#but also from deadly wizards
grimbiliah · 2 months
I don’t remember if it was NADDPOD or some other piece of media that put the idea in my mind that the circles of hell represented the deadly sins, but I was thinking about it recently for a dnd campaign I’m running and realized it dnd make sense because there are 7 sins and 9 circles.
The main reason I was thinking about this was because in said campaign the players have a necklace with a big gemstone on it in which lived an evil wizard who can’t leave. He’s been in there for a while, and some things have changed while he’s been trapped.
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So after I had this realization about the circles and the sins I thought it would be really funny if the wizard remembers their being 7 circles for the 7 sins and is baffled by the fact that their are 9 circles now.
“What, did they add 2 sins? Is murder and larceny bad now?”
I don’t actually know what the two extra sins would be, so lmk if you have a funny idea.
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cleo-fox · 6 months
Summary: It was all fun and games until Loki started wearing that goddamn sweater.
Pairing: Loki x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Minors DNI, dirty talk, praise kink, teasing, orgasm delay, sex, vaginal fingering, godly refractory periods, kitchen sex, semi public sex, Loki in a sweater.
A/N: My explanation for this one is that I saw too many pictures of Tom Hiddleston in a sweater and it gave me thoughts.
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Being an Avenger has made you pretty good at rolling with the punches. After your third or fourth encounter with some alien/wizard/android bullshit, your perspective is fundamentally altered and real life seems manageable in a way that it didn’t before. You have to call your insurance company to dispute a claim? Big deal, you’ve negotiated with terrorists; you can handle Garth from Member Services.
The thing is, having that kind of perspective means that the things that do get to you can rattle you a lot more than they should. Natasha had warned you about that, but you were riding high on the thrill of successfully conquering Blue Cross Blue Shield and you kind of got to thinking she was exaggerating.
And then the seasons started to turn and Loki started wearing that goddamn sweater.
You can recognize when someone is out of your league. When you first moved into the Tower, it had been relatively easy for you to assign Loki to that category: he was a god. He’d been featured in last month’s GQ. You were mortal and your most recent press had been a TMZ story featuring unflattering paparazzi photos of you leaving a bodega in your pajamas at seven o’clock in the morning, a bagel halfway into your mouth. You were clearly not the same.
Up until the sweater, you’d managed to keep your cool around Loki and keep your attraction confined to daydreams and the occasional surreptitious lustful glance. Hell, you’d even had the nerve to be proud of yourself for keeping your shit together in front of him.
The sweater lays waste to all of that.
On the surface, it doesn’t seem like a sweater that is capable of completely destroying your carefully constructed composure. It’s a fairly standard crew neck in a deep green so dark it almost looks black at a first glance. But on Loki it just…does things to you. The fabric is well fitted, clinging to his biceps, pulling taut across his chest, emphasizing the line of his pectorals. It somehow accentuates how muscular he is while also still making him look lean and lithe.
The first time he wears it, you find your eyes just trail to him of their own volition, like an incredibly horny moth to the flame. It’s a day of catching yourself staring, panicking, pretending that you were actually looking at something else, and then repeating the process five minutes later when your gaze inevitably wandered again. It almost would have been funny if it didn’t put your blood pressure into the stratosphere.
To make matters worse, at the end of that day’s debriefing, he rises from his chair and raises his arms to the ceiling in a long stretch. The hem of the sweater creeps up, exposing the firm, flat muscles of his stomach, lightly dusted with a trail of hair that meanders in a tantalizing path down to his belt buckle.
You promptly choke on your own spit. Clint claps you hard on the back and asks if you’re okay, which is a question you don’t know how to answer (ultimately, you stick to a thumbs up and mumble something about dust getting caught in your throat). Loki is too preoccupied complaining about the entire concept of office furniture to notice. Or at least you’re pretty sure he doesn’t notice.
You might have been okay if that had been the only incident, but the sweater makes a repeat appearance on Friday. The following Tuesday features the deadly combination of the sweater with a pair of tight, dark wash jeans that nearly send you into cardiac arrest. Your fantasies suddenly become much more frequent and detailed.
You are not really sure what to do about this—it’s not like you can talk to anyone about it, nor can you ask him to stop wearing it without prompting some very uncomfortable questions. The idea that you’ll get used to it is laughable. 
You look at your calendar and note that spring is six months away. At least.
Fucking hell.
It’s a Saturday afternoon and in a strange quirk of scheduling, almost everyone is out of town for a mission or a personal obligation, leaving the Tower unusually quiet. As much as you enjoy the daily clatter and chaos that comes with living here, you find a lot of comfort in these moments of quiet, however infrequent they may be.
You intended to make yourself a late afternoon snack. That was the plan, anyway. But as you’re standing at the kitchen counter and cutting up the fruit you just washed, you realize that you’re not entirely alone. From this vantage point, you can see Loki lounging on the couch in the next room and reading.
He’s wearing the sweater. Of course he’s wearing the sweater. And the so-tight-they-should-be-illegal dark wash jeans.
You have the sense to set the knife down at least. The last thing you need is a trip to the hospital because you got too distracted by your hot colleague while handling a knife.
You let your gaze travel along the firm muscles of his chest. It’s just a sweater. It shouldn’t look this good. It shouldn’t prompt these kinds of thoughts. And yet…
He shifts on the couch and the hem of the sweater creeps up. His hand drops to his belt buckle. It’s entirely appropriate, but the way his long, long fingers are splayed against his stomach makes your mind drop straight to the gutter and wonder what they’d look like wrapped around his rock hard co—
“You know, it’s rude to stare.”
His voice comes from behind you and adrenaline surges through you like an electric shock. The Loki on the couch looks up at you and smirks before disappearing in a shimmer of green.
You wonder if it’s possible to die of embarrassment and a heart attack all at the same time. It certainly feels like you’re about to.
You take a deep breath and try to collect yourself, which feels largely futile. Come on, get it together. You’ve negotiated with terrorists and insurance companies. Shake it off.
You slowly turn around, cheeks burning. Loki is standing right behind you, arms folded across his chest. You swallow.
“I um. I was—I was just…” Words escape you as your brain fires in every direction except a helpful one.
“You were just what?” His expression is intense, but you’re not sure that he’s angry.
“Spacing out,” you say, trying to infuse your voice with confidence that you absolutely do not feel.
He places his hands on the counter behind you, intentionally caging you in with his body. You are overwhelmed by the scent of him—a masculine, wintery musk that makes you want to bury your face against his chest.
“Try again,” he says. His voice is deep enough to rattle your bones.
You swallow. Everything you could possibly say seems wildly inadequate.
Loki has never been one to be at a loss for words, though, and after a moment of terrified silence from you, he continues speaking.
“I’ve noticed something curious over these past few weeks,” he says. “When I wear this sweater, you can’t seem to take your eyes off of me.”
Your heart is pounding. Fucking hell. Have you really been that obvious?
“Now why is that?” he asks, his voice a low purr.
You briefly consider trying to lie again, but the piercing green of his eyes instantly makes you rethink it. “I um…” You swallow hard. “It’s just…it suits you. You…you look good.”
He raises an eyebrow. “I look good?”
You nod.
“Interesting.” His lips twitch in a slight smirk as he looks you up and down. “And how does that make you feel?”
Your heart thuds in your chest, your stomach contorting with a strange combination of fear and desire. You’re still humiliated, but the sound of his voice and the dark intensity of his gaze is intoxicating and incredibly arousing.
“I don’t—I don’t know how to answer that question.”
“Oh, I think you do.” There’s a rawness in his voice that makes your cunt clench.
You shake your head, eyes wide. You’re pretty sure he’s not really mad, but you also don't know where this is going. Surely he’s not making a pass at you…right?
“How does it make you feel to see me in this sweater?” he continues, his voice a low whisper. He pauses for a moment and when you don’t answer, he continues. “Does it…arouse you, perhaps?”
Holy fuck.
This can’t be happening.
You try to think of something clever or sexy, but the bluntness of the question and the fire in his eyes kills whatever remaining brain cells you have left. Mutely, you nod.
There’s that smirk again as he licks his lips. “Are you wet right now?”
Your cheeks burn. You give the tiniest nod possible.
“Hmm.” His hand alights on the button of your jeans. “I believe you Midgardians have a saying that is appropriate here: trust, but verify.” He slips the button free and your heart pounds like a war drum in your chest. 
You cannot believe this is happening.
“You haven’t been entirely truthful in this conversation.” His palm presses flat against your stomach, the tips of his fingers slipping under the waistband of your underwear. “So I’m afraid I’m going to have to see for myself.”
His hand is achingly slow, creeping lower and lower. He watches you intently as his hand cups your sex, seemingly cataloging the way your breath hitches and all the little shivers that run through you.
His middle finger finally slides between your folds and you can’t help but moan.
“Oh, you did lie to me,” he growls, his index finger joining his middle, both sliding up to circle your clit. “You’re not wet, you’re soaked.”
Your legs are already starting to tremble and you grab on to his shoulders to try and steady yourself. The fabric of the sweater is softer than a cloud against your hands.
“Sopping wet,” he continues, trapping your right leg between his thighs and the counter, the heavy weight of his erection pressing eagerly against your hip. “And this is all for me?”
Wordlessly, you nod. There’s no point in denying it—and you don’t think he wants you to, either.
“What am I going to do about this?” he muses. His index and middle fingers lightly circle your clit again and you whimper.
“Don’t stop,” you gasp. “Please don’t stop.”
“Don’t stop?” he says. His tone is one of light curiosity, like you’re just chatting casually about the weather. “But if I continue, you’re almost certainly going to come.”
“Yes,” you gasp. “Please.”
“Oh, you want me to make you come?” You can hear the smirk in his voice. “Right here in the middle of the kitchen?”
You nod.
“Anyone could walk in, though,” he purrs. “Anyone could come in and see me with my fingers buried in your dripping cunt. What would they think if they saw you so utterly debauched and at my mercy, begging for me to make you come?”
“Don’t care…” you gasp. How are you already so close?
He raises an eyebrow. “You don’t care what they’d think if they saw us like this?”
You shake your head.
“Oh, you must be desperate.” He adjusts his hand, his thumb taking up the rhythm on your clit while his index finger sinks into your slick channel, making you gasp.
“Loki, please—”
“Begging already,” he says, not letting up in his rhythm. “Has it been a long time, sweetheart? When did you last feel this good?”
It’s not a question you can answer. You don’t know that anyone ever has made you feel like this. You moan, your hips bucking hard against his hand.
“Poor thing,” he tuts. “You’re clearly desperate for it. What kinds of filthy thoughts have you had about me?” he purrs. “I’ve seen you staring, I’ve heard your breath hitch. Have you touched yourself while thinking of me?”
You manage a nod and his smile turns feral. “When was the last time?”
“Last…last night,” you gasp.
“How many times did you come?”
“Filthy girl.” His free hand slides up to cradle the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair as he tips your head back. “Next time, all you have to do is ask.”
His mouth covers yours, his tongue pushing past your lips as he slides a second finger into you. You moan into his mouth as the pressure in your hips increases.
“Oh yes, let me hear all of those pretty noises,” he murmurs. “Are you going to let me fuck you against the counter after I make you come?”
You nod, whimpering.
“Good girl,” he purrs. “I think you need to be fucked properly and hard. Is that what you need?”
“Yes,” you gasp.
“Mmm, that’s what I thought. This cunt is just too wet and needy for any other treatment.” He draws back to look at you more fully, giving you a lazy, hungry smile. “You’re about to lose it all over my fingers, aren’t you?”
Your orgasm is cresting, the tingling pressure in your hips becoming unbearable. You nod, lost for words.
With one more smirk, he curls his fingers inside of you. “Come for me, pretty girl, let me see you.”
Your cunt spasms around his thrusting fingers and your whole body shudders as your orgasm overtakes you, your head tipping back as you cry out.
“Oh, that’s it,” he murmurs, “there’s my good girl.”
A shiver runs through you at his words, your hips still moving against his hand, trying to draw out every last ripple of pleasure.
He kisses you as you come down from your high, and you take the opportunity to run your hands over his chest and tentatively feel the hard planes of muscle that you’ve been staring at these last few weeks. But after a few moments, he takes your hand and guides it to his cock.
His preference for leather pants or those sinfully tight dark wash jeans made you suspect that the size of his ego might actually be proportionate to the size of his cock and your initial assessment seems to confirm that theory. You rub your fingers over the denim that covers his thick shaft, feeling yourself grow even wetter at the low groan he makes in the back of his throat.
“Take my cock out.” His voice is so deep and his eyes are so smoldering, it feels like the command goes straight to your cunt. You are practically trembling with anticipation as your shaking hands  make quick work of the button, buckle, and zipper.
You can’t help but suck in a breath when his cock comes into view. He’s long and deliciously thick—big enough to be a little intimidating, but not overwhelmingly so.
He guides your hand to wrap around his shaft. He barely fits in your hand. “Look at what you’ve done to me,” he says, his voice raspy as he guides your hand to stroke his cock. “Feel how hard I am for you, feel how much I want you.”
His cock practically pulses with need, the tip slick with pre-come and you grasp him more firmly, your cunt pulsing as he gives a deeply satisfying groan.
You stroke him from base to tip, squeezing lightly. He groans again. “They told me to stay away from you, you know,” he says.
You aren’t so far gone that you can let this information slip by. “What? Who?”
“Stark. Rogers. Romanoff. My brother.” He reaches behind you and shoves the fruit and cutting board into the side, the knife clattering into the sink. “They saw how I looked at you,” he says. “They saw that I wanted you. They told me you were too good for me. Too sweet.”
You feel your jeans and underwear melt away in a shimmer of green and he lifts you easily onto the counter.
His eyes flash with desire. “I wonder what they’d say if they knew you’d let me fuck you raw in the middle of the kitchen?”
For a brief moment, frustration almost wins out over your lust. “We could have done this sooner?”
His gaze turns serious. “Darling, we could have done this the moment we met, but I’m told a handshake is more appropriate.”
You take a breath, about to embark on a rant about the individuals he’d named and how they hadn’t even asked, they’d just assumed, but Loki puts a hand up against your mouth.
“Don’t make me wait any longer,” he says. There’s a sincerity and a need in his gaze that you’ve never seen before and it’s enough to calm your anger for just a moment.
“Okay,” you say, wrapping your legs around his waist and angling your hips toward his, “but clear your schedule because I’m gonna need you to fuck me a lot to make up for all that time.”
His grin is feral as he pushes into you.
You shiver at the blunt stretch of his cock, your hands gripping his broad shoulders. He indulges in a low groan as his hips press flush against yours.
“If I’d known they were keeping me from this tight cunt, I would’ve done something sooner,” he rasps. “You feel absolutely perfect.”
“Please,” you breathe, “I need—please.”
His hips snap hard against yours and you moan, your head tipping back.
His eyes glitter as he pulls you close, pressing his mouth against your ear. “The next time I have you, I will be sweet and soft.”
“And this time?” you ask, though you think you already know the answer.
“This time—” His mouth presses against the curve of your neck, teeth scraping just this side of too hard against the tender skin. “—I’m going to utterly ruin you.”
His pace is fast and rough—the word possessive comes to mind. You twist the luxurious fabric of his sweater in your hands as his cock hits that sweet, aching spot inside of you, pressing against your sensitive cunt in a way that makes your muscles spasm and clench around him. You moan, a shiver rolling through you as you inch closer to release.
“I’m…fuck, I’m getting close,” you gasp.
His pace abruptly slows and his grin is wide and his eyes are dancing with mirth when he raises his head from your shoulder.
“That was unnecessary,” you say with a scowl.
“Oh, I just want to savor you for a little longer, my love,” he purrs as he settles into an easy and slow pace that still makes your toes curl. “You’re going to take me right over the edge with you and I’ve waited so terribly long to have you.”
“I feel like you’re probably omitting the fact that you like being a tease,” you say.
He grins again, increasing his pace ever so slightly. “Both things can be true.”
He does this a few times—taking up a wicked pace that almost sends you hurtling over the edge, only to slow at the last possible moment, silencing your whimpering protests with a deep and slow kiss that is good enough to make you forgive him until a few minutes later when he does it all over again.
You hold out for as long as you can, but eventually, the ache in your hips overwhelms you.
“Loki,” you breathe when his pace again begins to increase. “Please don’t stop.”
“Don’t stop?” he rasps, somehow finding the concentration to raise an eyebrow. “You’re quite sure?”
You nod.
“You want to come all over my cock?”
Speech is slightly beyond you at this point, but you manage to gasp a desperate plea as you hurtle into the final plateau, right before the fall.
Loki regards you with that same playful look as he fucks you. You wait, unsure of what he’s going to do, your body desperately crying out for your release.
His lips curl into a smile. “Come for me, sweet thing.”
At the sound of his voice, every one of your muscles is tensing and releasing, the slick walls of your cunt clamping down hard on the thick girth of his cock as you shudder and moan.
The remnants of Loki’s composure are fraying, his eyes closed and his jaw slack as he chases his own end. His brow furrows and he throws his head back, letting out a low groan as he comes and you think it might be the best sound you’ve ever heard.
You sag against him as you both come down from your respective highs, his heart beating hard under the soft fabric of his sweater. He reaches for your face, tilting your head back so he can kiss you, impossibly slow and soft.
You’re in the middle of the kitchen. You understand this. In a wholly rational world, you would be quick to hop off the counter, quick to try and negotiate the return of your jeans from whatever pocket dimension he’s sent them to.
Instead, you find yourself wanting to stay in this moment, with his arms wrapped around you, his cock still pulsing inside you as he kisses you breathless.
You count to ten, then twenty. At forty, you draw back slightly, only to have him pull you back into the kiss.
It’s somewhere after one hundred when he trails his lips to your neck and you manage to say what you intended: “We should probably…” you trail off as he sucks at your pulse point, sending a shiver down your spine.
“We should probably what?” he murmurs against your neck, before tracing a lazy figure eight with the tip of his tongue.
It takes you a moment to find that sentence. “Get dressed and such.”
You feel the sharp press of his smile against your skin. “I think not.”
Before you can open your mouth to say anything, the kitchen is fading in a shimmer of green to an unfamiliar bedroom and the two of you tumble into a bed draped in green silk.
“I’d like to stay like this for a while,” he says, a smile playing at his lips as he slowly rolls his hips against you, somehow still impossibly hard. “In fact, I think I need to have you again.”
“I can live with that,” you say. You tug at the fabric of his sweater. “But this is going to have to go.”
His gaze is smoldering and his bare skin is suddenly pressed against yours as the sweater and the rest of your clothes disappear in that familiar shimmer of green.
“Will you like me as much without it?” he asks, rolling his hips against you.
You drag your fingernails up along the firm muscles of his back. “I think I’ll manage.”
“Good,” he says, leaning in to kiss you, “because as I understand it, we have quite a lot of time to make up for.”
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tossawary · 8 months
The visible camp and sleeping setups in Baldur's Gate 3 make no sense for many reasons, but the one I'm focused on now is... where did all of this stuff COME from?
Presumably there's some in-universe explanation about fully furnished tents that you can summon or a magical bag or whatever, but I don't particularly care, honestly. Handwaving the exact mechanics in favor of fun fic ideas.
It doesn't make much sense for all of the characters to have even magical camping gear at the ready, especially at the beginning of the game: Lae'zel was part of a larger force and may not have been in charge of supplies in any fashion, and Astarion is a city boy. As far as I can remember and understand it, Gale and Shadowheart are the magical ones, and Shadowheart is the only one between them who was actually intentionally traveling on a quest. Wyll and Karlach having camping gear, yes, I buy that (although it easily could have been wrecked by or lost during all the shit that they've been through), but you also meet them both a little later than the others.
It is FAR funnier to me to imagine the party, post-crash at the beginning, being absolutely WRECKED. Everyone is covered in mind flayer ship slime, blood, and ash. Shadowheart's eyeliner is dripping down her face and there are guts in her hair. Astarion when you first meet him is a MESS who tried to fix himself up after tripping into a river. Lae'zel is missing half her clothes, perhaps, due to the fighting on the ship earlier, and she's making the awkwardness everyone else's problem.
They have no food (Lae'zel suggested cannibalism as a joke, but no one could tell that it was a joke) and one water skin. Their armor and weapons are damaged or stolen. Everyone is resigned to sleeping in the dirt, because the only other option is sharing Shadowheart's ONE single-person tent and bedroll between them all. A cuddle pile seems like a potentially deadly option.
And then they all meet Gale. And I know that he's Mr. Stay In My House For A Year Post-Break-Up, so he doesn't really seem like a camping guy, but it's really funny to me to imagine everyone being Not Very Happy to have Gale joining them (his robes are actually cleanish somehow, what the fuck, that's not fair, fucking wizards), until he starts summoning plush furniture and cooking pots out of some pocket dimension and heating water for people so they can wash their hair. And he COOKS. Holy shit. Everyone's favorite party member immediately.
Yes, it is revealed later on all of the (possibly dubiously real) tents and luxurious cushions and blankets and mirrors and atmospheric magical torches that Gale is summoning WERE all part of former magical romantic fuck-pads from his days with Mystra, so there is a non-zero chance that Gale fucked or got fucked by a goddess on every single piece of furniture in the camp. ("They're CLEAN!" Gale insists. "I WASHED THEM.") But at that point no one is willing to give up their throw pillows or sexy furs or the bathtub that could fit two people, so they all just live with it.
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beachylupin · 8 months
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Werewolves of London || Remus Lupin x American!Fem!Reader
i've crawled out of writing slump hell to publish this. i really hope you all enjoy. feedback is always appreciated :-) let me know if you'd like to see more! <3 pt. 2 here word count: 3.6k warnings: talking about children being turned, mentions of a weapon, maybe a few swear words, i literally can't think of anything else
“You’re looking for the Leaky Cauldron in London,” the gruff-sounding man said over the phone. “Where are you calling from?”
“Heathrow?” You said, sounding confused. Where else would you be calling from? “Am I supposed to be somewhere else?”
“Right…” he muttered into the phone, shushing the person who was talking behind him. “You didn’t apparate to King’s Cross from there?”
“I didn’t know I was supposed to,” you mumbled as he said, “Could’ve just apparated instead of just taking a plane.”
“Have you apparated across an ocean?” You quipped, and he stopped grumbling. “Listen, I’ll figure it out, okay? Should I catch the tram to King’s Cross and call you when I get there? Or would you like me to apparate to somewhere I’ve never been?”
“Just take the bloody tram. We’ll send someone to meet you,” he grumbled, half-talking to the person behind him before hanging up abruptly.
You stood confused for a beat before hanging up the phone, quietly apologizing to the person behind you for taking so long.
Following the signs, you made it to the tram, boarding just before the doors closed.
You sat, keeping your luggage on your lap and you looked around at the other passengers. You were sure they could tell you weren’t from here.
