#but apparently they don't regret it enough to stop playing with fire :
byanyan · 8 months
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ㅤthinking about byan using arson as a tool for revenge... they learned about the concept of arson and were shown how to do it at age nine, when a group of older boys from school invited them along to burn down an old abandoned building (and then were subsequently abandoned themself, left inside with no warning wherein they were burned quite severely, though not nearly as badly as they could have been). the first time they did it themself, they were eleven, mad at the world, and staying with a rather nasty foster family. the house was set ablaze, everyone lost the majority of their belongings, byan scarred their hands permanently with burns (and their foster sister kit was hurt far worse), and on top of going to the hospital and quickly being removed from the care of those foster parents, they were also put into mandatory counselling.
the first time they ever used arson as a form of revenge rather than in a fit of rage, however, it was on the home of a teacher who was particularly awful to them. he effectively picked on them, never treated them fairly in class or in their grades, and always managed to make them feel dumb and worthless. he always seemed to especially love making fun of their mistakes when they would read out loud or when they failed to spell something correctly. at age twelve, byan was still rather quiet and timid, just trying to keep to themself and survive, and this man was only making their life more miserable and their anger harder to contain. so one night, after he humiliated them in front of their entire class because they misunderstood the topic they'd written an essay on, they set his house on fire. it didn't burn to the ground like they'd hoped, but it did more than enough damage to be satisfying. unfortunately, the incident was traced back to them and they were placed on probation, made to continue their mandatory counselling, and were enrolled in anger management classes.
another time, it was revenge on a man who attacked them on the street. they were no stranger to such a thing happening by fifteen, but it was the first time it happened since they had killed someone in self defence in a near identical scenario. this guy, they managed to fight off with less difficulty and managed to get away only mildly injured, but it triggered an episode of ptsd that made the next several weeks absolute hell. it was probably just shy of a month later when they spotted the guy again and, without really thinking about it, they started lurking, effectively stalking him the whole night, even staking out the bar he spent hours inside of, until they found out where he lived. after waiting another couple hours to ensure he was asleep, they broke in to his apartment, started a fire in the kitchen, and took off. as far as they know, he survived, although to this day they're not so sure they wanted him to.
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bigskydreaming · 3 months
The Vampire Daniel Molloy, when Louis asks what he's looking forward to most about the next stage of his newly immortal life:
Hmm. With how much my maker already complains about me ruining his life and how every day I give him a new reason to regret ever siring me, if I had to pick just one thing, I'd say the thing I'm most looking forward to is when I hit vampire puberty.
Louis: ....
Daniel: Vampire puberty's when the really wild superpowers kick in, right?
Louis: I suppose technically that's not....inaccurate.
Daniel: Hey, what are the chances of me getting the 'set shit on fire with my brain' thing you've got? Can you even imagine how much that would piss him off? His disappointment of a fledgling having the same gifts as the ex who dumped his ass....oh, man. C'mon now. I bet I could do some real damage with that.
Louis: Actually, while we're near the subject: would you please stop introducing yourself as 'the reason your vampire parents got divorced?'
Daniel: No, Louis, Louis! You're not getting it, see....the thing that makes it funny is its true.
Louis: You've really decided to lean into the whole 'second childhood' angle, huh.
Daniel: Mmmm. And just think. If you'd turned me fifty years ago when I first asked, I'd be well past this stage by now. And also still twenty. And hot.
Louis: Ahh. Its like that, then, is it.
Daniel: Oh, only a little bit. Really though, its like, every day I discover a new way to make Armand rue my very existence all over again, and maybe I'm just a simple man with simple needs, because that's just....very fun for me. I mean, there's just something extra validating in knowing the guy you're all "fuck that guy, I hate him, he sucks" about hates you waaaay more than you can be bothered to hate him. Because then its like you win the feud, right? You still get to hate that guy, which is great, because fuck that guy, he sucks, but you also get to know your very existence drives him way crazier than his ever makes you, and I mean, let's be real. Who doesn't like winning things?
Louis: Well I'm so glad you've found something that gives you a sense of purpose at least. Its very -
Daniel: Yeah, yeah, immortal blood drinkers need hobbies other than mass murder, it keeps the body count low and is good for the environment. Relax. I know. I literally wrote the book on it. You were there.
Louis: That's what you got out of it?
Daniel: Why, did you want me to fixate on your sex scenes instead? That seems weird. A little narcissistic even. And at the risk of self-awareness, when I'm the one -
Louis: Right. Well. I just wanted to make sure you had something to focus your energies on. It can all be a bit overwhelming at first and with your level of public attention at the moment, its very crit -
Daniel: Nope, all good here. Got myself a steady supply of Deadbeat Dad jokes that make my maker's eye twitch - apparently base word play is "gauche" or some shit - ugh, my god, its like nothing I do is ever good enough for him, and I only ate one of the editors on my shitlist to test drive my shiny new murder skills. He had this thing about Oxford commas, used to bug the crap out of me. Its like we get it, you hate them. They're literally dots on a page, they can't hurt you, can we please move on....
Louis: ....
Daniel: Louis, I'm kidding. Look, you don't have to worry about me. I already decided I find emotional evisceration way more satisfying than the physical version. Less clean up and it lasts longer anyway. I'm not going to get myself into trouble by cosplaying as Jack the Ripper where paparazzi can catch me red-fanged, and even if I do, I hereby absolve you of all responsibility. You can stop mother-henning me, you didn't turn me, you literally said no when I begged you to, its the whole reason I have eternal wrinkles instead of youthful tautness.
Louis: Not gonna let that one go, are you.
Daniel: Gimme a few centuries and ask me again. I'll let you know then.
Louis: Mmhmm. So this was....memorable and we definitely won't be doing it again. But you do seem to have things figured out so I'll leave you to it, then.
Daniel: Wait, Louis, don't go! Don't you want to hear my five-century life plan for annoying Armand into an early retirement mausoleum? I made visual aids!
Louis: Goodbye, Daniel.
Daniel: Fine, leave then! I don't care! You're not my real dad anyway! Et cetera, et cetera!
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honeyhobies · 1 year
🔀 punkflower u already knowwwwwww
til i die - THEY. / dillon francis — fast and furious au
but lets play with it a bit: miles is a vigilante who goes undercover in the street racing world to try to get to the bottom of the string of robberies happening around his city. he's heard of hobie brown, infamous leader of the FNSM racers, who has no qualms being the main suspect in everything and anything—except, apparently, these robberies.
no one believes him, but no one can pin him and his racers at the scene of the crime(s) either. whoever's doing it may as well be invisible, slipping in to steal what they want—gear, car parts, non-perishables, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals—and driving off before the hijacked truck can even come to a complete stop. every police report and truck scanner say the same thing:
"they're quick, they're efficient, and they're showy bastards. loud music, louder cars, i don't know how i missed them, but the fuckers got me anyway."
as a vigilante, miles isn't going to have access to the police reports, but he has followed the sounds of that blaring, victorious music and gunning cars around the city enough to fall into the same camp as everyone else: this has to be the FNSM racers.
but why these trucks? what exactly are they doing with all these stolen goods? and how can he get concrete proof it's them?
miles doesn't have the racing experience. but he's got the smarts to modify cars, the guts to floor them anyway, and most importantly that same drive to push against any blockades set before him until he's coming out on the other side triumphant, just like hobie does.
and hobie likes that. he doesn't trust him—until he does, and they're forced to reckon with the reality of who they both are—but he likes that burning earnestness in miles' eye, the fact that he seems determined to find his place right next to him. step for step, mile for mile.
when hobie talks about family to miles, he really likes seeing how that fire in his eye seems to shift into something a little warmer, homier. hobie doesn't lean in when he catches miles' eyes darting down to his lips while he talks about community, and he regrets it up until miles is forced to reveal his true motive and everything changes.
(he doesn't miss his second chance though. after his car is destroyed and the cops are bearing down on them and miles has thrown him his own keys, hobie doesn't even glance at the get-away car. he pulls miles in and kisses him until the approaching sirens are louder than his own racing heart beat. then whispers an address against miles' lips before he jumps into the car and makes a speedy escape)
send me a 🔀 and a pairing, get an au ask game!
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blorbobird · 2 years
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Lucemond × Hogwarts AU
( in which luke is hospitalized for the damage aemond's caused, aemonds gone into an unexpected spiral, and haelena calls him on his bullshit )
Not even death could grant Lucerys the peace of absolute silence.
There he laid in the hospital wing, unconscious and sore, unable to open a single eye or be too aware of pretty much anything. It all had been in an out. Murmurs, dazy pictures and blurred vision in the brief moments he could gather the strength to open up his eyes. None of it mattered and none of it made sense anyway.
The only thing that notified him that he was infact alive had been the voices. His brother's, his mums, other indistinct ones that merged into Charlie-Brown background chatter. It had started to get more frequent and clear with time. Merlin only knows how long he's been out for. 
"You think he'll be okay?" His mother, Rhaenyra's, sweet voice asked a disembodied person on the other side of his hosptial bed.
Deep, humored, masculine. "Maybe just a nasty headache for a few days," Daemon, possibly. "If he was in any real serious danger Id make sure Aemond's stupid little head was hanging above my fire place right now."
Yes. Definitely Daemon.
"The boy should be expelled." Rhaenyra says in an upset, low voice. Over protective as always and playing with the image of Aemond's head on a pike even now.
"Lucerys apparently provoked him," Daemon says with all but an eye roll. It isnt that hard to believe, the boy is mouthy, but he is also lively aware how quickly that damned group of people twist things. " Hightower convinced detention until the end of term. Its obvious however that a number of people don't want Aemond's name withdrawaled from the tournament before they even get the chance to see whom is entered."
The two brief meeting they had on this topic hadnt gone well. Lannister, Cole, Hightower and even Baratheon such all voting in favor. Rhaenys had settled no expulsion until the boy woke up. It probably helped also that Aemond himself made no argument towards any of this. He had also been the one to carry Lucerys to the infirmary seconds later, wasting no time, but such a small useless detail meant nothing.
Especially to Rhaenyra. Who saw his subtle regret when no one else was looking, but also knew damn well that reckless male was the reason her precious boy was harmed at all.
Lucerys feels something warm squeeze his hand and he groans in response. Trying to squeeze it back but he doesn't have the energy. He wants to comfort his mother, tell her that he's okay and wrap her in a silly big hug so her voice stops sounding so broken. So concerned. 
More murmurs and a kiss on the forehead before he truly dozes off again.
His next memory feels like eons later but in actuality, all it had been was a day. He lays unconcious, trying to get feeling in his finger tips, wiggling them at his sides.
It had been under Jace's watch during the night. His older brother hadnt left his side since he heard about the incident and frankly Jacerys blamed himself for it. 
Had it been all that damaging? No. A few first-degree burn marks on his arms that were currently being healed away with potion and herbs. The fiendfyre hadnt gotten close enough to wound by the time Rhaenys said the cancellation spell.
A pair of singed off bodyhair had been the remaining crux of it. His eyebrows had grew back in within a few hours thanks to the Maester's knowledge of hair replacement charms. 
"He's quite pretty," Haelena said so quietly to the point where if Lucerys had been fully conscious, he would've jumped out of his skin. Not even aware of her presence. "Like sleeping beauty." 
She hums a tune and Jace smiles for the first time in several hours. "His hair is a bit longer with all these healing and hexes happening. He'll be livid." A gentle muse that has Lucerys gently sighing.
Wondering how fucked up he look, a piece of bacon with a glam-rock wig perhaps? He could only imagine the worst whilst he couldn't view the damage personally yet.
"I wanna play with it, its so curly," He feels finger tips gently stroke at the locks by his base of his neck. "But I dont wanna braid it until he allows me. Some people get grumpy with that." She thinks of Aemond. How he use to let her braid his hair but doesnt let anyone go near it anymore. A prank with Aegon got wrong, another story for another time. "Maybe some flowers though?" 
Jace's smile remains. "Perhaps," Humored at the thought.  "We can put them in before mom arrives in the morning. It think she'll like it too. Get those yellow ones he likes—" 
Foot steps enter then a humored voice. "There you two are!," It sounds petty, somewhat accusatory, like the male doesnt like Haelena and Jace had been where he thought they were. Like he caught them doing something wrong instead of tending to a unconious family member. "Searching half the castle for my sweet little sister. Funny to find you here-"
"Aegon," Jace's voice no longer hints at kindness. "Not now. Go away," He'd been avoiding him since this happened yesterday. Nothing good can come from such a secret affair. Exhibit A was lying in the bed to prove as such.
The foot steps stop. "Oh, how you wound me," A hand over the heart with a dramatic sigh. "I just wanna talk,"
"Im busy-" 
"Just five minutes," He prompts and its quickly declined with a shake of the head from Jace. Haelena helps however persuading sides once she stares at her brother long enough to relaize motive.
"I can watch him," Her voice sweet and quiet. Like shes afraid to speak. "You havent even had a bathroom break or food in a while. A few mintues wont harm? Stretch out your legs."
Jacerys wants to comment that he has stretched out his legs with the eariler constant pacing enough, thank you and goodbye. But the way Aegon is looking at him, fists clasped at his sides, and sleepless. Along with the idea of food does hesitate the string of swear words all alluding to 'Fuck Off' and 'Begone, Slut' when Haelena looks at him like that. His dear precious aunt, who he respects and trusts so much more than the rest of the Hightower Clan.
A single glance back at Luke before he gives in. "Two mintued and two mintues only," Voice firm as he stands. Dismissed away with Aegon down the hall who looks both relieved and amused.
The hospital wing becomes silent once more as the doors close behind the pair. Haelena waits until the footsteps are out of sound and the boys are out of sight completely until she stands. Brushing a few strands of hair away from Luke's face.
"You are quite pretty," he looked like Rhayenra to her in a way that Jace hadnt. The way he spoke maybe, youthful sass and determination. Whilst Jacerys always carried her leader ship qualities, Luke held more of her fire. Less bravery and more so reckless ness.
Not to mention his flushed, cute little cheeks that she pinched mindlessly. Watching a tinge of pink spread across his face and nose when she hears a creak. Something others would dismiss, its such an old castle anyway, but it was all she needed for confirmation.
"I know you're there, brother." Although thought genuinely, mostly by Aegon, to be a complete dumbass the girl was rather wise. In a way her family didnt really expect. She was a ravenclaw after all, why did her relatives question it so much? All besides this one. "No ones here. You'll have a few minutes-"
Aemond stepped out of the shadows as if he'd been there for a while. Face tight but half startled he was revealed so easily. His and Aegon's timing to dismiss Jace had been rather clear, and Haelena caught on rather quickly. He wondered how many seconds into his younger sister walking into the room eariler, had she realized he was watching? 
"For someone who wants him dead you do spend an awful amount of time checking up on him?" She quips looking up to meet her brothers gaze finally. 
He finally speaks. "I dont-" He sighs through the nose. Voice quieter. Not wanting to admit his error.
She reads no signs of such and gladly calls him out on it. "You lost control of your wand," 
Aemond's lips press into a thin line but he doesnt object at all. The best fiendfyre caster at Durmstrang, and he lost control? How demeaning.
She continues. "Why'd you go after him in the first place-"
"His mouth-" That girl was touching his hair, too. But he doesn't say that. It had added to the fire of singing him again. How perfect and untouched his life had been.
"You taunted him with a dark curse?! Infront of everyone!"
Thats not true. None of the adults were there. None of the ones that mattered, at least. Just useless students clogging up tables and continuing on with their lives as he sat there. Time had changed, everyone had, but he hadnt.
"I just wanted to see how good at dueling he's got." He hasnt moved from his first step. Eyeing the open space at the foot-end of Luke's bed. Guilt racked at his insides and he despised every moment of it. Something Aegon and him use to joke at celebrating, hurting one of those boys, that house, but when he was handed a wine glass after all he tasted was bitter fruit and the means to upchuck it all. "... He's still horrible." 
Had Lucerys had known water was useless, enchanted and not, against Fiendfyre? No. His knowledge remained some what dismal to dark magic. Common sense was irrlevenent there. Only one spell can undo it and it had been a spell he hadnt none.
"He hasnt had to face hardships at this school. In his life to the same degree even, as we have!" Haelena raises her voice just so at the thought and it quickly lowers back down. 
The thought of it twists Aemond's insides differently. That lucky bastard had no hardships. No calpsuses on his finger tips or scars on his perfect flesh, wounds in his soul.
"And you know that … you wanted him to fail." And fail publicly at that. Embarrassment had been the goal. Harassing fear into the small thing, striking some feverant emotion as Lucerys had done so blindly into him. "You wanted to hurt him and make a show out of it."
He didnt need to be told what he wanted. He knew what he wanted, and it didnt need to be mixed up by anyone else. Aemonds thoughts and actions were his and his alone to act upon. Misconstrued opinions be damned. 
Even if she was someone correct.
"I didnt want to kill him," He repeats like prayer. The mantra he's been saying over and over again to any countless person who asked.
"You tried to burn him alive?" Haelena retorts standing and moving away from the bed. Her voice curious now, gentle. "Why?" 
A flesh wound marred enough to be permanent. 'You made your mark on me, I wanted to return the favor.' A physical reminder of Aemond to match. His initial goal amongst returning was of course the eye. It had always been the goal.
Upon meeting his gaze at the Triward Tournament entry ceremony, however, his goal changed. He couldnt bring himself to take out either eye once seeing them. Aemond hadnt known why and decided not to think too deep into it. 
"I wanted to burn him as he burns me." He says finally. "Nothing fatal." 
"But he didnt-" Haelena becomes silent. Sighing through her nose once more. Not understanding, yet seeing more than anyone else had. Lucerys hadnt burned Aemond, not physically. 
Looking back at Luke in the bed she stares. "Just try to make peace with them. Both of them, Lucerys especially. The little one, too but I doubt he'll cause any drama." She says hearing footsteps come back. Distant bickering between Aegon and Jace about probably something dumb and dull. Lovers quarrels, yes. She knew of that too. 
"You dont have to love him. You dont even have to like him," She laughs. "Just stop trying to kill and or maim him." 
No longer pulling for thread with Aemond, a beat passes between them. The eighteen year old neither agreeing nor disagreeing until finally somethings made of as they both stare at him.
Aemond takes a step forward. "He's been trying to move his fingers," He says finally. Seeing those small twitches become ignored over and over again. "Stimulate his blood cells and nerve endings in his wrists and he should be fine." He's seen enough dueling injuries to know better. 
"He'll be awake in no time." It was the last time Aemond dared to visit Lucerys.
The last time Luke remembers waking up doesnt feel that much later. The nurse gives him something that tastes rancid and slides down his throat like slime.
The taste alone has him up at retching. 
"Oh, Heavens!" She scurries back over with a summoned bucket before he can spill his sick on anything important. Sheets and floor remaing clean. "If he keeps throwing this up he won't get any better," She scolds as he's propped up with pillows.
The long haired Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher stands at the foot of the bed. Head tilted, hardly any expression shown. A slight smirk on the edge of his lips though, somewhat satisfied. Like he knew that would wake the youngling up.
"I gather no one likes the taste, Maester. Its more rotten than a hangover," Nose scrunched in slight disgust at the stench of Luke regurgitating his insides but waves it off. "Your mother will be glad you're awake."
Luke blinks enough to let things come into focus. Everything was a bit off. 
"You dont have your contacts in." Daemon says then adds. "Your vision might be blurred for a bit because you smacked your head off the ground-"
Luke goes to say something but wheezes a bit.
"Your breathing, too." Daemon continues. "Got alot of smoke in your lungs so try dont not to do any strenuous activity that requires too much breathing." He hadnt been an athletic boy, on the Quittich team like his brother, so he should be fine. "The burns are mostly all healed up too." Such explains the soreness in his arms and the gauze bandages wrapped up the right one.
One of the healers hand Luke a pair of glasses, gross old things he didnt like to use if he could help it, and managed them onto his face. The world a bit more clear but still dizzy. 
He wanted nothing more than to be out of this damned bed. The room that smells sterile and infected at the same time. He's handed a handful of chewing pills, to get rid of the nausea and metallic taste in his mouth. Chasing those down with a cup of water a short time later when Rhaenyra busts through the door like theyre made of paper.
"LUCE!" She runs to his aid and he winces. That fucken nickname. Only she had been allowed to do it, even Jace or Joffery didnt dare to. "Oh, you're awake just as Daemon said, even more so." She grabs his face gently to inspect.
