#but by the time of TOS this is no longer the case
rizrice · 2 days
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COMMISSIONS OPEN!! (redoing this post to keep things organized)
hello, here is a resume of the information about my commissions, in my carrd have more info and examples then check there too, if you have any questions, just ask me.
simple doodle - 9 usd
just a little doodle, NO REVISIONS. (9 usd per character)
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sketch - 25 usd - simple colored sketch
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finished - 50 usd - a more finished artwork
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experimental/concepts page - 35 usd~
i havent had much time to experiment and study new things. in this option you get a "sketch page" where i can test things using your characterimportant:
- you will receive at least one page - since i test things, there may be changes to the character design, etc; - no revisions and you cant choose what you get in the page; - no changes if you want changes or for me to finalise any of the sketches, i can do it for an extra fee.
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others - usd~
if you want something that doesn't fit in with these options, ask me about it. may i can do :)
- payment via paypal or kofi - full payment before i start - i have the right to regect your commisson - after the first sketch has been sent no refund - personal use only - credit me - do not modify the artwork in any way - i hold every right to the produced artwork as the artist (in any case, if you don't want the work to be shared, let me know) - the time to finish depends on the complexity, and how much time I have free, I always try to deliver within a month (from payment), if I have to take longer than that I'll let you know - any big change should be done at the beginning only, after that only small changes.
all information is in my carrd in my bio, check to see more arts, dm me if you are interested. if you dont want a comm but want to support me here is my ko-fi, share also really help.
(i havent posted much art here but you can find some at #rizart)
thank you! ⸜(ˊᗜˋ)⸝
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
every day im forced to see posts where people say that Bones is racist towards Spock and they clearly think its a hot take. when will we as a society move on from this. its been years. im tired.
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voiceofsword · 9 months
hiii mimi voiceofsword it's me back with another random line because it's been a while 🫶 i thought this one was cute . he brings up other people so often like okay girl we get it you love everyone ! i love the idea of him seeing anzu and being like "omg anzu let's go on a picnic to this really gorgeous place and Of Course i'll get niki to make us food and tag along"
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( don't repost w/o creds etc tyty )
i like that rinne's the oldest in the cast but man hes so excitable, like idk how people can think hes entirely self centered when he looks for things that make him happy and could make his friends happy too and wants to share it with everyone (thinking about this tl and him showing beetles to kohaku thinking itd make him happy too, rinnes the best...)
also love that he has to include niki in his plans too dbfhgbdfh they couldve easily just made this into him hanging out with anzu but thinking about rinne being like oh it was so beautiful i have to share it with niki too :) makes me tear up a little (like u said, oh Of Course — to rinne, niki being there is a given!!!) (even tho most likely the implication is simply just him hounding niki to make the food, which ig is valid but why would he ask niki to make bento and not have him come with, rinne's a bit of a romantic, come on!!)
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spoiler he did not look at any blossoms, he looked at niki the whole time. and when niki turned to look at him he'd deflect by grabbing a shit ton of petals and dropping them on nikis head and making fun of him for it. nikis nagging continues to be like music to his ears
anzu looking at them like are these really grown men? oh my god
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copperbadge · 1 year
Hey Sam! Since it's currently AO3 donation time, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on it? I'm asking because you've written RPF and it's one of many "anti-AO3/anti-AO3 donations" people's favourite things to bring up when they're complaining about AO3 getting so many donations that it continuously obtains an excess of its donation goal whenever donation time rolls around? (Wow, how many times can I say "donation" in an ask?) Sorry if this question bothers you! I don't mean to offend or annoy.
Hey anon! Sorry it took a while to get to this, I don't even know if the drive is still going on, but the question came in while I was traveling and I didn't really have the time for stuff that wasn't travel-related. In any case, let's dig in! (I am not offended, no worries.)
So really there are two issues here and as much as some people who are critical of AO3 want to conflate them, they are different. While some criticism of AO3 may be valid, rhetoric against AO3 tends to misinterpret both in separate ways.
First there's the issue of what AO3 hosts -- RPF, yes, but more broadly, varied content that some people find distasteful or think should be illegal, which is a misunderstanding of the purpose of the archive and more broadly a dangerous attitude towards the concept of freedom of expression.
Second, there's the issue of AO3 generally outpacing its fundraising goals while not allowing monetization, which is a misunderstanding of the legal status of AO3 and to an extent a misunderstanding of philanthropy as a whole.
The longer I watch debates about content go on, the more I come to the conclusion that I was fortunate to have a teacher who really wanted to instill in us an understanding of free speech not as a policy but as an ongoing dialogue. It's not only that freedom of expression "protects you from the government, not the Justin" as the meme goes, but also that freedom of expression is not a static thing. It's an ongoing process of identifying what we find harmful in society and what we want to do about it.
Should the freedom to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater be restricted? Should the freedom to yell slurs at drag performers? Should the freedom to teach prepubescent kids about gender, sexuality, and/or safe sex? Should the freedom to wear a leather puppy hood at Pride? Who gets to say, and why?
I was nine when my teacher did a unit on freedom of speech and the intersection of "harm prevention" and "censorship", which is (and should be) a discussion, not a set of ironclad rules. This ambiguity has thus been with me for over thirty years, and I'm comfortable with the ambiguity, with the process; I'm not sure a lot of people critical of AO3's content truly are. Perhaps some can't be, especially those affected by hate speech, but RPF is not hate speech. It's just fiction. Or is fiction "just fiction"? This is a question society as a whole is grappling with, although fandom seems to be a little out ahead of society in terms of how explicitly we discuss it.
The idea that prose can incite violence or cause harm is both valid to examine (witness the rise of fascism on the radio in the 20s, on Facebook and Twitter in the past ten years; they're very similar processes) and a very slippery slope. Because again: who decides what harm is, and what causes it, and what we do about it? Our values align us with certain beliefs, but those are only our values, not universal truths. So AO3 is part of the ongoing question of harm and benefit both to society and individuals.
AO3 itself, however, has a fairly defined policy that it is not meant to police content; it is an archive, not a bookstore or a school board. AO3 refines its TOS and policies as necessary, but the goal is always open access and as much freedom of expression as possible, and if that's uncomfortable for some people then that's a discussion we have to have; ignoring it won't make it go away. But it has to be a discussion, it can't be a unilateral change to the archive's TOS or a series of snaps and clapbacks, and I don't see a lot of people ready to move beyond flinging insults. Perhaps because they were taught a much more binary view of freedom of expression than I was.
So, self-evidently, I support AO3 and I don't have a problem with RPF. Whether other people do is something we're going to have to get to grips with, and that's likely to be a process that is still going on when most of us are dust. I'd rather have a century of ambiguity than a wrong answer tomorrow, anyway.
But whether AO3 hosts RPF is truly a separate issue from its donation drives, because it's a criticism some people level at the site which exists whether it's fundraising or not. So people can criticize AO3's open policy and they can give it as a reason not to support the site, but it's just one aspect of the archive and the fundraising as a whole should be examined separately.
I think AO3's fundraisers are deeply misunderstood (sometimes on purpose) because even people who are anticapitalist get a little crazy when money gets involved, and this is, to fandom, a lot of money -- a few hundred thousand, reliably, every fundraiser. To me, a fundraiser that pulls in three hundred grand is almost quaint; my current nonprofit pulls in better than ten million a year and my previous employer had an endowment of several billion dollars. At my old job I didn't even bother researching people who couldn't give us a hundred grand.
On the other hand, AO3 is an extreme and astounding outlier in the nonprofit world, because basically it's the only one of its kind to work the way it does. It is entirely volunteer-run on the operational side (ie: tag wranglers, coders, lawyers, etc) and has no fundraising staff (gift officers, researchers, outreach officers) as far as I'm aware. To pull in three hundred grand from individual one-time donations, without any paid staff and without even a volunteer fundraising officer? That's insane. That doesn't happen. Except at AO3.
What people misunderstand, however, is the basic status of a nonprofit, which is a legal status, not simply a social one. (I'm adding in some corrections here since it gets complicated and the terminology can be important!) The Organization for Transformative Works, the parent of AO3, is a nonprofit, which indicates how it was incorporated as an organization; additionally it is registered federally as tax-exempt, which carries certain perks, like not paying sales tax, and certain duties, like making their financials transparent to a certain extent. (Religious nonprofits are exempt from the transparency requirement.) If you're interested in more about nonprofits and tax-exempt status a reader dropped a great article here.
Nonprofits, unlike for-profit companies, cannot pay a share of their income to stakeholders. Nonprofits don't have financial stakeholders, only donors. They can have employees and pay them a salary -- that's me, for example -- but if a nonprofit pulls in $10M in donations, my salary is paid from that, I don't get a percentage and nobody else does either. That's what it means to be a nonprofit -- the money above operational costs goes back into the organization. The donations we (and AO3) receive must be plowed under and used for outreach, server maintenance, further fundraising, services expansion, et cetera. You can see this in the 990 forms on Guidestar or ProPublica, or in their more accessible breakdowns on Charity Navigator. Nonprofits that do not put the majority of their income towards service provision tend to get audited and lose their nonprofit status. So nobody's getting paid from all that money, and the overage that isn't spent goes into what is basically a savings account in the name of the nonprofit. (I'm vastly simplifying but that's the gist.) Using that money for personal purposes is illegal. It's called "private inurement" and there's a good article here about it. The money belongs to the OTW as a concept, not to anyone in or of the OTW.
So the biggest misunderstanding that I see in people who are mad at AO3 fundraisers is that "they" are getting all this money (who "they" are is never clearly stated but I'm pretty sure people think @astolat has a special wifi router that runs on burning hundred dollar bills) while "we" can't monetize our fanfic. But "they" get nothing -- nobody even earns a salary from AO3 -- and you can easily prove that by looking at the 990 forms they file with the government, which are required to be made public. You can see the most recently available 990, from 2020, here at Guidestar. Page seven will show you the "highest compensated" employees, all of whom are earning zero dollars or nonmonetary perks (that's the three columns on the right).
