#but also the beard. hunny when I see him with the beard.
martianbugsbunny · 1 year
ah stab me it's Hugh Jackman gives me gender envy hours again
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imagines4thefandoms · 3 years
Scary Facial Hair
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There are many great things about being married to a celebrity. The fancy dinners, the movie premiers, the nice fans. But there were also many terrible things: how they are gone for months at a time sometimes, the little to no privacy, and worse of all they had no control over how they look sometimes. After being married to Chris for two years and dating him for three years prior, you were used to it. You tease him about how he changes his look more than you do. It has never been really bothered you, but you weren’t going to lie and say you loved all the looks.
“Honey, I’m home,” Chris called walking through the front door.
You put your book down and turned to welcome your husband. He held his arms out and has a sheepish smile on his face. He no longer has his beard that you loved so much he had a mustache. Chris looked good no matter how his hair looked but the mustache was the worse.
“No,” you cried covering your face.
“I love you too,” he said wrapping his arms around you.
“How long,” you asked sadly looking up at your husband.
“A while I’m afraid,” he replied kissing the top of your head.
Chris knew how much you hated the mustache. You always joked about how it made him look like a serial killer or a pornstar. Your husband took off his jacket and sat down next to you after having a long day running through lines and other pre-production things he had to do for his new role.
“As your amazing wife I will allow this but I wouldn’t be upset if you just quit and we go away and forget this thing ever happened,” she shivered as he placed his head on her lap.
“You are amazing,” he said turning his head to kiss your knee and your hands went through his hair.
The two of you just stayed in that position in complete silence enjoying each other's company. It wasn’t often the two of you got to be alone. But the alone time was interrupted but the baby talk of your 18-month-old daughter just walking up from her nap.
“Daddy’s home,” Chris said sitting up in a sudden ball of energy.
You would have gotten up but you were too enthralled in thinking of how much of an amazing father Chris is. He always made sure he came home for bedtime and he would sometimes sneak out of your shared room to play with (d/n) in the middle of the night. Chris has been wrapped around her little finger since he first heard her heartbeat.
A big smile fell from your face when you heard your daughter screaming and crying in her room. You ran to her and saw a look of fear on her face whenever Chris tried to pick her up. As soon as she notice you she held her arms out for you and wouldn’t stop crying until you picked her up.
“Is she sick,” Chris asked worriedly.
“No she was fine an hour ago,” you said checking her for a fever.
Thinking she was hungry you tried to hand her over to Chris so you could get her a bottle but she wanted nothing to do with him. It was weird seeing how your husband was her favorite. Then it hit you. She doesn’t want Chris because she doesn’t recognize him. She has only ever seen him with his beard. Your husband was standing next to you worried out of his mind while you started laughing.
“Y/n, why are you laughing,” he asked slightly annoyed that you were making a joke of this poss dangerous situation.
“Hunny she’s completely fine. But I’m not the only one who doesn’t like the mustache,” you explained laughing.
Chris didn’t think it was funny. His little girl didn’t recognize him. You could notice the moment he realized he was the reason she was screaming and crying and could swear you heard his heartbreak.
“Hey don’t worry, she’ll get used to it,” you said walking out of the room with your daughter still attached to your hip.
As soon as you walked out of her bedroom her little eyes went searching around the room. “Where daddy,” she asked wiggling out of your arms to go search.
“I'm right here pumpkin,” Chris said kneeling down to look her in the eyes.
“No, dadda hair,” she said touching her chin as to say so her dad has a beard.
“Daddy shaved it, baby, he looks a little silly now,” you explained trying to fix your giant manchild's heart.
“Dadda no hair,” she questioned. She had this look of deep concentration as if trying to understand this stranger was her father. She was drawn out of her cute little train of thought by dodger running down the stairs and licking (d/n)’s face before turning to Chris and knocking him on his ass.
Seeing how dodger was with him helped her connect the dots. Her little face it up and she ran and jumped on Chris’s stomach making him groan in pain.
“Dadda home,” she squealed as she sat on his stomach and started bouncing.
“Yes I am pumpkin,” your husband replied letting out a sigh of relief. She then stared him down as she moved up his chest and placed her little hand on his chin.
“No like daddy,” she said with a very serious tone making you bust out laughing.
“Mommy doesn’t like either,” he said laughing at the seriousness of his 18-month-old.
She looked over to you to get a confirmation that you didn’t like your husband's new look. “Mommy doesn’t like it but I do love daddy. Even when he looks silly,” you said ripping her off Chris and placing her on the ground next to him. She let out a little giggle at the sudden movement and when dodge thought it was playtime and he started licking all over her face.
After the brief playing and a tickle fight ending with your daughter being a trader and teaming up with your husband, the three of you just laid down you on your husband's right side and your daughter on his left.
“Dadda why no hair,” she asked sitting up.
“For work baby,” he explained pushing some of her hair behind her ear.
“Work bad,” she replied crossing her arms with a little pout.
Your husband let out a little laugh and looked over at you. “I wonder where she gets that,” he said kissing your nose.
“I know sweet pea, I’m going to call daddy’s work tomorrow,” you told her ignoring his previous contact.
Chris just laid there watching as his two favorite girls “talked” about grounding his boss and everyone on set. There was no place he would rather be than being harassed by his wife and daughter about his facial hair.
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christaspirit · 2 years
Spoilers below:
Andrias yells at a crown.
Marcy, Sasha, how were you breathing after you powered down?
Sprig? Hunny, how are you planning on breathing?
The stones broke... The stones are broken! How are they gonna get home?!
Sprig, how are you breathing? Like, there's no air in space. I understand Anne, and the girls when they're powered up, but what about you?
There are cracks on Anne's face... and her voice is echoing...
Wait, no the cracks are on her whole body!
Anne's straight-up destroying the moon...
Um... Anne's solid white...
Did Anne turn to stone…?
Really Anne? Love Choice 2? (I did see the billboard for it in the previous episode)
Wait, what was all that echoing?
Anne! Where are you?
What are those lights?
Um… floating island with a house on it. Okay, cool, cool.
A normal looking house, the plantar family sign, her tennis racket sticking out of the island, two swords on the island in front of her, a pond, and a garden.
What’s with all the shooting stars?
Okay, so this is a mix of Amphibia and earth… why?
Okay, the computer just turned into Domino!
“A watcher. A viewer. I’m not in the demographic though.”
