#but also low key chaotic
thirstforhelmets · 1 year
Nero: *Smiles from the other sides of couch*
Vergil: *looks at Nero as his wife literally lays over him as the World’s Most Troublesome blanket as she naps while he uses her head as a chin rest and awkwardly reading a book over her*
Vergil: What?
Nero: *Still smiling* Nothing.
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cephalog0d · 1 year
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Tell me again how *Jason* was the angry, violent Robin.
(This is in no way a knock on Steph, to be clear, I adore her (obviously). But Fanon Jason bears a striking resemblance to Canon Steph sometimes, just saying.)
(Sources: Detective Comics (1937) #796 and Batgirl (2000) #53)
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lilyharvord · 9 months
ur tags on the maven and corianne post literally have me losing my mind. amazing, exquisite, show- stopping
thank you (((((: I reread them today and they have all the caliber of an ADHD caffeine filled rant, but I agree. I love the idea of their interactions. So much so, I may actual buck up and write it sometime soon. We'll see.
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3gremlins · 1 year
we've been watching star trek: discovery now and it's honestly a little upsetting how much latent star trek knowledge my brain apparently holds.
like they were looking for a person and found someone else who was like "i'm kind of the person you're looking for but not exactly" and i started shouting at the tv "ARE YOU A TRILL?!?"
and the next scene is like "so do you know about the trill??" XD
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abbyholmes · 2 years
Honestly if this is what it looks like, this is some supreme storytelling.
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sagefired-arch · 1 year
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dkakapizzaboy · 2 years
Ok so minghao is officially bias wrecking me…..
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sharama · 9 months
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Me @ the first one: lol what
Remembers SGE auto attack is literally -smacks with hand-
Me: lmao
0 notes
astrobydalia · 3 months
The different inner placements for each sign — observations+ranking
by astrobydalia
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Disclaimer: these are based on my personal experience and opinions!!
Mercury: so insanely smart and fast thinkers. Very real, straight to the point and say-it-like-it-is kind of people, love them. I could hear them talk all day
ASC: most authentic people you'll meet!!! What you see is what you get. Also very spontaneous and effortlessly fun
Venus: love, so fun to be around and specially the women with this placement they're soooo hot
Sun, Mars: these are very similar imo. so loyal and protective people but they tend to be pretty crass and often come across as rude unintentionally. Aries Suns are more blunt and outspoken while Aries Mars can be more chill but they're more prone to attracting hate. Great people to have in your corner overall.
Moon: Stubborn as fuck. Not open to understanding anything beyond themselves so they tend go around life with HUGE tunnel vision. Trying to reason/negotiate with them is nearly impossible
Moon: my god, you won't know emotional intelligence, calmness and care until you meet a Taurus Moon like DAMN. Their patience, empathy and sense of boundaries is just impecable
ASC: their energy is sooooo soothing like ugh. They have a very cute and comforting aura, very magnetic people and naturally gorgeous
Mercury: they speak slow or not too much but once they let a full sentence out it's usually GOLD
Sun: hmmmm they do tend to be kinda full of themselves but they have BDE and are pretty hot so I'll give them that
Mars: VOICE is soooo good. However they tend to be low-key problematic tbh. Will get very snappy and petty real quick
Venus: I know this is venus's domicile but... most taurus venus I've seen were low-key kinda..... harsh and stern in their love style?? And not all that loyal if im honest with you, they're only loyal when they see personal benefit/satisfaction. It’s true that they’ll spoil you if they truly love you tho
Mars: comeback queens/kings, also very multi-talented. What else can I say they always manage to be so iconic
Moon: out of all gemini placements they're the most likely to sit down and really listen to you. Can be too honest, another say-it-like-it-is placement. Comforting others is not their forte but they're very tolerant and patient
Venus: golden retriever energy, extroverted and popular and I've said this before but they can be very loyal!!
Sun: they are cool and so so funny but can also be veeeeery immature and a bit self-righteous. I love them but that bad press they have in pop culture exists for a reason that's all im gonna say
ASC: they're very intelligent and entertaining but gemini on the asc is such a messy placement imo cause they have an identity/existencial crisis at least twice a day which can make them kinda chaotic people to have in your life (love you guys tho)
Mercury: talking with them is VERY annoying tbh. They will just roughly listen to what you say just keep interrupting and eventually start their own monologue. They ain't listening they aren't even wanting for their turn to speak they're just waiting for whatever opportunity to speak
Mercury: such good listeners!! also they are very honest and genuine with what they say like aries mercury but more tactful
Venus: this placement soothes down the most fiery personality. They are very loved and inexplicably magnetic
ASC: mommy issues. I love their intuition and they are really good at creating community wherever they go but my only complaint is they are defensive 24/7
Moon: hit or miss. Either really emotionally mature person that wants to take care of everyone or very immature and childish with a victim complex
Sun: huge attention seekers. Insecure, codependent and always looking for validation. Tend to portray themselves as innocent/clueless/harmless, etc.
Mars: these are SLY motherfuckers, they scare me more than scorpio mars
Moon: I have to admit this placement surprised me for the better. Yes they can be egotistical and entitled but when developed leo moons are very profound and passionate people with strong morals and are really good at inspiring others and lifting them up
Sun: the main character complex rumors may or may not be true but their magnetism and charm is undeniable
Mars: extremely prideful, my way or the highway kinda attitude, but they’re usually pretty harmless people from what I’ve seen. Their anger can be intense but they let it go easily after some dramatic moment. Dedicated.
ASC: daddy issues central. Known to be the most introverted leo placement but they’re very very very attached to their pride underneath. They really do wanna be/feel special and unique to the point of keeping most people at arm’s length cause that’s how much they wanna distinct themselves
Mercury: won’t hesitate to change topics if they don’t care what is being talked about or it has nothing to do with them. Laser focused on their interests tho that’s pretty cool
Venus: yeah they're generous but also a bit overbearing and low-key snotty. Tendency to associate themselves with people they don’t like all that much just because it gives them status or cause they get to receive lavish treatment
Mars: omfg I love this placement so much. They handle conflict with SO much grace and embody all the good traits of virgo (capable, responsible, hard workers, great to work with, helpful, self-accountable....) *lady gaga's voice* talented brilliant incredible amazing show-stopping spectacular-
Venus: genuinely very responsable, dedicated and loyal in their relationships and commitments. I always find myself often complimenting their style and fashion choices
Mercury: a bit of a menace bc they can be good liars but they're always very very talented individuals in whatever it is they do
ASC: pretty self-serving tbh and often come across as goody-two-shoes or know-it-alls but they're alright for the most part. The virgo placement that has it the LEAST together tbh
Moon: they'll be there for you when you need help or advice but they can be pretty judgmental. They have a tendency to not really give people some grace. If they genuinely like you tho they’ll be extremely appreciative of everything you do right. Supportive
Sun: Very standoffish personality. Hard on themselves on the surface but probably also has a hidden superiority complex. The only placement where I prefer the men over the women
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Moon: least superficial libra placement. Very introspective, sweet and find it really easy to understand other's emotions in an unbiased way
Mercury: invented the concept of understanding and voicing other perspectives with necessarily agreeing. Mind of their own.
Venus: superficial and obsessed with the opposite sex? Yes. Extremely devoted in all their relationships? Also yes.
Sun: meh. I keep having this experience with Libra Suns where I think they're great at first but then they end up being... not so great after some time. They're not bad really but their air-headedness makes them very unreliable
ASC: Their charm is manipulative and can easily hide a shitty personality underneath (not always the case tho). They're also the most emotionally superficial/detached of the bunch
Mars: hypocrates, huge huge hypocrates. Dubious morality. Playing devils advocate
Sun: they mind their own business and are really good at picking their battles wisely, only taking out their “dark” energy when it’s needed
Mars: don’t bother them and they won’t bother you. That’s the golden rule. Otherwise they’re pretty chill and unproblematic, dark humor enjoyers and strong-willed. I won’t say they’re completely drama free but hey
Mercury: they’ll be open to talk about anything, you can tell them literally anything and will listen intently without judgement. They can easily use info against others or withhold info tho so make sure they can be trusted
ASC: y’all low-key enjoy toxicity and drama but you don’t wanna admit it!!! They really thrive in uncomfortable situations and probably likes gossip too. One of the most black-or-white mindset placements
Venus: yeah not the best in relationships. They don’t really give their all and when they do give something it’s never unconditional. Relationships are always a power dynamic to them
Moon: Very tricky placement. Life has not been kind to them oof. Either they’re very traumatized people with a good heart deep down or very traumatized people with a really ugly and nasty soul. They also romanticize psychopaths and antisocial behaviors for some reason?????
ASC: yes Im biased I don't care. But, be honest, when have you met a sag asc that wasn't cool af? Case closed. Life's good as a sag asc and when it's not, we make it that way
Sun: if you keep the men out of the equation sag suns are amazing!!! Their personality is like a breath of fresh air
Mercury: soso profound and intelligent. Will introduce you to new perspectives, great researchers. So good at finding answers and solutions!!!
Venus: Very open-minded, they are genuinely very accepting of literally any kind of person! They will applaud and celebrate your differences and quirks however they tend to be flighty and pretty light on their feet
Moon: Anger issues!!! Very volatile and defensive people underneath that chill and funny persona. They have well-known beef with someone. Don't like admitting their wrong, prone to ghosting everyone 99% of the times
Mars: the most entitled and rude out of all the sagittarius placements. The type to laugh in your face and never take accountability, their attitude can be revolting if you ask me
Venus: they make me MELT. So incredibly attractive, reliable, such an impecable taste, the way they treat you will bring you to your knees like ugh I can't
Mars: most resilient individuals I've seen truly!! Literally nothing will bring them down. So so ambitious, focused and have endless energy love them
Sun: cap suns and I have natural synergy. They're very level-headed, reliable, loyal and mature. However they are huge fatalists, very pessimistic and my jupiterian ass ain’t got time for that
ASC: too obsessed with their status and/or how they're perceived compared to others in their circle like sis stop caring sm what others think and live a little!!!
Mercury: listen, these folks can be very intelligent and well-read, but they tend to come across as narrow-minded or bigoted sometimes with the things the say or how they say things
Moon: I wanna root for y'all cap moons but being honest I've seen this placement is very common in really toxic personalities. They hold lots of past resentments and can be very judgmental and mean similar to virgo moons
ASC: socially adaptable but they stay true to themselves at the same time. Attractive, loyal and fresh personality/presence.
Mars: veeeery likable and popular. They really are dedicated to making an impact on the people
Sun: when they just simply focus on being themselves and doing their own thing they're very genuinely special and chill people and great friends! However when they care too much about being making themselves special they're very egocentric and unnecessarily problematic
Venus: messy placement. Very welcoming but they have big trust issues. They go back and forth between 'everyone loves me' and 'everyone hates me' and so they act accordingly....
Mercury: super intelligent, great in debates and very convincing, they always make great points. However the god complex is BLATANT here, they really think they're the only one that's right
Moon: another deeply traumatized placement. They can be great advocates for the collective however they tend to lack empathy specially when it comes to interpersonal relationships
Sun: rough around the edges at first but they are a lot more helpless and vulnerable than they seem on the surface. Also they are genuinely really good at disappearing??? You won't even notice they're gone. Their presence is striking tho
Mercury: "idk what the fuck she's saying but girl I am living!". They have such a rich inner world I can't. SEDUCTIVE
ASC: they are... functioning humans. They go around life not being completely sure of what's going on but hey that Jupiter is somehow making everything work for them
Moon: "There is an idea of Pisces Moons, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real them. Only an entity, something illusory. And though they can hide their wondering gaze, and you can shake their hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense your life styles are probably comparable, they simply are not there"
Venus: I've already spilled the tea on this placement. Next.
Mars: ever person I've seen with this placement was mentally unwell like, severely. They're doormats for the most part but there's this hidden side of them that can turn into a total demon
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by astrobydalia
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astroismypassion · 8 months
Any chance ucould do Eros in the signs and houses series pls???
Hi! I will try to answer in shortly, because there is not enough time for the whole post, but I’ll just go quickly through it, so that I give you an answer. 😊
Eros in signs
Aries Eros: Well, they just really like people that take charge, but they still end up controlling it? The Aries Eros native will still like to be in charge in some manner. Either by teasing you long enough, edging you or not allow you to touch them on certain body parts. They low key love delegating? 😂 Like “you do this here and I’ll do that there to you”? haha. They love “dividing” tasks in the bedroom. They might have this one unrealised dream of someone coming onto them passionately, kissing them and it turns out in a whole wild night that lets you wonder what the hell just happened last night. They have this one fantasy scenario of just being unhinged.
Taurus Eros: They are seduced by moans and someone talking, breathing onto their ears. Don’t underestimate the ears with this sign. You might not think that it’s Taurus, but it actually is. They love is someone nibbles, playfully licks their ear. I would say lots of kissing on the lips, but then again if it’s maybe aspected by Uranus, Saturn or at times even Neptune, they might not even be that keen. Not all Taurus placements love long, long make out sessions. Some don’t even like french kisses or kissing on the mouth that much. But they are often down for neck kissing. Even light biting or hickeys, but again it really depends on how cautious or reserved they feel.
Gemini Eros: They are seduced by people who keep them mentally stimulated or provide good ideas, but talk less then them. 😂 They often go for people who ask a lot of questions instead haha. They like to be the one providing answers and solutions to fixing partner’s inquiries and questions. But they are often aroused by the partner that occasionally talks back or behaves bratty.
Cancer Eros: Now this one is again, might be controversial. But they have this thing with left eye? They love if you plant a little baby kiss above or under or somewhere close to their eye. It’s like a protective gesture. They are usually heavy breathers when aroused. You might feel like their breathing becomes deeper, almost like they are in a deeper state of relaxation.
Leo Eros: These are overall very confident people. Not just in sex, but their general disposition, personality, how they carry themselves. Even if they have quiet confidence and not loud, they come across even more self assured than an Aries. They just know what they want, how and when. They have a sultry look to them that they don’t even have to try hard at flirting or seducing someone, because they already are so charming. These people actually compliment YOU a lot when they want to sleep with you and they do not need so many compliments for themselves actually.
Virgo Eros: They are just as complex as a Scorpio Eros. 🙈 These people might like everything, but nothing at the same time. They throw order out when having sex, they become chaotic. They are like “just throw it somewhere, we’ll clean afterwards”, they really don’t care when in the moment. Also, they get very easily overstimulated. They could be turned off by an unexpected or unpleasant smell. But having someone’s hands all over their body, touching them is actually the only time they do NOT feel anxious. These people are too often touch starved.
Libra Eros: Oh these people are just very proper and diplomatic, neutral, at times reserved and cautious. However, I noticed that they exhibit traits of the opposite sign, Aries, when in a partnership. So when in a romantic partnership, they become much more controlling in the bedroom. Wanting to really be pleased by the partner and vice versa, because what’s the point of being in a partnership then? They become very idealistic and demanding. They love if you try to seduce them and flirt with them, give them a lot of compliments. They need to feel desired in order to get aroused. They are also surprisingly cerebral, meaning they love smooth talkers, people who seduce them with words.
Scorpio Eros: You can imagine it’s no easy task to seduce them or arouse them. They are complex. They might have had some unpleasant experiences before which really affected them, so always proceed with care when dealing with them. They might have also stayed celibate, single for years. They are really self-sufficient, usually they know what they like, even when inexperienced. And that could secretly even prefer being pleasured by themselves rather than teaching and showing their partner what they like. Also, surprisingly, they like what it is tried and tested. They might not like too much variety and change, they could stick with that they like.
Sagittarius Eros: They love touching up on thighs, but is still a butt person. They get more aroused by people that are not around them daily and live at a distance. So they get weirdly flirty via messages. They might act more seductive online, via messages than when you are actually face to face with them.
Capricorn Eros: I would described these people as complex, yet simplistic. They might have a lower sexual stamina when younger. Then they might be more into monk mode😂 , not prioritising sex all that much, but more so they career, establishing themselves, building up finances and money. But after first Saturn Return, they usually become a beast. Like the type to love to have very consistent sex going on in the week. This is how you might expect Virgo to behave. Capricorn Eros enjoys daily sex or every 2-3 days if other duties and responsibilities prevent that. They become like bunnies in a partnership. Touching up on their partner often throughout the day. But generally, they are prone to more low sexual libido. Sometimes they really just prefer cuddling.