Either AO3 is entirely volunteer-run or someone's Doing A Real Fraud. The money the OTW spends is documented (that's page 10 and 11 primarily) and while they may pay for, say, the travel and lodging expenses of a lawyer going to DC to defend a freedom-of-expression case, they don't pay the lawyer for their time, or give them a cut of the income.
Despite what you've read, the reason "we" can't monetize our fanfics on AO3 has nothing to do with the site being the product of volunteer handiwork or AO3 having it in their terms of service or it being considered gauche by some to do so; it's because
I cannot say this loudly enough: It is against the law for a nonprofit to be used by its staff, volunteers, or beneficiaries to earn direct profit from the services provided by the nonprofit.
You can be paid to work at one, but you cannot side-hustle by selling your handmade friendship bracelets for personal gain on the nonprofit's website. If the nonprofit knowingly allows monetization of its services, it can lose nonprofit status, be fined, be hit with back taxes, and a lot of other unpleasant bullshit can go down, including prosecution of those involved for fraud. If you put a ko-fi link on your fanfic, you are breaking the law, and if AO3 allows it, they are too.
Okay, that was a sidebar, but in some ways not, because it gets to the heart of the real complaints about AO3 fundraising, which is that people in fandom are sick or unhoused or in some form of need and other people in fandom are giving to AO3, a fan site that is financially stable, instead of giving to peoples' gofundmes or dropping money in their Ko-Fi or Paypal. And while it is a legitimate grievance that there are people who are in such desperate need while we live in an era of unprecedented abundance, that's not AO3's fault. AO3 doesn't solicit actively, there's no unasked-for mailings or calls from a gift officer. They just put a banner up on their website, and people give. (Again, this is incredibly outlier behavior in the nonprofit world, I'd do a case study on it but the conclusion would just be "shit's real, yo.") You might as well be mad that people give to their local food bank instead of someone's ko-fi.
You cannot lay at AO3's feet the fact that people want to give to AO3 instead of to your fundraiser. That's a choice individuals have made, and while you can engage with them in terms of why they made the philanthropic choices they did, to blame an organization they supported rather than the person who made the choice to give is not only incorrect but futile, and unlikely to win anyone over to supporting you. We know from research that guilt is not a tremendous motivator of philanthropy.
It is also not necessarily a binary choice; just because AO3 gets a hundred grand in $5 donations doesn't mean most of the people giving don't also give $5 elsewhere. I support the OTW on occasion, and I also fundraise for UNICEF and the Chicago Parks Foundation and BAGLY and others, in addition to giving monthly to several nonprofits that I have longterm relationships with -- my alma mater, the animal rescue where I got the Cryptids, my shul. And I give, occasionally and anonymously, to fundraisers that pass through Radio Free Monday, which are mainly individuals in need, because I was once in need and now I pay it forward. These are the choices I have made. Nobody twisted my arm. I respond poorly to someone making the attempt to do so by attacking places I've given.
I think the upshot is, after all of this that I've written, that we cannot begin to come to grips with questions of institutional inequality in philanthropy, or freedom of expression and censorship, until people actually understand what's going on, and too few do. So all I can do is try and explain, and hopefully create a forum for people to learn and grow when it comes to charitable giving.
Archive Of Our Own and the Organization for Transformative Works are products of our community and as that community changes, we will necessarily continue to re-evaluate what aspects of it mean and how AO3/OTW express the community sentiment. I hope that the ongoing discussion of support for AO3 also leads to people learning more about their philanthropic options. But criticizing AO3 for fundraising by attacking it for fulfilling one of its stated purposes is silly, and attempting to guilt people into giving in the ways one thinks they should give rather than how they do give is just going to make one extremely unlikable.
As members of this community, we have to be a part of the push and pull, but it's difficult to do that competently in ignorance. So, I do my best to be knowledgeable and to educate my readers, and I hope others will do the same.
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
Hi there! Firstly, wanna say a huge thank you: your blog has inspired me to become more educated about cybersecurity and nutrition, and it’s the reason my brother and I now use Firefox! I came across this article and… it seemed to raise a lot of valid points about Mozilla, but I have no idea if they are true or not since I’m not that knowledgeable about tech, and they go against everything I’ve ever heard about Firefox. Wanted to ask if you wouldn’t mind giving it a quick read, if that’s not too much trouble, and explaining why it’s false/true? If you can, ofc, I realise that is a weird request, and I promise it&: not something I’d usually ask someone. I just thought I’d ask since you’re the only sort of ‘tech’ person I can think of whom I’d trust to know stuff about this. https://digdeeper.neocities.org/articles/mozilla
So this is a great example of someone reading a ToS uncharitably and extracting the most paranoid bullshit possible.
Aside from the absolute classic "oh noes they are storing info about what devices you use" (if you use firefox logged in mozilla will collect information about what device and OS you use to connect; they do this for a lot of reasons like figuring out what stuff the bulk of their users are using but also because *they can't display on your device without that data*) I want to zoom in on this as an example:
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BTW, there is one really funny thing inside the account ToS (MozArchive) that I just have to mention: "We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services at any time for any reason, including [...] our provision of the Services to you is no longer commercially viable." The fuck? If you stop bringing them profit, you're gone. They really said that! To me, this is a roundabout admission that your data is being sold. And if it's not worth much (for whatever reason), then you get kicked out.
This person is highlighting the idea that they may cut you off from services if the provision of those services is no longer commercially viable. This author is saying "FIREFOX WILL BOOT YOU WHEN YOU STOP BEING A PROFITABLE LITTLE PAYPIG FOR THEM"
But. Okay. Let's go look at that section of the ToS:
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These Terms will continue to apply until ended by either you or Mozilla. You can choose to end them at any time for any reason by deleting your Mozilla account, discontinuing your use of the Services, and if applicable, unsubscribing from our emails. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to, if we reasonably believe: (i) you have violated these Terms, (ii) you create risk or possible legal exposure for us; or (iii) our provision of the Services to you is no longer commercially viable. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you by the email address associated with your Mozilla account or the next time you attempt to access the Services. In all such cases, these Terms shall terminate, including, without limitation, your license to use the Services, except that the following sections shall continue to apply: Indemnification, Disclaimer; Limitation of Liability, Miscellaneous.
Bud. This says "we are not obligated to provide services to you and we may stop providing services that cost us more money to maintain than is viable." This isn't about selling your data, this is about backwards compatibility and sunsetting projects. They don't have to keep providing access to services they're no longer developing nor bend over backwards to make sure that you can keep running a version of the browser that uses the extensions they dropped support for ten years ago.
Ugh. I got to the section where they talk about cucking for manifest3 and jesus this asshole. Manifest 3 is a defacto set of web standards that are changing because google has so much market share as a browser that if they do something everybody else has to follow or they're going to break basic functionality; if they don't make these changes eventually a shitload of websites just will not work on firefox. WAY more than currently experience this problem. Nobody is happy about manifest 3 and the fact that mozilla put out a press release about coming manifest 3 changes (that was not positive!) doesn't mean they're happy about getting dragged along by the nose; this blogger would prefer something like them refusing to adopt those standards, but all that would happen is that they'd lose more users because less shit would work on firefox browsers since people write their sites for chrome first and anything else second if at all.
This writer also gripes a lot about things like "mozilla took away this functionality for the sake of security and SURE you can change that by going into the configurations but it should be an option right in the first panel of the settings what are they really trying to hide???" and they're not trying to hide anything bud they're trying to make a functional browser with intuitive menus for people who aren't power users.
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Like they want to be able to do everything they want and they want to be able to see the option in front of them at all times. It's a weird combination of "I know how to configure everything about this browser" and "if a setting is ever hidden behind a readmore it's a dark pattern and is an attack on user privacy." Like they gripe a lot about privacy and then link to a bunch of pages on mozilla where they explain their privacy settings and link to tutorials on how to hide the data that they just explained they collect.
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Yeah this is someone I would walk away from in order to avoid getting into a fistfight.
"FOSS licenses are nice but they don't ensure quality" nobody said they did.
"FOSS licensed softwares don't always accept user participation in development" nobody said they did
"I can't change the actual code of firefox to remove things that I don't like don't tell me to fork it it has to be all or nothing mozilla specifically has to do what I want or it's user hostile" I can see why it would be hostile to you as a user fuck you dude this is why forks *exist* (also the "spyware" discussed is basic browser tracking stuff, the realistic necessities of how email work that make it not private by default like the PROTOCOLS are not private you can't get around that, and a lot of the stuff is opt out but improves functionality for day to day users, AND a lot of the tracking is specifically for people with logged-in accounts which are not necessary to use firefox like if you hate pocket don't use it my friend! I also hate pocket it is quite simple to never use it thanks)
"There's no justification for making the source code unavailable" my dude. https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/
"If they really cared about an open internet they'd work toward killing capitalism." Friend. I think there's very little more that a web browser could do to undermine the capitalist nature of huge chunks of the web and maintain a broad userbase than what firefox is doing.
I'm reminded of the time that I saw someone losing their shit about a linux distro that included chrome as *a* browser - not the default browser, but *a* browser.
It is an unpleasant fact that a lot of firefox's funding comes from google. That's part of why google is still the default search engine in Firefox and I read some similar articles decrying mozilla's residence firmly in Google's pocket a few years ago. I don't think there's anyone at mozilla who is genuinely pleased that their cheques are signed by google, but there are a ton of people at mozilla who are happy they can keep the lights on because getting paid by google means that they can do as much as they possibly can to create a functional browser that has a significant interest in privacy by default and that can be made *VERY* private by a dedicated user.
Anyway a lot of the stuff on this post is things like "a certificate expired five years ago and broke extensions and that means that mozilla is incompetent and hates users" or "eleven years ago there was a slapfight in the bug reporting forums between a user and a mod and the fact that the user was kicked after repeatedly being told his fix wasn't going to get made is censorship."
The big beefs at the center of this post are:
Mozilla collects data on users
Mozilla limits functionality that should be up to the users
Mozilla takes money from google
and my refutations are:
it does, and it is less than any other mainstream browser and is much much more transparent about what data is collected and how to prevent that data from being collected
A lot of the functionality they're discussing is still there and the stuff that isn't is allowing unsigned extensions which, dude, put a fork in it. They're not going to budge on unsigned extensions but the bar you have to clear to get signed is really really low; like this guy is LITERALLY saying "allow the installation of malicious extensions."
