#but also i was so happy to have gotten to talk to both billy and james after the event!
tenthdoctxr · 1 year
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the most surreal moment for me last night was getting to literally sit right behind jason sudeikis, james lance, and billy harris, whilst watching sam ryder and hannah waddingham belt out “fought & lost” together
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amomentsescape · 5 months
Hey, do you have any slasher X reader where the reader loves baking?
Slashers with Reader That Loves Baking
Slashers x Reader (Separate)
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, & Stu
A/N: Hmm... I don't think I do. Looks like I need to whip up another fic. Here you go!
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Freddy Krueger
Although Freddy doesn't need to eat, he'll try anything you make him!
He's happy that you have a hobby that you enjoy during the day
He's even happier that he gets to taste the results
Whenever you visit him, he makes sure the dream world has a kitchen for you in case you want to make something while you're there
You're more inclined to bake there anyways because Freddy can get you just about any ingredient your heart desires
When you do make items, Freddy switches into his "Kiss the Cook" apron and matching hat
He may not help you with the baking, but he still expects kisses while you work
He'll stand beside you, just observing everything you do
He doesn't ask too many questions either, he just likes seeing you relaxed
Once the treats are ready, he literally stabs a few onto his knifed glove and eats them off of it
There hasn't been a single thing you've made that he hasn't enjoyed
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Michael Myers
Michael is pretty neutral with your enjoyment of baking
He tends to his hobbies, you tend to yours
He doesn't feel like there needs to be any crossover of sorts
However, he won't deny you when you ask him to try things
And if you need help accessing the top shelf, he'll help you out
He secretly has a big sweet tooth, and your warm smile influences him to try everything (he'd be dead before he admitted it though)
He has a pretty basic taste in sweets too
He enjoys the majority of the cookies, cakes, and breads you've made
He isn't a big fan of pie or dried fruits though
If you make a batch of anything, he'll try a bite if you ask, but that'll be it
You're always certain he's just trying to be polite
But whenever you wake up in the morning, half the tray is gone
Michael will just shrug it off of course
But it's pretty obvious he enjoys your treats
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Jason Voorhees
He absolutely loves that you bake!
To be fair, he'd love literally anything you do that makes you happy, but baking reminds him a lot of his missed childhood
You've made a couple things already that reminded him of stuff his mother used to make, and it almost brought him to tears
He doesn't really get sweet cravings like he did when he was younger, but he will never say no to trying something of yours
He also enjoys decorating some of the treats too
His large hands tend to fumble a bit, and nothing comes out as good as yours, but he's having fun, and that's what matters most to you both
His favorite thing is coming home after a long day to the smell of baked goods and to see you casually mixing ingredients together
You just seem so content, and it gives him a taste of what domestic life is like with you
He'll always come over to greet you with a hug, not caring if you're covered in flour
And once he's gotten cleaned up, he just sits at the table out of the way, watching you
He especially loves when you talk to him while baking
It just makes him all warm inside
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Thomas Hewitt
He never really grew up with home baked goods like yours before, so it feels like literal heaven when he smells the sugar in the air
He likes walking up and peering over your shoulder, trying to see what you're doing
He also just likes hanging out with you in case you need help with anything
If your arms ever get tired from mixing or kneading, you know who to ask
If you let him, he'll take little tastes of the batters, predicting how much he's going to like them once they're done
(It's always a 10/10)
If it's sweet, he likes it
There's never been anything you've made that he didn't eat almost all of in one night
He loves if you make enough for the whole family too!
He's a bit hesitant to help decorate, and even more so to help add ingredients
But if you ask, there's no way he'd be willing to say no
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Bubba Sawyer
He adores your baking!
He absolutely has no idea what you're doing half the time, but he's happy about it all the same
You've got to be careful with this one though
Because if you even turn around for a second, the batter is gone
Same goes for when the treats are cooling
If you leave the kitchen, they'll be gone within just a couple minutes
You have no idea how he manages to do it
At least he's showing you just how much he loves your bakery?
But besides that, he's a great hand to have in the kitchen
He can mix and mix for days
And he's always there to help hand you whatever you need
Just don't trust him with the powders unless you want a white, dusty kitchen
He's also not the best around the hot oven, having burnt himself a handful of times
It's kind of like having a helpful but clumsy child in the kitchen with you
But he's so sweet you can't bare to tell him to leave
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Brahms Heelshire
Brahms never grew up with many sweets in the house
So having his own baker at home is like feeding a starving man
And with Brahms, you can imagine how that goes
Will come to you almost every day with a new treat he is craving
In fact, he even added to the rules list that you needed to make him a bedtime treat or else he refuses to go to sleep
You love baking of course, so it's not a problem, but some of his requests are absurd
A pie covered in chocolate ice cream smooshed with cookies and drizzled with brownie batter might be a bit much for a midnight snack
But you honestly did it to yourself
The moment he tasted your treats, there was no going back
And be careful when the sugar rush hits
He's ready to bounce off the walls with you in tow
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Norman Bates
Norman has always been one for domestic hobbies
So the fact that you're a baker makes him feel so cozy and warm
Waking up to fresh muffins with his tea, coming home to a plate of brownies, and even being woken up in the middle of the night to some wild cookie recipe all makes Norman so happy
Jokingly complains that you're fattening him up
He's honestly a pretty good baker himself, although he argues that his skill is nowhere near as good as yours
But there have been a handful of times he prepare his own treat beside you in the kitchen, and it always came out amazing
And because of his experience, he's happy to give a lending hand when you need
If you're making something you know by heart instead, then he's still there beside you, keeping up with the dishes so you don't have to tend to a mess later
Norman enjoys whatever makes you happy, and is eager to learn even more about what you love too!
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Billy Loomis
He's pretty chill about it at first
He thinks it's a cute hobby, but doesn't know much about it himself
However, the first time he was actually there with you watching you work and tasting what you made...
He really gained a better perspective on it
He can see the hard work and true enjoyment you put into the hobby, and this makes him appreciate it more
He's not huge on sweets, but seeing you put all of this together for him makes it impossible to deny them
Will be brutally honest if he likes something or not, but there's truly only been a couple times he actually didn't like what you made
Will occasionally sit on the counter beside you and just ask basic questions
"What does this thing do?" "How long does it need to sit there?" "Is there a difference between folding and mixing?"
You always smile at him since his genuine curiosity is cute
Plus, it shows he's trying to learn more about what you do
Will definitely stand behind you and rest his head on your shoulder while you work
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Stu Macher
You love to bake? Well, Stu loves to eat
Match made in heaven in his eyes
He honestly is surprised by the amount of effort that it takes to whip up a simple cookie or cupcake
He's not usually on this end of the food process
But he honestly enjoys watching what you do
Will literally just stare and zone out, making you laugh
Loves loves loves when it's time to lick the spoon
He will dab batter onto your nose though
He's a huge fan of helping you decorate too!
Just be careful, because Stu is also a huge fan of squeezing the piping bag directly into his mouth
But surprisingly, Stu has become pretty decent at piping frosting and making your treats look pretty
He always insists on eating the ones you decorate though because they "taste better"
He honestly just loves being able to show praise for the stuff you make him and will always request a fun treat to accompany your weekly movie nights
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chrissv4mp · 27 days
i'll love you 'til the day that i die! MATT S.
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summary: you and matt have been frenemies since the 8th grade. when you both go to homecoming, you get picked for homecoming queen, and chris is your king. matt can't help but storm outside of the school angrily.
pairing: matt sturniolo × fem!reader
warnings/topics: arguments, vulgar language, fluff, sorta angst, confessions, highschool au, etc.
a/n: LOVE THIS SONG SMSMSMS also this probably makes no sense towards the end cause i was purely running on 2 bottles of water😖
"matt," you exclaimed, running into his room without any warning.
he jumped a little, eyes snapping toward the direction of his bedroom door.
you took a seat at his desk, pushing yourself toward his bed with your feet before spinning around to face him.
"why do you have so much energy this early in the morning?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes as he had just woken up a few minutes ago.
"cause, i just got big news? and, sorry for being so happy to see you?" you joked, rolling your eyes and leaning back in the chair.
matt hummed in curiosity, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to make it look better, "and what's the news?"
you almost couldn't stay still, changing the way you were sitting every moment or so.
"i got nominated for homecoming queen!" you all but yelled, making matt flinch slightly at the loud noise.
his smile was small, but very smug as if he was gonna say something to bring you down.
he could never shut his mouth whenever you brought up something good that happened to you, he always had to one-up you.
"cool, cool, but i've gotten nominated for homecoming king like years in a row. it's nothing big to be nominated once," he shrugged, keeping direct eye contact with you and watching as your face contorted into a subtle look of sadness.
your frown was small, and if matt hadn't been the one to trigger it, then he probably wouldn't have noticed.
he always did this, and you should've been used to it by now. but, god, did matt know how to push your buttons.
"yeah, well, i didn't see your name on there this time. you're not someone special, y'know?" you laughed, trying to hide your frustration.
matt's grin only widened at your words, "huh. well, it'll be there by tonight. those girls can't resist my charm, not even you, y/n."
"shut up. nobody wants a homecoming king that's an asshole to every girl he meets." you groaned, crossing your arms over each other.
"maybe, but you're the only girl i dislike at the school." matt bit back, leaning against his headboard as he stared you down.
you let out a quiet huff, looking around his room and letting your eyes land on the corkboard he had on the wall opposite his closet.
there were letters, pictures, and polaroids of all of his friends. and in one corner, there was a polaroid of you and him at the beach.
there was writing below it, 'i want u to stay 'till i'm in the grave<3' it was in dark blue sharpie.
your lips upturned into a small smile. he didn't hate you. he never really could, even if he tried.
"doesn't seem like you dislike me," you broke the silence, pointing over at the board.
matt's smile dropped, and his face flushed a soft pink color as he sat up straight. "just get out, would you!"
you giggled to yourself as you got off his chair, not forgetting to give him the middle finger before closing his door and walking back down the hall.
nick looked up from the sink as he heard your footsteps walking past the kitchen, turning around to look at you.
"bye, y/n," he smiled softly, waving over at you and accidently splashing water on the kitchen counter.
"see you later, nick," you smiled, waving back before resuming your walk down the stairs and out of the house.
"birds of a feather," chris said, breaking the silence between the four of you.
nick raised an eyebrow, looking to the side to see if chris was talking to him.
the younger boy was pointing over at you and matt, at the opposite end of the booth you all were sitting at.
"what?" matt laughed over the loud chatter of the cafeteria, crossing his arms before looking over at you.
you were confused just as he was, staring over at chris with an unsure look on your face, "right... and what are you yapping on about this time?"
chris looked dumbfounded, staring at the three of you in disbelief as he scoffed, "you guys seriously don't know that saying? i thought you were older than me."
"by, like, 2 seconds?" nick said, leaning on the table as he picked at the cafeteria food with a plastic fork.
chris punched his brother softly, rolling his eyes before explaining, "birds of a feather flock together, it basically means you guys are alike in one way or another."
matt laughed, looking over at you before giving his attention back to chris, "we are nothing alike, trust me. she's horrible at communicating, and i'm amazing at it. i'm popular. she's not."
"yeah, he's stupid, and i'm smart. remind me how we're alike, again?" matt looked away at your remark, silently mocking you.
"look at your outfits right now, if i didn't know any better i would think you guys are matching." chris pointed out, nodding his head in your direction.
nick nodded, "he's right, you guys look like a couple."
both yours and matts face flushed bright pink, and you looked seperate ways, embarrassment washing over the two of you.
"yeah, more like a couple of friends." you forced out, looking back up at nick and chris.
nick raised his eyebrows, looking away.
"and not to mention the many times you both have said the same phrase. like, tell me you hang out too much without telling me you hang out too much?" chris joked, laughing at himself.
nick chuckled quietly, nodding his head in agreement with his brothers.
"that's a coincidence." you mumbled, sitting up straight.
"it's happened more than i can count, i don't think it's a coincidence of any sort." nick said, looking over at matt, who just dragged his hands down his face.
"well, whatever. not like it's gonna last forever," matt said, and before anyone could reply, he stood up and left to his next class.
the bell rang a few seconds after, and you, nick, and chris gave each other confused looks.
"sorry, y/n. he's probably just had a rough day, i promise you he doesn't mean it." nick reassured you, reaching over the table to hold your hand.
he left a few moments later, and chris stayed with you.
