#but because we're 'so good with those kids' we're expected to keep doing our jobs
ghostespresso · 2 months
wild thought what if people were actually paid to do their jobs instead of expecting them to do everything out of the kindness of their hearts? what then?
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Am I (33, f) the asshole for bringing up a childhood story that made my cousin (36, f) uncomfortable in front of others?
Obviously based on the title alone, I'm an asshole, but I think I might be justified and would like a second opinion.... thanks!
So a little back story for context....I love my cousin. I truly do. We all grew up together so all of us are more like sisters than cousins. my cousin is beautiful, loud, and boisterous. She's loves to get attention and will try to get it anywhere she can. She posts on FB multiple times a day about her job, kids, or relationship. She's the golden child and she tries her hardest to live up to that reputation. She's the type of person who will get out of her car after a good song dancing and singing at the top of her lungs, especially if there are other people around to watch her, much to her kids dismay lol. She just knows how to have a good time and I honestly love that about her. I tend to be more reserved and relaxed, so I get a kick out of our differences.
But with that, she tends to be.... disingenuous... when someone steals the spot light from her, even when it's unintentional (which is the majority of the time, like they will just be sharing a story from work or something). She will act unbothered by it, but then her attitude will totally change. she will be fake nice and then bring up something that will make the person either embarrassed or want to retreat... then go right back to being content when the attention is back on her again. She does it so often, I kind of expect it to happen every time we hang out.
So here's the part where I may be the asshole... we're at a playzone for one of our other cousins kids' birthday and we're in a good handful sized group of adults chit chatting. A few people I've never met before but she knows them and we were all getting along just fine.
People tend to naturally be drawn to me because I try to be open and get along with most people, so I've been on the receiving end of my cousin's attitude a handful of times and this was one of those times lol. I'm typically not bothered by it because I'm a pretty confident person for the most part and I know my cousin well enough not to take it personally, but this time annoyed me because this is now the 5th time she's bringing this story up. It was like she didn't get the reaction out of me that she wanted the first 4 times, so now she really needed to land it this time. So I gave her a reaction....
A few minutes before I was sharing a story that the others were impressed by, I guess, but we moved on from it and I didn't think any more of it. Then while we were all talking, I believe I excused myself because I let out a small burp. So she goes, loudly so the group can hear, "do you remember when you were 6 and you were crying to your dad because your butt was itchy and you wanted him to scratch it? I don't know why, but your burp reminded me of that". So I'm like "ok? So?" Kids cry for stupid shit all the time and I was a stupid kid lmao. So I brushed it off but she decided to keep pushing it! And was like "yeah you were crying because you didn't want to scratch your ass and you sat there crying until it went away"
I was and still am unbothered by the story she brought up but I was more than a bit annoyed that she wouldnt let it go, so without much thinking I said "no I don't remember that as clearly as you do.... But I do remember my sister slapping the fuck out of you for saying something racist (we're half Asian) and out of pocket. Then you cried to your mama then she told your mom that you were lucky that all you got was a slap to the face... do you remember that?" She went ghost white, looked around the group and said "family is funny like that, huh?"
So am I the asshole for bringing up a story that made my cousin uncomfortable?
What are these acronyms?
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fanstuffrantings · 3 months
I have a question about your RWBY au: how would you handle teams facing consequences when making a big decision that backfires?
My problem with RWBY is that despite making choices that should had have consequences (telling government secrets to Robyn hill, pointing a gun at Whitney, agrus incident etc) the characters instead get rewarded for their actions.
What will you do differently?
I apologize because this got long and maybe veered a bit from the original question but here we go.
For a TL;DR: we need better world building, more apparent character flaws the narrative actively calls out, and villains to be dangerous
I think the main issue with why RWBY never had proper consequences, is that it largely operated (and still somewhat does) on rule of cool. Characters are powerful when the plot demands it in ways that kind of make the stakes feel nonexistent.
To properly implement consequences for characters we need to know what their flaws are and what they could get as punishment if those flaws aren't handled.
Our characters have some referenced flaws, but often times their flaws either never get checked because the writers don't view them as flaws needing to be fixed, or they're excused in canon. Bad things don't happen to them mainly because they mess up, they happen because bad people do bad things.
While pyrrha is the character I'm most annoyed about with the lack of depth, all of them are written to be cool and kind of flawless. So first step is I'd set up clear flaws from volume 1 and have them face consequences that will carry over long term. Here are some examples.
Ruby: For Ruby I feel like she tends to focus on handling things herself. She's incredibly self reliant to the point that she makes a lot of choices to do things solo that ultimately could get her killed. But the writers never go that far. She faces off against Cinder twice and leaves unscathed, if we're going to have her track Cinder to the tower, Ruby needs to leave wounded. Allowed to live because Cinder let her. Give her a scar that remains on her for the rest of the series. Maybe it's normally covered but it's a reminder of the dangers she faces. And even then we don't have to have her learn her lesson yet.
Yang is one where her consequences will effect the Atlas arc. Because I want her semblance to make her black out when she rages. Something she never focused on fixing because normally she could direct it before she blacks out so that the only person hurt is the one who caused the rage. Her teachers keep warning her of the damage she does to the area around her and how her black outs get longer the angrier she is. But she kind of waves it off because she's had this semblance for years and she knows how to deal with it.
However during the vytal festival when there are several competitions between schools and we build up a rivalry between team villain and team rwby we see her anger boiling. She's containing it and does a good job for a while, but the Mercury fight is the last straw. When she attacks Mercury its not just that she hits him once, in fact the villains new her rage made her black out and expected her to hit once. She downs him bad. She has to be restrained and the entire of remnant bears witness to her building rage culminating in her pummeling a kid from a different school. And when she attacks Adam that's once more her lashing out before thinking leading to her arm loss. When she travels she's met with wariness and fear because people know her as the girl that destroys.
Her six month hiatus is not just full of her wallowing over her arm, but angry over everything and raging out sporadically. I'd honestly give taiyang the same semblance as her being the one to help her train to properly control it. But the shadow of her actions won't disappear and people will try to exploit that weakness if she doesn't curb it.
For Blake it would be her being a traitor and running. RWY need their trust regained by her that she'll have to actively work towards doing so but it won't just be them. In Atlas Ironwood knows her past because he would've run checks on any people if interest and found her connection to Adam who was one of the people leading the attack on Beacon and subsequently also was the leader of a group that attacked Argus. Finding out she was a loyal follower of him almost her entire life means that she isn't let into the inner circle and in fact spends most of her stay in Atlas monitored and on probation. The group vouches for her but that can only pacify someone like Ironwood slightly.
For Weiss I'd have her actually be very loyal to authority figures in a way that often causes arguments between her team and her. In Atlas it would cause a major fight because if Yang were to spill secrets to Robyn, Weiss would probably avoid speaking to her for a decent amount of time. I think by that point she'd not outright tell Ironwood herself, but she would be furious at the disrespect. It would mean that more often than not, she's causing unnecessary disagreements in the group but it would also mean that she knows best how to handle people in places like Atlas.
Largely I'd just have a big focus on how dumb choices they make effect their relationships with people outside of the core group. Revealing secret information leads to Penny becoming very disappointed in them and a slight breakdown in the friendship. Potientially if Yang did it without talking to the others it now means Yang gets into a verbal fighting match with the rest of the gang because everything starts to go wrong.
Going off to fight things alone or not properly training means you get into situations that could maim or kill you. Trusting anyone too easily can result in someone dangerous entering your group with the intent to cause harm.
In general I'd really just focus on building flaws, turning down power levels at the start, and making the world and villains more dangerous. Also I think making each kingdom distinctly different in its politics and government could've helped make it so that the group trying to approach all situations the same backfires a lot. It's something I'd have to rewatch the show for to list specific instances of things I'd make consequences for but those are my current notes.