Yep. They do. This point reminds me of a lot of the people on tumblr who hate ads but also hate it when people pay for tumblr. As it turns out making things costs money, and making things used by millions of people costs *A LOT* of money.
I mean FFS one of the things this writer complains about is that Mozilla has a YouTube page.
This isn't just letting perfect be the enemy of good, it's letting perfect be the enemy of *functionally existing as a large organization in the modern world.*
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoy my blog, thank you for letting me know!
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kayleighwinchester · 2 months
Five Things You Know About Dean Winchester - and One You Don't: II
(( Here we go, all! The second installment of Five Things You Know About Dean Winchester - and One You Don't! Sickeningly fluffy, for this one! As with most of these so far, much love to @artyandink for suggesting and running the Jensen-a-thon, and thank you so much for all of the love on part 1!)) Dean Winchester was a mystery. 
It was one you were slowly unraveling bit by bit, visit by visit; he would climb in your window every month or so, stay a few days, and disappear again by the end of the week – but slowly, you were learning about him, about who he was, beyond the charismatic smile and easy, confident attitude.
You learned quickly how much touch meant to Dean.
It was like he couldn’t get enough of even the simplest contact. You saw it in even the simplest things – how he seemed to melt into every hug, how he leaned into each kiss, treating all contact like he was a man starved. 
He’d arrived far earlier than usual this time, coming through your window in the early morning; you didn’t want to know what, exactly, your neighbors had to be thinking when he scaled the tree beside the house to your bedroom window in broad daylight. 
You had only woken up about a half an hour before, and had yet to move out of your bed - you were still stretched out like a starfish under the covers, groggy and content, eyes half-following some trashy reality TV show that you, truly, couldn’t care less about. He’d given you that brilliant, million dollar smile of his as he toed his way out of his boots, folded his jacket and placed it in its usual spot on your dresser, and plopped down on the edge of your bed, as if he belonged there. 
“Mornin’, Sweetheart.” 
You didn’t reply – not at first. No, the first thing you had the energy to do was roll over, arms snaking slowly around his middle, your words muffled by his tee-shirt as you offered a mumbled, “Too early.” into his side. You could feel him shake slightly with silent laughter, his hand running down your back briefly. 
“What can I say? Wanted to see my favorite girl. Didn’t even get a motel this time.” 
You let out a small noise of acknowledgement, arms tightening around him. It wasn’t a particularly comfortable position to lay in, even you had to admit that, and, a bit reluctantly, you released your grip, sitting up and scrubbing a hand over your face. “Where were you this time?” You asked. Sitting up fully didn’t last long – only long enough for you to stretch, before you were slouching forward again, your forehead pressing against his shoulder.
His voice still held that barely-contained laughter as he spoke once more. “Chicago. ‘Least it wasn’t a bad drive.” 
You hummed out another soft little sound, letting your eyes drop closed for a moment longer, before you spoke up. “Did you get breakfast on the way?” The last time you’d looked at your alarm clock, it had been just barely seven – it was a good enough excuse, you supposed, to try to stick to the healthy habits you’d been struggling to keep; breakfast was the most important meal of the day, or something like that.
“Nah. Bit burnt out on McDonald’s, ‘n I didn’t wanna stop for real.” He turned slightly, resting his cheek on the top of your head. 
“I can make something.” You offered, finally forcing yourself to sit up once more, quickly turning your face upwards to steal a brief, light kiss. You never got tired of it, the way his eyes sparkled, the way his lips curled up into a smile every time.
“You sure?” He asked, watching you fumble your way out of bed, his eyes lingering on the tiny pajama shorts you wore, before they darted back up to yours. “You don’t have to get up, y’know – I can wait,” 
You shook your head. “I’m trying to actually start eating breakfast,” You informed him, “so I was gonna have to get up sooner or later.” You weren’t sure that helped your case much – he still looked a bit guilty, but pushed himself up off of the bed anyway. 
He followed you like a shadow, only breaking away once you entered the kitchen; you made a bee-line for the fridge, and he stopped in front of the crappy little coffee maker you’d picked up at a resale shop. It wasn’t the first morning you’d spent together, and there was at least a loose routine to it, though you were typically practically falling asleep at the table as he got the coffee going.
For a time, you worked in companionable silence – once the coffee was started, he leaned his weight against the counter, just following you with his eyes. You’d just started on the pancakes, a pan of bacon on the other burner, eggs on the third, when he moved forward, his arms winding around your waist, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder.
“Thank you.” He barely more than mumbled it, his voice giving you the distinct impression that he was far more tired than he’d let on. You opened your mouth to speak, but he continued. “‘N not just for the food.”
He was taller than you – you couldn’t imagine the way he was standing was particularly comfortable for his neck or back – but he nonetheless nuzzled his face into the curve of your neck, his breath warm against your skin. You weren’t sure you’d ever felt him so relaxed – there was no tension in the way he was standing, his hold around you loose and lazy, his breathing even and his heartbeat steady and calm against your back. 
“You better not fall asleep on me,” You warned halfheartedly, though you instinctively leaned your head against his, even if your newfound positions made flipping the pancakes and keeping the bacon from burning a bit more difficult than was strictly necessary. 
“Not going to.” He said simply, pressing a lazy kiss beneath your ear, before he straightened up slightly, though his arms didn’t leave your waist, as if he couldn’t bring himself to lose that contact, his thumbs moving in lazy circles on your sides over your sleep shirt. 
He finally reluctantly pried himself away when the coffee maker let out a chime – one that was beginning to sound a little old, a little like you’d be needing to invest in a new one soon. As you plated the pancakes, bacon, and eggs, moving them over to the table, he busied himself with the coffee – yours with a generous amount of sugar and flavored creamer, and his black – before he settled into his usual seat beside you at the table, his leg just barely brushing yours. 
You’d barely gotten the first pancake onto your plate before he spoke up, the bottle of creamer held in his hand like he fully expected it to bite him. “‘S this any good?” He asked, studying the label intently.
“I mean, I like it.” You offered, continuing to plate up your own breakfast.
A beat, and then, as if he fully expected something – laughter, maybe – he asked, “Mind if I try it?” You glanced up again, startled to find that he genuinely did look a bit like he expected you to say no, or maybe tease him for it. 
“Go ahead,” You encouraged. 
He studied you for a moment longer, before adding a splash of creamer to his coffee, taking a drink. His expression lightened a bit, but there was a certain forced gruffness to his voice as he offered, “‘S alright, I guess.” You pretended not to notice as he added a bit more. You couldn’t, however, not notice the way his free hand settled on your leg, just above your knee, as he ate, his fingers occasionally gently squeezing – and it was only a few moments before he offered, “Really, Y/N, thanks.” He paused for a moment, before he added, “This’s… Nice.” His expression screamed that there were probably a million other words he could have used, but even that one spoke volumes.
Breakfast was a quiet affair, generally, with neither of you being particularly fond of mornings, and this time was no different; the longer he sat there, the more you could see the exhaustion creeping onto his face, the way his eyes began to gloss over just a little, the way his shoulders slumped. If he really had driven all the way from Chicago, presumably through the night, one cup of coffee wasn’t going to be a miracle cure. 
He tailed you like a lost puppy as you cleared the table, and as you gave the dishes a quick rinse off, intending to leave them for later, his arms snaked around your waist once more, his chin resting against the crown of your head. You didn’t have to look up to know his eyes were probably rapidly closing. Still, you’d known him long enough to know his stubborn nature, so you gently offered, “It’s still a little early for me,” A glance at the clock on the stove read just past eight, which certainly was a few hours earlier than you typically tended to get up. “I could use a couple more hours of sleep.”
You could practically feel him sag against you in relief. “I could pro’lly snag a couple hours.” He said – his tone, which attempted to imply that it was a ‘maybe’ and not a ‘definitely’, certainly screamed that he could do with more than just a couple.
This time, his hands never left you fully as he followed you back up the stairs – first his hand resting on your back, then, as you made your way back into your room, his fingers found yours, the contact only breaking for a moment as he fumbled his way out of his jeans, finding a pair of sweats he’d left behind the last time, tucked carefully into the top drawer of your dresser alongside other bits and pieces of clothing he’d forgotten – or maybe left on purpose. 
You lifted the covers as he padded back over to the bed, flopping down beside you with a quiet groan that he couldn’t quite muffle – he always treated your bed like it was the most comfortable thing he’d ever had the pleasure of sleeping on. He rolled over, his arms snaking around you and pulling you close, his lips pressing to your forehead. His breathing had already evened out, soft and slow against your skin.
It was practically instinct, the way your hand moved up to comb through his hair, and you could feel his lips twitch into the faintest sleepy smile, and the words he mumbled against your forehead practically made your heart stop. "Love you, Sweetheart."
(( Tag List? Maybe?: @keanuispunk ))
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elizabethsnuts · 5 months
Makeup Surprise
Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You and your brother Jack surprise your dad with a makeover.
You and Jack quietly tip-toed into your father's room, the soft padding of your socked feet was almost silent against the floorboards. You had your little makeup kit clutched tightly in your tiny toddler hands, while Jack was your enthusiastic accomplice.
With barely contained excitement, you approached the bed with a little giggle. Your sparky blue Cinderella princess dress was proving a challenge as you tried to climb onto the bed, the dress making you slip. Jack being a great big brother, pushed you up onto the bed with all his 5-year-old strength then climbed onto the bed himself. You both turned to each other with cheeky grins and little giggles escaping your mouth.
You leaned forward, looking at Aaron’s face as he slept. You turned to Jack again. “Shhhh, Daddy sleeping.” You put your finger to your lips to make a shushing gesture.
Jack nodded and opened the makeup kit. “Do it quietly N/N, he’s gonna wake up.”
Your giggles bubbled over as you carefully dipped your tiny fingers into the assortment of colourful powders and glosses. With delicate precision, you began to apply them to your father's sleeping face, your movements exaggeratedly careful as you concentrated on creating a masterpiece.
You smeared a glob of pink sparkly lipstick onto Aaron’s cheek, your little tongue sticking out in pure concentration. “He gonna be pretty like princess.” You smiled in pride.
