#but cas will be outside on a rocking chair
scottstiles · 2 years
it’s not that he’s looking for a reality where his family can be happy he is looking for the reality where HE WILL be happy the one where cas is currently waiting for him and the fact that he has to do everything over again and finish what he started is ANNOYING to him actually (his face was NOT pleased throughout the convo with jack) now that he’s out of the “world between worlds” he just wants to get back on the road and find his fucking angel already
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today-in-the-bunker · 3 months
Today, Dean and Cas wait until the sun has traveled halfway to the horizon and prepare to go outside. Dean brings two cold beers to their rocking chairs outside the bunker, popping off the caps as the two sit on their makeshift porch area, watching the sunset. The air has that sort of cool comfort that comes from a long awaited shade in the wake of a hot summer day. Fireflies flicker throughout the sky as the warm oranges and pinks of the day fade into the deep blue and black of the night sky. Dean asks Cas if he knows any constellations. Cas mentions that he is familiar with a few of the ones humans used for navigation, but that he's not overly well versed in the subject. Dean reveals that he never really knew them that well either, just some he'd heard from Sam. For the next few hours, Dean and Cas gaze up at the stars and create their own constellations, making up stories and meanings behind each one.
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lushrue · 23 days
ghoap angst inspired by "little brother" from the outsiders
tw: blood, depictions of grief, light gore
thirty-eight hours, fifty-two minutes, and nineteen seconds.
that’s how long they’d been on this stakeout from hell. holed up in some hostel in moscow, waiting for any sign of makarov peeking his grubby head out so they could cut it off in one fell blow. it wasn’t like they hadn’t done things like this before. 141 had gone on plenty of recon missions that required sitting still for much longer than this. give any of them the command to stay at heel and they’d obey until the inability of their body overpowered the iron will of their mind. 
this time was different though. there was a tension in the air that’d been there since the first deployment as a team of 3. a thick cloud hung over them, weighing down their shoulders and pulling on the bags under their eyes. to anyone who’d seen them before what they were calling “the mission”, they wouldn’t recognize them now. gaz had stubble on his cheeks, his jade-colored eyes shining a little less brightly than before. price was almost uncertain in his movements, his confidence rocked to its core. and simon? he wasn’t simon anymore. he hadn’t told a joke or made a witty remark since that day, and he intended to keep it that way.
it felt wrong to be lighthearted without johnny around. there were times that simon had tossed and turned in his bed, wondering if johnny was disappointed in him for losing himself like this. johnny had loved his jokes. maybe that’s why he didn’t want to tell them anymore. it was too stark a reminder when two laughs echoed through his headset instead of three. he was practically silent now, only speaking when required and even that was a struggle. 
ever since his death, simon had been walking around with a gaping hole in his chest. it was a wound he’d thought long closed by time, but now, it felt as fresh as the day he’d first noticed it. the stench of rotting flesh, of grief, wafted off of him, warning others to keep their distance. he felt like everyone could see it, this incompleteness in him. the hole that johnny had nestled himself into and put down roots. he’d never admit to anyone how painful it had been when those roots were yanked up.
another sip of watered-down coffee brought simon back to the present, back to the shithole they were camped in. the whole place smelled like piss, the air stale and stagnant. he felt price nudge his shoulder and he looked up, eyes bloodshot and heavy. “i’ll take watch,” he said, voice gentler than simon was used to. could the captain see the way his soul was so raw it glowed red? could he feel the weight like a stone around his ankle threatening to pull him under? “go get some rest, simon.”
he didn’t want to. sleeping was scary now. it was a chance for his regrets to rise up and wrap around his limbs, inky tendrils squeezing the life out of him until he felt like a shell of a man. he should have told him he was a good soldier, should have thanked him properly for his help in las almas, should have told him he loved-
simon gave a curt nod, hand tightening around the paper cup he held as he relieved his post. john took his place, sinking down into the chair and grabbing the binoculars. simon knew john was just as upset as the rest of them. he felt like the captain almost had more of a right to be, had told himself as much when the sadness was so heavy that he couldn’t drag himself out of bed. after all, it was him johnny had died saving, his life that johnny valued above his own. simon spared a glance back at his captain. if he looked long enough, he could see the heaviness they both shared in price’s shoulders.
all they had for beds were a couple of cots shoved into the corners of the rooms, thin things that creaked under a soldier’s weight. simon sat down heavily on his, the threadbare blanket sitting on the floor where he’d tossed it earlier. nightmares were more frequent now. visions of johnny, rotting and decomposed, came to him in his sleep. every time he closed his eyes, he could see it, this thing that claimed to be the man he loved. it haunted him, decayed flesh hanging off its bones and eyes glazed over with the film of something no longer alive. he’d seen those same hazy eyes in the rabbits he’d killed with his father as a young boy. “all for a good cause, simon,” his father had said. “just the way things are. when something dies, it’s to make something else better. fertilize the plants, feed a family, shit like that.”
simon didn’t know what johnny’s death had made better. the grass wasn’t greener, no one’s starving belly full. all that was there was darkness. no, simon decided. sometimes things just died for no one’s benefit. the only one who got any satisfaction was whatever cruel excuse of a higher power enjoyed tormenting simon riley like their own personal punching bag. he laid back on his cot, almost comforted by the threadbare blanket and paper-thin pillow. having things that were soft and good felt wrong when he couldn’t be sure if johnny was surrounded by soft and good things. blank brown eyes stared up at the ceiling, gaz’s cot creaking and the squeaking of the ceiling fan the only sounds in the room.
sleep came, albeit fitfully. it was blessedly dreamless, hours passing like seconds before simon’s eyes opened again. a cursory glance at the clock revealed he’d only slept for a couple of hours, and he deemed it enough. his joints creaked as he rolled off the cot, rubbing at his eyes to rouse his tired mind. he hadn’t been keeping up with his daily workouts as closely as he should’ve. johnny would’ve been upset with him for that. simon just didn’t see how he could take any pride in it when the man he was staying strong to protect was no longer there.
he stepped over to the table in the small kitchenette, relieved when price had no words for him. he couldn’t make simon go back to bed if he tried. the two of them had a tenuous understanding; john gave simon his space, and simon held no grudge against john for what happened in those tunnels. he didn’t want to blame price for what had happened, but some deeply angry part of him needed someone to pin this on. he didn’t believe in god or fate or karma, so price would have to do.
maps and pieces of intel scattered the wooden surface, marked in red pen and traced a thousand times over. they’d all pored over every single piece of paper, searching for anything that they could latch onto. makarov was a smart man and every failed lead just made the fire crackling under simon’s skin blaze hotter. he needed to crush him, destroy every single piece of his life until there was nothing left. he wanted makarov’s loved ones to feel the same emptiness that he felt, to know the anguish of losing the one person that could love who you were at your weakest. and so, he poured himself another cup of shitty coffee and got to work.
he made notes, he muttered to himself, he did whatever he had to do to make the evidence make sense. he was a smart man, johnny had told him so. he could see things that others couldn’t, perceptible beyond words. there were advantages to blending into the shadows. he read and re-read and traced and thought. his eyes were dry, red and bloodshot and aching by the 15th time he looked over the same map of makarov’s known whereabouts. simon was about to call it, to give his mind a rest and come back fresh. but one little thing jumped out to him, the tiniest little detail. a sentence in a transcript, which led to a larger motivation, which led to a location on the map. it all fell into place, the logic sound and clear.
he didn’t hesitate. he moved quietly, tucking his weapon into a holster on his hip and grabbing some knives from his vest. the last thing he needed was price trying to stop him. he knew it was a bad idea, rushing in alone. he knew laswell would chide him for it, gaz and price would feel betrayed. none of that mattered when he knew where the man who took his johnny was. he moved swiftly for the door, stopping with his hand on the doorknob when the captain cleared his throat.
“you’re a good man, simon,” he said, his gaze still fixed out the window. simon didn’t dare turn around, afraid that one look would give everything away. not that anything in the world could’ve convinced him to turn back now. he stayed silent, unsure of how to reply. john shifted in his seat, and if simon was a betting man, he’d put money down that he heard price’s voice shake a little. “we’re damn lucky to have you.” simon’s hand tightened around the doorknob, a lump building in his throat. he wasn’t going to cry, not now. there’d been too many tears. “you too, john,” he said, so quietly it could’ve been the breeze. he stepped out the door, shutting it tightly behind him.
his mind was surprisingly clear as he drove towards the outskirts of moscow into farming towns and villages. there were no racing thoughts, no guilt or grief eating him alive. for the first time in months, his mind was beautifully quiet. if a thought did pass by, it was of johnny. he hadn’t been gone quite long enough that simon had completely forgotten his face. seeing it in photos was nothing like seeing the real thing up close. a camera couldn’t capture the divots and scars, the way the light caught the mischievous sparkle in his eye that always seemed to be there. if simon listened close enough, he could hear the chime of johnny’s laugh in his ear.
simon pulled his car off the road a few miles away from his destination, hardly taking any time to steel himself for what he was about to do. he was capable, prepared. he had to be. for johnny, this had to go exactly right. there was no tactical plan as he rushed in, sinking knives and bullets into flesh. each drop of blood spilled felt like one step closer to retribution, freedom. the crimson that stained his hands was like a baptism, lifting the weight that had settled heavy in his chest. if he was shot or stabbed or punched, he didn’t feel it. he didn’t even register the tears that had begun to track down his cheeks, cutting through the eyeblack.
blows landed, attacks succeeded, each one bringing him closer and closer to makarov. it was like a motor drove him forward, the guilt pressing the gas to the floor and keeping him moving. when he came face-to-face with his target, his heart thundered in his ears. simon briefly registered the flash of a firearm, a splitting pain in his core. anger and sadness and pure grief gripped his soul like a vice. it wasn’t supposed to be like this. simon was supposed to make makarov suffer, drag the pain and agony on until his body broke under the weight and then inflict some more. a quick death was too good for a monster like him, but muscle memory took over and he returned fire.
deadly accuracy, as always. simon always hit his marks. he could hear johnny’s voice in his ear as makarov hit the ground, blood dripping down his forehead as he fell limply to the floor. “perfect shot, l.t.” simon let out a breathless chuckle, lowering his gun. “yeah. perfect shot, johnny,” he said in reply, his voice echoing in the expanse of the warehouse he’d destroyed with his bare hands. bodies laid in heaps, brutalized by the animal that was a grieving simon riley. he slumped to the floor alongside them, his legs no longer able to support his weight. fingers relaxed, his gun clattering against the concrete away from him. weapon down, relieved of duty.
simon’s head rested heavily against the unforgiving floor, the pain finally setting in. his abdomen was warm and sticky, pulsing with a familiar ache. he’d imagined his death so many times, thought he knew exactly how it would go. he’d pictured being surrounded by gunfire, the shouts of his comrades in his ears, the knowledge that the mission continued without him. now, it was silent, the blood rushing in his ears his only companion. and johnny, of course.
