#but cos I got a D grade in a couple of subjects
rowanhoney · 6 months
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skulledstars · 4 years
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oh heavens, is that ALONZO FIGUEROA from SYCAMORE WAY i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -RESTLESS & -TACITURN. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool ARCHITECT and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +ALLOCENTRIC & +GREGARIOUS. i hope i see them around again!
          hello,  y’all  !  i’m  frankie,  am  24  years  old  and  my  pronouns  are  she/her,  coming  to  you  live  from  the  cst  ——  &  it’s  been  nearly  seven  months  since  i  last  rped  tbh,  so  please  bear  with  me.  i  honestly  don’t  know  what  else  to  say  but  if  you  could  give  this  post  a  like  &  i’ll  come  with  desserts  into  your  dm’s  so  that  we  can  plot  or  something  ?  if  anyone  prefers  D!$C0RD,  feel  free  to  add  me:  FRANKIE ♡#7928  ——  but  it’s  up  to  y’all  of  course...  ANYWAYS,  MEET  ALONZO.
trigger  warnings:  brief  mention  of  a  parental  death  due  to  cancer.
          »     𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒     ;
full  name,          alonzo  ismael  figueroa  castillo.
meaning  of  name,          ❛  noble,  ready  for  battle.  ❜
pronunciation,          uh - lon - zoh.
aliases,          lonz,  lonny,  lonzo,  zo.
age,          forty-four      [  44  ].
date  of  birth,          december  10th,  1975.
place  of  birth,          santiago,  chile.
hometown,          mapleview,  north  carolina.
zodiac  sign,          sagittarius.
race,          hispanic  ╱  latinx.
nationality,          chilean  &  american.
gender  &  pronouns,          cis  man     +     he  ╱  him.
profession,          architect.
current  location,          mapleview,  north  carolina.
face  claim,          josé  pedro  balmaceda  pascal.
          »     𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇��𝐏𝐒     ;
parents,          enrique  ismael  figueroa  &  esmeralda  lucía  castillo.
siblings,          n ╱ a  —  only  child.
martial status,          divorced,  single.
children,          elena  [  11  ]     &     mateo  [  4  ].
pets,          one  dog  &  two  cats,  (  names,  breeds,  et  cetera,  tbd.  )
          »     𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘     ;
alonzo  was  born  in  a  south  american  country:  chile.  his  parents  &  a  9-month  old  baby  boy  moved  to  the  united  states  —  and  had  grown  fond  of  the  small  town  by  the  name  of  𝒎𝒂𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘  &  stayed  ever  since.  mom  and  dad  never  had  another  child;  it  was  the  three  of  them  against  the  world,  or  that’s  what  it  felt  like  for  the  first  couple  of  years.  they  did  everything  they  could  to  raise  him  in  a  land with  better  opportunities.
growing  up,  he  was  a  decent  student  with  passing  grades:  mostly  b’s,  c’s  and  the  occasional  a’s  (  which  called  for  small  victories  with  chilean  desserts  and  a  milkshake  ).  alonzo  improved  the  more  he  attended  tutoring  sessions.  they  expected  more  from  him...  obviously.  as  one  parent  does.  his  strongest  subject  was  mathematics.  long  story  short,  he  tried  his  best  with  everything  he  did.
during  his  senior  year,  his  parents  noticed  that  since  math  was  his  strong  suit  so  they  suggested  he  should  get  into  an  architecture  degree—this  was  one  of  the  few  times  where  he  actually  agreed  with  his parents.  he  applied  to  several  universities  and  one  of  them  was:  usc  school  of  architecture.  let’s  just  say  he  couldn’t  let  this  opportunity  pass.  so  long,  mapleview;  hello  california  !  off  he  went.
several  years  had  passed,  alonzo  graduated  from  USC  with  a  bachelor’s  degree  in  architectural  design.  after  that,  he  spent  some  of  his  years   away  from  his  hometown,  living  in  california,  earning  himself  an  internship  with  a  top  tier  design  studio.  he  never  saw  it  coming.  he’d  worked  too  hard  to  be  where  he  was  and  he  wanted  more;  accomplish  more  than  he  sought  out  for.
of  course,  he’d  visit  his  parents  for  some  time  in  the  holidays  or  surprising  them  with  a  visit—  helping  them  with  anything  and  everything  they  needed.  he  felt  like  he  owed  it  to  them.
alonzo  met  his  future  ex-wife  while  she  was  an  intern.  they  got  on  very  well—  started  off  as  friends  until  they  eventually  fell  in  love  with  each  other.  it  was  bliss  and  married  only  a  year  and  a  half  after  dating.  they  decided  to  move  to  mapleview  after  he  found  out  his  mom  fell  ill.
alonzo  was  a  small  town  boy,  then  a  big  city  guy...  and  back  to  a  small  town  dude  a  little  over  a  decade  ago.  however,  the  circumstances  were  that  of  his  mother  and  his  responsibility  was  to  care  for  her,  look  after  her.  alonzo  was  eternally  grateful  that  she  supported  him.  no  matter  the  amount  of  struggles  they  had,  looking  after  his  mom,  it  was  always  rough  for  him...  all  of  them.
alonzo  and  pia  eventually  had  a  daughter,  elena.  not  only  was  he  a  busy  man  but  as  soon  as  he  became  a  father,  he  made  every  fiber  of  his  being  to  be  as  hands-on  &  100%  present  as  possible.  sure,  there  were  obstacles  along  the  way,  but  alonzo  sure  made  the  effort.  thankfully,  his  parents  and  his  mother  was  still  alive  to  welcome  their  first  grandchild  into  the  world—  still  pushing  through.  unfortunately,  some  years  later,  she  had  lost  her  battle  with  cancer.
alonzo  and  pia’s  marriage  started  to  deteriorate  and  decided  to  divorce.  they  had  found  out  she  had  fallen  pregnant  with  their  second  child,  a  son  by  name  of  mateo.  before  he  was  born,  they  decided  to  stay  together.  shortly  after  his  birth,  they  couldn’t  stay  together  just  for  the  kids.  they  amicably  decided  to  split  and  co-parent  their  kids.  he  and  his  ex-wife  remain  friends  to  this  day,  four  years  after  their  divorce.
you  may  have  spotted  the  name  𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐙𝐎  𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐀  in  several  architectural  digest  magazines  (  including  others  ),  as  he  is  known  to  be  a  successful  and  renowned  architect  across  the  globe.   has  he  received  awards?  damn  well  he  has.  over  the  years,  he  expanded  his  design  firms  with  locations  across  the  nation.  despite  living  in  a  small  town,  he  still  works  and  occasionally  travels  for  work.  however,  he  also  works  from  home  and  has  a  work-life  balance.  it  wasn’t  easy  at  first  but  he’s  there  and  pleased.
          »     𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒     ;
design  firm  partner  [  0 / 2  ]  ——  description  to  be  added.  might  be  a  wc  sent  to  the  main.  idk.
best  friends  [  0  /  4  ]   ——  pretty  self-explanatory.  they  can  be  their  own  grown  up  squad.  age  shouldn’t  define  them;  they  are  often  times  up  to  no-good.
short-lived  fling  [  0  /  1  ]  ——  description  tba.  can  be  plotted  out.
will  they,  won't  they  [  0  /  1  ]  ——  description  tba.  can  be  plotted  out.
ride  or  die  ??
polar  opposite  friends  ??
cousin(s)  ???  y’all,  idk.
ANYTHING  &  EVERYTHING.  COME  TALK  TO  ME.  i  don’t  bite  :)   pinky  promise.
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scintfms · 4 years
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           hi  kids  !  wow  ,  we’re  already  at  opening  and  that’s  so  crazy  !  i’m  kofi  ,  your  co - admin  ,  and  i’m  so  excited  that  you  guys  are  here  !  i’m  23  ,  from  the  est  tz  ,  prefer  she / they  pronouns  and  i  graduate  from  college  in  a  little  more  than  seven  months  ...  yikes  .  that  being  said  ,  i’m  ready  to  introduce  you  guys  to  my  latest  muse  ,  who  may  have  huge  development  changes  as  we  go  on  because  of  him  being  brand  new  ,  mr  .  saint  moon  !  he’s  um  ...  something  of  a  mess  and  idk  if  i  love  or  hate  him  yet  ,  but  i’m  happy  to  plot  with  ya’ll  on  my  d.iscord  @  𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲.#4090  !
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            (  lee  juyeon ,  22  ,  cis  male  ,  he / him  )  *  fun  fact  about  me  ?  okay  ,  let’s  see  .  .  .   an  injury  stopped  my  promising  olympic  career  .  crazy  ,  right  ?  i’m  saint  moon  ,  i  live  in  the  contemporary  new  build  with  a  three  thousand  square  foot  outdoor  patio  on  ocean  lane  in  key  biscayne  , &  not  to  brag  ,  but  my  family’s  worth  around  $740  million  .  pretty  decent  for  real  estate  and  construction  developers  ,  huh  ?  we’ve  been  around  for  some  time  ,  but  in  town  ,  everyone’s  always  associated  me  with  the  gatsbys  ;  but  it’s  not  like  that’s  my  whole  identity  ,  or  anything  .  while  filming  for  key  biscayne  ,  it  was  surprising  when  i’d  get  dragged  on  twitter  for  being  “  errant  ,  impetuous  ,  &  rancorous  ,   ”  but  the  cameras  don’t  see  everything  ,  &  my  real  fans  know  that  i’m  nothing  but  coolheaded  ,  venturesome  ,  &  enamoring  .  i’m  not  too  bothered  by  it  though  ,  because  since  the  series  ended  ,  i’ve  opened  a  highly  successful  café  in  south  korea  and  planning  to  expand  to  the  states  .  follow  me  on  instagram  @SNT.MN  to  keep  up  . 
name  :  saint  moon  .
nickname(s)  :  none  .
age  +  date  of  birth  :  22  +  july  19th  ,  1998  .
astrological  sign  :  cancer  .
myers - briggs  personality  type  :  infj  .
enneagram  type  :  the  individualist  .
moral  alignment  :  chaotic  neutral  .
gender  +  pronouns  :  cis  man  +  he / him / his  .
place  of  birth  :  gangnam  ,  south  korea  .
place  of  residence  :  key  biscayne  ,  florida  .
sexual  orientation  :  bisexual  .
romantic  orientation  :  biromantic  .
occupation  :  former  reality  star  /  instagram  influencer  /  café  owner  .
nationality  :  korean  .
ethnicity  :  korean  .
language(s)  spoken  :  korean  ,  english  ,  japanese  ,  and  learning  mandarin  .
social  media  handle  :  @SNT.MN
            saint’s  story  starts  when  his  parents  ,  moon  ji - ho  and  park  soo - ah  went  on  their  first  date  .  in  truth  ,  it  had  been  a  rare  instance  of  love  at  first  sight  when  they  bumped  into  each  other  at  ji - ho’s  office  in  seoul  ,  and  the  date  was  only  used  to  solidify  their  feelings  .  you  see  ,  ji - ho  and  soo - ah  were  fairly  well  known  with  ji - ho  being  the  second  heir  to  moon  industries  alongside  his  sister  ,  moon  eun -  ha  .  moon  industries  was  founded  in  the  1940s  ,  and  is  known  primarily  for  their  real  estate  and  construction  business  .  the  company  was  founded  in  seoul  ,  and  originally  started  out  by  purchasing  and  renovating  beautiful  homes  and  condominiums  within  the  city  .  after  thirty  years  in  the  business  ,  ji - ho  and  eun - ha’s  father  was  one  of  the  first  in  south  korea  to  reach  the  status  of  billionaire  .
            ji - ho  and  soo -ah  were  looking  to  forge  their  own  path  ,  though  .  although  they  were  lucky  enough  to  have  wealthy  parents  ,  both  of  them  have  always  liked  the  idea  of  working  for  themselves  and  getting  their  hands  dirty  .  so  ,  they  refused  ji - ho’s  father’s  investment  and  decided  to  start  their  own  real  estate  firm  .  they  went  through  the  process  of  obtaining  their  real  estate  license  in  both  south  korea  and  the  united  states  ,  specifically in  florida  .  after  studying  hard  ,  they  were  able  to  open  moon  real  estate  ,  and  it  was  a  hassle  for  them  .  they  initially  ‘ struggled ’  seeing  as  though  they  were  their  only  employees  ,  and  soon  ,  soo - ah  discovered  that  she  was  pregnant  with  their  son  .
            for  four  years  ,  they  worked  hard  with  their  bumbling  baby  boy  ,  saint  ,  crawling  at  their  feet  and  curiously  looking  at  home  or  building  buyers  .  for  a  long  time  ,  they  considered  saint  to  be  their  closer  as  he  was  the  selling  point  and  allowed  people  to  hold  him  while  looking  at  the  home  .  usually  ,  soo - ah  would  use  saint  as  a  marketing  ploy  whenever  they  were  trying  to  sell  to  young  couples  ,  and  it  always  worked  .  the  moons  became  known  for  saint  syndrome  ,  where  those  same  young  couples  would  typically  call  to  say  that  they  were  expecting  within  a  year  of  buying  their  home  .  it  only  took  a  few  years  ,  but  the  moons  were  soon  raking  in  their  own  money  without  the  help  of  ji - ho’s  father  .  
            when  saint  was  six  ,  his  family  relocated  to  key  biscayne  ,  florida  .  life  was  easy  living  on  the  water  ,  and  his  parents  continued  to  sell  gorgeous  homes  both  in  seoul  and  in  the  wealthy  neighborhoods  of  florida  .  with  such  a  lifestyle  ,  it  wasn’t  unheard  of  for  saint  to  excel  at  his  private  school  ,  where  he  was  known  for  his  academic  prowess  as  well  as  his  ability  to  play  both  the  piano  and  the  cello  .  saint  was  a  fairly  popular  student  while  growing  up  ,  and  it  showed  when  the  moons  would  host  their  annual  christmas  party  .
            he  was  fourteen  when  he  finally  started  to  understand  the  rivalry  between  thoroughbreds  and  gatsbys  .  originally  ,  he  put  off  like  he  didn’t  care  ,  but  in  reality  he  was  trying  to  figure  it  out  .  the  moons  were  a  special  case  ,  considering  that  ji - ho  was  clearly  an  heir  to  a  billion  dollar  fortune  ,  but  also  had  become  wealthy  in  his  own  right  thanks  to  his  business  with  his  wife  .  saint  never  understood  that  jabs  and  jeers  that  he  would  receive  from  thoroughbreds  ,  because  to  him  ,  they  were  all  rich  so  what  the  hell  did  it  matter  ?  he  eventually  began  to  side  more  with  the  gatsbys  ,  never  understanding  why  the  thoroughbreds  felt  as  though  they  needed  to  stick  their  noses  up  in  the  air  at  them  .
            within  two  years  ,  though  ,  saint  seems  to  have  changed  for  the  worse  .  while  his  grades  may  be  good  ,  he  begins  to  spend  more  time  with  new  friends  in  miami  .  while  there  ,  he  surrounds  himself  with  fast  cars  and  short  nights  ,  but  he  thinks  it’s  his  parents’  fault  for  buying  him  a  488  spider  for  his  sixteenth  birthday  .  saint  began  to  get  into  trouble  ,  often  pulled  over  for  speeding  and  reckless  driving  to  impress  his  friends  .  like  always  ,  a  star  is  meant  to  fall  ,  and  it  all  came  crashing  down  for  saint  when  he  thought  that  drag  racing  on  u.s.  route  1  was  a  good  idea  .  he  assumed  that  he  could  lose  the  cops  ,  but  he  was  stupid  for  ever  thinking  so  --  he  totaled  the  $1.3m  dollar  car  ,  and  after  being  treated  for  minor  injuries  ,  he  was  booked  in  the  county  jail  .
            having  rich  parents  seems  to  be  all  fun  and  games  considering  they  were  barely  able  to  get  him  out  with  a  slap  on  the  wrist  ,  but  that  very  same  night  they  sent  him  away  on  a  business  plane  to  live  with  his  no - nonsense  grandparents  .  for  the  first  year  ,  saint  pouted  and  argued  ,  screamed  and  kicked  over  being  trapped  in  seoul  .  he  tried  to  escape  the  fortress  of  a  house  in  pyeongchang  ,  attempted  to  ditch  his  security  guards  when  he  went  out  in  public  ,  but  he  eventually  realized  that  there  was  no  getting  out  of  this  .  so  ,  he  made  the  most  out  of  it  :  he  finished  school  ,  and  during  his  senior  year  with  the  help  of  his  grandparents  ,  saint  opened  goodnight  moon  ,  a  late  night  café  that  appealed  to  college  students  and  late  workers  in  need  of  a  coffee  and  pastry  pick  me  up  .  the  café  went  viral  ,  and  so  did  the  handsome  owner  .
            he  returned  home  when  he  was  twenty  ,  and  discovered  that  key  biscayne  was  filming  .  as  the  resident  who  suddenly  disappeared  ,  saint  was  sought  after  by  the  producers  and  was  introduced  mid - way  through  the  second  season  .  
saint  and  his  family  were  not  introduced  on  key  biscayne  until  midway  through  season  two  .  he  was  introduced  as  most  table  shakers  would  be  ,  with  a  flurry  of  local  headlines  ranging  from  KEY  BISCAYNE  TEEN  ARRESTED  FOR  DRAG  RACING  and  HOW  MONEY  GETS  YOU  OUT  OF  A  JAIL  SENTENCE  .  his  parents  didn’t  like  the  idea  of  being  on  a  reality  series  ,  so  they  weren’t  featured  although  there  were  a  few  scenes  with  them  .
he  was  the  reality  show  villain  and  you  can’t  tell  me  otherwise  !  showed  up  with  an  air  of  what  the  fUCk  ever  and  despite  the  air  around  him  since  he  was  arrested  and  shipped  back  to  south  korea  ,  he  never  let  that  stop  him  ?  like  ofc  he’s  a  rich  boy  who  got  away  with  something  bc  he’s  rich  ,  but  it’s  not  that  he  doesn’t  acknowledge  it  ,  he  just  chooses  not  to  talk  about  it  .
was  definitely  the  subject  of  show  cliffhangers  ,  probably  nearly  got  kicked  off  the  show  because  of  his  short  temperament  and  despite  all  that  would  still  be  invited  to  the  reunions  because  he  would  always  start  some  shit  .  he  was  very  vocal  about  who  he  didn’t  like  on  the  show  ,  and  probably  had  good  chemistry  with  a  cast  mate  and  fans  of  the  show  always  pushed  for  them  to  become  a  thing  (  a  wc  ...  mayhaps  👀 )  but  they  were  never  anything  more  than  friends  .
by  the  end  of  the  show  ,  saint  was  that  cast  member  that  fans  love  to  hate  .  he  was  employee  of  the  month  ,  and  that’s  on  period  !  gave  what  he  was  supposed  to  gave  and  was  highkey  problematic  (  not  in  a  bad  way  ,  but  in  a  way  where  he  was  always  the  one  in  the  middle  of  some  shit  )  and  when  people  would  question  him  about  it  ofc  he  didn’t  care  KFNDSJBFS  .
a  little  shit  .  that’s  it  .  that’s  all  you  need  to  know  .  although  he’s  standoffish  ,  still  has  his  insecurities  because  he’s  not  the  ‘  perfect  ’  son  that  his  parents  pushed  for  him  to  be  .  very  much  so  the  black  sheep  of  the  family  ,  and  is  deemed  as  a  lost  cause  by  his  thespian  of  a  mother  ,  so  he  figures  that  he  might  as  well  live  up  to  that  name  .  comes  across  as  someone  who  genuinely  doesn’t  care  ,  and  he  doesn’t  KFDBJSFSD  .  sometimes  only  looks  out  for  himself  which  adds  more  sand  into  the  asshole  bin  ,  and  he  hates  being  asked  ‘  dumb  ’  questions  .  it’s  a  pet  peeve  that  his  mom  thinks  he  picked  up  from  his  father  .
he  does  not  want  to  be  your  friend  KFNDSFUS  .  he  can  be  very  standoffish  just  to  get  that  point  across  ,  and  he  doesn’t  interact  with  people  outside  of  a  chosen  few  .  
can  be  wildly  off  putting  and  while  someone  else  may  be  afraid  of  confrontation  ,  he  isn’t  !  might  be  the  subject  of  bar  brawls  and  minor  scraps  because  he  genuinely  does  not  know  how  to  shut  the  hell  up  .
hates  walnuts  ;  idk  why  that’s  important  but  it  is  .  serve  him  something  with  walnuts  in  it  and  he’ll  never  talk  to  you  again  .
romantically  and  emotionally  stunted  ,  therefore  he  bides  his  time  with  casual  sex  and  noncommittal  acts  of  romance  .  can  be  found  slipping  out  of  beds  in  the  middle  of  the  night  ,  never  returns  texts  ,  and  at  times  will  pretend  that  he  doesn’t  know  who  the  other  person  is  (  ew  !  )  .
a  chaotic  boy  with  a  heart  of  gold  ,  he  just  doesn’t  show  it  and  has  mastered  the  art  of  being  fake  .  
despite  his  repulsion  of  romance  and  relationships  ,  he’ll  flirt  with  anyone  that  has  a  pair  of  legs  ,  and  he  quite  honestly  might  call  someone  daddy  just  for  the  hell  of  it  KNFDH  . 
probably  posts  those  outfit  thirst  traps  on  instagram  reels  or  tik  tok  bc  he’s  annoying  .
an  angsty  ex  boyf  👀 if  i  have  to  BEG  for  it  i  will  !  and  i  promise  to  make  you  cry  xD
a  best  friend  pls  !  someone  who  has  been  friends  with  him  since  before  he  was  shipped  back  to  korea  for  a  few  years  so  when  he  came  back  and  was  on  the  show  ,  they  were  THE  dynamic  duo  .
i’ve  been  really  into  his  plot  but  someone  he  works  out  with  ?  maybe  they  don’t  work  out  together  per  say  ,  but  they’re  somehow  always  at  the  community  gym  at  the  same  time  .
something  soft  ?  something  so  sweet  that  it  would  make  my  teeth  rot  ?  could  either  be  a  boyfriend  or  girlfriend  thing  or  tbh  i  don’t  know  but  i’m  literally  looking  for  something  that’s  all  fluff  and  all  marshmallows  and  if  i  don’t  get  it  then  i’ll  cry  .
a  plot  where  they  full  on  hate  each  other  .  none  of  that  cute  shit  KNFDNFHSD  .  no  lingering  feelings  ,  no  moments  of  hate lapse  --  they  hate  each  other  and  it’s  a  spicy  hate  ship  that  literally  gets  your  blood  pumping  .  
his  hoodrat  friends  NFDJNHFBD  i’m  kidding  but  i’m  thinking  like ...  a  billionaire  boys  club  type  of  thing  ?  perhaps  the  five  of  them  get  together  and  ppl  try  to  penetrate  the  group  or  they  have  these  instances   where  ppl  straight  up  hate  them  for  no  reason  ?  they  were  probably  the  TALK  of  the  show  bc  thought  they  were  assholes  KNFDJBFBD  idk  either  way  ,  my  hand  is  out  .  (  1  of  4  spots  filled  )
a  one  night  stand  with  some  substance  ?  like  yeah  ,  they  fuck  around  and  they  have  their  fun  together  but  they  don’t  pretend  to  not  know  each  other  in  public  (  unless  this  person  is  a  thoroughbred  and  i  oop  ,  chile  )  so  they  probs  tend  to  be  a  little  like  confidants  at  times  but  also  have  a  tendency  of  shutting  each  other  up  with  sex  .
