#but at least her outfits slay
apartmentxiv · 3 months
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Frankie's many many outfits
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blaithnne · 8 days
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Never have I ever seen three members of a gay friend group dressed like they’re going to the same event
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fruutes · 4 months
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She thinks she gets everything she wants bc of her +2 persuasion but the +4 intimidation probably helps..
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dennisboobs · 8 months
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toontownportraits · 1 year
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oh work bitch
sorta redraw of this
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^ comparison
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shoot-i-messed-up · 1 year
begging the universe right now that lois in the new superman show isn’t just an “iM sO qUiRkY” girl bc, while that is an ok trait for a character have, LOIS specifically needs to be a COOL CITY GIRL to balance out clark’s LOSERBOY DORK energy
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deadghosy · 4 months
I love your work so much imagine ben Drowned in hasbin hotel.
Them crawling out of the TV and alistor is like I don't like tv but can you mess with vox😭.
SURE!! LOL! 🦆💗If anyone wants to do a creepypasta! Reader, I will make it a fanon version cause that’s most easier since I’ve always seen the fanon side of creepypasta when I was into the fandom💗
prompt: after jumping into a tv to hide from being stabbed by Jeff…you accidentally went into a show called HAZBIN HOTEL……
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Your dumbass didn’t even check what was on tv…it was just left on as you are now falling to a city in a shape of a…..pentagram?
Welll shit…you are in a hell cartoon…
Meanwhile with Jeff: “where the fuck is that short tacked bitch…” he said holding his knife tightly as his eyes glanced at the tv. “That bastard!”
MEANWHILE WITH YOU: You pointed to a service pole and started to surge through the electrical wire into some random old tv box. You pressed your hand through the tv screen and came out of it. As you came out of it a gasp was heard to see a bunch of characters…..oh boy…
After basically getting chased around the hotel and interrogated…they let you stay by Charlie’s words as she was excited to have another member to her crew at last. 
Few weeks later, they have gotten use to you. I mean Alastor still keeps an eye on you as you play games and go through electronics around the place.
Angel thinks it’s funny for you to hack Valentino’s page to make his bio say “I have a small dick.”
Vaggie makes you go out on errands until she can find you a decent duty at least. But she appreciates how you help around a lot.
Husk thinks your pretty annoying because of your gen z & gen alpha humor. I headcannon ben and you to basically be a media specialist to learn the lingo around and to understand the generation.
“Hey husk…” “hey kid…” “you’re so not alpha male…” “…the fuck?” “Sooo not slay.” “Get the fuck out my face.” *cue you doing a gremlin ass laugh*
I can see Velvette making fun of you for wearing the link fit😭 she would be confused as if you were a stinky cosplayer kid-
“GOOD HELL?! What are you wearing dear..” the female vee says as you look down to your link outfit. “What’s wrong with it? I think I look ✨f a b u l o u s✨” you said with sass
“You look horrendous. THAT’S what you look like.” Velvette says. You rolled your eyes as she snapped her fingers giving you black converses, tan brown pants, and a green hoodie. She had let you keep your link hat as you actually liked how you looked.
Maybe when you get back to slender’s mansion you can spend his card to buy an outfit like this.
I imagine Charlie or niffty trying to wipe off the blood tears of your eyes thinking you were crying as you stand there like “what is going on-🤨” most definitely the face look like this “:T”
Angel dust brought you a gaming set from a thrift shop as you smiled happily at this and started to play….only to find out it had knock off versions of the games in the human world….impta?! (GTA) PENTACRAFT?! (Minecraft) hellmon?? (Pokémon)
You immediately thrown the gaming set outside and decided to go hack Vox’s system for fun again.
I can imagine reader sending random “if you don’t like this, Lucifer is coming for you.” posts to random sinner to fuck with them.
I can DEFINITELY see Alastor asking you to go mess with Vox’s tech even if he doesn’t like those picture boxes. “Ben/Reader, my fine fellow..I got a favor to ask of you.” After he asked you to go mess with this dude named Vox. You smiled as you transported into your own tv and go to the vee tower.
You hacked into Vox’s system as he spit his coffee out to see “nya cat” on all his computers and devices as you snicker seeing Vox’s face trying to fix it. You laughed showing yourself as your bloody tears roll down your face because of laughing. “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” Vox asked angrily
“IM YOU! BUT BETTER! GET HACKED LOSER!” You said before disappearing from his system as Vox claws his desk in anger.
Alastor had a good chuckle when you told him what you did. “I never liked this picture boxes…but you my friend, are true entertainment.” After this your relationship with Alastor grew as he would pay you handsomely with snacks as you go and piss Vox off on any other day.
Valentino and Vox hate your guys to the point they want to kill you while Velvette is just chill with you as she helps you with your outfits and aesthetics.
I imagine since Ben drowned also looks like link, you have long hair like link but sometimes cut it down to bit length to not trip on it.
You give off that “new worker at McDonald’s” vibes as you would just play around instead of helping the residents😭
“Can I have keycard?” “….how about no?”
I imagine you just tapping on and off a lamp post boredly as Valentino keeps going towards it and away from. “On….off…on…off…” you liked to mess with people
You had tapped on sir Pentious’s device once and it exploded…yeah you were pretty much banned from his room and lab. But it was worth it.
You definitely wrestle with husk as husk will just try to claw out your eyes only him to just get pepper sprayed by you.
“AGG MY FUCKIN' EYES!!” “I didn’t know this shit would work on demons..”
Lucifer was definitely intrigued with your appearance as you seemed like a human. But also had a demonic appearance. So he questioned you and you just kept saying “SWAG!” He got tired of it and demanded you as the ruler of hell.
It didn’t work as you just shrug with a “:D” face and transported into a wire. Lucifer was bamboozled as he just stood there like “what just happened”
You showed niffty how to beat any person during a game as you, yourself is a hacker and can beat any game personally.
You looked at the phone that you stole from that flat faced dude as you smirked having an idea as you transported into the phone to try and go find Jeff. And lucky you did as he was sitting on the couch watching wrestling.