"don't take it to heart, 'kay?" chris muttered softly, smiling at you.
you nodded, and chris began to add on, "i've seen him cry over you. he tells me he doesn't know why. all he says is that he doesn't think he could love you more than he already does."
nodding, smiling softly before watching chris get up and leave. now it was just you and your thoughts at the table alone.
huh. who would've thought matthew sturniolo, one of the most popular guys at school, would be crying over you, quiet, kept to herself, y/n l/n?
you couldn't tease him about it, you did the same thing for him. you always cried over matt, not even knowing why because he had never really hurt you.
you always just sobbed to nick about how you would love him 'til the day that he dies. and after those words registered in your head, you only cried more at the thought of matt dying.
but those nights, you were usually drunk or super high. nick always knew how to calm you down, though, he was always there for you whenever you needed.
matt had also occasionally been there for you in your lowest times, never hesitating to break the speed limit getting to your house.
he always confronted the boys that had stood you up, never let anyone talk bad about you or even give you dirty looks. even if he didn't consider you a friend, you thought of him as one.
"i just don't understand," matt whispered shakily as he looked up at the night sky, stars scattered all around and lighting the place around in just the slightest.
you sat next to him, fingers playing with the blanket the both of you were on, "what don't you understand?"
he shrugged, "i don't understand how anyone could love me."
your neck snapped in his direction, eyes widening a little as a million thoughts came to your mind.
you wanted him to see how he looked in your eyes. he was the funniest, most handsome, kind boy you have ever met (even if he did occasionally tick you off).
you wanted him to know how many subtle compliments you gave him that he never noticed, but still took.
but then again, you wanted to just tell him how he was so full of shit. he knew that anyone and everyone was capable of loving him.
he knew that he could get anyone wrapped around his finger in less than a week. hell, he sure got you wrapped around his finger in just a matter of 2 days.
"i just don't get what people see in me. sometimes i just want to quit everything i do at the thought of it." matt added, finally turning his head to look at you.
your gaze softened as he looked you in the eyes, a subtle look of concern plastered on your face as you reached out to pat his shoulder.
"don't be stupid, matthew. i think that if anyone even glanced in your direction, they would instantly fall in love. you're all any girl would want."
matt smiled, and you reached over to move his hair to see his face better. he was truly beautiful. you couldn't ever get tired of the sight of him.
"you really think that?" matt asked, and there was just the tiniest hint of smugness in his voice.
you nodded, tilting your head to see matt better in the pale moonlight.
"i do," you whispered, and before matt could speak, you cut him off, "and don't ruin this moment with one of your stupid remarks, matthew."
matt's lips parted, but he chose to stay silent. he was grateful for moments like this with you, when it was just you two alone and nobody else.
he loved being alone with you, especially late at night when you guys would have these deep talks. no words spoken here would ever leave, neither of you would bring those topics up.
it was a nice feeling, one that made him feel safe and secure in your presence.
as the months passed by and new memories with you were made, matt felt like you were slowly creeping into his heart, invading all of his senses.
all he could think about was you now, and he couldn't ever get you out of his head. not even when he was in boston, more than 2,000 miles away from you.
it came so fast, and you almost couldn't believe that you were standing outside of your high-school with your best friends, all dressed formally.
you were wearing a satin dark blue dress that went down to your knees, while matt and chris were wearing suits and ties.
matt's suit was navy blue, his dress pants being white to match with chris, who was wearing a white suit and navy blue dress pants.
nick wore an all blue suit, his tie being the only white thing on his outfit besides from his collared shirt he wore underneath the suit.
"holy shit, you're stunning, y/n!" nick exclaimed, stretching his arms out before you hugged him tightly.
he smiled into your hair, patting your back before pulling away from your embrace.
"talk about stunning, look at yourself, nicolas! you look amazing, blue looks beautiful on you." you complimented, smiling up at him before walking to stand beside him.
he interlocked your arms, and you finally got the chance to look over matt and chris' suits.
"we look better than you guys ever could," matt said, swinging his arm over chris' shoulder and pulling him closer.
chris smiled, nodding in agreement as he wrapped his arm around matt's waist.
"i don't know, y/n's dress might beat us." the younger boy shrugged, to which matt rolled his eyes at.
"you tell yourselves whatever you want, we're gonna go inside to get the night started," nick stated, pushing past chris and matt and purposely shoving matt playfully.
the two brunette boys weren't slow to follow you and nick, chris rushing in front of you to hold the door open.
when the four of you got intonthe gym, it immediately felt like you guys were gonna have the best night ever.
the lighting was a darker blue, illuminating all the bodies beneath it and capturing every small movement the kids made.
"wow," you whispered, and nick echoed you.
"hello, and welcome, los angeles lions to our 34th annual homecoming dance!" madi exclaimed into the microphone, her eyes scanning the paper she was holding.
the school cheered in excitement, and chris screamed out an encouragement for madi.
she smiled at all the familiar faces before leaning into the microphone to read from the paper again, "these past few weeks have been a little chaotic with all of the new nominees for both homecoming queen, and homecoming king, and tonight won't be any less chaotic."
"now, i'm honored to welcome up on stage the nominees for homecoming queen," madi spoke before flipping the paper over to the other side.
she read over the names, and a big smile came to her face when her eyes landed on the first one.
"please welcome up to the stage y/n l/n," she said, her smile frowing impossibly wider.
chris and nick shoved you around playfully before you finally came to your senses and ran up to the stage. it was an unreal experience, being one of the nominees, you felt like you couldn't compare to any of the other girls.
"alahna estrella," madi said, reading a few more names over the loud cheering of the students before she moved onto the boys.
the gym went silent once madi announced that she would be calling up the boys for homecoming king, now.
"now, i'm very happy to call up to the stage one of the very popular sturniolo triplets..."
matt got ready to walk up to the stage, but when the name fell from madi's mouth, he froze in shock.
"christopher sturniolo!" she said happily, clapping along with the other students.
your eyes widened at the sound of chris' name being called, and you clapped for him.
nick watched as chris made his way up the stairs onto the stage, yelling out his name and clapping for his brother.
matt clapped slowly, the realization that he wouldn't get to be the homecoming king washing over him. whatever, it didn't matter anyway because he already had 3 crowns from past years.
more names were called, and even nate was invited up to the stage as a nominee for homecoming king.
when the crowd settled down, madi had began to speak again, "now, the announcement that we've all been waiting for... this year's homecoming king is.."
madi's eye widened in surprise before she smiled big and read off his name, "christopher sturniolo!"
matt sighed, clapping for his brother. he was happy sure, but then again he was jealous. things always went his way, and he just wasn't ready for this happen.
was he being selfish?
after chris was crowned homecoming king, he stood beside madi up on the stage, smiling big at all the students of his high-school.
"and, for your homecoming queen. this year's homecoming queen is y/n l/n!" madi said, clapping proudly at you as she watched you get crowned.
you couldn't believe it. it felt surreal, like you were in a dream you couldn't wake up from. as you walked over to chris, he pulled you into a huge hug, muttering a quiet, "congratulations." into your ear.
madi took yours and chris' hand as she walked back up to the mic, bringing all of your hands into the air as she yelled out into the microphone.
"please give big love to our new homecoming king and queen, y/n and chris!"
the students cheered, some jumping up and down out of excitement as they screamed their hearts out.
matt huffed angrily, jumping out of his seat before pushing his way past multiple people to get to the exit.
he didn't go unnoticed by you, your eyes following him as he stormed out of the gymnasium.
you were surprised the door hadn't made a sound, it looked like he slammed into the door without even flinching.
"shit," you whispered, worry flashing over your features.
as soon as you got off stage, you ran out of the gym, ignoring all of the people who tried to congratulate you on your way down.
you ran outside of the school, turning every way to try and spot matt. when you did, his eyes locked with yours.
he was sat on the sidewalk, a streetlight illuminating his face as the spotlights had done inside.
you ran over to him, taking a seat next to him and scooting close to him.
it was silent for a few minutes. the two of you just absorbed in all of your thoughts about what just happened.
"congratulations on homecoming queen, i'm happy for you." matt said, looking over into your eyes.
you smiled, "thanks."
"sorry you weren't nominated, i thought you would have been considering you have been every other year." you apologized, and matt shook his head softly.
it wasn't just that, it was the fact that his brother was your homecoming king. it was the knowledge that matt would never get to be your king.
it was the fact that he would never get to be yours.
"i'm sorry, i just can't do this anymore, y/n." matt stood up from his spot, and you looked up at him.
you raised an eyebrow, worry still lingering in your head from matt's earlier outburst, "what? you can't do what?"
you stood up next, now face to face with the boy you both hated and loved the most.
"i just don't understand what we are, what i mean to you and what you even think of me. you keep giving me these fucking mixed signals and i don't know how to interpret them!" matt held his head in his hands, rubbing his temples in an effort to calm himself down.
you swore you felt your heart shatter at his words. maybe this wasn't gonna be the best night you've ever had.
"what- mixed signals? i.. matt, what are you talking about?" you thought you knew what he was getting at, but as the words came out of your mouth, the thoughts fled from your mind.
matt muttered inaudible words before he finally spoke clearly, "you keep pushing me away and then pulling me back again, and i don't know what to do, y/n."
"do you want me, or am i just some guy you're toying with to get popularity? one minute you're nice and you have my back, and the next you're so fucking cold it's like i'm not even there, like you don't even care about me."
your eyebrows furrowed, he was explaining exactly how he made you feel.
"don't be a hypocrite, matt. i don't even act that way, you're explaining exactly what you make me think. i have all these thoughts and ideas i want to share with you, but when i do, you come over and push them down. why would i even want popularity? i don't give a shit about it, matt!"
"why do you do this to me, seriously?" your voice cracked, and only then did matt realize you were crying.
he groaned, taking small paces back and forth as he breathed heavily.
when he stopped, he was right in front of you, gaze soft as he stared into your e/c eyes.
"because i love you," he finally spilled it, and he didn't regret it. not at all.
the look on your face was not at all what he was expecting. he thought you might he disgusted or even angry.
"don't act so surprised, y/n." he said quietly, cupping your face with his hands.
they were cold, but you still leaned into his touch as he wiped away your tears.
he pulled you closer to him, and you ended up in his arms as you began to calm down. "god, i hate you, matt."
"yeah? well i'll love you 'till the day that i die." he muttered softly.
you laughed quietly, punching him playfully before pulling away.
he stayed silent, a soft smile on his face. as he continued to stare at you, he started to realize more and more things.
one thing he realized was that he never wanted to say goodbye.
maybe chris was right. maybe you two were birds of a feather.
. . . . . . . . .
tags: @cindylcuwho
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intimacyequalsdeath · 4 months
Hiya! Have you ever gotten a platonic request? If not then this could always be your first! I wanna ask for headcanons of stu macher's sister x billy loomis (if you have the time)
I wanna see the headcanons of how wpuld stu macher deal with the fact that his younger sister (same age as billy, just younger by a few months) is dating his friend who is also a serial killer like hinself and of course she wouldn't know that but still-
Stu would threateb billy to not lay a knife on her or else-
Stu loves her obviously, he's protective. Well you should be if your sister is dating your friend who is also a killer! ^._-.
Now that I can finally get back to doing requests I have chosen you lucky anon as my first! Thank you so much for sending this request in, I love this idea!
Notes: Minors DNI, SFW, This request obviously has a AFAB female presenting reader in mind. She/Her pronouns used.
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+ First and foremost I see the relationship as something you and Billy would probably keep a secret at first. Billy has a good thing going with Stu and even though he loves you I could see him not wanting to ruin that.
+ When Stu finally does find out, he's not furious but he's definitely not happy. Out of everyone in school you JUST HAD to pick Billy Loomis, even if him and Billy are friends.
+ Cue a lot of angry Billy and Stu fights both in front of you and behind your back when their out doing Ghostface stuff.
"Billy what the hell man? Out of all the people in school it had to be her?"
"I didn't fuckin do it on purpose Stu! I just really like her ok?"
+ You knew Billy and Stu were friends but you had no clue about Ghostface. I wouldn't be surprised if Stu would think that you dating Billy would put both you and Ghostface in jeopardy.
+ Billy would treat you amazingly though, at first Stu would be apprehensive cause he's seen Billy with how he treats his girlfriends but Billy would prove him entirely wrong with you.
