what I consider a “filler” chapter where it feels like the characters are just sitting around and doing absolutely nothing. However, those less exciting bits are just as important often because they feature the internal conflict and character development mentioned above. If you’re only featuring the exciting parts of your story, it can definitely contribute to underwriting. It can also lead to another side-effect of underwriting: not having as well-rounded and fleshed out characters. Every time some big action thing happens in your story, you probably should include your MC’s reaction to it. How your characters react to things is important to them as a character and to your story overall. Now, am I saying that you need to write a 4,000 word chapter on every single detail of your characters’ feelings? No I am not, but if your MC gets hurt or betrayed or has a friend died, and then the next scene time has passed and they’re absolutely fine, it’s bad underwriting and unrealistic!
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fellthemarvelous · 6 months
The Jedi got their own Doctor as well.
I haven't written fanfic in years but I might actually write this.
The unhinged, slightly incoherent Doctor Who/Star Wars crossover meta-ish long post no one asked for
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Ahsoka season 2 needs to give me the backstory between Ahsoka and Huyang. How did they find each other? Was it after Ezra rescued her on Malachor? Was it before that? We have no idea what she was doing leading up to those events because she only showed up on Rebels for a handful of episodes.
And the last time we saw Huyang, he and Ahsoka and the younglings were having to deal with space pirates (HONDOOOOOO) and then General Grievous. Ahsoka was much younger in that time and we never saw Huyang again after that.
At what point in canon did they run into each other again? I think he's the only one who knows that Anakin = Vader based on a cryptic reply he gave to Hera when she asked him what Ahsoka's master was like. All he said was intense.
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He's so used to Ahsoka's chaotic nature that every time she's like "I'm gonna do the thing" he's just like yeah okay because he's been dealing with the Jedi for 25,000 years and they are going to yeet themselves into the unknown whether he thinks it's a good idea or not. He remembers what Anakin Skywalker was like, after all.
This is one of my favorite things about Huyang's "history" though.
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The idea that even the Jedi have their own version of the 10th Doctor is hilarious to me, and that rumor started somewhere.
But I also love what another droid says about Huyang in this passage.
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Huyang is 25,000 years old so he's had plenty of time to become the one the Jedi go to when it comes to lightsaber construction. He helps the Jedi build weapons that are meant to be used as tools of self-defense because lightsabers are, in fact, extremely dangerous. This sounds like something the Doctor would do because the Jedi were peacekeepers and not soldiers, and it makes you sad when you realize that Huyang had to watch as the order he had devoted himself to for 25,000 years to were killed in a genocide that turned the Jedi's closest allies against them by removing their free will and forcing them to kill their Jedi generals, and it was all planned over centuries by the Sith who intentionally kept their numbers small.
When he ran into Ahsoka again, what was it like for him? She was one of the few survivors of the Jedi Purge. He remembers her as a child and now she's in her 40s. She was one of the few who was able to grow up because she survived.
What was going on in his head when he handed Ezra the emitter he was looking for because he somehow knew Ezra was looking for one like Kanan's? Huyang somehow knew it would be important to keep a second identical part around when he watched Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus) construct his very first lightsaber.
How much does Kanan's death weigh on him? Kanan was another child who survived the Purge. He met Kanan as Caleb not many years before the war ended and the Jedi were wiped out. Caleb had to change his name because he watched the clones gun down his master and he ran away exactly like she told him to before she died. Running away is what lead him to sacrificing his life so the rebellion would survive. Kanan fell in love with Hera, fathered a child he never got to meet, and now Huyang is getting to know Kanan's son (and will absolutely not be teaching Jacen how to construct a lightsaber "thank you very much your mom already said no" and the Tenth Doctor is used to angry moms slapping him in the face.)
Huyang spent 25,000 years living in one galaxy and teaching generation after generation of Jedi how to construct lightsabers. He was given the title of Professor because of the wealth of knowledge he carries around inside of him, and he only uses it for good, and he shares insightful wisdom and knowledge with the Jedi Order century after century after century.
And because he followed Ahsoka into the mouth of a space whale so they could travel to a completely different galaxy altogether, he is now stuck in another galaxy far, far away with Ahsoka (present), Sabine (future), Baylon Skoll (past), Shin Hati (new), a bunch of pacifist turtles, the force ghost of Anakin Skywalker, and the images of the Father, Daughter and Son that are carved into the mountains somewhere (and for some reason the Daughter's head is missing).
