#but as the fandom motto goes
faithinlouisfuture · 11 months
hi I'm the anon who asked you if you're going to the Jakarta show. sorry to hear that you won't be able to go and sorry also about how Louis' team is treating the Asia show, you guys deserve so much better! I do hope you get to see him somehow though
thank you it's kind of you to come back just to say this 🙏🏽
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Epic Fandom We Need To Talk! (An Open Letter)
As a former survivor of severe Cyberbullying and harrasment I can no longer stay silent anymore. You have forced my hand.
This has gone way too far and I am massively disappointed. All I ask is that you listen to what I have to say. This is no longer a joke as a survivor of Cyberbullying and harrasment I can say that a misunderstanding has turned into The Epic Fandom putting the livelihood and well being of artists in danger. I ask you to be respectful and understand I am speaking from old wounds and experience. Please don't twist my words, I don't support 🍇 or Antinous he is a horrible character.
Tw: Mentions of Cyberbullying, 🍇 and harassment
Dear Epic Fandom,
You are better then this, I know you are. Polites taught us to greet the world with open arms and accept when people make mistakes and stop holding onto are anger. The fandom is growing and we can't stop it but I'm really disappointed in the people letting hate win and turning the fandom venomous and toxic
We are all Epic Fans but behind the glass on your screen there's a person, a person with feelings who you know nothing about. You all don't know the real Melody typing this but your all probably gonna make assumptions based on what you dont know and that is the danger of being online. The person who posted fanart of Antinous and Telemachus you didn't like, they have real feelings. Complicated messy feelings that aren't able to be articulated enough online.
As a survivor of bullying myself my motto is block or scroll. I myself am very uncomfortable with a lot of the ao3 tags shipping Odysseus with Poseidon or Zeus but do I go angrily type on my keyboard? No I don't cos it's none of my damnn business. When I saw that art, I was confused and uncomfortable but instead of being reckless and sentimental I asked for clarification. Taking Polites advice I used open arms and talked about what was bothering me without attacking the artist. Instead of being like Polites you all became Poseidon. Ruthlessness Is Mercy is not the way to go, it's a toxic way to go about life. Did you all not listen to that Thunder Saga and see how it destroyed everything Odysseus had known for the past thirteen years.
You should all be absolutely ashamed of yourself. This is not what the Epic Fandom should be. You don't like someone's fan art ask for clarification and or block. There is no need to be Ruthless and cruel. The fact two genuine heartfelt Apologises have been made and you still can't let it go very much clearly shows your character. You are very much like Poseidon and Zeus and should be ashamed. In Ares words you are all sick cowards. Not only that but you are clearly projecting. I suggest you go to therapy if you think your time in the Epic the musical fandom should be spent bullying and harassing people then leave. The number one rule is that there is always a person behind the screen and that you should think before you type.
I'm still not over the fact how you have twisted and triggered someone's truama. I also can't believe hate is being given after the artist mentioned her experience. 🍇 is not a thing to weaponise. I feel like the Wisdom Saga has made you far too comfortable in how you handle and discuss 🍇. The artist forgot her trigger warnings and wasn't even trying to imply the twisted image you put on her. Also I pointed out she shouldn't have tagged it Epic and apologied. Jorge has made adaptations to The Odssey a piece of fiction. What Jorge has done with Antinous is his own creative liberties. If you can't have sensitive and respectful conversation about something that is still happening to people I don't know what to say. Accusing someone of supporting 🍇 is not okay at all. The artist wasn't attending that way and understands she shouldn't have done what she did but it goes both ways. Look for context before you slam. Judging someone based on an honest mistake and huge misunderstanding is dangerous and cruel. Do you not understand the dangers this could put the artist in in real life. Please have open arms and think before you type. This is a serious topic and not a joke.
Moving on I want to talk about why I think this blew up so bad. It's because Elian was commissioned to do an animatic for Jorge. Listen you all would have blocked if it wasn't for that. I read comments saying they idolised her and that is a really f**** dangerous thing to do. Idiolising someone because they've been noticed or hired by Jorge isn't healthy at all. At the end of the day we are all human beings. Elian is allowed to make mistakes and grow. Outside of Epic this is becoming a massive problem in genuine.
Worse I've seen and heard about Artists like Mirscy and AnniFlamma getting attacked just for defending their friend. I'm sorry are we not allowed to defend our friends now from bullying? I can't speak for them but if I saw my friend getting hated and harassed on I'd be angry too, it's like a natural emotion to feel. Then again you are the same fandom that mocks Eurylochus for sticking up for his crew so I'm not suprised. These artists are human beings and not God's because Jorge noticed and appreciated their work. Stop twisting these artists into people there not.
I'm not Tiresias but I can see Jorge stopping collaborating with artists on animatics if you keep this disgusting behaviour up. Constructive criticism is okay but falsely twisting the image of an artist is not okay at all by doing this you are dehumanising artists and doing exactly what Hollywood does. Jorge will have to stop commissioning people it you keep using the fact he noticed them against them when they make mistakes like all human beings do.
Please do better and stop being Poseidons. An 8 year grudge was unhealthy and got him nowhere. Be more like Polites and Greet The World with open arms. Not everything is black and white. Tik Tok built the Epic Fandom up and you hold all the power.
Stay kind and great the world the world with open arms.
Yours Sincerely,
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Ps: If you send me hate and twist my words be warned I have friends as well. One particular friend was there when a lot of my Cyberbullying truama happened and is aware why this has triggered me so badly and caused an episode.
Attack you will be blocked. I'll also remove reblogs.
Attack and you will be reported.
You don't scare me.
Be nice Epic Fandom and don't become The Monster. I'm willing to have civil conversations but that's it.
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accio-victuuri · 7 days
some minor candies dumped together.
my motto is that some bits in this fandom seem small sometimes but you will never know when it will be useful to piece things together in the future.
let’s start with this. HAHAHAHAHA! i always love the contrast between them. zz all cutesy and sweet then you have yibo in a supposed cute fit but that serious face. i love them please! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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moving on to the lovely this or that video released by jimmy choo on their instagram. he was asked whether he prefers skateboards or bike. i guess it’s a no brainer that he will answer skateboard because that has always been his passion but for some reason he answered bikes. maybe he’s doing another thing related to it that we know nothing about.
but it makes us think of another person who loves to go biking. thinking about them doing this activity together as a form of exercise is nice!
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maybe we are overthinking it the way we usually do but it’s so out of the expected yibo answer. 🤷🏻‍♀️ plus knowing how prominent a “bike” pops up in xz vlogs. actually, even in the ideal life painting you have a bike.
speaking of jimmy choo, that had it’s own clownery in on itself. lol. these poses from our boys:
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I’m so so proud of them for being global brand ambassadors from these brands and continuing to dominate c-ent in their own way/s. with little to no scandal. and how their photos always seem to match. i swear it’s not just the cpf in me that sees these and goes they look good together. they really do even if you are a passerby.
of course xzs and ybo have to join in and give us some sweets. both of the caption saying let’s start… // let’s listen.. so in that way it’s similar. and you have that emoji. at this point the way these two teams seem to have the same posting style is not new. adding this to the very long list 📝
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this one is my favorite. so lately, ybo has been posting these sort of postcards to promote ETU. largely with actual snaps from the show which are obviously provided by the production team. but this one photo released seems so special cause it’s an artwork. and yes, a huge part of this is because i’m a cpf and gg as yibo’s personal artist has always been a headcanon truth among us.
however, look ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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it seems to have that same style/feel as xz’s previous works. that almost whimsical feel and how it’s colored.
fans even did an edit. do you see it now? ✨
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rainy-astrology · 11 months
BTS Jungkook Birth chart analysis
Based on my opinions and observations. Not an expert. May change later.
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September 1st, 1997
Busan, South Korea
3:25 PM
☀️♍️, 🌙♍️, ⬆️♑️
Sun, Moon, and Mercury are in Virgo, giving him a Virgo stellium. He is detail oriented, helpful and reliable, and incredibly hard working, not a slacker at all. The downsides are that he's likely very critical on himself and others (but more likely on himself; Virgos are just...a little too self aware lol), perfectionistic, nitpicky, and can be an overthinker. E.g the time he was crying about a small mistake he made on stage that the other members hadn't seen at all. They all sit in the 8th house as well and form conjunctions to each other (sun conjunct moon and mercury, moon conjunct mercury)
Virgo Sun in 8th is very private and maybe even shy. Jungkook's not really an extrovert tbh, he has a small circle and is often seen hanging out with the same few friends. This placement is quite picky with who they choose to let into their life - they have to be extremely sure they can trust you to completely let you in their inner world.
Moon in 8th is an intense placement. Very strong feelings here. Having a Virgo moon though should help calm the intensity a little or at least help him navigate his feelings in a more structured way. Virgo moons tends to analyze and rationalize their thoughts and feelings. This could explain why Jungkook's never been the type to openly show his deeper feelings. This house can be transactional and Virgo is a sign of service, so he may find security in helping/servicing others. And people like to reciprocate the helpful energy for him too.
Mercury in 8th is a deeply curious and investigative placement. Virgo mercury is especially detailed - nothing gets past Jungkook. It's known he lurked around in fandom space on tiktok and twitter, so he most likely knows all the jokes and other things the fans talk about. This placement wants to understand things deeply.
Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter are in 1st house. Neptune (illusions) and Uranus (unpredictable and constant change) can make a person chameleon-like in terms of appearance and Jungkook is versatile in fashion. It could explain why it was a bit confusing to guess his rising sign.
Jupiter in 1st - puts in a lot of effort into everything he does, may sometimes overdo things. Tries to be optimistic and upbeat, wants to enjoy life to the fullest.