+ Whenever Billy would have any free time from school or Ghostface you could probably find him holed up in your bedroom, laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling. Now that he's dating you he really doesn't have a reason to leave the Macher household, ever.
+ Since your Stu's sister you've probably been around to see Billy go through the situation with his parents. You know him better then 99 percent on anyone else, even sometimes better then Stu.
+ As time would go on I think Stu would slowly but surely warm up to you and Billy being a thing. Billy would have to prove himself though don't get me wrong.
+ Now that your fully into the lives of both of them, close calls with Ghostface would happen. You'd slowly start to get suspicious as to the strange times and places you would see both your boyfriend and brother.
+ They would of course write it off though.
"Sis Me and Billy had that English project we had to do at the library"
"Babe we literally talked on the phone all night"
+ If you ever came to them with your fear of the Ghostface they of course would assure you that they would protect you. You of course none the wiser and comforted by their words would go along with it.
+ Behind the scenes though of course Stu would make sure Billy was 100 percent for you and this wasn't another Sydney situation. Stu swears that if Billy EVER threatened you like that, that it's over.
+Your the only thing Stu would ever end the Ghostface shit over, especially when it came to him not fully trusting Billy at first, and no matter what Billy says there will always be a part of Stu that doesn't fully trust him.
+ Stu, of all people, knows how unpredictable Billy can be. So for however long you two date he will always have a guard up.
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gingiesworld · 9 months
Family is Forever
Chapter Two
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst
Taglist: @fxckmiup @ginnsbaker @gb12d @angrywhisperslove @louxbloom @casquinhaa
The night was just as hard for Wanda and the twins. Although the two had broke it to the boys softly. Both Billy and Tommy couldn't really sleep either, so they both soon joined Wanda in her bed. As Wanda lay on her back, staring at the ceiling as the soft snores filled the room.
The next morning was just as tiring, even after the twins had gotten on the bus, Natasha had popped over to see her best friend.
"Are you ok?" She asked Wanda who just chuckled dryly.
"Y/N and I are getting a divorce." She told her.
"What did they do?" Natasha questioned as she approached her.
"Nothing." Wanda told her honestly. "It's just, I still love them but I." She turned to face her. "I hurt too damn much even now because they aren't here. They do everything that a parent does for the twins, makes time for their games and competitions but then there is no time for us."
"Did you try and talk to them before you decided to do this?" Nat asked her as she shrugged.
"It wouldn't have made a difference." Wanda whispered with tears in her eyes. "This is what's best for us."
"Where are they staying now?" She asked as Wanda picked up the towel  again.
"Bucky's just until they find an apartment nearby." She informed her. "I just miss who we used to be, when we were in college before the twins."
"We can't go back Wan." Nat told her sadly as Wanda nodded.
"I know, believe me." She gave her a sad smile. "I just, before the twins we were ok and we even graduated college before they were born, but I just wish that we maybe never got pregnant at such a young age because they threw themselves straight into work to provide for us."
"Well babies and hospital bills are pretty expensive." Nat reasoned as Wanda nodded.
"Yeah, not to mention buying a house." Wanda scoffed.
"What?" Nat was shocked.
"They never even discussed it with me when they bought this house. I thought we were renting it all of these years but they bought it." She told her friend.
"That's amazing Wanda." Nat beamed. "You don't have to worry about losing your home."
"I know." Wanda sighed. "I'm not angry that they did this, I guess I just wanted to have more of them than I got."
"I know Wanda, but this could be the best thing for the four of you." Nat reassured her.
"Thank you for being here Nat." Wanda whispered as Nat wrapped her arms around her. Holding her as she sobbed.
She wondered how she was going to tell her parents about the divorce. She was worried on their views since they both loved Y/N and knew they would be perfect for their little girl. But she never had to worry as Y/N had already took it upon themselves to tell the in laws.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Mrs Maximoff beamed as she ushered them inside.
"I just need to talk to the both of you since Wanda is probably going insane wondering how she is going to tell you." They told the two of them. "We are getting a divorce."
"What?" Oleg boomed as Y/N took a deep breath.
"I am still very much in love with her but I took her forgranted." They told them. "Since the boys were born, I threw myself straight into work and we never really had time to be us."
"Well, raising and providing for a family is a struggle." Oleg stated as Iryna held his hand.
"It is a struggle." Y/N admitted. "I guess I just lost touch in who we were as a couple and Wanda isn't happy and she is set in this decision because as much as I could say it would change and fight for the marriage, I know that would be a lie because of my job and if I were to cut back, we would lose money and the boys college funds won't increase vastly either."
"The boys will be ok for now." Iryna told them as they shook their head.
"I don't want them to have to go to community college. I want them to choose the best colleges for their dream jobs." Y/N told them both. "I also have another fund for Wanda to decide with what she wants to do with it. She can open up a shop, cafe or a bakery. I just want her to be happy and if I am not the one making her happy, I would happily step aside so she can be."
"You are a good kid." Oleg stated as he sat forward. "You always have been and you are perfect for Wanda. Maybe a separation would be best?"
"No, she has her heart set on divorce." They told them. "I just wanted to tell you because I know she will worry about this, especially since she needs you both now more than ever." With that, Y/N bid their goodbyes and left the two.
As Monday fast approached and Y/N had took the day to look at some apartments. Soon falling for a two bedroom only 10 minutes away from the house. Already deciding on taking it, they seen a message from Wanda.
'We need to talk'
Once they had made an appointment to sign the lease and get the keys, they made their way towards the house. Taking a deep breath as they knocked on the door.
"You don't have to knock." Wanda told them as she let them inside.
"I don't live here Wanda so yes I do." They told her firmly. "This is your home." Those words hit Wanda like an 18 wheeler as she poured some coffee.
"I guess so." She handed them their cup before she pursed her lips, leaning on the counter as she kept a lot of distance between the two. "Why did you tell my parents?" She questioned.
"I knew you would worry about their reaction." They answered her honestly. "I just told them the truth about it all and they want to be there for you and the boys Wanda."
"But I should have told them." She told them sternly as Y/N sighed.
"Wanda, if I can't do this something for you, take the stress off of you for once then what type of person am I?" They questioned as they stepped closer. "I know we aren't together but I still want to make sure you aren't stressed and you're ok, because that's all I will ever want."
"Ok." She whispered as she moved back. "I just, I was caught off guard by it." She looked up into their eyes before speaking once more. "Then who is going to be there for you through this?"
"I will be fine." They told her. "I always am." They stepped away from her as they played with their fingers, picking the skin on their cuticles. "I guess I will head out and I will see you tomorrow."
"I'll see you tomorrow." Wanda whispered as she took a deep breath.
Closing her eyes as she heard the door close once more. Her heart was breaking at this moment as she knew there was no coming back from this.
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scarrletmoon · 8 months
it's izzy hands it's kylo ren it's billy from stranger things it's snape it's draco it's loki circa 2012-2014 it's a REPEATED PATTERN throughout all of fandom of an antagonistic white guy getting a devoted fanbase that is both disproportionate to his importance in the story and also misunderstands the white guy's role as an antagonist. they think their mean little guy is a misunderstood victim and they base their entire fandom experience around him. and then in season 2 ofmd went and redeemed izzy before killing him off to further ed's arc, something that is a solid choice from a technical writing standpoint but from a fandom perspective it built the izzy fans up into thinking they were right about how izzy has never been homophobic, izzy is a poor downtrodden abuse victim, and from day one izzy has been a protector and the only competent guy around and a loyal and dutiful first mate. and possibly the most significant part is that so many izzy fans have accidentally and unknowingly tricked themselves into thinking that izzy is a main character bc their fandom engagement revolves so heavily around izzy that they forgot the actual show itself doesn't, so they were completely blindsided by a death that has been foreshadowed since season one ("im not dying, not for that twat and not for you" and "only retirement we get is death" and the whole "plumb the depths, man" sequence where izzy was talking to stede through a death shroud ffs). and i want so bad to just ignore it but we literally got a queer romcom centered around an interracial couple and an incredibly diverse cast and an indigenous main character and a diverse writer's room and the season ended on a happy note and it's all about queer joy AND YET. soooooooo much of the post-season discussion has to center around the white side character!!! even in death izzy hands takes up a disproportionate amount of the fandom conversation and im exhausted. it's every fandom! every fucking time!! this isnt anything new this is the same time-honored fandom tradition of white man favoritism YET A-FUCKING-GAIN and im SO FUCKING TIRED OF IT!!!!!!!!!
(i get so scared when i turn on anon bc i’ve consistently gotten such shitty, cowardly messages through it but i’m glad this isn’t one of them lmao)
i know i’ve said this 374748 times but the last time i made the kylo ren/snape/white villain connection on twitter (i mean that’s on me, it’s twitter) i had people legit furious with me for calling them nazis which………..i literally never said
and i get the frustration. trust me, I GET IT. the white villain problem smashes right into white fragility and makes it almost impossible to talk about any of it. it means, like you said, that we’re talking about a fucking white side character in cast of amazing, nonwhite talent, because some people can’t handle confronting the fact that whiteness insulates them from the realities of racism, and that their ignorance and hostility makes them active participants in white supremacy
(and it’s really hard to explain this to people who’ve been taught that racism is when slurs and white klan hoods, because then they’ll say and do the most vile shit and CRY or fight you when you gently try to explain the racist shit they just did)
and because fandom is very queer as well as very white, we also have to contend with the kinds of white people who think that queerness somehow negates their whiteness. that they can’t express their privilege in contexts involving POC. that we’re making shit up to be victims and to minimize their pain on purpose. and time and time again, i have had my queerness erased by white people, so they feel comfortable ignoring criticism i only ever shared bc i was hoping for something better
i’ve said it again and again and again and AGAIN that it’s ESPECIALLY depressing seeing white people close ranks in ofmd fandom especially BECAUSE it has such a diverse cast and doesn’t shy away from discussing racism in all the ways it manifests. like, most of the racism in the show isn’t even subtle and y’all STILL elected to ignore it? do y’all not feel ANY shame about that?
and some of them don’t! bc they think we’re infiltrators. bc they’re only a few steps removed from “they will not replace us” as they see more POC try to join fannish spaces. and they’ll pretend they’re not trying to push us out bc they’re marginalized in other ways — deliberately ignoring the fact that they’re also crushing their fellow queer, disabled and marginalized community
so you’re tired? yeah. me the fuck too. we deserve so much better
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cycat-carisi · 9 months
I Left My Pretty Baby With Ralphie
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!reader
Summary: If you haven't heard the tune "Ralphie" by Joe's former band, Post Animal, check it out! The tune inspired me to write a little thing about our favorite former King of Hawkins High and the massive crush he has on the reader.
Tags: Fluff, Summer of '85, Post-season 3, Pre-season 4, Steve Harrington has it bad and he really doesn't know what to do about it.
Warnings: some alcohol consumption, partying high schoolers, spoilers for season 3
Length: ~2.5k
A/N: This is pure, unedited word vomit. I don't have the time to write right now and yet here we are. (:
Fic below the cut or on AO3 here
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Steve should have known better. Afterall, when one king falls, another is always waiting to take his place. Steve’s fall from grace had been less than glorious. Billy had shown up to claim the crown and had rubbed Steve’s face in it for good measure. And now, with Billy having succumbed to the Mind Flayer, the position of king had once again been ripe for the taking. This time it was little Ralphie Baker who rose to the occasion – well, not so little anymore. Over the summer of ’85 he had finally gotten a long-overdue growth spirt in both height and muscle. At six feet tall and a hundred and sixty pounds, Little Ralphie Baker’s ascent to the throne came just in time for his senior year.
Steve wouldn’t have been so bothered by Little Ralphie Baker if it hadn’t been for what happened at the last house party of the summer…
~~“It’s not in the way that you walk that gets me off. It’s the way that you think. It’s the way that you talk.”~~
The summer of 1985 started out pretty decent except for the obvious humiliation of working at a place like Scoops Ahoy. Sure, Steve struck out with the ladies and sure, Robin made fun of him for it, but at least working at the mall allowed him to see the people he cared about regularly. People including you.
You were Robin’s age, about to go into your last year of high school. After having been paired for a group project in one of your classes last year, you found out how awesome Robin actually was. The two of you became fast friends and during the summer you would visit her at Scoops for free samples and a back entrance into the theatre.