Wow. Breaking the fourth wall there guardian thingy.
Oh. Wow. It really would make her brain explode.
Wait, Marcy and Sasha pictures are in the background!
A job?
Wait, that eternal being sounds really young… is it a child voice actor or something?
“I created the stones to see how mortals would handle unlimited power. Turns out, not that well.”
Well! That clears up a couple of questions.
Straight up turns down an immortal beings offer to do an incredible job. Also, for someone who said you had a choice, they seemed pretty annoyed.
Woah, Anne’s floating over the black hole portal.
Woah. Domino immortal turned into an amazing mystical immortal. Also, yay! Anne’s gonna be okay! And maybe accept the job when her life is done?
Good for the immortal to accept that just waiting until Anne is dead is fine after living for eons.
“Wait, are you saying that in 78 years I’m gonna-?!”
Um, no, the immortal was probably just making an estimate.
The stone leaves being the only thing left of her dead body, and everyone’s mourning them.
“What’s everyone looking at?” “Not now Anne. We’re mourning the loss of a true hero.”
The peak of thinking someone’s dead when they just came back.
Sprig being the first one to realize she’s back.
Everyone tackles Anne to the ground!
“Well, the moon and the core exploded, then, so did you!”
The stones! New stones!
Oh, so it’s a one time trip… Matt don’t do this to us!!!!
Marcy, Olivia, and Yunan!! The newt moms theory!
Are they a thing?! Like, the handholding focus!!
Marcy said bye to Andrias. Well…
Grime struggling to get the flower crown on Sasha😂
Also, his arm was wrapped.
And using the soldier formalities 😂
Sasha dramatically breaking into tears🤣
Percy and Braddock! Sasha does miss them!
Grime and Sasha are both very dramatic.
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This photo was too funny not to put in🤣
“…take over the world.” “Without you as my moral compass, I definitely will.”
Poor Sprig…
Anne just gave him her phone?!
Sprig hugging Anne right before she goes through the portal is so cute…
So the music box just disintegrated…
Polly is gonna get orange hair!
Andrias gardening with a little robot watering can and using Barrel’s war hammer as a cane…
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Maddie’s now running some stand.
Mrs. Croaker is dancing.
Loggle is no longer buff🤣
Yunan isn’t wearing her armor. Also, she and Olivia are DEFINITELY dating. And I love Olivia’s new dress!
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Wait, Grime now has a beard?! And is wearing something other than armor?!
Are Joe and Bessie… you know…?
Oh yes. Olivia and Yunan are dating.
Yunan still has to give her whole long speech!
“I know sweetheart.”
Hop Pop’s love of avocados continues.
Hop Pop and Sylvia.
Sprig has even more hair! And he hangs out in Anne’s room!
A statue of Anne?
Oh my gosh😭
Ivy looks wild.
A new continent?
A ten year time skip?!
Is that Marcy? It’s a green bag, and she’d be the one that moved away.
Marcy! Your hair has grown!
Short haired Sasha. And the patch on her jacket is the two swords she had in Amphibia!
Oh course Marcy tripped.
Happy Birthday bag with a frog on it.
Wow. Sasha loved those swords so much she had a thing for her car’s mirror made. Also, is it Anne’s birthday again?
Marcy’s making a webcomic?! And Sasha reads it?!
Wait, if Sasha and Anne aren’t close anymore, then what’s with the presents?
What is Anne doing?
The Wonderful World of Frogs?☺️
So Sprig is a pink South American tree frog?
Anne named the pink frog Sprig?😊🥰
Frog lady?😂
Oh it IS Anne’s birthday!
The calamity trio hugs!
Matt, why’d you separate Earth and Amphibia?😭😭😭😭
I meant to post this yesterday but I wasn’t allowed to finish the episode😂
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Real Good Man
Word Count: 1,470
Warnings: Not really much.
Summary: Another song fic. This one to the tune of "Real Good Man" by Tim McGraw. Starring Elias playing in a road side dive bar.
Billie, Peyton, and Elizabeth walked into the little dive bar just after sunset. It was a place that people would go for drinks after work, or grab a burger and catch up with friends. Most nights there as live local music. This Saturday night was no different. A bunch of people, all seemingly knowing each other, crowded around blowing off some steam from the work week. Whoever was playing tonight wasn't there yet so they just had music flowing through the speakers.
Girl, you've never known no one like me,
Up there in your high society,
They might tell you I'm no good,
But girl they need to understand,
Just who I am.
I may be a real bad boy,
But baby I'm a real good man.
The girls had found a small unoccupied table. Elizabeth hurried over to it quickly and sat down before someone else could get it. Peyton sat down slowly while Billie ran her fingers along the top of the table cringing at whatever the sticky substance was that she was feeling.
"What?" Elizabeth asked, seeing her face.
"Oh, it's nothing. Just a little something on the table here." Billie replied, trying to settle back into a normal facial expression. "Maybe we should try and find another one."
"This is the only one that was open. Besides, they're probably all like that. We'll get it cleaned off." Elizabeth replied.
"Even more of a reason why we should leave." Peyton emphasized.
"Guys, it's really busy in here tonight and there's only one girl working. We probably grabbed this right after other people got up and they didn't get a chance to wipe it down yet." Elizabeth tried to ease their minds.
"Right. Like that dirty rag they'd use would actually clean anything off anyway." Peyton rolled her eyes as Billie slowly sat down. "Note to self, don't let Liz pick for ladies night anymore."
"Come on, relax! Let's just get a drink and some wings and have fun!"
Funny how this place was beneath her fancy friends now. However, when they were in high school and this place didn't bat an eye at their fake ID's they'd be in here any chance they got.
"It'll be just like old times."
"What? You mean Billie's going to throw up in the back of a taxi cab on the way home and my phone will get lost forever?"
Billie laughed at Peyton's joke, but I knew she was partially serious. Billie may have been trying, but Peyton wasn't hiding her displeasure at all. I rolled my eyes and looked around for the one poor girl working to see if I could get some water to at least get the table cleaned off. Maybe that would calm them down.
"Ah, now I think I know why Liz drug us out to this crap shack." Billie commented as she looked towards the stage.
Elizabeth and Peyton shifted their eyes to the small stage. The musician had arrived and set his guitar down next to the stool. He was in jeans and boots, the same as just about everyone else in there. Some old worn rock shirt with the sleeves cut off accenting his sculpted arms. He had some bandannas everywhere except on his long brown hair. His hair somewhat flowed into the long beard he had.