Libra Venus is domicile and in 9th. Curious and knowledge seeking, especially curious about new cultures and places
Mars Scorpio in the 10th is very passionate and ambitious. Very determined to succeed in his career and reach all the goals he sets for himself. His motto "I would rather die than live without passion" is a perfect example of this placement.
Saturn in 3rd - some sort of challenge with communication. This placement can be very shy and maybe even a bit self conscious, socially anxious. Jungkook was incredibly shy when he was younger - iirc he would even cry when asked to sing and used to be so shy around the members predebut in general.
Pluto in 11th - a strange tense relationship with the idea of friendship. He didn't have much close friends when he was young and going to a whole new city made him even lonelier. However meeting BTS gave him friendship, which helped his loneliness a lot. They even helped him get over his shyness and support him with anything he does. He cares very deeply about them, even crying when they were talking about the struggles they were going through. He considers them his family, which makes sense since he was basically raised by them. He himself is quite influential as well (a given as he's a huge celebrity though) and can pretty much make anything he likes and anywhere goes become very popular.
Chiron in 10th - worried about how his image and reputation is perceived by others. Considering how incredibly shy Jungkook was when he was younger, it's not surprising he may have had a lot of self doubt about his journey to being an idol (along with the very self critical Virgo stellium. Chiron in 10th + Virgo stellium is careful and perfectionistic in order to have a good image). There may be issues of self esteem and power (mainly with authority and/or with himself) within his life.
With North Node in 8th though, it pushes Jungkook to be more open to create relations with others. He doesn't have to do everything alone - he should learn to rely on others and be comfortable being more open, both mentally and emotionally.
Capricorn rising is a little surprising ngl...However, I think it explains his physical features well. His eyes (I've noticed many Cap placements have big eyes), his face structure, and especially his hair. Capricorn rising hair is always very noticeable considering Capricorns rule hair. And like most earth risings, he can be down to earth and reserved - he keeps to himself a lot. Definitely very hard working like a Capricorn, ambitious and strives for success.
His Libra MC could be why many people thought he was a Libra rising. It is at 29°, a Leo degree, so that could also explain why people thought he could have been a Leo rising too. Libra mc is artsy and creative, which shows in his art skills in drawing, photography, and editing. Obviously his singing and dancing as well. It's apparent in his fashion too: experimenting with his hair styles, his sleeve tattoo, his piercings, and darker yet neat clothing style.
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
Kpop astrology list
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nana-mania · 1 year
pls can you do a part 2 for the red flags of bllk characters!! it was so good!
࿐*ೃ sure!! i actually plan to do for more characters in part 3 so characters suggestion is highly encouraged! (4 CHARACTERS MAXIMUM)
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“HIS RED FLAGS” - PART 2 - what does he do that make him an obvious red flag?
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╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ headcanon
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࿐*ೃ feat : reo mikage, seishiro nagi, oliver aiku, rin itoshi
࿐*ೃ fandom : blue lock
࿐*ೃ extra : gn! reader, angst.
࿐*ೃ trigger warning : cheating, manipulation, profanities, toxic relationship.
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╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Reo would be the best, most perfect partner ever if only he believes that not everything can be resolved through his wealth. He loves you, he does but you're never his priority. All he cares about is his football career. He barely has time for you, often spending time with Seishiro to practice soccer together until dusk nearly everyday. When you tell him about your worries, you expect him to take action and finally considers to mend the relationship again. But he never. He just gives you tons of money and tells you to have fun by yourself to cheer you up. When you insist him to spend quality time with you, he harshly rejects you by saying he is busy. Indeed, he is busy. He is busy being Seishiro's servant and prioritizing his happiness more than yours.
“Sorry, Y/n. Not today. I have practice.”
“I told you, I don't have the leisure time to play around. I need to practice soccer!”
“Just take this money and enjoy yourself. Leave me alone and never speak about this matter ever again.”
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ Seishiro...is lazy, in general and in all ways. Relationship is a hassle for him to handle due to his lazy nature. He never make an effort to spice up nor mending his relationship with you. If it happens, it happens. That's his motto, one that he never fail to hold onto. Seishiro basically doesn't even care about you let alone your feelings for him in the slightest bit. He is solely using your vulnerability to his advantage. In all honesty, he only engages in relationship with you because he thinks you would be useful to assist him with his daily needs. You're a gullible person who simply follows all his orders like a servant, only thinking you only do this out of love and casting aside the fact you're being manipulated by your own boyfriend. He asks for breakfast? You make one for him. He tells you to wash all his clothes while he play games? You gladly do so. This goes on for a while until you realize how wrong this is and confronts Seishiro about it. The result, he never give a flying fuck. Instead, Seishiro manipulates you into thinking this is your own fault and makes you feel much worse.
“So...what's your point actually? You're blaming me over your own stupidity?”
“You're really dumb, Y/n. So dumb that it took you this long to notice.”
“Apologize? I never do anything wrong. It isn't like I hit you or anything.”
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ We all know what this man is capable of; cheating. From the start of the relationship, he has dropped countless obvious hints. During date, you will always find his eyes lingering on other people as he “admires” them with a lustful smirk on his face. When you confront him, Oliver just brushes it off and says you're overreacting. It doesn't matter how many times you scold him, he will repeat his doing. And as time passes, he straightout flirts with anyone that catches his interest right in front of you. Daring to even exchange number while his lips curves into a seductive smirk. He barely has time for you and frequently leaving the house to have fun with his “friends”, which turns out to be his secret lover, one that he has been cheating on you with for a long time.
“Jeez, you're overreacting too much. I'm just being nice to them.”
“What's wrong with getting their number? You know me, I like making new friends!”
“Come on...can you just be open-minded and let me do anything I want? I can date anyone I want besides you. You have no control over my life.”
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ You and Rin were like dream lovers, perfect for each other and completed each other's heart. That's it, until the dispute between Rin and his older brother happened that drastically changed him...and his relationship with you. Rin is not as sweet and as caring he used to be, solely focusing on his goal to surpass and beat his older brother in their unhealthy rivalry. He has become more distant and acts colder toward you. There is no spark of joy in the relationship anymore, with Rin drifting apart from you and you hurting from his cold-hearted treatment. You try to be there for him, supporting him in his journey to be the best striker to prove to his older brother but your efforts are often overlooked and left unappreciated by Rin. In fact, he sees you as a nuisance rather than his biggest supporter.
“I don't have time for you. Screw off, (Y/n).”
“You interrupted my practice to tell me to fucking rest? Are you telling me to laze around?”
“From now on, stop visiting me during practice. You are a fucking nuisance.”
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࿐*ೃ thanks for reading this headcanon! likes and reblogs are deeply appreciated ♡
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
What your favorite Sanders Sides episode says about you because I’m binging the series rn and I wanna do this. All of this is a joke, I’m just being silly
My True Identity: Wow look at the fun little identity crisis series! Would be a shame if this goes downhill, right? Yeah, that’s what denial of the inevitable sounds like.
Way Too Adult: I’m willing to bet you’re a fan of the Unsympathetic Patton stuff. Just the vibe I get.
Taking on Anxiety!: I’m so sorry for the atrocities that have occurred in this fandom regarding Virgil. All you wanted was a sassy little emo boy and the fandom made him the embodiment of uwu, I’M SO SORRY-
A New Year of Lying to Myself… In Song!: You just like the song. I feel you, I like the song too.
The Dark Side of Disney!: We meet again, prinxiety shippers. :)
I’m in a Disney show!: Your favorite character is C!Thomas.
The Mind vs. The Heart: I won’t say you’re a logicality shipper… but if they got married, you definitely wouldn’t complain.
Dad’s Big Game Day Tips: … Daddy issues. I’m sorry, it needed to be said.
Alone on Valentines Day: I don’t have a joke here, but I’ll just say that my first thought was “aromantic”, so take that as you will.
Losing My Motivation: Oh my gosh. We get it. Logan is wonderful. That’s the 5th PowerPoint you’ve made today. Please just let me go home.
Q&A: You want an updated one. Me too, buddy, me too.
Am I Original: Going back and rewatching this video after POF makes you cry every single time.
My Negative Thinking: Hey analogical shippers, how are you doing? Still starving? … anyway let’s do some more logicality and prinxiety, shall we? :)
Growing Up: You’re everything that the people who’s favorite episode is “Losing My Motivation” are, but for Patton, and you don’t understand why the fandom thinks he’s kind of problematic.
Making Some Changes: *obnoxious chanting* LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAM-
Becoming A Cartoon: … I won’t say anything. I won’t crush your dreams. I’ll just observe, smile, nod and just move on.
Accepting Anxiety: I don’t blame you, a lot of work was put into that episode. By the way you know you can ship prinxiety platonically, right? You can like it platonically without liking it romantically, I-I hope you know that-
Fitting In: You’re actively choosing to ignore drama online and I’m impressed with that, also you are aware that it’s messed up to bash Thomas for making a Harry Potter video 6 years ago, IT WAS SIX YEARS AGO AND HE LIKED HARRY POTTER, DON’T YOU DARE CANCEL THOMAS FOR THAT-
Moving On: Sorry, I’d write a joke for this one but I’m too busy crying-
12 Days Of Christmas: holy wow- no thoughts, head empty. You saw the colorful and festive little Christmas special and you actually said “:D” out loud.
Why do we get out of bed in the morning?: You probably said one thing in support of logince at one point in your entire life and you got chased with pitchforks by the prinxiety shippers and then Roman started bullying Logan, I am so sorry for this fandom’s sins :(
Crofters the musical: You’re basically Roman in this episode. “But look at him now! (Cue Logan chugging jam like a fucking madman) He’s just so COOL!”
