#problems of the education system
zevranunderstander · 5 months
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number #1 tactic that people use to not sound as racist as they are when they talk to black people: 'uhh so you AMERICANS need to stop pretending everything is about YOU. why should i know this im not from the us :/' (= is talking about like. a phenomenally internationally well-known black artist)
#myposts#kendrick lamar#drake#i updated it from 'white europeans' to 'people' because some people pointed out that 'gringo' is probably more south american lingo#but the point i wanted to make is like. there is this subset of european people (quite a lot of them)#who try to deflect by saying them not knowing these things isn't because of an active lack of disinterest in black culture and influences#and like. them not knowing who a certain black person is is never an educational failing on their side of any sorts#but instead are pretending that like. they are by virtue of being european always correctly educated on What History And Art Is Important#like. 2 months back that one post pretending that 'us europeans dont need to know all your AMERICAN writers 🙄' talking about james baldwin?#like just because that person didnt know who james baldwin was#they immediately were mad at the implication that They Didn't Know Someone Of Cultural Significance#and twisted it into 'well he cant be that important by virtue of me not knowing him'#like completely ignoring that the european school system also has. race problems and also ignoring that he lived and wrote in France too#but like. its this really racist defence mechanism of like. 'well you stupid americans always make everything about yourselves'#i hope i make sense i didnt think this would blow up lol#and like some people in the notes of that post were so smug about not knowing who Kendrick Lamar is#bc to them thats like 'oh im too cultured to be listening to rap of any sorts' like completely dismissing his music as kind of second class#by virtue of it being rap and black music and him not being in the White Mainstream as much as other musicians#(i mean hes still like 24th most listened artist worldwide but you get what i mean)
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chilli-talks-a-lot · 11 months
romanticize learning, not school
The education system (in the U.S. at least) sucks! School sucks!
High expectations get set on you and you exhaust yourself trying to achieve them
Often, it promotes unhealthy competition and causes you to compare yourself to other students, even though everyone has different skill sets and circumstances
Being neurodivergent makes it HELL
School doesn't DESERVE to be romanticized. Burnout sucks. You're not going "above and beyond," you're trying to push yourself into unbreathable altitudes.
Rather, consider romanticizing learning:
Researching because gaining knowledge is fun, you like how it feels to understand the world around you
Teaching because you want to spread that knowledge to others
Finding your own engaging methods
Giving yourself control. Learning because you want to.
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dramatic-dolphin · 14 days
can u guys stop mentioning american political stuff on my posts like it's relevant, i don't live there + i don't know what that is + i don't care.
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Autistic school trauma is:
knowing you’re disliked, but not being able to know why
consistently being called out for your stims because they’re “disruptive” or “annoying”
trying to simply mesh in with others to avoid getting targeted
suppressing your anger to the point that you feel it’s not justified
never being able to form connections no matter how hard you try, and thinking it’s your fault
being able to form connections but never being able to be true to yourself or set boundaries since you’re so used to being disrespected
witnessing ableism from classmates but not doing anything about it because they’ll just invalidate you
never feeling like your opinions can be validated because you’re “weird”
being outcasted by your classmates constantly
having classmates either let you know outright or subtly that you’re disliked
eventually believing that you deserve to be disliked
suffering from chronic low self esteem that affects your grades, your ability to function, and even your ideas of love
frequently getting into toxic/codependent friendships
having teachers criticize you constantly for your symptoms
living from a complex of never being good enough
feeling like you have to reach a neurotypical standard on a daily basis and if you don’t, you’re incompetent
if you’re feeling any of these things because of school, autistic or not, know that what you are experiencing is trauma, and that your trauma is valid. You don’t deserve to be in a school environment where you are consistently criticized or made to feel like you don’t belong nor can’t be good enough. You deserve an environment that makes you feel safe enough to be neurodivergent, to be yourself. You deserve to feel loved, to feel cared for, exactly as you are, with no strings attached.
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Big reminder that your country is not immune to bigotry. I've seen so many people, for example, pretend like antisemitism doesn't exist in the USA because we were part of the allied forces in WWII (of course, they conveniently don't remember that we rejected jewish refugees when WWII broke out and we only really joined because Pearl Harbor was bombed, but I digress).