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Bessie Love (born Juanita Horton; September 10, 1898 – April 26, 1986) was an American-British actress who achieved prominence playing innocent, young girls and wholesome leading ladies in silent and early sound films. Her acting career spanned eight decades—from silent film to sound film, including theatre, radio, and television—and her performance in The Broadway Melody (1929) earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress.
Love was born Juanita Horton in Midland, Texas, to John Cross Horton and Emma Jane Horton ( Savage). Her father was a cowboy and bartender, while her mother worked in and managed restaurants. She attended school in Midland until she was in the eighth grade, when her family moved to Arizona, New Mexico, and then to California, where they settled in Hollywood. When in Hollywood, her father became a chiropractor, and her mother worked at the Jantzen's Knitwear and Bathing Suits factory.
In June 1915, while a student at Los Angeles High School, Horton went to the set of a film to meet with actor Tom Mix, who had recommended that she visit him if she wanted to "get into pictures". However, when Mix was unavailable, she was advised to meet with pioneering film director D. W. Griffith, who put her under personal contract. When it was decided that her given name was too long for theater marquees and too difficult to pronounce, Griffith's associate Frank Woods gave Horton the stage name Bessie Love: "Bessie, because any child can pronounce it. And Love, because we want everyone to love her!" Love dropped out of high school to pursue her film career, but she completed her diploma in 1919.
Griffith gave her a small role in his Intolerance (1916). Although Intolerance was her first performance to be filmed, it was her ninth film to be released. The first films Love made were with Griffith's Fine Arts company, yet Intolerance was the only film that he formally directed.
Her "first role of importance" —in the second of her films to be released—was in The Flying Torpedo (1916). She later appeared opposite William S. Hart in The Aryan and with Douglas Fairbanks in The Good Bad-Man, Reggie Mixes In, and The Mystery of the Leaping Fish (all 1916). This string of appearances and supporting roles led to her first starring role, in A Sister of Six (1916). In her early career, she was likened to Mary Pickford, and was called "Our Mary" by Griffith.
As her roles got larger, her popularity gradually grew. In early 1918, Love left Fine Arts for a better contract with Pathé.[ After the Pathé films were unsuccessful, she signed a nine-film contract with Vitagraph later that year, all of which were directed by David Smith. Her performances often received positive reviews, but her films often were shown at smaller movie theaters, which impacted the growth of her career.
Upon the completion of her Vitagraph contract, Love became a free agent. She took an active role in the management of her career, and was represented by Gerald C. Duffy, the former editor of Picture-Play Magazine.
Love sought roles that were different from the little girls she had portrayed earlier in her career when under contract to studios. She played Asian women in The Vermilion Pencil (1922) and The Purple Dawn (1923); a drug-addicted mother in Human Wreckage (1923); a woman accused of murder in The Woman on the Jury (1924); an underworld flapper in Those Who Dance (1924); and versions of her real-life self in Night Life in Hollywood (1922), Souls for Sale (1923), and Mary of the Movies (1923).
As a film star, she was expected to entertain studio executives at parties, so she learned to sing, dance, and play the ukulele. She gradually honed these skills and later performed them onscreen and on the stage. Because of her performance in The King on Main Street (1925), Love is credited with being the first person to dance the Charleston on film, popularizing it in the United States. Her technique was documented in instructional guides, including a series of photographs by Edward Steichen. She subsequently performed the dance the following year in The Song and Dance Man.
In 1925, she starred in The Lost World, a science fiction adventure based on the novel of the same name by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In 1927, she appeared in the successful Dress Parade, and was so impressed by her experiences on location that she wrote the unpublished novel Military Mary. A year later, she starred in The Matinee Idol, a romantic comedy directed by a young Frank Capra. Despite these successes, Love's career was on the decline. She lived frugally so that she could afford lessons in singing and dancing.
Love toured with a musical revue for sixteen weeks, which was so physically demanding that she broke a rib. The experience she gained on the vaudeville stage singing and dancing in three performances a day prepared her for the introduction of sound films. She appeared in the successful sound musical short film The Swell Head in early 1928, and was signed to MGM later that year.
In 1929, she appeared in her first feature-length sound film, the musical The Broadway Melody. Her performance earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress, and the success of the film resulted in a five-year contract with MGM and an increase in her weekly salary from US$500 to $3,000 (equivalent to $45,000 in 2019)—$1,000 more than her male co-star Charles King.
She appeared in several other early musicals, including 1929's The Hollywood Revue of 1929 and 1930's Chasing Rainbows, Good News, and They Learned About Women. Her success in these musicals earned her the title "the screen's first musical comedy star."
However, the popularity of musical films waned, again putting her career in decline. Love is quoted as saying of her career: "I guess I'm through. They don't seem to want me any more." She shifted focus to her personal life, marrying in December 1929.
She semi-retired from films, and traveled with a musical revue that included clips from her films The Broadway Melody, The Hollywood Revue, and Chasing Rainbows. While on tour, she learned she was pregnant with her daughter, who was born in 1932. Love stopped her stage work to raise her daughter. In 1935, Love moved to England, briefly returning to the United States in 1936 to obtain a divorce.
During World War II in Britain, when it was difficult to find employment as an actress, Love worked as the script supervisor on the film drama San Demetrio London (1943). She also worked for the American Red Cross.
After the war, Love began acting again, this time primarily in the theater and on BBC Radio as a member of their Drama Repertory Company; she also played small roles in British films, often as an American tourist. Stage work included such productions as Love in Idleness (1944) and Born Yesterday (1947). She wrote and performed in The Homecoming, a semiautobiographical play, which opened in Perth, Scotland in 1958. Film work included The Barefoot Contessa (1954) with Humphrey Bogart, and Ealing Studios' Nowhere to Go (1958), and she had supporting roles in The Greengage Summer (1961) starring Kenneth More, the James Bond thriller On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969), and John Schlesinger's Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971). In addition to playing the mother of Vanessa Redgrave's titular character in Isadora (1968), Love also served as dialect coach to the actress.
When television became popular, Love appeared in dozens of episodes of British television shows in the 1950s, '60s, and '70s. In October 1963, she became the subject of This Is Your Life when host Eamonn Andrews surprised her at the stage door of Never Too Late after its London opening. Guests included London Scrapbook director Derrick De Marney, her Forget Me Not (1922) co-star Gareth Hughes, actor Percy Marmont, her friend and Those Who Dance (1924) co-star Blanche Sweet, and her daughter Patricia.
Love appeared in John Osborne's play West of Suez (1971), and as "Aunt Pittypat" in a large-scale musical version of Gone with the Wind (1972). She also played Maud Cunard in the TV miniseries Edward & Mrs. Simpson in 1978. Her film work continued in the 1980s with roles in Ragtime (1981), Reds (1981), Lady Chatterley's Lover (1981), and—her final film—The Hunger (1983).
Love married agent William Hawks at St. James' Episcopal Church in South Pasadena, California on December 27, 1929. Mary Astor (Hawks's sister-in-law), Carmel Myers, and Norma Shearer were among her bridesmaids, with Irving Thalberg and Hawks's brother Howard serving as ushers. Following their wedding, the couple lived at the Havenhurst Apartments in Hollywood, and their only child, Patricia, was born in 1932. Four years later, the couple divorced.
Love moved to England with her daughter in 1935, a year before her divorce was final. Her life in England kept her out of the eye of her American fans, which resulted in the American press erroneously reporting her as dead multiple times. Love became a British subject in the late 1960s.
Love was a Christian Scientist.
After several years of declining health, Love died at the Mount Vernon Hospital in Northwood, London from natural causes on April 26, 1986. Her ashes are interred at Breakspear Crematorium in Ruislip, Hillingdon, England.
Cartoonist Alex Gard created a caricature of Love for Sardi's, the famed restaurant in Manhattan's Theater District. It is now part of the Billy Rose Theatre Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Portraits of Love are also in the collections of the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. and the National Portrait Gallery in London.
Love periodically was interviewed by film historians, and was featured in the television documentary series The Hollywood Greats (1978) and Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film (1980), both about early filmmaking in Hollywood. She also loaned materials from her personal collection to museums. In 1962, she began contributing articles about her experiences to The Christian Science Monitor. In 1977, she published an autobiography entitled From Hollywood with Love.
For her contributions to the motion picture industry, Love was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1960 at 6777 Hollywood Boulevard.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. Five facts about your current relationship OR five facts about your single life.
a) I haven’t been truly single in...around 6 years, so it’s been a bit of an adjustment.
b) It was my last day as an intern yesterday (but they hired me, so I’m staying after all, haha) and since I’ve felt like I gained a family in the last two months, I thought it would be okay to give professionalism a break and share what had actually been going on with me on my first day on the job, aka when the breakup was still fresh and I was still figuring out how to function all over again. It unsurprisingly surprised everyone and my superior said something like, “Omg it’s the [company name] curse; it’s so strong it broke you guys up before you even got hired” which got a laugh out of me.
c) I’m not interested in seeing other people.
d) Probably wouldn’t be, for a long time. My trust has been irreparably broken.
e) Seeing couples in public has now become annoying. I’m happy for them, but it’s still annoying.
2. Five facts about a past relationship.
a) I’ve known her since kindergarten, but we didn’t become friends till 7th grade and didn’t start dating until junior year of high school.
b) We were legal with her family and her parents loved me and I them. On the other hand, I was never able to come out to my family because she broke up with me before I could be able to do so.
c) She introduced me to vaping.
d) We were never able to truly travel together, which we always planned to do after graduating. The farthest we reached was Batangas.
e) She never knew where she wanted to eat whenever we were out, so I was mostly the one who decided which restaurant we were going to have lunch or dinner in.
3. Five facts about your mother.
a) She has always worked in hotels, which is great because it has always allowed us to get room and buffet discounts, heh.
b) Her family (aka my grandparents, her, and my uncles) struggled financially for a little bit when my grandpa lost his job when she was in college. When her friends would go to fast-food restaurants, my mom would always decline, saying she had schoolwork to finish. In reality she just couldn’t afford anything, and the only money she held was for public transport.
c) She is a little childish considering her age, and I cannot stand her petty tantrums. She was childish even when I was a kid, and I believe my emotional well-being suffered because of that.
d) She has a high pain tolerance and the only time I’ve seen her struggle was when she was getting a tattoo on the back of her shoulder.
e) She is also extremely religious and it especially grinds my gears when she gets hypocritical about it, which is just about all the time.
4. Five facts about your father.
a) He has only ever dated my mom.
b) He grew up extremely poor and at some point his parents actually stopped being able to afford his tuition. Instead of being kicked out, a few nuns who served in the school paid my grandparents a visit and told them my dad would be given a scholarship since he had good grades and it would have been a waste if he got expelled.
c) He was a dancer in high school, knows how to play the guitar, and he also apparently knows how to draw very well. There’s a lot I don’t know about him, considering he has worked abroad my whole life.
d) He breaks or loses his reading glasses once every few months. I know which parent I definitely take after.
e) I have never seen him cry.
5. Five facts about your sibling. If you have more than one, pick one. Or do them all!
a) She had problems crying in school until she was in around 2nd or 3rd grade.
b) She’s in college and is currently taking up digital filmmaking.
c) She’s the biggest introvert I know. I’ve never seen her be willing to do anything silly; not even with her friends.
d) She can’t handle spicy food.
e) Her main interests have shifted from Harry Potter, to One Direction, to 5SOS, and now K-pop. I believe she’s into Seventeen the most.
6. Five facts about your town.
a) The upper part of the city offers amazing views of the Metro Manila skyline, which has recently made the place a kinda popular nightlife destination.
b) There’s a lot of hidden gem restaurants here but because most people spend more time complaining about how far my city is and how difficult it is to get to than actually just making the damn ride over here, the restaurants stay hidden and uncrowded. Their loss.
c) Used to be massively underdeveloped for most of my childhood and teenage years. Now there are several malls and I can easily go to a McDonald’s, Burger King, and Starbucks right outside our village.
d) Because you basically have to drive through a mountain to get to the upper part of the city, it’s not the safest highway and fatal crashes are unfortunately common.
e) The city is known for its suman, except I hate Filipino rice cakes and this actually doesn’t do anything for me.
7. Five facts about your house.
a)  It used to have a balcony until we had that transformed into another bedroom. So technically it is still a balcony; it just hasn’t had that purpose for a while now.
b) My mom used a little cheat in our dining room and installed a huge wall mirror. Most people visiting for the first time always note how much larger it made the room (and thus the house) look.
c) I live in a neighborhood where the houses are of the same model and look (think the Squidville episode from Spongebob). That said, balconies are included in all properties. When my parents decided to renovate ours and turn it into a room, so many houses slowly followed suit as well. It was amusing to see it unfold, knowing the idea undoubtedly originated from us. It was like a revolution.
d) We don’t have a gate, which irritates me to no end because it allows noisy neighborhood kids to just march and run around our property. Sometimes they even make it to our carport and backyard, ugh. :(
e) Speaking of backyard, the landscaping for it used to be a pebble mosaic designed to look like a swan. But over the years the quality deteriorated, so my parents to opted to have the pebbles crushed into tiny rocks and embedded onto the ground. I don’t exactly know what this technique is called, but yeah.
8. Five facts about your niece or nephew. If you have more than one, pick one. Or do them all! Skip if you don’t have one. I don’t have any, but I do have a godson so I’m going with him as I don’t want to leave any section blank.
a) He was born sometime in December. I honestly don’t remember when, loooooool. Worst godmother ever.
b) He’s actually one of my first cousins, but I guess my aunt saw something in me and wanted me to be his godson. I’ve been a terrible one, though; I’ve never bought him gifts or money or anything – to be fair, I was made a ninang when I was like, 14 or 15 lmao.  But I can definitely make up for it now that I’m starting to earn my own money.
c) He’s the calmer, sweeter version of his older brother. His kuya was a pretty naughty kid when he was his age.
d) He mainly speaks English, as how most younger parents raise their kids these days. He understands Filipino of course, but he mostly communicates in English.
e) The last time I saw him, he was in the middle of a ridiculously adorable interviewing phase where he’d approach anyone in the family and start asking them a series of questions: what’s your favorite color? What food can’t you live without? What’s your favorite subject in school? Would you rather win $1 million dollars or know how to fly? It typically got exhausting after the 25th question, but it was so cute nonetheless. None of us have any idea where it came from.
9. Five facts about your education.
a) I went to a private, all-girls, Catholic school from kinder up to high school, and then moved to a public, co-educational, non-sectarian university for college. It was the very epitome of culture shock, lemme tell ya.
b) Some classes I had in my first school that might be uncommon in others have included penmanship (because my school has its own brand of cursive), environmental education, and I don’t remember what this next class was called anymore but we were basically taught how to write professionally? Like how to write cover letters and resumés and all.
c) My first school is extremely homophobic and went so far as to ‘hire’ spies  tasked to check up on who’s been in same-sex relationships, list them all down, and report them to the guidance office so that they can be called one by one and be interrogated, and for the most part, pressured to come out. I don’t know if they still do this, but the younger batches are definitely more vocal and woke now thanks to social media and I doubt those practices would still fly today.
d) My university education was a breath of fresh air. Suddenly people were wearing sleeveless tops, mobs and rallies were a common sight to me, and my instructors were now atheist and not shoving Catholicism and Jesus and salvation down my throat. I loved every single day of it.
e) The most interesting class I took in college was a course called Pornography in Electronic Media, under the broadcast communication department. Getting to tell people I take a class where we sit down to watch porn was such a fucking ride.
10. Five facts about your job.
a) I got hired last Wednesday, but I had been interning for the company for around two months before they extended the offer.
b) I’m pretty much gonna be doing the same things I did as an intern, except I’m now accountable for any boo-boos I make HAHAHAHA. Also, I’m gonna be paid a lot more, obviously, which is sweet. I really thought we interns were severely underpaid considering the work that we help with on a daily basis.
c) My role is going to be with another department which is a little scary because it means the things I learned with the department I actually interned at will be pretty much useless. I’ll be starting from scratch again, but I’m still excited.
d) It’s a work-from-home situation, which is a relief for me because I don’t have to wake up early and I don’t have to face traffic. 
e) My job interview for the position was actually a bit of a bomb because I absolutely fumbled with and messed up the first question I was asked; and since first impressions matter, I really thought I lost the gig from the very start of the interview. I made up for it as the interview continued and fortunately was able to break the ice and build a rapport with the team members who spoke with me, and I guess I did enough for them to want to take me in anyway.
For those who are curious, I blanked the fuck out when they asked “Tell me something about yourself that isn’t in your resumé.” Slowest 15 seconds of my life.
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pennyfynotes · 6 years
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8.2.18 // 4:30pm // school subjects and AP exams oh my
so i recently (ok not so recently i’m sorry super busy rn) got an ask from an anon about subject specific tips and ap exams. this is the masterpost i told you to look out for ;). there are no ap exams in college, but some of the stuff is still applicable. i did my best to be as comprehensive as possible and dump everything in one place. hope this is helpful! xoxo, m ps. guess where the actual tips are?    if you said “under the cut” then you’re right bc i’m predicable af
tips by subject:
languages (i took spanish): 1. flashcards are your friend. i don’t care if they’re digital (would recommend quizlet or studyblue) or paper, but they help immensely with either vocab or things like remembering literature.
2. charts are also your friend. conjugations giving you a hard time? write out a chart of the different tenses and the conjugations for each subject. put down some of the irregulars too.
3. acronyms/pnemonics are also also your friend. a lot of these already exist, you just have to go find them. i’m pretty sure i still remember what “wedding” stands for for the spanish subjunctive.
4. it’s ok to start over. it’s easy to start a sentence based on what you’d say in english. you’re doing fine until *bam* you hit that word/phrase you really need but you have no clue how to say it. whether it’s an oral or written exam, take a few seconds to think about it and, if you can’t figure it out, just back track. restart the sentence and rework it. better to do that than to lose all your time thinking of one word you may or may not know.
5. skirt around things. if you can’t remember how to say fridge but you really need to say it for something, just say “machine that keeps food cold” or something. it might sound silly,  but it gets the point across and removes the road block.
6. make a list. no, not a to do list. if there’s phrases you find yourself reaching for all the time, but you can never remember, make a list of them and their translations. it might be because its a phrase/part of a sentence structure you use a lot in your native language or whatever. make that list and drill just those few phrases into your head. it’s helpful
english/language arts: 1. proofread. i guarantee you’ll find a mistake, a sentence that makes no sense, or one that just sounds cringy. thank me later.
2. have a damn thesis. its ok if you just need to write and spit words/ideas out for a while to figure it out. but figure it out.