Jack nodded and he grabbed a small brush, gathering some eyeshadow and making a long line across his forehead. “You are very good at this.”
As the soft bristles of the brush touched his skin, Aaron stirred slightly, but he kept his eyes closed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He could feel the weight of his children's presence in the room, their excitement palpable in the air.
Jack, unable to contain his laughter any longer, let out a soft snicker, which only fueled your enthusiasm. With renewed vigour, you continued your work, your little fingers back to dipping into pots of shimmering eyeshadow and tubes of brightly coloured lipstick.
Aaron pretended to be asleep, his chest shaking silently with suppressed laughter as he felt the long careful strokes of your finger across his face. He could hear Jack's giggles growing louder, his son's amusement infectious.
Jack dipped his finger in the palette, grabbing a giant glob of it and making little stars on Aaron’s cheek with it. You smiled in pride. “You making him look fabulous, Jackie!” Jack nodded and handed the brush over to you.
Finally, you announced triumphantly, "All done!" your voice was filled with pride as you admired your handiwork, your eyes shining with delight.
Aaron couldn't keep up the charade any longer. With a dramatic yawn, he slowly opened his eyes, his gaze meeting the gleeful expressions of his children. "Good morning, what are you guys doing in here?" he said, his voice filled with fake curiosity.
You and Jack burst into fits of laughter, your joy filling the room while Jack pointed his finger at you.
“It was Y/N's idea! She just made me help.” You looked at him with an expression like he was crazy that he just dobbed on you.
As Aaron sat up, his face adorned with a rainbow of colours and globs of glitter from his daughter's makeup kit, he smirked slightly at you.
“Oh, I see. Did you at least make me look pretty?” He asked and raised an eyebrow.
You nodded vigorously and grabbed out your little mirror, showing him. “Seee! You so pretty, like princess!” You grinned and let out a giggle.
Giggles continued to fill the room as Aaron wrapped his arms around his kids. Even after long exhausting cases that drained him, he could never stop loving spending time with his children.
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eddiemunson-mylove · 1 year
Always Have, Always Will
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summary -
Things don't go to plan when you finally confess your feelings to your best friend Eddie
warnings -
Angst with happy ending | Nothing else really
word count -
Four solid taps to the screen door with the palm of your hand was enough for Eddie to call from his room, “I’m in here!” Rolling your eyes at his lack of safeguarding, you swung the door open and let it slam behind you as you toed yourself out of your shoes, leaving them by the door. With one final deep breath you padded down to his room, replacing your look of dread with a rehearsed smile.
You found him as you usually would. Sat on the bottom corner of his bed furthest from the door, facing away and resting his arm atop an acoustic guitar, his pen and pad strewn hastily next to him in the event of any new material for the band. His hair was sitting low on his shoulders in a bun that you were sure was about to unravel (usually at the case of his hair band snapping at the struggle to contain it all) and his tank top was so low cut at the sides, you wondered why he bothered to wear a shirt at all.
“Hey sweets” he chirps, always the first to break the silence. You return your best ‘hello’ before joining him at the foot of his bed, hands curled in your lap as the two of you settle into a silence as he aimlessly strums at the strings. What would normally be a moment shared that you’d cherish, it quickly became suffocating as you allowed your mind to swirl at all the possibilities and outcomes of this visit. To Eddie, you were simply a best friend that had come over to spend time with him after not having seen him for a few days longer than usual. But to you… this could be the end of everything that you held dear to you.
The very thought that after today Eddie could potentially no longer be a part of your life pained you to your core. Physically pained you in a way that could not be expressed in words. Almost enough for you to forget the whole ordeal and settle for the what ifs. But you had made a promise to yourself, and to Robin, that it was necessary for you to allow yourself that one possibility. That single chance that would result in Eddie feeling the same way. Have him leaping into your arms screaming hallelujah as the credits roll on a happy ending. Slightly getting ahead of yourself there… 
You let yourself lay back onto his bed, resting your head and closing your eyes to just bask in the sound of Eddie’s light strumming and the wildlife from the forest outside his trailer. On one final flick of his fingers across the brass, you feel his body adjust to lay his guitar on the ground before situating himself next to you. He lets out a big sigh, further inflating your anxiety. It’s almost as if he could sense the dread; he could feel the fear.
“Something’s wrong,” he confirms, staring blankly at the ceiling just as you were doing. It was now your turn to let out a sigh, one that was larger than his.
“Nothing’s wrong” you reply meekly, making his head fall to the side to see your profile.
“Okay… something is definitely wrong.” He could read you like a book. And at times like this, his talent for doing so was exhausting. You wished that you could spend a few more moments just pretending that everything will be okay. He has no idea that you are stalling on handing him some life altering information. No idea that he is rushing his potential downfall. 
But you had to tell him now, sooner than anticipated. You couldn’t even bring yourself to come up with another excuse. You had spent one too many nights crying yourself to sleep, aching for something more with your best friend. Having him be with you and present but not in the way that you want him to be, always at arms length for you to desperately reach out to grasp for hope. Hope that he would let you fall into his arms as he whispered a thousand ‘i love you’s’. Hope that he would pull you in by your chin for a saccharine kiss, one that leaves you dizzy and disoriented. 
And yet the only person that could make this a reality is you and your confession. You droop your head to the right to meet his gaze, before quickly picking a spot on the wall behind him, unable to stay strong under his stare. You pray quickly to a god that you didn’t even believe in, you finally open your mouth to speak…
“I’ve been thinking…” you begin, before immediately being cut off.
“Uh-oh” he jests, a smirk sitting tight on his lips. You elbow him and close your eyes to take a deep breath before you open them again. His smirk is gone, finally realising the weight of the situation.
“I have been thinking, more of a realisation to be honest. And this realisation can lead to two outcomes. One being the outcome that I would like, and the other meaning we could no longer be friends” your voice cracks at the end, as though uttering such thoughts allowed were enough to scar you. Your eyes meet his briefly and you can see his mind desperately trying to gage the situation before he opens his mouth again,
“Well surely you’d choose the one where we’d still be friends… right?” He presses, his tone shaking slightly at the sudden threat.
“That decision isn’t up to me Eds” You reply in a voice smaller than anticipated, yet he still clung to every word.
“Well then who? Did your mom say anything again? Your dad? I thought he liked me at least!” He was starting to panic now, similar to your own feelings but you knew you had to stay calm and coherent for him.
“No Eddie… it’s up to you,” you butt in before he could start rambling his anxieties, “it’s yours and your decision only”
“Well then I choose the one where we can still be friends! Obviously.” You take your hand that lay flat on the bed to grab his own that had started flailing in the air as he stresses his point. Placing it back between you on the bed, you let go in order to shift yourself onto your side so that you were facing him properly for the final blow.
“It’s not as easy as that Eds, you haven’t even heard what my realisation is yet.” You can feel the sting behind your eyes, suddenly conscious that this could potentially be the last time you get to see him like this again. The last time that he would let you be so close to him. Maybe even the last time he would let you speak to him. That last thought causes your waterline to threaten to spill over.
“Well what is it then?” he bursts out, his patience wearing thin, his panic reaching its peak, “What could be so drastic that we couldn’t continue being friends?” You allowed yourself one final deep exhale as a single tear escaped your eye and ran down your face before getting lost in your hair from your horizontal position.
“I love you, Eddie”
You say nothing more. Just letting it hang in the air for the trembling boy before you to process. But he is quick to issue a response,
“Okay? And I love you too,” he returns a little dumbfounded, “you can tell me what it is”
“No Eddie,” you stress at him slightly harsher than you intended too at the prospect of having to repeat yourself and dig an even bigger hole trying to explain, “that’s not what I meant… I love you”
“Oh…” he muses, as though no damage had been done.
“Oh?” he tries again, as though piecing the puzzle together.
“OH” the penny drops as he’s quick to shift his gaze from your own. His hand that was currently resting on your wrist shifts away from you before he sits up suddenly. You're quick to match his posture, waiting for words to come but a silence settles over the two of you again. This time it was anything but a comfort. 
“Eddie?” you shadow your hand over his shoulder but he dodges your advance to stand to his feet. You watch with your eyes stinging from the presumed rejection as he paces his room once, twice, three times before he grabs his keys and finally faces you for clarification.
“I’ll be right back” he deadpans, staring at his open bedroom door.
“Eddie… what?” your voice breaks again, the tears free flowing at this point. 
“I’ll be back, I promise. I just need to…” he trails off and gives you one last glance before darting through his hallway and out the door, leaving the screen to slam behind him.
Left only with your crippling thoughts, you resume your previous laying position and find yourself naturally curling in before letting out what would be your first gut wrenching sob of many. The ache in your chest had progressed to a sharp stab with each gasp for air as your whole body shook. It wasn’t long before a damp patch formed on the duvet beneath your head and your sobs quieted down into soft wails. 
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep. The late nights of contemplation and exhaustion from crying finally took its toll. But now you had to once again face reality as your slumber was disturbed by the slam of a door and some heavy footsteps trudging towards the bedroom. Afraid to move, afraid to compromise your safety bubble, you remained in your fetal position.
You followed the sounds of the footsteps until your eye line was met with two dark jean-clad knees. You finally angled your head to look upwards to find Eddie looming over you, a freshly picked bunch of bluebells in his grasp. Slowly and cautiously, you raise yourself into a seated position.
“You didn’t think I was actually gonna let you confess to me did you?” He beams at you, as though the last few hours of pain hadn’t happened.
“What?” you question, confusion deeply rooted in your brain.
“Sweetheart, I’ve got a rep to protect here. Can’t have you going around telling people that you swept me up. That’s my job,” he chuckled, mostly to himself. He moves to sit down next to you, his hand reaching to caress the one that you were using to hold you upright. Angling his head so that his eyes could meet your own, he places the flowers between you on the bed so that his free hand could raise up to cradle your cheek.
“I love you too,” is all he mutters as he leans across to close the gap, his lips slotting effortlessly against your own. He presses firmly, almost as if to stress his affections to you before pulling away all too soon to finish,
“I always have, and I always will.”