If you think your country is immune from antisemitism, racism (including anti-Indigenous racism), class issues, ableism, whatever else it may be, look deeper because you will find it.
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I’ll never forget my counselor’s face when I said I used to secretly be really into aliens because I was worried that I was one. I thought I must not be from earth. But I must have known how weird that was because I never wanted anyone to find out. I would pull up the wikipedia page for dogs or trees or something, just to have a decoy tab to click to really fast so I wouldn’t risk anyone noticing what I was actually reading about or asking me why.
Anyway I’ve never attempted clinical diagnosis but if a professional ever tries to tell me I’m allistic I will laugh at them so hard and mock their career choice.
Go ahead tell me I don’t seem autistic I dare you
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waitingforlostsouls · 1 month
Can't help but think about how once during an accommodations meeting with my school, they ended it early because we wanted to record. The issue was that previously only one person did not want to be recorded. However, they brought in over eight people who were not on the original list to sit in on this meeting. And when my mother went to press record, they ended the meeting early and people scattered. They grabbed their things and ran. We never even got past introductions. So I was there crying, while my mom sat there without anything to do, all while the principal and assistant principal never offered to give us a minute and stood there staring at me. Then the principal had the audacity to ask me "So, what do you think should have gone differently?" I think I'll forever be glad I decided to say "We should have been told there was a change to the attendance before we came" instead of some self criticizing bullshit.
You know why? Because the next meeting, the assistant principal who had stood there and watched me cry tried to say we were the best of pals, and that I was always down there in the office with her. They break the law and they don't care, and the systems meant to keep them in check sit by and watch. All the costs for lawyers, advocates, and independent services are all on the family of the disabled person. My school didn't even have an elevator for people in wheelchairs to use. They had to go outside in the cold, through a fire exit, to get to their classes downstairs.
So no, you're not my friends if you do that to people. You're not my friends if you stand by and watch me cry while proding me and breaking the law. You can take your kumbaya shit and shove it. I don't know you.
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osteochondraldefect · 18 days
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the first image is probably what Hale was doing during twin voices . hes reconnecting with nature :)
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radmalenia · 9 days
If anyone on radblr has interacted with this "taythewhom" account, I would advise just try not to engage with them; because it likely won't be possible to have a productive conversation and will just piss you off.
Caution: this post is a lengthy breakdown/rant about the horrible reading abilities and the critical thought-killing mentalities of so many "TRA's", and the dangerous and tragic ramifications of being taught next to no reading and thinking skills.
TLDR: this person is a prime example of it. And the problem they have is a disturbing sign of how the education system is fundamentally failing to teach youth to read, to critically think, to stay out of echo chambers, and to know enough to articulate their stances - this is also why so many fall for trans ideology, too; and why they are more easily manipulated away from genuine feminism.
~ This is not a usual type of post for me but it brought up a couple of key things I think people need to be discussing more overall; so here goes.
So this "taythewhom" clown has bought the bullshit about radical feminists not being feminists and also about them being transphobic, and (surprise surprise) are apparently not willing to read more than one sentence at once that has been spoken by someone whom they've been told is "the enemy".
No better way to keep someone in an echo chamber, to make sure they never question or analyze their beliefs or those of anyone else; than convincing them not to read anything that a person outside of their own ideology says! Convincing them that "well this person is wrong no matter what, so you shouldn't even care to read their words"! What an unbelievably thought-killing and sheep-creating form of manipulation. Very cultish, too.
Anyway, this person suddenly DM'd me. I've seen them before in comment sections; contributing nothing and generally being shockingly dumb. I was a bit harsher overall than I maybe could have been, but it deeply frustrates me to encounter someone who has so thoroughly bought these types of thought-stopping cliches.
In this instance, they were on a "this person's apparently transphobic so don't listen to a thing they say...but yet engage with them anyway to tell them off ." (??) As it continued I got more confused by that; by why they were even in my dms at all while not willing to have an actual conversation... And wondering what do they think they get out of it. What do they think they're doing?? (I wish I'd manged to ask that!!) But the gist is that they kept insisting they didn't care to read what I was saying...yet they still kept messaging. At least for a few minutes.
