#but coconut taste is really not good to me not in a picky way in a My body Cant do this rn way
adamparrishdyke · 1 year
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Oh 😔
learning alot about myself rn
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What's everyone's favorite and least fruit?
FRUIT?! Fruit.
Kai: Likes citrus flavors and berries, yet has a soft spot for bananas (although no one ever told him you're not supposed to eat the peel). Dislikes tropical/more exotic fruits (which puts him at slight odds with Skylor lol)
Jay: Likes the zingy-taste of citrus fruits, like Kai, but his ultimate favorite is apples. Dislikes any fruits that look or smell weird (like durians or passionfruit)
Cole: Isn't really a fruit-guy (unless it's in a pastry), but dried cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries can hit in a pinch. Dislikes anything with strange outer textures (kiwi, durian, peaches—but nectarines are fine)
Zane: Has a taste for several types of melons, and also apricots. Doesn't actively dislike any fruit–he'll find a recipe to make them work!
Nya: Loves berries, and passionfruit. Although lately her taste for passionfruit isn't quite as strong as it used to be...
Lloyd: "Regular" fruits bore him, though he'll still eat them if he's desperate (this picky brat), but much prefers getting his hands on a dragonfruit or a starfruit. Avid mango hater, though.
Jesse: Loves plums, nectarines, and pears (not me projecting at all). Doesn't really hate any fruit, but eating too many strawberries and/or watermelon can make him feel sick, so he tends to avoid those
Antonia: Fruit-fiend, can polish off a bag in a day if it's left next to her while she works. So, grapes are her go-to. Doesn't like anything that requires effort to eat (i.e. has a peel, needs to be scooped, etc)
Harumi: Always was an apple fan, always will be (even if it makes her sad). She never could quite get behind pomegranates, though.
Olivia: Doesn't have the chance to eat much actual fruit, but can never go wrong with a strawberry banana smoothies. If it can be made into a delicious smoothie, she'll devour it. Not a fan of citrus though.
Miranda: Her grandma gets her hooked on the rarer, harder-to-obtain fruits of the Archipelago, but her absolute favorite is pineapple. Doesn't dislike pears, but for whatever reason thinks they're a 'lame fruit'
Pixal: Does not like fruit, doesn't like the texture, the juices, the way it affects her systems, the everything. Can only really stomach grapes on a good day.
Skylor: Fiend for tropical fruits—mangoes, lychees, acai, papaya, coconut, dragonfruit, loves it all, reminds her of the good times of her homeland. Doesn't dislike anything, but it takes her a while to grow accustomed to the extreme acidity of things like oranges, grapefruit, and pineapple (and comes to love those too)
Sunni: Loves tangerines, and fruits that have a refreshing aftertaste. Can't stomach coconut, though.
Harleigh: Likes blood oranges and cactus pears, though rarely gets the change to actually eat them. Hates berries, strongly dislikes their texture and aftertaste.
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evvlevie · 1 year
❤️‍🔥♥️ random things about Evie ♥️❤️‍🔥
(because why not? what if you want to get to know me?)
🍓my full name is Evangeline, and I am evil Evie on here because I liked the alliteration and I can be quite mean if I really want to
🍓my favorite color is red. But if I go to buy something and the shade of red is ugly, my next preferred color is pink.
🍓if I was a fruit I think I‘d be a peach because I like peaches and they are fuzzy which is kind of unique
🍓I love everything with hearts on it or shaped in a heart or just generally hearts. I wipe my ass with toilet paper that has hearts on it I am not even kidding.
🍓because of my obsession with hearts, my favorite holiday is Valentinesday. Yes it’s a commercialization of love, but every holiday is commercializing SOMETHING and a day to show your loved ones that you appreciate them is not a bad thing plus everything is pink and heart shaped and I can only thrive in that loving environment
🍓if I was nut I’d be a coconut
🍓my most favorite TV-show is >>how I met your mother<< when I want to watch something to feel good. But other than that I believe >>Stranger Things<< and >>YOU<< are pure artwork.
🍓I love Christopher Nolan movies. They are cinematic gold and always leave you still thinking about the movie and his movies always spawn great Fan theories which makes his artwork stick with you even after you have finished watching it and that’s what true art is about in my opinion. Therefore my favorite movie is >>Inception<<.
🍓I have a red tattoo on my wrist, and it’s the word „you“ which symbolizes the way people create artwork around other people and how you can devote yourself to someone else which as a concept in itself seems to beautiful to me that we as humans are able to feel so deeply for others, that we make art out of our devotion.
🍓I sneeze when I eat chocolate and I am not even kidding.
🍓I love Office supplies. If you put me into a shop full of pens and notebooks I would spend an entire day there and not notice the sky falling or a tsunami hitting my city, I am just such a Virgo it hurts.
🍓I have been DREAMING of buying a MINI Cooper S Countryman in a brownish color and as soon as I have my driver’s license that’s what I will be manifesting for myself 😩
🍓I love ripndip clothing because it’s so colorful and creative.
🍓I am neither a dog or a cat person I am allergic to both and I like both. Used to be more on the dog side but learned to love cats too and now it’s equal love for both
🍓I love Dr Pepper
🍓my favorite animals are hippos
🍓my favorite music is the nbhd, the arctic monkeys, Chase Atlantic, The Weeknd, Lana del Rey and Blackbear and Billie Eilish
🍓I own 6 pairs of converse chucks because that is my favorite shoe and my most favorite pair are my cdg-play ones because they have a heart on their sides.
🍓I hate avocados so much and you can not change my mind. Honestly. I have tried that stupid fruit far too many times in order for anyone to tell me that this tasteless green slob is amazing and a game changer. If I have to slap on 17 spices in order for that thing to even taste like ANYTHING and that anything only being the spices, then I am wasting my time, money and water in order to grow that useless ass fruit and just straight up eat a spoon full of seasoning and call it a day.
🍓I am a passionate hater
🍓and a really picky eater. I eat like a three year old at my 19 years of age. And I am not ashamed of it. I have a BIG problem with textures, and trusting food, so if any picky eater is reading this: don’t let anybody make you feel bad for disliking certain textures or having struggles with eating or food in general. Your feelings are valid and I don‘t want to hear from ANYONE that they are forcing down food because people around them think that it’s „childish“ not to like certain things. ONLY EVER EAT THE THINGS YOU WANT TO EAT. I fully understand anyone who struggles with eating and picky eaters are never picky by choice. None of us wake up and decide they want to be a problem today.
🍓I only wear silver jewelry
🍓my dream wedding would be a trashy Elvis-Impersonator-Wedding in Vegas because I believe that if someone truly loves you, they would marry you on the spot in a split decision and not think about it for 6 months first before they ask you and give themselves 1 year + time to think about if they are really making the right decision. You may disagree but that’s my perspective on things and romance <3
🍓I have a label maker and I am deeply attached to it (I am a Virgo remember)
So this is me. I thought you might like to know your favorite shifting blogger a little better, and now you might have a more clear picture on who is sitting behind all of these posts 😽😼
Yours in every reality
Evie ❤️‍🔥
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fawnatrix · 1 year
For the weirdly specific questions meme:
rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
your boba/tea order?
how’s your spice tolerance?
Thanks for the ask!!!
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning A: Freezing is #1 and I say this as a Canadian so I have a bit of bias, but it's in first because (and I'm not a doctor so I could be wrong, do not take my word for this) after the initial coldness sets in, you get really warm, almost hot (<- hypothermia tricking your brain) and by the time you actually freeze you'll probably be unconscious. The only downside is that this is probably the most drawn out way to die. #2 is drowning, and it's only in second because I imagine the utter panic and feeling your lungs fill with water cannot be fun, but once you get past that part it seems like it would be a more peaceful way to die. #3 is burning- there is no redeeming quality to burning. It's painful and awful and you can feel your flesh cooking and skin bubbling it's objectively the worst one.
18. your boba/tea order? A: There's this little sushi/boba place in a mall near me that I go to whenever I shop there, and they have all sorts of flavours!! I like their banana flavour (<- banana-flavour enjoyer) and I'm not really picky about what kind of boba I get, as long as it's not tapioca (do not enjoy the texture or taste). But I was at a fair with friends one time and we got taro tea with coconut jelly and it was amazing I'll never forget taro with coconut jelly boba tea, my absolute beloved <333.
26. how's your spice tolerance? A: Pretty good ^-^ I really like spicy things but a lot of times I feel like I overestimate my tolerance for them ehehe.
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anisurrahmanblog · 7 months
Keto Matcha Blue Reviews - Unveiling the Power of a Green Tea Superfood
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Visit Here More Details
The Rise of Keto Matcha Blue Keto Matcha Blue is taking the health and wellness world by storm, and for good reason.
This unique blend of green tea, MCT oil, and other natural ingredients is creating a buzz in the ketogenic community.
In this article, we'll explore what Keto Matcha Blue is, its potential benefits, and what real users have to say in their reviews.
Understanding Keto Matcha Blue
Keto Matcha Blue is a keto-friendly drink mix that combines the benefits of matcha green tea and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil. Let's delve into the specifics:
What Is Matcha Green Tea?
Matcha green tea is a finely ground powder made from specially grown and processed green tea leaves. It's known for its vibrant green color and rich, earthy flavor.
Matcha is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making it a powerhouse of nutrition.
The Power of MCT Oil
MCT oil is a type of fat found in certain oils, like coconut oil. It's easily digested and converted into energy, making it a popular choice for those following a ketogenic diet.
MCT oil can boost energy levels, support mental clarity, and even aid in weight management.
Benefits of Keto Matcha Blue
The combination of matcha green tea and MCT oil in Keto Matcha Blue offers several potential benefits:
Enhanced Mental Clarity
The unique blend of MCT oil and matcha green tea can help improve mental clarity and focus. Users have reported increased alertness and concentration.
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Sustained Energy
Keto Matcha Blue provides a steady source of energy, making it an excellent choice for those on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. It can help combat the energy dips often associated with carb restriction.
Antioxidant Power
Matcha green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body from oxidative stress and support overall health.
Weight Management
The combination of MCT oil and matcha may aid in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness and supporting fat metabolism.
Delicious Taste
Many users praise the delicious taste of Keto Matcha Blue, making it an enjoyable way to reap the benefits of matcha and MCT oil.
Real User Reviews
Let's take a look at what people who have tried Keto Matcha Blue have to say about their experiences:
Q1: Does Keto Matcha Blue really boost energy levels?
"Absolutely! I was pleasantly surprised by the sustained energy I felt after incorporating Keto Matcha Blue into my daily routine. It helped me power through my workouts and stay focused at work."
Q2: What's the taste like?
"I'm a picky eater, but I love the taste of Keto Matcha Blue. It has a natural, slightly sweet flavor that's incredibly enjoyable."
Q3: Can it be a part of my ketogenic diet?
"Yes, Keto Matcha Blue is keto-friendly. It's a great way to get MCT oil into your diet, which can be tricky on keto. It helped me maintain ketosis while enjoying a delicious beverage."
Q4: Does it aid in weight loss?
"I can't say it's a magic weight loss solution, but it did help me feel full and satisfied. It was a helpful addition to my weight loss journey."
Q5: Is it suitable for intermittent fasting?
"Absolutely. I've used Keto Matcha Blue during intermittent fasting, and it helped curb my hunger while providing an energy boost without breaking my fast."
Q6: Any side effects to be aware of?
"I experienced no side effects, but it's essential to start with a small serving to see how your body reacts, especially if you're new to MCT oil."
Q7: How often should I drink it?
"I found it most effective when consumed in the morning for a clean energy kickstart, but you can adjust your intake to suit your preferences and needs."
Q8: Can I mix it with other beverages?
"Yes, you can mix Keto Matcha Blue with water, almond milk, or other keto-friendly liquids. It's versatile and blends well."
Q9: Is it suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
"Yes, Keto Matcha Blue is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, as it contains no animal products."
Q10: Where can I purchase Keto Matcha Blue?
"You can find Keto Matcha Blue on the official website or from select retailers. Be cautious of counterfeit products and ensure you're buying from a trusted source."
Keto Matcha Blue offers a unique combination of matcha green tea and MCT oil, which can potentially boost energy levels, support mental clarity, and aid in weight management.
Real users have shared positive reviews about its taste and effectiveness. If you're considering adding a keto-friendly superfood to your routine, Keto Matcha Blue may be worth exploring.
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emetkoto · 2 years
a heem heem... whimper (🤥😭☕️ annnd 🍰 for eme and k'oto?)
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
K'oto is usually a pretty open person so when he does have to lie he's kind of. pathetic! He has a really hard time controlling his like. ody language? His ears drooping or tail swishing and stuff like that..he be like "no" but his tail is wagging and his ears wiggling like who do you think youre fooling idiot!! its a miracle nobody figured out he was in love with emet selch sooner literally if they had just asked his body wouldve told the truth, kind of an oversight on their part. except yshtola she did ask but its not like she even needed to see to be able to tell smh
Eme is a little better if only bc her ears don't emote and her tail is too short to give any sort of tell unless you're looking right at it but she is kind of awkward and not good at making eye contact when she's lying so it's still pretty easy to tell, literally that scene from cloudy with a chance of meatballs where the dad is like "look me in the eyes and tell me that again" and the guy just fucking cant thats her
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
K'oto has cried very few times in the story I can count it on my hands probably. Haurchefant. Estinien waking up at the end of HW. Probably once or twice during SB bc going home to doma and seeing the absolute state of everything was a nightmare. DYING GASP. Elpis. Having his memories restored by Hydealyn. Ultima Thule Estinien and G'raha. The Big One. so I'd say he's not much for crying unless it comes to like. extreme tragedy and things happening to the people he loves </3
Eme is. a pretty average crier I'd say? whatever that means honestly i know i said it but hgsjsd....she tends to cry when she's frustrated and will also tear up at cute/sweet things <3 she is very weak to romance stuff so whenever Urianger whips out some big show of affection she is absolutely going to be bringing the waterworks :)
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
K'oto is not big on hot drinks at all...he may partake in hot tea if offered as a polite thing but he wont go out of his way to get it and coffee is just out of the question no matter how its made he can't stand it, it makes him feel sick and jumpy! He's a big fan of fruit juices and such, esp the tropical type stuff they have out in costa del sol
Eme loves hot tea! Esp more flowery tasting ones :) She's from Thavnair so she's had all kinds of fancy and exotic blends, it was a big bonding point for her and Urianger early on bc they would just make each other their favorite types of tea and enjoy it together <3 She is more into coffee than K'oto but its still not her favorite, she just isn't a fan really
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
K'oto likes angel food cake, usually with pineapple or coconut <3 he does not like chocolate cake at all and people give him so much hell about it as they damn well should, get his ass!!! he honestly cant eat a cake without some kind of fruit on it either, nerd
Eme likes all cake except for carrot cake and go ahead. tell her she should like it because shes a rabbit. youll get those big strong legs directly to the face <3 she is kinda picky about icing, she prefers lighter softer tasting stuff like whipped over the thicker super sweet stuff like buttercream
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hotpinkhoshi · 4 years
kiss it better | three
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pairing: mark tuan x reader
genre: angst, smut, brother’s best friend au (sort of)
warnings: age gap (nine years), cursing, explicit sex, slow burn
summary: you were off limits for more reasons than mark could count. but everything changed for him the day you walked into his tattoo shop with those big innocent eyes and a laugh like his favorite song. he couldn’t. he wouldn’t. and yet…
a/n: hi everyone! thank you for being so patient with me for this chapter! if you follow me i’ve mentioned a few times that i’m struggling with writer’s block these days, but i’m pushing through it. i hope you guys like this chapter and if you have any questions or feelings pls don’t hesitate to let me know! 
✩ index here ✩
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In his thirty years and some odd months of life, Mark had learned one unquestionable thing about himself.
He liked to be alone - in all senses of the word. 
In his experience, nothing good could come from allowing anyone past your emotional walls. If he was alone, he was safe. No one could hurt him without his permission. But he’d be lying if he said that having you around wasn’t like a sliver of sunshine peeking over those walls he’d built brick by brick. 
Milo loved you, and another thing he’d learned in all of his wise years was that if his dog liked you, then you were alright. The moment you walked through the door that first morning, Milo had been at your heels, sniffing and licking your shins affectionately. So, one point in your favor.
Mark slept in most mornings since he wasn’t needed at the shop until eleven, so by the time he woke up you’d been up for hours. You took it upon yourself to clean, organize, and revive the dullness of Mark’s apartment. Another point for you. 
You spent most evenings at the dingy diner you worked at until nearly midnight. When you came home, Mark’s usual spot was on the couch, with Milo on his chest and a de-stressing round of Overwatch on the TV. 
For the first few nights, you all but scurried past him to the bedroom to quickly change for bed and then he didn’t see you at all for the rest of the night. He could tell you were doing everything you could to practically be invisible - so different from the fiery girl that had rolled her eyes at him and called him an old man. 
“Y/N,” he called to you the next night when you arrived home from work. He caught you just before you went down the hallway. 
“Yeah?” you said meekly, turning on your heels to face him. 
Mark sat up further, arms holding Milo on his lap. Even your body language seemed like you wanted to disappear. Your arms were behind your back as you stood straight, hands clasped like a servant. 
“You know you don’t have to hide, right? You live here. You can watch TV or have a friend over, or whatever you want.” 