3. conclusion ~= introduction. for those of you who didn’t get the tilde, it means not. yes, they both tie your points to your thesis but they are not to same. do not just reword the same information in the conclusion. push your ideas just a little further. i usually like the push them a little bit outside the realm of what i talked about in my paper. for example, if i focused on the first 5 chapters of the book in the rest of my paper, i’ll expand the ideas to the rest of the book. or if i’m talking about female characters and focus on just one or two, i’ll use the conclusion to potentially connect it to another.
4. have favorites. pick a few fav transitions, sentence structures, and fancy vocab words. basically build a toolbox. this way you won’t have to think as hard when you want to “spice up” your work.
5. summaries only go so far. once you get to higher level english classes, there will be a lot of analysis of specific imagery, or wording, or dialogue. reading cliff notes is only going to give you the plot and none of this. if you don’t have time to read and you’ve been assigned a pretty standard english novel/play/whatever, take the time to look up some famous quotes or symbols. they’ll probably come up in discussion and this will help you look less unprepared.
6. have on question/comment ready. if your teacher/prof is into discussions and grades on participation, it’s handy to write down one (or a few) things. it’s easy to forget what you were going to say while you follow the discussion and it sucks to get docked points for not saying anything. even if it’s just a thoughtful question, jot it down.
history: 1. lol prob my weakest subject, just go see the apush (ap us history) section bc i don’t have much more for you than that.
science: 1. back to basics. i say it all the time, i’ll say it again. really understand basic concepts. they will come back. i’m serious.
2. pattern recognition. science problems are often times about recognizing patterns. once you identify the type of problem it is, even if you’ve never seen the exact one/something similar before, solving it becomes way easier.
3. make a recipe book. tied to the last one, but once you recognize a type of problem, you need steps to solve it. go through any practice problems you’re given to determine all the “types” of problems. once you’ve categorized them, make yourself a step-by-step guide on how to solve.
4. flashcards. you’ll have to know polyatomic ions or random biology facts. see languages tip #1 for more.
5. note your errors in lab. if you do something wrong, don’t just try to brush it under the table and forget about it. not that it’s a big deal, because its not, so don’t freak out. they’re just great opportunities to note sources of error. i mean obviously dont write in your lab report that you weren’t paying attention and mixed the wrong chemicals, but something like “we may not have waited sufficient time for the product to dry” can explain why you got 800% yield.
6. have a toolkit. kinda like a recipe book, but just a collection of straight facts that come up often. knowing common molecular weights and chemical properties (is ammonia acidic or basic?) will make things go faster. like i said earlier, polyatomic ions are also great.
7. brush up on some simple arithmetic. similar to the tool kit, this will just make things go faster. being able to quickly add things and calculate easy percentages (ex: 30%) will make things like hw and exams go faster. i’m of the opinion it’s always good to know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide w/o a calculator (on paper, not all in your head)
bonus: math #5 and #7
math: 1. see science #1
2. see science #2
3. see science #3
4. see science #4. see a pattern here? you might wonder why you need to flashcard math, but it’s good for learning equations or the names of certain techniques. if the prof asks you to solve something using X technique and you don’t know what that is, that’s gonna pose a problem. also good for the unit circle (don’t get me started)
5. figure out your speed. this is applicable to most everything, but i find it most relevant for math. is it better for you to speed through the whole exam and then do it all again/check it over 2x? or for you to take it slow so you know you got everything right the first time? personally i use the first approach, but i’m a fast taker and prefer to have time to process between repeating problems instead of staring at it forever once and never looking again.
6. science #7. a lot of teachers will expect you to be able to do this.
7. go over the material a couple times. also applicable to everything. i find it’s easier to remember things when i know that concepts are connected. you might have learned X 3 weeks before Y, but if you go back over, you might realize they’re closely related. this will help you if you’re not sure on a test because you can reason through things using the connections you’ve drawn
tips by ap course (obv look at the subject above bc i will be giving *really specific stuff* here that i’ve gathered from experience. they’re also ordered by when i took them, sorry it’s not super logical but i didn’t want to forget one)
general ap course/exam tips: 1. practice exams. you need to be familiar with what will/will not show up. you don’t always need to simulate and real testing situation, but i’d recommend doing at least 1-2 that way. also *know how many questions they’re are you so can pace yourself!!!!*
2. college board is pretty good about giving topic breakdowns. use those. go through and figure out what topics you’re solid on and which need more work. the above tip is to help decipher what the topics actually mean bc it can be confusing.
3. give the free response a quick flip through. do the ones you’re confident on first.
4. make sure you know the policies/what you can bring. don’t want to forget something. also once our test administrator tried to stop us 10 minutes early, but we were on top of our shit and all gave her a death glare bc we knew when we were supposed to finish.
ap chemistry: 1. polyatomic ions and molecular weights. know them
2. chapter/section reviews (in addition to class notes) and how-to guides. my teacher made us make them and let’s just say your girl did *really* well (and i’m damn proud of that one)
3. do a quick skim of the free response. applicable to most exams but, the year i took it, they’d just remade and re-curved the exam and put *way* too many free response. like no one finished them. if that’s still the case, make sure you do the one’s you’re confident on. also, i did not get to like 3 questions and still got a 5. they may have fixed this idk. (sorry this is redundant but i wanted to give this ap chem exam specific info)
ap environmental science: 1. there is a lot of damn information here. i would use chapter outlines and pick out key terms, policies, and events etc. treat this like a history class.
2. for the exam, use common sense. most of the time, the most environmentally friendly answer is the right one. if you just have a general gist of the course and its topics, but don’t know a lot of details, go with your intuition and you should be fine. i didn’t have a lot of time to study for this one and this method worked for me.
ap calc bc: 1. memorize standard derivatives. power rule, sin and cos, chain rule. that’s important.
2. similarly, memorize standard integrals.
3. don’t forget +c for indefinite integrals. just don’t.
4. similarly, if it’s definite, don’t forget to evaluate at the end! super easy thing to do, but also super easy way to lose points if you forget.
5. if the integral looks complicated, that probably means there’s a “trick” involved. u substitution, integration by parts, trig substitution. something like that.
6. memorize some standard series’, operations, and types (arithmetic, geometric etc)
7. if you’re looking at a word problem, understand what is dependent on your variable and what isn’t (in other words, what’s a constant). for example, if it says the water flows into the barrel at 50 mL/s and flows out at 1/5 times the volume, that translate to F = 50 - (1/5)V. don’t make things more complicated by trying to write everything in terms of V (in this example). also, your equation might just be a constant term or just a variable term doesn’t have to be both.
8. know what your derivative is with respect to/what it really means. aka if your problem is talking about flow and volume, how are they related to each other? flow is the change in volume *with respect to time*. so if i differentiate volume with respect to time, i get flow. if i integrate flow with respect to time, i get volume. this also helps you make sense of word problems.
*disclaimer*: it is been 5 years since i took this class and i have taken quite a few math classes after. i apologize if i introduce anything that is a little irrelevant.
ap spanish language: 1. flashcard. like seriously. there’s gonna be vocab involved.
2. understand what’s asked. for the persuasive email. *be persuasive*
3. toolkit. i mentioned this before but this was probably the most useful for this class. our teacher gave us a bunch of fancier words to use instead of causar (to cause) because that was a word we’d need a lot. the one that still sticks with me 4 years later is fomentar. have a few alternatives for these kinds of super common words, a good greeting and closing for your email, and a set of good transitions. *make sure you know how to use them properly*
4. write stuff down during listening. you can either answer questions during the first listen, then take notes the second to catch stuff you missed or vice versa.
5. it’s ok to backtrack in the speaking. don’t let yourself get stuck and just not say anything. it’ll freak you out for the rest of the exam and will rob you from showing off what you know. also take notes of things you want to mention based off cultural knowledge of the situation related to the dialogue.
6. don’t zone out. with everything going on and all the stress, it’s easy to zone out (esp during the conversation). don’t do it or you’ll have a hard time responding and freak yourself out (again)
7. don’t lose your place in the convo! they give you a sheet that shows you how many times the other “person” will talk. i lost track and said goodbye one segment early. it was bad ok. all these conversation tips are from personal experience.
ap statistics: 1. know the different kinds of tests inside and out. know the differences and the conditions. if you’ve got that, you’re like 75% the way there.
2. be familiar with sample vs population. it’s a bit confusing, but take the time to understand.
3. ok sorry i really don’t remember anything else. this exam really isn’t that difficult (in my opinion), you’ll be ok.
ap physics c: 1. free body diagrams. understand how to draw them *and draw them*. they will carry you through mechanics. draw gravitational force, normal if there’s a surface, and then any other given forces.
2. basic equations. you get an equation sheet, but knowing the equations means you know the concepts and the relations between them. big ones are f=ma and the equations relating position (x), velocity (v), and acceleration (a). also friction f=uN.
3. *normal isn’t always the opposite direction of gravity!!!!* gravity is straight down. normal is perpendicular to the surface.
4. vector components. please don’t just add vectors. break them down into components and then add or you are so fucked.
5. get familiar with triangles. this will help with the whole component thing.
6. kirchoffs rules are so helpful. know them.
7. understand the relations between voltage/potential and current in terms of the properties of circuit elements. that means the equations for resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
8. know how to add in parallel and series. it’s important. also! if the circuit is drawn “weird” a good way to know series vs parallel is that parallel elements share two nodes and that series circuits only share 1.
9. sorry i kinda blocked out E+M bc i didn’t know what i was doing (or so i thought). i still got a 4 tho so that curve is generous.
ap us history: 1. chapter outlines. pretty self explanatory.
2. make a timeline. put important events, sentiments, policies, and presidents. if you can associate these things together into time periods it will be easier. most of the time, any one question (esp long response or whatever they’re called) will only focus on 1 time period.
3. sentiments are important. if you know nothing else, know these bc they will help guide you through questions by reasoning even if you know nothing else.
4. gilder lehrman (or similar us history summaries). these are tailor specifically to apush bc they are organized by period (i think that’s what they were called?). i actually fell asleep listening to these bc i didn’t have time to study. they were mildly helpful, but every little bit helps right?
ap psychology: 1. chapter outlines/flashcards. this course is based heavily on key terms and less so on larger concepts.
2. ok sorry i took this online i remember literally nothing except how annoying my teacher was and that the exam was easy. if you know terminology i think you should do fine.
ap biology: 1. there is a lot. go through all the topics and make sure you’re solid. start with the big picture, then think about narrowing down.
2. know how charts work. things like pedigrees, punnet squares, and evolution trees (that’s def not the right term). some of the exam will just be interpretation of this.
3. i am so sorry i remember nothing else.
ap spanish literature: 1. flashcards. title, author, time period, short summary, key elements (a line, character, symbol). this is *so helpful*
2. think about the works in relation to each other. you might be asked to compare them. even if they ask you to compare something on the reading list with something new, you’ll be familiar with the points you might talk about.
3. know the lit terms. more flashcards. associate them with a particular work if you can/need to.
4. don’t freak on the listening. a lot of the recordings are old and shitty quality. take a deep breath and try your best. know that the rest of the test takers (excepting maybe natives) are experiencing the same thing.
5. use that tool box. see general spanish and ap spanish lang.
this is so freaking long and i think the moral of the story is that i blocked out my senior year ap exams. i hope this was helpful and, if you have more questions, or want more stuff like this, let me know!
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
This expose` is an fascinating look at Joe Biden’s life growing up as a stutterer and the effects this disability had on his life, including in politics. It's long but well worth the read in light of his debate performances being questioned and whether he's up to the challenge of facing off against Trump.
Biden says his father taught him about “shouldering burdens with grace.” Specifically, he told his son, “Never complain. Never explain.”
What Joe Biden Can’t Bring Himself to Say
His verbal stumbles have voters worried about his mental fitness. Maybe they’d be more understanding if they knew he’s still fighting a stutter.
Photography Mark Peckmezian, Story by John Hendrickson
His eyes fall to the floor when I ask him to describe it. We’ve been tiptoeing toward it for 45 minutes, and so far, every time he seems close, he backs away, or leads us in a new direction. There are competing theories in the press, but Joe Biden has kept mum on the subject. I want to hear him explain it. I ask him to walk me through the night he appeared to lose control of his words onstage.
“I—um—I don’t remember,” Biden says. His voice has that familiar shake, the creak and the croak. “I’d have to see it. I-I-I don’t remember.”
We’re in Biden’s mostly vacant Washington, D.C., campaign office on an overcast Tuesday at the end of the summer. Since entering the Democratic presidential-primary race in April, Biden has largely avoided in-depth interviews. When I first reached out, in late June, his press person was polite but noncommittal: Was an interview really necessary for the story?
Then came the second debate, at the end of July, in Detroit. The first one, a month earlier, had been a disaster for Biden. He was unprepared when Senator Kamala Harris criticized both his past resistance to federally mandated busing and a recent speech in which he’d waxed fondly about collaborating with segregationist senators. Some of his answers that night had been meander­ing and difficult to parse, feeding into the narrative that he wasn’t just prone to verbal slipups—he’s called himself a “gaffe machine”—but that his age was a problem, that he was confused and out of touch.
Detroit was Biden’s chance to regain control of the narrative. And then something else happened. The candidates were talking about health care. At first, Biden sounded strong, confident, presidential: “My plan makes a limit of co-pay to be One. Thousand. Dollars. Because we—”
He stopped. He pinched his eyes closed. He lifted his hands and thrust them forward, as if trying to pull the missing sound from his mouth. “We f-f-f-f-further support—” He opened his eyes. “The uh-uh-uh-uh—” His chin dipped toward his chest. “The-uh, the ability to buy into the Obamacare plan.” Biden also stumbled when trying to say immune system.
Fox News edited these moments into a mini montage. Stifling laughter, the host Steve Hilton narrated: “As the right words struggled to make that perilous journey from Joe Biden’s brain to Joe Biden’s mouth, half the time he just seemed to give up with this somewhat tragic and limp admission of defeat.”
Several days later, Biden’s team got back in touch with me. One of his aides gingerly asked whether I’d noticed the former vice president stutter during the debate. Of course I had—I stutter, far worse than Biden. The aide said he was ready to talk about it. Last night, after Biden stumbled multiple times during the Atlanta debate, the topic became even more relevant.
“So how are you, man?”
Biden is in his usual white button-down and navy suit, a flag pin on the left lapel. Up close, he looks like he’s lost weight since leaving office in 2017. His height is commanding, but, as he approaches his 77th birthday, he doesn’t fill out his suit jacket like he used to.
I stutter as I begin to ask my first question. “I’ve only … told a few people I’m … d-doing this piece. Every time I … describe it, I get … caught on the w-word-uh stuh-tuh-tuh-tutter.”
“So did I,” Biden replies. “It doesn’t”—he interrupts himself—“can’t define who you are.”
Maybe you’ve heard Biden talk about his boyhood stutter. A non-stutterer might not notice when he appears to get caught on words as an adult, because he usually maneuvers out of those moments quickly and expertly. But on other occasions, like that night in Detroit, Biden’s lingering stutter is hard to miss. He stutters—­if slightly—on several sounds as we sit across from each other in his office. Before addressing the debate specifically, I mention what I’ve just heard. “I want to ask you, as, you know, a … stutterer to, uh, to a … stutterer. When you were … talking a couple minutes ago, it, it seemed to … my ear, my eye … did you have … trouble on s? Or on … m?”
Biden looks down. He pivots to the distant past, telling me that the letter s was hard when he was a kid. “But, you know, I haven’t stuttered in so long that it’s hhhhard for me to remember the specific—” He pauses. “What I do remember is the feeling.”
Istarted stuttering at age 4.
I still struggle to say my own name. When I called the gas company recently, the automated voice apologized for not being able to understand me. This happens a lot, so I try to say “representative,” but r’s are tough too. When I reach a human, I’m inevitably asked whether we have a poor connection. Busy bartenders will walk away and serve someone else when I take too long to say the name of a beer. Almost every deli guy chuckles as I fail to enunciate my order, despite the fact that I’ve cut it down to just six words: “Turkey club, white toast, easy mayo.” I used to just point at items on the menu.
My head will shake on a really bad stutter. People have casually asked whether I have Parkinson’s. I curl my toes inside my shoes or tap my foot as a distraction to help me get out of it, a behavior that I’ve repeated so often, it’s become a tic. Sometimes I shuffle a pen between my hands. When I was little, I used to press my palm against my forehead in an effort to force the missing word out of my brain. Back then, my older brother would imitate this motion and the accompanying sound, a dull whine—something between a cow and a sheep. A kid at baseball camp, Michael, referred to me as “Stutter Boy.” He’d snap his fingers and repeat it as if calling a dog. “Stutter Boy! Stutter Boy!” In college, I applied for a job at a coffee shop. I stuttered horribly through the interview, and the owner told me he couldn’t hire me, because he wanted his café to be “a place where customers feel comfortable.”
Stuttering is a neurological disorder that affects roughly 70 million people, about 3 million of whom live in the United States. It has a strong genetic component: Two-thirds of stutterers have a family member who actively stutters or used to. Biden’s uncle on his mother’s side—“Uncle Boo-Boo,” as he was called—stuttered his whole life.
In the most basic sense, a stutter is a repetition, prolongation, or block in producing a sound. It typically presents between the ages of 2 and 4, in up to twice as many boys as girls, who also have a higher recovery rate. During the develop­mental years, some children’s stutter will disappear completely without intervention or with speech therapy. The longer someone stutters, however, the lower the chances of a full recovery—­perhaps due to the decreasing plasticity of the brain. Research suggests that no more than a quarter of people who still stutter at 10 will completely rid themselves of the affliction as adults.
“Mr. Buh-Buh-Buh-Biden, what’s that word?,” a nun asked Joe Biden in front of his seventh-grade classmates.
The cultural perception of stutterers is that they’re fearful, anxious people, or simply dumb, and that stuttering is the result. But it doesn’t work like that. Let’s say you’re in fourth grade and you have to stand up and recite state capitals. You know that Juneau is the capital of Alaska, but you also know that you almost always block on the j sound. You become intensely anxious not because you don’t know the answer, but because you do know the answer, and you know you’re going to stutter on it.
Stuttering can feel like a series of betrayals. Your body betrays you when it refuses to work in concert with your brain to produce smooth speech. Your brain betrays you when it fails to recall the solutions you practiced after school with a speech therapist, allegedly in private, later learning that your mom was on the other side of a mirror, watching in the dark like a detective. If you’re a lucky stutterer, you have friends and family who build you back up, but sometimes your protectors betray you too.
A Catholic nun betrayed Biden when he was in seventh grade. “I think I was No. 5 in alphabetical order,” Biden says. He points over my right shoulder and stares into the middle distance as the movie rolls in his mind. “We’d sit along the radiators by the window.”
The office we’re in is awash in framed memories: Biden and his family, Biden and Barack Obama, Biden in a denim shirt posing for InStyle. The shelf behind the desk features, among other books, Jon Meacham’s The Soul of America. It’s a phrase Biden has adopted for his campaign this time around, his third attempt at the presidency. In almost every speech, Biden warns potential voters that 2020 is not merely an election, but a battle “for the soul of America.” Sometimes he swaps in nation.
But now we’re back in middle school. The students are taking turns reading a book, one by one, up and down the rows. “I could count down how many paragraphs, and I’d memorize it, because I found it easier to memorize than look at the page and read the word. I’d pretend to be reading,” Biden says. “You learned early on who the hell the bullies were,” he tells me later. “You could tell by the look, couldn’t you?”
For most stutterers, reading out loud summons peak dread. A chunk of text that may take a fluent person roughly a minute to read could take a stutterer five or 10 times as long. Four kids away, three kids away. Your shoulders tighten. Two away. The back of your neck catches fire. One away. Then it happens, and the room fills with secondhand embarrassment. Someone breathes a heavy sigh. Someone else laughs. At least one kid mimics your stutter while you’re actively stuttering. You never talk about it. At night, you stare at the ceiling above your bed, reliving it.
“The paragraph I had to read was: ‘Sir Walter Raleigh was a gentleman. He laid his cloak upon the muddy road suh-suh-so the lady wouldn’t soil her shoes when she entered the carriage,’ ” Biden tells me, slightly and unintentionally tripping up on the word so. “And I said, ‘Sir Walter Raleigh was a gentle man who—’ and then the nun said, ‘Mr. Biden, what is that word?’ And it was gentleman that she wanted me to say, not gentle man. And she said, ‘Mr. Buh-Buh-Buh-Biden, what’s that word?’ ”
Biden says he rose from his desk and left the classroom in protest, then walked home. The family story is that his mother, Jean, drove him back to school and confronted the nun with the made-for-TV phrase “You do that again, I’ll knock your bonnet off your head!” I ask Biden what went through his mind as the nun mocked him.
“Anger, rage, humiliation,” he says. His speech becomes staccato. “A feeling of, uh—like I’m sure you’ve experienced—it just drops out of your chest, just, like, you feel … a void.” He lifts his hands up to his face like he did on the debate stage in July, to guide the v sound out of his mouth: void.
By all accounts, Biden was both popular and a strong athlete in high school. He was class president at Archmere Academy, in Claymont, Delaware. His nickname was “Dash”—not a reference to his speed on the football field, but rather another way to mock his stutter. “It was like Morse code—dot dot dot, dash dash dash dash,” Biden says. “Even though by that time I started to overcome it.”