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Now he can pass the tale of the Jedi across the universe. On the same planet where the Mortis gods are worshipped. It's going to link directly to the fact that Ahsoka is connected to the Daughter, both of whom were killed by the Son on Mortis, but Daughter allowed Anakin to use her remaining life force to bring Ahsoka back to life.
Is this going to turn into the story of how Huyang has to say goodbye to Ahsoka Tano, former Jedi and survivor who became a dear friend and travel buddy?
Is Seatos calling her back home? She possesses a gift that comes from an actual god. It's the only reason she's alive. And why Ezra had to reach into the past and save her from dying on Malachor at the hands of Vader. It would have tied the light side of the Force to a Sith temple.
There is only one other person Ahsoka shares such a strong bond with, and that's Captain Rex (is he alive, is he dead, if he died offscreen I am going to fucking sue Disney). Yeah I know he's old now, but he deserves a proper send-off. The Clone Wars was, as Dave Filoni has said, a story about Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex. Captain Rex is her best friend and the one who was standing by her side when the Clone Wars ended. Neither of them would have survived without the other.
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Ahsoka knew there was no way she would be able to save the other clones, but she refused to be the one who killed them. She couldn't do it. They might have all shared a face but all of them were unique and important to her, and she could never ask Rex to save her life by killing them. It made getting out a lot more difficult because the clones were able to just get back up again and start fighting a few minutes later since Rex was only stunning them. (Interesting how that happened on Seatos too but this time because the troopers were zombies.)
Ezra was able to escape Seatos in Thrawn's ship but Ahsoka, Sabine and Huyang got left behind.
Did Rex even find out Ahsoka was alive after she came back from Malachor? If so, this means he's losing her yet again. For the fourth time in their lives. If not, then he's still on his third time (which was Malachor).
Also interesting how he was found on a planet in the Seelos system, and it was just a barren wasteland like Tatooine. Seatos and Seelos sound alike. Satine and Sabine sound alike and were both Mandalorian. How Sabine built a deadly weapon called The Duchess when she was being trained by the Empire that was able to disintegrate soldiers wearing Mandalorian armor, and it was named after Satine, the pacifist who turned Mandalore into a peaceful planet. And ironically now it's at peace because the Mandalorians were wiped out after the fall of the Empire. And think about how the clones all came from the DNA of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter with blue and silver armor (and described as genetically perfect specimen by the Kaminoans).
Huyang is watching all of this unfold, but he's so old that it's just one of countless adventures he's been on, only this time he bonded with a former Jedi after a war that devastated their order completely. He might be a droid, but he's also more than that. He's ancient and wise and found a friend in Ahsoka Tano, the one who is imbued with the life force of a god and comes from a lineage that stands out above the others because it's the lineage of the Sith as well.
And as Huyang has now famously said...
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How is it all going to end? If he is the Doctor, how did he become a droid too?
One day I might write a long ass fic about this if I ever have the energy to do so.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Just Stuff About Wally's Voice Actor in my Story (I saw someone say they were starting to like them so I decided to write this)
I kinda dropped a bucket of paint on their head so here's my apology for their new concussion/other possible damage. Get well soon, Wally VA!
🎙️ If people haven't noticed, already, I have written it so that most characters are gender neutral and don't have names. That's because I like to give the reader as much imagination as they want when it comes to stories about pre-existing fandoms, plus characters like puppeteers, producers and such might be introduced into the cannon story. I figured it would make sense to keep them as kinda mysterious figures. So, everything in this post is just for my little story I have going on and how I imagine them. Two main things are that, in story, I am always going to try to keep them nameless and genderless, just because I feel that is the most interesting part of their mystery, but this post will be what I imagine when I write. If you want me to use this specific version of them, just let me know by referring to Wally's voice actor by the name I use in this post. OwO
🎙️ Some basic information is that Wally's voice actor is a man named Caesar Jones. He's in his late middle ages and has two kids. He has arthritis, although, the doctor's haven't figured out exactly what type it is, yet. His wife divorced and left the family on good terms, and they still keep in contact.