“wasn’t supposed to be like this, si,” johnny’s voice echoed, so close yet so far away. simon chuckled, finding the idea that it could’ve been any other way absurd. “yeah, it was,” he replied, his voice weaker than he’d ever heard it. “was always gonna be like this. you knew that.” simon had expected a lot of things, but he hadn’t expected to be scared. he thought he’d be at peace with his death. he was always marked for it, a target bright and red on his back for the grim reaper to find. his breath stuttered, lungs burning in an attempt to get air in. “johnny, i’m coming home.” “where’s home, l.t.?” “with you.”
the ceiling of the warehouse blurred as his eyes welled with fresh tears, a chill settling into his bones. “hope you saved a seat for me,” he rasped, using what was left of his strength to cover the wound in his stomach. he didn’t want some poor unsuspecting bastard to stumble upon him and be scarred by the sight of a gruesome death. johnny’s chuckle sounded in his ears, just like he’d heard in the car. “i’ll always save a seat for you, sir.” simon smiled, finally letting his eyes close. the moment he did, there was johnny, just as beautiful as the day he’d left him.
john put the pieces together a few hours after simon left. it wasn’t a surprise to either him or gaz when they got the call from laswell. makarov was dead, and so was simon. john had known, he’d always known. simon riley was a loyal dog, would follow johnny wherever he went. they scattered simon’s ashes on the same cliff as johnny’s. and some part of john was soothed knowing they were together again.
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Is anyone interested in a 1950 WTH House for $1,146,600 in Fresno, CA? It has a whopping 12bds & 5ba. I don't know who took these strange photos, but they are weird. Take a look.
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The entrance hall floor features large wall tile.
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Here we have a piece of paper blocking out the window for privacy.
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But, it's next to two glass doors.
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Partial photo of the living room shows a dining table where the coffee table should probably be.
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The family room?
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Dining room with rock wall, or is it a fireplace?
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Floor closeup.
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The casual dining area.
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The kitchen begins here.
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Two more fridges in the hall.
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Plus a 4th fridge. That's all we can see of the kitchen.
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5th fridge? Watch your step.
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There are several of this photo.
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And, this one.
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And, finally, they have a full sized one, but it still doesn't help.
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Ah, here's more. Why is the bed against the door?
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Don't know what this is, but they keep it locked. Looks like a boarding house room.
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I don't know, TV room?
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But it leads outside.
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Bedroom w/roses around the closet.
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Primary bedroom?
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Who the hell is this? The mail lady?
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Skylight farm on the roof.
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Nice chimney.
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A/c units with chair.
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Trying to clean the patio.
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This is an elaborate setup for a mailbox. He's got 99 more crappy photos on the listing page.
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changingplumbob · 6 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 6, Part 1
Reacquainting ourselves with the family.
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If Viola is attempting to say something it will be in brackets, otherwise you can assume it's just trying out sounds Savannah aka Honeybee Mercedes aka Little Ladybug Viola aka Green Bean
Here we are in Henford. 3am and it’s family potty time!
Savannah: Mama I need help (she is fussy)
Cassandra: Okay honeybee, let’s do it together
Mercedes: Papa help? I not like by self (she is clingy)
Rahul: Sure little ladybug. Viola should be okay for a few minutes
Twins: *grumbling noises*
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In the nursery Viola is oblivious to the sass of her sisters, preferring to suck on her hand. After getting bored of staring at the few things her eyes can focus on she decides to have some solo tummy time while waiting for a feed. Over we go! It’s a challenge when she can’t quite see the ground or her hands properly, she might need new lenses soon. She persists however and manages to get up on her hands a few times.
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Cassandra: We better go to the doctors after this
Rahul: Yeah, we need to get them vaccinated
Mercedes: What sin ate ed
Cassandra: It keeps you healthy
Savannah: But mama it night
Cassandra and Rahul look at each other. The girls are 5 now so it may as well be time.
Rahul: Rugrats, mama and papa believe that there is a watcher who looks after us. Sometimes new things come into out lives at 3am out of the blue
Cassandra: We have to have faith that if we need to do things in the middle of the night the watcher will take care of us
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Mercedes: What if not care
Cassandra: Oh little ladybug, I promise, the watcher loves you and your sisters
Mercedes can’t help thinking that if there is a watcher who loved her then Viola wouldn’t have been born… Savannah happily celebrates a successful potty session while Mercedes sadly spins to go see the doctor.
Everyone is vaccinated and well today, and fits in some naps before the day kicks off. At dawn Cluckton does his normal alarm clock routine and the animals outside wake up. It’s a cloudy summer day, with the threat of rain. Luckily the domain around the coop is covered so the chickens, mini sheep and mini goat have a place to stay dry.
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Cassandra: All done with needles now green bean. Do you need a diaper change? Oh I think so
Viola: ca na doo doo
Cassandra: Did you just babble at mama? I think you did! What a clever girl you are
Outside the rain has begun much to the disappointment of the local wildlife. Cluckton sounds a border alert and Rahul stops feeding to have a look around.
Rahul: Binky? Is that you? Oh it’s always good to know you’ve survived a rotation
Binky: *wiggles nose*
Rahul: Here, I have wool, your favourite remember
Binky: *produces gift*
Rahul: A cross stitch pattern? Nice. I don’t sew but it’s appreciated. Maybe one day you’ll help with the garden
Binky: *twitches ears in not yet*
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Mercedes and Savannah are up and about now. After changing out of their sleepwear they go in search of food. Rahul has left some fruit salad out for them if he’s busy and they both grab bowls. Mercedes always likes to sit up by the table while Savannah sometimes chooses to stretch her legs and have her food in the lounge.
After changing Viola the milestone sparkles and music start and Cassandra gets excited! She loves seeing her kids gain milestones, being a mama means a lot to her after her father ignored her and her mother vanished.
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Viola turns over and sits up all by herself! What a smart green bean! Unfortunately Mercedes heard the milestone music and enters the nursery to see the display. She sighs in dismay, why must Viola get so much of mama’s attention! Savannah toddles past her and decides to climb on the rocking chair. She’s extra noisy as she does, knowing it upsets Viola.
Viola: *fusses* ca na loo do
Savannah: Viola being stupid
Cassandra: *sighs* Savannah, Viola is just smaller than you, she needs more help
Mercedes: She steal help *sniffles* I no have help
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Viola: *cries in frustration*
Mercedes: *sniffles* It truth! She greedy
Viola pouts and Cassandra goes to give Mercedes a quick comforting hug and kiss before returning to the angry infant.
Cassandra: Little ladybug, what did I just say
Savannah: Viola need help cause…
Mercedes: She stupid baby!
Viola: ga na du loo
Cassandra: *scooping up Viola* Oh green bean, it’s okay, shush now. Darlings if you go play I promise, I’ll play with you once Viola is settled and I’ve done my chores
Twins: Promise?
Cassandra: Yes my darlings
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Turns out despite the earlier diaper change Viola has once again soiled herself. Cassandra does her best to comfort the crying infant as she cleans up the mess. Outside Turtle decides to give me a heart attack by rolling on her back. Turns out she’s just playing in the rain though. After Cassandra survives the stinky mess she puts Viola in the back carrier for a nap while she goes to find some breakfast of her own.
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Cassandra is clumsy and after having her breakfast she fumbles the plate. It falls in the sink with a clatter and she flinches, waiting to hear Viola scream in response. A moment passes and it appears Viola is still snoring softly. Cassandra sighs in relief and heads out to license her songs for the week. One particular puddle causes her trouble and she almost skids over. Luckily for Viola she manages to right herself and make it to the letterbox to send off the licences.
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Rahul: How’s my little green bean
Cassandra: Grumpy. She’s exhausted I think and her sisters aren’t being to friendly. I never know how much of it she can understand
Rahul: Oh dear, do you have two bully big sisters? You know what would help besides an epic telling off?
Cassandra: *smirks* Another kid for Viola to play with?
Rahul: *smiles* exactly. Do you want me to put her down for a nap?
Cassandra: Please. I want to tend the coop and for some reason I can’t if she’s on my back
Rahul scoops Viola into his arms and carries her inside, cooing back to her babble. He puts her down on the playmat to rest so she’ll have some toys when she wakes up. Although she needs a nap Viola does not approve of being left alone to have one.
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illyrian-dreamer · 2 years
Changing Shadows (Part 15)
Azriel x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5* | Part 6* | Part 7* | Part 8 | Part 9* | Part 10 | Part 11* | Part 12* | Part 13 | Part 14
Summary: Azriel and Gwyn’s friendship has you burning in jealousy. And when Rhys suggests the two work together, your feelings are pushed to the point of no return.
