#but anyway this series has me in a death grip
washilon · 1 year
i got into red vs blue at the beginning of this month and i'm not normal about it. here's the culmination of three weeks of pure unbridled Insanity
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yaoiconnoisseur · 4 months
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Please consider Modern (magical) AU thirst trap lawyer Astarion Ancunin
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supercantaloupe · 11 months
finished reading into the wild
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i-starcreamed · 1 year
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hii rotb has made me fall in love with...a lot more transformers now. This is just a silly idea I had, kinda lame but idc. Being cringe and free now. Anyways, planning to make this a small series maybe? Mirage lovers where are you?? Could eventually make this a mirage x reader x Noah, love them both, really. Or you know, Noah could be a third wheel, you guys decide that
[ human!gn reader summary: You have no idea how you got into this situation. First, you were trying to steal a true beauty of a car with your friend Noah to get some extra cash with Reek working behind the scenes (apparently) And now, you were in the Porche you guys were planning to steal. Mind you, it's currently driving itself.
"Holy shit!" You yelled in terror as the car careened wildly around the curve, sending both you and Noah lurching to the left side of the vehicle. You clung onto the door handle for dear life, your heart pounding in your chest as a combination of fear and adrenaline caused you to burst out into wild laughter. Noah, on the other hand, let out an ear-splitting, high-pitched scream as he death-gripped onto the steering wheel with both hands. "STOP STOP STOP!"
The radio kept picking up a certain frequency, it was static-y but still clear enough to understand it kept reaching out towards something or someone named Mirage.
After crashing several police cars, running red lights, and being tossed around the car, the silver and blue Porche entered a warehouse of some sort and literally tossed you out onto the cement. Noah groaned as he rolled on his side. You on the other hand, didn't manage to fall onto the ground and gripped onto the seat. You thought it was over but noo, all of a sudden the car decides to transform, its component parts moving and shifting into new positions. You stare in awe and fear as the walls around you warp and bend ever so slightly; the seat beneath you shifts away from you before slowly, almost hesitantly dropping you onto the ground. You stare up and after a couple seconds, the car transformed into a fucking robot. Towering several feet in front of you and Noah, you both stare up in fear. You're a bit amazed honestly, you're staring at a giant metal dude stretch and prance around the warehouse, ranting about being cooped up this entire time.
You and Noah shared a look.
"But that was cool, you guys are cool. A bit loud, ehh, but cool." The robot stood in front of you now, his gaze focused on the both of you. You froze, Noah scrambled around to pick up a metal pipe. "Woah woah woah!" The robot held his hands up. You cursed under your breath and scrambled to get behind Noah, trying to look for anything you can use as a weapon as the robot focused on Noah. You found a couple loose bolts and nuts on the ground and scooped them up in your palm.
You approached Noah's side, menacingly brandishing the tiny screws in your hand. The robot quickly put his hands in the air. "What are you gonna do, you gonna hit me?"
You both looked at eachother. Noah shifted, adjusting his stance while still holding up the pipe. "Maybe?" The robot made a noise akin to a scoff and his left arm started transforming into something else, oh god oh fuck. Before you even had time to register it, you threw a bolt at him. It hit his arm and he froze. "Hey- what?"
You were launching bolts at him, your shots greeted with a "hey, hey, hey!" each time they clanked against his frame. You kept getting closer, pushing him back further and further, surprising yourself with your own nerve. That confidence instantly disappeared when he whipped out his arm-gun, the blue light from the barrel seemed to lock onto you and Noah, like two deer in headlights. "Can you- stop throwing those things at me?!"
"woah, woah, woah-" Noah quickly put his hands up and walked up to you, standing in front of you. "Let's all calm down, alright? Alright? We good?" "Noah, what the hell is this about?" You whisper yelled.
"I dont know! Just dont get us killed" he whisper yelled back.
You huffed defiantly, you quickly took the bat from Noah's hands and tightly gripped it. You adopted a battle-ready stance, staring down the giant robot - thing? - truly unyielding. Neither of you backed down until he put the gun down, straightening up. "Okay okay, you're brave. I like that."
Your face dropped, dumbfounded. Noah reached out and firmly snatched the bat from you, his face a mask of barely-contained irritation. "what did I fucking tell you about not trying to get us killed, dude?" He hissed.
What the hell was going on.
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evansbby · 2 years
bestie pls feed us spanking blurb, the immediate urge and need to be over daddy mafia ari’s lap whilst he just ignores ur pleas and cries and pulls down ur panties and spanks u 🥺😌
I’m literally at an airport so this’ll have to be brief but here goes… 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Pairing: mafia!Ari Levinson x naive!reader
Warnings: dark!Ari, dd/lg, smut, spanking, daddy kink, voyeurism, dry-humping
Summary: Your daddy punishes you after you accidentally say a bad word.
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“Daddy, please!” You cry, desperately wiggling around in Ari’s strong arms. He’s got a death grip on you, however, and he’s barely using even a quarter of his strength. “Please, didn’t mean to say it! Please!”
You hate punishments — especially spankings because they hurt and make you cry like a baby — even when you try your hardest to be brave. Even right now, you look at Ari with the biggest puppy-dog expression, eyes welling with tears.
“Honey, you know daddy has to punish you. Else you’ll never learn.” Ari’s got his stern voice on, which lets you know that there’ll be no worming out of this one. He easily manoeuvres your flailing body across his lap, pinching the flesh of your ass in warning, “and stop moving or else I’ll use my belt.”
You still immediately. He’s never used his belt on you but you don’t want today to be the day he does.
Sniffling, you look over your shoulder at him dejectedly, “Said I was sorry, daddy. It’s just— the oven was so hot and I forgot I’m not allowed to use big girl words— it just came out, I swear.”
Ari sighs, methodically flipping your skirt up and pushing your panties down, and he can’t help but squeeze the bare flesh of your ass. “Well, that’s another strike, because you shouldn’t be using the oven without supervision anyways.”
You pout, “b-but I’m your wife— how else am I supposed to cook for you? Ow!”
Ari gives your ass a firm slap, admiring how it jiggles, “Don’t get sassy with me, honey. You’re my wife but you’re also my baby. And what have I told you about babies?”
You hang your head dejectedly and recite: “babies like me aren’t allowed to do big girl things without daddy’s permission.”
“Good girl.” Ari strokes your hair back, petting your head like you’re his puppy, and you can’t help but lean up into his touch. “Now, baby. I want you to count every spank, and thank daddy after each one. Got it?”
Your lower lip quivers but you try to be brave, “Y-Yes, daddy.”
“O-One. Thank you, daddy.”
You grimace, biting your lip to keep from crying out loud. And Ari’s really enjoying himself, squeezing and groping at your sizzling flesh after every few spanks, as if he can’t help himself. He even presses his lips down on the sensitive flesh of your ass cheek, kissing you softly before landing another harsh smack.
“Look at your little baby ass, practically begging for a good old-fashioned spanking.” Ari murmurs, jiggling your cheek lewdly and making you wince because it hurts so much. “Baby wives like you need their daddies to keep them in check like this every once in a while, don’t you agree, honey?”
“T-Ten, thank you, daddy! I agree!” You cry, silently begging for mercy yet at the same time wiggling downwards, unable to keep still because the rough denim of his jeans feels so good against your throbbing pussy.
“Now look at you, wet from a spanking and humping your baby pussy on daddy’s leg like a little bunny in heat.” Another spank, and another one, and now you’ve lost count. “And in front of all your little stuffed animals too? You must feel so ashamed.”
You tearfully glance at all your stuffies, longing to have your stuffed rabbit, Floppy, in your arms to comfort you. Instead, you receive another series of hard slaps, the lewd sound of the smacks echoing around the room.
“Apologise to them too.” Ari orders you, voice dripping with authority and sick lust. “C’mon, honey. Apologise to your little stuffies for being such a naughty baby with a potty mouth.” He slaps your upper thigh and you hiss in pain, “Tell your little friends what a bad girl you are.”
“I’m a bad girl!” You cry desperately, unable to lock eyes with the toys, feeling silly and ashamed and humiliated all at once. “I’m sorry, stuffies and I’m sorry, daddy! Won’t ever swear again, please!”
A final slap and then Ari’s pulling you upright, gathering you in his arms while you sob into his chest. “There, there, baby.” He coos, kissing the top of your head and stroking your hair back, “Daddy had to do it. How else will little babies like you ever learn the rules?”
More kisses, more fondling, and he even licks up the stray tears falling down your cheeks.
“I know you’re just a baby and it’s confusing for you to remember all our rules— but that’s why you need daddy. I don’t want to hear another swear word come out of your mouth, you got that, honey? And no going near the oven, either. It’s dangerous for babies.”
You sniffle and nod, feeling especially small — as if you truly are his baby — as Ari cuddles you. Readily, you accept his thumb when he pushes it against your lips, sucking on it noisily to calm yourself down from the whole ordeal you’ve just gone through. Your ass feels like it’s on fire but you know that your daddy knows best.
“That’s my good little baby,” Ari coos, pinching your cheek and holding you close. And it’s crazy how he’s made you so addicted to his babying, to the point where you physically need him to act like this with you — especially after harsh punishments like this.
“Curtis.” Your eyes widen at Ari’s suddenly gruff tone, and your blood runs cold when you see your husband’s right hand man step out of the shadows in the corner of the room.
Had he been there this whole time?
“Cancel my meetings for today. My wife is being particularly needy.” He gestures down at you lying mortified in his lap, trying to push your skirt back down as you desperately continue to suck on your daddy’s thumb.
“Got it, boss.” The buzzcut-haired man nods and leaves, and Ari turns his attention back to you.
“Next time you break one of daddy’s rules, I’ll spank you in front of all my men, you got that?” He shoved his thumb further into your mouth, choking you slightly as your eyes begin to water, but he’s got the same loving look on his face.
“My little baby… soon enough I’ll have you trained to know all of my rules, even if it’s too much for your little baby brain to handle.”
AHHHH PLEASE LEMME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!! I wrote majority of this at the airport then finished it just now!!
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mxqdii · 9 months
Hi! Can you write something about how Mattheo or Theo would react to someone yelling and being really mean to y/n? It can be fluff or smut I will leave it to you❤️
what i was made for - m.s
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pairings: mattheo riddle x reader
summary: mattheo comforting reader as she breaks down
warning(s): violence, comfort, mentions of killing curse, cursing, very sad ending (prepare yourself)
a/n: so originally, i was doing the request. but i ended up getting carried away with ideas.. and so if anybody wants me to make this a series i can !!
not proofread
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it's been a really bad week.
everyone found out about my dad being a death eater, causing me to loose friends and people just viewing me differently
i get dirty look walking to class, whispering all around me, people gossiping and spreading lies.
it's hell
thankfully, i still have my friendgroup in slytherin, because at least they'll hear me out.
i also have my boyfriend mattheo
he's been nothing but sweet while everything has been chaos
he's helped me a lot, more then he'll ever know,
although, recently i've been more distant.
thing's have been getting harder, and i can't help but feel weak.
i don't want mattheo fighting all my battles for me, and also, it's just overall embarrassing
as i walk to potions, a group of girls stop in front of me.
i sigh, recognizing them instantly
they've been tormenting me this whole week
"what now" i say with a groan
"well, we just wanted to say we're sorry about what we said" one of the girls says and i keep my annoyed expression
"no you're not" i laugh
they all scoff and walk away, except one.
"go on now" i say, voice slightly raised.
"no, because you see.. they don't like you because of your dad, me on the other hand? i just don't like you." she says
i can't help but admit, her words caught me by surprise a bit.
"okay... why?" i say and she grins
"you don't remember me do you?"
i examine her face, trying to find the familiarity.
and then it hits me
"jasmine.." i mumble and she nods
jasmine was a girl in my class third year, she ended up leaving the school because of her ex.
"the look on your face? priceless. honestly, it was one of my reasons to come back" she says and i scoff
i see her tie her hair up
"you- you wanna fight me?!" i shout and she grins
"cmon, one way to settle this, you win? i'm gone, for good this time" she says nodding
next thing i know, jasmine is on the floor with a black eye and a broken nose.
i run back to the common room, getting stopped before i get there.
"what happened? you finally get what you deserved?" he says, all his friends laughing
"fuck off" i say, trying to walk away
he grabs my wrist and i try to break out of his grasp but fail.
"let go of me!!" i shout, still trying to break free.
he abruptly lets go, making me fall.
him and his friends laugh and i stand up, tears filling my eyes.
i push him up against a wall, pointing my wand to his throat.
"you fucking mess with me again i'll avada kedavra your ass you understand?" i yell and he doesn't say anything, eyes widening
"do you understand??" i yell louder this time and he nods in fear
i loosen my grip, my wand now not being so pushed up against him, looking around i see all his friends looking at me terrified, looking the other direction i see mattheo.
i put my wand away, walking to my dorm, looking down the whole time.
closing my door, i break down completely.
i threatened someone with the killing curse
it hits me then suddenly,
i'm becoming just like my father.
i hear a knock on my door, not bothering to answer.
the door opens anyway, making me wipe my tears and any possible blood on my face
i'm met with mattheos soft gaze, the concern and worry in his eyes.
"get out!" i yell
"no" he says, walking closer to me
"mattheo.. GET OUT!!!" i shout
he's now inches away.
"get out, get out, get out." i say repeatedly, hitting his chest.
"let it out, it's okay" he mumbles softly
i eventually give up, just falling to my knees sobbing
he pulls me into a hug, stroking my hair.
after what feels like forever, but what was probably only a minute, i wipe my tears and sigh.
"sorry, i'm okay" i say sniffling
"stop telling me you're okay, you're not." he says and i look down in defeat.
"cmon" he says, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the bathroom
he grabs q-tips and hydrogen peroxide, cleaning the cuts on my face
the stinging doesn't phase me at this point, being too numb to really care.
"i'm becoming my father" i mumble and he stops his actions
"what? no you're not" he says and i scoff
"i threatened cormac with the killing curse mattheo, thats not something someone says in a civil conversation. i'd be surprised if i dont get expelled" i express
"i'll talk to mcgonagall about it okay?" he mumbles and i nod
after cleaning my wounds, we head into bed.
he wraps his arms around me, feeling overwhelmed by his warmth, i fall asleep.
i wake up in the middle of the night, gathering a sweater and my shoes.
i tiptoe out of my dorm to the astronomy tower.
i think about everything thats happened this past week
people finding out about my father, people hating me, threatning cormac.
it's that moment that a flip inside of me flips
a moment of clarity, realization.
i hear footsteps behind me, turning around and seeing the exact person i called for
"i'm ready" i say to him, walking closer.
in the end, all of this, it's all apart of the journey. because i am my father, and i couldn't come to terms with it before, but i am now, i can't deny destiny.
"you will be great, just as your father is." he says and i nod
"thank you, my lord" i say, looking at my wrist seeing the deatheater mark.
looking down at it, i smile, i feel complete.
i liked the power i had over cormac, the rush, the adrenaline. i liked fighting jasmine, that feeling of control.
about jasmine by the way, forgot to mention.. she was my ex. and she left because of me, she found out about my father and i told her to leave, and if she ever came back i'd have him kill her.
that was the start, where everything started going wrong.
i hear footsteps coming up the stairs, seeing mattheo.
"baby why'd you-" he starts speaking, but i notice his gaze shifting to my wrist
his eyes widen and fill with tears
"no... you didn't" he says in disbelief
"th-thats not fair.. i did what i was supposed to do..!" he shouts
i look at him in confusion
"i tried so hard, so hard. to make sure you never got the mark, i did everything, begged him not to" he explains
"mattheo, i did this, it was me."
the look on his face changes, changes to digust and shame.
"you wanted this?!?!" he shouts, tears falling down his face
"who.. who are you?" he cries, looking me up in down with that disgusted expression.
"mattheo.. think of how great we could be, we could be a team. do this together-" i start
"together? together?!?!" he yells
"you want me to- how long? how long have you been planning this?" he asks
"you don't want me to answer that mattheo." i say in honesty
"i hurt people mattheo, it's all i'm good at. i'm sorry you were the one to love me, when i told you not to, you should have listened" i added
"you were right, you are your father." he says in horror and i smile
"takes one to know one" i say, adding on a final goodbye,
"goodbye mattheo"
a/n: could make this into a potential series if anyone would want that, lmk!!
@strniolo @stargirlv0id @annaisabookworm
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kingofbodyrolls · 3 months
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My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | one
🐴Chapter summary: You arrive back at the ranch, a place you used to call home as a child. But it doesn’t hold the same meaning anymore. With the passing of your mother, you stand to inherit part of that very ranch– and you don’t want it. Only problem, your sister doesn’t want to give you her signature for you to sell your share. 🐴Chapter title: Inheritance 🐴Pairings: jimin x reader (main), jungkook x reader (only happens once in the first chapter), jungkook x OC (jessi), namjoon x OC (jessi), yoongi x hoseok, namjoon x oc, seokjin x oc, taehyung x oc 🐴Characters: female reader (isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters. 🐴Genre/AU: ranch!au, slice of life!au, soulmate!au, cowboy!au + smut, humor, fluff, romance, slow burn and angst 🐴Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact!
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🐴Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 🐴Chapter warnings: mention of past character death of parents, exhibitionism, explicit smut in the form of protected sex, quick and dirty sex, doing it against a barn, creampie, nipple play, clit play. Doing it in public / outside. Mention of past infidelity (of parents). Spoiler ahead!!! Jungkook and Jimin are (half) brothers and reader sleeping with JK is necessary to happen for the sake of the plot 🥲 It sucked to write that part, and if you feel like the smut if ‘eh’ it’s because it was written that way because reader isn’t meant to be with JK! So, please, don’t let that discourage you from reading it, the rest of the story is really good and MC realizes she’s made a mistake… anyway the smut with Jimin when it eventually happen, is just 🥵🥵🥵 🐴Status: completed 🥳 🐴Word count: 8.2k 🐴Taglist: @kookswifesblog @kiki-zb @babejinnie @ownthesunshine @allie-is-a-panda @glllhjh @bergandysam @13-manggaetteok
*tumblr isn’t letting me tag you! There could be a lot of reasons for that, check out this lovely post about it.
🐴Now playing 💿 “Theme from McLeod’s Daughters” by Rebecca Lavelle. [Wanna listen to the serie’s playlist?] 🐴Author’s note: this story has been in my head forever, and I’ve spent months outlining it and planning it– so I’m so stoked to finally post it! 🥳 I love both McLeod’s Daughters and BTS, so why not combine it?? I am not sure anybody will read this story, but if you do, thank you! It truly means the world to me. 
I also want to give a very big thank you and shout out to my dear friend, Lua, for reading it while I worked on it, hyping me up and giving me such fucking wonderful feedback 😭✨ Thank you so much @letjungcoook7 💖🥹
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there. Wanna see the book cover?
| s.masterlist | m.masterlist |  next →
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“I said, I wanna touch the earth I wanna break it in my hands I wanna grow something wild and unruly I wanna sleep on the hard ground In the comfort of your arms On a pillow of bluebonnets In a blanket made of stars Oh, it sounds good to me I said, cowboy take me away Fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue Set me free, oh, I pray” - “Cowboy Take Me Away” by The Chicks
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The tires of your car dig into the unforgiving dirt road with a tenacious grip as you navigate the rugged terrain. A symphony of sand and dust dances before the windshield, yet your focus remains unyielding. The landscape is open and inviting, yet there’s tall mountains in the distance framing the idyllic nature. 
The pulsating beat of the music reverberates through the vehicle, echoing the determination coursing through your veins. Your fingers tighten around the wheel, your resolve unshakable. 
Amidst the chaotic whirlwind outside, you're on a singular quest: to get your sister’s signature to sell your share of the ranch.
You yearn to sever all ties with the place. 
It's not a matter of hatred, per se, but rather an aversion steeped in memories you'd rather forget. 
The grounds echo with a tapestry of recollections, most of which cling like shadows to the recesses of your mind—a gallery of moments you're desperate to erase from the canvas of your past.
The passing of your mother, a woman absent from your life for over two decades, casts a melancholic hue over this reunion, that leaves much to be desired.
Separated by the passage of years, your sister remains a distant specter on the horizon of your past. A chapter of familial connection was abruptly closed when your father took you away from the ranch during your formative years, the sprawling fields replaced by the relentless rhythm of the city. 
The city, with its towering structures and ceaseless energy, has woven itself into the fabric of your existence. Amidst the hustle, the stress, the eclectic cafes, and the teeming crowds, you've found a peculiar treasure trove of experiences that pulse through your veins like a vibrant heartbeat. The city's flaws, laid bare like urban scars, only deepen your affection for its complex tapestry, making each chaotic street corner and neon-lit club a cherished fragment in the mosaic of your life.
As an undesired song infiltrates your playlist, you find yourself questioning its very existence on your curated soundtrack. 
Swiftly, you dismiss its intrusion, replacing its notes with the growling intensity of a much angrier anthem. 
The need for focus on this mission is paramount, an unyielding commitment that not even the persuasive tones of Jessi, with all her influence, can sway or alter.
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A familiar sign with your family’s last name emerges on the horizon, unleashing a flood of memories from an idyllic childhood—filled with the echoes of hide-and-seek, the warmth of love, and the harmonious symphony of laughter—that paints both your irises and your heart in hues of nostalgia. 
Yet, as your fingers instinctively clench around the steering wheel, you staunchly refuse to be swayed by the emotional undertow. Determination courses through your veins, a steadfast resolve not to let sentiment cloud the clarity of your purpose.
With a resolute spirit, you navigate the winding road that leads to the ranch. 
As the familiar landscape unfurls before you, a creeping uneasiness takes root within the recesses of your being. Despite the passage of two decades, the ranch appears frozen in time, an unchanged picture that sends shivers down your spine. The unsettling familiarity of the place only amplifies the weight of the past, casting a shadow over your determined journey back to a place that seems to have resisted the relentless march of time.
Bringing the car to a halt before the imposing main house, you silence the engine with a decisive twist of the key. A heavy sigh escapes your lips, mingling with the weight of anticipation that hangs in the air. Inhaling deeply, you draw in the essence of the moment, your fingers betraying a nervous rhythm as they tap anxiously against the steering wheel. 
The stillness belies the turmoil surging within, as you ready yourself to encounter the ghost of your past.
A mere thirty minutes— an hour at most, and you'll resume your journey on the open road, bound for the comfort of home in the city. 
Determination courses through your veins, intertwining with the staccato rhythm of your anxious heartbeat, the pulsations reverberating so forcefully that you can sense them echoing all the way to the depths of your ears. 
The moment your car door swings open, a subtle shift in the wind whispers a tale of transformation. The landscape may echo familiarity, but an intangible alteration lingers in the air, an elusive metamorphosis that leaves you questioning the very essence of this place. Is it a mere illusion, or has something truly shifted, perhaps within the confines of your own soul? 
Navigating the uneven terrain in heels proves to be a challenge, but undeterred, you conquer the dirt road and arrive at the tall front door. It stands before you, a sentinel of memories, somehow appearing taller than in recollection. The weathered, dark-red wooden door remains stoically unchanged, a silent witness to the passage of time. 
Two deliberate knocks break the stillness, and you retreat a step, a reverberation of anticipation coursing through the air as you stand on the threshold of both the past and the unknown.
The door frame, once pristine in its white coat, now bears the scars of time, its paint chipped and revealing glimpses of the weathered wood beneath. 
Stationed in front of the door, you endure a suspenseful five minutes, an eternity compressed into every passing second, yet the silence remains unbroken. Undeterred by the absence of response, a resolute determination guides your actions as you seize the handle. With a deliberate press, the handle yields, surrendering to your resolve and releasing a cacophony of creaks—a symphony of protesting hinges announcing your entrance into the realm of memories.
Your voice, tinged with uncertainty, dances into the air as you cautiously poke your head through the threshold, a hesitant entry into the familiar realms of the house. 
A gentle warmth envelops you, tenderly kissing your skin and infusing an instant sense of calm. The scent, aged and rich, swirls around you like a tangible embrace of wood and cherished memories from your childhood. The hallway stretches out before you, adorned with snapshots frozen in time—images of you and Jessi playing in the fields, your first pony, and a cherished trio with your mom. Each picture pulses with the erratic beat of your heart, echoing the palpable journey down the corridor of reminiscence. Amidst this gallery of the past, you navigate the tapestry of nostalgia, your destination set on what memory deems to be the kitchen.
The staccato clank of your heels resonates boldly against the unpolished hardwood floor, a deliberate announcement of your presence that reverberates through the silent expanse as you press deeper into the heart of the kitchen. Despite the resounding echo, a mysterious absence lingers, the emptiness amplifying the solitude within the room, a poignant contrast to the persistent cadence of your steps.
Surveying the scene, your eyes capture the delicate dance of white curtains adorned with lace, their elegance offering a stark contrast to the weathered state of the kitchen. Time has etched its story on the cabinets, pleading for a rejuvenating touch—perhaps a cleansing and a new coat of color to breathe life into the tired, faded cream. A wistful smile graces your lips, an emotive response to the tactile connection forged as your fingers trace the countertop. The surface, a touch dusty yet evocative, sparks an odd familiarity, transporting you to a realm of forgotten times and the comforting essence of what was once home.
A sudden voice startles you from your reverie, its unexpected presence slicing through the air like a well-timed interruption in the symphony of memories. 
“Can I help you?”
A jolt courses through your body, a startled response to the abrupt intrusion of the voice, yet you pivot on your heels, meeting the owner of the enigmatic, yet somehow airy, tones. 
In the face of the unexpected presence, you lock eyes with the source, a meeting that feels like a convergence of past and present, each heartbeat resonating with the electric charge surging through your body.
A nervous chuckle escapes you, the residue of your earlier determination dissipating in the charged air as you assess the man standing before you. 
His eyes, a deep and authoritative brown, lock onto yours, unraveling a silent narrative in their depths. Blonde and untamed, his long hair falls with a disheveled grace, framing a face that exudes both strength and mystery. His slender physique conceals well-defined, lean muscles beneath the snug embrace of a gray shirt, each contour subtly hinting at the strength within. Clad in blue denim jeans with artful rips at the bottom, and adorned with chunky western boots boasting intricate ornaments, he carries an aura of rugged elegance. 
“Can I help you?” he repeats, the query hanging in the air like an unspoken challenge. 
Crossing his arms over a torso that amplifies the definition of his biceps, his deliberate posture commands attention, drawing your gaze to the undeniable display of strength.
“I’m so sorry,” you quip nervously, a hint of self-awareness coloring your tone. Inwardly, you curse the fact that you were caught in the act of checking him out, and you’ve yet to acknowledge the man properly. “I’m looking for Jessi?”
A low, rumbling chuckle escapes the man, accompanied by a soft smile that carries a subtle mystique, rendering his eyes nearly elusive. 
“Who are you?” he inquires, his arms still defiantly crossed, and a flicker of realization dawns upon you—this interaction holds a peculiar tension. The awareness sets in that, in essence, you are an intruder, a stranger trespassing into the intimate space of a home that isn’t yours anymore. 
“I'm Jessi's sister,” you declare, a succinct introduction that hangs in the air. His response is a simple “Oh,” a word that resonates with a spectrum of unspoken sentiments. 
As his arms fall to his sides, his posture eases into a more relaxed stance, and his gaze, now unhindered by the barricade of crossed arms, traverses the contours of your figure. Your choice of attire—heels and a summer dress that daringly grazes your thighs—doesn't escape his notice. 
You sense his eyes lingering on your exposed legs for a beat longer than societal norms might deem appropriate.
You find yourself unapologetically appreciating his attractiveness, recognizing the allure that binds both of you in a silent dance of mutual fascination.
“You don't remember me?” 
His question pierces through the air, catching you off guard, and instinctively, you lean back against the countertop. A subtle shake of your head accompanies the inquiry, and as you witness a shadow of sadness flicker across his eyes, an unexpected weight sinks into the chambers of your heart. The unspoken question lingers—should you know this man?
“It's me, Jimin,” he asserts with a voice steeped in pride and certainty, a declaration that sets your mind into a whirlwind of attempted recollection. His name resonates with a familiarity that dances on the periphery of your memory, like an elusive wisp slipping through the cracks of forgotten moments. 
You question with a voice that wavers in uncertainty, the mere utterance of the name carrying the weight of a fragile hope. As the word escapes your lips, you cling to the fragile threads of memory, desperately seeking confirmation that you've pieced together the puzzle of identity correctly.
“Yeah! Don't you remember? We played together when we were kids,” he chuckles warmly, the nostalgia of shared memories evident in his eyes.  
With a warm gesture, he invites you to take a seat, a silent acknowledgment of the intricacies of your shared history. As he crosses the room to the sink, a subtle limp marks his stride—a detail you keenly observe as you pull out a chair. Your curiosity about his altered gait tugs at your thoughts, begging for expression, yet you restrain the impulse, deeming it too forward. Silently, you observe him reaching for a glass from the overhead cabinet, pouring water with a practiced ease. 
“Here you go,” he offers, placing the glass before you. As you take it, your fingers brush momentarily, and an unexpected electric jolt courses through your body. You respond with a sheepish smile, expressing gratitude for the simple gesture. “Jessi is out riding; she'll be back soon.” 
You nod, the cool touch of the glass against your lips serving as a momentary distraction from the impending wait. As you take a measured sip of water, the realization sinks in — a quiet acknowledgment that the road back home may stretch longer than initially anticipated.
“I'm sorry about your mom,” he offers his condolences, and a palpable pain reflects in his eyes. The depth of his empathy hints at a connection with your mother that might surpass your own or perhaps, he carries the weight of loss in his own experiences. Regardless, you express gratitude, but as you do, a nonchalant shrug of your shoulders accompanies your words. “It's whatever,” you say, attempting to downplay the complexity of emotions that linger beneath the surface, yet the weight of grief echoes in the unspoken spaces between you.
He offers a minuscule smile, a mere flicker that fails to reach the depths of his eyes, and a subtle shift in the atmosphere becomes palpable. A quiet tension weaves through the kitchen, the air thickening with unspoken complexities. It's as if the very walls themselves have become sentient, closing in with a slow and deliberate intent, creating an immersive sense of confinement that mirrors the unexplored territories of emotions lingering between you and Jimin.
The rhythmic clank of boots announces her arrival before she materializes in the doorway — Jessi, a force of raw determination, a cascade of muttered curse words trailing in her wake. 
With an aura of purpose, she strides into the kitchen, a whirlwind of energy that disrupts the tension-laden air.
“Aren't you supposed to be working?” she demands, a subtle undercurrent of anger weaving through her voice as her gaze fixes on Jimin. 
You sense that you've slipped beneath her radar for now. Jimin responds with a casual chuckle, turning his head in your direction. In that moment, you feel the weight of her steel gaze bore into you.
You observe the subtle tensing of her body, her gaze meticulously scrutinizing every inch of you. Arms crossed defensively, she acknowledges your presence with a guarded stance. 
“Long time no see. What do you want?” The words, delivered with an edge that slices through the air, reverberate with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, embodying the complex web of emotions that intertwine your shared history.
Your lips involuntarily tighten, the already tense atmosphere escalating to an almost suffocating degree as Jessi's presence intensifies. A rhythmic tapping of her foot reverberates through the room, an erratic metronome that hints at a cocktail of emotions—perhaps nervousness, perhaps anger, the fine line between the two eluding your understanding. 
“The inheritance,” you utter, and a visible transformation sweeps over Jessi. Her countenance, already frosty, plunges into an even colder abyss. The pallor that washes over her skin accentuates the darkness of her brown, curly hair, transforming it into a cascade that seems to absorb the shadows of her perturbed soul.
A nervous gulp echoes in the charged silence, your attempt to fortify a wavering resolve. The mission is clear — secure her signature, liberate yourself, and sever the lingering ties. The weight of unspoken history and familial complexities hangs in the air, urging you to complete this fraught encounter, hoping that once the ink meets the paper, you’ll leave and never bother her again.
“I want to sell my share of the ranch. I just need your signature.”
The declaration hangs in the charged air, a revelation that sends a ripple through the room. Jimin tenses visibly, gaping in clear surprise at your bold proclamation. Your sister, on the other hand, is barely faring any better. The undercurrents of anger surge to the surface, a tempest of emotions that bobs precariously, threatening to breach the veneer of composure that barely holds. 
She hisses, the sound cutting through the charged silence like a serpent's warning, and grinds her teeth together with a simmering intensity. “You're not getting that,” she declares with a venomous resolve, the words laced with an unmistakable determination that resonates with the unyielding clash of wills in the room. 
The sternness and anger in her voice reverberate through the room, creating an invisible barrier. Undeterred, you summon a quiet resolve and press forward, attempting to cut through the emotional tempest that surrounds her. “I just need your signature, and then I can go,” your words, a delicate plea amidst the tumultuous clash of emotions, hang in the air, a fragile bridge between the chasm of familial discord and the resolution you seek.
She strides purposefully towards you, anger etching furrows into her brows. Coming to a halt just before your seated form, she looms over you with a fiery intensity in her eyes. 
“No. Get the fuck out,” she commands, the force behind her words reverberating in the charged space between you. The air crackles with the energy of unresolved conflicts, and her words hang in the air like a proclamation, leaving no room for negotiation.
Jimin's expression no longer holds surprise, his features now marked by a disapproving shake of his head. As Jessi retreats from you, turning with a storm brewing in her wake, the kitchen becomes an echoing chamber of unresolved tensions. She storms out, leaving you and Jimin in the wake of her departure, the remnants of conflict lingering in the air like an unspoken presence that refuses to dissipate. 
You clench your hands into tight fists, the physical manifestation of the internal turmoil that courses through you. The realization dawns, like a belated epiphany, that her vehement reaction was all but predictable. A heavy sigh escapes your lips, and you slump back into the chair, the weight of disappointment settling upon you like a shroud. This isn't unfolding as you had envisioned.
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The wind whips through, mercilessly tossing your hair into a chaotic dance across your face. Grumbling, you navigate the exterior of the main house, entering a realm where nature and grandeur coalesce. The yard unfolds before you, a testament to meticulous care, stretching expansively with paddocks extending for miles. To the left, a substantial stable stands as a regal sentinel, while to the right, three cottages punctuate the landscape.
Your gaze sweeps across the panoramic expanse, capturing the undulating beauty of the paddocks that cascade over the hills while the sun slowly sets. Cows and horses graze lazily, mere dots in the vast canvas of the countryside. The scene unfolds before you like a living painting, each blade of grass, each creature contributing to the symphony of nature. Amidst this serene image, you find yourself standing at the crossroads of contemplation, pondering the labyrinth of decisions that now lay before you.
Jessi won’t give you her signature, and you need her damn ink on that paper to be able to sell your share of the ranch.
Maybe if you get on her good side, she’ll reconsider? It’s worth a try at least.
“Hi,” a lilting female voice disrupts the current of your thoughts, a melodic intrusion that yanks you back from the recesses of contemplation. Your pivot is swift, attention now redirected to the stranger who has materialized behind you.
Her hand extends gracefully towards you, a gesture that transcends the usual formalities. “I'm Soo-ah, one of the stable hands here,” she introduces herself with an easy confidence, her words resonating with a sense of belonging and familiarity within the expansive realm of the ranch.
“Ah, hi,” you muse with a soft smile, extending a handshake that bridges the gap between stranger and newfound acquaintance. Her stature is modest, a curvature of curves, with a disarming smile that reveals a charming imperfection in the form of endearing crooked teeth. Clad in short denim shorts adorned with delicate white lace on the trim and a pink tank top, she exudes an aura of comfort and warmth. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of blue, gleam with a radiance that speaks of love and hope, amplified by the contrast against her sun-kissed tan skin.
“Your trip didn't go according to plan?” she inquires, the gentle cadence of her question accompanied by the sweep of a hand, gracefully gathering her long blonde hair away from her face. 
A chuckle escapes you, accompanied by a nonchalant shrug of your shoulders, as you confess, “Not really.”