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There is a dissonance issue that we still need to grapple with. The Left must stop trying so hard to separate people who are and are not criminals. Then, we need to revisit and process our Punishment kink. Justice does not now, nor has it ever come from the Criminal Legal System. The CLS can only offer retribution, which is something different. Police, prosecutors, judges, corrections officers only serve to uphold the system. That's their only real job. Keep boots on necks.
The need to seek justice for harms done is real, but the "justice" that many of us are seeking isn't an effective solution, and more often than not only serves to further reinforce systemic harm, spreading it around like a virus.
Criminality is subjective, and also, only a symptom. It's not the root disease, and until we stop frothing at the mouths to send people we don't like to jail or prison instead of dismantling those systems and building something that actually helps, we're going to be stuck in this cycle of never-ending horrors.
The Prison Industrial Complex must be abolished completely. That means that we need to start being a little bit more creative when it comes to what we want to see done with people who cause harm.
In order to make progress, we're going to have to face the fact that even people who have committed grave harms and injustices still have basic human rights.
As long as they breathe, and with the right approach, people can learn and grow. And even if some of them can't or choose not to, not trying is a reflection on us, not them.
When humans are kids, experts agree that we do not have the right to physically punish them or put them in cages when they mess up. Pet trainers also generally agree that you cannot punish an animal into good behavior. Between childhood and adulthood, however, there is a disconnect that happens with our brains, and suddenly it's justified and expected to use such practices on living humans that we perceive as adults.
I know what I am saying is counter to what we have been taught, but we don't have the natural right to confine or harm someone simply because they have done bad things. It's not about whether they deserve to be rehabilitated based on their merits. It's about the fact that our collective soul deserves the chance to help people instead of putting them in locked facilities to be assaulted, murdered, bullied, and extorted. We deserve a social agreement that recognizes that all people should have their basic humanity respected.
People can be reformed. Systems of Oppression cannot.
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catierambles · 11 months
@brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @peaches1958 , @summersong69 , @eldarwen333 , @omgkatinka , @identity2212 , @lucypaulette , @km-ffluv , @kebabgirl67 , @squeezyvalkyrie , @rebelangel1102 , @dopegardensaladhuman , @ilsacharlotte , @josie-packard
"The kids are angry at us." Vesemir said, looking at the woman standing across his desk, her shoulders tight and her arms crossing over her stomach, the scythe folded on her back.
"Your Witcher is pissed at you," She said, "My Reaper knew fucking better."
"Go easy on the girl, Drusilla."
"She's not a child, Vesemir." Drusilla said, "She knew the history, she knew what you did to us, but she ignored it."
"Geralt had nothing to do with that."
"Doesn't make it any better." She said and he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.
"What happened, Drusilla?" He asked, "How did we get here?"
"You should know, you were there." She said, "Witchers are long lived, but so are Reapers, just for different reasons. After we learned the ritual for Enshroud, your predecessor decided we were no better than the things we hunted and ordered that every Reaper be put to the sword. He just wanted a fucking excuse, more like. Never liked us, never approved of the pacts we make. Not that it was any of his godsdamned business."
"He made a mistake."
"Using the wrong word in a missive is a mistake, what he did was genocide." She said, "We play host to our avatars, yes, temporarily, but that didn't justify the wholesale slaughter of my family."
"How did you even find the girl?" Vesemir asked after a moment of silence.
"We did an odd job protecting a merchant. He refused to pay up for services rendered so he had one of his men hire a mercenary to try to shield him from us." She said, "Knew the moment I saw her she was wasted in that life, so I told him that his debt would be wiped clean if he gave her to us."
"That's it?"
"What?" Drusilla asked, "Were you expecting me to say we took her as a child, fed her poisons knowing she could die a painful death and hoping she wouldn't? Sorry to disappoint, but we're better than that."
"Drusilla..." He paused, "Dru, we have to get past it. What happened. We have to let it go."
"We'll let it go," She said, "When the elves let it go."
"Is that why you came here?" He asked, "You could have ignored my request for you to come to Kaer Morhen, you would have been within your rights to. Is the only reason why you came here is to tell me to go fuck myself?"
"I thought maybe..." She sighed, "It's been almost two hundred years, Ves. I thought it was scarred over, but seeing you again...reopened those wounds."
"We're getting old, Dru." Vesemir said, "Our people can't hate each other forever. Let that die with us. Teach the new generation the past, but urge them to not be beholden to it. He made a mistake, and the Reapers paid for it, but so did we. We can't make new Witchers anymore, and I don't know how many we lose to the voidsent because we killed off the ones best suited to hunting them down. You're rebuilding. That's good. I'm glad. We always did work well together. Geralt and your girl are proof of that." She didn't say anything, "You can go on hating me, that's your choice, but they aren't a part of what happened."
"I know." Drusilla said and sighed, "Any of your Witchers hurt her, and I'm mounting their head on my wall. Granted she doesn't beat me to it."
"I'll tell them to stay civil around her." Vesemir said, "Then again I know the Wolf will keep them in line even if I didn't."
"Heard of him," She said, "Geralt of Rivia. He's got a reputation."
"That he does."
"He's included in the head mounted on wall promise."
"If she doesn't beat you to it."
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skzswife · 8 months
Taste (Lee Minho)
Warnings: idol!dom!minho sub!fem!reader strangers to lovers mentions of alcohol mentions or reader being tipsy perv!minho unprotected sex (do not do this) established relationship near end lmk if i forgot smth
You and your friend Gina were insanely excited to go to a stray kids concert after being a fan for years, so as you were driving to the concert blaring your stray kids playlist you had narrowed down to 25 songs because Gina wanted to play some of hers after your playlist was done and you got a notification, you check it expecting it to be your lifelong friend Chris checking up on you because he was already at the venue but to your surprise it wasn't, you click the notification not expecting it to be anything important only see that @realstraykids had liked your instagram post of an edit of lee know and commented "good job" on it, you screamed so loud Gina almost crashed "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT Y/N!?" "LOOK AT THIS GINA" you scream as you show her what had happened "OH MY GOD THEY LIKED YOUR POST" Gina yelled trying to keep her eyes on the road at the same time "Yeah they did they commented too. They said good job!" "we can talk more at the venue I know it's really exciting but can we focus on the road please'' your other friend Hyekyung says from the backseat "yeah sorry kyunggie' you say apologetically because she gets carsick easily. The next 2 hours go by pretty fast because you jam to stray kids the whole time "okay guys we're almost there can someone text Chris to tell him" "I got it" Hyekyung offers "Okay thank you"
Gina says pulling up to a fancy hotel "woah this is where we're staying?" you ask in awe of the huge hotel in front of you. you gawking at the hotel when Chris emerging from it catches your eye "Hey Gina there's Chris" you say pointing at him "Go grab him for me y/n while me and Hyekyung unload the car" "Ok I'll go grab him" you start jogging toward him when you accidentally crash into someone causing your mask to fall off, "ow..." you groan rubbing your head that you hit on the ground sitting there in a daze that your pulled out of by a sweet deep voice "H-hey are you okay? I'm really sorry" you look up at the voice and see a man in a mask with dark brown hair, even with the mask you can tell he's beautiful
"Helloooo? are you okay do you need a hospital?" 'O-oh I'm fine and I'm the one who should be sorry I wasn't watching where i was going" you stare at the beautiful boy in a mask for a while not even realizing until you hear voices behind you yelling "MIN HURRY UP WE NEED TO GO" "MINHO" Minho? Like lee Minho? did you just bump into Lee Minho from stray kids? your idol? there is no way. He gets up and puts his hand out to help you, which you take still deep in thought smiling sheepishly as you get to your feet, that disappears as he walks away "H-Hey!'' he turns around "yeah?" you clear your throat ''you forgot your drink" "O-oh thank you'' he start to walk back to you only to be grabbed by another masked boy "Min we can get you a new one we have to go just let her have it" "I've drank out of it though" "who cares come on!" "you just take it I'll get another one" you look at him with confusion ''O-ok" you say as he walks into the building "What the hell was that" Chris says from behind you "I don't know" "Okay got everything out of the car let's go" you and Chris respond with simple oks and grab your stuff and head into the building to begin the struggle of finding your room, after looking around for 20 mins you stop and say "How about instead of looking around every floor of this 8 floor 2,000 room hotel we ask the receptionists?" "That's a good idea y/n" Gina says "And maybe we can get one of those trolley things to carry our stuff because Hyekyung decided to bring 10,000 things." "Yeah let's go Gina you guys stay here" Chris says. "Why do we have to stay?" Hyekyung asks "Because I said so and I'm older than you guys" Hyekyung scoffs "By a month for y/n and a year for me" you shrug not wanting to get involved in the drama "I'll stay with y/n you guys go get the cart thingy and find out what floor we're on" "Works for me, come on Hyekyung" she just shrugs and they start off in a different direction only to bump into another group....