Aquarius Eros: They are either all in or all out. You can really know by how much they are into you by how much they are touching you. If they are detached when touching you and not looking you in the eyes or almost avoid your look a bit, they might not be into you that much, might only like you a little bit. But if they are not touching you in a “detached” manner they probably feel consumed by you. They actually give a lot of attention when fixated on someone. They also really like familiarity in sex, when seducing someone. It helps them feel relaxed and seduced if you share the same dreams, interests, hopes and ideals for the future or have the same level of education. They really would only sleep with an all “equal” partner to them.
Pisces Eros: They love to feel needed or be the protector, it makes them aroused. They love if they could help you. The type to want to hug you, kiss you and hold you, if you just cried. They like to be “in charge” of your pleasure or knowing they were the one who gave you pleasure or made you feel okay.
Eros in houses
1st house: They really like if their partner checks in with them. Like “is this comfortable enough for you, are you okay?”. Hates inconsiderate partners.
2nd house: They dislike actual massages, like if someone massages their shoulders or back. But they do like sexual massages🙈. Big on oral, but like reciprocated, they dislike selfish partners. They might consider leaving you if they deem you too selfish or not generous enough.
3rd house: Loves a sexy teacher scenario. They love people who are able to improve them, teach, guide them, that are more reserved, stern, but that are also hot as hell. It’s interesting, because these people really are not that clean themselves, but really demand a lot from their partner in terms of cleanliness.
4th house: They love doing it in their own home or own bedroom, bed. Because they often do not feel uncomfortable in another person’s bed. They get more relaxed in their own. Surprisingly, they get really turned off if their person has untidy bedroom or bed. They really like fresh sheets, clean bed, nightstand, otherwise they tend to not feel the vibe.
5th house: These people move too quickly, when try to seduce someone, flirt with them. They need to slow down with introducing intimacy too early on or without knowing the person that well. Their interest goes when the most attention is. If you give them a lot of attention, they will give it to you back enough as well. They are actually much more strict with reciprocal energy than Libra to be honest. If you are not doing enough for them, they are out.
6th house: Ahh, their day at work affects their sex life. If they are stressed, burned out, had a bad day at work, feel not good enough. They won’t like being even touched. They get really low sexual desire when from bad day at work.
7th house: If they are seducing you, they are likely thinking about partnering up with you. They don’t flirt outside of partnership. They like to give special attention only to their partner.
8th house: Has harder time with boundaries. They demand complete loyalty before interacting with you. They really go for enigmatic odd people, but fit people. They like partners who take care of themselves. If you have lousy self-care routine, better to stay away from them.
9th house: They will test you a lot with sliding in subtle jokes, so that they see how you’ll react if they are trying to seduce you, sleep with you. You will not know whether they are being serious or joking. But that’s the whole point! They are doing it only to gather your reaction, so that they know if they can proceed or not. This person will likely get with people out of their league or not want to get involved with someone all together, just because they are intimidated by them.
10th house: These people have high self-respect and they actually like more messy not so orderly people. They like even an occasional wild card. Someone who is unafraid to be themselves. They have high standards and often hang with friends and not get attached before they achieved and secured everything they wanted.
11th house: These people will always surprise with people they choose to seduce or get intimate with. Because the person they end up choosing is often the complete opposite of 11th house Eros native. If they are organised, the go for a chaotic partner that is more messy. But the thing with this placement is often yes, their partner is completely different then them, but shares the same dreams. Or the Eros in the 11th house sees their partner as someone who they try to become.
12th house: Loves getting on at night or late in the evening or right before bed or falling asleep. They get seduced by good night messages😂. They get more vulnerable at night. Also, maybe be more keen on idea of doing it if you watch a romantic movie or just watching something, relaxing and chilling. Also, they dislike if their partner falls asleep on them haha. “Oh you fell asleep, I thought we’re gonna have sexy time??”
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katsumiiii · 1 year
hobie x gn! reader
hobie is definitely an adamant tease. i also see him as like crazy perceptive ??? not only because he’s a spider person but also because he’s just an observer at heart, so whatever he does to you he knows what effect it has, mentally or physically.
whenever he wants to kiss you he always guides you by your chin. one, because he knows you love the hand placement, and two, because it’s easier to bring your plump lips to his own, and he can’t help but get eager at times.
hobie and you strolled down the chaotic streets of London, his lanky arm strung around the curve of your waist as you attempted to make your way to his apartment (attempted is the key word here, hobie lived about 5 minutes away from the pub y’all were visiting, but the walk was now reaching 10 minutes seeing as hobie couldn’t keep his hands off of you, not that you were in any rush).
“come on love, jus’ one lil kiss and I’ll leave you be, yeah?” hobie gently pleaded, peering down at you through his thickened lashes.
you set the palms of your hands against his chest, appreciating the slight flex of his pecs, and pushed him away from your figure, continuing to trot down the sidewalk, “no bee, we’ve been walking forever and my feet are tired. I’ll give you a kiss when we get home.” you dramatically gestured towards your aching feet, sighing at hobie’s raised eyebrow.
“well we can’t ‘ave that can we?” he inched his fingers down towards your thighs.
“nope, so if we can pick up the—” you squealed, latching on to hobie’s bicep and he held you close to his chest, his fingers curling around the crease underneath your knees, “hobie! what the hell!?”
“wha’? you said you was havin’ trouble, jus’ tryna be a good mate.” hobie tilted his head towards your pursed lips, chuckling at your pouting expression, “‘lowe it, ‘m not puttin’ you down.”
you sighed, peering back at hobie, “you just want to give me a kiss, huh?” you teased, placing a hand towards the crook of hobie’s neck.
“and what of it?” he adjusted you so he could bring the tip of his thumb and pointer finger to your chin, grasping it softly and guiding it towards his own. you indulge him, softly kissing the plush of his lips, humming in satisfaction.
“mhm, feeling cheeky today aren’t we bee?”
“been hangin’ ‘round me too much love, startin’ to sound like me.”
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Welcome back Lin! Hope your doing ok ☺️ 
Would it be alright if I request yandere Luffy where him and the reader go to an new island maybe there’s all you can eat buffet or the crew went to a fair🎢🎡 , but what if Luffy and reader got separate and while the reader was looking for him only to bump into a guy (maybe a few ?) who wouldn’t take a no for an answer maybe that’s when reader shouted for Luffy who came running ? Hope this ok and if it’s possible  could the reader be a female if not that’s ok I’m fine with gn. (Mm maybe romantic? If that’s ok if u want it could be low-key romantic if u want please ) 🍪anon
I decided to take a crack at writing Luffy romantically. I might start doing it more if y'all like this. Also I love Lin as an abbreviation of my username, that's adorable. And uh... I hope you're still with me given that this ask is from July of last year...
Prized Possession
Yandere Luffy x Fem!Reader
2k words
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Getting to explore a new island was always thrilling. There was no telling if this would be a casual visit, or if you were about to go to war with the local tyrant because your dear, chaotic captain physically can't leave well enough alone. Not that you're necessarily complaining. His tendency to stick his nose in everyone's business and throw hands when necessary (and sometimes not), was what led to you joining his crew and beginning your new life of piracy. 
As well as leading to you meeting the man that managed to completely steal your heart so effortlessly and casually that you can't even truly pinpoint an exact date for when you two became a couple. The relationship only became officially recognized when Usopp asked if you two were a couple or not, to which Luffy hummed in thought for a minute, then shrugged and said ‘yeah’.
An extremely romantic and enviable confession, truly. You wouldn't have it any other way. 
 But that was the past, and you should be focused on the now. It's not every day that you guys get the pleasure of visiting an island in the middle of a festival. Food stalls and various forms of entertainment filled a large open field with vendors all clambering for the attention of everyone and anyone passing by. Your boyfriend had rapidly become a favorite for anyone running a food stall that was selling meat. 
You watched with mild amusement as Luffy shoved as much grilled meat as he possibly could into his mouth with one hand. His other hand was tightly clutched around your own, as it usually was during any casual outing you two had together. Your free hand held a skewer of meat Luffy had handed you that you were lightly nibbling on. 
If you were completely honest, you didn't really want it. You've been sampling various meats since Luffy started dragging you around to each and every stall that caught his eye. All of them have been good, you can't deny that, but your body was begging for literally anything plant-based. You would rip a carrot out of the dirt and eat it right now if presented with the opportunity. But… Luffy looked so happy that you didn't really want to say anything about it yet. You'll be able to get a word in later once his appetite is starting to slow down. 
“Do you not like it?”
The question snapped you out of your train of thought. Luffy had just finished decimating the last of this cart's supply. His cheeks were stretched out as he chewed, then swallowed the last bite. 
“It’s fine, I guess I'm just not that hungry.” This was a half truth. You were definitely starting to get full by now. 
Not wasting a second, Luffy leaned down and ate what was left of your share. Including the stick. Once upon a time, that would have concerned you, but you've seen him eat more questionable things. He must have the stomach acid of a vulture, you're sure of it. 
“Sanji definitely makes it better, I get why you didn't want it.” Luffy promptly walked away with you in tow, ignoring the offended grumblings of the cook he just insulted without a care in the world. This is something that you would normally scold someone over, but you've quickly learned that there is no point in trying to scold Luffy about something so trivial. He won't listen. It'll be in one ear, out the other.
It was obvious that he was trying to scope out the next place to eat from. In an attempt to spare yourself from continuing to eat like a carnivore, you try to draw his attention away from all of the food. Giving his hand a squeeze, you shoot your shot, “Why don't we go try some of the carnival games? I bet we could win lots of prizes.” The games being rigged won't mean anything against someone with Luffy's strength. Bottles could be superglued to the tables, and Luffy would still be able to bowl them over with ease.
Much to your relief, Luffy perked up at your idea, seeming to be interested. He grinned widely, “Yeah! I bet I’ll be able to win more prizes than you!”
His declaration makes you laugh, “Oh? Is that a challenge?” He would absolutely win more stuff,  but that’s neither here nor there. 
He let out a laugh of his own. “It is! You better be ready to- Oh! They made more!” In an instant, your boyfriend made a hard left and sprinted towards a food stall that he had previously cleaned out. That one had been his favorite of the night. 
Apparently, he was so excited that he had let go of you in his hurry to go back. You stare down at your now freed -and slightly sweaty- hand. Well, if this isn't a perfect opportunity to get a different kind of food, you don't know what is. It won't take him long to either clean that vendor out again or notice your absence, so you should find something to eat quickly. 
You wander away from where all the savory foods are being served until you find a row of carts specializing in sweet treats. You should be able to find something with fruit here. The delicious smells of fried dough and sugary batters wafted through the air and filled your senses, but that wasn’t what you were looking for. After walking past a few carts, your eyes zero in on something promising. One of the stands is selling ice cream, and some of the toppings available are fresh fruit. Perfect!
Happily, you get in line and read the menu as you try to decide what to get. You decide on what combination of ice cream and fruit you want and order as soon as you get to the front. The vendor tells you the total while the person working with him makes your cone. Before you can pull out your money, someone behind you speaks up.
“Add hers to my order.”
The voice didn’t sound familiar, so you look over your shoulder. There is a man standing a little too close behind you. He’s tall and has an impressive looking sleeve of tattoos on his left arm. The man leers down at you. Immediately, you get a bad feeling about him.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I can pay for it.” You hastily fish some berry out of your pocket, but the stranger beats you to the chase and hands the vendor money first.
“I don’t have to, but I wanted to. Is there something wrong with that?” His smile lacks the warm comfort that Luffy’s does. It just feels condescending and smarmy. 
There is something wrong with doing a charitable act when there is an ulterior motive, but you don’t say that out loud, “I guess not… Thank you.”
He takes this as an invitation to step closer to you. “My name’s Dante. What’s a pretty thing like you called?”
You take a large step back and know that you don’t want to give this guy your actual name, “Well, my boyfriend likes to call me cupcake sometimes.” Among many other far less conventional pet names like bug or meatball. Honestly, you’re starting to think Luffy comes up with odd names just to make you laugh.
Dante’s eye twitches in annoyance, “Boyfriend? I don’t see him.”
“Yeah, we split up to get different food. He’s going to meet up with me soon.” Internally, you aren’t sure how long it’s going to take for Luffy to find you since you wandered off without telling him, but this guy doesn’t need to know that part.
“C’mon, don’t be like that. I bought you ice cream, don’t lie to me about a boyfriend.” 
“I’m not lying. I am here with my boyfriend, and I don’t care for the way you’re talking to me. Look, I’ll pay you back for the ice cream,” without waiting for a response, you pull some money out of your pocket and hold it out to him.
Instead of taking the money, he pushes your hand away and steps closer. “Just come with me for a bit. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
The vendor finally hands over your ice cream, and you’re quick to take it and speed walk away. Hopefully, Dante will take the hint and leave you alone. You make a beeline for where you last saw Luffy while taking a bite from your fruity ice cream. It tastes delicious and is very refreshing after having so much meat.
Unfortunately, you don’t make it far before you feel someone grab your arm and force you to stop. You whip around and glare at the man who’s harassing you, “Would you leave me alone? I’m not interested.”
Dante doesn’t appear to be deterred, just frustrated. “Quit playing hard to get.” He plasters a sleazy smile onto his face, “Just come with me for a little while so we can have some fun together.” He grabs your other arm and pulls you closer.
Just as you’re about to kick him between the legs, he is violently launched away from you. It startles you initially, but you relax quickly because you would recognize that stretchy arm anywhere. You smile as you see Luffy marching over to you. You’re about to greet him and say how happy you are to see him, but he walks right past you. His expression isn’t just serious. He looks pissed.
You gawk at him as he stomps over to where Dante is sprawled out on the ground, groaning in pain from crashing into a tin trash can. He looks up at Luffy and tries to sit up and act tough, “The hell is your problem, man?!”
Luffy doesn’t answer him. Instead, he pulls his arm back and punches Dante again. His fist connects with his jaw with a loud crack. In an instant, Luffy is on top of him and raining down more blows while remaining eerily silent. All you can do is stare in horror as Luffy keeps beating the man. Sickening crunches sound through the air, making your stomach lurch with each one. Ice cream drips down your fingers as it melts, but you can’t be bothered to do anything about it.
By the time Luffy gets up, Dante is completely limp and he’s bloodied from the shoulders up. Several people rush to his side to check on him, but no one is brave enough to approach Luffy. The face he had previously is gone and he’s back to smiling as if nothing happened. He wipes his bloody hands onto his shorts as he approaches you.
“There you are! I got worried when I saw you weren’t with me.”
All you do is nod, still too stunned to speak. Your silence doesn’t seem to bother Luffy at all. He ducks down and licks up some of your ice cream before raising your hands to hold it closer to your mouth, “Your ice cream is melting, don’t forget to eat it.”
“Oh… yeah…” You lick at the treat, but you can’t even taste it as your gaze remains fixed on the man that Luffy just beat to a pulp.
Luffy blocks your view and smiles tightly. “Let’s go play those games you talked about! C’mon, I’ll win you lots of prizes!” He slings an arm around your shoulder and presses a kiss to your cheek before forcibly guiding you away from the scene of his crime.
You’ve never seen that side of Luffy come out over something so minor. You would’ve understood if he’d just hit Dante the first time, but the rest? It was like watching someone get mauled by a wild animal. And after doing all that, he's walking around without a care in the world.
… Maybe you’re just overreacting. Luffy would never do something like that without a good reason… right?