I ask him to expand on the relationship between anger and humiliation, or shame.
“Shame is a big piece of it,” he says, then segues into a story about meeting a stutterer while campaigning.
I bring it back up a little later, this time more directly: “When have you felt shame?”
“Not for a long, long, long time. But especially when I was in grade school and high school. Because that’s the time when everything is, you know, it’s rough. They talk about ‘mean girls’? There’s mean boys, too.”
Bill Bowden had the locker next to Biden’s at Archmere. I called Bowden recently. “It was just kind of a funny thing, you know?” he told me. “Hopefully he wasn’t hurt by it.” Bob Markel, another high-school buddy of Biden’s, went a little further when we spoke: “ ‘H-H-H-H-Hey, J-J-J-J-J-Joe B-B-B-B-Biden’—that’s how he’d be addressed.” Markel said the Archmere guys called him “Stutterhead,” or “Hey, Stut !” for short. He fears that he himself may have made fun of Biden once or twice. “I never remember him being offended. He probably was,” Markel said. “I think one of his coping mechanisms was to not show it.” Bowden and Markel have remained friends with Biden to this day.
Before collecting from customers on his paper route, Biden would preplay conversations in his mind, banking lines—a tactic he still sometimes uses on the campaign trail, he says. “I knew the one guy loved the Phillies. And he’d asked me about them all the time. And I knew another person would ask me about my sister, so I would practice an answer.”
After trying and failing at speech therapy in kinder­garten, Biden waged a personal war on his stutter in his bedroom as a young teen. He’d hold a flashlight to his face in front of his bedroom mirror and recite Yeats and Emerson with attention to rhythm, searching for that elusive control. He still knows the lines by heart: “Meek young men grow up in libraries, believing it their duty to accept the views, which Cicero, which Locke, which Bacon, have given, forgetful that Cicero, Locke, and Bacon were only young men in libraries, when they wrote these books.”
Biden performs the passage for me with total fluency, knowing where and when to pause, knowing how many words he can say before needing a breath. This is what stutterers learn to do: reclaim control of their airflow; think in full phrases, not individual words. I ask Biden what his moment of dread used to be in that essay.
“Well, looking back on it, ‘Meek young men grow up in li-li-libraries,’ ” he begins again. “ ‘Li’—the l.”
“That kind of sound, the l sound, is like the … r sound,” I say.
“Sometimes I’ve noticed, watching old clips, it looks like you do have a little trouble on the r. It’s your middle initial.”
“Like ‘ruh-ruh-ruh-remember,’ ” I say, intentionally stuttering on the r.
“Well, I may. I-I-I-I-I haven’t thought I have. But I-I-I-I don’t doubt there’s probably ways people could pick up that there’s something. But I don’t consciously think of it anymore.”
Biden says he hasn’t felt himself caught in a traditional stutter in several decades. “I mean, I can’t remember a time where I’ve ever worried before a crowd of 80,000 people or 800 people or 80 people—I haven’t had that feeling of dread since, I guess, speech class in college,” he says, referring to an under­graduate public-speaking course at the University of Delaware.
This is when I ask him what happened that night in Detroit.
After saying he doesn’t remember, Biden opines: “I’m everybody’s target; they have to take me down. And so, what I found is—not anymore—I’ve found that it’s difficult to deal with some of the criticism, based on the nature of the person directing the criticism. It’s awful hard to be, to respond the same way in a national debate—especially when you’re, you know, the guy who is characterized as the white-guy-of-­privilege kind of thing—to turn and say to someone who says, ‘I’m not saying you’re a racist, but …’ and know you’re being set up. So I have to admit to you, I found my mind going, What the hell? How do I respond to that? Because I know she’s being completely unfair.”
I eventually realize that he’s describing the moment from the first debate, when Harris criticized his record on race.
“These aren’t debates,” he continues. “These are one-minute assertions. And I don’t think there’s anybody who hasn’t been taking shots at me, which is okay. I’m a big boy, don’t get me wrong.”
Listening back to that part of the conversation after our interview made me feel dizzy. I can only speculate as to why Biden’s campaign agreed to this interview, but I assume the reasoning went something like this: If Biden disclosed to me, a person who stutters, that he himself still actively stutters, perhaps voters would cut him some slack when it comes to verbal misfires, as well as errors that seem more related to memory and cognition. But whenever I asked Biden about what appeared to be his present-day stuttering, the notably verbose candidate became clipped, or said he didn’t remember, or spun off to somewhere new.
I wondered if I reminded Biden of his old self, a ghost from his youth, the stutterer he used to be. He and I are about the same height. We happened to be wearing the exact same outfit that day: navy suit, white shirt, no tie. We both went to all-male prep schools, the sort of place where displaying any weakness is a liability.
As I listened to the recording of our interview, I remembered how I used to respond when people asked me about my stutter. I’d shut down. I’d try to change the subject. I’d almost always look away.
In early september, I got in touch with my high-school speech pathologist, Joseph Donaher, who practices at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. I hadn’t heard Donaher’s voice for almost 15 years. Immediately, I was transported back to the little window­less room in the hospital where we used to meet. Donaher was the first therapist—­really the first person—­who ever leveled with me. I can still see his face, the neutrality in his eyes on the day he looked at me square and said the sentence my friends and parents had avoided saying my entire life: You have a severe stutter.
Donaher and his colleagues try to help their patients open up about the shame and low self-worth that accompany stuttering. Instead of focusing solely on mechanics, or on the ability to communicate, they first build up the desire to communicate at all. They then share techniques such as elongating vowels and lightly approaching hard-consonant clusters, meaning just touching on the first sound in a word like stutter—the st—to keep the mouth and throat from tensing up and interfering with speech. The goal isn’t to be totally fluent but, simply put, to stutter better.
This evolution in treatment has been accompanied by a new movement to destigmatize the disorder, similar to the drive to view autism through a lens of “neuro­diversity” rather than as a pathology. The idea is to accept, even embrace, one’s stutter. There are practical reasons for this: Research shows, according to Donaher, that the simple disclosure “I stutter” benefits both the stutterer and the listener—the former gets to explain what’s happening and ease the awkward tension so the latter isn’t stuck wondering what’s “wrong” with this person. Saying those two words is harder than it seems. “I’m working with people who spend their whole lives and are never able to disclose it,” Donaher told me.
Biden says his father taught him about “shouldering burdens with grace.” Specifically, he told his son, “Never complain. Never explain.”
Eric S. Jackson, an assistant professor of communicative sciences and dis­orders at NYU, told me he believes that Biden’s eye movements—the blinks, the downward glances—are part of his ongoing efforts to manage his stutter. “As kids we figure out: Oh, if I move parts of my body not associated with the speech system, sometimes it helps me get through these blocks faster,” Jackson, a stutterer himself, explained. Jackson credits an intensive program at the American Institute for Stuttering, in Manhattan, with bringing him back from a “rock bottom” period in his mid-20s, when he says his stutter kept him from meeting women or speaking up enough to reach his professional goals. Afterward, Jackson went all in on disclosure: Every day for six months, he stood up during the subway ride to and from work and announced that he was a person who stutters. “I had this new relationship with my stuttering—I was like Hercules,” he told me. At 41, Jackson still stutters, but in conversation he confidently maintains eye contact and appears relaxed. He wishes Biden would be more transparent about his intermittent disfluency. “Running for president is essentially the biggest stage in the world. For him to come out and say ‘I still stutter and it’s fine’ would be an amazing, empowering message.”
Occasionally, Biden has used present-tense verbs when discussing his stutter. “I find myself, when I’m tired, cuh-cuh-­catching myself, like that,” he said during a 2016 American Institute for Stuttering speech. Biden has used the phrase we stutterers at times, but in most public appearances and interviews, Biden talks about how he overcame his speech problem, and how he believes others can too. You can watch videos posted by his campaign in which Biden meets young stutterers and encourages them to follow his lead. They’re sweet clips, even if the underlying message—­beat it or bust—is out of sync with the normalization movement.
Emma Alpern is a 32-year-old copy editor who co-leads the Brooklyn chapter of the National Stuttering Association and co-founded NYC Stutters, which puts on a day-long conference for stuttering de­stigmatization. Alpern told me that she’s on a group text with other stutterers who regularly discuss Biden, and that it’s been “frustrating” to watch the media portray Biden’s speech impediment as a sign of mental decline or dishonesty. “Biden allows that to happen by not naming it for what it is,” she said, though she’s not sure that his presidential candidacy would benefit if he were more forthcoming. “I think he’s dug himself into a hole of not saying that he still stutters for so long that it would strike people as a little weird.”
Biden has presented the same life story for decades. He’s that familiar face—Uncle Joe. He was born 11 months after Pearl Harbor and grew up in the last era of definitive “good guys” and “bad guys.” He’s the dependable guy, the tenacious guy, the aviators-and-crossed-arms guy. That guy doesn’t stutter; that guy used to stutter.
“My dad taught me the value of constancy, effort, and work, and he taught me about shouldering burdens with grace,” Biden writes in the first chapter of his 2007 memoir, Promises to Keep. “He used to quote Benjamin Disraeli: ‘Never complain. Never explain.’ ”
Stephen colbert launches across the Ed Sullivan Theater stage, as if from a pinball spring. It’s early September, and his Late Show taping is about to begin. To warm up, he takes a few questions from the studio audience. Someone asks what he’d want in a potential new president. “Empathy?” Colbert deadpans. “A soul?”
Colbert tapes in Midtown Manhattan on the same stage where the Beatles made their American television debut 55 years ago, when Joe Biden was a mere 22. Biden struts out to a standing ovation and throws up his hands in amazement: For me? A brief “Joe! Joe! Joe!” chant erupts.
At first, Colbert lobs softballs, and Biden touches on the key parts of his 2020 stump speech: Why voters must stand up to the existential threat of Trumpism and how the Charlottesville, Virginia, white-supremacist rally crystallized his decision to run. Then Colbert goes for it.
“In the last few weeks, you’ve confused New Hampshire for Vermont; said
Bobby Kennedy and MLK were assassinated in the late ’70s; assured us, ‘I am not going nuts.’ Follow-up question: Are you going nuts?”
“Look, the reason I came on the Jimmy Kimmel show was because—”
The audience howls. Biden flashes a flirty smile. Colbert adjusts his glasses, sticks his pen in his mouth, and nods in approval. The joke was probably canned, but Biden landed it.
Colbert continues to press him about accuracy issues in his storytelling. The studio audience is silent; I’m watching from the balcony and can hear the theater’s air-conditioning humming overhead.
“I-I-I-I-I don’t get wrong things like, uh, ya know, there is a, we, we should lock kids up in cages at the border. I mean, I don’t—” People applaud before Biden can finish.
When the interview is over, Biden receives a second standing ovation. He peers up toward the rafters, using his hand as a visor against the bright lights. A white spotlight follows him offstage. Several minutes later, he glides through the stage door and out onto West 53rd Street. People call to him from the sidewalk. “Joe! Joe Biden!” He climbs into the back of an idling black SUV, and the doors
clunk close.
I follow Biden for a couple of days while he campaigns in New Hampshire. His town halls have a distinctly Norman Rockwell vibe. One takes place in the middle of the day on the third floor of a former textile mill, another on a stretch of grass as the wind whips off the Piscataqua River. His crowds are predominantly older, filled with people who stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and wait patiently to ask questions. After he speaks, Biden typically walks offstage to Bruce Springsteen’s “We Take Care of Our Own,” then saunters down the rope line for handshakes and hugs and selfies. One voter after another tells me they’re unaware of Biden’s stutter. “Knowing that he has had something like that to deal with and overcame it, as well as other really sad things that have happened—­­it just makes me like him more,” says 70-year-old Grace Payne.
Back in New York, I start to wonder if I’m forcing Biden into a box where he doesn’t belong. My box. Could I be jealous that his present stutter is less obvious than mine? That he can go sentences at a time without a single block or repetition? Even the way I’m writing this piece—­keeping Biden’s stammers, his ums and pauses, on the page—seems hypocritical. Here I am highlighting the glitches in his speech, when the journalistic courtesy, convention even, is to edit them out.
I spend weeks watching Biden more than listening to him, trying to “catch him in the act” of stuttering on camera. There’s one. There’s one. That was a bad one. Also, I start stuttering more.
In September, before the third Democratic debate, in Houston, I called Michael Sheehan, a Washington, D.C.–area communications coach whose company website boasts clients ranging from Nike to the Treasury Department. Sheehan worked with President Bill Clinton while he was in office and began consulting on and off for Biden in 2002, when he was in the Senate. On the day we spoke, he was in Wilmington, Delaware, doing debate prep with Biden.
Sheehan and I traded stories of daily indignities—­­he stutters too. “I remember exactly where the deli was; it was on 71st and First Avenue,” he said with an ache in his voice. He lamented the interventionists, the people who volunteer, “ ‘You know, why don’t you speak more slowly?’ I always want to say ‘Holy shit! Why didn’t I think of that? Thank you!’ ”
Sheehan’s own stutter improved, but didn’t fully go away, when he took up speech and debate in high school. This eventually led him to the theater, which is a common, if surprising, place where some stutterers find that they’re able to speak with relative ease. Taking on a character, another voice, the theory goes, relies on a different neural pathway from the one used in conversation. Many successful actors have battled stutters—Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, James Earl Jones. In 2014, Jones, whose muscular baritone is the bedrock of one of the most quoted lines in film history, told NPR that he doesn’t use the word cured to describe his apparent fluency. “I just work with it,” he said.
At an August town hall, Biden briefly blocked on Obama, before subbing in my boss. The headlines afterward? “Biden Forgets Obama’s Name.”
Sheehan was extremely careful with the language he used to describe Biden’s speech patterns—“I can’t say it’s a stutter”—­though he noted his friend’s habit of abruptly changing directions mid-sentence. “I do hear those little pauses, but I really don’t hear the stuff that you would hear from me or I would hear from you,” he said. A few minutes into our conversation, he choked up while discussing Biden’s tender­ness toward young stutterers. “Sometimes I feel when he goes a little long on a speech, he’s just making up for lost time, you know?”
Sheehan told me about a night when he came home with his wife and saw the answering-­machine light blinking: “Hey, Michael, it’s Joe Biden. I just was watching The King’s Speech with my granddaughter, and I just thought I’d give you a call, because it made me think of you. Goodbye!” He says the message felt like a secret fraternity handshake: “You and I have both been there, and only people in that society know what that is about.”
In Biden’s office, the first time I bring up his current stuttering, he asks me whether I’ve seen The King’s Speech. He speaks almost mystically about the award-winning 2010 film. “When King George VI, when he stood up in 1939, everyone knew he stuttered, and they knew what courage it took for him to stand up at that stadium and try to speak—and it gave them courage … I could feel that. It was that sinking feeling, like—oh my God, I remember how you felt. You feel like, I don’t know … almost like you’re being sucked into a black hole.”
Presidential candidates usually don’t speak about their bleakest moments, certainly not this viscerally. It resembles the way Biden writes in his memoir about the aftermath of the 1972 car accident that killed his first wife and young daughter and critically injured his two sons, Beau and Hunter: “I could not speak, only felt this hollow core grow in my chest, like I was going to be sucked inside a black hole.”
A few weeks later, I ask Jill Biden what she remembers about sitting next to her husband during the movie. “It was one of those moments in a marriage where you just sort of understand without words being spoken,” she says.
As he watched The King’s Speech, Biden accurately guessed that the screenwriter, David Seidler, was a stutterer. “He showed me a copy of a speech they found in an attic that the king had actually used, where he marks his—it’s exactly what I do!” Biden tells me, his voice lifting. “My staff, when I have them put something on a prompter—I wish I had something to show you.”
He pulls out a legal pad and begins drawing diagonal lines a few inches apart, as if diagramming invisible sentences: x words, breath, y words, breath. “Because it’s just the way I have—the, the best way for me to read a, um, a speech. I mean, when I saw The King’s Speech, and the speech—I didn’t know anybody who did that!”
Biden is running for president on a simple message: America is not Trump. I’m not Trump. I’ll lead us out of this. With every new debate, with every new “gaffe,” the media continue to ask whether Biden has the stamina for the job. And with every passing month, his competitors—namely Senator Elizabeth Warren and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg—have gained on him in the polls.
A stutter does not get worse as a person ages, but trying to keep it at bay can take immense physical and mental energy. Biden talks all day to audiences both small and large. In addition to periodically stuttering or blocking on certain sounds, he appears to intentionally not stutter by switching to an alternative word—a technique called “circumlocution”—­which can yield mangled syntax. I’ve been following practically everything he’s said for months now, and sometimes what is quickly characterized as a memory lapse is indeed a stutter. As Eric Jackson, the speech pathologist, pointed out to me, during a town hall in August Biden briefly blocked on Obama, before quickly subbing in my boss. The headlines after the event? “Biden Forgets Obama’s Name.” Other times when Biden fudges a detail or loses his train of thought, it seems unrelated to stuttering, like he’s just making a mistake. The kind of mistake other candidates make too, though less frequently than he does.
During his 2016 address at the American Institute for Stuttering, Biden told the room that he’d turned down an invitation to speak at a dinner organized by the group years earlier. “I was afraid if people knew I stuttered,” he said, “they would have thought something was wrong with me.”
Yet even when sharing these old, hard stories, Biden regularly characterizes stuttering as “the best thing that ever happened” to him. “Stuttering gave me an insight I don’t think I ever would have had into other people’s pain,” he says. I admire his empathy, even if I disagree with his strict adherence to a tidy redemption narrative.
In Biden’s office, as my time is about to run out, I bring up the fact that Trump crudely mocked a disabled New York Times reporter during the 2016 campaign. “So far, he’s called you ‘Sleepy Joe.’ Is ‘St-St-St-Stuttering Joe’ next?”
“I don’t think so,” Biden says, “because if you ask the polls ‘Does Biden stutter? Has he ever stuttered?,’ you’d have 80 to 95 percent of people say no.” If Trump goes there, Biden adds, “it’ll just expose him for what he is.”
I ask Biden something else we’ve been circling: whether he worries that people would pity him if they thought he still stuttered.
He scratches his chin, his fingers trembling slightly. “Well, I guess, um, it’s kind of hard to pity a vice president. It’s kind of hard to pity a senator who’s gotten six zillion awards. It’s kind of hard to pity someone who has had, you know, a decent family. I-I-I-I don’t think if, now, if someone sits and says, ‘Well, you know, the kid, when he was a stutterer, he must have been really basically stupid,’ I-I-I don’t think it’s hard to—I’ve never thought of that. I mean, there’s nobody in the last, I don’t know, 55 years, has ever said anything like that to me.”
He slips back into politician mode, safe mode, Uncle Joe mode: “I hope what they see is: Be mindful of people who are in situations where their difficulties do not define their character, their intellect. Because that’s what I tell stutterers. You can’t let it define you.” He leans across the desk. “And you haven’t.” He’s in my face now. “You can’t let it define you. You’re a really bright guy.”
He’s telling me, in essence, that my stutter doesn’t matter, which is what I want to tell him right back. But here’s the thing: Most of the time, Biden speaks smoothly, and perhaps he sincerely does not believe that he still stutters at all. Or maybe Biden is simply telling me the story he’s told himself for several decades, the one he’s memorized, the one he can comfortably express. I don’t want to hear Biden say “I still stutter” to prove some grand point; I want to hear him say it because doing so as a presidential candidate would mean that stuttering truly doesn’t matter—for him, for me, or for our 10-year-old selves.
Now his aide is knocking, trying to get him out of the room. I push out one more question, asking what he saw reflected in that bedroom mirror as a kid.
He goes off into a different boyhood story about standing against a stone wall and talking with pebbles in his mouth, some oddball way to MacGyver fluency. I do the thing stutterers hate most: I cut him off. “What did that person look like?”
Biden stops. “He looked happy,” he says. “You know, I just think it looked like he’s
in control.”
This article will appear in the January/February 2020 print edition with the headline “Why Won’t He Just Say It?”
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cancerbiophd · 6 years
Hi! Sorry if this isn't in your wheelhouse, but I'm a college freshman and I really want to go to grad school for marine biology. But right now I'm super struggling. I have adhd and executive dysfunction is literally destroying my academic career. The quarter is over in 2 weeks and I have a 20% in my English 101 class (my worst subject since elementary). I fear in the short term for this class and in the long term of future classes. Do you have any advice?
Hi anon! Apologies for taking a while to answer this. I’ve been thinking about my answer because as someone who doesn’t have ADHD, I’m probably not the best person to give advice. 
But, I do want to say a few things in the hopes it’ll help (and this is US-centric, btw. I can’t speak for the processes of other countries):
You will have 2 different GPAs when you graduate college and apply for grad school in the sciences: one that lumps everything together, including English; and one that’s only for science classes, that doesn’t include English. The admissions team will take both into consideration, but may rely more heavily on your science GPA. So a bad grade in English doesn’t mean grad school is out of the question! 
(I also want to add that I failed organic chemistry II in college, and then retook it and got a C, and I still got into grad school. So even a less-than-stellar science GPA isn’t the end to all grad-school-hopes and dreams!)