Learning New Things About Ourselves: Your motto is “angst doesn’t exist if I can’t see it.”
Embarrassing Phases: I… completely forgot this episode existed. This is your favorite? I’m not judging your taste or anything, but what’s with your taste?
Selfishness v. Selflessness: Your favorite design? Janus. Your favorite personality? Janus. Your favorite ship? A Janus ship. Your favorite side? … Logan.
Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts: Remus’ abandonment issues aren’t canon. But if I say that too loud, then you people might stab me, so nevermind.
Are There Healthy Distractions: Apparently this episode’s plot of Thomas forgiving his previously homophobic friend is an analogy for Thomas forgiving Virgil for having been a dark side. That’s the connection! I missed it too! I thought it was a silly Frozen episode too! IT’S ABOUT VIRGIL!
Putting Others First: … guys, you can stop fighting the moceit vs roceit war, neither of them will ever be canon. ALSO HOLY WOW PATTON IS A FROG AND HE’S RIPPED FOR SOME REASON, WHAT THE FU-
Flirting With Social Anxiety: Your number one headcanon for the season 2 finale is a direct Frozen quote where Patton is like “Thomas you can’t marry a man you just met” and Roman is like “you can if it’s true love! >:0” (also hi again prinxiety shippers!)
Working Through Intrusive Thoughts: You have anger issues and you relate to Logan. Or you’re just happy to see the silly, goofy, demented Duke with fandom-inflicted abandonment issues!
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hello! if you're reading this then, hear me out for just a moment.
hello a second time. we are a band from south london called bears in trees. we sound a bit like the kids at school who were late to class because they'd found a cool rock in the field next to the playground they simply couldn't stay away from.
we write songs about platonic love, eating concrete, and understanding the anxieties your mother felt. our general motto is to write introspective music to party and/or cry to. it's been a pretty successful vibe so far. we call ourselves a dirtbag boyband but only 3 of us identify as boys; so the boyband part is in essence, not gender.
i'm writing this post because we just announced our newest ep. it's called every moonbeam every feverdream, and it's about finding peace in the everyday rhythm of your life, the sun exploding, and feeling like you don't have a body. we just released the first single from it too - that’s called kind love, and you can listen to it here.
we grew up on tumblr, and it’s always been a second home to us. if you’re still reading this here in 2022 i’m guessing you feel the same so! there’s common ground. we’re signed to an independent label in the usa and up until last year we did everything ourselves so, as weird as advertising is we much prefer doing it in the spaces we understand and value. this is, to be blunt, an advertisement we hope will get you to listen to our band. it would mean a lot to our 15 year old fandom blogs if you did.
if you have listened, already like us, or just want to signal boost our lil’ band, reblogging this goes a long way. then, even if you don’t vibe with our music (which is absolutely fine) maybe someone on your dash will. that would be equally as lovely.
thank you for reading. i hope you have a lovely whatever you were doing before you started reading this.
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foibles-fables · 2 months
Foibles, is it okay to be jealous of other fic writers? I try really hard not to be but sometimes when I work really hard on something and nobody leaves comments it just feels deflating. I know that writing fanfic is mostly for me so I know I shouldn’t be jealous of the more popular writers in my fandom, but it can be hard.
Side note: I’ve been so enjoying your dive into avatar kyoshi and I love love love your writing (I am less so jealous and more just in awe of you)
Oh nonny! First of all, thank you for the kind words--you flatter me too much and I appreciate it immensely. <3 <3 <3
Now the advice and commiseration...jealousy is a natural emotion, and it's more than okay to feel! In truth, it rears up for me very often. Comparison is a double-edged sword. It's how we grow, but it can also lead to some pretty bad feelings of inadequacy. And I do know that the constant motto goes "write for yourself"--but you can't deny how crappy it feels when you share something and don't get the reception you wanted or expected. That's all valid and normal, to be sure.
What matters is not feeling the jealousy, but what you do with it. I do believe it's possible to feel it in a positive, productive way--feel frustrated for a moment, then pivot that energy towards a new creation. Feel jealous of another creator, absolutely, but not bitter or angry--hone your own craft, think not "why them?" but "how me?" Try to even make friends with them, if you can! That's the most powerful thing in fandom--your connections and friendships.
But overall, I will simply say that I commiserate and am so proud of you for putting your work out there!!! It's a scary thing to do.
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heartlessfujoshi · 21 days
Familiar Places - An IgNoct fanfic
Title: Familiar Places Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Ignoct (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Ignis Scientia) Rating; General (Minor Angst - Tooth-Rotting Fluff) Word Count: ~4,500 Summary: It’s Noctis’ 18th birthday, and it seems that everyone on Eos has forgotten about it. 
A/N: Happy birthday to Noctis! :D Gosh, it felt good to write the birthday boy again. :) Please enjoy! 
Noctis looks at himself in the mirror, adjusts the simple tie around his neck, and stares back at his reflection. He doesn’t look any different. Not that he would know what one should look like when they turn eighteen. He tilts his head, fixing a bit of his unruly hair, then sighs. Birthdays are dumb. He hates having to deal with people wishing him well tidings on this day, when it really isn’t all that special. It’s Friday, and that was it.
So what if he’s now of legal age to do most things in Insomnia? That is, except for drinking, which is fine. He has never cared for the taste of liquor the few times he’s tried it under certain circumstances. 
Picking up his phone, he checks to see if anyone has said anything yet, but all lines of chat are completely quiet. No messages from Prompto, none from Gladio, and definitely none from Ignis. He doesn’t know why, but his chest aches as he lingers on the last text he’d exchanged with Ignis, which had been all of three days ago. And all it had said was “Fine.” 
Ignis had wanted him to go to the Citadel to attend some stupid meeting, and he had wanted to stay behind at school with Prompto, as the two of them were working on a class project. Of course, all Ignis had said was that single word. Straight and to the point - that has always been Ignis’ motto. 
He turns off the light, and heads out into his kitchen, where there’s a tray full of pastries sitting on his counter. Apparently Ignis had come by at some point to drop them off, as he knows they weren’t there last night when he went to bed. Looking around, he tries to see if his Adviser is around, lurking in the shadows, but no - he’s alone in his apartment. 
“Happy birthday to me.” He mumbles, picking up one of his favorites - one made with Ulwat berry. 
Dusting off the sugar from his fingertips, he grabs his things and heads out of his apartment. He’s taken to riding public transportation in the morning, while he saves using the Regalia for the afternoons. Taking public transportation to the Citadel, where he goes regularly each week for training with Cor and the Glaives isn’t an easy task, hence the rides in the Regalia. It’s also the time of day when he gets to speak to Ignis, which he looks forward to most days. One of the perks of living away from the Citadel with his father is that he’s able to blend in with the rest of society. No one pays him any attention, but if he’s in the Regalia, then all eyes are on him. Anonymity has its perks. 
Prompto doesn’t greet him with a happy birthday when he sees him. They do share a hug, and then Prompto launches into telling him all about this game he’d been playing the night before, which Noctis remembers as he’d had to help him solve a difficult puzzle through chat. He wants to ask him if he knows what day it is, but then stops himself because he doesn’t want the unnecessary attention from any of the other students. 
The day goes by fast. School has only come back from summer break the week before, and it’s their final year. He had always thought that his third year would be the worst, but so far it’s proving to be the easiest. That all can change, though, but for now, he’s going to count it as a blessing. 
“Hey, want to go to the arcade?” Noctis asks Prompto, as they get their trainers back on, slipping his school shoes into his locker. 
Prompto grimaces, then shakes his head. “I can’t! I have plans, Noct. I’m so sorry!” Prompto rushes to slam his locker shut, and then starts to walk away. “Maybe tomorrow? See ya, Prince!” He waves, and then leaves the school building, leaving Noctis to stare after his best friend with an open mouth. 
Tomorrow? What good would going to the arcade be if they went tomorrow? Today is his birthday, not tomorrow. Noctis sighs, then turns back to look at his shoes. Was the world against him today? That had to be in. The Six are having a laugh that the Prince of Lucis has yet to hear someone say ‘happy birthday’ to him. 
Not even his own father has reached out to him to wish him well. Usually his father is the first person to send a text - always at the exact time that his mother gave birth to him. But not today. The last text he has from his father was from over a month ago. He knows that tensions have been high between Lucis and Niflheim, but not even a text?? 
Noctis puts his bag over his shoulder, and leaves the school grounds, only to find that the Regalia isn’t there. No car to take him back home. He looks up at the sky, and isn’t at all surprised to see that the sky has gone grey. He can feel a chill in the air, and as he begins to walk towards the underground, rain begins to fall. 
He gets down below just as a deluge occurs, the sky’s opening up with a torrential amount of rain. His feet pound on the stairs, rushing to get further away from the wetness, water running down the stairs towards where he’s going. He pulls out his phone again, making sure he hasn’t missed a text from anyone. Still no communication from anyone. 
Is my phone dead? 
Flipping through his contacts, he finds one for the video game store he likes to visit, and tries to call the number. It rings, and as someone picks up, he hangs up. Okay, so his phone is working. That’s good. 
But why does he feel so bad? 
Rather than go straight home, Noctis decides to head to the largest public library in Insomnia, which is only a few stops away from where his apartment is. If no one is going to be bothered to wish him a happy birthday, he’s going to go and do something he hasn’t done in ages. He can’t remember the last time he willingly went to the library. Ignis is the one that frequents the library, often dragging Noctis with him as it will help educate him on the workings of the Citadel, and what he’ll need to know when he takes over duties for the King. 