🎙️ He is very protective over Wally because they created him. He is scared that, once someone else is puppeteering Wally and (eventually) voicing him, the character of Wally will change and become unrecognizable to him. No one knows Wally better than his creator. At least, that's what Caesar thinks. It's actually the only reason why he doesn't like the reader in the story.
🎙️ He is a smoker, but makes sure to always go outside to smoke. Even when he is in an area that allows him to smoke inside, he goes outside. He has even gone outside in borderline blizzard conditions. Ever since he had his two kids, he makes sure to keep them safe. What started the habit of him going outside was when one of his kids started coughing from the smoke.
🎙️ He uses a wheelchair when at home. He doesn't need it all the time, but he uses it at home so he can give his knees and ankles a break after work. He bought it with his own money, as a "self-birthday-gift", AKA he bought himself a gift for his birthday. He also believes it will help slow down any joint damage he might have from his arthritis. A part of the reason for the contract the boss made between Caesar and the reader, the one that keeps them both updated on the other's health in emergencies, is that Caesar will stay home on days where his pain is especially bad. So, in those cases, he sometimes has the reader visit his house to rehearse for episode recordings.
🎙️ He doesn't know it, but he actually has a mixture of both arthritis and carpal tunnel in both wrists. He got diagnosed with arthritis and just assumes that the numbness and carpal tunnel symptoms are from the arthritis.
🎙️ Some aspects of himself have made it into Wally. For one, both Wally and Caesar have a deep desire to preserve the wonder and imagination of children. Caesar believes that wonder is what makes a person special, because it fuels the imagination. Nobody really imagines things the same way, right? Wally believes that, too.
🎙️ Caesar is interested in cults, especially religious ones. He, himself, is religious. He isn't extremely so, only really doing the bare minimum of his religion's practices, which is exactly why these cults intrigue him. He couldn't imagine bringing any of his beliefs to such a severe degree. The thought scares him. Wally, in a way, also has that trait. Except Wally is more like a little cultist, himself! With no knowledge on what a 'religion' is, though, he has unknowingly turned to you as the core of his belief. All of the obsessive, worshipping, and overall cult like behavior that Caesar researched about went straight into Wally.
🎙️ He is actually a very progressive person for his time. He doesn't care what gender or sexuality identify as, nor does he care about your racial background. As long as you respect him, he will respect you. If you interest him and he wants to get to know you better, he will approach and talk to you. It is all the same to him. People are people.
🎙️ He's a hard cookie to kill, so he probably survived that paint can. I always imagined that it hit the back of his head, which is where the part of the brain that controls sight is. He probably has some damage there, which can cause hallucinations.
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rhysintherain · 2 years
Sorry if this is a too random question but do you have any advice for how to choose a thesis topic when you feel like you don't have any real skill set or theoretical knowledge and none of the suggested topics really sound like anything you could reasonably write more than five pages about? And the mere thought of setting on a single topic to stick to for entire months is almost panic attack inducing
Okay, I'm going to treat this as a master's thesis, or maybe honours thesis, question. This sounds like a bigger thing than a class project, but correct me if I'm wrong, and I'll see what I can come up with for that.
First of all, you didn't get to the point of having to write a thesis without building up some skills and theoretical knowledge. You just aren't in the greatest position (inside your own head) to know what those are. I recommend asking someone who regularly interacts with your work (like a tutor or prof) to help you figure out what those are.
Second, do you have a thesis advisor? Are they assigned to you, or do you get a say in who? If so, focus more on picking an advisor you work well with before you settle into a topic. Ask the one you end up with about their study areas, and what gaps exist that you could build up with your work. You might not be particularly passionate about the topic they recommend, but knowing that your work has an important place in the literature could help you stay invested.
On a practical note, it never hurts to do some preliminary research into your potential topics. You want to make sure no one else has written the thing you want to write, but your life will be easier if there's a decent amount of source material in the field. You can't write a thesis with only 2 or 3 sources, but you also can't contribute to scientific knowledge by saying something that has already been said half a dozen times.
If you're working with some sort of primary source, there can be some wiggle room here. For example, if I wanted to write a meta-study type paper about bifacial blade cores in BC I wouldn't get very far, because only 2 people have written about that. However, if I wanted to write original research from my own hands-on analysis of those blade cores I could make that work, because the artefacts themselves are my primary source, and I know where to find a few in repositories.