“Heyyy buddy.” You said looking through the tv to see Jeff. He scoffed seeing that his favorite program was ruined by your face. Jeff turned off the tv. Your face was like a pikachu shocked face. “THAT BITC-”
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andyoullhearitagain · 4 months
Top Ten Least Bad Outfits in TNG
I'm gonna be honest and say that the non-uniform outfits in TNG are not my favorite costume design in the world, but there are some looks that stick with me:
10. That Girl Who Kissed Data That One Time's Outfit:
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I can never decide if I like this look or I think it's ugly, but I love the pants and tall boots combo. Her blouse is bad and the bouclé jacket is both too heavy and too fussy for this outfit, but I love the belt and suspenders combo, and the chevron embossing on the suspenders. This costume and all the others except #9 is a Robert Blackman design.
9. This Jumpsuit On That Girl From "The Dauphin":
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This is the only William Ware Theiss design on this list. I love his TOS stuff but most of his TNG designs leave me cold 🤷‍♀️. But I love this is extremely 80s jumpsuit. Love the pretty drape, love the ruching on the sleeves, love the harem pants silhouette. Only note is that the whole bodice should be a structured corset bodice instead of the kind of odd structured panel it has now.
8. Picard's Shorty Pyjama Set:
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TNG is absolutely full of the strangest pyjama choices you can imagine and Picard is no exception but I love this bold look. Would kill for this pyjama set. He also takes a work zoom wearing this one time which is insane.
7. Data's 1890's Looks But Specifically This One With The Shirtsleeves And The Blue Shirt:
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The best part of "Time's Arrow" is that Data isn't a fish out of water in the 1890s, he's absolutely killing it, and I love that the only real Casual Data look we get is this one. I prefer the blue shirt to the pink because Data should really wear more blue, it's a nice contrast with yellow. Please also note his emerald watch fob, which was 0% necessary to blend in, he's just having fun with it.
6. 12 Year Old Keiko's Linen Overalls:
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The paperbag waist! The bow! The little bows at the shirt cuffs! I can understand why she replicated a miniature copy of this outfit.
5. Beverly and Guinan's Dixon Hill Holodeck Costumes:
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I'm counting these as one because they're essentially the same design in different color pallets but what color paletts! Bev is pulling off the very difficult pink+red+red hair and the mint green on Guinan is 🤌. I particularly love how Guinan's hat is so 1940s yet also echos the silhouette of her usual costume.
4. Deanna's Teal Dress:
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Like all of you I prefer Deanna in the uniform, but this dress slays, ok? The space age asymmetrical neckline. The drop waist. The structured bodice. The slit almost all the way to the hip. And of course the matching tights and shoes CANNOT BE BEATEN. Also one time I saw a dude on a Star Trek forum call this a "ballgown" which baffles me to this day, this is clearly a slightly fancy day dress.
3. Picard's 1890s Look:
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You'd think Picard would go full posh in the 1890s but instead he gives us this working-class Shakespearean director look and he 👏 looks 👏 incredible 👏. Way to mix textures, Jean-Luc.
2. Lore's Turtleneck and Giant Vest:
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You and I know that Lore stole these clothes from the Pakleds because we pay a lot of attention to Star Trek costumes, but to a normal viewer Lore shows up and this is just his outfit!! It's giving, like, space-age goblincore and it's incredible. I want wear this oufit every day. I want to make a little doll Lore wearing this outfit to express my love for it. It's only not #1 because the pants are too orange and a strange weave.
Deanna's Ancient West Holodeck Outfit:
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Deanna!!! The pants! The hat! The calico! She looks 10/10 hot in this outfit. For sure the superior version of this is before she gives her neckerchief to Worf (it really benefits from that cool highlight) but either way this is the best anyone's ever looked on that holodeck.
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pt XVI good omens season 2 (still not traumatic) episode 3 EDINBURGH
HELLO IT'S ME IT'S THE OFFICIAL GOOD OMENS MASCOT WHY DO I STILL KEEP INTRODUCING MYSELF IDK. If you don't know who I am, thank God and Satan for their mercy and flee. Also, the day after I post this, I'll be watching the last three episodes on livestream for the first time so. You know. I'm hyped on the energy of this being my last day not enveloped in tears. Take the summary:
Before the episode starts, someone asks why Crowley said in the last episode that Aziraphale couldn't fall because look at him, all angelic when Crowley looked the same as starmaker. I reply that "Crowley thinks he deserved it, he sees Azi as something beautiful and untouched while he probably sees himself as idk marked in some way so god kicked him down."
I am told that I am learning too fast to weaponise the narrative to induce angst. So then I say oh, I go too fast for you. Tears ensue.
The episode begins! Everyone shrieks about Edinburgh, David Tennant, how it is their favourite episode, and SCOTTISH CROWLEY.
We open with lesbians being gay, and then Muriel enters as Inspector Constable! They are very sweet and very determined to do their job right, and they are adopted by Crowley and Aziraphale just like Jim.
Crowley sits on Aziraphale's chair's arm. The maggots all swoon.
Fine, I also swooned.
Aziraphale gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss-mansplain-manipulate-manwhores his way into getting Crowley to give him the Bentley keys (BOUNDARIES. BOUNDARIES.).
The really ineffable plan is whatever the fuck was happening in Aziraphale's brain when he somehow went from London to Edinburgh via Loch Ness (check the map) and then proceeded to disguise himself as a detective who pretends to be a journalist.
Crowley slays in sleeve garters and a cardigan keeping house in the bookshop meanwhile, does not sell books, instead cleans with Jimbriel and periodically yeets book stacks into corners when distracted.
Aziraphale reads his old diary entries about Crowley, a (6000+) 13 year old with a crush.
MINISODE MINISODE. They are in Edinburgh during the mid 1800s. Victorian outfits, check. Scottish Crowley, check. Capitalist Karen Aziraphale, che-wait what.
Huh. Well. There's a wee bit of body snatchin' going on, to sell to doctors for medical research because there aren't enough murderers, and to make enough money to survive.
Aziraphale channels his inner capitalist judgemental Karen and ruins that plan, come on Aziraphale you have religious trauma but you're better than this, and long story short, Wee Morag dies after Aziraphale realises his error, her friend Elspeth has to sell her corpse for pennies, and is about to commit suicide with laudanum. Azi, oh god. I'm glad you underwent character development at least.
He calmly educates Aziraphale about how his whole "the poor have more opportunities and you shouldn't give them money or they'll lose the virtue of poverty" is absolute bullshit, and he does this understanding Aziraphale's situation and not losing his temper.
The framing. The framing of the shot when they see Wee Morag and Elspeth sitting down on a step and explaining their situation. Aziraphale stands above, bustling with righteousness, and judges them. Crowley sits down. He sits down next to them, rather than taking the high ground. He meets them where they are and empathises. It is the fact that he is fallen and damned that makes him behave really divine and sorry I wrote a whole hymn on him have it I'll stop rambling just know I love him.