“You know, this place means a lot to Jessi. It's her home. She wouldn't want you to sell your share for some random people to buy it or worse, use the land for housing or something.” Her eyes mirror the softness of her words, and a gentle smile graces her lips, a gesture that carries an unexpected soothing effect on your conflicted heart. 
The weight of her words settles on your conscience, a realization you had secretly dreaded. You grasp the depth of your sister's emotional connection to this land, an affection you once shared but have since outgrown. The prospect of selling your share, allowing strangers to lay claim to the cherished homestead, unfolds before you, and you acknowledge why Jessi vehemently opposes it. Yet, your heart remains indifferent to the sentimental ties that bind others to this place. It ceased being home long ago, and the notion of it ever regaining that status in your life appears as elusive as a distant memory fading into the horizon.
“Say what. It's late, and dinner's almost ready. Why don't you come eat with us and meet the rest of the gang? After that, I'll show you one of the guest rooms!” Her invitation resonates with a contagious enthusiasm, her voice exuding a warmth that almost verges on giddy. The surge of energy she emanates feels almost overwhelming, a stark contrast to the subdued atmosphere that has accompanied your arrival.
“I haven't packed anything. I didn't plan on staying…” you mumble, your words trailing off into the evening breeze. Despite your half-hearted protest, she seizes your hand and playfully pulls you towards the main house. Reluctance threads through your steps, a tangible resistance to the unexpected detour that fate seems to be orchestrating. 
“There's a guest room in the house, and you can borrow some clothes from Jessi or me. Those heels and that dress aren't exactly farm-friendly attire.” She laughs, a melody of warmth that resonates through the short walk to the house. Soo-ah guides you to the guest room where you'll be spending the night, and then you both make your way to the kitchen. 
There, you encounter another enchanting presence—a statuesque woman, tall and slender, her ebony hair culminating at her neck. Her eyes, a captivating shade of incredibly dark brown, bordering on obsidian, stand out against her lovely fair white skin. Clad in a simple yet elegant ensemble of a dark t-shirt paired with dark blue denim jeans, she moves gracefully around the kitchen, orchestrating what appears to be a culinary feast in the making. 
“I'm Ha-rin.” A casual wave accompanies her introduction, a seamless dance of gestures as she deftly grabs a handful of vegetables with the other hand.
“This is Jessi's sister,” Soo-ah introduces you with a warm smile, and Ha-rin nods in a gesture that suggests a preexisting understanding. “How can we help?” she inquires, her words carrying a blend of genuine curiosity and an unspoken readiness to extend hospitality. 
“You can set the table. I'm almost done with the food,” she declares, seamlessly transitioning to the task of cutting carrots with a professional speed that leaves you duly impressed.
Soo-ah guides you to the location of plates and glasses, and in a synchronized dance, you both embark on setting the table in the dining room. The collaborative effort carries an unexpected warmth, a departure from the solitary routine you've grown accustomed to. The act of sharing this communal task conjures a sense of nostalgia; it's been a long time since you've partaken in such simple yet meaningful rituals. Your dining experiences have often been solitary, occasionally shared with a partner, although those instances are rare occurrences in the tapestry of your solitary meals.
In no time, Ha-rin completes the culinary masterpiece, presenting a spread of oven-cooked chicken, a colorful assortment of vegetables, and tantalizing kimchi. The table becomes a canvas adorned with the promise of a delectable feast. As you all take your seats, another presence joins the gathering—Ara, a tall woman with big brown eyes and chocolate-brown hair cascading gracefully over her shoulders. Her curves and paler skin distinguish her from Ha-rin, yet she radiates the same warmth that characterizes the group. 
The door swings open, and into the room strides your sister, a pronounced frown etching lines of disapproval on her face the moment her sharp eyes lock onto your figure seated at her dining table. 
“Didn't I tell you to leave?” Her voice cuts through the air, laden with an undeniable tension that hangs like a storm cloud, casting a shadow over the gathering. 
With an exasperated roll of your eyes, you confront the directness that has always characterized Jessi, even if it doesn't always come across as nice. “It's getting dark, and Soo-ah graciously provided me with a room for the night. I'm not leaving until I get your signature,” you assert, the declaration hanging in the air like an unyielding challenge. 
Jessi's voice carries a distinct air of deflation, and it becomes evident that obtaining her signature won't be a victory achieved tonight, if at all. Resigned, she takes her place at the head of the table, a silent acknowledgment of the impasse. 
A stretch of silence envelops the dining room as everyone engages in the act of eating, a temporary truce. However, the calm is shattered as Jessi, unable to contain her emotions any longer, erupts like a dormant volcano. “Why can't you just keep your share of the ranch, huh?” Her words punctuate the air, each question a stab to the atmosphere, accentuated by the forceful plunge of her fork into the unfortunate chicken.
“Honestly?” You draw in a deep breath, preparing for the verbal fallout, fully aware that you've stepped into a minefield. “I just need the money.” The words hang in the air, a stark admission that lays bare your motivations. Jessi's frown deepens, her disapproving expression not eliciting the slightest surprise from you. 
“Why can't you just buy my share?” The words escape you in a frustrated huff, irritation building with each passing moment. Jessi's ability to get on your nerves becomes increasingly evident, a skill she's always excelled at. 
“I don't have the money to buy you out,” she states bluntly, her voice carrying a mix of blankness and anger, turning the tension at the table sour. Your plate, once adorned with the delicious offerings crafted by Ha-rin, now sits neglected, the food losing its appeal in the wake of the strained conversation. What a shame, you think, as the beautifully prepared meal becomes a casualty of the familial clash, and your appetite dissipates like the vanishing aroma of an abandoned feast.
“Why are you so mad at me?” you sputter out in frustration, resisting the almost overwhelming urge to pull at your hair in exasperation. The room echoes with a tense silence, interrupted only by the subtle sound of your sister's scuff, a precursor to the deep inhale that precedes the unleashing of her fury upon you.
“I haven't seen you in twenty years. You stomp in here, wanting to take my home away from me. And you didn't even attend Mom's funeral. Some balls you have.” Her voice is stern, each word laced with venom, and her glare cuts through you like a knife. To punctuate her disapproval, she slams her hands down hard on the table. “I'm going to bed. Goodnight.” 
Then she stomps off. At least she has some manners, you think, acknowledging the begrudging ‘goodnight’ she offered. Nevertheless, you sigh, the rest of the girls casting pitiful glances in your direction.
You lean back in the chair, contemplating the daunting challenge of ever getting on your sister's good side. The prospect seems as elusive as catching a shooting star, an almost impossible mission. Just as you sink into the depths of your thoughts, Ara shatters your contemplation with a beaming smile. “We're having a party tomorrow. Won't you stay for that?”
You take a few seconds to mull over her offer: a party in the countryside does sound intriguing, but the prospect of extended time with a sister who harbors animosity towards you gives you pause. Soo-ah, sensing your hesitation, steps in with a persuasive grin, “There'll be hot men!”
Then, in an instant, thoughts of Jimin flood your mind, and the prospect of his presence at the party becomes a tantalizing factor. A glimmer of optimism flickers; perhaps attending won't be as unbearable as you initially thought. Contemplating the possibility of a good time, you decide, “Who can say no to that?”
A forced laugh escapes your lips, but within it, there's a hint of genuine enjoyment. Sometimes, you remind yourself, you have to fake it until you make it.
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The barn pulsates with the rhythm of the music, a lively mix of country tunes, not exactly your preferred genre, yet the melodies weave seamlessly into the rustic ambiance. Couples and friends sway to the slow beats on the dance floor, creating an intimate atmosphere that, despite your initial reservations, feels oddly fitting. Most attendees linger along the walls engaged in conversation, and as your eyes scan the scene, you notice a handful of men. The girls weren't exaggerating – the company includes some undeniably attractive men.
The majority of women sport casual dresses, much like the one you've borrowed from Ha-rin. Clad in a long black lace dress that subtly accentuates your curves, you navigate the sea of familiar and unfamiliar faces. In stark contrast, Jessi's attire veers towards practicality – shirt, jeans and boots, a reflection of her enduring tomboyish nature. While you entertain a fleeting thought about the silliness of her choice for a party, a deeper understanding dawns. She’s always been more practical, and her choice of clothes tonight might align with that too. 
Surveying the lively scene again, your eyes lock onto your sister, deeply engrossed in a conversation with Jimin, an interaction that sparks both curiosity and a twinge of apprehension within you. 
As Ha-rin diligently tends to the culinary offerings, ensuring a variety of light snacks for everyone, Soo-ah and Ara steal the spotlight on the improvised dance floor. Their laughter echoes through the barn, a harmonious blend of joy and camaraderie, and you can't help but be drawn into the dynamic and diverse interactions unfolding around you.
Turning on your heels, a craving for the crisp embrace of fresh air seizes you. Opting for the subtlety of a quiet exit, you make your way toward the back door of the barn. The metallic touch of the door handle graces your palm with a forgiving chill, a stark departure from the warmth and vibrancy pulsating within. Pushing the door ajar, the night air rushes to greet your face, prompting a sigh of contemplation. 
However, as you step outside, your serenity shatters with a startle – a towering, muscular figure leans against the barn, arms crossed, waiting in the shadows of the night.
A startled yelp escapes your lips, accompanied by an inadvertent inhalation of lingering smoke in the air. The features of the stranger remain elusive, shrouded in the haze, as they release a deep and resonant chuckle in response to your momentary disarray. 
“Scaredy-cat?” he teases, the resonance of his laughter causing an animated jiggle through his entire upper body. Your gaze inadvertently drifts to his well-defined pectorals, emphasized by the snug fit of his ripped tank top. The exact hue of the fabric eludes you in the dim light, a mysterious darkness with a hint of, perhaps, deep blue.
You approach him, trying to maintain an air of nonchalance, though inwardly acknowledging the undeniable truth – you are indeed a scaredy-cat. Closing the distance, your eyes trace a path from his broad shoulders down his right arm, a canvas adorned with a full sleeve of tattoos. Among the intricate designs, some manifest in striking black and white, while others burst forth with vivid splashes of color, each telling a silent tale waiting to be unraveled.
Approaching him, you realize you've left his question hanging in the air. Coming to a halt in front of this enigmatic figure, you find yourself captivated by his deep, dark brown eyes. In the obscurity of the night, tiny glints of light echo the stars above, gleaming in his gaze. His pitch black long hair, with small curls at the end, frame his handsome face. Contrary to the rugged bulk of his body, his facial features exude a surprising softness. Thick, black eyebrows frame his expressive eyes, while a slim, pointed nose adds to the symphony of features. A sharp, defined jawline contrasts with the plushness of his rosy lips, gently circling a half-smoked cigarette.
“Jessi’s sister, huh?” He inhales deeply from his cigarette, exhaling a plume of smoke that dances in the air beside you. 
“Y-Yes,” you stammer nervously, a feeble symphony to the deep timbre of his laughter. Nonetheless, you summon the courage to introduce yourself, your name a tentative melody lingering in the night air.
“I'm Jungkook.” He announces, the remnants of the cigarette meeting its demise beneath the sole of his boot, extinguishing any lingering embers. A subtle caution against the spark that could set the night ablaze.
“You look hot. Want to make out?” His gaze boldly traces over you, and a sudden self-consciousness grips you in the delicate embrace of your lace dress. Your cheeks ignite in a bright red flush, caught off guard by the unexpected boldness of his proposition.
Your flabbergasted expression seems to amuse him, and his laughter echoes, revealing an endearing smile that prompts a soft, airy chuckle to escape your lips in response.
“I'm serious, you know,” he says, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. Another blush creeps up on you at his bluntness. Initially thinking he was joking, you now realize he's actually serious. As you assess him, you can't deny his incredible attractiveness, coupled with a nice smile and soft eyes. Perhaps he can't be all bad, right?
You saunter closer, conducting a swift yet thorough assessment of him. With a teasing lick of your lips, you signal that you're up for the game. “Sure.”
In a bold surge, he captures your lips, biting down on your lower lip as if seeking entrance. Yielding to the magnetic pull, your tongues engage in a fiery dance. His hands firmly grip your shoulders, giving a reassuring squeeze before deftly maneuvering you against the wall.
In a ravenous and swift embrace, his lips claim yours, leaving you breathless when he breaks away, his gaze smoldering with a lustful intensity that ignites a fiery sensation beneath your skin. Though not one to engage in impulsive encounters, the intoxicating allure of the moment fans the flames of excitement within you. Reminding yourself of the imminent departure tomorrow, you boldly lean in, craving another taste, and surrender to the intoxicating dance of desire.
As the kiss deepens, his demeanor doesn't exude sweetness or tenderness, and strangely, you find solace in that. After all, tomorrow marks your return home. The intensity of his kiss, possessive and profound, spirals you into a mindless whirlwind, your thoughts dissipating into nothingness, overwhelmed by the feeling of his rugged frame pressed firmly against yours.
His gravelly voice breaks the kiss momentarily as he breathlessly declares, “Your lips are so damn soft.” 
Locking eyes with you, he plunges back into the intoxicating exchange, this time with an urgent and fervent intensity that mirrors his escalating desire, leaving little room for restraint.
Your fingers dig into the firm contours of his hips, tracing an electrifying path along the sculpted landscape of his toned body. The rhythmic play of his muscles beneath your touch is a tactile symphony, every ridge and sinew a testament to his strength, creating an intricate dance beneath the fabric of his shirt.
His lips embark on a tantalizing journey, lingering on your cheek with teasing kisses before reaching your ear. A low, guttural growl escapes his lips as he presses his pelvis against you, sending a bolt of electricity through your body. The warmth of his breath against your ear ignites a wildfire of sensations, and the undeniable presence of his arousal is impossible to ignore. Control slips away like sand through your fingers, and you find yourself succumbing to the irresistible pull of desire.
You bite down on your lips, the struggle to suppress a moan palpable. Despite the lively party unfolding just a breath away, Jungkook possesses an uncanny ability to whisk you into a world of his own creation, making the chaotic celebration fade into insignificance.
His hands explore the contours of your breasts, coaxing a soft moan from your lips. The absence of padding in your bra leaves your nipples immediately responsive to his teasing fingers. Sensations surge through you, and as your panties cling uncomfortably, an urgent desire to shed them intensifies.
His breath hot against your ear, he whispers, “I want to fuck you so bad, can I?”
The firm squeeze on your breasts sends a wave of desire through you. Fuck. The craving intensifies, and the anticipation of being with him grows insatiable. It's been an eternity since you felt this desire, and you're already on the edge, yearning for his touch.
Your response escapes in a breathy whisper, “Hell yes.” 
Your fingers find purchase on the contours of his chest, seeking stability amid the whirlwind of desire that envelops you both.
The symphony of desire crescendos as you catch the melodic jingle of his belt being undone, the tantalizing slide of metal against leather, and the whisper of a zipper surrendering its secrets. Soon, his jeans cascade down, pooling around his knees.
Your curiosity takes over, compelling you to cast an audacious gaze downward, and even through the fabric of his underwear, the impressive outline of his arousal is undeniable. The undeniable bulge hints at a restrained intensity, and summoning your courage, you boldly cup him, your touch sending a low, guttural groan reverberating through the charged air.
“Are you good to go without any prep?” His question, a tantalizing whisper in your ear, sends shivers down your spine, and the resonant, lust-laden timbre of his voice resonates deep within you. 
Nodding in affirmation, you can't help but bite your lip, feeling the promise of an exhilarating encounter ahead. “Yes,” you murmur, a breathy admission to the impending intensity.
As he lowers his underwear, his dick is unleashed, an impressive display of length and girth, veins tracing its sculpted form. The engorged head, flushed and intense, undergoes a few suggestive strokes from his skilled hands, droplets of precum glistening as they descend to the ground below.
His touch is commanding, fingers tracing a path down the contours of your dress, gathering the fabric in his strong grip. Swiftly, his hands venture beneath, reaching the apex of your panties. In one bold motion, he removes them, allowing them to cascade to the ground as you gracefully step out, shedding inhibitions along with the delicate undergarment.
Unexpectedly, he seizes your hips, effortlessly lifting you into the air. As you leap, your legs instinctively wrap around his tiny waist, aligning your bare core with his throbbing dick, a subtle gasp escaping your lips as your wetness coats his cock.
A soft moan escapes your lips at the tantalizing contact, and Jungkook, seizing the opportunity, grips your supple curves, pressing you firmly against the wall for stability. Skillfully, he produces a condom out of thin air, wraps his cock with it and positions his dick at the entrance of your eager pussy. Your hands instinctively clutch his neck, a mixture of anticipation and desire written across your face as you brace yourself for the impending ecstasy. With a devious smile playing on his lips, he tantalizingly teases the velvety folds of your cunt with the head of his cock. But the pretense of gentleness is short-lived, as he discards any lingering pleasantries and thrusts his dick into your warm and eager core in one seamless motion.
A gasp escapes your lips as an exquisite stretch engulfs you, momentarily testing your limits. Yet, the generous coating of your arousal ensures that the discomfort swiftly transforms into an intoxicating wave of pleasure, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake.
He moves with an urgency that suggests an impending deadline, setting a pace that mirrors a sense of immediacy, as if time is a luxury he can't afford. The reasons behind his haste remain a mystery, and in this moment, you find yourself indifferent to the ticking clock, wholly absorbed in the intensity of the present.
“Mmmhh. You’re so tight.” 
You gasp at the force of his thrusts, feeling the impact resonate through your body as your back collides with the wall. The slight discomfort is eclipsed by the overwhelming pleasure, and his raspy pants only intensify the raw, visceral connection between you, each movement a symphony of pleasure and urgency. He thrusts forcefully, plunging into the depth of your pussy.
Wrapping your legs around him, you greedily pull him closer, breathless huffs escaping your lips with each relentless thrust. “Yes! Right there!” The pleasure becomes almost blinding as he unerringly targets that sweet, sensitive spot, sending shockwaves of pleasure that build an exquisite tension, promising an impending climax that pulses in the depths of your core.
“Shit.” He pants huskily into your ear, a shiver running down your spine in response. The intensity of his thrusts is unparalleled, each powerful movement leaving an indelible mark on your senses. The realization hits you that tomorrow might bring soreness, but in the heat of the moment, with a dick this good, you decide it's a price worth paying.
Your moans have evolved into uninhibited symphonies, each thrust hitting that exquisite spot that sends shockwaves through your body. The coil in your tummy tightens, ready to snap, just waiting for that final nudge to propel you over the edge. “I’m so close.”
Jungkook's grip on your ass tightens, but with skilled precision, he frees one hand and navigates it down the narrow space between your bodies. Despite the limited room, his large hand finds your clit and begins to rhythmically rub it to the beat of his thrusts. The sensation is mind-blowing. Every rub and thrust unravel your body, sending waves of ecstasy through every inch of your being.
Then he leans in, his hot breath grazing your ear, and he moans, pushing you right over the edge, “Come on my cock, pretty.”
“Jungkook!” You pant his name erratically as the coil inside snaps, and you release your fluid over his cock, synchronized with his relentless thrusts. You gasp for air, momentarily feeling your vision blur as your orgasm surges through your spent body.
He keeps thrusting into you, and you feel utterly spent, so you’re just hanging on and clinging to him for dear life. You bury your face in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes as he relentlessly fucks you, searching for his own sweet release.
At a particularly hard thrust, you open your eyes, and they collide with a figure standing in the shadows. 
Brown eyes and blonde hair meet yours. 
You gulp, feeling your core clench instinctively. 
It's Jimin. 
His eyes reflect a mix of sadness and disappointment as they lock onto yours for a few lingering moments. He turns away and retreats back into the lively party. You don’t appreciate the unsettling expression on Jimin’s face, but there’s little you can do about it now. A strange and disconcerting feeling settles in your stomach.
“Fuck, you just got tighter, babe. I’m almost there.” His hands tighten their grip, his biceps flexing as he pulls you closer, syncing your movements with the intensity of his thrusts.
You sense Jungkook's thrusts growing more erratic, a telltale sign he's close. Despite his exhaustion, he strives to give his all in those final fervent moments, and you feel the warmth of his release filling the condom inside you as his pace slows. He's visibly breathless, and you empathize; after all, he exerted himself, utilizing every ounce of strength to keep you elevated. In his position, you'd likely be a panting mess on the ground.
“You good?” He inquires, scrutinizing your expression. Whether he discerns the melancholy etched on your face or not, he doesn't comment. Gently withdrawing from you and discarding the condom, he steadies you on shaky legs. You respond with a pensive smile and a nod. The night was undeniably enjoyable, yet Jimin's forlorn gaze lingers in your thoughts, casting a shadow over the post-passion atmosphere.
“I had a good time, thank you.” You muster a smile, though it feels a bit strained. Whether he perceives it or not is uncertain, and even if he does, you doubt it holds much significance to him.
“Same here. Thanks, babe.” His laughter rumbles as he rights himself, adjusting his underwear and fastening his pants. As he tends to his attire, you scan the floor for your abandoned panties.
As you retrieve them, you notice the dirt clinging to the delicate fabric, deciding against putting them on. Instead, you allow them to slip from your grasp, figuring you'll retrieve them tomorrow for a wash. The last thing you want is to flaunt dirty underwear at the party.
Jungkook strides confidently back into the lively party, and you trail closely in his wake, anticipation and a lingering heat coloring the air around you.
As you reenter the vibrant party scene, a sudden hush falls over the crowd, and the weight of all eyes on you feels like an invisible spotlight, making you wish for a momentary escape beneath the ground.
As you scan the crowd for Jimin, your gaze briefly collides with his, only to witness him quickly diverting his eyes elsewhere. 
A perplexing mix of emotions lingers in his gaze—perhaps hurt or frustration. Puzzled, you question the impact of your intimate encounter outside, contemplating why he might be affected when, by all accounts, you share no significant ties.
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As you enter the dining room, the tempting aroma of Ha-rin's carefully prepared breakfast envelops you, offering a flavorful farewell before you embark on your journey back to the bustling city.
As you approach the table, a surprising sense of harmony fills the room, with everyone already seated, including Jessi, who appears to be in higher spirits—perhaps fueled by the knowledge that she’s getting rid of you today.
Soo-ah's eyes sweep the table, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she starts, “ I discovered a pair of lacy red panties outside the barn this morning.”
You nearly choke on your food, a sudden realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. “Shit. Those are mine. Completely slipped my mind. My bad.”
All eyes suddenly fixate on you, their curiosity palpable. Soo-ah's gaze is practically bulging out of her eyes, Ara looks equally stunned, and Ha-rin can't help but release an amused ‘ooohh.’ Even Jessi, with her usual nonchalant demeanor, can't completely hide the flicker of intrigue in her eyes as she rolls them at the unfolding gossip.
Curiosity and a mischievous glint spark in Ara's big brown doe eyes as she leans forward, her cheeks tinted with a hint of red, and pops the question, “Who did you fuck?”
Between casual bites of scrambled eggs, you drop the bombshell, “A guy named Jungkook. You know him?” The nonchalance in your tone does little to mask the intrigue dancing in your eyes, leaving the table hanging on your every word.
A heavy hush descends upon the table, and you scan the faces around you, perplexed by the sudden silence. Disapproval lingers in Jessi's slow shake of the head, while the exchange of disconcerting glances among the girls hints at a shared, unspoken concern.
“What’s wrong?” Concern etches your voice as you inquire, the subtle panic seeping through, unable to grasp the sudden tension enveloping the table.
Soo-ah leans in dramatically, her words hanging in the air like a heavy secret. “You fucked Jungkook,” she drawls, the gravity of her statement sinking in, and a chill coursing through your veins. “The same Jungkook who's been with half the town—Park Jungkook.” The weight of his name leaves you wide-eyed, a sinking feeling settling in your gut.
Your jaw practically hits the floor, or it would if that were humanly possible. Park? Jungkook and Jimin are brothers?
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I would very much appreciate it if you reblogged the chapter, if you liked it ✨ A small review or a comment would also mean a lot to me, and even a like. But please, don’t be afraid to let me know what you think; your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
Omg 🫢 How did you like the ending??? I hope you won’t be too mad… The fling with Jungkook only happens this one time, but necessary to happen for the rest of the story to make sense 🥲
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jasntodds · 1 month
Petrichor [20]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of fwb)
Words: 10,185
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, some fluff, mentions of death, blood, canon violence, mention of drug addiction
Summary: ❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞
Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
A/N: Can you guys believe book 2 is finally done?? We're finally done with season 3!! lol Book 3 will be the last book and I will have some stuff posted for that soon!! I have a few chapters done already lol There's a longer author's note at the end!! You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
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Jason’s hands are on your cheeks with his lips pressed to yours. Your hands are gripping the ends of his jacket hoodie with all your might, tugging him as close to you as you possibly can as if the very force of your grip will keep him here forever. The teeth of the zippers dig into the palms of your hands and you can't offer a single thought as your mouth moves with Jason's and everything starts to turn sloppy and desperate.
Jason backs you up to the wall where he pins you against it. Teeth smack and clank as you both grip each other wherever your hands lead you as if everything in this moment will fix all of your broken pieces and tainted dreams. You give each other everything, every breath and movement and every piece of yourselves to each other. Jason cuts himself open and gives you everything in him, every part of him even the bad parts just makes you feel whole. He bleeds him dry without ever second guessing it just for you, just to make sure you are happy. And you pull the air out of your lungs and offer it to him in silver jars just to watch him smile. You give him the very oxygen you breathe as if it’ll save him from himself. You offer him the air you breathe in order to see him smile and know he is enough. You give each other everything you can as if this will be the last time you have this moment.
Jason wants to believe this is not the last time but he has never gotten to be so lucky. Not in this life or the previous one. His own certainty is that he will love you in every life after. You have ruined him for anyone who ever even dared to show up later because he is stained by you and he would never have it any other way. But, there is that piece of him that thinks this is it. This is all there will ever be. Something will happen and this will be it so he gives you his all as his mouth moves with yours and his right hand grips your hip hard enough to leave bruises.
Time happens. You know time doesn’t stop anyway. Days go by and then weeks, then months, and then years. Something always comes up and it’ll always be a tomorrow problem and then another tomorrow and another until the tomorrows are neverending. This might be it because you both have a habit of getting lost in time and there is never enough of it. Time will go by and maybe this will be it for you. So, you give him every part of you as you tug the hair at the nape of his neck.
Jason pulls away just enough to kiss your cheek and tenderly makes his way down your neck only to be met with the sturdy armor of your suit. Jason huffs against what skin is exposed before he moves back to your cheek, only for you to laugh softly.
“Safety first.” You mutter through breathy words.
Jason snorts as his head feels fuzzy. "Fuck off." He mutters right as both of his hands squeeze your hips as if they're the only thing keeping him planted on the planet.
Jason slides a hand to your back, trailing over the zipper, ready to tug it down just as your phone starts ringing. The two of you pull away, breaking for some air that isn't tangled between the two of you only to let out groans.
"Cockblock." Jason states as you tug your phone from your suit.
You let out a chortle, not looking up at Jason as your cheeks start to burn. "Who says you were getting that lucky?"
Jason narrows his eyes at you before he raises his brows. "Hey, a guy can hope." Jason states with sarcasm as you look up at him with softness clouding your eyes.
"Fucking cockblock." You roll your eyes earning a laugh from Jason. "Least that was fun." You nod your head as your smile turns into something sad and soft.
You answer the phone before Jason can respond. Dick mostly just explains the sort of plan they have for the moment. They aren't sure what they're going to do about the people in the streets but if Jason and Dick and Donna can be brought back, he wants to find a way to bring all of them back, too. But for now, Dick explains he's going to send you and Jason into the manor together to start taking out of the cops working with Crane in order to give Gar access to the alarm system. Once it's disabled, they'll take back the manor and take down Crane. You and Jason both think it sounds easy enough but sounding easy lately, doesn't mean it will be. But, you both have faith in it. It'll be the closest you've come to taking down Crane anyway. So, you set up a time and end the call.
After the call, you and Jason stand facing each other as you both continue to catch your breath. With the call, the weight and gravity of the situation fall back onto your shoulders. Avoiding it isn't going to make the weight any better. You both need to learn how to remove the bricks one by one. The adrenaline starts to dissipate between you as you smile softly at him and Jason's cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink. Maybe that feels a little unfinished but...maybe that gives you both the opportunity to come back even if it's just one last time for old-time's sake and for now, you're okay with that.
"Well," Jason sucks in a breath finally pulling his hands away from her hips. "Wanna try and get some sleep for a few hours?" Jason offers.
"Yeah, I'm fucking exhausted. I, uh, I don't remember the last time I really...slept, actually." You let out a sheepish laugh.
"Come on." Jason jerks his head towards the bed on the opposite side of the room. "I'll set an alarm." Jason smiles softly at you.
The two of you get into the bed just as you always have. You still say you'll never make him sleep on the floor and it's not like this is something new, even as friends. It doesn't matter. And Jason is happy with this. He's hoping maybe he'll actually get some much-needed sleep anyway. You always made him feel a little more at ease anyway. So, you lay down, your head on his chest and you try to get some sleep before you need to be at the manor.
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By the time the next morning rolls around, you and Jason have gotten some sleep. It wasn't good sleep or very much. Some of it was just being a little worried for what today would bring and if Crane planned on setting off another bomb to kill more people. Some of it was worry for the other Titans. And then some of it was just stress. But, you both did get some sleep and Jason's alarm woke up you with a jolt.
A heaviness fills the air between you, knowing this will be it. This is your shot to take out Crane. This is your shot to take back the city. If this plan doesn't work, Crane will expect everyone always and you'll lose. You can't afford to lose today. But, this is what being a vigilante is about. It's risking everything for the greater good. So, the two of you get ready and head outside to Jason's bike.
Jason hands you the extra helmet before he mounts himself on the bike. You're chewing the inside of your cheek, your grip tight on the helmet. Jason can feel it, too. He doesn't want you anywhere near Crane. He could have killed you the last time you were face-to-face. He tried to kill you and that alone nearly sends Jason into a rage. Jason wouldn't put it past Crane to try again or try to get Jason to do it or make Jason watch. You can't die. He doesn't want you to get hurt at all, you've been hurt enough by Crane. It's not up to Jason though. This will never be up to him.
"You sure about this?" Jason asks you, mostly just checking in.
You nod your head softly. "Uh, yeah. Just..." You suck in a breath. "Fucking Crane, ya know?" You shake your head, looking to the ground as you lick your lips. "Ready for this shit to be over." You scoff as you loos back to him.
"You gonna kill him?" Jason asks.
"Did you want to?" You ask right back.
"He almost killed you so..." Jason tilts his head to the side, his voice almost telling you you should have known the answer.
"Dick's never gonna let us." You laugh softly before you pop the helmet on your head.
"He's not gonna stay in Gotham forever."  Jason quips as he puts the Red Hood helmet on, making you laugh.
"Yeah, that's true." You take your seat right behind Jason. "Guess we'll just wait until the Titans leave then." You say sarcastically as you wrap your arms around his waist.
"Let's get this going then." Jason says before he revs the bike.
The drive to the manor is quiet, a lot quieter than any ride with you and Jason ever is. On most days, you’re talking through your comms, usually making some sort of inside joke and making some sarcastic jab at each other but today is not that. This is the first time you’re back in the manor together since Jason died. It will not feel normal. It will not feel safe and it won’t be safe. Crane and all of his men are there and this is not how it should be. This is not how you ever imagined it to be.
He was alive and you thought it would be warm and a relief to have him back home. Back at the manor. But, instead, it just feels like dread that’s consuming you because he didn't come with you. He isn't coming home with you. You're only going home together to beat Crane and that stings more than you'll ever tell him. But you have to do this. There is no choice. You are out of options when it comes to Crane. The National Guard has been sent in and Gotham City is under lockdown. Crane wants to take out every person in the city. If you don’t do it now, there may not be a Gotham tomorrow. It’s for the better of the city.
There is also the thought that this is the end between you. You’ll take out Crane today and then…that’ll be it. You’ll go your separate ways for a little bit because that’s what's for the best for both of you. But that doesn’t make the pill any easier to swallow.
As for Jason, he’s focused on the mission at hand. He wants to get in and get the hell out. That’s all this is. For the better of the city. But, he’s also trapped in his own head because he did trust Crane so there is some distant part of him that feels bad about it. It’s the right thing to do and he knows Crane doesn’t deserve sympathy for everything he’s done but something about it feels hard and Jason hates that feeling.
And he’s worried about what will happen when Bruce comes back. Eventually, Bruce will know Jason is alive. Once he finds out, he’ll know about Red Hood. Before, that was fine. It was spite. A fuck you to Bruce and the Bat and everything he stood for. But, Bruce killed the Joker for him. Bruce threw away all of his morals for him. That changes things. Jason is firm in his beliefs and what he wants to do after all of this. Nothing is going to change his mind but there is a part of him that is tired of letting everyone around him down. Bruce is the closest thing to family he’s had since his mom died. He never wants someone else to end up like him, go through the hell he’s been through, but he doesn’t want to give up on this either. Not if Bruce really did that. For him.
Then, there’s that thought of being alone. It’s for the best. It’s for the best for him and you. But, he remembers what it was like returning to Gotham without you while you were a Titan. How it felt like the longest month of his life and you weren’t even together yet. But, you were different people then. You aren’t the same stupid kids who were so infatuated with each other, you could hardly breathe. You are more calloused and damaged and bruised and broken. It’s for the best as you learn to live with your new scars. As you come into yourselves as individual people. It’s going to be hard but it’s for the best. Jason swears it’s for the best and the lump in his throat starts to close off his throat.
“How we doing this, Jay?” You ask once you dismount the bike on the outskirts of the property.
Jason takes off his own helmet. “We’re not going to get in with you just walking with me.” Jason starts, gesturing for you to give him your helmet. “Pretend to hold you prisoner, a peace offering to the psycho.” Jason puts both helmets on the handles, trying his best to be casual about it.
Jason knows that’s a big ask given your history. But, he’s not going to tie you up for real and he’s not going to let anyone else do it. You'll never even see Crane until everyone else gets into the Manor. He knows it's not something you'll take lightly. He just doesn't know any other way. It's not like he can sneak you in, that's why Gar needs to enter as a bat in the first place. Turning you into Crane gets you both in but if you aren't comfortable, Jason knows you'll have to figure something else out. This is just the best, easiest, and quickest way.
You nod your head once. “Right, yeah, okay.” You pull in a weary breath.
The idea of even pretending to be restrained makes you want to peel your skin off your bones. You swore never again. You would die trying to get out of it ever happened because it simply can't. If you get restrained again, what happens if you never get to be free? What if something worse happens? It's why you don't like to use your powers. But, this is Jason and even after everything, you have enough trust in him to know he's going to make sure you can free yourself. It makes you nervous and it scares the hell out of you but you also know there isn't another way. You put your trust in him.
“Is that alright?” Jason asks, seeing the hesitance in your face.
You nod quickly. “Yeah, yeah, of course. It’s our way in.”
Jason nods, his eyes darting over you quickly. "Let's get going then." Jason jerks his head in the direction of the manor.
"Think they'll really buy that?" You question as the two of you start your walk to the manor.
"Guess you'll have to channel your inner thespian." Jason offers you a cheeky grin, trying desperately to ease some of your anxiety.
"That's your job, theater boy." You roll your eyes as you laugh softly.
"Oh, well, we know I've got that covered." Jason chuckles, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "You always said I was fucking dramatic." Jason lets out a light-hearted scoff, looking over to you.
"You are." You let out a laugh. "Most dramatic person I ever met." You scrunch your nose as you look back him.
"Yeah, right." Jason scoffs but the smile beams back at you.
The two of you keep up a steady walking pace through the grounds of the manor. Crane doesn't seem to have anyone watching this far out. Chaos is ensuing in the city which means Crane's eyes are probably there and not on the cameras for the grounds. So, your walk is overall pretty peaceful given your circumstances, something the both of you are thankful for.
Once the two of you start to get closer to the front of the manor, you stop behind a few of the trees to scope out the front. There are two guards standing right out front, fully armed and in riot gear. They don't seem to be paying too much attention but the front of the manor is open so you'll be seen immediately. That's the plan anyway, get in without any disturbance and take them all out at once just to get inside. If you make a scene out here, Crane could lockdown the manor before you ever get a chance inside.