Link here
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187days · 9 months
Day Eleven
The staff shortage kept making itself known today.
We only have two custodians, and if you've been reading my previous entries you'll know we're expected to clean our own classrooms as a result, so I swept the floor when I arrived. Then I spent the rest of my prep time getting my boards ready, making copies, grading, answering emails...
One of those emails was a note from Mr. B that the social studies department's Quia subscription was about to expire. I was sure I'd renewed it, so I sent a few emails of my own to try and figure out what had happened. Turns out, there was an issue with the invoice that the folks at the district office hadn't gotten to yet because, of course, they're understaffed, too. Thankfully, it wasn't difficult to resolve.
More difficult to resolve: our shortage of paras and special education case managers. That's way above my pay grade, but Ms. E came to ask some questions about state laws relating to class sizes, numbers of students with IEPs per class, that kind of thing, and we got to talking about it. She's understandably stressed about how hard it is to do her job right now.
Mine as a regular ed. teacher in the only fully-staffed department in the building is a million times easier. I go in my room, I do my thing. Heck, I'm even getting the timing down in the half block classes now. My Global Studies lesson (about life in the coldest permanently inhabited village on earth, since we're talking about how the environment impacts other aspects of culture) was pretty close to perfect (and my APGOV Students were just working on projects, so that was easy). Woot.
But, yeah, stress levels elsewhere in the building are high.
That was clear at today's faculty meeting when a rather... spirited... debate broke out about some of the new rules the admins asked us to impose this year to address tardiness and truancy (two major post-pandemic issues, and not just at my school, I know). Does it suck to restrict kids' freedom of movement? For sure. But is the school having fewer discipline and safety issues? Significantly so. No one was arguing that the outcome is bad, just that there might be less restrictive ways of a achieving it. The Principal and The Deans indicated that they're open to having those conversations, but they want to keep doing things as we're doing them for at least a quarter- enough time to gather some good data- so someone remind me of this entry in eight weeks, I guess.
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artificial-radiance · 2 years
So I get your point on the case of "it hurts impressionable young kids." Which IS true, but also… Kids shouldn't be learning things from the internet. Their main circle of peers should NOT be the internet. It's not people online responsibility to be teaching other people's children- that's their parents responsibility. That is literally the job of a parent, to make sure their kids know what's wrong from right. TBH any parent that LETS their young and impressionable kids online without supervision is pretty irresponsible. The internet is not a source to learn from until you know how to filter the good stuff from the bad stuff, and parents should be ensuring that their kids understand that before letting them go unsupervised. It's WAY more your mothers fault for not teaching you, especially when you straight up asked her directly, that it was wrong. Than for people drawing stuff online. While I really don't like that stuff, it's incredibly off putting and discomforting to me; I recognize it's not that persons responsibility to be teaching someone ELSES kid, that they don't even know exists, what's right and what's wrong. It would be nice if they did anyways, courteous, thoughtful, and generous of them to do so- but not their responsibility and so if they don't do that, they aren't to blame for it.
I'm sorry that your family, and circle that is supposed to be educating you, failed you on something that important. But it's not the artists you saw online fault that your mother didn't set you straight, especially because at that age you shouldn't have been online without a parent monitoring.
I'm not saying you are inherently wrong, because it IS harmful to young kids; but that's why there are kid friendly spaces online, the entirety of the internet is not designed to be safe for those kinds of kids. I'm mostly saying that your anger is misdirected, it should be at the guardians who are not being responsible about the stuff their kids are seeing, and not at the people who are making them.
I don't mean this to be argumentative, and I apologize if I wrote it as such; I'm just trying to offer another perspective on the matter
I appreciate the perspective, and I agree that parents should watch their children on the internet, it certainly would've saved me from many of my issues. But this is an age where we hand children phones and tablets at a young age alongside toys and cartoons, whether we're watching with them or not. (This gets kinda long, so I've placed it under a read more)
We're in this sort of spot in time where parents are expected to give their children tablets and call it a day. Where people just want to have things be quiet in the house for once, especially with Everything that has Happened and things that are Happening. The internet is part of our lives now, whether we like it or not, and it is fully ingrained into our downtimes, schools, and work lives.
Parents don't know what's safe. Parents can do research, and research will say something like... Oh yeah, YouTube is safe! DeviantART is safe! But that didn't keep my brother from finding GTA5 videos when he was maybe 6 when my mom was right there in the room with him (I'm the one that stopped him and told him off from watching them), and it didn't keep me from finding porn at the age of 10 on both sites when my mother watch still making me usernames and passwords with my birthday and dead name in them.
Every website has the ability to be harmful to kids, so long as there's some sort of login and any semblance of being social, and that doesn't leave many options for kids in that in-between age where they 'upgrade' from toddler levels of nonsense to older kid nonsense, where they learn more than how to spell words and the water cycle and how chicks hatch from eggs.
What I'm getting at is that sometimes parents and grandparents and other such guardians just don't know and don't have the time. Parents will think that their kids will just Get It because everyone that's grown has Gotten It. Parents can love their kids to the moon and back and still not be there for them. They don't know about the abundance of incest and pedophilia in communities because kids lie about what they do or don't tell them about their interests (or they don't care), or kids don't know and they don't think they need to ask because everyone seems fine with it, especially when creators have the power to delete and hide and block negative replies. People will respond to criticism with "well I think it's fun" and a kid will go "that's right! people should have fun!"
This is why I cracked down and talked about it being on the creators as well. Kids can weasel their way onto any website just by typing something in on google, and we know that when you type in something as well-loved by children as Minecraft and FNAF on google images you don't always get the safest results, even with safe search on half the time.
And on kids having peers and friends on the internet, sometimes that's all you have. I was an outcast among my peers for years and continued to be even when I had found friends in school, and the internet provided people who would listen. I was the butt of jokes just for existing, and adults there couldn't help that. But online I could talk to people and they'd affirm that it was wrong and they would be nice to me, and what kid wouldn't kill to have people be nice to them?
And did your parents ever have to teach you that incest or pedophilia was wrong? It's not something I recall ever being directly taught, it was something I observed and realized. Yeah, it very much was on my mom for telling her however many years old child that 'well sometimes people do marry their cousins', but that wasn't even a direct lie either (sadly and disgustingly). She simply didn't tell me the truth because I was a child and are you really going to tell your child that sometimes people do that? While we need to stop censoring things for kids, there's definitely things I wouldn't want to tell a child whether they could handle it or not.
And if we depended on parents to teach their kids everything and keep them from every website on the internet, we get people like one of my partners who didn't realize they were being abused up until a few years ago because they met me and our other partners and friends. They'd think certain things were evil and vile by existing, they wouldn't know for sure that they weren't trait or cis.