I may drink too much and play too loud,
Hang out with a rough and rowdy crowd,
That don't mean I don't respect,
My mama or my Uncle Sam,
Yes sir, yes ma'am,
I may be a real bad boy,
But baby I'm a real good man.
The singer sat atop the stool and rested his acoustic guitar in his lap. He looked in the direction of Elizabeth's table and winked. Elizabeth blushed and a little smile appeared across her lips as he began adjusting the microphone in front of him so he could speak into it.
"Hello I am Elias. Thank you all for coming out tonight. Just as soon as I get Lizzy here all tuned up, we'll be ready to go and hopefully we'll all have a real good time tonight."
Elizabeth didn't take her eyes off of the man on the stage, so she didn't notice the looks Billie and Peyton were exchanging with each other.
"Oh no. No no no. Liz don't tell us you still have a thing for that guy?" Peyton asked.
Elizabeth blushed again. She couldn't deny it. One night she was here and Elias had been playing that night. He hung around after for a few drinks and the two ended up talking. They exchanged numbers by the end of the night. Had talked a lot. She told her friends about him a few months back, and they were disappointed in her taste in men. They thought she could do so much better, so she kept it a secret from them that they had seen each other a few times.
"So what if she does? She's just a little attracted to the bad boy from the other side of the tracks. It's kind of cute." Billie defended.
"Oh yeah, real cute that our Liz could be a groupie for some no name who looks like he hasn't bathed in a week.”
"No one said anything about her being a groupie! It's not like she actually slept with him." Billie stated confidently.
"Oh no?"
"Of course not! She'd have told us!"
“He named the guitar Lizzy!”
“Coincidence? Besides, if she already slept with him I doubt he’d be looking over here giving her those puppy dog eyes. He’d have moved on by now.”
Elizabeth sat and watched her friends as they argued about her life, not giving her any room to input. So she focused her attention back to Elias, biting her lip as she watched him study his guitar. Expertly moving his fingers along the strings and thinking back to their last date.
I might have a reckless streak,
At least a country mile wide,
If you're gonna run with me,
It's gonna be a wild ride,
When it comes to lovin' you,
I've got velvet hands,
I'll show you how a real bad boy,
Can be a real good man.
After finishing up with his guitar, Elias spoke again.
"Alright, now that I'm done with her, I'm gonna head over to the bar and get a drink or three and then we can get this show started! I'll also be taking some requests tonight. Just keep in mind, if they're dirty songs," He paused. "I'm more likely to play 'em."
He winked and stood up as some people in the audience laughed along as they enjoyed their drinks. He set his guitar down and walked over to the bar.
"Ugh. Some people just never grow up." Peyton commented while rolling her eyes.
"You know Liz, it's really not nice of you to come here and tease the poor guy. He's going to get his hopes up thinking he can get someone like you." Billie said to her friend.
"She's right. You don't have to crush two of his dreams in one night."
"Two?" Elizabeth question.
"Well Lord knows his music career isn't going anywhere."
Elias walked across the room back to the stage with a beer bottle in his hand. Finally the waitress had made their way over to their table. She set down some fruity looking drink in front of Elizabeth.
"What can I get you ladies?" She asked in a friendly tone.
"Um, we didn't order this." Billie stated as she pointed at the drink.
"I know. It's from the musician on the stage. He said it was her favorite." She said with a smile.
Elizabeth smiled in return before taking a sip.
"But, how did he know?" Peyton whispered to herself.
The guitar strum startled the girls,and Payton and Billie looked at each other.
"What else can I get you ladies?"
"Hunny, could you give us a minute?" Peyton asked as she looked up at the confused waitress.
She said sure as she stepped back. Elizabeth gave her an apologetic look as she walked away. Both girls looked at Elizabeth, knowing what they wanted to ask but not able to find the words. Elizabeth wasn't sure how the rest of this night would go down after everything that had been said, but at some point she still wanted to formally introduce her oldest friends to her boyfriend.
I'll take all the good times I can get,
I'm too young for growing up just yet,
Ain't much I can promise you,
Except to do the best I can,
I'll be damned,
I may be a real bad boy,
But baby I'm a real good man.
I may be a real bad boy,
Oh but baby I'm a real good man.
Yes I am.
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floralfloyd · 4 years
A Field of Flowers - Samuel Castell Chapter 7
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Chapter 6        Chapter 8
The rooster crowed, waking Lucille from her peaceful slumber, it seemed as though her head was heavy, she couldn’t lift it. Her eyes glanced up and the sight could’ve melted her heart. Samuel was fast asleep, his head on top of hers. He stayed the whole night? what a sweetheart he is. She smiled at her thoughts as she gently moved his head onto a pillow.
Lucille slipped out of the bed and moved to get changed. She’d be damned if she was going to lay in bed all day, especially when the floor need scrubbed.
With a pail full of fresh water from the well, she began to scrub the floorboards, humming as she worked.
Samuel was awoken by the sound of scrubbing. His eyes took some adjusting to the bright sun light that flowed through the adjacent window. Sitting up he let out a soft groan, his awkward angle he lay at had only made his sore back even more sore. When his eyes found the source of the noise, he was up like a shot
“Ahh, no you don’t” he said as he gently picked her up from the spot on the floor. “You should be resting, not scrubbing the floors. I’ll get Mercy to get that while I’m at Christopher’s”
Lucille rolled her eyes as she was laid back down “I’m fine Samuel, I really don’t see the fuss. I’m only doing some light scrubbing”
“Light scrubbing is still work; you need to rest. If you stay here and do so while I take the bread to Christopher, I’ll take you for a stroll after supper. I refuse to go back into the same household as Jocelyn until all of this is clear” he said as he caressed her cheek
She leaned into his touch as her eyes shut “How do you do it? Get me to listen, no one has ever achieved such things. I’m a very stubborn person”
Samuel placed a gentle kiss to her cheek “I do it with love and being patient” he stepped away “I’ll be back as soon as I can, I’ll have Mercy come keep you company, my flower”
“So, you think that whatever poisoned Lucille, has come from this bread?” Christopher Priestley began rolling up his sleeves as he looked down at the bread Samuel had brought to him.
“Well, it’s the only thing she said she’s touched recently that could be the source” he spoke as he kept a hold of his cloak
The Doctor nodded as began to examine the bread before pouring a liquid over it that acted like stomach acid.