"Okay, I'll just hold your hands behind your back. You act like you want to kill me and we're golden." Jason offers you a cocky smirk.
You nod your head with the roll of your eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know the drill, thanks." You laugh softly but there's something off about it.
The lack of quip and how the laugh sounds hollow. The smile falls almost immediately as you look at his hands. You bite it back and clear your throat, standing in front of Jason with your hands behind your back. Jason's gloved hands hold your wrists soft enough you could barely move and slip right from his grip. He's mindful, keeping his grip above where the scars hit even though they're covered by your suit.
You can feel his grip still and it's like you're being suffocated. The scars on your wrists start to burn, resembling the burn of you tugging and pulling on the cuffs, desperate to get out. You can feel the skin cracking out in a burn and then a deep welt before it's covered in blood. It burns and it aches and it stings. Your stomach twists and turns with nausea. It's the right thing to do because it'll get you in there. You can help and not being able to do this makes you feel weak and useless. But, it's as if you're frozen in place.
"Are you sure?" Jason asks quietly from behind you. "We can try to just tell them I convinced you to switch with Nightwing being dead."
You look over your shoulder, meeting the concerned look written across Jason's features. They'd never believe Jason could get you to switch sides. It would out you and Jason immediately and the whole thing would go to shit. It's for the greater good of Gotham and you trust him.
"Yeah," You nod your head. "Just hope it works." You pull in a breath as you turn back around.
"If not," Jason pauses for just a second. "We'll go down swinging anyway." He says it casually and you can't tell if it's supposed to be reassuring, a joke, or an acceptance of your possible fate.
"Always thought that'd be our way out." You let out a scoff that's ended with a half laugh. "Let's just go before we're late."
The two of you come out from the trees and start your walk towards the driveway. It only takes a few seconds for you to be spotted. The guards point the gun directly at you and it burns Jason's bloodstream knowing they're mostly pointed at you. If one of them even slips or gets a little too trigger-happy, Jason will lose his entire mind. He doesn't exactly trust them. But, he bites it down because if he starts worrying and getting annoyed, you will do the same.
"Found her snooping around the trees." Jason states once the two of you get closer to the front steps, one of the cops meeting you on the driveway.
"Get fucked." You scoff.
"And you're turning her in?" The guard questions, not buying it.
"Told Crane, I'm all in for his plan. Just here to prove it." Jason says casually, hiding every piece of annoyance and anger he has towards this whole thing.
"And you let him capture you?" The guard narrows his eyes at you.
"Fuck you you fucking piece of shit." You bark back. "No, I didn't let him that would be fucking stupid."
"Where are your friends?" He questions.
Your annoyance is not fake. You hate this guy already and the questioning is ridiculous. Why would you tell him anything and why would Jason tell him if he switched sides?
"I'm not a fucking rat unlike Red Hood here." You narrow your eyes back at him. "They're gonna stop him though." You threaten. "The Titans will win."
The cop gives you a sinister laugh, a way to tell you the Titans don't stand a chance. You swear arrogance has only ever worked on Jason. Arrogance on everyone else seems to make them stupid you think.
"Come on." The cop scoffs, leading the two of you through the front door as the other cop joins you.
Jason's grip is loose against your wrists as the cop walks you inside. The cop trails behind you, keeping the gun on Jason, clearly not trusting him. Jason gets the idea Crane knows he's done. That's fine, really. You're inside and with every step, Jason is thinking of a way out of this if it goes south. He should be able to hear the movement of the gun being held tighter before a trigger is pulled. The fabric of his jacket will move and he can shoot first. Your clairvoyance should go off and you'll have a knife out in the same breath. If this guy takes it into his own hands, it'll get messy quick but you'll have a way out. Jason focuses on a backup plan as you're nudged into the kitchen.
"You're not gonna believe who we caught outside trying to get in." The cop states as he leads you into the kitchen where three other cops in riot gear are gathered.
"What in the actual fuck are you trying to pull here?" One of them asks, his eyes directly on Jason. "Crane is done with you."
"I saw what he did downtown. Let's just say I'd rather be in here when the next bomb goes off." Jason states. "Found her when I showed up and thought I'd show my loyalty to Crane by bringing her in."
"What the fuck makes you think he'll take you back?" The guard asks. "Even with her."
"Pretty sure he's getting tired of dealing with the second string." Jason scoffs.
"Dr. Crane?" The guard states after touching his own comm device in his ear. "Red Hood is here." He says after a few seconds. "And he brought Bluejay, says he captured her for you." He pauses for a few seconds. "Thank you, Doctor." He touches his earpiece again before turning to the guy behind him. "Take them down. I'm gonna go outside and see if we have any other visitors here." The cop says before he rams his shoulder into yours to walk past you and Jason, making Jason's grip tighten on your wrists as an instinct.
One of the cops walks behind the two of you and shoves Jason and in turn, shoves you, too. The two of you nearly trip over each other as you move closer to the middle of the kitchen, standing between the islands while the four cops surround you. There's a feeling creeping into the back of your head, spreading through to the front. It's not quite throbbing like it usually does but there's a subtle alarm going off. It feels more like just a gut feeling something isn't right in this kitchen and based on the second squeeze you get from Jason on your wrist, he knows it, too. All you have to do is wait for Gar to trigger the manor's alarm system.
Just then, as if it be on cue, the alarm starts blaring from above you. Everyone looks up and that's the cue for Jason and you to get this thing going. Jason drops your hands and in an instant, Jason takes his elbow, ramming into the face of the cop behind him while you spin around, throwing a kick at the one behind you.
The cop Jason is fighting immediately starts firing while Jason grabs his arms, spinning him around so the gunfire stays away from you. He yanks the gun away as he tosses the cop over the counter all while you fight the first cop, elbowing him unconscious before throwing a knife at the one about to shoot you. Jason keeps his gun aimed at the last man before hitting him with the butt of the gun, knocking him unconscious.
Jason and you exchange a look with heavy breaths once they're all either down or dead. There's a glint of a smile coming over Jason's face as he shrugs.
"Don't gloat." You state, Jason seeing the smile come to your eyes.
"I wasn't saying shit." Jason defends but there's almost a laugh that leaves his lips.
"Mhm, something about how you trained me well or something." Your eyes narrow but there's something soft over your expression.
"I did." Jason holds his head with pride before he lets out a breath. He misses patrolling with you, fighting side by side. He thinks he'll always miss it. "Come on. We gotta get to Gar before they find him."
The two of you quickly make your way through the kitchen and to the main staircase, leading to bedrooms. You follow behind Jason with two knives in hand, keeping an eye over your shoulders while Jason watches around the corners you reach. As you round another corner and keep up your steady pace, Gar pops out from the corner from the hall that continues to your bedrooms. Gar immediately takes a step back, fear falling over his face.
"Hey, Dick sent us, okay? I'm on your side." Jason rushes quickly.
"I told you, he's with us." You urge not liking the fear over his face or the way his arm is almost in position to fight.
You don't blame him and neither does Jason. He just got Dick killed the other night. This is an entirely fair reaction for him to have regardless on if Jason was trying to help or not. And then Gar's eyes widen just as the back of your head starts throbbing.
Jason and you turn at the same time, Jason firing two shots while you throw a knife. Both of you hit the one cop, sending him to the ground instantly. You and Jason look right at each other and just nod before you turn back to Gar.
"See?" Jason questions.
Gar isn't sure just how relieved he is but he is thankful. "Thanks." Gar nods, his voice still a little unsure.
"Set up the router." Jason states.
"We'll watch the hall." You finish as the two of you stand on either side of the hall, opposite each behind two of the large pillars.
Gar ducks behind the corner and starts communicating with Dick about Jason and you being there before he starts working. But, it's only a few seconds before two of the cops show up, jogging through the hall but they're met by Jason and you as you duck from behind your pillars. Jason takes one while you take the other, the two of you using your fists and elbows for nonlethal force, successfully knocking out the cops before you go back to your spots. Jason flashes you a smirk while you roll your eyes.
The two of you wait as Gar takes down the system while Dick is on his way inside. You look over to Jason, his back pressed against the pillar with his gun that he stole from one of the cops downstairs held against his chest. You think about how you're going to miss this part of it. Dick said you work well together, it's why he wanted you to team up for this. Part of it. And you do. You never have to speak to know exactly what the other one is going to do. You think that probably isn't too common and you're going to miss it. You'll miss him, even if it's only a week you don't talk.
It's only a few minutes before Gar finishes up and meets you and Jason in the hall. He looks more relieved now as the three of you stand in the hall and it almost feels like it once did.
"So, you're really with us?" Gar asks.
Jason nods. "Yeah, I'm done with this shit." Jason lets out an easy scoff. "Sorry for everything, man."
"It's okay. You were drugged and manipulated." Gar offers his understanding. "Thanks for the help." Gar nods before he looks to you. "Thank you."
"Yeah, don't mention it." You smile under your mask as you scrunch your nose until you hear fighting and gunfire from downstairs.
The three of you exchange panicked looks before you run down the hall and towards the staircase. You and Jason take one way while Gar takes the other so you have both entrances covered to the main living room, hearing that's where the gunfire is coming from. The three of you reach your entrances just in time to see Dick throw one of his weapons, hitting the barrel of the gun pointed at him which makes it backfire, killing the cop holding it. You, Jason, and Gar enter fully into the room, slightly concerned by the whole interaction and the amount of bodies littered over the floor but not even willing to question it. It was Dick's life or that cop's and he wasn't going to let Dick walk out of here alive.
Dick walks up to the camera and grins wickedly before he salutes it. Bringing Crane down is definitely bringing Dick a lot of joy. It's bringing a lot of the Titans a lot of joy to bring him down.
Dick starts a quick pace to the entrance to the Batcave. "Let's go." He says, looking towards Jason and you.
"No." Jason says quickly, making Gar and Dick stop their walk to the entrance while you look to Jason with confusion. Dick nods his head at Gar for him to keep going before he closes some of the distance between him and Jason. "Look, this is a Titan's job. He knows I turned on him and that's enough for me. You guys finish it."
Something about the way he says it, as a form of acceptance warms your heart. Jason Todd doesn't hold very many grudges. He is not a mean person and he is not a monster. He should walk into that Batcave and rip Crane's head right off of his shoulders for everything he's done but he doesn't. Jason recognizes he was part of this problem. Drug or not, it does not matter. This was his doing and the Titans deserve the right to take him down. Crane knowing Jason turned on him and Jason being allowed to help the Titans, that's enough revenge for him now. He knows you'll give him hell anyway, it's your hell to bring him if you want it that bad.
"You sure?" Dick asks, somewhere between surprised and understanding.
"And tell the others I'm sorry." Jason shakes his head. "For everything." His voice is soft and honest.
"Thank you, Jason." Dick states with a nod of his head.
Dick Grayson can hold a grudge. Sometimes, he can be bitter and angry, understandably so. He can hold a grudge and maybe he should sometimes. But, Dick Grayson is not a mean person. He is not unreasonable. He is understanding and he cares about the people he loves and protects. It was his job to protect Jason at some point and he failed. Maybe some of this is on him and he died. That was a missing piece he really needed to understand how they even got here. He can hold a grudge but one against Jason is not one he's willing to have. He is thankful and hopes once this is over, they can both move on from whatever bitter rivalry boiled between them.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Jason starts as he starts to move away from Dick and towards the exit. "I was never here." He finishes before he leaves the room, you looking back at him before looking to Dick.
"Go." Dick states. "Something tells me you'll find Crane your own way, anyway." Dick doesn't sound pleased but he almost, just almost, looks content.
You nod softly. "Tell him I'm coming for him." You state the smile reaching your eyes just as you hear rapid footsteps coming into the room. Your mouth falls open from behind your mask as your eyes widen and turn watery. "Tim!?"
"Hey!" Tim chimes with excitement.
"I thought you were dead!" You rush over to him and pull him into a hug.
"Oh, yeah, I kind of died." Tim answers. "I don't know. It was weird, Donna was there." Tim's voice is filled with excitement at the mention of Donna, something most people would probably find off-putting. But, not you, that's just Tim.
You pull away, looking between Tim and Dick before you just roll your eyes. "I...okay." You shake your head, deciding to ask more questions later. "I'm gonna go. Fill me in later though, very happy you're alive." You smile before you turn on your feet.
"I knew you were Bluejay." Tim chuckles with confidence.
You turn around and deadpan but Tim holds his confident smile. "Shut up." You let out an exasperated sigh before you turn around and follow where Jason left.
Jason has done everything he can do. Crane might have caused him pain but at the end of the day, it was Jason's trust in him that allowed Crane to cause everyone else so much pain and agony around him. Crane got control of the city because Jason trusted him. Bringing down Crane, that was never supposed to be Jason's job. That should be on the Titans, Jason knows he's just lucky to be walking away from it not only alive, but free.
He walks out of the manor and for the first time, he feels free. He is not obligated to come back. He's not obligated to offer anyone anything anymore. There is no obligation to be a hero or a villain. There is no obligation to be back by a certain time or an obligation to put food on a table. He is no longer obligated to take care of anyone or look out for anyone but himself. For the first time, Jason Todd is free to be whoever the fuck he wants to be without anyone else's opinion or input. That part is a bit terrifying but there is something cathartic about it as the cold Gotham air hits his cheeks. There is guilt and remorse and a heaviness he doesn't know if he'll ever be able to shake. There's the haunting ache in his bones but...he is free to live how he wants for the first time and that, is cathartic.
"Jay!" You call after him, stepping out of the manor.
Jason turns around, brows pulled together. "What're you doing? Thought you'd be in there with them to take down Crane."
"Dick's not gonna let me kill him." You let out a chortle. "And...Tim showed up anyway. It is Crane's fault he died." You nod.
"He died?" Jason questions loudly, his eyes shooting open.
He knew it was bad that night but he didn't realize Tim had died either. He was kind of with you, hoping he lived. It was easier to just hope it would work out. But of course, Crane just had to take out someone innocent. Jason hopes Tim is in the Batcave right now giving Crane absolute hell.
"Yeah," You say quietly. "Um, he seemed okay for the few seconds I saw him. Seemed happy to be here." You laugh softly, looking to your feet before looking back to Jason. "I, um," Your brows pull together as you suck in a breath. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Yeah, yeah, all good." Jason nods his head, earning an eyebrow raise from you. You could always see through him like he were cellophane. "I'm not Robin anymore." Jason confesses, looking around the manor before his eyes come back to you.
"You're not." You nod your head, almost dreading where this is going.
He never needed Robin. He could be just as great as Red Hood or as someone else or just Jason Todd. You aren't sure that's where this is going but you do know what Robin meant to him. You can only hope he will see his worth one day and he'll be able to move on from it with fondness.
"Bruce isn't here." Jason lets out a sigh.
"Nope." You shake your head once, now wondering where Jason could be going with this.
"I can be...whoever I want." Jason swallows thickly before looking to the ground.
You pull your mask off, closing some of the distance between you as a tender smile comes over your lips. "You deserve it, Jay."
Jason could always be whoever he wanted but he always felt like he needed permission. People always expected him to be something specific. If he didn't meet what they wanted, he thought they'd leave. Maybe if he could be what they expected, he wouldn't be too much or too little. He could be just enough and there would be no transaction in being loved. But, it never did work out that way. It led him here.
He isn't sure he deserves to be who he wants but he does want to try. He wants to try and be whoever he can be. Maybe that's worse but at least he'll be him. He will no longer be a torn painting of something everything thought he was. He will no longer put on a facade to be enough. That's easier said than done but he thinks maybe, just maybe, he can do it in time. He'll destroy every part of himself that has been damaged by broken expectations and be the person he actually wants to be. There will be a home for all of his pieces one day.
"Thanks." Jason nods his head. "So do you, ya know."
"Yeah," You scoff softly.
You aren't so sure you do after everything that's happened. On the one hand, you remained on Jason's side but...you did betray him in a way you aren't so sure you can forgive. On the other hand, you owed some more loyalty to the Titans than you did give them. A part of you thought you would turn on them if it came to it and that is not the person you want to be. But, you aren't sure you're deserving of better anymore. It's a lot to be forgiven for and a lot to forgive yourself for. And you just look at Jason who looks like he might have a little more hope left somewhere in his cracked ribs so maybe you can spare some, too.
"Where ya gonna go then?" You ask with a tender voice, as if stalling so you don't have to say goodbye.
"Safehouse." Jason answers. "One I've been staying at." He explains further. "You?"
"Probably call Molly, she'll be pissed." You laugh softly. "I, uh, I've avoided her, ya know? Just to keep her at a distance after Tim, ya know? But, she'll probably let stay."
Jason's relieved you'll have a place to stay. The whole space thing is the point, but if it came to it, he'd never let you live on the streets again. He has more than one statehouse. Molly would never tell you no though. And he hopes you will be a little more careful living with Molly. You wouldn't want to put Molly in danger and have Molly constantly see you with some sort of injury.
"What's next then?" Jason asks as he takes a single step forward, knowing you can only stall for so long.
"Keep this up, I guess." You laugh softly. "I don't know. Come up with a plan. You?"
"Yeah." Jason chuckles softly. "Think I'm gonna keep doing this, work from the top and try to control it. Don't know how much Bruce is gonna like it." A devilish grin puls at Jason's lips.
"He'll probably just be happy to have you alive." You answer honestly.
"Yeah..." Jason's voice goes quiet, not convinced. "You should, uh, you should go back in there though." Jason swallows a lump forming in his throat.
The air feels heavy and thick, stale and bitter. It's like it doesn't want to flow into your lungs with the request. Stalling is just making it harder, you can see it in the way his eyes reflect and the very hint of the tip of his nose turning red. It's not from the cold.
"This is really it, huh?" Your voice quivers with the question.
Jason nods sadly. "Yeah..." His voice is quiet and filled with guilt. Jason almost backtracks but that's not the right thing to do. So, instead, he stays honest. "Gonna miss you."
"Gonna miss you, too." You say quietly. "Just, uh, we'll be in the same city so we just...meet again later." You nod softly, almost trying to convince yourself more than Jason.
Jason nods back quickly. "Yeah, exactly. And we have Molly anyway, she'll never keep us apart." Jason laughs softly.
"You're right." You laugh back. "Be careful, Jay." You close more of the distance between you, offering your hand to him.
It is bitter. It is hard and it is sad. You both might convince yourselves it's for the best but that doesn't make this any less painful. You trust each other more than anyone in the world and you have given each other every piece of yourselves. To see the other one go in another direction feels like you're losing a piece of your own hearts. But this is something you have to do, for yourselves and each other.
"Do you want to leave this on a handshake?" Jason quips back, not wanting to leave this so sad. That was never you anyway.
"No." You laugh as you look down to your open hand before you drop it.
Leaving it on a handshake feels permanent and that is not what either of you want. Maybe time will pass and it'll be hard to come together. But maybe in that time, you'll eventually find yourselves clawing your way back to each other. You both are so positive your hearts will only ever beat for each other as if they are beacons home. You both swear this cannot be the end of you so a handshake won't work.
Jason closes the rest of the distance between you, his hands coming up to your cheeks before his lips press against yours. It's different than it was at the safehouse. It's not heated or desperate. It's not as if you both are chasing something you'll never catch up to. It is tender and soft, deep and passionate. Your hands go to his sides while Jason's thumbs rub over your cheeks. You both take the time to just savor this for all that is worth. It has to be worth something. It just has to.
Jason pulls away first, his forehead coming to yours and he doesn't dare to open his eyes, knowing the second he does, he has to leave. Jason will have to walk away from the one person who showed what unconditional love really is. He'll have to walk away so he savors it for all that he can. You sniffle against him, keeping your eyes closed and Jason knows it's time.
He pulls away just enough, pressing a kiss to your forehead as his hands trail down your neck, to your arms, and then to your hips. Before he can say another word, you pull him for a hug and his arms entirely engulf you. You think you'll never feel this warm again but you hope he'll be happy. You only hope he'll be okay. Jason Todd deserves to be happy no matter what the cost. You press a kiss to his cheek and it's you that pulls away first because you think if Jason does it, he'll always question if it were the right decision. You do it so he doesn't have to.
His eyes are red and watery but there's a firmness, a certainty, over his features. And then he nods.
"I love you." Jason says it first this time and it nearly sends you into a fit of broken sobs.
"I love you, too." You back away from him and think you might get hypothermia in seconds. "See you later, yeah?" You ask.
"'Course, can't get rid of me that easy, babe." Jason tries to lighten it but he's missing the same snark he should have. You offer a soft smile before Jason turns to walk away, only to turn around again. "Keep the necklace, by the way." Jason forces one of his cheeky smirks onto his lips. "Still always come to find you if you need me to." The smirk falls into something sweet and soft.
"You can always come find me." You nod back but this time, you manage a smile. "You and me." You shrug softly.
"You and me." Jason offers you one reassuring nod as his heart feels like it's just fallen out of his ribcage and then he turns around and makes his way down the driveway.
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The next two days leave everyone starting to clean up the mess that was left in the wake of Crane's reign of Gotham. The Titans and you have taken over the manor again, getting everything clean and back to how it was before Crane took over. Jason has been at his safehouse, getting everything he needs to make it feel more like a home rather than a rundown and empty building. But after two days, the Titans are ready to leave which leaves Dick to say goodbye to Bruce. That's when Jason walks in, figuring it's his turn to have a conversation with him now that he's finally back.
Jason finds himself going back to his old room while Dick and Bruce finish up their talk. The hubcaps he stole from the Batmobile lay on his old dresser and he finds himself thinking about it. That night. He remembers the day Bruce told him about Robin and offered him the position if he were willing to train for it. It was hard and it sucked but the day Bruce gave him that suit, Jason swore it was the greatest day of his life. He remembers how happy he was as if he had finally found his purpose in this world. Not one single part of him thought he would be here today. He never thought he would have died and betrayed the people he loved. He never thought things would get here with Bruce. It was so happy and fulfilling and now it's...tarnished. Broken and shattered. He wonders what his old self would think of him now.
Bruce walks in a few minutes later, gaining Jason's attention.
"Coming here wasn't my idea." Jason immediately defends himself as he turns around to face Bruce, hoping Bruce believes him.
There's a long pause as Bruce puts his hands in his pockets. "Can you forgive me?" Bruce asks.
It is agonizing with Bruce asking. It's something Jason didn't expect, not from Bruce. A part of him, wants to ask for what? Jason can see some of the wrong Bruce did that did not help him. Some of those things did contribute to him dying and working with Crane. But, the way Jason sees it, Bruce isn't the one who needs forgiving.
Jason leans against the dressing, stuffing his own hands in his pocket before he nods softly. "But you can't forgive me." Jason shakes his head.
Bruce shakes his head back, looking to the ground. "There was a time when that would have been true, Jason, but..." Bruce shakes his head as he pauses before he looks back to Jason. "We've all grown and crossed lines, starting with me."
Bruce crossed the one line he swore he would never cross and Jason crossed it, too. He does not want to lose his son over this whole thing. Bruce knows he has a lot to make up for, thinking maybe he should have listened to what Dick was trying to explain to him since leaving. It has to start somewhere and Bruce is willing to start here. He forgives Jason for everything, no question or doubt in his mind.
"I did things I can't come back from." Jason shakes his head.
Jason knows Bruce's line. Bruce killed the fucking Joker which basically every single person in Gotham agrees was the right decision. Jason did not kill the Joker. It's different. Jason turned on Dick, Bruce's other son. This whole thing is different than what Bruce did. Jason can't erase any of it no matter how badly he wants to. The drug and the killing of his friend, the betrayal and injuries he's caused are things he can't come back from. He did horrible and unforgivable things. He can't go back and change it. He needs to just find a way to live with them now.
"Did you want to come back?" Bruce asks.
Jason looks around his room before pushing off of the dresser. "Here?" He questions as he closes some of the distance between him and Bruce, leaving a few feet between them. "No." Jason's voice is honest and soft. Jason looks to the ground. "That life is over." He says before looking back to Bruce.
Bruce lets out a sigh of understanding. "What life is next?"
"I don't know." Jason answers honestly.
"The fear that you felt, I refused to see it because it's something that you and I share." Bruce explains quietly as he gestures softly between the two of them. "It held its weight over us. But fear is a bad mentor. I wish I had had the strength to help you face yours." Bruce is quiet but honest and this is the deepest conversation they've ever had.
Jason has held resentment for Bruce but...this conversation is changing that, it's just making him feel more guilty over it. Bruce doesn't admit that he's wrong often. Part of that is Bruce is very rarely ever wrong anyway but even then, it's hard for him to admit fault. It means a lot to Jason that Bruce is taking some of the accountability for it even if Jason doesn't blame him. Dick and you were right, Bruce actually does care.
Jason looks to the ground. "When you killed the Joker, did you do that for me?" Jason asks as he looks back to Bruce.
Bruce pauses for a few seconds before he nods his head. "Yes." He answers simply. "I did."
It's all Jason needed to hear. He doesn't know what this means for them but...he'll never be able to express what it means to him for Bruce to have actually done that. For him. Before coming here, he wasn't sure what he wanted from the conversation or what to expect but it wasn't this. It's better. Jason has confirmation that he is important to Bruce, not as Robin but as Jason Todd.
"Thank you." Jason states, his words firm but tender before he walks past Bruce and leaves the room, leaving the manor.
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You and the rest of the Titans are at the hangar, waiting for Dick. You might not be going with, but you're here to say goodbye and Tim is here. Tim has since told you about the whole bridge dream thing where he met Donna and Hank. Hank sacrificed himself so him and Donna could come back. It all sounded completely insane but you aren't going to argue with Tim over that. You're just happy to have them both back and alive.
"He said ten o'clock. He did say ten o'clock, right?" Kory asks, pacing near Conner.
"He said ten." Conner confirms, holding the strap of his backpack over his shoulder.
"He'll get here...eventually." Rachel laughs softly. "He always does." Rachel finishes just as they all hear honking and turn to see an RV pulling into the lane.
"Hey, did someone order a bus?" Gar questions.
The bus pulls right open to the opening of the hangar where Dick and Donna are seated in their seats. You stifle a laugh and right about now, you're pretty glad you're not going with them. Sitting in an RV with the Titans for over three days with no way to escape, does not sound fun. Though, you think they'll have a great time.
Donna and Dick get out of the bus, Dick looking very pleased with himself as he faces the rest of the Titans.
"Hey, Dick, uh, what is that?" Rachel questions as her arms are crossed over her chest.
"That's an RV." Dick states, pointing a finger back at the door with genuine happiness in his voice. "I figured it would be way more fun than taking Bruce's jet."
Everyone turns to look at the joy that could have been. You finally break, letting out a quick laugh as you shake your head. You can confirm the jet is way more fun and it's faster. But you aren't going to tell Kory that.
"Why would that be more fun?" Kory asks as if she's going to pass out.
"Roadtrip!" Gar says quickly before he turns to you. "I'm gonna..." Gar points to the RV with a large smile.
"Have fun." You laugh softly before you hug quickly. "Lemme know how Metropolis is! And fill be in on all things Superman, he's actually cool." You beam as Gar laughs and promises to let you know everything before he darts over to the RV and rushes right inside.
"Right because who would want to fly in the batjet?" Rachel quips as she makes her way to the RV.
"Exactly." Dick states, picking up some of the bags to load them up.
You stand back, watching Rachel and Gar go onto the bus. Donna and Tim are saying their goodbyes to Conner just as Blackfire drives up to the hangar, leaving Kory to say her goodbye. Dick starts loading bags into the storage compartments of the RV so you pick up one Gar left behind and bring it over.
"Not mine." You state quickly as Dick takes it from you.
"Are you sure want to stay here? Plenty of room." Dick offers kindly.
You look to the giant RV and then back to Dick. "Yeah...I think all of Gotham can see that." You quip back before letting out a soft laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure." You nod with confidence, sure of your decision. "Thanks, though."
"Jason?" Dick asks, mostly just to check this isn't about him though this time if it were, he'd entirely understand.
You shake your head. "No. We, uh, we are not speaking. We are giving each other space after everything that's happened." You answer simply. "It's home, like I said. And now I have Molly who will not shut up about me needing eyes in the sky like a Ned Leeds or Ganke." You mutter earning a questionable look from Dick. "Spider-Man thing, ask Gar." You laugh. "I have her and uh, yeah. I don't know. I just want to stay here and do my own thing." You shrug as a soft smile tugs at your lips.
"Good." Dick nods with a proud smile. "But if you change your mind or you ever need anything, we're a phone call away." Dick offers you a smile, something you don't know if you'll ever get used to. You're so used to fighting with him.
"Of course." You laugh. "I plan to harass you still." You beam up at him.
"Thanks." Dick deadpans with sarcasm.
"Thanks again though for..." You gesture broadly. "And not killing Jason. Seriously, Dick, I owe you a lot for the last couple of weeks for shit I did and the hell I gave you. So, thank you. I will deny it, but you are very good at this shit. And I'm gonna miss all of you a lot."
"Thank you." Dick says with honesty. "We'll all miss you, too." Dick nods down at her.
It's sad for him to say goodbye but he's very proud. A little worried because it's you but he's proud. Looking back at your first day at the tower to now, he's impressed and happy with how far you've come. It might have gotten messy but you never wavered. Jason died and that was horrible for you and it changed things. Dick saw that same thing in himself when his parents died. Then, you turn around and refuse to compromise your own morals even if that means making things harder on yourself. And you refuse to quit even when maybe you should. He thinks you'll do just fine no matter where you are.
You smile softly before closing the distance between you and hugging Dick softly. Once you let go, you head back over to your place inside the hangar with Tim and Donna. The three of you watch as the Titans pile into the RV, Tim looking defeated and saddened. Tim offers them a sad wave.
"For what it's worth," Donna says softly as she rubs Tim's back. "I think you would have made a pretty decent Robin."
"You would have." You add in, feeling bad for him.
It's as if he's watching all his hopes and dreams about to drive away. But then, Dick looks back at all of you, tossing his backpack onto his back.
"You coming?" Dick asks, his eyes right on Tim.
Tim's eyes nearly shoot out of his head as a smile splits his face. "Are you serious?" Tim asks.
"The question is: are you?" Dick asks back. "I mean you got some nice moves but you're gonna need proper training...if you're up for it."
Tim looks between the three of you with a smile that will likely be plastered across his face for the rest of his life.
"Go." You encourage him. As much as you don't want to see another friend join the whole vigilante thing, it's something Tim really wants and you do think he'll be a great Robin. He deserves the chance and it is a little funny to you that Dick is still plucking people off the street to join the Titans. Like father like son. "I'll look after your parents." You assure him before Tim is quick to skip over to the RV and dart inside before Dick can change his mind.
The three of you watch them finish getting onto the RV and unlike when you left San Francisco, this feels different. It felt...sadder last time like maybe it wasn't time for you to go. It wasn't time for you to leave the new family you had been brought into. You felt hopeful but sad where this time, there is still sadness but it's filled with hope. It is up to you to determine the life you want to live. It's up to you if you want to go back to the Titans and if not, that's okay because they're your family. It's up to you if you want to be Bluejay. You don't have to live with Bruce or Jason. You can just...be you. In Gotham, just as you were before. You'll have her best friend at your side and if you're lucky, maybe one day you'll have Jason, too. But, until then, you just get to exist with hope-filled hands.
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A/n: I can't believe I finally finished book 2!! I was really pushing at the end there lmao I love season 3 but it took so much out of me lol So, thank you to all of you who kept reading and big thank you to anyone who's commented and/or reblogged!! I SWEAR comments have always meant so much to me and make me want to finish lol
So with that said, book 3 will be the last book and I don't think it will be as long as 1 and 2?? But I am really excited for it!! I have a lot planned and season 4 episode 11 is canon so you'll have that to look forward to!! I've got 3 chapters already done. I'll have more info on it later with a posting date!! It won't be long between this chapter and book 3, promise!! Thank you guys so much!! 😭😭😭
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theteasetwrites · 9 months
Begin Again
Chapter 1: Aux Portes de la Mort
❧ Media: The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon ❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader ❧ Era: Season 1 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: violence, blood & gore, scary situations, mentions of death ❧ Word Count: 7.6k
❧ In This Chapter: When you and Daryl awaken in an unknown land, far away from home, the world becomes twice as dangerous as it once was, with a whole new breed of dangers lurking around every corner. You have no choice but to begin again on a new mission: Get. Back. Home.
❧ A/N: IT'S HERE. I'm so excited to be writing for them again ugh it's been too long. I love this reader because she has all that history with Daryl from the first series so it's a real treat to keep all that in mind when I'm writing their scenes together. Also I am posting this before the premiere of the show. This chapter is based on the events of the sneak peek that was released on AMC+! So here ya go, the first chapter! Shoutout to Dahlia (@simpbyday) for helping me with the French translation for the title. She will be my official French language correspondent throughout this process. And if anyone else also knows French, I would love to get feedback on my usage of French throughout the series as well! <3
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“Near death” did not mean much to you anymore.
You were either dead or alive, nothing in between. That’s how you felt about it now. There were few areas in life that were black and white to you, and that was one of them. If you were alive, you were alive. Maybe you’d be a little worse for wear, but you were alive. That was the important thing.
That’s what you told yourself, anyway. As a way to condition yourself, to be stronger. For Daryl. For Robin. For Wes. You had to be strong for them. Maybe that’s what got you into this mess. 
No, Daryl did. Daryl got you into this: tied loosely to the back of a lifeboat, one foot missing a boot and hanging off the edge, dangling pitifully in the ocean as the small vessel drew you closer to the shore. 
You might’ve stayed asleep if it weren’t for the splashing sound, followed by the familiar grunts and wheezes of gasping breath. You felt the rope across your hips pull in the other direction, where Daryl fought with the current to come back to the air. Through heavy eyes, crusted by a long sleep and sensitive to the bright light of what must’ve been mid-afternoon, you saw him struggle to lift the rope from his body as a wave pummeled him back down below the water. 
Your throat burning, rendering you unable to so much as cry out his name, you freed yourself from the rope, sliding into the water. What happened next would fade into the obscurity of rumbling waves carrying your weak bodies closer to shore, until the feeling of ground underfoot welcomed you. 
But that feeling was short-lived. As soon as your feet felt the sand, you were knocked down by another wave. Now you could only crawl, with what little strength you had left. Even Daryl, so very hearty and always physically stronger and more durable than yourself, began to stagger, falling less than gracefully to his knees just a few feet from you. There was no need for verbal recognition or even touch—you felt him there, crawling beside you, alive. 
Now with only your feet still clinging to the sea, your arms gave out underneath you, like two pieces of boiled spaghetti, limp and sprawled out not far from Daryl, who lied with his face pressed against the sand, his wet hair shrouding any semblance of his visage. 
Though you could hear his sharp breaths, his heavy pants that withdrew with high-pitched whimpers that sent a shiver down your spine, you could hardly tell if he was moving. 
Momentarily frozen, you gathered all your strength to extend your arm across the sand. Your fingers stretched out to the fullest extent, crawling like a spider until finally you gripped his hand, entwining your fingers with his and shaking it roughly, urging him to move.
You had been near death enough to know that the worst thing to do was to stop moving. That was like accepting death, and wherever you were now, you weren’t going to face it without him.
Your movement brought him to life as he lifted his head, his sight first taking in his surroundings—a beach.
And not far in the distance, a small blue bucket. 
You followed his gaze, which seemed transfixed on the object, partly buried by the wet sand that must’ve remained untouched for God only knows how long. 
Having a near encyclopedic understanding of Daryl’s mind, you knew what he was thinking of—survival. There was water in that bucket. Sandy ocean water, but water nevertheless.
All you could think of, though, was how familiar that little bucket was. Robin had one just like it. Last time you’d taken her and Wes to Oceanside, they played on the beach for hours, making sandcastles with her little bucket and shovel that she’d gotten for her seventh birthday last May. Somehow she’d convinced Daryl to let her bury him under the sand. You had the Polaroids to prove it somewhere in one of the pockets of your vest, if they hadn’t been lost to sea.