He could see the hesitation in your eyes, like you didn’t quite believe him. He just wanted you to feel at home; something unfortunate had clearly happened before you moved to Seoul. It wasn’t his place to pry or ask questions, but he wanted you to feel comfortable. 
“I… it’s okay, really.” You chewed at your lip, eyes on the floor. 
Mark sighed. “Y/N, just come sit and watch TV with me. No excuses.”
“I should really-”
Milo barked, high pitched and sudden. He was looking at you expectantly as if he was also joining in on the debate. 
“See?” Mark asked. “Milo wants you to hang out with us.”
Mark watched as your features softened bit by bit until you caved. “Okay. I just need to go shower and change, though.” You tugged at your plain black polo that you were forced to wear for work, a little baggy around your figure which made him wonder if the shirt was too big or if you’d lost weight. 
It wasn’t his business, not really, but he still felt this pull to you, towards taking care of you like your parents had done for him. They had saved his life and he’d always been so sure he would never be able to repay them - until now. 
Half an hour later, Mark looked up to find you coming out of your room, no longer in your stuffy uniform but in something more comfortable. Quite comfortable. A pair of shorts and a tank top that was loose on your shoulders, revealing your collarbone and smooth shoulders still glistening from your shower. 
“Hey, can you look at this?” you asked as you sat down next to him on the couch, angling your body so that he could see your tattoo. You slid the strap off your shoulder and pulled your damp hair to the side, revealing the intricate purple flower to him. 
Mark found his throat going a bit dry for some reason, seeing your bare skin like this, smelling the scent of your coconut shampoo. In his defense, it had been a long time since he’d seen this much skin in the flesh outside of the tattoo shop - female skin, to be specific. It was a shock to his system, that’s all. 
“It really itches. Is that normal? I can’t get a good look at it,” you told him, tucking your chin over your shoulder to look back at him. “I’ve been good with the ointment, I swear.”
Staring down at his own design, Mark brought a tentative hand up to your shoulder, tracing his index finger over the lines he’d created. It hadn’t healed completely yet, and it was beginning to shed the top layer, so he could still feel the ridges under the pad of his finger. 
“The itching is normal,” he said, after clearing his throat. “As the tissue heals, it’s trying to repair itself and prevent infection. So that causes itching, kind of like when you get a scab. If it continues for a few more days or starts to hurt, just tell me. It looks like it’s healing well, though.”
You nodded. Mark noticed you didn’t turn away yet, not until his eyes flicked up to meet yours. He had never been this close to you. Had you always had that freckle above your lip? And he’d never noticed the little scar above your eyebrow either, just a little nick that was probably from a tumble you’d taken as a child. 
And he realized with a start that you had been a child not so long ago. It may have been ten years ago, but he still vividly remembered your gangly limbs and braces from when you were twelve. You were Taehyung’s kid sister, and there was no good reason for him to be tracing over your shoulder and going dizzy from the smell of your shampoo. 
Milo saved the day, wedging himself between your bodies until he settled upon your lap, curling into a tiny fur ball. Mark laughed, grateful for the break in the tension. You giggled and sat back against the couch, cradling Milo in your arms. 
“So, what are we watching?”
— — —
And thus began a new routine. 
In the morning, you still woke up earlier than he did. You still made breakfast, except now you waited until just before Mark woke up so that he could start his day with the scent of eggs and bacon as it sizzled in the frying pan. And instead of leaving it on a plate to warm in the oven, you actually sat with him to eat. 
He learned a lot about you. There were still many blanks and question marks but slowly, you revealed little bits of yourself that almost made him feel like he knew you. Not kid you, real you. The woman you’d grown to be in the last several years. 
You were timid, as a whole, but he could see that part of you was slowly beginning to melt away. Once you warmed up to him, he found that you actually had a lot to say. 
Mostly about the food he ate. 
“Mark, that is not a lunch.”
You stood with your hands on your hips, watching with a frown as he grabbed a granola bar out of the pantry and tucked it under his arm along with the flimsy sandwich that he’d thrown together. He wasn’t picky, he just had simple tastes. When you grew up lucky to get two meals in your belly in a day, it made you realize food was just something to keep your body moving. 
“Huh? This is fine. It has nuts in it,” he told you, holding up the granola bar. “Nuts are healthy.”
By the way your lips pursed together, he could tell that you weren’t appeased by that. “At least take an apple with you, they’re fresh.”
Mark humored you at least, grabbing an apple before he was on his way. As he was grabbing his wallet and keys, he had to press his lips together to hide the half smile fighting its way onto his lips. 
— — —
You tried not to think about it. Really, you did. 
It was your day off, so after Mark left, you tackled your first load of laundry since moving in. It had been piling up ever since you were staying in the hostel, where half the laundry machines were almost always taken and the other half were out of order. 
Once you had thrown your clothes into the washer, you tidied up your room. It was a small room, one you suspected was actually meant for a child when the apartment was built - but it was enough for you. More than enough. 
It didn’t take long for you to clean up the room, putting away any clothes you hadn’t folded and put into your drawers just yet. It was silent in the apartment, leaving you only with your thoughts. 
You wondered what Mark was doing. It was nearing noon by now, and he’d mentioned he had two back to back appointments. It didn’t leave him with much time for a meal… not that he’d brought one with him, anyway. 
It wasn’t like you were doing anything. It wouldn’t hurt to throw something together for him quick, and run it down to the shop, would it? Honestly, it was the least you could do. He was allowing you to live in his apartment, rent free, not asking for a single thing in return. 
You found yourself in the kitchen, rifling through the cabinets to see what exactly he had on hand. Not much, you realized. From what you could tell, he lived mostly on take out and the occasional instant meal. Luckily, you found some vegetable broth and enough spices to scrounge together a stew. You’d bought some short ribs the other night, planning on making something delicious over the weekend as a thank you to Mark. 
You’d always loved cooking. Ever since you were a child, it was the one thing you could share with your mother. She wasn’t a cold woman, but she wasn’t one for many words. You never laid your head on her lap and confessed your worries while she played with your hair, or cried in her arms when you were upset. Instead, you cooked. 
If you came home from school, eyes wet with tears, your mother wouldn’t say a word - she would simply fire up the stove and list the ingredients for you to gather from the refrigerator. The only sound while you cooked besides that of the sizzling pans and bubbling broth was the humming - a soft, wordless tune that even now, you could hear in the back of your mind. 
You moved quickly, more confident in your steps than you had been in months. For just a moment, it felt like you were home again. 
— — —
Clutching the paper bag in your hands, you looked up when you heard the ‘ding’ of the bell above your head, signaling your entrance into the tattoo shop. It was noticeably more lively than it had been during your first visit - three young boys were sitting on the couch, flipping through a binder of tattoo designs and exclaiming over each one. 
In the back, you could hear the metallic buzz of a tattoo gun. Dahyun was at the counter with another customer, a girl your age deciding between several types of facial piercings. The former looked up as you entered, offering you a smile when she recognized you. 
“Ah, Y/N!” 
You returned her smile and gave a polite nod. “Hello,” you replied, unable to help but glance around, looking for Mark. It was as if he sensed your presence - no less than five seconds later, he was emerging from one of the rooms down the hallway and coming towards you. 
“Y/N?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed. 
Mark ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it out of his face. He was in the same outfit you’d seen him in earlier, a black top and jeans with a blue flannel. Except now he’d taken the flannel off, revealing the toned, tattooed skin of his biceps underneath. 
You tore your eyes away from his muscular arms and stared up at him, swallowing the dryness from your mouth. “Hi.” 
“What’s that?” he asked, jutting his chin towards the bag in your hand. 
You had to glance down to remember what you’d brought with you. Sticking your arms out towards him, you pressed the bag into Mark’s chest. 
“Food,” you answered simply.
Mark rolled his eyes, though you noticed the smile tugging at his lips. “Ah, you really didn’t have to. I told you, I’m alright.” 
You huffed. “It’s real food, not granola or whatever greasy meal you were planning on ordering. Short rib soup. And rice.” 
Mark took the bag, unfolding the top to investigate its contents. He blinked a few times before looking up at you, an unfamiliar expression on his face. Almost like he was touched, but you couldn’t quite understand why. It was just food. 
“I was going to make it anyway, this weekend-” you started. 
“Thank you,” Mark told you, voice surprisingly sincere. It made you feel as if there was something in between the lines, something you couldn’t put your finger on. “Is it… your mom’s recipe?” 
He asked the question slowly, carefully. Mark was a smart man, you knew he’d picked up on the tension between yourself and your family, yet he never pushed. He avoided the topic, and never pried when you mentioned them off hand. 
You swallowed thickly, then nodded. “Yeah.” 
Mark’s face softened as he looked at you. Just as he took a step closer, Dahyun’s voice broke the bubble that had apparently been surrounding the two of you for the last few minutes. 
“Hey, what are you doing tonight?” 
Dahyun was looking between the two of you with a very interested stare, a knowing smirk on her lips as she ignored the customer she’d been helping. 
“Nothing, why?” you asked, a bit hesitant. You were off work, and Yerin was pulling an extra shift at the restaurant tonight. She was your only friend, so it left your night wide open. 
“Well,” Dahyun said, leaning her chin upon her hand. “We were going to go bowling tonight with a couple of other people, and we need an even number. If you came, it’d be perfect. Yugyeom’s girlfriend bailed, something lame about a massive nursing exam tomorrow.” 
Mark sighed. “You really don’t have to - it’s fine.” 
“I’m really bad at bowling…” you said, already preparing your polite rejection. 
“So is everyone else,” Dahyun replied. “I mean, Mark’s good. And Jackson pretends he is. But mostly we just get drunk and make fun of ourselves.” 
Your instincts were telling you to say no. Your social circle, even at home, had been very small. Large group settings weren’t your thing, especially with strangers. But you’d decided as soon as you moved to the city that you would try every new thing you could. 
“You should come,” Mark offered. When you looked at him, he was chewing at his lip, but he offered you an encouraging smile nonetheless. “If only for the entertainment of watching Jackson lose his mind every time he bowls a gutter ball.” 
This was what you’d come here for. You’d left your life behind, everything you knew, so that you could live. You couldn’t do that if you refused to step outside of your comfort zone any time an opportunity presented itself. 
Besides, if you could get a tattoo, surely you could handle a little drunk bowling. 
“Okay,” you finally agreed. “I’ll be there.” 
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a-bit-of-owlish-fun · 4 years
Quarantine Shopping and Meal Planning
So I asked about this over on @steve-rogers-new-york​ and there was a positive response, so here we go. Date: 15 March 2020
Before I start, let me be clear that I am not a professional, just someone who deals with stress by planning, and who has some experience with emergency preparedness having lived in New Zealand during the more recent large earthquakes. Feel free to correct me or make positive additions. For clarity, I am currently in Ontario Canada, and cooking for one person, but have made allowances to feed my unprepared housemate in a pinch.
Priorities with this Pandemic Planning
Unlike some other emergency preparedness priorities, power, water, and phone do not appear to be issues. So you have greater flexibility with what you can make and keep. Your priority should be having a comfortable amount of food on hand in case you cannot leave the house. Don’t go nuts, don’t overbuy, and don’t buy thoughtlessly.
Planning What to Get and Make
When thinking about what to buy and what to make, you want to consider a few things:
How many meals do you need to make? That is, how many people are you feeding and for how long? Calculate the number of meals you need in total and make sure you have enough meals planned to cover those. Obviously, if you can prepare for more than that is good, but don’t go too nuts.
How many portions can a recipe make? You don’t want to be making single-serve meals. It’s inefficient and short-sighted. So pick recipes that make large quantities, that can be portioned up in containers to be chilled or frozen.
Am I being efficient with my ingredients? Are the quantities listed in regularly used recipes the most practical for your current ingredient availability? For example, if you’re making a stew with beef, but beef is in short supply, half the amount the recipe asks for, and then bulk up on potatoes, carrots, zucchini, etc.
What ingredients will last best? Don’t JUST get non-perishables! That just sounds miserable. I’ve had no issue so far getting fruit and vegetables, and if you’re smart with your choices and storage fresh foods can be good choices. This when picking items how long they will hold in your fridge or if they’re freezable.
Don’t forget about breakfast and Lunch!
If money is tight and buying ahead is challenging. Think laterally. Make use of dollar stores like Dollarama, Dollar Tree, or whatever your local variant is. They will often have a great range of shelf-stable foods like pasta, rice, canned goods, and other ingredients at really low prices. And from my experience so far, they seem to have passed the attention of many shoppers and are still in good stock-levels. Start there first, hit multiple ones to get a good variety, then shop at supermarkets for whatever you cannot get there. The quality is good, sometimes brand-names, and they can be far superior than supermarket prices.
Do you have a large stockpot, fry pan, and deep baking dish to make these large meals? If not, see about getting them. Large lasagne pans and other kitchen items can be found cheap at many dollar stores.
Don’t have a car? Me neither. Grab a backpack and some good re-usable bags and make multiple trips for heavier items like cans. Also, consider grocery delivery services. They can be hit and miss right now, as it’s harder to adapt to products being unavailable. This being said, they can be a good way to get bulk, heavier items to your house. Also, consider asking friends or family to get you items when they go and drop them off to you.
What Foods Hold Well and Go Far
Non-Perishables that can extend meals
Pasta and Noodles — Pasta is a great item for entending a meal. Be it soups, stir-fry, oven-bake, or just able anything, you can either cook-in, mix-in, or have as a plain side. They bulk up a meal and make it go further.
Rice  — Same as above.
Lentils and Other Legumes — Lentils are great for bulking up and extending soups and stews. Also consider chickpeas, beans, and other legumes.
Potatoes — Potatoes are great! The can be a great base, addition, or side to many many meals. While these will not last indefinitely, if you keep them cool and dark then they will last quite some time.
Non-Perishable Ingredients and Flavouring
Canned Vegetables — Don’t be picky. Yes, get fresh veggies where you can, but also suck it up and get some canned goods as a back-up. Carrots, peas, beans, tomatoes, all that. They’re good, they taste fine, and go well in so many recipes.
Canned Fruit — Many fruits have a shorter shelf-life, so consider some canned alternatives.
Herbs and Spices — Make sure you have a nice spread of these. It’s easy to grab the base ingredients for food, but if you don’t have something to flavour those meals with, you’ll have a miserable time.
Sauces — Same as above.
Canned Tomatoes and Tomato Paste — Yes, I’m listing this separately because of their versatility. With canned tomatoes, you can make soups, spaghetti, lasagne, chilli, curry...so damn much. So grab a good stock of these.
Eggs — Eggs are so damn versatile. Get eggs. When kept in the fridge they keep for a good long time.
Vegetables — Think smart. Get items you know last well in your fridge, and avoid items you usually have to throw-out or use-up within a week or two.
Fruit — Same.
Breads — Same. Also, consider freezing loaves if you have the space to do so. It tastes just as good as fresh, honest.
If you have the capacity to get things frozen or to freeze them. Do it. Frozen peas, corn, stir-fry veggies, meats...they last well and taste good.
My Grocery List
This is what I have been buying myself. Not all at once but in multiple trips over the last couple of weeks.
Top-up herbs and spices: ground cumin, garam masala, oregano, basil.
Spaghetti pasta
Spiral pasta
Lasagne pasta sheets
Large bag of rice
Canned tomatoes (4 large cans)
Tomato paste
Canned asparagus
Canned coconut milk (2 cans)
Potatoes (6 large)
Eggs (12pc)
Zucchinis (3)
Carrots (large bag)
Lemons (2)
Limes (2)
Bag of spinach
Bell pepper (1)
Crescent Rolls
1kg minced beef
750g stewing beef
Box stuffed chicken breasts (I love ham and cheese and a good addition to any meal)
500g lamb (for curries)
500g stir-fry beef
ONE pack of toilet paper. Seriously. Just get what you personally need.
A couple of small packs of cheap toilet paper from the dollar store.
Pack paper towels
Any cooking materials like tin-foil, parchment paper, that I use regularly.
3-pack tissues (I have killer allergies so I’ll always need them)
Plastic containers for portioning meals in the fridge or freezer.
Meals I have Planned
These aren’t full recipes, but rather a list of ingredients and volumes for grocery references. I might write-up full recipes later if people are interested. 
This is my fav vegetarian lasagne that also have minced meat. It makes around 6-8 servings (depending on home much you eat and size of baking dish).
Lasagne sheets (dried) or just those baby lasagne pasta if you like them better. 4 cups Milk 250g Cheese Butter Flour Nutmeg Chicken stock 3 Large Carrots 3 Large Zucchini Large bag of fresh spinach leaves 400g Canned Tomatoes Fresh/Jarred Garlic 500g minced beef Light Herbs (oregano, basil, etc to taste, but not too much)
Vegetable Stew
Technically a soup, but I never blend it and just eat it as is. Makes 3-4 servings alone and 5-8 servings when served with cooked rice.