There's so much to the nuance of the question "who should be teaching our children", and my best answer is everything should, which is why we need to make environments everywhere where kids that aren't little kids but not quite teens can safely learn and actually feel "mature" and "cool" doing it, rather than thinking they're on some site with pretty colors and round surfaces that are sterilized for 5-year-olds with padded corners and baby gates.
(I also feel it's worth mentioning I'm not at all mad at you, anon, but this is my rambly addition)
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wakingupclean · 2 months
just kind of like a reminder of what i was thinking about while vacuuming earlier that i'd like to bring up to my mom at some point
the other day she was saying how she hopes my youngest sister will one day get her shit together mostly in regards to being able to keep her house clean (sister has two toddlers and works full time and is a single parent). i brought that up to my mom and she was like "oh well i managed to do that" but no she had the help of my dad when we were little. and i didn't bring up that my sister is neurodivergent and has always struggled with keeping spaces neat and organized due to her executive dysfunction (a cardinal sin in our house growing up)
and i think a lot of my mom's feelings about that do come from a lack of understanding. she and my dad truly always have just thought we kids were being purposefully, spitefully lazy when we weren't able to keep up to their standards be it with cleaning, school, or work later in life. bc they were able to have a clean house and work full time just fine
but like even putting aside neurodivergence (which-- my thinking on this today is the result of my own current introspection and self-discovery on that subject)--- i think one of the issues is that my parents look at these skills as just basic default human characteristics that if one isn't performing well, they are trying to be rebellious. when these are *skills*. not a default part of the human condition as much as capitalism wants to pretend otherwise
like it is recommended and somewhat expected for most able bodied people to get some amount of exercise and so many people do sports as children or adults. but nobody in either of these categories is expected to be an olympic athlete nor shamed for not being able to achieve that level of skill
we all have a variety of things we're skilled and not skilled with, regardless of neurodivergence or other qualities. this seems obvious especially when it comes to school- like most people will readily admit they are bad at math. but it is seen as such an almost moral failing to be bad at social interaction or worse, to not be good at meeting the demands of the ~expected~ lifestyle
idk this has always been something i've struggled with bc there are so many areas in life where ive never measured up, but as able to skate by through masking or due to my own stellar performance in other subjects. like yeah middle school ashley doesn't really have friends and misses a shit ton of school and even has SI! but she gets great grades, is gifted, and loved by teachers so those other struggles don't matter. until 20 years later when the burnout hits and the masks start to chip and everything is suddenly so, so hard. my mom keeps sending me links for jobs to apply to and i am just like 1) i am in the middle of spravato treatments which is a huge time commitment 2) mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually i dont think i could even work 10 hours a week right now!!
and that is terrifying and keeps taking me into a loop of like i feel a little better following a spravato day and then i remember that i cant support myself anymore and that my parents who were so so proud of me the past few years (finally! proud of me, the former alcoholic fuck up! doing the 9-5, having a 401k, a career, independence) are slowly starting to view me as a colossal lazy fuck up again and not caring about my current capabilities or how much pain i'm in or how many nights i pray for death... because to them, i should be pushing through it and sucking it up.
and i know that they're scared for when they're no longer around if i can't support myself then i will be even more fucked. but it's been like six months since i quit and no amounts of rest seem to be helping and id what to do.
this is so hard and i try not to think about it bc i will spiral- distraction, distraction, distraction. and today i keep remembering that i need to ask them for $200ish to pay my electricity and phone bills and i am avoiding that because i know i am just sinking further and further in their eyes. and i dont want to care so much but i do. it felt so good when they were proud of me. but that is the trick of it, that's how it felt when i was a kid too and was the golden child for a time. falling from a pedestal bruises harder each time i think
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bllsbailey · 5 months
Clay Travis Pays Off Alyssa Milano's GoFundMe for Son's Baseball Team — With One Hilarious Condition
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As my colleague Nick Arama reported on Saturday morning, left-wing, virtue-signaling, multimillionaire actress Alyssa Milano had the intestinal fortitude on Thursday to ask her fans to help pay for her son's traveling baseball team's trip to Cooperstown, N.Y., home of Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame.
My son’s baseball team is raising money for their Cooperstown trip. Any amount would be so greatly appreciated. You can read more about the team and make a donation here:
Why all the gall— Wait. We're talking about Alyssa Milano. Never mind.
READ: Well-Off Celebrity Alyssa Milano Asks for Donations to GoFundMe for Her Kid's Team to Go to Cooperstown
Milano, who's worth an estimated $10 million and married to a wealthy husband, as well, further explained on the Birds 12U Fund GoFundMe Page (emphasis, the page):
Baseball is life and our teammates [sic] are our brothers. Baseball gives us purpose and we are driven to be our very best. In order to compete, we must raise funds. The Birds 12U team is coached by two great coaches and our team is diverse, hardworking and really good. We've won many championship rings! Our coaches instill lessons not just about baseball. They teach us leadership and life-skills. [sic] They are good people. We are lucky to have them. We hope you will make a donation to keep our team competitive. Your donation will go to travel costs, uniforms, and dues for families. We also might use your donations for pins or novelty items to make our tournaments memorable experiences beyond the field. Thank you so much for your consideration. We won't let you down.
As to be expected, Milano was instantly trashed on X — which she predictably used to attempt to paint herself as the victim, whining about paying for the teams's uniforms, birthday parties, cupcakes, and such.
Enter, OutKick founder Clay Travis, who's also a sports journalist, radio host, and lawyer. Being the fine upstanding gentleman he is, Travis stepped up to the plate and picked up the tab on the remaining balance of the team's $10,000 goal: $794.
But Clay being Clay — and I say that as a fan with great respect for the guy — he jabbed Milano with one hilarious condition. 
Hey ⁦@Alyssa_Milano since you couldn’t afford to pay for your son’s baseball team to travel to Cooperstown, I just paid off the rest of the GoFundMe so they could make the trip. Only request is the team play the tourney in MAGA hats. You’re welcome.
Travis drops mic, walks off stage.
Given Milano's stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome affliction, that had to leave a mark.
Here's more, from the guys at OutKick:
Seems perfectly reasonable. Those kids are going to be the best dressed in Cooperstown with their crispy new MAGA hats. Clay’s donation doesn’t just bail out a poor, starving, millionaire actress in need. He’s also giving a group of 12-year-olds an experience they’ll never forget. Clay understands — because he took his own kid to Cooperstown just last year.
Again, ouch.
Added Travis, on the site:
I know even the Hollywood Elite are struggling thanks to Bidenomics. I’m just happy to do my part to help ease their suffering.
Damn, son — job well done.
Alyssa Milano was unavailable for additional whining and more victimhood. 
Hollywood LOL: Alyssa Milano Tweets 'Show Me What Democracy Looks Like!' — Then Censors Who Can Reply
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Found some disturbing stuff on a website for kids
Okay so I'm on this website looking for interactive games for my cat (don't ask) and this looks like a site aimed at kids right? (By the way, still haven't found anything good for my cat.)
One of those kinda low-quality sites where people draw fan-fic of like Disney movies and other people animate it for kids games. Expect I'm worried that adult or inappropriate stuff is being marketed towards kids.
Idk, tell me if I'm overeacting
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Maybe this isn't anything to worry about idk.
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I think people need to understand that encouraging kids to search lolita cartoons can get bad, fast. I know the fashion's it's own thing but still, responsibility.
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Wtf is this?? This is either teaching kids that adults spanking/hitting them is okay (which it isn't) or this is some kink shit but either way, no. No on so many levels, not on a kid's website-
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And this is just part of the general trend of the site, the cartoons are very skinny, very white, very much dating and babies and make-up. Which is fine but it shouldn't be the only thing you market to young girls and kids you know? Like, follow Barbie's lead. Granted there are other games on this site but yeah, I'm just noticing a trend that could influence young brains.

I've read about this somewhere else too, adults making inappropriate content around kids cartoons is making kids stumble across that content. Algortithms are kind of responsible too.