The library is quiet. There are people milling about, trying to stay out of the rain, as it is still a torrential downpour. Noctis walks in, shaking his head to get some of the water off of him, but it doesn’t really help as he’s pretty much drenched. He looks around, deciding on where he should go, and heads up to the second level, where the historical books can be found. 
It’s like Ignis is with him, which is mildly comforting. It’d be better if Ignis had actually been there, but Noctis can’t be upset with him. He knows that his life has become more difficult, with more tasks now falling onto his shoulders. His future right-hand man. Looking to his right, he feels a pang in his chest, missing the presence of who should be there. 
Choosing the library might not have been the best idea, as now he’s more depressed than he had been at school. He pulls his phone out, and debates on taking a selfie in the stacks, wanting to send the picture to Ignis to show him where he is, but the ‘Fine’ text mocks him, making him remember that they aren’t really on the best of terms right now. He loses the smile that had begun to appear on his face, and pockets his phone again, feeling defeated. 
He finds a quiet corner, and sits down, hoping he isn’t ruining the furniture with his damp clothing. No one comes near him, which again, he’s grateful for but begins to wonder if there is something wrong with him. Brushing it off, he closes his eyes and sinks further into the comfortable chair, deciding that a quick nap might help get him out of his funk. 
It’s dark when he wakes him, Noctis looking around in confusion as he’s forgotten where he is. Library. Right. He picks up his bag, and pulls his phone out of his pocket. Still no calls or texts from any of his friends, nor from his father. Hadn’t he reminded everyone a week ago that his birthday was coming up? Maybe he had done a bad job of saying something. 
Luckily, the rain has now stopped, allowing him to head to the underground without any worry of getting drenched again. He stops at one stop before his station, and heads back up topside to grab his favorite meal. If no one is going to celebrate his birthday with him, then that’s their loss. He’s going to enjoy the rest of his birthday by himself, and that’s going to start with some delicious Galahd food. 
He eats at the stall by himself, ordering all of his favorite menu items and devouring them as if he hasn’t seen food in days. He tips the chef nicely, then walks towards his apartment building, figuring the walk will do him well as he has to work off the food he’s just consumed. No training today, which he had assumed was because it’s his birthday, but since he hasn’t gotten a call or text from either Cor or Gladio, Noctis figures that maybe it’s just a lucky day. 
The apartment lobby is decorated for the late summer holiday, and his doorman greets him hello before hitting the elevator button for him. Noctis gets into the elevator, and pushes the button for his floor. He walks off the elevator, and heads to his apartment, keeping his head down as he’s in no mood to make eye contact with anyone - friendly neighbor or not. He wants today to come to an end. Eighteen has been terrible so far, and he doesn’t expect it to get any better. 
Putting the key into his lock, he twists it, noticing that there was light streaming from under the door. Did I forget to turn off the lights again? Ignis is going to kill me. He twists the handle, and then pushes the door open. He’s about to check on the lights when he looks up and stares in shock as every single person who he’s been thinking about over the course of the day is standing in his apartment. “Surprise!” They all shout, balloons and decorations filling his apartment to the brim. “Happy birthday, Noctis!” Everyone yells, poppers exploding as they shout their birthday greeting to him. 
“What?” He stares at the group - Gladio is there, dressed down in his workout clothes; Prompto is there, snapping pictures with his camera; Cor is standing off to the side with his father - his father is here. And then, standing front and center is the one person he’s been missing the most - Ignis. 
“Apologies, Your Highness.” Ignis greets him with a wane smile. “We had to keep this secret from you.” 
“Sorry, Noct!” Prompto appears next to him, snapping a pic of the two of them with his camera. “I know you wanted to go to the arcade, but I had to come here to help set everything up! But where the hell have you been?! We thought you were going to be here hours ago!” 
Blushing, Noctis looks around, still stunned by the surprise of everyone being here. “I thought you forgot.” 
“How could we forget your birthday?” Gladio threw his arm around his neck, and began to rub his fist against the top of his head. “You told us last week!” 
Noctis feels sheepish, struggling to get out of his hold as Gladio stops rubbing his head. He breathes a bit easier, pulling at the tie around his neck, which is still in a knot because he hadn’t bothered to do anything with it at the library. He gives his future Shield a grin, scratching the back of his neck. “Did I?” 
“You know you did, you jerk.” Gladio gives him a smirk, then turns and walks over to where Cor is standing. 
He approaches his father, who has taken a seat, no doubt because his knee is bothering him. “Hello.” He greets him, taking the seat next to his to be on the same level as him. 
“Happy birthday, Noctis.” His father hands him a small package, which he takes with his hand. “I apologize, we can’t stay for very long. When Ignis had informed me that you had not yet come home after my final meeting was over, I told Cor that we should come by.” 
“I’m glad you did.” Noctis sets the gift down. “I didn’t expect to see either of you here.” He looks over at Ignis, who is having a conversation with Prompto, who is in the process of taking pictures of everything happening around them. “Thanks, Dad.” 
“It isn’t every day that you turn eighteen.” His father stands up, using his cane to balance himself. Cor is at his side in an instant, his father rolling his eyes. “I’m not an invalid, Leonis.” 
“I did not say that you were, Your Majesty.” Cor looks at him. “Happy birthday, Noct. No training tomorrow.”
”Seriously?” He asks, surprise returning. “You never give me two days off in a row.” 
“Yes, I do.” Cor gives a nod, Noctis hiding his eye roll by looking away as Cor then looks at his father. “Ready to go, Your Majesty?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Regis looks around the room. “Boys - I am glad that my son has such a strong bond with the three of you. You didn’t have to do this for his birthday.” 
“We wanted to do something fun, Your Majesty!” Prompto walks over with Ignis, who has yet to look at him since apologizing to him. “Noct deserves it!” 
“He does, indeed.” Regis’ hand falls heavy on his shoulder, Noctis turning to give his father a polite smile. “Enjoy yourself, Noctis. Happy birthday.” 
“Thanks, Dad.” He wishes goodbye to both him and Cor, and then turns to look at his friends, who are already pulling pizza out of boxes. “Sorry, you guys.” 
“You should be.” Gladio shoves a slice into his mouth, then drops down onto his couch. “Where did you go? Since I know you weren’t training today.” 
Noctis walks over, and grabs a slice of pizza. Even though he’s still pretty full, there’s room in his stomach for a bit of pizza. “I went to the library.” 
“You did?” Prompto exclaims. “Willingly?!” 
A soft laugh leaves his mouth as he picks up his piece of pizza, and starts to eat it. “Is that so surprising?” 
“It’s your birthday.” Prompto nods. “Why would anyone on Eos want to go to the library on their birthday?” 
Noctis doesn’t know how to answer that. He knows why he chose to go there; because it was a special place to Ignis. Ignis, his closest confidant who has become too distant from him these last few months. He knows it’s because of the pressure of work, and the tasks he’s been given as he’s training to be his Adviser, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Any place he can go that reminds him of Ignis, he will visit without hesitation. 
“Did you find any books to your liking, Your Highness?” Ignis asks, pushing his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose. 
He gives him a small smile. “I did not.” 
“Why am I not surprised by that?” The smirk on Ignis’ lips makes his heart do a dance in his chest. 
Gladio reaches for the remote, and turns on the television, Prompto shutting off the stereo as it had been playing music in the background. “You sure did spend a lot of time there. It’s almost 8!” 
“I fell asleep.” Noctis admits, knowing that his friends are going to tease him. 
Gladio and Prompto burst out laughing, while Ignis has a thoughtful look on his face. Nothing else is said, and they go about the evening, hanging out and watching television, eating all of the pizza that Cor had so generously brought over. 
Prompto yawns. “It’s late.” He looks at his watch, then looks over at Gladio. “Can you give me a ride, big guy?” 
“I suppose I can.” Gladio yawns as he stands up, stretching his arms over his head. “You good, Specs?” 
“Yes.” Ignis nods. “I can manage to get home on my own.” 
“Okay, good.” Gladio looks at Noctis. “Happy birthday, jerk.” 
“Thanks, asshole.” He groans as Gladio pulls him into a bone crushing hug, then feels his ears ring as Gladio bellows out a loud laugh. 
Prompto hugs him, getting in one more shot of the two of them with his camera. “Happy birthday, Noct. I’m really glad we surprised you.” 
“You did.” He smiles at his best friend, then says good night to both Prompto and Gladio. The apartment is deafeningly quiet. There’s a slight rustle, as Ignis begins pulling down decorations before heading into the kitchen to put whatever food is left away. Noctis approaches him, knowing it’s best to stay out of his way and leans against the counter. “Thank you for leaving breakfast this morning.” 
“Did I?” Ignis asks, tying an apron around his waist, as he begins to wash the dishes without any prompt to do so. 
“It was either you, or maybe the Six came and visited me this morning, offering me their own way of celebrating my birthday.” 
Ignis laughs, which makes Noctis smile. “I somehow doubt that the Six are involved in bringing Ulwat berry pastries to you.” 
“So it was you.” He grins, happy to see Ignis so relaxed. This is the only time of day he gets to see him like this. “You made them, didn’t you?” 
“I did.” Ignis nods, scrubbing a plate with a sponge. “Don’t tell Prompto, as he begged me to bring him some.” 
“You didn’t?” Noctis gasps, and then begins to laugh as Ignis shoots him a look. “Fine, I won’t tell. Your secret is safe with me.” He pretends to zipper his lips, then tosses a pretend key away. 
Ignis finishes cleaning up, then goes over to where his bag is, and pulls out a wrapped box. “Happy birthday, Your Highness.” He hands it to him, keeping his eyes lowered. 