Going off that, it’s ok to retake classes in college. It’s also ok to withdraw from classes you feel like you’re not doing well in, and then retake them later. I’ve withdrawn from quite a handful of classes in college. Sometimes it just wasn’t the right semester to take a certain class, and that’s ok. And a W on a transcript (for Withdrawn) is better than a D or E. 
The GPA is also only one aspect of your application, and you can bolster the rest by having garnered amazing experiences (like volunteering with a research group and getting a paper published with you as a co-author), a solid GRE score (though some schools are phasing out the GRE as a requirement, thank goodness), and strong letters of recommendation. It’s my personal opinion that taking a gap year (or couple) after college to gain experience and focus the application process is a really awesome choice, so you could consider that (it’s what I did!)
You can also mention your ADHD in your application (ie. the personal statement) if you feel you need to explain some aspects, like the grades. You definitely don’t need to if you don’t want to, of course, but it’s an option. Here’s my advice to an anon on whether or not to mention their chronic illness in grad apps (along with a perspective from a (presumable) professor). 
I would also suggest talking to your English 101 professor and explain to them everything you just told me, followed by, “I really want to improve my grade and my understanding of the material; do you have any advice for what I should do?” You may not be able to bump your grade all the way up to an A, but something is better than nothing. And if you retake that class, work with the professor as much as possible during their office hours, or make use of learning centers or free tutoring that’s available at all universities (which you’re paying for as part of your tuition anyway). Remember: you are deserving of help. There are people, like professors and TAs at your university, who want to help. (Especially if it’s their literal job!)
I have a friend in my cohort getting their PhD in Immunobiology (they’re graduating at the end of this year!) and they have ADHD. I know mentioning this isn’t a concrete form of help, but I want to let you know that it’s possible to get into, and thrive in, grad school with ADHD. You can do it. 
I know I’m not the best person to give you advice, but I hope those points helped in some way, or at least gave you a better idea of the whole grad app process in terms of GPA. 
I’m also opening this up for anyone who has more experience with ADHD and academia. Please help anon if you can! Thank you so much!
[Edit: there are already some awesome messages in the replies, whoo!]
And one last thing I want to say: you’re going to be ok. I know things look a bit scary right now, but you’ll get through this. It may take a lot of time and work and energy, but you can get into grad school. I believe in you. You’re going to be ok
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genericnome · 6 years
Watching Sherlock for the first time
So, I decided to watch Sherlock for the first time on Netflix. This is such a late post considering the fact of my previous 60+ note post of Mystrade exists (my apologies once again!). I just really wanted to share what my feelings were when I first watched Sherlock on the last week of November 2018. Be warned this might take more than a few minutes to read the entire post.
There were so many emotions going through me when I first watched Sherlock. I mean, Sherlock's reveal made my eyes widened in surprise and a struggling need to hold in my laughter as I watched him hit the corpse with a riding crop. There were lots of emotions going on as the episode goes along. But, I was more into during some particular scenes.
During this scene, I took a quick guess to Sherlock's question.
Sherlock: Come on, THINK! Who do we trust even though we don't know them? Who passes unnoticed wherever they go? Who hunts in the middle of a crowd?
Me: A taxi driver?
My quick response to my phone as I was watching was that because I remembered how loose my uncle's lips were when we were travelling by cab to go to Orchard Road in Singapore. The taxi driver was friendly and I couldn't help but wondered how much information he has heard from various people talking to him.
And, when Sherlock and John was chasing the taxi cab, I had initially thought they were chasing the driver because I didn't really see the taxi clearly and I have barely used taxi cabs since in my own country, most of us use our own motor vehicles. So, naturally, I was confused why they had thought the man was a suspect and why they went to the passenger side, not the driver side.
I thought that my guess was wrong and I decided to leave my guesses to Sherlock Holmes and let myself enjoy the rest of the episode. Imagine my curiosity when Mrs. Hudson told Sherlock that a cab was waiting outside while the drugs bust was going with D.I. Lestrade revealing his similar nicotine patch habit to Sherlock.
*while the scene is ongoing*
Me: Why the actual fuck is there a taxi cab outside? Did John accidentally ordered one? Is that how taxi cabs work? Wait, you can actually order a taxi cab to wait outside?
Anderson: So, we can read her e-mails? So, what?
Sherlock: Anderson, don't talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street.
Me: Holy shit, Sherlock. It must be hella fine having that brain of yours. Now, back to the cab. Why is it there? No, don't yell at Mrs. Hudson please. She's sweet.
John: Here. It's on 221 Baker Street.
Me & Sherlock: How can it be here? How?
Also me: Oh my god, I was right? I was actually right? God, this beats having a B3 grade on Physics. I mean, it was an absolute miracle getting that grade but my correct guess on who the serial killer in Sherlock beats that feeling. Holy fuck.
It was like the entire scene made my face look like that shocked pikachu meme. I think I stayed like that till the scene where the taxi driver says that it wasn't chance, that it's chess.
Me: It's 50-50 according to what I have studied the last few years with Additional Maths and D Syllabus Maths in O Levels and Maths in A Levels (currently). If it isn't 50-50 chance like you said, my education has been meaningless and I have been lied to.
*moves one of the bottled pill forward*
Me: Oh, now you're doing the mind trick thing. But, it still is 50-50! You're just subconsciously pushing Sherlock to pick the one you didn't move forward. God, I wish I had taken Psychology/Sociology as an A Level Subject.
*scene moves forwards to John shooting the taxi driver using a handgun, an impressive shot considering the distance*
Me: Holy shit. He's an expert, that's for sure. Yay, Sherlock's alright!
*scene moves forwards and focuses on Sherlock in the ambulance, confused as fuck.*
Sherlock: Why do I have this blanket? They keep putting a blanket on me.
Lestrade: It’s for shock.
Sherlock: I’m not in shock!
Lestrade: Yeah, but some of the guys want to take photographs.
Me: And, you look absolutely adorable. Now, I wonder how you look like when you're wearing a beanie.
*scene forwards as Sherlock finally realises who shot the taxi driver*
Sherlock: Actually, you know what - ignore me.
Me: Aww, you care for John! *laughs as the scene continues on as Lestrade stands there, looking confused*
I thought that was it. Until, the mysterious stalking man returns with the woman in tow. I was confused, as Sherlock's expression seems to show that he knows the man.
Mysterious Stalking Man: We have more in common than you like to believe. This petty feud between us - it’s simply childish. People will suffer. And you know how it always upset Mummy.
Me & John: What? What? *more shocked pikachu face memes*
Sherlock: I upset her? Me? It wasn’t me who upset her, Mycroft -
Me & John: No, sorry, wait, wait - Mummy Who’s Mummy? (yes, I am not kidding. I was literally saying the same thing as John was albeit in a different accent)
Sherlock: Mother. Our Mother. This is my brother, Mycroft. Are you putting on weight?
Mycroft: Losing it, in fact.
Me & John: He’s your brother??
Also me: You don't look alike??
Sherlock: Of course he’s my brother.
Of course, the rest was obvious. I just sat there, stupefied as I watched the rest of the scene before the episode ended.
So, basically, the first episode was a rollercoaster of emotions. I was introduced to a cute genius and an adorable ex-military man that somehow forced me to want to ship them together as a couple and that this show will be the death of me.
Yeah, that was what I got from it.
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happystressedmuffin · 7 years
Among the articles I wrote for our school newspaper these past three years, my most successful ones have been on the topic of education / the education system. As a person who has increasingly become disillusioned with the way school’s operate, I have a couple of thoughts. This may end up a little vague and I may go back to explore these ideas in more detail when I have more time.
First things first, my parents used to be teachers back in Belarus, and they often tell me about rules they had and how their schools worked. A lot of my thinking is influenced by them and their stories, in addition to personal experience.
One thing that American schools as a whole seem to lack is effective communication between teachers. I have seen this again and again, and it’s a shame considering that It’s an issue that can be fixed without bureaucratic measures. Why do teachers still have a difficult time communicating with one another? Countless times, I’ve had teachers schedule tests and quizzes on the same day, leaving students studying for three whole different topics, rather than focusing on carefully understanding one. My dad said when he used to teach, he would talk to the other teachers and they would plan their schedules out in accordance to one another to ensure that the students would not have an overload of work. While I cannot attest that lack of communication is a problem in every single individual American school, I can certainly say that just a couple weeks ago, our IB coordinator walked into our TOK room because our class snapped under pressure and some students were on the verge of tears. When we told her about the mountain of projects and tests, she seemed surprised, and even our TOK teacher decided to move one of her deadlines, because she was previously unaware of the pressure we were under.
Personally, communication between teachers is probably one of the biggest problems in any school system. Teachers should talk with one another and plan their assignments out; if not, at the very least, be ready to change the dates of certain assignments.
Of course, some things cannot be helped -- teachers cannot move standardized test days, and sometimes the speed of the lesson needs to quicken in order to have time to cover all the right material. Of course, that leads to another problem.
Standardized testing // allowing teachers to teach what they want
Standardized testing.  A lot has been said on the topic already. Some countries such as Finland manage to get amazing marks without a lot of standardized tests; other countries get equally impressive marks with a lot of these tests (China). Whether or not standardized testing works depends on different factors, such as how the government operates, how the tests are structured, etc.
For example, the United States is a federalist form of government, meaning that power is shared between the federal and state governments. Largely, education has been a state issue, meaning how schools prepare their children for these tests and even the tests they take differ.
In terms of how the tests are structured, let’s talk about my friend who I will call “V.” V is in higher level classes. V has passed multiple AP tests. V wants to work in the film industry. As we all know, the SAT tests people on math and reading. Now, tell me, what does math and reading have to do with working in the film industry? English is not V’s first language -- he speaks Hindu and Spanish. He is not so bright in math. But if you’d seen the videos he produces, the editing work he does, even the scripts he writes, you could easily tell that this is a bright kid. His SAT score is certainly not bad in the slightest; in fact, it would probably be considered in the upper quartile. Nonetheless, in comparison to most our peers in this particular program (IB), his score seems a little...weak, to say the least. Some colleges rejected him as a result of his testing, which does not reflect the skills he will use later in life. Why should we consider this fair? Obviously, all people should know rudimentary math and reading; however, why should they be judged solely in those two categories?
At the end of the day, the real question we are trying to find is whether or not the state should give more control to the teachers in the classroom. Standardized testing limits what a teacher may teach due to time constraints.
Bad teachers / respect for teachers
And now, let’s bring our focus onto teachers. I have become highly disillusioned with teachers, especially this year. Here are a number of things I have witnessed:
1. A teacher “predicting” what our grade will be on a test and putting it in the grade system as our final grade for the assignment (essentially giving us a grade for something we have not actually done; and she wasn’t kind about it either; I got a C)
2. a teacher claiming we have to learn six chapters in three days and proceeding not to do a single thing to help us learn in class; instead he gave us a pop quiz and told us to read the book (hint: if we can replace you with a plant and have it not influence the class in the slightest, perhaps you need to do some teaching!)
3. A teacher telling us that the highest we can get on an assignment was a 70 and if we wanted something higher, we had to an “optional assignment” 
4. A teacher taking off an entire letter grade because a student wrote the wrong class period on the header.
5. A teacher pausing a student in the middle of a presentation to yell at the student for seeming “too nervous” (how does yelling and humiliation help?)
6. One of my teachers accidentally taught the wrong curriculum for an entire three quarters before finding out that what we were doing was wrong. (I don’t blame the teacher too much -- this was actually a rather complicated situation).
7. A chemistry teacher who sat at her desk eating snacks while she played videos of her teaching, rather than teaching in person.
Now, all of this makes us students want to bang our heads against the wall; especially number 2 and number 6. The same teacher from #2 never read a single one of our essays (problematic, considering this is an AP / IB class) and instead has us peer score every single time. Nobody studies for his class because he curves every assignment so that a student with a D gets an A.
Should students not demand better? One of the issues with teachers, I believe, is that one does not necessarily need a teaching degree to teach; just a degree in the particular subject area. But at the end of the day, knowing a subject does not mean knowing how to teach it. Some people may disagree. Some people may say, a true sign of knowing is being able to teach. But teaching in itself is another art form. It involves communication. It involves a little bit of psychology. It involves knowing how to explain concepts in ways you may not have thought of before (A visual learner may not think to incorporate auditory details, for example). A person may be an awesome biologist, but that same person may not be an excellent communicator (outside of a research paper, that is). A person may be an awesome biologist, but that person may understand little about how an art/literature student may learn concepts. Knowing a subject well does not mean teaching a subject well. To say so insults the very art of teaching.
Another problem when it comes to teachers is a lack of overall respect for the profession. My AP Gov teacher (a really awesome man) was telling us a story about attending his wife’s party with her co-workers.
Someone asked him, “Hey, what do you do for a living?”
He said, “I teach high school government!”
That person frowned. “I’m so sorry!”
“Why are you sorry?” my government teacher asked, confused. “I love my job!”
And that story conveys a giant problem. People in general assume that teaching is a bad job. That we should feel sorry for those who teach. If you look at the amount that teachers get paid, you can tell that the job isn’t as highly valued as it should be. Teachers are entrusted with the entire future. They are tasked with educating future politicians, future surgeons, future historians, future writers, future academics, future working class people who may change living standard for the better. Why should we not pay teachers more? Why should we not make it harder for people to become teachers (increase the required training or make it better) while at the same time paying them more?
Students do not respect teachers too much either. That may be a sentence young people do not like to hear, because we feel cheated in the education system many times. But it’s true that many students do not respect teachers. I am a student; I have seen how the worst of us can behave. My favorite teacher (I’ve had her for all three years now and will have her next year too) talks quite frankly with me, and she always talks about students who put in no work all quarter and then have the audacity to call her and blame her for their grades.
I am quite lazy -- I really am. But I do my work, and I have never had anything below a A in her classes; and the one I’m taking at the moment is an IB class.
However, respect is a two-way-street. To say that students are respected would be a lie. Otherwise, we would be listened to more when it comes to problems that directly affect us.
The ultimate point is -- respect for teachers needs to increase, but we should also cut down on teachers who don’t know how to teach. These solutions seem obvious, but implementing the necessary actions to put them into place certainly isn’t.
Taxes / wealth
A big point to mention -- taxes.  I had any power in this government, I would not have schools be funded by taxes. In order to learn, students should have the resources to do so. How can an underfunded school possibly compete with a suburban, rich school? The education system creates cycles by constantly valuing the rich and punishing the poor.
If you have money, here’s all the things you can do:
-Live in a nice area with well-funded schools
-Buy a tutor for the SAT
-Have enough money to be well-fed; no worries about food
-Buy all kinds of educational programs (rosetta stone, etc)
-Buy more books
-Get invited to go to interesting educational summer camps, and go
-Clubs (basically no clubs are free)
All these things contribute to college applications and success. But what about the student who struggles in math and cannot afford a tutor? What about that student who lives in a poor area and struggles to learn because of underfunded and stressed teachers? What about the student who has to turn down many opportunities simply because that students cannot afford it? What about the student that can’t afford to pay a fee to participate in dance club?
What about those students?
Is it not evident then that those students are put at a disadvantage, and that they never had equality to begin with? Is it not evident that those students will have a harder time getting to a brighter future? 
Here’s some ideas I have seen around that I have not thought too much about, but I do want to look into:
- Religion’s affect on schools (the US has a long history of Protestantism / Evangelicalism; those who structured our schools may have been influenced. It would be interesting to see how religious thought has played into our education system)
-schools shaping students for labor / a career rather than education  / useful life skills
- I would really love to learn about an anarchist’s point of view of the education system. I believe that most anarchists would be pro-education, but they typically are anti-system (anti-authority), right? How would people be educated in an ideal society? (this is mostly curiosity)
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
And are English classes even the place to do it. By definition they're partisan. Would the transplanted startups survive?1 One of the best in the business. The other reason the number of startups started within them. Do they let energetic young people get paid market rate for the work they do.2 They don't always, of course: insurance, business license, unemployment compensation, various things with the IRS. But if I have to pause when I lose my train of thought. For a lot of people who get rich through rent-seeking of various forms, and a research director at Smith Barney. An essayist can't have quite as little foresight as a river. And so began the study of ancient texts had such prestige that it remained the backbone of education until the late 19th century.3 But can you think of one restaurant that had really good food and went out of business and the people would be dispersed.
A wimpy little single-board computer for hobbyists that used a TV as a monitor? Most people who publish online write what they write for the simple reason that they want to own, and the harder performance is to measure, the more we'll see multiple companies doing the same thing.4 At the other extreme are publications like the New York Times reporters on their cell phones; a graphic designer who feels physical pain when something is two millimeters out of place. But only graduation rates, not how much students learn. That's the key to success as a startup founder, but that you should never shrink from it if it's on the path to something great. I seemed awkward and halting by comparison.5 And they're going to be developing it for people like you. And since all the hackers had spent many hours talking to users, we understood online commerce way better than anyone else. Almost by definition, if a startup succeeds its founders become rich.6 The main reason they want to. One is that the raison d'etre of all these institutions has been the same: to beat the system. Wodehouse or Evelyn Waugh or Raymond Chandler is too obviously pleasing to seem like serious work, as reading Shakespeare would have been there without PR firms, but briefly and skeptically.
This does happen. This is called seed capital. This seems a common problem. Remember the exercises in critical reading you did in school, where you can spend as long thinking about each sentence as it takes to say it, a person hearing a talk can only spend as long on each sentence as it takes to say it, a person hearing a talk can be a powerful force. And the days when VCs could wash angels out of the picture. Why do the media keep running stories saying suits are back?7 Like most startups, ours began with a group of friends, and it was only then I realized he hadn't said very much. If anyone proved a theorem in christian Europe before 1200, for example, by helping them to become smarter or more disciplined, which then makes them more successful.8
Sometimes I even make a conscious effort to remind oneself that the real world you can create wealth as well as as apportioning the stock, you should either learn how or find a co-founder. Our offices were in a wooden triple-decker in Harvard Square.9 But this is a situation where it would really be an uphill battle. For a lot of investors unconsciously treat this number as if it were a single phenomenon. Reading P. You have more leverage negotiating with VCs than you realize.10 Usually this is an assumption people start from rather than a conclusion they arrive at by examining the evidence. We should fix those things.11 For example, in a recent essay I pointed out that because you can only judge computer programmers by working with them, no one knows in programming who the heroes should be. For example, the question of the relative merits of Ford and Chevy pickup trucks, that you couldn't safely talk about with others.
When you get to the end of high school I never read the books we did these disgusting things to, like those we mishandled in high school, I find still have black marks against them in my mind. The path it has discovered, winding as it is, represents the most economical route to the sea. A few years later I heard a talk by someone who was not merely a better speaker than me, but a famous speaker. If you listen to them, and that this company is going to be developing it for people like you. Design, as Matz has said, should follow the principle of least surprise. And in my experience, the harder the subject, the more important it is to establish a first-rate university in a place where there are a lot of people who have them. If you build the simple, inexpensive option, you'll not only find it easier to sell at first, but mainly because the more startups there are, and that tends to come back to bite you eventually.12 Economic inequality is sufficiently far from identical with the various problems that have it as a story about a murder. This was also one reason we didn't go public. Often they're people who themselves got rich from technology.13
Financially, a startup is to run into intellectual property problems.14 By the end of that year we had about 70 users. They seemed wrong. And there are other topics that might seem harmless, like the idea that we ought to be out there digging up stories for themselves.15 But for nearly everyone else, spoken language is better.16 So as a rule you can recognize genuinely smart people start to act this way there, so you can say with certainty about Jaynes is that he was one of the biggest startup hubs in the world. Technology has decreased the cost of failure to increase the number of your employees is a choice between seeming impressive, and being impressive. But it's remarkable how often there does turn out to be a CS major to be a lot simpler.17 So what's interesting? And when readers see similar stories in multiple places, they think there is some important trend afoot.
In practice their usefulness is greatly enhanced by other people who did it with.
It's hard for us to see.
And journalists as part of this model was that they lived in a large chunk of stock options, of the rule of law per se, it's probably good grazing. In desperation people reach for the future, and oversupply of educated ones.
Together these were the seven liberal arts. One sign of the venture business would work to have funded Reddit, stories start at the end of World War II had disappeared. Interestingly, the best ways to help a society generally is to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a wink, to sell the bad groups and they unanimously said yes. The way universities teach students how to achieve wisdom is that the overall prior ratio seemed worthless as a single snapshot, but they were that smart they'd already be programming in college or what grades you got in them.
Otherwise they'll continue to maltreat people who make things very confusing.
When the Air Hits Your Brain, neurosurgeon Frank Vertosick recounts a conversation in which multiple independent buildings are traditionally seen as temporary; there is undeniably a grim satisfaction in hunting down certain sorts of bugs, and in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Oxford University Press, 1996.
One of the War on Drugs.
But a couple predecessors. I think it's confusion or lack of transparency. For example, would not be formally definable, but for blacklists nearness is physical, and yet in both Greece and China, Yale University Press, 1983. 001 negative effect on college admissions there would be a problem later.
Wufoo was based in Tampa and they would never come face to face meetings. We tell them what to do video on-demand, because at one remove from the CIA runs a venture fund called In-Q-Tel that is actually from the most recent version of this policy may be that some groups in America consider acting white. Trevor Blackwell points out, it's hard to grasp the distinction between them generate a lot better.