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huboi · 7 months
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╰┈➤ includes; poly satosugu ft gn! reader, a separate part where reader is afab and how they comfort you during period time, shoko is included because she’s a #girl boss, separate nsfw part, they didn’t have the kfc breakup in this so dw
╰┈➤ a/n; the shibuya arc destroyed me and I’m in desperate need for fluff, reader’s a sub (sos to all the tops/switches, I’m just a sub at heart)
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these guys are complete opposites
but in a good way that they pretty much compliment each other
when you entered their life, they were smitten
they were both dating before you came into their life, they never thought of having another partner but then you came along and boom
satoru is a clingy bastard
this goes for both you and suguru
neither of you guys are safe from the menace that is satoru
he’s clingy but you guys love him for that, cause that means cuddle piles 24/7 when you’re all free and not busy with killing curses etc.
suguru is the peace keeper in a sense, he’s the most chill
like if there’s ever an argument between you guys, he’s usually the one that encourages communication
my guy knows that communication is very important in order to maintain a healthy, happy long lasting relationship
suguru shows affection more subtlety than gojo
instead of rushing towards you as soon as you come home, he instead has food ready for you if you’re hungry, if not then he just puts it in the fridge for later
one thing suguru loves is having his hair played with, you can brush it, braid it, anything, he’s like a Barbie doll
speaking of hair when you guys are sleeping, 9 times out of 10 you will find sugurus hair in your mouth, even if it’s tied in a neat bun (which he doesn’t usually do since he likes having his hair down when sleeping/relaxing)
geto is very caring and reminds you of a mother/father figure, since he always asks you and gojo wether you’ve eaten, had something to drink etc.
not in the overbearing way either, he just wants to make sure his loves are in top condition :3
shoko is the no.1 wing woman, like she roots for you guys all the time, she’s so glad that this chaotic duo found you
if you ever wanna hang out with her without the boys, you usually have to sneak out since gojo is really reluctant on letting you go without him, not in a toxic way, he’s just really fucking clingy and so wants to be around you as much as possible
but as soon as you tell him suguru’s coming home when you’re gone, he instantly plans out the little date they have whilst you go out with shoko
speaking of dates, they’re either spent in a fancy ass restaurant for dinner, or a causal night in with take out whilst watching a movie, gojo insisting on horror even though you and suguru both know he’ll piss his pants and hide behind a pillow throughout the whole film
shoko fourth wheels you guys a lot, even though suguru tends to not show affection outside of the house, gojo lives for PDA
like when you guys are walking, he’ll slither between your bodies so he’s in the middle, only to grab both of your hands and intertwine them🥹
gojo is also a big fan of cheek/forehead kisses
yes he loves kissing you on the lips but that’s more so for in the house
gojo tends to get very grumpy when you don’t reciprocate his affectionate gestures, but dw you can cheer him up by bribing him with his favourite sweets, it usually works, if not that then you can make it up to him in the bedroom *wink wink*
when sleeping gojo tends to spread out his long ass limbs as far as they can go, which leaves you and suguru barely any space
gojo defo snores, man sounds like a whole ass tractor at best, at worst a bloody horn that you hear on ships
suguru doesn’t snore, he just mumbles in his sleep sometimes, which is cute low-key
gojo is a light sleeper (due to his six eyes) and suguru is a heavy sleeper, like you have to suffocate him with a pillow to wake him tf up sometimes
whenever you have a cold/are sick, the boys become so doting, satoru somehow becoming even more clingy even though you keep on warning him that he may also get sick too, cocky bastard claiming ‘I won’t since I’m the strongest’ only to, unsurprisingly, have the exact same illness once you’re better
if you struggle with mental health a lot, the boys will do pretty much anything to help you out
gojo usually prefers to buy you loads of sugar/sweets if that’s your thing, if not then he will cuddle you and just be there for you
suguru understands since he has struggled with mental health in the past and is there for you if you want to vent/rant to someone
if you are neurodivergent then they will try their best to help with your needs
eg. if you’re overstimulated they will bring you to the closest quiet area and help you calm down wether via hugs and kisses or giving you some alone time
same goes for if you have a disability eg. you use a wheelchair etc. they are very supportive and they don’t care as in you’re still the love of their life no matter what
IF READER HAS A PERIOD (feel free to skip this if you don’t get periods)
they obviously don’t understand how painful periods can be, but they don’t make any negative comments about it
when you have terrible cramps their hearts ache as they can’t really do much other than giving you medication, hot water bottle and tea
suguru tends to place his hand on your stomach if you want to of course
if you’re craving foods, they will get them for you
mainly gojo tho cause he also loves food
when you get emotional they kinda just stand there like 🧍
one time you cried over suguru giving you a forehead kiss, he was very concerned
bro was worried he somehow upset you :(
they definitely go to shoko for some more advice on how to comfort you when you’re on your period
gojo defo says ‘apperantly orgasms can relief period cramps sooo’
you slapped him in the face
when it comes to sexy times, geto is always the one in charge
sometimes gojo gets ahead of himself and forgets his place, only to be spanked till his ass is red by suguru
suguru loves praising you so much, he hates it when you misbehave and he has to spank you
gojo loves spanking you on the other hand, he also loves receiving a spanking from suguru
if gojo misbehaves one thing suguru loves to do is tie him up and make him watch as geto fucks you dumb
gojo cant touch himself, and if he does then he has to have a vibrator on his cock and not cum for 30 mins whilst watching geto fuck you yet again
satoru has a high sex drive and can seemingly go on for hours on end
suguru has a high sex drive too, but it’s not as high as gojos’
gojo’s a horny bastard :(
sometimes you will find yourself being woken up by gojo giving you head in the morning
yes suguru does find out, one way or another, and punishes gojo for giving you head without getos permission (dw gojo and geto both have ur consent to do sexy stuff to you whilst you sleep, you guys all agreed on this in the beginning of the relationship)
suguru prefers giving head over receiving, since he loves making either you or gojo moan out his name whilst he gives you delicious head
gojo prefers receiving but sometimes enjoys giving
gojo mainly prefers receiving from you since unlike geto you don’t tease him
geto’s a fucking tease in the bedroom, to both of you but mainly gojo since he’s so bratty and suguru hates that (secretly loves it)
sometimes gojo will fuck you whilst he gets fucked by geto
aftercare is a MUST for both gojo and geto
especially after an intense session
sometimes you end up slipping into sub space which can be a problem since they both hate seeing you that way
they instantly cover you with kisses, hugs and so much praise
bath time always happens after, the boys joining you
you even have a little snack or a big snack depending on how rough the session was
after you’re all taken care of, the boys and you hop into a clean, fresh bed and fall asleep in each others’ arms <3
© content belongs to @huboi on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHATSOEVER
811 notes · View notes
Las Vegas SMAUs
Grid x Fem!Reader
A/N: I totally lied to you guys. I thought about this idea since I'm vacationing here in Vegas and I HAD to do this and post it! I also haven't posted a SMAU in a while so enjoy!
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 & F2 Masterlist
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Logan Sargeant:
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The club was a whirlwind of flashing lights and thumping bass. Logan Sargeant and I were relishing our rare night out, the high energy of the club contrasting sharply with the intensity of race weekends. We were at a VIP table, enjoying the night when I noticed a drunken man stumbling our way. He was clearly inebriated, his movements erratic as he navigated the crowd.
He stumbled up to our table, his eyes squinting as he focused on Logan. “Hey, bro,” he slurred loudly, drawing attention from nearby tables. “What’s with the arm candy? She’s probably just here for the perks. You know, the money and stuff.”
I tried to ignore the comment, hoping it was just drunken nonsense that would pass. Logan’s face, however, flushed with visible irritation. “Hey, man, can you keep it down?” he asked, attempting to defuse the situation with a calm but firm tone.
But the man was relentless. “Seriously,” he continued, leaning in and jabbing a finger in Logan’s direction. “She’s a trophy girlfriend. You’re the fool for thinking she actually cares about you.”
Logan’s patience snapped. He stood up abruptly, his face a mask of controlled rage. “That’s enough!” he shouted, his voice cutting through the music. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The man responded with a drunken shove, which sent Logan stumbling back into the table. Logan’s anger boiled over, and he lunged forward, shoving the man back. The situation deteriorated rapidly. The drunkard, enraged, retaliated, and within moments, they were on the floor, trading blows. The club’s atmosphere shifted from lively to chaotic, with patrons crowding around and whipping out their phones to capture the scene.
The club’s security team, alerted by the uproar, rushed over. The bouncers struggled to separate the two men amidst the spilled drinks and scattered debris. I followed the commotion to a small, dimly lit back room where Logan was being held. His face was a mixture of frustration and remorse as he paced back and forth.
“I just couldn’t stand by and let him talk about you like that,” Logan said, his voice trembling with regret.
I handed over the bail money to the officer, my hands shaking slightly. “I know you were trying to defend me, but we need to be more cautious. Let’s get out of here and go somewhere more low-key.”
The officer uncuffed Logan, and we quickly exited the back room, avoiding the remaining crowd as we left the club and sought a quieter place to regroup.
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Lando Norris:
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The casino was abuzz with activity, the clinking of chips and murmurs of excitement filling the air. Lando Norris and I were at one of the high-stakes poker tables, deeply engrossed in the game when a rowdy guest at a nearby table began making disparaging remarks.
The man’s voice cut through the noise of the casino, slurred and obnoxious. “Hey, look at her,” he called out, his gaze locked on me. “She’s probably just here to use you. All this is just a front.”
I felt a rush of discomfort but tried to ignore him, hoping he would tire of his behavior. But he continued, his comments growing increasingly personal. “Seriously,” he said, his voice growing louder. “She’s a gold-digger. You’re just a fool if you think she’s with you for any other reason.”
Lando’s face turned a deep shade of red. His jaw clenched as he tried to control his anger. “Can you keep your mouth shut?” he snapped, but the man’s taunts only escalated. “You’re pathetic, mate,” he continued. “She’s just using you for the money.”
Unable to hold back any longer, Lando stood up abruptly. “That’s enough!” he shouted, his voice cutting through the casino’s cacophony. He shoved the man, who staggered backward before lunging at Lando. The two men clashed in the middle of the casino floor, exchanging punches and grappling fiercely.
The crowd around us quickly swelled, with many pulling out their phones to record the spectacle. Chips flew, and the poker game was abruptly abandoned as patrons turned their attention to the unfolding drama. Security arrived promptly, but it took several minutes for them to separate Lando and the man, who were both covered in scratches and bruises.
I rushed to the security office, my heart pounding as I handed over the bail money. “I’m here to bail out Lando Norris,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
Lando, visibly shaken and with a mixture of frustration and regret on his face, looked at me. “I didn’t mean for it to get this far,” he said, rubbing his sore knuckles.
The officer uncuffed him, and I led Lando out of the casino, away from the curious onlookers and the chaos, in hopes of finding a quieter place to calm down and enjoy the rest of our evening.
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Charles Leclerc:
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The hotel lobby was a haven of luxury and calm, a stark contrast to the scene that was about to unfold. Charles Leclerc and I were relaxing in the plush seating area, enjoying a moment of peace after a hectic day. The tranquility was shattered when a drunk guest began making loud, derogatory comments.
“Hey, look at her,” the guest said loudly, his voice carrying across the lobby. “She’s probably just here for the perks. What a joke.”
Charles’s face tightened with irritation. I could see the anger building in his eyes. I tried to stay calm, hoping the man would back off. But the guest continued, growing bolder with each comment. “Seriously, man,” he said, leaning closer, “she’s just here for your money. You’re fooling yourself if you think she’s actually interested in you.”
Charles’s patience wore thin. “You need to stop!” he shouted, standing up with a mixture of anger and determination. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The confrontation escalated quickly. The guest shoved Charles, and Charles responded by shoving him back. The lobby, once a serene escape, was now filled with chaos as the two men clashed. Guests looked on in shock, some pulling out their phones to capture the altercation.
Security arrived promptly, intervening to separate Charles and the guest. The atmosphere was electric with excitement as the crowd buzzed with whispers and recordings. I followed them to the security office, my heart racing as I handed over the bail money.
“I’m here to bail out Charles Leclerc,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
Charles looked at me with a mixture of frustration and regret. “I didn’t want things to get this bad,” he said, his voice filled with regret.
The officer uncuffed Charles, and I guided him out of the office. “Let’s go back to our room and try to put this behind us,” I suggested, hoping to salvage what was left of the evening.
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Carlos Sainz:
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The high roller suite was the epitome of luxury and relaxation, but that changed abruptly when a drunken guest began making derogatory remarks. Carlos Sainz and I were enjoying the opulent surroundings when the guest’s behavior grew increasingly obnoxious.
“Hey, look at her,” the guest slurred, his voice cutting through the suite’s refined atmosphere. “She’s probably just here for the money. What a joke.”
Carlos’s expression went from relaxed to visibly angry. “Can you keep it down?” he asked, trying to avoid a confrontation. But the guest’s comments grew more personal. “Seriously, mate,” he continued, “she’s just a trophy for you. You’re a fool for thinking otherwise.”
Carlos’s patience snapped. “That’s enough!” he shouted, confronting the guest. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The situation quickly escalated. The guest shoved Carlos, who pushed back, and within moments, they were grappling on the floor of the luxurious suite. The suite, once a haven of elegance, was now a battleground. Security arrived, struggling to separate the two as the crowd of high-rollers looked on, many recording the scene with their phones.
I followed them to the security office, my heart pounding as I handed over the bail money. “I’m here to bail out Carlos Sainz,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
Carlos looked at me with a mix of frustration and regret. “I didn’t want things to get this far,” he said.
The officer uncuffed Carlos, and I guided him out of the office. “Let’s get out of here and try to enjoy the rest of our night,” I suggested, hoping to salvage what was left of our evening.
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Daniel Ricciardo:
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The Strip was alive with its characteristic energy and noise, but that vibrancy took a turn for the worse when a drunken tourist began making crude comments about me. Daniel Ricciardo and I were strolling along the famous street, taking in the sights and sounds, when the tourist’s behavior became intolerable.
“Hey,” the tourist called out, his voice slurring. “Are you just looking for a sugar daddy?”
Daniel’s mood shifted from relaxed to visibly tense. “Please, just stop,” he said, trying to defuse the situation. But the tourist continued, growing bolder. “Seriously, mate,” he persisted, “she’s just here for the money. You’re a fool if you think she actually likes you.”
Daniel’s anger was palpable. “That’s enough!” he shouted, confronting the tourist. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The situation escalated quickly. The tourist shoved Daniel, who responded by shoving him back. The confrontation turned into a physical altercation, with the two men trading blows on the sidewalk. A crowd quickly gathered, with many pulling out their phones to record the fight.
The police arrived swiftly, intervening to separate Daniel and the tourist. The crowd buzzed with excitement as the officers dealt with the situation. I made my way to the police car, my heart racing as I handed over the bail money. “I’m here to bail out Daniel Ricciardo,” I said.
Daniel looked at me, his face a mix of frustration and regret. “I didn’t want things to get this bad,” he said, rubbing his wrists where the handcuffs had been.
The officer uncuffed Daniel, and I guided him away from the chaos. “Let’s get out of here and find somewhere quieter,” I suggested, hoping to end the night on a better note.
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Lewis Hamilton:
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The upscale bar was supposed to be a retreat from the hectic pace of Las Vegas, but that changed abruptly when a drunken guest began making disrespectful comments. Lewis Hamilton and I were enjoying our time at the bar, savoring the luxury and ambiance when the guest’s behavior took a turn.
“Hey,” he called out loudly, slurring his words. “What’s she doing with you? She’s probably just a gold-digger.”
Lewis' face tightened with anger. “Please, stop,” he said, trying to ignore the comments. But the guest didn’t relent. “Seriously,” he continued, “she’s just here for the money. You’re a fool if you think she actually likes you.”
Lewis' anger flared. “That’s enough!” he shouted, standing up with visible frustration. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The situation quickly escalated. The guest shoved Lewis, who responded by pushing back. The upscale bar, once a sanctuary of peace, turned chaotic. Security rushed in, attempting to separate the two as patrons pulled out their phones to capture the scene.
I followed Lewis to the security office, my heart racing as I handed over the bail money. “I’m here to bail out Lewis Hamilton,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
Lewis looked at me, frustration and regret evident in his eyes. “I didn’t want things to get this out of hand,” he said.
The officer uncuffed Lewis, and I guided him out of the office. “Let’s get out of here and try to enjoy the rest of our night,” I suggested.
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Oscar Piastri:
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The lively atmosphere of Fremont Street was a stark contrast to the chaos that unfolded when a drunken spectator began making crude remarks about me. Oscar Piastri and I were enjoying the vibrant street scene when the spectator’s comments grew increasingly obnoxious.
“Hey,” he yelled, his voice slurred and loud. “What’s with her? She’s probably just a gold-digger!”
Oscar’s face shifted from cheerful to furious. “Please stop,” he said, trying to avoid a confrontation. But the spectator was relentless. “Seriously,” he continued, “you’re just flaunting her around like a trophy. What a joke.”