His brown eyes enlarged from the spectacles, a bit glazed over from vomiting. Hair even more unruly than unsual from the pillows and his skin pale with nausea. 
"Hi mum," He smiles as she resists the urge to tackle him in a huge. Making the mental decision that she never wants to worry this much again. She'll make them pay for the pain they've caused. But right now she wouldnt focus on that. She'd focus on her baby, awake and alive as ever.
"Hi, my little dragon—" 
Theres a snap then a swish. Someone teleported into the hospital wing.
 A servant of the hightowers walking over. A petite female house elf. Seeing Lucerys is alive before staring timidly. "Madame Alicent requests your presence." She says.
Anger bubbles in Rhaenyra's chest. "He just woke up." She seethes.
Luke feels himself becoming sick again.
"His presence is requested by the Hightowers." The servant requests again. More clear this time. More afraid of her masters than then the trio before her, but not entirely.
 Daemon takes a step foreward. The house-elf cowers so he doesnt approach farther. "Does your master know we're both with him?" 
She shakes her head. "Master said only the boy when requesting. When Boy wakes up, master says." Looking to Luke with her large eyes as if to make sure he was infact awake.
"Well," Daemon smirks and looks to Rhaenyra. Steadying her with a single glance of eye contact. "Lets not keep them waiting." 
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i3utterflyeffect · 6 months
The Pearl Problem
All That Beckons tries again with some new friends, and finds that not everyone is willing to go along with what he wants. And that isn't just these animals, either. He also discovers that creatures without glass bones are much, MUCH more dangerous. - chosen time. :] [AO3 Link]
"Log four! I've gotten some help from other iterators who go by Aberrant Creation and Programmed Interference. Me and Programmed Interference go a while back, but we haven't talked in a while. Glad that they're helping me with this. We've gotten a chance to catch up a little, but it's a bit awkward since it's been... Uh... I can't remember the exact number of cycles, but it's been a long time since we've talked."
"I'm making some progress now. I've gotten a plan together for a creature that will hopefully NOT self-destruct, and one that's going to be able to efficiently create the bone I need for a pearl. They should be pretty sturdy, too, which means they can survive the extraction and regrow the bone! Man, this is cool."
"Hopefully this'll actually work. I'm trying it right now; Hopefully in about 50 cycles or so it'll be ready. Feels like a long time, but I can wait. This has to work, right?"
"Log five. The creature is complete."
"I think I followed everything right. I, um... I tried to play it safe since I don't want to give myself rot by screwing this up worse than before. I'm feeling pretty good about the result, though. It's been wandering around for a few minutes-- doesn't look like it's limping or anything, and I'm pretty sure that's a good sign. Let me just... poke it with an inspector and make sure it doesn't die as soon as I touch it."
"Just gonna..."
"Oh. That's-- what is it doing? What is that?"
"Log five, continued!"
"I am very fortunate that genetic engineering uses a lot of water... because that thing tried to set me on fire."
"I genuinely don't know where it got the ability to do that-- I mean, I put in some lizard genes just to make the bones more sturdy. That shouldn't have given it the ability to set fires! Much less be immune to it! And-- honestly, I'm kind of regretting not keeping the first one in general! That thing was a thousand times less likely to kill me than whatever this is!"
"As for what happened... I contained it. For now. But I need to figure out how to neutralize that thing. I think I have an idea, but I need to contact the others first."
"Hopefully I can get it done before it wakes back up."
"Log six."
"I've got it under control, I think. It's not exploding now, at least. I made something that I can trigger on command to release a biological coolant in their blood, because! It looks like lowering its body temperature prevents it from sparking any fires."
"...however... Aberrant Creation has stopped talking with us, because apparently keeping a creature from killing me is 'immoral'. It's not like I'm killing it, though."
"Actually, I don't think I could even if I was brave enough to. It killed, like, two of my inspectors. I didn't even know a creature could do that."
"It's kind of sluggish right now, but I'm hesitant to extract the bone pearl while my equipment is still damaged. And also while I'm down two inspectors. And while there's... structural damage... and..."
"I need to go repair things. I need to fix... all of this. Saints below. I'll update on the situation when I'm in better shape."
"Log seven."
"It's been a few cycles since I created... The creature. The slugcat. Should I have a name for that thing? I'll... I'll think about it."
"But it's going well. Seems like the coolant method's working to keep it controlled. I'm still wary to let it around any important components, but at least I don't feel like it's going to immediately try to blow a hole in my can."
"I also managed to extract the pearl, and even if it's not the best material, it's better than nothing. It's kind of porous but it'll work for art, I think. It's also shockingly colorful for bone; it's colored the same way any pearl would be. That was an accident, but they're nice to look at. I kind of wonder if their skeletons are colorful, too."
"Anyway... I've been trying to encourage it to cooperate with me, but I don't see anything behind those eyes. Completely vacant except for apparently the thought of killing me."
"...I'm sure it'll come around eventually."
"Log eight. Discordant Joy said I should name them, and we came up with a great name... The Chosen One!"
"Heheh... Pretty sure the Ancients would NOT be happy with that name, but screw them; I like it. They've been pretty cooperative lately, by the way. I've gotten them to do a bit of pest control after a couple of white lizards crawled inside. They got chomped once or twice, but I think they enjoyed killing those things. Maybe I just need to get The Chosen One things to kill that aren't me?"
"Log nine..."
"...Programmed Interference has gone silent. They won't respond to any messages."
"I'm starting to get a bit worried. They've been having issues for a while, but suddenly they just seemed to disappear."
"...These slugcats are meant to be messengers, right?"
"...I wonder..."
There's a long pause in the audio. All That Beckons is clearly deep in thought.
"...This might be a bad idea. I shouldn't be doing this."
"I think... I'm going to see about making one for its intended purpose. And this time, I'm not going to screw it up."
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Pairing: Dabi x ex fem! reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Cursing and cheating.
Additional Notes: flashback in italics
‘It was a mistake. Clearly she meant nothing to me.” I spat looking y/n up and down. Yeah I screwed up. Big time. She was furious and I deserved her wrath, however, I will still try to save face. Her face was riddled with a look between pain and anger, tears streamed down her cheeks. “Yeah, that was so clear while you were fucking her!” she spat. I winced. “I’m leaving. Do not follow me.” she started grabbing her bag, slinging it onto her shoulder. “Wait-” I started but was cut off. “No.” 
I woke up in a sweat. Fuck. The usual nightmares are child’s play compared to the memory of that night. Sitting in my usual spot in the bar I notice an all too familiar face sitting with Shigaraki. The displeasure must have been apparent on my face. “Problem?” Shig asked. “No. Never.” I smiled. “Y/n can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked, feeling the frustration begin to boil. She rolled her eyes. “I suppose, but we aren’t talking here, you can take me somewhere if you want to speak to me.” She said as she stood grabbing her coat. I followed suit, opening the door for her, like old times. I took her to the beach, it was late enough we wouldn’t be noticed. “So, Mr. uptight crust ass is your type?” I asked, which caused her to laugh. “You wanted to talk to me because you think I’m involved with Shigaraki?” she choked out between laughs. I was dumbfounded, feeling the same rage return. “Are you laughing at me?” I spoke trying to keep my temper under control. “Yes, im laughing at you, because you’re fucking stupid.” she cackled. The anger continued to bubble and blue flame was beginning to pool in my hand. “I will burn you alive if you don't stop fucking laughing. “ I spat. She rolled her eyes but composed herself anyway crossing her arms over her chest.”I’m not with Shiggy. Unfortunately for him, some dude in the league with a fire quirk ruined his chance. I don’t do villains anymore.” She said, appearing to tell the truth. I know she was talking about me. The thought made my chest hurt. “So you are seeing someone then.” The fire in my palm is now extinguished , regret filling the void where the anger was. She shuffled on her feet, wringing her hands. “Yeah. I am.” her voice was meek. “Oh. I see.” My reply was hesitant. For once, I was the one who was at a loss for words. I wanted to ask her who it was, but it’s not my business. “That’s what happens when you cheat on someone. They leave and move on, Dabi.” a feeling of longing filled my chest. I fucked up, now I have to deal with her loving someone else because I was too scared to love her. There is no going back. She moved on and I can’t.
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ashilrak · 2 years
Perpollo for the playlist <3 Have fun! :D
This was too fun lol, also I'm editing it to add lyrics for funsies
I try to get all up in your mind (all up in your mind) Is my love a crime 'cause I wanna make you mine? (You know you're mine) I try to get all up in your mind (yeah) I'll go and do the time if it means I'll make you mine (yeah)
Habibi - Tamino
If only I'd forget you after one last dance But you're everywhere, yes you are In every melody and in every little scar
We Have It All - Pim Stones
Hearts turn to dirt Along with the rest of your body It's all claimed by the earth It will fade and it will wither But gold, it will never And hey, baby, don't you know Diamonds are forever
Stalker's Tango - Autoheart
It's not that complicated No matter what they say You'll never meet another me
The Wolf - PHILDEL
You were sharp as a knife to get me You were a wolf in the night to fetch me, back The wishes I've made are too vicious to tell Everyone knows I am going to hell
Million Years Ago - Adele
I know I'm not the only one Who regrets the things they've done Sometimes I just feel it's only me Who can't stand the reflection that they see I wish I could live a little more
Achilles Heel - J. Maya
Kill this Achilles' heel I don't want to have to heal Now it's time to bring the choir Play your game and string the lyre Boy, I'm like Prometheus, finally taking back my fire
Moonsea - PHILDEL
Don't share the past, if you won't share your heart All that we share is the view of these stars
That Unwanted Animal - The Amazing Devil
Oh, and you rip my ribcage open and devour what's truly yours And our screaming joins in unison, I cry out to the Lord 'Cause if we join our hands in prayer enough To God, I imagine it all starts to sound like applause
Perseus [New Light EP] - Chris Linton
Mythical, so mystical, think what you like You could be the sword, the shield, Defender of The people down below You know I fought for love
Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode
Reach out, touch faith Your own personal Jesus Someone to hear your prayers Someone who cares
I Love You, Honeybear - Father John Misty
But don't ever doubt this, my steadfast conviction My love, you're the one I wanna watch the ship go down with
Killshot - Slowed + Reverb - Magdalena Bay
Can you make my heart stop Hit me with your kill shot baby
Blossoms - The Amazing Devil
Knowing every last one of them is painted in light As I make myself acquainted with the saint of never getting it right
Don't give a fuck of what you say Apparently I've lost control To all my friends that told me so Just get out the way Because we don't want to behave Apparently you lost control You never really had before
Eros and Apollo - Studio Killers
Girls, with a boy like that it's serious Senoritas, don't follow him Soon, he will eat your hearts like cereals Sweet Lolitas, don't go You're still young
the fruits - Paris Paloma
My love, are you the devil? I would worship you instead of him I have no time for confession For I'm too busy committing sins My love, you're something special I've never met someone like you You'd make me fall from heaven But I know just what I do
One Way Or Another - Blondie
One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya One way, or another, I'm gonna see ya
You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - Dead or Alive
I set my sights on you (And no one else will do) And I, I've got to have my way now, baby
Something to Believe In - Young the Giant
It gets old when you talk to the sun And your tongue understood uh-no one
// 20 song playlist without including these artists
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nessaxc · 3 years
Stress Reliever || Kuroo Tetsurou
You're working so hard one day that you develop a migraine so Kuroo is determined to help relieve it.
~ Rating: Explicit
~ Words: 2.5k
~ Tags: Fluff, Comfort Sex, Lap Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Shameless Smut, Sexual dialogue, Swearing, Vaginal Sex,
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Funny enough the day didn’t start off terrible. In fact, it started off pretty well. You woke up fairly early enough to drag yourself out of bed to do your morning exercises. Even after exercising and getting ready, you still had time to make yourself some coffee, and you were feeling in a positively good mood, though, that quickly went away.
Your professor was nagging you about the extra exercises and apparently you had a deadline for it, so you were swamped with work, and felt like you were being pulled in multiple directions. As such, you completely skipped lunch and barely had time to snack or eat the rest of the day. That was a major mistake and now you were starting to regret it horribly. The coffee stain on your shirt was a grim reminder of how much of a shit day you were having, so you tugged it off later that day to change into a comfortable nightdress.
Your head felt like it was on fire. You tried to focus on your computer screen, but the light of the device hurt your eyes and you shut them, pressing the heels of your palms into closed eyelids. The lack of food and water, plus your stress was starting to cause a migraine to emerge and you foolishly tried to just wish it away. Obviously it didn't seem to work.
Then Kuroo came around when you were working in the living room, wearing a deep red robe, sipping from a cup before he pulled it away from his lips to ask, "You okay, baby?" he walked over, and when he slammed his cup down on the table it made you wince.
"No," you admitted. You pulled your hands away from your face and nearly sobbed as you saw that your computer was now frozen.
You bit back a collection of swears that you wanted so desperately to scream. Instead, you grimly began to work again after everything closed, clicking on a browser to get back started.
"Earth to Y/N!" he waved his hand in front of your face, chuckling in amusement, and you just moved your head to the direction of the screen. The more you went on, the harder it got to concentrate. Your migraine was full on now, and your head was throbbing so much that it made it near impossible to focus on anything. You closed your eyes for a few moments, before you forced yourself to open them as you returned to the exercises you were working on.
"I think you need to relax," he suggested, "you can barely look at the computer screen," he laughed as he mocked the way your eyes were falling closed, his eyes heavily lidded as he slowly blinked them, a dazed look on his face.
"I can't, I have more work to do," you muttered. You appreciated his attempt at showing concern, but you really were too busy to leave now. You didn't even know what time it was, but you constantly told yourself that you weren't going to stop until everything was finished.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, and you fought the urge to look at him as he massaged the curve of it with his fingers.
"Aw don't be such a workaholic," he told you, and you nearly hissed at him, "I think what you need is a break, doctor's orders!" he exclaimed with a chuckle. "C'mon, you don't have anything that can't wait until tomorrow."
"I'm fine," you lied. You were stubborn and hated leaving things unfinished.
"You're not fine, c'mon, now the boss is telling you that you need to stop working," he urged, and you would have laughed because he was speaking in that cute whiny voice you loved had you not been so invested in your work. "I won't take no for an answer," he said with an amused smirk.
"No it's okay," you started, "I can keep going," you said, your voice lacking any sort of conviction. "I have a deadline."
"Well I said you don't, the professor gonna have to wait, last I checked you're supposed to listen to me, not that old fart," he pulled the laptop away from your grasp, and you wanted to argue but the words died in your throat as your head throbbed painfully.
"Tetsurou, I wasn't finished," you said, your voice expressing weak disapproval.
He scooped you up into his arms suddenly, humming away loudly and acting as if he didn't hear you. He carried you all the way to his room, bridal-style, which you couldn't help but giggle at, and he flopped down on the bed, positioning you on the comfortable seat that was his lap. He ran his hand along your arm, stroking the skin there as he eyed you with a suggestive look on his face.
"Migraine?" he asked. He knew you so well. You had the tendency to get migraines when you pushed yourself too much, and you groaned in response.
"You had a tough day huh?" he continued, a pout playing on his lips before he chuckled. "No biggie, I'm here to fix that," he assured, his voice somewhat soothing for once.
"It sucked," you mumbled, leaning into his touch as he stroked both of your arms with his hands, feeling yourself relax a little more. He pulled you closer against his chest, his breath tickling your neck.
"Sorry you had a shit day," he chuckled, his grin widening when you cracked a small smile, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. "But that's why you always have me to make it extraordinary!" he exclaimed smugly.
"It's fine, I had worse," you admitted, and he continued to laugh at that. You both fell into silence for a few moments. You loved that you could have a horrible day or a shitty migraine, and Kuroo would be there to help make you feel better. You were so comfortable and warm, despite the pounding in your head. But even with that pulsating ache in your head, you found yourself getting lost in the features of his face — those long ebony eyelashes, that single strand of black hair that fell in front of his forehead, the glimmer in his eyes, you drank it all in, and of course he noticed this.
"Like what you see, baby?" he raised both eyebrows inquisitively, his smirk only broadening even more so, entertained by your watchful stare.
"Maybe," you said with a light shrug, acting as if it was nothing.
He slid his hands up to your shoulders, kneading his fingers into them, and the feeling made you shiver slightly. You found yourself craving his touch almost instantly. You were suddenly very aware of his hot skin against yours and his hot breath chasing the skin on your neck.
"You know," he said before leaning in to press kisses upon your neck, "sex actually helps migraines."
As soon as he said the words, you felt him twitch against you. His lips then brushed your shoulder and you could feel his sly smirk.
"Is that so?" you asked, your voice taking a very different tone, that suggested a challenge. His fingers wandered down to the hem of your nightdress in search of the skin underneath.
"Yes, or so I've heard," he teased, making you chuckle in response.
"Make me feel better then," you whispered. You reached for the first button of your nightdress, his eyes widened a little as you worked your way down, and you emitted a soft gasp as you felt him harden against you. You popped the next one open but he quickly became impatient with your pace, he brought his hands back up and tore the dress open, letting the buttons fly about the room in loud pings before tossing it away.
You couldn't help but giggle in response to that because of how eager he was, and he quickly joined your state of laughter. Your hands fumbled to rid of the robe that covered his body, slipping it off in a hurry and allowing it to join your ripped dress on the floor. Your cheeks turned to the color of scarlet upon the sight of his stiff erection pointing up, amazed by how hard he was already.
You shivered when he cupped your breast. His hand was cold, and your nipples were already hard from the chill in the night air, but when he brushed his thumb over the sensitive tip of your breast, you sighed in pleasure. You trailed your cool fingertips down his side to his hip, your breath hitched.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he said under his breath before a chuckle slipped through, then he pressed his lips to yours. When you began to trail your fingers up and down his member, his tongue plunged into your mouth. He cupped your other breast, his thumbs brushing back and forth over your nipples. You inched forward, rubbing the ball of your thumb against the head of his member. When you were almost straddling him, you shifted your weight from your knees to your feet, sliding one arm around his neck to hold your balance as you kept fondling his member, and he nipped at your bottom lip, letting out a low, pleased moan.
"Oh shit," he growled before he added, "you're mine, all mine," he repeated, giving you one last hard kiss, then nuzzling his way down to your neck, and you arched to give him room as he brushed his lips just lightly across the tops of your breasts. You angled your hips, gripping his shoulders as you rubbed the slit of your sex into the hard length of his erection, your clit sliding against the underside of his shaft, and when he suckled against your nipple, you shuddered, making you whimper loudly.
"Mmm, yes," you murmured, closing your eyes as he lashed his tongue back and forth against your nipple, then gently bit the underside of your breast.
"So beautiful, fuck, I love how this perfect body is all mine," he cooed. He moved to the other, stroking your wet nipple as he pressed his other palm into the small of your back, guiding you as you ground against him. He murmured your name against your breast, and closed his teeth around your nipple. Your clit brushed the tip of his member and you moaned, hips trembling a little as you kept rubbing against him in a desperate attempt for some relief.
"Baby, get inside me," you moaned, and he kissed you between your breasts before he straightened. His dark-eyed gaze was intent on yours, watching as you were a complete and utter panting mess against him. He guided you up, angling himself under you, making you lean forward and you caught his earlobe in your mouth hungrily.
"Please, baby, please, oh fuck," you cried, and when he was just barely seated inside you, instantly you tilted forward, the tips of your breasts rubbing against his chest. He pressed the pad of his thumb against your clit, and you trembled as you sank onto his member, working your way down until your hips were flush.
You threw your head back as you thrust into him fervidly, losing yourself in the sensation of him inside you, filling you. When you took his full length and then gently circled your hips, his thumb still working against your clit, you both moaned aloud.
"Mmm. You feel so good," he growled. "Harder, baby," he urged breathlessly.
You adjusted your weight and he tilted back a little, changing the angle just slightly. When you began to bounce up and down on his member, he let out a louder moan, flicking your clit even harder, his other hand coming up to pluck at your breast. You cried out in pleasure when he squeezed your nipple between his forefinger and thumb, then did the same to the other.
"Yeah, babygirl, you're so fucking sexy," he panted hotly upon your moist skin, "so perfect riding my cock like this, oh fuck," he uttered gruffly around a grunt.