That’s also how Steve met you. The first time Robin introduced you to him made quite the impression on Steve. After all, he had come to respect Robin’s judgement on a lot of things, so, for you to be worthy of Robin’s friendship already spoke volumes about the kind of person you were.
As time went on, you and Steve found yourselves getting along really well too. So much so that it became the highlight of Steve’s day when you’d walk into the ice cream parlor with a lovely smile springing to life when you spotted him. The two of you would chat on his break and Steve was more than happy to show another member of Hawkins High that he wasn’t the same person that he used to be.
The lovely friendship between the two of you continued to grow, even after the Mind Flayer wrecked havoc on Hawkins. Instead of free ice cream, both Steve and Robin would let you use their Family Video discount; the store being your new place to hang out over the remainder of summer break.
Having such a strong and effortless connection, it was no wonder Steve found himself falling for you: your pretty smile, the shy way you’d tuck your hair behind your ear when he gave you a compliment, and especially how you just seemed to get him. He never felt judged when he was around you, only accepted. In his head and in his heart, Steve knew that he loved you; he had just never found the courage to tell you yet.
That’s why the last house party of the summer bugged Steve so much. You had generously offered him to tag along with yourself and Robin, but the former king of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington, had completely blown it.
~~“But I can’t tell this girl what’s on my mind. And it seems it's getting closer all the time.”~~
The night had started out fine. Your little trio flitted from social group to social group, sipping drinks and exchanging pleasantries with the other guests. Being the only one with a car or driver’s license, Steve had graciously agreed to be the DD for the night allowing you and Robin to let loose to rhythms like Phil Collins’ Sussudio blasting over the boom box.
Seeing you so relaxed and carefree sent shock waves straight to Steve’s heart. And when you rushed over to grab his hands in yours to dance, his heart nearly stopped altogether. Your cheeks were rosy from laughing and the slight buzz of alcohol, yet Steve still found you gazing at him with the same softness that you always did, even while twirling him around to the beat.
Then abruptly, the upbeat song came to an end, switching to the ballad of Bryan Adam’s Heaven. Awkwardly, Steve released himself from your grasp as if the lyrics would reveal every feeling that he was too nervous to share on his own. A party like this just wasn’t the time.
Steve saw you glancing at him with a mixture of confusion and something that bordered on hurt as he slowly retreated backwards.
Before anything further could transpire, the sound of Robin’s slurred voice calling out Steve’s name caused both your heads to turn. She clearly had been sipping back a few more drinks than you had. You both went to her aid finding her contemplating whether or not she was going to throw up.
“Take her home,” you told Steve, sympathetically. “There’s nothing more humiliating than puking at another person’s party.”
Steve knew you were right. Even though the night was young, Robin’s inability to hold her liquor warranted her an early retirement.
“You wanna stay longer?” Steve asked you while propping Robin against his shoulder.
Steve watched as you turned to glance around the room. Some of your other classmates you actually liked were still here to chat with. He tried to hide his desire to steal you away for some quiet one-on-one time after dropping Robin off. Steve hated to admit to himself just how often he daydreamed of taking you out for late night milkshakes at the local diner.
“I think…” you began, shaking Steve out of his thoughts. “hmm…are you coming back?” you asked him, almost shyly.
“I uh, I can if you want me to. After all, I did drive you here.” Steve shifted to reposition a now sleepy and very slouched Robin while simultaneously trying his damnedest to avoid your eyes.
“Steve,” you beckoned him to look at you. “I didn’t invite you with us just to be our driver. I wanted you to have some fun too.”
Steve knew that. He knew that you actually cared about him and wanted him to be a part of your life. Yet, Steve wasn’t convinced that you’d want him to be part of your life in the same way he did.
“Yeah, sure then,” he replied simply. “I’ll come back later. Will you be okay here by yourself? I know you didn’t have as much to drink as this one,” he gave Robin a nudge causing her to groan. “But still. Parties can get weird nonetheless.”
His concern caused you to smile that gorgeous smile he loved so much. “Thanks, Steve. I’ll be okay though. Promise.”
And with that, Steve set off to haul Robin home. But it was as he was leaving the house that he heard the voice of Little Ralphie Baker enter the room.
~~“I went to the party and I left my pretty baby with Ralphie, baby, and now I’m alone.”~~
Steve returned about a half an hour later ready to laugh with you about how difficult Robin was to sneak into her house while wasted. She was all uncoordinated limbs, swapping between jaunty giggles and annoyed groans. Except as he entered through the living room’s front door, his ears were met with the sound of your melodic laughter. There you were, holding your solo cup and stood beside none other than Little Ralphie Baker. His now broad shoulders were squared to your petite frame, narrowed eyes gazing down upon what Steve could only imagine was your chest and, of course, smiling a devilish grin. And you – you were taking it all in! Just standing there chatting and laughing with the new king of Hawkins High.
Steve felt his stomach knot in jealousy while it seemed as though his heart fell right out of his chest. Sure, he could waltz over there and butt in. He knew exactly what Ralphie was doing; Steve used to pull the same shallow moves himself. But the fact of the matter was, despite how much Steve loved you, you were never really his to lose to begin with.
Steve wanted to run. He wanted to jump in his car, speed home and burry himself under his duvet. He hated how each and every time he felt something genuine for a girl, she never felt the same way. Steve had tried so hard to change and be a better person, yet he still couldn’t find anyone to love him for who he had become. He thought that person could have been you, but once again he had clearly been wrong.
~~“And now I'm feeling something and I know she's doing better, without me, baby guess I'll go home whether that's with or without you.”~~
The gravel crunched under his sneakers as Steve marched himself back to his car. He got in and slammed the door, hands slapping against the steering wheel. He slid one off, about to put keys in the ignition when he stopped. He had made you a promise. Even if he refused to witness the rest of the party, he would still wait here to drive you home when you were ready to leave.
With a sigh, Steve turned the key only slightly, allowing his radio to come to life. Like a curse, Heaven’s romantic notes filled the car, and Steve yanked the dial to the right until something more upbeat replaced it. He let his head bounce back against the headrest and closed his eyes, dreading the inevitably long wait until you were finished partying with Little Ralphie Baker.
Then suddenly, a soft rap sounded on the passenger’s side window of the burgundy bimmer. Steve jumped, peering through fallen locks of brown hair towards the sound. It was you.
You gave a small wave and smile as he reached over to unlock the door and let you in. Confusion was etched across his entire face. “What are you doing here?” he stammered.
You gazed at him with your own hint of bewilderment. “Uh, getting in your car?” you reflected the question back at him as you buckled your belt.
“Why?” he said a little too coldly. “The party isn’t over yet.” Steve couldn’t bare to look at you any longer. He didn’t want to show you just how stupidly jealous seeing you with someone else had made him.
“What the heck has gotten into you, Steve?” you fired back, angling yourself towards him in the velvety seat.
Steve paused. This was not the can of worms he wanted to open right now. You still had alcohol in your system and Steve was high on his feelings for you. It could never end well, he thought. “Nothing,” he dismissed, once again reaching for the ignition.
“Steve,” you spoke smoothly. Then your hand reached for his forearm. Steve swore your touch would burn a hole in his sweater, but that voice, that sweet, calm, soothing voice...it compelled him stop and turn.
“What’s wrong?” you asked when he finally met your gaze.
Those big eyes of yours were so sincere and so sweet. How could he not tell you the truth? “I just,” he began, voice low in the small space of the car. “I just thought you’d want to stay longer. I walked in earlier and saw you with Ralphie Baker. Seemed like you two were getting along well.”
“Ralphie Baker?” you scoffed. “Ralphie Baker?! I couldn’t get that creep away from me fast enough!” you exclaimed. “He wouldn’t stop staring at my boobs! I didn’t want to make a scene or else I would have given him a slap.”
With your words, the vice around Steve’s chest suddenly released. His eyebrows unknitted and those dark eyes lit up in the dim light. “Really?” he spoke meekly. Shaking himself out of it, he continued, “Sorry, I should have stepped in to help…”
“Nah, it’s fine,” you assured him. “You came back and that’s all that matters.” Steve found himself captivated by the smile you give him. Maybe he was imagining things, but he was fairly certain that this very smile was one reserved only for him.
Your hand still rested on his forearm, thumb now rubbing lightly over the material of his shirt. The little gesture caused Steve to return a heart-felt grin. Maybe now wasn’t such a horrible time to lay it all on the line. It’s a huge leap, but the pounding of his heart was never going to stop if he didn’t say something.
“I,” Steve inhaled deeply. “I promised that I would come back, and I care too much about you to ever go back on my word.” That was a start. Just come out and say it, Steve. He examined your features closely for any signs of discomfort. Instead, all he found was intrigue. “I,” he began again. It was hard to hear his own thoughts over the sound of his pulse in his ears.
But before he could finish, Steve witnessed you leaning across the center console, hand using his forearm for leverage. And the next thing he knew, your lips were brushing softly against his. The kiss was better than he could have ever imagined. A million butterflies exploded inside his tummy and he found his free hand making its way to cup your cheek of its own accord.
As the pair of you leaned back, Steve’s face was plastered with a dopey grin. Yours was in much the same state. “I’ve been trying to figure you out all summer, Harrington,” you whispered. “I just never knew if I was reading the signals clearly.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot towards the roof. “Really?” he spoke gently.
“You were jealous about Ralphie, weren’t you?” you quipped. Steve opened his mouth to deny but you quickly added, “It wasn’t my intention, just so you know, but seeing you out here moping at least gave me the confirmation I needed.”
A warmth spread throughout Steve’s chest. “I guess I’m not so good at hiding my feelings, huh?”
You shook your head at him affectionately.
He smirked. “What am I feeling right now, then?” 
“Hmm,” you pretended to contemplate. “I think you wanna take me out for a late-night milkshake, but only after you kiss me again here first.”
The twinkle in your eye made Steve’s heart melt. “You really can read me like a book,” he grinned before leaning into your lips once more.
~~“And when I see something I like you know that I gotta pounce. All the things that you say, say, say, I can trust every ounce.”~~
Thank you for reading and feedback is loved!
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seoll3miwrites · 2 months
Doing Time | Criminal Minds S.R
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Chapter 6. Vegas
Spencer and Hana should probably talk about the other night, if only their wan't so important and distracting. Or maybe they're just coming up with excuses. Chapter Title: Vegas by Doja Cat
Spencer and Hana hadn’t spoken about the drunken kiss they’d shared only a few weeks ago. It had only been a three days after that night they’d been sent out on another case in , but once they’d gotten back to DC neither knew how broach the subject. Even now as they sat next to each other on the jet heading to Las Vegas, New Mexico, they both struggled to start a conversation about that night; so they didn’t.
“I wish it was the fun Las Vegas.” Hana complained as she ate the salad Sasha had made her that morning. 
“Did you know I’m from Vegas?” 
“Really?” She turned to him, perking up in interest, “Does this mean I should bring you with the next time I head to the casinos?”
“I would sat yes but I’m actually banned from majority of the casinos in Vegas.” He informed her nonchalantly. 
“Holy shit!” She exclaimed in surprise, “I was wrong you got a little bad side to you, Doctor.”
He laughed at her, which encouraged Hana to laugh as well. Out of habit she hit him slightly on the arm as she continued to laugh, before catching her breath. The pair were soon joined by the rest of the team in order to get a general profile before they land.
“Is there even anything interesting about this Las Vegas?” Hana questioned to start the discussion, which Spencer was happy to contribute.
“In the late 19th century, it was a booming railroad hub with a reputation for lawlessness, and apparently, outlaws are a part of the town's genetics. Billy the Kid lived there, and Doc Holliday himself had a saloon there before going to meet Wyatt Earp in Tombstone.”
“The more things change, the more things stay the same.” Rossi chimed in, looking through the case file.
“All the victims in both instances were teenagers, except for Jose Rivera.”
“A younger staff, that's pretty typical for a night shift.” Morgan chimed in, to add extra information.
 “The unsubs might have considered that. It would be easier to subdue a group of kids.”
Tara leaned forward slightly so she could contribute, “Almost an identical M.O. Copycat or no, why go back to this town and do this again?
“They could be sending some kind of message to announce their return.” Spencer suggested, followed by Rossi’s other idea.
“Or it just might be criminal ego. They got away with it the first time. Why not do it again?”