You had on a long, leather duster jacket, hiding a dark green top and a pair of black bell bottoms. Tapping your heels to the song playing on your walkman, you ignored them, staring out the window at the underground darkness.
It wasn’t strange being called somewhere else. As someone who worked as an herbalist and potioneer who specialized in harvesting monkshood and brewing the difficult potion invented a few years prior, this was your job.
You were a board member of the Lycanthropy Regulation and Control Committee at the Magical Congress of the United States of America. It was your duty to try and prevent them from coming into towns and completely ravaging them by giving them wolfsbane when they were caught.
Wolfsbane, monkshood, or aconite was deadly. If it was harvested by someone inexperienced, they could simply die. For a lycanthrope, this was their saving grace. This miracle plant is what kept them human.
You were here to help develop a type of werewolf resolution, Project Blue, for what a leader of sorts, Mr. Moody, had called “The Order.” You thought of this group as the resistance to whatever race war had been started here.
This resolution would be developed in secret by both you and the maker of the wolfsbane potion, Damocles Belby, and it had to remain a secret. You had received a list of names that could know exactly what you were doing attached to a different letter from Mr. Dumbledore, and you assumed the rest were to be left in the dark.
Mr. Dumbledore also gave you a protector, who was called Moony. You were given specific instructions to board with this Mr. Moony and tell nobody only if they told you the code word: blue. To anyone unsuspecting, blue is just a color, but to someone who knew about the project, it meant the color of the solution: wolfsbane.
The war really must have been in full swing, and considering that you were an American half-blood, you were stepping into dangerous territory.
Sure, the United States had its fair share of war, but it was the mixing pot of the world. Pure blood, half blood, or no-maj born: a wizard was a wizard. You had always been treated just the same.
Werewolves, however? They were something else completely. The United States werewolf was one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Having endless room to roam, they often lived outside of civilization, only coming in when they needed someone new to join their tribe.
This meant taking the children in quiet towns and turning them into werewolves so that by the time that they were fully grown and strong, they had no memories of being a human. 
These were the werewolves that you typically saw: mangy, feral, and insisting that they didn’t need wolfsbane. Nearly all of them had never taken it before, spending their whole werewolf existence in the wild, losing themselves completely, even when they weren’t in their wolf form.
It was devastating, not only for the families of these children, but for the werewolves that were doing their part to prevent anyone else from getting this terrible disease.
The werewolves of London and the surrounding area were almost always docile. Having taken wolfsbane from the moment they turned, they’d given up the desire to live a feral life.
However, there was a pack that was a danger to The Order. A pack that led the American lifestyle and stayed away unless they needed a new member. One led by Fenrir Greyback. A name that put shivers down anyone’s spine.
The tram screeched to a stop at King’s Cross, and you got off, immediately finding a phone. You dialed the number again.
“Who am I looking for?” You asked as a now different louder man coughed.
“Uhhh-” He cupped the receiver, his shouting muffled. “Aye! Who’d we send again?” Someone answered him and he loudly removed his hand. “A blonde girl! My age! Pretty.”
“How am I supposed to know your age?” You asked, looking around for a blonde girl. “I can’t see you.”
“Oh… Um, right,” he mumbled, covering the receiver again. “Hey! How would you describe Marlene?!” His shouting was muffled again, but this time, the phone was forcibly taken from him, a girlish huff breathing into the receiver.
“Right, you’re looking for a girl named Marlene McKinnon.” This girl sounded exasperated, shushing the laughter behind her. “She left here wearing leather trousers and a feather duster coat. ‘M sure she’s wearing a beret,” she said as you looked around King’s Cross.
You found who fit the bill immediately, dressed in exactly what the girl described.
“I found her! Thank you!” You breathed. “I’ll probably see you in a little bit.”
“Most likely!” She sounded like she was smiling. “Goodbye, and safe travels!”
Hanging up the phone, you picked your luggage up again, weaving through the small crowd to where the pretty blonde was standing.
She looked to be about in her late teens. Her makeup was sparkly and dark, and she had on about a million necklaces. The feather duster coat was gaudy. Nearly everything about her was gaudy.
“Marlene?” You asked as soon as you approached her. You introduced yourself, taking her ringed hand into your gloved one.
“You must be our gal!” She said, pulling you into a tight hug. “How was your flight?”
You shrugged. “Long.”
“Bloody hell, I can only imagine,” she said, her hand still in yours as she pulled you through the station. “Leaky is just a few blocks down!”
Marlene finally let go of your hand as soon as you were out of the busy station and in the rainy September air. “Have you been to London before?”
You shook your head. “I’ve never been over the ocean.”
“Ooh, first time?” She asked, her eyebrows raised. “We’ll have to show you a good one then.”
“Well, I’m here on business,” you said, desperately trying to keep up with her. “I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time to have fun.”
“How long are you here for?” She asked.
You shrugged, genuinely not knowing. “However long it takes for it to get developed.”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “What’s it?”
“I’m not supposed to disclose that information,” you said quietly, looking at your feet. At least to you.
Marlene glanced at you, her expression unreadable. “Well, I’m sure you’ll still have time.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly, but not wanting to argue, you continued on after her, your luggage clattering on behind you.
The Leaky Cauldron was a hole-in-the-wall type of pub. It was no wonder they were allowed to be in downtown London without worrying about no-majs coming in.
It was fairly busy, and Marlene quickly bee-lined to the back where there was a secluded table full of people. She mumbled something before sitting down, and they all turned to look at you as you excused yourself past a group of open-mouthed witches.
“Hi everyone,” you said, tucking your hair behind your ears once you set your luggage down. You scanned their surprisingly young faces. “Who was the first person I talked to on the phone? Um.. Mr. Alastor M-” Moony? Moody?
“Moody?” The raven-haired boy said. You nodded, eyebrows raised hopefully. “He left.”
“He left?” You asked, scoffing when everyone at the table nodded. “Why?”
“You took too long,” he replied as if it was an easy answer. “He’ll be ‘round tomorrow morning with everyone else.”
“I told you that you’d have time,” Marlene said, smiling tightly. “Things don’t get done around here unless you stick us to it. The rest of ‘em are old.”
“They’re busy,” another boy corrected her.
“Great,” you sighed. “Well, in that case-” You pinched off your leather gloves and stuck your hand out to the raven-haired boy, introducing yourself.
“Sirius Black,” he said, shaking your hand enthusiastically. “It’s nice to meet you!”
You nodded then looked at the bespeckled boy. “Tell me your name is something easy to remember,” you teased, smiling at the other boy.
“I’m James,” he said, and you sighed a breath of faux relief.
“I’ll remember that one,” you said, smiling at the rest of the group.
James then pointed to the blonde boy. “That’s Peter. Next to him is Lily, and this-”
You could tell immediately who he was. Mr. Dumbledore, who you still hadn’t met yet, had told you that there was indeed a werewolf in “The Order,” and up until this point, you couldn’t discern who. 
But he looked the part, down to the claw-like scars that riddled his face. He didn’t look dangerous. He looked the least dangerous of them all, dressed like an old man in a funky blue and brown sweater and dingy jeans. You couldn’t tell if he was a teen or fifty from the way he held himself, but considering his friends, you decided he was on the younger side of the spectrum.
“Remus,” he said, smiling slightly.
“Remus,” you repeated. You held his gaze for a beat longer before clearing your throat. “Well, it’s nice to meet all of you.” You glanced at your luggage then back at the table.
He glanced at your luggage as well, meeting your eyes with a look that said, “Leave it.” You furrowed your eyebrows.
Sirius pulled out a chair for you, patting it so you’d sit.
You obliged, looking around the table.
“I was hoping Moo-” Your eyebrows furrowed, trying to remember his name. Not Moony. “Um, Alastor?”
“Moody,” Sirius finished for you, exchanging a look with James.
“Yeah, Moody was going to be here to set me up with the right person, but I see that might not happen tonight,” you said, settling into your seat.
“Well, who exactly are you looking for?” James asked, looking around the group. “We might be able to set you up with…” He baited you, waiting for the name.
“I’m not supposed to disclose that information with you,” you mumbled, looking down. “It’s… It’s all very secretive, I know, but I got very detailed instructions about what I’m supposed to do and who I’m supposed to discuss and do it with.” You threw a pained smile at the group. “Your names aren’t on that list…” You glanced at Remus, then sent your gaze at the table. “Only a few can know right now.”
“So we can know nothing?” Sirius asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m sure you’ll know eventually,” you suggested and sighed when he rolled his eyes. “I’m really sorry. I wish I could tell you.”
“What can we know?” Marlene asked, causing you to shrug.
“What do you want to know?” You countered, glancing at the small group.
Lily stared at you with narrowed eyes. “What do you do in America?”
“I work for the Magical Congress of the United States,” you answered simply. “I’m a herbalist and potioneer.”
The girls cocked their heads.
“How old are you?” Peter asked, resting his cheeks on his hands.
“And you work for them at nineteen?” Peter acted shocked, his eyebrows furrowed.
Peter humphed, sitting back in his chair. “Carry on.”
“Have you always lived in America?” James asked, and you nodded.
“Where do you live in America?” Sirius asked.
“I kind of move from place to place depending upon the need for me,” you replied. A few of them furrowed their eyebrows. “Home base is New York City, though.”
“Is that why you’re here?” Marlene asked. “They needed you for something?”
You paused, shrugging slightly. “Yes?”
“For herbalism and potions,” Lily clarified, and you sighed, shrugging.
“I suppose,” you said. “I’m not going to tell you why I’m here.”
Lily pursed her lips. “I’ll figure it out. Just give me a moment.”
“I really don’t think you will,” you said, your eyebrows pinched together. “I haven’t given you anything to work off of.”
But Lily ignored you, her eyes closed as she thought. Marlene was next to her, trying to piece it together.
“Remus,” Sirius said, leaning to look at him. “You’re awfully quiet over there. Do you have any dying questions for the girl at the stand?”
Remus, who had been all but paying attention, hummed, looking at you.
“What’s your favorite color?” He asked.
Sirius and James let out a laugh.
“Really?” Peter asked, hands hitting the table. “We’re in a Sherlock type mystery and you ask what her favorite color is?”
“It’s an important question,” Remus replied, shrugging. He looked back at you, hopeful.
“Blue,” you said, and he narrowed his eyes.
“Blue?” He repeated, and you nodded. A knowing smile grew on Remus’ face. “Interesting.”
“How is that bloody interesting?” Sirius asked. “It’s blue. Everything is bloody blue.”
Remus simply shrugged, glancing at you again. “Just… fitting.”
You narrowed your eyes. He must’ve been the one that Mr. Dumbledore called Moony.
“What’s yours?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Green,” he said, smiling. Sirius looked between the two of you.
You nodded, looking around. “Any other questions?”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “What does he know?”
You glanced at Remus. “Probably as much as you.”
Remus confirmed your suspicion with a nod.
“Well, we’ll figure you out,” Lily said, leaning her head on Sirius’ arm. “Before you tell us.”
“Where are you staying?” James asked, glancing at Lily and Sirius. “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you stayed with us.”
“I actually have a room booked here,” you lied, pushing yourself up from the chair. “I should probably see if it’s ready for me.”
“Right,” James said, smiling slightly as he stood. “We should be off, shouldn’t we?” He asked, reaching for Lily’s hand. She took it, allowing herself to be pulled up, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“We have an early morning,” Sirius said, glancing at Marlene. “You ready?”
Marlene nodded, getting up. “It was nice meeting you,” she said curtly.
“Yeah, it was nice meeting all of you,” you replied, watching Remus stand, nose crinkled as his knee popped.
“We’ll see you tomorrow,” Sirius said, looking at Lily. “We’ll have you figured out by then.”
You sighed. “Please don’t try to figure me out.”
“Too late,” Lily said sweetly, her hand in James’ as she started pulling him out of the pub.
James waved a goodbye to you and Marlene tailed the two of them out with Sirius following slightly behind. He turned around.
“You coming, Moony?” He asked, and Remus shook his head.
“I need a night cap,” he said, waving Sirius away. “Don’t worry about me.”
Sirius took this dismissal with a raised eyebrow, slightly shrugging before walking away.
“Moony?” You said quietly, crossing your arms over your chest. “That isn’t a very clever nickname.”
“Neither is Bane, but I didn’t say anything,” he quipped, reaching to take your luggage but you beat him to it.
“Bane?” You said, your nose crinkled. “That’s what your leader is calling me?”
“Better than Monk like he originally wanted,” he said, offering you his arm. You looked at it, sighing. “We’re going to have to apparate.”
“I know,” you grumbled, taking his arm. “I just hate doing it.”
“It’s not my favorite thing either,” he said, leading you outside the pub.
The wet sidewalk was clear, allowing Remus to quickly lead you into the alleyway, looking around again.
“Take a breath,” he said, and you did so, the breath leaving you as soon as there was a familiar tug on your navel.
The Eldritch Manor lay before you, half destroyed. It was supposed to be your place to sleep and work. A place to be safe. This didn’t look like a place where you could do any of those things.
Half of the manor was missing, rubble and stones lying in a place where a wing might’ve been. A house fire was possible, but it looked as though something hit the house.
“‘S not much,” Remus said quietly, allowing you to drop his arm. He immediately reached into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
He could tell you weren’t impressed by the way you straightened, your owlish eyes staring at the half of the house that was still standing.
It was also made of stone, but it was covered in dying ivy, a plant that would’ve flourished in the summer. A gnarled branch weaved its way up the front of the house.
“I wasn’t impressed either,” he said through a puff of his cigarette. “But it’s what we’ve got.”
He stamped out the other half of his cigarette and headed inside, leaving you to follow behind him.
You looked around Remus’ house. It wasn’t huge but it wasn’t tiny. Books and blankets lay on almost every surface, and there was a chill running through the house that you couldn’t quite place. You set your luggage down and toed off your shoes, watching as Remus knelt down in front of the fireplace, busying himself with stacking logs.
“This isn’t where I normally live,” he said, his knees cracking as he stood up from the fireplace. “This is temporary.” He took his wand out, lighting the fire wordlessly.
“Like a safe-house?” You asked, sitting down in a leathery chair, covering yourself with the throw blanket.
“Exactly like that,” he said, sitting down across from you. “Got here a few days ago to make it homey.”
You looked around the small living room. There was an endless supply of books around, as if that’s all he did in his spare time. You leaned, peeking at the kitchenette, where a stove and a fridge sat, looking as if they’d never been used.
“It’s nice,” you said quietly, looking into the fire.
A lull fell over the two of you. Maybe Remus figured that you were tired from your journey, or maybe he didn’t know what to say.
You didn’t have much to say either. This was the first time that you were meeting him, and you only knew a few things about him. First, his name was Remus, and he went by Moony. Second, his favorite color was actually most likely green considering all of the blankets in this house were either green or brown, and third, he was a werewolf who hated being a werewolf.
You didn’t have to ask him to know that. The way he tried to act normal was a telltale sign.
Remus cleared his throat, causing you to turn your attention to him. “So Moody said what you’re working on is… dangerous? And that you needed my help?”
“Sort of,” you sighed, and he continued staring, urging you to go on. “You haven’t been debriefed yet, have you?” you asked, sitting up straighter. He shook his head causing you to sigh again.
“You need to talk with me?” Remus asked.
“I’m actually here to consult with Damocles Belby, the inventor of-”
“Wolfsbane, yeah,” he interjected. 
“Alastor was supposed to set that up tonight, but he left, as you know,” You said, your tone clipped. “Him and I… We’re trying to fashion a type of… explosive to use in case of-”
“A werewolf?” Remus asked, and you reluctantly nodded.
“A feral werewolf,” you corrected him, your mouth tight.
“Ah,” Remus tutted. “So you’re saying someone whose a monster-”
“That’s not at all what I’m saying,” you said quietly as his gaze dropped from yours. “I’m not saying they’re monsters. Werewolves aren’t monsters, but I don’t think you understand the real problem-“
“Moony is… I am the problem,” he quipped, getting up. “I think I understand it quite well. Now, if you’re thinking you’re going to use a bomb on me-”
“I never said it was going to be you-”
“-you’re daft, alright?” He finished over you, pulling the sleeves of his sweater down as he strode across the room.
You scrambled after him. “You’re not part of the problem, Remus!” You called, following him down the hall. “You do your part to prevent the spread! I can tell!”
He snorted, looking at you over his shoulder. “If that’s your way of telling me that you think I’m a virgin, you’re dead wrong.”
Your eyebrows instantly furrowed, taken aback. “Lycanthropy isn’t spread that way,” you muttered more to yourself than to him. You huffed, catching his hand as he rounded the kitchen doorway. He stopped, glaring at you. “You’re not understanding me. You haven’t turned anyone. You’re not biting anyone on full moons, right?”
“Okay, good,” you huffed, letting him pull his hand away from yours. “The explosive is for the ones who try their hardest to turn as many innocents as possible. The ones who flock into defenseless villages and towns to kill and turn anyone they see.” You swallowed, your tone quiet, “The ones who turn children.”
Remus’ face turned from sullen to serious as he blinked, eyebrows furrowing. “Why do you need my help?”
“I think you might know where they’re hiding.”
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yukidragon · 5 months
Sunny Day Jack - Dragon Jack Fantasy AU Headcanons
So, I know that Jack’s fursona is a snake, because he wants warm cuddles his sunshine won’t run away from, which is where we get naga Jack, but what if he was a different sort of mythical creature?
No, not an incubus, but you can check out my incubus headcanons here and here. I’m talking about a different fantastical creature that still has a few scaly features.
It’s the year of the dragon, and that got me thinking about a certain piece of absolutely gorgeous artwork my friend Mars made back in August, which in turn made me think, dragon Jack AU?
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Dragon Jack AU.
Oh hell yeah, let’s get fantastical.
Credit for this beautiful artwork and fueling my inspiration goes to the marvelous Mars, who you can find over here on tumblr and on twitter. Please consider popping on by to leave a kind word or two. Trust me, you won’t regret looking at all of her jaw-droppingly stunning art!
Content warnings: There is going to be spice in these headcanons, and it’s going to get a bit kinky at times. I mean, we’re talking about Jack as a dragon getting frisky with his sunshine. Bad Dragon didn’t get its name for nothing after all. Oh and there’s also some dark themes like going insane from isolation, families being awful to one another, exploitation of workers, bullshit politics in a medieval inspired fantasy setting, deadly monsters attacking people, yandere obsession, that sort of thing.
Overall it’s going to be pretty lighthearted, especially in comparison to the super dark and angst-filled hurt/comfort story that I recently posted, so this post shouldn’t get more intense than the game itself.
The Cursed Prince
Let us begin this AU with the tale of Sunny Day Jack, a poor soul who was damned to be left alone and forgotten by all who knew him. In this case, that place he was left to be forgotten was a castle in the middle of a dark and twisted land, bound by a curse that not even the strength of a dragon can break.
Jack wasn’t always this way. Long ago, he was someone grand, a prince by the name of Joseph, though not in line for any sort of throne. He was the spare of the spare, the unwanted and unneeded family member who was a risk to the true heir to the crown. He had to learn how to be strong and cunning to survive the castle politics, while at the same time he was overlooked and ignored by all.
Initially, Joseph tried all he could to earn favor with his family, to be loved by them, but no one cared. Because his family didn’t care about him, and he had no “purpose” in existing except as an obstacle to the heir to the throne, others often ignored him as well to not risk showing favor and appearing to side with him against the current forerunners to the crown. Acting out and creating mischief that the royal family couldn’t ignore was the only way for Joseph to get people to pay attention to him.
Unfortunately, Joseph pushed his luck one too many times. He ignored a family member’s warning that it would be best if he lived as a dead rat, forgotten and unseen. An assassin struck in the guise of a tutor during one of his lessons. He barely escaped, but uncovered a terrible truth. The family he always hoped might someday truly see him and love him had been behind the assassination attempt. How many members of his family were involved in the plot, he never knew for sure, but their indifference and disdain for him left him with no one he could trust.
The unwanted prince was then forced to flee the kingdom, never to return. Joseph lived as a wanderer, hiding his identity. He changed his appearance as much as he could, even stealing a potion from a wizard once. Sadly, the potion he stole could only change his hair from brown to blue, but it was better than nothing, and he quickly grew fond of the look.
Yes, blue hair is something natural in this setting. This is a fantasy world where dragons and magic exist after all. We can have people with anime hair and eye colors. ;3
The unwanted prince learned the ways of the world firsthand and took many names as he drifted along like the wind. No longer a spoiled prince, he learned how to put on a smile, to placate people instead of antagonize them. He was still alone, forced to be a wanderer until he was far, far away from his homeland, but eventually he tried to set up roots. There, he took a humble job as a jester for a noble, hoping that maybe he could find a new life, one where he could be seen and loved.
Fortune smiled on Jack, as more and more people came to watch his shows, and he earned the stage name of Sunny Day Jack. His performances with silly jokes and stories with sound moral lessons delighted the children. Nobility took notice of him, and he started to make real connections and a real life for himself in this distant land. The lord ruling over the country even eventually took notice of him, a rich and powerful ruler that could afford to throw plenty of gold this entertaining jester’s way… provided he was always entertaining.
Sadly, his good fortune was not to last. Jack got too much attention from the nobility, and a traveler familiar with his homeland took notice of how eerily similar the jester looked to the lost prince.
Word eventually got back to those who saw Prince Joseph, however unwanted and overlooked he may have been, as a risk that could not be accepted. His popularity, however frivolous, made certain people of power nervous that perhaps one day he might return and lay claim to the throne of his homeland.
It was during a performance that the world came crashing down around Sunny Day Jack. The lord that favored him and helped him most with his fame and acclaim had betrayed him to his homeland in exchange for more riches. The trap was sprung as Jack stood before a crowd of hundreds, a sudden accusation ringing out that he was a notorious criminal who had done several heinous acts while the knights of the land came at him in force to arrest him. He barely managed to escape, though not unscathed, his new life destroyed and forever sullied to all who knew his name.
This time the pursuers were relentless. Jack wasn’t known here as a prince in this foreign land. There was no one who would show even a token loyalty to his royal blood and aid him. He was now a heinous criminal, wanted dead or alive, with none willing to give him shelter. There was no way for him to use his former name or royal bloodline to gain assistance, as Prince Joseph was long since declared dead.
Jack was a clever man, and a clever man who has nothing left to lose is capable of anything, including mutually assured destruction. His time as a jester wasn’t spent as a simple fool. Though he tried to be sincere when forging his friendships, truly wanting a life of happiness where he could be loved for who he was, he had tasted betrayal once, and it cost him everything but his life. Sadly, he was prepared should this happen again. He learned how to be charming, and he used his appealing and kind nature to learn secrets that might help him one day.