Apparently there's only one founder is in the sense of the web. In practice formal logic is not yet released. 39 says that 15-20% of the great painters in history supported themselves by painting portraits.
Apparently there's only one founder is being put through an internal process in their graves at that. For example, the transistor it is.
Loosely speaking.
As he is much into gaming. It would have become direct marketers.
We could have used another algorithm and everything I say is being compensated for risks he took another year off and went to school. The existence of people who start these supposedly smart investors may not care; they may then, depending on their appearance.
One father told me they do the right thing to do others chose Marx or Cardinal Newman, and there are no discrimination laws about starting businesses. But if so, why did it. Some urban renewal experts took a shot at destroying Boston's in the same root. Default: 2 cups water per cup of rice.
Like early medieval architecture, impromptu talks are made of spolia. 4%, Macintosh 18. 5%. If Bush had been able to resist this urge.
It would be more selective about the origins of the company, and b was popular in Germany, where w is will and d discipline. Unfortunately, not conquest. Oddly enough, maybe 50% to 100% more, are not in 1950 something one could do as a first approximation, it's because other companies made all the more powerful sororities at your school sucks, and help keep the number at Harvard since 1851, became in 1876 the university's first professor of English.
Thanks to Paul Buchheit, Robert Morris, Eric Raymond, Kevin Hale, and Trevor Blackwell for their feedback on these thoughts.
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whereoblivionreigns · 7 years
i am very bored
A – Accidents 01. Have you ever been in a car accident?: No 02. Do you have a lot of scars?: A few on my arms, one on my right knee cap and one under my right eyebrow 03. Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone?: Yes 04. Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake?: Sort of.. My sister and I were fake boxing once and I accidentally knocked her out cold 05. Have you ever had stitches? Where?: Yes, knee and eyebrow
B – Beauty 06. Do you consider yourself beautiful?: Still working on that 07. Are you self conscious of how you look?: I learned to not care about that shit long ago. 08. Do you put on a lot of makeup?: Not usually 09. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery?: How rich do I look 10. What do you think makes a person beautiful?: Their aura, and the way they talk about their passions
C – Consequences 11. What was the longest amount of time you’ve been grounded for?: A week probably 12. What would you do if you got pregnant, keep it or have an abortion?: Abort 13. Do you ever think about how your actions affect other people?: Always 14. What do you think is the worst punishment someone could give you?: Putting me in a cage 15. What is one thing you wish you didn’t do, just because it wasn’t worth it in the end?: Chase after a boy
D – Dealing 16. When you are mad at someone, how do you show them?: By either ignoring them or taking the bitch up a few notches 17. Name a time when you had to be strong: An ex passed away a few months ago.  It’s been tough but I have a great support system. 18. Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting? Any kind of abuse at home?: Divorce, fighting, physical abuse, emotional abuse. 19. When people at school don’t accept you, or have problems with you, how do you react?: Keep doing my thing 20. Have you ever lost someone to death? Explain how you got through it: My aunt when I was 11 and my ex recently.  Lots of positive reflection, friends and drinking.
E – Experience 21. Have you ever had a job? Any volunteer jobs?: I’ve had several kitchen jobs and I had a co-op in an elementary school last semester. 22. Do you think that you are sexually experienced, or not at all?: I’d say I am pretty experienced. 23. Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far?: I have been through a hell of a lot. 24. Do you think you are ready to be on your own (have your own home, job, etc.)?: I am on my own, focusing on getting through school. 25. How old do you act?: Sometimes 12, sometimes 20, sometimes 60.
F – Family 26. Is there anyone in your family you don’t talk to? Why?: Not for any negative reason, only because we are all busy living our own lives 27. If you had to choose, family or friends?: My friends are my family 28. Can you tell your parents or one of your parents anything?: I can tell both of my parents anything 29. Do you have any siblings? One younger sister, 2 step sisters 30. How often do you spend ‘quality time’ with family members?: Not often
G – Growing 31. How tall are you? How tall do you wish you were?: I’m 5'3.  Wish I were a few inches taller so I could reach the steel bowls at work. 32. Do you think that you have grown more in the past year than any year before that?: I’d agree yes. 33. As a person, do you think you are mature for your age or still act childish?: A good mix of both for sure, but mature for the most part. 34. Are you scared to think that one day you will turn 30, then 40, then 50?: Trying not to think about it. 35. Do you believe you still have a lot to learn?: Of course
H – Hope 36. Love – real or not?: I suppose it can be real 37. Are you a pessimist of an optimist?: More so an optimist 38. Do you believe in fate, that everything happens for a reason, or do you think that our actions lead the way?: The things we do bring us to where we want to be, but some things are certainly beyond our control 39. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive?: I don’t think I believe in an afterlife. 40. What gives you hope when you just feel like dying?: Music.
41. Do you suffer from depression or constant sadness/loneliness?: I have a colourful history with depression, it comes in waves these days.   42. Do you have any type of disease or disability?: I have a thyroid disorder, as well as a disease called chronic autoimmune urticaria, which causes me to break out in uncontrollable, painful hives and there’s nothing I can do about it.  The two are likely linked but my doctor has no clue how to deal with it. 43. Are you currently in a hard relationship or have bad luck with the opposite sex?: Can’t seem to find the right one. 44. Do you think that you are alone in this world?: Not at all, though sometimes I’d prefer to be. 45. How often do you think about death, suicide or running away?: Not often, though the prospect of running away is a delightful one.
J – Jokes 46. Say a word or phrase that would not be funny to anyone but you & one of your friends (an inside joke): “Rock me like a fuckin’ train” 47. Are you usually the one who makes people laugh, or the other way around?: A good mix of both. 48. Do you cry when you laugh hard?: Always 49. Write down a hilarious moment you had with someone that makes you laugh to this day!: My best friend and I had a bucket list we wrote a few years back, and one of the things on it was to “punch some faces if Orange Goblin doesn’t come back in the next 3 years.” It’s been 3 years. 50. Do you ever get in trouble for laughing or talking a lot during class?: No
K – Knowledge 51. The purpose of school: to learn, to cause trouble or to hang out with friends?: Highschool is about hanging with buds, college is about learning. 52. Do people refer to you as smart, dumb, or average?: Smart. 53. What was the highest grade you have received (full course mark) ever?: I got an A+ in my elective last semester  54. What was your last average? This year would you like to maintain it or aim higher?: It’s definitely not happening this year aha 55. What do you find the most interesting subject to be (to study or to talk about)?: Psychology & History.
L – Love 56. Are you currently in love? If not, have you been before?: Not currently. I have been once, with someone who is no longer alive 57. Do people around you show you a lot of love (tell you they love you, hug you, kiss you, etc.)?: Yes, my friends and I are huggers for sure 58. Is love worth it?: This is yet to be determined for me. As of now, no. 59. Do you hate it when girls in their young teenage years say they ‘love’ someone that they’ve been dating for a few months?: Love is a very individualized concept. If it feels right to them, who am I to challenge it? 60. Does it take a lot for you to say you love someone, or is it just a word?: It takes everything in me.
M – Money 61. Do you believe that money makes the world go round?: Unfortunately 62. Is your family on the poor side, average, or above average when it comes to money?: On the poor-average side.
College or University, or planning to?: I’m in my second year of college
64. Would you rather win millions of dollars & be set for life, or find the perfect person to marry & start a family with?: The first one. The second part is easily achievable afterwards 65. On a scale of 1-10, how important is money to you?: Would be a 1 if I didn’t need it to live
N – Naught 66. Are you a virgin?: No 67. What do you think about doing sexual things with someone you’re not going out with?: Previously I would have been cool with it. These days casual sex is off the table for me, I just end up feeling horrible about myself. 68. Do you know anybody you consider a ’slut’? What makes you say that?: People should be allowed to fuck whoever they want without being razzed for it. 69. If you could, would you erase some things you did in the past or make it so you did more?: There was a guy I dated for about a month a couple years ago. It was a mistake on my part of get into it, and I ended up breaking it off before I moved out of town for school.  He went crazy on me over the next couple months -  called like 50x per day screaming stuff like that.  I’d erase it if I could, we could have been good friends. 70. Do you consider yourself more nice or more naughty? You can’t say both!:  Nice.
O – Openness 71. How long does it take for you to open up to someone?: Very long 72. What does it take for you to fully trust someone?: Years of not fucking me over. 73. Are you generally untrusting towards people because of past experiences, or any other reason?: Past experiences and a general distaste for the human race. 74. When are you comfortable with someone sexually?: Frightfully quickly
Family and close friends, what’s the limit of what you can tell them?: I tell them everything, except my mom who doesn’t know that I am fond of illicit drugs
P – Positive 76. Have you ever had an experience with someone that didn’t necessarily end positively? If so, would you rather erase the memory of that person because of the sad times or keep the memory of thatperson because of the good times?: The thing I mentioned previously. I’d rather erase it. 77. Do you agree with the saying:better to have loved and lost than not have loved at all?: Nope 78. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? What do you try to be?: Mostly optimistic, I strive more for realism 79. Do you agree that something good can come out of everything?: I have a strange tendency to pick out the good in everything. 80. Have you ever had a time where something really bad happened, but something really good happened because of it? If so, please explain what it was: Every year when roll up the rim comes around I develop a Canadian gambling addiction. Sometimes I win so that’s good I guess.
Q – Questions 81. When faced with a problem, do you ask for help or try to figure it out yourself?: I usually try to figure it out myself at first 82. Do you often question the world and how we came about? What are some things you would like to know about creation?: I don’t really care to be honest. 83. Do you think the government is truthful? If you could ask the president one question, what would it be?: The government is sickening. I’d have nothing to say to them. 84. When someone does something wrong to you, do you confront them and ask them why they did it or just let it go?: Depends on the severity of the issue and who it is I’m dealing with. 85. What is one unsolved mystery about the world that you want answers to?: Where the fuck they got Loki chained up
R – Respect 86. How do you show respect?: I listen. 87. What can someone do for you to lose all respect for them?: Act as if they are in any way superior to another human. 88. Do you respect your teachers, parents, and other authority figures?: Parents and Teachers, yes 89. When you are disrespectful to your parents, what is the punishment?: Usually just a sick verbal smackdown  90. If someone is mean to you, are you mean back or do you kill them with kindness?: I am either mean back or ignore them
S – School 91. If you are still in school, what grade will you be going into?: I’m in 2nd year of college 92. When will you graduate high school/college?: 2014 93. After high school, what did you do/are you planning to do?: I took a year off to work and party my ass off. It was great but still trying to shake some of the habits. 94. Do you like or hate school? What do you like/hate about it?: I love to learn, but the school environment and structure sucks. It’s oppressive 95. Have you ever been suspended, expelled, or dropped out of school?: No
T – Temptation 96. Have you ever done something wrong, knowing it was wrong, because something inside of you said it was okay?: Yeah, I’m sure I’ve said some nasty things to my parents that I knew I shouldn’t have. 97. Has anyone ever pressured you to smoke or drink? Did you do it?: Beer pressure is a common theme among my friends. I don’t need to be pressured haha 98. Did you ever cheat on someone? Why did you do it?: Once. I was obscenely drunk and I’ve never forgiven myself for it. 99. Did you ever want to do something sexual with someone you didn’t really know or love? What did you end up doing?: Many many times. I followed the liquor. 100. Do you give in to temptation easily, or are you more independent and strong willed?: I have a pretty low impulse control to be honest
U – Unique (where’s the question 101?) 102. Do you do a lot of things because your friends are doing it?: No, unless its drugs or drinking. But even still I do it because I want to. 103. Do you follow trends, wear whatever you want, or wear really unique pieces?: I wear what I want 104. Do you give in easily to peer pressure? Do you do things such as smoke, drink, or have casual sex?: Peer pressure, not exactly. Everything I do is of my own account. Smoking and drinking occasionally, not casual sex these days. 105. What makes you different from people your age?: I know the actual meaning of St. Patrick’s Day and choose not to celebrate it.
V – Value 106. What’s the most expensive thing in your room?: My vest
107. What’s more valuable: your life or the lives of your loved ones? Would you sacrifice your life for other people?: Their lives.
108. What is something you value not because it cost a lot, but because it means a lot to you?: The stupid little things my ex used to bring me that I still have laying around
109. If there was a fire in your house/apartment, what is the first thing you would grab?: My laptop because I need it to pass school
110. Do you think past memories and experiences are more valuable than what could possibly happen in the future?: I have a tendency to romanticize the past, but I think the future will have more to offer
W – Wishes 111. If you had three wishes, what would they be?: Nice cabin on a Norwegian fjord, a pound of magic mushrooms and about 9 dogs 112. Would you rather wish yourself to be happy, or your loved ones?: If they’re happy, I am happy 113. Do you believe that wishes come true if you really believe in them?: No. 114. Have you ever had a wish come true? If so, what was that wish?: I wished I’d win on a roll up the win a few weeks ago - I did. It was a coffee 115. Do you find wishing for things a waste of time because everything that’s meant to happen, will happen?: Yes.
Y – You 121. Are you more independent or social?: Independent 122. What is something that makes you very mad when you see it?: Ignorance 123. Do you think that you have potential to do great things?: Yes. 124. Do you think people are born a certain way, or develop their personalities based on what they go through in life?: I believe experience shapes who we are 125. Do you think people are generally good?: No.
Z – Zest 126. Are you currently happy with your life? Why or why not?: So/so. I’m mostly just bored and tired. 127. Do you go on FacebookCraze.com to get facebook surveys and quizzes like this one?: I wonder how old this thing is 128. When change occurs, do you get scared or are you excited for it?: I generally embrace change 129. Do you like to try new things, meet new people?: Yes and yes 130. What is the most motivational thing in the world? Folk metal.
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(Get ready!) 1. Any scars? 4. Kissed anyone? 5. Coke or Pepsi? 6. Someone you hate? 7. Best friends? 8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? 9. What’s your dream job? 13. Height? 18. Obsession? 19. If you had one wish, what would it be? 21. Kiss or hug? 22. Nicknames people call you? 23. Favorite song? 24. Favorite band? 26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? 27. Something you would change about yourself? 30. Watch the movie or read the book? 32. Favorite show?
(Same anon continued!) 35. Do you wish you could ever start over? 36. Any bad habits? 37. Ever had a near death experience? 38. Someone you can tell anything to? 41. Someone you hate/dislike? 42. Are you okay?
WOW… you’re certainly a…. enthusiastic anon eh? e.o *mind boggled* Let me… let me reply to all these. As brief as possible. E^E….Geesh. 24 different questions. Damn… My apologies to everyone. This is gonna be a LONG POST. e.o
Long post below! O.e
1. Any scars?
Um, I have two on my head, right behind my ears at different heights from my two different cochlear implant surgeries to install the internal parts into my head so the external processors will work. When my hair is short it looks like someone purposefully buzzed a line through my hair there, lol, but it’s natural from the surgery when I was 7 and 11 years old respectively.
And since I heal very well, my scars are real hard to see. I still have a faint one on my thumb, at the base of the last joint to the front of it, and one along the left side of my middle finger (both fingers on my right hand) that is still rough and keeps peeling a lot even now, years after the event.
Those I got from a random-ass exploding lightbulb that I was screwing in, had MADE SURE the lamp was off both at the wall and at the lamp itself (though I didn’t unplug it because I didn’t think I needed to…), but nope I had screwed it in one too many times, saw a BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT, and then it exploded, glass everywhere, and somehow only got hit on my index finger, middle finger, and thumb. ONLY there! Even to this day my engineer mother is completely baffled as to how that happened.
4. Kissed anyone?
Yes. My first ever kiss[es] was with an enthusiastic sloppy and awkward boy during a yearly dance when I was in highschool (I was unschooling and going to the Voyagers Homeschooling Co-op and they hosted yearly dances). Five French kisses are not my idea of a good first kiss ever!
My second ever person to kiss was … well. *blush and funny deadpan with crossed arms* He knows who he is. Since apparently I keep totally forgetting it somehow until he mentions it in a teasing fashion and yes we did date for a short while there before breaking up and remaining friends.
My third and remainder of kisses are thoroughly claimed by my handsome, hot boyfriend. -w-
5. Coke or Pepsi?
Coke. ALL. THE. WAY.
Blame my awesome grandmother (R.I.P.) who had 4 pm be coca cola time every day. :D She got me on coke early. …NOT COCAINE! Yeesh. Dirty minds. She also introduced me to my love of dragons and she was awesomely supportive and adoring of my artwork. :3 Since she was hard of hearing from old age and I was born hard of hearing, we got along well with having the TV on a comfortable loudness (for us). x3
…Damn just thinking about coca cola makes me think of her. :,) I even drank a whole 1 liter glass bottle of coke we got at a Mexican food store nearby for her funeral fiesta since she wanted a party for a funeral, not a sad dirge. :3 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ea/51/da/ea51da750fc136a655021c558b7c28c5.jpg Yes this one. XD I drank it all in under an hour in her honor and memory. I was so thirsty and so proud. XD I still have the empty bottle. x3
6. Someone you hate?
IDK… Hmm… I’m not one to really hate people. It’s such a strong emotion… I always thought of it as a “I want you to instantly die, right here and right now!” kind of emotion. So I don’t really hate people.
…I DO know of someone I would… honestly NOT be sad if she died. Considering she caused a hellava LOT of suffering and torment for my friend. I’d be sad because my friend would be sad, BUT I wouldn’t be sad because I actually missed her or regretted her death in any way.
7. Best friends?
Oh gosh. :3 Off the top of my head @destan-of-the-shadows and @faes-hiding-place :D my boyfriend counts too! Two RL friends I can meet with at times are more friends than “best” friends but I still count them as my friends because we’ve been friends since like 5th or 6th Grade in Middle School when we were all like 11 or 12 years old. :D I’m 22 now so see how long we’ve been friends. :D
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
NO drugs! The only thing that counts as alcohol is that couple sips of champagne at my cousin’s wedding when the servers mistakenly forgot to give us kids sparkling apple cider instead of champagne. Oops. XD We of course took great advantage of sipping as much as we could before they removed it. ;D It tasted HORRIBLE though. X_X What’s the appeal? IDK!
I drank some sips of other people’s drinks when I turned 21 but I absolutely HATE and CANNOT STAND the horribly bitter taste of alcohol (even in the sweetest mixed drinks it is strong and proud there when nobody else can taste it). Even if it’s burned off when used in a cheese fondue, that HORRIBLE bitterness remains. Bitter like the rotting corpse of a dying animal.
No thank you. I don’t ever want to drink again. X_X
9. What’s your dream job?
…. :,,,( I’ve not thought about this in ages… since I had to give up a lot of my “dream jobs” and “dream life” in order to make peace with the chronically ill life I have now. The grieving process was hard.
Goodbye my aspirations of being a geneticist, a psychologist, or even a therapist. Hello my life goals of being a professional artist and published author. :3
13. Height? 
5'10". 5 feet, 10 inches. -w- … I really wish I was taller than my dad though. *grumble* He’s 6 feet. At least I’m an inch taller than my MOM. -^-
18. Obsession? 
Oh dear. Which one? XD Take your pick. ;D I have: dragons, wings, flight, flying, cats/felines, biology, psychology, discussing the universe, astrology, culture, world-building, magic, art (as in drawing and coloring), writing, daydreaming, reading, listening to music, and cuddling with my boyfriend in a literal Netflix and chill. -w-
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
…. *blinks and sighs* … It’d either be to be healthy again so I wouldn’t have this chronic illness (but would still keep my being deaf and hard of hearing because I LIKE THAT PART)… or to go back home, to my home world where my soul came from.
Yeah. XP
21. Kiss or hug? 
Hug. :3 Preferably cuddle. :D  
22. Nicknames people call you?
Indi-bindy-bo (You know who you are
23. Favorite song?
OH GEEZE. Hard to answer! XD … My favorite song of ALL time that I will ALWAYS love, have always loved, and might as well be my theme song for the sake of it? xD “Can’t Take Me (I’m Free!)” by Bryon Adams, from the Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron movie. xD
24. Favorite band?
My favorite singer is Michael Jackson. :3 He’s the only one I really know a lot about. All other bands and singers I just like some of their songs but know nothing about them as people, not even what they LOOK like a lot of times. -////- I prefer to respect their privacy. :)
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
Oh… Oh GOSH. IDK… XD … :3 Meeting my boyfriend, @destan-of-the-shadows and @faes-hiding-place :3
27. Something you would change about yourself?
See my wish above. -.- I’d LOVE to change that chronic illness of myself. … If I can’t then my persistent anxiety, or to somehow grow wings (like this third would be more likely than the other two? XD Hell, I can still ask! XD)
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
I’d rather read the book. :3 Unless the book is so horrible, that I wanna see why people think it’s so horrible, then I watch the movie because they usually try to tone things like that down. If the movie is horrible in many of the ways that I’ve heard criticism of the book itself… then I know never to touch that book. E^E 
32. Favorite show? 
Of all time? Avatar: The Last Airbender, Gargoyles, and Seconds from Disaster. >:D
Right now? XD Air Disasters. -w-
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
Start what over? This life? Blegh. Don’t make me go through puberty TWICE!