Jealous reader and cocky Az. Fluff, angst, and the start of some pretty big smut. 18+ (minors DNI)
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Image by koike9023
Warnings: Swearing and smut. 18+ (Minors DNI)
Word count: 1,233
Part 15:
It had taken another week for you to return to normal duties. Training had been the hardest part, your injuries compromising your fitness and agility. Cassian coached you back slowly, knowing a thing or two about rehabilitating wounds on the abdomen.
Recovering from your fight with Rhys was just as slow and delicate. He made himself more present again, the sweet and caring brother you knew returning with each visit. In return you decided not to push back on his orders while you recovered. There was no need to rock the boat any further.
And Azriel and you hadn’t had shared so much as a kiss since the night in the storeroom. He spent time with you among with the others, taking personal interest in your recovery and caring for you in a platonic way. But he hadn’t once crossed the line, likely too worried for your fragile state. It had you frustrated beyond words.
Training that morning had you feeling particularly irritated, hot with an emotion you couldn’t quite place.
It was a particularly difficult lesson with Cassian, as he pushed your fitness that was still lacking due to the amount of rest you had needed these past few weeks.
Not to mention, your eye kept catching a certain Shadowsinger and red-headed Valkyrie share an occasional laugh and exchange banter.
“Hey, eyes over here,” Cassian ordered as he took you through sword movements.
“Sorry,” you grumbled, shaking your head to refocus.
“Something bothering you, Y/N/N?” He grinned.
You didn’t have anything to hide anything from Cas, but you also didn’t want to acknowledge how much seeing Azriel and Gwyn together bothered you. You’d push those feelings down for now.
“We’ve all been there,” Cassian offered kindly. He always had a great read on people.
You offered him a small smile, as if to say you’d be ok.
When training finally concluded, you isolated yourself from the rest of the circle for the day, focusing on some paperwork in your room. You needed the distraction.
Later that night Rhys winnowed into your room. You didn’t get up from your desk.
“Hello sister,” Rhys greeted you.
“Hello brother,” you played along with the formal greeting without raising your head from your work.
“How are you?” Rhys sauntered over, hands in his pockets as he waited for you to properly acknowledge him.
“I’m well,” you sighed, before dropping your pen to finally look up. “And yourself?” You offered a smile.
He shrugged as if to say fine, looking around your room. You had made a mess of your desk.
“I’m just checking in on you, but was hoping to ask a quick favour.”
“Sure, I can get it done after dinner,” you waved him off, refocusing on your work.
“Y/N, it’s past midnight.”
You frowned, looking up outside your window. When had it become night?
“You’re working too hard, sis,” Rhys grinned as he slouched into the chair opposite you, playfully juggling one of your trinkets he had swiped.
“Says you,” you retorted, pushing the papers away from you. “The favour?” you asked, a hint of impatience in your voice.
“I couldn’t find Az in the house, and don’t want to disturb him mind-to-mind. Would you pass on a message?”
For Cauldrons sake. “Sure.”
“I was hoping he could work with Gwyn to find some records kept in the library. He’ll know which ones I mean. Ask him to have them to me in three days time, ok?”
Your heart beat hard, jealousy encompassing you yet again. Of all the tasks.
“Consider it done,” you said tightly.
“You’re my best sister,” Rhys joked, standing now. “Duty calls,” he grinned, dropping your trinket from the air before winnowing away.
You leapt from your seat, catching the trinket just in time before it broke to pieces on the floor.
Prick, you swore in your head. You heard his laughter in return.
You made your way down to Azriel’s chamber where you knew to find him, one of his unreachable places that Rhys didn’t like to pry in.
When you started working for the Night Court, Azriel had inducted you to the room, quietly explaining what ‘tool’ was used for what. He had initially protested to showing you anything, but Rhys deemed it important for your on-boarding, to which you agreed.
You weren’t intimated by the work he did there, it was essential to keep your people and court safe. But never had you seen him actually torture, his victims remaining nameless and faceless. That was the part he kept private.
You took quick but reluctant steps to his chamber, entering a cold and quiet part of the house as your skin itched in irritation at the task ahead.
Calm down, you told yourself. You were simply going to pass on the message from Rhys and leave. But intrusive thoughts kept plaguing you as you made your way. You were jealous of Gwyn’s and Azriel’s friendship, their chemistry at training making your neck hot. And now you were here to deliver an opportunity for them to get even closer.
You knew you were being ridiculous, but you couldn’t help the jealousy rising in you at an uncontrollable rate.
The chamber door was open, Azriel's back to you as he put away equipment. The room was pristine, no traces left behind.
Memories flashed from the night you took him in your mouth, and your heart beat at the excitement. No, tonight would not be that.
You cleared your throat to announce yourself, unable to stop the attitude that seeped off you as you stepped inside the chamber, your arms crossed.
He turned and raised his eyebrows at you in surprise. “Hello,” he said simply.
“Rhys has asked that you seek out Gwyn,” you looked at your nails, not greeting him back. 
You were sure he would be happy to work with her, shoulder to shoulder in the quiets of the library. You couldn’t stand that thought.
“Why?” His deep voice churned a feeling inside you that you tried to ignore.
“Record hunting,” you shrugged.
He frowned at your short answer. “Alright.”
You lingered, wings tussling, arms crossing again.
“Was there something else, Y/N?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow, picking up on your attitude.
“Yes,” you scowled, words escaping you before you could stop them. “Try not to get caught when you fuck her in the aisles.”
You stayed long enough to see Azriel’s eyebrows raise in shock, before you turned your heel and made for the door.
You didn’t get very far before dark shadows swirled in front of you, stopping you from leaving.
“I beg your pardon?” Azriel asked from behind you, his voice cold. Your face was red and flushed, you couldn’t believe what had just come out of your mouth.
You couldn’t answer him, couldn’t even look at his face.
But the shadows pushed you back, forcing you to turn. Your stomach dropped at the sight before you.
Azriel fingered a blindfold through his scared hand, one boot braced on the chair in the centre of the room, his shadows pooled on the floor.
He was looking down at the fabric in his hands when he said “Did you think you could just leave after saying something as filthy as that?”
You gulped, unable to answer. A shadow swung the chamber door shut behind you.
He met your eyes now, a dark smirk forming. “Oh, Y/N,” he sighed, stalking towards you. “You’re in trouble.”
Part 16* >>>
AN: Get ready for the kinkiest chapter yet, chains and rope may or may not be included....
Comment to join the tag list, and as always, I love hearing what you think of the story so far!
Tags: @slvtherinseeker @judig92 @kennedy-brooke @hyacinthoideshispanica @brekkershadowsinger @its-me-meg @acotar-thirst @5moremin @honeyrydernot @littleshopofwhoress @azzydaddy
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raith-way · 11 months
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multiverse scenes that (most likely) won’t be in the original fic
archaic kings
“Anyone seen Jo?” Darcy asked as she walked into the den. So far, only three people had made it to their designated meeting spot before leaving for the night’s festivities. She looked over at the closest person to her, Tony, who just shrugged. Tony was reclined back in a chair, practically laying down in the thing, and the closest he came to wearing a costume was putting on a tee shirt that read: left my cape at home. Dig at Strange? Most likely.
“She’s still getting ready,” Bruce answered. In a chair across from Tony, Bruce was sitting in the same relaxed manner as Tony and was showing more skin than she’d seen outside of training or a mission. Doreen wasn’t kidding when she said she gave Bruce a relaxed costume, but did an unbuttoned shirt and jeans count as a costume?
“As her favorite superhero, allegedly,” Tony added. He sounded bored, but his eyes were alert on the opening to the den where Darcy was still standing. Darcy wasn’t focused on Tony now though. Her attention had been pulled to Steve, another lazy costumer just wearing a Superman shirt with his usual jeans. He had shifted though, something unlike him, and was resolutely not looking towards the den doorway. He hadn’t even looked her way, and Steve always looked at people when they entered a room.
“Who is Jo’s favorite superhero?” Darcy didn’t ask the question aloud, but she was curious. As the girlfriend of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, had she picked one of them? Jo could definitely rock an iron suit, but Darcy would pay to see her covered head to toe in green paint.
“Avengers!” The loud yell came from behind Darcy, loud enough and sudden enough to make her jump and spin away, and her eyes widened as she took in the sight. She even backed up a few steps to let the captain walk into the den properly.
“Steve is your favorite superhero?” Darcy got out around a startled laugh.
“Aw, c’mon! Cap is the best!” Jo declared and raised her borrowed shield, but her fierce captain look only lasted for a moment before she started grinning. “Steve, stop blushin’ or I’m keepin’ the shield!”
“So, you two, what’s the verdict?” Darcy asked as she looked between Tony and Bruce. Neither looked upset at not being their lover’s favorite. It actually looked like Tony couldn’t stop checking out the new America’s ass.
“Lovely!” Bruce declared for both of them. Darcy smiled and tried not to laugh at the way the two scientists watched Jo with open affection as she tried to get Steve to spar with her in the den, and she collapsed onto the arm of the chair that Tony was in.
“Happy Halloween,” Darcy whispered to Tony.
“Happy holidays, kid,” Tony said without looking away from Jo. Bruce looked at Tony with the same open affection he’d had aimed at Jo, and Darcy relaxed more against the chair. Hopeless, the three of them.
Forever: @connietheecunning @waterloou @vintagecptmrvl @hiddenqveendom @asirensrage @arrthurpendragon @jvstjewels @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @cas-verse
[please let me know if you want to be removed or added]
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Suptober 20 Oct.: Spa day
"You're in the plush chair and this nice lady who smells like a million dollars' worth of fantasies comes in and leans the chair back. She's gonna give you the hottest, cleanest shave of your life. Your face, afterwards, is gonna feel like butter."
A few beats. "Is that good?" Cas asked.
deancas ust
"Okay, so the first thing they do is ask you to change into this soft pajama-like top and pants ensemble. You put your regular clothes, boots, wallet, phone, gun, knives, all that, in a locker to keep 'em safe. You with me here?" Dean asked.