If you have the time and access to go to geological formations, historical documents, interviews with Elders, '70s pop lyrics, etc, you can write about some pretty obscure things and make it work, because you're studying the things themselves. If you have limited time and resources, it might be better to stick closer to the well-trodden academic paths. You don't want to put yourself in a position where you need the primary sources but don't have the means to access them.
And as far as making a connection with recommended topics you're not that interested in, I recommend doing some preliminary digging here too. Is there a niche thing related to one of those topics you like better? Something related but a bit different? Really bad takes in the field you think need to be addressed? An epic academic debate you want to weigh in on? This part Is less about collecting useful data and more about finding where you want to be. This is the time to dig through the drama, follow the rabbit holes, and go off topic if you feel like.
And if none of that works? Talk to your advisor again. Tell them why this isn't working and what you're actually interested in, and maybe they can help you redirect your attention to a topic you'll connect with.
Your best resource for this sort of thing is your thesis advisor, which doesn't always work (sometimes an advisor is a bad fit), but if working with someone helpful who you respect is an option, that's the best way to set yourself up with something you can get invested in. If you don't have an advisor in this setting, see if you can reach out to another prof, colleague, or grad student who's willing to help. Doing things like this alone in your head is rarely the best option.
So some closing thoughts: lots of people have done this before and come out the other side. Most of them were also overwhelmed when they started, and you'll get to look back and go "well that wasn't so bad" eventually.
Your topic isn't on rails. You'll shape your goals and findings as you go along, and it will be a different story in the end than it looked like in the beginning. That's how it usually goes, and that's okay.
You don't need to know what you're talking about, just what you want to talk about.
Talk to people in your field. Ask questions. This is not a thing you need to do alone.
*just to be clear, I haven't actually written a master's thesis, although I've done training workshops on writing them, given advice to lots of people who were, and done a couple extended research projects. Lots of people who will probably see this are doing them, or have done them (you know who you are, I'm looking right at you) and hopefully will chime in with advice based on their experiences.
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houseofhurricane · 1 year
Will the accidental pregnancy spinet be used as a premise to your Elucien fic? I really adore the snippet, I think that they were so in character and just the whole situation seems fitting.
So, funny story, yes, I am very slowly working on turning that snippet into an Elucien fic. I currently have about 11,000 words written but I've been working on other things in between (mostly a giant Dramione fic that has taken over my life, more on that in a bit). I know not everyone loves accidental pregnancy as a trope—and I think it's hard to write well—but I weirdly love it and do want to come back to it, I just have come up with way too much plot and this thing is going to end up being at least 50k words if I do it the way I want to.
However. I have already released part of this fic as a standalone, which is like we dream impossible dreams. This is, shall we say, the inciting incident for the whole accidental pregnancy storyline, also known as straight-up Starfall smut. It's meant to be most of the first chapter of the larger fic.
And, because honestly who knows when I will release the rest—hopefully before 2024 because I like to come back to this fic as stress relief—here's another scene, where Elain tells Nesta she's pregnant and then visits a healer. It needs edits for sure but it has the vibe:
“Tell me what’s wrong,” she says, and the words are the gentlest command Elain has ever heard leave her sister’s lips.
“Lucien and I—” she struggles for the right words, heat on her cheeks, the back of her neck, and then it bursts from her, “I took him to my bed at Starfall, and now I’m pregnant.”
To her credit, Nesta only squeezes Elain’s hand.
“How do you feel?” she asks. “There are potions, if you’d rather not be pregnant. I would get them for you, or find you a healer if you preferred.”
“I’m aware.” Elain tries to focus on how grateful she is that Nesta would help her, to dismiss her annoyance that her sister would think she was so unaware. After all, she hasn’t told Nesta about that corner of the garden, of the small, or of the well-fenced plot where she grows the key ingredients for poisons. And perhaps this secrecy is why they all think so little of her, think she could not be anything more than ornamental. She shakes her head to clear it, clenching her fingers in the towel. “And I am… there are many things to consider, but even if I’m overwhelmed, I’m happy. I want this.”
“We would help you, of course. You’re not chained to Lucien. Unless something has changed between you, and you want to be.” Nesta offers her the glass of water again, and Elain drinks, grateful that the liquid settles easily inside her.