2 cups dried lentils (soaked overnight) 1 Large Can Tomatoes (not pre-herbed, just used plain) 2 cups Chicken or Vegetable Stock 2 Large Carrots cubed 2 Large Zucchinis (quartered then cubed) Fresh/Jarred Garlic 1 Tbsp Cumin 1 tsp Ground Coriander Fresh Coriander (lots) Fresh ground peppercorn
Beef Stew
500g Stewing Beef 3 Large Potatoes cubed 3 Large Carrots cubed 1-2 cups Frozen Peas Fresh/Jarred Garlic 2-3 Tbsp Flour Fresh ground peppercorn 1 Large Onion 3-4 cup Beef Stock 3 Tbsp Tomato Paste Rosemary 2 Tbsp Cornstarch
D.’s Curry
This is just and random mash-up curry I make. It can be cooked with or without lamb and both taste great. It is not spicy. Makes 2-3 servings
2 Large Onions (one minces with spaces, one sliced) Fresh/Jarred Garlic Fresh/Jarred Ginger Ground Cumin Ground Coriander Ground Cardamon Whole Cardamon Seeds Whole Cumin Seeds Garam Masala 300ml Uncooked Rice (then cook it, obviously)
Closing thoughts
Once you have these items, don’t use them. Carry on like normal and don't use these items unless you need them. Now I have my meals planned, I am back to making normal meals with what I can get. Always have that TWO WEEK buffer on hand at all times.
Purchase your groceries gradually. Don’t buy out in one go, be considerate. Take only what you need.
Visit multiple locations, sell-outs are not the same everywhere and while one supermarket may be sold out of something, another may still have a fresh stock.
More stocks WILL come. So if you cannot find something, make alternate plans, find a substitute, and return every now and then to check stocks. Supermarkets are constantly restocking as they can.
Be kind to customer service workers. They are just trying to get through this like you are. They are not paid well, have no control over their employers' stocks or decisions. They have the same stress you do and you being an asshole is just causing them MORE stress they do not deserve. Be. Kind. Be. Understanding.
Support others. Friends, family, neighbours, co-workers. We do this together.
DON’T STRESS OUT! Be prepared. Be aware. But don’t become overwhelmed, it will all be FINE. We just have to adapt and ride it out <3
I hope this was helpful. Have further suggestions or any corrections, please do let me know, I’m always happy to correct myself. If you have any questions feel free to comment and message me. And if you want those full recipes likewise let me know!
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abouldersbxtch · 3 years
A Flower With Thorns
Beep. Beep. Beep. The alarm set for seven in the morning went off on her phone that was resting on the open space on her bed beside her. She slowly sat up while grabbing her phone, turning the alarm off. Lifting her hands to her face after dropping her phone back onto the bed, she rubbed her tired eyes as she swung her legs over the side of her bed and got to her feet. Tiredly the raven haired woman made her way to the bathroom connected to her bedroom, pulling her clothes off as she went and dropping them onto her bedroom floor to pick up later. She made her way to the shower and pulled the sliding glass door open, turned the knob so that the water would be warm once it was ready and then walked over to the sink. While waiting for the water to warm up, Sirena stood at the sink and grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste that smelled like Spearmint. She took the lid off the toothpaste and squeezed some onto the bristles of the brush before lifting it to her mouth and brushing her teeth. Once she was done, she made her way into the shower, sighing softly at how nice the hot water felt against her skin. The soap she used to lather her skin smelled like coconuts while the shampoo and conditioner she used on her hair smelled like lilacs and rosemary. Once everything was rinsed off when she was done, she turned the water off, got out and grabbed the soft light blue towel that hung on a hook on the back of the bathroom door. After wrapping the towel around her body, she got to work on braiding her long black hair into a fishtail braid. Hair done and body dry by the time she finished, she threw on a pink and white spaghetti strap summer dress that went down just a little above her knees, slipped on a pair of white flats, pulled on a light pink cardigan and she was ready for the day. After picking up the clothes she had slept in that were laying on the floor and tossing them into the hamper, she walked back to her bed and grabbed her phone before leaving her room. Sirena made her way straight to her front door, only stopping to grab her purse along the way. After tossing her phone carelessly into her purse, she hung the strap on her shoulder as she pulled open the door and then walked out. She made sure to lock her door behind her before she started making her way through the apartment building to the bottom floor so she could leave.
Sirena made her way through the building after leaving her apartment and walked through the doors on the first floor. The brisk morning air made her glad she had brought her cardigan but slightly regretted her choice in wearing a dress and not something that would keep her legs warm. Walking out onto the sidewalk, she turned and started to make her way to the café down the street that she went to every morning on her way to work. She pushed the door open and looked towards the barista standing behind the register and he greeted her with a bright smile like always. “Sirena! I-I mean, good morning Sirena. I’ve got your tea ready for you. Two honey packets, just like you like it.” Sirena smiled as she walked over to the counter, approaching the flustered young man who did a terrible job at hiding his little crush on her every day she went there. Surprisingly it wasn’t as busy as it normally was in the mornings, but she definitely wasn’t going to complain about that fact. “Thank you so much Tsuki. You’re such a life saver. I don’t know what I’d do without you every morning.” The young man behind the counter handed the tea over to her with a bashful smile. “O-Oh it’s nothing, really. I’m just h-happy to be here and provide you w-with your morning drink.” Sirena reached over as she arrived at the counter and took the warm cup of tea from him, making sure that her fingers grazed his ever so lightly. “H-Have a good day at work S-Sirena.” Tsuki blushed brightly as Sirena batted her long lashes at him flirtatiously and turned to start leaving, waving her fingers at him with her free hand as she went. “You too Tsuki.” Sirena couldn’t help but grin to herself as she walked out of the café and continued on her way down the street. He was so easy to fluster and it took little effort to flirt with him to the point where she never had to pay for her drinks. She hadn’t bought a tea from that café in almost five months and the last time she did was because Tsuki was out sick. She sipped her tea as she walked, smiling and enjoying the way the warm liquid felt going down her throat and the warmth it spread through her chest in the cold morning air. After crossing the street a few times and making the appropriate turns, she started to near the flower shop she worked at. As she arrived, she used her free hand and pushed the door open, sighing in relief when she felt the warmth of the inside of the shop. As Sirena walked inside and closed the door behind her, she glanced around, looking for the shop owner. “Mom, I’m here.” She called out as she made her way behind the counter. She set her cup of tea down on the counter before pulling off her purse and setting it in a cubby below the register. Next off of her was her cardigan that she swapped for an apron hanging on a hook behind the counter. “I’m in the back dear. Just finishing up a few orders that we got last night.” An old woman’s voice called out from the back of the store as Sirena slipped on the apron over her and then tied the straps behind her back just above her waist. Once she was ready, Sirena grabbed her tea off the counter and lifted the cup to her lips, taking a few more sips before looking over at the doorway to the back of the shop just in time to see an older woman with short grey hair walking out with a bowl of rice porridge and honey. “Here you go sweetie. Have to make sure you eat breakfast before you start work.” Sirena smiled sweetly at the woman, taking the bowl from her and sitting herself on the chair behind the register. “I thought you said you were finishing up orders from last night.” The older woman smacked Sirena’s leg on her way around the counter to make her way towards the flowers in the shop. “Hush up and eat.” Sirena rolled her eyes silently with a smile and got to work eating the breakfast Mrs. Lin had prepared for her.
After finishing the breakfast that was made for her, Sirena took the dishes into the kitchen in the back. The back of the store and the second floor were where Mrs. Lin lived, making it easier for the older woman to work and rest when she needed to. Once the dishes were cleaned and left to dry, Sirena walked back out to the front of the shop and got to work as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary happened that day. She went about her usual business as always; cleaning the shop, making the arrangements for orders that came in, and other random things that needed to be done around the shop. Towards mid-day the bell above the shop doors rung, alerting Sirena that someone had walked in. She set the watering can aside and walked over, smiling brightly when she saw the older gentleman standing at the counter looking around. “Good afternoon Mr. Subira. Are you looking for Mrs. Lin again?” The older man turned around at the sound of Sirena’s voice and he smiled bashfully while holding what was obviously a box of chocolates in his hands. “Am I really that predictable?” Sirena giggled as she approached him and gave a small shrug. “Well you do come in three times a week just to bring her sweets.” Mr. Subira chuckled and held the box of chocolates out to Sirena. “Will you give these to her for me? I don’t want to disturb her and I have to be on my way anyway. I’ve got to go get my grandson from school.” Sirena nodded and took the box from him and he started to walk towards the door. “Thank you Sirena. Have a nice day.” “You too Mr. Subira.” She waved to the older man as he finally left the store and then turned to look towards the doorway to the back. “He’s gone now. You can come out.” Mrs. Lin walked out carrying a small potted plant. “Who’s gone?” Sirena laughed and set the box on the counter while shaking her head. “You’re not sly mother. I know you were listening. He brought you some chocolates this time.” Mrs. Lin glanced over and spotted the box on the counter, but continued on her way to put the plant where it needed to go. “That’s nice. You can have them dear.” Sirena sighed and walked over to the older woman, placing a hand on her hip as she looked at her. “He’s a sweet man. Why won’t you at least give him a chance?” Mrs. Lin turned and looked at Sirena, brows raised in surprise. “First of all, you know why. I was married once and he was the only one for me. I don’t want to be with anyone else. Besides, I’m too old for all that. Second of all, I know you are not trying to tell me to give someone a chance.” Honestly, Sirena should have seen that one coming. Many times the older woman had tried to convince Sirena to give at least one of the many men who fawned over her a chance, but Sirena was very picky to say the least and she was never one to easily trust or let others get close to her. Placing her hand sup in front of her defensively, she nodded and admitted defeat. “Alright, alright. You’re right. I’m sorry mom.” She turned and walked back over to the counter and picked up the box of chocolates before taking them into the back and leaving them on the kitchen counter. Of course she had no intention on taking them with her when she left anyway, but she needed them out of the way and sneaking one of them wouldn’t hurt anyone. She quickly opened the box and plucked one from inside and popped it into her mouth. As she bit into it, she could taste the sweetness of the gooey caramel center and she made a pleased sound as she walked back out to the front of the shop to continue with the rest of the things she needed to do that day.
When it came time to close up the shop, she swept the floors and put everything in their rightful places while Mrs. Lin dealt with the register. After counting all the money and making sure everything was as it should be, Mrs. Lin pulled out a wad of money and handed it over to Sirena once she was done. That was how it had always been. Mrs. Lin always wanted to make sure that Sirena got every penny she worked hard for, so she always took it straight from the register at the end of every day and gave her her pay for the day. “Thank you for your hard work today dear.” “Of course mom. I’ll take care of locking up the shop. You go get some rest.” Sirena smiled at the woman gratefully before she took the money and put it in her purse. Mrs. Lin nodded her head with a smile and gave Sirena’s arm a gentle pat before walking through to the back of the shop, turning off all the lights in the shop as she went, leaving just one on for Sirena so she could finish up. Sirena untied the back of her apron and pulled it off, swapping it with her cardigan on the hook like she had done that morning. After pulling on her cardigan, she grabbed her things, turned off the last light and then made her way through the store one last time to make sure everything was as it should be for the next morning. Appeased with how the store looked, Sirena finally walked out of the shop and locked the front door behind her once she was outside and put the keys in her purse that hung on her shoulder. It was around 7:30 in the evening, so the sun was almost completely gone from the sky so the sky was dark and the stars were faintly visible with all the lights from the city. With a content sigh, Sirena started to head home, taking the same way that she always took. Thankfully it wasn’t as chilly as it had been in the morning, so she walked comfortably and didn’t worry about freezing her butt off on the way. As Sirena was nearing her apartment complex, she walked by an alleyway and suddenly her arm was grabbed and she was yanked roughly into the alley. She didn’t have any time to react before the man who had yanked her into the dimly lit alley, dressed in tattered jeans and a white t-shirt with a black jacket over it, was pushing her against one of the walls. He pinned her against the cold wall and lifted a large pocket knife to her throat, pressing the blade against her soft skin. “Give me everything you’ve got in your purse and don’t even think of screaming. I’d hate to have to cut such a pretty throat.” Sirena narrowed her purple eyes at him, not even a hint of fear in them as she looked up at the taller man. “Hurry up!” He commanded, but Sirena didn’t move an inch, a smirk coming to her lips.
“🎵  Hear my song Succumb to me Your mind is mine So do as I say and obey  🎵”
As soon as the man heard the words of her song, he froze in place and found himself unable to speak or move with a dazed look in his eyes. Sirena reached up and easily pushed his arm away from her, taking the knife away from him at the same time as well and pushed it closed and tucked it into her purse. “Now, now, this wasn’t the smartest move for you, was it? Maybe this will teach you not to mess with unsuspecting women again.” Using her index and middle finger, she put them against the middle of his chest and gently pushed, making him walk backwards until she decided he was a good enough distance away from her. She adjusted her cardigan that had been pulled off her shoulder slightly when he had yanked her so suddenly and once she was settled, she looked back over at him, a grin plastering itself on her lips. “So this is what you’re going to do; first you’re going to give me anything and everything you’ve stolen tonight and then you’re going to walk to the police station or the nearest hero, whichever you see first, and turn yourself in. You will not stop or talk to anyone on the way. The only person you’re going to talk to is the first police officer or hero you come across. Nod if you understand.” He nodded his head silently, the dazed look still evident in his eyes. “Good. Now do as I said.” The man started to empty his pockets, giving her the money, jewelry, and wallets that he had stolen through the evening. She took everything from him and put it all into her purse before patting his shoulder with a proud smirk on her face. “Good boy. Now be on your way.” The man started to walk away to do as she had commanded. After waiting for a few moments for him to be gone, she finally walked out from the alley and continued on her way home as if nothing had happened. The rest of her walk back home was peaceful and when she got to her apartment, she unlocked the door after fishing her keys from her now full purse and walked inside, closing and locking it behind her. Setting her purse aside, she pulled her phone from one of the pockets in her cardigan and sent a text message to Mrs. Lin letting her know that she had gotten home safely. The rest of the evening went as normal as usual. She made herself a small dinner, changed into her pajamas, watched a few episodes of a show she enjoyed watching, and did her dishes. The only different tonight was that she took her purse into her room and poured the contents onto her bed. She gathered all the loose money the man had given her, the money from all the wallets he had also given her and the money she got from Mrs. Lin and made her way over to her closet and pulled an old toolbox down from the top shelf. She opened the toolbox and pulled the inside of it out, revealing a hollow spot between the bottom of the toolbox and the part of the toolbox that actually held everything and that was where Sirena stored her money. Once all the money was stashed away, she closed it up and put it back in the closet before making her way back to the bed. She quickly put everything that was actually meant to be in her purse back inside along with the pocket knife she had taken from the man, just in case. All the jewelry and wallets were tossed into a backpack that hung in the closet so she could figure out what to do with them all later. For now, she was tired, so she made her way through her apartment and turned off all the lights before returning to her bed and climbing into it. Once she was tucked under her blankets, it didn’t take long at all for Sirena to fall asleep peacefully.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by xalikattx
What is your favorite salad dressing? I’m not really familiar with most of them as I only consume one type of salad and the recipe for that usually calls for mayo and some kind of spicy sauce. I guess that’s my favorite dressing by default.
Favorite sit-down restaurant? Yabu for days. I personally don’t think that will change for me. Mama Lou’s is also nice but its crowd can be so boujee it kills the dine-in experience for me.
Favorite pizza topping? I’m easy to please; I just like my pizzas cheesy.
What food could you eat for two weeks straight and not get sick of it? Fried chicken sandwiches.
What do you put on your toast? Butter is fine with me. I don’t really eat toast.
What food do you eat the most? I have rice in every meal.
Do you like food? Yes.
Do you LOVE food? Yesssssssssir. I have my preferences and things that I don’t like but I’m not picky for the most part, and I love being adventurous with the foods I try.
Do you even eat at all? ...What kind of question is this
What do you put on your ice cream? I never customize my ice cream. I usually consume ice cream however way it’s already served. 
Do you like steak? For sure.
Or are you a vegetarian? No.
How about a vegan? No.
What food do you hate the most? I’ve never learned how to appreciate kakanin, which is a group of a variety of sweet rice cakes that we have in Philippine cuisine. This has definitely caused my Filipino card to be revoked in the past lol, but ugh the texture is just so slimy and I hate how, even though we have so many types of kakanin, they all just taste and feel like sticky, chewed-up rice doused in sugar and coconut flakes. Korean rice cakes taste so much better.
How many TVs are in your house? We have four. Two downstairs, two upstairs.
Do they all work? I think the one in my brother’s room has stopped working but we just never get around to throwing it out because of the possibility of it getting fixed someday.
Do you have Comcast digital cable? I don’t know what that is. Probably a US thing? In that case we don’t. We used to have cable TV but my dad ceased our subscription a few months ago because no one in the family has been watching the TV for cable anymore and he got sick of paying for something that we don’t even avail of; we all stream our shows and movies on Netflix now.
AT&T Uverse? Definitely no AT&T on this side of the world, so no.
Dish Network? No.
Something else? Obviously.
Nothing? Again, it was a local cable provider but we’ve since cut off our subscription.
What's your favorite show? Of all time, Breaking Bad. Currently, it’s The Crown but I’ve been such a bad viewer at the moment; I stopped watching at some point a few months ago and haven’t gone back to Netflix since, welp.
What's the worst show? I don’t objectively know what’s the worst one out there but when it comes to my personal preferences, I’ve just never seen the appeal of shows targeted to teenagers or a younger demographic in general, like Teen Wolf, 13 Reasons Why, Riverdale, the TV adaptation of Scream, etc. Of course, this is just my own taste and I certainly don’t judge people who enjoy these shows. 