One of these secrets Jack learned was of magic treasure that the lord’s family guarded and exploited for generations. He also learned of a few secret passages in the lord’s castle, which helped him to elude his pursuers. With nearly all the knights put to the task to capture or kill the escaped criminal, this left the castle vault’s security unusually lax. It granted him an opportunity that could save him, or damn them all.
There in the vault was one of a set of golden cuffs, the symbol and pride of the lord’s family, and the very thing that allowed them to take dominion over the land generations ago and rule to this day. These cuffs were said to possess a magic too powerful for any one person to control, so no one dared to wield more than one at a time, but the truth was that if anyone was foolish enough to do so, they would unleash a terrible curse that would doom the land. This was why they were kept separately, for the safety of everyone.
These cuffs have their own history to them, as a fae was tricked into creating them, a bargain for power and a price not yet paid, which was the reason behind their curse. I could ramble on about ideas I have for how they came to be, but their backstory doesn’t really matter to Jack… yet.
Betrayed, branded a criminal, his hopes for a new life dashed to pieces, and everything spiraling out of control, Jack managed to break into the vault and steal the golden cuff hidden there. Before word of the theft could spread, Jack repaid the lord for his betrayal, launching a surprise attack and stealing the other cuff before it could be used by the lord to fight back against him.
With the power of both of the golden cuffs, Jack defeated all the knights that came for him, but the power he used went out of control as the curse took hold. The power was too much for a human’s body to contain, so it changed him into a fierce creature that was made of magic, a dragon.
The land around him changed as well, the natural ley lines of magic in the land exploding out in all directions and birthing all sorts of monsters from cracks in the earth. It was chaos, and those that could fled. It was a terrible night of horrors so great that survivors who witnessed the apocalyptic destruction dared not speak of it. Over time, the plants in this tainted land grew strange from the saturation of magic, and what few animals that braved to remain in this twisted land were changed as well. The land, once prosperous and full of smiles and laughter, became a dark and foreboding place where humans refused to linger long, for fear that they too would be cursed and forever changed.
Years passed, and with the survivors refusing to speak of what happened, all traces of what happened the night the kingdom fell were lost to history. The name of the country was lost as well. The place was only known as the dark woods now, named for its twisted features and the heavy clouds that covered the land and hid it from the sun. Speculation of its creation sprang up over the years, the details growing more fanciful from storyteller to storyteller until it became only myths. The closest to the truth was that the fae had regained the land and turned it wild, which, in a way, they had when a clever but desperate prince turned fool unleashed the fae’s curse that had long been kept at bay.
What happened to that foolish prince? The curse kept him bound to the heart of the land, making it nearly impossible for him to stray far from the castle where he unleashed the curse. The more he struggled to escape, the more ways the curse would manifest to bind him to the land, chains erupting from the ground to hold him, thorns of an unnatural, cold substance blotting out the sky, monsters birthing from the land to hold him back and inflict pain on him until he could no longer fight back.
Jack had become a powerful dragon, but his power came from the very curse that turned the land into his own personal hell. His body was warped, a scaled monster with wings and horns, terrifying to behold. Those who saw him would flee his presence, save for those that tried to slay the beast that legend has it is the heart of the curse.
The dragon of the dark woods, unnamed and feared by all, was known as the master of the dark woods, dangerous and cunning. Adventurers that dare risk going into the cursed land for its materials rich in magic are wary of the great and powerful beast. Its scales gleamed of fire, its eyes spoke of endless hunger, and its power was unmatched. None could hope to slay this beast, and all who tried all failed, for only the curse itself is more powerful than the beast it created.
Despite it all, Jack struggled to hold onto his humanity. He read every book in the castle, every scroll and scrap of paper, desperate to learn the way to undo this curse he unleashed. Naturally, this was difficult for him to do with giant claws, but unfortunately for the former prince, he had nothing but time to learn how to use his altered body.
As the world forgot about the lost prince, the sunny jester, and the awful day an entire kingdom fell along with the names of all three, Jack started to forget his humanity bit by bit. He didn’t learn how to break the curse, but he did learn of other magical artifacts that had been gathered in the castle long ago, including an enchanted belt that would allow him to change his form into whatever he pleased. He used it to become a “human,” but by that point he didn’t quite remember what he used to look like. The passing years eroded his memory of humanity, and he had gotten used to his imposing dragon body. The result was a form that was a mishmash of both, a humanoid man with scales, a tail, wings, claws on his hands and feet, pointed ears and fangs, with horns and blue hair.
Jack might have started to forget things over the years of solitude, but he was at least certain that he had blue hair when he was still human.
Funny enough, no matter how large or small Jack became thanks to the magic of the belt, the golden cuffs remained fastened to his wrists. The curse wouldn’t allow them to be removed, only warp in size and shape to match whatever form his body took. Even if he were to, say, transform into a copy of a different person to fool someone, his golden cuffs would give away the ruse.
When Jack learned how to transform back into a “human,” he went through the motions of being a human in his empty castle filled with riches that were all but useless to him. He wore clothes again, even learned how to alter the fancy clothes left behind to suit his tastes. He learned how to cook the strange plants and animals of this cursed land. He no longer had any need to eat due to the magic of the land sustaining his flesh, but food still tasted good, and there was some satisfaction to be had from creating something. He kept himself sane with what hobbies he could, learning new things, but he could never learn how he could free himself from his lonely hell.
The presence of adventurers into the heart of his land was both a blessing and a curse. It was rare that it happened, and in fact it was several years after the land changed that anyone dared to venture into the dark woods for fear of being cursed for doing so. It was years more before they found its master at the heart of the cursed land.
At first, Jack was elated. He tried his best to be friendly, overly so, desperate for company and help, but this was before he found the belt that made him at least passably human. It had been so long since he had been around another human that he hadn’t tried to speak, and with his draconic muzzle, all that came out were terrible growls and unholy noises. The adventurers that found him only saw a great horned beast with claws and fangs, another monster to slay for materials, riches, and acclaim.
Jack never wanted to kill anyone. He learned to fight when he had to, though he tried to avoid killing if he could. Unfortunately, when he unleashed the curse, people perished in the chaos, much to his dismay. Though he tried to approach these adventurers peacefully, he would not allow them to cause him further suffering. His power was so great that it was difficult to hold back, so the damage he could cause was severe. He would let those who fought him live if he could, allowing them to flee, but none saw this as a mercy. He became a nightmare spoken in hushed whispers, a challenge for adventurers to overcome, rather than a lost soul desperate to be free.
In a twisted way, over time Jack started to look forward to anyone brave enough to venture into the heart of the dark woods, even if the result was always violence. It was always a rare thing due to the intense danger of the dark woods. Certainly, they would always try to kill him, but at least he got to spend time with another human being! Being alone messes with a person’s mind, especially for such a long time. Humans are pack animals not meant for solitude.
Sometimes these adventurers would leave stuff behind, and Jack kept them. Dragons have an instinct to horde, and the castle is already filled with treasure. Plus they were reminders that humans were still out there and that someday, hopefully, he’d join them as one of them once again.
Jack tried his best to learn how to talk with his new body, to sound friendly instead of fierce. Unfortunately, oftentimes he found himself getting the opposite result, the words coming out of his muzzle sounding strange and uncanny, which only added to the nightmarish legend of the master of the dark woods.
Every encounter with Jack was a battle more fierce than the last, and the dragon’s legend only grew. His attempts to follow after the humans who fled from him led to the land itself stopping him, and others would be caught in the crossfire. To Jack, the humans that came to visit him were his only hope, and he would struggle harder against the curse to escape, to be with them. This made the curse fight back even harder in more brutal ways, summoning worse monsters. Soon the heart of the dark woods was known as a hellish place, where the land itself would turn against you if you tried to escape its brutal master that hunted you relentlessly.
Over the years, humans adapted, as they often do. Adventurers learned to stick with the outer fringes of the dark woods to harvest materials. It was the least dangerous, relatively speaking, and what could be gained deeper in was not worth the cost, especially if they strayed to the heart of the land where its terrible master lay in wait for any poor soul to enter.
It’s been a long, long time since Jack has seen another human, and he’s slowly going insane from solitude. He does what he can to distract himself or escape, trying desperately to hold onto his humanity, but it erodes bit by bit with each passing year. Even gaining the ability to transform into a “human” form hasn’t stopped his ever steady decline into madness. He fears that one day he might lose his humanity completely and become the mindless monster that those who fought him believed him to be.
Perhaps all that Jack and the dark woods need to heal is a little bit of sunshine.
Beyond the Dark Woods
Outside the fringes of the cursed land, time marched on. Years went by, rulers came and went, borders changed as land was annexed or reverted to wilderness. A lot can happen over the decades, especially in a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and mischievous fae.
How long Jack was trapped alone in the dark woods is a mystery. Maybe it’s 40 years, or perhaps a lot longer than that.
Regardless, the homeland that once had a lost prince named Joseph is still around, a relatively stable country all things considered. In fact, it had grown over the years thanks to annexing land from other countries that had been weakened by the results of the curse. Monsters often wandered out of the dark woods, putting nearby villages in danger and impressing the need for more adventurers to cull the monsters that threatened human life. What was once a kingdom had grown into an empire, growing prosperous with its many strong knights and adventurers, though like any place, it had its own share of problems.
But enough politics, let’s get into the other characters, shall we?
MC is a knight, as demonstrated by the lovely Thea in Mars’ art. Well… they aspire to be a knight anyway. Bullshit politics have kept them as a squire to a knight of higher nobility since they were a teenager. It’s been over 10 years already! How much longer do they have to wait to become a knight? They’re sick of having to polish and shine Barry’s armor, and if they have to scrub his codpiece one more time…
Yup, Barry is a knight in this AU, though only technically. Nobility sometimes get granted a knight title for some reason or another, usually as a token to honor them and/or their families. These nobles usually  were just knights in name only, parading around as if they’re this grand figure when other knights did the real battling. They can play the hero without ever actually having to go into battle and send squires to do the menial work for them.
In a sense, Barry is a rich man who bought a title because it was cool, and he makes a big show of it. It’s pretty much a vanity project, and a way to increase his clout to maybe move up in the ranks of nobility. He has MC announce his presence grandly, something just as over the top as the greeting to Yogurtopia. Perhaps something like… “Announcing the great, honorable, and very handsome and still very single and looking for a bride, Sir Barry of [insert surname here].” Or something like that, maybe with his noble title thrown in there for good measure. Maybe he could insist his squire plays a horn first…
Man, even with a proclamation heralding Barry wherever he goes, no one is interested in him. He hasn’t had a date in way too long. Maybe he needs his armor to be polished a little brighter.
While MC isn’t Barry’s only squire, they are the one often left doing the work, as other squires slack off or wind up getting elevated to knight despite being younger than MC is. It’s understandably really, really frustrating for MC. They come from a lesser noble house, just barely above a commoner, so they’re an easy mark for any higher ranked noble to rub the power difference in their face.
Really, it’s all enough to make MC consider quitting to become an adventurer. Sure, adventurers are basically mercenaries for hire at the guild and the jobs can be infrequent, and money can be hard to come by, but… Ah, who are they kidding? The squire job might suck, but at least they get the security of steady pay, regular meals, a place to sleep, mild prestige, and they don’t have to go camping in the woods for days on end hunting some specific monster or harvesting a certain number of rare herbs.
Besides, MC admires the knights (aside from Barry). Their best friend became a knight a few years ago, lucky dog. Still, Shaun didn’t rub it in their face like the pal he is. Shaun looks so regal in his shiny silvery armor, even having it adorned with pretty badass etchings and other decorations. There’s a very feline feeling to it as well, since cat daddy has to be cat knight in this AU. Hey, I don’t make the rules.
…Oh, wait. :3c
Anyway, the other knights can be pretty cool as well. There’s this one knight who has been friendly, though MC doesn’t know his name yet. The guy acts strangely shy when they’re around, which is confusing to them. They’re just a squire after all, not a cool knight in studded leather armor like him.
Poor Nick has a crush on MC in this universe too and is pretty tongue tied around them. MC might still be a squire, but there’s just something about them that lights up a room. Their spirit isn’t crushed despite the fact that they should’ve been a knight years ago. He envies how easily Sir Shaun can chat with them.
Of course, Shaun is in the same boat as Nick, in that he also has a crush on MC and can be pretty clumsy with how he tries to express it. Still, in spite of this, he would have tried to see if they could be something more if not for a certain scandal that happened.
The reason why MC is still a squire, or at least one of the biggest reasons, is because of rumors that they were the secret lover of Prince Ian, the current heir to the throne.
Of course, given that MC is barely above a commoner, the idea of them getting together with the crown prince is scandalous. They got to know each other as children, with MC serving as a page to play with the young prince. When the queen caught wind that the prince saw them as anything more than a playmate in their teen years, their relationship got exceedingly strained.
Ian is in love with MC, and they felt the same, at least at one point. All the time they spent together while growing up led to fondness, then sweet first love. Unfortunately, they knew early on how their different stations meant that the chances of them being together were almost non-existent. This led to a lot of mutual pining, moments where they were tempted to act on their feelings, and some secret encounters between the two.
In spite of the queen’s interference separating them, MC and Ian saw each other in secret as much as they could. They started a forbidden romance together, and the two of them convinced themselves that maybe, somehow, they could defy the odds.
But the weight of the crown hangs heavy on the head. As Ian was swept up in his duties and the time he would be crowned as king drew ever closer, he had less and less time to spend with MC. His mother’s interference certainly didn’t help, especially since she was trying to get him engaged to a high ranked noble woman to ensure that he would be able to sire the next generation of royalty.
While yes this fantasy world is far more open with gender expression and loving others regardless of gender, nobles tend to be uptight when it comes to making sure their bloodline and power continues. Plus Ian’s mom is still abusive and controlling of her son in this universe too, and she uses not only religion to bully Ian but politics and duty as well. As queen, she has a lot more power too, and a lot more flying monkeys to spy on her son and interfere.
In a way, it’s lucky that the queen hasn’t decided that MC is a threat that must be entirely eliminated at all costs. No assassination plots… yet. Mostly it’s interference and petty revenge by forcing MC to remain a squire instead of a knight. She could throw MC out, but then how can she occasionally be petty if MC never comes to the palace? MC might be Barry’s squire, but everyone follows the queen’s orders, and a narcissist needs attention and others to bow down to them.
Unfortunately, the queen’s schemes did succeed. Ian, in a moment of weakness, fell for the seductive charms of one of his potential fiancees. He felt awful for betraying MC, to the point that he had to see them despite the risk of his mother catching them, so that he could confess what he had done and beg for forgiveness.
MC’s heart was broken, but what was worse was that it became a huge scandal. Someone had seen Ian’s confession and begging, and soon word spread like wildfire. Now everyone knew that they had secretly been lovers and that the prince was begging a mere squire for forgiveness. Ian’s reputation took a hit, while MC’s outright tanked due to the scandal, and things became much harder for them, and people have been keeping their distance from the squire that dared think they could become a future king’s consort.
Since then, MC has kept their distance from Ian as much as possible, and Ian, reluctantly, has given them space, knowing that he’s messed everything up for them. But… when he’s king, not even his mother will be able to stop them from being together. When he’s king, he’ll be able to fix everything. He just has to do what he can to make sure that happens. Then he and MC can finally be together in the open, stations be damned! Then he can truly make amends and be forgiven for what he’s done.
Shaun was there to support MC with their broken heart. While his becoming a knight has put a bit of distance between them, as he has more duties to attend to, including being sent away on missions for the country, he makes sure to keep in touch and meet up with them as best he can. Anyone who dares to say a bad word about MC in front of him is getting this cat’s claws.
Nick is no stranger to scandals. He’s basically the most popular knight in the realm, with countless admirers. Perhaps they could offer MC a word or two on how to deal with so much unwanted attention and rumors rumbling in the background.
A Squire’s Quest
Now, how does Jack factor into MC’s life without a compelling VHS tape to tie them together? Well, the instigating factor in this universe is that a thief made off with an important treasure, and Barry the knight was tasked with retrieving it. As Barry’s squire, MC was compelled to come with him to assist, which usually meant doing 99% of the work if there were no other squires with them at the time with Barry taking all the credit. But don’t worry, he only does it because he knows they’ll do a good job at it, and it just shows that they’re one step closer to becoming a true knight!
After traveling quite a ways, tracking down the thief (with MC doing most of the work picking up the trail in the first place), the pair realize that the thief went into the infamous dark woods.
Well, that’s not good. Sure there are areas that have been explored for materials, but still… the cursed land is quite dangerous. Barry decided that the best way to divide the work is for MC to continue to follow the thief’s trail, as they were better at tracking, and he, being much better at supervising and dealing with people, would see if anyone nearby could get information about what the thief might have been after, maybe set up a trap that MC could chase the thief into.
MC had to seriously consider their life choices up until this point, but if they quit now, that meant kissing goodbye to the stability they had going for them. Also, it’d probably bring dishonor to their name, maybe damage their lineage permanently, and so on and so forth.
Well, if they quit to become an adventurer, they’d have to do stupid things like trek through the dark woods anyway. Besides, the thief already stole a national treasure, which meant they weren’t stupid enough to go hunting for the invincible dragon guarding the heart of the forest, right? Sure there’s rumors that maybe the dragon guards the greatest treasure of all, but no way the thief is that dumb. No one’s actually ever seen any real treasure, or have a consensus on what the supposed greatest treasure is actually supposed to be.
After a hard internal debate, MC ultimately decides to brave the dark woods, tracking the thief stealthily. They may only be a squire, but they would probably be the greatest knight in the kingdom if not for politics. Their exact combat style is up to interpretation and personal preference, but they’re no stranger to slaying powerful monsters. They’re also used to Barry giving them unreasonable demands like this one.
And, hey, at least they’re not mortifying themselves by singing Barry’s praises when he enters a room while they’re busy with this stupid quest. That’s got to count for something, right?
Yeeeahh, okay, MC is obviously just lying to themselves and they know it, but damned if they do, damned if they don’t. They swear to themselves that they’ll only go as far as the hunting expeditions usually travel into the forest. If the thief really is stupid enough to go to the dragon’s lair, MC will just circle back and just tell Barry that the dragon probably just killed the thief, or something. No way they’re going to risk getting eaten by an unstoppable dragon.
These thoughts are a small comfort  as MC follows the thief’s trail. Occasionally they have to fight magic-tainted plants or monsters. Their skill shines despite the dark gloom of cursed woods. They even get some nice materials they can sell for some extra cash. Maybe being an adventurer wouldn’t be too bad a gig after all…
Just then the loud noise breaks the eerie calm. Some sort of explosion. Magic? Fireworks? Regardless of what it was, it riled up something. That something is big, nasty, and charging right at them! In fact, it’s a lot of somethings! A pack of creatures got aggravated, and MC is forced to run!
Now, was this a natural occurrence? A bit of misfortune? Did the thief make a false trail to trick MC into going on ahead while they secretly doubled back and used a small explosion to make the monsters go nuts on MC while they used the commotion as a cover to make their escape?
Perhaps. Perhaps. MC certainly isn’t in a situation to figure out which of these possibilities it was at the moment though, as they’re too busy running for their life, inwardly cursing Barry, the queen, the thief, and anyone else that annoyed them lately. If they knew they would die today, they wouldn’t have held back last week when that one jerk stole their cinnamon roll. They would’ve at least had the satisfaction of telling them off for it!
Sarcasm and sass are a good way to cope, but MC knows full well the gravity of their situation. They quickly lose the trail back the way they came, forced to do battle with creatures that are in their path while avoiding being overwhelmed by being so outnumbered. It’s only through a mixture of skill and sheer dumb luck that they manage to survive.
And by dumb luck, I mean that they fell into a catacomb through a ruined ceiling that was keeping it hidden underground.
Well, shit. From bad to worse, right?
Nothing for it, MC is forced to find a way out of the catacombs, then somehow find a way to leave the dark woods without another group of monsters going aggro on them.
Piece of cake. Noooo problem. They just have to avoid the castle at the center of the dark woods that the dragon supposedly uses as its lair, and they’re fine. An old crypt with some undead ready to pop out is better than an unstoppable dragon. Right?
As you may have guessed, MC is, in fact, going in the direction of our lonely dragon prince. Is it just bad luck? Is it some sort of intuition or instinct drawing them to Jack? Are they bound together by fate? Is it some sort of spell Jack has cast that compels humans to seek him out because it’s been forever since a human came by, and he’s desperate for both company and freedom? Maybe some combination of these things or something else entirely. Who’s to say~? It’s up to interpretation/personal headcanon~
In any case, MC is very taken aback when they meet Jack face to face for the first time, as is Jack really. It’s been so long since he’s seen someone. A part of him wonders if MC is actually real. When they get defensive and try to figure out who or what he is, he does his best to placate them, even if they might have their weapon out and ready for battle.
Jack puts his best foot forward, being friendly and welcoming. He invites MC to his home. They look exhausted and like they’ve had a hard time. MC isn’t exactly trusting this at face value, being very guarded about the whole exchange despite how cheerful and friendly this man with wings and horns is being. He’s also getting dangerously close. Should they try to use their weapon to ward him off, like Thea might have done with her sword, Jack is skilled enough in combat by this point to easily redirect her sword with his claws.
Oops, that put Thea off balance. Don’t worry, her new pal Jack is quick to catch her before she takes a tumble.
“Careful, we wouldn’t want you getting hurt, would we?” Jack said, his tone playful.
Despite MC’s skills, they are hopelessly outmatched by Jack. He has far more experience with combat, and he has the insane powers that the curse granted him.
Of course, MC is pretty quick to put together that Jack is the invincible dragon that rules the dark woods, which means that they’re utterly screwed. Strangely enough, Jack isn’t really acting like the monster people whisper about. It’s almost enough to make MC wonder if they aren’t mistaken, but the dragon features and his overwhelming strength kind of gives it away. The fact that Jack brings MC back to his castle pretty much seals the deal.
So MC is stuck as a guest with Jack. The dark woods are too dangerous for humans to wander around alone, especially at the heart of the forest. He’s curious about MC and why they would take such a risk, very concerned by their recklessness. Why were they there?
It’s an awkward situation, but MC has no choice but to play along. How much they resist or comply depends on the MC. I figure Jack indulges even a very resistant MC due to how lonely he’s been. He can easily disarm any attempts to attack him or thwart them from getting away, so they pose no threat. He has all the time in the world to convince MC to lower their guard.
And Jack is just so… so nice. It’s hard not to find him charming. He seems so concerned about MC, and they’ve been having such a hard time with, well… everything. The castle, despite being old, has been maintained decently well. The rooms are decorated so nicely, filled with clothes for them to wear, and the food Jack makes is fantastic. Holy crap, his cooking is out of this world!