“I don’t know. I haven’t told him.”
“What did he do?” Nesta’s arms are crossed over her chest, her eyes going silver at the edges.
“Nothing. He said it was my choice, if I wanted more than what we had at Starfall.”
“And what do you want, Elain?” The slightest hint of annoyance in her voice should not surprise her as it does. Lucien has become an ally of this court. Still, Nesta used to hate him.
“There is too much between us.” She waves her hand forward, trying to indicate distance, the magnitude of what she sees. “The mating bond, all this future between us, what I feel when I see him… And what would he be like, when he found out his mate was pregnant? You know how Rhys was.”
“Lucien is nothing like Rhys,” Nesta says, and Elain watches her sister smother the anger in her eyes. But Elain can’t forget those weeks after Feyre learned that her child would kill her, and her mate had made them all keep the knowledge from her. The haunted look on Feyre’s face, when she thought no one was looking. 
Nesta had been the only one with anger fierce enough to offer that barbed truth. Which is why Elain sought her first.
“I want to see a healer,” she says. “Not Madja.”
“There are healers in the library,” Nesta says, understanding instantly. “They won’t ask unnecessary questions and they’ll keep your secrets.”
I hope that tides you over for a bit! One day, there will be an entire fic... I just have no idea when that day will be. But I'm glad you're excited about it, because I love this fic too. 🧡
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carpsurprise · 2 years
 ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ flower shop!au sam ... !
→ gender neutral — (they/them pronouns)
→ notes: ok tbh, this is more of a home depot!au because it made more sense for a farmer. but he DOES mention making flower arrangements. give me a break. under a read more so i don’t clog the main tag. tell me if this is boring?? also i’m posting this to ao3. 
→ word count: 1.5k
The deep clinging of brass bells echoed above the farmer’s head as they entered the flower shop, already tinged with sweat on the back of their neck from the weight of the summer. Inside, a boy hunched over on a frail wooden stool sat on his console, his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth in unaltered concentration. The farmer idly wandered about the store, window shopping to see if any fertilizer would come to mind, or if a bird feeder they had dreamed of happened to appear. 
“Oh, hey! DIdn’t see ya come in, my bad!”
The farmer turned around, face-to-face with the boy from behind the counter. He was sweating, just as they were, a thick pink soaked into his cheeks and neck from working in the sun. The air conditioning was working over itself, whirring out in pained cries to fill the tiny shop with some solace from the outside air. 
“Don’t worry about it.” They smiled kindly. “I’m just looking around.”
He nodded, stepping back from them. His apron was an airy lavender, with the name ‘SAM’ written sloppily above the shallow pocket— thick lines and squiggles danced around his name in a joyous, child-like harmony. Gold stars lined up under his name, some peeling off from the mix of canvas fabric and sweat. The farmer had frequented the shop enough before to know that the employees were not rewarded with gold stars. Ignoring their odd realization, they returned their attention back to the lined shelves, stocked full and neat with fertilizers and bird seed.
“I can make arrangements, too, if you’re in the business for those,” he said, almost stuttering with urgency. The farmer looked at him, assuring him with another friendly smile. Their hopes that he would take this silent cue and step away had wilted. “I can get you one for free. Like, a free sample.”
“It’s okay, I’m really just here to look for some flower pots. I got a little distracted looking at these.”
Sam turned his head, allowing the almost pitiful way he tied his hair up off of his neck to finally be shown. The farmer could not even fault him, not with the way the heat had become near parasitic to the land. Even with the air conditioning roaring above them, the weight of the humidity had still managed to crawl into the shop. Excusing themselves, the farmer made their way to the outdoor section.
“Do you need me to show you where the pots are?” Sam called out, standing on the tips of his toes to see above the display stands.
The farmer turned to face him, waving their hand dismissively. “No, thank you! I’m fine,” they yelled back. “Thank you, though!”
They knew exactly where they needed to be: the spinning rack of seeds and the empty pots. Their time looking for seeds was short, immediately retrieving their learned (by trial and error, unfortunately) knowledge of what seeds would work with the amount of time they had left in the season. The shops’ assortment of pots had expanded since the last time they visited, all beautifully crafter and shaped in fun, different ways. 