Oscar’s anger flared. “That’s enough!” he shouted, pushing the spectator away. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The argument quickly escalated into a physical altercation. The spectator, caught off guard, retaliated, and soon they were engaged in a full-blown fight. The crowd on Fremont Street gathered around, many of them recording the commotion on their phones.
The police arrived quickly, separating Oscar and the spectator. I approached the officer, my voice steady but my heart racing. “I’m here to bail out Oscar Piastri,” I said, handing over the bail money.
Oscar looked at me, a mix of anger and regret in his eyes. “I didn’t want things to get this out of hand,” he said.
The officer uncuffed Oscar, and I took his arm as we left. “Let’s get out of here and find somewhere quieter,” I suggested, hoping to leave the chaos behind us.
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George Russell:
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The luxury pool party was supposed to be a highlight of our trip, but a drunk guest’s comments soon ruined the evening. George Russell and I were lounging by the pool when the guest began making loud, derogatory remarks.
“Hey,” he called out, his voice dripping with mockery. “Look at her. She’s probably just here for the free drinks and a rich boyfriend. What a cliché.”
George’s face darkened. “Can you keep it to yourself?” he asked, trying to remain calm. But the guest didn’t stop. “Seriously, mate,” he continued. “She’s just a trophy. You’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.”
Unable to stay quiet, George stood up. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!” he shouted.
The situation escalated quickly. The guest shoved George, who pushed back, and the confrontation turned physical. Security intervened, and the party-goers began recording the drama. George was soon escorted away in handcuffs, while the crowd buzzed with excitement.
I approached the security office, my heart racing. “I’m here to bail out George Russell,” I said, handing over the bail money.
George looked at me with a mixture of frustration and regret. “I didn’t want things to get this bad,” he said.
The officer uncuffed him, and I guided him out. “Let’s get out of here and try to salvage what’s left of our night,” I suggested.
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Lance Stroll:
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The exclusive lounge was meant to be a relaxing escape, but it turned into chaos when a disrespectful guest started making lewd comments about me. Lance Stroll and I were enjoying a quiet drink when the guest’s remarks took a turn.
“Hey, gorgeous,” he said loudly, “are you just here for the rich guy? What a cliché.”
Lance’s face turned red with anger. “Please stop,” he said, trying to defuse the situation. But the guest didn’t relent. “Seriously,” he continued. “She’s probably just a gold-digger. You’re pathetic for thinking otherwise.”
Lance’s patience snapped. “That’s enough!” he shouted, confronting the guest. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The argument quickly escalated into a physical confrontation. Security arrived, separating Lance and the guest while patrons began recording the scene. Lance was handcuffed and escorted away, and the lounge buzzed with excitement.
I approached the security office, handing over the bail money with a sigh. “I’m here to bail out Lance Stroll,” I said.
Lance looked at me, clearly frustrated. “I didn’t want things to get out of hand,” he said.
The officer uncuffed Lance, and I took his arm as we left. “Let’s get out of here and try to enjoy the rest of our night,” I suggested.
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Max Verstappen:
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The luxury restaurant was meant to be a serene dining experience, but a rude patron’s comments quickly shattered the calm. Max Verstappen and I were enjoying a quiet dinner when the guest’s remarks began to pierce through the ambiance.
“Hey, look at her,” the guest said loudly, “she’s probably just here for a free meal and a rich boyfriend. How cliché.”
Max’s face turned from relaxed to enraged. “Can you keep your comments to yourself?” he asked, trying to stay calm. But the guest continued. “Seriously, man,” he sneered. “She’s just a gold-digger. What a joke.”
Max’s patience snapped. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!” he shouted, confronting the guest.
The situation quickly escalated. Max shoved the guest, who retaliated, and before long, they were grappling on the floor. Security intervened swiftly, and the restaurant’s patrons began recording the altercation. Max was soon escorted away in handcuffs, while the restaurant buzzed with excitement.
I approached the security office, my heart racing. “I’m here to bail out Max Verstappen,” I said, handing over the bail money.
Max looked at me, a mix of anger and regret in his eyes. “I didn’t want things to get this bad,” he said.
The officer uncuffed Max, and I guided him out. “Let’s get out of here and enjoy the rest of our evening,” I suggested.
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Pierre Gasly:
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The exotic car showroom was a spectacle of luxury and opulence, but it turned chaotic when a rude guest began making derogatory comments about me. Pierre Gasly and I were admiring the cars when the guest’s remarks took a turn.
“Hey,” he said loudly, “look at her. She’s probably just here to find a rich guy. What a joke.”
Pierre’s face tightened with anger. “Can you stop?” he said, trying to ignore the comments. But the guest persisted. “Seriously,” he continued, “she’s just a gold-digger. You’re a fool for thinking otherwise.”
Pierre’s anger flared. “That’s enough!” he shouted, confronting the guest. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The situation quickly escalated into a physical confrontation. Security intervened, and the showroom’s patrons began recording the drama. Pierre was soon escorted away in handcuffs, and the crowd buzzed with excitement.
I approached the security office, handing over the bail money with a sigh. “I’m here to bail out Pierre Gasly,” I said.
Pierre looked at me with frustration and regret. “I didn’t want things to get this out of hand,” he said.
The officer uncuffed Pierre, and I guided him out. “Let’s get out of here and try to enjoy what’s left of our night,” I suggested.
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Arthur Leclerc:
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The rooftop bar was a high-end retreat with stunning views, but it took a turn for the worse when a drunk guest began making crude comments. Arthur Leclerc and I were enjoying the evening when the guest’s behavior became increasingly obnoxious.
“Hey,” the guest slurred loudly, “look at her. She’s probably just here for the free drinks and a rich boyfriend. What a cliché.”
Arthur’s patience wore thin. “Can you keep it down?” he asked, trying to defuse the situation. But the guest continued. “Seriously, man,” he persisted. “She’s just a trophy girlfriend. You’re a fool if you think she actually cares about you.”
Arthur’s anger flared. “That’s enough!” he shouted, confronting the guest. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The situation quickly escalated. The guest shoved Arthur, who retaliated, and before long, they were on the floor, grappling fiercely. The rooftop bar, once a serene escape, was now filled with chaos. Security arrived, attempting to separate the two as patrons recorded the altercation on their phones.
I followed Arthur to the security office, my heart racing as I handed over the bail money. “I’m here to bail out Arthur Leclerc,” I said.
Arthur looked at me with a mix of frustration and regret. “I didn’t want things to get this bad,” he said.
The officer uncuffed Arthur, and I guided him out. “Let’s get out of here and try to enjoy what’s left of our night,” I suggested.
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Paul Aron:
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The high roller lounge in the casino was meant to be a luxurious experience, but it turned chaotic when a drunken guest began making derogatory remarks about me. Paul Aron and I were enjoying the exclusive atmosphere when the guest’s comments took a turn.
“Hey,” the guest slurred loudly, “look at her. She’s probably just here for the rich guy. What a cliché.”
Paul’s face turned red with anger. “Please, stop,” he said, trying to ignore the comments. But the guest didn’t relent. “Seriously, mate,” he continued. “She’s just a trophy girlfriend. You’re a fool for thinking otherwise.”
Paul’s patience snapped. “That’s enough!” he shouted, confronting the guest. “You don’t get to talk about her like that!”
The situation quickly escalated. The guest shoved Paul, who retaliated, and before long, they were grappling on the floor. The high roller lounge, once a haven of luxury, was now filled with chaos. Security arrived, struggling to separate the two as patrons recorded the scene with their phones.
I followed Paul to the security office, my heart racing as I handed over the bail money. “I’m here to bail out Paul Aron,” I said.
Paul looked at me with a mix of frustration and regret. “I didn’t want things to get this out of hand,” he said.
The officer uncuffed Paul, and I guided him out. “Let’s get out of here and try to salvage the rest of our evening,” I suggested.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 3 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal l l @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 9 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess s @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan @styl1shl1v @eddieharrington @hellowgoodbye
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
hiii! can i request for fyodor, dazai, and ranpo hcs about "the romantic things they would do to win your heart" ty!
— how dazai, fyodor and chuuya try to win your heart
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a/n: i went through the five stages of grief writing this UHOFHO also sorry I didn't include ranpo; I hope you like it nonetheless <3 up next is husband!sukuna
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so, I wouldn’t say extravagant BUT I would say that it is pretty loud
like gives you a huge bouquet in front of literally everyone kind of loud
also literally shouts your name whenever he sees you, “AHH BELLADONNA, MY BEAUTIFUL Y/N HOW GORGEOUS YOU LOOK TODAY!”
the way he brightens up in your presence is also so obvious like eugh take your lovesick self away bro
he also has a special sixth sense that tells him that you’re close by
when he does get to you, he literally showers you with affection
also, you know when he ditches meetings? he would literally attend them just to be with you, if you’re there that is
same case is when he is running away from kunikida, my man chooses to live his last moments gazing at your beauty and then happily suffer kunikida’s wrath
exhibit a:
“atsushi, have you seen dazai?” kunikida asked as he and atsushi patrolled the streets.
atsushi shook his head, but quickly went to get you, who was busy finishing the taiyaki you got as a treat for yourself after a day of hard work.
however, looks like this travail won’t end so you look up at both of them and tilt your head lightly, “do you guys need something?”
atsushi doesn’t answer, but instead inhales deeply and screams, “DAZAI-SAN, Y/N IS HERE!” which you could bet that the entirety of the city heard.
it’s quiet for a while, but then you hear the sound of rapid steps and panting. the moment you look back, you’re tackled by the bandaged man who merely chirps a happy ‘belladonna!’ as the both of you land on the ground.
“here he is, kunikida-san,” atsushi says with a smile and kunikida nods thoughtfully then proceeds to scribble something in his notebook.
you do hear, amidst getting yourself squashed in a hug by dazai, kunikida mumbling something along the lines of “scream ‘y/n is here’ so dazai can appear”.
he literally doesn’t try to hide it, but that’s like in the very beginning of him falling for you
when he realizes that ‘crap it's serious’ and that he really did fall for someone
I feel like his way of trying to win your heart will change to be much more intimate and quieter
like he is still loud and chaotic on daily basis, of course
but you will find yourself sharing a lot of quiet moments where you just bask in each other’s presence
he gets protective as well, but like people can tell he IS being protective, but YOU can’t
not because you’re dumb, oblivious or anything, it’s just that dazai doesn’t want to make you feel like your relationship changed and low-key doesn’t want to make it awkward
a protective that makes you go ‘what’s wrong with dazai’ and makes the other person go ‘I need to run’
I also see him still getting you bouquets, but they will be accompanied with small notes
they could be like the following:
“you are so beautiful that I swoon for you.”
“I hope your day was as lovely as you are.”
“how can someone be this effortlessly gorgeous?”
of course, they still include comical ones
“I accidentally knocked the tomato soup on kunikida’s pants yesterday, and his face was as red as said soup from anger. you could say that ‘the time of the month’ was a bit harsh on him ;)”
I also feel like he will try to initiate conversations a lot more (idk how because like y’all already talked A LOT)
It’s just that he becomes curious about what you think of everything and purely wants to know more about you, your views in life and whatnot
you could be talking about the silliest things and he would still be so interested and fully indulge you
I see him also sharing with you places with beautiful scenery that he often goes to; it’s just so intimate and he WANTS to make you know that you’re special
he jokes and still flirts loudly, but there are quiet moments because he wants you to understand that you having a hold on his heart is no joke
hm, it’s been a while since I wrote for him
so remember how I said dazai is kind of subtle in showing his genuine interest?
well, with fyodor you can’t even tell whether he changed or not
it’s just a normal everyday fyodor
BUT there some stuff he does extra
he gets protective, but just a little
so before, he used to glare at anyone who gets near you to hurt you which makes them quickly stop in their tracks, now he just instantly grabs their hand and threatens to kill them
another thing I see him doing is like taking you to places that he finds amusement in or like enjoys lol
that’s to show you off or show you a part of him in a more obvious way
he wants to show you his interests and see if they appeal to you as well or not
if they don’t then fak you, I mean then it’s fine cause variety is key
“couldn’t we go to a more entertaining place?” you inquire as you sip your drink and stare at the man who got you here in the first place.
fyodor smirks lightly, “whatever do you mean? this is highly entertaining.”
“1 year olds eating chess pieces is not my kind of entertainment, but okay.”
literally does stuff like this for giggles and his actual entertainment
loves messing with you but like lowkey
I also see him starting to compliment you more, like just smol compliments and sometimes you even have to read between the lines to get it
but sometimes he doesn’t even try to hide it
like nikolai could be doing god knows what, but just know it’s chaotic and sigma is trying to stop him but it just results in more chaos
and fyodor would just sigh and say something along the lines of “truly, an intelligence similar to y/n’s must be hard to achieve especially for you two.”
nikolai just laughs a laugh that screams bro stfu
sigma is just offend cause like why insult me while flirting with y/n?? tf did I do???
I also think that he will be more recognizing or acknowledging of your talents?
like with fyodor, I think the biggest sign of him liking you is accepting you as an equal and not treating you as a pawn or someone less than him
exhibit a:
“fyodor, shouldn’t this arrangement be discussed without someone like her present?” the man sneers as he looks you up and down, “she doesn’t seem trustworthy nor intelligent enough to keep up with our conversations.”
you hold back from responding and merely look at fyodor, who looks at the man in silence. he clears his throat lightly after he sips some tea and speaks up, “my apologies, but if anyone lacks in intelligence then it’s certainly you.”
both your eyes and the man’s widen at fyodor’s reply; the man is angered and he stands up abruptly, “how dare you say that?! It is more than obvious that I possess more intelligence than your subordinate here!”
fyodor raises an eyebrow in inquiry, “who said that she is my subordinate?”
the man is confused, and so are you, but fyodor pays no mind as he continues, “about the trust part, the only reason you’re going to do your end of the deal is because of the information I hold against you,” a smirk takes its place on fyodor’s lips, “meanwhile, her, I can give her a knife and she wouldn’t stab me, even in a million years.”
lmao if that ain’t down bad and blindly in love then idk
also, as we all must’ve guessed: he is pretty classic in terms of ‘flirting’ with you
but I do see him gifting you a rose of some sort and saying a smartass line like “even with its thorns, the rose is considered a sign of love and romance; is that to imply the hardships that come with loving someone?—“
boy shut yo ass and give me the damn flower
chuuya is someone really honest so I think he will be really obvious and clear about wanting to win your heart
albeit a bit on the tsundere side sometimes but oh well
it’s still a lot more open that the others I have mentioned and feels very genuine
I also believe that he would want you to know that he likes you
plus I don’t think he can hide it well anyway
so he gets teased by everyone along with yourself
“ooo, who caught the heart of our badass mafia executive?”
and he would just grumble, “wow, i wonder who.”
of course, it’s a given that he would buy you souvenirs and gifts cause HEYYYY YOU DESERVE THE BEST
exhibit a:
“y/n, I need to give you something!”
you perk up at the voice and smile at chuuya, “yeah?”
he looks you in the eye for a moment before grumbling, face a soft hue of pink, and getting out the gift he got and placing it on your desk.
“aww, chuuya, you shouldn’t have!”
he crosses his arms and looks to the side, cheeks burning slightly, “yeah yeah, but I wanted to get you something.”
the smile never leaves your face and instead gets bigger as you see what’s inside. the thing about chuuya’s gifts is that they are always thoughtful.
“do you…like it?” you hear him mumble softly and just to hug him tightly.
“thank you so much! it’s amazing! I really love it!”
he stumbles over his words before yelling, obviously flustered, “t-that’s good! but you don’t have to hug me!”
“you don’t want me to?” you ask, slightly sad and chuuya wants to kick himself for making you like that.
lmao, I love the guy
when you guys do get into a relationship, he is a lot less shy and open for affection but we are still not there yet hehe
something to add is that he also loves taking you anywhere you like
like either drive you there with his very cool motorcycle or you guys hanging out at some place
and like the places are…very extravagant to say the least
“so what do you think of the place?”
“chuuya, the walls are painted gold.”
“chuuya, the fountain is dripping gold.”
“you don’t deserve anything less.”
Idk about you guys but I also think chuuya is a huge tease when he wants just not as horribly or as big as dazai
like just light teasing in general but it’s still so flustering; they’re things like:
“did the doll forget her keys again?”