“Could also be about reliving it, if it is the same unsubs they might be wanting to relive the ‘glory days’.” Hana noted although she didn’t consider killing teenagers and arson as something someone should see as their ‘glory days’
“With unsubs this violent, how do you just disappear and go dormant for 6 years?” Morgan questioned, continuing to build the profile.
Hotch turned towards Morgan before speaking, “They may have been in prison. That would explain the criminal experience.”
“Crime U., best education taxpayer money can buy.” Rossi uttered making Hana smirk slightly, yet she hid it behind her hand at the glance she received from Hotch.
“When we land, I'll have Garcia compile a list of recently released convicts in the area. Morgan, you and Reid go with Federov to the coroner when we land. Lewis, you're with Dave and me at the local PD.” 
With that the team waited until they landed until they wait their separate ways. Hana followed Spencer and Morgan to one of the 3 cars waiting for them before heading off to the coroner. The arrived only a few minutes later, exiting the vehicle the trio made the way towards the building. The wind was slightly strong and kept blowing Hana’s hair into her face. She gather her hair and went to tie it into a pony tail only to realise that she didn’t have a hair tie on either wrist. Sighing heavily, she released her hair, allowing to flow in the wind. 
As they continued walking, Hana felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to face Spencer to her right. He handed her something before continuing towards the building. She looked down to see that he had handed her a small black hair tie. Smiling slightly, she pulled her hair backup and tied into a messy ponytail.
“Thanks!” She called over to Spencer, who turned and smiled in reply.
Once they entered the building the met with the coroner who led them through to the morgue where the three victims laid on separate metal autopsy table. Hana felt a strange feeling as looked at the victims, this was the first time she’d seen someone younger than her. They had so much life left in them, so much potential. She wanted to catch these assholes. Or maybe just kill them. 
Spencer leaned in to assess the victims, “Several antemortem wounds, facial lacerations, fractured jaw, a fractured skull.”
“Yeah, it was a brutal beating. All 3 of them had broken ribs, too.” The coroner responded as he read from his autopsy report.
“And ligature marks.” The doctor noted as he continued look over the bodies.
The coroner nodded before continuing, “Looks like the boys were bound with their own belts and electrical wires. I found leather and melted plastic in their clothes.”  He spoke as he lead them towards the female victim, “Renee Acosta was different. There's evidence of sexual assault.”
“Any recoverable DNA?”, Morgan asked.
“None. Whatever wasn't destroyed by the fire got washed away by the sprinklers. But she was recovered without clothes on. And based on the cotton and nylon fibres I found around her wrists, I think they restrained her with her own underwear.”
Spencer looked up from the female victim, “That's precisely what happened to the female victim 6 years ago.”
“Those details weren't released to the press. These aren't copycats. These are the same guys.” Morgan noted in reply.
Hana looked between the two other agents before speaking, “The question still stands, I mean why come back now?”
As it turns out only one of the unsubs was the original perpetrators from 6 years ago. Duke Mason had returned due his old flame, who most likely gave birth to his son before he was imprisoned all those years ago. Garcia, the wonder that she is, was able to find Tammy Vasquez’ address, and now Hana was sat next to Morgan as the team drove their way over there.
When they arrived Chief Montoya reached the house first and made his way to the door to knock, everyone else gathered behind him. 
“Ms. Vasquez! Police! Hello? Anybody home?” He called multiple times with seemingly no answer, “Nobody here.”
They turned to leave before Morgan heard a muffled cry in the distance, causing him to pause, “Wait a minute. You hear that?”, He moved towards the door before knocking, “FBI! Anybody here?”
Hana moved closer to the door and heard more sobbing coming from the house, she nodded at Morgan to show she heard it too. “There's somebody in there.”
The officers went around the back as Morgan kicked open the door. Moving through the house, Hana made her way through following closely behind Morgan. Turning a corner the pair found an older woman tied up with duct tape across her mouth.
“Guys.” Morgan called as he made his way to the woman tied up, “It's ok. It's ok, I got you. I got you. Are you hurt?”
“No. I'm fine. He took them. He took them both.” 
“We need to issue an Amber alert.” Rossi stated a turned around back outside the house. Hana stayed for moment longer making sure the other woman was okay, before following her team outside.
She walked towards Morgan and Rossi who were speaking to each other. While she didn’t catch the beginning of the conversation she heard Rossi’s question to Morgan. “What happened to Turner?”
“I bet it got pretty ugly when they split up.” Morgan suggested, car pulled up the scene and Spencer step out running slightly towards them.
“Hotch is out coordinating roadblocks and canvassing the area, but so far nothing.” Spencer spoke, giving them an update.
“Why switch directions are risk coming all the way back here?”
Rossi shrugged slightly before answering, “He's strung out and believes that boy Cole is his son. He's capable of anything.”
“We should extend the Amber alert.” Spencer suggested to which the team all nodded in a agreement.
Chief Montoya shouted as he made his way over to the team, “Agents! Tammy Vasquez' pickup truck was spotted heading south on Route 34.”
“Is that far from here?”
“About 10 miles or so. State police have major roadways on the other end blocked off so he can't get out, but it cuts through the Santa Fe National Forest. If he knows what he's doing, he can hole up out there for weeks.”
“Where would he go to access fresh water?”
“There's an old abandoned campground. It doesn't get used much. Sometimes the kids go up there to drink.”
“He'd want to go someplace familiar.” Rossi observed
“That’s probably where he took them.” Hana stated as Spencer turned to her, a strange expression on his face.
“Agents, if you don't mind me making a suggestion,” Montoya spoke as he lifted a map for everyone to see, “I know that place like the back of my hand.”
Hana stood next to Rossi as her and the team listened as he pointed to the map at a certain point where they could move if they wanted to catch Mason by surprise. After the plan was set up, they separated into small groups and headed towards the campsite. 
When they arrived Hana noticed the car park up, and two figures that appeared to be arguing, she turned to Rossi who nodded to indicate it was time to intervene. Signalling to the other groups who moved in to the figures.
Noticing the guns each of them was holding, Morgan stood out slightly to announce their presence, “FBI, drop the weapon!”
In response, Hana heard the one with the long hair shout something before the pair began to fire at the police and agents in the trees. In the firefight they were able to take the long haired with one sniper shot, but Mason stayed up longer. 
Hana step out for one moment in attempt to get mother shot in, when she felt red hot pain exploded in her right side. She moved back behind the tree and put her hand against the pain source; only to find her hand coated in blood. The asshole had managed to get a shot clean through her shoulder. 
“Shit!” She cursed as she put her back on the wound, “You motherfucker!”
“Language!” She heard the Rossi shout over from his position. 
“With all due respect sir,” she replied, “I’ve been fucking shot!”
While she was shouting back she noticed the firefight had finally ended and saw Mason lying on the ground. The lack of bullets firing allowed Rossi to make his over to where she was now sitting against the tree.
“Don’t worry it was clean shot, I’ll just need stitches.” She reassured as her unit chief looked at her shoulder in concern. 
“Someone should still take a look at it before we leave.” He ordered as he grabbed her uninjured left arm to help her up. 
She smiled wryly at him, the pain still making her dizzy. “Careful, Sir someone might think you like me.” 
Rossi laughed slightly before replying, “Oh we wouldn’t want that.”
After Hana was patched, she joined her team at the funeral of the victims, dressed in black sat between Spencer and Tara on a wooden church pew. That strange feeling that she felt when she saw the bodies had came back, causing her to clench the skirt of the simple black dress she was wearing. As she listened to the singer, and watching the parents say their last goodbyes; she realised it was sorrow. She’d felt sorrow before, but this was the first time she had mourned not only for these young victims but also for the lives they could’ve lived. 
So, around some of the few people that she trusted, she allowed one tear to fall. Noticing the need for comfort she felt Tara reach out and grasp Hana's hand gently, to which she squeezed it in thanks. At least this time she felt sorrow; she wasn’t alone.
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writing-for-the-gays · 3 months
ermm i have another request to make :3c if thats ok :3c
billy loomis and stu macher (both of em, in the poly way :3c) x reader with all of the specifications i had in my last request with uhmmmm :3c knife play :3c and predator/prey dynamics :3c
again, reader being fat nd hairy being central to the story :3c
also again, do whatever format and length you want ^_^
-🐛 anon
'Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever?'
Billy Loomis x trans male! Stu macher x trans male! hairy! reader
Again with these things being self indulgent, reader is a disk jockey and a radio host who spreads misinformation Abt the lads so they can fuck two serial killers for a lil longer .
Brought to you by ovulation and weed.
I'm a Stu fucker so Billy is a little neglected.
I read hairy and ran with it.
You can pry my trans male stu hc out of my cold dead hands.
I wasn't sure how to end it but I did it.
Up to my usual bullshit
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- You were supposed to be a victim, a little bit of a trial run before everyone else.
- you were a generally quiet guy, they didn't think that anyone would really notice you disappeared. Save for the fact the news station would have to get a new host, but who even really listened to it. Billy and Stu definitely didn't listen to it.
-they probably should've though. Desensitize each other to it. But they didn't.
- so when they called you Stu's face instantly turned red and he hung up. Which confused the hell out of Billy. ("Stu, what the hell was that?!" "His voice, man! It's making my fucking head foggy-!" "Fine I'll fucking do it!")
- Billy wasn't any better, but at least he was talking to you unlike Stu.
- he's palming himself through his jeans just listening to you try to tell him off for calling, but then he starts talking about fucking you with a knife to your throat and you go quite.
- he keeps going and he hears you panting on the other end, and he doesn't assume you're touching yourself at first.
- but then you fully moan while listening to him talk about fucking you balls deep and he's not dumb so he can put 2+2 together.
- he asks what room you're in and you give it too easy (he knows where you are, he can see your shadow from the window.)
-and soon you have two strangers fucking you so hard you can't think!
- Stu finds out you're trans too and starts rubbing your t-dicks together, and Billy fucks into Stu's hand, and you watch as they make out and-
- you cum so hard you literally pass out.
- Stu thinks he's killed you, and honestly, if he had you would've died happy, but he didn't and so you wake up to a very concerned Stu and a cackling Billy.
- You're fine obviously. But Stu still tries to be gentle with you, Billy keeps teasing your t-dick though, more fascinated with it than anything else, it's different than Stu's bc he's gotten surgery to make it appear bigger so he's just seeing how it's different, and he finds out you're significantly more sensitive!
- you three become semi regular fuck buddies, and when the official killings start you pretend you have no idea who's doing them, you pretend that when stu and Billy come over covered in blood to fuck your brain out you don't almost cum in your pants.
- then fuck buddies become something more. Somewhere in-between that first call and being bent over the bed as stu pegged you and Billy fucked your mouth 6 months lster you'd fallen in love with them.
- in the heat of the moment as you come moaning their names you say it.
"Fuckfuckfuck! Fuck right- right there please right there- Stu " your fingers sink into the sheets as you pull away from Billy, whose cum you'd just finished swallowing; mouth finally free to beg like the good boy you where.
"so good- so good Stu it's- ngh- haah please please more, need you to touch my cock~." The double ended dildo you were oh so familiar with fucked into you.
"Gonna cum- Please Please- Please-"
Normally you would fake it with penetration, there wasn't that much pressure in it... but with Stu- oh Stu was special, he knew exactly what to do with it, what to do to make your toes curl and your eyes roll back.
He denied your request with a simple scoff.
"No- not yet, I'm not even close, you can cum when I cum got it?"
You nod desperately, needing to submit to the look in his eyes. Filled with hunger, the urge to hunt. His hands travel up your body to your neck, resting on your Adam's apple.
Gently pressing down and cutting off your air Stu lets out an airy chuckle. "You don't even put up a fight... Fuck- don't even get the thrill of the chase with you, I just fuck you so good you forget that you're rubbing dicks with the big bad Ghostface..."
He grinds his hips, the dildo inside of you lets out a wet noise that makes your eyes squeeze shut and face go bright red.
"Fuck-! Pretty boy you're so wet, Jesus, it's the prettiest fuckin thing I've every seen, just glistenin' and shit-"
His free hand goes to your thigh, massaging the flesh and playing with some of the dark coarse hair that covered it.
He places his hand flat and plays with the fat on your thighs, watching as it jiggles with every harsh thrust he gives you. He admires the way they look powerful, dark hair covering your body, he admires the way you look different from him.