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And then a block? Too cowardly and/or egotistical to consider they could be wrong. To even discuss it. Notice of course how they never explained anything about what they're claiming. Never said why they say I'm transphobic. Never said why they claim radical feminism isn't feminism. NO THOUGHTS - NO CONTENT - ONLY BUZZWORDS.
They also seem to be so horrendous at reading that they saw me mention male supremacy, I presume in my bio; and somehow concluded I support it?! And that it means I want the sexes segregated?!?! How??? How are these people so quick and willing to proclaim a strong opinion on something they're literally so ignorant (and usually always wrong) on?
Even female separatism, which I fully support (but do not mention in my bio) is not a total separation of the sexes (except in an ideal and unrealistic utopia;) and even that would not be actual "segregation".
And if this person can't understand that the sentence about male supremacy in my bio is calling it the status quo that needs to be overturned by genuine feminism; then ...wow. I just don't know what's going on in schools this past decade. Why are so many of these kids unable to properly read?? 🤦‍♀️ Why are so many unable and/or unwilling to analyze something complex, or even simple - unwilling to critically think and see what conclusions they draw, to challenge their own views by analyzing a disagreeing view; to even learn enough about their own stance to articulate it beyond a basic slogan or buzzword?? Do they even know how they choose a stance? Not specifically with taythewhom but I've seen instances of other people like them admitting when questioned that they don't know why they have the stance they do, they just felt "it's what everyone else is doing" or something like that.
Like, I...cannot even imagine basing my opinions off popularity alone like that.
And honestly I do consider a large part of this person's state to be this failing of the modern public education system. For someone to call a moderate paragraph a "novel" is fucking mind-blowing. Whether you disagree with the subject or not, even if you find it totally boring; you can't call a mild size paragraph a "novel" unless something pretty bad is up with you.
No wonder these Tumblr TRA's are so often woefully uneducated about issues women face, and so woefully incapable of learning or understanding new concepts and things that they're presented with. So uneducated about how to analyze things and use critical thought. Even so uneducated about trans issues (with them often having no idea the meanings, ramifications, and realities of the trans stuff they talk about); so uneducated about gender roles and how they've been used on people, so uneducated about history (and so willing to rewrite it to fit their narrative but that's a whole different post...), so uneducated about actual feminism; about misogyny, patriarchy; about homosexuality and the gay community. So uneducated about how many of these things relate to each other, and how stuff doesn't exist in a vacuum and therefore stuff like so-called "choice feminism" doesn't work.
No wonder their reading comprehension is fucking abysmal (where does my blog say anything about sex segregation????) They either CAN'T or DON'T read...so they don't even understand the issues and stances that they're trying to support - much less the ones they've been told they're in opposition to!!
This is why we see so many of them being trans ideologists. Gender ideology necessities people who do not think, question, or read. Because as soon as one does that, it begins to fall apart.
Also - because genuine feminism ideally requires educating onself on feminist philosophy, and going on a journey through the study of feminist texts to arrive at the conclusions all of us radical feminists do, to be able to articulate these facts to others and to raise female class consciousness and have impactful discussions - it is a lot less appealing to kids who don't want to read, who don't want to think or put in effort. Who would rather be told that they can think and behave exactly how they already do, but just call it "their choice" and therefore "feminist", and be done with it. No class analysis, no understanding of the way males oppress them specifically because of their sex and have done so for hundreds even thousands of years; no - that requires long paragraphs, and very heavy subject matter.
To be clear I do truly empathize with young women feeling turned away by how heavy it is emotionally to face and accept the actual realities of their oppression...the realities of who does it, how severe and all encompassing it is; the reality of what it is based upon. It is a horrible thing to face; and once you've seen it you can never stop seeing it. It permeates everything around us in our entire culture, it overshadows and undertones everything and every situation and etc etc etc. But - to use the overdone matrix analogy - would you rather take the blue pill to make you forget that you ever peaked behind the curtain, or would you rather take the red pill that shows you the grim truth in full - and live the rest of your life in proud resistance against the oppressive force? That red pill is what radical feminists all choose...and it is certainly worth it emotionally.
(NOT to be confused with the fucking "red pill" that far-right males sometimes refer to!! They have entirely different views from radfems, this cannot be overstated - and their "red pill" views of hateful misogynistic nonsense; and often of other hateful and stupid views like antisemitism or homophobia; are entirely incorrect. The ONLY similarity is the matrix pill analogy itself.)