I think his amusement is a facade so hell won't think he's genuinely being good. I think he's morally grey and incredibly brave and kind.
When Elspeth is bouta kill herself with the laudanum, Crowley grabs it and drinks it himself, and grows tiny and then huge, absolutely high off his head. David Tennant takes the opportunity to travel Scotland from east to west in terms of accent variety.
He gives us the good message of NO DYIN'. NO MORE DYIN'. IT'S NOT ON. And then forces Aziraphale (who doesn't want to ruin her virtuous poverty) to give the girl all the guineas he has in his pocket, and tells her to go off and start a farm or something. BUT NOT JUST PRETENDY GOOD, BE PROPERLY GOOD.
He then gets pulled into hell. To be punished for this. Aziraphale is frightened and heartbroken for him, looking around desperately, and we find out that Crowley didn't meet him for a while after. And later he wanted holy water. To protect himself? He got punished by hell. For how long? The whole month in between the incident and the diary entry? There can't be anyone better at punishment and cruelty than hell.
Sorry I'm just screaming here.
Never mind fuck I started this summary really happy and bouncy and listening to a dance playlist. Dionysus by BTS and Italian pop is still playing and now I'm crying.
Is this the natural progression. Fuck I'm crying. Sorry guys something else happens with Aziraphale politely talking to a phone and Crowley smiling really beautifully while unsuccessfully trying to manipulate two lesbians into a relationship and something about a visit I don't care everyone's being morally dubious as usual and then lovely Scottish music outro I CAN'T FUCKING ELABORATE I'M SITTING HERE CRYING OVER CROWLEY.
right summary done, time to go sob, lmao i thought i wouldn't cry today over good omens HAHAHAHA still not traumatic eh HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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kandavers · 10 months
Doodle Dump!
Hello Kandavers Tumblr Nation! If you can't already tell, I've been absolutely BRAINROTTING over www-related content these past few days HEHE
I've been drawing a lot of his interactions with my Beloved Mutuals' OCs and I thought I'd post it here as a mass post because they're Too Silly and Goofy (and Doodly) AND I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO RAMBLE ABOUT IT PLEASE AND THANK YOU
(Warning! Some of them are mmmildlyyyy suggestive hehe) (As a Treat!)
Characters heads up: Will Wayward by Me! Starii by @dianacoreexe Valentine Hart by @chronnellian Mimix by @sleepyzuku Mori Moonlet by @kawaiialeisha
Here's Mimix, Will and Mori jamming together in their MWM Band (Outfits subject to change HAHA we never really got that far with the Designs save for Mimix (common sleepyzuku slay)):
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(Adding a Keep Reading button so that the post won't be too Long!!)
And the slicked back hair WWW I drew just for the occasion:
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I KNOW I HAVENT OFFICIALLY POSTED A PROPER WWW X MIMIX SHIP POST BUT I've mentioned before WWW and Mimix are in a relationship, and we have this running joke that Mori would occasionally be a third wheel in their relationship it's HILARIOUS !!!
(cw suggestive:)
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And shy Mimix got me so weak HAHA:
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It's so cute that Mimix can't handle intimacy that well, so Will always helps him take the initative aaa,,, DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY I'VE GOT BRAINWORMS
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"Out of everyone in this entire universe" (The first panel is by Diana themselves for context LMAO)
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See, we both agreed that Will and Starii would be Adopted siblings! There's a little bit of lore to it, which is Starii is an Alien whose space ship crashed onto Earth when she was Smaller, and Will, being the Space Nerd (tm) he is, he offered to let her Stay with him while he fixed her ship! (And for context, Winnie is Will's biological sister that I have not designed nor planned yet !)
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This one is just so funny to me HAHAHA
(cw: suggestive)
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But despite the erm... Physical Admiration 💀 Will has for Valentine, I offer you SOFT and WHOLESOME doodles and they make me SO VERY WEAK I AM SO SOFT FOR THEM ARGHHHH
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And bonus kissy,,,,
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When they say "I love you" while affectionately gazing at each other like that... ouuuu I think I will Pass Out /pos
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Bonus cute details:
Will used to have just 1 earring pierced on his Left Ear (if I recall correctly 💀 hashtag bad OC creator) but he went to get the other one pierced with Mimix
After meeting Starii, she gave him one of her earrings, so his Right Ear would always have a star-shaped earring! (Don't worry about consistency i literally forget all the time too LOL)
He has one of those succubus-looking tattoos on his tummy 😳😳 Solely because I think it's cute and ZESTY and it has 0 things to do with his character but thats okay. <3
And honestly shout out to All These Artists for feeding my delusions and brainrots at 2-3am even, with their ideas and headcanons too, they got me Giggling and Kicking my Feet and Everything WAAA
I REALLY LOVE HOW I AM ABLE TO CREATE THESE COOL AND MUSHY OC INTERACTIONS WITH THEM <3333 Honestly I love my mutuals so much they're so Amazing hehe
That's the Doodle Dump for Now! Thank you for reading this far and listening to my Deranged Rambles about them !
And last but not least, go follow my Mooties if You havent already 🫵🫵💥‼️‼️ I love You!!! /p
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redbullgirly · 5 months
hi i saw your requests are open!! i was wondering if you could write a lance x indian!famous!fem reader where shes an actress and shes always getting shipped with other indian actors and she decided to hard launch her and lances wedding. fc - janhvi kapoor
thank you 💗
Lance Stroll x indian!famous!reader
Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a loved celebrity and her fans often speculate about her dating life, shipping her with other Indian actors and men. But what if, one day, she decides to hard launch her wedding with someone as unexpected as Formula One driver, Lance Stroll?
Warnings: I don't know many things about famous Indian actors, movies or series, and same goes for Indian culture. If you find any errors in this matter, please let me know! :)
Author's Note: Hi Anon, thank you for this request. I have to say it was probably the hardest social media au I have ever done, because I don't know basically anything about Indian movies, celebrities, actors and everything else... I found some random actors, but if some of you know them and I didn't portray them correctly, sorry about that! Though I hope you and everyone else will like it and enjoy it. Also thanks for the face claim, it helped me orient at least a little bit.