The memory faded quickly, as he pulled you up, still holding your hand. At least now he was moving, dragging you and himself towards the bucket.
He’d let go of your hand to pick it up, digging out as much sand as he could before handing it to you. Without a word, you brought the rim of the bucket to your lips, taking just a few sips, despite the painful drought in your throat.
Daryl took the rest, downing the sandy saltwater like it was the nectar of life, and here, at the gates of death, it was. 
When the water was gone, he let the pail fall back to its final resting place. You couldn’t bring yourself to even raise your head. You could only watch it fall, the bright blue plastic taking you back to a time that seemed so far away now, to a world you wished you’d never left. 
But Daryl, ever the pragmatist, always planning the next move, was already narrowing his eyes, looking around for the answer to that burning question that lingered between the two of you—where the hell are we? 
You could’ve looked at that little bucket forever, if he hadn’t tugged on your hand, not unlike how you’d done so to his just minutes ago. 
The further the two of you walked, slowly, limping, the more you began to take note of your surroundings, without too much thought of the complete and utter shit you two were both in. For all the differences between you, you both knew one thing was true—there was no point in dwelling on how you got here, the only thing that mattered was getting back home. That was the unspoken truth. 
As you walked further, the sand beneath your feet turned into concrete. Some kind of parking structure, or what once was. You passed the rotting, rusted shells of cars, their windows smashed and their hoods lifted, no doubt due to survivors looking for parts to salvage. A clump of neglected bicycles leaned against a graffitied pole. Like most graffiti, you couldn’t make out what it said. 
Passing a small overgrown boat, you spotted a signpost not too far away. You walked ahead of Daryl, all too eager to see what it said. The letters were faded, but you could make out the arrows, meaning it would point you in whatever direction you needed to go in. That was all you needed now: direction. Some delusionally hopeful part of you, deep down, wanted to believe the sign would display the word “HOME” with an arrow accompanying it, leading the way without confusion or ambiguity. 
But of course, you knew that was impossible. Still, you did not anticipate what you saw.
Squinting your tired eyes, your weakened legs slowed to a halt as the sign’s lettering came into view. Your heart sank as you stepped back, almost terrified of what you read. But you backed against Daryl’s chest, which caught you before you could lose your balance from the shock of the realization. 
You could not read the sign. 
Pla… place de… ste?
Port de… Martegues?
… Cimetiere?
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Some kind of port city, somewhere in France.
That’s what you decided upon, in the silence of your heavy thoughts as you walked together aimlessly, still not speaking. How could you speak to him? What was there to say? You had no hope now. It was gone, and usually, that was the only thing that kept you talking in times like these. 
And Daryl, he could go hours without speaking, if he had nothing to say. 
He, too, was at a loss for words. After all, he knew he’d gotten you into this. He knew none of this would’ve happened if he’d just… It didn’t matter now, though. What mattered was getting home.
But you weren’t safe here. 
You always knew that the whole world must’ve fallen, of course. When everything happened, the world went dark. France was no exception. The state of the place was proof enough. In this old city, with cobblestone streets littered in the abandoned remnants of a once prosperous civilization, every corner you turned was the same—empty, ruined, overgrown.
By some instinct, you both walked along a path just on the edge of a canal that seemed to run through the city. Perhaps it was just a gut feeling, or perhaps the both of you knew to stay close to the water, on the off chance that you’d find some kind of seafaring vessel. Though you still couldn’t shake the taste of saltwater, you knew that the only way you could get back home was to get back on the water. That was your priority.
Sure enough, you came upon a boat, moored at the edge of the path, floating upon the water, and looking as though it had been there for centuries.
Just outside the boat on the cobblestone path, it looked as though someone had set up camp, once upon a time. Whoever had been there, though, they were long gone. As you passed a desiccated corpse, completely barren of flesh with a long fisherman’s spear skewered through its head, you wondered if this body had once held the poor soul of the boat’s former occupant. You didn’t wonder for long, though, as these days, you’d seen enough dead bodies to almost completely desensitize you from any human curiosity. Now, it was just a bag of bones. 
Approaching the stern of the vessel, Daryl went into the cabin first, his sights set on the wine bottles perched on a wooden shelf, in the hopes that maybe they’d contain some water. He picked them up one by one, shaking them. Nothing at all. 
You busied yourself, rummaging through a bag you found hanging from a nail near the door. Your hand gripped on some long, cylindrical plastic, ribbed and seemingly filled with liquid. 
You held the water bottle out towards him as he turned around. You hadn’t caught a good glimpse of his face yet, until now. 
The skin of his face and neck were reddened terribly by the sun, but that didn’t worry you as much. It was the scarlet red cut stretching diagonally over his forehead, and the paleness of his lips, dry and dehydrated. The saltwater you both drank earlier only made the thirst more potent. 
Deciding he needed the water more than you, you pressed the bottle to his chest, despite his brief protest that he gave with only a knowing look on his face, as if to say: You drink first. 
You returned the look, but with more conviction as you shoved the bottle harder now, as if to say: No. Drink. 
Reluctantly, he did, drinking less than half before handing it back to you, with the same force you applied when giving it to him, and the same stern, protective look: Drink. 
You took the rest of the water, wincing at the aged taste. But you drank it down slowly, steadily, the cooling liquid coating your barren throat. 
Lost in the brief relief it gave you, you hadn’t noticed Daryl’s continued russling as he pillaged the tiny boat cabin, looking for anything and everything that could somehow be useful. 
As you used your long, torn sleeve to wipe away the dripping water from your chin, you were startled by the sudden sound of a man’s voice, not Daryl’s. 
With a flinch, you turned around to see Daryl, sitting at the small dining table, holding a tape recorder. 
“Nineteen months at sea,” said the man’s garbled voice, with an accent you deemed to be Irish. “Hoping to stay ahead of this thing.”
On the table before him was a map of Europe, and a photo of a family. There was a man that must’ve been the owner of the voice you listened to now. Beside him was a woman, his wife, Daryl assumed, because on her lap was a little girl, holding a large stuffed penguin, about half the size of her. She couldn’t have been older than Robin, he thought. 
They looked happy, all smiles. Somewhere in one of his pockets, he was sure he had a picture that looked almost exactly the same, only with his family—Robin, Wes, Dog, you. He quickly willed the thought away, though. If he kept thinking about it, he was sure he’d break down, when at this point, what he needed to be the most was strong. 
“Circled Spain,” the voice continued. “Nowhere safe… We’ll try Marseille next. Maybe the south of France is good… There’s got to be a safe place somewhere.”
You were sure you’d uttered that phrase once. Maybe around the same time he did. Just goes to show how much this world changes you, which was saying something—you always believed the world hadn’t changed you nearly as much as it changed everyone else. But you knew now that there was no safe place in this world, except in the arms of the ones you loved. And even then, that was only a metaphor. But you had to believe it, to convince yourself it was true. Otherwise, you were no different than the dead.
Night was closing in. There was no more time to waste. 
Still without hardly more than a one-word sentence exchanged between you, you got to work setting up a night’s worth of camp, while Daryl speared a fish in the canal. Just one was all the energy he had, but it was more than enough for the both of you. A white fish of decent size, which Daryl cooked over the makeshift barbecue near the boat. 
Sitting on the boat, you got a lantern working, providing just enough light to see what you were doing as you tried to filter the muddy canal water through the mesh lining of a jacket you’d found inside the boat. Across the way, you’d glimpse at Daryl, now draped in a tarp he’d fashioned into a poncho, in only the way Daryl could even think of doing. 
His tired face was illuminated by the fire over which he cooked the fish, turning it over with a small knife until it was cooked through. You wondered what on Earth was going on in his head, if he was as frightened as you were, if he had any hope left. 
You didn’t have much hope anymore. Not now. 
In this world, you’d found that your hope had been tested constantly, but only a handful of times did it try you like this. When the farm fell, when you lost the prison, when the Saviors took Daryl… 
But you always got it back. You always found your strength again. 
You weren’t sure if you could get it back this time.
Still, you had Daryl. If you were alone, in a strange place, thousands of miles from home, you were sure you would’ve given up by now. But he was here. 
The silence between you persisted into the night, as you sat across from each other, under the dark blanket of the night sky, eating the charred fish straight off the bone, with only the dim flickering light of the lantern just barely lighting your faces. 
When the silence became unbearable, Daryl had pulled the tape recorder from his pocket, playing it again, as if he found comfort in the man’s voice, despite the ultimate tragedy that must’ve occurred. 
“Sue had a heart attack.” You could only assume that was the name of his wife, the woman in the photograph. “I had to… take care of it.”
You’d heard stories like that before, of someone having to put down their loved one before or, God forbid, after they turned, but it would never cease to send a shiver down your spine. The thought of having to do that to Daryl… It was a nightmare you’d had more than once.
“Our tenth anniversary would’ve been in June… Holly keeps crying. She wants her mum back.”
That was when you stopped eating, a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
“She wants things the way they were.”
You swallowed hard in an attempt to suck down the lump forming in your throat. 
“She wants to go home.”
“Turn it off.”
The sudden sternness in your voice nearly surprised him, or maybe it was just how many words you spoke at once. 
He grabbed the recorder and turned it off with a sharp click, restoring the heavy silence that lingered like a thick fog between you. 
Daryl watched intently as you hugged your legs against your chest, your eyes downcast and glued to the worn and torn stuffed penguin, buried underneath some ropes and an empty old fuel tank. You recognized it from the photo. 
He could read the look on your face, and the thoughts that he knew were flying through your head at a thousand miles an hour. He knew that you were thinking about home, about your family. Still, he couldn’t shake this discomfort. This quiet. 
For all the years he’d known you, he’d never gone this long with such silence between the two of you. Of course, he’d been separated from you before for much longer, but together? You were hardly ever at a loss for words. He couldn’t remember the last time you were like this, but he didn’t like it. Funny, Daryl was always the quieter one, the one who more often than not needed to be coaxed into talking. He always preferred the quiet, but this was unbearable. 
He needed to hear your voice, now more than ever. He needed your hope.
“You haven’t said more than three words since we got here.”
Washed up here, your mind corrected. 
He leaned forward stiffly, still eying you, despite your gaze still transfixed on the once pristine stuffed animal. 
Several painful moments passed. Daryl couldn’t take it anymore. He’d beg for you to speak, to say anything to him. All he wanted was to hear you. 
“Please.” His voice was low, soft. It was always like that with you, but something about it now seemed more desperate. “Please say somethin’.”
Finally, you raised your head slowly, meeting his silvery blue eyes, visible through several loose strands of hair that framed his face. If you were in better spirits, you might’ve smiled, just seeing his face, despite how badly he was in need of a good shower. You were sure you looked rather filthy yourself.
But you couldn’t smile. You couldn’t even imagine such a thing. The last time you smiled seemed so far away, you could hardly even remember it. 
“What do you want me to say?” Your voice was shaky, hoarse, tired. He’d been with you through Hell and back, and back again, and yet he’d never heard your voice so defeated, so… lost.
“I don’t know,” he replied simply, still holding your gaze. Now, you both stared intently, as if battling to see who could dare to look away first. “I just…” As he trailed off, his eyes sank in defeat. He’d lost the battle. “I’m sorry.”
With a sniffle, you replied. “What are you sorry for?”
It took him several moments to speak, as he tried to compose himself. If he opened his mouth too soon, he might start crying, and despite how much you encouraged him to be vulnerable, to not neglect his emotions around you, he could never fully let himself cry in front of you without feeling that ingrained sense of failure and inadequacy, like he wasn’t the strong man you needed, no matter how many times you reminded him of how strong he was. 
“For gettin’ you into this.”
Your lip quivered, your eyes softened. 
He continued, “If I hadn’t asked you to go with me—”
“Then you’d be sitting here, across the world, alone, and I’d be in Alexandria worried sick about you.”
“But you’d be safe,” he said, an almost imperceptible shake in his voice as he was reminded of the danger you were now mired in, all thanks to him.
“How many times have I told you… I’m safest when I’m with you.”
That thought was nice, but it still could never completely alleviate Daryl’s worries. 
And there was another reason he wished he hadn’t asked you to come along. 
“But you’d be with the kids.”
Your eyes sank as though they were anchored to the floor of this decrepit old boat. He knew that would get you, you were sure. He knew that, besides him, you loved your children more than anything else, and being so far away from them, lost with no immediate hope of seeing them again, was crushing you.
A silence befell you, and Daryl felt like he lost you again. God, all he wanted was to hear you. Your voice was the most comfort he could have right now, just to know you were near.
Now Daryl looked down, focused on the mud caked around his brown boots. He raised his hands to his face as he huffed. 
“Shit,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry.”
You weren’t angry. Just sad.
With a sniffle, you looked back up. He still sat with his head in his hands, until he lifted his eyes above his fingers just enough to see you. 
“It’s okay,” you said, your voice a cracking whisper.
“Nah,” he said abruptly. “Nothin’s okay.”
Daryl always had that bad habit of blaming everything on himself. You knew it well. It frustrated you—his inability to give himself any credit and his tendency to dwell on his flaws instead of celebrating his accomplishments. Granted, one of the many traits you admired about your husband was his humility, but sometimes, you wished he would consider the things he’d done right instead of all the things he did wrong.
You raised yourself to your feet, crossing the boat to sit beside him. He did not look your way or pay you much attention, still lost in his thoughts. Still, you carefully, slowly, wrapped your arm around his waist and his shoulders, holding him. 
He was stiff, but under your touch, he slowly began to soften, as he always did. It was then he had realized how long it seemed he’d gone without your touch like this. You’d been with him the whole time, but survival did not allow for many moments of pure, gentle intimacy between two lovers.
“We’re alive,” you whispered. As you leaned against him, you pressed a small, but firm, kiss to his cheek. “We’re together.”
Without a word, he gave you a knowing glance. He narrowed his eyes almost suspiciously, while he chewed his bottom lip in deep thought. He didn’t need to say anything for you to know what he was thinking.
You smiled. “One of us has to be the positive one. We can’t get anything done if we’re both sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves.”
“Yeah… I know.”
“It’s shitty,” you said. “This is a shitty situation… Maybe the worst situation we’ve been in, but we’re going to get back home.” 
Though you spoke with conviction, you weren’t entirely sure that you really believed the words you spoke. It was hard to believe. It was hard to believe you were here in the first place. Nevertheless, you’d die trying to get back home, to see your children again, to watch them grow.
There was no way in Hell you were going to sit back and do nothing. 
To your relief, Daryl’s hand found yours, curling around it and squeezing it tight. He nodded, then raised your hand to his lips.
“Yeah. We will.”
You smiled as you roamed his face, finding comfort in the familiarity. In this world of uncertainty, this new world where neither of you belonged, you found safety in each other—you saw Alexandria in his face. All the memories. It was like a photo album, everything flashed before your eyes. You saw Robin, Wes, Aaron, Lydia, Maggie, Michonne, Rick… everyone. Everyone you loved, alive or dead, all in him. 
And in you, he felt the same, but not only that. He saw everything beautiful and pure in this world, everything worth protecting and keeping alive. As you held him, he held your face, his thumbs moving gently over the apples of your cheeks. 
Your face was worn, tired, with a few knicks and scratches scattered about over your usually smooth and unblemished skin, but nothing could distract from the perfection of your features that he knew and adored so well.
And you, you couldn’t help but eye that nasty cut on his forehead. You swept away the stray pieces of hair that obscured the cut, then huffed. Though you had already washed the cut with water, you were itching to find a real first aid kit to prevent infection. The one on the boat was cleaned out, and whatever first aid kit you had brought with you was in a bag lost at sea.
“S’fine,” he said, knowing full well what you were thinking. “M’fine.”
“It’s just… I don’t like it.”
He smiled. “I know.”
“We’ll find something to help it. If I could get my hands on some calendula or even some marshmallow…” 
That thought prompted you to look around, the darkness of the empty waterway in the desolate, ruined city. Even if you could find some herbs with healing properties here, you wouldn’t know where to start looking. 
The south of France wasn’t exactly the same as Virginia in terms of flora and fauna. 
“First thing we gotta find is a way back,” he replied.
“We could fix up this boat.” Daryl’s mechanic expertise started and stopped with cars and motorcycles, but you figured a boat couldn’t be much different. 
“Nah. Engine’s shot, and I dunno the first thing ‘bout how boats work, anyway.”
“Well… We’ll just have to find another way. There have to be people somewhere.” 
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow as he chewed the last of his fish. “You remember what happened the last time we asked a bunch of strangers for help?”
Ah, yes—the Commonwealth. 
At least that turned out in your favor, eventually. It took almost a year of turmoil, but in the end, it was worth it.
“Daryl, I don’t see any way out of this without some help. Besides, we haven’t seen any walkers yet… Maybe France is faring better?”
“Or maybe they’re all dead.”
“Stop it. That’s not true.” You held his cheek and turned his face towards you. “You know it’s not true… It can’t be.”
The rest of that night passed slowly, quietly. Maybe it was out of habit, or just his need to be aware of his and your surroundings at all times, but Daryl spent a good fifteen minutes checking out the general vicinity, scanning the perimeter around the little boat on which you busied yourself by fashioning a bed of sorts out of pieces of seats and blankets. 
Daryl returned not long after he left, with a curious trinket in his hands: a Barbie doll. 
You looked up at him from the makeshift bed. He took the liberty of posing the little blonde doll, sitting her atop the small dining table with her arm raised as if she were waving. Her hair was only slightly mangled, but you knew many tricks when it came to freshening up Barbie dolls and making them good as new for Robin, and sometimes Wes, to play with.  
“Only you could find a Barbie doll in France,” you said.
“It’s not just any Barbie doll,” he said, sitting himself down beside you with a huff. Gravity forced his body to the bed. Well, bed was a generous term for the dismantled chair covered with blankets. “It’s a veterinarian.”
You studied the doll closer from a distance. Indeed, she had a little white doctor’s coat and a pink stethoscope. You would’ve thought she was actually a doctor Barbie, but only a trained, professional eye like Daryl’s would spy the light pink paw print pattern on her lab coat. Thus, she was distinctly a veterinarian, to be sure. 
A smile spread across your face as you laid back, snuggling close to his side. He smelled faintly like fish, but you were certain that you didn’t smell so great either. 
“She’ll love it,” you whispered. There was no question who you could possibly be talking about. “I’ll keep it in my bag until we get home.”
Daryl couldn’t respond verbally. He could only chew his bottom lip as his arm snaked underneath your side and wrapped around to stroke your shoulder with his hand. Perhaps that was the ultimate reason he took the doll—as a way to further motivate both of you to live long enough to see your family again. And you would. He’d make sure of it. He knew it. He had to.
At length, you spoke again. 
“It’s clear?”
He nodded. “Yeah. No walkers, no people… No nothin’.”
That was good. If Daryl felt it was safe enough for the both of you to sleep tonight, that was a victory in your book. 
“Tomorrow,” you began, “we should start heading north, towards Paris.”
Daryl’s lip twitched into a slight smile as he began to close his eyes, still holding you. Sometimes, you hardly noticed he was holding you. A long time ago, it had become second nature, so habitual that him holding you in bed at night was a feeling you couldn’t quite sleep without. 
“Yeah… There could be people there. Biggest city, biggest population.”
“Yeah, biggest population of walkers.”
You sighed. “Well, I don’t know then. You got any bright ideas, Einstein?”
He raised his eyebrow as he looked at you, with only one eye open, the other squeezed shut as his nose scrunched up and he made a faux scowl. It was almost enough to make you laugh. 
He chewed his bottom lip, deep in thought. “How about west?” he asked. “Least we can head that way first, see if we find anyone or anything. Best to stay as far away from the city as possible.”
“You're right,” you replied, resting your head upon his chest. Somehow, it was always much more comfortable than a pillow, despite its relative firmness. “You're always right.”
“Not always,” he said lowly, his fingers finding the ends of your hair and twirling around them as if by instinct.
“Yeah… Not always.”
“Jus’... Can’t believe where we are right now.”
You nodded in agreement, but you could tell where this line of thinking was going—this negativity that sometimes clouded Daryl’s almost unwavering hope. That was where you came in, though your hope was in serious question, too.
“Well, you did promise you’d take me on a vacation.”
He scoffed again, but it was almost a laugh. Almost.
“France wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”
“Me neither,” you said. A few beats of silence, then you added, “I would’ve preferred Italy.”
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Three days had passed, all of which were spent hiking through ruins and desolate hills. Daryl used the long fishing spear from the boat as a kind of walking stick, and a weapon, along with whatever else he scavenged from Marseille. You’d found a few good knives, but nothing to quite balance out the slight limp you’d woken up with when you washed ashore. 
No encounters with walkers, you’d noted, though you’d seen some wandering in the distance, ambling aimlessly through deserted stretches of wilderness. At certain points, you feared you might’ve been walking at the same pace as the rotting corpses, but they were far enough, and none of them seemed as fast as some of the climbers you’d seen. 
Wilderness eventually faded into a somewhat industrialized town, much further away from the coast you’d started from. 
It was small, but a good place to stop off for the night, you’d hoped.
Wandering through the small alleyways, littered with debris and overgrown vegetation, you came upon a large building, something like a warehouse turned into what appeared to be a supermarket. At least, that’s what you gathered from the signage, despite its unknown language. 
Oh, how you wished you’d taken French instead of Spanish in high school now. 
Daryl entered first, quietly opening the creaking door. The general protocol when entering new, unknown buildings had always been the same: be quiet (silent if possible). Although, if there were any walkers in there, odds are, they could smell you before you’d even say a word.
Still, you felt Daryl’s hand tap your shoulder lightly. He signaled to you, signing the phrase, “Me left, you right,” as he mouthed the words. 
You always hated splitting up, but you signed back, “Be careful.”
Connie and Kelly would’ve been proud, you were sure. 
The two of you split up, Daryl searching the leftmost side of the building, you the right. 
As you examined the place, you took note of its state. It was abandoned, of course, but it was one of those places that had been left alone since the very beginning. It looked as though there had been a farmer’s market here, with long tables and booths with once meticulously laid out displays of crafts and homemade wares. Surely, whatever fresh produce had been here had long since deteriorated into nothingness, but there was always the chance of coming across dry foods. Grains and legumes and the like. Those were the ideals.
If fortune favored you, you could even find some dried herbs or medicinal plants to use on Daryl’s cut, but that was a longshot. 
Still, you kept a lookout, your mind, and your stomach, much more focused on finding food than on scoping the place out for walkers. From across the way, you heard a small thud that made you flinch. Your eyes followed the sound—Daryl had set down his bag rather carelessly. 
Eyes wide, you looked at him. He seemed entranced by a jar he was in the process of opening, only to smell its contents and put it back. Feeling your gaze on him, he looked up at you. 
“You OK?” he signed, mouthing the words.
You sighed quietly, recovering from the startle. “Yeah.” With much more emphasis, exacerbated by the firmness with which you moved your hands, you once again signed, “BE CAREFUL.”
“OK,” he signed back, his face bordering on slightly annoyed with your protectiveness.
But another thud quickly drew your attention, though this one was not from Daryl, who also turned to locate the source of the ruckus. 
You could only see a faint movement that was rather close to the ground, as though an animal was stirring, but as the familiar groans and wheezes started, you knew what it was. 
Much to your surprise, Daryl seemed stunned for a moment, standing rather still as he simply watched the walker crawl out from underneath a pile of rubbish. As for you, you gripped the handle of your knife, removing it from its holder on your belt. But you were much further from him, and where there was one walker, there were, more often not, much more.
Suddenly, more walkers seemed to awaken from their slumber. Sleepers, you’d grown to call them. In your fascination with the habits of walkers, you’d begun taking note of how they seemed to have their own mode of hibernation during times of inactivity. 
From what you could see, about eight or so of them had emerged from the far left, somewhere behind the produce stands, and were heading towards Daryl. You had the luckier draw, with only three or four setting their sights, and their gnashing, rotten teeth, on you. 
No need for signing anymore. Dinner was officially served, and tonight, fresh American meat was on the menu. 
“You got it?!” you called out to Daryl, raising your knife as the nearest walker limped towards you, its skull just barely clinging to the remainder of petrified flesh that hung loosely from its face. 
He hesitated for a moment, worrying you. Daryl seemed off his game when it came to fighting walkers. Perhaps it was because he was still frazzled by the strangeness of your situation, or perhaps, God forbid, he was more worse for wear than he wanted you to know. After all, Daryl did have a tendency to downplay his injuries or his illnesses, a habit which frustrated you perhaps beyond any other quirk he had, because this was the most dangerous to his health.
But you couldn’t think of that now. Not when there were walkers snapping at you, and even more at your husband.
“Yeah!” he finally called back as he got a grip on his spear. 
He set his focus on the first walker that had risen, which began slowly limping towards him. From behind him, though, was another walker, making quicker progress. He turned briefly, skewering the walker’s head with the sharpened point of the spear. He followed that with a kick to the walker’s abdomen, removing it quickly from the weapon.
On the other side of the place, you drove your knife into the nearest walker’s skull, but not without the usual splash of blood that came spurting out afterwards. 
This spurt, though, was no ordinary one. 
As you tugged the blade from its skull, you noticed a stinging sound, like that of a singe. It came as the blood spattered over the floor, and continued as it poured from the walker’s head. You stepped back, brows furrowed as you watched the trail of blood seem to evaporate, but it left behind a cloud of… smoke. 
In a way, it reminded you of a branding, how the hot iron had been embedded into your skin and eaten away at the flesh with a horrendous burn until an X was forever scarred into your back. Whatever was going on with that walker, if its blood had gotten anywhere near your skin, you were sure it would have a similar effect—an agonizing, flesh dissolving burn.
But you hadn’t any more time to think about the strange walker, as there was another one coming behind you. 
Meanwhile, had just skewered another walker through the face, then pulled the spear out to fling the walker backwards and tumbling back against another one.
Stepping backwards, just about to turn around and face another batch of walkers, one lunged forward, reaching its hand out to grip Daryl’s forearm, but this was not any ordinary death grip.
Most walkers’ touches were cold, lifeless, but this? This… searing, stinging, agonizing sharpness that made him scream.
With one last kill, you turned towards him, your eyes wide and your mouth agape with the fear of the most profound variety. Daryl never screamed like that. At least, not when you were around. Suddenly, every nightmare and intrusive thought of Daryl being bitten assaulted your mind all at once. 
All you could see was him struggling against a walker, whose grip on his forearm must’ve been so strong that even Daryl couldn’t immediately pry himself away. 
But the walker’s grip really wasn’t that strong. No, its hand was simply stuck, with Daryl’s burning, melting flesh acting as a kind of glue. 
As he tugged and yelled in frustrated pain, you quickly bounded across the room, taking down another walker on the way. 
The closer you got, the more you saw it—the small swirl of smoke emerging from Daryl’s flesh as the walker’s hand seared the flesh of his arm. 
Just before you could get to it, Daryl managed to rip himself free, stepping back a moment to briefly scowl at the strange burn. 
Immediately, you came forward, plunging your knife into the walker’s head. 
Daryl’s eyes flashed to meet yours, a simple exchange of breathless nods between you enough to suffice until the rest of the walkers were taken care of.
You looked around swiftly, and Daryl did the same. Six more walkers. Between the two of you, it would be light work. That is, if there were no more SNAFUs.
Daryl took the high ground, situating himself on a large wooden table to better approach the threat. 
You kept on the floor, using one hand to pull the walkers toward you, the other to strike with your knife. 
Once again, Daryl found himself with the unlucky situation. Underneath the table he’d taken defense at was another walker. 
Plunging the end of his spear through the wood, he successfully impaled the walker’s head, but not without his spear getting stuck.
He tugged on the spear with all his strength, but the thing wouldn’t budge—the spear was lodged too deep in the walker’s skull, causing it to bang on the underside of the table with each attempt to tug it back up. In perhaps a less serious setting, the image might’ve been quite comical. 
Daryl’s grunts combined with the repeated banging sound alerted you to the situation, and to the other walker coming closest to him. 
You quickly charged the walker, finally taking it out with a swift but jagged movement. Meanwhile, Daryl had just freed his spear, and now moved to kill two more walkers in his path. 
He was fast this time, killing them within hardly a second between each other. It was just enough time for him to turn around and see the very last walker coming towards you.
Without another second to even hesitate, you raised your knife, only for another one to fly into the side of the walker’s head, sending it falling to the ground at your feet. 
Sometimes, Daryl’s flying knives startled you more than the walkers. 
With a huff, you reached down, pulling the knife from the walker’s head. Just as you’d seen from the other one—a splash of burning, corrosive blood, a hissing sound as it hit the floor, and a small plume of smoke.
What the hell are you? you asked the corpse in your head. 
But that wasn’t important now. You quickly turned your attention to Daryl, who pulled up the sleeve of his poncho to reveal the raw flesh of his burn. 
Within a moment’s time, you were at his side, holding his arm as your eyes frantically took in the wound. In your confusion, and your fear, you looked up at him, all the color drained from your face. From what you knew of burns, this looked to be second degree, oozing redness and blisters already starting to form. 
“We’ll bandage it up,” you said, nodding to yourself, as if to reassure both him and you. “We’ll clean it first… Some water and—and if I find some aloe…”
He caught your gaze, holding it for a good several moments of heavy silence.
“You ever seen a walker do that?” he asked, knowing full well that the answer was no.
You turned to investigate the last walker you’d killed—on the surface, not unlike any other walker you’d seen before, except you supposed he had a certain… je ne sais quoi, if you will. 
“Maybe… it’s a French thing,” you replied. “I have no idea.”
Daryl let out a deep huff as he sat, still wincing at the unsightly burn on his arm.
You sat beside him, reaching into your satchel to procure a crinkly plastic bottle of water. 
“Don’t,” he said lowly. “You need to drink that.”
Ignoring him, you dabbed several drops of water onto the clean rag you’d taken from the boat in Marseille. With Daryl always getting hurt somehow, you knew it was a good find.
He hissed between his teeth as you lightly cleaned the wound as best you could, but it still seemed to ooze.
It worried you, to say the least. 
And Daryl… he only worried about what might happen to you if this thing was even more sinister than it looked.
“What if it’s—”
“It’s not,” you replied quickly. If you knew what he was going to say, you weren’t even going to let him speak the possibility into existence. “It’s not like a bite.”
“But what if it is.”
After all, what you knew of walkers was that their bites were deadly. What if their… burns were too? 
But you refused to believe that. 
“It’s not,” you said back. “We’ll patch it up. It’ll be fine.”
From the look on his face, he appeared not to believe that, his eyes clouded with fear and uncertainty the likes of which you’d almost never seen in him. Daryl didn’t fear death, though. He feared the thought of you being alone, in a world where the two of you needed each other more than anything. 
Again, here you were, trying to lift his spirits despite the possibility of death lingering all around you, in this French supermarket that reeked of death and rotten flesh. But you weren’t just reassuring him, you were reassuring yourself.
“Hey.” Your hands cupped his cheeks, forcing his gaze to face yours. Your eyes were soft, but firm enough to remind him that, just as he would never let anything happen to you, you would never let anything happen to him. Your voice barely above a whisper, you spoke to him with the gentleness he knew and loved so well. The gentleness he’d needed all his life, and would need until the day he died, and after that, too. “Sweetheart… We’re alive.”
That was enough. It would have to be enough. Enough to begin again.
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justmeinadaze · 4 months
Secret Sinners Part 4 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I think I'm going to end Secret Sinners here but start like a idk season 3 or whatever for them raising their son together. No matter what we will see Demon Steddie and Y/N with their son. I'm just not sure if it will be here or a thing on its own.
Warnings: Demon Steddie X Human Fem Y/N, SMUT, soft smut between three beings that love each other :). FLUFF, the boys enter "the door" and have interactions with their son. Ellis talks about readers parents and Eddie's mom who have all passed (refers to them as angels). Boys go back home <3
ANGST, We get a visit from both of Steve's parents and they are anything but pleasant (they refer negatively to Ellis and shame Steve for loving Eddie and Y/N), Eddie talks about fears of becoming his father, Reader has a trigger moment due to events from last chapter and has a bit of a breakdown that they help her through (doesn't last long), Both boys go into a bit more details of what they saw with Mirage and how it still affects them in an attempt to comfort the reader (mentions of abandonment, death of a partner, being alone, some heavy themes), Reader talks about missing her parents so loss of a parent trigger for sure. I think that's it. We're got the usual mix of angst and fluff.
Word Count: 9174
Head Filled with Demons/Secret Sinners series here
Your eyes widen as the sound of shouting grabs your attention and you peak your head out of the room you were sitting in, meeting Ellis’s scared little face as he runs down the hallway to find you.
“Mommy… there’s an angry man stomping around. He’s scary.”
“It’s ok, baby, I’ll protect you. Just stay behind me okay?”
His black curls bounce as he nods, gripping the bottom on your shirt as you step forward and head towards the noise.  A demon you didn’t recognize was grumbling as he stomped around, fuming as he scratched at furniture and threw a photo frame to the ground. 
“HEY! Stop that!”
Red, glowing eyes met yours for a moment before dialing down and a growl left the creatures lips. 
“You’re Y/N? You’re the pathetic human who’s with my son?”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Bill Harrington, Steven’s father. You three should be ashamed.”, he spat in a disgusted tone. “I raised my son to be a powerful, strong solider who could lead any army. Yet he ran off with that freak and started fucking him.”
“Watch your mouth.”
“Excuse me?! You don’t get to speak to me that way!”
“I’ll speak to you anyway I see fit! I won’t have you bad mouthing Steve or Eddie in front of their son.”, you retort angrily as the small boy hugs your leg. 
“That thing is not my grandson. He’s part human which is so much worse than anything else my son has done. He’s pathetic and weak just like the rest of your species!”
A deep growl came from your side as another demon skidded into the living room and placed himself between you and Bill. 
Steve’s eyes glowed as he stared his father down. 
“Don’t talk about my son that way.”
“Well, well Steven. Look how far you fell. Being friends with a subordinate solider, killing a member of your team AND running away instead of facing the consequences. Getting captured and imprisoned as well as falling in love with not just one but two beings that are beneath you. You could have been great, son.”
“I AM great. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been with Edward and Y/N. They love me for me without me having to prove myself. My son will never go through what I did by having you as a father. Now…leave.”
“Or what?”, his father huffed.
“Try me, dad. I’m much stronger than I used to be and I’ll do anything to protect them.”
Scanning his son over, he gives you three one last look of disgust before abruptly disappearing. 
Steve quickly turns around and cups your face with his hands. 
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, baby, I’m fine. Ellis?”
When you tried to turn, the little boy wouldn’t let you as he clung to your back side tightly. His father tried to peak over you but every time he did the small demon moved away out of his sight. 
“Sweetheart, it’s ok. This is one of your daddies.”
As he clung to you tighter, Steve blinked before transforming into his human form thinking it might make the young demon more comfortable as he slowly sunk to his knees. 
“H-Hey, Ellis. I’m Steven…like your mom said I’m…I’m one of your dads.”
You feel your sons grip loosen a bit as he shuffles to your side and shyly takes in the man before him. 
“I’m sorry you had to see all that.”, he gestures behind him. “But I promise, I’m never going to let anyone hurt you or talk to you like that. Just like your mommy you’re safe with me and your other daddy.”
Softly smiling the boy shuffles to Steve, opening his arms wide as he wraps his arms around his neck. 
“Your dad is mean.”
Steve lets out a breathy laugh as his hands run through the small demon’s hair and down his face as his eyes fully take him in.
“Yeah he is. I swear I’m not like that.”
“Good!”, he exclaims as he gives his dad a big kiss on the cheek. “I hope my other dad finds the door like you did so I can meet him to. Grandma Munson says I have his spunk! I don know what dat means.”
Your eyes fluttered open as Steve bolted awake reaching out towards the air. 
“No! No, no, no.”
“What?! What’s happening?”, Eddie yawned as he sat up.