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sayokoni · 2 months
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💔- angst to fluff
Warnings : Angst but fluff at the end, little bit of cursing, yelling, crying, Toji being an ass, sensitive reader (tell me if I forgot smt)
Summary: Toji was exhausted and just wanted to relax but you had a unpleasant surprise, that resulted him to take out his frustration on you
Word count: 1,7k
That’s the time his watch was telling him he had a lot of jobs lately so toji was rarely home the whole last week and also he was really exhausted and to top all off that the last job he did didn’t bring him the amount of money he hoped to get so he was really pissed and on the edge right now. But that’s now over he had finish everything he had to do so now he can finally relax and get this shitty week behind him. He sighed before He quietly opened the front door because he taught that you were already sleeping but to his surprise there was still light burning in the living room so he tip toed in case you are sleeping one the couch but you weren’t laying one the couch to.
„ Toji ?” A sing full voice bounced through the room „ Toji are you back home” you said as you walked towards the living room
„ yeah I’m back did ya missed me?” He asked as he opened his arms to let you hug him
„ yeah I missed you a lot glad you got home in one pice “ you said while hugging him tight
He chuckled „ me too ,I just want to relax now would you like to join me? “ he asked has he was getting ready to plumb onto the couch but you stopped him „ yeah but first i need to show you something I have a surprise for you “ you said while barley holding back your smile „ oh you do but can’t that wait till tomorrow I’m really ti-“ you didn’t let him finish his sentence „ please toji it’ll only take a minute “ you said in hope he give in „ fine what can I do when you asked so sweet what is the surprise? “ he asked now interested what you’re about to show him „ come I’ll show you “ you giggled you were so excited to show him your work soo you grabbed his hand and let him to his office.
„ TA DAA” you said with a big smile „ what the hell?” Toji asked dumbfounded you were a bit confused but you went one „ I rearranged your Uhm Workplace or your “ you whispers „ weapons room “ but he kept looking like he saw a ghost „ soo I taught it would look nice if your desk would face the window for a good view and I cleaned and rearrange you weapons- “ after that sentence it was like toji came back to life „ you did what???“ you didn’t quite like his tone „ Uhm I rearrange your weapons and paperwork” you said nodding a bit disappointed at his reaction „ no no no you messed everything up where was the Pille of paper I left on the desk and who the hell allowed you to Touch my weapons don’t you know some of them contains poison” he raised his voice at you, he was yelling , you were a bit shocked at his reaction but understood his pov „ I tried to keep your things the way they were I just wanted to help you I didn’t mean any harm sorry toji”
You didn’t mean to do that you just wanted to please him because he always said that’s he want to change the room „ well next time don’t do you know how long it gone cost me to rearrange the mess you did” his voice got poison in it and he never talk to you like that
„ I really didn’t mean it toji if you want I can help you fix everything I’m really sorry please forgive me” there were already tears starting to form in your eyes but you couldn’t let them out you don’t want to upset him more
„ your excuse can fu*k me I don’t need your fu*king help “ he said while turning his back to you. That did the rest for you, you couldn't hold back your tears any longer so you almost run to the bedroom. Toji could only here you’re footsteps going away from him and the sound of door closing he sighed and pinched the bridge off his nose as he started to put his things back the way they were
More than two hours had passed but he was finally done as he took a few steps away from his desk he noticed that the room actually looked really nice you really put a lot of effort in it and to top it all you moved his desk and furniture and they were all quite heavy a big wave of guilt washes over toji whohe realised how he talked to you, he shouldn’t reacted the why he did he shouldn’t have yelled at you like that for trying to make him happy, he needs to fix this fast!
So he went to your sheared bedroom knocked a few times in hope of an answer but he only was meet with silence „ y/n “ he said softly he opened the door just to be meet with a perfect made bed „ what the hell?” weren’t you here he clearly heard you walking in this direction and also the noise of door closing so there is only one other room you could be. Now he was standing in fort of the guest room he knocked no response so he tried to opens the door but it was closed yep you where definitely in there and it only confirmed him that he messed up bad „ y/n? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that I just…” he doesn’t know what to say to you but he continues „ I was really tired and I totally overreacted I know that this is not an excuse for the way I treated you but I want you to know I’m really sorry” he said with so much genuine that one could clearly tell that he meant it but still he was meet with silence he was about to go when he heard a light snore Coming from the other side of the door oh you were sleeping he looked at his watch and…„ what already 2 o'clock in the morning” he was so deep into rearranging everything that he lost track of the time. Back in your sherd bed room toji change in something more comfortable while thinking on how he could make it up to you his mind was still racing as he laid in bed feeling so incredibly guilty he hopes he can solve that issue fast.
You woke up white the sun in your eyes and nasty headache when you stood up you were confused when you noticed that you were in the guest bedroom until it all came back to you
„ next time don’t, you messed everything up, you excuse can fu*k me” Toji’s hate filled words were going through your mind over and over again, right there was an argument last night. You considers lying back down again and just sleeping the headache away but then you stomach starts to growl you sighed and had give in. You slowly walk out of the room tip toed in case toji was still sleeping when you reached the living room you saw your phone one the table right you had forgotten it last night here…but never mind that you looked in horror at the time at was already past 14 o’clock you slept till noon great normally toji would’ve woken you up long time ago so you could breakfast together but for now that wasn’t the case. We’re even is he when is passed noon he should be awake by now when you went to the kitchen it was the way you left it last night ‘ din’t he eat?’ You asked yourself. It was so quiet almost to quiet so you found the courage to got to your shared bedroom. You slowly open the door and pushed your head through it and, the room was empty so you went completely inside he wasn’t here the bed was messed up so he clearly slept here so where was he know you knew for sure he don’t had any jobs today so you started to worry ‘ d-did he leave no no no way he can’t leave or can he it was just a mistake you dint‘t mean any harm really how long was he gone?‘ tears starting to form again you can’t lose him you were about to start to cry your eyes out again but suddenly you heard the front door you went to check if It was toji or maybe he send somebody to get rid of you, you slowly made your way to the front door till you saw toji that was trying to get his shoes of „ toji ?” You called out his name „ y/n?” Your lips started to wobble „ I am sorry Toji I didn’t mean to make you mad really please forgive me please don’t don’t leave me please” your voice broke at the end
„ doll what do you mean I shouldn’t leave I dint’t and I’ll never will listen to me I’m the one who should apologise I shouldn’t have yelled at you for trying to make me happy really I’m so fucking sorry I felt so guilty I couldn’t sleep last night and you, you went through all that trouble rearranging my office even tho it’s not you Job but you still did it I don’t deserve you at all you are way to good to me and even tho you apologise I keep yelling at you I’m sorry y/n “
Now your were to one who is dumbfounded he is apologizing??
You started to tear up again
„ I’m sorry toji for troubling you but “ you look directly into his eyes with a pout
„ never yell at me like that I really thought you left me “ the last sentence was muffled because you buried your face into his chest
„ I would never leave you doll ya know that I just wanted to get you some flowers and chocolate to apologize that’s why I quickly run to the store” you just now noticed the flowers behind his back
„ aww toji I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH”
You said while hugging him tightly
„ love ya to doll”
I hope y’all like it tell me about it in the comments :3
I apologize again because I’m sure there are mistakes in it
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sun-stricken · 1 year
Team Natsu as Incorrect Quotes
Gray: I’m the sexiest bitch in this therapy waiting room.
Natsu: *Kicks the door open, looking panicked*
Erza: What did you do?!
Erza: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Lucy, Gray, & Natsu: Okay.
Erza: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Lucy: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Gray: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Natsu: Bold of you to assume I can die.
*some point pre-galuna*
Erza: Can you keep a secret?
Gray: Do you know anything about my life?
Erza: No, I don't. Good point.
Natsu: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
Lucy: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!
Gray: Apparently, we're not.
Erza: Ladies, it's time to stop "weaponizing" your looks and time to start wearing actual weapons. Forget winging your eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man and invest in some steel toed boots
Gray: When I get murdered, can you make sure I'm an unsolved case?
Erza: What, why?
Gray: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved.
Lucy: ... Can we go back to where you said, "when I get murdered"??
Natsu: Can I ask a dumb question?
Gray: Better than anyone I know.
Natsu: Caffine no longer gives me the rush to keep working.
Natsu: So instead, I have Erza, Lucy, and Gray, periodically say to me, "We need to talk" to give me the right amount of fear and adredaline to keep going.
Gray: Fool me once, I'm gonna kill you.
Erza: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here!?
Lucy: It's kind of complicated, but Natsu-
Erza: Got it. Forget I asked.
Lucy: If I die, please avenge me.
Natsu: What if it's an accidental death?
Lucy: Just go nuts and break shit.
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bookofbonbon · 5 months
Just a quick PSA - please share (and maybe save an account that's been wrongly/mistakenly terminated!)
For those that don't know my main account (@blogofbonbon) was abruptly terminated yesterday which had also resulted in all of my sideblogs (including this one) being terminated along with it!
I was lucky enough to have my main account along with all of my sideblogs reinstated within a short 24 hours without any issues however, I found from other people's experience that it took some of them days, weeks even months before their accounts were reinstated.
I still don't actually have an answer as to why this has happened but, the general consensus from those who have experienced it is that it's a mistake/glitch.
Anyways, I thought I'd just make a quick post about what to do if you find yourself in this position!
What does it look like when it happens?
Everything on my dashboard disappeared and nothing would load.
The tumblr app kept sending me notice over and over again that I was unauthorised to access/the connection had been dropped/I need to log in (despite not having logged out).
I didn't receive any notice or email from tumblr explaining or giving a reason as to why my account had been suddenly terminated.
When I attempted to login on desktop, it would just redirect me back to the login page.
When I attempted to go directly onto any of my blogs via their url, it would say that my blogs didn't exist - they were all just gone.
Your existing posts will not come up as 'deactivated00000000' next to your username in the same way that it does on a post from an account that has actually been deactivated - it displays your username as normal with the anonymous tumblr icon and nil option to click on your username.
What to do if this happens?
This post on reddit details in depth what to do but, I will summarise below.
There are three ways to go about it - only do ONE. If you do multiple it just backs up the system and takes longer for them to work through/process requests.