"Oh yes, Tetsurou," you sobbed as your inner flesh started to spasm around his member. You rode him harder, faster, seeking the friction your body craved without missing a beat, slamming your hips up and down upon his, frantically bumping into them without a care as your cries bounced off the walls of the room. "Yes, yes yes, baby, it feels so fucking good—"
"Come," he demanded hoarsely as he forcefully pressed down on your clit then slipped the pad of his finger into it with an untamed motion. Your arousal was making you shudder with desperation, and your sobs rose until you were almost screaming as he rocked up under you. Beads of hot sweat formed on his temple, making his hair stick to his warm skin as his body twitched with the sensation of engulfing you completely.
"Fuck, your pussy feels so good, baby," he praised, and your face flushed a deeper red, tipping your head back as your whole body trembled. You lifted your hips up and down as fast as you possibly could because you knew you were about to burst any second. You gripped his shoulders painfully tight for leverage when you finally reached your climax.
"Oh fuck," you mewled, rocking your hips side to side, almost corkscrewing down onto his member, and the wild movements of his finger stilled, groaning as he let himself come. You sank down onto him as he pulsed inside of you, and stayed lock to him, skin to skin, wrapped around each other.
Your head was against his neck as you panted hard upon his skin, eyes fluttering open as he tilted forward, letting both of your bodies fall back upon the soft cushion of his bed once you two shared a moment of simply attempting to get your breathing under control. He reached for the blanket, pulling it up around you two, over your bare shoulders, and then you realized you were shaking as your sweat dried on your skin.
"Mmmm," you murmured against his skin, placing a soft kiss upon his neck in a weak attempt to thank him.
Your migraine was now just a dull throbbing pain, and you felt so relaxed and satisfied that you went limp against his body. He lifted your chin up to make you face him, removing a few strands of hair from your face. He planted a couple of kisses along your shoulder and then your cheek. "So how's my girl feeling now? All better?" he asked with a chuckle, running his other hand down your back, feeling the soft flesh beneath.
"Better, much better," you purred as you stretched your body closer to his touch.
He chuckled, "Glad I could help."
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pocketramblr · 2 years
oooo okay writing game - balter, linked universe, whichever character(s) who choose
Balter- to dance gracelessly, but with enjoyment
Ask game
"The others have a lot of musical instruments, don't they." The Champion mused as the two of them explored the caves.
"You mean how the Veteran could supply an entire orchestra twice over?" Link- Traveler, the others called him, but it was so hard to stop thinking of yourself by your own name. He had no idea how the princesses had managed it- snorted.
"Well, that too." The Champion nodded, then stepped out of the way of a large boulder. "But I mean, the Old Man's ocarina, and Sky's harp, and the Pirate's stick thing."
Link considered it. The Captain and Smithy too- did that only leave one? "I don't think I've ever seen the Rancher play."
"Oh, he howls."
Link stopped, and let the Champion take the next Keese.
"He what?"
The Champion looked back at him, brows knitted together. "Oh right, you- you and the Caption weren't there that night. Uh, it's a howling type of singing. They do it in Ordon apparently. It's called yodeling."
He remembered he and the Captain's detour to the Fairy Fountain, and was not quite sad enough to regret missing out on hearing something new.
"Shame. The Captain is probably glad for it though, imagine his poor ears."
The Champion agreed with a laugh.
Link caught his boomerang, and they kept waking on, silence light between them.
He'd miss it, when this journey was over.
"So, do you sing?" The Champion asked, and Link thought maybe he wouldn't miss it that much, actually, as his ears began to burn.
Bless the darkness of the cave hiding their color.
"Ah, not really." Not in this form, not in front of others. "I can carry a tune on my whistle, but that's about it."
"Oh." The Champion seemed almost disappointed with that answer.
Had he said something wrong?
What could it have been?
"Do you sing?" Link tried to keep his confusion from his voice, but it probably bled through anyway.
The Champion snorted. "Definitely not."
The silence returned, almost as light as it was before, until it wasn't.
"I can't play any other music either. I don't remember if I ever could."
He wanted to take the whistle from his bag and give it to the other- the same instinct Link had had for years now, to part with a gift whenever he left a child or friend. The Hylian hospitality he'd learned after it saved his life on his first adventure long ago.
But his hands were full, and he could hardly teach the Champion how to play it without a second whistle, and it wasn't really something he knew formally anyway.
Not enough to teach.
A different idea stuck him like an Ache.
"Do you dance?"
"Huh?" The Champion looked like he was the one struck with no warning. "No, why?"
"Well, if the Rancher howling counts as music, I figure dancing does too."
"Oh. Probably, but like I said, no idea how."
"I can teach you." Link offered.
The Champion actually tripped.
Link took out the last bokoblin before it could capitalize on that opening, and sent a wave of fire to clear the last of the monsters in the cave.
"You can dance?" His formerly favorite exploring partner asked.
Like it was the most shocking thing in the world. Like they didn't all know the kinds of things and clothes he kept in his bag.
"I'll have you know I was brought up right, despite my best efforts." He sheathed the magical sword and put his boomerang away. Impa and Zelda Oriana had insisted on that, and learning to dance actually hadn't been so bad.
There were no fancy clothes or faraway nobels here to be the parts that were bad. So why not try?
"Why not here?"
The Champion looked dazed. Link would be worried about a concussion if he didn't know there was no cause for one today.
"Yeah. Here, I can teach you a simple one. You kick on your heal, then the other, the the first," he demonstrated with three kicks, then clapped his hands twice, "and clap. Then you repeat starting with you other foot, and just alternate like that."
The Champion gave him the same look the Old Man sometimes gave the moon- not completely trusting.
Link tried for his most earnest face, the one he made when talking to the Red Sisters about getting a healing potion.
Finally, the other nodded and repeated the meter Link had shown.
They'd make an odd sight, if there were anyone else to see. A sixteen year old Calatian heir to Hyrule, eons after his motherland vanished and his homeland changed forever, clapping his hands and calling steps as a Champion Knight both one year and one century older than him tried to dance along.
Magic brimmed under their skin, he could feel the similar lighting and protection and lift and healing that thrummed in both their veins, pushed as their hearts raced to keep up with their quickening steps.
Apparently, sharing the same hero spirit did not mean they were better at being in time with each other.
Breathing heavy- the Champion panting- he stopped. "Alright, good. So you do that like, eight or nine or ten times," no, it was probably an even number. "Well, eight or ten times."
It wasn't six, right?
The Champion huffed, but Link charitably chalked it up to being out of breath instead of doubting his instructor.
"And then, the next step,"
"There's more?"
"Just one!"
"I thought you said it was easy." He complained.
Link hadn't. "I said it was simpler. So, you take your partners arm like this, and spin while you step in- actually, just spin. Then you turn around and spin the other way. Then you go back to the first step."
They practiced that a fair while, and Link nodded. "Good. Ok, I'll play the tune on my whistle, you keep going!"
The Champion faired well until it was time for the partner step, and Link didn't move to help him.
He stared, waving his arms wildly to ask what he should do.
Link took a moment to wave his hand in a circle, and the Champion correctly read it as being told to figure it out solo.
The little spinning jump he did on his own could not be called graceful, or in time with the music, but it certainly looked fun.
He went back to the first step, and after one more set, Link lowered the whistle. He might not have been dancing, but he was just as out of breath for playing that long.
"Good job." He grinned, and the Champion's beam back was bright enough to light the cave on his own.
Which was useful, because they heard Wolfie barking outside irritably a few minutes later, and had to hurry back through the tunnels before they were dragged out.
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ssamie · 3 years
epilogue. “your girlfriend’s kinda hot”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide and suggestive themes + dirty jokes
masterlist.          suicide freak!
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"hey uh, welcome to my stream i guess" he said as he spared the camera a quick glance "im not really playing tonight because an incident has recently occurred in this household" kenma said with a tired sigh 
nobody else knew it, but the said 'incident' was y/n accidentally setting half of their living room on fire 
the reason? apparently, she wanted to try burning herself to death in the furnace. obviously, it didn't work. and all that's left from that is more shit for kenma to clean up and a trip to yosano-san. 
kenma is stressed. and y/n is still alive. both of them are facing problems. 
"can you please wear a maid outfit- no."
kenma shook his head as he continued playing, glancing at the chat once in a while to read the veiwers' questions and comments
user: how about cat ears?! 
user: u suck at this game wtf
kuroo.tetsu: hey kenma ;) 
"first of all, i do not suck at minecraft thank you very much" kenma scoffed 
"second of all, go away kuroo. im still mad at you" 
user: LMFAOOO kuroo what did u do?? 💀💀
user: he probably broke kenma's pc 
user: PLSS he's the one kenma’s throwing shade at on twitter 
kuroo.tetsu: STOP THE SLANDER 😔✋🏼
user: rooster head lookin ass 
user: ^^ NOT THE HAIR 
kuroo.testsu: 😃😃
kenma sighed as he continued building a cute little cottage. he was currently vibing, just building y/n a cute cottage for her to probably burn later on. 
and he decided it would be nice to go on stream since his oh-so-lovely girlfriend was still out for work. 
ah yes, kenma has somehow kept y/n alive all those years. 
hence why his phone was being bombarded with messages from her, all of which being blurry selfies. 
the photos had her sporting a huge grin while atsushi panicked in the background. 
user: ayo, ur phone's blowing up 
user: do you have a girlfriend? 
user: ^ ayo chill 😃
kenma simply ignored them and continued on with his task. all was going well until a loud slam was heard. his cat-like eyes widened as he heard a familiar voice singing from downstairs, it was undoubtedly y/n. 
kenma chuckled nervously and muted his mic. 
but of course, cute dumb catboy didn't actually mute his mic. haha <3
he ignored all the questions in the chat, all of them being  speculations that he has a girlfriend. which he does, but they simply did not need to know that <3
"kenma~" she yelled out "i have a surprise for you!!" she said, followed by menacing giggles. 
kenma glanced at the camera before hopping off his gaming chair and peeking his head out of the door. 
"y/n, im streaming!! stay down there!" he yelled out in panic 
"aw, you're playing hard to get aren't ya?" she chuckled 
kenma deadpanned as he saw her limping up the stairs, with her bandages torn and unravelled, same with her clothes. he didn't really think much of it since this is usually how she comes home. 
its most likely just due to work and/or another suicide attempt.
"so, kenma.. you'll never know what just happened to me today" she started off with a goofy grin 
"im streaming, atleast let me turn it off first-" 
she paid no mind to him as she peeled off her ruined coat and pointed to her poorly bandaged stomach
"i got stabbed!" 
"you got what?!"
kenma furrowed his brows as he immediately rushed over to his side, cradling her face and waist as he inspected her injuries
"are you okay, kitten?" he asked worriedly 
"yep, apparently it wasnt deep enough to be fatal" she sighed dejectedly 
"please don't be sad about that." kenma groaned "can you undress?" 
"ara ara~ whats this?" she cooed "you're getting real bold, kenma" she smirked at him 
she unbuttoned her shirt and started pulling down on her skirt "but since you asked so nicely-" 
kenma simply sighed and shook his head. "i was gonna prepare you a bath but now im considering leaving you here to die" 
"but the second option would've been better though" she smiled at him 
"oh my fucking god." 
kozume kenma. (22)
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╰─▸ university student, stock trader, pro-gamer, youtuber, ceo of bouncing ball lpt. 
╰─▸ y/n's struggling boyfriend. definitely needs a pay after all he's been through.
╰─▸ currently panicking because his girlfriend got stabbed.
l/n y/n. (22)
╰─▸ operative/member of the armed detective agency. 
╰─▸ kenma's girlfriend. kinda dumb, very hot to compensate for it. still hasn't died yet. 
╰─▸ currently bleeding and wounded. also hoping for severe blood loss.
"kenma, did you know" she mused in a teasing tone "lack of sleep and too much stress could possibly lead to poor memory and lack of awareness" 
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kenma looked up at her with a look of confusion. he was currently kneeled down before her while she was sat on the bed as he cleaned her wound up with a damp towel. 
"why are you telling me this?" he asked 
"i just thought it probably applied to you" she snickered 
"why? i didnt forget anything-" 
he cut himself off with a huge intake of air. he slowly turned his head to look at the screen which still had his stream going on. to make it worse, the camera was on and they were both clearly in the camera's field of view. 
to make things worse worse, his mic was on the whole time and the live chat was in shambles. 
"i hate it here" he sighed 
kenma laid his head on her lap as he continued on patching her up, honestly not caring that this whole scene was being recorded for thousands or millions of people to see. 
"well, atleast the internet could finally see my beauty before i die" she laughed 
she ran her fingers through kenma's hair as he grumbled under his breath. kenma was a pretty private person. he made sure not to overshare, given his current 'influencer' status. and he was planning on keeping his relationship a secret, though it seems he can't do that anymore. 
"might as well say hi" she shrugged 
so of course, she then decided to walk up to the camera looking utterly dishevelled and roughed up. 
for context, the newly wrapped bandages around her stomach was being stained already by a crimson red hue and it was only getting worse the more she moved, undoubtedly messing up her wound. 
"hi, im kenma's girlfriend and if i see you flirting with him i will make you regret it" she grinned 
"y/n!" kenma groaned from the bed "you're close to dying right now, turn the stream off" 
ignoring him, she proceeded to read the veiwers' comments, laughing at some of them while she joked around. 
user: heLLO?!?! 
user: bruh, did i just hear that right? were you fuckin stabbed? 
user: ur kinda hot tho
kenma furrowed his brows as he reluctantly walked up behind her, reading the comments with varying reactions 
user: well damn, hot bloody girl comes in and suddenly im lesbian
user: kenma looks so done
kuroo.tetsu: hi y/n ;) 
"jesus christ shut up, kuroo" kenma grumbled out with a sigh 
"yup! yup! im y/n, and no, i am not a criminal. i swear." she shook her head 
"i got an injury from my job, that's all." she cleared up 
user: tangina nyo sana ol
user: time to scratch another gamer boy off my possible bf list 😔
user: girl wtf happened to u
user: that's wack bro 🚶‍♀️
"great question, random person from the internet!" she beamed "see, what happened was.." 
"i went on a certain mission and got severely injured. though, when i called for help nobody responded" she said 
kenma furrowed his brows at her words. "why didn't anybody respond?" he asked. she sighed and fiddled with her torn bandages, pouting her lips as she does so. 
"well, when i told them that i was finally on death's door, all they said to me was 'congratulations!' and all that.." she said "what's your take on that, hm?" she asked kenma 
"im not surprised" he said 
she grinned at his words and leaned in for a kiss. "you're so mean to me, kenma~" she whined 
she licked her lips as she held his blushing face in her hands, she nuzzled their noses as she leaned in closer to him. 
kuroo.tetsu: oh shit 😳
user: we all know where this is heading ;) 
user: sana ol talaga punyemas 
user: AYO CHILL 
user: why we goin so fuckin fasstttt 😳
kenma hastily turned the camera off as soon as y/n's lips touched his. 
"kitten, were still- hmph-" 
he was only silenced as she slipped her tongue in his mouth, smirking lightly as she ran her fingers through his hair 
"thanks babe." she said as she pulled away, giving him a soft peck on his cheek and a nod "anyways.." she hummed as she turned the camera on once again 
she looked through the chat while kenma slaps his face to get rid of his blush. 
user: ur fuckin freaky 
kuroo.tetsu: oya oya 😼😼
user: not me blushing chiiilllleeeeee 🏃‍♀️
kuroo.tetsu: kenma, i didnt expect this from u 😼
user: im so fucking JEALOUS GRR😡
user: girl r u bleeding rn 😃
upon reading a certain comment, she subconsciously grazed her fingers against her bandaged wound. her eyes slightly widening as she felt a concerning amount of wetness seeping through
she glanced at kenma who was still calming himself down and inspected her wound 
"oh my.." she muttered, though she couldn't help but let a smile slip through 
so like any normal person would do, she simply ignored her bleeding wound and the fact that she was getting a bit lightheaded. haha <3
"anyways, let's answer some questions!" she beamed 
user: what's ur full name
user: what's ur job miss girl 
user: are you possibly looking for a gf, because i am more 
than willing to take the spot 🚶‍♀️
user: how did you meet?? 
"alright, those are all very nice questions" she chuckled. kenma, who's now calmed down, sat down beside her to look at the chat. 
"first, im l/n y/n" she mused "nice to meet ya" 
"second im a detective! mhm, im cooler than your fathers" 
"third, it depends, belladonna" she cooed as she sent the camera flirty smirk "are you perhaps willing to join me in a double suicide?" 
"oh god.." kenma grumbled. he pouted at her and shook his head in disapproval. "don't flirt with random girls" he whined 
"why not?" 
"uh- because i am your beloved boyfriend, is that not good enough of a reason??" 
"... anyways, we met at a cafe way back in high school" she said with a smile "also, i asked him to join me on a double suicide" she said 
she was smiling and nodding as if it was the most normal thing in the world, all while kenma nods along 
user: wtf are u okay 🗿
kuroo.tetsu: teenage romance 🤩
user: cute ❤️
user: im concerned ❤️
user: ur a detective?? cool
user: ^^ SAME 😩
user: u r still bleeding 🚶‍♀️        
kenma was simply glaring at the chat as more compliments and flirtatious comments came flowing in, all of which were directed to his girlfriend. 
"this is why i didn't wanna let people know about you.." kenma grumbled 
"aww, why not?" she asked with a playful pout 
"people are flirting with you." he sighed "also, stop asking for my girlfriend's onlyfans! she doesn't even have one!" he snarled
user: y/n-senpai spit on me 😡😡
user: drop the onlyfans 
user: chupapi munyanyo 😩
"anyways, i'd hate to ruin the mood" she chimed in with a sluggish giggle "but im so wet kenma" she whined out 
a menacing smirk was etched on her lips as kenma spluttered in response, a bright red hue covering his face almost instantly as he faced her with widened eyes 
"y-y/n! why would you say that?!" he whisper shouted 
"cuz i am" she whined out as she grabbed his hand and trailed it down her abdomen 
she faced the camera and gave them a shit-eating grin as kenma mumbled out incoherent words 
"y/n we should-" he cut himself off as he felt the concerning amount of blood drip down his whole arm 
kenma's face paled as he looked up to see her smiling like a kid in a candy store, completely unbothered. 
"y/n, you idiot! why didn't you tell me!" kenma exclaimed 
"um- my girlfriend is bleeding. excessively. so uh- bye i guess" it was all he said before hastily ending his stream and turning off his computer. 
"y/n, let's get you to a hospital" he said as he reached down to carry her away. though she simply slapped his hands off and closed her eyes. 
"nope. this is my time, kenma. don't ruin it for me" she said 
"you're fucking dying!!" 
"well, would you like to join me?" 
"damn." she muttered in response 
"so...wanna fuck?" she asked sheepishly 
"for the love of god-" 
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this was so messy :/
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
"the perfect excuse"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst mostly
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @sarcasticallywitty15 @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @sunshineandshadowss @missmulti @weasleywh0r3s @andreaareynoso @georgeweasley19 @dianarte
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa
Warnings: language, drinking, makeout getting spicy
A/N: idk what happened here, this was not planned I'm just horny ig??? Anyway have this part that was definitely not meant to unfold like this but hey, I'm not mad, so enjoy <3
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part III: shock therapy
Part IV: wrong name
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I checked myself in the mirror one last time before heading to the kitchen. There was no actual need of dressing up nicely, since we both would be spending New Year's Eve at the flat, but since Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione were coming, we decided to clean up for our guests.
"Hmm, smells good." I leaned on the doorframe, observing George finishing cooking.
"These past five months' messes paid off." He joked, grabbing a kitchen rag to clean his hands. "Can you keep an eye on it while I go get read..." He trailed off automatically when his gaze landed on me. "Woah— okay." He cleared his throat, eyes slightly widened at my outfit, and I couldn't help but enjoy a bit too much his attention. "You look really good— is that the new blouse?"
"Yup." I replied, a coy smile dancing on my lips as I stepped to him and picked the kitchen rag myself. "C'mon, go clean up nice for our guests."
It only took him a couple of minutes, since he might have had his suit ready.
"Mind lending a hand with the tie, love?" He requested, stepping into the kitchen with his attention on the shirt's cuffs which he was buttoning up.