Cas hummed. Good sign.
"The second thing is, you walk into this nice quiet room and sit down in one of those kinda long chairs, you know, like you'd sit in at a dentist office? Only velvet plush and much more comfortable, right by a big wraparound picture window, all filled up with a beautiful view of lots of trees on the hill outside. The October colors have been spectacular this year, haven't they?" When Cas didn't respond, Dean raised his voice. "I'm asking – you've been outside, right? Looked around? Taken in the dazzling hues?" 
Cas said, "Yes. I've seen them."
Dean grinned. "All right. This window, man, I'm telling you; there is one tree, I guess it's a maple, it's like a pumpkin for a giant, all round and orange. I could sit and stare at that tree for nine years. 
"You're in the plush chair and this nice lady who smells like a million dollars' worth of fantasies comes in and leans the chair back. She's gonna give you the hottest, cleanest shave of your life. Your face, afterwards, is gonna feel like butter."
A few beats. "Is that good?" Cas asked.
He sounded more alert; Dean was elated. "Yes, buddy. Rich creamery butter is what you're going for. She pats on some aftershave that makes you smell better than you ever thought possible, and then. Then! She raises the back of the chair so you can sit up and put your feet in a basin of warm soapy water. Delightful. While your terrible, godforsaken, aching arches and weird toe knuckle corns are soaking in those luxurious waters, a different lady – equally beautiful – comes over with a tray. You will never guess what she's gonna do."
"Trim my nasal hair." Cas's voice was fading, but Dean found it hard to fret too much because that answer was funnier than he'd expected.
"She is gonna hold your hands one at a time. Hand massage. It'll feel miraculous. She's gonna do something to your cuticles with a little stick and rub in something that smells like almonds."
"Cyanide," Cas offered.
"No," Dean said loudly. "Just a good nourishing oil. She's gonna cut your nails and file 'em smooth. Your hands will look like your family has a butler. When she's done with all that, she'll do the same thing to your feet, after drying them off. Bonus, she's gonna scrape off all the dead skin on the soles of your feet that catch on your socks and the bathroom rug and are generally disgusting." 
"How do you know what the soles of my feet are like?" Cas sounded bewildered and possibly offended.
"That's what everyone's feet are like, man. Don't sweat it." 
Dean listened to Cas's breathing for a moment; god, it sounded labored. Worse. He made a 'hurry up' gesture to Sam, who gave him a pinched look and kept throwing herbs out of his travel bag into the makeshift circle of stones. 
"What's next?" Cas rasped, too quietly.
"There're a lot of options." Dean tried to swallow down the panic rising in his chest. "Full body massage. Hot stones. Oh, that thing where they wash and deep condition your hair and, like, detox your scalp with scrubby salt or something. There's acupuncture, maybe? And that thing with the cups?"
"Cupping," Sam confirmed around a sprig of rosemary in his teeth as he tried to pry open an ancient bottle of horehound and crow feather elixir with his pocket knife. The blade cracked the glass and Sam just whacked the bottle against a nearby rock; he poured the foul liquid onto the pile of smoldering ingredients in the middle of the rocks. Sizzling intensified.
"What about mud therapy?" Cas asked, voice faint, too faint for Dean's liking, but Dean blurted out, "Yes! Cas, yes! Mud therapy is a thing, I guess. They – what do they do, Sam?"
Sam gave him a crazed look and squeezed a little more blood out of his own fist onto the spell's fiery herbs. "I think they just slather it on you and I don't know what else. You sit there for a while and it draws out toxins?"
"Wish we had some of that right now," Dean quipped.
Sam rolled his eyes at him and started reeling off some latin.
"Cas?" Dean asked, frantic as the strange, brittle, magical door began to shake like an earthquake. The crumbling noise was deafening as the door blew off its ornate hinges and took most of the iron threshold with it. "Cas?"
Sam ran past him to help Cas off the ground beyond the rubble, slapping dust and detritus from his trench coat. "You okay?" 
Cas staggered upright and took a deep breath that Dean was certain, under normal circumstances, he wouldn't need to take. "Much, much better since that angel warding was demolished." He peered at Sam and touched two fingers to his forehead. 
Sam opened, closed, and opened his hand; the wound was gone. Promising, Dean thought.
Cas too was looking healthier with every passing second, the color in his face returned to normal from its zombie pallor mere moments ago, and while there was a large blood stain running down his leg, he seemed capable of walking. Dean saw Cas's expression as it landed on him, confusion twisting to alarm in an instant. 
"You're injured," Cas said, speeding his way to crouch beside Dean. 
Before Dean could finish the phrase, "Demon got the drop on me before Sam knifed it," Dean had been healed. He removed his palm from where he'd been pressing it hard atop the giant slash on the side of his neck; even the slick of blood was gone.
Cas was paler again, though. "I'm fine, Dean," he said impatiently. "You, on other hand, almost died."
"I wasn't worried." Dean brushed a few crumbs of dirt out of Cas's hair gently. "Anyway. Wards broken, demon gone. All in a day's work." He let Cas look as much as he needed to; his own heart beat in his throat like a hammer. "I'm ready for that spa day myself." He smiled at the pained expression that crossed Cas's face. "Not interested in joining me?"
"Let's just go home," Cas said with a sigh. 
"Oh," Dean said, putting his hands in Cas's, "gladly."
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jazzywritesworld · 2 years
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53 days ago. I began a journey. A journey of surrender, of evolvement, of seeking inner peace.
The love I have for myself, bleeds into the love I have for others. The love I show myself, I grant to others.
The self care I give myself, heals. The time I take to engage in free spirited activities, I heal my inner child.
The moments I choose to center myself and look within my spirit, I find myself caring for her. Toddler Jazz. Innocent, lost, scared, hurting in more ways than I can explain. I see her, I feel her & I embrace her. I pull her to my chest, lay her head on my arm and let her legs extend over my other. As I hold her in my lap, I rock her. In the same rocking chair my mother did before she abandoned herself and therefore left me. It is a wooden chair, with a terribly ugly salmon color and yellow polka dots. That hideous image is the most comforting thing in the world to my spirit. I rock her, guide my fingers through her hair. I sing to her, I tell her affirmations & I see her smile in relief.
In this journey, I have been blessed with the gift of clarity. I am a codependent addict and alcoholic. I am an ex wife. I am a motherless adult woman. I am a valued daughter to my father and step mother. I am a beloved sister to two boys that have my heart. I am a niece. I am a friend to many. I am a best friend to the most selfless, loving, humble person I know.
The fact that I abandoned these roles, to stick my head in the sand. To engage in anything but my reality. I lost myself, and therefore all my relationships (some for better and some for worse).
Since my life changed in March 2021, I ran from myself, my shame, my pain for nearly two whole years. But where ever I go, there I am.
You can’t outrun mental health, you can’t outrun pain, you can’t outrun grief. You cannot outrun an addiction. The hold on you is irreversible. It will always be within you. But we all have the ability to process, to feel, to let this reality move through us without applying attachment.
The Buddhist say, “Attachment is the root of suffering.”
Feelings, moments, interims of time, anxiety, peace, love, hate, pain. They are all a process, but not something we have to attach ourselves to. We don’t have to take pain and snuggle into it’s depths to feel safe. Even if that’s a comfort that you well know.
On that note, let’s look at the urge to self-sabotage. Why is it that we choose to suffer the same pain, again and again? We must stop punishing ourselves for the pain we have already survived. Remember your worth, even at your lowest, you are so valuable. There is not a person in this world like you. You are gifted, talented and underestimated (especially by yourself).
New habits, routines and choices are terrifying but beautiful. Choosing to protect yourself. Choosing to be on defense for your heart. Choosing to lovingly guide your actions through positivity and grace. Choosing to process your feelings openly, through writing, a safe person or a counselor. Who will you be if you surrender the pain? A hole in the donut? Or does it clear away the wreckage you’ve lived under for years. Does it give you the opportunity to breathe? Yet we don’t know what this full contraction of our lungs has felt like before. We could not breathe that deep without being engulfed in our racing thoughts and pain. The magic happens outside of the comfort zone. Remember that.
Remember your unshakable role in this life.
Nobody is coming to save you. No one is sending an SOS for you. No one is going to rescue you from a tower. No one HAS to protect you as an adult. You are your ultimate protector, nurturer. You are the key to this life, to the relationships you have. They wouldn’t be those connections if there was no you. So fully engage in the healthy love that’s offered around you. Immerse yourself in understanding of oneself. Save yourself. Lay a foundation. Maybe start washing your face morning and night, no matter how you feel inside. Act as if you care for yourself. Start small. Those little actions will add up.
May you always come back home to yourself. No matter what has happened each day or how far you stepped out of character. No matter who hurt you. No matter the grief you carried in your tender heart. Come home, baby. Your safe within yourself. Breathe, all the way in to your tail bone. Slowly let it out. Look around you, ground yourself by the things around you held down by gravity. Feel the weight of the earth on those items. Feel cradled by the precious gift of gravity from the universe.
In case no one’s told you today, I love you.
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
Two of Us
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13 - Longer Than the Road
cw: feelings of abandonment
Hours passed and Claire had yet to wake up. She was returned to her room shortly after her “neurological examination”, so her family was able to spend time with both her and the newborn. The baby was healthy and adjusting to life on the outside incredibly well. It was the middle of the night—Melissa had fallen asleep around two in the morning on a cot the hospital provided.
Eddie, however, was wide awake, shirtless, and cradling the baby close to his chest to give her skin-to-skin contact, per the nurse’s instruction. Claire soon came to—she turned her head to the right to find her loving family right by her side. She squinted her eyes, adjusting to the dim light in the room, and saw Eddie holding her daughter. Claire blinked aimlessly a few times before mustering up all her energy to speak.
