#but does it mean that we’re in for JT part two?
thatiranianphantom · 2 years
Okay, let’s say some things about promo!
*disclaimer, not an expert, not in the industry, could be wrong, etc.
Okay so let’s start with a few things:
~ RD has a significantly declining viewership, such that they are likely costing more money than they make
~ they eked out a last season for reasons that probably had a lot to do with latent profit and syndication as well as the huge cost of mounting a new show and already established contracts
~ the promos are consistently bad and have been for years, and rarely reflect the actual content of the show
Now. Considering this show hasn’t been afforded any extras for the last few years, up to and including a photoshoot for their last season, which indicates to me that the network does not want to spend more on this dead horse than they absolutely have to, I am going under what a think is a pretty safe assumption that the promo cut is outsourced. They don’t do it in house, it is likely farmed out to the cheapest place to do it. Which costs less, but it means it’s done by people with no knowledge of or connection to the show. That’s significant, because they likely have no idea what is going to turn the viewers away. It explains why the formula of how to promo well sounds simple but they keep whiffing it.
Promo’s job isn’t to reflect the show accurately, especially not on the CW. Promo’s job is to show enough action to pique your interest. The people cutting the promo very likely flip through the episode and look for any particularly salacious moments. A shot of the Cooper house just isn’t going to get people talking. They’re not looking for that. They’re looking for shots they can manipulate or cut in such a way that it looks exciting. That, to me, really explains the JT of the promo. Someone with zero RD knowledge cutting an episode that is likely almost entirely worldbuilding and exposition with whatever shots they can find or manipulate that look exciting.
Putting completely aside the fact that it looks quite dreamlike, putting aside the fact that Erinn has rarely been seen on set, let’s remember that promo is designed to manipulate. So whatever this promo or the full one shows, can we at least accept that we have a long and storied history of promos looking inflammatory and turning out to be nothing? And that goes for all shows. Just ask the EO shippers.
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typical-simplelove · 4 years
Napping at Lake Tahoe (T. Jost)
A/n: This is what I get when I wake up at midnight for the Lake Tahoe game. Also, we’re just going to ignore the fact that COVID restrictions mean that two people can’t be in the same room without a mask. Actually, just pretend that there is not COVID pandemic. I also don’t know if yn’s job exists, but oh well! It’s fiction. Enjoy!!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none that I can think of!
UPDATE: I wrote a part two! Find it here
Vegas Golden Knights and Colorado Avalanche NHL Outdoors at Lake Tahoe game is postponed to 9 PST/12am EST.
So, it was official. The game was postponed. Does this mean you still have to do work? You were a team assistant who was responsible for dealing with the ins and outs of the needs of the team and team officials during road trips. You weren’t sure if this delay meant that you still had to do your job or delay it, too. It doesn’t hurt to work, right?
You walk down the hall heading to the business center to print out the paperwork you needed.
“Yn? What are you doing?” someone calls you. You turn to the person calling you and you feel the warmth slowly rush to your face. Tyson Jost, player for the Avs, who you work for. Oh, and you happen to have a minor crush on Tyson. Convenient, right? “You’re going in the opposite direction from our hotel rooms.”
“Oh, um, yeah,” you stumble over your words. “Just working.”
Tyson looks at you with a curious eye and you melt a bit. “You know the game was delayed, right?”
“Well, yes, I know that.”
“Shouldn’t you not have to work, then?”
“I think that only refers to players, Tyson.”
“I mean, you’re also here in the hall.”
“Well, haha, very funny.”
“I’ll leave you to whatever you’re doing then, and I’m going to get back to work.” You turn around and begin to walk away.
“Yn, wait.”
You smile softly and turn around. “Yes, Tyson?”
He extends his hand. “Come with me.”
You nervously glance at his extended hand. “What?”
“You obviously don’t have to work for quite a bit considering the fact that the game isn’t happening right now. So, why don’t you nap with me?”
The heat creeps to your face and you look up to meet Tyson’s eyes. “Seriously?”
“Come on, it’s not like you have anything else to do, right?”
You hesitate before taking Tyson’s hand. “No funny business, okay?”
“I promise. No funny business.”
Tyson begins leading you to his hotel room, and you immediately want to change your mind. However, Tyson squeezes your hand reassuringly, and your nerves skyrocket but not for a similar reason. Tyson, your secret crush, was holding your hand. Your thoughts were going crazy, but who wouldn't? Thankfully, Tyson speaks and ends the endless cycle of thoughts going through your head, for the moment.
“This is my room,” Tyson says as he unlocks the door with his room key. He leads you in and drops your hand. You stand awkwardly in the room not sure what to do. You fidget with your hands trying to ease the awkwardness you felt. Tyson looks at you and laughs softly. “You don’t have to just stand there. You can come in, Yn.”
You nod and take a dramatic step forward.
Tyson laughs at you and shakes his head playfully. He pulls out a shirt and two pairs of sweats from his suitcase. “Here, you can borrow a pair of sweats and a shirt. You can change in the washroom.”
“You know,” you begin. “I can just go and grab something from my room.”
“Yeah, you could, but I don’t think you’d come back.”
This was news to your ears. Did Tyson desperately want to nap with you? You raise your eyebrow at him and Tyson blushes. “You really want to nap with me, don’t you?”
“Oh, shut up. The washroom is over there.”
You giggle and head into the washroom. You examine the clothes Tyson gave you and smile. It’s Tyson’s clothes (duh); he gave you one of his shirts and sweats, like a boyfriend would. You change and walk out of the washroom. You look up and see Tyson’s bear back. You suck in your breath both sharply and audibly, and Tyson turns around.
“Oh, sorry Tyson,” you apologize. “I didn’t realize you weren’t done changing.”
Tyson smiles at you. “Don’t worry. Actually, if it’s okay with you, I’m not going to wear a shirt.”
What were you going to say, no? You definitely weren’t going to do that. “Oh, it's fine.”
“Perfect,” Tyson says and an awkward silence fills the room. You shuffle nervously where you stand and begin folding your work clothes. Tyson is carefully watching you. You look up and meet his eye, and he looks away bashfully.
“What do we do now?” you ask.
“Oh, um, nap?” Tyson suggests.
“I mean, that’s the reason I’m here, no?”
Tyson blushes and you laugh cheekily. “Right. Let me just set an alarm.”
You nod and watch Tyson. You could do this, right? You were going to be able to sleep in a bed with Tyson and not fall for him more, right? So much for your spiraling thoughts.
“Ready?” Tyson asks as he pulls back the sheets.
You nod. Tyson gets in first and lies on his side facing the door. You guess this is your turn to get in? You get in and lie on your back. Were you supposed to cuddle into him? As much as you wanted to, you weren’t if that was appropriate. You turn to your side so you’re matching Tyson’s posture, and he nervously scratches his head.
“Can I cuddle you?” Tyson asks. He didn’t want to overstep the boundaries.
You smile and feel the warmth reach your face. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Tyson releases the breath he didn’t know he was holding and wraps his arm around your middle. You move back into him and you rest your back against Tyson’s front. You sigh softly, and you feel your eyes drift closed.
The last thing you remember is Tyson kissing the back of your head and whispering, “goodnight, Yn.”
. . .
“Yo, Tyson, ready for a walk before the team meeting?” JT says as he bursts into the hotel room an hour and a half later. When he receives no response, he walks further into the room and smiles at the sight he sees: you curled into Tyson’s side.
JT realizes that he is a bit early and decides to let the two of you continue your nap. It’s only a matter of time before you both figure out how you feel, right?
. . .
About twenty minutes after JT’s outburst, Tyson’s alarm goes off, and you and Tyson slowly wake.
“Morning,” Tyson mumbles into your neck.
“More like afternoon,” you reply and Tyson laughs. You slowly get up and Tyson sighs at the loss of contact. That didn’t mean anything, right?
“I should get you to nap with me before all of my games. I slept like a baby.” Tyson tells you and your face warms at his comments.
“Let me just change, and I’ll be out of your hair,” you tell Tyson and walk into the washroom. “Don’t forget, you have a team meeting in about half an hour.”
“Right, thank you.”
You nod and smile and retreat into the washroom. You change and fold the clothes and leave them sitting on the counter. You walk out of the washroom and put on your shoes. “Thanks for this, Tyson.”
“I should be thanking you, Yn.”
“How about a mutual thanking, then?”
You look at Tyson and smile. “Sure, mutual thanking, then.” You walk over to him, put your hand on his shoulder and kiss Tyson softly on the cheek. “Good luck tonight.”
Tyson just nods as he is too awestruck to respond. You laugh softly and walk out of his room and head to yours. Tyson watches as you leave and places his hand on where you just kissed him. It was burning. Just a small peck was enough to leave Tyson's face burning and emotions in a frenzy. You were going to be the death of him.
. . .
As Tyson walks to the banquet hall, he is still reeling from the small peck you gave him. Tyson is also wondering if the blush that was on his face is still there.
Tyson walks into the banquet hall and the room goes silent. He looks up to see everyone staring at him. Tyson glances at JT who only gives him a smirk.
"How was your nap, Josty?" JT asks.
"Good, why?"
"Who'd you nap with?" Cale asks with humor in his voice.
Tyson immediately knows that he's been caught. "I know that you know, so I'm not going to answer that."
"So, does this mean that the two of you are finally a thing?" Ryan asks with hope. The whole team is getting tired of waiting for the two of you to get together.
Tyson glances up and blushes. "No, it doesn't, but hopefully it means soon?"
"Attach boy, Josty," JT commends. "Do you like her?"
Tyson just blushes, and the room erupts in cheers.
Yeah, Tyson liked you. He also hoped that this was the first of many pregame naps that the two of you shared.
part two
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mrultra100 · 3 years
Ultra’s Ramblings: The Johnny Test Character Tierlist
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While I’m thinking of ideas for what I wanna draw next (And waiting for someone to order a commission from me) I feel like revisiting an old meme of mine from last year. As many of the people I hang out with know, I actually like Johnny Test. Sure, the original series was mediocre at best (At least in the later seasons), but it’s a series I’m familiar with and have been for many years. After the warm reception the Netflix revival got with its two seasons, I’m hoping that it gets a continuation. For now, I’m revamping the tierlist I made for the JT cast, along with adding in a few new faces from season 2 of the revival. And to make this more exciting, I’m gonna lay down a ranking system where I write down the tier of each character within. Some of these guys are in the upper tiers because they’re my favorites outta this bunch of characters. And with some of the others... Let’s just say that I don’t have anything nice to say about them…at all.
We’re gonna be going from bottom to top in terms of the tiers, that way, I can mentally wash the Tickler from my mind…Speaking of which…
The “Why do you exist?” Tier: Hoo boy, this is gonna start rough. I know that I can be a bit crazy when it comes to the series, especially with the V-Twins, but the Tickler? His mere existence just feels wrong to me. Not only spouting a creepy and unappealing design (He just looks like a worse version of Wacko, if we’re being honest), his main thing is tickling, and I’m not referring to tickling as a comedy aspect, I mean a full-on OBSESSION with it, as if the writers themselves had some sort of tickling fetish (Yes, for those new to this site, that’s a thing). Like Wacko before him, the Tickler wanted to get rid of kids, this time targeting Johnny and his sisters. So, how does he do it? Why, by kidnapping the Twins by spiking their ice cream, locking them in his basement, and starts to tickle torture them… Yeah, that just screams “creepy old man”, and that’s coming from a weirdo like me. I have no idea what the writers were even thinking when they wrote the only episode that this creep appeared in. It says something when the nerd who was majorly obsessed with the V-Twins is disturbed by the Ticker. Seriously, I don’t mean to kink shame, but why is tickling a fetish!? It’s supposed to be all innocent and all, not whatever the Tickler tried to carry out. I’m honestly glad he never came back after his episode, because sheesh, he’s one of the few characters in any sort of media that I actually hate, and I don’t go out of my way to hate a character. He frankly should’ve never happened.
The Just Terrible Tier: As much as I don’t wanna be all negative, I still got 5 more characters I feel ill about, so let’s just get this part over with. The Truant Officer is the least offending of these guys, because I still don’t like him, he was just trying to do his job. Still, that ain’t savin’ him from the confines of this list. Wacko is less bad than his creepo brother, it’s just how the later episodes have portrayed him as a flat character. That’s the reason why he’s here, he just feels more bland than he was in earlier seasons, and the fact that his motivation for hating and targeting children is never explained. Monty Butterworth is just an unpleasant little twerp, Evil Johnny from the short-lived Lost Web Series feels bland and unnecessary, and Hugh? I could mention how he’s a cheap, abusive jerk, but what hasn’t the internet said that’s been already said?
The Meh Tier: Honestly, I don’t have much to say about these peeps. They’re either boring, not that interesting, don’t have enough to stand out, or haven’t thought alot about. I know that there are people out there who like some of these guys, but to be frank, I don’t have enough to say about them. Take Xeandra, for example. She’s just the JT equivalent of Kristen Stewart, that’s basically it for her. She doesn’t get enough lines or screen time in her only episode (Then again, when you have the V-Twins stealing the show, she didn’t stand much of a chance). I’m starting to get bored of these guys, so let’s move on!
The Nice Tier (>:]): Alright, now this is where we’re getting into the good ones. For starters, I like the main 4, they’re cool in my book. And speaking as such, while they’re not as high as their vampiric selves, normal Susan and Mary are still good characters. As for Bling Bling? After seeing all of the memes about him, I’m not as keen on putting in with the bangers, but he’s still iconic, so he has that going for him. The other characters here, like Brain Freezer, Gil, Joni and Dutchy, for example, they’re pretty good in my book. However, as much as I like these guys, they’re still in second place, and for a good reason…
The ABSOLUTE BANGERS Tier: Now this is where things get spicy, and in a good way! Starting off with the Vampire Twins (Especially with V-Mary), if anyone here knows even a slight pinch of me, you all knew this was comin’ from a mile away!  They’re honestly some of the most fun characters I’ve seen, given how much I’ve been talking about them for years. But, they’re not alone at the top, JT was kind enough to provide a whole list of bangers, both in the original series, and in the revival. Zizar, Mr. Mittens, and Albert are my favorite villains from the series, the two dinosaurs and Senor Crabo from the revival’s second season are bangers in their own right (Helps that I really love crabs), Gameroid is a nice tribute to tokusatsu and kaiju, Mr. Black and Mr. White are basically memetic legends at this point (The former did blew up Malaysia, after all), Repto Slicer is a whole weapon in his own right (Literally, in his case), Lila is a spicy kind of hot, and so on and so forth
And there we go, a nice, solid, updated tierlist of the cast of the JT universe! Sure, there are many more characters than these guys, but most of them would just remain in Meh tier, so I’ll leave it at that. And if you have an opinion of your own that you wanna let out, comment down below and I’ll be happy to answer your question, and if you wanna make your own tierlist, be sure to click here. I’m just glad we didn’t went through a single whip crack during this whole thi-
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shadowed-dancer · 3 years
My Thoughts on the New MHA Opening and Ending
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I have thoughts, and I will share them because oh boy if I don’t get this out I’m gonna explode
Vague Spoilers for the manga (up to chapter 258 and vigilantes) because I discuss the upcoming arcs, but I don’t discuss any major plot points in detail. Still, proceed with caution if you’re anime only
Keep in mind, this OP and ED will cover the Endeavour Agency Arc and the MVA Arc, so I will be judging them accordingly.
First, the OP
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This is a good OP... in theory (that’s going to become my catchphrase for this post). It’s nice to look at and flows pretty well, but my biggest problem is that it doesn’t do it’s job. An OP is supposed to be a sort of... summary (?) of the Cour it plays for. That means any cool plot points, emotional beats, and important characters should be featured in some way, shape, or form. We’ll talk about that more later, but first let’s discuss the music.
The song is really good. I have a feeling it will continue to grow on me as I listen to it more often, but yeah my first impression is that the song sounds great. My only complaint about the music itself is that it ends kind of abruptly (I noticed this is the JT opening too). The previous openings used to have a bit of instrumental to “play us out” and lead us to the end card, but this one feels like it ends very suddenly and unnaturally.
As for the visuals...
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Yeah alright I’ll admit, the visuals are stunning... in theory. I appreciate the variety in backgrounds and colours, it makes the OP really interesting to look at. This was actually one of my biggest problems with the JT Opening, it all took place on the training grounds, so there was no variety (everything was metal tubes with a blue sky, with only 3 shots set somewhere different). I appreciate the style of this OP.
But like I said, that’s only in theory, as in, through screenshots these are all pleasing to look at. The pacing of this OP is wild, and I truly don’t know who to blame for this.
That sunset shot above? It lasts approximately 12 seconds, zooming in every few to make it seem like something is happening (when in reality it’s still the same poses, angles, etc). While there’s nothing wrong with a nice, drawn out shot, it becomes irritating when compared to the pacing of the rest of this op.
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At the 41 second mark, we are given the shot above. It has flowed directly from the previous sunset scene. We still have not moved away from the image of the trio (aside from the opening shot and the title card) yet we’re approaching the halfway mark of the OP.
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The next shot is the MLA, which lasts about 5 seconds. Ok, perfect. Not too long, but also not short enough to be confusing. It cuts away a little fast once the dude on the far left appears, but does anyone actually know who that is? No, seriously, I’m asking. I don’t remember his name and he’s not on the wiki, so I can only assume he’s not important. Therefore, it’s not all that bad if the shot cuts away shortly after he comes into frame. The audience is able to take in the scene without having to pause...
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... And then the problems start
While this shot is fine in theory, it pans up fast and  cuts away quickly. You know how hard it was for me to get this screenshot? Really hard. You want to know why I struggled so much? Because, due to the timing of the cut and the way it pans upwards, it’s almost impossible to pause on Dabi’s face. I literally had to go frame by frame to get it, because he’s in shot for so little time that naturally pausing is guaranteed to miss him.
When watching this in real time (without pausing) the cut away makes you feel as if you missed something because “something was there, I just couldn’t register what because now it’s gone”. Unlike Compress, who wears a very colourful coat you can recognize the entire time, Dabi’s pants are more blended into the background.
It also doesn’t help that this shot is literally composed to draw your attention away from Dabi until the last possible second. Due to framing, your eye is naturally drawn to the brightly coloured Toga in the foreground, making it super easy to miss Dabi in the back (until, of course, his bright face appears and contrasts against the background, drawing your eye just in time for the scene to change, leaving you to wonder who or what you missed).
I know this sounds like nitpicking, but this shot is the only group shot we get of the League, and is also the start of a seriously weird trend for the villains in this OP getting the short end of the stick.