Noctis brushes his finger against Ignis’, and feels electricity shoot up his arm at the not-so-innocent touch. To his credit, Ignis doesn’t make a sound, but Noctis can see that his face is now slightly flushed. “You didn’t have to get me anything, Ignis. You already do so much for me.” 
“Were you really at the library today?” Ignis asks, as Noctis holds the present with both of his hands. “Why would you go there?” 
“Because I know it’s your favorite place.” Noctis can feel his soul leaving his body, as he admits it out loud. It’s one thing to know something, but informing the person that he’s aware of it, it makes it so much more real. Might as well go all in. He takes a deep breath, and meets Ignis’ eyes, who is finally looking at him in a proper way. “And since you had forgotten my birthday, I wanted to be somewhere that reminded me of you.” 
“I didn’t forget, Noctis.” His knees tremble at the way Ignis says his name. He hardly ever calls him by his name. It’s always ‘Your Highness’, or some variation of that title, but never his full name. Sometimes, if he’s lucky, he’ll get him to address him as Noct, but that’s only usually when Gladio or Prompto are around. “I was here, waiting for you to come home.” 
His heart is pounding hard in his chest, as Ignis removes the apron around his waist. The present in his hands feels like it weighs a million pounds. “Should I open this now?” He asks, as Ignis turns his back towards him, the tension continuing to run high in the room. 
“If you wish.” 
Noctis pulls at the packaging, and reveals a beautiful leather notebook, full of blank pages. “Ignis.” He whispers, as he touches the engraving of his name on the front cover. “This is too much.” 
“It’s more practical than anything.” Ignis has returned, and is now standing in front of him. “You will need to take notes about my day-to-day dealings at the Citadel. I’m sorry it’s not very personal.” 
Ignis may think that, but Noctis stares at the beautiful leather notebook, and knows that Ignis chose this one specifically because he knew that Noctis would like it. And he does. Gold shimmers on the edges of the pages, and he can see a beautiful midnight blue pen sits in the pen holder that’s attached to the notebook. While yes, it may be a practical gift, Noctis stares in wonder at the engraving. Ignis did not have to do that. 
“It’s beautiful.” He sets the notebook down, and without thinking, steps forward and puts his arms around Ignis - one around his neck, while the other slips under his arm to wrap around his back. “Thank you.” He rests his head against Ignis’ shoulder, hoping that he isn’t overstepping their invisible boundaries. 
It takes Ignis a full ten seconds to lift his arms, and put them around Noctis’ body. He wants to cry. Ignis has never been someone who hugs, and to feel his arms around him like this - this is the best birthday gift he could ever receive. “I’m glad you like it.” Ignis’ voice sneaks into his ear, as Noctis has yet to lift his head up from where it’s resting on his shoulder. “You deserve so much more than I could ever give to you, Noctis.” 
Lifting his head, he stares into Ignis’ eyes, which are blazing with a look that he’s never seen before. “You already give me more than I need, Ignis. And it makes me want more.” His own cheeks burn as he refuses to close his eyes. “You don’t understand, do you? How much I-“ 
But the words that are on the tip of his tongue disappear into the void as Ignis’ mouth touches his with the barest hint of a kiss. Noctis makes a noise in the back of his throat - shock, surprise, desire - a culmination of all three, he doesn’t know. What he does know is that Ignis’ lips are touching his, and he’s returning the kiss with as much effort as he can. His arms curl tightly around Ignis’ body, and he feels the pressure of his arms surrounding him, squeezing him with as much enthusiasm as he’s showing to him. 
He parts his mouth, and feels Ignis’ tongue slip in. He hears himself moan into Ignis’ mouth as their tongues connect for the first time, his brain shutting down completely as he surrenders himself to the kiss. Ignis makes a noise that will live rent-free in his head until he’s no longer a part of this world, dying to hear him make it again. They stand in the middle of his living room, holding each other as their mouths continue to learn more about each other in ways that can only be explored through the intimate act of a kiss. 
Their kiss comes to a hasty end, as they both take gasps of breath, but don’t pull apart from one another. “Noctis, I…” Ignis’ forehead presses against his, as they stay close. 
“I know.” He doesn’t need to hear him say it. “You know that I-“ 
“Yes.” Ignis nods his head. 
Confessions of love are never easy to get out, but knowing that Ignis knows how he feels and vice versa, it brings a sense of acceptance inside of Noctis. Reaching for him, Ignis’ mouth returns to his, and they share another amorous kiss, Noctis becoming lightheaded as he forgets the importance of breathing. They fall back onto the couch together, both laughing as they have yet to disentangle themselves from each other. Noctis puts his head on Ignis’ shoulder, a smile plastered on his face. 
“Does this mean we can do this all the time now?” He asks, staring at his fingers that are laced with Ignis’, resting on top of his thigh as he snuggles up against the man who has been the only constant in his life besides his father. 
“Maybe not all the time, but I do believe we can engage in certain….things, if you wish.”
He lifts his head, and sees Ignis has a smirk on his lips. “Oh, you’re a bad man, Ignis.” 
“I suppose that I am.” 
They kiss a few more times on the couch, and then Ignis is gathering his items to head home for the evening. As he walks him to the door, Noctis stares up at him, feeling very shy. “How did you know?” He asks, as he opens the door for him. 
“You went to the library and fell asleep.” Ignis lowers his head, and brushes a kiss against his lips before bringing them to his ear. “You went because of me. Because of how you feel. And you were comfortable enough to sleep there.” 
“I can fall asleep anywhere.” His cheeks burn with embarrassment, hating that he’s so easy to read. 
A soft chuckle sends a shiver down his spine. “You can, but knowing you went there to be close to me? That, my darling, is why I knew you’d reciprocate.” 
“Always so technical.” He pushes him, but then pulls him back towards him and kisses him flush on the lips. “Good night, Ignis. Thanks for making this the best birthday ever.” 
“Anything for you, Noct.” 
He closes the door after sharing one more kiss with him, his insides fluttering like crazy. To think that the day had begun with Ignis’ own baked goods, and is now coming to a close with the touch of his lips still clinging to his own mouth. He had thought his friends had forgotten all about him, but they had done the complete opposite - they had surprised him with a celebration. 
Touching his lips, he falls onto his bed, and smiles. Tomorrow is a new day, and now that he knows what it feels like to kiss his future Adviser, he plans on finding out all the ways he can make Ignis make those deplorable noises again. Things have changed between the two of them - for better, or for worse, Noctis doesn’t know. What he does know is that he has the best friends on the planet, and can’t imagine living this life without any of them in it. Especially Ignis, who has made a claim on his soul and will forever own it. 
--- Cross-posted to AO3
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namorthesubmariner · 2 years
About Namor x Shuri
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I’m not here to rain on anyone’s parade, ship what you ship and tag appropriately is my fandom motto, if there’s something I don’t want to see then it’s up to me to not engage with that.
I am Namor x Shuri neutral, I don’t love or hate it. I am just here to put this post together to address the Fandom and make sure that some information isn’t lost in the chaos that has become the Namor tags these days.
1. Please do not harass the actors or the production crew. Yes, I am speaking to you, I don’t care how valid you think your ship is, I don’t care if you think it should be canon. Don’t harass the cast/crew or other fans. Don’t do what Reylos and MCU fans have done in the past and just a reminder in case people forgot: Reylos have been extremely racist and harassed the actors and other fans all for the sake of their ship. MCU Fans harassed the fans and the actress Emily VanCamp during the Peggy vs Sharon discourse. I’m not here to argue this and I’m not going to provide receipts, the information and past actions are there if you want to go looking for them. Edit to add: I was speaking in general terms of what I know about these discourses, but I do understand there are Reylo fans who are chill and I was not pointing out anyone specifically. I just wanted to share the observations I knew of in a general way.
2. In a Rollingstone interview Tenoch Huerta has stated that the intentions for the Namor and Shuri relationship was not romantic. Please read the full interview, this role and the movie’s themes mean a lot to the actor beyond shipping.
On another note, some viewers felt that there was romantic chemistry between Namor and Shuri when she was in your city. Did you play that romantic chemistry deliberately? I don’t feel it was a romantic touch [between them]. I think it was more a human, intimate touch. I mean in the history of their kingdoms, the history of their people, they share the same root, and the threat comes from the same place for both of them, for the same reason. They both face threats from Western countries like the United States and France in the story, because of vibranium, natural resources. I think they connect in that aspect.
I mean, when you meet someone and you have a good relationship, whether this person is the gender that you prefer or not, you always have this ambiguous relationship. It’s normal. It’s human. So, I think this happened with both of them. If that can evolve into a romantic relationship or not? I don’t know. It wasn’t our intention. It could happen or not.
The beautiful part of this relationship is, it doesn’t need to be romantic to be deep. It doesn’t need to be romantic to be beautiful and bright and intimate. And this connection between a man and a woman in different levels doesn’t need, necessarily, to end in a romantic relationship. And that’s beautiful, you know? Because I hate the romantic love. I think it’s poison. [Laughs] These characters, they create something… I don’t know. It was magical, but not necessarily romantic.