Introducing kids to sexualizing or misogynistic media at a young age has been proven to impact their mental health and development, and it can really impact girl's self-esteem in particular.

And I know it's the parents job to monitor their kids, but not all parents are good. Some are abusive, some are negligent.
They shouldn't be the only line of defense either, we're a society, we take care of each other. We try to make our communities safe for oppressed groups and adults who are in those groups. We can try to do the same for kids too, especially because they are actually oppressed too.
And that doesn't mean you have to always keep things kid-friendly, because adult-orientated spaces are still fine.
It just means we shouldn't spread anti-child hatred or ideas into adult spaces, or bring adult content into kids spaces. Or turn children's content into something kid's shouldn't interact with.

I definitely don't have the answers to this, but I do think we have to have the conversation. And care enough to try to find the right answers.

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Random Turn My World Upside Down HCs:
A/N: Hello again and welcome back to the 'Sprout is bored so they're writing about their fictional boyfriend on the internet' show! I'm your host, Sprout, let's see what our subject has come up with now!
Teddy's parents were a closeted mostly-gay man and an unrealized partly-gay woman. They married because it was what was expected of them, and Teddy happened and it sorta confirmed 'oh so... guess we're really doing this then.'
They divorced when Teddy was ten because Dorothy (her mom) found a girlfriend and promptly realized she'd rather be with her. It was an amicable split except when it came to custody of Teddy, when there was a great deal of tension.
Dorothy wanted her and Tracy to raise Teddy on their own. Murray was kind of attached to the shithead and didn't want to give her up. Dorothy had reservations about Murray's parenting skills. Murray had reservations about Dorothy's.
Dorothy tried to make Murray forfeit custody and his parental rights. Murray was going to agree to spare himself any further damage and Teddy any further conflict.
Until Teddy threw a holy-rolling fit and forced Dorothy and Tracy to let her stay with Murray for Passover, Hanukkah and the summer.
Then she forced Murray to let her stay with him for Passover, Hanukkah and the summer.
He was an odd father figure. Instead of normal bedtime stories he read her a mix of classic literature in English or Russian and he was NO help on social studies homework. In fact there were several awkward conferences about why Teddy wrote her JFK essay on his assassination being the work of LBJ or other such theories.
Her mom put her in music and martial arts lessons. She thrived in both. Her mom taught her how to apply makeup, how to fight like a girl, how to have ambition and pride, how to say fuck you in the most subtle ways, how to be a feminist from Hell, and to make her own pepper spray and to wear rings so if she had to punch someone it'd hurt more.
Her dad, meanwhile, taught her to question all authority, keep her identity and most things about herself secret, to never mind her business, not to back down, to argue openly and just generally be a menace to society.
Middle school was rough for her. She was enough like both her parents to be such a menace that teachers and other students alike didn't know how to handle her and she reveled in being an intimidatingly bizarre person. So no one liked her much.
Her father more or less told her "find someone who does tolerate you, attach yourself to them, and then destroy anyone who messes with any of your little group.
She did. And she found a group of metalhead/punk kids that she stuck with until living in Indianapolis was too expensive and she and her mom moved up to Hawkins.
At which point she did it again, and that's how she, Danielle Henderson, Eddie Munson, Jeff and Gareth became the inaugural members of Hellfire Club. It was eighth grade. They became GLUED together.
Teddy entertained all of Eddie's "freak rants" and Eddie entertained Teddy's conspiracy theories. Teddy and Danielle bonded over being gay.
Speaking of being gay, her dad knew she was bi before she did.
Murray likes subjecting Teddy's thoughts to intense intellectual scrutiny. He's unfortunately not of the 'let children win' school of thought so she had to really earn her victories. Unless it's at board games (including chess) because her skill at those is from her mom and she's SCARY good.
He encourages her to go at his thoughts with all her skepticism and intellectual might too.
They're very smart and very annoying together. Like. They're smart on their own but together they become an unstoppable unit of pure malice.
Murray isn't really a lovey-dovey-feely type father. He helps her resolve her feelings just... not the way most parents do. He gets the job done and he's made Teddy into something functional, that's what matters.
Teddy and her dad both have insomnia so there's a lot of late nights hanging out and being weird together. Parallel play is a big thing with them- just hanging out in the same room, reading or watching stuff or in Murray's case PI stuff.
Murray hugs her a lot. Or rather, she being a physical-touch kinda girl hugs him and he happily returns it.
Murray lets her live recklessly, for the most part. He doesn't expect that she won't drink, he thinks America's drinking age is dumb, and he expects she'll probably do pot at some point. His only real rules are that she call him or Dorothy if she EVER thinks she might be in trouble, that she doesn't absolutely destroy the place, and that she follow some general common sense rules like not getting caught, doing all her drugs/alcohol/sex safely, not screwing people over, etc.
He has also given her a general distrust of cops and dislike of authority.
Her family has a bad reputation in town for being pretty clearly queer and very openly liberal but Teddy gives so little of a shit about that (outwardly at least) that they've all given up trying to bully her about it.
She wasn't involved in the plot in Season One but due to her dad working on the Hollands' behalf she knows just about what happened.
She was also... briefly stalking the Byers family. Her dad needed some pictures for information and she was happy to oblige.
And her dad called her when Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers came by to tell her the new and improved timeline. And the FULL story.
As such, he also told her to start keeping a first aid kit and a weapon on her at all times, and to NEVER let her krav maga go rusty.
Her weapon of choice was a machete and her first aid kit is well stocked.
She also met Max while skating (she longboards to clear her head) around her mom's neighborhood (which is also Max's neighborhood) and more or less immediately adopted the brat. Max didn't warm up to the 'weird neighbor chick who has her dog pull her skateboard like a sled' until Teddy followed Billy to the Byers house and straight up knocked the dude out by bashing him into the wall, then reanimated him so Max could make her demands.
8/10 childhood, 10/10 family
Okay so apparently it was a deep dive into Teddy's childhood. Tune in next time for more hits from the 'Sprout's bored so they're writing about their fictional boyfriend' show!