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Anyways, then we get what I’ll call “The Carousel Shot” in which every Class 1A kid shows up and poses dramatically, as if they were on a carousel. It’s a lovely sequence and I really enjoy watching it but... why is it in this OP?
Seriously, this is a genuine question. Class 1A barely shows up in the Endeavour Agency Arc, and NONE of the students are in MVA. This sequence (not counting the three boys at the end) lasts 8 seconds. Why is this much time dedicated to characters who are barely in the arc? (Unless Studio Bones extends their work studies into fuller plot lines which oh my gosh please don’t do that, or if they do, do it quick).
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We then get what I call the “Oh God I Blinked And Missed Everything” sequence, which lasts 3 seconds (not including the longer, moving shot of Shigaraki at the end) and features NINE INDIVIDUAL IMAGES, none of which are related to each other. Not only is this 3 images per second, but the fact that they are all unrelated means you can’t even use previous information to fill in the blanks.
What do I mean by that? Well, imagine if I show you 9 images of various pro heroes posing. If I play that in 3 seconds you’ll absolutely miss some of them, but as long as you catch some you’ll still get an idea of what I’m trying to show to you. Your brain is able to fill in the gaps that “I recognized 4 pro heroes, therefore the rest must have also been pros” even if you didn’t register every single frame.
That doesn’t work if every frame features a completely different subject. The shots in this sequence vary so widely that it’s impossible to find a through line. Some feature multiple characters, some feature one, some are closeups, some are super far away, some are character’s we know, others are characters we don’t. It’s impossible to get a solid read on what you’re being shown.
Now, again, there’s nothing wrong with these super quick shots... in theory. The problem comes from the fact that these shots are the only indicators for some of the major themes that will be explored during this Cour (like Twice’s growth and young Shigaraki).
That being said, let’s move away from criticism and talk about speculation, because hidden amongst this sequence are two... interesting images.
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This All Might one is very reminiscent of the shot in Chapter 257, where Aizawa and All Might have a conversation while staring up at the stars. However, this is technically the start of the “War Arc” (or the “prologue”, if that’s what you want to call it), so this might indicate that we’re going to get farther into the series than a lot of us guessed.
(Many people suspected we’d get to that cliffhanger at the start of the season (if you read the manga you know the one), but after seeing the pacing for JT a lot of us assumed we’d be lucky to even finish Endeavour Agency. It seems we’re back to the cliffhanger now though lol). 
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This is another really interesting shot because it’s indicative of Shirakumo, meaning we might get to see Aizawa and Mic confront him some time this Cour (this also makes sense, since this confrontation technically happens before that All Might scene I mentioned in the previous paragraph).
But the cat specifically is a really strange addition. That cat is named Sushi and, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Sushi is ever mentioned in the main series. I think he’s only in Vigilantes.
This might just be a little Easter Egg for Vigilante readers, but I’m personally hoping that they’ll add at least a few Vigilante shots in there to really tug at the heart strings. I’d say I want a whole Vigilante episode but I don’t think they have the time (unless they really cram MVA, which I do NOT want).
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I don’t have much to say about the last bit of the OP. The action shot between the 3 boys was nice, and it follows the sort of narrative through line they established from the early shot of them sitting at the sunset. I also like the shot of Endeavour fading in to replace All Might, even if it’s very simple.
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But I want to talk about an overarching problem I touched upon earlier in that villain shot: the way the villains are handled in this OP.
This is a good OP... in theory. The problem is, it doesn’t represent half the arcs in the cour! Every shot of the League is so rushed that you can barely register that they were on screen before they’re gone.
I have no idea how many Episodes Endeavour Agency will take, but I’d assume 3 (4 if you count the Christmas episode). 12 episodes for this Cour minus 3 for Endeavour Agency = 9 episodes left. If we truly do get the prologue for the War Arc (and if we assume it’s only 1 episode) that leaves us with 8 villains episodes.
8/12 episodes (aka two thirds of the Cour) will likely be about the villains. And yet they’re pushed to the background so hard in this OP.
I want to dream, and I want to believe that this OP is going to magically change when MVA starts. The song fits super well, and I can imagine like an inversion of the OP but from the Villain side! Wouldn’t that be neat? Imagine right after the “it’s alright” part Shigaraki just freaking decays the title card... oh man that would be so cool. But, alas, I highly doubt they’d do that.
Side rant, but you know what was so fun about MVA in the manga? It’s that, for 21 chapters, we leave the kids behind and the villains become our protagonists. Suddenly Shigaraki is the one we’re rooting for, suddenly we’re learning backstories for everyone, and suddenly we find ourselves just as attached to the villains as we are to the kids. It’s an inversion that’s SO RARE to find, and I think many people (myself included) were hoping it would be reflected in the OP.
A big part of being the protagonist means featuring heavily in the OP, and a lot of us just wanted the villains to get that honour, even if only once. As is, the OP still treats them as the antagonists when... really they aren’t. Not right now, at least.
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So yeah, final thoughts on the OP are that it’s good, it’s just not very representative of the arcs it’s supposed to cover. If this was just for Endeavour Agency, I’d say it’s actually really cool, but if we assume that this is what will play for the Villain Arc, then it simply doesn’t do it’s job. And it makes me sad to say that because, again, this OP is really well done.
If I had to rate it? Hmmm
If Studio Bones actually grants my wish and creates a different visual for the Villain Arc (while using the same song) and then this version only plays for the Endeavour Agency Arc and the War Prologue? I’d give it an 8/10. It’s really good, but it could use a few more elements that are clearly derived from the Agency Arc (ahem, Todoroki siblings).
But if this is the OP that will play for the entire Cour? a 6.5/10. It’s nice, but it’s not representative of one of the arcs it’s going to cover. And, unlike other arcs like Pro Hero or Summer Exams, the villain Arc is so important and takes up so much time that it honestly feels like a bit of a disservice.
Now for the Ending
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I want to say that I appreciate how soft this ending starts. This cour will likely feature a lot of episodes that end on... heavier themes, and I think the sight of peaceful, falling raindrops is the perfect way to let the audience process their emotions before starting the ending in earnest.
The song itself is very nice, and I like that it’s a bit slower than the more recent endings.
(Side note, but the FUNNIEST moment in the entire series is when Sir Nighteye dies because it’s so emotional and everyone is standing around his bed in his heartwrentching silence, only for the ending to come BLARING IN out of no where. If you forgot how jarringly hilarious it was, go listen to the Eri ending and tell me that’s not the funniest thing this series ever did. Anyways yeah I’m glad that’s not gonna happen this Cour).
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This ending is a bit all over the place in terms of it’s visuals, but honestly I think it works. Most endings usually have a theme tying them together (all the Class 1A girls, a fantasy AU, old photographs, planning a party, etc) but this ending’s theme is a bit harder to identify.
That being said, I think it’s just supposed to show everyone going about their day. It’s calm, it’s peaceful, and it’s just very sweet to think about
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I like this shot. Actually, scratch that, I like this whole sequence. I enjoy anything that allows Class 1A to chill and have fun.
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Hawks is featured quite heavily in this ending which, fair. He’s pretty important in this arc.
I really love the shot where Endeavour immediately switches to Hawks, I thought that was a lot of fun, and very good symbolism on how Hawks wants to be like Endeavour. I also love all the shots of Baby Hawks, because it’s adorable.
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Something about this shot is just so cute. It’s the little domestic things like waiting for a bus that make this ending feel... idk the word, real? It shows a side of the characters that we’ll never see in the episodes, but we know have to exist.
Like yes, of course the kids have to wait for the bus. We never see it, but of course there are those moments of quiet. Agh, I love it.
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The villains also make an appearance and I’m very happy about that (I’d love to see more of the villains just chilling around, I think they deserve it). I kind of wish they weren’t sitting in a dark room for the sake of being edgy, since I think it would be nice to see the villains just... sort of existing, but honestly it’s still a nice shot. I also like how this shot sort of mirrors the first one with Class 1A (someone coming in while everyone else is sitting and waiting for them).
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That being said, as much as I love looking at Dabi and his stupid face (affectionate)... why is Dabi the one getting the closeup?
Mind you, endings don’t need to be connected to their Cours (they can be, like the Eri one, but they don’t have to be). But this ending does seem to be connected to the arcs it intends to cover, given all the Hawks appearances, the boys wearing their work study scarves, etc.
So, I ask again, why Dabi? Out of the six League members, we learn the backstory for four of them in this arc (Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, and we very briefly learn about Spinner). The only two left out are Dabi and Compress.
I can only assume they chose Dabi because he’s constantly in contact with Hawks, and therefore that makes him important? If the OP told us anything, it’s that Bones values the Endeavour Agency Arc over the Villain Arc lol...
... Oh my gosh please tell me that’s not actually the reason Dabi is focused on here BONES WAI-
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Anyways, the ending comes to a close with Hawks watching over the kids and Endeavour. The relaxing time is done, it’s time for work studies.
Overall impression? It’s great. It’s hard to screw up an ending, so as long as you have something pretty on screen, it’s wonderful.
I’ll give this a 9/10
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fuckyeahprodigalson · 3 years
After spending all season covering up Nicholas Endicott’s (Dermot Mulroney) death, criminal profiler Simon Hoxley (Alan Cumming) came to New York on the PRODIGAL SON spring premiere, determined to get to the bottom of the murder. But luckily for Bright (Tom Payne)—and the Whitly family—a link in the chain of people he used to dispose the body ended up being their possible salvation: after one of his connections snapped and killed the other people who transported the corpse, Bright was able to spin a theory that she killed Endicott, too.
With that wrapped up, Hoxley also left—after Bright convinced Ainsley (Halston Sage) to sit down with the Mind Sleuth for a one-on-one interview—and the Whitly family celebrated their narrowest escape yet.
But…are they really in the clear?
PRODIGAL SON co-creators Chris Fedak and Sam Sklaver tease what’s to come…
They got away with it! In your mind, is the Endicott case closed or are you leaving that door open for the future? Sam Sklaver: Bright has done a very nice job of [tying things up]. But when we were, early in the season, talking to our one of our advisors who specializes in serial killers, and we said, “What’s the best way to get away with a murder?” And he told us no body, no murder. And the problem is there is an Endicott body.
So I’d like to think that Bright and the Whitlys have gotten away with it…but history always has a way of catching up with the Whitly family. So I think it might just be one more thing to haunt them in the future. I can’t say that anything in the past will ever just stay in the past.
Is this something you’re looking to play with later in the season, or is that more something that might get explored in later seasons? Chris Fedak: We’re going another direction for this season. We have a couple of really exciting things coming up. For Endicott this year, we always like to have twists and turns—[Joking] and you should never trust us, let’s be honest, Sam and I are terrible, terrible liars—but we’re about to depart on a new journey of suspense…we have some new stuff coming up.
At the end of the episode, Martin (Michael Sheen) and Vivian (Catherine Zeta-Jones) kiss—which certainly does not seem like it’s destined to go well, frankly, for either of them. What’s in store for that dynamic going forward? Sklaver: You hit the nail on the head. I think most people who enter The Surgeon’s life, it usually makes their life not better, but worse. Vivian Capshaw is finding herself within The Surgeon’s gaze. So, I am nervous for her. I’m 100% nervous for her. I’m also nervous for her just because we’ve really grown to love Catherine; she’s so amazing on set. And just as a person and with the actors and with our crew—I’m terrified for her; I’m with you 100%. [Laughs.]
Should we be a little bit worried for him, as well? We know he’s dangerous, but she, in theory, does have the bulk of the power in this situation. She seems to be calling a lot of his BS and has been manipulating him, as well… Fedak: I think that’s a really smart perspective on it—she’s no wilting violet. She’s a strong, smart, very sophisticated woman who has a taste for the bad boys—and by which I mean serial killers. So it’s definitely a place where she knows how to to use her authority within Claremont to protect herself and to also keep things from coming out. That’s something that Martin has to be careful of, because he is a patient at Claremont, he is under her thumb, in a way.
Earlier in the season, we got to see Dani (Aurora Perrineau) and Bright coupled up, albeit in his twisted dream state. How much will we be seeing him examine his feelings for her in the rest of season 2? Fedak: We’re exploring the Dani-Bright relationship. [Episode] 6 was a great opportunity for us to remind the audience of it to kind of launch the second half of our season, with an idea of exploring who they are and can these two ships ever come together, or are they doomed? As we head into this side of the season, you’re definitely going to be getting more of Dani and Bright. And, also, like everybody in our show, he needs somebody to talk to. And I think that so often he hasn’t been able to talk to anybody this season because 1) Nicolas Endicott, and then 2) we’ve got something that’s going to kind of bind the whole team together. It’s coming up and it’s going to be huge. The enormity of this event is going to cause everybody to seek refuge and to seek help. And for Bright, that’s going to require him to talk to Dani. Sklaver: The events of episode 6 definitely left a mark in Bright’s mind. And so he is seeing Dani in a different way, which is very exciting for us. You just hope that life doesn’t get in the way, as it often does of his family.
What can you share about this very big event? Fedak: It has something to do with The Surgeon and his plans.
Is this something where fans will retroactively realize the seeds you planted for this story, will it come out of nowhere, or a mixture of the two? Fedak: I think that it is something that we’ve been laying the seeds for for quite some time. Sklaver: And I think it will shock everyone. I think we’ve been laying the seeds for it and it will shock everyone. Fedak: It’s also the second book of the Old Testament. [Laughs.]
Which is Exodus…Should we be expecting to see Martin, potentially, in a different situation than we’ve seen him the first year and a half? Fedak: Let me be even more cryptic: We’ve done a lot of testing hair color for Martin. We’re doing some interesting things.
Intriguing. On another note, how much will JT’s struggles with the force play into what’s ahead? Fedak: I don’t think it’s so much a matter of putting anything off. We brought some very important issues into episodes. And, for us, we ran into a couple of things having to do with production, that kind of changed our plans a little bit in regards to how we filmed the show. But none of those stories have been completed.
For us, our perspective is we want to tell a story that gets into the emotion and the reality of what our characters are going through, especially JT and Dani in regards to that story. We’re not playing out a story where we’re going to solve racism; that would be a not great [or realistic] story. But I think that what we’re going to show as we head toward our finale, and going forward in the show, is that these are a long tail, and that this story that we started here is something that we are going to be playing out in the future.
But it’s not the type of thing that can fit in 13 episodes of television. This story will work more like, this is a part of their lives, and it will come in and out. And it will affect them. And I think we’re going to come at that a little bit differently than we would, say, dealing with our Big Bad of a season or something along those lines.
Looking ahead to the finale, you had a very clear point set for season 1. With production so in flux this year, were you able to be as firm with where you end up at the end of season 2? Or did it have to be more flexible? Sklaver: It’s a mixture of the two things. We’re always flexible, because we always need to be flexible. But we have a very explosive finale, that actually we’ve already shot—we shot it last week. So once again, because of our scheduling, we have a finale, hopefully in the can already. And now we just need to catch up with other episodes. It’s very much the story we did set out to tell that season. And similar to our last finale, it really just sets up an amazing season 3 storyline that we’re getting very excited to tell, fingers crossed.
Fantastic. Is there anything else you can tease about the rest of season 2? Fedak: What happens is that when we get to this point in the season, we have episode 8, which is just amazing and fun, and then we just have a lineup of really crazy episodes. Each one that’s coming your way has just more outrageous stuff in it; it just doesn’t stop until we get to the end of the year. So it really is a ramp, starting with this episode, and it just launches into the second half of the season, and it drives right to the finale. It’s almost too much stuff. We’re really looking forward to the audience watching our madness brought to life.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
(Previously, on season 4 (re)watch...)
I think that we’ve reached a milestone episode here. The one where literally every character was at their peak stupidity.
Okay so I feel like we are NOT heading to a good start here. Why is Rio refusing the lawyer? I am not American and even I know you should not speak without a lawyer. In what universe does this flyer/ticket to a fight count as a solid alibi? Also who keeps such tickets for weeks after the event unless they're forging themselves a fake alibi??
"You don't find it coincidental?" "What's that?" I know it's not supposed to be the meaning here, but this sounds so much like Rio is asking the meaning of the word 'coincidental' I have to lie down laughing every time
Wait wait wait, I thought Mick had said that Lucy's body parts had been scattered in different places during that memorable ribs scene! How did the cops find Lucy's head from her foot then? Also given the distance/angle in the shooting scene and the fact that Beth used Lucy's face to unlock her phone, I'd always assumed she'd been killed with bullets in the heart, not in the head...
Is that a thing to dramatically exit the precinct interrogation room when YOU're the person under interrogation? Aren't you supposed to walk out escorted by a cop instead of striding off like you own the place? I’m telling you, the bar was just a foreplay, next season we're learning that Rio owns in fact the whole city of Detroit.
"If we pop him, all of this goes away" um... HOW? Like, there's an ongoing investigation, Rio's a person of interest, the girls have no idea where the gun with Beth's fingerprints is, in what universe Rio's sudden and suspect death wouldn't make their situation even more unsteady? Like if Rio dies, don't they think that Mick's first move will be to send the gun to the cops???? This show really makes no sense
Honestly Beth is so gullible at this point it's a miracle that she's made it so far in crime life. She's got feds undercover ALL AROUND her and she's basically like, "awww they think I'm prettyyyyyyy"
Ooooh, I'm very ready for this Sara storyline where she's not going to handle well not being anymore the child who gets the most attention!
Oh no, awkwards guilt-trippers, here we go again....
Okay so first of all, nervously fidgeting about getting the books in front of a potential investor is NOT suspicious at all, and second of all, I thought that the whole point of the spa biz was that the books would make the money laundering invisible?
God, Beth is so dumb that she cannot forge believable books by herself???? While she wrote a patronizing letter to Dean in the previous episode on how to do it? She actually doesn't know how to make a plausible credits/expense balance? While she's supposed to be the boss bitch businesswoman? Jesus...
No judging, but JT sounds weirdly knowledgeable about tax evasion and fiscal fraud...
There's no circumstances under which spoiling the ending of the Bachelor is NOT a dick move
Okay this new furniture is objectively ugly. Never let Beth pick furniture unattended. Also can't wait for the books examination and the questions about why this couch needed to be a corporate purchase and not a tax write-off scam...
And Dean still doesn't realize that they're hiding stuff while it's happening under his nose... God, it's not even stupidity at this point, I just... I have no words
*Idling across the curb at night waiting for wifey to show up* part two! Honestly Rio's headlights flashing to capt Beth's attention is one of his funniest moves ever.