Reach out via Tumblr Support (this is the 'official' way to go about it).  https://www.tumblr.com/support -> select terminated account and provide details of what happened, your username and URL.
If you have twitter - send a tweet to @/tumblr or @/tumblrsupport (preferably tumblr support) with what happened, your username and URL.
Make a post on the linked subreddit above or DM u/tumblr_acct_help your username and URL.
I personally chose to go through Tumblr Support.
If you go through twitter/reddit but, have genuinely violated Tumblr TOS - they will tell you they cannot assist you via twitter/reddit.
If you go through Tumblr Support - @goldensmilingbird found that apparently support tickets with emails attached to terminated accounts don't go through!
I can't speak to whether this is the case or not (using the email attached to the terminated account) as I had initially sent a support ticket through my (at the time) terminated accounts email but, I heeded the warning anyway and had sent a support ticket through a backup account of mine under a different email.
When sending a support ticket via a different email:
Provide details of what happened and again, provide your username, URL and the email attached to the terminated account!
What to do after?
Unfortunately once you have done those things, you just have to wait!
As I stated above, don't send multiple tickets/tweets/dm's/posts on multiple platforms as all it does is slow the process down and backs the system up.
If the termination of your account was a genuine mistake/glitch, your account should be reinstated without any issues HOWEVER, when it is reinstated it will likely happen without any notice or email from tumblr so, you just have to keep an eye on your blogs! Check your URL's every now and then throughout the day.
If you have genuinely violated the Tumblr TOS' then whether the issue is resolved and your account reinstated will be up to the discretion of Tumblr.
Hopefully this is helpful to anyone who needs it or to anyone who knows someone who may need it!
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skymaiden32 · 3 months
Secret Keepers
Can be read on AO3 here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn @idontknowreallywhy (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Continuity: TOS
Synopsis: Jeff’s family are keeping something from him.
Happy Father's Day to all who celebrate! ^^
Jeff yawned as he sat up in bed, sparing a quick glance at the barely illuminated clock on the wall. He grimaced. It was seven in the morning, and he hadn’t gotten to bed until three. When would he learn? He huffed; no use laying in bed grumbling, and disappeared into his bathroom to have a shower. Jeff breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the warm water running down his back. Already, he felt a lot more awake, and he was ready to start his day. 
He emerged from his room, ducking out of the way just in time as Gordon barrelled past him, carrying something in his arms that Jeff couldn’t identify. “Sorry, Dad!” His second youngest yelled as he disappeared round the corner. Jeff shook his head. That boy of his was going to get someone killed one of these days, and it was probably gonna be a household member. Luckily for his son, Jeff still felt too tired to deal with it and resolved to just have breakfast instead.
“Oh, Jeff! You’re awake!”
Jeff nodded in acknowledgement at the voice. “Good morning, Mother.”
Ruth Tracy frowned. “We all thought you’d be staying in bed for a bit longer, dear.”
“No point.” Jeff shrugged. “I wouldn’t get back to sleep anyway…”
His mother hummed. “Perhaps you would’ve if you tried.”
He frowned. “Pardon my asking, but why do you want me to get more sleep?” Maybe it was risky to ask the question, but it was one he had to ask. “You’ve always been insistent on all of us waking up early.”
Ruth glared at him immediately, and Jeff realised the risk he’d taken was not worth it. “I heard you get to bed at three this morning, young man. You need sleep.” She took a step towards him, clearly with the aim of herding him back towards his room.
Jeff frowned, trying his best to argue as she grabbed a hold of his arm. “I don’t have time to go to bed, Mother.” She ignored him, now on a mission to get at least one of her family to sleep in. Jeff almost spluttered as he tried, and failed, to resist. “I-I’ve got work to do!”
“Work you can easily do later, son.” Ruth stated matter-of-factly. She opened the door to Jeff’s room, and guided him over to the bed in the middle. “At least try to get some more sleep, Jefferson. Please. You need it.”
Jeff sighed, relenting when he saw that pleading look in his mother’s eyes. “Okay, Mother. I promise I’ll try…”
She nodded with a small smile, closing the door behind her, leaving Jeff to his thoughts. She’d never done that before. And just why was Gordon rushing past his door earlier? What was his son carrying? He huffed, closing his eyes and trying to sleep some more, just as he’d promised his mother. He was tired now, but the mystery was doing it’s best to keep him awake.
It took a few minutes of tossing and turning before Jeff threw the sheets off again, silently grumbling as he opened the door a crack, just in case someone was on the other side, watching and waiting. Looking around, he caught sight of Scott in the hallway, with his back to the door. He was holding his wrist up to his mouth, looking and talking down at an image on his watch. John. Jeff hummed inwardly, listening into what little he could hear of his sons’ conversation. 
“You sure that’ll work, John?” His eldest’s voice was in a hushed whisper. “You know what he’s like…”
“Positive.” John’s voice came back staticky, and Jeff frowned. The signal should be clear as day. He’d have to schedule maintenance for Thunderbird 5. Inwardly, he wondered what the problem might be. Were the antennae crooked? Was it a problem with the solar panels or the on-board nuclear reactor? Was it Tracy Island’s antennae that was the issue? He supposed the answers to that problem could only really be answered by Brains. He came back to the conversation in front of him, only to realise he’d missed a big chunk of it while musing on the comms issue. “...it should be easy enough.”
“Good.” The grin in Scott’s voice was audible. “I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“FAB!” The tiny John gave a thumbs up, and the device shut off, reverting back to a simple watch face. Scott hummed, looking around, before turning towards the lounge.
Jeff watched as he went. Just what was going on here? He didn’t think he’d ever seen his eldest and middle sons acting so secretively before. Well, he made up his mind. He was going to find out. As quietly as he could, he opened up his bedroom door, and sneaked his way down the hall into the lounge. And what he found was…
…His sons setting up some decorations. His mother making some finishing touches to a cake. Brains and Tin-Tin huddled in the corner, fiddling about with some new-fangled gadget of theirs. None of them seemed to have noticed him yet. The banner in the centre of the room caught his eye. 
‘Happy Father’s Day!’ 
Between the increase in rescues and a bunch of yellow tape at Tracy Industries, there’d been so much going on lately. He’d completely forgotten. But clearly, they hadn’t. He could’ve cried. 
“So is John really sure that will work?” Jeff was ripped from his thoughts by Virgil’s voice. The artist was heavily scrutinising a particular decor that was clearly the spacebound astronaut’s suggestion. 
Alan stood next to him, squinting his eyes. “You know what Virg? It will work. It’s space themed!” The youngest Tracy grinned, turning to his brother. “And we all know space is Dad’s favourite place…” He rhymed, a sing-song tone in his voice.
Virgil smiled back. “Yeah, we do know.” They stepped back from the table, revealing a spread of dishes and treats, each one creatively moulded to look like stars, nebulae and the occasional comet. 
“Alright everyone! Looks like we’re all set!” Scott’s voice broke through the organised chaos.
Gordon smirked, almost devilish. “Want me to go wake them up?”
“First of all, Gordon Tracy,” Grandma interrupted, “we all know you, so absolutely not.” Gordon shrugged, unbothered by the accusation. “Secondly,” she turned her head in the direction of the hall. Jeff froze like a deer in headlights. “I think one of them may already know what’s going on…” Everyone mirrored her movements, simply looking at Jeff in disbelief.
All Jeff could do was play it cool. “I’m guessing you wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Oh, come on…” Alan lamented. “What gave us away…?”
Jeff looked between them, eyes landing on Gordon and Scott in particular. “You weren’t exactly discreet.” He grinned. “Although, it is a nice surprise. I assume we’re waiting on Kyrano?”
“But of course, Mr Tracy. It’s his day as well!” Tin-Tin beamed. “Brains and I have prepared a little gift for him.”
“W-We hope it’ll help with those f-fits of his, M-Mr Tracy.” Brains explained. “Or at the v-very least let us know w-what’s going on. I-It’ll a-analyse his brain waves a-and interpret them i-into definitive data.”
If at all possible, Jeff’s smile widened. “That’s great! He’ll want to know just as much as the rest of us. Should I go get him and act surprised with him?”
Virgil gave a thumbs up. “Sounds like a plan. See you in a minute!”
“Don’t lay it on too thick!” Gordon advised as his father left, now on a mission.
It didn’t take long for Jeff to reach Kyrano’s door, giving it a knock. He was kind of shocked at how quickly his friend answered. “Yes, Mr Tracy? Can I help you with anything?”
“Meeting in the lounge. It’s urgent.” He thought it up on the spot. Not ideal, but it would do.
Kyrano looked a little perplexed, and a bit worried, at the adamant tone in Jeff’s voice. “...Very well.” He exited the room, closing the door to follow his employer. “May I ask what this meeting is about?”
“I don’t really know, I’m afraid. My mother’s called it.” Jeff continued to lead the way, hiding his smile. “I’ve never seen her so sure about something.”
No sooner had they stepped foot in the lounge, a cacophony of voices yelled out, “Surprise! Happy Father’s Day!” Kyrano jumped, startled at first. But once Tin-Tin started clinging to him, giving him the biggest hug, he was grinning from ear to ear.
“My daughter. My friends. What a pleasant surprise.” He shared a look with Jeff. “This is for both of us?” A series of nodding heads answered his question. “Thank you. For thinking of me also…”
“Kyrano, how could we not?” Alan stood next to Tin-Tin, squeezing her hand. She squeezed back, eyes gentle as she looked at him. 
Gordon got in the middle of the group, a very serious look on his face. “So, we’re gonna get this party started, right?”
“Yes, of course we are.” Jeff gave his son a look. “Be patient. It’ll be worth it.” He looked around the room, noticing each set piece and decoration that reflected either him or his dear friend. “You all have done an amazing job.”
If you were to ask either Jeff or Kyrano, way into the future, what days stood out to them in their long lives, chances were they would say one particular Father’s Day on Tracy Island. It was definitely worth the suspense. And the secrets…
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twinkboimler · 1 year
August Fic Recs
people seemed interested, so here are some recs from the trek fics I read in August! I reread a few old favorites this month but I figured I'd still recommend them even though they're already incredibly popular.
jim kirk's guide to starship management: how to work with people you don't like by espressohno. AOS mckirk. Explicit, 23,352 words. An anonymous hookup while on shore leave turns complicated when the Enterprise picks up their new CMO the morning after. Enemies to friends to lovers. So, so good.