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by shahidkapoor, bellahadid, ishaankhatter, lance_stroll and 2,349,122 others
yourusername time for loveee 🤍🌻👡
view all 3,206 comments
user1 step on me. i beg
user2 Loveee💜🔥
shahidkapoor Always need time for love!💕😁
user3 i'm sensing something here 👀
user4 Wow okay Shahid... are you hinting something??
user5 always time for love you say😏
user7 Guys he's literally happily married. Calm down 🙄
user8 well he can dump her ass and marry y/n instead lol
user9 Y/N & Shahid nation STAND UP he commented😍😍
user10 So elegant so beautiful just looking like a wow 😳
user11 dream girl with dream life
user12 I don't like the Shahid and Y/N shippers in this comment section... c'mmon guys it's not gonna happen you can chill
user13 exactly if she's dating someone then it's obviously ishaankhatter 🤭
user14 giiiirl tagging him is WILD😭 but same tbh, I also think they'd be better couple🤷‍♀️
user15 naaaaah y/n and shahid 4ever
ranveersingh 💜🖤
user16 OMGGG
user17 he's here. I repeat: THE KING ARRIVED🗣🗣🗣
user18 ohhh I kinda see the potential of y/n and him being the IT couple😻
user7 Why the hell do you keep shipping this poor woman with older married dudes? Stop!
user19 jesus user7 let us live we do it just for fun🖕
user20 Idk about you guys but I don't do it just for fun... I live for this😂
user21 yeah same user20
user22 Can we talk about the fact he used the black heart he often uses in his captions plus the purple heart that Y/N just used in her caption?? Like hello? This has to mean something!!
user23 omg right? they're definitely hinting something🤨
user24 Hear me out, I'm Y/N's fan and ship her with multiple actors... but now you're being delusional, it's literally an emoji xd
user23 nah user22 convinced me there has to be something more to it🫡
user24 Perfect💯 wife material
harnaazsandhu_03 Need your makeup tutorial asap!✨🔥
user25 ME TOO PLS
user26 guysss what if she's trying to hint she was on a date or sm??!!!
user27 THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!!! Sry but the rose filled tub looks like it can fit two 🫢
user28 who do you think it is then?
user29 Pls Shadid Kapoor🫣
user30 I'm actually praying it's Ishaan rn🙏🙏🙏
user23 and i'm a new member of y/n and raveer singh nation... like imagine the matching outfits they'd slay together😩
user31 Unpopular opinion but I see Y/N with Varun dhawan
user33 yeah real unpopular 'cause he just announced he's engaged like two weeks ago girly 💀
user34 youu>>>>>>>>>
user35 Medical science has really reached another level with your plastic operations🥴
user36 stfu
dior 🤩💜
liked by the author
user37 help not liking dior comment being y/n's only interaction under this whole post
user38 Poor her she probably doesn't want to have even more dating rumors going around because of replying to someone's comment...😕
user39 lmao don't make her into some tortured soul, she's probably just too busy XD
user40 your photos are so aesthetic🥰
twitter & messages between Y/N and Lance
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by dhramamovie, tigerjackieshroff, lance_stroll, ranveersingh and 5,207,155 others
tagged: vogueindia
yourusername thank you for this amazing photoshoot!🖤☀️
view all 5,908 comments
user1 Absolutely gorgeous 😍
user2 omg guys she used the black heart!!!
user3 No way, that literally has to be a sign🫢
user4 wait im so confused... what is happening?
user5 It's about Ranveer Singh using the black heart emoji in his captions pretty often, commenting it under her last post and now her having it in her own caption
user4 wtf? you ranveer girlies are CRAZY 😭
user5 stfu user4 they're meant to be together🥰🥰
priyankachopra Beautiful girl!❤️🙏
yourusername thx!!
user6 y/n finally replied to someone's comment🫣
user7 Noooo why is it Priyanka Chopra??! Reply to Shahid or someone you're dating😓
user8 guys let her live... this is exactly why she isn't replying to anyone
user10 Absolute Stunner 🖤🖤🖤🖤
vogueindia Our pleasure collaborating with you!🫶
liked by the author
user11 even vogue is Y/N's fan😌
user12 Why are some f1 drivers in this woman's likes???🤨
user13 'cause she's famous lol
user14 Lance and others are always in Y/N's likes, I guess they know each other from some event or maybe they like Indian movies she's been in... idk, the world can be really small XD
user12 It's still kinda suspicious🧐
user13 naaah it really is not
user14 tasteful🌹
therajakumari Icon
user15 we love women supporting women
varundvn Didn't see you for a while and suddenly you're dressed in black... any more surprises coming? 🤔🖤🤍
yourusername hmmm let me think 🤔
user17 I can't believe my eyes... did Y/N just reply to a man in her comments?😨
user18 OMGGGG
user19 no but what does it meeaaaannn?!
user20 This is a good day to be Varun and Y/N shipper🤭
user21 the emojis HELLO
user22 nothing will ever convince me they aren't secretly in love and dating 🥰
user23 Ehm... he literally has a fiancé?
user22 and what? maybe she's just a cover for him and y/n 😉
user24 I wanna be heeer
user25 I wanna be WITH her
voguemagazine 📸📸📸
liked by the author
user26 Bohot sundar 😍 [Very beautiful 😍]
messages between Y/N, Varun Dhawan, Shahid Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and Ishaan Khatter
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yourusername posted on instagram stories
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seen by lance_stroll, ranveersingh, chloestroll, fernandoalo_oficial and 3,209,877 others
lance_stroll replied to your story: Can't wait to see my beautiful bride! ❤️
yourusername ohhh baby i'm so excited and nervous for tomorrow 😭🥰
lance_stroll Me too... but as long as we have each other, it's going to be okay
yourusername ofc lance 🫶
lance_stroll And if you change your mind about going public, just let know, okay sweetheart?
yourusername thank you, but i won't
yourusername it's time for the world to see my man 😘
lance_stroll ❤️
user1 replied to your story: y/nnnn what's happening
user2 replied to your story: I'm praying for you & Shahid rn 🙏
user3 replied to your story: Girlie isn't that the song you once said you want to play at your wedding???🫣
user4 replied to your story: So pretty
user5 replied to your story: 😍
varundvn replied to your story: Let's go! 🔥
yourusername are you srsly trying to hype up rn? 😭
varundvn ... Is it working?
yourusername ...maybe
varundvn Then let's go you're going to smash it in the wedding dress!🔥
yourusername u have no idea how much i'm glad crazy people ship us 'cause we got to meet thx to that 😭
user6 replied to your story: Bf reveal!!!!