Am I the only one who softly gasped when Rio said out loud 'Dean' FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER????????
Gush, I love how this car scene is a total callback to 2.12 but without the angry energy!! Also the whole smurfing discourse sounds a little less weird on a sober rewatch, but still. This show is odd.
You guys saw how Rio is lighting up when Dean goes out? He's totally into him... Also I disagree when people say that Beth reclining against her seat is a positive Brio thing??? Cause it's actually the opposite? She's choosing not to let Dean know that she's seeing Rio because she wants to keep him a secret she can get rid of any moment while not jeopardizing her relationship with Dean with another fight about Rio... This is confirmed with the immediate transition to her calling Fitz btw.
Mhhhh, people talking about losing dogs in the neighbourhood? Guys, I'm starting to have a hunch on what happened to Buddy....
I find it deliciously ironic that Dean's undeserved bragging about running the spa business is what eventually convinces the fed to arrest him instead of Beth...
So apparently everyone's got Mick's address and phone number and he’s cool with that.... Just... how?
Beth's little staring away move is absolutely hilarious
Look I know that Ben is right in his teenage crisis years, but his judgmental, holier-than-thou attitude is really unsefferable this season
Beth telling Fitzpatrick that he doesn't know her situation while she was explicitely surprised last season finding he knew about the regional baking contest is hysterical. OBVIOUSLY he knows about her situation, come on...
I'm really starting to thinik that I was right a few weeks ago with that theory about Beth being a Gremlin. That would at least explain why nobody lets her eat food... (also salmon is so much better cooked rare, ugh what a waste)
Um, what happened to my meticulous obsessive who takes months to identify opportunities??? Why did they switch his personnality to an impulsive psychopath? This feels so weird and out of character seriously...
Okay new theory: Fitz's got an evil twin that we'll call Fistpatrick. They both went on a hiking trip in Chile where Fist murdered Fitz and disguised it as an accident, and came back impersonating his meticulous, Dolly Parton enthusiast twin brother. Also this is why he mentions a son while last season explicitely stated that Fitz has a daughter.
"That is so serial killer behaviour" Um, what's the definition of a hitman again?
I'm genuinely confused by this Annie/Beth dialogue... Who is Beth talking about when she says "He doesn't deserve this"??? Rio? The Big Kahuna fed? The restaurant's cook? Fitz???  Mick? I'm reaaallly lost here
I don't understand why is it a plot point that the Harkins or whatever were not the real donors. I mean, first, maybe they're not aware of it themselves if Sara contacted them one day being like "hey I have your daughter's kidney!". Second, they still lost a child in terrible circumstances and are financially struggling. Third, real donors or not, it doesn't excuse their guiting behaviour.
Why do I have to suffer through another Beth and Dean hug?? WHY???
WHY is Phoebe showing up at the arrest??? Isn't that blowing her cover to Beth??
(Just kidding, still giving no shit. It's like, the definition of an anti-cliffhanger lol)
Bonus: Actual footages from the show. We’ve got smurf!Turner breathing down smurf!Rio’s neck, a storage unit and a big key to the kingdom, smurf!Beth walking out obliviously and marveling at piles of money.
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Ouroboros (S2, E8)
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The hiatus almost killed me. So glad we have new content <3
As usual, my time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:04 - That scarf is so extra.
0:26 - OH LOOK THE FIRST SUNSHINE SIGHTING OF SEASON TWO!!! It only took 8 episodes. *insert eyeroll*
0:40 - Ugh. This montage makes me hate Hoxley. He embodies the type of human I abhor: self-important, egotistic, obsessed with appearance.
1:19 - “No I didn’t.” LMAO. Mr. David is so done with Martin’s bullshit.
1:36 - That makeshift shiv in the dude’s arm.....that’s Daryl’s shiv from a few episodes ago right? Am I going crazy?
 2:25 - Sooooo Birdie hasn’t left New York? She’s moved into the Milton’s “Murrayville Building”. Huh. Wait. Was Birdie in the house when Malcolm and Ainsley fought? Do you think she heard?!? Birdie might become a problem for the Whitly’s later this season....I hope?
2:43 - Jessica doesn’t know about the contents of the fight. Interesting. How long has it been since the end of 2x7? 
2:58 - “I’ll be there at 8.” hahaha OMG. I swear Malcolm was a terror during his ‘rebellious teenager’ phase.
3:38 - Yep. This fog horn reinforces the fact that I believe Hoxley is a dick. 
3:40 - Awww.... the way Malcolm jumps/flinches at the fog horn is both hilarious and adorable.
3:58 - “And who the hell are you?” YES GIL. YES. Don’t let him talk like that to Malcolm <3
4:04 - Duuuuude. Gil looks pissed and scared. He does not like Europol snooping around his crimes. ALSO I’m like 95% sure that Gil knows (or at least has a hunch) that Malcolm is somehow involved with Endicott’s murder. I’m pretty sure Gil is scared that this dude is going to try and arrest Malcolm. 
4:07 - OMG. JT is adorable. “You’re that guy. The mind sleuth.” Personal headcanon: JT read Hoxley’s book to try and understand Malcolm better. 
4:22 - DANI IS MY QUEEN. SHE IS MY ICON. I LOVE HER SO FREAKING MUCH. “No.” This girl is fierce. <3
4:23 - <3 <3 Malcolm’s heart eyes, head tilt, and visible pride is so so so precious. THIS is why he’s attracted to Dani. She’s not afraid to assert herself. 
4:31 - “And then took in his son.” ....Okay, so this infuriated me. Nothing Hoxley is saying is untrue. BUT something about the way he’s saying it just gets under my skin. 
4:45 - I think Hoxley is pissing me off so much because he’s psychoanalyzing Malcolm in front three of the people Malcolm trusts and loves most in the world (3 out of a very very short list of people). He’s trying to humiliate Malcolm and I hate it. I hate that Dani, JT, and Gil haven’t told Hoxley to shut up. I hate that Hoxley is trying to drive stakes of doubt into the three people whose opinion Malcolm treasures. 
5:25 - “Aim a little lower, Whitly.” and and and.....then Hoxley looks to the team as though he wants them to laugh. I’m furious. 
6:04 - Malcolm is so obvious. There’s no way that the team doesn’t know that he was involved with Endicott’s murder. If they didn’t before this episode - they HAVE to know now. Right? They’re detectives. Malcolm is a terrible liar. 
7:00 - Oh. So now Ainsley cares about the crime. Now it’s “how much trouble are we in”. And let’s be real. Ainsley doesn’t even seem very worried or scared. She’s concerned that the crime will get out - she’s not sorry she committed the crime. She’s not sorry that her big brother tried to take the fall for her. 
7:15 - “We said no more secrets.” ...when. When did you two say that? Was there a ‘fight part 2 - the tentative truce’ that we didn’t get to see?
7:33 - A mention of Sophie Sanders. Finally. I still hope she comes out of the woodwork and takes the fall for this. I want more closure on her. Did the team ever find out that Malcolm found her? How did the Eddie murder finally get resolved (I’m not satisfied with the “not every case gets solved” line)?
7:42 - Yo. I don’t care about the time constraint of a 45 minute episode. I don’t care that it was required to move the plot along. The fact that Ainsley starts typing frantically into the computer at about 7:42, stops typing at 7:47ish and has found at least 4 different articles relating to murdered random people (who apparently helped hide Endicott’s body?) is SO UNREALISTIC. I just can’t. I can’t suspend my disbelief on this one. The article headlines say nothing about ‘couriers’. It’s stuff like ‘Local fisherman found dead’. HOW THE HELL WOULD AINSLEY KNOW THEY WERE HELPING MALCOLM IN LESS THAN 10 SECONDS OF GOOGLING?!? Nope. I can’t justify this one. Fedak - you dropped the ball.
8:40 - Poor Malcolm looks terrified. :( 
9:04 - My first impression of Natalie was that she’s a beautiful young lady who seems really sweet and a little socially awkward. Kudos to the actress.
9:41 - Another mention of Sophie. God - I hope she becomes a twist in this season’s storyline. I’m not content with how her story arc ended. 
10:21 - “I didn’t have anything to do with Endicott’s death and neither did Jessica.” Yep. Gil definitely knows (or at least suspects) that Ainsley and Malcolm are somehow involved with Endicott’s murder. It’s killing me that we’re not getting the big “team and/or Gil find out and/or confront Malcolm about it” moment. 
10:31 - OMG. Alan Cumming’s eyebrow wag here. hahahahaha
10:35 - Look at how pissed off Gil is as soon as Hoxley suggests that he and Jessica have a romantic history. 1) Gil still has it bad for Jessica (and is hurt that she rejected him again 2) Gil’s a pretty private dude and probably doesn’t like his personal business being speculated upon by a total stranger with ill intent 3) Gil is also getting protective of the Whitly’s. Not just Jessica but Malcolm (and maybe Ainsley) too. 
11:08 - “To watch you put the cuffs on Mr.Endicott’s killer. Deal?” “Deal.” oooooooohhhhhh no. I do not like the foreshadowing here. If Gil has to arrest Ainsley and/or Malcolm.....idek. Part of me wants to watch it for the emotional whump (of all parties - including Jessica). Part of me wants to ugly cry at the thought of it though.
11:39 - “How do you know so much about yachts?” ....THANK YOU JT. DANI HAS A STRANGE AMOUNT OF NAVAL KNOWLEDGE IN THIS EPISODE AND WE ALL KNOW “I watch a lot of Below Deck” IS UTTER HORSE CRAP. Ugh. I want to know more about Dani and JT’s personal lives. So. Badly. 
11:44 - <3 <3 <3 The look Malcolm and JT exchange when Dani claims that she watches a lot of Below Deck is absolutely precious. It’s like they’re best friends and/or brothers. They both knew Dani was lying. <3
11:54 - “At least he’s the real deal.” Ouch. I honestly can’t tell if JT is just teasing Malcolm here or if JT genuinely believes this. ....Is this JT’s way to letting Malcolm know that he has suspicions about his involvement with Endicott’s death?
12:06 - “Says the guy who bought his book.” HA. Dani is on fire this episode. The snark queen. Look at how pleased Malcolm is that Dani is defending him. <3 Warms my cold dead heart.
12:09 - annnnndd now JT is definitely teasing Malcolm. “What our boy Bright needs is a moniker.” hahaha watching Dani and JT come up with stupid profiler monikers was so cute. I love it when the team gangs up to (lovingly) tease Malcolm.
12:30 - “No. Nothing yet.” Again - Malcolm is a terrible liar. The team must know that he’s involved with this thing. They’re detectives. 
12:59 - Martin’s physical reaction to Malcolm saying, “No. That woman does not deserve to die.” Is HILARIOUS. Martin is so freaking desperate for Malcolm to become a serial killer that he doesn’t even care the Ainsley has already murdered someone. 
13:19 - “He has a perfect track record.”.....what? So does that mean he’s solved every case he’s ever worked on? Taken credit for solving every case he’s ever work on? Hand picked the cases he works on so he knows he can solve them? Probably a combination of the above. Sometime about Hoxley reminds me of Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter. You feel me?
13:23 - The fact that Tom Payne (a Brit) is being told that Hoxley has “perfect teeth. For a Brit” by a Welsh man is hilarious.
13:34 - Does this fish packing joint have no security?!? Like Malcolm didn’t have to pick a lock or anything. He just walked right in (and he’s not being quiet).
13:51 - “I can think ruthless. I don’t know if I can be ruthless.” THIS. THIS is Malcolm in a nutshell. Think about Nicky Covington. Malcolm wanted to act ruthless but he couldn’t. He ended up saving Nicky because he couldn’t go through with his ruthless plan. That’s the difference between Malcolm and (quite frankly) the rest of his family. Jessica, Martin, and Ainsley can all be ruthless. All of them. Jessica on a lesser degree but Martin and Ainsley are confidently ruthless. Often.
13:57 - Ok. For real though. HOW HAS NO ONE OVERHEARD THESE PHONE CALLS BETWEEN MARTIN AND MALCOLM. THE PHONES HAVE TO BE TAPPED RIGHT?!? IN A SECURE MENTAL INSTITUTION FOR MURDERERS?!? and I stg that Mr. David knows things. That man is not a moron and he’s pieced stuff together (not from this scene obviously, but still).
14:13. - “Why don’t I break out.” The fact that Malcolm hasn’t mentioned that Martin wants to escape to anyone (since 2x4) is really stressing me out. I know Martin’s going to break out - the promos have made that very obvious but I’m still anxious about it. Mostly I’m worried for the health and safety of Malcolm (and Gil, Jessica, Dani, JT, Edrisa...).
14:17 - “We all go on the run together.” Martin is delusional. He thinks that the whole family will go on the run with him?!?!?  He might be able to convince Ainsley. He might be able to blackmail or threaten Malcolm. BUT Jessica? She’s not going willingly. Hell - she might kill him herself if Martin escapes and tries to come near her (which.....I would actually kind of like to see).
14:48 - The fact that Malcolm apologizes to a corps is so precious. Really reinforces the fact that Malcolm is not a killer. 
15:00 - Oh look. Another scene for Malcolm’s nightmares. “The time I cut off a dead guy’s thumb to protect my sister”
15:24 - annnndd Malcolm is really close to having a panic attack. Look at that face. :( Someone give this guy a hug. Please.
15:34 - Where the HELL is Edrisa!?!?!?
15:42 - Malcolm, you utter moron. What possessed your stupid ass to show up at a crime scene with a soaking wet arm and draw attention to your arm by shaking it?!?! WHEN THE BODY WAS JUST DRAGGED OUT OF A VAT OF WATER. AND YOU TAMPERED WITH THE BODY?!!? YOU DUMBASS. 
15:52 - This is Gil - terrified. He’s scared because 1) he knows Malcolm is lying , 2) he’s concerned for Malcolm’s mental health and 3) he’s starting to think that either a) Malcolm killed this guy, b) Malcolm knows who killed this guy and is obstructing justice, or c) Hoxley is going to pin this on Malcolm and Gil won’t be able to save him.
16:14 - “I’m never buying frozen fish again.” hahaha Dani is killing it this episode. <3
16:23 - Check out how Gil is staring at Malcolm. Gil totally thinks Malcolm has the thumb.
16:50 - “Older model” Shit. Seriously? Are finger print scanners on phones old?!? My phone isn’t that old......I got it 6 years ago? 
17:16 - MALCOLM IS A TERRIBLE LIAR. Honestly, the pure terror on his face throughout most of this episode screams “I KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE MURDER.” If the team hasn’t pieced this together yet they’re not worthy of being detectives.
17:29 - I’m not going to lie. I had to fast forward through the Martin/Capshaw scenes for the rewatch. I find them so upsetting to watch. I just can’t do it more than once. Their whole dynamic is gross, creepy, and just ugh. 
20:00 - Jessica and Hoxley talking about Endicott’s death is so satisfying. 
20:35 - “Jessica Whitly. Played for a fool. Yet. Again.” Ok Hoxley. You are not allowed to disrespect my girl Jessica like that. 
21:10 - The biggest problem with Jessica and Gil’s “mock interrogations” by Hoxley is that neither of them mention Ainsley or Malcolm. It’s super suspicious. They mention other people by name. People who should be connected to Ainsley and/or Malcolm given the context of the sentence. Hoxley is a moron for not nailing Ainsley and Malcolm for the crime during this episode. It’s so so so obvious.
21:19 - hahahahahahahaha Jessica grabbing the martini out of Hoxley’s hands. hahahahaha I stan.
21:35 - annnnnd Jessica is a terrible liar as well. Seriously - why doesn’t she just say “ENDICOTT WAS KILLED OVER HERE!!”. Another parallel between her and Malcolm though. Malcolm + Jessica can’t lie well. Ainsley + Martin are expert liars.
22:54 - Again. Ainsley is intrigued at the fact that Malcolm has a thumb in his freezer. Much like Martin would be if he knew. Jessica on the other hand shares Malcolm’s fear and disgust about the situation.
23:07 - “Do you even see what you are doing to him.” This line both terrified and delighted me. On one hand - I’m grateful that Jessica can see how much emotional pain Malcolm is in because of this situation. One the other hand - Ainsley looks pissed that Jessica is blaming her for Malcolm’s general brokenness. If Ainsley goes full serial killer - Malcolm is going to be on her list. “The brother that overshadowed her.” “The favourite child” “The reason she had to be a perfect daughter” “The reason she was ignored”
23:32 - “Got it.” Damn. Ainsley is bitter. She wants to control this situation. She doesn’t like taking orders from Malcolm. 
25:12 -”The Brain Fart” hahahahaha OMG. 
25:53 - “You’re being rude Hoxley.” ......Martin being the nice guy? I’m genuinely disgusted.
26:26 - “Your son Malcolm.” THIS. THIS is why Ainsley is so pissed off. Everyone has always thought Malcolm would turn out like Martin. Ever since they were kids. She’s pissed off that no one considers her to be a threat. They’re all concerned for and scared of Malcolm. Not her. She’s invisible. Why do you think she became a TV reporter? To force people to see her. 
26:50 - I’ve never wanted to Martin to kill anyone more than I have in this moment. I do find Martin’s protective love for Malcolm interesting though. 
27:37 - How long was that phone in water before Malcolm grabbed it?!? Anyone ever drop a phone in water? I don’t care how much rice you have. It’s toast 90% of the time. 
27:44 - Malcolm explaining murder to Sunshine is so cute. 
28:22 - And my heart rate has skyrocketed. 
29:10 - “To protect your sister.” Huh. I find it interesting that Hoxley has considered that Malcolm may have killed Endicott to protect Ainsley. It suggests that he thinks Endicott was a threat to Ainsley alive. Makes me wonder about what happened to Ainsley before Malcolm got back to the house in 1x20.
29:16 - “You all had something to gain.” Did they though? Martin had something to gain - keeping his cushy Claremont cell. Ainsley had something to gain - “A news story.” Jessica had something to gain - “safety”. But Malcolm? He didn’t personally have anything to gain. He wanted his Mom and sister safe but he never thought about himself. 
30:11 - “Perhaps the murder weapon is still among your mother’s silver.” I find it interesting Hoxley has pieced that together. I also find it highly unbelievable but that’s just me. 
30:15 - Hoxely, rich people don’t carve their own Christmas roasts. The Whitly’s have staff for that. 