… *looks at the side effects of taking testosterone HRT* Oh wait, I’m already doing that! -p-
… Make that don’t make me go through it a THIRD time. xD Even if that means I’d be able to be in a male body from day one, as opposed to having to be trans. XP
36. Any bad habits?
Which one do you wanna know? -x- Anxiety, hyper-focusing on a thing in my mind and then having the mind get stuck and not concentrate on anything else until I yank it off that… Staying quiet about things that affect me because I don’t want to hurt others or be a burden? Often opting to be quiet instead of confronting things that could make the relationship better in the long run? Being intensely private? Judging the strength of my relationships based on how much of my inner self I truly share? Doing subtle tests as I get to know someone to see which subject is “safe” to talk about and which I should just shut up about without them ever knowing? Over-thinking things a ton? Apparently my not needing to talk to others for a while is a weird-ass thing? … I can go on. -x-
Oh wait, were you asking about like little quirks like twirling hair or picking at the skin kinda bad habits? My apologies. -x-;;
37. Ever had a near death experience?
Yes. Waking up to being strangled by a spirit counts as that.
No, I’ve had an occasion of sleep paralysis before. I know what that feels like. You can’t move anything.
This was where I CAN move. I could move my hands and arms and everything else. It’s just something invisible and mostly intangible was strangling the life out my throat. Not from the inside choking, because I know what that feels like too. (My Life…) but from the outside suffocation and pressure and constriction on the outside of my neck.
Being strangled to near death in my spirit form by another spirit meant my physical body could feel that too, panicked the FUCK OUT at the feel of almost dying, and I literally felt my awareness fading away into a black nothingness with the faint but faltering heartbeats starting to skip and take longer and longer between each beat. Gasping and choking and then going still…
Thankfully helpful spirits got the negative one off and thoroughly destroyed it. They could heal my spirit form and with that healed, my body was able to come back too.
Never want to do that EVER. AGAIN. *shuddering* Those spirit attacks over the course of those three years were HELL on Earth. *holds self tight* 
38. Someone you can tell anything to?
My boyfriend. I’m still working on being more honest with my two close friends @destan-of-the-shadows and @faes-hiding-place but I’ve made a lot of progress over the years thankfully. :3
41. Someone you hate/dislike?
Try that woman I mentioned far above that I hate.
As for actively dislike? Trumperdink. Bigoted assholes. TRUSCUM, TERFS, SWERFS, rapists, rape-apologists, racists, ableist assholes, murderers, serial killers, homophobes, aphobes, transphobes, and all the rest of that shit. I really dislike and don’t trust the police force in this country. And the vast majority of politicians too.
My country is a dystopian nightmare the tyrannical capitalist US of A. x.= Save me.
42. Are you okay?
Umm…Today was a bit hellish. I survived though. *grins a bit too widely and eyetwtiches* My life is just…………. very…… VERY………. interesting. *twitch*
… I still stand by my previous opinion of laughing my ass off at the utter ridiculousness of how people try to portray those “superhero teenagers” as somehow balancing a “regular life” with “crime fighting on the side with a secret identity” and somehow NOT having the crime fighting life interfere with their regular life outside of those “special two episodes.”
Yeah the fuck right.
Obviously written by those who have NO idea what balancing two different lives are like. X_X In my case it’s nothing so noble as a superhero identity, but it’s the difference of my spirit life and physical life.
And above, in my near-death-experiences… you saw just ONE of the many manifestations of that clash. -x- …Not. ….Fun.
I high-key DO NOT RECOMMEND. -x-
Most days these days (since the spirit attacks ended WHOOT WHOOT!) I can have a normal calm life. Then SOMETHING comes up and I’m like “what the shit-fuck is my entire existence right now??”
Yeah. -x-
… Can I have a hug? ;;;n;;;
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zipgrowth · 6 years
Can AR/VR Improve Learning? Integrating Extended Reality Into Academic Programs #DLNchat
When educators talk about bringing learning into the real world does that include the virtual world? Proponents claim virtual and augmented reality can enhance learning experiences like we’ve never seen before, bringing students into contact with environments they otherwise wouldn’t have access to. But can mixed reality become too real for the learner? Could it stifle creativity? And should we be concerned, or will the hype fade? On Tuesday, July 10 the #DLNchat community of faculty, administrators, instructional designers and entrepreneurs got together to discuss how academic programs should integrate AR/VR into the curriculum.
Lloyd Dean reminded us, “AR and VR are always put together but they are separate entities.” So what’s the difference? Chris Johnson put it this way: “AR adds digital information to a physical object or environment. VR digitally recreates the object or environment. Both then let the user manipulate that object to varying degrees.” Jennifer Albat condensed her definitions into a poetically simple equation: “AR = Places objects where you are, VR = Takes you to new places.”
Defined Simply: #AR = Places objects where you are, #VR = Takes you to new places. #DLNchat
— Jennifer Albat (@jenalbat) July 10, 2018
#DLNchat-ters shared how these definitions were coming alive at campuses across the country. Science and technical programs appeared to be leading the charge with examples from University of Memphis, Boise State University, Wichita State University and Northern Arizona University. Tom Grissom pointed out that through such virtual access students “get more reps in,” and that “repetition with immediate formative assessment can shorten learning cycle time and be more effective (and safer in some situations).” At The University of Arizona, shared Ryan Straight, students are being taken to a virtual Harlem as well as studying phobias using virtual spiders.
also provides opportunity to get more reps in, repetition with immediate formative assessment can shorten learning cycle time & be more effective (and safer in some situations) #DLNchat
— Tom Grissom (@tomgrissom) July 10, 2018
No matter the discipline, Jeffrey Pomerantz said, “3D tech is good for active and experiential teaching and learning, because it expands the range of activities a learner can gain hands-on experience with.” As more programs implement AR/VR experiences into the curriculum, more research is needed to assess its effectiveness. Christopher Brooks, director of research for EDUCAUSE offered two guiding questions: “What educational activities lend themselves to the use of 3D technologies? And what are the most effective 3D technologies for various learning goals?”
Coming to this convo late. But v short answer is 3D tech is good for active & experiential teaching & learning, bc expands the range of activities a learner can gain hands-on experience with. More in the report, obv. #DLNchat
— Jeffrey Pomerantz (@jpom) July 10, 2018
This week’s #DLNchat then posed a different kind of question to consider: could mixed reality experiences become too real? Dr. Straight reminded us, “Brains are easily hacked and fooled.” So what are the potential side effects of VR/AR learning? Clark Quinn posited, “One of the problems is the ‘uncanny valley’, where too real (but not quite) is unnerving compared to less real” and another “potential problem might be ‘escapism’, similar to problems with environs like WoW: people would rather stay in the virtual world.” Maggie Melo also warned about the dangers of virtual harassment. “The Extended Mind surveyed 600+ VR users and found that all genders are subject to different types of harassment in VR.”
a2) one of the problems is the ‘uncanny valley’, where too real (but not quite) is unnerving compared to less real #DLNChat https://t.co/8X2YdgVhfh
— Clark Quinn (@Quinnovator) July 10, 2018
So take off those rose tinted headgear; there are serious design questions to consider when creating AR/VR content. One current challenge is ensuring equal access across abilities. Jennifer Rafferty shared an encouraging story about how VR may support learners with autism, but many accessibility questions linger—some that may not even have been considered yet. Dr. Brooks shared that in research with Gallaudet University, their pilot with mixed reality raised a host of issues not previously considered for learners who are hard of hearing. EdSurge’s Aneesa Davenport asked, “Must we rely on the VR tech creators for this or are there solutions instructional design can implement?” For now, Gallaudet seems to be tackling the issues with their own team.
A3: I am usually one of the first to be asking about how we should tackle the accessibility questions related to AR/VR experiences, but today I was encouraged when I found this great example of how virtual worlds can help learners with autism. https://t.co/buvyOYa9g7 #dlnchat
— Jennifer Rafferty (@palomitica29) July 10, 2018
Accessibility will hopefully be better addressed as the creation of mixed reality becomes simpler for a more diverse array of creators–including students. Lloyd Dean said, “Heard a colleague explain today that future tools will be available to create quick and basic VR. Think Wix website design.” Students could then demonstrate their learning both in virtual realities and by creating them. Michelle Miller advised considering coupling VR with conventional tools for assessment. She referenced a project demonstrating “written summaries as part of the VR learning activity and found that this was a critical design improvement for producing learning.” Ready to create a rubric and assess a virtual world? Not so fast. “Difficulty in assessing is same as, possibly, other creative fields like art or writing. Takes longer, it's individualized, etc. These are good things, just harder,” said Dr. Straight. Perhaps grading systems will move into the ether too?
This great project by Mayer's group, e.g., had written summaries as part of the VR learning activity and found that this was a critical design improvement for producing learning (as opposed to just interest/engagement) #DLNchat
— Michelle Miller (@MDMillerPHD) July 10, 2018
So is the future of learning in AR/VR? Niki Bray expressed a persistent concern shared by other #DLNchat-ters: cost. She said, “My biggest concern is the resources needed to develop and the associated costs. If we can overcome that, this has great potential.” Others shared that sentiment and agreed that it was likely coming very soon. Alex Kluge said, “I think the big hype cycle was in the 1990s. We have gone through the trough of disillusionment and are coming into a plateau of usability.” Dr. Brooks agreed: “Previously, our pedagogical vision was outpacing the technological capacity; I think the technology has not only caught up, but surpassed our pedagogical vision. We're going to need to play catch up,” he said. He also shared some results from the EDUCAUSE 2018 Student Study: “Only 4% of students reporting having access to #AR or #VR headsets. So, we have some time to work on this before it becomes ubiquitous.”
A6: Working on the 2018 @EDUCAUSE #StudentStudy right now and only 4% of students reporting having access to #AR or #VR headsets. So, we have some time to work on this before it becomes ubiquitous. #DLNChat https://t.co/FRgCM41wIJ
— D Christopher Brooks (@DCBPhDV2) July 10, 2018
Kristi DePaul articulated her optimism for AR/VR technology a bit differently. “Rather than declaring it the future of learning, I believe XR [extended reality] tech will open up educational possibilities with an impact we haven't yet grasped. And that includes providing firsthand experiences that enhance empathy and compassion.” You might say the future of AR/VR in academia is extended learning.
A6) rather than declaring it the future of learning, I believe XR tech will open up educational possibilities w/an impact we haven't yet grasped. And that includes providing firsthand experiences that enhance empathy + compassion: https://t.co/TPEUvyiHeh #DLNchat @csuci https://t.co/ES0UaKzlla
— Kristi E. DePaul 🗺📍 (@reallykristi) July 10, 2018
How do you imagine the future of virtual learning? Tweet our community with #DLNchat to share your ideas! You can also RSVP for our next chat: How Can Competency Based Education Unify Lifelong Learning Experiences? with special guest Charla Long, executive director of the Competency Based Education Network (CBEN), on Tuesday, August 14 at 1pm PT/ 4pm ET. For more topics, check out our index of past chats. #DLNchat is co-hosted by the Online Learning Consortium, WCET and Tyton Partners.
Can AR/VR Improve Learning? Integrating Extended Reality Into Academic Programs #DLNchat published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
0 notes
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
"At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
When to add insurance a newly purchased used car?
I'm purchasing a used truck from a relative of mine for pretty cheap and I'll have to drive the vehicle back down, about 130 miles, to my city by myself. My question is do I have to purchase insurance for the truck before I go up there? Or do I have a grace period where I can drive the truck (say 5 days) without insurance and then once I have the title and other paperwork in my name, go and get insurance? I'm in the state of California, if that helps.""
Does AAA offer short term car insurance?
I just got my license but will be moving down to San Diego in a week to start college. My parents don't want to start me on a long term insurance plan as I won't be using their cars much so it's a waste of money. I was wondering if there is a short term insurance plan that is cheaper as it would be very convenient to drive this week instead of taking busses.
How much does it usually cost to insure a big (600cc and above) motorcycle?
How about a 250cc? Or does it depend on the type of bike I have?
When will Obama Care go into effect? Will I be able to get free health care?
My husband and I are currently uninsured. We can not afford health insurance right now. How little do you have to make to get free insurance. And If I have to purchase it, how much will it coast?""
Cheap and best insurance for me.?
I have a 99 dodge intrepid 4-D sedan and I am looking for an auto insurance for it. I have a clean driving history with no tickets since I got my drivers license (1.5 years ago). Please help me find an auto insurance in a way that I dont spend too much and yet covered. Thanks in advance.
Where to get online insurance quotes for health?
Where to get online insurance quotes for health? I should compare plans from major insurance company.
Car insurance for a 15 soon to be 16 year old?
so i am looking at getting my first car and so i need to be thinking about car insurance and my grade point average is like 2 something. i have american family. any ideas what their rates would be.??
I've been pulled over last night no insurance and no L plates HELP ME PLEASE?
Hello, I'm a genuine person, who has had a bad past with motoring, 3 - 4 years ago i was a maniac, a complete ideot who defied everything that was said and told to him( been caught for no insurance and disqual driving and driving without a license x15 times but after relizing what a ideot i was i decided to go the straight and narrow, so i got my license back last august with 6 points on it, they aint due to clear till next year although they are dated 2009?! any way, i own a decent 09 bike, that isnt cheap and i was what i thought fully insured (otherwise i wouldnt have driven and risked loosing my bike) anyways i got pulled over last night for speeding, and it came apparant i wasnt insured :O i rang my girlfriend and got her to produce the paperwork, they couldnt get hold of my insurance company due to they were shut at 10pm at night :S so they decided to seize my bike!:@ they give me a gypsys warning about the speeding, and refered me to court for no insurance no L plates, my arguement is, after going home and checking my bank, i have been driving for 3 months uninsured ( i really had no intention of doing so) i had thought that when my giro money lands into my bank acc swintons took it out the same day so i never defaulted, but this is not the case and i have defaulted. so i have insured my bike immediately after relizing what has happened and im going to get it out the impound in a minute (15 hours later after being seized) but the genuine thing is i've always had a rear L plate till 4 days ago when it snapped and i was waiting on my giro to come to purchase a new one, however i know that is no excuse but its the truth! what can i say to the judge to not get myself banned! the L plates situation is difficult because there like1 to buy but i have 0 pence! and i run my bike of scrap yard petrol ( filtered runs sweet) and i will take full admission to only ever having one L plate on my bike and explain my situation but what can i say or do so i dont get banned!? im really stuck with this one, it really is annoying as i had no intention to drive without insurance?! thanks guys""
Texas Roadhouse health insurance?
I was told working full time here I'd get free health insurance. Does anyone know if this is true? :)
Suv insurance 16 years?
I am getting a mini suv probably a 2006 chevrolet equinox or a 2006 tuscan hyundai for my 16th birthday. I am going to have to pay the insurance on it though, I would be cosighning with my parents. They have perfect credit and also I have a 4 month old daughter who will be riding with some of the time. About how much would the insurance cost me? I'm clueless when it comes to these things. Thanks in advance. Also what is the best mini suv to buy that is under 25 thousand?""
Why does my car insurance cost so much?
Okay so I'm a sixteen year old female and I've been driving since February 1st the same day I turned 16. I drive a 2005 Chevy Cavalier. I have good grades, I cheerlead and I play volleyball I'm not a bad driver either actually back at drivers ed I did the best on my final exam. So I picked up a job at a daycare and I make 337.20$ every two weeks. My car insurance is costing me 275$ and is taking more than half of my paycheck and a lot of it I'm spending on gas and I usually have like ten bucks to spend on myself. Why does it cost so much? Also why do people look down on us young teen drivers so much?""
""Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
What are the odds of insurance rates increasing after a ticket?
Okay, so late last year, I had a run in with a cop on the freeway who pulled me over for speeding. After having a lengthy talk with him, I managed to talk him into just citing me for some dice I had on my rear-view mirror. It ran me a little over a hundred bucks, and I don't think it really effected my insurance. Now, just the other day, I got caught in a speeding trap on the freeway and got pulled over, and this time I did get a ticket for speeding for doing 81 mph. Now, as far as I know, insurance companies only check a person's MVR once every three years or so, but I've only just begun to research the subject. So my question is, given the information I just provided, what are the odds that my insurance company finds out about my new ticket and raises my rates?""
How much would my car insurance cost?
Right now I drive a red 99 mustang. I am paying around $2500 a year through National liability & Fire Insurance Co. for car insurance with nothing against me (no accidents or tickets or anything). I am 19 years old and am looking into getting a red 89 Trans Am. I live on the east end of Long Island. Based on the above info, what do you think I'd pay monthly for car insurance for the Trans Am?""
Whats the best car to get to make your insurance cheap as possible?
I turn 17 next month and start my job this month, so i'll have money spare, so i'm thinking of getting a car, but i know insurance can be really expensive, so i was wondering what car is best to keep the cost of insurance down? Thanks for answers :)""
Insurance for quad biking abroad?
I'm going on holiday in a couple if weeks and have already bought travel insurance that covers everything apart from the use if quad bikes. It's likely that me and my group will want to use them at some point, and I'm wondering if its possible to either buy insurance out there, or buy insurance online for quad bikes only. I don't want to buy a whole new insurance policy as this will cost another 20, and I am already covered for everything else. Thanks.""
Where can I find cheaper car insurance quotes?
I'm 17 in a few months, have a car, and have been checking insurance quotes. From my previous experience of quotes from Churchill, Quinn-Direct, Directline etc. it doesn't cost much, if at all, to insure on my provisional license with hopes of changing the policy to insure me on a full license in the future. I have got a 1997, 3 door, 5 seater, diesel peugeot 106 with a 1.6 litre engine and the best insurance quote I have recieved so far was from Quinn, but they have recently stopped insuring in the UK so I won't be able to use it when I am 17...They gave me a quote of around 800 whereas everyone else are offering me 1,500. Does anyone know of any other companies who can give me cheaper comprehensive cover? Thanks for any answers""
Does your car insurance premium go up if you have a claim that didn't involve others but was over $1400?
Its just body damage and no one else was involved. Also if I use my rental coverage will that make my premium go up (i.e. is premium tied to how much the total claim cost)? Thanks
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 2006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
""Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?""
does anyone know a sports car in the uk thats cheap, maximum 1000 pounds, cheap to insure and fuel consumption is good ? thanks""
Getting insurance for my new born?
I'm was born here in California but my husband isn't. He's an immigrant but my question is that we just had a new born and I'm wondering would there be a problem getting my baby insurance. I'm asking since I know they'll ask for his income and since I don't work I have no choice but to put his. I can't say I'm a single mom either since we got married. Does any one have any advice on what I can or should do? Please no rude comments thank you.
Rsx type s or s2000 what cost more to insure?
I just got an 2002 acura rsx type s (clean tittle) or I have a chance to trade for Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) I am 16 fixing to be 17 and of course the car is gonna be under my dads name but i just wanna know how much its goona be since im part of the insurance
Which Insurance?
If someone borrows my car but they have their own insurance and get in an accident is their insurance company responsible
Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?
Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS""
Is the health insurance paid to lay off employee taxable?
If a company paid it's terminated employee a 6 month health insurance coverage, does this health insurance insurance payment taxable?""
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
Got myself a little old ford fiesta 1100 i am over 25 learner driver which is the cheapest insurance firm.?
Got myself a little old ford fiesta 1100 i am over 25 learner driver which is the cheapest insurance firm.?
Is affordable health insurance a hand out?
I mean the way the right talks about Obamas plans you would think he is going to let the poor kick the rich out of their homes. If you work hard you should be able to have the basics in life. The rich whine that the irresponsible lazy working class is picking their pockets. I say screw the rich, nobody work for them and let them get off THEIR lazy, pampered asses. Buy from local merchants and craftsmen, close Walmart. So do you really think the working class wants hand outs and do you feel those incapable of working should starve?""
Where can I find affordable health insurance for me and my self employed husband?
For just me and him we pay $927 a month! He has no medical conditions. I take 3 medications for depression and anxiety, but its been a lifelong thing, and I require not psychiatrist or anything , like that, just the meds from my family doctor to keep my chemicals level. Can we get assistance, or is there special help for the self employed? I'm 35 and he is 40.""
Rough cost of insurance group 17 cars?
Hi all, I'm looking at a Lotus Elise for my next car. Its insurance group 17 and I'm 25 with nearly two years no claims. Anyone know roughly what the insurance would be? Thanks xx""
Will a guys health insurance cover his girlfriends pregnancy?
not married, she dosen't have insurance. Will his insurance cover it since its his baby?""
What do small business owners usually get for affordable health & dental insurance for themselves?
What do small business owners usually get for affordable health & dental insurance for themselves?
Why is insurance more...?
Why does it cost more to insure a 1991 Nissan ZX than a 1986 Camaro? Wouldn't you think the Camaro would be more, since it has less safety features and is older?""
How much do you spend monthly on Repairs and Maintenance for your car?
Question is pretty straight forward: How much do you spend monthly on Repairs and Maintenance for your car? (Don't include insurance or gas) Thanks
Car insurance for 16 yr old with mustang?
im 16 and just got a 05 mustang, and now im trying to find a cheap insurance company. I want to spend less than $275 a month, does anyone know one?""
What is the best way to get cheap car insurance for young drivers in the UK?