3. in an interview by Newsweek  with film editor Michael P. Shawver this was written:
On Shuri’s Bond with Namor One thing that has stood out amongst fans since the film was released is Shuri's bond with Namor, and whether there is any potential for romance between the pair. When they first meet, Namor urges Shuri and her mother Queen Ramonda to work with him to retrieve the scientist responsible for making a Vibranium detector, Riri, or face the wrath of Talokan. Later, when Shuri goes to Talokan with Riri, the Talokan leader tells the Wakandan princess of his history, and how his people came to establish the underwater nation after being oppressed by Spanish colonizers. Namor shows Shuri his kingdom and she comes to realize how similar Talokan is to Wakanda and this has inspired some fans to believe a romance could be on the cards for them. Shawver explained that idea was something that was discussed during the film's creation process, and was even something they tested, but ultimately Shuri's bond with Namor felt like it should be something different. "I think what's really interesting is there were takes where there was some connection there," Shawver said. "And at one point in an early cut we discussed like, 'Hey, do we leave it there? Do we just put it out there? Let's just add some complexity to the relationship.' "But, then, you've got to watch out for portraying, for example, Shuri flirting to get what she wants as opposed to being a diplomatic leader and becoming the leader that she needs to be, that she'll get to at the end."So what we ultimately focused on was Namor's line where he says 'only the most damaged people can be truly great leaders', and that's planting the seed of the shared trauma that she realizes at the end [of the film]."But that's essentially who they are, they're trying to lead and be a leader of their nations with all this pain, carrying around this heavy heart." The editor explained that Namor "sort of became [a] big brother" to Shuri "because of the similarity she saw when she saw their world and hearing the story." He added that there is "obviously a shared cultural trauma between his people and her people" and "what she lost at the beginning he started to fill that void, and that felt the most genuine to the characters." Even so, that didn't mean that the editors and Coogler felt the pair were completely unsuited to each other, because Shawver said: "They relate, and I think that anytime we can relate to somebody there can be undertones of that kind of thing, you know what I mean?"Referring to how Namor gave Shuri his mother's bracelet in the film, the editor added: "Honestly, we've got to keep ourselves sane and laugh a lot, especially with the tougher moments or the serious moments, so we would always joke that when he gave her that bracelet they were married now, and she didn't know it."There's a whole different movie where she's like, 'wait, what, I'm the queen of Talokan now?'"
However Production Designer Hannah Beachler has already stated that the interview was taken out of context and that there was no romantic scene between them.  (source, source)
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Nope. JS never shot a romantic scene with them.
I think Shawver was taken way out of context.  While there was a curiosity & seemingly a mutual experience of loss, never any scenes that would be considered typical "romance" or physical intimacy filmed. Shawver is a good dude. Media recreating something where there's nothing.
MCUDirect has already updated with an edit to include Beachler’s response. Again please read the full Newsweek article because there is more there about Honoring Chadwick and other things about the film.
4. Yes, there is a lot of scenes cut and I am just as excited to see those scenes released as anyone but please do not do what Snyder Fans did and harass the crew with #releasethetalokancut that I have seen pop up recently. Hopefully once the DVD comes out we will get all the extra scenes and commentary.
5. The Mary Sue wrote an article about their views on the Namor x Shuri ship parallels and Namor’s background (source) the reason I’m linking this is because it also talks about how Namor is not Mexican even though the actor is, but the Character of Namor is a Mayan/Mesoamerican Native/Indigenous. Please remember this in your fics/headcanons. Namor would not speak Spanish, he would speak his native Yucatec Mayan.
6. White/Light washing, there are many new Namor x Shuri Fan Arts out there and many of them have lightwashed Namor’s skintone to the point of him being white. Please ask artists to consider what white/light washing does to harm Fans of Color and also erases Characters of Color. There is NO EXCUSE for this, and artists should do better. I’m not here to call out artists but to point out that the issue is there and to be wary of it. The actor Tenoch Huerta is very vocal about how racism/discrimination against darker skinned actors in Mexico has affected him and other actors like him.
7. Fandom Racism. It’s there, it’s all over the tags, it’s in the fics. I am not only speaking about Namor x Shuri but about the Namor x Reader fics that have exploded in the tags: Namor is NOT a Noble Savage or a Rapist or a Pedophile. The incident with DeltasStories (discussed here) has sparked outrage in fandom however it was inevitable with the way fandom and specifically white fandom engages with Men/Characters of Color in Fandom. Men/Characters of Color are highly sexualized and you all should educate yourselves on why writing a Character like MCU!Namor who has dark skin tones in this manner is highly racist. Comic!Namor also is painted with this Exotic Lover Rapist brush when it comes to the NamorSue ship, even though he has never done anything like that and Comic!Namor does not mess with kids (source). So the next time you want to spread Fanon!Namor stop and think about how you are perpetuating racist stereotypes.
Shipping is for the Fans. Not the Cast/Crew/Canon.
It won’t be canon, because we all know Namor kills Ramonda. However it doesn’t mean fans can’t ship, just be sure to be respectful of the characters, other fans, and the cast/crew. And for the Antis please shut up about the Age Gap, you aren’t helping your crusade. If you don’t like Namor x Shuri then block/blacklist. I shouldn’t have to say this over and over but the “Immortal Lover” trope is an old trope in romance media, the whole Vampire/Human romance genre is built on this as are other types of fantasy pairings, there’s so many ships centered around white/non poc character that have this trope, this is nothing new so don’t pull out this outcry because all you are doing is infantilizing Shuri and making Namor out to be a predator. Namor is NOT a sexual predator.
This post will be updated with edits as time goes by when new information comes out.
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infinityyrp · 3 months
Hi, my name is Sunnie and I'm 29 and looking for a long term roleplay partner that is 25+. And that wants to be friends outside of roleplay.
I've been role-playing for more than 10 years and have even more years of writing experience under my belt.
BELOW you will find my preferences straight forward— Before I explain what I'm looking for as far as roleplay goes. 🧡🫶
I'm looking for someone around daily, for rapid fire— though I'd be okay with one or two responses a day. Otherwise I cannot stay interested in the story. If you go 7+ days without a response and no communication, I will leave the server. Especially if I reach out and you still don't respond.
I know life comes first and I'd never pressure you for replies, but let's be honest, we all have our phones on us at all times and it takes two minutes to send a reply explaining the absence. We are ALL adults and should be able to communicate in a healthy way.
With that being said I am NOT ghost friendly. Don't even waste your time trying to plot or write with me if you know you have a history of ghosting.
I have little to NO limits, I prefer someone with the same outlook because it's fiction, your roleplay life shouldn't effect your REAL LIFE morals.
BUt I will respect your limits and triggers, because I won't do deep pedophilia(As in I won't roleplay anything smut wise under legal age of consent which is 17 in most places, and usually what is done on TV shows with vampires, WHO ARE PLAYED BY ADULT ACTRESSES AND ACTORS. Even then, Smut will only be involved with characters 18+.), water sports, or write out rape.
I also will not roleplay my characters under the age of 18+ UNLESS we are in a flashback. Even then, SMUT will not be involved with any character under 18, EVEN THOUGH WE as the writers ARE ADULTS. That should be obvious though guys, come on. I can't believe I even have to say this, but considering a message— that was filled with assumptions— that I recently got, I thought it best to elaborate. Smh
I'm over 21. I'm an adult. So if I want to write an 18 year old college student, I CAN do that. And if I want to write a 17 year old for a flashback scene, I CAN do that! I am not a minor. I am a writer WRITING A CHARACTER FOR A STORYLINE.
I'm looking for someone comfortable with SUPERNATURAL Themes such as werewolves and vampires and witches and all that good stuff. I'm not interested in mundane slice of life roleplays.
Please be comfortable with DARK and Mature themes. Taboo subjects as well(pregnancy, cheating, love triangles) etc. My real life is fluffy enough, I don't want my roleplay the same way.
I do NOT fade to black. I like a good amount of smut as well as story. So expect a good 50/50.
I prefer the female role. I've been burned one too many times in the past with partners not being fair in a double— however I'd be open to discussing a double and trying it out, everyone new gets a fair chance. Though I do prefer the female role.
NOW for what I'm looking for when it comes to roleplay.
I am looking to world build.
I am looking for something original at the moment but I also have a list of fandoms I'll post as well.
I am looking for someone to build a story with me, taking place in a supernaturally inclined town called 'Cedar Grove' or 'Cape Thorne'.
My character will be a druid and lioness mix.
I'm looking for someone to make a werewolf OC out of Tyler Hoechlin for me.
If we double I'll make an OC out of anyone you choose and we can do whatever you want as far as a plot! That's what I mean by fair. I give you what you want no matter what if you give me what I want no matter what.
I roleplay exclusively on discord and I can write in 3rd or 1st person! You choose.
I write 3+ paragraphs but won't mind whatever you send as long as I can work with it and it's at least a paragraph.
These days my motto is Quality over Quantity.
Please also be comfortable with text style roleplays..sometimes I get lazy and that's all I can do some days. They're fun— don't knock it til you try it.
Hopefully you've made it this far and want to write! I'm looking forward to hearing from you and I Definitely like to be friends with my partners!
My discord servers are also organized and I prefer you to be familiar with tupperbox.
Now even though at the moment I'm not looking for Fandom roleplays, here's a list of the ones I'd be persuaded to write for.
•Teen wolf: I'd want to write against Derek Hale and Scott McCall.
I'd be able to play Stiles, Theo, Isaac, Malia and Kira for you.
•ACOTAR: I'd be looking to write against Rhysand and Tamlin. I can play Cassian, Azriel or Lucien for you, I also have an OC high lord of the winter court if you'd be interested. (FC Jason Momoa).
•Haunting Adeline: I'm looking to write against Zade Meadows. Drama with Adeline will be involved of course.
•Yellowstone: I'm looking to write against Kayce. (We'd make it supernatural.)
•The Vampire Diaries: I'm looking to write against Damon Salvatore.
I can write Stefan, Klaus or Katherine for you.
My discord UN is infinityyrp
Can't wait to hear from you!