30:24 - “You’re still just a scared little boy. Hungry for daddy’s love.” Ouch. It’s true but it still hurts. This is not helping Malcolm’s mental state. At all. Istg if we don’t get a Malcolm mental health crisis soon I’m going to have my own mental health crisis. Seriously. I want to see this boy lose it. I’m a monster. I know. I want ugly crying. I want panic attacks. I want him to go catatonic. I want someone to comfort him. 
32:35 - Nat’s a good liar. Very convincing. Too bad Malcolm’s a good profiler. 
33:53 - Check out Spider Monkey Malcolm. <3 
34:14 - Earlier this episode when Malcolm said he can think ruthless but not be ruthless? This is the proof. He could’ve sat back and let Natalie kill Hoxley. In some ways - it would be good for Malcolm. But Malcolm’s not ruthless. He values human life. He’s an A+ dude. For better or for worse he tries to help people.
34:26 - Really Hoxley? Do you plan on stabbing Malcolm?!? (FYI - this scene is very reminiscent of Lockhart pulling his wand on Harry and Ron in the Chamber of Secrets #justsaying).
34:45 - “I’m going to be killed by a millennial. What a twist.” hahahhahahahahhaa
35:22 - “I’m British.” hahaha I love this scene so much.
37:14 - FINALLY THE PAPA!GIL CONTENT WE”VE BEEN WAITING FOR. (it’s weak but I’ll take it)
37:39 - AHHHH the fact that Gil and Malcolm are both non-verbally communicating that Natalie didn’t kill Endicott is killing me. Does Malcolm think that Gil hates him? Does Gil really think Malcolm killed Endicott? Or just that Malcolm covered it up? I NEED TO KNOW.
37:46 - Concerned!Gil and a hand on Malcolm’s shoulder. <3 <3 <3 My icy heart has melted. 
37:54 - annnnnd Hoxley ruins the moment.
39:39 - I’m not content with this ending. It’s all too convenient. Hoxley still thinks Ainsley and Malcolm did it. Mark my words. This isn’t over.
39:53 - Ainsley is so smug here. I want to slap her. She’s elated that she’s getting away with murder. She doesn’t care about how it’s hurting her family. 
40:00 - Did they really do the interview inside Jessica’s house?!?! Gross. 
40:17- I might be the only one but I love that polo on Malcolm. Something about it is adorable. 
40:22 - ......is Ainsley really trying to take credit for “putting this Endicott mess behind us”?!?! Because - she didn’t. OMG. She absolutely didn’t. Even if she did - she’s the reason they’re in the mess to being with!!!!!!! I can’t. I just....can’t. 
40:45 - The episode ends right here for me. I know Capshaw and Martin kiss. It makes me want to hurl and I refuse to watch it again. I also know that Capshaw takes the scissors away from Martin. I think their whole dynamic is upsetting and creepy. I’m like 95% sure that Capshaw is a serial killer on the DL. Or at least some sort of psychopath. Martin and Capshaw are both manipulating each other and it’s too stressful to watch. 
I didn’t love this episode. It was a bit all over the place. If you stuck around this long - thank you. I’ll see you guys next week. <3
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deafgaynerd · 4 years
what happens after dinner
Malcolm and Edrisa attend family dinner for the first time as an official couple.
(written for @brighttanaka)
check it out on ao3
Malcolm Bright walked into the Major Crimes meeting room to clean up their most recent case board. He had caught their killer by doing what he does best, going just far enough into danger that he succeeds (while also making everyone else worry) but not far enough to die. He organized everything into case files to put into storage. The Major Crimes team filed into the room for a debrief. 
Gil Arroyo, Dani Powell, and JT Tarmel joined Malcolm in the room. They didn’t sit down, instead electing to stand around the table as all attention turned to Gil. He went over assignments for paperwork, gave out praise for closing the case and thanked Malcolm for joining them. He did this after every case, thanking Malcolm for his work as if he was unaware that Malcolm was always, constantly itching to work on a new case, to solve a new murder. Gil made sure each case ended in a way that if Malcolm ever had to stop consulting, heaven forbid, his last case ended well and he was in good standing with each person on the team. That, and he knew that someone needed to praise Malcolm for being as smart as he was. Many people just expected him to be smart, they didn’t feel the need to congratulate him or tell him that whatever he did for the case was helpful and productive. Malcolm needed this occasionally though, and since Gil knew this, he made it a part of their case-ending routine.
Gil ended the meeting with a promise to see them all at family dinner and sent them all to their respective partners. Bright is the last to walk towards the door before he’s summoned back to talk with his surrogate dad.
“I know this is Edrisa’s first family dinner as your girlfriend, but make sure she knows that she doesn’t have to act any different than she is. We all know her, and we love her for who she is, she doesn’t have to impress us by being someone else,” Gil told Malcolm as he picked up the file box and walked towards the door.
“You do know that I can’t make Edrisa do anything, right?” Malcolm reminds the lieutenant. “I will remind her, though. If only to help reassure her. Dinner’s at 7:30 right?”
“Yeah, but you know your mother, you better-” Gil began.
“-Get there by 6:30, I know. Thanks, Gil. I’m going to go see if Edrisa is ready now. See you later.” Malcolm left Gil to put up the case file in the records room. 
Malcolm made his way to his girlfriend’s office a few levels down. His new romantic partner was the medical examiner for this NYPD precinct, Edrisa Tanaka. Edrisa had an eccentric personality that Malcolm had been drawn to ever since he started consulting for Gil. They had so much in common and were constantly in awe of each other’s intellect. They understood each other very well and were nearly perfectly in sync, saving each other from dangerous things at crime scenes, and just being able to brainstorm about cases together. 
Of course, Malcolm and Edrisa had things in common other than work. They were both interested in the same type of things, between human anatomy, ancient weaponry, and classic stories, among other things, they curated a wonderful friendship that blossomed to a romantic one. Malcolm was always worried that with everything that he deals with, he would overwhelm Edrisa, but she reassures him this isn’t the case, whenever he needs to hear it. 
Edrisa and Malcolm fit each other well, so well, in fact, that Edrisa says “Hi Bright!” before Malcolm has pulled his second foot across the threshold of the morgue. He smiled and walked the rest of the way to his girlfriend. “I figured you would be done soon,” she revealed. “I knew you finished the case, and Gil’s speeches tend to be around the same length each time.”
Malcolm smiled at her, nodding. “Are you ready to head home to get dressed for dinner at the Whitly House, Ris?” He asked, moving directly in front of her to capture her attention.
“I just have to finish filling out today’s paperwork on this autopsy, it should only take a few minutes.” Edrisa told him, smiling. She then proceeded to explain what she had found out in this autopsy, a case Bright was not assigned to, and Malcolm listened intently, fascinated by not only her findings, but the passion with which she talked about her cases. Once Edrisa had finished, Malcolm helped her gather her things and they headed to the car. 
When they got home, Edrisa held up two outfits. “Which one do you think would go over the best with your family?” She asked. “Ainsley helped me pick out some clothes that would look appropriate for your mother, which one do you think I should wear? I don’t want to wear something that would upset Jessica Whitly, ” 
Malcolm studied the two outfits. One was a knee-length, emerald dress. The other was a navy blue suit with a lighter blue patterned shirt underneath. “I think you should go with the suit, it feels more “Edrisa.” Besides, my mother loves you already, Everyone who will be there loves you already. This will go fine, I promise.” 
She nodded and left to change. “I know that I already know everyone, Malcolm, but this time it’s different. This time we’re going as a couple.”
“Edrisa, it’s just our friends and my family. You got this. We’ve got this. I’ll be right by your side the whole time.” Malcolm reassured her. She walked out and he couldn’t help but stare. She looked gorgeous. “Wow, Ris, you look amazing.” He got up and walked over to her, grabbing her hands and looking into her eyes. “We got this.” He said again.
“We got this,” Edrisa repeated.
The pair arrived at the Whitly House at 6:30 on the dot. Gil was already there, of course. So were Ainsley and Dani, since Ainsley had decided to live at home again to help out their mom and Dani coming over to visit her girlfriend before dinner. The only couple missing were the Tarmels. They started joining family dinners when Dani and Ainsley got together, because it didn’t feel right to have 3/4 of the team at dinner. They also invited Edrisa, before she and Bright had gotten together, and she had been participating. It had been a few weeks since Malcolm and Edrisa became a couple, but Edrisa had been busy for the past few family dinners. This was their very first one as an official couple.
At 6:45, JT and Tally came in, sheepishly. “We’re sorry, Jessica, the babysitter was late.” JT informed the night’s hostess. “We made dessert though. We brought brownies.”
“Who is this “we” you speak of, JT Tarmel.” Tally scolded, making Jessica laugh. Gil took the tray of brownies from JT and put them in the kitchen. 
“Now that we’re all here, let’s have a drink and prepare for dinner,” Jessica announced. 
At 7:30, the group sat down at the dinner table as the waiter brought out their dishes. They ate peacefully for a while, making small talk with the people around them. It was nice, getting to catch up with all their friends outside of work. They made sure to have family dinner at least once a week, because Jessica wanted to know what was happening with her children. All of them, which now included JT and Tally. 
“Edrisa, I hope Malcolm is treating you well,” Jessica said loud enough that everyone can hear. “I taught him better than to treat you poorly.” 
“Oh! Ma’am, Malcolm is wonderful. He’s so attentive, he’s kind, he’s sweet, he doesn’t leave a girl hanging, if you know what I mean,” Edrisa says, smiling at Malcolm who, all of a sudden, has a look of panic on his face. Most people can’t tell, but Edrisa has noticed. “He’s very thoughtful,” Edrisa continued, “and he loves me, too, even if he doesn’t know it yet.” She looked at Jessica with that statement and Jessica couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m sure he does,” she responded before going back to talking with Gil. No doubt, they’re discussing how all of their kids ended up dating each other. Or, something about how they ended up here. They’re sentimental like that during family dinners. 
After dinner and dessert, the couples broke off, heading to their own places. Edrisa and Malcolm went back to Malcolm’s place, where Edrisa always stayed over the weekend. They crawled into bed, Edrisa reading Dracula, sitting up against the headboard, and Malcolm scrolling on his phone, reading over a new psychological research paper. Edrisa has a favorite out of Malcolm’s clothes to wear, his old Harvard sweatshirt. No matter how many times it gets washed, it always smelled like Bright, and it was the warmest and coziest out of all of his tops, and he knew to leave it ready for her when they came home for the weekend. 
After finishing his article, Malcolm rolled over to lean against Edrisa. “Are you done yet, Ris?” He asked her. She looked down and smiled, before lifting her arms up to let him lay on her more. 
“I am not done reading yet, no. I’ll tell you when I am.” She responds to him. Malcolm takes the invitation and lays his head on her shoulder while she reads. He wraps his arms around her torso while she brings her hands back down, using his back as a resting place for the book and running the other hand through his hair. She knew that the best way for him to not have nightmares was for him to be holding onto her, and she knew that dealing with his family always exhausted him and he could use the rest. 
Malcolm eventually fell asleep cuddling her while Edrisa finished rereading her book. She turned off the light and moved just enough so that she's laying down with him. She fell asleep in his arms and it’s the best sleep either of them has had in a while. 
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breanime · 4 years
Dynamite (Part Six)
Here we are, the last chapter... Hold onto your hats, kids, here we go! And I apologize in advance :(
warning: descriptions of violence, character death
*cover by @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown​*
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Part Six: The Bones
You’d only been to Miguel’s weird little murder bunker twice before now, and it was just as creepy as you remembered it. Miguel was standing a few feet away from you, talking quietly with Nestor. He’d given you a pretty good beatdown, and you licked your lips, tasting blood and feeling the cuts in them. Your arm was tied to the pew, which was still sticky with someone else’s blood, which…
…was probably not a good sign.
“This is the longest murder I’ve ever been to,” you sighed, leaning your head on your arm, “Are you going to kill me or keep kissing each other’s ears over there?”
They both turned, and you could see the uneasiness on Nestor’s face. He had been your friend before, and while you knew his loyalties lied with Miguel—always did, always would—you also knew he wasn’t happy to see you, bloodied and bruised, on the pew.
“You know,” Miguel said calmly, wiping his bloody knuckles on a rag, “you get mouthy when you get scared, mi amor.”
The sweet name made your skin crawl. “How long has it been,” you asked, sitting up, “since you actually meant that?”
“Meant what?”
“Mi amor,” you answered, glaring at him, “How long has it been since we loved each other, Miguel?”
He sighed, and for a second, you could see his features soften as he looked over at you. You could only imagine what you looked like, beaten down and tied to a wooden bench. It was a far cry from the way you’d looked on your wedding day, that was for sure. “I’ve always loved you,” he said back, his voice heavy with emotion, “and I always will.”
“Yeah? You loved me when you were knee deep in Emily?” You asked back. “You loved me then?”
He grit his teeth. “Unlike you, I can love more than one person at once.” He turned to you fully. “When did you stop loving me?”
“A long, long time ago,” you answered honestly.
He closed his eyes, nodding at your words. When he opened them, his eyes were hard. “Is that why you opened your legs to the help?”
“That,” you said, “and the fact that Johnny’s tongue is like a fucking wizard, and his cock—”
Miguel stepped over to you, wrapping his large hand around your throat, choking the taunts right out of you. “Do you even realize what you’ve done?” He growled, glaring down at you as you struggled in his grasp. “What you broke? Me and Emily that’s… That was…” He shook you, and you clawed at his arm with your free hand, your eyes wide. “I loved you. I love you! We weren’t perfect, but we were something—and you fucking ruined it!”
Your eyes were starting to roll back in your head, and it occurred to you, as you struggled for air, that your eyes had done the same thing a few hours ago when Johnny was inside of you. This was definitely a downgrade.
“Mikey.” Nestor’s voice broke through your musings, and you felt Miguel’s hand fall away.
You fell forward, gasping and sucking in air through your now bruised throat. Tears gathered in your eyes, and you coughed, the action causing you more pain. When you could see again, Miguel was pacing a few feet away, and Nestor was standing in front of you, his eyes sad. He turned from you, going over to Miguel, and suddenly, the reality of your current situation hit you.
You were going to die.
You let the tears fall, and you bent your head down, tucking it between your legs, as you cried. God, you’d come so close, so close to happiness. Johnny was back in your life, and even after the hard left the two of you had taken all those years ago, you were alright. You’d found each other again, and this time, your love was stronger, more mature; it grounded you, and made you feel like you could fly all at once. And you weren’t sure if it was fate or dumb luck or destiny, but even though you and Johnny had both messed things up with each other, you were still strong, still meant to be. He used to say, back when you were younger, that he was going to marry you. The two of you would lie on the beach, sand in your shoes and the sun on your skin, discussing all of your plans, the life you were going to build, strong and sturdy, with each other. But now, the wolves came, and your time was nearing its end, but at least you got to be with Johnny before you left this world, at least you got to hear those three words coming from his lips one more time. That alone made all of this worth it.
You gaped when you felt your hair being pulled, and Miguel yanked your head up, glaring down at you. “Why?” He asked. “Why would you do this to us?” You coughed, still trying to catch your breath, and he pulled at your hair again. “Why, Y/N?!”
“Because…” You answered, closing your eyes. If you had to go, you would go in peace, thinking about Johnny. “…I love him.”
You felt his slap like a hot poker in your face, and then…
…it was nothing but darkness.
Johnny had only ever seen Emily Galindo in photos, and she did not look like her picture at all…
…maybe it was because she was puking her guts out in a tiny cement jail cell.
“Emily,” Paige said, her hands on the bars of the cell, “We need to know where this place is.” She thrust the polaroid into the cell, and Emily wiped her mouth, crawling closer to look at it.
“Oh God,” she closed her eyes, but Johnny wasn’t sure if that was the nauseous or her own guilt that was plaguing her, “that’s Miguel’s church pew. It’s where he… Where he deals with the other side of his businesses.”
“What other side?” Mike prodded. “What does that mean?”
“It means he’s going to kill her,” Emily answered, her eyes went to Johnny, “I am so sorry.”
Johnny didn’t even question how she knew he was connected to you—his shaking, tense body was probably hint enough, plus he was sure Miguel had talked about him before. Miguel. If Johnny didn’t arrest him, he was going to kill him.
“Where is this place?” Paige asked, shaking the picture in Emily’s face to get her attention again. “We need an address!”
“I’ll tell you,” Emily said back, wiping at her eyes, “but please, get me out of here—I can’t have my baby in jail, please—”
“—The address!” Paige and Mike barked at the same time.
Johnny watched, feeling like the world was moving too fast for his mind to catch up to, as Emily gave them the directions to Miguel’s church pew. Johnny couldn’t speak, could barely breath; the fact that you were hurt had been bad enough, but this? Miguel was going to kill you if he didn’t get to you in time. He stared straight ahead of him as the team rushed out of the building and back into their cars, heading to the address, hoping it wasn’t a fake. How the hell did he have you—twice—and lose you? Twice! He’d promised you that he would take you away from all this, and he’d failed.
He hated himself.
“We’re gonna get her back, Johnny,” Briggs said, both of his hands on the wheel as he sped through traffic, “Keep your head in the game—we’re gonna get her back.”
Johnny closed his eyes, another wave of self-hatred crashing through him as he felt tears in his throat.
“We’re with you, baby,” Charlie reached out from the back seat and put a hand on his shoulder, steadying him, “We’ve got your back. She’s gonna be fine.”
He opened his eyes, his vision blurry from the unshed tears. “I love her,” he said, his voice breaking, “Charlie, I love her, I can’t lose her, I just got her back—”
“You’re not gonna lose her,” Charlie said, her voice and touch soothing, “okay? You are not going to lose her.”
“We’re with you, JT,” Briggs added, glancing over at him. For once, Johnny didn’t question him, for once, he could tell that Briggs was being honest. “We’re with you.”
The radio crackled, and Charlie grabbed it, switching to the right channel. “Hello?”
“We’ve got the warehouse surrounded,” Holden reported, and Johnny, Briggs, and Charlie exchanged surprised looks, “What? You thought I couldn’t track you?” The smirk was clear in his voice. “Galindo is in there with his number two, we don’t have eyes on them, but from the body heat count, they’re in there.”
“What about Y/N?” Charlie asked. Johnny’s heart was pounding so hard, it hurt.
“She’s there,” Holden answered, and a small knot released in Johnny’s chest, “I’ve got agents and a negotiator out here, but they’re not budging…” He paused, and when he spoke, they could all hear the emotion in his voice. “I got no sway here. I need my team.”
Briggs slammed his foot on the petal. “On the way, boss.”
Holden hadn’t been kidding. When they pulled up—Paige and Mike behind them—they were greeted with a slew of cops, federal agents, and an ambulance. Johnny hopped out of the car, followed by his team—his family—and ran over to Holden.