What color cell phone do you have? The official name is Space Gray but that’s too fancy so let’s just call it black.
What kind? iPhone 8.
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? So I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of my text threads and the last person on the list is Ate Frances, and she was just telling me to check my Messenger because she had sent me a question regarding an event our org was holding at the time.
What was the last text you sent and who did you send it to? Gabie. I simply said “hi.”
Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
Who was the last person you called? Gab.
Are you missing someone? Yeah but let’s not get into it.
What are you listening to? I can hear rain pouring from outside my window.
Watching? It’s mostly background noise because I’m focusing on this survey, but I have on a YouTube video playing.
Worrying about? Work. I was tasked to think of PR executions for a client over the weekend and I just really really dislike it when I’m assigned to something that forces me to brainstorm, so ugh. Wish me luck because my brain juices have been feeling weak all weekend.
Where are you? I’m in my bedroom, my favorite place to be these days.
What's it like there? Lonely, but it’s quiet and comfortable. I used to avoid my bedroom all the time everyday because it makes me depressed, but now I am depressed and prefer to stay here all the time too.
How are you feeling? A little sad but I think tonight’s one of the nights I can fake it a little more easily, which is decent enough for me.
Is anyone with you? Who? Just Kimi.
Are you hungry? I haven’t had an appetite in a while. No.
What do you want to eat? I’m not craving anything.
Thirsty? I’m good, thank you.
What do you want to drink? I might end up drinking some of the plum soju that’s been in the fridge for months tonight, even though I told myself I wasn’t interested in touching it lol.
What time is it? 6:58 PM.
Thing you ate? A tuna empanada.
Thing you drank? Pretty sure it was just water.
Thing you said? “Go, pee” It was to Kimi as I set him down on the balcony.
Movie you watched? I’m Thinking of Ending Things. Ugh, I really should watch a more light-hearted movie soon because this answer is such a depressing one and I’m tired of mentioning it.
Store you went to? What did you buy? Grocery store; dog food.
Person you talked to? My sister.
Person you hugged? I think it was Gabie.
Kissed? Also her.
Yelled at? I haven’t raised my voice in a while. I don’t remember anymore.
Book you read? Midnight Sun.
Thing you touched? Other than the keyboard, I pushed up my eyeglasses.
Person you became friends with on Facebook/Myspace/whatever other site? [continued the next day] A co-intern, Justine, added me on Facebook. I honestly don’t see the point of being Facebook friends because we’re bound to part ways and never encounter each other again after our internship...but I guess it’s nice to have friendly co-workers.
Are a righty or a lefty? Righty.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Just a decaying tooth, but otherwise no organs or anything larger.
What is the last heavy object you lifted? Does Cooper count? Little man has been getting so big over the last few weeks. He’s finally getting the growth spurt that we’ve been waiting for :’D But I don’t really do heavy lifting around the house, so.
Have any scars? Sure.
How did you get them? Any interesting stories? Most of them are scars from childhood falls, because I was the clumsiest kid in the neighborhood and tripped and scraped my legs at least once every time I played outside. There’s a scar on my left eyebrow from an idiot cousin who had been out to make me blind, and then there’s the self-harm scars as well.
if it were possible, would you want to know the day you're going to die? Yes. It’s one of the things I’ve always wanted to know.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I’m happy with mine. I’m not five anymore.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? If it was like sriracha then yeah. Not willing to do anything overly hot, though.
How about 10 bottles of ketchup? I’d be more enticed if you offered mayonnaise, but even then I think such a feat deserves a higher prize than $1000.
10 bottles of maple syrup? Thinking of how thick that is already hurts my throat. Pass.
A bottle of vinegar? HELL no.
10 jars of peanutbutter? HELL yes but again, I’m gonna be asking for more money lol
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? A couple. They’re not my favorite things to wear so I don’t feel the need to collect a lot of them.
Favorite month? April because birthday month; December because even though that’s when my depression strikes the hardest, everyone else is caught up in the holidays and that allows me to guiltlessly cut off contact with people for a few weeks.
Do you always answer your phone? If you mean calls, then no. I do not pick up if it’s an unknown number, but after rejecting I immediately text them asking who they are and what they’re calling for. I just feel like it’s proper etiquette to text before you call, especially if you’re reaching out to me for the first time.
It's four AM and you get a text message, who is it? Gabie for sure. She’s on the graveyard shift, so it wouldn’t be a surprise.
If you could change your eye color what would it be? I’m okay with mine, but if I got reincarnated as a foreigner I’d love to have hazel eyes. They look very pretty.
Do you own a digital camera? Not anymore. My phone camera can take good enough photos.
Do you take lots of pictures of yourself? Hell no.
Do you take them in front of the mirror in the bathroom? Nope.
Have you ever had a pet fish? I had several goldfish as a kid, yes.
Pet hamster? Nope. That’s mostly a Western thing too I think; I don’t think I know anyone who’s ever had a hamster.
Bird? We had lovebirds before; they were so low-maintenance and made for such sweet pets.
Rabbit? Yep. Tobi was a bit of a handful, but I loved him all the same.
Iguana? No.
Favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually and It’s A Wonderful Life.
Favorite Christmas song? Probably It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas. It’s so soothing and yet makes me feel festive and excited for Christmas.
Can you do push ups? I can, doesn’t mean I’m good at holding myself up ha.
Can you do a chin up? I can but I hate those.
Does the future make you nervous or excited? Both.
Ever been in a car accident? Just minor ones.
Do you have an accent? I think everyone does. I’ve honestly never understood this question lol, if I go to a different country or continent, people are always going to have an accent in my ears. Even in my own country, I can think of a number of accents I’ve heard people speak in.
What song always makes you cry? 26 by Paramore.
Have any plans for tonight? Rest my tired head.
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Talking to Gabie.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Ugh, Monday.
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happymarimo · 5 years
Hi there! I just started following so sorry if this is a major repeat question. I used to keep fish and had dabbled in water snails, but I can't have a tank at the moment and was interested in a snail-terrarium (I'm into plants so I figured putting one together with the snail add in wouldn't be hard, but I don't really know how to go about it. What are the basics of land snail keeping?? Thanks!!!
Hi friend!!
i’ve never gotten this question before and you have no idea how excited i am to answer it. my time has come.
Oh, and if you’re looking for advice on care for giant african land snails, I unfortunately can’t help you. They’re illegal where I live so I can really only help in terms of native/garden snails :0( !
I’m going to sum things up easily since my own attention span is so short and paragraphs might be harder to read for this…
But I do suggest you read everything, as all of it is important. Sorry if this is a super long post!
Ideally, acrylic house/container to live in. Must have breathing holes and a lid which can’t super easily be opened (snails are escape artists)
Substrate changes depending on the size of snail. For smaller snails I recommend using a damp paper towel (and change every few days) but for larger snails I recommend coconut shavings and sphagnum moss.
Enrichment is needed! Snails are curious and need places to explore, and places to hide. I’m using a recycled kinder egg capsule for Cube, which is even better since it’s reused (and basically free. And Cube, my snail, loves it!)
Daily water mistings are a must. Snails live in moist environments - why we often see them after it rains - and I highly suggest using rain water especially if your snail was feral/wild.
Environment must be kept clean! Clean out any snail shit you might find ASAP.
Pretty much anything a human can eat. It would be good to know the kind of snail though, because some land snails prefer “meat” (eggs, carcasses of other dead bugs and things) but almost all snails love vegetables. It’s important to note that snails can become addicted to one food easily if fed too much of it, so try to have variety. Although, snails can be extremely picky eaters…
And please be careful of what you feed your snail too. No pesticides or chemicals. All food gets washed well before feeding.
Before I continue: Calcium powder on everything. I paid 10$ for a bottle of it at petsmart and it will last me a life time. Brush calcium powder in the nooks and crannies of all food.
It’s also easier for snails to eat hard vegetables if you blanch or boil them before feeding it to them. But make sure it’s cooled off first!!
Carrots (Cube’s personal fave)
Green beans
Dandelion leaves (from outside)
Other things to consider (yes, even for land snails.)
Snello (Recipe provided)
Algae wafers
Handling snails:
Human skin is salty, be sure to wash hands before setting your snail on your skin
Hairs are pokey, try to place your snail in a [mostly] hairless part of your body 
Smaller snails can be woken up by breathing (NOT blowing) warm breath into their shell. Sounds gross, but the warmth from your breath will wake them up. (I speak from experience)
Bigger snails can be woken up by gently stroking their tail/foot with your finger. (I speak from experience, it works every time, dont ask me why.)
Don’t try to lift your snail up if they’ve suctioned themselves to something!! Pulling their shell to hard can hurt them.
When you’re handling them, they may rasp (lick) you. This surprisingly kind of hurts, but they only do it because they think you’re food (and will quickly learn you are not!)
They may be deaf, but their skin can sense vibrations. Please don’t yell or make too many loud noises while you’re handling them, as this could cause stress.
Please no strong perfumes, lotions, hand sanitizers, etc while you handle snails. They navigate their world through touch, smell, and taste primarily. Anything too strong may cause pain.
No bright lights please! Snails have simple eyes which mean they can’t truly see, and can only really detect where a light source is. Nonetheless, bright lights are bad for their eyes.
When handling snails, getting gloves isn’t a bad idea. No snail skin hurts, and no rasping! I personally don’t use gloves, but I only really touch my snail if he’s pretending to be a race car. nyoom!
Be gentle in general. Broken shells can potentially kill a snail. This is also why calcium powder is very important.
They’re very curious and like to explore. They explore through touch, taste, and smell. 
Probably faster than you might think they are. Whenever you have your snail out of their home, which you should often since they can get depressed if they’re all cooped up (just like humans,) please keep a close eye on them!
If you’re keeping more than one snail, you’re taking the risk of having a clutch of eggs or two. Snails are hermaphrodites which means they possess female and male reproductive organs. They cannot self-fertilize, and do need a partner for it, but be careful!
Rasping, as mentioned above, is a thing they do. If you’re keeping other snails, they might do this to other snails on their shells - so be careful!
All snails have individual personalities and like different things, as well as behave differently and respond to stimuli differently. Keep this in mind as you’re keeping your snail(s)!
Most garden snails only live for about a year or two (sad face :0( !)
Extra tips:
Learn snail anatomy, even basic stuff! You’ll learn cool things like… How they shit through their nose. Yes. Thats actually true. 
Try to ID your snail based on your location, their individual behavior, and their “look.” This can also help you determine diet.
Copper hurts snails a lot. If you’ve been working with copper, sorting pennies (you know, as ya’ do.) or etc, try not to handle your snails for a while and be sure to wash your hands before you do, just to be sure.
This is very important, but please let your snails out of their house at least once a day for 30 minutes. Constant sleeping or inactivity for long periods of time is an indicator that your snail isn’t feeling their best. Let them explore things outside of their home. Just like humans, snails which are cooped up in a confined space (which may seem huge to them, still;) they can get - basically depressed. They’ll seem to only really sleep… all… the time… This is just their way of letting you know they’re feeling a bit down and would like some time outside. I keep Cube on the lid of his container (it acts like a dish) along with some food and a structure to climb on or hide in.
And I think thats everything. Wow, I’ll surely be saving this for another time. Any other snail owners, feel free to add onto this!
I hope this helps you friend! 
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Possible Excerpt from Had Enough: The Dreamsight Remix
Summary, the tag to follow
Around half-past twelve someone stopped at the door with something heavy on wheels. When the door opened it was to a large cart full of sweets that Harry had absolutely no reference for.
“Anything off the trolley, dear?”
Despite having a really good omelet for breakfast, he was craving chocolate something fierce. Besides, this was Magic food. Who knew when he would be able to try this stuff again?!
Deciding that he could be picky about what he actually ate later, Harry got two of everything. If he didn’t want it then Ron might. Or maybe someone else would. It was eleven sickles and seven knuts.
Ron stared at the mound of candy Harry brought back and tipped onto the seats.
“You can’t possibly eat all that.” He gasped.
“Depends on how hungry I am. Take what you want, I’m craving chocolate.”
Ron shook his head, holding up a wrapped package that was vaguely square-shaped. Opening it revealed sandwiches, and opening one of those made both Harry Ron wrinkle their noses.
“This is Percy’s lunch.” He groaned. “Or George’s. They both love corned beef. My favorites are egg and cress or egg banjo.”
The Dursleys didn’t like either of those so Harry had never had them before, but he knew that people liked their eggs in various states of cooked, so he just nodded along.
“I had an omelet for breakfast.” Harry offered. “But like I said, take what you like.”
“Mum’s usually better about the sandwiches. I guess she was a bit more harried now that most of us are off to school. I can’t imagine what she’ll be like next year.”
“She seems nice.” Harry mused warily, wondering just how well the Weasleys could claim to know the Potters. Did they see him when he was younger like his parents’ other friends?
“She’s nice,” Ron emphasized. “But Fred and George have been on me about my first year, telling me all sorts of weird things. She’s been a bit more strained this year.”
“Well, older brothers are weird.” Harry snorted. “Sometimes they give you good advice, but sometimes they sit back and watch you flail.”
Better Jaime than Dudley, though.
Ron agreed with Harry’s sentiment and the pair worked their way through the pile of sweets. Ron liked the sticky stuff, like jelly beans and licorice. He explained various charms on certain snacks, like how some of the beans were flavored to taste like actual liver. Something he learned the hard way after spitting one out and taking a large swig of a water bottle Harry gave him.
The chocolate frogs moved. That scared Harry but once the chocolate hit his teeth it stopped. He wasn’t eating actual frogs dipped in chocolate, it was just an enchantment.
“What card did you get?” Ron asked.
“Card?” Harry asked. “What-?” He wrinkled the package and flipped it upside down. “Oh, you mean this?”
A small trading card that reminded him strongly of Jaime’s football cards fell into his palm.
“They’re famous Magicians,” Ron said. “I’ve got about five hundred but there are a few, in particular, I’m looking for. What’s yours say?”
Harry scanned the card and Dumbledore’s face looked back at him. This was the first time Harry saw even a picture of the man in the real world after seeing and hearing so much about him from the dreams. His nose definitely looked like it hadn’t been set straight, his hair and beard were longer than the card and a fine white, and his glasses sat on his nose in a way Harry could never get his to do. Probably because his were smaller. Did he need them to see regularly or if they were just reading glasses? Did Magicians have prescriptions or did everyone just fix their eyes?
“Dumbledore,” Harry said, wondering why the picture took up the whole front of the card. Flipping it over got him the words he was looking for.
“Albus Dumbledore, currently Headmaster of Hogwarts. Considered by many to be the greatest magician of modern times, Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark magician Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon’s blood, and for his work on alchemy with his mentor, Nicholas Flamel. Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and ten-pin bowling.”
The last part made Harry laugh. He wasn’t very good at bowling but there was an alley nearby and the Alfers took him enough that he could imagine this old man hurling a fourteen-pound ball down the slick lanes set up at an alley. Harry wondered if Dumbledore had a setup in that office of his.
“I haven’t got Agrippa yet!” Ron complained. Harry glanced up and saw that Ron was onto his fourth one. He had three cards to show for it and was happy to give them to his new friend. Harry tucked them into his pocket, resolving to look at them later. He tried another two, biting the heads off fiercely to still them, and saw Merlin and someone called Cliodna. They, too, went in his pockets. Ron grumbled about a green jelly bean that turned out to be a sprout of some kind and held out the bag, which was now a third of the way gone. Harry took several, picking through the colors that looked the most harmless and chewing slowly. They turned out to be toast, coconut, baked bean, strawberry, curry, grass, coffee, sardine, which reminded Harry of the smell of anchovies, and Ron gave him one that he’d eyed warily. Harry only sneezed at it because it was pepper.
The scenery changed from flat fields to a forest of green, winding rivers, and hills the height of the train.
Someone knocked on the door and Harry said “not yet.” as he shoved the empty candy wrappers into a pile on the floor and moved the rest onto the seat beside Ron.
“Come in,” He said.
Neville Longbottom had a circular head and wide grey eyes that were puffy with tears He wiped his face with his sleeve, robed in the black Hogwarts gown, and spoke.
“Have you seen a toad at all?” He asked. Harry and Ron both shook our heads.
“I’ve lost him!” Neville wailed. “He keeps slipping away!”
“Maybe it will help if you ask an older student to bring the toad to you.” Harry mused aloud.
“Bring Trevor… how would anyone do that?”
“There’s a way to summon things,” Harry muttered, now irritated that he didn’t remember the word. “Can’t remember it for anything. Sorry.”
“Thanks anyway. I’ll see if anyone else knows.”
Neville closed the door and Ron snorted.
“Don’t know why he’s so bothered.” Ron snickered. “If I’d brought a toad I’d lose it as quick as I could.”
“At least a toad’s on the pet list.” Harry ground out, glaring at Scabbers. The rat didn’t so much as twitch in Ron’s lap.
“Yeah, yeah, I can’t talk since I brought Scabbers,” Ron grumbled. He might have died and you wouldn’t know the difference.”
“You’d notice the smell eventually,” Harry offered darkly. This rat didn’t know just how much Harry wanted him to die.
“I tried to turn him yellow yesterday to make him more interesting but the spell didn’t work. Want to see?”
Harry nodded, hoping something bad would happen to the git instead.