“poor baby, want me to kiss it for you?” (but a lot less derogatory than when he said it to dazai 🤡; he really does want to kiss the pain away for you <33)
chuuya is rather protective by default so I feel like that won’t change, maybe amplified? but you can’t tell the difference because chuuya was always willing to beat some ass anyway
I see him being pretty attentive to your needs as well
like he has a bottle of water for you ready and maybe some food along with any personal essentials. he is a little grumpy when giving it to you, but it’s just to mask how nervous he is because of your smile
another thing, i think he does is write you letters
and they most of the time have poems? since you had told him about how he somehow (he did take offense to the word) has a good way with words
he also loves getting praised by you so it’s worth it even if it makes him a bit shy
now to end this on a cute note, the beginning phase of his confession included one of his poems accompanied with a rose
and its last lines were:
“once I believed love poems were foolish yet now I do nothing but dream about love”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @waosobii
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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smileysuh · 1 year
Sunday Sinner
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🌙 staring. Mark & Donghyuck x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “Everything is wrong,” Mark sighs. “Doing this with you two is wrong. Wanting you this badly is wrong. Getting hard in Church is wrong. What I want to do to you is wrong. But… as crazy as it sounds, it also feels right.”
tw/cw. threesomes, inexperienced!Mark, fingering, blow jobs, deep throating, pussy eating, spit roasting, voyeurism, lots of masturbation (especially in the shower), Hyuck has a dirty mouth, sin sin sin, unprotected sex, creampies, cum play, kink for being 'full', religious contention, Mark gets hard during Sunday Service, Mark getting outed as low key virgin, proposition, Mark uses a cross necklace in sinful ways, praise, slight degradation, inklings of corruption kink, squirting, etc… I pet names: (hers) angel. (Mark's) church boy.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 12.6k
🍭 aus.frat/uni au, soccer player au, church/inexperienced!Mark, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. I've wanted to do a fic about Mark being Christain for a while, but I wanted to make one that was still respectful. This idea popped into my head, and I think it turned out really well :) it's only slight blasphemy.
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There’s nothing like a frat party after a big win for the university soccer team. Even though Mark doesn’t really drink, and he’s never smoked a joint in his entire life, it’s nice to be surrounded by happy energy. 
His team always laughs at him when he notes how celebrations can feel almost church-like, but the indescribable buzz that fills the entire frat is familiar to the man who’s been going to Sunday Services his entire life. 
Mark likes seeing familiar faces, and if he hadn’t been raised in a very big family type of system, he’s not so sure he’d be this okay with crowds, or the number of people who reach out to pat him on the shoulder and shake his hand in congratulations for scoring the winning goal.
It had been a great game, and when Mark’s ball had sunk into the top left corner of the net, he’d run to the side lines to fall to his knees and make the sign of the cross, grabbing at the religious pendant around his neck to kiss it. People have always made fun of him for this tradition of his, but nothing will ever stop him from thanking God - his God - for the fortune life has brought him.
Even now, the necklace is securely around his throat, the cross resting just below his shirt. The cool metal brushes by his skin when he moves through the frat house, a constant reminder of his faith. 
Something is drawing him outside, and Mark has always been someone who leans into the feelings he can’t put his finger on. It’s something like divine guidance, and Mark exits the frat to step onto the back patio, where his friends are in a circle around a fire. 
It smells like weed, something Mark hadn’t liked at first, but it’s now a scent he’s used to, and he heads over to stand next to his roommate. 
Lee Donghyuck and Mark have been friends since high school, where a few ‘less woke’ teachers had assumed - because of their shared last name - that two were cousins, or something of the sort. They’d always been put in group projects together. At first, Hyuck had been too much for Mark to handle, but over the years, he’s come to like the chaotic energy of his closest friend, despite all their differences, mainly, their disagreements on religion.
“Look what the cat dragged in!” Hyuck bellows, throwing his arm around Mark to pull him tight to his hoodie covered side, which reeks of marijuana. 
“Church boy Mark!” Yuta grins from across the circle, raising his beer in a mock toast to the man who had won them their soccer game. 
“Can he even be here?” a bitchy foreign exchange student from Thailand asks, earning a shove from Mark’s frat ‘big’ Johnny.
“Of course he can be here,” the man from Chicago laughs.
“I just mean-” Ten is quick to correct himself, “we’re playing Never Have I Ever. Are we sure this is suitable for him?”
“Mark plays games,” Hyuck insists, but Mark’s not so sure about this one. 
“He doesn’t even have a drink,” Ten notes, looking Mark up and down.
“Someone get him something,” Hyuck says, snapping his fingers at one of their pledges. “One of the iced tea mixes, the low percent ones-”
“Hyuck-” Mark sighs.
“Trust me,” Hyuck assures him, “you hardly do anything with your life, it’s not like you’ll have to drink that much.”
Mark still doesn’t feel too enthused about joining the game, but he supposes his heart led him out here for one reason or another, so he accepts the hard iced tea can Jisung hands him. His eyes immediately scan it for the alcohol content, and he sighs. “This is the same as beer.”
“Come on, church boy,” Hyuck groans. “You’ll only have like three sips, max. Watch-” without waiting for Mark to agree, Hyuck is addressing the circle again. “Never have I ever sucked cock.” 
The girls in the vicinity all make sounds of annoyance, raising their drinks to their lips. In the periphery, Yuta also sips his beer, and after a moment and a groan, so does Ten. 
“See!?” Hyuck squeezes Mark’s shoulder. “You’re already zero for one.”
“That was a low blow, Hyuck,” your voice draws Mark’s attention. You’re standing on the other side of his best friend, which shouldn’t be that big of a surprise, seeing as you’re Hyuck’s fuck buddy. 
Mark takes a moment to assess you while Hyuck rolls his eyes and defends himself. The church goer has always thought you were pretty, and you’re smart too, much too smart for the crazy gemini he has as a roommate. 
“Two can play that game,” you warn, raising your voice to announce, “Never have I ever eaten pussy.”
Mark’s skin prickles, panic washing over him as every man around the fire - and even a few girls - drink. The church boy can feel his grip on his can shaking slightly, and for a brief moment he considers having a swig of the hard iced tea just to protect himself, but, well… it would be a lie. And if there’s one thing Mark Lee doesn’t do, it’s lie. 
Mark can feel eyes on him as he downcasts his gaze to the ground. His skin is heating with embarrassment, and he just prays to God no one makes a big deal out of this-
“You’ve never eaten pussy?” Jeno yells, and Mark just knows the question is directed at him. 
He looks up, lips parting at the shock of being put on the spot. 
“Wait, you guys haven’t heard the church camp story?” Hyuck asks, and now Mark’s really panicking. But it’s too late to stop his loose lipped roomie, who is already diving into Mark’s past for the whole circle to hear. “This one time, he fucked a girl at church camp, and a Jesus picture fell off the wall, so he hasn’t even touched a girl since then.” 
A few people laugh, and while Mark can understand that - objectively - they’re not laughing at him, but at the story, he can’t help but get defensive.
“It fell off the wall, Hyuck,” Mark insists, voice shaking. “How else do you explain that?”
“I’ve always thought you were just banging that girl too hard,” Hyuck suggests, earning a few sounds of agreement from other frat boys. 
But Hyuck wasn’t there when it had happened, and Mark knows for a fact there was no true bed rocking going on. He’d been taking things slow, and the only possible explanation for the picture falling - in his mind at least - is that he’d disappointed God. 
He’d done a hundred Hail Mary’s as repentance, and now that his secret has been put out where everyone can hear, he thinks maybe he should do fifty more for good measure.
“I’ve gotta go,” Mark mumbles, handing Hyuck his drink.
Mark’s roommate tries to stop him from scurrying away, but the damage has been done, and the man who scored the winning goal at the soccer game rushes back into the frat house with red ears that betray his shame.
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“You can’t still be mad at me,” Hyuck whines, chasing after you as you exit the frat bathroom.
“Why do you assume I’m mad at you?”
“Because I followed you to the toilet and you didn’t wanna smash?” Your fuck buddy manages to pin you to the wall, hands on either side of your head while he looks at you with serious eyes, a contrast to the sentence that’s just come out of his mouth.
“Sometimes a girl’s just gotta pee, Hyuck,” you laugh.
“Don’t play games, angel,” he insists. “You’re mad about the Mark thing.”
“So you admit I have something to be mad about.”
Hyuck lets out a sigh. “Fine, yes.” He pulls away from you, throwing up a hand in defeat. “I shouldn’t have told everyone his stupid Jesus picture story. There, I said I’m sorry, are you happy now?”
“You said what?”
He groans, and in one motion, he’s pinning you to the wall again, his lips just millimeters away from yours. When he speaks, his voice is low, and his eyes drill into your own, “I’m sorry.”
After a moment, you say softly, “I don’t think I’m the one you should be apologizing to.”
“You want me to apologize to Mark?!” 
“Among other things.”
Hyuck pulls away, looking you up and down. “You better not be suggesting what I think your horny ass is suggesting.”
“I don’t know,” you smirk. “What do you think I’m thinking?”
“It looks like you’re thinking about going upstairs to offer Mark help with getting over his Jesus sex fear.”
“And that would upset you?” You cock your head to the side, assessing your fuck buddy.
“Angel,” he groans, “you’re mine.” 
“Am I though?” you counter. “Am I really?”
When you’d started sleeping with Hyuck, he’d made it clear that he’s not the kind of guy who likes to be tied down to one person. While he can be somewhat possessive, part of your arrangement is that you can both do what you want, and right now, you’re seriously considering fucking the sweet church boy you’ve had a slight infatuation with since year one.
“Fuck the fact that you’re not my girlfriend,” Hyuck says finally. “There are bigger reasons you shouldn’t do this.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Well for one,” your fuck buddy leans in, his lips ghosting by your ear as he whispers, “Mark has a massive crush on you.”
For some reason, you find yourself laughing. Leave it to Hyuck to spill two of Mark’s biggest secrets in the span of one hour. 
“If Mark has a crush on me, then I have to do this. You can either join us, or go cry about it.”
Hyuck sighs. “For an angel, you can be a bit of a fucking demon sometimes.”
“And you love it.” 
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You and Hyuck are standing outside his bedroom. The door is locked when you try to open it, and Hyuck watches you let out a deep sigh before knocking. “Mark? You in there?”
“Of course he’s in there,” Hyuck whispers, rolling his eyes.
“Shh! Be nice!” you chastise him, playfully smacking his arm. Your voice is soft when you call out again, knocking gently a few more times. “Mark? Please let me in.”
The music from downstairs is too loud for Hyuck to hear movement in his room, but after a few moments, the door opens and Mark peers out.
“Oh, it’s both of you.”
“Don’t sound so disappointed, Mark,” Hyuck nearly laughs, placing his palm on the wood so he can force it open before his friend tries to shut the door again. “I live here too, you know.”
“How could I forget,” Mark sighs, heading over to flop onto his bed.
You and Hyuck enter the room, and he clicks the lock back into place behind him. He watches you approach his friend, sitting on the foot of the mattress. 
When you reach out, ghosting your hand over Mark’s shin, Hyuck leans back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He wouldn’t define himself as a jealous type of guy, but watching you be gentle with Mark is definitely bringing up some suppressed emotions, and Hyuck’s not sure what to make of it.
“Mark,” you stroke his leg. “Hyuck has something to say to you.”
“Huh?!” Hyuck’s eyes widen, and he looks between you and his roommate. 
You’re going to make him proposition his friend for you? 
“Yeah, didn’t you tell me you wanted to apologize?” There’s a warning tone in your voice, and when you look over your shoulder at Hyuck, you give him an expression filled with expectation.
“Right,” Hyuck coughs. “I uh… I’m sorry for what happened at the fire.”
He can tell by your small eye roll that you’re not fully satisfied with his apology, but Mark doesn’t seem to mind. The church boy sighs, running a hand over his face. “It’s okay,” he mumbles.
“It’s not okay,” you insist, turning your gaze back to Mark. “I’m also sorry for saying never have I ever eaten pussy. I was trying to attack Hyuck and make him drink, but you got caught in the crossfire.” 
“You didn’t mean to, though,” Mark says. “I shouldn’t have joined the game. This is a lesson for me, I guess.”
“Aw, Mark,” Hyuck can’t see your face, but he knows you’re frowning. “We wanted you to join the game. We like it when you do things with us.” 
It’s interesting for Hyuck to hear you saying the royal ‘we,’ as if you’re a couple, a unit. 
“I’m sure the incident with the Jesus picture was very traumatizing for you,” you continue, sounding as genuine as ever while your hand continues to smooth up and down Mark’s leg. “I can understand why you’d be… apprehensive about doing anything sexual after that.”
Mark groans, covering his face with his hands. Hyuck can’t help but smile when he sees his friend’s ears flaring red with embarrassment, it’s always so easy to get the church boy riled up.
“I just want you to know…” you shift a little where you’re seated, moving closer to Hyuck’s roommate, “this is a safe space. If you ever wanted to… try something like that again, there aren’t any Jesus pictures here to knock down.”
“What?” Mark’s lips part with shock, and he looks between you and Hyuck. “Are you two…”
“Propositioning you?” Hyuck suggests. “Yeah, she is.” 
“I’m not-” Mark swallows thickly. “I don’t want your pity.”
“It’s not pity,” you assure him. 
“She wants to fuck you, Mark,” Hyuck says, trying to be helpful. “It will be good for you.”
“Good for me?” Mark squeaks.
“You’re a frat boy who’s practically a virgin, dude,” Hyuck nearly laughs. “You’ve gotta dip your dick in the sinful water sometime. What’s life without eating a little pussy?”
“Oh my god,” Mark groans, covering his face with his hands. 
“It’s not that bad, Jesus won’t mind, you don’t even have to put your dick in her!” Hyuck can’t believe he’s the one backing this now, but he also can’t really believe his roommate is a near-virgin. 
“This can’t be happening-” Mark is still hiding his face, his ears as scarlet as ever.
“Listen, “ Hyuck sighs, “we usually fuck while you’re at church on Sundays. But if you wanted, we could wait a little and let you join after your service tomorrow.”
Mark’s eyes widen. “After my service? Are you two crazy?” 
“You don’t have to decide right now,” you assure him. “I’m sure this is a lot to take in, especially after the day you had. I don’t think I’ve congratulated you on your goal in the game today yet-”
Hyuck scoffs at how you could be bringing that up right now.
“Just think about it,” you continue, giving Mark’s thigh a gentle squeeze. “I’m going to go home now, but, tomorrow, if you want to try eating pussy, Hyuck and I will be here.”
Hyuck wonders what would happen if it was just you propositioning Mark. If he’d be more willing to agree. It’s definitely an added level of sin to have Hyuck in the room while Mark rips his virgin bandaid off, but it’s not like Hyuck’s going to leave Mark alone with you.
You’re his angel, even if you’re looking to save Mark.
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Mark can’t pay attention to the sermon. His palms are sweaty, no matter how many times he rubs them against his pants. He feels like - at any moment - a big Jesus statue could just fall over and everyone in the church would turn to him, knowing he was the cause due to his sinful thoughts.
What makes it worse, is the way he can feel blood rushing to his cock. He’s half hard at the Sunday service, and he’s never felt like a worse Christain. 
This experience definitely trumps the losing of his virginity, if that’s even possible, and he hasn’t even done anything with you yet.
But in the dark, back corners of his mind, Mark knows that will change. He knows he won’t be able to resist you, you’re just too tempting. He doesn’t have that kind of control over himself, no matter how much he wishes he did.
When the service is over, Mark stands on shaky legs, grabbing a Bible to hold in front of his crotch while he exits the place of worship to head back to the frat. 
The fresh air does little to calm his nerves. If anything, the closer he gets to his home, the more sinful he feels. He knows each step is one step closer to you, one step closer to religious paraphenia being miraculously moved by the hand of God- 
Yet, he can’t stop. He can’t even alter his course, and when he reaches the frat, he doesn’t say one word to the boys kicking around in the kitchen, he heads straight up to his room. 
When he gets to his door, Mark pauses. His hands are shaky as he reaches for the knob, and for a second, he wonders if he should knock. Taking a deep breath, Mark decides to ignore his manners, pushing into the room.
He’s almost relieved to find you and Hyuck sitting in his bed, fully clothed, watching something on Netflix. 
“Hiya, Mark,” Hyuck waves, as if their relationship isn’t about to be completely altered.