Anyway... going back to the younger people who won't read. They don't read and they don't think. And it considerably contributes to keeping them inside an echo chamber as well, as I'm sure one can understand - if they read nothing from the outside, they've obviously been successfully placed in an echo chamber where they just keep supporting and agreeing with their own stances...which again are often so shallow because they don't even flesh out what they're supposed to believe in themselves.
This is also so concerning for so many reasons; I've already glossed over some and am sure I don't need to list them all... Essentially - being able to read, to effectively properly read and do the thinking that comes with it; is SO DAMNED IMPORTANT. Being able to read multiple paragraphs is VITAL. Books are vital, for a start. If you want to have a stance about a serious and complex issue, for example feminism; you need to be able to read books, studies, articles, news reports, and complex discussion threads. Otherwise you have your stance in name only, with no substance behind your label; and so it would be more beneficial if you don't say a word in these discussions and debates and instead let the people who can actually read and learn and think and speak do the reading, learning, thinking, and speaking...otherwise you'd just be derailing the conversation and adding pointless or even detrimental words.
Like taythewhom does in the notes on multiple feminist posts I've seen 🙃 and they don't mean well at all, certainly not when it comes to women's rights. It's people like this who turn the word "transphobia" meaningless - and into a joke or even into a compliment, depending on context.
Anyway, to wrap this up; while this is a post about the importance of being able to read well (and that's still undeniably true), I admit this also has a level of irony because it is somewhat longer than it needs to be. However there are multiple places where I could have brought up other topics and tangents that were relevant, though - so is it really longer than necessary?? To me that's an incredibly cool thing about writing; no matter what you're discussing there are so many ways you could expand upon what you're saying if you were so inclined to. And how abundantly rich the world is with subject matter is something everyone deserves to be able to access and experience; and the way the school system is degrading the literary level of children is just so tragic and disgusting for so many reasons.
Well - if you made it this far through my 4am adderall comedown vent; congratulations, I think - and thank you! ADHD, which I have, is often awful to live with - but sometimes it can be very handy; although not always in the most productive manner.
Reading and writing are a never-ending source of enrichment, intrigue, revelation and knowledge; and the last one in particular can easily be your greatest source of personal power. All of them lead to personal growth, so don't neglect them. To be a little petty - the moral of this post is, in its simplest terms...be a reader - don't be taythewhom.
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Hey, so for the Human Au, how do think Julie would go about her life? Considering her personality in the website, I would think that he takes up different part-time jobs, but mainly likes working at the community center, mainly for the summer/after school programs where they can come up with and host fun activities for the kids!
no yeah that's pretty much what i was thinking! she bounces from job to job - she probably has a roster of seasonal ones that she rotates between. Julie really does seem like an every-gal yk? doing just one thing all the time would be soooo boring
i like the idea of summer / after school programs a lot actually! since canon Julie is big on games and fun, i'm sure she'd be a great choice for those sorts of things. i bet she works a seasonal summer camp in their county!
#also it would be a cute frank-julie bestie thing#cause frank is a university professor#so then julie being in the education system as a camp counselor / school programs person whatever brains not braining rn#I Just Think It Would Be Sweet! and Fitting!#part of me wants to change Frank from university professor to like a uhhh elementary school teacher#but nah. but lets just say the local schools will have field trips and uh. idk a 'bug day'#yk how kindergartens and elementary schools would sometimes have a giant snake brought in or whatever#well i imagine that in this au frank keeps insects as 'pets'#(not pets as in companion animal but. he has a lot of arthropod tanks in his house lol)#so maybe a couple times a year he gets to interact with kids and julie's probably there too!#ohhhh maybe sometimes he'll go to the summer camp for like. education day or whatever#to talk about insects and animal safety or somethn#he's out there with a tarantula chilling on his head...#most of the kids are disinterested but one or two are so Intrigued and its. adorable. anyway this is about julie#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#i like to think that both julie and barnaby have seasonal jobs at the county fair#it just lasts a few weeks but they have a good time! barnaby can put his clowning degree to Use!#but im having a great time picturing julie coming up with games and stuff and putting it to good use!#i bet she'd be great at finding compromises and solutions to those Schoolyard Problems yk#i said schoolyard problems and flashbacked to the multiple bad injuries at my elementary. & the seizure in hs...#hm. i saw a lot of serious shit. anyhow not the point#i bet julie is that one guy where whenever someone brings up an odd job she's like 'yeah ive done that'#slingin ice cream? catering? florist delivery? doughnut baker? budtender? running bingo night? Yes To It All!#i bet that in a way... howdy is jealous...