“Steven, how did you do that?”, you asked. 
“I was dreaming about a house and I heard my dad shouting. I’ve had dreams like that before but when I heard your voice I ran through it. Is he ok? He’s not alone there is he?!”
“Can someone explain to me what’s going on?”, the long-haired demon inquired now with slight panic added to the confusion.
“I saw him, Ed. I saw our son! He was so handsome and adorable. I can’t believe…”
“He’s definitely not alone. Ellis has told me before all he knows is my parents and Grandma Munson.”, you softly smile as you turn towards the other demon. “He said she told him he has your spunk.”
Eddie laughs through his teeth as he grins. 
“She used to tell me that all the time. That I’m rambunctious with too much energy but she always said it like a compliment.”
Grinning, you kiss his lips before taking a shower and getting dressed. 
“Hey, um, sweetheart, I was thinking we don’t have to go home right now if you just want to take a couple of weeks to rest. This last adventure was… was pretty heavy.”
“I know, Eddie, but I’m alright. Plus, I really want to see where you grew up and meet your friends and family.” As the demon sighs, Steve scans him over and just with both their looks alone you know something is wrong. “Talk to me, guys. What’s going on?”
“We haven’t been there is over 3,000 years. What if so much has changed we don’t recognize it anymore? Or nothing has changed and they will be prejudice against you as well as Steve and I’s relationship? Humans are thought to be weak in most realms even yours, princess. What about how they feel about me? What if some people still believe I killed Chrissy? Or what if they hunt down Steve for actually killing a solider? What if—”
“Honey!”, Steve interrupts as he sits beside him and wraps his arm around his shoulders. “Everything’s going to be ok. We won’t know unless we actually go. Let’s take this one step at a time alright?”
“Steven…you didn’t see what I saw when we were at that other realm. You both were dead. I saw you bleeding in my arms. I can’t…I don’t…I’m scared. And now that I know we have a son to protect, I’m even more on edge.”
“Edward, I agree with Steven. Everything’s going to be alright. When we’re together we can fight anything and I know Ellis would agree.”
Smiling up at you, he pulled you to him as he tenderly kissed your tummy over your shirt.
“Okay, let’s do this.”
After giving him one more peck, Steve rose to his feet and worked his magic to create the portal you needed to go through to their realm. Even with what you could see, it already looked different from the memories they had shown you. The sky seemed a lot clearer and the atmosphere felt more at peace.
The demon stepped through first, completely on guard as he scanned the area around him. Once he gave the go ahead, Eddie followed after him, sighing a pleasure filled sigh when he felt the wind hit his face. They both turned to look at you, extending their hands and you took them both, taking a deep breath as you stepped through. 
They changed into their demon forms as soon as the portal closed before putting the hooded garment over your head just to be safe because even they weren’t sure what they were walking into. 
“Well, one fear down. Good to know Mirage’s potion works.”, Steve smirks. “Now, where to first?”
“My uncles house is just down the way here. Knowing him even in all this time, he’d never move.”, Eddie rolls his eyes playfully making you smile. “We can walk it. I feel like flying right now may draw too much attention.”
Nodding, Steve took your hand as he trailed behind the long-haired demon leading the way. You marveled at the area around you, surprised by how much it genuinely looked like any other small, old Camelot style town. When you showed them The Princess Bride, they had mentioned how some of the set pieces reminded them of home but you thought it was mostly just the castle.
All the memories they had shown you were mostly of the battlefield and the area around their base so seeing their little town made you smile as you pictured small Edward and Steven running around. 
After a short walk, you three enter a secluded area out of the way about a good short distance from the town you had just passed through. His uncle’s home was rather compact, looking like it would be bit of a squeeze for you let alone two demons like him and Eddie. 
“What?!”, a gruff voice called from the other side of the door that the metalhead had knocked on.
“Open the door, you grumpy old demon!” The sound of the things falling filled your ears before the front door finally squeaked open. “Hey Wayne.”
Without saying a word, his uncle tackled his nephew into a strong bear hug as he held his head to his shoulder. You could see Eddie’s own shoulders shake as he cried wrapping his arms around him tighter. 
“I missed you so much, kid.” Pulling him back, he scanned his face as if making sure he was really there and this wasn’t dream. “When I got Y/N’s letter, I still didn’t think it was real that you were safe, but I never gave up hope.”
The young demon’s head turned to you as you softly smiled.
“That day Dustin left, I gave him letters to give to Wayne and Robin telling them what had happened and that you both were free. I just wanted them to know you were okay.”
Cupping your face, Eddie kissed your lips as Steve tilted your head to do the same. 
“Wayne, this is Y/N.”
After giving you a big hug as well, he ushers everyone inside to hear all the stories you three had to tell. 
“Geez, you’re very brave, Y/N. Not many beings let alone humans have gone toe to toe with Henry and survived.”
“I love them and I’d do anything for them, just like I know they would for me.”, you beam as Eddie pets your head. 
A knock on his door startles everyone except Wayne who smirks with a slightly mischievous grin. 
“Steven, can you get that for me, son?”
When he does what he’s asked, his brows furrow when no one is standing outside. Walking out in the grass, he looks around confused before suddenly disappearing from your view as he’s tackled to the ground. Panicking, you run to help only to find a figure you recognize punching the demon’s arm lightly as he flinches. 
“Don’t. You. Ever. Scare. Me. Like. That. Again!”, Robin scolds, hitting him between each word. Smiling wider than you had ever seen, Steve wraps his arms around her and gives her a hug that she reciprocates. “I missed you, Dingus.”
“I missed you to.”
Dusting off her pants, she bounces to her feet before helping him to his. 
“You must be Y/N. I’m Robin.”, she smiles, hesitating as she reaches to shake your hand. 
“Oh, you can touch me.” To prove your point, you close the distance by giving her a hug as well.
“Wow. You are incredibly soft.”, she muses as she leans forward to hug you again.
“Hey, hey, hey. This one is ours; find your own.”, her friend teases pulling you out of her grasp as you giggle. 
That night you feigned sleep to allow both boys some private time with the two people they loved most. As you sat on the bed in Eddie’s old room, you couldn’t help but listen as Steve and Robin sit outside, drinking a beer, and talking by a campfire Wayne had made. 
“Nah, I’ve been really good. Settled down with this beautiful woman who owns the bar in town. Demons here can still be rude as hell but the town has gotten a lot more tolerant when it comes to beings like me.”
“That’s good to hear. That was one of our concerns about coming back since Eddie and I are together now to.”
His eyes widen as she excitedly pushed up onto her knees waiting for him to tell her more.
“I thought…you knew…Y/N wrote you guys…”
“She wrote me a letter telling me what happened and that you were safe. She didn’t once mentioned that you were in love with Eddie! Oh my god. I’m so happy for you; all of you. Was it kind of awkward the first time with you two?”
“Um, no actually. It kind of felt right, to be honest.”
“Yeah, that guy is a good dude.”
You grinned as they giggled like kids before a throat clearing caught your attention. 
“Hey. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
“No, not at all, Wayne. Come in, please.”
The demon smiled as he entered the room and took a seat beside you as he sighed.
“I just wanted to thank you again for what you did. I, uh, I missed him so much.” Nodding, you circled your arms around his neck and give him a tender hug as he patted your arm with his palm. “I’m sorry, it’s still weird that I can touch you and you’re not scared of any of us in this form. I heard humans can be quite jittery when it comes to demons especially when they look like us.”
“You’re not wrong. I was scared of them when I first saw them but I wanted to get used to them in this form because it’s who they are. To me, they are so handsome and so are you.” Wayne blushes as he sarcastically rolls his eyes making you laugh. “Their personalities also help especially since they are protective and kind to me.”
The demon’s soft red eyes scanned you over as your own gaze shifted away into a memory. 
“Eddie told me about Mirage… how you saw them like their fathers. His dad was my brother so I have some insight into how his dad could be. I promise you that kid out there is nothing like that and Steve definitely isn’t anywhere close to Bill.”
“I know. It’s just…so hard to shake the image. It felt so real and I was so…terrified.”
“I can understand that.”
“What was Eddie like, Wayne? Growing up.”
“A bit of a pain in the ass if I’m being honest.”, he jokes as you laugh. “He was always a sarcastic little man with a good heart which Allen hated. Edward kind of always had a knack for music. His mother used to sing to him all the time and play instruments for him. I truly believe he inherited his abilities from her.”
“Oh, so that thing he can do with his guitar…that’s genetic?”
“Kind of. Elizabeth’s voice was always soothing to anyone but not enough to lull them the way his does. I believe he utilized that trait and learned how to wield it the way he does.”
“That means Ellis may have that gift to.”
“So, it’s true? You’re pregnant.”, Wayne asks, grinning when you nod. 
Eddie’s uncle flashes you another polite grin before patting your knee and rising to his feet. 
“I’ll let you rest but, yeah…I’m glad to have you as a part of our family.”
Yawning, you stretch your arms and open your eyes to find your son leaning against the bedroom door.
"Ellis, what are you--"
"Shhhhh!”, he scolds as he waves his hand gesturing you over. As quietly as possible, you climb out of bed and sink down to your knees, placing your ear on the door facing him. “Granma Munson is talking to daddy.”
“I’m scared, mom. What if I turn into what Y/N saw—”
“Edward Munson, you and I both know you are nothing like him.”
“I’m capable of it. I used to be such an asshole. Even when we first met Y/N, I wasn’t exactly kind.”
“Look at what you went through, sweetheart.”, she cooed. “Let me ask you something. In all the time you knew Steven, did you ever hurt him? No? And when you fell in love with him, did that change?”
“No. The thought never even crossed my mind…”
“What about with Y/N?”
“I was always afraid of hurting her because she was so fragile but after what SHE went through… Mom, I just love Ellis so much already and it would kill me if he was ever afraid of me like that.”
“You have nothing to worry about, baby. Trust me. You should meet him. He’s so much like you; funny, sweet, energetic, and very protective of his mom.”
“I-Is he here? I don’t have a…a door…like Y/N.”
Rising to your feet, you take hold of your son’s hand and open the bedroom door, taking slow steps down the hallway as he lags behind. 
Elizabeth shifted into her human form and Eddie followed suit without question. 
“He’s not quite used to the demon form yet but I imagine growing up seeing you guys as yourself he will.”, she grins as you both come into view. “Ellis, come here and meet my son. He’s the one I’m always talking to you about, remember?”. 
“My daddy…”
Eddie releases a shaky breath at the sound of the little boy’s voice as you try and push him lightly forward. The demon’s chocolate hues scan him over, taking in every little detail as his son does the same before a big smile stretches across his face. 
“Granma says you’re good with guitars. Will you teach me?”
“Yeah, yeah, buddy. I can teach you. Holy shit.”, he curses as his palm caresses the boy’s face. “You have Steven’s smile.”
“He laughs like you though.”
“Yeah, he does.”, Eddie’s mom agrees with you.
Both beings chuckle at the same time making you two grin as they prove your point. As he did with his other father, Ellis circled his arms around the demon’s neck and his dad promptly held him tightly to him, pressing a soft kiss to his temple. 
“I love you, daddy.”
Eddie shot up wrapping his arms around his chest as if he was still clinging to his son. Sitting up beside him, you tried to comfort him as he struggled to catch his breath. 
“Where…how… is he…”
“It’s ok, baby. He’s fine, trust me. Everything’s ok.”, you soothe as you rub his back. “Now how did YOU do that?”
“I…I don’t know. Being back here with Wayne and I talking about my mom… I just started dreaming about her and the next thing I know you’re both there.”, he exhales as he runs his fingers through his hair. “He has your voice. It’s so beautiful hearing something so soft come out of…us.”
“What do you mean?”
“We’re not exactly pretty, honey.”, Steve answers as he sits up in bed beside you both. “Everything here, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, is rough. Rough elements, rough exterior, rough tones.”
“It’s part of the reason our kind can be so cocky when it comes to other beings but especially humans. You have your wars and violence but that’s nothing compared to our history. We’re monsters.”
“I don’t think that and you’ve been soft with me before.”
“Because we had to. You’re not fragile anymore. I mean, not that you were exactly. I’m just saying—”
“He’s just saying you experienced the difference after you first drank that stuff.”, Eddie chuckles. “Even the ‘demon way’ wasn’t exactly like that right, princess.”
“We should go see Dustin today. Maybe those little weirdos found out some things. I’m kind of curious myself how he’s blended together.”, Steve mused as he got out from under the covers and started getting dressed. “I mean Ellis has our horns, wings, things like that and your voice but his eyes and skin are a mixture of all three. It’s fascinating.”
“Wait. Steven, I thought, maybe, we’d visit your mom.” The demon freezes in place as you continue to speak. “You haven’t seen her and I’m sure she misses you.”
“Plus, your douchebag dad won’t be there to cause problems. What?!”, Eddie flinches as you lightly smack his arm.
“Um, yeah. I guess…I guess we can do that. Let’s, uh, let’s do that after Henderson’s. I really want to find out more about our son and how this pregnancy will work for you.”
Dustin was ecstatic when his friends knocked on his door, beaming wide as he wrapped his arms around you before inviting you three into his home. 
It was a modest little dwelling that you would compare to mobile home in your realm. It stretched a good size across his little space of land allowing each his two older boys to have their own room while his twin girls shared a room together. Suzie was a delight, filling you in on some trivia when it came to her and the love of her life while the boy’s talked. 
When it was time for the kids to go outside and play, you sat in their living room eating the food you guys had brought along with you as the young demon spread out documents on the floor while the other two demons stood over him. 
“To be quite frank, we didn’t find much on demons like us impregnating a human. To be fair, like you said the creepy vision lady told you, humans can’t get pregnant from us unless they have that potion which only two people in existence have. But, we did find some things about other realms having babies with humans and those beings were, in essence, an extension of us, so to speak. Honestly though, I wouldn’t take much stock in it as it sounds like something from a horror story than ground in any kind of reality.”
“So, you found nothing then?”, Steve inquired with a tone.
“Uhhhh, no, but Michael and I did some research into human anatomy. They reproduce similar to us—”
“Obviously.”, Eddie cuts him off making you smirk his way.
“IN THE SENSE OF, they carry for 9 months, feel the kicks, and cravings…all that. Since demon babies aren’t born with all the accessories, she should be able to have him naturally. My concern would only be her health but with the potion, I’m not sure how that works.”
“What do you mean?”, you ask.
“I mean, we don’t know what a being like us can do to a being like you internally. For example, you’re eating food; we don’t eat food.” You immediately pause as you lower the sandwich in your hand. “If we do eat we become incredibly sick like food poisoning so to speak but you need to eat, Y/N, and we aren’t even sure yet if he will want food since he’s half you. The contractions and labor without the potion would have killed you but now…we just don’t know.”
“Did you find out why he looks like both of us? Especially since like you said our reproduction is just like theirs.”, Steve muses as he sits next to you and encourages you to finish your meal. 
“Personally, I think it’s just…super sperm.” Both demon’s narrow their eyes at the young boy as you laugh. “I mean, come on. Our little guys are pretty powerful. I’m not surprised both your soldiers got through.”
“Ok, ok.”, Eddie cringes as Dustin shrugs. “Good thing we don’t eat food because if we did mine would be the floor from hearing you say shit like that.”
“No matter what, it seems like it’s all trial and error from this point forward?”
Henderson nods as his eyes meet yours at your question. 
“Geez, I never thought I’d see this house again.”, Steve mutters under his breath as his gaze drifts along his childhood home. 
Knocking on the door beforehand to no response, he slowly squeaks it open as the three of you enter the cold feeling mansion. His parents had a gorgeous, Beverly hills style dwelling that seemed just a rung below the castle you had seen in the memories they had provided. 
“Mom?!”, Steve shouted and was once again met with silence. 
You couldn’t help but smile as your fingers grazed photos of what you assumed was little Steven hugging his mother tightly as she kissed his forehead, his grin almost a duplicate of Ellis. As you unintentionally detached from them, your eyes remained focused on the wall beside you as you took in each photo before you. Gradually, your heart slowly broke as you noticed that smile slowly fade off his face especially in images he shared with his father. 
After coming to the end of the hall, you were met with a door you very much recognized. Instead of being tossed through this time, you were able to open it and walk into the study, taking in the fact that it looked exactly the same as Mirage had shown you. Even the maps were still pinned on the wall above a desk that had a bottle of something you presumed to be liquor.
It was almost like one of their memories as you envisioned a tiny, beaming Steve sitting on the floor, playing with toys as quietly as possible while still being near his father, a man he so desperately wanted approval from. 
“Goddamn it…JANET HARRINGTON! Come get your loud child out of my study! I’m trying to focus.”
“I’m sorry, daddy. I’m just…trying to practice being a solider like you were!”
“Ugh, stop calling me that. You’re not a baby. Grow the fuck up and you’re not going to be anything playing with childish toys like this! I swear, Steven, you’ll never be good at anything if you don’t use your fucking brain.”
The feeling of a hand on your shoulder startles you as your arms flies and smacks someone hard.
“Ow! Fuck me! It’s ok, Y/N! You’re alright.”, Eddie winces as he holds his palm over his cheek. It takes him a few seconds to realize something was amiss as he watches your eyes dart around the room. “Sweetheart?” As he takes a step forward, you flinch as you fold into yourself and away from him making his heart shatter. “STEVEN!”
Sliding down to the floor, you cover your ears as the long-haired demon helplessly follows your decent as he listens to you whisper to yourself.
“What?! What happened?!”
Without hesitation, Steve falls to his knees and reaches for you to comfort you before pausing when you curl tighter into yourself.
“My Edward and Steven would never hurt me. My Edward and Steven would never hurt me. My…This isn’t real. It isn’t real. Isn’t real…”
“Y/N, honey, it’s us. It’s ok. Everything is ok. This isn’t one of Mirage’s test, baby. We beat her. YOU beat her. It’s ok.”
Red light flashes as Eddie shifts into his human and Steve quickly follows suit. 
“Look at us, princess. The demon’s you met and fell in love with. We’re right here and you’re right, baby, we’d never hurt you.”
After a few more moments, you blink and look up to meet their soft, worried faces. Abruptly, your arms circle tightly around Eddie’s neck and his hand pets your head as he feels your hands shake against his back.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you. I just—”
“Shhhh, hey, it’s ok, Y/N. Everything is ok.”
The demon turns at the sound of his mother’s voice as he, out of habit, rises to his feet to greet her. 
“Mom. Hey. I hope it’s alright that we—”
Her arms wrapping tightly around him cutting him off as she presses her head to his chest and sobs. 
“I never thought I’d ever see you again.”, she whispers as the demon holds her tightly to him. 
Steve picks up the funeral picture of his father as he grimaces at the formal image. His dad had posed for this photo long ago due to his occupation stating that when he died this is the image he wanted displayed above his grave and in the halls of fallen soldiers.
“I keep that one by his armor because I know that’s what he would have wanted.”, his mom explains as she offers him a drink that he declines. 
“How did he…?”
“He would tell you in battle but truth of the matter is he was old and sick. After everything… he, um, on his last day he insisted on fighting and took out a good few of the enemy before passing.”
“Hm. You see it as honor, I see it as stupidity. He raised me to be a solider and as one I can assure you him doing that could have put his command in danger.”
“So, that’s your girlfriend out there? She seems nice. A bit timid but—” 
“She’s been through a lot but I assure she’s incredibly strong.”, Steve sighs as he leans against the desk and folds his arms. “Why are you still here, mom? This place is too big for you to be alone.”
“This is where you grew up, sweetie. I have so many good memories here with you and your dad.”
“Yeah but more bad than good. I hate the idea of you being alone surrounded by all that.”
“I’m not alone anymore though. You’re home.”
“We aren’t staying here.” Her eyes shoot up and lock with his at his words. “I mean, the three of us need to talk about where we are staying exactly but I don’t think it’s good for the four of us especially Y/N to be in this realm after what I just saw.”
“Yeah. You’re, um, about to be a grandma.”
Her shocked expression paints her face as she gets up and refills the liquor in her glass. 
“She’s a human.”
“She fought for a way to be with us forever because of that we were able to—”
“No, Steven, I mean…she’s a human. Your father would roll over in his grave if he found out you were starting a family with someone beneath you. You deserve so much better, baby.”
The demon blinks as he gathers his thoughts, not surprised by her reaction but still bewildered after everything they had been through that she could still side with his father. Shaking his head, he started to walk away but she quickly got up to stop him. 
“Please, sweetheart. I’m just telling you the truth. You’ve been away for so long. Why don’t you just let Edward have her and the baby and you can stay here with me for a few years. Trust me, you’ll realize we were right and you can settle down with a nice girl—”
Yanking out of her hold, he stalks down the hallway, his eyes glowing a bright red as he turns into the living room where Eddie was holding you to allow you some time to breathe while he talked to his mother. 
“Come on. We’re leaving.”
“Is everything alright?”
Another set of red glowing eyes entered the area as Steve’s mom growled and poked the demon’s chest hard. 
“Everything is not alright! You took my son away from us by meddling where you didn’t belong! You are just like your peasant father causing problems everywhere you go! Goodness, the hubris you must have to meddle with lives above your station! Do him a favor, take your human, and that thing and leave my son alone!”
All three demons in the room glared at each other as yours stood protectively in front of you. 
“My son isn’t a thing and neither was yours.”, you sighed in frustration as you shoved your body between them to place yourself in front of his mom. “I saw it… I’ve seen Steven’s memories. All the pain you both put him through but especially you. More than anything he just wanted you to stand up for him and defend him against his dad but every time he called him stupid or made him feel worthless, you did nothing. Even when he went missing, his friends went looking for him but not you two. Why?”
His mom exhaled as her eyes softened.
“Bill said this was his punishment. After he killed a fellow solider and deserted with a murderer…he deserved to be banished.”
“You didn’t want to even find out what happened? Learn where he was?”
“I was afraid of what I would find...”
“Hm. And I’m weak.”, you sass.
Her eyes glowed again as she turned towards you and you matched her as you stepped forward. 
“Hey, no. Come on. Let’s get out of here.”, Steve encouraged as he grabbed your arm. 
“Steven, please!”, his mom begged.
Chuckling under his breath, he turned to face her. 
“You insulted the two people I love and called my son a thing. I’d rather go back in that fucking stone then stay here.”
Something loud crashing into the wall shakes you from sleep as you sit up in bed and hastily run out into the living room of the home you had been visiting so many times in your dreams. The are was trashed with furniture flipped and glass broken everywhere. As you looked around you, Steve and Eddie skidded into the area as their eyes scanned yours trying to figure out what’s going on. 
You glance down a hallway and bolt towards the sound of chaos before coming to a dead stop when you round the corner, finding a tiny frame hurtling a bed out the window. 
“Ellis!” The little demon turned around at the sound your voice, his glowing eyes immediately calming as he runs to your arms. “Sweetheart, what happened?”
As both his fathers came into view, his eyes glowed again as he placed his small body in front of your own. 
“You…LIED!”, he growled as he pointed their way. 
Eddie pushed Steve out of the way and to the ground as a large object flew in their direction. 
“You said we were safe with you!”
“You are, Ellis! We would never hurt you or your mom.”
As he charged their way, you quickly placed your body in front of theirs. 
“Hey! This is not how we behave when we’re upset. We talk to each other. Now, what happened?”
The little boy roared towards the ceiling as he expanded his wings and flew out the bedroom door. Steve was faster, practically tackling him while still protecting him with his body as they both hit the floor. Ellis tried to wiggle out of his hold but his father remained steadfast as he held him to his chest. 
“You know I used to destroy my makeshift house to when I was angry.”, he said softly in a human tone as he shifted. “Your dad spent sooooo many years listening to me cry and throw things but do you know what helped me? Knowing I could talk to him and he’d listen. Knowing that he loved me no matter how angry I got.”
You and Eddie sat on the floor in front of them both as he continued to try and squirm away but with less force than before. 
“You lied. You said you wouldn’t hurt us. Mommy was afraid of you both. I felt it!”, the boy shouted as he pointed towards your tummy.
“Baby, I…that’s a little complicated to explain. I’m not afraid of them. I promise, these two demons here would do anything to keep you and I protected.”
“But, mommy, it was strong and I was so worried about you! Granpa and granma said you were ok but I told them they have to say dat because they are your mommy and daddy.”
“That’s very fair. Grandma used to say your grandfather spoiled me too much.”, you giggle making a small smirk appear on his lips. “When I was your age, I used to get hurt all the time but grandpa always reminded me that my mom was a ballerina. If someone who can dance on their tip toes can fall and get back up then I definitely could.”
“On her tip toes?”, he asked with wide eyes. 
Grinning, you rose to your feet bringing Eddie with you as you clung to his arm. 
“Oh, I may be too old for this now.”, you laugh as you try and balance onto your toes before stumbling into the demon’s chest. 
“Wow. You suck at this.”, the long-haired demon teases in a light tone.
“Oh, ok, Mr. Guitarist. You try it.”
Ellis and Steve laugh as he obnoxiously raises his hands in the air like a typical ballerina and tries to do the move until stumbling over himself.
“Look, I work with my fingers not my toes.”
Taking your son’s hand, you bring him beside you as you four continue try and fail. After falling to the ground, he cackles as he grabs his stomach.
“Maybe only angels can do it!”
His words hit you hard but you shoved down the emotion as you kneel down in front of him. 
“Ellis, your mom and dads have been through so many adventures, some good and some not so good. Those not so good ones…can leave an impression sometimes.”
“But no matter what we’re here for you both, bud.”
“It’s our job to watch over you and I promise, kid, we would never let anything happen to either of you…because we know what it’s like to not feel safe.”
“Because of your daddies?” The blink completely taken by surprise. “Your daddy called me a thing and granma Munson told me your daddy wasn’t very nice.”
“Yeah, Ellis. He wasn’t.”
“You’re not a thing. I hope you know that.”, Steve urges as he reaches out to pet his curls. “You’re perfect.”
“Granpa says I’m a mir-ack-cle!”
The three of you slowly open your eyes and as soon as you do, you begin to sob. Both demons pull you back between them and hold you tightly as they coo soft words to comfort you. 
The rest of that morning you remained silent as you thought about everything that had transpired. The visions Mirage showed you that scared you and Steve’s parents degrading your son and their own just because he loved you and Eddie. You thought about how angry Ellis had been and how it killed you to see him in pain but you loved the fact that your parents were getting to spend time with him especially since they wouldn’t be in your world to see him grow up. 
“Seeing you two dead scared me.”, Eddie responds abruptly as your eyes find his and Steve props up on his elbow behind you. “I still think about it to…pretty much every day if I sit still long enough. I used to dream about it but I prefer these past few dreams more.”, he softly smiles. “Y/N, you were right where she was… just fucking gone and again I couldn’t do fucking anything. I couldn’t…I couldn’t bring you back.” 
“Steven, when we fought together, you rarely if ever got hurt. But you were next to Y/N…there was blood everywhere…I can still hear you telling me to run…begging me…” The demon’s jaw tightened as he tried to keep the memory at bay as the tears threatened to fall. “I couldn’t protect my mom or Chrissy. I couldn’t protect Steve from Maeve. Then I saw you both there and I kept thinking that little ballerina girl is right; everything is my fault.”
“Edward—“, you coo, gently as you reach up to caress his face.
“His mom said what she said and it hit a nerve.”
“Don’t listen to my mom, baby. Trust me. That woman has been miserable most of her life. I’ve never doubted that she loved me but, I don’t know, I think her love for my father and what he provided was greater.”, Steve sighed. “I, um, I still get terrified sometimes that this is all a dream and Eddie and I are going to wake up back in the stone…or I’m going to be alone. Mirage’s test felt so real…I wonder if this is my delusional dream. That I’m with you two and we’re having a baby. That you’re going to be able to live as long as we do and I can go home.” 
When his voice cracks your heart breaks and sit up to wrap your arm around him.  
“What killed me was not only not being able to even say goodbye to Edward but in her vision, Y/N, I fucking left him there. I abandoned him to be alone… When you ran, Ed, the thought of you being alone somewhere with the pain of what happened hurt me then but now after everything…”
Eddie sat up as well, cupping Steve’s cheek in his palm as they tenderly kissed each other before his lips tilted to the side to kiss away his tears.
“Y/N, you’re not alone in feeling what you feel. Even we understand that what we all saw wasn’t real but it was real to us. She played with our past to test us and… fuck…if she can do that no wonder she’s in a realm by herself.”, the long-haired demon soothes as he leans back to pet your head. “We know you aren’t afraid of us but if you ever need a moment or us to step back and give you space, we understand.”
Biting your bottom lip in thought you nodded before flashing them a comforting smile. 
“I like your uncle. He was telling me some things about little Edward and how much of a rebel you were. He said your mom kind of had the gift that you do so maybe Ellis might get it.”
They both grin as you three lean against the headboard. 
“Yeah, that would be cool. Can you imagine his soft voice lulling people? You kind of have it to you know. I mean not much but it was enough to calm me and him down.”
“Robin was telling me stories about you two training together. She said you tried to be intimidating the first time you met but she just laughed at you.”
“She definitely did and made fun of me but she’s incredibility smart. Robin saved my ass more than a couple of times. My dad hated her, thought she was too sloppy.”
“I’m sorry you grew up with them, Steven and you Edward with your dad. Seeing him, Ellis, stand up for me the way he did reminded me of—”
“Yeah, me to. Me to, sweetheart.”, he sighed kissing your temple. 
“I’m glad he’s spending time with your parents though, Y/N. Proves, like you, he’s a little angel. Oh, oh no. Honey, I’m sorry.”, he tried to comfort when you started to cry again.
“No, no. I’m glad to. I just miss them so much.”
“I know, baby.”
“At least we know he has one gift for sure; a door like you.”, Eddie smiles as he points to your forehead. “That’s how he can talk to them right? You’ve done that with your dreams before.”
“Can you play something, Ed? Something…soft.”
Thinking for a moment, he nods and hastily gets out of bed to grab his acoustic guitar nearby. As he strums his fingers, you feel your anxieties melt away as you keen into Steve’s chest. 
“Heaven, I'm in heaven And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak And I seem to find the happiness I seek When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek.”
You giggle as Eddie shuffles his shoulders in his seat, dancing to the Cajun music that plays across the street from the restaurant you guys were visiting in New Orleans. 
“I wish you guys could eat. The food here is so delicious.”
“Yeah? When we were here the boy that found us used to eat this thing with bananas and this brown sauce. It looked interesting.”, Steve grins as he watches you glow with every bite.
“The music here is fantastic! You want to dance with me, babe?”, the long-haired demon asks. 
“Oh God, no. I’m not good at it!”
“Even better. Come on, pretty girl.”
Steve cackles as Eddie yanks you to your feet, wrapping his arms around your waist as you hug him and laugh.
“Yes, heaven, I'm in heaven And the cares that hung around me through the week Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek.”
“It’s so insane how they do theater now adays!”, Steve stated excitedly as the three of you exited the auditorium. “I totally did not expect that chandelier to fall down into the stage.”
“Really though and how did they get the phantom to disappear from his chair at the end?”
“I assume you liked it then.”, you reply, grinning at their excitement.
“We did. Wow. The last time we saw a play was back when Shakespeare was pretty much the norm and the theaters themselves were in a coliseum type place.”
“They still have those. You can find outside venues here but we’ll have to make a stop in Rome and check out the coliseums there.”
“As long as we’re with you, sweetheart, we’ll follow you anywhere.”, Eddie claims fondly reaching for your hand as Steve pulls you to his side.
“Oh I love to climb to mountain And reach the highest peak But it doesn't thrill me half as much As dancing cheek to cheek.”
Having lost them for a moment in the museum, you find both demons glaring at a painting of men pushing a woman towards what looks to be a town square with a long pole surrounded by hay in the middle. 
“Eddie? Steve? Is everything ok?” They don’t respond but you hear a small growl emanate from them as they exhale. Sighing yourself in empathy, you lean against the wall in front of them. “It’s not your fault…what happened to Lizzy.”
“With Lizzy, she actually committed the crime. She hurt so many people… These women…THIS woman…did nothing wrong.”, Eddie murmurs as his eyes gesture towards the young lady in the painting. 
“Kind of like people back home. So many innocent men and women…children…put through a war or on trial for something they didn’t do or couldn’t control.”, Steve responds as memories flash through his mind.
“Like you.” They both rumble again, closing their eyes to keep their glowing irises from exposing them. “They didn’t even give you a chance to explain. Your king pointed a finger and you were found guilty even though the charge made no sense. Like you said…you were in a war…it makes more sense for Henry to have killed Chrissy than you, Edward. But it was your king’s idea to have them both be engaged… he couldn’t handle that notion so it was easier to blame you…banish you.”
“Steven, you are not like these men.”, you point towards the villagers. “You listened to reason and tried to find the truth if you could. The demon you were with that day blindly believed your best friend was guilty and ignored an order to bring him back alive. You did what you had to.”
Swallowing the tears that wanted to fall, Eddie was the first to open his and pull you into his embrace. 
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you to, baby.”, Steve adds as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
“I love you both.”
As soon as your eyes focused back on your current reality, Steve collected you in his arms till you were sitting on his lap and his palm guided your lips to his. He held your lower back as you grinded against him while a now fully naked Eddie helped disrobe you both. Clinging to his neck, you sunk yourself down on to the demon’s cock, the two of you holding each other tightly as if you’d disappear if one of you let go. 
“I’m right here, princess. I’m not going anywhere.”, he answered in a gentle tone as his lips pecked along your shoulder. Placing his fingers under his chin, he turned his partners head and moaned as his lips passionately kissed his own. 
“Please—oh fuck—please Steven.”
Lifting you up, he flips you on to your stomach, sliding his length back inside you, and pushes your legs together as he roughly thrusts his hips. Eddie’s hand comes into your view, moving and playing with your hair so he can see your face as your eyes roll back. Keening into his touch, you listen to the pleasant sounds of Steve’s pants and the other demon’s needy moans as he slowly strokes his own cock. 
“So beautiful, sweetheart.”
“St-Steven—mmm—Steven please. Harder. Closer.”
Placing open mouth kisses up your spine along the way, he lays flat against you and circles his arms underneath you as he rolls his lower half into yours.
“I’m here to, baby. I’d never hurt you and I’d never abandon you. Fuck, honey, you feel so fucking good. Is this hard enough? Do you need it harder? Tell me, baby girl. I’ll give you anything.”, he whispers, groaning when your pussy clenches at his words. 
“Feels…feels good. I’m gonna…”
“Me to, pretty girl. Just hold—mmph—just hold on tight to Edward, baby.”
As the other demon intertwines his fingers with yours, Steve pumps into you faster making sure to still keep himself as close to you as possible. Your body shutters under his as you cum and he growls in pleasure at the feeling before releasing his spend deep inside of you.
Falling to your side, he moves out of the way to allow Eddie to take what’s his as well but the long-haired demon looks at you with confused eyes when you suddenly place your hand on his chest, stopping him as he attempts to climb on top of you.
“Are you ok, baby?”, he whispers as he kisses your lips lightly. 
Without saying a word, you nod before maneuvering them to face each other. When their normal demon eyes meet, Eddie smirks as he takes Steve in his arms and places him on his lap. 
“I’m sorry my family can’t see how special you both are. You’re nothing like your father, Edward.”
“Neither are you, sweetheart.”
Steve mewled loudly as he guided himself down on to his partner, slowly grinding against him and allowing Eddie’s length to nudge at that soft spot inside of him.
“I’d never leave you. I’d never leave you behind anywhere but especially not there.”, he whispered. 
“I know, baby. Fuck. I know.”
“Y-You’re not a freak and you’re not a-a peasant. You’re perfect. You both are. I’d—FUCK—I’d make all the same choices again if it always led me to you two.”
Placing his forehead on his own, Steve bounced harder against him as his palms cupped his face. 
“That’s it, Steve. Everything’s ok. As long as the three of us are together, we’re ok.”
The abrupt feeling of your lips on his skin made Eddie groan as he turned towards you to see your own fingers trying to keep up with the other demon’s pace as you thrust them inside of your sensitive cunt.