Really, the longer MC stays there, the more it seems like there’s nothing Jack can’t do, and their stay is kind of like a vacation in ways. Given how much time he’s had to teach himself new things, it’s no wonder he has become something of a jack-of-all-trades.
I make no apologies for that pun.
Here then comes the classic conundrum when it comes to Jack - does MC fall for his charms, or remain suspicious and hold him at arm’s length? They’ve been feeling pretty lonely and beaten down by life for a while now, and Jack seems almost too good to be true. It’s not like he’s keeping them captive, but they’re in the heart of the dark woods. Outside this castle are some of the worst, most dangerous monsters imaginable. Jack can protect MC if they stay there in the castle with him, but he can’t go very far from the castle, so he can’t help them leave the woods. That is why he’s keeping them from leaving the castle. You know, aside from not wanting to lose the only company he’s had in so many years.
Jack is right about the danger, unfortunately. Whether MC tries to slip away from the castle or just scopes out the surroundings via a window, they find that it’s surrounded by monsters far too dangerous for them to handle alone. There’s no way they could make it, and if they tried, they’d only survive thanks to Jack coming to their rescue.
Of course, Jack acknowledges that MC is powerful. He saw them try to attack him if he did, or he just can tell in simply because they made it all this way on their own. It’s just, well, there’s only so much anyone can do on their own. Sometimes we all need a friend to help us out.
If Jack could leave, then he could help MC leave too, but he’s stuck in the castle. He’s been there for such a long, long time.
Whether his tragic plight is enough to make MC sympathize is, of course, up to the individual. I do know my gal Alice is going to want to help him after hearing him out. Being trapped in this awful place by a curse is a fate she wouldn’t wish on anybody.
Not to mention helping Jack would help MC leave the dark woods. There’s no threat he can’t handle after all. They’d be getting their own personal dragon bodyguard.
Perhaps with a pair of fresh eyes and more knowledge of the state of the world, MC will have better luck figuring out how to free Jack from the curse. Maybe they’ll just play along to not upset their super powerful host so they can escape. It would certainly take time for MC to really trust Jack, even if he seems so friendly and kind… and, they have to admit, this place is lonely and very unsettling for anyone to stay in, even if Jack has tried his best to make it look nice. It’s certainly creepy to be alone here in the heart of the dark woods. The castle is better than the woods full of monsters, but still…
Anyway, the interactions between MC and Jack are up to the individual to decide. Romance the dragon, or flee from the dragon in the end. Being stuck together can bring a sort of fondness, and Jack falls in love. It makes him determined to never lose MC, ever, so he falls down the yandere path, which can lead to some pretty obsessive moments depending on the choices made.
As for the alternate love interests, after Ian receives word that MC disappeared in the dark woods, he sends knights on a quest to find and rescue them, despite the queen’s interference. This of course includes Shaun and Nick, who are the first to volunteer for the rescue mission. Despite the queen’s meddling, not wanting to waste manpower on a thorn in her side, Ian finally takes a stand against his mother for the sake of MC and their love, and the expedition is sent.
Unbeknownst to the knights, Ian sneaks along with them in disguise. He can’t just sit back and wait while MC is in danger. He can’t let them down a second time. He’ll prove to them, and himself, that he’s truly worthy of their love.
From there it’s trials and tribulations of the guys trying to rescue MC from the dragon… provided that MC still wants to be rescued by the time the guys reach the castle.
Really, in order for all of the love interests to spend time with MC and interact, perhaps Jack will be brought back with them somehow, like he found a loophole in the curse or a way to bind him to MC. That way, Jack can leave the forest, so long as it’s with MC, with the added bonus that he can’t stay too far away from his sunshine. It’d create something of a dynamic similar to the game, only in this case everyone can see Jack and learn that he’s an incredibly dangerous dragon that has the power to kill all of them if he so chooses. Not that he would ever! He’s MC’s best friend after all. He just wants to protect his sunshine.
Though chances are MC will want to hide the whole “dragon” thing if they decide to leave with Jack. Maybe coach him on how to better pass for a human. Best not to scare people, am I right?
Or this AU could just stick in the castle where MC chooses to either romance the dragon or flee the dragon. I know which one Alice is going to choose, regardless if they stay in the castle or go back to civilization.
On that note, let’s get to the part that I suspect you’ve all been really waiting for.
(S)laying the Dragon
With Jack being a mythical creature, that offers possibilities for a very kinky fun time. There’s his obvious features like his sharp teeth and claws, but there’s also those long pointy ears that are perfect for nibbling, and maybe offering a bit of emotional expression in the way they tilt. Then, of course, there’s the tail and wings, perfect to wrap around his sunshine. He’s got even more limbs to hold them close!
Now… dragon anatomy is pretty much whatever we want it to be. Bad Dragon has the name for a reason after all. Want dragons to have two dicks similar to snakes? Go for it. He could still have that while he’s in his “human” form too. In fact, with a belt that allows him to change his shape, he could alter himself in very fun ways. A funky fantasy dick with ridges and/or bumps? Perhaps some tentacles anybody?
I mean, Jack has been alone for a long, long time. He’s only had himself to entertain and experiment with. He might have some very kinky tricks that no one has ever tried before.
To be fair, the tail is probably prehensile, so it might be able to be used like a tentacle for sexy times. He might not even need a second dick to plug up all of MC’s holes at once.
Dragons tend to have long tongues, so french kissing Jack is going to be intense, especially if it’s forked too. Then of course there’s oral. Naturally, he’ll be careful with those sharp teeth of his. Well, unless MC is into something a little rougher. Jack doesn’t want to hurt his sunshine (humans are so fragile after all), but if they like a little pain, well, their good old pal Jack will oblige them!
In my personal fantasy headcanons, pointy ears and the base of wings and tails are sensitive erogenous zones. Nibble on Jack’s ears, please! Preen his wings and make him feel loved and cared for. Rub at the base of his tail, and he’ll get hard instantly.
The scales might be harder than armor, but they’re nice and smooth, and have a nice feel. Jack has some control on just how hard or soft his body is at a time due to the belt’s power. Unless otherwise requested, Jack is very gentle with his sunshine, worried about going too rough due to how easy it was for him to hurt others.
Of course… Jack is also so desperately lonely and horny. MC’s presence has been his only bright spot in so long, and he loves them so much. When they love him too… well, it was already so hard for him to hold himself back. It wouldn’t be that difficult to rile him up and make him start to lose control, struggling to hold back his power even as he tosses MC around and takes them.
Naturally, many of my personal sexy headcanons for Jack apply in this AU. This includes a breeding/seeding kink. It’s a bit more pronounced here. If MC has his child then they’ll never ever leave him after all, and they’ll be bound together forever and ever and ever. Even if a child is off the table, the act of breeding/seeding alone is enticing, making them beg him to take them and fill them up with his hot cum is something that he fantasizes about often.
Of course, Jack doesn’t simply want sex with MC, he wants to make love. They make him feel truly loved for the first time in forever. Did he ever feel so loved before? He wants to experience their love in every way he can, fill them up with it until he’s a part of them forever.
Jack won’t ever force his sunshine, no matter how desperate he is for their love or to make love. He’ll go crazy with need, but always hold himself back if they need him to. As long as they love him, he can take care of himself sexually like he always has. He’s just been so empty, alone, and unloved for so long. MC fills them up with love in a way that he can’t live without anymore.
Naturally, when the pair do start making love, Jack can’t get enough, and his stamina is insane. MC is without a doubt going to be the one passing out first after they’ve been fucked senseless with Jack thrusting inside them, babbling how much he loves them and how good they make him feel. The more they go on, the more feral for their love Jack becomes. He’s needed his sunshine so, so badly, and now that he has them and their love, he can’t live without them anymore.
Of course, with a dragon AU and a shapeshifting ability, you can get really creative. For one thing there’s his full dragon form, which would be a giant compared to MC. Size difference anyone? Plus the exact details of how Jack looks in his dragon form could offer interesting possibilities of its own.
Then of course there’s even more furry-related kinks like oviposition or stuff like that. It's not for me personally, but I can imagine Jack would be open to experimentation and indulging in MC’s kinks, even the more outrageous ones. After all, it’s all just more ways to show just how much he loves his sunshine~
You best believe Jack has a predplay kink in this universe. He can smell MC and track them down easily. If that doesn’t work, there’s all sorts of magic he’s learned over the years that can do the trick. Of course he doesn’t want to scare MC, but when it’s good fun, it can lead to a delightfully spicy time~
While I’m on the topic of Jack smelling MC, he is addicted to their scent. The smell of their pheromones easily riles him up, practically sending him into rut like an alpha from Omegaverse!
Naturally, since Jack is a dragon, he has a horde. The castle was loaded with treasure, and it is pretty and shiny. It looks nice all piled together, maybe even neatly decorated. No doubt he’ll want to make love to his sunshine atop a pile of shiny gold coins and jewels, though he’ll make sure that he’s on the bottom so they don’t get jabbed by the hard edges… unless they’d like that, of course.
Of course, the true treasure Jack is hoarding in his lair would be MC. Gold and jewels are nice, but they don’t hold a candle to the love of his sunshine~
Wow. I think this is the longest headcanon post I’ve ever made while sticking with neutral MCs for the most part. I think I’m long overdue to shamelessly self-indulge with my OTP. Let’s see how Alice’s choices will affect this AU and how events unfold, shall we?
Lady Alice of House Rose
Naturally, Alice can’t have the surname of King in a setting like this, so I’m going to use her middle name as the house name.
Fun fact, Rose is the middle name for Barbie and Coraline too!
Yes, that means Barbie’s full name is Barbara Anne Rose King.
Yes. Yes, that pun was indeed intentional.
No, I will not apologize. Her name was picked to be a pun in the first place after all. ;3
Anyway, back to Alice. Being the eldest child, she has the responsibility to elevate the status of her household. Not only are they barely nobility, but their finances aren’t in the best shape. She needs money to help her family, and the honor of being a knight in hopes of gaining a better title.
It’s a shame that the queen doesn’t care for Alice and she’s been stuck as a squire way longer than is reasonable.
Alice knew that it would be impossible for her to marry a prince like Ian, no matter how kind he was, or how close they were. She couldn’t avoid falling for him though. It made her more determined to earn a better title, to make something of herself and earn acclaim. Maybe if she became the greatest knight in the kingdom, maybe she can prove herself worthy of royal consort and be with Ian as his wife one day.
Alice busted her ass trying to be a knight despite all the rough training and being forced to work menial, often degrading tasks as a squire. The weapons she specializes in are the bow and magic, combining the two to devastating effect. She’s also very good at keeping quiet and being stealthy.
In this universe, Alice never had sex with Ian. Although this fantasy setting is more open about sex before marriage, the gap between her and Ian was so wide, she didn’t want to risk doing anything that might ruin their chances of being together. That’s why finding out he cheated broke her heart, regardless of them being physically intimate together. Worse, his outburst when he begged her for forgiveness made it sound like they had been sleeping together to those who overheard, and the rumors were very unkind to the two of them, Alice especially.
Ian cheating proved to Alice that she was only fooling herself that they could be together. Their worlds were too far apart. Ian was to be king someday and she… well, maybe she’ll reach the title of Baroness. Though Ian begged for forgiveness, and Alice gave it to him, she couldn’t go back to the way they were. Advice from Shaun and others helped her see that it was best for everyone involved that she simply remain as the loyal (future) knight and Prince Ian as only her liege.
Let’s skip ahead to the mission to catch the thief in the dark woods. Alice’s best means of combat is the stealth kill. She sneaks quietly, sets up magic traps, fires arrows when the enemy is unaware, and in general takes her time to take her enemy at her own advantage. She actually works pretty well as a solo fighter due to being so stealthy. Though she is good at hand to hand combat if need be, she prefers to strike before her enemy realizes she’s there, and she’s amazing at her skills. Why, if she put her mind to it, she could be a skilled assassin. (Or in another world, a sniper.)
The horde of monsters the thief set off to charge after Alice was almost her undoing. By the time she fell into the catacombs, she passed out from exhaustion, having drained her mana dry. She might have been doomed if a monster came upon her then, but fortunately the master of the dark woods found her in time.
Alice was pretty darn shocked to wake up in a surprisingly fluffy bed, with her armor removed. Not all of it fortunately. She had her modesty protected and her softer clothes still on, but the uncomfortable hard outer plates were removed so that she could sleep peacefully. Jack was apologetic about removing any part of her clothes without asking, even blushing about it, but he didn’t want her to be uncomfortable while she recovered.
Needless to say, Alice is wary of Jack at first, but he did save her life. She does piece together that he’s the dragon pretty quickly and is naturally wary, deciding that the best course of action is to rest up, heal, and carefully get information from the legendary master of the dark woods.
The rumors and legends are so varied, it’s hard to know what exactly is the truth. The dragon of the dark woods doesn’t even have a name, and some of the tales are clearly exaggerations. Since Jack is showing himself to be surprisingly friendly, and he saved Alice from certain death, she decided to trust him… at least enough to remain civil and learn more about him, the castle, and the dark woods.
After asking many questions and getting as much information as Jack can give her (though much of it is confusing due to how rusty he is with socializing), Alice agrees to help him find a way to break his curse. She’s taking a risk, but if she leaves the castle on her own, she’ll die. If she stays, she can keep an eye on Jack to see if he’s really as good and gentle as he presents himself to be. If she has to, she’ll find a way to escape without him if she gets the sense that he’s using her to escape the forest in order to conquer the world or something.
Being very good at sneaking, Alice does slip away to search around the castle for answers on her own as much as possible. However, Jack can’t stand the idea of losing track of her, and all it took was one time of losing track of her for him to leave a magic tracker on her discreetly so he can find her wherever she goes - for her own safety of course! He can’t stand to be far from her. He has to give her time to herself, since if he leaves her with no privacy she won’t trust him, but it’s so hard to stay away. He’s so lonely.
At first Jack’s feelings for Alice are platonic, just a lonely man in desperate need of friendship, but over the time they spend together, getting to know one another, he falls in love and falls hard. Alice, naturally, takes much longer to fall after her relationship with Ian fell apart. At first, Jack is someone she can’t quite trust because he’s a stranger, then she is cautious because he’s a powerful dragon with many unflattering legends about the monster that he is, then it’s concern for the power imbalance between them… but eventually she sees that he’s just a lonely, sweet dork who just wants a friend.
Of course, Alice won’t realize he wants much more than friendship until later. Jack doesn’t want to scare her away after all.
I don’t think Shaun, Nick, and Ian are just going to sit back and wait long to try and find her, but I want to give Alice and Jack plenty of alone time, so I’m going to go with the idea that when humans come deep into the heart of the woods, at first Jack is excited. More friends! Then he becomes fearful when he realizes they’re looking for Alice. They want to take his sunshine away. She’ll leave him, forever!
Well, that won’t do. Jack doesn’t want to hurt them, but he can just make it difficult to find the castle. Maybe use the power of the cursed land to rearrange the forest when the search party isn’t looking, mix them up so that they find themselves suddenly outside the woods. Jack might not be able to leave due to the curse, but he’s not known as master of the dark woods for nothing. He can wield the golden cuffs’ power however he likes, just he can never leave.
Jack just needs to divert them long enough that they give up and leave, or he can find a way to escape with his sunshine’s help. Alice knows many interesting spells, being very creative with magic in ways that he never thought of before, and she knows of things that he doesn’t due to coming from outside the woods. With her help, he is able to figure out a way to free himself from his imprisonment… provided that he remains close to his sunshine. It’s more of a change in the curse than an actual cure for it, but it’s a vast improvement! He can leave the dark woods! Finally! At long last! He can converse with more people! He can make friends! He won’t have to be left alone and forgotten in the dark anymore!
Of course, Alice helps Jack prepare to be around people by helping him refine his “human” form. People aren’t going to understand that the deadly dragon of the dark woods is really just a sweet marshmallow, practically a giant cuddly puppy in human-ish form! When Jack can master looking properly human, they can come up with a cover story that he was a wanderer that found her lost in the woods and helped her until she could get back home. It’s not a lie technically. He used to be a wanderer after all, and everything else is true. He’s been nothing but helpful to his sunshine~
So Alice has to hide the secret of her new dragon friend, who has made it his mission to win her heart. Jack is willing to wait for her to be ready to love him the way that he loves her, even if the wait drives him crazy, but he’s very territorial, not liking the way the other guys look at her. However, Alice does notice his more possessive behaviors even as he tries to remain subtle about them, and she makes sure to keep her new “pet” dragon on a tight leash. Jack is fine with that so long as it means he’ll stay close to his sunshine.
I’m going to say that the change to the curse to bind them together does cause an empathy connection because I really love empath magic. Plus, allowing the pair to feel each other’s emotions and even pleasure and pain is very intimate. When Alice realizes they now can sense each other’s pain as a result of what she did, Jack makes it clear that he’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe so that she won’t have to experience any pain. He’ll promises to protect her for the rest of his life.
Of course, such a declaration leaves Alice feeling rather flustered. ;3
Overall, it is a bit more of a slow burn than Sunshine in Hell, but eventually the two of them fall in love, much to the dismay of the rest of the male leads.
Naturally love will overcome the curse, because I am an absolute sucker for happy endings. Jack and Alice will find a way to break the curse and remain together so they can live happily ever after. And make love like rabbits hopped up on viagra.
No, I won’t apologize for that pun either.
It won’t come too easily, of course. There’s plenty of people who aren’t going to be keen to immediately trust Jack, and not just the male leads. He came from out of nowhere, with no known background. Alice’s family is certainly going to be concerned by the stranger that waltzed into her life after her heart was already broken by Ian, especially since by the time they meet Jack, she’s already shown signs of crushing on him. The family is going to need to make sure that this new guy is worth potential heartbreak.
Then of course there’s the whole political aspect of things. This country used to be the very kingdom that Joseph was chased out of many, many years ago. The lost prince is a story that could be uncovered to potentially explosive results.
Why, if Jack had the mind to, he could take back the throne and rule the kingdom that once chased him away… with his sunshine ruling by his side after all.
Will that happen with Alice? Maybe. Maybe she’ll actually become a queen after all, or maybe she’ll just live a simple life with Jack who doesn’t let on that he’s powerful enough to level the whole kingdom. After all, all he truly wants is to be loved, and Alice is sure to give Jack all the love he could ever ask for.
Perhaps that love will wind up with a lot of adorable half-dragon babies running around. Though they could be fully human if Jack does become a human after the curse breaks. I kind of like the idea that Jack is freed of the curse, but he is still a powerful dragon and can still use the belt to have fun with his shape. Plus baby dragons are the cutest and the idea of Jack and Alice’s kids being little dragons with tiny wings and cute pointy ears heals my soul.
…Holy crap this ramble went on for 26 pages. That’s over 11,000 words according to google doc! This must be my longest ramble yet, and that’s saying something! Well, I suppose that’s what happens when a dragon lover makes a dragon AU, haha. Fantasy has always been my jam, and I love playing with magical elements.
Anyway, I’m going to take that as a cue to wrap things up here for now. Let me know what you think about this AU and if you want to hear more about anything in particular. Also, let me know if this post inspires you to create anything of your own and please share it with me! I love it that we can inspire one another to create in this fandom, just like Mars’ lovely art inspired me. I hope I’ve given you a few new fun ideas to play with. Thanks for reading this far!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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omophagic-beast · 6 months
What is your Hogwarts house?
Hi! Im gonna assume this is in good faith once, and answer this by saying that im a trans man and have fully disconnected from harry potter because theyre bad books and jk rowling sucks if youd like to read something better id love to recommend some stuff! The Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron is a series I like enough to put a quote from it on my arm, though I still hesitate to call it my favorite. It's about the greatest thief in the world as he tries to get his bounty as high as possible, accompanied by a swordsman wielding a mountain and a woman hosting the seed of a demon. The Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nyx was recommended to me by the lovely Jay Dragon and a few others at Metatopia this year, and I ended up devouring four of the seven books on the plane ride home. A child unwillingly goes through The Horrors, fighting seven angels who have been overtaken (in a sense) by the seven deadly sins. There's so much cool and interesting symbology throughout the series that's really fun to pick out when you notice it. Delicious in Dungeon is a manga by Ryoko Kui and definitely my favorite manga of all time. It's mainly about the importance of good food, as a group of adventurers end up having to traverse a dungeon with no supplies, surviving by eating the monsters within.
The Seep by Chana Porter is fun, if you're willing to get weird with it. Trina Goldberg-Oneka, a trans woman, finds herself devastated and unmoored after her wife leaves her to become a baby again. And by "fun" I mean it's a book that left me feeling like I was more of a person than I was before.
There's also plenty of really good webcomics out there, like Sakana, Bicycle Boy, Pia and The Tiny Little Things, A Better Place, We Go Together, Barbarous, Cold Sweat, ect, that you can simply find and read for free online! And if you simply must have wizards may I suggest making your own, the blog There's a TTRPG for that has a great post listing a bunch of good ttrpgs with that theme: https://theresattrpgforthat.tumblr.com/post/718030523649376256/theme-magic-and-mystics And speaking of games I'll cap this all off, for no particular reason, by recommending the game Let's Rob RJ McElhenny and Steal Her Golden Quill by Glaive Guisarme Games. It's fun and campy and a really good time.
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bloodyshadow1 · 27 days
the Bad Kids really spit in the face of Porter's philosophy this fight and it was beautiful. they were outnumbered 8 (counting Mazey and the hangman) against at the start 8 higher level enemies, but that number quickly spiraled to 11 with Jace's clones, and 14 with the 3 extra ragestars. Sure the Bad Kids eventually got a lot of helpers near the end of the fight, but only Squeem managed to do something and got people up and Bakur was a meat shield that did some damage to Porter.
Honestly, if he was smarter, Porter probably could have tpk'd the Bad Kids on his own. He had legendary resistances, legendary actions and was resistant to all forms of damage, immunity to fire, and a Barbarian's speed. Not to mention his attacks did massive amounts of force damage that Gorgug's rage doesn't resist.
If they went against him and tried to match him power for power they would have lost. Maybe they would have widdled him down, but there's a good chance they would be dead 8 vs 1, especially how tired they were from fighting off a swarm of dragons.
But the Bad Kids are good at what they do, they know there's more to fights than just damage. Strategy, utility spells, teamwork, that's what the Bad Kids used to win the day not raw power. They were smart, they targeted the squishy dangerous casters first to keep them out of play, they used their environment to get 4 deaths from lava alone.
Riz in his first turn did serious damage to the Rat Grinders with a single level 3 spell. Slowing down Mary Ann and Ruben left them so vulnerable. Mary Ann despite being a barbarian couldn't get to anyone to attack and meant she was out of the fight for the first half. Even more it destroyed the Bad Guys action economy since it meant one of the Jaces and Buddy had to use their turns to dispel the magic off their teammates, one of which was counterspelled. And of course he killed Kipperlily on his own. Drawing her ire, negating her sneak attacks against him and of course, casting hold person while she's in the lava killing her while telling her how bad she is at being a rogue.