“Why are you shirtless holding my baby?” she mumbled.
“You’re awake, oh my god,” Eddie sighed with relief. “Jesus, Claire, we thought we lost you there for a bit.”
“Mm, I’m not that easy to get rid of, asshole.”
“Hmm,” Eddie chuckled.
“So, stupid, why are you shirtless holding my baby?”
“I was just trying to give her some skin-to-skin contact. The nurses were saying it’s good for her. Something about regulating her heart rate. I guess it helps babies adjust to being outside of the womb.”
“Hmm…” Claire sighed as she closed her eyes.
“Clairey?” Claire hummed and peered over at her brother. “I’m sorry for all the shit I said to you…”
“’s okay.”
“No, no it’s not. I should have had more faith in you. You’re smart, you know what you’re doing.”
“Pfft, no I don’t.”
“What do you mean?”
Claire chuckled, “Eddie, I don’t have a single fucking clue what I’m doing or going to do.”
“You’ll figure it out. I know you will.” Claire scoffed as Eddie smiled down at the baby. “So, do you have-” Eddie looked over to find Claire asleep again. “Okay, then…” Eddie looked back down at the baby and beamed proudly. “Mommy still needs some rest, I guess.” He picked her up so her little cheeks were smushed against his shoulder—he gently rubbed her back and sighed. He whispered, “you’ve got the best mom in the whole world… I hope you never forget that…”
A few more hours passed—Eddie had been in and out of sleep, but whenever he was awake, he was holding the baby, happily giving her skin-to-skin. Around six in the morning, Claire woke up again, still slightly dazed from the medication cocktail she was on. Eddie was half-asleep in the hospital chair, holding the sleeping baby against his chest. Claire smiled at the two of them and extended her hand to gently caress her daughter’s head. In a panic, Eddie jumped up in his seat, careful not to wake the baby.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Claire,” he panted, “don’t scare me like that.”
“Why are you still shirtless with my baby?”
“I’m not going over this again.” He gave her a teasing smirk. “So, do we have a name for this little angel yet?”
“Mhmm,” Claire smiled softly, “Edith ‘Edie’ Ruby Munson.”
“You… you named her after me?”
“That’s what you wanted, right?”
“Yeah, but Claire, I was kidding… you can name her whatever you want. After all, she is your kid.”
Claire shrugged, still gently rubbing the baby’s head. “Yeah, but she looks like an Edith.”
Pouting, Eddie leaned down and kissed Claire’s forehead. He whispered, “I’m so proud of you.”
Near tears, Claire sniffed and whispered, “thank you…” Eddie looked down to Edie and continued to gently rock her against his chest. “Hey, Ed…”
“I’m moving.”
“With mom… I’m moving to California with mom…”
“Wh-Why would you do that?”
“She has a house and there’s better education out there. I’d have a better shot at getting a job and providing for her, just…” she sighed, “I can’t stay in Hawkins anymore.”
Eddie’s eyes welled up with tears. “So, you’re telling me that I’m not only going to be losing my sister, but also my niece… just like that?” he snapped.
“Ed, I’m sorry… I can’t just think for myself anymore… I have to think about Edie…”
“Man…” Eddie swallowed harshly and slowly nodded, biting the inside of his cheeks. “Fuck you, Claire…”
“No, fuck you. You-You can’t take away the only family I have ever loved.”
“You’ll still have Uncle Wayne.” Eddie scoffed. “Ed-”
“Just shut up, Claire… please, just… shut the hell up.”
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whatsonmedia · 6 months
Coachella 2024: Headliners and Schedule – Your Ultimate Guide
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Spanning two weekends from April 12-14 and 19-21, the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival unfolds at the Empire Polo Field in Indio, CA, showcasing identical lineups each weekend. This year’s installment boasts a stellar lineup representing a diverse range of genres including pop, ’90s indie rock, hip-hop, reggaeton, and K-pop.
Who’s headlining the Coachella 2024 lineup?
Headlining this year’s festival are No Doubt, Lana Del Rey, Tyler, the Creator, and Doja Cat. Joining them on the lineup are notable acts such as J Balvin, Peso Pluma, Blur, Ice Spice, Jhené Aiko, Lil Uzi Vert, Justice, Bleachers, and many others.
When will the Coachella set times be released?
The organizers typically do not unveil set times for Coachella until the week of the festival, sometimes even just a day prior. Keep an eye out here in April, as we will promptly update with the set times once they are released.
However, there’s one exception: the 21-plus Heineken House has already disclosed its set times, which you can find further down this page.
Where’s the festival map for this year?
Like the schedule, the festival map tends to be released just before the gates open. Recent editions have seen some significant changes to accommodate the growing crowd capacity, such as relocating the Sahara tent. In 2022 and 2023, the maps resembled pre-2020 editions, with minor changes like the Yuma tent shifting slightly north.
However, this year brings notable alterations. The Sahara tent will relocate once more, from the southwest corner to a field adjacent to the Do LaB stage. In the former Sahara tent area, you’ll now discover Quasar, an open-air stage featuring DJs with extended three-to-four-hour sets.
Coachella 2024 essentials
Must-have items for battling the sun
Sunscreen: Protect yourself with sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Remember to reapply every two hours. Stick to traditional lotion-based sunscreen.
Lip Balm: Keep your lips safe from sun damage with sunscreen-infused lip balm. You’ll need them in good shape for singing along to your favorite acts.
Water Bottles: Bring a plastic, empty refillable water bottle. Metal and insulated bottles are not allowed. Stay hydrated by refilling at water stations located throughout the festival grounds.
Hand Fans: Stay cool and stylish with accordion (foldable) hand fans. Ensure they have no sharp edges and can’t be seen as a weapon. Perfect for fanning yourself and friends, and for capturing cute festival photos.
Items to leave at home
Here’s a concise list of prohibited items for both Coachella and Stagecoach. Please be aware that attempting to bring any of these items through the festival gates is strictly prohibited:
Advanced first aid kits, including hemostatic gauze or powder, tourniquets, compression bandages, decompression needles, or chest seals.
Aerosol cans
Air horns
Audio recording devices
Bicycles, skates, scooters, or skateboards
Chains or chain wallets
Chairs (except for certain foldable chairs allowed in designated areas at Stagecoach)
Detachable lens cameras
Drones or remote-control aircraft, cars, or toys
Glass bottles or containers
Glow sticks, light sticks, or LED gloves
Hoverboards or segways
Illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia
Kites or sky lanterns
Markers or paint pens
Metal water bottles or containers
Outside food or beverage
Selfie sticks, tripods
Stuffed animals
Toy guns, water guns, or sling shots
Video cameras
Walkie talkies
Please ensure you comply with these guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable festival experience for all attendees.
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kmp78 · 9 months
BURBANK, CA— January 9, 2024 - Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group's Co-Chairs and CEOs Michael De Luca & Pam Abdy and Tom Cruise today announced they will jointly develop and produce original and franchise theatrical films starring Cruise in 2024 under a new strategic partnership between Cruise and Warner Bros. Discovery. Cruise and his production company will have offices on the Warner Bros. Discovery lot in Burbank.
The partnership marks a return to Warner Bros. for Cruise, whose storied filmography with the studio includes Edge of Tomorrow, Rock of Ages, The Last Samurai, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, Interview with the Vampire, Risky Business and The Outsiders.
Said De Luca and Abdy, "We are thrilled to be working with Tom, an absolute legend in the film industry. Our vision, from day one, has been to rebuild this iconic studio to the heights of its glory days, and, in fact, when we first sat down with David Zaslav to talk about joining the Warner Bros. Discovery team, he said to us, 'We are on a mission to bring Warner Bros. back- we have the best resources, storytelling IP, and talent in the business - and we need to bring Tom Cruise back to Warner
Bros!' Today, that becomes a reality and we are one step closer to achieving our ambition. We couldn't be more excited to welcome Tom back to Warner Bros. and look forward to bringing more of his genius to life on screen in the years ahead."
Said Cruise, "I have great respect and admiration for David, Pam, Mike, and the entire team at Warner Bros. Discovery and their commitment to movies, movie fans, and the theatrical experience. I look forward to making great movies together!"
So Tom could be Jared‘s boss when Jared will make movies for Warner?
I guess so... 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
Tommy's looking to become a big-time movie mogul. 😎
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thehikingviking · 2 years
Bandai-san, Fukushima Prefecture
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Bandai-san last erupted on July 15th, 1888. Dark ash rose 3-4 times higher than the summit, forming a giant mushroom cloud. Lava spewed from Ko-Bandai-san, the north peak and flowed down to Hibara village killing 500 people and 57 stock animals. 11,032 households were damaged or destroyed. Rivers were dammed and three large lakes were formed; Onogawa, Hibara and Akimoto. Disaster would later lead to good fortune. The area of devastation slowly became a tourist destination for future generations. This area, now called called Urabandai, became a National Park. The area is famous for sight seeing, especially when the shadow of Bandai-san can be seen reflecting on the lakes. While the views of Bandai-san from the north are rugged and comprised of various ridges and old lava flows, the views from the south fixate on a magnificent looking cylindrical cone. Bandai-san, which is based on the on-reading of 磐梯山 Kanji was originally named Iwa Hashi-yama, the kun-reading of the same Kanji. It is believed that the word Iwa Hashi, which roughly translates to boulder chair, derives from the clastic piles of volcanic rock debris that form a wall near the summit. Famous songs, haiku's and books have been written about Bandai-san, however it caught my attention because it resides in Kyuya Fukada's book Nihon Hyaku-meizan, which documents the "One Hundred Mountains of Japan," and for that reason I wanted to climb it.