Ron rifled through his trunk and yanked out a wand that was practically falling apart. It was chipped in places and something white glistened at the end. Upon seeing Harry’s face, Ron grimaced.
“Charlie’s old wand, remember? He’s second-oldest.”
Which meant that wand had seen seven years of use. Possibly more, with how battered it looked.
“Unicorn hair’s nearly poking out. Anyway-.”
“I’m not sure you should use that wand.” Harry offered quickly, going through his own bag and handing him the one he’d gotten from Ollivander. Ron took it reverently and with a stunned look on his face.
“What?” Harry asked, wondering if he’d done something wrong.
“People don’t give each other wands unless they’re family,” Ron explained. “A wand is an extension of yourself. I’m lucky enough that Charlie’s wand works on me, that’s the only reason I’ve got it. I… I can’t-.”
“I would rather you try something with that one than get hurt because you need a new wand, Ron. It’s just one try. Go on.”
Ron twitched his hand in a jerky manner and said what sounded like a nursery rhyme.
“Sunshine daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow.” He scowled.
Harry noticed that those were all yellow things, so if magic was about intent like some of the books he’d read insisted, there was a slight chance of it working.
The rat was still very much asleep and Harry couldn’t tell if his fur had changed.
“Are you sure that’s a real spell?” A new voice asked loudly. A girl in Hogwarts robes with bushy brown hair had opened the compartment door. Neville stood not far behind her.
“Intent plays a pretty big part in magic.” Harry found himself saying. “It could be the spell, it could be that he’s not using his own wand, it could be that the magic isn’t strong enough. One thing in the spell’s favor is that there are three things already yellow in it. Try again, Ron, but think of it this way: what would your rat look like if he were as bright as a dandelion?”
Ron nodded seriously and tried again. Scabbers’ fur took on a weird tinge that was more than the grey it usually was.
“Thanks, Harry.”
“Anyway, I was going to ask you what you meant when you told Neville about a summoning charm? He asked me about it but I don’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Which is why I said to find an older student. Why don’t I go with you? Ask the boy if he’d be okay sitting with my friend, Ron.”
Hermione stared at Harry with a stern look on her face but did it anyway. She and Neville came into the compartment and Neville introduced himself.
“Neville Longbottom,” He said gratefully. “Thanks for helping me find my toad.”
“Pets are wanderers.” Harry offered, not really knowing why he said that. “C’mon, you-.”
“Hermione Granger.”
“C’mon, Granger. We’re going to find an older student.”
“Why me and you? Neville’s the one who lost his toad.”
Because she was annoying Ron and Harry didn’t trust her and Neville not to get lost or distracted again. It was a lot better this way, not that she’d ever know.
“We’re more likely to get results.” Is all he said in response. Harry knocked on a random compartment and waited for a raspy “come in.” before opening it. Inside sat four kids, one of whom he’d met before.
“Hello, Hufflepuff.”
“Good day, Slytherin-wannabe.” Harry snorted. “Malfoy, right?”
“Yes. And you are?” The girl beside him scowled.
“Not important. Would any of you happen to know a way to summon things to you?”
“There’s a summoning charm.” The girl said. “My mother used it all the time when we packed for Hogwarts. Say Accio and imagine what you want. Mum says it’s got to be clear in your mind.”
“Say, Hufflepuff, you never gave us your name.”
“You’ll find out at the Sorting, won’t you?” Harry snorted.
“Sure, but-.”
“Friends call me Wolf,” Harry said. “We’ll see if you get that far after the Sorting.”
“I look forward to collecting on that debt.” Malfoy sneered.
“We’ll see about that, too.” Harry chirped knowingly. He had resolved to be in whatever House Hermione ended up in. Hopefully, that would be Gryffindor.
The compartment door shut behind them and Hermione tapped Harry’s shoulder as they started walking again.
“What was that?” She demanded.
“I met Malfoy at a robe shop. We bet on which House I’ll end up in because he’s so convinced he’ll be in Slytherin.”
“Well, why wouldn’t he?”
“Because he was gullible enough to take me up on that bet.” Harry deadpanned. “But he’s small potatoes. We need to find someone who knows the Summoning Charm.”
“That’d be me,” A familiar voice crowed.
“Or me.” An eerily similar one chirped. The Weasley twins had popped out of absolutely nowhere and Harry was lucky he didn’t flinch and hit one of them. He was getting better at that.
“Hey Fred, hi George.” He grinned at them both. “Follow me, we’re heading back to my compartment now.
“What could the ickle firsties need a Summoning Charm for?” Fred queried.
“We’re looking for a friend’s pet.”
“Ah, and who gave you the idea to use that spell?” George wondered.
“I remembered seeing it in a book I read but couldn’t remember the name.”
“That’s quite alright, my friend because we definitely do!” George offered. “What’s the toad’s name?”
“I guess we’ll find out once we get back to the compartment. That’s where our friends are.”
“Aw, has ickle Ronnie made a friend already?”
“He’s pretty cool,” Harry said defensively. “He turned his rat a bit yellow with that dud spell you gave him.”
“With Charlie’s wand?” Fred asked incredulously.
“God, no,” Harry scoffed. “I gave him mine. And he can keep it until we get to school.”
“No, he can’t.” George insisted.
“I’m the wand’s owner. I’m saying he can.”
“Because you don’t know how wands work. He’ll be giving it right back when we get to that compartment.”
“It’s my wand.”
“Exactly,” Fred said seriously. “And you don’t know how much it means to just give it away to some nobody.”
“Ron isn’t nobody!” Harry spat, yanking open the compartment door. “He wanted to try a spell and I thought it’d be better if he did it with something that wouldn’t poke our eyes out!”
“Alright,” George said suddenly. “It’s alright. You weren’t… wrong to give Ron your wand, but it’s not often done between strangers. A Magician’s wand is seen as an extension of the self. It’d be like chopping off a finger to lend to a friend.”
Bad comparison considering Scabbers was within hearing distance.
“Alright.” Harry snorted. “But it kind of worked. Now, can you do the Summoning Charm or not?”
“Of course What’s your toad’s name?”
“Trevor.” Neville stammered.
George took out his wand and at Fred’s nod, spoke the phrase:
“Accio Trevor the Toad.”
A sound not unlike the wind filled the train and when Fred stepped aside, Trevor came straight into Neville’s hands.
“Now, you should keep your toad on you.” Fred insisted. “Here,” The ginger twin held out an empty brown sack that Harry snagged from them with a grateful nod and tipped over. Nothing came out on his palm and Harry felt nothing but cloth when he stuck his hand in it. Harry passed it to Neville and he slipped Trevor into the bag and drew it semi-closed.
“What’s your name, kid?”
“Neville Longbottom.” Neville stammered out. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Neville, good luck with your toad.” George offered.
The twins left and the four students settled into the seats in the compartment. Harry noticed the candy was gone, likely stuffed into a bag.
“What was all that about wands?” Hermione asked. “And did you honestly make a bet with another student?”
“I let Ron use my wand for a spell earlier. His brothers took exception to that.” Harry scowled. “It doesn’t matter as much to me, but they did. I just don’t think Ron should be using the wand he was given by his family.”
“Why?” Neville wondered. “My grandmother gave me my Dad’s wand. It works well enough for me.”
“Well, are you and your father exactly alike?”
“Gran sure hopes so.”
“Even identical twins, like Fred and George, aren’t. It’s good that your wands are compatible, but that’s probably because you’re family with the people who have already used it.”
“You sure are taking this seriously.” Ron noticed.
So Harry told him about the trip to Ollivander’s, about how it felt like a million wands to go through, about how the holly wands had been compatible but not exactly right, and Ollivander had insisted that Harry keep trying.
“I felt wretched after a huge pile of wands that didn’t work or barely produced a spark. You’ll be a lot better off with a wand that fits you.”
“Well, the spell worked with your wand. Who’s to say it wouldn’t have worked with Charlie’s?”
“I guess we aren’t to say.” Hermione offered. “But maybe the teachers at school can tell us. Speaking of spells, I’ve tried a few, just for practice, and they all worked for me. Nobody in my family is magic at all, so it was quite a shock to get an owl on our window!”
“I was lucky enough that my aunt knew something of it,” Harry admitted, glad he didn’t stutter over the not-quite-lie. “I honestly called it Hogwash when I first got the letter. Non-Magicians don’t know all this exists and I was no exception.”
“But you’re a magician.” Ron insisted.
“So’s Hermione. Doesn’t mean we knew about it beforehand.” He said.
“Fair enough. Say, Mum said she and Dad knew your family, but you never did say your last name.”
“It’s bad enough you know my first name. Just call me Wolf. Everyone will if I have any say on it.”
“Can we guess?”
“If you want. Harry is a common name.”
“Sure is, but you underestimate how few kids there are this year.” Neville offered.
“Why’s that?” Harry asked, wondering how much of this would match up with the dreams he’d been having.
“Goodness, you don’t know?” Hermione gasped. “The Magicians had a war amongst themselves. It’s in every book I could get my hands on. There was this Dark Lord everyone calls You-Know-Who and he came out of basically nowhere and was all anti-humans and so the Magical World split itself up into his followers and his opponents. Apparently, he was defeated by a couple of young Magicians who left behind their baby boy. Now the kid’s known as the Boy-Who-Lived so he and his parents are celebrated every Halloween.”
“Why Halloween?” Harry prompted knowingly.
“Because that’s when they died,” Neville mumbled.
At least some parts of the story changed.
“It’s in Modern Magical History, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and Great Magical Events of the Twentieth Century,” Hermione reported.
“I’ll pick those up, I guess.” Harry offered, kind of interested now. “What did they do?”
“The young Magicians. What did they do for a living?”
“You mean once they got out of school? They fought in the war.” Neville said. “They knew my parents rather well, or so my grandmother says.”
“Do you think they got a chance to do anything once they got out of school?” Harry asked. “What is there to do once you get out of school?”
“Well… I don’t think so.” Ron offered. “My Mum and Dad fought against You-Know-Who as well, and Dad said he got his job at the Ministry after the war.”
“Huh,” Harry said, a bit shocked.
“As for what there is to do, my two oldest brothers are Bill and Charlie. Charlie handles dragons in Romania-.”
“Okay, that is so cool.” Harry blurted out.
“And Bill’s in Africa doing something for one of the Gringotts branches there.”
“Where in Africa? That’s a whole continent. It’d be like saying ‘Oh, he lives in Europe.’ as opposed to saying Spain or Italy.”
“Fair enough. I think he does work in Egypt. There’s a lot of stuff Magical stuff in Egypt. It’s only fair that Gringotts would want to know what.”
“Speaking of Gringotts,” Neville spoke suddenly. “You guys haven’t gone there too recently, have you?”
“I went about a month ago.” Harry offered. “McGonagall took me.”
Hermione confirmed the same and Ron said that his father went before Harry and the Alfers did.
“What’s got you so spooked?” Harry asked.
“Someone tried to rob a high-security vault,” Ron announced.
“At Gringotts?” Harry coughed. “The bank full of non-human magical creatures, mostly elves, and no one gets in or out unless they say so?”
“There’s more than just elves,” Hermione said suddenly. “I saw dwarves as well.”
“Cool. What happened to the unlucky bastard who tried to pull that off?”
“Nothing. Nobody got caught. My dad says they must have been a powerful Dark Magician to pull that off, but there wasn’t any mention of what was stolen.”
“Perhaps Gringotts is trying to investigate for themselves.” Hermione offered. “I know that regular banks do that. They work with the police sometimes.”
“Maybe.” Ron agreed. “But everyone wants to know. They’re all scared when something big happens since it could be related to You-Know-Who.”
“Related to the guy who was defeated by two Magicians fresh out of school and maybe half his age?” Harry drawled.
“Well, no one knows where he went.” Ron insisted defensively. “And if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not find out.”
We would if Voldemort was Quirrell. But Harry couldn’t tell them that.
“What’s your Quidditch team?” Ron prompted in an obvious attempt to change the subject.
“What’s Quidditch?” Hermione asked.
Ron burst into a rousing speech of the game played on broomsticks. It was a long explanation of how seven players hauled four balls between them. Ron talked about everything he knew, from famous games to games he’d been to and the most coveted broomsticks of the year.
Neville inserted a few of his own opinions and eventually, the boys were debating the best teams while Harry and Hermione stared at them. She was likely just as confused as Harry was. He’d seen some things about Quidditch in his dreams and dream-Harry had definitely liked the sport, but Harry was a bit too focused on all the tragedies happening around him to focus on the school’s sport.
A voice echoed through the train, calling ten minutes to Hogwarts and not to worry about their bags. Ron and Neville jerked to their feet mid-argument.
“C’mon, Wolf, let’s let Hermione change, and then we’ll get changed.” Ron offered, dragging Neville and Harry out of the compartment without so much as missing a beat in his explanation of why the Chudley Canons might go onto the Quidditch World Cup in three years.
When Hermione was done, they switched places, with her waiting just outside the compartment as Neville showed Harry and Ron how to wear their robes properly.
The robes draped down to Harry’s feet and Ron’s almost did the same.
The train eventually stopped and the four of them were swept along with the crowd that pushed off the train and onto a small nearly pitch-black platform. Harry fought the urge to shiver, wishing he’d gotten Jaime to tell him the heating charm people used on their clothes. He’d find it in some books, he was sure, but it would be extremely useful now.
A lamp bounced up and down like a tight-knit group of fireflies above our heads, cutting through some of the gloom. With it came a large booming voice.
“First-years, this way!” A man’s roar parted the crowd like the Red Sea. “First-years follow me!”
The path was slick with mossy water, steep and narrow enough that we had to file after the large man one-by-one. Harry was honestly surprised that the man, who must be Hagrid based on his massive stature and gruff-growly voice, was able to keep his balance as he guided them up what felt like a mountain. Rock-climbing at the nearby gym had offered Harry enough chances that he could say with complete honesty that they were definitely climbing a mountain.
It was just as steep and narrow with just as many chances to fall and send everyone tumbling down before or after him. What’s worse is that they stumbled forward in complete darkness. Harry had to rely on his sense of direction, which was practically nothing, to make sure he wasn’t bumping into anyone. Luckily, the people around him were people he figured wouldn’t be too terrible about his flailing. He hoped.
“Hogwarts School of Magic coming right up!” Hagrid called eagerly. “Just around the bend here!”
Sure enough, the kids who were further ahead were shouting in excitement. When the kids closest to Harry got to the end of the path, everyone stood before a large black lake that, if it weren’t for the occasional ripple, he wouldn’t be able to tell the water from the inky darkness. What he could tell is that he was right about being in the mountains.
On the other side of the lake, a lot higher than where he stood now was a massive spanning castle. Its windows sparkled like glittering eyes among the darkness and for each ground-level window was a string of lights higher than he could crane his neck. The outline of the castle followed shortly after, once his eyes adjusted, revealing that some of the glittering lights were indeed the stars above the windows.
“No more than four to a boat!” Hagrid called, jerking Harry out of his stupor. He swung the lantern toward a fleet of small boats sitting in the water by the shore. Ron, Neville, Hermione, and Harry went to a boat. Hagrid swept through the crowd to make sure everyone got to a boat and bellowed for the boats to move.
And move they did. Harry knows magic has to have a lot of intent behind it but does this work on anyone? Could he move the boats if he knew the words? Was it a job only for Hagrid? Because these were a lot of boats and since Hagrid is pretty big, Harry bet he could do it but-.
“That’s a lot of questions, Wolf.” Neville offered, wide-eyed. “With a mind like that, you’ll get into Ravenclaw for sure.”
It doesn’t matter what House he gets into. He’ll be doing enough exploring to know them all. He couldn’t afford to miss something just because he was too wrapped up in what he thought he knew.
“Heads down!” Hagrid’s voice carried well over the water and Harry ducked instinctively, as did the other three.
They were sailing along the face of a giant cliff and the reason they were told to duck is to go through it, a tunnel introduced by a curtain of ivy. The tunnel was just as dark as the steep mossy mountain-path that had brought the students to the boats and the way things echoed made him think they were underground. The boat ride ended underground as well, and Harry followed the others on a passageway that was seemingly carved from the cliffside.
The students walked for a while, with the only thing Harry could see ahead being Hagrid’s lamp until his feet met damp flattened grass of a courtyard in the shadow of the castle. Finally, they reached the door, a tall solid sprawling tree of a thing that rumbled against Harry’s feet when Hagrid knocked on it.
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paradisobound · 5 years
Sail Away With Me
Summary: It was a fluke. Dan shouldn’t have ever gone with Sam to a party on a yacht. He shouldn’t have trusted her to go. But in a chance encounter, he ends up in bed with Phil Lester, a billionaire CEO of a luxury clothing company. When he thinks he’s screwed up enough, he realizes he’s in way too deep. Because Phil Lester has fallen in love with him. The catch: Dan gave Phil a fake name and all Phil has to remember Dan by is the tattoo on his hip and the necklace he left behind. 
Rating: Explicit 
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Brief drug and alcohol mentions and an explicit sex scene
Pairing: Instagraminfluencer!dan and CEO!Phil 
This is a chaptered work. Updates every Monday around 1pm EST
**Masterlist | Archive of Our Own | Wattpad**
Dans POV: 
It was just after midnight on July 22nd. The stars were shining bright over the Amalfi Coast and Daniel Howell was stood at the railing of a yacht that he didn’t even know existed until two hours before. It’s rocking, a constant back and forth motion that was actually calming for his nerves. 