Wanting some difference for their garden, they strayed from the terracotta pots and into the fancier ones. Even with tight funds, there was never a more opportune time to treat oneself than when buying plants. The glazed ceramic pots stood out against their company, shining in the sun with its finish and large size.
The farmer’s fingers gripped the lipped edges, spinning the pot around to look for any hidden scratches or gashes. Deciding the pot was beautiful as is, they pulled it out into the walkway further, bending down in preparation to lift it. Despite its hollow center, it carried the weight of solid brick. The soreness that accompanied them radiated in their lower back and arms, eliciting a wince and muffled groan from the back of their throat. 
After pushing a deep breath from their nose, their body still bent over the clay pot, they raised their head to peer into the dark windows of the flower shop. Sam was so floaty before their separation, following the farmer’s heels like a loyal dog— or a late-day shadow— and when they needed him most, he seemed to have vanished. His silhouette inside of the shop was pinpointed easily, with his spiked hair out of his small ponytail, towering in height, and in constant motion. Standing in front of him was a smaller shadow, holding up two bird feeders in their hands.
“Dammit,” the farmer cursed under their breath, recognizing the shape of one they held up. 
Feeling envious of another customer snagging what was supposed to become a treat for themself, they channeled their energy into their shoulders in one more attempt to lift the pot. A sharp pain pulsed in their shoulder once more. They rolled both shoulders forward and backward, looking back into the shop for any hope to catch Sam and flag him down.
Sam’s saving grace had appeared after a few minutes, his head poking out from the shop door. “Hey, they, are you still doing alright out here?”
The farmer’s head lifted, snapped up as if they had been dozing off, beaded with sweat and red in the face. He caught on with an immediate rush, breaching himself into the sun and over to the pot anchored in front of the farmer’s feet. His legs separated from each other, ready to brace the weight of solid clay, just before he paused— with his hand held up to his customer— before letting out a sudden sneeze into his elbow.
Their eyebrows furrowed for a split second, before regaining their composure. “Bless you.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Sam responded, lowering himself to cradle the curves of the pot, lifting it and suspending the weight onto the center of his stomach. The farmer jogged before him, holding the door open for him as they returned to the haven of the shop. He thanked them in a strained voice, before continuing to speak. “I’m just allergic to flowers.”
They looked at him carefully, admiring the curves of his face. “Why do you work at a flower shop if you’re allergic to flowers?”
He muttered something under his breath, carefully setting the pot against the counter before dropping it with a thud, retracting his bony fingers quickly. The counter shook under the force of the drop, and Sam hurried himself back to the register with a shaky smile. “I just think they’re pretty cool.”
“Yeah,” the farmer responded simply, looking at the finish on their new pot with a blank look. “I guess so.”
“And my mom really likes them,” he added. 
Picking up the price scanner, he splayed his hands around the curve of the pot, spinning it around. After scanning the same seed packet a few times, he started poking at the buttons of the cash register. The farmer, left to their own devices in their patient waiting, had peeked around the store, looking for any one object to jump out at them— scream their importance— or jog their memory of any forgotten needs. A hanging pot of vibrant red flowers had caught their wandering eye. The bulbs nearly spilled over the sides, vibrant and full of life.
Biting back a surprised gasp, the farmer lifted their finger up to Sam. “So sorry, just give me one moment!” 
Hurrying themself over towards the flowers, they carefully lifted the plastic hook from its hanging home and supported the weight with an opposite hand placed gently underneath it. They returned to Sam’s counter, placing them with the utmost tender care of a gardener. Sam raised his head from the register, looked to the flowers curiously, then back to the farmer. His hand cradled the tag, his eyes scanning across their scientific name in a small, italicized font, with the price and barcode just below it, and the sun bleached caring instructions. Letting go of the tag, Sam reached to grab a paper bag.
“That comes out to,” he paused, looking back at the screen, “seventeen gold.”
The farmer moved their hand to turn the price tag to verify the price.
“Don’t worry about that!” He grinned. “Those are on me.”
“Oh,” they cried out, moving their hand to touch one of the velvet petals. “Thank you so much, that’s so kind.”
Sam shook his head, handing their bag to them with a gentle hand. “I can help you get that out to your care, if you need me to.”