The way your body was covered in thick hair, starting from your face (a light stubble, and the starting of an already well maintained moustache)
to your chest (dark hair covering two mounds of mouth wateringly hot flesh, softer and bigger version of Billy's pecs.)
to your cunt (fuck the way your hairy cunt rubbed against his clean shaven one made him weak, he didn't know something like that could even turn him on that much.)
to your legs (You wore a pair of shorts mid summer once and both Billy and Stu couldn't keep their eyes off your legs).
Stu was thin and almost totally hairless, what hair he had was sparse and blonde, it hadn't changed with T for him, and he wasn't mad. He generally likes being hairless, a preference.
He was always at least trimmed if not fully shaved down there. (To show off his t-dick, that surgery was expensive. Wasn't as expensive as full Phalloplasty tho.)
A Twink in all regards making his big handsome bear fall apart on some silicone, it made his dick throb, twitching in-between his folds.
He locks eyes with Billy who's staring at you intently, focusing on the way you seem completely out of it, face flushed, mouth hanging open and eyes squeezed closed in concentration. Trying not to cum until you where told.
Your cunt flutters helplessly against the dildo in you, It's slick, not just with your juices but his as well, the double ended dildo didn't have any barrier to prevent your juices from mixing, or your t-dicks from grinding together with each thrust.
Billy's once softening cock perks right back up when stu brings his hand in-between your bodies to rub at both of your cocks. finally.
Your mouth hangs open and Billy doesn't hesitate to take the opportunity to thrust into your mouth, leaning over you to capture Stus lips in a heated kiss, tongues sloppily rubbing against each other as they use you. Billy's hands rests on your chest, running his fingers over the thick dark hair and massaging your boobs while playing with your nipples. He's not in your mouth long, mind you, still overly sensitive. He jerks off slow and steady as he watches you two.
Then you're cumming, eyes rolling back mouth hanging open. It's like your body is lit on fire, thighs jolting and quivering
you babble "Fuck! Fuck I love you- I love you your cock is so big- your so fucking hot, both of you, need-need both of you-!" Your hips are rolling wildly, right against Stu's clit. Which sends him over the edge face scrunching up before it relaxes and his mouth hangs open.
Billy comes on your face with a low growling noise slumping over as his cum decorates your cheeks his cock twitching with every shot of jizz.
After a moment Billy lets out a soft chuckle, breath heaving.
"Stu... I told you they'd say it first."
- you three are basically inseparable.
- the girls think you're just best friends, and considering the fact you're a disk jockey with the school radio station they don't put if past the boys to just be using you to play their favorite songs more often.
- you also did the morning news, and you always reported on the ghost face killings. Billy would sit under the desk and suck particularly hard on your dick if you said something that would throw the investigation off.
- Billy loves playing with your ass, he's such an ass man it's almost funny.
- he gets hard just watching you walk away. Especially if you have a particularly large ass. (His nickname for you is booty.)
- he just grabs a handful of your ass.
- both of them are constantly horny have fun trying to keep their hands off of you.
- y'all's sex playlist is mostly disco
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mitsukiwa · 5 months
Baby, love me cause I'm playing on the radio.
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A/N: FYI, I posted this story in Wattpad, therefor I don't want to hear I'm copying from someone or they're copying from me. I can assure you I'm the same person. With that being said enjoy (Billy willy has my heart) Pt 2I Pt 3I My wattpad user is 6arelyhuman_ if u want the outfits visuals u should read it there.
WARNING!!! There will include: angst, fluff, smut, love triangle (it's a bill ff so don't worry)
Summary: You love bill and there's no doubt in your heart, unbeknownst to you he feels the same way. You both have to overcome challenging events that leads the both of you to grow apart, what happens when his twin brother feels for you? Will you be able to crush his heart? What will you do to prevent hurting them both?
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''If we could go back in time, what timeline would you go back to?'' I ask after a long moment of silence.
A stray thought that had crossed my mind, he hums in thought. Seemingly really thinking about it. He shifts his position on the grass. I also reposition myself differently, rolling over to my side to look at his side profile. He glances at me, then back at the sky.
''I would go back to before we got well known.'' I open my mouth to say something, but before I can he interrupts me.
'' Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my life and how it turned out, It's everything I wanted and more.'' He lets out a sigh through his nose.
''Like if I actually would have gone to college, and I don't know? Lived life as an average man''
You nodded slowly. You knew where he was coming from because you had also thought of the same thing before.
''Tom wouldn't be a cocky womanizer,'' I say, electing a laugh from Bill beside me.
''Yeah, I think it's gotten to his head.'' ''You think?'' I say sarcastically. We both look at each other for a moment and burst into laughter.
Our laughter dies down, and we're left in comfortable silence. I glance up at the night sky, gazing at the stars that twinkle. Some were bigger than others, some even looked about the size of a speck of dust.
A sudden memory came to mind when we were little, the four boys and I would climb onto the roof of the twins' house and watch the night sky. We'd scream out 'Look a shooting star' as a bright star shot through the dark abyss. Simone would even prepare snacks for us to eat while we were up there.
The boys and I would make a wish, Tom always blurted out his, ''I want to date a hot model!''
I would playfully punch his shoulder as we all laughed at him. My wish was to always have the five of us stick together, no matter what.
''Remember Ria?'' Bill said, bringing back me from my thoughts. I roll my eyes at the name.
Bill dated her for a year. She was such a slut, she slept with Tom, knowing they were brothers. Bill was upset with his brother's poor decision. They didn't talk for months. They finally got over their differences so Bill forgave Tom.
''Yea,'' I say bitterly.
''Sometimes I wonder if she would have still dated me if I wasn't famous.'' He said honestly.
''probably not'' I say. In my opinion, she was only with Bill because he was a successful band leader.
And just wanted him for his fame, I wouldn't be surprised if she never loved him.
''I thought so too.'' He saids lowly.
It honestly breaks my heart. How sad and vulnerable he sounded saying this.
I reach for his hand interlocking my fingers with his. He rubs his thumb in a circular motion on my hand.
''she missed out on a whole lot'' I say causing him to smile.
''Really?'' he asks.
''Im sure'' I respond.
This seemed to make him feel better.
''You're a great friend'' He said, flashing me the brightest smile. I wince at the word 'friend', before quickly masking it with a smile of my own.
''I try to be'' I manage to say.
''Have you given Tom an answer''
" Have you given tom an answer?" God, why did he have to ruin such a great moment. I let out a sigh, " No, i've been avoiding him". Now saying those words out loud made me feel shitty. Bill frowned at me, clearly disappointed in my actions. " that's not how you should handle it" He said in a disapproving tone, shaking his head at me. " I know, I know I just" , My hands fly up to my face. I drag them down my face, leaving them to cover over my mouth. " I just don't want to hurt him with my answer" My words sounded muffled, though bill still managed to hear my words. "I'm pretty sure it hurts him more that you're ignoring him" He saids, stating the obvious. "I know and i feel like an ass hole" i groan out. "well, do you?" He asks, It takes me moment to process his question. "Do i what?" " Like him" He states simply, as if it was the most simplistic thing in the world. "I" The words caught in my throat. He pokes my cheek with his index finger. "Is that a blush i see?" He teases.
My heart breaks, he thought i liked tom, it wasn't like that at all, I only saw him as one of my best friends. Don't get me wrong i love him, but it was different than what i felt for bill.
I sit up, rubbing my hands on the fabric of my jeans, something i did when i was nervous, bill sat up also. "I don't know Bill" I say below a whisper. He frowns at me. " what is it, you can tell me" He throws an arm around my shoulder, bringing me close to his side. He places his chin on top of my head. I breath in his scent, breathing in what smelt like cologne and a hint of cigarettes.He was smoking again. I frown at the discovery. He had promised he would quit that habit, he only did so when he was stressed.
"The only right way to handle this situation is to tell the truth." I deflate, of course he was right, but i was scared, this could potentially ruin my friendship with both of them. And I honestly don't think i could ever handle something like that. They both mean so much to me. "come on" He nudged me in his arms.
HIS ARMS I felt so safe in his arms, his embrace was warm, the soothing strokes of his hand running through the locks of my hair could be enough to lull me to sleep.
I let out a puff of air, forcing myself to muster up some courage. "I'm still trying to figure out things out" It wasn't entirely the truth but somewhat close. I needed to figure out confessing my feelings to bill, or if i wanted to have tom hate me by doing so. It was the same outcome, one i so badly wanted to avoid. He hums in understanding.
"Got it, just don't avoid him, instead tell him those exact same words"
God, bill always knew what to say or do to make me feel better. I nod. I let out a quick 'ok'
"alright, i think we should get going, It's far too dark to be laying here in the park" He looks around. I laugh at him, he gives a frown in response.
"yeah, we may even get mugged." His eyes widened. He was so paranoid. I pat his shoulder, "Relax, the only thing they'll be getting is a card, and i sure as hell am not giving them my pin" He laughs at my humor. As we walk to his car in the parks parking lot he tells me about a few demos he's unsure of releasing. The ride to his apartment complex in LA was spent blasting music at full volume.
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© Mitsukiwa 2023-Do not copy,post or translate my work anywhere.
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Congratulations on the milestone!!🎈🎉And yes I'm running in at the last minute to beg for
Frank Castle & #15
plus smut, if you please. He & I both know he was made for it.
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I'm sorry this took me so long. I've rewritten it a million times and I still hate it.
Midnight Serenade
Contains: Fluff, smut. Takes place in a universe where Billy was a good guy.
1.2K words
So often the end of a love affair is death by a thousand cuts, so often its survival is life by a thousand stitches - Robert Breault.
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Frank knew owning and running a business would be hard, even if it was with his best friend, but he didn't think it would be like that. All he wanted to do was go home and put his feet up, but instead, he had to waste his time standing around making sure some twenty something influencer didn't get themselves shot.
Chad Money, as he called himself, had gone too far with some comments online and ended up on the wrong side of a local gang, and now he needed help. Billy and Frank had done their best to send him in another direction, by another client, one who paid them a great deal of money, was insistent that they take him on. It got worse when they realised that insistence came from Chad having dated the client's daughter.
"You got a girl?" Chad sounded like he was trying to be Justin Timberlake at the high of his frosted tip days.
"I got a woman, and she's at home waiting for me, so I would appreciate it if you'd finish buying your shirts so I can get home to her." Frank had been here for hours, no man needs ten of the same shirt in a different colour, especially when they were two thousand dollars each.
Chad flashed him a grin, "You got a photo?"
Frank shook his head, "No, I don't keep one on my person when I'm working. For her safety." That was a lie, Frank had one in his wallet and one in his car, but he wasn't going to say that.
"Shame, I bet she's pretty." Frank wanted to punch him.
"She's very pretty," Frank looked at his watch, "How long will you be? I will need to call someone to relieve me if you're going to be much longer."
Chad shrugged, "I'm done now. I'll buy these and then you can go home to your girl, sorry, your woman."
Frank gave him a tight smile, "Thank you Mr Money."
Frank's back ached for the couch as he walked in the door, "By day dearest?" Frank grunted, "Oh, that bad. I imagine it has something to do your new client."
Frank huffed, "He fucking sucks. You know he admitted cheating on that client's daughter. He's fucking shameless."
You shook your head, "I'll get you a beer and you can put Justin Plywoodpond behind you."
Frank made a face, "Plywoodpond, did you come up with that on the fly?"
"Nope, I've been thinking about it since the first text you sent me." You could see the upset fade from Frank's face, "You gotta admit it's pretty good."
Frank already has his phone out, "Hell yeah it is, I'm telling Billy."
"I'd ordered a Pizza from eight just before you came in," you pointed to the freezer as you opened the fridge to get his beer, "I also battered some ice cream when I got home so we can have deep fried ice cream for dessert."
He grinned, "Fucking A, I'm a lucky man."
Frank stood behind you in the bathroom as you washed your face, toothbrush in his mouth and a skip in his step, but you waited until he was done to ask him why he was so happy, "What's gotten into you? The ice cream couldn't have been that good."
He smiled, "I just get to do what I've been thinking about all day."
Frank's lips met yours, he tasted of tingle mint, "You already did that when you got home Frank, more than once."
He shook his head, "I wasn't talking about the kiss."
"Oh, I see." You pointed to the bed and smiled, "I'll go wait for you, don't take long or I'll start early."