Damn, he looked so good; it wasn't even fair.
"Y/n?" He chuckled, finally looking up.
"Uh— yeah! Sure." I threw the rag over the counter and led my hands to the tie, taking my time to make the knot; maybe I wanted an excuse to have my hands on him.
We stayed in silence until I was finished; it wasn't an awkward silence, but it wasn't comfortable either— it was, in fact, stifling.
"There you go." I more like whispered instead of talking, sliding my hands down his chest briefly. His eyebrows were knitted, trying to decipher my demeanor; his hands caught one of mines before they fell limply on my sides, and for a second, I thought he was about to do something really stupid —something I had wanted to do for the last three months—, but then the bell rang and we stepped away from each other, going to receive Ron and Hermione as if that moment hadn't happened at all.
I took a sip of my brandy as we laughed at Ron's joke, my eyes drifting to Hermione and then to Y/n's lap, where Teddy rested, giggling and blabbering nonsense at George's hand movements and funny faces.
George had confided me quite ashamed that he fancied Y/n about two years ago, but I knew the looks he gave her were of something more than a little crush, if you may.
Had I not known Y/n, I would be worried she was projecting Fred onto the younger twin, but the girl knew better than that, so when we got to experience how their domestic life unfolded during New Year's Eve, I felt nothing but happiness at the way Y/n laughed at my brother's jokes, or how she stared at him in pure adoration as he played with Tonks's and Lupin's baby.
"You're getting him waaay too exited, mate." Harry chuckled, extending his arms for Y/n to hand him the toddler. "He needs to go to sleep."
Teddy, who we had put to sleep in Y/n's room shortly after dinner, had woken up right before the New Year came to us, and, since he refused to go back to sleep, Y/n took on the task of entertaining him. George joined as soon as he witnessed Teddy's hair going rainbow-like at Y/n's actions.
"Actually, I think we all need to go to sleep." I said, leaving the glass on the table.
"Boo, you're supposed to be the youngest!" Y/n whined, earning a laughter from the rest.
"Ginny's right, though." Ron stood up and all of us followed his lead. "It's really late and I don't want mum to see us drunk when she wakes up."
"Not a good impression to make on your future mother-in-law, oi, Granger?" George's tease made Hermione's cheeks flush, murmuring an 'idiot' before giving him a hug. "Take care, all of you." He added after he and Y/n had hugged everyone goodbye.
The five of us exited the flat and apparated in the Burrow's yard in silence until Harry asked, "are they together now?"
"We don't know." I confessed with a grimace.
"Well, together or not, they're definitely fucking."
"Ronald!" Hermione exclaimed, slapping her boyfriend's arm.
"I just said what everyone else's thinking." He defended himself, and none of us could deny it.
We began to pick up the dirty plates, glasses and cutlery in order to take them to the sink and leave them there to wash them tomorrow.
"Oi, look what I found." George wiggled a firewhiskey bottle at me from the living room.
Without thinking twice, I grabbed the half empty ice cream tub I had just left over the counter, a couple of clean glasses, and I made my way to George.
"—and that was only in our... Third- no- fourth! year?" He finished the story, joining me in the giggling; I didn't doubt the story was funny, but I was sure it seemed ten times funnier because of the alcohol. "Wait- where were you back then?" He knitted his brows in confusion.
"A year below you." I laughed.
He snorted. "Below me," he took a look at his empty glass before reaching for the bottle with a laugh "hell, I wish."
I couldn't help but laugh too. "Sure you do." I wouldn't have laughed if I were sober, but then again I highly doubted he would have said that if he were sober. "Y'know- you can have me below you anytime you want, Georgie." I replied between lazy giggles, leaning on him so he would pour more firewhiskey into my glass too.
A loud snort left George, triggering one of my own. "Sure, darling." He loosened his tie and tossed it to the floor. "Why's it so hot in here?"
"Mmm... Must be 'cause of you." I threw my head back to stare at the ceiling. "Or... maybe's just the alcohol." I groaned at the feeling of my head spinning, and sat upright again to chunk the now full glass in one go. "I'm hot too."
"Oh darling... You can't even imagine how much— I mean... Every day— but tonight you look partic... particular...ly? Dashing." George was leaning back against the armchair's feet, his eyes closed, his cheeks flushed and an amused smile dancing on his lips. "Why must you be so bloody perfect?" I found myself staring a bit too much at the ginger. "There's still a conscious part of my brain that knows I shouldn't be saying this shit." An idle chuckle left his chest and one of his eyes peeked open. "I'm gonna blame the alcohol, aight?"
Right, the alcohol —The perfect excuse.
I laid my glass on the floor and got up, stumbling towards him. "Oi, careful— you don't wanna trip and fall." He laughed, steadying me with his hands as I plopped down on my knees besides him. "We won't make it to St. Mungo—" With one hand on his shoulder and one on his cheek, I went for it, cutting him mid-sentece in the process.
It was one hell of a sloppy kiss, and I was so concentrated on doing it right that I didn't even hear the moan I sent into his mouth.
What the hell are you doing?, My mind screamed.
I attempted to pull away, but I felt George's hands on my sides, clutching my clothes in his fists to tug me flush against him. I took the cue and did my best to climb onto his lap and straddle his legs without losing balance.
What we were doing felt terribly wrong, and, the morning after, we would regret this little slip so much, but in that exact moment I could only think that his lips tasted like fire whiskey, strawberry and chocolate, and that the quiet moans slipping through them between the kisses were loud enough to quiet down everything in my head.
I stopped to take a breath, resting my forehead against his; our eyes locked, pupils blown out.
Heavy pants left our lungs, as if we had just run a marathon. It felt like the kiss had made a bomb go off, one that we had unconsciously been building up those past months.
It took an instant of looking at each other to know we thought the same; we wouldn't get this opportunity ever again, so at that point, we might as well carry on and pray for it not to be too bad in the morning.
This time it was George who smashed his lips against mines, teeth clashing and tongues going in each other's mouths. The situation was escalating quick; a tad too quick, I daresay.
He cursed and mumbled something about too many clothes, proceeding to pull his shirt over his head with my help, given that he could only do so much with that amount of alcohol in his sistem.
I could do even less, though. It was proven when I first attempted to get rid of my blouse.
I struggled to unbutton it, an awkward, dizzy silence falling among us before his hands travelled to mines "Wait... Lemme..." He frowned, finding that simple task as frustratingly difficult as I did. "Bloody..." A browned off grunt left his swollen lips.
"Tear it." I mumbled, letting my hands roam over his chest.
"You sure?"
I hummed, somehow impatient. "We'll fix it tomorrow." I captured his lips once more.
We'd fix it tomorrow.
I felt his hands fisting my shirt by the cleavage before giving it a firm tug, making my gasp; I wasn't expecting all the buttons to come off in one go, given his drunken state.
I didn't even have time to discard the piece of clothing before his lips attacked my neck, shutting my brain off instantly due to the sensation.
"You want this?" He whispered in my ear, his hands going up from my thighs to my back until they reached the clasp of my bra.
Not trusting my voice, I nodded vigorously, making the world shake around me so hard that I had to shut my eyes.
I felt a feather kiss on my shoulder and his fingers unfastening the bra; he was doing his best to be smooth, which wasn't a lot, but I could tell he was trying hard.
"You're so sweet." I blurted out as his fingertips ghosted over my skin while he removed the top from my body.
He tried to reply something, but articulating kept getting harder and harder as we went deeper into it, so he gave up on words and so did I; at least until his fingers slid between my legs and started to tease me through the fabric of my remaining clothes.
"Bed." I whimpered, unconsciously rocking my hips against George's hand whilst my own travelled to his crotch, feeling his erection and consequently earning a moan from him.
"D'you think we'll make it?" He inquired, already retreating his hand briefly so we could stand up.
Soon enough we were stumbling to my room, hands all over each other, bumping against the furniture and walls due to not being able to stand upright.
When we fell on the bed and tossed the rest of our clothes to the floor, it began to dawn on me how bad this was going to be.
My head was pounding violently in my skull; that's most likely the reason why I woke up. It took a moment for the blurry memories of the previous night to flash into my mind.
"You feel... so good..."
"Fuck- George— faster, please..."
"Y/n— I'm-"
"No." I shoot up, not acknowledging that Y/n was still asleep by my side. "Fuck no. Nononono." I ignored the terrible headache caused by the hungover and, grabbing my clothes, I exited the room. "No fucking way." I kept mumbling to myself, stalking to my dorm to throw on some fresh clothes.
I sat on my bed, my hands running through my locks, bringing back the memories of Y/n's tugs on them in the process.
"What the fuck did I do." I almost choked on the sentence.
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rudemaidenswrite · 4 years
Don't Belong Here
Part 1
Fandom: Bright
OC Fogteeth Orc x Reader
By: @pusantheamazonian​
You're dragged to one of the monthly Fogteeth party's against your will. For once it doesn't end up a bad night for you.
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The music's too loud, there's too many people and now this. You’re staring up at the orc, and he’s standing in front of you mumbling something.
"Sorry but you're going to have to speak up. Bad hearing." Tapping your right ear, you scoot over on the couch. Allowing him to sit down.
"You don't belong here." Huffing he leans over before sitting.
Chuckling, you already knew that. A packed house party with strobe lights, mosh pit  and dubious activities is not your idea of a fun time. You'd rather be at home under a mound of blankets with all the food watching Gravity Falls.
Why not amuse him. It's not like you're going to come to another one of these ever again and he'll probably be with someone else by the end of the night.
"Flaming red asshole hair." Pointing at the bar. "My sister and her girlfriend. They are the ones who dragged me here."
"Yeah they've been here before." Nodding he takes a drink.
"Said I was a bad night shifter and needed to socialize. So this." Gesturing at yourself. You had purposely worn an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. Sat in the back corner away from everyone. So that people would avoid talking to you but not this guy. Apparently he didn't get the memo.
“Sitting in the corner is not socializing.” Teasing he gives you a lopsided grin.
“Eh, close enough.” Waving your hand you dismiss that accusation.
The more you look at him, he's kinda cute and not entirely threatening looking. You know orcs have quite a bit of range on them. From looking terrifying to absolutely adorable. He's chunky but it works for him, honestly it's doing it for you.
God this not what you are supposed to be doing. So what if he's your type. Stop oolging. The Fogteeth jersey he's wearing means he's bad news.
"Name's Ronnie."
"Y/N." You quickly scan the crowd to make sure you haven't lost your two hooligans. Cause those bitches would leave you for a dirty alley quickie. And you’ve lost them. "Is it always this loud?"
"The barbeque is a lot quieter."
"I would hope so." You don't know why but you find yourself smiling and laughing. The more you talk to him the less grumpy you are about being here. His humor is out there but he's very pleasant to talk to.
God. He doesn't know what's going on. You smell faintly of blackberries. He keeps getting a whiff every time you lean in to hear him. Most humans run away in disgust from him, especially women. But you're still here.
You don't know how long it's been, hours you imagine but you're ripped from peace very suddenly.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Your sister is screaming at the top of her lungs.
"What Charlie?" Panicked, you immediately stand up.
"Come on! You're up next. You can't miss your turn!" She’s jumping excitedly.
"Turn for what?" Confused, you look at Ronnie hoping he might know. He shakes his head no. You haven't seen anyone playing games that would require turns.
"You'll see." Giving you a suspicious smile and pulling your arm.
As she starts to drag you away, you instantly grab a hold of Ronnie. Dragging him with you through the sea of people. You know her suspicious smiles never lead to anything good. It’s best to have another witness or at least someone on your side.
To his surprise he lets you drag him along. Your warm hand tightly interlocked with his. Whatever your sister has planned can't be that bad.
He was wrong.
"You got to be kidding me."  Horrified you let go of everybody and back away. Charlie has led you to a back room where it is fight club night.
"Nope!" Olivia is squealing, suddenly appearing on your left. Trying not to shake in excitement or else she'll spill the contents in her arms. "Three shots of Everclear and a can of Fat Orc."
"Are you serious? This the real reason you brought me?"  This is so uncalled for and obviously something that they have planned. They've been doing shit like this a lot lately.
"No we did want you to socialize but then we found this and everything else was thrown to the side." Olivia rambles on.
"I hate y'all so much." So offended you can't process what’s really happening.
"Awe come on you can do it." Charlie tries to pep talk you further into it.
"No I'm not! I'm not thunderdome-ing it so y'all can win some money. This-" In processing of telling them off you're interrupted by an asshole.
"Yes run on home girl. This is a man's room. Don't want you to hurt yourself." Sneering he leaves just as quickly as he appeared.
"That's your opponent." Olivia whispers.
"How much Charlie?" Glaring you watch him disappear back into the crowd. Fuck it. Eye twitching, inner alpha bitch activated.
"$100." She knows you're hooked now.
"Give it." Still staring off into the direction he went, you hold a waiting hand out. Grinning wickedly Charlie tosses the Fat Orc at you. Cracking it open, you chug the entire thing in one go. With the boiling rage inside of you, the can is crushed with one hand. Everything else can wait. This asshole needs to be taught a lesson.
The current fight ends and the orc ring leader is yelling out different things. The bookie next to him is frowning. Apparently he betted on the wrong guy.
"Give me your sweatshirt and finish the shots.” Olivia giggles.
"Hold your horses." Grumbling with a grimace you downed the last shot. Somehow your sweatshirt’s already off and Charlie's pushing into the ring. It's a stupid makeshift ring. Just a circle outlined in chalk.
"Place your bets!" The ringleader shouts.
"Oh you going to stay?" He smugly questions.
"To beat your sexist ass? I wouldn't miss it." Snapping back you're fueled with liquor and hatred. Dude looks like a unsanitary version of fuck boy. Which just further fuels the fire.
He can’t believe what he's seeing, you have transformed into a completely different person. The quiet girl who didn't even want to be here is now a feral animal.
A crowd is gathering. Often it's human men that enter the ring on these nights. Testing how long they can last against an orc or other humans. Rare is it that a woman enters, even rarer that they win. Causing this much uproar has reached the top of the command chain. Seeing Dorghu enter the room. Everything has escalated and Dorghu happens to stand next to him.
"With the house cut, she'll get over $900 if she wins." Craft informs.
“Who is she?” Dorghu demands, not many capture his interest.
“She came in with Ronnie.” Craft grins at him.
"Ronnie?" Dorghu turns in surprise.
"We were talking then her sister brought her back here.” Nodding at Charlie. “He made a sexist comment and she flipped. Did three shots, a can of Fat Orc and got in. She’s been drinking water all night."
“Interesting.” Dorghu turns back to the match to watch you counter a punch and punch him in the middle of the throat. With a kick to the stomach you knock him to the ground.
"The winner!" An orc yells to a sea of angry groans, briefly holding your arm up. Exhausted everything is spinning, ears are ringing and the liquor burps start.
"Give me my stuff." Slurring you almost lose your balance looking for Charlie and Olivia. Staggering a few steps you make it safely to them. You have forgotten everything about Ronnie and exactly where you are. It's too hot in this room and you need a nap. You are going to regret everything in the morning. Tugging your hoodie back on you doesn't bother zipping it.
The bookie appears as you're putting everything back into your pockets. Of course you have to be the one to collect the money.
"$936 all yours." Smiling he hands you the cash. You see his eyes dip for a second before leaving to collect money for the next round.
"Thanks." Great, he just got an eye full down your shirt. What a pervert. Spinning back to the hooligans, it is time for their punishment. "Ten for you and ten for you. Two four six eight for me."
"Come on-" Whining Charlie starts pouting.
"Zip it! It's whatcha get for signing me up without my permission." You whip around determined to give it back to the bookie.
You visibly pause when you make eye contact with Dorghu. You're not stupid you vaguely know what he looks like. Change of plans. Drunk you who is still pissed has decided on a new dumb plan. You march straight to Dorghu, maintaining eye contact. Everyone watching you is confused.
Out of sheer intoxicated boldness you grab his hand and put the winnings in it.
"Keep it. Fun party. It was nice talking to someone besides Ronnie's kinda cute. So do what you do."  
The room freezes. You can feel the tension but could care less about it. Clear as day you touched the leader like it was nothing then spoke perfect Bodzvokhan to him. Before toddling off complaining about getting fresh air and water.
Your sister said you were probably at the car cooling off. He checked the parking lot twice. No sign of you. That's until he gets a whiff of you.
After making it outside you disappeared down an alley by the car. Much quieter, no people and the breeze is nice. Sitting on the ground you can feel yourself nodding off.
"Ah!" Jumping from the sudden cold against your neck. It's Ronnie holding a water bottle. "Dang it Ronnie you scared the bejeezus out of me." You accept the water bottle.
At this position you can really see how tall and massive he is. Sort of reminds you of the Strongman Champion Brian Shaw. Your mind drifts, wondering how he would taste and feel in your hand. Your insides quiver from the thought. What the fuck? Trying your hardest you focus on the bottle.
"You shouldn't be trying to sleep in the alley then."
"Fair point. Thank you for the water." Struggling for a second you finally open the water.
"You speak Orc?" From this angle he can see straight down your shirt. He can see that you were hiding a great set under that hoodie.
"Learned it in high school trying to impress a boy. Some of my co-workers are orcs so it works out." Shrugging speaking Orc isn't a big deal, anyone can learn it.
"You didn't say you could fight."
"Honestly, it's like some drunken boxing Kung Fu shit but the more intoxicated I am. The more berserker I get when fighting." Taking a swig of water. "I don't usually drink or purposely get into fights."
"Damn baby." Taking the risk, you have been an enjoyable companion tonight. Why not see what the limit is.
"Don't call me baby." You aggressively glare at him to make a point.
"Whatever you say, Sprinkles." Putting his hands up in surrender, he needs to change the subject quickly.
"Sprinkles? That…that's different but okay." Weird name to choose but he seems to get the point.
"How's your hearing?" Lowering himself, he sits down beside you. He has no plans for tonight.
"Much better. I can clearly hear you and not have to be all up on you just to listen."
You see his ears twitch at that comment. Maybe he does like being close to you.
"Brave move you did. Handing the money directly to Dorghu."
"Yeah. But it's the only way I knew how. The money would make it back for the next party. Does that make sense?"
"I get your point."
"I don't need the money and it's payback for them setting the fight up in the first place." You give him a mischievous eyebrow wiggle.
"So you think I'm cute?" Blurting out the question was not the smoothest thing he had planned but it’s the easiest way.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Your face gets a little warmer and you stare at the opposite wall. Hard. You forgot he could speak orc.
"Don't worry I think you're cute too."
"What?" Surprised and suspicious. You can't help but to stare at him like he’s crazy as you feel your heart rate speed up. "Are you sure it's not because I just kicked someone's ass?"
"About 90% sure." Teasing he gives you a genuine smile.
"Y/N!" Charlie yells.
"Y/N! We're ready to go!" Olivia is screaming.
"Y/N! Where - oops sorry for interrupting." Charlie yells louder, now walking down the alley. Until she sees you two.
"You two could wake the neighborhood." Groaning, you're still annoyed with them. It's going to be a long car ride home.
"Rude! Not my fault you're deaf." Charlie scoffs.
"Wait by the car!" You fling a rock in their direction and they scamper away.
“Oh I'm going to end up snapping one day and killing them.” Groaning you heave yourself off the ground. Ronnie does the same while trying not to laugh.
"Sprinkles, you get more interesting by the second. How about I get your number so I can stay up-to-date?" In bold fashion he holds his phone out.
"Really?" Stunned, no one’s asked for your number before.
"Yes." Nodding in reassurance.
"I guess since you're so adamant." Pretending to be exasperated, you enter your number under the name Sprinkles. Turns out socializing for once wasn't that bad.
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sxdmoonchxld · 4 years
Tell Me U Luv Me| MYG
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Summary :  You should have stopped this a long time ago. Hell it wasn't even supposed to begin. But now it's too late no matter how hard you try you always go back to him. And now he wants you to tell him the feelings you've been hiding...the feelings you weren't supposed to have.
Genre: smut, smidge of angst, fluff if you cross your eyes and read it upside down
Theme: Infidelity
4k words
Warnings: Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Fingerfucking, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Begging, Multiple Orgasms, Fuckbuddies, Bad Dirty Talk
a/n: i use to be lizardsocial, so if this seems familiar that's why.