Maybe he was out of place being here. He kind of felt it. 
His indie brand swim trunks and last year Gucci shirt was enough to show that he didn’t quite belong in the same scene as the new Versace and Dolce and Gabanna swim suits everyone else was wearing. Even the ones that opted on just wearing the bottoms and not the tops. Dan doesn’t believe he’s seen so many naked females in his life until tonight. 
Was this normal? 
He wasn’t entirely sure. 
He had a drink in his hand that he didn’t even want and the air was kissing his skin just enough to make him feel cold. He found this ironic. How could he be chilly in July in Italy? 
Just for that thought, he takes a sip of the drink and winces at the strong taste of coconut and rum. He doesn’t even like coconut. He doesn’t even remember why he grabbed it. He just knew he needed a strong drink to make it through the night if his friend Sam was dragging him to this lavish party. 
Speaking of, Dan doesn’t even remember where Sam went. He looks around both sides of his shoulders and takes note of how he doesn’t see his redhead mate standing anywhere near him. She’s probably off making connections with other men—or women. Sam wasn’t picky but yet again, Dan wasn’t really either. 
Although, his plans tonight didn’t include fucking some random bloke on a yacht with the hope he might become his sugar daddy. As much as he would love to find a rich guy to pay his way through life, Dan is doing semi-fine with his partnerships on Instagram. Although they’re not paying nearly as much as he needs to help furnish his lavish trips.
The yacht is still slowly moving along the coast and if he looks out, he can see the lights of the houses and hotels blinding him in the distance. He lets out a long sigh, breathes back in the air, and finishes the rest of his cocktail in one gulp, wincing at the taste as it goes down. He’s no longer finished with the empty glass when another server is coming up to him, taking the glass, and giving him a new one. 
This drink is peachy colored. He takes a sip and smiles. It takes like mango and melon with a hint of something strong. He much prefers this. 
The music is still banging on the yacht and if he looks around, he can see the strobe lights of the boat bouncing every which way. Maybe if his anxiety hadn’t told him he needed fresh air, he would be downstairs with everyone else and maybe he could find Sam before she made some mistake that would surely be on a tabloid tomorrow morning. In fact, he’s sure if he looks on Twitter now, it would be a new moment saying ‘Paumpau Hotel Heiress, Samantha Pamupau seen partying on CEO Phil Lester’s Private Yacht’. 
Dan doesn’t even know what Phil Lester looks like. He knows that sounds probably unbelievable but Dan doesn’t pay attention to much news. He doesn’t follow anyone other than top celebrities on Twitter. When Sam mentioned partying on a billionaires yacht, Dan just agreed and purchased his first Gucci shirt that night—ironically the one he is wearing currently. 
He jumps just as soon as someone shouts something in Italian in the other direction and then a loud moan follows and fuck he needs a drink again. He takes a long sip and fights the cloudy feelings filling his head. 
He reaches up and twists his necklace in his fingers. He always did this when he got anxious. It was just a small chained necklace his grandma had bought for him as a child. He’s had to replace the chain over the course of a few years but he’s never parts with it. It’s a part of every outfit. 
Dan steps back from the railing long enough to head back inside the second story of the yacht. It’s not as busy up here, but he does take note of the person sitting on the couch with a bunch of other people, hunched over the table in front of them as they snort up white powder. He just looks the other way and continues on downstairs. 
Dan sees Sam in the corner with another female, both of them handsy with each other as they down the rest of there cocktails and he pretends to not notice that Sam’s hand is essentially down the bottoms of the other but he’ll just turn the other way again and walk off. 
As he turns, he slams into something and gasps as the cool liquid of his drink splashes against his chest. “Fuck,” he murmurs. This was his good Gucci shirt and now it’s covered in orange liquid. If he wasn’t slightly tipsy, he might have tried to find an unoccupied bathroom to wash it off. 
“Are you okay?” 
Dan lets out a sigh. He’s sobered up a bit now and he’s suddenly realizing how uncomfortable of a situation he’s probably just put himself into. He’s on a rich guys yacht and he just ran into someone and fucked his shirt up. Not to mention he thinks the glass just shattered on the floor—and yep, it has he confirms in his head as he looks down at the broken glass at his feet. 
Of course his luck would run this way. And he didn’t even take any photos from tonight either to post on his Instagram. Go figure. 
“I mean, my shirt is ruined,” Dan says, his words a mumble under his breath. 
“It was last years anyway,” the man says, his voice a bit high pitched. “I’m sure you can get a new one tomorrow that is from this season.” 
Dan just shrugged. 
“Do you want help getting cleaned up?” He continued, lending out his hand. “I have a private bathroom this way that you can wash up in. Get the smell of the Peach Bellini from your shirt.” 
Oh. It was a Peach Bellini…oops. 
So much for the mango and melon he thought he tasted earlier. 
“It’s not a problem,” Dan says. “I don’t need to clean it off. It actually looks a bit cooler this way.” 
The man lets out a snort and reaches up, running his hand through his hair. 
“Such a shame,” the male continues. “My plan didn’t work to get you half-naked.” 
Dan looks up from where his hands are trying to smooth out the wet patch on his shirt. He cocks an eyebrow up and looks the man up and down. Sharp pants, fully ironed Versace top, clearly this seasons. Glasses sit prettily on his face that’s a sculpture of sharp, jutted cheekbones. 
“Why? Is that something you’d want?” Dan asks, deciding to play along. 
The male was beautiful, actually quite breathtaking. He knows he said earlier that he wouldn’t want to sleep with a random bloke but maybe plans change. And maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t mind crawling into bed with this random bloke. 
“Is it something you’d want?” The man asks, reaching out his hand again and touching Dan’s arm with the lightest touch. 
“On what?” 
“Where do we go?” Dan asks, biting his lip with a smirk playing on his lips. 
“Follow me.” 
Dan follows the man down a small path until they reach a set of doors and Dan swears he doesn’t believe he’s still on a moving boat and he’s not in some penthouse somewhere in London. The male pushes the door open and he’s being lead into a bedroom with beautiful decor and a round bed in the center, covered in pillows and various other decorations. 
But it was nearly pitch black. All that he could see or make out was from the light of the windows from the yacht and the moon in the sky hanging over them. When he looks up at the male, all he can see is the reflection of himself and the blue eyes staring back at him. 
The man turns Dan and suddenly he’s on the bed on his back and his shirt is being removed and tossed to the floor as their lips connect quickly. It feels real, it feels right. He feels the fire burning under his skin and the itch crawling up his spine. 
As the man lowers his shorts and leaves him fully naked, he touches a spot on Dan’s hip and Dan hears him speak softly. “This is the prettiest little tattoo although your skin is much too pretty to be marked up forever.” 
Dan forgets about his tattoo most of the time. If he’s being honest, he regrets getting it in a lot of ways. But when he was 18 and a few drinks in, he thought getting a tattoo of a delicate rose on his hip was a great idea. 
“I was young.” 
“How young?” 
“Eighteen.” Dan answers, letting his words get lost against the other males. 
“And how old are you now?” 
“Twenty five.” 
“Still young.” 
Dan just chuckled against his lips and connected them again as they got more and more heated. 
Maybe in hindsight, this was never Dan’s best decision. He should know better than sleeping with a random man at a party. But when a man this attractive begins to swoop in and steal him over, he can’t help but be ready to spread his legs and let the man do what he wants to. 
So that’s what he does. 
He moans louder than he should. His breaths get caught in his throat and the male is just so good at this. Good at sex. The way he moves, the way he touches. Dan has never felt so good in his life and he begins to feel a bit addicted to the feeling. He presses all of Dan’s buttons in the best way possible. He’s relentless, his thrusts not stopping in rhythm. 
When he climaxes, his whole body feels it. His back arches and his arms go rigid as they grip at the sheets. His mouth opens in a silent moan as it’s caught by the mans expert mouth. When it’s over, the man fucks him a bit longer before pulling out and finishing across Dan’s stomach. 
It’s dirty. It’s raw. When it’s over, Dan doesn’t feel as great as he did when it began. Guilt and shame begins to eat away at him at how easy he was to fall into bed with this random stranger who he will never see again. 
The man kisses him for a little bit longer than Dan would like but he can’t deny that the sparks aren’t still there. It’s like fireworks are constantly going off above his head and he’s feeling the electricity in his veins. 
But then when it’s over, it’s over. And Dan collects his soiled shirt and swim trunks and leaves the bedroom as the man begins to put his own clothes back on. He’ll probably bring another person into the room after Dan leaves and for some reason, that thought leaves Dan feeling a pit of vulnerability in his core. 
Just as he’s about to open the door, the man stops him. “What’s your name? I didn’t get it.” 
Without even thinking, Dan looks at the man and says. “Ethan.” 
Then he opens the door and walks out. Ignoring the pang in his chest that told him it was a mistake giving the man a fake name. 
The yacht is docked when he gets out and he manages to find Samantha outside against a railing with another handsy female. He wrenches her away from the girl with an apology and she shoots the girl an apologetic glance as they leave off the yacht and make their way past all of the people staring and getting photos of the party that was still in full bloom. 
When they’re safely away from the water and about to get into a cab to head to one of Sam’s many family homes, Sam asks him, “What made you leave so fast? Something happen.” 
Dan shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. His shirt was no longer wet but it was definitely stained and it definitely reeked of bad alcohol now. 
“I saw you go to bed with Phil Lester.” Sam said, hitting his arm. “Were you not going to tell me this?” 
“I didn’t go into bed with Phil Lester,” Dan counters. “I don’t even know who he is.” 
Sam turned to him, her eyes comically wide. “You’re yanking my leg.” 
“I’m not yanking anything!” 
Sam suddenly pulled out her cell phone and unlocked it to do a quick google search of ‘Phil Lester’ and as soon as his photo popped up, Dan’s mouth fell open and he felt like he was going to cry. “Fuck, Sam! I had sex with Phil Lester!” 
“You guys fucked?” Sam asked, her vulgarity coming out through her disbelief. “How was he? Was he hung? Was he lame? All the rich guys are normally rigid as fuck.” 
“He was bloody amazing,” Dan said. “But that’s not the point. I fucked up Sam.” 
“How?” Sam asked. “How could you possibly have fucked this up? You took fucking Phil Lester to bed.” 
The taxi pulls up and Sam opens the door to get in but Dan’s words stop her in her tracks. 
“I gave him a fake name.” 
Sam turns her head, her mouth agape. “You’re a fucking idiot!” 
“I didn’t know!” Dan cried. “I didn’t know that’s who he was!” 
She slapped his arm and he let out a soft ow as he rubbed where she just hit. “I still don’t understand how you’ve never seen Phil Lester.” 
“Because I never paid any attention to him, Sam.” Dan moaned out. “He was never on my list of people to research. He makes clothing that’s too expensive for me to even touch.” 
“So even when I told you yesterday we were going to a party on his yacht, you never once googled who he was?” Sam asked, her voice a bit incredulous. 
“Being honest, no,” Dan said. “I just… fuck.” 
Sam nodded. “I can’t believe you fucked this up.” 
Just then, the taxi pulls up. But it’s not really a taxi, it’s a small black cab that Dan knows Sam’s family paid for. The driver gets out and opens the door for them and they get into the back. He reaches up and rubs over his face, down his neck, reaching for his necklace to twist but suddenly, he feels nothing. 
“Oh my god, Sam!” Dan cried, sitting up, running his hands all over his chest. “My necklace is gone!” 
“Your necklace?” She clarified, looking up from her phone long enough to make eye-contact with him. “The one your grandmother gave you?” 
Dan nodded, feeling tears spring to his eyes. This night couldn’t have gone any worse and now he’s about to start crying over the damn necklace that was supposed to be around his neck. Fuck, it must have fallen off somewhere. 
“Yeah!” Dan said. “I don’t have it on.” 
“Did you take it off somewhere?” 
Dan shook his head and the car sped off down the narrow road towards the cliffs. “No,” He whimpered. “I don’t know what happened to it.” 
“Did you lose it in his bed?” 
Dan leaned his head back against the seat and let out a loud groan because fuck he probably did. It’s probably laying in the middle of Phil’s sheets right now and he’s looking like a fool because of it. 
“If you want to try and find it, we can turn back and head back to the party?” 
Dan shook his head. “Phil’s probably fucking someone on it right now.” 
He knew his words sounded bitter after everything that happened but he felt like he had to be bitter for a moment. It felt like the natural reaction to how his night has went. 
“Hey, don’t get like that, hun.” Sam says, putting her phone into her Louis Vuitton fanny pack and comforting him. “I’ll get someone to contact Phil tomorrow and ask for the necklace. It’s not big deal.” 
Dan nods and closes his eyes. 
It’s not a big deal. He repeats in his head. It’s not a big deal. 
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whereisten · 5 years
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The Wedding Singer 
Summary: You are an up-and-coming singer and songwriter who is thriving in the wedding singer business. When you find yourself singing for your former best friend Samantha Perez and not-so-former crush Yuta Nakamoto, shit really hits the fan. 
Multi-part series: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Part 1
Word Count: 4,000 words 
Being a wedding singer in Miami, Florida was no simple feat, you thought to yourself. There was no one quite like a picky bride. But a picky bride and groom? That was another challenge in itself.
Especially on this specific day. April 29, 2019. You were meeting your clients in their lavish home in Brickell. Everything was very pristine but cold. You felt like you were in a homey clinic.
“Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you!” A young woman rejoiced when she welcome you inside. “Thank you so much for seeing us on such short notice. I’m Renee Torres.” Renee was the one who contacted the agency.
“It’s nice to meet you! My manager told me this was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up so here I am!” You felt a little more at ease with meeting a friendly bridesmaid. Thankfully, she wasn’t catty like other bridesmaids you’ve had to interact with. “Fantastic, if you’ll just follow me.” Renee led you into the living room.
“Sam. Yuta. This is Y/N!” Renee left you with the couple.
Your heart fell when you heard her name.
And his.
Holy mother of God. Samantha Perez.
And Yuta Nakamoto.
“Y/N!” Your former friend Samantha Perez stood up from her loveseat and hugged you. “How long has it been? Eight years?”
“Oh my God, Samantha,” You said as you lost whatever oxygen you had left in that second.
“Y/N,” Yuta said as he joined you and Samantha. “It’s so great to see you.”
And there he was. The boy of your dreams. Well, no longer a boy. But still possessed that boyish charm that wrapped everyone around his little finger. Yuta Nakamoto was a star basketball player even when he was in middle school. You always hid behind your group of friends when you all went to every one of his home games. You drew the line at traveling to his away games, unless it was a championship.
Yuta was always beautiful. A radiant smile from the very first day you met. He was always kind to you in every class you’ve ever shared. He’d lend you a pencil on the very rare occasion when you were the one asking for one. He danced with you at homecoming when no one had asked you and you were very near the point of crying all the way home, feeling sorry for yourself. He bought you a rose every year on Valentine’s Day.
Well, he did that for every one of his female friends back then. But still. He didn’t have to do that.
But that was Yuta. The nicest “could’ve been a dick because he’s hot and popular but was not” guy.
As for Samantha, she was always beautiful, too. With her flawless makeup and fantastic bone structure. Her excellent sense of fashion. Heels that could you me neatly in the heart if she kicked you to the ground . Samantha also went to every one of Yuta’s basketball games with you and your friends, you recalled. However, once sophomore year started, she dipped and started hanging out exclusively with the popular kids. She did a complete 180 with you and until this day, you never understood why.
So eventually you stopped wondering.
Until today.
Once Samantha released you from her vise-like grip, Yuta hugged you and your throat went completely dry. He smelled just as amazingly as you remembered. Woodsy mixed with his cologne that he’d used since high school.
When Yuta released you, you said, “Congratulations to you both.” Very convincing, Y/N. Hopefully, they let you leave after singing a song and decide to go in a different direction so you never have to see them again.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Samantha said as she sidehugged Yuta. She was really rubbing it in your face. Especially since she knew you were in love with him for the longest time. Even before she was. Samantha may have crushed on Yuta like the rest of your friend group had. But she had many boyfriends throughout high school. But never Yuta.
“I had no idea you sang, Y/N,” Yuta said, looking particularly interested in you.
“She was spectacular in the junior year talent show,” Samantha nearly purred in his ear. She was massaging his chest. You had to fight yourself from cringing outwardly.
That wasn’t a compliment. Samantha was toying with me. We were supposed to be having a business conversation but Samantha was talking to Yuta like she was ready to rip his clothes off. And it would increase her libido if she did it in front of me.
You shivered.
“Are you cold, Y/N?” Yuta asked. For someone who was clearly getting seduced in front of a third person, he was awfully attentive.
You shook your head. “No, I’m fine, thanks.”
He smiled. Fuck you, Nakamoto. I know you don’t know the effect you have on people, especially me. And that pisses me off.
Samantha began, “Well, Y/N. Renee sent you a list of songs that we’re interested in having performed at the ceremony as well as the reception. So I would like to hear a song from each selection.”
You gulped. You’ve always dreamed of serenading Yuta when you finally had the courage. You thought the chance passed you by. But now that you had a chance, it was too late.
Samantha and Yuta sat back down on the loveseat. Samantha motioned for you to start.