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We have several deals from his conversation and they're pretty big and they're pretty good one is 2000 concrete shells or exterias for houses they're really the house shell we come in and we put up the walls and the roof structure and the roofing and they'll come in and do the windows and the stucco and the interior and the landscaping and fixtures inside but we'll do the slab and the stub UPS and everything is guaranteed and warrantied and contracted and fit the wrong place to come back and we fix it using approved methods but we never do so and you guys would provide a dirt pad Plus a mess they say a quarter 1/8 is impossible, now you got business a lot of calls you guys just to the show in a slab and the stub ups and stuff outs and this stuff I'm out here only a couple feet is the stuff them out and stuff them up and stuff them up inside where they go and they said it's terrific and how much is the package and we can talk about it it's inexpensive by comparison and the time frame is practically nothing and we make the walls thinner we have different plan cuz we have to redraw which doesn't take much time and we can redraw them for you and it's just that it's less expensive it's just as strong and if you had an accident like a earthquake which never happens here the panels wouldn't kill everybody is it too heavy and I was a very dense you the same thing and we use a higher grade stucco and it works like the ceramics if you think you need it so they want to do that so he'll sit down and talk to them and we have two three people and you have 3,000 or so houses each one is $4,000 and when it's 5,000 here and I'll be known as a concrete guy like grandpa. Actually sold his shares one time ago but he was a concrete guy, young several of the big companies up north and they're well known companies and he was forced out yeh by Trump. Doesn't have any more equipment or anything wow Jesus well do some stuff down here yeah so he's expecting it's not hard it's a sales office and for the slab and the walls and roof and we can do flat work and we can do structures company so he's starting to think it's pretty good he did that work quite a bit mean it's great mean it's difficult just about to do bridge inspections so I'm having a happy day maxes and people in the cold instead of out he's a good kid this is a nice deals that's like maybe 8,000 houses in punta Gorda that's a very large number it is and I suggested getting community we do and clubhouse it's an idea you know it's throwing the clubhouse structure the quality and everything is there and the technique and clubhouse isn't very huge and depending I guess but he said throwing a clubhouse if they have one didn't have one because you don't have to have an HOA or anything you can just do donations you want to have a place to party and to meet I'm starting to see some this is a cool idea just do it by donation or of time and energy so I like it and you mentioned in the contract a lot of people can help out it says you just mention you want to help out and maybe someone could take you know pay maintenance for the AC for one month and then someone else will do it you go up and like the wall of fame or something we get that like for a year and then you take the wall of fame and you put it somewhere a lot of things
So that was Mac Daddy and our son in the above part of the paragraph and she insisted cuz he keeps doing that says he's doing a great job and there's a lot of things going on here and we're having a good time we have to pay attention so it sounds like definitely and hopefully a few of them and Dan can't handle that size project even though it's not really huge so our son is wondering Trump's guys just keep coming and Dan seems to have like octillions of people they say it's true but he can't get it here he can't do it. So we're going to do it and he even said so to Alicia and talk to her on the phone he said they're thinking of doing those big projects that we wanted and you said I can't get those done so they're getting mad at me since I get JV so he heard JV from her he goes what's a JV and she goes joint venture it's like a joint venture we use them as a sub and they be under us and it's still kind of get the credit and we get paid first then pay them so it goes naturally and it was a good idea and it is cuz he can try and man up and get it that way talk about changing the panels and I just want to do it cuz his are known as very sturdy and bulletproof and we gave her the test data and he's reading it sort of he's she's dictating it he says the same thing that secure I can lift it if it fell on us he's serious things now he gives asking right away boom boom boom can't talk to anybody who's doing that and Trump does that but Trump's the one laying into him and bothering him he kind of knows about it they're trying to fix it and it's kind of just simple or stuff but he got it it's like you can't lift the panel off here if it weighs in a million pounds so he's trying to figure out what to do and he got this idea from her that he's going to go ahead and read it in prison and then he hands it back to the prison guard and mail it back so they're going to do that
I'm going to go ahead and publish this phone is starting to heat up a little bit has to be charged all the way and that's a rest and this is a great idea in order to making some business and we might try the boat shop and all the other shops too and we're going to try a boat show at the hotel and then we're going to try the boat show at the park so hotel probably do it cuz you pay rent and it brings in a lot of business they do it for a weekend and he says probably Friday night to Saturday to Sunday morning to Sunday afternoon they agree with that too they don't like it here's the past Sunday at like 1:00 so it's not hard to pull it out or to put it in and they like it out Friday night they tell you that like 5:00 p.m. and everybody starts showing up and drinking and getting rooms and looking at the boats and and will offer a rise they weren't doing that it was disappointing to our son they even have a peer it's kind of designed to do that and we have boats like the catamaran or whatever they call them pontoon things and the open bow and we've been doing those and other balls too if they really want to they'll have some in the water you can only bring in a certain size boat to that location but he says you can probably anchor a big one off and we can we'll have a couple big ones we're going to do this it sounds like fun
Thor Freya
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qqweebird · 1 year
i think its kind of funny that both men and women on the internet will say something along these lines:
woman: men aren't held to the same standard as women! they just have to be rich and we are expected to be beautiful, wear makeup, shave every inch of our bodies, subservient, slim-thick, fit but not muscular, be a housekeeper, have kids...
man: women aren't held to the same standard as men! they just have to look nice and we're supposed to be 6' tall, earn 6 figures, be muscular, live on our own, have good hygiene, do chores...
and like, both of them are right, we arent held to the same standards. we are both held to many standards but these arent equal standards!
the most equal standards are the ones that are physical. no, you can't do that much to change your height without surgery, but thousands of women undergo really dangerous cosmetic surgeries to fit a standard of beauty set by male-run media. you have to go to the gym to be fit, but that's also an equal standard for women with roughly equal difficulty of being achieved by either sex. fatphobia is a problem for both women and men.
however, the standards that are NOT equal are... largely beneficial to a man's quality of life. men get upset because women want them to… wash their face? wipe their ass when they shit and clean it in the shower? take care of their nails?? those are things that are going to make a man's life better. AND THEY GET MAD ABOUT IT. not shaving isn't at all detrimental to one's hygiene as long as they, like, shower properly. wearing makeup doesn't improve your hygiene either and can actually cause worse acne and irritation, aka, "ugly" and "dirty" things.
additionally, when a man doesn't look like the Beauty Standard, he's not going to be harassed NEARLY as much as an Ugly Woman. woman are absolutely torn asunder online for not being sexually attractive to men. they're denied jobs and shit for not wearing makeup. a man who never wipes his ass could be a fucking CEO while a woman who doesn't wear lipstick and mascara might be rejected as a receptionist for the same company.
a woman might want a man to have a high-paying job, but... does any man... NOT want to have money?? does any man not want to be financially independent?? being expected to be rich IS shitty like most people won't be able to earn 6 figs but barring physical capabilities and assuming only lack of desire to do it, if you Gave In To Your Gender Role you would be stacked. like ohh no the horrible women wanted me to make money! im so oppressed! grow up dude
the traditional jobs women are expected to have are mother and maid. obviously, these can be extremely fulfilling and rewarding jobs, but they don't pay well or provide any financial freedom. not every woman wants to be a housekeeper. if a woman is pressured against her desire to be a stay-at-home mother, she's not benefiting from that in any financial way. it's stripping her of freedom and mobility!
so anyway the thesis here is that the typical standards for men vs woman are extremely biased against women and largely serve the purpose of keeping them subservient, out of public influence, and always available for the sexual pleasure of men. men are free to address the shitty standards they are held to but if you imply that you somehow have it WORSE than women with these standards you are not worth listening to. the end
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moonkisseddelight · 2 years
Jungwon's relation with members and how he feels as a leader
*I'm a beginner in tarot and still learning. Please take this reading as a grain of salt. For entertainment purposes only. No hate towards the artist. Hope you enjoy💕❤️
He feels like they're close friends and he can always share his feelings/thoughts to his hyung. At times he may hold himself back from doing so, and its probably because of age gap. He feels sometimes like Heeseung isn't really good at handling finances and he needs to start doing it. He sees Heeseung as a powerful and successful individual and he really admires that a lot. I think he feels like both of them don't communicate a lot and if they keep doing so, it might lead to a lot of misunderstandings. He views Heeseung as someone who is a bit indecisive and get stressed easily.
They're besties✨ He feels like both of them get along very well. He feels like Jay should start saving (lol, Jungwon is all about savings😂). He feels like Jay has this immense thirst of knowledge and he really like that. He feels like at times Jay stresses out while at work but at the same time works well under pressure/stress. He feels like Jay is bossy and expects everything to go his way and this creates trouble/ problems in their friendship.
He's close to Jake, imo they're like the epitome of brother from another mother. I think Jake has impacted and influenced his life a lot as his hyung(ofc in a good way) and Jungwon really loves him for that. He feels like Jake is very very trustworthy and honest. He's learnt a lot of things from Jake and he's thankful for that( Now, I know why he chose Jake to be his dad in one of those variety shows🥺 ). He likes the way Jake is good with finances and hopes that he's like that always(lol, he's really a sucker for savings and we're here for it✨). In his opinion, Jake is very nurturing and has a motherly vibe to him.
They're not really close but Jungwon wants to get to know Sunghoon more and become close with him. Again, our finance police(Jungwon) wants his hyung to be careful with his budget and expenses. He feels like Sunghoon needs mental stability and go out somewhere to feel better. He feels like once Sunghoon takes some time for himself out of his stressful life as an idol and mc, he'll be back to normal.