A little over 134 years later, I landed in Narita and was greeted by my wife outside the gate. She had been in Japan over the past three weeks with our son Leif. We drove two hours to her childhood home in Utsunomiya. I met Leif outside of at a restaurant and he seemed somewhat unsure if it was really me. I picked him up and a wave of emotion went through me. We had been separated for far too long. Asaka and I were initially supposed to spend a romantic 3 night hiking trip up north together, but we both recognized that we would be happier if Leif joined. The extra effort of carrying him up each mountain would be worth it.
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The next morning, Asaka, Leif and I drove two hours north to Inawashiro. Asaka plannedall the logistics so I left my weary, jetlagged brain on relax mode. She told me the hike would take two hours, so we were in no rush that morning. We arrived at the ski resort and purchased our lift tickets, saving us 1,500 feet of gain. I was a little worried the resort wouldn’t let Leif ride the chair lift, however this never ended up being a concern for any of the chair lifts we rode on the various mountains across out trip.
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I rode solo with Leif on the second lift, since he clearly expressed that he wanted to sit on the chair rather than in my lap.
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After a somewhat time consuming ride, we finally made it to the top of the second and final ski lift. Down below was Lake Inawashiro.
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We had a quick lunch right there on the trail as we enjoyed the views. We then strapped Leif into the back of the carrier and we started up the steep trail.
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When packing for international flights, one often has limited space and has to make choices on what or what not to bring. I decided against bringing trekking poles, as they take up a lot of space, however now I was regretting it. Leif was now a toddler, and weighed much more than when he was an infant, so I could have used the poles for extra balance. The heat and humidity also became apparent. It took only a few minutes for me to become completely drenched in sweat.
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I studied the track as I struggled up the trail. I noticed the hike was broken up into 3 general sections; steep, gradual and steep. I was making slower progress than I expected, and I quickly realized that Asaka’s suggestion that the hike would take only 2 hours was dead wrong. We had to climb 2,300 vertical feet between the top of the ski lift to the summit. We would be lucky to make it to the top in two hours, especially considering that I had a kid on my back. Then there was Asaka, who was also carrying her own baby. She was more than 7 months pregnant, and in no condition to be straining her body. To make matter worse, Asaka informed me that the final lift down was scheduled for 2:10pm. I was not exactly happy with this update, but resolved to go through with it.
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We passed underneath the bonus peak Akahani-san and after 0.9 miles we finished the first steep part of the hike. I had averaged just under 2 miles per hour after climbing about 800 vertical feet with the 30+ pound child on my back. This may seem slow, but I was a week removed from the Sierra Challenge, and in possibly the best hiking shape of my life. Asaka was a little bit quicker than me.
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We then transitioned into the gradual section of the hike which was a great relief. We were able to pick up the pace here. There was water everywhere and the surrounding vegetation was a deep green. I felt like I was in a Jurassic Park movie. The trail passed alongside Numanohira Meadow, the location of an ancient crater that formed during an eruption that dates back to the year 806.
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The gradual section ended after another 0.9 miles. I now had one final 0.9 mile push ahead of me, however it would be even steeper than the first section, entailing about 1,200 ft of vertical gain. I could do nothing other than put my head down and push.
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The ridge reached a saddle between Bandai-san and a very prominent bonus peak to the east. I followed the ridgeline as it climbed to the southwest.
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To the north were Lake Hibara and Nishi-Azuma-yama.
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Even though we were both carrying babies, Asaka and I were the fastest up and down the mountain that day. Meanwhile, I was constantly bombarded with endless compliments from the other hikers; sugoi, kawaii, great father, etc. At first this was nice, but by hour 3 it was starting to get old. Meanwhile, Asaka hardly got any compliments, and I think only one other person on the mountain noticed she was pregnant.
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There was a hut as we neared the top, and large crowds were gathered here, either preparing for the final push or recovering from their earlier climb. This was typical Japanese Hyaku-meizan hiking. It’s hard to find a true wilderness experience while chasing the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains.
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I now started to make headway in front of Asaka. I just wanted to get Leif to the top before he could start complaining, so I pushed hard. 
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In the end I paced myself with a young child and her father. We passed almost everyone except for a couple people, who were freshly reenergized after buying an ice cream and a soda pop from the hut down below.
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While the brush was cleared along the trail, this was done with short people in mind. I ended up having to bend over a lot so that Leif wouldn’t smash into the branches overhead.
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I beat Asaka to the summit by about 10 minutes. I was drenched in sweat. The summit was covered with dragonflies and people, giving it a Colorado 14er feel.
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I took Leif out of the carrier and tried to drink some water, but Leif started crying. I couldn’t calm Leif down and I began to feel embarrassed as I looked like some stupid gaijin who couldn’t control his own kid. Finally Asaka joined us and we were able to calm him down.
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To the east were Minowa-yama, Tetsu-san and Adatara-yama.
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To the south was Lake Inawashiro.
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To the west was the Aga River Valley.
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To the north was Lake Hibara.
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Asaka tried telling me that one of the lakes down below was connected to the Sea of Japan. What?? She’s lucky she’s pretty.
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We had a little more than an hour to make it back down to the chair lift. We hurried as fast as we could, having to stop every few minutes for a traffic jam. It doesn’t seem like downhill has the right of way over here. Also people don’t move over. When given the opportunity, Asaka would shoot by every slow ojisan and obasan along the trail. There should be a rule where if a 7 month pregnant lady passes you, you should be banned from the mountain for at least a year. We stopped at a spring seeping directly out of the mountain. I was low on water and decided to fill up my water bottles straight from the source without treatment. The water was very fresh! Even with this extra boost, I doubted we were going to make it, and I did not want to hike down the ski run which was now a big grass hill. I was mostly worried about Asaka's condition, and I didn't want to push her too hard. Somehow, we made it back down to the chair lift at 2:06pm, giving us 4 minutes to spare. 
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We had an enjoyable ride back down to the car.
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We even found some entertainment for Leif.
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We were surprised to spot a troop of monkeys on our drive out. 
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I would have liked to climb the two bonus peaks, but it was just too hot and we didn’t have enough time. Perhaps I could have done these if the trip was planned a little better, but that’s what happens when you delegate. We then drove an hour north to the onsen where we planned to sleep. It was an incredibly beautiful and peaceful place to spend the night.
0 notes
revluvzen · 2 years
{∆ Getting in the middle ∆}
top!jeno x vers!male reader x bottom!jaemin
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credits to the owner of the gif!
Genre: smut. MINORS DNI
Categories: top lee jeno, bottom na jaemin, versatile male reader, catched voyeurist, threesome, cock sucking, blowjob triangle, dirty talk, bareback / coming inside, fucking while being fucked, jeno has a big cock, rimming, fingering, jerking off, multiple orgasms, cockwarming.
WC: 3.5k
"If you like it, join!"
You're entering your dorm after arriving early from (work/college), where you live along with Jaemin and Jeno. They two are a little noisy, but living with them it's very comfortable. Although, the last month they had been acting weird. Both of them get really close, hug, squish their asses, make compliments, etc. Maybe they're just very close friends? You live with them since some months and you never noticed them with that behaviour.
You head to the bathroom to wet your face and cool off, as the weather it's too hot outside. The door is closed, so it probably means there could be someone inside. You knock the door.
"U-Uhm... just a minute!". It's Jeno voice! He sounds kind of nervous, but you don't care. "Fuck", can be heard from inside the bathroom. "It's everything ok, Jeno?", you ask. "Y-Yes, don't worry! I'm just like, very busy!", he replies.
It sounds very weird the tone in which he's talking. Out of curiosity, you stick your ear right on the door. "I'm close to come... when I'm done, you hide yourself on the shower, okay?", he whispers. You're shocked. What the fuck is he doing and with whom? Well, as the anxious person you are, you bend over to look through the keyhole.
And there you see, Jaemin sucking Jeno's cock. He's sitting in the toilet while the other is on his knees jerking him off and licking his length up and down. At the moment you saw what was happening, you were surprised. But you quickly started noticing your bulge getting hard; soon, you're jerking off while watching them having sex.
You introduce your hand down your pants and boxers and start stroking your cock, while watching through the keyhole. The scene is so exciting that your cock is entirely hard in a matter of seconds.
Suddenly, Jaemin turns his head to his side, and quickly notices an eye watching through the keyhole. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You swiftly pull your boxers and pants up again, sit on a chair that's near and grab your phone, trying to pretend you're on Instagram or something like that.
Jeno opens the door and walks towards you. His hunky figure stands in front of you. "Don't play dumb", he says. "W-What? What happens?", you reply. "You were looking through the keyhole, Jaemin saw you", he says. "N-No, I wasn't!", you say. "No?", he asked, while grabbing your hard crotch. He starts massaging it. "If you like it... you can join, you know?", he proposes.
"Uh...", you say, speechless. Jaemin comes out from the bathroom; he was standing by the door frame, fully clothed but with his bulge hard as a rock, as same as Jeno. "Let's take this talk to the bedroom", he says, winking at you.
You happily agree, the three of you walking to Jaemin's bedroom, where he has a big king size bed. "So... When? Are you dating?", you ask. "Yes... since some weeks ago... we're on that passionate phase...", Jaemin replied. "But we're like... Very open... you know?", Jeno says, slowly bending over to kiss you.
Jeno passionately kiss you, biting your lips. He lays you on the bed, while he's at your side. Jaemin crawls at your other side and joins both of you, making a kiss-of-three. Their lips taste so good, you can feel Jeno biting the left side of your lip while Jaemin softly plays with the right side.
After some minutes of making out, the three of you get hard again. Your both hands slides down to the bulges of your friends, massaging them. Jeno and Jaemin reply by doing the same to you, jerking off your clothed lenght.
Finally, it's time to take it to the next level. "Jaemin-ie, you can suck his cock", Jeno told him. He nods. "Y/N, you can suck me while I suck Jaemin", he whispers to you. "Sure thing", you agree.
Jeno gets quickly naked, throwing off his shirt, pants and boxers. You can now stare at his beautiful toned abs, his strong arms and legs... But mostly, his big hard cock. You will have to suck all of that? Fuck. Although, it looks so tasty that you start drooling a little.