“Sit rep,” he requested, heart pounding.
“It’s a standstill,” Holden answered, “Galindo’s not coming out, not communicating…”
“And Y/N?” He asked.
Holden shook his head. “No word.”
“We gotta get in that building,” Mike said, stepping up, “how many entrances are there? Do they have surveillance? What do we know?”
“Not much,” Holden answered, and Johnny groaned, his fists balling at his side, “I think there’s a two-way camera, but no one here’s trained to hack it—”
“—Nah,” a familiar voice called out, “I can hack it.” Jakes stepped up, his face serious, and Johnny’s eyes filled with tears all over again. Jakes came right up to him, crushing him to his chest in a hug. “I’m here for you, brother. Let me help.”
The team—the whole team—gathered around Jakes as he sat at a computer, clicking away. In a matter of seconds, his screen was full of different camera angles around the building.
“There,” Briggs said, pointing at the corner of the screen, “there’s a shaft there and a slight blind spot in the camera. That’s our point of entry.” Johnny moved, ready to go, but Briggs stopped him. “You gotta suit up, Johnny.”
Johnny pulled back. “We don’t have time—”
“—No one goes in until they’re wearing full combat gear,” Holden spoke up.
Charlie rushed to the closest van and grabbed a bulletproof vest, pushing it into Johnny’s chest. “Then let’s move, people.”
It felt like hours passed, but in reality, it was only a couple minutes until Johnny, Jakes, Briggs, Charlie, Paige, and Mike were all dressed in Kevlar vests. They each had an earpiece in, keeping them connected to Holden and the others as they moved towards the building. Holden directed them, telling them when to fall back and when to move forward as the cameras scanned the premises. Johnny had never felt so on edge in his entire life. He was surrounded by cops and federal agents, backed up by the people he trusted the most in the world, but you weren’t with him, and every second he didn’t have you with him was an eternity to Johnny. Finally, they breached the perimeter. As soon as they stepped into the building, Johnny smelt the familiar, terrifying scent of blood.
Briggs was taking point, and he stuck his fist up, and they all paused. He turned, making eye contact with Johnny, and nodded. Miguel was just around the corner. This was it—you and him were in the homestretch of some hard times, but Johnny believed you’d make it through it; he had to.
“FBI!” Briggs called out, stepping around the corner with his gun out. Johnny was right behind him, and so was the rest of the team.
Nestor pushed Miguel behind him, and both men held their guns up.
“Put your weapons down!” Jakes demanded.
Miguel laughed, shaking his head. “You’re a fucking Federal Agent?” He asked, looking over at Johnny. “Son of a bitch…”
Johnny looked around, his eyes taking in all of the blood and dirt before they landed on you. You were tied to the church pew, laying on your side in a pool of pool.
His heart stopped.
Johnny moved towards you, but Miguel shot at the ground, and he stopped, glaring over at your husband.
“No, no, Romeo,” Miguel taunted, “that’s not how this is gonna happen.”
“You’re surrounded, Galindo,” Paige said, “There are agents and local cops all over this place. Just put down your weapons!”
“This isn’t going to end well for you,” Mike added, “Your ex-wife is in a jail cell right now, she needs you. The baby is going to need you.”
Miguel’s smug look faltered. “The… The baby?”
“You didn’t know?” Paige asked. “Yeah, Emily’s pregnant with your kid.”
“And let me tell you,” Charlie drawled, “It’s no fun to have your kid in prison.”
“Put your weapons down,” Briggs said again, “and we’ll let you see her.”
Miguel looked at Johnny, nothing but hatred in his eyes. The feeling was mutual. “You’re a Fed,” he said, disgusted.
“Mikey…” Nestor said, his voice low.
Miguel’s eyes didn’t leave Johnny. “Does she know?”
Johnny couldn’t look at you. “Yeah,” he answered, his gun heavy in his hands, “she knows. She knew from the second I walked through the door—probably even before that, knowing her.”
Miguel closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. When he opened them, they were wet with tears. He hung his gun on his fingers, stepping back with his arms outstretched behind Nestor.
“Mikey,” Nestor’s eyes looked from Miguel, to the team, and back again, “what are you doing?”
“Surrendering,” Miguel answered, his voice tired. He dropped his gun and stepped forward. “I know when I’ve lost.”
Johnny felt a thrill of relief go through the team, and Charlie stepped up to cuff Miguel. But then he grabbed Nestor’s gun, ripping it out of his hand, pointed it at Johnny, and shot.
It felt like he had been hit in the chest with a hammer, and Johnny flew back. He heard his name being called, and then there were more shots. Charlie and Mike were on their knees beside him, shaking him and saying his name over and over again. Johnny groaned, his hand going to the middle of his chest; he could feel the bullet, still warm, stuck in his Kevlar vest.
“Fuck,” he croaked, “Holden was right…”
“Jesus!” Charlie cried, tears in her eyes. Mike laughed, helping Johnny stand up. A few feet away, Miguel was on his back. Briggs was on top of him, beating the ever-loving shit out of him. Paige and Jakes had to lift him up. Paige cuffed him, turning him onto his stomach and pressing her foot into his back. Nestor was lying next to Miguel with a single bullet in his skull. As soon as Miguel had shot Johnny, Nestor had jumped in front of his friend, shielding him from the perfect shot Mike had aimed right at his head.
Johnny limped over to you quickly, he reached down, his heart pounding, and felt your pulse.
You were breathing.
Carefully, he lifted your head. You were unconscious, and his heart broke at the blood and bruises on your face. “I got you,” he whispered, cutting you free, “I’m here, baby… I got you.” He picked you up, leaning on Mike a little bit, and carried you out.
“She’s still my wife!” Miguel was yelling, his face in the dirt. “She’s my wife!”
Briggs kicked him in the face, and suddenly…he stopped shouting. “I’m sorry,” he quipped, “were you saying something?”
You had been existing in this kind of dark, hazy, dreamless world, and as you slowly came out of it, you started picking up on things.
“…looks badass,” a female voice was saying.
“…barely a wound,” a male voice snarked.
You could hear beeping, and you could smell anesthetic.
“…so much paperwork,” you recognized that voice—that was Mike.
You tried to shift, but your body simply wasn’t having it. So instead, you kept listening, slowly feeling yourself float back into your body. You felt sluggish, and you couldn’t get your eyes to open, no matter how curious you were about where the hell you were. You were just so tired, you felt yourself floating away again, ready to go back into that void, when you heard the most angelic sound in the world.
“We all know how much you love paperwork, Levi,” Johnny said, his deep chuckle vibrating through the air and piercing your soul.
And suddenly, you could open your eyes.
“Oh,” a woman with dark hair was looking down at you, “Johnny!”
You blinked against the harsh light. You were in a hospital, surrounded by Johnny and a bunch of people you didn’t know, and Johnny…
...was shirtless.
“That can’t be sterile,” you said, your voice coming out rough.
Johnny laughed, coming to hover over you. You caught Mike’s eye as followed the others out, a warm smile on his face. He reached out and ran his hand down your face, his touch careful and gentle and everything you’d always wanted. “Hi,” he said simply, his eyes soft as he looked down at you.
You reached over, your hand brushing against the dark purple bruise on Johnny’s chest. “Wh—what happened?” You croaked out, coughing.
“Shh,” he helped you sit up, wincing with you, and rubber your back, “The doctor said your vocal cords are gonna be a little rough for a few days.”
You nodded, leaning into his touch. You closed your eyes as Johnny’s arms wrapped around you, holding you close. He felt strong against you, he felt warm and sturdy and reliable—he felt like home. He kissed your forehead, and you smiled, even as the tears started trialing down your cheeks. Neither of you spoke, you just held onto each other, both silently vowing to never let go.
Later, you learned what had happened while you’d been unconscious. Miguel was arrested and being tried for a laundry list of crimes. Emily was doing time as well for aiding and abetting, and she wasn’t pregnant with Miguel’s child. Apparently, she’d hooked up with her first love, a biker named Ezekiel, and the baby was his. Nestor was dead, and for that, you were sad. His only crime had been loving Miguel more than anyone else—neither of Miguel’s wives had even come close to loving him as much as Nestor had, and all that love and loyalty had gotten him was a bullet in the brain. Johnny’s friends—who you owed so much to, but they asked for nothing—pulled some strings and got you a quickie divorce from Miguel, even finagling most of his assets, titles, deeds, and fortune and awarding them all to you. Briggs and Jakes had some friends in high places that made that happen. You had suffered a bruised throat, a busted lip, black eye, bruises on your torso and wrist, and a collection of cuts and other bruises. But you got Johnny, so…
…it was all worth it, as far as you were concerned.
You and Johnny moved to a nice beachfront property together, and you were married on the beach. Briggs, of all people, officiated the wedding. Jakes got Johnny a job working for his private investigation and security firm, and Graceland was officially retired, but the family stayed intact.
You went to sleep wrapped in Johnny’s arms each night and woke up every morning to his smile as the sun crept in through the blinds, which, of course, you didn’t mine.
After all, a little sunshine never hurt anybody.
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! And that was all she (me) wrote! Thank you all for reading this and indulging me in this time. I seriously wrote this series in one day, and I had so much fun. Please, please, please, tell me what you thought of this chapter and the series as a whole. 
Everything Taglist: @sweetybuzz25​​  @mrsjaxtellerfan​​  @rhabakoli​​  @encounterthepast​​ @realduckvader​​   @justvnash​​ @knowles-morgan​​  @ateliefloresdaprimavera​​ @evanlys19​​  @nyxxnoxx​​ @carlaangel86​​  @luminex3​​ @jigsawlover10​​  @gollyderek​​ @otomefromtheheart​​ @lexxierave​​ @crushed-pink-petals​​ @amethyst09​​ @falsehopesndreams​​  @a-dorky-book-keeper​​ @witchygagirl​​ @glimmerglittergirl​​ @nich0lasmatthews​​ @ben-c-group-therapy​​ @felicity-x0​​ @amirra88​​ @mamabutterflyyy​​ @vibranium-soul​​ @xserenax-13​​  @whoaitslucyy-blog  @gemini0410​​ @ktiz90​​ @theoceanhathsolace​​​ @starrynite7114​​​
Johnny Tuturro Taglist: @beardburnsupersoldiers​​ @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored​​  @jamielennkeeler​​ @honeym-daddi​​ @missjessie21 @tashawar​​  @smoooore​​​ @texasbama​​​ @chaotic-rayofsunshine​​ @uhlxis​​
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crossoversfics · 4 years
Boy Genius (Chapter 3)
(Spencer Reid x Malcolm Bright)
He had seen them arrive and when JT went over to greet the FBI agents Malcolm stayed put. Making nice with the agency just wasn’t on his to do list today. That did not, however, mean he hadn’t begun to profile their new coworkers the moment they showed up. It was less than a minute before JT was calling him over, but it was enough.
Malcolm turned and walked over to them, making sure to keep his micro expressions in check. In a matter of seconds he would learn whether these agents knew about him or not, and he wasn’t looking forward to it.
JT introduced him, “Agents this is Malcolm Bright, NYPD profiler. Bright this is-.”
“Agent Morgan,” Malcolm stuck out his hand, and Morgan shook it firmly, “And Dr. Reid”. He did not extend his hand to the doctor, but nodded instead, to which the doctor replied with a small smile.
A sideways glance told him JT was confused, he sighed, “Detective, I’m not deaf, I heard your conversation when they arrived.” 
The response was a massive eye roll from JT and a chuckle from Agent Morgan. So far so good. Neither of the agents had seem startled by his presence. 
“All right, smart ass,” JT grunted, “Let’s get to work then.”
He led both agents over to the dump site with Malcolm following just behind. 
“Both bodies were found lying in this hallway. It had been closed due to construction so that’s why the bodies hadn’t been found before we were called.” JT explained.
“Did the Unsub leave anything behind? Footprints, fingerprints, DNA?” Agent Morgan crouched looking up and down the hallway.
“Nothing that we have identified yet. What did you mean by Unsub?” JT inquired folding his arms.
“It means Unidentified Subject of the Investigation.” Dr. Reid said absently as he walked down the hall a bit, “Have we gotten anything from the CCTV footage?”
JT shook his head ruefully, “There was no footage. The techs said that the cameras had been disabled just before the phone call came into the station.”
Agent Morgan stood, “Surprise surprise, but all the same we should have it sent to our tech analyst Garcia. She might be able to make something of it.” He put his hands on his hips, “This hallway is a dead end, so the only way he could have dumped the bodies here was through the entrance we just came through. There would have been too many people.” He stopped and called out to Dr. Reid who had wandered down the hallway, “Hey, kid what’s going on in that big brain of yours?”
“Just a hunch.” The doctor replied.
“If you’re looking for the trapdoor it’s not above you,” Malcolm spoke after watching them for awhile. He made his way down the hall and gestured to the large tile squares beneath them, “Its below.” 
He knelt down and ran his finger above the cracked sealant around one of the squares, “I haven’t pulled it up yet because the forensic team needs to go over it but I’m sure this is how he got in.”
“He most likely made the phone call from here too and then he could reconnect the cameras and watch us find the bodies.” Reid surmised looking down at him.
Malcolm nodded, “That was my thought as well.” He turned to JT and Morgan, “He spent a long time planning this.”
Neither of them replied. Malcolm swiveled back to Dr. Reid who was looking at him intently.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” 
Malcolm felt his temperature rising, but the very next second he willed himself to remain completely calm, “I can’t say I’ve had the pleasure, doctor.”
Reid nodded slowly, his mouth slightly agape, “Yeah, sorry must just be my brain mixing you up with someone else.”
Malcolm forced himself to smile, “Not a problem.” He brought himself to a standing position and shoved his right hand in his pocket, “Is there anything else either of you would like to see?”
Agent Morgan shook his head, “I think we’re good for now, how about you, kid?”
“Yeah, all good here.” The doctor replied still glancing at Malcolm.
“All right then we’ll meet you guys back at the station.” JT said to Agent Morgan.
“Sounds good.” He replied.
Reid finished rereading the last of the case files they had on Dr. Arthur, and glanced at his watch. It had taken him thirty minutes and forty-six seconds which was a lot longer than it normally took him. His gaze drifted to the same thing it had been ever since they had arrived at the station. Or rather the same person. 
“This is Malcolm Bright, NYPD profiler.” 
Bright was sitting across from him going through his own stack of case files, seemingly absorbed in his work. Reid wasn’t sure what it was that bothered him about the man, but there was something, off. At first, he’d thought it was some sort of vanity on his part. It was overtly apparent that Bright was the NYPD’s darker, more worldly version of Reid. The way he read a crime scene without much more than a glance spoke of immense talent and he was clearly intelligent, probably more than he let on. 
The more he thought about it, however, the more he didn’t think it could be all excused away by something as petty as jealousy. The one thing he was sure of, Bright did not care for the FBI. Reid had watched Bright bristle in a conversation with Rossi over why he hadn’t applied at the BAU. It was the smallest clench of his right fist that gave it away. There was something there...
“Dr. Reid?” 
A voice floated past him and then echoed in his head as he realized someone was talking to him.
“Yes, sorry.” Reid blinked and his eyes focused in on Bright’s questioning expression.
“No problem. I just wasn’t sure you heard Dani say they got ID’s on the two victims.” Bright handed him another file.
“I did not, thank you.” Reid took the folder and opened it. Time to focus, he chastised himself. After he finished, he looked up to see see Bright eyeing him with a raised eyebrow.
“I’ve never actually met someone with an eidetic memory before. I’d imagine it would be very useful.” 
Reid smiled slightly, “Yes, along with its fair share of drawbacks, and the statistics for an adult having an eidetic memory are-”
“Less than one percent,” Bright finished for him. 
Reid pressed his lips together and nodded. He didn’t try to contain his surprise that Bright knew the statistics, instead he moved back to the case.
“Speaking of memory, all of the victims have a lot of background in research or the study of memories. All of them were highly educated, successful, and popular.” A thought struck him, “You know, early on in this case we theorized that Dr. Arthur wasn’t his actual name and that he was most likely not from the same pedigree as his victims.”
Bright nodded while he massaged his right hand, “That could lead to a couple of possibilities. He could have been undereducated or poor and he resents those of a higher social, educational, or economic status than him. The problem with that theory is all of these victims seem, specific. They don’t read like targets of opportunity.”
Reid agreed, “So he must stalk them then. In all cases, the victims weren’t missed for several days and that takes extensive planning.”
“Yes, but why?” Bright stood up and inspected the board, “There’s no criminal history, no dirty laundry in the families, and none of them are involved in any type of ground-breaking research or controversial studies. The last two, Tate Medford and Juan Santos, were still working on their PhD’s.”
Reid tapped his finger on the table as he thought, “The torture clearly makes him a sadist, and we established that he is a pyromaniac just based on his obsession with fire and explosions.”
“So its safe to say he was probably abused, probably by a male figure, a father maybe. I’d say an intelligent one too.” Bright mused.
“What makes you say that?” 
Reid glanced over his shoulder and saw that Hotch, Lieutenant Gil, Detective Powell, and JJ had come in. It was JJ that had asked the question.
Bright was now facing them too, “Well, just based on the victims he chooses. They all scored in the thirty’s on the ACT or over 1100 on the SAT, they all went to Ivy league schools or were enrolled in one, salutatorians, valedictorians, debate team champs, editors of the school papers, top athletes, they had scholarships, and I could go on and on and on. It looks like he is obsessed with what society deems intelligent or smart.”  
Reid licked his lips, “I agree. It all points to him being angry or at the very least needing a substitute for someone in his life that was very smart.”
“Well why does he need two of them then?” Detective Powell asked with a frown, “and then why does he just go bomb random buildings?”
“That’s the part that just doesn’t make any sense.” JJ replied, “You would think that if it was intelligence he was targeting then he would be bombing schools and museums, but its just old warehouses or apartments.”
The Lieutenant sighed, “I’d say there is a whole lot more that doesn’t make sense besides all that.”
A phone went off and everyone turned to look for the source of the sound. It seemed to be coming from Bright.
He pulled out his device, glanced at the screen, and frowned, “Sorry, I have to take this.” 
Reid noted a look that passed between Lieutenant Arroyo and Bright before he left the room but it was gone as quick as it appeared. 
Hotch sat down in a chair next to Reid, “A bomb will be going off without warning any time now. If we want a chance at stopping it we need to complete this profile so the police know what they are looking for.”