The farmer hummed, eyeing the deep blue of the pot before placing their bag inside of it, setting their new flowers on top. Hugging it awkwardly, they lifted it from the counter. While the pain in their back began to rip into their muscles, it was not nearly as agonizing as lifting from the ground. Sticking their head out from around the pot, they let a strained smile stretch across their face. “I got it, I think. Thank you, though.”
He smiled at them, still pink in the cheeks. “Anytime.” The farmer kept their grin, watching the pink of his face deepen into a reddish tone. “Come back to the shop soon.”
“I guess I’ll have to, huh?”
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socialc1imb · 2 years
I need more fics to read and I've already read DotF. What other fics are living rent free in your head?
okay so the issue is not every fic that lives rent free in my head is LOZ or LU related so i cannot guarantee you will even know and/or enjoy them but i am going to recommend them anyways because i love them so very dearly
Here we go, starting with LOZ/LU fics we got...
What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor by @ohlookanothercartoontofallinto - Wind willingly risks his life to save Twilight and Legend and is a badass the entire time, even when he is literally running on fumes. I love how Wind is portrayed in this fic so much and i think about this story a lot.
Call Them Brothers by @wutheringmights - this one. THIS ONE. I really honestly have no words to even describe this one other than that despite being the most fear and anxiety inducing fic i have ever read it is also the most amazingly written story and i am both afraid and so excited to see where it goes. The contrast between present and past is so well done and I love how Warriors is both the protagonist and also the antagonist depending on which perspective you're reading from. It's so amazing oh my gosh y'all.
Heart on Your Armour by c_c_cherry and Jade_green - Not only is this a fantastic fic about Twilight and his knowledge of The Hero's Shade, but it has also spawned one of the flipping funniest inside jokes between myself and my friends so it lives rent free in my head so so so often.
Setting Suns by Nova16 - I. love Tetra and Link. So much. SO MUCH. And this fic just solidified that for real.
Finding a Way Home Again by Me ! - Am i allowed to suggest my own fics?? Because um. I mean. It is in my head rent free. Anyways. It's been six years since the events of Linked Universe, and now Wind finds himself with (some of) his brothers once again.
Enter the Wild by StardustAndAsh - Your standard "The Chain Meets Wild" fic series except it's one of the first LU/LOZ fics I ever read and I think about it so often because yes. YES. This is Wild. That's the Wild i choose to believe is canon.
For fics that I love from other fandoms we have...!
Exiled to the Night Shift by scribble_stars (DSMP) - This was one of the first ever Dream SMP fics I read and I actually love it so much, especially considering that I'm not a huge fan of the "modern" aus. But this one gets a pass. It's a banger fr.
There is nothing under the Graveyard by Me (KaspiaSMP, Horror AU) - This entire series started because of a joke on twitter, but then quickly became a full fledged horror story that I still love so dearly. It is based off of Kaspia SMP, a minecraft server that I am on with a ton of my closest friends, and yes, they stream and do lore!!! This server is very interesting.
of aspen crowns and catskin down by lamphouse (TAZ:Balance) - THIS IS HANDS DOWN. THE BEST FIC. It is def in my top three fics I've ever read because Holllllllyyyy Shizzzzzz. Paranormal ghost story type beat?? Vintage au??? MYSTERIES??? It's perfect.
This is all I can think of atm but maybe I will add onto this over time we shall see-
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dsudis · 1 year
15 for the ask meme :)
15. A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be?
So like, setting aside all the reasons why in real life the answer would be "a thousand times no and also I need to fake my death, etc" and the more boring "whichever one they would pay me enough for the option rights that I could quit my job secure in the knowledge that no one will ever get around to making the movie" uhhh...
Man I went to bed last night thinking it would be Don't You Shake Alone because a movie about two Iraq War vets coping with PTSD and a newborn and slowly recognizing that they already fell in love before this story ever started and all that's left is to work out how they're going to build a life together... I mean, yeah, I want that movie to exist, but so much of it takes place quietly inside Brad's head that I suspect it would not translate well? If I could be promised that it would, I would go for that one just because I would like to really truly see Alexander Skarsgard spend solidly half of a long quiet thoughtful movie cradling a tiny baby in his big competent hands--
Uh, what was I saying?