He feels like Sunoo needs to walk away from things that are not good for him. He feels that just like Jay, Sunoo has immense thirst for knowledge too. In his opinion, Sunoo is 2nd person in En- who is responsible when it comes to money but at times strays away and might spend a lot more on something. He feels like Sunoo is a total romantic (not to mention that my dude is a cancer). And he cares a lot for people around him.
Now these two have a stable friendship, they give quality time to each other and make sure that they're always there for each other. He feels like he needs to take care of Niki as he's still naive and younger to him. Finance police loves how even though being a maknae, Niki is very good with money and handling finances.(*proudly claps with a smile*). He feels like Niki should talk to others about how he feels and be open about it, so that it doesn't cause misconceptions. He feels like Niki is still a kid and the job that he does is very stressful and it worries Jungwon a lot(Leadernim loves his maknae but doesn't let him know). *Sighs* we all know how much negativity Niki experiences even for the smallest things he does, and Jungwon really worries a lot for Nik and his mental health as he's still a kid.
Jungwon's feelings as a leader.
Honestly as much as our Wonie doesn't show it, he really gets stressed a lot as a leader. He feels very grateful for having such loyal and honest+caring people who are always there for him. My dude thinks that it's time for some of his members to be financially responsible and not really waste money on useless thing( afterall he's the finance police of En-). He feels emotionally attached and safe with his members almost as if they're his other family.
*Sobs tears*😭 Y'all I love Wonie sm. Like please give him an award for the best leader.❤️💖💗
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
The money thing (part 2/2) - Daniel Ricciardo
Warnings: SMUT! angst, confrontation... and more SMUT!
This is it, guys! Buuut... I think I'm gonna keep this story going, what do you say? Shall we find out about how shopping with Charlotte goes, and the party, and just how (y/n) handles this new dynamic overall? As always, let me know what you think! Read part 1 here!
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When you got back at home, you were barely inside the apartment and Daniel was already pushing you against the door, kissing you passionately. You go down the corridor half kissing, half walking, Daniel chasing you all the way. You run to his room and then inside the shower, taking off your sweaty clothes on the process. You guys get under the shower and the feeling of the chill water along with Daniel’s kisses on your skin is just too good.
“You’re unbelievable” he says, letting your feet touch the ground again. You wash each other clean after that, running your hands through each other’s body and memorizing every curve, every detail.
“You’re unbelievable” he says, letting your feet touch the ground again. You wash each other clean after that, running your hands through each other’s body and memorizing every curve, every detail.
After a while, you get out of the shower, dry your hair quickly then wrap yourself in a towel. You go to your toiletry bag on the sink and take your toothbrush out, brushing your teeth while Daniel finished showering. Then you take your hair cream and put some on, your hair is really starting to feel the damage with all this boy’s shampoo, you think. Then you take some skin serum and apply some drops on your face, spreading lightly. Man, you missed skincare and it missed you. Last step: body lotion. Daniel gets out of the shower and you know he's watching you.
“Why you’re pampering yourself all up?” He asked coming behind you and kissing your neck.
“I’m doing what I was supposed to do the last two nights…but got distracted” you smirk at him. He lifts his hands in mock defense. Then you open the towel and start spreading the cream on your stomach, then your legs, then your butt. He’s watching you still, so you smile. “You say you like my skin, well it takes a lot of creaming to maintain it”
“I thought that was my job, love” He says in a low voice from behind me, putting his hands on my hips.
“Not like-” you start but decide it’s not even worthy, he knows what you meant. You just swat him on the shoulder and he laughs, going back to the room.
“By the way” he says putting his head back through the door. “You smell amazing, so finish up and get your ass back in the bed so I can properly cream you up”
“Daniel!” Little shit. He laughs even louder.
When you go back inside the room Daniel is sitting on the bed, looking through his phone. You pass him towards the closet and decide to take a look at the clothes you brought with you, to see if there's anything you could wear to this party tomorrow. What do you even wear to a yacht?
You take a few outfits and place them in front of your body, testing them on the mirror, but nothing seemed appropriate.
"You want a shirt baby?" Daniel asks you out of nowhere.
"Hum? Yeah, sure" you answer him, hanging the clothes back in the closet.
"Are you looking for something for tomorrow? Just buy something with Charlotte" he said simply while putting sweat pants on.
"Yeah... I..." you took a deep breath, "It's just..." you tried to say, but nothing seemed to come out. You were scared he was gonna think you're being ridiculous.
"What?" he looked at you.
"Nothing, never mind" you gave up, putting on his shirt with your underwear and going back to his room. He followed you, wearing nothing but his sweat pants.
"I'm just guessing here, but I have a feeling it's a good one" he started, "It's the money thing, isn't it? You don't want to spend money buying an outfit for this party?"
"It's not that I don't want to, Dan. I just can't afford it!" you said raising your voice tone a bit. He just stared at you for a while. "I don't know if you've noticed, I'm not on a million dollars contract but I'm still living like I was!" you sat down on the bed, eyes filling with water. "I just can't do this anymore, sorry. It's killing me and it's so stupid, so petty, but again, it's not! Cause what would the solution be? You paying for everything? Me just becoming a leech? A gold-digger?" he was watching you quietly, but let out a laugh at that last part.
"Don't laugh! I'm serious!" you continued.
"Baby, listen to yourself. What do you want me to do besides laughing?" he smiled sympathetically at you.
"Well, I'm glad you're finding it amusing because I feel sick everytime the subject comes up. The clothes, restaurants, plane tickets... I can't be living like that, and it's not just that. It's also because I know there's only one way this is going"
"You finally understanding this is ridiculous and accepting the credit card I made on your name months ago?" he said sitting by your side.
"Us not being together anymore. We're just from too different worlds, it's not gonna work. You need someone that can keep up with this lifestyle" you said getting up and walking towards the bathroom.
"No, you're not!" he said pulling you back down to his lap by your waist. "Enough with this bullshit" he said kissing your face and wipping your tears away. "Tell me what the real problem is. This is not about money, money is only a tool, a means to something, we can't let it have this much power over us. There's always more where that came from" you just looked at him. He had a much more healthy relationship with money than you, maybe because he had so much to spare. "This is not about money. You're not greedy, I know you. You're just the polar opposite of it. The most generous person I know. Is that it? You're feeling guilty?"
"I think... kind of. It's not fair, how can I have so much, knowing that most people have never even seen that much money. We’ve spent the average person's paycheck on a meal, Dan!" you said.
"(y/n), baby... it's not your responsibility. You can't carry this weight on you. You already do so much for people, you volunteer and donate all the time... you can't deprive yourself because other people don't have the same opportunity, that wouldn't be fair either" he tried to reason with you.
"But what about you?" you asked.
"What about me?"
"I just... listen, I know, rationally I mean... that I don't handle the idea of money very well. If you must know, I couldn't even take money from my parents as a kid. I just can't help but think it wasn't fair to them and it's not fair to you, to spend it with me. It's yours! You worked hard for it! I’m literally leeching on you!"
"So, you agree? The money is mine, so I can do with it what I please?" he said.
"Yes, but-"
"Why can't I spend it with the person I love most in the world? Huh? What is so wrong with it? Even if I was choosing to spend it on you instead of on myself, which I'm not, why couldn't I?"
"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you"
"Baby, we're taking advantage of this life. I was given this unholy amount of money for doing my dream job. Can you see how rare and fucking blessed this is? I mean, I thought so, until I met you. I thought I knew what a good life was until you were in it. This is a good life, with you enjoying this fucking lottery ticket with me" he said pecking your lips and rubbing your back, while you leaned on him. "Is this why you wouldn't come to London with me?" you looked at him and nodded.
"Sorry about that..."
"No, I'm sorry I didn't push more on the subject earlier. This has been going on for long enough now. It's just money, (y/n). Just it. Just a tool for the wonderful life we lead together. You understand?"