The bread gave off a strong odour, one like the plant that the poison came from. Samuel didn’t need to wait for Christopher to say anything, he could tell by the look on his face that it was indeed the bread that had been the carrier of the poison.
Rage overtook Samuel’s body as he walked as quick as he could over to the governor’s house. Normally he’d rather talk a situation out till it came to resolve but it was not an option when it came to Lucille’s life, the one thing that got him through his days. People around the settlement could sense for days that there was something not right between the recorder and his wife to be.
Temperance Yeardley opened the door, a smile on her lips “Good morning, Recorder Castell. My husband is at his desk, any news on Mistress Smith. I have sent my prayers to god in hope that she is well”
“That’s what I’m here to talk about with your husband, Lady Yeardley. You are welcome to listen in as I know you and Mistress Smith have become very close, especially through the art of tapestries” he said as he stepped in to the house.
George Yeardley was sat behind the oak desk that was near the back of the room, he was writing his monthly reports back to England of news from the settlement. Placing the quill down he glanced up at the sound of footsteps on the wooden floor. “Ahh, Samuel. I trust that you’re here with some news on our beloved house maid”
“Yes, sir. She’s awake and well but the doctor has put her under a few days rest to make sure the poison has passed” he said as he looked between the Yeardley’s
“Poison? Who would poison such a girl?” The governor asked as he stood from his desk to glance out the window “I need answers, I can’t have someone who dabbles with poison walking free in Jamestown”
The Recorder nodded in agreement as he rubbed at his beard, working out how he would word his next sentence “I have been led to believe it’s my wife to be, Jocelyn. She gave Lucille the bread that contained the poison, I know its not much evidence wise but both me and Mercy can vouch thar she was outside our home at the time that Mistress Smith said Jocelyn visited”
The governor took the information, he did get annoyed with how Mistress Woodbryg would go out of her way to meddle with the affairs that was colony politics. “And you still wish to marry Mistress Woodbryg?”
“No, sir. I have tried all I can to tame and stop her ways but its just not possible. She has no interest in having kids or even the prospect of being intimate apart from when she tries to lure me” he spoke “She was nothing like this when I met her but it seems I’ve been fooled”
“Well, then it is done, we shall arrest Mistress Castell and see what charges Mistress Smith would like to press against her. At the very most she will be sent back to England where the justice system over there will decide her fate.”
“Thank you, Sir. I must get back to Mistress Smith and Mercy.” He bowed slightly as he left the Yeardley’s, picking out some flowers he made his way across the settlement towards the maid’s house,
“Samuel! That’s where you are, hunny bunch” Jocelyn smiled as she stood in front of him “Those are gorgeous, how lucky a girl I-“
“Just stop! No more Jocelyn!” he sighed as he moved from her grip “We are no more; I know how you poisoned Mistress Smith. I tried and tried with you but your nothing other than cold hearted. It’s obvious that you don’t love me, and I’m not prepared to spend my life with a woman who doesn’t love me back enough to stay out of business that is not hers. You have until tomorrow to get your stuff out of the house”
He walked off not giving her another look. Yeah it hurt but now it meant that he and Lucille could have their chance at happiness, if she wanted so.
Mercy hummed softly as she folded one of Lucille’s dresses into the pile in the corner. The young brunette was asleep in her bed, it had seemed that after Mercy had fed her the medicine Doctor Priestley had prescribed for her stomach pain, made her very drowsy and sleepy.
Samuel knocked before stepping in, he smiled over at Mercy as he placed the flowers in a vase “You can head back now and continue with your work, Mercy. I have Mistress Smith under control. Also, help Mistress Woodbryg with her belongings”
Mercy nodded with a smile as she made her way back to her work, a spring in her step.
Lucille heard voices and began to come round from her nap “What’s this about getting Mistress Woodbryg’s belongings?” her voice just above a whisper
“We can be together, Luce. I took the news about the bread to the governor and he has sent out for Jocelyn’s arrest” he smiled as he sat down on the edge of her bed, taking his hands in hers.
Her eyes widened as she couldn’t keep the grin from forming on her lips as she leaned forward pulling Samuel into the tightest hug, she could muster the strength to give.
“Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife, Lucille Smith?”
Tag List: @supernaturalee @queensdivas @what-wicked-delights @im-an-adult-ish @likesomekindofcheese @ramimalekpan
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writingformadderton · 5 years
I Want Love💜
Ship: Madderton
Word Count: 2857
Summary: Taron and Richard have both been in traumatic relationships and are still struggling to connect romantically to a person. But things seem to change when they meet on set and get to know each other better. Those changes are feared of both and they try to work it out together.
Additional tags: kissing, fluff, trauma, crying, comfort 
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Taron comes out of his trailer and walks into the main building in the middle of set. Dexter Fletcher, the director, called an imprompt meeting about an hour ago. Taron walked in, phone in hand, and is greeted by Jamie with open arms. He smiles and asks how he’s feeling today, then takes a seat next to Bryce. She smiles and kisses his cheek, looking back at her phone.
Today is the day they get to meet Richard Madden. Fellow co-star to them all, and on-screen lover to Taron. So many people have told him over the years that he and Richard would get along easily, but they just never met before. He was genuinely curious as to the kind of person he was if he was supposedly a good match for a friendship.
The door opens and Dexter comes in. “Guys, meet your new co-star.” he says smiling and steps aside.
Richard comes in and smiles brightly. “Hey everyone. I’m Richard.” he speaks and waves.
Jamie and Bryce are the first to make their way towards him and shake his hand with bright smiles. Taron gets up afterwards and takes his hand, greeting him. He looks into his bright stunning blue eyes and quickly scans his body. His heart skips a beat. Styled brown hair with a noticeable grey streak in the front, full lips, strong jaw covered by a healthy beard, and incredibly handsome to the immediate eye. Taron’s palms begin to sweat once he lets Richard’s hand go. His eyes can’t tear away from the man. But he forces himself to look away, already feeling himself grow attach to his co-star in an unhealthy way. He can’t fall for him so easily. He won’t.
Richard begins to socialize with all his new coworkers. Rich is talking to Bryce, but his eyes are fixed on someone else. He stares at Taron, who leans against a table while talking to Jamie. The adorable blueish green eyes, the strong jaw decorated with barely there stubble, his bright smile and dimples that pop when he laughs, and his overall very handsome being. Richard feels himself get warm inside, his heart fluttering as he admires the Welsh man. But he switches his gaze back to Bryce, trying to avoid any further fixation to his co-star. It’s inappropriate to already have a crush on your on-screen partner that won’t be reciprocated, he tells himself. It’ll only hurt him when it’s all said and done.