user7 replied to your story: pls tell me you're finally going to announce you're dating one of your co-stars
yourusername and lance_stroll posted on instagram
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liked by f1, shahidkapoor, charles_leclerc, kellypiquet and 20,344,109 others
yourusername Y/N & Lance Y/L/N Stroll 🤍💍
view all 34,029 comments
user1 I did NOT expect that
ranveersingh Congratulations to my favourite couple! Memorable day and beautiful ceremony.
liked by the author and lance_stroll
user2 my heart is breaking rn💔
user4 i feel stupid for shipping him w y/n 😃
user5 But can we talk about how sweet it is he attended her wedding???🥺
user6 nooooo my favourite ship
user7 I guess at least they're close enough to go to each other's wedding 🫠
user8 this was definitely not on my 2024 bingo card
fernandoalo_oficial my first indian wedding but definitely not the last 🤪
lance_stroll Already planning on changing us for someone else?
fernandoalo_oficial no, but you can have like a golden wedding in twenty years 😄
yourusername you'll be definitely invited
user9 never in my life did i imagine fernando alonso and y/n y/l/n interacting with each other
user10 RIGHT? it still feels like a fever dream😭
user11 the wedding looks so beautiful!🥹🫶
shahidkapoor Forever & Always
liked by the author and lance_stroll
user12 that was supposed to be your wedding to Y/N dude
user14 rip shahid and y/n girlies... 💔🥲
user15 Guys, let him be. He is married and so is Y/N now. It's actually sweet that he wishes them well.
user16 QUEEN😻
user17 who's here from f1 fandom ⬇️
user18 me and i can't believe lance stroll pulled some hot famous indian actress
user19 yeah, today has been crazy... 🤠
user20 I just saw one of her films and damn it's actually good xd
user21 how did we know NOTHING about lance being in a relationship???
user22 Idk I was just so shocked when I saw this post lol
user23 the twitter detectives got played this time😭
user24 No but why do I kinda understand why Y/N and Lance fit together perfectly-
varundvn We can't send each other funny theories about our secret relationship anymore... 😓
liked by ishaankhatter, shahidkapoor and ranveersing
varundvn Anyway, congratulation so much! I bet I was the best bridesmaid you ever saw! 🫶
liked by the author and lance_stroll
user26 LOL not him being at the wedding as well 😃
user27 Why are all the men she was shipped with coming into these comments dropping hints about being besties and going to the wedding?!
user28 guys they were making fun of us the whole time🙃
f1 We hope to see Y/N in the paddock next season!🤩
user30 she will slay
user31 she will eat
user32 If we get Y/N in the paddock, maybe I can get over my favorite ships being turned into dust🫢
user33 I'M DEAD
isahernaez Dreamy wedding 🎀🤍
yourusername dreamy girl right here 😻
user34 i mean... congrats, but what the hell-?!!
user35 🥰🥳
Author's Note: Thank you for reading this social media au! I hope you liked it and I'll appreciate likes, comments, reblogs, follows and every other way of support. If you want to send requests for either social media au or normal written fanfiction, don't be shy. Have a great day!
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scented-morker · 11 months
Enha when 8th member s/o has a stage accident
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8th member au, gn reader (mentions a dress in hee’s part), mentions of electrocution in jw + rk’s, requested!!, 1345 words not proofread
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He was internally screaming as soon as he saw you getting ready
You guys always like to give each other fashion shows of your outfits before performing
Like "babe look!" And then strut strut strut pose "slay me!!" 😆😆
But he knew immediately that you did not feel very slayful in your outfit
You were literally yanking it down after every step you took because it was already short and just kept riding up
You give him a "What do you think? 😕"
And he's like "I think you would look really good in a pair of pants 😁"
But the stylists don't have anything else so you have to go out in it
He keeps giving you nervous looks from across the stage
Anytime he crosses in front of you or anything he tries to cover you up or block the camera so you can readjust
Literally texts THE FREAKING CEO like "I'm concerned about the outfits given to yn, she can't perform her best while being so clearly uncomfortable"
"I'm concerned about the entire world realizing you're in love with her, but I guess I can talk to the styling staff 🤷🏻‍♀️"
But you never get an uncomfortably short outfit again... Heelift indeed 😌
Someone did not think this through 😭
You're doing your killing part in one of the songs on music bank
So obviously the camera guy gets closer to zoom in on you (werk👏👏)
BUT THEN he immediately moves to camera above your head to find Sunghoon and just WALKS INTO YOUR FACE
Ik y'all have seen that wonyo fancam... that's what I'm talking about
You literally make the most horrified face bc THIS MANS CROCH IS IN YOUR FACE
Screw professionalism, you're traumatized 😀
But man jays face is WORSE 😭😭
He's SO MAD like angry eyebrows and everything bc YOU JUST GOT VIOLATED ON LIVE TELEVISION
Walks up to you in the middle of the performance and checks on you
"Are you okay? 🥺"
You're like "yeah, talk after" and go back to performing
At the end when you drop down to a similar pose he goes in front of you 😭😭
It's fine because it wasn't your ending fairy but everyone is on Twitter like "he protects them so well 😭"
He rly does 🫶🫶 and starts a petition to at least get female camera operators next time
You guys were performing at a festival in the rain (wow so safe)
And everyone has talked before hand about being extra careful so you didn't slip
But it was such a big crowd!!! And it was your favorite song!!!
So you maybe went a little bit harder than you should have 🫣
... and fell on your face mid performance
I'm sorry but he laughs 😭😭
Like he sees you down out of the corner of his eye
Just 💃🕳 and then nothing
You give him such a dirty look when he laughs bc "YOURE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME STOP LAUGHING!!"
So ofc he runs over after and helps you up + gives you a big hug ❤️❤️
"I'm sorry, you just looked so funny!!"