Fabian did his thing, he is a fighter and a swords bard, it's his job to use his mobility to deal a lot of damage and boy did he do a lot of damage. He downed Ivy in a single turn and did damage to Oisin so he could be finished off with Fig. Then using his turns to draw fire, protect Mazey, give out Bardics when he could. And of course the biggest moment was freeing Bakur. In that moment, and it took a bit to pay off, they got an ally in a pit fiend, something strong and big that Porter couldn't ignore, and got the chance to get allies on the field to help them. It brought Squeem back so that he could get people up saved the day.
Fig is like Fabian, she does a lot of damage so why not celebrate it. On her first turn, she used her incredible mobility to get Oisin, probably the most deadly of the Rat Grinders (not counting Jace and Porter) as a wizard with access to 9th level spells, and she was able to almost kill him. She was also able to do damage to Ivy with her green flame blade to get her health down so Fabian could down her in one turn. She used a fire ball to kill ruben, damage Buddy, some of the Jaces, and Mary Ann, that got concentration checks on at least one Jace and Buddy that they failed losing a bigbsy hand and the banishment that Buddy was holding. unintentionally, the fireball was a big move because it got Mary Ann to target her, it's not great to have a barbarian as strong as her after you, but it kept her from attacking anyone else. It also got Mary Ann to take a lot of damage from the lava because she was so angry with Fig. Without that they would have had to deal with a second barbarian who unlike her teammates actually had some hit points. When she was back up she kills one of the Jaces with a well placed shatter. All the while acting like both a bard and a paladin, giving out bardics and doing damage to the bad guys.
Kristen, what can I say, both Kristens were amazing. I'm not a fan of K2, but she was clutch this fight, they literally couldn't have done it without her. Their healing was of course a saving grace, their support spells helped so much, and their utility was incredible. I'm not sure if they did any damage at all this fight, but they were so important. You can't really get better support than two clerics and they showed why. Keeping their party up and alive is one of the most important parts of combat. But there was also the utility they had in the fight, banishing Buddy was huge, no heals or revifiys if that was his thing, and keeping him from hurting anyone because clerics do have a lot of damaging spells. the dispel on the devil's nectar and their connection with Cassandra was clutch of course, it was what set the stage for their victory and allowed them to get Bakur on their side. And of course Ice Feast, Brennan, if you're gonna homebrew a spell for your friends, don't make it so powerful. yes, it's basically a reskin of heroes feast, but immunity to fire damage is overpowered when your final battle map has lava in it. Lava is very dangerous to those not immune to it as it killed two rat grinders and 3 of the Jaces in the fight, all while helping the bad kids and their allies.
Gorgug was amazing this whole fight, utilizing both the barbarian and the artificer part of him. He got the kill on Oisin who would have been very annoying to deal with and with his final attack he grapples porter away from his friends. It's not great for him, Porter is still a huge barbarian who can get around Gorgug's damage resistances with Force damage, but he keeps the big bad busy for as much as he can. He kept getting knocked down the whole fight, but thanks to his friends he never stayed down. Tossing a Jace into the Lava and stealing the votes from Porter with one hp was inspired. And in the final round he completely proves Porter wrong, the guy who told him being an artifer multiclass was a waste of time, who mocked him and called his gadgets stupid. Gorgug uses one of those stupid gadgets to help Adaine put the final nail into the big bad and bad teacher's coffin by taking points away from his saving throw letting Adaine's spell take hold. To add insult to injury he drops his rage for that last part just to show Porter that his toxic way of thinking didn't do him any good.
Adaine, I could talk about Adaine's amazingness in this last fight for days, she's my favorite character. This whole fight, she wasn't the blaster wizard that you expect from a lot of high level wizards. She does some damage, but her real effectiveness shined through crowd control and using utility spells to keep her party in the fight. the synaptic static was so devastating to the clumped up rat grinders and it damaged Jace before he could summon his clones so they were damaged at the start, not to mention the -d6 to a lot of their shit. she was just amazing this entire fight, even after being targeted by spells and attacks, she's the only other person kipperlily attacked other than Riz and her only successful sneak attack in her life against an enemy apparently. She also tanked several spells from the Jaces, flesh to stone, lightning bolt, bigbys hand, despite it all, she stays up until Porter has to use an aoe to deal with her, even taking some attacks from him. She saved her friends with Scatter and kept one of the Jaces out of the fight for a while, three of her friends down and she stands there looking at Porter defiantly, talking down to him and Jace despite them being teachers. And of course the detect thoughts with Fabian's brain worm present, allowing Ankarna to see the truth for herself in Porter's lies.
That detect thoughts was clutch, because like I said in the beginning, damage isn't everything. In a straight up fight they might have lost against Porter, the guy did just too much damage and was too tanky. But with that one utility spells they didn't beat Porter, but they outsourced to someone who could. They told his god the truth, that he was trying to kill her with his own thoughts, and she showed him what a goddess could do.
The Bad Kids are very powerful, but it's important to win when you're fighting for the sake of the world. It's important to be powerful but the Bad Kids are smart and strong, able to think and put aside ego and rage, something the rat grinders didn't understand. Spells and abilities aren't the same thing as being strong and now they know that
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choccy-milky · 2 months
Clora having an adorable mother and the world's most terrifying father makes so much sense. She's inquisitive, strong, brave and scary in her own right like her dad and yet she's small, adorable, sweet and a little naive like her mom, whom she looks just like. It makes sense.
Which means that Sebastian is in for it big time when they're older and it's time to ask for her hand. It's the 1800's, the late 1800's so technically he doesn't have to, Clora says, but Sebastian has met Clive and he knows that if he marries Clora and doesn't ask before hand for her fathers blessing that he might go mysteriously missing or be hit by a curse that causes erectile dysfunction. Which is so much worse.
Doesn't stop him from having a few nervous breakdowns, hyperventilating just a little bit, crying to Ominis that he thinks it's coming, the tea cup with the grimm truly was an omen and his time has come to die.
But, of course, when he asks Clive all he is met with is a long silent stare.
"My daughter has already informed me of your future nuptials. I don't understand why you're here."
Clive knows he doesn't need anyone asking for permission to marry his darling daughter, she's just like him she can definitely take care of herself. Also, I bet he's nicer than he lets on, his wife is the one to actually watch out for.
Sebastian: Your parents live on being contrary.
Clora: ???
He understands this, knows this and gets that his wife is exactly like her parents and that maybe he has bit off more than he could chew.
Ominis: You willingly married into this family. You've no one to blame but yourself.
Sebastian: I know. *puts down newspaper where his wife is on the front cover for taking out a ring of deadly dark wizards singlehandedly, proving just how dangerous Clora can be* I love her so much.
OMG???😭🥹💖💖I LOVED READING THIS!!! THANK YOU FOR WRITING AND SENDING ALL OF THAT AND PUTTING SO MUCH THOUGHT INTO THE CHARACTERS....😭you are so right, clora really is a combo of her parents just in different ways (and its also cracking me up, now that seb has met her dad, that he'll start to recognize clora's "clive mode" when she gets stubborn and serious and puts her foot down HAHA like omg...this is the same sort of feeling i get when her father stares me down...) AN ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION CURSE LMAOOO but youre also so right in that for as overprotective and 1890s as clive is and despite the way he tests seb, he also values clora + her judgement + her happiness, and as long as clora doesnt pick anyone who he actually deems to be a bad person, clive wouldnt feel the need to give his approval (even if seb THINKS he should get it/needs to get it) CLIVE IS A FEMINIST!!! and indeed also much nicer than he lets on🫠 (the only thing is that seb would have been WITH clora taking down that deadly ring of dark wizards. his overprotective ass may know shes capable but that doesnt change the fact that he protects her/treats her as if she isnt BAHHA he cant help it💕)
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thedrarrylibrarian · 2 months
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When I first started Happy Hour, @crazybutgood made me the cutest origami mug that resembles the foamy butterbeer in my Happy Hour image. I had been so nervous to try something new and write recs instead of just do lists and seeing that someone had enjoyed my rec enough to sit and fold paper into art was really touching to me. Since then, our whole fandom has been privileged to enjoy this unique and creative art that @crazybutgood has contributed. It's a joy to invite her to Happy Hour to give her own rec.
Thank you to @thedrarrylibrarian for this opportunity and for thinking of me!
The fic I’d like to rec is A Christmas Miracle by @sleepstxtic (E, 39k)
Draco is a world-renowned Magi-Diagnostician and Harry is a Cursebreaking Healer, both working in St. Mungo's. They're not- quite-friends, not-quite-lovers, who argue at work and have sex on the weekends. And they're both fine with it, thank you very much. But when a mysterious attack in the hospital leaves Draco trapped in a coma, Harry must do all he can to save him. All the while, an inexplicable, deadly, children's illness is spreading through wizarding London. Oh, and there's some Time Magic thrown into the mix.
A Christmas Carol with a Drarry twist.
Though this 25 Days of Drarry fic is set during Christmas, it’s a perfect read for any season. @sleepstxtic (Kat) uses her own wonderful take on A Christmas Carol to weave together a gripping medical thriller with Draco racing against time to save Teddy, after himself going on a journey of self-reflection as he travels through time with his Ghosts of Christmas. The scenes Kat writes for the time-travel are as emotional and gripping as the suspenseful case in the present, as Draco, moved by his eye-opening experience, navigates his duty – and expressing his feelings for Harry. The characters’ (including great OCs) dynamics, personalities – especially Draco’s growth – and dialogues are deliberate, on point, and a delight to read. Plus, Kat gives an especially wonderful snark and demeanour to Draco that are not only reminiscent of her inspiration of House M.D., but is also uniquely him. Of course, Harry too has his own sassy moments thrown in with his softness towards Draco.
Why I especially rec this fic (apart from Kat's brilliant writing that I always love) is that by December 2023, I had been on-and-off and down about a lot of things, including fandom. Though I wasn't sure where I stood then, one thing I knew was that I could always count on Kat’s amazing stories cheering me up. This one came at a time when I appreciated anything to rely on as an escape and a treat, and adding it to my list of subscriptions to daily updating fics last winter was a joy. The anticipation and thrill of following a daily WIP is something else; I eagerly read as the story unfolded each day, especially mulling over what might happen next after each cliffhanger, which Kat is infuriatingly good at. Her story is a wonderful unique blend of concepts and feelings of despair, fear, hope, and love, gelling into a plot that'll definitely have you hooked. Whether you choose to savour a chapter a day in your free time, or treat yourself to a late-night binge, I hope you enjoy unravelling the mysteries of the puzzling illness, what happened to Draco, and his and Harry’s future.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
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seriiousgiirl · 1 year
Dead man running
Death Eater!Severus Snape x Auror!Reader (The enemies to lovers dynamic version of the Harry Potter universe)
NFSW. Angst and smut (what a mix)!! Set during the first wizarding war.
Summary: Although this mission is crucial, your motivations extend beyond the expectations of the Ministry. Consumed by hatred, you are driven by a desire for vengeance against your childhood friend and the one you love, Severus. You have placed all your hopes on this operation to bring him to justice and to avenge the day he chose to leave you and join the Death Eaters. But as events unfold, unexpected and unsettling truths come to the surface, leading you down a path you never anticipated.
A/n: I really enjoyed writing this, hope it will reach your heart as I pour my soul in each line. Enjoy! (:
Words count: 14k.
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November, 1979
The moon was high in the sky, peaceful. Beneath its peaceful brightness was chaos, destruction. Hell incarnate. The mission had reached a dangerous point. There was unspeakable violence on both sides, and from an outsider's perspective, it would be impossible to determine who was on the dark side and who was defending justice. Death Eaters versus Aurors, or simply extremely powerful witches and wizards who sought to assert their authority based on their ideals. 
Morality was no longer relevant, no one was there to set the rules. It was a war. Who would care if the ‘good Aurors’ were to use unforgivable spells? If it was to ensure a prosperous future for themselves? No one would. Thus, everything was permitted.
It wasn't the first mission you participated in, but it was by far the most deadly. The plan was straightforward: Ambush the Death Eaters in the middle of their initiation ceremony. Usually this kind of gathering was kept secret, confidential. Even if the Ministry was well aware that Tom and his followers were taking part in rituals to welcome anyone willing to rally to his ambitions. Until recently, it had been impossible to intervene. But because of a betrayal, a torture session, - you weren't in a high position to know the details - the location and the time were disclosed. Allowing the Aurors to carry out their most crucial and important mission. Nearly all the important and wanted Death Eaters were in attendance, making it impossible for them to escape. And the Ministry had made it clear that many needed to be arrested. 
You were still young, you needed to prove yourself. But, capturing a dangerous criminal, with more experience in both magic and practice, was definitely beyond your abilities. Instead, you aimed to demonstrate your competence by taking on Death Eaters who were of similar age, even if they had a less troubled history. This was a personal strategy you had devised to gain favour with the Ministry. 
Many would say that it was a lot of trouble for nothing, that you had to put your ambitions and arrogance aside, but you were decided. Besides, your target was already selected. 
Severus Snape. 
As the mission got underway, you and your team of fellow Aurors cautiously approached the gathering of Death Eaters. It was clear that this was no ordinary operation; the air was thick with tension, and you could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared to engage in a life-or-death struggle. Your eyes were sharp, cold, contrasting with the blazing fields where the conflict was taking place. Your heart was pounding, adrenaline was racing through every move you made, putting all your senses on alert. With all of your training and skill at your disposal, you fought with everything you had, determined to defeat the dark wizards and put an end to their nefarious plans.
However, your main focus never left your brain. In the midst of the chaos, you caught fleeting glimpses of Severus, but you never had the opportunity to confront him directly. You needed to strike at the right moment. Did he also notice that I was there? 
Even though the Death Eaters were wearing masks to protect their identities, you didn't need to see his face to recognize Severus. His posture, the way he moved and defended himself, was unmistakable - it was as if he hadn't changed a bit since the last time you had seen him.
As you stood there, staring into the abyss, the screams and sounds of the battle raging around you, you couldn't help but think back to your time at Hogwarts. The choice of your target was personal. 
Your heart was wounded, betrayed. And Severus was the source of your heartache. The images repeat themselves endlessly, leaving you no reprieve. You had stood frozen, watching as Severus disappeared into the darkness, leaving you behind amidst the chaos and destruction, you had felt paralyzed and vulnerable to the dangers of the world. No night has been spared by vivid nightmares, waking you up with a feeling of grief.
It felt as if a knife had been plunged into your heart, as you realised that your once dear friend had chosen a path of darkness and betrayal. The pain was unrelenting, continuously re-opening old wounds within you with each passing day. Choices had to be made, and the two of you went your separate paths after years together. 
Sometimes fate can be cruel. 
Severus was your first and only real friend, and obviously it wasn't easy in the beginning. The young boy was distant, and the idea of developing a friendship with someone like you must have seemed unrealistic to him. To tell the truth, you couldn't blame him, nothing appeared to be able to bring the two of you together. You were just different. 
You are used to fooling people with the soft features of your face. Because in fact, nothing about your personality is soft. Feisty, ambitious, and always ready to fight. Over the years, the most troublesome students at Hogwarts gave up trying to bother you. And even if you were liking the bitter taste of the blood on your lips, you swear to yourself to never use your duelling skills to torment anyone, justice was always at the forefront of your mind. It's no wonder you have become an Auror. 
And thus, your reputation soon became divided among those who admired your courage and those who were frustrated that you prevented them from bullying others. Despite the differing opinions, one thing was clear: people feared you. When it became apparent that they could not beat you, they resorted to spreading rumours about you. Many people considered you to be a violent girl, and being around you was not seen as a good thing.
And that's what Severus believed as well. At first, he seemed to be avoiding you, perhaps not wanting to associate with someone who was known for causing trouble. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, he had enough problems of his own to hang around with foolhardy people like yourself. 
Just as you believed the rumours about him, you wouldn't be friends with any Dark Arts fanatic.
But as fate would have it, and if nothing suggested a possible friendship between you, it was the outcome of a typical day at Hogwarts that brought you two close. He was alone, so were you. And it is in this shared sadness, that a mutual understanding was born. From that day on, you and Snape became unlikely friends. Despite his initially reserved nature, you found that he had a sharp wit and a sense of humour that matched your own. You had always stood up for him against his bullies, and he had been there for you during your darkest moments.
As the time you spent together increased, you came to the realisation that the rumours about each other had been blown out of proportion, and that you had unfairly judged one another.
Very quickly, your duo was noticed, criticised. As if the friendship was a problem, as if the two of you had no right to enjoy happiness. Your pair was odd. 
But, you had never felt happier than when you were around Severus, and it was mutual. Even if growing up with someone different was not always easy, with ups and downs and occasional arguments over your individual strengths and differences. When Severus shared his passion for Dark Arts, it didn't seem like a sinister or concerning interest at all. He was simply passionate and enthusiastic about the subject, and it didn't cause you any worry. Perhaps, you had been too trusting of him, letting your guard down without question. He had fooled you. 
You were making excuses for many things about Severus, and that was wrong. You defended him when others spoke ill of him and made excuses for his sometimes cruel behaviour. Initially, you attributed your feelings towards him to your close friendship, but eventually your perception of him shifted… Was it his piercing black eyes that seemed to stare right through you? Or was it his quiet, brooding demeanour that made him seem so different from the other students at Hogwarts? The reason for your behaviour was simple, you loved him. 
Having spent seven years of your life with someone, observing their growth and transformation, it was impossible not to develop an affection for them. In the case of Severus, he was always there for you, providing comfort and support during times of sadness or loneliness. Despite the fact that your affection for him was forbidden, it was difficult not to feel that way towards him. 
Your feelings for Severus went beyond mere admiration or friendship. You found yourself daydreaming about him, imagining what it would be like to hold his hand or feel his lips on yours.
As you watched Severus' eyes light up when he talked about Lily Evans, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy in your heart. You knew that he only saw you as a friend, but you couldn't help but wish for something more. You knew that confessing your feelings to him would risk ruining your friendship. You didn't want to lose him, so you decided to keep your feelings hidden.
It wasn't easy, though. Every time you were near him, your heart would race and your palms would get sweaty. You couldn't help but steal glances at him, trying to see if he was looking at you too. Sometimes, you caught him staring at you, but you could never tell what he was thinking.
However you and Severus had been inseparable, sharing secrets and laughter, enjoying each other's company. You had felt a deep connection to him, a bond that you thought could never be broken. But then, things started to change during your seventh year. Severus had grown distant, more closed off, as if he was hiding something from you. You had tried to talk to him, to understand what was going on, but he had always brushed you off, telling you that everything was fine.
It wasn't until that fateful night, when Severus had chosen to join the Death Eaters, that you had finally understood what had been driving him away. You had pleaded with him, begged him not to go, but he had simply looked at you, with distant eyes. 
“I’m deeply sorry, Y/n” His faint voice and his desperate face was as clear as the day you witnessed him betraying you. Since then, this sentence has haunted you.
The foul smell of the smoke started to intoxicate your lungs and brought you back to the present, the wheat in the field causing a lot of ash from the various explosive spells used. The battlefield was scorching hot, your muscles were already strained from the physical labour involved in the fight. Now, as you stood there in the midst of the war, the memories of your friendship with Severus flooding back to you, you knew what you had to do. And you must not let the past affect you. You couldn't let him get away with what he had done, you were determined to bring Severus to justice for his crimes. 
Finally, as the battle begins to wind down, you catch sight of Severus slipping away into the shadows. You know that this is your chance, and you abandon your fellow Aurors to chase after him. With a determined look in your eyes, you set off after him, dodging spells and curses as you went. 
“Y/n!! Don’t go there!” The voice of one of your Auror partners rose from behind you, but it was already too late. Severus' figure was heading into the forest that bordered the field. You knew it was certainly a trap. Severus could take advantage in the darkness of the woods. Yet, your feet guided you carelessly, sending you on a frantic chase. 
During your previous missions, you had always found yourself in a precarious position, on the defensive and trying to hold your ground against the relentless attacks of the Death Eaters. It was always a struggle to stay alive, to avoid capture, and to protect your fellow Aurors. Although you knew it was selfish to abandon your comrades, you had already made many sacrifices.
Usually, the Death Eaters found an illicit pleasure in gaining the advantage in the fight, and thus in hunting. Chase or be chased. This was the first time you found yourself in this superior position, and it filled you with a newfound sense of confidence and pride. 
As you stepped into the forest, the moon’s rays filtered through the treetops, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The air was cool and refreshing, the pungent smell of ash and smoke dissipated, replaced by the refreshing scent of trees and foliage and the sound of leaves rustling in the wind was a welcome contrast to the chaos of the battle. Despite the danger, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over you as you ran. There was something about being surrounded by nature that always seemed to calm you, to centre you in a way that nothing else could.
But your peace was short-lived as you caught sight of Severus up ahead, his figure darting in tho the darkness. You quickened your pace, your eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of him. The path was narrow, and the trees grew so close together that the moonlight was almost entirely blocked out. You pushed your way through the underbrush, branches scratching at your skin and twigs snapping underfoot. But you didn't stop, your determination driving you forward.
"You're a coward!!" You yelled with all your might, your words reverberated among the trees. But the only response was silence, interrupted only by the rustling of leaves beneath your feet as you ran towards Severus. The natural sounds of the environment enveloped you, accentuating the absence of any reply. Your mind raced with a flurry of emotions. Anger, betrayal, sadness, and regret all jostled for attention, each one vying to be heard over the pounding of your heart.
You didn't hesitate. With a burst of speed, you closed the distance between you, closing in on him. You were so focused on your target that you almost didn't see the spell coming. But at the last moment, you managed to dodge it, leaping to the side as a jet of red light whizzed past your ear. So, it seems like this is his way of answering me.
However, you were relentless, your mind consumed with the desire to bring him to justice. The forest blurred around you, the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You didn't know what the outcome would be, but you knew that you had to catch him, no matter what.
But fate was not on your side. 
In the heat of the chase, you failed to notice a particularly treacherous section of the forest floor, slick with mud and leaves. Before you knew it, your foot slipped, and you went crashing down onto the ground. Pain shot through your body as you hit the ground hard, your head spinning from the impact. You tried to get up, but your leg refused to move, and you realised with horror that you had twisted your ankle in the fall.
As you lay on the ground, the pain coursing through your body, you felt a sense of panic rising within you. Your breaths came in ragged gasps, and your head throbbed with each beat of your heart. You tried to move, but the pain was too much. It felt as though your whole body was on fire, and you were powerless to do anything but lie there and wait for the pain to subside. But as soon as you moved, the pain flared up again, and you fell back to the ground with a gasp. In the silence of the forest, you could hear the sound of your own heartbeat, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the distant cries of battle echoing through the trees. The darkness that surrounded you was almost suffocating, and you felt a sense of fear creeping over you. 