“Which song did you pick from the ceremony list?” She asked.
“Let’s Stay Together by Al Green,” you replied.
Yuta’s big smile reappeared. He really needed to quit it or else you were going to place your head under a faucet and let cold water run over your head.
Samantha said, “Begin at anytime.”
So you did. You took a deep breath. Released. Closed your eyes and gave it to them acapella.
You stopped after the first chorus. Yuta jumped out of his seat and clapped. Samantha clapped politely from her seat.
“Y/N, your voice is incredible. You’re hired!” Yuta said as he took your hands.
You tried to hold onto his praise and not the fact that he was holding your freakin’ hands.
Samantha got up from her seat. You removed yourself from Yuta’s grasp. Samantha said, “Sweetie, I would like her to sing a song from the reception playlist and then we can discuss it.”
Yuta shot her a look. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he looked to be in disbelief.
Enjoy being married to that, Yuta. God help you.
“Okay,” you said, “I’ll sing Yours by Ella Henderson.” As much as you detested Samantha, she had the same taste in music as you and you had to give her high praise for her song selection.
As you sang again, you felt more confident. You felt secure and powerful. You had a gift to share with the world, you told yourself. And if Samantha didn’t see that, she could fuck off. You could sing at as many weddings as you wanted. And hopefully, someday, score a recording and songwriting contract.
When you finished once again with the chorus, Yuta turned right over to Samantha. “There’s no question. She’s the one.”
Not the right choice of words, Yuta. I winced.
Samantha sighed. “Of course, she is. Y/N, you’re hired.”
Jungwoo was cackling across from you at the cafe table. He couldn’t stop. Johnny cringed but you knew he was fighting the laughter that would escape him at any second.
“Jungwoo...it’s not that funny,” you groaned.
Johnny caved. “Are you kidding me? It’s hilarious. Yuta is getting married to that she-demon?”
“Yes,” you replied.
“Yuta was always smart. He took AP Physics with us!” Johnny protested.
“Booksmart doesn’t always translate to lifesmart. If that’s even a word…” You should propose it to Webster’s Dictionary.
“Dude, you must’ve felt like your heart was being RIPPED out of your chest and stomped on the ground. For hours. To the rhythm of a Cascada song. That intensely.” Jungwoo was always so profound.
And merciless.
“Well, It’s been eight years so thankfully, I only cried once since the meeting,” you answered.
Mind you, the meeting was yesterday afternoon.
“So you’re going to do it?” Jungwoo asked.
“Why not? They’re paying me a fortune.”
“Samantha has it out for you to this day,” Johnny warned.
“Oh, I know. But...the more I thought about it...she’d want me to run and hide. I mean, she’ll also want to see me squirm at her wedding. A present no one else can give her but me. My pain and suffering.”
“Why go through with it? Why are you letting her torture you-oh God, you think Yuta will change his mind and run away with you? Oh honey bunches…” Jungwoo took my hands in his. Uh oh…he only threw “honey bunches” out when I was being truly pitiful.
You smacked him. “Don’t be silly. Yuta and I are never going to happen. We were and always will be platonic. He’s an undeniable flirt and too nice for his own good. That’s something Samantha will have to deal with. But me? I’m going to sing my ass off and make everyone cry like they’ve never cried before. I’m not going to let Samantha get to me.”
Johnny frowned. “I hope you’re right…”
“Sometimes I gotta be. And this is one of those cases in which I am!”
“Alright alright...Let’s change the subject.” Jungwoo scratched his blonde coconut head.
You smiled. “How’s it going with Vanessa these days?”
He blushed while Johnny chuckled. “She’s great, Y/N. She’s the first girl who has ever laughed at my jokes without a hidden agenda.”
“And how can you tell?” Johnny asked. He gave me a knowing smile as he directed that question to our friend.
“Because I walked her to her apartment and she cooked me dinner and then sent me off.” Jungwoo had a daydreaming look on his face. He was smitten.
“And you weren’t upset about that?” You asked.
“Not at all. I want to take it slow.”
You cooed. “Our little Jungwoo is finally becoming a man.” You, Johnny, and Jungwoo befriended each other during your stint of musical theater at the University of Miami. It was yours and Johnny’s senior year and Jungwoo’s freshman year back then. Three years later, Jungwoo was a senior now. Johnny was a producer, working at DC Records, a very affluent label in the States. You were very proud of your friends.
They were still idiots, though, and that made you feel even more fond of them.
“Okay okay next topic,” Jungwoo demanded.
You sighed. “Well, Samantha is so anal that she’s choreographed her entire wedding.”
Johnny and Jungwoo frowned at each other in confusion.
“Which means I’m going to every rehearsal, even if I’m not ‘performing’ the entire time,” you said.
“You sure it’s not Yuta who enjoys a good musical number?” Johnny chuckled.
“Yuta, as perfect as he may be, is no dancer,” you answered.
“I seem to remember you raving about how Yuta was an amazing dancer after Homecoming junior year,” Johnny delivered that sucker punch.
High school you had a big mouth. “But then we saw his Cupid Shuffle senior year.”
Jungwoo begged, “Send that video my way, please. I gotta see what is so special about this Yuta Watanabe.”
You and Johnny corrected him, “Nakamoto.”
Jungwoo shrugged. “Whatever.”
A week had passed since you were hired by Yuta and Samantha. Today was the first day of rehearsal for the ceremony AND the reception. The rehearsal space was at the Brickell City Centre Ballroom. The ceilings ran high with diamond chandeliers. The dance floor stretched far and wide. Although the tables were covered, you already knew you would love to have your own wedding here. It probably cost a fortune.
The irony? This wasn’t the venue for the happy couple’s wedding.
There were over 50 people present. Most likely, some of them were dancers while the rest was the wedding party. You recognized some of your high school classmates. Although you weren’t particularly chummy with any of them, you still greeted each other.
Samantha got up on the stage and spoke into the microphone. “Alright folks, we’ll get started in ten minutes. In the meantime, feel free to grab some water bottles and snacks!”
Maybe Samantha could be redeemed. You walked over to the snack table. Your heart almost stopped when you nearly tripped on your wedge. Oh for God’s sake...Please don’t let me fall.
You almost did but someone grabbed you before you kissed the floor. You awkwardly clung onto a stranger as he dipped you. You two looked like you were in a freeze frame of a tango.
You looked up into the brown eyes of your savior and your body temperature reached astronomical levels. His eyes and even his eyebrows were sharp, making his face all the more striking. His black hair tickled your right shoulder.
“Oh my God I am so sorry! Thank you for catching me.” You rambled as you regained your balance and let him go.
He asked, “Are you okay? You seem panicked.”
So much for thinking you had it together.
“I’m okay, I promise,” you reassured him.
He lifted an eyebrow and it was the most attractive thing you’d ever seen. “If you say so. I’m Taeyong, by the way. The best man.” He offered his hand.
You shook his hand a little too enthusiastically. “Oh, hi. I’m Y/N. The wedding singer.”
“Oh, so you’re the infamous Y/N.”
“Oh dear God…what did Samantha say about me?” Yeah, you were panicked.
Taeyong chuckled. “Nothing. Yuta’s the one who wouldn’t stop talking about your voice.”
You blushed at yourself for jumping to conclusions and being in the presence of this man. “Oh.”
Taeyong said, “I can’t wait to hear you for myself.”
You gulped. It was the way he said it. You didn’t know if everything that he said came off so sensually or if it was all in your head.
Rehearsals were in full swing. The wedding party was practicing their ceremonial entrance. The bridesmaids and groomsmen were paired up. Maid of honor Renee was paired up with Taeyong. He had an effect on everyone, it seemed, because Renee was almost to the point of melting.
Renee told you that you would be able to leave in the next hour after your rehearsal to the ceremonial entrance. The wedding party and the others would scrutinize you, then. Including the best man. And suddenly, all of the nerves hit you.
No, Y/N. These are clients. They don’t know anything about you and if they did, they would remember your Jesse McCartney phase and that you took very meticulous notes in every class you had together. That was that. None of them cared about how you liked Yuta. Everyone liked Yuta. There was even a waitlist to ask Yuta out in high school. So what made you stand out from the other girls? You were just a nice girl from high school, okay? Now show them who you grew up to be.
You got up on the stage and stood up at the mic, having pre arranged the songs with the sound guy. You were waiting to get approval from Samantha that Johnny perform piano and guitar with you, come wedding day.
It was just you and the microphone. And surprisingly, this was the first time you weren’t anticipating Yuta’s reaction.
Samantha and Yuta approved your cover of “Let’s Stay Together” that they decided that you would perform it during the ceremonial entrance.
The instrumental began. You sang the first verse. “I’m...I’m so in love with you. Whatever you want to do...is alright with me…”
You didn’t know what it was that happened to you when you sang. You just kind of transformed into the version of yourself you wished you could always be. Jungwoo told you that you turned into a seductress when you sang. Johnny said that you should own who you were and never look back.
You liked to close your eyes when you sang so you could really get into the song. But you chose to make eye contact with Taeyong since he was a stranger and in that moment you found it easiest to interact with him. Plus, you wanted him to know that you were interested and see if you really were a seductress.
Might as well shoot your shot.
When the song ended, you were overwhelmed by the roaring applause and you smiled. They could call you Miss Colgate Optic White with how big your smile was that moment. Taeyong was grinning right at you. You only noticed that he had moved closer to the stage. There was a little girl right beside him. She had wavy blonde hair and brown eyes.
She looked a lot like Samantha.
Samantha gave you a thumbs up and motioned for you to leave the stage. That was it for today. Thank the Lord.  You went to grab your purse and water bottle when the little girl surprised you and only stared at you.
“Hi…” You said carefully.
The little girl took this as a cue to let it all out. “Oh my God, you are amazing. You are better than Leona Lewis, Ariana Grande, Alicia Keys, and Adele combined. And you’re pretty like a princess.”
The little girl couldn’t have been more than seven years old. She was adorable and very enthusiastic. Her words warmed your heart. “Thank you. Nah, I wouldn’t say that. But I do want to be a singer like them. Someday.”
The little girl’s mouth opened. “Please. That would be awesome! I’m Sonya!”
“It’s nice to meet you, Sonya. I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N, will you marry my brother?” She asked.
Well, that was a shock. You laughed. “Who’s your brother?” It sounded like you were entertaining the possibility of marrying her brother.
“Taeyong!” Sonya yelled.
Taeyong, you realized, hadn’t been that far away from you and Sonya during your little exchange. He approached you. Sonya wrapped herself around one of his legs. “This is my big brother, Taeyong.”
“We’ve met, Sonya,” Taeyong said as he smiled fondly down at his sister and met your gaze with that same expression.
“She is perfect for you,” Sonya said, “I know he’s a neat freak and very very bossy but he’s a great guy. I think his plushie collection is pretty cool, too. Do you like plushies, Y/N?”
Taeyong gaped at his sister. You giggled.
“A plushie collection, huh?” You teased.
“He has Piplup and Pikachu and Rilakkuma, too,” Sonya bragged. “He would buy you a lot of plushies, Y/N. So please marry him.”
“Sonya, why do you want me to get married so badly?” Taeyong asked.
Sonya sighed. “Because Sam is getting married. And I want you to be happy, too.”
Wait a minute. What did Samantha have to do with this?
“Wait, how do you know Samantha, Sonya?” You couldn’t hide the frown on your face.
“She’s my sister, Y/N. She is my sister from Mommy and Taeyong is my brother from Daddy,” Sonya said. She definitely said this a lot.
You couldn’t conceal your shock.
“Y/N? Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost,” Taeyong said, concerned.
“You and Samantha…” You began.
“Step-siblings. Sonya is our half-sister,” Taeyong explained.
How did you not know about this?
“Oh.” That was all you could muster.
“So what do you say, Y/N?” Sonya asked. “Will you give my brother a chance?” Sonya looked so hopeful and kind and radiant.
You started to see the resemblance to Samantha. The wide-eyed dreamy expression she used to have when you were in primary school. The giggly and teasing lilt in her voice. Her laugh most of all.
“Sonya, leave Y/N alone,” Taeyong said.
Sonya pouted. “Fine. But I’ll try again next time. And the time after that. And the time after that. You are coming to the next practice, right Y/N?”
You nodded.
“Good!” Sonya smiled. “There’s hope! Bye Y/N!” Sonya ran off to Yuta. Yuta scooped Sonya off the ground and spun her in circles.
“Y/N?” Taeyong asked cautiously.
You looked at him. “Samantha and I were friends. A long time ago.”
“Really?” He raised his eyebrows.
“It...didn’t end well.”
“But if that were true, why are you here?” He asked.
“Good point. There’s a lot of reasons I can think of.”
“Like?” Taeyong wasn’t hiding his intrigue.
“Please don’t laugh.”
“Now you know if you start off with that...There’s a guarantee that I will laugh,” he said.
“That is so true.” You sighed and continued. “She and Yuta hired me because...I clearly don’t suck at what I do.”
“Oh, definitely not.” Taeyong gave you a deep, meaningful look. Like he had more to say.
You gulped. “And Samantha probably wanted to throw it in my face that she was marrying Yuta.”
“You know Yuta?” He asked. A trace of disappointment was on his face. It was almost as if he knew where this was going.
“We all went to school together up until high school. Samantha and I were chapter members of the Yuta Nakamoto fan club.”
He asked, “Wait, that was an actual club? I thought Yuta’s high school friends were bluffing.”
“There wasn’t an actual club. There may as well have been. The waiting list to date Yuta was very real, though.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Were you on the waiting list?”
You laughed. “Hell, no. I didn’t think I had the right to be.” You regretted saying that last sentence. Your low self-esteem from high school was coming back in waves.
He glared, his jawline very prominent in that second. “Is that so?”
“I...have no idea why I’m telling you all of this but...don’t look too much into it. I’m just here to do my job.” And then go home and have some green apple sangria to numb the pain.
“You...don’t still like him, do you?” Taeyong asked. “Yuta?”
You winced. “Do you want me to lie?”
“I kinda still do. But it’s been years since I’ve seen Samantha and Yuta. I don’t know who they are now. I never really knew Yuta in high school, either. We weren’t that close of friends.”
Taeyong still looked annoyed.
“What’s with that look?” You asked.
“I was going to ask you out...but now with the truth out…I’m not so sure.”
Your jaw dropped. Someone was going to have to help you pick it up off the ground. “Wait, what?”
“From the moment you grabbed a chocolate chip cookie, I’ve been trying to get up the nerve to ask you out. And then I caught you before you fell. And then you sang. And then it was really over for me.” Taeyong moved closer to you.
You didn’t want anyone to be suspicious of you and Taeyong. After the bomb dropped that Taeyong was Samantha’s brother, you were even more on your toes.
“Taeyong…” You didn’t know what to say. He felt a spark, just like you did. Who knew your clumsiness could work in your favor?
“If you’re still into Yuta…” Taeyong said.
You interjected. “Taeyong, I’m attracted to Yuta. But do I like him enough to really say I like him? Even love him? No.”
Taeyong put his hands in his pants pockets, waiting.
“Taeyong, we just met. I think we still need to get to know each other before we entertain the idea of a date.” You couldn’t believe you were saying this. Did the fact that Samantha was his sister now deter you at all?
His somberness faded completely. “Really?”
“Yes,” you said.
“Okay, well how about a movie tonight?” He didn’t waste anytime.
“What were you thinking of watching?” Please say horror. Please say horror. Please say horror.
“I’ve been wanting to see The Conjuring 3...Are you into scary movies?” He asked, hopeful.
It was as if the Lord smiled down upon you at that second.
Well, that day, the Lord smiled down upon you. Multiple times.
Part 2 (Coming Soon)
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donaldresslerfanfic · 4 years
The Dress
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Content.
Word Count: 2834
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Fifty
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
I let a box fall on top of another as I sighed, looking at my sister across the room and placing my hand on my hip.
"That's all of them" I said, checking my watch. My sister moving in the middle of my wedding planning wasn't ideal, but at least now I had her to help me from here, even though we weren't really that behind on anything.
My aunt Martha gave Donald the money for my wedding cake, even though I asked her not to do it. Earlier in the week I picked the cake, just a simple one with three floors, still, the cake tasting was today and I needed to pick up the samples, Don had already told me he couldn't make it, so I had to pick them up and take them home for tasting tonight.
I had pushed the dress fitting until today because I didn't wanted to get stuffed with cake before having the fit, but Ramona had warned me, I had to have the dress picked by the end of the week, and I was already half way into it.
Once my sister confirmed that was all, she ushered me to the car and to the BHNLD in Maryland. It took us a while to get there and in the venue I was already pissed off.
I really wasn't picky about anything else except the dress, that was something that got me in a bad mood.
Fortunately, we hadn't been to this venue before and they had dresses from the last season, giving that we were closing in on the next spring-summer releases. I was browsing with my sister while we were being served some champagne. With us were my Aunt Martha, who was like my mother, Sara and Gina, so I felt like I had a good aray of people who had met me in different times of my life.
I had given the helper just one condition, backless. At this point I didn't care if it ended up being a skin tight mermaid style dress, I'd beaten around the bush long enough.
While turning yet another dress, I gasped loudly and my sister came rushing from the other side of the store to me.
"What? Oh Jesus" she said, I took the dress out of the hanger and looked up at it.