So you smack him again of course because "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LOOK FUNNY" 😠
But he kisses your boo boo scraped knees (which of course everyone LOSES IT watching) and looks up at you with a smirk 😫😫
I CANT 😵‍💫
You pretty much always had to wear heels to perform because you were so much shorter than the boys
But today man you had some BIG STOMPERS ON
Like platforms and big heels, the whole thing
And at first Hoon just laughs at you 😭😭
"You really need all that extra height?" Then he stands next to you and realizes you're still not as tall as him "and it doesn't even work!!" 😆😆
He's having the time of his life until you smack him (except he makes you kiss him after so still a win for him honestly)
But then once you guys are performing he notices that you're not moving your legs as freely as usual 🤔 (we love an observant partner <33)
He gives you a 🤷🏻‍♀️ from across the stage and you mouth back "heavy... and too big"
It's a concert and not a like show performance so he just walks over and TAKES YOUR SHOES OFF 😭😭
Like, bends down, unlaces them, takes them off and sets them by the side of the stage
You're like wow he's so sweet omg 😆 but then he goes "now you're short again" with the biggest smile and then runs away
So much for that... enjoy your sock performance 😻
Honestly it was really bad for you but kinda good for him 😭
You guys were performing at a fan meeting and they were gonna shoot like fireworks out at the end !!
And everyone knew it, but you were in the bathroom when they told everyone the specifics 🫣
So you were out just like casually performing, not really doing all of the choreo
More so just singing and running back and forth on the stage to say hi to everyone 🫶
But then the fireworks shootout 😭 and you were literally RIGHT NEXT TO THEM
And you’re so freaked out and they were so close and loud and you fall on your butt 😁
And the boys don’t realize it at first because they’re interacting with fans
But when you fall the whole crowd gasps 😭😭 and they’re like ????
And then Sunoo sees you on the floor half crawling away from the fireworks THAT ARE STILL SHOOTING OUT
He feels bad but he also thinks it’s really cute (😒)
But of course he helps you up 😁
And then he drags you around with him for the rest of the time
Like no you aren’t allowed to go anywhere by yourself anymore, he is holding your hand and you are going TOGETHER
Listen he is MAD
Like Leader Won was on high alert all day because it's been storming on and off
He was worried someone was gonna slip
But it was 10x worse 😭
You had turned your head to do a part of the choreo and some of the rain water got into your in ear
It's giving Benjamin Franklin sunbaenim 😻😻
You were center for that part so all of the boys just saw you jump from the shock and then fall into a crouch covering your ears
He is IMMEDIATELY on it, running up to you and taking them out of your ears and escorting you off stage
He lowkey yells at the staff (🫣) bc "the performance should have been cancelled and now Yn's hurt!"
He doesn't want to leave you, but he has to go finish the rest of the performance
But once you're back home, he's not leaving your side
Chilling in a dark room with soft music playing so your ears don't hurt 🫶🫶
He's trending for like a week because of how scary he was 😭
Riki is the opposite of Jungwon 😭
Like he was having the time of his life performing and then he sees you drop and goes through all five stages of grief at the same time
Runs over "are you okay?!"
Except he yelled and you just got YOUR EARS ELECTROCUTED so you clutch your ears tighter bc it hurt
Once he sees you crying ITS OVER
Literally picks you up and takes you backstage, yelling to any staff in a thirty foot radius that he needs help ☹️
They lay you down in a stretcher and take you out to make sure you don't have like permanent ear drum damage or anything and he's just standing there like 😨
He has no idea what to do with himself
"Can I go with them? Please please please?"
So they let him of course bc he's cute and he WILL NOT let go of your hand for the entire time you're being treated until you're back in the dorms laid on his bed 🥹
He’s so clingy for like a week after because he was just so scared and he never wants to be away from you ☹️
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reiashiftsrealities · 1 month
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shifting storytime <3
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So sorry for the wait but IM FINALLY POSTING IT LETS GOOOO. So excited to share this experience with you all and I actually am tweaking from how much I want to go back. Also this is NOT proofread I apologize for any mistakes 🫶
DR: Hunger Games
How long was the shift: A week, give or take.
Method: Gaslighting Method (my own)
So in this DR, my name is Loralei Walker, and I’m from District 3. I think I said at least the district already but I’m reiterating. I’m going to be dating Peeta eventually but I didn’t meet him this shift. Finnick, Johanna, and Evangeline (friend I scripted in) are the people i’m closest to.
OH MY GOD okay so when I shifted, I woke up in my room with Chewy curled up in my lap. It like actually scared the living shit out of me so I shot straight up which caused him to nip my leg (granted I did like throw him upwards).
He’s so adorable ☹️☹️. He follows me around EVERYWHERE. He even followed me to the reaping ☹️. I scripted that I can take him to the Capitol cause he’s an emotional support animal, but it’s kind of sad to think that when I actually go to the Arena he can’t follow me :(
Now onto District 3: I didn’t expect this, but D3 is COLDDDD. It is FREEZING. It is FROSTBITE inducing. And blankets are a luxury, ironically. Like ice cubes in D12. Thankfully since I live in the Victor’s Village I have a couple of them but you literally can’t escape the cold.
Another thing; In D3, kids start learning about their district career at like 4 years old. School is from 5 am to 5 pm, kids 4-18. At 16, you have the option to take a test about 16-18 curriculum, and if you pass you get to graduate. If not, you stay until you’re 18. No do-overs. Not going to school is punishable by death. There are only a few careers you can choose from, which are: Technical Engineering, Technology Advancement, Robotics, and Computer Science. Being a Victor automatically exempts you from school + choosing a career.
D3 is very desolate and dark, considering we’re a tech district. There isn’t much wildlife or wilderness as big buildings completely take over the land.
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District 3, except it’s a bit smaller.
Okay so onto the Reaping: That shit can only be described as ominous. Like watching it on TV really cannot compare to how it felt IRL. Hearing my name being called was like chilling almost, and I expected it! Literally can’t even think about how it must feel for the people who didn’t. My District partner was Beetee, which was so sad cause he was my mentor during my Games. After we left, he told me he’d do everything to make sure I was safe. I started crying he’s so sweet.
The train ride to the Capitol was SOOO AMAZING. I couldn’t even think about the fact that I was going to the Captiol. Seeing the Districts was so crazy, the Captiol really can’t compare to the beauty of them. I can’t remember which District it was, but we passed by a huge sunflower field. It was so pretty. And the sky was like a purple/pink. I wanted that sky tattooed on my body it was so pretty.
When we pulled up to the Capitol I was like IMMEDIATELY greeted by my prep team. I couldn’t remember their names and my stylist couldn’t either so we just called them Hughie, Dughie, and Lewie.
OH MY GOD I LOVE MY STYLIST SOOOOO BAD. Her name is Xotia and she’s a literal goddess oh my god she slayed so bad. Hold on I’ll show you the getup she had me in.
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My outfit as a mood board. Didn’t wanna put that many photos.