You stood outside the cracked door to his room shaking as frenetic nerves fired through the synapses of your brain. The cold draft flowing from the inky darkness escaping the room assaulted the warmth of your skin with coolness. Galvanizing waves of charged currents rushed through your bones, blunt teeth worried the inside of your lip as sizzling bubbles of anxiety, and zealous anticipation boiled in the pit of your gut.
"Are you going to just stand out there the whole night? " His voice, sonorous and smooth akin to dripping molasses reverberated softly through the quiet hallway. 
His words mixed to the distorted pulsing of the blood in your veins. Flowed so heavenly to the crashing drumline beat of your heart resonating violently in your ears. You glanced down focused on the jittery motions of your hands. Remorse and guilt waged in the jumbled mayhem of your thoughts. For a spilt second. Oh such a painful second the image of your original lover manifested itself through your cloud of ignominy. This was wrong, the truth apparent. It didn't take a genius to deduce how inequitable and sickening it is. He didn't deserve this cold dose of adultery and deceit you served him with a cum smeared smile.
But you are weak.
There were several countless failed tries, where you sought to stay away. To purify yourself of his narcotic magnetism, to expunge all late-night escapades unraveling when the moon kisses the sky. Altering to omitted memories to never resurface in the sunlit horizon. Many times there a been that expected moment of reasoning. Albeit choosing to strike post-coital when you’ve been belatedly freed from the smog of arousal. Momentarily sated with the pulsating of your cum filled cunt. It’s usually then, only then you find yourself with the urge - the need to flee. 
To be spooned in the warming embrace of your loving, naive boyfriend. To shield you from the freezing chills of your sins, and help sooth the pain as you reflect on your harrowing actions. Pathetically the shame, pain and regret are wistfully short-lived emotions, forgotten like an old childhood toy. Not soon after, in their place the yearning begins. Boiling at odd hours in the night, symptoms of withdrawal surfacing, devising you desperate.
Oh so fervent
Aching - desirous for your next moment with him.
He is slick and cunning like a snake. Coiled in captivating colors, poisonous, yet so enticing. He was no good for you, it was no secret. But when it all bubbled down to a concentrated thought. You were like a drug fiend, addicted to the empirical taste of his angel dust. Caught deep in the sweet down spiraling remedy that was Min Yoongi. He was the proverbial forbidden fruit and the serpent mix into one deadly package. 
Not much coaxing was needed to take a bite. His tempting words and intoxicating presence was just enough to seal your fate. So with unsteady sock laden feet, your body propelled toward the dimmed room. The creator of your greed and secret ruler of your body waiting just beyond the door.
“I didn't think you were coming."
How funny. In a pathetic way that is. He didn't think you were going to come? Where could he possibly get that idea from? Admittedly it's been a while since the last encounter with busy and conflicting scheduling keeping you apart. Though not once have you missed that hypnotizing tune that always led you to him. Not once have you denied him a chance to ravage a body that was never his from the beginning.
“Did you finally get him to fall asleep?”Yoongi mused, the bed creaking lightly as he rose from lying down. You watched as he began walking towards you with a steady gait. The lamp on his nightstand casting a shadow to hide the right side of his face. Shivering you nodded, a small shaky smile of fondness playing on your lips as you reminisced your boyfriend's excitement over their new album.
"Good. You know how restless Namjoon gets when we have new material on the way." Spoken like a man who knew his best friend, his fucking brother. Yoongi was right though, it took time and patience to soothe a riled Namjoon. 
Listening to hours of animated rambling, chatted amid eye-watering yawns and repetitive strokes through chemically damaged, yet soft and lush strands of hair. Though once his burning enthusiasm trickled down to a burnt-out wick, he was dead to the world.
"Yeah. I know." You responded with stifling discomfiture, a wave of salty transgression washing on the sandy banks in your chest. It was an unspoken rule. Namjoon was not to be mentioned in the immoral extent of you and Yoongi. Not to be slandered and tainted with the actions that would inevitably condemn you to hell. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about him while in this place, in this position; in this context. It served no relief. Only proving to be a conduit of neglected emotions that would be mulled over in the future. 
You flinched at chilled forearms enclosing around your waist. The thin silk material of your nightgown, ineffectively blocking the cold press of his fingertips against the lower portion of skin on your back. Yoongi habitually kept it cold in his room. He joked claiming he liked the way your nipples hardened to stiff little nubs when they met the air. Yet he knew the biting element of his room did naught to rouse your body. It was him, simply him.
"I've missed you," he spoke soft and sweetly with cool lips resting patiently below your ear. His heated breath a spreading raised goosebumps to the surface of the skin on your neck. Pulling back to glance at him, you internally gasped. The verve burning in his eyes as he stared at you unwaveringly, was startlingly surprising. The passion swirling in his chocolate orbs were strange but not unfamiliar. Still, they held his desire and lust, but there was something else mixed in that was unknown, and didn't belong there. It made your heart speed up and palpitate uncomfortably beneath your ribs.
Scowling, your eyes dropped at his words and your own foolish flare of emotions. Of course he missed you, but not in the same way you missed him.
"You just missed my pussy Yoongi," you said unfiltered because it was true and despite knowing that truth, you hated the way your heart pained with a tinge of sadness.
‘No! Feelings weren't to be caught’, you scolded yourself mentally. It was unfortunate enough that you were already addicted to the sex with him. A weakness that you were failingly to recover from, a flaw Yoongi exploited with sick joy. The extent of this relationship carried no purpose beyond a way to release the sexual tension. 
Temporarily rectified by secretive fucking behind his best friend and your boyfriend, Namjoon's back. Any feelings could and would utterly ruin you, except in the recess of your mind, you knew it was too late. The opening for evacuating slipped through your fingers the moment you opened your legs for him.
"It's okay because I've missed your cock." You tried cooing seductively, the partial lie trailing with the hand maneuvering between your frames as you lightly palm him through his sweatpants. An exciting jolt and rush of arousal raced down your spine at the discovery of his cock already at half-mast. Yoongi hummed appreciatively at the feeling of the palm of your hand rubbing slow circles on his clothed member.
"Hmm, are you sure that's all you miss?" he asked his hands languidly stroking your waist.
"I can assure you, your tight little pussy isn't all that I missed from you." His eyes burned into you like he was capable of seeing the hidden parts of your soul. Jarred, your palming slowed down to a stop. Your hands falling limply to your sides and brow bone turning down into a perplexed frown.
"Y-Yoongi, what are you talking about?" You tried pulling away from his hold, exceedingly confused to the implication behind his words. That out of place, foreign emotion whirling deeper, burning brighter in his eyes. 
This wasn't like Yoongi, in fact, it was unnervingly out of character. He wasn't one for teasing or insignificant banter. Honestly, you were surprised you were still on your feet and clothed. If this were like any another of your previous encounters, you would already be on your back. Legs lewdly spread, your gushing pussy filled to the brim, trapped in the clutches of primal fulfillment.
"W-what are you talking a-about." He mocked, tongue sucking his teeth.
"Don't try and deny it. I see right through you. In you."
Enthralled, Yoongi pushing you towards his bed didn't register in your muddled brain until the plush softness of his bedspread cradled your spine. You flinches as hands slammed down beside you caging your head in among extended elbows and bent knees straddled over trembling thighs. 
Yoongi drew his head down to your neck and like a bitch in heat, your neck craned effortlessly. Lips parting for the escape of an airy whine at his warm lips on your skin. The next Picasso in the making he nipped at the column of your neck, sucking your skin with differing pressure, painting the bare canvas with blotches of cherry and mulberry.
Another big no-no.
"Y-you can't see a-anything, because t-there is nothing t-to s-see." you lied again, stuttering terribly in between breathless pants. Yoongi chuckled, you could feel his leer against your skin.
"I can feel it-," he said with a tender lick to the blemishes littering your neck. His head moved down your chest, irritatingly feather-light pecks left by a brush of his lips. His mouth coming to rest over the swell of your breast where your heart pounded furiously below his lips. "-the way your heart beats for me."
A large hand abandoned its post beside your head, cupping a breast wrapped in delicate silk. Gently he massaged the soft tissue, alternating amidst firm and gently caresses. The meat of your breast spilling between clenching fingers. You arched your chest further into his hands, fluctuations of venereal relief rippled from his touch, your throat fluttering out moans. Warm wetness engulfed your other unused breast. Helpless you keened lustily and flagrantly, as flat teeth nipped at the hardened nub poking through the material of your gown. 
Another lusty moan rumbled from your throat as a thick tongue began laving around the bud to soothe the sting of his bite. Your nipple stiffened further the cold air hitting the wet splotch, as Yoongi detached from the fabric encased teat. With seductive chocolate feline-like eyes scorching with ardor. His gaze lingered to your exposed thighs and the bunched up bundle of cloth resting on the apex of your legs.
Your heart throbbed in a frenzy when you noticed the focus of his gaze. Was he actually thinking about eating you out? As long as this affair has been occurring, never did he perform the act, or hint at wanting to. Judging by the cockiness of his rap lyrics, its apparent he is confident in his skills. 
There was usually little to no foreplay, with your pussy easily dripping like the cock slut it has proven to be. Not much needed to be done to have you soaking for Yoongi. A couple of rough fingering thrusts with stomach coiling pressure against your g-spot and you were ready to meet him raw and ready.
A lecherous leer quirked the corner of his lips, he trained his eyes on you as he shifted down your body, his stomach now flat against the bed. You yelped when frigid fingertips seized the flesh of your thighs yanking you closer to his face. The rest of your nightgown rising up to rest in a crumpled heap underneath your breast. He snickered condescendingly at the exposure of the slick wetness coating the center of your panties. 
Unfazed, thick fingers pressed into your dampness, collecting more of your arousal in the seat of your panties. You always got so wet for him, copious fluid dribbling to catch between your ass cheeks, your cunt pulsating wildly in anticipation, eager for his next move. With no hesitation, Yoongi pushed his nose into your pussy, the tip nudged against your covered clit, shamelessly breathing in your fragrance deeply.
"I can even smell it." Another deep inhale through his nose and a hot exhale through his mouth.
“So sweet.”
He pushed your panties to the side, a trail of sticky slick following its wet departure.
"I bet I could even taste it. How much you missed me."
You whimpered, your hips shoving up in silent desperation. You wanted, no needed Yoongi to give you more. You weren't accustomed to being teased, never having to beg. Yoongi always delivered with hip bruising, backbreaking, unrestrained strokes, his cock splitting your walls in rapid succession. That was what you were accustomed too. It was what you thought he wanted, the foundation of this liaison, fast and rough fucks. This time something was off. Things were changing, his intentions shifting, and you were scared, deathly frightened. 
That even an ounce of his true affection, would overpower you. The taking over of your being complete, the tipping point of your inevitable overdose. An abrupt bloom of pleasure unfurled in your lower gut as Yoongi spread your pussy lips lewdly. The thumb of his hand hooked deep within your ribbed walls, your cunt clenched tightly around the thick digit. The stark temperature difference of his thumb and the torrid heat of his ascending tongue drew a high- pitched yelp from your throat. Searing energy blossomed through your core as the tip of his tongue flicked off your fattened clit at his first swipe. Brazen and amplified he sucked on his pink muscled appendage mouth parting loudly with a pop.
"You taste delicious, sweet like I said," he complimented before burying his face in your pussy. His thick tongue squirmed within your core joining his thumb, as it shoved as deep as it could reach before it started flicking out in an amalgam of movements liquifying your insides. You cried out helplessly throwing your head back against the mattress, your hips angled high pressed against his face to him feed more of your cunt.
"Tell me I’m better," He spoke around mouthfuls of your center. You whined, his words cutting through the buzzing vibrations in your ears. He was better than Namjoon, on a different spectrum. It was evident in how your body sang for him, how your hips ground helplessly on the twisting muscle inured so fathomlessly in your cunt. But you couldn't say it, you wouldn't dare say it out loud even though the words burned the base of your throat. That was too close in crossing forbidden territory.
"Tell me how much you missed me." His tongue drew your clit in his mouth, plush lips sucking the corded nub.
"No!" You denied him for the first time.
You just couldn't say those words no matter how much your vocals cords seized to shout the words Yoongi’s request. A muffled chuckle spilled out of him at your surprising defiance. He was calm in his movements, his thumb dragging along your walls to shift to press up against your g-spot, applying pressure with each outward stroke. His gaze was heated, staring at you over the mound of your cunt, balmy puffs of air fanning over your jumping clit as he spoke.
"Tell me how much you missed this. Us. How right this feels."
"Tell me how much better I am than him-" he demanded again. "-can he make your body sing like I can?"
"Y-Yoongi," you gasped harshly sweat permeated on your skin. Descending over the valley of your breasts in opaque pearls. You couldn't say it. Ceasing his stroking thumb, the whine bubbling in your throat was choked down by the replacement of two of his fingers. Scissoring them apart, his fingers curved on your g-spot assaulting the area with pressurized tenacity. With lips back on your clit sucking all the collected fluids down his greedy throat. Your teeth clenched together, hands fisting into the bedspread, your thighs shuddering terribly around his body.
"How much you wished, that was me fucking your pussy 5 days ago instead of him."
You gasped at his words surprise and fear mixed with lust, distorting your features into an almost comical expression. Yoongi laughed cynically.
"Didn't think I'd find out, would you kitten?"
Fucking Namjoon was more so out of guilt than some kind of vendetta against Yoongi. Namjoon was your boyfriend for fuck's sake, you couldn't go on denying him for much longer without him becoming suspicious; if he wasn't already.
"N-o, no!" Still you denied him, unwillingly to come to terms with the truth, both the latter and internally.
Toes folded in on themselves as Yoongi sped him his fingers to deep thrusting aimed directly for the spongy bundled of nerves. Your orgasm started intensified at an alarming pace, you could feel it in the way your stomach cramped. How your hips sloppily thrust toward Yoongi's face, your back arched off the bed. Soft, euphoric cries ruptured from your larynx, binding themselves onto the edge of every fleeting gaspy breath disbanding in the air. You slapped your hands over your mouth to muffle your scream, the sudden snapping ties of your pleasure, hitting you with the force of a freight train. Your upper body flailed around on the bed, unrestrained portions of your legs kicking out at the intensity of your orgasm. Your eyes pricked with tears and lungs suffocated as they were robbed of air.
Floating in post-orgasmic limbo, you vaguely registered his fingers withdrawal from your clenching cunt or the shuffling of his sweats pants down his hips or he hiking of your legs to perch against his waist. It wasn't until the fevered eagerness of his leaking cock head pressing against your quivering core, did you return from the clouds. 
Yoongi stroked the skin of your thighs with sticky tenderness, his face coming closer to yours to capture your chapped lips in a sweet kiss. You gasped in frail distress and shock, your heart constricted tightly within your chest. Stars bursted behind your eyes at the strange feeling of his lips moving against your own. Another act taboo in the relationship that was this. Yoongi seized the perfect opportunity to ease his tongue into your mouth, dancing with your own. He was tart with your flavor, mixed with his addicting treacle.
Gradually his cock split your glossy folds, breaching your cunt's hole with the tip of his cock. You cried out in his mouth, detaching your lips from his. A string of conjoined spittle landing on your cheek as you turned your head to the side. Yoongi's lips followed you, connecting your mouth once again as he began surging his cock, deep, deep, and deeper. The slow pace allowing you to feel the burning stretch, every eager throb of his cock, every engorged vein pulsing under his skin. 
Yoongi didn't give you much time to adjust as he started his leisure strokes. He barely withdrew before he was spearing you back on his cock, much deeper than before. Tearing your mouth from him again, you gasp with the stinging need of air, a forearm coming over to cover your face. The bright light of the lamp on his nightstand shining across your face suddenly a nuisance, as you greedily swallowed in the fresh air between mewling cries of pleasure.
"Does your slutty pussy squeeze him as tight as your squeezing me?" Yoongi grunted reducing his already sluggish pace, his hips rotating with each stroke.
Your head felt like it was ready to implode. You were overheating, short-circuiting, the blood in your veins boiling and curdling. Namjoon infiltrated your thoughts, his kind hardworking nature, how much he loved and adored you, but was it enough? Did you even love him anymore? Or were you stolen away by the man he considers his brother? It was all becoming too much, Yoongi's slow strokes and demanding queries were causing you to overthink. You needed him to speed up, to fuck your brains out so you wouldn't have to be pestered with your evolving thoughts.
"Yoongi, I-I need you to speed up. I want you to fuck me faster, fuck me harder please!" You begged as if your life depended on the tempo of his thrusts, and in a way it did, at least your sanity did.
"Shhh" he cooed. One of his hands abandoning its place on your lifted legs, to come and pry your arms away from your face. Your breath hitched as your blurry gaze focused in on the unbridled emotion raging in his dark eyes.
"Tell me I'm the one you want." He eased out of your body, grunting lowly as your cunt clutched desperately at his retreating cock.
"Tell me I'm the only one who owns you, who owns your heart." Again he sunk back within your depths.
"Tell me you love me and not him, and I'll fuck you until your coming on my cock."
Yoongi promised in one swift stroke buried deep within your cunt, speeding up his thrust to his usually relentless rhythm. You screamed in familiar delight, arms wrapping around his neck in a loop. Your breast crushed into his chest, fingernails embedded in his shoulder leaving raised red crescents. You could already feel your second orgasm approaching, your cunt enclosing Yoongi's cock in a vice-like grip, you never lasted long when he rammed into you like this. It was what you needed, the perfect escape to the feelings boiling in your chest. Another mind-numbing orgasm and he would follow suit, then you could leave and close this chapter of your life, the end of a book with a bittersweet ending.
"Oh, no you don't." Yoongi tsked. He knew the telltale signs of your orgasm, he ruled your body with an iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove. Reducing his strokes to that of a snail's pace, he laughed at your wail of frustration, a bead of sweat dropping off his body at the shake of his shoulders. How obtuse of you to think he was going to let you come without you telling him what he's been dying to hear from your lips the whole night, for months.
"Say it. Open that pretty mouth sweetheart and tell me what I want to hear." Yoongi cooed, his cock now surging into your depths with shallow, unfulfilling strokes.
"Yoo-ngi." You hiccuped clamping your eyes tight. The coiling tightness of your orgasm was still there, maybe if you concentrated hard enough-
"Say it! Tell me you love, how I love you!" Your eyes flew open, dilating to focus on a blurred image of Yoongi. Him? Love you? How? Why?
"Yes, I love you." He said smoothly, no hesitation, not an inkling of regret, just confidence and love glimmering in his eyes.
"Now. Tell me you love me too and don't lie." Yoongi reiterated with a rough thrust.
"I-I don-" your mouth opened and closed, a fish out of the water you were caught. You fell back on to the bed, a hand placed on your chest over the blood-filled organ crashing against your chest. Your heart captured by another, no longer could you deny it, deny him, deny yourself. So with a heavy heart...you told him. "I love you."
You didn't want to. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. A one-time thing, he...you let escalate too far. Now it was too late. The truth was out now, and all hell was about to break loose.
"Tell me again."
You strangled on a wad of spit at the sudden rough thrust, your teeth clanking together at the single motion. "I love you."
Yoongi groaned loudly, the loudest you think you've ever heard from him at your affectionate confession. His hands readjusted themselves off your thighs to better support himself as he began lifting his your legs to rest on your chest, your knees pushed into your breast. Immediately his hips set off at a fast pace, the slaps of his balls hitting your ass nearly rivaled the shout of pleasure or the wet slapping of where you were connected. 
Your hips met his with bruising contact, but you didn't care, the angle of his cock drilled at your g-spot relentlessly. Black and white dots floating in your vision, eyes rolling in the back of your head. Jumbled repeats of his name wretched themselves from your lips, you were sure the other boys in the shared apartment could hear your cries of satisfaction. Namjoon as well.
You didn't care, your love for Yoongi, the feeling of his cock in your guts, was the only thing on your mind. A couple of more thrust and your orgasm was ripped from you, your legs thrashing about in Yoongi's hold. The sweet pull of your cunt on his cock bringing forth his own release, and with one last surge of his hips, the bulbous head kissing your cervix, he spurted warm ropes of his cum straight into your womb. Breathlessly he dropped your legs from his hands, a mixed wad of your and his cum spilling out from around him. Gently he withdrew and fell onto the bed beside you, lowly he sighed in satisfaction.
"Tell me again."
You told him.
"I love you."