"I need to try this one on" I said to the vendor, she gave me a smile and walked me back to the dressing room.
"You might be in luck, this one was going to be taken out of sale next week. "
I replied with a smile and took out my pants and shirt while she helped me into the dress, it was a backless like a wanted, looking at it, it was a seath style dress, and from the waist down it just fell perfectly, the length was ideal too.
She zipped me up and helped me get outside while walking to the step in front of the three mirrors.
My sister just looked at me with a straight face but I could see she was trying to hold back tears, Gina had her hand on her chest and so did Sara. This one might be it.
I brought the shoes I was going to wear to try on with the dress and when I was finally standing in the step and making the dress open up in front of me, I looked up, I looked at myself. I looked at how the dress fell from my waist down, and when the girl tightened it around my figure, I fit perfectly. This dress was fucking beautiful, and I looked beautiful in it.
I'd fallen speechless, I was just looking at it with wide eyes, when I turned around a bit and saw the dress open up and leave my back open down until my lower back, my mouth fell agape, I just couldn't believe how good this dress was.
When the dress was tight on my body, the girl moved to expand the dress to it's full length around me, it was big, but surprisingly light, and it had a considerable long train, not too long or too short. Fuck me I loved this dress.
"Mags you look beautiful" I heard my sister say with a little voice. I smiled and looked at her through the mirror, she was crying.
"Maddie don't cry" I said, feeling my eyes fill up with tears. I looked at myself again. I pulled my hair up in the simple hairstyle I was going to have for my wedding and looked again at how I would look for the big day.
"Do you like that one?" My sister asked again, I saw her clean her cheeks from the mirror in front of me.
I grabbed the dress to my sides and moved it around, I felt like a five year old twirling her dress around, seeing how it moved.
"Yes, I love this one" I said looking up at her. I felt nervous, I had a knot in my stomach. "I'm getting married in this dress"
My sister clapped happy and stood up, walking up to me as I walked down the steps carefully, then she hugged me, I heard her sniff away her tears as she held me.
"Do you think Don will like it?" I said, Madison looked at me with a smile.
"He better, you look amazing in it, and you aren't even dolled up, when we get you the make up and the jewelry, the nails, the hair, you'll be a dream come true"
I paid for the dress and the vendors had warned me about not pulling anymore weight, since the dress fitted perfectly with my figure the way it was now.
While walking out, my sister told me she would keep the dress in her place, avoiding Don seeing it before the wedding, and on the way back to the house I picked up the samples and a suit I'd gotten Don just because. He had been given me so many gifts and surprises lately I had to give something back.
I opened the door of my house with a big smile, the image of my dress on me still on my mind.
"Donnie?" I called, hopping he would be here
"Kitchen" I heard him reply. I took of my heels in the entrance and walked in, leaving the platter and the suit on the table.
He turned to greet me but instead I jumped to his arms, downing my lips to his while I held him by the neck.
"I got it" I said over his lips, he walked me to the kitchen table and sat me on top of it.
"You got what?" He said touching my waist while giving me a short kiss.
"I got my dress." I kissed him again "and I don't owe you a thousand goddamn dollars alright?"
He chuckled against my lips and pulled me in closer.
"I'll believe it when I see it" he leaned me back on the table again and kept his lips on mine.
I complained and pulled back, moving to the side and away from his grip.
"Nope, we can't do this now, we need to eat all of this cake" I opened the paper that wrapped the tray "and we need to pick, so, get a few spoons and let's get to it"
He walked back to the kitchen and got a few spoons for us along with water. While we tasted the first little piece I made conversation.
"So what did you do today Agent Ressler?"
He shrugged and gave me a twist of lips
"Nothing, went around talking to people, caught a guy who stole identities and killed researchers." He spooned the next piece "I don't like that one" he said
"It's got" I took the card and read it "it's got cream and strawberries with walnuts."
"I hate walnuts" he said, I smiled and spooned the next one with him.
"And how are you on getting Agnes back?"
"Mm" he hummed "Liz is working another angle with Reddington, they flew to Ginebra hoping to get the drop on him but Kirk seems to be two steps ahead" he lamented. "I never thought it would take us so long to get him, it's been a month, more than a month"
"The lemon one, it's to die for" I was already halfway into the pieces while Don talked. "He's a slippery one, but you guys will get him. Working on different angles help to cover all bases"
His phone rang, and he looked down at it with a frown.
"Ressler" he said while picking up. His eyes moved around and then he leaned back in the chair "right, Aram's friend" he looked at me with a little complicit smile. I leaned to him and he leaned to me to let me hear the conversation.
"I was wondering if you knew what kind of take out restaurants Aram usually orders from. I want to surprise him with dinner tonight"
He gave me a look, and I quickly mouthed.
"Paco's Taco's?" He asked trying to make out what I said. He listened a bit more and then nodded and pointed at me "yeah, ginger beer, he loves that" I nodded and gave him a thumbs up "I'm glad I could help" he said, then hung up.
"That's kind of cheating though, like I didn't have anyone to bother when I was trying to get with you" I jokingly complained, leading another piece of cake to my mouth.
"It didn't take much" he said looking at me, he chuckled and leaned his hand to me "you've got cream all over your face" he ran his thumb on my lower lip, and before he could pull back I held his hand and licked the cream off his thumb.
I saw his pupils turn as he looked at me, I gave him a little smirk and took my spoon back.
"I'm taking you to bed right now" he said, I chuckled and motioned at the pieces of cake.
"Let's pick three, then we head up."
"You pick two then, I'm not a big fan of cake anyway"
"I want the double chocolate one and the tiramisu, and you want-" I lingered, waiting for him to finish.
"Lime and coconut" he said, then leaned to me and held me by the legs, pulling me up from the chair
"Ew" I complained while leaning to his lips
"Ew what?"
"I don't like coconut"
"It's my side of the cake, don't eat it" he said, leading his lips to mine again and walking us to the couch.
I hadn't gotten word that I needed to go to the Post office today, and given by yesterdays mess with Le Bron, I intended to spend the day in, helping Mags and her sister unpack everything in their new home.
We had everything on schedule, wedding wise. Ramona just needed to set up the finishing touches and we just had to wait for the day.
At 6:30 the doorbell rang, and when I opened it I was greeted with a delivery guy.
"Nick's Pizza" he said, handing me a box. I frowned and took it, looking down at it while I walked to the kitchen.
Mags skipped the stairs and walked to the kitchen with me while I opened the box and found an envelope stuck to the lid.
"It's 6:45 am and you ordered a pizza?" She asked.
"I didn't order anything" I said motioning at the envelope as I opened it "it's from Reddington"
"Oh" she lamented "I was hoping since you had your day off you could help me with the-" she stopped to gasp loudly, looking at the envelope. "oh, my, god, I need this" she declared.
"That wax seal. I need to get one I wanna feel like the pope"
I chuckled, looking down at her and pulling her from the waist to kiss her temple
"Like the pope" I repeated while laughing. "Okay baby you get one today and when I come back tonight we'll set them up for tomorrow alright?"
"On it" she said taking out her phone and quickly opening her browser. I looked at her with dreamy eyes, I loved how spontaneous she was. "what?" She asked still looking at the phone, knowing that I was looking at her "does that make me sound ridiculous? Wait until you hear how much time I spent on the calligraphy for the envelopes"
I chuckled and quickly jogged upstairs to get a jacket, seeing that it was almost time.
"One Express delivery for a costume wax seal with the initials M and D. Should be here" she quickly looked at her phone while I opened the front door for her "in 8 hours. Perfect" she said giving me one fast kiss on the lips. "Have fun today, hope you get closer to her Agnes back, so you can rest" she silently stroked my chest while still close to me.
"Me too, I'll see you tonight"
It was a slow day, and finding out that Aram's girlfriend was a spy, that she'd backed into our system, that wasn't nice for Aram. After we got out confirmation on Kirk, Reddington told us to stand down from this, and there was nothing else for us to do.
I got back home and from the front door I could see Mags sitting on the kitchen table, going through the invitations, looking at them. She turned her head to me as I walked
"Hey" she saluted "any luck?"
"Apparently so, Liz is going to get in touch with us tomorrow, she has a meeting with Kirk tonight"
"Mm" she hummed
"And by the way" I said taking out my jacket and sitting next to her. "you'll have to delete Aram's plus one, his girlfriend is a spy"
"Yeah well, she might not be the only one" she said with a little smirk.
I looked at her while she gave me a mischievous look and continued folding the invitations.
"You have a tell, and you suck at lies"
"A tell? What tell?"
"You hide your hands when you lie"
She looked down at her hands and frowned.
"I do?" I nodded and took a handful of envelopes, taking the folded invitations and placing one in each. "Is it annoying when you find out I'm lying?"
"A little. But I know you don't do it because you like lying to me. You do it to not bother me" Maggie gave me a twist of lips and opened a little package, pulling out the wax seal and the wax sticks.
"I'm sorry" she said.
"Don't be" she stood up and looked in the kitchen for a lighter.
I handed her one of the invitations in the envelope, she wrote on of her sister's name in a very elaborate font, then she turned it around and burned a little bit of wax on it, pressing the seal before it cooled down.
She took it out and placed a hand on her chest, leaning back on the chair in exaggeration.
"I love it" she said looking down at the seal "I feel like the king in the north"
I chuckled, and we spent a good two hours doing the invitations.
"It's almost time" she said while we were nearing down on the last 10 "are you ready to get married Agent Ressler?"
"I am" I said giving her a quick look and a smile "are you nervous?"
"I'm..." I saw her scratch her head as she leaned forward on the table, stoping for a minute "I'm a little scared"
"Scared of what?" I held her hand and looked at her with a frown, she gave me a little twist of lips.
"I don't know" she avoided my gaze while she held her face with her closed fist "it's just that... Sometimes I think about what you do and... It's scary" she shrugged and finally looked at me "the uncertainty"
I moved to cup her cheek and brought her closer, she took her hand off her cheek and placed it on top of mine.
"Mags, we both know this isn't going to be easy. But there are people who work on what I work on and have a normal life, with a normal family. I'm going to try my hardest to avoid you getting caught up with my work, you and our future family. You don't have to worry about it"
"Those people don't work with Raymond" she said, it was my time to give her a twist of lips, because she was right about that one.
"But" she said leaning in to me with a smile "I knew I was signing up for a challenge" she kissed my lips shortly and I half smiled against them.
I loved this woman, I really did. And I'm going to do anything in my power to never, ever lose her.
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hyperdrivehearts · 5 years
Headcanon time! Would Yusei or Kalin want to adopt kids of their own? What are their favorite types of movies and shows? Are there hobbies or skills you can imagine them wanting to learn other than mechanics and dueling? What kinds of things do they like and dislike eating?
- Would Yusei or Kalin want to adopt kids of their own?
As of right now, in my mainverse canon, Yusei and Kalin don’t particularly want any kids; mostly because neither really know what they want out of life just yet (as long as they’re with each other tbqh.) So, for the time being they’re content with their four cats.
Although Yusei has the tendency to become a father or elder brother to literately any child he comes across, it would still be something he’d severely discuss with Kalin– and he does! (thank god these two have good communication with each other post canon.) They both would want kids..eventually, just not anytime soon because they’re still young, and because of Kalin’s mental health.
Even post canon, Kalin’s mental health is still kinda shitty– although he has made a ton of progress since he first joined Team 5Ds, having a therapist and he is on medication, it still isn’t the best to be in the spot of taking care of someone… bigger than a cat. There are days where Kalin’s really only gets out of bed to feed the cats or use the washroom, even with Yusei by his side. Yusei doesn’t force Kalin to do anything he doesn’t want to do, and just wants to make sure the other is doing okay. (He’ll close Stardust Mechanics in a heartbeat to take care of Kalin, ok?)
Kalin knows that days like those would inevitably impact his ability to care for a child, he can’t take “me days” because it affects the kid, and Kalin really, really, really wants to be the best the best version of himself possible when they do have a kid around.
Yusei and Kalin have probably also looked into surrogacy, at the suggestion of Akiza (since she is studying to become a doctor afterall,) and would also consider looking into that as an option.
HOWEVER, that all being said, in my thread with Moon’s (burningalma) Takeru, in their 5Ds verse, Kalin does befriend Takeru because of cats and we have joked that Takeru kinda just moves in of his own accord because of said cats. lets be honest knowing me and my love for found family kalin n yus are probably gonna adopt him
IN ANOTHER AU ENTIRELY ON DISCORD, Kalin and Yusei are the super cool dads of Moon’s and Kasa’s (soulburnings) Takeru’s and its nothing but slice of life and the Takeru’s being little shits and its the BEST thing since sliced bread (maybe one day we’ll actually have a thread on tumblr instead of screaming in DMs.)
I’ll be putting the rest of the headcanons under the cut!!
- What are their favorite types of movies and shows?
Neither of the two tend to watch movies or shows. Kalin as a whole feels very disconnected from pop culture, because he was dead for so long (four years is a pretty fair amount of time when you’re in your early 20s,) and generally feels disconnected from society as a whole as a result of it. 
For Kalin, there’s also the issue of his ADHD coming into play if he’s not engaged enough by the movie, he’ll have the tendency to just,, zone out and think of other things as it’s playing, and when he tunes in the story has moved so far along already he doesn’t see a point in getting back into it.
Yusei is a workaholic, and I don’t think he’s physically capable of sitting down and actually watching a movie, unless it’s the once-a-month movie night with the rest of Team 5Ds where they all squish themselves onto the couches and floor, but he definitely puts the television on when he’s working and radio isn’t enough background noise, only paying attention occasionally.
Even so, they both have their preferences on what to watch and/or to listen to. I’m 99% sure they’d both like action packed superhero movies, and Yusei probably got Kalin into watching mystery thrillers with him. Kalin definitely enjoys cooking shows, mostly because he is the one of the two of them to cook. Yusei would enjoy those fixer upper shows– like Holmes Does It Right or any show which renovates a neglected historical building (Yusei also fucking loves cheesy romcoms and will get Kalin to sit down with him for them.)
One genre they’d both probably avoid would be horror. Kalin definitely used to love the genre with his whole heart back before he first died, but after the whole shtick with the Dark Signers, I don’t think he can physically digest it anymore– it brings back too many bad memories, especially when the horror movie in question deals with graphic murder and manslaughter, he can’t help but think of when he almost killed Yusei and laughed about it. (Although most horror movies make Yusei uncomfortable typically as he just doesn’t like seeing people in pain, real or not, he’s nowhere near the levels of distressed that Kalin is.)
And with Ccapac Apu’s spirit still residing in Kalin, I’m sure you can imagine all the nasty thoughts that would arise as a result.
- Are there hobbies or skills you can imagine them wanting to learn other than mechanics and dueling?
Of course!! I briefly mentioned it earlier in the last section, and in some other posts, but my Kalin enjoys cooking and baking! It’s something he learned from his mom, who died when he was fairy young, so it’s definitely something he keeps close to his heart. (Much like cooking, his mom taught him how to dance as well and he ended up teaching Yusei when they were Enforcers, so it’s something they still do! Unfortunately Yusei has a harder time catching onto cooking.)
After seeing his therapist for the first couple of sessions, it was suggested that Kalin should keep a book of some kind to write or draw in about what he’s feeling, so he’s have some sort of outlet. (Yusei was the one to really push the idea.) Kalin took up doodling and drawing as a result, and genuinely enjoys doing it (he’s not that good yet and is still early on in the learning process.)
After dueling and mechanics, Yusei’s hobbies tend to be very quiet. He likes reading and going for drives on his runner that don’t really end up anywhere in particular (he LOVES to travel and explore new places, especially more so since Satellite is reunited with New Domino, so he actually can.) I can definitely see him getting possibly into photography (and taking a ton of pictures of Kalin as a result lol,) and as left field as it is, I can see him getting interested in crocheting and knitting SOLELY so he can make sweaters for their cats and maybe hats for Leo and Luna.
The only “not quiet” hobby I can also see him getting into is probably learning the drums, but that’s deadass me projectin since I’m a drummer with a soft spot for band AU’s.
- What kinds of things do they like and dislike eating?             
Yusei, by all means, is not a picky eater at all. He’ll basically shut up and eat whatever is given to him, even if it doesn’t taste good at like, all. It’s a lasting effect of trying to survive in Satellite. I can see him liking either savory foods, or very sweet foods with nothing in between– I don’t think he has a favorite food?
Kalin on the other hand, is a lot pickier with his foods– won’t eat certain kinds of vegetables (I can see him hating beets) or other foods unless it’s cooked a certain way. It works out, because Kalin is the one that does the cooking anyways and ranks Kalin’s food just below Martha’s (Kalin and Martha probably do exchange recipes because I can see Kalin trying to make something Yusei enjoyed as a kid for his birthday or something.) His favorite food is probably homemade ice cream, using canned coconut milk, as it’s something his mom made him a lot when she was alive, since whole milk isn’t readily available and cans are much easier to store.
Coincidentally, as you can probably tell, Yusei and Kalin BOTH have big sweet tooths and agree wholeheartedly that the best time of year is sakura season in April, where everything becomes pink and sweet. Although they try to save their money up, they’ll occasionally splurge and go on a shopping trip to raid anything in the supermarket that’s remotely sweet and/or sugary, which when Crow and Jack were living with the two of them, it would often result in Crow getting angry at Jack and calling him a bad influence.
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