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chiricat · 1 year
another ramble about art again so i’m hiding it all under a ‘keep reading’ thingy so as to not clog ur feeds :]
aka thoughts about imposter syndrome, fanart, and what it means to draw stuff loosely disguised as a ‘ramble’. maybe a bit of akito almost-kinnie-isms (and probably ena) in there too because why not. also sorry this gets a lot less coherent as it goes on (i lost my train of thought near the end. it’ll come back someday)
i want to keep getting better. i want to keep growing and improving, so that i can convey the ideas in my head to others. i’m afraid to stagnate for too long, because what if it means i’ve hit my limit? what if i’ll never get better than i am right now? an irrational thought, really, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. hell, i felt like i hadn’t improved all that much from a year ago, when i tried to redraw a few of my older posts.
part of this stems from the question ‘how do people see my art? what kind of artist am i to them?’ which comes from when i got into fanart and fandom spaces, a long time ago. i would categorize the people i looked up to, my idols, my role models. there was the one that made comics that felt like home with your friends, and there was the one that made pieces that felt like i was sitting in a café in the middle of a busy city, and there was the one that made renders that felt like i was looking at liquid gold. i was fascinated by the effects of all these different artstyles, and decided that i wanted to do the same. i wanted to make art that made people feel at home, like a fic that you keep coming back to, or art that conveyed how i felt well enough that others felt the same way, or could understand it at the very least. 
naturally, as i continued to draw and admire these artists from afar, i wondered why exactly their art appealed to me. at first, the answer was simple: i like looking at it. but that wasn’t good enough - what about the things i didn’t really care to look at, then? what made this piece any different?
so i tried to understand, why i liked something, or why others liked something. after studying art for a little (yay classes) i understood more, i understood why those artists made the choices they did. for one, it was their powerful composition, and how they wanted to pull the viewer in with the characters. for another, it was their color palettes, which were always balanced yet strong and guaranteed to catch your eye because of it. other times, it would be the lighting, angled to present the characters in such a way that it made you feel like you were there too, or linework that made you feel just how much the artist cherished the characters. there were other, less technical things too, but i was trying to build a foundation before diving into things that were harder to learn.
in short, there was so, so much more to everything than i had realized as a kid.
so i asked myself the same question. why do people like my art? why is my art appealing and worthy of your time? and where did i fit in, if i were to categorize myself? 
these questions got a little worse. incredibly irrational. imposter syndrome was kicking in when i saw that more people were liking my art, especially when i compared it to myself from a year ago. or when my favorite artists were following me back. (it was weird, somewhat. i had always seen them as worlds away from my own space, artists that i had admired from afar and thus never believed that they would turn around and see me.)
‘do people actually like my art? is my art actually worth anyone’s time?’ i wonder. ‘do i deserve these nice comments, or even these likes?’ 
‘am i even getting better at all?’
these are a bit foolish of me to think. it shouldn’t matter, really. as long as i’m enjoying drawing and having a fun time, then why should it matter whether others like it or not? i don’t have to be doing my best, giving it 110% all the time, i’m allowed to make goofy art or self-indulgent art. this is my motto, for the most part. as long as you’re enjoying the craft, then it’s worth it.
but with the goal of improvement, i don’t always want to stay in my comfort zone. i want to keep pushing my limits, even if its just a little at a time, so i can make something impressive, something that really resonates as much as i want it to, as much as certain pieces resonated with me when i was younger. the same way that i kept coming back to certain pieces (and still do), i want to be able to do that too. i don’t want to feel like a kid playing at an adult’s game, like someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing and it shows.
it’s a tricky balance. i’m not sure if i’ll ever truly feel like i’ve ‘finally done it’. i think that most artists are never truly content with their work as a whole, anyways, and that’s okay. that’s something i should be more okay with. i can make art just for fun, and i can also make art with the intent of solely improving or practicing. i can even combine the two, and most of the time, i try to anyways.
(sorry, i lost my train of thought after writing the last few paragraphs... i dunno where i wanted to go with this exactly HHH.
tldr; i’m always stuck between ‘i’m happy making this art even if its bad’ and ‘i need to get better and leave people in awe to feel like i deserve the love and nice comments i receive’.
if you somehow managed to get to the end of this, ty for reading, even if it was a hot dumpster fire LMAO)
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niuniente · 5 months
Catching up on tumblr and read your post about Sergei Dragunov's message of survival! May I ask what other characters from any fandoms are also acting as messengers for you?
There are so, so many from the past almost 20 years when I started to do this and connect the dots! Some of the characters are still questions marks with their messages but it's part of the fun to patiently figure them out - and, if there's none, then there's none and that's okay.
I'm going to introduce a few ones only so this list won't get too long.
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Dante (Devil May Cry) Dante represents a time of transition, when the old isn't here anymore but the new hasn't arrived yet either. This is because he himself is a half-devil, half-human and thus doesn't really belong to either side. This transition is pretty much always something which takes me from old to new in a way that there's no returning back to the old. It's always a positive transition. For example, I started to see him around a lot before a surgery I didn't know I needed but which improved my life's quality afterwards. And, also, 5 months before I knew I was going to apply for a school and get accepted in.
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Vergil (Devil May Cry) Vergil is a sort of a newcomer who very rarely appears. His message is a total transformation where the old completely dies and a new phase begins. Like the Phoenix. Where his brother Dante predicts a transformation in some field, Vergil predicts full scale transformation, which is inevitable. Multiple things will change at the same time but this purging is necessary and beneficial.
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Hwoarang (Tekken) Hwoarang was a very close "guide" when I was younger. His message is that keep your eyes on the price/goal but don't force it as higher forces are at play, too. Stay humble to know when to step back but don't let the inner fire for your goal and ambitions disappear. The moment of pause is only a moment of pause. This is because Hwoarang goes after whatever the hell he wants, even breaking rules and law, but bring in his master Baek (the higher force) and he immediately knows his place.
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Reno (Final Fantasy VII) Reno used to be around a lot more when I was in my twenties, worried about my career and work life. He sometimes appears to kick my ass but I'm happy I need his services a lot less now lol. This is because Reno's message is confidence as you are in a work environment. And ONLY in the work environment! Doesn't matter how you look like, doesn't matter how you are. Just be yourself. You will succeed and find the people who appreciate what you have got to give to your work field. This is Reno's message because despite his attitude, looks and the way he "violates" the workplace dress code, he is still 2nd in command right after his boss.
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Daiki Aomine (Kuroko no Basket) Aomine is bold, 100% confidence with no hesitation, because the only one who can beat Aomine is Aomine himself - according to him. So, why do you stand on your own way, trip your on feet and give up? No one can beat you but you - go for it! Know your worth and give credit to your talents.
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Grimmjow (Bleach) Grimmjow is titled as The King in Bleach so he represents ultimate rule over your own life and your own actions. You do you and don't give a shit what others want from you or what they think about you. His message isn't aimed to anything particular but it's more of a call to embody that self-sufficient regal energy, where anyone who crosses your path and says "No you can't" is nothing but a whining bastard. His the "Take No Shit" part from the motto Do No Harm, Take No Shit.
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Sergei Dargunov (Tekken) Adding Dragunov here, too, if someone missed the original post. Dragunov represents (and predicts) ultimate survival in an extreme environment where my future - from a logical point of view - is heavily threatened. Like, to that degree that IF things don't work out (soon!), I will not survive. Keep your calm, keep your emotions in check as there's no need to panic, even if the world around you was on fire. The fire will not catch you. This is because when I think about Dragunov, I feel that he will survive anything. Drop an atom bomb over him and he probably just walks away from it with some dust on him, unharmed. Then, he goes to mind his own business and assemble his pink toy tanks. I think that such a notion is a small extra; have some sense of humor, even when the world burns. There are still nice things out there to enjoy of right now.
I'm currently trying to figure out Jessica Rabbit and Fran from FFXII, who has been my faves for a really long time. Most of the guides are men because I'm naturally more comfortable and at ease in masculine energy (a psychic once noted that my energy is, at the moment, more aligned with the divine masculine - one of my current lessons is to turn that to the divine feminine, which is extremely strong on my astrological chart. I just haven't been able to tap into it yet but I'm getting there!)
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bardic-inspo · 6 months
Writer Interview
Tagged by the wonderful @electricshoebox 💜💜💜 Thank you, friendo!!
Tagging forward @vixstarria, @littlejuicebox, @ravnloft if you'd like to do this, too. No worries if not! 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
16 (and counting!)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Red Heart indicates smut included somewhere in the fic (or will be included in future chapters)❤️
All are Fallout 4 fics except the last two, which are Baldur's Gate 3.
Bring the Gasoline (MacCready x Sole Survivor Longfic❤️)
No Rest for the Wicked (MacCready x Deacon X Sole OT3)
We Never Go Anywhere Nice (MacCready x Deacon x Sole OT3)
Worried Sick (MacCready x Deacon x Sole OT3)
Midnight Chimes (Astarion x Cursed!Tav longfic❤️)
Honorable Mention: Blood in the Mortar (Ascended Astarion x Vampire Bride Tav❤️❤️❤️)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I'm sometimes (very) fashionably late in doing so. But it's really important to me for a number of reasons. I don't ever want anyone who takes the time to read/comment to feel like I take that for granted (I absolutely don't). It is so incredibly motivating to know there's someone out there enjoying what I'm writing. I want any/all commenters to know I just appreciate them so much.
I've also stumbled into friendships through commenting back and forth on fics before, which was wonderful and unexpected and just opened a new dimension of fandom/community for me. Compliments are wonderful, but I mostly share my writing because I want to feel connected to that sense of community and enjoy that mutual love of whatever universe sprouted the fics in the first place. Responding back to comments makes me feel more in tune with all of that.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I tend to follow a "more hurt more comfort" motto, so most of the angst I write is followed up by comfort (or at least, a comforting note at the end).