Jeno undresses Jaemin. He's hard too; his flat abs and his nice cock are pleasant to be seen. Finally, you start taking out your shirt, but Jeno stops to do it himself. In a matter of seconds, you're entirely naked, unveiling your hard dick to the other two.
The three of you form a triangle laying on the bed. Jeno sweetly jerks off Jaemin's cock before putting it in his mouth, slurping on it. Then, Jaemin grabs your dick and puts it inside of his mouth. You can feel his soft lips kissing your tip, then his tongue licking all your length. Finally, he introduces it all inside of his mouth and starts giving head on it.
Now, it's your turn to suck Jeno's big cock. You align it right in front of your mouth and start sucking his tip, swirling your tongue on it. Then, you start introducing most of it inside of your mouth, sucking on it and feeling every vein of his on your tongue.
You're in a so satisfying status of pleasure. Having your cock being sucked by Jaemin feels so hot; it looks like he has a lot of experience doing that. But also, tasting Jeno's delicious cock on your mouth feels so good. You could be doing that all day long.
Slurping noises resonate around the room, threads of saliva and precum falling over the bed. Jeno slowly thrust his waist towards you, so his cock gets more deeper inside of your mouth. You can already taste his delicious precum leaking over your tongue. "You like it, y/n?", Jeno says, as he took off Jaemin's cock from his mouth to ask you. "Hm~ Y-Yeah". You struggle to talk with his cock inside of your mouth.
"Your cock taste so good~", Jaemin says, humming so his tongue vibrates on your length. You kinda want to moan as he's so good at sucking dick, but you're muted by Jeno's cock.
Jeno grabs you by your nape and starts introducing his cock deeper inside of your mouth. Fuck, it's just so big; but it looks like he wants you to suck it it all. A lot of saliva leaks from your mouth as he pushes his cock so his tip touches the back of your throat, making you gag. "So good~", Jeno moans, as he took a break from sucking Jaemin's cock.
During some long minutes, the three of you sucked each other dicks, although, because of Jeno's preference, you were the one that had to have a rougher blowjob.
Finally, Jeno breaks the triangle and knees on the bed. "Ok so... Jaemin loves being the bottom... and I only like topping. So, you would have to...", Jeno says to you. "Be in the middle. I'm cool with that", you interrupt him. "Wow... You're so enthusiastic, fuck... but first, let me prepare my babe for you", he said.
Jaemin lays his back on the bed and spreads his legs. "Well, I'm waiting. Whenever you want", he says, smirking to Jeno. "y/n, help me licking his hole", Jeno ordered you. "Of course", you wink to him.
Jeno and you bend over so you face right in front of Jaemin's butt. "Spread it out, babe", Jeno tells Jaemin, and so he did. Jaemin puts his both hands on his ass to unveil his sexy and tasty rim. Without hesitation, Jeno and you clash your tongues on his hole, licking it.
"Oh yeah~ just like that~", Jaemin moans. Occasionally, you kiss Jeno, both of your lips impregnated with the scent of the bottom's bole. You lick his rim up and down, sometimes introducing your tongue deep inside and tasting his inner walls.
Suddenly, Jeno spits on his fingers, introducing one of them down his lover's hole. He starts fingerfucking Jaemin, causing him to moan as he hits his prostate. Meanwhile, you keep licking the rim area, sometimes going down to suck his balls. "You're doing so good to me~", Jaemin says. "Such a nice ass, babe", Jeno tells him.
Jeno introduces another finger and does a scissoring motion inside of Jaemin's hole, stretching it. Occasionally, he takes of his fingers and introduces them in your mouth. You can taste his delicious insides on Jeno's sexy fingers.
Finally, Jeno puts Jaemin's feet on his shoulders so he could fuck him. "Listen. I will stretch him a little for you. Go near the bedboard and finger yourself while watching us. Get prepared for me", he tells you, smirking. "It would be a pleasure", you say. You crawl near the bed board, put a pillow on your back and raise your legs, as Jeno aligns his cock to Jaemin's entrance to start fucking him.
Jeno fucks Jaemin on a slow pace, not introducing all of his big cock at all. That will be your job later. You slide your fingers right to your entrance and start fingering yourself, so aroused as you watch them fuck. With your other hand, you jerk off your precum-leaking cock.
"Oh, yeah~ So good~ Love it~", Jaemin moans. He looks so pleasured just from being fucked slowly by half of Jeno's cock, that you're kind of excited to wonder how will it feel when he introduces it all rougher inside of you.
Jeno makes sure his cock stretches Jaemin's hole. It makes its way down his inner walls, kind of already stimulating his prostate. As he does that, Jaemin gets quickly aroused, and his rim easily opens for his dick.
After some minutes of fucking, Jeno takes his cock out of Jaemin's hole. "Ok, time for the fun part… Jaemin, keep spreading your legs. Y/N, get in front of his ass so you can fuck him. I will eat your ass and then we will start fucking each other", Jeno says. There's something about him commanding that turns you on a lot. Uncounciously, you crawl back in front of Jaemin's butt and stick your ass out so Jeno could eat your already kinda open hole.
"I warn you… His cock is very big. You will end up screaming and filling me a lot", Jaemin tells you, winking at you, as Jeno bends over to lick your rim. He spreads your ass and starts licking your hole up and down. While he does that, you finger Jaemin's hole, to keep it open.
He introduces his tongue inside of you. You can feel how his wet mouth kisses your rim, giving you so much pleasure. It didn't take long before he introduced two fingers inside of you and fuck you with them. As your hole is already stretched by yourself, he directly went to fingerfuck you so rough. You feel your prostate being aroused, spreading pleasure all over your body. "Oh my god~ Keep going~ Feels so good~", you moan. Meanwhile, you can see Jaemin grabbing your cock and slapping it against his hole, while jerking off. He looks so sexy and nasty doing that.
After some minutes of abusing your prostate, Jeno takes off his fingers and straightens up his back. "Ok, guys. Let's get it started", he sexily whispers. Jeno aligns his cock on your entrance, while you (kneeling, arching your back and bending over Jaemin) align your dick on Jaemin's (his back laying on the bed with his legs hugging your body) hole.
Then, you start feeling Jeno's cock entering slowly down your hole. His thick cock makes its way inside of you, making your hole stretch for it. He's only introducing half of his big cock, but it already feels so good. As he does that, you push your cock inside of Jaemin's hole, who starts moaning as your lenght stretches his insides.
"Oh, fuck", Jaemin and you moan in unison, so pleasured as you have your holes beign fucked. Meanwhile, Jeno quietly moans as his tip gets stimulated by your tight hole. Jeno starts thrusting into you, pushing his cock further inside of you. His veins stimulate your prostate, creating a pool of hot pleasure on yor body. As he thrust into you, you slowly pound into Jaemin. You can see his lewd face as his hole splits on your cock.
"It's so big, fuck~", you say to Jeno. "Huh? Yeah? And you want it all inside of you?", he lascivously asks. "Y-Yes... please, it feels so good~", you reply. Jeno makes his cock disappear into your body; his big dick enters all inside of you. "There you go, babe", he whispers. It's hard to take it it all but you do on a matter of seconds. As all of his lenght is inside of you, you can now feel his balls bouncing on your ass as he fucks you.
Jeno starts thrusting faster into you over time, making you fuck repeatedly into Jaemin as consequence. "Oh, yes~ Faster, Jeno~", you moan, drooling of pleasure as his big cock abuses your prostate. "So good~", Jaemin moans, feeling all of your cock inside of him. Jeno obeys you and fucks you on a faster pace, drilling your tight hole. "Like that? Huh?", he whispers, while you struggle to reply because of the pleasure muting your words.
"Yeah, just like that, feel it all inside of you, babe~", Jeno says, as he pounds your rim. His veiny length repeatedly arouses your hole, sending you in an euphoric state. "Yeah~ Yeah~ I love how you fuck me, Jeno~", you moan, in a broken voice as every of his thrusts makes you gasp.
You keep thrusting into Jaemin, at the same pace as Jeno fucks your hole. "Yeah~ You do so well to me~", Jaemin moans. His sexy voice, lewd face and handsome body arouses your senses. Unconsciously, you bend over to shut his moans with a kiss. Feeling his sweet lips that previously sucked your cock tastes so gold. He runs his hand over your hair, grabbing you to kiss you rougher.
Jaemin keeps making out with you as Jeno fucks your hole faster. After some minutes, Jeno grabs your shoulder to pound into you deeper. Feeling his big cock penetrating repeatedly down your hole is probably one of the best feelings you ever felt on your life. Fuck, it's stimulating your prostate over and over, kind of making you scream at this point.
You grab Jaemin's cock to jerk him off. His cock is so hard that's almost impossible to not look at it and wanting to masturbate it. Running your thumb around his tip, you choke his length and start wanking it. You quickly notice how Jaemin's body spasms as you stimulate both his prostate and his cock. "Ah~ Yeah~ Fuck~", he moans, kind of sobbing.
You start noticing Jeno's pace going wild. His big cock goes in-and-out frenetically in your hole. His moans are getting louder. "Fuck, you're so tight, babe. Take it all", he says, heavy breathing. It feel so fucking good: that hot feeling of pleasure pools on your back and spreads all over your body. His quick thrust makes tou fuck harder into Jaemin, who is now loud moaning too. "Ah~ Jeno~ Just like that~", you moan.
"I-I think I'm gonna come!", he says. His pace goes even faster, drilling your hole. He suddenly puts his hand on your mouth, shouting your pleasure screams. He fucks harder into you with his big, thick cock, abusing your constantly stimulated prostate. "Hmm~". You try to moan out loud but you can't.