“How was Sunday service?” you ask.
“How was it?” Mark shuts the door behind himself, giving his head a little shake as he hurries over to the closet to discard his jacket. “You know, good.”
“Why are you carrying a Bible?” Hyuck asks, looking him up and down. “Did you steal that from your church?”
Panic shoots through Mark. He had most definitely accidentally stolen it from his church, wihtout giving it a second thought. His mind had been so focused on you and covering his boner- 
“I can give it back,” Mark insists, palms sweating again as he places the book gently on top of his backpack. 
“You look spooked, dude. Did some pastor try to touch you?” 
“Hyuck!” you practically scream, slapping your hand over your fuck buddy’s mouth. “You can’t say things like that!”
Hyuck mumbles something against your hand that sounds like ‘historically accurate,’ and Mark wants to strangle him. 
“You want to know why I look stressed?” Mark sighs. “Because you two are sinners who propositioned me last night!”
Hyuck moves your hand from his mouth, smirking. “Come on, Mark, be sinners with us!”
“This is not helping,” you whisper to your fuck buddy, gently pushing his shoulder before you stand from the bed, approaching Mark with an empathetic expression. “I’m sorry about last night, we shouldn’t have pushed that on you.”
“It’s okay,” Mark shakes his head, refusing to meet your gaze.
“It’s not, we’re horrible, dirty, sinful people,” you reach out, linking your pinkie with Mark’s. It’s a small gesture, but it speaks volumes. “Forget we ever said anything.”
“I can’t forget,” Mark states, finally looking at you. He licks his lips, thinking of something else to say, but all that comes out is “I can’t forget,” and it’s the truth. 
You open your mouth, and Mark hangs on what your next words will be-
Hyuck interrupts the moment. “So are you gonna eat pussy or what?”
“Hyuck!” you yell, turning to flash a warning glare at the man who’s giggling to himself on his bed. 
Mark doesn’t even want to focus on his friend right now. Instead, he reaches out, taking your other hand gently. He gazes down at your fingers, too scared to look at your face. 
“I think…” Mark swallows the lump in his throat. “I think we should do this.”
“Really?” you ask while Hyuck lets out a loud “What?!”
“You’re both right… maybe it will be good for me.” Mark can’t believe the words coming out of his own mouth. “But- I’m not sure what I’m even ready for.”
“We can go slow,” you assure him, squeezing his hand. “Anything you’re comfortable with.”
Mark looks up at you. “Can I… can I kiss you?”
Hyuck scoffs loudly, but it’s an afterthought in Mark’s mind when you nod, reaching up to cup his face. “You can kiss me,” you tell him softly. 
Mark’s free hand reaches out to grab your waist, and he moves closer. He can feel your breath on his face. He’s never been this up close and personal with you, and you’ve never been prettier. There’s a softness in your expression, an acceptance, and it makes Mark feel confident enough to press his lips to yours.
It’s a gentle kiss - a perfect kiss - and Mark can feel the tension releasing in his shoulders. 
You step even closer, and your breasts press against his chest, your arms wrapping around the back of his neck. Your tongue smooths over his bottom lip and Mark stifles a groan, opening his mouth just enough for his own tongue to meet yours. 
He can count the number of girls he’s kissed during his life on one hand, including you, but none of them have happened like this. Mark had never imagined he’d end up in this situation before, and despite the calming effect you have on him, he still finds himself pulling away and struggling to catch his breath.
“I want to touch you,” he admits, in fact, he’s been thinking about it all day. 
“Yeah?” There’s a sparkle in your eye and you smile at him. “Where?”
Mark can’t bring himself to say it.
You gently take his hand, bringing it to your throat. “Here?” you ask, and Mark traces his thumb over your jugular, surprised to find your heart is racing just as fast as his own. “Or…” you move his hand down, his palm cupping at your breast, “Here?” 
Mark lets out a low groan at the feeling of you. He’s touched even less boobs than he’s kissed girls in his life, and yours are absolutely perfect in his hand. 
“Mark,” you whimper, and he brushes his fingers over your pebbled nipple, peaking through your shirt. He can feel his cock throbbing in his pants, and he shifts uncomfortably. 
“Or maybe…” you move his hand lower, dragging it across your stomach until it reaches your pussy through your sweatpants, “were you thinking of touching me here?” 
He nods, still unable to speak as you guide him to apply more pressure to your core. You feel so warm, and a sinful voice in the back of his mind tells him you’re probably wet too. Or at least, he hopes you’re wet, hopes he has the same effect on you that you have on him.
You let out a soft moan, and it’s like music to his ears. You grind down slightly on his hand, wiggling your hips in a motion that’s hypnotizing. “Do you want to…” you bite at your lip, toying with the waistband of your sweats. “Do you want to put your hand inside?”
“God, yes,” Mark groans, finally finding his voice.
You pull the waistband away from your skin, giving Mark access to slip his hand below it. Then your lips find his again, your arms wrapping around his shoulders while he teases his fingers along your panty clad core.
You’re as wet as he’d hoped you would be, and Mark moans at the realization. 
He’s only watched porn a handful of times in his life, and always felt bad about it after, but he knows where the clit is, and he gently circles his fingers around the spot.
You gasp into his mouth, and Mark eats up the sound, applying more pressure.
“Fuck, Mark, just like that-” you tell him, threading your fingers through his hair as you deepen the kiss.
You rut your hips, grinding down on his hand, and it drives Mark wild. He wants to touch you, really touch you, without any fabric in the way, and when he opens his mouth to ask, “Can I-” you’re agreeing without even hearing the end of the sentence.
He takes a breath, and then he moves your panties to the side. 
The first swipe of his fingers through your pussy lips feels like nothing he’s ever felt before, and the wetness he collects against his skin makes his cock throb again.
He teases your opening, earning more gasps from you as your lips move to his neck. When your mouth makes contact on a spot just below his ear, a shiver runs through Mark’s entire body. He’s heard about sweet spots, but no one has ever kissed his, and the feeling has his eyes closing with pleasure.
Without a second though, Mark slides a finger into your pussy, and you mewl in his ear, holding him tighter. “So good,” you whisper as he slowly thrusts the digit in and out of you, building the confidence to add another. 
You're grinding down against him still, and his palm works your clit while his two fingers curl inside of you. The sounds you’re making are increasing in pitch and frequency, and you’re gently pulling on his hair, licking at the spot on his neck that has his body tingling. 
He’s never made a girl cum before, but he can tell by the way you’re reacting, that he’s going to get you there. He wants to get you there, more than he’s wanted any goal he’s ever scored in a soccer game. 
The cool weight of the cross around his neck has Mark wondering if he’s going to go to hell for this. But can he really go to hell for something that feels this good? This right?
“I’m close,” you tell him. “Don’t stop.” 
Mark works his fingers into you even faster, eager to have you coming undone on his hand-
A clinking sound in the periphery makes Mark’s eyes open, and when he looks over at Hyuck’s bed, he sees his friend wiggling out of his pants.
“Dude, what the Hell-” Mark freezes, making an attempt to pull his hand from your pants, but you latch onto his wrist, shaking your head.
“No, Mark, please, I’m so close, please-” There’s a look of desperation in your eye, and it has him swallowing thickly, focusing on you while he picks up his motions again.
“I’ll wait,” Hyuck says in the background, and there’s some comfort in that at least.
“Mark, it feels so good, you’re so good at this-” you praise him, whispering in his ear while you work your hips faster against his hand.
“Oh God-” Mark groans, watching your face contort with pleasure. 
“There’s no God here, dude,” comes Hyuck’s snarky voice.
Mark’s eyes begin to shift to his friend, but you cup his face, forcing him to look at you. “Focus on me,” you tell him. “Like I’m focused on you.” 
He swallows thickly, breathing deeply as he fingers you harder, earning all sorts of sinful moans that drown out anything Hyuck could ever bring to the situation.
“Yes, Mark, yes- I’m gonna-” You’re gasping now, and you can’t even finish your sentence. Your pussy clenches around Mark’s fingers, your lips finding his as you cum. 
He continues his motions, wanting to draw out every second of pleasure that he can-
Mark has heard all sorts of ideas about what Heaven could look like, but he’s never heard that Heaven could be standing in your frat house room, hand down your best friend’s fuck buddy’s pants, with her pussy throbbing around your fingers. 
You begin to shake, reaching down to grab at his forearm, and Mark knows you’re finished. He doesn’t want to hurt you, and he pulls his hand away, marveling at the slick that’s covering his digits.
“Here,” you say gently, grabbing his wrist to guide his fingers to your mouth, licking them clean. Then you reach for him, bringing your mouth close to his own. “Taste me.”
Mark’s never kissed a girl so fast in his life, and he groans at the flavour of your tongue. If this is what your pussy tastes like, Mark had missed out by passing up the opportunity to eat you out, but at the same time, he’s really not sure if he’s ready for that yet.
“Okay, you two,” Hyuck’s voice makes Mark draw back from you. “This is enough teasing, I’ve gotta fuck something now or I’m gonna explode. Mark, are you staying?”
The church boy swallows thickly and then he shakes his head. If he’s not ready to eat you out, he’s definitely not ready to watch his best friend fuck you. “I’ve gotta…” he stumbles for an excuse. “I’m gonna go shower.”
“Right, shower,” Hyuck rolls his eyes. “Have fun with that.”
You go in for one last kiss before Hyuck is pulling you away from Mark, and he watches for just a moment while Hyuck presses his own mouth against yours-
Mark tears his eyes away, reaching for a towel in his closet before escaping the room.
The towel covers his boner while he runs down the hallway to the bathroom, and he strips himself naked in record time, stepping into a shower stall.
His hand is around his throbbing cock not two seconds later, and Mark throws his head back, closing his eyes while his brain struggles to process everything that’s just transpired. 
It doesn’t take long for him to work himself to the edge. His toes curl against the vinyl floor, and his vision goes practically black as he cums. 
There’s no time to aim, and Mark feels sticky warm fluid coat his chest, but his hand doesn’t stop. He jacks himself off until he’s a nearly overstimulated, gasping mess, and he thanks God for the water cleaning his body of the sinful filth.
He’s never cum this hard in his entire life.
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You’re at your usual Wednesday lunch with the girls before class when you notice one of your friend’s looking at something over your shoulder. She’s done this a few times now, but when you turn in your seat to assess the room, you don’t see anything out of the ordinary.
“Are you looking at someone?” you question.
“It’s just…” Hyuna leans forward. “Did you do something to Mark?”
“What?” you look behind you again, thoroughly confused.
“Every time you turn, he pulls his baseball cap down,” she explains. “He’s over there, by the window. Green cap.”
When you scan the area again, you do notice a pair of cute red ears sticking out from a baseball cap, the guy’s head downcast as if he’s just staring at his french fries.
“How many times has he looked over here?” you ask, grinning.
“Like, a lot.” Hyuna cocks her head. “You did do something to Mark.”
You stand up, leaning forward. “Actually, he did something to me.” With a wink to your girls, you turn to head off toward Mark’s table.
He looks up once during your approach, and you see him scrambling with his bag. It would be very entertaining to watch him run away from you again, but he doesn’t have the chance, as you arrive before he’s done shoving papers into his binder. 
“Hey, you.” You take the seat across from him. “How’s it going?”
“Good.” His voice is shaky, and you find it adorable. 
“You know…” you reach your foot out under the table, grazing it by his calf. “I can’t get you out of my head either.”
Mark coughs, adjusting the cap on his head. “What?” 
“I said, I can’t get you out of my head either.” You’re enjoying the effect you have on him, and you’re very aware of how public the space is. You don’t think Mark’s going to confirm that he’s been thinking about you, so instead, you ask, “Are you planning to go to church on Sunday?”
“Yeah, of course,” he swallows thickly. 
“Do you think you’ll be able to pay attention while you’re there?” 
“I uh, I-” Mark stutters over his words. “I think so?”
You study the pretty virginal frat boy. As soft as you’ve been with him so far, you feel like teasing him, just to see how he reacts. “Just so you know, if, while you’re at Sunday service, a Jesus picture falls down, it’s because Jesus knows what you did.”
Mark lets out a groan, and you see his neck has turned red now too. “I-” Mark’s gaze dips down to your breasts, which are pushed together in your low neckline shirt as you lean forward. “I have to go-” he grabs his things, fumbling with all of them while he stands abruptly. 
The loud sound of his chair scraping across the ground draws a few eyes, and the pool boy nearly knocks the table over in his haste. You notice the way he immediately holds his binder over his crotch, and you lick your lips while looking up at him.
“See you later,” he mumbles, running away.
You watch him enter the men’s bathroom, and you think you can imagine what he’s going in there to do. Last time he’d run away from you, Hyuck had mentioned he was probably going to jack off in the showers.
The frat bathroom is one thing for a quick wank, but a public restroom is another.
You shake your head, walking back to your girls table, Mark’s tray of fries in your hand. They’re all gawking at you. 
“Damn,” Hyuna whistles. “I know you just said he did things to you, but girl, you definitely did a number on that church boy.” 
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There’s nothing Hyuck loves more in the world than making you cum on his cock. He loves the noises you make, gripping at his bed sheets as your orgasm overtakes you. He loves being the source of your high.
What he doesn’t love however, is the way that today, you immediately ask, “How’s Mark doing?” as Hyuck pulls out of you.
He can’t help but laugh slightly, shaking his head at you. “Been acting weird all week.” 
“Do you think he’s going to join us tomorrow after church? I’m kind of shocked he wasn’t here today, if I’m being honest.”
“Is that why you came over? Wanted to see your precious little Mark?” Hyuck lands a smack to your inner thigh that has you giggling. “And yeah. He’ll probably join tomorrow. Jeno says he’s walked in on Mark jacking off in the shower like, four times this week. It’s actually starting to be a bit of a problem.”
“Is frat boys jacking off in the shower not a common occurrence around here?”
“It is, but not when it’s Mark,” Hyuck laughs. “That guy needs to get fucked.”
“I’m not sure he’s ready for that yet.” 
Hyuck studies you. “What makes you say that?”
“Just a feeling.”
“Well, maybe he just needs to cum properly.”
You sit up, teasing your hands over Hyuck’s thighs. “Tell me, how does a guy ‘cum properly.’”
“Buried inside something nice, and wet, and warm,” Hyuck reaches out to grasp your chin. “Your mouth would work.”
You laugh at the idea, “Maybe if he lets me,” and Hyuck grins, getting off the bed to pull on his pants. 
“I’m gonna head to the kitchen for water, need anything?”
“Just you,” you tease. “Hurry back.”
“You got it, angel,” Hyuck winks at you before heading to the door. He pulls on his shirt as he exits the room, but just when he gets his head through the neck hole, he catches a quick glimpse of one mister Mark Lee rushing into the bathroom at the end of the hall.
Had Mark been listening this whole time? Had he been outside of the door, listening to Hyuck fuck you? 
The thought makes Hyuck laugh again, and his ego triples in size. There’s something very… intriguing about this whole situation with the frat’s ‘designated’ virginal church boy, even if this experience is making Hyuck rethink his ideas of commitment. 
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If the last Sunday service had been torture, today might just be Hell for Mark. 
He’s sweating, shaking even, his knee bobbing up and down anxiously while he sits in the back row. 
He’d returned the Bible he’d stolen last time, but he fears that he might end up taking it again. Every time he thinks about you, thinks about what it felt like to have his hand down your pants while you sucked on his neck- 
No, he can’t think about it. He can’t-
But it’s too late, he feels his cock growing in his pants, and shame washes over him. He runs a hand through his hair, fanning himself and taking deep breaths. 
It’s not ten minutes into the hour long service, and already, he’s at his breaking point. 
Mark battles with himself for another two minutes, and he finally gives up. When everyone stands to sing, he quietly excuses himself from the back row, ducking out of the church without looking back. 
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“Mark?” you sit up hastily from Hyuck’s embrace, blinking at the boy who’s just entered the room. “You’re back from church early!”
“Yeah, I couldn’t sit through it,” Mark mumbles, throwing his jacket in the closet before collapsing on his bed, running a hand through his hair.
“That’s unlike you,” Hyuck sits up next to you. “Are you sick or something?”
“Definitely sick in the head,” Mark groans. 
“Enjoying sex doesn’t make you bad,” you tell him. “Besides, we haven’t even fucked yet.”