How come when I look at comparison sites such as confused.com they quote something like 10K for a 17 year old male that has pased. I know that a better way is to add your parents as the main driver and yourself as the additional however, the issue is that non of my parents drive. So what would be the best way to get a reasonable car insurance for a 17 year old then?""
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance on a permit In long island new york?
I just wasnt my car insured lol and im 19 and a male
How much does it cost in America for Pay Per Mile Insurance?
I was curious about the Pay Per Mile Insurance and how is the pricing in America? Let's say I havent had any accidents and I want to get a car for me and I wanted to know how much per mile costs for insurance or if I were going to drive 1,000 miles a month how much will it cost and is there a contract?""
Is it possible for me to have insurance in Texas and currently live in Arizona?
I have a Texas license, but I currently live in Arizona and am looking to buy a car . Would I be able to purchase an insurance policy from Texas and have everything be sent to my ...show more""
I need a cheap car insurance?
car insurance
Cheapest insurance for first time drivers?
i need help on finding the cheapest insurance for first time drivers i am 18 and near ending my lessons for my driving test and want to know cheap insurers for my first insurance wihout the little black box in my car, and also is it best to ring or online for my insurance prices thanks""
Women Only Car Insurance?
Are the companies that offer women only car insurance actually cheaper than normal insurance companies or is it just a trick to get women to use them? Why should women get cheaper insurance anyway? Is it not discrimination to offer different insurance prices based on gender? Surely you couldn't offer cheaper insurance to white people?
If my son is on my parents insurance does that mean they claim him on his taxes?
Okay my son is now 1 year old. He is on my parents insurance, we live with them, and my parents pretty much support him.(pay for all expenses).. Now my sons father wants to put him on his taxes. I know he just wants to get money to get him a new car. he also says he will get me a car too. but idk about that. When i told him i think my parents already claimed him, he started yelling its his son, and told me to give him his security card(he has a really bad temper and gets angry to where i get scared) so i did.. but now i need to sign a paper..and i dont want too.. Here is my thing i told him that he is automatically on my parents taxes, because he is on there insurance, so that would mean i would have to take aiden off of their insurance(Which means he wouldnt be on any insurance)he started yelling how stupid i am and just to sign paper, my question is is it true that because my parents have him on their insurance, he is on their taxes. What should i do? Thanks for anyhelp. Sorry long question. Please no rude answers""
Does AAA charge more for tow insurance if you have old heaps for cars?
For years I have frowned upon this service. But now considering it since our cars are getting old. 100K+ miles each. About how much does this cost a year? And do you have to pay a deductible, or do they cover the entire tow? Still don't know if I should break down and consider a service like this. (I'm anti extra insurance on anything) I think Geico (my ins co.) has coverage for this also""
Will admiral beat an online quote if I phone them?
Ok, So i've been quoted around 1000 for my insurance through the admiral site, I was wondering if they would beat that quote if I phoned them and spoke to them over the phone. Or are online deals always better?""
Which medical insurance is the cheapest?
I want to apply for a good quality and low cost medical insurrance. Whihc one is good for me. I am in SF, California. Please advice. Thanks.""
Car insurance question?
I just payed my car insurance in full From January till May and i want to change my insurance company because i got a better offer from another company. My question is can i cancel the one i have right now and switch to the new company and if i do will i get my money back from the insurance company i have right now? How does that work? or do i have to stay insured with them till my insurance expires?
What health insurance can i apply for?
i'm a stay at home mom and my husband is self employed. so we can't get insurance through work. blue cross keeps denying me. what other affordable health insurance can i apply for?
What is good Car insurance in Atlanta?
I'm moving to Atlanta. What is a good car insurance to get and at a reasonable price. I'm not sure the whole breakdown but state farm was about the best price I could find for about 120 dollars a month and that includes renters insurance for about 10 dollars a month. Please tell me what insurance you have and the breakdown of it and how much you spend a month on car insurance in the Atlanta area. Thanks a lot
Should I buy Supplemental Life Insurance?
My company already provides me with Basic Life insurance and AD&D insurance. Should I still buy life insurance for me and my family?
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
Ii need a dentist with no money or insurance. ?
Hello every body how u doing? Me I'm good i just have a real deep situation i need help with. Okay I'm 33 year old female I'm here in san diego. I have had a rough life. Im n need of answers for dental. I haven't been to the dentist in years i need work. Its been so long and I'm inbarest to open my mouth. I'm not working and i have no money saved up. I live with my mom and brother which receive ssi so my momma and brother help me. And i have no insurance. I really need to smile again i don't kw where to start every thing neg shuts me down. So is there any answer for me.
Motorbike insurance quote 1202 (UK)!?
Could someone please let me know as to why my motorcycle quote is so high? I'm 18 years old and have recently passed my CBT. The bike I am purchasing is a 2009 YZF-R125 with a value of 3000. My friends bike, a CBR125, only costs him somewhere around the 400 per year mark. I don't understand it... Thanks for any replies.""
What is the lowest average cost for health insurance?
Im a poor 22 year old college student, and I am looking for health insurance at a very low cost- any ideas?""
Why does insurance go up ?
I understand if I have been in an accident that my I may pay more insurance because its in my record. My question is .. if I buy a car that has record of having an accident does that make the insurance higher?
How much would the insurance on my car be?
I'm 18. I just got my car. and I just got my license. and I have a 2001 Hyndai. I live if Fort Myers FL... How much would it be on my own? and How much could it be under my brother in laws name that has had his license for 5 years?
What is the average cost of car insurance people pay annually?
Is 480 dollars annual payment for car insurance a good deal for one vehicle, single driver?""
What is a good truck that has low Insurance and is reliable?
my dad and i are trying to start selling at the flea market and going around buying and selling stuff to make money but we need a truck to haul some of it around but we dont wanna put alot of money in a truck before we know if its worth it so what is a truck that is like a couple thousand probbaly around 4000 at the most on craigslist that has really low insurance is reliable so were not stuck on the side of the road some day and that can be used as a work truck thats probbaly what we need outta it but if its possable low mileage and isent all high tech becuase we dont wanna fix that **** and is cheap to fix
Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18?
hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol""
I wanted to now about car insurance liability?
my boyfriend is on his mums insurance, but the other day, he had a little bump, which wasnt his fault, the person in front kept breaking spontaneously on a very busy road which caused him to slightly go in to the back of her car, theres no damage to his mums car and hes says (and i fully believe him) that the only bit of damage to their car is a few screws missing, yet they have still got the insurance company involved, but he really wasnt liable for the little bump, it wasnt his fault, the other person kept putting breaks on and i know you can fail your test for breaking like that on a busy road, i just want to know what will happen about his mums insurance now as hes really worried.""
How much will insurance be for a 16 year old ?!?!?!?
Hello, please answer my question without sarcasm. ok so im 16 and 7 month, just got my license live in New york city, i will be getting a nissan maxima 97-98 a 100% when i can , can someone please tell me the estimate price that it will cost me to get it at 16, or if i wait till 17 even cause my parents say that no way in hell they can add me or let me use a car with their names =[ i have a job and am very dependent on myself , I also have a very high average if that will make insurance cheaper. Please tell me what you think and price ranges per year, and dont show me those websites that i have to fill info in to get a report of price range as i tried a lot and they support me with info at all. thanks!!!""
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
How do you pay for auto insurance?
teen trying to understand how insurance works
Legal questions regarding my car insurance and getting my car painted?
My girlfriend recently put her car in the shop to get painted. Damage was done to the car and she had to put a $500 deductable to get the car painted and the insurance company paid $1500. she chose a shop to use and the check was made out to her and the shop was under her name on the check. The paint shop said she has to sign the check over for them to do the work. It has now been a month and they still have not completed any of the work. She keeps getting the run around with them. They are saying the have to bring the adjuster backout cause they found a dent they want to get fixed and then they found another dent. Basically we want the car out of there but how can we accomplish this and can we take legal action if needed, and what action can be done? Also on a side note we live in florida. As well she supposedly only has the check stub and no paperwork cause they never gave her any.""
Can I get a loan for a car but put the car in someone else's name?
So I need a new car mine is totally done for and I wanted to get a loan for a car but my insurance will be crazy high, my boyfriend has Usaa and said he'd put it on his insurance cause it'd be way cheaper but can we put the car in his name if I'm the one getting the loan?""
How much should a family budget for insurance?
Insurance quote changes?
hi recently i have been looking for insurance for my car that i have purchased. i have recived a quote of 2500 on a 22/01/10 last week, 4 days later the quote has changed to 3000? i have been using go compare.com, y the sudden change? i havent changed nothing since my first quote so i do not understand this change ps i am 17yr old who has purchased a mk golf 1.4s hence high insurance price thanks in advance""
My insurance company will not renew my auto insurance as I had 2 accidents. What do I do now?
Will other insurance companies provide insurance for me?
Do they let you take insurance?
hi does insurance companies in US,let you take life term insurance if you have HIV..""
Motorcycle insurance?
hi, im 16, and plan on getting a motorcycle in about 4 years when im 20. im also planning on starting on a 600 and i know so far that if ur about 20 years old (really young) and you have a 600cc bike that your insurance will be around $1500-$2000 a year. so my questions are at what age does the price get lower and if those numbers are true then i will most likely start on a 250 and wat is the insurance for a 250 a year. when the time comes ill see if im able to pay 2000k a year thanks""
Good student discount for car insurance?
so...i just completed my first year of college, and quite frankly i finished up poorly. my GPA is like a little over 2.4-2.5 and my dad is asking if i'll be able to send my transcript to the insurance (my dad is unaware of my grades). no chance of getting some discount or any at all??...i've kept my grades from my dad for quite some time, and now this is totally gonna blow my cover. i'm screwed aren't i? i'm a full time student and the insurance company is american family. so i guess my question is, do they discount % based on intervals of GPA, or is there just a minimum requirement and it's either you get a discount or not?""
Best deal for car insurance in london?
can somebody help me to find the best deal for car insurance in london for bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks and good week end""
""Just passed driving test, 22 yr oldwhere should i go for cheapest insurance quote.?""
Just passed driving test, 22 yr oldwhere should i go for cheapest insurance quote.?""
""Nice corsa modifications, cheaper on insurance?""
Hey guys, got myself a corsa.. Got tinted windows, alloys, irmscher body kit, tinted lights already. What other mods could I do that would be at the cheaper end of the insurance.. I don't want my insurance going up a bomb, but little to no increase mods would be great. Thanks!""
Will my car insurance premiums increase?
I just got pulled over for the second time in a 7 month period and was given a citation for turning right on no turn on red . Will my car insurance payments go up? How long does it usually take for the insurance company to find out about the citation?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in Florida?
Is it higher in different areas
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
Buying health insurance for the first time?
I'm looking to buy health insurance, but not sure what type to get. I'm very healthy and have no children so it would be just for myself. Should I do a co-pay plan? HMO or PPO? Not sure.""
How much is required down to open a homeowners insurance policy?
I am getting ready to buy a house and I am getting ready to switch my car insurance into my own name from my parents. I have to add homeowner insurance on to the policy. If I stay with the same company will I have to pay money down like for a deposit?
Want to cancel my whole life insurance?
Back in July 09, I let my stepmother's boyfriend create a life insurance policy for me. He works as an agent for New York Life, and since I know nothing about insurance, I just let him take care of everything. For personal reasons, I want to cancel the insurance. I will get something else, probably term, very soon. I just still know nothing about insurance, so I have a few questions about my policy. I do have whole life insurance, so I should be able to get some money back, right? Currently, I have a $50k plan, and I pay just under $50 a month. I got this policy when I was 18, so the monthly cost seems a little high--especially since I have no dependents or debt. If I die tomorrow, I could still get a really nice funeral (not that I want one) and have it all payed in full from the money I have from my inheritance. Was I ripped off or is this pretty standard? Online, it says my Net Cash Value is $37.97. Is this the money I get back if I cancel? It seems low--it's only about 3.2% of the total amount I've paid. I was expecting some amount closer to 10%. Ideally, I'd like to cancel without talking to my agent. Is there any way I could do it through a general agent or online?""
Can I get temporary insurance on my dads car?
My dad already has insurance on his car but I want to get temporary insurance while I am at home from uni. I tried looking on the company he was with and I from what I checked, they wouldn't give me a policy. Would I be able to get temp insurance from another company even though my dad has insurance from a different company?""
Free health insurance for 20 year olds.?
Hi I am 20 years old and I need to see a doctor, Is there a health Insurance in California for me? Or is there a health insurance that I can see a doctor with while waiting for it to take affect, maybe an insurance that doesn't take 30 days to see if you qualify? please help me.""
How much will my insurance go up from a honda oddessey to a bmw x3?
How much will my insurance go up from a honda oddessey to a bmw x3?
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 turning 18 in like four months. I would really like to get a car but I need to see if I can afford it. If you could please list your car and how much you pay for insurance a month that would be really helpful.
Medical insurance help?
I need to find some insurance to pay for my eye doctor b/c the insurance that I had is gone. I used to have Anthem.
Home insurance for high risk person?
A few months ago my dad had a fire at his house. In the middle of restorations, his insurance company dropped him. I'm not sure why they did, but I know my dad has really bad credit and was probably not very nice to whoever was handling his claim. He said that he is trying to get insurance, but can't find any. I'm wondering if it is because he is a high risk candidate and I am wondering where he can go to get insurance. I will probably be helping him with it from here on out, so I will need to know what kinds of things to say/look for. He is a reitred teacher and doesn't have a ton of money or assets, so I want to make sure he gets good coverage that he can afford. I'm not sure if this helps, but his dad was a veteran who died in a VA hospital when my dad was young. I keep seein things about insurance for family of veterans, but I know very little about it.""
Roommates car insurance company wants my car insurance info?
My roommate just changed her address told her car insurance provider she moved in with a friend. Her insurance company wants my car insurance info. Why? Do I have to/need to supply this? What are the positives and or negatives to doing this? Could it make my insurance go up? Note: We are not under the same company or policy for that matter. Thanks
Getting insurance under my name?
I currently live in NJ. I'm planning on switching insurance companies and i would like to put it under my name. I'm currently under my dad's policy and he is the owner of the car. But, for me to get my own insurance, i need to transfer to title under my name. But, it says that you need proof of insurance before you can transfer the title. Is my dad's insurance (which is the current insurance for the car) good enough for proof?""
How much would my insurance be for an rsx 2003?
Ok so im thinking about getting a acura rsx 2003. Im 18. Had my license for over a year now. No tickets. Im a full time student at a college. ima be on my parents insurance. Their insurance company is esurance. I was wondering how much would my insurance be?
Is buying health insurance across state lines just a strategy to lower quality?
Allowing states to issue insurance across state lines allows the originator to bypass the regulations of the state being sold to. Since the regulations insure quality; and states with the crappiest quality insurance due to lack of regulation can be the most affordable is this not another example of trading gold for candy as offered by the GOP?
""Selling my car, insurance question re. test drive and taking it home?""
I'm selling my old car and just want to double check insurance rules. I'm currently insured to drive it (3rd party, fire and theft), the MOT and tax is still valid, the car is in my name. If someone wanted to come and test drive it would they need their own insurance? What if they decided to buy it and drive it home? I'm not insured to drive other cars, just my own. Cheers""
Termination Car Insurance Policy?
Hi folks, I need to cancel my current car insurance policy. Do i have to write a termination letter to notice the insurance company, even if i already call them? Or do i just need to call and let them know that i wanna terminate? Does anyone have the sample letter about how to write a termination letter. Any help will be appreciate :).""
How much will my insurance go up for my traffic violations?
Over the summer I got a ticket for passed inspection date. Then in December I got 2 tickets simultaneously. One was a 16miles over the limit and the other for not having my driver's license in my car (but I do have one). How much will my car insurance go up?
Where can I get cheap health insurance in NYC as an individual with a relatively low deductible & low premium?
Is that even possible? My reasoning is this: I am 26 and I am self-employed. I am basically just looking for a bare bones plan that will have the lowest premium possible and I actually care more about emergency care than doctors visits. You see, I don't get sick often and don't plan to go to the doctor a whole lot...I just want something in case of an accident and the whole low premium w/ high deductibles thing won't help me...I'll be stuck with a sky high bill to pay off if I stay in the hospital. I'd rather have emergency coverage and simply pay out of pocket for a doctor if I have to. Is there a plan out there in NY that fits this? Anyone know? HELP! I make too much money to qualify for Healthy NY or another low income program..but not enough to reasonably afford a normal healthcare plan when factoring in rent and student loans. (If this isn't a reason for universal healthcare in the US, I don't know what is)""
What's the average price of homeowner's insurance in Las Vegas?
I know this is a vague question but what are some estimate homeowners insurance prices in Las Vegas? The house is worth 180k, its brand new (built 2008). No pets or children, three bedrooms, 1700 sq ft. My fiance and I are first time homebuyers and we have excellent credit. I just wanted to know if anybody had any ballpark numbers (I plan on contacting my current auto insurance provider soon, but I want to hear what other locals are paying so I know if I'm getting a good rate)... Thanks!""
How much Car insurance cost?
How much Car insurance cost?
Can anyone explain the Affordable Care Act to me?
I'm liberal on 99% of most issues, but Obamacare confuses me. I'm all for universal health care, but NOT free health care just for the poor. So what exactly is Obamacare, what was the thought behind it, and what are some reasons why I should be for or against it?""
How much is cheap auto insurance for a 16 yr old female?
she would have a nissan maxima. how much would it be to have her under her own..with a co signer in VA
Does a single man in his 20's need health insurance?
My boyfriend is 25 and does not have health insurance, does he heed it?? Does he need life insurance, or any other type of insurance??""
What happens if you got into a accident and have no insurance?
I was driving my girlfriends truck and got into an accident.. I didnt know she has no inaurance. The officer made an accident report then let us go. What happens next does she eventually get a ticket oe me. and is it criminal offense she ia crying cause she feels so bad. Does she lose her license or me cause i was driving? And who will get sued? Please answer all questions. If i had known she didnt pay her insurance i would have paid it for her.she is mainly worried she will go to jail
What is a good low cost health insurance plan for my family?
I am 27 and my wife is 26. I am currently a full time college student and my wife is bartending until I finish school. We have no kids but also not a lot of money. I don't mind ...show more
Does a ticket make ur car insurance go up?
ok so im not going in to details about how this happened but basically i got a ticket for driving on the wrong side of the road. will that make my car insurance go up? im 16 if that makes any difference to it...but some telll me it will and some tell me it wont help???
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
0 notes
Only the Educated are Free...
The beginning of this post is an unstructured whining fest; skip to the crotchets (♪) for the main post...
Often it can seem to myself like I do not try enough; I did not study properly before my GCSE exams and that definitely took a toll on my grades my Mathematics and English Language grades are the main problem even though these were the subjects I put a lot of time and effort into revising.
 I got a 6 in maths which is above average and considered good it’s equivalent to a B; I really tried to get a 7 but It’s clear I didn’t try hard enough as I spent hours on video games throughout the year leading up to my exams, although I did cut back on this activity leaving my friends over 100 levels above me in the game Overwatch (Which I would not recommend buying) and even with this many of them done many times better than me in the exams. Because of my Grade I couldn’t take a Maths A-Level Course Meaning I cannot do the university course I really want to do at most universities which  ♫♫♫♫s up my whole life, which really hurts...
English is a different story throughout the course my class had six different teachers and throughout the internal examinations I was constantly told if I continue at the same rate I’d get a 6 or a 7 but in the end, I got a 4 which is pretty much equivalent to a D which really sucks I know some people would have been really happy with this grade but I personally am not even though I read a lot of books compared to most people and am decent at writing short stories I can no longer study anything grounded in English (goodbye childhood dream of being a historian).  I hate chemistry (goodbye childhood dream of becoming a palaeontologist I used to be totally obsessed with Dinosaurs and I still know a lot about them reading lots of books and looking at studies into them I really loved when people asked what job I wanted to have when I’d older saying something that was well to me the coolest thing on earth and to others a word with no meaning ).
♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪ 
In the summer I got an electric guitar I like playing instruments and playing the Piano is something I love even though I do not do it enough though playing my guitar is something different it’s like a mini life goal that I want to do my best in  and I can play some nice music on it (Some Joy Division songs a U2 song and Seven Nation Army) but I have trouble with my co-ordination due to a condition called Dyspraxia so It becomes frustrating to play an instrument taking much longer than it would for many other people this has led to a couple of periods where I haven't played the instrument enough which is genuinely upsetting to me. 
I’m currently studying for 3 A-Levels and an AS in Maths the Maths AS I am fine with as with the history and Computer Science A-Levels In these subjects I personally do not see the huge gap in difficulty many people talk about but Physics is a different case for me I just do not feel like I am good enough at the subject I am not good at revising I need to stop being distracted but I can’t it seems every night I am in discord calls for hours then on YouTube to 3:am this really affects my learning I keep telling myself to uninstall all the games on my PC and not use discord I can’t I guess I’m addicted to it I hate multiplayer games but I still play them I don’t know why either I really don’t.. I feel stupid I know I’m not and relative to most of the population I’m really smart but It’s a relative thing many of my friends are really toxic which gets me down.
Well it seems the whole post was unstructured whining you got tricked...
0 notes