Dexter grabs Richard and walks him over to Taron. “Taron, I think you two should get to know each other. It’ll be useful for the movie chemistry.” He says with a hopeful glint in his eyes.
Taron nods and smiles, his heart beating a little faster. “Sure.” He responds and the director walks away happily, Bryce and Jamie in tow for their scenes. They stand there for a few moments, a bit of an awkward silence between the two of them. There was also a small tension in the air, but not thick enough to acknowledge fully. “So you wanna grab something to eat and just talk?” He asks a little nervous.
“Sounds lovely.” Richard says with a smile and they head outside. They walk side by side throughout the city and search for a good place to eat. While walking, they just talk about whatever comes to mind. They seem to click and it all flows so easily. Both decide to try an Italian restaurant, but once they sit down, they barely focus on their meals. Taron unlocks the key to what makes Richard laugh and he does not stop the entire time at the restaurant. They eventually eat their semi-cold food and pay for their meals. 
For the next two weeks, the boys are inseparable and spill everything to each other. One day on set in Taron’s trailer, the two are drinking a bottle of wine and chilling on the sofa. The topic of relationships come up and there’s almost an immediate tension cloud covering the air. Both men were afraid of this topic, each having their own tragic past experiences they still work everyday to heal from. “So, are you in a relationship at the moment?” Richard asks and takes a sip of his wine, glancing at the Welsh. Taron flinches slightly at the question and shakes his head slowly. The memories slowly flash in his mind. Richard sees his mood change and frowns. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want. I didn’t mean to intrude.” He quickly apologizes.
Taron smiles weakly and looks into Richard’s worried eyes. Man, he could get lost in those eyes forever. He pulls his gaze away, instead focusing on the almost empty wine glass in his hand. “It’s okay. The last relationship I was in was just absolute shit.” He chuckles lightly and doesn’t dare look back into Richard’s eyes.
Richard puts a hand on Taron’s knee gently. “You wanna talk about it?” His voice softens, which gives Taron confidence to open up to him about the situation.
Taron shrugs a little and bites his lip. “It was wonderful in the beginning. I think we had the absolute best time. But then, we started fighting because he just wasn’t happy with me anymore. Always on about the things I did or said. And then it became physical...” Taron trails off and stares down at his thighs. His hand holding the wine glass is shaking and the flashbacks are haunting him. Suddenly, he feels Richard’s strong arms wrap around his body, the scent of his cologne warm and welcoming.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that. You didn’t deserve it, at all. Sadly, I know exactly what you went through.” Richard sympathizes and admits softly. He rubs Taron’s back gently.
Taron takes note of his words and puts his glass down, returning the embrace. “You’ve dealt with something similar?” He asks, pain hinting in his voice for the Scottish man. He feels tears well up in his eyes not only for himself, but for his friend.
Richard sighs and nods. “He destroyed my trust in the people I loved.” He begins to explain and pulls away from Taron, gently stroking his knee. “It’s been 3 years, I’m still afraid to fall in love.” Richard speaks barely below a whisper and looks over at Taron, who has a tear falling from his eye. He wipes it away and Taron shivers under his touch. “Please don’t cry. I’m gonna be alright. We’re gonna be alright.” He cups the younger one’s face in his hands, trying to ease the pain.
They look deeply into each other’s eyes. Then it came. They realized they had fallen for each other, even though they tried to keep their walls up and avoid it. Taron looks down at Richard’s lips, just mere Inches away from his own. He slowly leans in and Richard closes the gap between them. There’s an immediate spark and they sink into the kiss, not wanting it to end. Taron leans in more and Richard lies down on the sofa, still cupping his face. In the moment, it all feels perfect. But, it doesn’t mask the horrid memories sadly.
Suddenly, Richard pulls away and turns his head to the side. His lips begin to tremble and a silent tear rolls down his face. Taron’s demeanor changes and he sits back, carefully watching him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-“ He starts to say.
Richard shakes his head and sits up. He takes Taron’s hand in his own and takes a deep breath. “I can’t do this. It’s not you, it’s just... something I need to cope with and lay to rest.” Richard whispers and wipes away his own tears. He lets Taron’s hand go and stands up. “I’m sorry Taron. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He avoids his gaze and leaves his trailer, leaving Taron in silence.
He sits there speechless and after a few moments, he starts crying. He presses his hand to his mouth, muffling his cries. Why did he have to be so stupid? Kissing Richard right after they shared their heartbreaks to each other, at their most vulnerable. Richard definitely won’t want him now. Their chances were ruined.
A knock on the door echoes through the trailer and Taron tries to quiet down. “Taron? Dex wanted to talk to us about the scene tomorrow.” Bryce’s voice rings in the air softly.
Taron takes a deep breath. “Tell him I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” His voice is shaky and higher than normal.
“You okay? You don’t sound good.” She asks concerned. Taron doesn’t answer, he is just staring down at his lap. “Open the door Taron.” She speaks softly.
Taron stands up and walks towards the door slowly. Bryce would understand his situation, she always did. He opens the door and lets her in, trying to hide his face. But it’s too late. “Oh no, what’s wrong hunny?” She asks, looking at the tear streaks and his red eyes.
“I just did something dumb.” He chokes out, feeling the tears stream down again. How could he truly be such an idiot?
Both sit down on the sofa and face each other. “Come here.” Bryce sighs and opens her arms. She takes her younger co-star in her arms and rubs his back. Taron lets go and starts sobbing again. “Shh, it’s gonna be alright. Just let it out.” She whispers in his ear and hugs him tight.
After a little while, Taron stops crying and is breathing evenly again. “I’m sorry Bryce. I just did the most idiotic thing I did in a while.” He mumbles just enough for her to hear.
She frowns. “Is it with Richard? He walked by me looking sad.
Taron nods and stares down at his hands. “We were talking about our previous relationships and turns out, he left a toxic relationship like I did.” He explains. “We talked about it and then we kissed, which was too much for him at the moment.” He looks at her sadly. “I think I’m falling in love with someone I shouldn’t.”