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 43 - Finale (Pt. 5)
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"Okay, what if we used some nitrocellulose and mixed it with an oxidized ethanol?" Varain asked.
Honey Lemon pursed her lips. "Uhmmm, wouldn't that just make the chimball explode?"
"Uh, yeah. That's the point."
"I don't know….It sounds kind of dangerous."
Varian and Honey Lemon hovered over the chemistry set inside Big Hero Six's new lab.
As soon as Chief Cruz and Megan had left the Lucky Cat this morning, Hiro had called everyone together to meet at their headquarters. He had to pick up a new set of armor, and he wanted to tweak everyone else's suits to help prevent Supersonic Sue from disarming them again.
While Hiro worked on that, Varian was taking this time to build himself a new arsenal of alchemical orbs with Honey Lemon's help.
"Relax," he said as he reached over to pick up a test tube full of some green liquid  "I won't throw it at anybody. It's just in case those robot ninjas show up again."
"Yeah, but you don't want any fire to accidentally spread." Honey Lemon argued. "What if we made something more contained? Like, oh, like what if we compressed some air inside the chimball?" She held one of the empty shells up. "That way when you threw it and it exploded, it would only hit the target with a concussive blast. There's no chance of that catching on fire."
Varian tilted his head in thought and took the shell from her.
"Yeah, that could work; on one of them. What if there's more than one? What if they gang up on you?" He asked as he poured the green liquid into the shell, sealed it, and clipped it to his belt.
"Well then we can just use the ice bombs to freeze them all at once." She replied.
"Yeah, I guess so." Varian agreed, and pulled out the liquid nitrogen to make the ice bombs with.
As they were finishing up this task, and Varian was hooking the last of the chemical orbs to his Saporian belt, Honey Lemon said, "You know this was fun. You should help out more often. Oh, we could go on patrol together or, maybe come up with new-"
"Oh no, no, nope, I'm not a hero." Varian interrupted as he shook his head.
Honey Lemon pouted at this.
"I'm just here cause I'm worried about Hiro." Varian explained.
Honey Lemon eyes went wide as she realized what Varian was getting at. She had been there when Hiro first found out about Callaghan's role in Tadashi's death; and she had been the one to stop Baymax from attacking and killing the professor.
"I don't know what good I'm doing though." Varian went on.
"You're doing a lot of good." She assured him.
"Am I? Cause, like, I'm not one to talk about 'being the bigger the person' or how 'you need to take the high road.' Honestly I don't even agree with this whole superhero thing. I mean, yes what y'all are doing is great, and yes, I'm all for helping Abigail, but… Callaghan…"
Honey Lemon mulled over his words. "But if we don't help, who will?"
Varian threw up his hands in defeat. "Yeah, that's what Hiro said…. but you didn't see him. You didn't see how much just having that one little computer chip destroyed hurt him…. I just don't know how this is all going to play out if we keep doing this."
"Are you worried Hiro might do something he'll regret?"
"No, I'm worried about what I might do." He turned to look her dead in the eye. "I can live with regrets, but I can't live with myself if something happened to him, or you, or anyone else."
Honey Lemon shivered at those words. "So you, what? Just want us to all stop?"
"No. I don't know. I just want everyone to be safe, and happy… And that's not happening so long as we have to keep dealing with Callaghan and whoever this Bosu is."
Honey Lemon lowered her head. Usually superheroing was fun. Even the more challenging villains were just attention seekers out to beat them, as if it was all just some friendly competition. Very few of the foes they faced were actively malicious. But there were times, like now, when it became very hard to ignore how dangerous their chosen hobby could be.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Varian laying a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, don't listen to me." He soothed. "I'm not a superhero, remember. What do I know?"
Honey Lemon gave him a small smile. "Well, maybe not, but you are a good friend, and I get it, about your concern for Hiro. It's only natural to be protective of your siblings."
Honey Lemon had to only laugh at the confused face he made. "Oh come on, you and Hiro totally act like brothers."
"No we don't….do we? I don't know how brothers act. Is it any different from just being friends?"
Honey Lemon snorted with laughter again. "Yeah, a little different. For one you usually don't wrestle for control of the tv remote with your friends, fight over who does what chores, or prank each other with megaphones."
"I thought that was just Hiro being Hiro."
"No, it's 'cause you live together, and have the same guardian. I don't know how to explain it, but it's just different with little brothers, that's all."
"But I… I don't know how to be a brother. Let alone how to be the 'older, more responsible brother'. And I doubt Hiro sees me that way, anyways. I mean, he already has Tadashi… had… I mean…."
He trailed off and Honey Lemon eyed him with worry once more.
After a few moments he whispered, "I'm not trying to replace anybody."
"Well, of course not. No one said that you were."
"Then why do I feel like I am?"
Honey Lemon blinked. What did he mean? Where had this even come from?
Before she could press further though, Hiro walked into the lab.
"Hey, we're heading out soon. You might want to start suiting up." He said.
"Okay. Just give us a minute to gather things up and we'll meet you in the briefing room." She answered.
Hiro nodded his acknowledgement and left.
"Well, looks like we'll have to save the heart to heart for later." Varian snarked as he scooped up Sirque's portal magnets and grabbed the controller he had built for them. After placing these in his pockets, he turned around and asked, "What do you think? Do I look 'heroic' enough?"
He was dressed in his full Saporian garb, complete with bandana and his usual goggles, and along with the new chimballs they'd just made, he appeared exactly the same as he did the first night he'd arrived in San Fansokyo. Well almost, he was slightly taller now, but only by a few inches.
"Hmmm… honestly Sparkles was right, you do kind of look like a bandit, or maybe even a pirate?"
Varian huffed. "See, I can't even look the part."
"Well I still think you'd make a great superhero." She encouraged as she straightened the collar of his jacket.
"Ha ha," he snorted, then more seriously said "We'll be lucky if we can even find the bad guys again. Let alone take them head on."
Honey Lemon refused to let Varian's pessimism get her down.  
"Well then here's a hug for good luck." She cheered and flung her arms around him.
Varian tentatively returned the hug. "Th-thanks… I feel more lucky already."
"So how's things going, Teach?" Sue barked as she skated into the makeshift lab.
Callaghan rolled his eyes in annoyance as he tightened the bolt on the portal.
He had been up all night assembling the frame. Somehow the pair of villains had all of the needed parts all ready to go, along with some pre-programmed software and a few prototypes to work off of.
Whoever this boss they were all working for was, they were clearly well connected and apparently had other people continuing his research in his absence. A Dr. Celine Simard had provided most of the equipment and had emailed him blueprints to her own miniature portal designs. They had only conversed briefly through a heavily monitored chat room, but it was a relief to speak to someone who wasn't as thick as a bag of bricks. Celine seemed like such a bright young woman. It was a shame she was selling out her talents to such an obviously unscrupulous organization.
Though he couldn't fully blame her reasoning… "Krei Tech, Government, the Black Market; it's all the same. They're all corrupt. Might as well go with the one who pays the highest."
"Even if they might kill you afterwards?"
"I don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If you play along nicely they won't hurt you. I would just take the money and passport if I was you."
Callaghan had stopped trying to reach out to her after that. One day this life of crime she was living was going to catch up to her, but he couldn't waste time trying to save her from herself. He had his own daughter to worry about.
"How's Abigail?" He asked as he stood up and put the wrench back inside the tool box.
Sue shrugged. "She's fine. Same as the last fifty times you've asked."
Callaghan walked over to the computer terminal, typed in some code, and read the read out that flashed up on screen.
"You never did tell me where you got my notebook." He said.
"Don't ask me. Those two boys who tried to bust you out yesterday had it. Where they got it, I don't know."
Callaghan frowned and opened his notebook again. He had discovered handwriting that wasn't his own inside, fixing his calculations and expanding upon some of his more 'out there' theories. He had assumed they were done by others in the villains' gang but apparently that wasn't the case.
He still didn't know how Hiro's little friend had come upon his research, but the kid apparently knew a thing or three about theoretical physics. The boy's new equations could potentially stabilize the portal, preventing it from breaking down.
He wouldn't need them though. Callgahn sat the notebook back down and returned to the computer terminal. He didn't want this particular portal to work.
"I'm about ready to perform the first test;" He said coolly, "turn on the power generators."
"Any luck?" Wasabi asked as he joined the rest of the group on top of a skyscraper.
"No." Sighed Honey Lemon.
"We must have scanned the whole city by now." Hiro said.
"What if this Bosu has the same bio-dampening tech that Momasake had?" Fred suggested. "He could have snagged it off her when she got captured, and handed it off to Sue and her grandson."
"That's possible." Gogo admitted. "Especially since they now know that we can track them."
"So what do we do now?" Honey Lemon asked.
Varian cupped his chin in thought as he walked towards the ledge of the building where Baymax stood, still scanning the city. "Baymax, are you able to scan for other things besides just bio-readings?"
"Yes. I am capable of scanning thermal, infrared, radiation-"
"Energy spikes? Like electrical surges." Varian interrupted.
Hiro walked over to join them. "What's your idea?"
"Why would this Bosu kidnap Abigail? She's not actually a scientist."
"Because she's Callaghan's daughter," Wasabi said as he pieced together what Varian was getting at, "and they'll use her to blackmail him into building them a portal."
"Exactly, and they've got to find a way to power it up. There might be unusual energy spikes once they get it up and running."
"So we, what, just wait around?" Gogo asked skeptically. "If Callaghan builds another portal and it's just as unstable as the last ones we've dealt with, then we might be too late to stop it from imploding if we wait till it's turned on."
"Yeah and who knows how much damage that'll cause." Fred agreed.
"Still it's the best idea we have right now; only we don't want to go chasing after every electrical surge in the city. We need a way to narrow the search even further." Hiro mulled over this new dilemma, then a new idea hit him. "Baymax, scan Varian."
"Wha- why?" The other boy asked in confusion as Baymax looked him up in and down.
"Scan complete." The robot said.
"I'll show you." Hiro grunted as he removed the chest plate off of Baymax's armor. "Baymax, show us Varian's readings."
The screen on the robot's chest lit up and displayed a silhouette of the time displaced teen.
"Okay, now show us his radiation levels."
The screen changed again to showcase a graph and Hiro pointed to one of the spikes that was higher than the others.
"There. See that? That's some sort of low energy electromagnetic radiation. Don't worry, it's non-ionized so it's harmless, but it's not anything that's been seen on earth. Not this earth anyways. I suspect it's from traveling through the portal unprotected, the same way astronauts risk GCR when they break through earth's atmosphere."
"Ooookaay… and outside of me apparently being a freak now, what does that have to do with anything?"
"Don't you see? If they turn on the portal it's going to emit that same form of radiation."
"Then we could track it faster and easier than we would just looking for any random energy spike." Gogo interjected.
"Yeah, but that still requires us just waiting around hoping that the bad guys do get the portal working." Wasabi said.
"Oh, they'll get it to work." Hiro said. "This isn't the first time Callagan's built a portal. The question is how long will it remain stable?"
Callaghan flipped a switch on the dashboard and the portal roared to life.
Sue shielded her eyes with her arm as she squinted at the glowing blue circle that hung in the air. The wind was picking up as it was being sucked into the void.
Something was wrong.
Suddenly the power shorted out and the portal shut down as sparks flew out from the sides.
"Blast it!" Callaghan yelled. "I need more power. These generators aren't enough. We'll have to connect to the grid."
"Now hold on there, sugar cakes." Sue interjected. "I thought you didn't want this thingamajig to work."
"I don't, but you've left me with no choice. Call that boss of yours. Get them on the line. I can't finish my work without a direct connection to the city power supply."
"Alright. You need more power? I'll get ya more power. Just hold on to your britches and sit tight. My… uh, associates here will keep an eye on you while I go out and fix this."
She pointed to the two ninjas who were stationed on the catwalk above them. Callgahn didn't know how many were in Sue's employ, but he had the sneaking suspicion that the abandoned factory was crawling with them.
"Okay." Challghan nodded and Sue skated away at top speed.
"There is a radiation spike coming from there." Baymax said as he pointed northward.
"How far out?" Asked Hiro.
"Along the river, about 20 mil--- the signal is gone."
"What do you mean gone?" Varian asked.
"There's no longer any readings."
"It must have been a failed test." Hiro said. "Let's just start following the river north. We may find something as we go."
Abigail paced back and forth inside her cell. Well it was actually an office with a larger window looking out onto the factory below but it might as well have been a jail cell. The ninjas threw her in here and locked the door behind them. She had tried to bust the door down, smash the handle, and crawl into the vents to escape. Nothing had worked so far.  
As she nursed her arm from her latest failed escape, she saw one of her captors coming her way. It was the big bulky dude on roller skates. She banged on the window to gain his attention.
"Let me out!" She shouted.
The guy stopped, turned to look at her, pulled out two earbud headphones, and yelled, "I'm sorry, what did you say?!"
As the man leaned closer to the window and cupped his ear Abigail groaned in frustration. "I said 'let me out'!"
"Oh, sorry, no can do! Nana said you needed to stay put until your dad finished working on the portal!"
Abigail pouted and hugged her arm once more. Well, what did she think would happen?
"Do you need anything else?!" The guy shouted at her.
"No!" She stamped her foot before turning away from him to sulk as she tried to rub out the soreness in her arm.
"Hey, are you hurt?!" The guy asked, suddenly full of concern.
Abigail didn't answer. Why did he care?
However, to her surprise the guy opened the door and poked his head into the office.
"Did those robots hurt your arm?" He asked once more.
She looked back at him blankly. "Robots? Is that why those ninjas are so strong? They're robots?"
"Yeah." The large guy confirmed as if barely acknowledging how crazy that sounded. "Do you need an ice pack?"
"Sure." Abigail replied dumbfoundedly. Seriously, why was this guy being so nice?
"I'll go get you one. I'm Stu by the way." He flashed her a huge grin.
"Abigail." She replied still dumbstruck.
"Nice to meet you. I'll be right back." And with that he shut the door again and walked away.
Abigail got up and ran to the door. It was locked once more. Either the guy was smarter than he looked or it locked automatically.
Abigail bit her lip in thought. This Stu person could be her means of escape if she played her cards right.
"I'm back." Stu cheerfully said a few minutes later. "I got you an ice pack and some Tylenol."
He opened the door and handed Abigail the small little package containing the pills.
"Where'd you get this?" She asked.
"Oh, in the vending machine down the hall." He explained as he wrapped her arm in an ace bandage so as to better hold the ice pack in place. "I didn't have any money so I had to headbutt it a couple times. I got a free bag of Cheetos out of it as well."
He finished applying the bandage. "There! Man those robots are so dumb. Not to mention careless. Sorry you got hurt like that."
Abigail plastered a smile on her face. "It-it's okay…. Uhmm…I don't suppose you happen to have anything to drink these down with do you?" She said as she held up the pack of Tylenol.
"Oh sure. I'll go get you a bottle of water. Hang tight."
He left again and Abigail got to work. She removed the bandage and placed the ice pack on the floor in front of the door. Then she took the bandage and tied it between two desk chairs that were seated in the office. She placed these further out in front of the ice pack; spacing them far enough apart the rope laid taunt next to the ground right at ankle height.
Then she heard Stu's return and she jumped into the seat; placing her hands in her lap and slapping on a huge smile to look as innocent as possible as he skated in.
"Here ya, gooooo-woah!" He slipped on the ice pack and stumbled forward.
Abigail jumped up, grabbed the water bottle in his hand to sling him around, and with a well placed kick, Stu went rolling backwards into the tripwire. As he toppled over, Abigail sprinted out the door, locking it behind her.
"Hey! That's not very nice!" He yelled as he righted himself and ran up to the window.
Abigail paused in her getaway. "Yeah, and neither's kidnapping people and holding them hostage!"
Stu looked stunned for a moment as he thought over her words. "Yeah, okay, fair." He finally admitted as he hung his head. Then just as quickly he perked back up and smooshed his face to the glass. "Oh, but Nana's not going to like that you escaped."
"Yeah, well, Nana's just going to have to deal. Where's my dad?"
"Uh, on the first floor I think. Take the stairs down the end of the hall and then turn left."
"You're welcome. Oh, but watch out for the robot ninjas!" He shouted after her as she ran away, opening the pack of pain pills as she went.
As Abigail neared the stairs she heard banging and the sound of glass cracking. She looked back and saw Stu slamming himself against the window repeatedly; and he was making a lot more headway then she had. She needed to find her dad fast.
Supersonic Sue was hooking up the last of the electric cables to the power lines when she spotted Big Hero Six flying towards the power plant.
"Looks like those do-gooders found our hideout. Better give them a welcoming party." She said to herself with a smile as she pulled out a remote control and pressed a button.
"Looks like there's a building up ahead!" Hiro shouted at his companions, who followed close behind, but stopped short when Baymax came to an abrupt halt.
From out of the woods stepped a robot ninja, who stood in their path.
"Yeeeeessssss!" Laughed Fred. "Finally I get to fight a robot ninja! My life is complete!"
"Be careful! Those things are deadly!" Varian warned.
"Oh come on. There's only one of it and seven of us. We can take...him?"
Just as Fred finished his boast another stealth robot appeared, and then another, and yet another, until the superhero team was surrounded by thirty or more of the killer androids.
"You were saying?" Wasabi snapped at Fred.
As if taking that as a cue, the robots jumped them and all hell broke loose.
Wasabi slammed the gas on his car and plowed through five of the droids, before hitting the brakes and jumping out as the robots dog piled the vehicle. He righted himself and whipped out his laser blades to start hacking away at the enforcers and the deadly shurikens they threw at him.
As he fended off the horde, Gogo skated around dodging their attacks and knocked the snipper robots out of the trees with her discs.
"Woo-hoo!" Fred shouted with glee as he bounced on top of robot after robot, just barely escaping their grasp as they lunged for him. "This is awesome! Terrifying, but awesome!"
Varian rolled his eyes at his friend's enthusiasm as he threw an ice bomb down below at the coming onslaught. He then had to grab hold of Hiro's waist as Baymax decided to do another barrel roll, knocking two more ninjas out of the trees.
When they righted again Varian's heart jumped to his throat when caught sight of Honey Lemon. She was several yards away, cut off from the rest of their friends and pinned down by one of the robotic assassins.
He shouted at her to hold on and Hiro drove Baymax towards her; only for the three of them to get jumped on by another robot. As they fought this new foe, Varian feared they wouldn't reach their friend in time.
Fortunately Honey Lemon was able to wiggle one arm free and grabbed a chimball from off her purse strap. She shoved it into her attacker's abdomen, lodging it in between some exposed gears, and with all her might she kicked the robot off her.
The android stood back up and started to stalk towards her once more, but suddenly stopped when the chimball ruptured and began to encase him in a pink crystal like substance.
Honey Lemon didn't have time to rejoice though as another ninja came up from behind to grab her arm. She threw another chimball at it and this time the robot let go and dubbed over as a shockwave from a small explosion sent the thing crumpling in on itself. Her concussive grenade had worked.
"Are you okay?" Varian shouted as they finally reached her.
"Yeah." She nodded as Hiro repelled another robot away with his electromagnets.
"I have found Supersonic Sue." Baymax calmly stated as he shot his rocket fist into the oncoming horde.
"Where?" Hiro asked, but soon saw the fading streak of dust traveling at high speed towards the abandoned building up ahead.
"We have to go after her. That building must be where they're keeping Callaghan and Abigail."
"Don't worry. I got this." Honey shouted as she ran ahead and shot down another wave of robots with her chempurse's bazooka setting.
"You three go on, we'll hold off the ninjas." Gogo spoke into the intercom before slicing off one of the androids heads with her frisby.
With that Hiro directed Baymax to follow Sue, only for them to be surrounded by a new group of ninjas lying in wait for them, just a mile down the road, even larger than the last horde.
"Where is she getting all these robots from!?" Hiro shouted in frustration.
"I have an idea!" Varian said and he pulled out the portal magnets.
Hiro saw what he was getting at. "Guys," he warned over the intercom, "Varian and I are going to use the mini-portal to break in, but be on your toes cause a new wave of robot ninjas are going to head your way soon."
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Wasabi complained over the other end.
Varian ignored their friend's protests and typed a command into the portal's remote control. He then tossed the magnets into the air. With a flip of a switch, the magnetic balls began to link up and spin as a portal started to form in the air.