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chilli-talks-a-lot · 11 months
How Prevent Gifted Kid Burnout From a Gifted Silly whose Fire is still Blazing with Rage
School is stupid, parents with unrealistically high expectations of you are stupid, teachers who overwork you are stupid.
You don't need their approval. You don't need to impress authority to have worth.
You don't need to be perfect, especially not in a broken system.
Test scores aren't a measure of intelligence. You are smart, even if the material was difficult to grasp.
You're not "wasting your potential" if you decide to pursue a career you love. Create art, write music, perform, you're contributing to the beauty of the world. There's more value in that than most people see.
You're not "wasting your potential" if you're an adult who isn't busting their butt in college or a fancy job. The economy is fucked right now, and being an adult is hard. You're doing your best.
And sometimes, you can't be at your best all the time, but you're trying, and that's all that matters.
2. Don't let school ruin a passion for learning.
Just learn. Learn and love learning. Learn without school holding you down. Find your passions, and run after them. Pursue knowledge because it's fucking fun.
Research something you care about for fun, challenge yourself to learn how to complete that math problem, learn, not because you feel like you have to, but because you want to.
Never let school make you lose a love for learning.
3. They explain it more effectively than I can lol
I made a video game metaphor but, when I was finding the video that made me realize this I read another video game metaphor that explained it better, "So basically, as a gifted kid, I skipped the tutorial because it felt too easy. Then the actual game threw curveballs at me" (adorablehoe, 2nd top comment).
HealthyGamerGG's entire channel has great information
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gay-jewish-bucky · 13 days
wild how some people's response to school shootings is always to put MORE guns in schools
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mistprints · 4 months
9 to 5 is an insane amount of the day spent working. We just aren’t being paid enough to work fewer hours because we aren’t paid what our work is worth. Bigger companies hide behind small ones with the “we can’t all afford to pay workers fairly” excuse. Well then the business fails at being profitable because workers’ wages are not margins you can cut to be profitable.
And then the big corporations spend obscene amount of money bribing politicians to make sure things stay this way: that minimum wage stays below cost of living so people are forced to work often multiple jobs just to survive, keeping them desperate and forced to work jobs with poor wages.
Education advancement is a potential major debt that many people cannot afford or risk even to get into the highest paying industries. Not all school systems are created equal due to budget cuts and poor, outdated standards, putting many students at a disadvantage for college already. People who would be amazing teachers are dissuaded by the state of these schools and the lack of support they get. It is one of the most important jobs of society and much like many vital services, is taken for granted.
We pretend the threat of homelessness is only for people who are “undesirable” and just didn’t want to work when in reality, many people are one missed paycheck away from being out on the street due to predatory housing situations and unchecked landlords that can give as little as a week’s notice for eviction if not less in some places.
“Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” is an old saying that’s been twisted. It’s an impossible task. That’s what it means. It’s a tongue in cheek saying that’s been mockingly turned into a political statement and I think the people using it know that people aren’t going to look it up or know this. You cannot pull yourself up by them, you need help.
Society works when we rely on the group. That’s how all civilizations have worked. Others have fallen for not doing this or for doing so poorly with too many people at the bottom of the ladder holding it up (capitalism relies on this to function). Social programs have always been a facet of this and grouping it all into one big negative buzzword drives me insane.
The fire department is a social program. It’s free to call them and it’s paid for by the city because the rich decided that a poorer neighbor’s house fire was a risk to their property and so there should be someone that handles that without costs to an individual that would deter them calling for help. Same with 9-1-1 (unless of course if the person is in the US and needs a personal ambulance ride. Then they’ll charge thousands).
All I’m saying is with the state of the majority of people in the U.S., we could stand to have more support beams to help out before it collapses around us.