Quickly licking his own digits, he forced your hand out of the way and took over pleasuring you as the sound of your slick filled the room.
“Atta girl. Ride my fingers. Fuck…my two favorite beings riding me. Cum again, Steven. I l-like hearing that whine when you’re sensitive.”
With his free palm holding his lower back, Eddie encouraged his rhythm and intensity till the other demon whimpered weakly as his seed painted both their stomachs. 
“Good. Good boy.”
Your own mewl grabbed their attention and both demons watched your nails dug into his shoulder as the coil snapped. You both follow Eddie down against the mattress, kissing and sucking on his neck as he thrusts his hips upwards, chasing his own release until grunting as he coated his boyfriend’s insides with his spend.
You weren’t sure how long the three of you clung to each other afterwards but you were grateful for every minute, thankful that these two were yours. 
“I don’t want us to raise Ellis in our realm.” Steve’s sudden announcement sliced through the quiet as you two turned to look at him. “After what happened with Y/N and the way my mom was talking about him… I just think it would be better if he grew up here.”
Silently, you sat up to face them as you absorbed what he was saying.
“You two would have to have your masks up a lot and so would he.”
“When it comes to us, sweetheart, it’s fine. I mean we can be ourselves with you and then with him in private. I’m not going to lie though trying to explain that to a child is going to be difficult.”, Eddie sighs. 
“I don’t want him to be ashamed of who he is but I get what Steve is saying. Maybe, we can just play it by ear. Stay here back home in Hawkins and then when he hits that age we can talk about if we’d want to stay or move. He seems very articulate. He could tell us where he would feel comfortable.”
“I think that’s a good idea, babe, and of course Steve, we can go between and watch him. See if he’s more comfortable and happy here or in our realm. Plus, that way Wayne, Robin, and Henderson can see him.”
“Yeah of course. I didn’t mean it like I never want him to be there. Ellis has people in his life who don’t care about us being together or how different he may be. It’s everyone else I’m worried about. He’s not even here yet and two people have already called him names. I don’t like it.”
“I understand. Let’s…let’s focus on what we can right now. There’s so much we need and things to prepare for before he gets here. We also may need to discuss a source of income. My dad left me a good amount but that won’t last with a baby.”
Eddie pets your head as Steve leans forward to kiss your lips. 
“Come on, princess. Let’s get you showered and fed. Tonight we relax, tomorrow we head back to Hawkins.”
@tlclick73 @tiannamortis @steeldaisies @goodhappyfriday @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@strangerthings64 @howlingco @eddiesguitarskills
@prettypeachsworld @nailbatanddungeon @notlempet
104 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
02/28/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&CrewSightings; Rhys;Taika; HowToHelp; Guardian Survey; Ranker; AdoptOurCrewAnalysis; 50DaysInTheGravyBasket; New Watch Parties; Pirate Radio and Yes Man; Watch Party Reminders; California In Person Events; Fan Spotlight; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
Another VERY eventful day crew. There's actually more but I needed to get some permissions to share so hopefully I'll have them up tomorrow! Hope you are all having a lovely day/night! <3
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is out here being silly and thoughtful on his IG Stories again!
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== Taika Waititi ==
Rita has been so kind to us fans by providing us footage on her IG Stories! We get to see our silly guy being happy and silly!
== How to Help ==
= Guardian Survey Link =
The Guardian would LOVE to hear your feedback! If you have a few moments to help, feel free to fill out the survey! Survey Link
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= Ranker =
Great job all! Looks like we're already up to #1! Thanks @_irene_adler on IG for capturing this!
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== Adopt Our Crew Analysis ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew have put together some awesome data regarding our Captain Rhys Darby!
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== 50 Days in the Gravy Basket ==
@saveofmdcrewmates posted this video today marking "50 days since the cast, crew and fans of Our Flag Means Death were plunged into the Gravy Basket."
@giulianaazr has created this video to remind us that there is a way out! 🏴‍☠️🥹
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== New Watch Parties! ==
= Pirate Radio! =
More details coming tomorrow!
= Yes Man! =
Join us for a Yes Man Watch Party!
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Graphic by@ICouldBeFamily
Where: #RhysDarbyFaction Discord When: March 10th 12 Noon PST / 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Who: Need Access? Reach out to @AspirantAbby42 on twitter, or @gentlebeardsbarngrill here on Tumblr!
Watch Party Hashtags:
= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 29 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more. 
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== In Person Events ==
Nothing Moves Without The Crew!
Thank you to @WGA_fandomLove on twitter for letting us know about this meet up in Los Angelos California! Please visit their twitter and follow for more information!
Gay Pirate fandom friends in the LA area - let’s rally in solidarity with @IATSE on the eve of their negotiations with the AMPTP. They represent Hair & Makeup, Costumes, Grips, Set Decorators, Props, Camera Operators - basically all the magical people that made OFMD shine!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= February Love Collage Fest! =
Thank you again to @wndrngnomad for these collages!
Day 28: The friendships of the cast and crew!
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= Cast Cards by @melvisik! =
Our wonderful crew-mate @melvisik has been kind enough to share their trading cards of the cast members with us over the last several weeks! These are super cool because you can see some other shows they've been in as well! They've said it's okay to print them out, use them as trading cards, or anyway you'd like :) Wanna see more? Check them out over on the Repository!
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== Articles ==
"The Best Series In March" - German Article ty to @Addie__H for the translation of the title.
== Loves Notes ==
I apologize lovelies, I think the last few days are finally catching up to me so I'm going make this short tonight. HOWEVER, I WILL SAY -- I saw so much Safe Space Ship today and it warmed my heart so much. So many of you are reaching out to crew-mates and giving encouragement and I'm so very proud of you <3. Seriously, I don't know of a better fandom out there (and I've been in a quite a few in my day) where there has been so much acceptance and support. I know we're all struggling a bit with disagreements/concerns over renewal efforts, but you all are still just out there giving love left and right. You really are just the most amazing group of individuals and I'm so honoured to be here with you. I've probably said this a thousand times, sorry but it's what runs through my head whenever I see the love you're sending out. I am going to take advice from @thelatestkate and sign off and go get some rest. See you all in tomorrow-world, love you dearies <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Just some goof for tonight. Nothing too similar except I know quite a lot of us look at Taika like that all the time (respectfully).
Tonight's gifs are brought to you by:
Rhys: @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika: @ofmd-ann
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aka-libby · 11 months
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Counting Our Regrets
Aki Hayakawa x gn!reader | established relationship | semi-canon  [ domestic tooth rotting!fluff + angst (with happy ending/comfort) ]
Word count: 4.3k
Warning(s): mentions/implied topic of de*th, insecurities about love, VERY BRIEF mentions about rough past regarding home life
Summary: Aki hated you at first but after a series of events his view on you changed. Now you’re together as a couple, with the regrets of wasting all that time hating and being avoidant of the inevitable spark you had. Yet even with these regrets on the both of you, it’s when you’re in his apartment having dinner like any other night that he finally realized how he truly feels about you.
A/N: So I have a story in the WIP folder that explains their past and how they became the couple here in this fic. There is a LOT to unfold and it’s honestly a drain to write angst and pain all the time SOOOOO I would write this fic when I’m bored and somehow I finish this one first…. so now here we are. I do hope it’s not confusing but hints enough context for readers to understand the development of the two. Plus I’m WAYYYYY too impatient to wait to post this cause I’m so PROUD OF IT UGH.
Anyways enjoy.
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“Is it weird that I still get a bit nervous every time he invites me over for dinner?”
Your friend laughs over the phone. “Really?! It’s been so long now. Just breathe and treat it like any other time you guys are together.”
You’re glaring at them, even though they can’t see it. “I’m serious. You know how the past was, we hated each other… well he hated me. I don’t blame him though, it was in every way my fault for how things are but… still.” 
Your friend probably heard the change in your tone towards the end. The mischievous aura drips from them. “I understand but the situation has changed now. You stopped being a lil brat and he realized the amazing person that you are underneath it. He fell for you instantly, I see it and am reminded of it everyday when I see you two in the same room.”
“Really?” You are curious now about what they meant. “What do you mean?”
“You don’t see it?” The utter disbelief from their tone surprises you more. “The way he looks at you speaks millions. Like a moth lured to a bright ass light. I believe it.”
You smile as your chest lightens from the doubts slipping off you. Their words really eased your mind. “That’s… cute.” Images of Aki flash in your mind of all the times he would get embarrassed when caught showing any form of affection. “He’s really sweet.”
“He is and it is cute but also utterly revolting.” They gag through the phone. “You two are so lovesick for one another and yet SOOOO oblivious at the same time. My eyes get cavities from seeing you two within the same radius.”
The both of you chuckle a bit before they bids their farewell. “Now go in and enjoy the dinner, okay? Tell me more about it later.”
“I will. See you soon.” You say before ending the call.
The grip on the plastic bags you have to your side tightens as you take a deep breath in and out. You know more than anyone this night will be just like any other night. Just a casual dinner with 2 co-workers/friends and your boyfriend.
Your lips form into a soft smile as the title lingers in your head. It feels too surreal to be together now after a year of discord between you and Aki. Then a time period of uncertainty of what kind of relationship you guys had. It was the result of the change with his thoughts about you and your thoughts about life. With Himeno’s death being the catalyst to it all.
It doesn’t help that both of you have gone through great suffering revolving around death. Life is unfair to both of you. His family was taken away so suddenly by a worldwide Devil attack while yours…
Agh, the thought hurts too much to think about.
Even with all the hurt, pain, and self projecting in denial of the truth of it all you two somehow ended up here, together. It made you happy to realize that after so long but so late. With time still ticking every single second, it’s only sooner than later that both your lives could end so suddenly.
With Aki’s time limit down to 2 years and yours still in the air, anything could happen at any moment. It was hard carrying the regret of projecting your trauma and fear of abandonment to the relationships around you. How you pushed others away to protect them and yourself. It wasn’t fair to you or your comrades.
They never got to meet the real you.
Your thoughts are cut from the feral screech coming from behind Aki’s door. You know all too well who it was, and you smile softly from the moment, as it reminds you to be present in the present. No time to dwell on your regrets, it will only waste more of your limited time.
You are with Aki now, that’s all that matters.
Finally, you take the last few steps over to Aki’s door. Knuckles barely hovering over the door before it’s busted open.
Power cheers out your name as she pulls you in for a half hug, arm over your shoulder. Her eyes don’t meet yours, instead they’re on the bags at your sides. “You brought food for me?! I'm STARVIN.” 
“Hey!” a familiar voice echoes from inside. “That’s no way to treat guests!”
Power is quick to nag back at him with a roll of her eyes before taking the bags out of your hands. “Allow me!” She excitedly offers but you know there are other intentions behind her kindness. Your head shakes from her obvious facade.
Walking into the Hayakawa Residence, you instantly envelop yourself in the comforting feeling of your second home. The smell of the three housemates and the aroma of home cooked food wafts into your nose causing your previous insecurities to flee. Is this what it's like to be at ease? You’re pretty sure it is by how safe you feel once the door closes behind you.
Turning around the corner, you see Aki casually stirring a mixture of veggies in a savory sauce in a wok. It instantly waters your mouth. “Hi Love.” You greet walking over to where he is in front of the stovetop.
It was then you realize what your friend’s comment meant earlier, about how Aki looks at you. His eyes instantly shine with adoration and his body is fully turned towards you, letting go of whatever he was focused on to meet you halfway. Once you’re within his grasp, he pulls you into a hug and kisses the top of your head.
“Hello love, was the trip here okay? I’m sorry I couldn’t pick you up.” He apologizes before rubbing your back soothingly.
Shaking your head to look up, you reassure him with a smile. “It’s fine, don't worry. I can’t expect you to always pick me up and host a dinner.”
“I know but I would rather do it knowing you are safe than for you to take a taxi or walk here.” He tells you softly with his arms now draped over waist, his hands interlocked behind you. Blue eyes still looking at you. “Next time I’ll open my schedule up to do so.”
You instantly shake your head. “No, you’ve done too much for me.”
He looks at you softly, almost bittersweetly. “It feels like I haven’t done enough.”
Your lips are already on his nose before he could continue. “You’re perfect.”
Those insecurities leave him and it’s replaced by the previous admiration he first had when you walked into his field of view. Instead of replying, he just pulls you in for another tight hug, his cheek now on top of your head. His indirect way of saying many things with one action.
You mean the world to me.
I appreciate you.
Thank you.
Pulling back from the hug to check up on the veggies he was stirring earlier, you point towards the living room, where Power and Denji lay as they go through the plastic bag you brought. “I hope you don’t mind but I brought some extra food I prepared yesterday and sweets.”
“Mmm you didn’t have to. I made extra food too.” He explains as he tosses the veggies around the sauce, evenly coating each cut piece. “But I do appreciate it, thank you love.”
I smile and wrap an arm around his torso. “I don’t mind. It was going to rot in my fridge anyways with how often I eat here. Plus, you have 2 extra mouths to feed.” 
His soft eyes gloss over to you, and he can’t help but feel the need to kiss the side of your head. “You’re the best.”
“Oi! Can you cook faster and stop flirting so much!” I hear Denji yell from across the place. Aki’s soft feature forms a frown as he goes to scold Denji for interrupting the moment.
Just now remembering you had more people in the room, you walk off to where the other two reside. Both are already munching on the baked goods you’ve brought, happily enjoying it while watching their show.
“Like em?” You ask Denji as you sit down next to Power. Her cat senses your presence, immediately heading over to you, purring happily under your loving touches. “Hi cutie.” 
Without taking his eyes off the screen, he replies back with his mouth stuffed. “Therwe realu-
“Don’t talk with your mouth full!” Aki scolds from the kitchen.
“Whamever.” He dismisses but gulps it down anyways before continuing. “Good ass…” He draws a blank. You watch the way the gears in his mind slowly rotate as they try to put together a coherent sentence. “Good ass goods!”
Power slams her hand flat onto his back, repeatedly slapping him, and causes poor Denji to choke mid consumption of the said goods. Her boisterous laugh echoes within their flat. “You sound more stupid than usual!” She hollers out then starts shaking him.
He starts to cough from all the sudden movements and finally dryly swallows the food. Despite watching Denji almost choke, you can’t help but laugh from watching the events unfold. They really were siblings by heart.
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As the conversation slowly dies, Aki takes this opportunity to step outside to smoke. Everyone sits comfortably in the ambience. With the sound of the Tokyo nightlife and the lowered volume of the TV playing some random channel, it really lured everyone to a relaxed state of mind.
It could be the combination of good food and it being quite late into the night that caused both Denji and Power to pass out on the ground. Your buzzy self smiles at the sight of them, so peaceful from the food coma. The whole environment feels so… nice.
It was somewhat odd for you. Your body is aware of the empty space where your walls and guard used to be. Not really used to this feeling of being safe and secure. Growing up in a chaotic and unstable household really puts a toll on you and your point of view on what a safe home should make you feel.
In a way, you never really felt at “home” before.
The silence you’re used to in your own apartment isn’t much different compared to what you’re currently experiencing now, but it makes you feel different. You don’t feel lonely or alienated. You feel…. comfortable. You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or the fact you are now just appreciating what a domestic life is like, but it’s a new foreign feeling. Nonetheless, it’s not unwelcome, it’s more than welcome.
You hope this doesn’t come to an end anytime soon.
Taking in a sip of the alcohol of your choice, your eyes pick up on the mess that surrounds you. Dirty plates, unfinished platters of food, both used and unused napkins sprawled over the table. Overall it was just messy, but honestly this is what's expected from a late night dinner with Power and Denji involved.
Without another thought, you stood up with your wobbly tipsy legs and started to clean up. Picking up the empty cans and garbage as you scout the room for more.
“Hey.” Aki calls out for you, head just barely poking into the apartment.
You look up at him, an empty beer can in hand. “Hey.” You greet, confused.
His brows lowered from your response. “I wasn’t saying hi. What’re you doing?”
“Oh.” A giggle escapes from your lips from your tipsy brain. You continue to pick up the beer cans and toss them into the recycling bag. “Cleaning up.” You answer simply.
“You’re a guest.” He starts off walking towards you and takes the bag. “You should be relaxing.”
“You hosted this Aki, in your own home. The least I can do is help clean up just a bit.” You explain then immediately start to stack all the dirty dishes. “How about you get the garbage and I’ll do the dishes. Hm? How does that sound?” 
Leaving no room for him to argue further, you leave the living room and head to the kitchen. Aki watches as you walk away happily with the stack of dishes in hand. You look over to him once, an eyebrow raised from his stare.
“What?” You ask as you hold a soapy dish sponge in one hand and a dirty plate in the other, scrubbing away the grim and food off the plates one by one.
A lot of thoughts are running through his mind but he makes no attempt to show it. He just shrugs and chuckles. “Nothing.”
Both of you fall back into comfortable silence. Only breaking it to drop a couple of small talk here and there. With the TV still running in the back, now on the news channel. You make notes on a few topics the news anchor mentions and Aki does the same, feeling comfortable with the surface level talks. 
Nothing about this was new to either of you. You always offer freely to clean up when invited over and Aki follows up by refusing you from doing so. A routine both of you are accustomed to for the past couple of months. In some way, you should feel content or happy being with someone who flows with you so easily and has grown accustomed to you over time.
But as your thoughts simmer a bit longer, a bitter side to all of this comes around. You’re reminded of the reality you’re truly in. Both you and Aki’s death are determined when you both sign your life away to Public Safety. With Aki being two years left and yours possibly just as short.
The unwavering and daunting feeling never goes away and always ruins moments like these you want to cherish and really be in, to really exist in. No matter how much you try to avoid it, the feeling was and is always there. It doesn’t help that a good chunk of your time with Aki was wasted on avoiding getting to this intimate point in your relationship.
The person you were back then would’ve looked down on you. How could you give in to these selfish desires? Get into a relationship with someone knowing the limited time you have left. It wasn’t fair to them or you. A cruel ending to have to anyone. So you did what at the time felt like the best thing to do, barricaded yourself from the world.
You were committed to keeping a facade up. A mock up personality to shield you and others from getting close to you. You hoped you could keep up with it long enough that one day you leave this world and feel relief no one would experience grief like you did. 
Sadly even with trying to avoid the inevitable, you landed in the worst possible position ever. To end up regretting what you did and having to accept the conditions your fear set out for you. If only you gave up sooner than later. Maybe just maybe you would have enjoyed more of these moments with Aki.
“You okay?”
Your head whips to him, ocean eyes hold much concern. “Yeah why?”
He frowns, not convinced at all. “You’re shaking.”
It’s when he mentions it that you realized your shaky hands. Instantly you shove whatever lingering thought you had left and try to play it off as something else, despite knowing he wouldn’t believe you. “Just….” You trail off drawing a blank for an excuse.
“If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable.” He scolds but his actions don’t mirror his words as he pulls you in for an embrace. “There’s something bothering you. You can talk to me, you know?”
You have… Already. It was a topic that was brought up quite often between the two of you. It was hard to really fully walk past the topic. No advice or form of communication would really ease the both of you of what’s yet to come. But it does in some way help temporarily. At least, until you come back to the same thought again like now.
A sigh leaves your lips when you snuggle closer into his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his large frame. “You already know what it is.”
The same sigh leaves his lips as his grip tightens. “I’m here nonetheless.”
Much to his response, it does say a lot. Both of you fall into another routine. Where one would be reminded of the ticking time bomb and the other comes around to comfort them. Neither of you felt the need to speak more with how often it happens. It was a silent way of saying “I’m tired of this too, but just know I’m here for you if you wanna talk more. Just say it and I’ll be here to listen.”
After a few moments, you finally pull back to look at him. A bittersweet smile on your lips. “Thank you.”
His arms never leave you. Instead, they are holding the sides of your arms, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into you. “Anytime.”
Finishing up the last bit that was needed to be done, you both head out to the balcony. You pulled a bit of the curtain from inside to shield where his dingy white lawn chair was on his balcony. A simple but not really effective way to have some privacy from the sleeping children. As you close the sliding glass door, the chills of the night are apparent on your bare arms.
Aki sits down first then signals for you to take the spot on his lap. “Sit, I’m not making you stand.”
Well, you can’t really deny such a tempting offer. You smile at him before doing just that. Both of you adjust yourselves a bit before settling comfortably in the current position. Your head on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around your waist, and fingers intertwined on your lap. 
The soft buzz of the night life from his quiet neighborhood drowns out your thoughts as you stare aimlessly at the street lights. His arm that was once on your waist now hoists up just below your upper back. He pulls you in closer.
“Hm?” You question the sudden movement.
Aki is silent for a few seconds before talking. “I was just thinking.”
You return the same silence before saying. “Care to elaborate?”
“I…” He pauses, unsure how to say what he wants to say. 
There was just too much to say and too little of the time to say it at that moment. No amount of words or poems could describe the cloud 9 feeling he gets when he sees you there, just existing in his world. It reminds him so much of everything that it overwhelms his mind and makes him draw a blank during moments like this.
Where he wants to say everything but can’t.
So many words and sentences just zoom around him like dust in the air getting blown until it turns into a tornado. Every fleeting thought gets thicker and stronger. It consumes his mind and he can’t choose nor figure out what he wants to say during moments like these. What’s something that could just say everything he needs to say all at once? To tell you he appreciates you. Wants to stay like this with you forever. To continue to live in each other's presence until time stops him for good.
To see you come through that damn door again with a big smile and sparkling eyes as you hold bags of food in both your hands happily. While greeting him with that god forsaken fucking melodic voice of yours.
It hits him.
It’s so simple but it finally hits him.
He looks down at you, meeting your eyes one last time as his nervousness clogs his own throat. The phrase in itself is simple but the meaning is so heavy, so meaningful to him that it almost scares him away from being able to say it. But it’s the only thing that really describes this feeling he feels for you.
God he should really shut up and just say-
“I love you.”
He watches closely to the way your face reacts to this statement, both out of fear and excitement. It’s when he sees the way your eyes get slightly glossy and your cheeks burn bright in warm hues like a sunrise that he reflects the same expression with the biggest smile.
Not much is said. Only the sound of multiple pecks and tender kisses from Aki as he covers your whole face with love. You giggle like a lil highschool girl from all the affection. After almost basically covering 90% of your face in kisses, you finally get a word in. Feeling overwhelmed from joy and love.
“I love you too.” You finally say, holding his face close til your noses are just barely touching. “I… Never thought you could ever love me.”
He understands very well what you meant by that. Given the history between the two of you, but he doesn’t care. At least at this moment he doesn’t. The rays of pure unfiltered feeling of love is all too consuming and subtly blinds him from truly acknowledging the double meaning to your statement.
“We have gone off on the wrong foot and I know we both regret heavily how late it is to be in this position.” He starts off in a whisper then tilts his head slightly to rub the side of your noses, lips barely hovering over yours. “But to me, in this very moment with you, without all the worries we had been dealing with before for weeks. Hell fucking months!” Raising his tone just a bit to playfully emphasize the last part of his statement. “I know for sure I love you. The person here on my lap. The body that holds your beautiful heart and the beautiful heart that holds your soul. From every bit and piece of you, that is all for me to love until I can no longer feel.”
You feel your face get more red with every word being said. It absolutely stuns you to the core and you can’t get your mind to put together a sentence or a single word to say. You’re not used to this true unadulterated form of love. It completely fried your brain, and the only response or reaction you gave were tears.
“I…” You first choke out. “I didn’t do anything special.” You sob out. The big insecure part of you is in some way confused by his declaration. “All I’ve done is hurt you, Aki. I don’t understand.”
He quickly adjusts your positions enough to fully face you from above. Your eyes are bloodshot red, cheeks wet from tears. It’s so painful to see the doubts you’ve had hidden from him resurface but he doesn’t mind. Cause you’re you. He loves you for you, therefore he loves all that comes with you.
Aki starts to kiss your tears and gently guides you to sit up on his lap. Both his hands on your cheeks, wiping the remaining falling tears with his thumbs.
“Hurt is inevitable. We’re human, hurting others will always happen whether we intended to or not. I forgive you love, because I understand what it’s like to be scared of connecting. Especially in the field we’re working in.” His voice is tender and gentle, reassuring you with much sincerity.
He takes the time to really admire every little detail about you. How your hair frames your face. The little scratches and scars from Devil attacks on the cheeks he loves to kiss. How your eyes hold every single emotion that shapes the person you are today.
Your entire being is everything to him.
“You were made to be loved. I don’t care what person or experience made you believe you weren’t but I’m telling you this now sincerely that you were made to be loved inside and out.” 
As each word escapes his lips, he can’t help but inch your face closer and closer and closer until his lips just barely hover over yours.
“Especially by me.”
There was a part of you that wanted to scream at him for lying. For spewing out such bullshit to you at this moment. Cause how can someone so beautiful like him love someone so complex and messy like you? How is that possible?
Whatever the case was, there was a stronger, more hopeful side to you that believes everything he claims. It constantly clashes swords with your insecurities. The same insecurities that made you push him away.
And you know better than to do that now.
He watches the way your eyes light up just a bit as a smile forms. “I love you Aki. Thank you for being…. You.”
It’s after saying that you finally lean in and kiss him with all the same love and care he has for you. He makes no mistake to delay this. Kissing you back with all his entirety. Your souls intertwine through an invisible bond the more the kiss deepens. Unspoken love of affirmations set ablaze the passion you have for each other.
And in that very moment, both of you knew no matter how much time you guys wasted wishing and counting your regrets. You still had each other. As bittersweet as it is, that’s all anyone could ask for.
Well… Aki is hoping he could ask for your hand in marriage but let’s leave that for another time.
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A/N: thanks for reading! please let me know if you see any mistakes with the gn!reader pov, this is my first :)
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whereisten · 10 months
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Late Night Adventures with a Green-Haired Kingpin
*Wildcard Ending*
Part 1 | Part 2 Intro | Part 2 | Part 3 Intro | Part 3 | Part 4 Intro | Part 4: Yuta Oneshot! | Part 4 | Part 5 Finale (Happy Ending) | Part 5 Finale (Sad Ending) | Part 5 Finale (Wildcard Ending)
Summary: You couldn’t quite explain how you, a normal office worker that didn’t even have a traffic violation, ended up in a gang leader’s bed, but here you are.
Genre: angst, fluff, smut, mafia
Pairing: Gang Leader!Taeyong X female reader (who is also a gang leader now)
Warning: violence, graphic descriptions of death and murder, cursing, cheating, toxic relationship, gun and knife mention, possessiveness, manipulation and blackmail, alcohol and cigarette use, character death, smut (unprotected (be safe!), rough sex, impregnation k!nk, dirty talk)
Word Count: 12.2K
(a/n: wow wow wowww we have finally reached the end of this series, I can’t believe it, I’m actually kinda sad to say goodbye. Greenie, I will miss you :( anyway! I hope you enjoy the finale, both endings start off the same for about 1k words, then veer off to two completely different scenarios, so I hope you’ll consider reading both. let me know what you think about them! I had fun writing both! its been some time so my writing style has changed, hope thats okay. Thank you for your support <3)
“Do you think not eating will make me pity you?” Jaehyun stares at you sitting across the table from him sternly. 
You look down at your now unbound wrists in your lap then up to the guards standing in all four corners of his dining room. You couldn’t escape if you tried. 
“What’s your plan here? What’s your goal? You’ve already killed Yuta…I’m willing to give you everything we owned..and yet..you don’t want it.”
You sniffle as you think of your last moments with Yuta. As frustrating as he was, you didn’t want him to die. You never wanted him to feel pain. He was just a young, insecure guy whose downfalls could’ve been redeemed if given the chance. And in just under a minute, all that was taken from him.
You sit there, stitched up and still in pain as tears fall onto your hands.
Jaehyun carefully cuts the fat from his steak. “Oh..you misunderstand me..I do want everything, and I will take it when I please..but I also want Taeyong to pay for his, and his father’s, wrongdoings. You also must pay for your wrongdoings. You chose to protect your men, I chose to avenge my sister. With each choice comes a consequence, wouldn’t you agree?”
You don’t nod, you only cry harder. A slight feeling of shame hits you and you think of how Yuta would scold the shit out of you for showing weakness if he were alive to see it.
“Hmm?” Jaehyun places a finger on your chin and tilts it upward. You were too lost in your tears to notice he had walked over to you while carrying a piece of steak on a fork.
The annoyingly handsome man smiles slowly while tilting his head. “I have no doubt that Taeyong will find the whereabouts of your men and bring an end to this chapter, I always get what I want.”
You chuckle and brush his hand away. “You’re a fool, he knows I’d never forgive him for revealing that.”
You wince as a sharp pain cuts deep into you again, reminding you of the accident that occurred just hours prior.
“Me? A fool? Hmm and yet you’re in this situation with no Superman to save you..your other hero lay dead, headless, and covered in bugs as the first stage of decomposition starts and-“
“Fuck you! Don’t talk about him like that! You think you’re better than him, but the truth is your daddy gave you everything! You’re nothing but a spoiled brat struggling to fit into his big man pants for the day!” You stare into his eyes and curse him through gritted teeth. Before you can take another breath, he grabs your chin and tightens his grip, then stabs your wound with the opposite end of the fork.
You scream at the sudden pain while trying to escape his hold, but you can’t get away from him. He laughs as you squirm in pain.
“And are you so different? Fucking a kingpin on the first night of meeting him? Learning all there is to know about this business just so you can fuck another man and become work buddies?” 
Your eyes widen as your eyes slowly drift up to his.
Jaehyun pouts. “Oh..you didn’t know that I know you’re a whore, a smart whore, but a whore nonetheless. You spread your legs for Taeyong and it got him all googly-eyed and stupid, so stupid he gave you everything. Fuck, pussy must’ve been that good.” 
He laughs as he shoves the utensil in deeper. You groan. “Stop!”
“Inheritance is inheritance, who cares how it’s gained..isn’t that right, honey?” The wild look in his eyes reassured you that he was having fun with this.
“Fuck you! You know nothing about me! You’re lucky your dad worked his ass off so you don’t have to lift a finger, you fucking asshole!”
“You know so much, honey. You’ve also got a dirty mouth. Be careful or I might start to like you.”
Your nose flares as you breathe heavily.
He uses his hand on your chin to pull you upwards into a standing position. You try to fight him off, but he overpowers you easily. Something about him makes his strength feel unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
He releases his grip and moves to stand behind you. He then holds the piece of steak up to your face. “Now, eat.”
You turn your head away, letting out a huff. Jaehyun pushes two fingers into your wound, making you scream again and bend over. “Stop! Please!” You grip the edge of the table, still trying to fight him off.
He only chuckles and pushes his fingers in deeper. “Just open your mouth and I’ll stop, it’s pretty easy.”
You cry harder, but do as he says, opening your mouth as he places the fork inside. 
“There you go, good girl.” He smiles again as you chew.
He lets you go and walks back to his seat at the table, leaving you a crying mess. It takes you some time and strength to sit back in your seat, your hand over your wound as blood begins to pour out. 
“You and your men are starting to piss me off, but as I said before I always get what I want.” He cuts into the steak slowly, the fork and knife held by his fingers still covered in your blood.
You feel weak, his face becomes a blur and you pass out within seconds.
[5 Hours Later]
With only a few hours left, Taeyong arrives at Jaehyun’s mansion. He sits on the couch and waits for Jaehyun to show up.
He hadn’t slept all night, he’d been working with Taeil to figure out where your men were. He immediately knew he was going to find them and give their location away to save you. As he said before, he didn’t give two shits about them and didn’t care if that offended or upset you. Yuta was killed and he needed to save you before it was too late. He lost his best friend, he couldn’t lose his true love too. Furthermore, you could help him find Haeju.
Jaehyun arrives after about 5 minutes, walking towards the love seat facing him. You walk in after him. Taeyong’s eyes follow the leash connecting Jaehyun’s clenched fist to the collar around your neck and nearly loses it. Taeyong is saddened to see you like this, your shirt stained with blood, your eyes low and red from crying, and your face drained. To make matters worse, the collar has chrome letters decorating it to spell out ‘JAEHYUN’S’.
He truly was a petty and sick man.
“Kneel.” Jaehyun commands while pointing to the spot beside his feet on the floor.
Taeyong’s eyes grow. How dare he, he’s out of his mind. His heart starts to race as he grows angry. “N-“
“It’s okay, Taeyong..I’m okay.” You kneel quickly, ignoring the fact that Jaehyun was hell-bent on breaking you down and putting you below him. He was exactly as you told him, a spoiled brat.
“Good girl.” He smirks as if hearing your thoughts.
Taeyong grits his teeth when he sees you clutching your stomach and wincing.
“She needs to rest.” He says to Jaehyun sternly.
“Oh god, I hope that’s not what you came here to tell me.” Jaehyun rolls his eyes, leaning back and taking in Taeyong’s irritated appearance. He knows he’s practically two seconds away from lunging at him, and he loves it. 
“Taeyong..you don’t have time.” You whisper through a strained breath. Kneeling in that position puts more pressure on your wound.
Taeyong swallows hard. “Fine..here..the coordinates of where their men, along with my own will be meeting. I faked a message from Yuta’s number calling for an emergency meeting at 12.”
Your eyes grow, you shake your head. “No! What are you-“
He continues. “It’s a warehouse, so there will be approximately 5 exits your men will have to cover. Do what you will, they mean nothing to me now, let y/n go so I can save my sister.”
“Taeyong, don’t do this.” You start to cry once you see the paper Taeyong places on the center table.
“Oh? It’s that easy, is it?” Jaehyun crosses a leg over the other, his dimples showing through as he grins.
Jaehyun’s right hand man grabs the paper and leaves the room to make preparations for an attack.
“I gave you what you asked for, now let her go.” Taeyong doesn’t look at you, for the sight will drive him mad if this takes any longer.
Jaehyun nods. “Sure. Go on.”
And it’s a little too easy. No catch? No pause? Just freedom? Oh no..you both knew Jaehyun better.
You start to crawl towards Taeyong, and once you’re within an arm's reach away, Jaehyun tugs the leash hard and snatches you by the collar back towards him. You yelp and grab at the collar once it tightens.
“But..I didn’t get what I asked for, did I?”
Taeyong stands up. “Stop with the fucking games! Let her go!”
You cough and gasp for air.
Jaehyun shakes his head while laughing. “I think she can stay beside me for a few more minutes..at least until my guys confirm yours are dead. It’s only fair. Or…you could stay here and let your sister die.”
Taeyong sighs and sits back down.
After a few seconds, he says through gritted teeth. “You’re an asshole.”
Jaehyun nods. “Yes..well, it’s just another day.”
“Just…five minutes..give me five minutes then.” Taeyong looks into his eyes, trying to hide his embarrassing tone of desperation.
Jaehyun scoffs then eyes him up and down. “You don’t need five minutes, you probably finish in two..”
“You broke your own rule and lied..the least you can do is give us that…I don’t even know if I’ll see him again.” You growl at him.
Jaehyun looks down at you. “Ahh..and the bitch makes another demand.”
Taeyong's eyes narrow, he never thought he'd feel such a burning urge to kill anyone as strong as this.
“Two minutes and bring my toy back unharmed.” Jaehyun lets the leash go.
Taeyong quickly kneels to the ground with you and holds you in his arms closely. He helps you up to your feet then quickly walks you outside.
“Listen, we don’t have much time but trust me, okay?”
You sniffle and shake your head. “Taeyong, you bastard, I’ll never forgive you for this.”
He holds both of your arms and holds you firm towards him, his eyes growing as his grip tightens. “Y/n, just trust me!” 
You nod, but don’t look into his eyes.
“I’m..sorry I couldn’t save you, but I know he won’t kill you, he needs to have something over me and as of right now, he knows it’s you..it’s you above everything..look at me.” He uses his finger to bring your chin up towards him. 
Your teary eyes finally meet his, melting him where he stands. Had his mind not been in a million places at once, he would’ve kissed you until the sun set. “I love you.”
“That’s not enough, Taeyong..what are you going to do?”