Frank shot you a look, "I'll be two minutes, you're not that impatient."
Sure enough, two minutes after you were settled, Frank emerged from the bathroom and flopped down into bed next to you, "So?"
You rolled onto your side, threw your leg over Frank's hip and straddled him, "So." You bent down and kissed him and he placed hands on your hips only to slide them all the way up to your face as the kiss deepened.
You felt Frank's cock harden underneath you as he broke the kiss to pull off your shirt. His hands were rough on your bare skin as he sat up and yanked you into his lap. There was an awkward shuffle as your parted so Frank could pull off his sweatpants and he stifled a laugh when you lost your balance on the way back to his lap, "It's not funny Frank."
Frank took your face in his hands and sighed, "It's kinda funny."
Frank pressed his lips to yours and gripped your panties before pulling them down your legs. You placed one hand on his cheek and grinned through the kiss as you ran the other hand all the way down his body to wrap around his cock.
Frank bit off a grunt and nipped your lips as you stroked him, and with a giggle, you removed your hand from his cheek and gave him a shove. It wasn't much in the way of force but he went down onto his back nonetheless. You removed your hand from his cock and slid it back up his body, placing both has on his chest and looking down at him with a smile, "What do you want to do here?"
Frank's eyes racked from where you were sitting on him to your eyes but not before lingering on your breasts, "Whatever you want." One of his huge hands moved from your thigh to your centre and a look of pride came over his face when he found you wet, "All this just from that?"
You sighed, "You're a smug bastard." Further words were stolen when he slid two thick fingers inside you, and it took all your control not to crumple over as he pressed his palm into your clit, "I love you."
Frank didn't slow, "Tell me you love me again."
"I love you." You could feel the tension of his muscles under your hands as you started to rock against his fingers.
"Again." His voice was tight and you wondered what he was thinking as his eyes locked on the hand between your legs.
"I love you." You clenched your legs around him to keep yourself stable as you came around his fingers and Frank huffed as your fingernails pricked the skin on his chest, "I need you."
Frank was already rushing to give you what you asked, pulling his fingers away so he could grab your hips as you gipped his cock and sunk down with a whimper, "Tell me you love me again."
"I love you Frank." You bent down and kissed him as your hips moved and Frank bucked into you.
"I love you too y/n." The rest was a hurried mess of teeth and tongue as one of Frank's hands reached down to rub your clit, "Come on, I'm right behind you."
You were powerless to resist as Frank noised turned feral as you clenched around him, "Atta girl." His hand moved off your clit, and he gripped your hip so hard you knew you would have bruises before he bucked his hips one last time. You felt him pulse inside you and you finally crumpled over as Frank ran his hands up and down your back, "You good?"
You nodded, "I'm great. You wanna order pancakes?"
Frank chuckled, "You got a sudden craving?"
"Yes I do. That place down the street does delivery." You took him in a kiss and he rubbed your nose with his, "It's still open."
Frank sighed, "Ok, pancakes sound good. I love you."
"I love you too Frank."
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depressedbagpipe · 2 years
"Blackbird to Robin, do you copy?" (Billy Russo x ofc)
Words: 1532 Warnings: mentions of guns, the mafia, terrorists, mentions of past deaths, foul language. A/N: I'm silently dropping this prologue as a little teaser while I work on my other fics, hope you guys enjoy it ;) also please i do not have any affiliation with the mafia, this is pure fiction :'( Taglist: @badasseddy, @noortsshift
Series masterlist Next chapter
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Billy’s POV
Nobody talked while we waited. The vastly decorated conference room was far too large and exquisite for the four men who occupied the seats. We simply stared at each other, silent, calculating all the ways bones could break seemingly as an accident. I lay on the back of my chair, relaxed. The barrel of my gun poked my side, but I didn’t move. 
The door suddenly opened, and Richard Alcaide walked through it. He was smiling at us, but his tense shoulders revealed his true nature; he was fucking terrified.
‘Mr. Russo,’ he walked to me, his arms wide open. 
I stood up, fixing my suit as he welcomed me into a quick hug. 
None of his affections were real, that much we all knew. I could feel his arms slightly patting my back, an innocent gesture to the untrained eye, but I knew better. His fingers quickly grazed the rear sight of my gun, now dangerously close to falling down, but his hand didn’t shake. I too had glanced at the two holsters under his arms when he approached me, knowing he wouldn’t come unprotected. So had the two men sitting at the other end of the table, the spitting image of the man now walking to the other side of the room, sitting down at the head.
‘Thank you for coming, Billy,’ he started. There was hoarseness in his voice. It sounded tired, almost primitive. It was fitting for the man. ‘You’ll understand the secretive of the meeting,’ he looked almost relieved. But in his eyes, the ghost of fear was still present. 
‘Of course, Richard,’ my smile was wide. One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Shift to the right. Shift to the left. Nod at them both. ‘Believe me, you and your family couldn’t be in better hands. Anvil is the world’s leading agency for a reason,’ smile again. Nod.
Richard Alcaide’s frown dropped and turned into an all too well-rehearsed demeanor. We were both doing it. 
‘And I thank you for it. Too many people have tried to come for my business before, but this…’ he paused. His index tapped the table, nervous, anxious. ‘This is different.’
I nodded, my face filled with a compassionate understanding I certainly didn’t feel. ‘The attacks were certainly too premeditated. I can pull a few strings, see what the FBI knows. I already have a few ideas about who’s behind the bombing, but it’s still essential that you remain in the city. Show that you’re not afraid.’
‘I am not afraid, Mr. Russo,’ Richard’s warning was hollow. He too knew he was alone.
‘Anvil will take care of everything. Our top agents are already securing the perimeter and this building. I will be supervising every operation under your watch, and even Mr. Castle here will ensure the protection of your family.’
One of the younger Alcaides laughed. The sight was wicked. His eyes were cruel, mocking.
‘This little guy over there?’ he pointed to Frank. He had been silent the entire ride, and his scowl had only gotten deeper the longer we waited for Richard to grace us with his presence, despite being the one to have called the meeting.
‘I can assure, Mr. Alcaide, that Mr. Castle is most capable of protecting everyone around him. Not only is he my best agent, but my closest friend too. There’s no one else I would trust with my life,’ I pressed my hand on his shoulder, a silent warning. 
Calm down.
Fuck off. 
I knew what his answer would be even without a single glance. Frank’s eyes were staring at Richard Alcaide hard. He hadn’t been too happy with his discreet cry for help, but even he couldn’t deny the important sum we would all get out of this.
I couldn’t care less about Richard Alcaide. All I cared about was his money. The city would certainly be better off without him and his puppets, but some other equally-stinking rat would soon rise to the top, only for the cycle to be repeated once again.
‘My entire family is at risk here, Mr. Russo. As you can understand, my top priority is them,’ Richard directed the attention back to him. Of course. ‘They have their own trusted guards for their protection.’
He didn’t like Frank. Only a few years ago, Frank had almost murdered him in his revenge, only for Homeland Security to show up seconds before he could pull the trigger. They had had some sort of truce these past months when I recruited Frank so he could bail prison. The Alcaides, despite knowing this, had reached out to me personally for help. 
It’s not like he can go to the police, Frank had joked.
Half the city has tried to kill him at least once, I had added. 
We had laughed immensely over it before accepting the offer, not without doubling the fee first.
Everybody in that room had every reason not to trust one another. But the danger was making the adrenaline pump hard and fast through my veins. Frank could deny it all he wanted, but he felt it too. The hunger, the thirst, the desire for action. War does that to you.
‘Is there anything we should now, Mr. Alcaide? As you can tell, I’d rather not send my men to certain death, if I can help it,’ I stared at him.
His enemies were many, and the search for the responsible for the latest crimes against him would be exhaustive. But no one could refuse Richard Alcaide. Not even me.
‘I know my name is well-known amongst the terrorists, but I have a hunch this is much more local. Probably a rival family. Maybe some unsatisfied customers. Fired ex-workers,’ he waved his hand around, pondering. But his fingers still shook, almost imperceptibly. ‘Power always comes at a price, Mr. Russo, and I’m willing to pay for it. But I need you to hold up your end of the deal.’
The three Alcaides had their gaze fixed on me. Their scrutiny did little to unnerve me. It wasn’t the first time I had made deals with the mafia, and I knew how to hold my ground. That’s what made me such a reliable customer.
I put my hands up in the air, my palms showing. I laughed softly. ‘An exchange’s an exchange. Now, let’s get down to business. Any idea where we could start?’
‘You sure about this?’ Frank asked once we were back at our office. 
A couple of workers remained at their desks, their eyes dropping slightly as they stared at the screens before them. Frank followed me into my office, crossing his arms as he stared at me, waiting for an answer.
I shrugged my shoulders casually while I took off my jacket, dusting it off slightly and placing it delicately on the back of my chair.
‘We need the ammo,’ I answered, rather simply. 
My body felt tired, despite having sat at my desk most of the day. I glanced at the clock on my desk, the time marking three in the early morning. The Alcaide way of doing business no one was to know.
‘But this is illegal,’ Frank protested. He didn’t move from his place.
‘I know.’
I didn’t know what else to say to him. I walked to the side, picked up two crystal-clear glasses, and filled them with scotch. I handed one to Frank, who took it with unsteady hands after looking down at it for a couple of seconds, debating whether to take it or not.
‘I hope you know what you’re doing with this, Billy. Something seems off,’ Frank downed his glass in one sitting. If the bitterness of the alcohol burned his throat, he didn’t show it.
‘Too calculated,’ I agreed. I took a small sip of my glass, looking at a fixed spot on the wall behind Frank.
I know,’ I repeated with a smile. ‘I invented that. The small tremble of fingers. The shakiness of the voice. The rapid swallowing.’ I listed off the little quirks I had noticed about Richard. None of them existed before. And none of them were real, either.
‘Why are we doing this for, then?’ Frank asked once more, pouring himself another glass.
‘Because we also need the government on our side,’ I smirked.
‘We take the money and dip?’ Frank suddenly understood.
‘Imagine bringing down the Alcaide clan. We’ll be heroes,’ I took another sip. I enjoyed the burn. The fire in my stomach.
‘It’s a bit too late for that,’ Frank grinned in disbelief, downing his glass once more. ‘So, where to next?’
My smirk got wider, knowing Frank was in it for the ride. ‘Well, they mentioned a disinherited daughter… Maybe someone wants revenge on daddy,’ I joked.
Frank’s eyes widened. ‘I do remember some talk about that when I…’ he coughed. I nodded for him to continue. ‘Something to do with his wife’s death.’
His voice had gotten lower. It would forever remain a sensitive issue for him.
I drank the rest of my glass, setting it on the desk and retrieving my jacket. ‘Then we already know where to start.’
Next chapter
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gonegrove · 2 years
Eddie always trying to find an excuse to get out of gym class until Billy shows up and suddenly he's never late.
Also Eddie is definitely the type of guy to love showing off his tattoos and knows Billy especially would be so into it.
Eddie has gotten ditching PE down to a science by that point. He knows how much he can miss before he’s at risk of failing and what classes/tests/etc he cannot afford to miss and he’s both pro tier at excuses and not afraid to completely ditch.
But like when Billy’s there I mean…. Who wants to miss some more of that smoke show amirite?
Thing is it’s not like Eddie’s comically bad at sports/physical stuff. It’s not he’s got two left feet or anything, his aim is Fine it’s normal and untrained, he’s as fast as anyone else and he’s stronger than people anticipate from a lanky nerd (it’s from lugging amps and helping Wayne/neighbors with stuff for some quick cash. He’s still no billy tho) — he just doesn’t wanna do this shit.
Eddie is competitive as fuck tho and he’s not afraid of getting hit. You can’t tell me otherwise my mind cannot be changed on this. Eddie is competitive in only two contexts though— music and shit like games where it genuinely doesn’t fucking matter in the end who wins. Playing board games with him is a nightmare. Him and Nancy would be shouting at each other over Monopoly while Steve and Robin look at each other in terror (Billy’s not there because you couldn’t pay him to play Monopoly).
So naturally when he actually GOES to PE and they’re doing more than weights or laps but actually playing a game it really only like a handful of lame trash talk before Eddie is invested and ready to commit acts of violence so his side wins. Like imagining Steve and Eddie joining forces to take out Billy in a basketball game is fucking hilarious. Two natural foes joint forces to take out the foreign invader making them look like fucking tools. Magical.