Mark sighs. “Yet.”
“So you were thinking about her fucking you while you were in church,” Hyuck grins next to you. “That’s sinful, Mark.”
“I know!” Mark flops onto his stomach, shoving his face against his pillow.
You look at Hyuck, and he makes a face, motioning to his friend. ‘Say something’ he mouths.
‘No, you say something!’ you mouth back.  
Instead, Hyuck simply pushes you out of his bed, and you stumble onto your feet. 
“Mark…” you approach the sulking churchboy. “I know a few things that could cheer you up.” 
Mark groans, but he sits up all the same, looking at you with eyes that tell you he wants you to elaborate.
“I was thinking…” you swallow, choosing your words. “Based on your history, it sounds like maybe you’ve never had someone go down on you before-”
“Fuck, she’s so good with her mouth,” Hyuck quips. 
“I know this whole thing started with you not eating pussy, but, seeing as you made me cum last week with your fingers, I thought I could return the favour somehow.” 
Mark’s lips part, and he allows you to take his hands, pulling him to be standing in front of you. 
“What do you say Mark?” You lean forward, your lips almost touching. “Can I suck you off? Pretty please?”
Instead of answering, he kisses you, cupping the back of your neck. 
Your first kiss with Mark had been slow and gentle, but there’s a new fire in him now, and it’s only a moment before his tongue is gliding past your lower lip, begging for entrance. You release a groan, reaching down to loop your fingers in the waistband of his pants, pulling him tighter to your body.
You can feel that he’s already hard, and you love how easy it is to turn him on. You love the way he’s already becoming more explorative in the way he interacts with you, his hand steady on the back of your neck, insistent that you stay lip locked. 
For a guy who doesn’t kiss girls much, he’s a phenomenal kisser. There’s emotion in it, and he tastes like spearmint. 
You get lost in the feeling of him, but after only a little while, you’re aching to touch him properly. Your hand slips down, cupping him through his pants. The church boy shivers at the contact, and you squeeze him. It’s the first time you’ve really touched his cock, and you bet he’s already aching-
He releases the back of your neck, and you take it as a sign to begin kissing down his body. You start at his throat, licking the sensitive spot that has him grabbing your hips and releasing a moan. He makes such pretty sounds-
You continue rubbing his cock, but when your mouth gets to his collarbone, you grab at his shirt. “Can this come off?”
“Yeah,” Mark mumbles, releasing you so he can unbutton the nice church shirt he’s wearing. 
When he discards the fabric, revealing his body to you, you simply enjoy it for a moment. 
Mark and Hyuck both have such wonderful bodies. Sure, some of your friends make good arguments about the muscled forms of Jaehyun, Johnny and Jeno, but you prefer Mark’s understated physique. 
He’s a soccer player, and his body is perfectly athletic without being too much to handle.
Your kisses begin to descend, and you find yourself pausing at the cross necklace. You lean forward and press your lips to it softly. Mark lets out a shaky breath. 
You know he’s watching you, and this is your way of showing him you still respect his religion, despite persuading him to partake in the more ‘sinful’ side of life.
“Wait,” Mark says, and he lets go of you to reach behind his neck, fumbling with the clasp. You watch him with curiosity as he removes the cross, holding it gently and placing it onto his bedside table.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him without the gold chain around his throat, and you wonder what the removal of it could mean, but you try not to think too hard about it.
You sink to your knees on the floor, undoing his belt and looking up at Mark. If he doesn’t want this, he can stop you, and you give him more than enough time to make that decision. But Mark only watches you, breathing heavily as you undo the button, then the zipper-
“You want this?” you ask, hooking your fingers in his pants and briefs.
He nods. “I want you.”
You smile, tugging the fabrics down so they pool at his feet. 
“You have such a pretty cock,” you whisper, grabbing the base and swiping your thumb across the leaking tip. You notice the way Mark’s chest and neck flush pink, as if he’s embarrassed by your words, but you know that praise is good for Mark. 
You press a kiss to the head of his cock, suckling a little while Mark moans above you. 
It looks like he’s not sure where to place his hands, so you reach for one, placing it on your cheek while you take more of him into your mouth. 
“God-” Mark whispers.
“She feels good, right?” Hyuck asks.
“Yeah,” Mark nods. “Really good.”
Having them both give you praise has your pussy throbbing, and it encourages you to sink further down onto his cock, sucking harder-
“Shit-” Mark nearly whimpers, and you think this might be the first time you’ve heard him swear. 
You know it’s wrong, and bad, and dirty, and sinful- but there’s something about corrupting Mark that has you going insane. You bob up and down on his cock, stroking the base that you can’t reach with your mouth. 
“This is too hot,” Hyuck says. “I’ve gotta join.”
“How-” Mark begins to ask, but a second later, hands are pulling you off of Mark’s cock.
“Both of you, on the bed,” Hyuck instructs. “You’ve heard of spit roasting, right, Mark?”
“I-” the church boy’s skin is flushed again, and when you hop up on the bed, he follows, clamoring after you. 
“Look, you’ll have her mouth,” Hyuck gets on the mattress behind you, and you hear him undoing his belt, “and I’ll have her perfect pussy. It’s a win, win.”
Mark doesn’t argue, his eyes moving down to meet yours as you take his dick back into your mouth, picking up where you’d left off.
Hyuck, meanwhile, tears your pants down, and a moment later his fingers are gliding through your pussy. “Fuck, angel, you’re soaked. Sucking Mark’s cock really turns you on, huh?”
You groan a sound of affirmation around Mark, and his hand is quick to grab your head again, fingers flexing in your hair. 
“You can fuck her face if you want,” Hyuck suggests, working two fingers into you easily. “She loves getter her throat fucked-”
Mark’s hips twitch at the words, but he doesn’t follow through. You think maybe he doesn’t want to hurt you, and it’s an endearing idea.
Hyuck pulls his digits from your core, and they’re replaced with the head of his cock, which he rubs the length of your pussy, teasing your clit before pushing into you.
Your fuck buddy lets out a loud groan, his hands finding your hips as he sinks his length fully into your core. 
“Dude,” Hyuck breathes, “her pussy is literally Heaven-”
His first thrust sends you further onto Mark’s cock, and the man above you gasps when he hits the back of your throat. 
“Is fucking pussy going against God?” Hyuck asks, in an almost rhetoric manner. “Isn’t there some weird church loophole where anal doesn’t count? Her ass is great too, scout’s honor.”
At this point, you’re pretty sure Mark’s not even listening to Hyuck. He’s much too focused on your lips wrapped around him, and the sounds slipping out of him make you think maybe he’s close to the edge.
All things considered - for a guy who’s never been blown - Mark’s lasting remarkably well, but you don’t want him to last. You want him to cum, like he deserves to cum. 
When you suck harder, you feel Mark’s cock twitch, and he lets out a groan. “Shit, I’m gonna-”
“Cum in her mouth,” Hyuck states, pace getting rougher inside of you. “Do it. She’s a good girl. She’ll swallow. Fuck, it’s so hot when she swallows.” 
Mark moans, and he pushes his hips forward, sending his cock into the back of your throat. Your gag reflex is the thing that makes him cum, and an “Oh my God!” leaves his lips as he explodes down your throat.
Hyuck’s right, you are a good girl, and you swallow every drop, working Mark through his orgasm until he’s gasping. He pulls out of your mouth, and Hyuck takes the opportunity to fuck you even harder.
Now that you can moan freely, you fill the room with sounds of your own pleasure. When Mark gets off the bed, you fall onto your face, turning to press your cheek to the mattress while you watch Mark find his pants on the floor. 
His eyes meet yours, and you can see his pupils are blown. It’s so incredibly sexy to have Hyuck fucking you on Mark’s bed while Mark watches, and your pussy throbs around Hyuck’s cock. 
“Fuck, you just got so tight, angel,” Hyuck groans, fingers digging into your waist while his hips buck wildly. “Shit, I’m not going to last like this-”
You reach a shaky hand under your body, finding your clit, and it only makes your pussy clamp down harder on your fuck buddy, who releases another loud moan. 
“You close, angel? Sucking off Mark must have really got you going-” 
“I’m close,” you confirm, grabbing at the bedsheet with your free hand while your fingers continue on your clit. 
“Yeah, you are,” Hyuck growls. “That’s my good girl, my perfect angel. I want you to cum so bad, it’ll tip me over the edge- Fuck! I’m gonna fill you up so good, so fucking good-”
You love it when Hyuck talks dirty like this, and you gasp as you get closer and closer to your high-
“Come on,” Hyuck lands a smack to your ass, and the pained pleasure has you crying out, rubbing your clit harder. “Cum for me,” he commands.
It’s all you need to reach the edge, and you fall over it with a loud moan, forcing your eyes to stay open while you stare at Mark, who watches you with parted lips and a dazed expression.
“That’s it, that’s it-” Hyuck grunts, pace faltering as he cums too, fulfilling his promise of filling you up just the way you like it. He fucks you through your highs, and your hand falls from your clit to the bed, body on the cusp of overstimulation as Hyuck’s motions begin to slow.
As things come to a stop, Hyuck lets out a deep breath. “Mark, come over here, you’ve gotta see this.”
“I don’t want to look at your dick,” comes Mark’s quick retort.
“Then don’t look at my dick, look at her pussy with my cum dripping out of it. Trust me, it’s so fucking hot-” Hyuck pulls out of you, and you whine at the loss.
You watch Mark go around the side of the bed, and you can feel both of their eyes on your hole, which is already beginning to drip Hyuck’s cum-
You place a hand under your core, not wanting to get any of this on Mark’s bed, and Hyuck laughs loudly. 
“Aren’t you two worried about pregnancy?” Mark asks.
“That’s what birth control is for,” Hyuck says. “Cumming inside feels like nothing else in the whole world.”
“What about STI’s?”
“Well, I mean…” Hyuck gets off the bed, and you watch him grab a tissue from his desk, “we’re only really fucking each other and we’re both clean so…”
“Wait, you two only sleep with each other?” Mark sounds justifiably confused. “So… why aren’t you two… why aren’t you two dating?”
It’s a very good question, and from the way Hyuck brushes it off with a ‘you know’ and a topic change, it feels as if neither of you really have a good answer. “Anyways, you have to try this sometime,” Hyuck says again. “Next Sunday.” 
Mark sighs. “Can’t we do this on any day but Sunday?”
“Where would be the fun in that, church bitch?”
You let out a groan of annoyance, but you think you’re starting to understand this is just the way their relationship is. 
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Getting through a full week while being on the same campus as you is starting to feel like Mark’s own personal Hell. Every time he so much as catches a glimpse of you running between classes, blood rushes to his cock. 
Hell, even at soccer practice with Hyuck, every time Mark looks at his forward position roommate, all he can think about is the visual of Hyuck fucking you from behind on his own bed. 
By Friday, he’s too pent up to even attend his last class, and he rushes back to the frat to get some shower time.
He’s becoming much too used to jacking off in the shower, but he really can’t help himself. 
Mark feels like an absolute sinner, especially with the cross necklace around his neck. Today, something comes over him, and he takes it off, wrapping the gold chain around his right hand. He looks at it for a moment, and there’s almost something like curiosity-
He wraps his hand around his cock, flinching a little at the cold metal on his heated skin. As he begins to move his fist up and down his aching length, the bite of the necklace feels like repentance, like something he deserves. 
Mark takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as he thinks about you. 
He thinks about the sounds you make, the expression on your face as you cum- how your mouth had felt on his throbbing cock- 
He can’t believe how easy it is to get himself to the edge, especially with the added pain of the necklace around his hand. Does this make him even worse? It shouldn’t be this easy to cum- it shouldn’t be, but it is.
When he reaches the edge, it’s not God’s name on Mark’s lips, it’s yours.
He gasps, body tingling as he pumps his way through it, the necklace biting into his skin-
“Jesus Christ Mark! Get a fucking room!” comes Jeno’s voice. “Some of us are just trying to fucking shower!”
The outburst makes shame flood through his body, but it also only adds to the powerful sensation in his cock, his cum shooting across his chest. 
Mark’s decides he’s definitely going to Hell for this.
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Another Saturday win for the soccer team means another frat party, and Hyuck loves the attention you give him on days when he gets a goal. You’re even touchier than usual, praising him for his skills-
Yet, Hyuck finds it hard to focus on you with Mark blatantly staring from across the room. 
Hyuck has enjoyed sharing you with his roommate, more than he ever thought he would, but tonight, he wants you for himself, and when you begin kissing his neck, pushing him against the wall, Hyuck’s had enough of this public bullshit.
“My room, now,” he commands. 
With a giggle, you turn, darting off towards the stairs, and Hyuck follows you with a smile. As he climbs the steps in twos, he gets a feeling he’s being followed, and he stops on the first landing to turn and look at Mark.
“What are you doing?”
“Huh?” Mark blinks. “I’m uh… coming with you?”
“It’s Saturday.”
“So,” Hyuck sighs, “you only get access to angels on Sundays, all good Christians should know that.”
“But-” Mark opens his mouth to argue but Hyuck’s not in the mood for it tonight.
“No joining,” he says firmly. But as he looks at Mark’s defeated expression, Hyuck feels something like pity. “I guess you can stand outside the door and listen, you perv.”
Mark’s skin flares with embarrassment, but as Hyuck continues up the stairs, he gets the suspicion that Mark’s going to do exactly what he’d just suggested.
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When you arrive at the frat house on Sunday afternoon, Hyuck is waiting for you in the living room. He pulls you into a kiss, and his lips linger against your own, his fingers digging into your hips. “Are you ready for today, my little demon?”
You laugh. “I’m always ready. But we have to wait till Mark gets back from church.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Hyuck rolls his eyes. “We could always start without him.”
“That wouldn’t be very nice,” you note, grinning at your fuck buddy.
“Making me wait isn’t very nice,” Hyuck counters.
“It’s important to learn how to be patient,” you tell him, pressing another peck to his lips. “Come on, I’m sure we can find an episode of something to watch on Netflix.”
When you get to Hyuck’s room, the last thing you expect is to find Mark waiting for you. He’s sitting on his bed, staring at the floor, and his head snaps up as you enter.
“Mark?” You can’t hide your confusion. “Shouldn’t you be at church?”
“I’m not going today,” he states, standing and placing his cross necklace on the bedside table.
“Is something wrong?” you ask, walking over to grab his hands, assessing him for head injury.
“Everything is wrong,” Mark sighs. “Doing this with you two is wrong. Wanting you this badly is wrong. Getting hard in church is wrong. What I want to do to you is wrong. But… as crazy as it sounds, it also feels right.”
Hyuck lets out a whistle behind you, and you hear him locking the door. “Damn, Mark, I’m actually kind of impressed.”
“So…” you look into Mark’s eyes, “does this mean you’re ready?”
He nods. “Yeah… I’m ready.”
“Are you sure about that, church boy?” your fuck buddy asks. “Do you want us to put up a cross and see if it falls down as a sign that God thinks you’re a sinner?”
Mark takes a deep breath, and his eyes shift to Hyuck over your shoulder. “Fuck God, and fuck the cross.”
Your lips part in shock, and Mark takes that moment to grab your face and kiss you. It’s the hungriest kiss you’ve had from him so far, and you melt into his embrace, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and pressing your chest to his own. 
His tongue explores yours, as confident as ever, and his hands move down to your hips, needy and rough. When his palm slips down to grab your ass, your moan loudly, all consumed by this new Mark. 
“Shit, dude,” Hyuck whispers from behind you. “Guess I should stop calling you church boy.” 
Mark lets out a groan, and then he’s tossing you onto his bed. A squeal of delight escapes you at the roughness of it all. 
“I wanna taste you,” Mark states, breathing heavily as he looks down at you with dark eyes.
“Then taste me,” you say simply, already grabbing at your pants to push them down.
Mark helps you tug them off, and then his own fingers are hooking in the waistband of your panties, tearing them down your legs with one rough motion.
“Oh my God, Mark-” you gasp, shocked at his sudden change in attitude.
The man who gets on the bed between your legs isn’t the same man who had whimpered while he fingered you two weeks ago. He’s not a soft church boy worried about boundaries, he’s a confident man who knows what he wants. And what he want is you. 
You can’t even take a moment to breathe before Mark’s pressing his tongue against your pussy, hands firmly grabbing at your thighs while he licks a stripe of your most sensitive area.