I'm gonna say Warm Bodies. It's an angsty Fallout 4 smut fic featuring Deacon x MacCready x Sole Survivor in an established (somewhat domestic) OT3. A close call with death rattles them and they have emotional sex about it. Although there's a lot of comfort with the angst, the ending note is slightly melancholy. It implies that either a) a pretty significant lifestyle change is in order for all of them, which goes against the grain of their characters or b) they'll have more close calls until, one day, it's really too close, and they lose each other for good.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I almost always go for a happy/hopeful ending. It's hard to pick one, but it's probably gotta be one my fluffy domestic MacCready x Deacon x SoSu oneshots, Hungry Hearts. Ends with a big happy family moment.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not yet, at least. I did once thoroughly outline and started drafting an AU that was basically the plot of Casino Royale with Deacon as Bond and MacCready as Vesper and other Fallout universe characters (like Mr. House) inserted in. I don't see myself going back to finish that one at this point.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nah. I think I'm too small fry for that in terms of my audience size/reach and that's just fine with me. I'm cool tending this cozy little campfire over here.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah! I mostly enjoy writing smut with a ton of feelings/history to it, (Warm Bodies is a super emotional comfort sex OT3 fic; Blood in the Mortar is an evil power couple with an established dynamic relishing in some power play and spicy use of their telepathic bond). But I've also dabbled in some kink exploration in Follow Suit, which plays a little bit with dom/sub dynamics and very light bondage.
I'm really looking forward to writing upcoming smut scenes for Midnight Chimes. Astarion's relationship with sex is such a huge part of his arc, and I'm looking forward to writing the smut scenes in a way that shows his own individual progression with that, and also how his relationship with Naomi deepens/changes over time.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I am so feast or famine with my writing process/preferences, I don't think I would make a great writing partner at this point. Maybe someday!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Ahh that's tough. It's really going to be, whichever is at the forefront of my mind at the moment. Currently, that's Astarion x Tav (especially my own Tav, who I'm doing a lot OC work/development for). But MacCready x Sole (Natasha) feel like, nostalgic, warm and fuzzy friends to me. I think my heart will always get soft when I think of them together (and with Deacon!).
Really, any ships I used to be more fixated on are just dormant and still have a space in my head/heart.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I could very well come full circle and feel the pull to deep dive into Fallout again (especially if the TV show turns out to be good, or if they release a new single-player game in the series), but the only further Fallout 4 fic I see myself finishing at this point is Bring the Gasoline (most likely by hermit drafting the rest of it and waiting to share further until I'm done). I think the amount of ideas I had, unfortunately, outmatched my motivation/hyperfixation on that universe. I had a lot of ideas for fics showing the actual OT3 relationship "negotiation" that I've had vivid daydreams about, and lots of wild notes for, but I don't have plans to pick up again at this point.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I get a lot of positive feedback on my action scenes. Also a lot of feedback that my writing is really vivid/visceral/immersive. I think I'm good at putting the reader in the character's shoes/in the heat of a moment, and wrapping them into the character's thoughts/feelings right off the bat. I also feel like character work, generally, is a strong suit of mine (character voice, mannerisms, individuality).
Something that has been really touching to hear is how well people respond to my OCs. I've done a lot of work to make unique/compelling/flawed original characters that readers can get invested in. I am still absolutely floored by some of comments I've gotten re: Natasha (my Sole Survivor). And although Naomi (Tav) is a newer character in my arsenal, I've gotten to play with some alternate (evil) versions of her, and folks seem to be intrigued by both.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Echoing Riss on the crutch words and phrases. I do have some editing steps I use to try to mitigate this. In the past, I've also had a bad habit of transposing/mingling words from different fantasy universes (mirelurk vs. mudcrab; Storm Coast vs. Sword Coast) without even realizing I'm doing it. I'm hyperconscious about that, now.
I also struggle to be concise. I made a commitment to work more on this this year, and in doing so, am trying to strike a balance with it. Ideally, if I have a lot of words, there should be a certain density of ideas/information being shared. So, if a fic gets long because it's packing a lot of punch that way, I don't want to cut it off unless it's too much to share at once. If it's long just because I'm being wordy, well, maybe that comes down to self-confidence, and me needing to let my words stand on their own without so much hedging/propping up.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've experimented with this (and now cringe about it in retrospect), but hey, I think it takes some trial and error to figure out what works. My general preference is to write the lines in the language being used for the bulk of the fic, but then add a phrase like "X character said in Elvish" after. I think the less the writer knows of the other language themselves, the more they should err away from writing a lot in it. I think short phrases or single words in a different language can also be to great effect (as long as they're properly researched/understood).
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Warrior Cats as a kid loose on the internet 😺
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I want to write some Shadowheart/Karlach smut! I'm a little intimidated as I've yet to add F/F to my smut fic punch card, and I wanna get a free sub but I think they have so much angsty sweet potential and I already have a little outline for it!
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Bring the Gasoline will always be my baby. It's my first real fic, and the thing that got me through a lot of ups and downs. I poured so much of myself into it.
But for now, I have to go with Blood in the Mortar. I just had an absolute blast writing it. It gave me confidence back in a way I really needed. It made me feel like I'd grown in skills I'd been working on for a while (particularly with writing dialogue and smut, and character work in general). I got to write villains, really for the first time, and was surprised I had so much fun with it. It was the perfect blend of challenge and getting back into my element, and writing/sharing it felt really uplifting. Felt like letting my hair down, hehe.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey, Shaz! Hope you're doing well. This is the first time I'm showing myself around here. Love your posts.
I was thinking. Not only is yelling "BH ARE FORCING THEM TO DO FAN SERVICE/PR!" dismissing KM's relationship and Tae's free will to choose his own girlfriend, but it's also so disrespectful towards BTS as a whole and the other members individually. It's perpetuating the idea that idols are nothing but their company's toys and they're forced to do things they don't want to do, something BTS have been trying since pre-debut to prove wrong in their case. It's something Namjoon struggled with a lot back in the day because people loved shitting on his work, dismissing his status as a rapper and calling him an industry puppet. It was and apparently still is a problem. Saying that KM and Tae are forced to do fan service/PR stuff these days is no different than calling them tools, pawns, toys, liars. According to this logic, the BTS members are pretty fake because BH can totally force them to do anything and they're quietly following orders. They have no will of their own, they're being handled, even though they're unfireable millionaires and literally the breadwinners. (Now imagine Yoongi forced to do something. That man would probably set the company's building on fire before he allowed others use him for their benefit. I'm joking. I'm joking. Or am I?)
When we got into this Bangtan stuff, most of us stayed because of how genuine these men were. They were keeping it real, they were relatable, they were "just like us". People always talk about this in the community like it's their life motto. "BTS are genuine" left and right. It's something ARMYs are very proud of. But when it comes to KM the genuineness goes out the window. JM and JK are not genuine. They're feeding us lies. They're this and that. People claim they love them (or at least one of them if they're a hardcore TKer, although a lot of these individuals hate JK as well and it shows), but they're so quick to doubt and portray both JM and JK as awful people. Because if TK is real (which is not), KM are terrible friends to Tae and if I were a TKer and I saw JK in JM's business 24/7 I'd wish TK broke up to be honest. If they have other secret relationships (which they don't), they're being horrible boyfriends to their partners when they suck and bite each other's ear and neck, flirt in broad daylight, hold hands, go out and have fun just the two of them all the time, talk until morning, come together, leave together, joined at the hip and are overall extremely Romantic Couple™.
KM apart, I'm writing this for very specific people, but y'all don't deserve any of these men. Clearly, you don't respect them or their decisions. You don't trust them and you don't believe in their autonomy. You think they're just BH's marionettes. At this point I really don't understand why some of you are stanning them. You obviously don't like BTS.
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Idek what chapter 2 has become. People like me who became Armys last year it was literally such bad timing to join the fandom. I wouldn't be shocked if some people just turned around and left. Ever since solo projects were announced its been a fucking mess. And from what I gather while the vermin were many they never used to be as vile as they are now. Chapter 2 just seems to have made them worse.
When BTS were still doing ot7 stuff it was easy to think we were all ot7. (Well, apart from solos who make that pretty obvious) But these big, big accounts got away with pretending to be ot7 back then. But now with members doing shit one at a time people are showing their true colors and it has not been pretty.
I envy people who support BTS on the surface. People who are only subscribed to BTS official accounts and only listen to their music and watch their reality shows then go about their day. Those people know peace. 😂 Ignorance is bliss y'all.
Stay strong Jikookers. Stay strong. It's gonna be alright. I promise 😘
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rpadverts · 2 months
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Real-Life | European | Prague
About the Game Once the epicentre of the Kingdom of Bohemia it is now known to many as "The magic city", "the city with 100 bell towers", "the golden city". Prague is the equal of Paris in terms of beauty and its history goes back a millennium. Her maze of cobbled lanes and hidden courtyards is a paradise for the aimless wanderer, always beckoning you to explore a little further, the strains of Dvořak wafting from an open window.
About the Forum Winter in Bohemia is a vBulletin powered RPG forum with 10 full games, and even an area for smaller member led games. There’s a game for everyone, whether you’re looking for supernatural, real life, or even fulfilling your Hollywood fantasies. Stress-free character development is our motto, and we encourage everyone to also join in our out of character chats to talk about all the fun fandoms we love. We’re welcoming to all, and can’t wait to meet you!
Click here to join Winter in Bohemia!
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