Everyone nodded and got to work. As he started reading the file on the two new victims again he realized that the uncomfortable feeling he had about Bright had temporarily disappeared but that phone call had brought it back. He needed to know why.    
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izzisanauthor · 3 years
Siren Song
A Prodigal Son fanfic by IzzIsAnAuthor (izzygrace07)
Based during episode 1x05 - "The Trip"
"Why is everyone moving in slow motion?"
Malcolm says it casually as if an altered passage of time is an everyday occurrence, and Gil's eyebrows furrow with concern. He should have known that Malcolm would go against orders and talk to Estime early. It shouldn't have even been a surprise when he found his two younger team members at the club he specifically told them not to go to; when a case gets personal, either will rarely stand down.
Gil takes a step closer to Malcolm, placing a protective hand on his shoulder and leaning in to speak. "You okay, Bright?"
He watches as Malcolm's eyes widen, a quick array of emotions crossing his face that range from terror to overwhelming happiness. His usually kempt hair is messily tossed, reminiscent of the bed head that Gil has grown a deep adoration for. He doesn't often get to see Malcolm this way. After all, Jessica would never let him leave his apartment looking anything less than the nines.
Malcolm's hand lands on Gil's shoulder with purpose, his grip strong and secure. His lip is quivering as he says, "When my dad was arrested…" He stops, seemingly to calm down his emotional state. He gulps before continuing. "You showed what a good man looks like. What a good man is."
The hand on Gil's shoulder lands gently on his cheek, cradling his face while Malcolm stares lovingly. It's intimate enough for Gil to falter his breathing, the air getting caught in his throat. Usually, these interactions are had behind closed doors and drawn blinds, hidden from the rest of the world. Nobody, not even their families, has any idea what kind of love the two men share, one that goes further than anyone would expect. If this had been any other time, Gil would remove Malcolm's hand and continue to reprimand him for disobeying direct orders. However, the dilation of Malcolm's pupils and the specks of white powder clinging to his suit tell him that doing so right now would have absolutely no merit.
Gil glances over to Dani and his eyebrows raise. "He's high as a kite."
Malcolm seems shocked by the accusation, but it fades into giddy instantly. A bright, beaming smile crosses Malcolm's face and the corners of his eyes crinkle as he laughs, "I'm higher than a kite!"
Gil lightly grasps Malcolm's wrist and pulls the hand off his cheek. The moment he does, the kid's eyes visibly line with tears and for a moment, Gil worries that he's about to break down. Luckily, Malcolm remedies that sadness by grabbing onto the sleeve of Gil's jacket with his free hand, an impish smile on his face.
"Come on, let's go home!" the consultant exclaims with newfound energy, tugging at the sleeve. "I feel like I could go thirty rounds!"
Gil blanches. His eyes immediately dart to Dani, who is watching them with worry. She opens her mouth to speak, lips stretched into an awkward smile of sorts, only to close it again. She doesn't have to say anything; the pity is clear as day on her face.
Gil clears his throat. "What happened?"
"Gunfire!" Malcolm articulates. "I got on the ground with Dani, it started to snow, and now, I feel like I could run a marathon!" He gasps, grabbing Gil's shoulders and leaning in close. In a half-whisper, as if he's had some kind of grand realization, he says, "I could be a top."
Gil pulls away from Malcolm, praying that his face keeps its usual colour. His worry for Malcolm overshadows most of his other thoughts and worries, but in the deep, selfish parts of himself, he wants to take Malcolm with this sudden energy he's gained. Not eating much and having little sleep results in poor stamina, so when the two decide to get intimate, they'll rarely go for very long. Now, however, seeing his boyfriend dripping with desire is enough to make his heart pound and his blood rush to areas he would prefer to keep under control in public. Gil chastises himself internally for feeling even remotely excited while Malcolm is in this state.
Dani lets out a sharp exhale. "Cocaine use can lead to poor judgment and increased sexuality. He probably doesn't realize that what he's saying is wrong."
Malcolm looks offended at the comment, turning to Dani with lowered eyebrows. "That's not nice, Dani. I can have sex with a man if I want to. Because…" He turns back to Gil and throws his arms around him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. "Sex is amazing. And Gil is amazing!"
He raises his head and stares at Gil, expression changing into something more serious. He grabs both sides of Gil's head this time, forcing their gaze to stay locked on each other. In a voice as gentle as a lamb, Malcolm puts his entire heart into speaking.
"You're amazing."
They're two simple words, but the look in Malcolm's eyes amplifies the meaning. They hold so much affection and passion and pride, absolute love. Gil's restraint is being put to the test, a gruelling effort. It only becomes more difficult when Malcolm hugs him again, only this time, Gil is hyper-aware of the half-hardness pressing against his thigh.
He looks up to Dani and sighs, pushing down his dangerous thoughts and returning his focus to the more important situation. "We'll talk about this tomorrow," he says, ignoring the sweet nothings Malcolm mumbles into his ear. "You're not off the hook, Powell. I'm taking him home to make sure he comes down from his high."
Dani nods. "You've got it, Gil."
He turns his head towards the broken window, destroyed amidst the shooting. "Go help JT look for anything that could help us figure out who started the shooting. Message me with any leads."
"I'm on it." She is quick to head towards the scene, evidently remorseful for what happened to Malcolm, needing a way to atone.
Gil lets out a heavy breath, patting Malcolm on the back. "Okay, Bright. Come on, we're going home."
Malcolm pulls away quicker than lightning, his face lit up with childish joy. "Finally!" He smiles devilishly. "I have flavoured condoms."
"And we'll use them on a different day, once you've sobered up," Gil whispers, grabbing Malcolm's wrist and rushing him through the club. The night air is cool and crisp, a complete contrast to the warm, soiled air in the building. He helps Malcolm sit in the passenger seat before heading to the driver's side and starting his car.
When they arrive at Malcolm's apartment, the younger man practically marches through the door like he's on a mission, pulling his coat off with vigour. Gil, with a small sigh, closes the door as he follows him in.
"All right," Gil says, pulling off his jacket. He watches Malcolm discard his expensive article at the bottom of the staircase and gives a disapproving shake of his head. "The best thing you can do for the seven hours or so, just stay calm and drink lots of water."
Malcolm looks towards his living area and he perks up, inhaling with excitement as he takes off towards the coach. "Or!" He leaps up onto the back of his sofa, taking a moment to balance himself, and thrusts his hands out towards his collection of murder weapons. "We throw axes!"
Gil pauses, eyebrows shooting up as his eyes widen incredulously at Malcolm. "What?"
Malcolm turns to face Gil, pointing at him excitedly. "You and me. Broad bladed axes." He steps down onto the leather cushion of his couch, as if walking on a couch is a completely normal thing to do, and holds up a hand with his fingers splayed. "I have five!" He stops. "No, six… Doesn't matter, we have plenty."
Gil approaches the island and pours himself a glass of scotch. It's going to be a long night. "No," he says sternly.
He hears the sound of Malcolm shutting something and speaking, voice pitched and full of animation. "God, this feeling! My neurons are on fire!"
Gil takes a long sip from his drink, letting out a heavy exhale through his nose. For someone with poor self-care skills, sleeping and eating especially, Malcolm has a lot of energy. It's like the cocaine boosted the effects of his second wind. It reminds Gil of Dani years back when he would watch over her, drugged and falling. At the start, she was off the walls and full of childlike joy. But, as time passed and she became reliant on it, she was paranoid and terrified, either backing away from Gil with tears in her eyes or holding onto him like he was her saving grace. The memories only fuel his concerns for Malcolm after tonight; the thought of him in such a dark place, especially with the trauma he's experienced, makes Gil's chest tighten with anxiety.
When he looks up, Malcolm is heading his way on quick feet. He has that look in his eyes, the one from the club, the one that showed nothing but absolute love. "You know," Malcolm says, "people say that dopamine triggers pleasure. But really, it's about…"
He is suddenly in Gil's space, arms wrapped loosely around his neck and only an inch of space left between them. Gil doesn't want to encourage Malcolm's drug-induced lust, but still instinctively puts his hands on Malcolm's hips, pulling him closer.
"...Desire," Malcolm finally finishes. Gil's heart skips a beat at their proximity. The intent behind the word is obvious, and the sultry tone Malcolm entangles into his voice makes the temptation harder to resist. He's like a siren, singing out to Gil with his entire being. The song muddles his mind, clouding his judgment in fog and starving him, desperate for the taste of Malcolm.
Within seconds, Gil has Malcolm pushed up against the island and their lips are crashing together hard enough to leave bruises. It's passionate and messy and their hands wander across the familiar territory of each others' bodies. Gil runs his hand through Malcolm's hair and grips tightly, releasing a moan from the young man's mouth. It only increases volume when Gil bites down on Malcolm's lower lip, drawing it between his teeth. He grabs at his boyfriend's tie with impatience and practically rips it from his neck, moving to undo the waistcoat and the button-down shirt.
Gil lifts Malcolm onto the surface of the island and stands between his legs. The bare chest before Gil is free to be marked, previous love bites and hickeys having healed over the past few days. He takes Malcolm's skin into his mouth, sucking mercilessly along the collarbone. Malcolm props his hands upon the island behind him and throws his head back with a gasp. The noises he makes send blood rushing down Gil's body and strengthens the desire to hear more of those sexy sounds.
Gil licks his thumbs before dragging them along Malcolm's nipples, feeling the skin perk up underneath his touch. With a strong buck of the hips, the tip of Malcolm's restrained erection pokes Gil in his stomach.
Somehow, against all odds, that physical touch is enough to snap Gil back to himself, regaining his previous hyper-awareness to Malcolm's arousal; most importantly, to the cause of it. The events of the club make their way back to the front of Gil's brain and within moments, the two men are apart. Both are coated in sweat and panting like animals, and Malcolm's face is flushed a brilliant red.
"What's wrong?" he asks gently between breaths, sitting up and putting his hands worriedly on Gil's still-clothed arms.
Gil feels guilt flood his system and chastises himself. He let his wants overshadow his morality, so much so that he nearly had sex with his inebriated boyfriend. It would have been–it is sexual assault. Knowing Malcolm, he probably wouldn't be mad at Gil; the young man understands that he can be annoyingly persistent even when sober. However, that doesn't cut it because Gil would never be able to forgive himself for taking advantage of the best man he's ever come to know.
With laboured breaths, Gil finally says, "We can't do this, Bright."
Malcolm seems completely oblivious to the problem, furrowing his eyebrows with bewilderment. He pulls his hands away and Gil can see the self-consciousness making its way into Malcolm's head. "What happened? Did I do something?"
Gil sighs. He holds out his hand, helping Malcolm down from the counter. He then wraps his arms lovingly around him in a protective hug. "No, kid. You didn't do anything." He pulls away and takes Malcolm's head in his hands, forcing their eyes to lock. "But I can't have sex with you like this. You're not in your right mind."
"Hey." Gil pushes some stray hair away from Malcolm's face. "If our situations were reversed, you'd say the same thing to me."
Malcolm appears to take a moment to think about that idea, blinking slowly like a machine that's processing information. For a split second, it makes Gil wonder if that was enough to get through to the kid or if his words were falling on deaf ears. Fear begins to creep into the back of his mind as he imagines Malcolm begging to continue, dripping with sex appeal, and Gil is too weak to turn him away. He's seen the pain Malcolm has been through, the betrayal he's been forced to endure. Gil can't become another one of the demons; he's supposed to be an angel.
He's brought back into the moment with a gentle kiss on the cheek. Arms wrap tightly around Gil's torso and Malcolm speaks to him with pure appreciation. "Aww, thank you!"
Gil's heart flutters with love and admiration. He brushes back Malcolm's bangs and plants a kiss on the kid's forehead. He wants to thank Malcolm for being so understanding, for recognizing just how heartbroken Gil would feel if they had made it further than they did. Gil wants to tell Malcolm that he is the most empathetic man Gil has ever met. He makes sadists have mercy, and for that, Gil loves Malcolm with every fibre of his being.
He says nothing, knowing that Malcolm wouldn't remember any of this. Instead, he returns the embrace and holds his boyfriend closer, thanking God for the favourable outcome to the situation.
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pynkhues · 4 years
What’s you top 5 unpopular good girls ships?
I am eternally blessed, anon, because all my ships for Good Girls are pretty popular, haha. I’m all about Beth x Rio, Ruby x Stan, Dean x Suffering, Boomer x Grievous Bodily Harm! Even my non-canon ships like Annie x Nancy or Annie x JT are pretty popular! 
So instead, I’m offering you five crack ships and I’ve written the scenarios where I think they could work, because I am a glutton for punishment, haha. One of them I actually want to write, but I’m not going to say which, because I don’t want anyone to peer pressure me into writing it, hahaha. (I have way too many WIPs!)
Below a cut to save your feeds.
1. Krystal x Lucy
Okay, SO, I accidentally wrote them into the pornstar au, and ever since the thought came to me, it’s latched on like a parasite! I love the thought of them both having someone in their corner in the way that we sort of know they don’t? Lucy really needed somebody who could fight for her and was more clued into the world than either herself or Max, and Krystal pretty clearly needs someone who’s kind to her. Plus Krystal would edge out some of Lucy’s cutesyness, while Lucy would ground Krystal, and idk! I just think they’d be cute!
Okay, scenario though – I’m thinking the Hill’s have a Christmas party. Lucy and Max have recently broken up and Beth feels bad for her, so invites her to be her plus-one (or, well, plus seventh after Rio and the kids), and the gesture’s a nice one, but Beth is instantly distracted by helping Ruby get the food out or with Jane and Marcus inevitably causing havoc, and so Lucy ends up wallflowering, watching everyone else just - - know each other, right? 
And maybe Krystal sees her and maybe she’s a few drinks in already, so it’s not like it takes much to grab another cup of spiked eggnog and tumble against the wall beside Lucy. And maybe it’s awkward at first, because Lucy’s sort of weird, but maybe Krystal kind of likes that, and maybe Lucy compliments Krystal’s ugly snowman earrings, and Krystal really does think Lucy’s reindeer sweater is cute, and maybe Lucy falls a little in love when Krystal sings bawdy Christmas songs, her arm slung over Ruby’s shoulder, and Krystal falls a little in love when Lucy is unfairly good at drunk pictionary, and maybe it feels like they’ve known each other a lot longer than a night (and maybe they want to make sure they will). 
2. Mick x Mary Pat. 
Okay, okay, okay. Hear me out. 
So it finally happens. Rio finds out who Mary Pat is, what she’s done – that she’s Beth’s rotten egg – and y’know, Rio isn’t playing around anymore. He wants to send Beth a message, and what better way to do that than to handle the third person she couldn’t after Turner and Boomer? So he sends Mick off with an order.
And so Mick watches for a few days – keeps an eye on her schedule, her routine, carving out a plan to handle her as smoothly as possible (he’s not Rio after all, he doesn’t hand guns to women he’s just kidnapped, y’know?) – and starts to get a sense of her. Sure, maybe he feels a little bad. She has a lot of kids, y’know? And always seems pretty frazzled, at the end of her rope, but sort of sweet. She goes to church, sings in a choir, makes pancakes from a box, sure, but she adds both choc chips and blueberries which is a pretty good combo, and maybe it’s hard to believe she’s swept up in all of this, but then it was hard to believe Mrs Boland and that sweet girl from Paper Porcupine had been too. 
Still, Mick knows what he’s doing, y’know? 
He’s not Rio. He’ll finish the job.
So he steals into her house late at night, moving down to her bedroom, intending to take her outside, handle her away from the kids at least, when suddenly a wild Mary Pat appears! Brandishing a huge knife. 
Mick staggers back! Alarmed, and Mary Pat thrusts it at him, knowing exactly how long he’s been watching her and what does he think she is??? NEW to this??? She worked with the FBI! Okay, not --  not worked with them, but y’know, an agent was on her case for a while, and Mary Pat is not as stupid as her Uncle Larry told her that one time, and okay, Mick thinks, staggering back into his seat, eyes fixed on the knife Mary Pat is waving around at him. 
You wanna talk this out? 
It’s the wrong thing to say, because no, she doesn’t especially, and they just sort of stare at each other for a minute, trying to figure out what happens next when Billy wakes up and trots down the hallway, and he’s had a bad dream about the bad man, and for a minute, Mick thinks he’s talking about him, but then Mary Pat says something about how Boomer won’t ever step foot in this house again, and with the way she’s holding that knife, Mick is inclined to believe her. 
And then, well, Billy asks for pancakes. 
So that’s how Mick ends up eating pancakes with Mary Pat and three of her four kids at 2 in the morning, and y’know, he’s not a total asshole. He’s going to stay and help her clean up afterwards, and maybe it’s sort of nice, now that she’s put the knife down (although it is still in reaching distance, and honestly, he respects that), now that his gun’s back in his pants. 
And well, he can’t exactly kill a woman who just made him pancakes, so he figures next time, only next time, Mary Pat’s already cooking, and then the time after that, she’s already set him a plate, and maybe the time after that, she kisses him, and maybe the time after that, he kisses her first, and at least when Rio asks, Mick can just give him a look, because it isn’t like he doesn’t have his own batshit crazy mother of four he can’t kill. 
3. Rhea x Phoebe. 
So, y’know. Phoebe’s good at her job. 
Phoebe knows how to do a stakeout, to keep tabs, to collect intel. She revels in every part of the chase, every part of the puzzle, every part of the game of it all, because she knows that what she’s doing is right, she’s cleaning up the streets! Making the world a better place! But - - okay, she’ll be the first to admit that she already finds her marks exhausting.
Not so much Hill and Marks. They’re sort of fun to keep tabs on (and lowkey, Phoebe really does maybe daydream sometimes about what it might be like to sit on the couch and watch bad reality shows with them, drinking cheap wine and creamy, herb crusted cheeses). Even Boland is kind of awesome when she’s not with him. 
Because the thing is, as soon as Boland and the Big Kahuna are together, everything just gets a little - - hm. What’s the word for it? 
(”Nothing like watching a crime lord pull pigtails,” Henry had said on one stakeout, headphones on as they’d watched from afar as Big Kahuna had swung in close to Boland, said something that made her flush red and try to stamp on his foot. “Can’t wait until they graduate to passing notes. At least then there might be something we can use.”) 
And, well. It’s not like he’s wrong.
So maybe she starts to get bored of watching the highschool antics of them (as has everyone else, she thinks, if the looks on their faces is anything to go by - including the hitman clearly trying to take one, or both of them out [and please, a little part of Phoebe thinks, watching as Big Kahuna drags a finger across the back of Boland’s knuckles, and Boland wait until he’s gone to order the most expensive liquor in the bar to Big Kahuna’s tab]). Maybe that makes her dig a little deeper. 