“Fuck,” you groan, reaching down to thread your fingers through his hair.
His response is a moan that sends shivers through your body, his lips suctioning around your clit like he’s a seasoned pro. There’s no hesitation or worry about correctness, there’s only a pussy deprived man who seems to know exactly what to do to have your toes curling as you drag them across his back.
You’ve had good oral sex before, Hyuck’s particularly skilled in this field, but as wild as your fuck buddy is, he’s never been feral like this. 
Mark’s tongue is unpredictable, lapping at you and pushing into your hole, teasing your walls as he rubs his nose against your clit. “Shit, Mark, you’re so good-”
“Better than me?” Hyuck asks.
You hate to admit it, but when a strangled “Yes!” leaves your lips, it only makes Mark go harder on you. 
You have no brain space to focus on Hyuck, your eyes closed as Mark’s tongue pleasures you like no one ever has before. 
It’s like he knows your body already, as if he’s divinely guided- 
The thought has your pussy throbbing, and as if he senses your need, Mark lets go of one of your thighs, adjusting so he can slip a finger into you while his tongue returns to your clit.
“Shit, just like that-” you gasp, legs quivering over his shoulders.
Another digits slips into your wet hole, and more moans leave you as the church boy finger fucks you even better than he did last time. 
You’re consumed by Mark, completely, and it feels like Heaven to get lost in the pleasure he’s providing you. 
You apply a bit of pressure on his head, wanting him to go harder on you, and he rewards you by sucking your clit into his mouth, tongue flicking the sensitive bud.
“Fuck-” you moan, pushing your hips up toward his face. You’re already so close to cumming that it’s almost insane, and you trust that this time, nothing Hyuck could do in your periphery would prompt Mark to let up on you.
He seems Hellbent on getting you to the edge, and as his fingers crook up to stroke your gspot, you know he’s going to accomplish his task with flying colours. 
“Sounds like she’s close, dude,” Hyuck muses, reading your reactions like the back of his hand.
When you turn your head to open your eyes, you find Hyuck has his cock out, and he’s stroking it, gaze fixed on the man between your legs. 
There’s something so… fulfilling about being watched like this. To know that Hyuck’s just as turned on as you and Mark, even though he’s taking no part in your pleasure. 
Hyuck has a nice cock, and the sight of his fist wrapped tightly around it has even more lust coursing through your body. 
To have both men worshipping you in this way- it’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. 
“I’m gonna-” you stutter, licking your lips as the pleasure builds between your legs.
“Cum for me,” Mark groans against your pussy. “Please, angel, I want you to cum.” 
The ‘please’ is the cherry on top, as is the petname that usually only Hyuck ever uses on you, and combined, they throw you over the edge. 
You cry out, rutting your pussy against Mark’s face while he tongue and finger fucks you through your orgasm.
The church boy lets out sinful sounds, and you can tell he’s enjoying being used like this, enjoying making you come undone on his fingers. Your pussy is throbbing around him, and his unrelenting digits continue stroking the spot that has you tinging with overwhelming pleasure.
“Mark!” you nearly scream, overtaken by the kind of ecstasy you’ve never felt before. 
“Fuck, dude,” Hyuck breathes, “you made her squirt-”
You’re almost twitching when Mark finally pulls his tongue from your clit, and his fingers slow before slipping out of you. You open your eyes to watch him lick them clean, and he lets out a deep groan, clearly enjoying the taste of you.
You need him to fuck you, like you’ve never needed anyone - even Hyuck - to fuck you in your entire life. 
“Please,” you whimper. “Mark-”
“Let me get a condom,” he states, sitting up-
“No!” you reach out to grab at him, locking eyes with him as you state, “I want you raw.” 
It’s the first time today that he looks unsure. “I don’t-”
“I’m clean,” you insist, “and so are you-” 
“Bruh, just raw dog it,” Hyuck says. “Trust us-”
With one last look between your thighs, Mark relents, and he gets back on the bed, tugging off his shirt and his pants while you work on getting yourself naked. 
As soon as you’re both bare, Mark is laying his body over yours, pressing you into the bed while his lips move feverishly against your own. You tangle your fingers in his hair, enjoying the feeling of his cock trapped between your bodies, rubbing over your clit as he rocks his hips.
“Please,” you whimper, wrapping your legs around his hips. “Inside-” 
Mark pulls away from your lips, breathing heavily as he looks into your eyes. His gaze shifts down, and he reaches a hand to grab the base of his length, teasing it against your pussy.
You moan loudly as he toys with your clit, and then he’s testing the head of his cock against your aching hole. The tip slips just inside and you whimper, only for him to pull back, then do it again-
“God, Mark-” You dig your nails into his shoulders, throwing your head back against the pillows and closing your eyes.
He pushes his cock deeper inside of you, and you both let out groans of pleasure. His mouth returns to yours while he slowly sinks into your pussy, until his hips are flush against your own. 
“Fuck,” Mark whimpers, twitching from the new sensation. 
“Told you raw was the way to go,” Hyuck says, as if he’s the most helpful person in the room.
Both you and Mark ignore your fuck buddy, and Mark takes a test thrust that has you both gasping. 
“Just like that,” you encourage him. “Fuck, you’re doing so good-” 
His lips return to yours, and the kiss takes your breath away as he begins to find a slow pace. Each thrust is deep, intentional, and in some odd way, this doesn’t feel like fucking. Fucking is hard, fast, fevered- but this is different. This is more like making love.
Mark sucks on your bottom lip, and he adjusts one of his hands so it can come up to grab at your breast, his thumb ghosting over your nipple and making you shiver. Your body reacts, pussy throbbing around Mark’s cock, and he groans into your mouth.
“Feels like Heaven,” he whispers, massaging your boob with a loving hand. 
Your skin tingles at his words. You can take the church boy out of church, but you can't take the church out of the church boy. 
His pace is getting faster, and each thrust has the pleasure building in the pit of your stomach. It’s insane how this is Mark’s first time- it sounds like he hadn’t gotten far with the last girl he’d had under him before the Jesus picture incident- 
He’s an absolute natural, and each brush of his lips against yours has you feeling closer to him than ever before. His cock fits perfectly in your pussy, and the sounds continuing to escape him tell you that he feels just as good as you do.
“I’m not-” Mark gasps, kisses moving to your throat. “I’m not going to last long-”
“That’s okay,” you assure him, gently rubbing his back. “I’m proud of you.”
He groans, sucking on your neck. Mark’s hand moves down to your hip, anchoring you to the bed while he ruts into you faster. You know you’re close, but it can be hard to cum without clit stimulation, so you sneak your own palm down your abdomen, fingers seeking out your most sensitive spot.
You both groan when you make contact with your clit, and Mark’s breath is hot against your throat. “You close?” he asks.
“Almost,” you nod, rubbing soft circles around your clit while Mark’s cock slides in and out of your pussy. 
“Ya’ll better cum quick or I might bust a nut just watching.” Hyuck’s voice makes you laugh, but the laugh quickly becomes a moan as Mark fucks you harder, fingers digging into your hip.
“I’m so close,” Mark whispers. “Please, this feels too good-” 
“Mark,” you whimper, loving how sweetly he talks to you while buried balls deep in your pussy. 
“Please, angel, I can’t hold on much longer-”
Your skin tingles at the idea that he’s working hard not to cum, that he won’t allow himself to get there until you can reach your high with him. He’s such a soft boy, the most perfectly wonderful man you’ve ever fucked-
“I’m gonna-” you bite at your lip, closing your eyes and focusing on the feeling of ecstasy that you’re so close to reaching- 
“Cum with me,” Mark begs. “Cum with me, angel, cum-”
The desperation in his voice is what finally sends you over the edge, and you gasp as your core clamps down on him. Mark echoes your sound of pleasure, groaning loudly in your ear as his fingers dig into your hip. 
You can feel him filling you up, and it makes you extra sensitive as you ride out your orgasm, clutching his shoulders like a lifeline. 
To Mark’s credit, he fucks you through it, hips only faltering slightly before the end.
When you’re both done, you pull your hand away from your clit, and Mark all but collapses on top of you, breathing heavily as he buries his face against your neck. 
You can hardly have a moment of peace with Mark before Hyuck’s pulling at his shoulder. “My turn,” your fuck buddy insists. “Come on dude, I’ve been waiting forever-”
A laugh bubbles out of you at Hyuck’s antics, and with a loud groan, Mark gets off of you. There’s a dazed look in his eyes as he rolls onto his back in the small twin bed next to you. You wonder if he’s going to just lay there-
Hyuck’s not having it, and he reaches down to scoop you up in his arms, tossing you onto his own mattress. 
“Fuck, angel,” Hyuck looks down at your body. “How do you want it?”
You consider it for a moment, and then roll onto your stomach, lifting your hips as an invitation.
Hyuck groans loudly. “God, you’re perfect.”
He’s straddling your legs not a second later, grabbing your waist to tug you up a little bit more while he glides his cock between your closed thighs, grazing your pussy. 
“Shit, this is going to be so good,” Hyuck mutters to himself, using one hand to wrap around the base of his cock and guide it to your entrance.
He moans as he slips inside. “Fuck- I’ve never banged you using another guy’s cum as lube before, but shit, angel, I could get used to this.”
His words make you feel dirty, sinful even, a little like a whore- but something inside of you actually enjoys it. 
“Hyuck-” you whimper at how good the position feels. With your legs closed and your ass in the air, things feel more snug, and the angle has Hyuck hitting a sweet spot inside of you that has your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“I know, angel,” Hyuck assures you. “Feels fucking fantastic.”
His breath is hot against your back as he begins rutting into you, and you grab onto Hyuck’s pillow, inhaling the familiar scent of his cologne that has perfumed the material. 
“You look so good like this,” your fuck buddy says, and the slapping of his hips against your ass is making you go crazy. “I’m never going to get used to the way you look with my cock buried in your perfect fucking pussy.”
Your grip on his pillow tightens, the praise going straight to your core, which throbs around him.
“Yeah, I know you love it when I praise you. You just love being made out to be an angel while doing dirty shit an angel would never do.” 
He knows you so well it almost hurts. And when he talks to you like this, it makes you wonder why he hadn’t asked you to be his girlfriend yet. Although, if you had been his girlfriend a few weeks ago, you would have never propositioned Mark, and the idea makes you sad.
You open your eyes, looking over at the church boy you’ve come to enjoy spending time with. 
Mark’s watching you, and as Hyuck fucks you harder, you have to break the eye contact in favour of pressing your face into the pillow. Your sounds are just getting too loud, even for a frat house.
Your pussy feels like magic, to have been fucked by Mark and now Hyuck- you know you’ll be cumming again soon, whether you want to or not.
“I can feel you clenching, angel,” Hyuck laughs, as if reading your mind. “So this is as good for you as it is for me.” 
“So good,” you confirm, which only prompts him to fuck you faster, gliding in and out of your cum lubed hole easier than ever before.
“Watching Mark have you first was torture,” Hyuck tells you. “I was so close to busting multiple times- but I held out, because we both know you’re going to love being filled with us both. Dirty fucking angel.”
You whine at his words, so close to the edge you can almost taste it.
“Don’t be shy,” the man fucking you announces, “cum on this cock. I know you want to.”
Your skin tingles on the cusp of pleasure-
“Be a good little angel and cum for us.” 
There’s something about the word ‘us’ that just does it for you, and you let out a loud gasp as you fall apart. Hyuck echoes your sound, fingers digging into your hips as he reaches his own release. He fucks you even harder, groaning while your pussy clenches around his twitching cock.
“Just like that, just like that-” he pants, encouraging you while he rides you through your highs.
You’re not sure how long you cum, but when Hyuck finally slows to a stop inside of you, you think you might just pass out from all the pleasure you’ve received in such a short time.
Your fuck buddy leans over your back, pressing a kiss to your shoulder that moves up to your neck, and you tilt your head to give him better access.
“That’s our angel,” Hyuck muses softly in your ear.
You find yourself smiling. It’s the happiest you’ve been in months. 
Nothing else matters, all there is right now is safety and love and acceptance… and maybe a little bit of filth.
When Hyuck pulls out of your pussy, you feel yourself immediately begin to drip, and you do your due diligence, shifting your hand under your body to collect the fluid so it doesn’t ruin Hyuck’s bed.
Your fuck buddy grabs a few tissues, and then he’s sitting by your thighs, spreading your ass cheeks so he can get a good look at you while he groans at the sight.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he says, gently wiping your abused hole, cleaning you of his and Mark’s cum. “I don’t think you even know how hot you are.”
He’s probably right about that, but you’re sure that if you keep doing this with him and Mark, they’ll make you learn.
When Hyuck’s done with his very basic aftercare, he flops onto the bed behind you, back to the wall while he cradles you to his chest. His lips return to your shoulder, and the soft kisses make you whimper from sensitivity.
Then- something is falling on you, and you jolt, eyes snapping open-
“Shit,” Hyuck groans, and you realize the soccer poster has slipped off the wall and onto your bodies.
Your gaze immediately goes to Mark, and you see a look of shock in his expression. “Oh my God-”
“It’s not God,” Hyuck assures you both. “It’s probably just Jeno fucking some chick on the other side of the wall.” As if to prove his point, your fuck buddy bangs the wall three times, and a moment later there are three returned bang noises. “See? Totally just Jeno fucking.”
Mark doesn’t look very convinced, and he rolls onto his back, staring up at the ceiling while he runs his hands through his hair.
“I hope this fucking poster isn’t going to stop you from joining us again next Sunday,” Hyuck says as he pushes the symbol of Jeno’s sex life to the floor.
“Next Sunday?” Mark turns to look at you both.
“Yeah, next Sunday,” Hyuck repeats. “You do want to cum again, don’t you?”
The church boy lets out a deep sigh, but then he’s nodding. “Yeah.”
“Perfect, then it’s settled,” Hyuck grins against your shoulder. 
Your fuck buddy is something of an enigma, and you’re never quite sure if you’ve gotten him figured out. He’d started this whole thing being reluctant to allow Mark to join, but now, it seems as if he relishes the thought of having Sunday dick appointments with his best friend.
Although, as you stare at the pretty church boy in the bed across from yours, you really can’t say that you mind. 
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I just love Markhyuck?
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. “I’m bad?” Hyuck gasps in shock. “Says the people fucking in an accesibility washroom?” He has a point there, and even Mark lets out a chuckle while he presses his lips firmly to your neck, his hips beginning to thrust so he can glide his cock in and out of your wet pussy.“I expect this from her, but from you, church boy?” Hyuck shakes his head while leaning back against the locked door, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m still shocked by how sinful you’ve become.”
cw/ tw. Exhibitionism, threesome, hand job, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, mention of fingering and pussy eating, praise, some degradation with affectionate use of ‘whore/slut’, the constant ‘sin’ mentions, slight cumplay/leaving panties on after having 2 men’s cum in you, bathroom sex, etc… I petnames. (hers) angel. (mark’s) church boy. 
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2k I teaser wc. 270
🌙 staring. Haechan & Mark x afab!reader
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It’s been something like four months since you and Hyuck invited Mark into your unconventional relationship, and so much has changed since then. Having battled for a long time with perceived self-worth, it seemed that the inclusion of a friend within the relationship was all Hyuck had needed to realize his deeper feelings for you, and feel comfortable enough to share them.
Now, Hyuck’s having the best sex of his life with his two best friends in the entire world. Despite Hyuck’s growth, however, it’s clear that the person most changed by your relationship is none other than the OG church boy himself.
Hyuck had thought he’d been horny when he entered university, but it feels as if Mark’s pent-up energy has made him significantly hornier. 
Sitting in class, knowing you and Mark have a spare right now… well, Hyuck can only imagine what the two of you might be up to. As the lecture gets particularly boring, Hyuck pulls out his phone, opening snapchat maps to see if he can pinpoint you and his roommate.
Hyuck’s not shocked to find you were both active on snapchat ten minutes ago, in a building closeby. He’d never been one for maps, but since you and Mark had started fucking, Hyuck had been forced to learn all feasible sexcipade locations on campus. If he’s not mistaken, you and Mark are in one of the single occupancy accessibility bathrooms on the first floor of the arts building, and the thought makes him swallow thickly. 
With one last look at his boring teacher, Hyuck grabs his backpack and he slinks out of the lecture hall.
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