People are reaching a breaking point and this stress test of how much they’ll take (costs rising while what you get decreases and wages remaining stagnant; the growing population of homelessness and their solutions being to make homelessness illegal; cuts to people’s rights to their own body by people who are not doctors and should not have anything do to with it but want political points to remain in power by voters who are too uneducated to know better—again, keeping the populous too tired and poorly educated to realize the branching issues with this outside of their narrow-minded ideals they want to force on everyone else) won’t end well.
These problems all branch from a source. That source is always, ultimately, corrupted people in power, driven by money. They are shortsighted and only care about their own benefits. And by letting them, believing their lies and keeping them in power blinded by promises that are at best empty and at worst detrimental, it’s making this world a lot worse to live in for the rest of us. Even if the consequences haven’t reached you directly yet, we are already seeing what happens in this Tragedy of the Commons situation with the greed of a few.
We have to stop people from being able to exploit it. There needs to be laws in place that even the rich are subject to for this to ever work.
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heartforce830 · 6 days
for all of the talks in schools about why they are banning phones, they never seem to address and try to help why kids and teens focus on their phones in the first place( They only seemed to think the cause is addicting apps) and why they doomscroll. For the kids and teens, it’s can be a safe space for them and let them be who they are privately and talk about the issues worrying them. Because maybe in the community they live in, it’s either shut down by people or even dangerous for them if they are something that the community hates. Look at some of the issues that kids and teens are worried about today (Climate Change, Right’s to their body, LGBTQ plus, School Shooting, etc), those are issues still plaguing the states but yet there’s hasn’t been any attempt by schools and community to make it safe for them to talk about this issues, help out or just feel safe, not worry about being killed, forced to be a gender they are not and being forced to carry a baby they may not want to full term and be jailed for having a miscarriage. Not to mention the fear of a certain orange man who will lead a dictatorship that will cause what they fear. But everyone tells them to keep it to themselves or have them kidnapped in the middle and send to a prison camp if they misbehave too much in their opinion. To those teens and kids, those phone bans mean being stripped of one of their only safe spaces for even eight hours. Not to mention a relief form nonstop stress
to go with the drug addict comparison that Schools always make about phones, if you want to help a addict, get to the source of why they got addicted in the first place. Understand why they use the drug so you can figure out what’s the best way to help them so they don’t have to rely on the drug in the first place and eventually break the habit.
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inspired-lesson-plans · 3 months
Person who talked about doing homework in my head
Yeah I’m from a very small town with a very small school which meant two things
1) most of our teachers were just out of school and only just figuring out how to teach/saw this school as a place they had to get through to get somewhere better and we (the kids) could tell they didn’t want to be there
2) there were no accommodations for pretty much anything, either for more advanced work or special help. As it was we only ran physics 30 once every other year and did not have a calculus class offered at so it had to be offered online with no in person option
Like there were some teachers who would give me extra things or do more advanced work with me (the principal, who taught high school math, used to visit me in junior high math and teach me advanced math) but in general the expectation was that I would just sit there quietly and play in my phone waiting for class to end. Sometimes I took a walk around the school and none of the teachers would stop me though
I should also say this school did not have any teachers that gave specific homework as its own separately planned thing. Homework (besides home reading) was limited to in class work that was not finished by the end of the class period, but we always have time in class to work on it as well
And yeah my teacher friends aren’t super big fans of the sit and wait quietly plan for kids who get done work early as in some cases that becomes a punishment that makes kids resent schooling
Stories of how others have struggled like yours are very good for keeping us grounded. I came up through a well-funded school district in New Jersey where the property taxes must have been ridiculous. When I decided to start teaching, I knew that I wanted to work at one of the underperforming city schools. I really wanted to stay, but I got fired from one district, and then from a second, and this past year I got fired from substitute teaching at a wealthy, rural school. So clearly, I'm not cut out to be a teacher.
A lot of our problems would be resolved by, for instance, ramping up education spending by a factor of ten and keeping it that way for the next 20 years. There are a lot of great people who need a lot of support to build up the skills necessary to do one of the world's top 10% most difficult jobs[citation needed]. I was one of them. Now I'm working to become a data analyst, and in the meantime I'm blogging out lesson plans for fun, knowing that I'll never use them unless I start a YouTube channel but that sounds like so much work.
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