Bryce wraps her arm around her friend, hating that he’s in pain. She looks at him softly. “We can’t help who we fall in love with hunny. Give each other time. I think you two should talk about it when you’re both clear headed and calm.” She speaks gently and smiles a little, kissing his cheek. She stands up and pulls him into a hug, rubbing his back. Taron feels a little better in her embrace, letting out a small sigh. He whispers a thank you to her and she smiles, walking out of the trailer with him and to the building he met Rich just a couple weeks prior.
They arrive late to the meeting and all eyes are on them when they walk in. There’s an empty seat next to Richard and Bryce walks over, sitting in that seat. Taron decides to take an empty seat opposite of the sofa focuses solely on Dexter, who’s talking about tomorrow’s shoot. Richard’s eyes can’t help but fall on Taron. He immediately regretted leaving him alone in his trailer as soon as he walked out, and now hates himself for it. He wasn’t the only one upset, Taron was just as vulnerable in that moment. Bryce sitting next to Rich and giving him a small smile just confirmed how stupid he was and that she knew what went on. Taron’s eyes are nearly bloodshot and his pullover was wet on his arms. Did he leave him there crying? What kind of man does that to a friend, to a potential love?
The next day starts early for the entire crew, their first scene to shoot for the day being “I Want Love”. Taron and Richard were watching the shoot, at arm’s distance from each other. Bryce begins to sing her first line.
Don’t feel nothing, just old scars
Toughening up, around my heart 
I want love, on my own terms
After everything I have learned
Four sentences that seemed normal to  everyone else, but laid heavy on the hearts of the two co-stars. Richard takes Taron’s hand and looks at him. Taron looks over, surprised and a spark sending a small shiver down his spine. Richard nods towards the door and they both leave the room, no one noticing them slip away. As soon as they’re in a quiet corridor, Taron finds himself pushed against the wall with Richard’s lips on his. The kiss almost melting the two into one.
Richard pulls away and looks into Taron’s eyes. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I’m an idiot. I’m so fucking afraid of giving my heart away, but I realized you already have it.” He confesses with pain in his voice. He kisses him again and Taron grabs the back of his neck. “I don’t wanna hurt you T.” He mumbles out.
Taron stopped him softly and looked at him. “I’m just as unsure as you are Rich. I don’t wanna destroy you or our friendship. I’m very complicated and I’m so insecure. I really don’t wanna hurt you.” Taron spills out.
"Every time I look at you, I just wanna kiss you and give you the love you deserve.” Richard speaks and cups Taron’s face in his hands, kissing him. Much needed and fulfilling the sweet desire between the two of them. “I think I’m ready to try again and try my best for you.”
Taron’s eyes light up with joy. “Let’s give it a go then.” He says and kisses him again.
 A few days later, they find themselves in the Italian restaurant they where when everything started just weeks ago. Richard stops eating and takes Taron’s hand. “I think I love you.” He states with a shaky breath.
“I think I love you too.” Taron whispers back and smiles softly.
Richard bites his lip nervously, like every other time he has something on his mind. “I wanted to ask you something. You don’t have to say yes.” He speaks. Taron watches him carefully, still eating. “Do you wanna be my boyfriend? I know it’s only been a week and... it just feels so good being with you. And I-“ Richard rambles but is stopped by Taron leaning over the table and kissing him passionately. “Is-is that a yes?” He stutters out shocked.
Taron feels his heart flutter and his smile grows wide. He nods happily. “Yes!”
“Well lucky me!” Richard chuckles and kisses him again.
Back on set, they cuddle on the sofa. Richard feels safe in Taron’s arms. He’s proud of himself that he was brave enough to ask Taron to be his. And he felt he was going to cry like a baby once Taron said yes. It’s now very late and they have to be well rested to shoot the “Tiny Dancer” scene tomorrow night. Richard smiles to himself at the thought. How fitting, he would declare his feelings for Taron again, just not as himself. “You wanna sleep here tonight?” Taron asks and softly kisses him on the head.
Richard nods and cuddles deeper into Taron’s chest. “Can we stay like this forever please?” He mumbles into his chest and Taron chuckles.
Almost 2 years later, Taron rests his head on Richard’s shoulder as they listened to Dex making a speech. They are at the Rocketman premiere tonight and Taron just couldn’t stop crying every 5 minutes. Rocketman changed his life completely and he was so proud of himself as well as the entire crew. Rich squeezes his hand and gives him a kiss on the head. Tears are welling up in his eyes again and he sits up as he hears Dexter say how proud he is and also starts to get emotional. He looks at Richard, who’s listening to Dex as well. Taron can’t believe how lucky he is and sobs silently.
Richard looks at him and smiles softly. “Stop crying.” He says and wipes away his boyfriend’s tears.
“I can’t!” He chuckles back and bigger tear drops roll down his face. “I just can’t believe you’re mine.” He says with a wide smile. “I’m so overwhelmed with joy right now.” He presses his lips together and takes Richard’s hand in his own.
Richard tries to hold back his own tears. “You’re gonna make me cry!” He whispers and kisses him softly. He can taste the salty tears on his lips.
“Thanks for being in my life.” Taron whispers and kisses away a tear that escaped Richard’s eye and was making its way down his cheek.
“Thanks for letting me.” Richard says and presses his lips together. He tries to hide the fact that he’s now crying and pulls Taron into a hug. Dexter finishes his speech and everyone applauds. Bryce hands the two tissues with a smile, tear streaks also on her face. Taron grabs Richard’s hand again. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much!” Richard chokes out with trembling lips as he kisses his boyfriend again. 
@taruhnegerton @lyah-malek @mochidoubleb @bradleyjsworld @dreamingwolfthings @cheshirechan @applesfallingfromblondehair
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Cockles vs J2 Tinhats
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Someone tagged me in a post with a gif of Jensen smacking Misha in the crotchel region in last year's gag reel.  You know the one.  Apparently, it is supposed to be proof of Cockles.  The person who tagged me ships destiel and cockles.  She put a smiley face next to the tag, and she followed me, which might mean she is trying to be friends.  Not sure.  Well hello hun.  Thanks for tagging me.  I don't know what the purpose is.  Maybe you want me to see what you see.  Hunny, I know what cockles is.  I am familiar with tinhatting and I am fairly thick-skinned about it.  So unless you take the hatty stuff to the actors, I have problem with you...the cockles tinhats actually do tweet hatty things to the actors.  Hmm, not cool. 
This will be a good opportunity to examine both Cockles and J2 tinhat theories.  And why that clip is not proof of cockles for me. Just for fun. 