You were trapped, alone and vulnerable in the heart of the forest.
What if Severus was still out there, watching you from the shadows? What if he was waiting for you to make a move, ready to strike as soon as you revealed your position? The thought sent a shiver down your spine, and you tried to push yourself up, despite the pain. In vain.
In the midst of the forest, you notice a sound that differs greatly from the usual noises. It is the sound of footsteps, growing increasingly louder until you feel a presence looming over you.
You hear a voice, deep and familiar, "Are you alright?" You recognize it instantly as Severus’ voice, muffled by the mask he was wearing. 
You try to respond, but the pain makes it impossible to speak properly. Instead, you manage to hiss in pain, your voice weak. “What are you doing? You're supposed to run away from me!” In your voice there was frustration and a sense of failure. But you would never let the pain put an end to your ambitions. 
You raised your gaze, still struggling on the floor. The familiar Death Eater mask he wore only added to your already heightened sense of danger. You couldn't read his expression, and the thought of what he might do or think, was enough to make you shudder with fear. However, your survival instincts kicked in, and with a burst of energy, you managed to raise your wand and cast a basic spell in his direction. The spell hit its intended target, Severus' mask, causing it to fly off and revealing his face. 
For a moment, the two of you stared at each other, both caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. Your breath was taken away. Severus had both changed and remained the same. It had only been a year since you had seen each other so closely. 
As you lay there, looking up at Severus, your mind couldn't help but take in every detail of his appearance. His dark eyes seemed to bore into your soul, as if searching for something within you. But the dark circles underneath made you worry for him; they made him appear unwell, as though he had not slept in days. His hair had grown longer, reaching down to his shoulders. And his facial features - his high cheekbones and hooked nose - were still as sharp and defined as ever. Despite his youth, there was an air of maturity about him that you couldn't help but notice. He seemed exhausted, like he had been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. And yet, his posture was not defensive, but rather commanding. It was as if he had a great deal of responsibility resting on his shoulders and he had to carry himself in a certain way. Even with your wand aimed at him, he did not seem afraid. Instead, he held himself with confidence and poise.
"Y/n, feisty as ever. I see." He began his sentence, almost amused by your hostile behaviour towards him, as if you were wrong to be suspicious. "Are you in pain?"
You try to respond, but the pain makes it impossible to speak. Instead, you manage a weak nod.
Severus kneels down beside you, his hand hovering over your body, hesitant to touch. "Let me help you up," he says, his voice softer than you've ever heard it before. With gentle hands, he helps you to your feet. 
You had spent so much time hating him, chasing after him, it was hard to remember that he had once been your friend. But, as you stand, the pain begins to subside, and you can see more clearly now. You look up at Severus and notice a look of concern etched on his face. It's a look you've never seen before, and it takes you aback. In that instant, you saw a glimpse of the old Severus, the one you had known before he had joined the Death Eaters. 
"Why are you helping me?" You tried to behave as detached as possible. 
Severus didn't answer right away, almost hesitant. "We're being followed. We need to find a safe place before we get caught." And despite the gravity of his words, you couldn't help but focus your mind on the warmth of his body next to yours, how the feeling had become foreign over time. However, his scent mixed with the stench of smoke, made you feel nostalgic. Like a distant dream. 
“Y/n,” he called for your attention, urgence in his voice. “We have to go. We can talk, fight, or whatever you want, after that. But we need to hide."  
"Alright Severus," you manage to say, your voice still weak. You brace yourself for his retort, expecting him to insult or belittle you as he usually does. Especially after you fell, a quite risible mistake. But to your surprise, he simply nods and offers you a hand to steady yourself.
As you took Severus' outstretched hand, you felt a sense of unease. You couldn't help but remember all the times he had been your friend and now your enemies, all the times he had caused you joy and pain. But, you felt a strange sense of comfort in his presence. The warmth you felt wasn't just physical, but emotional as well. It had been a long time since you and Severus had worked together as allies, putting your differences aside for a common goal. Even if, for the moment, his motives in helping you are still rather unclear. 
As you stumbled a few times, he was always there to catch you, offering you his steady support. His touch was gentle, and you could see the concern in his dark eyes as he helped you walk. You felt like you could trust him, even if you knew that this was just a temporary alliance. But for the moment, you were grateful for his help, and for the strange warmth that had spread through your body. It felt like a glimmer of hope, a small reminder that even in the darkest of times, there could be moments of light and cooperation.
Severus scanned the surrounding area frantically, his eyes darting from tree to tree, searching for a suitable hiding spot. Finally, he spotted a large bush nearby, and he gestured for you to follow him. You both made your way to the bush, and Severus helped you to crawl underneath it.
As you lay there, trying to steady your breathing, the sound of the Death Eaters grew louder and louder. You could hear their footsteps as they rushed past, their shouts echoing through the trees. You held your breath, afraid that they would hear you, but Severus remained calm and steady, his presence calming you down.
After what felt like an eternity, the sound of the Death Eaters faded away, and you both let out a sigh of relief. Severus helped you out from under the bush, and you both stood up, taking a moment to catch your breath. 
Despite the flurry of events that had transpired in a mere span of time, your thoughts remained a jumbled mess, grappling with the past in an attempt to make sense of it all. However, you made a conscious effort to push those thoughts aside and focus on the present moment. You turned to Severus, breaking the silence with a question that had been gnawing at the back of your mind, “Do you think we are safe?”
Severus looked at you with a grim expression, his eyes flickering with a mixture of determination and anxiety. He didn't answer your question directly, but instead scanned the area around you, as if assessing the level of danger.
"It's hard to say," he finally replied, his voice low and steady. "But we should assume that we are not safe and act accordingly. But it will be enough to take the time to heal you."
You couldn't help but recall the times when you knew him to be weak and silent, always overshadowed by his peers. But now, seeing him as a commanding figure, so composed and in charge, was a revelation. He had clearly developed this new facet within the Death Eaters, and you couldn't help but be impressed. Severus had finally found his place within the circle of Voldemort. Perhaps his newfound confidence came from the fact that he was no longer just a follower, but an integral part of the organisation. It was a frightening thought, but also a necessary one to acknowledge.
He sat you against the trunk of a tree, and knelt down after you, ready to tend your ankle. The silence between you was heavy. You could feel the memories of your shared past creeping up on you, threatening to overwhelm you. You stole a glance at Severus, but his expression remained distant and unreadable. It was as if he was lost in his own thoughts, unable or unwilling to share them with you.
You couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, what he was feeling. Did he regret his choices? Did he wish he had done things differently? Or was he content with his place among the Death Eaters, with the power and influence he had gained?
"It didn't have to be like this, Severus," you replied, breaking the silence. "Why did you choose this path?"
"I had no choice," he said bitterly. "I made a mistake, and now I'm paying for it."
You were taken aback by his words, which were unexpectedly honest and vulnerable. It seemed that Severus was prepared to face whatever consequences you might impose on him. His surrender surprised you, for you did not expect him to yield to you.
"Is that why you're helping me...? Out of regret?" Your voice was weaker than you wanted it to sound, a faint touch of anger. But, it was still a far cry from the strong-willed Auror you were before you stumbled into that forest. "Because you think you owe me something?" 
Severus frowned, you had pointed out what seems to annoy him. "I do what is necessary. Because I know you, Y/n.” His answer remained cryptic, confirming your suspicions to a certain extent. 
Severus' hands moved with practised ease, as if he had done this a hundred times before. He gently removed your shoe and sock, exposing your injured ankle. As he inspected it, you couldn't help but notice the contrast between his rough, calloused fingers and the delicate touch he used to examine your injury. You found yourself watching him, studying the subtle changes in his face as he focused on your ankle. His brow furrowed in concentration, and his lips pressed together in a thin line. It was clear that he was a man of intense focus and dedication, even in the midst of danger.
As he finished examining your ankle, he looked up at you with his dark, piercing eyes. For a moment, you were lost in their depths, feeling as if he was reading your every thought and emotion. The storm of conflicting emotions that swirled within his gaze threatened to overwhelm you, but you forced yourself to stay calm.
"I would have been able to alleviate the pain if I had the necessary ingredients to brew a potion, but unfortunately, you will have to endure the pain." He explained the situation to you. 
You nodded, "I'm used to it… You can proceed."
Despite the circumstances, the intimate gesture of him tending to your injury drew you back into memories of your past together. His way of speaking brought back memories of how you had comforted him in the past, when you were tending to his injuries after a confrontation with his bullies. 
You had tried to bury those feelings during the war, but now they resurfaced with a vengeance. You found yourself wanting to reach out and touch him, to feel his familiar warmth and know that he was still there beside you. But you held back, unsure of how he would react. The unspoken tension between you lingered in the air, heavy and palpable.
Severus took out his wand, and aimed the tip on your broken ankle. After muttering the appropriate spells, the crack of the bone echoed through the silent forest surrounding you. You grunted in pain, as convenient as the magic was, in the realm of medicine, it was always painful. 
You attempted to move your foot to test the effectiveness of Severus's spell, relieved to find that there was no discomfort. "Thank you, Severus," you gasped, finally able to catch your breath after the intense pain.
"No problem, Y/n," he hummed, still in his thoughts. "Why did you chase me?" he asked, his question seemingly straightforward.
You let out a small laugh, the tension between the two of you dissipating slightly. "Because it's my job," you replied naively, a faint smile forming on Severus's thin lips as he worked to put your sock and shoe back on.
"I mean, why me?" he probed further. "I noticed that during the fight you tried to approach me…”
Your throat tightened. All the cruel words and thoughts you had held towards him since you became an Auror suddenly seemed to get stuck in your throat. Strangely enough, admitting the truth felt more difficult once you were facing the man you both love and hate. 
"That's why I ran towards the forest. I wanted to let you have the chance to confront me single-handed. After all, I deserve this." Severus continued, seeing your lack of response. 
You admitted with clear frustration, "Ah... But I fell. And it didn't go as planned." As Severus continued to scrutinise you, you felt compelled to provide more context for your actions. "My intention was to capture you and bring you to the Ministry," you explained, hoping to shed light on your motivations. Despite your explanation, Severus remained inscrutable, showing no signs of remorse or disappointment. His gaze remained unwavering, leaving you unsure of what he was thinking or feeling.
"I appreciate your honesty," he said, his voice low and measured. "What do you plan to do now?"
You were left feeling uncertain and conflicted by his question. Your mind was torn between your personal feelings and your hatred towards him. You were aware that your feelings were a moral dilemma. On one hand, you wanted to uphold your duty as an Auror and ensure that justice was served. On the other hand, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
Severus still had a hold over your heart. Even after all he had done. 
The desire to be near him once more consumed you, overpowering any thoughts of the ongoing war and the potential misdeeds he may have committed. The kindness he had shown you had ignited a glimmer of hope within you, making you believe that he might still possess a spark of goodness.
Could it be that you could view him beyond his identity as a Death Eater, acknowledging his positive traits without condoning the horrific actions he had taken?
"If I capture you, and take you to the Ministry, you'll spend the rest of your life in Azkaban." You began slowly, "I thought I could be the one to take on that responsibility... But it's harder than I thought.”
Severus leaned against the tree beside you, his back resting comfortably on the trunk. His proximity was a source of comfort as his shoulder brushed against yours, conveying a sense of closeness and ease.  Despite the weight of your words, announcing the possibility of imprisoning him indefinitely, he appeared unperturbed, accepting your statement with a calm demeanour.
It was as if he had made peace with the situation and was content to spend his remaining moments in your company. His willingness to be by your side was evident in his actions.
"Just as I have the power to imprison you... You could have killed me when I fell. I was vulnerable, and at your mercy. But you didn't even raise your wand against me, and you came to help me." You sighed, the solution to the dilemma was both evident and difficult. "It would be unfair of me. Especially, if you stay on the battlefield, you can make a difference in this war." 
"Y/n, you were always too kind to me. Even after what you had to go through because of me." Severus was struggling for words, his voice less composed. "I have wronged you."
A newfound silence descended upon the two of you. The sounds of the battlefield had faded, indicating that the battle had come to an end and both sides had retreated, leaving you enveloped in the peaceful stillness of the forest. In that moment, you yearned to stay there, away from the chaos and turmoil of the outside world. It felt like time had ceased to exist, and you found yourself lost in the tranquil atmosphere of the night. 
You just want to stay in that moment, with him, forever.
Severus broke the silence as he looked at you for a moment, his expression unreadable. "It was never about betraying you," he said finally. "It was about doing what I thought was right."
You were certain that his words were not uttered lightly, as they were charged with vulnerability and raw emotion. It was evident that he had been carrying this weight on his shoulders for some time, and the need to express his feelings had become too great to ignore. His admission was a poignant one, and it was clear that he had been longing to share it with you.
Right from the start, you and Severus were distinct individuals. Unfortunately, over time, you lost sight of this fact and began to overlook it. Severus had his own demons to face, haunted by his past and his involvement with the Dark Lord. He was fighting his own battles, just as you were fighting for a better future. 
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you." You realise that, despite everything that has happened between you, there is still a connection there. Something worth saving. 
Severus shook his head softly, objecting, "No, you have already done more than enough. It was my failure to honour our friendship. The times we spent together at Hogwarts still hold the dearest place in my heart." After a pause, he added, "Thank you Y/n.”
It took you a while to answer, a little taken aback by all these revelations. All the hatred you had built up around him, rooted in a lack of understanding. Severus, a man known for his pride, displayed an uncommon vulnerability that spoke volumes about the anguish he was experiencing. The weight of his choices had taken its toll on him, and he was struggling to bear the burden. You opened your mouth, ready to respond, but the shouts of the Aurors looking for you interrupted the moment of peace between the two of you.
Time was running out. You could see the pain etched on Severus' face, and for the first time, you could read an emotion on him. Seeing him in such agony filled you with a deep sense of sorrow.
"You have to go Y/n," Severus stood up and offered his hand to help you up, 
You took his hand and got to your feet, "I'll cover you and send them in the opposite direction. Use this time to escape."
In response, he merely nodded. As Severus looked at you, his eyes seemed to convey a sense of urgency and gravity that you couldn't quite comprehend. It was as if he wanted to make sure that he would never forget your face, that he would hold onto this last memory of you as tightly as he could.
Despite the chaos that was unfolding around you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of profound sadness wash over you as you realised that this might be the last time you would see Severus. In that moment, you knew that you would always remember the way he looked at you, with such intensity and emotion.
As the seconds ticked by, Severus's grip on your hand tightened, as if he didn't want to let go. But eventually, he took a deep breath and let go of your hand, stepping back.
You turn to leave, supporting his gaze was unbearable. Severus speaks, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry," he says. "I know that doesn't change anything, but I am. I never wanted to hurt you."
You closed your eyes tightly, unable to turn around and face Severus once more. You could feel the weight of his gaze on your back, and each step you took away from him felt like a step towards an endless abyss of sadness. You didn't want to cry, not now. But the pain in your heart was almost too much to bear. It was as if a part of you was being torn away, and you knew that things would never be the same again.
Despite the overwhelming sadness that threatened to consume you, you couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had just happened between the two of you. It was different from the night he had abandoned you, a feeling that was raw and painful but ultimately one that you could move past now. This was different, something deeper and more profound, something that would stay with you for the rest of your life.
As you ran, you tried to push these thoughts and feelings aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't shake the sense of loss and sorrow that clung to you like a second skin.
He was a Death Eater and you were an Auror, sworn enemies.
-- November 1981 --
After many sacrifices, Lord Voldemort had been defeated. 
After a prolonged and difficult battle, the struggle against darkness and evil had finally come to an end. After years of living in fear and mourning for the dead, the dawn of a new era had finally arrived.
However, with the war finally over and your role as an Auror temporarily suspended as a gesture of gratitude for your contributions and sacrifices, you found yourself feeling hollow and aimless. For three long years, you had poured everything into the fight against the Dark Lord and his followers, living day-to-day with a sense of urgency and purpose that had now vanished. Transitioning back to normal life was harder than you had anticipated. The freedom you had craved for so long was now at your fingertips, but it felt foreign and overwhelming. The horrors you had witnessed during the war now replaced the nightmares you had once had about Severus’ betrayal, and they haunted you at every turn.
You tried to distract yourself with hobbies and activities that once brought you joy, but everything seemed trivial and meaningless in the face of what you had been through. You longed for something to fill the void that had taken root inside you.
The celebrations were in full swing, you had been making the rounds of your friends and colleagues for the past week to join in the festivities. Everyone congratulates you on what you've done, the Death Eaters you've fought, the lives you've saved as an Auror. But nothing that could remind you of the joy you had when you were younger. Everything seemed bland.
However, amidst all the merrymaking, your thoughts were still preoccupied with Severus, and the unfortunate events that had transpired on that fateful night. Though you had heard no news of him since, your curiosity compelled you to dig deeper. Upon perusing the Ministry documents, you were taken aback by what you discovered.
Severus's contribution to the downfall of Lord Voldemort was not to be underestimated. Despite his years of service to the Dark Lord as a Death Eater, he risked everything by switching sides and becoming an ally of Dumbledore. And this left you with many questions…
What was Severus's motivation for betraying Voldemort? Did he truly believe in the cause of the Order of the Phoenix, or was there another reason for his actions? How did he manage to maintain his double-agent status for so long without being caught by either side? 
As you pondered these questions, you couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Severus. His bravery and sacrifice had been instrumental in bringing about the end of the Dark Lord's reign of terror. And yet, he remained an enigma, his true intentions and feelings shrouded in mystery.
But then, a glimmer of hope. A cryptic note arrived by owl, signed with only a single initial - "S". You knew immediately who it was from.
Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing him again after all these years. But as much as you wanted to know what he had to say, the thought of confronting him also filled you with trepidation. The memories of your past interactions with him were painful and complicated, and you weren't sure if you were ready to face them again.
This is how you found yourself, days later outside. As the crisp air of November nipped at your cheeks, you navigated through the unfamiliar streets of Spinner's End, a part of town you had never ventured into before. Your heart raced with a mix of anticipation and excitement, wondering what awaited you at the end of this journey.
As you approached the unremarkable row house that was Severus's home, your nerves began to settle. You reminded yourself that you had come here for answers, and that the man waiting for you inside was someone you had once trusted and respected. Taking a deep breath, you lifted your hand to knock on the door. But before your knuckles could make contact, the door creaked open, revealing the tall and imposing figure of Severus.
You gasped at the sight of Severus, taken aback by the physical changes you noticed in him. You couldn't help but notice that he seemed to have aged beyond his years. The lines on his face were etched more deeply than you remembered, evidence of the hardships he had faced over the years. His skin was still as pale as ever, almost translucent in the light, but there was a hint of colour in his cheeks that hadn't been there before. His dark eyes seemed to hold more depth, as if he had experienced a great deal since the last time you saw him. The sharp angles of his face were still present, but there was a hint of softness that you couldn't quite place.
Despite this, there was a newfound strength in his countenance, as if he had overcome something significant. Severus looked more put together, more in control of himself and his surroundings. It was as if he had finally found some measure of peace in his turbulent life, and the transformation was both surprising and heartening to see. Overall, he looked both different and the same, a testament to the complex and multifaceted character that he was.
Severus welcomed you as you arrived at the door. "Y/n, I am pleased that you came," he spoke in a composed tone, but the gentle way he pronounced your name gave away his relief.
"Severus, I am happy to see you too..." You almost added the word "alive," but it seemed too abrupt, especially given the occasion.
"Please, do come in." He stepped aside to let you enter, and chivalrously helped you with your coat.
As he guided you in, you couldn't help but be taken aback by the stark contrast between the exterior and interior of the house. Stepping into the dimly lit entryway, your eyes scanned the surroundings in wonder. Despite the peeling walls and the musty aroma that filled the air, the house was impeccably clean and organised, each item in its designated place. The decor was sparse but refined, exuding a sense of understated elegance that seemed out of sync with the shabby neighbourhood.
"I received your note," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "I wasn't sure if I should come."
"I understand," Severus replied. He walked you to the living room and sat you on the sofa. "I kept a low profile after the end of the war. It's still a complicated situation for me."
He excused himself, leaving you to your own thoughts for a moment. Soon enough, he reappeared carrying two steaming cups of tea, their scent of grass and spice wafting towards you. Placing them down on the coffee table, he settled into the armchair across from you, positioned beside the fireplace. “I felt that it was time for us to talk. There are things that you deserve to know." he stated, meeting your gaze as he finally took a seat.
You nodded, taking a sip of the warm tea. The silence between you was comfortable now, no longer charged with apprehension. It was as though time had frozen, and you were both suspended in this moment of stillness.
Finally, Severus spoke. "I know that you have many questions, and I will do my best to answer them. But before we begin, I want to say something." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I want to apologise. For everything. For the pain that I caused you, for the mistakes that I made. I know that I can never make up for what I did, but I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
Severus's apology caught you off guard, especially since it was the second time he had uttered those kinds of words. The first time seemed hesitant, as if he wanted to ease his own doubts as a farewell, unsure if he would make it out alive. This time, however, his words sounded more genuine and thought-out. 
You realised that this was the moment that you had been waiting for. The chance to confront your past and move forward.
"I forgive you," you said, your voice stronger now. "And I thank you. For everything that you did, for the sacrifices that you made. You were always a hero, even when you didn't want to be."
Severus's eyes softened, and you could see the weight of his past lifting from his shoulders. "Thank you," he said. "It means more than you know." And in that moment, you knew that you had found the closure that you had been searching for. The wounds of the past had finally begun to heal.
Severus sounded hesitant to discuss the past comfortably, despite the tension between the two of you having dissipated. It was still too soon for him to open up completely. "Since you work at the Ministry, I assume you know about the exact course of the Dark Lord's downfall," he said.
You nodded in agreement, "Yes, I am aware of it, and I must admit... The entire situation caught me off guard."
A faint smile appeared on Severus's face, barely noticeable, but you knew him well enough to sense that his aura had lightened. "Well then, let me tell you all about it."
Severus recounted the entire story, starting with the prophecy and ending with his agreement with Dumbledore. He spoke of his motivations for betraying Voldemort, citing his love for Lily as the driving force behind his switch to the other side. He spoke of the burden of his double-agent status, and the constant fear of being discovered by either side. He expressed his remorse for how he had treated you in the past and his desire to make amends.
As he spoke, you experienced a range of emotions - anger at his past behaviour towards you, admiration for his bravery, and a sense of relief that he was finally opening up to you. Above all, however, you felt jealous, as his story reminded you of the cruel realities of life. 
"That's why I've been absent, I'm now at Hogwarts as the Potions Master. Dumbledore wished to give me the chance to find my place in this world." He spoke with enthusiasm about Dumbledore's decision. However, as he finished his tale, his voice trailed off. It seemed as if he was attuned to your feelings and had sensed your detachment since Lily was mentioned.