Finally, Jeno comes inside of you. He does a final, powerful thrust that even lifts you up, impaling you with his big dick. His hot loads of cum paint your inner walls; his cock leaks great amounts of his jizz, flowing through your prostate and filling your hole. "AHH~ YES~", you scream, as Jeno takes his hand out of your mouth.
Jeno deep exhales some seconds after reaching his climax, some cum still exiting his tip. "I will keep fucking you, babe. Make sure to fill my Jaemin with you cum", he lascivously whispers at your ear. "O-Oh, yeah, ah~", you reply.
Jeno starts pounding your hole again, whipping all his cum that's inside of you. The amount of pleasure you feel by having his juice inside of you is unmeasurable. So stimulated, you start thrusting faster into Jaemin's hole, fucking yourself into Jeno's cock as you do it.
"Yeah~ Fuck~ Fuck me hard, y/n~", Jaemin moans. His dirty talking turns you on so bad. You fuck him rougher, making sure you're doing precisely movements that hit his prostate. As you thrust into him hard, Jaemin starts moaning louder, gripping the bed sheets.
You start feeling that hot feeling on your waist. Your body sweats and your thrusts become uneven. You're about to reach your climax. With Jeno's cock still fucking you, you euphorically thrust into Jaemin. His tight, hot hole chokes your sensitive cock, sending a rush of pleasure over your body, as the same time Jeno's cock and his cum stimulates your hole. "I-I can't hold it~ Agh~ I'm gonna come!", you scream.
Then, you finally come all inside of Jaemin hole. You feel how your cum flows out of your cock, filling his insides. Your body spasms and you arch your back as you reach your orgasm. "AHH~ I-I LOVE IT~ YEAH~", Jaemin moans, as he feels your hot seeds breeding him.
You stay kind of still after your climax as you're exhausted. Meanwhile, Jeno doesn't seem tired. He keeps fucking you, overdtimulating your body. With your cock still inside of Jaemin, he starts to jerk off, pleasured to have your cum filling him up.
Jaemin strokes his cock, loudly screaming as he feel his climax near. He's leaking precum all over his cock, moving back and forth in your cock, pushing the cum that's inside him deeper with your length. "You're gonna come, babe? Do it, Jaemin-ie, show us~", Jeno tells Jaemin, while fucking harder into your hole.
Jaemin starts loudly moaning as he jerks off faster than ever. Soon, his handsome body spasms, arching his back. He releases all his cum over himself, some of them landing on your abs. Now, Jaemin has his own hot seeds over his sexy abs and face, and you have some of them on your body. "Ah~ Fuck~ L-Love it~", Jaemin says with a broken voice, trembling.
The three of you already reached your climaxes, but Jeno fucking you faster and faster surely means he's going for another round. Pushing his cum down inside of you as he fucks you harder, he slaps your ass, making you scream so loud as you feel overstimulated. Your cock is still inside of Jaemin hole, so warm because of his tight ass and your hot cum. "Fuck, yeah, take all this cock babe~", Jeno says.
Soon, Jeno would be fucking you frenetically again. Loudly moaning, he presses your back, making you lay over Jaemin's body. Both of your abs touch, sharing the cum that's over them. Jeno, in total control of your ass, fucks you rougher and rougher. His giant cock keeps impaling you, abusing your overstimulated prostate. "I'm gonna cum again! Fuck~!", Jeno moans.
Jeno starts spasming, his cock twitching inside of you. He reaches his second orgasm, filling your insides with another load of cum. Your hole is so fucking filled with his jizz now. You feel how it flows all inside of you, warming and arousing your insides, immensely pleasuring all your body.
Finally, Jeno, exhausted, falls over you. The three of you are so tired because of your climaxes. It would be already a good time to sleep. Although, this time you would sleep with two more people along you.
The three of you are cuddling, one above of each other. Jeno still has his cock inside of you, and yours is still inside of Jaemin. "...Fuck, it felt so good~", you say, heavily breathing. "Jeno~, can we fuck with y/n often? He filled me so well~", Jaemin says. "Of course, babe. Y/N is such a good boy, gaving us both his ass and his cock...", Jeno replies. You blush at his comment.
"Well~ Why don't we sleep in this position~? I mean, with y/n cock inside of me and yours inside y/n", Jaemin suggests. "You're so nasty, babe... I love it~. Well, if y/n agrees, it would be great to do that", Jeno replies. "How could I say no?", you reply.
The three of you move over the bed. All of you are bow laying on your sides, cuddling each other. Jeno cockwarms his length in your hole, while you do that inside of Jaemin. It didn't take long before you start feeling sleepy, as having Jeno's big cock inside of you and your dick being kept warm inside Jaemin's hole satisfies you so much. "Good night, boys", Jeno says. "Good night~", Jaemin and you reply in unison.
Thank you so much for reading! ❤️
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t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
cas and dean tumbling in through the porch door kissing and pressing and touching everywhere they can and cas ending up sitting back on a kitchen chair and dean straddling him and grinding down and the huffs of breath and the sunlight hanging like gold in the air and the gasps and the birdsong outside and cas has one hand tight on dean’s hip and the other in dean’s hair and they’re breathing like men drowning and dean is making soft noises into the space of cas’ throat and he hates how the thickness of the denim of his jeans makes him lose some of the sensation as he rocks and ruts on cas’ thighs but then cas groans and tugs at dean’s hair to move his head enough to bite and nip at dean’s collarbone and they’re both sweaty and they’re both loud and too impatient to take the time to undress but it’s their house. their house and their kitchen and their pretty little noises and smiles and the way they shudder together when they both finally come, dean still rocking mildly on cas’ lap, hands stroking and petting loosely at the sides of cas’ face
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thekingslover · 3 years
Dean’s at this speed-dating event only because he lost a bet to Sam. But just because the bet stipulated that he come to this event on this Friday night, did not mean he had to actively participate. He signed up. He’s here. Now, he’s going to sit in the corner of this bar and drink until this nightmare is over.
He signed his name-tag Eddie Van Halen. That has been the giveaway of his whole attitude. People would walk up, see that name, and turn around. They know he’s not serious. It’s worked well all night.
Until suddenly, it doesn’t. A man slides onto the barstool beside Dean’s and orders a beer. He’s an awkward-looking guy with messy dark hair and an ill-fitting suit under an even iller-fitting overcoat. His features are nice enough: strong jawline, eyes Sinatra blue. He grips the beer bottle with long fingers. Under that terrible overcoat, his shoulders seem pretty wide.
He looks at Dean and offers a tiny smile. “Long night?” He squints at Dean’s name-tag. “Eddie?”
Dean blinks a few times. “Eddie Van Halen,” he says.
The guy - his name-tag simply reads Cas - tilts his head ever so slightly. “I apologize. Do you go by the full name?”
“Dude. Eddie Van Halen. Van Halen?” Dean asks with increasing incredulity. This guy has to be messing with him. But when Cas just frowns, Dean has a sinking feeling that no, he might just not know. “You don’t know Van Halen? The band.”
“Oh? Are you famous?”
Dean covers his face with both hands and takes a breath. When he lowers them, Cas is looking at him with bright, curious eyes, like he’s genuinely interested. He really has no idea.
But, weirdly, Dean doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, he laughs for the first time in a long time. “Think I found the only guy in the whole world who doesn’t know...” He shook his head. “Just call me Dean.”
Cas’s smile spreads a bit wider. “Hello, Dean.” He holds out a hand. “I’m Cas.”
They spend the next hour talking. Cas has a corporate job that he hates. When he starts to explain it, Dean can’t help but space out, even as he tries hard to pay attention. Cas just laughs a little, a sound that reverberates in Dean’s chest - it might just live there forever.
When Cas asks Dean about his band, Dean has to come clean. “I’m not in Van Halen.” He motions to the name-tag. “This isn’t my real name.”
“Oh,” Cas says. He presses his lips hard together and squints - his thinking face, Dean is learning. “Why would you lie?” Before Dean can answer though, his face shifts, and his whole manner deflates. “Oh, Dean. You wanted to be left alone. I’m sorry.” He starts to stand up.
Dean, panicking, reaches out and touches his arm. “No, you’re wrong,” he says. When Cas looks back at him, Dean laments, “Well, okay - not wrong. But. I don’t mind right now.” He clears his throat. He’s not good at this stuff. “With you.”
He must have said something right, though, because Cas’s face lights up like Christmas morning. “Really?”
“Yeah, man. Just... sit back down, okay? Let’s have another round.”
Cas sits down, closer than before. Their shoulders brush. Cas places his hand on Dean’s knee as he tells a particular impassioned story about a bees. It’s not usually Dean’s kind of thing but he’s enamored anyway. He thinks maybe he could listen to Cas talk all day in that deep gravelly voice, with that passion in his eyes.
They stay at the bar even after the event ends, until it is closing-time and the waitstaff is lifting chairs onto tables, cleaning up for the night.
Dean can’t quite believe how time flew. Paying his tab, walking outside, feels a bit like coming up for air after swimming underwater. With Cas beside him, he kind of wants to drown.
They stand in the parking lot, facing each other. Cas has his hands in his pockets. Dean wants to grab him by the lapels and kiss him. But he also wants... more than that.
“You have a pen?” Dean asks.
Cas blinks at him for a second and then digs a pencil from one of his pockets.
Dean peels off his own name-tag and takes the pencil. He scribbles his number across the bottom, then presses the name-tag onto Cas’s chest. He keeps his hand there a moment longer than needed. Then two.
Cas reaches up and places his hand over Dean’s, right there over his heart.
“Will you call me?” Dean asks.
“Of course, I will, Eddie.” Cas offers another secret smile, and Dean likes having this inside joke with Cas now. He wants so many more.
“Good,” Dean says and steps closer. Cas’s secret smile stays and Dean can see it much better now. His favorite though, is when he feels it against his lips.
When Sam asks him later how it went, Dean thinks of Cas and of that kiss, and tells him, “I feel like a rock star.”
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