The teacher never puts Eddie on skins teams because of his tattoos but that’s fine with him he doesn’t care either way and if it keeps the dude from having a heart attack good for him. It’s always just a bit weird tho in the locker room when Eddie actually shows up. Despite being about as menacing as a golden retriever and never acting otherwise Eddie has a reputation for being like, hardcore and tough and shit (the competitive streak probably helps). He gets stared at a lot. Especially the tats get stared at but whatever. Not his problem. His tats are sick as fuck and he just wants to shower and not be sweaty and gross anymore thanks.
Then he notices how Billy the hottie seems to stare a lot more than the other dudes. Like long after the novelty of Eddie now being in gym consistently has worn off. And yes he 100% noticed because he was ogling Billy. Sue him. So he starts testing the waters and trying to get a bead on what’s Billy’s deal.
Billy is horny for him and very into the tattoos which absolutely works for Eddie. He’s more than happy to show them off and reel in the hottest guy in school. Eddie talks about his plans for future tattoos and Billy’s out here trying to act So Normal about it. They talk about Billy getting a tattoo (which they are both So Normal about).
God where did all of this come from I blacked out and wrote too fucking much
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-kicks the door in-
(I'm going through a lot of doors, I know.)
Lonely business man Steve who's miserable and living in Chicago gets referred to a secret escort service. He wasn't aware it was men only until he spoke to someone on the phone to try phone sex, but he didn't hang up.
The next call, the same guy with the deep voice that made him feel so soft and floaty isn't in that night.
He let's the operator convince him to try someone else. A smooth and filthy talking man that makes Steve feel utterly gross he has to take a shower and so damn turned on he comes twice in a row.
He goes back and forth between the two before he finally works up the courage to arrange a 'date'.
@leticheecopae says the two gossip about the cute stutterer and they show up together for the 'date'. I agree completely. I also think Eddie and Billy are together and roommates (oh my gods, they were roommates). They've gotten off together talking about the cute boy a dozen times at least.
So they show up together.
"We're having a special. It's us, we're the special."
It was maybe not a great idea. Steve is overwhelmed. He hasn't actually been with a man before.
He'd requested something simple with 'Kas' or 'Master' because he was soothing and Steve felt like he could handle that as a first time. But 'Keg', 'Sir', or 'Daddy', was- overwhelming just over the phone.
Instead of any kind of sex, Steve gets 'the boyfriend' or in this case 'boyfriends' package experience and they have a nonsexual date, though there's plenty of flirting, where they get Steve to relax around them.
They eat, they talk, they watch TV, and they stay over. Steve hasn't felt this happy and comfortable in a long time. (Touch starved Steve ftw)
Before they leave the next morning, Steve gives Eddie a gift. He's really embarrassed because he didn't get Billy anything because he wasn't expecting him.
But it's an as of yet unreleased metal tape he used his connections to get. Master's favorite band. Eddie kisses him and says it's something both he and Daddy will enjoy very much while thinking of him.
The phone sex continues and the next weekend he buys another date, this date full of kisses and touching, and this time the next morning he has a gift for both.
Billy tells him he doesn't actually have to give them presents. He's already paying them top dollar even with the percentage the company takes.
But Steve doesn't use his money for anything really, it just kind of sits there if it's not going towards clothes, his loft, or keeping his car detailed. He only uses it to woo daughters of other company heads, look his best for functions, etc.
He'd much rather it go towards presents that will actually be appreciated.
Unless they don't want presents and Steve's just made them uncomfortable, because he was being too personal and clingy, of course they would find it gouache. What was he thinking- No, he wasn't thinking, clearly. Just like his dad kept telling him, he was just a ret-
They pull him out of his spiral, Eddie walking him through breathing exercises like he had over the phone once before.
They stay a bit longer than they're supposed to to make sure he's okay and so he can see them enjoying his gifts. He did good. He's a good boy, so sweet to them. They adore his gifts, they just hadn't wanted him to feel obligated to please them monetarily.
Months pass, they get closer. Steve still pays, but they now have keys to his loft as they come and go as they please.
Steve's self confidence is doing better, he feels like a better version of himself. He stands up to his dad at work more often. He stops lying to his friends back home that he's doing okay and he plans to visit them soon.
Everything was going perfect.
So of course that's when his dad has to ruin everything.
He drops the bomb that Steve is getting transferred to the New York branch. So he can work under the father of a girl his dad has approved of for him. Steve couldn't keep 'running around' with his 'indiscretions'. It was time to grow up. Be a man.
Steve goes home and breaks down.
Eddie and Billy have had enough. They'd long since been tired of how Steve's dad treats him like utter shit at work (they've snuck in when Steve was late).
They end up seducing his old man and giving him a heart attack.
"Better way to go than he deserved."
Steve fights a legal battle with the board, takes over the company, and promptly turns around and sells the whole damn thing, then retires in his 20s.
Eddie and Billy really liked sex work, even if the start hadn't been great, but they were happy to leave it. They went back to school and started the jobs they'd always wanted. Steve's just happy seeing them live their dreams.
He's a house husband and a very spoiled boy by his doting Daddies. They handle the finances, because if he never has to handle money again he'll be happy.
(His dad was a hedge fund manager, investor, or something. He worked for his dad for five years and he still wasn't sure what exactly they did.)
@leticheecopae feel free to add to it ;3
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ihni · 1 year
Tagged by @ratbastardbilly (a WHILE ago; thank you!)
Note before we start: a few questions below are about ships, and if there's one thing you need to know about me is that I'm not in it for the SHIP, I'm in it for the CHARACTER. And that character is Billy Hargrove.
1.ride or die ship (your otp): Harringrove
2. most annoying ship: Depends on how they're framed, honestly. Any ship can be annoying when done right (or wrong).
3. second favourite ship: Idk, probably like Mungrove or Harringroveson?
4. favourite platonic relationship: I want Billy to have ALL the friends, so put him with just about ANYONE as a friend and I'm a happy gal (Steve, Jonathan, Eddie, Chrissy, Robin, Nancy, Patrick, Tommy, Carol ... just give the guy some friends!)
5. underrated ship: Bob and Benny. Come on, imagine Hop's reaction, it would be glorious.
6. overrated ship: I don't know, because I don't read or look at ships that don't interest me. (But I imagine any that involve Mike Wheeler. Whoever he is shipped with probably deserves better.)
7. one thing i would change in canon: ONE thing only? Okay: Billy lives. But like, I can fill a book with the things I would change in canon.
8. something canon did right: Season 1 in general, Robin's coming-out scene in season 3, most of the soundtrack.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: I sometimes doodle? And I sometimes write? And I'm pretty happy about doing both of those things actually. (Also one time I did cookie doodles which was fun and should be a thing)
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Mr Clarke. Underrated, knowledgeable, cool Mr Clarke. They should bring him into things. Dude has unknowingly provided them with vital information for several seasons.
11. the character i relate to the most and why: ... probably Mr Clarke, too? No fashion sense, good taste in music, weird special interests, creative/likes fiddling with little creative things that takes time, good at one's job, supportive, happy to explain things and rolling with weird questions, and also happily not involved in any drama.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: Neil Hargrove (should have gotten what was coming for him, and luckily he WILL). Brenner (should have died for real that first time around). And I might not hate them, but I dislike several Wheelers (Karen bc of the whole flirting-with-Billy thing, Nancy because of the holier-than-thou attitude, Mike because of his general existence). Am also not too fond of Hopper in season 3. He was an asshole there, and I felt nothing for his supposed "death". Also, since Billy's my favorite, I must admit that I have lost respect for most of the supposed "heroes" of the show since they showed themselves so unwilling to try to save Billy.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: One doesn't have to create stuff to be in fandom. Someone's gotta be the audience, too. (And I'm very good at being the audience, because I love everyone's stuff.)
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Billy Hargrove, hurt/comfort, Realizations
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Jaymes Young - I'll be good ... K.Flay - Blood in the cut ... Troye Sivan - Talk me down ... Queen - Good old-fashioned lover boy ... among others ...
Tagging: @weird-an @callieb @cherrydreamer @billyharringson @lazybakerart @missroserose @disdaidal @dragonflylady77
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jikanet-tanaka · 9 months
Ideas for stories and such...
I'm a bit overwhelmed with plot bunnies right now, and I think writing them all out is the best way to get 'em all straight. So... here are a few ideas for future fics I'd want to write. I dunno which one(s) I should focus on first...
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
A Saga Most Ordinary : I have ideas for two more chapters, one about Eivor playing Dungeons and Dragons with the three Good Boys, along with Hytham, Randvi and Tewdwr, and another about her and Valka Staging An Intervention because she thinks Sigurd went and joined some cult because of his new girlfriend (ie Fulke).
Untitled/maybe it’ll just be chapter two of an existing fic, I dunno: A new companion piece/sequel of sorts to ‘Nornir's Curse, Nótt's Counsel’ about Randvi and Valdis just hanging out (on the beach while their respective spouses watch over the young ‘uns) and talking about their (rather similar, really) lives.
Take Your Silver Spoon (Dig Your Grave) : A two-shot about two bastard-born princesses of the Kaldwin line. Part of it is already written, I just need to get off my ass and do something about it lol
You and Me and The Leviathan Makes Three : An AU where Daud survives the events of DoTO, and Billie is stuck trying to find new purpose in her life while teaching a god-turned-boy how to Human and a suicidal old man how to… not be a total wreck of a person . Oh, and the Abbey of the Everyman is falling apart all around them (which makes the Boysider happy, since his two newfound biggest goals in life are 1) to destroy organized religion and 2) to save the whales. Every chapter would be set in a different isle, with titles based on sea shanties.
Untitled : A little one-shot about how Drac might have gotten to Mina on the night of October 3rd. Because the details are kinda hazy on that, right?
Final Fantasy XVI
The Tale of the Telamonides : Before the mission to Drake’s Head, Mid shows up to the Hideout to Bring Chaos and Shenanigans to everyone’s live. Because I was sad that we never did see her interact with Cid.
Gravity Falls
Dungeons and Dummies : …I need to finish this you guys, I already have it all planned out. I feel weirdly anxious about this story, mostly because I don’t happen to have the whole of the rules of D&D stamped in my brain (shocking, I know). It’s like I’m afraid I’ll have someone go, ‘hey, that’s not how it goes in the Player Handbook, page so-and-so blah blah blah ’ so I don’t even try, you know?? It’s a weird thing.
The Awesome Mixtape of the Apocalypse: A story where Dipper and Mabel’s parents join both sets of twins on a roadtrip to Gravity Falls. The concept would be that Mabel made a mixtape with songs for everyone in her family (so for example Ford definitely gets weird prog rock like this, listen my dad was a happier, most well-adjusted Ford, and that was his shit, car trips in my family were trippy), with each character represented by a particular musical style (the Pines mom’s got punk ska like Reel Big Fish and Streetlight Manifesto lol…) and each chapter corresponding to one song. I got every big story beat and character moment planned out, I just… need to get off my ass and write, I guess.
Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West
Untitled : Aka Aloy watches Varl and Zo together, gets confused/frustrated, and shares a convo with Erend that helps her figure out she’s asexual. Sweet!
Untitled Rost and Ersa fic : Rost and Ersa, as ghosts, hang around Aloy and Erend for the events of the first game (and have a mini ship war about the merits of Ereloy as a couple). Also known as ‘Rost Gets Another Grumpy Daughter Because These Are Sure Fun To Collect Or Something’.
Mass Effect
Untitled : Just a little Shakarian ficlet about Shepard listening to Thane’s story about how he met his wife after the events in Garrus’ loyalty mission and her being like, oh, oh boy, oh no.
Radiant Historia
Will You Learn to Love (Without Consuming): A little one-shot set in the Apocrypha ‘verse which is not compliant with the canon shown in Perfect Chronology. Basically my take on who became the big Mana Monster causing the desertification (and why he’s a foil to both Heiss and the Conuts Guy).
Déjà Vécu : A one-short about Ernst and Heinrich (and, by association, Stocke and Heiss) because I guess that’s what I always write about in this damn fandom.
This Sweet Corrupting Reality : Basically the only parallel history I would have liked to see in Perfect Chronology, that is, Stocke wakes up and realizes he is now King Ernst of Granorg.
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