Maybe that’s how she finds herself watching an under-9′s soccer game in a fold-out chair beside Big Kahuna’s baby mama. (She tells her she’s researching, so it’s not technically a lie, even if the cover of starting to coach a team of her own in the fall is a thin one).
And okay, maybe they hit it off. Which is kind of cool, Phoebe thinks, because it turns out Rhea is kind of cool (how she put up with Big Kahuna is a total mystery to her), and y’know, she’s actually pretty? LIke, pretty pretty. And nice, and totally normal, and maybe they get a coffee after the game, and catch a movie on the weekend, and maybe sometimes Phoebe forgets to fish about Big Kahuna at all, but that’s an easy mistake to make, and maybe Henry gives her a Look when he hears about it, but it’s nothing, Phoebe thinks.
She’s just doing her due diligence. 
Being thorough, y’know? 
I mean, who even knows when information could come out, and Phoebe’s just laying the groundwork anyway, she thinks, watching the line of Rhea’s neck, the purse of her lips, blinking rapidly when Rhea leans across the table, the curve of her breast visible beneath the thin fabric of her shirt, and says: “I know you’re a fed.” 
And Phoebe splutters as Rhea keeps leaning forwards. 
“I’m not going to tell you anything about him.” 
And what can Phoebe say except okay, something in her chest tightening at - - at what, Phoebe has no idea. Just knows that Rhea’s so close she can feel the other woman’s breath on her cheek.  
“I just want to be clear about that,” she tells her. “If we’re going to do this.” 
And Phoebe blinks, owlish at Rhea, pulse rapid and mouth dry as she asks: “Do what?” 
And well, it turns out Phoebe likes Rhea even more when she’s kissing her.
4. Greg x Dr. Josh.
Okay, so maybe two things happen. 
Maybe it’s a party of something when Annie finally turns around and tells Greg about kissing her therapist, and honestly, Greg shouldn’t be surprised. This is what Annie does, after all, and telling her off never really gets him anywhere, so he pours them both another drink, and - - sure, maybe another. 
Then maybe a few more. 
Because it’s just like they’re in this loop, y’know? Him and her. Like she fucks up and it’s not like she expects him to clean up after her (he’s not Beth), but it’s like there’s something in Annie where she needs him to know about it, and that just really gets to him sometimes, because like, Annie’s not his responsibility just because they have a kid together. Besides, he has Nancy now, so it’s not like he needs Annie, and even thinking about Nancy sort of makes him want to go and find her, so then he’s drunkenly stumbling around this party, looking for that cape of perfect blonde hair, and okay, maybe that’s when the second thing happens.
Annie. Nancy. Closet. Necking. Maybe a shirt’s off? There’s a lot of like - - like mouths and hand stuff and Greg slams the door shut and maybe goes and lies on the grass outside for a while. 
And okay, maybe it’s not a surprise either. Maybe this is also what Annie does too, but still, he stews on it, and then stews on it some more, and so what if he interrogates Ben for this therapist’s address, because like - - hadn’t Annie been going to him for months? How could this guy make everything worse. 
And sure, maybe storming into the guy’s office, drunk on anger this time instead of beer, isn’t the best idea, but he’s just - - pissed, y’know? And maybe he yells at the guy about where he gets off, kissing patients. Making his patients kiss his wife, and okay, the guy’s pale at first, but then is sort of nice, and they sit on the beanbags and talk for a bit about Hurricane Annie, and actually, he’s finished work for the day, so maybe they should go get a beer or whatever? 
And maybe later, when Josh drops a nervous hand to his knee and awkwardly closes the distance between them, when Greg’s kissing back, he does sort of wonder if he and Annie won’t always be pulling from the same pool. 
5. Turner x Noah. 
Come on. We all saw s2. There’s no way Turner didn’t offer a, ahem, hand to help Noah get over Annie. 
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calif0rnia-lovers · 5 years
Mrs. Johnny Tuturro.
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Part 1/3. 
Request: Johnny needs his roommate to pose as his wife for a case. 
Summary: Johnny invites his roommate out for a drink. She thinks its to make up for lost time, but it turns out Johnny needs a favor.
Words: 1267
The laughter which disrupts your conversation causes your eyes to roll, for a second time. You lean forward, your elbows resting against the bar, to get a better look at the source of laughter. 
Seated at the end of the bar are two girls. One is busy studying the wine menu before her, the other has her head thrown back in laughter. As her laugh dies out, her gaze moves in your direction. Only, her gaze glosses over you quickly. It drifts to the right, over to the barstool you’re seated by.
Her bright brown eyes focus on Johnny, who is too busy retrieving your drinks to notice. She has been eyeing your roommate from the moment the two of you arrived.
Her laughter seems to be her “in.” Each time she laughs, her gaze falls to Johnny.
Normally, Johnny would already be across the bar. Knee deep in a cover story that would have her wrapped around his finger. But for some reason, tonight is different. And that makes you slightly suspicious. 
“Here you go, beautiful,” Johnny's trademark smile widens as he leans over to place an unsuspecting kiss against your cheek. Carefully placing your martini glass before you, Johnny narrowly avoids your hand as he attempts to swipe the olive from your glass. “One apple martini, extra dirty. Just how you like it.”
“Thank you very much.”
You lift your glass from the bar and clink it against his beer before taking a sip. You find your shoulders instinctively beginning to relax for the first time this week. Your eyes drift shut as you take a second sip.
"The case is going that bad, huh?" 
Settling into his seat, Johnny sips his beer before shooting you a raised brow. 
You shrug before focusing on your drink. Talking about the case seems to be all you've done the past week. Briggs was riding you, hoping you could make progress and wrap it up. Charlie wanted to know the status, and if you needed her help. Mike just wanted to know the details to see if he could learn something from you. You know that its always from a genuine place when Johnny asks about work, but still, you opt not to share. 
"So, you wanna tell me why we’re really here?”
Your question throws Johnny off. His shoulders tense for the briefest of seconds. Resting his shoulders against the bar, Johnny rolls his beer bottle between his palms. The easy smile on his face almost convinces you that you haven't caught him.
“So, what? I can’t buy my roomie a drink?”
“I love you, JT.” You huff. "Probably more than anyone else at the house-" 
Johnny's face brightens, the smirk spreading across his lips, causing your eyes to roll.
"And I do you,” Turning to face you, Johnny grins. "And, just so you know, I'm definitely telling Briggs you said that. So don't try and deny it." 
“But, I did not come out here, after working my case all day, dressed in 4-inch heels for a dirty martini that I could have made at home in my sweats.”
“Come on, baby, don’t be like that. I haven’t seen you all week. I'm just trying to be a good friend. Show you why you love me the most by taking you out for drinks-"
As Johnny's eyes drift to the mirror behind the bar, brow furrowing as his gaze scans the room, you find your eyes begin to narrow.
Your shove comes first, Johnny coughing on his beer before quickly composing himself. He doesn't bother protesting your actions. He knows exactly what it was for.
“Are you on a case right now?”
The question posed causes, Johnny, to take a sip of his beer. Silence and Johnny Tuturro do not mix well. Your mouth falls open as he avoids your gaze, his eyes drifting around the crowded bar. 
A sheepish grin spreads across Johnny’s face as he lifts his beer to his lips. Taking a sip, he winces. Mentally weighing his next words carefully, he meets your gaze.  Rolling his neck, he releases the breath he's holding before diving in. 
“Yes, but look. I have a proposition for you.”
“And you couldn’t ask me this back at the house?”
Shaking his head, Johnny leans against the bar. “I want to clear it with you before I bring it to Briggs. I thought you’d at least respect me for coming to you first.”
You can’t deny Johnny an eye roll as you sip your martini. Suddenly, you wish you'd order something stronger. 
Johnny waits silently alongside you. His gaze drifting to you briefly once your eyes drift shut. Johnny knows all there is to know about each of his roommates at Graceland. And that is why he is praying you'll give in tonight. He knows that if you'll cave for anyone at Graceland, it will be him. 
You release a sigh before groaning.  “What does it entail?"
Johnny chews on his toothpick, his brow furrowing as he studies his reflection in the bar mirror. He knows he needs to choose his words carefully.
“Okay, look. There’s this guy.”
“Oh,” you giggle as you playfully catch his chin with your hand. “So you can’t just swoon this one with your pretty face?”
“For once, its let me down,” he chuckles. “But..."
Your nose scrunches as Johnny's brows rise in speculation.
“I get it, you need my pretty face to swoon him?”
“Not exactly?”
Johnny takes in your furrowed brow. “I need your pretty face to swoon his wife?”
Your head shakes in disbelief. You motion for Johnny to repeat his request back. 
“His wife? Johnny, I am not participating in a threesome-”
"You don't have to let it get that far!" Johnny quickly responds. "I mean, it would probably really help-"
Johnny's laugh doesn't have it's a usual calming effect on you. He narrowly avoids the swipe you send towards his arm, his grin growing as you roll your eyes. 
He waits until you meet his gaze to speak again. A light smile still lingers on his lips as his expression refocuses. 
"Look...I just need you to come out with me one weekend. Drinks, poker, dinner. Rumor is Santos and his wife both share an affinity for pretty women. If she’s able to get you alone, his wife is more likely to slip something with you than me. People open up to you. That's one of the things I love about you."
Your eyes roll as Johnny leans over to drape his arm around you. Guiding you closer, he smiles as you allow him to place a kiss against your cheek.
"Please," he sighs. "I’ve been working this forever, and we’re not making any fucking progress. I promise I wouldn't ask if I could do it alone."
The wide brown eyes on your face cause you to bite your lip. 
Wincing, you sigh, "I hope I won't regret this."
Before you can get the words fully out of your mouth, Johnny's hands are on your face and his mouth is against yours. 
The kiss causes your body to freeze. Your grip tightens around the martini glass in your left hand. Your right-hand hangs in the air as you fight the urge to instinctively kiss him back. 
Sensing your confusion, Johnny allows his lips to move softly against yours. And soon, you're resting against his chest, your touch finding his neck as you return the kiss.
Johnny's forehead briefly rests against yours once he pulls away. 
Glancing down at you, Johnny smiles. “See, kissing me won’t be so bad. You already love me, so kissing is the only thing we gotta practice.”
A soft giggle leaves your lips as Johnny's thumb playfully brushes against the curve of your jaw.
"There's going to be guidelines about that," you assure him. 
“So, do we have a deal?”
Turning back to the bar, you quickly down the remainder of your martini before placing the empty glass down.
“You owe me two more of these first.”
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find your way (back to me) - chapter one
I am officially on break so that means I am back again with some fresh content. I’ve had this idea for about a month but have been bouncing around when in the timeline I’m writing so I have 3 separate chapters partially written with no context in between. Need to work on that part. BUT I finally pieced together the first chapter and with the help of Em found a name for her. Hope y’all enjoy and throw some love to Em bc they were a big help with this one
Gil looks up from his desk at the short knock on his door before two women push their way in. He smiles at Dani but his stomach drops upon spotting Colette. 
“Agent Swanson, I wasn’t aware you were coming.” He greets standing. His eyes flash to Dani who looks apprehensive. The last time the FBI showed up wasn’t… pleasant to say the least. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Lieutenant Arroyo, I’m sorry to come in unannounced.” Her normal edge seems softer. It actually makes him a little more concerned. “Unfortunately there’s no time for greetings. We are on a tight timeframe. I’m sure you’ve been keeping up with what’s been happening in Boston lately, correct?”
He nods, sadly. 2 months ago the body of a high profile lawyer was found with his throat slashed and a gun shot through the heart. His body was found on a bench in the park about 2 days after he’d disappeared from his office. The next week another body, this time a renowned plastic surgeon. A third was found a week after that, a composer. All three found in the same park.
“The case went cold when the FBI came in, figured we scared him into hiding.”
“What brings you to New York?” His eyes shift to Dani who is staring at the ground. His heart drops into his stomach. “Where’s Bright.” His voice becomes thick with worry. It was hard enough keeping him close when there was a case that revolved around the family but this was something much worse. An unattached motive, something that the FBI hasn’t even tracked yet.
“He’s with JT. He’s ok.” Dani assures gently. “But we’re needed on the scene of an accident.” She breathes slowly. “A hit and run that Agent Swanson thinks is related to their case.”
“The plates that we have been tracking showed up in New York. We finally got a hit when I was informed that the car was involved in a wreck with the driver nowhere to be found.” She sighs, the way a cop does when forced to deliver bad news. “The other driver involved in the wreck was Adolpho Ardizonne. He passed away on the scene.”
His head bows in understanding of why this was brought to him. He’d only met the man a handful of times but he knew enough. He knew the kids liked him like a friend, knew Jessica trusted him. Shit. “Has anyone told Jessica?”
“JT and Bright are on their way to her place. After they tell her they’re going to get Ainsley. But Agent Swanson wants us on the scene, to see if there’s anything that we can find that her guys might miss.”
He looks to the agent in surprise and she shrugs. “I need all the hands I can get. I let this son of a bitch slip away from me once, I’m not going to do it again.”
The scene is brutal. He’s used to murders but accidents are a whole other spectrum of a world he doesn’t understand.
The street has been closed off in order to allow them proper time to investigate. Dani scopes the area for any CCTV cameras that may have caught the on footage, hopefully they’ll get lucky there and get a look at the bastard’s face.
His eyes cast over to the cars, yet again. Multiple accounts say the crash happened out of nowhere. Must have run a red light, been texting and driving. The on sight ME proclaimed that Adolpho had died on impact, though he makes a mental note to get a second opinion from Edrisa. 
All in all there was a remarkable lack of awareness for a wreck that happened in broad daylight.
“We found a registration in the glove compartment but from the looks of the interior, I’d guess the car was stolen. There’s a carseat in the back and a couple of pictures, we’re going to run them through the database but I doubt we’ll find anything significant pop up. The plates are definitely stolen.” He sighs nodding. He checks his phone wondering if JT and Bright had made it to Jessica’s. He’s definitely going to drive over and check on her after they settle up here. She doesn’t need to be alone right now.
“We got something over here!” A male voice calls their attention. He’s kneeling by a set of tire marks. It was small but as they got closer he could see the spots of blood on the ground. “They could be our guy’s.”
“Good work Decker.” Agent Swanson nods. “Mark it for the analysts and keep moving.”
“Yes ma’am.”
He can’t shake the voice in his head that sounds an awful lot like Bright, “Mark the tracks too, they could be significant.”
He moves to go back to the wreck when a sound stops him in his tracks. A phone rings for a couple of seconds, then stops. He could have sworn… The ringing starts again seconds later. This time more officers notice. They look between themselves but none of them reach for their phones.
Despite his heart hammering in his ears, he follows the sound back to the cars. With the doors open, it’s not hard for him to realize that the sound is coming from inside. He tries to swallow the lump in his throat as he leans inside, listening for the ringing to start up again. He begs it not to.
Anxiety hits him full force when he spies the light from under the seat. Reaching for the source he pulls out a phone. The screen is cracked but he can make out the background just enough.
It’s a picture of Malcolm and Ainsley smiling side by side at Ainsley’s college graduation.
3 missed calls from Malcolm.
His hands shake as conclusions piece together in his head. Jessica was in the car at the time of the wreck. She wasn’t found when ambulances arrived on the scene. 
This isn’t an accidental hit and run. This is the scene of a kidnapping.
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murdershegoat · 5 years
nothing's sweeter than summertime and american honey
(written under the influence)
(also on ao3)
lena thinks she might be hallucinating, because there is no way kara danvers is skateboarding in the luthor family pool.
wait. go back a step.
why is the luthor family pool empty??
it’s the second last week of summer, and lena stands on the back porch, her arms now self-consciously folded across her half-naked body. she stares in confusion as kara danvers appears on one side of the pool and then promptly disappears, only to pop up at the other end moments later.
‘kara, can you quit it?’ comes a gruff, familiar voice. alex danvers from ap bio is fiddling with some pool equipment at the edge of the yard. ‘this is a huge job for dad and you’re gonna get us fired.’ neither girl has noticed lena yet, for which she is very thankful.
‘take a chill pill,’ comes kara’s reply. ‘you just wanna finish quickly so you can go see maggie.’
even from her distance, lena can see how red alex’s face goes. ‘shut up! we’re just friends.’
kara snorts. ‘sure, jt and britney are also “just friends.” just admit you like her.’
lena assumes they’re talking about maggie sawyer, who had transferred into alex’s grade late last year. alex grumbles something in response that isn’t a denial, and lena feels her heart soar. alex danvers is a l-- she likes girls?? lena bites her lip.
this summer has been a nightmare of loneliness, even more so than usual. her mother hasn’t been home in a month and lex had flown in yesterday and spent the day with her, only to fly out early this morning before she woke up. she’s spent the summer sending emails to her penpal jack, lazing by the pool, and clearing her search history of questionable googles. she’s also been grappling with a huge secret, something she can’t tell anybody (not that she has anybody to tell in the first place.) her secret is this: she really wants to kiss somebody. and that somebody happens to be in her grade. and that somebody happens to be a girl.
it happens to be the girl who is now skateboarding in the suspiciously empty luthor pool, the girl who’s impossibly smart and funny and kind. the only person at Midvale High who’s not seemingly shit scared of lena.
the realization has been haunting her all summer, refusing to give her a single moment of peace. and now, knowing that alex is, is also like she is, and hearing the way kara gently teases her about it... well, lena doesn’t feel as lonely anymore. she wants to say hello to the sisters, to ask alex a million questions and ask kara how her summer is going and if she wants to maybe, like, hang out together or something. but just the thought of either thing makes lena’s heart race uncomfortably fast and her mouth go all dry. she turns around and slams open the sliding glass door, but apparently she doesn’t know her own strength. as she steps into the doorway, the door ricochets against the the end of its track and bounces back, hitting her in the side of the head.
‘FUCK,’ she screams, before turning white and whirling around.
both danvers sisters are staring at her. kara looks concerned and alex looks livid.
‘yo, luthor,’ kara calls out. ‘you okay?’
lena wants to say yes, but then she feels something sticky on her temple, and brushes her hand against it.
great. she’s bleeding.
next thing she knows kara has her sitting on one of the deck chairs, and lena’s not sure if she’s got a concussion or if kara just looks extra.... phenomenal today. she’s wearing a basketball jersey and shorts and lena keeps catching glimpses of her sports bra. kara takes off her baseball cap and wipes her brow. 
lena frowns. ‘you cut your hair.’
kara’s gorgeous long hair is no longer, instead it’s short around the sides with a messy tuft on top. 