However you tried to return a small smile, relieved to see that Severus had found his place. "I'm glad you've found your path, Severus. It sounds like Hogwarts is a good fit for you."
Severus placed his tea cup on his lap and fixed his gaze on you. "Thank you, Y/n," he began, but his next words made you feel confused. "But the truth is, I didn't bring you here just to convey something I could have easily explained in a letter.”
The gravity in his tone made you tense up. "What do you mean?" you asked, feeling apprehensive.
Severus, after maintaining eye contact with you since you arrived, finally averted his gaze. He then took a deep breath, bracing himself to reveal what appeared to be the most challenging aspect of the conversation.
"Y/n, I want to express my gratitude to you for what you shared with me that night," he began slowly. "You gave me a chance - a chance to make a difference in this war. It’s because you never ceased to believe in me, to recognize the good that was buried. If I found the right path, it was only because of you." He paused for a moment, but it was obvious that he was simply taking it to gather his thoughts properly. 
"The further I was from you, the more I realised the weight of my choices and my mistakes. There wasn't a single day I spent in your absence without thinking about you, without wanting to try to rebuild our relationship." He spoke with a heavy heart, as if the wound was still fresh. 
"It was a privilege to see you again, even if it was brief. I never thought it would be possible, but fate had other plans. Your face, which used to haunt me with regret, has become my source of strength. It's the reason I found the will to fight." Severus let out a heavy sigh, as if trying to release the intense emotions weighing on him. You couldn't see his eyes, but the intensity in his deep, thundering voice was enough to convey his sincerity. 
Severus revealed, "In the beginning, I used Lily as a reason to switch sides and prove my allegiance. However, as the war progressed, my feelings for someone else grew stronger. It was as if I had finally acknowledged and accepted emotions that I had denied and suppressed for years. The mere thought of that person's death was unbearable." He looked up at you, his gaze brimming with intensity and emotion. "You may view me as selfish, but I did all this to save your life."
Severus conveyed that his confession was now complete. The weight of his words had left you feeling overwhelmed and at a loss for how to respond. The information he had shared was a lot to process, and you found yourself unable to immediately form a response. The silence that followed between you was heavy with unspoken emotions. 
You could see the hope and fear in his eyes, as he waited for your answer. But the longer you took to respond, the more you saw the swirl of emotion in his eyes begin to dull. It was as if he was slowly closing himself off from you, shutting down his emotions and building a wall between you. 
You could sense his disappointment and frustration, and it only made it harder for you to speak. Eventually, Severus' eyes closed, and you could see the tension in his shoulders as he took a deep breath
He spoke quietly, still closing his eyes as if to steady his emotions, "I am aware that what I did was a mistake. I was naive to anticipate that you could entirely forgive me. I am not sure if it is even achievable. Nevertheless, I wished for you to be aware of the truth. To comprehend my reasoning behind my actions. And most importantly, to understand that I am remorseful."
Severus' last words pierced your heart, leaving you speechless. Though you couldn't find the words to express your feelings, you knew that you had to do something. You gently placed the cup down and stood up, making your way towards him. He didn't seem to notice your approach, lost in his own thoughts. As you knelt down in front of him and placed your hand on his cheek, you could feel the tension in his body harening. It was as if he was bracing himself for rejection, but you were determined to show him that he was not alone.
"Severus, look at me." Your voice was soft, as if to lull him into positive feelings. He opened his eyes, staring back at you with all his intensity. "I know how it feels, this war has changed us all. But if there's one thing that's remained intact, despite all the pain we've endured... It's my feelings for you."
Severus reached for the hand on his cheek, bringing it to his lips as he pressed a tender kiss to your fingertips. With his other hand, he mirrored the gesture, placing it on your cheek. His soft touch guided your face towards him, his eyes never leaving yours as he leaned in slowly. And then, his lips met yours in a gentle kiss.
The warmth of his breath and the tender pressure of his lips sent shivers down your spine, and for a moment, you were lost in the intensity of the moment. The kiss was filled with a sense of overwhelming tenderness, as if all the pain and hurt of the past had been washed away by this simple act of affection. It was a moment of clarity, where everything else faded away and only the two of you remained.
As the kiss deepened, Severus brought his other hand up to cradle your face, his fingers tangling in your hair. You responded eagerly, feeling a rush of passion and desire flood through you. His lips were soft and warm against yours, moving with a gentle but insistent pressure.
For a moment, it seemed as if the entire world had fallen away, leaving only the two of you in this intimate moment. You could feel the heat of his body against yours, and the soft rustle of his clothes as he shifted closer.
As the kiss continued, it seemed to take on a life of its own, becoming more urgent and demanding. His hands moved down to your shoulders, pulling you even closer as his tongue slipped past your lips, exploring your mouth with a hunger that left you breathless. You felt your own hands wandering, exploring the contours of his face and the muscles of his back. It was as if you were both caught up in a spell, unable to resist the growing passion that was consuming you both.
Finally, the kiss came to an end, but the feelings that it had stirred up remained, leaving you both feeling dizzy and exhilarated. You looked up into his eyes, and saw a mixture of emotions there - love, desire, and a hint of uncertainty.
"Y/n," he whispered, his voice full of emotion. "You are my everything. I thank Merlin every day for bringing you into my life. Without you, I would be lost." He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. It was brief, but it was enough to convey the depth of his feelings for you.
As he pulled back, he looked deep into your eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or hesitation. But all he could find was love and trust, and he felt his heart swell with joy. He knew that he would do anything to keep you by his side, to protect you from the darkness of the world.
"You make me a better man, Y/n," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "With you, I can face anything. I can conquer anything. I promise to always be here for you, to support you and love you with every fibre of my being."
He leaned in once more, capturing your lips in a deeper kiss. This time, it was filled with a hunger and passion that had been building between you for so long. It was a kiss that left you breathless and wanting more. The position was awkward, but you couldn’t care less. The heat between the two of you grew with each passing second, and you found yourself responding to him with equal fervour. You lost yourself in the moment, and everything else faded away as your lips danced together in a fiery embrace. It was as if you were both starving for each other, and the kiss was a way to satisfy that hunger.
You found yourself responding to his every touch and movement. His hands felt like they were everywhere, exploring every inch of your body, igniting a fire within you. You could feel his desire for you, and it was matched by your own, building between you like an unstoppable force. You moaned into his mouth, unable to hold back the sounds of pleasure that were rising within you. The kiss became more and more heated, and you found yourself losing yourself in the sensations. You could feel his breath on your skin, his lips moving hungrily over yours, and the touch of his tongue as it explored your mouth.
Your own hands roamed over his body, pulling him closer to you, deepening the kiss even more. You could feel his hardness pressing against you, and it only added to the fire that was already burning within you. You wanted him, and you wanted him now. Finally, you had to pull away, gasping for breath. Your lips were swollen and your body was on fire. You looked up at him, and saw the same hunger and desire burning in his eyes. 
You looked at him through your lashes, "Severus..." Your voice was feverish, reflecting the passion you felt for the man. You were still on your knees on the floor, and your hand gently rested against his shoulder forcing him back, to settle into the armchair he was occupying.
As your hands worked to undo the button on his trousers, you felt his body tense up. But before you could proceed any further, he stopped you by placing his hand over yours. "Y/n, please don't," he said in a restrained voice. Though his body was willing to indulge in what you were ready to offer, his mind was tormented by the thought that he didn't deserve such selfish pleasure.
"Severus, please let me," you whispered, your hand still resting on his. "You don't have to worry about anything. Let me take care of you, I want to."
After a brief moment of hesitation, he gave in to your sweet smile, unable to resist your advances any longer. Your hands resumed their movement, and he withdrew his, allowing you the freedom to explore his body as you desired. He let out a small sigh of relief as you released him from the confines of his trousers, exposing his bulge to your hungry gaze. The sight only made you want him more. Every inch of his body called out to you, begging to be explored and worshipped. 
You moved closer, your lips hovering over his as you whispered in a husky voice, "I want to give you everything, Severus." The words hung heavy in the air, charged with raw desire and need. You wanted to show him how much you loved him, how much he meant to you. 
His body quivered under your touch as your fingers traced along his length, eliciting soft gasps and moans from him. The sensation of his skin against yours was electric, sending a jolt of arousal through your body. You relished in the power you held over him, the power to make him lose control and surrender to the pleasure you were giving him.
At first, you took your time, savouring every inch of him with your hands and mouth. You explored him slowly and carefully, teasing him with light kisses and shallow licks. But as you felt him respond to you, his moans growing louder and his body writhing with pleasure, you couldn't help but become bolder. Your mouth took the tip of his cock, and despite his earlier hesitation, Severus surrendered himself to you completely. He threw his head back, lost in the sensation of your mouth on him, his fingers tangling in your hair and urging you on. Pulling you closer to him.
As you took him into your mouth, his body gradually relaxed, replaced by a wave of intense pleasure that washed over him. His taste was a mixture of salt and him, a flavour that you found addictively delicious. The noises he made as your mouth worked on his cock were extraordinary. The guttural moans, the panting - they were all music to your ears. You adored this new side of Severus, loved that you had the ability to elicit such passionate sounds from him. It only added to the growing hunger within you.
As you took him deeper into your mouth, your hand held the base of his cock to keep him from slipping. Despite his size, you found a rhythm that elicited the sweetest sounds from Severus, and you couldn't help but marvel at what you were able to do for him. The pleasure that you were able to give him so freely was a gift, and you were grateful for the opportunity to show him how much you cared for him. As he moaned and writhed beneath you, you knew that you had found a way to make him feel good, and that was all that mattered.
He emitted a mixture of moans and groans while tightly gripping the armchair's edge with his fists, as he grew even harder within your mouth. “I-I’m going to come.” He struggled to speak through his teeth. "If you don't want me to ejaculate in your sweet mouth, you need to stop," he warned.
In response, you emitted a humming sound, causing his body to tense up due to the vibrations from your throat stimulating his manhood.
Severus took control by tangling his fingers in your hair. But he didn't compel you to take him in deeper, instead he guided you to maintain the pleasurable rhythm that was driving him wild. He addressed you affectionately by calling you "Love" with a husky moan, and your eyes met his. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, which seemed to intensify his pleasure as he threw his head back again. His jaw was clenched tightly, his thighs tensed. 
You expressed your approval with a humming sound, which proved to be too much for him to handle. He widened his eyes and called out your name while releasing his hot fluids into your mouth.
He tightened his grip on your hair and held you completely still as he pulsated pleasurably in your mouth. He maintained eye contact with you while the salty taste intensified, his seed dripping down your throat. 
He breathed heavily, while you remained wet and yearning for him, kneeling before the only man you had ever loved. You licked your lips not wasting a single drop of his seed as he loosened his grip on your hair and traced your jawline with his hand. His thumb grazed your swollen bottom lip, “Thank you,” he breathed out expressing his appreciation with a husky and dark voice. Despite the roughness in his voice, there was a hint of tenderness in his expression of gratitude.
Severus wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you onto his lap. His body still tingled from the pleasure you had given him, and he was overwhelmed by the rush of emotions that filled him as he held you close. "Y/n, I don't deserve you," he murmured, his voice strained with emotion. "After all I've done..."
You silenced him with a finger pressed softly to his lips. "I love you," you whispered urgently, your eyes locking with his. "And I want you." With that, you began to undo the many buttons on his black jacket, your fingers trembling with excitement as you revealed the crisp white shirt beneath.
As you undressed Severus, his gaze never left you. He seemed almost transfixed by the way you moved, the way you touched him. You could sense the apprehension and fear that lingered within him, but you also knew that he wanted this just as much as you did. 
As his shirt fell to the ground, you took a moment to admire his body. He was lean and muscular, with a sprinkling of hair on his chest. You could feel the heat rising within you as you ran your hands over his skin, exploring every inch of him
Severus watched you with a combination of admiration and nervousness, you could feel his heart pounding in his chest under your fingertips as you traced over his chest. Slowly removing his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt, you breathed out a plea,  “Please, love me.” 
"Let me love you," you said softly as you leaned in to kiss him. Your lips met, and the world seemed to fade away. It was just the two of you, lost in a moment of pure passion and desire.
Severus leaned into the kiss, matching the tenderness of your lips with his own. When he eventually broke it, he brought his forehead to rest against yours and whispered, "My love for you consumes me. You have bewitched my soul and mind entirely." He gently caressed your cheek with his fingertips, urging you to meet his gaze. "I regret that it took me so long to realise it," he added in a remorseful tone.
You shook your head, wanting to reassure him that his past mistakes didn't matter anymore. "Don't worry about it. What's important is that we're here now," you whispered back in a soothing voice. Your words seemed to be just what he needed to hear, as he finally allowed himself to fully let go in your embrace.
Severus's hands glided over your cheek before trailing down to explore your body with a gentle touch, pulling you closer to him. The layers of clothing that separated your skin from his were an inconvenience, and he seemed determined to remove every last piece. His movements were unhurried, deliberate, as if he were savouring every moment.
As his fingers deftly unbuttoned your shirt, he took a moment to sweep your hair to the side, revealing your neck and collarbone. His gaze lingered there for a moment, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and adoration. Slowly, he peeled the fabric away from your shoulders, exposing your skin to his hungry and ravenous gaze. You felt a twinge of self-consciousness, but the look on his face reassured you. His eyes roved over your form, taking in every detail with reverence. His touch was delicate, as if he were unwrapping a priceless present.
“Beautiful,” He gasped with admiration. His lips pressed softly against the curve of your cleavage, leaving warm kisses in their wake, while his hands reached around to unclasp your bra. The tip of his nose grazed your skin, savouring your scent.
As your bra slipped off and exposed your bare skin to the chill in the air, you shivered. But his gaze, full of love and desire, warmed you from within. He took his time to appreciate your body, making you feel cherished and wanted. Severus sensed the slight shiver that rippled through your body, and he pulled you closer to him, pressing his warm, naked skin against yours. In that moment, it felt like the only thing that existed in the world was the two of you, intertwined in each other's arms. You closed your eyes, taking in the steady rhythm of his breath and the gentle touch of his hands on your side.
It was as if a sudden realisation hit you like a bolt of lightning. Everything seemed to fall into place, and the void that had been present within you since the war's end was finally filled by his love. A wave of emotion washed over you, threatening to consume you entirely, but you didn't mind. "I missed you so much. By the heavens, I've missed you," you murmured, your voice trembling.
"I am here, forever." He reassured you in a calm, composed voice. 
You kissed him once more, pouring your emotions into him through the connection. He underwent a noticeable change, leaning forward. The passion and desperation escalated rapidly, causing you to stifle a moan as his tongue delved into your mouth and caressed the insides of your lips. He grasped your neck with one hand and your waist with the other, both with great urgency. 
Your hand tightly grasped the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer as a wave of heat coursed through your body. It felt completely natural to be with him and to share this connection. He moaned deeply into your mouth, a low and rumbling sound that made your knees weak.
"Severus," you gasped and his hand came to work on your skirt, ready to remove the last piece of clothes.
In the heat of the moment, everything seemed to happen quickly as your long-awaited desires were finally about to be fulfilled. Severus rose to his feet, his strong arms securing you in his embrace. "Just a little patience, my love," he whispered hungrily, "I want to do this right."
At the sound of Severus' words, an electric sensation surged through your body. The anticipation of this moment had been building up for so long, and now it was finally coming to fruition. Despite feeling a hint of nervousness, you were consumed with excitement at the thought of what Severus had planned for you.
You were astonished at how effortlessly he carried you. His muscles flexed and you could feel the heat radiating off his body as he led you into his bedroom. His room was dark and gloomy, much like the rest of the house. But there was something different about this particular space. It was evident that Severus had put effort into making it more comfortable and inviting. The sheets on the bed were neatly arranged, and the scent of his cologne filled the room. You felt enveloped by his presence, and it made you feel safe and loved.
He gently placed you on the bed and stood back to take in the sight of you. You felt a rush of heat flood your body as his dark eyes roamed over your form, taking in every inch of you with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine. But then he spoke, breaking the charged silence. "Love, your beauty is a blessing." His words were soft and filled with tenderness, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of love for him in that moment.
As you watched him move around the room, making small adjustments to the lighting and positioning the pillows just so, you couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy wash over you. This was his space, his sanctuary, and he was inviting you in with a tenderness and care that took your breath away.
He climbed onto the bed, positioning himself over you, and began to shower your neck and shoulder with kisses. As he moved his hands along your body, a warm sensation spread through you, making you arch your back in pleasure. You couldn't resist touching him, your hands exploring his broad shoulders and narrow neck before pulling him back in for another kiss. Inhaling his scent, you felt yourself being completely enveloped by him.
Severus firmly pulled your legs apart, positioning himself between them. His kisses became even more intense, filled with a passion and longing that made your heart race. As your tongues intertwined, you tasted the both of you, creating a sense of euphoria that left you craving for more. It wasn't just physical hunger, but a deep emotional need that only he could satisfy.
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips,
“Forever,” he hummed,
Severus guided you up the bed until your head was resting on the pillow. When your eyes met, he growled, "I need you desperately." Hunger was evident in his gaze, a fierce storm of emotions that seemed to dance within his pupils. You trembled and felt a tightness within you, clenching around the emptiness. The intensity of your desire matched his own.
His hand slid down the curve of your ribcage, and you shuddered as his thumb brushed over your sensitive, peaked nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. As he continued his journey, his lips closed around your other nipple, sucking and nibbling with practised ease. Your head pressed back against the pillow beneath you as you moaned, lost in the sensation. 
Severus continued to lavish attention on your breast, his kisses and nibbles sending you into a frenzy of desire. His hand moved lower, urging your thighs apart, exposing your glistening folds. With a deft movement, he planted a kiss between your breasts, and then his fingers delved between your legs, finding you slick and eager for him. As he felt your wetness, he hummed in approval, his touch sending waves of pleasure through your body.
With his touch, he caressed the most sensitive part of your body, the little bud of nerves that had the power to ignite your whole being. 
Your body shuddered in response as his thumb circled around it, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. And then, his finger slipped inside you, and you moaned out his name in ecstasy, "Sev-!"
“Prefect,” with his eyes fixed on your face, he hissed, "You are perfect for me," as you clenched tightly around his finger, greedy for more of him.
You felt a surge of pleasure course through you as his thumb continued its magic, and his second finger slipped inside. You couldn't help but bite your lower lip to suppress a moan. Your hands moved down from his neck to his broad shoulders, kneading and grasping at him, desperate for more. Your body quivered with the need for his touch, and you felt yourself getting lost in the intensity of the moment.
As his finger delved deeper inside you and his thumb continued to apply pressure to your clit, you couldn't help but arch your back towards him. His lips found their way to your neck. Your body was consumed with a fierce desire for him, your inner walls contracting and tightening around his fingers.
“Are you ready, love?” He breathed out in the hollow of your ear, his breath ragged and harsh. 
Without a second thought you nodded, desperation was evident in your behaviour. “Yes, Severus,”
As you gave your consent, he exhaled heavily, and his breath washed over your heated skin. With a final stroke of his thumb, he removed his fingers. You maintained eye contact with him as he positioned himself at your entrance, and your heart pounded furiously in your chest.
Severus gazed at you, searching for something in your eyes, much like he had done in the forest before. "I thought I had lost you forever," he exhaled, emphasising the word "forever."
His vulnerability was endearing and appealing. You placed your delicate fingers on his cheek, "I'm here, I'm right here," His face found refuge in the curve of your neck, his breath mingling with yours as your bodies pressed closer together. And one breath later, he penetrated you. Gently, slowly. 
After a short time of adjustment, he started to thrust. A surge of heat spread through your body as he entered you, filling you up entirely. You felt complete once again as he unleashed his passion and desire without holding back.
He thrust into you vigorously, pounding deeply. The sound of flesh hitting flesh reverberating throughout the room, blending with his grunts and your moans. In this moment, the world around you faded away, and there was nothing but the two of you in this bed. No external distractions or troubles could penetrate the intense bubble of pleasure that engulfed you.
With each thrust, he pushed deeper into you, surpassing all previous limits. You gasped as he bit down on your shoulder, but it only fueled the intensity of the moment. "You belong to me," he growled, planting kisses on the spots where he had bitten you.
“Yes, Sev!” you gasped in response. Your breath was uneven and harsh, just like his. Your response seemed to have ignited a wild passion within Severus. He slammed into you with such force that you couldn't help but cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. He continued to claim you repeatedly with every thrust, showering you with love and affection. As he held you close, his lips left marks on your neck.
Your body grew taut, rising to new heights as his passion spurred you on. "Severus- I’m- Sev-!" you whimpered, as he thrust harder and deeper. “Me too- Love-” He replied with the same eagerness, his voice hoarse. He let go of your shoulder and grabbed your hips, digging his short nails with raw intensity into your flesh.
At that moment, you made a conscious effort to etch the scene into your memory. He loomed over you, his dark hair wild and tousled, draping over his neck. A faint sheen of sweat highlighted his porcelain skin, glimmering in the soft November evening light. And most importantly, he was all yours.
He demanded your compliance with a simple command, "Love, with me," and you obediently nodded in response. Your body was already coiled tightly, anticipation building with every passing moment. The pleasure he gave you was almost too much to bear, and you were teetering on the edge of ecstasy when he thickened and hardened inside you. You clung to him desperately, unwilling to let go and fall into the abyss of pleasure without him.
You fought to stifle the moan that threatened to burst forth from your lips. Severus grunted, and with a single word, "Now," you tumbled headlong into an abyss of pleasure. The intensity of your orgasm seized your body, causing tears to well up in your eyes as you cried out for him and convulsed in ecstasy. As you continued to shake with pleasure, Severus gave one final hard thrust before collapsing beside you. And you felt his seed shoot into you, waves of your orgasm rolling over and over...
Afterward, you lay there trembling and panting, your body and mind in complete bliss. You felt the warmth of his body next to you, his breath on your neck, and his sweat on your skin. You knew that at that moment, there was no one else in the world who could give you the pleasure you had just experienced. 
Severus held you tightly, his arms wrapped around your back as you both recovered from the intense pleasure you had just shared. Your legs were still wrapped around his waist, and you could feel the weight of his body pressing against yours. As you both panted and tried to catch your breath, sweat glistened on your skin and mingled with his.
In that moment, everything else seemed to fade away, and you were left with only the overwhelming emotions you had for him. They were so palpable that you could almost feel them pulsing through your body. The love, desire, and longing that you had for him were more real than anything physical.
"I missed you," you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper, as you buried your face urgently in the crook of his neck. The words spilled out of you before you could even think to hold them back. You had missed him so much, and it had only been amplified by the intense pleasure you had just shared with him.