Hiro commanded Baymax to fly to it, and helped to maneuver the android to avoid the ninjas' attacks, as the robotic assassins tried to stop them from leaving.
They dodge one that tried to jump them, and Hiro kicked another off that had grabbed hold of Baymax's armor and was climbing up towards them. Meanwhile Varian threw one last alchemical orb at the swarm of robots as they flew into the portal. Hiro heard an explosion behind them, but ignored it as he focused on the upcoming confrontation ahead of them.
"Okay Callaghan, I siphoned off electricity from the city's power grid. You should be good to go." Sue said as she entered the lab.
"Good, now just stand there and hold that lever down while I turn the machine on." Came Callaghan's terse reply.
"Why? What does the lever do?" Sue asked in suspicion.
"It keeps the fan on the turbines going and prevents the portal from overheating." Callaghan lied.
Sue raised an eyebrow at him, not fully buying it. "You want me to stand next to a giant, untested, potential death machine that may explode at any moment?"
"I assure you it works, and I thought you could order one of your 'associates' to do it, but looks like most of them have left the building save for the one you kept on lookout there."
Sue gave him a death glare.
"Or hey, don't do it and don't get the portal working. See if I care. I didn't ask to get dragged into this."
Sue finally relented at this and walked over to the base of the portal and pulled the lever down. "Like this?" she asked.
"Yeah, just like that." Callaghan said as he walked over to the computer terminal to turn it on. Then under his breath, where Sue couldn't hear, he said. "Just like that you rancid cow; stay right there and be the folly of your own demise."
But before Professor Callaghan could turn on the device and suck his hated captor into the void, another portal opened up overhead and in flew Hiro, Baymax, and Varian; knocking out the one remaining guard as they did so, who fell to the ground in a crumpled heap of frayed wires and busted gears.
"Step away from the portal, Callaghan." Hiro ordered at him.
For his part, Callaghan did as he was told and backed away, hands raised.
"Why you little scamps." Sue said. She almost sounded impressed. "You got persistence and gumption, I'll give ya that, but ain't half as clever as you think you are."
With a nod of her head another ninja jumped from the shadows above them and grabbed Varian by his jacket collar.
"Seriously, where are you getting all these robots!?" Hiro asked.
"Oh, just from an old buddy of mine." She nonchalantly said as she made her way to the door.
"Kensei?" Hiro spat as he finally threw the robot off them.
"Ah so you heard," Sue said, "and they say kids these days don't know their history. Yeah, I thought the ninja aesthetic was a little hokey myself; Kensei's gimmick was always centered around lame karate stuff, but hey, who am I to judge?"
And with that, as quick as a wink, she tossed one of the now defunct robot's weapons at them. Only instead of the usual shuriken, it was a metal ball that opened up and released a weighted net that was difficult to dodge.
As both boys struggled to pull it off, Baymax fell to the ground below under its weight and Supersonic Sue tried to make her getaway.
Only to stop when Stu burst through the door.
"Nana! I am soo, so sorry, but Abigail's escape!"
"What!?" She shouted.
With this news, Callaghan raced to the computer terminal while everyone was distracted and turned on the device.
The ground rumbled and soon a heavy wind picked up as the unstable portal began to suck things into it.
Abigail wandered around the abandoned building utterly lost. She had deviated from Stu's directions in order to avoid running into those ninjas again. She hadn't seen any more of them around for awhile, but now she couldn't find her way back.
Suddenly the ground shook as if there was an earthquake. Abigail ran under a door frame for shelter and held on tightly.
As the tremor subsided, Abigail began to wonder if it was a natural occurrence at all.
Portals, that was what this was all about, apparently. The bad guys had wanted her father to build them one, but if he did, it could blow up in all of their faces, literally.
Then she heard yelling down the hall, as a wind picked up.
"Dad!" She shouted and knowingly ran towards the danger.
"Are you crazy!?" Sue shouted over the howling wind.
"No, desperate!" Callaghan shouted back. "I rigged this portal to implode in on itself!"
Sue looked at him as if he'd grown two heads.
"There's children in here, ya dang fool!" Came her reply.
"I'm not a child!" Varian protested as he struggled underneath the net.
Both villains ignored him.
"Oh, says the woman who attacked them with a bunch of deadly robots!"
"Oh please, their weapons were set to stun. I wasn't going to hurt a bunch of snot nosed brats... much."
As if to counteract this statement another robot ninja jumped out at them and shot a laser out of it's wrist right at Callaghan. The professor ducked out of the way as sparks flew around him. Then the wind from the portal sucked the android right into the void.
Sue, for once,  looked embarrassed at being called out in her hypocrisy.
"In my defense I don't know anything about programming robots." She said.
"Call off the bots, let everyone go, and I'll turn the portal off!" Callaghan said.
Just then the wind picked up even more, the net over the two boys flew off and Varian and Hiro would have been swept away into the nothingness had Baymax not caught them.
"Fine!" Sue relented as she pressed a button on a remote. "It's no skin off my nose if the portal doesn't get built or not."
Another robot, that had just entered from the upper level, suddenly collapsed and fell down to the floor in a heap as it was deactivated. Then it's remains along with the other destroyed robots got sucked into the portal as well.
Satisfied with her compliance Callaghan turned around to shut the terminal off, only for the computer to explode which led to the rest of the machine to catch on fire.
"Well what did you do now?!" Sue shouted.
"It wasn't me! That robot of yours must have damaged the controls!"
Just then, Abigail shoved past the doors.
"Dad!" She called to him desperately, choking back the smoke that started to fill the room,  and that was when Callaghan realized how badly he had screwed up.
Sue rolled her eyes. "Oh I've had enough of this! Stu, make us an exit! I'll salvage what we can here!"
"Right Nana!" Stu saluted. Then he revved up his skates, curled up into a ball, and basted himself at the concrete wall on the opposite side of the room at top speed.
He busted through three walls before coming out the other side and Hiro could just make out the glimmer of sunlight on the other end.
While Stu was busy with that, Sue skated right up to Callaghan and slugged him in the face. The professor fell backwards, clutching his jaw.
"Dad!" Abigail shouted again and ran to his side.
Sue skated over to the desk next to where they stood, or what was left of it. After finding what she wanted she turned to leave; only stopping long enough to give the murderous professor a sneer of pure disdain before skating away in a blur after her grandson.
As soon as she was gone a squeal of metal scraping against metal was heard. One of the portal's legs collapsed under The heat of the spreading fire and the gaping maw of the void turned at an angle towards the roof. The ceiling started to cave in from under the strain.
Everyone had to dodge out of the way quickly from the falling debris. One particularly large steel beam nearly fell right on top of Callaghan and Abigail, and he had to push his daughter away quickly. She stumbled back and was almost sucked into the void again until Baymax pulled her out of the way.
As the robot and the three humans huddled behind a concrete slab, Abigail tried to break away from the android's grip.
"Dad, no!" She sobbed.
"I'm alright!" Came Callaghan's call. "I'm just trapped on the other side!"
Abigail cried with relief.
"We're coming after you." Hiro shouted back.
"No, don't! You three get out of here! Take Abigail to safety."
"But what about you?" Varian yelled.
"Don't worry about me, I'll find another way out."
Soon they saw Callaghan start to climb up a ladder to the catwalk above.
"He must be trying to go around." Hiro said. "He'll never make it that way."
As if to confirm this, more debris fell from the collapsing roof, blocking their view of the professor. Hiro came to a decision.
"Baymax, take Varian and Abigail and get out. I'm going after Callaghan."
"That's crazy!" Varian protested.
"I do not feel that is a very safe option." Baymax agreed, but Hiro was already halfway finished climbing up the other side of the concrete slab.
"Don't worry, I got my gear! Just go on! Now!"
Baymax gave in to Hiro's orders and scooped Abigail up in arms. He then took off and flew away before Varian could crawl off his back.
Varian casted a fearful look behind him as he watched Hiro run through the smoke. Then as they made it to the tunnel he watched in horror as the portal fell completely and the rest of the building started to come down.
"No stop!" He yelled. "We have to go after them!"
Either Baymax didn't hear him or the robot ignored his pleas; too set on following his previous commands.
As they neared the exit, Varian gathered his courage and jumped off the robot and onto the grassy ground that opened up below.
It took a moment for Baymax to realize what had happened. He turned around to see Varian running back into the burning building.
"No! Don't!" Abigail screamed after him.
"Baymax, get Abigail out of here, and have the rest of the gang fall back!" Varian yelled over his shoulder. "No telling what the range of the blast radius of the portal will be once it finally implodes in on itself!"
Then he dove out of sight into the tunnel.
Hiro coughed as the smoke burned his lungs and stung his eyes. He searched for a way through the flames to the back of the former power plant, where the catwalk hung over head; dodging the debris that rained down around him. Then when he was directly under the service ramp, he used his electromagnetic whips to grab hold of the catwalk and pull himself up.
No sooner did he make it to the top, then did the portal fall down completely and along with it the rest of the roof.
A large hunk of the ceiling fell right on top of the walkway, snapping the metal railing into two. Hiro held on to the side desperately as the severed catwalk now shifted as it's structural integrity was compromised. Fortunately for him he had magnetic gloves on. Callaghan wasn't so lucky.
The professor went falling over the side as the ramp broke. He only just barely managed to grab hold of the bottom railing before falling into the void below. However he wasn't safe as the wind kept trying to suck him in and shook the broken catwalk ever which way.
Varian pulled up his bandana over his nose to block out the smoke. He also pulled down his goggles to protect his eyes. Still there was little he could do about the insufferable heat nor the falling hunks of metal and stone.
Somehow though he managed to make his back through to the former lab. As he entered the flame filled room the first thing he did was to look up. He noticed Callaghan and Hiro hanging from the broken catwalk right away, but how was he to get them down?
He spotted a ladder near the wall and next to it a long linked chain. He ran up to it and with a few tugs he broke the chain free from the pulley hook it hung from. He quickly wrapped it around his shoulder like you would a rope and then started to climb.
Hiro gauged the distance between him and Callaghan. It wasn't far, he could make it…. Or miss it completely and go tumbling into the void forever.
He gulped as he dared to look below him.
Just then the wind picked up speed once more and the catwalk bent under the force of the portal's suction.
"W-woah!" Callaghan screamed as he held on for dear life and Hiro himself gripped the railing beside him even tighter. He then threw out one of his whips to wrap around the end of the other catwalk leveling it somewhat.
"C-can you climb up?!" Hiro grunted.
Callaghan tried to, but failed. He was getting on in years and could no longer nimbly climb up the side of things like Hiro could. There was also the ever increasing pull of the portal to fight against.
"It- it's no use!" Callaghan called out. "Get out of Hiro! Save yourself! I don't want your death on my conscience as well!"
Those words hit Hiro deeper than Callaghan knew, and for a moment Hiro seriously considered following his advice and just leaving the man to his fate.
After all, there wasn't any obvious way to save him. Hiro would only be risking his life for nothing the longer he stayed. It wasn't murder just to save your own skin, not really, and well, Callaghan had brought this onto himself. All of it, the portal, his imprisonment, the fire…
Hiro gave the pathetic old man a cold glare; one that cut through even the inescapable heat of the rising flames around them.
Oh how he hated Callaghan!
He took a deep breath and retracted his magnetic whip, leaving the other side of the catwalk free to twist in the wind.
Still he didn't immediately turn to leave. Never taking his eyes off Callaghan, Hiro watched his brother's murderer flail about as he struggled to maintain his hold on the railing. Time felt like it had slowed to a crawl for Hiro as his mind was racked with indecision.
It would be so easy, he thought. So easy, and no one would blame him. His breath shallowed as he waited for the inevitable; his eyes fixated on Callaghan.
That's when Hiro noticed a foot fall behind him as the walkway shifted beneath him once more.
Varian was right behind him with a length of chain in his hands. The other boy said nothing, nor did he hand Hiro the makeshift rope.
Their eyes met and Hiro silently pleaded with him. Varian knew. Varian knew exactly what Hiro was going through. He knew the pain. He knew the desire. He knew what was happening, and he wasn't going to do anything to stop it.
It was Hiro's choice and Hiro's choice alone.
Hiro gulped once more as his heart pounded in his ears and angry tears stung his eyes.
No, Varian wouldn't judge him, but what about himself? What did he want? What was he willing to give up to get it? How could he face himself in the morning, or the next day, and everyday after that?
Hiro shook his head as everything suddenly became clear. There was no choice. Not really, as there was only ever one choice Hiro could live with.
He grabbed the chain out of Varian's hands and threw the other end to Callaghan. Once the professor had taken hold, both boys pulled him up. Then all three ran down the catwalk, slid down the ladder, and then dove through the hole in the wall.
As the two teens and professor ran away from the collapsing building, they heard an explosion go off behind them. Callaghan grabbed them both and pushed them to the ground; using his own body to shield them as best he could as the shockwave passed over them.
Out of the corner of his eye, Hiro could see the trees around them bending backwards till their top branches nearly touched the ground. The earth trembled beneath them and a loud noise that made his ears ring sounded around them.
Finally, once Callaghan had deemed it safe enough, Hiro sat up to view the damage. Below them was a crater where the former power plant had stood. Not a sign was left of the portal.
"There they are!" Fred shouted behind them and Hiro turned to see his friends running towards them.
Abigail was also with them.
"Dad!" She ran up to her father first and wrapped her arms around him.
Callaghan broke down crying as he returned the hug. He kissed the top of head, and held her close, before cupping her face in his hands and nuzzling her nose the way he had always done when she was young.
It was the first time he had held his little girl in over five years.
"I missed you too, Dad." Abigail said as she snuggled closer to him and wrapped him another hug.
Hiro broke away from the celebration and the cheers of congratulations from his friends, as he watched Callaghan and Abigail reunite. Instead of joining in their merriment, he went and sulked underneath a tree overlooking the spot where the power plant once stood.
They all gave him space, except for Varian who walked over to join him. The other boy didn't say anything. He just rested a hand on Hiro's shoulder and sat beside him as everyone waited for the police to arrive.
"I still hate him." Hiro whispered as tears ran down his cheeks.
"Yeah, me too." Varian agreed.
And that was all that needed to be said. Hiro didn't regret saving Callaghan, but neither could bring himself to forgive Tadashi's murderer; even after all that happened; and that was okay. One didn't need to forgive in order to do the right thing, and in a small way that brought Hiro a little peace, even if the loss still hurt.
Still he couldn't help but smile a little bit, in spite of himself, when Judy also arrived along with the police. Krei had given her a lift as soon as they'd received  the text that Abigail had been rescued.
After the two girlfriends reunited, Abigail introduced her significant other to her dad, who was overjoyed at the news.
As Callaghan pulled both girls into a group hug, even Hiro had to admit they made a sweet family. Enough so, that Hiro almost felt sorry for them when Chief Cruz walked over to re-arrest the professor. Almost.
"I love you." Callaghan said as he entered the back of the police van.
"I'll see you next Tuesday; on visitor's day." Abigail sobbed. "We both will."
Callaghan tried to say something encouraging in response but the words caught in his throat as he choked on his own tears.
The police shut the door, and Abigail broke down again as she watched the police van drive away. Judy hugged her and planted a kiss on her cheek, as she wiped her tears away.
"Come on, I'll give you a ride back to your apartment." Krei gingerly stepped in and gently encouraged the two girls to follow him to the car.
"And don't worry about coming into work tomorrow. Take all the time you need." He told Judy as he opened the car door. She flung her arms around him in a grateful hug, to which Krei awkwardly returned. Judy wasn't known for being affectionate, not to him anyways.
"Uh, yeah, don't mention it." He said before breaking away and walked around into the driver's seat.
As the car drove away Cruz walked over to the superheroes. "I got a few questions for you."
"Yeah?" Hiro said as he got up walked over to the police chief.
"Do you know where Sue and her grandson are right now?"
"Do you know who was funding their portal research?"
"Then what do you know?"
"Callaghan didn't escape. Sue kidnapped him and blackmailed him." Fred offered up.
"So you said over the phone, but why?"
"Have you heard of the new crime lord running things since Di was arrested?" Gogo asked.
"Maybe. Were they behind this? Why are they after portal tech?"
Hiro shrugged, "We don't know."
"Do you know who they are?"
"Have you ever heard of an old supervillain called Kensei?"
Curz's eyes went wide at the mention of that name. "I'm going to need you to come down to the station with me."
The team of superheroes was startled by that.
"Sorry, but no, can do, officer." Hiro shook his head as Baymax flew up beside him.  
"Wait! You're not under arrest; I promise,  I just need more information!" Cruz pleaded as the heroes took off running, their enhanced gear allowing them to move faster than his men.
Cruz took off his hat and threw it to the ground in frustration as the last of the supers disappeared.
Supersonic Sue watched from above as the police departed. She had hid in the trees in order to spy on the gang of do-gooders.
"What now Nana?" Her grandson asked as they climbed down.
"Now, Stu, we go weasel some, I mean 'get paid', some money from my dear old friend, and then we high tail it out of here and laid low for awhile till this whole thing blows over."
"But we didn't get the portal, and the professor escaped?"
"Now don't you worry, none, hun. Nana's got everything under control." She said as she whipped out her cell phone.
"Hey Kensei? Yeah, got some bad news about that portal you wanted…. Now, now, don't go getting your knickers in a twist; I got something that still might interest you." Sue chuckled as she pulled out the blue notebook from her pocket.
Wasabi pulled up to the gas pump and got out of the car.
"Do you guys want anything while we're here?" He asked the two boys riding in the back seat.
Hiro and Varian shook their heads no, and Wasabi left to go pay for the gas.
Once they had all safely gotten away from the police, it was decided by the group of teenagers to ditch their superhero gear and ride home normally.
Fred had called Heathcliff to pick him and the girls up, while Hiro and Varian volunteered to walk back with Wasabi to his car.
Baymax was currently in the trunk and had powered down into sleep mode in order to save on energy. It wouldn't do to have a 'drunk' robot running around the cafe on low battery, when their aunt came home.
Aunt Cass had texted them not too long ago to let them know she was leaving the hotel. Apparently Tracey's car had had a flat tire and they were getting a late start.
Thus far, on the ride back, neither boy had said much to the other. Each was lost in their own thoughts as Wasabi obliviously carried on all the conversation. It was mostly about opera as he had had the radio on.
Though without Wasabi's singing to distract them, Hiro started to grow uncomfortable with the silence.
"Hey, thanks, for helping out back there." He said.
"You're welcome." Varian replied in a tired manner.
"You know, I… I don't know what I would have done had you not shown up when you did."
Varian just shrugged. "Probably just save the day, like you always do." He then turned to look at Hiro. "I knew you wouldn't go through with it."
"How? How can you be so sure?"
"Cause, you're not me." Varian said as he looked away. "I would've let him fall. No hesitation."
Hiro didn't know what to say to that.
"I told you. Unlike you, I'm not a hero." Varian admitted as he felt Hiro's eyes on him. "I honestly don't know how you do it."
Hiro mulled over these words. "I guess… because I have good friends who support me and people to look up to. Who'll stop me from going too far."
Varian gave him a disbelieving smile. "People like your big brother I guess?"
Varian shook his head. "Must be nice, having people around to help you when you need them. I'm not sure it'd make a difference in my case. I don't if anyone could have talked me down; not… not after what happened."
"Well," Hiro slowly said. "You never had a brother with you."
Varian nodded but didn't look at him, so Hiro contunited.
"Yup, it's a good thing my big brother was there today to help me out."
Hiro rested his hands behind his head as he said this and tried to act nonchalant, but he peeked out of the corner of his to watch Varian's reaction.
The other boy slowly looked up as realization dawned on his face.
Hiro smiled. "Thanks for being there for me."
"An-anytime." Varian answered with his own smile.  
Hiro held out his hand for a fist bump. Varian returned it, the way Hiro and Baymax had taught him to do it. Then both boys wiggled their fingers and went "babalala", imitating their robot pal.
They couldn't keep a straight face when doing so though, and broke down into giggles.
"What's so funny?" Wasabi asked cheerfully as he entered the car.
"Oh nothing." Hiro snickered.
"Hey, hey, Wasabi, how about a driving lesson?" Varian pestered.
Wasabi rolled his eyes. "After the sport's car incident?"
"Not me, Hiro."
Wasabi turned back and looked at Hiro thoughtfully. "Well, alright, get on up here."