“First, I’m going to save Haeju, then I’ll come back for you, just wait for me, I promise..”
You nod. For a moment, you had forgotten that Haeju was running out of time. “She’s probably at the pit, it’s a house in the middle of nowhere..here take this.” You hurriedly hand him your smart watch. While getting stitched up, you remembered that it was connected to a tracker you left inside a vase at the house. The watch could pinpoint where it was once the app was activated.
“Follow it quickly, it’s just a guess, but I doubt Yuta would leave her in a place that I don’t know of.” 
Taeyong nods. “Thank you, do whatever he says, give him whatever he asks for..just until I get back, okay?”
You nod. “Please…be careful.”
He can’t hold back any longer. He leans down and kisses you deeply, drawing you in as your eyes shut. Your heart starts to race and tears flow down your cheeks as you think this will be the last time, if not for a while, then for forever.
Taeyong feels himself tearing up as well. He remembers all the moments you spent together and the times you made him happy. He remembers when you lived together like a normal couple and how your smile brightened every day for him. Losing Yuta was too much for him to bear, he knew he couldn’t lose you too.
You finally pull away and press a hand to his chest. “You have to hurry.” You swallow hard and look away.
He nods and hurries out of the mansion.
You watch him walk away and it feels like everything moves in slow motion. You’re being dragged back into the room by the guards, your arms ache, but all you can do is watch Taeyong leave. Your heart breaks slowly as you know it will be the last time you see your green-haired lover. You don’t feel the guards tightening rope around your wrists once more.
Jaehyun places an arm along the top of the couch, watching you sit still on the couch across from him.
About 30 minutes pass as you stare at the ground and Jaehyun checks his emails and calendar on his phone.
He finally places it down and grabs your leash.
“So…How does it feel? To be used and thrown away like nothing?”
You chuckle and look up to him. “He isn’t throwing me away, he’s saving his sister..then he’ll kill you.”
Jaehyun only laughs. “Why do you even care for that freak?”
You sigh and rest your back against the cushion. Maybe if you visualize yourself choking the life out of Jaehyun, you’ll be satisfied enough.
“It doesn’t matter to you.”
“Well..do you love him?”
“If I say yes, will you leave us alone?”
Jaehyun laughs again, his dimples showing through even in the dim lighting of the gold-lined room. “Now, you know I can’t do that.”
You laugh. “Of course…coward.. are you scared you’d have to keep looking over your shoulder?”
He smirks, tilting his head as he observes the collar around your neck. “You’re lucky I need you.”
“And you’re lucky I’m tied up right now! You bastard!”
“Hey hey hey..” he yanks the leash, bringing you to the edge of the couch. You steady yourself on your knees to avoid falling off.
“No need to yell, you’re funny, but don’t push your luck with me..” he stares into your eyes and there’s a dark glint in them this time. For once, you genuinely feel threatened and it sends shivers down your spine.
“Boss!” One of his henchmen bursts into the room.
“It was a set up!” 
Jaehyun lets the leash go and stands up. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
The man hands the phone to his right-hand man. You strain your ears to listen and hear they were unable to make contact with the team that set out to kill your members at the meeting. The back up team arrived at the location Taeyong told him about and discovered that Jaehyun’s men were victims of a building bombing. Bombs were set up and detonated when the clock struck 12, killing all of Jaehyun’s men. Your guys were safe, the meeting was faked. 
Taeyong must have met with your guys and devised the plan while he was gone. He knew it was risky, but took a chance anyway, knowing that Jaehyun would trust him if he left you behind.
You smile in relief, but know you’re about to see a side of Jaehyun you’d never seen before.
You can’t help but laugh when you see his face become drained of all color while listening to the person speak over the line.
He throws the phone to the floor, watching it break into several pieces. He stomps over to you quickly and grabs you by the collar, raising you off the couch as you whine.
“Did you fucking know about this?” He takes a knife out of his pocket and presses the tip into the space just below your jaw.
However, you don’t stop laughing, it was about time the bastard felt pain like you did.
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t, maybe I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” You chuckle and the knife goes in deeper. You could care less what he did to you, you just wanted your guys to be safe and Haeju to be found before it was too late
He growls then throws you back down onto the couch. “Fucking bitch!”
“What’s the problem? Daddy can’t fix this for you?” You say in an annoying high pitched voice. Jaehyun slaps you hard, making you split blood onto the couch. You go dizzy for a moment, but resume your laughing fit.
“First, I’ll tear him limb from limb, then gonna kill him in front of you!” Jaehyun growls.
You chuckle. “You idiot. You killed him the moment you killed Yuta and took me away, you killed him the moment you made him choose between his sister and me..”
Jaehyun stops his pace and smiles slowly. “Hmmm..you’ve given me an idea actually.. what’s worse than killing someone quickly?”
You sniffle while sitting up slowly. What is he getting at?
He sits beside you, making you slightly nervous with the close proximity. Would he kill you now? “Killing them slowly..what if I *did* marry his sister?..he’d have to see my face, always next to his poor, innocent sister’s, and regret being alive every single day.”
You turn to him, shaking your head furiously. “No..it’s not what Haeju deserves..leave her out of this..”
Jaehyun looks down at you with furrowed brows, taking the leash up slowly into his palm. “Now..now, you’re in no position to be making demands..unless..you’d like me to marry you instead?”
You knew what he wanted. To not only hold his marriage with you above Taeyong’s head, but to gain complete access to your money and assets now that Yuta is dead. 
You chuckle. “You’re insane.”
He stands up. “Fine. Haeju it is.”
You jump to your feet. “No! Neither of us..you won’t hurt him this way, you’ll only dig a deeper grave for yourself if you marry either of us in front of him!”
“Well, sweetheart, I’m quite the daring person, I’d love to see how deep the grave gets…so what- or who- will it be? You or her?”
[10 Days Later]
You’re getting dressed when a notification pops up on your phone screen.
[BREAKING] Body of Young Woman Found, Mutilated by Knives
Your eyes widen. You unlock your phone and read through the article quickly. “No..no, it can’t be.”
“Are you ready?” Jaehyun opens your door and walks in.
“No..this..this can’t be happening..” tears flood your eyes, it was your worst nightmare playing out in real time. The body was confirmed to be Haeju’s. You feel your heart break into pieces. You stumble back and sit onto the bed as everything turns gray. Jaehyun didn’t let you have a phone so you couldn’t get in contact with Taeyong. His guys were also unable to find him. This is why.
He must’ve lost it when Haeju died. There’s no way he’d be back for you now, the one person he truly loved was gone. You wish you could apologize to him, you wish you could console him as he cries.
“Let’s go.. and don’t make me come back.” Jaehyun leaves your room, ignoring the fact that you’re sobbing into your hands after hearing the news. He’s cold-hearted, cruel, unfair, and now, you’re stuck with him forever.
Guilt eats away at your heart for the entire day. You can’t focus on the new responsibilities you’re tasked with as Jaehyun’s wife. You were able to save your guys after everything, begging Jaehyun to allow them to live as they had nothing to do with you and Taeyong’s choices. He could use the men to replace his that passed, and you proved that they were valuable by highlighting their accomplishments. 
You even surrendered everything to him once you married, combining your accounts and giving your businesses to him so he’d take the title as the owner alone. You knew Yuta would’ve cursed you out for giving him everything, but it was all you could do to save everyone. 
Now, with not a penny to your name after all these years, you were reduced to being the wife of a kingpin, a woman whose only duties were to provide a man’s needs while sitting quiet and pretty. It upset you, to feel like just an object after all you’d been through. But this was your punishment after letting Yuta and Haeju down. You deserved this, you deserved to be unhappy for the rest of your life.
Jaehyun was just happy to own you. Taeyong was nowhere to be found to pay for his crimes, he knew sooner or later, he’d be back for you. He awaits the day he gets to kill you both, not until after inflicting so much pain that you beg for death of course. Until then, he’d have to keep you alive.
In the meantime, both you and your men pledged allegiance to him and he couldn’t be happier.
[Three Months Later]
As time goes by, you worry for Taeyong, but you also feel as though you’ve been abandoned again. Could you blame him? You let his sister die. Why would he want to see you? You’re also a practical death trap for him here with Jaehyun.
But still, you wondered why he didn’t care about what happened to you.
“Hey..everything okay?” Xena leans over and asks as you both get pedicures together. If it were up to you, you wouldn’t have taken care of your appearance, but Jaehyun said that he’d never have a disgusting woman by his side for his business partners to see. If you wanted to be claimed as a luxurious handbag for a man, you needed to look expensive like one. And that meant getting all sorts of treatments done to your body daily. It was tiring, but it meant pleasing Jaehyun and in turn, staying alive.
You turn to her. “Not really, but it’s okay.”
Surprisingly, Xena was nice to you. She ended up falling in love with a doctor from the underground hospital she stayed at while healing. You realized it didn’t take much to get her to be head over heels though. She told you she thought she loved Taeyong, but she didn’t, she just liked the attention and his smile.
She knew you were stuck here in this never-ending loop of life while being a wife to Jaehyun of all people. She could see that it was hard and that you missed Taeyong, and the pain in your eyes was satisfying enough. After all, you did cause her to be shot.
Then again, Jaehyun was harsh and she couldn’t imagine being with someone she didn’t truly love.
“Okay..” she nods.
Later that night, you, Jaehyun, Xena and her new boy toy, Doctor Kun, have dinner together. They laugh and have a great time, while you give a small smile and nod. How could you find joy like some regular housewife?
After about two hours, you say your goodbyes and start to clean the dishes.
Jaehyun leans against the counter and looks at your sad face. “It’s been months..when are you going to get over it?” He says sternly as he crosses his arms in disappointment. 
He eyes you up and down in the lavender colored spaghetti strap silk dress he chose for you.
You chuckle. “Get over it? That’s funny.”
He raises his brows. “If you don’t want to do the job of a wife, then I could just kill you and get another, would you like that? How about I relieve you of your duties?”
You look onto him with empty eyes.
“Taeyong would be sad though..” he tilts his head, his mouth tilting upwards once he realizes he’s said the words that will spark feelings in your heart again.
“Oh fuck off, Jaehyun, you need me.”
He steps closer to you. “What I need is for you to smile and stop being a self-indulgent bitch. You make people uncomfortable when you act like that.”
You suddenly throw a dish to the floor and look up at him. He isn’t startled, only amused as he always is when you get upset. It’s like seeing a dog run wildly through the house because he caught the zoomies.
He chuckles.
“Uncomfortable? Jaehyun, I’m in a fake marriage! Oh, I’m sorry if I look miserable, but maybe it’s because I fucking AM! Have you ever thought about that?!”
“And how did you get into this position? Your memory isn’t that bad, is it?” He says smoothly.
He steps closer and you can feel the heat in your cheeks rise. He’s so intimidatingly close, he towers over you and you back away, but the edge of the kitchen counter hits your back.
“All I want is for you to smile..I give you everything, your life is grand and expensive..look at this mansion you can prance about in.” He stands directly above you, eyes staring intently into yours as he smirks.
You can’t help but look away, feeling the intensity might burn right through you if you stare any longer. Jaehyun can practically feel your heart racing.
He wraps an arm behind you and reaches to the back of your head, grabbing your hair clip so it falls loosely to your shoulders. You look back up at him through wide eyes, slightly scared by him in this moment.
He places it onto the counter then leans down. He’s intoxicating as his movements hypnotize you, your mouth opens on instinct. He presses his knee in between your legs, making the fabric of your dress rise. His lips just centimeters from yours, you feel his hot steamy breath enter your mouth. 
But he doesn’t kiss you, instead he places his hand onto your neck and squeezes. You whimper at the sudden sensation of his finger tips digging into your throat. He leans back and looks into your eyes. “Smile.” 
You shake your head, causing him to tighten his grasp. You hold his wrist in an attempt to stop him. “Smile or I’ll kill you right now.”
His knee presses into you harder, giving you friction that you so desperately need in between your legs.
“No.” You grumble out.
He turns the stove top on the oven beside you on. “Don’t push me, y/n.” His husky voice enters your ears.
“I hate you.” You look into his eyes.
With that, he spins you around, grabbing the back of your head and forcing you down onto the stove. You place your hands on the counter on either side. “Stop!”
“Smile!” He presses you down harder against your resistance.
You’re just centimeters away from the stove, feeling the heat decorate your cheeks as it gets hotter with each second.
“Okay!” You cry out, tears now falling out of your eyes.
He lets your head go and spins you around. 
You smile and wipe away your tears for him. 
He finally smiles back and rubs the back of your head. “Good girl.”
He kisses you for the first time, it isn’t nearly as magical as it was with Taeyong, but you welcome the embrace. It has been some time since you last felt lust like this and you needed a release.
Jaehyun wasn’t kind and he wasn’t gentle, but he was handsome and good at winding you up.
You take his shirt off over his head and unbuckle his pants.
He rips the straps off your dress, allowing your chest to be free. He then kisses your neck and shoulders as his hand holds the back of your head. You moan, chills running wildly throughout your body before he takes one of your nipples into his mouth while caressing the other. 
He pushes the bottom of the dress up so you can wrap your legs around his waist as he kisses your neck. He enters you quickly and easily, noting how you were turned on just as much as he was by his actions. He grunts and curses as you cry out his name. Your nails scratch his broad shoulders then his back, drawing out blood as he fucks you against the kitchen counter for the first time. 
“Fuck..” you whimper and shut your eyes tightly. He’s rough and unforgiving with his thrusts, you nearly cry from the feeling of being stretched out to fit him, but within minutes you reach your climax together. 
Jaehyun pants as his head rests on your shoulder. “He’s never coming back, y/n.”
You look down at the knife set to your left, you have him right where you want him. So why don’t you do it? You could end it all now, but you know that stabbing him will only lead to your death.
You had to follow Taeyong’s orders. You had to wait for him. Surely, he’d show up.
You never made love again after that day, you were only lustful for that moment, but never again. Jaehyun wasn’t Taeyong, he’d never be him.
You did, however, help Jaehyun make business decisions and even caught when partners were trying to sell him short.
One day you meet with property owners looking to sell a nightclub. They inform Jaehyun they only wish to receive 30% of the profit from the club, leaving Jaehyun with 70%. They call it a fair deal, but you notice something is wrong.
Jaehyun’s advisor agrees with it at the meeting, but you stop Jaehyun from signing.
“I’m sorry..it’s just, something isn’t sitting right with me..” the men turn to you, their sharp eyes exposing their disgust at you opening your mouth in the first place.  
“Go on.” Jaehyun looks at you and nods. 
But you didn’t need his permission to. You continue. “The club is located in a city with a diminishing population, folks are getting older and leaving to calmer places once they retire. By investing in this club, Jaehyun would be losing more than what he would gain, resulting in immense negative profit for us, and minimal loss for you as you would no longer have the responsibility of upkeep and creating appeal.”
The men are stunned silent, two shift in their chairs and look down.
Jaehyun smiles slightly then looks back at the men. “Well..is my wife correct to assume you are setting me up?”
“No..sir, we’d never do that, please believe us-ah-we just..” one man scrambles to come up with an excuse.
Jaehyun raises his hand. “That’s enough, get out.”
They move quickly, knowing that Jaehyun has a short fuse and would easily end their lives if he felt the need to.
Afterwards, it’s just the two of you in the room. He is impressed by you and even turned on by the way you talk, he wishes he could take you right then and there, maybe even while the advisor watches. Nonetheless, he knows you’ll never touch him again so he chuckles and stands up to leave with his advisor.
“You’re talented and smart, I’m happy I kept you.” He says over his shoulder as you bow.
You grimace while feeling like some sort of pet for the man.
“I was only stating my findings. It was pretty obvious what they’re trying to do.” You stand up straight and meet his eyes, the ones of Satan himself. He never let you have a phone, but he did get you a computer to do research. Of course, he also made sure to track every website you went on.
Jaehyun smiles then closes the door behind him.
[Two Months Later]
You were sitting at your desk when you heard Jaehyun call you downstairs.
You enter the dining room and feel an overwhelming sense of shock when you see him.
He smiles when you walk in, making your heart melt. You feel a mix of emotions. Happiness, regret, and fear all flood you at once. You wondered why he had dared to enter the lion's den, but you also felt relieved to see he’s still alive and well. 
His hair is an intense raven black color now, but makes him look more mature and just as handsome as he was from the very first day you met him. You want to hug him, to cry with him, to feel his heart against yours once more.
“Sit.” Jaehyun interrupts your thought, he feels ill seeing you happy at the sight of Taeyong.
You do as he says, sitting in the seat between him and Taeyong.
Taeyong is overwhelmed when he sees you. Just as pretty as ever, you look healthy and gorgeous in your lavish jewelry. They weren’t you and he knew that, but he figured Jaehyun would dress you up like a doll just because he owned you. He wanted to kill him so badly, for many reasons. Behind all the glamour, however, he could see the emptiness in your eyes. They were now a dark abyss that had lost hope and he felt bad for being the reason for it. Soon, he’d make it up to you.
“Well..should I kill you or her first?” Jaehyun places his hands on the table and leans forward while smiling.
Taeyong looks away from you and back to Jaehyun with an evil glare. “I’ve come to talk..after some time away, I’ve made the decision to leave everything to you…Jaehyun.” 
You gasp. Was Taeyong really willing to give everything up?
“You expect me to thank you? Why shouldn’t I just kill you and take it? It belongs to our family anyway. Haeju is dead so there goes the idea of our families merging.”
Taeyong shows his irritation at the mention of Haeju and clears his throat. “I guess I should explain the benefit behind keeping us both alive..”
“I’m losing my patience, Taeyong.”
“My businesses are still gaining value with interest as time goes on. Everything imported into my account will automatically be put into yours, but only while I am alive. It is not until I die that the value of these investments will be frozen and assessed by a special agent. Long story short, I’ve made it so that my assets will increase drastically over the next few months and years…so if you killed me now..you’d lose a lot. And no one likes to lose, isn’t that right Jaehyun?”
Jaehyun chuckles. “You sly bastard..”
Taeyong slides two stacks of papers across the table to Jaehyun.
“Just sign it and my earnings become yours forever…”
Jaehyun leans back in his chair. “What’s the other contract for?”
Taeyong’s nods and crosses his arms. “Oh that? Those are just divorce papers for you and y/n.”
Your eyes widen. Taeyong was insane if he thought this would actually work on Jaehyun, but then again, has he ever proven to be sane in the time that you’ve known him?
You look up at Jaehyun whose smile slowly turns downward. Why did he seem to be more upset about the divorce? 
“The papers state that everything y/n owns now belongs to you and she leaves with nothing. Although, I suppose she’s already given you everything, so in that case she will have to pay a certain percentage of her income for the rest of her life to you. 90% to be exact.”
Your brows furrow. You open your mouth to protest at the absurd request, but you trusted Taeyong to have a plan. 
Jaehyun shows his disapproval with the request with his facial expression alone.
“Both contracts state you agree to let us live freely while still benefiting from our hard work.”
You knew Taeyong was smart, but you didn’t expect this sort of courage. Who was this Taeyong in front of you? Maybe Yuta and Haeju’s deaths changed him. Maybe the absence of green hair dye allowed him to think clearly. 
After a moment of silence, Jaehyun laughs like a maniac at the table. You swallow hard. It wasn’t going to work, he was going to kill both of you.
“Guards.” He waves a hand and every guard in the room points their shotgun at you, some point theirs at Taeyong.
“You’re pissing me off, I like having y/n by my side, I own her..” he says the last three words with a snarl.
“You don’t have to beg him, y/n, not anymore..and definitely not while I’m here.” Taeyong reaches into his pocket, pulling out a ziploc bag and placing it into the table. 
“When’s the last time you’ve seen your sister, Jaehyun?”
You look closely and find..a finger.
But not just any finger.. one with the initial’s ‘XK’ tattooed onto it. 
Xena. You were with her when she got the tattoo to prove her loyalty to Kun. You draw in a sharp breath. “Taeyong..”
He slides the bag across to Jaehyun who stops laughing and looks closely. 
He holds the blood-stained bag up and realizes it’s his sister’s ring finger. 
He slams it down and stands up. “Where the fuck is she?!” He takes his own gun out of his pocket and points it to you. “Tell me now or she fucking dies!”
Taeyong only laughs “I’m the only one that knows where she is, kill her and you’ll never know where she is..all I can tell you is she doesn’t have much time.” He smiles wickedly.
Jaehyun cocks his gun. “Do you think I’m fucking playing with you?! Tell me now!”
Taeyong leans forward, staring into Jaehyun’s soul like Lucifer readying to claim.  “Sign both contracts and I will tell you. Should the contracts be broken, my lawyer has the right to take all of your assets and put them into a private account.”
Jaehyun grumbles. “Why the hell would I trust you after what you did last time?!” 
Taeyong tilts his head to the side. “Yes, what I did was shitty, wasn’t it? This time, I will go with your men to her location, but first..you must let y/n go.”
You shake your head, knowing that they’ll just kill him after Xena is found. “No..Taeyong, come with me please.” You start to cry. “Don’t leave me again.”
Taeyong continues to impress you, but the biggest surprise of all is that he is willing to give everything up for you, even after you unknowingly aided in Haeju’s death.
He turns to you and reaches his hand out on the table. You take it and sob. 
Taeyong rubs his thumb over it slowly. “It’s going to be okay..he won’t kill me, he’d lose too much, and Jaehyun is too smart to make a mistake like that, isn’t that right?” He turns to look at Jaehyun who still holds his gun out furiously.
After being pushed into a corner, Jaehyun has no choice but to agree. “Fuck..fine!” He signs both contracts quickly and puts his gun down. 
“You better not fucking die quickly.” If there was anything Jaehyun loved more than himself, it was money. From birth, he had access to everything because of it, he was greedy and would do anything to have it. He couldn’t love you, he wouldn’t even try, but he did love the idea that you belonged to him at the end of the day. 
You were just another item for him to have access to because of his wealth and status. The fact that Taeyong was actually able to take something out of his hands like a spoiled baby losing a toy pissed him off. More than ever, he felt the urge to kill him.
“Get her out of my sight!” Jaehyun yells. Some farewell that was.
The guards drag you by both arms from the table and out of the dining room. “Taeyong! Don’t do this! They’ll kill you!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll be okay, I’ll know where to find you, just remember what I told you.” Taeyong yells back before the heavy doors close with an echoing bang.
[The Next Day]
With the help of public transportation and a few nice strangers, you found your way back to Taeyong’s old mansion. You traveled with tears overflowing you during some moments. Taeyong risked everything for you, even harming Xena in the process. How would you see him again? 
You also had nothing but the clothes on your back, no phone, no purse, no money. How would you survive? You’re free from Jaehyun, but at what cost?
You brushed your thoughts away and headed to the only place you felt was home. You hoped he’d pop up one day if you stayed there. You’d persevere no matter how long it took.
Taeyong’s house was now abandoned, and with no gate guard, you walked in easily.
You hoped you had some old clothes there in good condition. You push the heavy doors open and walk in, wiping tears away after the long journey. His mansion was vastly different from the very first night you entered it. Much like your life, it quickly lost its charisma and beauty.
You gasp when you see someone in the shadows. It couldn’t be..
You walk closer.
“I’m sorry, love, it’s just me.”
Taeil turns to you. You sob harder as he pulls you into a hug.
After pulling yourself together, you sit down at the table with him.
“Taeyong wanted me to give this to you.” He slides a briefcase on the table.
You furrow your brows. “What..what is this?”
You open it to see wads of cash under a passport. 
“We created a new one for you, he told me to tell you to leave..go somewhere you’d both go and don’t look back.. don’t tell anyone where you’re going, don’t even tell me..” Taeil says lowly.
“B-but I can’t leave, not without him..”
“Y/n..I know it’s hard, but you have to trust him. You already know where he’ll meet you.”
You look down at the passport. 
If you left now, just how would Taeyong find you? You nod towards Taeil and tell him thank you. 
Before he leaves, he turns to you. “I’m sorry.”
You nod, but you aren’t sure why he was apologizing. Did he think Taeyong wasn’t going to make it?
[One Month Later]
When the first two days passed, you were okay. “It’s only been two days, y/n, calm down.” Then days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month.
Taeyong never showed up. You sit on the beach and take in the sight of the crystal blue water of the Bahamas. You’re right back where you started, regretting the night you met Taeyong and let him turn your life upside down. He put business first, he always has and always will. 
He probably stayed to take care of things with Jaehyun. But then again, what if he was killed? There was no way of knowing now. You didn’t have a phone, you couldn’t risk being tracked. You only had your shack that was adequate for you and the small amount of things you had.
Day after day, you engaged in your routine of having breakfast at a nearby cafe, going to the library to catch up on the news, getting dinner items from the supermarket, then watching the sunset. Oh, and your nightly cry, it was at night that you missed him the most. You missed being in his arms and feeling his warmth around you as you fell asleep. You missed feeling safe and happy.
[One Month Later]
A few more weeks pass and one day, while in the supermarket, you glimpse someone with green hair.
“I must be seeing things, plus his hair isn’t green anymore.” You mumble to yourself and continue shopping.
Then minutes later, you turn the corner to get to the aisle with eggs and collide into someone, making your basket drop as you yelp.
“Oh! I’m sorry.” You bend down and pick your basket up.
“It’s fine, y/n.”
This person somehow knew your real name, and not the fake one from your passport that you told to everyone. Did Jaehyun find you?
You look up slowly to see wavy green hair touching the man’s shoulders. Your eyes shift to his.
“Taeyong-“ you gasp, dropping your basket before throwing your arms around his neck.
He runs your back and smiles while breathing in your scent. “Y/n…my baby.” 
You start to sob into the crook of his neck. “I’m so sorry..I’m so sorry about Haeju.” You sniffle.
Taeyong pulls away and smiles softly. “Let’s go home and talk.”
Taeyong takes you to his home, a new house he purchased with cash he withdrew before leaving. 
You enter it and stare in awe. “It’s so beautiful, Tae.”
“It’s perfect now that you’re here.”
You put your hands on your hips and turn to him. “What took you so goddamn long?” You manage to get out while choking up. You missed him so much, you couldn’t believe you were actually with him.
“Y/n..” he pulls you close and kisses you deeply, you close your eyes and fall into him while he caresses your back. 
“I thought you died.” You cry harder, but he kisses your cheek and wipes your tears. 
“I know..I know, I just had to make sure you were okay first.”
“You don’t get it Taeyong. I’m never okay when you aren’t here.” 
He looks into your eyes, holding back his own tears. You’re more beautiful than ever in his eyes. He wants to kiss you for days, he wants to caress you until he takes his last breath.
“Come with me..” he takes your hand and leads you to his patio where you sit down together in front of the beach. 
He runs his fingers over your hands and swallows hard. “I haven’t..been honest with you..mainly because I haven’t found the time until now..but I need to explain what happened in the time that I was gone.”
Taeyong was different, he spoke more maturely and he was gentler. His hair was green again, but he wasn’t the maniac you met on the first night.
“Haeju didn’t die..I was able to save her in time at the pit thanks to you, and the private account I told Jaehyun about is actually hers.”
Your eyes widen. “But..I saw it in the news.”
He nods. “I know..I had my guys “burrow” a female body from a morgue, they placed it in the trap after we got Haeju out. The body was so badly destroyed with the bomb Yuta set up, we only had to leave her wallet and belongings there for investigators to confirm her identity. Taeil forced news stations to release the article so Jaehyun could believe her death.”
Your mouth falls open. Haeju was alive after all. You felt relief.
“I dyed and cut my hair, then Haeju and I went to Japan. We both changed our names and she enrolled in a different college while telling her closest friends what happened. She wasn’t too happy about it, nor the fact that Yuta used her, but she’ll be okay…I’m sorry, y/n, I had to protect her.” He looks into your eyes as the reflection of the sun setting hits them, bringing out the depthness of the color. A truly beautiful work of art is in your eyes right before him.
“I see..I’m so happy she’s okay..I wish you could’ve found some way to tell me..but I get it, Tae. I’m just glad you’re here.”
He smiles and hugs you close, bringing you into his lap as he resumes your kiss. You hold his face in your hands and turn your head to give him more access. Being this close to him, feeling his heart race as his hands grip your body, it still isn’t enough.
You pull away. “Before we continue, I still want to know what took you so damn long.”
Taeyong gazes down at your lips, wishing you’d kiss him again. 
He licks his own. “Okay..” he drags his fingers down your arm, making the hair in the back of your neck raise. He had changed since you’d last been together, but he still knew how to make you weak.
[Before Taeyong’s Meeting with Jaehyun]
Xena is in the kitchen cooking when she here’s a knock on her apartment door. “Kun, baby, can you answer that for me.”
Since being shot, she decided to live a “normal” life, while still indulging in expensive things of course. She just didn’t need the drama that came along with the money, and Jaehyun was doing a great job of running their father’s business anyway. When she first decided to work for him, she had her eyes and heart set on Taeyong. He was her incentive, but once everything happened, she discovered that she didn’t love him, she only wanted his attention and with you still around, that would never happen.
Kun made her happy though. He lived a simple life and showed her what true love was.
Kun walks out from his office room and does as she asks. “Who are you?” He eyes the strange man up and down.
“I’m here to see Xena.”
“Who is it?” She shouts out and looks toward the door.
She nearly drops the spatula when she sees him.
“Taeyong” comes out in a faint whisper.
He walks in. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, I won’t take up much of your time actually.”
“Wait..did THE Lee Taeyong apologize?” She crosses her arms and walks toward him. “Kun, can you finish that for me?”
Kun nods and walks into the kitchen, leaving her and Taeyong to talk alone.
“How did you find me?” She asks as Taeyong makes himself comfortable on her living room couch.
He smiles. “Come on Xena, you know how this works.”
“You should be apologizing for putting me in the fucking hospital. You never even visited me. Were you too busy dyeing your hair a normal color?” She sits down across from him.
Taeyong nods. “I’m sorry..it wasn’t supposed to happen that way..”
She rolls her eyes. “So..you disappeared, your girl is married to my brother, I’ve clearly moved on…what is it you want?”
“Haeju..was murdered..I couldn’t save her..” Taeyong shakes his head, his eyes well with water.
Xena leans forward. “Haeju..your sister? No..she-“ memories of Haeju flood her mind as she thinks of when they met for lunch. She was sweet and they bonded well. She had nothing to do with this world and shouldn’t have suffered because of it.
“She was being held captive, but Jaehyun didn’t allow me to get to her in time.”
“I’m..so sorry.”
“I need you to help me.”
“Taeyong, if this is about the merge of our families, I can’t do it anymore, I love Kun and-“
“No..no, it’s not about that..I need to get Jaehyun to let y/n go.”
She chuckles and leans back into the couch. 
“Wow..” she rubs her temple. “You are a man with a serious deathwish. You do know who my brother is, right?”
Taeyong nods and leans forward. “It’s exactly that..he’s your brother, you’re his only weakness.”
“He will never let y/n go, Taeyong. I’ve seen it myself..”
“Seen what?” Taeyong’s brows bunch together. Jaehyun couldn’t possibly be in love with you. He’d kill him on sight if that’s the case. He was already upset with the fact that it was a business marriage and you now carried a last name that wasn’t his.
“Jaehyun is infatuated with the idea of owning her. He watches her like a hawk and doesn’t even let her hang out with anyone but myself. It would be like taking a toy out of a two year old’s hands..”
“Well..it’s not impossible..” Taeyong persists. 
“I don’t know..he’s still my brother after all-“
“Xena..listen to yourself right now. Haeju is dead because of him. None of this is her fault. And y/n being a prisoner for the rest of her life, I know you never cared for her, but do you really think she deserves that?”
She looks to the floor while thinking. “Just what is it that you want me to do?”
Taeyong explains his plan to fake her kidnapping. They “borrow” another body from the morgue, but this time, only cut off a finger and tattoo it to match Xena’s ring finger.
Once the plan was set in motion, Taeyong led Jaehyun’s men to Xena who was in a hotel room sleeping safe and sound.
Taeyong then escaped to the pit to prepare for his departure from the country again. He had to lay low and untraceable once Jaehyun discovered he was tricked again.
[Present Day]
“That’s it?” You look up into his eyes.
He scoffs. “What do you mean “thats it?” You should be thanking me or telling me how smart I am right now, do you know how much planning when into saving you from that obsessive asshole?”
You only smiled while Taeyong went on and on. It was nice to have him back.
“Speaking of..are you sure he won’t scour the world for us?”
Taeyong looks to the water. “He won’t..he’s too preoccupied with other things.”
You lift your head from his chest. “Wait..what DID you do during those months?”
Taeyong’s mouth pulls into a sly smile. “Don’t worry, baby, I took care of everything.”
“No more questions for today.” He puts a finger to your lips.  “Kiss me or I’ll leave for a few months again.” 
You gasp. “Lee Taeyong! Are you insane? Threatening to leave me? Oh you’ve really pissed me off.”
You lift yourself up completely and stop into the bedroom. “I’m going home!”
He runs in after you laughing. “You’re already home! Come back here!”
He spins you around and drags you back to the bedroom, pushing your body into the wall. Your shoulder blades collide with it, but you’re too distracted by his smooth lips and wandering hands to care.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer as you kiss. His hands rest on your hip, fingertips digging in deeper and deeper as your tongues tangle around each other.
He leads you to the bed as you moan, laying you down before leaning over you and taking your shirt over your head. It has been way too long since he felt you, he was going to go crazy if he waited any longer.
You feel the same way, shimmying off your sweatpants so you can finally feel his skin on yours.
He places his jeans below his hips and kicks them off. He then resumes your kiss while still leaning over you.
You unbutton his shirt, revealing his beautiful tattooed body little by little.
“Tae..I need you.” You whisper into his ear, feeling his fingers release your waist then float down to your apex.
You widen your legs more as he groans.
His eyes leave your face to focus on your pointy nubs begging for his attention.
He licks around both of them as his finger massages your folds slowly but purposefully. Your hands find his hair, combing through his emerald locs while he works both nipples in his mouth. He pushes his fingers in, moaning when he feels how wet and tight you are for him.
Your head falls back into the bed as you grind onto his hand. “Fuck..” it feels good to have him touch you after all this time. His thumb flicks against your clit while he lays sloppy kisses onto your neck.
His lips graze your ear. “It’s been so long, baby, but you still feel so good. I’ve been thinking about you and how you feel around me…” he uses his other hand to play with your nipple in between his thumb and index finger.
You draw in a sharp breath as his fingertips press onto your sweet spot. “Tae..”
“You’re so pretty, I just want to fuck you all day and night long..can I do that? It’s been a while, right?”
“Yeah..” you whimper. He can feel you clenching after hearing his proposal.
“I’ll take you in any position and in every room in this house, would you like that?”
You nod and close your eyes, preparing for the climax of your life.
“This pussy is mine, right? It’s so good, I had to come back for you.” His fingers move fast, he moves his other hand downwards to tap away at your clit. 
You clench even more and grasp his arm. “Yeah..right there.”
“I’m gonna fuck you until you’re round with my kids, we can finally fill this house, what do you say?” His husky tone makes you lose. 
“Yes!” Your nails dig into his arm as your body contorts below him. Your head falls back into the bed while he slows his fingers and kisses your neck.
“Hmmm..it’s been so long, you don’t even remember the rules..”
Your eyes open. “Rules?”
He nods. “I didn’t say you could cum, did I?”
“No..but Tae, it’s been so long I-“
“Shhhh..it’s okay, we have a lot of making up to do..I just hope you’re ready.”
You swallow hard and look into his eyes as he moves further down your body.
“Now..let me taste you.”
He grabs both legs by the crooks of your knees and pulls them apart. He wastes no time and begins licking up your essence. He uses the tip of his tongue to lick in-between your folds and then your clit.
You let out a mewl and place your hand in his hair.
He licks all over, his tongue going deeper and deeper with each swipe. He teases you with light movements from his tongue for a few minutes, making you breathe heavily and curse under your breath. “Tae..please.” You whine.
You try to push him closer but he resists.