SEE????? She ate so bad holy shit. Had me down bad for myself anyways
Slight deviation; My first impression upon meeting Finnick was “this mf crazy.” The aura on that man is INSANE. He’s such a natural flirt despite being enamored with Evangeline. I didn’t really meet anyone else besides Johanna, and she is actually insane. Her and Finnick are really good friends and they complement each-other well. Also, Johanna is a major lesbian. Like major. Yes I scripted she was but I’m considering it canon ☹️
I shifted back around the time we got to the training centre so I didn’t get to meet my man BUT I will definitely next time I shift 🫶 so I’m not upset about that. Besides I could’ve stayed longer but I didn’t want to.
All in all I am SOSOSOSOSOSOSO in love with this DR and actually can’t wait to be back I’m literally tweaking oh my god i canMt do this
Edit: IM SO DAMN SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG IVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS PLS ☹️☹️☹️. Not an excuse really but it’s finally here so yay!!!
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shadowriel · 8 months
ACOTAR Couples & Halloween Costumes: Headcanons 👻 🎃
Feysand: Feyre and Rhys definitely have a cute family costume planned with Nyx, but as soon as they leave him with a babysitter, they have to be the hottest couple in a 25-mile radius. Think Mr. & Mrs. Smith, think mafia AU, think Feyre in a slutty dress and Rhys unable to keep his hands off her
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Nessian: Nesta and Cassian start planning their costumes at least a year in advance. No expense is spared, no detail is overlooked. Sure, they get into semi-heated arguments leading up to their favourite day of the year, but it’s well worth it. My vote goes to them being sexy pirates, or a gender bent Hades and Persephone.
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Elucien: The thing about Elain Archeron is that she will always be that bitch, so well-dressed that people can’t help but stare. Lucien LOVES it! He’s also more than happy to take off his shirt at Elain’s request. A Greek god (or warrior) and goddess definitely works for their day court vibes (bonus points if Elain is Aphrodite).
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Azris: Eris and Azriel famously refuse to put effort into Halloween. Azriel has been known to throw on cat ears. Eris has worn a mask or used fake blood on more than one occasion. Yet, somehow they end up surprising everyone by dressing up as a cop (Eris) and sexy criminal (Azriel). Yes, the handcuffs are fully functional. And, yes, Azriel wears a crop top.
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Emorie: Our fave girlies have one goal on Halloween, and that’s to look ridiculously hot. Mor lives by the fact that “hoes don’t get cold” and usually makes a costume out of lingerie. Emerie’s been known to follow her lead or dress in something’s that more comfy. I think they would absolutely slay as an angel and demon.
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Bonus addition: Emerie as a witch (and Mor can tag along as a black cat)
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Gwynriel: These two always go with a costume that’s ridiculously niche or nerdy. Sometimes, Gwyn will get Azriel to dress up as her favourite male characters. Sometimes, she’ll wear a gorgeous costume on her own (and Azriel will just be there, looking at her with hearts in his eyes). Batman and catwoman is a fan favourite, but Gwyn loves the year she found her new favourite book and got them to dress up as a priestess and shadowsinger.
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Elriel: Elain is hot (see above), and Azriel is more than happy to take a supporting role when it comes to couples costumes. Elain wants to wear a fancy dress? Azriel will offer to hold her purse. It’s an Elain Archeron world and Azriel is loving every second of just being in it. I feel like a flower and gardener costume would be cute couples costume for them.
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Jassa: Jurian and Vassa are here to have fun. All of their costumes are easy-going and definitely bought last-minute, but they still look amazing. They’re known to find things around the house, and wear a costume that they insist is a pun. Some years, they remember they have these race car outfits at the back of their closet.
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Gwynlain: Gwyn and Elain are for the Pinterest girlies. They always have the most gorgeous costumes, and their makeup is impeccably done. Dare I say, they’re the second hottest couple in a 25-mile radius. My brain is literally malfunctioning at the thought of them dressing up like Bloom and Flora from Winx Club.
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I honestly could go on and on (and on…)
[All images were found on pinterest]
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hi! could you write the bachelor/ettes with a m!farmer that dresses very fem? like— with all the stuff that's stereotypically related to girls?
Heya 👋 Sure, why not.
I honestly didn't know what format to choose. At first it was going to be big stories, but I thought it would be too long to read lol. Thanks for the ask btw! 💕
SDV bachelors/ettes with male!Farmer that dresses very fem:
Abigail was filled with envy because Farmer is a man who could wear whatever he wanted and not be told by his parents that he "had to dress properly". Amethyst lover still has to listen from mom that "a lady should wear a skirt" or from dad "a lady should this and that". Ugh... Oh, and Farmer looks gorgeous! Damn, Abby's jealous >:/
"You're such a weirdo, what's with the girly clothes?" Alex should have learnt not to say the first thing that comes to mind out loud, but we all have our flaws. Athlete has nothing bad to say towards the Farmer himself, but clearly doesn't understand his taste in clothing. Neither does he understand why Sebastian is always walking around in black clothes. Farmer looks... alright, Alex think. But he just doesn't get it.
Oh, how happy Emily is to have another person in town who loves to express himself through clothes! Everything is harmoniously matched, the fabric is of the best quality.... And most importantly, the Farmer feels comfortable! The blue-haired girl doesn't care that it's "not for a man". Emily can make clothes for Farmer according to his style, if he doesn't mind of course!
In the past, Abby had been teased for dressing like a boy, and Sebby had been insulted for having long, "girlish" fringes.... More than once Sam has threatened to hit the offenders with his guitar if they keep it up. So if Farmer gets harassed too, he shouldn't hesitate to ask Sam for help. Farmer looks cool, by the way!
To be honest, Farmer's fem style of dressing for Penny is rather extravagant. The young teacher is modest by nature and with old-fashioned ideas about how men and women should dress. On the other hand, she admires Farmer's courage to express himself and not afraid to be judged.
There were at least three times in Sebastian's life when some tourists picked on his "fem look", namely his tight jeans and black-painted nails. The local emo even then knew that judging people by their appearance is a complete nonsense, so he would not react to Farmer's atypical clothes in the bad way. And Farmer look cool, though Sebby is not a fan of his style, preferring everything black.