Hiro was finishing tidying up his room when he heard the familiar tune of La Cucaracha blaring down from the street below.
"Hey, Varian! Aunt Cass is back!"
He called to the other teen as he ran downstairs.
"Ok, all I got left to vacuum is the bathroom rug!" He called after before switching on the machine once more. "Be down in a sec!"
"Bye Tracey, see ya later." Aunt Cass called after her friend as she entered the cafe and her friend drove away.
She dumped her bags on the floor and let out a sigh of relief.
"Wooh, vacation will wear you out." She said as she leaned against the door.
"Hi Aunt Cass." Hiro ran to give her a hug. "Did you have a nice time?"
His aunt ignored the question "Oh Hiro, how are you, sweetheart?"
"I'm fin- ... I'm doing better."
"Did you hear about Callaghan?" she asked.
"Yeah, it was on the news today. They caught him."
"Yeah, Cruz texted me about it."
She stroked her fingers through his hair and pouted. "Do you still want to talk… about… well, you know?"
Hiro seriously considered it.
"Maybe later," he said, "I talked to Varian about it earlier today and I'm feeling a lot better now."
Hiro nodded his head.
"Well, I'm glad you two can open up to each other like that, and be there for one another. I'm also glad you two didn't burn the house down while I was gone."
Aunt Cass laughed at her own joke and Hiro joined in, but soon he weighed in with one more question, before moving on from the whole ordeal.
"Do.. Do you still hate him? Callaghan, I mean?"
Aunt Cass looked at him thoughtfully before answering.
"Yes." She nodded. "Do you?"
"Yeah." He sniffed.
Both aunt and nephew shared a silent moment for their grief as they came to an understanding before wrapping each other in a hug once more.
That was when Varian came down the stairs to join them.
"Hey!" He greeted, before embracing Aunt Cass in his own hug.
He practically lifted her off her feet as he did so, and for the first time Aunt Cass noticed that her adopted child was now taller than herself.
"What?" He laughed as he caught her giving him a funny smile.
"Nothing, I'm just glad to be back home." She said before wrapping both teens onto a group hug. "Oooh, I missed my boys sooo much, both of you!"
"We missed you too Aunt Cass." Hiro said.
"Yeah, next time you should just take us with you." Varian joked. "That way we can skip out on chores too, am I right Hiro?"
Hiro rolled his eyes at Varain's teasing. "Yeah, anything to avoid washing your dirty socks."
Even Aunt Cass couldn't help but laugh at that.
"Such a happy family." A woman's voice said as she peered at the Hamadas through her crystal ball. "Pity, their time is coming to an end."
And Finally We Are Done with the Last Chapter! Woot!
But that's not the end of the story.
Be on the look out for season two, Ghosts of of the Past, where we'll meet more characters from the Tangled series, new villains, finally learn who this mysterious Boss is, and gain a new member of the Big Hero Six team!
You can find up dates at both the Rocks and Robot's discord https://discord.gg/yfVVrXjFW8
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 1.7k
warnings: mentions of blood, very mild swearing
taglist: @serendipitysung (betareader) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @gyeraniee @fluffi @stxrryemxlys @jungwon-luv-bot
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A week has passed since the favored pair passionately promenaded around town. They’ve always looked very fond of each other, and the ton can only imagine the two tying the knot by the end of the year.
Only a week in but Sunghoon was already finding it hard to keep himself away from Y/n’s side. From their long, humorous talks, to past secrecies, bliss, and memories, Sunghoon isn't always a big talker. But when it comes to the young miss, he blurts out almost anything and everything that comes to mind, and the lass would happily enjoy them; so much that she even laughed with a snort once, to which Sunghoon found really adorable and charming.
Sunghoon told her she was magnetic, and the girl helplessly clung herself to the marquess like an ornament.They've shared a lot of stories with each other in the course of a week. And in every topic, Jungwon never ceases to be mentioned. Y/n almost always connects everything with the boy, and Sunghoon can clearly see how Y/n’s got it so bad with Jungwon.
He told himself that he was going to change that.
Today, it was said they were seen traipsing around the Swan’s Lake一 a cradle for the tons banal scandals. Further ahead, the Queen’s garden can already be seen just by the tip of the tiny greenhouse that’s solely standing amidst the wildflowers. Sunghoon leads the way for the young miss to enter first.
“See that? The garden admires you.” Sunghoon whispers against her ears and send tingles through her entire body.
“This is amazing. I’ve only ever been here once, you know. It’s actually one of my favorite places here in Northumberland.” The young miss exclaims while softly touching the brightly colored flowers in each step she takes.
“Was the first visit special enough to make this one of your adored places?”
“Yeah.. I was with Jungwon.” She mutters the name under her breath with a look of regret.
“What was the reason he brought you here?”
“We were nine. He said he wanted to show me something that only this garden can offer.”
“Let me guess. Was it a ring made of twigs and he played pretend like he was proposing to you?” Y/n chuckles at the marquess. Though she wouldn't admit it, she finds Sunghoon very ideal and gentle.
Could it be that she wishes Jungwon to be more like him? Or is she just telling herself that Sunghoon’s perfect enough to bury down her dying feelings for Jungwon?
“That’s cute but unfortunately, that's not what happened. He showed me the Catalpa tree and gave me its flower. He said it reminds him so much of me and that I should tuck the flower in my favorite book to remind myself that he thinks of me often.”
“Ahh. Quite the romantic our little Jungwon here, eh?”
Y/n looks down to the ground remembering the dead Catalpa flower that was tucked between Jungwon’s Austen book; the book that was now back in the comfort of its owner after she threw it in the Kielder Forest. 
“Once upon a time, yes.”
Sunghoon quickly picked up the mood and snapped it away. Seeing how Jungwon made this hole in her heart annoyed him to the extent he realized he had been living in hypocrisy as well.
He oddly sees himself in Jungwon, although in his case, it was much different. Jungwon never had any rivals when it comes to Y/n’s heart. Whereas with him, he had Niki, who wasn't even a bad guy in a story that Sunghoon tried so hard to own.
“Did you know that there's a poison garden here?” He breaks the silence.
“A what now?”
“A poison garden. The Queen’s very particular with it. Although it's off-limits to everyone except the royal gardener, anyone can still have a peek at it. I bet Jungwon never told you that.”
“He didn't.”
“Of course. Your chap doesn't alway know things, Y/n. You sometimes think so highly of him.”
The young miss kept her mouth shut the whole walk to the poison garden’s entry. They decided to take a brief peek, as per Sunghoon’s wishes, and she went along. It's not an everyday occurrence that you get to see a real and existing poison garden in Northumberland's Alnwick Castle.
“Sunghoon? Until when are we going to keep up with this whole ruse?” She softly whispers.
“Well, Jungwon hasn't told you anything worthy yet, has he?”
“The other day, he uhh… he told me to stop seeing you.”
“Why do you suppose he would say such thing?”
“I don't know. Must be something that happened between you and my brother?” she stopped shortly.
“What happened, Sunghoon? How come they all know about it and act like it was so horrid, yet keep it very subtle?” Sunghoon clicks his tongue and hisses before letting out a deep exhale.
“It's all in the past now. Even Niki. Though, I want to start fresh with him, but he doesn't seem to give me any chance at even trying.”
“What happened?”
“I don't think your brothers would want you to hear it. I respect Jay the most, and I owe Niki a whole lot. Or even if they do, I won't tell you anyway.”
“Was it… that bad?” Sunghoon fakes a chuckle while sitting on the nearby cemented bench. Y/n reaches out to hold his hand and the gent softly grips her fingers while brushing it with his thumb, locking hands with her in the process.
Sunghoon wanted to let everything out. But he fears the young beau would distance herself. If he were to be honest, there's nothing for him from this ruse they plotted. It was just to help the poor miss and satisfy himself with the look of envy upon Jungwon's face. He has nothing against the chap, but he may just simply be a schadenfreude.
The following day, Jungwon received a personal letter from the soon-to-be-duke himself. The moment he read the contents, he hastily dashed from his house and onto his horse, galloping in a speed of light to the Kielder Forest.
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It is peak afternoon and the golden sun hit the forest perfectly, making it look like the two men are bathing under the immaculate bliss. Picture perfect as it may look, they didn't meet there to dawdle time away.
“Your Grace.” Jungwon bows to which Sunghoon returns in the aftermath.
“Why did you summon me here?” Jungwon glints at the marquess with a scorn. As much as he wants to showcase his manners, it didn't seem like the time and place to do it.
“Let's cut the formalities from here on out, Jungwon. Who do you think you are to give orders to Y/n? You know, the more you convince her to stop seeing me, the faster she runs to my tail. You're just doing me a favor to be very honest, and I am so pleased for this wonderful opportunity. You don't have the slightest idea of what convenience you are to me right now.” Sunghoon mockingly exclaims with both hands holding together like a child in prayer.
Jungwon aggressively walks towards the marquess and grabs his cravat with both hands. “You pompous blowhard! What are you doing with her?!” Jungwon grunts while shoving Sunghoon against the tree. With a stern look upon his eyes, the marquess suddenly finds the situation very amusing. He smirks and chuckles before pushing Jungwon's hands from the tight grip on his clothing.
“Are you talking about yourself? Take it easy, Yang. I don't think you're hearing yourself right now. Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?” Sunghoon lets out a laugh that makes Jungwon even more furious. It was his plan, after all.
“You haven’t had enough of triggering Niki, and now you're using his sister?! You're a big mess, Sunghoon! Admit it! You couldn't have Yena all to yourself with Niki around, so you're tainting Y/n to get revenge on the both of us?! You’re a lost cause!”
“Am I? A lost cause, eh? You're plainly calling yourself out, don't you think? All these years of having the most beautiful lady in Northumberland at the palm of your hands, yet you're too much of a dimbo to even hold onto her. And besides, it's like hitting two birds with one stone, yeah? You and Niki?”
Sunghoon mockingly laughs at Jungwon's fuming face and before he even realized it, his glorious face landed on the cold ground with an angry clobber from the chap. Jungwon straddles him and continues punching him while sitting on top of the fallen boy.
In a swift response, Sunghoon pulls Jungwon by the collar and pushes him aggressively to the side. While landing several punches on Jungwon's face, the marquess spits out blood in the process.
“Enough!” Sunghoon sternly yells at the former who is now bending over his knees, huffing out exhales with a fast beating heart.
“Stop this stupidity you're doing with Y/n! You're no good for her, Yang, and you know that! Can't you see? You're just wasting her time when she could've been married last season already!”
“Don't fucking tell me what to do, ugly bastard!” Jungwon hisses with gritted teeth, mustering up his anger to give the marquess another blow of his fist.
“Stain my face with more blood, Yang, and you’ll have to kiss your princess goodbye. Mark my words, you will never have Y/n. Not even a useless moment with her.”
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“Niki! Niki! Niki!”
Daniel runs inside the Park manor with such haste, unknowingly bumping the mansion’s servants along the way. “Nishimura Riki!” The boy helplessly cries out to the latter, who apparently seems to be very preoccupied in the garden, impulsively firing the target on the branch.
“What?!” Niki yells back.
“I have big news to tell you!”
“If it’s about Sunghoon then shut your mouth ‘cause I have no intentions of hearing it. Sister will get tired of him soon enough, so I’m not worried. I trust Y/n’s wit to deliver her from that traitor.”
“But this is about Y/n and it's something that you should be worried about!” Niki swiftly turns his head to the boy bearing no more second thoughts as he throws away the blunderbuss and rushes to Daniel, “what happened to sister?!”
“She made a deal with the devil himself.”
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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asunshinepuff · 4 years
It Started with a Piano
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🎶 Hello! Honestly, this may be my most anticipated fic ever. Not because it’s been requested of me a lot, but because I have wanted to write a fic with this song probably since I saw a marauders CMV with it.
Until today, I had no clue how to write this and never thought too hard on it, then suddenly I’m listening to the song and it clicks. Talk about Inspiration. So anyway, enjoy this piece of wolfstar fluff from their Hogwarts years!
If you want to listen along, here’s the link to the song that inspired me to write this. Or you could listen to the piano cover.
The song technically doesn’t start until Remus begins playing the piano but do with that as you will.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy! 🎶
When life leaves you high and dry, I'll be at your door tonight. If you need help, if you need help.
I'll shut down the city lights, I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe. To make you well, to make you well.
Remus opened the doors of the fifth-floor classroom, grateful to find it empty, not that he hadn’t asked Professor Flitwick for permission beforehand. He didn’t know how he would've explained this - given that he wasn’t taking music as an extracurricular. 
Avoiding his fellow marauders was easier than he had anticipated, though to be fair, he had already told James and Sirius the plan for their next prank. He had some spare time as they brewed the necessary potion.
Walking towards the piano in the back center of the room, he gently lifted the lid and propped it open before taking a seat at the bench. Running a soft hand over the ivory keys, he thought about the cords that he had put together late last night in the dorms. 
Listening to the song over and over until it was ringing in his ears. Humming softly under his breath, he pulled a notebook out of his pack and flipped through the pages. 
Taking a breath, Remus began to play the first notes of the instrumental beginning, relaxing as the familiar tune began to fill the air and his strong focus lessened as it neared the first verse. 
“When life leaves you high and dry, I'll be at your door tonight, if you need help, if you need help.” He sang aloud, content at this moment to be on his own.
When enemies are at your door, I'll carry you away from war. If you need help, if you need help.
Your hope dangling by a string, I'll share in your suffering. To make you well, to make you well.
Sirius had a song stuck in his head, it echoed throughout the day ever since late last night. He knew it was because of Remus, though he had no idea what that song meant. Remus had him listen to countless muggle songs on his tape player that were his favorites or songs that they had discovered together. 
It was fascinating to hear the variety of music that could be created with instruments and recorded, to the point that it became a habit for them within their dorms. 
Something seemed strange though, he couldn’t help but muse as James stirred the fluxweed and knotgrass together for their Polyjuice Potion. Why is it that Remus took off after class? The moon wasn’t for another few weeks so he wouldn’t be headed to the hospital wing. 
He found himself unconsciously humming the tune again. What was Remus’ reasoning for the song? Wait, he was writing while he was listening. Was that song the reason why he avoided the preparation for today? 
His eyes widened slightly at that. Wordlessly, he got up from his chair, grabbing his pack, and headed out the door- ignoring the protesting and curious voices of Prongs and Wormtail that followed.
Give me reasons to believe, that you would do the same for me.
There was no sign of Remus in his usual locations. Not in the library, or the courtyard fountain, by the fire in the Gryffindor common room, or the tree by the Great Lake- actively all the spots where he could be alone and have the Marauders come and find him.
Sirius found himself walking up the grand staircase to the fifth floor, lost in thought about Moony when a soft piano piece seemed to flow through the air from the closed corridor doors. Once again, he thanked the fact that his animagus was a dog. There was no way he’d be able to hear it clearly otherwise.
As he walked down the halls of the corridor, nearing the classroom, the piece grew louder. He recognized it. The song. But, this was different than just hearing the words of the original singer or the instrumental melody. 
Remus was singing? Not the quiet hums he was used to hearing, but strong and carefree. His voice was hypnotizing, melodious, and the song seemed effortless to sing. He couldn’t help but smile, Moony always seemed to surprise him. 
And I would do it for you, for you. Baby, I'm not moving on, I'll love you long after you're gone.
For you, for you. You will never sleep alone, I'll love you long after you're gone.
And long after you're gone, gone, gone.
“Give me reasons to believe, that you would do the same for me.” Remus sang to himself, faintly hearing the approaching footsteps of someone but it was already too late to stop.
“And I would do it for you, for you. Baby, I'm not moving on, I'll love you long after you're gone.” Another voice joined his own, one that was familiar. That brought a smile to his face, but right now made him only feel embarrassed. 
Pausing with a gasp and widened eyes, he quickly turned behind him. Sirius stood at the entrance of the classroom, leaning against the doorframe with a smile upon his face. Most likely filled with zero regrets, meanwhile, Remus could feel his cheeks beginning to flush at the fact that Sirius absolutely heard him. 
“Why’d you stop? You just reached the chorus.” Sirius said teasingly.
“Pads what… why are you here?” Remus replied with caution, pulling his hands away from the keys. The ebony-haired boy didn’t respond to him exactly, just pushed off of the doorframe and began making his way over to Remus’ side until he was at the bench and Remus had to look up to meet his eyes. 
“Well Moons, I wanted to find you. That, and you’ve gotten that song stuck in my head with your long hours of playing it last night.” He said with a chuckle as Remus’ eyes widened even further if it were possible. “Scoot over.”
Without waiting, Sirius placed his pack down on the floor beside the leather satchel that was already by the bench, then sat down to join his friend. Giving Remus a smile, he looks to the makeshift music sheet within the notebook, putting the melody together.
Remus stared at Sirius for a few seconds, stunned that he wanted to stay. Glancing down to their hands which were quite close together, he could feel the warmth radiating off of the other boy. 
He looks up to the notebook, then back to Sirius, watching as his grey-blue eyes scoured over the pages. “... Can you play?” He asked in curiosity.
Sirius looked at the tawny-haired boy beside him and nodded, “Mother dearest had a private teacher give Regulus and I lessons since I was five.”
At the look upon Remus’ face, which frequented whenever he spoke of his previous home life, he shakes his head. “I don’t play too often anymore, but I’ll make an exception for you.” He continued with a wink.
Remus chuckled exasperatedly, with a shake of his head, worry seeming to bypass for the moment. He stared silently at Sirius, watching as pale hands rested upon the ivory keys and began following the scale, then began playing the melody of the chorus. 
“You will never sleep alone. I'll love you long after you're gone, and long after you're gone, gone, gone.” Sirius sang softly, and it was Remus’ turn to be surprised. How much of the lyrics has he memorized? Enough he supposes, given that he had apparently forgotten to cast the silencing charm on his bed. 
When you fall like a statue, I'm gon' be there to catch you. Put you on your feet, you on your feet.
And if your well is empty, not a thing will prevent me. Tell me what you need, what do you need? “I surrender honestly, you've always done the same for me.” He continued, increasing the tempo of the piece as the chorus nears once again as he looks back to Remus with a smile and encouraging nod. Sing with me. His look said, and honestly, when has he ever said no? Or wanted to? 
“So I would do it for you, for you. Baby, I'm not moving on, I'll love you long after you're gone.” They sang in unison, voices melding together in a harmony that seemed rather perfect. Remus carried the melody as a guide as Sirius continued the rhythm. 
For you, for you. “You will never sleep alone. I'll love you long after you're gone, and long after you're gone, gone, gone.”
It was as if they were being pulled by a string, Remus found himself ever closer to the warmth that Sirius always provided. With a short pause, Sirius pulled his hands away and pulled Remus ever closer, shifting himself in the process.
You’re my backbone you're my cornerstone. You're my crutch when my legs stop moving.
You're my head start, you're my rugged heart. You're the pulse that I've always needed.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating. Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.
With Sirius now flush behind him, Remus couldn’t help but blush, yet he did not pull away. It was warm and comfortable within his friend’s arms, and he found himself never wanting to leave Sirius’ embrace. He could hear his heart beating in his ears, and felt the fast pace of Sirius’ own heart.
Remus hesitantly reached down, and took hold of Sirius’ hands, intertwining their fingers. Just to see how he’d react. When he didn’t pull away, he sighed in relief and lifted their hands so that they rested together upon the keys.
Turning to look behind him, he saw the soft smile upon Sirius’ face. And he knew. That smile, it was only for him. He found himself mirroring it unconsciously, “Sirius…”
“I know Re,” He said softly, almost in a whisper. “Come on, we’re almost there. Want to sing this?” Remus nodded in reply, and turned back to the keys as he began to play again, Sirius’ hands never leaving his own.
As the song began nearing its end, Remus began to relax leaning back slightly into the warm weight behind him, causing Sirius to chuckle fondly. What the tawny-haired boy didn’t know, was that he had been watching him as he sang with a smile. 
Teasing from James be damned, he knew he was in love with Remus. And from the way Remus’ head leaned against his own, intertwined fingers tightening as the tempo began to slow, after placing a kiss upon his flush cheeks, he didn’t doubt that Remus felt the same.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating. Like a drum my heart never stops beating for you. 
And long after you're gone, gone, gone. I'll love you long after you're gone, gone, gone.
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