“I’m so hard, but I still want to take my time.” He smirks then maintains eye contact while flattening his tongue against you.
You throw your head back. “God..I missed you.”
With that, Taeyong moves faster. You start to ride his face, moving back and forth until you see stars.
He stands up and flips you over so you’re on your stomach with your ass up. “You’re lucky I’m too fucking hard to play with you more.”
“What’s the rush? We have an entire lifetime to play..” you chuckle, but it’s interrupted when he slams himself into you. The breath leaves your body before you groan. “Taeyong!”
“You’re right, I’m gonna enjoy ruining you every night.” He pulls out slowly, enjoying the way your tight opening quivers with him inside it, struggling to adapt to his length fast enough.
He grabs your hair and snaps your neck back. “Ow!” You yelp.
He pushes back in again. “Did you miss this?”
“Of..course..fuck.” You shut your eyes tightly. Taeyong was fucking you to fit him, you couldn’t focus on anything but the grinding sensation of him finally in your body.
Your ass hits his hips as he goes deeper with each thrust. You can’t keep yourself from moaning, listening to how he pants and whispers curses.
“This pussy is so good..I’m going to fill it until you leak all over me..”
His fingertips dig into your hips, leaving a burning sensation and you’re sure you’ve started bleeding.
“Tae..I’m going to..”
“Let me see your pretty face as you do, baby.” He pulls out and lets you turn over on your side.
He kneels and then straddles your leg while curling your other leg around his side.
He holds his hard cock in his hand, brushing the tip against your dripping folds.
He pushes in while looking into your eyes.
His intense eye contact and the way he clenches his jaw makes you even wetter than you were before.
He thrusts into you, watching as you grip the sheets beside you and whine.
This position allowed him to go even deeper while still maintaining eye contact with you.
Your clit was perfectly stimulated and he could watch every cry escape your mouth as well as your breasts.
Here you were, looking perfect as ever for him during the sunset. You always took him well while still looking so pretty. He falls in love with you all over again, gazing at your face, then your neck, your breasts, your stomach, and your thighs. If he could paint you in this moment he would. But he knew he was blessed to have you all to himself. You’re all his finally and falling apart on his cock once more. He had no plans to let this sight go for the next few days. He really did plan on fucking you everywhere and every day.
“Fuck, it’s so deep inside you..” his tongue darts across his bottom lip.
He thrusts harder than pulls out completely. 
“Faster..please.” You beg him while looking at his beautiful body above yours. The way his veiny hands roam your body and keep you in position for him drives him crazy. You can clearly see the base of his dick disappear inside you now, the sight makes you dizzy.
“Of course. Anything for you.”
And with that, Taeyong drills his cock into your pussy, whimpering as it swallows him, begging to be emptied into.
“Taeyong!” You cry out while watching his abs flex and his beautiful body glisten in sweat above you.
He moves fast and places a hand around your neck, knowing that you preferred being quieted this way.
He squeezes your throat and starts to choke you.
Your body moves up and down on the plush bed, your breasts bouncing up and down while he destroys you.
He throws your leg up on his shoulder, his cock his your g-spot repeatedly and you silently go insane. His thrusts are fast, but his sturdy length slides in and out of you easily, never failing to press against your extremely sensitive areas.
“Good girl...take it just like that.”
His tone is low and husky, he continues to choke you while looking into your eyes deeply. The dark glare turns you on even more. Of course you were his, no one gets you to the edge like he does and no one is as beautiful when they try.
And with a few more thrusts, you come undone just as he does, your body shaking once again.
Your eyes roll in the back of your head as he kisses you through it.
It feels like minutes pass by while you experience your most intense orgasm. He ensures you are stuffed with him completely before pulling out.
He lays down beside you and kisses your forehead. “Rest for now..we have a few more days of this to prepare for.”
You laugh. “Still greedy as ever.”
He runs his fingers along your back. “Mhmm.”
“You’ve changed, Taeyong..how could you leave the business behind? You were a kingpin.”
He smiles and kisses your neck. “I guess I have changed, I’ve been too easy on you..”
“I’m being serious..why did you choose this life?”
He sighs. “Well…we never got a chance to talk about it, but…when Yuta died, I realized that I didn’t want that anymore. I didn’t want the pain.. I only wanted to be with you. I need you to be happy and alive. In just a few seconds, all that was taken from Yuta…how could I let that happen to you too? It’s tiring.”
“What is?” You run your hands through his hair.
“Having to watch my back all the time..having to dominate all the time..so I did what my father failed to do..I put love first. I don’t want to lose you and the chance to live happily.” 
You tear up at his confession and kiss him again. 
You made love several times that night after taking a shower. Taeyong made true to his promise to make love in every room, making you cry out his name until your voice became hoarse.
A few days later, you get a job at an insurance agency while Taeyong buys supplies for his craft. He starts painting and selling some of his works, but most of his money is made from investments he executed while staying in Japan. These were done under his fake identity, so technically Jaehyun didn’t have the rights to them. You both live a normal life and just a few weeks later, you hear the good news.
[Five Weeks Later] 
You’ve been feeling ill for the past few days, so Taeyong takes you to urgent care. When you describe the news to the doctor, he states he suspects you’re pregnant.
Taeyong’s eyes widen. “P-pregnant?”
You roll your eyes before looking at him. “Well..you did say you’d make it happen.”
You take the test and confirm your pregnancy.
To Taeyong, you are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen while you grow throughout the months. He takes care of you and makes sure you have everything you need. Massaging your feet and giving you warm showers whenever you asked.
“We’re naming him..Cerulean right?” Taeyong rushes you to the hospital after your water breaks.
“We are NOT naming our baby after a color..oh God this hurts.” You wince in pain as Taeyong speeds through traffic. “Be careful!! You’re going too fast!! You’re driving like a maniac!” Some things never change.
You give birth to a healthy baby boy and name him Cyan. Your hearts grow even more when you become pregnant again soon after, giving birth to a healthy baby girl named Dahlia.
Taeyong is the most attentive father you’ve ever seen, rocking the babies to sleep and feeding them whenever they cried. Of course, it’s the bare minimum, but the man before you blew your mind away. You love him so much.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He says before taking his shirt off and crawling into bed beside you. He had just put the babies to sleep.
“Oh..nothing.” You chuckle.
He snatches your book away from you. “Hey!” You call out while leaning over him to get it back.
He places it on the nightstand beside him and turns to you with a mischievous smile. “You look like you wanna have a third one so let’s get started..” he tickles your side and nuzzles your neck while you giggle.
[6 Years Later]
You’re heading home after picking the kids up from pre-school.
“How was your day today?” You turn to face them in the backseat of your car.
“It was good, mommy! How was yours?” Dahlia calls out.
“It was good, thank you for asking. Cyan, honey, how was your day?” 
Cyan pouts and looks out the window.
“Cyan got into a fight with a boy because he made fun of his name!” Dahlia swings her feet.
“Oh…Cyan, it’s not good to fight. Solve your problems with words next time, okay?”
Cyan nods, but still pouts while looking out. He couldn’t be any more like his father, could he?
“With that being said, did you win?” 
He flicks head towards you and smiles while nodding. “Yes, mommy!” 
You smile brightly and give him a hi-five. “Good job buddy! But don’t do it again, okay?”
He nods. “Okay, mommy.”
“Alright, let’s go home to daddy.”
Taeyong was out at the supermarket picking up pasta for dinner when you entered the house. The kids run off into the living room as you place your purse down.
“Hey! Who are you?!” Dahlia calls out. Your brows furrow as you walk in after them.
You see Dahlia looking up at a man with long black hair. You gasp when you recognize the person.
You step in front of the kids to block him.
“W-what the hell are you doing here?” You panic. How did he find you? Your home phone is too far away to grab.
Jaehyun maintains eye contact with you, then kneels down and looks at Cyan and Dahlia with a smile. “Hey, little kids…go play in your rooms now. Your mom and I are gonna have a little chat.”
Cyan looks up at you with wide eyes. “Mommy, who is he?” 
Jaehyun smiles widely, but it gives Cyan a bad feeling. “A friend.”
“Y-yes, go to your rooms and lock the doors. Don’t come out until I call for you, okay?”
They do as you tell them. You breathe a sigh of relief once they’re out of sight, then look back at Jaehyun. “He’ll be home any minute now.” You say through gritted teeth.
The man you once saw in freshly tailored suits every day now wore a simple white t-shirt and jeans. His hair was also messier than usual. Dark rings settled under both eyes. He didn’t have any guards around him. Something was definitely wrong.
He steps closer, making you trip and fall into the couch behind you. “I could care less, y/n. I’m here for you. Did you think you could escape me? Taeyong tore you away from me, and that’s never happened before..I always get what I want, y/n.”
You reach behind you to see if you can fish out the hidden gun. “Jaehyun..you have to let it go..it’s been years.”
“Oh trust me…I know how long it’s been, I’m the one who lost everything..Taeyong set me up, he rewrote contracts and by the time I realized it, it was too late. I lost everything…” he looks towards the kids’ rooms. 
“I think it’s time you lost everything as well..I’ll take care of them and we can get going, y/n, just you and me. I don’t have nearly as much money as I did before, but I’ll have you.. rightfully.” He smiles and turns to walk, but you quickly pull the gun out.
He turns swiftly, leaping back to you to get it out of your hands. “Get off of me!” You yell during the struggle.
Then suddenly, you hear a sharp pop echo in your house.
Taeyong speeds towards you as you stare at Jaehyun who stops moving. “Y/n! Are you okay?! Where are the kids?!”
Jaehyun spits blood out and onto your face as you stare in horror. He chuckles before falling to the side and bleeding into his hand from his abdomen.
Taeyong grabs you from the couch. “Y/n! What did he do?!”
You shake your head. “I-I’m fine..the kids are in their rooms. He-“ you breakdown into tears after feeling horrified at Jaehyun’s sudden drop in. 
During the time that you waited for Taeyong, he executed a plan to destroy Jaehyun and it worked. He rewrote percentages behind Jaehyun’s back, causing a negative spiral in profit. Jaehyun’s business partners turned their backs on him, becoming his enemies one by one. He was left with nothing after slowly losing his profit over the years.
Taeyong puts the kids to sleep while you wash your face off. You then burn his body on the beach and sit beside the fire. “Why..didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I didn’t think he’d find us..I was sure someone would kill him once they found out “he” changed their contracts.”
You look towards him, tears in your eyes again. “We could’ve..” you sniffle. “We could’ve lost them, Tae.”
“No..that will never happen, I’ll always protect you, the bastard is dead and no one knows where we are..we’re free.”
You nod, still shaken up by what happened, but he was right. With Jaehyun dead, you didn’t have to look over your shoulders everywhere you went. It was finally over.
Taeyong takes your hand in his and kisses it. “I love you, let’s live happily.”
You give him a small smile. “Ahh Greenie..an entire lifetime with you? What a headache this is gonna be.”
The two of you laugh before heading back inside to your sleeping kids
And so, you raised them together and lived an honest life, enjoying the simple things like beach days and amusement parks as well as teaching your kids about art, how to drive, your responsibility of course, and eventually, how to apply for scholarships. 
Haeju visited every now and then too. The world of underground crime was no longer part of yours. 
Taeyong didn’t think it was possible to escape and be happy with a normal life, or rather he didn’t think he’d feel the need to, but he was wrong. He found someone worth leaving it for. He found someone worth living for. 
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bravo4iscool · 5 months
Hey hey, I'd like to give an idea!!
I know that a lot of people actually focus on ghost x reader stuff, AND THAT'S OK, but I've been thinking about some content of reader actually being Simon's kid or something. Because I only find content similar to it in very weird accounts that somehow turn those into incest fanfics, and it gives me the ick.
I'll understand if you just ignore this or not feel like writing it, I just felt like I wanted to bring this idea up because, well, why not.
I LOVE THIS!!! thank you so much for trusting me with this! i’ll try my best hahaha.
i love simon’s!kid fanfics and all those incest fics really are the bane of my existence😭. how tf do you come up with stuff like that lmao?
anyways, since you weren’t specific with the type of fic you want i’m gonna turn this into a (toxic!)singledad!simon!AU🫣
for this i’m taking inspiration from my favourite series ‘seal team’ and its main character the navy seal master chief jason hayes.
he (jason) has two children (one daughter and one son) and is anything but a perfect father. he tried to be better after his ex wive’s death but, well…
but i don’t wanna talk too much, let’s go🫣
readers nickname is nugget btw and they have a younger brother named jacob :)
(i hope you like this, i tried my best😭)
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You sigh and shrug off your jacket. You’re drenched in water, a little puddle forming where you stand. You shiver and pull off your shoes with a grunt, hoping that you didn’t alert your dad.
“Hey Nugget.” You grimace when you hear your dad’s voice. You didn’t want him to notice you.
“Hi dad,” you quickly greet him, trying to squish past him but he grabs your arm, holding you back. You take a deep breath before you look at him. The sooner this was over the better.
“Why are your clothes wet?” he wants to know, looking you up and down, frowning at you.
“It’s raining outside,” you drily remark, clearing your throat when he hits you with a sharp gaze. You sigh, “You were meant to pick me up but you didn’t show up, okay? All my friends were gone and I needed to walk home.”
His grip around your arm weakens and he frowns at you again. “What do you mean, I was supposed to pick you up?”
“The way I said it. You told me you’d pick me up but you didn’t show.” You shrug. “It’s nothing new, no? Now, can I please go to my room? I’d like to change.” You wait for his answer but you get none. He only lets go of your arm, watching after you when you leave.
You peek into your brothers room before you walk into your bathroom and check after him. “Hey Josy. Have you eaten already?” you want to know, leaning against his doorframe.
He looks up from his game, smiling and shaking his head. “Nah. He came home like two hours ago. He hasn’t talked to me.” 
You roll your eyes, pushing yourself off the door frame. “Okay. I’ll quickly shower and then I’ll see what I can make. You good with that?”
“Jup,” your little brother answers, already too distracted by his video game again. You shake your head with a smile, heading towards your bathroom.
“You want something to eat?” you ask Simon when you start to rummage around in the kitchen. “Josy said he didn’t have anything so I thought about making some,” you tell him, barely waiting for your dad’s response.
But when you really don’t get one you turn around and and walk a couple steps into the living room. There you see him, peacefully sleeping on the couch, one arms dangling off the side and his mouth slightly agape.
You smile to yourself and carefully walk towards him to drape a blanket over him. You look at him for a second before you lift his head to put a pillow under it. Then you leave as quietly as you arrived.
When you call your brother for dinner you motion him to be quiet as he enters. “Dad’s asleep, I don’t want to wake him up,” you explain, setting Jacob’s plate down in front of him.
“Thanks,” he smiles, immediately digging into the food. “Y’know, you should become a chef with your cooking skills,” he smacks after some moments, nodding along to his statement.
You chuckle and shake your head. “You know that there’s no culinary school around here… Besides I can’t leave you or dad alone.”
Jacob only rolls his eyes at that, stuffing another fork of food into his mouth. “Sometimes I think he doesn’t even care about us.”
You immediately frown at your brother, holding yourself back from hardly scolding him. “Josy, don’t say that! Of course he cares about us! He’s just…” you try to find the right words to discribe your dad but, well… there was only one that came to mind. You sigh, “He’s just a bit difficult. You know his job…” You try to find excuses for his behaviour, knowing that it actually wasn’t but you didn’t want to hit your brother with the stone cold reality.
“He tries his best,” is the way you end the topic not knowing that Simon listened from the living room, his eyes filling with tears. Was he really that bad? Was he really failing that hard? Was he really so…unavailable to his children?
The next day you wake up your dad’s gone. No note, no information; he’s just gone. At first you didn’t think anything of it, he surely would be home in the evening but when he didn’t show you start to get worried.
You don’t tell Joseph about it, you keep to yourself and dial the Captains phone number. He surely could tell you where your dad was.
“Price,” he answers the phone and you let out a deep breath.
“Hi John! Is my dad with you?” you immediately ask, pacing up and down in your kitchen. “He hasn’t been home and doesn’t answer my texts or calls. I’m worried about him…” you tell the Captain, your eyes nervously darting around.
John listens to you and then tell you, “He’s not with me. We’re not due for deployment until almost two months,” he further informs you and your heart sinks.
“What do you mean, he’s not with you? Do you know where he is?” Your voice wavers and you feel your eyes starting to burn.
“I’m sorry Nugget but… I don’t know where he is…” You can hear him walking around, then he talks again. “I’ll keep my eyes out for him, okay? I’ll send someone over to you as soon as I’m finished here.”
“Oh, no no no, it’s fine. I- we don’t need someone, it’s alright,” you immediately deny, not wanting anyone else to know your dad was gone. “I’m gonna call Johnny, maybe he knows where he is. You don’t need to send someone,” you explain, chewing your nails—a habit you actually wanted to get rid of.
You can practically feel the hesitance of the Captain but after a couple seconds he agrees. “Okay. But I’ll look after you as soon as I can. I don’t want you and Joseph to be alone,” is his compromise and you can’t help but agree.
“I’ll talk to you again later, okay?” Price sighs. “Some recruit did shit and I need to fix it now.”
“Okay, yes.” You end the call, your hand wiping over your face in a state of panic. You didn’t know where your dad was, if he was okay or if he’d come back. You didn’t know how to look after yourself and Joseph, you probably needed to quit school to keep track of all the bills and-
“Where’s dad?” Joseph walks into the kitchen, headphones around his neck, munching on chips or something like that.
“He’s…at work,” you quickly lie, trying to hide you glassy eyes. “I don’t know when he’ll be back.” Jacob’s happy with that answer and opens the fridge.
“We gonna take the bus to school?” he wants to know, glancing at you.
“You’ll go alone today,” you tell him, handing him his lunch box. “I have an important appointment.”
“If you say so,” he shrugs, grabbing his backpack and leaves before you can properly say goodbye. As soon as you’re sure he left you grab your phone again and dial Johnny’s phone number.
As expected he also doesn’t know where your dad was but promises to to keep an eye out for him. Fucking hell, why did he just leave? Did someone shit in his brain or what? He’s never pulled something like that before…
Simon returns almost four months later. He didn’t know why he left. He didn’t know anything but one thing he did know was that he probably lost his children for good now…
His hands almost shake when he opens the door and he’s prepared for screaming and crying and breakdowns but when you see him your eyes widen and the mug in your hand falls to the ground.
“Dad,” you whisper and before he can even process everything you’re crashing into his arms, crying your eyes out.
“I’m sorry Nugget, I’m so sorry,” he mumbles into your hair, holding you close and never wanting to let you go again.
And you’re so close to forgiving him already; almost forgetting how you needed to quit school and take a job in the sketchy diner down the road. Almost forgetting how you cried yourself to sleep every night, trying to hide the disappearance of your dad from Joseph.
Simon feels how his hands start to shake and his eyes start to burn while he’s holding you; you’re crying in his arms and he’s so close to breaking down but then Joseph walks in.
“What do you want here?” His voice is cold, his gaze hard. He doesn’t flinch when your dad let’s go of you and straightens his back to his full height.
Your dad says nothing, only looks at his son, waiting for him to continue talking. “You left,” Joseph grits out, purposefully walking towards Simon. “You left and you didn’t even have the balls to tell us why!”
He was now screaming, his face red and his voice shaking. “How dare you come back now! How dare you!”
“Josy-“ you try to calm him down but he slaps your hand away, smacking his finger into his father’s chest.
“You think it’s okay to just leave? Nugget quit school to keep us above water while you were gone!” Joseph was now throwing pathetic punches at Simon’s chest, tears brimming him his eyes. “We needed you and you just decided to be a weak fuck and quit!”
Tears were running down your little brothers cheeks as he was hitting your dad chest and you wanted to pull him into your arms arms and comfort him but you yourself were shaking, your vision blurry from already shed tears.
“I’m sorry Josy,” Simon whispered, ignoring the punches his son was throwing at him, only pulling him into his arms and holding him close. “I don’t-“ his voice breaks. “I don’t know why I left. I’m sorry…”
Joseph shakes and cries and your heart breaks again. Carefully you walk towards them both, placing your arms around your brother. “We’ll be fine Josy,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his head. “We’ll be fine…”
When you were alone with your dad, once Joseph went to sleep you place a cup of tea in front of him and sit down opposite of him.
“You’ve got a lot to fix,” you tell him, your expression neutral, besides your shaking hands beneath the table. “You just…disappeared and that left its scars. Don’t think that they’ll be healed just because you came home again.”
He listens to you, nodding along and staring at his tea. “I know. And i’m keen on fixing it.” He looks up and you see his red eyes. “I’m sorry I led Nugget. I’ll make it up, okay? I’ll do my best.”
“I know,” you try to believe him but in the back of your head you’re reminded of all the times he didn’t keep his promises…
pt.2 lol?
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essektheylyss · 6 months
Ten Books to Know Me
@aboxthecolourofheartache reblogged her version of this from ages ago but she'd tagged whoever saw it and it sounds very fun and difficult so let's do it!
Tris's Book by Tamora Pierce - I had a habit as a kid of always picking up the second book in a series, so this was the first of Tamora Pierce's books I read. Emelan had an effect on me on a microcosmic level, I'm pretty sure. Anyway, the protag of a whole world of mine is named Tris now, in homage to Trisana Chandler, so. the particulate is still kicking around in my brain.
Ptolemy's Gate by Jonathan Stroud - Another childhood FAVE. This series as a whole started fucking with what I understood a book to be. Also the ending of it has a vice grip on me to this day, and it is probably why so much of my writing is very vibey and favors ambiguous endings.
Cyrano de Bergerac - This was the first assigned reading I had in high school that I utterly LOVED. I love this play so much, I love the tragedy, I love the quiet sorrow. This was also the first proper tragedy that I remember really loving.
The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan - This is a book of poetry and short stories by a Yale creative writing student who was killed in a car crash very soon after graduating, compiled by her professor after her death. I read it repeatedly in college; it is really quite lovely.
Underland by Robert Macfarlane - Apologies to Box who wanted reading recommendations, but she is who introduced me to this book if I remember correctly, and I have spent the two years since I read it habitually picking up Macfarlane's writing without even realizing it. Absolutely phenomenal writing.
Staying with the Trouble by Donna Haraway - @ professor Haraway I know you are a semi-retired scholar and also in the most expensive college town on earth but are you looking for research assistants cuz uh
The Mushroom at the End of the World by Anna Tsing - I actually read both Staying with the Trouble and this book on the same weekend in the start of 2021. I compromised on not including Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake, which I felt was very cliche of me, by including this book, which had as much of an effect. Read those three and Pantheologies by Mary-Jane Rubenstein and you will have some semblance of an idea of what the spiritual portion of my brain looks like. In the interest of not writing the same blurb four times I left the latter two off but know they make up a little microcosm of 'you could make a religion out of this' for me.
The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natskukawa - A Japanese novel about a cat who appears to a teenager after the death of his grandfather, a bookseller. I read it when I was very frustrated with trying to read contemporary fiction and it was a bright spot among that. (I am still very frustrated with the state of contemporary fiction and this book remains a light.)
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer - Okay I read this one most recently out of this list (over the summer) but it had been on my list for a long time and it really does live up to the hype because it is just so luminous in every sense.
Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer - I had to put this one last simply because HOLY HELL. Rewired my brain. This is the goal I aspire to, this is the dream I dream, this is the highest peak among the mountain range of writing aspirations that I climb. If I can one day write anything even akin to the Southern Reach trilogy I will be ready to die, but that is an utterly unachievable goal so God's just gonna have to let me live forever, I guess.
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 year
Baby Sister
A/N: Happy @nestaarcheronweek everyone! I'm super excited for all the content I have to share and all the content I'm sure others will be posting this week! We're starting off with a doozy for Day One: Sister. One of my biggest gripes with SJM has always been the fact it's very obvious she doesn't have sisters. I recognize I may be biased by my own relationship with my sister, but something always felt like it was falling a bit flat at times throughout the series for me personally. So, I thought I'd do a bit of a rewrite of the scene where Nesta tells Feyre about the pregnancy. Most of the dialogue at the beginning is pulled directly from ACOSF. Also, I recognize this may not be everyone's cup of tea, so if it's not for you, simply don't read it. I won't be offended. But for those who do, I hope you enjoy :)
Read on AO3
“The problem is the birth.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Illyrian females have a pelvis shaped specifically for children with wings to pass through. High Fae females do not. And when a child has wings, they can get stuck during labor.” Cassian’s face goes pale beneath the bruises. “Most females die, the babes with them. There’s no way for magic to help, short of fracturing a female’s pelvis to widen it for birthing. Which might kill the babe anyway.”
“Feyre is going to die?” Nesta’s words are a whisper. For a heartbeat every bit of spite, of anger, of bitterness fades away, pure, clear panic replacing it.
“A few do survive.” Cassian makes to rub his face, then stops before he can press the bruises. “But the labor is so brutal that many of them either come close to death or are so altered by it that they can’t have another child.”
“Is Feyre distraught?”
“She doesn’t know the full scope of it. But all of us who have grown up here know what it means for a High Fae female to bear a baby with wings.”
Nesta frowns at that. She thinks back to the last time she saw Feyre, the way she had been practically glowing, blue eyes alight with happiness and motherly joy. The way her hand had rested gently on her swelling stomach, thumb rubbing soothing circles for the babe growing inside. The babe that may be Feyre’s death, and her sister doesn’t even know. Blissful, blind ignorance.
“All of you that grew up here?” Nesta asks, turning Cassian’s words over in her mind again. “So the whole Court is aware of what this means?”
Cassian shifts slightly in his seat, tilting his head and peering across the table at Nesta. “If there is a way to save Feyre from a death sentence, Rhys will find it. He’s heading to Drakon and Miryam’s island tomorrow. And Mor is making discreet inquiries at the Fae courts on the continent. Even the priestesses are searching the archives and records. We’ll figure it out.”
“But Feyre will not know?”
“Does your sister not deserve a happy pregnancy with no worries?”
Anger flares through Nesta’s veins like a wildfire, simmering beneath her skin until her grip on the handle of her teacup tightens to near white-knuckled. Until her chest and lungs feel tight with the smoke of those flames. How dare he. How dare he turn this around on her. How dare he make her sound like the wretch, sound as though she’s the one who does not care for Feyre’s wellbeing, by questioning this.
How dare they all.
A Court of Dreamers, they call themselves, priding themselves on creating a place where females always have a choice as they tell her, and yet, they do not even inform their High Lady of the dire consequences that may be waiting for her in the shadows. They allow her to paint a mural on the walls of the nursery, allow her to speak excitedly of a future that she might not even have. It’s not right, none of this is right, and it has Nesta’s stomach roiling, the eggs she had been nibbling on for breakfast suddenly sour and heavy.
She thinks back to the first time she held Feyre, back to that time when their father had placed the tiny, wriggling babe carefully into Nesta’s arms. Feyre’s face had been all scrunched up, but then her eyes had opened, wide and blue and a near identical shade to Nesta’s own. She had blinked up at Nesta, staring up at her with those pinked cheeks and nose. For a moment, Nesta hadn’t known what to do, holding something so small, so precious, but then warmth and awe had flooded her chest until her heart felt full, felt on the brink of bursting.
She had understood then, holding her baby sister.
And though they had both grown claws as they got older, though they had certainly used those claws to tear the other down through the years, Feyre was still that baby sister in her arms that she’d sworn to love and protect. She’s still that baby sister in Nesta’s arms even today. That sister who vanished into the woods to do what needed to be done for the family. That sister that Nesta tried to tear through the Wall to get back.
And she’ll keep trying to tear through that Wall for Feyre, no matter what shape it takes. She will not let her baby sister die, and she certainly won’t let her die unknowingly, this Court and all of Prythian be damned.
Nesta sets down her teacup, determination settling like steel through her bones. The clatter is loud enough to break the silence that had settled in the dining room that Cassian jumps slightly at the sound. He looks up at her, and whatever he sees on her expression has his eyes widening, panic beginning to creep into the maze of golds and greens. He swallows hard and sets down his fork slowly, as if he expects the movement to spook her.
“I’m calling in our bargain,” Nesta declares, meeting his gaze head-on.
“No,” Nesta snaps, cutting him off, her tone cool and leaving no room for an argument. “I’ve decided my favor. You are going to fly me down to where Feyre is, and you are not allowed to speak until my sister knows the truth of her pregnancy.”
“Nes…” Cassian chokes out, but it seems the magic has already taken hold, preventing any other words from falling past his lips.
Cassian’s back bows over the table, a pained hiss bleeding through his clenched teeth. Nesta’s own back tingles and burns, her tattoo searing away at the bargain finally being completed. She stands up from her chair, straightening out the skirts of her dress with cool poise before making her way out of the dining room and toward the large doors that lead out to the balcony, shoulders back and head held high. She can hear Cassian’s slow, heavy footfalls behind her, the Illyrian clearly trying desperately to fight against the magic still.
The chilly, morning breeze skitters across Nesta’s skin as she steps onto the balcony, the pale blue hue of the sky above a contrast of the conversation to come. Nesta turns around to face Cassian expectantly. His jaw is clenched, lips pressed firmly together, and though he cannot say anything, the anger burning in his hazel eyes says enough. Nesta steps gingerly closer to him, allowing Cassian to scoop her up into his arms. His wings flare wide over his shoulders, and then they’re taking off into the air.
Nesta is surprised that they land in the grass around the back of Feyre’s home, but then she notices the doors opened wide, an easel placed just inside and hiding the face of the painter behind it. At the sound of their landing, Feyre’s head peeks out from behind her canvas, her eyebrows dipping down low in confusion as she watches Cassian set Nesta down on her feet.
“Nesta? Cassian?” Feyre asks, setting down the brush in her hand. “What are you two doing here?”
“I need to speak with you,” Nesta explains, striding forward across the lawn.
“Alright…” Feyre agrees, confusion still coloring her tone, as she stands up. “Let’s go inside then. I’ll make us some tea and we can talk.”
Nesta curls her fingers around Feyre’s wrist, halting her movements. “Right now.”
Feyre turns back around, her mouth pinching in a frown, but she clasps both of Nesta’s hands in her own. “Okay. What is it?”
Nesta swallows hard, suddenly at a loss for words, not knowing where to begin. “Perhaps we should sit down first after all.”
“You’re beginning to worry me. Is everything alright?”
Despite her words, Feyre turns again and leads them into the sitting room nearby. She and Nesta settle on one the loveseats, Cassian looming in the doorway. Feyre eyes him with clear concern and worry, the anger still clear on his expression despite his stony silence. Nesta gives her sister’s hands a squeeze, drawing her attention back to her.
“Feyre, you are my sister. My baby sister, and I—”
Nesta pauses, desperately clawing to find the right words to say, but what are the right words? Are there ever any right words to tell your sister of the cruel fate she’s been dealt, that may be poised to strike down her joy and her future in one fatal swing? She tries to pull from the demure politeness their mother had drilled into Nesta as a child, but there is no way to change this ugly truth with pretty words. There is no softening of this crushing blow. Nesta will be responsible for the lightness on Feyre’s face fading, but she knows it is the right thing to do. Knows that she cannot sit idly by while her sister is kept in the dark. Knows that if there is one thing Feyre cares most about, it’s no secrets.
“Your babe has wings,” Nesta finally breathes, her voice shaky.
Feyre’s worry and confusion melts away, giving way for a wide smile, her hand settling on her stomach as she peers down at it. “Yes. Isn’t it wonderful? He’ll know his Illyrian heritage.”
“It will kill you.”
Feyre’s smile falls away then, and she blinks a few times before finding her voice again. “What?”
“You’re not Illyrian, so when the time comes, the wings will get stuck, and you will die.”
“How do you know that?” Feyre whispers, blinking against the water beginning to line her eyes.
“Cassian told me this morning at breakfast, and I came here immediately after,” Nesta explains, giving her sisters a hand a squeeze in what she hopes is reassurance. “It seems your whole Court knows the implications, that your mate has instructed them not to inform you, but I do not care what he thinks or says because you are my sister, and you deserve to know.”
Feyre continues to blink a few times, clearly trying to process Nesta’s words, trying to process this new information, the weight of them. Her brows furrow deeper, lip finding home between her teeth as she worries it. Slowly, her gaze raises again, but not to Nesta. Instead, she looks toward the door to where Cassian still stands.
“Cassian…?” Feyre begins tentatively.
Cassian lets out a quiet gasping breath, almost doubling over as magic courses through him. Not allowed to speak until Feyre knows the truth of her pregnancy, those were the terms of the favor. He’s quick to still turn a glare in Nesta’s direction, jaw still clenched, disapproval at this entire turn events clear across his expression, but when he finally turns his attention to the High Lady, his face softens.
“Feyre…” Cassian starts to plead, unable to fully meet her eyes, the guilt creeping into his face, in the way that he grimaces at his failed words.
“So it’s true then,” Feyre laughs humorlessly, shaking her head. “And none of you thought to tell me?”
“We will figure this out,” Nesta jumps in to reassure Feyre, pulling her sister’s attention back to her. “I will scour the whole library myself if I have to, will scry for whatever might be able to help. I will not let you die.”
Feyre opens her mouth to say something more, but before she can, the whole house seems to rumble. Nesta’s free hand grasps desperately at the arm of the loveseat, trying to steady herself against the shake, feeling it rattle and scrape all the way down to her bones. The temperature in the room seems to drop, shadows and darkness creeping from beneath the floor and clawing from the corners.
Nesta snaps her head toward Cassian, an alarmed question already poised and ready on the tip of her tongue, but Cassian’s expression has glazed over, his eyes out of focus and far away. He inhales sharply, seemingly returning to himself and the present. His eyes find Nesta’s in an instant, the hazel of them swimming with… fear.
“Nesta, we need to go,” Cassian tells her, holding his hand out expectantly.
Nesta scoffs, shifting closer to Feyre and keeping a tight hold of her sister’s hand. “Absolutely not. I am not leaving Feyre alone.”
“Nesta, please,” Cassian pleads, his voice desperate and pained. It’s the tone that finally gives Nesta pause, that finally has her taking in the way Cassian’s chest has started to heave, the way his outstretched hand seems to shake slightly.
“He’s right. You need to go,” Feyre adds quietly, Nesta turning back toward her sister in surprise. “I’ll be alright.”
It’s the small smile of reassurance, of confidence, that Feyre offers that finally breaks Nesta’s remaining resolve. With a soft sigh, she finally stands up. She moves to walk to Cassian and the door, but before she can take a step, Feyre tugs on her arm and pulls her into a hug. The gesture takes Nesta by surprise. They’ve never been the overly affectionate sort. But slowly, Nesta’s arms come up as well, wrapping around her baby sister. Just like that very first day.
“Thank you,” Feyre breathes into her hair, giving a final squeeze before stepping back.
With a nod, Nesta settles her hand in Cassian’s, allowing him to tug her out of the room, but she stops in the hall, turning one last time toward her sister. “Give him hell, Fey.”
Feyre lets out a quiet laugh, the sound wet but genuine. “I plan to, don’t worry.”
Cassian all but drags Nesta out of the house, barely even waiting for the front door to close behind them before he’s scooping Nesta up into his arms and taking for the skies. Nesta clutches at his neck in surprise at the speed, but if Cassian notices her reaction, he doesn’t seem to care. His arms still seem to tremble where they grasp at her, his wings working overtime as he takes them away from Velaris as fast as he can.
Nesta is sure that she hasn’t heard the last of what happened today. She’s sure that there will still be consequences for revealing the truth to Feyre. From Cassian. From Rhysand. From the whole rest of the Court. But despite it all, Nesta finds she doesn’t particularly care. If given the choice, she knows that she would do it all over again a hundred times if she had to, without looking back, and without a single regret.
She would do anything for her baby sister.
Updated Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog​ @lifeisntafantasy​ @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl​ @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld​ @isterofimias @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust​ @a-trifling-matter​ @blueunoias​ @kookskoocie​ @cassiansbigwingspan​ @unlikelypersonalknight1​ @blurredlamplight @hereforthenessian @skaixo @jmoonjones @burningsnowleopard
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