‘you don’t like it?’ kara asks, running her hand through it. 
‘it looks... dope,’ she replies, immediately regretting her choice of words.
‘i did it out of solidarity with alex,’ kara says, grinning. ‘she wanted to get a buzz cut but she was a bit self conscious.’
alex comes back into view, carrying a first aid kit with her. her hair, too, is shorter than lena remembers it being. alex cleans up the side of lena’s head.
‘look, i don’t think you have a concussion, but you can hang out with kara and i while we finish the pool and i can keep an eye on you.’
‘alex is a junior EMT now,’ kara says proudly. ‘she’s also pretty much single handedly running our dad’s pool company this summer.’
right. the pool. that’s why they’re here.
‘why were you skateboarding in it?’ lena asks.
‘it won’t leave any marks,’ alex says quickly. ‘i promise. don’t worry about a thing.’
‘no,’ lena says, wincing as alex keeps prodding her tender head. ‘i mean, why is it empty in the first place?’
alex averts her eyes. ‘it was empty when we got here. we just gave it a scrub and an acid wash to get rid of some of the, uh, stains at the bottom.’ 
okay. lena thinks she knows what that means. and it also explains why lex left so early this morning. he fucking killed someone in the pool and needs to clean up after himself. fuck. she’s so damn stupid, thinking he’d actually come home to spend time with her. and she feels so embarrassed, having to explain how she’s used to her brother killing people so she’s not surprised or shocked by this.
kara lays a hand on her shoulder and smiles down at her. lena thinks she’s about to comfort her in some way, and she feels her heart start to race again.
‘can i grab something to eat?’ is what kara says instead, and lena’s face falls at the same time Alex whacks her sister’s arm.
‘kara, that’s unprofessional.’ but lena just smiles.
‘what do you want?’
lena didn’t think her day would be spent watching the danvers sisters fill her pool and eat sandwiches prepared by bertha the luthors’ cook, but here she is. kara sits on the grass across from lena, her toes digging into the green grass. she has what lena can only assume is a birkenstocks foot tan -- four fat white strips of skin on an otherwise perfectly browned body.
the pool is filling behind them, and alex sits on the other side of the yard, whispering into her cell phone.
‘how’s your summer been?’ kara asks with a mouthful of turkey sandwich.
‘quiet,’ lena replies. ‘my family’s been busy and not around much. i’ve hung out with our staff, but i don’t think it counts if they’re paid to spend time with you.’ she laughs, trying to detract from how sad it sounds. ‘how is yours?’
‘busy. my dad’s been, uh, he’s sick. so alex and i have been doing all the pool jobs. not much time to hang out with friends.’
‘and alex... she’s... with maggie sawyer?’
kara chokes on her sandwich. 
swallowing painfully, she lowers her voice. ‘could you, like, not say anything? i was teasing her and she’s freaking out because she’s not sure if you heard anything or not and it’s still... new and our parents don’t really know and if the school finds out---’
‘don’t worry,’ lena assures her. ‘i won’t say a word.’ her chest swells at the way kara smiles gratefully and lena realises she’s an absolute goner, head over heels for someone who could never like her back. lena almost wants to tell her the truth. maybe it’s the sun beating down on them or the welcoming scratch of grass against her legs or the summer feeling that has finally settled over luthor mansion. but before she can say anything, alex calls out.
‘kara, come help me finish treating the water!’
‘it should be good for swimming after about twenty four hours,’ alex says, packing the last of their equipment into the truck. lena hands them both the envelope lex had left, plus a hefty tip for each of them.
‘we can’t accept this,’ kara says, shoving the notes back into lena’s hand. alex doesn’t follow suit.
‘don’t be dumb,’ lena rolls her eyes. ‘my brother left it here for you, and i don’t want it.’ she hands it back to kara, who pockets it angrily. alex looks pleased her sister’s conscience hasn’t cost her the cash.
they climb into the truck and it rumbles to life.
‘catch you later, luthor,’ alex says, giving her a little salute.
‘hey,’ lena says, before she can talk herself out of it. ‘did you guys wanna come hang out tomorrow? the pool’s all clean and it feels like it’s a waste if i’m the only one using it. and you can bring ma-- a friend, if you’d like,’ she directs the last part to just alex.
alex’s eyes bore straight through her, trying to size her up.
‘we should be finished work by the afternoon,’ she says finally. ‘we’ll see you then?’
lena grins. ‘awesome.’
the last few weeks of summer fly by with a new routine in place. the danvers sisters finish work in the early afternoon and make their way to lena’s house, picking up maggie on the way. they lounge around the pool and bertha makes them mountains of food and her husband michael teaches them how to barbecue and lena finally understands what summer is supposed to feel like.
alex and maggie give up whatever pretense they were holding onto a few days into the routine, holding hands and stealing kisses whenever they thought the others weren’t looking. kara pretends to be grossed out but lena sees the happy gleam in her eyes as she does so. she wonders if kara can see the wistful look in hers.
spending time with kara feels like a dream. she tries to teach lena how to skateboard on the long, winding driveway that leads up to the house. lena stands as rigid as can be on the board and kara holds onto her waist and guides her along, assuring her that she won’t fall, catching her when she inevitably does. in return, lena teaches kara the basics of fencing because kara seems oddly excited to learn, and it’s the only thing that lena can actually teach her. kara’s skill-set seems exhaustive and incredulous. it’s like she’s a superhero or something. after just a couple of afternoons of practice, she’s better than some of the people lena’s been fencing with for years.
kara, lena is learning, is impossibly great. like, she’s known that for years; they’ve been in the same homeroom for two years, and are in lots of other classes together. she’s seen kara’s brain in action, and her humor and her kindness. but now she’s learned of a different kara, one that isn’t always in a great mood, one that isn’t always trying to please people.
kara still has walls up, lena’s sure of it, but she’s letting lena into the inner fortress, one layer at a time. and in turn, lena welcomes kara into her own heart, desperate to know the girl, and in turn, be known by her.
‘you know i’m... i’m... gay, right?’ 
it’s the first time lena’s said it out loud, and the sound of it alone makes her feel warm and comfortable in a way she’s never imagined. it’s a few days before school goes back and they’re floating alone in the pool -- maggie and alex taking the afternoon for themselves. she doesn’t quite know why she’s telling kara; maybe it’s because she knows how accepting kara is of alex and maggie, maybe it’s because she needs kara to figure out her big, overwhelming feelings.
‘i didn’t know,’ kara says with a small smile. ‘but thank you for telling me. i’m glad you feel comfortable enough to tell me.’
‘nobody else knows,’ lena confesses. ‘i mean, i barely know. i only really figured it out earlier in the summer.’
‘what made you realise?’ kara asks, before shaking her head. ‘sorry. you don’t have to answer that.’
‘it’s okay... i just... i realised that the feelings i had for this girl felt more... urgent? than i’ve felt about people before? like, i needed to be near her in a way i don’t usually need to be around friends.’
‘what’s she like?’ kara asks, and lena blushes.
‘she’s beautiful. and she’s wickedly smart. i feel like she would’ve been a handful as a kid, but she’s learned how to balance out that recklessness a bit. and she makes me laugh a lot.’
‘she sounds great,’ kara says, and lena laughs.
‘you have no idea.’
a lull settles between them as they float side by side. the sun begins to disappear behind the woods at the back of the property, and with it goes the warmth of day.
‘you know...’ kara says. ‘alex told me she thought you were gay. said she got a vibe.’
‘really?’ lena doesn’t know if she should be embarrassed or scared or proud.
‘yeah. she also said something else.’
‘what’s that?’
kara leans forward, no longer floating on her back. lena does the same and faces her.
‘she said... she said she thinks you like me.’
lena wonders if drowning herself is a viable way to get out of this conversation. or maybe she can just... swim to the other side of the pool.
‘lena?’ kara prompts.
‘is she. is alex. is she right?’
lena looks at the water, unable to meet kara’s eyes.
‘yes.’ she says, in an impossibly small voice.
kara closes the space between them. she rests a finger under lena’s chin and tilts her head up. lena bites her lip as she looks into kara’s annoyingly blue eyes.
and before she can register anything else, kara is kissing her. she tastes like chlorine and sunscreen and cola lipsmacker and lena has never tasted anything quite as good. lena’s hands find kara’s neck and kara’s find lena’s hips and they stay like that -- making out in the pool -- until the sun is no longer in the sky and they’re both just slightly shivering.
‘do you want,’ lena says, slightly breathless. ‘do you wanna maybe go up to my room?’
kara grins and kisses her again, chaste and quick. ‘can we stop by the kitchen first?’
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Brightwell sickfic with a happy ending, please!
I promise I did my best with a happy ending. You can also read the full fic here
I’ll Follow You Into the Dark
Malcolm Bright sits bolt up-right in the bed, his head spinning, and heart racing. His breathing cuts through the room, louder than the soft thrum of the air conditioning in the window by the bed. His body feels disconnected, having no control over his trembling, overheated extremities. He’s sitting in a pool of his own sweat. His shirt plastered to his skin and sticking to his back, drenched. His skin is visibly wet, in the low light glistening. He can feel it cooling across his brow as the air circles through the room.
Feeling his side of the bed shift suddenly Dani rolls over to see what’s the matter. She eyes him in confusion. It’s not rare for him to get up in the middle of the night. The chemo leaves him exhausted but that means he sleeps odd hours and takes naps in the middle of the day. When he does get up, he’s always cautious. Overly careful so that he doesn’t wake her too.
“Are you okay?” She sits up in the bed, pulling the cover up to her exposed chest. The cold air bites at her skin, causing goosebumps to pop up. “Malcolm-”
He throws the bed sheets off of his legs, knees bowing as he rises. Leaning heavily on the nightstand, he takes a tentative step.
“Malcolm-” she moves to help but he’s making quick, shaky progress on his own. As much as she wants to rush off to his aid… she knows it’s important to him that he's able to be mobile on his own. Things are flexible and understood. He asks for help when he needs it and when he doesn’t… she respectfully worries from a distance.
She bites her lip as the sound of his gagging eats through the silent apartment. From a distance, she reminds herself. A glass of water never hurt anybody. She pulls the comforter off her body, padding past the bathroom to the kitchen. She takes her time filling a glass of water, knowing he’s not going to want her hovering while he gags. It’s doesn’t take long, with virtually nothing in his stomach there’s not a lot to throw up.
The dry heaves are worse.
“You okay?” She steps into the bathroom’s doorway, leaning and waiting.
He watches her from the floor, neither inviting her in or asking her to leave. Exhaustion is weighing him down and the pain ebbing in isn’t helping. Mostly, he’s in awe of her. The summer months have darkened her skin and hair, both of which are on display in her pajamas. Her skin is warm and bare in only a sports bra and sleeping shorts.
While he’s sitting on the bathroom floor in the same boxers he’s worn for the better part of four days. There are bruises up and down his side and arms. He gets bruises all the time now. Every day he discovers a new one and from doing nothing. Most days all he can manage is walking from the bed to the couch to the bathroom.
She knows he’s been wearing those boxers since Wednesday. It’s a little disgusting but she doesn’t care. His thighs no longer make heat coil in her stomach, the muscles thick as he walks around their apartment. His clavicles are pronounced with his sickness, his skin stretched impossible taunt but he still holds her hand through scary movies. He orders take out from her favorite restaurant. Text her in the middle of the day about a bird in their window.
He’s still Malcolm.
She hands the water down but he winces. He shakes his head, “I don’t think I can drink that.” His mouth taste awful and his throat is dry but the mint of the toothpaste is going hurt and the water won’t settle in his stomach.
“When was the last time you had something to eat or drink?” She pulls out a clean rag, wetting the cloth before she crouches down in front of him. They share a silent moment before she starts to pull his shirt off of him. Careful as she moves his arms through each hole.
He keeps his eyes pinched shut, afraid that if he opens them he’ll cry. He just keeps losing. Every step forward he stumbles three back. Dying holds no dignity.
The shirt comes free and his flushed chest is able to breathe, to feel the cool air. The touch of the cool rag nearly steals his breath. Gently, she runs the cool rag over his neck and chest. He’s giving in and she’d be lying if she says it doesn't strike fear into her heart. “Do you want to go to the hospital?”
He sinks into himself, letting her press the cool rag to his feverishly hot skin. “No,” he whispers, moving limply along with her. “I just…” He doesn’t want to go to the hospital. He wants to stay home with her. To sleep in their bed and wake up to the sound of Sunshine chirping along as the sun rises. Not to the nurses doing their rounds. “I’m just having a moment.”
A moment. A lapse.
The rag has warmed to the touch of his skin. She rises stiffly, wetting it again with cool water. This time she lays it around the back of his neck, allowing the water to drip down his chest. “Mind if I join your moment?”
He looks up and she’s biting her lip, anxious that he’s going to turn her away. He’s never been able to tell her no. God, she just… she owns his heart. Doesn’t she know that? Her smiles made his day and if she cries… He’d kill for her. Which might not sound a lot but he’s spent his entire life convincing himself and everyone around him he’s not like his father. For her, though, in a heartbeat, he’d put it to the test.
He offers her his hand, “no moment of mine is complete without you.”
She takes his hand, smiling as she sits down on the floor beside him. “You’re incredibly sexy when you say things like that.” She kisses his cheek and lays her head on his shoulder. She rubs his fingers, examining them. The tremors have gotten worse with chemo, a lot of things have. He’s off of a lot of his regular medicine- no more anti-depressants, for example. Of course, the bonus is that his mother no longer tries to give him barbiturates.
Every coin has two sides.
“Can I ask you something?” It’s the middle of the night, probably about one in the morning and they’re sitting on the bathroom floor. She’s leaning against him, his hand in hers. He knows that she loves him, she reminds him every waking hour. Glasses of water on his nightstand. Sticky notes on the fridge. Blueberry bagels at dinner. “Why don’t you leave?”
But they’ve been together for half a year. Six months wherein three of those have been within his diagnoses.
To her, it sounds like a stupid question. With Malcolm, though, she’s learned there’s no such thing. He’s not testing her or playing with her mind. He’s genuine and scared but she doesn’t have some winded answer for him. No big proclamation but she knows him. “You’d stay for me, wouldn’t you?”
There’s no question about it. “Of course,” he answers.
She sits up. She wants to see his eyes. The bags under his eyes are more pronounced than they were half a year ago- Six months. Six months since he asked her out. How many times have they really said they loved each other? “I love you, that’s why I stay.”
He shakes his head, smiling. His body is weak. His mind sluggish. He needs help showering. She has to drive him to chemotherapy. Wipe vomit off his mouth. Help him in and out of t-shirts. “You have a bad taste in men, you know?”
She considers him for a moment. Her past boyfriends used to get angry when she wanted to spend time with her friends. Some used to bully her into diets. Once, Khalil called her fat. Another used to get drunk and cuss her out every weekend. Only to come back on the weekdays with roses and empty promises.
Malcolm has faults. Every human does but he never shames her and he never seeks out ways to hurt her.
“I do,” she admits. “You are nothing like them though.” She squeezes his hand and blinks away the tears threatening to spill. He’s kind and loving and goofy and handsome and- she could spend all day just sitting with him. Like now. “You’re the best decision I have made in a long time.” She pulls his chin close, kissing him softly.
He doesn’t pull away, leaning in so that their foreheads are touching. “Even with the cancer and the hospitals and the chemo?”
She rolls her eyes and kisses him again. “Easily,” she promises. “Even when you leave the toilet seat up and when you micromanage where I put the dishes in the cabinet.” She wraps an arm around his neck, pulling him close. Their limbs all tangled together. “Always, Malcolm.”
Tears sting his eyes. It seems… impossible. The thought that someone loves him like she does. “You’re-” his voice breaks and he offers her a watery smile. He looks down at their joined hands. “You’re the only reason that I get out of bed.” He laughs as she wipes a tear from his cheek. He finds her eyes again, “the only reason that I keep fighting.”
She has to bite her lip from crying. “Ditto,” she manages, voice thick with emotion. She leans against his chest, smiling as he wraps his arms around her. Holding her close.
They sit in their comfortable silence for a long moment. Simply enjoying having one another. Her mind is wandering, thinking about the muffin she had last week. She’s considering how likely JT is to get it for her when she remembers that at lunch today his mother called. Inquiring about their schedule tomorrow. “Your mother called, we’re invited for brunch in the morning.”
Malcolm groans, leaning his head back on the wall behind them. “Cancer card.”
Malcolm shrugs, “I’m calling cancer.”
Dani frowns in confusion, “Malcolm, that makes no sense-”
When she looks up, he’s grinning ear-to-ear. Mischievous and chaotic. “Dani,” he says softly, lovingly. “I have cancer. The big C. I can’t take the medicine that’s supposed to balance out my moods. Every so often, a doctor pumps me full of poison and kicks me to the curb.” He smiles, “so, what I’m saying is. Tell her no.”
Dani is… amazed. She’s created a monster. “You want me to tell your mother… no?”
Malcolm nods, “I want you to call her and say that I don’t want to leave our warm bed to go eat nasty stuffy rich people food.” It seems like a pretty good idea to him. She’s not going to get mad at him. He’s got cancer. “But if she wants to bring bagels or something later… I might be up for that.”
She rolls her eyes. A monster. She’s created a monster. “You would deprive your sweet mother of seeing her sick son?” She lays it on thick, frowning disappointingly up at him but she can only hold it for so long. He cracks a grin and she loses it, chuckling darkly. “You’re awful!”
He is awful but she’s enabled it.
And they both, simultaneously, wonder if the other knows how much they love one another.
That Dani loves to watch him sleep. That soft snores he makes when he sleeps. When he holds her hand and his fingers squeeze around hers, like in his dreams he’s lost her and he’s reassuring himself she’s still there. That everyday she kisses him goodbye and that breaks her heart. That his lunchtime text made her day. When he comes to the precinct in sweatpants with coffee or sandwiches for her, JT, GIl, and Edrisa that her heart swells.
Because he’s thoughtful enough to know each of their orders.
Malcolm needs her to know that he loves the way she crashes around the apartment. The way she tiptoes around the side of the bed, kicking into the chest at the end and knocking over books on the nightstands. How she’s clumsy and loud when she’s comfortable. That she’s comfortable enough to be a mess around him. How when she gets home she kicks her shoes off and crawls into bed beside him. Tucking herself into his side.
And it’s that love- that unfaltering, endlessly love that will get them through.
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