"Look at me" he said turning your chin to look at him. "Do you really? Will you let me pay for stuff now? Tell me whenever you have an expense or even better, will you accept the credit card I made for you?"
"I don't think that's necessary"
"Please baby. Let's try it my way? Will you use it from now on?" he asked again pecking your lips. "Say yes. Say yes, or I'll give you a minimal monthly spending goal as well" he smiled and you looked at him like he was crazy.
"I'm not comfortable with it"
"Just try, please? You can start by buying something tomorrow for the party" the look on his face changed and you knew he was about to tease you. "If you'd prefer, we can say you're buying something for me... you wanna be my sugar baby?" he laughed.
"Too soon to joke about it" you said but laughed anyway. "Okay" you said after a while, "I'll use it. But you have to promise me you'll tell me if you change your mind"
"You're scared I'll go in debt?"
"I know you would"
"Good. Because I would. For you. But I know you don't need me to, so if we run out of money we'll just be poor together. Good thing you have experience, huh?" he laughed.
"Asshole!" you swatted him on the chest.
"You know I'm joking. But you get it now, don't you? We're lucky enough we don't have to worry about it, so let's not worry about it. It shouldn't even take a second of our day, it doesn't matter. Us, being together and our happiness is what matters. Okay?"
"Okay. Thank you, for being so understanding. Sorry for being... you know"
"I love you. And I don't expect you to simply go on a shopping spree, although I do expect you to buy those plane tickets soon. But the thing is, I'm here for it, I'm here to solve every little obstacle that gets in our way, no matter what, no matter how silly you're being"
"You're being so mature about this" you smirked at him.
"Well, what can I say? Being the perfect human I am, I understand that other humans are not, I'm just humbled that I can guide you on your path of enlightenment" he laughed and you rolled your eyes. "In all seriousness now, you know why is that, don't you?"
"Why? Because you're just better than everyone else?"
"Well, yes. But also because I have it really clear in my mind what really matters. And that's you. Us. It's all that matters to me. Being good for you" he said looking into your eyes.
"I love you, so much. I don't deser-" he cut you out by kissing you deeply and pulling you closer to him.
You moved so you were straddling him now, your arms around his neck and your hands on his hair. His hands that were on your waist, keeping you closer, started to slip down your body, so he was holding your bum.
"I want you" he said against your lips. You smiled and started to grind down against him. You were only wearing his shirt, which was bunched up around your waist, and your underwear, which wasn't the sexiest piece you owned but you didn't think Dan would care. In fact, he didn't seem to care at all for your underwear, cause he was already slipping his hand under you, pushing the thin layer to the side, and sliding his fingers through your lips.
You moaned at the sensation, still sensitive from your adventures early in the shower. "I... Dan..." you begin to say, but couldn't form a full sentence.
"What is it, baby girl? You want to say something?" he whispered against your ear, sucking your earlobe lightly. Then he pressed his pointer and middle finger against your clit, circling them firmly against you and making you moan louder for him.
"I'm still sensitive from early" you said against his lips, laughing a bit.
"You want me to stop?" he asked looking at you deeply.
"No!" you answered almost too fast, making him chuckle. "Don't stop, please"
"Hum... since you asked so nicely" he said sucking on your jaw, then your neck. You took that opportunity to slip your hand down his torso, feeling his chest and abs, and then reaching for him through his sweat pants. He was rock hard already. This man is insatiable. You smiled at the sound he made when you grabbed him lightly.
"I just want to feel you inside me" you said pulling his pants down and out of the way. He lifted you both from the bed slightly to help you take them off, then you grabbed and lined him with your center, sitting down slowly, letting only the head in first.
“Babe, please,” it’s Daniel’s turn to beg now “I need you" and then you sink down on him, feeling all of his length while he bottoms out inside you. He sucks on your sweet spot, muffling the groan that comes out of his mouth.
"Oh my god Dan" you moan, dropping your head back and giving him even more access to your neck. You pull his hair a bit more, fingers clamped down so tightly you're scared you might pull his hair out. You stay like this, feeling him deep inside you, for a while. He pulls away to look you in the eyes and kiss your lips, massaging your tongue with his. It's so intimate, so truthful, like he said, the only thing that matters in the world.
"I love you" he says looking you deep in the eyes. You nod before replying because you want to make sure he knows you know. That you believe and trust him.
"I love you, so much" you say back.
Then you roll your hips, testing out the angle, and it's almost too much to handle. It feels like hours and seconds at the same time, but you find a rhythm together, a pace you can keep sitting on him, while he only worries about kissing you and keeping you both from falling from the bed.
You're sure you'll be feeling sore tomorrow. Actually, you already are. Your legs, tired from the running and all the sex you've been having lately, start to give out and you lose your strength. Luckily, Daniel seems to catch that before you have to say anything, so he brings his hands to your hips and starts to help you move up and down on him.
You sit up slightly, moaning at the different angle he hitting now and he groans, feeling you clench around him. "(y/n)" he moans your name, "baby, I'm go-" he moans, feeling you clench again.
"Me too" you reply.
"Where do want me to? Huh? I'm gonna cum for you baby" you kiss him, feeling your pussy spasm around him, making it even harder for him to keep a steady rhythm.
"Inside me. I need you to come inside me, please, please baby" and there's no time to think, to ask if you're sure. You feel his whole body tensing and his thrusts get sloppier. Then, when you feel the hot liquid spur inside you, he grabs a handful of your ass with one hand and slips his other in between the two of you, flicking your clit rapidly and precisely.
That's all it takes for you to lose it completely, your walls fluttering around him as your body trembles at the intensity of the pleasure.
You both ride your orgasms together, you rolling your hips slower and slower, and him holding you tighter and closer until you stop completely. The only sound being your heavy breathings.
After a while, you pull away to find him already staring at you.
"You are the most beautiful thing I ever laid eyes on" he says to you and you feel the warmth of his words.
"I'm yours. Forever" you say simply and kiss him lightly on the lips.
"I feel like I have so much to lose. It honestly scares the living shit out of me"
"I know what you mean. I feel the exact same, I promise. I don't know how I got so lucky to find you" you say.
"And I, you. But we're just being dumb, right? I guess it's good we know that, but also... that we're not going anywhere, right?" he asks and you can sense there's some insecurity behind his line.
"Right. We're only getting stronger" you say and kiss him again. "I love you, Daniel"
"I love you, so much" he says touching your foreheads. "Let me get something to clean you up, then we can cuddle the rest of the night"
"You're the only guy I know that likes cuddling this much" you smile getting up from him. He hisses a bit at the sensation but gets up right after you.
"You don't have to worry about other guys' preferences" he says rolling his eyes. Yep. If your thing is low self-esteem and money-related issues, his is definitely jealousy and overall insecurity.
"I don't, silly" you peck him in the lips. He seems to relax a bit and when he comes back from the bathroom his phone lights up, he goes to check on it after passing you the towel.
"Charles just texted Charlottes contact. I'll forward it to you, okay?"
"Yep" you answered and it was your phone's turn to light up. "Can I confess something?" you asked him, adjusting your clothes.
"I'm really excited to hang out with her tomorrow. I kind of miss girl company during the GPs and even when I'm here in Monaco and you're busy" he smiled and put a shirt on.
"Look at you, making friends! How cute"
"Shut up" you playfully pushed him, while you guys climbed into bed. You texted her 'hello' and Daniel's address before locking your phone and adjusting in his arms. There's still a lot to figure out and you weren't sure you'd be able to handle the money thing any better. You hoped so, after all, you didn't know how much more Daniel can be understanding. But you could think about all that another time. Right now life was good in the arms of the man you loved and loved you back. You felt safe.
Tag list (this is so fancy! I've never done a tag list before haha): @scotlynaurora @your-favourite-blonde @unicornfairytail @c-d-9
@isntmadrid @lharrietg @sassybatflowerpaper
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