Instinctive by laughter_now. AOS mckirk. Explicit, 9,066 words. Classic case of miscommunication - Leonard and Jim have sex for the first time, but they probably should have talked some things over beforehand. I was losing it the entire time, kicking my feet and shrieking. Very, very sweet.
Eyeshadow by Lokak. TOS spones. General Audiences, 1,222 words. Fluff with some classic spones arguing and insulting each other. They do each other's eye makeup. Exactly what I want in a TOS spones fic.
My World is No Longer Hollow by existentialcrisistime. TOS mcspirk. Teen and Up Audiences, 2,097 words. Fluff, first kiss, and bedsharing. Post-episode "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" - Leonard is feeling exhausted and lonely. Established spirk to mcspirk, so sweet.
Beautiful James by spirkme. AOS spirk. Explicit, 8,742 words. Post-Star Trek Beyond. Yearning and accidental bonding. This fic re-contextualizes all three movies. Jim and Spock were so vulnerable with each other in this and it gave me so many feelings. The smut at the end was romantic and sweet, I really enjoyed this one.
Send Me the Moon by lily_winterwood. Tagged as both TOS and AOS Spirk. Teen and Up Audiences, 5,911 words. AU - 21st Century, Canon Divergence. Major Character Death. Vulcan is sixteen light years from Earth. Jim becomes pen pals with Spock, with a 32-year wait between each letter he receives back. Once I started crying, I didn't stop. Very good if you need a cry.
out of obscurity into the dream by spectralPhobia. AOS spirk. General Audiences, 87,794 words. A Tangled AU that did a really good job of building off of the plot of the movie but doing something new with it. I liked the world-building and how this fic used Nero.
Bitter Dregs by kinklock. TOS spirk. Explicit, 9,707 words. Spock's POV. This fic is for the episode "Plato's Stepchildren" - very poetic and just SO good at getting inside of Spock's head. Really nails the character voices for TOS Spock and Jim.
Sha Ka Ree by ThereBeWhalesHere. TOS spirk. Explicit, 180,505 words. Survival + time travel. Jim is a lieutenant on the Farragut and Spock is a science officer on the Enterprise, captained by Pike. After coming together for a landing party, Jim and Spock have to fight to survive on an alien world. Had to give this one another reread - there's a reason it's such a popular fic in the fandom, and it's because this fic is SO good. The plot is fantastic, and the slow build of their relationship hits every time.
Heated Consummation (AOS) by Gimmemore. AOS spirk. Explicit, 2,326 words. Porn Without Plot, established relationship, shore leave. Sex in front of a fireplace. This fic is a part of a series where each fic has the same set up, just for AOS, TOS, and TOS Movies. All are good, but this one was my favorite.
Halloween by BisforBread. TOS spirk. General Audiences, 2,300 words. Mutual pining, first kiss, fluff. Spock goes to the Enterprise Halloween party dressed as Jim. Fun and cute.
love is a drunk man's tale by BisforBread. AOS spirk, past Jim/Carol Marcus. General Audiences, 6,962 words. AU - Jim is a country singer and Spock is his manager. Mutual pining, angst, drunken love confessions. I enjoyed this, it's always fun to read an AU for something you don't see very often.
One on a Side, Two Together by JackHawksmoor. TOS spirk. Explicit, 17,108 words. Must be logged in to read. The accidental bonding in this is SO good. This was a reread - I really love this fic, especially how Spock really, really doesn't want to explain what the hell is up with the bond.
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nachfo · 4 months
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Will Draw: Anthro/Human Slugcats/Creatures Semi-anthro Might draw: Horror/Gore Feral Animals Won't draw: NSFW Hate speech/Discrimination Super complex backgrounds/Full landscapes Armor Anything i'm uncomfortable with drawing
I'm in all my right to decline a request for any reason.
Credit me when reposting the artwork or sharing it with
others. This also applies to profile pictures and banners.
You can use my art for any personal purposes but it is
completely prohibited to use my art for any bussines
purposes or to resell it.
You are NOT allowed to use my art for NFT's or AI.
By commissioning me, you give me full permission to
use the artwork made aswell.
Communication is priority as I will constatly be showing the WIPs so that I can have your approval to continue. If i don't get an answer after 3 days i will continue working on the artwork without your input.
Payment will be done through Paypal or through Ko-fi.
Steam gift cards and discord nitro as payment can be discussed.
I will receive 50% of the total amount to pay before starting and the remaining 50% after the commission is fully done.
Once the artwork is fully done i won't do any further changes.
Prices might vary in certain cases. This will all be discussed.
Commissions will take around 1 or 2 weeks. If the commission will take longer than that I will notify you.
Emotes will take shorter time to make.
Contact me throught Discord: nachfo
This is how we'll maintain contant through the whole process.
After the commision is done, I'll close the DM and unfriend you.
You can dm me about the process of the comm but please don't harass me with it or in any way. If this happens, I will block contact and the commission will be stopped.
Please, you are NOT my friend (unless you actually are) so I'll keep it as formal as possible. Please don't try to bond with me or be friends. I will tell you you're making me uncomfortable and deny the comm.
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until their true meaning is goodbye
summary: the avengers were your family, the ones who raised you, who supported you, who took care of you. so when did that change?
Pairing: Avengers & Teen!Reader (Specifically Natasha as a guadian)
Word Count: 2287
Warnings: Angst & abandonment
A/N: this took so long to write to make it look somewhat decent. It’s still not great but it’s as good as I’m gonna get. Anything in italics is in the past! Hope you enjoy :) Please comment and reblog! :)
Like clockwork, the hallway’s established silence shattered with the scuffing of shoes on carpet. The scrapes and scratches only grew, carrying your lethargic frame closer to the door. And there you paused. 
Though the brass had long since warmed in your palm, you stood for a few moments longer, sifting through the chain of keys. You felt your backpack’s weight sliding lower down your arm with every second, and a slight shrug did nothing to return it to place. It dropped instead, finding a new home in the crook of your elbow, dragging your arm down with it.
You let your eyes shut and rested your forehead against the door; when the thud of the bag finally dropping met your ears, you didn’t move. All you could do was sigh, before sluggishly stepping back to open the door and kicking your bag over the threshold.
Your gaze lingered on the fallen object, even as you shed your jacket, shoes, and keys. It’s not the place for it, her voice reminded you. Soon, it was back on your shoulder, as you strode towards your room. You put it down silently and left, like a ghost in your own home.
Some people preferred libraries, or their own rooms, but for you, the kitchen was the best place to study. A room rife with disruptions didn’t seem like the most productive space, but the social aspect mitigated your stress like nothing else could.
Each Avenger was unique in their approach; Steve tip-toed through with crates of food to ensure he wouldn’t disturb you again, while Sam and Bucky acted like you weren’t there, save for an initial greeting. Tony and Bruce were the most helpful, always offering advice or checking your work over when they appeared, though not without a subtle (or not-so-subtle in Tony’s case) brag about their own academic accreditations.
But your favourites, and the ones whose presence you enjoyed the most, were Natasha and Clint. They came as a duo, with Clint always skidding in first, and Natasha following behind to drag him out.
He slid right towards the counter on one such occasion, and shut your laptop in one sustained motion. “I’ve got a question, kid,” he started, a beaming face looking down at you. You couldn’t help but smile when you looked up, especially when you saw Natasha appear in the doorway behind him, arms folded over her chest and a smirk on her face.
“Leave the kid to study, Clint,” she scolded. The man startled, but soon settled with an even wider grin on his face.
“No. This is an important question!”
Natasha shook her head with a shrug, mouthing that “it’s really not”.
“Have you ever tripped over my stuff?” Clint continued, with an urgency usually reserved only for Steve’s mission briefings. 
“Uh, yeah,” you scoffed, “it’s everywhere.”
“What? No, you’re lying. Did Nat set you up to this?”
“I’ve been here the whole time, Clint, have you heard me say anything? No, it’s just a fact that you leave your stuff everywhere.”
“I had to clear the table of bowstrings before I could work here.”
“And you’ve left arrows propped against the wall,” Natasha added.
“Okay, okay, I get the point!”
“I’ll believe you when the kitchen is clean, Barton, and maybe the living room too for good measure. Give Y/N a clean space to work in.” Natasha scolded. The instant Clint turned his back, however, the assassin shot you a wink. You knew from the rota that it was her day to clean, not that Clint had realised, but Natasha had better plans than cleaning, and her words could be very convincing.
You grabbed your stuff and headed out, telling Clint he was free to clean without you in the way. Natasha wrapped her arm around your shoulders when you rejoined her in the hallway, leading you away; you had other plans.
You hardly noticed the path you walked until you found yourself back in the kitchen, dishes from the morning’s breakfast stacked just where you left them, still waiting to be cleaned. With a sigh, you fell wordlessly back into autopilot, cleaning the kitchen with your mind elsewhere; the same way every day seemed to pass.
It took a peripheral glimpse of the fridge to snap your mind back to the present, where you hovered your fingers over the sun-bleached picture; it had been there far too long, but it was the last photo of everyone together. You left it there. You threw the door open, then slammed it shut and turned away the instant you had your snack. The photograph should have been replaced. 
The living room was no better, it was still just you and your thoughts, and nothing on the TV could stop that. Your attention wandered to your phone instead; their numbers were all still there. You could text them. They could text you. But then your phone buzzed, and for a second your hopes ran high. A mistake.
You shut it off, threw it out of your own reach, and groaned. It had been months, yet the disappointment was still unbearable, made even worse by the added anxiety of exam results. You couldn’t deny that waiting for them stung your heart and your eyes; you wished they’d left your mind as easily as they’d left your life.
“Bag in your room, love, hallway’s not the place for it!” 
Natasha laughed – it had been months since she last had to remind you of that – but at your lack of reply, her expression soon morphed into worry. “Y/N?”