Jensen and Misha
As a lead, Jensen is contracted to be in every episode.  Misha, a guest star, is only in a few episodes per season.  This means that these two actors don't get to spend a massive amount of time with each other unless they are working.  Misha lives, to the best of my knowledge, in Bellingham.  Jensen used to live in California, but moved to Austin.  Jensen usually does only one panel per year with Misha.  Jibcon.  If it weren't for conventions, they would spend even less time with each other.  If you love some one and you are a lead, wont you ask for more panels with that person.  Yes, I know someone will that they don't do more than one panel because the evil bronlies will complain.  Hunny, if they cared about fans throwing a tantrum, Misha would have been off the show the minute Jensen received a death threat from hellers.
Misha and Jensen have no common interest.  Jensen loves watching sports, playing golf, listening to rock music, playing the guitar and singing.  Misha likes, cycling, carpentry and Tibetan throat singing.  They have nothing in common.  If you like someone who has different interests than you, wouldn't you try to learn more about their interests and join them in pursuing their interests.  Jensen and Misha also don't have complimentary personalities.  Jensen doesn't swear on stage.  Misha is foul mouthed.  Jensen doesn't make overtly sexual remarks.  Misha is very vulgar on stage.  They outlook on the art of acting is also starkly different.  Jensen has a love for his craft, whilst Misha has confessed to not having a particular knack or passion for acting.   
According to tinhats, Cockles are happily marreid to their respective wives but all four of them have orgies together.  Of course, there are variations to this theory.  When cockles tinhats are asked what proof they have for how they feel, they say:
Jensen laughs at Misha's jokes [and its a unicorn laugh apparently]
They mention Jibcon, where they claim Jensen got drunk and flirted with Misha on stage. 
Jensen and Misha are flirty with each other, caressing each other's cheeks. 
Jared Padalecki is proof of cockles because he ships it the most and gives clues to what is going on between Jensen and Misha. 
They share shirts. 
The crux of Misha's first impression of Jensen [from an earlier con]: 
‘He actually seemed standoffish, when I first met him.  As I got to know him, however, I realized that he really is standoffish.’
Jared and Jensen
Jared and Jensen are the leads.  They spend nine months out of the year working with each other.  They have worked together nonstop for the past 13 years and counting.  They also live down the road from each other in Austin.  They used to live together and were best men at each other's weddings.  Their children go to the same school and call dad's friend ''uncle''.  Tom is Jensen's greatest fan and Jared regrets not being there for the birth of ''Birdie'' [JJ].  They have an extended family situation.  Despite spending all their time together, they also go on holidays together.  They are both middle children, both have an older brother and younger sister, grew up in Texas, love country music and sports.  Jared plays the guitar in his trailer everyday and, according to Jensen, he is very good.  Jared joins Jensen to play golf although he admits he is not very good at it. 
Jared doesn't swear on stage.  He did once, by accident, but he was mortified and apologized.  He makes goofy jokes, not vulgar ones.  Jensen admires Jared's rendition of white suit luci but to date hasn't really said anything truly about Casifer.  He did laugh at the Empty!Cas voice though.  So Jensen admires Jared's acting efforts.  It wasn't the first compliment he paid to Jared's acting abilities.  He hasn't done the same for Misha's work as Castiel.  Jared helped Jensen with the construction work for the FBBC.  When Jared got sick at Jib a few years ago, Jensen took to the stage and sang a song because being Jared's emotional support.  The next year or so, he sang the song again on Saturday night, with Jared watching teary eyed.  That same year Jensen hugged Jared in the closing ceremony.  The year after that, Jensen hugged and sang Wayward to Jared in the hallway after the closing ceremony.  When he broke down, he hugged Jared many times, but when Misha tried hugging him, Jensen said ''don't''.    
According to J2 tinhats, J2 have been married to each other since season four ish.  Genevieve signed a contract to be Jared's wife, and Danneel was just helping out her friend Jensen.  J2 are the parents of six children.  There are variations to this theory too.  When asked for proof of their feelings, J2 tinhats say the following:
Jared wiped his snotty nose on Jensen's sleeve.
Jared called his drink and dinner with Jensen #datenight on Twitter.
When someone called Sandy [Jared's ex-girlfriend] his beard, she liked the comment.
When Travis spent his entire panel talking about how in love J2 are, he got pulled out of the next con. 
For Jared's honeymoon, he went on a group trek up Machu Pichu and slept in a tent, and for Jensen's honeymoon, Danneel's brother Gino went with them.   Both were delayed honeymoons. 
Jared wore Jensen's underwear.
The crux of Jared's first impression of Jensen [from a recent afternoon panel]:
'He and I had so much in common.  It didn't feel like a blind date.'
I don't tinhat, but I don't blame the J2 tinhat.  The Cockles tinhats don't seem to have compelling info, and they take the hatting to the stars.  That is not cool. 
As far as the gag reel goes, smacking someone in the crotch area is not a sign of affection.  It is horseplay.  Its pranking.  Jared fondles Misha in the crotch area.  Misha barreled into Richard, landing on top of him.  Its not a big deal, and its certainly not sound evidence of anything other than boys being boys.  Enjoy your hatting, but leave the actors alone and don't go out of your way to pull people into your circle.  But the J2 tinhats don't do that?  As far as I know. 
Forgive all typos.  Insomnia sucks!
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Survey #184
relationship survey.  too lazy to change pronouns to feminine.