Yoba, is this the latest collection from the same famous designer that Haley always orders clothes from?! She recognises these clothes anywhere. Haley thought the new farmer always wore dirty overalls. And these clothes look so stylish on him! What? Who frickin cares if the clothes are feminine, the Farmer looks great! Slay! 💅
Shane was about to open his mouth and comment on Farmer's, as he think, ridiculous outfit. But then he remembered that it wasn't his place to judge people by their clothes, considering that his everyday clothes were a torn blue jumper with Joja's logo on it, pizza-stained shorts, and ragged crocs. After Emily's clothing therapy, Shane will have a little change of heart. But in general, he doesn't give a shit what Farmer wears, even if it's a trash bag.
"Hey, you look great." Believe me, Farmer, Leah's words are genuine. This woman is always used to being honest with people, and she will honestly praise her friend's appearance. Because a lot of people express themselves in different ways. Leah chose to express herself through creativity, while Farmer chose to express himself through clothes, and that's totally cool.
Harvey marvelled at the fact that Farmer walks around in these clothes and is completely unafraid of criticism..... No, no, don't get him wrong, Farmer looks good! It's just... In a way, Harvey is jealous, because he has to sneak around to aerobics in fear that some of the other bachelors will see him and make fun of him. But you know, just seeing Farmer has inspired the doctor to be braver.
Although in Maru's situation it was not about clothes, she too had to deal with this type of conflicts. Her grandparents told her mom, Robin, that her job as a carpenter was "not for women", while her father's relatives condemned Maru's passion for inventions as "not for young lady". How nice that Maru's parents were supportive and that Farmer has also defied criticism and is doing what makes him happy. Don't listen to anyone and do what your heart desire!
Quite extravagant, but Elliott even likes his style. Farmer definitely has the taste to pick colours and accessories harmoniously. What? Judging? Pfft! Dear friend, when Elliott lived in town before moving to Stardew Valley, the people there also tried to ridicule his clothing choices, calling him a dandy and, pardon his language, a "pompous peacock." Ugh, some people just have no taste! But at least Elliott has excellent clothing taste. And Farmer has it as well!
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blood-starved-beast · 3 months
how would you interpret Maria hugging hunter in her visceral? i always thought of it as some sort of mockery from her
Sort of, but in the way that her whole fight is sort of a "mockery" of the concept of a dashing Heroic romance (In the Shakespearean sense of the term). Let me explain.
First, we have to understand Maria's character design in that she is of the bifauxnen archetype. The bifauxnen is a handsome, gentleman-ly type woman portraying all the traits we associate with a dashing hero: courageous, refined and sometimes aristocratic, and androgynous. She is the counterpart to the bishonen, the contrast to the more coarse Lad-ette. The most famous of this archetype of course is Lady Oscar from Rose of Versailles. She is essentially a Female Prince.
The Lady Maria reflects this design. Out of all the Hunters and Byrgenwerth crew, she is the one dressed to the Nines, wearing dashing Cainhurst fashion to something that is essentially nasty and wet and all the other things (the Hunt). She's wearing jewelry (the Lumenflower brooch) the cravat, the fact she curls her hair, the aristocratic looks and backstory (the fact that she's the Lady Maria, a Knight of Cainhurst Vileblood royalty), the fact that she was the one taking care of the Research patients and they worship her, etc. Her outfit fits along the lines of the Lady Oscars, Alucards, and so forth. The fact that she is the only one to realize the atrocity of her actions, to regret her actions and reject her calling as a Hunter, is so fucking introspective at the cost of noticing Gehrman's mania for example reads very much in line of a Romantic hero. She is presenting a Look and this Look says she is meant to come off as rich, handsome, and heroic as she's slaying monsters. At least, those are the visual cues the player is meant to read in that sense. And that is carried over into her actions.
Lady Maria fights the Hunter to "liberate [them] from [their] wild curiosity" - she is taking the role again, of the hero. The villain here, being that need for Insight and she is saving the Hunter from the call of blood. She then engages you a fight, a dance really, set to waltz - again, playing with those romantic hero tropes (assuming you don't parry her to death). The visceral attack therefore, plays into that fantasy. She treats you so gently cause of course you are the Victim enslaved by your thirst for knowledge, she is the romantic hero, mercy killing you with the sweet kiss of death. She steadies you as your now heartless body bleeds out onto the floorboards of the clocktower.
But like everything in Bloodborne, there is a catch you see. Cause the Lady Maria is not a hero in fact; she is a bloody coward.
Yes, Maria is the only member of the Byrgenwerth crew (and amongst the few Hunter in general) to make a dry stop + u-turn from the Hunt and the atrocities associated with that. But unlike someone like Djura, who at least is trying to be productive in his redemption, Maria runs from her mistakes. She casts Rakuyo into the Well and leaves. She joins the Research Hall and contributes to more atrocities there, but hey at least all the patients there love her right?? (😬) And when her brooding (or maybe insanity? who says she was immune to the Beast plague? Or Kos infecting her brain??) was too much for her, she takes her own life instead of you know, working to dismantle the systems - both the Research Hall and the Hunt itself. Her issues and her guilt - that is more important to her than actually helping or saving people. She the Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, Lord over nothing else but the reminder of her greatest failure. Both in life and in death.
Cause you see, her stopping the Hunter isn't really about saving them from their wild curiosity. The Fishing Hamlet is dead and gone. The effects are echoing throughout all of Yharnam in this day and age. Heck, the Hunter just came in from the Research Hall itself. It is well and truly Known, to prevent future atrocities of that scale, one has to know the events that led to those atrocities in the First Place. Lady Maria isn't helping you, isn't saving you from anything you already knew to begin with. She is, once again, trying to alleviate her own guilt and shame and trying to prevent others of knowing of that shame. So she tries to kill you. But you know, in a Heroic way. Hence why the whole fight is a sham and mockery.
She also hates your guts. I consider this to be tertiary canon at best, but the deleted lines has it so that she calls you insufferable, and baits you to kill her. She Does Not Actually Give a Shit About You. It cannot be more blatant than that. And how couldn't she? You make her recall her greatest shame, force her to break the last of her principles (no Vilebloodbending) so that your ass does not learn of what she's done. You also keep coming back, so you're a constant reminder that no matter what she does, her actions really do mean nothing, not before, and definitely not now.
Also she stares at you like this the whole fight if looks could kill well, you would be dead and not coming back (The way you ought to. Bastard. Stay dead already!! - Lady Maria, probably):
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So yeah, she is mocking you with a oh so sweet kiss from the Handsome Hero type as she rips your heart out (breaking it) and kills you very dead. Cause fuck the Hunter specifically.
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