You trudged into the common room, bag slung over your shoulder. A verbal reply felt impossible, but one look at you and Natasha knew enough. The spy hurried over instantly and took your bowed head in her hands, “are you okay?” she whispered, “was school rough?”
“The test,” was all you could get out, before the dam burst and sobs wracked your body, leaving you with nothing to do but fall into Natasha’s embrace. 
“It went badly?”
You nodded against her chest; she held you tighter. “It’s okay, love, it’ll be okay. Cry as much as you need right now, but a bad test will just set you up for more success in the future. God knows Clint’s failed his fair share of tests, right?” She smiled down at you, laughing when you scoffed at the comment. 
“I dropped out of school when I was younger than you, so you’re already doing better than me, kid,” the archer chimed in.
Next thing you knew, the whole team were sharing stories of their failings, laughing about mistakes until your tears dried. Natasha led you over to the couch, tasked Steve with bringing your bag upstairs, then stole the remote from Sam. “Movie night,” she declared. 
For once, there was no debate, no rock paper scissors over the movie choice; Natasha navigated straight to your favourite film and left no room for argument.
“You know,” Natasha whispered halfway through the movie, for only you to hear, “you’re going to ace the next test, but I’m here if ever you need, okay? For comfort or tutelage, whatever you need. And I know Stark is itching to offer you the same. Anytime you need, you come to us, Y/N.”
FRIDAY would have made a comment by now, some teasing remark on your pacing. She’d been disabled months ago just for that reason, since her comments brushed the remaining residents’ already frayed nerves, but you missed it. After everything, you could admit that any comment would be comforting.
You stopped before the carpet was worn smooth, her advice in mind. Across the room, your phone taunted you from the location you’d thrown it to earlier, and you stared back.
The clock ticked.
It had been delayed long enough, you decided. You grabbed the phone.
With words unspoken, the ‘see you soon’s grew longer, until their true meaning was goodbye. It was a slow change; people didn’t leave all at once, but instead found other goals one by one. They promised to come back and visit, or return to the compound once their missions were complete, but they left the evidence that they were gone for good.
Clint was the first to go. After he’d revealed his family to the team, you knew it was coming, and you understood why he did; of course he would live with them. You watched him pack his bags, joined the farewell party, then waved him off smiling. He would be back, you thought to yourself, so long as Natasha stuck around, he’d always come back.
And then Tony left, ready to start a new life with Pepper. A house of their own, away from the dangers and chaos of the Avengers. It was a similar situation to Clint, and you hadn’t been mad at him leaving, so how could you be angry at Tony? This was just the next step of his life, afterall.
Soon enough, everyone was doing it. Bruce moved across the world just for some peace and isolation, founding a safe space for his experimentation. Steve, Sam, and Bucky left together; they became a team of their own regard undertaking international missions. You were proud of them and all they did, but they hardly ever returned to America, hardly ever returned to visit you. Why would they? The Avengers could cover America, and that wasn’t them anymore.
Natasha was the hardest blow. Your mentor, your trainer, and your guardian for as long as you could remember. She was the closest thing to family you had, until she found her own. Then she was off with Yelena, staying with Melina and Alexei, rescuing widows, her sisters, from around the world. She promised to return once the mission was done, but you waited for years, and she never showed. 
The last three tried to take up her role; tried to fill the gap in your life, but it was already consuming you, dragging your motivation away from right in front of you.
Your grades fell, and there was nobody left to tell you it was alright.
With so many gone, the Avengers weren’t the top grade anymore; there were better opportunities, and Rhodey took them. He was promoted out of the Avengers, back into the military, and left just Wanda and Vision to run the Avengers missions. With only two of them, a failure was inevitable, and that failing had dire consequences.
Vision was dead.
With that, the Avengers became just you and Wanda. Earth’s mightiest heroes.
Eyes closed. Deep breath. You’d delayed long enough.
The login screen flashed up, the buzz of the device travelled through your hand, and you began to type.
Trembling hands made mistake after mistake, but eventually you signed in; a jumble of codes and numbers appeared on the screen when you did.
Eyes closed. Deep breath.
You followed the page one line at a time, stopping at the end of each one.
Take it slow, read it carefully.
‘Congratulations’, the page ended. You read it again. A gasp escaped before you could understand why, and your body moved on its own accord until, suddenly, you were faced with your contacts; your thumb hovered just above Natasha’s number.
You could text her. You wanted to. You wanted them all to know. But would they reply?
“Y/N, um… we need to talk.” 
When you spun round, Wanda stood in the doorway with her head bowed, focused on her own fidgeting hands. She didn’t speak, but she didn’t need to; her background told the whole story. Your eyes couldn’t help but rest on the stack of boxes; Wanda’s car keys left on top.
She finally looked up and, with one glance, confirmed your worst fears.
“You’re leaving too.”
“I can’t be here anymore, alone in a compound we used to share, I just… I need some time away.”
“But everyone else is already gone; I can’t be here on my own.” 
Wanda wouldn’t meet your eyes, her gaze falling on everything but you. It was like she was memorising the space, but forgetting the one who’d welcomed her there. “It’s just the next chapter of our lives, okay? We have to move on to better things. We can’t stick around here forever.”
“Why not?! Why can’t we? I don’t want things to change.” If you sounded like a child, then so be it; maybe someone would finally see that you were still in school, remember that you were the child they all raised together…before everything fell apart.
“This isn’t about what you want, Y/N!” she snapped, “this is about what I need!” Finally, finally, Wanda looked up, and, for a moment, saw you as the child you still were. Her face softened, and her voice became controlled. “We’ll all come visit from time to time, Y/N. This isn’t a permanent goodbye.”
“Then why does it feel like it?”
Wanda turned away, not caring to get a last word in. With a wave of her hand, the boxes followed her out of the compound. You sat quietly as the door slammed, listening to the sound of her engine disappearing.
You set the phone down.
It had hit you before, but this was acceptance. This was the moment you knew the team – the family that had rallied around you for failed exams, boring lectures, and illnesses – they were gone. They had all moved on to better things, and you weren’t part of it. Despite all the years together, you couldn’t say where a single one of them was, and none of them would see the culmination of their support.
You’d graduated, but you would be going to the ceremony alone.
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moth---4 · 8 months
Commision Info! [updated 1/12/2024]
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See bottom of post for additional refrences!
○Commisions are ALWAYS open and I almost always have same day (24hr) delivery! I post my sfw art on tumblr and my nsfw art in an 18+ furry art site called e621. You can reach out to me through tumblr messages, discord, e6 messages, and telegram. Please read terms of use at bottom.
Tumblr: moth---4
Discord: oopsie-gay
Telegram: @oopsiethatsgay
E621: oopsie-gay
Prices are generally SET but there may be slight increases for very complex designs or scenes though this is rare.
I offer quite a large variety of things but if its not on the list please do not ask. The list is made for both your and my convenience.
○Fullbody- 65 (+30 for additional character #1, + 65 for ever character after)
○Halfbody-45 (+20 for additional characters)
○Icon-15 (no additional characters, intended for profile picture)
These are fully rendered (shaded) and have additional details to polish them.
These include a simple pattern or solid color background (like a pride flag or sunset)
Backgrounds can be added but they can vary wildly in price depending on what youd like. Example 1, a character at a cafe, with full veiw of desert display case and tables, +40-50. Example 2, a character on a couch, nothing but the back wall and a sliver of a coffee table, +20
Reference sheets are another can of worms! These can take much longer than regular commisions given the time and attention to detail needed sometimes.
○Furry Ref 80 Includes 2 veiws, front and back, along with a small pelt display generally used if clothes or pose is obstructing design, and both hand and feet paws, mouth, and eyes, and wings shown seperately if needed . Aside from that colors and name will be displayed.
○Big Pony Ref ((mare BASE only)) 65 (Includes 4 veiws of the pony and some additional boxes to showcase expressions. The cutie mark and colors will be displayed)
○Small Pony Ref 20 Any screenshot from the mlp show edited to fit your pony! Will NOT include background just your guy!
Telegram stickers are a new addition to my commision list! They come in PACKS and can not be bought individually. To clarify, these are emoji like stickers used in the messaging app Telegram and are NOT physically printed or intended to be printed.
○3 pack 20
○5 pack 25
○10 pack 35
Customs are CURRENTLY CLOSED but Ill keep the info up. They have one (1!) veiw with colors and are not as polished as my regular art. They are NOT shaded so that the design can have accurate colors showcased. Just because they are not polished does not mean low effort.
○Pony- 25
○Pony-(ON BASE) 25
○Furry- 70
(Sexual content warning ahead, purely to list what Im okay with drawing NO VISUALS) Scroll to the "🌟" to skip to Terms of use
Sexual art (I have an e6 for a reason lol)
Nudity in any capacity
MILD gore
Marijuana usage
(For full list of spicy content thats allowed just dm!)
Human (including humanoids like anime cat girls)
Foot fetish
Scat, pee, or barf
Age play
Fat fetish (normal overweight characters welcome! Just no fetish art)
Thank you for reading!! The TOS is next Id appreciate if you looked at that as well before messaging me
☆Terms of Service☆
My art can and will be posted wherever I please though I will not take credit for your character. You may use my art for profile pictures, backgrounds or PERSONAL use with credit. My art may NOT be used for anything commercial including youtube videos in any capacity, twitch stream layouts, subscriber, donation or sub alerts. You may not print, sell, or produce any merchandise with my art regardless of if its intended for personal use.
You can post the artwork anywhere or use it on your profile as long as there is CLEAR and OBVIOUS credit to me with a link of some kind. You canot use the art for profit, that includes prints, merchandise or use in videos or games in any capacity. You may not edit the work or remove the watermark.
No refunds! Due to my fast work pace and 24 hour turnaround, refunds are not an option as I would lose money and time on my work. If you are unsure of my limits, being fetishes or anything else please just ask. It will save alot of trouble to just be open and communicate. If clear communication is not recived, and the art is not up to your standards because of it, that is on you. I will always sends work in progress things and you must request changes when I give opportunities.
A small fee will be put in place for changes.
And one final word, I can and WILL take legal action if you attemt to profit from my work. Please understand this is my livelyhood and primary source of income.
Thank you for considering me for commisions! I really appreciate all of you that make my dream job possible
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