Oh! Yeah. Uh. Assuming that that's a little too fanciful even for this meme's purposes, I shall really enjoy the fantasy of finding out that Dean Devlin read Jigsaw and cried all over it and wants to produce it as a canonical alternate universe(s) SG-1 miniseries, because that is probably the thing I've written that exists most solidly in my mind as a set of scenes and sequences that look like the show, and I think it would actually translate pretty readily to the screen, because Jack's POV is so opaque to Jack himself (and Sam's is honestly not much better) that you really do not lose a lot having to show it all from the outside.
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ecargmura · 1 year
A Magic Steeped In Poison - Book Review
AAPI heritage month already passed, but I’ll be reviewing a book written by an Asian author! Well, I chose to read this book not because of the special month, but because I wanted to read more books written by Asian and Asian American authors. I think my fondness for Asian authors stemmed from me liking manga and also Tablo’s Pieces of You.
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I found this book when I was book shopping in Walmart. Yes, I shop for books at Walmart. I held off from reading it for a while since I had other books to read. When I finally got to it, I was excited.
Fortunately, the premise of the book is good. Magical tea magic with Chinese mythology? How unique! I am an avid tea drinker, so I was immersed in the world Judy Lin created with tea magic having the power to do anything from discerning truth from lies, peering into the future, etc. It felt like I was a Shennong-shi in this alternate reality of China.
The main character Zhang Ning wants to find a cure for her poisoned sister, so she decides to head to the capital where they are holding a tournament for tea magic apprentices, shennong-tu, in order to become acknowledged by the Princess. However, the catch is that she’s actually not a true apprentice and that she’s only taking her sister’s place because competing is the only choice she has. However, she still has a vast knowledge of tea magic and capable, which is why she’s still able to survive in the tournament.
What I love most about this book other than its premise is Lin’s detailed writing. She is very detailed when describing things and it helps me paint a visual picture of what the world, food, characters, and tea all look like. Her flowery descriptives are amazing to read. Despite her flowery words, I think my favorite portion of the story was when Ning was healing Ruyi, the princess’s handmaiden. Inside Ruyi’s body contained a very grotesque three-headed snake that could be or could not be a spirit. The way Lin described how it looks and its movements really grossed me out. I commend Lin for being able to write beautifully.
While the premise and writing style are strong, it doesn’t mean it’s perfect. There are many flaws in the overall writing execution. The story starts off with Ning on her way to the capital. I sort of wished the story started a bit before her travels, precisely, the moment she had realized she had poisoned her sister Shu. All the moments of Ning mentioning she had poisoned her did not compel me as much since it was more “told” than “shown”.
The tournament was a bit of a miss for me. Tournaments story arcs in general can be a hit or miss. Especially in manga, they’re either a hit or a miss, depending on the execution as they can be a rinse and repeat of the same thing but written by different authors. How was this tournament arc? It was a bit of a slog to read, honestly. I think what it lacked was more distinctive characters? Like, I wanted to see a rival for Ning or someone who’s always one step ahead of her and pushes Ning to her upmost potential. It was interesting, but given that 90% of the story focused on this one tournament felt like a bit of a let down. However, I did like the sudden twist at the end of it.
The characters that aren’t Ning are quite interesting. Lian’s sassy; she’s my favorite. Princess Zhen has something going on with her handmaiden Ruyi and I love it. Kang’s a bit iffy for me. I do like how they’re all essential for Ning to develop and none of them seem out of place or just there for a need of a minor character.
The ending of the story definitely shows the need for a continuation. There is a sequel, A Venom Dark and Sweet. I’ll try to buy it when I can after I take a break. While I want to read it, I’m dreading over the fact that the last few chapters was building up for a revolution arc. In all honesty, I dislike revolution arcs. I just feel like they’re the same thing. MC gets dragged into revolution, teams up with people to stop the big bad, big bad turns out to not be the big bad and there’s an even bigger bad behind the big bad, and biggest bad gets destroyed and everyone lives happily ever after. I think reading Mockingjay made me dislike revolution arcs. I just hope this one won’t be rushed like how that book kind of was.
Overall, I give this book a 4/5. I think it’s a perfect representation of the capabilities of what Asian-American authors can do! The book industry is rough for us Asians and I’ll support them by reading more AAPI books! If possible, give me a recommendation! Also, let me know your thoughts on this book if you have read it!
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