Severus tightened his hold on you, and you could feel his chest vibrating against yours as he spoke. "I missed you even more," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. It was a simple statement, but it held so much weight and meaning behind it. You both knew that the time you spent apart had been hard on both of you, but in that moment, you were together, and that was all that mattered.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you pleaded, "Please, promise me that you’ll never leave me again." 
He tenderly kissed your temple and held you tightly as he too began to cry. The realisation of how close he had come to losing you hit him hard. As the floodgates opened, all the fear, pain, hurt, and longing that you both had felt throughout your time apart came bubbling to the surface. The possibility of losing the love of your life, the one person you had always wanted, was too much to bear.
With trembling lips, you cried out, "I love you." In his embrace, you felt safe and cherished.
"I love you too," he murmured softly, offering you comfort as you cried. 
He didn't say a word, but you felt the warmth of his tears as they trickled down onto your shoulder. You knew that he felt the same as you did, and in that moment, you were grateful for his love.
As his tears continued to fall, you could feel the weight of his emotions in every drop. It was a physical manifestation of the love and gratitude he felt for having you in his life. His tears spoke volumes, conveying a depth of emotion that words could never express.
You reached up to gently wipe away his tears with your fingertips, feeling the warmth of them against your skin. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about your own love for him. As you looked into his eyes, you could see the pain and the fear that had been etched into his expression slowly beginning to fade away.
In that moment, you realised that his tears were a testament to the strength of your bond. They were a reminder that no matter what obstacles you faced, your love for each other would always prevail. The two of you were a team, a force to be reckoned with, and nothing could ever break that bond.
For the time being, the pain disappeared.
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vintagerpg · 5 months
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This is the second edition of The Mines of Keridav (1983) from Gamelords, a reissue of the 1979 Phoenix Games edition. It is statted for Thieves Guild but it is essentially generic, suitable for any D&D-derived system with a minimum of conversion. The basic plot is a cliché — rescue the princess from the evil wizard — but there aren’t actually a ton of scenarios where damsels are in distress, so it feels sort of novel in a weird way. The mines themselves are logically arranged and therefore extremely deadly for a frontal assault — players who want to succeed are going to need to be clever. The mage, Keridav is tough (though one with an interesting weakness — in close quarters, he is liable to get flustered and stutter, disrupting his spellcasting) and supported by a band of orcs and a menagerie of critters. Of potential help for the players, Keridav has imprisoned a population of dwarves and forced them to work the mines. His hope that the princess will naturally fall in love with him also presents unusual opportunities a smarter villain might otherwise account for.
The great thing is that the mines is only a small part of the module (just five of the 28 pages). The rest is dedicated to describing the Tiraval Valley, a number of overland hexes that include a well-realized village, a ruined castle (which would be expanded on in the companion module) and a number of encounter areas. This sort of material was more common by 1983, but when the first edition came out in ‘79, there wasn’t a ton of wilderness stuff out there and honestly, of the stuff I’ve read, this is some of the most polished and cohesive. I’d have no problem lifting this for one of my games.
Like most Gamelords books, the art is pretty solid. VM Wyman is on the cover — I like their cartoony fantasy and that lettering is great (they did a lot of work for the Thieves Guild line and it is definitely part of the charm). Bob Charrette (Bushido, Shadowrun) also has some art inside, an artifact of the book originally being published by Phoenix Games, where he started out.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Apropos of world building.
No one is this whole wide world is allowed to say Harry Potter has good world building.
Always hated how people are super fascinated by this parallel society, but the only reason it works is because "Magic fuck you" until it apparently doesn't. It's so cheap and wishy washy. If literally every issue is just waved away with "magic" that's just cheap, because even problems that can't or shouldn't be fixed with magic, get fixed with magic. But then we still constantly hear about rules and that magic isn't a fix all, but only when it's convenient. It works for children's books maybe, but the moment it went beyond that, and then the entire "Extra lore" that happened later, it just started getting real stupid.
How do they keep their secret? -Magic.
Ok but obviously they are living somewhere so... -Magic expanding alleyways and areas.
But how does that work that literally no one notices, even from aerial shots? -Magic.
What about all the creatures that aren't normal? -Magic.
What if someone finds one of them or the plants? -Magic.
Ok, what about cross-cultural exchange? Even if you live in your gated community you gotta know some stuff about tech. Nope, magic.
Huh... -Also everyone is chronically stupid when it comes to tech, and even just normal "muggle" things, it's an entire field of education to figure out what human stuff does, that's why everything has this weird medieval vibe. And no, they couldn't "literally just go out and check it out." For some reasons the Wizards like dying out and being stupid, and pooping on the floor and magicking it away. Magic.
What about the schools? -Oh you mean the like 5 schools for millions of students? Eh forget about them. Hogwarts is the only one that makes any lick of sense in terms of size. You'll love to hear that the entirety of Asia has like 1-2 schools, and it's called something like "Magic castle" in real bad google-Japanese. Btw, don't expect any effort having been put in the names or places of other Wizard places, the author didn't give a shit to hire some editors to make sure she didn't just write some pointlessly dumb shit in that regard. And btw, please ignore other tensions because clearly Wizards would not have any kind of social tension across borders.
What about big events in the human world? -They don't care, they dealt with Wizard Hitler conveniently at the same time as WW2.
What about deadly sicknesses and their cures? -... yeah nah fuck the muggles. Magic. Also always hated how absolute braindead every thing is. Spells exist to find out what someone's last spell was. Is that used when some dude gets accused of murder? Of course not! How absurd.
HP has magnificent sense of place.
Personally, I care far more about that than about internally consistent world building of the type SF fanboys jerk off to, at least in most genres.
But yes, when people try to say HP has good "world building", they mean that it has good vibes and that it feels good if you don't look deeply. They do not mean the economy makes sense.
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
Royal poisoner Hob just wants to be a regular chef. He just wants to cook for ordinary people, but he occasionally uses the poison mushrooms in his ordinary cooking.
Court wizard/mage! Dream is the only person who can safely taste, let alone eat Hob's "cooking" - he's ingested enough poisons to have developed something of a immunity to most of Hob's (inadvertent) spices.
So to "save" the rest of the kingdom's populous, Dream proposes that he and Hob have meals together, that Hob cooks, and Dream will tell him 👍🏽👎🏽.
Dream tries not to laugh when he tastes that one red mushroom that slowly kills someone in the chicken dish Hob made for them for dinner tonight. He gently asks Hob if he pulled his garnish from the poison work bench?!
Hob: 😳🫣
Awww this is so cute and funny!!! Hob is trying his best out here. He just wants to make nice food!!! Unfortunately he has a knack for murdering people!!!
It's ironic that Dream is the only one willing to eat the things that Hob makes, because Dream hardly eats at all... but he feels bad when he sees that Hob tried so hard to make something. And the food is generally quite yummy, actually! It's just. Sometimes also deadly.
Hob seems so happy when Dream eats his cooking. His lovely face lights up and he blushes when he gets a compliment or two. If only he were a little more careful with his ingredients, bless him. Dream really doesn't mind being poisoned though, if he can get Hob to smile and blush for him. Plus, he's actively strengthening his immunity to all this stuff by eating it! It's a good thing!
And if he does get a tummy ache from the questionable mushrooms, then Hob always rubs it better for him - and that's so wonderful, Dream would gladly be poisoned any day of the week!
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Book Reveals for Round 1 of Mystery Book Tournament
titles and descriptions under the cut
The One with The Obnoxious Legal System is A Conspiracy of Truths by Alexandra Rowland
The world's most obnoxious old man has been arrested for charges of witchcraft by the world's most obnoxious legal system. The story follows him utilizing every tool at his disposal to escape death including his fruity apprentice, his ever-tired lawyer, and most of all stories. Half of this book is the old man telling a story to someone he is either trying to sway, trick, or simply entertain.
The One with the Rightful Heir is Magyk by Angie Sage
A child soldier nearly freezes to death and so must join the escape of the rightful heir, a powerful wizard, and the rightful heir's bumbling dad, brother and dog.
The One with No Indoor Plumbing is In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
Have you ever thought ‘hey going to a magical fantasy land might suck a little’? Our intrepid hero has been invited to a school for future heroes in a land of elves and trolls, harpies and mermaids…and there’s no indoor plumbing. Also they’re training children as warriors and have little to no respect for diplomacy.
The One with Vampires and Farms is The Queen of Darkness by Miguel Connor
In the far-flung future, the earth is irradiated and vampires rule the world. Humans are kept in farms, and our protagonist is sent to one to learn about an illness that is appearing in the humans which can infect and kill vampires. There he learns about the human cult, and gets told by them that vampires were once human.
The One with Possessed Nuns is Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
A young nun in fantasy-France lets a powerful revenant take possession of her body in order to protect her monastery from possessed soldiers. No one believes she can possibly control the evil creature, but as she uncovers a sinister plot at the very heart of her country, she finds herself growing closer to the revenant by the day.
The One that Becomes Queernormative is A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows
Protagonist starts off in a queer phobic society and is bound to marry a girl from the neighboring kingdom against his wishes, being gay. When his sexuality is dramatically revealed after he's being assaulted, the political bets seem off, but the other kingdom is queernormative and instead offers to marry him to his bride's brother instead.
The One with Sisters and Unsuitable Men is An Earthly Knight by Janet McNaughto
The main character's older sister has run away with an unsuitable man so it's up to her to marry a suitable one. But as she worries for her sister and hopes to find her, she encounters a strange man, rumored to have been kidnapped by the fae.
The One with the Magic Italian Notebook is City of Masks by Mary Hoffman
The main character, a young boy, is seriously ill but his life is transformed when an old Italian notebook gives him the power to become a stravagante, a time traveler with access to 16th century Italy. He wakes up in another time and place during carnival time and meets a girl his own age who is disguised as a boy in the hope of being selected as one of the Duchessa's mandoliers. Political intrigue ensues.
The One with the War Against Colonizers is Fire Logic by Laurie J Marks
The last living member of a border tribe, a deadly philosopher-soldier, a truth-seer, a gentle man, and a man who can see the future form a beautifully queer family around a drug-addicted blacksmith who holds the power of the land itself so that she can end the war against colonizers that has continued for 30 years
The One with the Healer's Quest is Dreamer's Pool by Juliet Marillier
The first in a mystery fantasy trilogy about a wrongfully imprisoned healer and her quiet but strong prison friend who get busted out of prison by an otherworld being. In exchange, for seven years she must endeavor to help anyone who asks for it. A gentle local prince has fallen for his fiance through their sweet and poetic correspondence but is shocked by her cruelty when she arrives, can the healer discovers what has happened and help solve his problem?
The One with Imaginary Friends is Hexwood by Diana Wynne Jones
A pre-teen girl who relies heavily on the advice of her four imaginary friends goes into the local patch of woodlands one day and discovers it's much bigger on the inside. There, she meets a depressed sorcerer/assassin who makes a child out of her blood and his to fight against his enemies on another planet. Meanwhile, someone on Earth has started up a machine that's said to be able to make dreams come true, and this is a big problem for the evil interstellar megacorp that's been dumping prisoners on Earth and stealing their flint.
The One with a Time-Traveling Dragon/Furnace is If That Breathes Fire, We're Toast! by Jennifer J. Stewart
A boy moves with his mom to a new place where he meets a girl and a time-traveling dragon/furnace who teaches him about himself.
The One with the Multiverse is Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny
An amnesiac man finds himself embroiled in deadly political scheming, thrust into a strange multiverse in the hope of trying to claim from out under his various rival siblings feet the throne to the city at the center of reality.
The One with Mage Trials is Spellslinger by Sebastian de Castell
In a magical society one must complete their mages trials by 16, or else become a slave to that society for the rest of their life. The main character is a 15-year-old boy who has one last chance to complete his trials. Only, his magic is gone. With his fate looming, he meets a mysterious traveling stranger who shows him a different path than the one that has been laid out for him by his people.
The One with the Loser Noble Scholar is Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
Loser noble scholar shacks up with the best swordsman of the city and makes him fight a bunch of duels mostly out of boredom but also a bit because of politics. Feels slice of life ish though there are stakes
The One with the Nonbinary Cleric is The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo
In this novella set in an imperial Chinese inspired fantasy world, a nonbinary cleric investigates the story of an empress and her ...controversial rise to the throne, as told by an elderly handmaiden who knew her.
The One with Geese is Thorn by Intisar Khanani
Between her cruel family and the contempt she faces at court, the Princess has always longed to escape the confines of her royal life. But when she’s betrothed to the powerful prince, the princess embarks on a journey to his land with little hope for a better future. When a mysterious and terrifying sorceress robs the princess of both her identity and her role as princess, the girl seizes the opportunity to start a new life for herself as a goose girl.
The One with the Teenage Witch Coven is The Scapegracers by H. A. Clarke
Lesbian teenage witch accidentally becomes adopted by popular girls. They form a coven and vow to get revenge on those who have been wronged. Chaos ensues.
The One with the Angel and the Demon is When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
A demon and an angel decide to go to de goldene medina to search for a girl they know who's disappeared on the way over.
The One with an Unsettling Future is Zel by Donna Jo Napoli
High in the mountains, a young girl lives with her mother, who insists they have all they need -- for they have each other. The girl's life is peaceful and protected -- until a chance encounter changes everything. When she meets a beautiful young prince at the market one day, she is profoundly moved by new emotions. But the girl's mother sees the future unfolding -- and she will do the unspeakable to prevent her daughter from leaving her...
The One with the Bioweapon is Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
It's post an apocalypse, that was started by a cult, that twists people into horrible body horror monsters. A trans boy raised in the cult is infected with a bioweapon by them and shortly after escapes. He joins a group of queer teens where he finds friends a community, and he bands together with them to take down the cult.
The One with Arabian Nights AND Hades & Persephone is Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt
Arabian Nights + Hades and Persephone! A mysterious danger plagues an unexpected kingly visit, and a young woman embarks on a quest to find her one true love before all is lost...
The One with the Lion is Sarah's Lion by Margaret Greaves
A princess longs to travel so is locked in her room. A lion comes to her. Eventually, she has to choose whether she will stay or go.
The One with the War Veteran is The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold
War veteran with chronic pain contracted by a goddess to save her chosen queen
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Wyrdwood wand
this is a wizard game with an alien invasion plotline in it
Touchstones: Wizard School media, Lovecraftian Mythos, Studio Ghibli, Chuubo, Final Fantasy Tactics, Sports Anime
Genre: Wizard School tactics Game
What is this game?:  Wyrdwood Wand is a tactics game heavily inspired by D&D 4e, where players play as young (usually) mages growing up and studying in the prestigious [citation needed] Wyrdwood academy
How's the gameplay?: Wyrdwood Wand is heavily based on D&D 4e, its a crunchy tactics game with really fun and intuitive character creation which splits up characters between their party role, and the nature of their magic, one giving you broad strokes of a role, and the other cementing it's specifics, if you're familiar with how 4e plays you're familiar with how this game plays, and if you're familiar with 5e there's a little bit of a learning curve but it's still a pretty easy to learn game, Wyrdwood also features a fairly robust roleplaying system, that has a clean split between tactical and goofy spells, meaning characters can have silly spell options without having to break their spell bank
What's the setting (If any) like?: Wyrdwood is set in the world of Gliss, a setting with quite a bit of interesting lore and tidbits, but for now all you need to know is that Gliss is currently recovering from a massive war against an alien species known as the Wix, the world got kinda screwed by this invasion, population is small at around 300 million humans, towns are small, and technology hasn't quite reached the height it did before the war, think your stereotypical ghibli setting, but with more aliens and cthulhus. the Wyrdwood verse also has something called "Destiny", a mysterious force protecting humans from deadly blows, this is something that's mostly a gameplay term but it bleeds over into lore sometimes. Oh right I forgot to mention, in this world hats are incredibly important, if you don't wear one, good luck casting spells!
What's the tone?: Wyrdwood's wand is mostly fairly lighthearted, it can touch on topics of warfare and imperialism, but its a silly world full of goblins that can turn any object into a gun, and nigh-immortal reptilian orbs
Session length: Fairly long, 3-4 hours is not uncommon
Number of Players: 3+, 5 is recommended
Malleability: Wyrdwood's mechanics are actually not very tied into its setting, if your setting is primarily consisting of spellcasters you could run it in Wyrdwood probably
Resources: As wyrdwood is a fairly new, obscure, and in development game there's not too many resources, there's a google spreadsheet that works wonders, a few scattered bits of homebrew, and other such things
I REALLY like wyrdwood, its lighthearted and silly aesthetic combined with genuinely fun gameplay and character creation sell you into its world where really weird shit happens casually and where hats are vital for spellcasting.
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starstruckmoony · 1 year
pairing - james potter x muggleborn!reader
summary - james gets into a fight and you take care of him (you also scold him).
trope/tags - fluff, established relationship
word count - 1.3k
warnings - mentions of blood/violence but nothing explicit or graphic, mention of bullying but again nothing extreme
hogwarts was considered a calm place for a school, more often than not. and calm in a sense where students weren't taking their shots at trying to bite each other's heads off every other day. it got boring sometimes, without all of the age-typical drama and big fights, or brawls, or whatever one may call them (the ones where at least one person would land themselves a place in the hospital wing).
which is why you found it rather weird when a fifth year hufflepuff told you that a fight had broken out in the corridor outside of the potions classroom. apparently, almost all participants left bleeding, and one's nose wasn’t in a particularly divine condition. that wasn't very likely for wizards your age, their usual forms of battle would be hexing each other till one cried.
you brushed it off, it wasn't significant enough for you to dwell on it, and it didn't seem like it involved any of your friends. that was what you had suspected, at least. the sight of your boyfriend standing in the common room with a bleeding lip and brow was the last thing you wanted see when you stepped through the portrait hole.
"what did you do?!" you were in front him in a matter of seconds, looking at the other three boys in search of an explanation behind this.
"nothing happened." sirius was quick to defend whatever james did this time, and you shot him with a deadly glare. he chuckled awkwardly, ducking behind remus who appeared to be only moments away from shoving him to the floor.
"what do you mean 'nothing happened', look at him!" you snapped, pointing at james and the terrible condition he was in. he kept his eyes on the floor, not daring to spare you a glance.
"i mean, not much happened." peter lied, but it didn't do much to help. you ignored him, your focus still on your disheveled boyfriend in the middle of the room.
"i think we should let james do the explaining." remus suggested, and the irritated tone of his voice indicated that he wasn't exactly proud of his friend either. that, or something else happened.
"well?" you crossed your arms, your expression slowly softening.
"can we talk in private, please?" james finally looked up from the floor, meeting your worried face.
"fine." you sighed, letting him take your hand and lead you up the stairs to the boys dormitories. you made him take a seat on his bed not even a second after you walked through the door, and busied yourself by searching for bandages and other supplies through his trunk and drawer. luckily, he had told you remus had some, which the boys occasionally needed to use after their strange little forest explorations and full moon nights.
you made a swift trip to the bathroom and grabbed a towel which you had previously run under some water, and took a seat on the bed across from james.
"alright, speak." you gave him a nod of encouragement, and reached to clean up the blood around his lip with the cloth in your hand.
"promise you won't be mad at me?" james said with pleading eyes. you furrowed your eyebrows.
"what?" you accidentally pressed on the wound on his lip a bit too hard, causing him to hiss, "ouch." he muttered, his face scrunching up.
"sorry," you sighed, "i won't be mad, i promise." you muttered, your gaze stopping at a bruise that was beginning to form on his cheek.
"so, you know how i messed with snivellus the other day? made his potion explode in front of everybody?" you nodded. it was rather hilarious, especially since it happened not even five minutes after severus had bragged about his outstanding skills and knowledge about potions, and tried to get into slughorn's good graces (as if he already wasn't his favourite).
"well, i think he wanted to get back at me because he started following me in the hallway, chatting shit as usual," you stopped what you were doing for a moment, afraid that the story was about to go in a direction you had predicted it will, "i wasn't paying attention to him at first, i was trying to catch up with pete cause i stayed behind to talk to minnie, but then he..." james trailed off, much more nervous than before. he pressed a hand to the back of his neck, sighing uncomfortably, his expression sour.
"...started talking about you. rubbish, just pure rubbish, and he called you...you know, that word. the one for muggle borns, said you had dirty blood." you squirmed in your spot, feeling a bit uneasy. it was sad to say you'd gotten used to hearing such words thrown your way, they almost stopped bothering you, but it was different now, since it was affecting james, too.
"and then i punched him. square in jaw, also broke his nose. then mulciber came at me, then avery, snivellus was too busy whinging on the floor," james scoffed, and you didn't miss the way he rolled his eyes at the recalling of the scene, "a bunch of students showed up to watch, it was such a mess. and then moony and padfoot came and managed to fight them off somehow."
you sighed, putting your face into your hands and shaking your head. you stayed like that for a while, and when you looked up, you found that james had been staring at you the entire time. and without a drop of guilt in his eyes.
"did you really have to break his bloody nose for that?" you chastised, ripping the bandages open frustratedly and making the tiny papers they were wrapped in fly everywhere.
"what was i supposed to do?" he pouted. his ultimate weapon in fights, one that he was certain would always make you go easy on him. truth be told, you were beginning to feel a little less annoyed. if anything, you were more scared that something like that would happen again. and what if he's not lucky enough to have remus and sirius come by? what if someone uses a curse on him? slytherins like mulciber were brutal.
"not that! three against one, james. have you completely lost your mind?" you placed one of the smaller bandages onto his eyebrow, and dabbed the towel against the scratch on his lips a few more times. it was a bit ridiculous how you were scolding him and taking care of him all at once, but james was secretly (not very secretly) enjoying it.
"i'm not gonna have anyone talking about you like that." heat rushed to your cheeks. james bit back a grin. trying to come to a peaceful agreement about this was impossible, you both knew that.
"you didn't have to do it, you idiot." you smacked him across the head with the wet cloth, which only made him snicker. as disappointed as you were, you couldn't ignore the giddy feeling that was overtaking you. you tossed the towel staight to the floor and pulled him into a clumsy hug.
"thank you." you buried your face into his neck, your words were a bit muffled.
"you don't have to thank me," he kissed the top of your head, "next time he does that, he's dead."
"dramatic arse." you pulled away, fixing his chair and glasses as you did. good thing those idiots didn't break them.
"you love it." james winked, smiling cheekily.
"true, i do." you grinned back, and he quickly pecked your lips.
"you sure it's smart to do that?" you raised a teasing eyebrow. his lip was split open, so snogging really didn't seem like the most intelligent thing he should be getting up to right now.
"if you think this," he pointed to the small wound,"is stopping me, you are very wrong."
"james–" you gave up on even attempting to shove him away about two seconds into the kiss. it was james bloody potter, your stupid boyfriend who does stupid things because he loves you more than anyone could ever show, and who were you to resist him?
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