What’s his first name? Sara. Does his surname begin with the same letter as yours? No. How old is he? 21. How long have you been together? One year. :') Do you have a casual or serious relationship? Serious. How long were you together before you told your parents about it? A few days. How often do you see each other? We're long-distance, so we've only been in each other's actual presence for six weeks total. Do you live together? No. Do you have keys to each other’s places? No. When was the last time you saw him? Yesterday, actually. What is the age gap between you? Is he older or younger than you? I'm two years older. Have you met his parents? Yes. Has he met your parents? Yep. How many siblings does he have? Two younger brothers. Have you met his siblings? Yeah. Has he met your siblings? Only my younger sis. What’s his name in your phone? "pretty woman <3" Have you talked about marriage? Yeah. Does he have any kids? No. Does he want kids? No, thank fuck. Do you see a future with him? FUCK YES I DO. Are you “Facebook official?” Yes. How did you meet him? YouTube. Where did you go for your first date? Lume's, I think it is? Who was the first one to make a move? Me. Have you spoken to him today? No, it's still early. What’s his favorite pizza topping? SHIT idk. I kinda wanna say mushrooms? Does he cook? No. What sort of phone does he have? An iPhone. What size is his bed? Twin. Does he like to be big spoon or little spoon when you cuddle? She's fuckin TINY and I'm not so she's always the lil spoon. Is he a good kisser? In general yeah, though it is so fucking cute that she doesn't really know how to make out yet. She's too pure for this world. Does he make you happy? YEAH! What’s his fashion style? Super casual. Does he drive? If so, what sort of car? Not yet. Has he ever bought you an item of clothing? No. Does he have any piercings? No. Is he more fun or serious? Fun! What does he do for a living? Nothing yet. She's working on figuring it out. When is the next time you’ll see him? Idk weeps. What’s his favorite thing to drink? Coffee with hazelnut creamer. Does he live alone, with roommates or with parents? With her parents and bros. Does he have any pets? Four ball pythons, one bearded dragon, a sheltie, and like 20 fish. She is THE best pet mom you could eeeever imagine. Is he your first boyfriend? Well, my first gf. What was the last movie you watched with him? Elf. Is he an active person? Not especially; she has hypotonia (a low muscle tone disease), so even little activities make her joints hurt. She's been using a treadmill lately for her legs though (her knees are awful) and I am so proud of my baby y'all. What’s his favorite candy? Hm, I'm actually unsure. I know she loves Dove chocolate, though. She loves gummies, too. Have you ever met his best friend? Yes. What’s your favorite physical quality of his? CHUBBY CHEEKS. She also has hips for days for how little she is. What color is his hair? Light brown. Do you argue with him often? Nope. Where was the last place you went with him? The airport. What color is his toothbrush? Idk, her toothbrush is in the bathroom I don't use. What kind of movies does he like to watch? Fantasy and "kiddie" stuff. Have you celebrated either of your birthdays together? Hers! Does he play any instruments? No. Do you have any mutual friends? Online ones. How often do you talk to him on the phone? Never, she knows I hate the phone. We Skype instead. Does he have a beard or is he clean-shaven? N/A What was the last compliment he gave you? Not sure. Does he dance? No. Is he taller or shorter than you? Shorter. Has he ever bought you flowers? No. Do you ever borrow his clothes? Oh hunny even at my smallest I couldn't fit in her clothes. Is he a clean or messy person? She's got severe OCD, so guess. What color are his eyes? Brown. What does he wear to bed? The clothes she wore that day??? I don't get it but Does he keep his fingernails clean? She's like me and tears them. :') Have you ever shared a shower with him? No. How long after your first date did you see him again? Uh that same day. I stayed there a week. What’s his bedroom like? Cool! Light blue walls, dragonfly decorations, two LOADED bookshelves, pictures of her meeting the Supernatural fellas. Has he ever had braces? Yes. When was the last time you kissed him? Yesterday. Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day with him? Not exactly as we're long-distance. How long were you together before you said “I love you?” It was only a few weeks into us being together... We already said it platonically, and realizing I loved her romantically was easy. What sort of shoes does he usually wear? I've never paid attention. Do you know any of his exes? Not personally. What’s his favorite cuisine? Holyyyy shit, Italian. Was he born in the country he now lives in? Yeah. Have you ever been long-distance with him? Obviously yes. Does he ever wear any type of jewelry? She has looots of rings. What was the first present you got for him? "Bitch/jerk" friendships rings (SPN reference). What was the first present he got for you? I forgot lmaooo. Does he smoke? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO she hates it so much. What TV shows is he watching at the moment? I'm not sure what's still airing new stuff... Have you ever visited him at work? N/A Does he play video games? No. What was the last thing you argued about? Idr... Is he straight? No. When is his birthday? Dec. 16th. Have you ever shared a bath with him? No. Does he ride a motorcycle? No. How long is his hair? Just past her shoulders. Have you ever been overseas with him? No. Does he have any tattoos? If so, which one is your favorite? No. What is his favorite alcoholic beverage? She hasn't tried much at all, but she does like margaritas. Does he speak any languages other than English? No. Is he college/university educated? She did some college. How long have you known him? Since I was ten lmao. Does he text back quickly? Yes. Have you ever celebrated Christmas with him? No. Has he ever been in a physical fight? No. Did you go to the same high school as him? No.
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
as promised here’s my incoherent yelling about both the alternate ending and the bad ending lmao enjoy *bows*
spoilers below if you didn’t catch that
Bad ending
the music is unnecessarily pretty whY GODDAMNIT
ardyn get your grimy little hands off of my boy ignis
...."i don't want to die without him" uM EXCUSE ME HOW ABOUT WE DON'T GO THERE
Alt ending
the crystal is honestly so pretty tho 
ardyn swaggerin in like he's fucking drunk lmao
he looks like a clown when he's his demon form like...ardyn buddy i can't take you seriously
lmao "well then off with your head" 
again Ignis's collarbones and necklace cAN WE JUST
why does ardyn always throw away his hat like hunny
also ardyn's armiger color is v pretty and v ardyn idk man idk
so ardyn wishes to punish the crystal but while the crystal is sentient to a certain extent i don't see how it would actually have feelings so????? i feel like that logic is a bit flawed ardyn me boy
"but i refuse to let noct sacrifice his life to save ours" I'M FINE THIS IS FINE
"I won't let you take him away even if it costs my own life to save him" I SWEAR THESE AREN'T TEARS OR ANYTHING IT'S JUST A LITTLE MUGGY IN HERE
lmao...it's lit
noct's cry for ignis have you ever felt such pain :))))))
wait so noct goes into the crystal in turn for ignis having his life saved? did i understand all that correctly? 
yo i honestly love regis so much like fucking hell yeah and his voice is so nice
the boyfriends takin care of their boyfriend bless
so i'm just slightly confused as to what the heck is going on now is this like showing the start of the ten years of darkness? i think it is idk
ardyn needs to like...do something about all that *gestures at his face*
AH THE OLDER BROS wow prom is short
i like this ending a lot more i'm gonna declare its the new canon ending thanx
oh ra-
why bearded ravus look lowkey like regis?
the bro head nod between iggy and ravus lmao
the citadel is so pretty honestly
oh there's more
*bites fist* IGNIS LOOKS SO GOOD
also noct now has his father's knee brace too lmao wow what a hand-me-down
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